India’s “COVID outbreak” & the need for scientific integrity – not sensationalism
Reality versus hysteria in latest fear fest
Colin Todhunter
Western media outlets are currently paying a great deal of attention to India and the apparent impact of COVID-19. The narrative is that the coronavirus is ripping through the country – people are dying, cases are spiralling out of control and hospitals are unable to cope.
There does indeed seem to be a major problem in parts of the country. However, we need to differentiate between the effects of COVID-19 and the impacts of other factors. We must also be very wary of sensationalist media reporting which misrepresents the situation.
For instance, in late April, the New York Post ran a story about the COVID ‘surge’ in India with the headline saying, “footage shows people dead in the streets”. Next to it was an image of a woman lying dead. But the image was actually of a woman lying on the floor from a May 2020 story about a gas leak in Andhra Pradesh.
To try to shed some light on the situation and move beyond panic and media sensationalism, I recently spoke with Yohan Tengra, a political analyst and healthcare specialist based in Mumbai.
Tengra has carried out a good deal of research into COVID-19 and the global response to it. He is the co-author of a new report: ‘How the Unscientific Interpretation of RT-PCR & Rapid Antigen Test Results is Causing Misleading Spikes in Cases & Deaths’.
For India, he says:
We will never know statistically if the infections have really increased. To be certain, we would need data of symptomatic people who have tested positive with either a virus culture test or PCR that uses 24 cycles or less, ideally under 20.”
He adds that India is experiencing mainly asymptomatic cases:
For example, in Mumbai, they declared two days back that of total cases in the city, 85 per cent were asymptomatic. In Bangalore, over 95 per cent of cases were asymptomatic!”
In his report, Tengra offers scientific evidence that strongly indicates asymptomatic transmission is not significant. He asserts that as these cases comprise most of India’s case numbers, we should be questioning the data as well as the PCR tests and the cycles being used to detect the virus instead of accepting the figures at face value.
As in many countries across the globe, Tengra says people in India have been made to fear the virus endlessly. Moreover, they are generally under the impression that they need to intervene early in order to pass through the infection successfully.
He notes:
The medical system itself works to boost the number of positive cases. Even with a negative PCR test, they are using CAT scans and diagnosing people with COVID. These scans are not specific to SARS-CoV-2 at all. I personally know of people who have been asked to be hospitalised by their doctors just based on a positive test (doctors can get a cut of the total bill made when they refer a patient to a hospital). This also happened to a Bollywood celebrity, who was asked to be admitted by his doctors with no symptoms and just a positive PCR.”
Faulty PCR testing and misdiagnosis, says Tengra, combined with people who want to intervene early with the mildest symptoms, have been filling up the beds, preventing access to those who really need them.
Addressing the much-publicised shortage of oxygen, Tengra implies this too is a result of inept policies, with exports of oxygen having increased in recent times, resulting in inadequate back-up supplies when faced with a surge in demand.
According to Tengra, the case fatality rate for COVID-19 in India was over three per cent last year but has now dropped to below 1.5 per cent. The infection fatality rate is even lower, with serosurvey results showing them to be between 0.05 per cent to 0.1 per cent.
The directors of the All India Institute of Medical Science and the India Council of Medical Research have both come out and said that there is not much difference between the first and second wave and that there are many more asymptomatic cases this time than in the so-called ‘first wave’.
Tengra argues that the principle is the same for all infectious agents: they infect people, most can fight it off without even developing symptoms, some develop mild symptoms, a smaller number develop serious symptoms and an even smaller number die.
Although lives can be saved with the right prevention plus treatment strategies, Tengra notes that most of the doctors in India are using ineffective and unsafe drugs. As a result, he claims that mortality rates could increase due to inappropriate treatments.
As has occurred in many other countries, Tengra notes the way that death certificate guidelines are structured in India makes it easy for someone to be labelled as a COVID death just based on a positive PCR test or general symptoms. It is therefore often difficult to say who has died from the virus and who has been misdiagnosed.
And the issue of misdiagnosis should not be brushed aside lightly. In a recent article by long-term resident of India Jo Nash, ‘India’s Current ‘COVID Crisis’ in Context’, it is noted that the focus of the media’s messaging and the source of many of the horrifying scenes of suffering – Delhi – is among the most toxic cities in the world which often leads to the city having to close down due to the widespread effects on respiratory health.
Nash also argues that respiratory diseases like TB and respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis leading to pneumonia are always among the top ten killers in India. These conditions are severely aggravated by air pollution and often require oxygen which can be in short supply during air pollution crises as happens at this time of the year.
As a result, it is reasonable to state that all is not what it might seem to be with regard to media reporting on the current situation.
It is interesting that this ‘second wave’ has correlated with the vaccine rollout (Nash provides official sources to support this claim). Tengra feels this might not be coincidental. He says that the ‘aefi’ (adverse events following immunisation) data vastly underestimates how many vaccine adverse reactions are taking place in the country.
Tengra says that, based on ground surveys and data collected by himself, there is a tremendous number of people who have fallen ill post vaccination, many of them then testing positive for COVID and becoming hospitalised.
The financial incentive for doctors to diagnose people with COVID could also mean many of the people who are ill with other conditions are being placed as COVID patients, while beds are under occupied for people for non-COVID health issues.
Two months ago, there was a lot of vaccine hesitancy in India and many people were not taking the jabs. Tengra notes that the government has had to up the ante in order to get people scared.
He argues:
We are at a crossroads right now in terms of deciding the fate of our country and it will be interesting to see how this plays out.”
Tengra is working with lawyers and other concerned citizens to file legal cases to challenge the idea of asymptomatic transmission and the testing of healthy people. The aim is to also improve the testing in line with evidence-based protocols.
But that is not all:
We will also be challenging the current vaccine rollout, highlighting the issues with trials that have been conducted, adverse events, deaths, vaccine passports and other issues surrounding the subject.”
Tengra is not alone in challenging the mainstream narrative.
A recent article in India’s National Herald newspaper by clinical epidemiologist Professor Dr Amitav Banerjee argues that the current situation in India is not due to the lethality of the virus but by the numbers who are ending up in hospital, which are exposing cracks in India’s public health infrastructure and the inequitable distribution of health services. Even at the best of times, he argues, there is a mismatch of supply and demand. Little wonder, therefore, that we now see an emergency – not squarely due to COVID.
Like Yohan Tengra, Banerjee questions the scientific integrity of the responses to COVID and this includes the rollout of vaccines and the problems which this in itself could bring:
Going all out for mass vaccination with uncertain input on effectiveness is a big gambit. We have a vaccine against tuberculosis for decades which has zero effectiveness in preventing tuberculosis in the Indian population. Moreover, there are concerns that haphazard and incomplete vaccination of the population can trigger mutant strains.”
Referring to an editorial in the British Medical Journal by K. Abbasi (‘Covid-19, Politicisation, Corruption, and Suppression of Science’), Banerjee raises concerns about the suppression of science by politicians and governments and the conflicts of interest of academics, researchers and commercial lobbies.
He says:
In a global disaster, world leaders, their scientific advisers, including career scientists, are under tremendous pressure. They have to give the impression of being in control and may resort to authoritarian ways to camouflage their uncertainties. Such tactics deviate from the scientific approach. The present pandemic is full of such uncertainties and therefore a vicious cycle of repression has set in when the authorities and their advisers are faced with rising case numbers.”
None of what has been presented here is meant to deny the existence or impact of COVID-19. People in India are dying – some from the virus, others ‘with’ the virus but most likely mainly due to their pre-existing underlying conditions, and there are others who are being misdiagnosed.
Although excess mortality figures are currently unavailable, Yohan Tengra notes the average age of those who died in the first wave was 50. This time it is 49.
Professor Banerjee says that there is opacity and obfuscation instead of transparency. He calls for moral courage among scientists in advisory positions to the Indian government: scientific integrity is the need of the hour.
In finishing, let us place COVID and the global media reporting of the situation in India in context by returning to Jo Nash.
Even as the alleged COVID deaths reach their peak, more people die of diarrhoea every day in India and have done for years, mostly due to a lack of clean water and sanitation creating a terrain ripe for the flourishing of communicable disease.”
Readers can access the report How the Unscientific Interpretation of RT-PCR & Rapid Antigen Test Results is Causing Misleading Spikes in Cases & Deaths by Yohan Tengra and Ambar Koiri here.
Colin Todhunter is an independent journalist who writes on development, environmental issues, politics, food and agriculture. In August 2018 he was named as one of 400 Living Peace and Justice Leaders and Models by Transcend Media Services, in recognition of his journalism.
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Great Article, and as usual we see the media is the virus in human society today.
“We should also bear in mind that respiratory diseases like TB and respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis leading to pneumonia are major killers in India. These conditions are severely aggravated by air pollution and often require oxygen which can be in short supply during air pollution crises in places like Delhi at this time of the year.”
Ah well, the writer of this must think that the clinical picture of TB and bronchitis and pneumonia are the same as those of ARDS in patient with COVID-19, which is simply not true. On the other hand the author must think that medicine in India is extremely primitive. Which one is it?
Can you enlighten us lay people of how you would diagnose co vid 19 as opposed to bronchitis? Do you disagree that monetary incentive to diagnose Covid plays a role ?
Lots of ;pictures but no actual data.
Doctors all around the world are giving themselves a bad name.
Every day they are looking less like the family doctors of old and more like the Nazi doctors of old.
Looks like I’m gonna have to go back to treating myself with whiskey n butter.
A handsome proportion deaths are caused by the vaccine. But the vaccine deaths are massively underreported. My family has been decimated by the vaccine. My father, mother, 5 uncles and an aunts are seriously sick after taking the jabs but when you report them, they do not even count the sickness are caused by the vaccine. All of them were very healthy for their ages, and they fell sick right after taking the jabs, what could cause all that?
a report showing people are getting positive after their shots and their was another one 32 cops died after taking shots. They would not say deaths are caused by the vaccine rather turn the table saying the virus is so deadly people are found dead even after vaccination.
people needs to wake up and ask questions. God helps us.
In samoa just before ‘covid’ the WHO etc. claimed there was a “measles outbreak” exactly at the point in time they were conducting a mass vaccination campaign. The time line shows how the “highly contagious virus” started “spreading” after schools were closed but not when they were open.
You can also look at Madagascar and see the same thing. The alleged measles outbreak coincides with the mass vaccination campaign. There is graphs 3 mins into this video.
Meanwhile Uttar Pradesh just keeps rolling along with Ivermectin. Check out Dr Kory’s graphs and explanation on India starting at the 20 minute mark:
“The COVID-19 Humanitarian Disaster in India (April 28, 2021)”
The disaster was totally preventable and predictable just like Peru.
Has anyone else noticed that what in 2020 was always called the “immunity passport” is now referred to universally as the “vaccine passport”?
An observation:
I wonder if the satanists/globalists are planning to mark the Great Reset as a turning point in world history, so that 2020 will be called “Year 1, A.C.” (after Covid) and everything prior will be “1 B.C., 2 B.C., 3 B.C.” (Before Covid, instead of Before Christ).
That would follow their pattern of seemingly attacking everything that’s Christian, such as closing churches, insisting on social distancing and masks in church (masks being an accessory in satanic rituals), discouraging or outlawing singing in church. Perhaps they want to wipe Christ off the calendar, too. This would be more evidence that they are indeed satanists.
Also, when trying to educate the sheeple, I think it is futile to call the villains “globalists.” Sheeple don’t know what a globalist is. Better to call the perpetrators satanists. That’s something even sheeple will understand.
The religious establishment is cooperating with the banksters in pushing the depopulation agenda.
Re India -facts that should be considered are :
*India’s Population 1.3 Billion people ( Most poor)
*India has reported 17.6 million “Cases” from Covid
with a total of around 196,000 deaths. Cases do NOT mean that people are sick -it means they have tested positive with Covid — and 99.9 % survive.
*Deaths – India has reported 196K deaths from Covid
but some could have been as a result of “other” health problems. Deaths with Covid NOT from Covid.
Using figures above death rate in India = .00001%
But the numbers of new cases daily reported have very much increased. By February end everyone thought Corona was almost subsiding as daily cases were quite less – in some thousands at the most. But by first week of March an avalanche of cases began to pile up and now daily more than 4 lakhs in some days and generally more than 3 lakhs new cases per day are piling up and number of deaths have also gone up and their cremation/burial also has become a big problem, even the cemeteries are not able to cope with the great numbers to be buried or cremated. So certainly it seems the second wave is much more dangerous and harmful than the first wave.
You did read the article, right? Here is the pertinent part:
“It is interesting that this ‘second wave’ has correlated with the vaccine rollout (Nash provides official sources to support this claim). Tengra feels this might not be coincidental. He says that the ‘aefi’ (adverse events following immunisation) data vastly underestimates how many vaccine adverse reactions are taking place in the country.
Tengra says that, based on ground surveys and data collected by himself, there is a tremendous number of people who have fallen ill post vaccination, many of them then testing positive for COVID and becoming hospitalised.”
Same thing happened in Israel, Gibralter, and other places — overall mortality goes up hugely as a result of the start of the Covid vaccination programs, and the lying politicians and public health figures blame SARS-Cov-2 for the deaths that are actually caused by the vaccines.
Increasing the number of positive “cases” is as simple as increasing the PCR Cycle threshold
The cycle threshold should be less than 28, but they jacked up to 40. That caused all the excessive positives. Now given the fact people are dying not of covid-19 they are dying with covid 19. If a cancer patients gets positive it would count as covid death not cancer death. And why people are more sick and having breathing difficulties? All the big cities mandated wearing masks while working and people are so scared they wear two masks while driving alone in cars. No wearing makes almost 9-10 hours a day for a year will cause breathing difficulty and cause Hypercapnia. All are designed.
Recently published Stanford University impact of mask report may help you connecting the dots.
With regard to the question about the origin of covid-19, the pathogen was either a natural disaster (or ‘act of God’) or it was man made. Natural disasters have no winners, but covid -19 has winners and losers – some of them very big time winners. Think pharmaceutical companies, security agencies, protective equipment manufacturers, etc. Therefore, we can be certain the ‘virus’ was man-made.
In January 2020, the Chinese did genome sequencing on a virus they initially called the ‘Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus’. On January 17, 2020, an extra gene was added to this virus, and its name was changed to Sars-Cov-2. Whether this was the version of the virus that was released into the world, I could not say, but a pathogen certainly was released with devastating effect, more so socially than pathologically, and the governments of this world have taken utmost advantage of it to increase their powers of control.
The one question that nobody seems to have an answer to, including all the epidemiologists, virologists, etc., is how is this pathogen being spread? Certainly, the pattern of distribution rebuts the argument that it is by human to human transmission. Given its proclivity for western countries, old people, low socio-economic classes, it is either a highly intelligent virus or it is being distributed by malicious agents. It is strange how it rarely seems to affect the ruling classes, elite, or the rich. So when the ‘experts’ talk of another ‘wave’, just remember that waves don’t happen. They are created. And for the purpose of maintaining the fear.
Some sober questions regarding “corona” origins, yet no discussion of a total ban on all genetic research…
What’s the Origin of COVID? Did People or Nature Open Pandora’s Box at Wuhan?
by Nicholas Wade
May 6, 2021
Excerpt: “Science is supposedly a self-correcting community of experts who constantly check each other’s work. So why didn’t other virologists point out that the Andersen group’s argument was full of absurdly large holes? Perhaps because in today’s universities speech can be very costly. Careers can be destroyed for stepping out of line. Any virologist who challenges the community’s declared view risks having his next grant application turned down by the panel of fellow virologists that advises the government grant distribution agency.”
What’s the Origin of COVID? Did People or Nature Open Pandora’s Box at Wuhan? • Children’s Health Defense (
The assertion that there is no virus is an absurdity, and only proves a complete lack of study into military biotechnology and bio-warfare . Sorry. I’m not into denial… is rf kennedys operation. he is pro vaxx controlled opposition. there is no virus or any need for one. they have a “test” and loads of toxic drugs they give to “treat” the targetted victims.
Ya, ya, ya. No discussion of a total ban on all genetic research… As long as people continue to argue moot points, the most important topic will fail to get a hearing.
Critical information not mentioned here: Ivermectin. previously widely available, became scarcer as vaccine rollout got underway. I could not transfer the graph but it’s right here in a previous article:
At OffG we regard the Ivermectin/HCQ narrative as an alternative fear porn story. All it does is help promote the idea that ‘cov19’ is unique and dangerous. It isn’t.
As we say ad nauseam on every platform –
you don’t need any magic miracle cure for a virus with a >99.8% survival rate.
… or indeed a magic miracle cure for a non-existent virus. The >99.8% survival rate claim is no more true than any other claim implying reality of the virus.
Sophie, OffG has published the science that shows there is zero evidence of the alleged virus or a causal relationship between any infectious agent (the nominated virus or any other) and the alleged virus-caused disease. Why act as though there’s a virus at all?
It is not just a matter of the scientific evidence for no virus but also the evidence for exactly what kind of phenomenon this alleged pandemic is, namely, a psyop, containing psyop hallmarks, one being that they clearly tell us it’s a psyop, eg:
White House Press Conference, 21 March 2020
Mike Pompeo: “We’re in a live exercise here …”
Donald Trump (calmly): “You should have let us know.” (nonsensical and obviously scripted – Trump would have known it was a live exercise or if he really was just a puppet and they didn’t tell him he certainly wouldn’t have bent calmly and said what he said.)
In psyops they only do for real what they want for real and fake the rest. They didn’t want a virus, they didn’t need a virus and a real virus would never have worked for their story in any shape or form. It’s always Emperor’s New Clothes style – in that story there was no fibre, no cloth, no nothing – it was all based on the propaganda that if the clothes were invisible to you, you were unfit for your position or unusually stupid – just like today if you don’t believe in the virus you’re a “conspiracy theorist”.
The point I think Sophie is making is that, with such tiny odds (fewer than 200 people per 100,000), it’s a moot point.
The thing is as soon as you argue the existence of a virus there’s room for discussion of response to that virus whereas if you argue the existence of no virus there’s no room for any argument about response. There’s greater clarity around no virus. Also, no virus is simply the classic Emperor’s New Clothes paradigm. Don’t you think it’s good to recognise exactly what we’re being mind controlled to believe in, namely, precisely nothing?
To believe in the existence of the virus means that you accept the narrative to a degree – you accept that there was an outbreak in Wuhan and that the virus then travelled to northern Italy and hopped over to the Ruby Princess, etc and is now breaking out in India when absolutely none of this is true. To accept there is a virus is to give credence to a completely false narrative. I mean, to what degree do you accept the narrative if you accept the existence of the “novel” virus?
Actually, I feel quite strongly it is not a moot point at all, the difference between no virus and a virus with high survival odds means either rejecting the narrative completely or accepting the narrative to some degree. To my mind, if the narrative is completely false then it should be completely rejected, I really don’t understand why you would accept any part of it.
Also, to accept the existence of the virus is to accept the legitimacy of the testing method which, in fact, has zero legitimacy.
To accept the existence of the virus is to disrespect the excellent (and so little published) work done by the authors you bravely publish showing the scientific fraudulence engaged in to fabricate the existence of both the virus and virus illness, namely, Torsten Engelbrecht, Konstantin Demeter and Dr Stefano Scoglio. By accepting the existence of the virus you undermine their truly excellent and admirable work.
OK. I get your point, but sometimes you need to live in someone else’s fantasy world to have an impact. Watch Mr. Rogers Neighborhood– Good film, great message.
It’s also a good idea to accept that – whatever the pathogenic process may be – some people do get ill every year with Winter flus, and a few die; and anything that helps those few is to be promoted – regardless of what the true nature of the pathogenic process may be.
The very existence of viruses is indeed being challenged, again, as a result of this covid scam – quite rightly, considering the chequered history of these ideas. But, as is de-rigeur in the real scientific method, the discussion continues. Rabid insistence that there’s nothing to argue about is for the delusionary field of doctrinaire religions, not rational, experimental, pragmatic science. In the real scientific method the science is simply never ‘settled’; not ever! Discussion remains open – permanently. “The science is settled!” is a lie of propagandists – and of rabid delusionals.
Who is the real controlled opposition here? You think it is very clever to get the other side to prove there was no SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) virus present even to kick off the plandemic? Once all of this blows up in their faces, the US and UK perps who are responsible for the entire plandemic would like nothing better than people to believe it was all media hype and panic.
If you do any research you will see that it is a real virus and that viruses do spread from one person to another. Also the bio-warfare boys and girls in the US have been playing with this lab-enhanced Coronavirus since about 2002 with all sorts of GoF experimentation, and I would be greatly surprised if these mRNA so-called “vaccines” were developed over the past year. They would never plan such a pretext pandemic as this for their increased controls over us and everything on the planet with a total nothing burger. They obviously expected it to kill more than twice their grossly inflated death numbers in the first 3 months from March 2020 on in the leading perp nations of the US, the UK, France, Italy and Spain, with over 5 times the world average of alleged death numbers per capita by mid-August 2020. Even the world average was inflated by calling deaths possibly “with” the virus as deaths “from” Covid.
The fact is that the virus once let go outside of the highly-controlled lab conditions did not kill off as many as the vulnerable and the nearly-dead as they had expected, and so in the leading psyop nations (where the IMF and the World Bank money is most influential, as is the real abode of the international banking cartel), they took more liberties in their counting improvisation methods than in other places, until last August when they switched the attention from the dread of death to the dread of alleged increased cases, in a more uniform way among all of the other psyop – contributing nations. . .
Fred, please provide citations for real virus and the spread of it.
My evidence is outlined here for no virus and no virus illness meaning obviously no pandemic.
Areas covered in article, Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2, by Torsten Engelbrecht et al:
— Wanted, in vain: SARS-CoV-2 virus
— Rewards for proof of isolation and causality
— Particle size variation also reduces virus hypothesis to absurdity
— Why purification is vital to proving SARS-CoV-2 exists
— The “virus genome” nothing but a computer model
— No proof that SARS-CoV-2 can fly
— No asymptomatic “infection”
— If you would not test anymore, corona would disappear
— Billions upon billions wasted on tests that couldn’t mean less
Summary of article, COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter:
— No distinctive specific symptoms for COVID-19
— Admitted lack of gold standard test for COVID-19
— PCR test used inappropriate for viral testing (its purpose was manufacturing not testing). Clear example: Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t.
— No clear evidence of origin of RNA used in test
— Authors of scientific papers claiming isolation of virus admit that purification of virus not actually done and seasoned virologist admits lack of awareness of any paper showing purification of virus
— No evidence of what is said to be the virus, SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19
— Test results are irrational which would only be expected when the testing method used is against scientific testing protocol
— The test contains “q” in its name, RT-qPCR, which should stand for quantitative, however, it is admitted the test is qualitative meaning it cannot test viral load which means they cannot test how many viral particles are carried in the body. For people to be considered infected a viral load needs to be determined.
— High Cycle Quantification (Cq) values undermine validity of test and some PCR tests have high Cq values (Drosten test has 45). The inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, has this to say: “If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.”
— Before starting with PCR, in the case of presumed RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the RNA must be converted to complementary DNA (cDNA) with the enzyme Reverse Transcriptase—hence the “RT” at the beginning of “PCR” or “qPCR,” but this transformation process is “widely recognized as inefficient and variable,”
The point surely is not that it isn’t real but that there’s nothing to warrant defining it as different.
It’s like someone having a hundred identical bunnies in a barn and claiming one of them is different and will kill you.
If you say ‘the killer bunny isn’t real’ people will just point to all the bunnies and say ‘duh – well what are those then?’
But if you say ‘those bunnies are all the same and none of them has ever killed anyone’ you’re making the same point but stronger.
Just a thought.
Sophie, Controlled opposition is out in force pointing out the many problems with the Reaction part of this Problem > Reaction > Solution psyop all the while recognising the Problem part (existence of the virus). If that’s what they’re doing why would you do it too?
I’m not sure exactly how it works but it’s the truth that’s important – the whole narrative is a complete fabrication – originating in bats, Wuhan, Bergamo, Ruby Princess, etc. – it is all 100% false.
The science says emphatically no virus and no virus illness.
This is an Emperor’s New Clothes affair – there is absolutely nothing at the base of the story, nothing, nothing, nothing. If you don’t want to recognise that fact, if you think it’s better to do exactly what controlled opposition is doing and focus on the inappropriateness of the reaction rather than the big fat lie of the virus in the first place then that is your prerogative. If you think that’s the best attitude so be it. I don’t and not least because that’s what controlled opposition is doing which surely means that it works against us.
Funny thing is there’s no “scientific” proof that any corona virus ever spread from animal to human.The so called scientists believe their own bullshit.
Covid may not be unique and dangerous, but stories lilke these take the edge off the fear porn being promoted.
They dull the fear porn and make people who are fearfull more likely, when challenged with such evidence, to ‘possibly’ re-evaluate what you, me and others feel is wrong about the current othodoxy.
As for miracle cure, these people certainly benefitted. It’s better than the ‘miracle cure’ of the Vaccine being promoted.
It must surely have limited effect taking the edge off the fear if you’re arguing on their terms. It’s like arguing there are a range of reinforced umbrellas available, not just the ‘official’ ones being sold by the billionaires who are telling us the sky is falling.
I think that argument should be used with extreme caution. A2
Colin Todhunter closes with “Even as the alleged COVID deaths reach their peak, more people die of diarrhoea every day in India and have done for years, mostly due to a lack of clean water and sanitation creating a terrain ripe for the flourishing of communicable disease.”
However, if that’s true, then how does he explain such headlines as “Doctor In India: Emergency Room Is So Crowded, ‘It’s Nearly Impossible To Walk’” and “India’s packed hospitals forced to turn COVID patients away”?
It’s explained, Eric, in the way that Colin hints at, but is too diplomatic to say bluntly: India’s mode of government, and its socio-economic system, is a corrupt, chronic shambles, leading to many millions of Indians getting very poor living standards, with the basic provisions of even minimal social democracy falling well short. That’s a recipe for excess mortality, even from a slightly-nastier-than-usual flu. Moreover, with a population around one point three billion, the natural annual death toll is enough to swamp even the – entirely questionable – Indian figures, which the Western propaganda system is using to maintain its fearporn campaign.
If you want a stark comparison to India’s omnishambles, look at it’s neighbour China, where, whatever you think of the details of its form of government, it is at least committed to some serious public service for the common citizen. Thus it’s an absolute non-candidate for Western fearporn, because things are pretty much back to normal in China.
What we’re looking at is an inferior versus a superior socio-governmental system; one crap, the other rather promising. And the entirely predictable outcomes of the crap system are being spotlit right now by the Western propaganda machine, to push on the scamdemic fear, fear, fear narrative.
You need the Ivermectin and HCQ protocols for anyone vulnerable and seriously sick even with an ordinary flu. The fact is that Covid-19 is a lab enhanced Corona virus to target the very vulnerable which is that tiny number which have died mainly from cytokine storms wit the virus present all for the lack of proper treatment with these cheap treatment protocols.
My husband’s grandma (in her 90s) was given remdesivir in December. She’s fine, but discovered she liked sucking on the oxygen.
I think that is a mistake. Ivermectin is proving to be an effective treatment for whatever people are experiencing. It seems to help cut down on hospitalizations. I would also point out that there must be some reason they are attempting to restrict its use in many places.
What people are experiencing is relentless fear porn. So Iver-who-the-hell-cares is only relevant if it can deal with fear porn. Which as another medico-gobbledegook term, is unlikely.
Dear Admin fairies: You’re right. But the fact remains that flus come every Winter, and make a few ill, and an even fewer dead – our herd having acquired long-term, natural, balanced immunity long since.
Faced with this recurrent reality, long, long proven, genuinely-s&e, helper-treatments are significantly important. They reduce even further the, admittedly already minor, distress-and-death rate.
That’s why I keep hammering away at one of the longest-proven, fundamentally harmless and powerfully-effective prophylactics/cures, big-dose vitamin C, to see off attacks of flu pathogens (whatever they really are) when you feel their effects coming on; and in more moderate doses as fully-effective prophylactics: about one-to-three grams – sic! – per day of slow-release tablets.
As I keep asserting, this is what has kept me entirely free from respiratory illnesses for nearly thirty years now, including a brief, insignificantly-mild brush with covid this time last year – when I was already in the supposedly most at-risk age-group, at 79.
The picture is coming clear now that, as you say, covid isn’t unique and dangerous, and: “you don’t need any magic miracle cure for a virus with a >99.8% survival rate.” But it is like any other flu, and can cause distress and – at the margin – death for a vulnerable few. These few surely deserve encouragement to use helpers which have been long proven to bolster even them (even people in my ancient and frail state! 🙂 ) against the worst effects, don’t they?
When we have renegade doctors, in increasing numbers, insisting that they have treated covid-flu sufferers successfully within days, with virtually no deaths, using the various long-proven s&e specifics that they’ve tried, shouldn’t we listen to them?
Apart from anything else, their voices, and their visible front-line successes, help to dispel the propaganda-lies miasma which the PTsB have spread deliberately over the covid-flu. The sooner we-all realise that covid-flu is no big deal, the sooner we will climb down off our mass Terror Derangement Syndrome delusions, and start to off the criminal plans of the manipulators effectively.
Cheers, and profound thanks for your steadfast holding onto the realities around covid, as the propaganda-lie storm rages around us!
Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug. If people are recovering after using this drug then it’s because it killed off parasites which were causing them health issues. Ivermectin and HCQ, another anti-parasitic, have nothing to do with the fairly tale covid-19.
The other kind of parasite, the ones running this scam, want to keep the number of sick people as high as possible so they make these drugs hard to obtain. All smoke and mirrors.
I have heard that the reason HCQ works, especially in the early stages of whatever this is, and when combined with supplemental Zinc and other trace minerals, is that it opens up the cellular pathways that allow Zinc to enter into the cell and kill whatever is not suposed to be there, or allows the innate ability of the cell/immune system to function more efficiently and kill the invader.
Either way, the efficacy of HCQ is not in its anti-parasitical properties, but something that is more chemical in nature. The case may be similar with Ivermectin. I don’t know specifically about that.
At least, that’s how I understood what was being said.
You have a point about Ivermectin opening up cellular pathways. But whether it’s a parasite problem and/or toxic cells, why does there need to be an invader in the cells which needs to be killed, as you wrote? Couldn’t it simply be a toxic buildup caused by years of unhealthy living, poor nutrition, pollution, electromagnetic smog, stress and so on? Maybe that’s why children and younger people are less prone to the so called virus. They haven’t been around as long for these things to build up!
Could it be that Ivermectin and Zinc help in the detox and cleansing process (ie; opening up cellular pathways etc)? I don’t know for sure but there doesn’t need to be a mysterious germ for someone to fall ill. That’s the con as I see it. The tenuous germ theory is on shaky ground but the PTB will keep pushing it and obfuscating for as long as they can get away with it.
Hi, Gavin, I was specifically referring to HCQ, not Ivermectin.
But your point is still valid. There is much we don’t know about immunity and the various stresses on our bodies that may contribute to disease.
And, yes, I agree that many other things could account for what we see (environmental toxins and stresses, nutritional deficiencies, etc.). I agree with Jon Rappoport and Bill Sardi that more mundane causes may be responsible for the disease of COVID-19 – no need to invent a virus, or jump to the conclusion that there has to be a virus causing the condition.
Sort of an application of Occam’s Razor.
Exactly what I was going to mention Gavin. The virus isn’t there because it is a big bad boogie man but rather it is there to clean up the cells. The viruses are produced by the cell for a reason. This idea that viruses are floating through the air on broomsticks and climbing through windows at night to infect the household is pseudoscientific nonsense.
Many drugs have more than one use. Ivermectin is proving to be beneficial to people showing Covid symptoms.
There are zero papers showing that scientists have ever isolated and purified the virus, so how can they define covid-19 symptoms without a virus? Covid symptoms are anything the medical establishment says they are. You’ve probably heard that the flu has now virtually disappeared. That should give you a hint. The manipulation of statistics and other corruption is also very telling.
Whether it kills parasites or helps the cellular pathways to open up (as Antonio wrote), it may be that Ivermectin helps the body to more effectively cleanse and detox. I don’t know for sure, but I am very dubious of anyone claiming there is a new virus without evidence to back it up.
Anyone can get Ivermectin…whats wrong with you. Just go to amazon!!
Not in Canada. You can get some animal treatments, but what are you supposed to do with those?
Ivor Cummins take on ‘Covid in India’:
Short Video on India Situation: What does the Current Data Say?
[ I don’t even bother to give the link to GooTube as Ivor Cummins, like so many others who tell the truth, has now been censored by them as well; like New-Zealand Dr. Sam Bailey, who’s now to be found on odysee: )
Here’s Dr Sam’s last video debunking ‘asymptomatic transmission’:
Covid 19: “Asymptomatic Transmission”—Covid-19-Asymptomatic-Transmission-Small-Video-:e ]
Underlying the idea of fragility of the position of the human species and individual lives is the modern foundational theory of accident, that life on earth has come about accidentally. This accident theory is based upon no grounds whatsoever though.
This by now modern powerful theory does allow controllers to do away with the freedom of the individual by means of constantly referring to the necessity of survival of the species, or in cases like the ramped up covid psychosis, the survival of societies. According to this foundational theory, there are countless threats to the survival of the species and societies, and a multitude of threats can be invented (like human caused climate change).
That in despite of all efforts, life according to accident theory can be wiped out at any moment by a body crashing onto the earth or the moon does not matter. That the species will eventually become extinct according to accident theory at the end of the projected cycle and lifetime of the earth, sun and solar system, or earlier, due to cyclic strong climate change does not matter too. That it is not even clear whether the humans species might be long overdue, an accident artificially trying to sustain itself does not matter too. Only when power hunger sees opportunities, fragility is highlighted and risks are assessed… and the fear machine does its work.
Accident theory which is wholly illogical and absurd will lead to legitimization of ever more control over society by the power hungry in order to prevent humans from allegedly becoming extinct, or societies allegedly being at risk.
People who do not entertain alternative theories (read: increasingly aggressively marginalized by the powers that be), be they religious, incarnation and reincarnation, and or the Platonic idea of prototypes (ideal forms, species as chains in a hierarchy) have no solid and powerful arguments against such power mongers. Fear based upon accident theory, whether it involves the alleged accidental life of an individual, a society or that of the species will always overrule common sense and rationality. The problem is essentially of a spiritual nature.
The problem is most definitely spiritual. That notion jumped out at me at an early point when I observed the absurdity of thinking we could escape death by hiding from life. Such folly!
All War is Evil
No More War
This is getting to be ‘same old same old”..
The readers here hardly need any more evidence of what is going on – in fact anyone with a decent imagination who has read, say, about the Nazi experiments upon the helpless – not to mention the equivalent chemical tests upon unsuspecting US citizens and soldiers more recently, could predict what the next steps will be.
I’ve lost interest in everything except those few remarkable people who are bringing criminal cases against the individuals and organizations directing this fraud.
Same what needs to be done is the fear mongers war criminals need to face there day in court for crimes against humanity we all know this is bs I’m waiting for the lawyers and judges to put the boot on there heads and then they can be locked down in prison
I couldn’t agree more.
Although, I might add, that I feel that Gates and The Deep State manipulators should be allowed to come and force vaccinate ALL the bastards in my social groups and my work colleagues who remain apathetic. Vaccinate the lot of them …
Henry Makow on Twitter: “Ezra — Expect C19 Vaccines to Kill 60-70% of World Population” / Twitter
Try to remain calm. Hysteria helps no one and we need to beware fake fear even of the vaccines,
As Dr Michael Yeadon said, there is no possible benevolent explanation of the actions of the banksters with the creation of the convid hoax, the introduction of hellish dystopian measures and the forcing of the lethal injections on the sheeple.
No possible benevolent explanation. The horrors described in the article (now removed by Twitter) are well within the realm of possibility. Remember what happened to the Native Americans and the indigenous Australians. The Indians on the subcontinent also have had some harrowing experiences which they survived. Likewise the Africans. The famines in Ireland and the Ukraine. The bombing of Hiroshima, Tokyo and Dresden. The need of the moment is to dissuade the sheeple from accepting the lethal injections. Pointing out the possible hazards is the best way of doing this.
I didn’t ask you to stop pointing out potential hazards, I asked you to remain calm and non-hysterical in your language while doing so
That was my reaction to a short video claiming that all who have been vaccinated will be dead in two years. It struck me as one of those deliberately sensational moves to discredit COVID sceptics as hyperventilating nuts.
A blind acceptance of official stats on COVID ‘cases’ and ‘COVID deaths’ is all too common. OffG and others have been deconstructing the official narrative and the official data on COVID for over a year. Unfortunately, there is no attempt by most people to delve into how the data has been constructed. As a result, by accepting the data (and the tools and methods involved in creating it) certain commentators merely play into cementing the official narrative.
The article in the link below is an example. The author thinks he is offering a radical leftist analysis of the situation. Here is one of the assumptions offered – “It is clear that mass vaccination will bring an end to this pandemic at some point of time. The pandemic led lockdowns will end and economic activities will restore the sources of livelihoods for the working classes.”
It is the typical kind of stuff that large sections of ‘the left’ have been rallying around in recent times. Many of us would accept that C19 is directly affecting millions across the world (mainly the over 75s). But let us also talk about questionable PCR tests, asympotomic cases and transmission, censorship of opinions and science that questions the official narrative, conflicts of interest and Big Pharma, billionaire capitalists making ever more billions due to lockdowns, economic restructing (lockdowns) to deal with falling rates of profit, etc.
Are these issues not to be discussed? Readers can make up their own minds about the ‘revolutionary’ analysis offered.
I listened to an interview with an Indian doctor. Even though the interview was on a propaganda channel, at the beginning of the interview the doctor said that a lot of the hospital admissions were because of strokes and thrombosis. I immediately thought it must be vaccine related. Buried in the middle of the interview, the doctor said that 30-40% of ICU admissions were of fully vaccinated people. The interviewer quickly said, “oh dear” and quickly moved on from that can of worms.
it seems to me that what is going on is similar to what happened in Northern Italy in March 2020: a whole lot of chaos deliberately introduced into the healthcare system by the government, a misallocation of resources towards ramping covid hysteria and people not being able to get treatment in time based on their sypmtoms. If you divert a whole bunch of time and money on useless testing, people are going to get sick. April / May is one of the two seasons in the year which is akin to flu season in temperate climates.
Like “vaccine hesitancy”, the Newspeak for “adverse effects” from the jab is “breakout”. They are coy on what exactly is breaking out.
Vaccine “hesitancy” is such a ludicrous way to put it. It’s vaccine opposition, or skepticism at best.
I know you know that “vaccine hesitancy” is one of those rhetorically weaponized manufactured terms like “anti-vaxxer” or “conspiracy theorist”.
It’s obviously intended to reinforce the malignant premise that “vaccine enthusiasm” is the only right and reasonable attitude, and to pejoratively insinuate that those who fail to display such sensible, moral enthusiasm must perforce be encumbered by ignorance, deplorable recalcitrance, and/or groundless, puerile fear.
It’s intrinsically smug and supercilious, and perhaps intentionally evokes the maxim, “He who hesitates is lost.”
You nailed it! It’s just so infuriating to me every time I hear it or see it print.
“He who hesitates is lost.”
Maybe, but hesitates to do what? It could mean somebody who hesitates to exercise due caution, and just believes what they are told. They could be equally lost. The quote cuts both ways.
I realize that you probably understand this. I wrote for the benefit of others who might be reading this.
if you read this
modelling documentconcoction of lies from the British government, they say that the majority of deaths and hospital admissions after lockdown ends will be people who have had 2 doses of vaccine.
Nice of them to say that, so when the vaccinated begin dying en masse, they have already “predicted” it, and its all OK and to be expected.
Anyone contemplating whether this Reset might be a good thing for the masses should ask themselves the following questions, and the questions multiply as you ask them:
If this Reset is good then why is it being pushed through via a lie I.e. the bogus pandemic which has already had devastating and tragic consequences for millions?
How come this Reset is coming about via no input whatsoever from the masses?
Indeed, why are the masses decisively excluded from all involvement through being blinded by the COVID deception?
How come the architects of the COVID move are the very same overlords who have been feeding off the masses previously?
Yep, the Covid scam as an updated accerator to the1991 Club of Rome’s ‘The First Global Revolution’ with it’s ‘hidden in plain sight’ plan for the Climate Change scam: “In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill.” Note, it’s an idea for a means to an end to bring forth globalism, not a legitimate concern by it’s own virtue. You do not have to ‘search’ for a genuine threat to humanity…
Experimental Adenovirus COVID Injections Continuing to Kill Younger, Middle-Aged People
From Geoff’s Link at 11.34 AM:
Francine Boyer: 54-year-old Canadian woman develops blood clots, dead 14 days after experimental AstraZeneca shot
Genene Norris: 48-year-old Australian woman develops blood clots, dead six days after AstraZeneca shot
Jack Last: 27-year-old British engineer dead 21 days after experimental AstraZeneca viral vector shot. The agency admitted last week that the risk factor for these “rare” blood clots doubled last week. Many European countries temporarily paused use of AstraZeneca shots due to blood clots, just like the United States did for the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shots. Mr. Last told family that he was surprised to be offered the shot because of his young age.
Ionia Co. woman’s death after getting J&J vaccine reported to the CDC. VanGeest’s death certificate lists her cause of death as “acute subarachnoid hemorrhage non-traumatic.”
Exactly. Who the hell asked them for their opinion on whether the world needs a reset? I think it is they who need a reset or, rather, an extinction.
This, I think, is the ultimate question. Nobody made them the rulers of this world. Nobody appointed them guardians of the universe.
All of this is a transparently naked power play.
Black Rock was the most prominent name in the aggressive COVID campaign to underline the brave new world. Again, the word “conspiracy” is not needed when you have this:
“Blackrock chief: ‘How Covid could help save the planet’”
Larry Fink: “I believe that the pandemic has presented such an existential crisis – such a stark reminder of our fragility – that it has driven us to confront the global threat of climate change more forcefully and to consider how, like the pandemic, ift will alter our lives.”
When I see the term “existential crisis” I know it’s an indication of manipulation. And we find that this crisis “has accelerated a re-allocation of global capital towards environmentally sustainable businesses”.
What I find so illuminating here is that this is identical to the rhetoric churned out by Nafeez Ahmed, one of the most prominent attack dogs smearing COVID sceptics as Right Wing. And Ahmed is one of the staples of these big conference discussion groups. And he has considerable connections to various companies as well as military and govt branches.
I reckon therefore that when the COVID manouevre was being hatched, the progeniters made a decision to present the changes they wished to implement as “progressive” in the political sense.
Effectively, what it means is a sea change in societal organisation which, as ever, has to be beneficial to the rulers. The old style of parasitism, which can be called “straight up capitalism” pushing increasingly to “crony capitalism” is being replaced with a new “pharma-capitalism” with a feudal cast and a massive woke front.
But only the older structure will be referred to as “capitalism”. And those sceptical of the virus will be branded “capitalist apologists”. This is the role assigned to the Ahmed contingent, I.e. the woke foot soldiers of the Great Reset.
Exactly. The bottom article from March 1st last year, up to now
Capitalism definitely faces an existential crisis. It has managed to impoverish domestic populations – “kill the golden goose”. It has run out of new lands to colonise. Industrial resources grow scarce. Despite extreme brutality and government collusion, the scope for growth, profit and even continuation (steady-state) look bleak.
It’s just common, or garden, greed.
Nothing even extraordinary about it, except that it’s become fashionable.
“None of what has been presented here is meant to deny the existence or impact of COVID-19. People in India are dying – some from the virus, others ‘with’ the virus but most likely mainly due to their pre-existing underlying conditions, and there are others who are being misdiagnosed.”
A problem is that no country, nor its various departments, seems to hold evidence of the isolated covid virus. Between that and the preposterously inappropriate use of the PCR test, the entire narrative falls flat.
_ _ _ _ _
In saying something is not there, we are conjuring it.
Ergo, we would do well to stop naming this whole thing.
Yeah, there is no “novel” virus, it’s nowhere – not in India, not in China, not in Australia, not in Canada, not in the US, not in the UK, not in Europe, not in Russia, nowhere, it’s a real nowhere virus.
And the science for its non-existence is all here:
And here
A friend knows a guy whose wife is in India at the moment. The guy told my friend to pass onto me: “The virus has been in India all along. Not much testing means it hasn’t been picked up.”
Love it! It’s only “picked up” in a test – this fact causes no disturbance to anyone who swallows the story. If it’s not picked up in a test – known to be completely unreliable apart from the lack of science showing the existence of virus and virus illness in the first place – it doesn’t exist.
Testing stops tomorrow virus stops.
Testing starts tomorrow virus appears.
It’s just like magic!
Me: Kovi Kovi has circled the world for over a year destroying everything in its path and shock, horror…all of a sudden it realises India exists and decides now the time is right to start killing off some of the most densely populated territory on the planet. Not 3 months ago, not last April…not last November…but…Kovi checks his watch…….now. India has suddenly become Kovid captial of the world……
A TV watching Muppet: But this is India’s second wave.
Yup Horseshit with a capital H. Try explaining it to your average human. Good luck!
I told my doctor’s puzzled nurse in February, as she took my blood pressure, that this Magic Virus is so threatening it just could possibly consume the entire galaxy. Sounds a lot like yours.
The whole office thought I was pretty weird (and so I am) but I just suggested that with what we know so far, we can’t rule it out.
It could still happen. Think of all the ‘variants’. Musk will be happy.
Historically, not only are the vast majority of people firmly on board the State sanctioned ship of fools…but on a ‘psychology of man’ level, a good chunk of people are just plain old suggestible, never mind the full spectrum behaviour modification and social engineering designed to massage their mind.
I’ve noticed that many people are so weak-minded that they would rather just accept the nonsensical narrative than do the simple reasoning that show it to be false!
But doncha know it’s all about the variants. Suddenly India’s swamped by the mutant double variant and various others and all hell has broken loose.
It’s just so funny. You walk past somewhere displaying the headline “double mutant variant” and do a double-take. Nooooo. Are people really going to swallow that?
Oh yeah. Because it’s a double mutant NINJA variant. Extra deadly, extra contagious!
F your disclaimers
monsanto and friends
dirty food dirty water
a toilet issue
a ruling party best friends with banksters and israel
a trust fund bond gold fraud raid
a life insurance bond raid
by internationalists
killer heat
didi i mention pollution
msm itemization highlighting gas lighting full power
low power 5g up to mid point
breaching blood brain flooding blood with bacterial wastes
low level culling operations
100s of millions vaccinated which is a cause
slowly the locals run the friends of billy gates and his husband manlinda out of the village
once the brain cells compute the plot
Another case of intellectual Sodom and Gomorrah.
Today; Prostitution of journalistic awards hit alternative media.
MoA became recent laureate of Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism
MoA ( Bernhardt) dogmatic influence peddler, a journalistic coward totally ignorant about pandemics, autocratic censor massively gagging free speech refusing to challenge COVID official “truths” , kowtowing to government authorities and banning, penalizing skeptical commenters slandering them as Covidiots, smearing skeptical renown medical and epidemiological experts’ publications because they do not follow official COVID narratives and do not buy scientifically baseless devastating lockdown policies and do not blindly submit to MSM propaganda lies as MoA unequivocally, unquestionably and wholeheartedly did throwing away he former legacy of reason and analytical thinking.
After self-obliteration of his own integrity and credibility as a political analysts and blogger, becoming in the process, an antithesis to journalistic integrity MoA became highly compromised spineless flip flopper on COVID issues since February of 2020, a government shill and unscrupulous promoter of COVID death porn, fear mongering ignoring, violating fundamental principles of journalism namely investigating of all sources, report diversity of evidences and opinions and respecting all opinions even those disagreeable with journalist’s own.
Putting MoA on the same lists as Assange who epitomizes journalistic integrity and uncompromising fight against government lies threats and intimidation, and paying highest penalty for it, with someone who lick government henchmen butts is simply preposterous, and obliterates all value and credibility of the Award itself.
a fisher of men needs bait
some good work on assad syria
and the problem reaction solution
the systematic erasure memory holing of many
reminded one of craig murray site
little helpers did not pass the sniff test
ohh how he pleaded for funds as the struggling artist
while burning books
atomizing comments
and no sense of humour
what a boring man woman or intel office project
Great comment Kalen and thanks for bringing the truth about that grifter to everyone’s attention.
In today’s upside-down world poisons are for health and sellouts get awards.
“Nous vivons un siècle pourri
Les plus grands assassins vont aux plus grands messes
Et sont les favoris des plus grands rois.”
-Georges Brassens, chanteur français, some decades ago
(“We live out a rotted century
The biggest assassins go to the biggest masses
And are the darlings of the biggest kings.”)
To demonstrate your point: you may have seen the recent news that Michigan’s Democratic Gauleiter Gretchen Whitmer has been honored with a John F. Kennedy Library Foundation Profile in Courage Award “for her service during the COVID-19 pandemic”.
I know you’re not a fan of the Kennedys, but FWIW these awards are controlled by the odious Establishment Kennedys, e.g. Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg. I doubt very much that RFK Jr. will disappoint me by attending the ceremony. 😉
K, translated into reasonable prose, what you say goes like this:
Bernhardt is a pretty good dissident political analyst, still offering useful perspectives on many topics.
BUT he is, most unfortunately, one of the Terror Derangement Syndrome sufferers who have gone completely to pieces under the impact of the fearporn propaganda storm. On the covid scam he’s embarrassingly unreasonable – like lots of others whom we know. (Name a few amongst your acquaintance whom you would never have expected to be so easily scammed. But, once terrified by the artificially-inflated thought of imminent terrible death, they fell apart. What’s new?)
Apart from that, though, B still does a pretty good job at dissident political analysis. We ALL have our blindspots. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones; especially not at – mostly – useful analysts.
This isn’t the first time the banksters have tried to depopulate the subcontinent. During the banksters British occupation 40 million people starved to death. There have of course been deadly famines in Ireland and Ukraine and many other parts of the world.
Salk Study Proves Isolated Spike Protein Damages Vascular System
A new Salk Institute study demonstrates that the spike protein– even in the absence of the rest of the virus– produces vascular damage, via blocking ACE2 receptors. The blockage occurs in cells in a petri dish, and in an animal model.
We have been told that the vaccines are safe because the spike protein is passive, only serving to permit entry of mRNA into our cells to instigate antibody production.
This “vaccine safety story” has been destroyed!
Now we can confirm why 1/3 to 1/2 of global care home residents are routinely reported to have died following covid vaccine campaigns. Newly-emerging reports indicate that 1/2 of population-wide new covid cases in the US are among the fully-vaccinated.
After vaccination, many copies of the spike protein may appear on cell surfaces, activating blood platelets and clotting. Damage to blood vessel lining also causes clotting. The effect is likely worse in those receiving their 2nd. vaccination or those who have been infected with any corona virus earlier. At vulnerable spots in the brain, spine or heart, clotting may be fatal. Moreover, the immune system may attack the cells producing the spike protein.
-summary of comment by Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi referring to letter EMA has not replied to, c. 2021-03-12
I’m wondering if anyone has seen the interview with that UK doctor who recorded videos under the microscope of parasitic worms embedded in NHS masks? Then we have ivermectin being an effective treatment against “COVID” (a parasite-killing drug). Thoughts?
Decades ago, in passing a stall selling cosmetics inside a shopping mall, I saw them playing a video of tiny worms on the face – that the promoter claimed to be able to resolve. This suggests to me that such worms are another case of the biota living on and in us.
I saw that video of the moving strands. It was debunked pretty well by another person, but sorry didn’t save the link.
Not to say that masks aren’t downright dangerous to health in the way we’re being made to wear them. There are huge problems caused by breathing in the particulate matter from the masks, lowering of oxygen levels and simultaneous rise of CO2 in the blood, etc. – but no squirmy creatures.
“Covid” outbreak in India
Horrible. Reminds me of Mexico City or Bangkok during the ’80s.
Indeed! If that’s smog and not rain, I think we can safely assume that that is going to make people sick. Of course, those illnesses will be called covid 19.
It’s smog India gets 80% of its electricity from coal at this time electricty production increases rapidly as the upper classes ramo up their air con to max in the heat season. Lots of idustry uses coal to in the Ganges valley and the new middle classes have cars…A new motorway has been built from New Dehli – Lucknow – Varanasi – Kolkotta. Whilst much if the smig us So2, in the intense dry sunlight photochemical smog forms producting very oxidising ozone, NOX snd PANS
1.7 million died in India due to those conditions in 2019, Australia tried to flog more coal to them.
It’s 37c in that smog too.
It’s Dr. Cutie. :-}
Steady tiger! ;o)
Really SJ, you’re going to be labelled a mis-oginist! Yes but she is terribly smart……..and cute.
“Asymptomatics” being capable of infecting others is one of the peaks of this insanity.
~10 million people were tested in Wuhan. All asymptomatic positive cases, re-positive cases and their close contacts were isolated for at least 2 weeks, and further until the PCR test result was negative. All close contacts of asymptomatic cases tested negative, indicating that the asymptomatics were unlikely to be infectious. -summary of research in China, in Nature 2020-11-20
USA came up with its own science proving the opposite.
And surely the medical professions should know it’s a scam?first do no harm unless your job depended on it so they go along with the lies I have no faith in medical personnel anymore they’ve let us down
Off topic but has anyone noticed how awful music is these days or how benial game shows are or how politicians talk aload of crap?
Been that way for 30 years.
It’s not really music, that stopped in about 1975
I mark it in the late ’80s but, yeah, I know. It’s symptomatic of the great dumbing down.
There’s still great music being made, but it’s not on the radio!
Or possibly just that you’re getting older… 🙂
This study explains why –
No way. The 80s were awesome. The 90s things started going off the rails.
Well the Golden Age of Rock N Roll is loosely defined as being from 1965 – 1985.
rock and roll isn’t music but noise.
Go back and listen to the Moody Blues and other sophisticated bands.
Have to admit that when I was 19 Days of Future Past and Surrealistic pillow, along with a band called it’s a beautiful day where my favourite tripping albums.
By the way it was passed, not past
These pop crowds all pimp and hype their music, and hype up certain periods. You can see this well on Youtube, every individual declares this or that to be the work of genius, and the last of Mohicans.. Even in the classical music sector they have started to dig up tons of forgotten composers, and the individuals of democracy constantly declare this or that one to have been an oppressed and forgotten genius. All they do is hyping and pimping up their individual infantilism and sentimentalism.
The truth is that in a democracy, where everyone wants to rule, no standards of quality can be determined, they all have long envious toes.. In lack of any common standards of quality to be defined, all fools tumbling over each other in order to shove their taste down the throats of others, hyping up their own stuff, the whole musical culture goes down the drain.
Music is subjective is what you’re trying to say.
Exactly! ‘One man’s meat…’
You mean how EVERYTHING is moronic. You only noticed now. Well good. At least you noticed. Most don’t.
I knew along time ago how bad it was getting I just didn’t know others thought the same was happening unless you talk to like minded people sometimes you feel like your on your own.
Yeah, it’s shocking how people who I used to think of as “like-minded” have turned into zombies. Can’t have a rational conversation with them!
I think there’s still some great music out there. I’d absolutely love to see these live but they’re New York based and don’t get over to Europe…
Turkuaz- The Shape I’m In (cover of The Band song)
There’s some brilliant live gig footage of them. And they all seem to love what they are doing.
The Dutch video highlighted by MoneyC below pretty much explains every peculiarity of ths COVID fiasco. All the world’s media has been commandeered by the same tenth rate disaster movie script team. Science has become a new ritualised magic. And the Left as presented have served as “eye rollers” to ridicule every departure from the auto cues.
precarity rools !
precarious jobs. precarious climate. precarious health !!
insecurity rools !
great business model.
“There does indeed seem to be a major problem in parts of the country. However, we need to differentiate between the effects of COVID-19 and the impacts of other factors.” There’s no “we” here, I’m afraid.
That’s the first thing that jumped off the page for me too.
What “major problem” does there “seem” to be? But lets skip by this “major problem” that we will not explain and talk about the effects of Covid. No thanks. I beleive we concluded there is no covid.
Yes. The one good thing about finding such comments early in the article is that I can save myself time and not bother with the rest. I am busy. I like Colin’s work. But…
Don’t be “bedazzled” by the media hype about Covid infections in India. During normal times, India’s per year death rate is roughly 7.3 persons/1000 people. India has about 1.3 billion people. Do the math and you get an average per day death of roughly 26,000 DEAD PER DAY…..this is NORMAL. To all the hysterical Covidiots, calm down unless the daily death toll from Covid rises above 26,000 per day. As many should already know, the virus is a scam; never isolated or proven to exist.
Unfortunately, Most of those on our side in covid 1984 embrace big lies pushed by the hoaxsters. I just hope that those fence spots are comfortable.
Yes, that’s the problem the hoaxters just keep getting away with it… for now.
It’s called being open-mindedly sceptical, Arby. A basic tenet of the scientific method.
This is also a good opportunity to eliminate some inconvenient communities (e.g. a slum that is holding up “development”), divert public funds, distract from incompetence, etc.
sorry, – it is 260.000 per day (normal daily death)
UBI imminent in Chile:
The current Chilean overlord behind it happens to be the brother of Pinochet’s finance minister.
German could have their internal version of the vaccine passport by the weekend. It’s being voted on in the Reichstag on Thursday and Friday.
It looks like there is a ruling from the court in Karlsruhe backing the Weimar judge.
But then Dettmar has had his car, computer, phone seized-as posted by OG commenter and my investigative reporter friend.
Narrative is clear: extend this nonsense and stupidity forever with more “waves”, more new virus variants from India, mars, jupiter or so. It is everything so ridicolous that i wonder myself why decent and inteligent people even discuss this poor, nonsense and fake science arguments. I am beginning to think that this is truly the end of times amigos. Nobody thinks, everybody follows, a massive cult is leading us to whatever the disaster we are gping to face. Wake up humans. Otherwise i can see a lot of suffering coming.
People are stupid we will witness this on Thursday when the results come in
We could do a visa exchange. Take all the protesters from China and send the Covidians out there to live in safety.
A lot of suffering is coming. That’s the bad news. But this cruel, perverted system of things is all but over. “Covid 19 – WHO’s “One Hour” Reign”
Let me put it this way. If this isn’t a massive (Billions) depopulation plan (which I’m 99.99% sure it is), then you will see a nightmare that you can’t begin to imagine that will culminate in extinction. Our entire civilisation is built on a quicksand of finite resources. There is no solution that involves 7 Billion people. In fact if people understood the alternative we would all keep quite. Keep the obvious to ourselves. Stay away from the vaccine and wait.
Dick, this is frequently the pretext for tyranny: “Our entire civilisation is built on a quicksand of finite resources.” Peak oil is a lie which I can document if you doubt it. Primary Water– under the crust– is greater than the oceans, merely hidden. Most minerals can be recycled; nor are we close to exhausting them.
It is very doubtful that the population is still growing; in developed countries and in most others population has ceased to grow.
What you are told by the controlled media– about scarcity and about population is untrue.
Yes I’ve heard this tired old line before. Do you just copy and paste? FINITE look up the meaning of the word. That means if you keep using it eventually there is none left. If births in the world ceased for 10 years. It still wouldn’t matter. Mankind is Willy Coyote running off the end of cliff. We just haven’t looked down yet. While you at it look at a timeline of human population growth overlapped with oil production. Stop dreaming. What do you think all this covid vaccination crap is all about? They just feel like grinding the global economy to halt and killing people for a laugh? Take your seroquel FFS. You delusional.
@Dick: “Take your seroquel FFS. You delusional.”
Dickhead, that’s no way to speak to a lady.
Most of us know what ‘finite’ means. It’s just that we don’t know how much there is of anything. Thus, we don’t know when we will run out, if ever.
Her point is that every time somebody says we will run out of ‘X’ in ‘Y’ years, we find more of it, and the date when we run out of ‘X’ keeps getting pushed back. This constantly happens with oil, for example. We are told we are running out, only so many more years left, and then we find more, a lot more.
And, yes, many of us do think that the world improvers are planning on killing multitudes, just for laughs. We think that are that evil.
Dick, as you can see from the down-votes whenever one of us mentions these deeply unpopular, but hard, non-deniable realities, it’s not popular with the btl denizens here. It conflicts with two of the primary sacred myths of our time: economicgrowthforever, and PROGRESStothestars. Seems that no-one anywhere is totally free of intractable blind-spots! The community here sees the covid scam for what it is, but not The Limits To Growth… 🙂
BTW I don’t need documents to tell me that if I have a glass of water and I start pouring it out eventually the glass will be empty. People like you are the reason the world is the way it is. You the reason Governments never bring up birth control even though they know what is coming. You are the very reason why democracy and universal suffrage never works in the absence of IQ testing. Well done. And you still blowing your stupid trumpet. GFY
Oh dear Malthusian lives on. Pessimists like you deserve each other. Leave Penelope alone, she has every right to explain her opinions as do you. “GFY” what a tawdry HOS you are.
“Peak Oil”
What a joke that turned out to be.
It’s real. I won’t go into detail but fracking is the very definition of scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Why? It’s happening right now. We way past the peak. The incorrect consumption was prices would go up. Actually what prices do is roller coaster as demand shrinks due to other shortages.
The general and quite damaging pollution would have to be one of the most compelling reasons for understanding sooner rather than later we really do have to limit population…wild life is under considerable pressure…and surely living in compressed stacked buildings in crammed cities isn’t considered an ideal way of living?
yep there is lots of earth left but much is desert….and just why is it considered that we MUST occupy every sq inch of the place?
When you realize that all the mass-scale corporate “systems” in place are designed to do damage, then it’s safe to assume that continuing the damaging practices won’t result in anything good.
There is no way anyone will ever convince me that we don’t currently have the technologies and know-how (some of it is ancient, but it works!) to do things in a way that is in harmony with our Earth and its inhabitants.
To make things better we don’t need to cull the population, just cull the current a$$holes running their intentionally violent and detrimental schemes to feed their egos and lust for control and power.
We need to STOP thinking along the lines of how things have always been done, the systems don’t serve anyone except their designers. WE need to create our own workable solutions and there are a lot of smart people with creative, efficient and healthy ways to do things. Don’t be fooled into continuing to think inside their box.
Just stay alive and keep watching, Toy! 🙂
Never mind documenting it, Penny. Just point to the places where a whole lot more SLEG (sweet, light, easy-get crude) is immediately available. Whatever the documents say, I bet neither you nor Bill Engdahl (who buys the abiotic oil idea), nor anyone else can do that. As far as the professionals in the oil majors can demonstrate, there isn’t any. The era of cheap, abundant SLEG is over.
And yes, I know there’s probably still a fair bit of it under the Earth’s majority surface area, the oceans. But all you need to do to get a clear handle on that hopeless possibility is to look at the huge difficulty, and the huge cost in both capital and in energy returned on energy invested (EROEI) to get that ultra-difficult oil out, to see that there’s no help there for our current insanely profligate energy-splurging habits to continue.
Energy content of a barrel of crude peaked in ’05, and has been ebbing steadily since. (The fracking idiocy is an irrelevant canard of ultra-low-energy containing oil, and is now in the end-game of all ponzi scams.) Total barrels produced is less important than the two absolutely vital metrics: energy content per unit volume of oil, and EROEI. (qv)
If you plan to live much longer yourself, and pass along a reality-compliant worldview to your youngers, you really need to dump the idea that there’s no shortage of stuff vital for maintaining a hitech industrial civilisation – especially not for a species currently in a population-overshoot episode. There are, in fact, terminal shortages, growing right across the board, not just in the – absolutely-critical – energy sector, and the situation is intractable. (It’s precisely because plenty of the gangsters-in-charge can see this reality just as well as eyes-wide-open plebs like me can see it that they may well have thought that it’s time to crash the global economy with the covid scam, without waiting any longer for a bad situation to get steadily worse: better a – possibly-controllable – deliberate crash than an ungovernable tsunami…)
Whatever you may think of the ulterior motives of the Club of Rome, the projections of the Meadows team’s ‘Limits To Growth’ and their ‘Thirty Year Update’ are still spot on the money. This is the dawning of the Age of… the Long Descent. Get used to it. It’s geophysically non-negotiable. Human fantasising otherwise will have absolutely zero effect on these realities. The universe really doesn’t give a damn about what cobblers we choose to believe. It will steam-roller on over our delusions, regardless.
As Dubbya the Fool memorably said: “This sucker is going down!” That’s – er – DOWN.
Well, Manuel, you are not stupid, and I am not stupid.
I reckon that’s a good start.
Is the genetic COVID vaccine creating a hurricane inside cells of the body? – Jon Rappoport, May 4
“what guarantee do we have that the cells of the body are manufacturing only the one desired protein… I haven’t been able to find such a study…
This means that the presence of a single foreign gene might change the expression of hundreds, possibly thousands of genes.”
Jon’s awesome. I haven’t had the time to read that yet. Being on holidays, I’ve finally been able to go at some other projects that required me to focus on them. I’m itching to get back to my covid 19 blog posts, although one of my special projects became a covid 19 blog post. Jon was ejected by WordPress some time ago. I’m not a celebrity status blog or I would have been as well, considering how much of Jon’s material I use in my blog posts. He must be more frustrated than I, and a very few others, are about the way those on our side ignore the fact that Sars CoV 2 hasn’t been isolated, which means that it hasn’t been proven to actually exist.
The CDC suddenly discovers the importance of keeping the number of PCR cycles below 28 – for post-vaccination case testing:
The cynicism would be quite stunning if I hadn’t come across them doing things very similar before (like changing the definition of whooping cough in the 1990s to make it look like their needless vaccine was a great triumph).
Look, it has been so damn obvious since about March 2020 that it’s painful, not just scientifically but politically, administratively, financially, etc. I called it last March. However,
I spent 38 years evaluating government programs.
They aren’t break through anything.
Unbelievable. Such manipulation. The incompetence of these people is shocking.
If one is dealing with something that was circulating for at least 9 months before the drama started there has to be quite a number of folk with antibodies etc…so is this how they then say…oh the vaccine is working so well! It doesn’t have too…nature will have done its part long before they started their injections.
Remember the three basic words about the poison-stabs: Unnecessary, ineffectual, and dangerous. (But pretty good for furthering the criminal aims of the gangsters-in-charge.)
My mother in law collapsed in the street and was taken to hospital. First thing they did? Need you ask?
Interesting. If someone stops breathing or suffers massive blood loss, do they stop everything for the COVID test before delivering the treatment that would actually save a life? Well perhaps it’s better someone die without COVID than be saved with it.
Shit. Those motha fuckin’ covids carry little guns. Da covids gots armored divisions, infantry divisions, a covid air force, and even a little covid navy. Dats how dey got to England and India and Chitcago and places like dat. Dey mo dangerous than dem Rooooosianz an’ we all no how daaaangerouz dem Roooooosianz is. Da teeeeveeee an’ all da rich folk dun tole us.
“First thing they did?”
What a stupid, stupid world this has become …
An absolutely super, top-ranking video that explains how a small number of investors, hidden behind names like BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, are driving every aspect of the pandemic, the response and the proposed “new normal”. They profit from everything they make you do, and from everything they plan to take from you.
Admins, this is worth a thread of its own. It is a Dutch video by Vrouwen Voor Vrijheid.
The same investors own large stakes in all the big brands, all the industries including energy and warfare, consumer goods and clothing, transport and tourism, banking and finance, metals and mining, food, the commodity traders and the seed banks, and pharma of course. They run all the big non-profits, and through their tax-evading foundations they finance the politicians and the academics, run the think tanks and the World Economic Forum and so on. The same foundations and investors ran all the pandemic drills in the run-up to Event Covid.
The concentration of ownership is far greater than you ever imagined because the news media does not report on this. Not the mainstream nor the financial press. Why? Because the same investors also own the media.
In short we know precisely who is running this show… it is the people who own the big stakes in BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. Who are they? They’re private but given the preceding information, you should be able to make an educated guess.
Watch this video and you will realize, once and for all, that The Great Reset, Build Back Better, the New World Order, interdependence and “impact investing” and the 100 Resilient Cities… has nothing to do with the U.S. directly. That familiar bit of distraction and disinformation about “The Empire” can quickly be dismissed.
This is corporate rule by investors who, through their stakes, own or control practically everything.
Now you can see why all the industries, politicians and countries go along with this — they’re all either owned or controlled or heavily dependent upon the same small group of investors.
Monopoly – Follow The Money
Yeah, quite so, and I’m somewhat irritated because I posted the link to the above here at OffG at 12:17 PM on April 6. Yes : a month ago, … and Lew Rockwell published it as the top story for April 21. It’s frustrating how difficult it can be for important information to spread – even to those like you who are actually interested in it.
I sympathize. It shows how effective censorship is at stopping answers from surfacing.. though that’s nothing new. But it’s also a comment on our conscious resources… I diligently follow different networks yet I miss things all the time….
What’s the answer? The more obvious the source, the easier it is to censor. The more hidden, the harder it is to find.
It was shared on the solari telegram channel a while back – fascinating stuff and drawn mostly from Wikipedia! Best answer I’ve heard yet to the question “who do you mean by them?” What’s the betting the Massimo’s and the Vatican are big in vanguard?
Mostly from Wikipedia — that’s its strength: the juxtaposing of information. As the video says, it’s in front of our noses. The corporate media is paid to ignore it because it concerns their owners.
Everything in society is ordered or disordered according to the interest of the owners. For example, the owners collate information on everything — The Great Reset illustrates their ambition to surveil our every action. They want lots of data and they want it sorted and analyzed so that it makes sense. That’s for them.
But for us peons, information is disordered. The research of the universities we paid for as taxpayers is pay-walled and hidden from us. Libraries now time-limit the borrowing of digital ebooks.
As for the media its role is to atomize and separate information so that we can’t put it together, or if we do, it doesn’t add up.
I bang on about computers. They should be far more advanced given where we started. Yet we peons are still running a 1990 Ford Fiesta that cannot manage a basic search of information on its own hard drive. It’s nicely pimped, though.
All the software engineering – and much of the processing power – goes into making things look shiny and translucent, or flip and rotate like a bauble. And the press is paid to tell us that we’re paying for state of the art.
Complain about any product online and you’ll see the corporations already have software that filters out the negativity and armies of influencers, fact checkers and fanbois who spit venom at the simplest expression of doubt. Are there real people who waste their own time doing that? No. They’re paid.
That is the weakness of the would-be overlords. At every turn we see one of their servants and flunkies nailing up the facade of the Potemkin village or slapping a new coat straight onto the peeling paint. Their system of looting and polluting and selling shoddy goods depends on us failing to do 2+2.. . and they spend an awful lot of money fudging the numbers and keeping us in the dark.
I know. I used to get a six-figure salary to lie for them. I’m poor now but at peace.
Hey, me too. I didn’t lie but what they asked us to look at, describe, and analyze were issues that were very narrowly sliced. What we would report would be factual and met evidentiary standards that would make most journalists and academics run and hide. We might even have “findings” and make recommendations. However, given the meager resources available, we never got to see big pictures and any recommendations to elected politicians were really suggestions and not mandatory. All we could do was collect facts, report them, explain them in very simple language to the elected politicians, and make suggestions, mainly for economy and efficiency improvements. We really had no power to affect policy. Many of those who would contact us to provide information and “leads” were corporate think tanks and corporate “experts”. We almost had to talk with them, regardless of the issue.
I’m recently retired and, yeah, except for very good health benefits, barely middle class. I think I’ll be a part time “greeter” at WalMart or get part time work in a sporting goods store.
I don’t think you need a fancy computer. The fat cats know what information they need and go for it, it’s strictly business. Too much information is worse than too little. It’s what your awareness makes of it that counts.
I remember when it took 20 minutes to load a 40k game – which then wouldn’t work as it hadn’t loaded properly…
Typing load wouldn’t work on certain games, you had to type run instead. That always annoyed me. Commodore 16+4, still got the dinosaur in a drawer below the betamax in the back room.
I recall how much I enjoyed my “compaq” laptop- I could upload my photos and play with them; I could “paint”, I could do anything I wanted in word-processing because it accepted my beloved “lewp” (leading edge word processor). It had games. It was intuitive and easy to use it to its full capacity.
Now, it takes forever to figure out how to slog through the bells and whistles to do the basic things what I want to do. (There’s an app for that! grrr).
Obviously, I’m old.
You should watch the videos of Ronald Bernard. They killed him afterwards. But he saw the money moving behind the scenes. He knew the real seat of power was in Europe.
i did a small tour of blackrock investment activities in China….they are in there too…wasn’t unexpected…there appears to have been a bit of show pony stuff to do with the interplay between China and US of late but I don’t think it would really stop them or their mates…plenty of subsidiaries, partnerships etc…
Yes. And the Rothschild – Rockefeller families both go back in China to the 19thC.
I was surprised to see Vanguard in this film. I invested in them many years ago under the impression that they were a better choice because they claimed to be shareholder owned, and the funds were not managed so you didn’t have to pay those fees. I just found this on their Wikipedia:
Excellent thanks for that, also explains why the UK and Israel are world leading in the “vaccine” uptake.
City of London and the other global bankers working hand in hand as per usual.
With regards to India, it’s a double win for these parasites, steal the farmland and distract with the “pandemic” so they can push their “vaccine” narrative, whilst using the propaganda to keep the rest of the world focused on the fear factor. I’m interested in what’s going on in the other former British colony next door, Myanmar’s military coup. But for whose benefit?
Good video. These mega-corporations and billionaires are more powerful than national governments. They straddle the US, UK, EU, Australia, and much of South America and parts of Asia. Most economic sectors are now monopolies or oligopolies, including the war and big tech industries, energy, food, etc. This is the root of our troubles.
There is apparently a “Covid-compliant” concert called “VAX Live” coming soon, put on by the iheartradio group of radio stations. I didn’t realize how all the radio stations are owned by the same people, till they started advertising for this abhorrent event.
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More powerful than national governments….
I downloaded and watched this today on your recommendation, and very glad I did. Thanks for posting this. It’s safe to say that most of us at least vaguely know what’s happening, but this video is like putting on glasses for the first time.
Great vid and breathtaking. I personally had no idea the amount of ownership these people have. Bit put off by her evidence free jump to the usual suspects like the Rockefeller’s but that’s a small gripe. Genuinely scary. Just like to say thanks Moneycircus for the UK Column synopsis you post!
You’re right! “This is extremely dangerous to our democracy!”
What democracy? You’re definitely not American.
‘Twas sarcasm, watch the video that Moneycircus posted “Follow the money”.
Democracy? Ha ha yes I’m all for it in theory provided the masses that are allowed to vote are very well educated. Otherwise it’s a populist show that has led us to this point.
See reply to Saint Jimmy above. Also I haven’t voted a day in my life, I know their game.