The Silencing of the Lambs

Andrea Halewood

‘All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities.’
Frank Herbert, Dune

Many of us want to be led. As children we look to our parents to protect us, to soothe our fears, to relieve us of responsibility. As adults we seek the same protection – we want powerful leaders, leaders who appear fearless and resilient.

Our narcissistic culture also demands that our leaders are charismatic, self-assured, and eloquent – we want leaders who can perform on the world stage.

And so trustingly, time after time, we relinquish our power to those grandiose individuals who covet high office, unaware that their determination – their sheer, dogged, winner-takes-all ambition, their superficial charm and seductiveness – may suggest that many are psychologically unsuited to these roles.

These individuals form a psychologically distinct minority group; although their numbers are limited, their reach is extensive, and the destruction they can cause is immeasurable.

Yet while their lies and manipulations, their recklessness and their lack of remorse can make them appear insane, most are not; the more highly functioning thrive in professions and corporations that value the opportunistic and the ruthless. Their ‘madness’ – such as it is – lies in their lack of conscience; their absolute freedom from ethical constraints. These disturbed and disturbing souls are more fittingly characterised as morally insane.

Take heed. The global influence of many of these high-profile individuals is growing. Together they have been forming grandiose plans. They will vaccinate the entire world. They will block out the sun. They will Build Back Better.

We don’t imagine that psychopaths might be politicians.

So, we blind ourselves, as many abused children do, to the reality of what our leaders are asking of us. When they separate us from our loved ones, suffocate us with masks, inject us with experimental vaccines, remove our civil liberties, crash our economy, close our schools, harm our children and lock us up ‘for our own good’, we justify their behaviour; we accept their lies and their attempts to control us. We reassure ourselves that they are keeping us safe.

We also look to the media for reassurance – to journalists and ‘public health experts’ to inform and guide us, to put our nascent feelings into words, to do our thinking for us. We may suspend our critical judgement in our desire for ‘news’ and reliable ‘facts’. And so we overlook the scandals, the cover-ups, diversions and corruption; we absorb their distortions and propaganda; the artfully conceived scapegoats that keep our hatreds focused elsewhere and our society divided. We may fail to notice the relentless construction of a world that benefits the predator class.

We don’t imagine that psychopaths might be journalists.

So, we heed their warnings about the virus, which accord with those of our leaders. Though they might confuse us with their reporting of ‘cases’ and ‘positive tests’ and ‘hospitalisations’ – with their graphs and statistics and relative risks – we are reassured that the message is a simple one: that the jab will be our route to freedom; that our vaccine rollout is the fastest; that our NHS is the finest in the world: clap clap clap clap clap!

And we probably believe, if we give it any thought at all, that the pharmaceutical industry develops products that relieve suffering and save lives. We are unaware of the institutional corruption; the crimes that have led to millions of deaths and adverse reactions, the billions paid in health fraud settlements; the flagrant distortions of the medical literature; the falsified trials, the targeting of whistle blowers.

We don’t imagine that psychopaths produce vaccines.

For we dare not imagine that we have been entrapped by an unaccountable psychopathic elite who have subverted our democracies; have captured and undermined our institutions; have caused economic devastation the world over; have spawned a global mental health crisis which will reverberate for generations.

We dare not imagine. And so terrorised by fear and shame and relentless propaganda, we fall back on the protection of our psychopathic programmers: far easier to accept their virus narrative, to play the game, to submit, than to acknowledge our protectors’ abuse.

Closing ranks against outsiders we huddle together in our virtual pens; we relinquish our autonomy, we disregard our intuition – our primitive, essential wisdom – and accept the increasingly infantilised role that the pathocracy has created for us. We visit our doctor and accept our jab and we are rewarded with a sticker.

And although others warn us that the testing regime is flawed; that the deaths are misreported; that the vaccine is unsafe; they cannot penetrate our defences. How they enrage us when they disturb our illusions! When they try to force open our blinded eyes! ‘Wake up’ they plead, but we are not sleeping; ‘think!’ they cry, as if we cannot hear.

They don’t know – nor yet do we – that we are shielding ourselves from an existential threat more overwhelming to us than any virus, using the only weapon we have in our wretched armoury: denial.

Because deep down, deep deep down, we do know, we do know and we’ve known all along about the danger we are in, but we ignored the warnings of our inner compass, we ignored the red flags and the brutality and the glaring inconsistencies.

We shielded ourselves from the horror of acknowledging that we are powerless and vulnerable and totally alone in an indifferent Universe. And because a life of servitude seemed preferable to one of existential terror, we collaborated with our oppressors.

We stayed safe.

Andrea Halewood isa Chartered psychologist/psychodynamic psychotherapist and a former lecturer & researcher in counselling psychology.


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Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Apr 19, 2021 5:11 PM

We have to blame ourselves. We keep on voting for these political Psychopaths time after time. People say politicians are stupid. They are not. They are clever manipulators who will lie just to get re-elected. The last thing on their minds are the voters.

We the people’ are the stupid ones, we re-elect them. As a consequence, we keep electing whomever is most willing to ignore these universal truths that we have been told that they have our interests at heart.

And we continue to pay the consequences.

Soon after being elected they kowtow to the demand of the elite. Politicians have always genuflected to the millionaire and billionaire classes. That is where the money comes from.

Apr 22, 2021 10:22 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Couldn’t agree more Jack, im 28 and have personally never voted in my life, reason being i know that none of the candidates are fit to lead me, the whole left & right system is a divide & conquer scam, it shocks me that so many people fall for it. Plus i don’t want, nor need a leader, the earth provides me with everything i need to survive for as long as i live on this beautiful planet, i put my faith in nature & the my creator/the higher spirits, not the government & politicians, you’d think it would be a no brainer, but the brainwashing has clearly been a massive success and is in full swing.

Only stupid people think the government are stupid, we’re talking about the people who have ruled over our lands for centuries, its simply illogical to truly believe these people are stupid, what they’ve achieved is beyond achievements, absolute masters of manipulation (i believe they’ve rose to this level of power with the assistance of black magic/occult nature, but thats another story). The people always see the politician’s absurd or oppressive actions/regs as mistakes or poor handling of the situation, its never been done ‘deliberately’, but in the same breath they’ll tell you they don’t trust politicians…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 17, 2021 4:19 PM

https://www.abc.net.au/news/backstory/2021-04-17/james-oaten-on-venturing-into-a-covid-ward-in-india/13303986 This is the type of shit our ABC in Australia dish up with journalists pretending to be doctors and thinking they are clever dicks abusing others for having the brains not to wear a face nappy. This hysteria is endless 24/7 spoon fed the public by the idiot state broadcaster and fed by one moron former doctor. the fact that nothing is actually happening in the world has entirely escaped these spoon fed catastrophising nutters who are still on about China covering up a virus invented in Germany by Drosten and his computer.

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Apr 21, 2021 11:20 AM

Oh the ABC. I gave up when the great Philip Adams had some Amerikan Navel Rep in his RN arvo interview and let this guy, I don’t blame him because Mr Adams, ex Bolshie Bon Vivant said nothing as Mr ra ra ra Amerika went and told us how we had to etc etc and Mr Adams said nothing pertinent. Not one relevent question like: why? Then Ms Vandstone went all hot on the evil of the expansionist PRC threatening to undermine academentia. [she’s got a degree so she knows]What I don’t know. After that I threw the radio away! Drosten. I’ve ordered the book on him. I revelation to be savoured. The expose at Kopp who published him is worth it.
Meine Pandemie mit Professor Drosten
Walter van Rossum. It is also available in English.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 17, 2021 3:48 PM

“Everywhere the weak execrate the powerful, before whom they cringe; and the powerful beat them like sheep whose wool and flesh they sell.”

François-Marie Arouet
– Voltaire –
(November 21, 1694 – May 30, 1778)

Apr 17, 2021 5:34 PM

Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. 

— Rousseau

Apr 18, 2021 9:32 AM
Reply to  DimlyGlimpsed

The word born relates to that which dies – the body.
Assigning our Creation and Existence to the body is limiting Man to the tip of the mind that corresponds to a surface awareness, set over all that lies beneath.

Freedom is in our created being, but our mortal sense is ALREADY a limiting denial or lockdown in a distanced and masking covert identity.
And so we experience the limitation or chains of our conditions and conditioning as a structure through which we each unfold our own themes of experience.

But note the underlying core beliefs work to limit and filter what CAN be seen or accepted, and so at this time, many cannot begin to hear me because their identification with the body or materially defined sense, is set as the filter through which all else must subordinate to or support – or meet denial.

‘New Wine’ is the Gift of a true recognition, and the structures of thinking that it undoes or redeems, are hardly the framework into which to pour it. But if we seek for a self in the ‘world’ we make a masking commodity or weapon of love as if to make identity for ourself instead of let love identify truly.

Freedom is our Spirit. Its chains are our mind, by which a body/world is made a prison in which the Child of God comes to die. But where you choose to give your attention is up to you.

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Apr 21, 2021 11:27 AM
Reply to  DimlyGlimpsed

Rousseau. Let’s all do a Robinson Crusoe then. Go hide up a tree. I’d rather look forewards. Leave the wafflers to historians. The French did something about their plight. The many sit in their electronic caves. That’s it. Stuck to their screens. No one said to. The worst of it is this left over Marxist -raise their consciousness- and all will be enlightened reasonable beings. No. Not at all. The zoomorph self identity parade is fracturing social cohesion because the self exalted need these very politicians to enhance their agenda. Offered cheap politicians act accordingly.

Apr 17, 2021 2:36 PM

“…we are powerless and vulnerable and totally alone in an indifferent Universe.”

If this (per impossibile) were correct, why care about anything anymore? On that childish nihilist premise, why should I give a fuck about whether people acquiesce to their slavery or not?

Apr 17, 2021 4:55 PM
Reply to  Laughlyn

You miss the other side of the coin. Being powerless, vulnerable and totally alone is as much a liberating as it is an enslaving concept. It means we are not beholden to the universe for our existence. “Oh thank you God/Big Bang!” becomes irrelevant drivel.

We are here; when we’re gone we will not be here – so we had damned sight better make the best of it. Just as those who say “Live every day as if it were your last”; it should also be said “Live every life as if it were your one and only.” Because it is your one and only – and a great big “F*ck You!” to any who would presume to use it for their benefit at your expense.

Apr 17, 2021 5:30 PM
Reply to  Howard

when we’re gone we will not be here

How can you be certain?

There are scientists today who suggest we exist in a virtual universe. Perhaps each of us is a character played by an unknowable “god”, who in his own world is an unemployed pimply sadistic, porn-addicted semi-competent programmer who thinks it’s fun to inflict horrific violence on the characters in his game. That scenario seems as plausible as Biblical cosmology. We humans are now able to create virtual worlds. As our technical capability evolves, our virtual worlds become progressively more complex and “realistic”. It may be just a matter of time until our “reality” makes The Matrix seem primitive, and benign, in comparison.

Apr 18, 2021 9:18 AM
Reply to  Laughlyn

“…we are powerless and vulnerable and totally alone in an indifferent Universe.” I read the quote as a masking belief by which to deny Everything so as to give life to a nothing that is used to justify and necessitate a private creation. A myth for a locked down sense of dissociation running along the line of its own narrative dictate. We can make our own meanings, and be-live them as our experience, including ‘a meaningless universe’. That is how free we are! But we are NOT free to make them true, not change the true source of all Meaning. Only to set a masking distortion in our own mind of judgement and perception-response. If we care about more our judgements, than true appreciations, we will suffer (accept) the self and world that arises from them as our life and death. What we give sets the measure of our receiving, or Garbage in; garbage out – hence our dissociative indifference to living relationship isolates a sense of disconnection from the power and protection of our true being – which is not a body, but a total relationship or expression OF wholeness, and not a fragmented trauma survivor seeking to regain wholeness externally, or keep even the little that they hath. Idle thinking can posit anything, but we discover we do care, or that certain things or conditions do matter to us, for we are actively engaged in protecting our identification in them. Running off with a phished or mis-taken identity is self-illusion or identity theft. That which identifies all things truly, restores awareness of wholeness or unconflicted being. The experience of powerlessness is the result of assigning unto a self-apart, what is due to the whole. We call this our mind or will and freedom, and yet freedom to limit,… Read more »

Apr 17, 2021 1:27 PM

My wife is a Christian and long time churchgoer. She left her church in disgust last year when the pastor and his wife began enforcing the state agenda on covid and acting like some kind of breathless, thrilling drama was going on, all topped-up with pious prayers along the lines of ‘Dear Lord, if I should get this terrible virus…’ My wife won’t go back. Was delighted to find and blog this today: https://covidtruefacts.blogspot.com/2021/04/pastor-and-police-nazis.html

Apr 17, 2021 1:16 PM

What about the silence of the doctors? Leaving aside that many doctors have not been silent, just not on the so-called MSM, it might have something to do with the likely consequences of speaking out.

The tip of that particluar iceberg was glimpsed in the Vioxx case about a decade ago. Merck employees were found to have exchanged emails drawing up a “doctor hit list” consisting of those who’d opposed the company’s heart-attack and stroke-inducing drug. Phrases used included “neutralise” and “discredit” and one line read “we may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live”. Firther documentation revealed that Merck staffers intended to “stop funding to institutions” and “interfere with academic appointments”.


Apr 17, 2021 11:44 AM

Know your rights! Just blogged an excellent video showing a woman telling a police woman exactly where she stands. The police have become jackbooters – https://covidtruefacts.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-police-backing-tyranny-how-to-deal.html

Renegade Prophet
Renegade Prophet
Apr 17, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  Bretty

So why does this web site ignore the real reason for everything? It is the approaching Planet X that the criminal bastard governments hide with their chemtrails every day globally! It caused the sinking of Atlantis and the flood of Noahs day. This time it will end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to annihilate America and kill 90% of Americans. The day of the next false flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran, America will be nuked and invaded by Russia, China and the whole SCO. Execute the criminal bastard governments and their lying bastard media (all media) or die in WW3!

Apr 17, 2021 5:38 PM

If Planet X is on the way, then what do you suggest we do? Do you have an arrival date in mind?

Apr 19, 2021 6:10 PM


Apr 19, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  Bretty

Excellent video Bretty. We should all be memorising this and use it against the jackboots.

Apr 17, 2021 10:03 AM


Apr 17, 2021 7:19 AM

Many people can’t join a bandwagon unless it offers hope & the the possibility of winning. It’s our job to supply a vision and a means to get there. They won’t join us unless we do.

Save your ire for those who are destroying the world, not those who are too demoralized to fight back.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 17, 2021 8:59 AM
Reply to  Penelope

But you don’t really have to join a bandwagon, all you have to do is recognise what’s going on and many people really really don’t want to do that – their resistance to the truth is unmoveable – they will not be told, they refuse point blank and they get very upset when you try to tell them.

The perps simply exploit people’s unwillingness to incorporate the massive Big Lies they tell us into their reality, that’s what it boils down to. The Big Lie is taboo, it makes people feel too uncomfortable, they simply don’t want to recognise that the powers that be are so evil. I don’t like it myself but if that’s reality so be it … it’s not going to help not recognising it. I have friends who are completely non-activist who recognise the lie while I have other friends who are activist about mainstream types of things such as climate change but get really upset when you try to show how COVID’s a scam.

Apr 17, 2021 5:06 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Just a quick note: calling the powers that be evil is rather like calling a rusty nail dangerous. Power cannot be used for anything but evil; that is its nature. So of course those who seek it out either are already or will soon become evil.

Apr 18, 2021 11:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

That depends upon how you define power and who exercises it and for what intent and purpose.

Apr 17, 2021 9:56 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I think you make a good point.

Despite what some would have us believe, people are herd animals. At the moment, the biggest herd is comprised of covid believers. They won’t leave that herd because there isn’t another herd that offers the dame degree of ‘safety in numbers’.

What we need to do is show them that is another viable herd, albeit moving in the opposite direction. Only when we reach a critical mass in our herd, will a lot of people people in the other herd consider switching.

We aren’t there yet and we may never get there, so prevalent is the narrative ranged against us. However, critical mass doesn’t necessarily mean a majority. Our herd doesn’t have to be bigger. It just has to be seen as offering a degree of ‘protection in numbers’.

A lot of waverers are getting tired of the various restrictions – both those in place and those on the way – so (IMO) their benchmark for what constitutes a viable alternative is dropping.

Once (and if) the process of switching starts, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy through the mechanics of a positive feedback loop – the more people who switch, the bigger our herd gets, the more likely others are to switch. Etc.

Time, as ever, will tell.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 17, 2021 6:30 AM

“We stayed safe.”

Yep, the irony.

Apr 17, 2021 5:19 AM

It remains inaccurate to refer to ‘the jab’ as a vaccine; that’s most likely why they regularly refer to them as ‘jabs’, apart from it being hip and cool modern argot. A vaccine confers immunity, at least to some degree if not permanent. If you go and get your two ‘jabs’ – why do you still have to wear a mask? And socially distance? Can you still be infected, and infect other people? Well, what kind of ‘vaccine’ is that? Both Pfizer and Moderna are unambiguous in their literature that the ‘jabs’ do not necessarily confer immunity. Their main effect is that if you do catch COVID, your symptoms will be mitigated. You will be less sick. But you can still catch it, and still spread it. By now, you will be asking yourself, how are we ever supposed to reach herd immunity with products that do not even immunize you against the threat? Good question. Modern medicine has evolved to eschew cures. If you cure a man’s illness, he will be a customer once. He’ll be grateful, but you’ll never see him again. If you manage his symptoms so that his illness is at least bearable, and perhaps not even much of an inconvenience, he’ll be grateful. And you’ll see him on the other side of the cash register every time his prescription runs out. You’ll have a customer for life. If you are selling a product for profit, which of those outcomes is better for you? Several sources have already begun to speculate on the ‘booster shot’ you will have to get when your ‘immunity’ runs out – constantly-evolving vicious new variants, you know; the virus never sleeps, and goes on mutating. Why do you need a flu shot every year? Well, you don’t, really, but play along.… Read more »

Timothy Drayton
Timothy Drayton
Apr 17, 2021 9:04 AM
Reply to  Mark

I am reminded of a mate of mine, now retired, who used to have a business selling kitchen equipment to restaurants. He once told me they started importing fryers from China many years ago when importing from China was still quite novel and they discovered to their horror that the elements in these fryers were so robust that they lasted for ever, and apparently such companies made most of their money from replacing elements when they expired rather than from the intitial sale and he had to contact the vendor in China and tell them to install elements that would eventually fail otherwise they wouldn’t be able to make money from selling them. The Chinese company complied. Plus ça change …

Apr 17, 2021 11:09 AM

The Japanese went through this cycle earlier. The Koreans who followed them complicated the scene.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 17, 2021 9:05 AM
Reply to  Mark

1. Vaccines have never conferred complete immunity.
2. There is no virus to vaccinate against.

Why not call whatever people are getting injected with a vaccine when they’ve made up the virus (SARS-CoV-2), the virus illness (COVID-19) and the pandemic. It’s all nonsense so calling the alleged vaccine a jab doesn’t really signify.

It’s all nonsense, nonsense, nonsense.

Apr 17, 2021 10:55 PM
Reply to  Mark

I read somewhere, and don’t have a link, that Goldman Sachs openly stated in an analyst meeting just what you’ve stated about curing a disease – it will indeed interrupt a nice steady revenue stream and therefore that is not in their business model, to paraphrase. I’ve told friends this BEFORE covid and tried to reiterate it now many times, to believe in the same Pharma that is a profit driven machine? And admittedly so? I mean, really? Oh they get it alright, for about 5 minutes while we’re discussing it. And then they tell me they’re going to get vaccinated anyway. I do still try to get that in though, for whatever it is worth. I’ve also been saying to people at work, most of whom are vaxxed, why would I want to not have symptoms and come in and spread the thing by getting that “vaccine?” It is a lame attempt, but I will keep repeating it, and if it comes to being forced to vax or work, well, I will have to resign. I can hold out financially for a bit, until they make that vax mandatory to access one’s bank accounts…

Apr 17, 2021 5:13 AM

First the people were spoiled by newer & better Mobile Phones with which they learned to do just about everthing possible in a digital World. They carried these phones everywhere & became addicted to the various social platforms. Eventually over the years as Mobiles got even more sophisticated they were given to 4 & 5 Year olds by very stupid parents. No one read books or even articles – NO it must be a Video to watch.

Once indoctrinated via doing almost everything on a Mobile the people were ripe for Govt control. Social Media barred the people from hearing alternative views & actively censored everything they didn’t want published. Then they got users to download apps to pay directly using their phone. The stupid people actually believe it’s fun & modern to carry no cash. Then the Govt used a bad flue ( Covid-19) as an excuse to see just how much control they could get. They were INSTRUCTED by Govt to download an app so that they could be traced in case of an outbreak. The Flue was hyped up by Govt’s around the World & the people held hostage with great pressure to get vaccinated or else go nowhere.

The dumbed down Mobile Phone users complied in the main believing the BS spewed out by the MSM – – especially in UK the BBC. This has all been well planned by the people bringing you –Build Back Better. If you listen to them -we’re all F*%$ed

Apr 17, 2021 11:48 AM
Reply to  James1

Good points. Things have become ridiculous. I think it started much earlier though with television. I remember when I was a kid in the 1960s and 1970s many people around me seemed much more concerned with the fictitious events at the Crossroads Motel, or on he Sweeney, to bother with reality.

Apr 17, 2021 1:13 AM

“The silence of the lambs” alludes to the moment when a child first comprehends human evil.
We could choose not kill baby sheep. But instead we inflict unutterable horror and death on terrified and defenseless infants, for our pleasure. If this is not evil, what is?
Isaiah, speaking thousands of years ago, on behalf of a merciless and violent, and schizophrenic, Old Testament god, recognizes that eating meat is evil. (the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, etc.) As Tolstoy suggests, the evil of murder and war is an inevitable consequence of our slaughter of other species.

As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields.

— Tolstoy

les online
les online
Apr 16, 2021 11:39 PM

the enforced passivity spread over 10 to 12 years in daily detention centres (aka scools) creates the learned helplessness of adults…

the modern school system was championed by Robespierre (of The French Revolution / Red Terror fame)…’Comprehensive education , as seen by the leaders of the French Revolution, was to elevate, therefore ,the principle of discipline-through-surveillance to its utmost, most radical and most universal level…the maintenance of the habits of obedience instilled by the school was to be (its) task…’ and so on…
(the origins of civilization – theory, culture & society Vol 2 #3 1985)

of course you wont find any calls by the left for the abolition of schools…and the first thing charities, and philanthropists do to help the natives is round up the kids into daily detention centres, and impose school uniforms on the – before anything else…

kids in day care centres are subject to constant surveillance (for their safety), compelled sociability
(if little jimmy or jenny wants time-out, time alone from controlled ‘play’, that’s deviant behaviour)
and their right to be unhappy is refused them (unhappy = deviance)…

it’s not right to call them sheeple just because THEY didnt fully break your spirit when they put you through the mill…

Apr 16, 2021 10:06 PM

Well, it’s funny, because most of the people I know who are questioning the whole BS are people who’ve been through trauma or abuse. So you’d think from this that we’d be the cowed ones. but it’s actually the opposite. People I know who consider themselves fearless and “questioners” (and never went through failure or whatever) are the very ones parroting the most idiotic crap.
I never “got” the hero worship thing. In grade school I was briefly a cheerleader–only because I could jump high and in my day, the only outlet for high jumping females was to cheer on the *real* stars. I missed so many games they took me off the squad. Just couldn’t get why I was supposed to be rah rah for kids who, given any pretext, would probably beat me up.
Anyway. whatever. It’s those of us who’ve been traumatized who don’t need no freakin heros.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 17, 2021 9:06 AM
Reply to  Lorie

Nah it’s the rich, cossetted and spoilt who think they have to comply.

Deborah Carol Took
Deborah Carol Took
Apr 16, 2021 9:39 PM

This is it. They WANT to believe. Even when the mainstream media reports that a large percentage of deaths attributed to Covid were nothing of the sort. They close their ears. They want to believe. It’s easier that way.

Apr 16, 2021 9:21 PM

“One of the craziest things about the past 9 months is virtually everybody whom I’ve spoken to in real life AGREES that most of the rules do not make sense and are illogical… Yet, they still follow them (and want me to). ”

Ah! If that’s so with the majority, our problems are fairly simple.

Hard they may be, but they’re simpler than explaining science, statistics, or social dynamics. Rather, you need to get the zombified people to e.g. avoid stress, relax & exercise free, mature choices.

BUT, of course, the end of the mass hypnosis is likely to take the opposite route: trauma. Imagine something hitting your head. The ‘trauma’ would make you ‘forget’ pretty much everything social, even intense propaganda.

For a while.

Then, another proverbial hit on the head, as living conditions worsen. … and another… Shock by shock, through the dark tunnel on the way to inner freedom.

Timothy Drayton
Timothy Drayton
Apr 17, 2021 9:11 AM
Reply to  Dors

Isn’t the rationale with these people that if they obey these rules, illogical as they are, they will eventually be allowed to return to normal life? Of course, such hopes are constantly dashed. Rember when it was just three weeks to flatten the curve?

Apr 16, 2021 8:38 PM

A NHS whistle blower speaks out. Chilling:


Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 17, 2021 6:48 AM
Reply to  Tony


All “opposition” material needs to be ruthlessly screened against the “controlled opposition” checklist, especially from alleged whistleblowers. Since I woke up to 9/11 I’m not sure I’ve come across anyone I’d be sure was a genuine whistleblower. “Whistleblower” in my book is virtually synonymous with “working for intelligence” at least in the psyoppery arena.

Look for:
— Unintelligible words
— Nothing very interesting to say
— Strange claims
— Contradictions
— Lack of explanation where it would be expected

The nurse says she’s been working for: something that sounds like “sears” instead of “whatever number of years”. Of course, we all misspeak but the way she says “sears” instead of “number + years” doesn’t sound like a natural misspeaking to me.

She says staff have been instructed to call vaccines jabs because they’re not in fact vaccines. Really? Why the hell doesn’t she explain that and that seems a very, very odd thing for her superiors to do.

I’m afraid I just couldn’t listen to the whole thing but if you did and you really think she’s bona fide I’m certainly willing to hear why.

Apr 17, 2021 10:04 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I assumed the ‘sears’ thing was where the actual number of years had been ‘blurred out’ to make it a bit harder for authorities to identify this person.

I could be wrong of course.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Apr 17, 2021 10:59 AM
Reply to  Philippe

That would seem a perfectly valid inference, Philippe, except when you’re applying the “controlled opposition” checklist and you notice other things that can be checked off the list.

Apr 16, 2021 8:31 PM

Reply to Moneycircus

  1. You are the Best Poster +100
  2. I nearly gave you a Minus one today, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it
  3. I Read Dave McGowan as he Wrote it
  4. I have seen many of the bands that might have started off in Laurel Canyon in England
  5. Yes I do recall the name of The Mothers of Invention, and I am not surprised that both Frank Zappa and The Residents, said they had never heard of them, including the Dance Group that you claim invented the Hippie Image
  6. We are still here, and going to festivals this summer, that are “cancelled” that we paid for 2 years ago
  7. Are you coming?

You are more than welcome.

Thank You,


Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
Apr 16, 2021 8:21 PM

Fight fire with fire. Large injection of MDMA for all and everyone of them. On the hour, every hour, then hang em high.

Apr 16, 2021 8:14 PM

“Saint” Nicola opened barber’s shops for the shearing of the sheep a couple of weeks ago so like a good but slightly disobedient ovine I went to Scotland to get shorn. Now I do live very close to the border but still excuses began to pile up as Gretna Green appeared out of the mist. Capilli longi! Capilli longi! I imagined myself screaming to Covid police in Latin gesturing at my now long hair.

When I got there there were lines of blokes sitting on chairs, walls, the pavement, all waiting patiently. As I forlornly watched the line from across the road a young lad on his lunch break smoked a roll-up nearby. After establishing our lines of thought he said, “More people died of the flu in 2017 than have died from Covid.” I decided it had been worth going just to hear that and my capilli would just have to stay longi. 

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 16, 2021 7:57 PM
Apr 16, 2021 6:13 PM

Well said

Apr 16, 2021 6:10 PM

Thank you, Andrea! Nailed it. “Pathocracy” is indeed what we have in this parent-child republic. And what we need to do, imho, is move to an adult society where we the self -governing make our own policy & budget decisions. We throw out the sociopathic representative middlepersons and supervise the existing government staff as our obedient employees to “make it so”.

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
Apr 16, 2021 6:03 PM

This post in DaLimbraw Library explains what is going on – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2020/11/are-we-governed-by-humans.html?m=0 – and it will be immediately dismissed by non-Christians as irrelevant and by Churchians as some Halloween ghost story.
Both are blind to the reality that deception is the game of government with lying as the prime skill required of governance.
Prove me wrong!

Apr 17, 2021 6:13 AM
Reply to  Crush Limbraw

@Crush Limbraw: “deception is the game of government with lying as the prime skill required of governance”

Robert Graves: “The most useful legacy from Olympian religion to Christianity was the art of lying impressively in public.” — The White Goddess, 1960.

Rachel Wild
Rachel Wild
Apr 16, 2021 5:41 PM

Yes, we chose safe… when safe was never an option! This article explains the difference between them and us, and why we are in the place we are now… “You” Is Not The New “Royal We”

Renegade Prophet
Renegade Prophet
Apr 16, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  Rachel Wild

So why does this web site ignore the real reason for everything? It is the approaching Planet X that the criminal bastard governments hide with their chemtrails every day globally! It caused the sinking of Atlantis and the flood of Noahs day. This time it will end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to annihilate America and kill 90% of Americans. The day of the next false flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran, America will be nuked and invaded by Russia, China and the whole SCO. Execute the criminal bastard governments and their lying bastard media (all media) or die in WW3!

Apr 16, 2021 3:38 PM

Onward to Ouchwitz.
Mr Bourlas, cartel leader of Drug Gang PfiZer advises covaids death spike every 6 months…forever!

Pfizer macht frei, mein Schnucki$

Same as it ever waZ

Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Apr 16, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  Malatok

I think sociopath is a better description

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 16, 2021 3:10 PM

The psychopaths are Joe public. That is why this is happening. The same one who watch boxing and find it entertaining, make sexist slurs and put their noses up at veganism. They are sananists who choose and finance the media and government in their image and likeness. Making excuses for them is absurd. They elected these obvious criminals into governent positions. They purchased these dispicable publications and they rolled their eyes at concerns raised over various prior misdeeds. It is the terrain that is sick and the terrain that needs healing before any descent media or government can be expected.

Apr 16, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Not so sure. Look up the definition of psychopath, they’re a fraction of the population. Not being vegan or vegetarian is not a criteria.

Apr 16, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  Jesper


Apr 16, 2021 5:53 PM
Reply to  Malatok

Is that the recommendation? I think our rulers tells us something like “EET YER SHEET”…

Apr 16, 2021 5:44 PM
Reply to  Jesper


Apr 16, 2021 6:16 PM
Reply to  Jesper

Exactly -Example; Hitler was a vegetarian

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 16, 2021 7:41 PM
Reply to  Jesper

A person who engages repeatedly in criminal and antisocial behavior without remorse or empathy for those victimized.

killing and tortuing animals repeatedly without remorse does fit the definition of psychopathy as does injecting kids repeatedly with toxic shit and making them wear masks etc. if it was only a fraction it wouldn’t be called mainstream media or the government but some fringe cult group.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Apr 16, 2021 4:37 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

You are shifting the blame onto the victims, the classic hallmark of a troll.

peter currie
peter currie
Apr 16, 2021 8:06 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

It seems to me the worst offenders are in fact the woke. They believe religion is false so they replace it with government. They hate racial or sexist slurs but actual physical harm to children they don’t bat an eye. As someone of the left (not woke) but economic I have found nearly all my allies are strangers from the right. All other perceived injustices at this time are miniscule when compared to what is happening – people on the right in a larger percent have spotted the criminality of this endeavor and I have been appalled at my ex-friends, who think its OK to hurt one group to protect another. All other issues pale in comparison so as Lynn Anderson said “From now on all my friends are going to be strangers’. This AI 4th Reich is an acid test and journalists I once disliked have shown that when an issue this important arrived they stepped up to the plate. What has emerged is most people on the left I knew just cheered for a team and never actually though much about anything.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 16, 2021 2:52 PM

Another story of criminal extortion: >

Pfizer Demands Bank Reserves, Military Bases & Embassy Buildings As Collateral For COVID-19 Vaccines [VIDEO]
March 2, 2021
Pfizer Demands Bank Reserves, Military Bases & Embassy Buildings As Collateral For COVID-19 Vaccines [VIDEO] | The Liberty Beacon

Originally published as: ‘Held to ransom’: Pfizer demands governments gamble with state assets to secure vaccine deal
by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 4:10 PM

It is a US power grab….. that is what covid is.

You think the 35 billion paid by the UK government really went on the cheap, failed ‘Track and Trace’ app? no……………… it went to US corporations. protection money to empire:

Apr 16, 2021 11:57 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

Who owns those corporations? They’re multinational, the buck stops all over the world.

Apr 17, 2021 12:05 AM

Another way to expedite bankruptcy and give it all away. You’ll own nothing and you’ll learn to like it, when you see the alternative.. I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse gains a certain nuance when delivered by Al Capone.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 16, 2021 2:36 PM

The procedure (in animals) is nothing new. Let’s just look the other way. >

Johns Hopkins: You Can Be Vaccinated With A PCR Test Without Knowing
April 16, 2021
Johns Hopkins: You Can Be Vaccinated With A PCR Test Without Knowing | The Liberty Beacon

Apr 16, 2021 2:21 PM

Yeah, poor sheeps whom is been degraded to use as an compare to humans, I like sheeps, I have seen sheeps whom is far thougher than this white race of sheeps, I call em sheeps with balls, because sheeps to variates, not been an uniform race. How many times must one say this, there is no democrasy if we dont have the rights to say No, you can twist that into whatever direction one wants but thats an fact, and they know it, I linked to the Dutch womans video for One reason, so you know whom is the true enemy of man, and they, own everything, cash isnt their problem, they have enough, what they want is raw political power, once you have that, you control everything, while we hagle over semantical issues and various political memes, they make their moves, consiliate their powers, nations are already obsolite and that will continue to deteriorate, and we get unelected scums, like the EU to rule over us all, and the Imperial banana republic, the New Jerusalem to guide us and into darkness bind us. They should be the focus point, anything else is distraction. But, to use an analogy, I know of one story, witch crdibility is questionable but never the less, in most prison cells there are if any window, its armed or some inches thick, and this person was well trained to use such an term, hanging from an pipe thru the roof, pounded the glass for hours, on the same spot, and it took full 6 hours to create the first crack, and the moment the crack apreared, the window was weekened and then it took just mere minutes to crush it. Thats where we are right now, thats why we need to hammer on, relentelessly and… Read more »

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 16, 2021 5:29 PM
Reply to  mikael

Well said; and comparing those who fell for this global scam to sheep is an insult to these animals: one could never fool a flock of sheep by showing them real-size images of wolves, foxes, tigers, lions, etc; probably not even by imitating their sound. The realization of a real threat is a complex combination of sights, smells, eye contacts, memories, gut feelings, and so on, that could not be reproduced unless it’s a real threat; and the image of a flock of sheep running away in the same direction, instinct we too have, could (and in our case should) only occur in the presence of a real danger. But those who fell for this abominable lie are ready to shut themselves down, deprive themselves from sunshine and fresh air, even go to the lengths of suffering unnecessary pain, give up their dignity, and even die, that is go against the movement of life that brought us into existence, just at the sight of a sphere with spikes on it.

Apr 16, 2021 1:53 PM

There are two types of science.

There is $cience and science.

Right now we are immersed in $cience.

History will show that this is one of the most barbaric times in the annals of humanity.

Mass medical experiments being done on people ages 1-101 furthered and promoted by virtually every institution in the public sphere. 

Adults who throw masks on their children’s faces and silently offer them up to the most vicious pharmaceutical profiteers ever known. Only psychologically unhinged people would do this. 

History will not tread lightly on any and all individuals who are actively participating and promoting this madhouse nor will history treat kindly those who remained silent on these matters. 

We are living in times where there is no such thing as ‘being neutral’.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 2:43 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

We were all silent as the US & UK murdered around the rest of the world.

Now it is an issue? ………………How many have we allowed our murderous psychopaths torture loot and murder over the years in our name? Now they have turned on their own….. we were warned.

Apr 16, 2021 3:00 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

Spot on! What the peoples of the “First World” are experiencing is full blown Karma.

We said and did nothing when the barbarism of the “civilized” world was unleashed on the “Third World” because our own quality of life kept rising and rising like there was no end in sight.

As was bound to happen, the rest of the world has been all but picked clean, so now our “civilization” has us in its crosshairs. At long long last, we know how the mass of humanity felt. And we don’t like it.

Apr 16, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

Agree overall- I do have to say I haven’t been silent on any of that. Been out protesting the various slaughters of Empire for 3 decades. Pretty much non-stop.

Here in The Homeland those protests came to a dead stop once Obama-mania hit the States- there are no accidents at that level.

Where I live a local art house that holds about 1000 people was rented out pre-election to full capacity for the Obama zombies to pump up the fervor. I had made booklets, about 100, they were very good, to pass out to disabuse these hypocrites of their Hopioid fantasies- to inform what they were about to get was not the same as what was being marketed.

The documentation in those booklets was meticulous- but to no avail. Again, it was cultic behavior. I even got threatened with bodily harm on that day and from supposedly “peaceful liberals.”

I moved through the aisles trying to hand out these booklets and saw any number of once “anti-war” liberals who were literally ensconced in what was a religious ritual- you had to see it to believe it. They had their fingers so far into their ears you couldn’t get through with a jackhammer.

Same thing happened w/Bush to Clinton. Not many were out in the streets protesting Clinton’s dismantling of Yugoslavia.

The problem now is not that the guns are pointed right at them (us) it’s that these hypocrites not only don’t see it that way but the see the needle (gun) as their Savior.

They are an anchor on humanity.

Apr 16, 2021 11:25 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

Lots of “us” were not silent. I broke my rule of not getting involved in mobs and protested the Iraq war. Quite a few others did too. It didn’t do any good. The propaganda is too intense, the mind control complete. That’s power for you, the power of the purse. The world was bought a long time ago. It’s funny how people are against capitalism but all they attack is the ism. Unless you get rid of the capital, you can’t junk the ism. Am I right or am I right? Even that is just treating the symptoms, the disease is just not being alive and awake. Rosemary Frei got a knocking for suggesting that you should check out the author and instigator of things. What about that sacred cow Socialism? Sid and Bea Webb believed that an elite should rule the world. Wells worked for British Intelligence.LORD Bert Russell helped foment communism in China in the early 20th century. The Astors financed the Labour party. How much do you need to know before you wake up?

Denny KirkQ
Denny KirkQ
Apr 16, 2021 3:25 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Maxwell….thank you for your insights. Your last comment reminded me of Howard Zinn’s book….”You Can’t Be Neutral On A Runaway Train”. Peace.

Apr 16, 2021 1:42 PM

Stop this world I want to get off it’s madness

Apr 16, 2021 1:35 PM

I’ve just watched the bbc not by choice because I’m at my friends house I never seen such biased propaganda showing images of India with a new variant people in masks people being wheeled out on guernys dead I don’t know how much more I can take without going mad.

Apr 16, 2021 3:34 PM
Reply to  Annie

Stop watching it, it is designed to both further the brainwashing in the brainwashed, and injure those who see through it psychologically. Nothing worth reading or seeing is available via the MSM.

Apr 16, 2021 4:20 PM
Reply to  Annie

Come around my house. We can keep the TV off and Im open to any other suggestions.

Seriously, be strong, have faith. I’ve had a big battle in recent days, drained totally. But will recover next week, hopefully. I always do.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Apr 16, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  Annie

I dont watch any mainstream but still feel the same as you are feeling.
A society that allows this abuse of children for ritual is abhorrent and impossible to meld into.
With regards this hoax, I knew people were idiots but this year has shown that 99.85% of them are and how do we come back from that? I really cannot be bothered to learn how to grow lettuce, I’d rather know how to make a cyanide capsule

Apr 17, 2021 11:38 AM
Reply to  Annie

China contributed its share of graphic videos. Even photos of people dead on the streets and flat dwellers getting locked in, that no one can validate now. It is India’s turn. If Africa does not shape up with its contribution, there will be hell to pay.

Red Corvair
Red Corvair
Apr 16, 2021 1:26 PM

Putting a face mask on a sheep !!! Off-Guardian are so cruel with animals !! That photographer needs to be sanctioned. Ahem…

Apr 16, 2021 1:44 PM
Reply to  Red Corvair

Yeh, Its a N95 facemask. Not a bad photoshop though.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 16, 2021 1:14 PM

Excellent piece of work Andrea, however personally, I follow no leaders, no politicians and no gods. I don’t even vote in “elections” nor do I wear facemasks nor do I use hand sanitiser nor do I social distance pay attention to any of the scamdemic propaganda that’s regularly pumped out to keep the fearful cowering in fear.
Because I refuse to live in fear. Simple as that. And I guess I just have too much of an independent streak in me anyway.

J Jones
J Jones
Apr 16, 2021 2:55 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I salute the disobedients and dissenters and I truly feel for the anxious. The point surely is to remain united against the tyranny of the sociopaths. Great article – thank you.

Apr 16, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

me too. but loved ones all think ‘Dad is nuts.’ I dread the ‘but the grandkids MUST be vaccinted!’argument.

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 16, 2021 6:47 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah, you give us courage.

Apr 16, 2021 7:02 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts


Certainly true. But you know, I think I’m beginning to strike up a relationship with a lovely young lady who sells the Issue outside our Off Licence. I buy sherry for my mum there in London, UK.

Anyway, ever since I passed her a fiver and told her I don’t want the Issue, as I said I read it and is rubbish, I’ve been getting lots of flirtive smiles and waves.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 16, 2021 7:52 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I don’t even vote in “elections” nor do I wear facemasks nor do I use hand sanitiser nor do I social distance pay attention to any of the scamdemic propaganda that’s regularly pumped out to keep the fearful cowering in fear.

… and we’re still very much alive!!

Apr 16, 2021 12:59 PM

It is clear that there is something that unites us all here. There is a very wide political, social and religious arc and it is both sad for the circumstances that are and beautiful for the unity we profess in the face of the unilateral lack of freedom created by the false pandemic. Cheer up everyone.

End Rockefeller Medicine
End Rockefeller Medicine
Apr 16, 2021 12:52 PM

The technocrauts have been trying to foist their junk economics (neoliberalism), junk education (Common Core), junk technology (5G) and junk Rockefeller for-profit medicine on us, but we are too aware at this point to buy any of it. “There are people on this planet that are not satisfied to merely live their lives, take care of their families and make their mark peacefully. They crave power over all else. They desperately want control over you, over me, over everything, and they will use any means at their disposal to get it. I would compare it to a kind of drug addiction; globalists are like crack addicts, they can never get enough power, there is always something more to take. They tell themselves and others that they are “philanthropists”, that “they know what is best” for the rest of us. They believe themselves superior and therefore it is their “destiny” to dictate and micro-manage society for the “greater good” of us all. But really, when we witness their methods it becomes clear that they have no noble aspirations. They have no empathy or honor. They don’t care about the average human being, or the environment, or the economy or society in general. They only care about themselves and their delusions of grandeur. These people are a cancer on the rest of civilization. They seem to be particularly obsessed with deconstructing and sabotaging America in the pursuit of their global Reset. Real philanthropists would not have a problem if someone didn’t want to accept their “charity”, but psychopaths cannot abide a group of people rejecting them and their ideology. You are not allowed to walk away from them. You are not allowed to do things your own way. You must be forced to comply. The agenda only works if EVERYONE submits. Unfortunately… Read more »

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 12:56 PM

It is an American agenda so they don’t want it to work at home. Who the hell do you think is behind all this ?

” junk technology 5G”

Any tech which isn’t US controlled is junk…………….. isn’t it?

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 12:52 PM

”Third wave warning as Covid sweeps through Chile despite vaccination”

Add to what is happening in Chile, with the fact that Boris Credits the lockdown with the reduced ‘cases’ in the UK, I think we are looking that vaccines, which really don’t work at all. They used the Chinese vaccine: Sinovac.


Apr 16, 2021 1:43 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

Sam, if vaccines worked against flu viruses we would not have a flu epidemic every year.

“Second marriage, the triumph of hope over experience” — Dr.Johnson.

Same with second flu jab.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 2:38 PM
Reply to  NickM

I have a feeling these vaccines are just flu vaccines, with the usual very low effectiveness.

Apr 16, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

I had wondered this too and a Spiritualist I follow says they are simply flu jabs. However I am not at all convinced. The flu jabs do not produce the horrendous adverse reactions we are seeing. There are now over 600,000 adverse reactions reported through the UK yellow card system which has just been updated and this is only a tiny fraction as most adverse reactions don’t get reported. Many mild yes as you would expect, but there are many serious. Plenty of heart attacks, blindness, concerning neurological problems and lot of blood disorders not just blood clots etc. I am natural health practitioner and we are seeing a great many eye symptoms and strokes.

Apr 16, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  Suzyv

A spiritualist told you they are just flu jabs? wtf?

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 16, 2021 2:13 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

neither work or have any basis for working. they can’t undo eating steak and bacon and cheese and eggs for decades on end.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 2:47 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

You forgot the seasoning, and how long do I put in the oven and at what temperature ?

Apr 16, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Nothing wrong with a boiled egg or a cheese sandwich…organic of course.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 12:29 PM

One third of the population were duped into Brexit, which is leading to the destruction of the British economy. Not happy with that, those on the other political fence were duped into Covid, and the destruction of the British economy, both projects seem to have one aim in common, the destruction of the British economy.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 2:27 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

And the remaining third are falling for the War on Carbon scam which will again destroy the UK economy.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 16, 2021 12:19 PM

I started to engage in some cynical remarks re: covid to a friend before her own comments made it clear that she had swallowed the bullshit on TV. (The usual “Oh don’t joke about it! You don’t want to get that!” thing.) And I realised that the vast majority of people simply pick up what they hear on TV and just “coast along with it”. And if the media completely dropped the covid crap tomorrow, these same people would just carry on as if the last year hadn’t happened. And a few years down the line, they would say e.g. “Oh do you remember that covid thing? Wasn’t that a terrible business?” And so, it would all become part of “our history”.

I don’t think most people are necessarily stupid. They just pick up what’s on TV as “the way it is” or even as “the way the patter goes”. And they play along with it as the standardised “group speak” of the time. But then the age of protests – real protests – seems long gone. All that striking stuff where horribly bitter economic feuds would grind on. Perhaps nobody nowadays would even think of personally getting involved in that? And don’t forget that our media have cunningly recast protest as what the rulers want it to be.

Apr 16, 2021 1:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s a lot worse than that. It’s highly refined and tested propaganda, that has effectively brainwashed over 75% of populations exposed to it. I suspect if the propaganda just stopped, it would take years for it to be reversed. It has never been tried before on this scale.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Living in the UK is like living in a prison with 24 hours a day propaganda broadcast into your cell, it is relentless lies. just like I assume it was in the old Soviet Union. It is a very special place, a very evil place.

Apr 16, 2021 6:07 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

They think they have lined up their ducks all in a row this time. Almost every international organisation, almost every ‘free world’ government and civil service, most of the universities, the think tanks, the media… I think the only thing that will save us is their overreach (and incompetence),like the growing evidence that the ‘jabs’ are causing horrendous damage.

Apr 17, 2021 9:53 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

If the government admitted tomorrow that it’s all garbage (which it is), most people would continue wearing their masks when the drive in their car and go jogging. People are pathetic.

Apr 16, 2021 2:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It depends on one’s definition of stupid. And arguably stupidity carries alot of stuff under it’s umbrella, education, group think, consumerism, distraction, media nonsense, all overlapping between things humans can control, can’t or won’t.

I actually find education a biggy. I had a decent basic education but no qualifications as later lost my way. Because of that I had to force myself to take responsibility for my career and use my brain. Many very well qualified, just coast through life, utterly ignorant and incapable of thought. Just look at Johnson and his cabinet. Yes, of course it’s calculated, about short term greed and power but if they had studied their history at school they would know things won’t end up well for them, as other tyrants of history.

Its an interesting subject for a future article here.

Apr 16, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  Loverat

I believe you inadvertently put your finger on the crux of the entire political paradigm when you said ” if they had studied their history at school they would know things won’t end up well for them, as other tyrants of history.”

The immediate moment is just about as far as, not only politicians but the vast majority of people extend their vision. Here and now. The present, without a past or a future. Riding high today, without a thought to what tomorrow might bring.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 16, 2021 4:38 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Perhaps I am overreacting but my disillusionment with … well just about all “official” wisdom and learning has been sending me down some odd paths. I now cast a jaded eye on certain terminological formulations e.g. when some essay begins, “Notes Towards a Theory of ….” and we are in the familiar atmosphere of chummy academia.

And then you have the clue of overdone invective. When the 9/11 shit started, so many attempts to shore up the official account spent at least half the time fuming about “nuts”, “morons”, and more elevated expressions which were basically just erudite ways of blowing raspberries. And I realised that the appeal of this thing to self congratulating smart arses is precisely in the invective where the mind limiting guidance system is being perpetuated.

There is indeed a secular priesthood whose position is maintained through gullibility based on vanity.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Apr 16, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  Loverat

but if they had studied their history at school they would know things won’t end up well for them

Who in power has ever paid the price?
Youve even got that asswipe Cameron worming his way out of crime again.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Apr 16, 2021 11:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

When you think about suffragettes burning down MP’s houses and firebombing buildings, yes real protest has disintegrated. Who would willingly go to prison and be forcefed in this era of snowflakes?

Apr 17, 2021 12:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“Give us this day our daily bread.. on TV or the phone”

Apr 16, 2021 12:09 PM

For those in UK who need to move beyond these parlour games and get off their arses and join the fight before the camp gates shut behind us, here is a starting point, on Telegram https://t.me/nerNA01
In Ireland a good stating point is https://t.me/AnFhirinne

Apr 16, 2021 12:12 PM
Reply to  StartHere

using https://desktop.telegram.org/ you don’t need a smartphone. You just need any mobile phone to get the verification code. Simple.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 1:01 PM
Reply to  StartHere

So it identifies you against your phone number?

Apr 16, 2021 1:03 PM
Reply to  Sam Octypus

Not necessarily – you can have a burner phone.

Sam Octypus
Sam Octypus
Apr 16, 2021 2:36 PM
Reply to  StartHere

yea right, I keep lots on me at all times.

I now realise that Telegram is also CIA.

Apr 16, 2021 1:26 PM
Reply to  StartHere

any software service which demands to know your telephone number is spying on you. it’s just an objective fact.

Apr 16, 2021 11:39 AM

The definition of collaboration by Wikipedia is as follows :-

“Collaboration is the process of two or more people, entities or organisations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal.”

Either witting or unwittingly has not this quiet war with its silent weapons not made the vast majority of people into COLLABORATORS with the enemy forces in the onward march toward the Great Reset?

Let us not kid ourselves here, the majority at some point collaborate with the enemy in wearing a face covering to buy food or suffer the consequences if they are not self-sufficient.

The ‘game’ has been rigged against the people from the start and now, cannot it be considered that those who willingly take the vaccine are unwitting collaborators also in assisting the dark powers to achieve their global objectives?

Comments please good or bad!

Apr 16, 2021 11:54 AM
Reply to  -CO

It is a very good point. I know too many intelligent people, who have gone along with all of this, and laughed at me when I raised objections, (one friend enquired about the state of MY mental health!) …. to be very forgiving about this last year.

I am piss poor compared to most of them, I live hand to mouth pretty much. I never needed much to get along. I’ve never been interested in money, cars etc. Most of them are actually quite affluent, and oblivious or so it seems. As you point out, is it wilful ignorance? I mentioned below that one believes what one decides to believe, making a choice, depending on whether your paycheck, social status, etc depends on it.

I will be choosing my friends more carefully, and building a new life, my presentiments having been confirmed to my great chagrin about pretty much everything regarding the society I live in… as far away from every prick who went along with this…if such a place exists.

Live the rest of your life, come what may, with a free mind, and a free conscience, leaving the world the way you entered it, the way God made you, unsullied by their vaccinations, mind control and perverted reality.

Apr 16, 2021 12:27 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Hi Corarden, I raised this issue to see whether people actually recognise the fact that they are collaborating with enemy forces at work under the ruse of keeping them ‘safe and healthy’ when a completely different outcome is the aim.

Even now it’s not actually sunk in yet that there is a War going on, a war like no other conducted on a global scale involving a variety of silent weapons deployed at different levels in different nation-states throughout the 🌍 world.
The sooner people come to realise the fact the better. Then things might start to change – but don’t hold your breath.

Apr 16, 2021 12:39 PM
Reply to  -CO

Hi CO,

Yep. For the average person on the street, I think it is on a below conscious level, the applied behavioural psychology and hypnosis is making them believe it is all for the better good. That many in the corridors of power are knowingly collaborating is without doubt. But I don’t think it applies to most.

Apr 16, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Yes indeed Corarden the silent weapons they deploy include all sorts of ideological, behavioural and psychological tactics as well as the medical, economic, ‘legal’ and political measures taken. Not to mention house arrest disguised as ‘quantine’.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Apr 16, 2021 11:28 PM
Reply to  -CO

But the collaborators live among us.
I have a friend I met traveling a couple of years ago. He was exceptionally persnickety about what he could eat – his gut was wrecked from autoimmune issues. He’d spent fortunes having heavy metals removed from his body etc etc.
But his sons and their wives said he couldnt see his grandkids without the vaXX.
He asked what I thought about the it so I linked him here and to Dr Tenpenny etc. I said it’s a moral and societal choice, not merely a personal or family one. I got a mail back telling me he was aware of all these alternative opinions and his natural doctors all told him not to take it. He has never had one in his life, lucky for him.
But he took it.
Now he’s a collaborator too but his sons are the criminals

Apr 17, 2021 10:48 AM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Yes Grace they do unfortunately. I think we have now reached a summary expression of what Dr Rudolph Steiner referred to as the ‘War of All Against All’ where ego is against ego, family against family, race against race, rulers against the ruled and so on. Although he predicted that this would not take place until the far distant future, he did say humanity would go through a somewhat lesser version of it beforehand. It is not too difficult to see that at least that certain features of this is happening around us now at different levels throughout the 🌎 globe.

Apr 17, 2021 9:56 PM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Like many, he’d never eat GM foods in a million years, but he’s very happy to take a GM “vaccine”.

Apr 16, 2021 12:09 PM
Reply to  -CO

For those in UK who need to move beyond these parlour games and get off their arses and join the fight before the camp gates shut behind us, here is a starting point, on Telegram https://t.me/nerNA01

In Ireland a good stating point is https://t.me/AnFhirinne

Apr 16, 2021 1:55 PM
Reply to  StartHere

You said it “before the camp gates shut behind us” if no organized action is taken they’ll turn the whole planet into an open prison.

🛂Your papers please!

Apr 16, 2021 3:57 PM
Reply to  -CO

I think they want the planet emptied out, so they can fly around the rewilded earth, abusing children as they go from one place to another. It’s Planet Epstein they see as paradise.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 16, 2021 1:02 PM
Reply to  -CO

I agree with you in that those who get the jab are helping to usher in a technofascist nightmare, coz the vaccine passports are being rolled out now. I even explained that to several people who want to travel again, and who know they won’t be able to do so if they’re not jabbed.
That is straight out collaboration in my book. Also, a former “left wing” friend who wanted the cops to hand out free facemasks! True, and who also said it was okay to abide by contact tracing at cafes, but just “fill in a false name”. That is collaboration also.
Those who I’ve passed on numerous articles to exposing the scamdemic, yet are still in favour of facemasks or lockdowns or “being sensible”…. well I know exactly what these people would have done in occupied France during WW2. I know exactly what they would have been called.
I gave your comment a thumbs up by the way👍

Apr 16, 2021 1:33 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I don’t understand why giving a false name to the contact tracers is “collaboration”. it seems like it ought rather to be classed as subversion.

when people start equipping themselves with fake vaccine passports, just to be allowed to continue with their lives, will that also be collaboration?

Apr 16, 2021 2:52 PM
Reply to  THX-1157

Resistance and /or subversion? – But consequences will follow on discovery in a totalitarian regime (if it gets a foothold) as it appears to be doing so at present.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 16, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  THX-1157

Call me a purist or just being pedantic my friend, but where I’m coming from is that the actual ACT of signing in the book is collaboration… Even if I write XXXX in it. For me, it’s the Doing part regardless of what I write.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Apr 16, 2021 11:36 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

IMO the books are put out because businesses have been told to put them out or close down, at least that’s what the proprietors have told me here in Mex. So I’ll lie about my name and give a fake number, refuse the gel, if I really need to go in a restaurant or store and wait to pick my battle when the time is right. I dont wear a mask however and they are required everywhere – the Mex police dont care much at this stage but the gringos all have an opinion they imagine I give a F about hearing.
Also need to move to a new area as this town is packed with collaborators who have forced the town’s governing body to institute US policies. FFS the Prez says he’s not getting a puncture but still the shite continues. WHO is really in charge – in Chile, in Mexico?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 17, 2021 12:12 AM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Sigh…. I know I’m coming across like a puritanical pedantic purist, but for me, the actual act of signing the book is still compliance with contact tracing, regardless of what I put down in it.
However, I need to say I still spend money in these cafes. I get takeaway coffee and food, and often buy a bag of coffee to take home, so it’s not like I’m boycotting these places. They’re still getting my money.
Oh, I actually don’t pay taxes Grace. I haven’t done so for 11 years since I started selling the street magazine.
And I saw the Whitney Webb interview on The Last American Vagabond about the awful situation in Chile and how draconian it is there. Its like Pinochet is still alive.

Apr 18, 2021 12:51 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Dear Gezzah Potts, I am 62 and a citizen of Chile. I went trhough Mr. Pinochet’s tenure as a young and adult.
I guess you have to read some not biased books like “Out of the Ashes: Life, Death and Transfiguration of Democracy in Chile”
Best regards.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Apr 16, 2021 11:38 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Also it could be argued that paying taXX, ie agreeing to extortion out of fear, is collaboration.

Apr 17, 2021 3:15 AM
Reply to  Grace Johns

It is. Because our taxes do not get used on the programs they claim they are taxing us for. They get sent to the City of London Corp and the Vatican Bank. The government and banks are using money printed out of thin air to pay for public works. It’s all a giant scam. It’s time people realized they have been played. From all the hoaxes we are subjected to, to the fraud of voting, to the con of indoctrination and misinformation marketed as education, to the nonsense of governments, police and courts. I’m so tired of the absolute bullshit that passes for reality.

Apr 17, 2021 1:04 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

But if you were in the French Underground, wouldn’t you have carried on a pretense of co-operation in order to carry on your undercover work?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 17, 2021 1:42 AM
Reply to  Glenda

My lines in the sand are thus: No vaccine. No testing. No contact tracing.
No compromise on these things.
With respect Glenda, I’m getting a bit tired about this question. For me, from my own perspective, writing Donald Duck in the book is Still compliance because its the ACT of complying.
Regards Serene Teffaha, she will no doubt appeal this outrageous decision, however I didn’t see anything about an appeal in the Age or Guardian articles which were quite sparse on details, however The Guardian stuck the boot in by linking her with “conspiracy theorists”. Have a good day✌️

Apr 17, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Agree about not taking the vaccine, etc. However, when the restaurant/Covid nazis check the logbook and see Donald Duck written, they’ll know it was an act of resistance. I personally prefer to use the names of current members of the UK cabinet.

Apr 17, 2021 3:08 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I’m with you. Further, I have a desire to destroy any business that collaborates with this bullshit. So I would never give them a cent or cooperate.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 17, 2021 3:30 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Thank you! Some people obviously think I’m being overly pedantic, but with me it’s the principle!

Apr 17, 2021 4:48 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Also these “people” who are cooperating and collaborating don’t realize that writing down your name (or a fake name) is the first step. Then comes the Q Code. Then the vaccine passport/Digital ID. At every single point in every single experience you have even before you leave your house. Like Whitney Webb was describing in Chile. They don’t seem to understand the gravity of these measures.

And these vaccines kill. This is not the end it is only the beginning. There will be yearly updates and those updates will annihilate millions. People who believe they can quietly slip under the radar are in as much denial as the Covidian Cult.

Apr 17, 2021 12:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If the jab does not kill it carries the potential to injure at any time (through ADE etc.). So, the future in the “free” world is bondage to the rulers through (a) permanent monitoring (Social Credit) (b) permanent fear for your health (c) UBI.

Apr 17, 2021 3:20 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Not ADE exactly because there are no viruses binding but through the updates and 5g. The radio wave frequencies can be changed in any area by the military and everything from voice to skull technology, mood swings and death can be controlled and triggered remotely. The vaccines work with 5g. It’s a sterilization and kill program. But it’s also a control program. Function stacking.

Apr 18, 2021 11:16 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Don’t forget that we are already in bondage from the moment are parents registered our birth certificate creating our legal fiction.

Apr 16, 2021 2:12 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Well Gezzah, I think we can rightly say at this juncture to people out there:

“You are either for the global regime of totalitarian and dictatorial control or are against it! as no other position is possible – so what will it be?

It seems that the ignorance, docility and fear the enemy forces have managed to inculcate and foster in the world’s population beggars belief.

This is WWIII – a silent war at that (up to now!) and the sooner it’s acknowledged by the world’s population the better otherwise dire consequences will follow and all the doubters will wish they had 👂 listened to Reason.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 16, 2021 10:26 PM
Reply to  -CO

Agree with you again Co. The time for sitting on the fence is long gone.
It’s completely untenable to say, ‘oh, I think there was a pandemic’, then turn around and say ‘but the covid measures have been a bit much’.
You oppose this tyranny or you don’t.
Placard seen at a London protest: Your Obedience is Prolonging This Nightmare.

Apr 17, 2021 2:50 PM
Reply to  -CO

People are always collaborators and always have been: consider the manager in a firm, he is required to openly support political correctness, diversity, covid, the we are a “low carbon” company global warming message etc. The ones at the top are tight ass, they will not discuss any topic that could result in them being seen as disloyal to the corporate authorities. These people are the escort whores, they are happy to do it if it gets them moar stuff. As you head down the company the managers get less anal – they have less to lose – these are the low class whores. At the bottom of the company the people have even less to lose and in addition most managers don’t care what these people think. These are the most honest people. You want to know what is happening in the company, do not ask the whores, go to the plebs. For example, at one place my manager used to tell me how to fill out my time sheet every month – he would send me the details by WhatsApp (not by corporate email) so that his project budgets balance. What I was putting on those time sheets bore absolutely not relevance to what I was doing. See, that alone tells me that the management chain is a joke, is afraid of being discovered to be a joke, but has probably never been in danger of being discovered to be a joke. The place is a financial company that survives because it has political support, similar to an exchange that gets political support through legislation and a license. Every corporate manager is a whore, not only in their work life, they whore their whole life to get moar and be rich. Kind of sad really, especially when you… Read more »

Apr 16, 2021 11:34 AM

When you thought this demonic shitshow and its propaganda wing couldn’t plum the depths more…I think I’m going to have to live in the wilderness…I can’t take this shit any more

Strictly Come Dancing bosses ‘target Chris Whitty or Jonathan Van-Tam in bid to land a star of the pandemic for 2021 series’ 

comment image The hit BBC One dance show is said to be making ‘discreet enquiries’ over the next few weeks in a bid to secure Chief Medical Officer Whitty, 54, his deputy Jonathan Van-Tam, or Kate Bingh

Apr 16, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Sick. They’ll be organising a socially-distanced, fully-masked COVID AID gig before long….with all our favourite popstars.

J Jones
J Jones
Apr 16, 2021 2:59 PM
Reply to  Corarden

They’d have to dance together surely – same bubble. I’d even renew my license for that!

John Crowther
John Crowther
Apr 16, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Van – Tam could team up with his other half Tubbs from the local shop

Dave Patterson
Dave Patterson
Apr 16, 2021 11:32 AM

there’s a lot of ‘we’s’ in there, which I suspect is a very incorrect pronoun for most people reading the OffG or commenting here – just speaking for myself, I didn’t see a single place there where I’d be saying ‘oh, yea, me too ..’

Andy H
Andy H
Apr 16, 2021 11:49 AM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Thanks for your feedback Dave. This wasn’t intended to reflect the position of OffG readers but rather to consider the psychological defences of those who have been terrorised by government propaganda. So many people are questioning why people can’t ‘see’ what is going on so I wanted to consider the anxieties behind this.

Apr 16, 2021 1:41 PM
Reply to  Andy H

it’s hard to feel much sympathy for people who have never in their lives considered the possibility that the Proper Authorities might be systematically lying to them. it must take a highly developed facility for Reality Control to be able to sustain that delusion.

to mention only one obvious example, what do they think the Iraq War was about? but of course, they don’t think anything about it, it’s already disappeared down the memory hole.

Apr 16, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  THX-1157

All it takes is the concerted effort of all the state and associated private ideological apparatuses including the MSM, the schools, the family, mainstream science and medical ideological apparatus, religious, and cultural ideological apparatuses. All play their part in the inculcation of a consensus reality. Unless that fact is realised then there is no way to change it.

Apr 17, 2021 12:49 AM
Reply to  -CO

how come it doesn’t work on me, or numerous other people?

at least in 1984, people were aware/unaware that the consequence of insufficient Reality Control was being physically vapourized, a rather compelling incentive. in 2021, the consequence of insufficient Reality Control is that your Fakebook friends might think you a bit odd, and not invite you to their Zoom parties.

why are these people such f***ing morons?

Apr 17, 2021 11:12 AM
Reply to  THX-1157

It works on us all until you begin to QUESTION, and THINK things out for yourself. Many people still accept conclusions without the premises and the colloquial expression is “Don ‘t think it causes chaos”. In other words they would rather have OTHERS do most of their thinking for them.

This sort of complacency has partly got us into the mess we are now in but also remember that we are all at different stages and levels of development and intelligence and that too will play a significant part in determining what we can and cannot comprehend.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 16, 2021 1:39 PM
Reply to  Dave Patterson

Yes … way too many “we’s”. Ends up weakening the argument.

Apr 16, 2021 11:23 AM

“We shielded ourselves from the horror of acknowledging that we are powerless and vulnerable and totally alone in an indifferent Universe. And because a life of servitude seemed preferable to one of existential terror, we collaborated with our oppressors.”

Who TF is this piece aimed at? Surely not the regular readers of OffG! And why the post-mortem, the patient is not dead yet! And we are not effing powerless.

Pharma rep. Varadker in Ireland says Israel’s may be the way to go, “it seems to be working there”! Here’s how well it’s working in that testbed-for-repression-technology https://www.bitchute.com/video/PWAMvuUT9Grj/

Let’s leave this defeat porn aside and get active, if not already. There’ll be lots of time later for artfully-crafted laments!

J Jones
J Jones
Apr 16, 2021 3:09 PM
Reply to  StartHere

And watching BitChute is being active? Writing is active. The pen is mightier than the sword. From Wat Tyler onwards, nothing changes without the masses. The article doesn’t suggest you’re one of them (give yourself a pat on the back) – just that we have much to gain from appreciating their anxieties. Humanity being one of them.

Apr 16, 2021 11:23 AM

But of course. We are intentionally kept dependent and childlike. Have a read of John Taylor Gatto’s Weapons of Mass Instruction. Then nothing of what is happening would be shocking if we understood how we were being prepared for it for a century or more.

If we want to sort this, we should take our children out of schools and give them the assignment to ‘reset’ the world.

Bored now
Bored now
Apr 16, 2021 10:55 AM

Poor Darren Moore. I wonder if he had the AstraZeneca jab? ‘Blood clots on the lungs’ is a well documented side effect of that vaccine. Also, it’s inter that the BBC say he has pneumonia. I thought that was an affliction of the pre-Covid era along with flu. The fact that he is described as having pneumonia instead of Covid is another clue that he is actually suffering the after effects of the vaccine. Or maybe I’m just being too cynical. Either way, I hope he makes a full recover soon.

Apr 16, 2021 10:48 AM

German (proper) journalist Paul Schreyer chronologically and analitycaly examines the current PSY-OP. Even those of as “connecting the dots” and seeing the “stepping stones” will be surpised to find out that this current Plandemic has been planned for more than 20 years. “…Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The “war on viruses” began back in the 1990s as the “war on bioterror.” Research shows: For more than twenty years since then, pandemic scenarios have been repeatedly rehearsed in simulation exercises, first in the U.S., later coordinated internationally. The titles of these exercises are reminiscent of Hollywood productions: “Dark Winter” (2001), “Global Mercury” (2003), “Atlantic Storm” (2005) or “Clade X” (2018). High-ranking government representatives as well as well-known journalists were involved, most recently, at “Event 201” in October 2019, also board members of large global corporations. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of the measures that had been rehearsed and discussed for years were implemented globally. Passages like the following appeared in scripts as early as 20 years ago: “The sight of an armed military presence in US cities has provoked protests about curtailment of civil liberties (…) The question is, however, how do we enforce it and to what degree? How much force do you use to keep people in their homes?” In the event of a pandemic, “basic civil liberties such as freedom of assembly or travel” could no longer „taken for granted”. Restrictions on liberty, as well as mass vaccinations, were regular features of the planning games. This lecture will chronologically trace how these exercises came about, who organized them, and what parallels the scripts have to the current situation. Is the virus just a pretext for a longer-planned global transformation? And was a… Read more »

Apr 16, 2021 11:24 AM
Reply to  McMurphy

Given that there was a potential for several serious virus pandemics in the last 20 years with SARS, MERS, Bird Flu and Ebola virus, it is not in the least surprising that authorities should try to co-ordinate and plan for pandemics, in fact if they did not do so, they would be considered negligent. In fact what is indeed surprising is how governments like those in UK were caught unprepared for the pandemic, no PPE, no stopping international travel or even travel from areas like Italy and Spain in early march when it was clear what was happening, late lockdown, early release of lockdown and very poor application of enforcements of lockdown. None of these is mentioned by those who see something sinister here. On the contrary the only advantage those in power sought was to enrich themselves and their cronies by awarding them contracts at inflated prices for covid related matters I still see no tanks in the streets of London. I wonder who are the real fear mongers?

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 16, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  Orage

Given that we kept hearing there was a potential for several serious virus pandemics in the last 20 years, it is not in the least surprising that authorities should co-ordinate and plan for a big pandemic show in which the constantly reiterated “fact” that they were caught unprepared was a bit of a giveaway. But then again, “incompetence” was always one of the exciting memes of the franchise – another being how these “incompetents” then “opportunistically” enriched themselves from this unforeseen catastrophe which they continuously foresaw. Tanks in the streets of London are hardly needed when the population are already hiding under their beds.

Apr 16, 2021 12:01 PM
Reply to  Orage

Given that Event 201 was a “preparedness drill” why were none of its findings addressed?

In the Event 201 scenario there was a shortage of PPE… and so it came to pass that there was a shortage of PPE. In the drill, the hospitals were quickly overwhelmed… and so it came to pass (we are told) that hospitals were overwhelmed.

Was Event 201 a precautionary exercise or a dress rehearsal of a choreographed script?

Apr 16, 2021 1:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

it seems that the script was already available in 2011:

Apr 16, 2021 3:20 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Definitely the latter. And the WHO agreement that all member countries had to sign up to a full-scale pandemic simulation exercise before 2020 might also have had something to do with it – this is written about in the WHO documentation for members.

Apr 16, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Was Event 201 a precautionary exercise or a dress rehearsal of a choreographed script?”

That was a rhetorical question, surely, MC? 😀

Apr 17, 2021 12:54 AM
Reply to  Tony

even so, why would they publicize it? it’s like they’re openly laughing in your face — “you know what we’re doing, and we know that you know what we’re doing, but there is nothing that you can do about it.”

Apr 17, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

As a part of the drama (crisis “coming to pass”), govt. stocks of the following disappeared in France in 2020-03: (a) chloroquine (b) 600 million surgical masks for health professionals (c) another 800 million surgical masks, presumably for others.

Apr 16, 2021 1:42 PM
Reply to  Orage

I read somewhere (it may have been on Off-G) that Neil Ferguson and the computer-modelling team at Imperial College had some influence in the ‘several serious potential viral pandemics’ scaremongery…Here’s a little bit fromwiki :

‘Ferguson has used mathematical modelling to provide data on several disease outbreaks including the 2001 United Kingdom foot-and-mouth outbreak, the swine flu outbreak in 2009 in the UK, the 2012 Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak and the ebola epidemic in Western Africa in 2016.’

I wouldn’t trust the fcker as far as I could throw him.

Apr 16, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  Orage

Orage, your excuse comes from the Metternich regime in Vienna: despotism crippled by incompetence.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 16, 2021 2:15 PM
Reply to  McMurphy

IMO its a good idea to keep an eye on the stock markets.
Ostensibly, economies have tanked worldwide. The future looks grim.
Financial markets (including Cryptos) go up and up and up ….

Apr 16, 2021 10:48 AM

In case you missed it, Russell Brand with Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates’s Book Is Rubbish!

If you don’t know of Vandana Shiva, she is one of the few environmental leaders who rejects biomass and biofuels (See Planet of the Humans), which she says have been hijacked by the petroleum-based billionaires trying to preserve their wealth and power.

“We are talking about the old oil economy trying to maintain itself with another raw material: the green planet. The only reason that corn and soya is being planted for biofuel is that subsidies make it profitable.”