3 Things You Don’t Know about Euthanasia
Rosemary Frei, via her website
The cadence is increasing of jurisdictions introducing, normalizing and expanding laws allowing doctors to help people commit suicide.
Is this purely in the service of relieving unbearable physical or mental suffering? Or do other factors predominate?
I used to believe the former, but my recent re-examination of the issue suggests the latter is more likely.
On March 17, 2021, Bill C-7 came into effect across Canada. The new law significantly increases the proportion of the population eligible to undergo physician-assisted death (PAD). C-7 expands PAD eligibility to, for example, people whose death is not reasonably foreseeable.
On March 18, Spain passed federal legislation that for the first time allows PAD there; it goes into effect in June.
The same thing has happened in New Zealand: the federal ‘End of Life Choice Act’ goes into effect in November.
And on April 8 the French federal parliament debated whether to make euthanasia the law of their land. The majority of the parliamentarians favour legalizing euthanasia. However, the law was not passed because there wasn’t enough time for them to go through the thousands of amendments proposed by legislators who oppose PAD.
(Other terms for the act of doctors helping people commit suicide include physician-assisted suicide, voluntary assisted suicide and medical assistance in dying. And the difference between euthanasia and PAD is the latter requires patients to request it.)
Other countries, such as the UK, are similar to France: active euthanasia is illegal but most residents and physicians approve of it. Therefore in these countries many physicians perform euthanasia without being punished and there is a considerable push to legalize it.
Holland and Belgium were the first countries to decriminalize euthanasia and PAD, bringing their laws into effect in 2002. In Luxembourg a similar assisted-death law came into effect in 2009.
All three countries allow people to undergo PAD if they have a serious medical condition, disability or psychiatric disorder, whether their death is imminent or not.
For the last few years years Holland has been moving towards voting on legalizing PAD for people 75 years of age or older who are ‘tired of life.’ And there has been a steady and very significant increase in the overall number of people undergoing PAD in Holland and Belgium.
PAD currently can also be legally performed in five other countries, either across the whole country or in parts of it: Canada, the US, Australia, Germany and Switzerland.
In the US each state can decide whether PAD is permitted there. So far, eight states plus Washington, D.C. have legalized it. Similarly, in Australia it’s a state issue; so far the state of Victoria has brought into effect a law allowing PAD and on July 1 the state of Western Australia will follow suit.
In Canada PAD was first legalized federally in 2016. Now Bill C-7 expands PAD by, among other measures:
- no longer requiring a 10-day ‘reflection’ period between the time a person whose natural death is reasonably foreseeable consents to PAD and when they receive it;
- allowing people who have a very serious illness or disability but whose natural death is not imminent to access PAD as long as they meet certain conditions (previously, PAD was only allowed in people whose natural death was reasonably foreseeable);
- allowing PAD for people who have previously requested it, been found eligible to receive it and their natural death has become reasonably foreseeable but they’ve lost the capacity to consent; and,
- starting in 2023, no longer banning PAD for people who have a mental illness alone, and no other underlying medical conditions or disabilities.
The government and mass media largely paint all of this as giving more people more right to choose how and when they end their lives.
Pro-PAD groups and opinion leaders refer to it in positive terms such as ‘right to die’ and ‘death with dignity.’
Other institutions have an overt pro-PAD position; among these is the Hastings Center in the US.
And additional influential groups and organizations — Wikipedia, for example — have a more subtle but definitely detectable pro-PAD slant in the information they provide to the public about PAD.
Most of the individuals and groups that oppose PAD do so on religious grounds.
But there are at least three facts that most people don’t know about physician-assisted death.
1. Expanding PAD is a serious potential threat to people with disabilities, dementia and Alzheimer’s.
That’s because what the vast majority of these people want and need is good care and services – but those services are becoming very hard to access, particularly in this era of Covid.
Most countries’ PAD laws require health-care providers to inform people of available services for relieving their suffering as alternatives to PAD and to offer referrals to professionals who can provide these services. But those laws don’t also require that the services be made accessible to all of these people, via increased government funding.
And there already have been documented cases of people with disabilities being pressured to undergo PAD.
That’s why many disability advocates oppose expansion of PAD.
Catherine Frazee, a professor at Ryerson University in Toronto and a leading disability advocate, gave powerful testimony to the Canadian parliamentary Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights’ Bill C-7 hearing in November 2020.
She told hearing attendees that the Quebec Superior Court’s 2019 decision allowing disabled Quebec resident Jean Truchon to undergo assisted death even though his death was not reasonably foreseeable – which the Canadian federal government used as a springboard to create Bill C-7 — does not in fact translate into the need to make it easier for disabled people to kill themselves.
Frazee said that, rather, “the deprivations of institutional life that choked out his [Truchon’s] will to live [and resultant request for PAD] were not an inevitable consequence of disability.”
Krista Carr, executive vice-president of Inclusion Canada, has voiced a similar sentiment.
“This bill has got to be stopped, or it will end the life of people. It will end the life of way too many people with disabilities who feel they have no other options,” she’s quoted as saying in a February 8, 2021, Canadian Press article.
2. In 2014, Belgium became the first country to expand PAD to apply to people as young as one year old.
In Holland, ever since its PAD law went into effect in 2002, the country has allowed assisted killing of children — in cases where they’re considered to be incurably ill — of as young as 12. And the Dutch government is now considering following Belgium’s lead and lowering that minimum age to as young as one.
This expansion wouldn’t involve a change in federal law in Holland. Instead, it would be done via changes to the ‘Groningen protocol.’ This set of guidelines was created in 2004 for the killing of newborns and infants with very serious illnesses or deformities such as spina bifida.
3. There is significant controversy about allowing assisted suicide for people who have a psychiatric disorder alone and no other conditions.
Currently only Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg permit this, as part of their original assisted-death laws.
Under Bill C-7, Canada will allow it in 2023.
The Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) released a position statement last year saying it:
did and does not take a position on the legality or morality of MAiD [medical assistance in dying] as this is a decision reflecting current Canadian ethical, cultural and moral views.”
This prompted two former CPA presidents to post an open letter to Canadian psychiatrists highlighting that the CPA did not engage its membership in a consultation process before releasing its position statement.
The two past presidents asked the CPA to:
revisit the Statement by temporarily withdrawing it, to allow for a proper engagement process and development of evidence-based recommendations to inform any future Position Statement on MAiD.”
The CPA did not do this.
The American Psychiatric Association released its PAD position statement in 2016. It states, in whole:
The American Psychiatric Association, in concert with the American Medical Association’s position on medical euthanasia, holds that a psychiatrist should not prescribe or administer any intervention to a non-terminally ill person for the purpose of causing death.”
The American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics states, in part, that:
Physician-assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and would pose serious societal risks. Instead of engaging in assisted suicide, physicians must aggressively respond to the needs of patients at the end of life.”
It certainly makes one wonder why the public isn’t given all of this information.
Instead, the rush to expand access to PAD around the world in the name of humaneness is holding sway.
You can read OffG’s own Kit Knightly on the possible abuse of a Right to Die law here
Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, was a freelance medical writer and journalist for 22 years and now is an independent investigative journalist. You can watch her June 15 interview on The Corbett Report, read her otherOff-Guardian articles follow her on Twitter and read her website here.
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There are people who will take advantage of any kind of law. Whats less clear is how you would resolve this. Ban euthanasia because of some evil people or allow it because of some evil people.
This is not about population control because you cannot reduce a population by assisting suicide: most people want to live. Better a live dog than a dead lion.
“By Zeus, I would rather be a slave on earth
than rule down here among the none-breathing dead.” — Homer
This is about “the boredom and the horror” of life (TS Eliot).
“Qaf thrusts its snouted peak through fog,
For terrible is Earth” — Herman Melville
Hippocrates and the Bible forbid suicide and abortion; the Bible even forbids “wasted seed”. But Nature supplies some of her creatures with seed by the billion because she knows that most of it will be wasted. “A sower went out to sow…” — New Testament.
Pity, Love, Courage, Common Sense, and respect for the autonomy of the victim are our only guides — all of them fallible. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Thanks to medical science I have been rescued from death several times, to live longer than the Biblical “three score and ten”. Should my remaining years have something really hopelessly horrible in store, I have made my own preparations to kill myself quickly or painlessly, and with the least inconvenience to others. Should I not be able to do so on my own — a stroke with paralysis — I hope someone else would do so for me.
The last thing I would like is for someone to love me enough to keep me alive when hope has died.
“You should not thrust your love onto another person” — Russian proverb
I’m sympathetic to this position and recognize that it’s an important and worthy discussion/reflection for individuals, families, communities and cultures.
However I have to push back on the notion that this isn’t abojt depopulation, or rather that these policy changes and campaigns are motivated by that moral argument. It’s the justification that’s used in their PR, sure, but given what we’ve seen (in the past year but really for the last decade) when it comes to the institutions and factions in a position to influence these sorts of policies on the world stage, it seems foolish to accept their justifications at face value.
It might be moral to allow assisted suicide, but it’s a difficult and complicated question and should have nothing to do with the bureaucrats, technocrats, politicians and tyrants that currently head up government health services in the “west”. If they’re aggressively making changes to euthanasia policy, particularly in times like these, it is suspect and alarming. They’ve made it clear that depopulation is a big agenda item, it’s also clear that the highly centralized, inefficient, deeply corrupt and deeply in debt health and social service systems that relate to these policies are unable (or institutionally unwilling) to actually care for the aging population.
Basically I’m saying these systems are nowhere near robust or accountable enough, and have way too many perverse incentives, to be allowed to deal with life and death of individuals in this way.
“It might be moral to allow assisted suicide, but it’s a difficult and complicated question and should have nothing to do with the bureaucrats, technocrats, politicians and tyrants that currently head up government health services in the “west”.
I agree. People come up with political solutions, and sometimes a simple piece of legislation can be quite helpful to a large number of sufferers, but it is, as you say, a difficult and complicated question. Person A and Person B might require opposite answers. Or, faced with a situation where Death looks like a friend, one may find no answer this side of Eternity. On our side of Eternity the hospice movement has been a positive move, taking a terminal patient away from “the medical atmosphere, which is the most terrible of all atmospheres” (GK Chesterton) to die in sympathetic company.
This sliding slope of perverse incentives is very slippery indeed.
In the UK there was a big scandal surrounding the term
“Care Pathway”.
Medication, dehydration, morphine.
OK the only population control thats effective, useful , easy, instant AND profitable is war. If the govnt/powerful entity wanted to control population they would just blow you up already. They do. Any other theory is utter garbage. Population control is easy. Its the easiest job any powerful entity ever had. Of all the conspiracy theories (some good some bad) the notion that anything other than war would be used for population control makes zero sense in any situation I have considered or hypothesised.
A badly skewed by personal belief article ! Ms Frei whom i generally agree with in her work on the fake plague now being sold to the world , but she makes several erroneous and status quo supporting assumptions in her article . The worst of which seems to be her belief that unlimited growth is possible and that we can live forever in constantly increasing numbers ? In fact resources are being depleted rapidly and global industrial pollution is becoming increasingly deadly. This state of affairs will require rethinking Eugenics and Euthanasia , and disentangling the science from the politics. Most of us die in pain slowly and without dignity . Euthanasia has given those with wealth and influence the opportunity to avoid the agony of death , why not the rest of us ? Most of us did not choose to be born ? The powers that be could at least allow us to leave at a time of our own choosing.
Yes, if you buy the narrative of overpopulation and the idea that this will lead to us leaving in a time of our choosing, truly distopian Palliative care is the key to a humane death, and the real issue is the quality of life as we age. If that every becomes a factor in deciding who lives or dies (as de facto it does with QUALY assessments) then we will be in, are in, real trouble.
It seems obvious to me that societies begin to consider more or less subtle forms of population control as the population grows more unsustainable.
Abortion, various lifestyles based on something other than procreation, and the various mindsets that encourage openness to these and other ideas all become increasingly accepted as the species transcends survival behaviors and moves toward becoming a net liability to the larger ecosystem. Perhaps that’s no less natural than increasingly resistant diseases or climate upheaval as a reaction to our burden on the planet.
It may be that a morality based on the preservation and extension of (human) life at all costs has become a selfish and shortsighted morality. Extinction may be the only reward for maintaining the values that we habitually regard as sacred.
In any case, future generations WILL be monstrous by our judgement, just as we are undoubtedly monstrous according the value systems of humans of centuries or millennia past.
You mention “…several erroneous and status quo supporting assumptions…” and then you name just one.
Come on, maaan…! Yes I do drugs and I expect you to do likewise. =)
It’s slowly happening by stealth in the MH system too. I’ve been a “service user” (fucking hate that term) for half of my life. Lifelong severe depression and PTSD, nothing to do with an imbalance of chemicals in my brain or anything, so none of the drugs ever helped, just nasty side affects and addiction they never warned me about. I’ve cottoned on to what BS psychiatry is now so I’m drug free for the first time in 13 years.
Just living in this sick world makes it hard to want to continue on anymore sometimes. I genuinely want to die, I have no hope for the future and everyday is a living hell that I expect will get a lot worse. The only reason I haven’t killed myself is because I have a few close family members who love me very much and I know if I killed myself I would be ripping their hearts out and leaving them heartbroken and left with the guilt of wondering they could have done more to stop me. I have a brother who is my best friend and one of only two people in my life who understand what’s really happening in the world right now and how much danger we are in. How can I abandon him to face all of this alone?
I try to continue on for them but there’s been times this year the pain has become so intolerable that I felt I just couldn’t go on any more. On those occasions when knew I was an immediate risk of suicide I reached out to MH services (I know, more fool me right?). I felt I owed it to my family to try and get help. I only ever went to A + E to speak to the crisis team as a desperate last resort. The crisis team told told me (actual quote) “If you want to kill yourself that’s your choice, you have the capacity to make that decision”. Then they asked me what I planned to do when I went home I said, kill myself? The woman I was speaking to got angry and accused me of making manipulative threats. I told her to go fuck herself and walked out.
“Capacity” has become the magic get out of jail and responsibility free card for MH staff when they are dealing with a suicidal patient. Almost anyone these days has the “capacity” to kill themselves if they are suicidal. Even if they are begging for a place of safety to prevent them from taking their own life. You have the capacity to kill yourself if you want to is the standard response from crisis teams now if you turn up to A+ E and your suicidal. They are knowingly sending people to their deaths. I went home and took a serious overdose that landed me in the ICU for a week and easily could have killed me. Obviously there were no consequences for the people who told me it was ok for me to do this.
Over the past 5-10 years as MH services have become increasingly overwhelmed with demand. During this time more and more people suddenly have the “capacity” to commit suicide if they want to, even when some part of them obviously doesn’t want to or they wouldn’t be reaching out for help in the first place.
One way for dealing with life on this hell planet is to realize that suffering is universal. It’s not just you going through that. We all do. Regardless of how some people present themselves, no mater whether they are rich or poor, everyone is a state of constant suffering.
In fact, all life is suffering. Everything that lives and strives, is filled with suffering. The root of all life’s suffering lies in wanting, desiring and fearing, i.e., in willing.
The ceaseless efforts to banish suffering achieve nothing more than a change in its form. Even what we call “happiness,” is really only a temporary cessation of some particular suffering.
So try to make peace with the fact that this life won’t get any better, lower your expectations of things, people and life in general to the bear minimum and then it becomes a little bit more bearable.
I am familiar with the strategy of lowering expectations
in order to to not get desillusioned / disappointed / alienated
Not a long term strategy at all.
Invites nihilism, an emptiness with a boundary of existentialism.
Apathy is no way to go through life IMO.
low expectations is why we are all in this mess. People take advantage of that.
When the health service was established after WW2 there were less than 2.5 billion humans now there are over 8 billion . Britain’s population in 1945 was about 43 million today it is approaching 70 million , and the disastrous joining the EU fiasco caused immense pressure on the health care system . The powers that be today have little if any commitment to supporting health care as a right of citizenship.
The anti-eugenicists are fundamentally right, it’s the superstructure they (choose to) ignore. The problem is not the human population per se. The planet could accommodate 10 billion of us without excessive strain if so many of us did not employ another 5 to 50 to 500 or more surrrogate humans as compliant slaves. Forget the sedan chair, even the underprivileged in the west can now ‘afford’ an old but still just MoT-worthy banger that will whisk them along a massive network of sprawling motorways with more insect and wildlife exterminating speed, pollution, style and comfort than pre-industrial emporers could hope to dream of. And we haven’t even got around to running hot and cold water or microwave ovens or TV sets or individually owned freezers and washing machines and ‘electronic devices’ and vacuum cleaners yet. Or the massive infrastructure of goods and services provision that gives everyone above the ‘poverty line’ the affordable frankenfood that has enabled the spectacular exponentiality of their population increase. And holidays in a Disneyland half a world away and strawberries in their local Tesco in the middle of winter.
Just by reducing consumption to the average European level, the most lavish 10% of people could reduce global GHG by 1/3. -Lucas Chancel & Thomas Piketty, c. 2018
The under-privileged too will be forced awake soon. Despite climate change being just another scam like covid for most off-G readers. Propaganda including falsehoods keep the masses from reducing consumption and noticing the government wastage in their name.
The underpriveleged are right to do nothing about a universal affliction as long as (1) the overpriveleged continue unabated to feed on them and/or (2) things are so equally dire for the overpriveleged as to force them to stop using “we are all in this together” as polemic to cover the actual behaviour behind their unspoken “except us”. Until then the only ‘real world’ causes (in the sense of having a sufficiently loud voice in those ‘real world’ causes) left open to the underprivileged are, practically, pretty much confined to fringe radical politicking around the edges of undeniably-just identitarianism (e.g. BLM) preparatory to systemic revolution.
It is just a stick to beat the general population of the UK
over the head with.
To gaslight the crap out of citizens.
I read this article yesterday, and largely agree with the general message. I do take exception to the phrase “Physician-assisted suicide”. Perhaps it should be renamed “Physician-condoned execution”. But I guess that would be too obvious…
The obvious is abstracting and defining the process in order to
ease past the actual meaning.
So self harm and auto mutilation are definate no-no’s and to be
medicated far far away.
But hopelessness, ennui and seeing no point in going on?
Well, why don’t we introduce you to the first step of our
tried and tested (haha) PAD process?
Miight be just the thing for you. =)
All part of the agenda. Yesterday I was looking through research papers on AI. Couldn’t help noticing that in May 2020 there was a veritable explosion of publications on AI. As if on cue. And these things take up to 12 months to publish.
OK, so you found a temporal association. Now find some proof of causality for your hyopthesized ‘agenda’.
she is right, you are not; you are using terms which you do not understand; causality does not apply to anything else but matter;
Although the actual rest mass of a proton cannot be determined experimentally (only its upper and lower limits) it is effectively zero (in other words it is all energy with zero mass, as otherwise it could not travel in a vacuum at ‘the speed of light’, i.e. it is all energy with no component of matter). So next time someone tells you the cause of their lifetime of psychiatric upset was seeing their entire nuclear family massacred on the tv in front of their eyes you will be fully justified in telling them that that is a load of self indulgent bullshit. Hopefully the brick they might throw at full force towards the front of your eyes in response will be equally protonacious so it does not cause any blindness greater than that with which you are aleady afficted. A holographic brick, perhaps?
I was just going to sleep when it occurred to me that you might have an understanding of ’cause’ rooted (or stuck) in Aristotle. In that case try his “De Anima” for an insight into immaterial cause. Alternatively (or as well), try catching up with thought between the mid 300s BC and the twentyfirst century. Sleep now, and OUT on this thread.
Came back briefly for an OOPS.
Dayne stated there was a coherent (‘the‘) agenda behind a recent flurry of AI papers. There is certainly a political agenda behind it, in part in preparation for an upcoming superpower conflict, but that agenda is openly stated and increasingly financed by and within the contending states and, as such, is low hanging fruit for increasingly politically-corrupted university valorisation units and, short of the failure of the current financialization stage of capitalism, AI is becoming relevant to it now simply because it is now technologically possible to pursue AI. Earlier recent generations had electronic computation, then networking, then internetworking, , then robotics and now AI, each with its own flurry of increa$ed academic attention, and each in a direct line pointing to what Ray Kurzweil, for a decade now funded through a position at Google, calls ‘singularity’.
However Dayne chose this OG-cultivated overheated bed of paranoid parrots to refer to that clear trend of technological ambition (as distinct from technological practicability–Babbage designed a mechanical, Turing-complete Analytical Engine that was never built: even his early attempts at realizing just a part of his previous Difference Engine kept stripping its gears, his engineer’s patience and his collonially ambitious government’s funding) as “all part of the agenda”. Say what?
Now for the OOPS: my response was “OK, so you found a temporal association. Now find some proof of causality…” when, technically, on the basis of developed Aristotelian logic, I should have said “OK, so you found a temporal association. Now produce some verifiable evidence to support it…” My bad (technical sloppiness → lazy phrasing). Dayne’s bad? ‘The‘ and its consequent, glib, disempowerment of effective counteraction in the face of only apparently overwhelming force. Capitalists, particularly in Capitalism’s current amoral financialized stage, have no common ‘agenda’ but only ruthlessly individualistic predation by way of ethics-free, dog-eat-dog opportunism, though many of them have self-specific sociopolitical agendas that occasionally form only an apparent common ‘agenda’ of a group organized maleficence on the part of participants identified only as ‘they’ or individualized and demonized in the persons of a random few of their more successful practitioners.
It’s very very late so E&OE and this time very definitely OUT.
A long, long time ago I had the opportunity to visit a residential care centre for severely disabled children, where ‘severely’ means ‘to conventional sentiment distressly so’;–children that subsequent relaxations in the euthenasia laws would have euthenized. Two things were evident: none of the children would ever contribute economically to a capitalist society and some were so deformed and disabled that it was impossible to tell if they even had any sense of individual conciousness. But most of them had at least some idea of a self, even if they would never be able to know something as basic to rest of society as its ‘given name’, and a surprisingly high proportion of those showed an immediate happiness and joy at even the slightest siiver of human engagement by any passing human being (as do many who are further along the age scale with advanced senile dementia or brain damage, etc). To put it in the context of Joseph Campbell’s ‘bliss’, bliss clearly dimensions itself to the capacity of the organism it suffuses. There is also an external factor in play: not all care homes actually care. A far more recent experience was visiting a relative with terminal cancer in a highly-regarded hospice, who still had at least a few months of satisfying–or at least saftisfactory–life ahead, more than enough to experience an anticipated event that would give him a sense of a life’s completion and personal closure, but a senior ‘caregiver’ whom one could easily mistake for Dr Harold-Jack Shipman-Kevorkian, a ‘practitioner’ with extraordinary powers of persuasion and a licence to kill in the slot that would normally be occupied by a licence to practice. So…
I am for positive eugenics and I am for universal access to euthenasia for anyone at any age but I am against the presupposition that either is in any way or to any degree the exclusive or necessarily inclusive province of legal or medical ‘professionals’, whether of allopathic, naturopathic, psychiatric, left-wing, right-wing or any other persuasion. However, I do not expect the rabid to either notice or countenance the use of the adjective ‘positive’ (as distinct from ‘negative’) in relation to eugenics or, in a heirarchical, class-based economy, to even understand the possiblity of the undesirability of legally mandated intrusions into all aspects of the maintenance and disposal of that claimed jurisdiction’s legally defined goods and chattels (such as its subjects).
It took you a merry while to arrive at mentioning positive eugenics.
Either you are immensely unhappy or you are playing headgames with us.
Or are trying to anyways.
Is this, could this just be you shitting all over this thread.
Looks like it, whether you actually intend to do so or not.
Who would have thought we’d get to a point where one of the most vulnerable unprotected endangered groups on the planet are Israeli children.
A country turning corona apartheid upon it’s own people by selling them out to a Pharma Corp seems a worthy topic.
If I was a kabbalist I could try and read notions of Tikkun Olahm into all this.
Which would also be creepy, so why bother. =)
I am glad to see Frei doing what she is good at – rather than opinions that are inflammatory.
Iatrogenic disease is in my view the most popular means of dying – at least in developed countries. The epithet of ‘healing’ or ‘healer’ is now used only for PR or pipeline ‘cures’.
The biosecurity state (sis) is the logical result of a death cult to which the many cling as if to their life. The choice for death is where a protectionism locks down. dissociates from life and masks as protection from underlying conflicts and contradictions. All of this is from the worship of the body as the frame of a dissociation and lockdown of the mind, under fear. A Course in Miracles offers the understanding for this, but the mind that thinks only as its body and world dictate can not hear or see anything except as its mask dictates.
The masking of oppositional self-illusion as ‘virtue’ (doublethinking) sets up the management of conflict, set in frames of fear, hate and guilt that are redistributed via narrative magic rather than truly addressed – where healing is.
My sense is that in this sense our ‘world’ is a mask and a ‘power struggle’ of competing and conflicting narrative addiction or compulsion. Yet is no longer able to mask it masking or deny its denials – such that always active insanity is coming to an awareness that can no longer be normalised. The limiting of consciousness is the ‘answer’ to mask out awareness of disturbance that cannot otherwise be flagged to external diversionary ‘enemy and threat’. Limited death is thus the attempt at partial sacrifice to appease the god of terror. The idea of the self and its proxies as sacrifice to forfend evil consequence is also the idea that someone ELSE must pay or take as much a share as can be persuaded or ‘incentivised’ by the application of coercions and deceits set as ‘virtues or protections’.
The complexity of entanglements of a mind set in evasion and projection of its own conflict is more than mind boggling – it fragments our mind and perception to operate as ‘legion’ of compartmentalised conditioning. Such that a narrative ‘continuity’ operates something like the ‘Men in Black’ to protect core narrative belief from disclosure.
The disturbance of pain and conflict in heart and mind can be such that death becomes called on as saviour. The industrialisation of sickness as a displacement of ‘sin’ set in externally defined justifications and entitlements, is set in interventions to a fallen or broken and inadequate ‘nature’ seen as a machine of death.
What we perceive reveals what we are looking with, through or from.
The usurping of the mind by fear and guilt is no less self-reinforcing as experience than any other ideas given priority of funding, attention. But our experience can be completely dissociated from Reality – which is whole and therefore shares wholeness.
The fragmented mind is Humpty Dumpty under all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, set to an impossible and futile task in degradation and depletion of death as the new normal. This them recurs because it cannot be addressed externally. The addiction model is helpful in my view here. Lack and fear driven Self-blindness.
The ‘system’ can only operate the modelling parameters. It is blind or dead to the Living Ones. Any system is only as workable as the quality of the people who run it. The willingness to sacrifice the Living Ones (ourselves in wholeness) for the system is backwards, and that is revealed by the valid feedback of a world in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”. (Michael Ellner).
People say ‘what can we DO’? From a place of already accepted powerlessness seeking impact or leverage over life and lives of other and of our world. All doing automatically embodies who you are currently or actively accepting yourself (and world) to be. And so freedom is not in the doing – so much as in the alignment of mind and heart to the expression of a Living One – that you are – even if you ‘doings’ teach you to lockdown in divisions and doubts.
So whatever you do or choose to leave undone, you already are the freedom and capacity to grow in response-ability for who and what you think or accept as true by acting from it now. The fixation in lack and conflict and a fascination with evil seems to be a mind of its own – as if you cant help it, or they made you do it!. Disease can also seem to have a mind of its own – as if something OUT THERE is seeking to attack or violate you, that has nothing to do with what you think, yet hones in on your doubts and fears as a ‘self-fulfilling’ expectation.
Science sought to get rid of psychic context to make a ‘rational world’. This is how the deceit operates; anything given power as panacea for psychic or relational conflict will BECOME the arena of its unresolved expression! But AS IF a novel set of threats and defences. This is not a reset, but a shift from broken dream to a deeper dissociation whose promise falls away to nightmare.
Truly addressing is bringing it to light, not defining in darkness made normal and then attempting to heroically and pathetically sacrifice light to ‘overcome’ it.
Protecting masked meanings or a covert narrative ID from light of awareness is a contract to a self-apart – set in lack driven seeking. But nothing taken out of Context is then sharing Life – no matter how many lockstep in its worship. Dead concept, image and forms do not heal, renew, inspire, and share in the wonder and gratitude for being. So why wait for our death bed to grow in the willingness to release unforgiveness set in normals of protected grievance? Our relationship with Self as Life is not our masking adaptation to a broken or loveless world.
The visceral nature of pain can be on any level of our human consciousness. I am not saying it is wrong to mask or distance, but to grow awareness of what we choose, so as to grow in the capacity to make choices from a more aligned awareness.
Do we cling to fear of pain and loss as IF a love of Life?
Are we wanting to be phished?
The tension between knowing and being known truly and a masking presentation seeking reinforcement is the seeming conflict between love and fear – where each can be mistaken for the other. But is resolved by choosing one and letting the other go. There is guidance and support for reintegrative healing, but while we are actively defaulted to fear as a kind of self-love set in a bubble of isolation, we WILL not hear or feel the prompts of the heart and mind as one.
Live this day well.
But we can’t smoke pot..
Efficiency. Profit. Shareholder return. The hard reality behind “health service”, “wellness”, etc. Pot is not going to improve (“maximise”) the moolah, whether from youth, worker bees or the aged.
However we call it PAD or PAS or PAK it is euthanasia which concept quickly turned from already controversial and deceptive idea of “mercy killing” to supposed idea of “rational” killing and that follows path to genocide.
In fact such ideas were always a part of sociopolitical agenda, not part of practical medicine as medicine is simply used as a cover up for political agenda of actually retaining socioeconomic system that makes sick or frail people perceived as unproductive burden to society. Thinking of scientific ways of disposing so called useless for the system people is what medicine is tasked with, Instead of repurposing primary mission of society and focus of social order where dominant subject of social competition is mutual sharing and caring for people in the community and genuinely needing them all, regardless of their mental and physical conditions or age to appreciably contribute to society in any way possible throughout their life cycle reaffirming true meaning of life namely to leave lasting, positive appreciated contribution to society, that last beyond individual lifespan.
The eugenics, mass vaccinations and much of modern medical procedures are just a band aids aimed to present to public phony solutions to inherent systemic problems that can only be humanly addressed by dramatic changes of social organization.
This horrible example of prostituting of medicine for sociopolitical or economic objectives and policies vividly showed not only in general medicine but in psychology and psychiatry unfortunately was not eradicated but in fact only cruelest excesses were slightly curbed or hidden under rag.
Terror of big Pharma and huge corporate medical industries of today that took over medical schools, that have power to create and destroy scientific and practical medical careers continues while gags and ties hands or threatens doctors who protest politically motivated wealth/class based medicine for profit in violation of Hippocratic oath and massive damage inflicted by big Pharma unproven untested or tested improperly medicines on poor and vulnerable and rampant use of superfluous medical procedures driven by profit not by medical efficacy or necessity. COVID is just latest and most egregious global example of mass “rational” killing.
Considering recently hype of developing customized racialistic and individualistic genetics based medicine, legalized and mandated involuntary sterilization and legal execution with lethal injection topped with spreading worldwide new and existing euthanasia laws, PAD ir assisted suicide or euthanasia laws without addressing any systemic causes of abandonment, neglect, desperation, crime and disease we are returning to Nazi or Imperial colonial era neo-eugenics, as today’s doctors are as conditioned to make such a step into moral deprivation as German and American colleagues did in 1933 or before.
COVID sham pushed tens of thousands more doctors across that line.
In Eastern Europe, governments cheerily promoted abortion as a hip and modern method of “family planning” throughout the 70s and 80s. They also removed the parental consent requirement for girls as young as 16. Meanwhile, youth magazines popularized the concept of “mini-abortion” (as in — as long as it’s done early, it’s basically teeth cleaning).
I personally know women – smart, beautiful, educated individuals – who back in the day bought into the whole culture of “Friday-night village disco, followed by a ‘mini-abortion’ 2 months later” and have been left permanently unable to bear children.
So this Nazi worship of death and infanticide has always been with us. Now it’s just making a big comeback.
It is true that abortion was promoted but it happened in the era of early systemic transition in mid sixties (slow abandoning of path to socioeconomic system of socialism). Free abortion access in eastern block was never a “socialist ideological thing” like alleged polygamy (decriminalizing infidelity, criticizing Eastern block woman right to cheap, no reason divorce on demand, and 50/50 split of property) as western propaganda in 1950s proclaimed both as such and .. ungodly.
Raising millions from poverty in Eastern block and dramatically improving mass infrastructure created conditions of demographic boom in 1950s (similarly baby boom in US) and that itself put pressure on demand for economic growth, jobs and most of all housing and that created situation, in times of Cold War and sanctions from the west, to devise a way to curb such demand from population that could not be met and hence may cause social tension, and it did. The Eastern European regimes that were essentially politically social-Democratic implemented two things in 1950s to deal with that.
First they heavily promoting education of women, under guise of ideas of feminism that was used in ideological warfare with the west (including Scandinavia) as in the same time western women did not have equal access to education and free education, and were aborting their pregnancies in dark alleys. And second was easy access not only to free abortion but to free contraceptives of all kinds including specifically for women.
however one thinks about abortion as medical procedure or euthanasia or any other forms of euthanasia to avoid necessary social change it is clear that actual policies of adoption of any kind of “rational” killing (war is one of them) are purely politically driven, doctors only provide cover of authority of safety and politically expedient rationality to phony solutions that utmost are dedicated to keep ruling elites in power and socioeconomic system that make them rich and powerful in tact.
The framing of issue as “are you for or against euthanasia” absolutely or conditionally, pushes false dichotomy and shuts down real debate about what is society we want to live in.
Where was this SSSR, ČSSR, Bulgaria, DDR Magyarnempetzi? Abortion was banned Romania and conception -,western brands- avalible in Yugoslavia…
BTW the average age of a down syndrome patient was circa 23 in the 70s in Britain now its in the 60 years because doctors refused basic antibiotic for chest infections etc…So child eutanasia was being done in Britain too until quite recently.
I cannot begin to imagine what kind of Tik Tok dance videos these people
would come up with. Creepy AF. >;)
The problem with doctors is that they are trained in ‘what to do’, not in the ‘why to do’. This can be useful for medical routine tasks, in order to save time (just do as you’re told and tell me what to do mentality), but it becomes problematic when medical problems become intimate and which medical problems usually are.
Psychiatry is a good example, where psychotherapy (listening to patients and try to understand) is replaced by pills (just follow the DSM and the protocol). Death or the will to die is just as intimate. But do doctors know why people want to die? If they do, they’re certainly not trained in it. Some may be good in it (finding out about the why), but than that is despite the training they received which is basically: repeat the protocol and do as you’re told.
I have seen several ‘assisted deaths’ and vice versa (continuation of life on a ventilator). It was always a mess: some were too soon, some were too late, some were not wished for at all, some were wished for but not given. There is a reason why pneumonia or flu is called the old man’s friend. But that, according to the doctors, is the only disease that patients are not allowed to die from!
So now they jab octogenarians to prevent the covid in them. I mean, if on the logic that jabbing does work (it doesn’t) where is the sense? WHY?
I have written my resignation letter and will leave hospital soon (I found another job and it will be good). I am thinking how I am going to tell it to them. I am not sure yet.
What I do know, however, is that I cannot keep silent about the things I have seen in the hospital and the behavior of my colleagues. I need to tell it or I will burst! But when is it a good time to tell the tale. When will people listen?
I mean, I have made myself on the Covid matter and the jabbing nonsense pretty clear to family and friends, and when I talk with them they all agree or seem to agree. After which some (not all) will make the appointment to get themselves tested or jabbed anyway. How can I reach the latter people?
OffG knows who I am. If they or Rosemary want to interview me, Seymour Hersh way (I cannot do this openly), they can e-mail me.
Very well said, Willem! Keep sluggin’ bro! You’re on the right track.
Interestingly I had a conversation with a hospital dr friend this am covering the way doctors are trained and where that really leaves them…he has been concerned for some time about how current training basically brutalises young drs and then makes it a take it or leave situation…he is directly involved in training and it takes its toll on him too…
there seems so much wrong with how the health system tries to operate and yet so little changes….and now we have wasted huge amounts of scarce money playing silly games with fear…to me much of it seems about trying to keep the current model going and pushing more and more drug treatments when these don’t work well now…and didn’t in the past…
it has to be so very frustrating for any thinking doctor in the current situation…trained to follow rules you cannot believe in with any enthusiasm…not a way to live a life…so glad to hear you can escape..
They fully agree with every word you say — then they go out and get the jab. Or at least they queue for three hours to get ‘tested’. Voluntarily.
My experience exactly.
I thought I had a wonderful doctor. She is young, smart, caring, open minded, thorough, super friendly and has a sign out front saying no opioids or cannabis prescribed here. Appointments always start with her asking about summer or vacation plans and inquiring about my family and actually wanting to know the answers! She has the typical Pharma posters selling various vax stories on the wall but has never pushed them on me or even brought them up.
At the end of our last tele-medicine call I politely asked her if I could confirm with her her commitment to informed consent regarding coronavirus vaccines. She became agitated and went into a 5 minute run-on sentence about how she “believes” in vaccines (she literally said the words “I believe in vaccines”, like one might say “I believe Christ died for our sins”), and that the govt was not going to force anyone to get a corona vaccine but did I know that she has had to schedule unvaccinated children last in the day to protect other children in her practice from them (say what now???).
When I said but the govt is going to try to give businesses like grocery stores the power to demand a vaccine of me to enter, she said there are food delivery services available. When I said but won’t that make me a prisoner in my own home she, sounding more irritated as the call progressed finally with exasperation said “Well then get a lawyer.” She was telling me this is beyond her purview. And TBH I kind of had to agree!
I hung up and thought wow. They’ve successfully made Dr’s psychologically disengage themselves and reject any responsibility for what will be at the very least a huge society splitting medical tyranny. Truly Diabolical.
“At the end of our last tele-medicine call…I hung up and thought wow.”
The Barts man examines the patient with one hand in the pocket of his white coat. The Kings man examines the patient with both hands in his pockets. The Con-19 man does not examine the patient.
I’m not criticizing you for participating in the oxymoronic “telemedicine” dodge. I know people who sincerely reject and oppose the bogus masks and treacherous gene-therapy “vaccines”, but are thrust into circumstances where they feel compelled to submit.
One develops a condition that requires a minor but essential surgical procedure, and the pre-surgery “checklist” requires a “negative COVID test” result. There is no discussion or negotiation allowed or involved; one either gets the test, or declines the surgery and continues to suffer as the minor infirmity becomes major.
Another is required by a nursing facility to show proof of vaccination in order to visit a spouse with advanced multiple sclerosis. Somehow this administrative requirement persists even though it lacks the force of law; complain if you like, but until further notice if one declines to be vaccinated the “no-visits” rule in place since last March will apply indefinitely.
Even so, the “telemedicine” alternative galls me. Thankfully, my health is OK so I’ve been avoiding my doctor, whom I like but no longer trust.
Ironically, several years ago I followed him when he ended his in-hospital practice– i.e. he was an employee of the medical center corporation– and established a so-called “concierge” practice. During a meeting he held with his patients to announce the transition, and outline (“sell”) the advantages of joining his concierge practice for a hefty yearly fee, he sincerely stated that he had become professionally burned out working in the corporate “assembly-line” medicine hospital-based practice.
The last routine appointment I had just before he announced the transition was difficult for both of us. I was on time, but waited for over an hour because he was backed up. When I was finally ushered into the examination room, he eventually rushed in looking palpably agitated and exhausted; he profusely apologized for the delay, and further apologized that during the ten minutes duration of the “exam”, he spent most of the time consulting or inputting data into the computer.
The concierge practice was to be all about “wellness”, with an emphasis on quality of care. It would be personal, and oriented toward maintaining health and well-being– preventing illness instead of coping with problems that the assembly-line approach made it impossible to detect in advance, etc.
When the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic brought the familiar draconian restrictions, I started getting e-mails from his practice (and every specialist I’d seen) “reassuring” me that they were all devoted to maintaining patient care. The e-mails also included standard scamdemic propaganda supporting masks, social distancing, and frequent handwashing/sanitizing. More to the point, they all offered “telemedicine” visits.
Now the e-mails, including one from the CEO of the medical corporation, are all about “reassuring” patients that vaccines are now available– get yours today!
So now the guy who was sincerely disgusted and remorseful about spending his “personal time” with me working on his computer and staring at the monitor instead of me is reduced to touting “telemedicine”. I suspect he’s not happy about this, so I’m sympathetic but also outraged and dismayed at the utter hypocrisy he’s forced to demonstrate. Thus endeth the rant. 😉
No opoids on the door, phuck that if you have real pain….what’s she gonna give you nsaids?….she sounds like fake calvinist good two shoes…get another doctor.
Hi Willem, I just read your comment. I’d be delighted to talk to / interview you! But I don’t know how to reach you other than messaging you here, so can you please email me (you can click the email icon on the top right-hand corner of my website’s home page and that yields my email address).
Wishing you all the best in your new work, Willem, and I hope you greatly enjoy it.
I would certainly love to hear about your experiences during this scamdemic so I hope someone will take you up on your interview offer.
First of all, I commend Rosemary for putting her story down in writing, as opposed to filming a video, of which I’m sick and tired and no longer watch because I don’t have the time.
As to the subject matter, the purpose of the medical establishment should be to keep people healthy and treat them when hurt or sick. Killing them is not part of that. Period.
If somebody wishes to end his or her life, which I understand, they have to explore other avenues.
Nor is it the right of government or other third parties to interfere when someones chooses to end their life , a choice that is almost impossible to accomplish in the current global hierarchy we find ourselves existing within. Statistically “medical professionals” kill as many people as they save. Life is terminal ?
The lethal injections now being forced on the populace are physician establishment assisted deaths to be. Harry Vox was asked what advice we should give to those who have had both doses. He said they should be told to make their wills.
In many cases, the jab will damage the subject in ways that make him wish for death. In other cases, it will damage the brain itself. I suspect these laws will later be tweaked to cover the latter case.
As I said to Researcher in another comment, a righteous Judge would say to those killers “Your stated intentions don’t matter. You know what you did.” Rosemary covers this well in my view. You can have PAD or alternatives… that aren’t there because rightwing governments defund all that is publicly funded as a prelude to privatization. Check.
Children, as young as one year old (!) can be killed, pardon, subjected to PAD, if they have incurable diseases or illnesses? That will be Rockefeller health science devotees making those decisions, Right?
What a nightmare!
liverpool care pathways for the world
vaccine covidious
5g remote control inflamation
tested on cattle
tested in china
rolled out in canuckistan and aussie
the uk foreign owned corporation
some thought
it would be a tough nut to crack
the people that is
the cattle took the dose en mass
cheered on the so called benifiits
heavy metals spike proteins in the blood
anna fall off axis
tavistock shock
blood clot
trojan demon within
waiting for 5g kill switch triggering
on off
how soylent the screams of quiet wars
logans not running but staying in the dark inside at home
life factors facted databased
terminations automated
based on performance and liquidation values of slave bond holdings
in trust
accountancy profit and loss tis all
human being in dictionary of old
was known as monster
citizens indexed slaves of rome
citizens persons humans children under roman law
eye banker lend me your estates in trust
in case of your demise
martin guerre
nomde guerre
no return for you
are legal fiction
welcome back gordon with an o, disslexsick bard.
the don the dan
the dan
the tin miners of tin tin gail gull gel
the dan the dane the khazar
all rome to me
shirley you udderstand that faction fiction
you should at least be able to go out smoking crack
Many in fact do just that ! Drug overdose deaths far exceed covid deaths.
I am not one to snitch, and neither or they.
Our next door Neighbours haven’t Paid off their Mortgage Yet….
We have always got on well..kids the same as age as ours…
The kids played together, the day we moved next door door to them in 1993.
They are a lot posher than us from Lancashire (though she has had elocution lessons to change her voice from raw Northern Iriish to Posh Surrey..
They do Air B N B – and they have got an entire Family staying with them..
I do note these things…
It seems both German and Dutch entire Families can to travel to England whatsoever without any Problems whatsoever – and they come to England in their own large cars, with their own German and Dutch Registration Number Plates, and I think that is Great.
They don’t travel to England for Free, and they don’t wear any stupid masks.
We are making Progress.
We love where we live.
To press on in the face of adversity – the endless hiccups in the ‘roll-out’, increasing injuries & deaths from the Lethal Injection – the Australian government claims it weighs “the benefits against the risks” (the Real Risk being it will be dumped by voters if it Doesnt Get It Right)… (Standby slogans: s/he was old, or, s/he had many health problems)…
Our Leader was formerly in Advertising, so know the value of a good slogan…
I too have noted it was not okay for an 85 yr old to die of covid…if one can actually die of it…but fine if they die post vax…one here was 3 days…well she was old anyway…not sure the PM had to make it up…the gem pop seemed to suddenly decide…though drs seemed to have something to do with same..,all part of the strange that goes with all this…
“Physician assisted death” is such a blunt term. Couldn’t we re-label it “Sustainable Certified Divinity Scaffolded Transitional Carbon Based Molecular Rearrangement & Biological Recycling Procedure”??
The only problem I foresee with that is the size of the banner you’d need to protest against it.
Otherwise, gets my vote.
Or Approved Exit, as in Logan’s Run.
We know where this is headed. Being Anti-vax will be labelled a psychiatric condition. Klaus and his merry robber barons are so predictable.
And they reckon they can’t see how they’re not part of this death cult celebrating their elixir. said LepaDinis
And this is how #Israel celebrates its independence day. The parallels to North Korea are purely coincidental. #vaccine
I am starting to think that maybe this whole scam will indeed fall apart. But I’ll bet that, if it does, there will be a huge collective shrug from the media who will then affect a stifled yawn and carry on as if nothing happened. They’ll probably ease into the abandonment of COVID by still shovelling out the shit but less and less till they’ve stopped …and then it’ll be back to the usual crap with only a few explosions from the pseudo-Left rottweilers like the WSWS who will wail that the people are still dying in their millions until their corporate sponsors say, “Down Rex, we’ve moved on now!” and Dave North whines a bit till he gets his bone.
But then again, the COVID move may only be a preliminary test. The true aim is to reshape the human psyche in a very radical way whereby the notion of natural immunity – and perhaps even of nature itself – is discarded to make way for a new totally manufactured reality where the human body itself is assumed to require endless chemical “top ups” to even stay alive.
And the time was not yet ready for this. Too many of the old mentality are still with us. But gradually, with more assaults from convenient deadly plagues, the rising generations will come to embrace the new “permanent invalid” world.
Exactly the same thing happened around this time last year. Covid disappeared from the media for a while and other stories dominated (mostly George Floyd). The reason for the timing this year is blatantly obvious – the vaccine has been a success
Then last year rising case numbers started to become the lead stories again. Rising case numbers can be generated any time by changing the testing protocols. The cover story is also obviously in place this time, a new variant.
I’d love to agree this is all over – but getting false hopes up only leads to more bitter disappointment. Enjoy and make the most of the lull but let’s not forget recent experience.
(P.S. this scenario applies only to countries in the northern hemisphere where the vaccine roll-out is well-advanced. Elsewhere the fear porn continues unabated)
‘The vaccines have been a success‘. Really? This is a seasonal virus and the season is over. The only deaths now are jab-related (not vaccines – gene therapy). They have to keep bringing out the scariants because Monsters incorporated have run out of things to make us scream. Whatever alternative they come up with will be just as fake so don’t let fear take over ever because it’s what they use to manipulate us.It’s all smoke and mirrors.
It is the jabs that are increasing cases and deaths:
“Too many of the old mentality are still with us.”
This point has been the topic of many a discussion in our house.
We are, literally, a dying breed. We will be gone soon (albeit apparently not soon enough for the mediocrities in charge). Hence the most intensive brainwashing is being directed at the youngsters (alongside normalisation of all sorts of shit – I’m looking at you transgenderism – and the digitisation of all books and on and on).
I do wonder sometimes about the readership of this site and others like it. What is the age demographic? A few commentors have either hinted at, or openly stated, their ages.
Not one (unless I missed it) appear to be below the age of ~50.
Are there any youngster here? By youngsters, I mean of course anybody under 50. I don’t expect or want people to rush forward stating their ages, lest I get accused of collecting data for the CIA, NSA, GCHQ et al by certain commentors (you know who you are and so does everybody else), so the question is kind of rhetorical.
I do fear though that if we fail to recruit the young, then anything we may achieve in the years (?) remaining to us will be of little consequence. This is a long term plan we are facing. Perhaps they will simply put up with us in the short term, knowing that the next generation and the ones after that will mindlessly worship Big Brother, without dissenting voices or inconvenient reference works (aka hard copy books) to muddy the waters.
I’m 30 (don’t care if anyone knows this, I’m probably on some list by now for various reasons and they’ve identified me already). Probably the reason I don’t have any friends is because I don’t understand the apathy of people my age. They know how fucked everything is but they think voting Labour is the answer (they don’t seem to fully grasp that democracy is an illusion and they want the lesser of two evils, as they see it) or they are so afraid of judgement by friends/family/on social media that they’re too cowardly to speak out about any of it.
There are very few genuine free thinkers and anti-conformists in the younger generations as far as I can tell. It’s very lonely for me.
Can they read and write: are they literate beyond consuming and producing videos?
“Transhumanism” has been and is the real and present danger since the beginning of the Information Age . The rest is conflationary noise.
From what we know of the experimental jabs containing unknown stuff, most of those taking it will soon need top-ups to stay sane, pain-free, etc. At some point, their Social Credit, insurance or whatever will run out. The benevolent government will then grant an “approved exit”. Sterility the jab induces (already tested tech.) will also do its part.
What makes you think this will fall apart? I’m looking for reasons to be optimistic 🙂
And yes, if it does, they’ll all act like they did nothing out of the ordinary, and the ‘left’ will be indignant about the fact that we were unable to share our vaccines with poor countries and so on.
Also agree that if this does not work, they’ll try again, probably with greater success. After all, the current scare is an improved iteration of the 2009 swine flu ‘pandemic’.
Unless, unless, there is a great awakening…
All I can add is I looked again at gates chart and I don’t see any happiness in a couple of years….which fingers crossed means whatever hopes he had for us all fell apart…he actually looks like his dreams are shattered…hopefully we will be able to crack open the champagne and celebrate..
And I shudder to think how close I came to joining the pricks. Ewww. I had been helping them out campaigning for Julian Assange before the scamdemic happened, and actually applied to join the SEP.
They turned me down because I’m a New Zealand citizen, but said I could be a “valued supporter”.
And then convid1984 came along and they turned into a grotesque rabid cheer squad for the scamdemic. Never again George!
“That is the way a Langley-Land operation (such as the CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP)) functions. Glom onto some worthy cause or issue– such as Leon Trotsky or the unjust imprisonment of Julian Assange– make them ones own and then come out as a jackbooted corporate fascist fabian eugenicist brown shirt (with some Jim Jones Peoples Temple thrown in) in order to discredit those causes or issues. Vile.”
Timely article.
Supplies of sedative used for COVID-19 patients diverted from France to avoid potential shortages
Exclusive: Accord Healthcare has told The Pharmaceutical Journal that “some French label stock” of midazolam is now being sold into UK wholesalers.
APRIL 2020: “Matt Hancock, announced staff in care homes and hospices would be allowed to “re-use” controlled drugs such as morphine and midazolam, with medication prescribed for one patient used for another where there is an “immediate need.”
Midazolam is listed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists as a “first-line” sedative in the management of COVID-19 patients, and warns in guidance published on 2 April 2020 that it “may be subject to demand pressure”.
Injection route (Solution)
Midazolam has been associated with respiratory depression and respiratory arrest, especially when used for sedation in noncritical care settings. Use only in settings that can provide for continuous monitoring of respiratory and cardiac function. The initial dose and all subsequent doses should always be titrated slowly. Midazolam injection should not be administered by rapid injection in the neonatal population as severe hypotension and seizures have been reported.
This was euthanasia, outright senicide, and pumped up the numbers that they listed as “Covid deaths” all the while talking about “protecting the elderly.”
This was also done in Canada.
Were similar (or the very same) medications used in US nursing homes during this time?
In France, they have shown a preference for clonazepam, also injected, upon mere suspicion of ‘Covid’ in some cases. Absolutely monstrous.
Right on target and succinct as always Maxwell. Much thanks.
I’m sure Cuomo still has a few boxes in his garage
An estimated 90% of a western middle class citizens “health care” is is given during the last 2 years of their life . That fact alone means that so called universal healthcare and insurance plans were unsustainable from their inception post WW2 . A scam that had begun to collapse and was bigger than the fake Covid plague that has replaced it .
Luke Garret, 20, dies 12 hours after Pfizer jab
whos behind this cant criticize aktion t4 under nazism
like most of the ‘agenda’.. baby steps are the order of the day..
but in the very near future if you are of no ‘service’, if you have no utility of ‘value'( schwab loves this word) to the carey-feely death-cult, and you have managed to avoid the ‘assisted suicide’ vaccination roll out..
you will be ‘terminated’…
The reptile image keeps occurring.
On John Steppling’s most recent post he talks about “the ascent of …. ‘the reptile brain’. For to look at Bill Gates or Zuckerberg is to be looking at reptiles. Lizard people. Their eyes have changed over time, too. They have died. Dead eyes. They are windows to the reptile brain. I mean this is perilously close to literally true. The ruling class vanguard today, this small neo Nazi multi trillionaires, are most certainly pushing an agenda that reeks of reptilian desire. And there is a drastic shortage of cultural resistance, let alone political resistance. And where there IS political resistance, the shortage of cultural support has dire consequences.
Part of the anti-human sensibility one sees in people like Gates or Bezos or Biden or Trump, or Prince Charles is the denial of their own desires. I often have asked what it is that makes a Bezos want *more*? There is nothing he can’t have, nothing he can’t do. And he yet he wants more. And this is deformation of desire in a sense. And it is tied in with a deep profound repression. Bezos doesn’t know what he wants.”
Humphrey Bogart nails it:
“Reptile? They wish. More like pond scum.”
Please take Trump off your list. He is not part of the evil cabal. I am hoping he will be back.
“Would tend to agree with you. Orange Hair Bozo whatever his faults (and he has many) being of the inner effluent of the Pond Scum Slick is not one of them. They are far more putrid, foul and disgusting than he.”
It’s not my list. It’s Steppling’s.
I would agree that Trump is different. Not that I see him as some great hero – but I reckon he was something the overlords didn’t expect: another corporate head but, since he never had the requisite “Left/Liberal” training, he hadn’t been indoctrinated enough to pretend there was a nicey nicey democratic system. And he mentioned the two unmentionable words: “Deep State”.
I think Trump was just a straight up bankruptcy bailout by M. Rothschild in the early 90’s. They saved his brand, so he grabbed the opportunity by the pussy. Then they deployed their orange Macy’s Day Parade float in 2016.
I have got some exceedingly good news, not only is Our Queen Bee back, I have even taken a photograph of her in full flight going for our Pierus….which had beautiful White flowers a couple of weeks ago, but is now producing the most beautiful Red flowers…I am trying how to slow-mo photo the bush in our back garden…
And most of the vegetables are replicating themselves, from last year, the seeds are germinating, and my wife says come on to me, lets get some well rotted horsemanure for free from the local farm , for “My” Strawberries.
So all is not lost yet
I also had some other positive feedback from the unvaccinated and the vaccinated (My Ex still has a Great sense of humour thank God – I just said don’t have another – and you will be fine)

Beautiful pic.
It’s a stock image.
He makes up all his ‘personal stories’. It’s a type of trolling.
A queen visiting flowers, Tony? What species of bee would that bee be? Not a honey-bee, obviously.
I always thought that queens only fly twice. Once when taking a swarm to a new ‘home’ and again when mating.
I’m not a bee expert though.
Just one short step and your right to die becomes your responsibility to die.
People should be able to leave this world easily for any reason they choose at any time w/o the interference of self-righteous people. When/if I choose to die, it will be on my own terms. Anyone else should mind your own business!
As for this long-winded article, forget getting government/medical approvals and check-offs. It is easy to off yourself with out anyone else’s involvement (so they aren’t prosecuted). You can search out the “peaceful pill” book for direction or you get a tank of nitrogen to breath from.
Breathing pure nitrogen – according to a pioneering Australian doctor who campaigned for terminally-ill people’s right to die – is painless and non-distressing. We breath it all the time anyway in the air, but if you make it 100% N2, it does the job as quickly and quietly as the theatre-nurse’s pre-anaesthetic injection when you go for surgery.
I once set up a bottled-nitrogen supply, with control valve equipment, for a terminally ill – with cancer – friend, as he had requested help with his wish to die. In the end, he didn’t decide to use it, and died naturally. But I took care to research methods to make sure he would have a quick, quiet and peaceful end if he had used it. Being able to keep breathing OUT, so that excess CO2 from you lungs continues to be vented normally, seems to be the key to making the process easy and struggle-free.
I’m steadfastly behind the idea of each of us having an inalienable right to end our lives when we see fit – without pressure or expectation from others, but still as a basic right. At going on 81, that option feels like something precious to have in my list of basic rights. I’m not about to have any busybody – of whichever persuasion – interfering in my right to end it all. That’s ALWAYS for me to decide. And means are ALWAYS available, for the steadfast of spirit.
The Earth has already begun the (non-negotiable) geophysical process of taking us, humankind, on the Long Descent away from industrial ‘civilisation’. As a result, life is going to get a whole lot harder for everyone, as all commodities and essential supplies become steadily harder and harder for everyone to keep them coming in.
In times like this, the – very ancient – custom amongst people living frugal, precarious lives, that their elders should have a tradition-sanctioned option to die voluntarily, to take pressure off their younger clan members, seems likely to begin easing back into customary fashion. I’m not at all surprised that it’s happening. We – as a species – are well aware, beneath our ego-driven delusions, that life is now scheduled to get a whole lot harder for us. The startrekky, ultra-high-tech dream is simply not going to happen. The option to die will come back into use, necessarily.
Traditionally-living gatherer-hunter and subsistence-farming societies have often had such customs. That hasn’t stopped such communities cherishing and supporting their infirm elders. But every elder understands that s/he has the option to give a generous gift to their youngers – who still love them, no matter what – by taking their weight off the youngers’ daily efforts to get a living for themselves and – as the elders usually think – the centrally-important children of the clan.
When times get tough, customs develop, or are resurrected, which fit the situation, and which are deemed necessary. Dying voluntarily is likely to be one such custom. It always helps, of course, if your community has a world-view which embraces the idea of constant re-incarnation of souls, life after life. As I believe this – with excellent good reasons, I think – the idea of dying at a time chosen by me, in consultation with my nearest and dearest, seems like a necessary right; and indeed a basic good. Bugger busybodies telling me what I can or cannot do with death, “for the greater good of society” – as they calculate it. I can calculate that for myself, thanks very much!
Before modern religions and laws, traditional societies usually had options for euthanasia and abortion, but also for health. The issues behind the laws being discussed here are greed and tyranny.
A Barbs-benzos-booze-opiates-muscle relaxant-anti-emetic cocktail is far nicer than N2 gas…
Physician assisted death? Isn’t that another name for ‘health care’? The medical industrial complex is after all a leading cause of death. But no, that’s iatrogenesis. For more select slices of killing these butchers have special designations. Like euthanasia, aka mercy killing (to distinguish from more torturous methods). A practice ripe for exploitation now that the iatrarchy is overseeing humanitarian missions for depopulation. Besides, the health of the biosphere requires removal of worthless eaters for the sake of ‘sustainability’ (of a planetary playground for elites). All in a day’s work on behalf of the ‘final solution’ prescribed by Doktor Bill Gates.
My father wanted assisted suicide (UK) He had MND. I did weeks of research on the legal ramifications, and practicality. He’d heard about ‘Dignitas’ but after I researched it and explained drinking barbituates in a hire car in a foriegn country somewhere in a remote forest was hardly a dignified end, and I’d probably face legal issues on return, he changed his mind.
I came up with a couple of painless solutions (self suffercation, or morphine) but I insisted he’d have a recorded interview with a psychologist about it at least a month before helping him. He did sign a DNR, and at first he refused to have a PEG (feeding tube) fitted when it was recomended, he knew if he changed his mind on the PEG they mite not fit it if his condition worsened enough.
He eventually did have a PEG fitted about a year later, and after 4 years caring for him it became too much for us to cope (the health service/social services were absoloutly useless) we had the long talk regarding the psychologist interview before he had to go into professional care and the decision would be taken away from him, he decided against it.
Personally I don’t think it should be legal, I just don’t trust the system to administer it with any level of empathy and no pressure. If someone really wants to go, they can find a way, regardless of legal issues IMO, I guess it would be really difficult for a few cases I could think of, say if someone were quadraplegic like the US chap they made a film about. Maybe there should be other choices for those people, like MDMA and psychedellic treatments, it’s a difficult question for sure.
Most people want a random element. That could be done but I suspect there are cruel people even behind Dignitas
Facebook have put up the following on my page:
“George add a COVID 19 frame to your profile picture
We’re committed to helping people get back together safely. Add a frame to your profile picture. Your new picture will be shown to your friends to inspire them to get their vaccines as soon as they can.
The Facebook Company”
I already knew that some FB denizens had put up such virtue signalling guff. But if FB are now inviting people to do it then I’m guessing the vax push isn’t going so well.
Nudge pressure from impudent bleedin’ fartbook fools! Yes, the vax push, and indeed the whole scam, seems to be coming apart at the seams, slowly. Roll on!
The Military Origins of Facebook (Whitney Webb)
Especially not after people find out Facebook is pushing the vax. Really creepy.
I had an aquaintenance who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and was struggling with it’s effects on a constant basis. He was one of the first people to be allowed to undergo assisted death in Canada. He had made up his mind that he had lived a good life and had accomplished everything that he had wanted to do and made his peace. He invited his closet friends to attend his hospital room and to share his last hours with him and to be there with him when he passed on via doctor assisted death. In his case he made the decision based on his condition and his wish to not have to suffer anymore but I personally do not agree with the way this law is now morphing into something far more sinister. Euthansia is euthanasia no matter what you call it.
Could this viral move have worked at any previous time? I suspect that only in the extreme stage of an incubated sense of impotence and helplessness could it be possible. With the eventual eclipse of the very thought of dissent, the indoctrination of an awe of media-proclaimed scientific authorities, an equally indoctrinated fear of ridicule at voicing doubt, a carefully crafted political and media theatre in which such doubt is not given even a whisper of a voice, and an accumulation of hypersensitive hypochondria.
Can you imagine the generation of Paul Robeson and Woody Guthrie falling for this “snowflake socialism”?
”snowflake socialism”
It looks like fascist genocide to me, noting to do with socialism. This is happening in neoliberal Corporate Fascist states, not in Cuba.
Hence the scare quotes.
it’s a good thing that communism hasn’t murdered millions of people then eh ?
because that would be a bit of a shitter, particularly if you were one of ’em..
you have to have a good old chuckle at imbeciles and their binary choices…
left right left right left right etc etc all the way to the cemetery….
Yes I can see that I have created some confusion by appearing to mock socialism. I am doing no such thing. I am only noting that, with awe inspiring cynicism, the COVID manoeuvre is an attempt to impose a fascist totalitarian state through appeals to socialist sentiment and compassion which – and I have said this so often but cannot emphasise strongly enough – the “Left” have disgustingly legitimized by totally embracing it.
Those of us who have read many of your astute comments knew exactly what you mean.
It wasn’t that difficult for the Milner Group to manipulate the socialists of Germany, France and the UK into cheerfully killing each other in 1914. Did any of the survivors question the Spanish Flu narrative in 1918? I’ve not seen anything that they did.
Milner was a Rhodes disciple and Rhodes reported to the Lord R of his time. In fact he made Lord R the executor of his will. WW1 was a was for oil and for Israel.
There are now up to 6 million people awaiting cancer treatments or investigations’ in the UK now, and the government added an extra 1 billion to the health service to ‘help’.
The British government have paid 35 billion pounds to Amazon, amongst others, for a ‘track and Trace’ app that would cost perhaps a few million pounds at most. Where did the rest of the money go?
This is not about cyborgs or lizards, this is very simple looting & theft by an empire in its twilight years and out leaders are either threatened or traitors.
I dream that the current corruption scandal in the UK, is an operation run by the UK’s special services and MI5; to pull down all the traitor politicians who are deliberately destroying our economy for US Corporate interests. Caught with their noses in the trough, But then I wake up and realise that our security services, no longer work for the British, they work for the USA, against us.
The banksters are in control of both the countries you mention and also their successor- communist China.
Assisted suicide is a tough one for me. I think it should only be legal, under the most extreme unusual circumstances, but once it is legal, it will be massively abused against people, who only really want to die, because they are undergoing the most excruciating physical pain. Yet people who are undergoing the most excruciating physical pain, can make a complete and full recovery, regardless of their age, yet if asked in the depths of hell, would you like the doctor to end it all by death, I personally would not have said yes – but the B@stards would probably still kill me.
And yes, I am an old man and have undergone the most excruciating physical pain. They didn’t give me morphine, heroin, or anything except antibiotics cos I wanted to live. My wife went round the chemists trying to buy paracetemol.
I am All Right Now, except most of the entire world has gone COVID Mad
FREE (Massive fan of Paul Kossoff, and even his Dad -David Kossoff used to watch him on Telly when I was a kid)
The reason why the covert eugenists (like Julian Huxley) in charge of writing the post-war order reformulated human rights around the concept of ‘dignity’ is now becoming clear.
‘Dignity’ has one quality the self-professed elite like in anything that’s going to be important – it’s extremely slippery and can mean largely whatever they want it to mean. Considerable amounts of ordinary living – especially during the Covid scam – involve being inflicted with multiple indignities but funnily enough this turns out to be not what they had in mind.
It’s not difficult to see how this concept can insidiously be deployed in a weaponised psy-op. Take the elderly who are likely to be the most significant target in terms of numbers (although by no means the only ones). You can no longer support yourself financially…. how undignified! Your body doesn’t work as well as it used to in parts… how undignified! You have some beliefs that were commonplace once but are now frowned upon… how undignified! Rather than equpping people to cope psychologically and spiritually with aging, plus providing material support, it’s a recipe for magnifying the already-existing problem of adults who remain in an adolescent mindset and for whom their (assisted) self-immolation becomes the final act of faux teenage rebellion. They’ll think it’s the great act of self-empowerment when really they’re just dancing on strings they’ve never been able to see.
Slippery stuff, right enough, as you point out.
Next we need to assess the damage done by our governments to the populations long term immunity systems, by isolating us from those much needed germs and virus, which keep our immune systems fit and focused.
This one point seems to gloss over most people. They (usual suspects) are slowly preparing us for certain death in the future by weakening our immune systems (our only REAL protection). It’s painful watching the Cov-idiots religiously using hand sanitizer (for bacteria) thinking it kills a “scam-demic” virus (??? because it is yet to be isolated) which 99.5% of people under 70 survive.
This one point seems to gloss over most people. They (usual suspects) are slowly preparing us for certain death in the future by weakening our immune systems (our only REAL protection). It’s painful watching the Cov-idiots religiously using hand sanitizer (for bacteria) thinking it kills a “scam-demic” virus ??? (because it is yet to be isolated) which 99.5% of people under 70 survive.
read 10% human, allana collen… brilliant insight into how little we know about the incredible complexity of our immune system
Worse than euthanasia are the doctors who sneakingly kill patients by giving them high doses of ‘pain killer’ (like morphine) or let them starve to death. Both practices are common, it falls under the umbrella ‘palliative care’.
Why is that worse? – Because if doctors are allowed to kill patients and get away with it (they just tick the box: natural cause of death) anything is possible. It’s the ring of Gyges mentality, meaning that anyone who is allowed to do anything, including murder, without accountability is liable to use such power unjustly.
The Groningen protocol tries to circumvent this by asking doctors if they please can tell which babies they euthanasized, so that they can be held accountable (or acquitted) for this potential unlawful deed (Dutch law that is). And which is the reason why it is never used by doctors and why newborns in NL are never euthanized. Well…
It works the same everywhere and it is a difficult situation. There are situations that a person is better off dead. But who is to judge that this is actually so?
Personally, I have seen patients and relatives of patients make better judgment in this, than doctors. But some doctors love power and feel as if, due to their plentiful experience, that they can make better judgments, including how to end life than patients and their loved ones can.
But can they?
“When it comes down to it it all comes down to pocketing as much money (loot) for themselves as possible. The mass murders of the elderly by the corporate fascists and their political flunkies (Gov Death in NY was just the tip of the iceberg) under cover of the scamdemic is nothing short of a crime against humanity. Josef Mengele was an amateur compared to those mobster psychos. Humanity is not safe as long as those crazies are around.”
the serial killer ‘harold shipman’ was a quack, they think he may have ‘helped’ hundreds and then helped himself to their savings…..
I suppose it is the perfect cover for such types..
the caring ‘profession’ seems to be full of murderers, then again it is part of the M.O..
The current informal situation, as you described in the first paragraph, is one reason some activists or politicians are trying to change the law. Unfortunately, the moneybags see an opportunity there.
At the end of this posted video is a link to another video that addresses the medical industry, it is partially blocked by YouTube so I cannot post a direct link. The video below is also important, and should be watched. Enjoy
I have watched this issue for years, starting in the 90s, in the UK, it taught me that our government want us dead as soon as we are no longer useful.
Every year there was a psyop; a sob story of some disabled person who was desperate to kill himself, plastered in the media and used push new laws which were often rejected by MP’s. I think they managed to get through by stealth since. They all know what happened in Belgium where thousands killed themselves because they didn’t want to be a burden. It should be called voluntary genocide.
It is very simple, unpaid pensions are turned into tax cuts for the rich in our current system.
“Hi Doc Jack here. Doc Billy E and I have prepared some mood music for you all to ease the pain and make the passing easier.”

“Now repeat after me, I want to take the cull jab, I want to take the cull jab, I want to take the cull jab.”
“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known. Now wasn’t that easy?”
“Hi Doc Jack again. Also be sure to click your heels three times while saying it. You may not end up in Kansas but what the heck. Like you have a choice.”
Who or what is behind this push for murder . . . oops sorry ‘physcian assisted death’ ?
The usual folk – “Them”.
I was thinking about the genocide and quite how “They” have planned to engineer it. “Engineer” because I have no doubt that “They” expect to run on rails like a train, but I suspect that that particular train has already lost some of its wheels given the amount of vaccine reluctance that is appearing amongst the Sheeple. Not to worry, I’m sure “They” will have accounted for such things, but I do worry about what “Their” next move might be.
When freaks like Ezekiel Emanuel are appointed to key positions by President Broccoli, you know this is the thin edge of the wedge. Bizarrely, Ezekiel would probably ‘off’ President Broccoli for being well past his ‘use by’ date, given half a chance. Such is the cross that bioethecists like this freak have to bear.
‘Zeke’ to his friends, very modestly has this description of his very own self on his very own website…
‘Zeke Emanuel is a force of nature. Author, ethicist, cook, medic, policymaker: he makes other over-achievers look lazy and inadequate. There are very few policy experts – in health care or any other field – with Zeke’s smarts, political antenna and persuasive powers.’
AH yes he’s also pushing for mandating vaccinations….
“Broccoli” … Hmmm… Perhaps “Crinoid” would be a better term? Plant like, animal like, capable of movement but lacking a nervous system.