How the CDC is manipulating data to prop-up “vaccine effectiveness”
New policies will artificially deflate "breakthrough infections" in the vaccinated, while the old rules continue to inflate case numbers in the unvaccinated.
Kit Knightly

Original Title: BLDG21_0023.jpg
UPDATE 28/05/21 – This article was subject to a clarification.[click here]
The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease.
They made no secret of this, announcing the policy changes on their website in late April/early May, (though naturally without admitting the fairly obvious motivation behind the change).
The trick is in their reporting of what they call “breakthrough infections” – that is people who are fully “vaccinated” against Sars-Cov-2 infection, but get infected anyway.
Essentially, Covid19 has long been shown – to those willing to pay attention – to be an entirely created pandemic narrative built on two key factors:
- False-postive tests. The unreliable PCR test can be manipulated into reporting a high number of false-positives by altering the cycle threshold (CT value)
- Inflated Case-count. The incredibly broad definition of “Covid case”, used all over the world, lists anyone who receives a positive test as a “Covid19 case”, even if they never experienced any symptoms.
Without these two policies, there would never have been an appreciable pandemic at all, and now the CDC has enacted two policy changes which means they no longer apply to vaccinated people.
Firstly, they are lowering their CT value when testing samples from suspected “breakthrough infections”.
From the CDC’s instructions for state health authorities on handling “possible breakthrough infections” (uploaded to their website in late April):
For cases with a known RT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct) value, submit only specimens with Ct value ≤28 to CDC for sequencing. (Sequencing is not feasible with higher Ct values.)
Throughout the pandemic, CT values in excess of 35 have been the norm, with labs around the world going into the 40s.
Essentially labs were running as many cycles as necessary to achieve a positive result, despite experts warning that this was pointless (even Fauci himself said anything over 35 cycles is meaningless).
But NOW, and only for fully vaccinated people, the CDC is suggesting labs lower their CT values to 28 cycles or fewer.
While it is technically true the CDC are only directly referring to samples for sequencing in these guidelines, focusing on that distinction disregards the way institutional dilution of responsibility works.
When the CDC tells State health authorities it “would like to characterize the SARS-CoV-2 lineages responsible for breakthrough infections”, and in turn warns that “only specimens with Ct value ≤28 to CDC are suitable for sequencing” they are not literally ordering people to run their tests at 28 cycles, but they are certainly implying that they should, and guaranteeing that some people will. This will then have the effect that fewer “breakthrough infections” are being officially recorded.
Secondly, asymptomatic or mild infections will no longer be recorded as “covid cases”.
That’s right. Even if a sample collected at the low CT value of 28 can be sequenced into the virus alleged to cause Covid19, the CDC will no longer be keeping records of breakthrough infections that don’t result in hospitalisation or death.
From their website:
As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause. This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance. Previous case counts, which were last updated on April 26, 2021, are available for reference only and will not be updated moving forward.
Just like that, being asymptomatic – or having only minor symptoms – will no longer count as a “Covid case” but only if you’ve been vaccinated.
The CDC has put new policies in place which effectively created a tiered system of diagnosis. Meaning, from now on, unvaccinated people will find it much easier to be diagnosed with Covid19 than vaccinated people.
The CDC is demonstrating the beauty of having a “disease” that can appear or disappear depending on how you measure it.
To be clear: If these new policies had been the global approach to “Covid” since December 2019, there would never have been a pandemic at all.
If you apply them only to the vaccinated, but keep the old rules for the unvaccinated, the only possible result can be that the official records show “Covid” is much more prevalent among the latter than the former.
This is a policy designed to continuously inflate one number, and systematically minimise the other.
What is that if not an obvious and deliberate act of deception?
You can read our most recent article on the CDC’s own report that “breakthrough cases” are being “substantially undercounted”, plus more changes to the testing guidelines here.
* * *
UPDATE 28/05/21: We’ve received many emails about this article – and apparently been subject to “factcheck” – to the point we feel the need to add a clarification.
The feedback we’ve received draws a distinction between “ordering lower CT values” and the CDC’s notice saying that “only samples taken at 28 cycles or fewer were suitable for sequencing.”
While we do not believe this distinction impacts the analysis or argument, it is technically accurate, and we have amended the text to better reflect this.
In name of full transparency you can still view an archived copy of the original here.
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Can’t trust an organization that was experimenting on black men with syphilis as recently as 1972.
Hey Kit, could you give us a direct link to the CDC website on this please:
“For cases with a known RT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct) value, submit only specimens with Ct value ≤28 to CDC for sequencing. (Sequencing is not feasible with higher Ct values.)”
Would be a huge help! Thank you.
I believe it’s in Kit’s article here:
This CDC statement is flat out lie “sequencing is not feasible with higher Ct values” as long as virus is viable! and in most cases it is viable in low 30’s, amount or virus can be cultured/multiplied to amount needed for sequencing… Also positivity rate vs Ct is well known method of manipulation, this caveat regarding “sequencing feasibility” is nice attempt to obscure their true intention!
Theres a lot of confusion around whether these cases are of vaccine (in)effectiveness issue or a vaccine safety issue. (in)effectiveness issue could be when a vaccinated person developing some infection (lets call it Covid again – if it really existed) and getting seriously ill or dying in some days. But if it has nothing to do with Covid (lets say Covid never existed or it existed but was never really serious as projected) and the vaccinated person dying of a serious illness post vaccine as an unrecorded VAERS/AEFI issue should be a question of vaccine safety – but I hardly see anybody speaking about it, not just the official, formal communique but also the parallel media and the so called vaccine hesitant groups. The safety issue is criminal assuming Covid was not serious and was not killing many but the vaccines create more serious event and kill many people in disguise of a prevention mechanism for a disease that did not call for such an intervention at all?
You are so right. And, now they are working on a booster to be administered starting in Sept or Oct of 2021. My thinking is, those foolish enough to get these shots in the first place will get the booster followed by a flu shot and all hell will break loose. After all, if they didn’t get you the first or second time around, . . well . . . the 3rd time is the charm, as they say.
Only those who do not do their homework, and rely on the local news- would ever take this jab! Through the months, we will likely see many, many more getting ill. Inserting that jab will kill our ability to fight off other disease; and mess up our immune system. Dr G Vanden Bossche, the most proVaccine doctor, that is against this !
Yes, and they will continue to blame those of us who refuse to be jabbed with poison.
Though cut off by Twitter, Naomi Wolf continues to be a real journalist in the US in spite of the silly stories written on her by fearful and weak so-called reporters (like the one in the UK Guardian), who should be ashamed of their lack of courage. Wolf is not an “anti-vaxxer,” and that is stupid to say. It will all continue to become clearer. The internet censoring speech is like if the phone company cut off your phone line if the company did not like what you were talking about. A disgrace. The so-called journalists, more like propagandists, should be ashamed. Wolf writes and speaks on the CDC. Asks questions. Here is Wolf’s site:
Well played sirs!!
Where does the CDC say that they started counting only hospitalized or fatal cases only in case of vaccinated people?
Good article. The CDC and WHO have been abusing their influence from the very beginning to perpetuate the pandemic.
If for no other reason, saving time and money would make reducing the number of cycles attractive for labs, and the CDC gives the the pretext to do so for vaccinated sampes. This will surely skew results; common sense alone never mind scientific rigor demands that test results compared must be done the same way to be valid.
The WHO and CDC gave hospital administrators the pretext to ban hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin by not reccommending their use – after botching studies using incorrect dosages and incomplete protocols. Needless deaths and prolonged stays in chronically underfunded hospitals were the result.
Vaccines are given credit for falling infection and death rates, not spring sunshine. Desperation to keep pockets of infection alive drives lockdown cultism into the summer months, so COVID can be preserved for next flu season. And shucksy darn, we’ll need booster vaccines if not whole new ones to counter the variants that have been brewing.
Of course, FB marked this article as “False Information” and said the CDC had not changed the criteria for detecting infection…….
People need to STOP getting tested, especially the unvaccinated. Buy your own test on line and keep the results to yourself, Don’t let them manipulate you and the results.
If one were able to do that, why would one want to get tested at all?!
> I refuse to even get tested. I told the school last year that I would just take two weeks of sick time if I had to quarantine but it never happened. I definitely do not trust the tests either and if it is soooo contagious why jab it almost to your brain. You should be able to use a saliva sample..
You can. Look up (can’t post links or my comments are held in moderation limbo forever): “Self-Collected Anterior Nasal and Saliva Specimens versus Health Care Worker-Collected Nasopharyngeal Swabs for the Molecular Detection of SARS-CoV-2“
From all credible sources, what I understand is that this is not a NORMAL vaxx in any sense of the word. It is a DNA changing substance containing who knows what other harmful ingredients. So it seems ridiculous to even talk of this as a vaxx. Further more, most previous vaxx’s had 10 years plus testing to study the effects. This so called vaxx is in testing now on the uninformed public without the usual scientific protocols used to properly conduct a study. As this article shows, the CDC changes the protocols to suit their agenda. A DNA changing vaxx needs to study generations before the results are known. I read an article about 7 universities who studied 1500 samples from positive covid patients. They didn’t find any covid. What they found was Influenza A and B.
I’ve never seen a public propaganda program such as this to sell the public on the ‘free’ vaxx. Some have become billionaires in selling this vax. I am appalled at how so many around me have fallen for this, people have even been programmed through fear mongering to PRESSURE all those around them to succumb! Universities are now REQUIRING students to be vaxxed before attending school. Why is this necessary when so very few of the younger generation have been effected by this so called virus? I’m wondering what this will do to our future generations, will we have any future generations after this??? I think only time will tell, and even so, that may be covered up by other nonsense. I believe we’re living in the time of George Orwell. How far does this go before we all wake up and stop it? I’d like to know what to do to stop it!
One way to stop it is economic boycott. For instance, Delta says they’re not going to hire unvaccinated workers, so we call Delta and say we’re not flying their airline unless they change their policy. If enough people’s voices are heard, change happens.
Delta may well change their minds with all these pilot deaths and illnesses due to the Franken-jab.
Elephant in the room – IVERMECTIN! Safe, effective against ALL variants, ALL stages of covid, cheap (darn – no profits to be made by Whitty, Valance et al), and IGNORED by the UK govt. If this were about saving lives, THIS treatment would have been rolled out months ago. No need for vaccines, passports, masks, distancing, lockdowns, NHS shut down, crashing the economy. Contact your MPs, local press, friends, family – Ivermectin has been used safely for 30 years, millions of doses per year, across the world. It has anti-viral, anti-parasitic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Just one dose reduces symptoms within 24 hours. Two doses are all that many people need to stop the disease in its tracks. The pandemic is now quite clearly a farce, designed to push vaxxes (why?), vax passports (why?), stop us from travelling freely (why?). See the FLCCC’s peer-reviewed evidence of Ivermectin’s efficacy here:
Dr. Vlad Zelenko (NY) has been using Ivermectin, Zinc & Hydroxychloroquine with fantastic success. Does Doc Z get any mainstream coverage? Pfffft. C19: One of the greatest instances of mass voodoo mind manipulation EVER
Covid 19 + 9/11 Mk II. Another very good remedt is Quercetin, which facilitates zinc supplements entering the cells, where the zinc blocks virus replication.
They also have the protocol, how much to take, and what to take with it.
Ivermectin is also available from almost any farm supply store and Vet without a prescription. It also is accepted as a preventative for West Nile Virus which is rampant in Northern CA. Ask and ye shall receive.
oHH NO really they are not telling the truth ?
Anyone, still believe its about a virus ?
after all a year + has gone now
Ya’ll Ready for the New normal .
Leaving? , Staying ? What have you decided ?
in fear? Angry ? or still easier to stfu and read offg in silent protest. Right? Hope really does die last!
Peace out
It is necessary for people to learn about the crimes of govt. and Big Pharms, robot marionette ‘doctors’ and ‘nurses’ (there are, of course, excellent ones as well, who are doing their best to speak out) and virtually all their MP’s and other ‘representatives’, before they can begin to have a strategy to deal with the problem.
“Obedience is the psychological mechanism that links individual action to political purpose. It is the dispositional cement that binds men to systems of authority.”
― Stanley Milgram (1933-1984)
It also binds them a fraudulent pandemic!
Source Regis College: Due to dramatically effective medical advances, United States citizens now enjoy long-lasting, healthy lives. Longevity researchers acknowledge accidental discoveries as doubling the lifespans of US citizens.
Initially, the public decried vaccinations, extolling the then new medical practice as violating religious morals. However, through great intervention, society has come to accept vaccination as a normal part of life. Thanks to modern vaccines, developed societies do not experience, or understand, the savage toll infectious and parasitic diseases take on victims.
Success on Many Fronts
Since 1955, the United States has earmarked funds for polio vaccinations among children and various public health advocacy groups have collaborated to battle this illness by maintaining delivery channels throughout the United States. Duly, vaccination in America is at a historical high, surpassing 90-percent coverage against diphtheria, tetanus, measles and pertussis. Coverage for hepatitis B is also substantially high.
To date, newly developed hybrid inoculations, which combine treatments, and the relatively new varicella vaccines receive minimal coverage. Researchers have not tabulated rotavirus vaccinations among newborn and infant children, but United States elementary school children receive over 95-percent coverage. These standard vaccinations have drastically reduced mortalities among children and eradicated the uncontrolled spread of diseases such as smallpox and several other illnesses.
Physicians have successfully eliminated smallpox in the United States. In the early 1900’s, nearly 50,000 people contracted smallpox, resulting in over 1,500 deaths. Since then, the disease has declined on an intermittent curve. Today, physicians no longer vaccinate against the disease. This was in part due to the United States supporting other nations in eliminating the illness.
Longer Lifespans in America
America’s prevalence against infectious and parasitic illnesses denote a notable accomplishment for the medical community. [3] Researchers have developed vaccines to alleviate several conditions, such as measles and polio. As a result, more United States children mature into adults. This improvement accounts for a 60-percent increase in life expectancy among women.
A review of historical data reveals the most improvements in recent years. As a result, population researchers, or demographers, have underestimated the comparatively sudden increase in lifespan, leaving them wondering how much more population longevity will grow.
Some Threats Still Linger in America
Currently, human papillomavirus (HPV) is a serious concern in the United States. HPV is a cluster of over 150 viruses that biochemical and clinical researchers delineate with numbered designations. Both men and women can contract roughly 40 of the strains, which spread through direct skin contact. HPV is the most prominent sexually transmitted infection (STI) currently in circulation. Scientists believe that every sexually active individual contracts the illness at some point in their lives. Physicians attribute HPV to cervical cancer, a side effect that develops after years of dormancy. The medical community has successfully developed a vaccine, but a large segment of the female population missed the inoculation period. Because of this, medical experts forecast thousands of women to develop cervical cancer.
For other illnesses, vaccines continue radically improving public health compared to the early twentieth century, when few effective vaccines existed. [4] Today, US physicians deploy 21 different vaccines to combat illnesses, greatly contributing to increased lifespans among the American population.
Thanks for sharing this fictitious promotional material from the Regis College Center for Disinformational Infoganda!
It’s not an either/or proposition. Vaccinations have saved lives. This current crop of them though, are too dangerous to be on the market. No vaccine should ever, ever cause the catastrophic “adverse events” that these are causing way too many people. Back to the drawing board!
The ‘virus’ was first deliberately created by ‘gain-of-function’ manipulation in laborotories, then deliberately spread across the world, along with the phony ‘PCR test’, to fake aa ‘Pandemic’, the whole point being to push deadly Franken-jabs into as many people as possible. The ‘virus’ was created in order to push the ‘jabs’ – those they don’t kill right away aare softened up and their immune system compromised, for the next phase. Check out Jacques Attali’s infamous quotes.
The only things that vaccines “radically improve” are the ways to make more massive profits for Big Pharma and more speedier ways to promote further illness and death through toxicity.
You are so right. Every member in my family, including myself, who has ever received a vaccine has suffered adverse reactions. Vaccines are the bane of humanity and have been a scourge for the past 200 years. Unfortunately, too much of “modern medicine” is still based on 18th and 19th century superstition.
My 75-year old brother … who never had the virus … was vaccinated, and almost immediately had serious problems with blood clotting. He had to be hospitalized, and came close to death.
Note that he has been healthy as … proverbially speaking … a horse for all of his life. He is still a big. powerful man, who looks more like a wrestler than an old man. He now states emphatically that he will NOT have the second shot, no matter how much pressure anyone puts on him.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has stated that anywhere from 60-70% of people who have had both shots will perish in the Fall, when the virus comes back with a vengeance.
The vaccine is the ‘virus’ by the old definition of the term – “a poisonous liquid or venom”.
There never was a SARS-COV-2 virus that could ever “come back” in reality, precisely because it was never proven to exist by science in the first place. Causes other than alleged viruses are involved and are at work in creating this fraudulent scamdemic.
-CO Yes, I call it the COVID CHARADE.
the covid jab destroys your immune system so the common seasonal flu will hit people much worse. this will be blamed on those who are unvaccinated.
I have no doubts that this fall and winter there will be significant repercussions involved in those who accepted these shots. And, if they do push a booster starting in September that will speed things along. After all they do say, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”, or “the third time’s the charm.” The authorities are hell bent on getting rid of seniors. If they can’t get by injection they also plan to separate them from their families to further “protect” them. It is sheer madness. My husband and I at 74 and 72, have been around 5 of 6 of our children/grandchildren who suffered COVID symptoms within our own household and we two older ones never suffered a sniffle.
I firmly believe that the older set have natural immunity and that is why they were inoculated first, to set them up for a fall. After all there were no preliminary phase 1 and 2 testing involved in those over 55 years of age in 2020. But, when the shots became available in December of 2020, who received them first? You get my drift.
I have had a cousin and an aunt die soon after their COVID jabs. My aunt developed DVT the day after her second shot followed by a stroke. My cousin a heart attack. After an encounter with PEG/Polysorbate 80, in cream 2 years ago, I had terrible chest pains. These are two ingredients in these inoculations and becoming more prevalent in other vaccines.
If that were true, why do I hear so much about older people with “comorbidities”? These are people who were born about 1945 and earlier. And the average life span for Americans is less than for a number of other nations.
Covid-19: One Year Anniversary in Bondage – Rev2
Charts and Examples showing that Covid-19 never posed a threat to our population.
Until people realize that the Plandemic/Scamdemic should be called the “Bullshitarona Virus” then the Stupid Sheeple will continue to be Scared of the Flu which killed people Last year but was called “COVID”. Nobody died from the Flu last year according to “official” statistics but now suddenly since Biden His Time became “Presidente” magically people are Suddenly dying from the Flu again just like the Entirety of Human History. But hey I’m looking forward to Vaccinated people Suffering because they All have defective DNA which should be eliminated due to their Stupidity. Funny how people Can’t wait to get Vaccinated but don’t want to hear about GOD. Trust the “Science” the Science of Satan. FOOLS.
Anything over 2 cycles is fraud.
Anything over 0 cycles is fraud.
Try as they may the CCP can’t keep the world under it’s thumb…the truth is finding it’s way to the surface….worth reading….
Worth watching …
As I said in March last year: the test is the pandemic. Now we have proof positive that they are manipulating the test to meet their political goals.
Conspiracy theorists proven right yet again.
How long until we discover that Kary Mullis did not die of natural causes, he was helped by Fauci who appears to be able to create and manage pandemics at his leisure.
How long before Fucky joins him?
Conspiracy theorists are the new Mensa.
“Essentially, Covid19 has long been shown – to those willing to pay attention – to be an entirely created pandemic narrative”
And the dead and hospitalized people are also an invention, presumably. Funny, it includes some relatives of mine.
To state the bleeding obvious, when you have a vaccine that is good at preventing people from getting hospitalized, you are less worried about mild cases. When you didn’t have a vaccine, you want to catch all cases to try to prevent the spread. So it makes sense to have a different threshold.
Not that preventing the spread worked at all well in the US, thanks to people like you. But it worked in Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Cuba.
You need to think a little deeper than that to challenge this article. Bleating will not do it.
Hey Doly, really sorry for your loss.
We too know people who’ve died with Covid, however, they each had several co-morbidities which made all the difference for them.
Also, they were all seriously overweight, which, according to the CDC (USA) was the commonality for the vast majority (78%) of those hospitalized or dead from Covid19 there.
I understand the UK is second only to USA when it comes to obesity in the population.
Maybe it’s time we updated our thinking about health & take responsibility for our own well-being. Just saying.
The Majority of All “COVID” deaths are Men & in the US most are over 70 & Black or Latino with Co-Morbidities.
First, by the pharmaceutical’s own product summations, the ‘vaccines’ were NOT tested for providing immunity, preventing death, hospitalization, becoming infected, nor becoming infectious. Only for severe symptom reduction. Yet SARS-COV 2 infection survival rate for ALL sectors of the population is 99.7%….before the injectables were being dispensed. Second, the number ONE co-morbidity according to CDC’s COVID tracking is——INFLUENZA and Influenza related pneumonia. Over 50% of ALL US COVID-19 deaths were accompanied with influenza + pneumonia. Which was the killer? (Thought we were assured influenza had ‘disappeared’?). Talk about viral spread, how is it that the ‘advanced’ countries of Nigeria, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and China TOGETHER have had fewer COVID deaths than New York, according to the John Hopkins Covid-19 tracking system? More ventilators, advanced medical systems, better masking efficiency? Maybe they social distanced 6 1/2 ft? We won’t even mention CDC’s VAERS system and the number of ‘vaccine’ negative events. You know, the system Harvard stated in a 2010 study was only capturing between 1%-10% of actual occurrences. Changing COVID diagnostic criteria, creating a two tiered system is just another dishonesty among many……..
The “vaccines” killed 100% of ALL animals tested that’s why they stopped testing animals & are now “Testing” vaccinated Idiots.
Oh, look another useful idiot. Doesn’t it bother you that the CDC admitted hospitals vastly over counted Covid-19 deaths? Only 5% have died of Covid-19 by itself.
Walensky’s comments of 16 May 2021 were about what the CDC is labeling “breakthrough infections” which are infections that manifest after vaccination. She apparently did not talk about all the deaths before vaccination.
First off, it is most certainly not a vaccine in the traditional sense, it is indeed genetic therapy, period. What about that do you not understand? As for the “people like you” remark, why in the fuck are you even reading this website if “people like” us are THE problem? Go back to MSNBC or whatever other MSM liar you’re so fond of and leave us to it.
As for your personal experience with a “covid” loss, I am sorry for that loss, but how do you really know it was even the mighty covid that was responsible for that death? Who told you that, and did you ask for any kind of confirmation of it, or just believe what they told you since to question their conclusions might make you one of “those people?”
As for the “bleeding obvious” at the preventive properties of that shot, have you done any research on just how “bleeding obvious” it really is that it prevents the mighty covid, or do you just take your knowledge from the same media that’s been lying to you for generations?
Doly, let me fix your ID just one letter to change; Dolt, there you go.
Now you are a covidiot and obviously not capable of understanding the facts in the above article.
Please go away, curl up, and die.
Someone hasn’t done their research on vaccines – start with the plagiarist and imposter Louis Pasteur and his Rabies vaccine!
Yes! Along, with Jenner before him.
Yes indeed! Cowpox Jenner!
As well as his killer anthrax vaccine
“when you have a vaccine that is good at preventing people from getting hospitalized”
If you read and educated yourself a little more and trusted the government and corporate media a little less than 100% you may well realise you have absolutely no proof that the above is true. There is lots of proof it is yet another lie.
It does suggest the possibility for deliberately manipulating data for prepare evidence for vaccine efficacy.
I haven’t been through this in much details but on a cursory glance, it still feels like the vaccines have been super effective at reducing deaths.
Based on the data until May 17, there have been just 353 deaths among the vaccinated (I am just focusing on deaths as this is the number that is the most difficult to manipulate). Over the past three months (since we began vaccinating in the country), around a 100K fatalities have been reported in total in the US. 123 million people have been fully vaccinated until May 17. But I’ll reduce this number to around 35 million to account for average number of fully vaccinated people over the last three to four months. I haven’t been through the exact vaccination trends so this number is just a have wavy approximation. This is 10% of American population.
353 deaths in the vaccinated in comparison to 100K deaths in total in the last 3-4 months even though the fully vaccinated have accounted for 10% of Americans on average over this time period suggests vaccination is very effective at minimizing deaths.
Agreed that CDC might have attempted to artificially inflate one number while deflating the other but based on my understanding, those effects would be visible post May 1st only. Prior to May 1st, the CT threshold for vaccinated and unvaccinated was the same.
On Oct 27, 2020, the CDC made the first change in the criteria for breakthrough reporting, requiring the second episode to be “symptomatic” and a “Ct value < 33”.
If this is the real KMW, and if the authorities would have paid attention to what you and others were saying in March of last year instead of cancelling and banning you, this whole devastating worldwide fraud would never have taken place.
The mass testing of whole populations rather than testing those presenting with symptoms, at a reasonable cT value, was the most meaningless and futile waste of resources that could be imagined.
That is of course if you are naive enough to believe they didn’t know exactly what they were doing from the start.
I’d go as far as saying they’ve known exactly what they were doing since around the late 1990s and would guess Knut would agree, since he was more or less single-handedly responsible for their last effort collapsing in 2009 by calling out their bullshit in a European parliamentary hearing.
there is no virus. it has never been isolated. the fraud is bigger than anyone can imagine
Oh, stop it.
John galt is correct he’s just trying to dissipate the ignorance concerning the existentce of an alleged ‘pathogenic virus ‘ they have named “SARS-COV-2”.
Absolutely John! Dr Kaufman demolished the alleged isolation of SARS-COV -2 VIRUS step by step and he analysed three or four scientific papers that first claimed to have isolated the virus but they failed to prove it. I have also argued that if there is no virus there can be no ‘spike protein’ that is alleged to be a specific attribute of that virus.
Sure enough an mRNA Vaccine can make proteins that they refer to as ‘spike protein’ but that protein certainly does NOT COME FROM A SARS-COV-2 VIRUS a virus never proven to physically exist.
How on earth can it?????? We’ve been cleverly conned again goodstyle!!!
Where on their website?
This is exactly how they (including Fauci) sold HIV=AIDS except back then the “cure” was a once-banned cancer drug not a vaccine. This film came out in AUGUST and explained it all.
Ok, I would like to add some information here. Last week the policy for mandatory covid testing of healthcare workers changed in Michigan. Now, vaccinated employees no longer need to get tested. 2 days after that policy change a vaccinated Nurse where I work tested Covid positive from an unrelated hospital visit. Fortunately there has not been anyone else that tested positive where I work. Yes, data and policies are going to be manipulated to fit the desired narrative.
And 80% of positive tests mean nothing anyway.
I can add to this discussion. In Michigan mandatory covid testing is no longer the policy for vaccinated healthcare workers. 2 days after this policy was announced, we had a vaccinated employee test positive in the hospital for an unrelated issue. Blows their whole theory out of the water. Sure doesn’t change their plans for the policy change tho.
We left ignorance a while back – we are in stupid now. Social Darwinism at work. I would appreciate an explanation of the mechanism by which an injection can possibly offer protection against an absent ‘agent’. Kind of like kissing your wife’s sister in order to make your own wife pregnant? Could be a bad analogy – lol – but it works!
If I am the last person on earth not vaccinated how will I infect anyone?
Sorry Richard but I will be the last person on Earth not vaccinated….
Sorry both of you but I will be the last person on Earth not vaccinated …
Now, now, let’s not fight over who will be the last person on Earth not vaccinated.
There’s plenty of non-vaccines available for all of us!
I hate to disappoint you all, but I WILL BE THE LAST PERSON ON EARTH THAT WILL DECLINE “THE SHOTS”! As we know they are not vaccinations, but experimental drugs to bring the population of mankind more inline with the goal of 500 million for the whole planet! Only 6 1/2 billion people to kill! That is shocking beyond belief isn’t it?
I’m Spartacus!
It is ‘I am’. Spartans didn’t use contractions 😉
Richard, Deuce and Mr Y
hahaha I’m right behind you.
Hahahaha Deuce and Mr Y Me too.
And, yet the ignorant and uninformed with continue to believe the hype. Those of us who remain unvaxxed and have been in contact with various people who contracted and were sick with COVID, are obviously immune. To be immune means that you don’t get sick from this and you cannot make someone else sick, because you don’t have it. What you do not have, you a cannot give. In other words, if I don’t have $5 and you want me to give you $5 . . . well, I’m sure you understand where I’m going with this.
You’re saying that we should all spend more time with people who are sick with COVID in order to find out if we’re obviously immune or not?
In a 12 month period my husband and I were exposed 3 times to family members who exhibited COVID symptoms, we never even developed a sniffle. We are in our 70’s. Some people, and maybe most, are just plain immune. And, those in our age group that were shot up in recent months, obviously none did their homework because those inoculations only went through phase 1 and 2 testing with test subjects who had no health issues and between the ages of 20-50. No testing was ever done on seniors until the shots were released, on seniors, for immediate 3rd phase testing worldwide. Talk about a mass euthanasia program. Personally, I am ashamed of my generation. They should know better!
Just keep taking vitamin D3, zinc, c, and magnesium
Yep. That’s the ticket along with vitamin C, as well.
I’m about a decade and a half behind you and I too am ashamed by my generation. It seems that two thirds of the population is okay giving up their AND OUR right to informed consent.
How can I give informed consent when they are withholding information? The phase 2 human experimental trials completed in October 2020 yet the raw data has not been made publicly available yet. The pharmaceutical companies say they will release it sometime in “2022”.
All the obvious number machinations, the PCR CaseDemic, the obfuscation of treatments HCQ & IVM and yet still the masses acquiesce to yet more demands to be shot up with an experimental gene therapy treatment for a disease with an IFR of 0.3?????? AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Those we were in contact with were household members, so there was no escaping the circumstances. I’m just saying in our case, we seemed to be immune, period. But, on the other hand, like any illness such as Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, etc, that is exactly what we did back in the day. If you know and understand how to treat an illness, it will come and go and you will be better off for it.
The damage that is being done to trust in the medical profession is mind-boggling. People’s lives can depend on a doctor’s good advice. This sort of shenanigans is going to have repercussions.
mabe it’s long-past time that people stopped trusting these brainwashed, lying, corrupt shills for the corporate pharma cartel.
Anyone who’s done research already knows the allopathic model is crap and only serves the drug pushers, i.e., Big Pharma!
Not to mention all of those iatrogenic deaths, which are the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.
Facts! The government, MSM, Big Pharma and Big Ag HATE FACTS!
Doctor and hospital errors along with pharmaceuticals cause over 500,000K deaths annually, just in the USA. That would give the average person pause to not trust those institutions.
So right. Snake oil Rockefeller’s Allopathic lies going on for a century.
I’d like to speak with “Doctor Boongoogle”” please, I need to talk about acceptable Advertorial…I mean Medical Advice based on “Sceance”, please…
Great article by OG but they are mostly preaching to the choir. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together grasps or at least senses the fraud going on. The real compelling, engaging, profound story they should be writing is about doctors. Doctors have long enjoyed the wealth and prestige that comes with being a doctor. Yet for nothing more than a few dollars dangled in their face or fear of a few harsh words, doctors have set to destroying the credibility of their profession in a way unprecedented in all recent memory. Not even politicians make politicians look as corrupt or inept as doctors are making doctors look right now. It’s a very simple oath. Three words “Do no harm'”. NOT ” do no harm’ on a percentage basis, or do no harm’ to society. It’s DO NOT do anything to harm’ the person in front of you who has entrusted you with their care. So while we can argue the minutae of the death figures in VAERS, it is nonetheless inarguable that this vaccine has a significantly higher death rate than any previous vaccine. On top of insane amounts of other side effects and emergency room visits. Knowing that there is a chance, however small, that this jab could potentially send your patient to the emergency room or morgue AND STILL GIVING IT TO THEM IN UNPRECEDENTED NUMBERS IS ABSOLUTELY UNCONSCIONABLE! YOU ARE WATCHING THE LONG SLOW DEATH OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. While they are so oblivious they think they’re getting away with it. I’m sure some of you take business meetings. You meet with a potential partner or client and discuss things you can do together for your mutual benefit right? Happens millions of times a day. Now what if instead of discussing opportunities, you just murdered the person you were meeting and stole their money? Sounds completely insane doesn’t it? YET THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT DOCTORS ARE DOING ADMINISTERING THIS VACCINE. there are more data points supporting he fact that it kills you than there are supporting any of it’s alleged benefits. Like LITERALLY. There are over 2000 deaths in VAERS versus a 1000 case improvement over placebo in the clinical trial. Nobody can argue that. So WTF are doctors doing?! And from what basis are they doing it? Certainly not science or healthcare. If your doctor so much as offers you the jab fire them on the spot. They are not working for you. Why would you pay them to work for someone else experimenting on you? What kind of person are you if you don’t even have the will to live enough to do that?
Paragraphs dude, paragraphs. LOL
But yea, what he said with paragraph breaks.
“Doctors” are Whores & Drug Dealers Pimping “Disease” for the Pharmaceutical Death Givers.
I saw my doctor Friday for an infected toe, he asked if I had a covid shot, I said no but I said “you know, I don’t understand WHY the children, WHY the pregnant mothers”.? The way I said it and why I said it, he had no response. He knew why I didn’t have a shot.
Good call. We need to continue to inform and educate our doctors because of their intense ignorance.
Better yet, go to a naturopath for everything except emergencies.
Indeed. My main doctor is a Naturopath/Homeopath. My medicare doctor I use only for referrals.
I believe it’s closer to 4000 deaths after the vax in VAERS now. In US only. And those are underreported by a factor of 10 to 100. Europe, latest I heard it was over 10,000.
Agree. Learn to break a big mass of text into smaller paragraphs. Makes it much easier to read.
And yet the WHO’s recent ‘Independent Panel’ report on the pandemic recommends – unsurprisingly – more power be given to the WHO, and greatly increased funding…to protect us (using all that they have learned, naturally) from ‘the next pandemic’.
You know and I know that opposition to the hokey pandemic narrative is a vocal minority – but a minority nonetheless. A significant majority believes (1) the WHO was right to declare COVID-19 a global pandemic, (2) people who would not instantly and willingly follow its guidelines regarding PPE, isolation, quarantine and lockdowns are selfish haters who have no place in the brave new world, and (3) those who spread disinformation on the infectiousness and danger of COVID-19 and the effectiveness and/or safety of vaccines should be silenced for the good of all.
What are the chances the WHO will get the new mandates and access to bottomless cash the ‘independent panel’ recommends? I would have to say they are very good. These sorts of shenanigans will indeed have repercussions. Just not the ones you hope for. The world is being ambitiously divided into the happily-boogieing vaccinated, and the mistrustful minority.
Fucky is about money, not health, he is simply doing what Gates has asked him to do: if you can’t win using true “facts”, change the “facts” so that the Gates story wins. Faucky enabled gain of function research, personally I don’t think any virus even exists, so that is kind of irrelevant, but for the believers … and during Covid he has been enabling pedo Gates.
Go Gate’s secretary, whatever her name is.
FDA and CDC are not your friends.
DOJ holding Epstein’s pedo videos are probably blackmailing US politicians right now.
Don’t trust anyone in government.
And, neither is WHO or the UN.
For those here who haven’t heard yet – Regularly updated gene therapy injection adverse effects but simplified (and easy to understand unlike GoO one) by good people at UK column. Do multiply results by about 10 as only 10% of adverse effects are reported according to the Government of Occupation official site. Uncorrupted doctors are saying that more people died from this globally so far than all the vaccines together in the last 10 years!!
Yes. I’ve read that. Sad times when most doctors apparently don’t care about what happens to their own patients.
C’mon everyone get your lazy arses down/up/across to London 29th May 2021 show your determination through support of your fellow thinkers…
I got a hangover today my fault sorry to everyone if I was a pain.
You were decidedly not a pain. They only way you would have been is if you didn’t mean a word you said. But then, you wouldn’t be commenting here – you’d be a news reader on BBC.
Nothing better than having a drink or two or more … 😀 …
Take care!
A more detailed presentation of how the fraudulent numbers came about in the US is available as a video w accompanying transcript. It sets out the work of a volunteer group which has led to a much more accurate covid count in the US — and to a formal grand jury request.
better URL:
What’s the Beeb? Sorry, American here.
Thank you! You explained it very well. I hadn’t even thought of the Person C situation.
Nobody listens here you might as well blow in the wind
Some of us are listening Annie 😉
I’m listening and reporting:
Pushed by the Fraudian so obviously malevolent:
LSD destroys the brain’s prior knowledge and experience? Nope, can’t see how TPTB would like that at a time of planned great social transformation (or previous ones)…..
(If anyone doesn’t know by now, government fingerprints are all over psychedelics, starting with Gordon Wasson’s magic mushrooms being MK Ultra Subproject 58 and with publicity from Henry Luce’s Time-Life).
Its part of their plan – to legalize psychedelics. As Alison McDowell says,
“Through a new system that is being put into place called Pay for Success Finance which are literally privatizing the entire social welfare system and remaking it as an investment opportunity in human capital, that they can securitize us and gamble — put us pathways to ‘self-improvement’ whether that is improving your health, improving your mental health, getting off drugs, taking drugs – now they’re legalizing all these psychedelics – managing you as a series of continuum care program according to measured behavior change, and then betting on whether or not you’ll comply.”
Funny because self administered psychedelics helped me a great deal in terms of making myself immune to advertising, switching off TV for good, seeing the horseshit cult of consumerism for what it is, seeing the absurdity of the egotistical mind, overcoming alcohol and nicotine addictions and generally freeing my mind to a great extent from the oppression and abuse of my childhood. This one may well come back and bite them on the arse. I always said that the world would be a very different place if everybody dropped acid at least once, as a rite of passage into adulthood.
Yes, Bob … psychedelics got away from “Them” (hard to believe I know).
They then went into damage-control mode and started sending people off buildings who were tripping and thought they could fly. And of course, the dreaded “flashbacks” … And the terrifying breaking of chromosomes. And STDs. And …
While all the while the answer right in front of “Their” faces was to encourage “druggies” to shoot opiates, take Seconal, snort “Dust” and, of course, coke up. And so it goes …
Their psychedelics. and cbd oil completely different than real psychedelic and cbd oil etc
the same lot who sold Valium / opiates etc getting involved with psychedelics. and cannabis what ever could go wrong
Now you see how joe rogan and them retards selling chemical base psychedelics and the whole aya movement and just how cool and hipster it is to normalize the factor and many will go out and try and many dont came back and thoses how come back arent the same again.
I’m definitely not the same after my extensive use of psychedelics. I’m a much better person for it.
This is nothing new. They’ve been manipulating disease definitions like this for many decades. CDC did it with Aids to boost case numbers so they could better terrorize the population, deter closeness and intimacy, and boost Pharma profits.
But the most egregious instance was back in the 1950s when the Salk vaccine came out and started causing paralysis in huge numbers of injected people.
The following is from Janine Roberts’ 2004 article about polio which appeared in The Ecologist. It might still be available on the web if it hasn’t been memory-holed:
“…However, despite these new regulations, four months later more than 2,000 cases of infantile paralysis were recorded in Boston, despite the vaccination of 130,000 children in the city. The previous year it had seen only 273 cases. The number of cases doubled in vaccinated New York State and Connecticut, and tripled in Vermont. They increased by five times in both Rhode Island and Wisconsin. Many were paralysed in the injected arm.
It seemed that the vaccine would soon be totally discredited. So, to protect the President, Salk, the vaccine manufacturers and themselves from the humiliation of an unmitigated failure, the US health authorities had to dramatically slash the incidence of poliomyelitis. They managed this by simply changing the way they recorded the incidents of poliomyelitis. It worked like this:
Prior to 1956, the authorities recorded a patient as having paralytic polio (infantile paralysis) if they suffered from paralytic symptoms for 24 hours. After 1956 patients had to have these paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days to be counted as having polio. As many people recovered within 60 days, this measure alone dramatically cut the official number of cases. This
drop’ in polio cases was publicly credited to the vaccine. Furthermore, all cases of polio occurring within 30 days of vaccination (such as the first 200 cases that had so alarmed the White House) were in future not to be blamed on the vaccine but to be recorded as
pre-existing’.But Salk continued to worry. Despite its regulatory and statistical
success’, the reputation of his vaccine was plummeting. In June 1955 the British doctors’ union the Medical Practitioners’ Union wrote:
These misfortunes would be almost endurable if a whole new generation were to be rendered permanently immune to the disease. In fact, there is no evidence that any lasting immunity is achieved.’ (21)The following month Canada suspended its distribution of Salk’s vaccine. By November all European countries had suspended distribution plans, apart from Denmark. By January 1957 17 US states had stopped distributing the vaccine. The same year The New York Times reported that nearly 50 per cent of cases of infantile paralysis in children between the ages of five and 14 had occurred after vaccination.
So, more regulatory and statistical changes were needed in order to give the polio vaccine the appearance of a triumph of modern medicine. What better way to achieve this than to reclassify all the cases of polio into numerous other diseases resulting in a massive reduction in polio cases, and a host of other diseases to attract funding. And this is exactly what they did.
Prior to 1958 the definition of infantile paralysis (polio) included cases in which paralysis was minimal: perhaps manifesting itself as a very stiff neck, often accompanied by widespread pain. Polio also included cases of
meningitis’, or of inflammation of the membrane that protects the brain and spinal neurons. The CDC describes such cases as
serious but rarely fatal’.(22) Prior to 1958 these cases were scientifically referred to asnon-paralytic poliomyelitis’, or polio for short. Henceforward, they would be reclassified.
The Los Angeles County health authorities stated:
Most cases reported prior to July 1 1958 of non-paralytic poliomyelitis are now reported as viral or aseptic meningitis.’ The incidence of meningitis soared as official polio cases declined, as the following table (compiled from national surveillance reports)shows.Non-paralytic polio cases.
1951-1960 70,083
1961-1982 589
1983-1992 0
Aseptic meningitis cases.
1951-1960 0
1961-1982 102,999
1983-1992 117,366
Jim West, Images of Poliomyelitis
These classifications are still used today. Last year the US National Center for Infectious Diseases reported no cases of poliomyelitis but 30,000 to 50,000 cases of aseptic meningitis requiring hospitalisation. There are probably several times this number of incidents of aseptic meningitis that did not require hospitalisation, but statistics are no longer kept for such cases.
Then another scam was enacted to massage down the poliomyelitis figures. It took advantage of the 1951 discovery that different viruses could be present in cases of infantile paralysis. Prior to 1958 this did not matter. A doctor diagnosed a person with polio by taking note of their evident symptoms. They did not investigate to see if the poliovirus were present. In 1958 a new regulation was put in place requiring doctors to only register a patient as having polio if the poliovirus were present, something that was very difficult to establish for sure. For a start, it was impossible to tell by looking at symptoms. The Textbook of Child Neurology reported:
Coxsackie virus and echoviruses can cause paralytic syndromes that are clinically indistinguishable from paralytic poliomyelitis.’ This new requirement for doctors caused a vast drop in the number of cases registered as poliomyelitis – a drop that ever since has been credited solely to the vaccine.
So, when patients diagnosed as having polio in a 1958 epidemic in Detroit were re-tested as required by this new rule, 49 per cent were found to have no poliovirus. They had to be reclassified as having
non-poliomyelitis acute flaccid paralysis’ even though they were suffering from symptoms identical to poliomyelitis with the same paralysis and the same pain. Other polio cases were reclassified asGuillian-Barré syndrome’, which some researchers now think is what crippled Roosevelt. Yet more cases are now referred to as
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease’, which can also cause paralysis. And last year the Coxsackie virus was found in cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), which sometimes shows polio-like symptoms of muscle damage; in the past CFS might have been classified as a form of polio.If this process of reclassification had not occurred, it would have been impossible to hide the fact that infantile paralysis cases had sharply increased after the introduction of Salk’s vaccine. Without the Coxsackie and aseptic meningitis reclassifications, for example, the number of reported cases of paralytic polio would have doubled from 2,500 in 1957 to 5,000 in 1959. (23)
This deliberate fraud did not go entirely unnoticed, however. Dr Bernard Greenberg, the then head of the Department of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina, testified at a 1962 Congressional hearing that infantile paralysis cases had increased after the introduction of the vaccine by 50 per cent from 1957 to 1958, and by 80 per cent from 1958 to 1959. He concluded that US health officials had manipulated the statistics to give entirely the opposite impression. (24)”
Reggie, the article is here.
Polio is an interesting one…As an early teen I lived with a no of young people who drew the unlucky straw….what has always stayed with me is they came from a fairly narrow defined area and siblings were included…and they had varying degrees of paralysis from almost total to just one portion of one leg….
i came from about 200 miles away and I doubt we actually heard about it or what it was doing to other young ones…though people didn’t travel all that much or far those days…as many were involved in farming pursuits with little spare money..the great need to vax all children sort of came later…rather like covid the horse had well and truly bolted..
these days I get to wonder what actually happened caused the problem…I know it was said around here to be related to the cane toad….but everything was blamed on it…I recently saw a utube dr saying it is thought to have been unsanitary swimming pools and when they got cleaned up the problem went away…rather than vax working…
then there is the issue that some folk are getting post polio syndrome many a long year later..,again little explanation as to what that is…and the spectre of polio has been successfully used to drive fear home re the need to get vax for covid…dreadfully really when what I saw was far worse than any common cold could ever produce…
Here’s a good one on polio.
Thanks so another urban myth. From my memory of location of the teens I cohabited with I would now think agricultural poisons of some variety…people just threw them around with little care back then…my father was dreadful with no protection etc. he lived to 97. One of the near indestructible ones…others are not so lucky…paralysis is not a lot of fun for the unlucky…
Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing!
So shit’s hitting the fan and discrimination is rampant respecting vaccines.
Anyone knows where to get a hold of fake vaccine certificate? (Serious request)
I need to travel a lot for work, and there is no way I’m shooting that poison into my veins.
It will all be digital soon enough so the paper won’t work. Then when that can be forged or hacked they’ll put the technology inside your body. Sorry for your situation, I hope you can find a new job.
“Lets Get Ready to Rumble”
“I have not yet begun to fight or It ain’t over till it’s over”

“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglass, 1857
All I know is Australia is introducing a digital travel card in October with the capacity to contain your vaccination and test records.
Politicians here in Australia (it seems Labor ones are the loudest) have spoken of barring so called “anti vaxxers” from venues like pubs, cinemas, restaurants, etc, so yeah, I’m also keeping a close eye on what’s going on in the UK, France, Chile, Israel and elsewhere.
How far will they go? For instance, I rely solely on public transport to get to work, and The Big Issue management is fully on board with the scamdemic narrative. I can almost imagine they may require tests in the future coz we are dealing direct with the public.
And how large will the range of shops be that require vaccination passports to enter? On a more positive note, good to see more adults defying the mandatory masks on public transport this morning.
Yes lots of loose chat about. None of it I would take too seriously. Rattling the cage to get more people to vaccinate. That story about interestate vaccine passports seemed to have died a sudden death. They obviously have a target percentage at which point this will rapidly fizzle. Having read the proposed UK scheme in detail all I can say is it reads more like they trying to protect the unvaccinated from the now infectious vaccinated… Read into that what you will but I think think it’s obvious. As for Labor. Seems like they have yet again managed to find a way to lose the next election. What was it last time. Franking credits and negative gearing. Ha ha the two holy grails of middle class Aussies. What a joke. It’s so bad I think they deliberately want to lose. By the looks of Scomo I don’t think he is planning on leaving office anytime soon.
I’m just keeping an eye on things John, however I refuse to wallow in fear. I do what is the right thing to do; by my conscience and principles, and refuse to go along with this garbage. Maybe I’m wrong, but I think what’s being tried in the UK will be done here as well.
Oh, and your reply to Johan is bang on correct!
Having read the proposed UK scheme in detail all I can say is it reads more like they trying to protect the unvaccinated from the now infectious vaccinated… Read into that what you will but I think it’s obvious.
I think this point requires more explication, because it is, as the saying goes, interesting if true.
And now we have quacks saying we are all sitting ducks and must be vaxxed even though nothing happened here.
I see that evil little leprechaun, Alan Joyce is moaning that coz of the slow uptake of ‘vaccines’ here, international travel will be pushed back to 2022 now.
I only checked the ABC headlines coz I was noticing more people than usual walking around outside wearing face nappies today, and I assumed there had been more “cases” here.
It’s very simple Marilyn: No jab. No test. No contact tracing. No mask.
In Hong Kong we have mandatory contact tracing: every restaurant, government department, business office and various other places, they display a QR code and you are supposed to register it with your “Leave Home Safe” government tracking app or sign in on paper.
Yesterday, for the first time, I went to a bar that would not allow me to sign in on paper, I had to use the government app. The business was mostly empty and when the owner insisted on me using the app, I told him that would not be possible as I was not carrying a smart phone. He lost out business.
A small group of wankers think it is their job to step up the fight against Covid by applying even more draconian laws than those required by government. I avoid their businesses and, by the look of that place yesterday, so do others. However, there are many businesses that just do not bother implementing the tracking nonsense: I search out and support those businesses.
Yep… its about tightening the noose and conditioning people for vaccine passports. I will not do any contact tracing anywhere, and I realise how tough things are going to get.
From May 28th it’s compulsory for businesses in Melbourne to have contact tracing, tho I think that only applies to hospitality venues like pubs and restaurants and not for supermarkets. Yet.
I’ll do what you’re doing and search out small businesses that are not gung ho about implementing this. Gotta go as am working at present. Have a good week A👍
I identify as “Vaccinated”.
There are two points in life. Too learn and to stand up for what is right. It is better to die trying than live a lie.
I don’t get out useless pollies and media, 194,000 people have died in Australia since the first so called covid case, yet none of them from so called covid.
Absolutely John, if you stay around long enough on these threads you’ll realise that it’s a hard slogg because of the work of opposing fixed ideas.
More often than not, those ideas are based on mainstream science whereas occult or hidden science is far ahead. So much so it’s concepts are ridiculed by the powers that be in the mainstream and their cohorts and their witting and unwitting supporters in the population at large.
Viruses are a typical example, almost everywhere it is drilled into you that certain infectious diseases like measles, colds and influenza are always caused by pathogenic viruses while all other causes are either ignored or excluded.ll
However, not a shred of the evidence submitted by virology can prove their physical existence either in nature or as synthetics (engineered) and neither can the claim that a virus is the sole cause of any infectious disease. If that was the case concrete evidence would be forthcoming but it never is, including ‘genetically engineered viruses’. The nearest we ever get is the synthetic mRNA sequence in the Covid vaccine with its alleged ‘spike protein’ never proven to have come from a parent SARS-COV -2 VIRUS because the virus doesn’t exist! Hence, the clever fraud and deception which is at the root of the scamdemic. The two lawsuits currently underway are not challenging the existence of the virus which is a big mistake and will continue to perpetuate Big Pharma’s toxic vaccine production.
We are nevertheless swamped with medical propaganda including numerous coloured computer models of what they are ASSUMED but not actually determined to look like and also, information and electron micrographs are accepted uncritically and in most cases without question despite the problems with Electron Microscopy and its artefacts mistakenly assumed to be ‘viruses’.
If you’re in the US, OSHA may be your best bet. Some time ago they commented that employers who mandated the vax wd be responsible legally for any harm. That might calm an employer’s zeal. One could present an employer with a notarized memo that if one took the vax it wd be under compulsion and in that case any harm resulting . . . . etc
You can probably find the OSHA document online. Then you send the whole thing by certified mail, and insist that if they require the vax they must inform you in writing.
But of course if they still don’t blink then you’ll have to change jobs.
employers who mandated the vax would be responsible legally for any harm.
— because the pharma cartel certainly won’t be.
Unless it can be proved it was deliberate harm..
Anyone knows where to get a hold of fake vaccine certificate?
find some vaccination clinic where masses of people are being injected by low-level medical technicians, rather than actual doctors. make sure that you can have it done in a semi-private space. at the critical moment, pull out five $100 bills, and make it clear by gesture that they can go in the technician’s pocket if the needle doesn’t go in your arm. make sure that all the paperwork is properly filled out, and then depart.
congratulations. you are now recorded in the government’s vaxx database, which is all that will ever matter. whatever QR-enabled electronic vaxx passport they come up with, you’ll be on the winning side of it.
Note: Check for hidden cameras.
This might work until they eliminate cash; after that, one will have to be creative!
A gold coin may work.
when various govts have pissed billions up the wall with their active imaginations getting the better of them I suspect you won’t have to wait too much longer for it all to start being too much of a problem to keep going…in my small corner of the world the hospital system is already breaking down…ramping ambulances as emergency sept cannot handle cases…some of this is because folk have absconded from Victoria and our health system was already struggling…just think what happens when more and more vaccine injuries wander in…
all this rubbish costs heaps, they have destroyed their tax base, and the online mob and multinationals basically pay no tax…reality cannot be too far away…rumour was on Twitter that the vic premier even distressed our big boys enough to put him out of action…most of them have been a little quieter since…falling down stairs can be very painful
If it is possible find another job.
It’s time to act not pussy foot around figures and data it’s time to act before our children become slaves I’ll stand with you I’ll be in front with you I will fight for you us humanity I will be there
Watching some of the USA series is painful as they play act pandemic, when these things are shown in re run in a few years people will cringe in embarrassment
Don’t watch it Marilyn you are wiser and smarter I’ve always been an outdoor nature person there I think through my years something that’s trying to make us hate testing us.God himself is seeing who loves him it does not matter if you’re Christian Muslim Buddhist it’s about-how you treat people we are all the same creed or colour it doesn’t matter.We are perfect humans not animals we are us
Only some do it, Canada and the UK never have and it’s not mentioned here in Australia on tv shows. Much of USA tv is owned by big media so they are propaganda programs, still love the programs but cringe at the sight of the fools taking their little face nappies off and on and handling and fondling them.
Annie, we humans are animals – we are just another mammal. But most have lost touch with their inner wisdom and connection to Nature.
We are just animals. That’s what the atheist eugenist Agenda 21 communist robbers want you to say.
Not so, Ooink. If you believe ‘animals’ are inferior to ‘humans’, you have much to learn. We are all One – animals, plants, even the scamdemic planners – all a part of the whole. Some call this ‘Nature’.
The planner’s main problem is that they have lost their connection to Nature, so are also lost in their illusions of control and superiority. Unfortunately, many human animals are also lost in this way, but not all of us.
Communists! The bastards!
Hard to believe given the example and results of Florida, Texas, South Dakota to name a few that are doing much better. Especially Florida where cycle threshold has to be reported.
But still they “believe” so don’t count on them being embarrassed because it is a CULT. Cultists are not embarrassed by any facts. Cultists do what they are told. Cultists shun the “unbelievers” (queue Monty Python scene). On their deathbeds from the side/main effects the experimental shot they willingly took they will still blame the “unbelievers”.
It’s all they have. It’s everything to them now.
Admin wrote: “Why not just lie?”
Absolutely. Lie through your teeth, so are they. Be as cunning as you can think of. Fuck being a “good citizen”, meaning, figuratively speaking, closing your eyes and thinking of the fucking queen.
But even better a strategy than lying is playing stupid. If you speak more than one language, use the one your establishment interlocutor doesn’t understand. Make a total dimwit of yourself. They won’t be able to move you an inch. Think The Good Soldier Schweik (read it if you haven’t). Alternatively, follow instructions/orders to the most absurd extreme.
And when the fucks aren’t looking, have a backpack full of spanners and toss them in the works wherever you can!
Best way to survive …!
OK, now we have some way to progress.
We’ll be setting up an image database of these ridiculous barcodes for checking in to your local pub/gum/train station etc.
It will rely on people submitting images.
If people contribute and use it will rapidly pollute the database.
Even palantir will struggle……
Also, on android you can fake your GPS location.
Search “fakegps”
On the Common Law website Australia, you can download labels which fit exactly over the government’s QR check in thing at the entrance to shops, cafes, etc. It will direct users to the Common Law website. Something we can do to fight back. Every little helps.
FREE Covid QR Code Sticker – Common Law
I see sheep checking in without question and have to think they are lazy and insane, not a single ”case” was ever in my town.
Carry on carry on nothing really matters to me.It does I like your philosophy and tony and a lot of people but just some people are downers on here we know it’s all fake we know it’s bs but what’s the alternative?They never say one so it’s upto us we are the alternative we decide we are the masters of our life
Exactly I think outside the box and beyond nobody can make me be a cube I am me always have been I have my own thoughts oops sorry society I do actually have a brain.I never ever listened to teacher urs it’s all a lie we are more powerful than what they are saying
If people started to think that they are fantastic and something we wouldn’t be here stop moaning about depressors it’s right in front of your nose life is what you make it stop being depressed start living
What you are talking about is the death of true spiritualism in man. It started around 2021 years ago when some Chaldean fairy tales were compiled into a giant omnibus of fairy tales. The point wasn’t to make us feel good about ourselves or to make us understand our true divine nature. The point was to control us. The point was materialism.
I’ve realised now not a lot of people are actually in the same room I get jaques and tony but what the hell?Ive noticed a lot of voices have been silenced on here and never come back is this not free speech??
Meh, sometimes people just read and don’t comment. Sometimes I start a comment and halfway through I get pulled somewhere. By the time I get back I figure the moment has passed, so I delete it and move on.
Not sure where the resident psychopath went, probably in the depths of an ether binge somewhere. Or he actually decided we were as worthless as he thought we were and decided to go troll somewhere else.
We need to hear you though don’t dilly dally please post your comments
We need you no good people doing things then running away no masks no vaccine no control we are in control
I’m abit drunk today tomorrow I’ll be sober
Come on, nearly the weekend, no point being sober yet
I got fed up went on the vodka I’ll be sober tomorrow maybe hungover banana is good for hangovers potassium
Fleetwood Mac you can go your own way
Mick Fleetwood is a bloodline aristocrat; Christine McVie started off in a band called ‘Chicken Shack’ (chicken is paedophile slang); Stevie Nicks happens to have a surname phonetically identical with a Greek demongod and she wrote ‘Rhiannon’ which is about a Celtic witch; Lindsey Buckingham loved the filmmaker Jodorowsky who was a deep Occultist (eg ‘Tusk’ is named after one of his films). The band’s early key figure Peter Green is a tale of cults and insanity that recalls Syd Barrett.
Oh, and their greatest sin…. Bill Clinton liked them.
Oops I just liked the song I didn’t know all this.Thanks for enlightening me 👍
Well. There have been evil musicians, insane painters, dangerous writers, abusive actors all through art history. And quite a few things that are now considered as world heritage are due to kings enslaving their own people, bankrupting the country, fighting bloody wars. Many of the most repulsive figures in history, especially in church history would employ artists like Michelangelo, Raffael etc. (I don’t intend to compare Fleetwood Mac to them). So I think its ok to listen to Hotel California. (Besides, isn’t this true: ‘you can check out any time you like but you can never leave’?)
“Many people still don’t understand how VIRAL VECTOR vaccines work (AZ, J&J, Sputnik): they are NOT traditional vaccines! Viral vector vaccines DELIVER DNA TO YOUR CELL NUCLEUS, where your genome (chromosomes) is located! As such they are as close to actual gene therapy as possible. No conspiracy.”
“It has been reported by some people that the injection site after a Covid vaccination becomes ‘magnetic’ when tested with a neodymium magnetic.”
These are stupid times but please …
please what?
I don’t think I have a neodymium magnet handy, and I also thank God, haven’t got a freshly vaccinated arm to test it on, but I certainly wouldn’t rule out the possibility of such an effect. I agree it is probably faked, cos it started with a video of one person, and it spread. Could easily have been faked, but I am not sure it was, and I do not want a fresh vaccinated arm to test it on, unless I am wearing one of these alien suits in a clean room lab.
If you have been vaccinated you may be spreading the poison to anyone you come in contact with, who hasn’t been vaccinated. This technology has already been developed and tested on animals. It works.
“These “self-disseminating vaccines” can be developed in at least two ways. The conventional approach relies on applying a vaccine to the fur of captured animals and releasing them. When these animals return to their natural homes, social grooming results in the vaccine being ingested by other individuals, magnifying the level of immunity that can be achieved.
A more radical approach relies on inserting a small piece of the genome of the infectious disease agent into a benign virus that spreads naturally through the animal population. As this transmissible vaccine spreads from animal to animal.”
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