“No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs, No Unvaxxed”
Dustin Broadbery

The government is pressing ahead with its Vaccine Passport and plans for a two-tier society are afoot. The effrontery of those leading the charge beggar’s belief.
When they said ‘there were no plans for ‘discriminatory’ Covid vaccine passports’, they were quietly funding at least eight different vaccine passport schemes since last year.
And that’s just the half of it. We are midway through a Europe-wide feasibility study for the development of a common vaccine passport, launched by the European Commission in 2018.
They would have you believe – they were caught with their trousers down, their policies are proportionate to the emergency as it unfolds, and at all times they operate according to a system of informed consent.
But hang on a minute. Since the onset of SARS-CoV-2, they have played the most astonishing game of deception and manipulation. Cooking the books, fiddling the tills and distorted their official numbers.
They have deliberately plunged society into two camps – skeptics and adherents, compliant and non-conformists.
Last year established the mood for pettifogging anyone questioning the narrative, while those refusing to comply were branded narcissists and psychopaths or denounced as ‘Covid deniers’ – the modern-day equivalent of a Holocaust denier.
This government has polarised the nation on a scale never before attempted, legitimising a particular brand of prejudice and enmity not seen in Europe since the days of the Third Reich. And once the NHS App becomes your ticket to freedom on Monday, they will finally have means to weed out and punish dissidence while rewarding blind faith in authority. No matter how injurious their compliance is to society at large, the silent majority have lost their moral compass.
But it must be understood – this principle of divide and rule is as old as the hills. It was not so long ago that signs hung in the windows of establishments in Britain that read: ‘No dogs, No Irish, No blacks’. The difference today is that it won’t be the colour of your skin, your class, gender or sexual orientation that will condemn you, it will be something far more virulent – your ideology.

That this crucial point has been entirely missed by the chattering classes is astonishing. And despite the most flagrant attempts to marginalise large segments of society, identitarians, the woke brigade and other erstwhile defenders of the most marginalised remain largely unfazed. Unless it is to flap their arms in the air over higher rates of vaccine hesitancy amongst ethnic minorities. But the rest of us can go to hell.
Who cares about anyone not from a protected social group, right?
In this bizarre parochial moral imperative, discrimination is only frowned upon if you’re discriminating against someone’s authorised and rubber-stamped marks of distinction, whereas discrimination, of and by itself, is entirely permissible.
These crowd-pleasers would defend their moral high ground by telling you “the unvaccinated are selfishly putting others’ lives at risk”, or that “mask refuseniks are superspreaders”. But hold on a minute. All of this is pure conjecture which, like everything else under the post-COVID sun, has been founded on speculative science and policies pulled straight from the magician’s hat.
Other than taking the government on its word, where is the actual evidence of asymptomatic transmission? Where is the evidence of mask efficacy?
In fact, can someone point me to a single risk assessment for any of these high-risk interventions? But to deny someone entry into an establishment, to prevent them from travelling, shopping, or worse, stepping foot outside of their own bolthole is no moot point. These are very real and tangible forms of discrimination, for no other reason than you personally disagree with their choices.
These people have clearly made peace with the fact that membership to society is now the exception rather than the rule. They labour under some neotribal sense of entitlement – if you’re not with us, you’re against us. Like their neolithic ancestors they take refuge in the herd from an unseen predator threatening their hand to mouth existences. Positioning themselves in the upper echelons of this looming two-tier system, with others equally desperate to get their lives back and ready to submit to whatever ephemeral demands are made of them in return for one coveted free pass to re-enter polite society.
While the rest of us – who will not be spoken for, bribed or coerced – will risk excommunication from the social-balm in defence of our principles.
This loose association of the poorest and most marginalised, conscientious objectors, lockdown skeptics, and anyone with a shred of faith in their god-given sovereignty of being or bodily autonomy will wage a personal crusade of civil disobedience against the tyranny de jour, as Tolstoy, Gandhi and Martin Luther King did before them. For them, braver men have endured far worse for much less.
But what the first group fails to realise is that they are doing the unofficial bidding of another group – the well-healed members of our political establishment to whom the rules do not apply. Who are protected by more exemptions than the rest of us are governed by regulations. And who, at the onset of the pandemic, were not caught with their pants down, as the general population was.
As this group spoke of herd immunity, they quietly struck a £119 million COVID advertising and propaganda deal with one of the world’s biggest marketing companies. Going on to become the UK’s biggest advertiser in 2020.
Just a day before the first lockdown, their Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B) began work on the most criminal propaganda campaign in British history:

Extract from UK gov’t report “Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures”, read the whole thing here.
What most card-carrying conservative voters fail to realise is that this group is the country’s biggest employer, with 17% of the British workforce employed in the public sector, whose every agency has been pointed like a cruise missile launch pad at the general population, to essentially knock our stuffing out and railroad us along a critical path, towards what is arguably a controlled destination – the complete nullification of our rights, indefinitely.
But that’s only half of it. Once you conflate unlawful policies with science that falls apart under the lightest of scrutiny to bring about the most controversial changes to Britain’s laws since the Norman Conquests, it is written in the cards that two types of citizens will be left in the wreckage: those wandering aimlessly into the trap having abandoned all reason and judgement to the trappers; and those whose contempt runs so deep they will lay their life on the line in opposition.
Now here’s the thing – there’s nothing particularly avant-garde about a two-tiered society or the discrimination of certain minority groups by the prevailing social order. And no matter what polite excuse is used to justify vaccine passports, it cannot be denied – this is the same system of caste, class, eugenics, apartheid, persecution and slavery that would inflict those toppling statues with an extreme case of dashed hopes.
But what is even more terrifying than the depths which the political class is prepared to sink, is the collusion of a silent majority – without a vested interest – whose own complicity will result in the persecution of everyone else not toeing the line.
And now, with 353,341 variants at their disposal, the government has 350,000 reasons to keep this fiasco going until hell freezes over.
Riding roughshod over the British public who, make no mistake, will continue to weather such violations, in spectacular ignorance of the fact that only 388 healthy people under the age of 60 died from COVID in 2020, the average age of death was 82, and strangely enough, the vast majority had pre-existing conditions. Equally unremarkable is the fact that between 23%-85% of all deaths attributed to COVID, died from other underlying causes.
And the fact that 2020 had a lower standardised mortality rate than every single year prior to 2009 can be found in the dictionary under ‘Ignorance is Bliss’.

You would also be forgiven for assuming that once the most vulnerable had been vaccinated (which is now), not much remains between the people and their freedom. That any further attempts to “protect us” with more turns of the screw entirely defy common reason.
Yet here we are, fighting a battle for humanity.
The trouble, therefore, with lockdown skeptics such as Peter Hitchens publicly throwing in the towel, or Lord Sumption accepting the inevitability of vaccine passports – they have raised the white flag long before the real battle has begun.
While lockdowns and social distancing represent the abstract of this ideological war, its frontlines are being waged on the physical surrender of our will and bodily autonomies. The former is arbitrary, the latter is systematised. One is going to happen with or without your consent, the latter is wholly dependent on it.
It follows that for each skeptic who surrenders their compliance, they sell the rest of us downriver. The balance swings more in favour of the New Normal. And let’s be honest, vaccine passports only work if a majority of us comply.
So while we still have the illusive veneer of democracy to hold onto, politicians remain duty-bound to at least pretend to be upholding some sort of system of informed consent. Just as we are compelled to at least give the appearance of upholding the necessary checks and balances.
Even if you accept the logic of vaccine passports, where exactly on your map does this end? Three weeks to flatten the curve, three lockdowns later and there is already talk of further lockdowns in the summer, or worse, restrictions lasting two more years.
Meanwhile, in the US, Sloppy Joe has made it clear: ‘get vaccinated or wear a mask indefinitely’.
If none of this strikes the fear of God into you, then perhaps this will:
The Pentagon have developed a microchip that will detect asymptomatic COVID. The chip would be inserted below the skin and trigger a sensor if COVID infects the body. This is despite the internet being flooded with factchekers and MSM pundits debunking what the so-called “tin foil hat brigade” has been warning of all along.
In plain sight, they hide their motives and by small degrees, we continue to surrender ancient rights and protections to an unthinkable dystopia that is now within sniffing distance.
Dustin Broadbery is based in London and is interested in social theory and particularly how a mutual society could bring about great advancements in the social fabric. You can read more of his work at TheCogent.org and contact him through his Twitter.
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while those refusing to comply were branded narcissists and psychopaths or denounced as ‘Covid deniers’ – the modern-day equivalent of a Holocaust denier.
Of course the powers that be would never have lied about the Holocaust, they are too honest to do anythig like that.
Now shut up and take the vax you denier.
We have vaccinated and unvaccinated notices on the doors to the break rooms now. They just started it last week.
The criminal bastard governments are lying about all of this. the vaccines are toxic bioweapons and the reason for it all is the approaching Planet X that the chemtrails hide every day globally for the past thirty years. Planet X caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noahs flood. This time around it will end the coming, planned WW3 that will kill 90% of Americans. Execute the criminal bastard governments or die!
A boot on the face of humanity, forever. That’s what we’re up against.
I’m starting to feel like I’m in the movie “V for vendetta”
The ex Vice President of Pfizer talks about what is coming
Informed Consent. How can I give informed consent when they are withholding information? The phase 2 human experimental trials completed in October 2020 yet the raw data has not been made publicly available yet. The pharmaceutical companies say they will release it sometime in “2022”.
I refuse to give “Uninformed Consent” like all those who’ve taken the experimental gene therapy shot.
Kurt Vonnegut’s 1968 short story “Welcome to the Monkey House” is set in a future USA, in which voluntary euthanasia is administered by the Ethical Suicide Service Hostesses by means of lethal injection.
One of the ironclad rules is that every person who reports to an ESS facility for processing must ask the Hostess for the needle in order to get the desired shot. Oh, these crazy science-fiction fantasies!
In the present Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic, the enthralled True Believers think “informed consent” means that the “vaccine”-giver is merely informing recipients that they must consent to the needle– which, of course, they are happy to do.
So the phrase is merely a pro forma call-and-response ritual exchange that has nothing to do with real, authentic “information” or “consent”.
“Richard Branson urges all Australians to get vaccinated so the borders can open…” ABC “News”
I don’t know where to begin….
Does anyone ever remember going to a Doctor with a bad case of flu (the deadliest virus known to man) and the Doctor brings out a test kit and says ‘hang on a minute we will just do a quick test to see what strain of influenza you have” ?
Funny you should say that because I have often thought over the past year or so: what would happen if the same PCR testing that has been used (high CTs) thus far for SARS Cov-2 was used to ID the yearly strain of flu….I’d bet munnie that it would look like the same casedemic we have seen trotted out before us…
Nothing is ‘astonishing’ any more. Nobody who has been paying attention should have been astonished by anything since at least six months ago.
The evil just needs to be stopped.
If you are soulless, immoral, obnoxious and nihilistic – like our current ‘authorities’ – of course you won’t know what I’m talking about.
That sums up this past year for me.
Just when you think they can’t sink any lower …
Has anybody else heard of PANDA? I just blogged this and I’m pretty impressed. It’s the first I’ve ever heard of the organisation. It’s an interview containing a presentation video – first 66 seconds in Dutch, then English for the rest: https://covidtruefacts.blogspot.com/2021/05/panda-on-covid-scenario.html
Bretty, you’re right. Quite, quite impressive. You must post the link again on another off-g article.
Urgent Petition! Comment freely from around the globe at Childrens’ Health Defense website to support their FDA petition calling for them to
· Revoke the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for COVID vaccines
· Refrain from licensing COVID vaccines
· Disallow the participation of minors in COVID vaccine trials
· Immediately revoke all EUAs permitting vaccination of minors
· Revoke its tacit approval of pregnant women receiving COVID vaccines
Immediately amend its existing guidance for the use of chloroquine drugs, ivermectin, and any other safe and effective drugs against COVID
Now you are messing with the bottom line Mara. HOW DARE YOU!!!!! hehe
Simon Elmer of Architects for Social Housing has written another frustratingly mixed article on covid:
He understands the basic manoeuvre going on …and then wastes so much time with self-neutering psychobabble gobbledegook on “conspiracy theory”.
So I posted the following response which I am not sure has gone through to his site. So, I’m reposting it here:
I must admit I tend to find your articles exasperating. Your basic analysis of the situation seems to me to be correct. As stated more simply in a comment you write below:
“There is no question, whatsoever, that the media, the civil service, the medical industry, the educational industry, the military, the security services, the tech industry, the culture industry, and just about every other institution running the UK state (aside from elements of the retail and hospitality industries), are collaborating with the Government and its financial and corporate partners on this lie. But that’s what those institutions are for. As I argued in Cui Bono?, it’s called the capitalist state, and its current functions and actions is what we need to understand and oppose if its emergent form, the global biosecurity state, is to be resisted.”
What I don’t understand (and frankly skip over) is the relentless emphasis on something called “conspiracy theory” which I find to be a borderline meaningless term and really just functions as a Pavlovian noise to scare people away from certain lines of thought – mainly the line that the media, the civil service etc. are collaborating with the Government etc.
And if that is “what these institutions are for” then you could argue that “what these institutions are for” is to conspire. One thing seems undeniable to me: covid is something very different from anything I’ve seen before. This is very much an exceptional manoeuvre and what it has demonstrated is an apparently seamless effort to keep alternative views of covid out of the media.
What it has also demonstrated is that, apart from yourself and a few brave others, every Left site has been fully on board with the covid manoeuvre and has aggressively denounced the sceptical view by smearing it as a “Right wing” thing – a seemingly unanimous move which has led me to suspect some kind of collusion going on with these “Left” sites further fortified by the ban on “conspiracy theory”.
File under “Is this for real or are they taking the piss?”:
And there follows a wonderous story from the Age of Conan The Barbarian in which some monarch flatteneth the curveth much to the consternation of evil skeptics who discerneth not the word of the mighty Cthulhu and thus came to be smitten unto dust etc.
This is from one Carly Silver described as “a historian, writer, and editor living in Brooklyn, New York”. So I’m guessing we can put the same serene trust in this as we can in Neil Ferguson’s medical expertise.
Rock stars are my heroes, they’re such rebels…
Oh jesus wept.
Why are they so ignorant
They are pathetic really. Trying to desperately to remain relevant when they know full well they’re not anymore. Sickening.
Rock stars are court jesters whose main role is to provide a rebel veneer on whatever shit the bosses are churning out. The designated “Left” do the same thing – only with lots of big words.
did not hit the link but i think i know where its going. I just want some Ozzy DNA with some K. Richards put in. I will live forever. haha
Oh the mad victorians are at it again.,,.not enough people are wearing masks on trains….so the police are going to be cracking down it seems and handing out fines..,wonder when they will stop being insane down there…
Some mad doctors wrote an apolyptic paper claiming covid was coming to get them all, the same nutters working in the Bill Gates funded propaganda factory.
When they hit the target (depopulation) vaccination percentage which I’m guessing would be around 50% for Australia. Then suddenly the news will read something like Herd immunity blah blah no more need for the vaccine bs bs blah blah. Then they will start with. Ooops sorry there is a problem with the vaccine. Golly gosh. Why else do people think this is going on? This is the big reset.
It’s so blatant, last April they were already babbling about vaccines when nothing much had happened on the basis it was ”new” and we had to have artificial herd immunity for nothing so they locked down, did millions of fake tests with false positives, locked down so no one would ‘get” it then change the definition of herd immunity to keep people terrified and locked in.
The shit is going on because of the approaching Planet X the the chemtrails hide every day globally. It caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noah’s flood. This time it will end WW3 when it rips North America into thirds, erupts Yerllowstone super volcano and kills 5/6 of the 200 million SCO invaders. The day of the next flase flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran is the day America will be nuked and invaded by Russia, China and the whole SCO. This is the story in over half the Bible but the stupid churchies are clueless.
“There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic… You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.” Dr. Mike Yeadon PhD, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory Disease
I have noted that the comments at off-guardian have been largely eloquent.
My postings have been mostly visual.
I cannot help it. Thats the way I am and I will continue composing and posting visual imagery, whether considered relevant or not.
My take on the US elections, Congress, and the general state of the world, central banks, WEF, the CDC, the FBI, the CIA, Pentagon, and all other new world order implementers is summarized by this graphic…
I Vomited
Our local pub is open later today, and they have got a really good local band on. They are all lovely people. My wife has booked her ticket, and if things are running late, I may take her there in my car, but I would be amazed if they let me in, so I won’t try.
May watch from outside, but I won’t go in, cos I have not got a designated chair to sit in, and not move, until I put my hand up to be escorted to the toilet.
I will not wear a mask, have a COVID Lateral or any COVID test, and I will not be injected.
I go to the pub to dance, hug ,flirt, shout, cheer and sing.
I will not be put in my place…Sit there, don’t move, and do not stand up and dance, talk or sing.
I would rather watch my own videos, when things were normal.
I have got a really good sound system at home
It’s just that it is not Live, and I am not Dancing at The Front.
But hope it will happen again soon in London, where we live.
Well done, problem is how many of us are there ? we could do with some kind of movement where we register and get to know how many people are against having this gene manipulating therapy ?
The numbers would be vastly under-reported, just like the numbers at protest marches.
Unless the marches actually go through the BBC’s offices and functioning government buildings, it is always as if they had never happened as far as the general public is concerned.
I have been thinking this as well. We need to start networking.
I currently only know 1 like minded person in my area but there must be some/many more?
This may be a ridiculous idea but I have a website and a contact form – if people want to send me an email so I can start putting together some kind of list of us that we could share between each other? If anyone has any ideas let me know.
No spaces go before a question mark government liar.
Kary Mullis
The Mysterious Death of PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis – Fauci’s Most Notable Critic – David Icke
On that same site is one brave dude with a microphone outside an injection centre…he is trying to warn folks about getting injected for the reward of a $5 taco…may he be rewarded…
Well, whatever one thinks of Icke in general, the short video about Mullis is what the whole thing is about.
The public will take some convincing, because, like the big lies promoted by Josef and Adolf in their time, they are too big to be disbelieved.
What a horrible world this has suddenly become, with mankind seriously trying to strangle Nature to death for a bit of short-term profit…
“Jesus wept”, is a heart-wrenching phrase from the Bible.
We must weep with Him, and then do what we can to end this murderous cult, however powerless we may seem to be.
I see another chapter of history being written as we type. Big population move from E to W. If you read any history before it is wiped out you have seen this before. good luck ppl.
Half the Bible is all about WW3 destroying America, or Armageddon. It will happen two years before Planet X rips the earth apart again. Planet X is what the chemtrails have been hiding every day globally for the past thirty years. Execute the criminal bastard governments or die.
My wife wouldn’t normally comply, but they said to her, if you want to see and hug your mum, then you need to take this lateral flow test..They said, don’t worry love…Its a private room – just do it yourself and follow the instructions.
So she spat on it , and if I was her would given a sample from way down below…
After 30 minutes, she said I have passed the test…
So they let her see her Mum…it was supposed to be for 30 mins, but they were still chatting together 2 hours later…
So the next day, she turns up with fresh strawberries and clotted cream for her Mum, and asks if she has to do the test again…
They said No Love – just go straight in to see your Mum.
Lancashire Nursing Home Staff (Big Hugxx)
See you soon.
Covid Operation to Devastate Our Freedom May Be Over
I think it’s over. This is why: Informed people, even those who don’t frequent conspiracy sites must now know everything listed below. Perhaps more to the point, the political authorities upholding/enforcing this operation can no longer pretend not to know the same list of items:
–The number of cases is fraudulently inflated, not least by running the PCR test at too many cycles.
–The ludicrous practice of denying supposed cases all treatment until hospitalization
is readily seen as a means of increasing “vaccination.”
–Vaccinations are producing large numbers of illness & even death.
–60% of all new Covid cases are among the vaccinated.
–Vaccination which doesn’t immunize causes emergence of more virulent strains.
(We have examples of this w polio and other diseases.
It’s analogous to unsuccessful antibiotic treatment causing antibiotic-resistant bacteria.)
–The public at large believes the virus to be lab-created.
–Many are aware of conflict of interest by Fauci & the CDC
And my favorite:
–When you hold a cloth mask up to the light you see the holes in the weave. Bacteria aren’t larger
than these holes, hence cannot be stopped by cloth masks. Viruses are 100 times smaller still.
There is of course much more, but I think that the Covid operation is now at a standstill, and is even beginning to backslide. What will be the next op? Crashing the currency system? Aliens?
The last delusion eclipse is 2 weeks off…so either it around now or as you say about to start..,there seems to be plenty of takers for delusions….it seems aust wants to go to war with China ala press reports….as China owns a lot of our power grid that is likely to go quite well I would think…and fully qualify for being totally delusional….
Australia’s anti Chinese, anti communist propaganda is terrifying!
ah actually, you may be intrigued to know that in oz, they’ve been spooked for decades about the chinese…ooowah..
example – about 15 years ago, i was watching the late night main stream news on channel 7 in perth and the female newscaster actually stated LIVE at the end of the programme…..“and remember, the chinese are coming…”
i kid you not….!!!!
and if you’d been there in the 80’s when the poor buggers from vietnam started arriving in boats, the vitriol was horrifying.
so, my country, australia is best described by howard jacobson’s “in the land of oz” written in 1987, after he’d lived and worked in sydney for a few years….he described ozzies as “schizophrenic aggressives”……he was perfectly right….
and heaven help you if you scratch the perfect surface of their world and try to point out that aggression….wow.
the place should be paradise, but sadly it’s gone.
actually thousands of times smaller. You get viruses that infect bacteria. Bacteriophages
Actually millions, no ? The largest “viruses” are 0,3 microns, largest bacteria 60 micron in diameter. 200 times larger radius means 200^3 times larger volume. Which means viruses are millions times smaller in volume.
Sizes vary, but you get the drift.
Magnus, thx for the response. I’ve seen SARS-CoV-2 described as 500nm,
Don’t know if that’s correct, or even known. In any case, both size & studies, as you know, deny effectiveness of masks. I remember one where they had social workers making home visits wear them, and there was no difference in illness between them and unmasked social workers.
Thanks for the correction, John.
In deranged Victoria the ”experts” are still peddling the con full time with the assistance of our useless media, now cops want to fine anyone not in a face nappy $200 yet in normal times if they wore a face nappy on public transport they would be arrested. the cops in Victoria have been given powers any dictatorship would be proud of.
Sorry Marilyn I didn’t see your comment before I posted re this crazy activity just now…nuts…
Yeah, they love the power, the SA cops though are protesting that the criminals are having a field day while up to 600 cops are policing qr codes.
Since the jabs began, the ages of those falling seriously ill has been dropping, even among the unjabbed. Before that, it was a non-problem limited to (a) the very aged – median age above life expenctancy in some countries (b) those with 1 or more other major illnesses.
mgeo, yeah that may be from increased virulency due to the vax, or may be directly post-vax covid. Here’s a video w transcript https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/05/23/stephanie-seneff-covid-vaccine.aspx
This doctor (50 research years w MIT) is presenting new material here.
I swear I told you, you need to put a warning before posting content with signs of a lock down.
I have found John Ward’s SLOG most recent twitter account, but so far as I can tell (never used twitter), he hasn’t written anything anywhere since he wrote this yesterday. Make of it what you will. I hope he hasn’t been arrested, cos I know an English kid who was, and he hadn’t done anything wrong, and they gave him a real hard time. It was down to his Mum to get him out of jail, and it was not easy. He had volunteered as an Aid Worker for Refugees in France. A nicer, more honest kid you couldn’t come across. He didn’t give a shit about religion or politics. He just cared about people in distress. He had lost a hell of a lot of weight, when he eventually got home to England. He was about 25, but looked a scrawny thin 17
John Ward’s (SLOG) latest details
https://therealslog.com/2021/05/21/henry-deeds-shapps-misdeeds/he British media continue to defend our class-riddled State at all costs. The Deedes dynasty goes a long way to explaining why.
“The British media continue to defend our class-riddled State at all costs. The Deedes dynasty goes a long way to explaining why.
My response
“I was with you all the way on Shapps – Hot Courses wasn’t it, then you went all CAPITALISED as if you were having a panic attack.
How can I help? I’m not on Twitter, but can read it.”
I will help in any way I can.
I have never met the man.
Some very good analysis of VAERS’ data here:
Not sure how things are on the street in the UK or EU. But, COVID Mania is essentially over in the US. Once the CDC said you can do what you want, everyone did just that. No one is masked outdoors here in So Cali, and not really even indoors either — except for the hardest of hard core virtue signalers (who can be easily ID’d by their designer hemp masks and shaggy hair). The vaccines are only a hit among the professional classes, even here in COVID cult land, so all talk of vacc mandates is just so much class warfare, a continuation of Russia, Russia, Russia! and Orange Man Bad! by another name. No doubt, a new mania to ensure a sharp distinction between the professional classes and their servants will be dreamt up by the political PR agencies over the summer. In the US anyway, it will all be over in June …
It’s not over everywhere in the US. Not, e.g., in Maryland. Luckily I don’t live in Baltimore (but in a suburb thereof) – where even though the Governor lifted the mask restriction, the Mayor kept it in place.
You still see far more people masked than unmasked in stores here. And in Maryland and Virginia, employees of stores still have to be masked (aren’t they lucky to have a job?).
And in one Big Box hardware retailer, where for almost a year they’ve had to answer a few questions on-line before they could come to work and punch in, now they must answer if they’ve had the jab. If “No,” they can still come to work – but instead of clocking in, they must fill out a time sheet and get a manager to sign it.
So it ain’t over till the Big Box sings.
True in Canada as well (I’m in BC). But, then, we are reputedly always a bit behind in adopting US trends but invariably do.
Does that mean that some TV producers will stop making their shows with face nappies being put off and on by the cast in the action play acting the con job in the media.
I walked through my south of the UK city centre and it was as busy as a usual Saturday. About 20% of people were wearing masks outdoors but the vast majority still put them on to go in shops.
We’re still all awaiting the death and destruction the maskers predicted would strike Florida after De Santis opened up. That’ll be flushed down the memory hole. Texas’ numbers look good although I’ve heard there’s more mask-wearing there than one might expect.
One of my fears is that they’ll release something nasty in a place like Texas, just so they can say, “Told you so.”
The “tri-state area”– Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware– a little further north from Howard is still as scamdemic-bound as Maryland. Maybe it’s a coastal thing, and somehow the East Coast population is tragically mired in Learned Helplessness.
Since Howard brought up workers clocking in, I noticed earlier this year that the ACME Supermarket employees in the store around the corner had adhesive badges of some kind stuck on their chests– not their name tags.
I was too shy to peer closely at them, but I could see a grainy photo of their face and some text; at first I thought they were proof of vaccination stickers, but they appeared well before the vaxxes were released to the public.
One friendly cashier told me that they were issued as part of a new clock-in procedure. I then noticed a “HealthCheck” logo at the bottom. So there’s obviously some bogus temp-check intake station involved. I wonder if New Abnormal employee check-in technology like this is here to stay, regardless of the status of the scamdemic.
There have been increasing reports of the tri-state Gauleiters and municipal executives– big-city mayors or township officials– announcing “relaxed” restrictions. But as far as I can see, they are all in service of what amounts to “medical apartheid”. It’s only the “fully vaccinated” who can discontinue wearing masks, distancing, etc.
On a federal level, the Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present recently mumbled a stark binary formula: get vaxxed or wear the mask.
So, in these parts the crucial question is whether going forward there will be some systematic attempt to screen the public accessing government, healthcare, and business facilities. If they greenlight an “honor system”, I’m pretty confident that masks will disappear in droves. But if they demand some kind of “proof of vaccination” checkpoints, the non-vaxxed will remain subject to the draconian New Abnormal protocols.
My sense is that the High Command is determined to preserve the masking, perhaps even making it permanent, or at least “seasonal”.
Our aged care facility has a temp screen device and a sign in system that one has to go through to get into the place…well from this week I will be banned even though I would probably one of the most healthy people wanting access to see an old friend…I refuse to have the flu vax so I am a leper…madness seems to be getting inbred these days…
The Covid scam and its main weapon the PCR.
Hopes from sweden?
I do not know any other national health agency telling something on PCR this way.
There was also a legal case in Portugal last summer, where on the first and second degree it was decided that quarantine imposed on those who tested positive is not legally required, on the merit that the rt-pcr test is unreliable and not proof of sickness. It was the case of 4 german tourists.
Just down the hill from me is a strip mall. There used to be a grocery store, called Mars – they had the best salad bar in the County.
Now there’s a clinic where it used to be – they have the best jab in the County. On the day they have it, there are more cars than on any given day at Mars.
Says a lot about America’s decline, doesn’t it?
“Says more about Corporate Fascism and its need for (and ability to produce) ignorant, compliant, unquestioning, fearful obedient slaves. That do not question, think critically or, in many cases, recognize that they are being abused and exploited. Long overdue for some critical changes.”
Get the vax – get connected. You are tracked, traced, asked to connect just by having a jab and going anywhere near a device. Watch:
Covid has shone some positive light. At least now I know who the daft, dim and exploited truly are. The mask has definitely peeled off.
Man, did it have to be seemingly everybody over 40 though? Thats how it is in my social circles in Montreal. The only dissidents I know are in their 20s like me and my brother (and its not many), except for my parents… It troubles and saddens me that 100% of their peers and family are mask wearing, begging for vax, shaming and slandering anyone who doesn’t obey hard enough. To see them become alienated by all their friends, fellow congregants, brothers and sisters, their own parents, their neighbors… It’s rough man. I worry about them much more than about myself.
What we have always suspected.
Most New Cases of COVID-19 Are From Vaccinated PersonsApril 23, 2021 by Edward Hendrie
LifeSiteNews reported on April 21, 2021, that Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor of Epidemiology at Yale University has discovered from clinicians in the field treating COVID-19 patients that an estimated 60% of the new COVID-19 patients they are treating are patients who have already been vaccinated for COVID-19.
That fact proves that the COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective. The CDC knows that the COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective. Yet, the CDC still promotes the COVID-19 vaccines. Those same COVID-19 vaccines recommended by the CDC are so ineffective that the CDC advises quarantining for 14 days a fully vaccinated person working in a jail or group home who has been exposed to someone who is even suspected of having COVID-19. The CDC’s official advice from March 12, 2021, is as follows:
Fully vaccinated residents of non-healthcare congregate settings (e.g., correctional and detention facilities, group homes) should continue to quarantine for 14 days and be tested for SARS-CoV-2 following an exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. This is because residential congregate settings may face high turnover of residents, a higher risk of transmission, and challenges in maintaining recommended physical distancing.
That advice to quarantine a fully vaccinated person who has been exposed to someone suspected of being infected with COVID-19 absolutely confirms that the CDC knows that the COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be ineffective against contracting and spreading COVID-19.
You only quarantine a person who poses a real risk of transmission of the disease. The fact that the CDC is advising that a fully vaccinated person be quarantined upon being exposed to a person even suspected of having COVID-19 means that the CDC believes that a fully vaccinated person can be infected with COVID-19 and then spread that disease to others. That advice by the CDC testifies that the CDC believes that the COVID-19 vaccines are ineffective in preventing the infection and spread of COVID-19.
This proves that the jab is not just ineffective but dangerous. The illness comes from the jab content which is similar to the mythical virus.
Only governments claiming that the jabs (a) protect from infection and transmission (b) will lead to the lifting of restrictions. The jab makers have only said that the jab reduces symptoms.
So where are the videos showing magnets being repelled by unvaccinated people?
More Jabs peddling fear porn from ZH:.
Those (mostly black people) who won’t take a jab may end-up like this:
of course no mentioned was that nowhere else in the world such condition was observed in connection with COVID and most of all whether or not anyone of them took a jab.
I can no longer tell if this is fear porn or a piss take.
I’m not sure why “doctors in Houston are scratching their heads”. You only have to do an internet search for ‘macroglossia and mechanical ventilation’ to find that it is a recognised potential side effect of mechanical ventilation. The woman featured in the first set of photos has clearly been invasively intubated. More fear porn.
So you are saying that I shouldnt go ona ventilator?!
EU-wide movement license agreed, starting un July 1st:
(1/7 = the Jesuit number)
As of 30 April the number of deaths associated with the three vaccines given to Americans are:
TOTAL 4201
As to thrombocytopenia we have:
Readable VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data can be downloaded from
As of 30 April the number of deaths associated with the three vaccines given to Americans are:
TOTAL 4201
As to thrombocytopenia we have:
Readable VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data can be downloaded from
Well pardon me for being a whining pampered bourgeois and all but I can’t help noticing more oddities when going into a supermarket.
One is the increasing infantilization coming from the Tannoy system with the soothing voice instructing me to “Observe the proper distance and stay safe. We are in this together. And remember to respect others…” etc. Every time I hear this, I think of that last scene in the original Stepford Wives with the synthetic women all walking in comatose robotic fashion up and down the supermarket aisles and exchanging interminable banalities.
The other is the decline in choice re: the items on the shelf. Crisp flavours have slumped in variety. This is where the Left accusation of pampered bourgeois comes in. But I can foresee decline in choice continuing and accelerating until we are shoehorned into St Bill’s synthetic-sludge-for-all battery hen world.
On my regular car drive to the shops, i did noticed a healthy looking bloke in the full-on mask attire. The closest person to him was me, about 300 metres away.
For the sake of humanity, i gave the chap a wider berth.
Oh I’ve seen solitary masked up morons wandering on the outskirts and heading out into the country. Well you never know when a covid riddled crow will breathe on you!
Here in the States a week ago the CDC officially removed the mask mandate – “effective immediately.” Democrat-controlled states like mine are saying that the decision “ill-considered and rash” (after 15 months!) and are not going to remove the mandate “just yet.”. So, they feel entitled to not follow-the-science (TM) when it suits them. But this always goes in one direction…
When I run my boy to his secondary school in the morning, and see kids walking to the school masked-up. I make comments to him like: “Good job he’s got that mask on. I noticed some covid lurking behind that bus stop waiting to jump out and get him.” My boy is fully awake and has never worn a mask in school.
You may be exceptionally lucky, but just be careful your boy doesn’t turn into a Greta Thunberg.
Secondary school boys and girls are never ‘fully awake’, but their parents can, and often do, pressurize them to conform to their own standards.
That is not ‘awake’.
Awake comes when you’ve left home and had to think for yourself for a few years, and even then only if you can be bothered to do the thinking.
Otherwise only the surface of what’s right and what’s wrong gets scratched.
The deeper social and personal complexities of masks, vaccines, varieties of institutionalized corruption, moral compasses and basic human trust are not so easily grasped by the young mind, and the fate of poor Thunberg makes me sick.
It’s a shame you can’t meet my son. I understand you are in Iceland. If you can make it to any of the UK protests, let me know.He comes on some of them with me. He is ahead of the game, does his own research, has woken his mum up (from whom I’m estranged), regularly educates me about stuff (such as the FEMA camps in North America), and argued with his primary school teachers from Year 4 on, about forcing students to watch the BBC propaganda ‘news’ programme Newsround (His Year 6 teacher agreed with him).
The deranged notion that it’s in the air like smoke just hanging around like a miasma has been peddled for so long morons believe it but never seem to get that no virus has ever acted like that in history, cannot survive without a live host, and this virus in particular only exists in febrile imaginations and fake PCR tests.
Same Same, it’s a marvel of what repeat messaging can do to the human condition!
That glutenous tannoy voice turns me into Mr. Hyde. I prowl the isles, declaming, sotto voce- dear customers, we hate you and wish you would fuck off, but in order to rob you we have to sell this shit etc. I get a bit worried that it gets too loud or that I’m catching tourettes. Still it eases the tension and I make myself stop eventually.
So, Spain has said British tourists can come in, no jab, no test. Portugal is “green” so a test will suffice, but Germany has just blocked the British due to variant concerns.
Would that be the triple mutant Yorkshire variant?
Symptoms include, pigeon fancy, wearing of flat caps, complaining about the price of bread and a tourettes like utterance of “bloody ‘ell”.
Just like my comment, it’s a never ending carousel of bullshit. At this rate Europe will become the same as the US, with freely open states and others still in tyrannical lockdown. Ridiculous
Where is the link to say Spain don’t require you to have a jab?
Note, the only mention of jabs comes further down with regards to visitors from the US. Also the EU have just agreed on travel without the need for a jab, see Edwige’s link above –
Those deeply committed humanitarians who are pushing everyone to take the vax are appalled at the HATE they are receiving:
“2 CNY restaurants test vaccine-only dining but there’s a side effect: ‘The hate has been unreal’
Customers lined up on the front porch holding their vaccine cards up for inspection on the first Thursday the Palisades Hotel restaurant opened indoor dining only to those with Covid shots.
Owner Richard Ferrucci, who runs the Rome tavern, said business was robust …
But he got some grief on social media from those outraged at his promotion.
William and Gretchen Williamson, the cafe owners, were barraged with insults both on social media and on the phone.
“The hate has been unreal,’’ Gretchen Williamson said. “We got a crash course in bullies. We were totally surprised by it. We knew some would disagree, but we didn’t know it would get to that level.””
Hate! Bullies! Well what can you do when you’re trying to save lives by pushing people to take a criminally untested totally unnecessary vax and they’re downright rude to you?
“Some idiots will do or say anything for free publicity, even negative publicity. Boycott the place. Send a message in the clearest of terms: Human Rights, Good: Corporate Fascism, Nazi Germany, Josef Mengele, Bad.”
Your comments put me in mind of an item on the BBC News (yes, I know!!) a couple of days ago. It was introduced as a report on healthcare workers who were ‘vaccine hesitant’ (note that healthcare workers are ‘vaccine hesitant’, the rest of us are disreputable, granny killing ‘anti-vaxxers’). I foolishly thought that it might be an objective report for once. But no.
The testimonies came from a GP and a social services manager who were, not surprisingly, pro-vax, and from a converted ‘vaccine hesitant’ care worker. She explained that she initially had doubts because of reading comments on social media suggesting that the vaccines were gene therapy and “vaccinated people might grow two heads” (she might have been talking facetiously, but it certainly set the tone of what the viewers were supposed to infer from her comments). The interviewer mockingly said that he presumed she had now realised this wasn’t true and that was why she had changed her views. She concurred. Needless to say, they didn’t interview any health workers who were still ‘vaccine hesitant’ to present the scientific objections.
She wasn’t talking facetiously. She was indulging in deliberate straw man misrepresentation. It’s what happens when you can’t honestly debate against an argument so instead you make up a different argument.
Yeah but, which head was doing the talking?
Ain’t we just the bomb? With millions of people starving around the world, we’re in an uproar that we might not get to “dine out” tonight.
Karma anyone?
I live in London. When I am driving my car I am reminded of the Rolling Stones’ ‘I can’t get no satisfaction.’ There’s one of these talk radios shows – BBC London – that plays out to listeners who are stuck in a traffic jam – hosted by some guy called Eddie Nestor. A know-all who projects himself as some sort of ‘Man of the People’ when he in fact is nothing of the sort. He takes phone ins from people who have something on their chests. This day it was about the hundreds of thousands of unfortunate people who have urgent medical problems – cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s Disease, obesity and various other types of killer diseases – who unfortunately have been put on hold due to the line-up of cretin, bed-blockers, waiting for their ‘jab’ who basically had nothing wrong with them but who have been told that they are in imminent danger. So along they troop like model citizens.
Unfortunately for the people with real medical problems – see above – they have to get in line and wait for urgent medical attention including deep surgery. So medical practices are being besieged with telephone calls and no longer have face-to-face sessions with the consultants. Now you have to wait for telephone consultation which may take hours or not happen at all.
So Mr ‘man of the people’ Nestor is hired to sympathise with the people who are complaining to him during rush hour time over the car radios. We got sympathy but that was all. During one exchange with someone whose wife needed cancer, however, he kept saying to the interlocuter: ‘’Are you ready to accept change.’’ That’s it. Take it or leave it. Which was a bit like saying – are you ready to sign a blank cheque!
So this is what the British NHS (National Health Service) has descended to. Running a health system which is subordinated to political imperatives.
And now? Mick is shilling for covid!
If anything is going to kill Keef it’s a vaccine.
Nah Keef is a hologram. he has been dead for 40 years
Sir Mick is now a member of the investor class, and in our brave new world politics and economics makes for strange bedfellows ?
Remember Klaus Schwab wrote in 2016 that within a decade we’ll have proof of alien intelligence?…
In the short term this is about constructing an alternative ‘official’ conspiracy theory; in the medium term it’s about constructing an alternative Creation narrative (“Panspermia”).
Technocracy isn’t going to be ultra-rationalist and coldly materialist, the appeal of the irrational is too great not to be weaponised.
“K sounds like an ignorant layabout with a lot of time on their hands biding time and ruminating until the next troth freebie feeding at Davos.”
That content is monetised. I could find any alien talk but I love this talk (in 2016) were he says they need to “Create” a new globalised world. One that must be created responsibly and “we cannot create (there’s that word again) one were the social contact is completely broken”
So he has been planning for this for a long time for certain and already had zoom in mind to make sure the globalisation and connection was done in a responsible and humane way.
Another tasty quote “This intermediate, errr the jobmarket is coming so fast and we do not know yet what ze new jobs will be but we know the skills we will need”
Retrain as a coder if you want to be a part of the new world ladies and gentlemen …. I Would say the farmers and builders might have something to say about that Klaus but then Bill has bought 3/4 of the US farmland already so I guess they are trying to mak sure they control everything before the Tsunami hits us all.
Been awaiting signs of human intelligence since early 2020
Klaus the Vogon just about to vapourise Earth for the hyperspace bypass.
“And despite the most flagrant attempts to marginalise large segments of society, identitarians, the woke brigade and other erstwhile defenders of the most marginalised remain largely unphased.”
I think you mean unfazed?
A experimental vaccine with zero liability to the manufacturer and Government says it all.
All of my friends are willing to get the jab and believers in the Government line and propaganda.
None of them wants to see their children jabbed though, and none of them is in favour of vaccine related discrimination, apartheid and vaxx passports.
This could still get interesting.
Joerg may i suggest you be extremely wary of those friends who have so rapidly jumped on the vaccine bus
Should need arise they will just as quickly throw you under it
One weapon to fight back with (for those under workplace pressure):
Some shortcomings in this article:
1. There is no Covid19 virus – never isolated and no virus ever has passed the unassailable logic of Koch’s Postulates
2. Therefore the microchip detection implant is fearporn theatrics
3. Hitchens and Sumption are just deep-cover commie / secret society plants whose purpose was to trigger a wave of despair amongst the partially awake
We need to stop looking where they want us to look and work out ways to cooperate and hang onto our assets. Oh, and an honest acknowledgement of the kabbalistic roots of Freemasonry would also help us to identify our common enemy.
The DARPA has the technology. If they are not going to use it now for covid-19 they will use it during the SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028. Also it doesn’t really matter if the virus exists. They will chip us pretty soon. Its about surveillance not health.
That’s a reference to Judaism right? “Kabbalistic” you wrote. That’s what we’re meant to understand, just so we’re clear.
It’s not clear to me. I know people who are freemasons and they don’t appear to be Jews and the question never occurred to me. Do you think I ought to ask them?
Point 3 is utterly stupid! Anti communists are idiots and always have been! Although Hitchens is as I’ve always said “the perpetual Trotskyist”!
You have more homework to do as you appear not to understand that the secret societies control left and right through the banking cartel. Try Antony Sutton for starters.
Cowan and Fallon Morell are centrally interested in convincing their readers that bacteria and viruses do not cause disease; hence the title: The Contagion Myth.
Before they deal with Koch’s research on tuberculosis, they refer to the famous “Koch’s postulates.” These are drawn from Koch’s research and have historically provided a conceptual framework for assessing whether a specific bacterial species can be considered the cause of the disease. Koch’s postulates have been expressed in a variety of ways. Koch himself did not speak of postulates and presented his views on criteria for evidence of causation differently in different publications and at different times in his career (Carter 1985; Evans 1976 and 1993; Gillies 2016; Gradmann 2014). Cowan and Fallon Morell, however, choose to present one particular formulation:
Koch’s postulates are as follows:
If all four conditions are met, you have proven the infectious cause for a specific set of symptoms. This is the only way to prove causation. (p. 3)
For their overall argument, it is important for Cowan and Fallon Morell to categorically state that the fulfillment of these four postulates is the only way to prove causation. Holding on to this claim as if it were a self-evident truth, they can go on to “show” that Koch and others have never proved that a disease is caused by bacteria or other microorganisms. This can be for a number of reasons, but especially postulate #1, in the way they formulate it, is rarely (or ever?) fulfilled. This is because bacteria that are implicated in a given disease can be found in some or even many healthy individuals. This was known to Koch, and it has been widely known since his time. We all harbor bacteria that, in other people, or at a different time or in different circumstances in us, can be implicated in a disease. One example is Helicobacter pylori, which can persist in the stomach of a person who is healthy, but can also be connected with gastric ulcers (for a number of examples, see: Monack et al. 2004; Fisher et al. 2017).
So Cowan and Fallon Morell have a neat solution to a complex issue: Because Koch’s postulates are never completely fulfilled, scientists have not proven that bacteria cause disease. The problem with this neat solution is that they set a fixed standard against which everything, for all times, needs to be assessed. They rail against scientists who state that Koch’s postulates are outdated (pp. 73ff.). As I said above, Koch himself never spoke of postulates and “his” postulates have been formulated in a variety of ways by different scientists. As Cowan and Fallon Morell themselves point out (p. 3), Koch knew that the criteria for causation he had articulated in his tuberculosis experiments could not all be fulfilled, for example, in cholera; experimental animals did not become ill when injected with cholera bacteria that had been cultured from ill humans. Nonetheless, Koch gave a variety of reasons why he thought bacteria are causal agents in cholera.
Cowan and Fallon Morell pick out one formulation of Koch’s postulates as their universal measuring stick. They even compare the postulates to Newton’s laws of gravity (p. 75). They don’t allow for an evolution of scientific thought in relation to the variety of phenomena scientists encounter. This is a convenient and pretty iron-clad way to make sure that no one can claim to have proven causation for a purported bacteria-related disease. Unfortunately, it also means not dealing with the complexities of biological realities, research, and the nature of understanding.
When Cowan and Fallon Morell address diseases that are purported to be related to viruses, they implement the same strategy. Koch’s postulates have to be modified for viruses because viruses only reproduce within living cells of another organism. They cannot be grown on nutrient media, but need to be grown in cell cultures. They then have to be separated from tissues (which is an involved process) before scientists speak of “viral isolates” that can then be used in inoculation experiments.
As they did with Koch’s postulates, Cowan and Fallon Morell take one set of criteria against which they judge all experiments relating to viral causation of disease. They enumerate “River’s postulates,” which are based on a 1937 article by bacteriologist and virologist Thomas Rivers (Rivers 1937). They present one formulation of Rivers’ postulates:
This list doesn’t come directly from Rivers, whose discussion of the task of establishing causality is remarkably nuanced. Writing about the necessity of moving beyond Koch’s postulates, both for some bacterial diseases and for viral diseases, Rivers remarks that “progress having left behind old rules requires new ones which some day without doubt will also be declared obsolete” (p. 4). He knew that his new criteria for establishing viruses as agents in infectious diseases were tentative and that changes “will in the future undoubtedly occur in the methods of establishing the specific relation of viruses to disease” (p. 11). A variety of methods have been developed and other criteria formulated in the 83 years since Rivers’ article (for example: Byrd and Segre 2016; Carter 1985; Evans 1976 and 1993; Fredericks & Relman 1996; Gillies 2016; Gradmann 2014). Science hasn’t stopped.
But for Cowan and Fallon Morell, Rivers’ postulates are the criteria to assess causation related to viruses. They refer to a number of studies related to SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19, and claim that none of them have fulfilled the postulates (pp. 50 ff.). This is for them proof that viruses don’t cause disease:
Again, this book’s central claim is that no disease attributed to bacteria or viruses has met all of Koch’s postulates or all of Rivers’ criteria. This is not because the postulates are incorrect or obsolete (in fact, they are entirely logical) but rather because bacteria and viruses don’t cause disease, at least not in any way that we currently understand. (p. 4)
Cowan and Fallon Morell continue in a similar vein when it comes to the question of the isolation of viruses. They present one “gold standard” technique from a thesis of a German virologist, Stefan Lanka (1989). The hundreds or probably thousands of virologists who claim to have isolated viruses are all wrong, according to Cowan and Fallon Morell, because they use other methods to isolate viruses than the one Lanka developed. Lanka’s technique is impressive, but it is not the only one. If you look in the literature, you find that there is no one “gold standard” for viral isolation (see, for example, Eisfeld et al. 2014; Hematian et al. 2016; Hsiung 1984; Leland & Ginnochio 2007). We are not virologists and cannot assess their respective strengths and weaknesses. But we see no reason to think that all these scientists are deluded or making fraudulent claims, which is what Cowan and Fallon Morell believe they have shown.
Cowan and Fallon Morell write that “the entire world of medicine, virology, and immunology” is mistaken in believing that “many of our common diseases are viral in origin” (p. 67). Is there reason to believe that people who say “a disease is caused by infectious agents” are oversimplifying a highly complex relationship between a virus, its host organism, and the environment? Absolutely. Is it justified to dismiss 150 years of research that focuses on one aspect of that relationship? We don’t think so.
We do not agree with the widespread, all-too uncritical use of the terms “cause” and “causation” that one finds in the scientific literature, or with the one-sided focus on infectious agents that often ignores the larger questions of health, resiliency, and dispositions for becoming ill. The problem is even worse in mainstream media and politics, where viruses become “the enemy.” We have presented a broader, ecological view of viruses elsewhere (Holdrege 2020). We are open to considering perspectives that challenge the monolithic mainstream narrative. But when this is done by grossly distorting scientific findings of others and crafting an argument that only appears to work, then more harm than good is done in the search for a balanced and nuanced understanding of infectious disease and the current pandemic.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2021-05-22/orange-people-sect-cult-mrna-biologist-archa-fox-childhood/100146230 So our media are still on the mRNA band wagon with this nutter leading the charge to brainwash us all.
I love this headline from the WSW:
“Potentially”? What a marvellous word! You can do anything with it!
WEll about 27,400 people die every day in India, over 8,000 from starvation among kids, over 5500 a day from pollution and 1250 a day from TB
It seems that ever since the dawn of corona, regular events have been recycled as utterly monstrous e.g. regular death figures. I have a theory that the MSM can recycle any story with an applied tone of horror and turn it into a panic fest.
Hello Marilyn Shepherd: Yes, exactly. India is the corporate model of “success”…
And: The WHO doesn’t wish to talk about an under-estimated 20 million world-wide deaths per year from starvation. The WHO doesn’t wish to address oceans filing with discarded plastics, or pesticide residues found in new born children. The WHO doesn’t wish to discuss remedy to millions of relocated refuges who will never see their homes again, or the ongoing slaughter of civilians in Yemen and Palestine.
In fact, the WHO doesn’t wish to discuss anything that relies on any non-fabricated sense of morality, ethics, or common cause. The WHO only pushes criminal negligence, warmongering disguised as peace initiative, and the whimpering politeness of payable diplomacy.
India’s prime minister Mr. Modi, is their working model…
In Australia there are now 3 million kids living in dire poverty thanks to months of moronic fear mongering, their lives have been laid to waste by stupid lying media and pollies. But we can’t talk facts or the millions dead from starvation while the stupid west destroy their nations, cut foreign aid, keep bombing people, selling weapons to mass murdering thugs like Bibi , and plunge hundreds of millions more people into stolen destroyed lives. I have never seen or heard anything so ridiculous.l
Like the face nappy crap, what on earth is the point of them. If there was a virus like a miasma it would be inside and outside just preying on anyone without a nappy.
W.H.O. is a marketing organisation whose largest investor is (guess ‘who’?). First prize for the right answer is a free trip to Rome and visit to the Vatican (also very involved with the great reset thingy). Best of luck to all.
Could the first letter in his name be Bill?
Talking about pollution, I saw a clip of the officials “investigating” the Wuhan lab. You could hardly see across the street for the smog. It looked like lung disease Nirvana.
Microsoft news had a drama headline about some child catching a corona virus from a dog in Malaysia….well actually it might have, might have gotten its common garden pneumonia from bacteria etc etc…but it might have come from a dog corona…
criminal that they no doubt pay so,done to make up these shit stories of complete rubbish but that is okay because they are telling the rubbish..and yes rather like elvis may potentially come back from the dead.
They are probably having a lot of fun with their “might be”/ “could be”/ “could lead to”/ “it just might be the case that” etc. and turn it into another Orson Welles War of the Worlds.
I briefly caught some ‘horror’ story on TV news last night that the WHO “believes” that the true worldwide covid death figure “might be” double the official numbers. No explanation given for this belief and no comment on the fact that a large proportion of officially recorded covid deaths are indisputably no such thing.
And that “might be double the figures” will then be castigated as a “gross underestimate” by the WSW! All working hand in hand.
This must be true as it was declared by “experts”.
The number of deaths from covid are 0
I don’t know about that. Someone did a FOI to East Sussex NHS trust and was told 1 (one) died of or with covid in their hospitals in 2020. There was a photo of the form but it might have been faked, who knows.
Animals have been a regular feature in the msm the world over in the last year,we have had covidog,covicat,covimink etc
”They” fully intend to come for the pets the execrable piece on good morning britain recently and in the msm about pets being bad for the environment sealed their fate,in fact anything being announced as bad for the environment is doomed
The sooner it happens the better as far as i’m concerned not because i hate animals far from it but because it will be the biggest own goal ”they” have scored to date
I have also noticed how willing people are to publicly threaten violence against people who would take their furbabies away from them,far more so than the prospect of their children being injected with trial drugs
seems that over threw and russia it’s the uk variant and people die in the uk.
“How is this for the uses of the word?
“The CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) potentially is not a Langley-Land operation.”
“David W. Green (Crains Detroit serial entrepreneur of the year and former CEO of Grand River Printing and Imaging) potentially is not David North (Trotsky spouting Jim Jones Peoples Temple wannabe).”
“well-healed”. Was that a typo or deliberate lol? Terrifyingly clear article. There is still an interestingly loud voice in Tucker Carlson. Waiting to find out how they intend to silence him. No sign of throwing in the towel yet.
i want to like Tucker, but he’s been falling hook, line & sinker promoting this newfound transparency from our lovely govt. to suddenly want to confess UFO sightings in the form of… wait for it… shiny green pyramids! you can’t make this up and if you read it in a novel you’d close the cover for its unbelievability. this conditioning can only be preparing us for yet another phase of fear and terror… the global threat of aliens green lasers striking our smart cities.
He’s not “falling for it” – he’s there to push that sort of thing. He’s making anti-lockdown look crazy and extremist to normies, that’s his job. He attracts folowers by “bait and switch” – he says many things you’ll like then slips the poison in (like it’s “inevitable” you’ll take the vaccine). Fox News is as controlled as everythiung else corporate – don’t you remember how they wouldn’t let Gingrich talk about Soros?
Carlson’s father ran Radio Free Europe.
BTW Robert David Steele (who people like Richie Allen pushed) used to claim they were trafficking children to Mars It’s when it’s done as ridiuclously as that you can see how it works. They take a genuine story and link it to something crazy to discredit it.
You mean like how when some people take a case of yearly coronavirus (possibly engineered to behave in chosen, specific ways) that will kill but a fraction of one percent of the people who catch it, and which doesn’t require anti-social distancing, masks, lockdowns, or passports, and link it to a theory (which may or may not — or be only partially or contingently — true) which claims that no humanly-transmissible pathogenic viruses exist at all, including the mumps, measles, and herpes which YOU think you caught when you were younger?!*
*Tjhis theory may make sense to you or to me, but it most certainly will NOT to 99% of people who hear of it.
I get your point, but there has to be room for discussion on viruses from more that just one perspective.
Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Scoglio etc. saying that the virus hunters took a wrong turn with the invention of the electron microscope when they started labeling allegedly dying cell particles as infectious agents responsible for many or most diseases, is hardly “crazy”. We are talking about a field of science, EM virology (I made up that term), that is 90 years old and which will go through several (r)evolutions in the next hundreds of years. The fact that they still talk about viruses=toxin should raise a few questions about them.
Virology is, timewise if not functionally, at the same point that bacteriology was in ~1760 (=90 years after bacteria was viewed in a microscope).
right, he’s becoming like SNL and Bill Maher. if you go posting a video where they actually seem to get it, you legitimize all the other propaganda they push. MSM is MSM is MSM. Coke Pepsi. Same owners, same poison.
The “alien” card will be played according to necessity to further NWO objecktives … presently they are preparing the bed for seeds that soon will sprout …
Aliens totally suck (don’t they?).
Green pyramids with anal probers, that will another wave of fear porn, then they’ll probably suggest the vaccine can actually prevent the anal probing happening as the aliens only want to anally probe the unvaxxed. Imagine the terror if you’re out walking alone and you see one of those things floating over your head if you’re not vaccinated!
The Invasion of the Alien Anal Probers.
It’s got a ring to it. Could be a goer.
Briefly, China applied a special anal verion of the covid test to arrivals from Japan, until the Japanese govt. protested.
I did hear about it. Thank god for the Japanese
Fortunately, the Johnson government and their spooks in the media have long since lost their ability to strike fear into anyone except themselves. After a year of retreat, this is just another scare tactic that will fail like everything else.