Bipolar Corona-Politics Positive?
The Covid Physician

Covid-19 Catch-22
We live in confusing times. The year began with a run on toilet tissue and ended in totalitarianism. Will it be looked back upon as an aberration, or precedent?
I had a patient this morning. More precisely, I telephoned him.
He suffered a myocardial infarction last year and is on anti-hypertensives. His last few BP measurements showed very good, stable control. He barricades himself in his home against the rogue cold virus each time the government locks-down. He expressed terror about the link between hypertension and an enhanced Covid-19 risk.
I would say he is, like the government, somewhat delusional about it or at the very least harbours some fixed false beliefs towards it. Hence, he measures his blood pressure many times a day. It fibrillates up and down with the propaganda. Masks are not enough for him. He refuses to leave his home until Johnson and Hancock lift lockdown. He asks me to increase his medications without seeing him.
The easy cure might be to turn off his TV and smartphone.
But, there is more bipolarity, more paradox, more human folly. He refuses to come out for a hypertension review until he receives his Covid-19 vaccinations. I ask him how he suggests doing that? Perhaps he could find it reasonable to specifically come for his vaccine and have an opportunistic BP? He pauses, and then refuses. Classic Joseph Heller, Catch-22.
Nothing surprises me these days in medical practice, so without a pause I remind him that we are not currently offering a bespoke domiciliary vaccination service. He remains insistent. As his doctor, I try to reassure him he is not at any great risk. I remind him we pay great lip service to all the viral psychological interventions such as porous ill-fitting mask, alcohol gel and … polythene apron.
Rather selectively, he dismisses these sacred verses of the government propaganda. As if to out-fox me, he replies in denouement, ‘Okay, I won’t come in, then.’ I leave it open for him to come back to us. It is not only the rule of law, but also the practice of medicine which has succumbed to hysteria.
He is the ideal citizen of the corporate pharmaceutical Gods. Open to suggestion, vulnerable to propaganda, crouched with bayoneted rifle in trench against an unavoidable, invisible particle. Always willing to go above and beyond the unreasonable demands of tyrants. He trusts the government would only deliver a safe, effective vaccine.
In a way he mirrors his irrational and unreasonable government which projects an illusion of effective control, when there is only effective tyranny. Sometimes it is wisest to be honest with each other. Sweden did this. UK politics has a culture of denial and dishonesty.
The first stage in our national mourning and truth-telling will be to acknowledge the disaster was not COVID-19, it was the government’s response to it. It was duped and blindsided by a commercial takeover.
Elixir of the Gods
Pharma marketeers have not accidentally happened on the Covid-19 elixir of control. They have made countless practice runs. Think of all the quasi-pandemics in the last twenty years. Think of how statin propaganda captured the upper and middle classes for a generation. I remember general practice at the time. Patients would quote the Daily Mail and beg to be put on statin.
A few years later the same would quote the same newspaper and beg to be taken off them because their muscles ached terribly. An about turn, but the smell of fear never left them.
I recall the surreal feeling at the time. Was I a doctor or a life insurance salesman? In 2014, as patients fled, patents loosened and other formulations competed, the NICE guidelines halved the statistical risk threshold at which statins should be prescribed. It captured 4.5 million more consumers.
I would never take statins unless I had a familial hypercholesterolemia or hyperlipidemia. In those inheritable conditions one can quickly see the thick, immiscible layer of human fat float to the top of a resting blood sample. For anything else, put me to work on a farm with an unrefined, natural diet.
Pre-Covid Britons
If this country were a more ancient version, soft tyrants like Johnson and SAGE would have stopped tickling the underbellies of the WHO and ubiquitous Gates Foundation. They would have been driven out of the village with brickbats by now.
The socially inept but politically adept Gates is so emboldened by humanity’s mass surrender he, as their vaccinator and farmer in-chief asks them to eat Soylent Green rather than beef.
Now he is proselytising us to drink boiled, filtered excrement rather than fresh water.
This is a far cry from the organic, GMO-free, natural healthy lifestyle the corporates sold us yesteryear. The same sheep are now beguiled with sustainability and its underlying code: forever eat shit or let’s talk population cull. Gates finds the human operating system far more programmable and profitable than the silicon-based one.
He has devoted the last decade to the construction of a tendril-like business portfolio and biosecurity agenda to convince us vaccines are more important than us.
His abnormal urgency to give the whole world unnecessary experimental gene therapy and the incomprehensible willingness of the world’s governments to dance to his tune must be understood and contained. If not, there is a risk his hubris and obscure agenda will damage the pre-existing mass consent to any vaccination and kill liberty.
The intertwining public-private biosecurity partnerships of the WHO (with its binding international treaty over 190 countries), a WEF-sponsored GAVI, and the Gates Foundation (a massive individual funder of the WHO, and GAVI) have effectively become an unelected, unaccountable and irresistible world government.
The worry is their view becomes the only implementable one. The work of Gates through the Swiss tax-exile of GAVI is thought to have a contractual de facto diplomatic immunity from legal and criminal liability. He is effectively a one-man, marauding state entity who becomes a bio-facist global emperor each time a ‘pandemic’ is pronounced by the WHO.
Mentally Bipolar Coronavirus?
In addition to the mental damage of lockdown by industrial scale fear-mongering there is another mentally-destructive duality: the poorly-evidenced and irrational conviction of government which degrades common sense and human experience. Both narratives cannot coexist without some annihilative consequence.
The authorities have also created a parallel pandemic of assorted neuroses and mental health illnesses. What of the more severe pandemics of child autism, malaria and TB? Not of immediate, profitable importance. However, when a patentable, experimental, sledge-hammer to crack-a-nut gene therapy is found, the Gods rechristen it an emergency, mandatory universal vaccination.
Humans cannot tolerate such contradictions for long, even with coercion. It is unsustainable, for it is against their natures. The knowledge, technology and the will now exists to coerce and imprison humankind into perpetual mental submission. If we succumb now, there maybe no way out. Having captured the food chain, nations, capital and the sovereignty of our mind, body and spirit the victor of this struggle may rule ad infinitum.
Whitty or not?
CMO Whitty supports the notion that unvaccinated doctors should be subjected to GMC discipline. Sanctioning doctors for refusing unnecessary, experimental gene therapy is an extraordinary suggestion even in today’s unnuanced universe. I see it as part of a propagandised neoliberal movement to create a libertarian underclass.
How soon before ‘vaccine’-declining patients are also excluded from the doctor-patient relationship?
Whitty is but one very flawed supra-specialised man without the necessary broad wisdom and holistic medical experience to aid his reason. He does not have the confidence of all his colleagues. His conduct suggests a man long-lost to the allure of managerial, bureaucratic and commercial power.
There was a time when the GMC would have erased Whitty from the medical register for coercing patients into unethical and experimental commercially advantageous treatments. Criminal charges would have been been brought.
Alas, Whitty has a certain professional and criminal immunity which Drs. Mengele and Shipman did not. A key difference with Whitty is he targets us all at once, but all three believed they were righteous.
There is also a sophisticated population stratifying, and targeted discrimination all three share. NHS ‘BAMES’ were a vulnerable doyenne of the government propaganda machine in April 2020. Now they are the societal problem. Not only is the government reporting that a significant proportion of NHS doctors and nurses refuse the ‘vaccine,’ they release data suggesting it is a peculiar BAME NHS employee issue.
They have gone so far as to target the incredibly valuable Filipino nurses specifically, many of whom maybe be on work-dependent visas. Patently, refusing ‘vaccination’ is not about colour, but the government are making it seem so. Biden says something similar, but obliquely.
It is a sinister, divisive BAME carrot-stick strategy tantamount to sugar-coated race-baiting. It has been long clear vaccines cause harm, and no person is qualified to coerce another into unnatural harm.
The die was cast for Whitty a long time ago. He plays his rôle predictably in an elaborate battle of chess for dominion over our lives. Even if he doubts his conviction he has not had the courage to lose face or his job.
Instead, he is going to create an exodus of good doctors and nurses from the NHS. He is a reason why peoples’ faith in government and medicine has been shattered this year. That Whitty is confident he can take on a whole medical profession of wiser and more bioethical, morally inclined patient-centred colleagues is a measure of how far medically-driven technocratic totalitarianism has come in one year.
When the GMC and CMO demonstrate this unethical approach to bioethics our society has a profound disease.
The NHS as patient
The government misleads with the rhetoric of ‘Save our NHS’. Surely, the ultimate aim is to do no harm, and save human lives? In this, the government has consistently failed.
The NHS is not a life to be saved. It is an instrument that was set up to save us, not for us to save it, and certainly not to kill us. Its only risk of ‘death’ has been every successive neoliberal government since 1979. All the NHS requires is depoliticising, funding and intelligent management to save people’s lives where it is realistic and possible to do so. The NHS needs to be vaccinated against politicians and Pharma.
Saving an 82 year old with the common terminal event of a winter lower respiratory tract infection has always been difficult, even in a well-funded NHS, not to mention a terminally defunded one forever teetering on an impossible precipice between chaos-management and barely coping; and all for the sake of getting rid of a couple of extra winter surge-capacity wards in each hospital.
How much more idler is each hospital, now due to Covid?
Our government has committed itself to the collision course of impossible, rapid pharmaceutical solutions. Rather than put the science first, and first do no harm, it still prefers to hurt us, both with lockdowns and the harsh reality of misdirected vaccines and gene therapies.
Expect the neoliberal coup de grâce to be announced: if you desire freedom from lockdown and coercive treatments, accept that your NHS is dead. The blunt reality is if you can afford UK private healthcare, coronavirus regulations do not affect your healthcare. The only bottleneck is on NHS care as a matter of policy, not necessity. It is a confidence trick to deny healthcare by the state.
The power of perception deception
Ambulance-chasing Johnson and Hancock remain gripped by folie à deux, and the UK suffers Stockholm syndrome. It has fallen in love with its coronavirus captor. The global response is neither characteristically scientific nor medical.
It is more an expression of the corrupt, profiteering public-private collusion between corporate-captured states, Machiavellian individuals and supranational bodies. That expression utilises the corporate tactics of PR, management, HR and Health & Safety risk-aversion to create the end product: a rapid siphoning off of wealth and autonomy from the individual to the state and its corporate handlers.
First world pandemics have become a contrivance. It should now be clear that there are screen-played pandemics with a disproportionate response, and then there are obvious, severe pandemics. Covid-19 is the first variety, of a magnitude often seen before and not worthy of the disproportionate damage of the response.
In this type of pandemic, people do not realise there is one unless they wear a useless mask or fail to wear one. It is the variety that does not require doctors, but rather deranged policemen to ogle and respire aggressively in to their fellow man’s face before punching it. Corporations have joined in with gusto, Morrisons badged the mask-exempt with yellow stickers, and others talk of ‘no jab, no job’. This is fascist control backed by the Big Lie of Goebbels.
It would not be so bad if there were a traditional vaccine that was non-experimental, safe and well-proven. But there isn’t. Rather than meddling with eight billion people’s immune systems unnecessarily, it would be better to let the infection run its course because 99.97% survive, and predominately it is the over eighties dying slightly prematurely relative to the normal age of death.
Even the CDC records over 1200 US vaccine-related deaths, 25,000 significant reactions, and an average age of death with the ‘vaccines’ of 77 years. The danger of death by vaccine for some may be exponentially greater than by Covid.
It really is a case of more diminishing returns, except for the pyrrhic political victory and litigation-free, unimaginable riches the pharmaceutical elite will make to further consolidate their dominion.
Schizoid Statistics
To emphasise the rarity of deaths, an average GP practice looking after 6000 would statistically record 1.8 Covid deaths at the gross global mortality over the year of 0.03%. Thus, it is entirely conceivable my experience in a practice of 6000 mainly under 65s has not actually had one documented death from Covid.
This is not even after reasonably reducing the death rate further by the fact that the purported death rate is artificially heightened by well-known but under-emphasised measurement anomalies.
Just as many died (half-a-million) in UK, 2020 as in any other year. This is also the case with Sweden. These countries’ patterns of Covid mortality over the year were similar.
Neil Ferguson suggested that UK mortality might double to one million in the first wave, alone. That the cumulative death toll from Covid is stated as 120,000 (UK) over the last two respiratory virus seasons should strongly suggest an industrial misattribution of causes of death.
In Sweden where mitigation was practically absent, Ferguson’s model predicted an unmitigated 96,000 deaths by June 2020; by March 2021 there are about 13,000.
In the more innocent medical times of 1968-69, 1-2 million died of Hong Kong flu globally, with 80,000 in the UK. Correct that for the intervening population change and it is equivalent to the massaged 120,000 of Covid-19.
The UK lockdown ranked as the third strictest in the world, yet had one of the worst death rates. It seems reasonable to hypothesise that the UK lockdown didn’t work and/or it inflated its deaths by gross misattribution. The UK government has more than halved hospital beds from 300,000 to 140,000 in 30 years whilst the population has aged and increased by 10 million. This may be what made Sweden resilient and the UK fail.
The virus may become an additional virus of the winter landscape, so I suggest that a cheaper and more sustainable way out of this and further pandemics would be to double winter ICU capacity, increase the number of general medical overflow wards and consider ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. The Great Barrington Declaration proposals should be given due respect and serious attention.
This a seasonal virus. It ought now to be clear to SAGE that a season cannot be locked down, nor can the sorcery of a summer PCR pseudo-epidemic mask gross incompetence. The government have irrevocably lowered the threshold for a yearly terrorising of the population to little above the usual mortality of flu.
The indiscriminate, mindless testing of well, returning school children is setting us up to fail just in time for the parliament vote to extend the executive’s Coronavirus Act dictatorship for another 6 months. That would bring us to October 2021 and back to the usual winter killing season.
The timing is such the Act may never be revoked by a decerebrate parliament.
We live in an extraordinary time when the world can be pandemic positive and negative simultaneously. Thus, I find my medical observations are becoming more politically tinged as I realise that the coronavirus situation is more a creation of political expediency, arbitrariness and superstition than of medical science.
Vaccination has become a political act.
Politicians have co-opted all knowledge, expertise and science and weaponised it beyond recognition. Big Pharma has captured governments. Mainstream media has uncritically lapped and regurgitated it up for our constant delectation. There is no alternative perspective. World medical experts have been propagandised and censored out of existence.
The result is an unsustainable, polarisation of the mass consciousness, where those with courage, knowledge, and those losing out in lockdown are neutralised. This is very bad for humankind whatever side you believe you bat for.
Hence, I have decided to present an unabashed opinion on this occasion, based upon my previous accounts and analyses of the past. In part, my reason is because the government is not only refusing to listen to the mounting pile of contrary scientific evidence, it has destroyed the battlefield of truth and moved firmly into the realm of fiction, lies and propaganda.
So, I reserve the right to be wrong in the pursuit of intellectual multiculturalism, equality and diversity. My recent experience suggests the totalitarian capitalists and authoritarian socialists wish to hoard these liberal principles for their exclusive advantage. May I reclaim them, for everybody.
In a world where the politics of compromise has been devoured by the polarising effect of vaccination and identity politics, lockdown is the miracle glue that unites us in inclusive segregation.
Rather than accept in a pandemic that death is inevitable, the government and media panders to the sheer impossibilities of woke-ness. No one is allowed to die of the virus. Therefore, all must suspend reality and accept the trough-point of civilisation.
What happened to Keep Calm & Carry On?
One must hope one day political convenience will bow to reality rather than try make reality bow to it. There is a limit for psychological techniques to impose themselves on reality. It was reached many months ago.
The mainstream Covid-19 delusion represents the final failure in our civilisations. Without an improvement in the integrity and intelligence of our leaders, the media and an end to their polarising mass-messaging there is no escape. Their conduct has led us to a year of deliberate self-harm and to the point of collective suicide.
It is not just happening with coronavirus. Polarisation has ravaged even the common values of truth and liberty in the free world to such a degree that affiliation to a political movement trumps basic morality, truth and justice.
Societal Schism
We no longer have a functioning democratic government, parliament nor judiciary. The government pursues a scorched earth policy, unchecked and unbalanced. Parliamentary parties collude and are detached from their party memberships.
Politicians like Hancock, who confect rhetoric into unassailable truths, seem increasingly unhinged from reality and democratic principles. What is to be done? They ought start by acknowledging they might be dangerously wrong, and confess that the justification, ‘but I disproportionately hurt you to help you’ is incoherent and cruel.
Hysteria-whipping political opportunists, the immature and obeisant media ideologues eyeing votes and ratings leap on the ‘not one person must die’ band wagon, yet they take and destroy many, and save none.
Government appears to have an unwavering policy of ignoring cheap, safe pharmaceutical measures and targeted risk-population driven policies in favour of continuing to push illegal pharmaceutical experiments, fear, and futile, poorly-evidenced non-pharmaceutical interventions aka facial cloths, unemployment, house arrest and a police state.
Of course, home-made masks cannot contain a near molecular-sized virus any more than they contain air. Yes, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin seem to work, and this is not the world’s greatest pandemic by any stretch; but at the same time all three statements are not true for our ruling classes.
These are the blatant contradictions our lives are predicated upon. If there is a chance of ivermectin protecting hospital colleagues, why haven’t the government implemented that? There is nothing to lose, in contrast to the danger to life and liberty of the gene therapy agenda.
Brexit is another example of malignant fissuring. It was a near-miss, a mere symptom of the political septicaemia that was yet to kill democracy.
For four years we witnessed the near negation of a democratic referendum at the hands of our democratically-elected politicians. It was in hindsight the harbinger of BLM, Covid lunacy and the crisis of the American Constitution.
Is it mere happenstance that race, gender and sexual political theory is replacing natural play and the three Rs in pre-schools, that both the Nobel peace prize nominated BLM and Covid-19 found lovers in multinationals and the Democrats in the year of the most important US presidential election?
Intersectionality, critical race theory and socially-segmented marketing strategies all depend upon propaganda and phylogenetic population division and rule for their immoral advantage.
Should the end justify the means? It feels a more poignant question if falsehood is the means by which a final system of untruthful existence is entrenched irreversibly. That is the truth of our collective direction, today.
The Covid Hex: Neoliberal Political Assassin?
Was there election rigging in the US elections? You might have thought all democracy-minded Americans would support a forum of truth-telling, transparency and justice in which to examine the evidence.
But no, it turns out that politics comes before not only the truth, the rule of law and justice, but before democracy itself. Who would have thought that Venezuelan mafia politics and election systems could transfer so well to the US.
It seems it is not only COVID which is pandemic: Myanmar and it’s Rohingya-persecuting Nobel peace prize-winning leader are the subjects of a military coup over concerns of systematic election fraud.
We have witnessed a sitting POTUS censored and cancelled whilst in office by a parallel totalitarian regime. Why 100% of the US seem not outraged has to be a matter of political bias, ignorance and propaganda. The inevitable result is democracy, liberty and the concept of co-existent, competing, self-improving discourse is dead. It is a blow far more fatal than the Covid-19 which helped usher it in.
That one POTUS who had not commenced one war and signed several international peace accords can start being impeached on the day of entering office and weeks after leaving office; and another prematurely wins the Nobel peace prize on entry to office only to subsequently start, foment, and commence multiple theatre wars ought to astound, disturb and have been vigorously queried. Yet it was not.
President Trump can be continually ridiculed as a dunce by the media, but when President Biden so obviously has advancing signs of cognitive impairment the media do not express concern, not even for the poor man himself. Isn’t this carer abuse? None of it sits comfortably with me. Something is very wrong.
There was a time a when journalists were regarded as the fourth pillar of democracy. Now such inconsistencies are swept by the media under a propaganda rug and the crimes continue.
Academic antithesis
Today, the justification for evil and tyranny is not prejudice toward a race, it is race. Iyola Solanke, a Leeds University-sponsored law professor believes the cure for the prejudice which led to genocide is the extermination of prejudice.
How does she propose to do this? By treating it like a virus. For her, prejudice is a virus to be exterminated.
The difficulty is that all people carry prejudice, whether asymptomatically or symptomatically. Her ilk can view everything it does not like through the lens of unconscious bias and race division.
So, does she kill or lockdown on people she does not agree with, or merely medicate, vaccinate and reprogram their views out of them? Or does she take unreasonable offence, muzzle, cancel and deny them free speech, thought and religion? How will she relieve herself of her own manifested prejudices? Such is the hyper-polarised madness and unlikely convergence of Marxism, Nth wave feminism, BLM, critical race theory, corporate-sponsorship and Covid policy into one suicidal singularity.
As ‘war on terror’ is a futile and never-ending concept, so is ‘war on virus’. It cannot be defeated, nor made truce with, only accepted, eventually adapted to and conciliated with by our species.
The fact is humankind cannot survive without such co-existent, often helpful, natural micro-organisms. This war is a war against ourselves and our immune systems by a dehumanising, corporate and profiteering attitude to health, life and the human spirit.
Global Disarray
Covid is no ordinary failure, it is a global system crash. Questions remain to be answered. Was it deliberately triggered, wilfully perpetuated and gleefully capitalised upon?
My observations of individuals, companies, governments and the WHO and my knowledge of medicine tell me it is all most possible. What I wish for is the hard evidence to lead to criminal convictions. It has increasingly seemed to me this last year that the same people who created the problem, simultaneously benefit and are encouraging humankind to crash into a wall.
If every family had a member dying of a flu-like illness we’d all quite naturally be obedient and take a spin on the wheel of the pharmaceuticals lottery. It would not be necessary to bully, cajole, coerce, threaten, propagandise and use the police to beat us in to obedience. We are not even close to a black death scenario. Raised standards of living, hygiene and sanitation are the reason why we are not ill, not vaccines.
As with flu, we’d be targeting the elderly as they seem to have an extraordinarily disproportionate risk of mortality and morbidity from Covid. We would certainly not target children for vaccination as they are already relatively invincible to Covid-19 (though not to flu). However, these are not the sensible findings of our government, its scientists nor its corporate partners. The new normal is perversely abnormal.
The proposition by governments that we, as eight billion relatively healthy people, should expect perpetual lockdowns and serial, designer gene therapies yearly, if not more frequently, is grotesque. At this point we are not the raison d’être, we exist for the vaccines and gene therapies.
Criminal Coronavirus?
Asymptomatic false-positive diagnosis is unforgivable, but one without testing for other common causes is even worse. Misdiagnosing what would have been death from old age or some other usual event with an asymptomatic false-positive Covid test is falsifying the cause of death and is literally criminal. Natural deaths seem no longer a thing. Bad science, shoddy medicine, central directives to certify COVID-19 where there is any doubt, and poor data gathering mean the crime is perfect.
The WHO cooks definitions of Pandemic, Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFIs), PCR tests and herd immunity like a criminal cartel.
Tossing a coin is far more diagnostically accurate than community Covid PCR testing on well persons. Ideally, there should have been a parallel influenza test for each Covid test. My experience of patients’ hospital discharge letters reveals not one influenza test result was recorded.
Our police, who under their own oath should police the criminal common law with our consent are now acting like the vigilantes of commerce. They enforce unnatural statutory law, regulations and guidelines. Where does that leave non-commercial, natural human interests? They tackle unmasked, healthy people as if they were undetonated bombs.
Since when did the spread of a cold or flulike illness become a crime? Since when did a well person become a potential suspect? The police never used to become involved in the politesse of a cough, fever or cold.
In 2019 it used to be a badge of honour to keep coming, sniffling into the office. Now it seems a crime against humanity. I am waiting for the first bona fide coryzal assault case, where the brain-washed magistrate will accept that the victim reasonably apprehended a harm from a defendant’s sniffle.
What material difference is there between terrorists and the actions of the WHO, Gates and our government?
Well, those three seem like mere terrorists, but not also another’s freedom fighter. Our government preach of how ‘hateful extremists exploit the pandemic,’ but there is no mention of themselves. Moreover, it is the questioning norm which is smeared as terrorists. What if the vaccines are killing more than Covid. Do we convict Drs. Whitty and Fauci for crimes against humanity?
In stark contrast to my first patient, I speak with my last patient, she is socioeconomically vulnerable.
In March 2020 she complained of a lump in her throat. Her urgent scan was cancelled due to ‘Covid measures’. In February 2021 she complained of multiple lumps in her throat and difficulty swallowing.
This is the mountain of disease concealed under the magic carpet of Covid. Coronavirus Regulations-sponsored NHS medical negligence is often grossly negligent, bordering on criminal.
The game is to keep the patient away and out of your zone of accountability. Like hands-free patient ping-pong.
One might conclude life on earth is impossible without Big Pharma. It has moulded the world in its own vision. The vaccine passport is likewise an inappropriate response. Particularly when viewed through the lens of another continuously, unpredictably mutating, elderly-targeting respiratory virus. Would anyone else find the prospect of a flu vaccine passport troubling?
It is not coincidence that Monsanto GMOs abduct the food chain, Farmer Gates pushes a Pharma lifestyle, and gene modification is both’s central pièce de résistance.
When Gates becomes America’s biggest owner of farmland one has confirmatory triangulation that Mother Nature is no longer boss. Most of us only need basic sanitation, an active life, family love and a natural diet to remain well.
The Covid Physician is an unheroic NHS doctor. This article is a personal view and does not necessarily represent the views of the NHS. Dr. TCP tweets at @tcp_dr & Parler @tcpdr. Patient details have been modified for anonymity.
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Great writing though can’t agree with the analysis on Venezuela
I go along with much of the above article. I note that Sweden is mentioned, but that the article has not covered the other countries involved in this charade. I have no proof, only that which I have read and understood to be the case. I am given to understand that the American economy is far from being in a healthy condition and this needed to be addressed quickly because if the American Dollar went down so coincidentally, would the economies of ALL those countries affected by this virus. The biggest shareholders in Big Pharma, Gates Corporation and, for that matter, all the other multi-billionaires in the States is The White House. In addition to this, the conflict between China and the States has increased an already global market slump – so what better way to kick start it than huge equipment sales. Lockdowns etc., prevent people from spending unnecessarily – just as you would expect in an economic slump. That is my best guess anyway.
Thank you Dr. TCP.
A most cogent summary of the Orwellian nightmare we are now trapped within.
John Doran.
Well that seems to sum it all up very succinctly. It is a great pity that this Dr and many others have been denied a voice. And are the ones actively silenced by our great and wonderful MSM. Thank you for being one of the truth tellers.
No the whole lot of them should be in jail not doing any “focused protection” targetting minorities with their abuse. No vaccines, no quarantines, no holcoaust. This Gupta woman from Oxford university no less is so obviously in on it. She was already talking about a novel corona virus in 2013. Oxford is the same university involved with astra zeneca. this is such obvious criminal bs fake opposition.
I wonder what happens when (god forbid) one of the frequent contributors to this website, or their relative or close friend becomes ill with covid 19. What happens? Do they just say to them, oh, its just a cold sleep it of at home, don’t be silly, this disease does not exist? What happens if they become so hypoxic that they are gasping for breath and call an ambulance and their loved ones are transferred to hospital? No don’t be silly you can’t be ill auntie, the virus does not exists. And so on.
Or do they then suddenly say to themselves: oh gosh, I was wrong after all, there is this nasty disease and most scientists were right.
I just wonder.
This is a waste of time and effort.
The Influenza+Pneumonia has been weaponized, using propaganda tactics, dis-information, even resorting to emotional blackmail.
If your ‘bullshit detector’ never got turned on please do not project your paranoia.
Typical answer complete with denial then turning nasty with personal attacks and not addressing the question. Do you understand that discussion means expressing views? Bullying just uses insults to ‘prove’ your point of view. Do you enjoy being a cyber bully?
diseases don’t exist. they are medical concepts usually just a set of symptoms in latin that then is labelled a “disease” and portrayed as if it is a thing that people “have”. what is worse the medical doctors will then say these are incurable. going to a medical doctor is like going to a wrecking yard to have your car fixed.
they are completely unqualified and clueless about the subject of health.
I agree, it is probably best to go to a homeopath or a faith healer. After all waht you do not know never hurts you.
no. it’s worse. they DO know. and misuse this with their acumen and nuanced analysis to make it seem like they care for you- and you know if you ask your doctor anything they then clam up. more like ham up behind the mask. fulfilling their tasks by order of the [mis-]minister of chaos confusion and health as an afterthought, smile, and look seriously at you, a practiced glare, concern, and make you fear for you life if you do not obey what they say. which they don’t believe but that is not for you to worry about. actually my doctor [jekyl] back on 2018 when I copped a stomach virus and asked: what can be done? Answer: nothing. an honest answer. which he somehow can’t remember ever having advised. practiced dementia. they are talented. where is Paracelsus?
Oh gosh! What if ….but what if…..but really really what if …..if …..if …. ifififififififif…….
The only deaths I have been aware of during this “pandemic” has been a heart attack, one of my elderly neighbours. A colleague in his late thirties who died of cancer, because for the past year the NHS was more interested in testing him for covid than cancer. My friend who committed suicide, because of the actions of the government response to covid.
I know literally dozens of people who have tested positive, not one single fatality, in fact the vast majority didn’t even feel ill. Another colleague lost his father, 90+ years old. He was told with covid, his response “nothing to do with being so old and frail, that any minor illness could have finished him”
Take your emotional blackmail and shove it up your arse, it’s mindless drones like you who are killing people. People die, it’s a fact of life. But many have died needlessly due to your inability, and all the other idiots like you to discern fact from fiction.
How many times has the government got to lie to you, and be proven wrong before you wake up?
I wonder what happens when (god forbid) one of the frequent trolls on this website, or their relative or close friend becomes terminally ill with cancer or heart disease or COPD or any one of a myriad of other terminal illnesses that didn’t get treated by a covid-centric NHS? Would the trolls just say to them “Oh, don’t be silly. You probably would have died anyway. Our NHS has better things to do.” Or do they suddenly say to themselves: oh gosh, I was wrong. The lockdown killed far more people than the virus. Lockdowns are the most destructive policies ever used, and the politicians and scientists bought by the Gates Foundation and other globalists were wrong.
I don’t need to wonder.
You wonder? Sounds like you hope to me.
OK, I believe I may have had it and I have a friend and his wife who were diagnosed as having it, and we all agree that it was like a bad dose of the flu and nothing more, but I know absolutely nobody who has been seriously ill wih or has died of this thing, which helps to underpin my scepticism.
Has said virus been isolated and the complete rna removed for inspection? No.
Becomes ill with what then pray tell?
Your questions carries the assumption that a novel virus actually exists- it does not.
Not at least, until it is proved to exist.
You have had as much opportunity as the rest of us in reading and researching this event – but you appear to have been satisfied with that which you have been told by the media. This is a huge mistake. For example – You will find news reports about the same event occurring in another country just to support what our media is telling you – if you then go and read the media in that particular country – there will be no mention of that event. You are being lied to. Science can prove you are being lied to – there is no distancing, no mask-wearing, no shutting yourself away that could ever stop a virus. This particular virus is a particularly mild virus, 99.7% of the population are immune to it. Not to mention that a human body contains millions of viruses anyway. Yes, many elderly people have died, no more than is usual in any given year, and no more than would have done when they reached the end of their time anyway, and no more than if they had caught a common cold. The UK experiences an outbreak of influenza every single year – where has this year’s influenza gone? It is scientifically impossible for a virus to annihilate another virus – so what? Did it turn and run? You are making this very mild virus out to be something more deadly than the Black Plague, but that is exactly what you have been conditioned to believe.
An interesting discussion.
‘Vaccine’ Depopulation – A Must Watch – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast – David Icke
Letter from Doctors for Covid Ethics to Emer Cooke
Doctors and scientists from 25 countries have today sent this letter to Emer Cooke, Director General of the European Medicines Agency, refuting in detail the EMA’s response of 23.03.2021, according to which the continued use of experimental genetic engineering-based so-called COVID vaccines produces more benefit than harm, precisely on the basis of the data provided by the EMA itself. This calls for an immediate halt to the experimental application of these substances to the EU population, and thus an immediate cease and desist from further violations of the Nuremberg Code. In addition, the large and illustrious group of physicians and scientists announces that it will take legal action against those responsible for the control authority if they do not react immediately and thus do not put further human lives at risk.
Translated with (free version)
Remember when I said I’m a cyborg?
Like, for real. sir isO, The cyborg virus. Totally mental. Think about it, I’m super old right, I hear the things, I embody silica, I know alchemy. And all of that, I simply do to fuck you.
My guess is that you are high-school machine learning project. My guess is that you chose this site because you are not censored.
I remember writing an engine for a bank that tried to understand text and the behaviour of psycho reminds me of the sort of errors (ceilings) we would hit. There is no computer concept of “understanding”, only of “context”: AI is all about recognising “context”. Similar in a way to people recognising which meaning of a word is the intended meaning given the sentence context. But, AI will aim to build huge amounts of context so that you won’t realise that the machine has absolutely no “understanding” in the sense that a human would “understand”. With sufficient context, the machine can appear to be intelligent, responding to very slight changes in emphasis etc even though it has no understanding of what it is doing.
and so ppl are con-vinced a phone with a receiver screen is -smart- so funny. proves the machine is smarter than its user and it hasn’t even got a brain.
Switzerland’s debt is a lot hey.
I don’t necessarily mean the citizens, but they have really worthless corporations governance.
I’m sure believing in them is convenient though.
Random phrases thrown into a comment as if they had any meaning to the conversation.
Switzerland? Completely random phrase.
Governance? Interestingly the machine chose “corporations governance” rather than “corporate governance”, the latter being the human choice because the former does not sound right to an English speaker.
The last sentence doesn’t even make sense.
consider also the possibility that this entity is telling the truth when it says “I’m a cyborg. all of that, I simply do to fuck you.”
that is, it’s a largely automated disinformation system, supervised and guided when necessary by a (semi-)human CIA/deep-state operative. the meaningless verbiage and blather is not a bug, but a feature, since the objective is to disrupt and derail serious discussions which tend to undermine various ruling-class projects and campaigns. it just spews out this garbage continuously, and whenever anybody makes the mistake of trying to engage with it, it alerts the (sub-)human supervisor to take charge, the better to redirect any potential opposition to its masters’ agenda down some harmless (to them) disinfo rathole.
it probably works much more effectively in venues where the audience is less sophisticated than those here, and more likely to be taken in by its vile spew. here, it just looks bizarre and moronic, like something out of the movie Idiocracy.
computer viral digital set of null vectors falling through their own absent values and come out with what you noted: non associated concepts. our innate instinct for pattern recognition to find dinner has bifurcated into abstract hyper space.
This weeks video exposes the monetary alliance between the NIH, World Bank, Wuhan Institute of Virology, the WHO, Gavi, UNICEF, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Don’t miss it! YouTube has already removed 38 of my videos, for apposing and contradicting the “Official Lie”
Then why post to youtube? Total waste of time. Advertise alternative sites and get off the tyrannical controllers’ sites.
Awaiting spam check
oh, I see. the S.P.A.M. (Special People Anti Mention) filter automatically flags any Bitzhute link as “spam”. what a wonderful politically-non-biased piece of technology.
www . bit chute . com / video / zvtnkE1uWB3F
Amv speaks with Xan John in discussion dated April 1st: “This young lady is an angel from heaven… What a pleasure.”
that look that practiced gentle homely stick on smile. bear optional and look at the eyes – they are alight with his intent to con-vince you of his sincerity. nice people have agendas. themselves. if you upset them they do a gestalt flip. then you see the ordure that had built up inside their huge brainpan.-patriot- says the above commentator- well how Westphalian 1648 us that. as for the Fem- another smiler, they have secrets you will never discover and when you do they will stop smiling and reveal who they really are- esp if they have to note themselves as -naturals- as if to forestall how fake this all is. the message, the medium of delivery and the usual new age superstitious contents.
Nice… but this ivermectin and chroloquine shill eh…
is it though?
I thought this was a Brilliant Article, and I read every word.
Thank You.
Fuellmich interview with better EN subtitles:'Five-to-Twelve'-April-2021:6
Unable to connect to this?
It is back up now – odysee was down a little while ago.
Many thanks – great observations and some light in the dark.
It’s ironic that the light in the dark is related to the horrendous effects of the so-called cure. People like the woman fame mentions below don’t know their noble sacrifice might serve another end altogether.
Reiner Fuellmich added a new update yesterday,in German. It has a tantalising title. Can anyone translate or summarise what he’s saying?
That is the one I have put above – it has been subtitled in English.
? No subtitles that I can find.
They should be here:'Five-to-Twelve'-April-2021:6
I had no problem reading them. Thanks for posting this video. At one point they show a screen with a Norwegian TV 2 chat host quote: Sorry to be blunt: some folk have to be sacrificed for the rest of us to be safe…
They are desperate when they start saying shit like that.
The psychopaths that have planned this scamdemic and those that promote it are the ones that need to be “sacrificed” in order for the rest of us folks to be safe.
Got it! Thank you.
Funny, apparently, majority in France happy to be on lockdown again, said it was necessary. But majority in the same survey also said they wont obey the lockdown measures… Something wrong there, but Ive long given up searching for logic in anything that people say or do!
vance packard discovered this in the 50s. what ppl say when asked by an authority and what they will do are never the same. another one I heard about the french politically is that they will vote for a president and within a few weeks disown their own vote – because the tete a tete never eventuated with the ppl. And as your comment below the quarrelling ha! look to the east – in Allemagne – what their alt media is reporting is that Merke’s entities are drifting off into incohesion and she is basically letting them drift over their own cliff face saving her the bother of trying to reign in the polticical urge to control everything. I think the french have more panache.
We’re now at the dog eat dog stage in France, those in power have begun quarreling between themselves.
Let me know when they find a virus. Any Coronavirus. Ever. Or even contagion.
Also, there are at least a dozen methods and natural, safe foods and supplements, that have been shown to lower blood pressure that are superior to any prescribed medication.
If only doctors were half as informed or competent as they believe they are, they might be useful.
Thanks. I appreciate that.
I’ve known many, very many, certified morons. Masters, Doctors, Doctorates, doesn’t matter. They have one thing in common, they find their validation and affirmation with obligation to indoctrination.
Seriously, I have not known a competent doctor, ever.
Excuse my typing.
And it’s because they’re fundamentally taught shit.
Like if you peddle non-essential synthetic chemical toxins, based on fraud, from your schooling, but because you’re given a noddy badge and paid for it, you never consider that it might be absolutely bullshit. Malicious, industrial bullshit. AND, what’s worse, you don’t know SHIT about the fundamentals it’s based on. Like Fauci or Gates for instance, they’re mentally retarded, genuinely. I mean, they are so retarded it’s practically criminal.
But even worse, they don’t have souls, they have to read scripts. Because satan is their master. And I was right there when they were like “imma kill these black people”.
Then I was like “Yeah, good idea, you go try that.” Imma make you be black people.
They try to kill (you, your children, the environment, animals, plants), like, they put effort into it. What are you gonna do?
Satanus is an anachronism of wanting attention from some higher figure head to to their wish fulfillment for them. and they will do anything their dissocosiated imagination tells them. and believe it. then when Satanus does not fulfill their promise they blame their vanished figment of deceit and look for scapegoats – now on social media to aid and abet their imagined cause.
You are insane. You probably met lots of competent doctors doing the rounds while you were tied up to prevent you hurting yourself. Just because they couldn’t fix you does not make them incompetent.
Sorry, none of them EVER addressed essentials.They are incompetent, brainwashed, indoctrinated morons. They peddled unnecessary synthetic industrial toxic shit from catalogues they memorized like religious robots.
That’s also why they couldn’t fix me, btw.
And yes, I am super insane.
knew it- me me me me me- and no you are not super anything. no human is. ever. the word means -over- as in any limit and one cannot be that because then one would vanish and you have not. unless a digital ghost shell entity with hijacked algorithms do find gaps to pop into and post messages.
Opposition to vaccine passports in the UK has got legs. Finally! some opposition.
Survey of young people in Austria (16 to 29-year-old) finds 18% will not let themselves be vaccinated under any circumstances. A further 13% answered that they would probably not be vaccinated and 20 were undecided. 20% said they would probably be vaccinated and 29% said they would definitely be vaccinated. The information is from the Institute for Youth Culture Research and Mediation (Vienna, Hamburg).
“Here is a poll from the Billy Eugenics Institute of Advanced Euthanasia. 99% of the untermenschen useless eater lab rats contacted believe that culling themselves is good for the planet.

“Beware of corporate fascist propaganda masquerading as polls.” .
Totally. If they fake scientific results, such as carbon causing global warming, then why wouldn’t they fake some polls?
desperate. juveniles can do better. they at least are creative. this is pathetic. going backwards with this is not accommodating the future if this has to be dug up to make a point – to suit an ideology which is utterly misunderstood. And through that false analogies dupe themselves and the very entities you wish to curtail will arrive where they want to be while your grapple with concepts devoid of content.
The Danube canal in vienna a popular spot with young people in the evening has signs up demanding masks be worn and police out harassing people. The video shows the area deserted at 8pm and the few people there not wearing masks.
It was more of an IQ test than a poll. 31% passed.
Less. Closer to 15.6%.
It’s still pretty poor figures for the covid cult. Only 29% were commited to getting vaccinated of which half will probably be too busy. The youth culture is not with them. They are flogging a dead horse.
Yes, but only 18% received an A, while a further 13% received a C. I suppose passing is passing, but working with a C means it only takes one bad exam to drop to failing with rest of them.
What a bitch ….
What a psycho
I would respect her if she just said “Let’s shoot the non-vaxxed!” Let’s face it: That’s what she means. But, just like the refusal to make the vax mandatory, they know they’d never get away with it. If they tried, there’d be an uprising.
Which brings me back to my main suspicion that the vax isn’t the main thing at all. It’s just a prop to whip up resentment and division.
Hey I just want to point out I have no tolerance for subversive bullshit. Even if you try it, you fucking fail.
“Since when did the spread of a cold or flulike illness become a crime?”
Impossible to “spread” that, without imposing means or ignorance of essentials, toxicity.
Trying to push the idea that “cold or flulike illness” is even capable of spreading is fundamental failure, you may want to consider that.
How about YOU, Covid physician (or anyone else), explain to me, how it is that something that can’t move, can’t reproduce, doesn’t have energy function, resulting from internal damage, like clockwork from deficiency “spreads”. And no matter what, it is impossible to be “immune” to vitamin D deficiency (colds/flus/RTIs), no matter how much exposure, vaccinations, whatever.
Thanks and good luck with that.
I’m sure that there must be some course that you could take which focuses on how convey a message with lucidity, coherency and understandability.
I am sure you are incapable of thought. Like dominoes.
In a more direct way, answer this, you’re saying you support the idea of viruses spreading?
It is a robot.
Your message is transparent. “I have no tolerance for subversive bullshit.”
Enjoy frotting with the soldiers in the dorm. Though you’re so limp these days, mama probably insisted you had a private room with pluffy cushions.
George Orwell — ‘In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’
And what do you peddle?
My own self immolation, though I don’t expect it to entertain much.
I guess that’s why your name is what it is.
Why so much uhm…MSM agenda sort of linkage, though(t)?
Kinda projective of the propagandist shit, isn’t it?
Transparency, oh hell no. At least, they think opacity isn’t transparent. And it so clearly is.
I simply, absolutely, do not believe in you, what am I supposed to say? You can’t recognize truth, your attacks are for what, your peddling is for what?
That’s right, existential insecurity.
Either my brain has stopped working or your brain does not work. So many words to say nothing. Your comments are like a random patchwork quilt trying to be a Constable landscape
Maybe start your education by reading about catalysts. There is nothing about viruses that is magic, from my limited knowledge.
Another Fuellmich video, in German (English YT subtitles allow understanding):
That is ttps:// with an h at the start (having issues with YT at my end).
There was this posted yesterday, but I dont have any German :
I can access his Bitchute fine. TLAV on Firefox seems completly blocked. If you install Brave you can get to the site after the warning shows. Min browser has no block at all.
This was a reply to Judith below. Don’t know why it posted up here.
Thanks, Kate. I actually watched his latest video on facebook, although I am not a facebooker myself.
I hope he gets his site straightened out. That’s the most egregious censorship I have seen so far.
Is the big secrete the British government are suppressing, with their ruthless lockdowns, the fact that the vaccines are next to useless ?
Sensible people would not be too worried over a useless vaccine. Have you missed out on the damage and deaths that the vaccines have been causing, especially among younger (non-elderly) people?
Note: I have no info. on those from Russia, China, Vietnam, etc.
Slightly off-topic but in the same area of derangement. From The Grayzone.
”In a new article for Foreign Affairs, scholar Joshua Landis and former Obama administration official Steve Simon write that US sanctions on Syria “further immiserates the Syrian people, blocks reconstruction efforts, and strangles the economy that sustains a desperate population during Syria’s growing humanitarian and public health crises.” Landis, a leading expert on Syria, joins Pushback.”
And from the stinking Guran below
”Leading human rights organisations in Russia (!) have released their first comprehensive report on abuses in the decade-old conflict in Syria, condemning Moscow’s direct participation in indiscriminate bombings of civilians, its backing of the Assad regime’s use of torture, and culpability in other war crimes.”
Oh, now I see the light! Assad the duly elected President of Syria, and defending his country from AngloZionist hired Jihadists is starving his own people, as well as bombing them. The Russians are also on it by starving and sanctioning and bombing, and assassinating. Oh, wait a minute there’s something wrong there?!
This is high-grade Orwellianism. I think that in psychology it is called projection, which means when you do bad things you just project it onto your hate object and accuse them of carrying the very things you are actually doing.
”Actions are held not to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to does them, and their is almost no kind of outrage – torture, the use of hostages, forced labour, mass deportations, imprisonment without trial, forgery, assassinations, the bombing of civilians – which does not change its moral colour when it is committed by ‘our‘ side.”
‘Notes on Nationalism’,1945. The MSM is now plumbing the depths evil, there is nothing it won’t do or say in its insane endeavours and the Guran is supposed to be mainstream liberal
Should we not criticise Russia for war crimes? or are we saying the Russians are as bad as the Americans….I’m having a senior moment on this one.
Dr Mike Yeadon
Interviewed by James Delingpole
March 31, 2021
Dr Mike Yeadon, former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd, talks about his grave concerns about the Coronavirus jab
Mike yeadon is a fuckoff.
He’s trying to peddle other shit based on the fundamental fraud if you haven’t noticed.
But hey, most people are not only really fucking almost incalculably stupid, but pieces of shit, too.
The scamdemic has been in the pipeline for decades and so Yeadon’s supposed awakening is not credible. Consequently, I’ve not paid much attention to his output. He defends “old normal” Big Pharma, so it might be an attempt at damage limitations.
The thing about plans is that all of them fail.
He was embroiled in the system all of his working career. He had a Road To Damascus/epiphany (the same as more than a few other prominent people) in the middle of last year. He is an outstanding addition to our fight. I note that you give long-time Agenda 21 supporter Rosemary Frei a free pass. How strange!
Apart from a quick skim through the OffG articles, I haven’t even read any of Frei’s stuff.
Some personal insight at last.
Psycho bot, your programmer has done well on processing your comments through spell and grammar engines. Your spelling and punctuation are always perfect, even you rkeyboard never misses a key, nice to see.
Unfortunately psycho bot needs to spend a bit less time plugging pre-selected phrases together and more time on train of thought, the difficult bit, the fake “understanding”.
Dr Yeadon is one of our best hopes. He is fully aware of the evil that we are up against. And he fully understands that he has put his own life at risk because of the work that he is doing.
The best hope is that around the world millions of ordinary people are giving the middle finger to so-called experts.
Off-topic, but of course not, has anyone tried to log on to The Last American Vagabond today? I keep getting the “ERROR – this site is not secure and may steal your first born”
With the “Back to safety” click-on at the bottom of the ridiculous message.
Back to safety. That says it all.
In any case, I have tried accessing TLAV on bitchute, through his own platform, etc. and I still get the ridiculouts message.
Any solutions?
Yes!! I’m having the same issue, Got the same message!!! I commented about it on his bit chute channel so maybe he will let people know.
If Firefox is your browser, get of it and use “Brave Browser” . Far better.
Mozilla Firefox is now George Soros controlled.
You should have better results.
Update : I’m getting same result through Brave, I’m afraid.
OK, Admin, can you do an interview with Ryan Christian so we can find out what’s going on? (joking, but….)
I’m going to check his facebooka and instagram just to see.
Thanks, janmarsh and denny
Ryan Cristian.
Also, he has some problems.
They’ve had their SSL security certificate revoked. I got onto their site using an onion browser with TOR.
They’re probably being attacked right now because they have an image of a graph visually demonstrating the danger of the synthetic injectable pathogen on their front page.
The “vaccine” deaths reported in VAERS went up EIGHT FOLD since the jab was rolled out. The graph goes all the way back to when the VAERS system was initiated.
Yes, I’m watching it on facebook! and I am not even registered on facebook! Haha This VAERS thing is great.
God, what crooks.
you can bypass this.
When the error screen comes up click “Advanced,” then click “Accept the risk and continue.”
It’s a certificate expiration error, who gives a shit? Nothing to be alarmed about, and no risk involved with going to the site.
I was musing on how many waves of covid we are supposed to have had – assuming that it had to be quite a big number considering all the surging. And I found this:
Now I am a mite confused since I assumed that the waves were actual separate matters e.g. first wave cuts a fearful swathe, second wave cuts a different fearful swathe etc. But here’s what they say:
In other words, they are talking about three different phases of one wave.
Now Marina Hyde of the Graud frets:
Well considering how they are splitting up one wave into as many subdivisions as possible, I reckon they could have any number of waves already. Hell – they could even attribute a wave to every single death. Currently that means the UK has had 127 thousand waves.
Interesting term “waves“. Quite appropriate in a world ruled by Maritime law. No one notices they’ve become collateralized cargo within a big wholly see…
I have heard the sentiment, “It’s amazing that people still believe this virus shit!” I think it’s more worrying than that. They have simply become acclimatized to the “new normal” – or, to be more precise, the new tendency to keep shifting the goal posts. The viral verbiage is simply the new lingo which everyone spouts. I just heard a person talk about some new medical arrangement he had whereby he had to introduce himself via zoom screen to his new doctor. This info was received with amusement by the one he was talking to, but neither seemed to wonder over the sheer absurdity of it – or the unworkable nature of diagnosis from a distance.
This gets to the heart of the doctor-patient relationship: it’s mostly bullshit. Never mind the zoom screen – all you really need is a quick email:
Dear Doc: Feeling bad…tummy’s upset…and we’re having oysters on half shell tonight…what do you recommend?
Dear Patient: Hang in there. Keep the antacids on ready. Will send prescription for whatever medicine I’m dispensing today to your pharmacy.
The cliché used to be “Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.”
Now it’s “Call me in the morning and I’ll prescribe two aspirins.”
In years to come when Historians begin to examine what we are currently experiencing now with regard to how the public as a nation dealt with the Covid event, (I don’t want to refer to it as a pandemic as pandemics are real and my belief is that this crisis is a contrived circumstance) they will no doubt spotlight how different individuals handled their responses to what they had been fed by government propaganda, through television, press and street advertising that promoted a one-sided agenda that brooked no dissent to an alternative viewpoint.
The questions we should be ready to ask ourselves (and answer) is how we, personally, coped with this current crisis with regard to our level of compliance with government directives and instructions.
Let us question ourselves, as an example, if we participated in the wearing of face coverings in public places when, initially, government advice was that we should not. Did we do all that we could to seek out an alternative viewpoint to what we were being told by a government with a leader who had a track record as an inveterate liar – there was as always a plethora of opposing viewpoints by very eminent, knowledgeable individuals who have published their academic works for free on the internet. Did we have the wit, time or inclination to do that.
Will those people, in years to come, admit that they informed on their neighbours to the police when they observed more than the permitted number enjoying a cup of tea in their garden.
When it is learned that the world beating vaccinations are not as efficacious as they have been portrayed and to further combat these infections that have a survival rate of over 95% if the public at large accepts further multiple booster injections then people will have an even better chance of survival.
Germany went through a similar exercise of self-examination after WW2 in order to determine the extent of the public’s participation and enthusiasm for Nazi ideology on an individual level. It was found that much of the ordinary German population just lacked insight – they were ‘Mitläufer’ or those who simply went along with the flow of what they were being told by a political machine well versed in telling big lies and repeating them often enough.
There were others who knew differently to the extent that they were able to be categorised as major offenders (Hauptschuldige), Offenders (Belastete), lesser offenders (Minderbelastete) and the followers (Mitläufer).
Just as they did in Germany, I would like to envisage a real prospect of a national re-examination of our current individual actions, not that I may live to see it, as I may end up in a fifth category as one who spent his last days consigned to the Gulag for non-compliance.
People took to it like ducks to fucking water
I propose that identification of a new pathology is needed, surpassing Coroni and Hancock, or the Chuckle Brothers. It comprises an identification of a threat to our well-being, both mental and physical so dire that it should be funded for treatment as a matter of urgency. This pathology could be called BBC Brain. Suggestions of a better designation gratefully accepted. In the USA, BBC Brain could be renamed – perhaps Maddow Madness. Again suggestions accepted.
I have witnessed this pathology close-up in those who cannot wait to get the poisoned needle, to the point of martyrdom to a magnificent cause.
I use the pathological description ‘Covidiot’.
40% of all dollars EVER printed have been created in the past 12 months.
Creating new ‘assets’ like ‘alternative’ NFT’s & Bitcoin are a symptom of Dollar hyper-inflation / devaluation.
People are fleeing the dollar and they need assets to flee to, because they no longer trust or think traditional ‘safe haven’ investments, like shares, property, bonds or metals, are unreliable or overvalued, they have created new assets.
Watch the markets, especially US bonds, because the tyrannical hammer is coming down because the dollar is going down, they are linked.
Talk about shooting your mouth off! This week’s Dumb Arse Of The Week award goes to:
(CNN interview) She asks: Why would they take a vaccine, if they have freedom?
……indeed Why?
Well, there it is in a nutshell. Her stupidity in admitting this on CNN is much appreciated.
I love her very much, and want to have her babies.
Be nice to her.
Off topic, but on the “woke” “identity politics” front:
Morgan Freeman, on being asked, “What do we do about racism?” replied, “Well we can stop talking about it.” Which was the right thing to say. It is the constant drawing of attention to allegedly racist attitudes that reinforces those attitudes.
An example:
I was watching an old episode of the medical drama House. There’s a black actor playing a character called Foreman. And I felt painfully aware that he was a black man in a room full of white people. I was shocked to find myself wondering if a black guy ought to be in a room with whites. Back in the 70s I wouldn’t have given a shit. Thus, this woke pish only serves to perpetuate the very racism that it is putatively protesting against.
The US is one of the most racist country’s in the world, they ended slavery in 1860s, then they ended segregation in the 1960s and maybe they will end mass imprisonment of the black population in the 2060s. It is a sorry tail.
But at the same time they have always used race as a distraction from black and white poverty and social injustice, it is not possible to discuss poverty in the US media without it quickly becoming an endless discussion of racial discrimination, with all the usual denials and dead end arguments.
One of the current characteristics of the ‘woke culture’ pushed by the right-wing Corporate Democrats, and the Conglomerate owned News media is that it will never address or end racism, it is intended to increase racism in the white community and it is working.
I came to that conclusion in university when critical race theory was taking off in academia. I thought, doesn’t this focus on race just reinforce the importance of ‘race’? How does that help combat racism? Of course it really doesn’t but it does allow one to build a nice academic career.
Racists can keep their racist attitudes but racist actions should always be called out.
Only racists–aka evil people–and Uncle Toms–aka stupid people–would ever want to turn a blind eye to racist acts, institutions and policies. Or pretend that racism doesn’t exist.
It’s not really off topic. Evil and stupidity are the main reasons why we’re still talking about and dealing with this scamdemic a year after “2 weeks to flatten the curve” and it’s the main reason why racism will never die.
But hey, what do I know. Maybe, if we all just stop talking about this scamdemic it will magically go away on its own.
Never mistake evil for stupidity.
A moron can be forgiven, an evil piece of shit trying to act like a moron, cannot.
Evil, by definition, is really stupid. What is perceived as stupidity, is not necessarily evil though.
Very few people think children with down syndrome are clever. But, you don’t see them causing wars, imposing on you with sociopathic shit, right?
So, evil (because of its inherent stupidity), thinks it’s clever, and can convey the idea of “honest mistakes”.
I wonder if they know they’re damned, though?
Those who make peaceful opposition impossible will make violent opposition inevitable.
It looks like they are hiding and editing the brutal police attacks in the Belgium park.
EDITED to look nice
The lying cunts at the Guardian (below) have cut out the brutality
Distribute the original as much as possible.
Belgium court rules that all covid restrictions must end in 30 days.
Was the state throwing a tantrum in desperation trying somehow to incite violence for the people to be lockdown again? In light of the court ruling, the actions of the Belgium goon squads are reprehensible, downright disgusting, evil and criminal.
Honteux! It shows they are desperate.They are pushing coronapolitik too far, and it is to our benefit!
I certainly hope that is the case. And more people are awakened by video. The Belgium government is already trying to pass a new law to circumvent the ruling.
I also remember being at an antiwar protest in SF, and the police bringing in horses in the vicinity of Powell and Market streets. They were pushing us back with the horses, cornering us, to surround us for mass arrest. One brave protester suddenly laid down spread eagle in front of the horses, a couple of the horses reared back, apparently they don’t like to step on people, others of us began to lay down. The pigs left quickly with their horses, we did not see any horses rest of the day. And we were able to escape mass arrest.
I certainly wouldn’t want to lay down in front of charging horses like in the Belgium video. But it is something to consider when confronted with horses in a much more confined area than the park.
With a Covid lull in the Anglosphere it’s time for some other agendas to be pushed (like George Floyd happened between the so-called first and second waves):
The prediction that the Biden Presidency would see a revival of mass shootings is coming true. It’s difficult not to think these aren’t body punches until they push the button on the big one and go for the knockout blow. The occult season of sacrifice started on 21/3 and finishes on May 1st (Beltane).
P.S. The latest ‘shooting’ happened in Orange, the only colour that is 33 in gematria.
Alex jones was not lying about Sandy Hook, despite him backtracking and I knew it. These attacks are sometimes scams & sometimes real murders. You can tell when it is a rare real event, because the media are not primed with an official narrative.
Generations of British have been subjected to a propaganda machine that has gradually narrowed their understanding of what freedom is… to a choice between Strictly and Bake Off.
They have been challenged by a socio-economic attack that’s been waged against the British people since the Second World War. They’ve lost much of their famous sense of humour, and their historic readiness to stand up for their rights.
After WW2 freedom for Brits was just to be alive. Of course many people on the continent experienced much worse. But note that rationing was deliberately prolonged in Britain until 1954, almost a decade after the end of the war.
Psychological austerity. Deliberate repression. Tea dances and cake bake offs could not be a more obvious throwback.
Look how The Guardian steps up to the plate, to encourage you to join the obsession with dancing and cakes: anyone got some spats and a tin of powdered egg!
The Guardian, 2020: “It surely could not have been predicted that this reinvention of ballroom for television would prove such an enduring hit; but so it is. The BBC’s light entertainment flagship goes up as it goes on.”
I suspect the reinvention of ballroom was very much planned and foreseen. After all, newspapers promote it relentlessly.
The Guardian: The Great Celebrity Bake Off 2021: episode four – as it happened
The Guardian, 2019: EastSpenders: BBC criticised for £87m cost of new Albert Square
Effective propaganda doesn’t come cheap!
But still The Guardian laps it up, Mar 2020: Where to get your soapy fix when EastEnders goes off air …
In case you doubt that such TV content is a serious component of brainwashing consider the following:
The BBC ‘charity’ Marshall Plan of the Mind Trust, also known as BBC MPM back in 1995 was facilitating a ‘British-style social realist soap opera’, Crossroads to Kazakhstan.
“Marshall Plan of the Mind (MPM), devised by former BBC World Service Director John Tusa with support from Baroness Chalker. MPM focused on the twin tracks of helping to develop independent media and of using media to help people in the region understand and make choices about the changes suddenly unleashed all around them. Creative, exciting, fast-moving and fun—working with MPM was all of these—who had heard of an aid programme supporting soap operas before that?!”.”
John Tusa making soap operas — whyever not!
EastEnders is being put to full use: demonizing working class vaxx skeptics as chain smoking chavs — the SAGE SPI-B tactic of turning communities upon each other to cause friction and push the vaccine policy.
“You can’t help some people.” declares a posh BAME actor who dances a jig and declares he’s had both jabs.
I’m sure EastEnders, Strictly and Bake Off will continue to obsess the public, with the encouragement of the British press, as they negotiate the loss of their remaining freedoms.
If it’s Strictly Off in your home, I salute you.
Yes, it is truly remarkable how the media have relentlessly portrayed British society as being trapped in that little post WW2 bubble. I suspect there may be an American counterpart to this with the 50s.
The fundamental paradigm that has served as our moralistic model has been the “Allies against the Nazis” epic which has been relentlessly recirculated ever since. Especially now that the old Soviet bear has gone. And the Islamist terrorist bogey seems to have lapsed. I do not mean to say that the Nazis were really nice guys who have been demonised – but the constant spectacular vilification of them should really inspire a suspicion. The connections between various corporate interests and the Nazis is surely too well known to need explication here.
But the true issue is that all of this is irrelevant now. The Nazis as an image were the greatest prop in the Western political propagandist toolbox. But they are fading into the past. The generations come and the generations go but the propaganda does not abide for ever. It has to be constantly updated. And the minds of these generations are constantly changing. They are not even forgetting. They didn’t know much of this in the first place. Or, at least, they are not assimilating it in the way that the powers would like.
Ideally, the Western propagandists would love to keep everything as it appeared in the immediate post war world. The idea of unavoidable scarcity is clearly advantageous to the rulers. The plebs should certainly not expect too much. Ideally, they should not expect anything at all. (Thorstein Veblen always claimed that the productive forces of the West were never employed to their maximum capacity – serving the needs of the community not being an aim.)
So, the propagandist system churns out a redundant and indeed archaic image of the world around us and, of course, the celebrity sector joins in – not that it has much choice. As with journalists, the actors must comply if they want to maintain their high profile in the media which sustains their habitual lifestyle.
The real issue is the extent to which the public viewing this are taken in by it. I suspect the vast majority are never aware of the discrepancy between their own increasingly impoverished lives within the paraphernalia of the modern techno-state and the more glamorous impoverishment conveyed in the programming.
Incidentally, I am intrigued by this expression “Marshall Plan of the Mind”. I see that it was a mocking sceptical euphemism as in:
Is there truly an actual organisation calling itself “Marshall Plan of the Mind”?
How Does China’s Social Credit System Work?
Horrifying. The future ? Imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.
And for those still with their fingers in their earrs singinging la la la…this is called a spoof…..or is it ?
It’s going to be a lot worse than that spoof, unfortunately. I liked this comment…
“Very unrealistic, the production quality is too good to be a UK government infomercial.”
Or the more contemporary version: a smartphone slapping a masked human face forever.
This stage in what we may optimistically refer to as “our development” may be remembered as the start of “The Plague War” – as opposed to previous formulations like “The Cold War”, “The War On Terror” etc. The media has shown its true colours in its breathtakingly monomaniacal belligerence. The “Left” have shown their true colours in their absolute compliance with the media. The upshot is that there never was a representational society at all, there never was a democracy.
Admittedly we may have suspected such for decades – but naturally you don’t tend to delve too deeply when things seem to be going well or at least tolerably. But I don’t blame people for being hypocrites – and indeed it may be uncalled for to call them such when a reasonable life isn’t going to prompt anyone to delve.
But such is our “historical situation” (to borrow the Marxist lingo) that we are now forced to consider what’s really going on. And I can hear the current mainstream Marxists sneer: “Oh so now you bourgeois bastards are upset because you don’t get to play with your pub jukeboxes!”
Well, let’s quote old Trotsky:
“The swift changes of mass views and moods in an epoch of revolution thus derive, not from the flexibility and mobility of man’s mind, but just the opposite, from its deep conservatism. The chronic lag of ideas and relations behind new objective conditions, right up to the moment when the latter crash over people in the form of a catastrophe, is what creates in a period of revolution that leaping movement of ideas and passions …”
Yes, us bourgeois bastards – nay, even worse: us conservative bastards, have been woken up. And we are perhaps even prepared to listen to you lot. But what is that you’re saying? “Aaargh! The plague is real! Stay under your beds!” Not helpful! Ah we’ve woken up! You are shower of patsies! The true revolutionary spirit lies elsewhere. As Marx and Trotsky would have known.
Such is the condition of Plague Propaganda that the headlines alone give the game away by announcing the intention, the article itself being redundant – consisting of a new medico-speak and exciting flourishes like “These viral avatars are popping up”.
Here is the article headline referred to (from Bloomberg Opinion):
Their intentions are so screamingly obvious that any further comment seems unnecessary.
They never intended any return to “normal”. Normal is gone. Here in Victoria, calls for businesses to make scanning QR codes mandatory. You know… for our safety. And on top of that, the vaccination passports are almost here. What then?
I just saw the post from Kalamazoo9 below that Boris Johnson has announced trials of vaccine passports next month, tho I already knew as a couple of my UK Facebook friends also posted that.
Once they are widely introduced, it’s virtually game over, unless a helluva lot more people wake up from their stupor and get off their damned knees.
But I’m not holding my breath on that happening.
Shifts in rhetoric can be revealing. Do you recall “the new normal”? (which was introduced a year ago – its premature usage surely causing alarm bells to ring with anyone not comatose). Now we have “We may never go back to normal” Presumably, that means any kind of normal i.e. that they will be changing everything constantly from now on. (And you should know by now that “may” means “will”.)
The sheer shamelessness of their pronouncements i.e. the fact they are so upfront and not even bothering to hide the illegitimacy of their “argument” is so arrogant – and, I’m afraid, so justified since the vast majority will not reflect on this but simply assimilate the latest patter.
In West Aus there is already mandatory QR code registration in EVERY premises out side of your own home, with no mention of covid in the legislation or an end date, so it’s obviously a permanent thing. And most of the sheeple love it and treat it as a fun video game that they can play on their phone and never think that it is actually a breach of human rights. I’ve spent the last year actively trying to show people what’s really happening. If anyone hasn’t realised by now what’s going on, well fuck’em take the fax and die, if you survive more than a couple of years live the rest of your lives as a slave. I don’t care anymore I’m now in survival mode and looking after my own.
Correct these people are our enemies. Treat them accordingly.
Uh, I destroy enemies. War is the safest thing I know.
Sorry for the late reply Harold. There’s a powerful video on Bitchute by Naomi Wolf ‘why vaccine passports equals slavery forever’ which once they are implemented (if?) it’s game over.
I’ve been shocked at how successful this pysops has been, and that a depressingly large majority of Aussies have not only fallen for it, but worse, made absolutely no attempt to challenge what is happening.
In fact they’re fully embraced this bullshit. I sometimes wonder out in the Bush, away from the large cities, are people that brainwashed as well?
I’m basically in survival mode as well, and just getting thru a day at a time.
Have a good week…
We have had qr or sign in for months, most people ignore the bullshit, only a few sheep bother to comply.
Late last year, I went to my local Kmart and to my surprise there was a contact tracer at the entrance taking people’s names and phone numbers. I walked past him, and he started calling out “excuse me sir, you have to sign in with your name and phone number”.
Several times I declined and gave a firm ‘no thank you’ but he was insistent, so I turned around and walked out. I pointed at his clipboard and said ‘this is fascism, do you understand that? I will not shop here ever again’ and walked out.
Obviously small businesses will not be able to afford to have people stationed at their entrance, but given how brainwashed the sheep are, you can imagine a Karen or Ken shop assistant demanding you scan the QR code before being able to purchase anything.
Ban the use of facemasks in Schools (UK Gov Petition)
And (imposed) EMF, and fluoride, and pesticides, herbicides, and all vaccines for any children.
Oh and anyone who tries to give a child say, Ritalin, will get punched in the cunt.
Thank you signed and promoted
“Happy Easter”
If somebody wants to celebrate life, the fact that the sun comes out after the Earth’s last night’s revolution around its axis and the current position of our planet in the Universe, and enjoy the fast-coming spring, I wish them a beautiful day. That wish, I extend to every day, every night, every moment of one’s existence.
As to Easter, Christmas, and horseshit manufactured by the covidians of yesteryear to put ideological shackles on human beings, fuck that …
Enjoy life, the air you breathe, nature … Fuck artificial bullshit …
Indeed aspnaz
This is the day that the gloves come off… it’s now or never fellow libertarians.
The poll data, if it’s to be believed to be legit suggest 62% of Brits are very happy for the draconian track/trace tech to roll atop all of us, and only allow the vaxxed to go for a tipple at the local pub.
This blatant propaganda will now be splashed 24/7 till Monday when BoJo announces the next stage of the WEF Fourth Reich Plan.
I fear if this oppressive mandate does rolls in, democracy as we used to know it is done and not just in the UK:
No smartphone = no freedom to leave home.
No roaming wifi plan = no freedom to leave home.
No NHS track/trace app active = no freedom to leave home.
No experimental gene therapy jab = no freedom to leave home.
See what they’ve so quickly accomplished with this digi-spider-web play?
This is the GloboCap/Bankster/Davostokracy checkmate move, make no mistake.
Next up social credit scores, CBDC, UBI and the full debasement of your pre Covid life as you knew it.
If the British people don’t fight this then they deserve to live in slavery. So far 70 tory MPs opposed it, which is 30 above Johnson’s majority, so unless Labour vote with them it cannot be passed into law.
So if businesses have a choice, then people need to avoid those that implement it. It would be nice if small businesses ignored the system and the big corporate chains implemented it, we could all veto corporate chains and let them haemorrhage cash.
Unfortunately, one is alarmed at the thought that it is precisely today’s ‘Labour’ party which typically would vote with them…
its aimed at low iq people, ian duncan smith OMFG its amazing how a 50£ PR jobs and some of theses evil people are now advocate of truth
OPPOSING, back benchers revolt,
its theatre for the brain dead. mind you its still April 1st
remind me where was this revolt?? opposing with no mask no entry or the cv act!/
what about when people who wrote like support workers carers to their leader of the Constitution in tories and labour town citys to say they was refused entry or they wasnt allowed to get a drink in cafe or restaurant as condition of entry was name and address telephone number1!
this was only 6 months back the same carers family members where told they could not see their familys,. WHERE’s the revolt then??
Where was this revolt??? uproar when certain places would not let people in unless they scanned the QR code even though people did not have the latest smart dumb phone with that facility on it? WHERE the revolt ??? when old people homes vaccinating mothers and fathers when their children said NO and they was still not allowed to go and see their own parents or children this is not long after they killed how many old people ??
WHERE is the fukcing revolt then????????? from theses 72 MP’s
What about the revolt for children having to wear masks and being tested
Where the revolt when they let jobcenters stay open and made people not work and closed business’s ?
it coming retard season called local selection voting you should be repulsed and their is no back benchers revolt,!!! their is the illusion, sold to plebs.
Not all of you, but their is many who suffer cyber psychosis amnesia
It’s at times like these that we find out what our MPs are made of.
Currently, it looks as if they were all specially bred on Mars to thwart thousands of years of human common sense.
“We are siting on a time bomb of morons.”
As was the case with the Christianity hoax, the Greater Good (protect granny from catching the virus) is used to fuck up people’s heads to make them a) accept control/enslavement, b) terrorize, destroy others who understand the bullshit, c) all the other fucking crap the motherfuckers are foisting on the world.
The inquisition stage is coming soon … if we’re not there already …
You mean the Church of Darwin Hoax. The Church of Warming hoax.
Darwin produced real science in the days before your CIA got their hands on it.
Proof yet again that my decision to emigrate out of the UK in the 90s was a wise decision … I feel sorry for the few sane people left behind with the 70+% of utter wimps still celebrating their bravery in winning WW2.
Tyranny alive and well in Belgium yesterday. Video shows people out enjoying the glorious weather being assaulted with water cannon, police dogs, riot police and mounted police. Short video, watch to the end for the worst part.
Even many of my ‘well educated’ friends are proving themselves to be nothing more than mentally retarded idiots at the moment when it comes to this flu outbreak.
I think that is also true of all those who work in government and the police. When you listen to those mormons in the department of education, forcing masks on children or today the head of safety at a major trade union, who is STILL demanding business be loaded with stupid ‘covid safe’ crap, then you realise that when tested these people are dangerous fools who have no idea what they are doing. ……they have they demonstrate the mental maturity of 3 year olds.
We are siting on a time bomb of morons.
The police are not even pretending to be on the side of the people. Weakness breeds contempt, and all you can see here is contempt. The police deliberately attacking people with their horses and dogs. Watching that video I cannot see what choice the people have other than to take this shit forever or to fight back with committed violence. The authorities are making it clear that they will not offer them any other options.
We can at the very least call the bastards pigs.
Apologies, pigs! Farmed male pigs have their balls removed when they are babies, I wonder if that is why they turn out so nasty as police. But I noticed a few females in the horseback hoggery, maybe female eunuchs is the gemaine singular name, but the collective noun? Maybe circus? A circus of pigs on horseback.
The video reminds me of a police state over the top response at protest of a WTO agricultural ministerial in Sacramento, Ca in the early 2000’s. The police out numbered us protestors at least two one. Tanks and machine guns were used for intimidation—intimidation seems to be the main tactic in Belgium—as well as tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets and horses. Because it the repression was so over the top, people came out of the neighborhoods and our numbers grew. A few delegates from Africa came out of the convention center to personally thank a few of us, outside the doors protesting, for being there, and that our presence against the heavy militarized police helped gave them the courage to vote against any agreements proposed at the ministerial.
We need to continue to grow our numbers. Become better communicators with others that don’t agree with us. Find some common ground and then build upon it.
Heartening to see the resistance from the Belgium youth. It looks like from other sources that the resistance went into the night. The tv feeds seem to show the violence only of the protesters making the police seem benign. We must think clearly in our actions, knowing the main shit media peddles propaganda, and everything is being orchestrated for multiple purposes.
Just a thought. What if the entire video is fake? Conceived to send the message to those who might be thinking about straying from the prescribed path that “Resistance Is Futile” – this is what will happen to you if you step out of line.
I don’t put anything past the authorities.
So my Aunt recently had to move to the Netherlands and she apparently had to go get a swab test thing.
She said it hurt like a motherfucker and it’s still hurting.
Of course, I would’ve urged her to avoid that dehumanizing pointless garbage, but I didn’t know.
Just announced on France Inter, the major radio channel, France wont introduce any sanitary pass, so no vaccines, nor PCRs will be necessary for life here.
In UK, Chris Whitty announced that people will have to live with covid like with flu, it will be “managed” in the same way as the latter is. Yes I know there’s no covid. But at this point, what we want is the end of measures. Then we can fight the rest of the battles.
If they are suddenly in these 2 worst countries making such announcements its because
the public pressure is high (high profile case going on in France against all measures, brought by major doctors and lawyers and more that 1000 citizens+ incessant protests). Still we have to remain very vigilant, maintain pressure, increase it.
Pessimists will say its because they’ve already achieved what they wanted. I dont think so: they havent been able to vaccinate everyone, possibly they realise the opposition is strong, and millions have lost their jobs and this is now going to start impacting their lives. Possibly the heads of States realise they could be lynched, so they’re trying to show themselves as the ones that “brought back freedom”.
I knew the wind was turning when 2 of the most obnoxious figures of French media: one top journalist, who was in charge of government communication, apparently published very recently a book explaining there had been no pandemic, that the governments had made it all up, and another, an adulated TV person, close friend of Mrs Macron, very close to power,
suddenly a week ago or so gave an interview that he didnt understand why everyone associated him with power, that on the contrary he’s against the government and can be found on the barricades (he on the barricades is a laughable concept). These 2 turncoats wouldnt have written and said this unless they were afraid, afraid of what might happen to them.
You’ll see now one by one everyone, especially the clever ones, changing their tune for fear of popular lynching. Dogs always do that. Its only the stupid ones that will be caught. And dont expect the public will lynch the true culprits, only some of the stupids. But yes we’ll get our freedoms back until it all begins again under some new alibi. Dont depend on peoples to build a better society. But for some of us, the fight for humanity, whether humanity knows it or not is irrelevant, will continue for the rest of our lives: to make people human beings in the full sense of the term. For some of us, its an eternal fight.
Happy Easter.
I admire your optimism but as someone who works in the live event industry I can’t see public gatherings over 30 people being allowed to happen anytime soon. I fear the whole industry will never come back the way it was before. I think in the future all public gatherings will include proof of vaccination, mass surveillance and social distancing but I’d love to think you’re right and the end is in sight. I truly would.
Happy Easter 🐣
Being a musician, I kinda agree with you. I don’t expect that concerts will ever take place the way they used to, as preposterous as that might sound to some if not many.
Real events will be clandestine, underground. Nothing new under the sun, actually, during the Second World totalitarian era, only officially sanctioned art/entertainment was permitted.
As to Easter, I know you mean well, but fuck Easter. That’s the same bullshit as COVID. Iit’s like 2,000 years from now, people will be saying Happy Second Lockdown …
Jacques, see below. We’ll make it. There is hope. Flimsy hope, but hope. And its for us to open wider the slowly opening door. If it is slowly opening its thanks to us all who are trying to remain human, trying to further any spark we see in others… By being demoralized and thinking the worse, you are making that worse more likely. By being optimistic, but not stupidly, knowing exactly whats going on, you make it possible for some good to come, as I said the recovery of our basic freedoms.
Take my country (the one I was born in): it fought to get independence from Britain. What we have there now is terrible, its forgotten the positive points of its own culture, and instead of learning any of the good of European culture, has taken the worst, so its the worst of both worlds in some sense right nwo.
Still, I was born free, not some 2nd class citizen, with free access to everything,
I didnt so to speak, have to be “at the back of the bus”. Thats why when people talk of recent centuries in Europe and regret them, I dont, both because I am from that part of the world, and because Im a woman.
Thats what I mean, we will get back our freedoms, at least those we lost since last year, but I doubt it will be a wonderful world. One would have to be naive to believe that. There will be much bad in what follows, in some ways worse than anything we know, but there will be at least this: we will be free, and then its up to you to live as you wish, where its congenial, and to rebuild as you wish, within limits, but still it will be life worth having been lived, much more worth, than if this absolute extreme dystopia hadnt happened: tell me how many of you truly were involved in a purpose that went beyond your little circle, how many of you had true friends you could share your opinions with, true friends who were as minded about freedom, and all as you all are. Ive met my first real friends in this life (apart from my parents) because of the dystopia. To tell the truth Im glad it happened. Ive met fellow humans, all fighting to bring back humanity, its incredible. I still remember constantly asking my mother: how to to meet people like me… She had suggested, after her death, I go round the world, not through my academic work, but to meet people, beyond the system… When we got locked up, I was about to set on that journey. But now its been simplified: I have met through notably this comments section, a handful of you, then by pure chance some others in real life because I had an accident and during lockdowns could not be taken care of in the usual way, so the very best came forward to offer help, and look after me: for no money, for no ulterior motive, just because you help when someone is in need of help. And evidently they fully understand whats going on, for anyone who is so compassionate, so turned towards life, evidently knows instinctively what is true and what is false, and have no fears.
One day, I hope to meet in real all those of you I have only met through emails.
And I hope we will continue together our journey through life.
Before I had no idea how to reach my audience (I write). Now I know, Im in touch with it, Im writing for outlets in touch with that audience, didnt even know about those outlets before, and some are new, they wouldnt have been founded without the dystopia. To have my writings diffused to thousands, its unbelievable to me. And I have learnt a tremendous amount, realised a tremendous amount through all my exchanges with you all. You’ve all made such a difference to my life. None of this could have happened without this terrible tragedy. Yes we’re all suffering,and sometimes I feel I cant go on anymore, but then there’s this other side.
To all those who are trying to hold on to their humanity, despite possibly very difficult circumstances, I wish you all once again a very happy Easter. Im not Christian, but lets hold on to the idea of the resurrection, of the resurrection of humanity, not of crucifixion of all that is human.
Stop giving stuff away about yourself, we’ll be able to work out your address soon.
Bravo, Annette. I rejoice in your wonderful assessment. How appropriate that this should happen at Easter, the first anniversary of Boris Johnson’s miraculous recovery from COVID. It may also explain why he has been speaking in tongues, but in his case, only two. Bravo, Offguardian – for your stalwart defence of the barricades. Let the tumbrils roll…
You are assuming that vaccinating everyone was their objective. Perhaps they had other objectives? – shifting money over to the private sector, wrecking public services, causing an intensification of divide-and-rule etc.
Yes, vaccines are part of the plan only. But to succeed, they would either have to keep tyranny for ever, so people agree to die quietly in their own homes of hunger eventually, or keep printing money for ever, but that in itself will create inflation,
or vaccinate even more widely so that people are no longer even able to realise that they are going hungry and simply die. If they fail in keeping people under control for sufficiently long and forcing them to die, then they will have failed in the sense that we will get back our freedoms. They certainly have made gains, unprecedented gains. Now, its for populations to demand the guilty be judged and the return to a humane society, i.e. so recovering its losses. That somehow I doubt will happen, Im only talking of our freedoms. But some of us will continue the fight throughout our lives. But then thats the eternal fight between good and evil and we’re footsoldiers in that fight. There will be some good, and much bad, but at least we can locally change our lifestyle, and more will make sure they do so, for more than before have realised the extent of the issues.
This is why we will get back our concerts. What does it matter that the rich elites wont come to them?! What were classical music concerts until now: a place for those who could afford the price of the tickets to show themselves. So no Jacques, you’ll get the concerts back in all types of music, but this time only those who truly appreciate it. This may mean smaller audiences, but what does a true musician care about those there to “display their status”. Even Jazz: in Paris, its where the Bourgeois bobo showed themselves. Do they really care for it, does it give them anything, help them getting any meaning of life? No, otherwise they wouldnt today be cowering for an illusory virus and accepting to be tortured and defrauded.
We must keep the pressure, we must make sure that any ray of hope is realised.
I hope you’re right Annette.
Interesting to see this as a main story on Ouest France today.
Lawyer for the family of a 24 year old who died 10 days after Astra Zeneca shot promises to fight to determine cause of death.
Beware: it is an Obama technique to promise resistance to an idea then to suddenly pass it into law.
But France was good on the ‘tracking apps’ which were not allowed by law to be obligatory for entry anywhere, as they were in the UK. I am hopeful Like you, i think that vicious Belgium attack by criminal police was so shocking, it will wake many people up in Europe.
I know, they already have in place their new fake leaders. I know of a possible one in France. As he has many fake names, I dont know his real name. But I guess Id recognize him if I saw him suddenly on political platforms. Or perhaps he’s just part of those arranging things for a fake coloured revolution. Now if populations cant tell the difference, they’ll have to suffer. But, for some of us, the first thing is to get rid of the restrictions on life, go to safety, and keep going onwards… If populations let themselves be duped, its their problem. At least until these events, people like me could live keeping distances. Im just wanting right now a return to that: the future is never like the past, so it will have as I said some good and much bad, but at least some good.
Northern Ireland terrorists managed to turn around the British government using committed violence. It is the only example of anyone forcing the British government hand. Undoubtedly their methods would be as effective today as they were back in the times of the troubles.
Empire falls…
“We will rise up in betrayal”
I guess when he asks “Do you know who I am?” they’re about as clueless as “freemasons” are about Cernunnos.
Betrayal comes from above: the decision is whether to combat that betrayal to save the land of your ancestors. Are you willing to fight to save your country?
I don’t give a shit about “country”.
I will never fight for any country, it’s one of those fundamentally degenerate dividing factors.
Some people are like “I’m a proud american, I’m a proud israeli, I’m a proud chinese”. So you’re saying you’re not human?
Sorry, earth without countries, is better.
*PS, I don’t have ancestors.