The Covidian Cult (Part II)
CJ Hopkins

Back in October of 2020, I wrote an essay called The Covidian Cult, in which I described the so-called “New Normal” as a global totalitarian ideological movement. Developments over the last six months have borne out the accuracy of that analogy.
A full year after the initial roll-out of the utterly horrifying and completely fictional photos of people dropping dead in the streets, the projected 3.4% death rate, and all the rest of the official propaganda, despite the absence of any actual scientific evidence of an apocalyptic plague (and the abundance of evidence to the contrary), millions of people continue to behave like members of an enormous death cult, walking around in public with medical-looking masks, robotically repeating vacuous platitudes, torturing children, the elderly, the disabled, demanding that everyone submit to being injected with dangerous experimental “vaccines,” and just generally acting delusional and psychotic.
How did we ever get to this point … to the point where, as I put it in The Covidian Cult, “instead of the cult existing as an island within the dominant culture, the cult has become the dominant culture, and those of us who have not joined the cult have become the isolated islands within it?”
To understand this, one needs to understand how cults control the minds of their members, because totalitarian ideological movements operate more or less the same way, just on a much larger, societal scale. There is a wealth of research and knowledge on this subject (I mentioned Robert J. Lifton in my earlier essay), but, to keep things simple, I’ll just use Margaret Singer’s “Six Conditions of Mind Control” from her 1995 book, Cults in Our Midst, as a lens to view the Covidian Cult through.
Six Conditions of Mind Control
1. Keep the person unaware of what is going on and how she or he is being changed a step at a time. Potential new members are led, step by step, through a behavioral-change program without being aware of the final agenda or full content of the group.
Looking back, it is easy to see how people were conditioned, step by step, to accept the “New Normal” ideology. They were bombarded with terrifying propaganda, locked down, stripped of their civil rights, forced to wear medical-looking masks in public, to act out absurd “social-distancing” rituals, submit to constant “testing,” and all the rest of it.
Anyone not complying with this behavioral-change program or challenging the veracity and rationality of the new ideology was demonized as a “conspiracy theorist,” a “Covid denier,” an “anti-vaxxer,” in essence, an enemy of the cult, like a “suppresive person” in the Church of Scientology.
2. Control the person’s social and/or physical environment; especially control the person’s time.
For over a year now, the “New Normal” authorities have controlled the social/physical environment, and how New Normals spend their time, with lockdowns, social-distancing rituals, closure of “non-essential” businesses, omnipresent propaganda, isolation of the elderly, travel restrictions, mandatory mask-rules, protest bans, and now the segregation of the “Unvaccinated.”
Basically, society has been transformed into something resembling an infectious disease ward, or an enormous hospital from which there is no escape. You’ve seen the photos of the happy New Normals dining out at restaurants, relaxing at the beach, jogging, attending school, and so on, going about their “normal” lives with their medical-looking masks and prophylactic face shields.
What you’re looking at is the pathologization of society, the pathologization of everyday life, the physical (social) manifestation of a morbid obsession with disease and death.
3. Systematically create a sense of powerlessness in the person.
What kind of person could feel more powerless than an obedient New Normal sitting at home, obsessively logging the “Covid death” count, sharing photos of his medical-looking mask and post-“vaccination” bandage on Facebook, as he waits for permission from the authorities to go outdoors, visit his family, kiss his lover, or shake hands with a colleague?
The fact that in the Covidian Cult the traditional charismatic cult leader has been replaced by a menagerie of medical experts and government officials does not change the utter dependency and abject powerlessness of its members, who have been reduced to a state approaching infancy. This abject powerlessness is not experienced as a negative; on the contrary, it is proudly celebrated.
Thus the mantra-like repetition of the “New Normal” platitude “Trust the Science!” by people who, if you try to show them the science, meltdown completely and start jabbering aggressive nonsense at you to shut you up.
4. Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments and experiences in such a way as to inhibit behavior that reflects the person’s former social identity.
The point here is the transformation of the formerly basically rational person into an entirely different cult-approved person, in our case, an obedient “New Normal” person. Singer gets into this in greater detail, but her discussion applies mostly to subcultural cults, not to large-scale totalitarian movements. For our purposes, we can fold this into Condition 5.
5. Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments, and experiences in order to promote learning the group’s ideology or belief system and group-approved behaviors. Good behavior, demonstrating an understanding and acceptance of the group’s beliefs, and compliance are rewarded, while questioning, expressing doubts or criticizing are met with disapproval, redress and possible rejection. If one expresses a question, they are made to feel that there is something inherently wrong with them to be questioning.
OK, I’m going to tell you a little story. It’s a story about a personal experience, which I’m pretty sure you’ve also experienced. It’s a story about a certain New Normal who has been harassing me for several months. I’ll call him Brian Parks, because, well, that’s his name, and I no longer feel any compunction about sharing it.
Brian is a former friend/colleague from the theater world who has gone full “New Normal” and is absolutely furious that I have not. So outraged is Brian that I have not joined the cult that he has been going around on the Internet referring to me as a “conspiracy theorist” and suggesting that I’ve had some kind of nervous breakdown and require immediate psychiatric treatment because I do not believe the official “New Normal” narrative.
Now, this would not be a very big deal, except that Brian is impugning my character and attempting to damage my reputation on the Facebook pages of other theater colleagues, which Brian feels entitled to do, given that I am a “Covid denier,” a “conspiracy theorist,” and an “anti-vaxxer,” or whatever, and given the fact that he has the power of the state, the media, etc., on his side.
This is how it works in cults, and in larger totalitarian societies. It isn’t usually the Gestapo that comes for you. It’s usually your friends and colleagues. What Brian is doing is working that system of rewards and punishments to enforce his ideology, because he knows that most of my other colleagues in the theater world have also gone full “New Normal,” or at least are looking the other way and staying silent while it is being implemented.
This tactic, obviously, has backfired on Brian, primarily because I do not give a fuck what any New Normals think of me, whether they work in the theater world or anywhere else, but I am in a rather privileged position, because I have accomplished what I wanted to accomplish in the theater, and would rather stick my hand in a blender than submit my novels to corporate publishers for review by “sensitivity readers,” so there isn’t much to threaten me with.
That, and I have no children to support, or administrations to answer to (unlike, for example, Mark Crispin Miller, who is currently being persecuted by the “New Normal” administration at NYU).
The point is, this kind of ideological conditioning is happening everywhere, every day, on the job, among friends, even among families. The pressure to conform is intense, because nothing is more threatening to devoted cultists, or members of totalitarian ideological movements, than those who challenge their fundamental beliefs, confront them with facts, or otherwise demonstrate that their “reality” isn’t reality at all, but, rather, a delusional, paranoid fiction.
The key difference between how this works in cults and totalitarian ideological movements is that, usually, a cult is a subcultural group, and thus non-cult-members have the power of the ideology of the dominant society to draw on when resisting the mind-control tactics of the cult, and attempting to deprogram its members…whereas, in our case, this balance of power is inverted.
Totalitarian ideological movements have the power of governments, the media, the police, the culture industry, academia, and the compliant masses on their side. And, thus, they do not need to persuade anyone. They have the power to dictate “reality.” Only cults operating in total isolation, like Jim Jones’ People’s Temple in Guyana, enjoy this level of control over their members.
This pressure to conform, this ideological conditioning, must be fiercely resisted, regardless of the consequences, both publicly and in our private lives, or the “New Normal” will certainly become our “reality.”
Despite the fact that we “Covid deniers” are currently outnumbered by the Covidian cultists, we need to behave as if we are not, and hold to reality, facts, and real science, and treat the New Normals as exactly what they are, members of a new totalitarian movement, delusional cultists run amok. If we do not, we will get to Singer’s Condition 6…
6. Put forth a closed system of logic and an authoritarian structure that permits no feedback and refuses to be modified except by leadership approval or executive order. The group has a top-down, pyramid structure. The leaders must have verbal ways of never losing.
We’re not there yet, but that is where we’re headed … global pathologized totalitarianism. So, please, speak up. Call things what they are. Confront the Brians in your life. Despite the fact that they tell themselves that they’re trying to help you “come to your senses” or “see the truth,” or “trust the Science,” they are not.
They are cultists, desperately trying to get you to conform to their paranoid beliefs, pressuring you, manipulating you, bullying you, threatening you. Do not engage them on their terms, or let them goad you into accepting their premises. (Once they’ve sucked you into their narrative, they’ve won.) Expose them, confront them with their tactics and their motives.
You will probably not change their minds in the least, but your example might help other New Normals whose faith is slipping to begin to recognize what has been done to their minds and break with the cult.
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Absolutely spot-on article. I’m so sorry you’ve been treated so badly by former friends; I have too.
The virus doesn’t have to exist to accomplish their goals. The flu didn’t disappear. It was re-named.
There is a lovely Russian saying: “The holy place does not stay empty long.”
Some monks like to take it a little further by saying: “The empty place does not say holy long.”
You should interview Cathy O’Brien who wrote Trance Formation of America and well knows how MASKS were used in mind control:
I’ve been too afraid to read her book, though I’ve listened to some gruesome testimony. Masks are absolutely a tool of mind control and cult programming.
This cult has been in place long before covid with anti-racism. It’s not actually anti-racist but an illogical set of beliefs that ends up with authorities ignoring en masse the mass gang rape of children for fear of being labelled racist. It has morphed into critical race theory that actively demonises whites, including children and sees teachers that raise concerns about it getting sacked. We’ve been gaslighted for decades over race and much more recently the transgender industrial complex has joined in. So my point is we were already a society that accepted people being unpersoned, losing their job, being ostracized or even facing prison for political opinions. We have been primed for this by being utterly demoralised by having to except obvious falsehoods as truth, blatant discrimination as equality and rank hypocrisy as morality for decades.
We all have at least one Brian in our life.
Nice piece. I’m going to start referring to life’s present irritants as Brians. It will help reduce the expletive count in our household.
A “friend” recently sent me a short propaganda video put out by our state propaganda arm, CBC. He genuinely was concerned about my “anti-vax” stance and asked me to keep an “open mind” to the “science” (he did say simplified).
Which COVID-19 vaccine is better? (spoiler, they’re all good) |
I sent the following response:
Hi X.,
Following is my response to The National propaganda video (why I call it that will become clear).
First, the video starts with a patronizing, reckless marketing exhortation to inject any vaccine offered. What other “product”, even those not affecting/risking basic health, would be presented in that way ? This simple decree shreds any concept of “informed consent” which once was considered a sacrosanct principle of medical ethics and human rights. Here are a few relevant statements from the CMA Code of Ethics obviated by this single directive:
Recognize the balance of potential benefits and harms associated with any medical act;
Disclose to the patient if there is a risk of harm;
Always treat the patient with dignity and respect;
Always respect the autonomy of the patient;
Recognize that inappropriate use or overuse of treatments or resources can lead to ineffective, and at times harmful, patient care;
Empower the patient to make informed decisions regarding their health;
Never participate in or support practices that violate basic human rights;
Respect the decisions of the competent patient to accept or reject any recommended assessment, treatment, or plan of care.
Next, the statement that RNA does not affect the genome is false.
It is well established that various types of RNA (ncRNA, miRNA, tRNA and mRNA) directly
affect the genome. There are several mechanisms by which this can occur. The RNA may attach directly to the chromosomal material (aka the genome, the DNA) and affect its function by activating or deactivating individual genes (which code for a specific protein) or gene clusters. Or, the RNA may attract epigenetic enzymes which in turn may switch genes on/off, or enhance or diminish their expression. Or, the RNA (typically miRNA, micro RNA) may bind to mRNA affecting its function in the cells. Messenger RNA produces the proteins that regulate, repair or build our cells and tissues. These effects may affect only the phenotype (individual) OR they may “imprint” the genes epigenetically, carrying the changes for several generations of offspring. These genetic alterations may relate to brain function, fertility, the immune system and many other biological functions.
The RNA in the vaccines would fall into the category of miRNA (above) although the categories are fluid – small ncRNAs might be categorized as miRNA and vice versa.
I base the above on “the science”.
Here are some quotes from an excellent treatise on epigentics, The Epigentics Revolution, by Nessa Carey, Columbia U. Press, a collation of the work of many hundreds of researchers around the world over the last two decades:
“The precise mechanism by which our ncRNAs function to enhance gene expression is not known.” p.190
“At least 1,000 different miRNAs have been identified in mammalian cells (we are mammals).” p.192
“A single miRNA can regulate more than one mRNA molecule..(affecting) lots of different protein molecules.” p.193
“It is very difficult to unravel exactly what a miRNA is doing in a cell as the effects will vary depending on the cell type and other genes” p. 193
“..the effects of disrupting miRNA copy numbers may be very extensive.” p.193
“Once an ncRNA has been produced human cells use various mechanisms to modify it yet further. Humans more than any other species edit our ncRNA molecules to a remarkable degree.” p.194
(ed. note: so introducing artificial RNA that has not been extensively tested for long term effects would be playing biological roulette)
“miRNAs play major roles in control of pluripotency and control of cellular differentiation.” p.195
(ed. note: this just means normal development of the embryo and foetus in utero)
“miRNAs are also vital for that all-important phase in imprinting control, the formation of primordial germ cells.”
(ed. note: this just means the normal development of sperm and egg)
“..mouse eggs were injected with miRNA which targeted a key gene in growth of heart tissue (which resulted in) enlarged hearts (cardiac hypertrophy)..the offspring of these mice also had a high frequency of cardiac hypertrophy.” p.198
“A single base change (found in Tourettes’s patients) introduced a binding site for a short nc-RNA called miR-189..suggesting that mis-regulation of miRNA may be involved in other patients.”
“We might predict that the brain would be particularly susceptible to defects in ncRNA activity and function.” p.199
“Approximately 70 percent of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cases have lost the ncRNA’s called miR-15a and miR-16-1.” p.201
[Ed. note: actually micro RNAs according to the coding]
“An example of over-expression of miRNAs is the case of the miR-17-92 cluster. This cluster is over-expressed in a range of cancers.” p.201
Many more examples could be given of RNAs affecting brain function, fertility, embryonic development and disease but these should make the point.
– The novel mRNA vaccines have never before been used on humans and have been authorized under a EUA (Emergency Use Authorization).
– Big pHarma have been exempted from completing long term trials (2 years to go!) and animal trials.
– They also have legal immunity from product liability suits – naw, there’s no moral risk there.
Finally, the pHarma mouthpiece makes the absurd claim that these vaccines (I believe there were at least two in the vid) are 100% effective.
NO VACCINE produced to date has been 100% effective. It is very likely an epidemiological impossibility. This should be an insult to any mentally competent adult.
Was my “friend” really interested in “the science” ?
Who is this pathetic coward Brian Parks? He, like most of these mask wearing sheep are so ignorant of what’s been done to them that they are have no discernible idea of the world and the way the powers that be have been brainwashing them and indoctrinating them —- Instead of him pushing his slavery on you , maybe he needs his ass beat real bad —and if you don’t like what I said , tough shit
Those in power know that propaganda works really well, they have been using propaganda to loot the public and to take us into unjust war for centuries.
So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that yet again the State’s propaganda machine has been successful in convincing most people to believe their fraud, these people are seasoned liars, it is what they do best.
for thelost that have already acceded their intelligence to another body….what level of manipulation would be required for them to submit to the latest feeble proclamation ?
Very little imo….as it seems that questioning is too demanding a feat for their habituated existence of ease.
Accept – Don’t Drink The Koolaid
I have a question or just food for thought. Why would the “powers that be” kill off the obedient rule followers (vaccine takers), leaving the rebels and dissenters alive? I’ll just add a leading question as a suggestion – What if the current vaccine makes people immune to a deadly “virus” which is planned and forthcoming? In effect producing the opposite results implied in the original quandary? Let me know if this has been gone over exhaustively already. I’d like to see that discussion. Thanks.
Re: Why would the “powers that be” kill off the obedient rule followers (vaccine takers), leaving the rebels and dissenters alive?
Because it was supposed to be total; as in, totalitarian. The obedient lemmings would vastly outnumber the dissenters and hesitants, and this would force most of the latter into compliance. The residual holdouts would have been shipped off for “re-education”. One of the conclusions from Event 201 is that They (TPTB) weren’t ready. However, since They needed to oust Trump, They decided to go ahead with it regardless.
This crowd does not look like lemmings, TPTB would have their hand full re-educating this. I think total elimination would be much preferred.
Re: This crowd does not look like lemmings.
Agreed; those are the dissidents etc. But it took a long time to build to that many; and certainly a lot longer than I was originally expecting. If they (TPTB) had not simultaneously been trying to oust Trump, I think the Covid911 plan would have worked.
BTW: I saw the following via the same Bitchute account; and this is what they had in mind.
Also to save the Cabal from the Jeffrey Epstein investigations. That’s all disappeared now. That too rushed their hand. Especially that of Bill Gates
Good article. However, I am NOT a COVID-19 denier I am a COVID-1984 denier. There’s a difference, and the difference is, I follow the real material and psychological science.
0. Basic civil rights of free speech have to be guaranteed, not cancelled, and responsibly safeguarded against misuse and toxification.
Otherwise the vested interests of health bureaucrats and Big Pharma and Deep Government will prevail over common sense and real science. This has to be balanced with freedom of responsible speech, preventing cussing, swearing and other psychological trolling efforts to toxify and smear intelligent discussion and morale.
1. Herd immunity for a cold/flu-like illness must not be denied within national boundaries.
Yet in order to perpetuate the crisis and force vaccine demand, herd immunity has been broken up and the infection curve ‘flattened’ within national boundaries.
This had the effect of enabling the SARS Cov-2 virus to survive in pockets of carriers even over the summer, lengthening the pandemic, increasing the likelihood of spawning mutations that could ‘go viral’, and giving the virus a stronger start come fall and winter cold/flu season.
2. Realistic levels of real medical care must be maintained, otherwise its just a setup for disaster.
Even before COVID-19, the annual flu pandemic was a disaster. Hospital beds worldwide have been pared back over the last 20 years to under 3 beds per thousand. A more rational number is Japan’s 13 beds per thousand given the advanced age of many populations.
Even Japan is far from perfect; Japanese bed capacity steadily declined since the mid 1990s from a high of 15.5 beds per thousand, despite their aged population not getting anywhere near younger.
3. Beds are not enough, real treatment has to be given, not just basic supportive care.
Ventilators are to be avoided whenever possible. Yet effective therapies are withheld or sabotaged by health authorities. Hydroxychloroquine works, but has to be given in doses of 200-400 mg – not in excessive doses approaching or exceeding 1000 mg. Hydroxychloroquine works even better with an antibiotic like azrithromycin plus zinc, but alone can reduce deaths by 30%.
Ivermectin, an even better antiviral drug has also been routinely denied or application sabotaged against well-known established dosage guidelines. Like hydroxychloroquine, people have poisoned themselves with incorrect dosages including formulations meant for non-human animals, and this used as a pretext to discourage use.
Had the same level of support for effective inexpensive drugs been given as applied to expensive, dangerous vaccines, much suffering and deaths could have been prevented.
4. Basic high school health class is routinely ignored. Vitamins D, C, K, and zinc and hand washing are standard for flu season, but you’d never know it over the haughty authoritarian din of masking, lockdowns, fines, social distancing and vaccines backed by whispers of vax passports.
Brockland, I have to disagree with you on one point, and that point is the central error in your statement:
“1. Herd immunity for a cold/flu-like illness must not be denied within national boundaries.
Yet in order to perpetuate the crisis and force vaccine demand, herd immunity has been broken up and the infection curve ‘flattened’ within national boundaries.
This had the effect of enabling the SARS Cov-2 virus to survive in pockets of carriers even over the summer, lengthening the pandemic, increasing the likelihood of spawning mutations that could ‘go viral’, and giving the virus a stronger start come fall and winter cold/flu season.”
With this point, you’re stipulating the existence of “covid19” whether you assign another name such as “covid1984” or not. By stipulating the main contention of the pushers of the myth, that there is a killer plague virus on the loose, you make moot any other point you’re trying to present.
The irrefutable fact is that no such virus has ever been isolated or otherwise proven to exist via Koch’s Postulate for identifying an infectious agent. Stipulating the existence of this imaginary virus nullifies any point you want to make about the way the “fight against covid” is being conducted.
It seems that you are sincere in your attempt to “deny covid1984”, but you’re failing to address the existence of the virus itself in the myth upon which the manufactured crisis is based. I suggest you examine the basis of your argument in point 1 of your comment.
Excellent analysis of COVID within the framework of cult dynamics. Another framework to view it through is as a Moral Panic, as explored in Cohen (1971) “Folk Devils and Moral Panics”. In this analysis, a group defines something (e.g. a respiratory infection) or a group (e.g. those who refuse to panic because of it) as a threat to social norms and community interests; client media depicts the threat in simplistic, recognizable forms (e.g. “covidiots”); portrayal rouses public concern; this instigates a reponse from policy makers; leading to social changes. the key elements are concern, hostility, consensus, disproportionality, and volatility. I have found it to be both explanatory and predictive of the outlandish arrangements that have emerged around us.
Cults work exactly like the current cult of covid.
Techniques used by cults in forced conversion include – Isolation, intimidation, deprivation and indoctrination. All currently deployed by the govt and its SPI-B behavioural insights team.
These are further enhanced by :-
1) Selling by zealot (any govt minister Hancock, Shapps, Johnson etc)
2) Wearing down resistance (continued lockdown and the carrot and
stick of broken promises and then offering false hope).
3) Increasing tension (masked against unmasked, govt ministers and
civil servants and media ‘personalities included Miss Dick exhorting
the public to challenge those not following the edicts regardless of
their disability status.
4) Introduction of identity uncertainty (forced mask wearing)
5) Jargon (hands face space, build back better)
6) Lack of humour (continuous grim fear porn stats)
In Germany there is a law that civil servants can remonstrate but a lot of them are not aware of this right. Only some schools apparently taught about it. This was introduced after the war as a measure to counter the just following orders line.
remonstrieren [to raise formal objections internally in German civil service law]
Notice of liability for covid-19 injuries & deaths has been served on all members of the European parliament (Health Impact News)…
may The Force be with us !
My goodness. It’s exactly as Mike Yeadon, an ex-Pfizer VP said: They’re already making the “vaccines” against the covid variants, and PLANNING TO AVOID ALL TESTING.
As reported by STAT News:22
Unbelievable journalism in the Daily Telegraph;
The analysis and explanations of democratic man who must secure the beliefs of the democratic church will always be that of pointing to elites and cults, as if they have hypnotized and forced the people. That the ordinary people and their representatives have themselves initiated many things and have severely and willingly contributed to the situation should be swept under the carpet. Democratic man must remain a victim at large, democratic man is attached to victimhood.
I assert that if there are architects of the play, these might have been shocked about the role played by ordinary democratic man, his willingness to take up the role and invent many extras himself, the architects themselves became part of the sentimental soap-opera of democratic man. Possibly the widespread idiocy of mask wearing has even been a bottom-up invention, and elites could do nothing but follow up on it.
Like Oscar Wilde wrote:
I remind you that governors of US States and governments worldwide have mandated the masks.
Most don’t anymore
Penelope, the governor of my state “mandated” the wearing of masks, and I have never worn one. I still go about my day maskless in public as well as at home, and I have only been denied service at the state’s monopoly liquor stores. The mask wearing has been self inflicted and enforced here, as the commenter stated.
I spoke to a random fellow human today she said she’s getting the injection I told her please don’t I described why it’s wrong and she agreed with me wether she will get the jab I don’t know but maybe she won’t I’m telling as much people as I can to not get injected I hope some how it’s sinking in I don’t know it’s hard sometimes to get through to us.I feel alone even though I know they agree with what I say.Also my mother in law got the first dose 4 weeks ago been sick hospitalised very ill that’s from a injection supposed to make you better I don’t know who is the sickest here, the stupid media, the stupid premier and the clowns that claim a poor 97 year old man locked up for 12 weeks died from a fake PCR test.
Latest from Reiner Fuellmich and committee: sondersitzung
Special Session with international lawyers from throughout the world. Serious situation in Italy with law enacted April 1, 2021 making covid vaccinations mandatory for health care workers. Plus introduction of green passports in Italy.
An excellent discussiion with Leslie Manookian of Health Freedom Defense Fund beginning at 1:20:00. Quote from Leslie “major vaccination centers struggling because the demand is peetering out with only 25% of Americans fully vaccinated…means that they are not in control of the narrative.”
Also excellent discussion from Argentina where it seems no one is buying the corona crap and few are getting vaccinated to Uruguay where the rule of law doesn’t exist, to Chile with full militarized state with checkpoints and serious curfews.
Also interviews from Germany, Canada and UK. All interviews not in English translated live into English.
Also an excellent discussion at the end with Canadian Michael Swinwood who is in Peru.
Thank you for sharing this along with your description.
Seems that the Pfizer jab causes more deaths/side effects than any of the others …..
“Is Pfizer Quietly Targeting Other Vaccines, While Holding Back on Its Own Safety Record?”
Full article on this link:
That’s the message on the file card pinned to my shirt today. I have others:
200+ MAJOR MEDIA IN 1970
I also carry flyers. I’ve met nice people this way.
Norway has decided not to inflict the astrazeneca jab on its citizens, concluding that its more dangerous than the virus! However, it is off-loading its stock to sweden and iceland, who are still stupid enough to use them!
“Norwegians run a greater risk of dying from being inoculated with AstraZeneca’s vaccine than from COVID-19, the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) concluded in its analysis, recommending the vaccine, previously linked to serious complications in the form of rare blood clotting and haemorrhage amid low platelet counts.
Abstaining from the vaccine could possibly prevent up to 10 deaths related to side effects, the FHI said, according to the newspaper Verdens Gang.”
The spin doctors have provided selective reports of governments lifting the ban, but not of those imposing or maintaining bans. As usual, no context or comparison. The super-duper global news agencies are silent on deaths, life-threatening illnesses and major injuries (per million jabbed) for each brand of jab.
“Scientists say…. ”
But not for those whose worldview is shaped by the Fraudian and BBC who again don’t think this worth reporting.
the heavy metals in the foods water vaccine all act as vector a railtrack if you will in the blood.
the 5g is the trigger travelling across city you are getting hit every which way by 5g phased array directional the massive 360 degree cotton bud shaped ones ariels as trees
the frequency hit opens up the blood brain barrier a breach allowing in all waste heavy metals medicines direct into the blood.
the human genome is now flooded with nano tech
the frequencies strip electrons strip vit c from the body as it is used up in this daily emergency state add mask add vaccine add 5 or 6 different doctor medication and fast food
you got a ticking time bomb problem
the 5g is the thing
the trigger
frequency fast or slow kill
directed at us all
get on a bus a train it would be easy to put array on a bus all buses now have air con
control of the air particles control of the blood brain breach
plus 5o folks with mobile phones
nervous disorders brain damages life reductions
toxic banksters pig swill projects
you will find a gates family members working for rockerfella and jp morgan down the decades from 1890 onwards down till today
nothing new under satans son
Maybe so, but keep in mind that the darkness is in a big hurry right now as they realize their window of opportunity is narrow. Cosmic events are at work in this nightmare movie that we are watching and participating in. The Light is slowly dissolving the dark. We wish it were obliterated in an instant. But it is underway. The start of a new Age of Aquarius and the start of a new Aeon (26k years) will see us going in a better direction. Planting the seeds of our future right now.
They have no window of opportunity. That was closed out long ago. They only have enough rope to hang themselves with.
And so it is…
Brilliant.All my friends have cancer.Never known anything like it before.Covid cover up.
linus pauling wrote some great books old ones on ebay usa
or pdf for free
linus pauling and great man from scotland doctor cameron wrote books
on mega dosing vit c
min 8 grams a day 2 teaspoons in 500ml water drunk slow during the day
dr cameron ended up giving terminal cancer patients 50 grams or more a day
ascorbic acid vit c
donates electrons
Books to read that will make you go hmmmm…
Catherine Nixey – The Darkening Age: how the cult of Christianity aggressively terrorised, censored and exterminated the classical age of Rome. The same demented mindset is creating the Covidian death cult today.
Jim Cheshire – Random Skies (series): A projection of how the world develops when recovering from bioengineered pandemics, population reduction in the mid 20’s, and a new world order of banker elites.
You’re welcome.
This is the main reason that the covid bollocks is on the point of collapsing. They could skip over minor inconsistencies such as the non-devastations of Belarus or the homeless, but Florida, Texas, etc are too big to ignore. Of course, both Mises and The Gateway Pundit get the story wrong. Instead, the correct story is that nothing happens.
April 21, 2021
Early last month, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced he would end the state’s mask mandate and allow most businesses to function at 100 percent capacity. . . . Other states have followed in Texas’s wake, and Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia are now all states where covid restrictions range from weak to nonexistent. Georgia and Florida, of course, are both notable for ending lockdowns and restriction much earlier than many other states.
March 4, 2021
Super-Spreader Joe Biden Is Releasing COVID Positive Migrants into US Interior
Joe Biden says GOP governors in Texas and Mississippi relaxing pandemic restrictions are engaging in “Neanderthal thinking.” So what does that make Joe Biden as he releases COVID positive migrants into the U.S. interior? And what kind of leader of a nation would do that to their own people? Would Biden have received any votes if he campaigned on welcoming and releasing COVID positive migrants into the U.S. without quarantining them first?
Can anyone understand what this poster is saying?
Waiting for Covid.
I understand and agree with the commenter “lost in the dark woods”. He is remarking upon the way Mises and GP are stipulating the existence of the imaginary virus in their articles.
This is to further the false narrative of the super spreader or silent carrier in germ theory which is a blatant lie. It does double duty by explaining “vaccine“ deaths and encourages “vaccine“ uptake by Republicans due to promoting fear of immigrants and “spreaders” of contagion.
proper Q batshit crazy drain the swamp believer that one is.
It really is absurd isn’t it…patient zero…what a crock of BS.
I think more than ever we have to make a stand reminds me of the song the walls of Jericho something inside so strong
Show Up – School Nurse Suspended for Opposing MasksPublic · Hosted by Anna Lopez, NJ 4 Freedom Announcements and NJ 4 Freedom Announcements
“I am an RN, I am working as a school nurse in Stafford Twp NJ but 4/20/21 I was suspended without pay for opposing masks. I attempted to advocate for the children against masks, I made my concerns regarding the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of masks known to my supervisors and administrators but they were not appreciated. I made the choice to go mask-less at work starting last Friday 4/16/21. On Monday 4/19/21, I was called into a meeting to suspend me and I was then escorted out of the building. I am asking for your support by attending the next Board of Education meeting.
The BOE meeting is May 10th. Board of Education committees start at 5 PM so if we want to make a scene with a protest everyone should get there between 4:30 and 4:45 and get set up. 6:30 is the first meeting, the second meeting is at 7:30.”
So, this has to be the lead story in the Fraudian, right? No, they’re leading on something called Greensill. People round here can’t stop talking about that. So, it’s the lead story in the special Covid section? No, that’s armageddon in India. The BBC is pretty much the same (except their overall lead is about Ryan Giggs).
I wonder why surveys that bother to look consistently find people are misinformed about Covid and think it’s more serious than it is even by the official figures? Must be that social media that’s to blame….
A country with hospitals that restrict access to vistors is not an acceptable place to live.
Me thinks they are culling don’t you?
I think medical doctors should be more scared of what will happen to them if they don’t speak out than losing their jobs.
Good God that shit SUCKS.
Are you saying this was in India?
What an eye opening, horror show of a wake up call this last twelve months has been. All of our suspicions, all of our convictions, have been confirmed. Which is depressing…at first. But then you think, hey…I’m actually OK…because my mind is free, and so is my conscience. I haven’t been a part of any of this other than warning people when I have been able. I went to the big demonstration. I haven’t masked or tested children, I haven’t injected an untested SGT into a fellow human being. I haven’t been a part of this biblical event criminal conspiracy. I’m piss poor, but so what, I’d rather be that, than have all the money or promised riches of the people who have conspired, lied and foisted this upon the world. What I thought were character defects, actually turned out to be the elements of my personality that got me through the best that their corrupt psychologists and behavioral experts could throw at us. So that is a good thing, a positive outcome. The acid test passed. So we move forward. And we carry on. Stronger in our convictions.
Excellent comment.
Thank you for this
Thank you for re-framing this into a consciousness lens – simply being a part of the awareness collective and knowing we are not contributing to this spiral of sloppy lies and dissonance is the shared gift we don’t always recognize
We have the foundation of what’s needed to survive – our sanity
and we have each other
with a little more compassion sprinkled on top
we’ll be ok
Here in Canada, and likely other places, this covid operation is reaching a very sinister step. They are now starting the slow drip of propaganda to warm the public up to the idea of vaccinating children and teens, stating that “herd immunity” cannot be reached without this. Pointing out that this is an experimental treatment with no long term safety data got me crucified in the comments section of our national broadcaster.
I can honestly foresee the Nazi mentality taking hold in Canada very easily…we are a docile population that never questions authority or the media. And we have been taught largely to despise being patriotic about our country and to cancel out others who do not succumb to groupthink.
They will usher in vaccine passports with barely a blink of an eye, just like they did with masks and the never ending lockdowns. The public will simply state “that’s the way it is to get back to normal”. I despair at the general lack of critical thought and the moronic shaming culture that is now putting my children’s generation at risk.
Our indoor mask mandate in BC is for age 12 and up, yet I constantly see parents masking their toddlers. If someone is consciously choosing to do this, they will not question vaccinating their kids.
If there is anyone from Canada who can provide me some hope please let me know!!
I’m astounded how quickly people in Canada and in BC have accepted this new normal, you are right to say people are docile here. I live in a medium sized city with loads of outdoor space and yet get yelled at for not wearing a mask on the boardwalk. For the past year I’ve become estranged from most of my friends who insist on total acceptance and unquestioning conformity to this narrative. Follow the science! Do you part! Be a good citizen! Remind you of anything? I wish I could give you hope but sadly I see more compliance with each passing day.
which city in BC are you in? Based on my previous travels to Vancouver Island it is much more relaxed there. I am in North Vancouver and I haven’t seen any yelling, vast majority don’t wear masks at the main beaches and board walks. I side eye those who do, especially the wack double maskers. It’s the masking of young children that breaks my soul.
For sure there are many Canadians not buying into all aspects of the narrative. I know a few personally. Many of the comments on CBC are a clear indication of dissent from the narrative, but it’s difficult to determine what percentage of the population we are talking about. One bit of good news was the pushback from local police in Ontario against the government on enforcing random checks of drivers to ask about reason for travel. I wasn’t expecting that so I was pleasantly surprised. I am beginning to think that our best hope at this point might come from local police refusing to follow orders, but on the other hand, the provincial police seem proud about their role in enforcing travel restrictions between provinces. One other hope is some private businesses unwilling to restrict entry based on any vaccine passports.
Honestly, though, judging by the number of masked faces outside, it doesn’t look very good for us, does it? I can now see how our national character might lead to our downfall. On the whole, our population is too compliant, complacent and obedient, too willing to believe everything they’re told, unwilling to question anything or ‘rock the boat.’. It makes us very susceptible to the imposition of tyranny. Yes, this is definitely a global phenomenon, but I think some countries will succumb faster than others. At least the US shows signs of life in some areas of the country.
I just shake my head at the people walking outside, especially alone on uncrowded streets, with masks on, especially those awful blue ones. There have been reports that these types of masks in particular have toxic fibers and other components, one type even recalled in QC. In Canada I do think that the majority are overly compliant based on altruistic reasons, i.e. they are genuinely caring of others. But this natural “niceness” is being weaponized against them as they are putting themselves in danger by their trust and lack of skepticism.
It’s the angry, authoritarian shamers that crop up on CBC comments etc. who have been given license to be horrid human beings. And instead of being censored they are celebrated.
Just to clarify, in the third sentence I’m referring to comments by posters on the CBC website.
Nope. It certainly doesn’t.
That’s the metric I use here in Montreal to gauge what percentage of sheeple are waking up but it seems like more of them are falling asleep again.
We are literally surrounded by a sea of morons and retards who think they’re smart and we’re the nutters for not masking up.
What’s especially disheartening is the amount of kids and teenagers wearing face diapers.
My grandparents were Canadians. Toronto. Grandpa, never vaccinated, never went to a doctor, just died at almost 104.
They raised me on tales of the resilience of pioneers and trappers. Gave me a leather book cover to match my moccasins: walk silently and carry a big book. Learn from silent friends.
That’s the spirit! That’s the Canada I got to know when I immigrated there as a youngster.
My first job was a canvasser in Vancouver. I talked to hundreds of people every day. A lot of them moved out west from the Prairies to live in a milder climate in their older years. They liked to talk because they were from farms where they’d never meet a stranger for days or weeks … ha ha … and I got to hear many a story …
These people were tough as nails. And so was everybody else. It gets so cold during the winter in Montreal that I had to warm up in a Metro station on the way to school. The damn wind is relentless, brings the temperature down to minus 30-40 and goes right through your forehead. Everybody was sick at least once during the winter, no biggie …
Whatever happened … ?
Please stop with the Nazi tags, this isn’t fascism It’s cultural Marxism…
That would be correct. Marxism is intrinsically more evil than fascism. Freedom lovers don’t like either one, however.
Freedom lovers love Marx.
Why do freedom lovers love Marx?
Because they understand that an individual is not only stronger, but also freer, when part of a group. It’s not rocket science. It’s a common sense observation.
Marx said that the “free individual” as presently conceived is the result of a long historical social development. Only with capitalism did we see the rise of the bourgeois individual – which was one of the great achievements of capitalism, representing an escape from the prison of feudalism. In this sense i.e. as an escape from feudalism, capitalism has given us “the free individual”.
But capitalism has created an exploitative society in which some have more power than others. They don’t necessarily have more freedom since they have to follow the dictates of capitalism. Thus, we have a new kind of prison with a new power structure which, like feudalism, has to have its own ideology.
Thus, the whole defensive discourse about “freedom” (as a synonym for capitalist relations and therefore good) and “the collective” (as something that threatens those relations and therefore bad).
casual, you seem to have hallucinated the mention of nazis in Roslyn’s comments. Seek help.
What is now called “Cultural Marxism”, centring on the Frankfurt School (which had funding from the CIA), was held up as an example of Western freedom before Soviet communism. Now that the Soviets are gone, the Frankfurt School have become the bad guys in the latest propaganda war.
But I think it has become clear now from your posts, (Non) Casual Observer, that you don’t like talk about Nazis – and I’m guessing it’s because you are one.
See “Amazing Polly” on Bitchute.
I’m kinda from Canada, spent a pretty good chunk of my life over there, but currently on the other side of the world.
To give you some hope, I’ll tell you that things are probably not much better or worse anywhere else. Interestingly, the country where people are protesting most seems to be Germany.
FYI, while jogging in the woods yesterday, I met a guy on a bike with mask on. There was nobody around literally for miles. How fucked up is that …?
That´s my impression as well , I mean about the Germans. Maybe that´s because they have long history of oppression , not the least former DDR , but of course how they also been falsely accused and punished for a lot of things that occured during WW II but also for things that DIDN´T occur. And the latter is obviously a bitter chunk to swallow.
Go Germans , Go!! Greetings from Sweden!
Hi Roslyn, I don’t know if you’ve heard of this Canadian site, but its good: Muchadoaboutcorona.Ca.
I also have a Facebook friend in Kelowna who seems very involved in the anti ‘new normal’ resistance movement in BC.
The site above would know of events around Canada anyway. Good luck!
We are the golden retrievers of the world. Not the Airedales – jocular and disobedient.
I don’t know if this has happened to you all but when I’m made to wear a mask in shop’s I’ve had 2 cold sores in 6 months and I’ve had a lot of congestion on my chest.I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this just wondering?I believe when you breathe god given right in you breathe out the toxins and bacteria wearing a mask blocks this my son works in retail he’s been ill alot since having to wear a mask?Also my daughter wears a mask she works at a spa she has acne around her mouth and a cough.
Don’t wear the mask.
The main issue is lack of oxygen. They argue doctors wear these masks so it must be ok but they never think maybe one of the reasons the doctors are brain dead is they already have been wearing masks or if there was a problem with the masks then the doctors having already been damaged by them would not be in a position to raise the alarm. Quit job in retail. It is not worth it. Someone with a mind of their own who could look at the issue independentently without fear of reprimand and hadn’t already been damaged would be much better placed to make a judgement.
This nurse says she was experiencing headaches from mask and quit job in NHS.
Lol @ “doctors are brain dead”
The main threats from the mask are
:- infection of skin, eyes, nose, throat, mouth, lungs, etc. from accumumated microbes
:- lack of oxygen for (a) young children, who have undeveloped lungs (b) those performing moderate physical tasks (c) those with breathing difficulty: asthmatics, the elderly, victims of the GMO pathogen, victims of the jab
:- long-term damage from fibres and volatiles.
Scroll down to “Table 1” for a quick overview of the possible effects and consequences of mask wearing. And this isn’t considering the mysterious black graphene fibres (or whatever they are) found in masks.
Jesper, thanks for the link; it’s great.
Once people understand the depth of corruption in the medical industry, they will think twice about rolling up their sleeve. Today’s medicine is more about marketing than healing.
“Last year Principia Scientific International was the world’s first independent science association to declare there was no LAB proof of COVID19. Our expert in this field, Dr Saeed Qureshi, was at the forefront of calling out the fraud. Today, seven top universities affirm our findings.
The shocking truth is that the virus is fake, the tests used to detect to virus are not designed to detect viruses, the wearing of masks causes more infections than they prevent, sanitizing surfaces and social distancing do not reduce virus spread and the ‘experts’ telling you otherwise are either corrupt or incompetent.”
“We have now come to the firm conclusion through all our research and lab work, that the COVID 19 was imaginary and fictitious. The flu was called Covid and most of the 225,000 dead were dead through co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema etc. and they then got the flu which further weakened their immune system and they died. I have yet to find a single viable sample of Covid 19 to work with.
“We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for Covid 19 fraud. The CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated and purifed sample of Covid 19. If they can’t or won’t send us a viable sample, I say there is no Covid 19, it is fictitious. The four research papers that do describe the genomic extracts of the Covid 19 virus never were successful in isolating and purifying the samples. All the four papers written on Covid 19 only describe small bits of RNA which were only 37 to 40 base pairs long which is NOT A VIRUS. A viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs. With as bad as Covid is supposed to be all over the place, how come no one in any lab world wide has ever isolated and purified this virus in its entirety? That’s because they’ve never really found the virus, all they’ve ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway.”
Watch this video and understand we are living through the biggest science fraud ever perpetrated on the masses.
“A shocking admission by the editor of the world’s most respected medical journal, The Lancet, is saying that medical research is UNRELIABLE AT BEST IF NOT COMPLETELY BOGUS! Lancet editor, Richard Horton “… states bluntly that major pharmaceutical companies falsify or manipulate tests on the health, safety and effectiveness of their various drugs by taking samples too small to be statistically meaningful or hiring test labs or scientists where the lab or scientist has blatant conflicts of interest such as pleasing the drug company to get further grants.””
WATCH: Perspectives on the Pandemic #13
“The pharmaceutical industry is manufacturing all these medical journal articles, behind the scenes, for marketing purposes.”
Scientific Ethics Crater As Vaccine Makers Ditch Control Groups
Because their gene therapy technology cannot be seen to be wrong, Technocrat-minded vaccine makers are ditching the proven methodology of using double-blind trial studies to prove efficacy and risk of their treatments. Without a control group, trials are essentially worthless and misleading. ⁃ TN Editor
“The father of mass inoculations suspiciously also wants to engineer death and mass changes through various means, including cancer and RNA manipulation. Salk describes his Darwinism as a death cult.”
I encourage everyone to watch this analysis of Jonas Salk’s book from 1972, Survival of the Wisest, to see that the ideology driving today’s thrust into his technocratic nightmare should be exposed as the eugenics agenda it truly is.
If the “technocrauts” claim that Science should be the leading force today, then why is there a deliberate deterioration of science education in public schools?
Video: Sub-Standard Science
How the Next Generation Science Standards Fail America
Anybody who is not a fucking dimwit of the highest fucking order knows all of this, either because it has been demonstrated in one way or another time and again, or because they have their head screwed on right a.k.a. they use common sense a.k.a. they’re not fucking woke dimwits of the highest fucking order.
Now, let’s get to the point.
What do we do about the fact that the fucking governments keep pushing this farce, obviously, at least in part, because of how eagerly this hoax has been swallowed by the aforementioned fucking dimwits.
Any ideas?
This is so disturbing on so many levels. This information MUST get out NOW!!!!
Jacques —There is only one real solution, and I think you know what it is , but NOBODY has the balls to talk about it
Oh boy. That entire last part is fraud. It was a reprint of a FICTIONAL FACEBOOK POST. And the video is just some unidentified guy reading an anonymous comment.
The only part that is real is the work of Dr Saeed Qureshi and other academics who have been lured into contributing to that site where the owner is a scammer and fraud connected to the cryptocracy, the Thatcher government and the alt-right.
There were no ”seven universities” and there were no ”1500 lab samples”. So that entire quote about “got the flu” etc is entirely fictitious. The CDC is not being sued, unfortunately.
This is part of an elaborate Intel operation to discredit the work of legitimate doctors and scientists who have researched for themselves and found there is no virus, not now, nor was there ever any virus including the flu.
So the NSA or their sub contractor make a fake Facebook post and attribute it to this academic who denies it publicly. This fake quote gets spread around the internet until a bunch of sites reprint it without checking the veracity of any of the claims made or contacting the alleged original author.
A quick search on the quote reveals the initial source and the denial by the alleged author. It’s been reposted many places as a comment on sites like Zero Hedge and other right wing hangouts where eventually the comment without any attribution migrates to sites that support the alien and white hat – black hat and Q narratives. These sites are really just government operated, contractor fronts. As is Principia Scientific. They then reprint the fake comment (sometimes with a different author) thus dirtying all the previous and legitimate work of actual academics.
I have come to see that this is a pattern. One spoonful of sewage into a vat of wine creates sewage. That’s by design.
Researcher, thank you. It is a common technique of Intelligence types to lure people into discrediting themselves by selling them a fraudulent story. Flat Earth is an arch-typical example.
The one true part of End Rockefeller Medicine’s post is that Rockefeller interests have been extraordinarily destructive of our health. Perhaps their no. 1 deviltry has been the cholesterol hypothesis and resultant Dietary Guidelines.
Free yourself with this total-debunk:
Yes. I’ve been aware of the scam of cholesterol for two decades. However, germ theory is totally fraudulent too. There’s nothing the Rockefeller medical cartel can do to stop the truth from coming out. It’s just a question of time. I expect the truth of the absolute lack of physical evidence for the existence of a single virion will be revealed in a court of law within the next few years.
The video below is quite good for those who can’t comprehend that virologists have been misidentifying proteins, enzymes and exosomes as viruses.
This Jeff Green video raises some interesting questions. I’d like to know what you think (in more detail if possible) and if you can spot any problems. What he’s saying is more or less what Dr Patrick Quanten said in 2004. If you haven’t seen his original article on viruses here’s the link to the reprint:
If that link is inoperative search CNM- Ireland viruses.
Seems like he (Quanten) has changed his position since then. I posted a video above of his which is awaiting spam check.
You know my position… Viruses do not exist. At all. What’s misidentified as viral particles exists. IE; pieces of genetic material, cellular debris, proteins, exosomes, enzymes or micro-vesicles all exist. But that’s endogenous. There’s no external source.
Since the viral fraud is difficult for people to wrap their head around, the video by Jeff serves as an intellectual stepping stone for those like Penelope.
Yes you are correct he has for some unknown reason changed his position! I wonder why?
Just a point about viruses. Since they are postulated theoretical constructs they have no existence independently of the theory or theories in which they are specified. But if the theory is coherent (which it isn’t) there is no reason why their isolation and physical existence cannot be established in scientific practice.
Therefore, if the theory is incoherent which includes the experimental method or methods of virus isolation then the isolation and the physical existence of the virus in question would not be possible to demonstrate. Do you see my point, as most people don’t and somehow find it difficult to grasp?
What in your opinion do you think people need to know in addition to what you have sated at this stage in the quiet war being waged against the global population?
Maybe Quanten saw the work of Dr. Lanka. He did mention the legal aspect in that video so I’d surmise he read about the measles lawsuits in Germany.
I do see your point and agree. One cannot find physical evidence within an imaginary construct where the opinions and theories are conflicted and nonsensical.
There’s no reason that there cannot be isolation, chemical characterization and analysis that can be reconfirmed by independent groups following the same steps or even using different methods and techniques if there was valid or cogent theory. Molecules smaller than alleged viruses are commonly isolated. Atoms and electrons have been isolated. Dr. Kaufman was asked why virologists have been unable to isolate and purify viruses and he said something along the lines of “…. because they don’t exist”.
I have been pondering lately, the dormant thesis. How it contradicts the position of eternal, zombie-like replication.
Other that both types of legal challenges – expanding the common law court, and the work of the Corona Committee and their allies – I think that circulating a plan of what the enemy is preparing in terms of the cyber pandemic, the planned financial and bank collapse, the transition to central bank digital UBI and their plan to seize people’s private property should be put onto a site, and laid out for people and published ahead of time. This site could include resources to other aspects of the various frauds and ongoing scams including the non existent virus. How the money is connected. A list of the top players and organizations involved. An explanation of various captures (or manufactures of consent) going back to the history of usury as a method of control.
A way to submit comments where whistleblowers in government or industry could supply, confirmation and/or additional information.
Forming a more coherent picture of the grand strategy. A hub for information and action. I have amassed quite a bit of information, bookmarks and documents.
Any whistleblower information submitted into the comments could then be passed on to the Corona Committee, The Bernician and others who seem to be taking legal steps. There are also groups such as this one… that seem to have a strategy to move forward using actions and Tribunals.
One immediate problem is the overreaching powers of governments over their populations. The laws that enable emergency powers, martial law etc, and authority over individuals and groups must be abolished.
What are your thoughts?
I think you have covered the main points as far as things go at this juncture. I would like to mention here a point that I made a while back. I think that some of the later phases of the quiet war that we are in will involve the use of other experimental “silent weapons” which will be brought out of the woodwork.
The weapons were developed within 3 programmes a) energetics, b) psychoenergtics, and c) bioenergetics. You mentioned Project Bluebeam that is just an early example of one of them.
Things have moved on since then and the weapons have not been developed for nothing. It is now fairly well known that some were used in the Gulf War and also tested in Afghanistan. If these are used on the population there is no defence against them and 5G for example, is only likely to be a carrier for the hidden structured potentials which can have deleterious effects on the human organism. You can imagine the rest.
That’s how things may pan out ‘silent weapons’ wise if this quiet war is not stopped. One thing is certain the opposing forces will not stop until they have achieved their Great Reset, population reduction and total world 🌎 domination.
Have you seen this, on the contamination of the injectable pathogens? It makes me wonder what else might be in the ingredients that may be undisclosed.
Once the bacteria are opened up to extract the DNA and then “linearised using enzymes” there is no mention of how bacterial endotoxins are removed or what effect they may have if they remain in the process that follows.
Dr. Patrick Quanten… on UK Column
People continue to die of heart failure despite acceptable cholesterol readings, or right after a heart-related exam/treatment. There won’t be any research on that published anytime soon.
Yes, you exposed this fake news a few days ago. Yet, End Rockefeller Medicine chooses to repeat it.
This is actually the third time.
“That’s because they’ve never really found the virus, all they’ve ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway.”
Absolutely agree. This is evidence of why the only “vaccines” produced and promoted are RNA treatments which are not vaccines at all. If the covid19 virus existed, specimens would be available for use in producing attenuated virus vaccines. That is strong evidence in my view.
There never have been any specimens for any of the viruses because they admit they couldn’t isolate and purify them. Ever. The attenuated viruses in vaccines are just genetically altered cells or genetically altered proteins. It’s all based on fraud and deception.
Great commentary, horrifying in fact. It’s interesting that you mentioned Jim Jones People’s Temple. I’ve been thinking about that a lot in recent days. As young teenager I remember that event in 1978, the big news that broke in Guyana. People were shocked. My parents trying to explain what a cult was and how dangerous they are. Teachers talking about it in school. We marveled at how many of his followers “drank the Kook Aid” to their deaths…..”how could they have gone along with this psycho and kill their kids and themselves!?!?!”, we’d exclaim.
After what’s happened in the past year, I now understand how that happened.
Yes! The vaccine is the kool aid!
Jim Jones had the following words inscribed on his Temple throne : “Those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it”. Let us hope that we have learned enough from history to know fraud when we encounter it, and what we are having to put up with now is one of the biggest frauds of all time in the name of Covid-19.
Breaking news! The New York Times just discovered that humans must coexist with germs! Why, I’m positively shocked! I might need a cold drink! What mind-boggling discoveries our science makes! If the dead were to rise again, they’ll be shaken to the core by these breakthrough findings – everything we always knew about ourselves is being turned on its head!
You mean to say we don’t need “vaccines”?
This is clearly anti-vaxxer propaganda!
Anti-science covidiots!
Witchcraft, burn the heretics, burn them!
Won’t somebody think of the pharma companies?! 😭
Do you know what the etymology of germ is? All the so-called germs – bacteria and “viruses” which are not actually viruses but misattributed and misclassified exosomes, proteins, enzymes and other extra cellular microvesicles are endogenous. They are created by our own bodies in order to eliminate the toxic pathogens we are exposed to daily.
Gene Warfare.
That’s because they have already been in a death cult since birth. Let me call it “Western religion” being the biggest death cult on Earth – worshiping a guy nailed to a cross. The problem with that is obvious: those who worship suffering and pain will have neither empathy or compassion for the suffering and pain of others.
So, much more than a death cult, it is a cult of hypocrisy. The worshiping of hypocrisy wherever it rears its disgustingly ugly face. Not for no reason have the wisest philosophers in human existence warned of hypocrisy being the most toxic poison to an unsuspecting mind.
Herein also lies the complete uselessness of evidence to the contrary of the infected cultist. Only what fits the cult’s narrative is accepted as being the truth, nothing but the truth. People that are that much removed from the real world (as in “The Universe is just growing”) can only worsen and shorten their own existence.
Ironically – as I told my cab driver yesterday – (double masker on a bike just drove by…) that thise who are so eager to comply with the big lie, will indeed be the first to croak. My own father was a cult member and believed the promises of his “doctor” of a better life whence vaccinated. He is dead now. And so, this path will all those go, that can’t wait to get jabbed and are already wearin double and triple masks that don’t work shit against the fumigation coming from above.
In the end, it is indeed a suicide cult with those joining and partaking treating You like in the movie “They Live” by John Carpenter. “They” are the death/suicide/hypocrisy cultists.
the second mask has no effect other than to convince people the masks filter the air. the air goes thru the side so a second mask just sits on top doing nothing. certainly with these ffp2 ones. I opened one up and inside there is a layer of wax or something like that. No air goes thru it at all. it is entirely different to wearing a scarf whilst skiing. these things are more like a plastic bag than a scarf.
It’s not about “truth that fits the cultists’ narrative” but blotting out consciousness and inverting reality.
Look how much joy has been destroyed since the Covid Hoax began. That is not the doing of people who have empathy, compassion or who walk in the shoes of others (see this interview)
They hijacked ‘woke’ which was a Black American focus on civil rights! In place of it we have white anti-fascists who dress and act like fascists; anti-racists who demand a permanent focus on race and segregation; equity and empowerment that cancels last year’s feminists or anyone who holds their latest inversion to account.
Lest you think this is just perception, big pharma already dulls the brain’s receptors so that you don’t experience joy and these are used to treat drug addicts, people with “ADHD,” and schoolchildren — teachers have become willing pushers.
Less you think it’s religious talk about higher consciousness this is precisely what big tech and the transhuman cult say they want to isolate, first by constraining the five senses, then reprogramming behaviour, connecting the human brain and the body’s DNA genetic receiver structure to AI so that AI becomes the human mind.
No, this is not about alternative truths, my truth or any of those perversions of perspective. This is deliberate inversion, calculated to hijack society.
Hi M,
Any idea what’s up with the recording of today’s UK Column News? All I am getting on their own website is a visual saying “Censored” and a window saying “Sorry, this video does not exist” whilst underneath is the usual list of links which must have been referred to in the live programme.
it hasn’t been censored – it’s there to view on their own website- still censored on YouTube though.
Thanks, Jojo. Probably just me ( 🙂 )but I definitely couldn’t access it when I tried several times yesterday evening on the UK Column website. As you say, I see that it is up and running now.
You can also get the sound file from here…
UK Column Live | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Thanks, Corarden. As you will see, my problem has now been resolved. But good to have a reminder of the audio option.
That is an interesting suggestion….if one takes it that we are to enter the age of Aquarius at some point, maybe the earth needs scrubbing of those who all too readily go along with notions like these….neptune in hard aspect to the eclipses has brought this to earth consciousness for the last 6 months and has one eclipse to go where it will be very strong.,,then we get entangled with eclipses and Algol the fixed star of mayhem…and then we drift into Uranus sitting with said star….in history this has brought real collections of death…last time height of WW 2 deaths..,,so some will be rejoining the earth matter I suspect…so maybe time for the big clean out…
“An important scientific innovation rarely wins over its opponents. Instead, they gradually die out, while the next generation is familiarised with the idea from the start.” – Max Planck, 1936, paraphrased
He also characterised it as: “Science advances one funeral at a time.”
1. Keep the person unaware of what is going on and how she or he is being changed a step at a time. Potential new members are led, step by step, through a behavioral-change program without being aware of the final agenda or full content of the group.
This general statement could apply equally to the anti-covidian cult. How? First you declare that the world is run by a cabal which includes countries with different political systems, capitalist, socialist, communist, kingdoms, republics, democracies, theocracies, autocracies, or whatever else. This statement of course is unverifiable but has to be accepted unconditionally by anyone in the cult without questioning. Anyone raising objections to this statement is either a sheeple or a troll or a shill. Then of course a corollary to the above is the overarching label of what is known as the MSM. Nobody denies the existence of the MSM but that in itself is not a monolithic structure and maybe country specific. For example it is very clear that in countries like US and UK the media are to a great extent are owned by a few billionaires or corporations and also in the case of UK, the state owned and directed broadcaster, the BBC. But for example there are similar state run broadcasters elsewhere, notably in the Russian Republic and China and elsewhere. The agendas followed by the different groups of states and MSMs do not coincide but often class. So why on earth should they all agree on Covid-19? Anyone care to answer? But what now happens with the anti-covidian cult is that they if you quote any MSM source then any anti-covidian can simply counter the argument by the fact that it is from the MSM. This sadly creates a major information void which is populated by some rather shady sites. This fact reflects the above statement quite accurately I am afraid.
There is no “anti-covidian cult” since it wasn’t the sceptics who wanted to change anything.
Orage, you say “The agendas followed by the different groups of states and MSMs do not coincide but often class. So why on earth should they all agree on Covid-19?”
I think there is no essential clash between– say Russia, China, US, Britain & EU. We are constantly told that the first 2 mentioned are in opposition to the US, but all 3 appear to be in favor of a one-world dictatorial govt w a reduced population. China was actually a part of Event 201, besides having the work at Wuhan subsidized by the US.
The nearly worldwide agreement on covid is the result of money & debt & NGOs. If you truly believe the covid exaggeration how do you explain the better results in those countries and areas which did NOT follow masking, lockdown, etc.?
Thanks for your answer. I would like you to tell me more about which countries you say did well without lockdown and masks than those that did please.
Orage —it’s funny how ‘pseudo intellectuals’ come on here and rant and justify the 100% evil agenda of our overlords and the hypnosis they have the sheep under including you . If you were right in front of me , I would correct your WRONG and goofy ass real quick on how the world really works
Ever hear of the book Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky and Edward Hermann? Ever hear of a German journalist called Udo Ulfkotte? He wrote a book called Journalists for Hire: How the CIA runs the News. How about Gary Webb?
Anyways, I’ll be polite and say I’m sorry for your situation. I’m sure there are deprogrammers in your city or nearby who can help you.
But before then you need to take action. Turn your TV off! Do not watch it. Next, stop reading newspapers. The only thing they are good for is compost in your garden. Or to use for dog poop.
Good luck with the cult deprogrammer! I’m sure they can help👍
The label ‘MSM’ is a product of of a minority of members of the democratic church. They are actually from the same church, but they dissent from the church in minor ways. Media are the typical window into reality of every democratic member. A window which dictates illusionary realities to them. MSM is basically the media of democratic mass man, of the majority. Democratic man however, being in lack of original thoughts of himself, and if he has thoughts of himself, these are easily overridden by his own dictatorial media system produces uniformity himself. The dissenters, as members of the same church blame the fact that media is at large ever more in the hands of the few, they kind of paint the picture that apparently the pens of all the journalists from the so called MSM media are guided by a few masters.. Well, actually they do not explain how this is supposed to work, they just call it MSM and point to the fact that the media is in the hands of the few.
Such dissenters, or those who follow alternative media would never admit that it is democracy itself which on the long run produces uniformity, and that if the media would not be in the hands of the few, it could as well be.
Pyramids are ancient. Condition 6 was met long ago. The wolf of this whole thing came of age and blew the façade down.
8th “pandemic” in 20 years.
Biggest event in 2020?
The “Covid Spectacle?” Nope.
Largest transfer of wealth in the history of history. Yep.
Gettin’ it yet folks?
Yep, they’re gettin’ theirs: $600 here, $1400 there. Can’t believe their good fortune.
But, as someone noted, they could dole out a million to every man, woman and child in America and still have plenty left for the rich.
Except that 300 plus million they didn’t get would drive the rich to an apoplectic fit. No Calvinist God worth His salt would tolerate that.
The number of US boomers in my town in Mexico posting to FB that they didnt get their stimmie yet is effing ridiculous. Why are they receiving stimulus in Mexico??? Why are they receiving stimulus when they haven’t lost work income??? Why can’t they stop being so effing greedy??? I need to get out.
Excuse rant – this last year has left me friendless
Maxwell —-No, most people of the world have NO FUCKING CLUE what has been done to them. When I’m feeling in the mood, I engage different types of people about the world around them and I’ve found that the vast majority (young and old) are lifeless zombies with no critical thinking or discernment skills and are actually content with being a slave —-Maybe Kissinger was right about useless eaters and that the zombies need to be culled from the herd?
Please visit this site for help to make your voice heard.
Brilliant Video.
This website gets it! Watch their other video of the great Dutch Starling Murmuration here. Nature is such a beautiful mystery. These technocrats just don’t understand it, and they hate how powerless they are before it, so they set out to show that they can figure it out and manipulate it. Fools! If you try to manipulate nature to your ‘wisdom’ then you clearly don’t understand it, you fool!
I’ve been so sad. It just feels like I’m sitting here doing nothing while the world is transformed into a lab for the deranged Dr. Mengeles of our age. And the people — that’s the worst, the way they submit themselves to it! The way they show no fight! But every so often, I see a flicker of the beauty of the birds’ migration in our own species; our own resilience and wisdom. Like in this plain website. Or in some very nice comments on such forums. Then I feel a stirring of something inside… it lifts me up…
I feel the same, but that video brought me tears of joy, and I couldn’t stop laughing. I used to be young too, and I would still be going to Festivals now, except they have all been cancelled for the last year. I have a little hope for the summer, but not much, unless we ignore them and just do it. I don’t do masks and I am not having vaccination.
I doubt there’ll ever be another Lost Vagueness. Festivals are one of the saddest losses, like theatre, galleries, the pub – all the thing that stimulate the senses. A year of zooming has rendered me incapable of focus. I can’t write or even read a book without jittering around in my head.
It isn’t just the technocrats. So many people love to circumscribe nature. Like the mini-sadists who “crate” their dogs in a cage (it’s not a “crate”: it’s a cage!) – and somehow convince themselves that it makes the dog feel more secure.
If a cage provides security, why don’t they put their children or themselves in one and see how secure they feel?
Or using the rapidly disappearing bees as beasts of burden. Consider the unbridled evil of destroying the most perfect life form that ever existed. Bees – alone – are able to make food and to feed without killing any other living thing on Earth. And we’re killing them with our pesticides and our emf for our cell phones and the millions of tons of aluminum nano-particles we’re filling the sky with.
No, it isn’t just the technocrats to blame.
It’s not OUR pesticides. I’ve never used a pesticide in my life. It’s THEIR. My cell phone has no sim. It’s now an IPod. Only ever connected to wifi. I disconnected my carrier service at the start of this crap. I will not be spied on or tracked and I will not participate.
Their pesticides are harmful on purpose. They are trying to destroy everything that is natural and create an unnatural and mutated planet with sickly people and sick animals. Why? So they can say “Look how sick and warm everything is… we need to take away your freedom, lifestyle, property, individual rights and life because you have made the planet sick and warm.” It’s GASLIGHTING by psychopaths. The very same psychopaths who create and sell these pesticides (Bayer-Monsanto) are behind the vaccines. It’s the same GMO technology!
It’s the very same chemical and medical cartel owned and controlled by the same group of psychopaths: The banksters and cryptocracy who run this scam with the help of the governments which they also own and control. So don’t try and run the whole “you did this thing” script on all of us who had no choice or say in any of these issues. If you did a quick survey of whether people want pesticides and GMOs, you’d get at least an 80/20 against those two poisons. And there’s no need for cell towers and masts and 5g in any region where fruits and vegetables are grown. It’s completely unnecessary.
A thought this am….are the Chinese and Russians having their people injected with the nrma shit…and if not does this not give pause to wonder why only the clever western mob?
Yes. They are. I have no idea whether the campaigns there are as heavy handed as in the West. It seems from this link the populations they want to reduce are mostly in the first world. The English speaking countries (5eyes) in particular.
no, they aren’t. the Russian and Chinese vaccines do not use the RNA technology, at least officially.
It’s cDNA technology and the result is altered DNA. All vaccines are designed to alter DNA, including the vaccines manufactured and deployed in the 20thC through spontaneous uptake of foreign cell tissue and recombinant proteins transfecting cells using reverse transcriptase and retrotransposons.
So that page was removed. Probably because it’s so indicative of what is really going on with this vaccine rollout. Here it is in the wayback archive. These are the population figure estimates per country for 2025.
You’ll notice on the link above that China and Russia only lose a small number of people by 2025. But in the U.K., US, Australia and Canada it’s a much larger percentage of the population. In the US only 100 million or less estimated by 2025. The UK is even more drastic.
what the fuck is a “deagel”?
It’s a military site that collates military information.
I agree. My standard response to “it’s all our own fault” is to reply that this is being done TO us, not BY us.
That was beautiful! And could anyone harbour doubts about the starlings or any other creatures, if left alone, not being in harmony with everything else and shall inexorably behave exactly to the benefit of the whole? How could life go against life, for there’s only life, death being part of it, not its opposite? So why is it, us humans beings being also part of nature, that those who are pulling the strings don’t trust human nature and since centuries had to shakle it with a way of living that keeps us constantly busy and worried?
If reason, analogy and guts agree that starlings can’t possibly go against themselves, why is this agreement vanishes when it comes to our species?
A mumuration of starlings is a perfect exmple of the unwoken masses that exist in this hallucination we are collectively experiencing,No apparent leader and blindly following this way and that….starlings? pffft…they are feathered airborne sheep
There is no beauty in observing blind unquestioning obedience
You complain about the starling not having a leader then you complain about their blind unquestioning obedience?
Only our species has acquired a mind and has the ability to imagine and therefore to choose and may be described as “good” or “bad”, “awake” or “asleep” or “following blindly…”, etc. The other species “follow” their instinct because they don’t need to do anything else, not having a mind, and in doing so they instinctively participate to the good of the whole.
And sheep and other animals are far more intelligent than us humans and we should relearn from their behaviour, not the other way around; just think that we are the only species that deliberately and unnecessarily slaughters its members and has, thanks to its corrupted mind, created weapons that could end life on this planet.
Perhaps if those who are pulling the strings cease to distrust human nature and stop playing with our mind so we can connect back to our humanity, we could have a chance to live peacefully like other animals do.
It’s not necessary to question traditional vaccinces to oppose the current ones given the different technology involved – but in my experience people who believe there were once massive killer diseases that vaccines saved us from are highly likely to accept these current ones without looking into them. To say the least, they overstate the benefits and understate the dangers.
Taking whooping cough (pertussis) as an example (I’ve posted before about smallpox and info about polio isn’t hard to find). I think most people would assume that whooping cough was a once deadly disease that vaccines now prevent with few problems. In fact the whooping cough vaccine wasn’t introduced in the UK until 1957 when mortality from the disease had already fallen 99%. An article in the US appeared almost immediately that discusses results from the vaccine that sound very like autism. Dr Strom in the BMJ in 1960 called for the scrapping of universal vaccination. His call was echoed in 1981 by Dr Stewart who wrote, “I cannot see how it is justifiable to promote mass vaccination of children everywhere against diseases which are generally mild, which confer lasting immunity, and which most children escape or overcome easily without being vaccinated”.Stewart had written previously that the vaccine was more dangerous than the disease.
Whooping cough deaths had been falling sharply since their peak around WW1. Like most of the famous big killer diseases, whooping cough looks to have been eliminated as a mass killer by a general improvement in living conditions (with the possibility that the pathogens themselves changed for some unknown reason around this time something that can’t be totally ruled out). Vaccination rates declined in the UK in the 1970s with no rise in the death rate from the disease and Sweden discontinued vaccination in 1979 to similar non-effect. Whooping cough is still around but seldom diagnosed because it has become so mild most doctors can’t recognise and have been brain-washed into ruling it out as a possible cause. It turned out that unlike naturally-acquired immunity the vaccine only conferred immunity for about 5 years.
Perhaps the most revealing thing about whooping cough is that WHO redrew case defintions which had the effect of decreasing case numbers and making vaccination look more effective. In the 1990s they started requiring 21 days of paroxysmal coughing to be classed as a whooping cough case. Whooping cough is by no means the only disease where they’ve done this.
For a general conclusion on the medical profession’s understanding of immunity, here’s Garry Farthman MD from about a decade ago, “The immune system remains a black box… it is staggeringly complex, comprising at least 15 diferent interacting cell types that spew dozens of different molecules into the blood to communicate with one another and do battle. Within each of those cells sit tens of thousands of genes whose activity can be altered by age, exercise, infection, vaccination status, diet, stress, you name it… that’s an awful lot of moving parts. And we don’t really know aht the vast majority of them do, or should be doing… we can’t even be sure how to tell when the immune system’s not working right, let alone why not, because we don’t have good metrics of what a healthy human immune system looks like”.
The entire constellation of international financial institutions and United Nations bureaucracy works like this.
It’s all about telling us the body is sick and providing a team of experts to ‘cure’ the patient, whether that is the Earth, the global economy or the human body.
From the moment of their founding they immediately become a self-promulgating, self-perpetuating hydra of money & power grabbers, doing the bidding of whoever gave the most. They are allowed to do this because they promote the financial interests of tax-exempt foundations, those families, and their investment vehicles and their agendas that would not succeed if they had to compete in the world of commerce or political ideas.
Worse, they are a Trojan horse for those foundations and families and their investments/agendas. The World Health Organization is a classic example. This is not surprising given that the front organizations (Carnegie etc) that set them up.
Richard Werner has exposed the IFIs in Princes of The Yen. Patrick Wood has exposed the influence that the Rockefellers acquired through their donations to the United Nations, and how they used it as a mechanism to transmit their proposals that magically became UN doctrine: Trilateral/Medical/Environmental/Agenda 21.
They are now in the process of taking over the Anglican and Roman churches under the slogan of stakeholder or inclusive capitalism. I suspect it’s with the aim of grabbing minds rather than assets.
Anyone who has followed the UN and IFIs or who has applied for a job with the them soon realizes what a secretive, incestuous snake pit they are. Yet they play the classic Guardian-NGO card of ‘holier than thou’.
You will notice that fake pandemics and world war have similar objectives and outcomes.
The billionaires have finally succeeded in finding a tool other than war that makes them rich, grabs global assets, puts the plebs in their place and kills off a chunk of the population. That doesn’t mean they won’t use war again. it just means they have another tool.
War was the traditional means by which the tax-exempt foundations and families manipulated society, hugely expanding their wealth while destroying the middle and working classes — just like Event Covid.
The Reece Commission of 1954 was one of the last times the tax-exempt foundations and families opened their records to outsiders. Carroll Quigley published The Anglo American Establishment only after his death and Antony Sutton was kicked out of the Hoover Institution for writing about the role of the elites in financing Nazism and Bolshevism.
Norman Dodd’s testimony on the Reece Commission
“We are now at the year nineteen hundred and eight, which was the year that the Carnegie Foundation began operations. And, in that year, the trustees meeting, for the first time, raised a specific question, which they discussed throughout the balance of the year, in a very learned fashion. And the question is this: Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people? And they conclude that, no more effective means to that end is known to humanity, than war. So then, in 1909, they raise the second question, and discuss it, namely, how do we involve the United States in a war?
They answer it by saying, we must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country and, finally, they resolve to aim at that as an objective.
Then, time passes, and we are eventually in a war, which would be World War I. At that time, they record on their minutes a shocking report in which they dispatch to President Wilson a telegram cautioning him to see that the war does not end too quickly.“
Money circus have you seen the latest Corbett report …seems the guy who did the commission into 9/11 Bush mate…has just made some committee from Virginia uni to examine covid …you will do a report on this better than I can…
Thanks, Edith. Well, the people behind Event Covid are getting the coverup underway but in the process expose their hands… Eric Schmidt of Google, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Koch brothers.
This is not the public inquiry but aims to set the terms and conditions for one. One of the key findings of the “SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028” Scenario, Johns Hopkins, is that governments admit they cannot respond faster than independent media or viral videos. Thus the Gov strategy is always to move first. This is an example.
Philip Zelikow is the snake who wrote the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission Report before the Commission began sitting… he decided whose testimony would be included and whose was left out… like WTC janitor and hero William Rodriguez, Barry Jennings the Deputy Director of Emergency Services for the New York City Housing Authority — and, of course, the Dancing Israelis.
He is close to Project for a New American Century, the people who, before 9/11, declared that America needed a “new Pearl Harbor” and fellow dual-citizen Michael Chertoff who co-authored the Patriot Act. Zelikow also wrote the National Security Strategy of Sep 2002 (published under Paul Wolfowitz’s imprimatur), that promoted the concept of pre-emptive war.
You can see that Zelikow is one of the shapers and thinkers behind the front row psychopaths. Like the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, he spins the yarn, creates the pretext and, once the deed is done, cements the myth.
Corbett points out that as so-called professional historian, Zelikow actually admits that his speciality is “public myth”. He wrote, in 1998, “First, public presumptions can be generational. They are formed by those pivotal events that become etched in the minds of those who live through them.”
The corollary is that the public memory fades with each generation and politicians can play the same tricks again and again. While the specific context of events is lost to time, the archetypes are imprinted in folk memory.
University of Virginia Q&A: Philip Zelikow, 9/11 Commission Leader, to Take Stock of COVID Lessons
On that Corbett video concerning the robot monsters: The “dogs”, it seems to me, can be undone by a wet towel or masking tape, or perhaps a liter of soda pop.
The first thing I thought with the deceased look-alike sexbot was “Police discovered his wife’s decaying corpse in the cellar. The neighbors were shocked as they had seen her through the window watching TV only the day before.”
I have no words for the Zelikow thing. Just…geez.
Hackers will have fun with the robot dogs. Go hump some politician leg!
You’d do an excellent ‘Moneycircus Report’ – Are you camera shy?
I’d love to see your breakdowns mashed up with book recommends and old music vids. I finally received my Howlin’ Wolf LP. Took forever to get down here as apparently the National Guard have taken over customs at the border.
It might not be an immune system, but more of a detoxification system, as Tom Cowan says. For some reason many of the symptoms of major diseases are detox-like processes (cough, rhinitis, diarrhea, fever->sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, even acne etc.) which output stuff from your body. Example: 9 out of 10 cholera infections give no symptoms, it is only when the bacteria starts producing toxins that you get symptoms ie. diarrhea/etc.
What is an Immune System with Sally Fallon
Exactly. Thank you.
John Tilden attributed the mortality “to the care and treatment” rather than ‘the disease’:
I had whooping cough in 1967, I coughed so much I broke two ribs that never healed properly, the only thing I did was take an old fashioned cough mixture to tamp down the coughing – senega and pnuemonia. Other than that I still went swimming and all other things and never passed it on to anyone
It’s probably caused by a synthetic chemical in a pesticide. That’s why. None of these alleged diseases are ever actually caused by what is claimed, ie; the microbe.
Thats a great book – thanks for the link.
A town in Mexico is beset with gastro disease being labelled as typhoid from the water so it was interesting to see his take on typhoid on first page.
Also interesting as residents are reporting chemtrails – for the first time ever. But that’s just a you-know-what theory.
Rare and mild diseases: Med. education could keep up, use video, etc., but academics are too busy wallowing in money.
Redefing the specs for a disease: This keeps apace with the expiry of old patents and the release of new potions.
The covidians are anti science flat earthers. They have a wacky conspiracy theory about little green virals out to get us. The moon is made of cheese and the experts are all wrong. Healthy eating, vitamin D and the importance of social contact is nonsense in the minds of these anti science wackine quacks. They are so demented they even sacrifice children in their fringe wackination woowoo experiments.
The media is largely about creating an ersatz community. I was intrigued by Dave McGowan’s views on Laurel Canyon and the birth of the hippy movement and I recall that in Martin A. Lee and Bruce Shlain’s Acid Dreams, one political activist complained that every time he tried to organise a political rally, all these strange people with dyed hair and funny outfits would turn up and divert the protest away from politics to campaigns for dope and “free love”. In short, the “counterculture” was a media construct meant to distract and anaesthetise the public.
You can see this here. It’s at the beginning and note that lead singer Stephen Stills isn’t bothered about it but takes it as a joke himself:
The song itself isn’t that radical either. McGowan:
So basically, it’s a wail of kids who want to stay up longer.
(And Stephen Stills was one of those dodgy “hippy rebels” with connections to the military.)
Meanwhile, the counterculture went on to spawn something called a “Love In” defined as “a gathering or party at which people are encouraged to express feelings of friendship and physical attraction, associated with the hippies of the 1960s” but usually setting off images of orgies to titillate an envious older middle class increasingly annoyed at what “the kids” were getting up to.
An American double act called Martin and Rowan stole the expression to make Rowan and Martin’s Laugh In in which various American stars of the time appeared in comedy skits – of usually only a few seconds at a time. In Britain, Morecambe and Wise did the same celebrity send up thing – which was probably a lot easier for them since the celebs appearing probably already worked for the BBC anyway. All this to create that ersatz community feeling – and at a time of bitter class struggle when the miners successfully triumphed over the Heath govt. Eric Morecambe was a Tory so he wouldn’t have approved but he kept the gags going to placate the masses.
And the reason the BBC went apeshit over the Savile scandal is that he completely wrecked their avuncular image. Major desperate attempts at damage control ensued.
Thankfully I have abandoned TV mostly, so I don’t see the true horror of the latest manifestations of this pantomime celeb family. Glimpses of the latest “talent” shows are all I’ve seen. And these feature the pretence of “you the little people” getting in on the act always to the well-practiced astonishment of the celeb judges.
And all of the above present the background to the covid operation whereby this vast plastic mass of phony camaraderie is mobilised in support of the great viral reconstruction.
Yes. Meanwhile they manufacture hoaxes, psychosocial operations and inundate our minds with fake media-hyped scandals, to distract from the orchestrated crimes of war and genocide by multiple governments.
But it’s not enough to merely distract us. The idea is to subliminally interject themes of violence, rape and porn into the collective conscious and unconscious. It’s done so often and so much people are unaware. But I was reading this article after Mishka’s comment on John Wayne Bobbitt on your Ashley Babbitt thread, and it made me aware of how the Bobbitt and Kerrigan-Harding story were both psy-ops selling the same Themes: Violence. Divorce. Rape. Porn. Different plot, same results.
And what’s the message and result? Warning men that women are castrating crazy bitches who will do anything to get revenge, including emasculation. While suggesting to women that men are raping, violent pigs who deserve to be castrated or jailed. Divide and conquer.
Meanwhile they are analyzing us and our reactions to collect data: What products we consume. What programs we watch. Whether cases of domestic violence or rape increase or decrease. Porn viewership trends. Divorce data. Drug and alcohol abuse and use. We are their rats in a cage.
Yet the majority (appear to) still believe the government works for them. These people waste their time voting and obeying. Their “government” conjures psychological operations and hoaxes to experiment on and study their populations, with the collusion of the courts, law enforcement agencies and corporations. And then all the participants profit through the corporations and agencies who learn how to psychologically manipulate and market their scams more effectively.
So many cannot comprehend what is happening, what the “news” and “programming” is really for, even when explained, explicitly. They tune in and watch or read mainstream nonsense. Zombies, sleepwalking through life. Washing their hands and wearing masks now for fear of an invisible, yet non-existent microbe. The Cult of Stupidity.
Truth About Vaccine Passports & Emerging Total Surveillance System – Paul Joseph Watson
Forget the scam for a sec… that’s a given. I have a sincere question. Has there ever in the history of man, been a pandemic that scans the globe… from the US to Australia, from Germany to Japan, persisting through all seasons, all geographic and topographic makeups? Is is even possible?
How about this. In every major city and small town in America, there’s a Carl’s Jr. This isn’t due to popularity. No one talks about this food, much less praises it. Yet there it is, from Baker, CA to Paris, Texas to Poughkeepsie, NY. Worst food ever, yet somehow it needs to be everywhere. Then count the rest of them. Baskin Robbins, Pizza Hut, Del Taco, et al ad nauseam. We are the dumbest people in the history of life if we can’t see we’re owned, and they fucking hate us.
Maybe their lates assault is because we’re so stupid it’s not even fun for them anymore. They’d respect at least a little fight. There are times when it’s so obvious that I’m almost tempted to join them.
I’ve been imagining Klaus “Anal” Schwab occasionally peeking out of the window of his penthouse somewhere in Switzerland, or wherever this shithead has his penthouse, and rolling over the floor laughing, seeing the droves of utter idiots not only self-righteously promenading themselves down below with face diapers on, but also fervently ratting out to the pigs the few people who have their head on screwed right.
The out-and-out stupidity of this farce is beyond belief, truly phantasmagorical to watch.
That, I’m afraid, includes the umpteenth analysis of the fucking mortality rate, the properties of the fucking spike protein, the fucking blood clots, the fucking PCR tests, all of which is an irrelevant smokescreen.
The only thing that matters is people’s STUPIDITY and SHEEPLENESS, both of which translate into a road to woke dystopian hell.
What delights the oligarchs even more than anal swabs, online funerals, coercive medical experimentation and mass unemployment is the sight of thousands of muzzled half-wits, their hands dripping with sanitising gel, ‘taking the knee’ at any one of the alphabet protests.
Hey, I forgot about taking the fucking knee. That’s a good one too! Hilarious!
I’ll bend the knee, I’ll bend it straight into the face of anybody who asks me to bend it…and say “how d’ya like them apples?”
Jacques —maybe Gates and Kissinger were on to something—the useless eaters and the braindead need to be culled from the herd?
It would be quite difficult to get the script of Idiocracy passed now … but perhaps as a ‘documentary’?
Where I live on the edge of London mask-wearing is the exception rather than the rule. I am fortunate enough to live next to a park and when I go for a walk in said park, I would say at least 90% of people are not wearing a mask. It’s really like old times, a nice little cafe with a seating space outside mostly maskless, people strolling about, lots of children, young women pushing prams, people feeding the ducks, boys playing football and cricket and so forth. Oh yes a beer garden quite full with no-one masked. Outside the park most people walking down the street are not wearing masks and the police aren’t doing anything because there would be too many people to hassle.
However when I go into London it is a different story. Best to avoid big cities if possible.
The only time where I live masks are worn is for shopping in Sainsbury’s and Lidl’s, but that’s it.
Other supermarkets are available…. 😉
The edge of London I teeter on, however, is a quite different story. The majority Gujarati population ‘took to’ face-masks quite some time before the various mandates were introduced and whether shopping, walking in quiet streets or in the spacious parks, a high proportion of people have no faces. I often see children as young as toddler-age muzzled as are their parents or grandparents.
A neighbour called me some months ago to tell/warn me she was going to be masked whenever she left her house, having heard the virus was “in the air”. I see her still muzzled, occasionally passing in an empty park. Opening windows at home for fresh air must be problematic.
If only the killer “virus” were the only thing in the air, we could all stand up and cheer and bang pots and pans and leap for joy.
Pity the poor “virus”: it has to compete with aluminum nano-particles, plastic polymers, a sea of electro-magnetic waves and heaven knows what else to get to us..
Corona’s likely to pack up and go “home” to Wuhan, Fort Detrick and the hundred or so other labs created to safeguard us from some future Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.
‘Outside the park most people walking down the street are not wearing masks and the police aren’t doing anything because there would be too many people to hassle.’
Why would the police hassle people outside for not wearing masks when there are no laws or guidelines in the UK requiring anyone to wear masks outdoors?
Is mask wearing outdoors voluntary just now in the UK? I only ask because here in Cyprus it’s the law that you must be masked outdoors otherwise you face a €300 euro fine.
It is voluntary.
Masks theoretically required in shops and on public transport (unless you have an exemption)
Thanks. That must be great. I am on the constant lookout for police cars as I walk around unmasked.
the author mentions ‘it isnt usually the gestapo that comes for you. it’s usually your friends & colleagues.’
remember that story from WW2 about the Jews and non-Jews who’d lived together in a small town in Europe, for centuries. ’til one day the non-Jews rounded up all their Jewish neighbours, herded them into a barn, then set it on fire ?
the people werent told to round up their Jewish neighbours by the one gestapo officer stationed in the area… they acted in “Anticipatory Compliance” – a phenomena found in corporations, the army, etc…in any group in which failure to anticipate can incur punishments…