DISCUSS: Unite for Freedom Protests – London
Unite for Freedom is holding what they’re calling “the biggest street party London has ever seen” to protest against coronavirus legislation and the possible introduction of vaccine passports.

The plan is to maintain a positive, almost festival-like, atmosphere…and to make a lot of noise.
Thousands are marching from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square chanting “take your freedom back” and “we are the people, we are the power”.
As is standard practice for this type of event these days, the corporate press are barely covering it.
The embedded feed is from Ruptly, there’s also one from Sputnik as well as independent streamers but it seems no mainstream UK press deem the event worth discussing.
If you are attending the event feel free to post your experiences, as well any photos or videos, in the comments below. We’ll try to keep the post up to date with any important information.
UPDATE: Here is another good-quality live stream from a facebook user and frequent videographer of anti-lockdown protests.
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To exercise political power you must generate disgust. You promote the view that climate/covid/vaccine skeptics are racists, homophobes (you name it), beneath contempt. When you have enough troglodytes believing it, you can do anything you want, no matter how much damage you cause, because civilized people have the feminine desire to accommodate the demands of infants. The fear you cause will keep you in power. The COVID scare is an example. Hitler was an expert practitioner.
It is disgustingly sad that papers like the Guardian headed copy with the dishonest slant that this protest injured anyone. The reported agro happened 2 hours after it ended. No violence occured during that family dominated peace walk. Saw hardly any police anywhere. Shame on the BBC
Bravo to all! Consistency is what’s needed. We must not let our guard down. Someone needs to pay, we can never forget.
It was a great day out. No sign of agro on the route – very peaceful.
Shame that the MSM played it down – it was HUGE!
Also a shame that the usual disparaging remarks came out: anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, anti-maskers…. And of course much was made of the lack of “social distancing”.
Good images, good words, great comments, I see too the
beginings of instinctual mistrust in all and indeed any narratives, in these most peculiar times please allow this as it has validity.Peter sky
s comment (below?) being just one.
realityAs our journey through this strange land continues many of us have learnt that
such as we know/knew it is being systematicaly unravelled for
jabMany of us are begining to comprehend the true scale of the agenda they seek.
It is right that we ask and consider what constitiutes true freedom of expression and which acts merely play into the pre-programmed narrative we have been fed from cradle...to
theirIn many ways the only way forward is a complete and utter rejection of
forms, narratives even realities.
pull the plug` once this agenda unravels, how we act, indeed survive in the aftermath may actually be the test that we are becoming aware that we are part of..You KNOW deep inside they will
Preparation on all levels Peeps :0) x
Did you know that if you get Covid and are taking Omeprezole for stomach acidity you have a 98% chance of a severe clinical outcome including death BMJ. Be nice to know how many deaths were recording this on certificates, also vitamin d deficiency. Explains BAME and further North morbidity demographic
If you take Omeprazole you have a 98% chance of dying without covid. See this:
Omeprazole Lawsuit: Diagnosed With Stomach Cancer, Liver Cancer or Pancreatic Cancer After Taking Omeprazole? – InjuryLawsuitConnect.com
Video: The protestors chase the police out of Hyde Park
I can’t see any other reason for the police to go in heavy other than to spin the narrative by getting some photos of violence. Otherwise, it was a totally pointless operation.
Indeed. However, the command level would have been aware of the relative numbers of the residual crowd versus some local plods and of the variety of possible outcomes, including injuries to their sacrificial frontline ‘troops’ if not even accidental death.
Till then few if any of the less-loved TSG zio trained myrmidons were to be seen all day. A first since this nonsense began. Something’s up methinks! Did this ploy come from the ‘top’ or maybe spiB? Playing the crowd. All for a photo op. We need to know.
The Police were there to CREATE violence, by infiltrating their under cover cops.
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
—Albert Camus
Has nobody even bothered to do a reasonably accurate head count?
I have done a field study. I went to Notting Hill carnival when it still happened and I have been to speakers corner in Hyde park immediately following the march. The effect of a million people on the streets of London is quite noticeable in that you cannot easily move around for something like a square mile, regularly coming across crowds so thick you are constantly in contact with at least one person. Anyone who has been to both events can quite plainly see that the march contained orders of magnitude fewer people. Any media sources promoting these ludicrous numbers in the hundreds of thousands for the march is marking themselves out as either controlled opposition or too just too simple to bother paying any attention to.
200,000 -750-000 EASY
Watched this report from Sky – is it right that the event was ignored by the BBC?
The reporter says ‘thousands’ attended, but elsewhere I’ve read that between 500,000 and 750,000 marched?
Half-reasonable reporting, for once, but they did have to go and spoil it all near the end by adding, “There’s no doubt many of the families of the countless thousands who’ve died from covid will be understandably outraged at these scenes”.
Countless thousands?
Well, actually, anybody who looks at the actual figures can count them, and if you take the seasonal ‘flu numbers away from that total, you’re left with no thousands at all.
Flu is code J09-J11. In 2019 there were 1,213 deaths attributed to flu in the UK. The covidians are claiming 127,428 covid deaths so you are short by 126,000.
Yes, but in one winter – 2017/18 – there were 50,100 excess deaths. Factor in the misreporting/recording of many of the so called ‘covid deaths’ over the ast two winters (23% apparently), reducing the figure to around 100,000, and I’d bet that the figures over the last TWO winters reveal nothing more than two pretty bad flu seasons.
Apologies for The Guardian link…
the covid atrocity began after ‘flu season’ in the spring not winter. you are obviously gaslighting people claiming spring is winter. deaths should be well below average since people were staying at home and doing nothing. As already pointed out alleged flu deaths are not anywhere near the scale of the alleged covid deaths. these are clearly caused by the vast amounts of drugs, intubation, sedation and terrorising inflicted by the murderous covidian cult not the flu. such criminals denied visitation to relatives inorder to reduce the number of witnesses. They prevenented autopcies so the drugs could not be quantified and did all sorts of other highly suspect behaviour to terrorise people. they flooded forums with claims the flu could explain the deaths and ignored the problems with this explanation.
Seeing the placard someone used in London sent me to making a collage 🙂
Just a couple of videos for you all to check out –
Shopping trip to London (yeah right)
Didn’t attend, but knows what it was about.
Me and the better half had a lovely day out, admittedly we were only in the thick of it for about two hours, then we retreated to Primrose Hill.
I still think it is a form of narcassistic abuse. People were attacked by police and traumatised once again at this “protest”. Love bombing is one to the things mentioned in these video about hoovering. Hoovering is when narcissists try to pull you back in after you leave them or even after they discard you. People complain their protest was not reported in the “MSM”. This means they are still attached to the abusive media and wanting you to go out and “protest” so the “MSM” report it. They are still stuck in the trauma bond and want you to be stuck in it aswell. They are not interested in doing the real work to create healthy relationships and life.
Speak for yourself! I was there for one reason. For MY own boost of mental energy and you know what? It fucking worked….
You were there for your own boost of mental energy? What so for entirely selfish reasons? Thanks for pointing that out. Why are you using foul language? It might well have worked. So does cocaine. Doesn’t mean it is healthy. You just posted about how it was all about you as a comment to a post about narcassism. narcassism is by definition all about you. Being totally absorbed in self.
The lady in the video says this love bombing is one of the most harmful parts because thats where you get confused. You still have hope for the future with this abusive relationship despite all the abuse that took place. Your still holding onto the toxic hope. Your still defending the abuser. Your minimising the things that happened. Your excusing their behaviour. Your still helping the people who abused you. You still keep trusting them. You still haven’t cut them out of your life. You still keep trying to reason with them and convince them. That’s a sign your still in the trauma bond.
You are making this all too personal.
The wider issue is what is happening to our society, and there is no need to read your projection of narcissism into any individual’s reasons for taking part.
We are not protesting because we expect the authorities to appear on TV tonight and apologize for the decades of abuse to which they have been subjecting us, but because there is so little else we can do – as yet.
That doesn’t mean we’re not working on it, and meeting masses of other people who are not wearing masks, or crushed by irrational fear, is an effective temporary tonic.
Everybody knows that marching through a city without weapons is only a token gesture, and the ‘authorities’ know it too.
But this is not an abusive personal relationship which might colour the way you feel about men or women generally.
It is global tyranny and fascism. It’s bigger than personal. There are prescribed ways of dealing with personal. With fascism, not so much.
It is not my society and I am not projecting narcassism onto any individuals reason for taking part. I am saying that it is hoovering. it is the abuser who wants the narcassistic supply and recruited people to participate. It is you who then tries to triangulate this saying it is the victims I am having a go at.. They want the victims to come back to them and symbolicly going to London is going to them pleading for better treatment. It is to “unite” as in UK i.e. hoover the victims back into the “society” for further abuse. To strengthen the trauma bond. It is sickly gaslighting and hoovering. Love bombing. Oh the police were so friendly and hugging and then they attacked people in the park.
There’s a huge difference between having mild narcissistic tendencies, which all of us do until we’ve transcended our ego consciousness, so let’s get real with that as very few humans have accomplished that… The problem is when narcissism becomes pathological and abusive… I’m sure people were at the march for personal reasons (without that being narcissistic) and also on behalf of the collective, because we feel the deeper urge to make a stand against the actual pathological narcissists who occupy the seats of institutional power currently… It’s important that this energy is mobilised and expressed as that means it isn’t stuck in people’s systems leading to dis-ease.. The spirit was joyous and peaceful and perhaps that’s why so many of us are frustrated but not surprised that the Babylon Broadcasting Corp etc don’t highlight one of the most significant movements for human welfare which is growing and gaining momentum against all the odds.. That’s not narcissistic… That’s an expression of our deeper compassion within our soul..
It is gaslighting to claim the “spirit was joyous and peaceful” when there is footage of violence and dispair as there has been in the previous protests like this footage from trafalgar square last year. This means there was reasonable grounds to expect further issues and as expected they occured. Why would you be doing such gaslighting claiming it was “peaceful” and spreading fake solutions and hope in hoovering people back into the abuse cycle?
It’s not fascism, it’s Marxism.
And you’re not really a “casual” observer.
You’ve been on mumsnet way too much, Pete.
or maybe somewhere else.
You sound like a pretty obvious covidian psycho making typical sexist slurs and adhom attacks that expose the sort of abusers behind such hoovering efforts with “protests”.
Look, we get it, Peter.
You read something which covered the subject of narcissists and coined the word, “hoovering”.
What you say makes sense too, but the important picture for our whole species is bigger than that.
I didn’t coin any word. I observed that these protests involve the same toxic abuse process as seen in other abusive relationships. If it is bigger in scope then that means more reason to address it not justification to ignore it as you suggest. Such abuse dynamic learnt from politics could be a bad example leading to the more personal relationship traps. Like in school people are taught to tollerate bullies and turn a blind eye.
We need a lot more of these all over the world. I’m glad they had a syringe. It should have had skulls and cross bones painted on it.
there were demonstrations in holland, japan, france, and germany. see Unite4truth, they have videos
I don’t think those were all from the same day; most of them are from March 20th.
peers and jezza
churchill and not so young turk khazar boris
foot and anthony wedgewood benn
same as thatcher and ken livingston i presume
all actor all scripts
never ever any disclosure never mind full
slaves of rome you are
for you cannot sea
holy see and admiralty
bonded contracted
life of lie
signed sealed delivered unto satin
in the foreign owned corpse of usa
james traficant made a great speech in congress
a speech unlike any other made in 50 year or more
then died after by falling off a tractor as you do
in the country of the blind
not many can sea
near all consent
At least 500,000 people on the streets of London. I’m so happy to have been there. It was massive! Whatever mainstream media will tell you, it’s not true. The vibe was full of love!
Complete bollocks
I arrived at speakers corner at around three o’clock having missed the march but there were barely a thousand people there. Prey tell where the remaining four hundred and ninety-nine thousand people had ended up? All went straight home at the end of the march?
fucking hell pal, did it look like barely a thousand people on the video’s? your a fucking retard.
no it looked like a good few, maybe five thousand confirmed. i could believe something like ten thousand which I judge was about the number last time. there is no way it was anything like 500k. that is fanciful and ridiculous.
How it looked online was how the fallacy cookers wanted you to see it. As a dedicated armchair fascist how does it feel to be so out of touch Elrin or should it be Elron Hubbard?
sorry Jobe but it was and endless stream that filled the road for 4 hours. The media cherry picked because they are too afraid to report the truth. When did your Covid fallacy begin?
Yes I walked 13 miles in a sea of amazing people for over 4 hours. however long I stopped the crowd never thinned out as far as you could see. No Rubbish, no trouble, it was incredible to see so much awakening.
Jobe put your phone down and do something!
On the March you dope. At the end marchers quietly went home. 2 hours later agent provocators moved in and made a story for the media. I walked for 4 hours in an endless sea of amazing people for 13miles. Top tip. If you want to gauge a march turn up at the start. Not when it has finished! You might learn something Elrin
yes they did just go home. the agro 2 hours later had nothing to do with the March. walking for over 4 hours means home for tea! Nothing odd about that
I walked 13miles in a sea of happy people during this march for over 4 hours. There were the odd random police in the crowd but certainly no violence or malice, no vandelism of any kind, no fires, kids grandparents, every age of every type of person all there for one thing. (No rubbish to clear up either, spotless. I stopped regularly for 10min breaks the crowd never thinned.)
To peacefully protest against the disproportionate effects of lockdown and the vaccine fallacy. Whatever happened in hyde park 2 hours after it ended was not connected to that March and for the media to put it at the front is a lie.
Met group of healthcare professionals across the board ‘afraid to speak out’.
I have cancelled all my mainstream media subscriptions and urge you all to do the same. If you were not there you need to be next time. It was brilliant
Well I did go to the previous one in March which certainly seemed very big as well. I won’t argue that the videos show far more than a thousand people and if I am to trust your description, we can say its bigger than 30k. If you stopped for a full hour and the crowds didn’t thin then let’s estimate how many people passed you during that hour. These marches don’t move very fast, I’m guessing two miles per hour. I am going to guess that around ten people per second would pass you. We can come to a better estimate by studying the videos. So that’s 3600 seconds times ten people to give the number that passed you. So that’s 36k plus the five maybe ten thousand that you could actually see at one time from certain vantage points. If these parameters are roughly correct we can see that you have verified that least 50k attended the march. It seems like a lot of people when you are in it and it is a lot. Still nothing that suggests to me that its even a hundred thousand. To reach 500k we obviously need to either estimate that one hundred people every second passed you, that only a tenth of the march passed you (meaning you could have stood still for ten hours but the march would have finished long before that) or a combination of the two like four hours with a rate of 35 people per second passing.
I would be very interested to hear your version of the maths and your final estimate. I don’t believe you can reach a million without making me laugh.
nott 10 wide. Oxford street is 50 wide shoulder to shoulder. All my video and photos show solid the whole way round so your 10 wide is out by a factor of 5. Ask the poilce to release the helicopter footage from the 2 they had in the air continually
I am not saying its ten wide I am suggesting ten passing every second. One of your rows of fifty is not walking past every second now is it.
well it was 50 wide. you were not there. the width of Oxford street, not the pavement so shoppers could carry on as normal. Totally respectful of others.
No litter either
If the entire thirteen mile route was populated by rows of fifty people with a meter between each row, you have your million. I still didn’t receive your estimate..
Go to the next one. It will be even bigger
The happiness of the people was never in question. I am not trying to attack the validity of the march I just like the truth. Of course the gathering at hyde park was very much connected with the march and the numbers attending would have been far greater had the march been a million strong.
people joined along the way. It just kept growing
Talking to all the doctors and nurses afaid to speak out was enlightening
yes Elrin for someone like you who wasn’t there thats true.
Hi Howard, Have you considered that Elrin is a GHQ shill?
I was there. It was fantastic! Such a broad cross section of people fighting for their freedom. I got a massive hug from a lovely young man who gave me a bunch of anti propaganda stickers which I am now busily plastering everywhere! I need some more!!
There is something uplifting about being physically present at a demo like this. Although it’s true a demo won’t change anything it is an important act of defiance and people will go back more energised to do their bit.
anti propaganda stickers which I am now busily plastering everywhere! I need some more!!
im waiting for my printer. then its stickers everywhere.
oooh nice. I would add and stop shoving sticks up your nose to your brain. The swabs don’t look pretty. https://www.golokaproject.org/documentfiles/Analysis-of-test-sticks-from-surface-testing-in-the-Slovak-Republic.pdf
Great protests!
There is something interesting happening in Germany. More than 50 German prominent film and television personalities have sent a shockwave across the German speaking part of Europe with a large-scale Internet action under the motto #allesdichtmachen (close everything down).
Please Off Guardian address the Scottish audience and get them out. Protest in Glasgow was not in the same league……we need to mobilise the people……plenty of people are onside……they just don’t know these things are happening. Next one Parliament Edinburgh 1st May this Saturday.
stupid Trump supporters almost entirely white bigoted racist fascists man are Americans dumb. oh, sorry… this is London? nevermind.
27 people missed the irony of my post. explanation… all over the US, people are blaming Trump supporters for keeping the virus alive and preventing us from ‘herd immunity’ (suddenly everyone here is now an expert on herd immunity)
Include the vaccnie industry. Herd immunity was origionally based on observations of natural herds. Nothing to do with the vaccine fallacy. intellectual factual hyjack
Presume that is one of your longer sentences? Please advise
Huge numbers attending yesterday. All those attending and watching on YouTube will know that they’re not alone, despite what the BBC and Guardian say. Hundreds of thousands of people who won’t be partaking in either the lethal injections or the COMORBID19 fascist passes.
Fuck the BBC, and fuck The Guardian
Yes indeed!!! buck the ziofraudian!!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
zee billeee gates genocide vax zombeeze MOD THUGS over at the ziofraudian!!!!
Notice AT THE ZIOFRAUDIAN it’s now no comments alllowed due to ‘LEGAL REASONS’!!!!
Add the independant and all media platforms to that. Collaborating liars. LBC radio too. Sheila Farty is obscene. No one knows how many young people have topped themselves listening to her rants. 30% increase in young people alone in London.
“Make Influenza Great Again” was one of the funniest signs i saw yesterday. What an impressive turn out!! We joined the un-muzzled, smiling, laughing thousands and thousands and thousands walking through holborn over the viaduct then right at the old bailey which declares in big carved stone letters on the front “DEFEND THE CHILDREN OF THE POOR & PUNISH THE WRONG DOER”(S)
F’ing hilarious when you think about the world being run by an elite murder pedo mafia since millennia. We then walked down to ludgate circus turning right before blackfriars bridge and then walking to westminster bridge through parliament square. And then to fukinham palace to hyde park corner and tyburn(speakers corner). Very good empowering day it was fantastic!!!
We are the 99%(megaphone BS)………………NO WE ARE NOT!! We are the 10% if we are lucky!(and rising).
All those muppets burning cheap toxic coloured flares can do one. And at least half the megaphone speakers are some sort of controlled opposition imo.
Yeah what happened to the flu this winter?…
Has Covid killed off the flu? Experts pose the intriguing question as influenza cases nosedive by 98% across the globe
One has been asking that question for over a year…
Rejoice! Covid has cured the ‘flu!
And we’re currently “enjoying” negative excess deaths.
Rebranded to make it more sexy
Interesting to note quite sizable numbers of people now openly defying the mandatory facemasks on public transport here in Melbourne.
The train I was on yesterday afternoon on the way home, a clear majority of passengers in my carriage, and the carriage next door all showed their naked faces! Maskless!
The bus I was on just before, 9 other passengers on board and not one of them wore a mask. I know people are scared of being fined or being confronted by ‘authority figures’ but I also think more people are growing tired of this bullshit.
I’m also glad that so many attended the Unite for Freedom rally in London yesterday. From my own experience of meeting covid sceptics face to face, it’s great to talk to others in person and, gasp, even hug them.
The face nappy fetish is deranged, and Australia is still the most hysterical place on the planet.
Italy is. Here everyone muzzled up soon as they set foot outdoors.
Non tutti … ma Buonaparte sì.
Non solo buona parte. La maggioranza schiacciante. Almeno qui a Bologna.
Yes, I testify to that too in my region of northern Italy. Tomorrow the restaurants open but you can only go inside them if you have the pass! I hope to see many empty insides and packed outsides (where you don’t need the pass). But come the cooler months…
I’m in Bologna. High concentration of covidioti here.
you can only go inside them if you have the pass!
somebody should get to work on faking those.
Because Scummo is the most bought-and-paid-for piece of shit pollie on the planet.
He’s serving at least three masters.
The White House, (an oxymoron if ever there was one); Lizard King Murdoch; and The Lord above. (I think the Lord knows he’s a corrupt piece of marketing-spinning shit, too.)
He is not, however, serving the idiots who voted him and his pocket-lining, in-bed-with-every-corrupt-corporation-in-Australia swine into Parliament House.
Not that I expected he would.
So, here’s the smokescreen to explain away all those deaths in people under 50. Nothing to do with the Clot Shot vaccines, of course…
This is in the Australian ABC, the absolute zenith of integrity in journalism…
Zenith of integrity? Aunty?🤣🤣🤣 Overheard an interesting conversation earlier. Old guy says to this lady standing nearby: “weird thing is, I know a lot of people, and I’ve only known one person to die from covid… but she had really bad emphysema and had to take one of those tanks with her everywhere she went”.
The lady responded “its such a tragedy that so many have died from covid complications”. I was so tempted to say something, but they walked off.
I think the ABC has been disgusting by the way. An immoral, ethics free bunch of presstitutes.
“I think the ABC has been disgusting by the way. An immoral, ethics free bunch of presstitutes.”
Indeed and agreed, Gezzah.
I can assure you that my tongue was firmly pressed into my cheek, as I typed that line.
And your anecdote is a stark reminder of the “fact blindness” the Convid Cult members exhibit. Rather like the alcohol-dependent soul who will look to anything to avoid admitting that alcohol is the problem.
Regards your last paragraph – yep, sadly correct. I see youz are in lockdown until Tuesday with a possibility it will be extended.
I try and avoid all MSM, but just checked on the “situation” (sigh) in Perth then.
The ALP ”leaders” seem to be the most facist with Steven Marshall in SA being the most sensible.
Yes. Someone coughed in the CBD and all hell broke loose in two regions. That’ll teach them not to queue up for the vaccine.
Still, it’s all for our safety.
watching the footy today and all the talking heads commenting without blanching about the absolute insanity of WA locking down over one positive PCR test. Not surprising media heads keep quiet but what a bunch of brunch mummy gutless wonders this shit excuse for a country is.
I know Sue. Ned Kelly was a fairytale. The rebellious Aussie spirit is a fantasy. The chance that a large number of people, especially men, will get off their bloody knees and stand up is laughable. And men are the worst.
I refer to them now as jellified neutered eunuchs (JNE’s). The mind boggling cowardice… its depressing as hell actually.
so, we can’t expect anything like this, anytime soon?
As a New Zealand citizen… that’s a resounding No! Where have all the Real men gone to in Australia? Where is their testosterone? Most seemed to have turned into metrosexualised brunch munching, soy latte sipping, pedicure posing pussies.
And that’s just the construction workers!
Don’t even get me started on the fecken Hipsters. Complete cuckolds. It’s pathetic and it’s sad, and all this was done deliberately decade’s ago. Heard of the Tavistock Institute T?
I thought that was in Britain.
it’s sad that a nation founded by English convicts and Irish refugees can’t do any better than that. I’m glad I’m not there.
you’re not tempted to return to Aotearoa? although it seems to be firmly in the grip of Tony bLiar’s coffee girl.
Yeah, I have to return to Aotearoa soonish. I won’t get old age pension in Australia coz I’m not a citizen here, and I’m now 58.
Only thing is they don’t have The Big Issue mag in New Zealand, so would go from having an adequate income, and getting by okay, to having no income back in NZ.
The chance of finding a job back there at my age would be bleak, unless it was something like cleaning (which I have no problem with btw)
I also won’t be tested, jabbed or contact traced, so whether they are conditions of getting on a plane? I don’t know?
The same as what happened in Australia has happened in Aotearoa as well. Its called Neoliberalism, and all the devastation it has unleashed on ‘society’. Same in the UK and United States, in fact everywhere this vile dogma has taken hold.
And as I alluded to, the metrosexualising (feminising) of men began decades ago, as well as the defanging of the Left with all the post modernist identity politics garbage.
The bastards pulling the puppet strings planned all this a long time ago.
Appreciate your reply👍
They are still peddling the egregious lying Norman Swan’s crap even though he has been wrong 100% of the time, he is not an expert on anything, hasn’t been an actual doctor since 1982 and thinks this is the biggest thing since 1918.
I’m feeling a bit guilty and a bit dirty Marilyn. The current edition of The Big Issue has a full page titled Celebrating Inspiring Australians, sponsored by Australia Post. Have a guess who they decided to celebrate? Wait for it:
Professor Brendan Murphy.
And a quote from the puff peice:
“In March 2020 Professor Brendan Murphy made what was probably the toughest call in his four years as Chief Health Officer – advising the Govt to shut Australia’s international borders during the first wave of the Covid19 pandemic.
That decision ended up saving tens of thousands of Australian lives. Brendan, now the Secretary of the Department of Health continued leading the government’s fight against Covid19 and was an anchor of calm and reason during a turbulent year”.
Did you get that? Calm and reason!!
Last quote from it: “we had the courage to make the best possible decisions based on the Best Scientific Evidence without fear of political concerns or community reactions”.
Perhaps I should tear this page out. Maybe no one will notice? I normally don’t even look at the bloody mag.
Nauseating,, they simply will not concede the Ferguson model was a fake https://www.aier.org/article/the-failure-of-imperial-college-modeling-is-far-worse-than-we-knew/ Remember when the Nine rags peddled this model as fact with Paul Kelly CHO claiming 150,000 people would die.
They know the consequences if they ever admitted Ferguson is a total fraud and that the PCR tests are meaningless and never intended for viral detection and that’s how they got all their “cases”. I’ve said it numerous times now, that the PCR tests are the Achilles heel of the whole scam. Thanks for the link.
Have you guys seen this: https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/legal-watchdog-cancels-outspoken-anti-lockdown-lawyers-practising-certificate/
The latest issue in london is a ‘special’ edition fat and full of climate (weather) change manipulation with simpering pictures of Grater Durberg on the front etc. You would’nt want to even look at the cover of this one!
Same here D. The Aussie edition of The Big Issue has an Aussie media environmentalist guru on the cover called Dr Karl with ‘his guide to saving the planet’ and he writes the main article titled: ‘We Can Win The War On Climate Change’. There’s at least 4 articles in it on that subject, and as I said, one of the writers spends a couple of paragraphs about Her:
“Three decades later a Swedish schoolgirl is addressing a United Nations summit in New York about climate change. Or rather climate inaction.
The World is still getting warmer and the adults in charge are still dangling their feet. Greta is snarling. She’s lecturing the grown ups about tipping points, feedback loops, climate justice, betrayal and forgiveness.
She wants to cry – I can hear it in her throat – but she won’t. She is a genie released and she is trying to magic up some shame before it is too late”.
My only excuse is selling it pays my rent and puts food on my table and gives me a comfy bed to sleep in and pays for my music collection.
I already made the decision that if they have anything in the mag pushing vaccines or the Great Reset, I would go on strike for that fortnight. It was good a long time ago, but its been taken over by the Neoliberal snowflake brigade who are also Covid Cult members.
Gee you have to do what you have to do. I have also sold the big issue on a number of occasions and it has got me out of a few tight spots etc too.
I sympathize with your feeling conflicted and contaminated by the predicament of having to honestly sell a dishonest product. I suppose it’s enough to make you want to wear a mask– over your eyes. 😉
It also brings to mind a Lord Byron quote, albeit slightly paraphrased, that may fit your feelings:
Condemn’d to drudge, the meanest of the mean,
And furnish falsehoods from a magazine.
Hang in there– this too shall pass!
Thanks Ort👍I usually try not to read what’s inside it, but… sigh. I’m actually taking an extra day off today as well as my usual day off tomorrow. Hope your weekend was good? We do what we do to get through this madness…
Marilyn, just want to take the opp to say thanks and how I admire you taking a stand on Twitter from the earliest. You saw through the bullshit a few months before I cottoned on, and you kept plugging away despite Australia being such a jackbooty bunch of morons. People are so terrified here of anyone mistaking them for a right winger they’ll go for whatever appears to be the opposite viewpoint. Which is funny cos they’re more right wing than they could bear. We can be manipulated in any direction our narrative massagers see fit. I despise this gutless country. Trickle down lucky country effect. Gah. I miss us.
This is, of course, nothing more than systematized, “There’s one born every minute”.
But who should be in court answering charges of fraud?
Certainly not the victim, however naive and stupid he may be.
Reiner Fuellmich is on the right track. I hope we are following his initiative closely.
Hats off to you folks that participated in today’s Unite For Freedom Protest.
Amazing turn out, you are the best of what we are!
so prez biden wants to reduce americans red meat consumption by 90% by 2030 ( and little billy gates is already pushing his grass patties).
first they reduce the red indians, now it’s red meat…
at least they’ve kept their hands off our cats and dogs… so far…
The BBC’s Marianna Spring’s comments on the march were so vile and derogatory I suspect she’s an intelligence operative. She’s protected.
One of the largest banners on display – and by no means the only example – read “Covid is a hoax”. We saw some people carrying signs or wearing clothing referencing the QAnon conspiracy theory and its offshoot, “Save the Children”.
Convid is a hoax. The biggest in history.
Dumb private school girl – couldn’t pass 11+ exams for Sutton’s academically selective state schools
Marianna Spring is a 21st Century re-make of Lord Haw, Haw. She should be prosecuted and face the same sort of justice
Hanged because of a dubious legal interpretation of her passport application?
The BBC are a cancer in our society. Do not give them any money.
Well what can you say. People pushing back against the Covid nonsense and lies, I am great with that, the video made me happy for a while, as I thought people are waking up. But the whole thing is another pack of lies, how many people have a ruck sack, how nice are the Police, how well everyones getting on. Its all to Nicey Nicey. Why ? Its a spoof, its a video put out to make out you can actually protest (you cant). and the police are nice e.t.c but the video shows repeated shots from different angles. Then theres the orange freemason symbolism. NO this event is not real people we thought, its probably freemasons and sons and daughters. Eastern stars. The video tries to make out we have freedom, but its a hoax. If you or me went out to a rally not organised by the powers that be we would end up arrested or tazered. Somthing is wrong with the video EVERONE on it is behaving 100% the same way and the cops are talking and know each other. Its such a shame I thought people are waking up, NOPE its another lie..
Get back to your Islington wine cellar!
I think there is a current tactic to stand down in the face of anti-lockdown protests. It is a strategy to defuse, but also to officially ignore the anti-lockdown message. I say the response to that is for even more people to start protesting.
comatose gimp
you know zilch as you obviously were not there!………manipulated by pixels
many people will have an opportunity to personally test this theory, on May 15th. anybody who can’t be bothered to attend their local event, is full of shit.
I have been to the last 4 marches. This was the first time the police took an official stand down (I agree that they do not intend to give it coverage / ignore etc as now too big). The previous March last month had the standard police goon operation but numbers got too large and the police had to step back – thus the change for this March which was an order of magnitude larger again. Previous to that going on the marches was largely a case of turn up and be kettled / arrested.
It is peaceable people of all walks taking a turn out for a walk…. clearly being ignored by the MSM as not the message they are paid to deliver but we will keep at it and keep sharing the real images – for that I found a RT live stream video – best was around 2hours 30 minutes in the cameraman gets ahead of the crowd and climbs Blackfriars bridge – you then get a great view for sharing and given that I think it took the crowd about an hour to clear that point (believe that I was a half hour or so from the front at least) some way of conveying the scale of these protests – that they are peaceful and large is how it will only continue to grow – I for one am not subjecting my children to anymore violence than that which the state is already inflicting on them… as one of my teen daughters remarked along osford street, ‘how can this not be on TV’…. it wasn’t, it did everything I needed to be done about conveying the size and scale of the problem, I hope she will be able to relate that to her friends if nothing else.
You clearly weren’t there Julian. It was a fantastic day and very jubilant; people were happy to be among fellow freedom enthusiasts for a day (and in the sunshine too); it was the shot in the arm that we all needed! Don’t be such a cynic – join us next time and get a sense of how good humanity feels – it isn’t a hoax.
Late to the fray (story of my life). My brother sent me this link to the Daily Mail. Lots of phots and videos – and lots of young people too! Some very brave people actually catching hold of the truncheons in mid-swing and removing them from the cops. The text is wonderfully predictable and trite.
I scrolled through the images. No doubtly those taking on the cops will be having a knock on the doors soon and will face heavy penalties in a bid to discourage others.
These are really sad times we are living in where the right to say NO to the tyrants will have your life, and possibly the lives of those you know ruined.
But it has been said many time that if you want freedom you must be prepared to pay the ultimate price.
The Gestapo always get their man, alas. As was made painfully clear in the loathesome Pre-conditioning film, “Contagion”, the goodies are the cops, CDC, CIA, army. The baddies is everyone else. We, the great unwashed, clamour to cross policed borders, loot supermarkets, riot to be vaccinated etc. but the love story within has the heroic young lover proudly revealing his vaccination bracelet, uncannily similar to the current Israeli version…
Funny how their predictions were so uncannily accurate. Would you believe that the scientist who advised on the film was actually working in the Wuhan lab just before the real-life contagion began? The rat you can smell is not from any wet market. Smoking syringe or what?
“Before the real-life contagion began” Real Life !?!? you do realise the “News” is a Hollywood production too right ????
one might assume that the comment was intended as sarcasm.
Would you believe that the scientist who advised on the film was actually working in the Wuhan lab just before the real-life contagion began?
I would indeed believe that, but a reference would certainly assist me to do so.
The last 15 months have read like a very bad Robin Cook novel.
An anagram has just occurred to me: he who lives by the words, will die by the sword. Too many games of Scrabble methinks…
Looks like there was a band playing in the park before a big group of police came and started trying to drag someone off.
Good embedded citizen journalism, watching the whole thing gives a real sense of being there. Some good home truths directed at the police after their retreat.
“The govmint will decide what’s NORMAL” Humpty told Alice…
“UPDATE: Here is another good-quality live stream from a facebook user and frequent videographer of anti-lockdown protests”
Just to let you know that this ‘good quality’ live stream doesn’t work.
Our frequent videographer needs an update.
Tangential question inspired by mention of “a good beginning” in this thread.
Does anyone know what became of the Italian restauranteurs’ anti-scamdemic blowback earlier this year? At the time, I wondered “out loud” if it would be one of those stories that started out strong, but for some reason never gets traction in the form of follow-up reports and drifts into the Memory Hole.
I haven’t made a sustained effort to answer my own question, but casual searches haven’t turned up anything. Also, I assume that if the initial protest had either gained momentum or been successfully quashed, it would’ve been mentioned here between then and now– either above or below the line.
I do remember comments here suggesting that the protest was either contrived or flawed– for instance, that despite the premise that the restauranteurs were fundamentally challenging the scamdemic restrictions, in fact the restaurant owners were respecting mandates about social distancing, etc. and effectively playing it safe.
So I’m curious, and the present protest brought it to mind again. Somehow I don’t think it’s a “no news is good news” scenario.
That one did seem to die an early death! All restaurants in Italy being back to pre-covid times would have put Italy right back on any food lover’s itinerary. Surely one would have seen it, at the very least, in any/all of one’s food supplements!
From tomorrow restaurants here in Italy can open for dinner as well as the current lunchtime dining but there’s a 10pm curfew so…the movement of the restrictions flouting: “IoApro” has been coopted by alt right dicks unfortunately. The most vocal of them went to a big demo in Rome dressed like the Viking hatted agent provocateur of the Jan 6 Capitol false flag shambles.
1. If COVID-19 doesn’t exist or isn’t a serious disease, how come India is recording thousands of deaths a day from a respiratory virus with hospitals running out of oxygen throughout the country?
2. If vaccines don’t work/ are unsafe, how come Israel, with the highest vaccination rate in the world, has reported 2 consecutive days with no COVID deaths (down from 90 a day in January) and with very few cases of any serious side effects from vaccines?
Oh look, it’s Bob, the one of the super-original talking points. Yawn.
9 million or so Indian people die every year, about 500 million are hungry or in fact starving to death, minorities and lower castes are tortured and persecuted, why do you still believe all the nonsense the MSM peddle
It’s called Lying With the Statistics
You idiot!
When did they start vaccinating in India?
It looks like the number of vaccinations has climbed from 15 million at the beginning of March to 65 million at the beginning of April and has now reached 140 million, mostly 1st doses. Is there any evidence of anything else that could be causing excess deaths?
No one in the Indian media is checking for such evidence? Unlike in UK, US and other countries, India does not even have a recording system for vaccine-related adverse reactions. For several years, the doctors and hospitals here have ignored (and not recorded) vaccine-related injuries to little children from MMR, measles, HPV and other vaccines. The same is happening now with the ‘cvid’ jab.
I also suspect that the current spate of fearmongering on ‘oxygen shortage’ and ‘deaths’ are to cover up the rising number of vaccine injuries and deaths. So, if people are getting harmed or dying from the vaccine then it is being potrayed as if they are dying from a second wave of ‘vrus’ or its ‘mutants’.
It is pathetic out here. The Indian media has no shame, absolutely no shame. Not that they had an iota of it in much of the last one year.
Sorry, in my first line “No one in the Indian media is checking for such evidence?” the question mark was not supposed to be there.
The first line should be read as “No one in the Indian media is checking for such evidence.”
The population is 1.4 billion.
It is the wrong time of year for there to be “flu season” so that is an avenue that could be pointed out. Is there any other examples of a “flu season” in India in April? If not then that would certainly throw more doubt on the story. There was monsoon and no huge covid issue but then when it is hot and sunny suddenly people are getting pneumonia? Doesn’t make any sense at all. It is worth going back to the Samoa ‘measles outbreak’ because this happened just before covid and was likely a test run of their plans. The data clearly shows that the alleged measles deaths coincided directly with the mass vaccination campaign.
It is a mix of statistic fabrication, exaggerated mischievous reporting by media, vaccine injuries, high stress due to prolonged fear-mongering by media, 5G testing, local pollution conditions.
Please provide some estmate of the deaths and injuries the first national lockdown caused.
You said “India is recording thousands of deaths a day..”
Is the recording authentic or fabricated? How many deaths a day took place pre-2020; say in the 10 years up to 2019? Do you know? If not, will you plz find out for your own knowledge.
I live in one of the cities in India and I do not see cremations taking place here in any unusual amount.
Where is the proof that whatever deaths are taking place are from a respiratory virus (for which there is no scientific evidence of existence as it has not been purified/isolated and not shown to cause any disease)? Do you want to take the medical & governmental authorities’ word for it? We all know how deaths worldwide (including in India) due to other factors are being falsely attributed to a fictional ‘covid’ disease.
Hospitals running out of oxygen? Is the reporting accurate? Remember the Wuhan images of Feb-Mar 2020, which were later discovered to be false and for propaganda purpose only.
The focus on oxygen is exaggerated, but to the extent that some people are having breathing problems then you can simply not rule out that it is so because of continous wearing of masks, extreme stress due to the fear propagated by mass media in India, localised air pollution issues, or 5G testing/rollout.
Vaccination side-effects, injuries and deaths are simply not being reported by the media everywhere in the world. A mention here and there, but largely there is no media coverage. So, on what basis are you claiming that there are only a few cases? You said Israel did not report any ‘cvid’ deaths for 2 consecutive deaths. The ‘reporting of deaths’ is manipulated by governments worldwide. When they want to show a high number they will do so, and vice-versa. The ‘death’ numbers can’t be taken as accurate at any time since Feb-Mar 2020, and even presently.
Both the GMO disease and the jab induce microclots. One potential effect is breathing difficulty. Perhaps that is a better fate than the disease/jab causing mental illness, blindness, paralysis, kidney failure, etc.
Like other countries eager to jab its citizens, Israel certainly had excess deaths:
India, says he, look at India. Well. some people indeed have.
Dr Clare Craig
@InProportion2 4/24/21.
The powers that be are eager that everyone looks at India right now as they seem to be having some covid problems – it’s the latest chapter in “project fear” However they probably don’t want you looking too closely. You might notice something, [Graph]
broken link corrected:
The graph indicates how the deaths/injuries due to the vaccine are being falsely attributed to things such as ‘oxygen-depleted covid-hit patients’.
The slimy media in India is participating in the criminal cover-up.
Uk = allegedly 127,000 deaths / 68 million population = 0.18%, India on 21/04/21 (last time I checked) 180,000 / 1.4 billion population = 0.012%.
25,000 people die in India everyday. SARS COV2 comes nowhere near the top ten causes of death, trumped by the following highly communicable diseases: diarrhoea at 720,000 deaths per annum, lower respiratory tract infections at 520,000 deaths per annum and tuberculosis at 450,000 deaths per annum
Do some research.
Last month it was Brazil, this month it’s India. Ramp up the fear so we can maintain the vaccinations. Hopefully the younger people here in the UK will ignore the fearmongerers. There’s no need for them to take it at all (I’m 63 and I’m not having it).
I wonder how many people die of starvation in India, every year? I wonder what their lockdown has done for that non-communicable epidemic?
Well said.
Indeed, this seems be to be a globally cailbrated orchestration – South Africa, Brazil and now India.
It has the footprints of the medical CIA of the global oligarchy all over it. And, being carried out through the media. But it will boomerang on them. They are doomed to fail.
Gilad Atzmon — The Israeli People Committee’s April Report on the Lethal Impact of Vaccinations
I thought I saw one study showing that 40x more over-80s in Israel died of the injections than from deaths attributed to Covid.
To put things into context, India has a huge population and on average 22,500 people die there per day. So, it does not mean much to talk of “thousands of deaths a day”. Are far more people than usual dying?
Unlikely. One will never know the accurate figure, as one can’t rely on any number coming out of the governmental authorities and media, both of whom are currently under the control of global manipulators.
How come these reports reinforce the official narrative? It must be true! The reports say so!
Hi Bob. Did you have many of these shoved up your nose lately? https://www.golokaproject.org/documentfiles/Analysis-of-test-sticks-from-surface-testing-in-the-Slovak-Republic.pdf
Good to see the police behaving ‘respectfully’ because they are so vastly outnumbered…
This is a remarkably peaceful protest march by extremely normal human beings.
Of course Icelandic TV news tonight made no mention of it at all. That’s where our real enemy is: The media.
Doesn’t mean they won’t get violent next time. Maybe they are worried people will go to stand it the park if they distrupt the protestin London?
No indeed.
But I was rather surprised at the police absence from most of the footage.
This isn’t New York or Chicago, and UK police are not yet ready to ditch all pretence of being our ‘guardians’…
Also, that crowd is big enough to be quite intimidating, as it should be.
There was a hands off approach most of the day, i did not see one uniformed plod between holborn and just before blackfriars bridge. Then there were more and more as we approached westminster. No TSG at all until it started to get dark and that was when they brought the vampire squad out as usual.
Safety in huge numbers it seems.
Police for the most part think discretion is the better part of valour. They often wait for the demo to approach its end before getting heavy.
We went from the front to the back, after taking a fairly long refreshment break. There were a few good-natured police walking among us, and a hefty-looking police video unit van following behind.
People will only get violent if they are prevented from being peaceful….
That’s what occurred yesterday at sundown, when the token mob of coppers were sent to bring the party to a halt… I actually felt a bit sorry for them as they were clearly sent in as cannon fodder… A couple of the female officers looked quite young and really scared when the crowd got a bit boisterous in response to their intrusion… They got chased out of the park and then at the gate the heavier boot boys of the Metropolitan police were waiting to step in.. Seems to be a tactic being used… Send in a handful of plodders to stir things up and that allows for certain media images to be produced, and also for the riot cops to then move in.. Didn’t see any of that last week when the football fans were protesting.. They love the softer targets, and thankfully it didn’t get too messy yesterday.
The paid and professional agitators will not fail to be violent – depending on the final go-ahead. Genuine demonstrators may be violent if assaulted directly.
The media and their owners/controllers/investors.
Interesting that a Wallenberg is the big cheese at Astrazeneca.
The Wallenbergs have been big at Bilderberg and on the Trilateral Commission. The family Foundation is a massive contributor to science.
Probably the only Wallenberg most people have heard of is the one who was supposedly a big hero in WW2. Bit of a whiff of rodent about that now?
People are saying these marches don’t accomplish anything… The fact that so many thousands of people are out together on the streets, feeling safe and celebrating life again is a huge accomplishment in itself… soaking up the sunshine, getting vitamin D and boosting the immune system with the beneficial chemistry produced by bodies relaxing and having good clean social interaction… Yes, it won’t be reported on mainstream media, but many people will see the images and will be there next time, and it sends ripples out into the more subtle ether to rattle the cage of spells…
This one won’t becase of the agenda that will be forced upon us at all costs.
Even if it takes another 30 years for those pushing it, they’ll have their NWO tyranny one way or another.
But – but -but. Fair play to those who took to the streets today. I doff my cap to them.
Not necessarily. Will Bill Gates let his daughter be killed for his dystopia? I doubt it.
Will Schwab back down if a mob of 50 million threaten to kill his descendents or else? I expect so.
They are the very, very few.
The many have all the power, if only they decide to utilise it.
Of course, they wield it rarely, because they are rightfully fearful of the feelings of power going to their heads.
But all the power, always, lies with the people….
they’ll have their NWO tyranny one way or another.
but … how are they going to run their NWO tyranny … if they can’t even find their heads?
The arrogance which their perverse lineage has cultivated for centuries has reached the point of bursting now… For all that time they’ve gained power and maintained it through force and manipulation… Black magic if you like.. There’s a cosmic principle which only allows for that force to go so far… To the 359th degree and then it all bounces back and collapses… That’s where humanity needs to reflect and take stock of where we are with our egos and how we have inherrited the patterns of slavery handed down through the generations… It’s time to heal our patterns of limitation and the beliefs instilled which are mainly held subconsciously, and designed to keep us in subservience to the ‘master race’ who have kept that ‘cultural’ program running.
Time to stare the beast in the eye and see it for what it truly is… It’s out in the open in it’s full glory, and it appears to be strong and powerful, but it’s reached it’s zenith and it’s in it’s death throes… Stop feeding it and it’ll die, as more and more people discover and realise the power within our heart and soul, which has been suppressed..
What they do is encourage those on them to talk to others to convert them to their opinion. They are a feel-good ‘rally the troops’ sort of thing.
Hopefully, also, the fact the MSM are not reporting them show sentient human beings that they are worried by the size of them, worried that the scent of freedom might spread.
The BBC is absolute toast without totalitarian governments remaining in place. Hell hath no fury like the British People scorned for fighting for freedom and all that…..
In general, we have a somewhat strange picture. There are the Covidians with all the power of the world establishment who believe they are right in the form of faith. On the other side are the anticovidians, who have nothing, only our faith in reason and sanity. In the middle there is a 90% of the population that only obeys but that falls on the side of the Covidians because of their way of neglecting intellectual life. Some wake up, but it takes a lot of work. The worst thing is that the Tsunami hits us all. But we are seeing it coming. After the first wave, we see the one that comes devastating and I do not mean the virus, if not who caused the earthquake. We know something, we suffer twice.
No we are prepared. And will somehow manage (because we are prepared). The ones who don’t know, are the ones who really get hit.
I am not saying this with any joy or schadenfreude
I mean, Willem, that anti-Covidians suffer twice, that is, twice: on the one hand because the farce is billing us like everyone else and on the other hand because we know that everything is a lie and that it is transforming everything as if it were true .
many millions of people have already been “vaccinated”.
I, however, have not been “vaccinated”, nor, presumably, have most here.
let’s see who suffers more.
you places your bets, and you takes your chances.
a repeat of a repeat…..I very much doubt that those behind this lunacy feel they have anything to fear from the strolling masses taking some exercise.
And where were you Mr. Cynical?
In the words of Martin Niemoller’s poem: Then they came for me:
Talking about the cowardice of people who didn’t speak out and who could have.
Let’s hope there will be enough of us strolling masses left when they come for you!
oh dear…did you read the comment properly, it seems that many didn’t, in voting it down they effectively voted the PTB – Up….Folk fall on their own much too easily methinks – nothing new there.
more fool they.
Here’s a great compilation of world wide protests videos to inspire. This work is so heavy, it is important to remind ourselves WE ARE NOT ALONE
Massive Rallies World Wide Against Covid 19 Lockdowns, Video Compilation, People Uniting Globally
I cannot describe how much this article in the NYT, about “Covid Compliance Cops”, disgusts me.
Essentially, huge corporations and entertainment venues have figured out a way to open up a long time ago: they hire these unqualified nobodies to play compliance nazi – with an endless barrage of testing, tracing, temperature checks, masking, etc — so that the film set or the big theatre venue can claim it is completely safe.
Meanwhile, if you are a small operation you are screwed. You can never afford the circus — which for ordinary sets is 25-30% of the total set budget! So you can’t open up. You can’t just go and put on a show in a small theatre – god forbid! That would be dangerous! Only the fraudsters with their bloated budgets are allowed to, because they are “SAFE”.
And I’ve been on the sets like these – they are packed with people who are getting a paycheck and too afraid of losing the sweet gig, so they play along. And they play along. This is what they play along with:
a crew member walked by carrying a large sheet cake for the key grip’s birthday. Dr. Dahl’s precisely plucked eyebrows rose. “They can’t eat that in there,” she said wistfully, but without remorse. They also cannot blow out candles and she will encourage clapping rather than singing. “I try to be really polite and nice about reminders, I’ll try to use humor and make a joke of it,” Dr. Dahl said.
They give up their freedom, autonomy, because they don’t want to be unemployed. So everyone in their selfish ways plays their part to perpetuate the scam: the staff of the big sets, the opportunists playing covid cops, the bigwigs throwing money at fancy equipment for covid safety, the companies selling all these so-called medical equipment…
The little people, the true artists and makers of culture, are so thoroughly screwed over. This covid-cop model is essentially a version of destroying small businesses and keeping open walmart. This one destroys independent arts and keeps open the mindless Hollywood garbage.
Suspect it is to make everyone more accepting of the vax pass…easier than all the game of testing etc etc…everything seems to have several purposes these days…and yes destruction of smaller business, entertainment etc also included.
Not sure if this brings some comfort, but there surely is some justice in it. That is that the only thing this thing can lead to, is that people in the big theaters screw themselves.
You should see the internists in hospitals, talking about Covid, one year later on.
They were so gung ho in 2020.
But they surely are depressed now
Or as Billy Joel sang (of which I learned the word ‘gung ho’ btw)
We came in spastic
Like tameless horses
We left in plastic
As numbered corpses
They will not literally leave as corpses, but they surely walk around in plastic and look you in the eye with dead and frightened eyes. Nothing funny about it. But they had it coming to themselves. They were doing it to themselves (and that’s what really hurts)
This covid thing is a war zone, and the soldiers who ‘happily toe the line’ well, they also pay a price, is all I want to say.
You know what internists like most? – Puzzles! Internists are solving puzzles all day, a bit too much maybe, but still puzzle solvers, trying to rule out a number of diseases until they make the final diagnosis for the individual patient
But not with the covid though, which needs no medical history, physical examination, lab research, a differential diagnosis, etc, only one test. They, the great puzzle solvers, ardent readers and writers and intellectual brain of the hospital know by now that they fooled themselves. And with themselves the rest of the world, to their shame. And now they need to give the good example and poison themselves by rolling up their sleeves and take the jab. And in the meantime wards are closed and doctors are fired as there is no more cancer, bacterial infection, inflammatory disease to treat, only covid.
I know that will not bring much solace to owners of small companies and other people who didn’t buy the BS, but still had to suffer because others did believe the BS, first out of enthusiasm, and later out of conformity, and still later out of a lack of guts to say: ENOUGH!
Yeah I’m one of those small theater artists and covid is pure culture war. what’s also incredibly disgusting is that all of the artists I know have gone right along with the bs. This isn’t as surprising as I wish it were, because for a long time theater has been MFA-ed to death, so people are used to being compliant opportunists, not artists.
I agree, Lorie.
I am sickened with each email from my (performer’s) union listing all the safety protocols that will be instituted in order to open theatres again.
I received a survey from a local theatre about what it would take to come back as an audience member. Oh my God. Masks, social distancing, sanitation, and even vaccination.
I don’t know what would be worse – sitting in an audience, separated by one or two seats and wearing a mask like everyone else, or performing on stage and looking out at that scene.
I’d prefer what I used to see occasionally in the good old days- someone snoring peacefully in the first row.
Protests of the past “They tried to smash our heads in but we gave them a good kicking despite the odds”
Protests today “Oh golly!, I think I need a latte and a health spar weekend after all that mild chanting”
Why? Why are you all such sourpusses? Why?
Because Frieda in 14 months the protests have changed nothing whilst the genocide continues…last time i looked it was over 800 dead…did half the people there today know the vaccine is killing people?…no tyranny in history has been removed by peaceful protest…and some of us are extremely jaded at what these protests have become….about as much use as signing online petitions….you cannot remove tyrannies by proxy
Aye carry on sitting in your arm chair staring at pixels while we empower ourselves spiritually.
probably couldn’t be arsed to get out of the house, away from the keyboard and go meet up with many thousands of fellow ‘survivors’. Many hugs were exchanged, meetups arranged and the vibe was hugely positive. I take the point that this will not ruffle the feathers of the vulture class, but before the summer’s over, we may be less strolling and more occupying. We need the ‘uk spring’ event where thousands show up, and refuse to go home. I should mention that the police presence was minimal, and no sign of the TSG brutish, thuggish types. I doubt if one arrest was made.
I wish the protestors well but the have achieved nothing today.
And neither will future protests. I’m a realist, i’ve been told that many times to my face. No harm in trying to get a message across though.
I’m a realist
are you quite sure you’re not a spook? you seem rather determined to dissuade people from engaging in any real-world action at all.
….I too remember a time and place where there was outcry, where the people felt so deeply, so intensely… that their energy alone sent a shuddering quake that any on it’s receiving end would fear, it was no place for smiles or carnival like atmosphere.
Now all busy on social media, being pampered, and having their nails done.
I guess hope come into the way people feel. When all the MSM pedal is fear and despair it’s no wonder people are cowering under their beds.
— says the entity that claims that no conceivable action will have any effect at all.
at least you got a good nail job.
I think it would be better for everyone doing the systems dirty work from the dustmen to the bankers to stay home and refuse to participate and have a complete freedom manifestation for one day in their life. The elites in power would get a hiccup for sure.
They need to be forced to choose. Sadly they will not reach any conclusion on their own. Just like the billionaires. Until they are forced to choose what side they’re on.
their cowardice and compliance already betray which side they are on – this is most of humanity we are speaking of. So be it. There is no excuse for people enabling/enacting such grandiose evil just to feed their kids or pay their bills – just doing my job/paying my bills – just not good enough. That is moral corruptness/void and such willing conduct only means they will do it again – they are scum. Stop making excuses for such people!!!
they have been forced to choose and chose lockdowns, masks and to inject their kids with poison. forget about them and set up your own society. when they see how much better it is, then they will want to keep up with the Jonses.
And some big pharmaceutical company will still find a way of making billions out of us all – both them and us.
starting with the actual PCR swabs https://www.golokaproject.org/documentfiles/Analysis-of-test-sticks-from-surface-testing-in-the-Slovak-Republic.pdf
awesome idea- what a way to show solidarity grind countries to a holt a ‘sick’ day as sick n tired of being made sick and tired my lies that serve to destroy our souls – yes some will class it as selfish ‘protests’ but immeasurable in comparison to the tricks of the now. Keeping people captive, ruling by fear and steeling our joy by denying God given rights – to bury a loved one, support a neighbour, feel the bustle of our community -domination is an abomination. we are merely a currency, a commodity, nothing has changed from the days of cannon fodder. But it can, we can be the difference – together🙏🏻
The lure of the covid narrative for the Left is that this narrative has been spun as a harbinger of doom for neoliberalism and possibly for capitalism itself. The Left can see a promise of the coming transformation of society which they always longed for. But the nature of this transformation was never clear. It certainly was never meant to imply a going back since Marxism always stressed – and correctly I think – that you can never go back. You can never reverse history and undo what has been done. Therefore, the hated bourgeoisie were never meant to be annulled so much as transformed – although it was never clear in what way.
But covid supposedly provides an opportunity. And I feel it is undeniable that, beneath that curious non-committal air of the various Left sites with respect to what the masses are supposed to do, there is a contempt for any who would stand up for the old economic order – which is the only one they’ve ever known. The idea of protesting to re-establish business is anathema to the Left. All businesses should be destroyed, and a new community created on the basis of collective organisation. As a sympathetic reader of Marx, that appeals to me too. But how is covid supposed to pave the way for that?
The question provokes another one: how is this collective organisation amongst the regular folks meant to happen considering that these regular folks have been cringing before covid for a year now? They are still cringing. They are waiting for the “all clear”.
And who gives the “all clear”? We are not supposed to be “conspiracy theorists”. We are supposed to assume some kind of disarray up there. They are all so incompetent! Well they have been “incompetent” for a long time now. They show no sign of becoming “competent” but instead mutter darkly about new variants and possible further lockdowns.
But in a sense – all this is irrelevant anyway. The brave new “people led” world is obviously supposed to be initiated by the people. So how do they emerge from their feverishly maintained protection to get started on this new world?
If you assume that covid is the new bubonic, everyone has to wait for the word from “the scientists”. Since the virus is presumed to be real, no reliable decision can come from the people. The Left must therefore assume a new revolutionary vanguard which, in the time of pandemic, can only be “the medical community”.
The ongoing situation is that the people have been necessarily bypassed. Furthermore, in this situation, popular protest has also been annulled. It is too risky! The only logical protest i.e. the only protest that would have the balls to get up and organise would necessarily be protest that ignores the viral warnings. It would have to be sceptical protest. It would therefore, from the point of view of the covid swallowing Left, be a “reactionary” protest.
The “Covid Left” would therefore reject that protest. All of which is, depending on your point of view, either ironic or fitting. Because it means that this Left would welcome a vanguard, different from the people, but in this case not consisting of the Bolsheviks but of that mysterious “medical community”.
Or is all this too “binary”? I would not have said so. There are various classes involved. And right now, the general British public has in a sense been made much more unified than ever before i.e. unified in their helplessness. And that opens up a much darker possibility: that this vast mass of inert pubic has been pummelled into a shapeless dough, “cleansed” of their previous expectations and ready to be remoulded into whatever shape comes from above. The remoulding cannot come from below since below is in hiding.
Maybe more true of the left in the Anglosphere than elsewhere. When I was in Greece bans on demos were defied by a significant section of the left – they did not reject the Covid narrative but distrusted the state’s motives in a way you do not get in Britain.
Once the full truth is outed about Johnson’s Government, the Brits will distrust the State’s motives in exactly the way you say the Greeks do.
They have indebted the nation to the eyeballs, handed out billions in contracts to buddies without any form of competition, they are the US yapdogs in their anti-Russian racism. They are taking on absolutely extreme green policies without having stood for election on such a platform. The PM’s wife has more influence than democratically elected MPs. They sold out to Gates on health and the pharmafia on vaccines.
Every single decision they have taken has been to shaft the UK public and to enrich those who are already super-rich.
There will be a terrible end for Johnson et al and Starmer et al won’t be replacing them either.
You can never go back, not to the exact same thing anyway, I agree with that. What I don’t agree with, and never have, is the Marxist belief that socialism will inevitably follow capitalism.
I think it makes more sense to think of this current transformation as the oligarchy dispensing with capitalism as we have known it and introducing a new system which they will control to an even greater degree, an unprecedented level of totalitarian control on a global scale. Maybe it could be described as the ultimate expression of monopoly capitalism, but terms like neo-feudalism may be just as accurate.
It can’t be a revolution if the ruling class remains intact and continues to rule. Marxists who believe sociopathic oligarchs and their servants are going to usher in socialism are seriously deluded. It certainly won’t be any ‘socialism’ I would want to experience.
Yes it’s a mystery to me what they want. The only reaction I have had was a
supercilious condescension as if to say, “We know something that you don’t!” So I think: Then tell me! But they don’t. They pose and preen themselves and offer nothing at all. (And I’m beginning to think that’s all they ever did!)
I think socialism can follow but only if the psychopaths (I consider sociopaths a minor/no problem) are properly taken care of …
While pluto is in Capricorn this breakdown will continue….it still has a few degrees and years to go…so sorry folks that is how it is…there are just so many planetary forces still pushing hard it will be unclear for months yet where everything ends up…still have one delusion eclipse to go…
And the USA will soon have its Pluto return – much more internal destruction to come to that ex-empire.
Yes the pluto return is something I have been watching….saturn and jupiter have already gone past that point….one would think that there will have to be something different to happen for the pluto return
“All businesses should be destroyed, and a new community created on the basis of collective organisation.”
Absolutely … but how can that happen when most men and women are only using their brains for operating their “MSM only” fondle pad and converting orders into action? What a sad state of affairs, what’s a non obedient dissident supposed to do?!
“All businesses should be destroyed, and a new community created on the basis of collective organisation.”
MC, I love it when you talk Marxist, keep it up!
The lure of the covid narrative for the Left is that this narrative has been spun as a harbinger of doom for neoliberalism and possibly for capitalism itself.
with respect, who cares anymore, what those f***ing assholes and morons think, or pretend to think? THEY ARE OBJECTIVELY ON THE SIDE OF THE BILLIONAIRE RULING CLASS, so fuck them all, sideways.
It is amazing how quickly the memory fades because last year at the start of this “ pandemic “ a demonstration against it consisted of literally one man and his dog. As the year has progressed more and more people of all ages, have taken up the baton to protest publicly not behind a keyboard. Now, some people on this site might be of the view that protests don’t matter but anyone who has studied the history of, for example the six countries know , protests do matter because when they reach a critical mass, the genie is out of the bottle. Naturally, the PTB would like people to believe they are irrelevant but they have studied history carefully hence why they are trying to deny them the oxygen of publicity as we have observed!
Yes I didnt go today partly because after the effort of attending the first few it was so depressing to see so little people there it felt like this was already lost.
It looks like there was a big turnout today so that is at least heartening. I intend to travel for the next on 14th May so hopefully the pressure will remain on. I agree also that the total blackout on the BBC today – could find no mention of it anywhere is probably a direct result of the numbers attending today. It shows the PTB must indeed be worried.
could find no mention of it anywhere
The powers that should not be.
make it so.
protests do matter because when they reach a critical mass, the genie is out of the bottle. Naturally, the PTB would like people to believe they are irrelevant
— and that’s why they have despatched some of their covert operatives to this very venue, to try to persuade people not to bother.
Yes, I notice the tactic of trying to sow seeds of doubt about protests but these functionaries of the Brigade 77 are fairly transparent I frequently come across them on F.B !!!
Don´t get any jabs in order to avoid vaccidents.
I’m safe, I’m on vaccation.
and avoid the PCR test sticks like the plague https://www.golokaproject.org/documentfiles/Analysis-of-test-sticks-from-surface-testing-in-the-Slovak-Republic.pdf
Good to see these protests in London and other cities in Europe and elsewhere. These will surely send a messgae to the global oligarchy that their failure is coming to them soon.
Here, in India, the global manipulators have bought off completely a few political parties ruling in the states and who have imposed lockdowns all over again. The controlled media is hyping up reports of oxygen shortage in hospitals but failing to provide any credible details on those supposed patients needing oxygen.
Further, the media has not bothered to ask what are the real causes of hospital patients. In any given year (pre-2020) hospitals would have patients. There is absolutely no attempt to compare statistics of pre-2020 with now.
The fearmongering levels in Indian media has skyrocketed in the last couple of weeks.
Lockdowns have intensified in various places in India.
I think it is only a matter of time when number of Indians fed up of totalitarian rise sharply and then one might similar protest rallies here too.
Do the Indian media talk of these worldwide protests? I had heard of resistance in Maharashtra from traders. I’m guessing that’s all over now, as there is this new ‘crisis’.
No, the Indian media has not reported today’s worldwide protests nor the one that took place in more number of countries a month ago.
Here, there is also no difference between the mainstream and alternative media. None of them have crtically questioned the claims and measures.
Yes, there is some opposition from traders and shopkeepers in Maharashtra and elsewhere. Small businesses and daily wage earners are the worst affected in India right now.
Today, I went out in the affteroon and had lunch (Tawa Veg Pulao) at a small eatery. Got talking to the two persons who were managing the kitchen and counter at that eatery. I discussed with them about the whole covid hoax thing and the dangers of vaccine and all that. And, they agreed (at least to my face). I got a sense from them of the large number of job losses that have taken place here in the last one year.
I have a feeling the severe lockdown measures are designed to cause this, among other things in order to benefit Amazon (and Jeff Bezos, the global oligarchy’s favourite e-commerce technocrat-cum-tycoon). The vaccine push is also intense here, and many poor Indians do not have the wherewithal to know that these vaccines are dangerous.
Some domestic billionaires like Reliance Industries’ Mukesh Ambani, who for some reasons appear (to me) to be not willingly participating in the global oligarchy’s agendas, are feeling the heat from them. Amazon is fighting court battles with Reliance over the latter’s takeover of Future Retail (a physical supermarket chain). Amazon wants to get its foot in India’s physical supermarket space desperately. There are more reasons why I say this, and I am sorry but I can’t go into full details here.
Are the injections being offered free of charge? Are people being told they will get their lives back if they accept them? I was hoping India would be better protected from this nonsense, because the vast majority of Indians cannot afford to disappear behind the sofa because there are viruses about, and the government cannot afford to pay off ‘non-essential’ people and keep them quiet.
The jabs are not free, but two things are happening. Affluent people are willing taking it because they have been completely brainwashed by the media. The non-affluent people are being coerced into taking it as it has become a requriement in certain jobs/activiites.
Here, you don’t have to “pay off’ too many people to keep them quiet. The desperate economic situation, imposed on the people due to the lockdowns and severe medical measures, are enough.
Hadn’t thought of that, but of course. The better-off were obviously going to be able to impose their paranoia on all those who have dealings with them. It’s desperate.
This needs to stop. Everywhere.
Thank you for the local perspective.
Yep. Thanks.
It is the least I can do, although my current circumstances as a parent, a spouse and an employee, means that I do not always get enough time to swiftly catch every OffG article and share my views in the comments section.
no mention of those sikh farmers and their protests?? what india/planet you on?
If you have any views on it, plz do share. If you want to know mine, then go back to my comments in one of the earlier OffG articles. You will find it there.
“Other than preaching to the converted, this won’t achieve a thing.”
I’m afraid that I have to agree. Demonstrating eff only makes sense insofar as it has the potential to make government shitheads afraid of facing the wrath of the electorate in the next election, the prospect of actual violence not being an option, now and in the foreseeable future. Another benefit might be to show those who see through the bullshit but are scared to come out that there are others who are not afraid, which might lead to reaching a certain critical mass of people, following which government motherfuckers will shite themselves and give in, which I don’t think will happen.
Considering how this phantasmagorical farce has developed and how willingly the bullshit has been embraced by the masked idiots, I’m skeptical about demonstrations. I’m skeptical about legal action too. Which doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate any and all effort at fighting the CV-1984 scam.t
What I think is that people have to acknowledge that the old normal is not coming back, which is in a way a good think because it was corrupt, driven by mindless consumption, based on fucked up values, and so on. What freedom-loving people need to do is formulate a positive vision for the future as opposed to worrying about this digital dystopian crap. Fuck that, we shouldn’t be even validating it by refuting it. We should just say, take this bullshit and shove it up your ass, Bill and Klaus. That’s not how we see the future, our vision is ….. I understand that it’s kinda difficult since they’ve got the laws and the pigs under control, but that’s just something we have to figure out how to deal with.
You know there are different degrees in hell and if I dare to estimate the “old normal” with all the “corruption” , “mindless consumption” , “”fucked up values and so on” at , let´s say , heat of the 4 th degree (using an imagined 1-10 scale with 10 representing the very centre of Hell) I would compare the current situation with social distancing , masked Zombies , unemployed people en masse , rising rates of suicides , mad cops beating the heck out of people to somewhere between 8 and 9 maybe.
If we DON´T do everything we can to protest this sheer and pure madness , as you suggest , the result will change the top of the imagined scale to uncountable portions.
I don´t care to get any “old normal” back , I want a decent life with my OWN choices of what to do , and not to be decided and restrained by some psychotic parasites that wants to drain the whole mankind of everything that makes life worth living.
Please get up and show some GUTS , please.
“Show some GUTS”
What exactly is that supposed to mean? Guts is not what is called for right now. BRAINS is.
If you want your OWN choices, you might want to think what exactly that is. You didn’t have a whole lot of your OWN choices – at leas most people didn’t – before. Maybe more than now, yes, they’re taking the modern-day slavery to a whole another level, but that doesn’t mean that the old normal was anything to write home about.
You clearly don’t understand what I’m saying. I’m far more revolutionary than to only protest this CV-1984 bullshit. I look beyond the horizon and I encourage everybody to do that too.
The protest will accomplish nothing. Moreover, they’re robbing people of energy they should invest into formulating what they want, rather than what they don’t
you have a brain but no intuition monsieur.
Yes, I’m a complete dimwit, cretin, idiot, and a dumbo on top of it …
you said that not me!!…….no intuition is something else all together!
Tovarish Domoeba, vyser si voko.
The house is on fire , so to say , so there´s no time and reason for refurnishing plans right now. First of all we have to choke the ongoing chaos the psychopaths has entered upon humanity , then , let´s make plans for a more sustainable future.
The major issue right now is to get rid of the establishment that brought us into the current situation , which has been a slow but determined process including the “corruption” , “mindless consumption” and so on. But now they have escalated the pressure to the magnitude that people actually think that there is a virus to fear and thus have to accept the restrictions imposed.
These gangsters in charge are the ones that hi-jacked , or even initiated , all the organisations , media companies and financial institutions that is/was meant to regulate or at least balance the negative outcomes of society.
To be able to turn the ongoing paradigm , you might call it “old” or “new normal” , we have to clean the infrastructure from all the waste that is clogging it , and the waste are the establishment.
The infrastructure is clogged because it was built wrong in the first place or maybe modified over the years, which has rendered it useless. Fucked beyond repair.
Time to leave the city and look for a new abode.
And yes, I agree that if somebody tries to stop you, smash their face in.
Two words – “energy harvesting”
Not if it’s a festive and peaceful vibe that the organizers are urging the ‘protesters’ to do.
Need a false flag or Olympic ceremony for that😎