WATCH: Visions of the Future

How will the “great reset” shape our “new normal”? The elites have already told us that, and much more.

So what do the elitists have in store for humanity? You don’t need a crystal ball, you just need to read their own writings and watch their propaganda videos.

Join James on this edition of The Corbett Report podcast as he takes a tour through the future to see the world that the globalists are seeking to create.

For links, sources and shownotes – plus download options and an audio-only version – click here.
Also, as many of you likely already know, but The Corbett Report is now officially banned from YouTube (a long expected parting), so do follow on other platforms including BitChute, Odysee and Minds. Or go straight to the source and subscribe to his newsletter or RSS feed.


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Jul 20, 2022 4:48 PM

What you’ve said here, what you’re saying, and how you’re saying it all really appeal to me. Even if you make it fun, you still take care to keep it grounded.
I’m eager to read more from you. This website is truly excellent words from letters

May 5, 2021 8:22 AM

Being right does suck, on occasion, doesn’t it? Trying to enjoy the ride, nevertheless.

les online
les online
May 6, 2021 1:03 AM
Reply to  Rada

i get only three comments, how about you ?

karen elliot
karen elliot
May 4, 2021 11:30 PM

The only way to handle the present is to live it, which you do by not treating the future like it’s already happened. (A lot of people, under the impression that they knew the direction History would take, helped determine the direction it would take.) The delusion of possessing pre-cognitive powers was necessary for any group wanting power over society. The Rich, in one form or another, had it…(neil fergusen ‘Double Helix’ 1989)

les online
les online
May 6, 2021 1:01 AM
Reply to  karen elliot

i get only three comments, how about you ?

les online
les online
May 4, 2021 11:11 PM

THEY offer SECURITY ! What do you offer ? What does ‘the left’ offer ? The failure of The Imagination is rampant…
The battle for The Imagination has been abandoned in capitalisms’ favour..
The fear of Blueprints of The Future, of Utopian thinking paving the way to Dystopia, of our dreams being captured by politicians, stays our actions…

The Nazi party rode to power offering “SECURITY”… SECURITY IS EVERYTHING.

To paraphrase Mousey Tung “Let a thousand Futures blossom !”