Korvus Korax
In the bread and circuses phase
of an empire’s waning days
skillfully framed spin-riddled reports
devised and arranged to shape not reflect
reality are fed to the orderly hordes
of hoped-for unquestioning simps
by undercover PR pimps and whores
by soldiers and officers in a corps
which only sees action
in the act of producing stupefying weapons
of mass deception and mass distraction
that saturate the Orwellian menus
of the media cartel’s ubiquitous outlets
platforms and venues
where platoons of well-groomed perfectly-plastic
false-narrative parroting broadcast mannequins
(the very cream of bullshit-pushing talking heads)
along with their exhaustively-vetted pundit guests
(all bona fide experts in fact-free conjecture)
do their professional censorial best
to ensure confuting truths
are ruthlessly suppressed;
where in the artful pitting of all against all
with the intent of fragmenting potential dissent
and for the time-tested purpose
of rule through the orchestrated discord
of methodically fostered division
the masterfully vacuous coverage of topics
once done with its perfunctory run
through fatuous bits of trivia and gossip
invariably resorts to the hot-button sports
of flame-fanning wedge-issue-hammering
tribal-enmity-fomenting identity politics
along with regular
sense-suspending reason-freezing segments
of bogeyman-conjuring fearmongering
and narcissism-reinforcing grievance porn
in the form of advanced victimology
and where in league and lockstep
with these and other superb diversions
never is heard a deeply contextualized fact
or insightful unfiltered opinion;
where from the self-styled aristocracy’s
obedient media minions
never is heard an enlightening word
that might however vaguely suggest
the all-pervasive predation
insatiable unchecked theft
and normalized war criminality
practiced with presumptuous impunity
by the parasite class who’s entitled clans
of insider elites and their notable cronies
take for granted their blanket immunity
from both rebuke and prosecution
with its threat of unwelcome scrutiny.
And so it is that we
benumbed dumbed-down citizens
are in addition to the usual profusion
of customary inanities
offered a host of glittering
obscenely obsequious displays
of glib-lipped line-toeing shows
pre-screened Q’s & scripted A’s
rigged inquiries and fake debates
a steady parade
of ready-made gushing and groveling
from a kowtowing cast
of plutocracy-serving
spittle-slurping lackeys
happily chirping
insufferably subservient views
on programs that laughably
masquerade as hard-hitting news
possibly fooling
the bulk of the brainwashed masses
but coming across as all fluff and gloss
to the skeptical few
who refuse to stuff
their unbowed heads up their asses.
Mis and disinforming
punctiliously distorting or ignoring
derisory-talking-points disgorging
diligently obfuscating;
spurious-claims disseminating
press-release repeating
photo-op propagating;
gov-prop peddling celebrity smitten
wealth-and-power-fawning-bug bitten
orthodoxy defending
groupthink / think tank echoing
establishment spokestoadies
de facto stenographic agents
journalists in name alone
mere courtiers who take dictation
from the ring of loyal barons
surrounding the lawless throne;
leaders in the field of misleading
spinners of institutional spin
shills for big-biz big-money sin
gods of nonstop softball lobs
masters of projection misdirection
and the impossibly incurious question;
a pack of assiduously cheerleading whores
with well-earned well-worn keys to the doors
of covert-infomercial heaven
and glowing puff piece nirvana
disclosing insights as incisive as the bites
of well-fed toothless piranhas.
Mindful of never-written-
orders to only cover symptoms
and never acknowledge
much less discuss
any roots or root causes
so as not to unravel
the insubstantial fabric
of the falsehoods being spun;
content to consent
to pretend world events happen
in some sort of magical vacuum
when dealing with stories
constrained and fashioned
by the tacit command from on high
which makes it clear that asking why
is wholly verboten;
disposed to follow
the unspoken policy of opposing
the exposing of anything outside
the highly zoomed-in image
the narrowly focused shot
ensuring the editorial given
that honest context is and will be cropped
and that unless pre-approved any and all
allusions to history are implicitly forbidden;
unable to stray from the script
or report even the simplest
most basic of facts
that might in some way conflict
with the feeble threadbare fables
the reigning deep state has backed
the status quo’s devoted media
unofficial publicists for team amnesia
proudly mouthing pre-packaged pap
newscaster presstitute types
hand in hand with both their outright
and shadow-banning bands
of online-censoring memory-holing
big-tech-web-controlling search-engine
-algorithm-rigging brethren;
newscaster presstitute types
reduced to prostituting their pipes
find themselves spewing
malicious fabrications
and baseless accusations
effectively fueling
a conflagration of misinformation
of adequate mass to create
and stoke the divisive fires
of suspicion distrust and hate
all the while dispensing
the poisonous pills of legalized libel
slyly insidiously smearing/defaming
their designated prey
by administering a prescriptive cocktail
of persistent concerted mislabeling
accompanied as often as not
by venomous shots of denigration
and insinuated guilt
by however-tenuous association.
Sworn to take special care
to never air anything beyond the bounds
of the slim preordained range
the hounds of allowable debate
and permissible discourse
permit without giving chase;
special care to never show
anything for which their owners and donors
and ad-rev heavies may possess a distaste
all the while
assailing their paymasters’ foes
the pol-fin syndicate’s mouthpiece-media
feed the sheep a shiny diet
of purest mind-moulding gold
to the point of avidly backing
and even inciting whatever barbarities
their demonic sponsors have set as goals
as they dutifully flog
the psy-op tripe it’s their job to hype
to rally support from the unwary proles.
Reasoned objective perspectives
and fair and forthright accounts
being far too rare and precious
to share with the plebs and peasants
the zealous suppression
of uncorralled narratives
with their facts and provable truths
when they clash with the views
and agenda-setting course
the controlling oligarchs endorse
is the obvious censored message
in this age of raging falsification
when brushing aside the packs of lies
and egregious omissions
that permeate the omnipresent
money-power sanctioned fictions
is corporate media standard procedure
and presenting
even a semblance of evidence
to back up assertions
is considered both irrelevant
and entirely superfluous
while accuracy in reporting
is mistaken for the flashy scoring
of bull’s-eyes in the game
of sensationalism-driven ratings.
in its dereliction of journalistic duty
in its dedication to its hugely
lucrative abdication
of all responsibility
for exposing both the odious acts
and the merely shady trades
that pervade the venal system;
with its proud if mythical tradition
of speaking truth to power
now a thing of the past;
with its last shred of alleged integrity
reduced to a faded fading memory
having without reservation
turned its once-presumed obligation
perversely upside-down
by now afflicting the afflicted
and comforting the comfortable
(as sickening as it may sound)
a formerly
purportedly moral fourth estate
now perfectly happy
to pocket a pretty packet
to reliably look the other way
having openly sold its soul
for cozy access and easy pay;
having abandoned all pretense
of impartiality
its transition
from all-weather watchdog
nobly patrolling its thankless beat
to pampered lap-bound poodle
as good as complete
the PR arm of a vast apparatus
whose role and goal is advancing
the sordid interests of the upper classes
now fully absorbed
by the sponge of plush corruption
does whatever it takes
to preserve the perks and comforts
to which it’s grown accustomed
by doing its misdirecting damnedest
to keep the crude multitudes
too confused and off balance
to ever refine their rough suspicions;
to ever home in on the cause
of the rot at the heart of the system
in the bread and circuses phase
of a waning empire’s days.
From his lofty perch near the top of the earth, Korvus observes the whirling world of humans, with equal parts disgust and amusement. Korvus is the author of the unpublished book “RED PILL POEMS The Poetry of Empire, Politics and Power”.
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This needs to be watched
Wondefully written.
Decorate a lie in gold pass it freely around and soon enough the whole world admires, works towards, and worships it.
Golden cows.
Before people will accept that there are large conspiracies, they have to realize/accept/conceptualize? that there are powerful, psychopathic people, in positions of power, that are addicted to power over other people (Henry Kissenger “power is the most powerful aphrodesiac”). Then they can shift paradigms and wtfu. Before it’s too late.
what do these charmingly naive people think that billionaires are?
surely as far as material posessions are concerned, you’re already pretty much maxed-out as a mono-billionaire. the only possible reason to aspire to become a double-, triple-, multi-billionaire, is so that you have greater opportunity to indulge your psychopathic proclivities on the bodies and lives of other people.
case in point: Bill Gates.
one would think that this would be obvious, but apparently not.
Curious that the following could get published in the Gates Foundation-funded Guardian.
Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States. Why?
It is until the author makes it clear that the issue boils down to ‘race and class’. The remainder of the article is an identity politics monologue reminding the reader that white skin is problem.
I have seen other posts about Bill Gates and U.S. farmland. If I was him, I would do the same. I read that George Bush bought a couple million acres in South America. China is buying up land in parts of Africa.
This is happening everywhere isn’t it? Rich Oligarchs anticipating the inevitable and planning their escapes in case their plans to subvert government control fail. Isn’t that what we are talking about?
Anticipation of a World calamity (I don’t mean climate change) and an attempt to prevent it primarily for the benefit of the oligarchs and their close families and friends who all happen to be white? To do so they are dividing people and turning them against each other to create chaos. It seems to be working so far.
Gates has not even scratched the surface on rich farmland in the U.S. The percentage of land he has bought is minuscule. It sounds like a lot but it is relatively nothing. The real concern will be if starts buying the corporate farms held in the Midwest. The last I knew, Yakima is a desert in comparison to land in the Midwest. You know, rain shadow effect. Shortgrass prairie. Short grass. Little water. Unless you are in a mountain valley, most of the west is like that. Cattle ranches out there are thousands and thousands of acres in size because the land so dry.
Sorry. As a retired member of the white working class, I have no way to protect my descendants from the impending doom being stirred up by these oligarchs. Call me privileged. All I know is this: The working class whites are paying the price of the chaos being stirred up by the oligarchs and the brainwashed Democrats. The way it looks, the scenario will be permanent if they get their way.
A classic example of the division and confusion in the U.S. is the Georgia Voting Rights law requiring an I.D. to vote. Hundreds of corporations across the U.S. are protesting and they don’t know why. “Jim Crow on steroids”, according to Biden. The number of aliens living in the U.S. is approaching 50 million and the Democrats don’t want people to prove who they are before voting. Corporate America has no clue but have “joined the cause” because they are afraid to upset BLM and their allies.
It is mind boggling what is happening.
And Joe Biden says he wants to close the deep divisions in our country. He hasn’t a clue what he has signed onto and it’s too late for Jill to sit with him and explain it. Even if she does he will forget the next day. It’s not looking good from my perspective.
Hello Wayne Vanderploeg: I’ve read the many critiques of Farmer Bill Gates, and his purchases of collateral lands. Nothing new. Cargill Cargill – Wikipedia and other corporate agribusinesses have been monopolizing agricultural production for decades. The public doesn’t care, because they’re not starving (yet) and still enjoying the shit show…
The number of failed family owned farms in the upper Midwest is staggering. China is buying whole townships – including municipal wells. No one notices.
Had a conversation with an old college roommate recently who grew up in southern Illinois on a farm. Much of it is rich alluvium along the Ohio River. He is one of the smarter people I have ever known. Now a circuit judge.
He has a theory on why so many farmers are going broke (besides the fact that grain prices are low). The Homestead Act. Initially, farmers did well because the land was free. Time has caught up to them and technology has advanced faster than farmers can afford.
My great grandfather and several brothers immigrated to America from Holland around 1900. American technology advancement and rich soils had priced Holland farmers out of the market. They had no choice. They came to America and succeeded. They bought their land. I don’t really know what they did differently, but they did fine. Go figure. Cousins everywhere. (Advancement of the family line is the point of nature, isn’t it?). So far, none of the relatives have sold out to the Chinese. That does not mean it isn’t happening. Been out of Illinois for a decade now. You have piqued my interest. I will give a report.
As an aside and out of the blue, none of my relatives have owned slaves or were involved in the slave trade. No ships. N rum. No slaves. Just like baseball.
My brief farmland ownership report: Roughly 915 million acres of farmland in the United States. About 30 million (3.2%) is foreign owned. Of that, the Chinese own about 190 thousand acres. All from Google. There are no federal regulations limiting foreign ownership. However, most states are regulating foreign ownership. The bigger question would be, as you implied, where is that food going? I would think that Emergency Powers would prevent them from shipping food out the country in the event of war or some other catastrophe. Again. This is from Google. NPR did an alarmist story on it. Used to love PBS stuff. Not any more.
I haven’t looked at acreage figures for quite a few years, as I no longer trust the way agricultural data is tabulated. All I notice is the number of fallow and abandoned farms in my windshield tours of the country side. There are literally hundreds of abandon farms within a 50 mile radius of my home. Some are bank repossessions, some were confiscated due to unpaid Federal tax, and many are eventually returned to State or county title. Very few are ever returned to private ownership.
It’s obvious that the majority of these single family farms lasted perhaps one or two generations. Also obvious is the time frame. The majority went down in the late 70’s, and the number of total failures has increased with each decade. The houses and outbuildings are typically left vacant, and neglect finally turns a hundred years of pride into a pile of rotting lumber. It’s a National disaster that few even bother to notice.
Corporate control of agriculture has put independent land ownership out of reach for most civil populations. All this land and labor carnage is due to Wall Street control of commodities, and government collusion sealed the deal. People choose not to notice, because there’s still cheap pig swill available on the grocers shelves…
Thank you for your thoughtful comments and posts.
There are some goings-on at the Fraudian at the moment…
Starmer came out against an internal vaccine passport a few days ago. This si the first time Starmer has opposed anything for going too far, it’s always been too slow or not going far enough. Yetserday the Fraudian had a story that ministers had been planning vaccine passports since last December (which has quickly disappeared off the on-line front page). Those who’ve seen this coming since the start have of course been ridiculed by the Fraudian as “conspiracy theorists”. Now it looks like there was indeed…. a conspiracy. This morning the Fraudian headlines with the alternative – home test kits for everyone! Readers have to dig down to discover these will cost £150 a go.
Today’s Fraudian editorial is back on-message that the roadmap is going too far, too fast. The main reason is that it’s “divisive”. As it’s amateur psychology hour over here at the moment, let me suggest this is classic projection. It’s certainly a bit rich coming from a paper that pushes the gender and racial agendas that the Fraudian does – or that constantly portrays anyone existing outside their Compatible Left/Lib Dem/Green matrix as the scum of the earth. They go on to say Johnson is doing this only because of the May elections. Projection again I would suggest….
My take on this is that the current tangle on vaccine passports is part of the “populism = chaos” meme they’ve been running since Trump’s election. It makes technocratic rule embodied by Starmer look appealing to the normie. If Starmer tanks horrendously in the May elections the “Blair 2.0 is Labour’s only hope” message is in trouble. They need to be able to paint Starmer as at least Labour’s new Kinnock. Assuming, as I think most here would, that vaccine passports are very much part of the plan and opposition to them is entirely synthetic, what’s going on? After all, if vaccine passports have the support of a zillion percent of the public like they claim, opposing them like Starmer did is pretty crazy. Perhaps they aren’t really so popular? Alternatively, perhaps they know the May elections are going to be a disaster for Starmer and they’re going to use his opposition to vaccine passports as a cover? On a more profound level, there’s an attempt to restore functioning representative democracy with a “choice” at the ballot box. They think 12 months of ‘lockdown vs. more lockdown’ can be obliterated by a few weeks of phoney bone of contention (phoney in the sense that there are any number of ways they could go back to the vaccine passport further down the road). There’s also the difficulty they’re having in squaring a vaccine passport with the great “woke” god of non-discrimination. Finally, there’s always the possibility they’re having trouble with the tech for the vaccine passport so that’s why they’re willing to delay on it.
All I know for sure is that I was expecting to see the sort of elite (self-professed) consensus on the vaccine passport we see on the vaccine itself – and I’m not seeing it.
Most likely, the ‘vaccine passports’ were always a non-starter and Starmer was ‘allowed’ to oppose them in an attempt to restore some credibility to his leadership. While the Tories/establishment don’t want Labour to win an election, they know that some kind of Labour party is vital to the illusion of democracy. The script was probably, as you say, that Starmer would be some kind of ‘Kinnock’ after the alleged disaster of Corbyn who would get Labour near power. In fact, most former Labour supporters have simply given up after Corbyn was sabotaged from within, leaving Starmer twisting in the wind and Johnson’s regime looking very like the dictatorship it is.
the guardian reads like satire…
a reflection undoubtedly on the imbeciles that ‘consume’ its prole-feed…
the ghouls gallery of, ahem, ‘columnists'(un-journalistas, poseurs, mental midgets, and state maggots) look like they have escaped from ripleys…
excellent if you are in need of a chuckle..
oh and that line:
‘Starmer as at least Labour’s new Kinnock’….
had me in stitches that one…. had me reaching for the single malt laughing like a hyena…
‘good one’
Yes all good points.
Also the intended deployment of vaccine/covid/common pass may be planned to take longer than we imagine.
That gives them much more time to exert pressure with variants, new viruses etc.
In the short term the implementation will probably take hold through travel, this way the govts can blame it on requirements from other countries and of course one doesn’t need to travel, also the large social gatherings BS.
The experimental nature of the so-called vaccines until 2023 may be used as cover to apply more fear pressure so that after multiple scares people really are clamouring for the covid pass.
There is also the vaccination status/test status/“immunity” status flexibility with the covid-pass proposals that give the politicians more scope to get mass approval for it. Which is of course the main objective – the ID pass trojan horse.
this has probably been posted before but is very good , Naomi Wolf on the vaxpass
Is it just me or do others skip the piece up top and dive straight into the comments?
No it’s not just you. Many of the articles are interesting but I feel that an OffG post is a bit like when you went to school and couldn’t wait to get into the playground and chat with your mates. In this case, to continue the fight.
I’d be more interested in a condensed version of this one.
Me too, because I love poetry.
FWIW, I sometimes skip but more often skim. 😉
A ha! An excellent summation of the morally and ethically bankrupt creatures masquerading as journalists.
Who I refer to as presstitutes.
While reading through this piece by Korvus, I couldn’t help but think of specimens such as Piers Morgan, Luke Harding, Christiane Amanpour, Barbara Walters, Brian Williams and here in Australia; the truly odious Michael Rowland, Philip Williams, Philip Adams, Virginia Trioli and many many more who have sold their souls and their integrity, and who literally whore themselves for the 0.01% and in protecting the system; the status quo.
As Korvus eloquently puts it.
Which is why my TV is off nearly the whole time except when to watch one of my dvds or a soccer game. That’s it.
Years ago, I used to watch programs like Q & A, but realised it was all just confected fluff and faux debates held within a strictly permitted parameter. A bit like a televised Punch & Judy Show.
And their fully embedded collusion in the covid pysops is something no principled person can ever forgive. They are outright criminals in my book.
I detest the media.
Writing a poem to express the essence of modern journalism is an exercise in casting swine before pearls.
Dr. Amandha Vollmer – Cancel Cult-ure as Psychological Disharmony.
This is an excellent video. Amandha talks about everything from current day censorship, the algorithms which ensure you only ever see promoted results in targeted searches, fake pandemics of the past to the present day, the fact that there’s no contagion only various levels of poison and toxicity, the distorted occult beliefs of the psychopathic parasitic ruling class and the long term hazardous effects of the mRNA gene therapy.
Thanks Researcher. Dr Amandha is great! This video is current (Easter 2021) and she warns that in a few weeks inflation will take off, triggered by housing market collapse.
Some wise words on preparing for the next plandamic plans.
Inflation at ground level has already taken off in case you haven’t noticed but has some way to go before we get the wheelbarrows out!!
Another 44:46 minutes of drivel.
I’m sure Amandha has a lot of interesting things to say, but it would behoove her to put whatever she has to say down in writing. Who has three quarters of an hour? If written down, it would probably take five minutes to read/skim. But that would require fine-tuning what she has to say, an extra effort on her part.
Same goes for Corbett who goes on and on and on, wallowing in as obscure words as he can pull out of Shakespeare’s ass.
Are you a Freemason, Jacques?
b’nai brith..
Just a free (occasional) mason …
now now, you know most people can’t read, though they probably don’t have the attention span to sit through the monotone rantings of the not-so-yummy doctor either…
still, I’m sure she has her ‘audience’…..
Lots of interesting issues discussed here, but I find her exhausting, and her compassion seems pretty limited.
There are lots of small details which need to be talked about, but I’m afraid she wouldn’t have the patience to listen to any of my questions before calling me one of ‘those stupid people who don’t know how sick and diseased they are’ and then closing the discussion…
This isn’t a question of “you agree with everything I say, or you’re sick” (the very same narcissistic attitude which she criticizes herself). Her mind has to remain open as well as ours, but of course she is sitting in the consultant’s chair, and we are not.
I emphasize that I think I would enjoy a serious discussion with her, but I suspect she is as easy to offend as some of the snowflakes she holds up as examples of sick, diseased, narcissistic losers, and whom she describes so well… She just seems unnecessarily defensive – constantly on the lookout for somebody who might have a counter-argument.
I also get what she says about ‘nice’ being a disease, but there are definitely people who don’t fit into her characterization of ‘nice’ at all.
For example, I find Jordan Peterson ‘nice’, because I sense behind his brutally direct manner a well-meaning soul who has real compassion for the people around him who suffer, and a firm intention to do something to help them. The positive vibes which come from such a person incline me to think of them as ‘nice’ people.
This video, on the other hand, shows me a lady who is used to scoring points off other people, and that, in my experience, usually indicates a need to prove something in order to fill an insecure space in a person’s own soul.
The brutally direct manner is there, but I don’t see the well-meaning behind it.
It’s my first encounter with her, so I’m just speculating here, but the fact that I find her exhausting rings some alarm bells, where other professionals do not.
It’s like she knows how to open the right doors, but instead of preparing people for what lies behind them, it seems more like pushing them into the room beyond and telling them to remember to eat healthily.
Oh, and buy her book…
I hope I’m not being too cynical, but these times demand a lot of cynicism and the clearest perception of which we are capable. She has a lot of great things to say, and she calls out the liars with great aplomb. I won’t dismiss her out of hand.
I don’t think Jordan Peterson is honest at all. He takes what is commonly known as complete crap (By design by the same people he is allied with) and then attributes it to something eise entirely. Does Jordan Peterson ever put the blame on any of our current problems on the people in charge, who have been in charge for centuries feeding people literal fake news, a fake economic and monetary system, fake government, fake legal system, fake history, fake science and medicine? No. Jordan Peterson is one of the people working for the cryptocracy. Every member of that “intellectual dark web“ is one of “them”. The same people who want you and your family dead and who continue to profit from the debt enslavement of humanity. You won’t find Jordan Peterson telling you there is no covid19 or no viruses. He is fully on board with the biggest lies. He does not walk in truth at all, hence he was a victim of his own arrogance and dishonesty by abusing prescription drugs. He couldn’t even help himself. He’s so weak willed he abused tranquilizers and became addicted. He didn’t have the intellectual courage or forethought to research what he shoved into his body. He can’t even walk the talk.
What book? There is no book.
Who funds this group that Peterson promotes so often? One funder includes Searle Freedom Trust. From the founders bio-“In 1977 he successfully recruited Donald Rumsfeld to become CEO, whereupon he became Chairman, a position he held until the company was sold to Monsanto in 1985
siad paul neacon
have a look at his connections to the UN and psycholgical operations….
he and many like him are the based punch to all the woke judys…
‘that’s the way to do it !!!!’
Also there’s clearly scamming and exploitation going on with the “Peterson Fellowship at the Acton School of Business.” Detailed here.
Peterson teamed up with Jeff Sandefer, a third generation oilman, who is directly connected to scum cryptocracy like Rick Perry, The Koch Foundation and “The Philanthropy Roundtable.”
Jordan Peterson is consulted on the logo.
Rebel Wisdom Q&A Number One
Jul 26, 2018
The first Rebel Wisdom Q and A. Where we answer 11 of your questions, as submitted earlier in the week. As below.
1. Why do you use the “black sun” as a logo? what does it mean to you? (The Dashing Rogue)
Could they make a more obvious Illuminati logo if they tried? Lol!
JP – designated geofencer of the young white male – He’s herding them into feedlots for the nwo
“Oh, and buy her book…” < Says it all.
There’s no book. But see how lies and misinformation work? Now you believe something that isn’t even real.
My concern is ‘directed cynicism’. Although it might not seem to be the case the idea that we’re looking at the structure and institutions of our societies as a fraud isn’t at all new. Such structures are by the nature purely artificial so its not surprising that they’re build up around a contrived consensus, a consensus that’s designed to support the existing power status quo. What seems to be a little different this time around is that the ‘rebellion’ seems to be born from within, a Through the Looking Glass world where the the power structure is promoting the rebellion and the target of the rebellion is external elements that would normally challenge that power structure. (There’s a bit of smoke and mirrors involved here, of course, so you’ll see bete noirs like ‘Gates’ or ‘Soros’ being mentioned as part of the Axis of Evil, or whatever we’re calling it this week but that doesn’t alter the main thrust — what appears to be new and revolutionary seems to promote what’s old and reactionary.)
Back in the good old days you had people going around making statements like “don’t trust anyone over 30”, a bit of understandable nonsense, but still nonsense. These days I’d modify this to suggest that one needs to be very wary of recent opinion if it diverges significantly from old opinion. I’ve learned that while technologies and fashions can change rapidly, people don’t, so any radial change in direction of political philosopy has to be looked at very carefully, typically with the questions “Who’s paying for this?” and “Who benefits?”.
You were doing so well until you mentioned JP. He is a complete shill. Go check out the vid of the guy who offered him Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together to see who really controls him.
Amandha lays into nasti-poodles — but in fairness, she declares niceness a disease, too.
Very insightful and highly recommended. Personally I recognized what she said from 00:22:40
She differentiates between niceness and kindness. People who are nice to get along but never assert themselves. It’s mostly a disease women have. We are taught to be subservient, societally and within families so we don’t come across as “crazy bitches”. Which is probably why some men here would not appreciate what she has to say because they probably don’t relate at all or are narcissists themselves. And I can appreciate that point of view without necessarily agreeing.
It’s a man, duh!
No way. Anne Coulter is a man. Amandha is a woman. With a kid.
Canadian police go to church on Easter … not welcomed
I’m not a fan of any religion, but I 100% agree with his anger at the “authorities” Well done that man.
I think a new religion for everybody is gaining footing these days.
It basically consists of courage, love, and the refusal to tolerate evil.
“Christian” is as good a word as any to describe it, but whatever it’s called, I’m in.
This man got as angry as it is possible to get without committing a punishable offence – although I suspect the police would like to punish him for calling them nazis…
I hope he goes viral. He did something very important on this occasion.
I’ll bet he took the wind out of their sails on behalf of their next victim too.
I’d love to see how that went…
I kinda hear what you’re saying, but religion implies faith. Faith implies irrationality. Not good. That’s what’s behind this CV-1984 thing. Anything irrational can be easily misused.
Courage and love sound good, but Evil (vs. Good) is problematic. That would have to be defined and everybody might have a different idea about what it is. So, an higher authority would have to impose the concept of No Evil on everybody, and we’re back to square one.
We need simplicity. A few simple paradigms, commandments, such as “Every person shall have the freedom to do whatever he/she wishes as long as he/she doesn’t fuck around with any other creature.”
Well, to be brief, I would just say that faith does not have to imply irrationality, even if in some circumstances it clearly does.
Here’s the version which is not brief:
At its very simplest, one could say that faith is like trust, and when you trust your wife, husband, or any other person close to you, you are not dealing with an irrational emotion, even though you cannot hold up your trust for the world to see with its own eyes.
Only your own experience tells you that it is based on reality, because experience is experience. Of course ‘proof’ is lacking, yet one can’t claim that everyone who experiences something is an irrational lunatic.
Similarly, religious experience doesn’t come from reading the Bible and believing everything you see there with the same faith that advertising agencies want us to have in their idiotic marketing.
There is also another side to this kind of experience, which is firmly rooted in all the natural phenomena around us – phenomena which constitute an amazing book of knowledge which needs to be studied before it can make sense.
In just the same way, Nature itself, which I consider to be closely related to genuine religion, isn’t spoon-fed to us. We are supposed to work with it, and there is nothing ‘irrational’ about that work.
I like your search for simplicity, but it has to be admitted that different degrees of simplicity suit different people.
Moses managed to come up with Ten Commandments – not a bad summary, considering how comprehensive – and long – the Scriptures are – yet that has generally been considered to be more than enough for the bulk of mankind.
So perhaps Two Commandments might conceivably have left people feeling that there was a lot of important territory still uncovered…?
I don’t know about the commandments.
I can see that people shall not murder and steal, and it would probably be good not to lie too, even though it would have to be qualified what exactly it means. The rest is optional, adultery is ridiculous – why would people have to live in marriages? It might suit some people, but I can see how tons and tons of other might prefer swapping their partners from time to time. What exactly is wrong with that?
Anyway, our world has become so complex, laws, rules, etc. are ridiculous.
How about,
Don’t do to others that you don’t want to be done to yourself. That is the simplest and clearest that comes to mind.
Isn’t that pretty much what I said, albeit in slightly more colloquial terms, understandable to everyone?
Common law?
Obviously. Funny how there are some “regulars” here assiduously avoiding that topic and pretending it won’t work.
people are quite capable of defining good and evil, it is just that most are cheap, morally bankrupt and easily bought…
common law is quite sufficient to live by, the basic premise being ‘do no harm’…
we already have all the tools, and they don’t include hippy fantasies of ‘freedom’.. a joke created by the hollow men, now being used to strangle the free.
honour and duty are what is needed.. at least until the mess is sorted out… then you can all get back on with messing it all up again.
‘that is, if there is anything left’…..
Everybody knows what good and bad, right and wrong is. We need strength, honesty, courage and integrity for it to win over evil. Christ is the best example of this.
The people doing all this are anti-Christ. So what we need is more Christ. Love enemies yes, but doesn’t mean you let them win.
Loving someone doesn’t mean you allow them to destroy you.
Well said W, and I agree with you: ‘courage, love, and the refusal to tolerate evil’. I’m all for that as well.
I saw this video yesterday elsewhere, and was very impressed with how the Pastor handled himself. Big thumbs up from me, because far too many are tolerating this, or burying their heads in the sand, or actually supporting such actions of the cops.
We need more people to visibly stand up and demand: No More.
“I think a new religion for everybody is gaining footing these days.
It basically consists of courage, love, and the refusal to tolerate evil.”
This reads to me like part of a script to push Project Blue Beam.
Do you know anything about Project Blue Beam and “The Order’s” plan for forming a new world religion that merges all major religions into one global world religion? One that is based on the Gaia concept of universal love and the worship of nature, melded with communitarianism, but using the climate change and CO2 fraud and the issue of the environment as a catalyst?
That would be Chrislam then would it ?
Lol … yes. But they forgot like about half a dozen other religions.
That was August 2020. So it was timed to coincide with the covid narrative and Agenda 21. And they have been pre-programming people with stuff like “Messiah” on Netflix.
Strange, somehow, somewhere, someone switched my post………… this is what I posted
Changed again!
Try again
Great. But sadly the religious establishments have shown themselves to be n integral part of the global government.
They obviously understood the term “warrant” and after looking somewhat dumbfounded decided that it would be best for them to leave!
this looks so staged and it was passed about by all the usual shills on you tube bitchurt etc
another thing take note this huge thing happening in Canada at the moment all the shills who did the whole trump bojo thing are their now radicalizing the venerable persuadables to get in ot the voting ritual
same psyop same videos same shill
notice any alt media patterns. seems to be coming from Canada, the shill channels all showing totally scripted videos of so called people saying get out to police or officials. it is so scrpitied a basic check on who the lot are, their shill centrals they did similar crap in 2014/5 same lot. clearly people are not doing basic background checks and only going with what is internet fashionable which is sell-able to the gullible! gggoel Milo or alex jones from 2015 your see virtually the same script
Crow is clearly not dead.
He survived Ted Hughes.
Oscar Wilde on journalism and media
“It was a fatal day when the public discovered that the pen is mightier than the paving-stone, and can be made as offensive as the brickbat. They at once sought for the journalist, found him, developed him, and made him their industrious and well-paid servant. It is greatly to be regretted, for both their sakes.
Behind the barricade there may be much that is noble and heroic. But what is there behind the leading-article but prejudice, stupidity, cant, and twaddle? And when these four are joined together they make a terrible force, and constitute the new authority.”
– Oscar Wills Wilde –
(October 16, 1854 – November 30, 1900)
When the French state celebrates The Paris Commune, it’s only to bury it…With Dany The Red and other radicals from the 1960s comfortably ensconced in state politics, can we expect the French state to recuperate the May-June ’68 eruption asThe Modern States history too ?
Erm… The Paris Commune was a revolutionary socialist government that controlled Paris from March 18th to May 28th 1871. See the “Organic Act” of 1871. > All connected, and not an obscure coincidence.
District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 – Wikipedia
Love this. Thanks.
– Oscar Wilde –
Note though that at least on off-guardian there are regularly articles which become rather artful, I have seen some self-made allegorical narratives passing by, a kind of ‘democratic poetry’ like in this article, and other forms of democratic poetry. It appears that now our modern democracies are no longer relatively undisturbed peoples orgies of decay, suffering spurs some people to produce a bit of art, rather clumsy and imitative though, and with a great deal of vulgar elements in it, but at least attempts.
It was a fatal day when the public discovered that the pen is mightier than the paving-stone, and can be made as offensive as the brickbat. They at once sought for the journalist, found him, developed him, and made him their industrious and well-paid servant. It is greatly to be regretted, for both their sakes.
Behind the barricade there may be much that is noble and heroic. But what is there behind the leading-article but prejudice, stupidity, cant, and twaddle? And when these four are joined together they make a terrible force, and constitute the new authority.
In the light of the many upvoters… I made a few adjustments above, so that it might become clear that the usual democratic hobby of blaming an elite or authority external to the people (popularly called ‘MSM’ these days) is not what Wilde referred to.
If the above does not make clear who the tyrant is, there are some more lines from Oscar Wilde below. If necessary these can be substantiated with more anti-democratic writings from Wilde.
Hello John the First: Excellent quotes from Oscar Wilde!!!
“Who taught them the trick of tyranny?
Indeed. Where do all despots originate?
An Innocent Question
Oh, where are the creatures of war yet spawned
If not in the harbor of mother’s sweet bed
As if our Stalin’s spring forth from the aethers
To roam our back streets of hatred and dread
02/28/2003 PV
“A would-be satirist, a hired buffoon, A monthly scribbler of some low lampoon, Condemn’d to drudge, the meanest of the mean, And furbish falsehoods for a magazine.”
— Lord Byron
“The levels of sickness after vaccination is unprecedented”.
Obviously the insane ranting of some know-nothing fool in a truther rag:
i am still trying to work out how injecting people with a piece of synthetic nRNA which indicates what? into a body is meant to really do anything other than produce a reaction to that synthetic bit of rubbish…… this all rests on the presumption that this bit of stuff actually causes one to be ill……oh silly me…… it appears it does cause them to be ill but not in the way they have been claiming……
“It is called the Mengele-Gates-Viral Cull Juice Regimen. This sick perverse pseudo science quackery is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. Those behind it, the pathological liar criminals using the untermenschen useless eaters as lab rats, need to be brought to account as swiftly and as soon as possible, before more harm is done. This should never happen again!”
K Polyakova:
What I am currently struggling with is the failure to report the reality of the morbidity caused by our current vaccination program within the health service and staff population. The levels of sickness after vaccination is unprecedented and staff are getting very sick and some with neurological symptoms which is having a huge impact on the health service function. Even the young and healthy are off for days, some for weeks, and some requiring medical treatment. Whole teams are being taken out as they went to get vaccinated together.
Discussed here:
April 4, 2021
The Medical Director of a hospital in the United Kingdom has bravely spoken out against the failure to report the reality of morbidity caused by the Covid-19 vaccination roll-out across the United Kingdom to NHS staff. Dr Polyakova, who is the Medical Director of a hospital in Kent . . .
I keep mentioning it but VAERS:Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is a site that lets you look at detailed raw data-specific and general menu options. And, last time I checked there were over 2300 deaths and too numerous serious symptoms.
Meanwhile our abc in aust is constantly hounding the govt for not rolling it out fast enough….obviously we are not getting enough dead and/or injured quick enough for the average abc journo…
Every govt. system to track such damage deliberately obfuscates, e.g. (a) the categories overlap (b) mild, medium and life-threatening cases are mixed up (c) reporting/monitoring is low or superficial.
Re: “Whole teams are being taken out as they went to get vaccinated together.”
These are the latest adverse reactions rates
The UK Government have released their ninth report highlighting adverse reactions to both the Pfizer / BioNTech and Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccines that have occurred since the roll-out began on the 8th December 2020, and the shocking increase in the number of nervous system disorders is frightening.
The U.K. Governments report (which you can find here) has collated data inputted up to the 21st March via the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme. At this point an estimated 10.8 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 15.8 million first doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine, had been administered. There were also around 2.2 million second doses, mostly of which were the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine. This accounts for an increase of 4.2 million doses administered on the previous week.
Our earliest analysis of the data which we brought you back at the beginning of February showed that there had been 49,472 adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine, and 21,032 adverse reactions to the Oxford vaccine up to the 24th January 2021, with a rate of 1 in every 333 people receiving the jab suffering a serious adverse reaction.
Well we can confirm that in the space of eight weeks the number of reported adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine has increased to 116,627 as of the 21st March. The Oxford jab has fared much worse though with an astounding increase of 1694.82% in the number of reported adverse reactions between the 24th January and the 21st March, now standing at a total of 377,487. This now means the current rate of people suffering a serious adverse reaction after having one of the experimental Covid vaccines stands at 1 in every 166 people.
These rates are nowhere near high enough to “take out whole teams”. Hence, I’m sticking by my developing hypothesis that:
a) most people are being given a flu shot as a placebo
b) certain groups which form a controllable test environment (teachers, medical, care, etc) are getting the real one.
Q: how would the hypothetical “controllable test environment” be managed?
Hundreds more Eastern Connecticut school district staffers were vaccinated at a mass clinic inside the Killingly High School gym on Tuesday, the latest event designed to inoculate educators, administrators and faculty ahead of a return to full in-person learning. Nurses from the Day Kimball Healthcare group out of Putnam introduced syringes full of the Johnson & Johnson one-shot COVID-19 vaccine into the arms of teachers sitting on folding chairs next to long tables. Outside the gym, a fast-moving line of waiting school staff handed over consent forms while a group of post-vaccinated individuals waited on bleachers next to a table full of cake pops and bottled water.
Superintendent Robert Angeli said he expected about 300 district employees to be vaccinated, as well as employees from EASTCONN, the nearby St. James School and a handful of Plainfield school district workers who missing an earlier shot window. . . .
Day Kimball’s Director of Pharmacy Robert Viens said his staff brought about 500 vaccine doses with them on Tuesday. “As the day rolls on, we’ll gauge the amount of product we have and offer it to those members of the public in that 55-or-older category,” he said. “We gave 2,000 shots last week and expect to do another 2,000 this week.” . . . “And at places like this school, we can use the district’s nurses, security and administrative resources to make sure everything goes smoothly,” he said. . . .
Northeast District Department of Health officials said on Monday they, in collaboration with Day Kimball, provided 1,600 vaccinations to Windham County school and day care workers so far this month with another 1,000 scheduled in the coming days. “The initiative has taken a significant amount of coordination but has been well worth the effort because we have attained high vaccination rates in a very short amount of time,” said Sue Starkey, the health department’s director of health. “The aim was to vaccinate as many eligible education and child care personnel as possible and we did that thanks to strong community partnerships with our clinical providers, schools, vaccination planning teams and Medical Reserve Corps volunteers. We could not be more grateful for these partnerships.”
Does the same go for Off-Guardians article yesterday of April 3 2021?
Looks like it could have been created and disseminated by the responsible liberals at the real news paper The Guardian.
Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right. Here I am: The respectable and moderate positioning of the deep thinking, deeply wise and caring and moral grown up adult conversations of the real establishment.
And having a go at armchair critics. Do Off-Guardian mean Dr Vernon Coleman’s Old Man in a Chair at:
Brand New Tube
Please do see and share this video beneath
Every time the term ‘liberal’ crops up in a Comment, i’m reminded of Julia, in Orwells ‘1984″…She believed Big Brothers claims were all lies, but she went along with them, anyway (though that didnt spare her from BBs wrath).
As for all those Lefties who’ve thrown their support behind government lockdowns, etc.,
They know from History that the left in Germany were among the first the Nazi went after ..So maybe clinging to the governments apron might afford them some protection this time.
So the Vaxxed wipe out the Un-Vaxxed, makes such good sense, getting rid of Domestic Terrorists and Outlanders in one fell swoop.
In the sixties I read a sci-fi short story where the inhabitants of a newly discovered planet were successfully vaccinated against a virus they all had that made them sick and troublesome. But the unvaccinated natives shrank back from the newly docile happily stupid population – it was the virus that was the intelligent being!!
“I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck?” – Jeff Tweedy
I suspect that sheeple really do ‘give-a-fork’ … about the WRONG things. Materialsm combined with great ‘distractors’ rot the brain. This is primarily because BIG BRO has been working 24/7 on captivating their minds with the lust for prestige and power for a long time. So, take heart and don’t stop trying to unite your kith and kin … giving up is too easy; besides, that is exactly what the elitist bastards want you/me/we to do.
Take care, and avagreatweekend …
Give a flock. St. Francis did. That must be why he preached to the birds.
When he “died” at sundown, no one saw them coming, the witnesses on the ground were riveted by his 5 Stigmata which had begun to bleed out effusively.
But his friends the larks, known as morning birds, had gathered in the trees above the witnesses, and the very moment “the Little Poor Man” took his last breath, they began to sing together in a full concert .
His friends the larks had come from far and wide to sing Goodbye, Hello.
This was put in the record by so many.
So don’t forget, we too can give a flock!
A flying flock.
I couldn’t read it in its entirety because the formatting was too off-putting and absolutely ruined the flow, which is a shame because scanning it makes me feel I’m missing out. Will try again when not too tired :/
Think it would probably make better spoken word…
Try text to speech, most articles here are horrible to read.
I hear that Trofim Lysenko has written an article for Scientific America denouncing lockdown critics as promoters of anti-science…
“This months issue of Scientific America you say? Not bad for a dead guy. It must be the wheat germ.”
“Is it true he is doing a movie too, WEEKEND AT TROFIM’S?“
I should have added “probably a clone of that state mandated geneticist, Lysenko.”
“That’s OK. Allowed me to throw in a couple of one liners.”
Subtext, know this only law
First we take Bloomington, then we take Indianapolis…
Vaccine passports? Get f**ked.
According to the BBC, virus myth and vaccine advocate Dr Anthony Fauci received $1million prize off the Israelis for ‘defending science ‘ during the alleged ‘Covid crisis’. However, Dr Karry Mullis, Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry for his invention of the PCR test (never meant for testing for infection or viruses), has railed against Fanci repeatedly in an interview that has now resurfaced from the 1990’s. Millie expressed numerous criticisms towards Fauci and his career. He began by saying “he doesn’t know anything …..about anything” and “doesn’t understand medicine and shouldn’t be in like he’s in”. Report cm be found here:
Apologies for typo Fancy should read ” Fauci”
Also Millie should read ” Mullis” my eyesight is crap!!
Don’t apologise, you write Fancy, I read Fraud 😊
Fancy, fraudulent Fauci… ha!
Yes that too! 😉
Quite so , and Karry Mullis died when ? Oh yes , August 2019 , …. of pneumonia, so they say .
So they say!
Don’t you find it ironic that Mullis created such a useful tool for science, only to be bastardised by the very people he despised.
Also, like other pioneers such as Nicola Tesla, Royal Raymond Rife, Willhem Riech, Antoine Belchamp, Gaston Naesens, Jacques Benveniste, Harold Hillman, Harold Aspden, Paulo and Alexandra Correas, Tom Bearden, Antoine Priore and many more. They have either been ignored, ridiculed or in some cases broken.
Just like John Magufuli died of an apparent heart attack… so the ‘media’ says. And how convenient Karry Mullis isn’t around to raise merry hell about the misuse of his tests…
There could be a pattern in there somewhere…. but surely that’s just a conspiracy theory.
South Dakota Governor goes from being all enthusiastic about a bill banning transgenders in sports to vetoing it in a few days and at considerable cost to her own ambitions:
One has to get a long way through the article to discover why – “lobbying” from big business including a major bank and Amazon.
The interesting point is not that big business can effectively block actions by elected legislatures and governors (who didn’t know this?); it’s why do they care about transgender rights?
Why are the British still locked up? either lockdowns are the aim (amazon profits) or the vaccines don’t work.
There are still millions who haven’t been assaulted by the ‘vaccine’ yet.
Only when we have ALL been ‘purified’ will ‘the authorities’ permit us to think of any kind of freedom again.
How often does one wear that there can’t be a conspiracy because they’d never keep everyone quiet, someone would blow the whistle.
““PLEASE warn every person not to go near top up vaccines. There is absolutely no need to them. As there’s no need for them, yet they’re being made in pharma, and regulators have stood aside (no safety testing), I can only deduce they will be used for nefarious purposes. For example, if someone wished to harm or kill a significant proportion of the worlds population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now will enable it. It’s my considered view that it is entirely possible that this will be used for massive-scale depopulation.”
Well, that was Pfizer’s former top scientist Mike Yeadon, unreported by the MSM and deleted from the likes of twitter. What they really mean is why isn’t it on the telly?
Even a mainstream leftist and Rhodes Scholar like Naomi Wolf can see there’s something very wrong with what’s going on.
Dr Mike Yeadon’s interview was startling in itself but what struck me was the clear fear in his voice. I hadn’t heard him for a while and the calm, balanced delivery had mostly gone. This honourable man has given much to promote what he believes is true; this is a perverse manipulation of the population by the authorities and the pharmaceutical industry through whatever means available.
The emotion he demonstrated and the journey from informative narrator to almost panic ridden desperation I’ve now witnessed is by far the most telling item I’ve listened to in months. I applaud the man’s courage and was incredulous that some nutjobs tried to smear him in their comments on here.
I sincerely believe we are moving into the last phase of this struggle and the next few months will make or break our long term future.
He also said “THEY haven’t got it” referring to the alleged SARS-Cov-2 virus. So if “they haven’t got it”- it confirms once again that the vaccines are not only an outrageous and potentially dangerous experiment but also a complete and utter SCAM used as a silent weapon against We the people!
I just copy pasted that quote and I’m getting articles telling me the vaccine is safe. If that’s a real quote by Yeadon that’s proper censorship Covid-19 style
So where can we see this interview?
Type on DuckDuckGo or Google and will see it.The direct link is not working.
The link, provided by Simon F, works for me.
A very important interview, which needs to be heard by everyone in U.K. Someone said earlier ‘but who has got 45 minutes’ in response to another video posted.
Well, this is 65 minutes, so I guess that only the crazy anti-vaxxers will listen, too late for others…
Should probably be linked in every article comment section, (instead of George Carlin, I mean he’s good, but we get it!)
This is now !
The Mike Yeadon interview was with James
Delingpole – available here
The problem
‘The American people thoroughly despise and hate their newspapers; yet they seem to have no idea what to do about it, and take it for granted that they must go on reading falsehoods for the balance of their days!’
Upton Sinclair, The Brass Check: A Study of American Journalism
The brass check was written in 1919, showing that the problem (written above the line) is old.
I forget who said it – might have been Mark Twain, but it went something like this.
People who read newspapers are misinformed,
People who don’t read news papers are uninformed.
Or it might be the other way around. Anyway the statements seem well-founded.
“How about this one. People who use newspapers for lining the bottom of bird cages may be closest to getting their money’s worth.”
Deliberately misinformed = disinformed. Writing from position of deliberate, willful ignorance is disinformation too.
Shut your eyes and close your ears to the propaganda machine that wants to destroy your being.
Wrath of God, neat how it has 187 in the timing
I heard somewhere that wearing a mask while driving invalidates car insurance.
It certainly should!
For heaven’s sake, don’t tempt them…
We’ll all end up carrying respirators around with us!
Someone here said the more expensive N95 mask is mandatory in Czeck Republic.
Is this the one containing that asbestos-like substance?
AFAIK, the common “surgical” mask is bad enough. I doubt the N95 material is significantly different. It just fits better and therefore reduces breathing more. You will almost certainly breathe in more of its material – if you can keep it on.
That really cheered me up, thanks
Pretty good. Some brilliant parts in there. Thanks.
Nice! Though I think it work better with the locomotion of an oral/aural rant.
“cozy access and easy pay” — I think it’s spanky bottom niceness, with the carrot of salary and the stick of exposure.
If Anderson Cooper is given $12 million a year as the carrot, you can imagine how big the commensurate stick.