Three(ish) New Reads – March

Philip Roddis

Just two reads this month. (You’ll see why when you clock the word count of the first one.) This past year I’ve been in an uncomfortable place vis-a-vis CV-19.

On the one hand I’m impressed by sceptics like Germany’s Professor Bhakdi and America’s Professor Wittkowski. On the other I’ve been turned off by conspiracy takes that fail basic logic tests. Turned off too by shoddy thinking and armchair zealotry on all sides. My first recommend brings a radically different perspective.

My second is for those who, mistrusting the hysterical outpourings of our venal politicians and deeply compromised media, genuinely want to know how China’s leaders view the world – and their nation’s role in improving it.


Cui Bono? The COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy’ (20,620 words)

A year into the covid thing it seems clear the pandemic isn’t all it was cracked up to be when it kicked off – roll over ebola & tell influenza the news!  Twelve months ago coffins laid out in the streets, and mass burial sites, seemed not so much on the cards as a done deal.

Dig around a bit (but beware those free enterprise zealots of Great Barrington) and you’ll find credible voices sceptical of the level of threat, and critical of lockdown. These for instance.

Below a post last month, one comment led me to this read. I don’t endorse it unconditionally. In fact I’ll start with what I don’t like, before moving to what I do. The first section – What We Know – irked me, once I’d checked its first few claims, in a way now familiar to me on all sides. Papers without peer review I can forgive. (Peer review I see as mainly good, but over-egged.) I do bristle though when gish-galloped by an armada of claims, each seemingly backed up with all due diligence, which turn out to deliver less than promised on the tin.

Here are the first six of forty-five claims listed in that opening section. All are UK-centric, though with wider relevance, and all begin with a litanic, “we know that”:

  • Government strategies for responding to a viral epidemic … were abandoned in favour of the historically unprecedented policy of national lockdown.

The linked evidence is a seventy page Department of Health document. No steer is given to the smoking guns which, it is darkly implied, lie within – though the author must know that of the few who download the doc, a vanishingly small fraction will read it.

  • Government contracts for the campaign of propaganda worth £119 million were signed with PR firms 3 weeks before the first lockdown.

I’m familiar with this claim, which I’ve seen slammed down like a royal flush to a pair of twos as proof positive that BoJo’s initial stance of ‘herd immunity’ was a smoke-screen.

This is poker, right?

Well if it is, the stakes are in the trillions. £119m doesn’t get us past the door and into the game. You see, once we get into the bluffing thing, there’s no end to where it can take us.

So? This too is a marginal sum. Its expenditure on advertising tells us nothing we didn’t know: viz, that the Cabinet Office thought (or said it thought) it justifiable; and that tory (and tory-lite) governments favour privatised outsourcing, in this case of PR.

Yes, the criteria were changed. As to the why, I’ve read explanations both sinister and innocent but mine is a different point on the conflation, sly or just sloppy, of a verified fact with an unverified motive. We’re being sold a tautology, the claim its own proof.

Think me one-sided? Not a bit of it. I’m as irked by the shoddy thinking of those who cite excess mortality rates as proof of Covid-19 severity, ignoring deaths from lockdown itself: primarily to other illnesses going unreported or untreated, but also suicides, homicides and the fatal results, coming on top of public services cut to the bone, of non medical but vital services diverted.

Crap arguments on all sides are one of many depressing symptoms of such turbulence. I see them as corollaries of the Illusion of Knowing, fervently if paradoxically embraced in inverse ratio to objective certainty. When we tell ourselves we Already Know, it seems we can buy – and sell – any old drivel provided it seems to back us up.1

  • 95 per cent of the deaths attributed to the disease are of people with pre-existing health conditions like cancer, dementia, heart disease or diabetes.

I’m not sure what is being said here. They would have died anyway? They don’t matter? Or is it the altogether more tenable point that if – by means not spelt out – we find ways to protect such groups, lockdown can be lifted? Clarification would be good.

The same goes for this too, though it introduces a second claim (without evidence) which may be significant. My eyes glaze over on matters of statistical significance. I need hand holding on what it means if, as stated, average age of death to CV-19 is the same as that of all deaths. Since it is given as additional to the over-70s claim, I assume it a new point. What though? As a matter of arithmetic fact, I suppose the number of Covid deaths could rise a hundredfold without altering average age of death. But then, sums never were my strong suit.

Enough. I’ve no intention of going through all forty-five claims. My beef is that when we really get down to it, reliable sources – and this too is a corollary of the Illusion of Knowing – are rare as vaccine jabs on the Gaza Strip. So why recommend so long a read? Three reasons.

Firstly I share, albeit with less certainty, its understanding of Covid-19 as overstated; lockdown as a cure worse than the disease. (Though I see the more pressing issue as that of resisting the saddling, of those least able to pay, with the bill.)

Secondly this read marks for me a breakthrough. While I’ve long been sympathetic to sceptics like Bhakdi, Wittkowski and to lesser extent Gupta, one thing kept me from full endorsement. I don’t mean the evangelism, reductivism and bad reasoning of many ‘sceptics’. Nor the zeal of some who should have known better to leap between the sheets with interests they’d hitherto rightly loathed. Such things irk me but that’s all, and in any case ‘sceptics’ have no monopoly on bad thinking. At issue for me was that the conspiracy takes of many sceptics – not all, though a disconcerting number flip back and forth here – fail elementary tests cited in my February post.

One in particular: If this is a devilish plot, how come China, Russia and Cuba are in on it too?

This read, for all its lesser faults, doesn’t so much break through that obstacle. (Other texts, this for instance, have tried and failed to do that.) Rather, it convincingly sweeps it aside:

Current framing of [the CV-19] question offers only two responses, successfully dividing [Britain] into two camps. Either we are facing a civilisation-threatening virus to which our governments are responding [albeit] with incompetence and opportunism to a genuine and real threat to public health; or the whole thing has been manufactured by a conspiracy of powerful individuals and organisations … whose immense wealth and influence enables them to grind the organ to which our various governments are dancing.

I don’t believe either of these answers to be correct … the statistical data, medical reports and coronavirus-justified legislation do not corroborate the veracity of the first answer. But I also don’t believe that the refusal to believe this blatant lie means believing the easily-dismissed second answer that there must — therefore — exist a conspiracy of political, economic and technological powers which have either manufactured this deadly virus in a secret lab in Wuhan or fabricated the effects of a virus whose genome still hasn’t been sequenced.

On the contrary, I believe it is this binary response — a deadly virus or an even deadlier conspiracy, neither of which is supported by what we know about the world in the early Twenty-first Century — that has stopped the truth about this crisis appearing to those who are looking for it.

Which leads me to my third reason for recommending this read. In his break with conspiracist takes, author Simon Elmer of Architects for Social Housing delivers the first truly materialist – indeed, dialectically materialist – explanation I’ve seen of what is happening and why:

I want to start our awakening from the sleep of reason by looking at the social practices of the coronavirus crisis [to] correct the conspiracy theory of an elite with their hands … on the gears of history. Let’s [instead] look at the machine of history. We all know its name, and despite all the renewed predictions of its death it hasn’t gone away. On the contrary, it’s just going through a revolution … but its name is still the same. Capitalism.

Marx was right. When the material productive forces of society come into conflict with existing relations of production — its property relations — a period of social revolution begins. ‘With the change of the economic foundations’, he wrote, ‘the entire immense superstructure is more or less rapidly transformed.’ The expansion into new markets of the neoliberal capitalism that has dominated Western democracies for 40 years no longer has to accommodate liberal democracy. What we are undergoing — what we are colluding in producing — are the new political, legal and social forms for a multinational biosecurity state. And no elite, no matter how powerful, is in control of it for the simple reason that, despite immensely powerful international organisations increasingly divorced from and opposed to democratic process, capitalism is a dynamic process that develops by conflict and contradiction.

Capitalism has a grip on the world the like of which it has never had before, and as it faces the long-heralded limits to [its] expansion it is developing new forms and powers to extend that grip further over the world’s diminishing resources. But there is no single government or corporation ruling the globe, no secret society whose members sit on every cabinet and board.

The US Government is the greatest military power the world has ever seen, and the United Nations has long been superseded by far more unaccountable coalitions of state and corporate powers whose activities are largely secret and getting more so. And the power of technology to monitor and control the world’s populations is expanding at an exponential rate in both breadth and depth. But the world is not a single, supra-political block.

There is no invisible hand of the market-god ruling over us, for good or for evil; there are only devils competing for his crown. The world undergoing this revolution in capitalism remains a conflict whose battleground, now and for the immediate future, is the coronavirus crisis. What makes that conflict new for Western democracies is that the war being waged is a civil one, of governments against their own people, rather than against other countries.

By looking at how this civil war is being waged, therefore, we can begin to understand to what ends it is being fought.

What follows is a materially grounded account of a ‘revolution in capitalism’ as its only way out of a corner its inner dynamic has painted it into. A way out which breathes new meaning into an old equation: socialism or barbarism. This capitalist revolution, an act of radical re-engineering, has its “battleground, now and for the immediate future, in the coronavirus crisis”.

In the specific context of CV-19 and lockdown (I’m using this term as metonym for all restrictive acts of state in the name of pandemic) I spoke of Elmer’s bypassing a false either/or. At a wider level it sketches out – nothing too detailed; that would be hubristically premature at this stage – a much needed alternative way of thinking about modern capitalism and its demise, desired by all life loving and properly informed persons.

Elmer rejects, as I do, ‘parliamentary socialism’ on the one hand; an obsolete revolutionary vanguard model – its underpinnings swept away by imperialism’s export of manufacturing to the global south – on the other.

And this my friends is why I urge you, whatever chapel you currently attend in what I have long called a religious divide on Covid, to set aside in the week ahead the three or four hours – not necessarily or even ideally as a contiguous block – you’ll need to read Mr Elmer’s thoughts.


The Long Game and its Contradictions (3,347 words)

Given my unusually long intro to the previous and uniquely long read, I’d best be brief here. For six years or more I’ve been a cautious admirer of the rise of China and Russia.

A critic too of the narratives of demonisation – cheating at sports … Smershesque foiled poisonings of dissidents a stone’s throw from Porton Down … regional ‘aggressions’ which, even if they held up under close scrutiny (they seldom do) are eclipsed by Western imperialist carnage this century alone – peddled by media of right-wing and liberal stripe.

Narratives oddly silent on motives far more credible for vilifying the two most important states declining – till now politely, though this is likely to change – Washington’s invitation for them to return meek and chastened to the fold of its toxic exceptionalism.

I’ve seen Eurasia’s resurgence in global terms, as a welcome check to a US dominance helpfully laid out, early this century, by a Dubya aide widely believed to be Karl Rove[2].

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

And because I’ve seen Eurasian resurgence and its attendant demonisation in global terms, I’ve done little to gain internal perspectives. How does Russia see herself? How does China?

This lucid read, by Berlin based He Zhao, is a breath of fresh air; its shrewd but sympathetic appraisal of China realpolitik a worthy complement to the writings of two others cited more than once in these monthly despatches; the Brazilian journalist Pepe Escobar and the American economist Michael Hudson.


[1] “We buy any old drivel if it seems to back us up.” This has little to do with the “critical thinking skills” universities fondly serve up as antidote; misdiagnosing a deep rooted emotional tendency, huge in all of us, as a lack of reasoning skills. How do we know? Because the moment critical ‘skills’ enthusiasts see their own interests threatened, impartial assessment of inconvenient arguments flies out the window!

[2] Rove has a record of nastiness impressive even by 21st century Beltway standards. As well as defending torture – plus an email scandal of the kind that later tainted HRC, rescue from Congressional subpoena by ‘executive privilege’ and dark ‘joke’ about murdering a senator (an obnoxious one to be sure, but it’s the thought that counts) – Rove’s role in the Valerie Plame affair earned him another subpoena. This he dodged by resigning on the ground that “I just think it’s time to leave.” That covers it, I guess.

Oh, hang on a minute: Rove chaired the White House Iraq Group charged with bigging up the WMD threat as cover for – amongst a rich mix of criminal motives – an oil grab that left at least one million Iraqi dead and condemned the rest to years of sectarian terror.


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Mr Y
Mr Y
Apr 9, 2021 6:52 PM

Conspiracies happen all the time but to those of you believing that Covid-19 is a product of a mega conspiracy, how is such a gigantic conspiracy feasible? Details, please.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 10, 2021 10:09 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

No “mega conspiracy”. No “gigantic conspiracy”. A desperate bandwagon for the various gangster centres.

Jonathan Reece
Jonathan Reece
Apr 8, 2021 8:16 PM

HEY! Off-Guardian! PLEASE don’t publish any more articles by Philip Roddis. I might accidentally click on them and waste more time.
Maybe he’s just too full of himself to realise how ignorant he is, but this is quite a miscellany of different kinds of crap.
How embarrassing to say – in public – things like “If this is a devilish plot, how come China, Russia and Cuba are in on it too?”
Go through all of Richard Andrew Grove’s “Peace Revolution” podcasts; then all of James Corbett’s; read Anthony Sutton and Carrol Quigley; listen to Fletcher Prouty and Ray McGovern; familiarise yourself with actual journalism, like John Pilger and Whitney Webb … BEFORE putting pen to paper again. A degree in Physics might help you discern the nature of evidence, and a half-way effective epistemological model.
Even then, think carefully before inflicting your waffle on the World again.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Apr 8, 2021 1:31 PM

I’ve just come across the following book, which perfectly relates this very dire situation the human race is in. Written by an Irishman called Gary Jordan, it’s called “The Covid-19 Illusion: a cacophony of lies”. I was reading an article written by Jordan, in which he mentioned the book. After looking it up, I decided to buy a copy. The author very forcefully makes the point that what’s happening worldwide is a (very sinister) scam, and provides all the many evidences which support that factual statement. Anyone who’s currently accepting the ‘official narrative’ would soon change their tune if they read this book. Unfortunately, though, as most of us are very painfully aware, the many ‘sheep’ simply refuse to listen to any data that doesn’t emanate from what THEY regard as ‘official’ sources. As I have experienced all too painfully. Literally all my immediate family members (in various places here in the UK), and all but one friend, are blind-believers in the ‘official narrative’, and refuse to address the ACTUAL facts which demonstrate the ‘official’ narrative to be fraudulent. At least six of my family members have now submitted to the injection, and all but one of my friends. Their having submitted to it causes me much pain and worry, for them. I wonder whether any of you have learnt, today, that the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has recently gone back on what they said back in January. On 29 January 2021, they, the ECHR, said (and I quote a headline), “European Court of Human Rights: voted that prohibits member states from making vaccination against the coronavirus mandatory”. Link to that is below: https://theirishsentinel.com/2021/01/29/european-court-of-human-rights-voted-that-prohibits-member-states-from-making-vaccination-against-the-coronavirus-mandatory However, there’s a document out today which says “ECHR rules obligatory vaccination may be necessary”. Link is below: https://dw.com/en/echr-rules-obligatory-vaccination-may-be-necessary/a-57128443 We are living in immensely… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 8, 2021 4:12 PM

Hello Christine Thompson: The saddest thing is that the “media” intentionally changes horses every 10 minutes. All the sick little twats love to hear themselves blather in the giant echo chamber of their minds.
The civilian public is subjected to their delusional meanderings day after day, and are thus left confused and paralyzed. All part of the plan.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Apr 9, 2021 12:21 AM

Yes, you’re absolutely right, of course. They want to confuse the masses, so that the latter are bewildered, not knowing who to trust. One thing is definite: the Establishment – the evil powers-that-be, the people behind this horror that’s taking place – CANNOT be trusted with the wellbeing of the people.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 9, 2021 1:18 AM

Hello again Christine: Groups of people (called “organizations”) cannot be trusted with the well being of any persons but those who organize the organization. Therein lay the rub…

Well being left to individual choice is not part of the oligarchic plan…

Linda Ferland
Linda Ferland
Apr 6, 2021 11:45 PM

1 important point about Big Pharma–It was created for only 1 purpose: To Make $$$$$$$; hence, why would it be creating these vaccines if there wasn’t an Agenda in place for Enslaving/Controlling every population!

Apr 5, 2021 11:41 AM

Did I read this right?
This writer is pooh-poohing the importance of a lockdown PR contract weeks before Johnson’s road to Damascus moment on the grounds that it was only worth a hundred million?
That ‘argument’ surely gets the prize for bad faith.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 5, 2021 12:04 PM
Reply to  October

Yes it’s a belter isn’t it? Non sequitur of the month. I would have said “of the year” but I’m sure he has a million of ’em waiting to ward off all attacks of the conspiracy imp.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 5, 2021 8:59 AM

Last night as so often happens, I woke up in the wee small hours and found that a certain item which has been niggling me returns in full force and I get really emotional about it and can’t get back to sleep for ages. In this case it was the Roddis issue. Now it may come as a surprise from the kind of stuff I put in here, but I tend to be a self-effacing kind of person. I keep thinking of the description Colin Wilson gave to Van Gogh: that he constantly overestimated other people and underestimated himself. So, I’m the guy who never says the right thing at the right time and goes away fuming about what I should have said. So, I reacted to Roddis’s article on his own site and then, when reading it here, I think “Good God! He really said that too? Fuck – I should never have let him get away with that!” etc. The basic situation is that Roddis likes to portray himself (and no doubt sees himself) as the sensible guy in the middle, perched between fanaticisms and offering “the lonely voice of reason” etc. But he has fundamentally misunderstood the situation. This is not a nice fireside chat that disputes a matter and ends with people in the huff and storming off in opposite directions. This is a matter in which one side has almost total control of the lines of communication, rams its story down everyone’s throat every second of every day and imposes restrictions and changes which suspend and, in many cases, destroy the lives of everyone in the community. The other side consists of isolated individuals who have the bad manners to query the whole issue – and they are the ones who are labelled as “fanatics”,… Read more »

Apr 8, 2021 4:57 AM
Reply to  George Mc

How many months is it since you publicly announced, right here on this site, that you had crossed Philip Roddis off your goto list or deleted him from your bookmarked tabs or however you expressed it? Six, ten, over a year? So what is it? He runs a blog, this site’s administrators choose to republish some of its articles. His blog should be closed down? Editing administrators here should be replaced? You enjoy writing to the European Commission about local council omissions? You have deep seated rumination problems? Your ‘Skip’ key fell off? Your ‘Shit’ key has taken on a life of its own?

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 10, 2021 10:11 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

“No” to all the above.

Apr 4, 2021 7:32 PM

Some neighbours invited me for lunch, but didnt go as they got vaccinated. As there is no virus identified, there cannot normally be contagion through being near, and also there is evidence against contagion in in the case of the Spanish “influenza”, and for no disease has it yet been proven, despite much try. The numerical data regarding any pandemic since 2020 does not reveal definitively that there has been one: the deaths could just be due to the measures, and there have been greater increase of deaths between previous years than between 2019 and 2020. So given the as yet non-identification of a virus, given killer viruses have never been identified, it does seem extremely unlikely there is one lurking about.

But we dont really know what the vaccines do to people. Do they introduce something toxic, or make their body fabricate something toxic, which could be passed on through certain forms of contact? Like for example through ingesting food they would have touched extensively, which the person cooking would…
We just dont know. Now sure if you are in strong health, your body may be able to resist any contamination. But who knows if one is in such strong health, given the amount of pollution we live in.
Hence all in all, Ive decided not to go to anyone’s house that is vaccinated because they may feed you and in France they have a tendency to kiss you.

Possibly we should start asking people whether they are vaccinated before going to their houses, which is rather embarrassing, but it may also begin to stigmatise people in a reverse way and make them think…

Apr 4, 2021 8:12 PM
Reply to  Annette

I’ve been in the company of 3 people now who have been vaccinated with the oxford/az one for about 2hrs each time. Within minutes I’ve developed a bad headache and I do not suffer from them at all. Within an hour of leaving their company the headaches have gone. The first time I put it down as coincidence but after 3 occasions now I dont. On another note re: your comment below, I questioned back in march 2020 why was everyone covering themselves in carcinogenic anti bacterial gels when this is supposed to be a virus. Cognition for many has been seriously affected, is it the reduced oxygen from masks?

Apr 5, 2021 1:21 AM
Reply to  Suzyv

I sat in the garden today with relatives wittering on about the vacinne and how it’s the best thing. I had a headache too. Seriously there’s something really odd about people which scares me. There’s something weird going down and I’m sure I’m not the only one who senses it. Incidentally while I was raising my eyes to the sky in despair I saw no aircraft for 2 hours then 4 in close succession.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 5, 2021 9:17 AM
Reply to  Loverat

Yes, the times are indeed strange. And ominous. The bottom line for me is that, although I know the MSM was always full of shit, it has never been so disgustingly deceitful as now – so much so that they may as well have just stopped all broadcasting and returned us to a trades test transmission – only with creepy music played nonstop. Somebody came up with the inspired metaphor of an “epistemological sensory deprivation tank”. That’s what we are in now – like one of those PK Dick epics – or perhaps the Star Trek holodeck. We are living within a huge bubble. And I feel it’s about to burst.

Apr 5, 2021 7:54 AM
Reply to  Annette

Don’t forget, this Pfizer product never completed 2-3 yr PHASE III Trials, long-term effects. So taking it one is enrolled in an experiment for a virus which has an extremely low mortality rate.
Oh, a topic that has completely disappeared from discussion is the question of polyethylene glycol (PEG)used to in order to store the product at around -80 C !!!! PEG has been used as a laxative (many side effects in kids) but not injected into the BLOOD STREAM !!!!

Apr 4, 2021 6:58 PM

One question about one of the many illogical nonsense: this is about hand sanitizer. They are supposed to be killing bacteria, so even within their thesis this has nothing to do with their virus… So why enforce it?! To turn bacteria into our enemies, so that they harm us, which they already started with antibiotics. This contradicts WHO policy about bacteria.

It just suddenly occurred to me…

They do take us for total idiots without any grey cells. And they are right. Next time I see someone using sanitizers, or if Im forced to go somewhere where it is enforced, I will bring this point up. Its sufficiently simple for idiots to understand it. Because this sanitizers do not date from 2020, evidently its nothing to do with any fictitious virus.

Apr 4, 2021 9:15 PM
Reply to  Annette

It’s a given that modern advertising campaigns are powered by “illogical nonsense”.

So it’s hardly a surprise or revelation, but in the US there has been a proliferation– perhaps “metastasis” is a more accurate term– in products that tout their effectiveness in “killing viruses”.

In the US, during the 1970s-80s politicians and government agencies nominally promoted “consumer protections”– this was during consumer advocate Ralph Nader’s heyday, when “Nader’s Raiders” fomented enough public anger at false advertising claims and dangerous, shoddy products to demand laws for “truth in advertising” and other protections.

Nader is still alive, but I haven’t heard him weigh in on the scamdemic or the vaccines; I fear that in his decline, he’s not inclined to adopt his former adversarial attitude toward the commercial trends prompted by the “pandemic”.

But I digress. I just wanted to dolefully report that I’ve seen claims of “virus-killing” (or “resistant”) properties in everything from cleaning products to house paint. I see no indication that manufacturers and advertisers are required to even substantiate, much less prove, those claims. Hysteria is good for sales!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 4, 2021 10:10 PM
Reply to  Annette

I don’t get the hand sanitizer either , the normal advice is simply wash your hands if you have been in close contact with a contagious person. And the PPE they used was spreading some pathogen through hospitals and old folks homes because it is not required, nor the ridiculous hazmats the morons were wearing. Nothing spreads any contagious disease faster than that crap. Both Frontline and Dispatches have now found they are peddling face nappies because they ordered trillions of the useless things and have to do something with them.

Apr 5, 2021 7:58 AM

All the propaganda on contaminated surfaces and objects posing a threat for days, and the need to disinfect them, has died down. One inconvenient study showed no “covid” virus in the room of a patient.

Apr 5, 2021 7:52 AM
Reply to  Annette

No point “bringing it up” against mass insanity that is now mandatory. If the pathogen exists, (a) the pen and paper used for manual registration will help to spread it (b) the sanitiser may only make it stronger.

Apr 4, 2021 6:56 PM

Read you won’t.

Until Death Do Us Part: The True Story of Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci & Jeffrey Epstein.

Apr 4, 2021 4:17 PM

Nuremberg Code postwar Germany: human subjects “should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, constraint, over-reaching, or coercion” (Trials of War Criminals 1946-1949, pp. 181-182)

Apr 4, 2021 11:31 PM
Reply to  Hele

As that ever happened since?

Apr 4, 2021 2:08 PM

700 and counting…Scroll to the last page of each document linked for fatalities….then get off your butts on april the 24th and actually DO something about this shitshow….700 deaths from experimental gene therapy treatments is not acceptable



Apr 4, 2021 4:19 PM
Reply to  magumba

Check out VAERS site for raw data-symptoms and deaths data(deaths above 2300 worldwide)
comment image

Apr 4, 2021 4:49 PM
Reply to  Hele

And even the mighty VAERS will only show a fraction of recorded events….much the same as our yellow card system in the UK…..and neither system will bring about change

Apr 4, 2021 5:15 PM
Reply to  Hele

Thank you.

Apr 5, 2021 6:20 AM
Reply to  Hele

The vaers is a US system, the volunteer reporting is from the US not worldwide.

Apr 4, 2021 5:14 PM
Reply to  magumba

What’s happening on April 24?

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Apr 8, 2021 12:44 PM
Reply to  Judith

Saturday 24th April is the date of another big Protest Rally here in the UK (being held in many places, I think).

Apr 8, 2021 1:44 PM

OK, thanks. Good luck. I’ll see if there’s anything happening near me in the States.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 1:22 PM

From Beeb:


“The government is to trial a series of measures in England, including Covid passports, to allow the safe return of sports matches, events and nightclubs.
Passes would show if a person had been vaccinated, had a recent negative test, or natural immunity.”

I have a feeling this “safe return” refers to a recasting of all the activities of yore. Assuming of course that they will all be permitted to return. I suspect the events attracting the largest crowds will eventially disappear or at least that they will be required to enter a new “cyber-space” which will effectively cut them down to “manageable” groups.

The trials are described as a “learning experience”. I’ll say! They are testing the waters. Also mention of “mitigations such as one way systems and hygiene measures”, the latter having a certain “Reichian” feel.

With “a risk-based “traffic light” system”, we’re on familiar ground. Humans as vehicles.

“The first pilot event will be a comedy night in Liverpool on 16 April where audience members will be tested for Covid before and after the show.”

I presume that the humour of that is unintentional.

Taking part in these trials is further explained:

“… taking part would involve “giving your consent to take part when you book a ticket; receiving text messages about hands, face, space, fresh air; minimising unnecessary contacts before the event; getting tested within 36 hours, ideally as close to the event as possible; ideally having a test earlier in the week”.

And so on.

As with the “comedy night”, this looks like a plan to deprive all events of spontaneous human interaction and enjoyment.

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 4, 2021 2:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The future is here. The transhumanists and technocrats are flying high. Fuckers. Fuckers, I am so angry – how dare they.

The public is so stupefied. They are so unaware of their own psychological makeup and humanity that if you tell them that they are being upgraded to vehicles they will jump for joy. What a sorry state. What a lonely world. I am so despaired.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 4, 2021 2:58 PM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

Hello Frieda Vizel: Your comment: “The public is so stupefied.” Yes they are. And they seem to enjoy their stupidity. > As if they’ve been programmed.

“Life is hard…
it’s even harder if you’re stupid.”
– John Wayne –
AKA: Marion Robert Morrison
(May 26, 1907 – June 11, 1979)

Apr 4, 2021 4:45 PM

life is hard….

Especially if you are a boiled egg
(Magumba 19 oatcake-today)

Apr 5, 2021 12:27 AM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

Please Frieda, do not be lonely, or despaired. You are not alone, in a minority maybe, but certainly not alone. =)

Apr 5, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

Keep in touch with like minded spirits Frieda.

Apr 4, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Insidious criminality.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 4, 2021 12:52 PM

“Out! Out! You Nazis! Out! Gestapo is not allowed here!” Pastor throws Canadian cops out of church
Artur Pawlowski, the Pastor of the Cave of Adullam Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada shouted down police officers who interrupted his church service during Passover.

Artur Pawlowski is a Polish-Canadian political activist, LGBTQ critic and street preacher. In 2010, his Calgary-based Christian church was called the Kings Glory Fellowship (KGF). Pawlowski is also founder and pastor of Street Church Ministries (SCM), where he engages in open-air preaching and Christian street outreach.

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 4, 2021 2:09 PM

A drink after so many months of thirst. A bit of courage and certainty. More than I despise covid zealots, I despise those who hedge their bets and have no position of anything for fear of being wrong. Too many would rather not take a stand.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 4, 2021 3:45 PM

They have officially just ended all the restrictions and lockdowns! We are finally Free!
Apr 1, 2021
Artur Pawlowski TV
Friends, I have fantastic news straight from the government officials! They have officially just ended all the restrictions and lockdowns! We are finally Free!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 6, 2021 3:56 AM

Hello Lost in a dark wood: I can respect a person who has strong beliefs. This guy lays it on the line. So good luck to he and his friends.

The question civilians should be asking, is where do the “oppressors” come from? Next door? Down the street? Any of them married? Do they have relationships? You know. Does anyone know them? Like where do they come from?

It’s like virtual reality. Only worse…

Stella Window
Stella Window
Apr 4, 2021 5:42 PM

LGBTQ critic = Nazi.

How can you be critical of gay people It is like being critical of women or children. The guy is a wanker and corporate stooge.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 4, 2021 6:08 PM
Reply to  Stella Window

LGBTQ is a politically motivated categorisation.

Gregory Fisher
Gregory Fisher
Apr 5, 2021 12:49 AM

But being gay is not. WGAF?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 4, 2021 6:39 PM

How Do Germans Celebrate Easter In 2021?
Red Pill Germany
April 4th, 2021
Hey guys, I want to let you know how Germans celebrate Easter in 2021. More like how they don’t celebrate it, actually….

Note the use of lit torches.

Apr 8, 2021 2:01 PM

Apr 4, 2021 12:00 PM

All-cause mortality in the UK is now at its lowest since 2014. Why?

There are some obvious factors like spring and decent weather. What’s curious is that the lack of access to medical treatment isn’t causing any spikes in deaths for causes like cancer. Is it a case of the man falling from a 50-story building passing the 10th floor and saying “so far, so good” – or is it revealing that their treatments are at best useless and at worst murderous?

Attempts to weaponise the low death rate to persuade us how wonderful lockdowned life is (especially the lack of motoring) wouldn’t be at all surprising.

Apr 4, 2021 12:54 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The one place that has had constant excess deaths is people dying at home.

This has never dropped throughout the last year.

But it’s never talked about as it doesn’t suit the narrative.

Apr 5, 2021 12:48 AM
Reply to  Paul

At a guess I would suggest that most suicides occur at home.

I would imagine that ‘anti-depressants’ are being prescribed on a (even more) massive scale in response to the Pandemic, with people being forced to live in isolation and being fed a daily dose of media driven fear.

The drugs don’t work, they only make things worse, and I know, I have been there, bought the t-shirt, the t-shirt nearly killed me, I ceremoniously burnt the t-shirt, and, very fortunately, lived to tell the tale.

I would go so far as to suggest that the increase in ‘suicide pills’ prescribed has contributed to the excess at home deaths.

Scare people to death, give them some pills that will literally numb their ability to think straight, scare them some more, and then up the dose. Stick a mask on their face to reduce the oxygen to their brains, they’ll be queuing for the jab in no time, if they haven’t already been scared to death.

For those that aren’t scared shitless and are not jacked up on happy pills, force them to wear the mask, convince them that the only way they are ever going to be allowed go to ‘a festival/pub/wedding/funeral/on holiday/a supermarket?’ is to comply, Wear them down to nothing, with their in-house arrest until they obediently fall in to the back of the queue to get jabbed. Or else they can’t work, travel, shop, eat, drink…!

Then tell the good ones, the vaccinated, that they are the worthy ones, they are the truly good and selfless people, build them a mighty pedestal in which they can crow down at the un-vaccinated and tell them how ‘Shellfish’ they are..

I am un-vaccinated, I am ‘Shellfish’, Lobster lives Matter.

Ank x

Apr 5, 2021 8:06 AM
Reply to  Ankie

Also, (a) reduce their ability to access/afford medical help (b) cut off their income (c) remind them they are a burden (d) introduce more high-tech restrictions, e.g. apps (e) above all, enforce their isolation (f) finally, jab them.

Apr 4, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  Edwige

or is it revealing that their treatments are at best useless and at worst murderous?


Apr 5, 2021 12:28 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Very much this 😉

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 4, 2021 11:35 AM

Spiro Skouras
The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order
Jun 7, 2020
For months we have seen our way of life change dramatically. We have been told time and time again things will never be the same and we must accept the new normal. Now the social engineers have revealed their hand and officially launched their solution to this crisis. The proposed solution is the Great Reset. In this report we examine what exactly is the great reset and who is involved. We also explore what the Great Reset means for humanity as face unprecedented times.

– Now is the time for a ‘great reset’
– World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework
– The Great Reset
– What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 11:18 AM

It is understandable that the corruption within any political system will mask itself. In our system, any threatening enquiry into the unmentionable criminality of the various parties – and in particular the ruling party or the overall power structure – is forbidden legitimate expression by the Pavlovian term “conspiracy theory”.

Now it is obvious that no formal party permitted to rise will ever be allowed to give voice to such radical criticism of the system that would approach the dreaded conspiratorial line of thought. Therefore the true opposition always comes from REAL public opinion.

E.g. The vast majority of Americans believe that the JFK assassination was a cover up. Naturally the powers that be can NEVER admit this. But the fact that the majority believe this puts a huge limit to what the powers can get away with. Ditto 9/11.

But this mass suspicion must surely be at a very high point over COVID.

And THAT is where the hope lies.

So keep talking, keep doubting, keep posting away with the stuff considered “crazy” by the MSM. This cyber war is where the true action is.

Apr 4, 2021 12:42 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I hope you are right George but I see absolutely no evidence of that in the area where I live.

I am still the only person, seriously – the only person – that does not wear a mask inside or out within the 20 mile radius I travel 5 days per week.

And, like most of you, all I hear about is “first shot, second shot….” blah blah blah.

I just received an email from my performer’s union. Well, two emails actually. One informing us of a Vaccine Webinar with 3 doctors to cheer us on. (we can send questions so I’m writing mine out now) the other email alluded to the new “safety” procedures vis a vis the vaccine for auditions and performances.

I was so sick to my stomach reading it that I have not delved into the exact protocols, which I am putting off until tomorrow. I have to gear myself up for the fact that they may be requiring vaccine information in order to audtion and perform.

I will report back when I have read the details.

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 4, 2021 2:11 PM
Reply to  Judith

Here in NYC it is the same. 100% compliance. People are not interested in even having a conversation; they are ready for the next “fun” stage of vaccine paperwork.

Apr 4, 2021 4:49 PM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

Ironically, I drove down to NYC on March 14 2020 to spend 2 weeks in a gorgeous apt on the upper westside. Couldn’t wait. Planned to visit union offices, see old friends. I was making plans to make visiting NYC and looking for work more of a thing.

On March 18 I drove back to Boston. I would have happily remained in NYC but I have a cat, and a bit of a life here and the way things were happening I feared they might actually keep people from leaving NYC at that time.

I knew at that time, when it was happening, it was not real.

I am going back to NYC when it gets warm, hell or highwater. I figure I will take the backroads in if I have to. (incase they prevent entering at major entrance points).

You’d have hoped New Yorkers would have told them where to put those masks in very unpolitically correct ways. Perhaps back in the old New York days they would have.

Apr 4, 2021 5:31 PM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

Sad indeed. No democracy for them.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 2:46 PM
Reply to  Judith

I was making a general point about “the unspeakable” re: conspiracies.

The COVID thing is admittedly unprecedented (and it’s another nail in the coffin of this “Left” that they think the lockdown/ vax issue isn’t much and ought to be more severe).

But people feel isolated and helpless. Nobody in this entire media represents their suspicions. They therefore feel they have no choice with the vax if they want to “get to the next part of the programne”. Only the really naive think the old world will be coming back. It has been cast as a war scenario and most feel drilled into it.

Apr 4, 2021 5:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

 “They therefore feel they have no choice with the vax”.

Those are known as sheep. They are collaborating in a medical fraud. They deserve their fate. 

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 4, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  Judith

Where I live – Sutton – I am glad to say that there is practically no-one who is wearing a mask. The only time they do is to go into a shop which takes about 10 minutes of the day. As I walk around the park there are boys playing football, young women pushing prams around with their children. No masks, there is also a restaurant selling take aways people playing tennis, people with children feeding the ducks and so forth. But when I go into the adjacent borough – Croydon – nearly everyone in the busy high street, roughly 50% , are wearing a masks. All very patchy. I suppose there are just not enough policemen to enforce these idiotic laws. Oh, I did forget to mention ambulances with the sirens screaming up and down the road, but there is no-one in them. That’s just a ruse to keep up the level of fear and crisis.

Apr 4, 2021 3:25 PM
Reply to  Judith

Here in Maryland, at least in my small mixed community, I can state categorically that I am the only person who doesn’t buy into the COVID hysteria. Even those who only wear masks when and where they’re mandated are nevertheless chomping at the bit to get their jab.

How I cope is simple: I’ve been an outsider all my life. I can’t remember back far enough to recall a single time when I believed as everyone around me did. But not everyone is a born misanthrope.

I feel sorry for those who only recently realized how truly irrational most people are. There’s no easy way for them to cope.

Apr 4, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

I just went over to the next town to take my in-laws dog for an Easter morning walk. I used to live in that town. Delightful walk, nice weather.

Came upon a Catholic Church holding an outdoor mass. There had to be 200 hundred people. All ages. All masked. Priest masked.

It took every bit of self control not to stop and yell “PLEASE GOD – STOP THE INSANITY! and look at the congregation and yell TAKE OFF THOSE MASKS!”

Instead, I kept walking and shook my head. I saw ONE guy sitting up front without a mask. And I knew him! We both smiled and waved. I’m wondering what his thoughts are.

Apr 4, 2021 5:54 PM
Reply to  Judith

They deserve their reward in wherever it is they think they’re going to.

Apr 4, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  Judith

I don’t know this church’s denomination, but even though I’m not a churchgoer this is my kind of pastor:


It’s not exactly an Easter theme, but he seems to have been inspired by the Gospel account of Christ’s militant confrontation with the Temple moneychangers. 😉

Apr 5, 2021 12:11 AM
Reply to  Ort

I think that was in Canada, right? I wonder if he would have gotten away with that here in the States?

Wow. I think I’ll go and have a few Easter eggs now.

Thanks for the link.

Apr 8, 2021 2:16 PM
Reply to  Ort

Apr 5, 2021 2:45 PM
Reply to  Judith

You seem to be very unfortunate in your encounters. Your experience of 100% conformity “inside and out” is very far from typical.

We all need to be wary of “learned helplessness” narratives employed to seed despair in others

Apr 5, 2021 5:35 PM
Reply to  Admin1

You’re kidding, right? Why don’t you come to Boston and see for yourself.

I am telling the facts about where I live. The facts – they are sacred, remember?

I have not worn a mask since this nightmare started. I have not followed their protocols.

I received a letter from my landlord stating “further actions” if I did not wear a mask in my blding.

I have experienced the same estrangement from friends and family as others here have.

I have contacted my governor, senators and local officials. I have contributed financially to sites, including Offg.

I in no way express learned helplessness in my comments. And you are way out of line.

I have been appropriate, considerate and truthful.

You are calling me out after some of the comments I have read on this section?

Well, as I’ve said many times about the unbelievable rubbish we have been subjected to over the past year – Wow.

You don’t have a clue. And that’s a sacred fact.

Apr 5, 2021 8:46 PM
Reply to  Judith

I second your emotion. I usually point out that my observations about the general public response to the scamdemic are predicated on minimal social contact, in part due to a tendency toward solitude since I retired several years ago. And, by happenstance, my family is small and near relatives are few. That disclaimer made, in my suburban Philadelphia neighborhood, and the larger “tri-state” Delaware Valley (PA, NJ, DE), the evidence of scamdemic skepticism, resistance, and pushback remains minimal and sporadic. I know that NJ resident S. Cooper is an exception, but that’s because he comments here! He reports on certain NJ businesses that have been militantly battling Gauleiter Murphy’s draconian imposition of the New Abnormal. I applaud and support such resistance, but it too is exceptional. Local mass-media obviously flogs the official scamdemic narrative, so it’s true enough that it will ignore or suppress indications of principled resistance, except when they report on non-compliance (like the feisty NJ gym owners) with an implicit tone of horrified disapproval. The local shopping center is a microcosm of the area, and it’s still wall-to-wall bowing, scraping compliance there. My haircutter, thankfully a fellow skeptic, reports the same; she confirms that some of her clients are also skeptical, but most of them take the scamdemic at face value and blame the persistent virus for their woes, not the official response to it. My doctor, and now the freaking CEO of the vast Main Line Health corporation, sends e-mails assuring patients that they are conscientiously following the WHO and CDC guidelines, are rolling out the vaccines as quickly as possible, etc. BTW, these e-mails always restate the standard “guidance” of assiduously wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and frequently washing/sanitizing one’s hands ad infinitum. Perhaps we both live in regions with atypically conformist, submissive populations. But the silence of the… Read more »

Apr 6, 2021 1:08 AM
Reply to  Ort

Thank you, Ort. While I appreciate and defend everyone’s right to comment in any way they see fit, I felt that this was just way off the mark.

Isn’t it ironic that we each live in the two cities where Freedom was extolled and insisted upon in the birth of this great democratic experiment called the United States of America?
Go figure.

Paul Revere would now be calling “The Vaccines are coming! The Vaccines are coming!”

We’d be throwing crates of face masks into Boston Harbor instead of tea.

I was in 3 very large “super” supermarkets today, and had to deal with customer service at 2 of them. Every single customer and staff wore masks, but I didn’t. Normally I’d have experienced the mask rush – staff person rushing toward me “did you forget?…”

Today NO ONE in any store said anything. I have a feeling that stores have gotten the word from Corporate offices not to approach maskless people anymore. I was very surprised. It has happened all week.

Maybe everyone is relaxing because of the magic shot that is going to return everything to normal.

I wasn’t aware Cooper was in NJ. Lots of friends there.

Well, between the 3 of us, and I think Howard has mentioned Maryland, and John Ervin in CA, we certainly have the “coasts” covered. Anyone in between?

I wonder if ole Ben Franklin would have worn a mask.

Apr 4, 2021 5:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

chomping at the bit to get their jab”

Their ignorance and fear undermines any form of critical analysis or debate regards Covid19. Their indoctrination into accepting this dystopian quagmire ?….TV, as per the rest of the MSM, owned and controlled by some of the perpetrators behind this criminal medical fraud.

Apr 4, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

To add to Judith et al‘s responses: I again extrapolate from a very small “anecdotal” sample, but I’ve observed an unfortunate form of “scamdemic fatigue” from persons, aka thralls, who bought into its legitimacy and have faithfully followed all of the draconian New Abnormal voodoo. It brings to mind Aesop’s fable about the North Wind and the Sun vying to see who can compel a traveler to remove his cloak. Instead of a comment-bloating paraphrase, anyone unfamiliar with the short fable can read it here: http://read.gov/aesop/143.html. I’ve recently had painful contacts with a True Believer who naïvely expected that once “everybody” got the Megadeath Virus of Doom vaccine, the authorities would rapidly roll back the draconian New Abnormal restrictions. She’d canceled her traditional holiday gatherings in 2020, and after New Year’s pathetically opined that by “spring or early summer” the vaccine would’ve conquered the plague and “old normal” socializing could resume; she optimistically spoke of having a big party around this time to make up for last year’s canceled holiday dinners. She and her spouse just got their 2nd jab, I’m informed, so I presume that hope springs eternal. But she looks and sounds like she’s “aged” perceptibly during the scamdemic, and her incipient haggard look is explained by her dismay that “this seems to be taking longer than I expected”. But in terms of the fable, the various contradictions, mendacity, and absurdity of the official narrative don’t seem to have weakened her faith in the elements of the scam; instead, she grimly responds to the cold wind of the New Abnormal by wrapping herself more tightly in the dubious belief that the authorities are generally acting in good faith– and that there is no alternative but to keep her masked head down and hope that God, Mother Nature, and civil and public-health authorities… Read more »

Apr 5, 2021 12:16 AM
Reply to  Ort

Well, Ort, wouldn’t we like to think she’s in the minority, but as I responded to George earlier, I just don’t think it.

Yes, people are now sighing about “will it ever end….” but not in a questioning-the-narrative-way. More like a “gosh, this silly old virus, it’s just one durned thing after another. God bless America”

I do believe everyone is suffering C-fatigue but for different reasons.

They could not have planned this better.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 5, 2021 9:25 AM
Reply to  Ort

It sounds as if you are describing a Stockholm Syndrome thing. The abused has “bought in to” the abuse and identifies with it. Abandoning the justification for the terror campaign would be too painful. Many will follow this path and never admit they were wrong. It becomes a grim fatalistic matter. “We’ve come this far. We may as well see it to the horrific end – no matter how dismal!”

One advantage of not buying into this shit is that everything that happens makes sense and you will not be surprised if e.g. another demonic strain emerges which is even more demonically demonic than anything the world’s ever seen and “forces” another lockdown.  

Apr 5, 2021 8:54 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, this is indeed a manifestation of Stockholm Syndrome.

And people who bought in to the conventional “pop medicine” theories of pathogenic infection and the miraculous virtues of vaccines were already halfway to Stockholm when the scamdemic boom was lowered.

Apr 8, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

you will not be surprised if e.g. another demonic strain emerges which is even more demonically demonic than anything the world’s ever seen and “forces” another lockdown.

hasn’t that already happened, multiple times?

but as you say, I was not surprised. in fact, I regard the nightly news broadcast as a form of high comedy.

johny conspiranoid
johny conspiranoid
Apr 4, 2021 9:58 AM

Either we are facing a civilisation-threatening virus to which our governments are responding [albeit] with incompetence and opportunism to a genuine and real threat to public health; or the whole thing has been manufactured by a conspiracy of powerful individuals and organisations”

Both of these things can be true at the same time.

“refusal to believe this blatant lie”

If its a blatant lie then its a blatant conspiracy if two or more people are doing the lying.

“correct the conspiracy theory of an elite with their hands … on the gears of history. Let’s [instead] look at the machine of history”

The machine of history could generate conspiracies.

“And no elite, no matter how powerful, is in control of it for the simple reason that, despite immensely powerful international organisations increasingly divorced from and opposed to democratic process, capitalism is a dynamic process that develops by conflict and contradiction.”

Yes, but that doen’t mean there’s no point in thinking about what they are up to, which is the practice that most on the left (at least publicly) seem to have arrived at.

“it is developing new forms and powers to extend that grip further over the world’s diminishing resources.”

Partly by conspiracy.

“no secret society whose members sit on every cabinet and board.”

That doesn’t mean there are no secret societies though.

“unaccountable coalitions of state and corporate powers whose activities are largely secret and getting more so.”

Otherwise known as ‘conspiracies’.

I agree with the rest.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 10:23 AM

Yes, much of the permitted (pseudo) Marxist jargon consists of simply rephrasing “conspiracy” as some unnecessarily polysyllabic synonym to discourage the plebs from realising that there are indeed actual conspiracies.

Apr 8, 2021 2:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

do these people seriously imagine that the ruling class never meet in private, to discuss how to further their mutual interests?

that doesn’t actually seem particularly marxist; it’s rather the sort of wilful ignorance and stupidity that one expects from liberals.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Apr 4, 2021 9:03 AM

This works as comedy. I don’t think I have ever encountered a more conceited moron in all my life.He is like a peacock obliviously preening whilst completely covered in shit.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 4, 2021 3:18 PM

James Robertson: Bravo! Exactly my sentiments. Here’s the one that really frosted me. >

“And no elite, no matter how powerful, is in control of it for the simple reason that, despite immensely powerful international organisations increasingly divorced from and opposed to democratic process, capitalism is a dynamic process that develops by conflict and contradiction.”

I guess the author has never read any historical texts. You know? Like the early period of Assyria, the history of the Roman republic, the history of the Ottoman empire(s) the Hapsburg empire, and all the other trafficking of capital assets by certain elite members of society.

James Robertson
James Robertson
Apr 5, 2021 1:46 AM

Thanks, the one that really “frosted” me was that this blithering idiot cannot comprehend the significance of the uncontroverisal fact that the average age of Covid deaths is 82 in the UK.
The point is that the measures imposed on us in order to mitigate the spread of the virus are predicated on the idea that the virus poses an unprecedented threat to the health of the community.
For that to be true, the average age of deaths would need to be close to the median age of people in the society.
In Australia the median age is 37, life expectancy is 82 and Covid deaths average at 86.
Pointing this out is not intended to downplay the importance of the lives of the elderly but rather to debunk the claim that C19 represents an unprecedented, once in a century crisis meriting unprecedented social controls. Dim Phil cannot assimilate this very simple fact and that boggles the mind.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 5, 2021 4:48 AM

Hello again James: I’m not sure if you’ve seen this article, as I posted it a while ago. The video introduces an interesting approach to stopping bogus “emergency” dictates. >
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper
Spiro Skouras
December 27, 2020
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper – Activist Post

More people should be thinking like this: > Emergency? What emergency???

James Robertson
James Robertson
Apr 5, 2021 9:24 AM

Yes I saw it Paul, thanks, that is a powerful and important message.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 8:52 AM

Many have noted the single biggest blindspot on the mainstream Left. These “Marxists” note how the capitalists make a killing out of “unforeseen” catastrophes and note how absolutely without any conscience the capitalists are … and yet the two biggest dots are never joined. These “Marxists” are incapable or unwilling to extend the utter evil of the capitalists from exploiting the situation to actually causing it.

And in continuing to make this pleasant assumption of “acts of God” landing in the capitalist lap, this Left implements a function in the capitalist order. I am becoming more and more convinced that this is the true role of the visible Left

Apr 8, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to  George Mc

These “Marxists” note how the capitalists make a killing out of “unforeseen” catastrophes and note how absolutely without any conscience the capitalists are … and yet the two biggest dots are never joined.

this Left implements a function in the capitalist order. I am becoming more and more convinced that this is the true role of the visible Left

exactly. it is not plausible that anybody could actually be that stupid. these people are on somebody’s payroll, either overtly (academia), covertly (CIA), or somewhere in between (NGOs funded by elite philanthropy).

Apr 4, 2021 8:51 AM
Apr 4, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  mgeo

some tribal leader are still feared and this bs19 shit would never work on them.

Ciaran Mooney
Ciaran Mooney
Apr 4, 2021 8:51 AM

What everyone should be researching is what a virus is and whether a virus is dangerous or not – when that happens the threat of virus will disappear and Humanity will be free of contagion fear manipulation and the use of PCR will be exposed as the tool of enslavement it’s been since the start of this globalist plannedemic. PCR is the crux of this plannedemic and as Dr Kary Mullis inventor of PCR says “( it )makes a whole lotta something outta something “ “ it doesn’t tell you you’re sick or that the thing you ended up with was gonna hurt you or anything like that “ It’s not clearly not a diagnostic tool – it amplifies ( copies ) what is in the taken sample – it makes copies of it – makes more of it. That’s all. Who do we trust? The INVENTOR of PCR , or those who are using his invention to enslave the world , take our freedoms away and make trillions ? Hmm , let me think – tough one ? The PCR is the crux of this SCAMDEMIC the PCR IS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL – IT CANNOT DETECT VIRUSES- All DATA FROM IT ARE FALSE AND FRAUDULENT NO ONE has died from a virus that hasn’t been identified properly – people die from what they’ve always died from – HUMANS ARE NOT IMMORTAL They’re using PCR to ENSLAVE US – the “ positive cases “ from it are all lies – and “cases” are NOT INFECTIONS as they’re being called on tv – people can have ZERO symptoms and still test positive because the test is not fit for purpose – a goat , fruit and a puddle in the road have tested positive. TERRAIN THEORY PARADIGM SHIFT REQUIRED TO… Read more »

Apr 4, 2021 7:57 AM

Since this is in’t for the first time that Philip Roddis presents us his way of endless reasoning filled with all sorts of ‘truths’ but which, at (not even that) close reading actually looks like this

comment image

one needs a short and precise word for this type of reasoning so that one can move on as quickly as possible to the more intelligent and thoughtful analyses that are posted here. I propose ‘roddis reasoning’

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 8:37 AM
Reply to  Willem

The WSWS are quite amusing on the topic of the “lessons to be learned from these events”. So they forlornly look to the disastrous surge of the recent past … and write interminable essays on how the various historical forces didn’t quite gel at this precise point. They then write other interminable essays about why this is the case. And by that time the next disastrous event has arrived ….. etc etc

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 4, 2021 9:03 AM
Reply to  Willem

What a perfectly apt cartoon for the current nonsense. Absolutely perfect!

Apr 4, 2021 3:30 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Yes, it sums it all up completely 😂

Apr 4, 2021 3:32 PM
Reply to  Willem

This is the neatest cartoon I’ve ever seen. Thank you for showing it.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 4, 2021 3:53 PM
Reply to  Willem

Hello Willem:

Farticle: An editorial which reeks of diaper ooze and intellectual cowardice
– Paul Vonharnish –

Apr 4, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  Willem

Fiddling while rome burns comes to mind here

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Apr 4, 2021 7:53 AM

Logic is coming up with a strategy to get the peasants to take their medicine: Lockdown April 2021.

Apr 4, 2021 10:56 AM
Reply to  Jeff Carmack

Don’t worry – the vaccine passport will have a “sunset clause” so everything’s hunkydory.

“Three weeks to flatten the curve…. “

Apr 4, 2021 7:48 AM

Seems a fair question – how do Russia and China see themselves? Apparently not a fair question for some. On a different tack, I cannot look at the new Everyman, Herr Schwab without giving him a new first name, Bob. Bob Schwab it is for me from now on, the only Great Reset I will countenance. And, I might add, I am supporting the reclaiming of the language, barring the way of the fascist lingua franca.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 7:45 AM

I still have a great admiration for the Marxist analytical approach but unfortunately this approach has been grossly deformed by a long incubation of that relentless conspiracy phobia which makes perfect sense as a ruling class protective device.(What else does this conspiracy phobia mean than, “Oh WE couldn’t do that! We’re useless! Incompetent!”)

And this deformation of Marxism has led me to automatically mistrust that blather of “the proper materialist analysis”. This has led me to have a (guarded) respect for non-Marxist and even anti-Marxist views. Even ones as vitriolic as those of GG Preparata. In his case, I can accept that he has been treated shabbily by that “academic Marxism”. This brand of “Marxism” may be the most insufferably policed school of thought. (GGP’s vitriol is perfectly understandable.) And there are “Left” professors and lecturers who haven’t the slightest grasp of the most obvious rudimentary political moves which the vast majority of the “plebian” population can see.

As Randy Newman once sang, if Marx were still alive he’d be rolling in his grave!

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 4, 2021 8:01 AM
Reply to  George Mc

As Marx himself once said. ”If that is marxism I am not a Marxist,

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Apr 4, 2021 7:28 AM

The reason I started posting on this forum is the one posted on earlier was shut down abruptly presumably by the Russian government. Before that I posted on a Chinese forum which began to get increasingly intolerant of criticism of the NWO and the bankers. I was careful never to criticise the host government. This shift occurred in 2018.

The publishing of this article is evidence that the administrators of this site have been instructed to change direction or face consequences.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 12:08 PM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

The publishing of this article is a regular matter. OffG has periodically published these articles by PR. This goes way back to that sweet illusory time before the unleashing of the COVID franchise showed pretty clearly where we all stood. Unless you were on that old happy establishment Left where you thought the revolution was nigh. PR is one of the last of that breed to still have his starry eyed articles published here. The others have feverishly scrambled away screaming “Tom foil alert!”

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 7:10 AM

Roddis (his faux naive aggression has driven me to the formal address) finds a sceptical Marxist account of COVID and can only accept it by expunging the sceptical part. Not long after this virus business started, he first alluded to the sceptical view by labelling it “libertarian” and introduced me to the underhanded manipulation of the mainstream Left. A year in and his view hasn’t changed one iota. But then it took him 17 years to come round to thinking there was something odd about 9/11. And even then he only went so far as to assume a stand down which leaves the wretched “blowback” thesis intact. As Phil Greaves pointed out, anyone still subscribing to this thesis is either a shill or an idiot. I no longer care which.

Apr 4, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I agree George Mc.

Looks like it could have been created and disseminated by the responsible liberals at the real news paper The Guardian.

Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right. Here I am: The respectable and moderate  positioning of the deep thinking, deeply wise and caring and moral grown up adult conversations of the real establishment. 

And having a go at armchair critics. Do Off-Guardian mean Dr Vernon Coleman’s Old Man in a Chair at: 

Brand New Tube

Please do see and share this video beneath 


Apr 5, 2021 1:49 PM
Reply to  Be.Belguim

OffG publishes a range of opinions without necessarily endorsing them – as our front page makes clear. Please don’t conflate Roddis’ views with our own editorial stance.

Apr 4, 2021 6:13 AM

Was the death caused by COVID 19 or did they die with Covid 19.?
Simple question. ONe year on their is copious amount of data that can be critically analyzed and thoroughly debunked or re confirmed.
So for the first time in modern history terminology gets manipulated by the manipulators to suit an agenda.. Once again as Gianbattista Vico had for warned us we have an epistemological shift with regards to language.
Until 2019 No human being that died that year was ever calculated to have died with Heamopholous influenza A or B on their death certificates after dying with lets say Heart Attack. Late stage Cancer or Pneumonia or Car accident, but today this day and age any western individual has met his maker gets classified as died with Covid not from Covid.
A virus which has a 99 per cent recovery rate with present adjunct therapies just like Heamopholous Influenza A or B we in the west r being forced to vaccinate and further more having bracket creep restrictions to assembly thought and expression as a normal sequence of events like a seasonal change.
The excuse used is that it is highly contagious hence g strings on faces distance between individuals and no shaking hands no life no expression no spirit no humanity. just lemmings ready for the slaughter.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 4, 2021 7:12 AM
Reply to  falcemartello

“Was the death caused by COVID 19 or did they die with Covid 19.?”

Or did they even have covid-19?


Apr 4, 2021 7:24 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Indeed if one or other of the co morbidities didn’t get them then no doubt pneumonia did…which I understood has always been lurking to take us oldies…hence the pneumonia vax…which I presume is about as useful as the flu vax..10% over age of 70…though who would know how they arrive at that figure…

Apr 4, 2021 11:00 AM
Reply to  Edith

Which begs the question…. what exactly is pneumonia?

In the official account pneumonia can be either viral or bacterial – doesn’t that sound a tiny bit dubious? How can it be both?

Apr 4, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Wikipedia claims that these factors “predispose” you for pneumonia:

“smoking, immunodeficiency, alcoholism, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sickle cell disease (SCD), asthma, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, and biological aging…not being breastfed, exposure to cigarette smoke and other air pollution, malnutrition..acid-suppressing medications … 10% of people who require mechanical ventilation develop ventilator-associated pneumonia”

I guess the terrain theory supporter would say these are the actual causes of pneumonia, not bacteria,fungi and viruses who arrive at the scene of the fire..maybe the truth is somewhere ?

Apr 4, 2021 6:19 PM
Reply to  Edith

Flu vax ? Ashtray on a motorbike, same as Covid vax.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 4, 2021 8:10 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Who knows, so called covid 19 has the same symptoms as a cold, the tests are all fakes.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 4, 2021 9:07 AM

What we need is a reason to believe in even the possibility of covid-19 and there really isn’t one.

Apr 4, 2021 11:51 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Covid-19 is not a disease. It cannot be clinically diagnosed.

Covid-19 is a code used on death certificates to record a death for any cause or any disease within a certain time period of a positive result from the PCR process.

No clinical diagnosis is required and no autopsy needs carried out to prove cause of death.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 4, 2021 8:09 AM
Reply to  falcemartello

..”Until 2019 No human being that died that year was ever calculated to have died with Heamopholous influenza A or B on their death certificates after dying with lets say Heart Attack. Late stage Cancer or Pneumonia or Car accident, but today this day and age any western individual has met his maker gets classified as died with Covid not from Covid.

A virus which has a 99 per cent recovery rate with present adjunct therapies just like Heamopholous Influenza A or B we in the west r being forced to vaccinate and further more having bracket creep restrictions to assembly thought and expression as a normal sequence of events like a seasonal change.”

Well that should have settled the issue. But in our present age of applied schizophrenia such facts must be buried and denied and we continue to live in a manufactured world of illusion. It’s a bit like Thomas Mann’s short story ‘Mario and the Magician’. where Cipolla transfixes his audience with sorcery.

Apr 4, 2021 9:06 AM
Reply to  falcemartello

CUI PODESTA (BONO) ??????????????????????????????????????????

Apr 4, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  falcemartello

Yep, it’s a beautiful well planned medical fraud in aid of ultimate power and control over the world’s population. Most of the cretins “working” at SAGE will all be in line for a knighthood, the Establishment’s seal of approval, if this ends to their master’s satisfaction.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Apr 4, 2021 5:36 AM

As many have already suggested, Roddis has lost the plot, either through artifice or sophistry. Currently he is hanging somewhere between Fool and Knave, neither of whom is headed for Paradise. One does not need the ruthlessly logical mind of a Sherlock Holmes to figure out the greatest crime of Human History: even a child can understand the logic of “Cui Bono” and “Follow the Money”. If the sainted Bill Gates stands to make $10 for ever one he ‘invests’ in Vaccines, is Gates a friend of Humanity or our Greatest Enemy? If Gates owns the BBC and the Guardian, Imperial College, John Hopkins, WHO etc., are we going to get impartial advice?
Even simpler, if a thousand eminently qualified doctors, nurses, scientists all say that Covid is a scam and Vaccines are killing people – but at enormous risk to their own jobs, reputations and lives, who are you going to believe?
Cut with the distraction of angels dancing on pinheads. Stop try to razzle-dazzle the simple truth with spurious arguments ad absurdum. Offguardian: what were you thinking when you published this?

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 4, 2021 8:32 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

Agreed, I for one don’t know WTF he’s talking about. Truth, as truth, is as generally clear as crystal and has been eloquently voiced by people who know what they talking about. But when the meaning is unclear it is always the giveaway that the author is trying to hide something and is engaging in propaganda.

”Much of the propaganda of our own time amounts to plain forgery. Material facts are supressed, dates altered, quotations removed from their context, and doctored so as to change their meaning. Events which, it is felt, ought not to have happened are left unmentioned and ultimately denied … indifference to objective truth is encouraged by sealing one part of the world from another which makes it harder and harder to discover what is actually happening.” (George Orwell – Notes on Nationalism)

Of course in our own time inconvenient truths – like the fact that the West has been supporting the Jihadists through their Saudi and UEA proxies is turned on its head and the the existence of the fabled WDMs in Iraq are simply ignored or forgotten.

Apr 4, 2021 9:40 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

I think they were presuming we’d have a spare few hours to read it. No, I don’t know what’s going on in their heads, either!

My reaction to a piece that long is to say CUT!, in the same way I do when presented with a link to a video which, it turns out, lasts an hour or more – another presumption which you get on here quite a bit.

Perhaps Off-Guardian overestimates both its own appeal and the amount of time we have on our hands?

Apr 4, 2021 6:21 PM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

Well said.

Apr 4, 2021 10:18 PM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

Youre right Hugh O’ Neill.

Looks like it could have been created and disseminated by the responsible liberals at the real news paper The Guardian.

Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right. Here I am: The respectable and moderate  positioning of the deep thinking, deeply wise and caring and moral grown up adult conversations of the real establishment. 

And having a go at armchair critics. Do Off-Guardian mean Dr Vernon Coleman’s Old Man in a Chair at: 

Brand New Tube

Please do see and share this video beneath 


Apr 4, 2021 5:28 AM

Why the total blackout on treating flu/Covid at home? Weren’t we trying to reduce pressure on hospitals? Why didn’t health services offer advice on home treatment?

The standard of care is: get a test, if you’ve got Covid, go home.

Why does social media censor any mention of effective anti-inflammatory treatments that are known to save lives (combined use results in 85% reduction in hospitalization and death — treating virus, inflammation and thrombosis with, for example, monoclonal antibodies, Colchicine, HCQ, Ivermectin, including off-label use of medicine).

Where are the doctors, the universities, the governments? The only doctors you see on TV are celebrity doctors or doctor-politicians who have never treated a Covid patient.

The answer is that in May 2020 they magicked up a vaccine — three of them, all the same: mRNA — and talk of treatment was dropped.

The entire focus switched to lock down and wait for the vaccine.

Texas has 80% herd immunity with little vaccine roll out, as of now — complete and durable immunity. You can’t beat natural immunity. You cannot vaccinate on top of it and make it better, says Peter McCullough MD, in testimony to Texas Senate HHS Committee, Mar 11, 2021.

There is low, if any, asymptomatic spread. Only a sick person gives it to a sick person.
There is no rationale at all for anyone under 50 to have a vaccine

Apr 4, 2021 9:04 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You cannot vaccinate on top of it and make it better
Some of the severe reactions to the vaccine may be a form of ADE in those who were infected earlier. Almost certainly, severe reaction to the 2nd. jab – esp. in those under 70 – is a form of ADE. Yet, as the torrent of profits keep flowing, no one wants to point out this elephant in the room. Then, there are the “variants” reported in places of mass vaccination or large trials.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 4, 2021 11:22 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Anyone wanting an effective home self-treatment for respiratory – and other – illnesses can get it complete from this conversation between two actually-practising frontline doctors; Joe Mercola and Tom Levy. (link below)

The combination of nebulised hydrogen peroxide and high-dose vitamin C is a surefire knockout. C alone – in sufficiently-‘high’ doses – has done it perfectly for me, for nearly thirty years: Absolute zero illness from colds, normal flus, or covid when I had it – very briefly – last year. Lots of other benefits too, not just respiratory health. If I make it to July this year, I shall be 81. No ‘co-morbidities’, having always taken all the usual prudent steps to preserve good health, and no truck with vaccines or BPh-racketeers’ fancy proprietary junks at any time.


Apr 4, 2021 11:34 PM


have you tried it?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 4, 2021 4:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hello Moneycircus: Why didn’t health services offer advice on home treatment?”

There you go, thinking again… Tsk, tsk, tsk…

Apr 4, 2021 6:23 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The only doctors you see on TV”

Therein lies the problem.

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Apr 4, 2021 5:11 AM

logic is culpable

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 4, 2021 4:42 AM

I am planning to write an article on critical thinking with regard to the moon landings, 9/11 and covid-19. Two aspects of critical thinking I haven’t seen identified specifically are: 1. Every single piece of relevant information must be considered and be accommodated by and favour the chosen hypothesis over any other hypothesis put forward – every single piece. Of course we may not be aware of every hypothesis possible or of all the information, however, at least where we know hypotheses exist they should be considered and tested against each other using all relevant information available to us. 2. On subjects where expert knowledge is put forward we must compare carefully what the experts say and how effectively they contradict each other where there is disagreement. If, after contradiction, an alleged expert is left gasping like a fish out of water with no response we must recognize the significance of that fact. It seems Philip has not familiarised himself with the work of Torsten Engelbrecht, Konstantin Demeter and Dr Stefano Scoglio who between them have written four extremely important articles published by Off Guardian. The first and third writers are also co-authors (with two others) of the latest edition of the extremely important book, Virus Mania. https://off-guardian.org/tag/torsten-engelbrecht/ https://www.amazon.com/Virus-Mania-COVID-19-Hepatitis-Billion-Dollar/dp/3752629789/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=virus+mania&qid=1617504427&sr=8-1 The second article by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter rebuts the lamentable attempt at debunking by fact-checker, PolitiFact, of their first-published article, Covid-19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, with no response by PolitiFact to this rebuttal. A ludicrous argument made against this significant unresponded-to rebuttal is that PolitiFact is not a science fact checker! This is the kind of nonsense argument that people who wish to maintain their current belief will grab at constantly. I have approached 6 fact-checking websites including one that is specifically science-based that is, sciencemag, as well… Read more »

karen elliot
karen elliot
Apr 4, 2021 5:55 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Didnt Offguardian post an article early June last year which mentioned that three, maybe four, national health advisers advised their governments against lockdown, but were ignored…The lockdowns were political discisions…

A friend wants people with intellectualism, and scientism, taken out and shot…I objected – Those conditions are sicknesses…Have the reporters who call themselves journalist charged with crimes against humanity – spreading The Fear Virus…

Apr 4, 2021 10:22 PM
Reply to  karen elliot

You mean you disagreed, they shouldn’t be shot/hanged. And these are sicknesses who must be treated as such.

Apr 4, 2021 6:46 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

they did a rest last week in the U>K they change the times.called it day light saving time or added hour due to summer.
the controller added a hour of when you awake up or go to bed, that small and simple no one on this site pick’d it up.!
well done you on your articles etc

But the psychology things are so small that normal folks dont need much the bigger psy ops involved people like the conspiracy theorists and fake news channels like u.k shillum or aelx joens and 10.000’s more that repeat controlled news sold as alternative independent media mixed with conspiracy. to mis lead.

Apr 4, 2021 10:25 PM
Reply to  Magie

What is UK Shillums, why is it a fake news channel ?

Apr 4, 2021 11:35 PM
Reply to  Magie


Apr 4, 2021 11:37 PM
Reply to  Magie


Did you mean you think UK Column News is a fake news channel ?

Apr 5, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  Be.Belguim

UK Column News in metaphysical circles is known as u.k shillum is biggest shills going yes So where does one get there ALTERNATIVE news from..?

ALEX THOMSON GCHQ officer. UK Column and the British Constitution Group
Brian Gerish Naval intelligence officer 

gotta trust a news source who is has military links endorse government talking points never once have they had strike on their you tube channel
endorsed the bojo
they push the government agenda to it not so wise fanbase who think their getting cutting edge news ,

Apr 4, 2021 4:17 AM

Roddis’s insidious framing of the COVID issue is clear and follows many prominent but phony skeptics who betrayed their medial followers and effectively ordered them to submit to tyranny of words and deeds they previously vehemently opposed. Roddis suggests that Skeptics’ arguments ( contained in Elmer’s article in question) are not good enough for him, people apparently do not buy them and hence must be abandoned (as ineffective in stifling state coercion, or simply false, lack evidence or not persuasive enough) for more reasonable “middle of the road” position of succumbing to state propaganda he implies to take. Roddis dismisses documented facts of coordinated via WHO global changes of established for hundred years medical protocols, rules and laws on regarding what constitute pandemic as well as dealing with human vital statistics including unprecedented during much worse infectious diseases pandemics banning autopsies, previously mandatory autopsies for all hospital dead. But it was done for COVID patients ONLY, for months banning public funerals of alleged COVID dead under state orders that even CDC decried as totally baseless only adding to grief and increase COVID fear mongering and social stress amid economic collapse. Social distancing, face masks and lockdown imposed in 2020 supposedly to fight COVID with IFR similar to seasonal flu, are still not recommended at all even for severe flu pandemics that where IFR may rich many times more among younger population. Imposed worldwide flawed PCR test diagnostic assured millions sick will be misclassified as COVID cases. As Chinese removed PCR test from required diagnostics of COVID and instead used active cell infections, their pandemic ended with small 4000 dead of COVID in comparison to nearly 100,000 dead of flu in 2020 among those who used PPE and were for many weeks subject to lockdowns, quarantines and tracing. But that in… Read more »

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Apr 4, 2021 5:43 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Hell’s Teeth, Kalen. You are one serious heavy weight and have just knocked Roddis clean out of the ring. Bring on the next contender, please. I am not a fan of blood sports, but that was most enjoyable.

Apr 4, 2021 9:57 AM
Reply to  Hugh O'Neill

Yes, though Kalen’s words would be more powerful if his English wasn’t so broken and his sentences weren’t so long. The last 6 paragraphs (more than half his comment) contain 6 sentences!

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 8:29 AM
Reply to  Kalen

“Roddis suggests that Skeptics’ arguments …..are not good enough for him, people apparently do not buy them and hence must be abandoned …”

Well perhaps the kind of people he hangs out with “do not buy them”. But I reckon he’s with the academic Left and indeed they would prefer the “more reasonable “middle of the road” position of succumbing to state propaganda he implies to take.” Which is handy since that is the “default position” we are all in anyway. But then one of the most spectacular achievements of this propaganda is to convince at least the academic Left that taking COVID seriously as the doomsday deal for capitalism is a mark of being truly radical. As long as you manage to ignore the painfully obvious fact that it is precisely the state propaganda that is selling you this “revolution”!

Apr 4, 2021 10:13 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Initially, the authorities refused to conduct any autopsy, claiming that this required a BSL-4 level of bio-security, even when relatives challenged the cause of death. Subsequently, they legalised the situation beyond challenge through emergency regulations.

Apr 4, 2021 1:00 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Excellent summary Kalen.

Apr 4, 2021 2:26 AM

> My eyes glaze over on matters of
> statistical significance.

What technology do you use instead? Statistics is how educated people assess populations. It is a branch of mathematics which, like science, can be hijacked if the reader does not educate themselves in the subject of statistics. What you are saying is that measurement is too difficult? Understanding the measurements is too difficult? But you make excuses for how badly the government classified deaths. Pathetic.

In a world of big data (this is statistics too) and AI ( this is statistics too) you are making excuses for government not being able to collect data. Sad and pathetic.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Apr 4, 2021 4:29 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

About those statistics…There’s nine of us siblings, ages 75 to 58…the average is 62.5, but not one of us is 62.5…What does it mean ? Nothing ! It’s just a statistical fact…

Apr 4, 2021 3:08 PM
Reply to  karen elliot

What does 75 mean? What does 58 mean? Nothing? Of course these numbers mean something, the fact that you don’t care and don’t want to know what they mean does not make them meaningless. What they mean depends on what problem you are trying to solve or understand. For example, we could work out from these numbers when your Dad’s todger stopped working!

Alan Hamilton
Alan Hamilton
Apr 4, 2021 2:13 AM

Seriously? for an article critiquing ‘bad thinking’ it does a pretty good job of it itself. Roddis’ acceptance of dialectical materialism as a force of history does not vitiate the claim that there is a cabal of elites engineering this crisis for their own benefit. Like a ship’s captain setting sail on a high tide, these techno-determinists understand the forces of history perfectly well.

Apr 4, 2021 2:13 AM

“… (but beware those free enterprise zealots of Great Barrington) “

Does anyone know what Mr.Roddis means by this- as I though Gupta et al were respected scientists?

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Apr 4, 2021 4:16 AM
Reply to  Hele

it means he’s actually working for the bad guys, pretending to be ‘your’ friend – well, sure, I understand your POV, but really – you know –

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 9:10 AM
Reply to  Hele

It means he’s still reading the old script. He has no idea the entire theatre has been refurbished

Apr 4, 2021 1:51 AM

When the evil bastards started bombing Yugoslavia to fuck, in 1999 it did my head in.

My Ex

She’s O.K. She texted me last night.
comment image


S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 4, 2021 1:31 AM

“The jackbooted crocodile teared corporate fascist fabian eugenicist brownshirt charlatan fraudsters down at Counterpuff are still at it, pushing the SCAMDEMIC ‘Big Lie’ propaganda and ‘Doc’ Billy E’s EUTHANASIA DEATH SHOT toxic viral cull juice jab. They say it is no big deal and every untermenschen useless eater lab rat that objects to being a victim in a sick Josef Mengele type quack pseudo science experiment is not only a racist Nazi but a supporter of Orange Hair Bozo. Wrong on all counts.


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 4, 2021 4:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

They should rename their rag to “Counter-Lunch”. Where brain cells go to die…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 4, 2021 4:45 PM

“Alexander Cockburn was no great shakes. From what one heard, as disdain, insulting and arrogant as he sometimes could be, one could still have a conversation or discussion with him. Jeffrey St. Clair seems to be another matter.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 4, 2021 6:15 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Here is another SCAMDEMIC ‘Big Lie’ propaganda piece from the jackbooted crocodile teared corporate fascist fabian eugenicist brownshirt charlatan fraudsters down at Counterpuff from an animal rights perspective. It begs the question if they are going to run a piece on how the SCAMDEMIC is going to be used as justification for euthanizing all the doggies and kitties out there, because they are found to be carriers of this much dreaded New Black Death Spanish Flu rolled up into one.”


S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 4, 2021 6:41 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Is one to take it that they and Billy Eugenics do not like dogs, cats, veterinarians and pet food/pet care manufacturers.”

Apr 4, 2021 1:13 AM

A more realistic article about the impact of the CCP on Hong Kong … https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-slow-death-of-hong-kong_3761044.html.

Anyone who has anything to do with China on a day to day basis knows that China is an apartheid state. There are 100 million CCP members who live by different rules to the rest of the population. For example, the CCP runs the show trials but they decide the outcome, not the judge in the court, so your membership of the CCP will result in different outcomes.

The CCP keep control of their slaves through brainwashing at school and as adults, hence the great firewall is required to keep information hidden from their slaves. The CCP will severely clamp down on insurrection … such as in this bombing in southern China … https://hongkongfp.com/2021/03/31/a-bombing-at-chinas-mingjing-village/ … which appears to be the result of the CCP not compensating the locals when taking over their land for other purposes.

The CCP have been a tool of American industrialists and have done very well out of that strategy, but the society they created has nothing to do with communism, it is apartheid.

Apr 4, 2021 1:18 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

A trivial example of how apartheid impacts the Chinese on a day to day basis: I am standing in line at the checkout in a Chinese supermarket, a woman pushes into the line ahead of us. I am tempted to say something, but nobody in the line protests because they suspect that she works for (is housekeeper to) a member of the CCP and they know that if they cause her trouble then they are afraid that they will be punished by her employer.

This is Chinese Marxism in practice.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 4, 2021 2:08 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

“Seems the ROYAL MAFIA CRIME FAMILY and other political criminals holding high rank would feel right at home in present day China or THIRD REICH USA. Oppression and exploitation are a world wide phenomenon.”


Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 4, 2021 12:11 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Are you eye-witnessing here A, or just bloviating from a position of Western-propagandised total ignorance? I know enough to know that I know virtually nothing about China, and have no idea of what the real nitty-gritty truth is there. All I have in my understanding is the all-pervading stench of Western propaganda, which only utter suckers take seriously.

I do note, though, that people who I suss to be trustworthy, and who have real, lived-there, know lots of people at all levels of society, experience of China paint a different picture entirely.

Just cautioning, here, about making assumptions based on nothing worthy of great trust. I’m emphatically not a China/Russia groupie. I have a natural anarcho-eco-socialist’s mistrust of any large-state power. I’m just glad they’re helping to bring about the collapse of the multi-genocidal Anglozionist empire and it’s disgusting socio-politico-economic ‘philosophy’. Also, I’m aware that they both seem to be led just now by two remarkably able world-class statesmen (as distinct from ‘our’ collection of venal, lying midgets). But time and mortality will end that, and afterwards… whither Russia/China? Has ANY large-state EVER avoided the descent into imperialism?

Your anecdote of the queue-jumping woman reads as if it may be your own eye-witnessing, or simply a notional example that you’re inventing. But even if it’s eye-witnessing on your part, so what? As the He piece linked by PR makes clear, plenty of corruption still exists in China, as everywhere in all mass societies. People are still getting executed for it there, He asserts. It’s the overall institutional response to corruption that counts: Rewarded lavishly and scot-free in the West. And in China, what…? Does it dominate, or is it kept ruthlessly on the run by anti-corruption forces. Do you really know? I don’t.

Apr 4, 2021 3:20 PM

Do I really know what every one of 1.5 billion people are doing? What do you think?

China is very complex, if you think that the early sixties was the time of the great famine, when loads of people left China or died in China because they were starving, up to now where things have, compared to back then, improved considerably. Do you think that everybody in that time gap will give you the same view of China, the same view of the CCP?

Mao tried to bring China out of poverty and failed, he tried hard with his ten year plans etc but he failed. In the end, China was rescued by its symbiotic relationship with the USA billionaires which was the result of Nixon trying to open up the country. Now China has some strength it may feel that it can survive without that relationship, we shall see.

BTW, I live in China, but it is a big place, so I don’t know what is happening in the whole country all the time, so anything I write is not the complete picture.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Apr 3, 2021 11:40 PM

Well, if you’re going to mention old Karl Marx, here’s one from Comrade Gramsci “The crisis exists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born. In the interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.”

les online
les online
Apr 4, 2021 1:03 AM
Reply to  karen elliot

One of those morbidities appears to be Fauci Frankenstein…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 4, 2021 2:16 AM
Reply to  les online

“or as he was known in Quack School, Mengele Jr.”

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 3, 2021 10:58 PM

To sum up, as Marx said:

If this is Marxism then I am no Marxist!

Apr 3, 2021 10:58 PM

As an American, I hesitate to comment at all on Mr Roddis’s article. I would point out certain curiosities in the way the US has reacted to the COVID-19 thing. An article I read in globalresearch.ca last year presented the CDC’s re-working of the Death Certificate format to allow COVID to be reported as the primary cause of death rather than a contributing factor (as such ailments would have been reported prior to the change). This article presented actual portions from the CDC website. I would also point out that, in its initial phase in New York, much was made of mass burials of corpses at Hart Island. Little or nothing was made of the change from 30 to 15 days the City Morgue kept unclaimed bodies before removing them to Hart Island for mass burial (as had been done for 150 years). I would also point out the dozens of articles I’ve read this past year which, rather than simply making dozens of unsubstantiated claims, focus instead on one particular aspect and flesh that out. Being skeptical means being skeptical of claims both pro and con. I have especially noticed a number of videos supposedly showing bad behavior toward COVID skeptics which seem to be staged. Here’s a clue, no matter which side of the issue you’re on: something which seems just a little too convenient, like something which seems too good to be true, is probably contrived. Even something that appears legitimate may not be. I’m still unsure about a New York State Advisory which James Corbett sourced and which clearly advises moving COVID patients from hospitals to care homes. The format is correct; the wording is in line with other Advisories; but this particular one is not to be found among New York Advisories. Either it’s been… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 3, 2021 10:54 PM

For what it’s worth I am reposting my last entries on Philip’s site. The first is a direct response to the above article as it appeared on his site. I take issue with his objections to the first “What we know” section of the Elmer article (all that most disagreeable conspiratorial stuff). But I then offer my own Marxist take on the covid issue from a sceptical angle: “To answer a couple of points about the ASH site: The “gish gallop” remark isn’t called for since reading the entire document is unnecessary. The point was that the policy of national lockdown was historically unprecedented, something that can be seen just through a wordsearch to determine that the expression “lockdown” doesn’t appear. Talk of comorbidities doesn’t mean “They would have died anyway”. It means that their deaths cannot simply be attributed to covid. As for Marxist analysis from a sceptical angle, perhaps covid marks a transformation of capitalism from the consumer variety to a new “pharma phase” in which the latest commodification moves to the human immune system which can no longer be left to a sadly unprofitable natural matter but must be “bought in” via lucrative vaccines? Which means that the point about China, Russia and Cuba being in on a “devilish plot” is a straw man. There is a global capitalist system with various centres competing against each other. Now if there is a basic structural problem threatening a crash (the unprecedented dimensions of which I have been hearing about for some time now) then I don’t see why a general solution cannot present itself to all the parties. They are in effect jumping on the same bandwagon to solve their internal problems. And by “problems” I of course mean the matter of maintaining profits. This is one matter… Read more »

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 3, 2021 11:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

How is the modern left Marxist? They are none of the things they claim to be, not least interested in class issues. They are simply middle class climbers using the working class issues to climb their way up the ladder.

If they were truly Marxist they would never ever ever have been on board with this bullshit.

The uppity yuppies who call themselves leftists have essentially cooped left causes. A bunch of wolves in sheep’s clothing. They left the working class voiceless, or divided, some blaming racism, others hoping Trump would save them, etc. These traitors are not even reflecting a bad version of left ideas: they are just a bunch of foxes guarding the henhouse.

This saga has revealed the problems with our media culture – which has destroyed class agency and stolen this power for the aspiring class. It revealed nothing about Marxism because class consciousness is nonexistent.

Apr 4, 2021 2:03 AM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

It is totally classic here in qld aust.,,we have a female labor premier with her female medical advisor forcing poor women to work hours in useless masks for peanut money in boring jobs while their party carries on about female rights and abuse of females only being done by the mad liberal party.,,talk about hypocrites.,,and they don’t blink an eye as they issue these edicts…not a brain between the pair of them and absolute betrayal of any of their claims for sisterhood.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Apr 4, 2021 2:39 AM
Reply to  Edith

As it was said when the push was on, in the early 70s, for there to be female cops , “Being clobbered by a truncheon-wielding female is still being clobbered by the state.” In those days the idea of having female clobberers was radical…

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 4, 2021 5:34 AM
Reply to  Edith

Hear! Hear!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 4, 2021 8:14 AM
Reply to  Edith

The CHO’s in all states have become famous little facists and they are loving it. Sutton is the most hysterical and Nicola Spurious in SA being the biggest dumbest liar.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Apr 4, 2021 2:51 AM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

So class consciousness is absent from the WSWS? They don’t do anything else but talk about the harsh realities of class, yet they still bought into the pandemic hysteria and started propagandizing for total lockdowns. Your argument doesn’t fly – the WSWS very much are “real” Marxists whose central concern is class, yet they still lost their marbles over COVID. Very depressing and discouraging to witness them implode almost overnight.

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 4, 2021 4:03 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Hammering on about the pitiful plight of the world’s nebbishes isn’t the same as class consciousness, which by definition, involves the self identification of the class with their mates and an awareness of their oppressor. Any economic system can go around demanding aid to the poor. I can’t speak for WSWS because I never heard of them until I started to read here, but I used to follow many leftists who supposed cared about the working class. They were none of them of the working class or engaged in solving problems with the workers. Their place in the system was as agitators on account of the needy – that’s not leftism or Marxism in any way.

There is also a serious problem with lack of systems thinking altogether. I think that many don’t understand systems in part because of the collective cognitive decline. We have all been overstimulated and indoctrinated, addicted to distraction and easy answers. I think that absent reflection and conversation among ordinary workers, it is very hard to understand what the problem truly is. Most people blame false targets (like the virus) because it is easier and because it’s what they are being told.

Unfortunately it will be near impossible to recreate a left when we are so atomized and hooked up to the matrix, which is exactly how capitalism wants it. For a true left to arise, we just need to want to give up some of the entertainment that’s the opiate for the masses. Until then, hammering about the pitiful case of immigrants is nothing – it’s just charity and beggary, a pitiful state where we are at the mercy of the monied.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 10:36 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

The readiness of every “Marxist” site to buy into COVID and, even more revealing, their extremely manipulative branding of scepticism as a “Right wing thing” (in line with the seemingly permitted scepticism appearing on Right channels) has convinced me that what we are seeing here is a massive intelligence operation that has been percolating for quite some time.

And I think that were Marx to come back and see that his movement had degenerated into this capitalist sock puppet, he would say, “In that case, forget me. This shower of shite have completely hijacked my operation!”

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 4, 2021 12:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Certainly been percolating for some time, George. All the previous ‘pandemics’ can be seen now, with the insight of hindsight, as having been dry-runs for the big one; which covid was meant to be. However, its ‘success’ – from the WealthPowerStatus-addict viewpoint of the gangsters behind it – has been patchy. Presumably they’ll try again. Terror Derangement Syndrome has proven to be such a profitable way to manipulate and stampede masses of formerly fairly sane people that it won’t just be ditched.

Also, it’s worth extracting from Philip’s analysis the probably-correct idea, which has been nagging me for some time, that the covid ‘pandemic’ isn’t being run by some Bondian clique of global super-villains, Illuminatalikes, because real-life humankind just aren’t up to that sort of demi-godlike plotting, even though we like to think we are. But at the same time, there really isn’t a huge global health emergency either – evidently.

It really isn’t an either/or binary. I’ve been guessing for some time that in fact no-one, no group of humans, is really in charge of what’s happening.

There’s just a rather worse than usual novel seasonal flu, which various (unco-ordinated and chaotic) cliques of band-waggon-hopping chancers have tried to instrumentalise for serving their own half-baked agendas. The Schwabwefties, or the Bellendergatesoids, for example, with smaller local examples also spotting the chance, and thus busily on the make, never letting a good crisis go to waste; but with literally no-one fully in charge of what’s happening (though all the cliquoid little farties would like to believe they are, natch).

A complete feckin’ feckup, in plain terms.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 4, 2021 12:54 PM

I have to agree, though, that if any one clique of crooked chancers might be – more or less – behind the whole wretched mess, it would most likely be the outtacontrol hugely-profitable, organised-crime global rogue-elephant of the CIA/MI6 gangsters.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 4, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

The strange thing about these and disturbing thing apart this putative ‘marxists’ is that they have never read anything by Marx (or Engels). They get about as far as a perusal of the Communist Manifesto, which is basically a political pamphlet describing the 1848 revolutions in Europe and that’s it. But as for Capital, (3 volumes) the Grundrisse, Theories of Surplus Value,(3 Volumes) The Early Philosophical Maniscripts 1844, The Condition of the Working Class In England 1844, (by Engels) – no way. But that is the way with contemporary society where political illiteracy seem to be a virtue. Other social theorists like Max Weber, Emile Durkheim are also generally unread. When these people sound off it is something called ‘duckspeak’ to quack like a duck. There is an interesting passage in 1984 which is worth repeating here. The hero Winston is talking to another party member Syme. Unfortunately they are within range of a nut-case party activist who is shooting his mouth off about the party’s (non)success in increasing the chocolate ration.. Winston alluded to this stream of verbal diarrhoea as follows. ”Winston had a curious feeling that this was not a real human being speaking but some kind of dummy. The stuff which was coming out of the dummy consisted of words but was not speech in the normal sense; it was a noise uttered unconsciousness like the quacking of a duck. ”Syme had fallen silent for a moment … the voice from the other table quacked rapidly on easily audible in spite of the surrounding din. ‘There is a word in Newspeak, said Syme, I don’t know if you know it’ duckspeak, to quack like a duck. Applied to an opponent, it is an abuse, applied to someone you agree with, it is praise.” ”Unquestionably Syme will be… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 4, 2021 10:53 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

As I have continually been saying, the greatest impoverishment of current Marxist discourse is its complete terror of even the vaguest hint of “conspiratorial thought”. This latter notion, to be sure, has been the bane of almost every branch of recent political enquiry but it particularly affects the Left. It is utterly absurd. But it is now taken to be an automatic de-legitimising ingredient. These Orwellian site guidance panels even list “conspiracy content” as part of their wretched mind manipulation.

It is scarcely credible that any genuinely critical mind can be taken in by this tawdry manoeuvre. But the Left are particularly helpless before it.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Apr 4, 2021 2:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Wow George! I’m seriously impressed. This is such a lucid and intelligent analysis of what’s going on, and certainly far superior to Mr. Roddis’ very poor and intellectually incoherent thinkpiece. I was immediately struck, upon starting to read it, by just how poorly argued it was, and how little interest he took in addressing intelligent and nuanced arguments against the advisability of lockdowns or the necessity of mass vaccination. Rather, he wanted to remind us again of all the 5G / plandemic / depopulation agenda conspiracy theorists, as if the mere existence of paranoiacs somehow means the rest of us skeptics have something to apologize for. Whatever point Mr. Roddis thought he was making, he failed to construct a remotely sound argument.

“Perhaps the argument about the origin of covid is irrelevant now i.e. whether is was “a con” or not. Everyone would surely agree that the ruling class is using the virus to serve its own interests.”

I believe there is no Covid pandemic at all, that there was at first an escalating hysteria and panic based around a deeply flawed, scientifically unsound PCR test, as well as deeply flawed and erroneous predictive models developed by the histrionic charlatan and fake scientist Neil Ferguson. But genuine fear quickly gave way to cynical opportunism, once the state, various NGOs and corporations (mainly the pharmaceutical industry) alike realized they could exploit the situation to their advantage in forcing through drastic changes to the body politic that the general public would never agree to under normal circumstances.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Apr 4, 2021 6:00 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Excellent! I hope you don’t use Invisible Ink. Roddis has served well as a lightning rod – though I am not yet sure where that metaphor is headed…to Earth I suppose,

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Apr 4, 2021 5:56 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Bravo, George. I cannot match your eloquence, but I can see that it is nothing but unbridled Capitalism that is driving this entire scam. Governments full of paid ‘advisers, and bought whores help fan the flames of fear. The sheep are fleeced, their piggy banks emptied, all our governments bankrolling Big Pharma for zero benefit to Mankind. I don’t know if Marxists believe in God, but hopefully God believes in them. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but suffers the loss of his own soul?

Apr 4, 2021 11:51 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The involvement of China and Russia requires some perspective. Both follow Modern Monetary Theory: the concern themselves with foreign exchange, US T-bills etc. only for external trade – that too, where they must. The ratio of external trade to GDP is now small for China. Russia has gotten rid of just about all its T-bills. They have taken other (differing compared to each other) steps to prepare for the coming crash.

In this covid affair, their actions may have been genuine, to protect their peoples against what seemed to be a bio attack. Remember the frequent bombings, riots, accusations of poisoning, etc. against them. To paraphrase Pepe Escobar, they are playing Go against an Empire still learning to play draughts.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 3, 2021 10:40 PM

In his break with conspiracist takes, author Simon Elmer of Architects for Social Housing delivers the first truly materialist – indeed, dialectically materialist – explanation I’ve seen of what is happening and why I thought that odd since I posted this link to Philip a while ago. https://www.news.reimaginingpolitics.org/p/breaking-up-with-tina That looks to me to be a solid Marxist take on covid-as-con. Philip ignored it. Maybe it was too close to the “conspiracist takes”? Speaking of which, I think this bit reveals what Philip means by “conspiracist takes”: Yes, the criteria were changed. As to the why, I’ve read explanations both sinister and innocent but mine is a different point on the conflation, sly or just sloppy, of a verified fact with an unverified motive. We’re being sold a tautology, the claim its own proof. Now I may have picked this up wrong – but I find the reference to “sly or sloppy” deeply ironic since this use of language is very obscure and when I read this kind of thing, I sense anxiety. But the “unverified motive” is interesting. How do you verify a motive? Well there’s only one way to be sure: if the one carrying out the action admits to the motive. Which is handy since, considering that conspirators hardly ever admit to it, then there can be no “verified conspiracies” which is good news for those lofty Leftists who hate to have their fingers stained with this plebian form of theorizing. Then this: Crap arguments on all sides are one of many depressing symptoms of such turbulence. I see them as corollaries of the Illusion of Knowing, fervently if paradoxically embraced in inverse ratio to objective certainty. When we tell ourselves we Already Know, it seems we can buy – and sell – any old drivel provided it… Read more »

Bored now
Bored now
Apr 3, 2021 10:17 PM

I read the ‘cui bono’ article weeks ago and I just re-read it again now. Although it’s very eloquent and makes some valid observations it’s also very much a limited appraisal of the current situation and VERY long winded. The author seems more interested in telling us about his Marxist view of the world than about anything to do with the current situation we find ourselves in and his ‘coincidence theorist’ approach to analysis is at best naive and at worst disingenuous. The idea that all the billionaires capitalists of the world just ‘capitalised’ on the opportunity of The Great Reset rather than actually conspired to bring it about is, at this late stage in the proceedings laughable, I enjoy a good analysis as much as the next contentious thinker but this guy takes the cake!

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 3, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  Bored now

In systems thinking, nothing is a coincidence. We are where we are because capitalism has been running out of frontiers to capitalize on. With dwindling resources and greed on the hunt for a new frontier, our bodies and minds have long been the natural answer. Corps have been trying to commodify on it for years, but they could only do so many medical interventions and digital innovations. So they latched on to this opportunity to reinvent markets, needs, laws. This is not a “coincidence”. It is the inevitable outcome of capitalism unchallenged.

Elmer shows that this is neither a ‘conspiracy’ planned and created by an elite cabal nor somehow just an event some greedy people are using to line their pockets. It is the next stage in capitalism and it has been waiting to happen for a long time. Based on this understanding, you can then predict from there where the markets will go: an expansion of pharma, of the digital, of the assumption that you are sick unless proven otherwise.

Elmer’s work is crucial because through his analysis, you can then understand where the problem is coming from and what we can expect in the future. We can also then see where the solution lies, which is: in our collective rejection of this social/cultural/economic revolution. If we all don’t wear masks, don’t agree to certificates, don’t agree to distancing and doing everything online, then the financial incentives will disappear, and we can hope for a more humane world.

The takeaway is this: you are not merely a powerless victim. You have the power to resist!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 4, 2021 12:27 AM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel
Apr 4, 2021 3:42 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

At what point does Admin consider the endless reposting of pictures to be self-defeating and mind-numbing spam?
scooper’s image folder must contain only four pictures, but, after seeing them all about 40 times each over recent months, one has to wonder…
I’ve complained before – although I’ve also stated that I find the images relevant and appropriate – but I resent anyone trying to treat the readership here as if we were subnormal people with no faculty of memory at all…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 4, 2021 5:56 AM
Reply to  wardropper

“The definition of spam is to send out unsolicited mass marketing emails.

When you send a million people an email to try to make money online by selling them a worthless product, this is an example of a time when you spam.”

“So Debs is mind numbing spam? If more people ‘KNEW’ about Debs humanity would not be in the situation which it now faces.”

Apr 4, 2021 11:57 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Some people have diplomatic immunity.

Apr 4, 2021 12:39 AM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

Great comment. Begs the question of how so many formerly politically astute people cannot see this is no happy accident.

Apr 4, 2021 2:56 AM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

The advantage of controlling us plebs is that they can control all costs, profits, etc etc. They can can control the whole economy: they can take your land to build a new highway to ship their goods and what will you do? Nothing. Your new home is a cardboard box and if you protest, you don’t get food.

Hugh O'Neill
Hugh O'Neill
Apr 4, 2021 6:05 AM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

Viva, Frieda. I loved the put-down that “there are no coincidences in systems thinking”. You are clearly not a “Coincidence Theorist” – a new phrase I have just discovered in Edward Curtin’s article on MLK.

Bored now
Bored now
Apr 4, 2021 11:02 AM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

Thanks for your thoughtful comment Frieda. I appreciate the belief structure involved in ‘systems thinking’ and recognise the absence of coincidences in framing everything through a Marxist lens. I personally think that our bodies and minds have been the first and last commodity that every ruling class since civilisation began have been after. This was true well before the capitalist ideology was born and I don’t feel that the perception of dwindling resources are the reason for that. And here I get to my main problem with systems thinking. It relies solely on and in truth is nothing more than a narrative. A very long winded and pseudoscientific way of telling a story. I think systems thinking can be a useful way of looking at systems. But I don’t view human beings and human thoughts and desires as a system. I’m sure systems thinking can be a useful tool to recognise behaviour and output when looking at large interconnected systems in which humans are apart but to apply it to human agendas and conspiracies is as good as applying coincidence theory to history.
I did enjoy reading a system thinking analysis of the Covid fraud if only to see how limited systems thinking is when trying to view a very human subject whilst adopting a pre-existing Marxist narrative.

Apr 4, 2021 5:23 PM
Reply to  Bored now

I agree with your assessment. I subscribed to Marxism for a rather long time, but I’ve come to the conclusion that Marxism is of limited usefulness. Does it have something useful to offer? Certainly, as it provides general context, but it removes human agency from the analysis and thus offers protection to the ruling class and its individual members.

Blaming everything on an exploitative system lets our sociopathic rulers off the hook for their actions. If I were part of the ruling class/oligarchy, I would promote Marxism among the opposition so they could spend their efforts focusing on ‘the system’ rather than focusing on my destructive decisions.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 4, 2021 2:37 PM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

“What it comes down to in the end is technological development in respect to (versus) human psychological (mental and intellectual) development. While the technology has advanced (especially since the industrial revolution of several centuries ago) humanity’s overall mental and intellectual outlook has not kept changed or kept pace with it. In many respects the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATH ‘animals’ and their various retainers have the same mental and intellectual framework, perspective and outlook as the hunter-gatherers of fifty thousand years ago. It is time for them to ‘develop’ beyond that perspective and outlook.”

Apr 4, 2021 2:52 AM
Reply to  Bored now

The idea that all the billionaires capitalists of the world just ‘capitalised’ on the opportunity of The Great Reset rather than actually conspired to bring it about is, at this late stage in the proceedings laughable

Totally agree. Anyone who has worked in a large corporation knows that they are sluggish tortoises that can only slowly change direction. How are Big Pharma companies suddenly able to create the capacity to create so many vaccine doses without plenty of planning, years of planning: building the plant, hiring the people, sourcing the raw materials etc etc. Big Pharma are big companies that work on 5-year or 10-year plans, they do not just leap into action in any sense, even if they are being pushed by billionaires. This was planned.

Kempler todd
Kempler todd
Apr 3, 2021 10:02 PM

Johnson folds on vaccine passports……the fuckers are on the run.

Apr 3, 2021 9:01 PM

You vill own nothing, …NOTHING.

comment image

Apr 3, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  LeaveMeAlone

comment image

Apr 4, 2021 2:21 AM
Reply to  LeaveMeAlone

…and you will be happy 🙂

Apr 4, 2021 3:44 AM
Reply to  Paolo

…and you vil be heppy

Apr 4, 2021 3:43 AM
Reply to  LeaveMeAlone

nossings, please.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 3, 2021 8:58 PM

This is what happens if the “pandemic” fraud is left unchallenged. Any question can be shot down with the reply: “We’re in the middle of a pandemic!”

Hugo Talks
01 Apr 2021
Disgrace! #Ireland / #lockdown
Question put to the Taoiseach (Irish prime minister) re cancer services


Apr 3, 2021 8:43 PM

comment image

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 3, 2021 9:22 PM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

“When corporate fascism (the same gang of criminals that funded Hitler and Mussolini) and servile blind obedience come in the door, critical thinking, personal rights and civil liberties go out the window.”
comment image

“Think critically. Think for oneself.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 3, 2021 9:24 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Do not let the corporate fascist criminals do the thinking for you.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 3, 2021 9:33 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Apr 4, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

that’s good …

Apr 3, 2021 8:32 PM

I have no doubts that we will see a world wide economic crisis.
Russia instead may be quite lucky. Since the 1990ies Russia followed the neoliberal ideology (under Yeltzin and then Putin). But then it was forced by the western sanctions, to change more and more to what you can call ‘modern Mercantilism’. For decades a lot of agrarian products were imported from EU countries. Since the sanctions Russian farmers are producing these fruits, vegetables and products from animals themselves.
Also a lot of technical products had to been imported for decades. But because of the US/EU sanctions – and certainly sometimes only because of the worry to get sanctioned – Russia now produces these items herself. Last example of autarchy is the own production of turbines for planes and gas-turbines for war-ships. Until only recently Russia bought these turbines from a Ukrainian factory, that was founded in Soviet times and supplied the whole Soviet union then. But not long ago Kiev sanctioned Russia and refused to sell turbines to her any more. But now Russia produces these turbines (of very modern kind) herself.
By having been forced to be non-globalist Russia is less vulnerable to a world economic crisis as any comparable state. By having been forced to be ‘mercantilist’ Russia can face an even dramatic drop in oil sales during a world wide recession much easier than only a few years before. This because of a now tidily knit national “inside”-economy.
China seems to be much more vulnerable to a worldwide economic break down than Russia. And in some ways China’s economy is much more comparable to those of the North American and the European states.
For this ,please, read: “WILL A CHINA REAL ESTATE COLLAPSE TRIGGER THE GLOBAL MELTDOWN?” by F. William Engdahl – http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO26Mar2021.php