What Will We Lose?
Alex Bartlett
What have we lost? ____ What are we losing?
What will we lose?
This is the question is it not? Even though tens of thousands of experts, thousands of skeptics and all of the rest of us have been consumed over the last year debating, questioning, arguing and worst of all, just listening to endless stream of covid coverage it really comes down to this.
After sifting through all of the science-sourced “facts”, claims, death statistics, cases updates (so many, many cases) and the dire, ever grim projections from our modern-day high priests with their computer models it really just comes down to this question.
What will we lose?
For many reasons I am reluctant to write about this subject. I know nothing of epidemiology or virology or public health. I really have no business writing about loss due to covid 19, my profession is in high demand for the moment, my wife is gainfully employed and recently promoted and our living situation is quite good.
I will not dare pretend that I can speak about real hardship or suffering due to covid compared to what small business owners would be going through or what the working poor have had to endure but at the same time, only a complete fool would suggest that they have not lost anything in the past year.
With this in mind, at the same time, I cannot fully ever hope to comprehend all that I, no, all that we have lost and all of the ways this has happened. The sheer magnitude of these changes, almost all entirely some kind of loss for the vast majority of us is truly staggering. Perhaps for the 1st time in a very long time, perhaps ever, the other majority, the world’s poorest citizens will finally see the rest of us experience real empathy, a genuine understanding of some of the challenges and daily injustices they have been forced to accept as a normal way of living.
The worst aspect of my personal situation so far is that my elderly mother has been basically imprisoned in a care facility for over a year, unable to see any family save for myself and my brother who have been permitted to be designated “essential caregivers” so that she may have a few visitors.
So far with this measure, our Ontario Government has not been heartless enough just yet to completely isolate the elderly but all other friends and family are forbidden to visit. The last time she was allowed outside, almost 8 months ago, she was in the presence of a “minder” who kept us 6 feet apart, masked and who afforded us no privacy. I will lose my mom soon, she may die alone, forcibly confined with simple pleasures like walks in a park, the chaotic, non-judgemental love of grandchildren with their extra exuberance on holidays and birthdays all but eliminated.
My children are also no longer allowed in school even though kids are not and never were at risk and at the moment, over 75% of our schools in Ontario did not even have a single “case” when last in session. They are not only losing education but also social skills, study skills, valuable daily interactions and life lessons as well as exercise and fresh air and tragically, a large portion of that small, finite amount of time where they could just simply be kids.
I feel despair most days when I see my daughter, perched at the dining room table in front of a laptop ready to sign into virtual school, on her own and alone. Our wonderful, neighbourhood school sits shuttered while my daughter emulates the routine of an office worker at the age of 8. At the end of the day we can sometimes catch ourselves almost berating her like low level managerial assholes for not paying attention and fooling around during the day with the computer. For Christ sakes, what have we become as parents?
My 5 years old son cannot even last a 20 minute lesson online by himself. I initially felt frustrated that he could not persist in the same fashion the other young innocents can in these disembodied zoom classes but now I could be more accepting of this except that we both have to work during this “school time” and we need him to be occupied. Maybe this lack of digital “focus” speaks to how little screen time he had prior to this abomination of online “learning” or maybe it is simply because he is just 5 years old and he has no business being treated like this.
Am I surprised at how easily I just became a jaded, middle aged man who mostly complains to like minded friends and who wears himself and others out with the same impotent questions about “why and “how” could this happen? I did try emailing almost anyone in authority to question the safety and efficacy of the school mask mandate but this effort soon failed after so many “cut and paste”, formulaic responses from the bureaucratic minders along with their links on “community spread” and “how to safely wear a mask.”
It would have been nice to actually have been able to talk to school staff about my concerns in person but parents have not been permitted inside the school for over a year now. Will we ever be allowed back inside our schools or will there be new measures, new “threats” to keep us outside or have we simply just lost this ability to view and interact with this critically formative environment we immerse our children into?
I have not had a haircut since November 2020. “Unsafe” they say while putting all hairdressers on welfare for the better part of a year and also while making “working from home” just that much more undignified. Dogs have actually been permitted more frequent access to professional grooming than adults have here in Ontario in the last year.
Perhaps this is why booze, marijuana and fast food have always been available during this pandemic. I guess they know that as long as we remain in a well-fed stupor with Netflix porting us from reality, there will be no real angst or frustration on the streets.
For a brief moment last week, when announcing our latest stay at home order due to our hypersensitive, 47 cycle PCR test cases (approximately 1 case for every 4,500 residents here in Ontario mind you), our bumbling high school educated Premier tried to impose a quasi-martial law edict. The police would have been able to stop you and question your intent if you ventured outside of you home. I found it laughable that you could legally comply by saying you were “off to buy booze, weed or fast food” and these would all be valid, essential destinations for such an excursion. Meeting a friend for a walk in the park though, this is not safe, nor recommended or even permitted!
Luckily, they pulled back from this stance, the lawyers probably said it was unlawful, the police probably said that they did not want to enforce this heavy handed stance and perhaps the weary, bleary eyed, stumbling public would have probably, finally, maybe have said “enough”.
At this point, I think only the naïve believe that our old lives are coming back. Perhaps that is why they are so willing, so adamant to get the jab. It is not really to save the lives of others or prevent the scourge of an infectious disease but because it mainly seems like most people just want to travel again or to have the chance to no longer have to hear or worry about covid constantly.
Once again, I realize I have no business writing about loss. My friends are still all employed, I really do not know anyone who runs a small shop or a restaurant. I have no idea what it would be like to watch your business disintegrate, the debts pile up and the financial vultures start circling around you. I do understand why these small business owners and employees would be so motivated for everyone to get vaccinated so that they can finally open up and claw their way out of this deep covid hole they have been plunged into with the other end of their government issued loan lifelines handed to the big banks as a financial noose around their necks that will continually tighten in the months and years to come.
For the moment the rest of us are all still shielded by this work from home employment model that has not had any significant layoffs due to a massive, unchecked national Government wage subsidy program that even pays a 70% wage subsidy to large, significantly profitable corporations that are still paying dividends to shareholders. This white-collar job market stability is still further enhanced here in Canada by the re-bounding stock market that keeps rising to ever record heights thanks to the government debt printing machines.
So, how much will they really take from us in the months and years to come?
Let’s forget about PCR testing cycles, what constitutes a “case” vs. a clinical case, vaccine trials, if masks work or if lockdowns really achieve anything. These are all unnecessarily divisive discussions that, in the absence of any real or honest mainstream journalism, will never be permitted to be resolved in the public forum.
What we should really care about is that our children have been forbidden to interact with each other, to pursue hobbies, musical lessons, school clubs or just simple play-time with their peers. They are sent to school, when deemed “safe” based on the computer models, bound and gagged as invalids for up to 8 hours a day. Lunchtimes and playtimes are truncated, discouraged and replaced with silent lunches in front of a screen and ”socially distanced” outdoor play during shortened recess periods.
What will school look like in the years to come? What kind of digital ID’s will our children be forced to carry with them at all times and which big Tech conglomerate will collect, curate, market and disseminate all of their medical, scholarly and personal data?
What will replace all of the small restaurants, pubs and shops that have gone under? Will all of these beautiful brick and mortar establishments be bought up on the cheap by a large private equity firm that will offer the least equitable employment terms to desperate applicants?
At the moment I am not supposed to leave my neighbourhood limits. When will I be able to travel internationally and what risks must I accept with new vaccines and boosters to qualify to come and go and what private information must I sacrifice upon request to comply?
I feel that most of the online world I encounter is awash in mis-information, how soon will it be before the small and beleaguered sources of genuine information that I can find online are completely demonetized, de-linked, banned or de-platformed from the internet? The access to content and commenting that we have lost in the last year alone would have been incomprehensible to almost all of us just a few years ago, now the most “liberal democrats” are braying for big tech and the regulators to do more, to take more stringent actions. Soon we may experience a very harsh and unforgiving internet, one that reports us for straying outside of the ever-narrowing community guidelines.
What about my freedom, my right to refuse a hastily developed medical technology, one that has not been thoroughly tested but is still supposed to, guaranteed to (almost) provoke the appropriate immune response to a virus that poses almost no harm to me whatsoever?
What about unintended consequences? What happens to me if I suddenly develop any number of rare or debilitating health conditions in the future? My chances of catching covid-19 or experiencing ill effects from it are quite low so why can’t I be allowed to take this risk without being judged for doing so?
What happened to our acquired knowledge as a society as to how to behave when sick? This has served us well for thousands of years. When our amazing immune systems were fighting a significant illness, it was almost always obvious that the sick individual should be cared for but isolated and kept from others.
Why have we lost this trust in ourselves and in our own judgement? We are still permitted to raise our children (for now) but we are unable to properly assess our own health and infectivity as it may pertain to others at work or at school? Exercising our own good judgement is a critical aspect of a well functioning, civil society. Removing this right, this freedom of choice will only lead to a punitive, dystopian type of society, one that eagerly turns on each other rather than to help one another.
The optimists, those that believe in the system, the same system that has half the planet living in poverty mind you but don’t worry about that, just a minor flaw, they believe this fabulous system of democracy and commerce will deliver us the health outcome we all deserve. It will protect us and our weakest and all we need to do is take a shot, or two or three, every year and don’t mind the costs or how or to whom the money was distributed, it was necessary, it will be worth it.
Once this happens, once we reach the now newly re-defined as solely vaccine derived “herd immunity” then life is back! School, travel, friends and family. You can have it all but you may need a mask for just a bit longer, maybe two masks actually.
The rest of us, a small vocal minority or perhaps, hopefully a larger, mostly silent and dumbfounded mass of citizens will finally start taking stock of what we have lost and what we are truly at risk of losing.
It is hard to do. I still want the others to be right. I want the vaccine to be safe and effective. I want the sacrifice to be worth it. I want to travel and do all the things I imagined I would do with friends and family and at work. I want my kids to have these same options that I had. I want to believe that my government and our health officials are working with our best interests in mind while unaffected by conflicts of interest.
But the data says otherwise. This data that has always been there. That data that shows us that Covid is neither dangerous or all that contagious to anyone under the age of 70. The historical data that tells us that Influenza A and B and all the other sub-types could not possibly just disappear worldwide in the last twelve months. The data, all the data, these recent 12 months of newly acquired covid raw numbers from all over the world that does not lie…
So, the media does.
So do almost all Governments as well.
They have the full cooperation of all of the big tech companies for maximum efficacy. Information has never been more widely available but then immediately censored or “fact” checked. Prominent voices of reason, objectivity and truth are shadow banned or de-platformed. Even the miniscule, insignificant frustrated comments I make against my better judgement on our national news website are quickly and automatically deactivated within minutes of posting. I should know better than to waste the pixels, however temporary they might be.
What can be done? Not much on our own but then quite a lot if we all do something. Close to a half a million marched in London on April 24th. It was wonderful to see. How many more will march in May? I hope at least twice as many will next time and that they will persist, and persist and persist. I hope that as the weather warms, more and more people will see that it is possible to be outside and inside, to be together and to celebrate our lives, our professions and our passions together without shame or fear.
What else do we have to lose?
Alex Bartlett lives and works in Toronto Canada.
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Great article
thanks alex for your thoughts. a simple solution to this is to unschool your children. get them off the screens and guide their interests. do your children enjoy certain tasks? help them make it happen. revert back to older ways. tin can phones. paper mache. playdough. body movement. don’t worry about curriculums or how much your kids are or are not learning. they need love, connection and curiosity more than ever now.
Excellent article!
The median age of Covid-19 deaths is 82 years old globally, meaning most victims are over age 80. One in six 80 year olds infected will die (but how long do those one in six have otherwise?) The media loves to compare Covid-19 to a REAL pandemic a hundred years ago:
Spanish Flu
“In 1918–1919, 99% of pandemic influenza deaths in the U.S. occurred in people under 65, and nearly half of deaths were in young adults 20 to 40 years old.”
“WHO says 95 percent of Europe’s dead are over 60 years of age, but young not immune.”
Children between age 5-14 have a 0.01% chance of dying if infected with Covid-19. Last summer, the UK noted they had 60+ children deaths from Covid-19, but 100% had serious medical conditions (kidney failure, organ transplants, cancer).
Somehow American statistics on Covid-19 do not comport with the rest of the world. Lack of adequate medical care and pharmacological interventions makes US Health Care “exceptional”.
(As an aside, the vulnerable, like the author’s elderly mother, should have been the ONLY FOCUS for treatment for protection from the start (correcting nutritional deficiencies, common in the elderly; prophylactic treatments with available drugs, most with modest efficacy, and the jab, as only the vulnerable are truly at risk). Everyone else should go about their lives as during a flu epidemic, with perhaps extra vitamins and low dose aspirin to minimize clotting).
2021 winter lockdown is already guaranteed in the UK.
Hancock has already announced he purchased 60 million booster Pfizer jabs (he was planning to buy them 12 months ago apparently) and we all know a lockdown will be necessary to terrorise the masses into rolling up their sleeve yet again.
Amazing that Hancock and pharma knew which strain is going to be terrorising us in winter 2021 so as to be able to cook up all those doses well in advance.
Honestly,this just made me cry.
My kids are 11 and 8
I had to kick up a shitstorm with my daughters school for her not to have to wear a mask
As i come from a family with healthcare professionals, i took an oxygen monitor to her school,then proved to the headmaster masks were reducing her oxygen saturation levels by 19%. I then informed him that as mask wearing was not legally enforceable, plus as my little girl was going through a massive growth spurt,that any deleterious health effects would result in legal action
He recanted.
Stand up for your childrens right,they can’t.
Thankfully,both my kids have been aware from day 1 its bs. They have played with friends constantly and their grandparents have seen them every weekend.
Stand up for our children
I am suspended in Disbelief.
I keep thinking the screws are going to be relaxed-not tightened.
That news of death and serious side effects by vaccine is going to come out in the News.
That people will resist( a third jab!)
But,the biggest one for me right now(posted on OG by commenter) is that a judge in Weimar-who ruled against mandatory mask wearing – had house raided and computers seized.”A German district judge has had his electronic devices confiscated and his residence, car, and private premises were raided by police after he wrote a decision asking two schools in the Weimar district to refrain from enforcing mandatory mask-wearing and social distancing practices.”
This tells me it’s not about covid.
And, I find it impossible to believe this is really happening.
Polish Pastor Now Facing Arrest Warrant, The Covid-19(84) Gestapo Is Killing The Church!!!
Press For Truth
April 30th, 2021
Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been issued a warrant for his arrest because he dared to stop some gestapo thugs from illegally entering his church! Last Easter weekend the mafia’s enforcement arm arrived unannounced at Pastor Pawlowski’s church and he let them know in epic fashion that are not welcomed there! 3 week later the jackboot thugs arrived again attempting to “serve” the Pastor and after he refused a judge decided it was time to send in the toughs to shake the pastor down. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Covid-19(84) gestapo news out of Calgary and also the UK where Pastors are being arrested under what can only be described as spiritual warfare!
There are some disturbing themes currently. Its almost like a war on religion. Also check out the latest dance routines from India from ambulance drivers, I think. I saw one in a European hospital a few months ago. There were some sinister figures in robes and mask. It looked like a ritual. Churches turned into injection centres. Something not right is afoot imo.
I sleep with the light on these days.
The whole agenda is satanic. William Blake wrote about it 200 years ago, and it’s now approaching some form of culmination. Archbishop Viganò has published a number of appeals and articles over the last year, and this is a fairly recent one.
Dec 23, 2020
“In my opinion,” Viganò writes, “what we are witnessing represents the general rehearsal for the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist, which will be preceded by the preaching of the False Prophet, the Precursor of the one who will carry out the final persecution against the Church before Our Lord’s definitive and crushing victory.”
I too found churches being turned into injection centres particularly sinister.
Ontario is losing because Doug Ford is a coward and an idiot Trump wannabe who stands for nothing Trump would have stood for. Meanwhile the electorate’s moral code is so scrambled Ontario will re-elect a Prime Minister who gleefully wore blackface, because (nudge-wink) Canadians aren’t racist.
Ford’s embrace of the COVID-1984 is devoid of any of Trump’s artful resistance, while the opposition only promises to be better at uniform-worshipping, fine-slapping, crisis-mongering totalitarianism than the pathetic Ford.
Ford will willingly front and take the fall for totalitarianism perversely thinking he’s buying himself the mercy of the Deep State. The next election will remove him, and Ontario’s political progressives will gladly take over the prison house he’s built for them.
COVID-1984 lovers have perverted WWII’s example of sacrifice. Canada and the Western world lost millions of lives fighting for freedom against totalitarianism during WWII.
Canadians are now sacrificing freedom and civil rights for authoritarianism under the pretext of fighting virus, apparently as ineptly as possible.
WWII killed 45,000 Canadians in the defense of civil rights and liberties.
COVID-19 killed 24,203 Canadians (inflated) to lose civil rights and liberties.
Reap what has been sown. What will be lost is what’s already been lost, like the active empathy of a living democracy that does not approach the world as something that simply happens to us.
A couple of “tough” Canadian hockey players my family used to play with texted my husband to see if we were vaxxed and if so would we like to play roller hockey with them this summer. My husband and I couldn’t care less, but dammit, our 12 yr old son is bummed to miss out. So far exclusionary fear culture hasn’t gotten to him too much, but I would be lying if I wasn’t nervous about how this sort of BS could play out in the future. He’s never been touched by a needle and he’s proud of that, but our depraved culture is diligently looking for an opportunity to sink its teeth into the young and vulnerable population.
I sympathize with your family predicament, but I hope you’re all able to stay unvaxxed if that’s your (sane) choice. Perhaps the tough hockey players will have an enlightenment and change of heart between now and then– a win-win outcome!
As if the relentless top-down pro-vax propaganda isn’t bad enough, the secondary coercion is even more appalling.
I know someone who was strongly opposed to getting a COVID vaccine, but her spouse is in a nursing facility with advanced multiple sclerosis. She hadn’t been allowed to visit him for a year, but in March the facility “relaxed” their zero-visit policy and she was scheduled for a visit early this month.
It’s worth mentioning that the visiting conditions are horrific enough: according to her, it was set up like visiting an incarcerated prisoner; she was allotted a half hour, IIRC, in a special visiting room where she and her spouse would sit at tables on opposite sides of a glass partition, and communicate by telephone.
Worse yet, the facility requires visitors to be vaccinated. I think this is not legal, but she claims that legal or not, that’s their policy. So she got the vaccine– and then, allegedly because too many facility staffers refused to get vaccinated, the facility returned to “shutdown” mode and canceled her scheduled visit: a lose-lose outcome.
I can’t fault her for submitting, but it’s a dreadful circumstance. It’s like demanding that people play just one game of Russian roulette in order to return to “normalcy”. Worse, because even if there’s no immediate “bullet”, it may emerge in the future.
I’ve now heard countless heartbreaking stories like this. It’s lunacy to make people jump through hoops just to share a moment with a loved one. If it were me I’d break my spouse/loved one out somehow and go home. This non-living syndrome is now becoming normalized just like the ubiquitous disease state that preceded it. And now your friend is in the game because she loves her spouse. It’s really sick, isn’t it? I wish them both well.
And yes, unvaxxed we shall remain. Not holding my breath that tough hockey guys will come around. One of them was well indoctrinated at UC Berkeley.
My comments tend to be prolix, so although it’s hard to believe if you’ve seen my output, I do consciously omit “subplots” that I think are relevant but might overload the comment.
But since you bring it up 😉 : in this wheels-within-wheels compound tragedy, one of the twists is that the spouse isolated in the care facility naturally is a True Believer in the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic narrative, as I call it.
Even though he has a laptop or tablet that presumably allows him to access a range of Internet information, and is of sound mind as far as I know, his confined world has been in an institutional tizzy ever since the scamdemic was officially launched in March, 2020. So he can’t be blamed for buying into the official hysteria; he’s saturated with it and its toxic sequelae. Of course, there are probably fellow residents (inmates?) and even staff who express skepticism, but his everyday experience reinforces the belief that the scamdemic is “real” as advertised.
Also, as an MS patient, for several years he’s been heavily medicated with every kind of pill and jab imaginable. Despite difficulties and negative experiences with meds along the way, in general he’s been backed into a corner where he’s compelled to generally trust “medical science”.
Thus, as my friend confided late last year when the COVID vaccines were finally about to be released, and it looked like they’d be a ticket to resuming visits, he began early on to bug her about getting the vax. Both he and her Normal in-laws incessantly “whined” that they trusted that my friend would get her vax ASAP. As she succinctly and bitterly put it, “If I don’t get the vaccination, I’m the bad guy.”
What an iniquitous and pathetic scenario!
I totally appreciate your verbose comments, Ort so have at it! It’s nice to have a conversation.
It’s sad to hear about your friend’s predicament. Vaxx-induced MS is a thing and if he so easily bought into the Megadeath Virus of Doom, as you say, then his own ignorance and learned helplessness could have landed him precisely where he is. And then the whole sham is endlessly reinforced by obedient doctors/staff, media, culture, etc. Probably nothing caring friends or family can do to shed light where it’s needed.
Many years ago when my mom was in the hospital dying of cancer (at the hands of the pharma cartel) my sister and I would massage her, rub essential oils into her feet and play music for her. She was also attempting to heal with a macrobiotic diet, juicing, prayer/meditation, and was delving into ideas about how belief can change the quantum field and thus manifest healing. One day her oncologist walked into her room while we were in the middle of our massage and positive vibe routine only to be chastised and told that ‘if anything will save your mother’s life it will be chemotherapy and radiation and not some hippy voodoo!’ She died soon after that. I was 26 at the time and that experience changed me to the core. The only ‘voodoo’ being practiced in that room was pharma inflicted. Cut, burn, poison, fear, and belief in inevitable doom are powerful things indeed.
Don’t knock radiation and chemotherapy, they work in many cases; probably in more cases than macrobiotic diet, juices, prayer and meditation.
Neither do I knock your own aids — quite the contrary. If I had cancer the first thing I would do is pray and meditate; taking extra pleasure in visitors, music, juices and all the other good things of our beautiful world because, having worked in cancer research, I am only too aware of the limits of medical science.
If you had cancer….. so you have not had cancer. But you have worked in cancer research. Well there is nothing like first hand knowledge is there. My take on the dis ease is that cancer does not kill – the treatment does. The ones in charge of the treatment zealously and jealously guard the door so that no other treatment is deemed suitable or equitable.. That radiation and chemotherapy work at all is a miracle. The statistics say that there is a 30% chance of a cure (and I think that is an exaggeration) and a definition of a cure is to be symptom free for 5 years. After that a return of cancer is a shiny new statistic. The bottom line is cancer is enormously profitable. There is no chance of an actual cure since it would destroy the business overnight
We know so little, there is little we can do to stop the growth of cancerous tissue, and even less we can do to improve the growth of normal tissue. Be grateful for the little we know, and hope that future generations will learn more.
“To do no harm, to cure sometimes, to comfort always” — Hippocrates
I managed to get my wife out in time, just before they closed the ward due to cross-infection and crowded the remaining inmates into another ward. But only after delay from a court injunction sought by my Psychologist daughter who is a Believer in Con-19. And dire warnings from my PhD friend who is a Believer in Con-19 and Con-911 both. Level of education and IQ are weak defenses against the surge of primaeval panic.
“Half a beast is the great god Pan” — Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Quebec police continue to target hasidic community after sabbath ends
Rebel News
April 30th, 2021
For the past three months, Quebec has had a curfew in place, which the government says is meant to prevent the spread of COVID-19. On Saturday night, the police ramped up their overreach in specifically targeting members of the Hasidic Jewish community with heavy-handed curfew fines — $1,550 for adults and $500 for minors.
Full Report by Yaakov Pollak: https://rebelne.ws/3t3OS6R
There are some excellent posts by Reset the Diaboligarchy posted below. I highly recommend readers follow various threads and links.
Unbridled use of DNA and genetic engineering needs to be banned, period. The technology is potentially lethal, dangerous, and unneeded. Here’s a brief introduction to another method of surveillance posted from Ice Age Farmer: >
What Will We Lose versus What Have We Lost.
One answer is bodily autonomy versus fertility.
Death by a 1000 cuts, the pernicious influence of propaganda
and the mission creep of NGOs.
“The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation”
— Dr Devra Davis https://youtu.be/BwyDCHf5iCY
Let’s forget about PCR testing cycles, what constitutes a “case” vs. a clinical case, vaccine trials, if masks work or if lockdowns really achieve anything. These are all unnecessarily divisive discussions that, in the absence of any real or honest mainstream journalism, will never be permitted to be resolved in the public forum.What we should really care about is that our children have been forbidden to interact with each other, to pursue hobbies, musical lessons, school clubs or just simple play-time with their peers. They are sent to school, when deemed “safe” based on the computer models, bound and gagged as invalids for up to 8 hours a day. Lunchtimes and playtimes are truncated, discouraged and replaced with silent lunches in front of a screen and ”socially distanced” outdoor play during shortened recess periods. There are so very many things to care about resulting from this fake pandemic not just what’s being done to children … which as the article points out is terrible. But it’s also the isolation experienced by old people as also pointed out, it’s people losing their businesses and their jobs, it’s the subjection by media and government to relentless fear-mongering, a seemingly dangerous and completely unnecessary vaccine … and the list goes on. In order though to eliminate all these disastrous consequences in one fell swoop all that needs to be recognised is that this is a completely manufactured crisis, a psyop of the Problem > Reaction > Solution type, a “live exercise” (which they even declare quite openly) … and it’s most certainly not their first BBQ. SARS 2003 was a lesser version and other alleged epidemics MERS, Zika, Ebola and a few others also show evidence of being psyops. This couldn’t possibly be the first one in any case. The science is very… Read more »
Mike Pompeo: Pig…
Pompeo’s candour no doubt helpful in understanding U.S. foreign policy and the general geopolitical shenanigans of the hegemon, but where’s the evidence that the CIA had anything to do with Covid?
Sorry didn’t mean to imply that – just threw it in. However, as we can see a lot of controlled opposition in force I assume they’ve got something to do with intelligence whether CIA or whoever.
Also, we have to wonder who scripted Mike saying, “We’re in a live exercise here …” and then Donald saying “You should have let us know.”
Come on as if the CIA or other intelligence is not involved in this psyop. Aren’t psyops intelligence’s domain?
John Dryden
When I consider life, ’tis all a cheat;
Yet, fooled with hope, men favour the deceit;
Trust on, and think to-morrow will repay:
To-morrow’s falser than the former day;
Lies worse; and while it says, we shall be blessed
With some new joys, cuts off what we possessed….
Very ignorant of what past sages have said, it’s always staggering to get hit by the plus ça change. What gets me is why don’t those so much better versed in history and the literature of the past get what’s happening now? Why don’t they get it?
Not entirely sure though that it’s the “fooled with hope” that makes them favour the deceit, I think it’s simply that people are very resistant to assimilating “the big lie” into their paradigm of how the world works, it’s just too disturbing and unsettling for them, that’s what I tend to think it all boils down to.
‘ Why don’t they get it’
They’ve always thought: it was a different time, different people, not us. We are truly great. History ended with Fukuyama’s end of history, so to speak.
Pays out well to, if you, as an intellectual believe that
Yes, that must be it, Willem.
The level of ‘child indoctrination’ is off the charts and vile.
Some of this is likely to be quackery -James Corbett in 2012, commenting on tech being developed/offered for spying/cyber-war.
However, as long as the government side of the oligarchy keeps shovelling national wealth into the trough, the swine will come.
I’ve often wondered, although I know little about it, if this is all tied in, in some way, to the constant monitoring of human emotions. Like is said in this thread, it is somehow attached to ‘betting on our future’. Betting on our emotions also? Perhaps this is why we are constantly exposed to videos and articles online that provoke such strong reactions, e.g, police brutality. An avenue worth exploring.
Heads up if you don’t know already…
Unlocked – 7pm Saturday night 1st May.
Short excerpt here
That standard ignores 90+% of #Covid infections. The entire epidemic would have looked very different if it had been used.
“Yes indeed the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Psychotic Psychos have indeed come out FULL THIRD REICH.”
“On another not unrelated matter, here is an example from the crocodile teared jackbooted corporate fascist fabian eugenicist brown shirt charlatan fraudsters down at Counterpuff channeling their inner Joseph Goebbels by continuing to push the Scamdemic ‘Big Lie.’ The piece of teary eyed crocodile hypocrite propaganda below goes quite beyond mere cognitive dissonance into Twilight Zone absurdity.”
“Not addressed in this paean of false sincerity is the matter of the SCAMDEMIC. Pray tell, one asks, would the inhabitants of Kelly Butte be facing destitution and death if not for that CORPORATE FASCIST ‘Big Lie?’ Congratulations ‘the writer’ has transformed himself from a mere life style anarchist into a full blown life style Nazi. The only thing missing is a good saccharine laced ending sentence. How is this? I FEEL YOUR/THEIR PAIN!”
The target is arbitrary detention. Not too different from all the faked/planted forensic evidence used to fix up so many people who don’t matter.
E-noses on four-legged autonomous drones. . .
How’s this for an example of a misleading headline?
“India infections top 18 million as gravediggers work round the clock”
As we know, most of these ‘infections’ will heal up quickly, but the headline and article say nothing of this. From Australia’s ABC, now our top propaganda broadcaster, on radio, tv and internet.
Notice the switch from the usual “cases” to the seemingly more scientific “infections”. The figure is trivial compared to the expected numbers for flu, refusal to treat many illnesses (incl. flu), the killer lockdown, the killer jab, starvation, and above all, average of deaths for preceding years.
what are the expected numbers for flu in india? you sound like you know and should be able to answer without looking anything up.
The atrocity they are committing is altogether total. At a particular level, I say that it is a suicide consented to by the subject. The first should be subjective, the worst is that the second is objective.
Make American Free Again – read the lawsuit complaints filed in 3 states that prove there is no basis for the restrictions, no state of emergency, etc. We need such lawsuits in every state. MAFA – Dr. Pam Popper.
Sorry, Make Americans Free Again – forgot the “S”.
Thank you Diane Lane. Here’s a link to an excellent interview with Pam Popper. >
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper
Spiro Skouras
December 27, 2020
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper – Activist Post
“I know nothing of epidemiology or virology or public health.” Probably could’ve ended the article there mate.
The data says that COVID-19 is real, causes a significantly higher mortality than comparable common respiratory viruses such as influenza, is much more infectious than influenza, and that vaccines and lockdowns are effective ways of controlling a public health disaster as a result of this pandemic.
Readers, who are you going to get your information on infectious disease control from: Alex Bartlett from the Off-Guardian; or thousands of doctors, public health experts, and virologists all over the world?
You trust your doctor to give you the right treatment for other diseases, so why don’t you trust them about COVID-19?
Oh shut the fuck up. We’re way past this crap.
All he can do is bob in the water
California v Florida, 0.15%IFR, fake PCR, avoidance of generic medicine.. but then there were dumb kids in school, and I assume they survived into adulthood and stayed scientifically impaired.
Doctors are not trained in the understanding of the scientific method. They see input/output, and rarely break free from the paradigm.
Doctors do whatever keeps their income flowing, just like most people. Other than some specialized knowledge and skilled hands, there is nothing else special about doctors. I was raised by one.
Glorified drug pushers, for the most part, if you don’t mind me casting aspersions.
Some of them. I think many mean well but most have knowledge that extends only so far – not beyond general practice or their specialty. Therefore, they rely on testing, “current” medical opinions, and professional and CDC or WHO or other guidance.
At an old job I had to get a yearly physical for insurance. My cholesterol was always high – LDL was high but HDL was also very high so they said it was probably ok but just a strange combo.
I did some reading and started taking whole psyllium husk with water in the mornings. Next time I went to the doctor, he breezed in as always and said he was astonished at how high my HDL (good) cholesterol was and how low my LDL (bad) cholesterol. I tried telling him about the psyllium and how amazing it was, but he quite literally could not process my words. He kept repeating to thank my parents for the good genes, even though this same doctor had seen my cholesterol in years past and should have been able to see that it only got to this ratio when I started the psyllium.
I told this story to a friend and she said she thinks they put on an air of constant busy-ness to avoid this type of conversation – they do not know much and don’t want to learn. They are quick to prescribe antidepressants or statins though.
Just had that same feeling of busy-ness with my doctor when I told her the evidence shows researchers haven’t isolated the virus as they claim.
Frustrating!! My faith in these people is near zero. To paraphrase a great quote I recently read by Kary Mullis but now can’t seem to find – the healthcare industry is pretty much useless for anything but putting you back together after a traumatic injury.
Have you read about hdl and ldl? They’re proteins to carry the cholesterol. And there was a research in Israel that showed those with lower LDL had increased risk of death than those with high LDL. I think it was Dr. Leonard Coldwell to first make me curious. Lots to learn from him.
Hello jkb- I had always heard that ldl was bad and hdl was good. I remember a few years ago when low carb and keto diets were becoming popular there were a lot of debates about whether cholesterol was meaningful at all. I will see if I can find the research you are referring to. It sounds interesting and I could certainly become better informed on the topic. Thanks!!
Like journalists, politicians, etc., some change their tunes after retirement, especially if they lost their privileges or face the same treatment as the rest of the herd.
I can’t be bothered hunting down the specifics, but a few years back a surgeon had, or claimed to have, an epiphany when he was diagnosed with a serious illness that required sustained treatment and hospitalization; I think it was a cancer conventionally treated by chemotherapy, or maybe heart disease.
The epiphany– or, more accurately, negepiphany– occurred as a result of the doctor’s role-reversal from superior godlike master of the situation to inferior wretched patient. In fact, his negepiphany could be characterized as a belated realization of the existence, and evils, of exactly this status quo.
He was appalled to “discover” that when he encountered his colleagues as a patient, they suddenly revealed themselves, typically, to be obnoxious, unfeeling, impersonal a**holes; to his credit, this caused him to realize that he’d behaved exactly like this throughout his career.
I remember that he was on the TV talkshow circuit, and wrote a book that was eventually made into a movie– actor William Hurt just popped into my head.
Supposedly this doctor’s story was going to revolutionize the practice of medicine, because the humbling lessons he’d learned were going to be translated into much-needed novel training, beginning in med school, to ensure that treating physicians, clinicians, and even “elite” surgeons and specialists would display compassion and humanity in their daily work.
I admit that I’ve been avoiding my own personable doctor since the scamdemic began, but unfortunately I can’t say that I’ve noticed any sea change in the bad old status quo despite this well-meaning reformer’s efforts.
Like journalists, politicians, etc., some medicals change their tune after retirement, especially if they face the same treatment as the rest of the herd.
They start by pushng ultrasound on babies although they try to vaxx pregnant women aswell.
As if you think ultrasound is harmful to babies! Why don’t we just revert back to the dark ages where doctors just pulled babies out of mothers without any pre-natal care and 1 in 4 women died in childbirth!
85% of women who died in childbirth died because the “Doctor” brought infection into the room. #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHmmm
I chose to have zero ultrasounds when pregnant with my son. I knew intuitively that there was a potential for damaging biological effects from soundwaves and my midwife supported my capacity to think, perceive, and act accordingly.
why do you bother, you are wrong. All the babble now is about India, but 10 million people died in India last year and 27,400 people die every day without anyone giving a damn,,
“Lots of people die in India every year, so who cares if a few thousand more die?”
Using quotation most incorrectly and making completely the wrong inference from what Marilyn is saying, namely:
— Millions die every year in India and now they’re citing figures implying that more people are dying now when that is not necessarily the case.
— People didn’t care about all the people dying before but now they do?
Cases are a buzz kill.
We need death tallies, lots and lots of death tallies!
Preferably without context and its handicapped sister nuance.
“ The Data says…” Hmm, according to the CDC and NHS 94-95% of the fatalities from the “ pandemic “ did not die of Covid 19 but of underlying illnesses such as cancer, dementia, Parkinson’s, strokes, heart attacks, diabetes etc and the overwhelming majority of them are over the age of 80. Which should give pause for thought since the average life span in the US and UK is about 80. Moreover, the largest cause of death in the U.K. is dementia followed by cancer which kills approximately 166,000 people every year and because of the insane policies of lockdown will substantially increase. In addition, under the 28 day testing for positives rule for Covid 19, using a discredited PCR test which even the W.H.O admits is neither accurate nor reliable run at the CT currently being used in the U.K, anyone dying within this time period is considered a fatality of Covid 19 irrespective if they have or not. Let’s also not forget that from the 31st of August 2020 up to quite recently Pneumonia plus influenza was not registered as a cause of death although in 2017 51,180 people died of them and in many a year over 40,000 has died from them. In respect to the public health experts do you mean people with vested interests in international pharmaceutical corporations or benefiting indirectly from being CEOs of companies producing Covid 19 testing kits such as Professor Christian Drosten. It appears in your appraisal of these “ experts” you fail to mention all those whose views are either being censored or suppressed such as Professors Wolfgang Wodarg, Sucharit Bhakadi, Mike Yeadon, Dolores Cahill, John Ioannidis all experts in virology or epidemiology etc without having their hand stuck in the till or waiting for backhanders from the Bill and… Read more »
Dr Mike Yeadon, ex-Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer fr respiratory disease ‘advises’ me. How does that sound? ‘Bob’? He says that covid is less dangerous than the flu. I would love to see a televised debate between Yeadon and Vallance (who worked together years ago at Wellcome, I believe). Vallance would be trounced.
If COVID-19 is less dangerous than the flu, what explains the massive spikes in all cause mortality in the UK in the last, spikes which happen to match up with waves of COVID-19 infection? Is this just a really bad flu season?
What, you mean the 127000 deaths that should be reduced, by the ONS’s own admission, by 23%. Then spread across TWO winters? No more than, or even less than, the 51,100 excess deaths that occured in the ONE winter of 2017/18? Like that, you mean? When the media headlines were of an NHS in crisis, when hospitals actually did run out of oxygen, I could go on, but you can see that you’re talking rubbish. Here are some sensationalist headlines from 2017/18….you really are gullible, Bob. In fact, I shall henceforth call you ‘Gullible Bob’. Very Blackadder.
Perhaps you’d like to explain why flu has all but disappeared as a cause of death over the last 2 winters, Gullible Bob?
The flu is less infectious than COVID-19, therefore social distancing and masks prevented it from spreading at all. COVID-19 is far more infectious than the flu, so social distancing and masks were still not enough to stop the spread of COVID-19 entirely, although they did reduce the infection rate significantly.
Heh, Gullible Bob, why don’t you argue with microbiologist Dr Sucharit Bhakdi about it? He will tell you that you opinions are ridiculous.
Try this video – it’s like Covid for dummies, so you should be able to understand it.
You blatantly don’t do any research at all. That much is transparent.
There have been many detailed articles here and elsewhere completely debunking this lie. We could completely embarrass you. Go away while you have some self-respect left.
Inform yourself:
Final, Irrefutable Proof that the Covid-19 Pandemic Never Existed
Then fuck off. Better, just fuck off.
…..Er, no, I don’t
I’m in Ireland. In 2020, we had the lowest death rate for 8 years. Pandemic? Please stop talking utter nonsense.
We’ll lose everything including our lives and our children’s futures if we don’t stand up to the Satanic Agenda.
It’s up to us. Jason Christoff understands everything that’s happening including the mass mind control, the ancient history of human enslavement, murder by vaccines and the allopathic medical cartel.
Jason Christoff – How to Survive What’s Coming In June 2021
The Psychology of Freedom.
I’ve tried to post this video twice before but it doesn’t make it on to the thread?
Yeadon – an excellent video to share with everyone, regardless of your stance on ‘the virus’, and motives…
Unfortunately. I can’t use this video. I only agree with Yeadon’s points about the government lying and their ulterior motives. I do not agree with his stance on viruses, immunity, invading pathogens or contagion. I agree with Dr. Cowan’s point of view. I have found that the work of Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Tom Cowan best correlate with the facts and my personal research into this subject, particularly germ theory. I can verify their findings but not Yeadon’s belief in the existence of viruses and contagion. I have only gotten through about halfway and will watch it through to the end to see if he lists all of the problems with CRISPR gene therapy.
David Icke affiliated so almost certainly loosened chalice. Be very careful. Full of NLP.
Poisoned chalice, thanks spell check!
Not affiliated. He has dozens of links in the shownotes for that podcast and they are references to the material discussed.
Clicked the show more link to be greeted by links to Alex Jones and Adam Curtis who certainly cannot be trusted. Some interesting stuff and a subject I am very interested in but I am very wary of anything linking to known controlled opposition who include mind control in their material.
interesting Jason is mentioning the solstice date as a possible
they love big dates but they also use us to manifest the outcomes they want.
alt media is just a dodgy sometimes with it predictions/pro jec tions = manifestations
Have you noticed on your ‘of line travels’?
the switched on folks hardly touched tek rarely visit forums
and when ask who they listen to or watch they dont do this as such.
Thanks for this. I like Jason because he lists all his sources.
Yes, I have noticed how certain people and groups within alt-media are being fed information from disreputable sources (probably intelligence assets) and then disseminating it to their audience.
Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com
Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire
Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io
I read some of the links on here and highly recommend. I also very much appreciated this series:
Hugo on India – Brand New Tube
Last year just over 10 million people died in India which was slightly down on 2019 and down by quite a bit on 2019, 149,000 died of so called covid while about 500,000 died of TB and 1.7 million from pollution. 27,400 people die daily in India, about 400 a day on average from so called covid. NOw the idiot western media are reporting mass ”burial sites” in a nation that cremates almost all the 10 million dead every year. This week in Delhi the temperate is in the low 40’s and pollution levels at hazardous. Why are the western media so damn lazy.
Western media isn’t lazy. Western media is purposefully lying about covid, Russia, and China. Western media is corporate fascist and completely corrupt.
The Ontario government didn’t entirely pull back from the quasi martial law stance. The revised wording allows police to detain individuals on suspicion of attending unlawful assemblies. Police are challenging this in court. https://www.wholeheartedmedia.ca
they Know all the science!! They Know the Truth! the MSM is aiding & abetting. They do NOT care about anything or anyone except themselves & the PLAN. they are NOW targeting children. why? because the more they shoved down people’s throats, the more they public took! So, they want it all. I cant see the only way out, is Millions to take t the streets. AND I see clearly that THEY, will be confrontational. I can see Massive unrest. On the Streets.
When the government stops paying people to be idle (furloughed) and they lose their jobs…the people will revolt. The funny money goes on flowing from the printing machines… There will be a financial day of reconning… That’s when things kick-off and these treason bastards won’t be able to hide.
I’m sure that this is not what it appears to be. Not.
According to a scientific model submitted to SAGE, we’re going to get a third wave this summer in which
ref: para 32 of the pdf on this page: SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing restrictions – Roadmap Step 2, 31 March 2021 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
What will we lose? Well hopefully, in the U.K., the dire daily updates on Kate Garraway and her covid-19 stricken husband.
Something about the whole saga doesn’t seem right. I won’t say they are crisis actors but they could well be performing roles required by the state. And Draper has in the past shown he’d do anything for money…
Garraway and hubby are quite obviously agents of the state.
It’s the only logical explanation
Pick a media darling, sob story..
You couldn’t be against our Kate, could you?
Standard psy op
Bear in mind that the evil bastards behind the scam might well have realised the fatal flaw in their plan: hardly anyone will know of someone who’d got the virus, much less died of it. Overtime this will make people question the whole set-up. Thus bring on the heart rending tale of a TV journalist and her sick husband to the media, daily for a year.
In fact I asked someone in our local Post Office if she personally knew anyone who’d been seriously ill from the virus and she said “well there’s Kate Garraway’s husband on TV”. Clearly the plan is working.
I’ve thought the same about Garraway and Draper since last summer. He’s connected to Tavistock too by the way.
“Derek Draper has the following qualifications: An M.A. in Psychology
from the Wright Institute in Berkeley (2004) and a second M.A. in the
Foundations of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Tavistock Centre, London / Essex University (2009).”
He is/was besties with Peter Mandelson, which tells you a lot. AFAICR Draper ‘let it be understood’ that he had qualified at UC Berkeley but was called out by the equally loathsome Paul Staines (‘Guido Fawkes’).
In any case if he told me it was raining the first thing I’d do is look out of the window.
Correct. Very strange character.
On the assumption that Draper is genuinely stricken, my perception is that, like more cases than we might care to imagine, it is quite possibly the consequence of medical negligence or malpractice. He is yet another person I have read about who transitioned suspiciously quickly from being able to communicate rationally and lucidly with his family and doctors to being in dire straits on a ventilator. And who knows how competent his treatment was on a ventilator? There have been innumerable cases of medical staff getting away with malpractice until enquiries occur many years later, and that’s only if there is an actual enquiry and not just a lame cover up offered to trusting families.
Your – ” I did try emailing almost anyone in authority to question the safety and efficacy of the school mask mandate but this effort soon failed after so many “cut and paste”, formulaic responses from the bureaucratic minders along with their links on “community spread” and “how to safely wear a mask.” – reminded me of: “Every time I hear a political speech or I read those of our leaders, I am horrified at having, for years, heard nothing which sounded human. It is always the same words telling the same lies. And the fact that men accept this, that the people’s anger has not destroyed these hollow clowns, strikes me as proof that men attribute no importance to the way they are governed; that they gamble – yes, gamble – with a whole part of their life and their so called ‘vital’ interests.” ~ quote by Albert Camus (1978). “Notebooks, 1935-1942”, Harcourt This is part of what I posted in DaLimbraw Library almost 6 months ago – Are We Governed by Humans? – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2020/11/are-we-governed-by-humans.html?m=0 – it’s a long read with various links to different authors – not all Christians, mind you – but unless we understand who our enemy is or even if he exists, how can we possibly defeat him? And what are his methods along with who are his agents and disciples? The undisputed fact is that we as a society and culture are going through a form of insanity, which BTW was a long time coming as we either slept or tried to ignore it. Well, reality has arrived – WTF are we gonna do about it? And are we willing to act or do we wait for someone else? Either way, DaNewNormal will accuse you of being insane because you won’t obey their commands.… Read more »
My children are old enough but I have grandchildren if this happened when my children were young they would of never went to school believe me that’s the truth they cannot make your children wear a mask they will if you let them
I tried, before this STARTED but I knew ‘something’ was coming.
I was laughed at.
Early on, I tried to awaken people.
I approached some ex-Spec Ops’ acquaintances to see ‘where we stood’.
No interest.
I no longer care. I comment, but since most everyone got what they wanted, don’t mind, or don’t seem to care, why should I get upset?
“One man with courage makes a majority.” ~ Andrew Jackson
“One wo/man with courage makes a majority”. There, fixed it for you.
As at 21.04.2021 – since mass vaccination began in Dec. 2020, in the UK only;
AZ – 685 vaccine linked deaths reported (627 on 14.04.2021).
Pfizer – 347 vaccine linked deaths reported (334 on 14.04.2021).
Serious adverse reactions reported, including blindness, seizures, deafness and blood clots, miscarriages etc
AZ – 573,650 (previously 548,495 on 14.04.2021)
Pfizer – 149,082 (previously 143,024 on 14.04.2021).
Source – Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine adverse reactions
If these figures were for any other drugs on the market, they would have been withdrawn by now. Bear in mind they are for the UK only and do not include every other country using the vaccines. Furthermore, the adverse reactions are a fraction of those that have occured, as most people aren’t aware of the Yellow Card reporting system or don’t bother in any event.
“regulatory capture”
Criminals are being executed or jailed for murder, but no vaccine – or other med for that matter – can be blamed for causing a single death.
Equates opposition to vaccines with terrorism, calls for a “confrontational” approach to Russia (who are behind anti-vax, obviously), wants to “dismantle” US anti-vax groups and demands a “counteroffensive” because pro-vax has been far too reasonable and moderate:
If this is “mainstream”, what meaning does the word “extreme” have?
All in the name of science, of course.
It’s unfettered multinational Big Money. We are where uncontrolled capitalism leads – the brink of feudalism and constant war between rival nobles for limited resources and cheap labor. In just 30 years, or so, we’ve managed to travel about 1,000 years back in time. Impressive!
very well put
I got paid for writing in a very inductive, terse, objective style for 38 years. I guess I’m tired and a bit old and lazy, as I rarely take time or make the effort to write that way, any more. I just can’t do it. My work was for congressional types on very narrow, technical issues. I just can’t do it, any more.
I very much understand and sympathize.
Peter Hotez is full of shit on truther talk. Found it eventually but they got rid of the you tube channel. He chatted so much shit on Joe Rogan exposing himself and the vaccine pushers. This article in nature is ridiculous propaganda. what a joke uneducated cowboy they published.
The only potentially accurate fact in this litany of propaganda is the risible but unwittingly ironic statement “the bad guys are winning”. Thanks, Nature, for my laugh of the day.
From the header of the article:”…: time to confront anti-vax agression.’
But the article itself, it oozes a largesse, an elitist position.
There is a lot of anger there, a twisted sentiment of shame
or rather what is left of this person’s conscience.
This bit caught my eye:”Even before the pandemic, I had a front-row seat to all of this.
I have co-led efforts to develop vaccines in programmes, including a COVID-19 vaccine currently being tested…”
This person acts and behaves like his only option is in the offensive, can only
dash forward. He is focused, he is hyper, he is meta.
He knows it all, sussed it out and wants to share with those willing and capable.
A selfdestructive and intensely romantic combination of juggernaut
and The Charge Of The Light Brigade.
A dangerous and perhaps even lethal individual.
I hadn’t heard of this prior to today but found it alarming. Apparently there are many strange anomalies occurring for women related to their menstrual cycles. The most striking point being that even unvaccinated women are experiencing them if they have been in contact with vaccinated individuals.
Anybody else hearing about things like this??
The Dutsch site Xandernieuws has this English reference:
Thanks a bunch!
More about that here:
[Link originally posted 4 days ago by moneycircus, to whom thanks]
Thank you, Simon and Money circus! I hope we start talking more about these phenomena.
Iceland is, perhaps a somewhat isolated country, so developments here are interesting. Our Chief of Infectious Diseases is a calm, thoughtful man, obviously not given to hysterical outbursts of any kind, although his facial expression often betrays exasperation with something. I suspect that something is the pressure he is under to take part in the full panic-idiocy narrative, and of course he knows that it is his job to fit in with the system, or he loses that job. He is not a fool, so he knows perfectly well that his previous statements about the “British strain”, which he has described as more serious and more contagious than the original, do not fit in with today’s statement from him, that the British strain is NOT more serious, or more contagious, than the original. Go figure, dear people… However, most Icelanders are not fools either, so they know from such narrative-hopping that nothing coming from their traditional media can be trusted farther than it can be thrown. I reckon there is something positive in this. Yesterday I went with my wife to the new erupting crater about 20 miles from Reykjavik. The eruption is described as small, and in the best possible place (uninhabited), although it looks pretty lively to my eyes… Most visitors like to go in the evening, when the flowing lava and erupting crater are beautiful and dramatic, but we didn’t fancy plodging home in the dark (it took us two hours of walking each way), so we saw it in sunny daylight. At regular intervals along the way, there were signs warning people to observe a 2-metre distance… and I swear I have never seen anything so stupid in my life. I even mentioned to one or two people that I was certain no ‘virus’ would survive… Read more »
US and CDC officials have “narrative hopped” and contradicted themselves so many times during the past year, or so, that it would be impossible to document and track all of their contradictory statements. It is truly absurd and surreal. Mel Brooks or Fellini couldn’t have created such absurd comedy.
I think many of the twists and turns are deliberate, to confuse, terrify, overwhelm, etc. Remember, stress (cortisol, etc.) will get you if nothing else does.
I’m sorry but as I was reading your post I was doing an Icelandic accent in English in my head.I’m sure not every politician wants this but it seems all the world leaders have guns against their heads I don’t understand unless Satan himself is threatening them
It’s bribery, essentially. Huge multi-national corporations and multi-national billionaires control most “western” political systems and Big Money dictates. They also own the media in the US, Australia, and elsewhere. They usually don’t need guns but they’ll use them as a last resort.
Where is their humanity though would you or I do this to our fellow man?There has to be something demonic satanic
I don’t think I would. I think it’s most likely abnormal greed and lust. Psychotic greed and lust. I don’t like saying this but I think we are significantly more primitive and animalistic than we like to imagine. We’re no different than we were 3,000 years ago.
Fear of truth, demonises to mask over its denial. Masking narratives operate plausible deniability as self justification. If you see this event has been long in the planning, you can also appreciate much was already in place when ‘China caught a cold’. What narratives are people operating from? Insider narratives will be fed as if privileged information serving some sort of worthy or necessary cause or duty. Mainstream narratives are mind-management. Fear/threat, distancing/dissociation lockstepped denial, masking virtue in gaslighting reversals – its all demonic or satanic – but as a reiteration of a much tighter noose than was already normalised social masking. We have no real sense of what we have already lost, as we are set up to lose even the little that we hath. What do we truly Have and Be? What SHALL we release as false or worthless? What shall we align in as our true desire? These questions are not self-reinforcing compliance to a mindtrap made real – for by reaction can fear make real, to the minds of its believers. Fear of loss runs AS IF protection, by holding a fixation in masking over fear, pain and loss set as virtue, https://twitter.com/onemindinmany/status/1387515659790262273?s=20 Love of life lived and shared, is lost to a fixation in fear and control, set in separatenesses seeking social reinforcement, that of course reinforces fear of losing even the little that they hath. Never mind what ‘will be lost’ – look at what is willingly abandoned and sacrificed even under the fear of the threat of ‘losing’! If the process is that of revealing or a self-disclosure, then invested self illusion finds no place to stand and is thus seeking to double down in weaponised and marketised cover ID, acted out upon the body to lock down the mind. Live this day… Read more »
These are the same people who have rained fire from the sky on millions of innocent people for the past hundred years. They are capable of any evil they can conceive.
Most, if not all, of those “huge multi-national corporations and multi-national billionaires” owe their fortunes to military contracts so I deduce that they, also, are just following orders.
No. Profit rules. They give the orders.
Yeah, like they whacked the president of Tanzania (along with a lot of officials loyal to him) of late, and Burundi beforehand. They did kill president of Poland too in 2010 cuz of the refusal to buy they previous Vax – this was the rehearsal and a warning to the disobedient ones.
Reply “awaiting spam check”, once again.
You used the ‘g’ word…
The “g” word? Guns? If that’s considered a sensitive word….. well…. how weird.
It all depends on whether the algorithm is in a touchy mood…
Vohhtt dhu you mean – Aissslandic akkssssennnhhtt? There’s no such thing 🙂
But those politicians were selected because of their understandable tendency to be afraid of such devices being held against their heads. For me, some kind of moral blackmail just has to be in the equation somewhere.
Behind that scenario is the equally correct assumption that Satan himself is conceivably threatening (or bribing) them, but this is indirect.
Seeing Satan present at Bilderberg meetings, for example, is no longer a far-fetched scenario, given the theatrical secrecy of those meetings, along with the fact that satanist groups do exist.
In a modern society, of course satanism should not even be a possibility, but our evolution has taken such a downturn recently, that endless possibilities for corruption and infiltration exist.
As you rightly point out, people are desperately afraid of not ‘fitting in’ with the moral peer-pressure of their social groups, so when Satan says, “Hey, I’ve found just the group for you!”, they listen to him.
An old wisdom says that the devil has no power over you, unless you actually invite him into your home. We need to keep that in mind.
I am sure they do President of Tanzania said no, now dead.
Satanic forces for sure in ‘human’ bodies.
Thanks for sharing the story and the link. Hope I get to make it there for a visit someday. Good to hear that most of the people near you have their heads on straight.
It’s all relative, of course.
There is definitely a certain orneriness to Icelanders – rather unpredictable once they get an idea into their heads – and in that sense they are a bit like some British eccentrics.
The country is also full of sheep – both literally and figuratively. The latter kind keep voting for the party most likely to take frightful risks with their money, while of course hiding behind the lie of calling this “future investment”, and concealing the real short-term profit motivation – along with a likely intent to plunder our pension funds sometime soon…
Since the Icelandic people are basically so nice and friendly, it’s very easy to forget that such a small island – rather like Sicily – can, politically speaking, sink into a nasty family mentality, simply because practically everybody here is related to some extent.
This means they have their own mafia, commonly spoken of as if it was only one family, but in fact consisting of several over-privileged land-owning families who conflict with each other from time to time.
One of the top men in the Icelandic Central Bank described this situation recently as ‘very serious’, since these families push their own people into high political positions, where their incompetence usually has disastrous results, or the results Washington wants, or no results at all.
You wouldn’t think it from the above, but I love it here 🙂
It is a remarkable country, and I’m sure you’d enjoy a visit.
Thanks for sharing, I love to hear the sort of things you are relating. It’s fun to learn about the history and unique feel of a place. When you compare it to Sicily I try to imagine an Icelandic version of The Godfather and it just doesn’t quite work 🙂
I’ve wanted to go ever since I heard this on a movie as a kid: “Greenland is covered in ice and Iceland is very nice!”
I was speaking to my neighbour the other day she and I was outside she had a mask on.She said haven’t you had your vax yet I said no I ain’t going to I’m not a guinea pig I said you’ve had the 1st and 2nd vax yet the government tell you you can still catch it still spread it and you still have to wear a mask?She was lost for words walked away.Also asymatic symptoms?what if I have a headache today I have no pain but that doesn’t mean I don’t have an headache?Or i sicked but I didn’t actually sick or feel sick but I’m actually sick imagine using that excuse to have a day off work.The worlds gone mad well the propaganda elites think we’d fall for this.
The propaganda elites thought we’d fall for this ?
We HAVE, unfortunately, fallen for this – present company excepted.
It may well be that they are absolutely gobsmack-astonished that we have fallen for it, but that won’t diminish their jubilation that they are getting away with it.
Over and over again, I find myself forced to come to the conclusion that all our town mayors, all our hospital chief surgeons, all our chiefs of police, all our members of parliament, all our local councillors and counsellors, all our bank managers and all our headmasters have been selected – for decades – from a small pool of ‘suitably conditioned’ types of person, for all I know, from the same political party (or corrupted masonic lodge) – in preparation for the current vaxxidemic / covidiotic coup.
Their farcical synchronicity on all important matters is entirely robotic in nature, and they are truly unworthy of any public office at all. They need to be unemployed, and unemployable, suitable only for the most menial tasks – the very tasks for which they consider US suitable.
Wearing a smart suit and tie is a fairly effective way of appearing ‘respectable’, but we must learn to see through such superficialities.
People like Whitty, Fauci and Hancock are, essentially, halfwits, and if we allow halfwits to control everything in our lives, we will, eventually, accept stupidity as normal.
I’ve thought this for a while are they clones or robots they have no soul like you say masonry
met a lileth while ago
doctor nurse of science
a girl named anna fall axis
duscky type of the night
russio turkic
non kosher
expert in word spell craft kaballa
a pharisee khazar or sum such.
a little to much hair on face and palms of the hands
for my liking
she dealt in spike proteins lateral flow prick vaccinations
and other oil industry chemicull postulates
called them vitamins she did
for the blood and for the soul
spirit soon leaving
maketh the man immune she said
thats it all good now guaranteed
take it to the b i s bank
immune from
from tavistock
genome system shocks.
no really no inflamation
all round cure all
body and soul
from the diseased infection
it’s pointless goy goy life
pirates capturing life
harvesting souls
plundering estate
marking and rendering
the cattle chattels
unto not pope or caesar
but shitter
sum say nurse are angels
fallen eye say
Slightly off-topic. But here’s a headline article in the Graun (of course)
”Alexei Navalny looks gaunt as he appears in court after his 24-day hunger strike.”
The hunger strike in question has now been called off after Navalny ‘bottled it’. I wonder what our lovely Gruan imagines what Assange looks like after his many years since he was in holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy without medical treatment and than Belmarsh maximum security prison? But of course the Gruan neglected to make the comparison. In the words of the ineffable Mandy Rice-Davies ‘Well they would, wouldn’t they.’ The more I think about it the more I think that the MSM – at least some of them – live in a state of induced schizophrenia existing in an impermeable bubble which they take to be the truth. That’s one sort. The other s scum are simply paid whores who will do anything for money. Think Bellingcat and Elliot Higgins.
Fucking Elliot Higgins = Captain Underpants. That would be skidded, shitstained underpants to boot.
Eliot Higgins, many have watched this, but here’s some comedy gold.
Lol. Genius…thanks…was thinking of this clip recently wondering where I could find it. Graham Phillips should be made head of the BBC.
That would be like recommending Jordan Peterson to be head of Women’s Liberation.
He wouldn’t fit in.
My suggestion would be to let the BBC sink by removing all advertising revenue and licence fees.
Then get an organization with some journalistic integrity to replace it.
A tall order, I do admit.
Why does propaganda need to be replaced? News and media is mind control programming. It doesn’t inform. It’s not there for anyone’s benefit. It can be abolished and we’ll leave the reporting up to citizen journalists who don’t have an agenda.
There is of course much truth in what you say there.
Still, I haven’t entirely lost touch with the notion that there is such a thing as real journalism, and that a group of people with integrity might be able to cover more ground, and reach a wider audience, than one or two good local journalists who are unknown to most people.
But I suspect you would rightly point out that it is precisely when people get into groups that the trouble starts. Even a marriage is a group of sorts, and we all know how well that is going these days…
On the other hand, have human beings generally evolved to a stage where their society can consist of nothing but individuals, yet still be viable?
Not quite, I fear, although I can imagine that far less harm would be done than with the current way of organizing things.
Food for much future discussion, methinks, but most people are too preoccupied even to think about it.
But you know that signals and radio etc were created by the military. Right? That there never was such a thing as journalism? That the history of the BBC for instance started from the OSS. And that the entire idea of it was to create a false reality and brainwashing through repetition. Once I looked at a couple of stories and figured out that were entirely fabricated, now I see that they all are. That really they are just selling an imaginary system with imaginary players, and imaginary issues, with imaginary outcomes, even imaginary courts. It’s nearly all illusory.
A fine description. Remarkably accurate.
I think every school has one, so I recognize him well from what you say.
If you don’t stand for something you will fall for everything.
If you don’t have any strength of belief in something meaningful, even if that belief is simply respecting your fellow man’s right to live freely, then you are not going to get through this.
What does that say about all these people cowering in terror from the world and its inhabitants, at an outbreak of something with a 99.98% survival rate? It sounds like the controllers think they have found a way to convince people there is an outbreak of being alive which is so deadly you have to be inoculated with something they cooked up especially for just such an occasion.
I look at the endless photographs of people being jabbed, and there is truly something demonic about it. I literally recoil.
I don’t have to know much about the secrets of the entities who planned this, and their insane diabolical conspiracies.
All I know is that when I go, be it sometime soon, or if I’m lucky, sometime later..I will go out the way I was put together by god, along with my dear mum and dad.
I will go out unsullied by their evil vaccine.
No, they’ll vaccinate your corpse, just to make sure their diagnosis of “Covid Death” was correct.
The way I see it is they’ve been making us fight between ourselves for hundreds maybe thousands of years and they are sitting there laughing at us watching the show the sooner we realise we Must stick together be as one against these sick sado psychopaths it’s going to carry on if We let it we are not at war with each other they are making us fight like the gladiators and emperors of Rome they are laughing at us.
And now, as if we who are skeptics did not already have a wedge rammed between us and those who accept the official narrative, they (whoever “they” are) have come up with yet another wedge.
No doubt you’ve seen reports of vaccinated people infecting non-vaccinated people – even killing people’s dogs simply by petting them. The maniacs never tire of coming up with nonsense to further divide people.
If you’ve been vaccinated – I can’t let you anywhere near my dog! Oh, and BTW, my dog can recite the alphabet – forward and backward! Honest, I wouldn’t make something like that up!
👍 true it’s so messed up that if I was born in the 60s I’d think I was on lsd.
There is, of course, the possibility that all they felt obliged to do was ensure a totally chaotic society – which they have done – and the divvel would then take care of all the entertaining little details, such as those you have noticed…
Celebrating the arrival of the beast system?
I misread the graun headline as “Queen’s Breasts”. And no, I didn’t click!
In case anyone wants to have their say on the matter of vaccine passports here is a link to a UK parliament survey, requesting members of the public to provide written evidence. Deadline 3rd May 2021.
Don’t ever give up the fight.
Sorry for a typo in my nick name used to submit previous comment, of course it is Kalen not ndKalen.
It is instructive to realize that none of COVID jabs are legal anywhere. What FDA EUA statement’s purpose and what it really means is that under supposed exigent circumstances of inevitable death of individual diagnosed with a terminal disease a illegal drug that may probably kill patient, as no safety nor toxicity of the drug was determined, can be used on doctors orders only and only as a part of registered trial with informed consent by a patient about dire consequences of its use including hastening death. It means that under state of medical emergency prosecutors, courts will not go after doctors for what de facto is illegal drug pushing. The EUA application was always directed to terminal patients, mostly cancer patients and never before applied to prophylactic or therapeutic vaccinations of heathy population. As COVID “vaccines” or rather never before mass used genetically engineered treatments are in vast majority pushed on healthy people far from dying, EUA does not apply to those healthy at all and does not legalize its use. And by that account jabbing campaign is only creating situation of corporations (granted legal immunity) promoters, doctors and patients (granted no legal immunity) involving themselves in a state or federal crime of peddling and using illegal drugs. The moment emergency decrees or laws are lifted the EUA drug emergency shield from prosecution would fall automatically and jabbing would end immediately as illegal. That is why they will continue fear mongering with peddling Brazil and India strain threat of coming to our neighborhood. They never intended to finish trials as by that time new strains of deadly bug will magically and conveniently appear as they do today to extend old and solicit new EUA for new jabs while old will be withdrawn. “Everything COVID” one touches and tries to… Read more »
Even outside any emergency/pandemic, the judicial system is a weak link in government, easy to subvert. Consider how the superficial prosecutions and punishments after the 2008 Great Recession.
Sales of the jabs alone will bring in total $157 billion by 2025. That is enough to buy a lot of silence, inaction and ignorance.
It’s truly astonishing how elastic percentages can be. When assessing the horror of COVID, the tiniest amount means Armageddon.
However, according to the Evening Standard:
“Only 1 in 4 suffer side effects from AstraZeneca or Pfizer Covid vaccine”
Only 25%, eh?
Imagine a headline that said, “Only 1 in 4 COVID positives develop symptoms”! You’d be shot down for that. Hey – but the vax can do no wrong!
That was already established decades ago.
Here comes part of the Great Reset that hasn’t attracted much comment yet, UHC or Universal Health Care: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/04/covid-19-vaccine-success-enable-universal-healthcare?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social_scheduler&utm_term=Vaccination&utm_content=29/04/2021+11:00 A few choice quotes: “For more than 200 years, human beings managed to avert widespread pestilence with vaccines”. I gather a technique of con men is to start with a big lie – if you’ll swallow that, they know they’re on fertile ground. This also shows why knowledge of vaccine history is important – anyone who believes this narrative is of course more likely to buy into the current vaccine propaganda. To restate: the big killer diseases of the past were not defeated by vaccines – some declined before a vaccine was devleoped (eg whooping cough), some declined with no connection to how many people were vaccinated (eg smallpox) and some declined with no vaccine ever having been developed (eg scarlet fever). ” the global successes we have achieved with elimination of smallpox and near-elimination of polio”. No mention that the polio vaccine causes polio (the WHO website had a page about a vaccine-caused polio epidemic in Sudan recently) or that polio has been “near-eliminated” by a cynical re-branding exercise. “millions of children still die from infections, including pneumonia and diarrhoea, many cases of which could be prevented by vaccination.” There’s a vaccine against pneumonia now? When did that happen? As for diarrhoea, wouldn’t improved diet and clean drinking water be a better solution than a vaccine? Oh, and have a look at the figure for ‘White’ deaths in the graph below…. “non-communicable diseases which are now responsible for over 70% of global mortality.” So why all the focus on communicable diseases? After all, judging by the Covid precedent, if the world came together we’d have a cure for cancer within a fortnight and a solution to heart disease the week… Read more »
Just to emphasize it again:
should have been
Just to let the bastards know, if they are reading in, that they are not fooling anyone any longer, and that one way or another we’re going to get our pound of flesh.
I’m interested in truth and realism here, and I have to say that they are still fooling a heck of a lot of people.
But realism and truth is not a fixed picture you can describe from a distance; it’s a process in constant change, and I can say that a lot of people are skeptical about the whole thing, although afraid to speak up, and those who planned this are not getting exactly what they were expecting. Otherwise why is the WEF talking about “vac…. hesitancy”, and getting the vac… being the condition to be back to normal (sheer blackmail)?
Well, like most of us today, I don’t really feel I can look at the realism or truth of this fiasco from a distance at all. Surely we are all right in the thick of it.
My guess is that they are getting pretty much what they were expecting.
This has been in the planning for a very long time, and they must have known that they were not going to get a 100% success rate with their fraud straight away.
Still, their knowledge of human nature seems to me to be as deficient as if they had spent all their formative years observing the rest of us from Mars, so I’d say they certainly have some chinks in their armour…
We must exploit those chinks.
Thank you for the post…nice dose of reality
I wrote last year that this was about the dozens of NIH vaccine licenses I saw listed on the federal register. But none are vaccines. They’re gene therapy. Once people agree to normalizing CRISPR gene therapy, entire segments of the population are going to be experimented on to see how they die, what illnesses they die from and how fast they die.
Those that survive will be studied and the data assembled, to analyze any positive epigenetic adaptations. Rather than just kill everyone off in one go, the cabal are using gene therapies, microwave weapons and biometric and behavioral surveillance to amass larger and more accurate data sets. And that’s why DARPA and Rockefeller Org are running the brain initiative in concurrence with the covid operation. They can map out the brain while observing how their frequency experiments with 5g bandwidths, pulsing sequences work with the hydrogel in the vaccines and tests, affect thoughts, illness manifestation and mortality.
It’s an orgy of death and suffering on a global scale. Which is why they have to switch to an automated model. The more automated the sickness industry becomes, the less leeway doctors have in correct diagnoses or treatment. The industry is being transitioned to AI.
Please don’t take this the wrong way…but the fact i never disagree with what you post depresses the shit outta me. Also although i am a manual worker my dad was a chief biomedical scientist and i was smart enough to follow him. The industry is bullshit,and at 17 i could see that. All ihave studied,and discussed with my dad,leads me to your conclusions. Keep on keeping on….you are closest to truth as i see it.
Haha. It depresses the heck out of me sometimes. You get a lot of pushback when you start uncovering and documenting the fraud. There’s a fairly unsophisticated troll operation on this site. You may have noticed… *face palm
“How many more will march in May? I hope at least twice as many will next time and that they will persist, and persist and persist. I hope that as the weather warms, more and more people will see that it is possible to be outside and inside, to be together and to celebrate our lives, our professions and our passions together without shame or fear.
What else do we have to lose?”
Marches and demonstrations are important for moral but (even the long, determined ones in France e.g.) don’t change things in the environment of total media control, corruption and acquiescence by the “gate keepers” such as doctors, police, directors, managers, school principals, media editors, journalists etc. Only local organisation with other awaken freedom campaigners with participation in direct actions can do that, and eventually wake up those still in their deep Covid trance. Start by downloading Telegram and meeting locally.
they are important for destroying moral with all the cries “the media didn’t report it” as if we didn’t know that 20 years ago. the covidians agenda marches ahead whilst the uncovidians expended energy in futile protests all the masses herd about was how some police got assaulted to boost their hate for antivaxxers. . now the protetors have less money for healthy foods or other investments and the police got a hefty pay check.
We finally accepted in 2003 that even a million (or more?) people marching through London would change nothing. A lot of people think the ‘Riots’ defeated the Poll Tax but actually it was civil disobedience i.e. millions refusing to pay. In those days our employers didn’t penalise us if we stood up to tyranny and ended up in court – it’s hard to believe now!
We asked our brainwashed and Pfizer-jabbed 40-year-old daughter last night if she’d heard that there had been a big demonstration in London last weekend. Given that she says she never watches the news but constantly quotes BBC, Guardian etc ‘sources’, take a wild guess as to her answer! She even asked what it had been about! We were tempted to answer ‘BLM’ but she seemed bemused when we told her it had been anti-lockdown. What lockdown? We’re on the roadmap, the vaccine has macht frei.
She can’t see what’s wrong with the chemist pushing boxes of test kits at us because ‘it’s less invasive’ than the PCR. We pointed out for the 100th time the link between testing the healthy and lockdowns but we were taliking to the person who, when she and her family caught a slight cold last autumn, it was actually Covid19 because she panicked and got them all tested. We’re getting hardened to this now; most people we know are like her and many no longer speak to us; at least she still does!
We told her about the new 6-month contract for Covid Marshals the Govt is currently recruiting for in an attempt to warn her that all may not be as rosy as she believes. Either way, she will soon find out for herself. MW
The poll tax wasn’t even defeated. They just changed the name to council tax.
Yes, but in an environment of total media control it helps to have large numbers of people marching with placards to get the alternative message across, too. I also take the point about the need for other kinds of organization, and don’t see them as being mutually contradictory.