Israeli Mass Murder and a Jew’s Jewish Question
Michael Lesher

Image by hosny salah from Pixabay
“A spirit [of piety] is characterized not only by what it does but, no less, by what it permits.”
Rabbi Leo Baeck
One consequence of being Jewish is a standing familiarity with a wide range of Jewish jokes – including those that address what seems to be our collective inability to let well enough (or, more often, bad enough) alone.
So, for instance, there’s the one about the difference between a Jewish pessimist and a Jewish optimist: the Jewish pessimist moans, “Things can’t possibly get any worse” – to which the Jewish optimist replies, “Yes, they can!”
Alas, this particular joke would be a lot funnier if it didn’t furnish an all too accurate description of Jewish moral decline.
What can I say? As thousands of tons of rubble bury the victims of the putative Jewish State’s latest mass murder campaign in Gaza, I’m finding myself buried too – metaphorically, that is – under an avalanche of blended viciousness and self-pity by which “religious” Jewish media insists on its victimhood while celebrating slaughter.
And, Jewish optimist that I am, every time I think my coreligionists’ moral turpitude can’t possibly get any worse – it does.
(Full disclosure: thanks to my record of criticizing Israel and of exposing rabbinic child abuse cover-ups, I’ve been called a traitor often enough to be hardened to the insult. Still, since it might be bad form for me to claim, in propria persona, that today’s rabbinic and Jewish lay leadership is no better than a criminal conspiracy, all I am going to do in this article is to set out some relevant facts. Readers may form their own conclusions.)
It has been more than three years since Israel began its routine massacres of unarmed demonstrators inside the open-air prison known as Gaza; in one particularly memorable turkey shoot, Israeli soldiers killed nearly sixty Palestinian civilians on a single day in May 2018.
Their crime? Protesting Israel’s illegal siege of that tormented sliver of land where, according to Harvard University’s Sara Roy, a million children are poisoned every day because Israel will not even allow its prisoners to operate a sewage treatment plant.
As for the response of Jewish “leadership” to those atrocities – well, apart from some highly praiseworthy but marginal exceptions, rabbis and Jewish pundits have either celebrated the torture of Gaza or have kept their mouths shut.
But on May 13 of this year, one rabbi I know in Passaic, New Jersey finally did break his silence. Did he decry the relentless Israeli attack that was leveling apartment buildings and wiping out whole Palestinian families in the Gaza ghetto? Did he protest the blatant ethnic cleansing campaign Israel was simultaneously waging in East Jerusalem? Did he mention that his congregants, as American Jews, are necessarily involved in the funding and political defense of Israel’s land theft and apartheid?
Our enemies are raining rockets aimed at the civilian population of Israel[…]while wild mobs bent on killing Jews roam the streets…”
Mind you, as he wrote that message, Israel’s most recent assault had already exterminated 113 people inside Gaza, 31 of them children, and had wounded 600 more. But the rabbi followed the typical Jewish pattern – he mentioned only the homemade rockets with which Gazans were feebly attempting to retaliate.
And when he wrote about “wild mobs,” he didn’t mean the gangs of Jewish hoodlums who, for weeks, had been destroying crops and olive groves all over the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Nor did he mention the murders of Palestinian children by Israeli soldiers. What troubled the rabbi was the relatively small number of Palestinians who were starting to fight back.
Others within the tribe were taking a similar line.
A day earlier, Allison Josephs, founder of an Orthodox Jewish blog called “Jew in the City,” had fulminated against people who dared to criticize Israel for such trifles as blowing up high-rise residential buildings or exterminating entire families.
“How is peacefully living in our homeland inciting aggression?” Ms. Josephs angrily demanded. A massive military assault against a trapped population was evidently what Ms Josephs meant by “peacefully living”; carrying out the slaughter in conjunction with the ethnic cleansing of occupied Palestinian territory was “peacefully living in our homeland.”
Indeed, how could anyone object to a project so innocent?
Meanwhile, Orthodox rabbis – you know, the kind that say they’re not Zionists, just religious – were calling for an “emergency worldwide” recitation of psalms to counter the sudden danger. Like Josephs, they had all steadfastly ignored the Israeli violence that culminated this spring in an orgy of expulsions of Palestinians from the occupied West Bank town of Sheikh Jarrah. Nor did they suggest, even now, that their followers might devote their efforts toward restraining the Israeli war machine.
One is tempted to quote Theresienstadt survivor Rabbi Leo Baeck, who wrote that piety “is characterized not only by what it does but…by what it permits,” and that “it is difficult to say what has been more pernicious in the course of time: the intolerance that committed the wrongs or the indifference that beheld them unperturbed.”
But I say no more.
The Jewish Press – the world’s largest English-language Orthodox Jewish publication – got into the act, too. On May 15, by which time the death toll in Gaza had reached at least 149, its only relevant headline screamed:
One Dead in Rocket Attack on Ramat Gan [in Israel], Monkey Injured, Hundreds of Rockets Hit Israeli Cities.”
That’s right: an injured monkey made it into the Jewish Press headline, but not the Palestinian victims of Israel’s onslaught. The article even listed the deaths of “three cows” before its one and only reference to Gaza’s human beings – in which it recycled Israel’s claim that “30 Gaza civilians, including many children, have…been killed by rockets that were misfired by Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations.”
Well, but what about the other 119 dead Palestinians? Apparently, “religious” Jews weren’t even expected to ask such a question.
All of this commentary took it for granted that Jews – not the targets of Israeli shells – were the real victims of the violence. But just in case anyone failed to appreciate the tribulations of the privileged as they pulverized the not-so-lucky, the Jewish Press website offered a podcast with the consoling headline “The Jewish Right to Rage.”
Click on the audio link and you could hear Yishai and Malkah Fleisher inveighing against the Israeli police, whose insufficient brutality towards Palestinians – yes, really – had necessitated what Yishai proudly called “Jewish militias to protect the homeland.” (“We destroyed them, we left them in pieces,” bragged a member of one of those impromptu “militias” after they smashed car windows, abducted and assaulted Palestinian passersby and arranged attacks on “Arab-owned businesses” in the Israeli town of Bat Yam.)
Unsatisfied, Yishai mused that “there’s something very, very wrong with our police and our army, that they’re not actually using live ammunition to suppress this jihadist uprising.”
But Yishai’s endorsement of mob violence was small change compared with his wife’s ecstatic description of a fire she thought was roasting Muslim worshipers alive at the Al-Aqsa mosque in East Jerusalem.
“Celebrating” with other Zionists as they danced near the ancient Temple mount – she called this “fulfilling their rights to pray in their own city, in their own capital,” even though the site is actually inside occupied Palestinian territory – an excited Malkah had witnessed “a big fire flying out of the top” of the mosque where Israeli “police” were assaulting trapped Palestinian worshipers who, under a barrage of stun grenades, were trying to confuse the attackers by tossing “firecrackers” in their direction.
The blaze turned out to be no more serious than the Palestinians’ mode of defense – but even when Malkah and her friends assumed the entire mosque was a deadly inferno, they were quite content to watch the goyim burn:
[I]t was shocking – but it was also not horrifying. It was not horrifying. Because…we just felt like, as you say in Hebrew, magia lahem, like, they deserve this, they deserve to have a fire up on the Temple Mount because of what they’re trying to do to us, and we know if that those police weren’t standing there, they’d be shooting those firecrackers directly in our faces… And [so] the [Jewish] crowd was not horrified to see this fire.
What’s a girl to do? If we don’t incinerate those pesky natives, they might just throw a firecracker at us while storm troopers bludgeon them out of their homes and mosques so we can keep dancing on what used to be their land. Poor us!
Fortunately, there’s a remedy for such dilemmas. The same Allison Josephs who couldn’t make out why some people object to mass murder has already offered religious advice to Jews who support it: trust in God and believe in Jewish infallibility.
“[I]t is pretty clear that there is Jew hatred going on,” sighed Josephs in a blog post dated May 12. But no matter: “Why should I feel insignificant and full of despair when we are the people who taught the world how a David could beat a Goliath?… What is impossible with Hashem [God] on our side?”
Eight days later, a “community awareness bulletin” from a Jewish organization that focuses on “practical issues facing the Orthodox Jewish Community today” was even more explicit. Citing a verse in Psalm 8 that describes an evildoer who “has dug a pit deep, only to fall into a trap of his own making,” the newsletter claimed that this “is a clear allusion to the tunnels dug by the Sonei Yisrael [enemies of the Jews], and what should become of their plans.”
I suppose the rabbis deserve some credit for knowing that Gaza’s meager defenses include underground tunnels. All the same, the rabbis’ familiarity with the Bible leaves something to be desired: they might have quoted more aptly from Ezekiel 33:24-26, where God rebukes Jews who claim “the land [of Israel] is given us for inheritance” with the angry rejoinder:
Ye stand upon your sword, ye work abomination, and ye defile every one his neighbor’s wife: and shall ye possess the land?”
But that prescient description of the modern State of Israel wouldn’t have yielded the answer the rabbis wanted, so… Again, I say no more.
A bit of personal history is worth mentioning here. Several years ago, I learned that Ohr Somayach, the school in Monsey, New York where – as a newcomer to traditional Judaism – I once studied the Talmud, Scriptural commentaries and the legal codes, was planning a massive new complex in occupied Sheikh Jarrah.
Horrified, I wrote to the school’s administrators, pleading with them not to make students of holy texts accomplices in an international crime. They responded that the new building was the work of Ohr Somayach’s Israeli branch, which was not affiliated with the one in Monsey. (A falsehood, but what the hell.)
So I wrote to Ohr Somayach in Israel with the same message. I waited patiently for an answer; nothing ever came.
But two years ago, advanced plans for the eleven-story building were officially announced in Israel as part of what human rights activists have called “Israel’s ramped up efforts to deepen its circle of control around the Old City Basin.”
You don’t have to be a prophet to understand what is going on. As part of its ethnic cleansing campaign, Israel wants to tighten its noose around the Palestinians of East Jerusalem – and what better excuse for evicting Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah than the proximity of a large school full of young Jews, many from the United States, who might otherwise face danger from “Arab terrorists”?
For its part, Ohr Somayach is seeking a bargain-basement price for a hefty real estate development project – and the Israeli government is happy to oblige, given the role the new building will play in its own criminal plans.
In other words: it’s a dirty deal made in heaven. God, meet ethnic cleansing. Neo-Nazis, meet the Talmud.
Over two hundred years ago (as told by Martin Buber) the Hasidic master Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev warned against the growing perversion of moral priorities that is ripening today in the grotesque marriage of Zionist brutality with ersatz Jewish piety:
What I see before me is a topsy-turvy world. Once the whole truth was in the alleys and market-places of Israel: there everyone told the truth…Truth and faithfulness were the lamps lighting their steps, and…with their souls they proved the words: “Your ‘yes’ be true and your ‘no’ be true,” and all their trading was done in good faith. But when they came to the House of Prayer they beat their breasts and said: “We have trespassed! We have dealt treacherously! We have robbed!” And all this was a lie because they had kept faith before God and Man. Today the reverse takes place: in trading they lie and cheat; in their prayer they profess the truth.
How fortunate is the religious community that “lies” to God by claiming more wickedness than it actually possesses! And how ominous is our moral horizon when the only truth we tell is the rote repetition of the confessional liturgy – while in every other respect, our collective words and actions have sunk to the level of Nazi apologetics!
I can picture that future Ohr Somayach building in Sheikh Jarrah – the rows of earnest young men swaying in fervent prayer or delving into their Talmudic folio volumes.
The image fills me with sadness. And with anger.
With every prayer they recite, with every religious law they learn, with every page they study, the occupants of that bloodstained structure will be more deeply entangled in a web of deceit, treachery, cruelty, hypocrisy and fraud.
Yes, I know that some aspects of history are irreversible, and that we cannot all be responsible for the crimes of the past.
But when a society builds its future on a foundation of stolen property and murdered children – and that’s what we “religious” Jews are doing at this very moment – it invites both the curse of Ezekiel and the taunt of the political philosopher Leo Strauss, who once complained of an ideology so blind to reality that when it is brought to justice for “fiddling while Rome burns” it will plead only two worthless “excuses”:
it does not know that it fiddles, and it does not know that Rome burns.”
And that won’t be just another Jewish joke.
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.
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OH MY GOD.. one of my posts is “awaiting a spam check”…… For writing about the EVIL israeli army and the people’s complicity…….
Nazi Earth to control the world.
The geopolitics are part of WW2.
When the author says that he studied at Ohr Sameach, an institution intended to present basic Jewish thought to people from secular backgrounds, he sort of gives his game away to anyone who knows the scene that he is describing. Then he goes on to conflate zionism with religion. Now, Modern Orthodoxy does exactly that – but that is MO, not traditional Orthodoxy. Ohr Sameach also places itself firmly in that camp. If the author hasn’t realised that distinction, he is clearly one mixed up guy. I’ve not see the rest of his literary output, neither am I interested, but I’d suspect that his claims – and his claimed reasons why – he’s called a traitor are the result of a similar blurring of boundaries. But what the hell? He clearly has a need to vent, and he has an avid audience to lap up his ‘first-hand’ testimony, so can at least feel that he belongs somewhere, and can even claim the moral high ground in being there.
Isn’t the basic tenet of Zionism that God promised a certain land to a certain people? A such, it is strongly interrelated with religion even if the two are not to be conflated.
Says Sam, the Hasbara troll………
This is happening to make the still brained population of the world, not think about Agenda 21 Depopulation…..2025 big time to show new total of world population.
The word question, hitler used it the above article uses it .
Rember the British and Nazi connection.
At a second attempt here are the Labour Friends of Israel. I know it’s a long list, all the more reason for publishing it I would have thought.
As of March 2020, the Officers, sitting MPs, Lords and former members who were supporters of LFI are set out below.[22]
OfficersLabour (unless otherwise stated)
Sitting MPsLabour (unless otherwise stated)
Sitting LordsLabour (unless otherwise stated)
Former members
See also
Sitting LordsLabour. To an outsider that is so idiosyncratic, sitting or otherwise. Makes one revert to a new form of nihilism. As in get me out of this political quagmire. But the politically infected are a mass beyond comprehension because of their expert mendacity to believe anything that is convenient unto them while saying this is for you.
Sitting Lords. Quite easy really. After having served their stints British Members of Parliament in the House of Commons, upon retirement are awarded a sinecure of a seat in the House Of Lords, the Upper (and generally useless) Chamber.
Useless eaters, all.
A brave article. Thank you Michael Lesher.
Hey I knew that joke differently:
(Not about Jews to start with)
The pessimist says:
I think life could never get better than this.
The optimist:
I agree!
As some have mentioned, there seems to be an influx of Zionist trolls on this thread. But, going by their comments, I don’t think any of them have reached puberty yet.
TWO to be precise George..
Something that is missing from comments below is the old adage “it takes two to tango”. Everyone has obviously taken a position on this or as Julius Caesar said “everyone will believe what they want to believe”. I don’t have a position either way, I am not pro or anti each side but come on let’s have some realism here, its not an enduring situation because one side is out to get the other, it is enduring because they are historically mutually opposed and will likely always be thus.
What’s mostly missing from most analysis is the recognition of the constant deliberate fomenting of disharmony creating/perpetuating divide-and-conquer situations, dating from at least Julius Caesar’s time. The powerful always control BOTH sides. They infiltrate or set up from start the opposition and control both sides, ensuring both sides continue to fight each other. It’s always both sides … but people are generally reluctant to perceive or call out people who seem to be on the right side … however if you are unwilling to recognise controlled opposition you may as well give up the ghost right now.
This story about Riad Ishkontana in NYT and AP is clearly fake.
Three controlled demolitions
This article approaches the staging from a different angle, describing the “controlled opposition” roots of Hamas and pointing out that Hamas would have had to be in Israel’s pocket, as it would have been they who were responsible for implementing the controlled demolition of three buildings (sound familiar?) allegedly brought down by missiles.
Building collapse 1 – Al-Jalaa Tower, housing Al Jazeera
Detailed analysis of the building destruction by a commenter in Cutting Through The Fog
Building collapse 2 – The Hanadi Tower. housing Hamas
Building collapse 3 – Al-Shorouk Tower, housing businesses, residences and Hamas’ Al-Aqsa satellite TV channel
Other collaboration between the alleged enemies
This video shows other collaboration between the alleged enemies.
Hello Petra Liverani: That’s quite an interesting group of films. They remind me of Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, and other theater productions…
Yep, Paul, they fake it virtually on a daily basis I’d say – big ones and little ones. Even by assiduously avoiding the news I come across fake news all the time even if it’s just some small incident not far from where I live – and the more you look at it the more you get a sense just from the headline, a quick look at the images or a couple of sentences that it’s fake – you have to hand it to them though, they always let us know with their little signs.
Your comments are too mature. Are you sure you want to read these blogs or maybe you should because they give you genuine knowledge of why conflict exists and why historically and today people go to war and kill each other. Its all here to see on the internet.
When you find a solution to humanity I’m happy to listen.
If you are quoting Shakespeare, then Julius Caesar most definitely did not say that.
I would encourage you to read a book written by Israel Shahak, linked somewhere below, (by THX, I think), called Jewish History, Jewish Religion – The Weight of Three Thousand Years.
It will help to explain.
Not before the twentieth century.
Epicurious, your pessimism is warranted by past experience but not helpful for future action.
Epicurus thought that friendship was essential to human happiness.
“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” — Abe Lincoln
“If I could preserve the Union and free the slaves I would do it. If I could preserve the Union and not free the slaves I would do it. But I shall preserve the Union”.
One state solution.
I think the situation is more binary, there’s the opressed and there’s the oppressor. The opressor has the upperhand because it has rooted it’s influence in the higher echelons of power.
When it needs something to be done, it will pull strings and the world turns on a blind eye to the carnage. To criticise is to be antisemitic, what ever that means because my understanding, the real Semites are the ones buried under the rabble.
I know it may be hard to believe, but this Jewish project is not going to prevail. And I can tell you what the most likely outcome will be; It will be the French-Algerian solution. And that’s that.
That vision is based on ?
For one Israel is surrounded by Arabs, just as Algeria is.
Two. Although the conventional wisdom is that Israel is Americas indispensable ally, For France in those days Algeria was considered French soil, a state of France. And yet France cut her loose. Same will happen with Israel.
History is on the side of the Palestinians. A permanent occupation of Palestine is not feasible. Especially once the US ceases paying for it.
Then there’s demographics, they are also on the side of the Palestinians.
So the solution that most likely will be imposed on Israel is the French-Algerian one where there are elections that include the Palestinians And that’s that.
To put it simply:
Zionism = Nazism
Greater Israel = Lebensraum
Chosen People = Master Race
Goyim = Untermensch
(also, there are many other ideologies that are similar to Nazism which need to be combatted too)
I see a parallel between Gaza under seige and the Warsaw Ghetto, even if the latter was much smaller.
Some have inquired if a Jew could live peacefully in Gaza the way Palestinian citizens of Israel live (relatively) peaceful lives, at least until recently. Well, it appears that Amira Hass, a journalist, Israeli national and Jew, does indeed live in Gaza.
The Palestinians, who originated from Egypt.
Are being used by the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood.
All the Arab States(Oil that is), don’t care about them.
Israel is set up as the bad boy, scapegoat once again, as usual.
This is Agenda 21…As the Nazi Agenda of Earth Island, has been going on.
If you want to know the capitol of evil and the controllers, look to the Alps, I won’t name names, because this website won’t post this comment.
Also must be said, Britain as the whole world has a great number of Goose Steppers, in its mist.
And the Israelis who originated in eastern Europe…….
Thanks for pointing that out!
Try central asia.
I hope a bit of history is not out of place here. By 1917, with Russia reluctant to fight, practically out and attempting a separate peace with Germany, and before America entered the conflict, the allies were very far from being on the winning side of the war. According to Robert Fisk:
” … But at almost the same time Lloyd George was writing this panegyric—in 1936— he was speaking far more frankly about the Balfour Declaration in the House of Commons during a debate on the Arab revolt:
‘It was at one of the darkest periods of the war that Mr. Balfour first prepared his Declaration. At that time the French Army had mutinied; the Italian army was on the eve of collapse; America had hardly started preparing in earnest. There was nothing left but Britain confronting the most powerful military combination that the world had ever seen. It was important for us to seek every legitimate help that we could get. The Government came to the conclusion, from information received from every part of the world, that it was very vital that we should have the sympathies of the Jewish community… We certainly had no prejudices against the Arabs because at that moment we had hundreds of thousands of troops fighting for Arab emancipation from the Turk. Under these conditions and with the advice they received, the Government decided that it was desirable for us to secure the sympathy and cooperation of that most remarkable community, the Jews, throughout the world. They were helpful to us in America to a very large extent [Indeed they were, bringing it into the conflict]; and they were helpful even in Russia at that moment because Russia was just about to walk out and leave us alone. Under those conditions we proposed this to our Allies. France, Italy, and the United States accepted it… The Jews, with all the influence that they possessed, responded nobly to the appeal that was made.’
“But now the Arabs ‘were demanding practically that there should be no more Jewish immigration,’ Lloyd George complained to the Commons. ‘We could not accept that without dishonouring our obligations. It was not as if the Arabs were in a position to say that Jewish immigration is driving them, the ancient inhabitants, out…’ But Lloyd George grasped, if with too little gravity, where the problem lay:
‘The obligations of the Mandate were specific and definite. They were that we were to encourage the establishment of a National home for the Jews in Palestine without detriment to any of the rights of the Arab population. That was a dual undertaking and we must see that both parts of the Mandate are enforced.’
“But both parts of the British Palestine Mandate could not be enforced,
and Nazi Germany’s persecution of its Jews in 1936, which Lloyd George specifically mentioned, would turn into the Holocaust that would ensure the existence of an Israeli state in Palestine—whatever ‘he rights of the Arab population.’ By 1938, George Antonius was saying quite clearly that ‘the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, or of a national home based on territorial sovereignty, cannot be accomplished without forcibly displacing the Arabs…’ Antonius wanted an independent Arab state ‘in which as many Jews as the country can hold without prejudice to its political and economic freedom would live in peace, security and dignity, and enjoy full rights of citizenship.’ Fearing ‘an unpredictable holocaust of Arab, Jewish
and British lives,’ help for the Jews of Europe, he said, must be sought
elsewhere than in Palestine:
‘The treatment meted out to Jews in Germany and other European countries
is a disgrace to its authors and to modern civilisation; but posterity will not exonerate any country that fails to bear its proper share of the sacrifices
needed to alleviate Jewish suffering and distress. To place the brunt of the burden upon Arab Palestine is a miserable evasion of the duty that lies upon the whole of the civilised world. It is also morally outrageous. No code of morals can justify the persecution of one people in an attempt to relieve the persecution of another. The cure for the eviction of Jews from Germany is not to be sought in the eviction of the Arabs from their homeland; and the relief of Jewish distress may not be accomplished at the cost of inflicting a corresponding distress upon an innocent and peaceful population.’
“It is astonishing that such remarks—so prescient in view of the Palestinian disaster a decade later—could have been written in 1938.
“Yet there were others who foresaw future disaster in equally bleak terms. Only a
year earlier, but reflecting upon the future, Winston Churchill had written of
the impossibility of a partitioned Palestine and had written—far more prophetically—of how:
‘the wealthy, crowded, progressive Jewish State lies in the plains, and on the sea coasts [of Palestine]. Around it, in the hills and the uplands, stretching far and wide into the illimitable deserts, the warlike Arabs of Syria, of Transjordania, of Arabia, backed by the armed forces of Iraq, offer the ceaseless menace of war… To maintain itself, the Jewish State must be armed to the teeth, and must bring in every able-bodied man to strengthen its army. But how long would this process be allowed to continue by the great Arab populations in Iraq and Palestine? Can it be expected that the
Arabs would stand by impassively and watch the building up with Jewish world capital and resources of a Jewish army equipped with the most deadly weapons of war, until it was strong enough not to be afraid of them? And if ever the Jewish army reached that point, who can be sure that, cramped within their narrow limits, they would not plunge out into the new
undeveloped lands that lie around them?’
‘If Palestine should be partitioned,’ Churchill concluded, ‘I find it difficult … to resist the conclusion that the … [partition] scheme would lead inevitably to the complete evacuation of Palestine by Great Britain.’
“And so, as they say, it came to pass.”
Robert Fisk, The Great War for Civilization.
Sorry for the format of the post; that’s what happens when you copy/paste.
Thank you for posting. I miss Robert Fisk!
The material quoted here is indeed valuable, and I am a great admirer of Robert Fisk. I have only one reservation. My copy of The Great War for Civilisation does not contain (on p. 366) the bracketed phrase found above, which (after Lloyd George’s comment to the effect that American Jews were helpful to the British cause in World War I), reads: “Indeed they were, bringing it [the United States] into the conflict.” I am not aware that Robert Fisk — or any other historian, for that matter — accuses American Jews of “bringing” the United States into World War I. The claim is certainly not made or suggested anywhere in the passage from which these quotations are taken.
Yes, that was my addition, hence the brackets but perhaps I should have mentioned it. My mistake.
My reference is Benjamin H. Friedman.
Correction: Benjamin H. Freedman. And to dispel any possible misunderstanding, by “Indeed they were…” I meant the same people Lloyd George was referring to, which are certainly not the common people who were being massacred in Europe, but the very powerful individuals not affected in the least by the events of the time, and who came to him offering him, according to Freedman, the assurance of bringing the United States into the war in exchange of a home land in Palestine to the Jewish people.
In a 1961-speech at the Willard hotel in Washington (a speech followed by an exchange of questions/answers with the audience), Freedman, who was 24 years old in 1914, narrates the events that led to a very unexpected and sudden 180°-turn in Washington’s position towards Germany. The speech is available on YT but it is not “all over the place” as one might expect; you may look up “Benjamin H Freedman speech 1961”. This is an extract related to that particular point:
“The Zionists in London went to the British war cabinet and they said: “Look here. You can yet win this war. You don’t have to give up. You don’t have to accept the negotiated peace offered to you now by Germany. You can win this war if the United States will come in as your ally.”
“They [Zionists] told England: “We will guarantee to bring the United States into the war as your ally, to fight with you on your side, if you will promise us Palestine after you win the war.”
The reason I’m inclined to believe Freedman on this point, is that first of all he provides a plausible explanation to an event otherwise very difficult to explain and of which, no other explanation has been provided as far as I know: that, overnight, without apparent reason, the United States government should switch positions from pro-German to anti-German with everything that change implies (the pro-German position of the United States government at the outbreak of the war is backed by an eminent scholar as Taylor Gatto [see the Ultimate History Lesson]). Second, Freedman states to his audience: “I am going to be brief because this is a long story, but I have all the documents to prove any statement that I make if anyone here is curious, or doesn’t believe what I’m saying is at all possible.”
cast lead
standard operations
make money on the new born and monetizing the dead
banker gang fund the buildings
then counter gangs atomize
fund the building
banker friends atomize
build the flats in londonium and they will come in the millions
a new exodus for the children of gaza and the diminished strips of palestine land
they can be civil citizen in london with human rights
good slave tax payers in the admiralty maritime bonded system
that land over in that place is needed
for oil industries on land gas storage and off sea drilling.
even russia have signed contracts with tel aviv
for a million years maybe more the land has always belonged to the khazar tribes
it is true i am sure eye saw it in a spielberg show or a documentary called exodus with
the actor paul newman playing the hero arii ben canaan
as the hollywood saying goes it’s all true folks
You forgot about operation ‘Protective Edge’ a little later. And whist we are about it the Blowing up of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946. 90 People died among whom 20 were Jewish. That was a little gift from the Irgun courtesy of Menachem Begin. Then there was the Shabra and Chatlla massacre in 1982. Also the murder on the high seas when – the Mavi Marmara incident where Israeli commandos boarded a ship bound for Palestine carrying food for the population. This was of course piracy on the high seas, and, I almost forgot the Israeli commandos shot and killed 9 members of the crew just for the fun of it. The prominent Israeli dissident Gideon Levy writing in Haaretz rued, ”this operation is the second horror film of the apparently ongoing series.” Thank goodness there are some decent Jews like Levy and Norman Finkelstein, and the Human Rights organization in Israel B’Tselem.
My, my. Judging by the comments below, this article has hit a very raw nerve with the Israel lobby. Off Guardian is on more radar screens that I had thought.
Is that so? Well, I thinks an olive branch should be extended. Let us find peace through common ground.
I think we can all agree that Israel has a right to exist in the history books.
See? Why can’t we all get along?
The following footage of Orthodox Jews who joined the recent solidarity with Palestine demonstration in London fills me with hope. Obviously, their understanding of Judaism is as a belief system that incorporates decent, human values.
Zionists wail “Scum! Traitors!” at Jews who march against apartheid in London
Israel are parasites, living off the reparations from Germany (enforced by the USA) and the political corruption of the USA.
It goes much further than that- they are an international mafia making money on anything that makes quick, big money- from online casinos in Gibraltar to organ trafficking to drugs to guns to dark web services to younameit. They enjoy immunity from local police forces via Mossad connections.
True.. They are and always have been the MAFIA…
“EVIL PERSONIFIED”.. I can’t breath for the hatred I feel towards the murdering lying bastards who are killing innocent men, women and children…Not satisfied with knee capping them.. now told to aim at their genitals!!!!! Chosen people? My arse.. Chosen for what?
Fu**ing ANIMALS!!!!!!! We are actually looking at the DEVIL stalking the world… The ROOT of all EVIL. My skin crawls at the thought of them.
It looks like Hasbara™ got here early and set the tone in the comments.
You don’t make an argument by an accusative tone. Not when you’re English first-language speaker. That’s a primitive instinct. It doesn’t go down well on an ‘intellectual’ level.
What is likely to happen, then? Or, what might happen to change this seemingly unending sequence of events. I’ve suggested elsewhere that Sam Vaknin might like to psychologise the present Israeli mindset (and the Palestinians too, perhaps?)
We’re none of us in the best frame of mind in the World at present, so I’m not simply trying to be superior, so introspection is what is needed ultimately to turn the page in this chapter of history methinks.
The Palestinian children are already being given Psychological help.. but what good will that do??? The little boy’s face at the beginning of this article says it all. How can he ever get away from his torturers. What in Gods name is anyone going to say that can help this child, and he is not alone. HE IS ONE OF THOUSANDS OF BABIES who have grown up with this noose hanging over their heads…..
How will anyone expect him to grow up without hate in his heart for the Spawn of SATAN. Anybody worth their salt would throw the Torah in the garbage and distance themselves from this corruption. By continuing on their path they are CONDONING the barbaric atrocities, and are totally COMPLICIT…..
There is a pendulum swinging over these children with a razor sharp edge and it’s swinging nearer and nearer each day.. What are they to do? WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN THEIR SHOES? So they throw a few stones and shout abuse.. I know what I would do…. And their parents who have already been crippled and demoralised, fire outdated rockets in protest… Oh dear, and the poor israeli army only have state of the art armaments and the iron dome to protect them, and don’t forget the white phosphorous and the nukes!!! Oh didums, quick chosen of the world, send them more money.
Imagine if our Government were doing it to the Welsh or Scots. Would we really stand by, and do nothing?
Well done Michael Lescher for you honesty and soul.
Clearly my rant does not apply to you.. but for those who take offence at what I’ve written.. If the cap fits, wear it.
More hard left, Muslim apologist nonsense and lies about Israels supposed “Genocide”. A “Genocide” so brilliant that Palestine not only has a consistently growing population but also one of the most obese female populations in the world.
George Galloway and Jeremy Corbyn would be proud of such propaganda.
Well of course the Palestinians are living it up, all their gerbils are enormously fat and J Corbyn is Hitler!
You’re killing them because they are fat? Well why didn’t you say? The Nazis used that excuse at Nuremberg but it failed, different times eh?
Could you possibly substantiate your claim about Palestine (something that currently does not exist as a clearly defined geographical entity) having one of the most obese female populations in the world?
From the mouths of troglodytes…
Yeah, so, what comes next.
One thing stcks out, how 3 monoestic religions, by large of historical reasons in the same city Jerusalem, this days have shown us much more than just what one can expect from the terrorstate ISISrael, how hupocritical everybody becomes, no matter how red of an SJW was/is, the moment Palestina comes up, everything changes, from loud shouting to an ear shattering silence, 3 religions highjacked by raw political powers whom again gets their orders from an elite class of robber barons.
I know the Torrah is been raped, faked, lied about, indused with false history, sodomized into an bloody pulp, like the Christianity whom have castrated them self i public to an Islam whom lost its glory and walked astray, again, for an indifel like me, I know that the Noble Quran is an path of peace, and so on to justice for both genders since we are interconected thru been two genders, otherwise no life, its all there, just open the books.
This 3 religions lost track centurys ago to what is the main force to day when it comes to be an good exuse, dont matter what the scrips say, up… f…. them, and with the help of an MSM, created an situation where we know they lie about everything, all the time, and despite the desperate idiot propaganda about Hamas, witch I know is the legitim Gov of the Palestinian enclave Gaza, even recognised rightly so, when you trun on the MSM, like CNN/BBC/SKY N. you get unfiltered ISISraeli Gov and IDF propaganda and for them, despite everything else, from occupation to destruction, etc and sactions, blames everything on Hamas, gives the terrorstate their own created lie about Hamas legitimacy because, yeah, they are indeed fighting ISISrael on different levels and why should they not, when we say Occupation we mean it, and thats what is de facto going on.
What 2 state solution, tell me, look at the maps, west bank is by now more or less ISISrael, their own road system, health care, schools, etc to shopping mals, and to be honest, the only part left more or less intact, is Gaza, even tho its smal, lesser than my home county/comune, and locked down, isolated and sactioned, for decades, and thats it, ISISrael controls everything.
The obvious by now is an abandone of this scam 2 state, what can be done is an integration of whats left of Palestina into ISISrael, full citizen ship, etc, and then they have right, like vouting etc. and maybe into the future, ISISrael can go back to its original name, Palestina.
The 2 state bollocks is to asure the status isnt rocked at all, the occupation/invasion/etc isnt tuched, just read the statements from european Gov and some of them demonstrated their status as ISISraeli bitches with bravure and the rest, mumbled something about stopping the violence, yeah, as it just pooped up lately and havent existed before.
They dont even hide it any more, and gets away because the MSM says the same.
I dont waist time on hasbaRats, let them drool, poor shmuchs are payed by coments so they need to be here, thats the way it is.
I dont expect anything, if anything should be done, for the benefit of the Palestinian people, is to let their nation go back to normal, travel, food etc, sactions lifted, flights restored and so on, and hopefully IDF have learned an lesson them selfs, since I usually dont indulg my self into military strategies, I know, IDF knows that from now on, the reality have changed, even regarding war fare, how do it feel to be standing suddenly in the range of drones and missiles, warfare, is also going thru an paradigme shift.
I just watched an intervjiue with an Rabbie, an elder one and learned, witch didnt suport the creation of ISISrael, and the highjacking of religion, and its remarkable, we agreed on everything, every word uttered, because the problem rests with ISISrael and the Jews have to take up the fight among their own as other religions have to do, you simply cant justify violence and war, ethnic cleansing and theft with arguments whom are NOT what said in the books, “thru shal not steal”.
May the lord bless the peacemakers.
Never ever forget this, to me, Hamas is the legitm Palestinian Gov in the enclave Gaza, regardeless, and their agenda is just and true.
Stop biting into the western scumbags MSM and ISISraeli hysterical idiot Propaganda about Hamas.
Stuff it.
free Palestina
Two states are dead. It was only ever an empty slogan. The solution is a single secular state from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean with everyone currrently living there given citizenship, a vote and equal rights before the law.
Another Left Wing (as usual so far left that it is Right Wing… all the politics are actually Right Wing in different disguises).
One side throws 1000’s of rockets at another side, by suprise, aiming at civilians; so now they complain that their enemies are hitting back….PLO and Hamas need to split apart.
Lets not forget about the PLO’s facilities to make phoney videos and show the world garbage, so the world’s phoney leaders, who are hooked on oil, can complain about human rights….a bad joke by the UN, etc.
When a renter does not pay the rent, they usually get evicted, UN rules.
When you encroach, oppress and invade, there is pushback
Jews are indigenous, “Palestinians” are not.
Does indigenous mean you own everywhere any of your ancestors has ever lived? What about other people’s ancestors: oh, they don’t count, they are not chosen!
Read the Old Testament, my friend, which is the Jewish holy book, and you will see mention of the Philistines living in that part of the world. The Philistines were the Palestines.
Jews are indigenous – to Khazaria.
It was called Palestine when Ben-Gurion arrived (with the aim to drive out the arabs) in 1906 (from Poland) and it was still Palestine when Golda Meir arrived (from Wisconsin) in 1921.
Chosen ones don’t live by the same rules as the rest of us. They have a moral code that permits “ethical” killing, a bit like a nation of politicians.
You are wasting your breath in this hard left, Muslim apologist echo chamber. OG is like UK Column, great on Covid and identical to Jihadis and Communists on Israel.
You complain about Nazis, you complain about Moslems, you complain about the left … is there anybody you actually get along with?
False dichotomy alarm. You can criticise Israel’s crimes against humanity without being Muslim. In fact, as an atheist I particularly detest Islam because of the power it exerts over the masses in some parts of the world.
I guess if we’re hard right AND hard left, does that mean we’re centre?
Hard centre.
No. Hard right Neo-nazi Marxists something or other. I forget. And Katie Harper is a Stalinist. I remember that part.
Israelis bombed while they stroked puppies. We’re the puppies frightened?
The UN rules, my dear friend, are that you cannot claim territory that you have gained through military invasion but does not belong to you as your territory.
Did you elect the UN?
No, I didn’t. You were the one talking about UN rules, not me.
One more thing, my comments are NOT spam. So “awaiting spam check” sounds like something I would expect from YouTube or Twitter, not OG.
OG and UK Column regurgitate hard left/Communist/Nazi Sympathiser propaganda on Israel. Great on Covid1984 but cringe on Israel.
Lol – I thought UKC were ‘hard right’? We, otoh, have been called everything from alt-right to champagne socialists. 🤣
Try to think in facts rather than labels maybe.
Beyond speaking to power I have so far not gotten a sense of any strong ideology.
It happens so often I am assuming libertarian. Left in your (collective) case. Socialist anarchist at least minimally.
I am a student. How was my take. Get a show of hands for me. 😁
When you have no argument, call them names!
The kind of people now protesting against the atrocities being committed against oppressed Palestinians in Israel are those who would have been protesting against the atrocities committed against Jews in Nazi Germany.
You already said that. The writer is Jewish. Criticising Israel whether Jewish or not, does not make one an anti-Semite or communist.
Arabic people have been living side by side with Israelis in Israel for decades. But how many Jews can do that safely is Gaza?
If your very charter calls for the destruction of Israel, don’t expect the Israeli government to treat you kindly.
If you break your own eighth commandment, don’t expect strawberries and cream.
Indeed. How many Nazis lived in the gas chambers? See!
Is there any evidence that any Jews wish to go and reside in Gaza just now, particularly bearing in mind that Israel has a policy of denying even safe drinking water to that open prison?
Prpagandist you.
So for example the 258 million US tax payer dollars that your buddy Joe Biden sent to the Gaza Palestinian government couldn’t be used for water treatment. Of course not, terrorist tunnels and missles are more important. Face it, just like the Hamas creeps you hate Israelis.
They literally, publicly stated, want to exterminate the people of Gaza. By they I mean the general public as reflected in polling data. How child like your comment appears.
“Unlike the Guardian we are NOT funded by Bill & Melinda Gates, or any other NGO or government. “
No, but your commenters are nazis.
Very good, Malcolm. You’ve mentioned the N word three times now. It’s time for you to move on to the H word. You know the one!
Better a Nazi than a murderer.
Although I am neither and I guess you support one of the two choices?
How does protesting against atrocities committed against an oppressed people make me a Nazi?
Pffft. I am confident that the people here would be the first to protect a Jew and the last to protect a fascist. That would include a Jewish fascist.
Chock FULLLLLL of nazis.
The only Nazis left are over 100 and are probably starting to think that they may earn redemption in heaven.
They didn’t know it at the time but maybe they were helping the world … redemption.
Personally I think the Holohoax is a load of crap, but I can say that because I don’t live in the USSK and my opinion is shared with most of my Chinese friends. Why wouldn’t you just shoot them?
Those people were killed. The use of ovens and gas may be exaggerated, some of the numbers don’t add up.
Why wouldn’t you just shoot them? I think they did.
I will be back later. I think my lunch is burning…
Note to reader. Yes the joke sucked by my handler said to avoid directly saying oven. And I says to myself. Self I said. I won’t say cannibal either.
You deleted it but I’m happy to say it again, these comments are full of Nazis.
You poor victim!
There is no mention of the same plight of the Christian Palestinians. Is this deliberate?
Did you read the piece? It consistently speaks of Palestinians in general; Christians are in no way excluded.
The word “Muslim” appears exactly once in the piece, and that is in connection with worshipers at the Al-Aqsa mosque, who presumably were Muslim.
(It’s also used because the Fleishers, who are being critiqued at that point in the text, claim that Palestinians are engaged in a “jihadist uprising,” a claim that is relevant to Malkah’s endorsement of the idea of burning up the entire mosque in “self-defense.”)
I don’t generally respond to comments on my articles, but I didn’t want you or anyone left with the impression that I am somehow discriminating against Christian Palestinians.
Not at all sir. But could you comment on what is a real contradiction in the Christian community?
2000 years ago no Jews (at all) lived in Israel; Only a GREEK speaking people.
Below is an interesting example of a first century BC GREEK inscription (i.e., a message in the GREEK language and script) from the famed Second Temple which once stood on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount. It forbids the entry of strangers to the Temple precinct.
The pictured stone was found in 1935. It was actually the second such warning-stone to be found, the first being discovered by Charles Simon Clermont-Ganneau in 1871. This stone was deemed so dangerous to the “Jews inhabited Israel 2000 years ago” theory, that it completely disappeared for 13 years before resurfacing in Istanbul, where, it was correctly calculated, it would not attract much attention. It is now displayed in the Archaeology Museum of that city, and is pictured below:
It says in GREEK: “No stranger is to enter within the balustrade round the temple and enclosure. Whoever is caught will be responsible to himself for his death, which will ensue.” Was the famed Second Temple actually a GREEK Temple?
<B>The oldest synagogue in Israel (is a GREEK synagogue).</B>
The word synagogue (ΣΥΝΑΓΩΓΗ) is a GREEK word for a gathering of people, assembly, or meeting place. It is exceedingly strange that Jews should have chosen a GREEK word to name their churches. Here is a photo of the dedication stone of the oldest synagogue in Israel. This dedication stone is all that is left of the building.
Note that the inscription is in GREEK letters.
For the full article, see:
<b>More Ancient GREEK Synagogues.</b>
Sepphoris (ΣΕΠΦΩΡΙΣ) was an ancient GREEK city, now in ruins, about six kilometers northwest of Nazareth. Strangely, those who excavated this GREEK city were unable to find the ruins of a single GREEK temple, or even a GREEK synagogue. However, they have uncovered what they call a “Jewish synagogue”.
Pictured symbolically on the mosaic floor of this “Jewish synagogue” is the GREEK sun God, Helios, and his wife, Selene, the moon God. As is common in GREEK art, Helios is depicted riding on his chariot, which was drawn across the sky by four horses. Around the image of the GREEK sun God is one of a number of GREEK inscriptions that can be found in this “Jewish synagogue”, and surrounding that, are representations of the twelve signs (a mixture of demons, animals, and gods) of the zodiac.
Of course, having an image of the GREEK sun God in a “Jewish synagogue” is problematic, as it is a clear violation of the commandments of Moses, which state: Do not have any other gods before Me. Do not represent [such] gods by any carved statue or picture of anything in the heaven above, on the earth below, or in the water below the land. (Exodus 20:3-4)
Some have tried to escape the violation by noting that Ηελιος, Ηλιος, Αλιος, Ηλος, Αλ, and Ηλ are all names referring to the GREEK sun God. The last name, Ηλ = El = אל, which is the usual GREEK word for the sun, is also a name for the Jewish God. Hence, they conclude that Helios, and the Jewish God, are the same God, and therefore (technically) there is no violation.
Excavations at Sepphoris have revealed more than sixty other colorful mosaic carpets. Many feature scenes from GREEK mythology, for example, those found in the “House of Dionysos” and the “House of Orpheus”. Dionysos was known as the Son of God, that is, the Son of Zeus, and Orpheus was another GREEK God, who, in his human form, was a great teacher of men. This ancient city had a large number of residences, an advanced water supply system, public toilets, and an ancient GREEK theater that seated 4,500.
Jill, thanks for that interesting info. I live an hour’s drive from Sepforis and have never visited it, though the Mona Lisa of Sepforis is a popular postcard pic. From WikiPedia:
“The site holds a rich and diverse historical and architectural legacy that includes Hellenistic, ancient Jewish, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic, Crusader, Arab and Ottoman remains.
In Late Antiquity, it was believed to be the birthplace of Mary, mother of Jesus, and the village where Saints Anna and Joachim are often said to have resided, where today a 5th-century basilica is excavated at the site honouring the birth of Mary.[5]
Notable structures at the site include a Roman theatre, two early Christian churches, a Crusader fort partly rebuilt by Zahir al-Umar in the 18th century, and over sixty different mosaics dating from the third to the sixth century CE.[6][7] “
Educated natives of the Graeco-Roman world would speak Greek, same as educated Romans of those times. Political control of the entire Middle East (and cultural control of the entire Roman Empire) was exercised by a Greek-speaking elite who bore Greek names like Cleopatra and Ptolemy, after Alexander’s conquest of the Persian Empire. Alexander having learnt religious tolerance from the Persians would have allowed Jews to govern the Jerusalem temple but Jewish scribes would naturally put up official notices in Greek (like rabbis in various parts of the old British Empire communicate in English with their flock). The Old Testament eventually needed to be translated into Greek (Septuagint) because so few educated Jews spoke Hebrew. St.Paul (who called himself “a Hebrew of the Hebrews”) wrote letters to his multi-ethnic flock in Greek. The writing of St.John (Revelations) shows a local Palestinian Jew grappling with Greek logic (the Logos, the Word). The ancient world, the world of the Old Silk Road carrying goods and Ideas across the whole of Eurasia, was much more cosmopolitan than a simple divide of Them vs Us.
“Educated natives of the Graeco-Roman world would speak Greek.”
True but that doesn’t explain why nearly everything was in Greek.
Here is the tally of all the inscriptions that have been found in Israel.
The languages of the inscriptions include Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic.
The table below from is from
It gives a summary of the languages of the inscriptions found in the six volumes of “Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae Palaestinae: A multi-lingual corpus of the Inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad.” Volumes 1 & 2 being “Jerusalem;” volume 3 being “Caesarea and the Middle Coast;” volume 4 being “South Coast;” volumes 5 & 6 being “Iudaea Idumaea.”
The Inscriptions are divided into different areas/volumes:
Israel:Middle Coast. Greek=748 Roman=244 Hebrew=13 Aramaic=5
Israel:South Coast. Greek=426 Roman=10 Hebrew=29 Aramaic=13
Israel:Jerusalem. Greek=463 Roman=72 Hebrew=51 Aramaic=47
Israel:The Rest. Greek=975 Roman=69 Hebrew=32 Aramaic=45
Israel:TOTAL. Greek=2612 Roman=395 Hebrew=125 Aramaic=110
If the table above is not clear enough there is an image here:
There is a small PDF which taken from “Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae Palaestinae: A multi-lingual corpus of the Inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad.” It includes information on the two inscriptions from the Second Temple and the Theodotos inscription and can be found here:
Jack, thanks for detailed info on majority of ancient inscriptions being Greek. It confirms what I concluded 30 years ago when I came to settle and “smelt the air” in Israel. The basic culture of Palestine is not Jewish, it is not British, it is not particularly Arabic, it is not even modern Californian: the basic fabric of the country is Greek. Not classical Greek that you learn at school but Hellenistic Greek: the Greek of Alexander, of Ptolemy, of Antony and Cleopatra, of the bustling commercial port of Alexandria, of colourful and candle lit churches, of Byzantium.
Not surprising, when one considers that Alexander had conquered the Middle East by 323 BC, and the Greek Empire in Constantinople (Istanbul) lasted till 1453.
Well… Journalists will continue to write tomes of verbiage. Commentators will continue to comment. Ambassadors will continue to moan. The United Nations will issue a new set of morbid accusations. Bankers and military suppliers will continue to applaud.
All drivel, dance, and hype designed to justify gluttons who call themselves “Children of God”. Same whine. Same bottle.
It’s blatant murder.
That’s my comment.
I avoid news media but heard about terrible goings-on in Gaza – nevertheless I didn’t look because I refuse to look at the news as so much of it is fake. Somehow I came upon this story and I couldn’t believe the signs of fakery. Obviously, the homes of Palestinians are being destroyed and that alone is heinously criminal. It’s not just the loss of one’s home, it’s living among rubble and devastation, how utterly demoralising. However, for reasons I cannot even hazard a guess at, I believe death and injury are being faked – to what degree I don’t know, this is the only story I’ve looked at but we see clear signs of a psyop.
Some of the things that strike me as either reasonably or extremely anomalous in this story:
1. It says the father of 5 children, Riad Ishkontana, was telling his children all the way up past midnight that their house was a safe house. We are also told at this point his wife went to put the five children to bed. We are also told that the only child who survived, Suzy, 7, is the second-oldest of his 5 children.
Comment: So his five children, four of whom were 7 and under were up till past midnight?
2. We are told “the floor gave way beneath him and the walls fell on him, then a concrete pillar, then the roof …”
His injuries do not seem consistent with this kind of devastation.
3. In the NYT article it says he was rescued after 6 hours and his finger was sliced off, however, in the image in the AP article we see his fingers intact except for a bandage around his ring finger on his left hand.
Comment: I think if the bandaged finger had really been sliced off it’s hard to believe they reattached it after 6 hours and you’d think they’d mention this miracle of reattachment if it had happened.
4. In the image in the NYT article, Riad is holding what seems to be a kind of bundle wrapped in a pristine-looking white sheet in his left arm.
Comment: Why would he be carrying a bundle when he’s been injured and had a finger sliced off on his left hand and is surrounded by people helping him and how was the sheet so white in such a situation? Wouldn’t they unburden him? What would be contained in such a bundle at this point in time?
I’m afraid nothing adds up.
Jesus christ. You’ll pop up at your own funeral claiming that your death was a psyop.
Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. 😉
Petra says herself that what’s going on is “heinously criminal”, and of course it is.
Nevertheless, I have noticed myself – with the same caveat as Petra’s: ” for reasons I cannot even hazard a guess at”, – what I believe to be faked death and injury.
Typical examples are the footage of the usual distraught woman wailing about her loss, or the man carrying a red-stained garment, while other people in the background walk calmly by, smiling and unconcerned.
There is always the single shouting, highly agitated person in the foreground, while the other people near the camera are not shouting at all, nor do they appear to be even mildly agitated.
I don’t think tragedy looks like that, and if somebody is going to report genuine tragedy, you’d think they would at least know, and want to show us, what makes it genuine.
(I highly recommend that we always look at the background in such videos. It usually reveals a great deal about the likely authenticity of their content.)
This does NOT by any means signify an attempt on my behalf to belittle the iniquity of the genocide which is going on over there, but those reasons which Petra cannot even hazard a guess at are big question marks in my mind too.
I suppose one possibility is the covering of a gatekeeper’s arse, so that he can claim, under cross-examination, that the video is so obviously fake that any charges against him are laughable and should be dropped immediately?
I don’t know. The world is so screwed that anything is clearly possible.
The worst-case scenario needs to be our starting point these days, not our last resort.
@WarDropper: “I don’t think tragedy looks like that,”
You may be right, but I have often been amazed how little one feels other people’s tragedies. A merciful Nature has somehow protected us from being emotionally crushed by a world’s weight of pain. Auden wrote a poem:
“About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position: how it takes place
While someone else is…just walking dully along”
I’ve seen videos that are beyond fucking horrific, they don’t get shown on the newS for obvious reasons, you’d probably vomit your guts up, or people would go into shock.
Glad you also see the anomalies, wardropper.
Palestinians have a history of faking injuries and death for western media consumption:
Sorry, but I have to say that is a worthless comment in the face of the fact that every modern nation has a history of doing the same thing.
All our most criminal modern policitians are using that very excuse in order to be able to hide behind each other when they commit their sociopathic and psychopathic crimes.
They are all equally guilty.
But the only important thing is to stop what is actually happening right now, so that future historians can do more than just wring their hands and lament ‘yet another human atrocity’…
At least the Nazis didn’t do it!
“The pot calling the kettle black”
Yes, what’s going on in the video is obviously faked but I don’t ‘see it as “Palestinians” doing it. It’s obviously a collaboration. It’s very easy, of course, for the more powerful to find those among the less powerful to participate in their games.
Too right. I suggest you look at an article The Isra-Bluff penned by
Josh G
on the Miles Mathis site. Many useful links on Hamas history and fraudulent military weapons capabilities among others.Thanks for that, Andrew. Yep, blows it out of the water. Controlled demolition of three buildings! Now what does that remind us of?
You’re right of course. The Nakba, apartheid, occupation, it’s all a psyop. The Palestinians are all having a great time really, the partition wall has secret doors in it, so the Gazans can nip into Israel with their swipe cards, have dinner, mint tea, hang out, and get free medical treatment whenever they want, just like the Israelis. The ramshackle fishing boats the Palestinians use are just props, they’ve actually got state of the art yachts hidden from view that they take out for long jaunts round the Med when the tv cameramen aren’t around. The gunboats that I thought blow fishermen ( and the occasional child on the beach) away, aren’t really doing that at all, they’re firing blanks. And a liberal does of Heinz tomato ketchup for some convincing wouds. The bulldozing of houses and evictions are all just a nudge nudge wink wink fun and japes arrangement, that we aren’t in on here in the west. The arabs move back in to the lovely new houses built over the ruins when the newspeople go away. It’s all just harmless fun, none of it is real. I’ve been totally convinced by your highly insightful comments over this last year, and am now aware that all the horrible things I thought were happening in the world, are all in fact, just pretend. I can sleep soundly in my fluffy pillows for the first time in ages.
You are willfully misinterpreting what I say, Corarden. I didn’t make any pretence to an insightful comment – I don’t have a lot of insightful comments to make – all I do is point out fakery and any insightful comment I do have to make stems from the fakery. I don’t know what’s really going on but I’m sure it’s very bad for the Palestinians, I have no doubt of that and I don’t believe that this fakery makes everything OK, of course not – the reverse, OK? The reverse.
But why does everyone just go along with the media story? I do not understand it. Why is it only me pointing out the fakery? Why does everyone swallow it when they make the fakery so damned obvious? I simply do not understand.
Do you seriously suggest that I DON’T point out the fakery? Do you really work under the simplistic notion that fakery suggests it’s all OK and thus the fakery shouldn’t be recognised or pointed out because, in fact, things are really bad and fakery tends to contradict that reality? Is that truth for you? Avoiding pointing out the “misleading” fakery?
So his five children, four of whom were 7 and under were up till past midnight?
I hear the bombing campaign in Gaza is so intense that kids are unable to sleep.
What you need to do always is consider all the evidence, not cherry pick one piece of evidence and offer an alternative explanation for it that doesn’t actually debunk the explanation given but is simply an alternative. So when you consider all the evidence Tim are you under the impression that the story is genuine? Do you consider Riad’s injuries consistent with the description of what happened to him? Do you think there is evidence that one of his fingers was sliced off? There are other anomalies I haven’t pointed out. Can you not see any of them?
I suggest reading this article too.
In the NYT article it says he was rescued after 6 hours and his finger was sliced off, however, in the image in the AP article we see his fingers intact except for a bandage around his ring finger on his left hand.
Yes, but we only see one hand in the image.
We see his hand in the AP article as I mention.
The isreali apartheid regime are the new nazis.
Zionist think they are persecuted yet the fact is that they cannot live side by side in peace with any other race of humans. They pull out the hate card every time someone speaks out against their apartheid regime.
Let’s face it, if a privileged anybody tried to forcibly evict me from my home, i would be compelled to kill the invaders in order to protect it. The Palestinians are doing nothing more or less than a western person would do to protect his/her land. Rich land owners often keep their guns handy.
Zionists rabbis are correct on one thing, there is jew hatred going on. It has been brewing ever since the isreali apartheid regime began to clear Palestine of its Palestinians. It has been brewing since this new nazi regime began to kill civilians indiscriminately and steal everything their neighbour owns. It has been brewing ever since the isreali apartheid regime began to ignore the UN and international law.
My only regret is that good people will be swept away by this zionist regime including the worthy jewish people who live under the regime. They too will be victims, just as the German people ultimately were.
“The isreali apartheid “
It seems you idiots have no clue what apartheid is or that Israel has nothing to do with an apartheid state.
Are you all dumber than house plants?
It would appear the house plant has something to say, along with a new spelling of “isreali”…
It’s written is-reali? because the regime is more of a question than it is an answer.
Israhell is the only openly, explicitly, institutionally racist state on earth.
I’ve met some trolls in my life but none so blind as you. The German people were also blinded by their nazis when they gained power.
We don’t see very many isreali settlers being illegally evicted from their homes do we?
You need a haircut to keep the fur out of your eyes.
Playground logic: I insult you, I win. Urmm, not here. You need to step it up, control your emotions and show us how Israel is not basically RSA 2 with the jews playing the boers.
RSA also denied that they had a problem. They did that for years until the world caught on.
The US apartheid failed miserably, the RSA apartheid failed miserably, and now we have the isreal apartheid.
I wonder what will happen next?
” the crime of apartheid is defined as “inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them”.[2]
Malcolm seems to just forget the beating to death of teenagers for throwing stones and the murder of children and pregnant women, the forced evictions, the destroying of Palestinian property because they won’t vacate their own land.
Let’s hope that Malcolm isn’t in charge of anything important.
Malcolm has loyalty to religion. Only children, idiots and the desperate are loyal to organised anything, the rest of us know that there be demons. Organised means you attract a type of person that decent people don’t want to meet.
So, if you are a Palestinian citizen of Israel, do you have the same rights as a Jewish citizen of that state? If you are a Palestinian living in occupied territory that Israel claims as its own contrary to international law, do you have any rights at all to speak of? If no, then this is an apartheid state.
I don’t see a pretty end for Israel. And I worry about the fate that may be suffered by the many decent Israelis who don’t support what the current far-right rulers of their country are doing (look at Haretz to see what some of them are thinking). Quite honestly, I would suggest those who brand themselves “friends of Israel” should urge the country they profess to love to start acting in keeping with civilized, human norms, learn to live in peace with its neighbours and try to rescue the country’s serious jaded image otherwise the consequences may not bear contemplation if it ends in Israel’s bloody destruction.
Setting an agenda up and in lockstep (to coin a phrase) with the recent DHS statements in the USA:
I’ve always found anonymous sources working for intelligence agencies the most reliable, haven’t you? See Richard D. Hall’s investigation into this which, while one might not agree with everything he concludes, certainly shows the whole thing was fishier than a shoal of haddock.
There is a global grassroots movement of propalestinian rights: it comprises the BDS movement (although I am sceptical about sanctions as a measure: the population suffers while the politicians don’t) and the Jewish Voice for Peace, a progressive lobby wishing to replace AIPAC, B’Tselem and thousands of simple workers. Here is the thing: the first Intifada in 1987 ptoved that workers could rise up and hold their defenses for 6 years! Thus, they proved that PLO was outdated and that’s why Arafat signed the Oslo agreements; for it to regain relevancy and for the Israel state to have someone controlling the palestinian proles and, of course, to blame. Same thing today with these grassroots movements; hamas proves to be outdated and unable to play a role against the Apartheid regime. So when the palestinians rose up, they took advantage and exploited the situation by doing the only thing they are able to do, namely militant action. Thus, they burden in sight and in effect the proletarian uprising of palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah,since they appear (through media propaganda) as being “in charge”, as this is another “intercommunal conflict”, a tale we have heard a hundred times before.
Israel was founded and Jews, understandably for a long time due to their persecution, became firm believers in and, thanks to US enablement and support, German guilt and British/French disinterest, very successful praticioners of the rule of force and of the strongest.
Coupled with their engrained ‘eye for an eye’ or rather ‘100 eyes for 1 eye’ attitude and Arabs and Palestinians hatred and many idiocies, this resulted in where we are now and will remain at.
I think the original crime was committed by the western powers certainly.
Probably better to focus on the mass-murder by the US government this century which far exceeds Israel’s. Israel is merely a client state of the US, acting under US instructions in the Middle East, much like Johnson’s Tory regime regarding Europe.
”Israel is merely a client state of the US acting under US instructions in the Middle East.”
Errm I think that’s the wrong way around my friend. America gets it orders from AIPAC, ADL and JINSA. See Mersheimer and Walt ‘The Israel Lobby.”
Yes, but most Americans are not Jews, so they come second in line for criticism. End of the line: poor Muslims extremists, as they had no choice.
“Israel is merely a client state of the US, acting under US instruction in the Middle East.”
…this was blatantly apparent when the US instructed Israel to instruct them to pardon Aviem Sella, the imprisoned handler of the most devastating spy to the US in US history, convicted ponzi schemers Shalom Weiss and Eliyahu Weinstein, and jailed fraudster Stephen Odzer.
The US instructed Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli ambassador to the US Ron Dermer, US ambassador to Israel David Friedman and Miriam Adelson to campaign for Sellas clemency and they OBEYED.
It’s so nice to have a client state lying around when you just feel like throwing something on…
Israel’s killing is listed as part of the 22 million the US helped kill since WW2. If that makes you feel better.
Way back in 1997,1998 I worked in Palestine: Ramallah, Nablus,installing and training on CT and X-ray machines in Palestinian hospitals. I saw for myself, the treatment of Palestinians at checkponts: Treated as untermensch by Israeli soldiers.
Now seems it’s much worse.
Blame it all on us Brits- Balfour, Sykes-Picot, etc.
(Apparently, Atlee abstained in 48 on the UN motion to create Israel?)
Would it have been much better to have taken a big chunk of Germany in 1945, and set up a European Jewish state? After all, the survivors of the camps were Europeans, surely?
Don’t blame it on us Brits. Blame it on Balfour, Sykes-Picot, and the money men etc.
Most Brits have no idea what their government got up to then or even now.
The basic premise behind the Balfour plan was profoundly anti-Semitic – that Jews could not live alongside other people in Europe and had to be sent to live in their own state, even if that was the so-called promised land.
this book explains everything:
Israel Shahak — Yiddish History, Yiddish Religion — The Weight of Three Thousand Years
Thanks for that THX. The link doesn’t work for me but I found it at and I am off to read it.
You might be interested in Britain – The Key To World History and The Great Deception
both by William Comyns Beaumont at
His theories may seem difficult to swallow but, given that everything we’ve ever been told is a lie and that there is so much evidence to support him, I think he explains how we got to where we are now.
For those that have not come across this infrequently updated blog—-it’s been mostly brilliant throughout the last year.
Indeed it is, Thiekbalj. I have read the first article and bookmarked the site for later.
I does tie in with Comyns Beaumont’s ideas that everything about the Taurean age was destroyed and ushered in the Abramic age of Aries, which then led into the Christian fisherman age of Pisces.
I’ve read that we entered the age of Aquarius in December 2020 so old beliefs have to be dismantled and replaced with new. Aquarius is represented by two waves. Enter ‘science’ as the new religion with waves of non-existent sickness, 5G and alien saviours.
“ Enter ‘science’ as the new religion with waves of non-existent sickness, 5G and alien saviours.”
That’s the masters script but life is dynamic there’s health, analog, and collective liberation simultaneous with this unraveling/awakening
I will check out BeauMont thank you
it works fine for me. just click on “GET” at the top of this page:
Thank you very much.
Yes,and they called him a self hating Jew.Also watched some of his talks.
a “self-hating J ew” is apparently one who doesn’t hate everybody who isn’t. Shahak’s book explains why that might be so. (in short, it’s an ethnic supremacist brainwashing cult.)
this is also Gilad Atzmon’s conclusion:
Would you kindly refrain from using the Germanic name Theresienstadt. The name of the town in question is Terezin. It is a Czech town and deserves to be called by its Czech name, not the Germanized version.
The havoc the Nazi shitheads wreaked here was bad enough, including the centuries-long occupation of Germanic nations here, and it’s a bit of an insult to have stuff designated with their language after the finally got booted out (despite the fact that they’re now kinda back through this cute thing called the EU).
Jacques, I am amazed that 6 people so far have voted down your comment. They obviously don’t live in the EU or on the continent. I’m your 2nd uptick. Cheers, from Greece
The reasoning is not so hard to grasp.
The name around which the atrocity was committed is commonly known in the western world as Theresienstadt.
Change the name, and most western people will no longer know what you are talking about.
Of course it is different for the people who live there today, or who were brought up there.
Nevertheless, “Auschwitz, Belsen, Dachau, Lidice, Warsaw, Dresden, Mauthausen, Treblinka, Belzec, Majdanek, Chelmno, Sobibor, Buchenwald”, etc. – are the names which historical reference books used around the time of those notorious events and by which the events are extremely well known.
Whatever modern political changes might have occured in the countries involved, those who lived nearer to those times will not forget any former names they might have had, and there is no real reason why they should forget them either.
Blah blah blah blah blah …
Kindly learn and use the proper name of the place you’re referring to, not the translation thereof into the oppressor’s language.
The fact that you, somewhat disrespectfully, haven’t done so already doesn’t justify not doing so.
I tend to concur. The place the Poles call Oświęcim was the venue for one of the most heinous crimes against humanity ever committed and it is known throughout the world by its German name, and it would only confuse/obfuscate the issue to insist that it be renamed in all the history books.
Let me try. The new world (Canada) …
Ah come on ! That was easy! 😉
Horrible stories came out of Croatia. These folks lived that nightmare we call history. Thanks.
My guess is that people from the English-speaking world consider themselves inherently superior to other cultures, given the success the English language/culture has had in infesting the world.
They’ll pretend concern for other nations/culture, but when confronted, their perceived superiority, normally hidden under heaps of pretentious empathy, rises to the surface.
Michael Lesher’s reply is a case in point. What an obdurate dickhead.
Assuming your comment is directed at the author of the piece (and not to someone else who happened to refer to the town by its German name), please note that in my article the only reference to Theresienstadt is not to the town but to the concentration camp the Nazis built and maintained there in the 1940s (not for “centuries,” as you seem to believe) and which they designated by a German name. In the same way, when the subject arises, I refer to the concentration camp at Oswiecim by its German name, Auschwitz — as is, indeed, standard usage.
It would hardly be courteous to the Czechs to equate the hideous prison to which the Nazis converted an old fortress in Terezin with the town of Terezin itself.
The remainder of your comment, in my opinion, does not merit a response.
Tovarish, why don’t you read what you responding to so as to have a faint idea what the fuck you’re talking about.
The Czech nation was subjected to occupation by this or that Germanic entity for centuries and we happen to be highly sensitive to the use of German in designating places in our country.
Why don’t you show some elementary respect? As a minimum, you could have refrained from your idiotic retort. On dirait que tu viens de rater une bonne occasion de te taire a.k.a. mluviti zlato mlceti stribor.
As far as your opinion:
Your criticism was a bit on the passionate side but understandable Jacques.
Bang on too. Ignore the down votes of the fragile.
In 1990 Netanyahu said that “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state.” How right he was.
Some historical facts for those who wonder why the Palestinians are resisting:
Quote: “We came to a region of land that was inhabited by Arabs, and we set up a Jewish state. … Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages.
You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either.”
– Former Israel Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, 1969 [full citation needed]
“We’ll make a pastrami sandwich out of them. We’ll insert a strip of Jewish settlements in between the Palestinians, and then another strip of Jewish settlements right across the West Bank, so that in twenty-five years’ time, neither the United Nations nor the United States, nobody, will be able to tear it apart.” – Ariel Sharon, 1973 (who later became Israel’s Prime Minister) [full citation needed]
Can you provide a source for these two please
I copied and filed them long ago. Will try but much harder to do these days with internet censorship on the topic. It might have come from Miko Peled.
OMG! How on earth could folks down vote your comment?
That is a core tenet of critical thinking and skepticism.
Of fairness and open mindedness.
The first quote is examined here:
For the second, I found this:
Thanks George! So the quotes are at best decontextualised
how do we know the sources have not been ‘recontextualized’ ?
I can’t imagine anyone whose recieved just compensation for the sale of their house/land willing to risk their life demonstrating in front of the bull dozers.
Funny how they put a ? after Churchills grandson, as if there’s a question he existed, it belies the fact he was a well connected establishment war correspondent, covering Israel, and on first name terms with the Israeli elite, and such close personal terms that Sharon would return his calls in the middle of directing the Yom Kippur war!
“In 1973, my intelligence was no better than that of the Israeli government and the Yom Kippur War found me westbound aboard the QE2, committed to a two-week lecture tour of the US. By the time I got back to Israel, general [Ariel] Sharon was on the west side of the Suez Canal with the Egyptian Third Army in his power. I sent him an urgent message asking him to call. An hour later I was still waiting when I had to leave to have dinner in a Palestinian fish restaurant in Jaffa with General Motti Hod, commander of the air force in ’67. I briefed the switchboard operators at the Tel Aviv Hilton to forward any call to the restaurant.
Halfway through dinner “mein host,” the Palestinian, called me to the phone. I went behind the bar and took the phone off the hook. A booming voice came on, causing me to hold the phone at arm’s length: ‘Winston, this is Arik!’ adding with overtones of Scipio Africanus ‘Arik from Africa! Winston, we have peace! A piece of Egypt, a piece of Lebanon, a piece of Syria and a piece of Jordan!’
There you have it: the Sharon vision of peace! There is no denying that he was God’s gift to journalists!”
Well, true, I guess we don’t. But that’s the point of proper citation isn’t it, so we can go to the source and make up our own minds.
During a talk at Washington’ s National Press Club a decade ago, the late British MP Winston Churchill, grandson of the wartime prime minister, said that Sharon had once outlined to him his settlement-building strategy.
“We’ll make a pastrami sandwich out of them,” he said of the Palestinians. “We’ll insert a strip of Jewish settlements in between the Palestinians, and then another strip of Jewish settlements right across the West Bank, so that in 25 years’ time, neither the United Nations nor the United States, nobody, will be able to tear it apart.”
I am sure it is actively denied but since that is exactly what happened, it suggests the quote is most likely true.
Full marks mate for having the guts to tell the truth.
“An Expert Panel is the modern version of the Oracle of Delphi, and Statistical Modelling is like the whispering in a wizards ear which result you would like to hear>”
(attributed to Prof Peter Gotzche, of Denmark, by Sebastian Rushworth M.D)
Exactly….a model can only ever produce the results it’s math equations set it up to produce…nothing magical…more mechanical…and poorly understood by most folk..
I have just turned the radio off where this very discussion was taking place. Two things stood out to me: humiliation vs dignity, and the fact that fear and empathy are created in the same area of the brain, so that one dominates at the expense of the other.
I have never been Jewish (brought up as a Roman Catholic) but the best place I have found in the world for original Jewish Art is in Cochin India…
Sailors like us English
Lovely people. I do have some photos and videos.
My wife and I felt honoured to be there. It was incredibly hot and humid, but people of all different religions and colours seemed to get on really well.
Everyone was really nice t my wife and I.
It maybe cos we spoke our Natural Lancashire Working Class Accent, and smiled a lot, but everyone seemed to like us
Many Israelis believe in Greater Israel – an idea of the incorporation of large chunks of Israels neighbours territory…
In 1982 The Yinon Plan was published. It outlined that Israels defence required the breaking up of the surrounding Arab states into statelets…Iraq literally exists as three statelets. Almost daily Israel bombs ‘targets’ in Syria…
War against the Palestinians, and Arab states, will not end ’til Israel achieves its goals…
The current onslaught against the Palestinians will favour Natanyahu, and Palestinian President Abbas… Abbas has postponed elections that Hamas seemed likely to win – Israels crushing of Hamas in Gaza could favour Abbas…
Natanyahu turned Israel into a national guinea pig for the vax makers… Of the deaths and injuries from the injections very little is known… There’s likely to be considerable outrage over their treatment which Natanyahu has deflected into “a short, sharp war to stem the tide of anger.”
The latest attack on the Gaza prison just lost Israel yet more of the pitiful amount of support it had in the world. Twenty years ago a comment thread would be 90% support for Israel regardless of its human rights atrocities and war crimes; ten years ago there would be 60% support for Israel right or wrong; today the support is barely 20% and most of those are hasbara shills.
Younger generations do not care about what happened to some followers of Judaism nearly a century ago. They don’t even care about the genocidal foundation of the Israeli State in Palestine. They probably do not even care about the religious bigotry from Israel and its Jewish supporters, but neither do they care about Muslim extremists either.
But they do care about 6 million indigenous Palestinians crushed under military occupation and colonial rule and denied civil and human rights.
I don’t think Israel would last one day if ‘Operation Shock N Awe MkII’ took place on Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and the odd nuclear research facility.
All that it would take to make that possible would be the USA turning decisively against Israel.
“The US turning decisively against Israel” Lolololololol
Gilad Atzmon — The Israeli People Committee’s April Report on the Lethal Impact of Vaccinations
It’s noticeable that not all Palestinians have developed Learned Helplessness…
It is no accident they choose Ramadan to do what they did which this year coincided with isahell 73rd birthday,any other leader like netty boy with his fraud and corruption charges would be named constantly as dictator /terrorist in the news instead, it never ever hardly gets mentioned.
how many times do i see and hear the script being said
Israel has a right to protect her self!”! ( as if Palestinians don’t have the same right.)
the double speak in alt media is aimed at slightly confused.
Koshanostra Media see the war through Israeli eyes; only they are human according to Talmad
*Regarding bloodshed the following distinction applies
If a non jew killed another non jew, the killer is liable for execution
If a jew killed a non jew, he is exempt from punishment
Babylonian Talmud: Sadhedrin 57a
Show you how deep this goes . It’s currently ‘legal’ for British citizens to serve in Israel’s IDF and commit war crimes in Gaza, then return to Britain freely. Thats some lobbying
Consider this other fact Since all able bodied Israelis are active military or reservists; or police or border guards, The arbitrary civilian designation of isrehal is inaccurate.
I bet ya feeling Lucky The people in U.k all you lot who elected The Communistatives with kosha bojo at the head table, Gotta love your alt media for that suggestion!
Michael Grove went to israel recently to see how they run the vaccination QR (green) passport. Do remind us how the unvaccinated are treated in that country.
*Michael Hoffman
Great video.
Look, mate, Keir Sharma is Bibby’s rent boy too, so is Emily Thornberry, so are any other number of ‘New Labour’ London-centric twats.
Israel doesn’t infiltrate one party, it infiltrates them all. All of them big enough to be worth infiltrating.
The Palestinians are lucky not to be getting jabbed with poison.
Thank you, Michael.