10 Things We Have Learned During the Covid Coup

Winter Oak

One potential positive from the whole Covid-19 debacle is that we have learned an incredible amount about the society in which we live. This will be crucial if we manage to stave off a descent into a nightmare future of techno-fascist slavery.

We will have a new understanding of what our world has become and what we would like it to be in the decades and centuries to come. And “we” means we. While the majority have, apparently, learnt nothing at all from what has happened, they will eventually catch up.

There is no way that knowledge gained by a wide-awake 15% or 20% of the population will not end up being shared by almost everyone. Once the truth is out, it tends to stay out. As H.R. Haldeman so wisely put it, “you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube”.

Here are Ten Things We Have Learned During the Covid Coup.


1 Our political system is hopelessly corrupt. Virtually all politicians are hopelessly corrupt. No political party can be trusted. They all can be, and have been, bought.


2 Democracy is a sham. It has been a sham for a very long time. There will never be any real democracy when money and power amount to the same thing.


3 The system will stop at nothing to hold on to its power and, if possible, increase its levels of control and exploitation. It has no scruples. No lie is too outrageous, no hypocrisy too nauseating, no human sacrifice too great.


4 So-called radical movements are usually nothing of the sort. From whatever direction they claim to attack the system, they are just pretending to do so, and serve to channel discontent in directions which are harmless to the power clique and even useful to its agendas.


5 Any “dissident” voice you have ever heard of through corporate media is probably a fake. The system does not hand out free publicity to its actual enemies.


6 Most people in our society are cowards. They will jettison all the fine values and principles which they have been loudly boasting about all their lives merely to avoid the slightest chance of public criticism, inconvenience or even minor financial loss.


7 The mainstream media is nothing but a propaganda machine for the system and those journalists who work for it have sold their sorry souls, placing their (often minimal) writing skills entirely at the disposition of Power.


8 Police are not servants of the public but servants of a powerful and extremely wealthy minority which seeks to control and exploit the public for its own narrow and greedy interests.


9 Scientists cannot be trusted. They will use the hypnotic power of their white coats and authoritative status for the benefit of whoever funds their work and lifestyle. He who pays the piper calls the tune.



0 Progress is a misleading illusion. The “progress” of increasing automisation and industrialisation does not go hand in hand with a progress in the quality of human life, but in fact will “progressively” reduce it to the point of complete extinction.

Originally published as part of Issue 65 of Winter Oak’s Acorn bulletin. Read the full bulletin here, or follow Winter oak on twitter here.


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Maria Maria
Maria Maria
May 21, 2021 9:11 AM

The government is nothing else but an organized criminal TERRORIST organization. Worldwide. Three things missing: The military. The FAKE education system. Gov use the military to terrorize their own people. All is done through the fake education system. Go and learn about how the ‘education’ system was created to brainwash people to serve the government through their lives. The FAKE health care system. Should be called health hoax system. When a baby is born, he/she is registered like a slave (weight, height, color of eyes etc..) and immediately becomes the property of the terrorist government. Then the baby is forced to be vaccinated with poison, so they create lifelong customers/servants to the fake health hoax system. Then comes the fake education. The fake obligatory criminal military service. More ‘educated’ the more brainwashed. Off to the rat race to pay taxes to terrorist government… The criminal gov will use and abuse everyone till the moment they die… We need to change ourselves and go back to nature, live as God meant life to be, not criminal terrorist governments, elites…

May 17, 2021 2:48 AM

This is excellent.

Patti Serafine
Patti Serafine
Jul 23, 2021 4:53 PM
Reply to  Miep

The people telling you this are the ones with that money and power. They’re successfully conning you into giving up YOUR ability to get some of it. Bright kids you are. LOL

Mary Berry
Mary Berry
May 17, 2021 2:33 AM

mass (mask) psychosis

May 16, 2021 7:03 PM

I think a more accurate statement would be that Kovid Kollapse has made obvious to many that which has been obvious to the egalitarian left forever. A better 10 would be: 1) Politics is the art of prosecuting hidden agendas and when the 1% control all Pepsi-Coke choices, it has been corrupt since inception. 2) Fake Democracy, representative democracy, will always serve it’s only true constituent, the 1%. Real democracy is direct democracy vote on all policy & budget with no middleperson selling out to this ruling elite. 3) Unregulated capitalism, since it’s sole goal is profit, is sociopathic, devoid of social responsibility, and it’s unmoderated-by-the-public policy decisions will always progress to terracide. 4) Any radical movements to actual democratic self rule, internal or external, are thwarted and crushed at first sign of existence by the 1%. 5) Any movement which becomes highlighted through their media propaganda apparatus is manicured to serve the elite in maintaining rule, whether realized by the manicured or not. 6) Modern first world capitalist societies have been blue-pilled (lifestyle washed) into passivity, politeness and self-obedience as a standardized, elite-controlled false consciousness. 7) Mainstream media is owned by and serves the profit objectives of the 1%. 8) Police, which evolved from slave patrols, have always served only one purpose: to protect the property and wealth of the 1% by terrorizing commoners. 9) Capitalism’s deregulation from social responsibility since Reagan/Thatcher has delivered privatization of all sectors of society, including science, under the controlled profit objectives of the 1%, rendering modern societies into Company Stores. 10) Progress is solely determined by the decisions of the 1% and is accepted, even cheered on, by commoners as a narcissistic advancement of their personal powers. Progress, advanced tools and services, should be allowed to advanced only through the advice and voted… Read more »

May 17, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  sandy

I agree with most except the capitalism part. You need to differentiate between unregulated capitalism (which is basically free market and is a good thing) with crony capitalism: corrupted government that regulates the market in favor of those who paid the politicians.

May 18, 2021 9:51 PM
Reply to  sandy

1) Politics is about control, the most powerful survival behavior.

2) Direct democracy is just control by 50% plus one. The remaining is what is controlled.

3) A free market means you have to please your customers and not government.

4) How can you have democratic self-rule when 50% minus one can be ruled by others.

5) H. sapiens has been domesticated by governance or government for perhaps as long as 5 million years because it promoted survival in the animal world. It’s very existence is what keeps the animal world alive in the so-called civilized world.

6) See above. Man has been domesticated to obey government.

7) The 1% is the product of government policies.

8) Police evolved from scapegoating in the alpha-male social hierarchy. The alpha-male kicked someone’s ass and that someone kicked a lower male’s ass. That evolved into ass-kicking for the King.

9) Social reponsability as in ants or moral behaviors? It is immoral to take something that is not yours – doesn’t matter if done by one person or a Mongol horde.

10) Nonsense. Our ancestors survived in the ANIMAL WORLD because of cohesiveness – 150 tribe members against the cunning of Mother Nature. The idea is to divorce oneself from nature’s Red in Tooth and Claw mentality.

The Refusers
The Refusers
May 16, 2021 4:18 PM

Our band The Refusers punk rock song Vaccine Gestapo.

Can we see your papers, have you had all your shots? Your papers please, your papers please, have you had all your shots? Vaccine Gestapo! Vaccine Gestapo!

Free streaming link to hear the song.

May 16, 2021 3:42 PM

An Open Letter To Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab And All The Davos Ghouls . A political mind like yours always wants to change the world, because you cannot think that you are ever wrong, you think it is the whole world that is wrong. Political psychopaths like yourselves never reach to any final goal because the world is so big, and in reality the world is not the problem. You are the problem! You create more problems through your insane reset agenda and pseudo medicines. Many more dis-eases will now arise which were not there before. Through your twisted efforts to control humanity, you have now created more misery, suffering and deaths. All the pseudo intellectuals who try to transform the society are the real criminal mischief-makers. Fascist sociopaths who try to change the other are always dangerous. So please don’t advise anybody. All your advice is dangerous because you don’t know what you are doing. You do not know who you are? Each of you were born without a soul. There is nothing inside you, there is nobody inside you. You have no soul! There are millions of psychopaths like you, the one percent, walking on the earth who are all soulless. Everybody like you is always trying to escape, escape from themselves. This fear has to be understood. Because this fear exists in you, and whatsoever you do will not be of much help. You may think that you already know yourselves, but this unconscious fear of finally experiencing yourself is continuously there within you. You always try to hide and deceive yourselves, to avoid facing the horrors that you instinctively know are already inside you. That is why you are so afraid. If you really penetrate within yourself, the image of yourself that you have created in… Read more »

May 16, 2021 2:51 PM

Wow, how unknown the “10 Things” were, until the Kung Flu scamdemic dropped, and your enlightened self waxed poetic about it.

Vangel Vesovski
Vangel Vesovski
May 16, 2021 2:20 PM

I could not agree more. But we did not have to experience the COVID scam to have learned all of these things. Michael Bulgakov’s, The Master and Margarita made many of the same points. People are cowards. The political system, scientists, police, etc., are corrupt. When a society abandons moral principles any evil is possible.

May 16, 2021 2:38 AM


Learned ?
,,,,,,apparently nothing


most still don’t even get this ..
you all moan and argue about side orders: variants, police are thugs, my right to demo
Yes Off guardian . You as well !
%$^% £^*
plz just take your vax!

2 weeks to flatten the curve remember ?
Hope you all clutching to your next ‘straws’
its been a year….
Never a line in the sand.
Right ? ..

always righteous always reasonable
Right ?

HOW long my fellow humans

How long till you actually get the F£$% UP ! when is it enough ?

Have a nice day ..and stay nuanced you hear


May 16, 2021 12:48 AM

Truly great article. I would add 2 more:

11 Those who wish to control truly believe they know best but refuse to accept the rhyming of history.
12.Those who wish to control, fear the crowd.

May 16, 2021 12:28 AM

I was walking to the pub this evening =)

The last stretch of the journey is a reasonably busy, rural road, with one narrow pavement.

There was a young girl in her twenties walking towards me with her baby in a pushchair.

As we approached each other I stepped out into the road and continued past her, ready to dodge the tractors, I nodded, she smiled, and said ‘thank you’.

She was mask-less and seemed unconcerned to be out in the big wide world with her baby.

I’d like to think that her smile and her ‘thank you’ was not for me distancing myself from her so as not to contaminate her or her baby, but a ‘thank you’ for me performing the socially correct act of traffic dodging, so she didn’t have to navigate down the kerb and dodge the traffic with her baby because an older lady was approaching.

paul maloney
paul maloney
May 15, 2021 2:10 PM

Where are “Batman and Robin”

May 14, 2021 3:25 PM


none of the health crisis emergency powers ‘to protect the health of the public’ is about improving the health conditions for anyone!!!!!

all emergency powers are to entrench mass surveillance and condition the plebs to restrain themselves.

May 14, 2021 2:29 PM

#0 we learnt that:

the role of men in promoting and contributing to the wellbeing of the household has been eliminated and replaced by a huge increase in the positive writings about the role of dogs in promoting good health and unconditional love within the family home.

May 14, 2021 5:26 AM

If I could, I would suggest #11: The legal system is not and never has been about right and wrong or justice. It is about power. Once upon a time many horrible things were legal: slavery, genocides, illegal for people without property to vote, illegal for women to vote, etc, go down the list. The pay-to-play class based legal system is more about power now than ever as money and power have come to be one thing.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 13, 2021 11:41 PM

What are the odd sthat the new UK voter ID will end being the vaccine passport?

May 13, 2021 9:25 PM

Could be…the last year and a half has been a drill for the real one that will roll out in 2028 or something. A great big fat, real time, live drill.

May 13, 2021 8:58 PM

anyone know how to pass a covid test ( home test ) without taking it ? i.e. chemicals fruit water something you can swab to pass every time ?

May 13, 2021 10:10 PM
Reply to  Joseph

No, pretty much everything comes up positive.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 14, 2021 1:57 AM
Reply to  Ooink

You can watch your antique fountain pen test positive, here in California (“next door” to me in Newport Beach California is ironically the final resting place of Kary Mullis inventor of that test, deceased a few days before the breaches of containment at central bioweapons lab Fort Detrick, Maryland, August 2019).

All you have to do is put it through enough cycles of amplification, as recently martyred hoax whistleblower President Magufuli of Tanzania just found out some weeks ago.

Run a sample enough times through Mullis’ PCR test and even that green cheese that is the moon will test positive.

That scam is certainly in the discussion as nominee or winner of the greatest scandal of the millennium Award at least and let’s hope everyone finds out soon.

Healthcare venues get huge kickbacks for every covid~positive corpse they record.

My brother-in-law died weeks ago and the OC Coroner told me he was “covid~positive” before she elaborated that he died “of natural causes”. He was 73.



Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
May 13, 2021 8:54 PM

I would offer one lesson that is only implied by these 10. In addition to all of the abominable things we have learned about our society, we also have learned that there doesn’t appear to be anything we in the 15 to 20 percent who gets it can do to repair the damage or mitigate the corruption. We now must find and rely on each other to the bitter end, whatever that is and no matter how bitter it gets. That will be tough, because there will be constant temptation to surrender to the blob and be part of the new society.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 14, 2021 2:10 AM

“Beware of The Blob! My sisters and me were weaned on that amorphous mass of pururating alien ectoplasm. No one felt safe for months. Lights were kept on by Mom all night. Serious. A young Steve McQueen delivered his lines in his first screen role so woodenly that only he could escape It, but even that was not enough to ease my terror. Well, I was 7 and bad acting was overwhelmed by our joint suggestibility.

As you say, much like the effect the Magic Virus has on worldwide sheeple.

May 13, 2021 5:46 PM

OK. Just about everything, including activism and dissident movements, is corrupt and fake. So . . . . what is the remedy?

May 13, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  DimlyGlimpsed

Become independent. Figure things out for yourself. Engage in civil disobedience. Get right with God.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 14, 2021 2:18 AM
Reply to  Alexa

Yep, a whole lotta people, billions, are being called to walk a little closer, to get right with God.

After all, we ourselves are the commodities that we have the best chance and hope of changing.

Father preached that very thing this morning, Feast of the Ascenscion. 40 day past Easter.

Time to rise and shine.

“At the exact instant hope becomes unreasonable it is then that it becomes useful.”

That is so great.

May 16, 2021 2:22 AM
Reply to  DimlyGlimpsed

Exactly! Lots of doom speak, never any solutions, many lists of what is wrong but never an answer as to what to do. Mostly, all you can really do is prepare yourself, a group of friends who are like minded and perhaps family members, get rural and out of the city. Pool your resources, prepare to defend youself, and live your life as best you can. Grow food, become self reliant.
If you choose to do nothing, then you will become a victim. Fight, engage in civil disobedience, be prepared to be hated, feared, locked up. If you can’t do that, well, enjoy what you have left before it is taken from you. without a fight, there is no more normal. Normal died a year and a half ago. Good luck to you all.

Brand new day
Brand new day
May 13, 2021 3:02 PM

A new study suggests that ‘delaying the second dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccines as the UK has done can save lives.’
Indeed it goes on to say, ‘second shots of both vaccines and the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab are designed by the manufacturers to be given within three to four weeks of the first dose. The UK, however, opted for a 12-week delay between doses in a bid to ensure that more people received their first vaccination more quickly.’
What it does not say is that this would amount to a de facto 12-week extension of the lockup for anyone hoping to qualify for a freedom vaxport.
In truth, it might mean that ‘freedom’ in some countries might not even be possible for another three to six months.
So I feel I should refine my earlier ‘prediction’ that the end of chaos might commence around 17 June.

Now I wonder if the plan is to extend it until 17 September? Or three months later? (Almost every proclamation works out to cover a three-month period, not the two or three weeks they talk about.)
In the meantime, Pfeifer really does seem hellbent on cornering the market. Now and in the future.
With AZ on the ropes, new ‘permission’ to stick ‘millions’ (I have not found a figure in any of the articles I have read) of 12-15 year-olds with the technology jab and a new study suggesting they are also hoping to jab infants as young as six-months, shareholders must be licking their proverbials. 

May 14, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  Brand new day

The vaccination programme has always been an exercise in stringing people along before the next crisis. People will probably never be ‘fully vaccinated’ to the satisfaction of the authorities, how ever many ‘doses’ they have.

May 14, 2021 10:14 AM
Reply to  Brand new day

The announcement also means that Science from the government is as valid as Science from elsewhere.

May 13, 2021 2:16 PM

Somewhat off-topic, but a certain David Lindsay is mentioned as having been sentenced to a year’s imprisonment in the latest Private Eye in an article entitled “Trolling News”. “A former Telegraph comment writer has seen a lifetime of trolling end in a prison sentence.”
The article mentions his blog and I searched for it on the Web. On it, he mentions this website noting that he is frequently published here.
Glancing through his blog, he comes across as green-inky, self-righteous and obsessive.

May 15, 2021 5:00 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

I suspect, reading his blog, that his conviction, for “malicious communications”, is pretty safe. He is partial to publishing the addresses of people he hates, perhaps so even if he does not go round there an enthusiastic reader might. His blog is basically one vast personality disorder.

May 13, 2021 2:42 AM


The government’s own expert, Dr. Bullard, testified that determining whether or not a sample is actually infectious (containing a viable virus, capable of replicating) needs to be confirmed by lab culture. As noted, only 44% of the “positive” samples using a Ct of 18 returned a viable lab culture. Samples tested at a Ct of over 25, according to Dr. Bullard’s report, PRODUCED NO VIABLE LAB CULTURES.”

Tom M
Tom M
May 13, 2021 2:35 AM

Can’t argue with much here. Although, we live under more of a republic than a democracy. A republic allows the politicians to become easily corrupted as they spend their entire careers in government and for many other people and agencies to make “laws” and convenient orders not passed by a legislature.

Witness the rise and fall of the great Roman empire. We are at the end stage and following in Rome’s footsteps at light speed. With a true democracy, perhaps laws could only go into effect with the approval of the people…through the voting process. However, as we saw with the 2020 elections, even that process is now totally flawed.

The DC Swamp is beyond worth saving and now must be filled in and plowed over. There will be a great reckoning as the filth and corruption pervading our government, economy and financial systems cannot last without a foundation based in truth, integrity and self responsibility.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 13, 2021 3:25 PM
Reply to  Tom M

“What the Mobster Psychos are aiming for for is a CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCHICAL POLICE STATE, in which those untermenschen proles not culled will be owned by Poppa John and his criminal ilk.
comment image

“Own Nothing and be happy (for we will own it all, including you).”

Derryl Hermanutz
Derryl Hermanutz
May 13, 2021 1:33 AM

Great article! I hope you’re right, that a minority who see and tell the truth will succeed at making the truth a widespread cultural phenomenon in the post-cabal world.

May 12, 2021 11:47 PM

If the majority gets “vaccinated,” and thus the major number of human beings are forever genetically crippled (after the initial giant kill-off, of course), how will it ever be possible for the “15% to 20%” of us, right here, right now, refusing to be voluntarily “vaccinated,” ever going to assert any truth ever again? That you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube is a moot point. The actual fact is we normal human beings will be eliminated within a couple of generations, and IF there is enough of the species to survive the kill-off and genetic crippling to generate a new generation after them, so what? In those 100 years following this, genetic modification of the survivors will render these “lessons” from this fraud “pandemic” to the dust bin of history. There must be a viable population of non-infected (by the “virus” and by its “treatment”) people to make a difference, and TPTB are not about to let that happen. They need human backs to perform the minimal labors their robots won’t be able to. We’re beyond Orwell’s 1984; we have graduated to Huxley’s Brave New World, and Jean Raspail’s Camp of the Saints. Remember the Georgia Guidestones? The goal of our overlords is a global, world population of no more than 500,000,000 people. And they will not be capable of critical thinking, rationality, understanding of who they are or why they’re there. They will be docile servants and laborers to the people ruling the world. Genetic modification means at our very core of ability to exist as a life form, as a species, we who are now ordinary homosapiens will cease to exist. We will be replaced by something far less. Only the Rulers will be genetically originally human. Of course, they, too, plan to alter their… Read more »

May 13, 2021 3:25 PM
Reply to  GrayCat

The generation after this one won’t be capable of seeing anything but what the Rulers want them to see, the way they want them to see it.

Ah, perhaps you’re being a bit too optimistic in speaking of future generations. The majority of people already fit your description. And they will pass their penchant for propaganda to their children.

Let’s just hope those children do what children tend to do: ignore their parents’ advice and do the opposite.

People always try to imagine what Utopia would look like. I’ll tell you: it would look like a world where nobody believes propaganda.

May 13, 2021 8:41 PM
Reply to  Howard

Sorry I wasn’t clear. I’m trying to make the point that with the genetic engineering being pushed onto our young people, with us oldsters being killed off, there won’t be young people left who can think critically, even if they had parents who could teach them, and worse, from our species survival point of view, they won’t be able to procreate.

We, us “normal,” whole human beings not of the Rulers, will be eliminated. Period.

They can’t control us any other way.

I hope this helps clear up my clumsy attempt above. Thanks!

May 12, 2021 11:31 PM

I see The Daily Mail, is pouring a load of shite, over Adele, re her Father’s Death, and I know that some of it is true, though so far as I am aware, I have not met the girl, so don’t know anything about her. I know she went to The BRIT school, and I know some of the people who worked there, but none of them have ever mentioned her, and I never asked. It’s not what you do. She was just a kid in school.

Strangely enough the Daily Mail, has been really supportive of Craig Murray. So far as I am aware, I have never met him either, but I did contribute to his defence fund, when The Daily Mail and Sky TV, were trying the totally Do him over.

I disagree with now over 90% of his political views, but I am 97.5% convinced that he is an honest man, of courage and integrity.

What they are doing to him now, is completely disgusting and disgraceful, even if he still does work for British Intelligence. I don’t think it is being faked.

And I “would” like to have a beer with him. I have no problem with arguing with very highly intelligent interesting people, even if our views are almost completely different on most things…We can still come to agreement on some things..

And that was a Brilliant Photograph they dug up of him and his wife Nadira

“Britain’s ex-ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray vows to appeal against EIGHT-MONTH jail sentence for contempt of court over Alex Salmond sex trial blog as he slams ‘strange’ judge’s comments”
comment image


May 12, 2021 10:11 PM

No.6 stands out for me…I’ve never been more ashamed to be part of the human race. When I see the majority of people either too scared to stand up to tyranny, or too stupid to see it, a part of me can actually see why the people responsible for all this is doing what they’re doing – We truly do deserve the governments we get it seems

Petra Skyla
Petra Skyla
May 12, 2021 8:03 PM

How powerful fruits and salads are at defeating the dark forces. Cara Brotman says her favourite meal is a salad. I like them too. Fruit doesn’t seem so much like a meal. I put fresh platain from outside. Found a good spot to pick them and put a bit of clover aswell. It is an awesome salad. It would cost 100 bucks in a good restaurant considering the size of it. All finely cut. Delicious, it’s a real winner.

Fred B
Fred B
May 12, 2021 7:33 PM

What I have learned in this plandemic is exactly what Winter Oak says. I have been learning from and commenting about the scam on TheTruthseeker.UK since March 2020, and the first conclusion I came to was that it could only be the Western-based international banking cartel with the juice and the power to ensure compliance from virtually every nation on the globe, even those which were adversarial to each other. With the banking cartel tentacles – the IMF, the World Bank, and our central banks – backing our governments for the pandemic expenses, and the bankster pressures last summer trying to force Belarus to comply with lockdowns, the unseen hand of the cartel was totally revealed. The second major thing I learned was that every single position of authority in ever major institution, corporation, government, political party, the mainstream media, what have you, was filled with functionaries parroting the same “top-down” script. This fact has been verified over and over again with everything I have seen and witnessed. I know, I am a lawyer, restrained from starting a tort and Charter action against our governments and their bankster backers. I have sensed from the beginning that to successfully sue the real perpetrators over the Covid fraud would be near impossible. It would be way beyond a run-of-the-mill David and Goliath action suing a giant government, major bank or corporation, which I have sued in the past with enormous difficulty. It would be an action against the most powerful and pervasive establishment in history, that which is controlling our government and virtually every major institution and corporation in the world, and the media. How would you ever get a truly independent judge in such a climate, with such a monster behind the scenes, with unlimited money at their disposal? Then what… Read more »

May Hem
May Hem
May 12, 2021 9:50 PM
Reply to  Fred B

Thanks for your insightful comment Fred B. Reading it, I am reminded of the story of David and Goliath, how an apparently big monster always has a weak spot. And those few who have set up this ‘monster’, are weak and disconnected from Nature. They are also very frightened evidenced by their desperate need for control.

This monster illusion is kept alive by the disillusioned, gullible armies of the unaware. Remember the con-man behind the curtain in ‘The Wizard of Oz’? The coming big shocks will wake up many of the sleepers into awareness of the con.

There is always a way, more than one.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 13, 2021 7:49 PM
Reply to  May Hem

For my myth synecdoche of sudden and unlikely salvation I visualize the fair Eowyn of MiddleEarth lore, about to go down for the count in her steel on steel sword match with Tolkien’s dread wraith, the towering Nazgul…until the halfling Hobbit Merry sneaks in between the Ringwraith’s legs from behind and severs its tendon with his blessed blade.

That is also why I am an ardent fan of the NBA, you can watch two hours of intensest contest between any number of paired teams, and night after night you can see games, whole franchises’ futures not infrequently, come down to the wire, and so often beyond the wire into overtime, with the outcome decided by a slight spin of the ball on the hoop, dancing furiosomente with applied English. Kahwi Leonard won the Conference Finals a couple years ago for Toronto, a first for a Canadian team (which was a hoot for my inner français and his jones, l’esprit de l’Art) by a shot that was implausible enough from distance, at the buzzer, then with his artful backspin, bouncing once, twice, thrice, four, five, or more times softly all around the rim before dropping through the net and sending half the joint into delirium and the other half home to broken hearts, and the Raptors themselves to the Finals where they dethroned the champion Warriors.

Only a game, but looming large for those who love such merging of man with metaphor.

Well, Man has a much much bigger contest on his hands here, and no metaphor, and no game.

Sacred Prima Materia.

That Cause has already been won.

But only for those who dare to know!

malcolm ripley
malcolm ripley
May 13, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  Fred B

You are correct that a new way forward is needed, political, economic, health and social. The basic building blocks of a new way forward are waiting for some coordination. There are many social/alternate media bloggers who are saying similar things. What I find extraordinary is the amount of overlap between people of very different backgrounds and “old style” political beliefs. I think that broad “old normal” belief system is good solid base as it tends to highlight that this new movement is not simply a re-hash of a pre covid interest groups.

People whose blogs/posts I regularly watch and read : Jeff Berwick , Russell Brand , Peter Hitchin , Del Bigtree, Zach Bush, Ivor Cummins, Dan Gregory, James Corbett, Anna Brees, Carl Vernon plus all the guests that they interview. Granted all of them express some beliefs that you may or may not agree with but the core belief about what being human in the 21st century means is very very similar across all of them. Put all of them in a room with some of their interviewees and they could draft a new way forward that covers politics, media, economics, health and social wellbeing that would be bear no resemblance to what we currently have let alone to what the WEF wants us to have!

This kind of coordinated effort is needed ASAP. Once they press the big red switch on the banking system and the internet it becomes orders of magnitude more difficult.

May 13, 2021 1:41 PM
Reply to  Fred B

Your last paragraph sums up my current (and future) course of action succinctly. I am committing to a higher level of interaction with the few humans I take “on board” from 2020 on. Important transactions can no longer be allowed to exist on a plane of mere convenience or proximity. Every one I categorize as “friend” or “supporter” must be operating on a higher level, either intellectually or spiritually (and preferably both). And in-person interaction is indispensable. Fuck algorithms.

Kitty Antonik Wakfer
Kitty Antonik Wakfer
May 16, 2021 4:14 PM
Reply to  Fred B

In regard to your “second major thing I’ve learned”, I failed to see any mention of the real forceful power. Without many Government Enforcers willing to threaten & actually initiate physical force for compliance to WORDs, those WORDS are ignorable, the issuers – Politicians & Bureaucrats, very often influenced/paid by the likes of Gates – are IMPOTENT. These Politicians & Bureaucrats (& esp their Friends) do NOT get out & enforce their own WORDS! Large numbers of Gov/State Enforcers do it because “it’s just my job” or “Just following orders” AND most ppl still do not Socially Preference against them for that enforcement. Don’t simply tolerate these Tyranny Enforcers! But NO Violence!
Instead, do practice NO Voluntary Association – NO Sales/ NO Service/ NO Friendship – w/ GovEnforcers who enforce TYRANNY!! To do otherwise is to be complicit in the Tyranny!

This is something I learned 21 years ago, but most people still need to learn. It is an extension to/implementation of the author’s Item 8 – “Police are not servants of the public but servants of a powerful and extremely wealthy minority …”

May 12, 2021 6:35 PM
May Hem
May Hem
May 12, 2021 10:09 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Great article by Edward. Thanks for posting it. I especially like this bit …..

“I am not making a prediction. The authorities have told us what’s coming. Pay attention. Don’t be fooled. It’s a game they have devised. Keep people guessing. On edge. Relieved. Tense. Relaxed. Shocked. Confused. That’s the game. One day this, the next that. You’re on, you’re off. You’re in, you’re out. We are allowing you this freedom, but be good children or we will have to retract it. If you misbehave, you will get a time out. Time to contemplate your sins.”

Kitty Antonik Wakfer
Kitty Antonik Wakfer
May 16, 2021 7:41 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Edward Curtin’s essay is grim in its “prediction” – or actual warning by Officials – of what Orders/Laws/Mandates/Edicts/etc are coming in the future, even if “seasonal”…. But nowhere does he mention the realities of enforcement of all these WORDS issued by Politicians & Bureaucrats of one Political Party or another.

One needs to always keep in mind that WITHOUT many GovEnforcers willing to threaten & actually initiate physical force for compliance to WORDs, those WORDS are ignorable, the issuers – Politicians & Bureaucrats, very often influenced/paid by the likes of Gates – are IMPOTENT. These Pols & Bureaucrats (& esp their FRIENDS) do NOT get out & enforce their own WORDS! Large numbers of Gov/State Enforcers do it bc “it’s just my job” or “Just following orders” AND most ppl still do not Socially Preference against them for that enforcement. Don’t simply tolerate these Tyranny Enforcers! But NO Violence!
But do practice NO Voluntary Association – NO Sales/ NO Service/ NO Friendship – w/ GovEnforcers who enforce TYRANNY!! To do otherwise is to be complicit in the Tyranny!

May 12, 2021 6:17 PM

“When someone does something to you that is wrong and you do nothing about it…

That is consent.

We have consented to a cabal that tells us its intentions, e.g. global reset, mask mandates they now say will never end, lockdown, and even starvation. Yes, they said they are going to starve us.

Look up “The Revelation of the Method”. This is a method of checking how close they are to total control. It’s a form of mind control. The more they reveal their intentions and the less we revolt, the closer they are, and they’re extremely blatant now. They put razor wire and fences around the capitol they’re so blatant. They have to feel like they’re on the verge of a checkmate right about now.

The longer people think Trump is going to do something, the closer we are to enslavement. “We’ll vote him into office in 2024,” they say. Didn’t you do that in 2020? While you’re voting, I’ll be waiting on this hill where I intend to die fighting for my liberty and freedom.”

May 14, 2021 3:11 AM
Reply to  Ulysses

they have no idea what people can get up to.

May 12, 2021 6:16 PM

As jab recipients show off magnets stuck to their arms, Newsweek and other PR firms are busy decrying the “fake news”.

Videos are aplenty as well as research explaining why iron particles help speed DNA/RNA “transfection”.


May 12, 2021 10:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks for this. Shocking stuff.

May 12, 2021 5:32 PM

Thanks for succinct list Winter Oak.

John Hackney
John Hackney
May 12, 2021 5:25 PM

Number 8 is wrong. Most police do a good job of protecting us and enforcing the law.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 12, 2021 10:38 PM
Reply to  John Hackney

The problem is that policemen, regardless of the human qualities they may have as members of society, have a pledge to obey orders whenever they put on a uniform. Thus, policemen in uniform are more properly called ‘order obeyers’. Before they are sent out to some protest, they are relieved from any moral responsibility regarding the actions they may have to take.

A commenter posted a video here some time ago of a protest, in Belgium I think it was. A woman PEACEFULLY STANDING in the protest was violently trampled by the running horse of a mounted policeman, who didn’t even care to turn his back to see whether she was dead or alive.

Policemen are not friends of mine.

May 12, 2021 11:56 PM

Many pigs I understand are freemasons.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
May 13, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  Peter

They certainly don’t send the little ones with glasses to the protests, only the thugs eager to let off some steam punching noses.

The fact is security forces exist to maintain a global “social order” as they call it, at the local level. They are the first line of defense in a multi-layered lines of defense to keep an unstable and unfair economic system going. If some individuals have the impression that security forces are protecting *them*, it’s only incidentally because they happen to be, today, on the “winning side” of the equation, for it’s not the individual that is protected, it’s the economic position; their children, their grandchildren may possibly find themselves, tomorrow, on the “losing side”, and would have to feel the iron fist of the state. The system being what it is, can’t help producing “winners” and “losers”, so the question is whether we are comfortable with the idea that our children or grandchildren should find themselves one day in the same spot as that woman in the protest, a very likely prospect according to the current events.

May 14, 2021 3:22 AM

police; ‘serve and protect’ the rich.

County Girl
County Girl
May 13, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  John Hackney

Try standing up to the local bruiser who rules your neighbourhood, then realising he is a police informer when the local cops come to arrest you. They threatened (over a number of years) to arrest every person on our road – male and female, young and elderly – when bruiser hit us, threatened us, blocked our cars in/out, parked his vehicles on our drives, picnicked on our front gardens, etc. Bruiser had two vehicles supplied by the police, a large house supplied by the police, and they turned a blind eye when his 13 year old girlfriend popped out baby one, then a year later baby two. Why the police thought he wouldn’t stand out in middle class area is amazing.

Guess in this scenario which household the police protected?

Raz Putin
Raz Putin
May 12, 2021 5:20 PM

Ten things we learned from the COVID 1984 Scamdemic. 10) The majority of people have long been brainwashed by the whoreporate media and their devices. ie. beta wave emitters + fear. 09) Those icons of the entertainment industry from film, music etc. that were so vocal about past injustices created or caused by the “neo-cons” et al, now remain silent at the worst time in our modern history since WWII. Where are all the cries of injustice now??? They have been replaced by the “Social Justice Warriors” and “safe zones”. 08) That many medical profesionals the world over have either been bought off or silenced by intimidation and fear of losing their careers, money and status. 07) That the “hippocratic oath” for the above mentioned medical professionals are just words written down on paper that have no real meaning. Perhaps they should have been forced to swear their oaths under pain of death?! 06) That Masonic Brotherhood and other secret societies such as the “Round Table”etc., etc. have been running the world for centuries now and are in such a position of control they no longer have to keep it a secret. 05) That the 1% so called richest people in the world are absolutely under the control of the .0001% who’s end game is the genocide of 95% of the world’s population. 04) That most if not all the governments of the world are willingly cooperating with the 1% and the .0001% and assisting them in the worldwide genocide program. 03) That there is no worldwide medical pandemic. Only a scamdemic created and managed by the above mentioned parties to destroy the majority of the population and force the remaining survivors into digital slavery. 02) That there is no COVID-19 virus and that everything we have ever been told… Read more »

May 12, 2021 7:01 PM
Reply to  Raz Putin

Excellent post. I would add re point 10), that watching TV switches off critical thought. Your natural brain defences are switched off. It just gets implanted straight in your head, even if its complete sh1t.


“Your brain waves change when you watch TV

In an experiment in 1969, Herbert Krugman monitored a person through many trials and found that in less than one minute of television viewing, the person’s brainwaves switched from Beta waves – brain waves associated with active, logical thought – to primarily Alpha waves. When the subject stopped watching television and began reading a magazine, the brainwaves reverted to Beta waves.

One thing this indicates is that most parts of the brain, parts responsible for logical thought, tune out during television viewing. The impact of television viewing on one person’s brain state is obviously not enough to conclude that the same consequences apply to everyone; however, research involving many others, completed in the years following Krugman’s experiment, has repeatedly shown that watching television produces brainwaves in the low Alpha range.”

Raz Putin
Raz Putin
May 12, 2021 11:13 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Guess who owns the patent???!!! Surprised, not! The Alphabet Octopus commonly referred to as “Google”.”Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors”https://patents.google.com/patent/US6506148B2/en

May 12, 2021 11:59 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Mobile phones are now probably a more powerful tool in the bankster’s propaganda arsenal than television. They can be carried around by the sheeple and make them accessible to propaganda every waking minute.

May 13, 2021 1:16 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

I learned first year calculus by watching a television course on the subject. That I learned it effectively is proved by the fact that I passed the Advanced Placement exam on the subject and then got the highest grades when I proceeded to take second year calculus at university.

So what were my brain waves when I watched the television course?

May 12, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  Raz Putin

Yes, Winter Oak mentioned the scientists but left out the medics.
As for the entertainment profession, they haven’t been silent.
On the contrary, they’ve lined up to take the tax-payers money doled out by our traitorous governments to say – “hey, I’ve had the jab and it didn’t hurt a bit. c’mon now, do your bit to save granny.”
Frankly, I’m surprised at some of the big names pulling this stunt. I don’t think for a minute that they are taken in by the scam so that means they truly are scum.

May 12, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  richard

Actors know what side their bread is buttered on. They make the deal very early on, it pretty much determines whether they are successful or not. I prefer to call them actwhores.

May 12, 2021 10:34 PM
Reply to  richard


Couldn’t agree more, but not all musicians are scum. I have been very impressed by the views of an old musician friend of mine. He no longer lives in the UK. He thinks we are gone. A year ago, He was as Brainwashed as any of the Rest of Them. I did tell him, what I thought.

Now he is Educating Me, about this COVID Scam.

He has not been Vaccinated. He does not wear a Mask, and he plays Guitar on stage, even better than the last time I saw him live.

He might even be a bit Famous By Now. I don’t ask these things

Old Mate…well he’s not as old as me, and I have never been a musician.

I’m a Fan.

Such people encourage me, and give me hope. He can sing and write too, which is more than I can do. It is catching.

Mott The Hoople made this famous, but David Bowie wrote it (sad loss) Like John Lennon, he was much too young.

“David Bowie – All The Young Dudes – Live – Glastonbury 2000”



Raz Putin
Raz Putin
May 12, 2021 11:07 PM
Reply to  richard

For sure that Mick Jagger and Dave Groel song for example. Laughable…:)
Your point is right on, lots of the connected media stooges have showed themselves for who they are.

May 13, 2021 2:15 AM
Reply to  Raz Putin

Mick Jabber and Dave Cruel.

Yes. Most, if not all, are promoted out of harm’s way.

From ‘Rage Against The Machine’ to ‘Line Up For Your Vaccine’

It’s perhaps best to remember them through the filter of nostalgia.

Raz Putin
Raz Putin
May 13, 2021 2:47 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

Agreed.It’s kind of like watching a rerun from some old tv show that just makes you cringe…;)

May 12, 2021 5:07 PM

The 11th thing I’ve learnt is if I want to know the truth well in advance is to go watch the Simpsons or South Park.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
May 12, 2021 5:12 PM
Reply to  Hank

Brilliant and amusing observation.

May 12, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  Hank

May 12, 2021 4:54 PM

Great optimistic article, which is what we need now. I completely agree with points 1 to 10, and I am normally an optimistic person myself.

I would like to agree with “they will eventually catch up.There is no way that knowledge gained by a wide-awake 15% or 20% of the population will not end up being shared by almost everyone.”, and I hope the author is correct, cos that is about our only hope, but do not currently have that confidence.

I have so far managed to change almost no one’s mind, and had a lot more success with 9/11, as minimal as it was.


Loverat 8
Loverat 8
May 12, 2021 5:14 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Hey Tony

Have you ever grown perpetual spinach in your garden?. Just wondering if you think is worth doing. I know you are up on growing stuff.

May 12, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  Loverat 8

Spinach is great. It grows incredibly quickly. My wife started it off years ago. It just keeps replacing itself, even in winter. It’s in a raised bed. She uses crushed egg shells, to keep the slugs and snails away. The birds love them too.

May 12, 2021 7:36 PM
Reply to  Loverat 8

Hi, we grow spinach with swiss chard and lamb’s tongue salad, they all grow right through the winter, albeit slowed down and then perk up in the spring. Like Tony says, they’re all really easy to start off and maintain and when they go to seed, keep some (seeds) to sow in the autumn. And so on…

May 12, 2021 4:47 PM

The main thing we’ve learned is that the motherfuckers have realized that the end of democracy, capitalism, the welfare state, in short the world as we’ve known it for the last quite a while, is nearing the end, or is being steered to, essentially due to being milked to the bone and given too many new leases on life, and the motherfuckers have staged a preemptive revolution to bring the world under control with a view to ensuring that the masses won’t get pissed off and rambunctious, and possibly hang some of them from the nearest lamp post. The fact that the world is totally corrupt, internally disintegrated, both due to inherent reasons and because it’s been engineered to become so, has been conveniently exploited, as has the fact that people’s minds have been well prepped by being bombarded with inane/manipulative horseshit over decades and decades. Another thing we’ve learned, or realized, is that the cunts in the Office Where They Run Everything From have a detailed plan with all sorts of options and alternatives (their sick technocratic minds are good at concocting those), while the rest of the world has big shit. Sure, there are some future-oriented enlightened people who have ideas and some of us live alternative lives away from mainstream society, but as a whole, we have big shit – it’s actually worse; we’re trapped in the past, endlessly anachronistically arguing about such non-existent dichotomies as the Left and the Right. Are we fucked? A good question. Some might be. Some might have succumbed to the faux perception that life is easy, that one is entitled to this, that, and the other fucking thing. Some have completely lost the survival instinct. Others hopefully haven’t and will regroup and kick the asses of them sick pieces of shit… Read more »

Xender Janner
Xender Janner
May 12, 2021 5:26 PM
Reply to  Jacques

It is the end of American Empire, everywhere else is doing OK & will get through it, don’t get your little knickers in a twist.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 12, 2021 4:46 PM

Interesting development from Cyprus where we now have a “safe pass” system, more or less vaccine passports but you can also have had a negative test in the past 72 hours.

I have a mate, aged 75, who swallowed the Covid narrative in full but does not want to get the injection because he is diabetic and has various allergies. The other day, he said he was going to have the test done every three days so he could continue to go everywhere, mainly his regular cafeteria. Well, I have just spoken to him and he has proudly shown me how he has managed to doctor a previous SMS he received saying his test was negative with a more recent date and send it to himself. He says he is now going to do this every three days and use this bogus SMS if challenged by the police. Apparently there is a EUR 300 fine if the police find you passless in a place restricted to those with the pass. What the man said was, “As you know, I have wholeheartedly supported all the restrictions so far but this is going too far. The aim is to force you to have the injection.” Well, most of us might say “doh!” but it is interesting, especially as they are obviously testing out this system here in one EU country first before probably rolling out everywhere. Could there come a point where it is one step too far and more people start to turn?

Shnarkle Von Barkle
Shnarkle Von Barkle
May 13, 2021 12:22 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I’ve always thought a Covid negative passport would be a logistical nightmare. You’re friend seems to confirm how easily it is to “hack” their plans. With constant mutations, I don’t see any way this will ever work. The only other option they have is to simply inject people with an mRNA gene therapy that will spread easily throughout the general population, and inhibit their ability to fight off viral infections. if the VAER numbers are to be taken seriously, it appears that is probably what they’re already doing.

May 13, 2021 11:17 AM

The “variants” story shows that the jabs achieve nothing. In fact, the jabs kill many people, but that is another story.

George Mc
George Mc
May 12, 2021 4:00 PM

There is one big thing I have learned from this pandemic pukery: We live in a society which is structurally “monist” i.e. for all the appearance of plurality, there is effectively one ruling group whose will be done. And although the members of this group may be secretive, their plans and desires are the most obvious thing in the world, being voiced through the media. And the way the media works is that the more prominent an item is, the more serviceable it is to ruling group interests. Correspondingly, the more damaging an item is to ruling group intrusts, the harder it is to find.  One good example is the matter of global warming. I used to take the designated Left line on this: global warming is real and deadly and the powerful don’t want you to know about it because their capitalist system is causing it and any action taken to stop it would interfere with profits etc. And this feeds into a kind of Biblical retribution scenario whereby those bastards up there are about to get what’s coming to them, capitalism has dug its own grave etc. Admittedly this is a pyrrhic victory since we will all go down in that inferno. But the glee is irresistible.  But even then, the late great Dave McGowan punctured my complacency by noting the very matter I alluded to above i.e. that this global warning was getting one hell of a lot of publicity through the media (Ah recall the lavishly funded and mercilessly slick Al Gore Travelling Salvation Show?) And the glaring contradiction I saw there was about to become more and more familiar i.e. that the media, voice of the rulers, was telling you “what the rulers didn’t want to hear!”  But I now see global warming as a… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 12, 2021 4:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Dream on. The problem will wake you up sooner or later.

May 12, 2021 4:40 PM

right. the Experts tell us so, and as we’ve learned over the last year, Experts never lie.

May 12, 2021 4:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

“late great Dave McGowan”
“late great: Mark E Smith”

We have much in common. Very few people I know would ever have heard of them. I always knew “Global Warming”, and before it “Global Cooling” was a religious cult, not based on observation or science. I accept the climate has always changed and always will, and whilst the behaviour of the human race does have some effect on the climate; compared to the activities of the sun, the earth – eg volcanoes, or anything large from space that might hit the earth very occasionally, that effect is minimal, almost unmeasurable. The only thing that might change that, is if we let off all the nuclear weapons, and whilst the human race probably wouldn’t recover from it, the planet would, as would some life.


George Mc
George Mc
May 12, 2021 8:01 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

And the late great Mark E Smith would be rolling in his grave if he could see what cocksucking covid crap his “fan” Stewart Lee was writing in the Graud.

Petra Skyla
Petra Skyla
May 12, 2021 4:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

No big production needed at all. Just pick a common-or-garden variant of a common-or-garden virus with common-or-garden symptoms and you’re off and running!

It took many decades of brainwashing or even thousands of years of preperation. The belief in “flu season”, catching a cold, many movies and tv series about apocalyptic viruses, promotion of the flu shot in doctors offices and newspapers, the influence of the devil, past plagues, spanish flu, bird flu, h1n1, measles, aids etc. to name but a few examples. Hardly “no big production” but vast amounts of conditioning with germ theory references planted pretty much everywhere including your post.

May 14, 2021 7:21 AM
Reply to  Petra Skyla

Yep. There have been countless trial runs of this, the most obvious and relevant recent one being Swine Flu. A classic Ferguson ridiculous modelling panic situation, millions of unneeded and unused vaccines sold to Governments. In the end less than 1000 people died of swine flu in the UK, in this case the mostly pharmaceutical companies just made money without too much else happening (although many that did take the vaccine suffered serious side effects, i believe the chance of death of the virus was something like 1 in 200,000 and risk of vaccine serious event 1 in 35,000, can’t remember the exact figures off the top of my head). A great trial run for this next level worldwide “reset”.

May 12, 2021 6:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I was taken aback by how easily this apocalypse scenario was taken up by the Left and I felt I had wandered into a play half way through. I think we have to conclude that the establishment “left” is really a kind of theatrical production, wherein the consciousness of the minority of the population not stupid enough to be controlled by the mainstream media, is manipulated by crisis actors to ensure that it will not become problematic for the ruling class. The thought-leaders of the “left”, who are well paid for their services through their comfortable middle-class careers as university academics, NGO bureaucrats, and (allegedly) alternative-media journalists, are allowed to pose as opponents of the system under normal circumstances, so that when the ruling class needs a REALLY BIG FUCKING LIE to be believed, these people will be able to use their previously-earned credibility to sell it to their audience. (As they did, in a truly spectacular fashion, with the previous Big Lie, the 9/11 false-flag hoax.) It’s not necessary, or even desirable, that the prominent fake-leftists are fully aware of their own role as propaganda agents for the system. Their consciousness follows the standard schizophrenic Reality Control model which is well-explicated in Orwell’s 1984, or more simply by Upton Sinclair’s observation that “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” This doesn’t entirely explain what it is that the non-salaried “leftists” are thinking. One question that might be asked is, how many of those actually exist? Surely the largest category of them is university students, who all aspire to become professional leftists, and are well aware that to have any hope of winning the vicious competition for the relatively few available positions, they must carefully conform to the… Read more »

May 12, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  THX-1160

Comment perfection.

May 13, 2021 11:28 AM
Reply to  George Mc

No need to overthink this, unless you cannot stomach Karl Marx. Capitalism destroys the environment and itself. Usury requires geometrically increasing growth, but resources remain finite despite the best efforts of the monkeys to reach beyond the planet.

May 13, 2021 10:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Something kind of cute from my new job at a garden center/nursery. The owner (unfortunately a rabid Covid-fearing woman who ‘masks up’ in 90 F heat) handed out a flyer for a women’s group to come in for free flowers this month. The bottom of the free flower ad says “We will beat global warming together!” There’s just something precious and hilarious about a woman planting petunias and thinking that it’s going to ‘beat global warming’ somehow. In addition to the nonsensical corporate media messages you outline above, these kinds of pissing in the wind exercises also underscore the absurdity of it all for me.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 12, 2021 3:32 PM
Tom Welsh
Tom Welsh
May 12, 2021 3:31 PM

Truly superb.Not only is every word correct and to the point; there is not a single wasted or misleading word.

This should be engraved on every wall in our world, and taught to every school child by the age of 10. (With explanations where appropriate, of course).

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 12, 2021 3:09 PM

I hadn’t seen this before…guess most here have seen it, though?


May 12, 2021 6:42 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

Yep. Seen it. I like that presentation though. I’ll bookmark it. Flouride Free Peel has, as Jon Rappoport correctly notes, done the world (the world that cares) a real solid service with it’s FOIs showing that they’ve never isolated – proven the existence of – the Sars CoV 2 virus. I’m more familiar with Christine Massey in connection with that organization, which resides in my province here in fascist Canada.

May 12, 2021 11:48 PM
Reply to  Arby

Not only has the SARS-CoV 2 virus never been proven to exist, the disease Covid 19 can’t be clinically diagnosed.

This disease is being diagnosed by RT-PCR which doesn’t diagnose any disease.

The ‘vaccines’ are based on a computer generated spike protein because no physical virus was available.

Houston I think we have a problem here.

May 13, 2021 12:55 AM
Reply to  Paul

It’s Rockefeller health care dogma that asserts that pathogens and diseases come in pairs. Covid 19 is the disease that they pair with the Sars CoV 2 virus. So, If that virus doesn’t exist…

Now, I have less and less use for Rockefeller medicine the more I read, and think, about it. Even it they didn’t have that particular, profitable, pairing of pathogens and diseases (so many diseases and so many vaccines and so many dollars!), I’d not believe anything they said about diseases and pathogens at this point. Lets talk about toxins and where they are coming from. Interestingly, toxins are a big part of the pharmaceutical industry. Herbert Shelton: “All drugs are physiologically incompatible with the functions of the body.”

Rockefeller medicine began as a fraud. It has not mutated into something beneficial except by the standards of professional scam artists.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 12, 2021 3:08 PM

100% spot on.

May 12, 2021 3:06 PM

Best mousetrap works on crowd psychology: the more mice they see inside the cage the more confident they are that it must be a good place for mice.


May 12, 2021 2:40 PM

Ten out of ten. Great stuff…
Nod perhaps, to Hank re: no. 6 but otherwise, brill.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 12, 2021 2:30 PM

Even if we “learned” these ten concepts, it still fails to inspire action… Thoughts and illusions are not actions.

Arrest, disbandment, and removal of all corporate executives and underlings is required…

“you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube”. But you can sure as hell throw the tube away.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 12, 2021 3:40 PM

Exactly – and have you noticed that the railway network to London is ‘down’ at the moment, which will put the mockers on the big March in London this weekend, 15/05.

Or am I being paranoid?

May 12, 2021 6:46 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

How can any thinking, awake human being not be paranoid right now?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 12, 2021 10:06 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

Hello David Robinson: Anyone not paranoid is probably crazy…

May 12, 2021 6:46 PM

Arrest, disbandment, and removal of all corporate executives and underlings is “required…” Or something stronger, which I believe we are about to get.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 12, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  Arby

Hello Arby: One can only hope… .. .

May 12, 2021 10:05 PM

Yes, if one chooses to.

May 12, 2021 2:30 PM

Yeah, good one, and the pain is, its f….. obvious, been for an loong time, names change, company names change, products change, etc to education, more to deteriorate or not to deteriorate, yeah, cash anyone. Look, smal cuminitys, local democrasys, in the line of the Swiss Cantonas, direct elections only from natives, is alowed to voute, if you dont live there, you have nothing to say, of course, protest, come with good arguments, and eventualy, trust, is the essense, and that means transparencys in the official system, a word not used uh…. to often, is it. In the old days, take an coast line vilage/city, the fish flotila wasnt that hughe, due to fishing in the region, etc, as the system is suposdely to work to day, where, suddenly we got an new clan of Ness Kings as we call them, and invested in new areas with massive sucsess, and the entrie fishery gew in sice, sice matter, buddyboy, more or less everywhere, and this companys desimated the entire cost line, with factory boats, hughe vessels aka trawlers, foreign trawlers, the sin of sins. Du you understand, maybe one day you have to gut fish, child, but is the scaled down ecnomy and Gov, works, as most people where ever you are knows, we need rules. And if you, have trust in your self, the next step is to trust your neighbor. An strong man cares for him self, an stronger man, cares for others to, and never forget, things take time, but this dont have to be about going bac to the stone age, but what most forget is simple, we, and I dont talk about AGW, but about the fact we need to end the systemic monopoly, and nationalze the banks. To make shure we all can acctualy… Read more »