What’s up with our fact-checking blind spots?

Why do most people who can easily find holes in the official Covid narrative don’t do even basic fact-checking of people they’ve chosen to follow on the Covid-questioning side of the equation?

Rosemary Frei, via her website

Three days ago I posted this tweet:

It was of a one-minute-long video (embedded above) I’d done earlier that day.

In it, I talked about being puzzled by why the vast majority of people who can see holes in the official Covid narrative don’t check the accuracy of information from the leaders of the Covid-questioning crew who they’ve chosen to follow.

Could these big fact-checking blind spots be chalked up to laziness or groupthink? It seems unlikely, since these blind spots are so broad and pervasive.

Then two weeks ago a subscriber to my website told me about John Taylor Gatto (and also about Charlotte Iserbyt).

So I ordered a copy of Gatto’s book The Underground History of American Education from the library.

In it, I found a highly plausible — albeit depressing — explanation. And what Gatto documents in the US is paralleled in most other countries around the world.

Gatto shows that since at least the 1960s, if not for decades before that, public schools have been deliberately making children:

  • believe they lack self-discipline and therefore need to be ‘educated’ on how to comply;
  • believe that intellectual work and creative thinking are distasteful or too difficult labour for them;
  • emotionally dependent on approval from authority; and,
  • intellectually dependent on experts and authorities to think on their behalf.

For example, Gatto describes on pages 40-42 of Underground History three seminal papers that help underpin the dumbing down of hundreds of millions of American children. Private foundations that’d been established by Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Sr., and Henry Ford were among the funders of the trio of papers and disseminators of the concepts within them.

Gatto writes that one of those three key papers, ‘Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program,’ explicitly sought to create:

schooling of a future America in which … ‘each individual receives at birth a multi-purpose identification number’ which enables employers and other controllers to keep track of underlings and to expose them to direct or subliminal influence when necessary.

Readers [of the ‘Behavioral Science’ document] [also] learned that ‘chemical experimentation’ on minors would be normal procedure in this post-1967 world, a pointed foreshadowing of the massive Ritalin interventions which now accompany the practice of forced schooling.

I’d add that this ‘chemical experimentation’ likely also involves the massive ramping up of vaccination, particularly of children, that started in about 1969.

Gatto notes that the document further:

identified the future as one ‘in which a small elite’ will control all important matters, one where participatory democracy will largely disappear. Children are made to see, through school experiences, that their classmates are so cruel and irresponsible, so inadequate to the task of self-discipline, and so ignorant, [that] they need to be controlled and regulated for society’s good.”

And there’s so much more. For example, on page 42-43 Gatto describes a 1998 article in Foreign Affairs by Mortimer ZuckermanZuckerman is a billionaire who was then, and still is, owner of US News and World Report and has extensive real estate interests.

Gatto records how, in the article, Zuckerman paints this type of education as a perfect tool for owners and managers of businesses because:

the American is indifferent to everything except a paycheck […] workers in America live in constant panic; they know companies here owe them nothing as fellow human beings. Fear is our secret supercharger, giving management flexibility no other country has. In 1996, after five years of record profitability, almost half of all Americans [employed] in big business feared being laid off. This fear keeps a brake on wages.”

Zuckerman seems to be correct, Gatto accedes. And Gatto takes it even farther, writing that he has:

little doubt that the fantastic wealth of American big business is psychologically and procedurally grounded in our form of schooling. … Schools train individuals to respond as a mass. Boys and girls are drilled in being bored, frightened, envious, emotionally needy, [and] generally incomplete.”

The result? The wiping out of the vast majority of children’s chance to get anywhere close to fulfilling their potential.

Gatto succinctly summarizes what is being done in the name of ‘education’:

Growth and mastery come only to those who vigorously self-direct. Initiating, creating, doing, reflecting, freely associating, enjoying privacy – these are precisely what the structures of schooling are set up to prevent, on one pretext or another.”

So, that explains a lot.

I still don’t think it really excuses not doing even a modicum of fact-checking before believing information and passing it on to others. But it helps me understand why that’s so common.

A fair number of people viewed and responded to my April 5 tweet of the one-minute video. Many provided insightful comments. I’ve pasted five of my favourites below.

(A long and intense side discussion about whether Tom Cowan and Dolores Cahill — who I mention in the tweet and the video, even though I didn’t particularly seek to single them out — and others are really looking for the truth is continuing as I type this. But I’ll leave that for another article.)

One last question comes to mind: did Gatto have a hidden agenda? After all, unfortunately this is the rule rather than the exception in today’s world.

For example, could Gatto have been tacitly pushing for ‘charter’ (private) schools?

These are favoured by libertarian groups including the Cato Institute. They also are promoted behind the scenes by very powerful people seemingly on the other side of the political spectrum such as Barack Obama and his close friend Marty Nesbitt (see for example this 2016 Politico article).

(And of course the move to private schooling now has taken a giant leap forward among those who can afford it, due to the Covid-related measures.)

I’ve only just started to learn about Gatto and his views. So I don’t know yet what tacit biases, if any, he has.

Meanwhile, here are some more resources, kindly emailed to me by Aimee Hoffman  of www.GoodFoodUnearthed.com:

Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years and now is an independent investigative journalist. You can watch her June 15 interview on The Corbett Report, read her otherOff-Guardian articles follow her on Twitter and read her website here.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest
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Molec Codicies
Molec Codicies
Jul 13, 2021 12:34 PM

TIL Rosemary Frei endorses Judy Wood’s 9/11 destruction via directed energy weapon death ray theory.


Puts this article in an interesting perspective. She says that spike protein shedding is baseless pseudoscience, but not space lasers destroying the World Trace Center towers

Apr 16, 2021 7:41 AM

I hope we don’t have too much more from Miss Frei along the lines of this article.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 16, 2021 8:07 AM
Reply to  Peter

Why? Can you perhaps point up her errors rather than try to discredit?

Apr 14, 2021 9:55 AM

It is precisely the pursuit of minute, detailed fact that obscures truth and creates mental dependence. The ordinary man is neither able to grasp nor interested in the deliberations of experts labouring in narrow and complex fields. All he need grasp is his own state of health. This primary, experiential evidence alone suffices to dismiss manipulations.

Apr 14, 2021 1:15 AM

I still don’t think it really excuses not doing even a modicum of fact-checking before believing information and passing it on to others. But it helps me understand why that’s so common. [Emphasis added]
…interview with Charlotte Iserbyt, who wrote a book with this title (I haven’t watched it yet, but I know that Iserbyt’s work is highly regarded)” [“Uh-huh” added]

R Anand
R Anand
Apr 12, 2021 5:54 PM

In her response to one of the comments, Rosemary Frei said “in his book ‘The Contagion Myth’ Cowan discusses at length Firstenberg’s book ‘The Invisible Rainbow.’ But I didn’t see any discussion about taking into account the thousands of potential confounding factors.”

Since I have the digital copy of Tom’s book I can say that Firstenbger’s book is mentioned among other references in Chapter 2 which is titled ‘Electricity and Disease’.

The para where Tom talks about Firstenberg’s book says this:

These and other facts about the relationship of influeza to disturbances in electricty come from a remarkable book, The Invisble Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg. Firstenberg chronicles the history of electricity in the United States and throughout the world, and the outbreaks of illness that accompanied each step toward greater electrification. The first stage involved the installation of telegraph lines; by 1875, these formed a spiderweb over the earth totalling seven hundred thousand miles, with enought copper wire to encircle the globe almost thirty times. With it came a new disease called neurasthenia. Like those suffering today from ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’ patients felt weak and exhuasted and were unable to concentrate. They had headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, floaters in the eyes, racing pulse, pains in the hear region, and palpitations; they were depressed and had panic attacks. Dr George Miller Beard and the medical community observed that the disease spread along the routes of railroads and telegraph lines; it often resemebled the common cold or influenza and commonly seized people in the prime of life.

Okay, so what exactly is Rosemary Frei alluding to when she says Tom Cowan did not take into account “thousands of potential confounding factors” in his discussion of Firstenberg’s book?

Apr 13, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  R Anand

I don’t agree with the specifics of Frei’s criticisms of Cowan or Cahill. And her emotional and intellectual attachment to creating EM images due to the link of her father and believing in germs as the cause of disease is hindering her own ability to fact check herself and be objective.

What’s really troubling though is that she is not focusing on the perpetrators of the fraud and the mass murders or the unnecessary dystopia. Even though I don’t agree with many experts on specific points like if there’s a virus or not, and I don’t believe in germ theory I would not waste my time writing an article about those people. That’s an aside. I would focus on how to combat the tyranny through the various lawsuits that are going on, the action groups that have risen up in opposition and joining the common law court. And then how to spread information on the harm of vaccines, to at least make people aware of the possible side effects and the permanent change to their DNA and immune system from the synthetic pathogen.

So what is the point of the article exactly? Seems pointless to me. The people who need to fact check are the Covidian Cult. They need to fact check the propaganda and fear mongering in the mass media and compare it to what is happening in the real world. There’s no pandemic and no reason for lockdowns.

R Anand
R Anand
Apr 13, 2021 3:46 PM
Reply to  Researcher

True. I concur.

The urge to fact check is a good one, and I too get that urge on a continuous basis. It was due to this that I discovered sites like OffG and a couple of others in April last year within 10 days of the national lockdown here in India.

At any point in time, the fact checking urge is best utilised when we apply it to the claims and deeds of ruling powers that affect our lives and the well-being of society. In the current time, as you rightly pointed out, this should be directed toward all governments and authorities who have been bribed/blackmailed by the global oligarchs to perpetrate the covid hoax and the lethal vaccines on people at large.

People like Tom Cowan are not in power currently. Questioning their integrity now is easy; you can even win the support of the ultra-wealthy elites, mainstream media and Big Tech.

Rosemary Frei is most welcome to throw as many innuendos on people like Tom Cowan as she wants when this covid-cum-vaccine tryanny is over.

Apr 13, 2021 3:56 PM
Reply to  R Anand

Agreed. And thanks for your info on what’s occurring in India in some of your other comments. It’s interesting to compare it with the situation living in one of the 5eyes.

R Anand
R Anand
Apr 13, 2021 5:47 PM
Reply to  Researcher


Just today, the state of Maharashtra (which has Bombay as its capital) has declared severe lockdown-like conditions again.

The most severe condition is that staff and people engaged in essential or exempt services are being asked to get vaccinated if they want to continue to enjoy the exemption.

The legal finepoints are ambiguous right now, but it smells of forced vaccination against the free will of the people.

I feel sad to report this bad news. I still hope that Indian governments (central and state) and local authorities become aware of the severe violations of Nuremberg Code on medical treatment they are committing, and unambiguously remove the vaccination requirement.

Apr 13, 2021 6:35 PM
Reply to  R Anand

Sorry to see that. I hope there are some legal challenges in your country to this tyranny.

Apr 13, 2021 9:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher


I wonder if the sterling talents and qualifications (“I used to work for the other side”) of R. Frei might do the world more good focusing on the real time dystopia going down right now in Israel, of which she must surely be aware.

Right NOW, in Israel, there are separate public toilets for the unvaccinated.
Right NOW, in Israel, the health care system has mandated ALL employees, doctors, nurses, administrative, support staff submit to vaccination or be transferred.
NOW, in Israel, officials recommend unvaccinated workers without a neg test are barred from schools, elder care, and other ‘high risk” workplaces
NOW, in Israel, only fully vaccinated students can attend university on-site
NOW, in Israel only the vaccinated can enter hotels, museums, restaurants, pools, malls, sports events, air travel.

Nadav Davidovitch, head of Israels association of public health physicians said:
“We see vaccination as a solidarity act, not just an individual choice.”

Everything we are fighting against – Medical/Digital slavery – is rolling out and over the people of Israel. Anyone with a voice ignoring this by diving deeply into side-issues like say the decades long corruption of education, lazy sourcing, or whether an 11th hour reading of Tom Cowans book (Frei is a highly qualified medical researcher) is worth the effort…. is all…in this desperate time..at the very least unhelpful.

What’s happening now in Israel is coming where we are SOON and if we don’t stop it this scenario is likely:

Increased vaccine deaths will be blamed on deadly variants. Deadly variants will be blamed on children and the unvaccinated (they cocked-up the new (FALSE) definition of herd immunity (see WHO website). Then one half of a terrified and traumatised mindcontrolled population will be turned loose on the other half. Very little state violence will be required. In a medical hysteria, the vaxxed now dying terrible deaths will demand the heads of the unvaxxed. What will rights and freedoms mean then? Nothing. That’s why officials are swinging for the fences with insane pronouncements like “only vaccinated will be saved from the volcano…” Or “normal returns only with full vaccination” They – or their masters – know the next step, and it’s not their incarceration. The Nuremberg code will be a board game you play in prison some day – if you’re lucky.

Perhaps Rosemary Frei could do a deep dive into the current successful NWO totalitarian system that is up and running NOW in Israel, but I won’t hold my breath.

Apr 13, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Wow. I had no idea it was so bad in Israel. Depressing to think it’s going to be like that here soon.

Apr 14, 2021 8:45 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes you have absolutely right.I can not see why she make this kind of “warning”to us.Nevertheless she should at least presented the reasons for that.

R Anand
R Anand
Apr 12, 2021 5:13 PM

Rosemary Frei, in her response to a comment below said that “In his book Cowan also says Koch injected methylene-blue-stained TB into animals. You can read Koch’s original paper yourself to see that he probably didn’t; rather, he injected live, non-stained, TB into animals.”

I have the digital copy of Tom Cowan’s book ‘The Contagion Myth’ with me. On pages 50-51 of his book he writes:

In 1905, Dr Koch received the Nobel Prize for proving that TB was an infectious disease.

Except he didn’t.

In fact, he could find an organism in infected tissue only by using special staining methods after the tissue was heated and dehydrated with alcohol. The stain was a toxic dye, methylene blue, and the solution he used contained another toxin–potassium hydroxide (lye). When he injected the organism stained with these poisons into animals, they got sick. But what caused the illness, the bacillus or the poisons.

At this point, above the word ‘poisons’ is the reference number 32 which provides this link –> https://doi.org/10.1093/clinids/4.6.1270

This link takes you to the study of Robert Koch titled ‘The Etiology of Tuberculosis’.

From this 5-page Koch paper, I give below excerpts from the first two pages:

…The material for study was prepared in the usual manner for the study of pathogenic bacteria. It was either spread out on cover slips, dried, and heated, or cut into pieces after dehyration with alcohol. The cover slips or pieces were placed in a dye solution which contained 200 cc. distilled water with 1 cc. of a concentrated alocholic solution of methylene blue. They were shaken and then 0.2 cc. of 10% potassium hydroxide added. This mixture should not give a precipitate after standing for days. The material to be stained should remain in this solution for 20-24 hours. By heating this solution at 40 degrees C. in a water bath, this time can be shortened to half to one hour. The cover slips are then immersed in a freshly filtered aqueous solution of vesuvin for 1-2 minutes, and then rinsed in distilled water. When the cover slips are removed from the methylene blue, the adhering film is dark-blue and strongly overstained, but the treatment with vesuvin removes the blue color and the films seem light brown in color. Under the microscope the structures of the animal tissues, such as the nucleus and its breakdown products, are brown, white, while the tubercle bacteria are a beautiful blue. Indeed, all other types of bacteria except the bacterium of leprosy assume a brown color. The colur contrast between the brown colored tissues and the blue tubercle bacteria is so striking, that the latter, although often present in very small numbers, are quite easy to find and to recognize.

The tissue slices are handled differently. They are removed from the methylene blue solution and placed in the filtered vesuvin solution for 15-20 minutes and then rinsed in distilled water until the blue colour has disappeared and a more or less strong brown tint remains. After this, they can be dehydrated with alochol, cleared in clove oil and can be immediately examined under the microscope in this fluid or first placed in Canada balsam. in these preparations the tissue components are brown, and the tubercle bacteria are a most distinct brown.

Further, the bacteria are not stained exclusively with methylene blue, but can take up other aniline dyes with the exception of brown dyes, whey they are treated at the same time with alkali. However, the staining is not so clear as with methylene blue. Further, it can be shown that the potassium hydroxide solution can be replaced with sodium or ammonium hydroxide, which shows that it is not the potassium which is especially important, but the strongly alkaline properties of the solution which are necessary.

The bacteria visualized by this technique show many distinct characteristics…”

Given the above details, can someone elucidate whether Cowan is right in saying that the stew containing the supposed ‘TB’ bacteria was stained with methylene blue and other toxic dyes or whether Rosemary is right in saying it only contained live, non-stained ‘TB’?

I read the remaining three pages of the Koch paper too but could not make out whether Koch later on injected ‘live, non-stained TB’. Maybe, someone from among us here can chip in.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 13, 2021 10:26 AM
Reply to  R Anand

It is pretty confusing. The earlier passage says:

The nature of tuberculosis has been studied by many, but has led to no successful results. The staining meth- ods which have been so useful in the demonstration of pathogenic micro- organisms have been unsuccessful here.

So staining methods had previously been used that did not demonstrate pathogenicity. The staining methods were used not in the photography but in the “demonstration of pathogenic micro- organisms” or not?

In addition, the experiments which have been devised for the isolation and culture of the tubercle virus # have also failed, so that Cohnheim has had to state in the newest edition of his lectures on general pathology, that “the direct demonstration of the tuber- cle virus is still an unsolved problem.”

A pathogenic organism is presumed to exist without any reason to believe it exists other than the germ theory. Efforts are being made to solve this “problem” in demonstrating there is this “virus”.

The goal of the study must first be the demonstration of a foreign para- sitic structure in the body which can possibly be indicted as the causal agent. This proof was possible through a certain staining procedure which has allowed the discovery of charac- teristic, although previously unde- scribed bacteria, in organs which have been altered by tuberculosis. .

A certain staining method allowed the discovery of the bacteria. Thus it is this particular staining method that is different from the previous “unsuccessful” research yet he then says “he material for study was prepared in the usual manner”. Which is it? the usual manner or a particular staining method?

From hundreds of guinea pigs that have been purchased and have oc- casionally been dissected and exam- ined, I have never found a single case of tuberculosis. Spontaneous tu- berculosis develops only occasionally and never before a time of three or four months after the other animals in the room have been infected with tuberculosis.

Never seen a case or occasionally seen a case? This seems like another example of the same thing. Gaslighting. He is contradicting himself and playing mind games. Perhaps what is going on here is gaslighting and the reader is supposed to conclude that only Koch is expert enough to understand. It must be some failure on our part to not make sense of the contradictory and vague bs yet we are expected to accept that this pseudoscience is groundbreaking and conclusive.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 13, 2021 11:36 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

These studies have shown without a doubt that tuberculosis must be counted amongst the infectious dis- eases of mankind.

Absolute certainty followed shortly by uncertainty:

The nature of tuberculosis has been studied by many, but has led to no successful results.. Cohnheim has had to state in the newest edition of his lectures on general pathology, that “the direct demonstration of the tuber- cle virus is still an unsolved problem.”

First one thing then the opposite. A pattern of gaslighting that is probably repeated over and over in the document to screw with the mind.

up until recently it has not been possible to state for certain whether tubercu- losis is an infectious disease or not. Since then, Cohnheim and Salomonsen, and later Baumgarten, have achieved success ….. Cohnheim has had to state in the newest edition of his lectures on general pathology, that “the direct demonstration of the tuber- cle virus is still an unsolved problem.”

up untill recently.. since then.. later.. newest edition. So was it before, after or wtf? In the video above about gaslighting it mentions how time can be a factor and to take records so you don’t doubt what was said. Something like “Yesterday you said it happened on Wednesday now you are saying it was Tuesday. .. the worst part is the erasure afterwards”

R Anand
R Anand
Apr 13, 2021 12:31 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Thats right, Peter. The Koch paper is full of contradictions. And, very confusing too, which appears to be a deliberate thing.

Thus, it does not seem fair when Rosemary Frei alleges that Tom Cowan was wrong to say in his book that the stew containing the supposed ‘TB’ bacteria was stained with methylene blue and other toxic dyes (the pages 1-2 excerpts that I posted above clearly point to the fact of such staining to have taken place). Her interpretation of the Koch paper is that the stew only contained live, non-stained ‘TB’.

This also brings us to the point that fact-checking in and by itself does not guarantee conclusive evidence because the papers/documents in the references can still be interpreted in completely opposite ways.

Apr 13, 2021 1:44 PM
Reply to  R Anand

It almost comes down to a matter of belief in the end…

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 13, 2021 7:35 PM
Reply to  R Anand

I suppose he can be asked about this question. He did address the issue of “the vet” VANDEN BOSSCHE. He said the mutants don’t exist. Saying there is no virus, viral culture is a fraud is the only show in town. The only way we are going to stop this. It was a horrible mistake to taut Bossches claims as beneficial to our cause.

The terrain theory is something everyone can verify for themselves. Get out in the sun, eat your fruits and salads etc. and you can have first hand experience of healthy terrain. You don’t need to believe something about what Koch did when nobody was looking.

Apr 12, 2021 2:53 PM

I am not sure that the minutia of the detail is what is important. What seems of more importance is a collective realization that something is not right

 As far as details are concerned most things are in fact only theoretical until they can be proven as categorically factual anyway. So until that moment of clarity most things may offer a perspective that may or may not be deemed to be worthy theory

.Even if you cant put a finger on what is wrong with a situation. It is the fact that instinctively you know something is wrong with it and by believing it not to be right, is enough to go on anyway.

The saddest thing is when people have either become so devoid of instinct that they no longer notice something when it is not right, Or they have so much invested in a narrative that even against their better judgement and instincts, they will in blind faith still refuse to face the glaring lies and inconsistencies. Each time they defend that narrative they become more invested in the lie.

This is the psychological number that is played on the people by the state. The gaslighting that is used to strip away trusting ones own instincts. Over time create a dependence on another to dictate what should be thought and felt.

Over time the state have eroded so much of peoples natural instinctive thought processes and confidence in themselves to trust their own inner feelings.

We are now at the point where so many are able to be manipulated and coerced. With out them even realizing or understanding it is even happening to them. Where they can even be told by the very people who are lying to them that they are being lied to. But they will still believe what they are being told as truth.

The state really are the abusive partner in a deeply dysfunctional and highly abusive coercive controlling narcissistic relationship. When this psychology has worked and the gaslighting has caused the desired brainwash. People will not even try to question things for themselves or dare to theorize. That is by far more concerning then holding differing perspectives having escaped from the mind melt. In fact this is surely a healthy mindset to cultivate if you don’t want to end up a blocked and closed down automaton.

 As Aristotle philosophized All I know is that I know nothing.

The minutia at this point is unimportant. What is important is to have seen through the charade Knowing yourself as free to make your own judgements. If that Leeds you to exploring whether viruses are indeed a fabricated tool to keep people in fear and enthrall to the medical profession is surely your prerogative. It is indeed an interesting theory and one to be explored without prejudice.

If by detaching oneself from the matrix enables a renaissance in exploring of new paradigms and espousing new theories. Then this is surely a positive opening up of minds and something to be celebrated..

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Apr 12, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  Kathy

That saying is attributed to Socrates. Aristotle was the one student by whom we have written records of Socrates’ sayings and philosophy. Maybe that’s why there was this mixup.

Apr 12, 2021 4:11 PM

I knew I should have checked it before posting. I thought when I put it in, I’m sure that’s not who I mean and meant to check before posting but then in my haste to post forgot. Thank you for the correction.

Apr 12, 2021 4:13 PM
Reply to  Kathy

Kind of ironic considering.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Apr 12, 2021 4:47 PM
Reply to  Kathy

Hahaha, that’s what I took it as! I took it as a test. But the writer is correct, we can’t afford to blindly follow. Propaganda and psychological operations can only be countered with honesty and spherical understanding. There is much power in being willing to admit that you don’t know or aren’t sure of something. And above all, when did mistrusting the state and the capitalists stop being a virtue? I think however that it’s mostly the fascist silencing of public discourse orchestrated by above that permeates the media that worries us, not so much the blind devotion of people to authoritarianism. Remember Guy Debord: “to say that the Spectacle is separated from reality is a separated thought in itself. The Spectacle manifests in reality [as exchange value or religion is real in that we believe in it and let this belief affect our society and behavior] and reality is represented in the Spectacle, albeit as a sum of snipets”. More or less, that’s the quote.

Apr 14, 2021 11:10 PM

Maintaining integrity and our capacity and enthusiasm for learning.is indeed so very important. I can see now that this is what the writer is really getting at.
The education system fails so many people by closing them down and judging them for what they don’t know.and also by making them fearful to admit this.There then seems to be a relish in embracing ignorance. It fails to encourage open minded exploration and wonder of our world.

I guess the adage is that no one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them.

Thank you for introducing me to Dobard. I had not really explored his writing before. I rather liked the phrase [all that was once lived has moved into representation]. This is exactly it really. The paradox of the spectacle.


Apr 13, 2021 12:09 AM
Reply to  Kathy

An excellent analysis of how silent slavery is gradually introduced.

Apr 16, 2021 9:28 AM
Reply to  Kathy

Absoutely spot on. I keep saying this in my conversations too and it’s exactly how I feel.
Like you said, it’s about opening the door to new possibilities.

Not sure if you know him or have read some of this stuff, but in case you haven’t, you’ll find these two pieces very validating.



Apr 12, 2021 2:46 PM
Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 12, 2021 12:21 AM

Dude, if you don’t get the balance right, if you start to post off-topic too much, and get spiteful toward admin and argumentative with fellow commenters, then you’re going to get pruned more and more. We can spiral downwards from this point, or we can get back on track. If you’re going to post a lot of self-hatred and random screeds it really alters the tone BTL, and this isn’t your private blog, I’m afraid. Hopefully we can get back on track, and soon. A2

Apr 11, 2021 11:53 PM

The number of convid sceptics smeared by the author of this article has risen to four. Two others for some reason have been omitted. In Dictator Dan’s dystopia the ‘Greens” criticised him for not going far enough. “Greens” support the climate change narrative and ignore real abuse of the environment.

Apr 12, 2021 12:45 AM
Reply to  Peter

Haha is that right? The future in Australia is a fucking nightmare. The place is riddled with freak SJW gimps.

Apr 11, 2021 7:29 PM

May I suggest that one of these very articulate writers consider exploring what I call “the problem of the dupe”.

What I mean is that the world is full of dupes. And these dupes don’t like to let others know they have been duped, because it makes them look stupid. In fact dupes feel better when they know others have been duped because it makes them feel less stupid.

It boils down to that. This explains the whole “cognitive dissonance” that is used to describe why people continue to publicly express faith in the “status-quo’s bullshit stories

Once people buy into an official narrative regarding anything from the murders of the Kennedy’s to 911 backing away from these beliefs sets them up to look like the stupid mindless fucks that they are.

Apr 11, 2021 8:05 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf

sad but oh so true

Apr 11, 2021 8:14 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf
Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 11, 2021 8:31 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf

The worst dupes are the ”leaders” who believed a con job and won’t back down, like the three mass murderer war criminals who peddled the Iraqi WMD scam/.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 12, 2021 2:34 AM
Reply to  2fat2surf

“Dupid persons: Persons who are easily duped and stupid.”
– Paul Vonharnish –

Tim Glover
Tim Glover
Apr 12, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  2fat2surf

well I sympathise and I have certainly called people “mindless fucks” in slightly more moderate language plenty of times. But it gets nowhere. We like to be listed to, right? Well the “other side” like to be listened to too. So if we are going to influence people we have to leave our frustration at the door and try to be respectful, and take other views seriously, even if we disagree with them.

Apr 12, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  Tim Glover

Yes, I know, I was being a bit mean. Not all people who’ve been duped are mindless idiots. Indeed, for half of my life I used to believe the mainstream media. But, eventually I did realize the MSM was and is the mouth-piece for the enemy of the people.

Apr 11, 2021 6:21 PM

However, your ‘facts’ are not necessarily more sacred than someone else’s. Truth evolves as more is discovered – you know, like real science.

Apr 11, 2021 7:16 PM
Reply to  dus7

To say that there is no such thing as settle science is reasonable argument. To imply that there is no such thing as the truth is not.

Apr 11, 2021 4:50 PM

Whoa. Terrible. Instead of cherry bombing Gatto why not truly point bout a broad spectrum of “expert” follower’s possible oversights? Or how about the need to retain skepticism as a permanent feature of living in a digital society? Why pinpoint just Gatto?. Gatto was preceded by decades by Ivan Illich’s 1971 “Deschooling Society” which covered much of the same ground. Frei exhibits the same lack of depth she criticizes. And in truth, Gatto clearly states humans can educate themselves outside the system with what exists in libraries and in community, like so many have already done through human history. Weak argument.

Apr 11, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  sandy

Absolutely correct. For some odd reason, I am being prevented from giving you a thumb’s up mark. What’s up with that?

Apr 11, 2021 9:53 PM
Reply to  sandy

are my comments being removed? this is my second attempt to reply.

Apr 12, 2021 12:39 AM
Reply to  sandy

But if she’s learning, Isn’t that a good thing? Encourage it. Don’t brag. Don’t lift yourself up by putting others, good people especially, down.

Apr 15, 2021 3:25 AM
Reply to  sandy

Fabian socialism should also be acknowledged. It appears subversion of the masses though, is a centuries old occult practice and a well honed one. Feudalism never ended, it lessened while the global parasites accumulated information as technology evolved and developed.

Enslavement is the story of history
Enslavement – the story for the future?

Only if you let it.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 11, 2021 4:39 PM

Hello Rosemary Frei: Yes to the intentional sabotage of education…

One of the major reasons for cognitive disconnects in fact checking is due to technical “limits” designed into cellular phone systems. Cellular phone screens have pixel rates and pulse modulated frequencies designed to impair the user.

Aside from this is the fact that users are attempting to fact check studies or documents that are often hundreds of pages in volume. They are attempting to do this on a tiny 3×5 screen. Good luck with that…

Add in the prevalence of attention deficits – directly caused by electromagnetic broadcast frequencies saturating urban populations, and the results are hardly surprising.

I discovered Charlotte Iserbyt about 14 years ago, and watched many of her presentations. She’s a serious force, and the picture she paints is honest and not pretty.

Here’s a short introductory video to her background and credentials: >

Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World, Charlotte Iserbyt
September 29, 2017
Deliberate Dumbing Down of the World, Charlotte Iserbyt – YouTube

Thank you for your efforts.

Apr 11, 2021 9:02 PM

I fell in love with Charlotte in a fillial, intellectual sort of way. So perceptive, intelligent and down to earth but still bright eyed and bushy tailed. (Above my pay grade though, Ort).

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 12, 2021 2:27 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Hello NixonScaypes: I watch peoples eyes. The eyes say much more than any other physical feature. Her eyes are quick and her mind is agile. They are are bright with intelligence. Waaayyyy beyond my pay grade…

Apr 11, 2021 4:28 PM

I’m at a loss to understand many of the comments under this article which seem to be aimed at Rosemary Frei personally. The article is mostly about the political agenda driving developments in US education (and just about everywhere else) which have noticeably led to an erosion of people’s ability to think for themselves. I can see little to argue with, whatever Gatto’s actual agenda and Frei’s warning to keep awake, even about people who seem to be on ‘our’ side is fair, in my view. I could go further and suggest the criticism is QED to the points being made in her article!

I simply cannot see why Frei having been in the Green party (or being part of a meeting of the Noahides, however weird) proves she’s shilling for the NWO. The real ‘green’ agenda, which is anti-pollution, anti-big everything and pro-conservation of the earth’s resources has, as we all know, been hijacked by the WEF/NWO. As someone who has not run a car for over 20 years, who never flies on principle who recycles and who deplores the current dire state of UK public transport and mask litter, I don’t see everything ‘green’ as sinister. Climate change is a fact but it’s clear to me now that it’s not really about human-produced carbon emissions or cows farting.

Also real is the capital being made out of ‘anthropogenic climate change’ by the eugenicist/technocratic cabal currently trying to run the show. What is definitely sinister is the total-control grid and coercion behind what is definitely not a green agenda, as pointed out by that jolly Ice Age Farmer video. I would be amazed to find Frei in support of this tyranny but who knows?

As for Cahill (I don’t know anything about Cowan and I’m unqualified to comment on germ theory), she is also politically involved i.e. in the Freedom Party and she has business interests. Does that discredit her? Not to me. I have found her contribution to the anti-scamdemic movement invaluable and she has paid a high personal price. I have tried to evaluate what she says as critically as I can. Sometimes she can come across as a bit slapdash e.g. when she talked about Influenza A test results being mixed up with CV19 on James Corbett and subsequently declined to back her claims up, despite his requests. It does raise questions but I’m not about to reject Cahill any more than Frei whose work has also been sterling.

Is this a hangover from the dreaded Geert vanden Bossche issue? People accused Frei then of working against the movement but I believe she was right to question his promotion of a replacement mass vaccine of his own. I never saw him as ‘on our side’ and, as time goes on, Frei’s warnings seem to be vindicated.

Apr 11, 2021 9:04 PM
Reply to  MiriamW

Couldn’t agree with you more, no-one knows everything.

Apr 11, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  MiriamW

What is at issue,as far as I’m concerned, is Ms. Frei’s mentioning Cowan and Cahill by name.

As I explained in my previous comment, she could have made the point about critical thinking and the dumbing down of education without what appears to be a bit of dig at Cowan and Cahill. It was unnecessary.

Also, I think it is uncalled for to assume that we don’t fact check Cahill and Cowan. I’m sure many people do. But as others have stated here on the comments – you cannot fact check everything. I think it’s exemplory that Corbett, Vagabond and others have always listed sources in their shownotes. And have always encouraged everyone to do their own research.

If Ms. Frei has an issue with Cowan and Cahill perhaps she should have written about that in another article without clouding this particular, and valid, article.

Apr 12, 2021 1:00 AM
Reply to  Judith

She didn’t dig at those people. She was making a point. Tom would probably have agreed with her statement and not been upset about her using his name.

Apr 12, 2021 2:04 AM
Reply to  Arby

Well, perhaps I am misunderstanding. It came across to me as a slight dig.

Perhaps I am being too harsh a critic on Ms Frei, Mr. Bigtree and Mr. Kennedy(the latter for their behavior around her Defender article). These are very turbulent times. We have all been thrown into this nightmare and maybe we flail at times. I would hope, and I imagine, we are all trying to bring the truth to the surface (and keep it there) as best we can.

Apr 12, 2021 12:39 PM
Reply to  Judith

Of course. After I had posted the above comment and read others, yesterday, I then came across Rosemary’s comment to someone directing that person to another comment she had written about Tom. It was entirely fair. She just gave her viewpoint. She found something that Tom wrote in “The Contagion Myth” to be weird. What she was referring to was weird, even if true. So maybe she used Tom as an example for that reason. IT was entirely appropriate if so. And then last night, I carried on reading “The Contagion Myth” while at work. I am finding the book to be awful (but still interesting and, in places, very informative). And I’ll be talking about it, in appropriate forums, going forward.

Apr 12, 2021 12:57 AM
Reply to  MiriamW

Oh she had a fair number of people supporting her there. (I know from visiting dozens of websites regularly.) Whenever you criticize a celeb (Del, RFK for example), you’re going to get noisy pushback from the same – if you have any reach yourself. I don’t have any reach, but I do find my comments on CHD getting disappeared all the time. They won’t do an article or video about little old (literally) me. That must have been tough on Rosemary.

I had no idea about the Noahides thing. I did a quick search. Yes, weird.

Rosemary Frei
Rosemary Frei
Apr 12, 2021 4:42 AM
Reply to  Arby

Thx Arby yeah it was tough, but even more than that it was all very strange (there’s lots more to the story that I may or may not tell publicly one day).
FYI I address the Noahide thing in a comment below (https://off-guardian.org/2021/04/10/whats-up-with-our-fact-checking-blind-spots/#comment-352847)

Apr 12, 2021 12:40 PM
Reply to  Rosemary Frei

Thanks Rosemary. I read it. Whose life doesn’t take twists and turns? Keep up the good fight.

Apr 13, 2021 2:52 PM
Reply to  Arby

Fight about what? Cowan, Kaufman, Lanka, and a few others are the only ones exposing there are no viruses as exogenous contagious entities. Rosemary believes in viruses. She’s incorrect and Cowan’s correct on all the main issues. Look at the bigger picture. The world has been shut down due to the contagion myth. It’s absurd. Where are Rosemary’s articles on the lies about the software generated viral genome? The lack of isolation and purification? The fraudulent PCR test? The dangers of people inserting a swab dosed with a carcinogen (or other compounds) so far up their nose that cerebral spinal fluid leaks out? Also this article should be criticizing the covidian cult members who aren’t questioning the propaganda of the tv experts who are straight up lying. The fact that Frei is focused on the wrong people is a red flag.

Apr 13, 2021 4:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I sensed that she was trying hard to not go there. I noticed a tweet where she mentions the comments under her Gatto article. She specifically mentioned a lot of (?) commenters on Off Guardian who don’t accept the the concept of viruses. I wondered what she wanted to accomplish by that tweet. Is she trying to get Rockefeller devotees to be open minded about the concept? Is she hopeful that they do so that she won’t be alone in that journey? Or is she just lamenting the fact that we have that ‘problem’? I don’t know. Other than that, Rosemary seems to me to be a caring person.

As for Cowan’s book, it’s awful. He consistently claims that there’s a covid 19 disease and, worse, he claims that it’s ‘one’ thing, namely 5G effects made worse by smog and made extremely bad by smog with glyphosate in it. Read the book. I kept thinking that he was going to explain himself. Jon Rappoport sometimes enters the hoaxsters frame in order to discuss the issues and lets his readers know that he’s doing that. Tom doesn’t seem to have been doing that. He certainly didn’t qualify any of his statements about covid 19 so as to help orient his readers. I kept waiting for Tom to make clear that there’s no covid 19. After all, If there’s no Sars CoV 2, then how can there be the disease that they say it causes? Granted, that’s ‘their’ science. But then why use their language? Why suggest to readers that there’s a covid 19 disease? Not only that, but by claiming, as he does, that it’s an especially dangerous disease, he engages in fear-mongering. Tom (like Iain Davis) also insists that covid is one disease. But he knows that they are calling everything covid. Or does he indeed accept the medical establishment’s position that there is a covid 19 disease and that it’s especially dangerous? With friends like Tom…

There’s lots in the book that I like. But, Tom is either a poor communicator (and careless writer; offering statements like ‘nature raw in tooth and claw’ that most people know is ‘nature red in tooth and claw’) or he’s deliberately sowing confusion. It’s one or the other. Or else he’s hopelessly confused. (And before anyone points it out, He’s far more knowledgeable about health care than I am. That doesn’t mean that he can’t have weird ideas, and simply be wrong, and boy are some of them weird. The heart doesn’t pump?)

He and his co-author assert that there’s no contagion. I agree. He explains ‘viruses’ well. I agree with his explanations and conclusions in that regard. But the title of his book is “The Contagion Myth,” and yet he actually spends little time arguing for his position that there is no contagion. I’m not saying that he doesn’t argue it, but there’s not really much there. Yes, I can check out the books he directs us to. I am interested in some of those. But this is his, and his co-author’s, book. He spends a lot of time in the book with other stuff. I am not sure that he stitches it all together well.

Rosemary found his book to be polemical. Did she mean ‘polemical’ as opposed to ‘scholarly and well supported’? I get the sense that she did, otherwise, Just being polemical, which means presenting controversial positions and arguing for or against them, against what most people choose to believe, hardly puts me off. But the insistence that there’s a covid 19 disease, for me personally, sort of undoes all the good work that Tom does. I just don’t get it.

Apr 13, 2021 5:25 PM
Reply to  Arby

“If there’s no Sars CoV 2, then how can there be the disease that they say it causes?”

Because there can be a range of illnesses including a newer radiation related illness in conjunction with the flu vaccines that have nothing to do with a virus.

Covid19 is a blanket term for the illness from a non existent virus that has exactly the same symptoms as radiation poisoning and radiation pneumonitis. If the government were rolling out the new 5g surveillance and kill system and they needed to cover for future potential injury and death in the planned democide, they would create a flu construct, like they did with the Spanish flu in 1918. Not that in 1918 they knew ahead of time people would be dropping dead at home from the radio waves and earth electrification, but maybe some scientists did. Certainly there was also a mass vaccination effort going on at the time of 1917-1918 and the increase in radiation from the electrification could have created a multi-factorial epidemic. Then there was the aspirin overdose epidemic too so we see the iatrogenic murder theme then, as we do now.

With the AIDS crisis, there was a vaccination campaign of homosexual men in the 80’s in the US that resulted in a syndrome associated with immune deficiency. The drug (AZT) used to treat the vaccinated or ill simply killed everyone so the disease was labeled deadly, rather than the treatment. We see a similar thing occurring now. There are multiple illnesses such as pneumonia, anxiety, blood clots related to EMF and flu vaccines, vaccination side effects and EMF sickness that are being labeled Covid19. And the treatments including the injectable pathogens can cause death.

In the hypoxia related illnesses that have been observed by some doctors (who Tom Cowan says he knows and have communicated to him their experiences) it appears that there is epithelial cell dysfunction leading to hypoxia or hypmoxemia. Some of these patients also had cytokine storm syndrome in the studies I read. So the non existent virus becomes the cover story for the effects of 5g and vaccine targeted populaces. This is how the Military and Medical Industrial Complex work together. They usually use more than one factor to sicken populations. And they’ll test certain demographics and areas one at a time. It’s possible the PCR swabs are sickening people also, because they have eTo on them. The authorities like to make it as confusing as possible. They call it function stacking where they have multiple objectives and methods at once.

But there is plenty of scientific literature supporting prion disease from EMF, cytokine storm syndrome from radiation poisoning and neurodegenerative disorders from EMF. Do I believe all covid deaths are EMF deaths? No. They are mostly the elderly being murdered. It’s probably multiple factors. We’d have to look at every death individually. It’s very hard to determine the cause without autopsies. Perhaps Cowan wrote the book at the height of the panic before he was aware of the full fraud of the PCR tests.

But this study does support a statistical and geographical correlation that is hard to deny.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 13, 2021 6:07 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Covid19 is a blanket term for the illness from a non existent virus that has exactly the same symptoms as radiation poisoning

Radiation poisoning causes bleeding from the gut and mucus membranes, destruction of gut epithelial cells, blood platelets and white blood cells. It causes hair loss, vomiting and skin burns. It can also induce fever.

It doesn’t cause a mild flulike illness or cold symptoms – which is how “covid” allegedly presents the vast majority of the time.

So can you clarify your point?

Apr 15, 2021 2:06 AM

EM radiation?

Apr 16, 2021 8:55 PM

What you quoted are symptoms from ionizing radiation poisoning. I am referring to persistent radiation exposure through EMF-EMR. Considered “non-ionizing” but with similar negative effects on health.

All radiation pneumonitis and most radiation sickness symptoms match Covid19 symptoms that were listed on the CDC site.

Hair loss and anosmia (loss of smell and taste) are both related to radiation exposure. Radiation treatments can damage taste and smell receptors.

Hair loss reported from Covid19 was listed on the CDC site as a symptom of Covid19 but has recently been removed due to their inherent dishonesty and fraud.

Blood clots and endothelial cell dysfunction are also associated with EMF-EMR exposure.

Apr 14, 2021 12:02 AM
Reply to  Researcher

=== =
“If there’s no Sars CoV 2, then how can there be the disease that they say it causes?”

Because there can be a range of illnesses including a newer radiation related illness in conjunction with the flu vaccines that have nothing to do with a virus.
= ===

Sorry, but I don’t follow you there, at all. Rockefeller science says that pathogens and diseases come in pairs. (It’s very profitable, especially when you can call every illness a disease and everyone has slightly different symptoms, making for lots of diseases, viruses and… vaccines to cure them.) Sars CoV 2 leads to covid 19, according to that science. When you insist that there’s covid 19, you invoke that science. And if you’re claiming that there’s no viruses, then you’re being contradictory and confusing. End of story.

As Jon Rappoport said, again and again (and I can see why now), covid 19 is not one thing.

Apr 16, 2021 8:24 PM
Reply to  Arby

I never said it was one thing. A blanket diagnosis is covering for multiple illnesses. But the fictional construct covers for the new illness. This is what they do. Why can’t there be an actual illness wthin a blanket diagnosis? A blanket diagnosis (Covid19) covers colds, flus, vaccine deaths and radiation illness. I’m not referring to the RT-PCR test. That is fraud. I’m talking about only those with actual symptoms.

Apr 17, 2021 4:56 AM
Reply to  Researcher

We are covering the same ground. It’s obvious why ‘our’ calling anything covid 19 is a problem.

Apr 17, 2021 5:07 AM
Reply to  Arby

Ok. But you understand what I mean… There is no covid19 but that doesn’t mean the whole scam wasn’t created as a pretext and cover story for the authorities to annihilate people with vaccines and 5g.

Apr 17, 2021 5:28 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Well, in fact, That’s narrow. Are they actually culling the population? We can’t ignore what we are seeing and the fact of who the people are behind this. But if all we have is Bill Gates’s Ted Talk to go on for that… it’s thin. (Yes, we know about his father. Did his father know about covid 19?) There are a zillion participants in this hoax and those among them who are participating as planners don’t all have the same specific agenda as Bill Gates, even if they agree with him about population or don’t care. A righteous judge would look at them all and say, “Your stated intentions don’t matter. You clearly know what you did. And you clearly did it.” The charges?: mass murder. terrorism. Add to that as you wish, according to your knowledge of legal matters. I know that there are many lawsuits happening out there that are addressing many different angles. Pam Popper I believe is going after the emergency ruling by police State governments. If she can show that there was no emergency (even using ‘their’ science), she hopes to override judges’ dismissal of cases when the government lawyers overrride other laws with ’emergency’, as they apparently can. Reiner Fuellmich is focussing on the fraudulent use of the PCR test. And so on.

There’s obviously more than a couple of goals here. The bankers have their goals, which Catherine Austin Fitts talks about knowledgeably. Freaks like Elon Musk have their transhumanist goals. (I almost wrote ‘goats’. Hmm.) Gangster politicians and those who run police State institutions of repression (police chiefs, intel chiefs, military chiefs) no doubt like more work and more control over people. Hell, this a power-tripper’s paradise. We’ve seen that. All kinds of people, not planners necessarily, absolutely love the opportunity to push others around. That would apply to the politicians, who, someone else pointed out, grew up steeped in Rockefeller science ideology. They are probably therefore biased, although I have no doubt that they believe that they are part of a hoax. They just don’t care and choose to not know. And it’s easy for them to not know – while they are busy causing trouble. In a perverse way, They don’t have the time and motivation to know for a fact what they don’t all know for a fact.

Apr 17, 2021 3:10 PM
Reply to  Arby

The vaccine technology works with 5g. The military can trigger a death remotely through 5g by changing the frequency in an area. Gates is a small part of this, it’s all eugenics. The very same eugenicists that have been manufacturing wars, famines and democide all over the world for centuries.

Apr 17, 2021 5:06 AM
Reply to  Researcher

The best that I can do for Tom and Sally is to acknowledge that when they talk about covid 19, it’s obvious ‘to us’ that they aren’t talking about the hoaxsters’ covid 19. But read “The Contagion Myth” for yourself. Tom and Sally just love the term and they do indeed say that it is one thing, which, in my view, is simply wrong. Many illnesses that they have labelled covid 19 didn’t display symptoms of 5G damage. They actually don’t address the fact that they are labelling everything covid 19. To me, that’s astonishing.

The book has the feel of being one that the authors didn’t want to write. Tom even said that he hopes that it’s the last book he has to write. I don’t know of any other books about this hoax out there that I’d want to read. I wanted to read this book but was disappointed. Not entirely mind you. There was still lots there. But it’s relative. It’s not a terribly useful book for those of us wanting to push back against covid 1984. It needed to be written by someone else and the authors assertions and positions needed to be better (quantitatively, mostly) supported.

Apr 14, 2021 4:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

[If the government were rolling out the new 5g surveillance and kill system and they needed to cover for future potential injury and death in the planned democide, they would create a flu construct, like they did with the Spanish flu in 1918.]

Evidence that “governments” planned a “democide” with Spanish flu in 1918 is missing.

[But this study does support a statistical and geographical correlation that is hard to deny.]

Correlation is not causation. And the “study” seems to have missed, for example, Australia and New Zealand and Japan where there has been little deaths.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 12, 2021 2:19 AM
Reply to  MiriamW

Hello MiriamW: Very well said. As in many other articles, readers have lost the ability to understand the authors intention or primary message. They do not trust their own data or instincts, because that personal asset has been intentionally programmed away…

In this case, the author is pointing out the FACT that education has been hijacked and brutalized by an organized agenda. The comments section clearly demonstrates the results…

Apr 12, 2021 9:52 PM
Reply to  MiriamW

In bed with politician and the intelligent services.
Why should this not be mentioned ?

Apr 16, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  MiriamW

Well said. Concur.

Apr 11, 2021 4:27 PM

Don’t listen to her!

Apr 14, 2021 4:20 PM
Reply to  Magnus

[Don’t listen to her!]

Wow, trying to silence a voice without listening to or disproving the argument made.

You apparently want me to act like mainstream media.

Your “advice” has just encouraged me to give her a chance.

Apr 11, 2021 4:27 PM

Rosemary is a mole! And here to divide

Brand new day
Brand new day
Apr 11, 2021 4:00 PM

In theory these are valid arguments but isn’t the notion of ‘fact-checking’ now flawed? With the proliferation of continuous ‘facts’ on the internet, how are ‘normal’ people expected to really understand whether facts offered are true, or simply thrown on the ceiling?

For example, this is often suggested to be a reputable site for information that is hard to find elsewhere, but I have read ‘opinions’ dressed up as facts on here in the comment sections that are simply ludicrous.

As such it is really just a forum for occasional articles and a massive stream of ‘opinions’ that are really just that – opinions.

Since there is no expectation that OffG will take part in the ‘opinion’ process in any way, it leaves the reader in basically the same state they were in before visiting – namely trying to ascertain which opinions might be based on fact.

This final point is that at some point we had a media, especially newspapers, that assisted people in trying to figure out what was fact or fiction.

Now you have publications such as the Guardian doing a ‘long read’ on ‘conspiracy theories’ that is itself filled with what might be called ‘anti-conspiracies.’ An example was when they ridiculed people for not trusting the test and suggesting it was ‘the gold standard.’

So how are regular people expected to find truth twice removed in such environments?

Well, they aren’t, and that is part of the process, isn’t it.

The idea is to amplify confusion, not clear it up.

Apr 12, 2021 1:01 AM
Reply to  Brand new day

The notion of fact checking is absolutely not flawed, but the idea that it is is flawed.

Apr 14, 2021 4:24 PM
Reply to  Arby

[The notion of fact checking is absolutely not flawed, but the idea that it is is flawed.]

Quite so. The “flaw” is in human beings with agendas. THAT is what makes “fact checking” a challenge, and not the “fact checking” in and of itself.

PS. Seems someone (downvoter) doesn’t like you being reasonable, especially when your reason justifiably questions a preferred narrative.

Apr 15, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  suddyan

“Seems someone (downvoter) doesn’t like you being reasonable, especially when your reason justifiably questions a preferred narrative.” It comes with the territory. I wish forums like this didn’t use up and down votes. Let people use their words.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 11, 2021 3:48 PM

So, for a year now the monotone covid narrative has relentlessly been played out across all media channels – and not merely the mainstream but even in the “extremities” like the WSWS. There has been not a peep from any alternative view – apart form a brief glimpse of a protest determinedly portrayed as a “proto fascist” uprising.

And a father was forced to agree to his daughter’s pharmaceutical “sex reassignment” whilst the media barked out the woke mantra behind the enforcement without permitting any alternative view to be expressed.

The closing of all ranks into this dreary monotony of interpretation signals some kind of centralising agency. Of course, to state such a thing is to invite the charge of “conspiracy theory” and, if that doesn’t work, then “crazy conspiracy theory”, and if that doesn’t work, then “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory” etc.

But the sheer relentless, unforgiving and brutal uniformity demands an explanation. There must be some kind of central plan which then depends on the tried and trusted methods of what might be called “prestige terror” i.e. all the journalists, news reporters, academics etc. know that if they depart from what is clearly the only script permitted then they face ostracism. They will lose their prestige, their reputation will be irreparably damaged, their livelihood will be threatened, and they may well come under attack – both through the cyber sphere and even in physical terms i.e. they will indeed experience the true “hate crime”.

And such attacks will be excused as our “responsible” media say, “Although of course we cannot condone these attacks, the offenders against orthodoxy were themselves exhibiting ‘hate crimes’ and even endangering lives ….” etc.

So this plan to belch out a few monomaniacal narratives while curtailing critique against them will come down from some group or co-ordinated set of groups and will then rely on those old witch hunt manoeuvres to keep the “responsible” media in line.

The chosen narratives:

  • Covid as the deadly threat, poised to wipe out all humanity. (All objections to this are “anti-scientific” and “dangerous”)
  • The vaccines as unquestioned saviours, immediately effective – though curiously not so effective as to guarantee lifting restrictions even on those who have taken the juice. (All objections to this are again “anti-scientific” and “dangerous” – although with an addition of “selfishness”.)
  • Transgenderism as an unquestioned condition of all who happen to feel that way – even thought they may be pre-pubescent and undergoing personal trauma not necessarily related to the gender issue. (All objections to this are “anti-LGBTQ”)
  • The automatic assumption that all races must achieve “self-determination” with no help from any other race – even though all races share the same community and prejudicial offences cannot be eradicated simply through one race alone. (All objections to this are “racist”)
  • The automatic assumption that all the world’s problems must have a technological solution – which just so happens to be highly lucrative for some. (All objections to this are “anti-scientific” and “Luddite”)

I’m sure there are more.

Apr 11, 2021 8:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I see the protection of a masking or covert ID as if our life depends on it.
I don’t disagree with your observations, but take this within the realm of my own responsibility. The underlying patterns are recognisably common to all apparent symptom expressions. Otherwise we fight each symptom as if its own cause.
This can war on whatever, while persisting in the underlying cause of whatever.
And while it includes actions in the world such as where we invest value and align support, I hold that blaming judgement inherently filters and distorts and blocks a true noticing of what is active, but otherwise hidden BY the mind set in judgements as narrative identity.

Solutions that mask the problem so as to persist it while getting rid of its consequence to others, world or our body as a dump, attract attention, funding, and compliance. No one wants the ‘blame’.
Narrative control seeks to control perceptions AS IF to control reality.
Narrative continuity is a stamping of the past made in hate and fear on the face of the present into a future like itself. But who controls the present controls the selected ‘history’.

A presentation can mask as if presence. Once we learn to comply in masking, we live it as our normal or world. How to invite the masked to look at what they face in?

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Apr 12, 2021 9:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

‘There has been not a peep from any alternative view’ ??????? – there’s a LOT of good alt stuff out there – check Lockdown Skeptics or Vaccine Choice Canada, lots of links (I mean, not to forget OffG, where you’re commenting ????? )

Apr 12, 2021 9:45 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I think you are off track with “all races must achieve self-determination with no help”. Where convenient, the “leaders of the free world” decide who will achieve what, and issue the orders.

The mania of “technologoical solutions” has to do with profit and domination through exonomic and cultural imperialism.

Apr 14, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  mgeo

[The mania of “technologoical solutions” has to do with profit and domination through exonomic and cultural imperialism.]

Beg to differ. It is about power. Nothing else. It is built-in in the human psyche.

“Exonomic” or “cultural imperialism” are – in my opinion – just tired old memes which are whipped by some out to describe forces at play that they don’t like.

Apr 14, 2021 4:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well said, although I prefer one slight change:

  • The automatic assumption that all the world’s problems must have a TECHNOCRATIC CONTROLLED solution – which just so happens to be highly lucrative for some. (All objections to this are “anti-scientific” and “Luddite”)
Apr 11, 2021 3:04 PM

Rosemary Frei is involved with promoting the Noahide movement at Director level which from my basic understanding of it, seeks to enslave everyone and be a fundamental element of the framework of the consitution of the New World Order. Something like that.

A quick search for “noahide and the new world order” revealed this on page one:

New World Order & Noahide Laws – Past & Recent Events

“Many have never heard of “The Noahide Laws” and continue to view the “New World Order” as mere conspiracy. In this episode I will provide evidence The New World Order is not just conspiracy – it is real and moving forward behind the scenes at an astonishing pace. I’ll also explain the Noahide Laws in detail and how these laws were signed and accepted by US Presidents in the past and just last year under the guise of other laws being passed. I will explain in detail the many unsettling connections between powerful political leaders in the US, other countries, leading Christian evangelicalists, and many more people in powerful positions and the forces at work to enforce these laws on everyone. People are being deceived on an unimaginable scale because they blindly trust those in power. It is this blind trust that will destroy their lives. I hope by addressing this very sensitive and dangerous subject those with blind trust will open their eyes and see the truth. Taking your comments and questions via live chat and taking your calls live at: 430-901-1525. I encourge everyone listening to take part in the live chat. Share your ideas and let me know how you feel.”

I know nothing of the author, I don’t endorse the author, but anyone who uses phrases like “People are being deceived on an unimaginable scale because they blindly trust those in power.” is at least looking at this mess we are being forced to endure and saying “what the fuck is this?”. The gravity of his words about these Noahide Laws suggests that this really is something we should be paying attention to. The Noahide Laws are not just wackjob conspiracy theories.

Here is Rosemary’s writeup in relation to her work with the Noahide movement:


Ms. Frei is a Toronto freelance writer/broadcaster. She is a member of NISHMA’s Board of Directors and chaired the committee that brought David Davis to Toronto.”

The article says “Hosted by Noahide leader J. David Davis and his Emmanuel Congregation, the conference welcomed more than 100 people from across the United States and as far away as Australia.”

So Rosemary Frei is the chair of a committee that arranges for the leader of the Noahide movement to “spread the news”. Riiiiiigggghhhhhhhhhtttt..

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 11, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Yeah – we don’t encourage discrediting by association here. The article is what it is. Critique it all you like – but don’t try this underhanded nonsense.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 11, 2021 3:54 PM

Thank you to Sophie – Admin1: Discredit through association is one of the hallmarks of disinformation trolls.

The internet is tightly controlled by algorithm and word search. Some readers know this, but the rest fall into the trap…

Cheryll T
Cheryll T
Apr 11, 2021 4:48 PM


Apr 12, 2021 1:04 AM

That was a good reminder.

Apr 11, 2021 4:51 PM
Reply to  Mucho

Regarding your linked author and his or her juxtaposition of things, that’s exactly what I would do if I wished to discredit something but had no real basis for it:

I would begin by asserting something I knew my audience would agree with; then I would slip in my unsubstantiated claim. The assumption, of course, being that since I’m clearly on the “right side” of one, two or multiple issues, my unsubstantiated claim must also be “right.”

Rosemary Frei
Rosemary Frei
Apr 11, 2021 5:20 PM
Reply to  Mucho

That’s going waaaay back.
In my mid-20s my mom disclosed to me and my siblings that her mother is Jewish, and therefore she’s Jewish, and we’re Jewish. It was a secret before that.
I then dove head-first into the Jewish world. I was a ‘baal teshuvah’ (someone who returns to the practice of Judaism) until late 2002.
Life is a journey. I was doing something akin to uncovering the ontology of my family and myself.
We lost relatives in the Holocaust on my mom’s side, and also my mom also was in a prisoner-of-war camp under the Japanese in Indonesia, and lost her dad in the sinking of the Junyo Maru on Sept. 18, 1944. And my dad and his family fled on foot from Communist Czechoslovakia in about 1950.
So finding out that I was Jewish and that we’d lost relatives in the Holocaust (that also had been hidden from us) was significant to me. I was super into it, and became Orthodox. I stayed that way for about 10 years.
Being involved in Nishma, and learning and writing about the Noahides was part of that.
I haven’t held those same views for almost 20 years now.
Ditto w being involved w the Green Party. I was very into it, running a serious campaign in 2008, then finding the politics of politics to be very distasteful, I ran a very half-hearted campaign in 2011, and within about a year after that I stopped having anything to do w the Greens. And now I know enough to know that all political parties are basically corrupt in one way or another.
Exploring, learning, growing, changing etc. is what life is for.

Apr 11, 2021 6:25 PM
Reply to  Rosemary Frei

You should figure out the fraud of viruses if you want to do something useful. Once you see the truth, you’ll figure out the real purpose of vaccines. Spoiler alert: It’s eugenics.

Rosemary Frei
Rosemary Frei
Apr 11, 2021 6:35 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I just posted a comment about the work of Cowan (and Cahill): https://off-guardian.org/2021/04/10/whats-up-with-our-fact-checking-blind-spots/#comment-352875

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 11, 2021 8:42 PM
Reply to  Rosemary Frei

I think the proof is in the pudding. The scab leaders all believed the Neil Ferguson model of 20-60 of populations being infected and tens of millions dying, even though that has been shown to be a fake based on nothing, 1.6 % of the global population have been ”tested” positive, and less than 3 million ”deaths” they won’t back down they have to save face and the west hate the people.

Oh wait., I said 1.6% tested positive, seems the tests are fakes invented without any virus according to the Wodarg led peer review of Drosten and the FDA so 1.6% of the population might have been positive for something, ;probably nothing more than having RNA in the bodies based on a fake test.

Then we come to the ”deaths”, we know the USA finally admitted that 94% of them in the USA died from a variety of other things and 80% were over 80 with an average globally of 4 co morbidities. How anyone can claim that a person suffering 4 ordinary old age illnesses and is at deaths door died of covid based only on a fake test is beyond me, but then chicanery is the name of the game.

And we know almost all the earliest deaths were old people murdered by state decrees in locked down old folks homes and it’s still happening.

All in all a fake pandemic with much ado about nothing but a whole lot of lies, con jobs, censorships and nuggets of facts supplied by Rosemary and a few thousand others.

Apr 11, 2021 11:49 PM

It was always the plan Marilyn. Leaders know exactly what’s going on. They know there’s no virus.

Apr 12, 2021 12:02 PM
Reply to  Researcher

.Look how quick people run back to doctors and nurses or theses ‘medical experts on blogs mixing tiny bit of conspiracy with bibble babble medical jargon still selling the big harma side show deflection.
‘the contagious psyop’

RE virus or getting ill when others get ill. catching theory
perhaps educate your self on’ bio rhyme’ ‘syncing as in what real women will sync up their period (cycles) when they are together.

Apr 12, 2021 3:07 PM
Reply to  Aires

Biorhythm cycles. And electric field regulated signaling pathways.

Apr 14, 2021 4:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

[Leaders know exactly what’s going on. They know there’s no virus.]

I have ZERO evidence that the “leaders” in my country “know” what you claim they know (p.s. I am neither in the US nor in Europe).

Your failure to provide any verifiable evidence for what you so blithely assert is noted.

Clearly the “resarch” that “researcher” has done must have slipped off the table.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 13, 2021 6:17 PM

“The proof is in the pudding” is NOT the correct saying and means nothing.

The correct saying is “the proof of the pudding is in the eating“. Meaning the only real test of how good the pudding might be is to eat it.

The second one has meaning, see? The first has NO meaning.

How can the proof be in the pudding? Proof of what? Relativity? Gravity? Who murdered JFK? And why the hell would it be in a bloody pudding? Did someone think “I know I’ll put this proof in that pudding, that oughta do it.”

It’s one of those stupid distorted sayings that proves how little most people think about what they say.

Mouth moving. Noise coming out. Mind a blank….


Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Apr 11, 2021 2:44 PM

The BBC and many government and supposed NGO’s (non government organisations) are happy to provide Fact Checking for you.
Rational Wiki page on James Corbett covers the question of the copying MSDOS and QDOS “Recently, Bob Zeidmancomment image  examined the code in question using a set of tools he developed for detecting copyright violations in software, and last month he published his findings in the pages of IEEE Spectrum.[35] He didn’t find any evidence that MS-DOS copied code from CP/M (QDOS)”

So it must be pure coincidence that both MSDOS and QDOS chose so many programs that mostly contained the same functionality. With mostly the same command line instructions and the same multiple parameters that displayed the results in the same way.
The odds against this must be something like the atoms in the universe.
You could write different code to achieve the same result but would still be copying the functionality and much else.

No doubt current fact checking on the need for masks would agree with the current consensus. As would old fact checking archives that masks were not needed when that was current political (science) line.

Apr 14, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

[So it must be pure coincidence that both MSDOS and QDOS chose so many programs that mostly contained the same functionality. With mostly the same command line instructions and the same multiple parameters that displayed the results in the same way.]

Interface does not equal code.

Apr 11, 2021 2:40 PM

Reverse the logic. It is very easy to spot the scams and vested interests at work in the Plandemic. It takes a lot of effort to pretend you can’t see them. That is why people are so angry when you make them look at something they are trying hard to ignore.

If people were simply innocent minds, unpolluted by talk of conspiracy, they would react with wide-eyed wonder. Instead they react like they have a horse in the race: say it ain’t so.

The lizard choirboy Jon Ronson has nothing new to say so The Guardian reprints a chunk of his 20-year-old book ridiculing those who doubt the stenographers.

Ronson supposedly spent much of the late 1990s “chronicling the embryonic world of Satanic Hollywood lizard paedophile conspiracy”. Since he failed to anticipate so much as the Me Too movement, I wonder why The Groan still employs him.

There are none so blind…

“It is 20 years since Jon Ronson wrote Them, his eye-popping investigation into conspiracy theorists. Now, in a world awash with tales of paedophile elites and puppet masters, is he any closer to understanding it all?”

As there is no comment box, you will just have to accept my answer in the negative.

Fixing Slem
Fixing Slem
Apr 11, 2021 2:20 PM

Reducing healthcare altogether seems to be one of the aims of covid-UK, the UK will have US levels of healthcare and death very soon, after the public spending cuts which will follow soon.
”200,000 people could die because of delays in healthcare and economic effects of coronavirus lockdown, report warns”

They were telling us all along it made no sense:

Apr 12, 2021 10:29 AM
Reply to  Fixing Slem

The countries with the worst curfews and intensive vaccinations suffered badly, generally 20% excess deaths over the preceding 5 years. The prominant spikes are 2020-04 and 2021-01.

The purveyors or truth are carefully avoiding embarrasments such as Africa, at least undil the drones can do their work.

Apr 14, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  mgeo

“Sources” say “may” have used…

Erm, okay.

dr death
dr death
Apr 11, 2021 2:10 PM

indeed, it is a shame for insane quack labcoats and pseudo ‘academics’ that have to reinforce fake science and ing-soc style totalitarian wrong think projects because their empty little wittle minds would collapse in on themselves….

after all it would leave such creatures unable to deal with something as horrific and debilitating as ‘the truth’ and ‘public welfare’ (such as it is)…. undermining the very core of their sense of self.. (oh dear !)

of course large wads of hard cash/grants and kudos are also an incentive…

Fixing Slem
Fixing Slem
Apr 11, 2021 1:46 PM

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”

CIA Director William Casey.

Fixing Slem
Fixing Slem
Apr 11, 2021 1:40 PM

Will martial law be refined enough, and be in place ready for the dollar collapse, when the US economy will collapse and some unthinkable solutions will need to be found to maintain the existing deep state order and US military power?

They are not going down without a fight, they are ready for it.

Dr MBender
Dr MBender
Apr 11, 2021 5:13 PM
Reply to  Fixing Slem


Apr 11, 2021 1:29 PM

I’m sorry but my respect for OffG has dropped into the negatives.

Cheryll T
Cheryll T
Apr 11, 2021 4:49 PM

Babe!! Come on now! Everybody finds their own way

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 11, 2021 9:01 PM


Apr 14, 2021 4:43 PM

[I’m sorry but my respect for OffG has dropped into the negatives.]

The fact that it did this to you will increase my respect for them.

Apr 11, 2021 1:24 PM

Everything about the official narrative contradicts itself.

– A new virus broke out in Wuhan in November 2019.
But there was positive antibody tests in Italy in September 2019 and California in October 2019.
Either it’s not a new virus or the antibody test is a nonsense.

– The disease is a new pneumonia that’s not a new pneumonia.

– The tests for Sars Cov 2 was created in the absence of having any virus.

– The test is not a diagnostic

– Covid 19 pneumonia is being diagnosed by RT-PCR which doesn’t diagnose any illness as it’s a DNA amplification tool

– In China in January 2020 healthy people were dying in the streets. In the west the average age of death within 28 days is older than average life expectancy

– The virus is fully sequenced when in reality this virus exists as a computer model with PCR detecting theoretical RNA sequences that have never been proven to come from a new virus

– ‘Social distancing’. There is nothing social about distancing.

– The cure for this ‘disease’ is 10 days rest with no medication

– Lockdowns and masks have cured the flu but didn’t cure covid as not everyone followed lockdown or wore masks. And flu magically disappeared in areas with no lockdown and masks.

– After spending 3 months telling people masks were useless in stopping viral spread they are now to be worn.
They don’t protect you though. It protects others. What????

– We have a vaccine for this virus but it’s not a vaccine.

– Vaccines build herd immunity even though they don’t stop you getting it or spreading it.

– Take a vaccine to protect others. But if the magic elixir works then why would it matter if anyone else takes it.

– Children must take a vaccine even though according to official figures they are at no risk of illness or death.

– Fully vaccinated people can’t mix indoors in the UK but next month thousands can attend sporting events if they have a vaccine passport.

It’s a farce. A debacle. A catastrophe.
It can’t be taken seriously. It’s a nonsense.

This has only dragged out so long because people have let it.

It’s truly Orwellian.

Apr 11, 2021 1:40 PM
Reply to  Paul

guess it will solve the football hooligan problem once and for all then

Apr 11, 2021 1:42 PM
Reply to  Paul

Agreed, but it never really was about a virus in the first place.

Apr 11, 2021 1:48 PM
Reply to  Grafter


Apr 11, 2021 1:43 PM
Reply to  Paul

But seriously, yes, you’re right mate. It is a catastrophe, and a farce, and a bloody eye opener for some of us. I do take it in the context of feeling more and more amazed and depressed in the years leading up to Christmas 2019, at what were clearly very big lies being accepted without question – I guess they were all part of the testing procedure.

Cheryll T
Cheryll T
Apr 11, 2021 5:04 PM
Reply to  Corarden

We have been trained to believe our chosen newspapers / choice of channel news. To question anyof that is to question everything we thought we knew. And how scary is that? Best to just read our horoscopes and the football scores and quietly hope the world is how we were always programmed to think it was – They have our best interests at Heart. The mind shift required to acknowledge that isn’t true would ruin the believers. Like proving there’s isnt a god. They still think that 80% of their yearly income given to various taxes be is For the Good of Country And Community. Can you imagine the pain of them realising they don’t be live in a democracy? It would be unkind and cruel to break their hearts by showing them the truth – that they exist to be economically viable. Not everybody can drop what they have always thought and believed. They will fight to remain enslaved because it is what they have always known. “We Know our place”. Whilst they buy their lottery tickets. “Them that are better than us – them what are more educated”. Apparently They will look after Us if we work hard. And it doesn’t matter the evidence infront of their eyes – always blame the immigrants, the cheaper resources from abroad – never the owners. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist? Anybody? To break That ingrained and taught belief is to break their hearts.

Apr 11, 2021 1:52 PM
Reply to  Paul

And everywhere you look all the way down it’s corporations calling the shots and running the show right from local gov to science and health boards to supermarkets and law enforcement. All corporations with all the rights of actual human beings. About the only people you can rely on or trust are your own flesh and blood. And even then most of them have been social engineered, conned, mind fucked and deluded beyond all recognition. So you’re on your own, partner.

Apr 11, 2021 2:17 PM
Reply to  Ooink

1984 has fully arrived.

There’s no one coming to save us.

We have to stand up to this tyranny, look it in the eye and say no. I’m not having it.

Basic freedoms and liberties have been crushed but they can never take away your self respect.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Apr 12, 2021 9:55 AM
Reply to  Paul

mmm – evidently they can for most of ‘us’

Steve Jones
Steve Jones
Apr 11, 2021 4:30 PM
Reply to  Paul

“In China in January 2020 healthy people were dying in the streets. In the west the average age of death within 28 days is older than average life expectancy ”

The average age of death within 28 days of what?

You should also add “We aren’t being told how many of the so-called ‘COVID deaths’ were deaths from respiratory illness, not something else, merely occurring within 28 days of a (fake) ‘positive’ PCR test result.

Apr 11, 2021 6:42 PM
Reply to  Steve Jones

Well spotted Steve.

And of course no autopsies to know what the poor souls actually died off.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 11, 2021 8:45 PM
Reply to  Paul

In Italy and Germany when they finally started doing autopsies in the middle of last year all they found was bacterial pneumonia which is common in the elderly.

Apr 12, 2021 8:24 AM
Reply to  Paul

Well observed. If I could up vote you 100 times I would have done so.

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Apr 12, 2021 9:52 AM
Reply to  Paul

‘because people have let it.’ – that’s it. My respect for my fellow humans, esp here in ‘the west’ has kind of dropped off the edge this last year. I used to think,ok, they’re putting up with some things they ought to be questioning more, but when the sh** really hits the fan, they’ll finally do what’s right, or a lot of them will … etc etc. ‘a lot’ seems to be somewhere around or under 1%, according to the resistance to the covid scamdemic or simply protesting the assertion by our leaders that they have discontinued ‘democracy’, and we’ll all just do as we are told going forward. I’m really very disheartened now – we ‘resisters’ communicate a bit on places like this, but obviously the great majority of our populations have decided that being Big Brother proles is ok. unfuckingbelievable really – you wouldn’t believe it if you read it in some fiction book

Apr 14, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Paul

[Lockdowns and masks have cured the flu but didn’t cure covid as not everyone followed lockdown or wore masks.]

That is a good one to highlight!

Tor Guttorm
Tor Guttorm
Apr 11, 2021 1:18 PM

Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.
—Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Apr 11, 2021 1:11 PM

We happen to be living through the biggest and most monstrous psyop in history. We are being subjected to an unceasing deluge of propaganda that is obviously false and obviously very sinister. It appears that we are being subjected to a huge cull. A handful of individuals are standing up to those that blare falsehoods and imprison and impoverish humiliate all of us. They do this at risk to themselves and are targets of establishment venom. These heroic individuals get some things right and possibly some things wrong. To devote an entire article suggesting that these individuals are charlatans at a time like this is shocking. Surely it would be more supportive of humanity to focus on the dark forces arrayed against us and their lies and brutally dystopian actions ?

Apr 11, 2021 1:46 PM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

 dark forces arrayed against us and their lies”

We should start by naming the individuals and corporate owners of an extremely corrupt global MSM.

dr death
dr death
Apr 11, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Grafter

political correctness has been a major weapon in ‘their’ arsenal, it has allowed certain designations to be created that can be adapted to any given situation, yet still carry over the memetic ‘power’ from a previous incarnation…

so many ‘deniers’ so many ‘theorists’…..

this is ‘their’ system, infinitely malleable, a perfect tool for chaos, a system where truth or logic or evidence can be smeared and slandered, where the imbecile majority can one day agree and the next disagree..

hence the ‘fiat’ billions expended by the financial corporatists and fake ‘davos’ front-men pushed centre-stage for astro-turf organizations and fake scientism, then endlessly bleated into ‘reality’ by a rancid and evil media.. (rio ferdinand was a WEF young ambassador heheh).

.. in pursuit of an uncanny system that both neutralizes intelligent dissent through wrong think and rewards insane belief systems….

a wolf in sheeps clothing that criminalizes oppositional view-points and refuses communication spaces whilst masquerading as arbiter of freedom, openness and ‘enlightenment’…

it’s aim through total inversion is dissolution of all distinct societies and thought processes, to be replaced by a totalitarian, materialist kritarchy.. this is what they mean by globalism..

the globe under ‘their’ dominion..

you may call it slavery.

Apr 11, 2021 10:02 PM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

We happen to be living through the biggest and most monstrous psyop in history

no not really for newbies, yes

But they done 100;s since aids hiv 

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 11, 2021 1:03 PM

I know it’s old news but this is the kind of manipulative crap that makes me puke:


The demonisation of genuine protest:

“We don’t have monolithic parties like the Italian Fascists or the German Nazis any more. We have something much looser, something sprawling and spontaneous, erupting in dozens of different forms. It is represented by the misogynist hate sites, the neo-Nazi militias, the mad conspiracy theorists, and the back-street thugs whose dearest wish is to punch a black man or torment a Muslim woman.”

Actually, that “something much looser, something sprawling and spontaneous, erupting in dozens of different forms” is nothing less than unbridled free speech which is not “represented by the misogynist hate sites, the neo-Nazi militias ….and the back-street thugs whose dearest wish is to punch a black man or torment a Muslim woman.” These obnoxious forces do exist, but they are not representative of the net as a whole. And to equate “mad conspiracy theorists” necessarily with this scum is viciously underhanded

“Make no mistake: last Saturday’s demonstration was fascist. Conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, anti-abortionists, and climate-change deniers are spreading a blend of reactionary ideological tropes that fit perfectly into the far-right paradigm.”

Note again the one-size-fits-all reductive equation there. And it’s par for the course that we get the anti-Semitic bit too.

And the meme that the virus is much worse than we think, and we are not doing enough etc. is summed up:

“The ability of conspiracy cranks to mobilise a few thousand against (very inadequate) coronavirus precautions is disturbing …”

But it’s good to laugh!:

“Tories and other reactionaries have long complained that the BBC is ‘biased’ against the Conservative Party and – in extreme versions – run by ‘Marxists’. The very opposite is true. Cowed by threats to abolish the license fee that funds Britain’s public broadcaster, the BBC has retreated into ever-more craven conformism.

The BBC certainly has retreated into ever-more craven conformism. They have been shoving the pandemic down everyone’s throat for a year now! So, it’s funny that our concerned “Left” complain that the media isn’t doing what it has been doing whilst bemoaning the lack of protest whilst disparaging the only meaningful protest!

Cheryll T
Cheryll T
Apr 11, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Very VERY well said

dr death
dr death
Apr 11, 2021 7:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

a friend pointed out that some ‘antifa’ imbecile on twitter was ranting about how criticism of finance capital and wall street was ‘fascist and antisemitic’….

I suppose he was worried about his funding..

Apr 11, 2021 1:01 PM

From a personal perspective I am frequently in awe of the level of intellect (possibly ‘pseudo’ in some cases!) and ‘knowledge’ (well founded, or not) demonstrated by BTL commenters on this website. The same can be said about some of the articles. However, unless I am prepared to devote time to delving into all the references and sources given I can either take the binary approach – take what they say as accurate, or disregard the information altogether – or, as is more often the case, I can regard some of it as accurate based on other evidence I have assimilated or just instinct, and leave any statements I am not sure about ‘on the shelf’. I will quite often find myself watching interviews with ‘my’ preferred experts where I say to myself that I agree with 90% of what they’ve said but I’m not sure about the other 10%. In that sense I have to rely on my own convictions.

But overall I prefer to view the picture in a much more simplistic way which avoids the need to establish which of the various highbrow and technical scientific approaches are right or wrong. In other words I prefer to see ‘the wood in which the trees are standing’ (for non english-speaking readers, check out the saying “Can’t see the wood for the trees”!). I rely on my own analytical capabilities to identify as much as I need to in order, quite simply, to determine what makes sense and what doesn’t. Following this approach, nothing that the Government and their advisers have told us over the past fourteen months or so has ‘made any sense’. I don’t need to ‘fact check’ Dr Cowan or Prof Cahill in order to deduce that we are being duped. The simple fact that hundreds of experts who challenge the official line are being silenced and smeared in a ‘liberal and democratic’ society is enough on its own to confirm that we should not believe the official narrative. That is the important point. These experts may have differing views on viruses and the ‘vaccines’. But does that matter? The bottom line is that they all argue that the draconian actions taken to manage the so-called pandemic are completely unjustified, and they oppose the move towards a global totalitarian world rule where our basic freedoms of action and mind are completely shackled. And they are all being silenced. That is enough to convince me that this is not about the views of individuals, it is far more important than that.

Over the course of the past twelve months I have had the good fortune to meet several individuals who do not have any ‘highbrow’ education and do not frequent any alt-media websites. But what they do have is an enquiring, critical and logical mindset. They have said to me that they have seen flaws, inconsistencies and crucial omissions in the narrative right from the beginning so knew we were deliberately being lied to or, at the very least, misled. They didn’t need to quote any ‘expert’ to me to make their valid points and justify their scepticism. But that is the problem – the majority of the population is incapable of seeing fraud in this way even when it’s presented with bells and whistles. As a recent case in point, there were two juxtaposed articles in the Daily Mail a few days ago: one was ‘explaining’ why the Oxford ‘vaccine’ was only deemed a problem for women under 30 years of age, and the second was describing the first identified victim of the Oxford blood clot issue…a 59 year old man. I saw not one comment under either article drawing attention to this blatant inconsistency.

I shall just finish with a depressing anecdote. I met a fellow dog walker, a stranger to me, a couple of days ago. To every fact I told her questioning the narrative her response was “I don’t believe that”. Even when I stressed “That’s from official government statistics” her response was still a robotic “I don’t believe that”. It was truly weird. The way she said it, she wasn’t suggesting I was lying; it was more a case of ‘whatever you tell me, whatever source it’s from, if it’s not what I want to hear, I am determined not to believe it’. It was without doubt a perfect example of the Illusory Truth Effect in action. To further demonstrate the ‘mushroom’ status of many people, when I said to her that the many experts challenging the official line were not being given the opportunity to debate the science with Ministers and their advisers or appear on TV, she patronisingly said that “I am sure that if they provided the Government with evidence supporting their views they would be allowed to debate it”. That was the point at which I realised she – and the millions of others she represents – were a lost cause.

Apr 11, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

That zombie is typical, but there are exceptions. I have a saying:

“Nothing can lift you up like people. And nothing can let you down like people.”

Boy is that appropriate for covid 1984!

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 11, 2021 3:02 PM
Reply to  Arby

Great expression for our antisocial age!

Apr 11, 2021 2:03 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Brick wall syndrome indeed. I happened to meet a portly masked man and we addressed several of the points you were making. When I informed him of the miniscule statistical chances of dying from Covid19 he resorted to the tried and trusted “Ah, try telling that to those who have lost loved ones because of this virus though.” It was pointless to engage further.

Apr 11, 2021 2:16 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

Recently, I met an old friend who I had not seen for a few years. I asked him had you had the vaccine, he has very little formal education, does not use social media and is apolitical, to which he replied no. When I enquired why he said if it takes years to develop safely a “ vaccine “, how can they develop one safely in less than 9 months.

A very simple question, a very straightforward question and a very honest question. Yet, I had heard not a single “ expert”, a single true believer or any of the propaganda arms of the Establishment succinctly and simply answer that question.

It’s similar to the question about the 11th of September 2001 event when then the collapse of the towers were defying physical laws and a tower collapsed all on its own.

Brainwashed people don’t realise they are brainwashed is the simple answer I arrived at !

Apr 11, 2021 5:50 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

“Over the course of the past twelve months I have had the good fortune to meet several individuals who do not have any ‘highbrow’ education and do not frequent any alt-media websites”

I was saying this a couple of days ago after I got together with a childhood friend, whom I haven’t seen for eons. He does have a master’s degree, but he works alone as an arborist, does landscaping, some scuba diving. He certainly doesn’t frequent any alt sites and I doubt that he reads a whole lot of stuff from the English-speaking/international realm. Yet, he’s come pretty much to the same conclusions as I, and numerous others, have. Including the resemblance to the religion hoax and centralized control of the world through Vatican/WHO.

As to your last paragraph, people like that are NOT using their reasoning. They’re hypnotized, victims of mass psychosis, psychologically fucked up. They believe in … COVID, the government, whatever. It’s the same as with religion – you’ll never convince a believer that there is no god.

Apr 11, 2021 10:14 PM
Reply to  JudyJ

i showed a friend a huge massive WiFi tower over s school playground
he freaked out I DONT WANT TO NO THIS I DONT CARE in tears nearly
later on when he calmed down, he siad i just dont want to no. please

it is to much for some people, we are still friends
one must respect that some just dont want to no no matter what you show them

its designed in a way
to go thorough the fear horror face fear and horror and wtf to get to the wonderful parts

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Apr 12, 2021 10:03 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

extremely well said JudyJ – pretty much my own approach to the situation. I work in a medical faculty in a ‘developing country’ and the reaction of almost every doctor I know, many of them very intelligent people in most ways, is pretty much the same as to your dog walking encounter. Just boggles the mind. There have been less than 100 deaths here in the last year, and around 30,000 ‘cases’ (based on ‘test results’ which of course are highly questionable at best), but when I ask them how either of these figures represents a ‘pandemic’ or ‘wave’ of any kind, they just smile and won’t engage.

Apr 11, 2021 12:36 PM

I think a lot of people do. I’ve often questioned the anti-Gates/Israel/Left narratives that many covid-questioners seem to have in common.

Fixing Slem
Fixing Slem
Apr 11, 2021 12:48 PM
Reply to  Thom

Me too; the truth of the Covid opposition is being used to attack the left, and distract attention towards the subcontractors of the US Empire; namely Israel the US aircraft carrier in the middle east, and Bill gates, the ‘pool boy’ of empire.

I see it as a CIA operation from start to finish, to set up the left, and to loot the world economy and accelerate US internet based dominance.

Where all the CIA backed US tech seems to have been designed to replace traditional business and work best in government enforced lockdowns.

From business meetings to education to shopping to entertainment etc….That is no coincidence in my view:

The fact that China is benefiting more tan the US, is about them being more agile, and not falling for the scam.

Apr 11, 2021 1:09 PM
Reply to  Fixing Slem

“I see it as a CIA operation from start to finish …”

Really? I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned this before.

Fixing Slem
Fixing Slem
Apr 11, 2021 1:32 PM
Reply to  Philippe

“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?”

Apr 11, 2021 3:35 PM
Reply to  Fixing Slem

Judging by the tone of your comments on here, that would be you.

Apr 11, 2021 10:19 PM
Reply to  Fixing Slem

Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?”

give it a few hours they may delete that comment dont want to upset their ….£££$$ and authors

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Apr 11, 2021 1:33 PM
Reply to  Fixing Slem

Does the ADL pay you well Mandate, Matrix Pat, Stella Window, etc,etc,etc,etc,etc,etc ?

Fixing Slem
Fixing Slem
Apr 11, 2021 1:44 PM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

Would you prefer I gave you my IP address and stuck to the same name so you could complete my file over there at the NSA? It must be annoying when you are running a honey pot site.

Apr 11, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  Fixing Slem

You can relax.

I’ve spoken to the NSA and they say they’ve never heard of you.

Apr 11, 2021 2:08 PM
Reply to  Fixing Slem

Wish people would drop their fixation with the Left v Right analysis. Plain and simple this is a fight against Good v Evil, nothing more.

Dr MBender
Dr MBender
Apr 11, 2021 5:21 PM
Reply to  Thom

The point is not to discredit the left, the point is to keep left and right divided. Concepts like the deep state and voter fraud were discussed by the left until the Trump era.

Apr 11, 2021 12:29 PM

Did you see what some clever German people have done here with a map that claims to show how cases are trending?
comment image

Look at the legend (bis means up to, über means above).

Apr 11, 2021 12:43 PM
Reply to  October

How to skew statistics lesson 1A.

Tor Guttorm
Tor Guttorm
Apr 11, 2021 1:21 PM
Reply to  October

PCR is just a process that allows you to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn’t tell you that you are sick, or that the thing that you ended up with was going to hurt you or anything like that.
—Kary B. Mullis (1944-2019)

Apr 11, 2021 4:24 PM
Reply to  Tor Guttorm

It’s an extrapolatory tool that deviates from the specimen, basically exponentially, with the reagents and such “coaxing” a preferred result.

If you know physics and extrapolation, you know it’s practically worthless, horribly inaccurate. It’s essentially a “massaged prediction”. Extrapolation is really the bane of physics, and physics fundamental, so when you extrapolate you fucked up (like climate scientologists). Symplectic integration is the only thing worth considering. Symplectic, in terms of integration relates to conservation of energy and momentum, btw. PCR is very much NOT symplectic.

Every iteration (like CT count) deviating/diverging further from the specimen and a true result.

Like in constraint minimization with physics, you solve for zeroes (a measure of error), you try your best to converge to that accuracy (the zero being 100% accuracy), what the PCR tool does is the opposite and it tries to “direct” a result further from zero, to match a projection or “implied” solution (by definition false).

It’s great for making unrepresentative shit up, though (like for instance, elevating false shit like Fauci or Dorsten). The other thing about the extrapolatory nature of that divergence is that it invariably leads to worthless results and “exploding” systems.

Steve Jones
Steve Jones
Apr 11, 2021 4:35 PM
Reply to  October

They aren’t even showing “cases”, they are showing fake positive PCR ‘test’ results. A positive test result is not a “case”. You have to be ILL to be a “case”. The media redefined the word “case” to mean “positive test result, but we want you to believe that all of these people are actually seriously ILL” late in 2020, when the death rate had fallen too low to scare us with any more!

Apr 11, 2021 5:02 PM
Reply to  Steve Jones

Indeed. What is funny is that even within their own logic of the PCR +ve rate as evidence of a deadly plague, they have to resort to underhand tactics to keep the thing going. The right-hand map would probably be lighter than the other one if represented identically.

Apr 11, 2021 12:29 PM

A healthy dose of self criticism is always appropriate, but who specifically are Frei intending here? Cowan and Cahill? What are the issues then?

I feel a bit puzzled over this but maybe I’m too out of the loop.

Apr 11, 2021 3:42 PM
Reply to  Jesper

Cowan’s views and Cahill’s views are not compatible. Both are superficially considered “on the same team”.

Personally, I find Cahill’s views to be fundamentally bullshit.

Cheryll T
Cheryll T
Apr 11, 2021 5:19 PM

Mr Path, I have looked up all of your links. A lot of them (chemistry) way beyond me. But I think I got the Gist. Please don’t stop contributing. (And maybe show love I stead of acidic sustain for us). Maybe? Cos we all have things to tell you too!! We are all blind describing an elephant, it takes sharing to get the whole picture. You blessed, genius, Arrogant AF man x. You Grock? Peace n Love

Apr 11, 2021 12:19 PM

Because they want to believe to someone without questions and critical thinking.That’s why the majority believe all this covid fraud also.

Fixing Slem
Fixing Slem
Apr 11, 2021 12:37 PM
Reply to  stella

In a way, as I say below, it isn’t a fraud because between the hysterical headlines and public health announcements; they tell us that there is no danger & not much risk to your health, but continue to destroy the economy.

And take absolutely no action to mitigate the low risks that they claim there are. They don’t increase ICU capacity, they don’t advise vitamin D, they don’t advice good food, exercise and sunlight. which is beyond weird.

I can only assume they know we are now in a US fascist tyranny, and are waiting for us to catch up; asking themselves; how obvious do we need to be?

Guardian Headline: “Virus hotspots could lead to third Covid wave in UK, scientists warn”
This after, they claim, all the vulnerable are now protected.

Apr 11, 2021 12:05 PM

I think Rosemary Frei’s analysis is very much to the point. To me several of the people in ‘opposition’ to the Covid story I am thinking of Mike Yeadon & Dolores Cahill coming from that specialized micro-biology world are TOO invested in beliefs about ‘viruses’. That can be a real problem as the people leading the opposition partakes in the central assumptions.Not to say they are not good but at least for me too imbued with beliefs about a ‘virus’

I prefer the more fundamental approach of Steven Lanka and the authors of “Virus Mania” representing the German wing or in America Thomas Cowan, Andrew Kaufman or Amandha Vollmer in Canada. If this spell is to be broken it will take some really fundamental thinking/opposition to do it. Like in 9/11 a big part of the story was how the ‘opposition’ hewed too closely to the central assumptions. It took Dr Judy Wood to see a lot further and here in covid hoax we have a similar situation imho

Apr 11, 2021 10:26 PM
Reply to  Patrick

what you on about???
rosemary only figured out vaccine thing less than 3 years back ‘HER OWN words’

previous to this she was thighs deep in the swamp out waltzing with politicians and intelligence services . but hey it seem trendy to follow people like that so jog on dont cry when you find yourself hookwinkd again.

whats wrong with you people.


Fixing Slem
Fixing Slem
Apr 11, 2021 11:32 AM

You don’t even need to check the validity of the data, the data they are providing proves that covid is as dangerous as the seasonal flu, yet people are still afraid and still justify the destruction of the entire economy on that data.

The problem comes when we are to draw conclusion from the data. Anyone with any logical ability knows that the rise of covid does not justify any of the destructive measures.

Look at the UK today, ALL the information available says, including advice from the WHO, that the country should NOT be locked down, yet it will be in some form of lockdown for another few months. What is that if not a tyrannical dictatorship, working to a hidden agenda?

Marie Groupenhausen
Marie Groupenhausen
Apr 11, 2021 12:20 PM
Reply to  Fixing Slem

Response to fear changes according to (likely outcome to response options).
When survival is perceived to be more likely to hide, the response is to hide.
(1 chance in million of being picked to be tortured and murdered by the captors.)

when death is certain <=time to remain alive is the only survival option remaining.
(they are going to shoot you, but before they do;
they want you to lead them to the $), and when they do find the $, if you
helped, your death will be accomplished w/o torture, but if you don’t
cooperate, then when big Al finishes torturing you, you will be burned alive,
your spouse will be tortured, and your children placed in slavey, etc.

Response to fear psychology plays a big part in MSM psychology that governs the
selection of propaganda allowed to be seen by the nation state governed audiences.

The political system in every nation state is not capable to fix anything the oligarch in charge d/n want fixed, no matter the power elected officials seem to have. The
political system in every nation state, is like the customer complaint department in
a department store or in an online service. The customer complaint employees (bureaucrats and politicians, in the nation state system) can only satisfy your complaint if a solution to your grievance falls within the range of authority given to the employees by the (nation state owners, those who own the politicians) store owners.

Media is not the content provider, it merely distributes content, but it does have
the prerogative to control the content that gets distributed.
The propaganda in content is designed and tested by professionals long before it is allowed to be distributed by the MSM. Selection of content controls the public narrative.

Steve Jones
Steve Jones
Apr 11, 2021 4:38 PM

Why did you write “d/n” instead of “do not” (which is what I presume you meant by “d/n”). Why didn’t you just write the entire post like this:
“R/t/f/c/a/t(l/o/t/r/o)” etc.?

Apr 12, 2021 8:22 PM
Reply to  Steve Jones

Might “d/n” mean “definitely never”? IDK! 😉

Apr 11, 2021 11:26 AM

lets see how this post lasts,, lol….. Where was the due diligence when the Balfour declaration was handed over, where was your anger when people on entitlements were mandated under may’s government, to be forced to take a multitude of medication that can harm us, and a lot were screaming to self medicate with cannabis!!!! due diligence my arse this is another psy op by the infiltrated social media to take down the main stream media in the hope that this small change will suffice the populous that big change is occurring!!!!!! this is the french revolution all over, blame the Illuminati when its actually the Freemasons, and by the way there are many times due diligence cannot work especially when it comes to outing secret societies!!!!! due diligence taking studies from medical sights, whom then bring out other studies that contradict but the spokesperson will still push the main stream narrative!!!! this is to make people believe that change is happening, where was your anger when the common law sights were taken down if this is truly about freedom of speech!!!! none!!!!! but oh people like alex jones and ryan cristian, and james corbett who have their own sights, i remember some where being said, this is to make you trust the system that has imprisoned us with the likes of you legal fiction so they can beat you in their controlled legalese masonic courts system, along with low level Freemasons being paid to comment against true justice. watch the interview with kaye griggs and you will hear her stating that she had to take sodium pentathol to take a job for her husband but no push for the call of all leaders in all fields of our society to see who they truly serve!!!!!!! where is the call to open the vaults of the free masonic controlled Vatican and the vaults of all free-masonic lodges why is the protestant and catholic churches not called up for shares in the debt based loan industry, etc,,, how many documentaries of cases where the copper or reporter says they had a hunch!!!!!! i do not trust anything this countries system covers up for, i don’t trust the legal system, monetary system, governing system, i’am no longer left or right, and none of you care that everything is a corporation and that’s why you cannot video record for your protection,, but the system can do this to you!!!!! i will admit that i was against Jews but going full circle i now know its not all but it is the ones whom join the brotherhood that comes before everything. sooooo, how do you truly know that this due diligence is true when it comes from sights stated above. we common lawers tried to stand with you but you blew us off, no more death grip interest ridden for middle class hard working people to lose everything within the talmudic/masonic legal system using the etymology of words to beat you within their system, rubber stamping court orders with no wet signature, to take everything from you!!!!!! but i’m a petchulent little child for thinking this, right james corbett!!!!!!!!! this is your fight now i will not join to change small things and keeping the main stem of this corrupt worldwide system run and owned by the free masonic brotherhood knowing full well that slavery,wars, medical murder, child abduction, the grooming of the best and brightest within the masonic college system will still go on and it will be another generation will go by before you all see what is truly happening, david icke was lying when he said that this is only 1% when i think the actions of the police the court judges and medical staff when a lot of them are involved!!!!! none of you are true christian and have no right to claim that when you dont even follow his teachings of no usury, treat each other how you expect to be treated yourself and love thy neighbor, yes, i’am not a true christian because i cannot love my enemy when they have been doing this to most of us since time and memorial, so its your fight now! i will be dead soon and hopefully my higher consciousness will find some where for me to be on my own, you dont even fight for people who want to be on their own, and i bet ryan cristian, that there are scientists that are being quietened to prove the fact that we are not all herd animals and that maybe just maybe we are more like neanderthals living a life of almost a hermit!!!!!!!!!

Apr 13, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  Dave

what i cant say in my own words i shall leave to the levellers


Apr 13, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  Dave

Apr 13, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  Dave

Apr 13, 2021 7:57 PM
Reply to  Dave

this life of true freedom and going back to the land to feed ourselves, is not for all but you through the mob rule of democracy does not allow us to live that life either, we are forced to live how you whom follow your norman overlords life that does not fit with us and we the people suffer through your bulls*** acts and statutes that favour the elite bloodlines whom took everything from us with the likes of the doomsday book!!!! and foreign laws and ideologies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 13, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  Dave

Apr 13, 2021 8:05 PM
Reply to  Dave

long live the spirit of saxon and ancient brittons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 13, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  Dave

people should demand for the giving over of their energy to be paid in whatever way they want to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not put in corrupt corperate banks and when the act by thatcher to force us all to have our wages put into these banks you were all totally enslaved ryan cristian, so now the push for crypto currency even by tlav, a tool right well so can be the truth seruming of our leaders and main steam media and social media,,, well that can also be a tool ryan but i dont see you or anyone on social media endorsing this!!!!!!!! strange that!!!!!!!!!

Apr 11, 2021 11:19 AM

Why can’t people think for themselves — is that a question?

The human drone will ignore the following BLM story as any criticism would smack of coherence, thus any inconsistency in BLM’s behaviour will be ignored.

The same person will be motivated — and may even take action — in response to the viral TikTok video.

BLM Founder Patrisse “we’re trained Marxists” Cullors Buys $1.4 million Home in 98%-White LA Enclave.
Missouri Ghost Town Swarmed With People After Viral TikTok Video

As I wrote on my blog:

This person has let information drive his muscles not his brain. Instead of responding to news by thinking… who is behind that, why would they… his response is, “I must go there”. War propaganda works the same way. News of a brewing war should trigger the brain to ask… why now, by whom, for whom. Instead in the masses it triggers, “I must go there”.
Brawn not brain is triggered by adrenaline and, in turn, by emotion, according to common analysis. The brain is blocked by confusion which helps to stymie thought and this is Thierry Meyssan’s analysis of propaganda as driving incoherence.


Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 11, 2021 8:49 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Why do some people think black activists have to be poor?

Apr 16, 2021 8:50 AM

It’s not that. Facebook and Twitter are censoring the story so it’s getting less coverage.

Other black BLM activists are calling her out for corruption.
Black Lives Matter of Greater New York chair Hawk Newsome questions how much Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors has contributed to charity.

“As protests broke out across the country in the name of Black Lives Matter, the group’s co-founder went on a real estate buying binge, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone, according to property records.”


George Mc
George Mc
Apr 11, 2021 11:12 AM



Paragraph 32:

“The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. This is discussed further in paragraphs 55 and 56.”

Paragraph 56:

“This shows that most deaths and admissions in a post-Roadmap resurgence are in people who have received two vaccine doses, even without vaccine protection waning or a variant emerging that escapes vaccines.This is because vaccine uptake has been so high in the oldest age groups (modelled here at 95% in the over 50-year olds). There are therefore 5% of over 50-year olds who have not been vaccinated, and 95% x 10% = 9.5% of over 50-year olds who are vaccinated but, nevertheless, not protected against death. This is not the result of vaccines being ineffective, merely uptake being so high.”

Now I have heard the claim that pointing to co-morbidities in the elderly who died with covid means “They were going to die anyway!” (Cue: scandal and outrage over the heartlessness of the claimants) But what does “uptake being so high” amount to other than “They were going to die anyway!”? (Cue ….nothing at all apart from “Nothing to see here! Move along now!”)

David Robinson
David Robinson
Apr 11, 2021 11:12 AM

I’m taking this with a pinch of salt now – I can’t find anything else on the net to confirm it. A similar request was made in England and the response was that stats are unavailable as the vaccination status of a deceased person would not appear on a death certificate.


Terry Silk
Terry Silk
Apr 11, 2021 11:00 AM


George Mc
George Mc
Apr 11, 2021 11:00 AM

Merkel goes Hitler:


The head of Germany’s STIKO vaccine commission Thomas Mertens told Reuters TV the country’s vaccination drive could only have a marginal impact on the third wave of the virus and that a lockdown would be more effective.The number of confirmed coronavirus cases increased by 25,464 in a day, which was 3,576 more than a week earlier, data from the RKI showed on Friday.

Those PCR case generators have proved so effective – and indispensible – to the covid racket that this technology could have been invented with that in mind. Of course that would be paranoid talk. But I wonder if the invention (in 1983 apparently) started a few ruling class craniums thinking?

The Last Prophet
The Last Prophet
Apr 11, 2021 11:00 AM

It’s a shame that more people aren’t organizing maskless shopping groups. I have a LOT of problems with the Boomers, but I have to give them credit for their work during the Civil Rights Movement.

Not that I agree with the Civil Rights Act as I believe it to be government overreach and something for communities to decide (I believe in agorism), but at least the Boomers actively participated in their communities as youth.

It’s funny how most everyone brings up “private property rights” whenever debates about masks arise. Yes, in theory, private businesses should have the freedom to dictate whatever they feel necessary. However, that’s not how the U.S. works. We are NOT a free market society and we’re technically socialist and have been socialist since the creation of the Federal Reserve and FDR’s New Deal program.

In other words, businesses still have to honor medical exemptions (ADA) and religious exemptions (Civil Rights Act of 1964) to face masks. Let’s also not forget how most businesses lack the AUTHORITY to prescribe face masks. Because masks are medical devices, they can only be prescribed by those licensed to practice medicine. What businesses are doing is akin to requiring customers to take medication without lacking the license to prescribe it.

So to come back to what I initially said, the Boomers *did* in fact take up space in segregated businesses without buying anything. Sure, you could argue that they did it because of the (seemingly reasonable) end goals they had in mind, but the point is that they were ACTIVE in standing up against government. You also saw this during the Vietnam War protests.

Why aren’t Gen Zers and millennials protesting the mask mandates? Why aren’t they getting together in groups and storming businesses? At least most maskless shopping groups I’ve seen drop cash and GIVE the place of business revenue rather than just loitering and not buying anything the way the Boomers did during sit-ins.

I think I know the answer to that, and suffice to say…much of the NWO agenda had already been accomplished in the years leading up 9/11. Things only got worse from there.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 11, 2021 8:53 PM

I am a boomer who grew up before the world was being vaxxed for measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox and got the lot. My sister and I both got whooping cough in our teens in spite of the vaxxes and our quarantines consisted of a couple of days inside to make sure if 1 got sick the rest did so quarantine was only done once then out in the sun climbing trees and pretending to be rock stars.

All the boomers I know knew all along the whole thing was a con, it’s vaxxed to death gen x who are the hysterical nutters.

Apr 11, 2021 10:24 AM

These guys do deep dives into crucial figures in the UK Covid narrative, here’s Chris Whitty:


Well, perhaps it doesn’t mean much he went to the same school as Aleister Crowley. But then whose father doesn’t happen to be a senior diplomat who gets gunned down by Palestinian terrorists in Greece?….

They’ve also covered Hancock and Johnson (I thought I knew most of what there was to know about the latter but it turns out there’s much more – especially about his wife).

Apr 11, 2021 12:23 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Moneycircus, Wardropper, Edwige, George Mc, Kalen, Researcher, Maxwell, and all the great commenters, thx for your wonderful comments these last months. I noticed Juracalling has returned…great!

Apr 11, 2021 10:16 AM

What a weird piece from one of the self anointed “leaders of the Covid questioners”. I always take whatever she spouts with a hefty piece of salt as she herself worked for “the dark side”. Something fishy about Frei.

Her astounding discovery that it’s the school system that indoctrinates kids into being mindless serfs is hardly new. Yawn. Next.

Apr 11, 2021 10:02 AM

There is no need to worry about whether Gatto may be “biased” or have an “agenda” whatever that means — political groups have one but I don’t see how individuals can have an agenda or that it matters if they think they do.

 Gatto’s findings are corroborated in multiple places and he draws on many sources. If I have a criticism, it is that Gatto can be a little loose with quotation and the inferences he draws. But there is no doubt that he turned up dynamite evidence that supports his own empirical findings. He was a much-honoured teacher in his own right. He tested this ideas in practice. He walked the talk.

 Rosemary mentions Iserbyt. There also is the testimony of Norman Dodd to the Reece Committee .

 My 2¢.

 Thinking for one’s self is the act of an autodidact. Moreover, it is an act of defiance. A spiritual act. The impetus comes from outside, maybe from family or a single influence but more likely from personal experience relating to one’s treatment by the group.

 I see independence of mind as created by circumstances which often are not intellectual at all. It is, after all, a matter of perception, of “here I stand”.

 Thus something as physical as ostracism or a beating will drive one person to comply and another to defy.

 The problem of groupthink cannot be laid at the school gates. Schooling is what baby fish learn to do. We ask of schools much the same. Teachers are on guard for the tall poppy who is regarded as disruptive. Through history and different regimes teachers have done their part to scythe the tall poppies in the name of conformity, passivity and team players.

 If you gain education at school it is likely to be — once again — the act of an individual teacher who spots a kindred spirit and reaches out. If the world is fortunate, the child will light up in recognition of a fellow mind and a career or at least a lifelong passion may be kindled.

 We should do children a service if we stopped lying to them and instead helped them confront the consequences of their own effort or lack of it. Endless grade inflation does them — and the rest of us — no favours. One of my own postgraduate, vocational diplomas, in journalism, from the 1980s became first a BA and it is now an MA. I have looked at the syllabus. It is much the same.

 Teachers were undermined but many were co-opted, as Gatto, Iserbyt, Dodd and others have evidenced in to the agenda of industrialists and financers to stupify the people in their own financial interest.

 China was a testing ground for western educational theories at the turn of 1900, as Gatto identifies, the dangan being the nascent social credit store . Gatto was well ahead of his time:

 In 1910 the Carnegie Endowment (Rockefeller front) saw war was a means to reshape society. Finally, 110 years later, they found the Plandemic to be an adequate replacement for war. Dodd was well ahead of his time.

 So we may teach children to conclude their arguments, not begin them, with ‘so’. But we must also show that a declamatory sentence that points them in a new direction may correctly begin with ‘but’. We may provide children with grammar and the tools to think. The duty of providing an example and a direction, remains ours.


George Mc
George Mc
Apr 11, 2021 11:50 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Individuals can very easily have agendas and most usually do.

Apr 11, 2021 12:16 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I guess you mean motive. I take agenda literally as a means of coordinating action with others.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 11, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Fair enough. Though your definition of agenda precludes its application to individuals.

Apr 11, 2021 12:06 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Well said.

I would just add that ‘teachers’ should include parents and close family. A twinkly-eyed grand parent who smiles when you question orthodoxy is at least as potent as a ‘kindred spirit teacher’.

To the premise of the article: I agree. I want to hear all sides of a story and come to my own conclusions/working hypothesis, based on my own experiences and reading/listening. To believe one side or the other because it creates less psychological tension is just the same stupidity, or perhaps gullibility, wearing different coloured hats.

Apr 11, 2021 2:27 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

People should freely think and say whatever they think as long as they are personally convinced about what they say and believe that there is evidence based merit in it. (Lying on behalf of others’ interest should be condemned but not prohibited) What they cannot be allowed to do is to individually to act upon their conviction or beliefs from monopolistic positions of concentrated power impacting broader community and aiming to suppress other alternative or competitive convictions and beliefs.

That is what’s the problem with cult covidians as they think and believe that other alternative convictions and beliefs must be suppressed for .. whatever reasons they justify with.

Apr 11, 2021 9:58 AM

Blah blah statistics, blah blah variants, blah blah it’s real, blah blah it isn’t….blah blah the trolls and controllers are having a giraffe watching everybody chasing their tails.

Nobody has mentioned Sir Julian who has been on this since it even began.

Excerpt –
‘The great majority of those at the receiving end of this great global lie called ‘a pandemic’ cannot distinguish fiction from fact, phantom from reality. The deliberate introduction of chaos and confusion is carefully mingled with earnest sounding political calls to “be responsible, get yourself vaccinated” a call then regurgitated by herds of hypnotised ‘believers’.

In an era when television is a digitalised opiate and ‘the news’ is 100% controlled propaganda, millions upon millions are being drawn into a suicidal dependency on quasi-political ‘authorities’ whose scripted words and instructions constitute the poisoned arrows of genocide.

This is not a film. We are already in a pre-planned real time scenario initiated by a small cabal with the intention of reducing the world population by 75 to 90% and, in the process, stealing all possessions in private ownership and using weaponised EMF technologies to create a 24/7 surveillance and mind control state. If there is one outstanding element that runs through all aspects of this control agenda, it is it’s dark intent. This is a satanic operation.

Full article by Sir Julian Rose here.


Apr 11, 2021 10:55 AM
Reply to  Corarden

But no citations to back up his wanderings into the fairytale land of masons, satanic rituals etc. So much BS on the internet.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 11, 2021 9:38 AM

If you download the data and sum the 2020 deaths it comes to 3,338,447 in the USA.
The sum for the years 2015 thru to 2019 are: 2,647,297 2,731,461 2,810,580 2,838,772 2,852,462 with an average of 2,776,114 so 2020 is 20.26% above the average of 2015 thru to 2019. Why do I get downvotes for pointing out this is massive excess mortality? You can see just by looking at the graph there is a huge increase.

If we divide this by the population to calculate a rate per 1000 is comes out to over 10 and we would have to go back atleast before 1950 to find that rate. It’s actually more because the first quarter of 2020 was pre covid and tracking below average so your talking about a massive jump not seen in recent decades yet there is people trying to say there is no excess mortality.

Apr 11, 2021 9:54 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

They cleared hospitals. Cancer & other treatments & operations were cancelled. Doctors generally stopped treating people. Many folk had regular medication denied. People got depressed : suicides increased.

Apr 11, 2021 9:54 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Lockdowns killed more than the “virus”.