Rise Up, Say the Birds to the Bread

Edward Curtin

It was early morning on St. Patrick’s Day and I was sitting in the kitchen eating a few slices of delicious Irish Soda Bread.  My wife had made it at 5am while I was still in bed half-asleep, but its smell wafting through the rooms induced me to get up.  From outside the window came the sound of mourning doves cooing and crows playing their little raw saxophones.

It’s not every day that such an invitation to awaken arrives through the air.  Some people are never so invited and others refuse the call, but the bread is always rising, if only we knew.

The bread is always rising.

The Irish soda bread’s smell and taste with my coffee was extremely sensuous and brought me back to our time in Ireland long before the world was locked down by the machine people into a virtual world in front of screens because of coronavirus. The bread was real, not virtual.  I felt as though for a few slow hours I would luxuriate in the silence and allow my mind to go on vacation and wander through the narrow lanes of reverie and memory.

My wife, Jeanne Lemlin, a James Beard Award winning cookbook writer, had created the recipe after visiting the bakery department at Field’s supermarket in Skibbereen, County Cork, where she observed Dennis McSweeney and his staff preparing their breads in the early morning. Here’s the recipe so you can join me in the breaking of the bread.

I was returning to my Irish rebel roots, thinking of how my ancestors rose up against their oppressors, the British colonizers.  How those Irish rebels became an inspiration for colonized people around the world.  How the enslaved and oppressed need the bread of hope.

The bread is always rising.  Can you hear its music?

By being lost in reverie, I was violating the terms the machine people have laid down for us to start and spend and end each day in fear and trembling.

They are the experts who, as the English essayist Adam Philips has said, “construct the terror, and then the terror makes them expert.”

Contrarian that I am. I refuse to be terrorized, now or later.  For twenty years, the US government “experts” have lied about Muslim terrorists coming to get us as they have killed millions of innocent Muslims around the world.

Now it’s an invisible virus that has arrived to slay us.

Of course, the Russians are always coming to get us, but they are very slow; they’ve been coming for at least eighty years but the lies about them continue.  Here they come again!

It is just an odd happenstance that each of these three terrors has in its turn  resulted in further losses of freedoms and increased “emergency” powers for the government. We all know why the caged bird sings.

Freedom is under assault.

Outside on a large tree I see nine black vultures looking my way.  Behind them in the sky are another four or five soaring majestically. The birds have recently returned after wintering farther south. They roost in the tall pine streets on the other side of the house.  They are beautifully ugly.

Love is a mystery.

Their return gives me hope, as did the red-tailed hawks we saw the other morning doing clasped talon barrel-rolls as a bald eagle sailed before them. So too the little multi-colored moth I saw on the outside glass of the door yesterday. And the two insects that came up the drain into the kitchen sink.  These little ones had no fear, although their chances of surviving cold nights and water were slim. But they took the risk of death as the world slowly rises into new life.  All creation conspires toward resurrection in the spring.

But the machine people, like the colonizers and oppressors, are intent on burying us for good. They want to destroy our spirits through fear and falsehoods. They planted their seeds long ago.  If we buy their poisonous fruit, we will reap what we sow.

“What,” wrote Thomas Hobbes in the seventeenth century, “is the heart but a spring, and the nerves so many strings, and the joints so many wheels, giving motion to the whole body.”

Now they want to make us all into machines, obedient artificial intelligence cyborgs, conspiring in our own enslavement.  The only birds the machine people like are drones, satellites, warplanes, flying missiles and bullets. They have filled the earth with the blood of the innocent, the blood that doesn’t stop running. They have contaminated the air.

They have filled it with electronic noise, the unheard cacophony of billions of desperadoes talking from their cells, caged and clipped-wing birds talking of the unknown.  Lost in cyberspace while thinking they are free and grateful for the little talking machines the rulers have deemed to give them.  Their cells.

The machine people have set their traps to capture any wild birds left. They want to inject them with their poisonous vaccines, to brand and band them as fit for further torture and control within a totally digitized world. 

The medical bureaucrats and their controllers create categories to which they assign people so that they can grant them permission to do or not do various human activities that are their natural rights. As Ivan Illich tells us in his classic Medical Nemesis, the template for this was set down more than two-and-a-half centuries ago:

On November 5, 1766, the Empress Maria Theresa issued an edict requesting the court physician to certify fitness to undergo torture so as to ensure healthy, i.e. ‘accurate,’ testimony; it was one of the first laws to establish mandatory medical certification.”

But out of the blue, like a wayward thought, last night’s dream came to me while I was just typing those words.

In my dream, I went down to the basement of the house I grew up in.  It was dark but I could see a large bird sitting on the floor. It startled me by its still presence. Off to the side stood the poet Allen Ginsberg, and next to him was a coffin.  In the coffin was a blue-eyed man in a blue shirt. The man was me.

Ginsberg said the man needed my help with his contact lenses, for they were preventing him from seeing clearly. So I spit on my fingers and removed his contact lenses so he could see. In each of his eyes a cross appeared.  I heard the bird rustle and turned to see it stand up.  It opened its huge wings and its feathers fanned to reveal dazzling colors which it fluttered open and closed. The man rose from the coffin and smiled. I woke up.

It’s not believable of course, although it’s true, even if you think I just made it up, which I didn’t. Dream and reality – what are they?  In memory I can vaguely hear TS Eliot’s words:

Go, said the bird, for the leaves were full of children,
Hidden excitedly, containing laughter.
Go, go, go, said the bird: human kind
Cannot bear very much reality.

Loren Eiseley, the great naturalist/scientist and enchanting writer, wrote in his 1959 essay, “The Bird and the Machine,” that 

I learned there [on an isolated expedition to the western American desert to capture birds – which he never did – circa 1910] that time is a series of planes existing superficially in the same universe.  The tempo is a human illusion, a subjective clock ticking in our own kind of protoplasm.”

Which is to say that the night country we inhabit when asleep and our day hours cross over in the same consciousness to create the strange human creatures that we are.  We generally prefer to dismiss the night like the birds that keep watch on us because we have learned to think of ourselves as Hobbesian machines who live by clocks under the watchful embrace of the rational experts who tell us we are indeed “the incredible human machine[s].”

They lie.  We are flesh and blood and bones, like our friends the birds.  There are profound reasons why birds and bread have held such important places in people’s spiritual lives and imaginations for thousands of years.  They symbolize our human solidarity in the breaking of the bread and our need for freedom in the winged beauty and song of birds in flight.

Despite their dead philosophy, the machine people can never defeat these two human realities. At the still point of the turning world, where past and future are gathered up in the music of the dance, their mechanical philosophies will be defeated.

I am going out for a walk now, up by the lake above the town and the railroad tracks, but in the spirit of that Irish soda bread and the Irish rebel spirit, I will leave you with the song I listened to on the evening of March 17 when I toasted my friends the black vultures with a glass of Guinness as they soared high in the evening sky above the mountains here.

Please welcome our invited Irish guest, Van Morrison: The Beauty of the Days Gone By

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.


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Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 29, 2021 8:47 PM

Nice piece. I bake bread but I do use a machine for the job. Its not “artisan” but its a lot better at keading than I am. Its easy to get lost in nostalgia. Here on the West Coast we also have plenty of wildlife — sea life, too — which goes about its business without paying too much attention to us. After a while you actually get to recognize individuals and once they realize that you’re not a threat a sort of mutual respect arises where we’re all just a bunch of neighbors. I’m less than convinced about life being better in the past though, especially with regard to medicine, vaccinations and the like. I grew up in England post-WW2 in a world dominated by polio, London smog and grime and localized pollution (the Thames used to be ‘interesting’ at Woolwich — you wouldn’t so much drown in it as dissolve). Pre-war generations had it worse, though — sure, no DDT, but also no antibiotics, it was literally possible to die from an infected cut you got working in the garden. (Health and Safety back then was also rather more hit and miss — look at old COI films and marvel at the lack of eye protection and overall hazardous work environments.) The past is only a Golden Era because our memories are selective. Covid has been a pain in the a$$ but it lacks the sheer fear element that people experienced back when there wasn’t the technolgy to sustain life while bodies recovered. Our expectation is that ‘it should be no big deal’, it wasn’t, certainly in the US, but that’s more to do with our ineptitude because we lost the thread and starting taking our modern world for granted. (Its the same kind of incompetence that condemns… Read more »

James Sinclair
James Sinclair
Mar 29, 2021 4:57 PM

A big thank you Edward Curtin, for this wonderfully descriptive piece of prose.

The spring birds are just starting to prosper here in Burgundy where the boulangeries offer a great choice of breads as well as other gourmandises.

I was reminded of the delights that France offers during an engaging two year spell in Laugharne, South West Wales where my landlord who was a former butcher, had been a friend of Dylan Thomas.

In this of Wales, most of the farms are still family owned and they reject still the widespread use of pesticides that have mostly destroyed wildlife in England.

I would rise early, and on my way to the gym each morning, I was able to see and hear birds (now mostly gone in England) that I had not had the pleasure of hearing, since I was only 8 years old.

I was also struck in Laugharne how would local folk would greet and shake hands each morning and talking of breads for just a moment, was also able to the discover the delights of welsh pancakes.

I must confess that my sporting head was also turned at the local rugby club where one evening I was able to meet and chat with my all time rugby hero, the magnificent Phil Bennet…x

Mar 30, 2021 2:57 PM
Reply to  James Sinclair

i’m upping this for the mention of poison avoidance in farming by the beautiful thinkers

Mar 29, 2021 12:55 PM

easter soon.again! where is the irish rebel spirit ?

John the First
John the First
Mar 29, 2021 12:15 PM

They have filled it with electronic noise, the unheard cacophony of billions of desperadoes talking from their cells, caged and clipped-wing birds talking of the unknown.

But, ehm, these are the noises of the democratic masses.
And notice all those videos below which all those commentors try to shove trough ehm, ‘our?’ throat.

Who are actually the ”they” and “we” this author writes about. Phantoms of democracy?

Mar 29, 2021 1:50 AM

Since I’m kinda direct, I have to mention a problem some of you don’t seem to be able to solve.

The unexpected flaw of seeking (or say, searching, perhaps even researching) is being found.

I’m sure you can figure out the rest of that math yourself. I mean I dunno why your “collective” tries that shit, but, that’s gonna be your little forever problem. And I don’t mean to be cruel, simply, not ever. BUT, I do have to point things out.

Which means I can go sleep, and luckily, I’ll never be “woke”. Gl with your “raising” and such. I simply don’t play those games. It’s ironic, coz I already tried that.


So I guess.. this is okay. He says something about not believing in people anymore. Oh well. Something like “My trust forever gone…” And an ideal ledge beckons. I will play a fiddle for your “kind”. or perhaps a flute?

les online
les online
Mar 29, 2021 3:39 AM

Australia has the best medical scientist in the world…
Recent West Australian outbreak: A guard at a quarantine hotel got infected from air forced under the door of a room in which were some Infected…
Victoria: Dictator Dan had a public spat with a guy who used an asthma puffer in the airport lounge, thus spreading the bug…”it’s a working hypothesis” said Dan…
South Australia went into lockdown over a lie…Because of his lie the experts believed
he caught a super-variant from a pizza carton….
Now if only they supplied full-body hazmat suits to guards / cleaners in the quarantine
hotels, the main avenue for Covid-19 to ‘escape’ into the community…..
I’m hoping to become an ‘expert’ in my next life

Mar 29, 2021 9:05 PM
Reply to  les online

Kevlar hazmat suits and everybody his/her own oxygen tank.
That would signal that our overlords really care about us.

The masky masky is just a humiliation ritual…
Shows their dominance.

Liane Franck
Liane Franck
Mar 29, 2021 1:23 AM

This piece is beautifully written and the song made me cry. Thank you.

Mar 28, 2021 10:41 PM

Sorry, but when it comes to bread, I live in France.

Otherwise a thoughtful and well-written piece.

les online
les online
Mar 28, 2021 10:51 PM
Reply to  RobG

as a baker for decades i can tell you breads aint what they used to be…if you’re ‘health conscious’ you’ll know sourdough breads the only loaves to eat, but not thse called sourdough breads they are made with vinegar instead of starter…….

Mar 28, 2021 11:31 PM
Reply to  les online

Portugal is very good with fresh bread products, as are some parts of Italy. Other than that you just can’t beat a boulangerie in France.

Eastern Europe is the worst for bread. In Russia you can re-sole your boots with the bread.

I’m not talking about any of the chemical crap that gets sold in supermarkets. I’m talking about real bakers.

les online
les online
Mar 29, 2021 4:00 AM
Reply to  RobG

thing is RobG…i know wheat goes through numerous processes, even bleaching, and has most of it’s nutritiousness milled out of it, even can have
powdered hair/ powdered chook feathers added but as H L Menchen said “you cant expect a man to believe something when his job depends on his not knowing” -or similar…

dr death
dr death
Mar 28, 2021 10:09 PM

an uplifting, wistful piece of prose, though I suspect a somewhat more forceful approach to our current inconveniences will be required..

Mar 28, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  dr death

Hello dr death, what a charming name you have.

Word is that the next major stage of ‘the great reset’ is going to take place this coming June and July. Who knows what the psychos are planning, but it will become much more obvious what their intentions are.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 29, 2021 12:58 AM
Reply to  RobG

The cyber pandemic exercise called Polygon is due to take place on July 9th I believe. Remember Event 201? And Klaus Schwab has dropped a number of strong hints that’s what the bastards intend doing. They are capable of anything, and one can only imagine the chaos a cyber pandemic would cause.
About the only thing I havnt got is a portable gas stove, but when creatures from the World Economic Forum blithely announce things like this, it’s best to pay attention.
By the way, Melbourne has excellent bakeries as well, almost on a par with French ones.

James Sinclair
James Sinclair
Mar 29, 2021 4:04 PM
Reply to  dr death

Agreed, yet I also feel that this kind of wonderfully descriptive and poetic prose does help lift the spirit on this beautiful spring day here in Burgundy.

Where I would like to add, the many boulangeries here offer an interesting range of breads and other related “gourmandises”…x

Mar 28, 2021 9:25 PM

“The kin-dom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened.” (Matthew, 13:33)

“See the birds of heaven: they do not seed the earth, toil in grain, or put it in storehouses; and the Creator gives them food. Are you not of as much value as they are?” (Matthew 6:26)

karen elliot
karen elliot
Mar 28, 2021 9:24 PM

Ivan illich isnt heard much of these days…like all the critical thinkers back there in the 1960 – 1970s, they got shouted down by all that post-modern stuff…sort of memory-holed…….

Mar 29, 2021 9:19 PM
Reply to  karen elliot

Here in the netherlands this has also been called
“The betrayal by the ’68 generation”
Speech by the late dsutch poet and critic Gerrit Komrij:
(sorry no english subtitles)


Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 28, 2021 8:24 PM

Jonna Jinton has some good videos. Really top notch filming of the mountains in Sweden and she has a beautiful voice. No guiness but she collects berrys to make juices for the winter. It is pretty good she has included the ice bathing and breathing exercises of Wim Hof and the vitamin D, healthy eating etc. 8.5 million views. It is not bad.

Mar 28, 2021 10:02 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

very lovely video. Would like to have a look in the eyes of person who disliked it.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 28, 2021 10:08 PM
Reply to  Donnie

One of the resident 77th trolls infesting this site. They think they’re being clever down voting everyone. Admin needs to call in the pest exterminators!

Social Credit Dispensary
Social Credit Dispensary
Mar 29, 2021 12:23 AM
Reply to  Donnie

I’m not sure they are into women.

Fetting rex
Fetting rex
Mar 28, 2021 6:06 PM

Buy organic/natural bread from a real baker. (not available in the UK since the 19th century)

Mar 28, 2021 10:01 PM
Reply to  Fetting rex

In these days of readily available organic flours and easy no-knead recipes, soul-replenishing home-made bread is easily attainable as a staple.

Mar 28, 2021 5:29 PM

LOL I COULDN’T RESIST comment image

Mar 28, 2021 6:09 PM
Reply to  Magie

That’s glorious. The self-betrayal necessary to spew that kind of whore’s shit invariably makes deborah quite popular as chattel.

And Netburn? Surely that’s not a real surname.

Admittedly, I have not non-existed yet, so in some ways I am fairly envious about the effective and judicious availability of reliable euthanasia options.

Ohm, and you said something about psychic shit in a reply to me? Yeah, “Hydrogenguy” has peculiar telepathic abilities by virtue of the fundamental quantum operator, division by zero, as well as the heaviest matter in the universe.

And sadly, what I say is more true than that image there.

I’d guess they would say we could set this world ablaze

Mar 28, 2021 6:53 PM

On the subject of fake names I suspect this is both more widespread and less new than most think.

I was reading a U.S. history recently and who was one of the stars of the temperance movement but Carry A. Nation? The temperance movement was of course backed by Rockefellers, largely to discredit alcohol which might have become the fuel source for automobiles.

Mar 28, 2021 8:14 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I’m definitely powered by alcohol and I hang out with old ladies.

If only one thing that you’ll know
Impostors from the show
They’ll try to trick you into
Normal treatment
Oh don’t you listen to them say
Shush them all away

Mar 28, 2021 8:54 PM

Sorry, sometimes I forget…

Mar 28, 2021 10:50 PM

Excellent band, haven’t heard this one for a while 👌

dr death
dr death
Mar 28, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  Edwige

hemp oil was their major concern… also a cellulose plastic made from hemp..
henry ford designed a car in 1941 that utilized both of these technologies..

soon memory holed… somewhat like that little book he used to give away with his model T..

Mar 29, 2021 12:52 AM
Reply to  dr death

Bamboo, hemp, sunflower.

Pseudo graphene, and silicene, supercapacitors, various “plastics”, building materials, textiles.

Mar 29, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Waynal Sexton. Waynal. Sexton.
A 2nd grade school teacher with fond memories
of George Floyd as a student in her class.
… if you can believe that. =)

Mar 28, 2021 6:09 PM
Reply to  Magie

WTF, is this a joke?

Don’t tell me that it’s real.

dr death
dr death
Mar 28, 2021 10:26 PM
Reply to  Magie

is this really the best their behavioral psychologists can do…
is this ‘nudge theory’ at its zenith..

all these psychiaquacks should be whipped and imprisoned as a disincentive to it’s uptake by other spiritually handicapped goblins…

Mar 28, 2021 10:33 PM
Reply to  Magie

That is one of the weirdest things I have seen regarding the vaccines. Totally stupid.

Mar 28, 2021 5:19 PM

Thanks for sharing this. I just returned from my hour and half walk by the lake to the town. Synchronicity abounds. Returning to nature and more importantly our nature is something we must all do to keep our selves whole and remain healthy. Mindfulness is a great tool to combat the mindlessness created by this virtual crisis.

simon crow
simon crow
Mar 28, 2021 4:06 PM

Much appreciated this mind-medicine on a dismal Sunday morning in Northern Ontario Canada. Thank you off-G and to Mr. Ed Curtin for an excellent essay that was refreshingly devoid of stats and charts as i can smell bullshit without knowing its composition.

The profound isolation i bear goes well beyond the lock down, masks and social distancing that has shut down society for the past year with no end in sight; it also has taken many of the things that made life bearable like the joy of spring and the coming precious summer where playing and listening to music at festivals and gatherings was something to look forward to in the all too short summer season of Canada.

And then there is the isolation of being “cancelled out” by self-appointed acquaintances and friends who have voluntarily taken on the role of thought policing and virtue signalling as their way of dealing with the confusion surrounding everything today.

Overshadowing all this is the growing awareness that, just when we need to increase international cooperation to find viable solutions for the complex problems facing humanity, we see the USA and their Five Liar Nations beating their hate war drums, increasing economic sanctions on every front as the rest of the world ramps up for war.

So thank you Mr. Curtin for saying it. Thank you for that perfect Van Morrison song at the end of your essay as he is one of the few that, despite a hit to his career by corporate media has dared speak out. Thank you for helping us to rise up.

Think i will get myself a beer, enjoy a mild buzz on a Sunday morning and get through another day of this insanity.

Peace out…

Mar 28, 2021 4:17 PM
Reply to  simon crow

Cheers motherfucker. I’d give you some weed, since it goes well with the beer, but you’re in Canada, so I guess you don’t have a problem with that…and I can’t reach you, anyway.

Mar 28, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  simon crow

Great post Simon. You described it exactly as I feel. I doubt they are going to let us out again in England, unless we just do it. Tony

Mar 28, 2021 3:43 PM


Mar 28, 2021 3:16 PM
Mar 28, 2021 2:06 PM

Has anyone else noticed that all the posts have a down vote? I can smell the piss of a bed wetting cultist lurking in our midst.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 28, 2021 2:13 PM
Reply to  Wraith

I noticed that too. And I wonder if it’s possible to write a program that can automatically cast a down vote on every new entry in a comment thread.

Mar 28, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s possible I guess , but I think it’s more likely the sad little sheep has just gone down the comments, must have run out of woke Netflix shows.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 28, 2021 10:17 PM
Reply to  Wraith

It’s funny you mention “woke Netflix shows”. I am currently on “Ozark” and there’s a bit where this gay guy comes on to this big bearded redneck who punches him out and shouts him down for being a “fag” ….but later the redneck turns up in the gay guy’s bedroom because it turns out that the redneck is secretly gay.

Now I don’t give a shit who’s gay and who’s not. But I just knew that when the redneck turns out to seem homophobic, it has to be because he’s secretly gay. It’s the Woke handbook!

Mar 28, 2021 4:50 PM
Reply to  Wraith

Seems to have gone off duty at 2.00 GMT! 🙂

Mar 28, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Looks like the troll has returned, little shit weasel.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Mar 28, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  Wraith

This site should disable the downvote. It’s being used by trolls to prevent some posts becoming popular, so won’t be read by so many, and probably garner less votes.
There is really no point to a downvote. It just allows cowards and trolls a little victory while they scurry away after their public drubbing. Most just downvote and move on because they haven’t the spine to engage.

Mar 28, 2021 5:12 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

I think the voting is a nice reminder of hegelian dialectic, and an indicator of taint. Because, really, it is a popularity contest, right? It’s about belief, manipulating sentiment, perspective.

It is not uncommon to find two comments that are practically identical, with perhaps the earlier factual statement downvoted…and then a later “plagiarism” of that, upvoted. Why? Because of associations and character attacks, subversion.

I don’t mind being downvoted, personally, sure, sometimes it’s disappointing…but it tells me about psyche.

Mar 28, 2021 6:58 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Who takes any notice of up- and down-voting?

It’s just another way of building a profile of people and what they love and, above all, hate. This then generates more push-button propaganda. Ignore it – and I hope OffG might find a platform one day that doesn’t have it at all.

Mar 28, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Well, as you said, it’s information about projection…

I find that quite useful. Like when I say “That child abuse is bullshit”, and for some reason, something tries to suggest “No, what you’re saying is wrong”.

That’s actually something about the qlippoth/egregore I guess I have to explain. As soon as their projections are reflected, they have absolutely no choice but to affirm that. That’s why they go off the rails so easily.

“Knowing not your own, is unwise”

With changing my mind, I can seal your fates.

Mar 28, 2021 7:35 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

I like them on Tony’s comments though.

Mar 28, 2021 1:49 PM

No, we are not machines – yet.

But with so many yearning for a way to morph into a lovely new App for our little precious boxes we carry and tend as the closest we will ever get to a “Garden of Earthly Delights,” it won’t be very much longer till we cross that barrier separating the reality of flesh, blood, birds and bread from the transhuman unreality of mush and blather to at last become one with all the other Apps beckoning us to come join the future.

Who will take the first step?

Fetting rex
Fetting rex
Mar 28, 2021 1:37 PM

The comment that got me blocked off this site, always know your enemy.

‘’Hiding the prosaic looting & theft by the American empire as something else, like aliens, lizards, ancient families or ‘Globalist cabal’ and now twisting ourselves into incredible virus knots…..is typical of their psyops……..No……..they killed the minks because it was an economic rival to US mink exports.
It’s simple theft, because that is all the USA ‘believes’ in….it has no vision, it has no agenda, it has no goals, it just has greed and envy, it just steals and robs. If the US elites need to torture or kill you to do that, then they will.
They have been doing it around the world for decades…..there is your proof if needed……they did it in Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Afghanistan, Chile, Guatemala, Vietnam….etc…. they destroy with sanctions or attacks then rob and loot the resources of that country, directly or via the IMF.
The only thing new about this scam is that they are doing it to their allies on a massive scale.

Oh…. but they are doing it to America too! …..You cry….yes they are……and the American elites have no more enjoyable pleasure than to engineer their own population into total poverty and desperation, like they have been doing for the past 50 years. This is not new….none of it is new, it is just accelerated and banded differently.‘’

Mar 29, 2021 11:32 AM
Reply to  Fetting rex

It’s simple theft, because that is all the USA ‘believes’ in….it has no vision, it has no agenda, it has no goals, it just has greed and envy, it just steals and robs.

Totally wrong. Look at who controls the US and what their spiritual ideology is. It’s not that hard to find out and understand.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 28, 2021 1:35 PM

Not knowing anything about Irish bread the more intersting bread in this article for me is the Barmbrack bread.

Barmbrack bread is a traditional Irish bread often associated with Halloween. This yeasted sweet bread is bountiful with fruits, raisins and sultanas.

In anycase the picture of tradition is somewhat doubtful. This video says that wheat would commonly fail as a crop and I suppose in a country with so much rain like Ireland this would be particularly so. I suppose the real traditional breads would have not been so often wheat based. The bread is probably tainted with glyphosate. The recipe does not explicitly say to use organic flour and the knife in the picture looks like it might be ivory. Caraway seeds are a good source of glycine which according to stephanie senef is mimicked by glyphosate.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Mar 28, 2021 2:15 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Foods highest in Glycine

1 Spices, caraway seed Glycine: 1322mg 


Glyphosate and How to Detox It with Dr. Stephanie Seneff

“the underlying tag line for this show should be say no to bread”.

les online
les online
Mar 29, 2021 2:39 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

just watched the interview…Glysophate is in everything, even cotton; and in those cotton facemasks ?…as for eating organic, if such becomes too popular BigAg will get the governments to change the definition of organic; just like ‘fresh’ is applied ever to stuff that’s been in the cold storage for months (sold as ‘fresh’ by supermarkets)…And another thing: the last report by Who on air pollution claimed
it was claiming 7 – 9 million lives a year…The 5 micron particle does the most lung damage – isnt that the size of little Covey-19 ? is that what they’re seeing
with their microscopes ?

Mar 29, 2021 9:46 AM
Reply to  les online

Purity is now a fantasy. For plastic micro-particles alone, the estimated average intake (breathed in or ingested) is about 250 grams/person/year.

Mar 28, 2021 2:27 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Yeah about that glycine, it’s not just according to Stephanie Seneff.

Glyphosate was developed as an industrial cleaner (metal chelator). It was super toxic, so it was then repurposed as an antibiotic/herbicide/pesticide. And yes, it is an analog for natural glycine, populating glycine channels (for lack of a better way to phrase that, I guess), essentially depriving the body (and plants) of numerous essential elements and messing with protein production/metabolism, too.

(The prevalence of) Chlorine is very related to aiding the toxic effects of glyphosate, btw.

Oh also, since glyphosate is xenoestrogenic, it contributes to say that “metrosexual” problem and things like breast cancers. I guess it’s a mere coincidence, as usual.

Especially considering very degenerate GMO phytoestrogenic soy and soy oil is popularized and things like glyphosate, atrazine used.

There are practically none of these sort of coincidences, now that I think about it. Vitamin D RDI “math error”, Iodine RDI “math error”, Aluminum toxicity “math error”, etc.

Hey, how about those chemotherapy drugs and “5 year survival”? BASF never developed chemical weapons, right? And those weren’t repurposed for use in agriculture, “medicine” cosmetics, “sanitation” products and such? Right?!?!

Mar 28, 2021 3:03 PM

“There are practically none of these sort of coincidences, now that I think about it. Vitamin D RDI “math error”, Iodine RDI “math error”, Aluminum toxicity “math error”, etc.”

I just want to point out, those math errors are all from rockefeller institutions.

How very peculiar, that even after those errors are found, they fail to address them? So their response to improvement or “fixing a problem” was willful ignorance. What, from respected academics and establishment? That’s very strange. Oh well, just another coincidence.

Mar 28, 2021 5:52 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Barmbrack is a wonderful ‘loaf’. Haven’t had one for years as not been in Ireland for a while now. Not really a bread though a fruit/currant loaf is more accurate. More of a cake for me.

My old mum used to make Soda bread an the Irish used to love it. Not really flavoursome although i used to enjoy it as toast. Would love to try it today.

Mar 28, 2021 1:18 PM

One company who seem a big part in the vaccine passport roll-out:


Just a coincidence that their colour scheme is blue and gold, the colours of the Freemasonic logo.

Another company to look at is Mvine.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Mar 28, 2021 4:40 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Any other shysters worth looking into?

Mar 28, 2021 12:54 PM

 “The brazenness of their lies would take your breath away if we weren’t becoming so inured to them through their ubiquity…”

[Best presentation of the week]Like, share and disseminate]

Happy Sunday lunches everyone!

Fetting rex
Fetting rex
Mar 28, 2021 1:46 PM
Reply to  kalamazoo9

Wow… that’s a good lecture on the virus.

Mar 28, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  Fetting rex

It’s the best I’ve seen in terms of giving a comprehensive yet simple to understand explanation why all the official Covid19/lockdown narratives don’t stand up. Not one.

Anyone who watches this and still believes anything of the last 12 months, well I’d give up hope on.

This provides the knowledge, does the general public have the ability to absorb it? I’m testing it out on a few people.

Mar 28, 2021 2:17 PM
Reply to  kalamazoo9

Thx Kalamazoo

Mar 28, 2021 6:04 PM
Reply to  kalamazoo9

Thank you for this link. Very simply put.

Timothy Drayton
Timothy Drayton
Mar 29, 2021 3:09 PM
Reply to  kalamazoo9

Thanks. Very good presentation. It is premised on the belief that the virus exists, which I think remains to be demonstrated, but we need to hear a wide variety of dissenting opinions.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 28, 2021 12:35 PM

Really nice piece Edward… and such contrasts – the natural surroundings in your part of the world, juxtaposed with the soulless, sterile, sociopathic existence of the technocrats who want to kill our human spirit; our very essence.
And hook our brains up to the Internet of Things. Machine people indeed.
No, I haven’t listened to the Van Morrison song, but just listened to a song called ‘Sea of Lies’ by the band Aspen Woods, on their New World Disorder album.
Which is quite apt considering what has been done to us this past year with the fake pandemic and the tidal wave of bullshit and lies from the media and criminals like Fauci and Ferguson.
We do what we can to resist this oncoming technofascist tyranny, and go with each day as it is… not living in fear.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 28, 2021 11:42 AM

Sorry this isn’t related to the above article but it’s about the ongoing …you know: I was reading a typically provocative essay by GG Preparata on the “New World Order” and there is a bit about how the powers that be have insidiously attempted to guide the population’s thoughts by constant emphasis on certain memes throughout the media. Of course, advertisers do this all the time and there is a blurring between straightforward selling and population control. The most obvious example of this is in the constant attempt to create ever new demographics to create new markets – which also has the added benefit of further dividing and ruling the population, as well as creating a malleable mass ripe for exploitation.   In the old days, this may have been a relatively harmless matter of e.g. happily encouraging new musical genres – mods, rockers, hippies, punks etc, each with a certain “look” (boosting the fashion industry) and a certain “lifestyle” (boosting various other industries e.g. health food for those bourgeois hippies).   But I’ve been wondering increasingly about the constant emphasis on political correctness where there are not only all those lucrative subgroups and subcultures – but there is also a moralistic “Leftist” angle as well. On the one hand, such creation of ever new “genders” has that divide-and-rule aspect, but it also has the curious effect of erasing the traditional concept of gender. Here is GGP on the matter (the Jünger in question is Ernst Jünger):   Discursively, the system’s extraordinary emphasis on gender theory – and the associated campaign for the “erasure of gender,” not to mention the late flurry of transgender narratives – all of which could have been dismissed as so many episodes of an ongoing surreal psychodrama, acquire a serious, functional significance when one interprets them… Read more »

Mar 29, 2021 11:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

‘Gender dysphoria’ certainly promises, and already has delivered, new market opportunities, indeed overnight given how transgenderism, pertaining to what small percentage of people claiming preeminence over gender issues (particularly convenient as a foil for feminism (aka ‘TERFs’)), has exploded among the latest propagandized Frankenscience and social justice causes of progressive technofascism. And with re-education programs in the school system and legal overrides of parental authority by state caretakers, the Pharmafia and other corporate state interests of the medical industrial complex no doubt are salivating over captive consumers from virtually cradle to grave subject to sexual re-assignment. As usual under capital rule, profit provides a primary means of development for power over occupied populations to implement larger agenda like transhumanist experiments in social engineering to do away with what makes us human, as subjects are now made ready for depopulation and digital slavery. In short, your comment is very much related to the Machine and the above article. Thanks.

Mar 28, 2021 11:37 AM

Ireland’s most notorious disaster (very much not of the natural kind) discussed without the usual obfuscations or mealy-mouthed apologies:


On top of this, many of the men who got away (or their sons) ended up dead on the battlefields of Gettysburg and the rest.

Mar 28, 2021 12:50 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Are you talking about coffin ships (including the slave ships to the carribean, eastern US)? One thing the Irish do know is that all empires fall. That with every rainbow, there’s a leprechaun and that no matter what you say, bread is more dear than human flesh.


Mar 28, 2021 1:14 PM

Just as a reminder to those very loving KJV pushers. Yeah, King James was kinda involved with that “divine authoritarian benevolence”, you know, establishing say, corporate slavery.

In the mean (same) time, an African in America, shared the Irish sentiments and suggested in most appropriate colloquialism, “Free ma’ sons”.

Really, out of principle, I have to burn KJVs. It is not a discussion, it is not an option. It is what it is. And the KJV is kindling for a fire. Because truly, I am legend. Even more legendary than the KJV.

Mar 28, 2021 2:43 PM

I wonder why part of the disinfo troll script is to make it entirely obvious that that is what they are. is it supposed to be a clever joke, which they imagine they are the only ones who can understand?

Eric Brooks
Eric Brooks
Mar 28, 2021 11:22 AM

Question: Who owns the rights (if anyone) to that beautiful photo of the soda bread?

Mar 28, 2021 10:40 AM

He nailed it! Human beings are not machines their physical bodies grow from eggs – machines don’t so the analogy of humans to machines adopted by modern biology stops right there.

Mar 28, 2021 10:36 AM

Skibbereen, i live a little north of Skibb, you must know the song


Mar 28, 2021 12:36 PM
Reply to  kangal

a fuller version with cherish the ladies accompanying


Mar 28, 2021 10:49 AM
Reply to  Corarden

And thank-you Ed and Off Guardian for a beautiful piece

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 28, 2021 12:31 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Yes, thanks! I’ve been trying to make up my mind on Vanden Bossche, and this really helped.

Mar 28, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

So what did you learn from a peddler peddling about another peddler who peddled, and they were projected through another peddling peddler, right here?

Mar 28, 2021 1:50 PM
Reply to  Corarden

The article you cite refers to an alleged SARS – Cov-2 ‘spike protein’ which is problematic.

Why is that? It’s because there is, and never was an alleged ‘spike protein ‘ belonging to a virus that’s been concocted in theory by a fraudulent technique that virologists use called “alignment” to construct a ‘ model’

Thus, wherever this mysterious protein comes from, it certainly does NOT derive from SARS-Cov-2 because that virus only exists as a hypothetical construct ( model) and not as a concrete reality. As proven on previous threads.

However, this does not imply that there is no synthetic mRNA in the vaccines or foreign protein but they do not come from a hypothetical SARS-Cov-2 virus. No scientist has been able to prove that to date as far as I am aware.

Eric Brooks
Eric Brooks
Mar 28, 2021 10:06 AM

Edward, this is one of the most beautifully tactile, sensory, inner visual, and also logically arranged (as with well written music) pieces that I’ve ever read. I assume you have written poetry. Please publish some of it. If not, please write some and publish it. Thanks for lifting my day, and in turn my evening, as would an old book, revisited..

Mar 28, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  Eric Brooks

Agree very much

Mar 28, 2021 10:03 AM

How very peculiar…

China just issued a full ban on phones in schools…while their children are masked and they flaunt anal swabs:

Mar 28, 2021 9:31 AM

This essay reminds me of a talk that Michael Parenti once gave about how the entertainment media always (with very few exceptions) celebrates imperialism, fascism, capitalism over people who are seen as infidels and for that matter deserve to die (according to the entertainment media). The infidels are foreign, and you know, are out to kill, these lovely people who are sitting in a car or carriage (if it’s cowboys vs Indian), enjoy the ride and just have to shoot the infidels to death as the infidels are trying to spoil their ride, because that is what infidels do. The ‘infidels’ used to be Muslims, now they are ‘viruses’. But it’s all the same: just invent an external threat that can only be beaten by some sadist like Rambo who personifies a patriotic American (against all odds), and you’re there.

Parenti called the talk: Rambo and the Swarthy Hordes. It’s 60 minutes long, and if you have the time, it is well wort to watch. As with Parenti’s talks, it is entertaining, funny, and very insightful 

Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S33DKRcqvkQ

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 28, 2021 11:11 AM
Reply to  Willem

I still treasure Parenti’s exasperated reaction to those who vehemently ridicule “conspiracy theory” by asking, “You don’t mean these people actually go into a room and talk?” And Parenti answers, “Nah – they go on carousels or form these parachute circles in the sky to talk. Of course they go into a fucking room!”

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 28, 2021 11:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Watch this space! 😀

Mar 28, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Michael ParentiConspiracy Phobia on the Left

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 28, 2021 12:36 PM
Reply to  Willem

How would Parenti explain the US media’s present obsession with stamping out ‘White supremacy’? The dark-horde stuff is so 9/11. Ever since Orange-man-bad was elected back in 2016, all we’ve ever heard about was the evil of ‘White supremacy’ (the definition of which seems to keep shifting wherever they want it to go).

Mar 28, 2021 12:51 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

How would Parenti explain the US media’s present obsession with stamping out ‘White supremacy’?

perhaps like this. ‘White supremacy’ is the evil in ourselves. But it is very unconscious evil. It is so unconscious that it is actually invisible except for the rare Rambo/expert who sees through all of it and comes with a solution. And the solution is always against our own interest and btw helps to believe that ‘humanity’ is evil. But thank God we’re saved by the Rambo’s of this world who saved us from ourselves this time.

the parenti talk is from 1989. It’s interesting that he sort of predicted the 911 outcome in it and also the Covid madness.

Mar 28, 2021 2:58 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

C.J. Hopkins, whose writing appears on this website, has much to say on this subject.

short answer: the populist right is the only remaining political constituency that poses any threat at all to the globalist billionaire agenda, now that the “left” has been fully revealed as a crude propaganda agency for the system. therefore, the “right-wing” (what does that even mean, anymore?) populists must be smeared as “white supremacists”, “nazis”, and above all, “conspiracy theorists”, which as everybody knows by now, is the supreme crime, containing as it does the concentrated evil of all the other thoughtcrimes.


Freeborn John
Freeborn John
Mar 28, 2021 8:54 AM

Your Irish forebearers may have rebelled and fought for freedom.
Many others too may have thrown of the yoke.
But the English never have.
Conquered by a bunch of mercenary robber barons, who’s descendants still own most of the land.
Moulded by this entitled class to be the cannon fodder of empire, their blood spilt on every continent and sea in the world ford their Lords and the mercantile masters.
The English have been the obedient cowed slaves of their masters for over a thousand years.
Such a subservient nation will never rise.
Their bread is a poor imitation of a freshly risen wholesome loaf.
Plastic packaged processed pap
All sliced up and isolated,ready to obey and be served up.
To the highest bidder.

Mar 28, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  Freeborn John

It should be no surprise that the Germans and the English, while family, practically the same people, are easily coerced to attack themselves. And with such surprising obedience to state. Some other peculiar parallels, such as say, their belief, usage and trust of vaccines being nearly identical and VERY high.

Mar 28, 2021 9:52 AM

IDK, it’s the undeveloped (and uneducated) parts of the world where (undeveloped?) trust in vaccines is the highest. France and Japan are supposedly among the most vaccine-skeptical nations of the world. They also happen to be among the most educated AND longest-living nations.

Meanwhile the vaccine lobby would have us believe that it’s the uneducated ones who are skeptical of vaccines.


Mar 28, 2021 11:16 AM
Reply to  Magnus

Magnus, yes, in areas like say, Bangladesh or Rwanda, where people ARE DESPERATE, UNEDUCATED, HUGE AMOUNTS OF POVERTY…they clamour for help…any help…which should basically be…uh basics. Water, food, sanitation.

But, the British and the Germans have no such excuse, do they? And they have similarly high vaccine trust and likely even higher usage.

Yes, France, Ukraine, Japan (especially), those sort of areas have much much lower trust in vaccines. Unfortunately, the Ukraine is not in a good state, is it? And France has so much tritium and shit around…it can’t be in a good state.

Japan though, they’re doing okay…oh, except they also fucked up with the nuclear shit.

Mar 28, 2021 8:11 AM

Here’s a story about the son of the tree that owns itself.

Give Nature a Right to Self-Defense

“There was a white oak tree in Athens, Georgia, that was so treasured by the locals it was not owned by anyone, not even the city. It was an autonomous entity known as the The Tree that Owns Itself.

To see this phenomenon in action, look at the histrionic outburst of horror emanating from a myriad of corporate bunkers over rising public approval for the idea that nature be given legal rights that are enforceable in courts. The Rights of Nature movement argues that if a mining conglomerate decapitates a mountain or a chemical giant dumps mercury in a bay, those injured citizens of our natural world ought to have their day in court. “Outrageous!” shriek the honchos of Corporate America. “The courts and legal rights are for people , not for pieces of property!”

Hello, hypocrisy. After all, what is a corporation? Not a person. Not a sentient, living creature — no brain, no pulse, no soul, no life. It’s not even a real piece of property, just an inert document printed by a state. Yet, the owners of that piece of paper claim that it magically bestows “personhood” on their corporation, giving it the legal and political rights of real people. Yet, these “paper people” cry that Earth’s actual living creatures, which they’ve felt free to destroy for their own profit, can’t have any legal rights because they are just property. Excuse me, but a single drop of water has more life in it than all the corporations in the world.

Mar 28, 2021 10:13 AM

Yes – because giving nature rights will never be used for regime change and as an excuse to invade nations trying to develop.

Your example is utterly spurious – if people are poisoned then it is the people who have legal recourse, not the mountain.

BTW I’m not sure what the bit about Ginsberg in the article was about. He needs nothing but exposing for the paedophile criminal he was.

Mar 28, 2021 10:17 AM
Reply to  Edwige

It was just a link to a concept. You know, the stupidity of men, the idea of perspective projection. As if they can argue on behalf of a tree. That oh so human arrogance, yeah? Like when god “gave men doominion” over earth, right and started digging their holes? The knocking on my ceiling suggests that was a good idea.

Don’t worry, I’ve already given the Huron rights. You toxify it, it becomes toxic and kills you.

Previously, that was more difficult to explain with say, peste noire. They didn’t notice they toxified the environment so much that even the rats were horribly sick. Hilariously, then, they suggest the sickened rats were causative regarding that problem. Well, I guess if you kinda misspell, as rat children, it’s probably not far off. That sort of denial, inadmission really plagues humanity.

Mar 28, 2021 3:02 PM

these disinfo trolls sure do talk shite, don’t they.

Mar 28, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  THX-1156

With all due respect, it is anything but disinfo to propose rights for natural objects fully equal to and as enforceable as human rights.

It is interesting, though, that as little by little the rights of humans are taken away, people are coming closer and closer to being nothing but natural resources to be used by those who claim dominion over Nature.

Perhaps when, sooner than later, we have no rights left, we will begin to see the natural world as our brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers and children. Who knows? Maybe that’s why are rights are being taken away: so we can begin to see what’s important.

Mar 28, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks. I have nothing to peddle, and you will be happy.

Mar 28, 2021 4:40 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Oh, and thanks for mentioning Ginsberg, coz I don’t know wtf that is.

So yeah, perhaps you can understand why you mentioned that.

Mar 28, 2021 5:30 PM

Just to kinda get that message across.

les online
les online
Mar 29, 2021 12:57 AM

wasnt there a movement some years ago that campaigned to have the USA supreme court
reverse it’s earlier decision to give corporations the same rights as humans ?

Mar 29, 2021 1:14 AM
Reply to  les online

I remember something like that, yeah.

The problem with that is, it would invalidate state itself, so they rely on you not understanding the fraud regarding your “personhood” while trading your property as they deem “equitably” and deriving debt from that, very inflated debt, especially, aided by derivatives and leveraging.

So, unless people suddenly understand that, that won’t change.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 28, 2021 7:51 AM

I have mocked the yellow peril as a child which was used to force me to eat food I hated, like over cooked punkin, laughed at the reds under the beds scam – still waiting for the reds, but was happy to play a red Indian in cowboy and indians stories as a little white Aussie kid, in the early 1960’s, got to know many muslims and other lovely people we locked up in concentration camps for the crime of fleeing death and coming to an island on a boat- the only people who ever hurt me was the white parents and the ”establishment. INcluding the fucking doctors who called me a lying fraud without doing a single test for anything for over 30 years. Turned out I have a very nasty incurable disease called Crohn’s disease, they called it malingering.

Then I took on the establishment for benefits when I could no longer work, was called a fruit loop by the establishment ”doctor” and nearly died as a result – I won, now people with Crohn’s are legit.

I also managed to sue my former employer, an Australian senator, for unfair dismissal and win.

I have not complied with a single ”rule” over the non existent pandemic.

Mar 28, 2021 8:50 AM

If you were younger I would probably marry you. Or at least beat you over the head and drag you by the hair, if you don’t comply.

Good on you, Marilyn.

I have some personal questions, if you don’t mind, did you have your tonsils removed? And when did you notice you have Crohn’s disease?

Like, I got asthma from pesticide poisoning (living right next to a corn field when I was like 1 year old).

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 28, 2021 10:25 AM

They have traced it back to birth, I grew up on an outskirts farm in the
SA Mallee and watched as the Maralinga fallout came across in clouds, we were doused in DDT constantly, it caused a genetic mutation, 2 close cousins also have it for the same reason. I always choke when people say they do organic farming when they don’t get that every drop of soil in Aus has been poisoned by organic phosphates, DDT and radioactive fall outs. Not to mention asbestos buildings. I didn’t thrive at all as a kid, mother with Muchausen’s by proxy decided I had coeliac disease but I have memories of such deep exhaustion at age 5, (1958) that I used to drop like a stone.

Mar 28, 2021 10:48 AM

I dunno if DDT was used on the corn field where I lived (which would’ve been uh..around 1984), but whatever it was, it VERY quickly caused me serious problems. I also developed MANY allergies from that (like 30 known allergies).

The uranium mention is good too, as both uranium related mining and DDT, along with shit like arsenic, organophosphates caused massive amounts of damage, at about the same sort of time period. And fluoride, of course, is also related to that uranium mining.

Just want to point out, “organic phosphates” are not necessarily a problem, organophosphates, as in, the industrial chemical warfare agents, that’s kinda different.

Your tonsils though? Coz *a lot* of people have had their tonsils removed based on bullshit and it’s caused them fairly significant GI tract problems, among other issues (lymphatic system).

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 28, 2021 1:40 PM

I got malignant scarlet fever at age 19 caused by long term tonsil infections left and treated with massive amounts of penicillin to which I am now fatally allergic. My hands and feet peeled over and over, my temp peaked at 104 and I was pretty close to death for 2 weeks. But they symptoms of Crohn’s were much earlier than that.

Mar 28, 2021 2:01 PM

“I got malignant scarlet fever at age 19 caused by long term tonsil infections”

Tonsils are practically your body’s first line of defense, if they get agitated (inflamed) it means they’ve been exposed to shit you shouldn’t be using. For instance, gliadin and casein elicits inflammatory response in tonsils…because it’s toxic to your body. The tonsils don’t cause the problems, as they are filters (and “scouts”) of toxicity. Removing them shifts the problem to the GI tract in ignorance. Which is ALSO why the idea of removing tonsils was promoted so much, as it causes more problems (while ignoring the causative factors).

And I mean, there would be an enormous amount of other toxic shit too other than the gliadin and casein…but considering the prevalence of toxified dairy and wheat shit…yeah.

Mar 28, 2021 1:24 PM

turned out i had ulcerative colitis, an intestine that churned and spasmed violently for three months was dismssed by GP as constipation, until my colon exploded…. just as well i had admitted myself to hosp 2 days previous as i couldn’t stand straight with the pain and was constantly exhausted.
Auto-immune disease….. was just gonna happen to you anyway… they told me.?? That didn’t wash with me, and i wonder constantly was it the pesticides that seasonally permeated my work environment for some years (ironically called Plant Protection Products). Usually good old glyphosate 2-4-D, but also permasect, that one time drenched my back from a leaking tank and left me twitching like a dying wasp for a day; or was it the ibuprofen i took for 8 months for a damaged back; or petrol exhausts that left my nose and throat like wood shavings…etc etc.
Thanks Marilyn, you’ve sorta helped me decide. Hope you’re well.
I was spraying again for 3 weeks last summer (!), left me with brain-fog for a fortnight. How do i detox this shit out??

Mar 28, 2021 1:35 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

One of the first things I’d recommend for detox is iodine (as it’s a common deficiency, anyway). After that, phenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, many terpenes, antioxidants in general. Some chelation factors like uh, selenium and vitamin E (if you have possible deficiency). OXYGEN therapy (Wim Hof sort of methods, maybe?), as well as lowering fluorine, chlorine and increasing magnesium and potassium intake. Mitochondrial repair factors might be useful too (PQQ, CoQ10 are some commonly deficient examples).

And dude, for pain relief (and dealing with stress, anxiety, depression too), seriously, check out kratom. I have VERY bad nervous system damage and I’ve tried pretty much all the pharma “pain relief” medications (they all worsened my conditions, due to toxicity, within a day or so, while having kinda pathetic efficacy as well as very quickly developed tolerance)…kratom has been kinda what’s kept me borderline, rather than outright suicidal. I would never use codeine, ibuprofen, paracetamol/acetominophen, diclofenac, etc, EVER again.

Antibiotics also, I avoid like the plague, any medications with fluorine, especially, and to a lesser extent chlorine.

Seriously, this is what I got:

The reason that shit is so toxic and damaging is because it’s essentially repurposed chemical warfare agents (you know, kinda like chemotherapy drugs or herbicides and pesticides), and the fluorine is that “special” component which makes it so damaging.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 28, 2021 1:42 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

It’s an horrific set of twins isn’t it? A dear friend of 42 years was told over and over it was in her imagination even though her mother had Crohn’s disease. The shocking medical neglect caused bowel cancer, she died last month at age 61 after it spread to her brain.

Mar 28, 2021 5:36 PM

My grandmother died from aspartame poisoning (canderel), brain tumours. Because marketers, you know, even medical establishment, suggested it is less toxic than say, sucrose (and IT IS NOT).

So I have a “score” to settle with say, mr rumsfeld, and he won’t like the sound of the thunder. Perhaps I will grant him the benefit of my experienced heart failure.

And after that, he will be unhappy for a very very long time.

Mar 29, 2021 10:08 AM

It is not just Aus. Every land where capitalism got a chance to do its good work is the same. Bomb testing, mining, factories, agro-chemicals. All the illness means more business and GDP. All hail profit! At least you don’t have civil war, etc. over resources, as in parts of the Global South.

Mar 28, 2021 9:36 AM

Crohns is non existent, a lie, a global conspiracy.. People who think that they have this non existent condition are malingering hypochondriacs..
There..I’ve done my bit, crapping all over an article with off-topic poobah, from the Off-G bus, at the bottom of the Mariana trench..

Mar 28, 2021 9:40 AM
Reply to  Gin

Some diseases are real. Others are not

And the spelling of ‘Chrons’ is ‘Chron’s’

But what do you know…

Mar 28, 2021 10:29 AM
Reply to  Willem
Mar 28, 2021 6:01 AM

In case anyone missed the link…

Caged Bird
Maya Angelou

A free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wing
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn
and he names the sky his own

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.

Mar 28, 2021 10:06 AM
Reply to  Blane

What’s not to love about Angelou?


Mar 28, 2021 5:42 AM

The birds have been my friends for many a long year and especially the last 12 …their joy of making it through each night and each day is great to listen too and be reminded to do so oneself…

Mar 28, 2021 10:46 AM
Reply to  Edith

Yes indeed. On my walk the other day, I was watching two long tailed tits happily zipping from branch to branch. I will be heading off again soon, to pick some wild garlic where I know it grows in near the riverside. I wonder which birds I shall see. These are all gifts from god and bring joy to the heart.

Mar 28, 2021 1:56 PM
Reply to  Edith

Edith. I had an experience, a few years ago, that I think you’d appreciate – but first a little background. I moved to the Wilds of Warwickshire ten years ago. The nearest town is 8 miles away and this village is basically a few houses and a church arranged either side of an ‘S’ shaped bend in the road. There are no streetlights here, so at night, there’s a fantastic sky and no light pollution.

One early summer evening I had returned from a lengthy stroll and paused a while, leaning on a five bar gate. I was appreciating the sunset when there was a quiet ‘woosh’ sound to my right. There, on the gatepost, was an owl – barely 5 or 6 feet away from me. I don’t know what type of owl it was, but I’d say it was about 2 feet in height. I looked at the owl. The owl looked at me. It blinked then looked out across the fields. For about 30 seconds we just remained where we were, then there was another ‘woosh’ and if flew off. I was left with an overwhelming sense of calm and wonder.

I’ve mentioned that experience to a few others and received various responses. One spiritually minded individual said I had been chosen by the owl, or it was my ‘spirit animal.’ Another person warned me that owls are harbingers of death (I ignored that interpretation). Most seemed to think that I had been very lucky to be that close to a wild animal, especially as it obviously didn’t see me as a threat. All I know it that for 30 seconds I was ‘somewhere else.’ It was an experience I will never forget.

Mar 28, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  Amyus

What a beautiful event. Thanks for sharing that inspiring moment.

Mar 28, 2021 3:53 PM
Reply to  Amyus

Love it. Nature is so powerful.

Mar 28, 2021 4:47 PM
Reply to  Amyus

Uhm, I got some experience with “owls” and “freemason” sort of shit hey…

I died then. I mean sure, I can type these things in what you can classify as limbo or “revelation”, but…I did kinda die then, like 7 years ago.

A couple of things, when a “freemason” founding family sends a girl to live with and entrap you, out of nowhere, that’s not just a test. I’m just saying, don’t do anything stupid.

Mar 28, 2021 5:17 AM

to ensure a plentiful supply of food, the vultures found it beneficial to corral their fodder, keep them divided, weaken them, and have them kill each other…as they gorged themselves silly, the glut spewing out of their bills.

Mar 28, 2021 8:30 AM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

While selling endless pills for endless mythical ills. Indoctrinating and imposing on children, against their wills. You could perhaps say they peddle as shills for larger numbers with more nils to achieve greater thrills and more polluting sperm spills. Engineering a flood for you, to learn to swim, and suggesting you need some gills. With a net, the plan distills, as they do fission while mockingly taunting with fusion to grow a particular illusion, promulgating delusion and confusion. Erosion of values from institution. The conclusion? More ass backwards tuition laced with derision. Your cup empties as theirs fills. As an eventuality, a tree is brought to fruition with near surgical precision, unchallenged decision with a separation of cognition fraught with dividing incision, but as a casualty for all that was fought, it is both a person and a corporate property sent to paper mills. And there were no more Yggdrasils.

Mar 28, 2021 5:57 PM

Birds steal the worms, to feed their chicks, magpies come, tear them to bits, the first no sorrow.. the second its joy, as one was a girl and the other a boy. Jackdaw jay, raven, rook, puncture and peck, for this ambrosia feast, Corvids they, but as the Songbirds lament ..the Cuckoo gets fat until a mother is spent.

Mar 29, 2021 1:21 AM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

You know, that hurts.

Which is why I died first.

Mar 29, 2021 5:23 AM

I felt the inner egg, could sense it’s veins, the lifeblood, circulating, but as time came closer to the stratum, the words return accelerated, that aged thickness…a facade. And so, the urge to break the shell – and out, by storms gateway, in lightening bolts, and frozen time – The return, a wingless flight, the fall, wounding.

Mar 29, 2021 6:31 AM

are you a bot?