Jab-erwacky (or, Why Are People So Crazy about Being Guinea Pigs?)
Michael Lesher
Seek thou the Covid Jab, my son!
The genes that morph, the fraud that hypes!
Let Pfizer have its way, but shun
Those frivolous skeptic types!(Big Brother has said, ‘Tis good, ‘tis good,
And so the sacrifice is just –
Submission now is hardihood,
In Big Pharma we all trust…)And hast thou had thy Covid Jab?
Put on that mask, thou foolish lad!
Yes, you feel sick – that’s just the trick
That means we’ve all been had.
About twelve hours ago I passed a sort of personal milestone: I found, and read, an ecstatic Facebook post from the twentieth person I know who has received a dose of one of those experimental drugs the U.S. government, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars of our money, is trying to persuade us to turn loose on our immune systems.
Yes – I’ve been keeping count of those weird effusions of relief and self-congratulation from the latest dupes of the coronavirus coup. To be honest, they baffle me. And infuriate me.
At first, I couldn’t believe that anyone would boast of turning himself into a human guinea pig, without getting a cent in compensation, just to add to the profits of a corporate camorra. Then I couldn’t believe I’d find five such posts on Facebook. Then I bet myself that I’d never encounter ten of them.
Well, now I’ve seen twenty.
Twenty separate people bragging about handing themselves over to the biggest, and perhaps the most dangerous, medical scam of my lifetime.
So what’s next? Will people I know start making breathless Facebook posts each time they swallow arsenic or snort some airplane glue? Are they going to brag publicly about wading through chemical dumps? Am I supposed to applaud them if they do?
Or are these indiscreet posters trying to convince me – by lending their voices to the media hysteria about vaccines that aren’t vaccines, for an emergency that isn’t an emergency – that if we let a gang of drug pushers play with our cell structure, we’ll find ourselves somehow on the short road to paradise?
If that’s what they’re up to, they’re going to have to do a lot more convincing.
Because the whole thing is nuts.
To begin with, as of this writing, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have already recorded 1,909 American souls for whom these “vaccines” really were tickets to paradise – in more prosaic language, to the morgue. When glossing over this fact, my Facebook “friends” have a numerical paradox on their hands. Think back to March 9 of last year, when the national coronavirus death toll officially stood at twenty-six – that’s right, twenty-six – and the whole chorus of coronavirus propagandists was screaming “emergency” and demanding that we acquiesce in the quashing of the Bill of Rights and the suspension of representative democracy in four-fifths of our states. Yet now, we’re supposed to shrug off a mortality figure more than seventy times that size – while Big Pharma is raking in billions from the indiscriminate use of scantily-tested experimental drugs?
And that’s not all. Even a cursory glance behind the curtain of vaccine propaganda reveals more than enough to give any rational person pause.
First, it’s an open secret that vaccines for respiratory viruses have never been a success; the United States is among the few countries where they are actively promoted, and this is largely due to the influence of the vaccine manufacturers, who successfully pressured the CDC to change its system for counting flu-related deaths in 2004 in order to raise public fears about respiratory viruses. (A CDC official virtually admitted this in a public interview ten years later.) Vaccines have never played more than a marginal role in stemming viral epidemics, and there’s no evidence that COVID19 will be any different.
Second, the mantra that COVID19 vaccines will hasten the development of “herd immunity” (a phrase the propagandists once reviled, but began to celebrate once they realized it could be used to turn bigger profits for drug makers) presupposes that the vaccines prevent transmission of the virus. But they don’t; the Food and Drug Administration has specifically denied, with respect to each of the drugs in question, any “evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person.” So these drugs will play no role in slowing the epidemic, let alone stopping it.
This fact also gives the lie to the propagandists’ virtue-signaling to the effect that a “vaccinated” person no longer poses a health risk to others. Since there’s no evidence that these drugs prevent transmission of the virus, the truth is that they’re of no public value whatsoever; if they work at all, they benefit only the person who has been vaccinated (allegedly by reducing the severity of his symptoms upon infection).
In a word, the whole COVID vaccine-promotion bandwagon is built on a lie; in fact, it’s misleading even to call these drugs “vaccines” in the first place. Unlike every one of the vaccinations governments have mandated for over a century, a COVID19 vaccination offers no public protection of any kind. There is no legitimate rationale for requiring it, nor for using public money to promote it.
You might want to bear this fact in mind whenever you hear the propagandists nattering about “vaccine passports” to separate the privileged vaccinated from the rest of us, or about restricting the liberties of people who decline to be guinea pigs. Such talk isn’t about health, and it certainly isn’t about “science.” It’s a police-state project, pure and simple – built out of public hysteria, stoked with lies – and has exactly the same moral legitimacy as those infamous yellow stars Jews were required to wear under Nazi rule.
And there’s still more. Calling these experimental drugs a cure for a public health hazard turns reality on its head. In fact, the drugs themselves constitute a public health hazard.
Mind you, that isn’t conjecture; it is a simple fact of regulatory procedure. The FDA (never known to be excessively conservative where Big Pharma is concerned) at least requires certain animal-testing protocols to be followed before it approves drugs for human use. But the COVID19 “vaccines” have been specifically exempted from such tests.
What is more, that departure from basic safety procedures was premised on the false assumption that COVID19 represents an “emergency.” In fact, as scientists like Denis Rancourt have been showing for months, all-cause mortality figures for the United States have seldom been outside ordinary parameters since at least last summer. That rules out the existence of a health “emergency” – you can’t have an “emergency” when mortality figures fall within normal ranges – and absent an emergency, there’s no excuse for cutting short the normal testing requirements. And yet that’s exactly what our government has done – with the approval of the so-called “health experts” you see quoted in the New York Times, a fact that tells you all you need to know about whom those “experts” really work for.
An additional word is in order here. The “gene therapy” technology used in two of the three vaccines now available in the U.S. has never before been licensed for human use; when tested in an earlier form, it ran into trouble when vaccinated animals that were afterwards exposed to a “wild virus” experienced exaggerated and potentially deadly reactions. Testing of that sort isn’t performed on human subjects, so the Pfizer and Moderna drugs – both of which rely on the identical principle (involving “messenger RNA”) – have never been cleared of the danger of causing similar severe reactions when humans, after vaccination, are exposed to the pathogen in “wild” form.
In other words, as far as FDA supervision is concerned, anyone who takes these drugs is playing medical Russian roulette.
In fact, our government isn’t just refusing to protect us – without even an arguable excuse. Our government is going out of its way to subject us to dangers it is obliged to minimize. Even before these experimental drugs had reached the market, U.S. officials had taken the unprecedented step of granting the manufacturers blanket legal immunity for any adverse effects the drugs may cause. Then they exempted the “vaccines” from crucial stages of pre-approval animal testing (as I’ve mentioned already). And now, they’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars in public funds to pressure people into taking the drugs – while concealing serious questions about their safety, let alone their public utility.
Got that? The government is using scads of public money to persuade people to subject themselves to a medical hazard that same government could have protected us from, but has instead done everything in its power to intensify.
That’s worse than negligence. That’s a crime.
The cynicism of the indoctrination campaign is instructive, too. “Much anticipated new research,” according to NBC News, shows that…
Americans trust their doctors and can be convinced with a positive message about the benefits and safety of the vaccines.
Yes, but which benefits? “The most impactful message,” claims the Republican pollster Frank Luntz,…
is how the vaccine will reduce the government’s restrictions on our lives and our freedoms…. Without widespread vaccination, mask mandates and personal lockdowns will continue.
So brace yourselves, folks: we’re about to witness a huge, government-funded marketing campaign in which doctors will tell us that if we ever hope to have some of the rights that were supposed to come with the U.S. Constitution, we’re going to have to get The Shot.
True, those of us who can’t help using the right names for things will call this crude jailhouse threat what it ought to be called: blackmail. (“Do what we want or we’ll keep those handcuffs on you, Buster.”) But Luntz calls it “unbiased, unpoliticized facts and data from doctors and medical professionals,” and you can bet your bottom dollar that’s what the news media will call it, too.
In a way, you’ve got to hand it to high-powered anti-democracy propagandists like Luntz. His strategy is a clever one. By putting political blackmail into the mouths of doctors, he (and they) can pretend the threat is “unpoliticized.” And when those promised freedoms don’t reappear – and they won’t (the propagandists are already suggesting that the “new normal” is “permanent,” with never-ending restrictions and two new mandatory vaccinations every year) – they can also say they weren’t really lying to us, since it was never in their power to guarantee what the politicians would do.
And they can say they weren’t violating federal law – even though it’s illegal to compel anyone in the United States to submit to a drug that has only been approved for emergency use, as is the case for all of the new “vaccines.” After all, they’ll say, they weren’t the government; they were just doctors giving us medical advice. Right?
But clever or not, let’s consider soberly what this taxpayer-funded indoctrination campaign – the one tacitly celebrated by all those Facebook posters who brag about their “COVID jabs” – really is.
It’s cruel, because it insists that you and I don’t deserve basic freedoms unless we agree to be guinea pigs for Big Brother. It’s deceitful, because it places the promise of even watered-down liberty in the mouths of people who can’t deliver it. It’s fraudulent, because the planners of the campaign have no real intention of letting us out of our cages in the first place. It’s unethical, because it relies on doctors who will cynically pressure people to take needless medical risks. It’s a form of robbery, because it does all this with public funds in conscious violation of the public interest.
And, in my opinion at least, it’s treasonous – because it swaps the Bill of Rights for a game of Russian roulette, forcing us to choose between our freedom and the integrity of our own bodies. A government that does that has compromised its constitutional legitimacy.
So my Facebook “friends” have a lot to answer for when they lend their grateful voices to the chorus of surrender-your-bodies-for-corporate-profit propaganda.
How many more deaths will result from this pharmacological frenzy? How many more people, after writhing in pain from the “vaccines,” will discover that their sacrifice hasn’t exempted them from muzzles or brought them even a step closer to freedom? How many more friends and family members will be driven apart by the hysterical fear of a moderately serious flu virus all this jab-erwackiness serves to intensify? How many more people will be demonized with the slander – a deliberate lie, as I’ve shown – that remaining unvaccinated makes one a public danger?
By bragging about getting your shot, you may be sparing yourself Big Brother’s wrath – for the moment. But you’re helping to ensure that many other innocent people won’t be so lucky.
Because that’s the ultimate purpose of all this, I’m afraid. It’s not just about feeding human bodies to Big Pharma for free medical experimentation – though that would be bad enough.
It’s really a first giant step toward the creation of a permanent, reviled underclass of dissenters, a way of classifying people who cling to freedom as public menaces who deserve to be punished, shamed or disregarded. Once people who don’t take an experimental drug can be falsely categorized as health risks, it’s no great trick to do the same thing to anyone who carries the wrong political message, offers the wrong example, or even thinks the wrong thoughts. And if we once reach that point, it’s all over with us.
“His mother’s memory tore at his heart,” wrote Orwell of 1984’s protagonist, Winston Smith,…
because she had died loving him…and because somehow, he did not remember how, she had sacrificed herself to a conception of loyalty that was private and unalterable. Such things, he saw, could not happen today. Today there were fear, hatred and pain, but no dignity of emotion, of deep complex sorrows.
Boast of your COVID19 jab if you must. But remember the sort of world you’re helping to promote when you do it. In the world the propagandists have in mind for us, we’ll be ruled by fear, hatred and pain – fear of a phantom “deadly” disease, pain from the consequences of official benevolence, hatred of those who preserve some notion of human self-respect.
But there won’t be much of anything else. Friendship and solidarity will be gone, replaced by “health” surveillance and loyalty to Big Brother. The arts will be a mere memory. Dissent will be evil; freedom will be called “selfishness”; human life will be valued not because of the spirit or the will or the creativity or the privacy at the core of it, but only as a number to be manipulated in the service of the state. (As in Auden’s dreadful prophecy:
Out of the air a voice without a face
Proved by statistics that some cause was just
In tones as dry and level as the place:
No one was cheered and nothing was discussed…)
When major media openly muse about the virtue of permanent imprisonment, when “experts” tell us that life is about nothing but the constant fear of disease, when publicists insist that our most sacred duty is to sacrifice ourselves for the benefits of mega-corporations, it’s time to ask – seriously – whether our public messages help or hinder the cause of civilization.
Oppose the coronavirus coup and you’re doing something, at least, to identify with what is sacred in human life. Support it and you’re on the bandwagon for totalitarianism.
Think of that before you write a happy Facebook post about joining a human medical experiment designed to promote a grimmer future.
In times like these, there’s no such thing as neutrality.
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.
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I have so much respect for all the people out there with the smarts and the courage to try to get the word out. It’s unconscionable how easy it was to brainwash the sheeple, to get so many to consent to being injected with a dangerous vaccine..
I have so much respect to all the people out there with the smarts and the courage to try to get the word out. It’s unconscionable how easy it was to brainwash the sheeple, to get so many to consent to being injected with a dangerous vaccine..
Hey Y’all, c’mon over to OurFiniteWorld.com and meet Fast Eddy from New Zealand. He linked to this one a little while ago. Nice to read your comments. Take care
What is the game plan here? Eventually people (even today) are going to figure out that the vaccine is going to kill them. Surely this can’t be their plan. Maybe I have credited them with far too much intelligence?
A more pertinently correct version of an inexpressibly core, relevant point, in all of this: “God is the only *secure* repository of accurate information.”
For anyone who has problems with the word or notion of “God” , one can always simply substitute “the deep state of conscience”.
The point is that it goes beyond privately personal ontological foundation.
That is becoming truer by the hour.
For those who don’t see the connection, I’ve saved a load of dots.
Then, OK, there’s also this:
“The modern habit of saying “This is my opinion, but I may be wrong” is entirely irrational. If I say that it may be wrong, I say that is not my opinion. The modern habit of saying “Every man has a different philosophy; this is my philosophy and it suits me” – the habit of saying this is mere weak-mindedness. A cosmic philosophy is not constructed to fit a man; a cosmic philosophy is constructed to fit a cosmos. A man can no more possess a private religion than he can possess a private sun and moon.”
Some posts from a FB group formed to report adverse reactions and death due to the vaccine: My mum had her first AstraZeneca jab on 18th March at 3pm. By the next morning at 9am my mum had suffered a severe stroke. She was in hospital for 2 weeks without visitors She thankfully got to see my dad last Tuesday morning 7th April. Sadly my mum died of a clot that evening. We are all broken and feel so angry My father received Moderna shot Jan 12 and passed away on Jan 13. Ironically, contracted COVID in November along with 57 other residents and 28 staff in his Brampton long-term care home, was never hospitalized and recovered in 2 weeks. My 26 year old daughter got guillian barre syndrome caused by the vaccination the hospital yellow carded it again yesterday there are 3 people in the same hospital with the same thing but they went home already she has been in hospital paralysed for 4 weeks she is going home today but still needa equipment to walk and help looking after her children . Vids are her trying to move her face pic is the kids seeming her first time on Wednesday (vids are heartbreaking) Hi everyone, Thank you for accepting me on this group. I was not sure about this vaccine, but age 36 with underlying health conditions had the 1st AstraZeneka vaccine early March this year. After a night of shaking high fever and totally out of it. I havent felt the same since. Extreem fatigue, headaches, insomnia and brain fog. I can’t seem to concerntrate or even think. I’ve used alternative medicines to try and help me return to normal, stopped my contracptive pill as this can also cause blood clots, to limit my chance. As a busy mum with… Read more »
Dr Morse has a new video where he talks about the ‘vaccine’. He says we need to turn this around by learning about the lymphatic system. These people need to be stopped. He says the people who have been injected should go on a fruit diet right away. In his opinion “this is the only way to save yourself”.
As was predictable based on the decades of research showing ‘masks’ do not work, the data from Mississippi shows no uptick in hospitalisations following the ending of mask mandates. If anything the descent of the line steepens. All of the abuse and expenditature was without any benefit to health.
/frontline did a program last year about the masks crap, and Dispatched in the UK did one. They are being enforced because governments ordered trillions of them and they are rotting in huge warehouses.
This article only confirms what previous mRNA research established years ago. >
Excerpted from: Could mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA? Recent Science Suggests They Might.
Published April 8, 2021
Reverse transcription
“As the phrase “reverse transcription” implies, the DNA-to-mRNA pathway is not always a one-way street. Enzymes called reverse transcriptases can also convert RNA into DNA, allowing the latter to be integrated into the DNA in the cell nucleus.
Nor is reverse transcription uncommon. Geneticists report that “Over 40% of mammalian genomes comprise the products of reverse transcription.”
The preliminary evidence cited by the Harvard-MIT researchers indicates that endogenous reverse transcriptase enzymes may facilitate reverse transcription of coronavirus RNAs and trigger their integration into the human genome.”
Complete text: Could mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA? Recent Science Suggests They Might. • Children’s Health Defense
And manufacturer operatives get to hide behind blanket legal immunity
The vaccine adverse events reporting system VAERS in the US shows a ten fold increase in reported deaths.
Oh dear….I wonder if this will hit MSM any time soon?
And note that in the month of February there have been a total of 1214 deaths within 28 days of a PCR covid test. These stats were sourced from NRS Scotland.
That would be about 2 million a month worldwide. 24 million a year. Add to that the deaths due to lockdowns and denial of medical care. Depopulation is already proceeding at a brisk pace and will accelerate.
the ffp2 masks are basically air tight. the only way air comes out is thru the sides. it looks like it is breathable but if you open one up there is an air tight layer inside.
I’m taking this with a pinch of salt now – I can’t find anything else on the net to confirm it. A similar request was made in England and the response was that stats are unavailable as the vaccination status of a deceased person would not appear on a death certificate.
Your spamcheck is beyond annoying. It now looks like censorship. FFS please get rid of it.
Though mildly a nuisance, the only real problem is not in the “spam” check itself, which may be warranted, but the fact that it can really mess with the edit function, in several ways, all real.
I cant believe it! All my kids think I’m a nut job, a conspiracy theorist… Why do they believe all the rubbish and media hype around these vaccines.. I’m so glad I’m not the only nut job that will not get the jab!
I wonder if this info could convince them. There is an obvious gap in the science, leaving the possibility of the vaccine to change our own DNA. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/science-mrna-vaccines-alter-dna/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=99d3026d-9cc6-4792-bdac-f6178e5c32db
Maybe you should buy them a book written by an investigative journalist who has thoroughly researched the vaccine/virology industry. I’d recommend ‘Fear of the Invisible’ by Janine Roberts, or maybe the more recent 3rd edition of ‘Virus Mania’ by Torsten Engelbrecht. Or you could just get them to watch the videos of Dr. Sam Bailey on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyD52JnQnXkLe5HGm4IArHw
And if your kids are forced to wear face masks at school, you should show them this:
Maybe they will believe a Doctor? The Head of global medicine, Faculty of Medicine. University of Geneva https://www.bitchute.com/video/NsjqwKHvE2is/
Seeing is believing. Doing a solid food vacation and seeing all the shit come out is the way to see a vaccine is not going to work.
AstraZeneca make Seroquel. I will leave others to connect the dots.
And Johnson&Johnson made the plastic mesh inserted into women which wrecked millions of lives. They are all unscrupulous.
Vaccination is a misnomer. The disease will be milder if you take one of the jabs. The aim is to have fewer seriously infected so fewer mutations occur. It is the lesser evil, even though an evil. Lovely old normal no longer exists and will never exist again. Let’s go to Mars.
The vaccine is the virus. Don’t believe me. The manufacturers are telling you what it is. It’s like an IQ test.
Tell people there is a huge pandemic. There isn’t but hey we dealing with sheeple. Tell them they need a vaccine. They get it even though they not aware of anyone firsthand dying. Hey presto. Now you have a real pandemic.
J&J was just rendered a judgement against them of $29 billion, biggest in history.
It says a lot about the world public being left out of the loop, if they are in position to make us their guinea pigs, on the heels of that, and with not any real recourse or say for us.
If that is not totalitarian, I am not sure what it is.
They need to become aware of a court higher above the ones they have “bought”.
For their sakes, if not ours.
One of my neighbours in Australia is a mesh victim, she has been sick for 13 years but J & J just lost a compo. appeal so hopefully at least soon she will get the cash she needs for a better life.
Sorry, but don’t bet on it. You dealing with a form of life that verges on demonic. Soulless nasty money grubbing creatures. They can keep you tied up in court for years
They should rename “Vaccine passport” to “Death Certificate”
It’s an experiment- a
cynicalclinical trial, so to speak. So where are the controls? I hereby proclaim that I choose to be one of those who doesn’t get this goo injected.if at all possible, start researching for countries that have a higher conscious level.
clue: the usa is not one of them. look into becoming an expatriat. your other choice
is to becme a guinea pig and probably die at the hands from a very sick country
Unfortunately, in order to become an expat you will need to become a guinea pig.
It is forbidden to leave England at the moment! Where would we go, anyway?
Cuba @400+ coronapsychosis deaths.
When I ask people who are eager to get the jab what the rush is they say they want to travel.
I say — so why don’t you wait until you are certain you can travel quarantine free before you get the jab then?
No response
This document is the summary modelling for easing of restrictions for the roadmap to step 2 in the UK – interesting read link here dated 31st March 21 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/975909/S1182_SPI-M-O_Summary_of_modelling_of_easing_roadmap_step_2_restrictions.pdf For those who do not like/can’t open links para 32 was interesting so pasting below 32. The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. This is discussed further in paragraphs 55 and 56. 55. Figure 11 illustrates the age and vaccination status of those hospitalised (left) and dying (rig t)over time in Warwick models senario. The top plots are absolute numbers and the bottom plots are as a proportion of those admitted or dying. 56. This shows that most deaths and admissions in a post-Roadmap resurgence are in people who have received two vaccine doses, even without vaccine protection waning or a variant emerging that escapes vaccines. This is because vaccine uptake has been so high in the oldest age groups (modelled here at 95% in the over 50-year olds). There are therefore 5% of over 50-year olds who have not been vaccinated, and 95% x 10% = 9.5% of over 50-year olds who are vaccinated but, nevertheless, not protected against death. This is not the result of vaccines being ineffective, merely uptake being so high. I took this to mean that there will be a surge in both admissions and deaths in aged categories with both vaccinations starting now through to June (when the lockdown in the UK is supposed to be lifting restrictions) – but that the vaccinations played no part… Read more »
This is a must watch https://banned.video/watch?…
Covid vaccines will kill millions
The elites have already war gamed what they’ve got planned
Here is a link to the SPARS Pandemic document. https://www.centerforhealth…
A 2017 Johns Hopkins document details plans for Big Pharma global domination.
Dear Off-Guardian friends,
Few weeks after we “flattened the curve” I went on a quest to search for the TRUTH. The WWW is so “wide”… The TRUTH is hard to find… but I found Swiss Policy Research, Ivor Cummins and Off-Guardian, between many.
I must admit, I was somewhat “blind” to education, history, medicine, politics, current events… The grand “virus” BS “opened” my eyes and now I see the pathological greed of the “elite” and the universal propaganda carried out by the useful idiots on one side, and unimaginable stupidity and brainwash of the masses on the other.
In this “lonely” world, it looks impossible to fight any of these. Finding YOU made my world not so lonely!
Thank you for questioning everything and everyone!
Thank you for being on The Right Side of the History!
Audio, beautiful and emotional:
(Tessa Lena – The Physical World is the Only World We Have)
(The article, same as the audio, with some add-ons and links)
The LONGER it takes, the EXPLOSION will be BIGGER… Good LUCK to ALL…!!!
Niki 🙂
While people who actually do question everything and everyone are certainly to be commended, we unfortunately do have amongst us here a certain number of people who – just like those whom they claim to be opposing – express with vehemence the view that certain things cannot be questioned. That they seem to have a large number of blind, unquestioning followers among the readers of this site is indeed as terrifying as the number of blind, unquestioning followers of the official COVID narrative.
Yes, sometimes I get frustrated too… but “without black, white and gray would not exist” and none would have meaning…
“?” is a sacred sign.
Not to be abdicated by those still abovr mere “humanoid” status.
“¿?” el habla.
So ww”wide”.
WWW = 333
(when I searched for an “=” sign, this smartphone, whose keyboard format changed recently without my input, apparently, shows a key with “www” as a single button).
The Defense rests. Briefly.
Happy Easter Friday!
Ch eee rs!
Niki, very much appreciated reading your words this morning and listening to the link, thanks so much for posting. We need all the light we can possibly absorb and the fact the you chose to educate yourself is that light growing stronger, so thank you. 💖
Let the herd get vaccinated they just watch msm anyway
“Am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain to God, opening pages, Genesis.
The Odd Stillness answered with a thunderous “YES.”
Though nowadays 8 billion is a thundering herd, I grant you!
My father died yesterday – four weeks after having got jabbed. My Mom and I had asked him not to do it. He sneaked out early in the morning to get his shot four weeks ago. I do not know what vaccine it was, as he could not remember.
What he could remember though when I asked him why he had gotten jabbed was his answer:
“My Dr. told me that it is a state of the art vaccination, the latest scientific breakthrough.”
When will these medical henchmen for the depopulation masters be brought to justice?
My Dad was murdered. Sure he was 88 years old – but in good shape before the jab.
Of course I am aware that We will all have to check out at one point. But I prefer the natural path of things.
It’s odd that a death after 60 days of a fake positive is classed as Covid but your dads death won’t mention a vaccine at all after four weeks
Do You smell the crime that is perpetrated. And in an odd situation I witnessed how my Mom (with progressing dementia) called my Dad in the hospital a week ago and asked him to come back home, because she is so lonely and there is way too much stuff on her almost 89 years old plate. (my words).
Two days ago she called me and told me she wasn’t able to sleep all night because she feared my Dad could infect her with whatever. She was obviously correct with that assessment. My Mom is resiliently refusing to get anything injected into her. She had a severe case of medicla malpractice before in her life.
This is the worst case of what goes as a crime against the entirety of humanity.
Your dad could not infect her at all as the concept of disease transmission is pure fiction. Whenever any rigorous scientific investigations into disease spread have been carried out, they have shown that there is no sign of any disease symptoms being transmissible from one person to another. A good example being the US Navy Gallops Island study into the supposedly highly infectious “Spanish Flu”: https://moscow.sci-hub.se/4021/da48b390a33f0ef54f59d6974a4104f6/rosenau1919.pdf
I have to ask You just one question then:
Are there any communicable diseases at all?
To clarify: I am now of the opinion that there is no virus, but something that is communicable and it renders the people who got it mental train wrecks. That is the reason why the number of excess death are actually all suicide.
I am now also convinced (as Nigel Watson below), that the real disease is in the ‘vaccination’. That is one thing people should confront:
Depopulation efforts and concern for Your health do not match.
This is a must watch https://banned.video/watch?…
Covid vaccines will kill millions
The elites have already war gamed what they’ve got planned
Here is a link to the SPARS Pandemic document. https://www.centerforhealth…
A 2017 Johns Hopkins document details plans for Big Pharma global domination.
Not so odd, per J. Goebbels.
Condolences and sympathy for your loss.
Fortunately, knock on wood, my health has been OK during the scamdemic– FWIW, the last time I was seriously ill was in late January or early February 2020, when I got the nasty respiratory-centered flu-ish thing that I’m reasonably certain was what they came to call “COVID-19”. Mostly due to procrastination, I didn’t seek medical help and recovered on my own.
But I’ve been avoiding my doctor like the, er, plague during the scamdemic, even though I pay to be a patient in his “concierge” practice. I’ve gotten occasional e-mails from both him (his practice), every other specialist he ever sent me to, and even the freaking CEO of the health corporation where they’re either housed or employed– they all promote the official scamdemic dogma, from masks, social-distancing, and frequent hand-washing/sanitizing.
The latest ones are all ostensibly “reassuring” invitations to be vaccinated.
I bring all this up not to complain, but to wonder what your father’s doctor would say if confronted about their enthusiastic recommendation. I’m not urging such a confrontation.
I predict that if they are like my doctor– whom I like but now distrust– they would either deny that the vaccination in any way contributed to the death, and/or like the politicians and public-health officials, would piously explain that although there are always unfortunate risks, overall the recommendation to get vaxxed is professionally responsible and appropriate.
I don’t suppose they would say, “OK, ya got me– I’m Big Pharma’s willing executioner.”
Again, my sympathies to you and your family.
Thank You very much for Your kind words. Something extremely odd is going on now. Maybe “odd” is not sufficient, but the news in Europe are, that those who contracted ‘something’ without symptoms, are reporting of life threatening mental health conditions and organ failures – with everything “being okay” after medical examination. The one thing thousands of people have in common is described as “something coming from the outside” – this is exactly what I am experiencing, too. Even though my personal situation is devastating and for that reason, my PTSD and Autism Spectrum are flaring up like never before. Before was ‘doable’, ‘manageable’ – now it’s totally out of reach. Uruguay is a neo-liberal paradise and it shows in the treatment of non-rich people. My goal is to leave this place asap, but it is complicated as hell – although due to force majeur (volcanic eruption), I was outside the States for too long. But I have a great lawyer friend in Honolulu and she helped me before. Never before was it so apparent, how the ‘culture’ of another place can run totally against everything You stand for.
May the Universe give You a nice present for being so kind. Thank You once more, Ort.
I forgot to mention that We keep calling it “Big Pharma” – but what it really is:
the corporations of some extremely sick people for whom only power and money count. They are about to shove billions of people over the cliff. Many of them though, are happily complying and don’t need to forced – they are the actual lemmings, because lemmings wouldn’t do that if not for a film camera.
Why did my previous response have to await a spam check? Is that a random event generator doing the spam check?
Yes, I’ve seen many indignant posts over the years from lemmings aficionados pointing out that real lemmings do not suicidally (genocidally?) rush en masse over cliffs or other lethal locations, and that this pejorative myth was basely perpetrated with falsified imagery by Disney Studios. Ergo, in this respect lemmings are wiser than humans.
My comments often go into spam check for no obvious reason. Ours not to reason why, I suppose.
Oh, and the Universe did give me a nice present for being so kind: your gracious wish that it be so. So in a way, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy. 😉
This is excellent…pure excellence…thank you. Not only is the message clear and well put, the writing is superb and fulfilling to read.
In my humble opinion primary goal is to enable a data harvesting regime
with many goals, one and probably most important to them is a goal to extend life for the wealthiest and us to be their guinea data pigs.
Whitney Webb in this great article give us some hints:
Silicon Valley and WEF-Backed Foundation Announce Global Initiative for COVID-19 Vaccine Records
keep in mind this articles also:
(January 11, 2015) Live for ever: Scientists say they’ll soon extend life ‘well beyond 120’
(April 4, 2015) Tech titans’ latest project: Defy death
(April 3, 2017) Silicon Valley’s Quest to Live Forever
(March 6, 2018) What if billionaires could live forever?
(October 20, 2019) Quest For Immortality
Vaccine Passports: THIS Is Where It Leads
Russel Brand
I was thinking one of the problems the planners might have with the vaccine passports is the number of minorities who may refuse vaccination due to a greater level of distrust in the government.
If a larger percentage of ‘whites’ are vaccinated than non-whites, the system may resemble ethnic/racial apartheid. It wouldn’t be a good look for the planners if the marginalized non-vaccinated population was disproportionately nonwhite.
Accept the premise and get locked into the agenda. Once you fall for the lie that there’s a pandemic, you’re set up to follow along with the narrative(s) constructed around it, including theatrical controversies like that of safety versus liberty. The same logic of entrapment has long been used by ruling elites to roll out their wars (and haven’t they told us this ‘plague’ puts us all on a war footing?). The premise is that there’s an enemy (typically created by elites) threatening ‘our’ national security and thus necessitating war, after which ‘debates’ are staged over the collateral damage, as to civil rights on the home front, while the war rages on. Ruling elites get what they want – war – and what citizens, or consumers of the propaganda system, are left with are charades of democracy which reinforce passivity and acquiescence to the foregone conclusion of the war itself, while its effects, like war crimes or suspension of liberties, become the focus of concern which likewise proves largely in vain for the population pulled along by the premise that we are now at war and that’s that. This kind of con is going on here under the guise of dissent. Never once as far as I’ve tuned in has Brand Russell examined the absence of any evidence for a pandemic beyond the panic propaganda. If anything, he’s ‘debunked’ or just dismissed dissent to the official storyline as so much ‘conspiracy theory’. It’s no different than consenting to, or collaborating with, lies like that of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction in order to legitimate aggression and invasion in the name of defense (aka crimes against humanity), after which controversy over the conduct of war becomes so much more cannon fodder. We’re not “edging” toward dystopia, as Russell says. We’re… Read more »
Good to see that more and more governors in the US are agreeing with the author here and do not go along with the blackmail and health passports. Biden is in bed with the globalists and Big Tech/Pharma, so that will not help, but here in the EU there is no Constitution and health passports are being pushed by the globalists to follow the Great Reset. Luckily there are organizations like FreedomAirway with specialists in the medical and legal field fight against these developments so something can be done.
One more example of paving the way for enforcing Covid vaccination:
That is just disgusting. And a practically unanimous decision to boot.
The judiciary are vermin.
They can make whatever laws they like. It ain’t happening!!!! They can shove it up their ass.
They are now calling Earth 🌎 the ‘prison planet ‘ because it’s been oscillating between a closed and an open prison since the Covid fiasco went viral! Every now and then they let the prisoners out for exercise, and if they are on their best behaviour and wear their masks, they can buy food from a supermarket to live another ‘happy’ day to get the jab.
Nobody really knows for sure what’s in the vaccines except those poor souls who are suffering from their adverse effects, and the only ones who probably knew for sure are the ones who have sadly died as a result.
Still, it seems that the majority of the population have lost whatever reason they had and can’t wait to have their shot of poisonous liquid – the witches brew they call a vaccine that they hope will save them from a virus never proven by science to exist in the natural physical world, or proven to be the cause of the Covid scamdemic.
There are still many questions to answer and problems to solve before the totalitarian regime of the closed prison is fully implemented by the dark forces currently running the show. The show must be stopped and must be stopped NOW – we all know that here, but the problem of HOW still remains an important question that requires an answer.
I made a free translation in Dutch from the poet in the beginning:
wil je zo graag die reddende spuit
je genen veranderd, dat nieuwe normaal
Pfizer, ModeRNA, het maakt niet uit
mijdt vooral het niet “fact-checked” verhaal
( wat Big Brother je zegt dat is goed
dat neem je toch onvoorwaardelijk an
geef je dus over je weet toch dat moet
en dat je Big Pharma vertrouwen kan )
en heb je eindelijk dan die spuit
zet dan je masker toch maar weer op
je voelt je nu ziekjes je wilt er ook uit
maar jammer nou dan je hangt in de strop…
“How many more deaths will result from this pharmacological frenzy? How many more people, after writhing in pain from the “vaccines,” will discover that their sacrifice hasn’t exempted them from muzzles or brought them even a step closer to freedom?” We’ll know the answers to those questions because we are not addicted to tv. And since they’ve flipped the co-morbidities line around so that now all deaths are from co-morbodities, not the injections, those who have made tv their God just don’t see damage caused by the injections. They see damage caused by everything else. And I see things differently than those in my anti-covid 19 camp who embrace the lie about a virus, do.
An idiot who I work with all but called me a conspiracy theorist when I gave him the news that the Ontario government changed its Employment Standards Act to allow bosses to lay off workers, without pay, if they don’t get vaccinated. (I work for a security company on a city of Toronto site, ergo…) He was so eager to use the phrase that he couldn’t wait for an appropriate moment to use it. But he’s too dumb to realize that. I told him that that’s what people say when they don’t want to think about something. He didn’t respond.
Those covid crazies who you’re finding on Facebook are most certainly virtue signalling. As for bragging about ingesting arsenic, I was alarmed when I read in Tom Cowan’s book “The Contagion Myth” that “Contamination of groundater with arsenic is a problem that affects millions of people across the world. Heavily used as an insecticide in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, arsenic use in produce production is no longer common (except in cotton farming); however, its use as a feed additive in poultry and swine production, especially in the United States, has increased. For example, an arsenic-containing feed additive called roxarsone is used by about 70 percent of US poultry growers.” (pages 99 & 100) But, yes, anything goes and if there’s people who want to brag and virtue signal being medically experimented by Nazi doctors, then why wouldn’t they also brag about ingesting arsenic or anything, including human blood. I already knew that industrial poultry operations were the worst livestock operations for meat production. It’s DIRTY! Live birds are thrown into boiling water in some instances. They are just tortured, endlessly. They are not killed properly. I read about some factories that ran chickens through pools of water that electrocuted them. Those pools are filthy! Those birds are not going to be bled properly and something Tom might not know but I do know, about blood, is that it is a toxic substance. (That’s what I learned when I was a Jehovah’s Witness. I wish I had a reference. The best I could find was a scammy website that warns that ingesting too much human blood can lead to haemochromatosis.) He may recommend eating it (which disgusted me) but as a Christian, I would be in serious trouble if I did. When the apostles met to decided on… Read more »
Keith Akers says “For the Jewish Christians, forbidding “blood” meant a prohibition on eating meat. Forbidding “things strangled” implies, most likely, a prohibition on eating fish, which are typically killed by asphyxiation.
Okay. I think I’ll go with Jehovah’s Witnesses on this. (I otherwise have no use for them.)
My late father, a scientist, was a firm believer that because animals have a sense they are about to be slaughtered all toxins along with adrenaline are circulated around the body in the blood. There is an interesting book “None of These Diseases” which supports the Law of Moses in defining the best flesh foods to eat. For instance, pigs do not have a cleft hoof and are known to be contaminated with a nasty parasite called trichinosis. Of course, now with all the chemicals used in concentrated animal farming this has probably been largely eliminated. Maybe not in China?
A chef I used to work under (as a dishwasher) told us a story about deer hunting with his friends. They didn’t bleed the animals properly and the meat from them tasted awful. I can’t remember all that he reported, but he was adamant that you needed to bleed the animal properly or you simply ruined the meat.
Let’s take an example: If there were a virus of which 50% died, we would say that the experimental vaccine is assimilated with its risk included (and this would have to be studied), but if someone dies from this vaccine when the deceased, it is most likely that they would have suffered the symptoms of a cold, this is murder.
A Second Nuremberg Tribunal has to be setup ASAP.
IMO every medical staffmember who is jabbing the vaccine into somebody without informing about the content of the vaccine and against their free could be marked as a War Criminal and brought before a Military Tribunal accordingly.
Check Nuremberg Tribunals Protocols.
What do You think about my idea:
To find a courtroom draftsman – those people who draw the defendants in court proceedings in which the public is not allowed,
This courtroom draftsman will now paint courtroom sessions, where the defendants are those figures that are behind this global fascist takeover u der the guise of a medical emergency.
They are all there: Johnson, Fergusson, Merkel, Spahn, Drosten, Trump, Biden, Harris, Pelosi – to each country a drawing that shows the politicians of that country tried for crimes against humanity and conspiracy to disenfrenchise billions of human beings the world over.
Maybe then the coin goes down the slot? Showing the dumbed down masses that their beloved leaders are nothing but criminals – making fortunes out of ruining billions of souls lives. Predictive programming. Getting the delusion exposed that any of the cretins in charge right now have the wellbeing of their constituents at heart.
The perverted opposite is true. We are exterminated and in a most disturbing way it seems that the ultimate “divide & conquer” is the separation of the ‘vaccinated’ from the un-‘vaccinated’. The question arises:
Who will be left when those who got their shots are croaking? And I like to reiterate that there ought to be a conspiracy theory about the jabs being just one of two or more components. First the jab – then the fumigation from above with agents that react with the jab contents. Like nitro and glycerin – jab and?
In conclusion, the whole thing appears to be a self inflicted ELE.
Absolutely fabulous idea, Nottheonly1 – ‘a picture paints a thousand words’…
We can use predictive programming, too!
I hereby offer up some of the Canadian Accused:
Justin (Castro) Trudeau
Dr. Theresa Tam
plus the Premier and the Public Health Officer of each our 10 provinces and 3 territories – 26 individuals
Let’s do it.
Castro’s’ Cuba has only some hundreds of “covid deaths”. He contrasts markably withb Trudeau.
Variation on a theme of “Serpents Walk” 1990s book (analyzed by Dave Emory at spitfirelist.com often)?
You have a case!
Worms ?
Worm-like mystery entities on masks and swabs – David Icke
It all boils down to whether one seek knowledge or not. Uninformed and gullible never ended well.
It is fair to say that that the presently observable gullibility is the greatest in all of human evolution.
Not really. It is the injection cult that constitute a public health hazard. ‘Vaccines’ are perfectly safe provided they are not injected into peoples bodies.
good post
By now the only real questions I have for a Covidian believer are:
Why did you want to throw away everything you had of social life, community life, cultural life, human existence? Why did you really deep down loathe those things so much? And if you really didn’t mean to throw them away, if you really miss them, then why don’t you stop doing this and take back your life?
When will you stop being insane?
“The arts will be a mere memory.” [Rant about the Covidianized institutional arts follows.] At least one healthy thing I’ve gotten out of all this is a forced triage and letting-go of some things I previously would have considered important to preserve without thinking much about it. Thus where it comes to the arts, although every canceled campfire sing-along is a loss and a crime, on the other hand the self-cancellation of all the elite NGO institutional arts is something I no longer care about. All those cadres chose to cancel themselves as artists and performers and to become Covidian propagandists instead (e.g. Yo Yo Ma is no longer a cellist, but a pro-injection geek prop), because they’re true believers and because they had the luxury to sit at home at least for some time. Well, if it turns out as I expect, that most of these orchestras and opera companies and such are never coming back in any form, then it’ll give me a good laugh to see their personnel flipping burgers or washing cars. They deserve no better. Same for the staffers and DJs at the NYC’s classical station WQXR, which has been the constant audio backdrop to my indoor and in-car life for close to ten years, and which no longer is a music station but a Covidian propaganda outlet which uses music as the lure to get people to listen to the propaganda. (I could write a similar rant about libraries where I no longer can enjoy browsing the stacks the way I used to make discoveries. Since librarians as a professional group have abdicated and declared themselves to be nothing but Covidian propagandists and gatekeepers, we can get rid of them completely. They no longer serve a human purpose. Same for “science”, the way an… Read more »
That is so very true. I know a bit about the European book market and I can confirm that neither the publishers nor the booksellers deserve anything else than going out of business. They have so cowardly closed their shops or their offices and have added to the regime’s fearmongering while at the same time clamouring for state money completely forgetting about their own history as promoters of free thought, free speech and as opposition to an oppressive state.
I had good friends, jazz musicians. I invited them for dinner, shortly before last Christmas. They declined, what with the dangerous virus and the maximum allowed number of people meeting and so forth. Well, at least we know where we stand now.
The tech giants have long tried to invade the school system, promoting their gadgets as an alternative to books, typing instead of writing, watching video instead of learning. They have failed. But now the disruption of the schools and universities is considerable and indeed the stupid teachers and lecturers are the ones most ardently promoting their uselessness, heading straight to unemployment.
Apparently the system must have been rotten to an extent I wouldn’t have imagined. The whole desaster will put me out of my job eventually but there will be many who drop by the roadside before I will.
I wondered what my old nemesis David Suzuki was up to and wasn’t surprised to see that he’s on board with the roll-out of the global biosecurity police State.
But libraries, orchestras, and classical radio stations, and all of that arts realm, have been distinctly targeted for over 20 years. There has been a very concerted agenda to shut them down while often pretending to favor some of them.
There were over 700 terrestrial radio stations that broadcast our Dohnanyi-led performance of “Oedipus Rex” – in North America 23 years ago.
Now, a handful, as such, less than a hundred and shrinking. Pitiful implosion.
WCLV in Cleveland, our flagship station there, was savvy enough to regroup as a Foundation, more impervious to these hostile takeovers by bubblegum enthusiasts and their pimps.
But all these changes were no accident or coincidence.
Truly a conspiracy, and no theory.
Bitter Reality.
Which makes it ironic to think back to when those defenders of our Western culture were fretting over the threat of “Islamification”. We don’t need Muslim hordes. We’re doing a good job of trashing out own culture.
It all traces back to Monopolists (my preferred term to predatory capitalists). They see the arts as a special kind of commodity, but a commodity all the same, to be bought and traded. They are the new riff on the Philistines of olden days, no real loyalty to anything at all but the Bottom Line. MAA, Musical Arts Assoc., is who ran our joint in Cleveland. While I was singing for them (all they paid for, after much wrangling, was our hotel bill in GB when we toured, and a few coins daily allowance, about $50 a day, more than van Gogh got anyway) they wouldn’t pay for our parking indoors on concert nights, despite the practical wisdom of protecting our vocal health. During Ohio “lake effect” snow emergencies! I was so broke, I came early to park close to the entrance on the street. A year later I was so disgusted I left, mostly from incesssant efforts to tame my attitude, and on the bus cross country to spend some quality hang-time with my aged Mum in Calif, I picked up a copy of “USA Today” that a passenger had left at a terminal (would never pay for such over-priced birdcage liner) there was a national story on pg. 2, I recall, the darkside of the front page: “Bogolmony Gives $200 Million to Orchestra” for naming rights of one of the “green rooms” or whatever. “Et AL.” It got a place “above the fold” because it was the largest endowment to date. Richard Bogolmony is illustrative of all those Usual Suspects, the top brass at Musical Arts. Bob Tayek, the longtime Treasurer at our union downtown then on “Carnegie Avenue”, aka AFM, local 4, listened to my laments about their wicked ways when I came one winter day in… Read more »
This brought a smile to my face 🙂 Wonderful to see CovIDIOTS pay a price for their stupidity. Imagine — they took a ‘vaccine’ that they did not need… and now they have murdered their babies.
Hahahahaha… this is PRICELESS!!!
Coronavirus: two pregnant women in Hong Kong who received BioNTech vaccine suffer miscarriages, but no link to jab confirmed as yet
I think that this question is already the answer for the majority .Actually they don’t have any life that’s why they embrace all this insanity with the lock-downs ,masks and vaccines.
No doubt for lots of people it’s been an exciting adventure to feel lifted out of their humdrum lives and feel like they’re living through the reincarnation of the Black Death. Much like the urban mobs of 1914 ecstatic over the outbreak of war, or the masses of Germans who hadn’t previously been Nazi supporters but who felt a kind of mass ecstasy when Hitler first came to power and launched a full spectrum propaganda and policy assault much like 2020.
Though I would think after a year by now, this emotion would long since have worn off, since no previous state of pointless boring conformity could be as pointless and boring as Covidian ritual compliance. Never has it been more depressingly true that the new boss is same as the old boss.
Well, It’s only been a couple days since our gangster premier here in Ontario declared an extension of the lockdown (if that means much) and, while I live in a basement apt and don’t even see outside and work overnight and sleep during the day, I do see when going to work and returning (and the longer day now means I actually ‘do’ see, at least in the morning) people acting as though dire warnings and strict rules had not not been issued. I saw lots of joggers out and about this morning, maskless. I a saw a fair number of people walking around without masks, as well as the covid crazies of course. I don’t know. Maybe the gangster politicians are simply taking things too far? I have no doubt that they don’t see how to back out now, mind you.
I agree with you for the worn off of excitement but except this, there is the fear of death which is deeper and instinctive.
That’s a very good point and one that I made in my first (of 134) blog post on covid 1984. I pointed readers of my blog to the writings of Randolph Bourne who watched how people behaved in World War One. He was disgusted. Too many people just went along with the war-making State, melding with it. He noted how they jumped at the chance to fill up their empty lives with State propaganda and obedience to all that the State ordered the people to do. It’s not just an empty life that leads to compliance with evil, of course. You really have to be mentally and spiritually ruined to begin with. You have to be unprincipled
With covid 1984, I therefore talk about two catastrophes. The first catastrophe, upon which the second (covid 1984) depended for success, was the dumbing down of the people. That was done to the people and by the people themselves. No one puts a gun to someone else’s head and says “Don’t read books.”
Yes, but many peiple are sadly too tired to read books after working boring jobs all day. And there was an intentional wholly deliberate removal of all intelligent analysis and reportage from British Television from the late 80 to late 90’s. Now replaced with incessant reality trash and sheer propaganada news.
Correct. Even so…
If you consider most people’s lives revolve around social media … then surely they are secretly yearning for extinction. Think of it as being put out of their misery
Do they really exist. Given that everything in the MSM is a lie.
What is this spam check horseshit!!!!
censor in another name
Maybe more like kicking the foot under the censor’s virtual table? LOL.
There is an irony in here somewhere. Managed to avoid the mask wearing farce since this nonsense began. Now I might have to wear one to protect myself from the vaccinated!
Are you sure that masks work?
not at all ha ha ha
The masks are meant as a sociopathic group insult to us outsiders, to human intelligence (such as it is LOL)
Where it comes to the retarded superstitious and virtue-signaling rituals like maskochism I’ve often wondered what kinds of tactical redirection could be possible within the framework of the ritual.
If there was a way to propagate the idea of masking “not against Covid but against the mutations carried and spread by the injected themselves”, and if a special color/symbol for the mask could be made standard for THIS statement only, and if we skeptics and dissenters wore only this kind of mask in the situations where we’re really forced to wear one (though of course refusal, scofflawing, defiance remains the best practice in general), that could help generate controversy and conflict within the Covidian ranks.
There are things we could do, if we could do them. I’d love to have some shirts made up. Doing any business now is very hard and unpleasant. And the likelihood that the staff of a shirt store that prints on shirts sees things my way is small. But the nicer weather is here and I’ll be off for three weeks soon (although my gangster premiere is trying hard to rob me of any freedom with a further severe lockdown for 30 days) and will be biking around at night with my printed out cartoons and statements and a stapler.
Oh gosh! I did training (security) recently at head office here in Toronto (G4S). It’s the worst time of the year for me. My stress levels are out the roof. (I didn’t target security. I fell into it. In North America, If you don’t get specialized education, then you end up mopping floors or washing dishes or as a security guard. I’ve now all three of those things. I’ve been in security since 1999. I’m 65 and earn $16 per hour.) Of course, I dreaded training this year more than ever. At least I only spent one day at head office, instead of two. (One day was Google Meet.) That place reeked! All I could smell for the next week was hand sanitizer. Those fools working there every day are going to be sick. It’s a certainty. Depending on how health they are, that will determine exactly when they have to visit their Rockefeller doctor, but I can’t see that not happening. I actually found some relief when pulling my mask up over my nose!
Interestingly, our main trainer couldn’t help blurting out that he thought all of this covid stuff was crap. He asked if anyone else did. I said yes. I was the only one who said yes. He said “Thank you.” Later, on lunch break, we all got into it. (He came out of his office and said “Carry on. I don’t give a crap about politics.”) I found more agreement on the subject than disagreement. Of course, there was only one other guy who was informed, but it wasn’t information that helped him to counter my narrative in any way. Unsurprisingly, all of the other guards were East Indian. They knew about Bill Gates.
> “How many more deaths will result from this pharmacological frenzy?”
That is a great cartoon.
Says it all.
so in a nutshell what Dr Astrid Stuckelberger is saying is the vaccine is the virus. More poeple die, blame Covid, vaccinate more people
Hello John. Yes. Exactly. The first phase was to announce a fake pandemic. The second phase was a general lock down of all commercial business and private activity. The third phase was both tacit and explicit removal of civil freedoms.
All this was set up as prelude to enforced vaccination with a – gain of function – artificially derived – mRNA product, which happens to be lethal…
I try not to swear on public forums… But bloody fudgin hell… I’ve seen others mention that the real virus is in the vaccines, but I didn’t pay much attention. I assume there’s an interview with Dr Astrid Stuckleberger on Bitchute or Brand New Tube?
Here it is
Yes scroll down to post by Mark Elsis
Thanks Ben… early finish today so will listen when I get home.
That depends entirely on how you define ‘VIRUS’ on this website it seems to slide from the old meaning and the standard mainstream definition. The old meaning was a poisonous liquid or venom which I use to describe the vaccines mRNA is nucleic acid and not a complete virus in virology either according to their definitions.
“the vaccine is the virus”
That looks like the most logical way to see things. It’s not clear whether and to what extent there really is a SARS-COV-2 which deploys these spike proteins to infiltrate human cells, but the MRNA injections are supposed to guarantee the spike protein effect.
In other words if Covid didn’t exist they have to invent it.
If it doesn’t really exist in the wild, or never at anywhere near the virulence the terrorist propaganda has claimed, then perhaps fears of ADE blowback upon the injected or Marek-like mutations lethal to the un-injected may be exaggerated.
Either way, for the injected there’s still the potentially disastrous autoimmune blowback effects from syncytin homology and PEG, and the presently incalculable long-run health effects upon those subjecting themselves to this gene-altering experiment.
And regardless of health effects upon themselves and others, the voluntarily injected (which I define as anyone who gets the injection except under severe duress) are carriers and spreaders of the pandemic of technocratic totalitarianism and this most anti-social anti-human Covidian death cult.
Old definition of virus is a poisonous liquid or venom – thus the only ‘virus’ is the vaccine – a poisonous liquid when injected by the Brotherhood of the 🐍 Snake.
The way I see it: it doesn’t matter if Covid is real or not. Most people died from something else. Very few died from anything called Covid. No more than die from flu each year. Lab demons have been messing around with viruses for decades, on the excuse that they need to make the virus to find a vaccine. Let that logic sink in. That alone should raise red flags. They’ve taken out patents on every aspect of Coronavirus – and by them I mean Fauci, Baric and others. See my post here. But the jab seems to give people Covid. It certainly doesn’t stop it. No one (except the lying media) claims it does. The manufacturers explicitly say the jab doesn’t stop infection or transmission. The mRNA jab messes with your genes. One of the manufacturers Moderna admits that on its web site, calling it a plug and play operating system. This is one of the leading Covid jabs. From a company that never sold a vaccine before. J&K also never sold a vaccine before. And none of the pharma companies ever sold an mRNA jab before. There is no cause. Get that out of your head: no single cause and no single aim. Plandemic – Scamdemic – Event Covid – The Great Reset – Green New Deal —— it covers a multitude of agendas. Pharma wants live humans to experiment upon. Governments want the vaccine passport. Bureaucrats want to manipulate your behaviour and control outcomes. Tech giants dream of harnessing humans for profit. Corporations want monopoly of production. Bankers want monoploy of monetary control. Soldiers want to kick you with their shiny boots. Police want to abuse you. Cultists dream of transhumanism and technocracy, in which they get to obey their strict machines, in their sterile smart cities.… Read more »
“The way I see it: it doesn’t matter if Covid is real or not. Most people died from something else. Very few died from anything called Covid. No more than die from flu each year.” Yes, and it’s not something worth getting into arguments about or which it’s even possible rationally to “debate”. In my own case, since I start from a distrustful “Show Me” stance toward the US government and its affiliated institutions (WHO, CDC etc.) I take nothing at face value and will not accept “the government said so” or “the TV said so” as a legitimate source or as anything but an appeal-to-authority fallacy. So I see no reason to go beyond this default hypothesis: To the extent “excess mortality” exists at all, it can be accounted for by (1) a strain of influenza which affects primarily the aged who already are chronically ill, (2) the near-complete abdication of health care systems, their throwing away of all medical integrity and competence in favor of becoming Covid propaganda demonstration zones, which has caused an escalated number of deaths from cancer, heart disease, not-Covid respiratory disease, acute trauma and other bona fide medical problems, which the “health care” system no longer tends to in any conscientious way, (3) deaths directly caused by the lockdowns themselves, the escalated homicides and suicides, drug overdoses and other deaths of despair; these dovetail with (2) since the lockdowns themselves and the whole Covidian atmosphere impose so many artificial barriers to timely medical care, and because of the long-established direct link between economic and psychological stress and physical illness and early death. So there’s the alternative hypothesis, assuming there’s a significant excess mortality at all. On what rational basis could a Covidian believer dispute this? They have zero evidence for their extraordinary claims and… Read more »
in the US the mortality is up 25%. A massive increase not something a flu could cause. the increase is caused by covid treatments. it mattters a great deal what the cause is because controlled opposition arguments are designed to perpetuate covid, cover up the scale of the atrocity and turn people against antivaxxers. if you argue nobody died when others know there is a massive increase you are just going to piss them off and do nothing to expose the cause of death. the figures for flu deaths are tiny not the inflated flu and pneumonia numbers which themselves arn’t anywhere near this 25% increase.
Thanks, Russ, an excellent analysis.
A brilliant all-embracing description. I shall use that myself.
Most of humanity already owns nothing or next-to-nothing now…
Last month I saw Elon Musk’s wealth had gone from $26 billion last March to $210 billion this January.
It took him til 50yo to amass 26 bills, but only 9 months more for another 180 billion?
I took an interest yesterday in Steve Ballmer when he stood out courtside as owner of the local NBA Clippers basketball team, since they are rivals of (my) Lakers. I was stunned to find he ranks as world’s 11th richest.
Digging deeper, turns out he has $87 billion today, wiki gave him 85 bill on April Fools Day, a 2 billion increase in a week?
He had 71 bill in March 2020. 74 bill in July.
And only a feckless 40 billion less than 3 years ago.
There is a HELL of a lot of money laundering clogging the drains, all the blood runoff. All these oligarchs added billions and bilions in mere months!
Are we forgetting the entire phylosophy and target behind “Certificate of Vaccination ID-19” is depopulation?!
Should there be a chance it is not working the way (WEF) K/laus Reset S/chwab and rest of CABAL planned, they will wake up their Climate Change Project right away, again.
It is all about fear, depopulation (85% are Eaters and bring no profits for them) and control of the planet. They are convinced the planet is their property.
I really don’t understand the drive for depopulation. Most of these eugenists are so rich, they are not going to be affected in any way by those that they call “useless eaters”. So, why all this? If they kill off everyone, who is going to run the industries/ the cities, and so on? Who is going to buy the things that make them rich? And, most importantly, it’s not as if they are immortal. They are going to die too themselves. It seems so utterly futile and stupid.
Everything is gonna be automated, so we are obsolete and their goal was never to make more money their currency is control and playing games with us I guess.
Accurate information is the new currency of the self-doomable oligarchs. Disinfo is the stagflationary currency they hand out to us, funny money or chump change, in wheelbarrows.
So 6 months before September 11 we had a X-Files spin-off show called “The Lone Gunman” in which they predicted a hijacked plane hitting the Twin Towers, prevented in the last minute.
In 2020 we got an American remake of the channel 4 series “Utopia” with similarities to the story you/she described.
Well fuck I guess.
In the X Files revival 2015-16, FBI Dr.Scully was all about chasing down PCR results to find a vaccine for a virus pandemic.
I scheisse you not.
I’ve posted several times about both episodes, shows.
There is a lot more suspect storylines in both episodes, too. Clues.
Chris Carter has been one of top pop heroes. Subject to review, too, as we find out more and more.
My late nonagenarian Mum 2017-2009 was a big fan, too, in her last year she would wait til the bitter end of the credits roll to chime in on cue, “I made this!”
Dr Astrid Stuckelberger, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
The vaccine is the virus. They causing an epidemic
Deaths from the vaccine not reported
Once vaccinated it’s transmittable, saliva and sexually.
It’s not the unvaccinated you need to avoid. It’s the vaccinated
UK Government Has Planned for Vaccine Passports All Along
I would hazard a guess … that the barbarians in suits have made sure that ALL ‘Western-Democracies’ have planned for some manner of vaccine passport from the very beginning. just remember that these bastards don’t phuk around, they plan these things well in advance – as you might recall with the billion dollar Green Zone in Iraq … blueprints drawn-up-and-ready-to-go 2 years BEFORE invasion of IRAQ. No faxing around with DEMOCRATIC niceties or Congressional approvals there.
It is patently obvious that the world is controlled by monsters without a jot of compassion nor compunction. So, how do we/me/you put a spanner in the works, when they are so well organised, that even the few well meaning people at the ‘top’ are terrified to buck-the-system?
I remember reading that the airport next to the Baghdad embassy is the source of heavy and sustained air traffic. Yet, no one seems to know what is coming in or going out.
Agreed. As for a spanner in the works, and thinking of entire zones like Iraq, I’m not sure much will be accomplished until people organize resistance comparable to being in war (WWIII), which this is. We’re all living under occupation now, and to regain freedom, even the likes of ‘western democracies’ of the old abnormal, will require tremendous sacrifice and struggle, because these monsters and their minions aren’t about to stop themselves.
Glad you reminded of that. I’ll be using it in my next blog post.
James Perloff
James Perloff on Twitter: “https://t.co/z9OQHy6Ega” / Twitter
I have never joined Yuckerberg’s evil propaganda/surveillance operation.
Same here.
Ditto. That choice was ratified when I found he had sunk 200 mill into Bldg. 8, Palo Alto hdq. to develop “brain-reading tech”, which may make the rest of this obsolete. And perhaps us.
On a terrestrial, commodifiable, level, in any case.
40-Year-Old Wisconsin Music Teacher DEAD Following Experimental COVID Injection (healthimpactnews.com)
More recently a 22 y/o Israeli woman, from an inflamed heart, after 2nd Pfizer jab
This site tries to keep a tally: https://thecovidblog.com/
I have issues with those people, but yes, the site does have value as a good source of information. Brian Shilhavy also taps it often.
Brian Shilhavy, who embraces the lie that there’s a Sars CoV 2 virus (and that ‘is’ important), does very, very good work tracking the hoax. I use his material all the time. I usually go to Vaccine Impact, which is one of the organizations in the umbrella Health Impact organization. When you’re talking to tv addicts / covid crazies and they scratch their heads when you mention injection-caused deaths and injuries, remember to mention Vaccine Impact. They probably won’t check, but you’ve given them something while they’ve given you nothing. They will be appropriately discomfited.
“Discomfited” since that is the first “immune response” or default mode of the wide Syndrome “never let a good deed go unpunished.”
Why push a ‘vaccine’ or rather an injection that doesn’t provide immunity, if even reduction of symptoms at that? Profits, for sure, as always. But as noted here, there’s more to the plandemic agenda than that, above all power and population control, for which further elements of that agenda like the imposition of passports and demonization of the unvaxxed are now in play. And most insidiously, these injections appear to be insurance policy for the strategy, since as prior coronavirus ‘vaccine’ R&D as well as recent warp(ed) speed trials and rollout of product lines have proven, the ‘cure’ is even worse than the (fabricated) disease, compliments of such reactions as pathogenic priming. In short, the ‘vaccine’ is the plague, or the means of sustaining the perception the world is under siege to a continuing public health emergency (instead of fascists). And it continues the depopulation program already set in motion with such ‘mitigation’ measures as lockdown.
Well, Those of us who have been paying attention understand that there’s a rolling out of various agendas, all interrelated and overlapping. Peter Thiel’s tech will help with the contact tracing (as will Google’s and Apple’s tech). Elon Musk is eager to see Bill Gates pull off his decade (more like everlasting) of vaccines because he no doubt has ideas about merging humans with machines (as does Klaus Schwab) that Bill and his vaccines can help bring to realization once Bill (and Hollywood’s soft power gang) has softened up the public and they are amenable to transhumanism. People are going to be turned into commodities and bankers like that idea. Police State governments like the idea of having no restraints and complete literal control over populations, for which reason they like ubi, cbdc and Chinese-style social credit. Talk about a captured market. Jeffrey A. Tucker calls it the new feudalism. I call it cattle ranching.
I’m glad ‘animals’ have not been dragged into this shit show, Vivisection is unbelievably cruel. The animalisation of certain sections of people has frequently occured, are we all now being animalised? We have animalised and abused other species for millennia, it’s time to treat all animals, humans and other, with respect.
Great article. Deleting Facebook helped reduce my anger levels.
I stopped listening to the news altogether. Bliss.
I envy you.
I still listen in order to know what the latest brainwashing powder is, and if it really does wash whiter than white…
There are some reasonable alternatives to FB now. I’m on ‘Minds’, and i find it far more interesting, more impersonal, and with no vitriol. Most of its active users seem to be very much aware of what is happening re “Covid”. And there is no observable censorship at all.
I’ve looked into Minds’s owner. I forget the details, but I was not impressed. I don’t trust Minds.
You can’t delete anything on FB – you can just “deactivate” your account.
You can get deliberately banned too…thats more fun.
The ‘liberal’ media spew garbage – and the Wall St Journal thwacks the nail on the head:
Smoking guns and the Johns Hopkins lot caught again. You need to view.
It starts with most(!!) people believing we had a “pandemic”.
This illness “Covid19” is said to be an disease of respiratory organs. So the symptoms are the same like those with flu or even of a cold.
And I can remember a lot of years, in winter or early spring, when a wave of flu (Influenza A, Influenza B, Rhino viruses, Corona viruses et al.) or even a wave of simple cold hit the community. On the streets, in shops and supermarkets, in busses and subways there were people sneezing, coughing, sniffling, they were blowing their noses so loud you could hear it a bloc away. And many had lightly swollen faces, and a red nose.
But already last winter (before Covid19 even was known), this winter and also this early spring I can observe nothing like this! On the streets in the supermarkets people weasel past me, masked – but totally silent. no one coughs, sneezes, sniffles, blows his nose!
We are told there was a “pandemic” but you can’t observe it!
It seems that people believe more in what they are told to see, than what they really see.
The French painter Magritte once painted “la pipe”: The picture of a pipe – and he texted to it “This is not a pipe”. Because it is not a pipe!
I can’t help but think that for a lot of the perception managers, ‘this is a plague’ became possible once it became clear they had gotten away with the official conspiracy of 9/11 by in so many words telling people watching the free fall collapse of the twin towers ‘this is not controlled demolition’.
Agreed. Or, perhaps even … to go further back – when they pulled off the lie of LHO using an old rifle to make a very accurate long-shot and miraculously making JFK’s head jerk backwards … Yep! shot from the back but head jerked against the momentum of the shot – suspending the laws of physics, momentarily, as was done on 9/11. The barbarians in suits are genuinely ‘magicians’.
I heard much less sneezing and bronchitis coughing, or any, this last year, than I can ever recall.
They’ll say that’s because of the brilliant success of social distancing…
You hear less “human sounds” if you avoid meeting other people …
Well, yes. But I am active in the one church in the area where less than half wear masks. I inundated the Norbertine Fathers, monk priests there last March with articles like these, and they spoke out against the hoax and masks, here so. of LA.
Most everywhere else I know masks are absolutely required, or you won’t be let in, but at this church, most don’t wear them.
It’s intriguing it is the most conservative in area.
Quite the psyop going down, all over, huh?
Like happy-little-vegemites, we’ve all been so terrified to cough or sneeze in public, lest the sheep stampede away from one. Funniest part – ’tis no comfort coughing and sputtering into a mask, is it?
The one ‘good’ thing about the scamdemic – is that it appears to have cured the common-cold and influenza … 😉 much, much better than previous VACCINATIONS one might deduce.
“It seems that people believe more in what they are told to see, than what they really see”
This isn’t the greatest serious acting from a man who was a very gifted comedian, but it illustrates your point perfectly:
See the film Virtual Nightmare featuring “This is not a pipe”. It’s worth a watch.