Immolating Parental Rights and Overruling Truth
How the Jailing of a BC Father Shows the Extremes of Transgender Ideology and the Failure of the Media
Jenn Smith

Abstract: There are important parallels between the 1963 case of the self-immolation of Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức and the recent case in British Columbia (2021) of a father who was forced against his will by the court and the state to facilitate the pharmaceutical “sex reassignment” of his teenage daughter. Both cases speak to the desperation of people whose rights were trampled by an invasive all-powerful state and who were ignored by an indifferent and corrupt establishment-beholden media.
A Strange and Distant Memory.
“[Civil Disobedience] seeks to create such a crisis and establish such creative tension that a community that has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks to so dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored.” Martin Luther King Jr.
The story of Thích Quảng Đức and the now infamous photograph taken by Malcolm Browne of his shocking act of self-immolation during the Vietnam War, has fascinated me from the first moment I saw it.
The photo (see below) shows Quảng Đức, a Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk, who lit himself on fire as part of a planned political protest at a busy Saigon road intersection on June 11, 1963. It was truly one of the most visually and emotionally stunning media events of the 20th century. Then-President John F. Kennedy, who would only live another five months himself, said of the photo:
No news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world.
Unfortunately, the Vietnam War would produce many other startling photographs before it was over.

Photo taken by Associated Press photographer Malcolm Browne, on June 11, 1963, Saigon, South Vietnam.
While many disturbing images came out of the Vietnam War, there was something unique and disturbingly surreal about the Quảng Đức image and what it represented. Unlike few other images in human history, the image of Quảng Đức sitting calmly in the middle of an inferno of his own creation caused much of the world to stop and look. Other now-famous images from that era, almost without exception, portrayed things being done to somebody, in this case it was somebody doing something terrible to himself.
The impact of this photo globally was overwhelming. For a moment people all around the world simultaneously put their hands on their mouths and went silent. What brings a man to do something so horrific to himself and yet with such apparent calm lucidity?
One of the few reporters that bothered to attend the event, David Halberstam of the New York Times, wrote
I was too shocked to cry, too confused to take notes or ask questions, too bewildered to even think … As he burned he never moved a muscle, never uttered a sound, his outward composure in sharp contrast to the wailing people around him.
Why would somebody light themselves on fire for a political cause? What could possibly justify such an extreme act of self-destruction? Who was this person and what motivated him?
In order to understand the case of Thich Quảng Đức and how it relates to the case I am involved with today in British Columbia, you must understand the political landscape upon which it transpired.
Quảng Đức and his fellow monks had been trying desperately for some time to get a corrupt and seemingly indifferent global media to focus on the religious oppression of Buddhists in Vietnam by the Catholic-dominated Diem government. A ban on the flying of religious flags led to a large protest by Buddhists in the city of Huế on May 8, 1963. Some nine thousand people attended the protest which was eventually rocked by an explosion of uncertain origin followed by police and military opening fire on the crowd, killing 9 and wounding many others, including two children who were crushed underneath the wheels of government armored personnel carriers.

Buddhist protestors in South Vietnam in 1963 during the so-called “Buddhist Crisis” that led to the self-immolation of Thích Quảng Đức.
The government blamed the Huế massacre on the Vietcong and the global media either ignored or failed to give the event the attention it deserved. The US ambassador to South Vietnam sided with the Diem government and called government explanations “objective, accurate, and fair,” which was repeated by much of the global media.
The dishonesty and indifference of the media and government became a very pressing and frustrating problem for the Buddhists of Vietnam. The government was now openly slaughtering Buddhist protestors and the media was either ignoring or spinning it in favor of the government.
Indeed, the aforementioned David Halberstam of the New York Times, who would be one of the few journalists to attend the press gathering in Saigon on June 11, had himself subtly implied that the Hue protest might be linked to Communists and that the casualties were caused by an agent provocateur in the crowd rather than government forces.
How could Buddhists get a largely indifferent media to give their situation the attention it deserved? The problem, of course, was solved quite dramatically, but it was not a spontaneous event and only a handful of international reporters were in attendance that day.
The self-immolation of Quảng Đức was part of a strategic plan to force the international media to pay attention. If you look at the photo closely you will see other monks with cameras walking around. This event was carefully staged.
The plan did work, the world media did pay attention, because it was hard to ignore something so dramatic as a man lighting himself on fire in order to protest injustice. Several copycats immolated themselves later that year as well but did not get the same level of attention and in fact led to one official in Vietnam saying that she would…
clap [my] hands at seeing another monk barbecue show.
The flippant attitude was not shared by the rest of the world, and Quảng Đức’s sacrifice ultimately set off a chain of events that led to the end of the Diem government, but one must understand the key to this event was that it forced the global media to pay attention, and that was what caused a shift in public opinion and ultimately helped bring about change.
The story of Thích Quảng Đức returns to me again today because, ironically, a case I have been a part of in British Columbia (BC), Canada, shares some of the same basic features — although not as extreme or visually startling in its outcome as the case of Quảng Đức, the case of a father that has become known by the pseudonym of “Clark Kent” and referred to in court documents under the anonymized initials of “CD”, and who was forced to facilitate the pharmaceutical “sex reassignment” of his daughter against his will and his reaction to that, raises many of the same questions and points to some of the very same motivations and answers.
The Rise of Transgender Ideology and Its Resistance.
“Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest – forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries.” Hannah Arendt
On March 20, 2021, my phone rang and I was immediately greeted by a recorded message from a British Columbia (BC) remand correctional facility, essentially a jail that holds prisoners until they can face trial. A disclaimer was read to me that the call would be recorded and subject to review. I had to agree to the terms before the call would be connected. I did so and the voice of a man I had first met in December of 2018 said, “hello, Jenn?”
It was a surreal experience for me because I knew the man well and I knew he was no threat to anybody, and yet here he was calling me from inside a jail. While it had happened sooner than expected, I was in fact not entirely surprised that this tragic situation had finally come to pass, as I had seen it coming for some time. But to understand the travesty and tragedy that has occurred in British Columbia today — which should echo through the corridors of every legislature and courtroom in the world — I will need to take the reader back to the start for a brief summary of how the now-infamous case of AB v CD came to pass and my direct involvement in it.
Brief Background
First, for readers that may not be familiar with this case or myself, I should begin by providing some brief background information, not only on this case but on myself as well and the cause I have been fighting for, as I have been directly involved in this story since before it was in front of any judge, and I indeed wrote the very first story on this case in December of 2018. While I do not want to get too deep into all the complicated details, I believe this to be one of the most important legal and political cases in the world today and as such it deserves some due space and attention.
The case of AB v CD points not only to the most concerning elements of modern transgender ideology and politics, but to the complete failure of both the fourth and fifth estates (the media) in alerting the public to injustice and defending the truth. The act of desperation that ultimately transpired in the case of AB v CD can be shown to have been fueled by the same basic frustrations and forces that drove Thích Quảng Đức to his act of desperation almost six decades ago, but that will be illustrated in due time.
I am a 56-year-old transgender-identified activist. I am male. I present to the world in sometimes androgynous and sometimes feminine ways, but I have never claimed my presentation does or could ever change my sex. While it may be true that at one point I wanted to be a female, I was never able to get to the level of physical reality denial that is necessary to reject one’s biological sex, so I settled for playing the gender role without denying reality or insisting others do so. I am okay with just being male and being transgender, with “transgender” simply referring to a pattern of behavior. I believe this is the only healthy way to express transgender identity, not only for oneself, but for society as well, and the following story will illustrate for you the dangers of doing otherwise. We can play any part we want in this world but for the sake of everybody (including ourselves) we must always remain tethered to truth, particularly when it comes to law and the education of our youth.
I became involved in the political debate regarding transgender issues almost four years ago when I began using my academic background to research and write articles critical of what I call “the transgender agenda,” namely, this shift we have seen in society towards claiming males can be females (and visa versa), and the concerning indoctrination and confusion of our children in that process, not to mention the disturbing totalitarian undertones that seem to be driving it and which I discussed in my widely read essay Synanon, the Brainwashing “Game,” and Modern Transgender Activism.
Being transgender myself, I of course have never opposed the right for adults to dress or express as they like in the world, but I believe there are too many pressures and confusions associated with this behavior for minors to fully process and understand, as such I have always maintained that changing gender is something best reserved for adults. I further believe that particularly the medical or pharmaceutical transitioning (“sex reassignment”) of minors should be illegal because it has permanent life-altering consequences. I regard the mass chemical sterilization of our youth via the use of “gender affirming” drugs as a kind of medical crime, particularly when you understand the demographics of the youths identifying as transgender.
There has been a massive increase in the number of minors identifying as transgender over the last five or six years. This fact on its own is cause for serious concern, but it becomes even more alarming when you begin analyzing just what children are identifying as transgender. According to one study, 52% of “gender dysphoric” youths (minors identifying as the opposite sex) had one or more DSM-listed psychiatric conditions in addition to gender dysphoria. Numerous other studies have made the same basic findings, in other words, these are psychologically troubled youths.
Studies will vary, but researchers testing gender dysphoric youths have reported autism spectrum disorder prevalence at rates ranging from 8% at the low end to a staggering 54.2% at the high end. These numbers however do not become alarming until you realize that the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder in the general population is estimated by the CDC to be 1.7%. For autism rates in transgender youths to average around 30% or even 8% should be shocking to all thinking adults.
No serious person would suggest gender dysphoria causes autism, and the only reasonable answer is that these are psychologically vulnerable children that are falling victim to what is essentially a predatory ideology that turns them into life long pharmaceutical customers. But it gets even worse than this.

I was a foster child in the province of British Columbia (BC) during the 1970s and went through multiple different homes, and I was thus horrified to learn that BC’s leading gender specialist suggested that half of his 1000 minor patients came from the BC Ministry of Child and Family Development, in other words foster children and youths otherwise in the care of the Ministry. While we will not know how those numbers break down with certainty until we can get the subpoenaing power of a National Inquiry which I have been pushing for now for two years, I found this information highly alarming and it has made this subject extraordinarily personal for me.
The Province of British Columbia had around 6500 youths in its care at the time that this information was released, this therefore suggests that as much as 7.7% of all youths in government care in BC are being treated as “gender dysphoric” (transgender) and under the care of just one doctor. There are many doctors that deal with such youths thus it is reasonable to assume that as many as 1 in 10 youths in government care may be identifying as transgender, compared to just over 1 in 200 in the general population. This is a startling number. Once again it appears as if a highly traumatized and vulnerable population of youths are falling victim to the predatory dragon of transgender ideology. But it gets even worse when you realize 52% of youths in government care are indigenous, which summons memories of Canada’s dark history of deliberately sterilizing aboriginal youths.

As an activist I have been trying desperately for four years to raise awareness in Canada to these alarming facts and to the role our schools have been playing in terms of confusing the gender identity of children (via programs such as SOGI 123 and other similar programs around the world) and putting many of them on a path towards becoming lifelong pharmaceutical customers, which can result in permanent damage to their bodies (including sterilization).
I have given countless public talks now explaining how our most vulnerable children are being led astray by junk, conflict of interest-riddled big pharma-funded science, and driven by aggressive LGBT activists who have portrayed my efforts to protect children as somehow indicative of “bigotry” or even (ridiculously) “transphobia,” while they in the same breath portray the chemical sterilization of children as a good thing.
By late 2018 I had been trying to raise awareness to all this for almost two years and had published widely on the subject, and in the spring and summer of 2018 I had been specifically warning residents of British Columbia that the BC Infant’s Act and guidelinesfrom local health authorities now allowed for the trampling of parental rights and the transitioning of children against a parent’s wishes.
I will not rehash all of the details of this now as I have written about it previously, but my opponents at that time called me a “fear monger” and that the government would never trample parental rights in order to medically transition a minor.
I was unaware at that time that a case in 2016 had already made reference to the Infant’s Act, but that fact was not reported in the media and was unknown to the general public until I acquired and published court documents from the case. But as of late 2018 there was still no publicly documented use of the Infant’s Actoverruling parental rights in order to medically transition a child. That was about to change.
AB v CD and all its peculiarities from day one
In early December of 2018 I was contacted by then Conservative Party of Canada candidate nominee Angelina Ireland. Ireland had read my recent article in the Post-Millennial entitled The Pied Pipers of Gender Ideology in which I went over some of the more startling aspects of modern transgender ideology and how it targets and affects children and adolescents.
That op-ed was written in response to Tanya Granic Allen’s struggles trying to keep gender ideology out of Ontario schools.
Knowing my activism in this regard and the fact I was a writer, Angelina told me about a father she knew that was resisting his daughter’s pharmaceutical “sex reassignment” to a “boy” and had apparently been told by the BC Children’s Hospital that he, as a parent, had no say in whether or not his child could begin testosterone therapy, a procedure that would totally alter her appearance and life.
When I learned of his case I acted immediately as I knew this was almost certainly proof of what I had been warning people about.
Angelina and I went to the man’s place in Delta BC where I was greeted at the door by his large Irish Setter, a friendly dog but apparently oblivious to the fact that in jumping up on me and dragging his claws across my chest he was in danger of stripping from my neck the large number of chains I was wearing and hence turning me in to an instant Irish Setter hater (despite my Irish ancestry). Fortunately the calamity was avoided, my chains survived, and love and peace between myself and the dog was preserved.

Transgender Activist and writer Jenn Smith, bottom right sitting on a chair, posing with the members of UBC Students for Freedom of Expression, and sporting one of his now famous collections of neck ornaments that CD’s dog nearly violently removed. The UBCSFE hosted Smith’s appearance on campus after UBC administration tried to set up guidelines to prevent persons such as Jenn from speaking on campus.
Once inside I met the man, who has come to be known in BC as “Clark” or more commonly as “CD” (an anonymized set of initials assigned to him by the court in order to hide the identity of the family), although that moniker would not be assigned to him until a few months later when the court placed publication bans on the case to protect the identity and private health info of the girl and the doctors. For the purposes of this article I shall refer to him as CD, partially because I am still under court orders not to identify any of the parties involved, and with the exception of the doctors I do not contest those orders.
CD, a strapping middle-aged man and former Grand Rapids university hockey player, told me that when he tried to intervene in his daughter’s decision to begin cross-sex hormones, he had been informed by the BC Children’s Hospital (BCCH) that he had no say in whether or not his daughter, whom the court has anonymized as “AB,” would be allowed to get body and life-altering testosterone injections in order to make her look and sound more like a boy. Such changes would be irreversible and CD thus thought she should wait until she was an adult to make such a monumental decision.
I will not revisit all of the details of the exchanges between medical professionals and CD here as I discussed them at length in an article I wrote later that month for the Post-Millennial, and readers can review that story themselves for all of the minutia. It was the first published story on the case anywhere and set off a chain reaction that would turn this story into a topic of discussion around the world (unfortunately mainly outside of Canada), but a brief summary is probably in order.
AB’s story was one I have heard many times. She is just one of countless thousands of young girls over the last several years that has felt uncomfortable with the changes taking place in her body and the psychological pressures associated with not feeling like she fits in with her peers. After years of troubles with peers and romantic rejections, she began engaging in self-harm, cutting, and consuming small amounts of poison, which led to her being taken to the hospital by her parents.
AB was a student at a school in Delta, British Columbia, that was surreptitiously hosting a pilot project for an educational resource/program now known as SOGI 123 (sexual orientation and gender identity), ostensibly billed as an anti-bullying program but which is designed as an all-pervasive (Kindergarten through Grade 12) curriculum saturating program that includes teaching children that “sex reassignment” and gender change is normal and should be celebrated.
I have been a long-time and vocal opponent of SOGI 123 and other such programs around the world arguing that materials presented in the program are deliberately confusing, particularly to our most vulnerable youths, and could result in schools essentially manufacturing transgender children and teens. AB’s case offers evidence to support my claim (as do other recent high profile cases in BC).

Screenshot from a recommended resource for SOGI 123 and other similar school programs globally, which is being read to kindergarten students before they reach what is known in cognitive psychological circles as Kohlberg’s “sex constancy”(later strangely renamed “gender constancy”), essentially the fact that children under the age of seven do not typically have the ability to understand that just because you dress like the opposite sex does not mean you become the opposite sex. To present children with such ideas before they have the capacity to understand you cannot just change clothes and change sex is professional negligence. (Herthel, Jessica, Jazz Jennings, and Shelagh McNicholas. I Am Jazz! New York, New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 2014.)
AB watched two films in class that were recommended as part of SOGI 123, one a documentary from Sweden and another entitled Handsome & Majestic which was filmed in BC, both slickly produced using emotional themes and music, and both featuring young girls suddenly identifying as boys, cutting off their hair to look like boys, and changing their names. After watching one of the films in class AB went home and cut off her long hair and began suggesting that she felt like a boy.
Contrary to popular opinion in local LGBT activist circles, CD was not an intolerant bigot. When he first learned of his daughter’s desire to transition he tried to understand and work with her as much as possible. He did not like the fact that the Delta School District had been working behind his back essentially brainwashing his daughter, nurturing and facilitating her new gender identity, and gave her a new male name, all without ever consulting him. But he did not openly oppose her social transition. In fact, he bought her a transgender flag, allowed her to use her new male name and dress like a boy, he did not even complain when she wanted to use one of the most controversial devices associated with feminine to masculine transition (which shall remain private, but it is important to mention as it indicates a strong level of tolerance by CD).
Unfortunately, AB had been referred to a Dr. I.J. (so anonymized by court order), BC’s leading child gender psychologist, who refers more minors to BCCH for cross-sex hormone therapy than any other psychologist in BC (although it should be noted he does not prescribe or give such treatments himself, he just performs the psychological evaluations and determines whether the patient is ready for the next step). The BC Children’s hospital knows this doctor well and thus regarded his recommendations as good as gold, they thus put her on fast track to receive testosterone injections. This is where CD drew the line, because he knew this procedure could sterilize his daughter for life and would permanently alter her body and voice (again, for a full description of negotiations between doctors etc, see my previous article).

An example of the dramatic and permanent changes testosterone can make for young women; the teen girl in this photo also had a double mastectomy to remove her breasts, something increasingly common, and you can see the scars from the procedure. CD was also told, quite falsely, that his daughter would develop something akin to male genitals, but this is utter nonsense. Testosterone therapy can only affect secondary characteristics, it cannot change genitals or chromosomes. If you are born female you will always be female, hormone therapy and surgery can only make you look more masculine
CD felt his daughter was going through a phase related to recent romantic rejections by young male teachers, and he felt he knew her far better than any psychologist or judge or doctor could, so he simply said, “no, for the medical and pharmaceutical stuff, you should wait until you are an adult.” He did not want to let emotional teenaged angst decisions lead her into doing something she might later seriously regret and not be able to come back from. And that is where his battle with Leviathan began.
CD’s battles with the establishment began in the form of a letter sent to him by the BC Children’s Hospital telling him that neither he nor his ex-wife had any say in his daughter’s decision to begin testosterone injections. The doctors and staff informed him that according to section.17 of the BC Infant’s Act they had deemed that his then 13-year-old daughter was a “mature minor” “capable” of making the decision, and that the “right to consent to treatment belongs to the child alone… [and] the parent cannot veto that decision.”

Photos (redacted) taken by Angelina Ireland the day of our visit to CD’s home of the letter CD received from BCCH.
CD was outraged by this and frankly had a hard time believing the hospital or the state had the power to override parental rights in this way. He immediately filed documents in court to stop the procedures, and agreed to a meeting with Angelina (who was a friend of his girlfriend) and myself as I was the leading opponent of child medical transitioning in Canada (please see my video call for government inquiries).
At that time he was confident he would be able to overturn the decision in court, I laughed nervously and said I was not quite so confident. This led to over two years of court battles and a series of extreme and bizarre restrictions, that would eventually see me in the defendant’s chair as well.
Suffice it to say the court ruled that, consistent with the provisions of the BC Infant’s Act, the girl and the doctors had adequately shown that she had a right to begin the treatments without parental consent. Two years in court including appeals in BC’s highest court failed to change anything and resulted in publication bans being instituted to protect the identity of his daughter and her private health information, and, controversially, the identity of the doctors involved. In the latter case the doctors had received death threats and cited a case in the US where an angry evangelical man murdered an abortion doctor. The court found their concerns to have merit and placed a publication ban on their names as well.
From Vietnam 1963 to the Transgender Debate in the New Millennium: Censorship, Disinformation, and Media Obfuscation.
During the Vietnam war, Thích Quảng Đức and his fellow Buddhist monks had basically the same problem that I had during my activism and which CD would encounter as well, at least in terms of the mainstream media in Canada. Despite massive efforts and countless attempts to draw media attention, the monks could not get a corrupt intelligence-saturated media to pay attention to their plight. They had an important message about a real injustice, but the media would not cover it. Efforts to raise awareness to the mass sterilization of vulnerable children in Canada via the transgender agenda encountered similar indifference, hostility, and dishonesty from the media.
During my activism in Canada, which involved countless interactions and presentations to School Boards, battles with political leaders, public talks all over the province (some greeted by large demonstrations against me), time in Supreme Court and the Human Rights Tribunal, rallies staged on the steps of the legislature, and a push to get a national inquiry, I in that process dealt extensively with members of every kind of media: left establishment media, right establishment media, and alternative media left and right (including Christian media). I found almost all of these media sources to be either indifferent or outright hostile to covering the subject.
The largest right-leaning media newspaper chain in Canada, Postmedia, actually refused to publish ads for one of my talk tours as did the largest left-leaning media outlet in Canada, Black Press. Over and over again I and the people I was working with were either completely ignored by media or totally misrepresented. Outright lies and fabrications were told about me and I was almost never interviewed myself, only my opponents were interviewed and whatever they said about me was treated as truth. As a bisexual transgender I was called an anti-LGBT transphobic bigot for suggesting we should not be facilitating the sterilization of young people. Reporters over and over again failed to mention that I am transgender as if that detail made no difference when calling me a “transphobe,” and simply pretended I was some bigoted “cis” woman.
Five colleges and universities, including my alma mater Simon Fraser University, either cancelled or refused to host my talks. Two cities refused to rent facilities to me. After a small press event in Victoria where I called on the government to launch an inquiry into child “sex reassignment”, I was harassed afterwards and chased down the street by what essentially constituted a kind of LGBT pitchfork mob, who ran at me and screamed for me to get out of town. It was just another of many bizarre episodes in which I, a transgender person, was demonized and run out of town by people promoting love and inclusion of transgender people. None of this was covered by any of the major media, right or left. I cannot possibly recount all of my battles with the media and this is not the place to do that now, but it is important to note that CD, whom I remained in close contact with, watched much of this from the sidelines as he fought for attention himself.
Video footage from the chaos outside the capital city of BC by protestors that invaded Jenn Smith’s talk and got the event shut down. Media coverage afterwards failed to mention Jenn is transgender and repeated accusations that Jenn promoted hatred, despite the fact that lawyers for the city desperately looking to cancel the talk had already determined there was nothing hateful in the presentations. The media did not report that nor any of the substance of the highly contentious talks.
Probably the best illustration of the frustration opponents of the transitioning of children have faced in Canada can be seen in my talk that happened at the University of British Columbia, which CD watched with great interest as my talk included a large section on his case illustrating the assault on parental rights.
Whereas five other universities and colleges had cancelled my talks, UBC had a very strong free speech policy and could not justify preventing my presentation on campus. As British Columbia’s leading university and probably the leading university in Canada in terms of promoting LGBT inclusive education and policies, various LGBT activist groups became highly agitated that I was speaking in what was essentially the intellectual center of SOGI 123 and LGBT education in Canada.
Enormous pressure was brought to bear to try to cancel the event. The media was flooded with claims I was promoting hatred, completely absent of any evidence supporting the claims and ignoring contrary reports by legal experts. I was simply declared a bigot and not given a chance to respond.
UBC did make a last-minute attempt to thwart the talk, and that came in the form of two days prior to the event suddenly announcing they were tripling my security fee. They demanded $1250 for security within 24 hours or they would cancel the talk, this was on top of the already expensive rental costs for an event that had only a nominal $5 entrance fee in order to encourage attendance.
Fortunately together with supporters and my co-sponsor Chris McCay we were able to get that money together and the talk went ahead. The night of the talk a large crowd of protestors and Antifa members once again swarmed the event, obstructed the entrance, and scared attendees away. The high-priced security actually let Antifa members into the talk who then, of course, proceeded to cause disruptions and pulled the fire alarm and emptied the building (you can see footage of the chaos at UBC in my Six Months of Madness documentary here).
Shortly after my talk, the Vancouver Pride Society announced that they were ejecting the University of British Columbia from the 2019 Pride Parade for hosting my talk. The premier educational defender of LGBT rights and education in Canada was thus summarily ejected from the world-famous Vancouver Pride Parade all because they allowed a transgender speaker to talk on campus about the dangers of child medical transitioning.
The ejection of UBC from the Pride parade caused a firestorm of publicity all across Canada. What had happened? Why was UBC being treated this way. The Executive Director of the Pride Society outright lied and libelled me saying, “Jenn Smith is known to deliver hate speech and discriminatory talks,” and once again she failed to mention I am transgender myself. They said that because UBC had allowed an “anti-transgender” hate speaker on campus they had no choice but to eject UBC as an official participant in the parade.
Hundreds of media outlets all across Canada in print, radio, television, and streaming media addressed the story, and even Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had to be briefed on what had happened as a result of my talk so he could deal with media during his trip to BC. You would think of the hundreds of journalists across Canada that reported on UBC being ejected from the Pride Parade that at least some of them would have been interested in talking to the bisexual transgender speaker that caused this amazing event, but of all those hundreds of stories not one, not a single reporter or journalist, ever contacted me for an interview.
Not one.
It was all my opponents talking about me, and nobody talking to me, and more importantly nobody discussed the content of my talk. CD watched all this with dismay and could only shake his head because at that time he was just beginning his efforts to get media attention himself and was encountering similar resistance in Canada.
By 2020, together with Angelina Ireland, CD and I had come up with an idea to create a foundation named the Caenis Foundation to help parents and others deal with the pressures of trying to oppose the medical transitioning of minors (this idea has yet to be fully realized and remains embryonic).
In this regard, we also began considering bringing our efforts together to apply pressure on the BC and Canadian governments to launch inquiries into the transitioning of minors, with particular reference to vulnerable minors including foster children. Later in 2020 I ran in the BC election against the BC Minister of Education in Victoria in an effort to challenge him regarding SOGi 123 and raise awareness to what was happening.
CD agreed to help with the election campaign by speaking at a talk I held at the Hilton Hotel in Victoria. But once again the media ignored these efforts. They ignored press releases announcing that the leading opponent of BC’s prized educational curriculum resource SOGI 123 was running against the Minister of Education. When it was announced that the father in the AB v CD case would be speaking in support of my run and telling his story at the luxurious Hilton Hotel, the press totally ignored that too, even though they were sent invitations and there was nothing else interesting going on in the campaign.
I was not invited to all-candidate debates and was in fact deliberately excluded, I was listed last in newspapers and sometimes the only one without a photograph. In the initial announcements for candidates running in the election, the largest local newspaper listed me as running in a riding I was not running in and it took a week to get that corrected, meaning almost everybody who chose to use mail-in votes as an option did not even know what riding I was running in.
My signs were vandalized and stolen, and Facebook inexplicably for no apparent reason suspended my Facebook account during the last and most important week of the campaign when I was trying to pressure the local candidates to include me in debates. Facebook was also where I did all of my advertising and I could no longer do that. I was the only candidate in the entire BC election that was not permitted to use Facebook during the campaign.
Once again CD could only watch all this and shake his head.
Through 2019 and into 2020, while I was battling on the streets and in the proverbial trenches of the transgender culture war, CD was fighting his own battles in court where he was being dragged through a kind of extraordinarily taxing legalistic hell. He would eventually come to accept the idea that his daughter was now his transgender “son” and that the medical transition was unlikely to be something he could stop, but he still felt an obligation to keep on fighting for his right as a parent to have input in that process. Mercifully he had the pro bono assistance of lawyer Carey Linde to do much of the heavy lifting for him, although their relationship, much like my relationship with CD, was at times strained. So he saw himself continuing the fight not just for himself and his daughter but for other parents and other children as well.
As mentioned earlier the court had implemented publication bans protecting the identities of the key persons involved in the case, not to prevent the media from being able to discuss the case and its details, but to make sure that if it was discussed in public that it was done so in a way that did not identify any of the protected parties, particularly the minor-aged girl, but also CD himself (as they shared a very distinctive last name) and the doctors.
I personally never contested the publication bans on the girl’s name or the father’s, and even before the case had gone to court in December of 2018 when I published the first story with the Post Millennial I chose not to identify either the father or the daughter, but I did identify the doctors. When the court issued publication bans on the doctors, I strongly objected to that, as these doctors were using tax dollars and were also active in shaping public policy around this issue, and as such I felt they were fair game for full public scrutiny.
The court eventually switched its focus to trying to create peace within the family unit and getting CD to accept his child’s new identity as a “boy.” Justice Mazari, who was hearing the case at that time, was concerned that if CD repeatedly referred to his child using female pronouns and identifiers that this might hurt the child emotionally as she had been diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” ( a condition in which a person experiences emotional distress regarding their gender identity).
He thus ordered that CD should refrain from…
addressing AB by his birth name; and [refrain from] referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties.
CD himself avoided using pronouns with his daughter anyway in order to avoid offending her but at the same time he wanted to avoid reinforcing what he thought was a kind of delusion or fantasy that she had changed sex. Periodically he would slip up and refer to her using feminine identifiers and this became a bone of contention in court.
The judge became convinced that CD was deliberately misgendering AB in order to deny her identity and hence cause her emotional stress, therefore the judge suggested that any further behavior in this regard could be regarded as a form of “family violence.” This suggestion, however, was sent to the BC Court of Appeal who decisively struck down the order in April of 2019 and rejected the idea that such speech could be viewed as “family violence” and instead drafted a family “conduct order” which made the same order but within a much more limited family court context.
People need to understand that conduct orders are outside normal legal processes that must adhere to Charter of Rights provisions, much like behavior in private businesses does not allow for complete freedom of speech. If you say certain things at your work that would normally be protected by the Charter of Rights, you can still be fired if it is somehow deemed harmful to the functioning of the business.
Family conduct orders are much the same in the sense that a father may, for instance, continually call his child overweight — a statement that might be true and that might in any other context be protected by freedom of expression/speech, but is prohibited within a family context in order to bring peace to the family and avoid harm to a child. Such orders have no force outside a family setting. It was in this context that the Court of Appeal approved a one-year conduct order designed to stabilize the family and get CD to accept his child’s new identity and not harm her emotionally. It should be noted here, as there has been a lot of false information spread online, that Canada’s controversial Bill C16 had nothing to do with this ruling and in fact was not cited even once during the two years this case was in court.
If ever a case was going to make reference to the controversial Bill C16 this case would have been it, but it was not cited even once.
In my opinion both the lower court and the Appeals Court erred in ordering the use of pronouns; what they should have done was restrict the use of offensive pronouns (supposing they believed they were harmful). Now it has been maintained that this is indicative of a court that is biased in favor of transgender ideology, but while there may be some truth to this one must also allow for the fact that the courts, like everybody else, are struggling to deal with what is essentially a new phenomenon. The error made here was when the court decided to force the father to use male pronouns rather than simply forbidding him from using female pronouns, which was what he tried to do anyway.
The conservative media did look at this ever so briefly, but they seemed far more interested in chasing after Jessica Yaniv, a very strange but ultimately powerless transgender person that constituted a kind of travelling slapstick comedy show, attacking reporters with a cane, racing around on his electric scooter, and other absurdities, but having no real important implications for law and society, whereas the AB v CD case had enormous implications and barely got noticed by comparison.
Over-Ruling Truth and the Final failure of the Media.
“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.” Philip K. Dick
Conduct orders have an automatic expiry after a one year period. Thus by April of 2020 CD was no longer under conduct orders regarding the use of pronouns. But in early 2020 the fact Canadian mainstream media was ignoring his case convinced CD he needed to do whatever he could to promote the issue in whatever media would listen, because aside from some small Canadian far right media outlets, it was almost exclusively conservative media outlets in the US such as the Federalist who were covering the story. That needed to change. If we wanted to force change inside Canada, we needed to get Canadian media, ergo the Canadian public, to pay attention.
CD was allowed to talk about his case but he had to comply with anonymity orders protecting the identity of his daughter and the doctors. He did not do so. In February of 2020 CD worked with the Federalist and they published a major story that included photographs of his daughter and even her name. CD had referred Jeremiah Keenan to me and as such I was in contact with him, but when I saw they were including the photos and information on the girl I got very upset and asked him to blur or obscure the photos of the girl, but he refused.
The Federalist story was just the first of a series of online interviews that violated the publication bans in one way or another. So many people were doing this that I in fact assumed there was no point trying to hide CD’s name anymore as it was all over the web and social media. I decided that I, as the leading opponent of child transitioning in Canada and having been the one that broke his story initially, may as well interview him for my Youtube channel and made an announcement to that effect.
Well this was a mistake, because within 24 hours of making that announcement I received multiple notices from different lawyers informing me I had to appear in court within 48 hours on charges of violating publication bans. Christian TV evangelist turned political commentator Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson was also brought into court for violating court orders as well as CD himself.
This situation seemed to me a very significant event, therefore we sent out press releases to all major media. This seemed a no-brainer in terms of media interest as we had a father forced to facilitate his daughter’s “sex reassignment” being accused of breaching court orders, a sensational TV Christian evangelist, and probably the leading opponent of transgender ideology in Canada who was himself transgender, all on trial together in a remarkable case almost unheard of in legal history. At that time none of us had a lawyer, we were all representing ourselves against what seemed like a dozen high paid lawyers for the girl, the government and the doctors.
Media, nevertheless, was unresponsive for the most part, even the conservative media, despite a huge buzz on Social Media around the story. I filed an application to have the publication ban on the doctors set aside, and despite the absence of the media, nearly killed myself going virtually sleepless for days putting together a presentation showing connections between people, the enormity of public interest, and the need for people such as myself to be able to name names and connect dots publicly.
As a result of the flurry of interviews done with conservative media and Christian media, the day I did my 90-minute presentation to the court the courtroom was packed to capacity with mainly Christians, in fact we had to move to a larger courtroom to fit everybody.
It was quite a scene seldom seen in court. We were debating the right of a father to refer to a girl as a girl and speak truth; we were debating the right of the public to know about the doctors involved in the forcible transition of the girl into a boy. In many ways it was very reminiscent of Clarence Darrow’s so-called “Scopes Monkey Trial” (minus the defense lawyers) complete with a courtroom packed full of mainly Christians.
You would think an honest media would be interested in that, but no such luck. What coverage there was was almost all foreign media, none of whom were present in the courtroom. Only one Canadian mainstream reporter from Postmedia showed up with a notepad.
In discussing the violations of the publication bans, the sitting judge, Justice Tammen, indicated that he wanted to talk to CD first. He of course berated him for violating publication bans but also raised the subject that he was apparently “deliberately” misgendering his child again and referring to her using female identifiers. CD explained that it was difficult for him to keep it straight in his head because he had raised her as a girl and knew she was a girl and thus it was automatic to use female identifiers. The judge was somewhat doubtful and suggested he thought maybe he was doing it deliberately to upset her, and he asked him for an assurance that he would not use female identifiers with her anymore but instead would use male pronouns (this was pursuant to the conduct orders which were set to expire a month later). I could see CD pause as the judge asked for his assurance. He seemed very uncomfortable. I could tell he did not want to give the guarantee but at the same time knew the judge had the power to throw the book at him for violations of publication bans, so he reluctantly agreed, but his reticence was palpable.
After CD sat down it was my turn. I was having a hard time processing what I had just seen and heard. I looked back at the large crowd in the court watching, then looked up at the judge and stood. My impression of the judge up to that point was that, because of my appearance, he did not take me seriously. He was unaware of my academic background and public speaking experience. I was about to change his perceptions of me. I said:
I would like to predicate my statement by attempting to clarify something for the court/ Some people, and indeed the court, may be confused as to why so many people keep violating the publication bans. The courtroom today has many Christians in it that I know have flagrantly violated the bans themselves. Why would Christians, who have a long history of respecting law and order, be so persistently violating the orders of the court? I know the answer to this question. Now I know your lordship has just taken on this case recently and that you did not make the orders that you are currently enforcing … I understand that. But I just watched the court berating a father for speaking the truth and demanding that he speak lies. George Orwell once said the ultimate act of a totalitarian state is in its ability to force its citizens to speak lies. The problem we are facing now relates to this very fact. The court has in this case untethered itself from truth and is now demanding its citizens to speak lies. This is absolutely unprecedented. When the court untethers itself from truth, it at the same time untethers itself from justice. At the same time it loses the respect of the community, and that is exactly what we have seen in this case.
In a modern cosmopolitan society featuring incredible diversity of beliefs and opinions, the only way to keep such a society ordered and for our justice system to be fair, is for government and our courts to be secular in nature and tethered to facts and shared truths. The moment our justice system ceases to be grounded on truth, the entire structure of society is at risk of collapsing and chaos ensuing.
I could see that the judge took my comments to heart and now seemed uncomfortable himself, but he said nothing. I would later go on to give an almost 90-minute presentation to the court, but that this remarkable scenario was almost entirely ignored by particularly the Canadian media still amazes me a year later. The irony of a transgender person standing in front of the Supreme Court calling out the court for trampling truth in favor of transgender ideology should not have been lost on anybody. You would think an honest media would find this at least moderately interesting. But only a sole reporter from Postmedia, writing for the Vancouver Province, was in attendance and witnessed the spectacle.
After court, he was outside interviewing Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson. He had no interest in interviewing me, so I waited a bit then interjected myself. I gave him a long list of troubling statistics about vulnerable kids including foster children. He stood gape-jawed listening to all this information that I said I could document for him if he was interested. Did he report any of it? Did he report that I, a transgender-identified activist, had stood calling out the court for forcing a father to speak lies? No, not a word.
What happened that day was indicative of the greatest feat of transgender activism in the 21st century. The feat of getting the courts to untether their judgements and orders from the truth must be regarded as one of the most remarkable and disturbing achievements of transgender activists, and history should record it as such. But whereas newspapers etc are said to write the first drafts of history, it was clear this startling chapter was not going to be recorded.
This was the first time I sensed that CD was truly shocked by the lack of local media interest.
Leviathan and The Immolation Solution.
The outcome of this series of court dates in the spring of 2020 was that I was granted a highly unusual limited exception to the publication ban on the doctors, and became the only person in British Columbia that was legally allowed to name the doctors in relationship to this case (but only in front of live audiences). We were all warned that serious consequences would result from further breaches of the publication bans. Ominously, a representative from the Attorney General’s office of British Columbia made an appearance and warned the judge that the Attorney General now regarded this as a rule of law issue. The case was thus referred to their office for consideration of possible criminal contempt of court charges against CD.
Even the unprecedented intervention of the Attorney General in a family court case that already was riddled with twists and turns was not enough to move the mainstream media into covering the story. Thus, after a brief hiatus, a frustrated CD once again began giving identifying interviews as he now seemed to feel the issue needed to be pushed to some sort of climax.
Initially it seemed that the Attorney General and the court were largely or effectively ignoring CD’s new violations, and this went on for almost a year. It seemed to indicate that they did not want to charge him, but he just kept escalating. My personal opinion was that he should try to work with me in the way we did at the Hilton Hotel in Victoria (during my election campaign) in which we tried as best as we could to comply with the spirit of the court orders while still talking to the public and telling his story. Still, despite his best efforts and my best efforts, the largest media outlets in Canada, the CBC, CTV, Global, and others continued to all but ignore the case.
In early 2021 the Attorney General had announced they planned to pursue contempt charges against CD, but did not seek an arrest warrant. CD then placed links to a video that contained identifying information on his daughter on his legal funding page and this apparently was the final straw for the Attorney General who had Vancouver Police start monitoring his public communications and compiling evidence against him. CD had been warned by the court and by the Attorney General multiple times that if he kept on violating court orders he would be charged with criminal contempt of court, a very serious charge, and yet he not only kept on doing it, he escalated at the risk of destroying his own life, losing his job, and getting a criminal record.
In February of 2021, almost one year exactly after I had been in court with him, it was announced that a warrant had been issued for his arrest. Much to my shock, instead of dialing his activities back, CD stepped up the rhetoric yet again by putting out an announcement that “the far left has issued a warrant for my arrest,” which surely he must have known would anger the judge, who was actually the one that issued the warrant. CD then did a series of interviews while waiting for the warrant to be executed in which he once again violated the terms of the publication bans. He even conducted one last court defying interview right on the steps of the courthouse as he prepared to turn himself in.
I was upset by these actions and was angry at some of the media people that were facilitating it, as I felt they were preying upon him for their own benefit. The judge of course was appalled by the audacity of his apparent contempt for the court and he ordered CD placed in custody and held in jail until trial could start on April 13, 2021.
Stories of the father’s arrest immediately began swirling in the media. Massive attention was given to the father’s arrest in primarily conservative media outlets around the world, including such giants as FOX News and Breitbart. Unfortunately, many of the reports were hyperbolic and in some cases completely dishonest.
A good example of one of the more dishonest reports can be seen by looking at my former publisher, The Post Millennial, with whom I had published the original story on CD’s case, who deliberately misrepresented why CD was arrested in order to push buttons. Instead of writing that he was arrested for contempt of court for violating publication bans, they outright lied and claimed he was arrested for calling his daughter a daughter, which of course was not true. Unfortunately, this lie was repeated widely across countless media outlets along with other misinformation about the case.
The mainstream media in Canada, such as the CBC and CTV etc, remained largely absent and indeed are still largely absent, but at least major conservative media outlets everywhere were talking about CD’s arrest.

A tale of three headlines: Above you can see how The Post Millennial deceptively titled their stories in order to give a false impression and trigger their readers. The title of the story was changed by editors multiple times in the first few days in order to trigger reactions. They began with a benign and fairly accurate title “Prisoner of Conscience,” then changed that to an outright false claim that CD was arrested for calling his female child a daughter. After I called them out for lying repeatedly they changed the title again, but merely changed one word (providing plausible deniability regarding deception) but leaving the false impression in place for most. This kind of deceptive media coverage is not helpful to those of us trying to fight for truth and accuracy, because such distortions always come back to haunt you. They apparently did not care that most people are headline readers and this caused a torrent of outrage based on a false impression.
Thus in March of 2021 CD was taken into custody. He was held without bail because the judge did not want to risk embarrassing the court by releasing him only to have him begin immediately violating court orders again the moment he stepped out the door, as he had done coming into the court.
In the title of this work I chose to reference the word “immolation,” but of course I was thinking of “self-immolation” and the act of deliberately destroying one’s life in order to serve a higher cause, as Thích Quảng Đức once did in the most extreme way imaginable. Thích Quảng Đức and those around him had become so frustrated by the refusal of the media and governing powers to recognize and address their concerns that they decided that an extreme act was necessary to raise awareness.
I did not anticipate that CD would reveal so much information about his daughter, nor did I anticipate he would so aggressively violate court orders in the way that he did. And as somebody that has communicated and worked with CD since day one, I must say many of his decisions confused and frustrated me, but he seemed resolved to make people pay attention. CD had worked with me, seen how I had battled in relative ignominy for four years only to be ignored by the media over and over again and then encountered this same indifference himself from Canadian media, to the point that he concluded only an extreme act could force the issue into the public eye. And so I watched in horror as he essentially immersed himself in a kind of legal gasoline and proverbially lit his life on fire. As he was taken into custody and to jail, much like David Halberstam, ”I was too shocked to cry, too confused to take notes or ask questions, too bewildered” to know what to do.
As of the writing of this paper CD sits in jail awaiting trial. But he has achieved his goal, because his arrest has turned this into a major story around the world. By aggressively, and arguably recklessly, staring down Leviathan and immolating himself in legal flames, he has forced the world to pay attention and hence raised critical awareness to the extremes of what is going on. But the question still remains: How did it all come to this? How was it allowed to go this far?
“We are not only horrified but baffled…nothing since the triumph of the Vandals in Roman North Africa has seemed so sudden, incomprehensible, and difficult to reverse.” Pankaj Mishra
The transgender craze of the 2010s came upon the world rapidly. Through most of human existence this whole idea of “changing sex” was almost unheard of outside metaphysical circles and the sexual underground. But in the span of about five years we saw an explosion of minors suddenly identifying as the opposite sex.
I won’t break down the causes of this here, suffice it to say the explosion correlates with the appearance of transgender-themed shows such as RuPaul’s Drag Race (2008) and the transgender reality tv show I Am Jazz (2015) as well as many others. At the same time, schools around the globe began incorporating transgender normalizing themes into their educational resources via programs such as SOGI 123, and as already mentioned it has targeted vulnerable children the most.
This was all backed by what I have called “junk” big pharma-conflicted transgender “science” and guidelines put out by the Endocrine Society among others, and the pharmaceutical industry has been benefitting massively from the chemical “sex reassignment” of minors, something I have documented extensively in my heavily protested public talks.

Profits for just two transgender related drugs sold by the pharmaceutical giant Abbvie in 2018. The Vice-President of the Endocrine Society and its official spokesman for its new transgender guidelines, Stephen Rosenthal, has been a paid consultant for Abbvie.
During the course of his travails, because of his secret identity, CD gained the nickname of “Clark Kent” which eventually became “Superman” and a bit of a running gag with CD and his followers. But I know CD, he is not a superman, he is not a perfect man, he is just a man — in some ways he symbolizes every man, perhaps even a kind of Nietzsche-like “eternal man” or the “eternal father” who now finds himself facing Leviathan, a strange, enormous, and unreasoning monster that has taken his daughter from him.
This is not a Superman vs Lex Luther story, it is not even a David vs Goliath story, this is the story of AB v CD, and it is in almost every way a tragedy. A tragedy for parental rights, a tragedy for a child who has been affirmed in her rejection of her own biological sex and body, and a tragedy for those that value truth in education and secular government.
CD has been told by transgender activists that he should not think that he has lost a daughter in this process, but that he has instead gained a son. But of course that is not true. Because no matter how you look at this he has lost the daughter that he once had, that he had helped raise and nurture from infancy until she was a teenager, but who has now –like the mythical Caenis — been magically transformed into a “boy.” That does not mean that he does not love his new transgender child anyway, but he has lost the little girl he had become emotionally attached to. And everything that he does in the wake of that loss must be understood within a framework similar to that of a grieving parent that has lost a child.
Whether you agree with his methods or not, the grief and courage of this father must be respected and appreciated, and if he has done things in violation of the law in an attempt to save his child and by extension other children, know that he will be forgiven, if not by you, then perhaps by a Higher Power.
In his attempts to save his daughter, CD was disempowered by the state, admonished and tormented by the courts, ignored by the media, and he ran out of patience and decided to make himself a sacrifice to raise awareness to the cause that we had both been fighting for. Today he sits in a BC correctional facility awaiting trial for multiple charges of contempt of court, which carries with it a maximum jail sentence of up to five years. He is being branded by some as a criminal for reacting to an insane situation with what appeared to be insane actions, but as Philip K. Dick once wrote…
sometimes insanity is a logical reaction to the world around you.
Whether it is actually insanity or lucidity only CD can say, but in either case he made a personal sacrifice in order to sound an alarm to the world about the dangerous extremes to which transgender ideology has now pushed our society.
Thirty years ago a scenario such as CD has gone through would have been unthinkable outside the pages of a strange Franz Kafka-styled science fiction novel. His daughter was taken from him by stealth and is now slowly transitioning into a masculine form, while he himself has been effectively emasculated by the state and subjected to a bizarre trial by a largely unsympathetic court. It is a surreal situation. Every time he looks at his new transgender “son” he is confronted by ghostly images of a daughter that he once had.

An identity obscured now almost ghostly photo of CD with his daughter, who today has the appearance of a boy.
I know CD well, he is a good man, and despite how it seems he is a law abiding man with no interest in undermining the rule of law. I talked to him before he was arrested about the concept of civil disobedience and the idea that true civil disobedience came with a price that had to be paid willingly.
In his book The Virtue of Non-Violence: from Gautama to Gandhi, Nick Gier, Professor Emeritus, University of Idaho, wrote that one of the most important principles of civil disobedience is that…
you [must] maintain respect for the rule of law even while disobeying the specific law that you perceive as unjust…Non-violent activists do not seek to undermine the rule of law, but only the repeal of unjust laws.
And in that process they must be willing to pay the price. This fundamental principle was understood by Martin Luther King Jr. who wrote:
An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.
For King and others like him, the knowledge and willingness to accept the penalty for breaking the law and not undermining the rule of law itself was an essential part of the process. CD has proven he is willing to pay that price, and I can only hope the price is not too high.
When asked about his motivations for standing against the state CD said:
My concern was that my daughter was making a terrible mistake and that one day she would regret it and might ask why I did not do anything to stop it; well I want to be able to say to her that I did everything that I possibly could until there was nothing more that I could do, and when there was nothing more I could do for you I continued on because I did not want this happening to other children, to other parents, and to other families.
CD has done what he wanted to do. He has sounded an alarm to the world. Parents everywhere owe him a debt of gratitude as do all those who value the primacy of truth and secular government.
Legislative bodies everywhere and every court in the world that is dealing with the transgender issue, which has appeared suddenly on the human landscape, needs to stop for a moment and look at this case — just like the world stopped and looked at Thích Quảng Đức in 1963, and contemplate the very serious and tragic implications of what was happened.
Please support the father by going to his funding page (click the banner below). He has suffered enormous loss of wages and court costs, not to mention the legal hell he has been dragged through, and all of this on top of what has been done to his daughter.

Addendum: As a transgender person myself I just want to make it clear for people that neither I nor CD believe that transgender adults should be treated with anything but respect and allowed to live and express as they like (within the confines of truth and respect for others), but we need to understand that parental rights must be respected as parents are the best and natural guardians of their children, and that children are not mature enough or wise enough to be able to make these kinds of life-altering decisions, and thus should be discouraged or prohibited from using medications and surgery that can permanently and irreversibly change their bodies and lives. CD has done his job to alert the world. It is now the job of myself and others to push government to launch inquiries to make sure our most vulnerable children are not being preyed upon by a rapacious and greedy pharmaceutical complex.
“Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.”Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Jenn Smith is a writer, a public speaker, and a political activist. He lives in British Columbia, Canada. He can be contacted via his blog or his Facebook page.
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Long, but worth reading! I have been aware of that case for weeks and still shocked. If you thought that gender neutral toys was a strange but not so dramatic idea, now it’s time to grasp the scale of the whole agenda. In Quebec, a LGBTQ pressure group won their case in court to remove the words “male, female, mother and father” from the civil code!
I respect anyone sexual orientation, but children and teens should not be influenced to think that changing their sex is the solution to self esteem issues. They are especially vulnerable in the that period and often already confused enough!
And about the role of the media, well… we need independent medias!
This article is very enlightening. The truth is not right nor left. Finally the light is shining through following years of activism by Jenn and the immolation of a father.
Before today, this issue was kept into darkness by the Court with censorship, extremists who blocked Jenn from speaking to the public, and mainstream media who falsely reported about it.
Now we are waiting for the laws to be changed to follow the path of the light.
I’m not aware of a single person interviewed even 5 years after transgender procedures who will tell you they made the right decision. Without exception they will tell you it was the wrong decision and they will regret it deeply for the rest of their now unnatural lives. Ridiculous world.
Thank you, excellent article. Yet more proof (as if we needed more) that the world has gone stark raving mad. Our Governments seem to have lost the plot completely. Yet what do we expect when democracy is a popularity contest and leaders win votes on this basis not IQ or ability.
Great article! Thank you so much for covering this case in so much detail and with proper context and nuance. It is much appreciated.
Unfortunately, if we don’t solve the underlying issues, which are the harms being done to children since birth through the overuse of pharmaceuticals (particularly vaccines), the abusive government daycare and school system, and lack of support for healthy families and communities, we are just going to end up seeing kids like this man’s child seeking out black market drugs and/or running away from home. What would many youth in that position do, realistically? This is not an easy situation to remedy. There is a lot of trauma being done to both parents and children from many sources. We need to think holistically about healing our society.
If I ever have a child, I have already decided that I won’t be enrolling them into any government programs, and I will avoid the mainstream doctors as much as possible too.
Thank you Jenn, you made me more aware of this topic. I wonder : these guys will never realiza they are atually backed by those in power, they will always see themselves as rebels ? It’s crazy
Wow. What an interesting article that will be food for my thought I’m sure for days to come. Not sure what I think yet, but thank you for such a lucid explanation of yours and CD’s point of view. How can we come to any legitimate, carefully reasoned opinions when some ideas are so suppressed? Thank you.
Not speaking up with the child in the first place, speaking truth from beginning to end brought this to this conclusion. A child’s feelings needs be considered but not coddled over truth. I would bring a lawsuit against the courts for permanently harming my child, if not the judges and doctors and school teachers directly responsible.
Reply to Victor G.
Yes Victor Iddhis are considered equivalent to Shiddis! According to the Buddhists, there are 8 in number.
Issues like this make me think hard as somebody who was part of the student far left in late 1970’s Britain. Britain in those days was a very different place and classical Marxist theory made more sense then, what with there being a clearly identifiable class struggle spearheaded by a powerful trade union movement, even if much of the working class remained unorganized, with clear political links to the Labour party, itself a very different beast from Blairite neo-liberal New Labour. However, along with traditional class politics, the far left at that time was starting to embrace what we would now recognize as being identity politics. At the time, it all made sense to me for the left to embrace such issues as women’s rights and opposing racism and discrimination against gays, or indeed discrimination against anyone for something that wasn’t their fault. Yet, with hindsight, it seems that this campaign for demands that appeared so just and rational set in train a process that forty-odd years later has resulted in the kind of monstrosity described in the above article. One thing also remains etched in my mind. A commentator, interviewed on the BBC’s Today current affairs programme in the mid 2000’s, speaking from a neutral position, opined that the left had won. Which struck me as odd given that, following a brutal 25 years of unbridled neoliberalism, the wealth gap between those at the top and bottom had magnified, much of the working class had been reduced to penury and social mobility was declining. But what this commentator was describing as the left’s victory was the way that identity politics had now become mainstream, not a victory of the working class. I consider the way the left has shifted from class politics to identity politics to be the main reason the working class now shuns the traditional left, as evidenced in Britain by the Tories’ inroads behind the “red wall” at the last election. It is also the reason most of the left has been so easily co-opted into the covid psyop, seemingly part of an operation by a small group that wishes to establish itself as the new ruling class in a totalitarian surveillance global order, when the left should really be spearheading the opposition to this operation. In fact, I sometimes wonder if it was all an accident and was instead a long-term deliberate operation to draw the left away from class politics and sidetrack it into identity politics from where it could be engineered into a force that serves ruling class interests and would be rejected by the very people whose interests it was supposed to be defending. I would be particularly interested to know if others who were on the left at a time when this primarily meant defending working class interests share my thoughts and feelings.
Wow. Shocking but not surprising
Nice article. Thx Off-G for publishing.
Not long ago I watched a very emotional youtube video of a transgender person whose opinion was that parents who allowed this should be convicted of child abuse.
The parents are not allowing it. They being forced which is sick!! Another example of where do you draw the line with Government interference in our lives. Now they going to tell us how to raise our kids! The worst degenerate scum on earth are going to advise us. Two words for them F&ck and Off
Do you all know just how they developed these sex-changing hormonal treatments? – By marketing BIRTH CONTROL & contraceptives to mothers and then (unbeknown to us) experimenting on our bodies through the use of contraceptives such as The HORMONAL IUD. I know a mother of four who now has thick beard growth as a result of this.
It’s beyond disgusting. It’s inhuman.
They’re also experimenting on psychiatric patients. I know of one young Eritrean woman who’s been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder & who’s being force-fed so many drugs that it’s unbelievable.
ha ha reams of info… none of it dealing with the real issues.
imbeciles can be made to believe any nonsense via quack concensus propaganda and the youth are particularly vulnerable to this type of identity psy-op..
after all the ‘modern teen’ ( a creation of corporate modernism isolated on the whole from the elders) is merely an accretion of pre-programmed concepts and neuroses all carefully nurtured via the media-plex..
this whole ‘operation’ ( and the overt meta-sexualization of society) is simply the latest stage of the ‘hollow’ men’s plans for full spectrum domination..
‘the division of the self’….
after all if you have no idea what you really, are how can you object to how ‘they’ wish to re-engineer you.. the perfect ‘eloi’ slave..
of course there is the androgyne ‘bahomet’. or baphomet.. for those who are interested in ‘hollow man’ theory and h-o-m-o cultism :).
‘ those that can be made to believe in absurdities can be made to commit atrocities’…
and I assure you they are.
as an addendum:
probably the last three generations (post ww2) having been incubated in successive social experiments and poked and prodded by mad lab coats, political degenerates and their warped financiers, are now on the whole so far gone, that return to sanity is highly unlikely..
society has moved on from social abattoir to charnel-house asylum meets old soho..
after all it seems to be separated, faithless, vindictive and infantile parents submitting their offspring to the mad ‘tavistock’ mendicants…
in between blue tick brain washing and unhinged un-social media ranting..
Dr Death, I agree w all you have said in your 12:13 post, but I wonder at your lack of compassion for teenage propagandees — and your lack of ire for the conspirators behind our undoing. You sound almost celebratory in your ability to mock very young people who know insufficient to protect themselves.
Whatever’s to be said about gender identity,
let’s not think the answer at all depends upon ‘parental rights.’
Parental rights, if ya’ll don’t know, is close to, if not, the primary
cause for literally all the world’s problems.
Ffs, who the heck ya’ll think is fucking up the children in the world?
How ever much we parents may fuck up our children, you can not seriously claim that our sincere love & devotion is worse than this all-invasive machine? This all-invasive machine which is presently robbing us of our offspring to place them in institutions ‘ gulags of every possible kind for every possible reason IN SWEDEN. In Sweden, where state schools intentionally & systematically deny our children of EVEN an education! Sweden – where victims of foster home sexual molestation – black transgender black men are presented as celebrity ROLE MODELS to innocent wide-eyed children NATIONWIDE!
So kindly keep your silly opinions to yourself.
Yes, it is, it’s way worse.
I’m aware my position is unpopular. It doesn’t make it any less true.
From a guy that hopefully doesn’t have kids
well they certainly made a mess of your mind didn’t they ?…
or is it all your own ‘work’ ?
It’s all my own work.
I’m sure the government and the teacher unions and children’s services would do a much better job , thank you comrade
Where do you draw the line ? I would recommend the author of this article get a haircut and wear trousers for a start and perhaps grow a beard. There is no justification for transvestitism. The banksters have been undermining gender roles for a long time and have been getting more extreme. Feminism was a start. Marx said that a slave free America would be “patriarchal” as if there was something wrong with that. The communist manifesto rejected morality. If there is no morality then there is nothing wrong with mutilating the genitals of children or forcing them to wear muzzles. Corporate religion is useless. The stuff about rendering unto Caesar is a give away. I find the reversal of gender roles as disturbing as this transgender shit. Chicks in the cockpit and predominantly male cabin crews are unnatural. We really should stop the rot at the source.
You’re 10 days out. It’s not April fool’s day.
Wow, where’s one supposed to begin?
You’re sick to say the least.
Really ? And the society that encourages the mutilation of children is healthy ? If that is your twisted sense of value I’m glad to be sick in your jaundiced eyes.
Just ignore Jimbo James. We all know his type…
the sane will be judged ‘insane’ in an insane society…
imbeciles like ‘jimbo’ are beyond help…
his motivations somewhat questionable…
If I’m an imbecile, holy cow, what are you?
Your so woke Jimbo sad about your brain issues
Truly funny how people forcing transgenderism on little children are compassionate and someone who has traditional morals is sick . Well traditional values has evolved for thousands of years bonding families with love and co operation boys pretending to be girls will not last one generation before the society turns into a totalitarian gulag
Hear! Hear! More power to you, Brother.
Nothing in this world is worse than mankind’s sexual perversions.
Some of the comments on this side are somewhere between deranged and heartless. It’s what keeps dissuading me from this forum. If I wanted overthinking, untethered big talkers without an iota of empathy for the complexity of human struggles then I’d have gone to the MSM. I have enough of it there.
You prefer censorship, Frieda? Or just that everyone should stay within the limits that you like? I think you are better than that, no?
The author has Irish roots and has great difficulty growing a beard. Patriarchy was a biological inevitability at one point whereas the physical world still dominated the psychological world. But we are an evolving species and mind now is moving to a place where it will supersede the physical, and at that point it becomes mind that should dominate not physical prowess which has enabled men to dominate Society for too long. Balance is what is needed, not a whole bunch of men not whole bunch of women, but a balance. Part of who I am actually comes out of my philosophical views and my idea that the perfect human being as with the perfect Society is one that is balanced between masculine and feminine energies. Your expectations of what I should or should not do or be shows a patriarchal totalitarian undercurrent. I have never suggested adults should be prevented from living as they like whereas it harms nobody else and whereas it does not trample the rights of others. It is quite a different story with children. Parents, I would suggest, are tasked with two primary protective roles: the first is to protect children against those that would prey upon their naivete, and protect them from themselves and their own lack of intellectual and psychological development. That is the task of both parents where they exist, it is the task of the State where parents do not exist. But whereas there is no harm to others it is not your task nor the task of the state to parent me.
Thanks for an really god case orientation, and after reading this one cant help but feel humbled, an man have been taken down, because, for one thing, telling the truth.
I cant really come up with any kind of comment other than hope that this person manages to remain focused and sane, because this case is insane, simply put absolute bonkers, and in many ways an symptomatic for the age we live in right now, where nothing else matters than maintaining an ilution, based upon not facts or truths but consensusses of an reality witch have derailed, backed by an cort and a MSM whom is behind this manufactoring or consent as it have done in case after cases, in an range so wide its become totalitarian, its only in that kind of system, lies are protected and feed upon us like we are children unable to understand whats going on.
I have realised the game.
I call it the 5 Ds.
And finaly Destruction.
This have been the mantra for years now, where TPTB have manufactored cases after cases, raging from racism, war propaganda, to transgenderism, and like AGW witch isnt based upon science, not at all, but created by manufactoring consent, and that have nothing to do with science.
Theorys based upon assumption witch them selfs are based upon corruption of reality, backed by lies, forgerys ( the infamous Hockey stick) to videos witch is not based upon facts but shows prodjections of hypotesses witch is the same as telling fairy tales, and to this day, non of their claims witch they pimped for decades have comed thru, nothing have, remeber the melting of glasiers, yeah, and now, its dead silent, sea level rising witch was and stil is widely populare among the quasi-literate morons whom drools something about scientific uh…. reseaches, witch alone is an flat out lie, havent materialised it self at all, there simply isnt any rising sea level what so ever, its like this BLM founder whom bought her self an 1.4 mill mansion in an lilly white neighbor hood, ugh.
I can go on for an very long time in almost every aspect of this sindle AGW, but my main point is, the manufactoring of consent, the same methodic is been used on everything, incl the scamdemic to this case where an father is arrested for defending his child, and somehow, the absent of reason is totaly missing but he is loosing because of raw political power tripping backed by people/media/etc whom is nothing but rotten to their core.
This case is done by an reason, the continuing of the decline of our society, to an point where we are been feed ilutions, and forced to acsept an false reality.
Its also sad that not enough people realises the way we have been lead, this case is an “good” expample on how wrong it can be and the consequencess it creates for those that takes an stand and fights for justice and truth.
He have shown us all an exeptional morale currage to such an extent that we all should do what we can to help, to expose the systemic insanity witch lead to this case.
This is also an case where love is been punished, and I cant say anything else than that you both have my deepest respect, and I hope one day this can be solved so this family once again can live in peace.
Doctor.Alan.Turing… ring a bell? M.i.T.1938 Archives… no copies permitted for software math.
Rock on Miki, in the wilds, East of Eden, lol, you know.
What constitutes Justice.
What constitutes freedom and just accountability.
Gotta’ luv Fyodor 😉
One thing that has puzzled me is the sight of folk walking around wearing masks outside. Even if you go along with the demands of the covid preachers, has there ever been directives for masking outdoors? If not, then why do they do it? Why would a prisoner demand his confinement to be made worse? Why would someone confined to a cell also demand to be tied up? I saw a woman walking along an empty street on the outskirts of town with a mask. Did she think covid was floating on the breeze?
Here in Italy (where there is an outdoors mask mandate but only if you’re less than 2 metres from others haha get your tape measures out!) people alone in forests or up mountains wear them. Completely crackers. It’s a competition to be the most servile and toadying to the corrupt masters who’ve orchestrated this farce.
In many places, the little Napoleons pounce if you are “needlessly” close to others. Your sin is worse if (a) this extends to a few minutes (b) one of you is not masked. Many governments have (a) mandated masks within urban centres (b) not bothered with explicit boundaries, or provisions for exemption.
People will write essays on the subject for years to come. At least in my area, lack of self-confidence, and stupidity, seem to be major factors.
George, in California there was an outdoor mask mandate if one came w/in 3 feet of another person, and it was enforced by a fine. I don’t know if that’s still in force, and I doubt others know either. In a shopping mall w lots of others around it’s probably easier to just leave it on.
I’m personally maskless; I just say I have a doctor’s note when store employees request that I mask up. Employees are somewhat reluctant to agree that it’s nonsense cuz they’re at work. However, when there’s no possibility of being overheard by the boss they’re often outspokenly opposed. (All but one of perhaps 20 bus drivers.)
Some people just have become accustomed and aren’t political enough to be violently opposed. I spose the test will come in the heat of summer. Those who retain the mask even in residential areas must then be assumed to be ignorantly fearful of contagion.
I was in Las Vegas last summer when it was 113 degrees out. It was too hot to be outside for long, even when you were in the pool. The cocktail waitresses for the pool bar were wearing black masks matching their bikini tops.
I will say at first that I agree with the Father.
But, I have yet to hear from the Mother.
Really, this speaks to the problem many people have had for many years to express an opinion without being Labelled “Left” or “Right”.
This situation is not , and should not be political.
Sex is readily discernable at birth. Sexuality is another thing.
AS a child, we have many changing identities. This is normal.
However, to encourage children, who lack the sophistication necessary, to question their sexuality is wrong.
When the Courts enter into this and issue decrees, it is on the face of it, WRONG.
The mother has stayed out of the debate completely. She is also under publication bans as well and it should be obvious her view is opposite the father, but the left and establishment media has all but ignored this in Canada and she will not speak to the right media. It should be noted however that the mother and father have a divorce settlement that clearly stipulates health decisions must be mutually agreed upon. The father has veto power.
Shame my contributions to the debate here have all been removed. I was hoping OG had realised that censorship is among the first steps to tyranny.
again lies you have started from day one, your post are censored when the admin pulled you up on this, none where.
why do you lie so much?
Oh stop it.
This whole issue makes me sick and I can only say that if I was in the same situation as CD I’d be doing exactly the same thing. I couldn’t and wouldn’t sit quietly by while my young daughter was making those kind of permanent adult choices at 13. I think back at myself at that age. I’m female, but was the biggest tomboy ever to hit this earth. I’ve never been a girly girl and always dressed in jeans and teeshirts. But I also never wanted to be a guy. I’ve always been just fine being female. I went into a male dominated career (engineering) and worked in refineries most of my life. I got beat up pretty bad because I was one of very, very few females in that kind of work. But just like my Mexican, Black and probably a few gay peers I worked my butt off and gained the respect of clients and my company. I knew who the good workers were and they came in all colors, genders, etc. And I didn’t care about the package. I just cared about who’d work hard next to me to successfully complete a project. And just like other life adventures. Who can I count on? Who can I laugh with? But to think that I might have been pressured or coerced to consider changing my gender at age 13 because I rode horses and hiked and skied and still can’t put on makeup……that makes me absolutely sick. Because I like being female. I didn’t have kids because I like being free and that’s the reason at 61 I’m unmarried. It has nothing to do with being confused about my gender identity. It boggles my mind to even think that CD is going through something like that. To me he’s a hero. That’s the kind of parent every kid should have. One that will literally fight to the death for them.
N.B. great comment from the soul.
Thank you for this important essay.
I’m reminded of another essay – one that brought together the issues of the transgender movement and the “covid regime”. The Myth of Objective Constraint.
“without the constant drumming of the identity political drum over the last decade, the Corona regime would have faced a much harder job at attaching itself to its narcissistic moralising and, hence, maintaining its scheme of a new ‘material-technical’ world order. In absence of a global triumph of bad moral philosophy disguising itself as ‘social justice’, the regime, I’d wager, would have faced more serious political obstacles and widespread resistance. But because identity politics already represented the ideology of the ruling class, a justification of the world as it is, the Corona regime could go one step further and sell its authoritarianism as ‘objective constraint’: if everything becomes a question of personal morals, and if, just by existing, you are likely to ‘kill granny’, the state can easily put itself in a position to tell us where not to go, whom not to meet, what not to do.”
I’ve been utterly baffled and depressed why so much of the (alleged) socialist left and other supposed anti establishment figures have fully jumped on board with the covid cult narrative. Why? How?
Two weeks ago, even had the bizarre site of a man in his 20s wearing a large Anarchy badge whilst fully masked up. I stopped him and asked if he was an anarchist. He replied yes, and my response to him was “yet here you are virtue signalling fascism”.
Things got a bit heated after that whereby it was obvious he was fully on board with the covid narrative, but insisted I was mentally unwell and needed to see a psychologist!
I’ve also laid the neutering and defanging of the Left firmly at the feet of identity politics as well Frieda, which I regard as a trojan horse to deliberately derail radical resistance to capitalism. The article you linked, The Myth of Objective Constraint looks excellent, and explains a lot. I’m just on my way to work, so will go over it again later.
opposite side of the controlled spectrum you have so called awaken lot screaming it is a virus and it from china and the west is being attack by the commi’s.
Magie, with respect, chill. I have not been screaming about a virus. I’ve mentioned the word in my comments, that’s all. My position is it has Not been isolated and purified as per Koch’s Postulates.
Lots of freedom of information requests in Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, United States each asking for scientific proof of the virus, and none of them have been able to provide that.
A fellow commenter here, Paul has even put in a freedom of information request. Ask him.
Since when have the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bloombergs, Gates, Klaus Schwab, Jeff Bezos, Charles Windsor and other billionaires been “commi’s”. Is Tony Fauci a “commi”? Boris Johnson? Chris Witty?
Have a good day…
Gezzah – I can’t even make out Magie’s comment. One terrible run-on sentence that doesn’t click grammatically but seems to think it is smarter than everybody. It mentions ‘commi’ so that is a hint.
Some comments on this forum are downright disturbing and deranged. I don’t mind different beliefs – I am a leftist feminist and most anti lockdown has come out of different cohorts. But I do mind a certain kind of troll that thrives on this forum. They don’t seem to stand for anything except their own belief in their intellectual superiority (which they’re obviously deluded about)
Prior to the scamdemic happening, this forum was almost like the equivalent of a relaxing Sunday afternoon picnic by a lake with participants having very intelligent and thought provoking discussions and real respect shown to other commenters.
Obviously, there were trolls back then, but nothing even remotely like there are now. Go back over 14 months or longer and compare the difference.
One of the main trolls here a couple of days ago even had the gall to say to Admin: “you’ve ruined a good blog” yet he has spent much of the time deliberately derailing threads, and then goes on other sites playing the victim, claiming he’s been banned from OffG.
Majority of trolls here I strongly suspect are from the 77th Brigade and similar State organisations, which is to be expected, given the incredible work Offguardian has done in the last year on exposing the covid narrative.
The World is now very upside down and back to front, and those who should be firmly opposed to this new normal fascism are the ones most supportive of it. I’m not trying to be a pessimist, but I do think things are going to get even tougher this year.
Frieda leftist feminist
never ever seen your icon on the site before
grammatically i dont think i am smarter i just not dumb enough to fool for shills nor be a leftist feminist that to me is disturbing and deranged !
i mentioned commi as in the blame for this psyop was originally blamed on commi as in china com by the shills
good luck with your’ i am’ leftist feminist ‘ title
Geeza, you are correct. This agenda has nothing to do with left or right or center. It is not about saving the planet and sure not about better perspectives for humanity. It is the ‘Great Resetters’ and big money who put us where we are now. They currently do use cultural Marxism and borrow from the Communist Goals though, to stir up division, confusion, hate, and violence, which will all further advance their agenda, after they already tested us how we would fare with being locked down and muzzled up for ‘the Greater Good’ of society. The Communist goals, Congressional Record, 1/10/1963
Whatever government is considered suitable to advance their plans, is put in power. They financed the fascists in Germany, while Americans starved during the Great Depression, and enabled the Leninists in Russia. If those people put in power don’t obey, their money flow dries up and they are replaced. WEF’s Great Reset just partnered up with the UN’s Agenda 2030, since their agendas are ‘so similar’.. We the people are in for some rough times… Skousen said it well in his 1970’s book:
“Power from any source tends to create an appetite for additional power… It was almost inevitable that the super-rich would one day aspire to control not only their own wealth but the wealth of the whole world.
To achieve this, they were perfectly willing to feed the ambitions of the power-hungry political conspirators who were committed to the overthrow of all existing governments and the establishment of a central world-wide dictatorship.” – W. Cleon Skousen – The Naked Capitalist
Thanks for the link H. Where this is heading is so Orwellian and horrific, I’m inclined to agree with you that labels are literally meaningless now.
But I admit I get pretty irked when I hear the monsters behind the scamdemic (multi billionaire arch capitalists) being described as “communists” or wanting to impose a “Marxist agenda”.
I’m more in agreement with the position of people like James Corbett and Alison McDowell on this that the ‘Masters of the Universe’ want to install a Technocracy. Total slavery and zero freedom for those who survive whatever the hell is in those ‘vaccines’.
As F.William Engdahl wrote in this article “Now Comes the Davos ‘Great Reset”:
The WEF sponsors have big plans: ”…the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.”
The capitalists need a reset of capitalism! As in total take-over of literally everything! “You will own nothing. You will be happy. Everything you need, you will rent.”
They are hard at work. Food will become scarce. They are working on eliminating beef by 50% by 2029 and in total by 2039. Gates will be feeding the masses with lab meat as ‘occasional treat’ from his factories and whatever other stuff they will let us have. See food from plastic trash, supposedly for the military (yes, right, who believes that???)
Good source for staying up to date on the coming food crisis is Europe is already outlawing seed saving, buying out hog farmers, etc. It is time to prepare!
Like this snake Kissinger said: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.”
Appreciate all those links H, will take a look now, cheers👍
Nice to see a reference to a Skousen. I enjoyed one of the nephews at a conference that included gun control and the NWO
with respect, chill. it was chilled what you on about?
you lot all talk the left this left hat and how you been hard done by the left for not standing up or endorsing the lockdown and if anyone points out the right psyop it gets muddled the right lot screamed china.
I have never ever endorsed the virus its nonsense where in my sentence or posts have i endorsed the virus? and the first freedom of information request posted on this forum would of been by me about the isolation of the virus’ they dont have it. ‘
Since when have the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bloombergs, Gates, Klaus Schwab, Jeff Bezos, Charles Windsor and other billionaires been “commi’s”. Is Tony Fauci a “commi”? Boris Johnson? Chris Witty?
its new moon dont no what your on about
Oh, hello ‘Magie’. New name I see.
I’ll cut right to the chase – I’m NOT your enemy, okay. I also said they have never isolated and purified the virus. So I Agree with you.
Yes, and now you mention it, I do remember that you put in a freedom of information request last year. I had forgotten that when I made the comment about Paul, so I apologise if I ruffled your feathers.
The point I was making about the billionaires is they are arch capitalists.
I also remember you saying that your health has not been good recently, so I’ll just say I hope your day goes well and take care.
You’re trolling some bizarre/untruthful/OT comments and using multiple monikers. Please stop doing this, it is against our Comment Policy.
I will be placing you on premod and may remove your offending posts. If you stop this behaviour I will remove you from premod and you can post freely again.
If you attempt to circumvent the moderators doing their job and post under more and more monikers, this reasonable discussion will end and I will take steps to limit your posts permanently. Thanks. A2
According to esotericism males also have a female etheric life body and vice versa. The etheric body is the ‘blueprint’ or dynamic energy template of the physical body which also carries information for the growth, development and repair of the physical body. It also helps guide the spatial development of the genetic process, just as the genes in the DNA direct the molecular processes that govern the development of individual cells.
This may have something to do with the desire to change gender if the ether body (and the astral ‘desire’ body) have too strong an influence on the physical body of a biological male or female. That is, apart from the ideological propaganda, although many will no doubt disagree with such an explanation.
Yes, they will disagree and rightly so. The push to facilitate transgenderism is part of the globalist scheme to control and to make money from human weakness and gullibility.
I agree myself with what you are saying regarding TG and the push to global domination etc.
What I was trying to explain was the forces at work in human beings that if not controlled can get out of ✋ and and may lead to transgenderism. The ideological apparatuses and their propaganda just exacerbate and promote the problem.
This TG issue depends both on internal and external conditions regarding human beings.
With TG there are more factors at work than most people would understand or accept.
What I have written hopefully proves the point and also your point on TG and exploitation of “human weakness and gullibility”.
I think Jenn explained already some of what I was going to say but the point is, that transgenderism is now being pushed into kindergartens and schools, where children, who might be just insecure or suffering from something else, could be coerced to change their gender at an age where they are not (!) capable (in my opinion) to fully understand the risks and aftermath of their decision, while the parents’ are denied their rights (their obligation!) to protect their children from harm. This is the whole point of Jenn’s continuing coverage of this case. The media cried about young women being mutilated in Africa but has no problem with children in the Western world being influenced and – in the wake – being mutilated? I just hope for the girl that, due to her father now fighting for years and throwing in his own life and future, she comes to her senses and realizes that she does not want to take that route.
Thank you, Jenn, for this great essay and for supporting this father, and with him all parents, all over the world. This is not just happening in Canada! Our children are preyed upon by the very institutions who should protect them!
Yes I agree 👍 and there’s no doubt that TG is being exploited by the dark forces and their dark agenda. What next?
I did not talk about my own identity and reasons for that in the essay because the essay is not really about me, except where our paths overlap and our struggles with the media compare. What I should say though is that part of my identity came out of insecurities and the fact that by presenting myself in a different way I was able to get positive feedback in my life. I’m old and curmudgeonly now but when I was younger I was able to pull this off a lot better and able to attract a lot of male sexual attention which for a child that was constantly rejected in the foster care system and bullied in schools was like manna from heaven for me. Every story is different but every story that I’ve encountered had powerful psychological forces at work, I do not detect any sort of cosmic or biological impulses at work. Some women, for instance, have higher levels of testosterone and hormonal levels that are unusual for most females which you could argue are biological impulses, however that leads to a psychological reaction which is where all of the proverbial magic takes place in my opinion. And I write this having now talked to thousands of trans people over the years.
Hi Jenn, the “powerful psychological forces” of which you speak are deep rooted and it sounds that there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.
The composite ego, with the higher and lower aspects of the mind together with the astral body and etheric body all interact and resonate with the physical biological organism as a whole.
I can therefore understand why you experienced (and what you described as) “powerful psychological forces at work”.
In all probability it would be the combined action of those energies that produce the forces that you experienced and the functional activities of the hormonal system etc.
Volumes have been written about plutocratic control of the American media, among them “Manufacturing Consent” by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky, “The Media Monopoly” by Ben Bagdikian, “Taking the Risk out of Democracy” by Alex Carey, “Media Control” and “Necessary Illusions” by Noam Chomsky.
Only big advertisers can exercise significant political clout over the media. In the next part of our article we will describe an even more important source of media control, the so-called “charitable” foundations.
To a substantial extent, the mainstream media outside of the US is also controlled by American plutocrats.
Control is achieved in large part because the overwhelming majority of newspapers around the world get their international stories from three (3) news agencies. Two out of the three big news agencies, Reuters and Associated Press, are directly controlled by American plutocrats.
The role of news agencies is analysed in the article titled “The Propaganda Multiplier” published in Off-Guardian.
One of the very few heads of state who dared to reject the coronavirus panic, Belarusian President Lukashenko, testified that he was offered 950 million dollars from the IMF and the World Bank if he would introduce quarantine, isolation and curfew “like in Italy”.
perfect cover story that would allow them to establish shadow government institutions.
These institutions are masked as “charitable” foundations. The foundations act through financing wide networks of “think tanks” and NGO’s all over the world, and therefore their power is not constrained by national boundaries.
The most notorious foundations are, to name but a few: The Rockefeller Foundation, The Ford Foundation, the Open Society Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The above excerpts are from off-guardian itself:
The global warming hoax was created and is maintained by the same NGOs & foundations. The actual; full-length report names them, together with the monetary amounts & the exact methods of their control over most of the green orgs.
All issues are presented to us as left vs right, and we are silly enough to further it. We hurl labels at each other– everything from homophobe to sheeple– while we should be vilifying the acts of billionaires.
I agree with abandoning outdated labelling, so find it odd that you add ‘American’ numerous times to the dreaded plutocrats running the world. Interestingly, you didn’t tell us your approved critics of the plutocrats and their media are mostly American. Also, are you concerned about how cooperative and uncritical American billionaires and big tech CEOs have become with the CCP, despite its concentration camps and militarism, or how much ownership and control over western media outlets and academia the CCP now enjoys?
I didn’t add “American”; that was part of off-guardian excerpts. However, certainly American, British & European billionaire conspirators are TPTB that are destroying our world– and that have already considerably degraded it.
However their actions aren’t taken in furtherance of America. Britain or Europe– rather the resources of those countries have been deployed to their totalitarian NWO.
Government sponsored media are hitting the same chime. I used to watch/listen to European State TV/Radio, and quit after literally the exact same wording as in the US MSM popped up.
The charity or activist NGOs actually engage in these:
:- appropriating much of the money, or wasting it on bureaucracy – the least harmful
:- undermining or dominating a target people though politics, religion, subversion or spying
:- serving a sponsor business: promoting it, reducing its taxes or laundering its money.
I would like to add that that those foundations named here, are giant money laundering machines and are generating an enormous wealth for the founders and their associates, friends, families. Also look at WE Foundation in Canada.
Amazing fact about Lukashenko, I did not yet know. Thanks. Among those organizations, the Rockefeller Foundation was also very active with their Sunrise Movement. Michelle Malkin wrote about them, how they had hubs set up across the US, to train ‘riot boots on the ground’.
A useful book is “Foundations of Betrayal” by Phil Kent. Talks about the incestuous relationships amongst the foundations. Some share offices. Some meet semi-annually to decide which parts of a project each will give grants to so not too much can be attributed to any one of them. Also the TIDES foundation which is a pass through so donators cannot be identified
Gabor Mate / Materialism and rising mental illness. About half an hour long. I really enjoyed it.
What a great talk, thank you for posting. Gabor Mate is an incredible human being. The psychopaths running the show really have a lot to answer for with their divide and rule voodoo.
Thank you for this enlightening article. I was totally unaware of the profile of many of the children said to be suffering from gender dysphoria. Once again, it looks like the medical-pharma industry is preying on vulnerable young people, with the blessing of ‘progressives’.
Apart from propaganda and pharma, there are also Persistent Organic Poisons, especially hormone disruptors. E.g., when the common estrogen for birth control is excreted or the pills are discarded, it persists in the environment and may bio-accumulate.
mgeo, hormone disruptors are ubiquitous. Glyphosate, for eg.
Sperm count down 50-60% from 1973 to 2011. “Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race,” book by Shanna Swan. Hormone disruptors in environment, food & water.
bit of summary here:
The quality of sperm (motility, viability) is also down. Publicising and tackling this directly will undermine some medical profits. Some vaccines, perhaps including covid ones, attack a hormone necessary to implant the embryo in the ovary. That is how insane the med. industry is. Ongoing depopulation.
that bullshit i live in Conservative area and we have one of the 1st trans change over clinics/hospital in the u.k and area for them to be able to do the whole live a s man dressed as a women and visa versa during the sex change.
we also have bike bays scouter bays scan and ride for free totally sustainability madness total Antisemitism which is censoring in another name we have towns now closed no cars or vans allowed we have super borough and super hospitals basically closed down a&e hospital local post offices and made one huge one. Central control agenda 21 /30 we have transforming travel bus’s deliberate cuts so people move nearer to the city and towns we have 5g and we also have the everything which is sold as the opposite which people like you regurgitated in fact the Conservative if you play the left right political game have done this for the last decade or longer.
New green deal and it many variations basically agenda 30 / 21 is massive under the Conservative before bojo was the fake leader.
Made you i am sure u.k shillium wont tell you that.
Liberal logic:
The are over 70 genders
Sex is a social construct
Paradoxically, there is really no such thing as a man or a woman but a cis gendered man can become a cis gendered woman and vice versa
Biology is irrelevant, but if you change your physiology, you can identify any way you care to
Despite all this, I, a 32 year old 165cm tall male, can not identify as 200cm tall and 21 years old
Strange that 🤔
When liberals seek to transition, they only ever opt for one of the two sexes. How very unwoke.
you did a sex change from right to left or left to right or are you central right with some left views ??
how very fake Conservative in 2016 the rise of trump psyop
you got radicalized via the internet
so funny
The technocratic system wants to eradicate biological sex altogether and substitute it with pure gender.
They target the vulnerable and confused youths and lead them into their transhuman nightmare.
For what ends, we wonder.
Depopulation, duh.
where you bee living?
The one who once said “I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus” as revenge against humanity’s overpopulation and destruction of nature, just died at 99. I guess, they did not find the fountain of youth and eternal life early enough. His son is very busy with the Great Reset, so maybe his father’s wish will come true?
My theory on all the vaccines required in the last 20 yeas is a depopulation agenda. I read that Gates is banned now in several African nations because of the success of his Tetanus vaccine push maybe 4-5 years ago – laced with a pregnancy inhibiter. Governments did not appreciate the lowering of the birth rates.
Wedge issue to continue the left/right antagonism– lest we should identify the billionaires pulling the strings.
eradicate biological sex altogether and birth
and have wombs made from some lab 3 d computer dna model
and you wil be able to choose the type of baby you have.
we have this already what do you think the arnny film twins was about!
we have test tubes baby’s, we have sperm donations exclusive sperm donation clinics , we have baby carrias you can pay people selected types if your fussy to carry a baby full term and then hand it over.
it is hear already ………….
I have to say there is one unanswerable answer to these legal outrages and that is this:
‘If I have no legal say whatever in the most fundamental decisions taken by my child, but medical professionals with no record of spending any time whatsoever raising that child do, then why the heck should those medical professionals not compensate me in its entirety for every penny I have invested in raising that child, not just financial outgoings, but time charged at a suitable rate (say $25 an hour?), since the day that they were born?’
Otherwise, what you have is someone required to pay for the upbringing of a child without being in loco parentis.
I don’t think too many doctors could afford to pay off 500 sets of parents for 13 years of parenting.
Do you??
At 13 and younger, and probably lasting longer than that, our notions of what it means to be male or female are sterotypical, societally and parentally inculcated ideas of appropriate behaviour. We can’t separate those notions from our physical selves, hence a desire, fostered by our, ironically, gender-phobic, sexist mentors, to change the sex to match the idea. If the little girls around me want to dress in pink tutus and practise painting their fingernails, and I as a little girl want to run through the woods and play with a toy truck, I should change my outward sex to match my inward inclinations. And vice versa. What rot! Sexist at its core. A demand that all our role-playing, up to and including our bodies, must be consistent with the prejudices we were raised with.
It is only with maturity that we can decide, what precisely am I rejecting? The requirements thrust on me for a “match” between the behaviour scripted for my sex and my appearance? Or my actual sex? These are legitimate choices, but can only be made with the sober thought of maturity and without subtle coercion.
The CIA’s Mission to Make the far-right, their political wing, the heroes.
‘’Your mission, if you accept it’’, is to poison every issue associated with the left. Demonise the left as totalitarian and bad: The fight for gay rights. …..Call sex education, forced homosexuality on children, Trans rights, Create fear & anger via bathrooms, and sports, Women’s rights poisoned by ‘me too’ discredit the groundless accusations of sexual assault.
Adopt the issues normally associated with the left: Freedom of speech. ((ensuring the freedom to use popular racism), Love of freedom and liberty, rebrand as corporate libertarianism, Journalistic freedom. (ensuring the freedom to use popular racism), Anti-war. (just lie)
Normalise polices of the right & far-right: Charismatic populism. Racism. Xenophobia. Nationalism. Call corporate deregulation……..freedom.
Hand the left poison chalice issues: Covid lockdown. Attribute to the left, although implemented by the right, Rebrand QE paid to banks and to the rentier class, as communism.
As we see corporate power and neoliberal ideology take complete control over our lives, our media, our economy, our society, and our government. All this is happening so …………naturally …..….Why do you people not understand that these are as much psyops as the Covid operation? The far-right has not changed their spots, they have just had very powerful PR in the form of the CIA.
Please do not multi-post as different monikers. Thank you, A2
Please don’t block comments as spam
It’s a necessary part of running this forum. You should try doing it and get a bit of insight before you rush in to scold. It’s easy to flame any attempt to moderate as ‘censorship’ from a lower-stakes position as a BTL commenter, however with a wider readership comes added responsibilities, and Off-G takes those seriously. Thank you. A2
Are these names computer generated? Back in the early days of trolling, I once encountered a crafted name: Moist Dripz.
The intent was phishy but at least it was humorous .
pfff, Wayne Kerr was better,
The US and UK states are firmly progressive or leftist these days. Gramsci’s long march though the institutions has conquered the organs of the land of the free, and most of western culture and thinking too. Try finding any professional in academia, the justice system, the MSM or civil service in a MAGA hat. Puppet Biden was selected and installed successfully with the CIA’s full blessings; the FBI kneel to BLM and ending citizens’ gun ownership is the state’s priority, just as it was for Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Chavez. The authoritarianism now descending over us all does not come from conservatives; Trump was obviously not the dictator you were told he was; he stood against the tyranny of the DC swamp and military-industrial complex.
Really you are in the wrong place….that comment is truly full of unbelievable crap. do you know anything about politics?
”The US and UK states are firmly progressive or leftist these days. ”
The UK and US are the two most fight wing governments we have ever had.
I think that what we are seeing is a “strategy of tension” designed to create division and anger. The extremes are to be identified as the enemies, both extremes. Any perceived ascendancy for far right or far left will, in my opinion, be temporary. The establishment hates both the far left and far right, but there are elements in both they can use. They want a complacent distracted soundbite mass in the middle doing what they are told.
Absolutely, divide and conquer, the old strategy. I am more conservative but people on the left I know, see and are concerned about the same things I am. We refuse to be divided. People need to dive into the psychology of power: Social engineering and control. Fear and mass psychosis are the biggest threats to humanity. They render us utterly helpless.
Just wait until he or she is old enough, maybe 18-21, to make the decision themselves. That is the obvious solution that can be agreed by all sensible people. There is no rush. But of course this is not about obvious solutions, it is political, it is about making the left look insane and discrediting them. The main engines behind this will be the right wing media and right wing governments who will empower the insane, to drive us all insane with their demands and madness.
The CIA’s shopping list.
‘’Your mission, if you accept it’’, is to poison every issue associated with the left. Demonise the left as totalitarian and bad:
The fight for gay rights. …..Call sex education, forced homosexuality on children.
Trans right-wing… Create fear & anger via bathrooms, and sports.
Women’s rights poisoned by ‘me too’ .discredit the groundless accusations of sexual assault.
Adopt the issues normally associated with the left:
Freedom of speech. ((ensuring the freedom to use popular racism)
Love of freedom and liberty, rebrand as corporate libertarianism.
Journalistic freedom. (ensuring the freedom to use popular racism)
Anti-war. (just lie)
Normalise polices of the right & far-right:
Charismatic populism.
Call corporate deregulation……..freedom.
Hand the left poison chalice issues:
Covid lockdown. Attribute to the left, although implemented by the right.
Rebrand QE paid to banks and to the rentier class, as communism.
As we see corporate power and neoliberal ideology take complete control over our lives, our media, our economy, our society, and our government. All this is happening so …………naturally …..….Why do you people not understand that these are as much psyops as the Covid operation? The far-right has not changed their spots, they have just had very powerful PR in the form of the CIA.
I may be veering a bit off topic – and relating back to an earlier piece because I’m slow on the uptake (and there’s lots of weird stuff going on!). But I’m thinking about this odd “transplanting” of the govt propaganda from the familiar neoliberal apologia to the new “progressive” image. And I’m thinking also about how the traditional Left has been primed for such a switch around.
To backtrack a bit:
It was 9/11 (and more specifically reading D R Griffin’s “New Pearl Harbour”) that brought about my political awakening – which led to one hell of a voyage of discovery (and “hell” may be the operative word!) At an early stage in that voyage I discovered Marx who made a lot of sense. But from the start I noticed a strain between the “Marxists” I was reading on the net and the suspicions of conspiracy raised by 9/11. In short, such suspicions didn’t touch the Left. Michael Parenti has most eloquently (and humorously) pointed out that Marxism and conspiracy theory are not mutually exclusive. But he’s one of the few who say that.
The tension between the Left and conspiracy theory continues and has practically exploded over covid. And that Architects for Social Housing article by Simon Elmer sums up the curious tension. Here we have a piece that seemingly embodies that “dialectical materialist analysis” …and it starts off by setting out the case for suspecting conspiracy in the most effusive way possible – with a list of no less than 43 items that raise such suspicions. So far so good. But then the article goes on to poo poo “conspiracy theory”! Granted the depiction of a vast overarching grand conspiracy would serve ruling class interests very well since it would induce despair. But that kind of conspiracy theory, though quite prevalent in some sectors, is unnecessary and amounts here to a straw man. Also – to drag in Adam Curtis as an example of an “establishment” conspiracy theorist is misleading. Curtis is giving us a fraudulent reductive gloss.
So, this Elmer article is a mixed bag and unsurprisingly also causes mixed reactions, though in the opposite direction, from a Marxist like Philip Roddis (who loves the dialectical materialist bit but rejects the 43 points on what appears to be the most arbitrary grounds).
So there is a wedge driven between “Leftist thought” and “conspiracy theory”.
And then there are other useful manipulative tools. There is the entire identity politics, woke, political correctness thing – all of which amount to the insistence on a politeness so restrictive it is pathological. I heard recently about a teacher who got into trouble referring to a girl who now identified as transgender as “he” when the acceptable expression should have been “they” (!) It’s one thing to take particular expressions out of circulation. It’s something else to infringe on pronouns! At this rate, language itself will become impossible!
But even to complain about the above is to risk being tainted as a “reactionary”, “Rightist”, “fascist” etc. …and, worse still, even to complain about this tainting itself is – once again to be even further tainted as “reactionary”, “Rightist”, “fascist” etc.
In short, this adoption of “Leftist” rhetoric has now swung into action. And the ferociously divisive repercussions are starting to be felt.
So what are you saying George, that you are ‘a Marxist trapped inside the body of a conspiracy theorist’, or, that you are ‘a conspiracy theorist trapped inside the body of a Marxist’ ?
[tongue in cheek]
I suppose what I’m really saying is that I’m less and less impressed by the self-consciously applied label “Marxist” or the rote discourse whereby you recite the materialist jibber jabber. I still respect it but I’m so fed up with some going off on that automatic pilot stuff which – well. let’s be honest: nobody cares about. If you get off on that then the WSWS can supply you with any amount of comradely camaraderie.
Great points George, I too have observed many of the same cognitive dissonances you describe.
I think the best way to understand the world today is stop trying to attach the political labels of 19th century into the political landscape of today’s world. All the best and most egalitarian ideas of the 19th and 20th centuries were long ago co-opted, perverted and sold back to the masses as inversions of what they once were. The best way of understanding the political climate today is that there is one global, political class and anyone who disagrees with them is a terrorist. Sometimes we are labelled a ‘far-left activist terrorist’ and sometimes a ‘far-right conspiracy theorist terrorist’ but always we are a threat to society at large. The global political class can change their minds and often do (remember when we were told NOT to wear face masks?) but the important thing is they are always to be obeyed. This is totalitarianism on a scale not imagined in previous centuries. All political theorising such as Marxism or free market capitalism is now redundant. It’s them and us. Not left and right. That’s how I see it anyway. I’m always open to better suggestions.
“All the best and most egalitarian ideas of the 19th and 20th centuries were long ago co-opted, perverted and sold back to the masses as inversions of what they once were. The best way of understanding the political climate today is that there is one global, political class and anyone who disagrees with them is a terrorist.”
Thank you, thank you, Bored now.
If only we could give up the comfortable, habitual hates foisted upon us by the billionaires’ think tanks and CIA authors– and instead focus upon the group who want to kill us and all our civilization.
Hear hear. I suggest thinking in terms or more or less authoritarian, not the old right-left nonsense. ‘Fascist’ applies well to both the authoritarian state allied to giant corporations, and also to all those individuals who resort to insults and name-calling when their precious opinions are challenged.
I’m guessing you don’t like to be called names.
Correct. It’s ‘them’ versus us. All those ‘normed’ labels are just tools used to swat us into obedience, and to install fear. Socialism is brought forward with quite a vivid fascism included (I always say that both ideologies are daughters of the same mother, called suppression of individual freedom). In reality, totalitarianism has raised its ugly head (as you said, on a scale not imagined in previous centuries), and is about to change all of our perceptions of life as we knew it. Their plans for us and the weapons they have at their fingertips, and which they might be willing to use against us, are sheer frightening.
Just a small – if irritating – point: I take it that, due to the phantom compulsive downvoter, the one downvote is now a kind of “default” condition? i.e. basically “-1” means the same as “0”)
FWIW, that’s exactly how I’ve come to see the work of the Single-Downvote Imp.
I doubt if I’m the only one who harbors a mild doublethink or hypocrisy regarding comments-thread votes: on a pure stimulus-response level, upvotes please me and downvotes annoy me. But after the reflex response, my brain reminds me that they’re de minimis ambiguities with zero epistemological value– a cheap-shot “gotcha” like the nasty little pinches children sometimes give to, or get from, siblings.
Comments that attract significant vote numbers are at best an indication of the popularity of the comment or commenter’s merits. But the single downvote is meaningless, especially when it’s fairly obvious that one or more “vandals” are evidently amusing themselves by tagging comments with downvotes. There’s a reason they prefer to simply downvote rather than post an actual critical response.
I don’t drive, but automotive metaphors often occur to me. I react to those single downvotes as a driver might react when parking under a tree, and returning to find a nasty bird dropping on the windshield. It’s just a minor foible of Nature. 😉
A second recent example of a ‘conservative’ US state governor vetoing an “anti-trans” bill:
Noem in South Dakota came up with some nonsense about the wording of the law; this one’s reasoning is even more transparent garbage. Noem’s position looks like it had plenty to do from opposition from Amazon and other business interests; Hutchinson’s may have something to do with Walmart and getting a nice little earner when his governorship is up.
Why do corporations care about transgender? There’s no ‘pink pound’ argument here.
Another transgender-themed story from the US:
Apart from its simple blatant insanity, stories like this (plus ones about toilet facilities or refuges) show how transgenderism clashes with the previous elite-driven feminist agenda. Some “essentialist” feminists have realised this although not enough and not to the extent of realising that they too were used as puppets. Any group or cause the elite use today can be fed into their mill tomorrow.
Corporations care about transgenderism and much else ‘woke’ because they need to placate and impress woke/leftist America, which is extreme, well-organised, and capable of inflicting major financial losses. Also, billionaire CEOs actually walk their woke talk. Dorsey is radical left and funds BLM; Google is famously anti-Republican and pro leftist; Zuck funds various woke NGOs and pro-Democrat electoral causes.
I wished more people would realize what you said in your last sentence.
In ancient Rome, and doubtless elsewhere throughout history, the father had the right to kill his child. This would be the ultimate parental right; and if a parent can kill his child, he or she can also abuse the child. Presumably, this is a right no longer sanctioned in most of the world. Accordingly, parental rights cannot be said to be absolute. And thereby hangs a tale.
Who gets to limit parental rights? Is it the state, the community, or the larger society? And is there any limit on the authority to limit parental rights? This is the fundamental question.
In Rome, parental rights went too far; in Canada, the state’s right of limitation has perhaps gone too far. So I would suggest, instead of worrying about transgender dynamics, we should concentrate on defining the state’s authority over parents.
In a very real sense, once parents granted the state the right to circumscribe their children’s health needs (such as by mandating vaccinations), they opened the door to any other activity relating to the health and well-being of their children.
Once again, the state only takes as much from individuals as it’s allowed to take.
Oh, God said to Abraham, “Kill me a son”
Abe says, “Man, you must be puttin’ me on”
God say, “No.” Abe say, “What?”
God say, “You can do what you want Abe, but
The next time you see me comin’ you better run”
Well, Abe says, “Where do you want this killin’ done?”
God says, “Out on Highway 61”
— Bob Dylan, “Highway 61 Revisited” (1965)
Apparently Canada has revisited Highway 61 yet again!
Those with faith in the state as a benevolent means of managing and improving society will support limits on parental rights, and entrust their children to the state’s care. Those who consider the state to be the problem and not the solution will oppose any interference in parental freedoms. The first view is becoming increasingly hard to accept, given our treatment during the scamdemic.
Of course there must be limits in parental power, but very few, because every limit on parental power is a power you give to an already too powerful and intrusive state. Parental rights are one of the most underrated in terms of protecting society against the rise of totalitarianism. Every step away from parental rights is a step towards totalitarianism.
I told you: “These people are beyond megalomania because they actually believe they have arrived: they are gods. Only such people would seek to manipulate the bodies and minds of others, against that person’s best interests, as playthings.”
Telegraph: South Pacific tribe that worshiped Prince Philip as a living god plans to set up political movement.
I doubt he encouraged it, but he didn’t do the Life of Brian thing, either: (“He’s not the messiah. He’s a very naughty boy.”)
I saw the documentary. A delegation that visited London got to meet their messiah. But they were shocked by the sight of people homeless on the cold streets.
CD’s “far Left” statement and Jenna’s pro Camelot propaganda don’t impress me. Other than that, they are heroes. They are flawed heroes, but we are all flawed.
CD did not start out using that kind of language but he could not get a platform on the left, so he spent 2 years on the right having his brain constantly assaulted by far right propaganda, but he was not that when we started. I have hope that he will now detach from the extremists who have been buzzing his brain and return to the center. I am unclear what your Camelot reference refers to…I am anti-establishment… establishment right and establishment left. The whole system is rotten and needs to be flushed out.
Camelot propaganda refers to the propaganda about John F. Kennedy who was assassinated in ’63. He was, and remains, wildly popular – because people are shallow and think that if a president is handsome and sexy then he must be a good president. I don’t know how old you are, but if you’re young, then you might not know much about him. He was awful but the establishment has turned him into a shining knight fighting the forces of darkness, killing two birds with one stone. They protected a terrible reactionary president’s reputation (which a fascist ruling class wants to do) and they turned him into an enduring ad selling the American system and by extension the global Corporatocracy which it dominates.
I have a compendium, in the cloud, on Box, which collects a lot of information about it, but it’s an eye-sore. I want to transfer it to a dedicated blog where I can tidy it up but I need help with that. Things used to be simple. They are no longer. WordPress, which I’m on, has both dumbed down and become overly complicated. I tried twice to set up that second blog, but was hoplessly lost. And I already use WordPress!
A good place to start is with if you wish to get up to speed on all things Camelot is with Seymour Hersh’s book “The Dark Side Of Camelot.” Noam Chomsky’s book “Rethinking Camelot” is also excellent. There are other, much older books, but they aren’t books that you can easily get your hands on. One is by Richard Walton and another is by Bruce Miroff.
I have a few blog posts that look at JFK, that lay out some of the issues, if you’re interested. One is titled “Thinking About Thinking.” Another is titled “The Power Of White.”
I have a hard copy addition of the Dark side of Camelot. I actually don’t glorify JFK, although I did quote him. JFK was as bad as any politician, I think his mistake was at some point thinking that he actually ran the show, but that didn’t make him a good guy, it made him a dead guy
“An updated version of the ongoing corporate fascist eugenicist program to cull the untermenschen useless eaters.”
“It is intended also to to give a green light or open invitation to corporate fascist Josef Mengele type quack medical experimentation on the general populace.”
“Billy Eugenics and the rest of the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHO-PSYCHOTIC KLEPTOS are like Jim Jones on steroids. But instead of pitchers of Kool-Aid they have Nukes. Frightening.”
Doesn’t a reduced population reduce profits and the number of potential slaves?
“If and when you get around to it, the question you may want to ask is whether you are going to survive those CRAZIES. For as long as the the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHO-PSYCHOTIC KLEPTOS are around, there is a high probability you will not. They are like the Roman emperors Nero, Caligula and Elagabalus all rolled up into one and then them some. Crooked (Corrupt) and Crazy is not a good combination. Think about it.”
I think they have machines and robots now… they don’t need feeding when they break down and can’t work anymore. I don’t think we are economically viable anymore. Plus the mess they have studiously made of our planet is starting to show and they don’t want want to share what little will be left. But that’s just what i think.
The long-planned and much touted automated industries should solve that little problem.
The earth is at almost 8 billion people. Previously, I heard (I can’t recall who said it) the number of 500 million to 1 billion would be all our earth could bear. That’s plenty of slaves left for the little service the handful of elite needs.
“…the largest left-leaning media outlet in Canada, Black Press…” I have never heard of that. I’ve been following alternative media for about 30 years. I’m Canadian.
The BLACK PRESS are not “Left”.
The term “left” has been assaulted, coopted, and now requires clarification. Black Press is “left” only in the sense they are toward the establishment left as compared to say Breitbart. I have had extensive dealings with Black Press some at the legal level over their libels of me. I am far more left than Black in reality although they brand me as far right, but in establishment terms they are “left” whereas the National Post is establishment right.
Typo, should be far left media outlet in BC. Should say establishment left too actually as there is a big difference between establishment left and alternative left. Black Press is a billion dollar media empire in western Canada and parts of the western US including Hawaii.
It’s an interesting subject. I segued from religion into class politics when I came across Noam Chomsky’s “Deterring Democracy.” I had zero knowledge of the alternative media when I read that book and I don’t really remember whether it was there or elsewhere that I came across the term ‘alternative media’. But I remember going into book stores and naively asking cashiers about the alternative media. The young people would just shrug their shoulders, unknowingly. (I’ve run into a lot of baristas, as well, who don’t drink coffee. That’s the world for you.)
I’ve come to learn that there’s alternative and then there’s alternative that is different than establishment and then there’s alternative that’s different, and better than, establishment. A few large events have served to separate the wheat from the chaff in that regard. All of the alternative media I started with has proven to be fake. There’s a handful of sites, and bloggers, who I would say are an alternative to establishment propaganda. Interestingly, some of those would no doubt self-identify as Conservative. Then again, Conservative, as Noam (who has gone over to the dark side by the way) explains, was once a relatively good brand. Today, many who self-identify as Conservatives (including the Republican Party) are simply far right and unhinged. Noam quotes one rightwinger who himself says that the Republican Party isn’t even a party anymore.
And of course, we are learning – unless we resist that – that electoral politics is, and has been for a long time, a diversion meant to foster the illusion of democracy. Better that, from elites’ standpoint, than revolution.
The engine of democracy still exists but it has been completely co-opted and infiltrated not only by big money and other elite interests but by intelligence assets who function on behalf of the former — the role of intelligence in media remains one of the greatest and most closely guarded secrets. We live in a mind control State now, the engine of democracy needs to be cleaned out and rebuilt from the ground up. And Noam Chomsky is over 90 years old so I’m going to cut him some slack.
But not too much, please …
No surprise that the fascist brats of Antifa have gotten involved. No doubt under instructions from their patron.
I also watched the footage of the protests at your UBC talk with both disgust and anger at the tactics of these useful idiots for the 0.01%. Because that is exactly who is behind this poisonous agenda.
And the deliberate targeting of vulnerable minors; of children, is beyond contempt. What Dr Wallace Wong is up to absolutely needs investigating. And you can safely bet that these cretins will all be fully on board with the covid scamdemic as well.
Much appreciate your efforts Jenn, keep fighting this agenda and for all those children, and know there are a lot of people; the silent majority, who are increasingly disturbed at where this ‘woke cancel culture’ bullshit is heading.
Because at the end of the day, its straight out fascism. And I say this as a gay man by the way.
Oh well, done my good deed for the week. Gave the Big Issue seller a fiver. She started looking for change assuming the money was for the rag. I told her not to bother – as the Big Issue is a load of crap. She nodded in agreement and thanked me.
Thanks Loverat! Essentially, The Big Issue has been taken over by Neoliberal ideologues, and is almost like a cross between The Guardian and a Woman’s magazine now.
Every edition, they have quotes from The Guardian, Huffington Post and similar papers. You know my situation, and for me it keeps a roof over my head and food on the table.
They would be on board with this agenda as well btw as is The Body Shop.
Great to see people calling out Antifa as the violent fascist scumbags they really are. Few have hurt the credibility and reputation of progressive politics more than these fanatics.
We’re in agreement Nick! However I would further posit that a lot of them in these groups are just useful idiots for the agenda of the globalist parasites.
I have absolutely no time for either antifa or black lives matter. Zilch.
related demonstration on Saturday, April 10th, 10:30am, Art Gallery, Vancouver:
Genesis 1: 27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male AND female created he them.
Any man is the non-dual spirit within the dual form he has been given.
We have to climb up the mountain of Knowing to the Light within.
Detachment leads immediately to peace
Salvation is an Inside Job
Did he create Bisexuals?
It should be fairly obvious to even the uninitiated that the Buddhist monk TQ Duc could not sit there having dowsed himself in petrol and calmly sat there without flinching a muscle whilst burning 🔥 to death.
In esoteric Buddhism he would have probably have undergone rigorous training to develop iddhis which are powers pertaining to the higher spiritual nature. Which are normally condemned to be put on public display for selfish purposes. This case was exceptional.
The development of iddhis through training involves determination in respect of concentration on purpose, on will, on thoughts and on investigation.
TQ Duc therfore knew exactly what he was doing and how to achieve the results that the article has acknowledged as he believed there was no other way.
TQ Duc is important at a spiritual as well as a political level. His act of self immolation remains staggering. It is unfortunate many untrained copycats sullied what he did. His act was done with breath-taking control and purpose for a higher cause, and it should be regarded with awe.
LAW is only that which is laid down in Gods Nature.
Not the sickening “rules” of some psychopathic rulers.
The corrupt statutory system we’ve got now needs to be replaced and the Common law restored. Only then some semblance of justice and freedom will prevail.
The US deep state, its corporate elite, its generals and military contractors have a real problem: The rise of discontent amongst the general population with their abusive empire and its inequalities is growing rapidly.
So in defence of the system, the elites security services are running all kinds of psyops to keep the cries for social justice, healthcare and access to education, at bay.
We can only marvel at the lengths that they are going to, and the narratives they are using to keep the working population away from coming into contact with the left wing political forces that have historically represent them and their interests.
The elites fight to keep the general population from touching base with the economically active socialist left, is one of the most important battles being fought out in the USA today. The population, who have been kept politically illiterate for decades, are slowly waking up to the unjust society they live in; proving that even without formal political knowledge or parties, and having been led down the dead end of populism for ten years, the people will not be kept forever distracted from seeing their own interests.
the economically active socialist left
what does the economically active socialist left have to say about the COVID-1984 psyop, and the fascist police state for which it serves as the pretext?
what did the economically active socialist left have to say about the 9/11/2001 psyop, and the genocidal rampage across the Third World for which it served as the pretext?
if the economically active socialist left had bothered to object to the 9/11 hoax, back in the ancient history of the Bush-2 regime, it might be better situated today, to oppose the agenda of the collapsing American Empire.
thanks for nothing, fake left assholes.
The ‘economically active left’ are concerned with the economic wellbeing of the working class, it would be dumb & stupid (you) to expect them to differ from the rest of the culture with regards to 9/11 being a hoax.
But where it counts, the lefts opinion on the wars that followed 9/11 are strong and anti those wars, as they are anti-imperialists.
According to your logic, the left should have supported the war in Afghanistan because the majority of the population supported the war. I always thought of the genuine left as principled, not motivated to simply win popularity contests.
Your opinion that 9/11 is not “where it counts” is the same position as the left gatekeepers who are now endorsing the Covid psyop.
”According to your logic, the left should have supported the war in Afghanistan because the majority of the population supported the war.”
Socialism is not the same as populism. There is no reason at all why the left should have supported the war in Afghanistan.
The left supported the commonly held belief that 9/11 and Covid were real. it is not a conspiracy party. There is no party that questions these beliefs.
Then they should fear the imperialist CCP and support Trump, who started no new wars, greatly reduced US forces overseas, and declared an end to the USA as the ‘global policeman’. The military-industrial complex and the US establishment all hate Trump and support Biden the senile puppet, who has already and dutifully restarted military action in Syria.
where it counts, the lefts opinion on the wars that followed 9/11 are strong and anti those wars, as they are anti-imperialists.
bullshit. they started loudly cheering for them, as soon as O’Bomber was installed in office.
where’s the socialist anti-war movement now, as Bush-2’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq continue, and Killary’s wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen continue? is the economically active socialist left campaigning against the Lesser Evil now installed in office, as that regime prepares for war against Russia and China? how’s that “anti-imperialism” working out these days?
everybody knows the answer to these questions. the economically active socialist left is too busy shilling for the police-state-fascism COVID-1984 hoax, to have any time for anything else. they’re just as much a part of the ruling-class social control apparatus as the mainstream media, just with a different target audience. hopefully, they’re getting well paid for their propaganda and disinfo services.
You’ve been played. Leftist politicians are elitists who obviously don’t represent the working class anymore, they want to control and exploit them, export their jobs and industries overseas, and even tell the dumb gammons and deplorables what to think. No wonder more and more working people are voting populist. Also, if your ‘economically active socialist left’ exists, how will we recognise or vote for them?
Off topic but a Must Read:
During a period of an unprecedented shift to the right and far-right in the western world economically and politically, and the almost total enslavement of low skilled workers in working conditions matching the slavery of the 19th century, in their brutality and extortion.
It is a tribute to the Corporate lobby, agency fixers, and their political actors, that they have half the working class population ragging against the ‘left’, not for their failure to deliver the desperately needed health care, increased wages, or better working conditions? No……. they are raging at them for some weird sexual gender politics, given fuel by the conglomerate owned media and corporate captured politicians.
To summarise; Corporate media are silent and suppress news on real socialist economic policies, but amplify the absurdist gender politics of the absurdist left, amplifying and pushing policies which are obviously intended to infuriating the majority of the working population.
After 70 years of continued fight, I congratulate the CIA for their determination and the skill with which it is destroying socialism in the west. Allowing a few media hyped activists to take enough rope to hang the socialist party in the ‘courts’ of the Corporate media. There is precedent; The Education system in the UK was destroying efficiently in a similar way by empowering and promoting the politically insane.
Jobs for trannies!
I get the point and agree to the idea that wedge issues distract from economic realities but somehow acting like the left or right has the solution is idiotic.
Spoutingba bunch of ideaology cooked up by the same system keeping you on the farm will get you nowhere.
Please share your ‘solutions’…………silence.
I prefer to use 200 years of political history as my guide, whereas you prefer to…..????????
Woke is decadent leftism, which has long been intellectually hegemonic in the west. You are performing mental gymnastics to maintain faith in your outdated left-right terminology. Think authoritarian-libertarian instead, look at ‘progressive’ or leftist leaders now in power all over the West, and you will see that the political left today embraces tyranny, not freedom. Time to join the resistance, the democratic revolt against the system, AKA populism.
Come on you cowards, do an HONEST article about Brexit…… just light the blue touch paper and stand back for the comments page to light up. I understand its a hard one, if you tell the truth, your ‘fans’ who you feed on a diet of soft Alt-right delusions will go crazy, but if you try to tell us it was a success, your credibility is shot to pieces.