Open Letter to a Friend Who “Tested Positive”…and Should Have Known Better
Jerry Bernini

Dear Josef K,
Several weeks have passed since you told me that you “tested positive” for what was initially and briefly called Sars-CoV-2 and then quickly became the more euphonious and easier to remember Covid-19.
I was frankly surprised at the time, not that someone made this claim, but that you accepted that claim as fact. That person, whoever she or he was, possessed neither medical knowledge nor priestly power. He or she merely struck a certain pose and performed some hocus-pocus that passed for science.
Your belief did the rest.
Paranoia peddling, live eugenicists and a dead president
While I realize that a frightening number of frightened citizens have been similarly “diagnosed” i.e., further frightened, I didn’t expect that you would join the cult of corona. I told you, and thought you already knew, that Kary Mullis, the inventor of the test they have used for a year now to engineer this panic, long ago said, unequivocally, that the test had zero validity as a diagnostic tool.
And I’m sure he’d be saying it now but for the fact that he passed away in the latter part of 2019, to the continued good fortune of William Henry Gates III, Anthony Fauci, as well as the US, UK, and assorted other governments and the mainstream media (please see the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act regarding truth versus propaganda/public relations) and corporate entities that maintain their continued growth.
I will try to keep asides in check here, but I’d be remiss if I failed to mention recently deceased Tanzanian president John Magufuli, under whose stewardship the lives of ordinary, non-wealthy Tanzanians greatly improved.
He recently became an object lesson regarding what can happen to a leader who is influential and anti-vaccination and who questions the omnipresent Covid narrative, especially if the land over which he presides is rich in mineral deposits that powerful entities covet. “We’ll coup whoever we want,” Elon Musk proudly tweeted about another removed (but not murdered) leader. “Deal with it.”
When you told me about the test I was the proverbial deer in the headlights. But I explained, or tried to explain, that the test that they foisted upon you that day (you were at the time visiting your wife in a nursing home) was in fact the fraud behind the larger fraud called Covid-19. If there is no real, valid test, and there is none, then there is no specific disease. Period.
There’s nothing complicated or ambiguous here: no test equals no specific result. Please let that sink in. There is no boogieman now and there was none before. There is only the fear of one, this one, the one before, the one after.
There is no single illness loose in the big world, no existential threat to all homo sapien life on the planet. There is only the appearance of one. There is only fear, that tool of bullies, abusive husbands and boyfriends, as well as police, politicians and the interests they represent and protect, and in short, all entities and systems that have controlled via fear since long before we got here.
Cui bono remains the question that all should ask regarding any crime. Who profits? Government, its media and other corporate entities have profited mightily by way of all threats in the past, especially threats preceded by the aforementioned adjective “existential.” They profit from them in the present and will continue to profit from them in the looming future. Fear works and always has and has therefore remained the tool of choice.
That this well-engineered and orchestrated fear has become a full-blown, all-encompassing, generalized and obsessive one doesn’t make the object of that fear real. It only means that a staggering number are now consumed by what in the now quaint, slightly more sane past was given this name: paranoid delusion. This abiding fear is attached entirely to an erroneous perception. Only sanity can end it.
The needed prescription, therefore, is calm critical thought in mega-doses. And government intervention and corporate media are therefore now and forever counter-indicated.
Again, who profits? I don’t and you don’t. None of the nameless, faceless rabble, the civilians and/or collateral damage, profit. That is certain and should be clear. We’ve already spent almost twenty years, all of us, suspected of possible terrorist activity, and that suspicion long ago assumed the aura of original sin.
During a good part of that time we’ve been similarly instructed /conditioned to feel bad about the very act of exhaling carbon dioxide. That too has attained the status of mortal sin. How dare we do such a selfish and destructive thing? Stop and consider the socially engineered guilt woven into such a belief.
Religious belief, mind control and another dead president
We haven’t talked since your “diagnosis.” That prompted me to write this message. It became far longer than I expected. I hope therefore that it contains something useful.
I have to begin with the current situation as well as the current population. Please note that the former could not exist without the latter. They are inextricably connected. A = A. In formal logic this is known as the law of identity. A thing can only be what it is. I’m bending that law slightly to suit this absurd situation but I think you get my point.
Someone told me years ago, quite calmly and quietly as I recall, that the US of A was nothing more than a highly successful experiment in mind control. I thought at the time he was right. Now I’m certain. Only a mind-controlled and irrational population can believe, and believe is the active verb here, in a single, overarching and overwhelming threat that does not in fact exist.
Only an irrational population continues to put its faith in those who devised and declared this and every other emergency or threat. And only an irrational, thoroughly mind-controlled population remains unaware of the danger implicit in placing the construct called government (or authority or the state) above, as opposed to below, the deity known as God.
I’m aware of course that some among us do not believe in God. But most who do not hold or profess such belief nonetheless render godlike power to government, which is simply another word for force. And that government, relying entirely upon force and manipulation has now assumed the status of an angry and vengeful Old Testament God.
I thought that you, being a God-fearing, Bible-reading Christian would recognize this. I’ve long suspected that people believe more deeply in government than God. It’s safe to say that this theory is now proven and we should have the courage and integrity at this point to recognize that Government is the Prime Mover and god only a secondary or tertiary character. There would be some dignity in at least admitting this.
I have three or perhaps four friends on this earthly plane. It’s almost tempting to maintain the fiction that I have a few more. I could if I believed that the neighbors and other strangers who addressed me by name on the sidewalks and streets in this vicinity were akin to friends and/or if I confused virtual friends with actual friends.
If I did I could just as easily believe that a virtual plague was a real one. But I adopted a rule when this farce began more than a year ago that I would not respond to or even acknowledge anyone who spoke to me through a mask. I know I would find it worse, meaning mentally unhealthy, to talk to anyone who has drifted as far from reality as so many now have.
It’s incomprehensible on the one hand and flagrantly obvious on the other that a huge swath of the population has sheepishly adjusted to a nonhuman and flagrantly insane manner of living and behaving. That they performed this feat so easily remains shocking to me. What happened to raging against the dying of the light?
How have so many acquiesced to a way of life that is artificial and absurd and can only become more so? How does anyone, let alone millions, become so hypnotized and lost?
The answer to all such rhetorical questions is: it was easy.
What good fortune it is for governments that the people do not think.”
Adolf Hitler
Because I know you to be a thinking person, it surprised me when you told me, four and a half weeks ago, that you had been successfully diagnosed, meaning successfully deceived. Each diagnosis of “Covid” is only that, a successful deception. I’m not saying that your concern, fear, worry, or panic were not real. I’m saying that the cause and object of those emotional responses isn’t.
Your tone at the time told me that you truly believed it. It was not the knowledge of something bad. It was a belief. You sounded stricken. It’s entirely fair to say that you were in the midst of a government-sanctioned panic attack. But as I said earlier I was surprised that you chose to tell me of all people.
I guess this proved beyond question that you have no idea who I am, what I know and for that matter have apparently heard nothing I’ve said or written. I have always expressed myself clearly regarding this and other examples of hysteria, “catastrophic climate change,” and the Sandy Hook event among them. But it is apparently the case. It’s as though all those exchanges went instantly down the memory hole. Or perhaps you were simply not listening.
I have never lacked empathy, that quality that I’m told separates some of us from the psychopaths who “rule” us and the morally absent order followers who give them the power to do so. If you had truly contracted a frightening disease, I would certainly have felt empathy and offered sympathy. But you had simply contracted fear.
You had by way of a deceptive test/ritual adopted a delusion, and while I know that some delusions may be benign, this one is dangerous, destructive and deadly to the world at large. It has become, been allowed to become, a moral, intellectual, and economic cancer.
So much for what was, what recently occurred. Let’s move on to the is of this matter, to the thornier question of what in the world is happening.
For the short answer I’ll defer to Leonard Cohen, for whom we both, as would-be poets, have some degree of regard. “I’ve seen the future,” he wrote and sang, “and it’s murder.” Some of us, and apparently we are few, recognize this and in fact feel it deeply, to the extent that we walk around with a nagging sick feeling in our respective guts.
Why, someone or anyone might ask, are we only a few? Because it is always the few who see what’s happening beyond the specific bread and circuses of the time, place and epoch they happen to inhabit.
There was August Landmesser, for example, the solitary man in that German crowd who refused to salute Der Fuhrer. And Henry David Thoreau, who openly opposed both slavery and the invasion of Mexico. And the nameless citizens in Rome who opted not to attend the games in the Colosseum. They existed throughout the centuries but were always the exception as opposed to the rule. I’m not saying that truth or wisdom should be the secret of a few. I’m saying that it invariably seems to work out that way.
Although your belief in this deadly fraud initially surprised me, I realized soon after I put down the phone those weeks ago that it should not have. I had somehow forgotten that you have for years been ingesting certain prescribed pharmaceuticals that “correct” your “chemical imbalance,” an imbalance that does not actually exist. It remains the holy grail of psychopharmacology and yet it was never found. I learned this from psychiatrist Dr Thomas Szasz and other rational and ethical psychiatrists. This means that your recent fraudulent diagnosis is your second baseless diagnosis.
I am not now nor have I ever been a coincidence theorist
It’s worth noting that regarding other significant matters you’ve demonstrated the ability to think with clarity and reason. You know better, and have said as much, regarding the official narrative of September 11, 2001.
You likewise understood the true nature of the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK. And you know about the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, an event about which most North Americans remain completely and, I suppose, blissfully unaware. Here, by the way, is an interesting aside: back in that same American year (1967) nearly half the adult population of this country smelled a rodent regarding the JFK assassination.
If I’m not mistaken, you and I even spoke once or twice about CIA directive 1035-960, wherein the agency expressed great consternation regarding the fact that 46% per cent of Americans at the time didn’t believe what their government and its media told them about Kennedy’s murder. How we have apparently fallen.
That little memo contained the handy, thought halting phrases “conspiracy theories” and “conspiracy theorists,” which have remained to this day the prime salve for lazy minds and squeamish souls. It’s a window into the zeitgeist of that era that many normal walking around people were far more savvy and far less gullible than the current confederacy of dunces. I’m reminded every day by the sheer scale of the masked multitude, at least in this locale, that most have lost their minds and their way.
That I am among those who “get it” is something in which I take neither pride nor comfort. It’s only a routine matter, much like the fact that I am a physically small male of Italian-American descent from Paterson, NJ cursed with both poor eyesight and a certain amount of vision who made the mistake of being born in a country that has apparently become an unhinged empire.
I’m certain, because I see no evidence to the contrary, that we have crossed a line, a line that marks the point of no return. I fear, there’s that word again, that we have reached the ultimate technocratic objective: universal deception. At such a time, according to George Orwell, speaking the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
This places me in an uncomfortable and ambivalent position. I’m not cut out for the revolutionary life. I’m the quiet type. I don’t like confrontation. I’m no Che Guevara on the one hand or Ghandi on the other. I’m just a guy who sees what’s happening. But the facts remain and they are inviolable.
“Facts are stubborn things”, said John Adams, “and whatever be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they [our emotions] cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
Flannery O’ Connor said (or wrote) this:
The truth doesn’t change according to our ability to stomach it.”
And The Good Book, the book that you value above all others, has meanwhile told you that the truth will set you, and us, free. If Pontius Pilate were here, and I believe he is in spirit, he might blandly ask again: “Truth, what is truth?” I would answer thus: it is what’s left when we discard all the lies. This is simple enough, but we are now here, steeped in daily deception presented as news.
I remember learning, in an Introduction to Philosophy course, that the ancients thought that to seek truth was a noble pursuit, a truly lofty goal. So, when all those years later I started hearing the word “truther,’ employed by mainstream outlets via their repeaters [sic] and parroted by their audiences, it said much about where we were and the road ahead. “Truther” is a word Orwell might have coined and included in the lexicon of Newspeak.
It proved my previous suspicions tragically correct in that it removed the last bit of wishful thinking I might otherwise have mustered or maintained. I knew then that I lived in a fully decayed culture, decayed and decadent, a population trapped in a state of extended childhood. We can’t say we weren’t warned. There have been signs along the way. Now we see what becomes of a person, country or world that does not care about truth. We have arrived at such a juncture.
Voices as varied Charlotte Iserbyt, John Taylor Gatto and comedian and astute observer George Carlin, et al, have observed that this decline of the American mind (and minds throughout much of the world) was engineered just as are most or all societal trends. The plan was then and is now to create a population of consumers, abject conformists and obedient, unquestioning order followers.
The mission succeeded long before the multitude started donning masks and, again, it was planned. I am not now nor have I ever been a coincidence theorist. The seismic events and massive changes of this or any other time are always planned.
The venerable NY Times has recently broadcast an ad proclaiming their allegiance to truth. Seeing that ad sickened me. This is not to single out that particular outlet from other mainstream sources. It could be the Washington Post, LA Times, The Guardian or The London Times, Daily Mail, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Sky News or the always superior sounding BBC. You will find occasional accuracy but scant little truth, at least not about anything important, especially now, from corporate media, or by clicking on Wikipedia, Snopes, or any of their posturing kind.
Likewise, you will not find it, for the most part, in American history textbooks. And now we are here, surrounded by a masked multitude afraid of what is no more than a hoax, albeit a truly murderous one, as well as a massive criminal fraud, and accepting “leadership” from psychopaths and eugenicists.
We are here, right now, in an age of both deception and hubris, seemingly trapped in it like vestiges of life in amber. The powers that shouldn’t be have been misleading, misdirecting, dis-informing and outright deceiving the multitude since before you and I separately arrived.
And apparently, those powers will be doing this with ease and impunity after you and I separately leave. And how did they acquire this power? They acquired it through the belief and support, emotional and financial, of the same multitude, now ludicrously masked for no reason other then the careful application of Skinnerian conditioning, Bernays style propaganda, the compliance of an unthinking populace and, as always, by force.
For a long time I kept saying to myself “They can’t be this stupid,” knowing more times than not that mind controlled and gaslighted might be more accurate appraisals.
I’m sure nearly all the wearers of masks possess more or less normal brains and I have great sympathy for those among us who do not. But I still keep literally saying it aloud. “They can’t be this stupid. It’s just not possible.”
Usually I speak the words only to myself, as a pilot might quietly say, as the airplane was about to crash into a mountain, “Damn,” in more or less the manner of “Hmm, so this is how it ends.”
At other times I find myself raising my voice a little, especially when I walk the local sidewalks and streets and see the masked multitude performing their various plandemic [sic] rituals, the mask raising, the curb seeking, the street crossing, and so on. At such times I just say “Of course, it could only have come to this.”
A population that chooses shiny toys and flickering screens over logic and critical thought could only arrive at this absurdly picturesque and tragicomic ending.
I wish you well. Buckle up. It’s going to be a long and rough ride. This epoch has only begun to unfold. One more thing: as I said at the start of this message, I won’t be contacting you further. I don’t know, meanwhile, how I’ll respond if I happen to meet you on a local sidewalk. I don’t imagine we will converse at length. There’s pretty much nothing to say at this point. But I doubt that I’ll even mutter a greeting if you’re donning a mask.
In that event I apologize in advance.
Jerry Bernini is a writer, photographer and craftsman in northern New Jersey. He is also an autodidact and a devout epistemologist. He can be reached at by email and through his Twitter.
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I am immune to all the chatter. I am, I guess, a critical thinker and not easily swayed. Give me facts, documentation, studies that are peer reviewed. Common sense alone should guide people. If it’s too good to be true then it’s usually is . I can’t understand how so many just lay it down and comply. Give themselves up for mass experimentation and that’s all this is,experimentation. Not just physical but mental experimentation.I am truly dumbfounded that when it comes to government folks just automatically believe. Not looking at the person(s) behind the curtain pulling the strings. I’m neither right nor left, I’m a constitutionalist. My physical, spiritual and mental freedoms are valuable to me. I’m getting claustrophobic , I will not comply to mandates and will fight unjust laws that impede on my constitutional rights.
Jerry – thank you for an extremely beautiful piece of writing.
Don’t believe we are the few, this is another manufactured illusion by those engineering this farce, I believe we who speak up may be few, but in reality the many simply play the game while continuing with their lives, when the pain of complying is greater than that of stopping the charade we will be legion. I still hold faith.
We who see the writing on the wall have been lucky enough to be in the comfortable position of having time to dedicate into research and investigation, the majority of people have issues of greater immediacy such as ensuring their bills are paid and their children’s bellies are full, when the world forces their priorities to change so will the reactions along with their compliance……… Hopefully!
Well, I hear you, but there are not many of us, and I still do not understand why there is this small pocket of us that are not fooled. I know, I have had similar conversations with a brother, and dang,he just got the jab. Im told its the mind programming, but why them and not us, a mystery. I think I’m at the point of not saying my stance anymore, its useless, I have been screamed at by family for not masking at å gathering, insanity yes, how to live here, not sure anymore. I really would like to understand how some are not fooled, is it just our time to awake? Its all theater, those in charge all know this, and it appears confidently and full of glee they continue, mocking most. And know what else,they all politicians, actors, media, come from bloodline families, they havebeen at this a long time, and most of the others, us, are just dancing in the dark.
An excellent thought experiment. That the US of A is a live lab rat run. Since Vance Packard’s Hidden Persuaders the game was up [for me that is]. However when L. Cohen, the singer who would drive me to want to stomp on my head that is how depressing I found him, and discovered I could live with being depressive-manic, went seriously worried in one of his last songs singing: next we take Berlin. Finis Cohen. [for me that is.] This was subtle hint of the untergang that certain Exceptionals and Exalted feed so subtly and nuanced by their Chosen and let the thought experiment diverge so that the real trend, the tensor not the confusing vectors will effect the will of the many so that those who wish for the experiment to continue are in plain sight [Schwab] and now and then are noted. Mr. Cohen passed away shortly after. As these things are so fortuitous they cannot be due to serendipity. Unless they are.
So well written and thorough, covering many of the aspects of this monstrous fraud which is almost too difficult to wrap into one essay, but the author has done it. It will be archived in DaLimbraw Library.
There is only one item I am raising – the author wrote: “And that government, relying entirely upon force and manipulation has now assumed the status of an angry and vengeful Old Testament God.
I thought that you, being a God-fearing, Bible-reading Christian would recognize this.” – if the author did not write that with tongue in cheek and meant it literally, it is an oxymoron. Yes, that OT vengeful God as contrasted with a NT wimp is the perception dispensed by many pabulum spewing pulpits – but any true Bible reader doing due diligent research from the Bible itself would discover that OT and NT are dealing with the same God. In fact, I recently posted DOES EVIL EXIST, which reviews David Chilton’s Days of Vengeance and uses excerpts from the book to make that point explicitly. Anyone may follow up at DLL if you wish.
Again, I truly appreciate this author’s synopsis of our present societal and statutory insanity.
Brilliant synopsis of the present situation. And terrifyingly true.
“Get out of my pub!”
That’s the way!
“There was August Landmesser, for example, the solitary man in that German crowd who refused to salute Der Fuhrer”
Here is a picture of that very brave man.
“When the whole world is running towards the cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind”
C.J. Lewis
why does nobody ever talk about bin laden , that surely was a test in gullibility.
Al-Qaeda, the mighty network capable of outsmarting all the intelligent services in the world, run from a mountain cave in Afghanistan …
Yep, for years I believed Osama dunnit. It was Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth who showed me the light — based on science.
Perhaps even more than gullibility, the bin laden hoax served to begin the process of allowing the American people to once again ravage another part of the world without troubling their pretty little consciences.
For what it’s worth, I figured out bin laden was a scapegoat in either Oct or Nov of 2001. That was when a video showing the first of many bin laden look alikes surfaced on a table in an empty house in Kandahar – just about the same time people were beginning to question the official narrative.
neither do i feel cut out for resistance work but …
Thank you – so eloquently articulated. At a time when I feel as if I am trapped in some insane, scientific experiment, or maybe a movie like The Truman Show and I don’t realise I’m the specimen being examined, it is very reassuring to read such an essay.
It is good to see so many responses here appreciating the reality of this devastating roll out of insanity. In reading through the comments yours stood out at the mention of The Truman Show. I wrote a blog post about this several months ago and just thought I’d share it with you – … My hunch is, this charade will continue until it reaches its crescendo by 2025. What happens after that will be determined by the number of people, from now until then, that choose to peel back their eyelids and wake from their slumber. I hope I’m wrong. I hope it doesn’t take that long but from what I have witnessed with family – I am gutted by their inability to see what seems to be so obvious. It’s as if they prefer to cut off their hand to remove a splinter. Keep standing strong 🙂
Sent this to Local Education Authority
I feel very strongly that my children are at a health risk due to current guidance on face masks in schools. I would like to see the risk assessment that should be in place to protect them from harm.
Such risk assessment should cover the long term effects of continuous use – both psychologically and physically. It should also take in its remit such factors as current science recommendations that a mask be worn for 2 hours max before replacement, that they should not be worn when damp (note – mine is damp after 4-5 breaths) or there may be medical problems. Are teachers doing this? Why have risk assessments not been done on this when I as a teacher need to risk assess the smallest thing normally?
If you have not put such a risk assessment in place, I will immediately recommend either the revocation of the policy due to unknown risk, or the stop to schooling due to pandemic government protocol.
This is a county wide safeguarding issue, that if ignored will see proceedings in court.
Best wishes – and in the hope you have some empathy
Masks are causing damage:
A gem:
“And that government, relying entirely upon force and manipulation”
Indeed, no more science (except for the science of propaganda). No more logic (except the logic of Fascism). No more democracy (except for the Rich).
Any more doubt? Day-in day-out, governments are relying entirely on Force and MANIPULATION!!
Life insurance premiums haven’t gone up due to our novel virus… Check out Ben Swann. So the ” risk” of death in 2020/21 did not increase in the cold precise calculating assessment of the world’s most expert risk analysts .
So… IS IT NOT FAIR TO ASK….. Was there EVER even a REAL pandemic?
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”-Aldous Huxley
Mr Huxley can be forgiven for not forseseeing the smart phone, which has preempted and made irrelevant every other method of brainwashing.
Surely it was the internet that did that rather than the smartphone. I never use my smartphone as a means of communication. It is just a ebook/audiobook reader to me now and sits in airplane mode most of the time. Using it to browse the internet has become a risky practice…
It allows your location to be triangulated (LED streetlights with microwave receivers have been put up everywhere for this purpose) so that the Deep State’s new 5G millimeter microwave beam weaponry can target you and destroy your red blood cells, and the hospital ICU can then finish you off with a ventilator.
Would love it if there were more articles diving into 5G and all the nastiness deliberately hidden from view with that rapidly expanding technology. It’s been rolling out at a fast and furious pace during the scamdemic, so surely it’s a big part of the unfolding dystopia.
Triangulation is used with the targeting property of mmWaves. 60 GHz in particular, is the frequency which affects the oxygen molecule. When subjected to 60 GHz, the spin properties of the valence electrons of the oxygen molecule are affected, such that oxygen uptake cannot be achieved via the hemoglobin in the lungs where that exchange takes place. This will result in shortness of breath and suffocation, and will pave the way to the emergency room where they will put you on a killer ventilator to finish your off. Cause of death COVID-19.
I just learnt of the key role that the medical profession played in the establishment of the Nazi regime:
“…during the Weimar Republic nearly 50% of German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, a greater percentage enrollment than for any other profession at the time, topping even lawyers and businessmen. Doctors were represented in the SS seven times more often than the average employed German male. This is a remarkable number, considering the fact that more than half of all physicians in Berlin, for instance, were of Jewish ancestry prior to WWII. Since most Jews would have little incentive to join the Nazi Party, it is likely that the percentage of German physicians who were early joiners of the Nazi Party is actually much higher than 50%.”
“It was the doctors who paved the way for the Holocaust. It was medical ideology which led to Hitler and the Nazis. The medical professions of Germany and Austria, played a critical role in the evolution of Nazism’s programs of human destruction, programs that culminated in mass genocide. In addition, academic medicine not only provided the “scientific” rationale that legitimized eugenic and racial selection, it also exploited human victims for inhuman research. Individual physicians as well as the medical establishment were complicit in a wide range of activities carried out by the Nazis during the period that encompassed the Holocaust.”
plus ça change. it’s an ironic twist that it’s once more a German medical professional, Christian Drosten, playing a central role in attemptng to reassert fascist control over the world.
We have been thoroughly lied to about nearly all major historical events, WW2 is no different. It is important to understand this so you can let go of beliefs that have been formed and influenced by mainstream academia, education and media designed to create a reality that doesn’t actually exist.
The link above shatters the narrative we’ve been fed about the camps.
Can’t find the other link I recently read which reported over 5 million Germans were killed after the war (mostly by starvation purposefully inflicted by Allied governments) along with millions of German women and girls brutally raped by occupying forces – these inconvenient tidbits are never mentioned by anyone mainstream.
David Irving has done exhaustive research about WW2 and has found a history quite different than what we’ve been brainwashed to believe. This is a book review written by Paul Craig Roberts which gives some further perspective:
Just to be clear, I’m not denying the brutality of war and that awful things were done, but the truth is important.
I’m so sick of the lies pervading everything, everywhere.
Excellent synopsis. Some great observations there.
This is probably the most succinct expression of the madness surrounding this hoax I’ve encountered so far. And because it is, I won’t make a big deal of the two things I disagree with – I’ll simply point them out.
Needless to say, given the on-going assault on this planet by the climate engineers and the despoilers of natural resources, I cannot agree that climate change is a hoax. The way it’s being presented is the hoax – and a very big one.
I disagree that those without benefit of standard mental acumen are to be pitied. Rather, they should be accepted on their own terms – the same way those with physical limitations should be accepted on their own terms.
Climate change is a hoax. NASA changed the locations where they took their readings to get their “rise“ stats. Everything that NASA and NOAA does is based on fraud. Just like the NIH and the CDC commit fraud.
Surface Temperatures are unrelated to CO2 levels. Temperatures have been recorded pre fossil fuel activity going back thousands of years that prove warm periods (Warmer than now) are not out of alignment with earth temperature range fluctuations. Those fluctuations are caused by solar activity and geothermal factors. Before the warming hoax which the military is manipulating using HAARP, there was a freezing hoax. A new “ice age” hoax that failed.
Pollution is not a hoax. Destruction of habitats is not a hoax. Strip mining is not a hoax. Deforestation is not a hoax. Geoengineering is not a hoax. Methane release from drilling and fracking is not a hoax. Glyphosate pollution is not a hoax.
But climate change and the supposed threat to anyone from temperature changes that are solar activity related and/or HAARP and geoengineering related is a hoax. And all those raging fires are set by humans on purpose. Arsonists and DEW.
I agree with you on the pitying aspect. It’s condescending anyway.
Thanks for so clearly, comprehensively, and concisely expressing my “mixed feelings” on the issue!
No, climate change is real.
Climate change is a natural event.
I agree with you on the bs surrounding it though.
But “climate change” refers to some downward spiraling cycle precipitated by CO2 emissions and the greenhouse gas effect. Otherwise it’s just weather. Isn’t it?
Yes, I agree with you!
Either short term changes or long term trends it is all part of the cycle of change.
If I am asked do I believe in climate change my answer is yes, the climate changes all the time. Or as you put it, it’s just weather!
But, do I believe in the ideology of climate change, or global warming or climate catastrophe or what ever terminology they want use to force a reduction of CO2 levels to an unknown level below the 0.04% of the atmosphere it is now, then no!
Absolutely agree 100%. So well put, thank you. This is what is so disgusting about the misnomer “Public Health” when nothing is done about the public’s health via the destruction of the ecosystem. In Australia, I read that we are still using 80 chemicals in agriculture which have been banned in most other countries. Our cereals and pulses are sprayed with glyphosate prior to harvesting. Our waterways are still polluted with PCBs and there is some evidence that grandchildren are manifesting the damage done to their pregnant grandmothers by the use of DDT.
Your otherwise excellent rejoinder suffers from a fatal flaw: CO2. No one who is serious about climate change gives much credence to the CO2-as-culprit trope. By far the biggest climate disrupter is climate engineering.
By filling the atmosphere with millions of tons of nano-particulates – which serve more to ionize the atmosphere for industrial and military purposes – climate engineering ends up greatly raising the planet’s overall temperature by trapping the heat rather than letting it ascend at night.
Consequently, the rise in night time temperatures is much greater than any rise in daytime temperatures.
I seriously recommend the documentary “The Dimming.” Here’s a link to it. It’s almost two hours long; but it helps clear the air.
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary » The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary | Geoengineering Watch
Seen it. But people do believe the CO2 lie. Hence the zero carbon meme and the coming war on energy consumption and water resources.
Unfortunately DW doesn’t fully grasp the reasons why they are geoengineering. It’s not because the planet is on the precipice of a collapse. Which at one point he does posit. It’s to create as much climate havoc, drought, floods, fires, storms as possible while poisoning people and polluting the ground and water. This is the aim to make people believe in the goals of agenda 21. I’m aware that the constant spraying is contributing to some of the warming effects. But until people demand that geoengineering stop by dismantling militaries globally, the psychopathic agenda will probably continue.
Look at how many countries are offering free tests, two or more a week, to anyone who can walk.
They know these tests are going to produce an astounding number of false positives.
In truth, they are being used because they are unreliable. They need positives, even if they are fake.
So we need to stop giving them the data.
Never had one, I’m too dubious as to why the UK “government” have stated they are keeping DNA records from tests on a database.
I’m no criminal and have nothing to hide, however I do not feel the government can say the same.
I am fortunate to be self-employed and to work from home anyway, but here in Cyprus if you work in an office or other workplace where you come into contact with people, regular tests are now mandatory to be able to go to work (I think it’s weekly), and most people can’t afford just to quit their jobs.
I wear “the mask” whereever one is required to avoid confrontation. Last spring I entered the local hardware without a mask. The 20 something attractive daughter of the owners (a Chinese girl) called me by my first name and handed me a baby blue disposable mask. It’s been a year and I am still using that same exact mask. I know I am immune to everything it contains………..”The mask” is now gray and much more flexible. A little fuzzy too. The metal nose bridge is broken in half. I am so contagious but it’s all just for appearances, isn’t it? It’s gets a good laugh when I tell my friends and family. No one dares to suggest I get a fresh one. I was going to tell the hardware girl the other day but other customers got in the way. I was hoping to catch her reaction through her lime green eyeliner eyes. I fold it and stuff in my pocket when go out.
FWIW, I did the exact same thing for months. I still have the orginal disposable mask around, in the exact same condition as yours.
But I cracked, or broke, when I got a haircut. My long-time haircutter, for whom I bear great affection, delighted me by turning out to be a fellow scamdemic skeptic.
Even so, when she gingerly touched the mask to move it out of the way when she cut around my ears, I suddenly realized that it was inconsiderate to expect her to fumble around with the gross thing. I don’t think it smelled funky, but my sense of smell is compromised so it might have.
Sarah didn’t complain, but as I paid before leaving, the haircutter manning the register cheerfully handed me a fresh disposable mask from a box on the counter and said something disarming like “Compliments of the house!”
So I switched to Plan B and bought a non-disposable mask. I chose a charcoal-grey one precisely because it wouldn’t show wear and grubbiness. I only don it when I enter a store (or, rarely, public transit), and as soon as I exit I remove it and stuff it in my pocket. I hope it will last indefinitely.
I am laughing very hard…….
Again Fk your jarzi FARCE MASK you cowardly compLIAR
Well, if it makes you feel any better, you’re more than welcome to kiss my unmasked ass. 😉
All you are doing is enforcing this diabolical house of cards with your cowardly compliance.
Fk your jarzi FARCE MASK!!!
Every single one!
In a town of 900 voters plus kids (there is a small K-12 school) you either comply or stay out of town. Thanks to my late wife and her gregariousness, I really have no choice. I only do it to honor her. The dirty mask is the best I can do as protest at this point. I live alone and my kids and their families are hundreds of miles away. Would it help if I said this: I always walk into the stores in town without my mask on and try to make eye contact with employees and owners before putting it on. I never a mask on the walkways in town. It’s a little town with a main street that is two blocks long with 4 short cross streets. Most of the buildings are a single story tall. I never observe distancing. Up close and comfortable is how I do it. When I get close to strangers they don’t like it. Fuck’em and Feed’em Rumin. Feel better?
Well said
sars-cov-2 refers to the pathogen. Covid-19 refers to the disease, ie, pneumonia that only 3% of covid “cases” have.
The alleged COVID-19 disease is not specifically pneumonia, the alleged symptoms are varied and do not form a distinctive set. COVID-19 is chameleon-like and if testing stopped for it tomorrow it would magically disappear tomorrow.
Try not to get caught mentioning this mythical pathogen:
:- It is just a claim in an unverified though widely quoted paper from China.
:- All government authorities asked have admitted to not having evidence of its existence.
:- The test that ostensibly detects it (a) is used in violation of limitations stated by the manufacturers (b) has no fixed protocol, and even produces “positives” for sterile swabs or inert substances (c) has as target DNA sequences that match numerous microbes and numerous parts of human genome.
Pneumonia is bacterial and might happen after a virus infection …
I wonder what proportion of the people commenting here have a friend in real life with whom they can speak candidly about the events of the past year.
I am fortunate that my immediate family agrees that our government’s response is disproportionate and wrong, even if they do think I’m reading too much into why it is being done.
But very early on I and a friend realised we were both reading from the same page, and for many months we have been meeting up regularly for long walks and to talk. I can’t imagine how I would have been feeling by now if I hadn’t had someone to talk to.
The division that has been created between people, families, friends, and the loneliness being caused by this, must be one of the cruellest things about what is happening.
85% of my friends are totally brainwashed. Another 15% are on the fence and open to debate and discussion.
Yes, the loneliness is the strangest outcome.
The problem is that even the ones who have their doubts are too comfortable to take any action to object. They have stable government salaries and have felt no real impact other than less work for same pay. Or they have some corporate job and feel their financial situation is sheltered from covid fallout.
Same here Peytoia – I would have gone totally mental had I not had like-minded friends that I can still share some kind of ‘social’ life with.We often make jokes about the whole shitshow but sometimes also cry about it all too. I think there are more people questioning the official line than what the general public are led to believe.
The COVID scam is nothing new to me; I’ve spent a lifetime (77 years to date) being the only one who believed as I do. Once in a while I may encounter someone who perhaps halfway believes a little of what I do; but not often and certainly no one who believes everything I do.
There are two paths open for such a “fate”: despair or its diametric opposite, creativity. I chose the latter. If I write a story, I don’t create characters who are carbon copies of me; I try to genuinely portray people as they are. And in doing so, I’ve developed a somewhat better tolerance for those who do not think as I do.
I don’t even attempt to get anything I write published – because that’s not why I write. I write for me – so I can better comprehend the world around me. Period.
My solace is in the “alternative” medicos and scientists, and the articles and comments on this site. PANDA is also helpful. My partner is not interested, he has plenty of legal work to keep him busy and wears a mask when required, whereas I don’t. I ditched social media so have no contact with most of my friends who live in another state. Several new FB friends unfriended me for posting “misinformation”. C’est la vie. No loss.
I have zero tolerance for cowards.
“I wonder what proportion of the people commenting here have a friend in real life with whom they can speak candidly about the events of the past year.”
I’ve got my best friend/wife, then … let’s see … none.
Some of the most annoying virtue signaling examples, I have had to endure the occasional conversation with, didn’t even lose anybody. They just ‘know’ people who have ‘Long Covid’, horror of horrors. I wanted to ask them when ‘Diet Covid’ was going to arrive, or ‘Double Decaf Covid’. I have to admit, I didn’t see the Limehouse via the Dartmouth Tunnel Variant coming. That would have been just too stupid to believe. There is a certain subset, that have been given purpose and a mission in this tragicomedy. They watch the news every night. They cry in agony when they hear of another tragic death. And of course, they barrelled down to the GP as soon as their vial of Monkey Juice was ready for them. Now that really is tragic.
Double decaf covid – Love it!
COVID-19: Indian double mutation variant arrives in Britain and has ‘hallmarks of very dangerous virus’
I caught “Indian double mutation variant” out of the corner of my eye. I’m like nooooooo. Can it get any more ludicrous? And then it does.
I’m no scientist so I wonder if someone could explain to me, if no quantifiable sars cov 2 virus has been isolated, how are they identifying the new strains? Is it location? I feel for the exempt guy in the supermarket yesterday, he could get the Asda Bilston variant.
That is such a good question. No idea.
From what I can tell, if your government/leader/mayor/area or state etc does not do as it’s told or questions the the covid narrative you get a variant named so everyone can then vilify your area/country.
”If you wanted a picture of the future just imagine a boot going into a human face forever”
George Orwell
If you wanted a picture of the future just imagine a vaccine needle going into a child’s arm forever.
‘ The mission succeeded long before the multitude started donning masks and, again, it was planned.‘
Wrong. There never has been a golden age of ‘reasoning’ and nothing was ‘planned’ in the way that the author suggests.
Things like covid happen all the time for the simple reason that people, except a tiny minority, who visit places like these, love covid. It gives them certainty and a will to live for. Eternal happiness. That we are so stupid to equate happiness with knowledge, that is our problem, not theirs, isn’t it?
Here is Zamyatin who wrote the following in 1918, but who could also have written it today if he was able to witness the events of today
‘ What the priest in the purple cassock hates most of all is the
heretic who does not recognize his exclusive right to bind and to
permit. What Mrs. So-and-So with her hair curlers hates most
of all is the Fair Lady who does not recognize her sole right to
the prerogatives of love. And what every philistine hates most of
all is the rebel who dares to think differently from him. Hatred of
freedom is the surest symptom of this deadly disease, philistinism. ’
“If there is no real, valid test, and there is none, then there is no specific disease. Period.” Actually, that’s a wrong conclusion. The disease and the test are two different things. If there ‘was’ a disease, the PCR test would still be fraudulent, if it was being used to diagnose. There either is a disease or there isn’t and that is independent of the test.
WEll no, the world is using only the ”tests” to conclude people are diseased.
Actually, the ‘disease’ was defined as follows by the Mayo Clinic website:
‘SymptomsSigns and symptoms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may appear two to 14 days after exposure. This time after exposure and before having symptoms is called the incubation period. Common signs and symptoms can include:
Early symptoms of COVID-19 may include a loss of taste or smell.
Other symptoms can include:
This list is not all inclusive. Children have similar symptoms to adults and generally have mild illness.
The severity of COVID-19 symptoms can range from very mild to severe. Some people may have only a few symptoms, and some people may have no symptoms at all. Some people may experience worsened symptoms, such as worsened shortness of breath and pneumonia, about a week after symptoms start.
People who are older have a higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19, and the risk increases with age. People who have existing medical conditions also may have a higher risk of serious illness. Certain medical conditions that may increase the risk of serious illness from COVID-19 include:
This list is not all inclusive. Other underlying medical conditions may increase your risk of serious illness from COVID-19.’
You will note that nowhere is PCR mentioned at all.
Now what is quite important is to use this as a starting point and start discriminating between Covid19 and other conditions which may have overlapping symptoms/presentations.
You know: so clinicians don’t just call all respiratory conditions Covid19, but rather can distinguish it from influenza and other respiratory conditions.
so if you;ve had a couple or more of the symptoms for years, you’ve had covid-19 for years, and your doctor didnt tell you ?
Guess I’ve had it all my life then, my nose is always running.
I’ve heard of someone though whose nose only started running after he was swabbed for a test.
Mayo clinic is providing disinfo then. The WHO documents clearly emphasize that covid-19 refers to pneumonia. Covid is nothing more than the new name for pneumonia. If you don’t have pneumonia, you don’t have covid whatever the pcr test says.
“mild” covid aka fever, cough for a couple of days and normal chest x rays means you have something which is 100% identical to cold and flu.
The managers of the English hospital I work in sent a note round to all staff a few weeks ago listing the symptoms of TB, in acknowledgement of the possibility they could be mistaken for covid.
They have also acknowledged that the number of children (I believe being admitted, but I’m not sure about that) with complex eating disorders has spiralled.
I heard an ad on the radio the other day saying teen suicides are up 20-30% here since the start of our “new normal” covid crazy world. Instead of stopping the madness though, let’s just get all the depressed teens into a “program” to “help” them using debilitating and dangerous drugs that will really mess them up.
The level of psychosis passing for normal these days is staggering. No wonder teens aren’t coping well in our profoundly sick society.
A completely non-distinctive set of symptoms as indicated by the CDC cannot define a disease, the symptoms apply to numerous illnesses. The only way you can determine an infection is through the test which has no value. If testing stopped so would the disease. It’s that simple.
What a monumental, crazy bullshit, this disease and its definition/symptoms.
How from the above symptoms (fever, cough, tiredness, chills, muscle pains, shortness of breath etc) can clinicians distinguish Covid-19 flu from any other flu caused by the thousands of other Corona viruses? Or from the five-times-greater annual number of cases of flu caused by viruses other than Corona? Only by doing the ridiculously unreliable and completely inappropriate PCR test.
Insanity rules, OK
Pardon the self-indulgence, but this prompts me to recycle a pertinent comment:
Jan 20, 2021 8:06 PM
Reply to George Mc
Last week, for the first time since the Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) scamdemic was launched last year, I had to go to a local medical lab facility to get a routine annual PSA blood test. I knew there would be some sort of MVD checkpoint; when I got a haircut on Christmas Eve, for the first time (for me) the salon did a temperature check when I arrived.
I can’t say whether the healthcare staffers manning these receptionist checkpoints have been trained to be “reassuring”, i.e. cheerful and lighthearted, but if so it’s a shrewd tactic. I was asked to stop and stand on the temp-check circle. Apart from the check– I “passed”– the cheerful woman fired off a few questions about whether I’d had recent symptoms, “COVID test” results, etc.
I can’t really remember the exact questions, but happily they were framed in a way that telegraphed what the “right” answer ought to be. Frankly, I could’ve been vomiting blood and expectorating multicolored globs of goo on my way in and still would’ve blithely answered “No” “No” “No”. I was actually relieved when I was “greenlighted”, i.e. waved on to proceed to the lab proper; I dreaded the prospect of being “asked” to take a “COVID test”.
I got my blood test. As I passed by the checkpoint on the way out, a newly-arrived elderly woman in the test circle was meekly asking the receptionist “What do you mean by ‘symptoms’?” I kept walking toward the exit, but in the cavernous empty lobby the staffer’s memorable response echoed: “Well… fever, chills, aches, diarrhea– anything, really!” When she said “anything, really!” she laughed.
I’m in no way criticizing or finding fault with this conscientious “screener”. I was actually gratified that she “broke character” with that revealing little laugh at the end; I may be projecting, but it seemed to subliminally signal “I know these are bullshit questions, and you know they’re bullshit questions– but we have to go through this formality just to please the bosses. Ain’t life grand?”
All the way home, that blithe “anything, really!” rang in my ear. It summed up the farcical nature of the scamdemic “remedies” perfectly.
“I know these are bullshit questions, and you know they’re bullshit questions– but we have to go through this formality just to please the bosses. Ain’t life grand?”
The meaning of life: To please the bosses.
Actually, three senses:
I own an independent business on the west coast of Canada.The other day a woman-a nice, regular customer- came in -non-essentially traveling-(not that I care-but it’s worth noting as it’s one of our covid restrictions) from the mainland of BC- to our area- to bring a gift over to her grand daughter and stopped into my shop to non essentially shop for herself.An older couple were also in-and they were SPEAKING GERMAN! And, the woman was so offended(and offensive)towards them, leaped out of the way- at least 3 times- in an affected, Vaudevillian manner. And, then whispered to me, “are they tourists?.. thought we didn’t allow visitors?…non-essential.” Not occurring to her that she was nonessentially traveling and that Canadians speak many languages.This is what I encounter everyday: Many vicious hypocrites full of fear..that could easily turn to hate.
It will turn to hate. Woke culture is only the most extreme form of an infantilized society based on transient popularity or group approval. And the flip side is intolerance.
This a form of gang culture where rights are based not on inalienable membership by dint of birth but on laws that grant protection to one particular behaviour or ban criticism of another.
What the media calls “socially liberal” is the granting of approval to persons/behaviours that will be approved so long as they don’t impinge on the economic interests of the owners.
The moment the owners want to stir up society to distract from their own stealing and looting, they’ll turn the “privilege” dial and set one group against another. This is how the “online harms” legislation will be used. The Scottish version of this act applies to thoughts expressed in the no-longer-private sanctuary of your home. The grey areas of such bills leave vast scope to interpretation.
Since governments now routinely declare that citizenship is within their gift rather than the consequence of birth, they can even withdraw membership of society.
This is what Tom Whyman calls cupcake fascism (2014)
A child is equipped to confront that world — nasty smells and beautiful colours — as it is. The child is open to possibilities, with ever-sticky fingers and messy chops. It explores the world oblivious to what others think.
“The infantilized adult, by contrast, is neurotically trying to remain a child and thus must shut down possibilities. It cannot engage with the world characterised by the joy of possibility. In order to live as a child, the world that the infantilised adult engages with must always remain “safe” and coldly uniform: the cupcake as opposed to the messy and collapsing sponge cake.”
There are always authority figures ready to step into this space and tell you who your friends should be and who is or isn’t “good” for you.
Great comment. I’m afraid we haven’t seen the worst of “woke” yet.
Have to admire the lack of mincing and clarity of position. Well said, too. It will come to this for all of us eventually at some level. It will probably soon become difficult to co-exist with people like his friend, it may be legally impossible to as the segregation begins.
Actually, the segregation should say that those who feel too afraid not to mask up should only be allowed out two days a week, whereas the normal, mentally healthy people should be allowed out the other 5 days.
If you punish the mentally afflicted and prefer the sane, amazing how quickly many of the afflicted will return to relative sanity…..
Except a return to sanity isn’t the goal, so there’s that.
Covid-1984 is a hoax and gigantic fraud to usher in the great reset
The powers that be are not hiding their intentions.
The untested gene cocktail injections the MSM propaganda calls vaccinations are only the beginng.
“Tower in Düsseldorf Germany says “Vaccination Equals Freedom””Impfen = Freiheit” is the new “Arbeit Macht Frei”
This is were it ends:
„Who are we, as humans? What does it mean to be human in the era of robots, gene editing and augmented reality? „ gesda company.
The WEF is behind it.
It would be great if OffG listed the location and times of freedom protests in cities and towns across the globe on April 24. Or at least a link to a site that had the information. The evil search engines are now rigged to prevent people from locating this sort of information.
I’m not sure what’s happening on April 24th, but for May 15th, see here:
In his most recent video, Vernon Coleman mentioned April 24th, 1pm, Trafalgar Square
‘I’m not 100% certain if I’ll be going for my second dose’
Esmé Stephenson, 26, actor, Tynemouth, Newcastle upon Tyne
I was invited for my vaccination quite early on in March, which surprised me as I only have a mild form of epilepsy – I am otherwise physically fit and healthy. I had my first dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine – I was bedbound with flu-like symptoms and had a headache for a few days afterwards. I don’t think anybody who is dubious about the vaccine, or vaccines in general for that matter, should be dismissed as idiotic and selfish when there is so much we still don’t know.
I’m not 100% certain if I’ll be going for my second dose, which is booked for May, unless something changes or if I can be reassured that I am not putting myself at further risk. I don’t feel qualified to comment on the vaccine in great detail as I am not a scientist; nonetheless, I do have the right to be concerned with what I put in my body/what I am being told to put in my body.
Sorry – this is too much! Who believes this?
Yes, you do have the right to be concerned, actor! LOL
“Is it safe to say you were not tempered in raw shit.”
Buyers remorse once again. I was asked not that long ago if I would have the jab. I said I wouldn’t go near it with a bargepole. A sad, remorseful, and frightened expression crossed over the face of the person who asked me, who I actually really like, so I knew she had.
Aw, c’mon now, Esmé! This is no time to develop remorseful vaccine hesitancy!
You know what they say, even over here in the USA: in for a penny, in for a pound!
I’m beyond fucking sick of listening to what’s considered virtuous or ethical by the same people suggesting we vaccinate children for a condition they are not at risk from with drugs that are not even licensed for adult use.
I will never get over the mindless viciousness of all these people who’ve enabled this with their studious ignorance. Advancing a political agenda is more important to them than the suffering of children. Absolutely monstrous. Sacrificing children on the altar of their fears.
‘Studious ignorance’
Very well put. It is mental laziness or retardation, masquerading as the opposite, glued to the MSM, getting every absurd update, believing it without any critical thinking applied whatsoever. And then you realise, that most of these people really do not have a fucking clue…about anything!
Let’s not forget the parents who will offer up their children to be so experimented upon.
A special region of hell* is reserved for them.
*It’s at times like this, I almost wish I believe in hell.
What is real about COVID?
Murder and fear driven moral and professional ethical sickness millions succumbed to in March 2020, supporting programmatic culling of elderly worldwide.
8000 children a week are dying from malnutrition and preventable diseases for decades, nobody gives a shit, ZERO children are dying from COVID, suddenly .. sky is falling on our precious kids.
Do morality math morons, who want to experiment on children, their own and other children to “protect” them from.. nothing.
this crime against humanity must stop.
Maddie’s Story:
Who also knew from the very beginning that this whole thing was the biggest mind control op the world has ever seen?
I’m not sure that at the very beginning, it surpassed the 9/11 psyop, but it certainly has by now.
You didn’t have the visually arresting site of towers collapsing, knowing that thousands of people were inside them, did you?
You just had faceless people starting to die somewhere overseas.
There have certainly been spikes in deaths from something or other. The rapid rise and fall of those figures suggests something infectious.
Apparently 3 million out of 7 billion have now died, that is about 0.05%. As in any normal year between 0.2% and 2% of the total population tend to die just due to being old, dying in wars, dying of malnutrition, lack of access to sanitation etc etc, I don’t think that Coronavirus has suddenly changed global death statistics in unalterable ways….
there might not have been thousands of people in the towers. it is something i could not possibly know. the rapid rise and fall does not suggest something infectious. you just gave the example of towers collapsing which is a sudden rise and fall in deaths and not suggestive of something infectious. something infectious would rise gradually at an accelerating rate not similatenously in distant lands and hospitals as tho caused by policy changes and panic instigated by a central source.
Baby Boomers are reaching end of life expectancy. A boom of people dying off about now has been anticipated since the term “Baby Boomer” was coined.
Absolutely: as soon as Matthew Hancock went from talking sanity to spouting claptrap it was obvious that the fix was in.
The fact that the penny pinching Life Insurance industry has not increased its premiums by one cent should tell intelligent people everything they need to know about covid ” risk”
…And they will investigate everything with more vigour and resources than the FBI! Because it’s not about ‘justice’ with them — it’s about MONEY…
As soon as I saw those fckin stoopid chinese vids of people collapsing dead in the street.
When parts of northern Italy started quarantining, it got my attention . When Macron shut down France, I knew what was happening.
Honestly, they had me until the original “two-week lockdown to flatten the curve” was abruptly abandoned and replaced with the indefinite and metastasizing New Abnormal.
During the first weeks, I thought that maybe some synthesized virus had indeed escaped (or was released) from a chemical weapons lab, and the authorities were truly taken unawares or otherwise at a loss to develop an appropriate response.
As a retired bureaucrat, I also initially assumed that the chaotic and contradictory pandemic declaration was evidence of the usual malfeasant attempted management by a committee of technocrats.
After the above-cited initial phase, when I learned about some of the international institutional antecedents, e.g. Agenda 21, etc. it became clear that this was no spontaneous public health crisis, but a deliberate barbarous experiment in social/mind control.
Took me about three days. The sheer shrillness of the media made it transparent that this was a carefully pre-planned and coordinated campaign which had nothing to do with health.
To be fair, I’m no spring chicken. I lived in authoritarian Singapore during the worst of SARS, and the ‘measures’ back then were not even 1% as stringent as today. We travelled overseas, went to work every day, lounged in shopping malls on weekends. Life didn’t stop.
I also recall some highly intelligent individuals on internet forums suggesting as early as the 1990s where things were headed — cashless society, ban on travel, microchipped humankind… None of this came out of the blue.
WhatsHerFace posted MAY-2020
THE END of the Coronavirus lockdown!? Your government has a DIFFERENT plan!
I remember this time last year that Unz generally supported the mainstream line of the “pandemic” being real; though they would allow contrary comments. I’ve looked at only a few articles, but it seems to have shifted. This is Mike Whitney discussing Yeadon’s recent interview with Delingpole; and it includes a comment by Yeadon.
Pure, Unalloyed Evil
Mike Whitney • April 11, 2021 • 5,100 Words • 477 Comments
Mike Yeadon is a soft-spoken microbiologist and a former Vice President of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer. He spent 32 years working for large pharmaceutical companies and is a leading expert on viral respiratory infections. He is also a man on a mission, and his mission is to inform as many people as possible about the elite powerbrokers that are using the pandemic as a smokescreen to conceal their real objectives. Here’s Yeadon in a recent interview:
“If you wanted to depopulate a significant portion of the world, and to do it in a way that wouldn’t require destruction of the environment with nuclear weapons, or poisoning everyone with anthrax or something, And you wanted plausible deniability, whilst you had a multi-year infectious disease crisis; I don’t think you could come up with a better plan of work than what seems to be in from of me. I can’t say that’s what they’re going to do, but I cannot think of a benign explanation for why they are doing it.” (“Interview with Dr Mike Yeadon“, The Delingpole Podcast; Minute 44:25)
“Depopulation”? Who said anything about depopulation? Isn’t it a bit of a stretch to go from a mass vaccination campaign to allegations of a conspiracy to “depopulate a significant portion of the world”? Indeed, it is, but Yeadon has done extensive research on the matter and provides compelling evidence that such a diabolical objective may, in fact, be the goal. . . .
This, of course, has been the plan for at least a couple of decades (as reported by the likes of Alex Jones etc), so I remain slightly sceptical as to Yeadon’s “awakening”.
Everyone has things they don’t question at every stage of their lives, so there is no timetable for one individual to question the very humanity of global leaders. If you were driven to do good by developing genuine new medicines, you wouldn’t remain so motivated if you felt your CEO was in cahoots with Gates et al to depopulate the world….to work where Yeadon did, you have to have boundless optimism, endless resilience and the ability not to take failure personally. You probably believe subliminally that most people are as decent as you are….
I am awaiting a Spam Check… lol
Quote: Although your belief in this deadly fraud initially surprised me, I realized soon after I put down the phone those weeks ago that it should not have. I had somehow forgotten that you have for years been ingesting certain prescribed pharmaceuticals that “correct” your “chemical imbalance,” an imbalance that does not actually exist. It remains the holy grail of psychopharmacology and yet it was never found. I learned this from psychiatrist Dr Thomas Szasz and other rational and ethical psychiatrists. This means that your recent fraudulent diagnosis is your second baseless diagnosis.
This is key, this is the real issue, this was the preparation before the event. When I see the masked zombies wandering the streets, walking out into a road full of traffic to avoid a 2 metre contact with another human, even in strong winds O.o. That’s when I realise they are drugged. Their ‘chemical imbalances’ are being treated. We don’t talk about ‘anti-depressants’, because that’s “mental health” and Facebook tells us to “be kind”.
I have been there, I have embraced and consumed their ‘happy pills’, I was on them for maybe 15 years, and I have been clean for over 10. I have been there, bought the t-shirt, ceremoniously burned the t-shirt, and somehow, I survived.
I was diagnosed as a teenager with ‘anxiety’ and ‘depression’, I’ll admit to the anxiety. As a child Mum called my Panic Attacks ‘Tantrums’, they got worse with puberty and it was in my teens that the doctor put me on the Prozac.
My ‘symptoms’ got worse following treatment, but I was told to give the drugs time, the symptoms still got worse, so the dose was increased, and more time I was told should pass, and the dose increased again, I was just supposed to be patient.
To cut a long story short, many years passed, I was up to 80mg of Fluoxetine a day, I was only prescribed 60mg, but the doctor told me that I would save the NHS money by taking 3, 20mg capsules, instead of the more expensive 60mg capsules, and that meant I could take 4 on a bad day..
I vaguely remember going cold turkey, I had reached a point so low that I couldn’t leave the house, I couldn’t even face collecting my prescription, and the mantra running around my head was the doctor telling me that I should never just stop taking the drugs, dreadful things would happen, if I wanted to come off them then we could talk about it, and reduce the dose slowly, preferably in summer…!? I was in a state of mind that I was ready to go, and whatever the bad things that would happen were, they couldn’t be worse than the bad things that were happening.
I had literally been medicated to a point where I was so numb and devoid of emotion, and life and purpose, that I was ready to die, too scared to take my own life, too scared to go and get the pills that would save it.
I didn’t go to get the pills, and I vaguely remember getting better slowly, finding emotion, life, and purpose, (this was over many months, years even). This was all a long time ago, but I don’t forget the image of how I felt at the time, even if I have no real memory of the time itself. Much of it is a blur.
I’m still here, I still have panic attacks, but I manage them, I have been reading up lately on Magnesium. My panic attacks escalated during puberty, settled for a long time, apart from the occasional ALE (airport level event) and have increased over the last year or so, maybe down to the hysterical world that we live in, but also coinciding with what appears to be the menopause.
Sorry to waffle on folks, I’ll just get back to the point and try to keep it short. The world is literally drugged up to the eyeballs on mind numbing drugs that are dished out at a whim to cure ‘chemical imbalances’ that really don’t exist. I believe my personal ‘chemical imbalance’ was a nutritional deficiency caused by hormone changes in puberty, which I was incorrectly ‘treated’ for, almost to the point of suicide.
I luckily broke free from the prescription and got better (but only because I wanted to die). I haven’t had a good year or so lately, I have suffered with increased anxiety, and panic, and another me might have picked up the phone to the Doctors to be re-prescribed the happy pills, and a little something to help me sleep, and maybe a bit of HRT on the side.
My ‘symptoms’ in puberty and menopause are the same symptoms as Magnesium deficiency. The Docs never tested me for that, they just put me on the Happy Pills. I am taking Magnesium supplements now instead.
I have rambled, and I apolgise, but my original point was, I know what the drugs do, they numb your brain, they make you scared, they make you want to isolate, they help you forget, and they stop you from remembering. The wandering masked zombies, they are numbed up on the anti-depressants, they can’t think straight, they won’t remember, they will only have vague pictures in their heads, They know only to wear the mask, take the test, and isolate, it’s much easier.
And we can’t talk to them about it, because their ‘mental health’ is sacred, and they shouldn’t feel ashamed of their treatment, this has been going on for so long it’s not even funny… sad times..
Ank x
check out Dr Trudy Scott and her natural approaches to mental health. good luck
Trudy Scott is a nutritionist based in Australia.
Chemical imbalance doesn’t exist ? Not sure…Food additives, water additives, air additives, unnatural stress etc don’t cause ‘chemical imbalance’ ?
Just the other day, in the news, even on BBC apparently, Psilocybin mushrooms were suggested to help with depression. About time.
Funny, (not), msm usually demonizes natural remedies, i.e marijuana, (which is mainly beneficial), calling them all ‘drugs’.
Most of us have not been in non-chemical environment for some time..
I have on one occasion decades ago tripped on psilocybin mushrooms. An incredible and wonderful experience. However I wouldn’t recommend it as a cure for depression. The problem is probably our alienation from nature. I don’t even know how many species of flowering plants there are. Probably tens of thousands. The media focuses on the mindless consumerist side of things.
Research on psilocybin, etc., is ongoing. Whether any of it gets published or becomes an accepted medicine will depend on whether it can be privatised.
I heard that psilocybin mushroom has been synthesised and is available in legal form. I have not researched this yet.
You are spot on. Our alienation from nature has been systematically rammed down our consumer throats (although most are caught up willingly) with the latest gadgets all designed to think for us and keep us chained to “towers” and wifi, etc. We have thoroughly lost our most basic and vital respect for and relationship with nature. And we don’t see that we are killing her and ourselves. We are losing our health, sanity and any sense of integrity by allowing this separation. Getting back to basics and nature as much and as often as possible is one of the best things we could do for ourselves at this point.
They call traditional cures unproven or dangerous drugs. They call proprietary concoctions approved after fake trials, or narcotics repackaged for the med. industry, “pharmaceuticals”
I’ve learned to rely on the old classics — prayer, fasting and any form of mortifying the flesh. Have even tried self-flagellation. It’s not as ‘crazy’ as the modern, materialistic person may think, especially if you seek to rid yourself of what feels like demonic influence/hindering.
All in all, I’ve kept myself functional and in reasonably good spirits (so I’m told) – despite a history of childhood trauma and family dysfunction, [resulting in] a mildly dissociative and manic/depressive personality, living alone and struggling for years with bereavement and grief. Wouldn’t dream of popping pills or even seeing a ‘counsellor’.
People run a mile from a mere mention of religion. But shifting one’s focus in life from survival to service – and away from ‘me, me, me and my problems’ truly works wonders.
Excellent article.
I suppose the whole problem is that most believe that msm/teevee, cannot possibly be lying. How to get around that ?
Jerry has 3 or 4 friends ! That is just showing off !
I braved ‘Boots’ the chemist today and got my first ‘have you got a mask?’ at the door, by the security guy. I just said, ‘no’, smiled and went to get my purchase (ear-plugs, best invention ever..I guess I could get them online though, got a load so I won’t be back in a hurry). Got em alright, smiled and out.
Thought I’d get a hair cut, but don’t do waiting, one place had a few inside, maskless, the next one had a sign up, ‘don’t enter here without a mask’. It was empty, but I didn’t go in.
I don’t mind if I don’t get my hair cut for months…
Met a guy the other day who I’d known for 40 years or so, he didn’t say hello, just glared, since he knew my thoughts. These people are scared, by msm/teevee.
Obviously, all you have to do is ask the ‘covid believers’ how many people they’ve heard of who have had this supposed virus, and indeed how many people they’ve heard of who have died from it
The answer is always zero (beyond the usual seasonal flu deaths).
The power of MSM propaganda is beyond belief.
Always, though, you hear about “my neighbors’s cousin…”
That might not work. Remember, they lie about that. If you believe tv… I mentioned the hoax to a workmate (an idiot), thinking that he too thought it was, and he said that he didn’t think it was a hoax. He said he knew someone who died from covid. I just responded with “Okay.” I wasn’t prepared for that. I now am. I query people, if they’ll talk to me. Just ask questions pertaining to the basics. When they can’t answer them, point out that tv isn’t informing them. Of course, each simple question you ask that your subject can’t answer, you answer.
And you finish with pointing out that they can lie about deaths by covid, but they can’t lie about statistics. Overall mortality for 2020 shows that there was nothing abnormal in the death category. It was an average year. If there was a pandemic that was killing thousands….
the stats could be a lie but they certainly do show a 20% increase in the USA which is highly adnormal. The deaths don’t tell you the cause of death only the numbers. Just because there is an increase doesn’t mean there is a pandemic and just because there is no pandemic does not mean there is no increase in deaths. there could be an increase due to “testing” and dangerous medical treatments for “covid” for example. personally i knew there would be an increase since I heard of the dangerous protocols introduced. I had no reason to argue the numbers would be normal but others apparently do inspite of what they actually are.
I went searching through sites that I expected to find info on about all-cause mortality and had a hard time finding anything. And yet, I’ve seen it referred to often and heard it referred to often. All-cause mortality stats is a hole in my bookmarks categories related to this hoax. I’m crap with numbers and jargon and so I am most interested in what those on my side of covid 1984 could tell me, in plain English, about all-cause mortality. The only other thing I’d say is that by now, Wouldn’t deaths from covid 19 injections together with deaths that can be attributed to the criminal lockdown increase the all-cause mortality?
Yes and if you ask them how well they knew the covid ‘victim’ or if the death could be from long term health issues they get offended and call you disrespectful.
That, and there’s another pernicious effect of the infinitely regressive Big Lies underpinning the Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) scamdemic:
We skeptics are well aware that the public-health and medical authorities have aggressively promoted the false reality of the MVD; the Big Lies trickle down the chain of command from the institutional level– the executives, celebrity spokespersons, and mass-media marketers who disseminate their precepts and policies– down to the line “grunts” who directly service the public, e.g. doctors, nurses, coroners, etc.
Just consider the blatant malfeasance of officially declaring “COVID” as a cause of death in disregard of the actual symptoms and maladies that caused the demise. Once rubber-stamping virtually every cause of death as “COVID” became an established practice, it was accepted as true by survivors.
What I’m getting at is that besides the informal hearsay whispering-down-the-lane reports that such and such a person died from COVID, there’s another contingent who believe in good faith that such and such a person died of COVID because a doctor or other trusted professional told them so– why, it’s right on the death certificate!
The trusting, complacent, naïve recipients of such professional verdicts are likely to be convinced that this “COVID death”, and thus the COVID MVD itself is indubitably “real” and dreadfully dangerous.
After all, why would the doctor, nurse, funeral director, insurance company, etc. possibly misinform or outright lie to the bereaved family or friends about the true cause of death? If some authority figure confirms COVID as a cause of death, authoritarian-submissive Normals will react badly to any attempts to challenge this validated belief with forensic questioning.
Earplugs best invention. Without a doubt. Lost without them. Wear them everywhere.
A friend at work once asked when she saw them hanging around my neck:
“Sensory overload?” You said it.
Odd, at first glance I thought it was Jimmy Saville — are they related ?
Brother’s from another mother no doubt.
Anyone who thinks this bullshit is going to end anytime soon is on another planet.
Listen to what these cockroaches say.
Just noticed an interesting change in the BBC news reporting of daily ‘covid’ figures. I’m not sure when the change occurred because I haven’t watched the news for several days.
Previously the graphic would show “Daily number of deaths” in large figures with a small footnote stating “Of any cause within 28 days of a positive test”. They would then show a graphic of the total cumulative number of UK ‘covid’ deaths with the newsreader [innacurately] stating that the latest daily total “brings the total number of deaths from covid to […….]”.
But tonight the newsreader actually stated that the latest daily total “brings the total number of deaths from any cause within 28 days of a positive test to […….]”. I wonder how many of the brainwashed spotted this.
I point that out to people, what those who are thoroughly brainwashed usually reply is, well they mean, those people wouldn’t have died if it weren’t for covid, I usually retort, what so someone who plummets 10,000 feet and goes splat on the ground (ANY CAUSE) wouldn’t have died if it weren’t for covid ???? At which point they usually get angry and storm off in a huff.
I’m still trying to find the magic words to undo the spell, I’m starting to believe some people are just too stupid and its a waste of time engaging with such people, I think its a question of reaching those that can grasp this basic concept of “Any Cause” and hoping the peer pressure of increased general awareness,will filter down to the lobotomised
I’m sure I saw a statistic that says, in the average year, 100,000 people die of any cause within 28 days of having a haircut. I guess calculated from sats about frequency of haircuts in the general population and average death rates. It’s quite a handy stat to bring up in discussions though. Imagine if they announced this number on every news bulletin.
“So far this year, 21,521 people have died of any cause within 28 days of having a haircut”.
It’s as meaningless as the PCR-derived stat they keep spewing.
I usually try and explain that if they had bothered testing for the common cold (which is what the PCR test is actually looking for) in 2019 2018 2017 they would have got similar stats “Died of ANY CAUSE within 28 days of a positive test for the common cold” but this seems to be too technical for the hypochondriacs, They get stuck on the idea I’m claiming covid is the common cold (which of course it is) and harp on about how they know they know someone who had it and its not the common cold, (No its the flu, misdiagnosed with a test which looks for the common cold and labels it covid) of course this is far too technical for their brains to comprehend and more huffing ensues. I think I might try your very good analogy / statistic about haircuts ;D
and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee. For thy merchants were the great men of the earth, for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived… Revelations 13 v 23.. Spellbound / Sorcery / Pharmakeia (Greek)
British Brainwashing Charlatans strike again
Love to meet this guy, as he loves two or three towns over.
We’re simpatico. Though I’m not Italian, I too suffer from poor eyesight, yet see quite clearly.
I’m off topic – apologies – but couldn’t resist posting this vision of the future as envisaged by the chief of a blockchain company ….
“The CEO of Blockchain LLC, the holding company behind this scheme, one Jeffrey Berns, said, “I want to create a place where blockchain is the foundation for creativity, honesty and transparency, and then build a smart city to serve the people who live there.” he added: “That’s ultimately the goal — to democratize democracy.”
Well, that sounds positive, doesn’t it?
sounds like The Multi-Function Polis Australias’ politicians were promoting – as The Solution to Everything – back in the 1980s…
they still think ras-putin, and ka-putin are related…
I’m starting a blockhead company specializing in the creation of dumb cities.
smart cities, dumb people.
That was a great read. Thanks!
Here’s a bit of the latest fear porn from an Aussie rag (Sydney Morning Herald):
‘Raging inferno’: Worldwide COVID-19 death toll tops a staggering 3 million as cases surge in Brazil, and hospitals are running out of critical sedatives. As a result, there have been reports of some doctors diluting what supplies remain and even tying patients to their beds while breathing tubes are pushed down their throats.
Worldwide, deaths are on the rise again, running at around 12,000 per day on average, and new cases are climbing too, eclipsing 700,000 a day. And the true number is believed to be significantly higher because of possible government concealment and the many cases overlooked in the early stages of the outbreak that began in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019.”
Also the “double mutant” Indian variant we now have in the UK.
Which could derail the planned return to normality as the MSM put it.
We didn’t see that coming did we?
Maybe we should start a wager on where the next variant is coming from.
“double mutant” – that’s a goodie. The propaganda teams are becoming more creative. Perhaps we’ll soon see the “Double deviant Gates variant”, or the “Festering Fauci Factor variant”, etc. etc. There will be many new variants, each one more deadly/scary than ever.
Yeah, the double mutant is a real winner, it’ll probably win an Advertising Agency Award , the Triple A. It reminds me of New Original Flavour, can we look forward to the Variable Variant, a shape shifting Killer that Kan’t be Kaught? Oh no, it’ll probably go quantum next, be in two places at once defying all the laws of Newt Onion Fizziks. I’ve seen the future too, and it’s entertainment, murderously entertaining, a bit like the past.
Killer that Kan’t be Kaught?
”Kan’t” would that be Immanuel Kant of ‘Categorical Imperative’ strain?
Sounds like a new Ninja cult. “The Ninja Double Mutants” fighting to save the world from overpopulation, coming to a town near you.
I know, it’s so embarrassing, I reckon Israel bombing Gaza, Saudis and others murdering Yemenis and millions of babies starving to death might fit the world inferno. The Australian media have all lost the plot. A staggering 3 million they babble as if no one ever died before and 9 million people die in China and India both every year, nearly 3 million in both the USA and Brazil and so on.
Or the 50 to100 million of the Spanish flu who died in 1918. Actually it wasn’t such a big deal. At the time people were more concerned about the outcome of the final battles on the western front and the final defeat of Germany and the outcome of the demise of the monarchies: The Romanovs, the Hohenzollern, the Habsburgs and the Ottomans, the Russian revolution as well as revolutions in Germany and Hungary. Peoples were made of sterner stuff in those days, unlike the infantilised I-phone gazing Elois of today.
One thing that sticks in my mind is the self-portrait of Edvard Munch after a bout of Spanish flu. He doesn’t look to good, but like most people he just got on with it.
Australia: the land of surfing and jerking off to low quality fear porn. I like the tying patients down bit, copied straight out of your cheap porn flicks, but always works.
Reminds me of the story Frank Zappa told when introducing the song Cheapnis. The little inverted ice cream cone, the monster, the girl who falls down and twists her ankle. Good to see that the skills of writing cheap news are making a comeback.
Spot on
2 hospital patients to 1 bed in an Indian city. The photos alone should revive the dying scam for a while.
It seems to be reaching the ‘We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia’ stage now. Just an absolute raging cataclysm, only never experienced by anybody anyone knows. Just news reports. Feels like a gag. A formal one.
It has been suggested, by no less a personage than George Orwell, that the whole nuclear war threat is a hoax. The three superpowers of the future, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia are too powerful to be defeated, even it its two against one. However they must maintain a low-intensity conflict, where no-one eventually wins, but which but nonetheless keeps up the war hysteria and in doing so effectively controls the populace.
So now we have a fake pandemic – COVID – which happens everywhere and suspends reason leading to fear and anxiety among the masses. The masses are now divided into the PROLES who have zero interest in the propaganda, then the fanatical OUTER PARTY, journalists, politicians, low level bureaucrats, who wear the blue boiler suits, and finally the INNER PARTY wear black boiler suits who control everything and run the show.
War is Peace
Ignorance is Strength
Freedom is Slavery
Sounds pretty much what we have now!
I can tell you must be fine craftsman at that Jerry Bernini. Your ability to so correctly and precisely hit the hammer on the nail shows you have learned your trade well. Thanks.
The churches have been emptied and today the masses kneel and pray before the false COVID-19 Idol that has been placed before them.
The Seekers – Turn, Turn, Turn
Sadly there got to be a time for foundations, hedge funds, out of control money markets, govts gone nuts with imaginary virus and all the other crap…oh for the simple life back then. Smile
“oh for the simple life back then.”
Why “back then”? That life is simple is an eternal truth that NOTHING can destroy; we only have to put our mind to it, for it is primarily a state of mind and you can own your mind if you want to, even when surrounded by darkness.
If there is something I’ve learned the hard way is that change is not unavoidable; we are constantly prompted to change but we don’t have to if we don’t want to; there is no such a thing as obsolescence for human beings: We are exactly the same people as those shown in the video, we are no different; our needs, our longings are no different.
Life can never be defeated, and sooner or later the forces of darkness will be brought to their knees in shame begging for mercy.
The song is right: ‘I swear, I swear, it’s not too late.”
If change is inevitable, why do they need propaganda and marketing?
On the contrary, reread the comment: change is not unavoidable; left alone, we would be happy living peacefully without much change; that’s precisely why they need heavy arsenal of persuasion to entice is into making change.
..a time to kill
If ever there was the need for some well placed lead, I can think of a few well deserved recipients.. I’ve never wished harm in anyone, but the time is drawing near for confrontation, I fear.
This apparently is a time to kill 7 billion.
What a wonderfully ludicrous video, what glorious technicolour. Judith Durham’ s voice rings so eloquently. The carnival is really over, must we accept a time for hate? I strictly ain’t for it as Boogie Bill once observed. Ecclesiastes should have known better.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
— Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Thank you. “They can’t be this stupid. It’s just not possible.” This is the crazy thing, isn’t it. WHY is it that (maybe) 10% if us can see? And we’re now divided from so many former ‘friends’, relations, and ‘loved ones’?
Why are we divided from family and friends you ask???? I think the main reason for this is not because others are stupid etc……it is because we are the ones who are seeking truth….this takes alot of work and dedication. Again, most of the people we know who are not thinking and acting the way we are…..are simply misguided. The danger is to become judgemental over why others don’t see things as clearly as us.
The average person does arrive at web sites and information like O-G over night. There has been alot of sweat and hours that most of us have put in along the way in order to get to this point.
We should look at ourselves as teachers of the truth. Do it clamly and do it with confidence. It will resonate with others if we also show them respect when we are pointing the way out of this delusion. The Transnational Capitalist Class will use any means to discredit us. Our goal should not be results….it should be truth.
Many of us are angry because our family and friends do not see the manipulations that are happening to them and others. This is understandable. Use the angry for peaceful purposes and goals. This is real power. Peace.
I whole heartedly agree.
In Buddhism, the world’s waiting for the next Teacher/Maitreya.
Q-anon has the same theory. funny how that works.
the second paragraph should read “does not” arrive at web sites and information like O-G over night. I apologize for the error.
you should be more worried about spelling “overnight” as two separate words.
thank you.
All I see is that Denny’s comment was thought provoking. Yours was not.
You’re correct, most are not stupid, they are lazy, plain and simple.
not so…..they live in fear which is an internal prison. Remember, we are more free than they are. Peace.
I’m coming to think it’s genetic, innately dispositional to be able and willing to accept the true or most plausible unhesitatingly without reference to one’s worldview or personal mythos.