WATCH: Perspectives on the Pandemic #14

Knut Wittkowski has a dire warning for the world: lockdowns only breed new variants of the virus. Will anyone hear him long enough to weigh the argument?

In this episode, we check back in with an epidemiologist who got millions of views on this channel before he was summarily canceled. Now Knut Wittkowski has a dire warning for the world: lockdowns only breed new variants of the virus. Will anyone hear him long enough to weigh the argument, or will open inquiry, the foundation of all scientific endeavor, continue to be suppressed to our peril?

The Interviewer: John Kirby is the director of FOUR DIED TRYING, a feature documentary and series on the major assassinations of the 1960’s and their calamitous impact on the country. To join the struggle for justice for Dr. King, Malcolm X, and John and Robert Kennedy.

The Interviewee: Professor Knut Wittkowski was head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design for 20 years.

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Apr 28, 2021 9:27 AM
Apr 28, 2021 9:15 AM

American producer explains making of Bowie’s Berlin hit.
Btw., it must be admitted that Germans invented “heroin”.

Apr 28, 2021 1:36 AM

Part Two

Apr 27, 2021 6:25 PM

When “Annalena Baerbock” is elected the new chan-
cellor in a few months’ time, Putin will think: “Now the
Germans want to take completely the piss out of us!”

Apr 27, 2021 9:37 AM

The only conclusion is that the intent of the “authorities” is to magnify, not diminish, the number of deaths resulting from the infection. This, to me, seems to be Dami,… er… Bill Gates fundamental goal.

Apr 27, 2021 8:06 PM
Reply to  Cascadian

The information fraud is the mass testing of whole populations, using the interpretation of the test which delivers up to 97% false positives to define infections which are mostly harmless and defeated by the natural immune system, and describing the infections as ‘cases’. There can be no interpretation other than the deliberate waste of money to frighten the population.

Even the inflated death statistics, available on any of the government covid ‘dashboards’ in the world reveal death rates from 1/20th to 1/100th of one percent, with anyone of working-age or school-age at minimal risk.
But people cannot be bothered to grab a calculator and spend a few minutes to educate themselves. They prefer to turn on the TV and other alarmist media and listen to and believe ‘top doctors’, technocrat-bureaucrats, and ignorant politicians wishing to portray themselves as fighting the virus and ‘protecting’ the public whilst destroying the productive capacity of their nations.

Patricia P Tursi, PhD.
Patricia P Tursi, PhD.
Apr 26, 2021 5:46 PM

Dr Wittowski, suspects that Dr Fauci does not understand herd immunity when Fauci protests “do we really want that many people infected to have that herd immunity?” I have followed Fauci since the 1990;s when he stopped Dr Peter Duesberg’s career, as he stopped Dr Mikovits and others. Fauci appears to be not interested in herd immunity because he is invested probably monetarily and definitely ego and globally invested in his agenda with vaccines for the delivery of “operating systems”. He also sent millions to the Wuhan Lab during a moratorium on Gain of Function Research to further this virus. Dr Wittkowski also appears to explain the delayed deaths of the lab ferrets and cats after they encountered the virus(?) in situ. Vaccine designer Geert Vanden Bossche, and others, forewarn of the numbers of future deaths of vaccinated persons when they meet up with new strains and their cells are programed from injections to produce the synthetic protein which their immune systems then mount overwhelming defenses against. Diabolical or ignorant? Either way, it’s culpable.

Apr 26, 2021 5:54 PM

Thank you for your excellent comment here.

David Robinson
David Robinson
Apr 26, 2021 3:58 PM

More Project Fear from The Guardian…the article doesn’t mention that the population of the Philippines is 108,100,000. 16, 853 ‘deaths’ is 0.015% as a percentage of population. I still can’t believe that so many people here in the UK are taken in.

“Philippines exceeds one million Covid casesThe Philippines announced on Monday that the total number of coronavirus cases it had recorded had exceeded 1 million as it continued to record thousands of new infections in the capital region, the epicentre of its latest outbreak.
The health ministry said it recorded 8,929 Covid-19 cases on Monday, bringing the total to more than 1 million, while fatalities increased to 16,853 after it recorded 70 new deaths.
Reuters note the Philippines has the second highest number of cases and casualties in south-east Asia, next to Indonesia”.

Apr 26, 2021 3:27 PM

They used to say that the flu virus which a crowd carries with it into the stadium will not be the same virus that the crowd carries out of the stadium. It is in the nature of flu viruses to mutate rapidly so our main protection is herd immunity and general good health.

WHO annual vaccine shots (a different one each year) are like Sonny Liston versus Cassius Clay: “Stop dancing so I can land my KO punch!”

dr death
dr death
Apr 26, 2021 11:42 AM

how does a virus that ‘is’ of yet ‘unproven’ providence mutate into anything at all ?….

I know .. ask an ‘ex’ rockefellar man…

more dissimulation from the state embeds and talking heads…

it is most certainly beginning to look like their are more operations being run out of langley than there are ‘variants’..

Apr 26, 2021 10:52 AM

Meanwhile, there is discussion about the original fidelity of the German Netflix series “Barbarians.” But that should not be a topic here. For entertainment reasons and because it brings together several contemporary issues (world food, slavery, colonialism, etc.):

Today I looked up where the strange name Topinambour (“Jerusalem artichoke”) comes from, for a type of plant that originated in North America. It is the most nutritious vegetable of all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_artichoke#Etymology

The name is derived from an indigenous South American people called Tupinambá, after whom the French named the vegetable because in the 16th century exotic names were easier to market than the original name “Canadian potato”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupinamb%C3%A1_people

Apr 26, 2021 10:52 AM
Reply to  Walter

I was also unaware of Hans Staden, who carried to Europe the observation that the Tupinambá were cannibals who ate their enemies after capture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Staden#Cannibalism

Here is a Brazilian film about his experiences among the “barbarians” from 1999 with English subtitles. (What might the Bayer ad at the beginning of the film mean, was it sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry?)

Apr 27, 2021 9:26 AM
Reply to  Walter

Fear-driven (future punishment by “hell”) monotheistic religions are ultimately based on the same “magical” rituals and superstitious principles as voodoo, they just have different names and disguise this fact “more sophisticatedly”. Their “believers” remain immature conformist manipulable children.

Clive Dobson
Clive Dobson
Apr 26, 2021 6:54 AM

Viruses are helping us evolve, we shouldn’t manipulate them.

It doesn’t cost anything, they just send you the link to avoid censorship.

Watch after subscribing


Apr 26, 2021 2:45 AM

I just blogged this – a man in an NHS hospital in England being refused treatment (a CT scan to check out a lump on his chest) because he refused to enter the pantomime of having a PCR test for the ‘virus’. Pray you don’t get ill if you live in England – first step, test, next step jab before they’ll treat you. Seems ‘our’ medical staff know beggar all about PCR tests and their proper uses – and their total inappropriateness in testing for viruses: https://covidtruefacts.blogspot.com/2021/04/the-woefully-ignorant-and-uncaring-nhs.html

Apr 26, 2021 1:53 AM

After this “non-binary, gender-fluid, non-passing, non-
dysphoric, gay, sometimes-transman” spoke to a “Ho-
locaust survivor,” he/she/it is certain that Covid is the
“extension of Nazi regime”. Who can help her/him/it?

Apr 26, 2021 7:19 PM
Reply to  Walter

Identifying from association with or disassociation from is a self assertive presentation. We are free to give in the measure of our acceptance but unless we accept that which identifies us perfectly, we accept limited and conflicted ‘identities’ that inherently interact with the perceived and asserted identities of others. The idea of making ourself in our own image is not a new one, but is the freedom of engaging self-illusion. If we give priority to invested illusion over true relationship, we recognise neither others or self. Nor the Life that is always already the Gift of awareness of existence as shared or relational being. Part of what occurs from judgements is a shadow of denied self set against the chosen or lighted focus of attention. It is the nature for denials to seek light of acceptance, and so we attract what we deny into our lives, but often as externalised aspects of others and world that we do not WANT to recognise within ourself. We also deny the love that is the nature and spontaneity of wholeness in relational expression and alignment, and this also seeks our acceptance, and yet both denied love and denied fears are seen as threat and consequently not seen at all, but judged against, walled out, masked over and distanced. Alienated or fragmented minds have lost Contextual Groundedness, such as to be driven to seek to recreate Life as the justification for the persistence of a ‘self-separateness’ or segregative withholding and withdrawal for love and life – except its terms and conditions are met. The desire for truth may seek outside itself until the futility of such a self-denying act becomes obvious. Releasing identity conflict allows who we are to be resumed in awareness. Truth shows you that you are free. There is no making… Read more »

Apr 27, 2021 9:34 AM
Reply to  Binra

The “basic message” seems deeply buried in the com-
plexity of the remarks, yet a thumbs up for diligence.

Apr 27, 2021 12:44 PM
Reply to  Walter

Invested identity operates AS IF autonomous.
Pathogens assigned ‘autonomy’.

Attempts to communicate in its terms accommodate to complex defences.
But the offer and invitation are there.
What we share, we strengthen.
What we appreciate appreciates.

To a deeply buried identity, truth is incomprehensible – no matter what forms it takes. That is the point OF the identity in Cover Story. (Masked agenda).
Those who no longer WANT what it offers learn to hear with new ears instead of ‘translating’ into cosseted ideas running on old fears.

Thanks for the touch.
Thumbs up for a civil response.

Apr 28, 2021 1:41 AM
Reply to  Binra

Thank you. Your thinking seems maverick, but offers new im-
pulses precisely because of the unexpected train of thought.

les online
les online
Apr 26, 2021 1:18 AM

during the 37 minutes i sat watching this video i was badgered by the thought “has Lockdown Skeptics taken over this site ? is this Lockdown Skeptics #2 site ?”

it impresses that it should’ve been titled “The Germ Theory Fights Back Against the Encroachments of Terrain theory. Salvo 1…”

if you accept any of the germ theory premises, you’re fighting on THEIR terrain…

Apr 26, 2021 6:57 PM
Reply to  les online

Narrative filters operate mostly without consciousness. And so those whose identity experience is through such filters HAS to either interpret everything to their model, ignore it, or question their model/image/ self. While there’s a war going on, there is no time to pause and quaestion and no sense of being able to afford truth that reveals a weakness that can lose support or be attacked. Truth remains quietly ignored. That any invested identity is brought to question will of course be seen as threat and meet attack, denial, ridicule etc. The thing is not to be seen to be right, but to become aligned with truth in a way that can find common elements that are supportive of the conditions in which conscious communication can occur. So Knut and others in the virological narrative, will still be seeking to unmask or counter weaponised lies, which are of a different order in terms of destructive intent. You can and do experience the world as US v Them, but even so, how would ‘They’ manipulate and deceive if not through our ignorances? So is there a practical sense in which we are at war with ourselves because we do not WANT to question our own fear or grievance-backed judgements? Germ theory seems to make more sense to our psychic entanglements than cellular symbiosis. But even here can a mind split off and become psychopathic or is that an expression within the Terrain? Resonance as the underlying patterning of domains offers a way to move on from impact theology that predicates a self and world of power struggle set under death. I’m not aligned with germ theory/pathogenic causation and contagion, but I am resonant with Life as Communication and that includes memory, and so the disintegration of cells for recycle, or elimination may… Read more »

Clive Dobson
Clive Dobson
Apr 25, 2021 10:11 PM

Is the antibody evidence of the body accepting the viral update, or is it an immune response to ‘kill’ a virus, which actually cannot be killed?

Is a virus evolutionary updates or is it try to kill.

As far as I know it is evolution.

Discuss, student and teacher learning together.

Apr 25, 2021 9:56 PM

(Since Mr. Wittkowski is a German, a little OT.)

American professor says what the Allies made
of Germany has little to do with its former face.

Apr 26, 2021 2:28 AM
Reply to  Walter

What any reasonably sane person should be asking is; why are the Americans still occupying Germany (and Japan) more than 75 years AFTER hostilities ceased? The question should be rhetorical for most …
Moreover, Whomever is still at the helm of criminal entities such as Operation GLADIO, the CIA, MI5/6, NATO, et al. should be imprisoned for the millions of innocents murdered for the sake of petulant GREED.

Apr 26, 2021 3:23 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

That’s today’s framing, one has to think in
a certain way. Questions are unwelcome,
Orwell sends his regards from his grave.
Unreal everything trailerpark clownworld.

Deplorable D
Deplorable D
Apr 26, 2021 6:01 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

Because the American Military is like herpes… Once it infects a country you cannot get rid of it.

Apr 28, 2021 3:20 AM
Reply to  Deplorable D

This “extremely malicious” description
of McDonaldization deserves an upvote.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 25, 2021 7:42 PM

Soon there will be watermelon juice. Nice refreshing summer drink that. Good for detox aswell.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 25, 2021 8:35 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

The cherries will be ready sooner. They are good for the gut.

Tim Fallon
Tim Fallon
Apr 25, 2021 3:43 PM

Pharma wants maximum profit.
For maximum profit they need illness, not only that they need illness that people are terrified of in order to get them to take pharma’s products.
What appears to have happened is that the seasonal flu (which mysteriously disappeared last year) has been rebranded as the super scary covid19 that it turns out has about the same mortality as the seasonal flu.
Now thanks to the terror camaign hundreds of millions if not billions of people will now take the covid19 vaccine along with the future booster shots for all the varints they will make up.
Combine this with the vaccine ID/passport and pharma will have the global population by the balls.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 25, 2021 6:13 PM
Reply to  Tim Fallon

No its not the same mortality as the flu. Flu and pneumonia data are lumped together but alleged flu deaths on their own are very few. The controlled opposition attempt to promote this idea so that covid appears plausible. What the flu and pneumonia figures are is the totality of alleged viral and bacterial pneumonias together with atypical pneumonia, not a single virus. A corona virus is historically considered much milder than a flu. What medical doctors would say is that is just a cold where as the flu can actually kill people and thus you should get vaccinated. These are simply not flu deaths. People still got detox symptoms but medical doctors stopped diagnosing them as flu. What the actual covid deaths are is a multitude of things varying in different hospitals and countries and periods of time.

Apr 26, 2021 5:45 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

flu can actually kill people and thus you should get vaccinated
Though you are quoting, you left unsaid that we have no info on the effectiveness of that jab, and anecdotes suggest it is useless if not dangerous.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Apr 26, 2021 5:20 PM
Reply to  mgeo

`Flu shots have a poor safety record.

Apr 26, 2021 1:46 AM
Reply to  Tim Fallon

Oooohh! sounds ‘painful’ 😉
That would dis 51% of the population, which I’m sure is not intentional – so perhaps Big-pharma and their lapdog politicians would have ‘us’ by the short-‘n-curlies … eh.

Bored now
Bored now
Apr 25, 2021 3:13 PM

So, this guy ‘trusts the official data’, he believes almost all of the official Covid narrative and his only objection to the global totalitarian, digital panopticon hellscape that we are living in is that he thinks lockdown should’ve been for ‘maybe just 3 weeks… I call controlled opposition on a his guy. My bull shit detector is going off the scale.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Apr 25, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  Bored now

Despite the dodgy Rockefeller connection he seem very genuine to me. He is pushing nothing, except going back to the old normal with a bit of extra coddling for the very old and other vulnerable persons. This protocol was the WHO standard advice up to the Covid-19 fiasco. Not much profit in that for Bill Gates and his Big Pharma mates from what Wittkowski is advocating.

Wittkowski doesn’t say he trusts the official data, but he uses it to destroy the case for lockdowns, masks and the shutting down of businesses. Using the official data leaves him far less open to criticism from the gatekeepers of the official narrative. I have to wonder whether you are one of them.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 25, 2021 6:42 PM

What do you mean by the official narrative? These are uneducated cowboys who have been participating in a holocaust. They are not official in any sense of the word. They are a criminal terrorist organisation spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories that nature is out to get us. That is the official narrative I can assure you.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Apr 26, 2021 5:23 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Do you really not know, that the phrase official narrative is usually used in a derisory fashion. For god’s sake get up to speed or more likely stop taking the piss.

Bored now
Bored now
Apr 25, 2021 7:00 PM

You think I’m a ‘gatekeeper of the official narrative’? Errr ok. I’m not even sure what I’m being accused of there. Would you care to clarify your accusation?
If you watch the video again you’ll see that when asked about the official data he says he does accept it. Those are his actual words. He doesn’t do any ‘destroying’ of anything, I think you imagined that. You seem to have an active imagination. At this stage of the hoax anyone who accepts the official data is either not paying attention or is deliberately misleading the debate.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Apr 26, 2021 5:29 PM
Reply to  Bored now

I strongly suspect that you are also Peter Sky.

Bored now
Bored now
Apr 27, 2021 9:14 AM

You certainly like to throw around unfounded accusations don’t you? No, I’m not Peter Sky and I’m not a ‘gatekeeper of the official narrative’. Please stop with the ad hominem attacks and engage in my arguments. Or just stop. Thanks.

Apr 25, 2021 12:28 PM

Another interesting video you might want to catch before it disappears – the Gates funded Wuhan lab and connections to Fauci also documenting possible origins of SARS-COV-2.

An interesting view but don’t expect it will be up long.

Apr 25, 2021 4:17 PM
Reply to  Seansaighdeor

hmmm …. a manufactured spike protein …. where have I heard about that in other contexts lately?

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 25, 2021 10:32 AM

I’ve never heard or seen this guy before, but he appears to know what he is talking about. We surely got too smart for our own good. The whole approach of the ‘experts’ – namely heads down charge, more of the same – more lockdowns more vaccinations.

It reminds me of WW1 during the battles of the Somme (1916) and Passchendaele (1917). Creeping barrages, British Infantry going over the top and being mown down by German machine guns, not once but twice, three times etc. by a general staff who palpably didn’t know what they were doing or what age they were living in. Even the Germans were surprised. Ludendorff German C-In-C on the western front commented that ‘The British soldiers fight like lions, but his adjutant remarked: ‘Yes, but don’t we know they are Lions led by Donkeys.’

At the present time the PTB-MSM are the donkeys who are leading us. The same unchanging over-the-top tactics with the same failed results.

As Orwell noted ”For long time past there had been in England an entirely functionless class, living on money that was invested they hardly knew where – the ‘idle rich’ – The existence of these people – the people whose photographs you can look at in the Tatler
and the Bystander always supposing that you want to. The existence of these people was by any standard unjustifiable. They were simply parasites, as about useful to society as fleas to a dog … But they had to feel themselves to be true patriots even while the plundered their countrymen. Clearly there was only one escape from them – into stupidity.

(The Lion and the Unicorn – 1941)

Stupidity, abject, unforgivable stupidity of the Western PTB/MSM.

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Apr 25, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Salute to this comment !

Apr 25, 2021 12:51 PM

Kenneth means Donald’s comment.

Apr 25, 2021 11:32 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

“a general staff who palpably didn’t know what they were doing or what age they were living in.”

Perhaps they knew very well what they were doing – but it wasn’t what we were led to believe. Haig belonged to a certain secret society – as did Kitchener. Lloyd George was vulnerable to blackmail on multiple grounds and was in all probability a puppet.

Population reduction, blood sacrifice, immediate destruction of monarchical empires, part one of the delayed demolition of Germany…. They knew what they were doing.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 26, 2021 5:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Sadly, I have to agree. How otherwise could the few have managed to be on top controlling the many for so long? Those who pull the strings and set the general direction of events know exactly what they are doing and are very far from being psychopaths, and they don’t have to be necessarily rich, I’m afaid; their lower ranks (intellectually), the CEOs of corporations, the financiers, the politicians, those who are sent out front and so on are the ones we refer to as psychopaths, for they never hesitate to jump on every opportunity to make money, or get status, whatever the human costs; but they have first to get the nod from above. Those who set the agenda have this in common that they don’t trust the human being who, they are convinced, is governed by passions, not by reason; and they don’t hide this belief and I wager they wouldn’t be unwilling to discuss the matter with anyone. Their motives are not pecuniary but ideological. This system we are living under, the capitalist mode of production with its corollary of the wage and hence monetary system, is set precisely for the purpose of shakling our humanity, our instincts, which they distrust so much; but this system has an internal contradiction that generates crises with an increasing frequency and depth, and it is paramount for those who pull the strings, that the system be saved or reinvented at all cost to preserve the “social order”, as they call it. This contradiction, namely, the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to decline, already pointed out by Adam Smith and Ricardo, before Marx proved that it was a law within this mode of production (see Andrew Kliman’s “The Failure of Capitalist Production: Underlying Causes of the Great… Read more »

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Apr 26, 2021 11:26 PM

From Kliman’s book:

“Because many liberal and leftist commentators chose to discuss the interventions [2008 bailouts] in distributional terms— who is the government rescuing, rich investors and lenders, or laid-off workers and average homeowners facing foreclosure?— let me stress that I mean “save the capitalist system” in the literal sense. The purpose of these interventions was not to make the rich richer, or even to protect their wealth, but to save the system AS SUCH. [emphasis in original text].

“Government officials have not hidden the fact that this has been their aim. In testimony before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke (2010) stated:

‘Governments provide support to too-big-to-fail firms in a crisis not out of favoritism or particular concern for the management, owners, or creditors of the firm, but because they recognize that the consequences for the broader economy of allowing a disorderly failure greatly outweigh the costs of avoiding the failure in some way.’

Apr 25, 2021 12:48 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Not Lions Led by Donkeys but Chickens Led by Foxes.

Apr 25, 2021 1:13 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I don’t think stupidity has anything to do with it whatsoever. This is a carefully, and long planned brutal, vicious attack on decent people’s most basic human rights – to move freely, to speak freely. It is an attack on their health, their self sufficiency, their right to contribute to society as that very society is dismantled around them. It is a direct attack on their physical, emotional, and spiritual lives – an attack on humanity itself.

Both world wars were created and prolonged deliberately. It had nothing to do with stupidity then, as it has nothing to do with stupidity now. Diabolical cunning is always what drives these horrendous slaughters, that always walks in hand with the diabolical cruelty that always resides where power resides.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Apr 25, 2021 5:39 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Excellent post. It’s very hard not to agree, that stupidity is rife in the handling of many aspects of the “pandemic”. However, I strongly tend to the view, that at the very highest levels, stupidity has been replaced by the utterly diabolical nature of those people who have dreamt up and are now driving the long planned Covid event.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Apr 25, 2021 9:29 AM

“We are essentialy losing because the propaganda campaign has been perfect!”

Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Canadian lawyer Michael Swinwood, April 23rd

Apr 25, 2021 12:56 PM

The saddest thing I have read in years: “the propaganda campaign has been perfect!”

Reminds me of the triumph of Josef Goebbels that led 4 million Germans to their death.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Apr 25, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  NickM

Four million Germans and tens of millions more besides, but still very small beer compared to what the Corona plotters have in mind.

Apr 26, 2021 4:01 AM
Reply to  NickM

Nothing hatched by such crippled minds could be ‘perfect’.
Come on, people, we can do better than listen to the gibberings of the certifiably psychopathic.
They are not even ‘intelligent’.

Phily Drew
Phily Drew
Apr 25, 2021 9:28 AM

The reason we have a growing tyranny, is not because the devil has been set loose on the earth, or because bill gates wants to drink children’s blood or murder us all.
It is because our wealthy elites are buying into the USA’s neo-liberal franchise roll-out. As the elites of Venezuela have done, and joined forces with the US to fleece their own people, their own resources, and suppress them in order to get a few crumbs off the USA’s Imperial table.
As the wave of asset strippers, and looters sweep across the planet, militarized police and surveillance laws follow.

Apr 25, 2021 1:43 PM
Reply to  Phily Drew

And what makes them want to that? The forces of evil?? The two are not mutually exclusive.

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Apr 25, 2021 9:23 AM

I am not impressed. This gentleman believes the fictitious virus exists and none of us has evidence that it does. Variants ? Of what ? Discussing the efficacy of a vaccine against a ghost virus is pointless. I’m glad he mentions the safety of the poison in passing, but the stuff even by dodgy official figures is lethal. The long term effects are unknown but likely to be deadly. We are being marched in lockstep towards extinction. It would have been far more relevant to have shown the Yeadon and Bhakdi interviews instead.

John Alexander
John Alexander
Apr 25, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

Exactly. A spook called SARS, as yet not seen or identified or characterised except in a computer. So then it must real.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Apr 25, 2021 10:28 PM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

Yes, the virus very likely doesn’t exist, but Wittkowksi, ostensibly as a Covid believer and using the “official” stats does a very effective demolition job of the the lockdowns, masks and vaccine approach to dealing with Covid, whatever it really is. Wittkowski is also advocating for an immediate return to something very like the old normal, all of this seems very reasonable to me.

It is Wittkowski’s acceptance of most of the official narrative that makes him more dangerous, to those behind the Covid conspiracy, than someone who starts off by saying, that the virus doesn’t exist (very likely) and that the official figures are a work of fiction (they are). Wittkowski appears to be a very brave man and he likely needs to watch his back.

Apr 26, 2021 3:38 AM

Yes it all SEEMS rather reasonable doesn’t it, but what are the consequences of the Lies woven in amongst all of the “reasonable” objections to whats been going on for the past year ? In 3 months time when people start dropping dead because of the second shot, what is he going to be saying then to all those suckered in by what he is saying now ? See I told you politicians this would happen (his viral breakout theory, of course its not the contents of the experimental Jabs fault) and what is going to be his solution ? take the new experimental vaccine of course! Which will probably simply be the old experimental RNA altering therapy, repackaged for the non believers !
His job is to slowly turn you into a believer, but he wouldn’t get to square one if at least some of what he said wasn’t “Reasonable” would he !

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Apr 26, 2021 9:48 PM
Reply to  CryptoKazar

His job is to slowly turn you into a believer, but he wouldn’t get to square one if at least some of what he said wasn’t “Reasonable” would he !

If that’s really his job, then he has failed miserably.

Apr 27, 2021 1:51 AM

I did say “Slowly” turn you into a believer, if you believe his claim that the statistics are real, or that theres going to be a super strain of a virus which didn’t exist to begin with, because they “flattened the curve” for too long, and this “vaccine” which isn’t a vaccine, is a great way to speed up “herd immunity” and that politicians don’t know what they’re doing is criminal, then he’s halfway there ! Now Im presuming you don’t believe any of that, but it came out of his mouth didn’t it, you can surely see what they are trying to achieve with this mans routine?

Apr 26, 2021 3:20 AM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

Precisely The establishment don’t care what we believe as long as we believe the central narrative, thats the whole point of the left right paradigm and the use of division as a control mechanism, they want people to disagree as long as we believe the thing we are fighting over. They don’t care if you are left wing or right wing as long as we believe in their definition of democracy, and fight each other to give them more power ! they don’t care if we believe lockdowns are necessary as long as we believe there is a deadly virus that we need a vaccine for ! I think Knut has been parachuted in, because too many people know that the virus doesn’t even exist at all, they know at the very least it doesn’t qualify as a real pandemic, and that is a serious problem for the establishments plan. So Knut has a very simple message delivered by the means of conformation bias to the non believers, and it goes something like this, OK you don’t believe the virus is a serious issue OK you were right, but now the evil governments (confirmation bias) have created the conditions to make the virus real, so now you’re a believer right ? Now we need lockdowns, Now we need a vaccine so shut up and join the reluctant believers club and get your jab. No mention of the fact the original “virus” still hasn’t been isolated, How can you have a “mutant strain” of a virus which never existed in the first place, or any explanation of how wearing completely ineffective masks for 6 months,(but only some of the time) foster a super variant strain, capable of destroying humanity ? And you’d have to be a moron to believe the “Deaths… Read more »

Apr 25, 2021 9:48 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

Celebrity “deaths” are as much an op as the vaccine itself. That should have been clear after Bowie appeared on Sky News commenting on his own “death” (“it was as if part of me had died…”) if it hadn’t been before.

What are the odds this happened in reality? If the odds are astronomical, chances are it didn’t.

David Robinson
David Robinson
Apr 25, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Hmm, yer what? You mean it’s more than likely that he didn’t have the vaccine or die? Tell me, does everyone on this webiste think that nothing is true?

I find that alot of people talk in riddles on this site – you’re now added to the list!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 25, 2021 9:07 AM

https://www.aier.org/article/the-failure-of-imperial-college-modeling-is-far-worse-than-we-knew/ In Australia the CHO used the Ferguson model as if it was god, they ”’predicted” up to 150,000 deaths and locked down. A mere 4 people under 50 ”died” since January last year and 693 people over 85

Apr 25, 2021 4:31 PM

Here is a link, Marilyn. Australia’s “paper of record”. Wonder if their apology will ever make the records? Or were they in on the scam from the beginning?


They were out by a factor of 50 to 150 so far.

And by the way, how many people have died of “covid” in India so far per 10,000 inhabitants?

1.3 is the answer.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Apr 26, 2021 12:58 AM
Reply to  Torrens

Here’s a quote from Hartcher of the SMH, made 4 Feb 2020 when the political class, especially Our Leader, didnt take the looming pandemic seriously:..

.’This virus – any virus – cannot in itself harm the Australian economy or Australia’s social fabric. In an average year, some 3500 people die of the seasonal flu in Australia, according to the Influenza Specialist Group. Yet the economy sails on every time… ‘

Notice that ‘cannot in itself harm the economy’…It needed government policy to do that…

Apr 25, 2021 7:55 AM

“Shedding” and ethics with… Dr Tenpenny And Dr. Lee Merritt – April 17, 2021- The Medical Industry Has Now Been Weaponized Merritt: Very few doctors are independent now. The hospitals bought out the practices. Fauci is key to this. He is the deep state’s biggest asset, channeling Rockefeller money through Gates into gain-of-function research… and all the university hospitals answer to the NIH. He has a Rolodex and a long arm. He can switch off their funding like a switch. At the beginning you could give the doctors a pass for not knowing Ivermectin and HCQ but if they are still ignoring these treatments now there is no excuse. After Squalene caused side effects in troops with PTSD, the CDC was forced to withdraw it. Then it was renamed MF59 and put back in the flu vax… the people who run big pharma are psychopaths. As RFK Jr says we are trusting people who are known criminal felons. Dr Karl Brandt oversaw the experimentation without informed consent and with coercion. He was hanged at Nuremberg. We draw the wrong lessons: by painting them as monsters we say, “we can never be monsters like them.” But he and his colleagues were once idealistic medical students. They were everyday guys like us. They rode the bus and they did not get off in time and they rode it over the cliff. We have a whole society doing what the Nazi doctors did. Right now it’s time to get off the bus. Either you will speak to your patients or to these psychopaths that run the pharma industry. If I (Tenpenny) can find 24 mechanisms of injury, how much more have these people known about with their funding, access to the smartest minds and their libraries? The shot is a well-designed killing machine.… Read more »

Apr 25, 2021 9:20 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

‘Duty of Care’ or personal liability for your actions in your job seems to have escaped the executives and directors of the pharma cos. Why are all the massive fines fines just the cost of doing business? How do they get away with it personally? Something to read here.

A corporation may treat both criminal and civil penalties as simply business expenses, to be weighed against the revenues earned from illegal behaviour. But human beings can be put in jail, and that is a whole other matter. Conceivably, convicting corporate executives of criminal behaviour and sentencing them to terms of imprisonment might be a more effective deterrent to the “repeat offender” behaviour demonstrated by Pfizer”

Apr 26, 2021 6:13 AM
Reply to  martin

When was the last time any major executive was sentenced as personally responsible? The judiciary is the easiest brach of government to subvert.

Apr 25, 2021 5:12 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Polly picked up on the same portion of the interview. She has previously done a great job showing how intelligence asset Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine’s daddy) became the biggest scientific publisher after WW2 with the help of military intelligence.

There is nothing accidental in dumbing down and buying up of medical journals. It is part of the economic drive of petrochemical pharmaceuticals (Rockefeller took over the medical schools and the pharma industry) but it’s also meets the goals of Platonic governance.

Military intelligence is a servant of the Rockefellers but also part of the Fabian/Tavistock/MK-Ultra utopian dream of a Huxleyite controlled population.

Polly: Medical Journals Corrupt To The Core

Apr 25, 2021 5:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“We draw the wrong lessons: by painting them as monsters we say, “we can
never be monsters like them.” But he and his colleagues were once
idealistic medical students. They were everyday guys like us.”

I am currently reading “They Thought They Were Free” by Milton Mayer and this is the very premise of his book: ten Nazi men he got to know and interviewed were indeed everyday guys like us.

Apr 25, 2021 7:46 AM

‘ lockdowns only breed new variants of the virus.’

I more and more come to the conclusion that all respiratory viruses are a constellation of immune system responses in order for the individual to re-adapt to the weather and the staying indoors. In the elderly it is probably a symptom of multi-organ failure.

I have not fully come to that conclusion, because I went to (med)school and am still unlearning quite a number of things that I once held as true.

Apr 25, 2021 7:56 AM
Reply to  Willem

It’s funny that my old medicine books that detail virology, immunology and microbiology are filled with cartoons of viruses, bacteria and cytokines. Hardly any picture of the real thing and if such a picture is included it is usually vague and could be anything like… watching the Apollo moon landings.

I once thought that I should become a virologist or immunologist. It seemed like the next giant leap in medicine. It would cure all viral diseases through vaccination and all inflammatory diseases through anti-inflammatories. Something that wasn’t there yet, but would be there soon. Like science fiction.

Now I come to the conclusion that these research areas more look like fiction than science. They certainly didn’t bring the promises that were detailed in my >20 year old books. Which is, with covid in hindsight, no surprise

Apr 25, 2021 8:00 AM
Reply to  Willem

This is what such books looked like (hope
this copies)

All cartoon!

comment image

Apr 25, 2021 1:21 PM
Reply to  Willem

Willem, you are a GP, but you are in the virology is a fraud group?

Apr 25, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Corarden

That isn’t a rhetorical question, it is a real question. A year ago, I had never thought about it. Now, having seen this insane asylum formerly known as the world created around me, and thanks to several commenters, most notably Researcher, I have taken her, and your position.

Apr 25, 2021 5:28 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Well, it has been a year of unlearning for me about many things in medicine that I once thought were true. It’s quite a journey and interesting in a way, as it probably also is for others who come here to learn. I learned more here about epidemiology, virology and immunology in 1 year than I did during 4 years of Ned school. But I am cautious. What I have (naively) learned about virology in med school, now seems to me more and more to be a simple story. But I don’t want to replace one story for another. Is why I am cautious about saying that viruses are exosomes etc. But saying that makes actually a lot of sense.

The total shocker for me: that you cannot diagnose a virus with PCR. That, I would have considered as heresy pre-Covid. 1 year post covid, I am an heretic on that issue. Quite a ride…

Apr 26, 2021 6:38 AM
Reply to  Willem

Besides the pathogen and validity of the test, other primary questions that must come first:
:- What exactly is the nature of the illness? Why do the symptoms differ by country and keep increasing?
:- In what way does this differ from known illnesses/syndromes/complications? Why no test for flu?
:- Why is clinical diagnosis dispensed with?
:- Why no confirmation by antibody test? Why no saliva/blood test?
:- Why no excess deaths, except with extended curfews and pervasive jabs?
:- Why censor/villify treatments/precautions that (a) are preventive, therapeutic or convalescent (b) are cheap and effective (c) invalidate the draconian restrictions

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 26, 2021 7:22 PM
Reply to  Willem

My understanding from listening to Michael Yeadon and Denis Rancourt is that any variant is only like 2% different from the original virus. According to them a healthy immune system (especially one that is already immune – like most people – or that has already had an immune response) is more than capable of mounting an effective immune response to something so similar. Their view was that all this attention on variants is simply more fear porn propaganda. And we always need to remind ourselves that this disease (if it exists at all) has an Infection Fatality Ratio in the range of seasonal flu (0.15% according Dr. Ioannidis in March 2021).

Apr 25, 2021 9:09 AM
Reply to  Willem

Willem do they ever look for influenza or corona virus by blood test? Can such a thing be found in the blood? Or do they look for antibodies or other signs that something may have happened?

I am curious after one of the other guys claimed that neither influenza or corona actually invades across the barriers in the lungs…

Apr 25, 2021 9:28 AM
Reply to  Edith

They look for it by gouging out bits of your nasal passage and mouth.

Apr 25, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Willem

Hello Willem. I always look forward to your contributions. Last year I read J.B. Handley’s blog post titled “Lockdown Lunacy 3.0: It’s Over” (which I quote below) and in it he referenced a fascinating research paper. The very thing described therein happened to me during last spring’s lockdown. I’m in Texas and live in a rural area, and as we were well stocked, had no need to leave. About 6 weeks in, I came down with a sudden and prolonged nagging, dry cough (for at least 6 weeks) and a dramatic increase of a pre-existing symptom I’ve lived with for years relating to my heart beat rhythm. No fever, no malaise, nothing else. My theory is that the previous winter my immunity was in tip-top shape when I was exposed to whatever virus but that the stress of the lockdown/world events combined with a diet lacking in fresh produce brought it to the forefront. Anyway, perhaps you’ll find the following interesting:

“This is a published study[*] from 1973, and the title kind of gives it away, but basically six of seventeen men wintering at a base in Antarctica got sick with a cold (coronavirus) ‘after 17 weeks of complete isolation.’ If you weren’t sure if a virus is going to do what it’s going to do, I hope this gives you pause. (Are you listening, New Zealand?) Part of their conclusion is quite the omen for today’s craziness: ‘The occurrence of a common cold during isolation, when the chances of introduction of new infection from the outside are virtually nil, implies that in some way virus persisted, either in the environment or in the men.’ Look out.”

*T.R. Allen, An outbreak of common colds at an Antarctic base after seventeen weeks of complete isolation


Apr 25, 2021 6:41 PM
Reply to  rob2

Thanks for sharing your personal experience. Yes, that’s such a fascinating article! I read it and shared it as widely as I could, but no one seemed to find it as interesting as I did! I wonder if there’s been any other documented instances…

As a follower of TCM (Trad Chinese Med), they have a completely different take on what constitutes “a cold”- one that is, in my opinion, much closer to the mark than the western approach.

Apr 25, 2021 7:06 PM
Reply to  Esmeralda

And thank you, Esmeralda! Sans my personal experience (which I kept to myself until here today), I posted the link to the research paper last summer at Corbett Report and also got no feedback, but it’s very likely that it just got drowned out by the tons of other news and links posted. I was wowed by it.

I find Handley to be a sound voice in the wilderness. Odd, but he scrubbed many if not all of last year’s excellent posts from his blog, but thankfully I found them archived at Wayback Machine (which prompts me to again nag: always archive things you find worthy! As Corbett often warns, the Library of Alexandria *is* burning!).

Apr 25, 2021 7:35 AM

Protect the vulnerable? Surely not by masks, social distancing, hand disinfection, lockdowns and other bs measures. They’re all counterproductive and bad for your health.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Apr 25, 2021 6:40 AM

I will confess that I have not watched the video (I saw the Intro, but I simply could not handle any further exposure to the Doctor’s dramatic manner of expression.)

But I gather from the blurb above that Knut Wittkowski believes that lockdowns only breed new variants — supposedly dangerous ones — of the virus. So he is preaching the Virus Variant of Doom Gospel? I was just watching an interview with Mike Yeadon a couple of days ago, who made it very clear that it is never the case that these variants are more dangerous than the original. They differ, on average, around only .03% percent from the original, which is not sufficient to have a dramatically different effect.

I think I trust Mike Yeadon more than I do KW.

Apr 25, 2021 7:27 AM

ResetTB, both Kirby and Witkowski are right. They are merely saying what every virologist knows — and some lay people with a smattering of virology have been saying on Truther sites: it is the nature of flu viruses to mutate rapidly, therefore our only protection is herd immunity — which depends on the general health of the herd. Lockdown is the worst possible protection against flu. Witkowski has become frustrated because this message from us Truthers is not getting through to the herd via the MSM.

Rally for Freedom in the open air. Throw away the Blue Hijab and hugs all round!

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Apr 25, 2021 8:00 AM
Reply to  NickM

If they’re both saying lockdowns are unnecesary and/or counterproductive, and that vaccines are unnecessary, quite possibly dangerous, and with a present or future risk of premature fatality, then that’s great. Is that what KW is saying as well?

therefore our only protection is herd immunity

Protection from what?! Most of us do not need protection from this alleged virus, and if we do, a variety of immune system supports/remedies have been proposed and successfully used (from Vit. C & D, to zinc, to quercetin and beyond). What we really need protection from is the vaccine, not the virus. Is this what KW is saying?

Apr 25, 2021 8:48 AM

“What we really need”

What we really need is protection from indoctrination, conformism, groupthink, widespread stupidity, wholesale corruption of just about all the societal systems around us, and so on …

What we really need is a new simpler vision for the future, less restrictive laws, regulations, more self-conscious freedom, more attachment to nature, stuff like that.

Above all, we need to stop talking about fucking disease. It’s sick (pun intended).

Apr 26, 2021 6:48 AM

Earlier research – before the flu vaccine craze – showed that social interaction provided immunity from flu.

Apr 25, 2021 10:31 AM

I was appalled when I saw Wittkowski rabbiting on about the variants. He even claimed in another interview (I haven’t watched this one) that there is zero community immunity to the new variants, that we are dealing with an entirely new disease.

One another interview I saw he was touting some nutraceutical product that his company is developing as a prophylactic or treatment for Covid-19. It sounded dodgy as hell.

I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s not to be trusted.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Apr 26, 2021 12:16 AM
Reply to  Sam

Oh, I had forgotten about his product-in-the-works!

I agree with your conclusion. And, oh, btw, he’s a terrible actor (of the “overacting” variety).

Apr 25, 2021 6:36 AM

My perspective on the plandemic is that one unintended consequence might be – I hope! – that all sorts of “conspiracy theories” (read: more or less accurate depictions of reality, certainly more accurate than the horseshit peddled by the conduits thereof [read: the mass media and miscellaneous talking heads]) are coming to the surface, are widely circulated, and in many cases are pondered by people who haven’t completely lost it, but have lives to live and not enough time to worry about … (enter some bullshit spewed by the mass media, which means essentially everything).

One good thing is that the alleged vaccination, genetic mutation, might open people’s eyes to what mad professors in labs worldwide are working on, how far they might have got already, and what the dangers are of allowing them to fuck around with nature.

Likewise, the world has now learned quite a bit about the wholesale corruption in science, in healthcare, the complete uselessness of politicians and governments, the farcical nature of present-day democracy, and much more.

With any luck, all this knowledge will now ferment in people’s heads, hopefully not too long, and result in appropriate action taken to straighten things out.

I’m not even gonna listen to this nutcase if he says that lockdowns breed new variants of the virus. What fucking virus? The one Drosten pulled out of his asshole? Ts ts …

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 25, 2021 8:10 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Wittkowski is a ‘nutcase’ because he speaks in the language of the virus hypothesis (which, to put it in realworld language is under dispute rather than being as completely discredited as phlogiston theory or the geo-centric universe)?

So, for those who already KNOW THE TRUTH – fingers in ears and shout ‘la-la-la’.

Anyone else feel that childishly-strident hyper-certainties about things is getting a bit ridiculous btl on Off-G? Such rabid closed-mindedness is scientifically useless, and a serious handicap to any actual grown-ups trying to get at the real truth through the constant fog of lying propaganda.

The real facts, baldly stated, are that virus theory is still very much a mainstream assumption in the bio-sciences, and is treated as such by any serious discussant. But the alternative exosome theory is now coming up fast on the leading virus theory, with a considerable body of recent new discoveries favouring it quite a bit. That’s how things stand at the moment, in the realm of realworld science. You know: science for actual grownups. The question is not yet decided, except in the minds of the rabidly irrational.

Anyone who can’t handle such paradigm-shifts in science with restraint and open-mindedness is just being childishly self-indulgent. There’s a popular demotic word for such fools.

Obviously Wittkowski is worth hearing. Do try and grow up about it.

Apr 25, 2021 8:45 AM

To begin with, I don’t have 40 minutes to watch every random mad professor run at the mouth about viruses. Put it in writing and I’ll glance it over to see if it’s worth checking out.

As to viruses, exosomes, cytokines, antibodies, and all this horseshit, the last 12 months have taught me that the less I care about it, the better. Fuck all of that! I’ve survived okay more than five decades without worrying about any of that, so, no reason to go apeshit about it now just because of a bunch of motherfuckers have made it the only fucking thing in Cosmos that matters. I have my life to live, my own things to do.

As far as this CV plandemic, talking about viruses is beating a dead horse. It’s not what matters. What matters is the woke totalitarian dystopia piggybacked on the alleged pandemic. My personal stance on that is that people who don’t want to go down that road need to pursue their own vision of the future. That’s the only way of “fighting” it. Completely reject it and go your own way.

“fingers in ears and shout ‘la-la-la’” – You’re funny, you know. I’m looking at the bigger picture, while you’re obsessed with a minute detail. Yet, I’m not telling you to take the blinders off.

Apr 25, 2021 2:09 PM

And what, exactly, are your qualifications?

Degrees in molecular sciences? Biochemistry perhaps? Delving into Quantum Biology? Or what?

Wittkowski speaks from his own wealth of experience whereas I have not a clue about yours (mine is telecoms and computer hardware and software development/design – so I’m a bit technical and very interested).

I’m not dismissing out of hand what you say (I’ve read a recent paper on extra-cellular vesicles and studied a bit on the subject of virology but I’m no biochemist), but arm waving gets us nowhere unless we are expert in semaphore.

Apr 25, 2021 3:35 PM
Reply to  Cascadian

You need to start with logic, namely the fallacy of appeal to authority.

Top Planner
Top Planner
Apr 25, 2021 5:52 AM

New World Order endgame is in play. Lockdowns and masks and perpetual viruses and virus fears, and deadly vaccines are the tools of NWO tyranny and population reduction

Thom 9
Thom 9
Apr 25, 2021 2:50 AM

Professor Knut Wittkowski was head of The Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design for 20 years.

Say no more, the best psuedo-science money can buy. Marching in “Lock Step” with Covid and the Great Reset towards Agenda (20)21/2030.

Apr 25, 2021 5:55 AM
Reply to  Thom 9

Thom, I think you might like to listen to the prof again. He is on our side. He is not one of the Anglo Zio Capitalist regime’s lackies like Neil Ferguson. As proof, they shut him down. That is why he is agitated: he is telling the truth about an important subject, and the MSM is not disseminating that truth. Listen to him very carefully. Even better. post the link to your friends and relatives — even though it might lose you some friends and estrange most of your relatives.

Apr 25, 2021 1:22 AM
Mr Y
Mr Y
Apr 25, 2021 12:52 AM

Wittkowski comes across as a man of logic but given 1) the questionable (to put it mildly) way Covid-19 deaths are counted and 2) the test which is not a test but a method not intended for mass testing, how can he take the number of deaths as facts?


Apr 25, 2021 2:34 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

I just have no time for the man. He isn’t just trapped in Rockefeller health care science ideology. He treats it like the true religion. If he has a picture or bust of J.D. Rockefeller in his home, I’m sure that he bows to it.

Apr 25, 2021 6:13 AM
Reply to  Arby

Arby, you are the victim of a fallacy known as guilt by association. The man works at an institution named after the millionaire moneygrubber Rockefeller who endowed it a century ago. That is not a reason to denounce him as a moneyworshipper. Listen carefully to what he says, try to understand it, and above all — pass it on!

Apr 25, 2021 1:54 PM
Reply to  NickM

You have a point. But I’m not doing guilt by association. I’m listening to him speak. What do you call that by the way?

John Pretty
John Pretty
Apr 25, 2021 12:41 AM

You know what? I don’t bloody care. Sorry, I know I should, but just how long must we obsess over this cold virus?

Apparently people are dying in India. Jesus Christ. Words fail me. You know, what is the life expectancy of the average Indian? 70. Crap compared to the UK, but thousands die of TB. But does the MSM care about those people? Does it fuck.

70 sounds good, but 100 years ago in India the average life expectancy was apparently about 20.But that doesn’t make for any headlines.

I have this to say to the MSM:

Go fuck yourselves you evil, lying, bastards.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Apr 25, 2021 1:33 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

“I have this to say to the MSM:
Go fuck yourselves you evil, lying, bastards.”

Now inform all the people with their faces glued to their “MSM only” fondle pads …

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 25, 2021 9:17 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Yep, 500 million Indians are hungry, 9 million die every year, minorities and lower castes are murdered with impunity, 1 million or more die of pollution, yet a miniscule .01% might have died of covid if it existed and we have a global melt down. It’s funny that no one has mentioned the 400 million people who marched for weeks on the roads to get to their villages last MArch without all getting sick and dropping dead.

Apr 26, 2021 6:55 AM

Moreover, there was no global anguish over the deaths, illnesses and starvation that the original national lockdown caused.

Apr 26, 2021 2:03 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Deaths per million is about 140 in India, over 1,700 in US…and that’s assuming the death counts are accurate…NOT…”cases” I won’t even mention because those numbers are so bogus there is no point in it.

Apr 25, 2021 12:24 AM

Upon us is the ultimate nightmare of a fascist pharmaceutical state based on the brutal imposition of obscene “health” measures as fig leaves for enslavement and genocide.

Let’s review:

Digital IDs
Vaccine passports 
Experimental medicines for all
Masks smothering your breath 
Track and Trace 
Facial recognition 
Social distancing- social isolation 
Social credit score 
Business closures 
Regular PCR swab testing up your nose 
Being in front of screens as education as work

All of this is for our own good?

The reality is that not one single thing that the “public health experts” have offered have anything to do with individual or public health- quite the opposite.

Maybe it wasn’t public health they were interested in after all.

Apr 25, 2021 3:18 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Public death. As quickly as possible please. You’re ruining my view you loathsome scum.

Apr 25, 2021 3:46 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Absolutely. Good synopsis. Love the list.

It’s not about health, it’s about indoctrination.

Apr 24, 2021 10:57 PM

someone needs to get the audio portion of your videos in order :\

Apr 24, 2021 10:55 PM

Wittkowski‘s views, if true, prove that lockdowns work! And all this time I’ve been arguing you can’t hide from a virus!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 24, 2021 11:22 PM
Reply to  Dale

Lockdowns are not medicine

Apr 25, 2021 3:51 PM

Dale did not understand what Witkowski said about all real pandemics not necessarily phony ones like COVID . He said lockdowns failed as they likely slowed spread of virus among young and old in the same way (by mere fact of temporary physical isolation while virus was already in the community). while exposure of young should have been accelerated instead (proposed by him in March and implemented in July 2020 covid Rave parties in Wuhan) to prevent development of new strains and hence to stop pandemic evolution from old strain to new strain and hence ending it. There is no new Chinese strain as there is no COVID pandemic in China and never raised to that level in 2020 while nearly 100,000 in China died of flu during that quite mild year) According to Witkowski slowing number of infections is not desirable, in case of mild respiratory diseases, among young and healthy. what is desirable is short temporary refraining from interaction with general public of elderly who during that time make effort to boost immune system by walking in the sun, eat well, get fit, get massive doses of mineral and vitamin supplements, stay calm reduce stress by interacting with families, being cared by doctors to stabilize their preexisting conditions, taking them of immune suppressing drugs. The correct public health policy facing mild respiratory disease pandemic is to boost general health of most vulnerable fast also with antiviral prophylactic drugs when appropriate. The actually pushed scientifically baseless COVID public health policies were exactly opposite to what vulnerable people needed and hence caused majority of deaths and hospitalizations. In fact only very old, extremely frail and with immune system disorders must be isolated until, thanks to young people developing immunity, pandemic ends which as Witkowski says should no exceed three months.… Read more »

Apr 26, 2021 7:01 AM
Reply to  Kalen

In other words, depopulation or cull of people is going according to plan.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Apr 24, 2021 11:39 PM
Reply to  Dale

Sars-CoC-2 has NOT been isolated by Koch’s Postulates any where in the world.
The RT PCR test is fraudulent in that it CANNOT detect WHERE the purported RNA comes from: “SARS-CoV-2”, other viruses present in the sample, or even more telling, Human RNA – which is in much greater supply than the “SARS-CoV-2” allegedly present in the sample.

Tee ell
Tee ell
Apr 25, 2021 1:10 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

I don’t understand the focus on Koch’s postulates specifically. A bit like saying fish don’t exist unless you can successfully breed them outside of water. What do you think caused the spikes in excess deaths that are highly consistent with the spikes a novel seasonal respiratory viral pathogen might cause?

Mr Y
Mr Y
Apr 25, 2021 1:27 AM
Reply to  Tee ell

“What do you think caused the spikes in excess deaths that are highly consistent with the spikes a novel seasonal respiratory viral pathogen might cause?”

This pathogen doesn’t even have to be novel, people get old and frail every year …

Apr 25, 2021 1:36 AM
Reply to  Tee ell

Panic caused excess deaths.

Apr 25, 2021 2:40 AM
Reply to  Tee ell

All-cause mortality for 2020 was normal. Gangster reporters and gangster politicians lie about deaths by covid 19. Apparently, You haven’t noticed that they are calling every sickness covid 19. Where’s the flu?, for example. We are now seeing them call deaths (which will increase) by lethal injection, aka the covid 19 vaccine, deaths by covid 19. The scam isn’t going away. As RFK said, it’s a scam that’s too big to fail.

“Sars CoV 2 – Too Big To Fail”

Apr 25, 2021 5:29 AM
Reply to  Arby

Out on same column as this interview are some excellent Tom Cowan interviews which appear to explain far more of this far better than much seen…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 25, 2021 9:19 AM
Reply to  Edith

Cowan explaining the con job by the Gates funded Australian uni. is embarrassing in the extreme,

Apr 25, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  Edith


Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 25, 2021 9:18 AM
Reply to  Tee ell

That spike thing is a con job, an Australian ”scientist” claimed it but it’s never been proved to exist.

Apr 25, 2021 1:24 PM
Reply to  Tee ell

As far as fish, check out the false analogy fallacy, you’ve just committed one.

Focus on Koch’s postulates? Well, if you don’t like fucking Koch’s postulates, use some other fucking method to prove that the alleged virus SARS-CoV-2 causes the alleged diseases COVID-19. It hasn’t been done.

There hasn’t been a spike in excess mortality to speak of and if there has, in some areas, it was due to various factors, ranging from severe medical mismanagement, malpractice, extreme scaremongering, and various other factors.

Also, if you weren’t ignorant, you’d know that a baby boom began throughout the occidental world just before WWII and continued throughout, and that people born during that period have reached the end of their statistical life expectancy. In other words, there are a lot of old people. Factor in the abovementioned fucking extreme scaremongering and there goes your spike in excess mortality.

End of story.

It’s highly questionable whether “novel seasonal respiratory pathogens” exist, the claim that the flu is caused by a lack of sunshine sounds much more plausible, but if they do, they’re “novel” every fucking year.

The bullshit that you’re peddling has been disproved a long time ago. If you’re a novice spook, ask your supervisor to replace you on the double, pronto and have yourself re-indoctrinated.

Apr 25, 2021 5:18 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

I would suggest that you read this article by one of the best researchers I’ve run across, Clint Richardson.
In it, he explains the false dialectic used.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Apr 25, 2021 1:36 AM
Reply to  Dale

People avoiding each other prevent transmission of this and that = pure logic … but at what price?

Apr 25, 2021 5:45 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

‘this and that’. is that a new variant?

Apr 25, 2021 7:04 AM
Reply to  Kika

New variants…mutations…evil mutations have just been identified as deriving from the Antarctic. Oh God please help us. This gives me the shivers!!!!!!

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Apr 25, 2021 9:53 AM
Reply to  Kika

Hush please , otherwise the “this-and-that-mutation” might end up on msm worldwide. And subsequently we will have a “this-and-that-vax” forced upon us.

Apr 25, 2021 2:52 PM
Reply to  Kika

It’s another way to say herd immunity. (The real thing, not the co-opted only vaccines provide herd immunity marketing meme.)