WATCH: The Markets are Rigged
James Corbett pulls back the curtain on the Wall Street casino and reveals how the house always wins the rigged games.
At base, the markets are a con game where the rich and powerful employ a raft of confidence men to lure suckers into the latest mania.
In this game, the suckers are the general public who are left holding the bag as the market bubble bursts while the smart money swoops in to buy up the leftover assets at pennies on the dollar.
In this week’s edition of The Corbett Report, James Corbett pulls back the curtain on the Wall Street casino and reveals how the house always wins the rigged games.
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Well… James fails to mention the real movers and shakers in the investment arena. The London Stock Exchange leads the world. Where is the world’s first time meridian located? Greenwich, London. Duh!
How about those commodities and futures markets?
Excerpted from: Chicago Mercantile Exchange – Wikipedia
“The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) (often called “the Chicago Merc”, or “the Merc”) is an American financial and commodity derivative exchange based in Chicago and located at 20 S. Wacker Drive. The CME was founded in 1898 as the Chicago Butter and Egg Board, an agricultural commodities exchange. Originally, the exchange was a non-profit organization.
The Merc demutualized in November 2000, went public in December 2002, and merged with the Chicago Board of Trade in July 2007 to become a designated contract market of the CME Group Inc., which operates both markets. <<< [Note timelines]
The chief executive officer of CME Group is Phupinder Gill, Terrence A. Duffy is the president and executive chairman of the board, and Leo Melamed is chairman emeritus. On August 18, 2008, shareholders approved a merger with the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and COMEX. The Merc, CBOT, NYMEX and COMEX are now markets owned by the CME Group.
Today, the Merc trades several types of financial instruments: interest rates, equities, currencies, and commodities. It also offers trading in alternative investments, such as weather and real estate derivatives, and has the largest options and futures contracts open interest (number of contracts outstanding) of any futures exchange in the world.
As a Designated Self-Regulatory Organization (DSRO), the CME had primary regulatory-audit authority over firms such as MF Global.
CME also pioneered the CME SPAN software that is used around the world as the official performance bond (margin) mechanism of 50 registered exchanges, clearing organizations, service bureaus and regulatory agencies throughout the world.”
Complete text:
Not to worry. They’ve got us covered…
They recently had this meeting, and after their usual rituals…and they were all there – yeh know people like Dick Cheney, Hilary Clinton, Madeleine Albright…in fact there were loads of them, deciding the future of the human race?
So he asked – who is the most evil B@stard Here???
And they all put their hands up just trying to please.
Anthony Charles Lynton Blair was at the back of The class, yet even he put his hand up.
Heinz went over to him and said sit down.
You are not in the same league. Just do what you are told.
So Starmer’s electoral disaster becomes the opportunity to bury completely any traces of Corbynism. All previous manifesto commitments are to be ripped up “We need transformative and modernising change said Klaus Starmer.
Mandelson shows the real agenda without the need to pretend to be vaguely diplomatic. ““There are some in the party who think… our only problem in 2017 or 2019 was that we were ahead of our time and that the experience of the pandemic means that the public will now see the efficacy of our previous policies. It is a remarkable conceit to tell the voters that they are now allowed to see the error of their false consciousness.” It’s 2017 they want to bury, offering a mixture of leftist economics and Brexit. Most will recognise the dog-whistle of that last bit. he then went on to tell Corbyn and McDonnell, mere elected MPs after all, to shut up in the manner befitting of someone who once said the era of representative democracy was dead.
Who doesn’t think that some sort of ‘Green New Deal’ on steroids isn’t already written and waiting to be unleashed to a trumpet of media approval? It’ll only show how much of ‘The Great Reset’ they think they can now openly declare.
This is indeed off topic:
For fans of political correctness – and aren’t we all? – from the Graud:
“Who’s missing? Top author stirs anger with ‘too white’ history
Richard Cohen’s new book, which has reportedly been dropped by his US publisher despite extensive additions, is still set for British release next month
It has taken nearly a decade to research and write, and runs to more than 750 pages. But The History Makers, described as “an epic exploration of those who write about the past”, has itself been rewritten after its author failed to take into account enough black historians, academics and writers.
Richard Cohen was told by his publisher to produce new chapters and expand others after failing to sufficiently acknowledge the roles of black people and African Americans.”
The thing that really makes me vomit is that, though I’m sure there are plenty of black history makers, what we have here is this decision beforehand to include examples simply as a principle I e. “Oh God I better hurry up and dig somebody up quick! Hell – anyone will do!”
And you just know you’re on a precipice where, no matter how much you dig up, it will never be enough – until the black stuff outweighs the white stuff and then the whites start complaining. And the rulers have instigated a big punch up yet again.
So find another publisher?!
Or he sells his principles for money…
Nah I’m afraid the COVID rap is going to continue for a while yet going by a comment I read on FB:
“Why do rangers fans think that it’s OK, in the middle of a pandemic, to gather and “celebrate” . Its not OK… and in the next few weeks you will all know why..”
What I love about that is that last bit of unhesitating certainty. Just wait AND YOU WILL KNOW! Yes, you media junkies have learned the lesson, you have swallowed the script, your synapses have been realigned into the requisite shape and you can now be relied on to write the media’s reportage yourself.
Hahaha. Yeah. The stupid are mostly hypnotized. During the last year, a number of brainwashed believers scolded me and said something like “Well, you’re going to find out, buddy!” I told them that I KNOW I’m not going to get sick, shook my head, and walked away.
Just when I thought life was back to normal-
Football fans drinking, celebrating, and some fighting.
Live for today, cos the elite cannot wait to pen us in.
I see James has caught the “one of the only” disease. How obvious does it have to be? ‘One of the few’ or ‘the only one’. “One of the only” is a meaningless word-string.
Sorry! Constantly irritated by this piece of US-illiterate idiocy. Almost as annoying as uptalk, which now – thank god! – seems pretty nearly to have died. 🙂
(And yes, I know James is Canadian…)
america itself is a useless tautology…
For that matter, does “at this point in time” or “going forward” mean anything?
I have been keeping an eye on James Corbett for years and there have been many insightful videos but I have been growing increasingly suspicious lately about his narrative. The very fact that he is never critical on Russia and/or Israel is at least to say “strange”…
So, my suggestion is – don’t cheer up or follow any narratives, gather facts then think and make conclusions on you own.
Perhaps because US policy is orders of magnitude WORSE than Russia’s, and the US is a major party to Israel’s crimes.
You’re a clown if you think any country has autonomy.
Hello Observer: Being critical of Russia has gotten rather passe, and any rational critique of Israel puts one’s livelihood in a small box…
Mr. Corbett has about as much objective leverage as Alex Jones. His voice is more pleasant, but contains the same shtick as all the other “alternate media” crusaders.
Phony outrage powers the show for the concerned Lefty. The Sunday Times:
“AstraZeneca’s boss cashes in on righteousness over Covid jab
The firm’s vaccine is a triumph for humanity but not its shareholders
How much should the man who saved the world be paid? Whatever he wants, would be the most common response. This, more or less, has been the approach of the board of AstraZeneca, which has broken all sorts of corporate guidelines in setting a new pay package for its chief executive …”
And at this point, you could write the article yourself. But note the surreptitiously smuggled in memes: the vaccine is a “triumph for humanity” produced by “the man who saved the world” (???!!!)
But there’s plenty of vaccine supporting outrage here for the “right on” contingent. Especially this bit:
“… the British press, normally the deadliest and most relentless opponent of “fat cat” pay awards (????!!!), has been almost entirely acquiescent.”
What a curious warped dimension they project!
just to serve one back at you.. a blinding ace may I add..
quakademic ‘persecutions’ from the ‘septic isles’…
mature (hehe) student notices biological differences,and is swiftly strapped into the educational ducking chair by foisty quakademics..
yes I know it’s the ‘fail’ but i browse all the sunday ‘comics’..
one can muse that all those tedious ‘femenist’ comediennes are going to be ‘up it’ with out their ‘vagina’ routines.. which funnily enough brings us full circle to the ‘fraudian’…
So can I now legitimately rename my willie a “vagina”?
Orwell foresaw the manipulation of language by minimising it. But not even he guessed we would reach the point where every word could be redefined as any other word!
Renaming is possible in Scotland where it’s actively encouraged by the SNP.
you george can do as you please as far as I’m concerned, and I may add without fear of persecution..
regarding the other ‘george’ he was an intelligent man, I presume he couldn’t ‘imagine’ a world without them…
Non-profit public banking can form the basis of community economies. Sparkasse in Germany has lasted over 200 years and with other co-op banks has over 80% of the private and SME market.
Start one in your region, like Hampshire is doing.
Magrit Kennedy estimated that almost 40% of the price of everything, goods, services, is interest. So we could be working (in normal times, pre/post coup) 3 days a week with the same disposable income!
The usual bollocks? Well, yes, mostly – the claim that those who believe what they call Covid myths is because of a lack of numeracy is particularly laughable. They use the familiar technique of mixing genuine concerns with their own created fake myths (like Covid being cause by 5G. Does anyone remember that now? It was David Icke who put it about).
However there’s an interesting bit in there that the claim that a survey showed 20% believed Covid is a Jewish conspiracy was produced by the nature of that survey. Just another one of those “whoops, we badly designed our survey” rather than a deliberate attempt to smear anyone questioning Covid as an anti-semite, of course….
Not such a bad article, I thought. It mentions numeracy but actually talks of “data literacy” and goes on to explain one way of manipulating surveys. It then suggests a good way of getting people to believe what you want them to believe is to get in quick: tell the world that it was all the fault of people eating bat soup. Better data literacy might have encouraged people to question the presence of the bats in that part of China.
Difficult to get anything more truthful past the editors, I suppose. In a similar vein, I’ve noticed how the early articles are often better than the Guardian standard dross. First thing, the “Indian variation” was quite possibly, maybe, ever so slightly, no less infectious than Covid Original. By lunchtime we were all doomed, doomed I tell ye.
Today’s live Coronavirus is far worse, headed with Matty Handcock saying there is nothing to worry about but with several journalistic additions about how they are dropping like flies in places like Bolton (nudge, nudge, hint, hint).
david yikes.. ex footballer and BBC ‘presenter’ given his big break in the role of ‘jesus’ in ‘turquoise’ on the ‘terry wogan’ show…
says it all really..
even that fat american snake oil salesman and all round racketeer ‘alex-CIA-jones’ described him as the ‘turd in the punch-bowl’..
that could however, be a recommendation…
Chris Harman’s “Peoples’ History of the World” noted that civilizations go through a “rise and fall” pattern. And what marks the moment of decline is the point when the rulers’ level of shielded arrogance combined with their unquenchable thirst for greater and greater luxuriance can no longer be supported by the structure supporting them. And the present situation sees this principle on a scale never before possible.
What is curious about this Harman observation is that it comes in a book espousing a Marxist point of view and yet he sees this pattern repeating through all history I.e. before capitalism too. Interesting.
Firstly, I suspect “fall” is more accurately described as “morph”. By now it must be obvious the Britsh Empire didn’t decline (“declinism” was a myth to get Britain into the EEC as a building block to globalism) but morphed into the American Empire and the Commonwealth. The Roman Empire morphed into the Vatican and Byzantium. Even an empire as apparently obliterated as Carthage appears to have morphed given how Carthaginian gods seem to be worshipped (or does Baal keep cropping up by accident e.g. obelis = Baal’s phallus).
Secondly, if the US Empire is going down it can cause a level of destruction unprecedented in human history (probably the destruction of the whole world although I have some doubts about this). It’s a completely different ball game to the decline of previous empires.
Dave McGowan had the same idea I.e. There has only ever been one empire. But plenty of others have thought the same.
In the novel Valis, Philip K. Dick wrote of an all-pervasive system of social control that transcended, or existed outside of, our time-space continuum. He called it “The Black Iron Prison”.
Protagonist Horselover Fat, a fictionalized analogue of Dick, experienced a vision or epiphany informing him that “the Empire never ended”: we are living in a kind of continuation of the worst of the Roman Empire, a black iron prison that basically keeps us occluded, i.e. trapped in lies and illusion.
exactly, and the next one is the new technocratically genetically spliced ‘chinese’ little red book national socialist model, but as usual, it’s the same old sumerian money men….
and by the way, I ‘share your doubts’..
Carthage, was that the Phoenicians? Who became the Venetians, moved to northern Europe and then England. I feel that the real villains build up places with their money system and then move on to the next area they have developed which they use to conquer the last bunch, repeat as necessary. The psychopathic elite system.
The frightfully haughty Spectator reviewer is a mite bored by Van’s new songs,
“Musically, Morrison’s anti-lockdown, mask-burning meltdown could have been rather fun. Instead, his new album is too long and a bit lazy, his ire wrapped in rote …” etc.
It’s a commonly assumed position for our erudite critics: the affected yawn, the complacent shrug etc. All for the momentary distraction of the bourgeois readers.
Ah well back to that grind of media frippery!
Reportedly, Eric Clapton, who recently sang a anti-covid 1984 song that Morrison wrote caved and got jabbed. I might have even read that on Off Guardian. If he did cave, I am guessing that, like most people, he gets his knowledge of the world and God from tv. No one visiting “Vaccine Impact” or “The Covid Blog” or “Children’s Health Defense” would get the jab, unless he or she was insane.
Why not mention that Clapton then said that he had a bad adverse reaction and wished he hadn’t gone anywhere near the needle?
Did he?
Yes. He had a bad reaction to both jabs, experiencing numbness in his hands & feet, fearing that he might not be able to play again.
Supposedly, he did.
Because I forgot to. Do you forgive me?
Now that’s one thing I don’t understand at all I.e. I can imagine some submitting to the vax because they feel badgered into it e.g. to keep their job or go on flights. But why someone in Clapton’s position would do it -or those pensioners – that defeats me. Do they really get scared by the virus stuff? But then I purposely refuse to watch TV news.
blackmail, presumably
Well maybe Eric was “got to”? Can’t say I was ever a fan. I sure as hell can’t imagine Van backing down. But oh how I miss Mark E Smith! I still fantasise about him giving his COVID jerk off “fan” Stewart Lee a well deserved kick in the gonads!
I have to conclude (and left a comment on the site that JohnEss linked to stating it, which comment may or may not show) that Eric is more interested in looking like a rebel than being one. I guess the charade is better than nothing. Eric is still light years away from the evil Jagger. But, How can we say he’s on our side in this? We can’t. His excuse was that the propaganda said the jab was safe. Really? That’s it! His letter reveals, to me at least, that he has not cared enough to inform himself.
I’m just reading Eric’s letter, thanks to JohnEss’s link below. “But the propaganda said the vaccine was safe for everyone…” – Eric. That’s not a rebel. That’s someone trying to look like one. He’s still better than some of the hardcore pushers of the jab out there, like Mick Jagger. Still, I’m NOT impressed.
I gotta be honest here, but whenever there’s discussion on the financial markets, my eyes tend to glaze over, and my mind starts to wander.
However, I sat through this video right to the end, and yet again, James Corbett comes to the fore with both his detailed analysis and research.
The level of absolute corruption and greed is just off the charts. All these maggots feeding at the altar of mammon. Yet they all get away with it as Corbett detailed – “the investigation was abruptly stopped” “the report was redacted” “the probe was eventually dropped”.
So many illusions, so much deceit in our so called civilised society.
I am completely clueless about money matters and tech. I can get big picture stuff and can even get the gist of a complicated presentation such as the above, but that’s all. I just never had the opportunity to be or get educated in math. I don’t believe that I could not have learned it. I just took a different path in life. I really wish I did know math however.
Same Arby… Big picture yes, derivatives and bonds, nope.
I don’t think anyone truly understands the insanity of derivatives, even those who buy/sell them! I think they did a good job showing the madness in the movie “The Big Short”.
I think, however, that whatever way you describe them, bottom line (🙄) is they are based on pure unadulterated greed.
And those players demonstrate the difference between cleverness and wisdom, in my view.
Me too … however all my maths teachers were awful. Also, to my mind, after addition and subtraction, it seemed totally abstract. I couldn’t wait to get myself to my History and English Lit classes were the teachers were brilliant.
If I have a smidgeon of critical thinking, I owe to those profs whose names and faces I remember to this day. Then again, “those were different times”.
(I’m also just recalling that all the humanities teachers were actively, vocally Anti-war. Not the case with the science crowd … )
Noted. Thanks.
Off subject a bit, but fans at Wembley had to wear masks?!
Masks still need to be worn if you can’t social distance, even outside. Not sure what you were watching but the coverage I saw showed most spectators WITHOUT masks ?!
It’s still a load of bollocks
I discovered a free streaming site, that, unlike EVERY other one I’ve ever visited, is completely devoid of pop ups. Are they up to no good all the same? Probably. But that’s their problem. Anyway, as a bloke without a tv set, I get all of my entertainment by downloading shows, movies or watching something I can stream for free. When I found this site, I couldn’t believe it. As I was looking through stuff to see what might interesting I came across an ELO concert at Wembley. I love ELO. I didn’t plan to watch the whole thing, but it was so damned good, I did. I can’t see it cheered me up – nothing right now can do that – but it was a nice break from digging through evil in order to find material for my blog.
I couldn’t help thinking, as I was looking at all of the people smiling, singing, dancing and enthralled that, today, most of them would have been there masked and loving it. Tell me I’m wrong.
Amazing site! Thank you! It doesn’t even “argue” “private browsing”… haha… awesome!!!
Crazy eh? I’ll milk it while it lasts.
Agreed! 🙂
An anti-lockdown protest in Manchester seems to be getting a little coverage in the media – though it seems to be local media. So presumably another event deemed “peripheral”? Therefore should Boris decide to once again go through his little display of reluctance and accede longer lockdown, the media will portray this as another triumph for “public sentiment”.
I was there, the atmosphere was great, with a wide cross section of people from society in attendance, lots of open support from the general public, along with apathy and disdain from masked up normies. I’d estimate 7 to 10 thousand people in attendance, reported as hundreds in the press of course. Speaking to a lovely old fella who has been going to them all along and he said this was the biggest one by far, so it’s a growing movement. I think a lot of people are going to be mighty pissed off when Johnson’s handlers tell him to whip the carrot away from people’s noses at the last moment, which has very obviously been the plan all along.
The 2000 plus outside broadshafting house yesterday was conveniently overlooked by the bbc and the protests in London all morphed into anti Israeli/pro palestine demo’s
How much longer i keep asking myself but i think i know the answer already and it’s now gotten to the point where any hope i once had has been dashed on the rocks of the herd mentality
There are only two ways out of this now mass violence on an unprecedented scale or suicide by vaccine
Wonder which will come first
Max Keiser, a former WallStreet dealer, has been saying this for 10 years or more.
Watch his Keiser Report on Ytube or .
He and his guests explain in detail how the elite scum run the system.
But, the end game is coming, trillions of dollars printed, inflation happening now,
Weimar 2.0 almost here…
It’s such an obvious game. The Graud says,
“Johnson ‘must think again on plans to relax Covid rules’
Top adviser warns of India variant impact as scientists urge delay in lockdown changes”
The “experts” and “top advisers” with, of course, the full backing of that majestic “Science” behind them deliver the commands of the rulers. These commands will be echoed throughout the media. Boris will do a little dance of disgruntlement, but then he will be “dragged kicking and screaming” into a prolongation of the lockdown to the jubilation of the phony Left and their useful idiots.
A line from the otherwise useless Rawnsley from a while back has stuck with me – that Johnson won’t survive a fourth lockdown. It was a revelation of where this is meant to head in UK domestic terms.
Johnson is intended to be the UK’s Trumpian lesson – that populism doesn’t work and chaos and disaster inevitably follow. The public will thus cling to their technocratic overlords even while being enslaved, impoverished and poisoned by them. There are two pathways they have lined up – either the Starmer/Rayner route of the mini-me version of Biden/Harris or the National Government route of some grand coalition in the face of national crisis. I suspect the former is the preferred option because it maintains the two party illusion with the latter as the back-up if the public simply won’t swallow Labour however bad things get.
Ciao Edwige … solution two can also be called “The Italian Job”.
As reported in the Mail on Sunday (so must be true !), the Indian variant really isn’t any more virulent than previous strains and, to date, 4 people have died of/with it.
In addition, it is reported that “modellers” haven’t been taking into account “behavioural factors” and so the resulting data is flawed.
Modelling : shit in = shit out
The blatant charade that is the covid-as-deadly-plague narrative means that it is an insult to pay any attention to the “technical details” of the “Outer Hebridean variant” or whatever. With the obvious con of the initial figures from Italy and the repetition of this pathetic Halloween show in the UK, not to mention the unbelievably cheeky fraud of the PCR magic lanterns, I don’t know why anyone even bothers with the probably computer generated “scientific” gobbledegook descending on the media like a vast smoke screen.
So we had the South African variant and now the Indian one, I fully expect the Hebrides to be next. I can imagine a room up there with various hack writers lounging around and guffawing over how far they can push it. The Blackpool variant? The transgender variant? The Harry Potter fan variant? You could have all these and more being solemnly intoned by the news readers.
It’s not a new strain of anything, they switched from PCR to rapid antigen tests which are even more useless than PCR’s, as noted by other most so called cases are ”healthy
His advisers need to stay up to date:
One word: usury.
The chief manipulators of the markets, going back before 1929, are the likes of Goldman Sachs, who are fronts for the Federal Reserve/ central banks. Theyre just getting to the point where they may not need the Zappa scenery any longer.
“In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it. BlackRock will be doing the trades.” — Jim Bianco
“I’m not making predictions about that, but when you realize that with MMT banks like Goldman and Morgan are no longer needed to implement policy and the crazies have taken over the asylum, it may just be we’re far closer to the Great Sell Out of the banks than anyone has previously contemplated.” — Tom Luongo
Goldman Sachs who were caught telling Big Pharma are you sure curing your patients is a viable business model.
Just one of the things that need to be abolished. It’s not enough to just not participate, there has to be calls to abolish/change these systems that have us enslaved.
I still don’t know why interest rates are at historical lows (0%). This must be a sign of the impending economic collapse and one of the reasons the stock markets are at record highs despite the Plandemic.
It keeps over-indebted governments solvent.
I feel this is a honey pot to catch as many of the unsuspecting as possible in the upcoming collapse. Here in Australia, in-line with the rest of the world, the cash rate just about has a pulse.
So, in the home of the real estate portfolio owner, the property market is off the chart. Houses are selling immediately and for 20%, sometimes 30% more than the listed price.
That is all wrapped up by PM Scummo and the MSM as a miracle of economic recovery. But I feel it’s the open door of the trap.
Once the maximum number of people are in the maximum amount of debt, the door will close and anyone on the inside will lose everything. And I mean, everything.
And who’s waiting to mop up at 10c in the 1$?
The banks create the “money” – fiat. They collect the interest on the “money”. The latest wheeze reinstating 5% deposits on properties up to £600,000 is a tour de force – defaults are covered by the taxpayer I believe.
Add to that, that the “zero % interest/negative interest scam” never benefits the little people. Their credit card interests go up, their consumer credits are harder to come by and in the end – it is the ‘banks’ that borrow for zero and loan out for 25% apr.
The sad part is the unsuspecting really do not demand the fed res 0% interest rate to trickle down to them.
Negative interest is a means of supporting an incresingly irrelevant economy.
corruption is essential to the workings of The System, its’ grease, like a gentleman’s handshake… if everyone worked-to-rule, like blue-collar workers in a factory, The System would most likely seize-up…
“This Undermenschen Useless Eater LabSheeple/LabRat is now owned by Billy Eugenics and has the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST brand (seal) of approval to show it.” .

“Next stop FEMA camp Auschwitz for the final culling.”
He’s an “influencer”, along with the other trash who are “influencers”.
That’s just hilariously true. Allow me to add to this – in a sarcastic way.
Yesterday I was standing at the entrance door of a shop gazing at all the stuff sticking on it. The hand written sign said: “Entrada solo con tapa boca!” (Entrance only with face mask!”)
Right next to the hand written sign was a large sticker with pictograms about what you are not allowed to wear if you want to enter the store (pre-plandemic):
A motorcycle helmet, a hat, sunglasses, a baclava and a face mask.
And that can be computed how? Only considering total insanity.
Well that’s a keeper.
there ain’t no cure for stupid…
…wonder how long the pillock will last
His terminally-alcoholic crackhead buddies will support him until the end.
I always have a good chuckle, when someone posts that image…
the beady eyes, the assymetrical vaccine damaged face, the psychotic stare, the failed attempt at masculinity with stunted arm and pea sized biceps…
a first rate imbecile that one, ‘comedy gold’..
The oligarch in charge of the 8 billion (sorted into 1 of the 256 different nation state franchises [cells]), are fearful, the contained will submit the pandemic oligarch to the War crime and crimes against humanity tribunals, but as yet all seems quit on the front?
someone said of the soviet union before its unravelling “you cant run a modern economy by fear.” … yet fear is the organising principle of society today.…
Make that Western society…
The show notes for “The Markets Are Rigged” here:
From May 2020:
A report from the Bank of International Settlements (B.I.S.), the central bank that governs all the other central banks in the world, raised the alarm and “strangely” failed to mention the names of the 4 main Wall Street banks that were involved. They warned that the problem was also expanding, affecting the currency market.
This is the market in which European and non-European banks obtain dollars for their operational needs for transactions denominated in US dollars. This sector also works in a similar way to the ‘Repos’ and consequently the problem spreads and becomes a global issue.
I’ll explain it in a boorish manner: if you lend me 80 euros and I guarantee you a bond worth 100, you feel safe. But if during the loan, its face value is no longer 100 but 70, then you ask me to be covered by the guarantee of the 30 that’s missing. Where do I get those 30€ I don’t have from? And here the crisis begins. If these dynamics multiply by thousands and trillions of high-speed algorithmic exchanges, with tangles and intertwining of cross-collateral all supported by high-risk loans, (often the collateral is borrowed in turn and re-mortgaged innumerable times) it is clear how in an instant everything can explode if you don’t intervene with buckets of money like the Federal Reserve did, reaching up to 1000$ billion a day.
Then, as if by a miracle, Covid-19 arrives. And what happens?
The central banks are therefore authorized to intervene in an limitless way. Thousands of millions or hundreds of billions of dollars are created from thin air and are distributed not only to banks but also injected directly into major companies. With this extraordinary measure, the flaw in the REPO market is moderated.
This step is a little more difficult to understand, but the overall amount of loans granted to individuals and companies also contributes to the calculation of the overall risk which affects the interest rate calculation. The higher the risk, the higher the rate. If the risk of the REPO market which is interbank, increases, the possibility of default increases as well. Let’s say it once and for all: interest rates must not increase! If they do: it’s the end.
The whole of the economy is denominated in a value which is a unit of debt. When you hear talks about Dollars, Euros, Yen, Francs, Crowns, Yuan, etc., we must always remember that currencies are nothing more than debt units issued on the basis of a debt economy. All money is loaned into existence. Money exists only after a bank creates it by indebting someone: states, individuals or companies. People focus mainly on the stock market, which has nothing to do with it, It has completely different dynamics and even in the case of a paralyzed economy like that of today, it could even break new highs, thanks to all the new liquidity created that has no other place to flow. The real issue is the debt market. People still hadn’t realized that a gigantic economic crisis was coming.
Nobody says it because they are difficult things to explain and few have the desire or competence and people do not want to make the effort to understand these things, which therefore can go on, almost secretly without anyone worrying about it. But it is absolutely necessary to understand that the virus has stopped an economic crisis far worse than the one we are experiencing now.
We can say that the virus really arrived at the right moment. If it had not arrived, interest rates would have shot up and the debt market and that of derivatives (2.5 million billion – B.I.S. estimate) would have exploded into a supernova with proportions much, much worse than what happened. A crisis for which there is no tool to manage it.
Yeah. I saw this back in March 2020. The Chinese economy was also in big trouble. Mentioned it at digger before they banned me.
The BIS is very much a main player in the emerging biosecurity police State. Augustin Carstens is a prime candidate for jail. That won’t happen. But nothing won’t happen either.
Yes …the need for it all to happen goes back to the banking system now running well out of control….to bring it back will require even more discipline and control than we have seen with covid….but what better way to have a practise at hardship…all the players have been sitting at tables trying to sort how best to do it for years now…and obviously they decided a pandemic was the first best shot to start the process…set up one hell of a diversion and allowed the creation of a heap of necessary controls…
I recall a WEF post that said COVID had already cost four times as much as the banking collapse of 2008. And that post was from quite a few months back. But, whereas the 2008 bailout caused a scandal and an explosion of public anger, this COVID lark has not prompted a squeak because …you know, it’s such a medical emergency etc. Neat!
Quigley of course identified the BIS as the central bank of central banks in ‘Tragedy and Hope’.
I do however think that saying Covid was a response to market collapse is putting the cart before the horse. My view is that it’s more probable the banks knew this was coming and exploited it to cash in beforehand knowing that they’d be dug out of whatever hole they got themselves into. There’s too much (like Operation Lockstep, Event 201, the media predictive programming and the numerology of 2020) that suggests to me the pandemic was long planned in advance to happen when it did (i’ll allow some possibility it was meant to be later and was brought forward).
had i been computor programmed january last year i’d have called attention to tuomas malinens 8 january 2020 post in which was stated there will be a 2020 worldwide recession… reading the post might have helped many realise sooner that the pandemic is a hoax…
Do you have that link?
hope this serve you…
the earlier reply i sent may not work…but via @mtmalinen that article is headed “it’s rather baffling…”
Lol. I thought I’d pause and watch this, sort of as a break from blogging and while half way through the second Planet of the Apes movie (featuring great special effects, and serving as another complete Rockefeller health care propaganda vehicle). It’s awesome of course. I am wondering whether it’s something I’ll use in the JFK compendium I’m transferring to my blog right now. We’ll see. Right now, I have to pause this monster because I’m out of brain power. I will blow my remaining brain cells on Planet of the Apes and Bushmill’s Irish whiskey. When I recharge, I’ll return.
Is that Apes movie the one where someone develops a nasty cold and infects someone who just happens to be an airline pilot and we see this scary expanding network of plane flights across the globe?
“Entertainment” is propaganda!
No. Woody Harrelson stars in the last one. Gary Oldman is in the second one. And James Franco, John Lithgow and Brian Cox stars in the first one. They are excellent movies but one of the main stars of this trilogy is the Simian flu don’t you know? The Rockefeller scam artists have been shovelling this propaganda since they came on the scene.
Indeed, if we were evil people, we could have learned from the experiences of the last year exactly how to fleece the gullible and literally get away with murder.
Down to the small details, in fact.
But for most of us here this university-level crash course in human iniquity is over, and it’s not fun to overwork any worthwhile human endeavour.
For myself, I’ve run out of patience with other people’s descriptions of the depths to which our representatives have clearly sunk, and I suspect that if we are honest with ourselves, all of us here could think up another thousand similarly filthy acts of depredation which could be visited upon mankind in the near future.
Now it’s solution time.
Serious nipping in the bud time.
Before the bud starts to flower, produce seeds and become a new freaking oak tree in your garden with very solid roots…
Look at the vapid, brainless crap you’re fighting…
These Are The World’s Top 50 Social Media ‘Influencers’ | ZeroHedge
Yes, there are chock people who know since decades that the markets are rigged. The term “market” in itself is gaslighting par excellence. A real market is something else altogether. Just go to a real market (maybe not the Wuhan fish market) and observe what is happening there.
There is no market with stocks. It is indeed a “Stock Casino” with the little guys always losing more than they might ever win in this rigged gamble. Like a roulette table with a little break, like playing cards that are marked.
The whole notion of “stocks up – economy up – poor suckers up versus stocks down – economy down – poor suckers down” has to be the greatest con operation of them all. Because poor suckers are always down. One needs to be member of the Casino to win.
However, based on the insider trading before September 11th, anybody playing with at least one full deck of cards, knew since that moment that everything is rigged. Everything is rigged – because legislative, financial casinos and the big club are inseparably joined at the financial hip. Laws are made for the big club – by those who count themselves to the Kast of very important big club caterers.
What is missing again though, are ways out of this perpetual situation. How to get out of a scheme that has been run for ages – accepted by those who eagerly leave it to whatever ‘leaders’ are handy and promising to further one’s own interests.
Are those so called ‘leaders’ only able to heed to violence by the oppressed and exploited? Do they need the sight of the gallows/guilloutine applied to their corrupt peers? What is it, that has the potential to stop these true parasites from continuing to fool and exploit the working class – generation after generation?
They have started the way out with the pandemic as the first shot…the big question is how much worse will it need to get before it is sorted….what always makes me angry is how the squandering and greed of the top % basically put all of us in the to pay for boat without having really gotten much benefit.
This is indeed the question. “How much longer?” Considering the timeline of this scheme and its worst outcomes (“great depressions”, “financial meltdowns”, “mortgage crisis”), it is unfathomable to observe that this is continuing even one more day.
The more disturbing question has to be:
“How much more artificial suffering and pain, disenfrenchisement and erased positive outlooks will it take for the many to stop the scheme from continuing even one more day?”
Are there really so many henchmen, peddlers and agitators employed by the schemers, that they can pacify/discourage the many from cleaning house? Or is it simply the massive propaganda operations that are played out everywhere?
Quite ironically, John Carpenter showed how it has to be done in his underrated masterpiece They Live, by Ray Nelson. He also showed the clearing of a homeless camp with disturbing accuracy – decades before it turned to reality.
In the movie, the main protagonists realize there is only one way to end the grip the “Aliens” have on mankind: Destroy the broadcasting tower that sends the signal that hypnotizes the human population. Odd, that this is so apt a comparison. “They” are not “Aliens” – but those who control our narrative and have us hypnotized. They are truly alien to the decent many.
The broadcasting signals will have to turned off in our dystopia as well – by all means necessary.
“The term “market” in itself is gaslighting par excellence.”
It’s one of the first examples of a virtual reality replacing an actual thing. Even bigger gas-lighting was dubbing the VR market “the invisible hand”. It’s a transparent Freemasonic joke. All direct connections between Adam Smith and Freemasonry have been suppressed – but his membership of “the Scottish Enlightenment” and the Oyster Club speak volumes. Smith lost his father at an early age which is something one often finds with Freemasonic assets.
Absolutely. I just mentioned in the response above, that the closest depiction of the truth has to be the “science fiction” “They Live” because freemasons are like aliens compared to the many they control. And have been doing so for a very long time. However, the time span They were able to run their scheme is in no way an indicator of how much longer their scheme will work.
As soon as they say ”the market has done so and so” I tune out, it’s like there is no humans involved.
History certainly suggests that uprisings, with high-profile mob executions of the WealthPowerStatus parasites, are the only things that knock them back significantly, and sober them up for while – until the whole bloody cycle starts up all over again, after the previous dust-up has finally settled.
Makes one wonder how much of this tragedy is a natural occurrence, doesn’t it? The proclivity to get caught up in a wave like motion – oppression to the crest until the oppressed start clubbing and hanging their tormentors, only for the wave to reach its bottom and then rise again. The oligarchs won’t surf the next crest out, though. The wave has gotten huge and if You ever saw the prime surf spot “Jaws” on Maui, You know what a modest 100 foot wave can do to surfers that overestimated their own surfing skills. This time around, the hyper rich won’t be able to simply surf it out. They and their boards will get crushed by a gigantic wave that may flatten their curve of exploitation to zero.
In 2010, a crash that high-speed trading triggered produced global losses of about $1 trillion within minutes. It took 5 years to find a scapegoat. This was no high-speed trader; rather, it was a lone trader who had been outsmarting these traders, using short-buying that was then legal.
Quantitative Easing 1-N, Twist, Plunge Protection scheme, ad nauseum. Are these monetary policies merely band aids for a failing system, or are they the next phase of a hegelian dialectic policy?
The ‘solutions’ to the problems have been planned for some time, along with the problems.
Never mind that this Corbett Report is very much stating the obvious – it’s refreshing to watch some of the old in-depth Corbett reporting again. Yes, we know the market’s rigged – now we have a clearer picture of how and why. Thank you James Corbett!
The Solutions Watch, after only a few months, is getting really old. I, for one, miss the Propaganda Watch. There was a solid feel to it which is sorely missing in the Solutions Watch.
Fantastic that Jen prefaced her economic message with the crucial
information that the team is led by the first female Secretary-Treasurer.
Bravo ! Already we are a step up to solving any economic disasters.
I can only hope that for brevity she did not expand on Janet’s no doubt
expansive intersectional identity. It is unthinkable that she would be
intersectionally-challenged with only one check box in the intersectional
Which leads me to a personal and off-topic revelation – so I doubt this
will be posted. But it has so impacted me spiritually that I must attempt
to manifest and reify it in a post.
I awakened this morning to discover that I am “woke”.
Last night a miracle, an epiphany brought by the
Angel of Intersectionality possessed me.
I am cis-white/male/hetero/senior/Euro and am therefore (inexorably and undeniably)
cis-white supremacist/racist/rapist/heteropatriarchal/heteropaternal/facist/ethnocentrist.
But I am here to testify that my true identity is African Hunter-atherer/trans/hermaphrodite/queer/two spirit/questioning.
I reject and revile my former cis-expressions (intrinsic and unconscious so all the more supremely evil). I am currently in transition through gender-affirming surgery and hormonal treatments. Wish me well.
My personal pronouns are enlightened one/their enlightened one.
My sexual orientation is to those in the geriatric androgynous-expressing
melanesian/trans/queer/two spirit/questioning community so I tend to spend
a lot of time on my own. For some reason I have not yet been able to connect with
my spiritual soulmate but I will keep searching. On the upside I have a lot of time
to read, think and contemplate future transitions.
Life is a journey not a destination.
“The Markets are Rigged”
Who on earth thought otherwise?
it’s quite obvious around 2pm, if the market is way down, it creeps back up again, every single time. And during 3pm Trump speeches, if it was down, it would magically go up again. I actually did not know the PPT was a real name though, thought it was created by Zero Hedge commenters 🙂
Nothing new here, no surprises.
I’ve been investing in the silver market for a few years. It’s totally corruped by JP Morgan. The physical demand is very high, yet the ETF / paper contract prices are constantly weakened by JPM every time the edge upwards.
Seems that Chicago is not only a haven for political crooks, but also silver and bullion crooks too.
Sadly, it has been that way since the 1920s, or so.
If you want to get further on this, do an internet search for Bill Holter.
what this diversionary therapy….anyone who didn’t know that is well behind the 8 ball…
that Utube posted last article with all the planning and the money problem i will post again…we can keep being diverted or get on with figuring out how to keep oneself safe from the fall out……
Well if they’re going to give us a new surging spiking spurting reboot of the franchise, they’ll need to do better than ITN:
“Covid vaccines ‘almost certainly less effective’ at reducing transmission of Indian variant”
“almost certainly”? I mean come on! How about, “Oh my God! It’s not human!”
Oh hang on. Yes, I’ve got it!
A darkened street, a few stragglers limping along, a deep sepulchral voice, “You thought it was over …. but it’s NEVER OVER!”
A jarring chord followed by that throbbing baseline from “The Thing”
Screams, a tolling bell, subliminal flashes of concentration camp survivors, rows of those eggs from Alien etc.
Think BIG!
This thread is about the financial markets, not COVID. We are already overly saturated with articles on COVID, please give it a rest. Thanks.
Event Covid and rigging the market are absolutely one and the same: identical financial interests, institutional investors; same agenda of money printing and asset and power grabs leading towards monetary reset; same mass psychology.
The plandemic could not happen without the crazy market – that’s how TPTB are cashing out. How do you think they are paying for people to stay at home, monetising their drug market maneuverings via pharma stocks, speculating with all that free bailout and helicopter money — where do the interests of the politicians and big pharma meet if not in the stock market? Loosing the financial spigot at a time of scamdemic is exactly why the markets gone doolally
When the market collapses TPTB will scoop up assets at rock bottom prices. Prior to The Great Reset they will have turned speculative winnings into hard assets. The greater fools will be left holding their paper profits. The market is the mechanism.
That is the the purpose of the rally: pump and dump. All big market booms and busts are orchestrated.
Read The Great Crash, JK Galbraith.
Galbraith worked for CIA front organisations according to Francis Stonor Saunders’ book. Why on earth would anyone want to read him except possibly to study fake leftist cover-up techniques?
Do you remember Galbraith’s CULTURE OF CONTENTMENT was all the rage preparing the ground for the Clinton/Blair years? How’s that book’s analysis of the 40/30/30 society looking now?
howz bout this:
The Seychelles is the most vaccinated nation on Earth. But Covid has surged
pharma splain that pharma troll
No idea what you are talking about and how you make such an association, I haven’t taken the GMO “vaccine” and I won’t take it.
We are in a train with no brakes hurtling towards God knows what and you want to discuss the scenery ?
Maybe your country is “hurtling towards God knows what”, but most cuntries aren’t, especially outside of the Anglosphere. But you probably wouldn’t know or see that because of the media bubble you exist in?
I’ve been a convid denier since day 1. I was talking about the lethal injections which are now selling like the proverbial hot cakes.
As MoneyC and others have said, all is interconnected. And as far as I can see, all present roads lead to COVID. I am disgusted by supposedly dissident sites that hardly even mention the virus thing as if to play the role of the wretched mainstream media with its bread and circuses – with of course scary updates to keep you off balance.
The only “dissident” site to mention COVID is the wretched WSW who wank over the fear porn. Thank God OffG is permitting us to talk about it honestly.
Sure, that’s fair enough.
Separating covid and the financial markets is almost as hard as separating viruses and exosomes from each other.
I have to ask. Did anyone really care about this year long scare fest? Did anyone really believe it? Did anyone religiously follow the anally fixated micro-pedantic guidelines? Or did everyone just go along till nobody was watching and pull the mask down to their chin, breathe and whack their hands around the surroundings as of yore?
Did everyone adopt the appropriate deferential mournfulness when the unintentionally hilarious newsreader mouthed the horror, only to smirk inwardly at the amateurish melodrama? Did everyone diligently note down the rules and remember to gasp in terror only to run away as soon as they could to guffaw at the tenth rate disaster movie script?
Please tell me it was so!
Nope. Never. That’s a solid “No” to all questions.
And it actually hurts me,I don’t think it’s the people that wear masks to get into a shop it’s the shop that are making people wear masks.
Short term yes. In the long run, what cannot be cannot be, and gravity rules.
Funny how a comment propping up the established cosmology gets parachuted in here….
Off subject i know,I don’t know if it’s the same in other countries but in the uk we have a traffic light system green it’s ok to shop red you have to wait,When it’s green over a tannoy it says ok you are safe to come in?Safe from what a bomber a gunman?And I actually say this to staff and customers,The world has gone mad and it has.I just wanted to rant because I despair for humanity
Safe from…. Islamic terrorists, Russians, Chinese spies, nerve gas attacks, right wing terrorists, communists, Iranians, The Virus {several different types}, Trumpists, Sandernistas, Jeremy Corbyn, Bob Dylan’s ghost, independent news sites, racists {white ones}, sexists, and aliens {probably several different varieties but We’re not sure because We don’t have the descriptions, costumes, respective alliances, and technologies worked out but coming to a theater near YOU soon.}.
There Annie. That should about cover it…. for now. You can come inside.
Yes I’ve seen the “traffic light” system in supermarkets. I’d find it a lot more fun if they set up road systems inside the stores like little roundabouts and one-way avenues and parking spaces etc. Perhaps little petrol pumps with lemonade coming through the tubes?
Go back later and remove the device. Leave no evidence.
I agree.It would be great if every article wasn’t flooded with COVID comments.
Is it possible to never enter that shop again, after complaining to the manager/owner? Every little helps.
I hope you’re right.
But it still looks to me as if the managers/owners find solace and strength in numbers.
They are legion.
Oh yes. This is their world. They are winning. They are mowing us down by the thousands. But they are dead men walking.
Yes, indeed, like everything else. The markets are rigged on all levels. As an ex small punter, good fun trading though as long as you accept its crooked from the outset, or learn very quickly. It’s fascinating reading financial bulletin boards – you can see why so many small investors/traders lose so much money.
Agreed. It’s a game, and as such it can be fun and thrilling. We just have to make sure we only invest a “burn” sum which we are ready to kiss goodbye. Never, ever gamble with your rent money or upcoming mortgage payments.
It’s Las Vegas or, as some say, Lost Vagrants.
“…underlying fundamentals…” Hahaha. That’s almost as funny as “market forces”, “capitalism”, and “democracy”.
We’re suckers.
Yes, back in 2008 we were actually allowed to say that the market’s invisible hand was invisible because it wasn’t there; and that economics was a crock – all vodoo and no science. That lasted about 15 minutes before the “orthodoxy” prevailed once again.
Today I get the impression that the only “jobs” and “investments” out there are in diversity, ESG, green this and that, bla bla bla… And to all a good night!
In 2008, Ye Olde Invisible Hand bitch slapped us.
The thought of all of those invisible fingers waving around makes my sphincters clench!
We’re not suckers.
We’re just too timid to take the obvious step of physically removing our usurping representatives from their offices and replacing them with decent people who can think.
We now recognize the scum, but we’re afraid they’ll call the police if we do anything. We don’t want to sit in jail and await trial, because that would be uncomfortable.
And in any case the law seems to be firmly on the side of the criminals these days.
I no longer think delving into arcane political motivations is a helpful use of our time.
It’s simply a question of bad people having got out of control, and whether we intend to continue putting up with it.
Yes we are. Do you realize how dumb the average American or Brit has become? I feel very knowledgeable and fairly bright and I’m really nothing exceptional.
Well I was really talking about us here at OffG, rather than the average Brit or American, who has been thoughtless and unaware for generations.
I still feel strongly that a major problem with us all today is that we are afraid of the consequences of standing up to corporate bullying, and corporate bullying has consequently been trying over recent decades to push the limits of what it can get away with.
What it can get away with now appears to be unlimited. The takeover is complete.
I wouldn’t call my open letter to the manager of The Big Carrot here in Toronto a pushback on the scale of Rob Billot’s effort in Dark Waters, but it was something. You can read my open letter to the Big Carrot’s manager here. The guy who gave me her card didn’t say boo to me. Was it a diversion? My email to her, on the card he gave me, was returned. The address is unreachable. I sent a link to my letter to another email address on the BC website. Who knows? There’s not much more that can do about it right now. (I finally made up some dynamite posters and just as I was going to go out last night, the last day of my holiday, I ran out of staples. I did finally get quite a few put up however. A friend is right now hunting around his place for his staple gun for me…)
u forgot to mention that ‘invisible hand’
the ‘wisdom’ of that Bezo/Gates/Soros ‘spcial’ marketplace for the Super Crimz