Between Us
Edward Curtin

The road led up the hill between houses until it came to the lake where it ran between the lake and the woods and the thought of people disappeared if he was lucky.
He was sick of people, especially those he saw in masks because of their obsessive fear of death. They ran in packs. They seemed insane to him, as if germs might fly through the country air and infect them with a virus in a reversal of the way the insects were starting to fly low over the water and the fish would jump to devour them.
He preferred the fish and the bugs and was glad no masked bandits were on the road to rob him of the morning’s beauty.
There was a young boy fishing, casting and reeling back in a rhythmic way. The boy yelled out as he reeled in his first catch of the season, a glittering rainbow trout that sparkled in the sun.
Once he was twelve years old and started out very early between the edge of night and the dawn of day.
Alone, beautifully alone, with the dew thick upon the grass and the fog still clinging to the water in the creek. His family was at the farm. He awoke in the dark while his sisters and his mother slept and his father snored loudly. He tiptoed through the cabin and quietly shut the door behind him, almost catching his hair in the flypaper on the way out.
He got his fishing gear from the porch. In an old Maxwell House coffee can were the nightcrawlers and the other worms he had dug the previous evening under the apple tree by the bull’s pen.
Now it was April and the ice on the lake was gone and the two geese he had seen last year had returned to their old nest. Last spring he had watched them very closely for more than a month as the goose sat patiently on her eggs and the gander sailed the waters on alert for predators. Some days he would see them swimming together near the nest. This worried him.
He wondered if leaving the eggs unprotected for even a short time would give a predator an opening to attack. When the goslings never appeared, he assumed a predator had seized them.
The worms in the can were big and juicy. When he moved the dirt, they gyrated to the surface and tickled his fingers. He felt sorry for them. They seemed so alive and would soon be dead. Maybe he should set them free. The dirt where he dug them behind the old shed between its back wall and the thick wooden slats of the sad bull’s pen was dark and wet and redolent of fallen apples. The huge ring-nosed bull had heard the grating of his spade and had come over to the fence.
It was dark there in the enclosed space and he got the chills as the bull snorted at him through the empty spaces. A strange vibration passed between them.
The boy showed him the trout as he unhooked it. He grasped it with two hands and gently bent and released it into the shallow water where it hesitated, as if shocked, and then swam away. The boy turned to the man and they gave each other high fives. Something passed between them. They laughed and the man walked on wondering why people liked to kill and capture free creatures.
He thought: Is it possible not to remember to forget but just to live forward in a forgetfulness that is a constantly emerging present?
The road turned sharply there and a man in a mask approached him. On an impulse, he asked the man why he was wearing a mask when he was outside on a gorgeous morning. The man said, “To protect myself from the virus. Why aren’t you wearing one?”
“Because I don’t think pigs can fly,” he said.
The other man gasped and his eyes flared in fear and he rushed away.
He walked on and saw the gander standing on the beach, looking around like a proud sentry. The goose was on her nest. Maybe, he thought, they, at least, had learned something.
Then it was raining lightly.
The only sounds were the birds and the rain and he opened his mouth for the rain and his ears for the birds and his heart for the day. He walked down the gravel path up past the barn to the road and crossed the bridge across the creek to get to the side where the fishing was really good because the river twisted and turned over there to create little peninsulas that protected deep pools where the fish lay in wait. It was also where the Hermit of the Esopus was said to live. His name was Billy Bush and he wondered if he was a fictional character. He had never seen him.
Maybe he was asking the wrong question. He felt in a flash that he knew the answer but couldn’t say what the true question was. But it didn’t seem to matter now. He felt as he walked ahead he was heading back to find his future in the present.
Back in time and the city, his parents had appeared on a television show called, “Do You Trust Your Wife?” The host of the show was Johnny Carson. This was his first gig before he would become famous as the long-running host of “The Tonight Show” and an iconic figure in TV lore. This is true, but he wasn’t sure back then whether the hermit was as real as Carson because he saw Carson and they talked but the hermit seemed like a legendary figure.
Carson asked him to stand up in the audience and he asked him if he felt weird being the only boy as the middle child with seven sisters. He said, “No.” Carson persisted, “I guess you feel like the baloney between the bread.” The boy hated baloney and he was silent. A man held up big cue cards that said applause. Carson looked like a giant cardboard cutout. The audience clapped and the show went on as it always does.
A year later they changed the name of the show to “Who Do You Trust?”. Not a bad title for the first Cold War era, but that guy in the mask probably thinks I was conspiring to infect him, that I was a Russian agent.
Maybe pigs do fly now.
Everything seems to have changed between people.
How can you trust someone whose face you can’t see? To face the faces that you faced was once upon a time the way things were. You had a chance to tell if the words that passed between you were true or not, but now the masquerade is complete. Deep darkness has descended. Do we have to wait for death to see face to face?
He passed the goose on her nest near the swampy end of the lake. Although he couldn’t see her face clearly, he imagined she looked expectant, feeling urgent for the future. He wondered what it might be for both of them. What was he looking for in the days ahead, what did he desire, where was he going? He thought of the guy in the mask and all the people everywhere enchained by fear.
Why was it so hard for them to see that the prison gates were closing around them and the living-dead elites were devouring their futures?
The path down to the river twisted through dense woods. He could tell people had traveled it but not heavily. The sun had risen behind him and the mist on the water had given way to glitter on the fast-running water and the wet rocks throughout it. When he reached the water’s edge, he felt relieved. Now he could fish but had this strange sensation that he didn’t want to, now that he had reached his destination.
It’s funny how when you think you want something and you are about to get it you have second thoughts. Maybe not thoughts. He sat down on an old log and stared at the water. The sound of the water moving fast over the rocks and the sun hitting the water spray put him into a cataleptic state in which he lost himself.
He was jolted by a voice. He jumped.
A man with a grayish-white beard and bright blue eyes under a worn fisherman’s cap stood to his left.
The man said, “I’m surprised to see you here. No one comes here.”
The boy was frightened. He stammered, “Oh, I was about to fish.”
“It’s a great spot,” the man said. “I come here to read and meditate.”
An awkward silence came between them. The boy had an impulse to jump up and run. Then the thought: Could this be the Hermit of the Esopus? He’s real?
Then: Am I dreaming?
The man said, “My name is William Bush. What’s yours?”
Without thinking, the boy also gave his formal name, “Edward Curtin.”
“People call me Billy,” the man said. “I’ve heard they even think I’m a hermit and I live in these woods by the river.” He laughed.
Past the swamp, the road curved up a steep hill that led to the local college that had previously been a Jesuit seminary. In the woods to his left were the crumbling remains of wooden stations of the cross that the young men once followed. He thought of his father and where he was now. He said, “Good morning, Dad. I miss you.”
The bond between them had always been powerful and when his father died it became even stronger in a sad way. It was such a beautiful morning that he started to cry. Three deer were grazing in the clearing halfway up the hill. A doe and two fawns. They looked up, then looked down, ignoring him as they resumed eating. His father made the best pancakes. Then there were the father and son Communion Breakfasts with the buns. He was hungry now. There was no end to it.
“What do people call you?” he asked.
“Eddy,” the boy said.
“How do you spell it?”
“E-d-d-y,” the boy answered.
Billy Bush chuckled and pointed to a spot in the river where the fast water hit a big rock and turned back to create a whirlpool. “There you are,” he said, “that’s an eddy. Eddys always run contrary to the main current, so you’re in good company.”
The man laughed, which made the boy laugh. Then the man told him that he was not really a hermit but lived in the old farmhouse up the hill near Brown’s sheep farm but that he found it amusing that people created this legend about him and so he played along. He said he had once been a philosophy professor who came from the city to his sister’s country house to be alone and think and write while his family stayed in the city.
Since he was only here off and on and loved to wander through the woods down along the river people had for some reason come to create a legend about him. “I have found,” he said, “that people are so afraid of being alone that they create weird stories like the one about me being the Hermit of the Esopus to scare themselves to death.”
He didn’t like going onto the college campus because it reminded him of being trapped in school and so at the top of the hill he turned and started down. He remembered when he was a boy how down he would feel when his mother would send him to the front door to greet his father on the threshold when he came home from work to see if his father had stopped for a drink. He hated being put between them. He felt guilty for having done her bidding.
The deer were gone and he wondered what they did all day. He wondered what people did all day and why. He wondered how they spent their lives and where they thought they were going in their masks. He wondered what they thought was at the end of the road. He wondered why they drank and why they didn’t. He wondered so many things he wondered why he was always wondering them.
The goose was still on her nest. The gander was nowhere in sight. He stopped at the beach that extended out into the lake and took a gander. Nothing. He wondered where he was, what did he do all day except stand watch for death to come flying trough the air. The boy who was fishing was gone. Four masked people dressed in black approached him. He said, “Good morning.” They looked away in silence as if he didn’t exist.
Billy Bush said he had to go. He asked the boy if he liked to read. The boy said, “Yes.”
He took a book out of his back pocket and handed it to the boy and said, “It’s a good one and some of it may be difficult for you now but it will grow on you. I’ve learned a lot from the author. He once said to wonder is to begin to understand, and that’s why I come to the river. It always surprises me. But please do me a favor, don’t tell anyone you met me and I told you I wasn’t this legendary hermit people want to believe in. They love their illusions. Let’s keep it between us. Okay?”
The boy said, “Yes.”
He took the book. Billy Bush left. The boy sat where he was, looking and listening to the river flow. Sometime later he got up and left without fishing. He told no one about the hermit.
When he arrived home from his walk, the man went to his bookcase and pulled out the old, battered paperback book Billy Bush had given him years ago. He had never read it for some reason. He had never even opened it, as if to do so was to spoil his encounter with the hermit. To break the spell.
Now seemed like the right time.
He opened the book whose title was What Is Philosophy? by José Ortega y Gassett, the Spanish philosopher. In the front was a signature: William J. Bush, S.J. He flipped through it. It was unmarked except for a few lines near the end. He read them:
The future is always the leader….We live forward into our future, supported by the present, with the past, always faithful, off to the edge, a little sad, a little frail, as the moon, lighting a path through the night, goes with us step by step, shedding its pale friendship on our shoulders….the vast majority of human beings….are preoccupied with becoming un-preoccupied. Under their apparent indifference throbs a secret fear of having to solve for themselves the problems posed by their acts and emotions – a humble desire to be like everybody else, to renounce the responsibility of their own destiny, and dissolve it among the multitude.
He said to Billy Bush, “Thank you, it took me a while, but between us, that sure explains the masked desperadoes running in packs. But I won’t tell them, for as you told me long ago, they prefer their illusions.”
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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You are a romantic Edward with lovely words and thoughts – thank you for a wonderful read. I suspected halfway through that it was you as a youngster for it could never be fiction – too brilliant! Maybe will overcome this madness – eventually:
Thanks for an good story, witch reminds me of my self, and my wanderings around the land.
I have gone into parts of the land where people rearly are, or passes by, where if you sit down birds comes upto you, sits down, and gazes at you, watching like you are something new, curiously, and often this birds are not afraid, as long you dont do any sudden moves they rests beside you for an while and we both sits there and looks out, ocasionaly at each other, talk to them, but dont make sudden moves.
This story reminds me about my fishings witch I have done in the past and to day but this time I use an Kajak, I have an SOT (sit on top) one witch also alowes me to glide thru the world in an way witch dont scare other creatures, and I enjoy that, recomend it to everybody, the SOT is easy to use since I have an back issue, etc but it also have compartments witch are water tight and can take with me gears for longer trips, and it can even be rigged as an trimaran with sail if you want that, for long hauls,etc, as an genuine kajak, and for many years I walked along rivers/creeks/water sides and did fishing, but the last part of my life I dont even bother to take the rod with me, just wander along, sit down and enoy the surrounding life and place.
I have fished salmon, incl fly fishing, and with worms, etc, and by large I dont like company when I am outdoor, only few humans can I endure, my brother is one of them, since we dont need to talk all the time, and do things accordingly, like making coffy, the first one up, lights the fire and makes coffy, etc, and we eat when we want, and sometimes cock together.
And in the last years I got complains about why on earth dont I fish that much, we joke about it sometimes when we call that whipping the rod, when I know and use the 5 Times rule, if you come to an place by an river or water and if nothing bites the first 5 throws, move on, I have lately scaled that down to almoast nothing, why, it may be because I have come to behold fishes as more of living creatures not mere objects of lesure, and those few times I indeed do fish I allways stops the moment I have one, of course it depends on size, and prepares it7them for consumption, I never fish more than what I know I would eat by the fire side that day.
Otherwise I liked the story, thanks, gave me flashbacks witch havent tuched me for years.
Have an nice day and take care.
I was out and about today in the sunshine as I do most Sunday mornings. Lots of people. No face masks. Why? Caseloads and consequent transmssion rates have dropped rapidly as over half the local population has been at least partically vaccinated. Guidance from the CDC has changed as well with masks not being recommended for outdoor activities unless they’re part of a dense crowd.
I read pieces by people demanding ‘freedom’ but YMMV — how you experience life depends entirely on where you live. A disciplined apporach to managing the virus pays off (so even as we’re returning to normal life we still need to be aware and careful). What needs managing now is the plethora of conspiracy theories, many propagated by wannabe demagogues who see their influence slipping — they have to convince their base that its all bogus, its a conspiracy, its all part of a secret agenda, because fear is the only way they can maintain control.
I got an earful from one of my conspiracy theorist friends today. No point in contradicting him — once triggered he runs on like a clockwork mechanism. I need him to stop and answer one simple question — something like “Why is all this anti-corporatist material put out by corporate media?”. Sometimes people get so far into this stuff that they can’t see the wood for the trees.
Yes, of course; it is vaccinations which are bringing the numbers of ‘cases’ down. Vaccinations with vaccines that advertise right in the handout that vaccination ‘might not protect everyone’ and that it is still possible to contract the virus after full vaccination and to spread it to others. Tell me how the population is ever supposed to reach herd immunity under those conditions and given those circumstances.
There is no virus. There is always an increase in vitamin D levels in the summer and those levels will drop next winter if people do not make efforts to get sun. One thing the pcr ‘test’ shows is whether it is like winter in Wuhan which it will be north of of florida every year for a good portion of the year. There is no such thing as herd immunity. Vitamin D levels are not improved by the herd but by the individual. There is zero chance of covid cases not going up and down with the seasons completely unhindered by the vaccine, lockdowns, masks etc. since they are based on pcr ‘tests’ and not a virus.
I’m fine with it, so long as you concede your position
(i.e. there is no virus) is the maximalist opinion.
While my sympathies are with you, I have same feelings myself, I trust you understand it’s more likely there is something out there (yes, i know, even though they’ve supposedly never isolated the virus and the PCR tests are b.s.).
My point of course is that we don’t know, you don’t know, heck, the so-called morons in charge hardly know. Perhaps a few do but they ain’t telling, not us at least.
oh really? what like, the bogeyman?
give up faith in the big lie, and the rest of the lies fall like dust in the wind
there is lots of wifi and cellphone signals. we know those can cause flu like illness. what we need is to have scanners in pubs to make sure cell phones are switched off. the bouncers in nightclubs and festivals could grab them off people and chuck them away.
I agree that you cannot prove the virus does not exist. But the burden of proof rests with those who claim it does, ideally by isolating it. That they have been unable to do so despite the existence of many well equipped laboratories and no end of money being thrown at this whole affair raises suspicions in my mind, I have to say.
“Why is all this anti-corporatist material put out by corporate media?”
The material you speak of is anti “small independent shop owner”, not anti capitalist.
Martin-the reason the cases have dropped it’s because this flu season is over.
Like we knew it would.Like it did last year and the year before…
And once again a post which is correct – if you reverse the terms. Fear is the way control has been maintained with regard to covid. There’s no point in arguing with the media because it all runs like a clockwork mechanism.
And I can only assume that the question,
“Why is all this anti-corporatist material put out by corporate media?”
is one your “mad” buddy is asking you. Indeed this curious little paradox gives the entire game away.
Belittling your friend as a “conspiracy theorist” puts you in a bad light, especially since it’s well known that that pejorative was hatched and actively circulated by CIA 50+ years ago. (Still going like the bunny.)
“Conspiracy Analyst” (as historian Gore Vidal self-branded), or my personal preference, humble “Conspiracy Realist”, seems kinder treatment. For your informative friends.
And less suspect.
We Southern Californians expect more from our neighbours!
A bit rich :
The new normal…?

I know the next March in London is at the end of May., but is there any local events taking place, and how do I find them. I went to a couple of lockdown meetings last year in Bristol. Most of my friends are going along with the narrative, and it would be nice to meet up with people who can see what’s going on.
I think a good place to start would be
I think the next march is May 29th, not 15th. But please check. I’m planning on coming up from Cornwall where there is precious little dissent.
Happy Easter.
My Son’s Best Friend’s Wife is Greek…and he has been invited to a Greek Fiesta…
Might see him sometime tomorrow..We have always Really liked The Greeks.
Our kids grew up in the Greeks Islands in the Summer Holidays.
Nice people. We were just instantly welcomed into their Family, multiple times.
I think there for I am,I think if we keep thinking negative it will breed negativity to keep hearing bad things like there’s no hope all these elites are going to control us and it’s doom and gloom you are the master of your own destiny you can think into what you want I’m sick of these elites trying to make us nothing we are something we are more than what we are told.And we know it deep down
Unlocked – Dr John Lee
Great video…
Yes, maybe he is behind the curve on motives, but this guy is a serious commentator. This chips away at the narrative.
He actually comes from the POV that it has all been a massive cock up that the Government is now fnding it difficult to row back on. I agreed with this 12 months ago. That was my gut instinct – helped by the fact that Ferguson was involved and knowing his track record with his broken abacus.
I disagree with Dr Lee on the vaccines and, as you say, he’s extremely light on motives now, as we prepare to dive headlong in with the vaccine passports and the news today that Dominic Raab still says that masks and social distancing will still be required after 21/06.
And don’t forget the testing of infants in the US with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
But, at the end of the day, I’m not sure if the motive is relevant anymore. We just need to put a stop to it, regardless.
Staring (again) with the Big Freedom March on London, 15/05/2021.
how on earth would a march stop it? a march would just boost the police budget and make a bunch of tax revenue for the covidians. in no way would it stop them. much better to organise a boycott of covidian companies. hit them where it hurts.
You don’t remember the Poll Tax riots, then? When is a march not a march? When it’s a riot. The police would have their work cut out if the numbers are huge.
The MSM would be unable to ignore that. Far be it for me to incite outright rebellion but ‘surrounding’ the Houses Of Parliament would be a good start. Perhaps Trafalgar Square would be a good place to start, like in 1990?
What a huge march does is let people know that they are ‘not alone’ (to quote Dr Coleman).
How on earth would you organise a boycott of ‘covidian companies’? How do you start that? There’s no time for that. Once vaccine passports are ‘in’, it’s too late.
I suppose we could wait until they start killing the kids with the vaccines, because that will happen? That might wake a few people up.
They just changed the name and called it council tax. Nothing was acheived by the poll tax riots apart from promoting fake solutions and boosting the police budget and powers. Obviously you don’t want any boycott because your goal is to hoover up resistance and squander it in fake solutions. If it was not so you would be saying you agreed that a boycott was a good idea not lieing about the poll tax riots.
What rubbish. You really do think everything is a conspiracy. You’re paranoid!
The Poll Tax is nothing like the Council tax. Unless I’m mistaken, the poll tax was a per capita fixed rate tax which meant that poor households paid more than rich households, regardless of the value of the property. This is certanly not the same as Council Tax. Even students and the unemployed were supposed to pay 20% of the tax. 78% of the population was against it. Would that we had such support to end this current farce.
I get itl You just want to stay in here. Trying to score points about who can find the most amazing hoaxes over the last century and basically calling everyone else a shill. No one ever won a war fighting alone on every front. You have to bring everyone else along or you’re basically going to live in an echo chamber for the rest of your life, shouting, ‘look, aren’t I the clever one, I can see what everyone else can’t see.’ Both stupid and pointless.
So, which businesses would you like us to boycott, then? I’m all ears.
That’s exactly what this nightmare consists of.
NOBODY can back up now, because that would mean admitting you are either a gullible halfwit, or one of the criminals who would be lynched if you admitted what you’ve done.
“NOBODY can back up now, because that would mean admitting you are either a gullible halfwit, or one of the criminals who would be lynched if you admitted what you’ve done.”
Makes sense, but I saw this Ponzi Scheme play out in its cameo 20 years ago with the California Electricity Crisis of 2000 and Enron’s collapse in its own cesspool of gigantic fraud, and I went around ranting to everyone how we were being massively hoaxed (101% true, as the record now shows) and robbed, and I took a lot of heat, then, as I do now for ‘this’.
I expected the fallout you describe, but instead what we got was a general ennui and ignorance of dire lessons learned from the “halfwits” and mostly more of the same from the moral quarter-wits among those charged with protecting us, and no sweat from the zero wit nitwits as perps. It was as gut-wrenchingly insouciant from almost everyone, and troubling as the end of “Z” by Costa-Gavras.
It was that pandemic of “ho hum” then that led me to not even being startled when this hammer fell on us last March.
Mankind has to try harder or a helluva lot of suffering will ensue!
That’s a constant.
Here is the California template for the global fraud we now have here around us. The exact same mechanism: fake a crisis affecting millions then rush in with a costly ($40+ billions to state taxpayers) “solution” making a clique of golden calf worshippers filthy rich.
This 2000 version of “the past is prologue”:–01_California_electricity_crisis
Almost forgot to remember: rather striking story by Curtin, reverberant, and serenely provoking.
3 thumbs up, as I mutate like a strain.
I think he was quite right about aust having better anti bodies as I was pretty certain something nasty had been through here in the months leading up to the rest of the world wanting to be dramatic…if we accept virus theory in the first place…and that you can believe that this covid is worse than any other…
If the music is just a little bit too loud, however, a video like this can be unbelievably irritating…
It should not be in competition with the narrator’s voice, for heaven’s sake.
P.S. If I was part of a ‘controlled opposition’, I would make lots of videos like this, where people would get so utterly exhausted by trying to shut out stupid music while they try to concentrate on what the presenter is saying, that they would give up after five minutes.
Then, when somebody recommends the next video, they would already have a predisposition to say, “No thanks”… This technique could obviously be an effective part of a brainwashing procedure to limit people’s interest in facts.
A couple of other reservations here:
It’s always nice to hear correct science, but correct science demands correct terminology, and I do wish people would stop calling the PCR process a ‘test’…
Then Dr. Lee calmly uses the phrase, “due to the success of the vaccination”, a couple of times. Not good…
I don’t care whether people believe there is a virus or not, or it’s all about depopulation or totalitarian control due to climate change. It just has to stop.
The damage is done, the vaccinations went ahead.
Even now it seems they won’t get stopped…
Yes, but the music background is really annoying and makes it hard to hear Dr. Lee and concentrate on what he is saying. It gets louder and louder. ‘whose idea was that?
Gawd, I had to turn it off. Couldn’t stand the awful music. Has zero to do witht he topic and makes the whole thing sound stupid and majorly decreases the film’s value. Because other people will have the save reaction and will just turn it off, way earlier than I did. The Montovani strings finally broke this camel’s back. Lee also seems to be talking faster and faster when the music is droning and tinkling over his words.
Yes, it’s annoying. But cut through it. It’s possible.
looks like mis/disinformation to me.
all the best has a fragment of truth swirling around somewhere….
Keeping to my rule of music videos only on weekends, I’ve posted before about something magical that happened to me in the mid 1970s.
Though my dad had a huge classical music collection and provided an education for which I forgive him everything else, it was my mother and her sister who were connected to the pop culture. Though they bought a fraction of the records that dad accumulated they left three where I could find them as a young teenager…
I came across Joe Cocker’s first album, With a Little Help from My Friends, the fourth, I think of the Moody Blues (On the Threshold of a Dream) and the first album of Lindisfarne, Nicely Out of Tune, which I think is one of the greatest of all pop albums.
Now this bit is strange. These two women were Canadians who at the time had been living there. The albums were English. Who introduced them to this music I’ll never know but I am thankful.
For all that later went wrong, these three albums are an anchor. I return to them again and again.
We are all dying off now but there is something eternal about this song.
Lindisfarne: Meet Me on the Corner
Hey mister dream seller
Where have you been.
Tell me have you dreams I can see?
I came along, just to bring you this song,
Can you spare one dream for me?
You wont have met me,
And you’ll soon forget.
So don’t mind me tugging at your sleeve.
I’m asking you,
If I can fix a rendezvous,
For your dreams are all I believe.
Meet me on the corner,
When the lights are coming on,
And I’ll be there.
I promise I’ll be there.
Down the empty streets,
We’ll disappear into the dawn,
If you have dreams enough to share.
Lay down your bundles,
Of rags and reminders,
And spread your wears on the ground.
Well I’ve got time,
If you’re dealing mine,
I’m just hanging around.
A word to the future from the past: Lindisfarne – We Can Swing Together
Moody Blues – Never Comes The Day (1969)
Great song, thanks MC, takes me back to an innocent, more simpler time. I just lost myself for 3 minutes – it felt good.
I saw them at Newcastle city hall when they’d just become successful. What an atmosphere.
It’s time to take off the mask:
Next Freedom March in London, 15th May 2021. I’m going to that one. I think everyone needs to go to that one.
Masks etc to continue after 21/06, surprise, surprise…
15th May will be immense and un-muzzled again unlike yesterday’s state sanctioned Kill the ‘Farce’ protest. At least a third of marchers were wearing muzzles f’ing hilarious. I was accused of not being an anarchist last year by a ‘friend’ for not joining the budgie smuggler Gimpneyland cult, again f’ing side-splitting!!
organising a march is a waste when you could organise a boycott and actually take some money away from the traitors and help support loyal patriots. the treasonous covidians don’t deserve a penny and the fense sitters will soon wisen up when they lose business.
go on then!
Tony da Fauci is #1 suspect in the Wuhan virus.
Fauci is Mr Gain Of Function. He’s the source of funding. He played a role in lifting the ban on GoF Research after Obama turned it off.
Who has got Fauci’s back… Not Joe Rogan. He’s got to close to cat-out-of-bag. And the controlled press laid into him.
Follow the censors, fact-checkers and insult-hurling whores of the press…That is increasingly your guide to the truth.
When the teachers’ pets and the schoolboy soldiers start the Ric-A-Dam-Doo and the Grand Howl, you know you’re being nuzzled by sheep trained to think as one.
GOF is CRISPR on cells and RNA-DNA. It has nothing to do with anything viral whatsoever. There are no viruses. Virologists admit they cannot separate the alleged viruses from exosomes.
Gain of function is a euphemism for anything that makes a pathogen/disease/bacteria/virus/bioweapon easier to disseminate. In simple words, it lets you do something with the product that you could not do before.
That includes the fine grind of anthrax produced by the U.S. military prior to the 2001 anthrax “attacks”.
It includes making a virus able to spread from animals to humans, or more easily between humans.
Now the Covid shots are mRNA, DNA so I accept the point that the Pfizer/Moderna products don’t appear to have any connection to the Wuhan research, except that the modified mRNA is said to encode a spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2.
Were the mRNA shots tested on SARS? How else would they be able to claim it treats SARS. Equally, we may say it doesn’t treat SARS as it does not prevent acquisition or transmission. However many say it creates many symptoms associated with SARS. I suspect there is some connection.
I wouldn’t argue backwards, however. Because you may say Covid doesn’t exist, that doesn’t mean there was no research to weaponize SARS viruses at Wuhan, Fort Detrick, Winnipeg and other places.
These viruses as claimed by the government, Rockefeller et al and virologists as exogenous entities jumping from host to host, allegedly infecting people do not exist. At all. Stefan Lanka is correct. He figured out that virologist can’t isolate these viruses because they can’t find them. Instead they poison monkey kidney cells in a Petri dish and falsely claim they found a virus.
They never had any SARS viruses, not at Fort Detrick or Wuhan. Not in Hong Kong and definitely not in those BSL4 labs.
The mRNA shots don’t work against a virus. They don’t test them against a virus. Not SARS. Not SARSCov2. They’re designed to elicit an antibody response where one’s cell mediated immune system recognizes (and attacks) certain amino acid chain sequences within the alleged spike protein. The spike protein which was created in a lab and not part of any virus, is homologous to a number of essential human proteins including one that is responsible for placenta development, which then sets up auto immune response in the injected recipient.
Until Rockefeller medicine “virus“ was a term used to describe a poison. When the Flexner report destroyed homeopathy in the US, Rockefeller org employed scientists and doctors to spread the virus myth. They were monkeying around in the lab, mutating human and animal cells for the purpose of injection – vaccination. It’s eugenics.
There is no particle or molecule in existence that cannot be separated from the surrounding material – isolated – then purified and chemically characterized. Except these alleged viruses that virologists can’t ever seem to find.
And there’s no acquisition or transmission of any virus including all alleged Coronaviruses. The CDC approved RT-PCR test uses primers and probe sequences that match 100% with dozens of sequences found in the human genome. Not that they are testing people anyway. They’re dosing them.
I doubt this has anything whatsoever to do with bats. It’s just another layer in the propaganda. So what exactly is Gain of Function – making virus’s more dangerous, apparently banned under Obama, as too dangerous, but continued under Trump, because the Administration was such a mess??? There is so much bollocks in the media – including in the UK eg this novichok nonsense…
However, I am almost certain, The Malthus Agenda – massively reducing the human population is still on, but it is not down to contracting batty flu (which I seriously thought I had more than a year ago) – but it was probably just an ear infection, but it did destabilise me, until I fixed it with ear drops from the supermarket containing no antibiotics, but earlier this year, I really did need them, because I had effectively been caged – lack of exercise, and lack of sunshine.
This is not going to go away quickly, unless we refuse to get vaccinated, and refuse to wear masks.
I have almost know understanding of virology, but some understanding of evil and psychopaths.
I tend to smile, and walk away.
Then they go on to their next victim, because I don’t react. The psychopath, thinks he has won, cos I just kept smiling at him, but did not engage.
I might be seething inside, but I do not do violence, cos it makes a bloody mess, and I would be extremely liable to get arrested.
Great piece. Almost surreal, like in a dream.
I enjoyed this. Thank you.
Celeb Land is here to make a difference!
“VAX LIVE: The Concert to Reunite the World”
“As Global Citizens, we’re standing together to call on world leaders to ensure equal and confident access to the COVID-19 vaccine. We can’t do this without your support.”
“Confident” access? Is that acknowledgement of … vaccine “hesitancy”?
And a role call of the damned:
“We’re stronger together, that’s why we’re thrilled to share that Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, will serve as campaign chairs of Vax Live. They’ll join special guests including Ben Affleck, Chrissy Teigen, David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, Nomzamo Mbatha, Olivia Munn, and Sean Penn for a special night with our live audience of fully-vaccinated frontline healthcare and essential workers at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles.”
The live audience are “fully vaccinated”? The filthy heretics are banned!
“Mark your calendars and tune in on May 8 at 8/7c to watch the world premiere, hosted by Selena Gomez and featuring performances by Jennifer Lopez, Eddie Vedder, Foo Fighters, J Balvin and H.E.R.! The show is streaming on YouTube and airing on ABC, CBS, FOX.”
Mark your calendars with The Mark of the Beast!
Good God…. What a crappy line-up of lightweights. That concert could be used as a torture device.
Sean Penn and Eddie Vedder ! Two celebs I had some kind of trust in due to their rebellion attitude. But , of course , that was a while ago. Maybe they got so rich that oblivion is all that is left.
I’m sad to see Vedder there. I wonder if he’s long time been coerced some way. Have you listened to Gigaton?
What a farce. Are the Duke and Duchess also fully vaxxed? Methinks not!
What? I’m shocked! Where’s Bono? This is the sort of soiree he loves to show his mug at. All ‘peace and love’ and ‘unity’ and photo ops. Sickening.
Now I know why they’ve had Dolly Parton and Dave Grohl on recent covers of The Big Issue… They’ll probably have the disgusting Sean Penn on an upcoming cover as well.
Well at least (sexist remark impending) Dolly has a couple of attributes to take your mind off the embarrassment of it all!
I was going to read that John Steepling article you linked right below this, and it slipped my mind (long day) and then you sent a reply about Dolly! And, voila, John Steepling!
The Big Issue management (being very firmly in the Neoliberal globalist realm) will probably have a gushing puff piece about this vapid Reunite Concert…
That’s Steppling. Not Steepling. My brain is a bit mushy this evening…
No problem GP. Everyone’s minds are turning to mush! Call it Stage 14 (or whatever) of the Great Cull of all Culture and Humanity!
I’ll circumspectly sidestep a uncomplimentary complementary ageist remark, and instead sadly note that even my inveterate mammocentric fantasies are udderly quashed by the dreaded, if controversial, possibility of those enthusiastically-vaccinated appendages shedding something unwholesome.
Well exactly!
A good one:
“The mass hysteria today around Covid, then, is linked, I think, with decades of increasingly bad health, obesity, and stress, and that in turn with a war on women and children, and that in turn with the various branches of the de-population agenda (from coercive birth control, to sterilisation, to structural racism and sexism) which in turn ties into the Great Reset, the trending of western governments to overt and outright fascism. The personality of the ruling class, collectively, is identical to those who burnt hundreds of thousands of women in the 15th and 16th centuries. There is a kind of ruling class hysteria, too, that is anal/sadistic, emotionally stunted, and which — it seems to be, in my experience anyway — terrified of germs, dirt, the spectre of the unwholesome (notwithstanding their own, often, louche lifestyles) — the inevitable effects of seeing themselves each as the Torquemada of advanced capitalism. Extreme wealth breeds a need for justification, a justification beyond just being superior, and that is to see themselves as self sacrificing. They carry a burden for mankind. The burden of the executioner.”
And for Greta haters (and who isn’t?):
“Religious revelation remains strangely disruptive to the status quo — hence the need for faux revelation, for New Age mysticism which was born in the 60s and which was once deemed eradicated, is back with much corporate backing. Part of the appeal of ‘brand Greta’ is the stealth mystical aspect embedded in her ‘Aryan youth’ visage. She has increasingly taken on the 1000 yard stare of the martyr or chosen one.”
Thank You Edward Curtin, I enjoyed reading Your article. It reminded me of my childhood. Also Thank You LoveRat For a good laugh this morning. That was Comedy, now there is no comedy without foul language. I am tired of seeing people with these stupid masks on, it is very depressing.
Don’t worry, we’ll win. Don’t know how but we will.
If it was the Frank Sinatra clip then it’s the funniest I’ve watched. But look up ‘the roasts’ and Foster Brooks. Incredible comedy.
If you aint seen these ‘roasts’ another laugh. The older comedy, without swearing is always better.
A somewhat maudlin article but it did invoke thoughts of ” flying pigs ” a Pink Floyd signature , some decades ago until Roger Waters found ” The Wall ” . All very prescient when looking back today ?
Pre-Covid Remembrances – John Clare
Summers pleasures they are gone like to visions every one
And the cloudy days of Autumn and of winter cometh on
I tried tried to call them back but unbidden they are gone
Far away from heart ♥ and eye and forever far away
I thought them all eternal when by Langley Bush I lay
I thought them all eternal when I used to shout and play
On its bank at ‘clink and bandy’ ‘chok’ and ‘taw’ and ducking stone
Where silence sitting now on the wild heath as her own
Like a ruin of the past all alone.
Langley Bush
You can’t get too close to those Langley Bushes. They’re highly toxic. They’ll make you puke out everything inside of you. They can also kill. They are a dangerous, invasive species in many parts of the world. We’ve needed a widespread Langley Bush extermination program for quite some time.
Are you sure you have got the right bush jimmy? The ones that John Clare used to frequent along where the gypsies used to camp never harmed anyone as far as I know and the sharp tasting fruit could be eaten when over ripe without snuffing it!
Sigh…. Langley, Virginia is the home of the cia. Bush, Sr, was director and the Bushes are notoriously connected to the cia.
Now you have made your comment less cryptic to us in th UK I get your point – but nothing to do with the Langley Bush in the poem!
:-} Thanks. I’m sorry – it’s a nice poem – but the two words “Langley” and “Bush” together, well, just triggered me.
No need for an apology Jimmy . On the other hand I am well aware of the evils that the Bushes have perpetrated. George Bush senior was, for example, involved in the CIA’s MK Ultra Monarch Mind Control Programme and other black ops when he was in the Whitehouse.
Prescott Bush was fined by the US justice department for trading with enemy during WW2 this was Hitler!!
Yes I believe he was, but I can’t remember the precise details.
Don’t worry, he got all the dough back after the Nazi victory … No, no …. so sorry, I meant “Allied”
I am from the UK and I understood your sentiment immediately, some have no imagination!
Choose your boatmates carefully.
Which Lifeboat Will You Choose? — by Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds
Very interesting. We did the reverse of that last year, when we lost the lifeboat in a storm. We eventually got it back, but it was very scary. Hopefully do it again soon. It is warming up in a weeks time.
Thanks for sharing this story Edward Curtin. The veil of the Maya has many layers…
India along with China is going to define the 21st century. This is why the US is so intent on steering it into its sphere, via COVID, mass rape or whatever psyop they can pull, the capture of India is the most important battle the US is currently fighting, India’s alignment will make or break America over the next 60 years.
Much like you, India will wallow in its own shit for a while.
God you’re thick
Look buddy, I don’t know who or what you are but your very first posts on this site were unsolicited and very rude. Without ANY provocation you insulted me and a couple of other regular posters here. That immediately makes me think you are a troll. I’ll attack you any chance I get because your very first posts were purposefully divisive and you’ve continued that pattern. That doesn’t bode well for you.
Got anything to say in your defense, troll?
Didn’t think so.
You just appeared out of nowhere and began insulting people. WHAT did you expect in response?
Silence? Thought so.
Other than lots of people to exploit to make cheap goods, I am not sure exactly what resources India has left to take…but then again it can be used to annoy China across the border I guess…and try out crazy experiments like digital money and various vax
Mango Green: Your recent posts are laughable. India won’t even exist in 60 years. Nor will most nations and states “exist”. The train has left the rails and you are on it. Get over it…
The US is already broken.
India is none of the US’s business, like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and … and, well, everywhere else.
The US is alone. A rogue elephant, alone.
I forgot to add that you’re supposed to steer well clear of rogue elephants…
Modi is like Trump — a politiican that’s useless for anything except maintaining power and control by sowing division and confusion. There is no coherent policy so when events conspire to overwhelm their propaganda apparatus they reveal themselves to be the incompetent, self-serving, screwups that they are.
The mystery is why so many people believe in such people. Having put their faith in a Dear Leader they resort to ever more absurd distortions in a futile attempt to match the leader’s world view to reality.
Thanks to Penelope May 2, 2021 8:46 AM, I have found the following, which I find quite shocking.
Self-disseminating vaccines are a reality, that have already been developed and tested in animals. If the COVID vaccines have been designed to be self-disseminating, then the unvaccinated can be affected by the vaccinated, as thousands of women are claiming.
“A possible solution is to create vaccines that spread themselves through an animal population.
These “self-disseminating vaccines” can be developed in at least two ways. The conventional approach relies on applying a vaccine to the fur of captured animals and releasing them. When these animals return to their natural homes, social grooming results in the vaccine being ingested by other individuals, magnifying the level of immunity that can be achieved.
A more radical approach relies on inserting a small piece of the genome of the infectious disease agent into a benign virus that spreads naturally through the animal population. As this transmissible vaccine spreads from animal to animal, it immunises them against the target infectious disease, vastly increasing immunity within the animal population and reducing the risk of spillover to humans.”
I didn’t recognize you, Geert Vanden Bosch 2.0.
When they figure out how viruses ever spread in the first place since virologists can’t find them in cells, isolate them, purify them, replicate them, or show contagion or transmission in any experiment or study, be sure to let us know.
In the meantime, watch out for those variants! They can jump 17 feet apparently. And they incubate in the body for up to 33 days. I’m sure there’s at least 666 strains.
Lanka’s latest is a control experiment in which the same outcome as used to produce cytopathic effects and ‘prove’ infection, is arrived at without any added infectious (sic) matters to the culture.
There is more to come regarding the ‘alignment’ of all known ‘viruses’ from the resulting cell disintegration (rna short sequences).
Will truth ever get in the way of a good story?
I predict that when the dream becomes a nightmare that cannot be escaped, the recognition of need for truth shall override protected narrative. Currently waking to the nightmare is considered to be awake, as distinct from those whose groupthink in virtue signalling identifies as woke.
As for Tony’s shared fears. The realm of nanoparticles is running inside the so called vaccine.
Fear repackages itself to ‘mutate’ the more it is ‘eradicated’.
The attempt to get rid of part of what we are, but misperceiving as a violator or hijacker, is a kind of blind self righteous hate seeking to stamp out its own shadow.
So how does one combat that? The fear that’s being generated in these circular psychological operations?
So on that nanoparticle issue did you see this? … Or this?
I wrote the following into that pages comment thread – after a poster brought in ‘Wetiko’ as a traditional recognition of an ‘Adversary’ or Deceiver’.
To your question:
Insofar as we are not free of fear, respect that we have underlying belief that can deliver us unto evil so be wise and vigilant with regard to not already having reacted in its frame.
The idea of ‘combat’ for fear is such an example.
The nature of fear is that once chosen, its repackaging operates as IF being done to by external forces, agents or conditions.
That fear is a choice is also that love is free-willingly accepted.
If we are free to love self-illusion of contradictory ideas of self and reality, we are free to want to be what we are not or want not to be That we are.
For my part I recognise fear as a sign of symptom of a partial or false formulation of reality, taken as true, and so, there is the enquiry. ‘what is true here?’ but with willingness to be shown or notice what the mind does not see because it is already framed in core beliefs and definitions that run as unquestionable narrative realities – relative to a sense of continuity and ‘survival’ in currently accepted terms and conditions.
The pattern-idea of a dissociated and disconnected ‘consciousness’ seeking to define and control its environment, as it is already defining and controlling its ‘own thought’, holds the archetype of remaking Life in its own image. Where image and form is taken as the limit and measure of Reality. This attack on Life, exhibits Self-hatred, which can arise from lack of support for who we imagine and want ourself to be, as experience of rejection, abandonment, betrayal and therefore hate. It is the shadow side of a conditional ‘love’. Unconditional or perfect love casts out fear. But cannot be replicated, manufactured or imagined into existence as it is the basis of all existence, even as support for the freedom to experience what is, through the frame of what is not, to limit, divide and attack yourself, over and over again.
What are the limits put upon your mind?
That are not at some level the result of your own acceptance and alignment in thought?
If there is a basis in love of life for NOT accepting thoughts, do not let them run your mind. Even if you currently cannot fully understand how they are to be revealed lacking in truth. Releasing the world of what I thought and took it to be is living from a different sense of Self and Life than that of a combatant, deep behind enemy lines.
Those combating the mutating covid psyop are not free to reevaluate its basis in fact.
The graun: “Thousands march in biggest ‘kill the bill’ protest yet”
RT: “1000+ join ‘kill the bill’ rally”.
The video on RT suggests they are closer to the truth. Not a patch on last week’s Freedom protest.
Going by the media’s desperation to avoid any favourable mention of the lockdown protests, I wouldn’t be surprised if they said, “Millions turned out to protest against Boris Refurbishment Scandal!”
An organised distraction from the ongoing Covid criminality.
I went to have a look yesterday and had NO inclination to join in with these fashionable anarkissta types. They have all lost the plot IMHO. Hardly any turn out compared to last weekends freedom march with at least 750,000 no-muzzled participants and probably was a million plus now i have seen the footage. At least a third of the protest yesterday were wearing muzzles(that means you may as well have stayed at home as i really do think it makes you a non-entity in public imo). Sorry but you are part of the problem with your compliance and are prolonging this huge PSYOP NIGHTMARE as are all the others not muzzled marching along side the muzzled (ridiculous imo). Your hearts are mostly in the rite place but you have been hoodwinked mentally. It is another state distraction technique like the BLM thing and the ‘fascist’ anti-fash and XR which are all funded by Soros etc etc. You have a flash double decker and mass-produced signs hardly any turn out and lots of plod, copters etc for a very small demo.
It was tiny and a third were muzzled at this state sponsored distraction.
The graun is really milking the India situation. Their claim today is “deaths due to the infection jumped by a record 3,689 [on Sunday]”
I read that to mean the number of daily deaths was 3689 more than the previous day’s number, but no – it’s the number of deaths reported on Sunday.
I wrote the other day that 3000 deaths in a population of 1.4bn is equivalent to 140 in the UK. So 3689 is equivalent to around 170. UK numbers were much worse than this 3 months ago.
Fear propaganda. Ignore.
Mass-vaccination has just started in India. So they need a cover story for what is about to happen.
And India is using those rapid flow antigen ‘tests’ known to be 50-88% false positives before we even get started on the ”there is no damn virus to find” stance
There are those who are beginning to notice that 4000 deaths in India is not such a large number, nothing like the achievements of many other countries. So now they’re claiming the real figures are being massaged. It’s funny how people are desperate to be frightened.
I had today off and spent all day at home. Self imposed isolation from the outside world I suppose you’d say. Chilling to music; a band called Allah Las as I type this. Thanks Edward for your writing and your evocative words.
Seeing so many people wearing masks earlier this year really got to me, it was just depressing, so one Saturday, I went up to a lovely country town called Warburton, sort of like a Spa town, 72 kms out of Melbourne, to get away from the hordes of masked zombies in the city and to sit by the Yarra River.
It was a warm, humid day, but despite that, and to my immense dismay, there were a sizable number of people walking around fully masked. I went and walked along the banks of the beautiful Yarra River, and even there, every 4th person or so that passed me was masked. It was not meant to be like that.
And yesterday, while selling the mag, seeing a 5 year old girl wearing a facemask. Despite trying to reason with the mother, she told me to mind my own business, and as she ushered her daughter into a nearby shop, I called out “you’re committing child abuse”. I just felt a deep anger at what this ‘mother’ was doing to her daughter.
But at least now, more and more people in Melbourne are defying the directive of mandatory masks on public transport and going maskless. I have to take that as a positive…
I simply don’t get the face nappy thing, is it some sort of deranged virtue signal to show how fucking dumb Victorians are? Now in WA too. Who are the nutters claiming this is essential when the medical world knows face nappies against PCR tests are pointless and there is no damn virus.
If adults are that deluded, brainwashed and fearful, they want to wear one, fine.But making children as young as 5 wear one is just disgusting in my book. It’s straight up child abuse, and I’ve seen other kids almost as young wearing them here also.
I saw a video a few months ago of toddlers outdoors pushing imaginary buttons on objects such as bricks, pretending that they were dispensing hand sanitiser. Basically imitating the adults around them and conditioning themselves for the future. Utterly depressing.
You may have seen this already Sean, it’s from May last year, a teacher in Quebec explaining the “new normal”.
Hello Gezzah Potts: You’re right. The masks are child abuse. I feel abused watching the abusers – abuse themselves. They don’t seem to notice the train has left the tracks…
Apologies i meant to like your post! and i think any growing youngster being made to wear a mask is blatant child abuse. I am seriously livid that my seven year old grandchild is muzzled at school in germany, f’ing barbarian psychos!!!
The Township Parks and Recreation Department where I live sends out a seasonal “magazine” or flyer showcasing its programs and activities. I received the “Winter 2021” edition just last month, for some reason. I neither have children nor participate in Recreation Department activities, so I usually glance at it and trash it. But this time, I was startled and horrified by the back cover (see below).
I find it heartbreaking, especially because the publication is oriented to Normal families in the community. Bad enough that all of the children are masked, but the little girl on the right is most distressing of all. The “Happy 2021” caption is obscenely non-ironic.
To me, the little girl doesn’t project “happy” at all; I don’t think her mask is hiding a big, bright smile. It’s just a fluke of her pose, perhaps, but she looks as if she’s handcuffed, and evokes a present-day iteration of pathetic Oliver Twist.
I turned 66 last month, and for the past six decades I’ve been either affectionately or nastily chastised for my tendency to “overthink”, “obsess”, and worst of all “dwell on” this or that– items that the uniformly Normal chastisers plainly see are not worth this protracted attention.
I obviously am too recalcitrant to profit from this tough-love advice or admonition, because I kept the magazine and still masochistically glance at it once in a while– idly wondering whether the parents and relatives of the children are happy for their local, transient “celebrity”, and whether the images have been clipped and proudly posted to refrigerator doors or put in scrapbooks.
This is the face of the New Abnormal, and it’s beyond appalling that everyone in the chain that produced this publication– the photographers who took the photos, the bureaucrats or third-party vendors who put the magazine together, and the suburban families who receive it– are presumably proud of, and pleased with, the hellish status quo it depicts.
Thanks for that Ort. Sigh😥 Just depressing photos. What have people turned into?
Now on the first of two trains I catch to get to the suburb I’m selling the mag today, and spotted only one other maskless person on it. Had a couple of masked cowards stare at me when I got on. Their neurosis.
We seem to have the same trait Ort. I’ve often been told I ‘think too much’ and tend to over analyse things.
Oh yes, I can actually believe the “parents” of these children would be as proud as punch to have a bit of local ‘celebrity’.
It’s all part of a grotesque initiation ritual to psychologically change people – and children forever. And the vast majority go along with it without any resistance. They just accept it.
Hope your weekend was good…
At a quick glance I’d have thought it was an advert for the local Children’s Hospital where they are battling childhood cancers.
But then I’d realize, that, no, I have never even seen a Children’s Hospital layout where the sick children are wearing face-coverings.
I live beside an elementary school and a soccer field/playground. It has been a full year of watching these little ones, and their parents and teachers, all masked up.
I don’t look for very long. Too painful.
As I’m sure I’ve already mentioned, my little back yard abuts the back yard of a house on the next street over. I only know the residents to say “hello” to: a pleasant youngish couple (maybe early 40s if that) with one child, a boy who looks to be about ten years old.
Once in a while I’ve seen visitors on their deck out back, and apparently when they have visitors everybody masks up. One time I saw a grandfatherly-looking type playing catch with the boy; exactly as you say, it pained me to see those masks literally defacing what otherwise might’ve been a Norman Rockwell scene.
Not long ago it was somebody’s birthday, and the visitors on the deck and in the yard were wearing party hats along with the masks.
As Mick Jagger sings in “Paint It Black”,
I have to turn my head
Until my darkness goes
When qld went nuts a few weeks ago families with 2 or 3 kids were appearing with matching cloth masks…yep it does ones head in..,
I was the style guru for this trend. I’ve suddenly remembered I had an old nappy that I used to suck when I was about 3. It’s a comforter for big babies.
Its ok – its a slave thing. Just do what your Master says, and learn not to speak or think.
Your reference to Warburton reminded me of a British advert about bread which had a mafia theme.
Then I thought of this send up of Frank Sinatra and his Mafia connections. From the 70s. All this might be a long haul so I’ll post some funny clips to see if they tickle your fancy. Humour helps me, otherwise I’d be mad by now. I’m doing a little project on comedy so would welcome your views on what you find funny. I’ll post them up occasionally here.
Thanks Loverat👍During the awful lockdown here last year, ended up watching lots of clips of Allo Allo, One Foot in The Grave, Father Ted, George Carlin, etc, and you’re right, laughter is good for our mental health, and dare I say, our soul as well. Up at 6.00 in the morning, and time for me to drift off into the land of nod… zzzz zzzz zzz
It is one of the positive attributes that me and some of my sane friends have, a proper gallows humour so to speak, it is helping us get through this shitty time. You have to laugh at this otherwise you would cry for ever! Brazil and Twelve Monkeys have a particular black comedy stance and are excellent to re-watch in this present context. Another very good film that may be up your street is the seven hour film by Bela Tarr Satantango about the collapse of communism in Hungary, it is excellent imo.
Sorry to hear about your grandchild D. It’s fecken outrageous and it’s very deliberately done. They’re deliberately targeting children for mass “new normalised” brainwashing. That’s the level of evil these pricks are at.
I saw another of your replies to someone else, and you were talking about the Kill The Bill (many masked) protest, and that quite a number of “anarchists” (???) are fully going along with this covid Crap. You may remember a post of mine about a month ago of my encounter with an “anarchist” here in Melbourne who wore a large Anarchy badge while being fully masked.
I’ve heard of both Twelve Monkeys and Brazil, but, erm, I’ve never watched either, nor have I heard of that Hungarian film.
You may know of this site, and I go on it fairly often, here’s a recent article:
Aye i do remember your comment about the hipster(yuppy off-spring) ‘anarchist’ and it reminded me of being accused of not being an anarchist, for not wearing a muzzle LOL, by somebody that really should know better. In fact i have been smeared three times by ‘friends’ inc the muzzle accuser for going to ‘right wing’ anti-lockdown protests. You really cannot make this shit up!!
There are some very confused people out there, and worse, many who actually consider themselves ‘anti establishment’ are fully part of the covid cult. Up is down, freedom is slavery, etc etc.
Thanks for the reminder Gee ie winteroak which i have come across before but have not looked at recently. There is a recently published book(Ta-Dah Books Folkstone) called 180 deg Unlearn The Lies You’ve Been Taught To Believe by Feargus O’Connor Greenwood. I cannot recommend this book enough!! To anybody that has a semblance of consciousness and the need to understand how and what to do, this is a very good book to read now.
I see 180 degrees is available from Amazon (ugh) for $46, and from a company called Waterstone Books also.
Will see if a bookshop here in Melbourne can order it in for me.
The price is no problem, its just the Amazon connection I’m queasy about.
If I can get it from another source, will do so!
Winter Oak and their The Acorn bulletin is really good, and, of course, they wrote the important and profound article ‘Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset’ which is one of the best articles Offguardian has published on this site since the scamdemic began.
You know I came across a person on comments where he compared my taste in comedy to his. 3 acts I said were the best, he 100% agreed. He said “we must be long lost twins”. With the material you watch perhaps you are our lost triplet. Let’s keep sharing stuff.
Father Ted, wow, check out Fawlty Towers although Im sure you would have. Often not PC now but who cares.
PC is fascism and anti-free speech.
Next time, tell them the masks are Satanic. Nobody talks about that, but It’s true.
The masks are a macabre initiation ritual run by a truly evil cabal of psychopaths, who also pretty much run the World. Personally tho, I hesitate to use the word Satanic. That’s just me…
I agree the word ‘satanic’ is weaponised like ‘conspiracy theorist’ and peoples eyes tend to glaze over when mentioned.
Aagghh… I was intending to reply to your replies from yesterday! Honest!
There were a couple of things you mentioned, but still working at present, way out on the outskirts of Melbourne.
This is a part of the prevailing attitude that “we” here, are somehow better than the vast majority. That speaks of self-awareness, and is also difficult to distinguish from vanity. Even if vanity is absent (hard to tell), the belief of being betetr than otehrs on a key issue poses the risk of transforming itself into vanity: which, to remind, is the thing that destroys even gods and heroes.
At the same time, every sense we have tells us that we’re indeed right, and the vast majority are wrong as well as deeply flawed personalities.
What do we do, then?
Many will just say, “Do about what? There’s no problem. I’m perfectly fine,” . They know how to draw lines and avoid transgressing.
Speaking to the rest, a suggestion :
Looking back, one can notice that the group of people that was alarmed about the rise of Hitler was different from the one alarmed about the post-WW2 imperialist invasions, and the group of people alarmed about the patriot Act, the invasions on Iraq and Afghanistan was different from the one alarmed about the wars against Libya and Syria, which in turn was different to the group alarmed about the international coup under the pretext of a health crisis.
From there, it follows : It’s likely that many today of “us” will be keen supporters of the establishment’s misdeeds during the next fake crisis, plausibly around 2030.
History and nature run things in cycles. Today’s virtuous people frequently become tomorrow’s villains or their accomplices.
And if you have remained outside of such cycles of transformation all this time, some longer cycles are bound to catch you and teach you a thing or two
perhaps, about the unity of things in the world.
You might be mistaken in your assumption that it’s not always the same “group” that correctly intuits the disastrous consequences of the power play de jour. Rather, I suspect it’s the same people, therefore the same group time and again.
I believe, though, that the power elites are playing a long game of attrition under the assumption that those who can see through their machinations will eventually die out, leaving only the gullible left behind – and that no new ones will ever come along to take their place.
The best evidence for the essential short sightedness of that view is the Catholic Church. For a thousand years they actively destroyed any and all who they thought might see through them. And at the end of their millennium they were exposed by yet a new group able to see them for who they were.
It is the one and only saving grace of humanity that vision (if not hope) really does spring eternal.
“Thank you, it took me a while, but between us, that sure explains the masked desperadoes running in packs. But I won’t tell them, for as you told me long ago, they prefer their illusions.”
No! In every “pack”, or community, there are a small number who might be open to questioning if exposed to good research, to truth, and each of those is worth a thousand sheep. I believe our numbers are growing.
But lately I get the impression that OffGuardian is appealing more to in-activists who seem to want to expound at great length on their excuses for giving up, “it’s all hopeless” etc., rather than doing something. (I have liked Edward Curtin’s work on many occasions, but I’m bothered by all these giving up laments, from various writers, commenters and eager trolls, when we still have a chance to stave off an unimaginable disaster. Time for post-mortems when the patient is dead. Not yet.)
In this recent interview Reiner Fuellmich was asked by a viewer “….What can we do to help?” He replied “The most important thing is just spread the information, spread the truth… to as many people as possible.” (Look up the word do).
It does work, at least to the few who are open to it, and they/we are likely to influence some others. When the wind changes more are likely to follow.
I know many are active,and I’m grateful for all your work, it’s not aimed at you!
This has an updated printable A4 leaflet (image), with a QR link to a good mobile-friendly site with enough core information for the newly-curious
Had a thought on what the supposed cohesion of the cabal, their true class solidarity which beyond the propaganda and fear they spend the planets true wealth to create are actually in a great state of infighting and tension
Which will ultimately be the undoing of their satanic white papers, and plans (great reset etc) provided resistance keeps growing. And it will.
Keeping in mind it is never a great use of time to try and understand their motivations/thoughts/actions in great depth or detail.
There is a tension amongst Davosians to simultaneously desire hero status amongst people they equally LOATHE and FEAR.
Their fear is the coronacircus
But the circus is also 100k plus people in London.
The arrogance to rename the common cold via computer simulation is the most arrogant crime vs humanity world has ever seen
These deviant psychopaths don’t work all that well together
If they were so all powerful things wouldn’t be this sloppy and we’d have way more than 25% in the US receiving an experimental injection
Many, many people outside ‘sophisticated’ KNOW
God/your higher power KNOWS
We are first and foremost children of god. RESIST
25% in the US getting the jab? I think you have it backwards: it’s about 25% who are refusing the jab. And Big Pharma and its slinky toy (the Media) are scratching their heads to come up with a way to counter this “hesitancy” short of mandating the jab.
Understandably, they don’t wish to play their trump card – a Mandate – until they absolutely have to, because there’s nowhere else to go.
Hello StartHere: I agree. Its depressing to read the postmortems of positive activism…
Positive actions against the “State” should include legal findings of fact which detail the entire pandemic “emergency” as a fraud. I’ve posted this link before, and feel the advisory content defines a way forward. >
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper
Spiro Skouras
December 27, 2020
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper – Activist Post
Thanks, I’ll watch that.
You do realize, don’t you, that much effort goes into making sure the wind never changes? There is always a new danger lurking somewhere that people need to be “protected” from.
I believe you misunderstand the nature of humans. Many may be open to hearing ideas contrary to the official narratives; but they are waiting to be told by those in “authority” that it is okay to listen – and that’s something they will never be told.
“Giving up” means accepting that humans en masse will never evolve beyond the point of being willing recipients of societal dicta.
May, in America (which I didn’t know till the other day) is national honor the military month. Given everything the military has done, is doing, and most likely will continue doing, one can only wonder how the people can still in good conscience honor the military for a single day let alone a whole month. But they will.
And thereby hangs a tale.
“I believe you misunderstand the nature of humans. Many may be open to hearing ideas contrary to the official narratives; but they are waiting to be told by those in “authority” that it is okay to listen – and that’s something they will never be told.”
Certainly understanding the nature of humans is for all of us an ongoing study. You say some people are waiting to be told it’s ok to listen – what do you base that on?
As regards human evolution, I happen to think it’s ongoing, in fits and starts, though at first glance most people show little sign of it. A very big topic, and I won’t debate it here.
The previous article – The Myth of Authority – is an excellent thumbnail sketch of the whole idea of authority and why so many accept its legitimacy.
I do have a tendency, I admit, to extrapolate trends from what I see immediately around me. Who knows? maybe there are any number of sub-species within the human species – but I doubt it.
People in any given community are, I believe, fairly representative of people in general. And most people still get their views and values from their TV. Without exception, everyone who expresses doubts about official narratives watches little or no TV. They read, and they attempt to evaluate what’s going on around them. In other words: they do not see the same world as those who watch TV.
Also the opposite of that. which is the being stuck in alt media world thinking it is the absolute! which it isnt necessarily.
I think there definitely are sub species. There are different types of humans which can be recognised in all races. The psychopath is an extreme example who at first glance looks the same as everyone else. Then there’s the old classification of humours and of course the Ayurvedic types.
From the Independant:
“First coronavirus vaccine for older children could be approved in June, BioNTech founder suggests”
The progress of science is astonishing. In a short space of months we managed to develop a miraculous vaccine that wasn’t TOO miraculous but just miraculous enough to give hope without permitting the restrictions to be lifted.
We have also recognised that such is the devious peculiarity of this virus that it requires subtly different vaccines for different age groups.
I have a feeling that the deviousness of this virus will also require different vaccines for different hair colours, different sizes and different gender groups. Thus there will have to be special vaccines for all these.
And this will lead to all sorts of disputes about how e.g. blonde people, tall people and transgender people are being left behind!
This will be followed by movies on the tragic neglect of the various victimised groups. Books written. Careers made.
To be alive in that dawn ….
“The progress of science is astonishing.”
I still can’t understand why the world is not celebrating the defeat of influenza by science … some Nobels must be awarded for this one!
I daydreamed of an app that would block all the “old media”. A one-button, trash function that sends The Guardian and the FT and the NYT whorling down the alley with the clattering garbage lids, the rotting, half-eaten take outs and the scattering cats.
There’s something for YouTube but censorship has already driven me to other platforms.
I also suggest the app bins all TV that isn’t pure entertainment. No more TV “news”. Just the various Breaking Bad spin offs, the fantasy cock jostling … and of course Blake’s 7!
God has this up his sleeve:
I believe’s he’s biding his time, possibly waiting for the last 5G satellite to go up.
Then ‘God’ obviously doesn’t care about the 440 nuclear reactors worldwide that can be derailed by such an event.
Hello Maiasta: Bravo! The morons still believe they’re exempt from radiation damage and death, because god told them so…
All that thriving moronic wildlife in Chernobyl! Maybe belief is the key and thats why Trillion dollar monopolists invest so much in manipulating it.
To preclude just such an occurrence may be a large part of climate engineering.
Good ole God! He can be so nice when he wants …
Or vicariously act out vengeance fantasies for the impotent.
Sandcastles also get taken out when the tide comes in. Does ‘God’ do that too?
How bout an app that eats all other apps, burp.
I quite enjoyed that – oh maskless one, I walk with you.
Beautiful Eddy. Just beautiful. Thank you.
Why did they put the fence around the White House? Why so many troops of the National Guard? They were waiting for people to show up. They were peering through their scopes for any blade of grass to twitch.
Nobody turned up. Everyone was waiting for somebody else to move first.
Solomon wrote that the evil are constantly looking over their shoulder, even when no-one is chasing them. Proverbs 28:1 “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.”
The Deep State is scared. They didn’t expect that nobody would show up to challenge them!
— Robert Beadles
Read Solomon again. The occupiers are terrified by the silence. They expect something to happen at any moment and they are waiting, jumping at bump in the day or night. Not because we are heroes but because they are criminals. Fear of retribution haunts them, fear not only of justice but also of punishment by their own masters and demons.
They are hopeless, for sure. Their eyes are dead from emptiness: lack of sleep, lack of empathy, lack of hope. They have no expectation of peace nor even of arriving at the completion of their ghastly enterprise. For they are the pursued, they are the hunted, driven by their own demons, blackmailed and threatened by their own kind. And always fearful.
The state having morphed into the deep state.
The old world order advancing the new world order.
Pizzagate begat Qanon.
I don’t think deep state is a useful term post-Trump. It’s still there – the entrenched bureaucratic machine of DC compared to whom the president is a transient figurehead.
We are dealing now, however, with state-corporatism, even supra-national corporatism. That is a different beast.
Why would they wait? Don’t they usually just make something up?
You’re absolutely right and this is why we are presented with so many ludicrous happenings, such as stupid boys with knives and fireworks.
It’s partly narrative to drive surveillance capitalism. The other half is to sate the inner beast of the state’s criminal cohort. They can’t stay its drooling maw for long.
“Is it possible not to remember to forget but just to live forward in a forgetfulness that is a constantly emerging present?”
Whether it is possible isn’t the question – is it desirable? It’s only because of memory that we know there was a time when everyone didn’t wear masks, didn’t cower in the face of a sniffle, would walk past you on the pavement and not run into traffic to be “safe”.
There’s a reason why revolutions that attempt to obliterate the past end in disaster. The French Revolution tried it. Mussolini tried it. How did they turn out?
How such an idea would serve ‘The Great Reset’ should be obvious. Forget that you once didn’t live in a stack-and-pack apartment; forget that you once weren’t under constant surveillance; forget that you once didn’t have a social credit score; forget that money was once something you could transact physically and there were no central bank digital currencies; forget you could once hop in the car and drive off wherever and whenever you felt like it; forget you could have roast lamb tonight if you wanted; forget these things and so much more. Above all, forget that healthcare was once not synonomous with vaccines.
Have there been other resets wriiten out of the historical record? Possibly – after all, how would we know? I wouldn’t say I’m totally convinced but some think so and I’ll look at the evidence they present (like the claims about Tartaria, for instance).
Science (or at least the part released for public consumption) doesn’t even know where memory is located in the brain. You want to start tampering with something that remains so mysterious? Of course the young, having fewer memories, are more susceptible to this which is why resets always prioritise the young and hate the elderly.
“Living forward” sounds like the cult of progress re-booted. How would we know we are going forward, in anything but a temporal sense, without a standard for comparison? We could be regressing in all sorts of ways and not even know it. Nobody’s going to resist if they don’t know there’s a problem.
As always, if it was such a good idea TPTB would do it – but what I see is them constantly re-enacting past events in their rituals. They know – or think they know – these things have a power. It’s like scrapping authority that the previous writer was so keen on – they don’t do that either. When Worshipful Masters and the ‘Killing of the King’ have been scrapped then maybe such notions won’t appear quite so much as crude attempts at producing a docile, atomised population.
The toilet roll phenomenon right at the start of this increasingly idiotic con is actually the key to the potency of it I.e. it’s the most impressionable, the criminally gullible who lead everyone else.
In every profession it only takes one psychotically hypochondriac arsehole to complain about a lax attitude to render a workplace unbearable. (And there is ALWAYS ONE!)
And after the feverish complaint comes the screaming commands to mask up all the time everywhere, wash hands all the time everywhere, have only one person in a room, stay so far away from everyone else you may be the last person in the world etc.
Through COVID the whole of humanity has been lowered to the level of the most belligerently moronic.
A detailed, scientific analysis of how the covid-vaccinated may affect (or harm) the non-vaccinated:
This is NOT the disruption-of-menstruation story, which may have been emphasized to “vaccinate” you against this potentially more significant story.
There’s a very interesting informal discussion of this topic here
I don’t think Dr. Madej has a sufficient grasp of science when it comes to theorizing about the mRna nano-particles, but the overall contributions are good and Dr. Merrit’s (former US Marine Corps surgeon) no-nonsense “praise the Lord and pass the ammunition” approach is endearing.
And my Top Vote goes to the woman who said that They made a mistake when they started messing with women’s reproductive system. Big Mistake!
After watching it I’m looking at ways to avoid close contact with the injected! A not-amusing (well, a bit) reversal of social-distancing!
India is such an easy target. The CIA are just weaponizing the effects of a non-existent health system and deaths due to malaria or flu, re-branding it as covid. The weaponizing of the climate, the flu, and India’s high mortality rate is just so easy.
India’s death rate is .725% per annum which is about 10 million people. About 1.7 million die from air pollution, 450,000 from TB but hey 200,000 ascribed to fake covid and the west goes bunta.
the facts about India dont matter… at the moment it provides a Scare Story to reinforce the simple message ‘the benefits of the vax far outweigh the risks”… Australia has had 12 (13?) “Outbreaks” blamed on little covey hitching a ride on a security guard etc, in its eagerness to break out of quarantine… you can only scare the chooks with that story only so many times…time for a new narrative…
I can’t read regular fiction at the moment. I want to flip through to the part where the hunted pokes out the pursuer’s eye or jumps off a cliff yelling, “you’ll never catch me.”
Maybe it’s time for cautionary tales and noir — may even help me get a good night’s sleep.
Do boys still do this?
That is, using their own imagination to come to terms with the beauty and evil of the world?
Me thinks that most boys use the ‘imagination’ offered to them through the tube, internet, video games.
But then, they also said this about the comics, and the Bible, etc
Perhaps one must be content with the idea that such boys always exist, yet that they are rare. It’s a shame when imagination goes to waste, because it is ‘more safe’ to conform to the imagination of others (pays better too), but so it goes with millions of people.
“Do boys still do this?”
I believe the author’s encounter with the boy was really a memory-encounter with his younger self.
Thank you for beginning my day with your article. Reflections of past , present and future which makes us the rich humans that we are, or that we can be when we drop the fear.
Yesterday I saw the ultimate: a woman with child as the only occupants of a horse drawn carriage. The woman had the reins and ….she was wearing a mask. Why? Was she afraid of viral transmission between herself and the horse? Was she “protecting” herself from the girl or the girl from her? It was like a vision of hell suddenly appearing on a glorious sunny day.
“Alone, beautifully alone, ”
A beautiful story.
We need beauty.
But now it looks as if we’ll have to fight for it.
It doesn’t just fall into one’s lap in a totalitarian state.
Lovely story and words, especially all the poetic ones of nature. I’ve been drawn back to the natural world most of my life, but especially now. Thank you for reminding me of so much we appear to be losing. Brought a tear to my eyes.