CIJA Sting Operation Stirs FCDO’s ‘Hotch Potch’ of Spooks
Vanessa Beeley

A recent sting operation carried out by the Commission for International Justice and Accountablity (CIJA) entrapped an unsuspecting academic member of the Working Group on Syria Media and Propganda (WGSPM) into engaging in a series of email conversations with a fake “Russian agent”.
These emails were then supplied to the BBC producer, Chloe Hadjimatheou, who is responsible for a prolonged smear campaign against the Working Group, journalists and former diplomats who are challenging the establishment narratives on Syria — narratives that have sustained the “humanitarian” pretexts used to justify the ten-year proxy war against Syria by hostile states forming the US Coalition.
The UK has played a major role in the war to topple the Syrian government and to reassert US/UK rule-by-puppet over the country and, effectively, in the region.
The academic Paul McKeigue, who was targeted by CIJA, was in the process of investigating the organisation’s financial background, their intelligence agency, US State Department and other government connections and their collaboration with extremist armed groups fighting inside Syria.
McKeigue’s briefing on CIJA was published shortly after the revelation that he had been the victim of the protracted sting operation launched by CIJA.
Professor Tim Hayward, another member of the WGSPM, has asked important questions about the conflict of basic principles demonstrated by CIJA’s entrapment.
McKeigue’s briefing demonstrates that “in the Syrian conflict, one of the most prominent organizations reported to be gathering evidence of crimes allegedly committed by the Syrian government is the Commission for International Justice and Accountability (CIJA), established by William Harry Wiley, a Canadian former army officer.” CIJA is at the centre of a number of initiatives to push through charges of alleged “war crimes” against Syrian officials and President Bashar Al Assad himself.
CIJA is a major cog in the wheel of politicised justice designed to crush countries legally that have resisted UK/US-dominated military interventionism, as Syria and her allies have done successfully for ten years. McKeigue’s briefing provides a rigorously researched analysis of why CIJA was incubated, and of the nexus of UK government bodies and intelligence agencies behind the operations in Syria.
My focus in this article is not on CIJA but on an ostensibly minor spin-off from the parent complex. I was intrigued by an “entertainment” company established in November 2019, one week after the death of James Le Mesurier, the former British military intelligence officer who founded the terrorist-linked White Helmets organisation financed by multiple governments invested in regime change in Syria, headed up by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (UK FCDO).
The CIJA sting and McKeigue’s subsequent briefing included the first mention of a company called Hotch Potch Entertainment, established by an erstwhile colleague of Le Mesurier, Alistair Harris, who is an influential fixer for UK FCDO interventionist policies globally. Harris was interviewed by BBC producer, Hadjimatheou, for the Mayday series, a concerted attack against the WGSPM and associated independent journalists who have been questioning mainstream narratives on Syria for years. The timing of the establishment of the company led me to investigate further.
Hotch Potch Entertainment, Alistair Harris and the MI6 spin-offs
Alistair Harris is listed as one of three directors of Hotch Potch Entertainment Ltd (HP), which was set up on 18th November 2019, and has its registered office listed as Lower Newnham Farm in Dorset, UK.
Harris has a history of involvement with UK FCDO foreign policy operations in the Balkans, Pakistan, Central Europe, Yemen, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Syria.
Harris was the founder/director of Analysis Research and Knowledge (ARK) Lebanon in 2009.
In 2011, as the “Arab Springs” swept across the Middle East plunging the region into orchestrated chaos, Harris established ARK FZC (registered in Dubai), later renamed ARK Group DMCC, as another of the multiple outreach agents providing intelligence support for UK FCDO foreign policy in nations targeted for regime change.
CIJA was an ARK creation, as were the White Helmets, founded by James Le Mesurier while he was employed by ARK in 2013.
Le Mesurier was with ARK from 2011 until 2014, when he established Mayday Rescue (also originally registered in Dubai, later in the Netherlands) as a so-called NGO which acted as intermediary between UK and EU governments and the White Helmets, funnelling funding to that entity embedded with armed groups dominated by Nusra Front (Al Qaeda) in Syria.
Le Mesurier’s second wife, Sarah Tosh — who also conducted work in Lebanon for UK FCDO contractor Siren — was likewise an ARK employee from 2013 to 2020, and his third wife Emma Winberg founded Innovative Communications and Strategies (InCoStrat) together with Paul Tilley, another suspected MI6 agent and former military officer.
Incostrat was tasked and funded by the UK FCDO to provide PR and media support for US/UK-backed armed groups in Syria. These groups included Jaish Al Islam (Army of Islam), a group renowned for sectarian brutality and ethnic cleansing pogroms across Syria. Jaish Al Islam admitted using banned chemical weapons against the Kurds in Sheikh Maqsoud in 2016, to the north of Aleppo City. Winberg later joined Mayday Rescue as a director alongside Le Mesurier.
After Le Mesurier’s demise (in November 2019), Winberg joined Guernica Chambers, a legal practice co-directed by UK FCDO-contracted lawyer Toby Cadman, who is also on the board of CIJA.
CIJA, the organisation behind the sting operation that effectively entrapped McKeigue, was spawned from Harris’ ARK Group. All these connections demonstrate the incestuous nature of these barely concealed UK government- and intelligence agency-linked networks that provide essential legal, media and intelligence/information back-up for Global Britain’s neo-colonialist, hybrid-war-focused foreign policy.
While Harris appeared to dodge the issue of his potential MI6 connections when interviewed by Hadjimatheou for the BBC’s Mayday series, McKeigue had concluded that Harris is or was very probably a British intelligence operative. His UK FCDO-linked operations certainly reinforce that conclusion.
The activities of Harris’s ARK Group DMCC in the Syrian conflict and in Lebanon are described in detail in batches of leaked FCDO documents that appeared online in September 2020, labelled as Operation HMG Trojan Horse.
When the first batch of files revealing the extent of UK FCDO (the recent rebranding of the previous FCO) subversive operations in Lebanon were released on 11 December 2020, the Anon preface to the leaked material included a warning to British Embassy intelligence officers to leave Beirut before the second batch of documents was released.
McKeigue points out that Harris did indeed relocate from Beirut to London at this time, “announcing on his LinkedIn profile that on 21 December 2020 he had been appointed to a new post with the Stabilisation Unit’s Civilian Stabilisation Unit.”
The British Ambassador to Beirut, Chris Rampling, also resigned “for personal reasons” during the same period; perhaps a coincidence.
The three directors of Hotch Potch and their spy ring potential
In Companies House records, Harris is listed as a “business owner” by occupation, and his country of residence is given as the United Arab Emirates. His co-directors in HP, both appointed on 18 November 2019, are Helen Frances Busby (Solicitor) and Simon Jules Wilson (Consultant). Busby is listed as UK resident, Wilson based in Oman. The registered address of HP is Lower Newnham Farm, Broadwindsor, Beaminster, Dorset, UK.
Tellingly, a Google Maps search for the property reveals that the building has been obscured.
This is not necessarily unusual, but the investigation into the other businesses registered at this address and the British government and/or intelligence links of company directors do increase suspicion.
It also reminds me of the Integrity Initiative disused mill scam — yet another military/intelligence operation running (dis)information campaigns, with Russia as a primary target.
Wilson appears on a list of MI6 officers published in 1999, detailed as “Simon Jules Wilson: date of birth 1966; [diplomatic cover postings with year —] 91 Athens, 93 Zagreb, 199 New York, 02 Budapest”.
Wilson’s biography confirms these postings, followed by missions in Oman, Iraq and Kuwait. He left the “British Diplomatic” service in 2012 and now works as “an advisor on government relations for a number of companies specialising in the Gulf”. Wilson speaks Russian, Hungarian, Serbian, French, Greek and Arabic. Wilson was appointed OBE in June 1997.
When the spy list was leaked in 1999, the British government tried unsuccessfully to prevent the information’s publication on the web.
Blame for the breach of security was attributed to Richard Tomlinson, an “embittered” MI6 agent who was released from service in 1995 and later served a jail sentence for “violating Britain’s Official Secrets Act”.
The UK Foreign Secretary at the time, Robin Cook, claimed the list was “riddled with inaccuracies” but admitted that some names were indeed those of current MI6 operatives.
After being “let go”, Tomlinson made a number of assertions, some quite impactful, “including accusations that MI6 tried to assassinate the Yugoslav President, Slobodan Milošević, in 1992”; that British intelligence was involved in the death of Princess Diana; and that the UK had a “highly placed spy in German’s central bank who leaked secrets over a 12-year period”.
Tomlinson was, unsurprisingly, discredited as being “prone to fantasy” by a UK Foreign Office (UK FCDO) spokesperson.
The release of the MI6 agent names led to the withdrawal of operatives from the Balkans, as widely reported in 2004 here and here, and it exposed the murky, clandestine operations of the British government and intelligence agencies as part of NATO operations to destabilise and forcibly partition the former Yugoslavia, a dismemberment perceived by various analysts to be the blueprint for operations against Syria and other target nations.
Harris was also working for the UK FCDO from 1996 to 2002 and his postings included the Balkans, Central Europe and Pakistan. Harris speaks Serbo-Croat and “operational”-level French and Arabic. Harris was appointed an OBE in 2013 “for services to stability in Lebanon”: ironic, as the recent UK FCDO document leak has revealed that Harris was yet again involved in an extensive destabilisation project in a country torn apart by externally-orchestrated sectarian divisions.
Why would two such high-level UK FCDO operatives, both suspected MI6 agents, combine to establish a company that purports to provide motion picture and television programme production activities, immediately after the death of James Le Mesurier?
It is also worth observing that Le Mesurier’s death on 11 November 2019 followed on from a protracted investigation into suspected fraud and embezzlement by the Mayday Rescue NGO founder and director who had set up the NGO, in 2014, to funnel government funds to the terrorist-embedded White Helmets inside Syria.
There is the possibility of another connection between Le Mesurier and Simon Wilson, namely in Iraq. Wilson was there in 2005 and Le Mesurier was adviser to the Minister of Interior in Iraq around the same time.
Work on the BBC Mayday radio ‘documentary’ began in late 2019; the series was eventually broadcast in November 2020. Harris was interviewed by Hadjimatheou, as was Abdul AlKader Habak, a former ARK-trained videographer and stringer working inside Syria, who was also listed as a researcher for the entire Mayday series. Chloe Hadjimatheou has been asked, by myself and journalist Kit Klarenberg, whether she or the BBC have any connection to Hotch Potch.
The response I received, not from Hadjimatheou herself but from a BBC publicist, is as follows:
This programme is the result of independent investigation by an experienced team of BBC journalists and we stand by it and our journalism.
In regards to your specific query regarding Hotch Potch Entertainment, there is no connection between this organisation and the series. Please make this clear.
This response clearly does not address the possibility of a connection between Hadjimatheou and Hotch Potch, a possibility raised in McKeigue’s briefing; it answers a question I did not actually ask. Why?
On 10 February 2021, Wilson and Helen Busby applied for Hotch Potch to be dissolved before accounts would become due, resulting in the disappearance from view of Hotch Potch and a lack of website or any accounts to give some indication of the outfit’s purpose or client base.
The Lower Newnham Farm / Beaminster company cluster
Hotch Potch is not the only company apparently linked to a former MI6 VIP registered at Lower Newnham Farm.
George Busby Ltd
George Busby Ltd was registered at Lower Newnham Farm in April 2015. Listed as a management consultancy (in the sub-category “Activities other than financial management”), its directors are Helen Frances Busby and George Busby. A filing of micro-company accounts in April 2020 show a turnover of £192,189 — as against £473, 016 in 2019. Capital and reserves also dropped from £363,780 in 2019 to £125,558 in 2020.
Apart from the obvious connection to Helen Frances Busby, who was also listed as “solicitor” for Hotch Potch, the George Busby links took us back into MI6 territory.
Busby was named alongside Hotch Potch’s Simon Wilson in the 1999 Balkans MI6 agents leak: “George Benedict Joseph P Busby: [diplomatic-cover postings] 89 Bonn, 92 Belgrade; date of birth 1960; OBE.” Thus, Busby was in Belgrade one year before Wilson was in Zagreb — and the disgraced spy Tomlinson claimed that the MI6 assassination plot against Milošević was in 1992. Busby was appointed an OBE in 2015, when he was serving as Counsellor, British High Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan. The appointment was for services to international security.
An article published in the Nacional, a Serbian daily newspaper, in 2004, alleges the pivotal role played by Busby to further British interests in the Balkans as a senior MI6 operative. He is described as later becoming “one of the six top men in the agency”.
After Belgrade, Busby was relocated to Vienna, which, according to Nacional, is considered the main spy headquarters for the Balkans and Central Europe. The Nacional names Busby as one of those most intent on the overthrow of Milošević, alongside another MI6 agent, Anthony Monckton, who is credited with helping to arrange the flight of Milošević to The Hague to face trial for “war crimes” — accusations for which Milošević was posthumously exonerated. The section detailing Busby’s connections to Serbian underworld figures and influential oligarchs has been recorded here.
The Balkan connection
We now have two confirmed MI6 agents, Wilson and Busby, and two suspected MI6 agents, Harris and Le Mesurier, all with connections to the Balkans and the Middle East, all appointed OBEs (Le Mesurier was appointed in 2016) and born around the same time, all acknowledged as “international security” specialists. Le Mesurier founded the UK FCDO-incubated White Helmets while working for Harris at ARK, which then spawned CIJA.
Le Mesurier operated extensively in the Balkans both while serving with the British military and then as policy adviser on security justice to the United Nations mission to Kosovo. In July 1999 and continuing until 2000, Le Mesurier “was appointed Intelligence Coordinator for Priština City, acting as liaison officer between intelligence officers of different national contingents” forming KFOR (the NATO-led Kosovo Force). It was under these auspices that Le Mesurier helped transform, or rather, rebrand the Al Qaeda/Albanian warlords of the Kosovo Liberation Army into the Kosovo Protection Corps.
Burstock Ltd — military-intelligence networking
Burstock is registered at PO Box 9256, Beaminster, Dorset, UK. The company is listed as carrying out “other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified”. It was incorporated in July 2015. Its directors are Helen Frances Busby, George Busby, Sir Barnabas White-Spunner and Lady Amanda White-Spunner.
George Busby and Sir Barnabas White-Spunner were the original directors “with significant control”. Helen Busby and Lady Amanda White-Spunner joined in January 2018. Notably, in the company filings another address is also listed: “Lower Sandpit Farm, Drimpton Road, Broadwindsor, Beaminster, Dorset DT8 3RS”.
Burstock is one of the few companies among this cluster that actually has a website. Their mission statement reads as follows:
Burstock helps governments, commercial organisations and institutions to achieve their goals. We can help you to understand how the United Kingdom works and how to engage successfully with British partners. We also help British and multinational organisations engage overseas.
It appears that Busby is maintaining his Balkans role as facilitator for overseas oligarchs and corporate interests to gain a foothold in the UK. According to the website, “Sir Barney White-Spunner KCB, CBE served in the British Army for thirty-five years, finishing as the Army Commander. He has extensive experience in the Middle East, Africa and Asia leading both British and multinational forces. Most recently he has run the largest UK rural campaigning group representing the interests of 500,000 people. He is an Honorary Member of the French Foreign Legion and holds the US Legion of Merit.”
White-Spunner served in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq, eventually retiring from the Army in 2012. So the links to the Balkans and the Middle East are maintained. White-Spunner commanded the Household Cavalry Regiment in 1996, making four deployments to Bosnia. In 1998, he was deputy director of defence policy at the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD).
In 2003, White-Spunner became Chief of Joint Force Operations and Chief of Staff of the national contingent in the Middle East. The general later went on to become the British commanding officer in southern Iraq after the country had been decimated by the US/UK-led war against it, justified by the non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction. Further details are found here.
In 2020, Burstock declared £403,000 in the bank/cash in hand, owing £357,414, and the directors’ salaries amounted to £56,172. In 2016/17 the company appeared to be dormant; in 2018, 2019 and again in 2020, Burstock was exempted from audit due to its size as a small company.
On the Burstock Ltd website, there are lofty and vague claims of projects in hand. They are working with an unnamed Central European government, an unnamed Middle East client, an unnamed government, an unnamed African government and an unnamed but major US aviation service corporation. It is curious that a company ostensibly offering “other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified” is not highlighting major government and corporate clients — unless, of course, these collaborations are intelligence-related and must be shrouded in secrecy, despite the public website.
Pillsdown Partners Ltd
Pillsdown Partners Ltd is another management consultancy (non-financial sub-category), incorporated in April 2018, and registered at the same Beaminster PO Box address. The two directors are Busby and Sir Barney White-Spunner, Helen Busby is Company Secretary. Up to 5 February 2021, the company has been dormant; therefore, no audit has been carried out.
Center for Dynamic Research and BNWS Cladding Ltd
The Busby connections lead us on to a cluster of companies, most with links to Beaminster and some to Lower Newnham Farm. According to Companies House, Busby holds a total of seven company appointments. Of those seven, two are registered to a Beaminster PO Box 9256 — namely Pilsdon Partners Ltd (previously Pilsdon Consultancy Services LLP) and Burstock Ltd (previously Burstock Partners LLP, registered at the Lower Newnham Farm, Beaminster address). George Busby is registered at Lower Newnham Farm.
The Centre for Dynamic Research is registered in Grays, Essex, and BNWS Cladding UK Ltd is registered in Covent Garden, London. A telephone number listings webpage, however, shows BNWS Cladding to be a builders’ merchant based at Lower Newnham Farm, Beaminster.
BNWS Cladding Ltd. — registered in Covent Garden, London, and incorporated in July 2020
In October 2020, the company changed its name from Alubond Cladding UK Ltd. to BNWS Cladding Ltd. and the address was changed from Lower Newnham Farm to Covent Garden in the same month. So, Alubond Cladding UK had been registered at the same address as Hotch Potch and George Busby Ltd. The Covent Garden neighbourhood of London’s entertainment district certainly seems a strange relocation for a company registered as “agents involved in the sale of timber and building materials”. A look at the Covent Garden premises on Google Maps shows what appears to be office buildings, some apparently vacant.
The Centre for Dynamic Research has Busby as Director, is registered in Grays, Essex, UK, and was incorporated in April 2018. The company is listed as undertaking “other information service activities not elsewhere classified” and it does have a website and email address — [email protected].
According to the website, C4DRES (the abbreviated company name given on the website) provides insights and intelligence to give clients the ‘edge’ in their geopolitical decision-making. Its clients are NGOs, government agencies, campaigning bodies and individuals. The company claims to have influenced the Bank of England, the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance minister), and a global foundation providing networking and advisory services to former and current world leaders.
The company claims to have enabled the countering of propaganda by militaries and governments. Once again, there are no client names disclosed. The website is a single page, indicative of it not being a working site, more of a front cover for what appears to be an intelligence-related operation run by a former top man in MI6.
C4DRES is also listed as a dormant company, and it’s accounts show only £100 cash at hand, which begs the question, how did this ‘dormant’ company influence the Bank of England?.
Walsingham Foundation — named after Queen Elizabeth I’s spymaster?
The final piece of the puzzle registered at Lower Newnham Farm, Beaminster, UK is a charity that goes by the name of the Walsingham Foundation. This perhaps reveals a little dark humour on Busby’s part: Sir Francis Walsingham was spymaster to Queen Elizabeth I.
The charity was registered in February 2020 – four months after the death of James Le Mesurier and eight months before the BBC Mayday series was broadcast – and was closed down three months later.
Its trustees are George Busby, Helen Frances Busby and Sir Barney White-Spunner.
According to the Charity Commission for England and Wales website, this is how Walsingham will spend its money [emphasis added]:
The charity aims to promote, sustain and increase individual and collective knowledge and understanding of intelligence analysis and studies for the public benefit. The funds raised by the charity will be used in supporting academic institutions, granting scholarships and teaching intelligence skills.
The Walsingham Foundation provides grants to organisations and individuals, provides advocacy, advice and information, and sponsors or undertakes research. The Foundation operates in Wales and England, and, according to the Charities Commission website, it helps mankind. Again, there are no accounts available to afford transparency to the Foundation’s operations. The website reveals nothing regarding sponsors or donors, nor does it specify recipients of the grants. Is it a barely disguised front for intelligence agency activities with undisclosed funding?
Keeping it in the Intelligence family
I asked journalist Kit Klarenberg for his comments on the constellation of companies in Beaminster, and elsewhere in the UK, established by former British spies who operated in similar regions targeted for UK FCDO interference. Klarenberg told me:
There’s an enormous constellation of Whitehall contractors founded and staffed by former military and intelligence veterans — or are they truly former? — engaged in industrial-scale grift, leeching untold millions from the Exchequer [the British taxpayer] each and every year. Despite the number of firms involved, though, the sphere is incestuous in the absolute extreme and there’s a high degree of staff and operational overlap between them all — much like the highly fluid movement of fighters between separate jihadist groups in the Middle East, ironically enough.
Often, individuals running ostensibly separate companies will work on the same or similar projects. These same people will have connections that may go back to education, military, government etc. MI6 is nothing if not an old boys’ club, specifically recruiting from elite institutions.
There is also the issue of spooks setting up companies of undefined origin that never file accounts throughout their existence.
In September 2019, I exposed Citizens=Network, a seeming front for private intelligence firm Hakluyt, which is staffed by ex MI5/6 operatives and widely believed to be a façade behind which those agencies operate in secret.
Individuals involved in Citizens=Network have set up dozens of companies across the globe over many years, all of which remain officially dormant, sometimes for years. By definition, we don’t know if these entities are used to siphon and/or distribute illicit government or corporate cash. They could also serve as vehicles to conceal and facilitate fraud.
In April 2017, Le Mesurier and Winberg founded a “resilience solutions” company in the Netherlands, R3covery BV. It has never filed accounts, in breach of Dutch law, and Winberg has refused to answer questions about the entity.
One could speculate that the company may have permitted Le Mesurier to funnel money out of Mayday via purchasing “resilience solutions” from himself. It would have shown up on the supposed charitable organisation’s balance sheet as a payment made to an external supplier and slipped beneath an audit radar.
Assumptions of bad faith on the part of these characters should be reflexive. In early 2019, Aktis Strategy, a “conflict resolution” specialist founded by two veteran FCDO operators, went bust, despite multi-million funding from the UK FCDO.
A vast number of staff, and subcontractors, are still owed months of pay, expenses, and pension contributions. Yet one of its directors, Andrew Rathmell — former deputy director of the Foreign Office Strategy Unit — lives in a £2 million home in Oxfordshire. He charges members of the public £5 to visit his garden, which the National Garden Scheme describes as a “wildlife haven”.
The sting operation to entrap individuals seeking justice
Questions should definitely be raised as to the purpose of a media company established so soon after the suspicious death of James Le Mesurier and hot on the heels of a financial controversy surrounding the organisation Le Mesurier had established to siphon government funds to the equally controversial White Helmets.
Did Mesurier’s former employer, Harris, establish Hotch Potch so soon after the suspicious death of Mayday Rescue’s Founder in order to help with the cleaning up of suspected financial irregularities? Was Hotch Potch involved in providing information for Hadjimatheou’s “investigation” despite the BBC’s denial?
While the BBC is refusing to provide any further details on its involvement, if any, with Hotch Potch, it is clear that the director of the company, Harris, is intrinsically linked to UK FCDO-outsourced intelligence operations that have destabilised multiple countries, including Syria, Lebanon and states in the Western Balkans.
Harris is, in fact, at the centre of the web of entities pushing to bring Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague.
CIJA deployed an unethical sting operation to entrap McKeigue into revealing details about colleagues who are working to expose the black ops that the UK FCDO has planned and carried out against Syria for more than a decade.
Who is going to put the boot on the other foot and entrap the BBC, the MI6 spin-off agencies and UK FCDO outreach organisations into revealing the extent of their campaign to destroy Syria and other sovereign nations, concealed beneath the fig leaves of “humanitarian aid”, “diplomacy” and “security solutions”? When will these entities be held accountable or forced to respond to the questions that any thinking person would ask?
Originally published by UK Column News</h6>
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Vanessa Beeley is the exemplar of courageous iournalism. She’s a far better investigator, a better writer, and far far far more courageous than the desk jockeys masquerading as reporters at the New York Times and The Guardian. Another great reporter, Elizabeth Vos covers the same beat. These two women endure great hardship and danger to gather and data and connect the dots, in order to report on the West’s dirty war in Syria. These two journalists are great heroes.
Vanessa B, and OffG, I think you are absolute Trojans for all the work that you do. Thank you.
Thank you, Ms. Beeley.
Study: Covid-19 nasal swabs may be causing meningitis infections
“New research published in the independent French journal Académie nationale de médecine shows that PCR tests for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “are not without risks” and could result in a meningitis infection.”
Seems like you’ve reached peak illegitimacy. Oh well.
The type of text message they sent me disallowed replies.
People on the AZ trial were not given a true placebo but a meningitis vaccine which is known to produce adverse reactions, thus reducing the downsides of the Covid vaccine.
On my smartphone I received the following text message from the National Health Service before blocking and reporting it as spam: “If you haven’t already booked your first dose of the free NHS coronavirus vaccination, you can book online at or by calling 119. Your local GP practices may also contact you about booking, if they haven’t already. This message has been sent from the NHS.”
I have Massive Respect for Vanessa Beeley.
I would just like to give a Prediction for sometime in the future…
If you wear a mask, or admit to having had the Vaccine
Then you won’t get in.
Because The Vaccine Gives You COVID when you were Perfectly OK before.
I reckon we are making progress.
tony the other day you said you was banned !
Pandemic: Plans For ‘vaccine Passports’ Were In Place 20 Months Before Covid-19 Outbreaks. The ‘European Commission’ – the executive body of Europe – first published that proposal for vaccine Passports on 26 April 2018. This was buried in a document dealing with ‘Strengthened Cooperation against Vaccine Preventable Diseases’, as usual the proposal was mainly ignored by the MSM!
Apologies for typo Pandemic should read “Plandemic” which has now turned out to be the Scamdemic!
“This was buried in a document dealing with ‘Strengthened Cooperation against Vaccine Preventable Diseases”
There are no vaccine preventable diseases, as vaccines are fundamentally non-essential toxic additions. And those additions are causative regarding disease.
You are correct in pointing that out, there are no vaccine preventable diseases!
watch Trust Who documentary
From Animal Farm 1945
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
– George Orwell –
– Eric Arthur Blair –
(June 25, 1903 – January 21, 1950)
Oh dear, Anubis was smelling the ancient wisdom of the sands.
Anubis is not, malicious, but as the black hound of vengeance, he kinda does his thing. And no magic circle can protect you.
Glass all around you, monitors, the soil, the processors, the walls. That’s what Anubis reminds you of.
From around 40 minutes in, this gets very interesting.
The Motherload
“I can see what the world has done to you
I can feel the weight, feel the weight
I can see what this life has handed you
I can feel the weight, feel the weight
This time, this time, things’ll work out just fine
We won’t let you slip away
This time, this time, things’ll work out just fine
We won’t let you leave this way
Well, they were wrong.
aspnaz threatened me with premeditated murder through contract killing, btw.
You might want to consider what that means.
Psycho, not so psycho any more? Go run to mama or grow a pair.
You tell people to fuck off all the time, you think you can outshine the worst of human badness. Sorry, you are weak just like the rest of us.
Human badness has no limit, don’t go that way. Human goodness has very definite limits, so if you want to show how great you are, then goodness is a much more achievable goal.
Listen, the concept of you and me, in the same world is not possible. Mutually exclusive. The only us you ever could even know, is dead.
So, you have a LOT of math to do.
Major Monbiot toy-throwing incident this morning. Soimebody’s dared suggest that maybe the incessant fear porn he and his rag keep pumping out isn’t entirely beneficial.
Monbiot…the atomic fuckwit. Even after Fukashima, the guy thinks it’s a great idea to go nuclear.
Japan Says Dumping Fukushima Radioactive Water in Pacific Ocean is Now “Unavoidable”
Btw, I don’t think these “leaders” understand that this world is not capable, doesn’t have the capacity for “reset”.
Radioactive waste water from Fukushima has been “leaking” into the Pacific ocean for over 10 years. Apparently, everyone in Japan considers radioactive fish a delicacy. Mmmmm. Feed it to your kids till they glow in the dark… Add a dash of mercury for color…
I know allot of ignorant fuckers will disagree (because they’ve read fact-checkers or whatever) but Helen Caldicott pointed out the health impacts of radioactive dumping for years after the Fukushima event…
My own take: A completely different “reset” will be Natures way of responding to man’s disrespect of Nature…
Of course I know a lot about this shit, the thing is, that tritium and cesium shit accumulates there, and then they have big releases when reaching storage capacity. The iodine is released through venting or simply atmospheric exposure.
Every single (fission) nuclear power plant is a perpetual disaster. And that’s when they’re “functional”.
My take is I don’t grant resets. Are you gonna bribe the sun, so that you can try and continue raping earth? Coz that’s disallowed.
Mammon worshipers can only lose, too bad.
The mammon worshipers already lost. Someone should let them know…
There is NO solution – even foreseeable – to cleaning up nuclear energy. Look up the mighty boondoggle of Hanford in USA for repeated attempts to resolve this. To distract attention from the “free world”, we can talk about the messes in Russia and E. Europe.
Until publicity stopped the practice, the seas and oceans were the dump sites for nuclear waste. E.g., in the Irish Sea. Other long-lasting stuff dumped – in containers that inevitably leak – include POPs such as dioxin. All hail progress!
Hello mgeo: There have been 74 incidents of runaway nuclear core problems in the last 40 years. Most of these incidents go unreported. Nuclear power is generated from an inherently unstable process.
What’s More Dangerous Than Fukushima?
Published on Feb 10, 2015
From Chernobyl to Three Mile Island to Fukushima, we’ve seen time and time again the dangers that nuclear power presents. So, if a plant has already had a near disaster, why would anyone want to build ANOTHER nuclear reactor at that same plant?
Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear discusses.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission doesn’t want anyone to question the long term consequences of nuclear waste disposal…. We’re staring down an infinite hole in our decision making processes.
I understand that The Guardian benefits greatly.
With the increasingly exotic media portrayal of covid, I keep thinking of the last lines of that movie War of the Worlds. This is where those fiendish Martians, who can effortlessly demolish every puny weapon unleashed by humanity again them, succumb to the tiniest Earth microbes. Here are the lines (imagine an impressively cavernous tone from Morgan Freeman):
“From the moment the invaders arrived, breathed our air, ate and drank, they were doomed. They were undone, destroyed, after all of man’s weapons and devices had failed, by the tiniest creatures that God in his wisdom put upon this Earth. By the toll of a billion deaths, man had earned his immunity, his right to survive among this planet’s infinite organisms. And that right is ours against all challenges. For neither do men live nor die in vain.”
Yes – the Martians, following a different line of evolution on a different planet, are unable to cope with those Earth microbes. With covid, you have the same idea but in reverse: we humans cannot cope with a bug so seemingly unprecedented it is like a virus from another planet.
And that is certainly how it is portrayed throughout the media. Well, it’s odd how we had all that natural immunity but now it has apparently gone. Ah – but I daresay our bold “Left” will explain that covid is some kind of Frankenstein bug created by capitalism, and needing – oddly enough – more techno-obsessed capitalism to fix it!
I’m more moved to remember the opening monolgue from the album:
“No-one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No-one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinized, as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets. And yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us…”
Substitute the self-professed elite for the Martians and that just about sums it up.
That monologue misses out the most chilling bit in the original HG Wells intro:
It’s that creepy word “unsympathetic” that does it!
Also note the “God” reference in the movie outro. That’s Hollywood. Most definitely not Wells who wasn’t a believer.
Plus, daily, there is now talk about ‘aliens’ visiting us. New footage, previously classified…blah blah blah. Looks like Von Braun’s warning about the fake alien invasion following hot on the heels of the fake virus invasion, that followed on from the fake terrorist invasion was spot on.
And I only just realised that the Wells book was the source for one of the most disturbingly potent mass scares – although accidental (?) This was of course the Orson Welles radio broadcast which jammed the freeways with hyperventilating dupes who were convinced the Martians were indeed invading. Well you could go down the conspiratorial path and think that may have been a “test” to see if such a scare would work. However – I don’t think you need to do that. Even if it was unintended, I’m sure the powers would have been intrigued by the phenomenon and would have thought, “Hmm….now we can use that!”
It was certainly studied as a test. Was it conducted as a test: probably.
Was the intention to frighten us “from” aliens or to frighten us “into” the arms of the protective elite. It’s been argued it was the latter… that modern Pentagon/NASA UFO disclosures are a continuation of the same archetypal story that Wells and Welles were spinning.
The moral of the story is always the same: trust your betters. Put your faith in Big Papa Government. Only he can save you.
Conduct the experiment yourself: see what people’s response is to UFO/aliens/hypersonic missiles (H.G. Well’s version of war from the air, of which he was a great proponent – See “Things To Come”.)
Consider that for most readers of The Guardian Russians = Martians.
What is the consequence of the daily warnings of Martians in the press…. testing our defences, breaching our cyber networks, threatening to black out our electric grid and to rain devastation from the heavens.
Is it not the same old-time story?
As an astrologer I have been bemused through all of this that neptune is opp the point it was at when Wells read war of worlds and sent the US into mayhem….sadly we got it for now well over a year where as they called off the farce after 3 days…
Interesting. The ‘left’, you say? So, it’s not Big Pharma escalating this covid nonsense in order to flog it’s ‘vaccines’, then?
Actually, it is exactly that. So good is the situation for the pharmas that, with the need for booster jabs every year, it’s kerching forever.
It’s Big Pharma escalating this covid nonsense in order to flog it’s ‘vaccines’ in joint production with the govts who benefit from creating a police state to manage an economic collapse. And the “Left”, i.e. the controlled opposition, play an indispensible part in “legitimising” it.
“neither do men live nor die in vain” is apoligia, of course.
Viruses are like exosomes but “people weren’t really thinking that way”, so it’s “provocative”.
“Margolis and his colleagues at the NICHD and abroad weren’t the first to notice the similarities between vesicles and viruses, but their 2016 paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences was the first to hypothesize that they were two extremes of the same phenomenon. The idea was provocative, said Dirk Dittmer, a virologist…because people really weren’t thinking in that way. “But those are the kinds of things we like to debate late at night, and no one has an answer.”
“What Margolis’s idea needed was more evidence supporting the close relationship between viruses and exosomes. This support eventually came from two independent labs that weren’t even studying this relationship.”
Apparently a conference thing (supposedly not industry) regarding health.
Michael Greger, Neal Barnard, Marianne Williamson, T. Coling Campbell, Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr, Joel Fuhrman, William Li, Kim Williams, John A. McDougall, David L. Katz, Michael Klaper, Brenda Davis, Dale Bredesen, David Wolfe, Milton Mills, Brian Clement, Pamela A. Popper, Joel K. Kahn, Jeffrey M. Smith, Melanie Joy, Stephana Seneff, Gabriel Cousens, Julieanna Hever, Ian Harris, Vandana Shiva, Anna Maria Clement, Mark Sloan , Theodora Scarato, Keith Block, Ralph Moss, Baxter D. Montgomery, Gerald Posner, Aly Cohen, Sunil Pai, Lloyd Burrell, Hope Bohanec, Sayer Ji.
Durian Rider says Dr Greger is very confusing and his book is shit. Apparently he has some connections with the Gates foundation. There is some articles on his site saying stuff like cheese has more aluminium than vaccines.
Well, discernment is useful. If he peddles shit, he peddles shit.
There would always be some subversive or undermining elements.
In some kinds of cheese, it is potentially feasible that aluminum levels are high (considering especially cow treatments, vaccines, medications, feed).enough to be comparable to vaccines.
The big thing is though, you don’t inject yourself with cheese.
The metabolic dynamics are entirely different, so ANYONE equating the content of ANYTHING in vaccines vs dietary (far more robust, doesn’t skip inherent defenses, much slower processing significantly lower cellular energy effects nowhere near as volatile or toxic so your body can mostly easily expel it) intake is a piece of shit moron. Very simply.
Also, the amount of aluminum from cows with good conditions, not your typical industrial farming, would be significantly lower, too.
From now on I only speak with toxic fire.
*I can’t type if I’ve not been drinking.
Glyphosate exposure during pregnancy causes hormonal changes in baby girls
Yeah, and low vitamin D, iodine, PQQ, excess chlorine, fluorine, BPAs, medications, vaccines, etc. Pretty much any lymphatic, mitochondrial factors. And unnecessary factors obviously only cause negative results.
I mean, who fucking cares? Your liberty is being overrun and you are talking fucking vitamins? Why not try to find a solution to the problem?
Yeah it’s much better focusing on, peddling politics and shit RATHER than addressing fundamentals.
Vitamin D, that will save me from the vaccine passort restrictions.
Our liberty is being over run because people are totally ignorant about their health and this can be manipulated by shit pumped out by media at the behest of the pharma industry…suggesting that health issues can be solved with ideas belonging to last century, dressing them up as fancy because they created the supposed virus bit by computer code to make the young computer geeks think it is special when it isn’t…ignorance is bliss apparently but that is neptune for you.
That’s correct Edith, because of the poor understanding, people are controlled by the bullshit projections and thus legitimize and perpetuate stupid shit. Like when they vote.
Hello Edith: Yes. People are ignorant – and arrogant… They’ve been taught to poison themselves, as well as every living organism around them. “Go forth, and be abundant” Yah, right…
Their thinking processes are polluted, and the environment reflects the mental pollution and soul corruption right back at them. Like Adam and Eve, they blame it on the devil. It’s all a sick joke, and they don’t even get it.
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the rule of brute force.” – (Ayn Rand).
🛂Your papers please ❗
They can only demand my papers so many times before I throw myself on the tracks. They will spend much time scooping gloop from the rails.
I plan to start marketing a death rattle. It will be like a baby rattle that you carry… but you rattle it before you do the act. It will be the soft tocsin of impending death, either of the arrested individual or the fatal interdiction of the enforcer. The latter will never know which.
The rattle will become the sound of the streets. It will be the warning of approach, the call for assistance; the rally of the feral gang. With time, the mere sound of the rattle will engender PTSD in police and officials.
This quiet war may well turn out to be a tad noisy at some stage if things do not change for the better in the not too far distant future.
But the question is, can you really see 👀 that happening? On the other hand, if nothing constructive happens to change our current situation and prevent what’s in store for us all then we are completely SCREWED! And it won’t just be police and officials suffering from PTSD it will be us!
Vaccine passports are now being rolled out under various names – Excelsior Pass in New York, Green Pass in Israel, the Common Pass is another being touted, and one is shortly to be trialed to be trialed in the UK I believe.
In Chile its mandatory to scan QR codes everywhere, with proof of doing so. Here in Australia, Qantas announced late last year you won’t be able to get on an international flight if you’re not jabbed.
In a nutshell, once these ‘passports’ are rolled out much more widely, we are fucked. Its as simple as that.
I just see this totalitarianism getting closer and closer and unless something drastic happens, or there’s some sort of mass awakening, I don’t see this agenda being averted.
Ah yes Gezzah, a “mass awakening”!
I think this quiet war may provide an opportunity to see if the hundredth monkey effect is a valid hypothesis. if it’s not we’re still SCREWED.
So peaceful and LAWFUL mass action that is effectively organized is probably the only means at this stage that will be able to stop it!
Some attempts have already been made (small scale) using their court system with limited success but as you know the current legal system is corrupt and judges will not step too far out of line.
Under common law judges are not required as it is the jury that adjudicates based on the evidence. The jury can also overturn statutes that are considered to be ‘unjust’.
See Lining by Rule of Law here: -rule-law.
Even the small amount of hope I still have ebbs and flows. And I still see the most resistance to this tyranny happening in Europe.
I’ve been sort of following Rheiner Fuellmich, as he and his team seem to be mounting the most high profile legal challenge. However, I’m also reminded of the decision in the Portuguese High Court about the PCR tests, which, of course, was ignored by the MSM. Obviously.
I’m still not complying with anything, and I do see small numbers of other people on public transport not complying as well, which does help mentally. I’ll check out your link about the rule of law, thanks…
There is a growing amount of stuff on the net trying to debunk the common law and the movement to restore it to its proper place as the Law of the Land.
On there’s a video on the website on CL that was taken off YouTube soon after it was put on. Well worth a watch.
The link to the UK Column article came up as ‘this page no longer exists’. Will look into common law further in the next day or two as it’s time to zzz zzz zzz. Hope your day goes well Co👍
See here for UKC Dissident’s Guide To The Constitution
and also this from Not The BBC
Thanks for the links M… I also checked out the link you posted to the Winterwatch site and the article on Freemasons. That looks pretty interesting as well…
Who is going to put the boot on the other foot
Jeez – this may be even less believable than covid:
But then even Thatcher was an illusion. The Belgrano incident showed how her backbenchers had her by the balls – figuratively speaking (or perhaps not?)
Biden supposed to be announcing tomorrow that US troops are pulling out of Afghanistan. Why do they even bother with formal announcements when the MSM are fed the information days in advance?
The other countries with troops there are expected to follow. An unnamed US official was quoted, ““We will remain in lockstep with them as we undergo this operation.” Funny, I seem to have heard that word before.
The wretched Mitch McConnell has been given a script where he’s against the withdrawal. Look out for where Biden says are now the ‘real’ terrorist threats….
“where Biden says are now the ‘real’ terrorist threats….”
Bhutan? Greenland? Lesotho?
Domestic terrorists. Anti-vaxxers.
Doesn’t really matter, even the hobos here understand that vaccines are worthless degenerate shit.
They can try target them, but, malicious is malicious and karma is brutal beyond their understanding.
Very simply, someone tries to intentionally toxify and degenerate, poison your children, based on abusive industrial means to sell more abusive toxic shit.
Pretty soon, you have a bunch of angry fathers. You know, guys with testicles.
Talking about ideology, Glenn Greenwald is on form.
“The British spy agency GCHQ is so aggressive, extreme and unconstrained by law or ethics that the NSA — not exactly world renowned for its restraint — often farms out spying activities too scandalous or illegal for the NSA to their eager British counterparts. There is, as the Snowden reporting demonstrated, virtually nothing too deceitful or invasive for the GCHQ. They spy on entire populations, deliberately disseminate fake news, exploit psychological research to control behavior and manipulate public perception, and destroy the reputations, including through the use of sex traps, of anyone deemed adversarial to the British government.
But they want you to know that they absolutely adore gay people. In fact, they love the cause of LGBT equality so very much that, beginning on May 17, 2015 — International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia — they started draping their creepy, UFO-style headquarters in the colors of the rainbow flag.
Who could possibly be opposed to an institution that offers such noble gestures and works behind such a pretty facade?.. Just look at their flamboyant support for this virtuous cause of social justice.”
Big Corporations Now Deploying Woke Ideology The Way Intelligence Agencies Do: As A Disguise — Substack
This is no cheap swipe. As Greenwald points out, GCHQ, the CIA and others keep some foul regimes in place “that repress and kill the very people that they purport to honor and cherish…”
They point us instead at “Boogaloo Boys and boomers on Facebook who post Q-Anon and other problematic memes” — often barely-existent spectres of the ever-expanding swathe of society categorized as “far right”.
How convenient that the “woke” agenda helps to do exactly that.
More worrying, Greenwald says, the military-intel-corporate nexus has bought up the politicians; now it wants to control the debate. Lobbying Congress or Parliament is no longer enough. “They are now becoming increasingly powerful participants in highly polarizing and democratic debates.”
Copying intel (perhaps advised by intel) corporations are now shaping the political climate.
He cites how the NYT was unleashed to attack the company Coinbase, one of the few that announced after George Floyd’s death that it would remain apolitical.
Where does the power of Big Business end? Should it determine what can and cannot be discussed in the public forum?
How much control over our lives to we give to Big Business? “If large corporations are crusading for voting rights, why would anyone regard them as a menace?”
When Big Tech offers you a chip or a digital tattoo, are you influenced to give them power to surveil your life because they’re “woke”. Is this why so many people seem blithely unconcerned?
If we celebrate Big Business as our heroes, we ignore their concentration of power and the way they shape society for profit, Greenwald argues, from their slave labour factories to their war on unions and the destruction of the working and middle classes.
If the above scenario does not make you think of fascism, you need to check the definition.
When the military-intelligence-bureaucracy has created a dialectic, a world view that is also a practical means of bringing about that world view; when the military-intelligence-bureaucracy (MIB) and corporate sector think and act as one; you have the apotheosis of fascism.
If any doubt should remain in your mind, ask where The People stand in this scenario: increasingly they are press ganged to hold the same world view.
As Greenwald’s article points out, you are not allowed to opt out. You cannot stand aside and declare yourself to be apolitical. Companies have to declare their allegiance and shout it from the rooftops. Today it is BLM, Defund the Police, No Voter ID.
The causes come out of left field. It is not so much a coherent ideology that you are asked to embrace but the incoherence itself. What cause will be next? If corporations for all their might are forced to chant in unison, what is in store for individuals?
It has already arrived: the MIB, the Corporations and the Volk share the Woke. There is no need for party membership. No formal insignia.
Can I rub that in at the risk of being a bore? Please indulge me: Woke, Volk, Woke, Volk, Woke, Volk.
I can see some strange similarity in a concept that:
Did you learn at school about another state which allowed an ‘outsider’ leading an unusual political force, full of wild and colourful characters — yes, even with colourful sex lives and a strange blend of eastern mysticism and western occult — to come to power?
Just to push the sex thing: did you know in the first year of their putsch the Bolsheviks abolished all sexual discrimination (before reimposing it when time came for a purge).
If you had been a bystander in Munich, would you have recognized them as far-right or even mildly conservative, or would you have been open-mouthed and awestruck by a maelstrom of bright banners and cosmopolitan figures who were, frankly, kind of strange yet presuming to rally the Volk and defend the country against all manner of spectres and external threats.
One Love! One Woke! One Leader!
Or should that be:
One Woke! One World Reich! One Leader!
(Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer)
Note there doesn’t have to be one leader. In 1984, Orwell created the shadowy Big Brother but what served to rally the people was the anti-leader, the enemy, the focus of Two Minutes Hate: Emmanuel Goldstein.
Thus, just as we no longer need to formally join the party or wear insignia — psychological manipulation, surveillance and social credit will takes its place — we no longer need ein Führer. That’s so old school.
One Woke! One World! One Love (and simultaneously its obverse, One Hate)!
I tend to agree with most of what you say apart from the bit about how woke ideology is “imposed on corporations to make them a political force”. I see the corporations as being in bed with the govts i.e. there is a to-and-fro movement between corporations and govts. A revolving door. I think it was Peter Dale Scott who came up with this model of how the main power in our society is exercised through four main actors:
All four are intertwined.
The aim of wokery is to keep public internal divisions as incendiary as possible – and, if possible, to create new divisions. As Morgan Freeman said, the racist issue would be far less damaging as it is if the fucking media would just let it go! And I reckon the endless generation of “newly discovered” (i.e. recently cobbled) gender categories has a double purpose: as well as serving that consumer capitalist aim of creating lucrative new market demographics, it also creates new divisions and hence more opportunity to get the public to kill each other.
Excellent points. You’re right about corporations. Wokery emanates from companies just as from the intelligence agencies. Perhaps it’s had to be imposed on institutions with a traditionally unwoke culture, such as the military and police but that’s been done by infiltration.
Wokery is a divisive force misrepresented as a unifying one. Another parallel I see is with the Swastika, being the ancient wheel of life. Both woke and Swastika were taken from the dispossessed and rebranded and used to divide.
A thought: imagine how powerful it would be if the people restored to the Swastika its ancient significance, divesting it of the fascism that clings like a bad smell.
How the authorities would screech that WE are fascists for reclaiming our culture — while all the time they are the fascists, the power grabbers, the would-be authoritarians, the establishment limpets and the parasite power brokers. They are the ones who stole an ancient eastern symbol and used it to bamboozle the western people.
They are the ones who pretend to ban a “symbol of fascism” while foisting fascism upon the people yet again. The only surprise is how long it took them this time.
My idea’s impossible, I know. It would be too easily misrepresented. So like the Swastika, true woke is doomed to die, to be replaced by its fascist doppelgänger and one day to be banned in a world of fake unity no hugs.
And the conspiracy phobia thing really annoys me. Granted that “Grand Conspiracy Theory” is self-defeating. This is the kind of theory where there is a single group pulling the levers for centuries and perhaps even millennia. Curiously, David Icke has said his reptile contingent are not united and war with each other – but gives us a colourful history where it seems as if every event has these entities acting in unity behind it. Thus, we get a kind of saturation effect where it’s hard to care because ironically the weirder it gets, the duller it gets. Of course, the media love this kind of conspiracy theory which is perfectly suited for straw man purposes i.e. depicting its adherents as batshit crazy.
But there are conspiracies and the recent examples of covid and the gender issue banning a father from having meaningful input into his daughter’s life shows how scarily unified the media can be – and inevitably raises the question as to how this clearly centralised bullshit is being organised. And the Left’s compulsive rejection of all conspiracy theory conveniently stops us from asking these very important and indeed indispensable questions.
Truth! That’s what the whole Woke PC identity politics crap is ultimately all about – divide and conquer. I’m very tempted to use the word ‘snowflakes’ however useful idiots would be more apt. And we see that now with many of these types fully on board with the scamdemic versus all the alleged far right conspiracy theorists opposed to the covid con.
Interesting to note the social background of these spooks. They all seem to have come from a particular social stratum – upper middle class, public school, adolescents who never grew up, and never had what could be called a ‘proper job’ in their lives. They are a tightly knit school boys who think it is absolutely spiffing to go to another country and blow up bridges and murder the hapless inhabitants. Their minders who are even more stereotypical than they are and lavish them with the monies so that they can go and play their murderous games. These are the more vicious elements of the British ruling class along with the buffoons and buffoonery (Johnson) in the political hierarchy. This has been the case for the last 100 years or more. These people are of more use to us than fleas to a dog.
This is a prime example of what real investigative journalism is all about.
An excellent and thorough piece detailing the nefarious activities of the Establishment, and their networks and paid minions, such as the late James Le Mesurier, in their targeting of yet another country which refused to bend the knee.
And also the lengths these parasites go in trying to derail investigations into their war crimes and corruption.
This is the very antithesis of the gunk put out by pet establishment shills at organisations such as the BBC and The Guardian.
Just on a small tangent… the few people I know who were supporters of the so called White Helmets, and believed them to be genuine, are the very same people fully on board with the scamdemic narrative and believe the covid measures are necessary to ‘save lives’.
Why is this completely unsurprising? Gullible is one word that comes to mind.
Hi Gezzah. I wonder if those who believe the White Helmets along with the scamdemic read too many folk tales as jongens — or too few.
A word in the ear about the real world might have given them some skeptical backbone: like those cautionary tales for children. Instead they seem to have taken only fairy tales to heart.
I’m more and more interested in the psychology behind these scams, to know what we’re up against in the victims and the perpetrators. Wraith mentioned a video on mass psychosis. It’s part of a series that’s currently underway and there is a good follow up.
Political ideologies elevate a select few far above the masses and set society up for totalitarianism. This has many variants whether autocrats, pharoes or unchecked rule by bureaucrats and politicians.
“It is delusional… to think of man as an obedient machine… to deny his dynamic nature and to try to arrest all this thinking and acting at the infantile stage of submission to authority.” — Joost Meerloo, Rape of the Mind.
“Not all men want to dominate a large number of other persons, but those who do affect the life of many.” — Silvano Arieti, The Will to be Human.
“Ideology – that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others’ eyes, so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honours.” — Alekesandr Solhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
Ignore the clichéd images of Bolsheviks and Nazis and picture instead… those whose obscene wealth has unleashed megalomania. It is always safer to place examples in the past. If the author had illustrated the video with the likes of Bill Gates and Peter Thiel, overreaching bureaucrats like Britain’s Mark Sedwill, or the plentiful examples of today’s would-be dictator politicians, YouTube would have taken it down.
The Mass Psychosis and the Demons of Dostoevsky
Hi M, in a nutshell, two of the people I mentioned above get their news mainly from The Guardian and Democracy Now (Amy Goodman – enuff said) and ABC, and another couple read The Age, which is like the Australian version of The Guardian. And yes, I tried to open their eyes about the White Helmets. To no avail. Whatever The Guardian or The Age said was gospel truth.
Wraith actually sent me the link to that mass psychosis video which I found very meaty, and also quite chilling, and I agree with you, that psychology series looks really good. Truthstream Media have done similar – they’re on Bitchute.
I will say… since the scamdemic began, I have been so revolted and disgusted by the vile betrayal of the “socialist left” I’ve turned my back on them. I’m probably quite similar to George Mc’s evolution (position) on this as well.
Appreciate this link, will watch it when I get home, thanks👍
I don’t find it surprising that the ones who went along with the White Helmets also go with covid. They are the ones following the “mainstream Left” path which has very clearly been set out – and which I think may be the most important and restrictive neutering part of the entire Western political propaganda model. This is the part which sets the limitations of “the opposition” i.e. the “Left”.
This canonical position, once formulated can never be denied except on pain of being excommunicated and relegated to one of the “leper” communities e.g. “conspiracy nuts”, “Far Right”, “fascists”, “reactionaries” etc.
Well, I pretty much agree with you, and just to be very succint: they are dead to me. I have nothing but contempt for these useful idiots (like my former “socialist” friend) and that Anarchist hipster I saw a couple of weeks ago, and the various grouplets all masked up and social distancing.
And at the same time deriding those actually opposing this fascism as “rightist wingnuts” and “trumptards” and “conspiracy nuts” etc etc.
You’ve no doubt noticed they’re very partial to Extinction Rebellion and Black Lives Matter as well.
I’m absolutely done with them George and am looking to spread my wings further afield so to speak. Try and expand my mind a bit more…
Gezzah and anyone else that is interested, I am reading a recently published book that came highly recommended which is excellent imho it’s called ‘180 deg Unlearn The Lies You Have Been Taught To Believe’ by Feargus O’Connor Greenwood, published by TA-DAH! Books, Folkstone England.
“The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.”
Sometimes a summary sweeps aside the cobwebs, leaving your mind empowered. Such is
“The New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship” by Andrew Gavin Marshall.
It was written nearly 11 years ago by a quite young man.
You can easily just scan it.
It’s an interesting analysis, but the main assumption, that is that eugenics will work through persuasion of scientific dictatorship is, well, an assumption.
It’s interesting that the people who are quoted in the article as those who warn against scientific dictatorship and eugenics rose in scientific fields and were either writers (Huxley) or philosophers (Bertrand Russell). For me that is a big red flag. What if they were just hammering an ideology into readers as if things are inevitable to make people believe that Huxley and Russell are immortal prophets?
Which reminds me of ‘Plato’s dream’ (a short story by Voltaire), in which Plato told his students about the great inventions of the makers of the earth and the planets, but which were not as good as the inventions of Plato, which would last forever. To which one students answered Plato at the end of the lecture: ‘and so then you awoke?’
What is also interesting in this, is that Aldous Huxley wrote books with closed ends, and that Russell tried something similar with the principia mathematica. Closed ends only work in books, not in reality (as Russell found out later through the criticisms on the principia by Wittgenstein). Reality always leaves an open end (as for instance shown in Plato’s dream).
What we today are witnessing is not science, but ‘idol worship of science’ or ‘scientism’. And the good thing about that is that idol worship of science does not work. Being a scientist myself and knowing the scientists that I work with (and who act as if there is just one reality: their reality), makes it easier for me to understand that this whole eugenics brahbrah is just that: brahbrah. Which doesn’t mean that it is not hurtful (it is), but brahbrah will not last forever, but only for as long as people are willing to get along with it. And then the people will change the story into something different.
The open question is: for how long will people accept the continuation of the brahbrah on covid that they hear about by the ‘scientists’ through the media?
And the only honest answer to that is: nobody knows, but we shall see.
But maybe the plan is more Brave New World than 1984?
Quoting from said article…
“Through all of human history, tyrants have used coercive force and terror to control populations. With the Technological Revolution, elites increasingly have the ability to control the very biology and psychology of the individual to a point where it may not be necessary to impose a system of terror, but rather where the control is implemented on a much deeper, psychological, subliminal and individual biological manner. While terror can prevent people from opposing power for a while, the scientific dictatorship can create a personal psycho-social condition in which the individual comes to love his or her own slavery; in which, like a mentally inferior pet, they are made to love their leaders and accept their servitude.
I think it has become quite clear over this past year that the success of the ‘PLANdemic’ psyop in the UK has been the use SPI-B by the government of occupation to coerce the population into willfully abandoning their human rights, the sovereinty of their own bodies and the economic sovereinty of their own countries.
And they did all this becuase they were scared of WHAT?
Watch the latest analysis from Ivor Cummins and ask yourself – if the truth can’t wake people up – what will?
I’ll make this short. > From the quoted text: “Through all of human history, tyrants have used coercive force and terror to control populations.”
And those same populations continue to create children, who are fed and coddled, indoctrinated, and provided with anti-personnel weapons. They are then marched around in confetti filled parades and allowed liberal license to kill every “enemy” in sight…
Where do the tyrants come from? It’s all bullshit.
I’m a fan of Iaonnides because he understood that most published research findings are false. Even so, he used stats generated from a test which is scientifically meaningless.
All the stats used in his study are from a fraudulent test. The RT-PCR test uses primer and probe sequences that match human genomic sequences. It’s not a diagnostic test. It’s not the gold standard. It’s a research tool. So every single stat generated from that test including the infection and mortality rate is false. The antibody tests are irrelevant because antibodies are NOT exclusive, no matter the claims.
SARSCov2 still has not been isolated and purified and shown to be the cause of any illness. We are dealing with a global fraud. Only by understanding and acknowledging the extent of the fraud can there be any meaningful discussion.
I completely agree. Sometimes you have to remove the ‘tent pegs’ one by one.
All these events have a planatery running system….covid delusion belongs to neptune and the current set of eclipses….the major impact has one more sequence to go…then the energy changes to a different set of eclipses…and different emphasis will come in….these will be more combined with the saturn, Uranus face off and include an adventure with the fixed star Algol…that from history usually places emphasis on death and mayhem or a real nature rather than fantasy…
I liked you comment and reflected in its themes – as resonating in my own interest..
Illusions that serve as substitution for feared or denied reality, ‘beget’ according to their kind. Ideas that GENerate in their kind can reflect truth OR self-contradiction masking as currency of meaning. Living Idea is already wholeness by extension, Dead or false ideas seek to recombine fragmented and indeterminate ‘meanings’ to a lost or broken Communication – as if to put Humpty together again – or indeed a novel virus! Closed systems become pathogenic to Wholeness’ extension through us, because conflict with reality is unworkable or unbalanced. Yet protected circles of focus and intent are inherent to the integration of experience as a consciousness or identity complex through which to explore freely.
So the maintaining of a balance of closed and open states is where intention and attention are guided or aligned within a field of receptive communication to context, such that a specialised focus does not develop defences against ‘interference’ to what then becomes a blind program or private agenda set in its own ‘begetting’. A sense of self polarised as oppositional to Context as if a thing in itself creating along the line of its own thought – which is programmed by evasion of true Context as if exposure to loss of a self and life set as control against fear of total loss.
The shift from one illusion to another is no real change at all, only a redistribution of elements and energies within the dream. Yet the mind can operate multiple levels as different attentions given different priority within shifting contexts at a rate its personality is constructed from or upon. The function of illusion is to replace reality in the mind of its ‘projection’, casting out, or imaged modelling.
Any story that substitutes for truth demands truth be hid or masked over, to distance and time. In the meantime a narrative continuity gives priority to facing out into object continuity. Learning to focus such a world is a primary requirement to participate its experience. We think life is a body, but thought shifts billions of times per second to provide support and reinforcement to the total experience that of course we both have and are.
The body as a communication tool, has been developed as a separator and proxy through which to explore the experience of who we are not, or as we are not. Yet it remains purposed to communication regardless being used for fantasy gratification in substitution for appreciating reality as Is. Likewise the mind that has been mapped out to body and world as a conditioned or automatic response.
Conscious realignment to communication, releases the intent to use the tools or forms of communication as a weapon or leverage on Modelling AS IF to control reality. Communication is first, receptive, and through this, moved to act, or ask, seek or unfold fulfilment of true desire. True because nothing is added or taken away from a direct recognition free of coercion. Hence alive or communicating implicitly as presence, inspiring, resonant, meaningful, just, worthy and shared by nature.
The wish to re-Genesis life is from the belief that we both can and have such power. This mind is already looking through a glass darkly at a fragmented and conflicted ‘world’ that is both witness to war death and sickness set over truth, and driver of the hate of such a life as the attempt to escape it, overcome it or redefine it by adaptive compliance to its dictate.
That there is an already Wholeness of active Extension is hidden or discarded by the mind set in the conflict of its own mis-begetting and driven to complete and impossible or futile task. Garbage in; garbage out.
It is in the field of responsibility for thought that false or fixed ideals set up closed loops of accepted and invested identity. Regardless ‘alien agenda’ or alienating thought given welcome, our own giving and receiving remains freedom and right to align as our will, whether aligned in coherence or set in oppositional dissonance. Free willing alignment accepts correction as truth recognised and appreciated. The usurping of ‘correctnesses’ runs blind, as if to reset life to an image, taken in vain. Willingness to see, must release what seems – especially under protected narratives. Here lie invested self-illusions and underlying conflicts that generate them.
Oh and I noticed they’re at the end of their “usefulness” and quite desperate to try and stay in this world, as they are unable to transcend, that sort of thing.
That means of course, trying to harvest genetic material, blood and such from young people.
They cannot be saved and their attempts are already doomed. Too bad.
Have a nice day.
Oh and here are some tetrahedral things. I do mention tetrahedra kinda often. Also, uh, 17 new pyramids apparently discovered in Egypt.
A reminder that a lesser-known part of Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution is making contact with aliens.
France has just confirmed that domestic flights that have rail routes will be scrapped. This fits in entirely with Ice Age Farmer’s analysis recently posted here. Quite why the CIA would care if the French go by air or rail escapes me.
You mean, ignoring the aliens that are already here and interacting with you and instead focusing on a narrative that’s military industrial constructed representation of what aliens should be (kinda like covid)?
Coz I’m pretty sure I’m not kidding when I say I’m from Orion. The emerald tablets mentions quite a bit about it. Like your astral bodies, downprojecting into “human” form and shit like that.
All supposedly new archeological “discoveries” are part of the project blue beam psy-op.
Which is basically just uh, talking shit on the internet.
Video of facemask fibre things
Vaccine antibodies and blood clotting
Menstrual problems:
Oh and the CDC says racism is a worse public health threat than covid. Which is really surprising to hear them say, coz it’s true. But then again, rabid squirrels are a bigger public health threat than covid.
Dr Mercola has posted an interview between Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Holocaust survivor Vera Sharev…She draws direct parallels between the global response to COVI-19 and the tactics employed in Nazi Germany to segregate Jews and other undesirables, with the intent to commit mass genocide…
Many doctors and medical staff joined the Nazi Party…The involuntary mass euthanasia was medically assisted…
Rosemary Frei is quite right to bring attention to the many countries enacting, or expanding, doctor assisted death…Australian states have been enacting such laws under cover of the ‘covid plandemic’…Maybe, just maybe, many who incur serious outcomes from the Russian Roulette jab will just want to End It All… pull the plug…get euthanised…
this is a powerful writing and analysis.
it is a Civilisational Reference. it shows how The West maintains their supremacy over the rest of the world:
by cunning, infiltration and exploiting every possible weakness in human beings; to the point of getting members of the same culture to fight and kill each other.
That doesn’t appear all that hard….the US appears to be heading that way itself…and up the anti with freezing weather and poverty and see how far the UK gets without trouble…
For US continuing illegal occupation of one third of Syria among many other crimes against humanity, US needs to be called in front of a Nuremberg type trial. But who would convene the trial? Not the UN—they’re totally on board with US crimes in Syria. The only solution I see is for the US to be broken up into 3 parts. It’s the only chance US taxpayers have of ever being free again.
indeed, where is the international cry to stop the havoc created by the US and so-called allies? behind the silence, is the corrupt politicians who regurgitate the talking points received from certain think tanks/embassies.
as to freeing the tax payers, it is unlikely that they want or desire to be freed. why? because the middle class –Mum and Dad Investors– are among the main beneficiaries from this monster structure of a militaristic economy (in the US) with flow-on effects to all stock markets around the world.
this brings us to an interesting situation: investors in foreign lands would be rejoicing for their countries being bombed because they have investments with weapons manufacturers as well as investments in (re)construction companies!!!!!!
Exactly. The truth few of us wish to acknowledge
meanwhile, Bill Sardi over at the LewRockwell site offers ‘a re-evaluation of worldwide deaths in 1918 from the flu reveals just 17.4 million deaths, not the 50 – 100 deaths widely reported’ (American Journal Epidemiology, Dec 2018…
but who let’s the facts get in the way when you really want toscare the chooks ?
More from the same.
It’s the pigs wot done it. We have seen a bit of a resurgence in TB round here as well as being a covid ‘hot-spot’.
I should have added that the Germans are big pig farmers, as are the Chinese and meat processing plants were highlighted in the UK. The article is worth a look.
It’s not the pigs, obviously, it’s the toxic shit used on the pigs. Medications, toxic feed, toxic practices, steroids, synthetic hormones, horrible conditions, vaccinations.
Coz the same shit seems to happen with animals WHEREVER, if those practices are used, elements and factors implicated. Guaranteed sickness.
Like, it’s fundamentally toxic methodology, how the fuck, do people expect that to result in anything that isn’t toxified and toxic?
Oh but there’s something else, due to similarity to your body, eating pigs is fundamentally toxic, btw, and results in a bunch of degenerate problems. But hey, people haven’t really thought of that. They just don’t consider homology, analogs and metabolic implications.
I wouldn’t breed with anything that eats pigs, coz I know, chromosomally, that chromatin heterogeny is kinda not there. And you get sort of uh…inbred kinda results.
I look at pigs and be like “Bro, these devolved family members of yours think you’re food…they’re kinda retarded, we should make them sleep.”
Random clue.
“Chromatin is the central part of any cell and has subdivisions that become critical when explained and the purpose for which they exist. They have their definitions and differences among each other, and that gets related in this article for clearing the confusions that arise among them. A chromosome material which does not stain strongly except during cell division gets called as euchromatin whereas chromosome material of different density from standard or usually greater, in which the activity of the genes gets modified or suppressed gets known as the heterochromatin.”
Homogeneity is the bane of creation. How obvious is it?
Faucci signed off on a paper that most of the deaths in 1918 were from bacterial pneumonia.
And it implicated masks as one of the causes, of course, low ventilation, toxic medications and lack of sunlight. Oh, right, along with vaccines and EMF.
At least that’s what I read (in present tense).
Because “infections“ were precipitated by mask wearing. But infections alone, are not a valid cause of death. Pneumonia in a hospital setting is often the result of the ill (poisoned) being rendered immobile. Then sickened more through medication. Fauci et al probably didn’t want to acknowledge the real causes of the 1918 pandemic, if he’s even aware: Electrification of the earth = Radiation. Vaccinations. Aspirin overdoses. Iatrogenic Murder. Malnutrition. Masks. Pneumonia. Put all those factors together and you have a recipe for a pandemic. It’s never simple when it comes to health and medicine. It’s always multifactorial.
Bacteria only attack tissue that’s ALREADY diseased or ‘infected’ with toxins from a wide variety of different sources. They are not the cause of pneumonia and are only correlated with it depending on the type of pneumonia.
There is no so-called ‘viral pneumonia’ either because no pneumonia virus has been proven to physically exist by any known scientist despite any claims to the contrary by mainstream virology.
Bacteria secrete enzymes to help break down and destroy diseased and dead tissues so they can be effectively removed from the body before the tissue can be rebuilt by the body’s master cellular control and regenerative system.
Bacteria are not our enemies unless they become overzealous and multiply out of hand during the clean and clear-up process. That’s when control is often necessary.
And the war of vaccinated against unvaccinated begins…
“According to a memorandum released by the NFL, teams are baring any employee access to the teams facilities unless they are vaccinated.”
“..any team employee who refuses a covid19 vaccination without bona fide medical or religious grounds will be barred from tier 1 and tier 2 status..”
-Tom Pelissero
Which is to say, the NFL is dead.
Do people, at the The Hague’s International Criminal Court (ICC), read this and pretend they saw nothing?
The body count rises
Emma Tandy: British educator dead six weeks after experimental AstraZeneca shot – The COVID Blog
I’m just loving the way the far-right US media like Fox are trying to cast the mass immigration coming over the Mexican border as something done by the Democrats to replace the Republican voters.
They’ll be telling us the elections are fair next, or that the political parties elected make any difference to policy in the USA, what a ridiculous idea. If they want to win an election they’ll just rig it.
This is the preferable spin of what is happening for the public, both for the democrats and the republicans, when of course mass immigration is supported by all wings of the deep state for cheep illegal labour, bypassing all tax and costs.
It is incredible to watch Fox play in this pantomime to serve the deep Corporate state in tandem with the democrats. Fox provided Beautiful coordination & cover for the democrats to allow mass immigration, without the public realising they are being screwed out of their jobs again.
There’s no greater advocate of US open borders and replacing the US population than the Republican Party. It’s been their #1 wish for decades. 100% of donor money is behind open borders and population replacement. The 1965 Immigration Act was specifically designed to replace the US population and culture. Tucker Carlson had it exactly backwards when he said Democrats were disenfranchising Republican voters. It’s the Republican Party that long ago disenfranchised Republican voters by refusing to be an opposition party to Democrats. Why do you think Trump was elected? Only one reason. He pretended that he wanted to close the border. The GOP doesn’t care about winning, would rather lose forever than attract Republican voters, is very happy as permanent minority. Until 1994 the House had been controlled by Democrats for 40 straight years.
“One in the same. Eugene Debs saw that over a century ago. The Republicrats the political racket so corrupt it needs two aliases.”
Predictive programming or was children used as manifestation tools for the parasites future they visioned through us!?
this is from 2007 called Vexille
British traitors, all of them. Their actions represent a threat to us all.
As for Milosevic, he may well have been responsible for deaths. But the Presidents of Croatia and Bosnia backed by us are responsible for sending Yugoslavia to hell. They will all rot in hell for their crimes.
“Slobodan Milosevic was libeled/slandered/defamed/maligned by the same gang of war racketeer war criminal gangster liars that are in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan etc now. He was murdered in cold blood as Yugoslavia was murdered.”
From the past of the British deep state:
To protect the population from a Soviet attack that never materialised, untold numbers were attacked by agents of their own government.
P.S. Has any relationship been established between James Le Mesurier and the famous actor? It’s scarcely the most common surname. It would be further proof that the relationship between the worlds of intelligence and entertainment is very close indeed.
According to Wiki, yes. I presume you saw John as representing intelligence and James as the clown?
Errr… The worlds are one and the same. If people saw ‘celebrities’ for what they really are (= victims/perpetrators of child abuse, psychiatric experiments and generational trauma; prostitutes; drug mules; assassins; intel carriers), things would instantly make a lot more sense.
Saw a review of the 1990 movie Nikita the other day. The writer commented that it’s a great film, “despite the far-fetched plot”. Hmm. I think in reality, it’s a glimpse into how things REALLY work. Just like ‘Mulholland Drive’ shows the way Hollywood productions are really cast and made.
The British were doing atomic bomb testing in aust and just off aust …and bio poisons were played with in the jungles just down the road from me…would have had to have been some sort of joint exercise….never worry about poisoning the population at large…that is what we are for isn’t it?
The people running this are devoid of creativity. Those of a particular mindset might be able to exploit that.
Spot on, you noticed the holes too?
That’s one thing they don’t have, that creativity or innovation, they can only leech and read instructions. Every narrative projected, every implementation is manufactured formulaic crap.
And it’s like their best methodology is repeating, saturating with those projections. It seems to be effective on some people.
I have respect for Vanessa Beeley and generally rely on her reporting as reliable and accurate, but the following assertion in this piece:
..alongside another MI6 agent, Anthony Monckton, who is credited with helping to arrange the flight of Milošević to The Hague to face trial for “war crimes” — accusations for which Milošević was posthumously exonerated”…
is incorrect, which gives me pause and forces me to be more reserved in the future with her writing.
Slobodan Milosevic was NOT exonerated, and he was not on trial at the ICTY for “war crimes”, but for crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide in the war(s) that destroyed my country, Yugoslavia. The crimes committed in the war and those responsible have been thoroughly documented with literally mountains of evidence that is available for everyone to see on the ICTY website. Milosevic died shortly before the end of his trial in which the judges allowed all charges against him to proceed, based on evidence presented. That is the only legally relevant judicial decision in his case. He would have certainly been convicted, because the evidence of his culpability is overwhelming. The assertion that he was exonerated was launched by an ignorant or biased journalist and is replicated occasionally, usually by those who have no real knowledge or interest in the complexity of the destruction of Yugoslavia. While the major western states, the US, the UK and France, played an important role, in effect mostly negative, it is not the role ascribed to them by those who claim Milosevic was exonerated.
When serious investigative journalists make factually wrong assertions about significant matters, that is a diservice to efforts at evidence based understanding of reality.
Milosevic was probably bumped off. The hideous war criminal who said killing 500,000 children was worth ( Mad Albright) it and the evil war criminal Toady Bliar escaped justice.
“Oh joy, Satan gave back Bogdan Denitch his computer privileges.”
Hello JuB: Slobodan Milosevic was indeed the same brand of human pig as Jeffrey Epstein. The only functional difference between the two, is how many civilians were slaughtered and brutalized.
I fail to see why this excellent expose’ should be shrugged off. The balance of the article is well researched and provides valid questions regarding MI6 operations. Who funds these operations, and why are they not hung or shot on sight?
P.S. Continuing investigations into Jeffery Espsteins activities would have uncovered the pigsty fuck party that passes for governance in the United States. Both of these bastards were executed for the same reasons.
“Some clarification. Before being elected President of Serbia Milosevic was a banker or financier not a pimp or trafficker of underage girls for the Cocaine Importers of America (CIA). Would not put too much stock in Langley-Land smear campaigns of either him or his family. As to Epstein, one could say of one of his clients, war criminal Slick Willy Clinton; that Willy had logged so many frequent flyer miles on Epstein’s Lolita Express they added a whole new wing to Epstein’s Hacienda Chica (on Sex Slave Island)–as well as a stable– just for Willy’s personal peccadilloes and proclivities.”
Hello S Cooper: Yes. I understand there are some operative differences. My opinion is that all these movers and shakers are basically pimps. They buy and sell people as if they have a right to own them as property. If some poor bastard (or bitch) fails to comply, they just have them summarily snuffed.
Populations have been complaining about these arrangements for thousands of years, yet they continue to feed themselves into the meat machine. I don’t get it, and never will… Thanks for posting.
“Noted. Unfortunately there were thousands of others affected by the machinations of the Nazi-NATO war racketeer war criminals not merely one man. Milosevic personally was rather mild in comparison to the Langley-Land gang. They are a definite threat to the continuance of humanity, if not life on Earth. They need to go, if we are to survive.”
New covid post from Craig Murray. Craig has to fly to Spain to see a Julian Assange case there or whatever and now has to go through a lot of hassle and needs to pay a lot of money for all sorts of covid measures. And that is outrageous! According to Murray
That you need to get tested and quarantained before flying goes without saying though. Because, that those measures are needed, is obvious. According to the same Craig Murray.
To top it of, the piece is called:
‘Covid-19 and commonsense’…
His main point is the hotel quarantine which he can avoid by not flying to Edinburgh but to Heathrow and catching the train home, infecting England on the way.
Despite the protests of some on here, the virus is real and presents an ever present risk of a runny nose and a bit of a cough.
never mind the CIA scientists are coming to your rescue……
Pentagon scientists reveal a microchip that senses COVID-19 in your body BEFORE you show symptoms and a filter that extracts the virus from bloodDaily Mail…….
now we are really in fantasy land…….wonder what they plan to use for the said virus?
But your protest is well established science?
The day you or anyone can prove it’s real will be a miracle. You’ll be the hero of virology and Klaus Schwab may give you one of his many fake awards. You’ll get the cover of TIME as
trollscientist of the year.Because if you manage to prove Koch’s or River’s postulates you’ll have done what all other before you have failed to do; isolate a virus, purify a virus and then chemically characterize it and prove that the isolated and characterized particle causes any illness, even a runny nose. If you can manage that, you can replace Greta as the newest hero of the parasite class and the savior of Rockefeller medicine.
I see rumours of your (and your chums) sense of humour have been greatly exaggerated. I expect the virus to be found and isolated first.
How is that possible when virologists can’t even get their definition of a pathogenic virus correct? A pathogenic virus is NOT a LIVING ORGANISM and is therefore not an ‘obligate intracellular parasite’ even if one could exist!
According to biology a parasite is “an ORGANISM that LIVES in or on a different kind of organism (called the host) from which it gets some or all of its nourishment.”
Viruses have no metabolism according to virology and no means of digestion they are simply chemicals so nourishment is meaningless here in the biological sense for alleged viruses.
There’s a host of other problems for the ability to prove the existence of viruses too. Some of which have already been outlined on other threads.
Well – who would have thought it? There is a glimmer of intelligence on the latest CM comment threads. Unfortunately still vastly outweighed by the screaming covid sappy clappies. “Blah blah blah Right Wing blah blah blah denialists …..”
And there is our beloved Dunnie Groanie!
But I have a feeling how this covid crap will play out. The narrative seems to be collapsing – perhaps having done the damage intended. And the “Left” will …sort of … vaguely come round to the wicked notion that perhaps there was a bit of …lying involved. But it’s too late now. The official account has sunk in deep and can be counted on to form part of that “common historical record”.
“Nothing says parasitical louts with their hands out more than war racketeering Langley-Land war criminals mooching off the public dole, invading foreign lands, mass murdering, dealing in narcotics (Afghanistan) and committing other unsavory illegal acts of moral and ethical depravity. If only they had put their efforts into helping humanity instead of harming it. Get out of Syria and Iraq maggots. In fact, better yet, GET OFF THE PLANET!”

“To Hell With War!”
as the saying goes “War is a fight over who’s gonna be The Boss; War is a fight over who’s gonna be Your Boss”…
See also John Perkins ”The Confessions of An Economic Hitman.” Very much in the same mould. But he was just a persuader pointing out the advantages of compliance to some overseas third world country. If the local honchos didn’t buy the programme, the CIA would send in the ‘Jackals’ – basically killers. If the Jackals didn’t succeed the military was sent in – see Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and on and on and on. The whole murder machine never stops.
Destabilising countries by manipulating sectarian (and racial) divides. So that’s how diversity makes us strong! Irony factor- medium to ferocious.
Spooks to left, spooks to the right, spook media, corporate spooks and of course NGO spooks.
They are everywhere and have been imbedded into just about everything.
That is why Putin kicked them out of Moscow after the CIA’s attempted coup there a few years back, same in Turkey as the CIA’s coup went wrong there.
Don’t be daft. Putin is a (something after 23°) Mason too.
Think on how this whole covid hoax could have happened…everywhere…at the same time.
Do you have a link for that? As for degrees, they are mumbo jumbo. Aleister Crowley gave himself something like 66° Mason, just because it sounded good. Original Craft Masonry was 3°. But, as it’s all made up crap anyway…
Mason’s have wheels within wheels within wheels and are responsible for the french revolution, the american revolution and the russian revolution amongst many other fabricated, manipulating events. Marx was the third cousin of Nathan Rothschild(born 1840) and second cousin once removed of Lionel Rothschild, who was a british MP in the 19th century. Marx was also a london resident between 1849 and 1860 when Lionel Rothschild was in office. One big happy world banking dictatorship since centuries……..
And, sadly, there doesn’t appear to be anything we can do about it. They all are untouchable, and they know it.
Forever. It’s the never ending counterrevolution. Michael Klare’s “War Without End,” published way back in the 70s is an eye-opener. Klare now writes for fake progressive org TomDispatch. That’s the way it goes.
Off topic but:
Photo shoot manufacture for more shaping of the public consciousness:
Greta Thunberg on her hero David Attenborough i.e. photogenic “disabled” celebrity worships Mr Malthusian to spread the exciting crusade to Save The Planet for the sage murmurings amongst the bowed heads of the techno-green faithful.
downvoted for putting me of my dinner !
isn’t she a horrid looking creature
She looks like a young girl. They don’t look like horrid creatures, especially to parents with young daughters. Now that we know what she’s about, we might associate her visage with that, but that’s a far as I’d go.
I reckon she’s being totally manipulated which amounts to abuse of both a child and a disabled person. It’s not quite the same thing – but what Jimmy Savile did behind everyone’s back is what the media are doing to Greta openly.
valid points
Abuse/abuser is defined by the reality progammrers and selected and a class thing.
Someone explained if Madeleine McCann example.was left in a hotel room by herself, if it was a single council estate parent would the media of been nice?
Would the parents be given 25 million plus in donations and massive support or would they of hung em dry as terrible parents for going out dinning and leaving 2 children by them selves in a foreign country hotel room.
Re: M McC, I think Morrisey made the same point you did ….and got his balls fried for it!
What a monster she is. I hate Attenborough, he has allowed his programme become a propaganda platform for a lie.
I too hate the gatekeeper.paz.
Imagine if she had just been allowed to have been a wee bairn.
Dinnae worry, hen, she disnae ken whats gone on.
It looks like a girl female version of Adolf Hitler. There is evil in her. Imagine this moron controlling what you do, eat and say. It’s reality soon unless we finally wake up.
Beyond Vaccines: Mainstream Admits They Are Altering DNA On “60 Minutes”
“We are putting a code inside of you… a genetic code… in a nanolipid envelope to make sure it sneaks past your body’s defences… because normally your body would kill something like this immediately… it tricks your cell into making that code, which is literally the spike protein… you will be spitting out parts of the virus into your body.”
Tom Cowan breaks it down a bit in his book. At least I think that’s where I found it. I read a lot, so I do tend to confuse authors. He notes that evolution made that so – the protective aspect of cells that is. I disagree. I don’t believe in biological evolution.
That’s what I’ve been wondering about for a while: Patent 060606. Luciferase. Tiberius… Tissues from an aborted fetus. Nobody bats an eyelid. You could put devil horns on the syringe and still get Christians queuing round the block.
Then again, the nearby supermarket is always generously stocked with HELL-O energy drinks and lattes. On the can it says “Powered by the energy of Hell”. Just a cute tagline, huh.
A really interesting and informative piece. One thing that’s striking is that its really about a clique of insiders, all ‘sound’ ex-public school types, who are out there creating mayhem in persuit of policy goals that are really long obsolete. This is why their actions are so obvious — they’re living in a world divorced from the everyday reality of the vast majority of people, playing a never ending game of ‘Risk’ with other people’s lives without realizing that people not just at home but all over the world can see what they’re doing and can call them out on it – and get their voices heard.
Here in the US we have own cadre of similar types, tight cliques with the same educational background and general ‘soundness’ of character that ensures a conformity of views. We’re a lot more powerful than the UK so our potential to cause death and destruction is proportionately greater but the same basic principles apply. Post WW2 it wasn’t possible to go to war to directly achieve foreign policy goals so everything gets couched in terms of ‘human rights’ — we have been involved in over 200 conflicts since 1945, all with the best of humanitarian intentions to save a long suffering, oppressed, people from a totalitarian government. (If its ‘our’ sort of totalitarian government, of course, then we just label it ‘authoritarian’ and look the other way.) The end result for the people we save is invariably the same — despoilation, death and destruction is heaped on them until they see the error of their ways and install a government to our liking. There are signs that some governments are not only calling this out but getting their message across. China, for example, has dropped what could be described as traditional diplomatic language in favor of using plain language that everyone can comprehend. (Our current pushback is to label it ‘wolf warrior’ but its really just using plain, grammatically correct, English. Its a subtle reminder that a lot of those foreigners are not only fluent in our language but they also read our newspapers.)
To me this nonsense is a huge waste of resources that could be spent improving the health of the planet and the lives of the people who live on it.
I suspect you will find that these options go on to both protect the operations of multinationals embedded in the countries of interest or so the riches of said countries can be exploited by them….ala the old story someone often posted with pictures that was an annoying reminder…
this need to find and exploit is always seen as in the interest of the home country …keeping the home country narrative, keeps the elite looking good…you have to give the pension funds etc something to invest in after all…and that is what the citizens of each country does…turn a blind eye to the operations and actually fund them through tax and that they keep this idea of the power of their country and hope they get thrown a few bones for their perceived due…all part of the illusion of progress of nations…
the Chinese and Indians are now part of the story anywhere there are resources still to be plundered…so we get the sense of a competing war…which is real…for none of the players have homeland assets enough to keep their populations in the manner to which their are accustomed or want to be accustomed…this is the real dilemma now facing all…
i suspect the covid narrative is tied to same…
They may be divorced from everyday reality but they still control it. They own the media who can label the common cold as the greatest threat to humanity. They are Money Inc. They own the Federal Reserve and the Central Banks everywhere. They own the minds of the population who will call this article conspiracy theory and only a tiny minority will even see it.
yes…….as the vast majority always like to be identified with perceived power…..and those ordering masks and lockdowns etc are currently the perceived power……that it is all illogical and ends up destroying them is apparently beside the point……has to be a basic flaw in our genes – go with the herd……are we lucky or not when we don’t want to play that game….. in a tribal situation we wouldn’t have lasted too long…….
We are always individuals…and part of a collective, tribe or gang, but there’s nothing wrong with our genes, as much as I dislike the term. Genes- scientific talk for what? This is where I go with “religious” descriptions. Man/ Woman, being male, I say man but mean both,two opposites with the same destiny. There’s no flaw in man, a manifestation of creation,but there is opposition to everything- death,without which there cannot be life. That’s the rule on earth and we’ve managed to survive. Satan rules the world but not the earth. The world is a conception, the earth- what is. There is a confusion between the two caused by trickery of words with seemingly the same meaning. Science, a creation of man, wants to change our genes to fulfill his conceptions in the mental meaning but I prefer conception In the earthly meaning as creating life as a natural, divinely inspired way as with man and woman in harmony. I don’t like the illogical,the unnatural, miss swan neck,but it’s late and I’m still alive and uninjected though fading fast. We’re under occupation by the corporation and the situation is grim, but when the going gets tough……
I really liked your differentiation of Earth and world. I hadn’t thought of that and all its implications. Thank you!
So did I and neither did I. I got it from sean at “the bridge life in the mix”. He’s brilliant, down to earth and very funny to boot. He gets into things like the difference between man and person, not only in law but spiritually without religion….ish. Great videos and informative articles, dig it.
You’re probably right about OG’s viewership. But I’m sure it’s growing with mentions here and there that I’ve seen. I turned my cousin on to OG. We talk by phone often (and keep each other sane) and he has often read an OG article before I have and mentions it. I’m trying to get him to read the comments to, but he’s not in the habit of commenting and just forgets to even look.
“persuit of policy goals that are really long obsolete”
One wonders. Does Klaus’s new world order retain the military industrial complex’s of the globe’s nation States? I guess they don’t plan on quitting their religion of neoliberal capitalism either, if they plan on keeping profit-making entities like McDonnell Douglas, et al, around.
International capitalism obviously likes to have a friendly host country but its really a supranational parasite that doesn’t need to owe allegiance to any particular country. Its really a flip on the normal perception — its probably not right to think of “American capitalism” so much as “Capitalism’s america”. Business will move if it needs to and there’s another host willing to make it a better offer.
(This is what’s making current China policy so interesting. We’d like a full on Cold War to bring these people to heel and ‘get their minds right’, its what we’ve always done, but our sanctions regimes and tariffs are doing little in this regard except interfere with American business and its profits. How much business is prepared to take before giving our own government a stern talking to is going to be intersting to watch, especially as I think a) the Chinese are on to us and b) they appear to be adept at playing us.)
We see the world very differently.
No,behind the theatre and rhetoric their elite and ours share the same outlook and aims- the world feudal plantation.
Yeah and their green new deal doesn’t seem to have room for nature either. It’s all science and robot factory farming for smart(?) cities.
Whoa… a good title could be ” Project Insanity” an essay on graft and corruption in the British MIC, the Fall of Rome and the roll of the Praetorian Guard.
This reads like trying to untangle a huge ball of monofilament of fishing line. Ok in the end it all gets unraveled and revealed.
The next step would be to distill all this information and get down to the why, why is this happening and why is it being allowed to happen. Has this been going on for centuries and is part a tradition of corruption? Probably.
To me it seems like a small group of greedy psycho’s gallivanting around the world playing God causing untold carnage and harm to get that ” James Bond” moment on the 10 million dollar yacht on the Mediterranean, cigar and Martini..shaken but not stirred.
The why is easy…to keep the home country going…started with the plunder of India to which my direct ancestors contributed and hasn’t let up…though no doubt it really started with the Roman Empire as big time…before that it was the Vikings….just part of human nature …work out how to get the other guys assets…one way or another…
Columbus was financed by the banksters of his time. The plunder of India financed the “industrial revolution” and got us into the mess we are in.
India was not another case of “terra nullis”. The project required many local opportunists, traitors and bootlickers, plus good propagaganda.
I agree up to the point you said Vikings, with that version we have a sort of Medieval BBC version of History mostly brought to you by the RC church and Rome.
If you carefully investigate the ” Viking Raids” they were for very specific goals, at that time, reprisals, vengeance and ultimately survival from the Churches genocidal bent on anything ” Pagan”. The rest highly embellished propaganda .
The had Shakespeare do the same with Macbeth who in fact was a Scottish national hero, not a tyrannical villain ,, again the issue was the same, genocide and cultural warfare against a ” non Christian” peoples( though that also was not entirely true, but they tolerated the older shamanic practices which to the RC church was unacceptable)
Coz pagan means like, civilian, basically. Or even, individual.
AND, it means “non-institutionalized”.
So how is that a problem? I mean, Jesus was a pagan, if you haven’t figured it out. He certainly wasn’t christian. And apparently he didn’t like religious institution, despite some suggesting he was a jew. You know, other than turning tables in roman casinos.
That OffG has to filter the word “jew” is really telling of their insecurity.
It’s really telling of the fact that anti-semites are pretty rife in our comments section on some days. As if you don’t know this. The fact that you keep trolling and deliberately abusing the comments policy is pretty telling also, of the fact that you’re a troll. A2
Why Corona virus? The Crown virus. The Temple Crown of the City of London. They run the British government and all its departments- they pay their wages don’t they. The MPs are corporations, the PM is a corporation, you can look it up. They’re owned by the City and they serve it, not you.
Hello Marcello: The greedy psychos live in neighborhoods, get invited for dinner, have sex and produce children. They have friends and relatives and live in a “free” society. Yet they are not known by any one. I find it quite interesting…
The real shakers and movers, their faces and names, if they can help it you will never know
Yet they do live in our midst, therefor caveat!
Discretion is the better part of valor
In these cases, discretion is plain cowardice.
That reminds me of the latest Bond movie. I guess James must be off self-isolating somewhere, in great fear, along with the rest of the cast and production crew or we would have seen it by now. Come on James! Rescue the world! Lol!
It reads like The Archers…
only on PCP.
Will Le Mesurier step out of the shower in ten years’ time ?
Can I just commend Vanessa Beeley’s writing. I mean regardless of the insane criminality of the subject matter, she describes a quite complicated situation in a very readable and engaging way. Great skill.
So many layers of deception…and all of them emptying treasuries into various corporations’ hands.
For me, this plandemic has shown that it is all theatre…and we are all collateral damage, whether from a rocket attack or a syringe.
As Doug Valentine said, we’re lab rats or cannon fodder.
I said as much at the beginning of this, Edwige. Actual, visible, war has become too technical for our young people to be sent as cannon fodder…
So, we have to be culled by other means…
I’ve tried to acknowledge you twice, Edwige…everything (even an up-tick) disappears.
And at times when we are only industry fodder, we relish how good we have it. New gadgets and cheap flights, oh my!