Microsoft vs Indian Farmers: Agri-Stacking the System
Colin Todhunter

In April, the Indian government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft, allowing its local partner CropData to leverage a master database of farmers. The MoU seems to be part of the AgriStack policy initiative, which involves the roll out of ‘disruptive’ technologies and digital databases in the agricultural sector.
Based on press reports and government statements, Microsoft would help farmers with post-harvest management solutions by building a collaborative platform and capturing agriculture datasets such as crop yields, weather data, market demand and prices. In turn, this would create a farmer interface for ‘smart’ agriculture, including post-harvest management and distribution.
CropData will be granted access to a government database of 50 million farmers and their land records. As the database is developed, it will include farmers’ personal details, profile of land held (cadastral maps, farm size, land titles, local climatic and geographical conditions), production details (crops grown, production history, input history, quality of output, machinery in possession) and financial details (input costs, average return, credit history).
The stated aim is to use digital technology to improve financing, inputs, cultivation and supply and distribution.
It seems that the blueprint for AgriStack is in an advanced stage despite the lack of consultation with or involvement of farmers themselves. Technology could certainly improve the sector but handing control over to powerful private concerns will merely facilitate what they require in terms of market capture and farmer dependency.
Such ‘data-driven agriculture’ is integral to the recent farm legislation which includes a proposal to create a digital profile of cultivators, their farm holdings, climatic conditions in an area, what is grown and average output.
Of course, many concerns have been raised about this, ranging from farmer displacement, the further exploitation of farmers through microfinance and the misuse of farmer’s data and increased algorithmic decision-making without accountability.
The displacement of farmers is not lost on the Research Unit for Political Economy (RUPE) which, in a three-part series of articles, explains how neoliberal capitalism has removed peasant farmers from their land to facilitate an active land market for corporate interests. The Indian government is trying to establish a system of ‘conclusive titling’ of all land in the country, so that ownership can be identified and land can then be bought or taken away.
Taking Mexico as an example, RUPE says:
Unlike Mexico, India never underwent significant land reform. Nevertheless, its current programme of ‘conclusive titling’ of land bears clear resemblances to Mexico’s post-1992 drive to hand over property rights…The Indian rulers are closely following the script followed by Mexico, written in Washington.”
The plan is that, as farmers lose access to land or can be identified as legal owners, predatory institutional investors and large agribusinesses will buy up and amalgamate holdings, facilitating the further roll-out of high-input, corporate-dependent industrial agriculture – which has already helped fuel wide-scale financial distress among farmers and a deep-rooted agrarian and environmental crisis.
By harvesting (pirating) information – under the benign-sounding policy of data-driven agriculture – private corporations will be better placed to exploit farmers’ situations for their own ends: they will know more about their incomes and businesses than individual farmers themselves.
Open letter
Some 55 civil society groups and organisations have written to the government expressing these and various other concerns, not least the perceived policy vacuum with respect to the data privacy of farmers and the exclusion of farmers themselves in current policy initiatives.
In an open letter, they state:
At a time when ‘data has become the new oil’ and the industry is looking at it as the next source of profits, there is a need to ensure the interest of farmers. It will not be surprising that corporations will approach this as one more profit-making possibility, as a market for so-called ‘solutions’ which lead to sale of unsustainable agri-inputs combined with greater loans and indebtedness of farmers for this through fintech, as well as the increased threat of dispossession by private corporations.
They add that any proposal which seeks to tackle the issues that plague Indian agriculture must address the fundamental causes of these issues. The current model relies on ‘tech-solutionism’ which emphasises using technology to solve structural issues.
There is also the issue of reduced transparency on the part of the government through algorithm-based decision-making.
The 55 signatories request the government holds consultations with all stakeholders, especially farmers’ organisations, on the direction of its digital push as well as the basis of partnerships, and put out a policy document in this regard after giving due consideration to feedback from farmers and farmer organisations. As agriculture is a state subject, the central government should consult the state governments also.
They state that all initiatives that the government has begun with private entities to integrate and/or share multiple databases with private/personal information about individual farmers or their farms be put on hold till an inclusive policy framework is put in place and a data protection law is passed.
It is also advocated that the development of AgriStack, both as a policy framework and its execution, should take the concerns and experiences of farmers as the prime starting point.
The letter states that if the new farm laws are closely examined, it will be evident that unregulated digitalisation is an important aspect of them.
There is the strong possibility that monopolistic corporate-owned e-commerce ‘platforms’ will eventually control much of India’s economy given the current policy trajectory. From retail and logistics to cultivation, data certainly will be the ‘new oil’, giving power to platforms to dictate what needs to be manufactured and in what quantities.
Those farmers who remain in the system will be tied to contracts and told how much production is expected, how much rain is anticipated, what type of soil quality there is, what type of inputs are required and when the produce needs to be ready – and how much money they will receive.
Handing over all information about the sector to Microsoft and others places power in their hands – the power to shape the sector in their own image.
The data giants and e-commerce companies will not only control data about consumption but also hold data on production, logistics, who needs what, when they need it, who should produce it, who should move it and when it should be moved.
Bayer, Corteva, Syngenta and traditional agribusiness will work with Microsoft, Google and the big-tech giants to facilitate AI-driven farmerless farms and e-commerce retail dominated by the likes of Amazon and Walmart. A cartel of data owners, proprietary input suppliers and retail concerns at the commanding heights of the economy, peddling toxic industrial food and the devastating health impacts associated with it.
And elected representatives? Their role will be highly limited to technocratic overseers of these platforms and the artificial intelligence tools that plan and determine all of the above.
As for farmers, many if not most will be forced to leave the sector. Tens of millions unemployed and underemployed ‘collateral damage’ stripped of their means of production.
Centuries’ old knowledge of cultivation and cultural practices passed on down the generations – gone. The links between humans and the land reduced to an AI-driven technocratic dystopia in compliance with the tenets of neoliberal capitalism.
As it currently stands, AgriStack will help facilitate this end game.
The open letter referred to can be read on the website of the Alliance For Holistic and Sustaibable Agriculture. For a summary of the recent farm legislation and the implications see this segment by Colin Todhunter on UK-based KTV.
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“the farmyard film that could put you off eating meat for ever”:
Just a coincidence…. there’s no agenda to reduce meat-eating….
I disagree with Mr Modi aligning with Western Tech giants, especially Microsoft/Gates.
At the same time I totally disagree that he is Corrupt leader. He is Nationalist and genuinely wants to do good for Citizens of India.
‘Fraid this time they’re buying up land to prevent its planting.
Here is an interesting discussion of with Dr. Tom Cowan and Indra Singh
from rumble notes:
The Indian Farmers Revolt: A Story of Courage and Love
While most people would say the biggest story in the world right now is the Covid crisis, another huge but less well-known story is also happening. This is the amazing story of the Indian farmers’ revolt happening near New Delhi since last March.
In this week’s podcast, I interview Indra Singh, who is chronicling the heart-warming, inspirational story of how the farmers in India are rising up against corporate and government oppression. It is a story of courage and love and an inspiration about the road to a future we all need to create. Please don’t miss this conversation; it will bring tears to your eyes and give you hope that we, the people, are far from defeated.
Why “Smart” technology is actually stupid: >
Disrupted Immune Function from Exposure to Low-Intensity Non-Ionizing Radiation (Radiofrequency Radiation)
Final Published Studies Reporting Disrupted Immune Function from Low-Intensity Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation.xlsx (
Anyone paying attention to the “virus” situation in India?
Have any farmers in India read studies like this one?
Excerpted from: Reduced growth of soybean seedlings after exposure to weak microwave radiation from GSM 900 mobile phone and base station
Published in Bioelectromagnetics
February 2015
“Soybean seedlings were also exposed for 5 days to an extremely low level of radiation (GSM 900 MHz, 0.56 V m(-1)) and outgrowth was studied 2 days later. Growth of epicotyl and hypocotyl was found to be reduced, whereas the outgrowth of roots was stimulated. Our findings indicate that the observed effects were significantly dependent on field strength as well as amplitude modulation of the applied field.”
Complete Abstract:
Not to worry. “Smart” people like Bill Gates have your back…
Put a potted plant by your smart meter. I haven’t tried this; I understand it’s unhappy. Last place I lived I could opt out of smart meter for a fee.
Paul, I’m reading the paper on mind control electromagnetic weapons.
Haven’t got too far yet, but since I have you here, let me ask you. Has this stuff been used? I mean, I’m not aware of any instances where, say, the crowd at a rally would inexplicably fall asleep or peacefully dispersed. There have been quite a few demonstrations recently, some ending up in violence. Why not put the people to sleep or render them docile, if there are means to do that?
Jacques, a few years ago the young men in an Indian tribe suddenly began suiciding; it lasted a couple days. Was never solved– at least in the media. To me it was suggestive of such a weapon, but I have no data.
They actually do have a “heat ray” for crowd control.
So now the Modi government has declared a “black fungus” pandemic.
I suggest we declare a “life” pandemic: life is a killer isnt it since it takes us to death and there is no way we can avoid that. Also that, as a result, we commit collective suicide at a predetermined time, all of us together, wherever we are, whoever we are.
Possibly authorities could begin distributing poison pills. The elderly or the handicapped might not find it easy to jump off windows or cliffs. Also there is no guarantee of death doing so. Not everyone has access to skyscrapers.
Mr Modi and his gang of thieves represents the union of neoliberal economics and conservative Hinduism in that vast country , where farmers now are a miniscule fraction of its 1.3 billion struggling to survive citizens. Billy Gates is a national hero to millions of Indians ?
Rather than “thieves”, thugs might be more appropriate. A thief may be very refined and humane, not wanting to steal from the poorer, and may not at all wish to commit violence, notably kill.
Is 40% is a “minuscule fraction”?
In effect the latest iteration of the ‘enclosure’ methodology rolled out on european peasantry many moons ago, this time using tiresome digital bureaucracies and repellent ‘new speak’ to mask ‘their’ avaricious aims…
people should watch out, because they are making a move to control all food production*, they arrive of course offering ‘solutions’ and glib promises, but as those who are not imbeciles realise, if one owns the infrastructure, one owns the market…
of course the ‘useless eaters’ must be removed first…
*nb: in some ways they already do, but an independent ‘peasant’ ( people who work ‘with’ the earth) class ( a nightmare going back to the times of the free-roaming scythians) has always been the greatest fear of the ‘hollow men’, invoking in them nightmares of ‘exodus’, scaffolds and scythes and other such paranoia’s of the ‘guilty’….
contrary to the claims of mendicant main stream ‘revisionist’ history and ‘modernism’… the medieval peasant had a pleasant, fulfilling, entertaining life with lots of spare time…
of course they didn’t have a car or social media….
but they had a ‘life’…
Unibomber was right: technology stinks and big tech is the most unbearable smell.
Where do they get their power? The world is full of morons who cannot use their conscious brains to entertain themselves, so they entertain their sub-conscious by using their mobiles to playing it movies and video games.
They are helped by lazy parents: any parent giving the child a mobile is a moron, the reason being that the child’s sub-conscious will soon get addicted to the presentation of movement and things new, even if those things are complete trash. It is like giving your child heroin then being surprised that the child ends up being a moron. The problem we have is that almost all parents are turning their kids into morons, and thus the kids fit in and the parents think they have done a great job.
We now have a world of Zombies, just get onto public transport and you will see the problem screaming at you: shit in, shit out. These people are being fed shit, so no surprise as to what we get as the output?
There is no rescue, all we can do is wait for a better generation to be born. Unfortunately we may be dead by then. So, don’t bother trying to rescue them, look after yourself, find somewhere good to live the rest of your life – definitely not in a city – and let these morons do their stuff without you being involved.
I actually reread the Unabomber’s Manifesto again last year during lockdown in Melbourne. Ted Kaczynski an extremely intelligent person with profound foresight of where society was heading at the time he wrote his manifesto.
I actually lost my temper on the train home this evening. Lately have seen increasing numbers defy the mandatory facemasks directive on public transport and show their actual face.
Today, every person in my carriage wore a mask. I was the only one without one on, and for some reason I just got angry.
When I stood up to get off, I said out loud “you’re all like zombies, wake up for gods sakes”. You know what? No one even blinked. No one even had the guts to respond to what I said. They all just kept staring at their phones. Utterly robotic.
Erm, ‘Utterly robotic’
Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems
Patent History
Patent number: 6017302
Type: Grant
Filed: Oct 31, 1997
Date of Patent: Jan 25, 2000
Inventor: Hendricus G. Loos (Laguna Beach, CA)
Primary Examiner: Samuel Gilbert
Application Number: 8/961,907
Published October 31, 1997
US Patent for Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems Patent (Patent # 6,017,302 issued January 25, 2000) – Justia Patents Search
No one responded, because they’ve been intentionally mesmerized.
I believe that Ted Kaczynski is still languishing in jail in the USA, it would be very interesting to hear his thoughts about modern times.
Good on you for having a go at the bus passengers: cathartic if nothing else.
Hey Gezzah,
Thanks for the story I was traveling from Oakland to San Francisco for a protest on the day the US started shock and awe bombing Iraq, again. My friend stood up and yelled something like. “What are you fucking doing, nothing. The USA, you, are bombing a defenseless country, and you sit there like nothing is happening, wake up. I remember the energy anyway.
Thanks also for your candle story. I feel I have need this candlelight in my own life now, the darkness around us is deep.
It’s not the parents’ fault. A few generations ago, one parent/guardian or relatives could supervise the child, while the other parent’s wages was good enough for a decent life. That is what “it takes a village” means. First, they employed mothers en masse, in effect driving down wages. This is social engineering – on the children as well.
A brief explanation of how and why cognitive functions have become impaired. > Refer to the display chart…
Root Cause in the Dramatic Rise of Chronic Disease (Draft Paper on Peroxynitrite and Health)May 26, 2016
From where I stand the major cause of disease is the diet full stop…modern humans have neglected their gut bugs and do not understand that the key to life and the determination of their health lives within them…and it doesn’t take the avoidance of chemicals etc to keep the good guys function….they adore fibre and plenty of it…..something most diets have little of these days….thus illness abounds….
if govts truly cared about their societies they would be pushing that message not vax and other shit….but not a lot of money to be made having a well functioning, healthy population…
Hello Edith: I would agree that diet is the root of most modern disease, but certainly not the only culprit. Chemical toxins are found everywhere – including major organs in new born children. > Over 14,000 known chemical toxins being manufactured, yet no appropriate scale of regulation. Everything is for sale…
I would also agree that foods containing fiber are necessary for proper digestive balance, but again, doctors and health professionals fail to inform their clients. Advertising for corn oil and soy syrup saturated boxed junk, and poisonous sugar polluted phoods, has led to an obese and sickly society.
I occasionally dose on several high quality Probiotic formulas, including a quality Saccharomyces boulardii supplement. I have no gut issues…
Governments don’t give a damn about civilians…
Paul, beginning just after WWII there was a dietary change, processed food like crackers, other grain goods began to substitute the seed oils for lard. That is, an increase in Omega-6, linoleic acid. As a consequence men began getting heart attacks. (previously unknown). The fear was great. Rockefeller interests succeeded in putting Ancel Keys in charge of the new American Heart Assoc. (His degree was in fish physiology).
Long story short: The cholesterol hoax & the US Dietary Guidelines (both exported nearly worldwide) In ’62 when I was 18 I saw thru both & have never been able to understand how anyone else could fail to.
If saturated fat was bad for us, we wdn’t be here. Now suddenly we required for health a brand new product, cotton, corn & soy oils?!!
Dietary guidelines called for all that grain, but everyone knew that if you wanted to lose weight you had to cut out bread, pasta, potatoes & sugar. How cd anyone throw out their experience– especially as they got fatter?
There was exactly ONE fat boy and ONE fat girl in my entire school. Look at the high school kids now. It’s mostly those seed oils, but also too much grain. The large amounts of saturated fat we ate were protective so long as the animals were grass-fed. Now that they’re fed grain, gmo soy & corn, their fat has become too high in linoleic acid too. Nina cholesterol hoax Eades A New Hypothesis of Obesity
I’ll look at the link you posted anyway, but inflammation is at the base of many of the named illnesses & linoleic acid & overweight are causal.
Hello Penelope: You stated: ‘Dietary guidelines called for all that grain, but everyone knew that if you wanted to lose weight you had to cut out bread, pasta, potatoes & sugar.’
Yup. The FDA and agricultural “interests” inverted the food pyramid knowing full well it would led to catastrophic health results within a few generations. All that profit was just too big and juicy to pass up.
The Weston Price organisation has plenty to say regarding the necessity of saturated fats. >.
Thanks for commenting.
Am finding your peroxynitrite link fascinating: more later. I’ve been a weston price foundation junkie forever. Sally Fallon puts out a cookbook based on its principles, and I make lactofermented stuff from it.
Hello again Penelope: The Nina Teicholz presentation is totally right on. She boils it down to how doctors have neglected to inform their own opinions, and why high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes have sky rocketed these last 69 years. Seed produced oils are derived from Glyphosate saturated produce. Need I say more?
Very well done presentation. Thanks!
Living in China, part time in Hong Kong, it is still a mystery why the Hong Kong locals have the world’s longest life spans. They have no public health campaigns or health monitoring like we do in the west, so that is not the answer.
For example, they do not encourage women to take vitamin D and calcium, and yes, you do see a significant number of older people with bone issues, such as curvature of the spine (I don’t know if that is related).
The authorities in Hong Kong also don’t encourage women to go for breast exams, or men for various health exams, yet on average they live to a ripe old age.
Makes you wonder what is the secret: maybe it is that very few of them have cars, so they have to walk, combined with living in small apartments, so they like to go out, spending a lot of their lives walking. A mystery.
Btw, about Alzheimer’s: It’s multifactorial of course. Bredesen Protocol seems to have the best handle on it.
One important bit, compliments of our copper piping in the developed world:
Zinc & copper compete. Worst healthy case is 1 to 1 level in your blood. 1 zinc to .75 copper is OK too. What you don’t want is more copper than zinc. Only the developed countries have Alzheimer’s– except Japan, maybe because they don’t have copper piping. But when Japanese move to Hawai, which has copper piping, they do develop Alzheimer’s.
Lots of studies on Pubmed, including animal studies, verify that copper above a certain level is brain toxic.
All you need to do is look at the language- post harvest management solutions!! Tech solutionism!!! Collaborative platform!!!! I don’t know what they are in Indian language but I hope the farmers can smell bullshit and spread it on their fields, not put it in their heads. Trouble is, the bureaucrats will love it, it will grow in their heads and produce a harvest of starvation exactly as planned.
In a world increasingly filled with shitty products, from software to Chinese garden tools, in which the biggest corporations get rich by cutting corners, and the fastest route to billion-dollar wealth is some kind of scam, from corner-cutting taxi firms to creating an app for the purpose of stealing and selling users’ data…
Is it any wonder we got here?
Technology is in many cases an illusion. At the heights of the pharma industry we now see that they cannot cure diseases. They make a drug that perhaps doesn’t kill the consumer immediately… though if it harms them perhaps that creates the opportunity for another product…
The live experimentation going on right now is largely flying blind. It’s not even a dastardly drug of evil intent… It is more of a finger in the wind… (and thank god the government’s paying for the drug and indemnifying us for the result). Let’s see what it does.
Is there anything involving government that is not a scam? Health care, hospitals, carbon trading, renewable energy, recycling waste, defence-military intervention, market regulation… It’s not simply corrupt. Increasingly every one of these enterprises is an outright fraud.
The Green New Deal aka Green Horizons, and The Great Reset are scams doomed to failure, although they will destroy much genuine wealth and businesses and many livelihoods and lives before they come tumbling down.
People fall for it… so it continues.
Recycled plastic is shipped to southeast Asia and Turkey for landfill or burning… It’s all over the papers but it doesn’t compute. And people obediently go on separating their waste and paying councils to recycle without demanding accountability or evidence or answers.
You don’t ask questions about religion. Not secular ones, anyway.
Green energy is exposed as biomass furnaces that still need gas and subsidies and rely for fuel on forests, as well as car tires and polluting waste (oh, they scrub it, they really do).
And generations emerge, credit-financed, from venal, rent-seeking universities clutching documentation — certified proof that they don’t ask difficult questions — much of it as worthless as recyclable paper (the debt is more real and lasts longer).
They’ve been indoctrinated, inoculated against doubt, and trained to cheer at the above, especially when they hear slogans like sustainable, equity, interdependent, resilient… without stopping for a moment to question who put those words in their heads or why or what they might mean.
But, what you missed out is that the mate of a politician started a recycling company and is now “recycling” loads of our waste. Go green! The contract was put out to tender but because the “mate” had prior knowledge, the mate was able to prepare and the other companies were told by the politicians’ colleagues “not to bother” anyway, meanwhile, down at taxpayer central, people are sleeping in the streets.
I totally agree with your take on software being shitty. I was in the software boom in the 60s, when there was no internet and being a software engineer was basically an extension of being an electrical engineer: the open source software is excellent these days, but is suffering from too many egos trying to make their names in ways that add nothing to the software world. The corporate software is getting worse every year.
The world is in decline: The Chinese can memorise exam questions but when it comes to understanding the question, they are completely lost, hence we have no new innovation out of China, just more and more copying. The Chinese do have the advantage of having lots of slaves, most with a very low standard of living, so cheap, but will that be enough for China to take over the world?
As for the USA: It is amazing how Netanyahu can start a war to save his leadership position and, in less than a day, the USA is sending weapons to Israel. Talk about bitches, the USA is a total slave to Israel, which is yet another country that claims “technical excellence”, same as China, but actually gets all that excellence from the USA.
Ask those who have been to China, read up on their progress or even watched documentaries on the subject.
Thanks for the advice. I live in China.
hard to hold ‘excellence’ and genocide in the same thought
civilization(sic) is just one huge organized crime syndicate, it always was..
adams fall, the curse of cain…
most proles hypnotized by shiny baubles and whisky, are for the most part child-like imbeciles occupied with trivia…. all-the-while cunning hollow miscreants with grand titles and their evil generic offspring are running countless artless con-jobs to steal their land, life, self respect and most importantly ‘hope’..
I imagine the miscreants hate themselves and thus the world, they have certainly earned opprobrium..
and ‘hopefully’ a fitting ‘end’..
When cleverness and knowledge arise, great lies flourish -Lao Tzu c. 531 BCE
This business of ‘titling’ land looks suspiciously like the EU’s eagerness to get Greece to set up a ‘proper’ land register. The better to sell the country to ‘investors’ after it has been driven to bankruptcy.
Asking for a friend………..
If an unvaccinated person, he/she/them/they/her/it/ has to receive blood in the hospital from a vaccinated person, does that mean they are now ‘infected’ by the vaccine?
Given International Laws, can they sue for being subjected to contaminated blood?
Good question. I had read somewhere that in Japan, they were wary of vaccinated donors. Is this going to be like GMO contamination?
Yes it occurred to me last week that the blood supply is now contaminated….this will be more fun when the probs appear,…no reliable blood supply will create total havoc
I have been wondering if there is a way to have your own blood taken and stored in case it’s ever needed.
In aust if you are facing a serious op they can do and it is also usual to save the blood during an op and recycle it back…blood banks are often so pushed these days that they are doing a lot to save runs on it…just don’t get into a bad car accident any time from now on.
Useful collection of info on Gates’ funding of UK universities:
And sign up here to trial that third ‘booster’ in the autumn:
The fact that the UK government has already purchased 60m doses for this will not of course have any influence on the result of this trial! And look at the surname of the guy who appears to be in charge of this….
Gates’ activities mirror those of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds some decades before. That is why he is widely suspected to be a front.
Ireland through the EU have already signed up for 20 million doses from Pfizer. That’s 4 shots for each person in the population including children. We can see from this what is really planned for us and the EU as a whole. They talk and talk but this is where they plan to have us walk
“predatory institutional investors and large agribusinesses will buy up and amalgamate holdings, facilitating the further roll-out of high-input, corporate-dependent industrial agriculture”.
That’s in the short term and in the best case scenario – removing large tracts of land from agriculture altogether is the longer term goal. ‘Re-wilding’ and a return to the pre-Adamic state is what TPTB want.
This is the ‘enclosures’ all over again, just using different terminology.
Exactly. Highland clearance etc. I’ve been trying to spread this locally but it doesn’t seem to connect. Rewilding is environmentally friendly, it’s good. People are bad, not themselves of course, their minds are completely divorced from their bodies. It’s impossible to reach them, it does my head in.
any corporate ‘land’ will be ruthlessly depleted
Below, there is a link to a video by Dr. Madej.
Fundamentally important stuff.
There is no doubt that fucking with genetics is what’s in the pipeline. Consider it in conjunction with this horseshit.
Madej is absolutely right in saying that what we’re experiencing is the initial stages of the path to transhumanism. The first tangible step in that direction. Making people harnessed to Big Bro as they’ve done with computers. Shitting all sorts of stuff over the human genetic makeup to make it a) subject to patents/copyrights and thus de iure own people to sell improvements or cull people b) to control people the way they see fit. And so on. The possibilities are endless.
I guess it was inevitable that technological progress would sooner or later get to this stage, where science is fucking with the very essence of nature, where dimwit man who thinks that he can improve himself through technology will actually do so.
Viewed from a certain angle, it might not be a completely bad thing. There probably are genetic treatments that can cure disease, improve life. Unfortunately, there are also many ways in which this shit can be misused. And the societal makeup where democracy and equality are proving to be an illusion is anything but right. In the oligarchic world of today, it can be expected that genetics will be either misused or that its positive aspects will made available to a select few.
My personal opinion is that this shit should be banned completely. Humankind should pursue a different path of development, improvement.
It’s not the technology that’s the threat… The profit is in the Intellectual Property… That’s why Gates and his daddy were hired by the Rockefeller crowd. He is shameless about licensing the shittiest product and turning it into a goldmine – as he did when with Microsoft.
The same story repeated ad nauseam… with software, seeds, drugs, fertilizer and now DNA and people… License, license, license
Viewed from a certain angle – that one tiny mind is smarter than the entire earth which has evolved all of life itself. Perfecting what god left unfinished. The mason’s mindset that is so egocentrically deluded, he can only conceive of creation coming a “god” just like himself. Talk about hubris, this is megalomaniac insanity. The amazing thing is that people think that someone who wants to “vaccinate everyone in the world” is a nice, kind philanthropist, not a dangerous lunatic.
with good science ,you always get more bad science
I recommend the latest Vagabond. Moderna’s history, its various types of mRNA that were looking for a suitable opportunity (or crisis to obscure the track record of harm to animals) and its multi- billion dollar valuation on the eve of Event Covid despite never having successfully launched a product.
Gaps in the narrative.
Anyone recall the “devil californian variant”?
Where did that go?
Can somebody explain to me how “data is the new oil” is actually meant to work? Oil, as far as I know, provides energy that allows people to make things and increase their material well-being. What does data do? It consumes energy for collection, processing, storage etc. How does it actually create wealth? What am I missing?
Its the new snake oil.
Some people, somewhere, believe data is valuable because they believe they can predict behaviour from it.
Or to put it another way, “see into the future”
Its just another belief or faith based system
“trust the data”
10 people felt compelled to judge this post. 7 presumably agreed, 3 disagreed.
I would like to discuss with those 3 just which portion they disagreed with.
In this way, we may find a common (mis)understanding
Data like pandemic has been redefined . It now means what our elites require us to parrot. Listen to Leonard Cohens version of The Future ?
You’re right, it is being overvalued by everyone. It is like advertising, it lubricates markets, but without products to sell that people want, you having nothing to push, that includes crap ideology, so it is worthless tool.
Data is about control, wealth is a hologram.
“data is the new oil”.
Mindbogglingly stupid
but then again
these are stupid times
so it fit’s perfectly.
Its true, ‘data mining’ is the new gold industry – for some industries, e.g. spying, ‘security’, military, tech, pharmaceutical, medical, delivery services, on-line consumering, etc. Suggest you try researching ‘impact investing’, ‘social credit system’ (earning points for obeying their rules in a cashless society), ‘pay for success’….these are all presented as the new economy (ie old capitalism with new words).
One good place to research is the link below, for a start:
data is a kind of blackmail coercive device that makes sure you are enslaved to a system where you can be exploited
inelegant data is a tool to cheat/corrupt any game
in the old days there were spies. now we live in a petri dish under surveillance 24/7 and TPTB want more
I wonder why this site does not cover the events in Israel? I expect this post will be blocked?
Good channel.
Also, mice are cool
Not covered because its illegal to speak ill of gods chosen ones.
Choke a black man to death, but g-d forbid you point out the duplicity, arrogance and evil nature of “gods chosen ones”
Also, have you noticed “gods chosen ones” look awfully WHITE considering they live in a desert?
Apartheid America in a statement generally is unprintable , Apartheid Israel on the other hand is politically useful ?
“Yes, the events in Palestine should be covered. The Zionazi Death Kult capo quislings are getting away with wholesale mass murder. As someone brought up in the venerable religion (and traditions) of Judaism one finds their attempt to conflate and justify their vile racism and crimes with it as reprehensible. Perhaps Asa Winstanley or some other writer/commentator from the Electronic Intifada should be invited to submit a piece here. Free, free Palestine (all of it). The Palestinian diaspora should be allowed to return. Zionism must end.”
“Zionism (which is racist and wrong) is not Judaism…never was, never will be!”
This site does indeed indulge our need for hand wringing about the poor Palestinians , occasionally ? After all we are the good guys viewing the world from the moral high ground ?
Pollute all the databases
Seriously, if data is just chaos, then it is WORTHLESS
You don’t need to hack or crack anything.
Just provide BAD DATA
So if you are feeling frustrated and lost, and don’t know how to fight back, there is one way.
And destruction of the data is really hitting them where it hurts
This is heartbreakiing. I have seen docos about land grabs throughout Asia and Africa for mass production of crops e.g. palm oil, with the promise of well paid jobs which never eventuate, the farmers subsequently forced into the cities where shanty towns grow up to house them. Along with the loss of traditions and rituals, the loss of purpose, the loss of exercise, the loss of fresh food and sunshine, health fails and makes way for poverty-generated diseases.
Well said, Glenda. Could you Link some of those docos here?
African “game reserves” are fronts for landgrabs and control of the local population:
Prince (I want to come back as a virus) Philip and Maurice Strong.
WWF is an evil organisation. It raises huge amounts of money from corporations, charitable trusts, individuals and legacies. Senior executives are paid high salaries plus fringe benefits. Headquarters in Gland, Switzerland. No auditing of accounts necessary.
I know. I worked for them many years ago in a senior capacity until I realised how crooked they were, then resigned. This was in London in the 1970’s and they were corrupt way back then.
Now, WWF is one of the key players in the planning of the scamdemic and the whole of the 4th industrial revolution, climate change con and the ‘great set-up’ crime. Many other non-govt organisations, charitable trusts and international charities are also a part of vile scheme.
this is north america plus near complete annihilation of natives
You know how there’s ant poison that the ants take back to the colony on their bodies to kill the entire colony? Well, I read about how they can do the same thing by “vaccinating” a few of a species of rodents & they’ll take it back to the whole local rodent population. But I thought, “Why are they calling it a “vaccination;” but of course it’s a self-disseminating weapon.
And that’s what Dr. Merritt is talking about. Better hear this too!
Yes, isolate yourself from everyone. Who’s interest does that serve – and is it a life worth living? I spent a weekend recently with two vaccinated friends and haven’t dropped dead yet.
Stories about “shedding” are bs until hard and overwhelming evidence proves otherwise. It’s the “Stay Home and Stay Safe” narrative re-tailored for “truthers”.
I think you’re right, Edwige. Also another distraction and a way to have conflict and more fear. I believe that as there’s no virus there’s no ‘shedding’. Forget it.
You may be right. It was my first reaction to the “contagious bleeding” when I first heard it maybe 10 days ago. Now I’m not so sure. Wait & see, as you say, but I read it about animals & that sort of tipped me over.
Beware of ‘alternative fear porn’.
Modi really is a treasonous little twerp, isn’t he?
What is it about politicians that makes them think that the US is anything but a rampaging bunch of plutocratic fascists hellbent on total world domination?
Bill Gates is as benevolent as the most poisonous cobra in India.
They borrow money on false pretences spun by various US foundations etc and take big bribes for doing it….that is why it always works
not even that good. cobras eat rats.
I think you better see this. The woman is a whistleblower who was a semi-insider who attended meetings. She has info about the intentions/contents of the “vaccines.”
Beginning @ 29 others join her & explain the techniques/capabilities.
Earlier I tried to indicate about the hydrogel being the “chip.”
Sorry off-topic. Terribly important.
Not off-topic. Microsoft (Rockefeller offshoot) has its tentacles in vaccines as well as landholding.
I hear Microsoft’s owner is now also the Largest Landowner in the U$A.
“It’s a sobering thought, Fotheringay, how little we really own, when we look down from the plane and see how much there is yet to own” — New Yorker cartoon.
Thank you Penelope. Dr Madej speaks clearly and she sees the whole picture. This is similar to the work of Alison McDowell who also reveals the transhuman agenda of these maniacs. They aim to upload human consciousness into a computer cloud ‘hive mind’ where, if you follow their rules, you may be downloaded into a synthetic body. Crazy. And many of the covid questioners do not know the complete agenda.
Very important to inform ourselves – especially about corporations owning the patents on our bodies and our altered DNA.
May Hem, dunno. I’m requesting info from others regarding things Dr. Madej is saying. Eg: she says in Africa (doesn’t say where) they’re already using the hydrogel chip interface for policing. Does anybody know anything about this, or factual basis of other upsetting things she says at
I did find links about pilots controlling aircraft w brain-implanted chip.
Well, I don’t know why I’m psyched out. I’ve accepted for 50 years that they want us dead. But I hate even the fantasy stuff like hive mind.
Bladerunner- tiny markers on snake scale identify the manufacturer. Predictive programming or awareness. This technology has been perfecting secretly for a very long time. 50 years, 100, who knows?
We are screwed as a species
Data-drivel.Fuck off Bill.
S Cooper, if post-vaccine blood changes were apparent per that microscope image, we would have heard about it long ago. Microscopes are not exactly esoteric equipment.
This is what our overlords really want the useless eaters to consume:
Ah ha! The “scarcity” lie once again.
A central pillar of capitalism and democracy.
Corporate Fascism is the antithesis of honest political economic democracy (socialism). That is why it has Langley-Land, to snuff them out.
True Story: some years ago the head of russia, Yelsin, was in the USA.. whilst there he visited a large supermarket wherein he fell to his knees and cried out “oh russia, my russia ! what have we denied you ?!”… yelsin was stunned by the rows and rows of brightly, many-coloured items for sale… whereas, in russia everything came in brown paper packaging…
True Story: when the berlin wall collapsed east berliners rushed to west berlin stores to buy-up kitchen products, etc – products that were made in east germany, which entrepreneurs had obtained, repackaged in colourful wrapping, and jacked the price up…
True Story: in the local supermarkets there’s an aisle containing bum-wipes that come in various coloured wrappings…there’s a lolly aisle of numerous varieties, all mostly made of white sugar, water, and chemical flavourings – in differently coloured wrappings…
Consumer capitalism won the Cold War because it, unlike the commies, gave people choices Corporate controlled farming also gives choices of standardised products…
True fact: communist foods was of a far better quality than capitalist food
A photographer recalls how communist Russian families had Leica cameras with interchangeable lenses while average British families were snapping with Box Brownies. Russian lenses still have a good reputation, though prices have gone up.
Leica are German not Russian. The spoils of war, Leica went to the Soviets and Zeiss almost went the same way. But they moved most men and materials west before the “border” closed.
Spoils of war: The intellectual property the Empire alone (apart from the other Allies) seized comprised 1,400 tonnes of documents on paper and microfilm -Harper’s Magazine 1946
I think they were Zorki or Zenit copies of the Leica – so your point is still valid.
But I suspect that most of those Zorkis or Zenits were in the hands of “ official” photographers with a few brave renegades in amongst them.
True Story: the term ‘disinformation’ began to enter general usage in the early 1980s. via the corporate propaganda media…
at the time the Soviet Union, under its new leadership, was attempting to change the way things were done. It made no secret of the reforms. The american CIA, with its ever-suspicious mindset about all things Soviet, believed the reports of developments coming out of the ussr were a “disinformation’ campaign to mislead The West (The CIA was fooled by its ever-distrusting mindset)…
you may recall that andropov, who replaced those old timers brezhnev & kosygin around 1980-82, inherited a moribund, sluggish economy – a command economy…. the saying “you cant run a modern economy with fear” originated about then. it referred to how everyone massaged statistics, and reports, to provide stalin with the good news that the ussr was a workers paradise – for bad news could get you sent to the gulags…
andropov initiated ‘glasnov’ and ‘peristroika’ – later attributed to gorbachev. gorby took over in 1984 when andropv carked it…
the term ‘diinformation’, like ‘political correctness’ , never explicitly defined, was soon being bandied about by any who allowed the corporate mass media to colonise their eagerly empty minds.
(one casualty of the ussr being a ‘command economy’ is that its ussr ‘failure’ is used to argue against governments direct intervention in the economy – blinded, as people are, that every corporation runs as a command economy…)
DISINFORMATION – is the use of even factually correct information to sow confusion – as people wont act when uncertain…
who’d have guessed the ussr ate a bit better than the usa – or that the cia would think knowing such things was important ? who even knows that today russia is the biggest producer of organic foods – i’ll bet the cia knows…
The advocates of the “free market”, the Chicago School of monetarists and libertarians all want central planning – by financial interests rather than the government. -Prof. Michael Hudson 2020
That explains the fake news about the alleged Indian covid crisis. The Indian farmers have been out on the streets demonstrating in hundreds of millions and high turn outs here in London. I don ‘t believe a word about the Indian covid. This is about stopping the farmers protesting in millions.
Put it this way in India they say they have the UK variant
Exactly right, Jo.
Added to the mix, but never mentioned, is climate engineering. With this feature, rain can be used to “persuade” farmers to give up any strong resistance. Neo-liberalistic capitalism pretty much has all the bases covered – or, thinks it does. Time will tell.
So, let’s examine the claim that climate engineering is real .
Earlier you also pointed to a source of information about it, which is a person called Dane Wigington from whom you learned all about it. His website is this, and on it, if there’s any actual study to read, it’s difficult to find it. Instead, the best we could find was this page, which addresses the feasibility of climate engineering in a YT video of something like five minutes. The argument looks less than rigorous.
After you named the above source, you asked Rhys whether this man’s climate engineering argument is legit, : it means that what you’re stating as a categorical truth is something you yourself are unsure of.
Now, let’s squarely face the possibility of climate engineering. First, a definition : special human activities that change the climate according to the aims of climate engineers.
Can humans change the climate? Looks likely.
But that human activities can change the climate, is different from saying that humans 1) actually do so
2) through some special activity specifically designed for that purpose, and
3) with results pretty much as intended.
When humans pollute the oceans and the atmosphere for decades or centuries, and remove vast rainforests and so on, it’s conceivable that those things do affect the climate to some degree.
But, the climate engineering claim is that it is some smaller activities that do it : spraying the atmosphere, and some antennae dealing with low energies .
Those who call out the global warming hoax point to the improbability that a small change in the CO2 percentage can change the climate more decisively than other factors, say, the Sun itself. Others argue that fairly small amounts of monoatomic chlorine photodissociated from CFCs in the atmosphere is what has warmed the Earth’s climate in the past decades.
But we’re supposed to believe that even tinier amounts of some other substances sprayed especially by air, and perhaps some low-energy antennae, play the decisive role in climate change.
And that this climate change can be aimed at a certain region like India, and change its weather.
So, we’re supposed to believe that, while mainstream science, people like Richard Lindzen, Freeman Dyson and Denis Rancourt expressly say that we don’t understand many of the climate mechanisms, a hidden cabal does, and tunes them to their liking, the way we would a radio station.
That position is like,
“”A pandemic”? No thanks, I’m not jumping off that cliff. ”
“CO2 quotas to stop climate change? No thanks, I’m not jumping off that cliff.’
“Geoengineering? Oh, yes, … don’t be a denier!”
You’re muddling together climate and weather. That weather manipulation is possible is undeniable. The CIA admitted weather manipulation in Vietnam (they tried to trigger the monsoon to flood the Ho Chi Ming Trail in, if I remember the name rightly, Project Popeye). An international treaty against geo-engineering was signed in the 1970s – who makes treaties about things that are complete fiction? A storm system ooked very like it was steered away from NYC on 9/11.
Whether they can manipulate weather for long enough and over a wide enough area that it becomes a feature of climate is the unknown.
Without naming a name that typically provokes controversy and rabid scorn, I’ve wondered why there’s so little mention of that storm system in the 9/11 skeptics community.
The approaching storm was a “big story” in NYC-area mass-media that morning until it was preempted by the large-scale destructive events. Somehow the storm just “went away”, and in all the excitement and consternation almost nobody noticed or brought it up again.
Your post caused me to laugh out loud . A grand example of sardonic mockery in my view Jonathan Swift would be amused , perhaps?
To paraphrase Forrest Gump and from my own experience I can assure that in Vietnam it can often rain for 3 months . We were far too busy dumping Agent Orange on Vietnam , Cambodia , and Laos especially after the Ho Chi Minh Trail was somewhat identified. If 9/11 was an inside job , which appears to be a sacrament on this site , that being the believe a controlled demolition brought about a world changing set of events . Why would it be necessary to fuck with the weather? To me 9/11 initially a Saudi attack quickly became “inside job” as its potential was realized by the Cheney regime . Like Covid , 9/11 a brutal attack was not a world changing event until the propagandist ginned it up making it the only game in town for several years.
I did not used to believe, either, until I began to observe what is happening in the sky. If you search for geo-engineering Europe, you will find details of several projects which have taken or are taking place where I live in France, along with the details of the companies involved. They are described as being anti-hail.
I have been photographing clear skies with a grid of vapour trails which slowly spread out to become wispy cloud cover. I watched them begin at dusk last night and they are continuing this morning.
There is no substantial risk of hail in May and where I live is considered to be the bread-basket of France.
Was it not Kissinger who said something like, ‘He who controls the food…’?
The “public service” announcement under a tony heller utube video dealt with the subject of contrails saying they are quite normal in certain atmospheric conditions, they’ve always been there, lingering in the sky. What they don’t mention is that before the nineties they lingered for a few minutes and disappeared and did NOT persist for hours spreading out into a milky haze. Not only do they obfuscate the facts they obfuscate the sky.
I think you should look into the subject more closely and not along the lines laid out for you. What you say is correct but like most fact checking sites, hits the strawmen but doesn’t include many pertinent factors. Years ago we experienced an anomalous hurricane in England. Only now have I thought about the strangest thing about it – The BBC weather man said, at the end of the previous forecast that a viewer who had asked if a hurricane was imminent was quite incorrect, they don’t happen here, ha ha, don’t be silly dear. NEVER before had such inconsequential remarks been made in the “official” weather forecast. The forecaster was the laughing stock of the nation ever after. My point is- it must have been a set up. What are the chances of the two previously unknown situations occurring together? Why I don’t know, but they did. There was a surprise flood in Lyndhurst, Devon many years before that in which people drowned, due to unseasonably torrential rain. What was NOT reported on the news was that the RAF had been carrying out cloud seeding operations somewhere nearby. This came out many years later but of course it didn’t get any airtime and hardly anyone noticed it and put two and two together. Weather control is not publicly acknowledged but neither is it denied completely, just obfuscated or made into a joke.
Yes, both weather and climate engineering are/were being attempted.
Weather: insofar as it is possible for them to keep a storm system more or less stationary or to move it a small distance.
Climate: For a few years we saw the chemtrails which were their attempt to worsen the current cooling climate thru blocking sunlight. They’ve stopped now, unless it’s proceeding only at night now & to a much lesser degree.
Good book, “Chemtrails Exposed, A New Manhattan Project” Peter A. Kirby.
There’s probably an interview on the internet.
My thought too,Howard. You’re probably aware of the rains lashing swathes of India right now following the destructive cyclone in the Arabian Sea. The protesting farmer’s campsite near Delhi is awash.
“Behind every Scamdemic is a Nazi screaming to get out.”

“Euthanize the World! Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever.”
“Billy Eugenics says, believe in the quackery.”
“For it shall make me rich… richer.”
“Eugenics” as science has been a useful tool in manipulating the planets fauna and flora for the better since the end of the last ice age . It only becomes “dangerous” when politicized and or the massive numbers of excess humans it has created of late exceed the the resources and the pollution we create becomes to toxic to survive. Euthanasia has been a common practice since humans came down the trees . Getting rid of the old and infirm is always problematic. Religion , Gods and morality , with a belief in an afterlife was an attempt at a solution , which has failed spectacularly. With the rise of materialism as religion and transhumanism as the successors to humanity the old gods are indeed dead.
Now there’s something I wouldn’t want to miss …….. how arrogant are these “people”?
Gosh, that must be the biggest incentive not to get vaccinated. Where do they think these things up,?
Hope a anti COVID member wins and spends all that time running up a huge fuck off bill and belittling the two little fucking cunts relentlessly
Second prize is dining twice with the Governor and his wife.
Punishment for not taking the jab is perpetual dinner with the Governor and the Governor’s Lady.
Not as bad as De Blasio’s free burger ad. That was when one could really see the contempt they have for the Average American.
De Blasio’s background is worth researching for anyone who isn’t aware of what he really is yet.
Gack. I think that anyone who’s motivated to get a COVID “vaccine” in order to get a prize, or bonus– like children clamoring for breakfast cereal or Cracker Jacks that contain a “prize” in every box– is lost, and despicable to boot.
But if I had to grade on a curve, I’d think better of the useful idiot who gets jabbed for the sake of a free donut or burger than the “upscale” useful idiot who races to get vaccinated for the cheap thrill of briefly basking in the glow of the Murphys.
Maybe they were hoping to offer Dinner with the Bill Gateses as first prize, but had to step down to Gauleiter und Frau Murphy because of the Gates’s connubial trouble & strife.
I’m hearing quite a few reports of strokes, people losing ability to speak, co-ordination issues after receiving the vaccine. Strange, I don’t have a wide circle of friends but never heard of any catching Covid but some getting reactions. Many others seem a bit zombified. Have a bad feeling about this.
I’m annoyed the government isn’t just playing dumb because I’m game as fuck for MSM herd minded people being bumped off in massive numbers! If they’re dumb enough to believe their tv then they deserve everything that could happen
More information here on the UKColumn website:
Thats interesting because Im hearing the opposite from the mainstream. Everyone I knew before this affair except possibly 1 or 2 have been vaccinated, including my former academic colleagues, and they all claim to be fine and that everyone around them is fine. My neighbours were zombified long before, so it makes little change in them: I never thought they looked particularly bright. But as to severe reaction or noticeable reaction, at least among those I know, there appears to have been none.
Statistically there is nothing strange in this, given I dont know tons of people. Now, I do think they will have more illnesses gradually, but they will never know they are due to the vaccine.
My experience is the same but I wonder if these people did get bad reactions, would they admit it, even to themselves? Omniscience is a hard habit to break.
I think they wouldnt even realise its due to the vaccine. Say a bad nausea even prolonged. You’d be likely to think it was food poisoning unless you knew the vaccines are harmful, in which case, you wouldnt take them in the first place. And one cant go asking round regularly “have been unwell lately” or send email all round saying: “please contact me if you are unwell”, anyhow if you’re not a doctor, people would wonder if you’d gone crazy! This to say, I guess one is, as you say, not likely to know if they do become unwell because of the vaccine.
One horrific Big Lie that’s been promoted by the government, public-health agencies, and mass-media cheerleaders in the US is that if one experiences adverse symptoms after being vaccinated, that’s a positive indication that the vaccine is “working”.
Of course, they mean “working as advertised”– not, like Jehovah, working in mysterious ways.
They might suspect you of being Typhoid Mary!!!
There’ve been at least two times here in the US that they’ve discovered entire lots were just saline. I saw mention of one in the UK too. Sorry, didn’t save the references. These incidents might have just been errors in shipping– or perhaps TPTB need to tune down the casualties. ??
Taylor is the most obvious WEF “change agent”. There are some genuine grievances designed to appeal to “progressives” in what she says but mixed in is the toxicity that would wipe out humanity in about three generations if we’re not in ‘Brave Bew World’ first.
In which case the wall picture is a good bit of shooting herself in the foot and I hope that people like me only see that from her. The trouble is that people often take up someone’s opinions wholesale and not just cherrypick the good bits that are true.
“In one respect sorry I posted it. On the positive side, it allows people to sort the wheat from the chaff and know beforehand the pitfalls out there. Good points.”