MORE Flagrant Data Manipulation from the CDC
New report is further evidence the CDC is deliberately hiding post-vaccine "breakthrough cases"
Kit Knightly

A new report, published just yesterday, has provided yet more evidence that the CDC is manipulating data to conceal the number of “breakthrough infections”.
A “breakthrough infection” (or “breakthrough case”) is defined as a person who tests positive for Sars-Cov-2 infection, despite already being fully vaccinated. And this new report finds that the CDC’s official record of breakthrough cases is:
likely a substantial undercount.
Going on to explain:
The national surveillance system relies on passive and voluntary reporting, and data might not be complete or representative. Many persons with vaccine breakthrough infections, especially those who are asymptomatic or who experience mild illness, might not seek testing.
Which is partially accurate, but also a pretty major lie by omission.
It is probably true that vaccinated people with no symptoms are unlikely to seek testing, but it is also true that, on March 17th, the CDC updated their advice on testing policy to specifically exclude such people from testing protocols:
So, while it’s certainly true that “breakthrough cases” are likely a substantial undercount, it is dishonest to pretend that this is just an accident of the system. Rather, the system is specifically designed to hide such cases.
Of course, this report only goes up to the end of April, the “undercount” will only have gotten worse since then, because the CDC changed their rules AGAIN to make it even harder to keep an accurate count of breakthrough cases.
As we wrote last week, as of May 1st the CDC will no longer be counting mild or asymptomatic cases as “breakthrough infections”, choosing to focus only on hospitalisations and deaths.
According to the CDC’s own report, though, over a quarter (27%) of breakthrough infections were asymptomatic, and a further 61% were only mildly ill. Conversely, only 10% of them were ever hospitalised, and only 2% died:
Based on preliminary data, 2,725 (27%) vaccine breakthrough infections were asymptomatic, 995 (10%) patients were known to be hospitalized, and 160 (2%) patients died.
So, the CDC has taken their “substantial undercount”, and then slashed it by 90%. The official figures, moving forward, will be so inaccurate as to be completely useless.
The CDC claims these changes “will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance.” But that is an obvious and absurd lie.
Statistical studies have shown up to 86% of Covid “cases” never experience symptoms. To exclude such cases from your vaccine effectiveness studies is to poison your data in order to prop up a pre-determined conclusion. It is, at the very best, extremely poor science.
Of course, the truth is far more cynical even than that.
From the beginning of the so-called “pandemic”, waves of asymptomatic “cases” were deliberately created by running unreliable PCR tests on 100,000s of perfectly healthy people every day.
The entirely predictable false positives were called “cases”, and these manufactured “cases” of Covid19 were used to build up the illusion of a global plague.
This was a prolonged campaign of deception in order to bring about sweeping changes in the construction of our society.
To this point “asymptomatic cases” have been the backbone of the Covid narrative. But now the CDC has attempted to remove them from the reckoning by instructing medical labs and hospitals around the country to stop looking for them, but only in those who have had the “vaccine”.
This is a new prolonged campaign of deception, spinning the narrative that these untested, experimental “vaccines” truly are “effective” against a “pandemic” that was built on statistical smoke and mirrors.
In short: before the vaccine they needed “asymptomatic infections” to create a “problem”, after the vaccine they are actively hiding “asymptomatic infections”, because their existence undermines their “solution”.
“Breakthrough infections”, existing in anything approaching large numbers, effectively means one of three things is true: either the tests are unreliable, the “vaccines” are ineffective…or both.
To anyone interested in the truth, keeping an accurate count of these “breakthrough infections” is therefore vitally important.
The corollary of that, of course, is that anyone attempting to conceal, minimise or ignore them is NOT interested in the truth. Such behaviour is, in fact, a tacit admission of deception.
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I clearly remember the year John Lennon was killed. That Christmas the Hong Kong flu set in and being 24, I had ( aand still do) a robust immune system. I got very ill, for days. After the fever broke 3 days life was liveable, but that was part of the prelude to this stupid Sars, presars legcy. Earlier like in 73 my dad came back from Hong Kong after spending week down with some new flu, later named the Hong Kong flu, or New York flu. same ugly shit but we all survived. Why these self absorbed scientisits tht work on biological warfare insist in leaving the suffering factor in these mixes but all this psychological manipulation to make a more docile accepting populous is beyond cruel beyond 1984. The woderufl thing is tht every expresion of this flu bug are the outliers The simple vulnerabilities inherent in these person made mixtures to ” sluff off the weak”. take these outliers for granted, corrupt empirical resoning and expose the deception. COvid is no exception. COntemporary science is littered with disregarded data that ego driven scientists who want recognition pepper or delete the results. Remember how fuel with lead in it was kept live since it got rid of knocks, pinging. Those guys ( wont name any names, *feller) but it too over 45 years for the petrochemical industry and paint industry et al to cease and desist its use so mental retardation,poisionings to most paint and industrial workers including insnity st refineries would subside. Low and behold if it were not our outspoken very intelligent public that had to erect the “Rubella umbrella” to use the media in the right way to inform the public about lead pint so their pets and kids would not eat the paint chips.
Corporate interests have seemed to always outweighed the sanctity of life to the rich and powerfuls death grip on disinformation and deceit. No different here. Every situation has the covered up motive, “the big Lie” revealed that lets the cogs of progression and evolution continue on. It has come down to lying in broad daylight with no fear in our world these days, for eugenics, mind control. Why the stupidity involved in a responsible humane, or beyond humane, a way we can peacefully achieve a world where there is enough for everyone, including the ecosytems on the planet to sustain all living organisms ( as it should be) consciously responsibly and also as it seems, start repopulating other planets if needed in s way that wont damage them? Peoples minds are too lazy to comprehend such plan and achieve it?
The US truthfully is like Japan in leveling the birth rate, it is not so much stopping the intimacy and pleasure but stopping the pregnancies. It is hypocritical for the US govt to not support Roe vs Wade and let women decide for themselves,but they want more pink skinned populations since they are are a minority, and of course its a male mentality. We alone are facing such debilitating situations with our weather, foodstuff production, land, space, poisoning of our atmosphere, both deliberate and foolhearty, destroying our oceans and forests, leaving us all in mire of potential doom of our own making out of stupidity, ignorance, stubborness, and continue to try and paint smokescreens over it. Why, because our poor decisions, lack of owning it, so no action and we need to end this and fast. Taking out the elderly, or whatever is not a solution, it will make it all worse as there is no one in control, and we all need to stand up for the value of life.
But then, why would we expect any step in creating tyranny to be truthfully described?
I am the only one. Imagine that.
I heard several “personal experience” tales this week at golf. People who have had it and died or those that almost did. As we sat drinking beer in the empty and soon to be bankrupt clubhouse bar while waiting for the remainder of the golf group to come in, everyone chimed in. I gently poked. So how old was that friend that died, I asked? The waitress participated as well with a story about an uncle that died. Had he already ill with something else, I asked?
All had been inoculated and had stories of their reactions. Headaches combined with being sick for days. They were comparing vaccine manufacturer names and proudly showing off their knowledge. It was Moderna.
It was like a support group and almost all of it was directed at me. Lots of eye contact. I sat quietly while biting my tongue. Then the waitress said she had heard that the virus may have been hear as early as October of 2019. That created an opening for me. I jumped in and explained: I heard that too. And because of that, all of the projections created by model makers were wrong and there was never a need for lock downs because the virus was no where near as deadly and contagious as originally thought. It spread like the common flu and affected people who are normally most at risk of dying from the flu. As a matter of fact, it has been suggested that 80% or more of the people that died could have survived with simple therapeutics. Instead, they were abandoned and left to die. That’s called malpractice.
And I am not the only one that knows this anymore. The word is spreading.
I got no argument. The waitress quietly walked away.
I will never take this vaccine. Even if it means never traveling to the state of Alabama whose governor just signed a vaccine passport law this week.
I am not the only one.
Good response to a good article. COVID-1984 has gone too far. This is the first time in history the government has stepped in to help a pandemic year after year.
Everything done by the ‘official’ pandemic response perpetuates the pandemic; this is becoming clearer every month.
Masking increased everyone’s, and the ecosystem’s pathogen load. Lockdowns and economic shutdowns created vast pools of nutrient-deficient people, with reduced vitamin-D from sunshine, stressed out and unable to afford nutritional support from a healthy diet and lifestye. Not that many did when things were junk food ‘normal’…
Then add to that suffering from other illnesses that went unexamined because the government shut down elective care. Than add an enforced unhealthy sedentary lifestyle indoors, where respiratory viral infections occur most often.
Vaccines for COVID are of less use than vaccines against flu, and abuse the asymptomatic population that would shake off COVID-19 naturally. Spring is in the air; UV-B in sunshine and fresh air – that’s why the virus is ablating, not vaccines.
Locking down and masking into summer will help perpetuate the virus and spawn variants for next COVID season. Vaccine-damaged immune systems will then give plenty of pretext for COVID booster shots.
A diet and supplemenation rich in Vitamins C, D, K and zinc keep the natural immune system running at peak efficiency, and ultimately the only real defense against the government’s germ warfare against society.
Alabama’s law bans vaccine passports.
Sorry, my bad. Just read that Georgia banned them as well. Just changed my whole frame of mind. I feel so cheery now! The headline read, Alabama governor signs vaccine passport law. I just assumed and should have followed up. Thank you!!
Yes just one LIE was all it took. Asymptomatic spread. With that one LIE they could justify all the other lie’s. They could have looked at studies of Asymptomatic spread for FLU. That found no danger. But your best chance of it happening would be for a family to spend a lot of time together at home.
They also redefined what a case is and how they attribute the cause of death.
So now they move the goal posts again to get the desired result.
But they needed a compliant media.
If talk of gain of function virus helps keep the scary Covid myth going then they are happy to talk about it.
All part of Psyops campaign being waged on all of us.
This man could tell you a few things about how things really are and how things truly get done around here.
Colin Wallace – Former Senior Information Officer – MOD
As of 14 May 2021 the number of deaths associated with the three vaccines given to Americans are:
TOTAL 4201
As to thrombocytopenia we have:
Readable VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data can be downloaded from
The VAERS people are throttling the data. For example, data from December last year is still being released. It is becoming more and more noticeable. I wonder what is really happening?
And by what experts have been saying about the flaws in the VAERS reporting program, the numbers are likely to be ten times higher. Dr. Idiot and his cohorts know this and still want to give this vaccine to our children. I have no doubts about this being criminal. It would be criminal for a parent to allow his or her child to be vaccinated. Governmental bodies also need to be held accountable. The statistics absolutely support the criminality but yet I have heard nothing about class action suits. It is time for the lawyers to move. Legal accountability is the key. Pharmaceutical companies have given immunity by our respective governments. We need to sue the governments. Call it Covid reparations.
All of these people who died ate spaghetti during their lifetime. More evidence for the lifetime risk of eating spaghetti and the association with death. You’ve been warned.
Can we have the link to the report?
“Based on preliminary data, 2,725 (27%) vaccine breakthrough infections were asymptomatic, 995 (10%) patients were known to be hospitalized, and 160 (2%) patients died.”
Sorry! It is under “…this new report finds that the CDC’s official record of breakthrough cases is…”
This will backfire. If the cycle count is low and cases in vaccinated drop by 95 percent then people may not be motivated to get the third shot
They could always turn the button up again in a few months, when it’s booster time.
Oh don’t you worry, the threat-industrial complex has been up and running fully operational for the past 20 years. Imagine if you removed crime from society how many people would have to look for jobs: cops, judges, lawyers, politicians, sociologists, wardens, security personnel, pundits, journalists, actors.
COVID-1984 Deception Centre
Corrupt Depopulation Criminals
Contradictory Disinformation Corporation
etc. etc.
The technocracy that has been created that now surrounds us has slimed it’s way into all the cracks in our societies foundations. Years in the making and sponsored by the Rockefellar Foundation who are agents for the Crown (City of London).
Creepy Degenerate Conmen
In tiny Slovakia, three prominent TV/radio journalists have died unexpectedly in as many days. All three were in their 40s or 50s. No one’s mentioning covid, bless them. I guess the ‘vaccine’ is really kicking in.
Something going on here?
Decayed immune systems combined with mask-wearing in warm weather? Most cases appear to be in children which would seem to rule out the vaccine as a cause.
Edwige, the disposable non-cloth masks are lined w graphene. Canadian govt had some recalled. Others have expressed concern: plastic nanoparticles, tubules, etc. Bacteria from the mouth gets sucked into the lungs. Increased dentistry has been reported– possibly dry mouth from mouth breathing may increase decay.
But then graphene oxide is used as cancer therapy, so who knows?
i wonder where they are applying these rules to. Some doctor offices have in house RT PCR, will they know to discriminate vaccinated vs unvaccinated ? What about in house pcr in hospitals ? Can you just identify yourself as vaccinated so that you can get tested at 28 cycles ? Maybe in the future they will have a passport type system that can properly distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated so that the right cycles are applied to the right group. I’m just speculating here but this extra step of identifying vaccinated vs unvaccinated can put a strain on a lab running many tests daily because you have to query the state database each time. Who’s responsibility will it be to identify vaccinated vs unvaccinated? The patient or the lab? Whatever this new policy is, it seems very sneaky, almost as if it will need some other system to help it run smoothly.
Time for Nuremberg Trials 2.0 for crimes against humanity.
Way PAST time john! Also STOP complying EVERYONE!!!!!! NOW, starting today, put it in your brain………DO NOT COMPLY! Are you aware or an obedient pussy?
Where did you get the cycle count at 28 for vaccinated people and 38-45 cycles for unvaccinated?
Could you post your source
Thanks, what about the cycle count for the non vaccinated?
The “Ct is 28 for vaccinated” is a misinterpretation that sadly has been spread in Off Guardian articles. It is true that the Ct applies only to the vaccinated, but it’s only for sequencing samples when researching variants. The logic is that if the sample required at Ct>28, then there’s little chance of being able to sequence anything worthwhile as opposed to mere RNA fragments. (I know that variants are BS and am not defending it, just repeating the CDC party line.)
The CDC isn’t saying to labs all over the country, “Ct<=28 for vaccinated.” They are doing many frauds, but we should accuse them of those frauds, not add anything to the list and create confusion.
CDC has change the document. First was another
Dun & Bradstreet registered (corporation) numbers:
National Institutes of Health (NIH)– #061232000
US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)– #927645465
US Food & Drug Administration (FDA)– #138182175
Of course they’re liars. Lying is how they stay in business.
A court case in RSA:
What a lot of harmful nonsense Kit.
What the CDC is doing is harmful nonsense.
Who would disagree? But there is NO virus. The CDC no doubt loves it when those on our side suggest that there is.
Get it through you skull, A: No-one knows the status of the alleged virus; whether it – or indeed viruses generally – exist. Both questions are currently up in the air. Flat, absolute statements about what is or isn’t in this matter are, currently, nothing more than intellectual wank. Do stop with it! Try to take the adult position of open-minded scepticism.
act like you got it l;0) in real world
pretend it exists in alt media
somebody suggested the website of dr.richard fleming and watching his interview by del bigtree the week before last and eventually i have got round to reading it.what stood out for me was the following.
Evidence showsthat the virus is engineerd with (GoF) Gain of Function including mechanisms creating anInflammo Thrombic Response(RTR) with mRNA Reverse transcription(RT) into cell DNA with Prion-like structure present in the virus spike protein
this seems to suggest the virus has been found can anybody shed more light on this?
2015 US research on modifying the virus to damage lung cells.
have you read/watched the article i selected?and if so can you comment on it?the
spike protein so presented contains the prion like structure and the hiv additions.these can’t be natural? i am asking a question mgeo because i don’t know and yours is the only would appear that some of our comrades don’t want answers and the scientists amongst us either haven’t read it or are as complacent as the the fuckers in government and beyond who are leading this madness.
Sorry, I cannot spare more time on this. I do know the following:
:- Others have pointed out the anomalous spike, including Luc Montainger who was honoured for disovering the AIDS virus but cannot provide proof of any virus
:- CJD (related to prions) has already surfaced in some of the victims.
Wow, thank you for this.
Gain of function, Wuhan etc is all about lining some folks up to be the fall guys. Until they isolate the virus, how do they know anything much about it other than the symptoms say it is flu.
paul_m, prion discussed re the spike protein in the VACCINE in this video. Don’t know if the spike protein is identical in the virus and vaccine; haven’t heard any differentiation.
Interesting video.
I’m watching an early 1980s’ BBC drama ‘The Dark Side of the Sun’. The story’s leading character is an Occultist and specifically a Knights Templar. His occupation? Well, knock me over with a feather, if he doesn’t happen to be head of a Big Pharma company.
Now this is obviously just fiction. Pharma is science and rationalism incorporated; the Occult is a load of mumbo-jumbo that nobody sensible – and certainly nobody rich and powerful – would believe in these days. They don’t believe in, oh I don’t know, alchemy for example, Oh, look who happens to own Chateau des Amerois, the Belgium location that cropped up in the Dutroux case and long rumoured to be site of some weird goings-on!
Ed, your utter, prejudice-driven ignorance about all things occult is laughable. Do stop with it. Every time you drivel out the ‘mumbo-jumbo’ canard you make an even bigger fool of yourself before all who actually have some effective knowledge of the subject. Either do some serious study of the field, or admit that your innate psi-resistance (which we all have, even experienced and competent occultists) is too much to allow you to think straight on the matter – and STFU about it! So you’re deeply perturbed by the occult. Big deal! Thank you for letting us know repeatedly. So is the laughable fraud Jimmy Randi. So are many others. So what? Can it!
The 2020 switch to authoritarianism is interesting in that it reveals that the extremely wealthy people who are driving this scam have decided that they are done with consent.
I can understand why because they are driven by greed: their status is based on greed, their everything is based on greed, not because they need the money for themselves, but because they need the money to show everybody else who’s the big cheese.
When you look at the quantities of money involved in converting every country in the world from using “Russian, Argentinian, Arab etc made carbon fuel” to “renewable energy owned by American billionaires” then you can see that this is a repeat of the prospecting waves that have occurred in the past.
Instead of prospecting for gold, new oil wells etc, this time they are prospecting for contracts will governments that will pay them for electricity. They set up a few windmills, tell the governments to give them long term electricity contracts, tell the government to fight the oil companies in the courts, then suddenly, their useless farmland, provides rental, rental by forcing the plebs to pay them. And, as if by magic, it is not the Russians, Argentinians, Arabs etc sitting on black gold, the American billionaires have made those resources worthless, electricity service are what counts (es[ecially when paying extra for “green” sparks).
As authoritarians, they will use this opportunity to strictly control your right to everything! Electricity will of course be tightly controlled: obedient folk get electricity, not for the sort of people who, in 2050, will be asking why nobody cares about climate change any more now that the billionaires have enslaved the plebs.
When Greta was sailing across the oceans in a yacht owned by one of those super wealthy, we were still all in a position to tell them to stop trying to fool us into this green nonsense. I think the desperate nature of the Greta psyop was probably a way for the extremist leaders of the scam to prove something to the wavering members of the scam. Greta revealed to the waverers that Green is never going to happen unless they push it through.
Either way, now that corporates and rich people have taken over government again, and now that the majority of the population appear to be blue screening, it is difficult to see how the scammers can fail. The success of this scam is already emboldening the Green scam, the Green scam will cost us much, much more: including a reduction in our food standards (except for the billionaires who will continue to eat steak).
As Green gets more and more profitable, there will be more scams: the corporates control the government so they will learn to exploit that big time. At the moment it is all about greed. Politicians, elites, billionaires, bureaucrats, they are all wanting a larger slice of the pie, even though they will do nothing with that money other than use it to hurt other people in order to make more money that they again won’t use other than to hurt more people.
In my opinion, the answer is nuclear war: not now, but we should retain the ability to start a nuclear war as a way of controlling the billionaires. We have a choice: live as slaves, turned into semi-functional humans by the billionaires, suffering endless torture, or we threaten to blow the fuck out of them and ourselves and explain to them that if we can’t have this world, then neither can they. Blackmail is something they understand, we should consider it.
I cannot see fighting one inhuman problem with a a totally inhumane nuclear solution. Somewhere in your mind you need to find a better solution to rich man’s practice of poor man’s slavery than to nuke the everyone, in order to avoid rich man’s slavery. One person has suggested to destroy the nation state system and institute a dual government. A government the oligarch in charge want (like we have) and a second completely independent government to govern those who serve in or who serve the government in some way (contractor, military, whatever). The separate government would tax the tax revenues of the traditional government for a percentage of its collections, and use that to build its own courts, train its own judges and lawyers, and to set up ways to enforce the human rights to which all mankind is entitled.
In that way the economic and development of technology efficiencies inherent in the nation state system is retained, but the deprivation of human rights which these nation state often stupe in competing with each will be stopped, the one world government would be the human rights government and the splintered territorial nation state system would remain to serve the Oligarch, the man in the middle the politician and those who serve him or the nation state government , would be subject to the rules of the one world human rights government.
Dual government removes the conflict of interest from both parties.
Dual government will just be an illusion: it will become one big swamp once the corporate “bags of cash under the table” mechanism gets going.
Nation states are actually the one thing that may save humanity, the competition for power prevents any one nation ruling the globe. One government means that the little people are at the mercy of one power and that power does not need to consider any one else’s views.
Maybe I was suggesting nuclear war because I am beginning not to care whether my fellow humans survive or not, with the obvious exception of the OG right thinker sorts.
There’s a flaw in your speculative rant, A:
‘Renewable’ electricity is never going to be more than a fairly small fraction of what’s generated at present by burning fossil hydrocarbons. Physically impossible. And that fossil fuel production is in its long ebb-tide right now. (Number of barrels per day is less relevant than total energy-content per barrel; and then there’s the inexorably-shrinking EROEI [qv]…)
We shall be getting used to less electricity-availability, whatever the gangsters-in-charge do or don’t do. We have – literally – no choice in the matter. There is no – repeat no – technology, either running or imminent that can replace FF-fired generation to the same level. Name one; one that’s actually doable by practical engineering, rather than sci-fi delusions. I’ll wait…. (Ti-tum-ti-tum-ti-tum) Anything yet…?
We, the Pampered Twenty Percent of the world’s people, are going to see our excessive over-prosperity slide downhill, whatever we do. The era of global-net economic-growthforever has already stopped, and will never be coming back.
Wake up and smell The Long Descent…! 🙂
I agree certainly that the era of cheap abundant electricity (or energy in general) is over. But if you happened to watch “Planet of the Humans,” you know there’s more than one “Green” trick up their sleeve.
The two most malevolent by far are burning trees and burning fat. They will decimate all forests in order to keep “civilization” rolling. They will also be converting animals to their fat content for the same purpose.
Hmmm. Regarding the fat burning, there’s a lot of unwanted factory farm animals just itching to help fuel “civilization.” First they have to wean people from eating meat – which they’re well on their way to doing.
Then when they run out of farm animals, there’s always…us useless eaters.
You may have overlooked the new method of disposing of corpses announced with a little fanfare on a toy trumpet recently in sections of the msm
Its not exactly as new as wired would have you believe and i cant see the ptb ignoring the potential resource recycling opportunities especially given we are in an obesity epidemic,but they would never do that its obscene (tongue cheek stuck)
Exactly, and as John Michael Greer suggests, in the title of one of his other books, “Collapse Now, and Avoid the Rush”. …
I don’t agree. Until you’ve looked at all the existing patents out there, it’s pretty silly to say that no technology exists to sustain our current energy usage/needs.
We have been thoroughly lied to to about EVERYTHING.
This operation is much bigger than merely amassing wealth. Here are some likely motives:
– Depopulation: jabs, other treatment (e.g. gene drive), abortions, sterility, withheld treatment, euthanasia, poisoned foods
– Deflecting blame for the collapsing economy from capitalism, esp. the biggest speculators and central banks
– Deflating the global ponzi scheme, and perhaps destroying unpayable debts selectively
– Plundering more public wealth to rescue the biggest speculators, pay cronies for covert contracts; on small scales, distracting from incompetence.
– Plundering more private wealth: destroying competition selectively, acquiring property from bankrupts, confiscating wealth of dying Boomers, short-selling shares, confiscating digital money
– Thwarting foreign measures against imperialism
– Ending all pretence of civilised government:
:- Reducing expectations in general, even for essentials
:- Replacing jobs with automation
:- Ending pensions, welfare aid, compensation, even for accident/pollution/harm at work/defect
:- Ending rights, e.g. travel, assembly, dissent, privacy, parenthood
:- Ending elections, legislature, courts
:- Routine surveillance: certificates, biometrics, Social Credit, tracking
– Personalised orders by phone
:- Routine detention (“quarantine”), curfew, brutality.
I hope every Boris has its Cummings.
Most people here probably couldn’t care less, but some might find it interesting to know that Moon of A is a bit upset that his friends are subscribing to the lab leak theory.
I haven’t followed him since covid, since he appeared to be boosting propaganda, but if he’s not into the lab leak theory what’s his position? The guy seriously still sticking by the “this is a global plague existential threat that came about naturally and good citizens obey their tyrannical governments fully?”
It’s not an existential threat at all. That was his first mistake. Once you realize that the technical definition of the disease “covid” in WHO documents is simply a rebranding umbrella term for pneumonia, ARDS and sepsis.. you realize that the medical emergency is nothing more than a function of breakdown in some healthcare systems.
MoA blew his cover when Covid arrived. I gave him the old heave ho in April last year and apparently B is still pushing the ludicrous official narrative. What a complete and utter tosser he is.
It looks like there are parts of the official narrative he does not like. The lab leak theory is now mainstream, I think (not been following closely).
No, he’s still as good as ever on many things. Just one of the multitude of poor sods who’ve been flattened by Terror Derangement Syndrome. On the matter of covid terror propaganda, they lose their wits completely, no matter how savvy in other things. And it amazes me, truly, just how many people with both the brains and the available info to know better have crashed into utter shrieking, terror-dripping idiocy over the covid scam. Susceptibility to terror seems to cut right across all other indicators. Some are, some aren’t. Kismet!
“On the matter of covid terror propaganda, they lose their wits completely, no matter how savvy in other things.”
But propaganda isn’t a new thing, why do presumed smart people swallow hook/line/sinker this time?
Intimations of mortality.
The so-called revelations from Cummings in UK, tell us what we already knew-
A bunch of incompetent, corrupt politicians and civil servants, conning the public.
In U.S., you had Trump with his ‘inaccuracies ‘ on many subjects;
In Uk we have a buffoon for PM, Hancock and crew handing out contracts to their mates;
Two major western nations leading the charge against a nasty ‘flu.
The big financial crash was coming in late 2019. Repo market failing again, bail-outs on the horizon;
What better way to validate massive rescue money than to shut world economy down?
And at same time shaft the Chinese?
If the virus came out of the lab, surely the lab had the antidote ready for Chinese delivery?!
Or maybe it was the Russians?! First out of the traps with SputnikV…
Talk about Cummings is Orwellian Duckspeak exemplified.
Two testers:
1) Did he question the narrative that there was a pandemic?
2) Did he question the role of anyone other than the odd minister or advisor? Specifically officials, scientists, Big Pharma and foundations? Specifically specifically Whitty, Vallance, Van Tam and their ilk?
From what I’ve seen – and I’ve not listened to every word – it’s no and no. What I do see is the Fraudian, who’ve portrayed Cummings as a lying slimeball never to be trusted, suddenly loving every word he’s uttered. It looks another attempt to shift the polls on Johnson to me and kickstart their belly-up Starmer project. I did notice Cummings excluded Sunak from any criticism.
Yes, it’s slightly amusing to see Hancock in trouble. Yes, it is encouraging that they must be picking up substantial discontent from public opinion to throw it this crumb. That’s all it is though.
What Cummings omitted:
– no mention of the £119 million covid advertising contract signed on March 3 2020 featuring the stay home message
– no mention of the British government using applied behavioural psychology on the British public. Cummings I believe was present at the Sage meeting on 22nd March where it was agreed to increase the level of personal threat using the media
– no reference to covid being downgraded as a HCID on 19th March 2020
– no mention of why Nightingale hospitals were built and basically never used and no staff to man them
– no reference to Ferguson’s infamous model that has been thoroughly debunked and discredited as it contained so many basic errors it was useless. Why did no one in Sage or government have this model checked. If they did then why were Sage not sacked and the governments position would be untenable.
– based on these discredited models sick elderly people were thrown out of hospitals, locked down in care homes, isolated, denied medical treatment and had DNRS aggressively encouraged.
Sage, Ferguson and the government are guilty of man slaughter.
– no mention as to why the British government abandoned all pandemic protocols and favoured unproven lockdowns.
– no mention as to why no risk/benefit analysis of lockdown policy and how much economic damage it would cause
Cummings is full of bullshit.
“A bunch of incompetent, corrupt politicians and civil servants, conning the public.”
They may be corrupt but they’re not incompetent. They’re very good at conning the public.
Yeah 2020 shifted my views on that for sure. I used to see incompetence in a lot of places where I now see focused malice.
I used to see incompetence in a lot of places where I now see razzmatazz! There’s no business like show business ….
“They’re very good at conning the public.”
No, the the public is extremely gullible.
No, the public is extremely willing to be conned.
The public can also be inspired to think, if the person doing the inspiring knows what he is talking about and understands the public.
Thinking isn’t for everyone, but neither is being conned.
Only because the public are too stupid to realise they’re being conned.
Stop knocking the public. We are them. They are us. Divided, we fall.
What I always think of when anything about this alleged pandemic is said other than “no evidence of existence of virus”

At least some of OG’s commenters still have their feet planted on the ground. Make the frame as convoluted as you want, it doesn’t change the fact that there’s NO Sars CoV 2 virus.
Exactly. It’s phenomenal how much complete and utter BS can be generated from a phantom virus. You just simply cannot credit it. This must be the biggest hoax of all time and I don’t think there will ever be a bigger one.
The “virus” ceased to be the focus long ago. The ongoing attempt to turn people into serfs is what keeps most of us coming back here for updates.
A fake pathogen is just as deadly as a real pathogen.
‘A fake pathogen is just as deadly as a real pathogen.’
Absolutely- same with the numerous fake terror attacks we’ve been ‘shocked and awed’ with over the last two decades or so.
Pretty much. It all kicked off under weird and suspicious bat soup Chinese wet market utter bullshit and went from there.
Bit like Africans in the Congo eating monkey brains giving us AIDS. Bullshit repeated 40 years on to Chinese eating bats, as you describe. Although it’s being abandoned for something closer to the truth; i.e. a deliberate release of a cornavirus, to butter us up. How and where we’ll never hear as a truth but I’m guessing it’ll spin in a direction I can’t understand or predict yet. Global conflict? Some of those lines in the sand have long been established. What’ll be the Ferdinand trigger?
Yep, it’s exactly like that. As far as abandoning the initial spiel, sure the more splinter theories the better. That’s the way it works.
I really like that meme by the way. Of course, I stole it.
Someone posted it on an earlier article and I kicked myself for not saving it but eventually I found it through searching. I discovered other cartoons by the same person, Sidney Harris, who apparently does a lot of science and maths cartoons.
The Vatican is one of the principal planners of this scamdemic. But not all members of the Catholic Church agree. This is a really terrific interview with a very aware man, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, just a few days ago.
I am an athiest, and no admirer of the Catholic religion, but this man is well worth reading …..
Here are excerpts from his interview. Full interview is here:
“The Great Reset is not only the last stage prior to the establishment of the reign of the Antichrist, but it has acquired all of the connotations of a true religion, borrowing its language, creating ceremonies, appointing its own priests. The rituality of the present pandemic is quite obvious, especially in the way they have wanted to give the vaccine a sacramental value, to the point of resorting to priests and bishops – and even the pope himself – to promote it, even preaching that it is indispensable for salvation, identifying it as a “moral duty” for every believer.
the new Covid religion has imposed itself with new hygienic rituals and new sacraments of health.
Those who believe in Covid thus find themselves in the position of having to give proof of their submission to its sacred ministers, even in the face of concepts that are repugnant to medical science and common sense: the use of masks is obligatory even if they do not protect against contagion; the vaccine is imposed even if it does not give immunity, treatments not approved by the Health Sanhedrin are prohibited even if their effectiveness is obvious. And we should add: the more absurd the order that is given, the more the disciple feels that he is a member of the sect precisely by the very act of obeying.
t is a vaccine that, having been produced to combat a mutant virus, is destined to have to be periodically renewed on the basis of the phantom Covid “variants;” a vaccine that rudimentary medical science would discourage being given in the middle of a pandemic, because it could lead to forms of immunological resistance. In this criminal plan, science has turned into esoterism, doctors into sorcerers, and dissenters into heretics to be excommunicated or subjected to compulsory medical treatment.
In conclusion, Covid is a pretext with which to give the semblance of legitimacy to restrictions on natural freedoms and fundamental individual rights, in such a way as to create an economic and social crisis with which to make the Great Reset irreversible. The present state of economic exhaustion in European countries – in particular those of Catholic tradition like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Poland – forces them to submit to the blackmail of the European Union and to be despoiled by American, Chinese, German, and French… multinationals. In tandem with the unhinging of the economic fabric, it was decided to concentrate profits in a few multinational companies, such as Amazon, Just Eat, Ikea, and others – including large retailers – which have benefitted enormously from the closure of small and medium-sized businesses and restaurants. Not to mention the profits of the pharmaceutical companies, behind which are investment funds headed by, among others, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook.
Another sector that has benefited enormously from the lockdown has been pornography: the multinational Mindgeek has increased its turnover, contributing to the corruption of millions of young people and adults forced to stay at home by the pandemic emergency, by means of promotional offers and free subscriptions, as a result of which the number of its clients has increased enormously and consequently also the price of third-party advertising. Consider that this site gets more online traffic than Amazon, Twitter, and Facebook (here) with 3.5 billion visitors per month (here). As we can see, the pandemic offers a precious opportunity for those who cultivate the vices and perversions of the masses in order to be able to better manipulate them.”
Courageous of the Archbishop to speak out against the Vatican (who, btw, are very involved in human capital/social impact markets via charities that will be provoding food, housing, social services to all the newly-created poor in First World countries created by the lockdowns/Reset). Never heard of Mindgeek before though…
i’ve never heard of it either…. curious that a Man of The Cloth knew about it though… must write him a big “Thank You”…
Stripclubs have remained open while churches have been closed. The senior clergy in all faiths have revealed themselves totally compromised by conspiring in the idea that religion is a non-essential sevice.
It’s like off-licenses remaining open while clothing and hardware stores have been shut. It reveals just how much lockdown had anything to do with “our own good”.
i bet you the world biggest and most expensive gay sauna stayed open during covid
do remind us again where that is ………….
Vatican square
A gay party in Brussels was broken up by the Belgian police last year for violating Covid restrictions. A senior Hungarian diplomat was one of those “present”.
so do we call it The Messiah Injection ?
Only if you are foolish enough to have it
Despite not being religious myself, I have a great deal of respect for those who are. They can often – and indeed usually do – have a far greater sensitivity towards psychological manipulation than the smugly atheistic who are under the impressions that they are being “totally objective” and, through that very arrogance, can be easily manipulated. And Marxists can be just as dumb.
Kierkegaard, Chesterton, and CS Lewis (especailly in his Screwtape Letters) have far greater insight into mind games than any amount of Dawkins and the WSW.
Full interview with Vigano is here :
I stopped reading at “reign of the Antichrist.” Read the original source material. The writer is not talking about a single antichrist. If I said we are into the time of the traitor, you wouldn’t automatically assume that I meant one traitor, especially if I went on to say, “Just as you have heard that the traitor is coming, even now there have come to be many traitors.” (1John 2:18) I switched the word traitor in that quote for antichrist. That that is the correct way to understand that passage is made clear from what the same writer said later (at 2John verse 7): “For many deceivers have gone out into the world, namely those not acknowledging Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist.”
One is reprehensible when one sins, or commits a crime if you like, when one knows better. Furthermore, Jesus explained that “If the light that is in you is in fact darkness, then how great that darkness is.” Those who claim to represent God, who then trample his standards, which include honesty, have a serious problem. Jesus also reminded his audience that this true disciples would be those who remained in his word, which included (at Matthew 5:35): “Just let your word ‘no’ mean no and your word ‘yes’ mean yes, for what is in excess of that is from the wicked one.” God’s people embrace simple honesty. Everyone else embraces worldly honesty, in which your ‘yes’ at any given time, can become ‘no’ the minute it seems like that position can bring you gain. Those who lead physical, as opposed to spiritual, lives, don’t care about ‘how’ they survive. They only care about surviving. They have no problem with worldly honesty. Then there’s something I call ‘mysterious lawlessness’. The world is full of smart, educated people who clearly know right from wrong. They are observed by two kinds of people. The spiritual person observes those who know right from wrong and is disgusted at the way those one’s break every rule, agreement and law under the sun in order to get their way. The physical person, lacking a moral foundation (whether redeemable or not), observes political, religious, business and other leaders breaking agreements, rules and laws and is mystified. He or she rightly (from their standpoint) concludes that “Bad must sometimes be good.” This phenomenon plays a big role in the ruining of the world today, just as it did in Noah’s day, as Jesus noted.
Simple honesty, in fact, is the key to understanding the entire Christian Bible, although I’d be lying if I said I haven’t found problems with it.
I love the way my response to the above comment by May Hem just disappeared. No notice of moderation. Nothing. Just… gone. This is after I’ve worked all night and am about to go to bed. Real nice. Actually, I’m not seeing about three or four of the comments I just posted, including a short comment expressing my disappointment with this article. That’s gone. No notification of spam check or anything. Nice. Real nice.
Hyperlink to full interview not working!
But have you seen the list of Defendants in the Lawsuit Filed in Canada?
ref Court File No./N° du dossier du greffe: CV-21-00085478-00CP
Try link to the main site and look under ‘blogs’. Best of luck Butties.
If there’s money to be made you can bet your Papal Bull the Vatican will be in on it, bigtime.
As I predicted – Melbourne goes into a 7 day lockdown from midnight tonight (Thursday) with mandatory mask wearing both inside and outside and people restricted to travelling 5 kms from their home. 11 new ‘cases’ have been recorded, using the PCR tests. Of course. I wonder what cycle threshold they used? 40?
One of the reasons Victorians will be able to leave home is, wait for it…. to get vaccinated, along with shopping and care giving and 2 hours of exercise.
All this was as predictable as sliced bread.
Ramp up the fear again to get more people jabbed.
Yep ABC already bragging that it has done more for getting people vax than any ad campaign….about as subtle as a chargIng bull…no amount of lies will be enough to make this lot feel ashamed and get that needle into everyone.
Apparently at the press conference they literally said they want all Victorians vaccinated. They couldn’t make it more obvious. The more that are jabbed, then they can bring in the vaccine passports.
About to go to my local supermarket and get some food – unmasked. I’m done with this bullshit. Practice some civil disobedience.
Be brave and have fun….a friend with rellies there say people have decided to flee again…so many also fed up with the bullshit.
Latest Victorian lockdown nicely timed right on the eclipse of the full moon. Next eclipse on June 10th – last in the current series of eclipses.
What event/false flag/new variant/distraction will be created around this date I wonder?
And on 21 June when sun enters sign of cancer – solstice. The freemasons and their followers love the occult.
I just received my post Brexit residency permit (carte de sejour) for France, on it my photo, all my details, had to give a copy of my fingerprints for it, all 10 digits, and on the card it says CARTE DE SEJOUR PERMANENT – ARTICLE 50 TUE. Tue means kill, slaughter, tué means killed. I’m not saying there isn’t a perfectly logical bureacratic explanation for it, but at the same time its like a form of black magic, having KILL on my ID card. Doesn’t make me feel comfortable!
Traité sur L’Union Européenne
European Union Treaty = KILL
Ah no! That would be Franglais.
Walked into 2 shops maskless, no one said anything. Even told one of the shop assistants about the fraudulent PCR tests and how they get cases.
Went into Coles, did a double lap of the whole store, walked past quite a few assistants, then went up to the info desk and got a phone recharge.
The entire time, no one said a word. I did get a few looks tho! I was the only unmasked person in Coles. Not one other person. On the both buses I’ve caught, every other person was wearing a mask. Oh well.
I have the same experience here in Hong Kong. In 2020 I used to regularly get abuse for not wearing a mask, but now nobody seems to care anymore and most treat me as if we are in 2019. I walked past two police officers today and neither did anything.
There is still the looney of Shanghai Street who always creeps up behind me, ducked down, and then calls me white trash: as I turn she tries to stay behind me, still ducked down and still calling me white trash. Takes all sorts: she has a perfect – as in UK educated – english accent, that also doesn’t surprise me, the Chinese are not normally as crazy as the Brits.
I can still remember being verbally assaulted by a Brit back in early 2020, this idiot came right up to me and was shouting in my face – not creeping round my back, but in my face – shouting that wearing a mask was the law. I told him I didn’t give a shit that it was the law: unless he has the authority to enforce the law, I just don’t care what he thinks. White people really do like to tell others what to do: authoritarians.
What about the cops? Vigilant, tired of the bullshit, sitting in a cruiser around the corner eating donuts?
Speaking about Brits, my experience here – confirmed by a South African friend – is that the expats from the UK and other English-speaking countries are the worst nazis.
The countryside is mercifully COMPLETELY devoid of any COVID bullshit. I’ve seen a few city dwellers in the woods here with a mask on a while ago, and I told them to take it the fuck off, which they didn’t, but only the most obdurate idiot wears it outside now.
The cops have officially stated that they would not enforce some of the imbecilic, and unlawful, requirements. Such as the need to present a negative test result or vaccination certificate to visit a restaurant – only outside tables are allowed now, but the vast majority allow people inside as well. The restaurants WILL NOT comply with the test/vaccination bullshit here because people simply would not come. It’s unlawful anyways – and I suspect it’s the case anywhere in the world – nobody has the right to demand info on a person’s health. Especially not a waitress. Or even a fucking pig – they simply don’t have the right to do that.
In 1977 when I was doing theatre work training as a nurse the only time I needed a mask was if I was 6 feet from the open wound site, the rest of the time I walked around the theatre as an observor, re stocking and learning without a face nappy.
“White people really do like to tell others what to do: authoritarians.”
It has absolutely nothing to do with “white people”. Do the Irish or Poles think they can tell everyone what to do?….
I lived in HK for 12 years. Left last August for good a couple of days after the complete mask mandate came in. People (mainly women) would hold their umbrellas out in front of their face protectively when passing me on the street. (coz I had no mask). People used to see me on the MTR and literally move to the next carriage.
I went into Asda’s unmasked, with a friend who also wasn’t bothering. One or two looks from people but nobody said anything, including staff. We were not the only unmasked ones in the store, indeed I would say a third of people either wore no mask or had it pulled down below the chin. Even though signs were up saying mask wearing is obligatory.
Good on you, Gezzah. I have to say when the mask thing is being implemented I’m simply oblivious to other people’s looks. My strong thought is that to wear a mask is simply to be a “good German” and I certainly don’t want to be that so other people’s looks do not worry me at all but then I simply don’t notice them in any case, I have “immunity”!. All that concerns me is if someone actually stops me from doing something – a hospital refused me treatment but then after emailing them a couple of times questioning their legal authority to do so (health services were excluded from the mandatory mask Public Health Order which is very telling, no?) they invited me back for treatment maskless. The police took my mother to task on public transport but she just pulled the “I’m 81” line and they pushed it no further. If they try anything on me I’ll invite them to give me a fine and I’ll take it to court.
So sorry you have to go through the BS yet again – it’s been much so much worse in Victoria with curfew, etc than in NSW. I wonder if it’ll come back to NSW. So over it.
“carry a candle in the dark, be a candle in the dark, know that you’re a flame in the dark”… Ivan Illich.
That saying is one of my inspirations. Unfortunately tho, the vast majority here in Melbourne will just keep complying and complying, which will only encourage the psychopaths running this pysops to keep tightening the screws. And yes, it’s a pysops – it’s full on psychological warfare with the goal of getting as many jabbed as possible so they can bring in vaccine passports. After that: total control.
Yes, good saying. Yes it’s a psyop of the highest order … and God it works a treat.
Do you think they will go to the bother of bringing in vaccine passports, when some say that the people who have had vaccines will drop dead in a few months’ time?
Am wondering this myself. *If* these genetic modification injections are really the depop tool they appear to be, then there will come a time within about 12-18 months when excess deaths will not be able to be hidden and my guess is all hell will break loose at that point. How could it be practical to get these bullshit “health passports” up and running when there are so few people left alive? Something isn’t adding up for me. Not sure what to think and am taking a “wait and see” approach.
I can’t figure out how to show images, despite explanations (that always fall short). Here’s my latest poster to go up on telephone posts as soon as I can buy staples. (I see that the image embedded in that quote of Margareta Griesz-Brisson is not in the image. I don’t know why. It’s in the copies I printed out.) Politicians know what they’re doing. Locking us up accomplishes two goals. It keeps the easily fooled fooled and it keeps the rest of us from (easily) fighting back.

Hi Arby, you need to upload it to an image hosting platform and then you can paste the url link in your comment here, and it’ll be displayed. If you like, email me the poster and (provided it’s not wholly inappropriate or something), I’ll host it here and add it to your comment 🙂 My email: A2
Could you please suggest an image hosting platform?
I don’t know personally, but I suggested this reddit thread to the commenter above. Hope it helps!
(Post url:
What about the face coverings worn by women across the Arab world and across the centuries, is this also a problem for them?
I would think so. I also consider it to be abuse, whether the women so abused think so or not. Here’s another reason why organized religion, all denominations, has be destroyed. God doesn’t do it directly. He allows it to happen. It is not religion he can approve of or forever allow.
Scary stuff.
Re posting images I use although I think the last time I tried to post an image it didn’t work. It worked this time though. Obviously, you got it to work.
Actually Sam (Admin) posted that for me. But I do think I’ve got it now. The first image hosting site, it seems, that I tried was not good. I’m using Postimages until I have a reason not to.
Every other person was unmasked on your public transit?! I wish Toronto was as sane. It’s usually 100% compliance on Toronto transit. Usually. The last time, I saw two people unmasked. I have no idea why. I only know it was good to see, as long as those are insane people barking at posts or something.
I did it again. I meant to say “as long as those are not insane people barking at posts or something.”
Hi Arby… from my own observations regards public transport here. Out in the suburbs away from the city centre, on some bus routes, nearly everyone was unmasked, especially High School students.
On trains at suburban stations, I’ve seen large groups of students – up to 60 at least just get onto the train maskless. Maybe about a third of adults were maskless also. Also noticed as we got closer to the city, and as more passengers got on the train, some people who had been maskless up to then, put their masks on.
At weekends on the trains, maybe up to 50% of passengers were maskless especially football fans going to a game. Early morning and evening trains in the CBD (office & retail workers, suits, etc) the vast vast majority wore masks.
Anyway, they’ve made it very clear they want as many vaxxed as possible, and then comes the vaccine passports.
QR codes become mandatory here in venues like restaurants, pubs, cafes, hospitality places on Saturday with covid marshalls at entrances to ensure compliance.
Ominously, the last time I was in the Big Issue (mag) office, there was a large QR code next to the entrance and the manager made a point of telling us to scan it when we entered. I ignored it, walked straight in, tho none of the staff noticed as they were busy.
Hope your week has been going relatively well, and you still have your job. You’re also right at how evil things have become. The faux liberal lefty types have become frothing fascists…
Thanks. Yes, I recall your unhappy encounter with the QR code. It seems that every region has its mix of horrors and bright spots. Of course, the bright spots are getting fewer and fewer overall. (Although not being to get to restos and coffee shops and so forth just doesn’t bother me at all. Lets see how many venues they bar for the unvaxxed. As long as I can buy groceries, go to work and pay my rent, they can go to hell.) I just biked home for my weekend here in Toronto. Man is it cold! (Christian Westbrook did say that we are entering into a grand solar minimum.) It’s sort of spitting rain and I’m pretty sure that some of that was hail. I had my summer bike helmet on so it was like I was without any head covering. I have almost no hair. I got some distance from work when I thought I heard my cell phone. I’m glad I didn’t ignore it. It was the farm boss letting me know I had forgotten my backpack. I’ve done that a few times already. The problem is that it’s got my battery charger for my bike battery in it. There I am freezing in my spring jacket and summer bike helmet and I have to trek back to work and then back. That made the coffee I’m drinking right now a whole lot better let me tell you.
I’m NOT a hipster Arby… but I used to love eating out at cafes at least once a week. My weekly treat along with the occasional Cd and movie.
I’m pretty sure here in Melbourne the QR codes will only be in hospitality venues, and hey, worst case scenario, the supermarkets here sell pretty decent coffee anyway.
However I’m very aware of the awful situation in Israel with the Green Pass, and in places like Chile, so how far they extend it here in Australia, don’t know?
Actually had a staff member from the magazine ring up today to see how I’m doing. I told her straight out my bottom lines are no jab, no test and no contact tracing. Also told her about the vaccine passports and why they want to bring them in. Told her about the fraudulent PCR tests and said they want to bring in a technofascist tyranny like 1984.
At least she listened without interupting, and said several times “I hear you”.
I thought it was nearly summer there? You’re lucky with your work that you’re not dealing with people all the time; most of whom are frothing cult members boasting about getting the vaccine. Sigh.
Again, wish you a good weekend👍
Basically, it’s the start of summer here. There shouldn’t be hail. But, again, if we are entering into that grand solar minimum…
You have a good weekend as well. I know that it’s all relative right now.
Hi Arby, hope your week is going well? Not only has the lockdown been extended in Melbourne for another one week until June 11th, but as of today, QR codes became mandatory in ALL shops in Melbourne including supermarkets. No, that’s not a typo.
Supermarkets as well.
We are dealing with some truly evil psychopaths here, and for some reason quite a few of them seem to be in Melbourne.
I found out this afternoon, and have been in semi shock since. Further to that, all Cafe customers must scan the QR code, even if they’re only getting a takeaway coffee.
My only option now is to shop online, and get my groceries delivered or find a small family owned food shop that looks the other way with scanning, tho that is pretty unlikely given the ridiculous level of compliance here, however they can be heavily fined by the Govt for not complying with this.
I greatly doubt the QR codes will be rescinded once the lockdown ends. Do ducks like water? Things just ramped up dramatically here. They want people to give in and get jabbed.
I’m very sorry to hear that. See if you can find people to buy your groceries for you. (Of course, you’ll have to pay them.) I fear that sort of thing happening here because, as we know, things are getting worse, not better. I should ask folks I know while I can, in preparation.
I can actually imagine Doug Ford doing this as well, or Trudeau, so yeah, get prepared Arby. I’ve got enough food at home for over a week, and will just have to set up an online account with one of the big supermarkets here.
They actually deliver to your door, however I think its only twice a week or something like that, not daily.
Yes, That’s another idea. I meant to investigate but forgot. I’m not sure that I even want to do that kind of business with the supermarket I shop at. But they are probably all abusers. I have no way of investigating in order to know which store I want to support. I notice that the open letter I wrote to Susana Ramirez (manager of The Big Carrot here in Toronto) has been read by a fair number of people. That wasn’t the case when I had initially posted it to my blog. Then I told someone at the Big Carrot about it, after also emailing someone there (grabbing the email from their website) and a short while later the views started. Who knows? As for Susana, I got her card after asking for a contact and pointing out that I keep getting brushed off when I ask for a contact. The guy handed me the card without a word. Interestingly, Susana’s email, on the card, bounced. Nice. So I’m just wondering whether my name will now be noticed if I try to sign up for some sort of regular delivery. But I think I should start, with BC or some store, soon.
Yep, I don’t like doing it, but for now online shopping seems about the only option available. I know quite a few people – even amongst the commenters at OffG say: ‘oh, just fill in a fake name’ or ‘just pretend to scan it’ but for me, it’s still the simulation of complying. You’re still going thru the act of what they want.
I’m crashing zzz zzz zzz have a good day Arby. Good news about the Big Carrot👍
What about the arsehole douches who drive around with a little frigging mask hanging from their rearview mirror?
I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine.—”Civil Disobedience“
Thanks for the link Jimbo, and yes, noted your other comment about the Nuremburg Code as well. Sutton and all the rest pushing the jab are in contravention of this code. They are criminals. What a truly fecked up place this is…
i just see that your version of virus is a super contagious etc etc… have we not heard all this before……..and never been seen before…. which is complete bullshit as hospital Drs tell me noone ever checks the colds and flus when they come through to see what variety they are…… but as said above….. better to move on….hard if you are caught in it……. and i am now thinking the next eclipse is going to redo the shit of last year….. mercury being Rx isn’t going to help stop the flow….
It’s taking over 5300 to ”find” one case in Australia and still our worthless media don’t get what a con and waste of money it is. Meanwhile people are dying for want of an ambulance and due to the money wasted on this crap the deaths from cancers and untreated dementia are above average for the past year.
FYI… on a tip off from a FB friend, just went to Aldi in the next suburb. Walked in without a mask on, no check in and no scanning a code. Grabbed as much food as I could with my hands (no bloody hand baskets😠) then went to the checkout, paid with cash and walked out.
The whole time no one said a word about being maskless and no one said anything about scanning a code.
Went to 2 other shops, same thing, tho one guy did say something about ‘check your phone’ so I pulled out my 12 year old Nokia 310 phone and I went “sorry, this is my phone”.
I may hold off on Coles shopping online for a while. Another person here in Melbourne who also comments here was in a grocery store today as well. He only spotted couple people scanning the code.
I got the facts on the tests they have used all along, 40 ct, and it’s now taking 5300 of the pointless things to ”find” one ”case” of nothing and still we have the god awful Norman Swan going on and on as if he has a clue, all he does is spew out big pharma garbage.
Yes, I actually downloaded that link you posted about the tests. Total fraud which is what’s being used to drive the entire scamdemic, along with the filth in the media. I know, I’m preaching to the converted, but Reiner Fuellmich lays out the PCR tests in this interview. The relevant part starts at 9.50.
Expect “cases” and another lockdown in Perth soon, as their state of emergency is due to expire on June 17th I think.
With you all the way mate. Not only have i never worn the mask of compliance(which cost me my job,feck it i can do my job from home working for myself, no big),i refuse to enter any establishment that wants my details. Its my line i won’t cross and if everyone did the same,the message it sends would be more powerful than most things we could do. Short of tooling up,and stringing up all conspirators. It looks like that might have to happen.
If even say 35% (I know that’s being optimistic) refused to comply with the facemasks, contact tracing, etc, that would throw a huge spanner in the works Nick.
Went to my local supermarket today, walked past a security guard going into the shopping centre, walked round the supermarket past numerous staff, went to the self serve checkout where a staff member politely asked me if I wanted to pay with cash or card, then went to the smoke counter for ‘things’ then walked out past a different security guard.
You know what? Not one person said a single word about me being maskless, not even the security guards. They didn’t even blink.
Maybe the staff in shops in the UK are more gung ho, but it left me thinking why are so many complying then? I was in the same supermarket 4 days ago and no one said a word then either.
Have a good week… nice weather over there I hear..
Marilyn, could you post the link to the 40 cycles in Aus/Vic again? It is hopeless to search for anything…
And 9 more ”rare” blood clots reported today
Welcome mates to the STRALYA PHARMACOM PENAL colony LOCKKDOWN!!!
SCARE MONGER CAMPAIGN those ‘hesitant’ ‘complacent’ inmates so they herd like lemmings down over (hahaha) into PHARMACOM petilential VAX PIT!!!!
It’s a full court MSM PHARMACOM barrage of lies threats & coercion. Intellectual DISGRACE stares from nearly every MSM PHARMACOM ACLOYTE twisted face!!!
For your reference:
The Nuremberg Code (1947)
Permissible Medical Experiments
The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
PS: I am not a bot. I am a human being.
my hospital dr friend said it is near impossible to get consent… unless one is medically education most have little or no idea of what they are being injected with….thus informed consent isn’t possible…. legal or otherwise, free choice or not etc…..
Informed about the dangers should be a minimum and everyone can understand those if explained honestly and clearly.
I suppose that is why these very ethical people ask you to sign documents just before surgery.
Gezzah, how are these measures actually enforced? Is there strict enforcement? Do the cops turn a blind eye to these obvious stupidities? Do people comply or pretend compliance?
Over here (central Europe), they’ve imposed, at various times, pretty much the same measures as anywhere else, but for instance the travel restrictions were not enforced. They did have police patrols here and there, but the cops didn’t care and even openly expressed disgust with having to be there. Ditto restaurants. They’re required to be closed – even though they can serve people at sidewalk tables – but most of them don’t care and allow people in. Again, not enforced. Unless somebody does something ostensibly provocative, gets ratted out, in which the cops have no choice but intervene.
I wonder how people respond and how the establishment and the cops enforce the rules elsewhere …
I’ve just been into 2 shops, then a large supermarket here without a mask. Walked round the supermarket twice, then went up to the smoke counter. No one said a word.
I was the only one in the supermarket without a mask on, however in one of the other shops there was another person maskless. From midnight tonight, masks are mandatory outside again, so that’s going to be tricky.
Unfortunately, the cops here in Melbourne are nothing like the cops in your country. They won’t turn a blind eye. Last year they arrested lots of people for not wearing facemasks, and they had no hesitation in issuing fines. They have proven to be very thuggish.
Will just ride through this the best I can without complying. Unfortunately tho, the vast majority here will fully comply.
That makes it tougher, and only encourages these psychopaths to keep doing it. “Your obedience is prolonging this nightmare”.
In Hong Kong I survived 2020 and the start of this year by always having a mask around my neck. As I walked along, if I happened upon a police, I would wait for them to see me with my mask down, then catch their eye, then show my respect for the violence they could inflict on me, by lifting my mask up over my nose.
As soon as I had walked past them i would drop the mask back under my chin because I was now free to do what I want to do.
I was never booked. All the pigs want is to see that you respect their authority, they are all mentally in need of “respect” and once they get it they are helpless unless they are real gestapo types, but there are not many of those here in HK.
Trust me… there are more than a few gestapo types amongst the cops here in Melbourne, but will try and get through this the best I can without complying. Work will be the problem when this lockdown ends as they are all gung ho about being “covid safe”. We even had to sign a contract saying we would practice “covid safe measures” at all times. Just taking it a day at a time A👍
Gezzah, you’re already practising ‘covid safe’ measures. Since there’s no global pandemic, especially not in Oz, how you’re acting is a good deal safer than the way the obedience-suckers are behaving: just being normal, and not risking your health with constant breathing constriction and contamination. And not voluntarily depressing your own immune system by living in a state of constant – entirely-propaganda-manufactured – artificial terror. Keep sluggin’ bro! 🙂
Thanks R… What we are dealing with is mass psychosis and insanity. Artificial terror indeed to get everyone rushing off and getting the jab. This man sums it up a lot better than I could:
Hang in there, Gezz! Your comments and actions are inspiring. Thank you.
I have to say that the pigs around here have been quite reasonable. They’re between a rock and a hard place – a lot of them are probably sick of it, for various reasons, not all of them are evil people. They can’t completely refuse to follow orders – well, they could, but they won’t just like most people won’t disobey.
When something gets reported, they have to intervene, so it’s mostly problem of the snitches and rats. Also, if you openly challenge them, they will use force. Otherwise, the cops have largely turned a blind eye – I know of instances where a pub has been ratted out for being open and the cops calling them in advance to warn that they’re on the way.
Roman Catholicism was officially banned in Ireland in the 18th century and priests, monks and friars were supposed to be arrested and perhaps charged with treason, but in practice they were tolerated. An illegal friary was in operation in, I think, Galway, and once a year the sheriff and a few officials would drop by on a supposed search. The friary knew in advance the date and time. So everything would be hidden away, the friars would stay away from the building for the day and all there was in the friary was a bottle of sherry on the table and a few glasses, with a note saying it was for the officials. They would drink it, formally record that nothing had been found, and go away.
I detect an increasing tendency to just go through the motions with Covid, in much the same way. Perhaps a few free drinks for cops also smooth the path, in much the same way as Ireland in the 1730s.
Sounds like a plan.
Even though – touching wood – I have to say that the cops have stayed away from our bar despite the fact that it’s been open, at times very clandestinely, throughout this crap.
BTW, when travel (between districts) was prohibited here, there was a permanent police patrol on a road leading to Prague. Back then, it was cold, snowy, shitty weather. The cops must have been pissed off to no end to be jerking off there. Plus they were themselves under surveillance and had to stop incoming cars. A friend of mine was telling me that they would say, “Well sir, you don’t have a permission to enter the city, but the closest point where you can make a U turn is in the city itself (like five kilometers down the road). Do you think we’ll follow you to check that you did turn .. wink wink …” ….
Anyway, flying under the radar, corrupting the system from within is where it’s at …
But what I’d be curious to know is what happened beyond issuing of fines. Presumably, many people didn’t pay them so what happened to them? Do you know anyone who was fined, Gezzah?
No, the State Attorney General ended up withdrawing all the covid related fines because there were so many, and also a lot of people wanted to challenge them in court. I think that’s why they backed down. Yes, I knew of several people who got fined for mask breaches.
And Dan the man is to blame for this with his ridiculous side kick old Brett and the Gates foundation spivs.
The lockdown happens to coincide with tracking app becoming as good as mandatory from Saturday on. The lockdown is a psy-op to get people to bow their heads and obey.
From my own observations (outer eastern suburbs), more and more people sabotaged the voluntary tracking the last few months by dragging their feet or fully ignoring it.
And the state of emergency extension was due to expire on June 4th as well.
I know its a pysops, and I know its all about submission and compliance and control. And getting more people getting the jab. They made that so obvious at the press conference.
That’s also why they launched Operation Blane targeting people not wearing facemasks on public transport, too many had stopped complying, especially High School students, from what I saw.
Ironically, I was meant to be working in Croydon on Monday, but all suspended by management who are fully on board with the scamdemic.
lunar eclipse full moon
how predictable
The hoaxsters and their servants and associates can’t go back. They can only go forward. Whatever that means for me personally, I welcome that. I welcome the end of this perverted, cruel system of things which will end suffering and terror for a thousand years (after which time there will be a little more of it, it seems, but then that too ends – forever).
Keep in mind that with so much at stake and such disappointing results from the massive no. of tests, even these 11 “cases” could be fake. Of course, this is ignoring the fact that the test only seeks to match any of ~100 parts of the human genome or 100 microbes exactly.
It is a pity that Off-Guardian’s comment section has been taken over by know-nothings who insist that Koch’s Postulates are the latest in science– and moreover, that even the primitive science of Koch was wrong, and there is no such thing as contagion!!
“People, this is going to be HUMANITY’S future unless WE hang those CORPORATE FASCIST PSYCHO FLU NAZI CRIMINAL BASTARDS out to dry.”

So what do you believe, Penelope? Do you accept the science put forward for the existence of SARS-CoV-2 and the science put forward that it causes COVID-19? If so, can you please give your sources? Also, if so, are you aware of the refutation of this science and what is your refutation of this refutation?
u is the pharmacom ‘contagion’
have a thalidomide or pandemrix or maybee a Vioxx on the pharma house
“The MURPHY-VIRUS needs to go!”
“Whatever gets you past the facts.”
Nice article, but why did you not talk about the lowering of the cycle count of the PCR test on vaccinated folks. They now want the test to be set no higher than 28 CTs rather than the 40 they used to recommend. All the while keeping the higher count for regular testing.
If you follow the link in this article, where it says “As we wrote last week, as of May 1st the CDC will no longer be counting mild or asymptomatic cases as ‘breakthrough infections’,” you’ll see it covered there.
As there has never been a virus, the fact is the jabs are creating a whole new illness
Hope it’s okay to share here — I did a podcast episode with Alex Klaushofer who wrote this lovely essay “The Fragility of Democracy” which I highly recommend. We discussed Alex’s move out of England due to the restrictions and the whys and what’s of this sorry situation. Here’s the link if this might be your thing.
It’s like saying I’ve got lice I think I have even though I don’t but don’t stand close because you might or might not catch them?????
Of topic, but I have to say that I am quite surprised by the fact that the so called #magnetchallenge (people sticking magnets to the injection site), hasn´t become a more important topic to discuss in my favourite sceptic circles.
I have learned that it is entirely possible, not as crazy as it seems, and that there are many lines of investigation. In the meantime the evidence keeps growing and some it is quite convincing. In fact, many doctors have given testimony that the magnetic effect is present in some of their vaccinated patients, while scientists of repute have come forward to denounce it. (sources on my computer, can provide later)
The implications are huge. If it is in fact happening, either the people running the flu de etat went full in; they are injecting people with magnetic nano technology already. Gloves are of. Or, the magnetic effect was a miscalculation and could become the mistake that brings the whole house of cards down. Inn either case, we would be making a terrible mistake by ignoring it. Like I said, there is enough ground to take it seriously.
The other possibility of course is that the whole thing is just one more psyop. But because of the amount of videos available worldwide, the record of the people coming forward, etc., the scale of the operation had to be something like we have never seen before. But then, why?
I would be interested to listen thoughts on this if the mods allow.
“people sticking magnets to the injection site”
I say bollocks but feel free to prove me wrong …
No, he said magnets.
Perhaps it is bollocks, but if it was that wouldn´t make it less interesting…
Have a look at these two videos: (16:00) (1hr into)
They seem honest and convincing accounts.
Now read this:
“If scientists could give living cells magnetic properties, they could perhaps manipulate cellular activities with external magnetic fields . But previous attempts to magnetize cells by producing iron-containing proteins inside them have resulted in only weak magnetic forces. Now, researchers have engineered genetically encoded protein crystals that can generate magnetic forces many times stronger than those already reported.
“Biosynthesis of magnetic nanoparticles from nano-degradation products revealed in human stem cells: This “remagnetization” phenomenon is observed under specific pathways only, involves the ferritin protein, and seems linked to a de-toxification mechanism in case of iron excess . It also brings a
direct experimental proof that magnetic nanoparticles can be
synthesized by human cells.”
Dr. Stefano Montanari, an Italian nanopathologist has said:
“It is called magneto genetics and is the new frontier for curing diseases. A biological technique that involves the use of magnetic fields to remotely control cellular activity. According to the studies of the New nanodiagnostics, these long needle-like crystals rich in iron are present inside the anti covid vaccines. Using the magnets you could control the cells that contain these crystals. That is why, as you can see from this video, a small magnet attaches easily to the vaccine injection site.”
As you know, just the mention of this can have a huge social stigma, our immediate response is to think that it is bollocks. Then I wonder why suddenly so many people started posting videos giving credence to the “crazy” idea and risking being ostracised during the huge vaxx propaganda campaign. Why would a Dr., or independent media would do that?
Try looking at all the videos of people doing it – particularly the practical investigation and trials done by Del Bigtree’s ‘The Highwire’. Then check your bollocks – to make sure you’ve still got them…
I watch “The Highwire” regularly, and appreciate Del’s perspective and hard work; I hope Del recovers from his indisposition and is back soon.
(That said, I can’t resist admitting that it was a pleasure to watch interim host Jefferey Jaxen reporting without Del’s excessive, even incessant, interrupting, talking over, crowding, and smothering Jefferey.)
I also am strongly inclined to believe that the reports of magnetized or magnetism-sensitive vaccine sites are worth taking seriously and investigating; that is, I assume that there’s a “there” there.
Still, I dissent a bit from the praise in this sub-thread for Highwire’s man-on-the-street magnetism test. Like many of the independent individual videos, the “experiment” was presented too much like a social-media stunt. Even calling it a “challenge” seems tawdry and cheap to me– reminiscent of the imbecilic “ice bucket challenge”.
Even though my assumption is that there’s something to it, I was disappointed by the low-road “vox pop” approach. These sloppy extemperaneous demonstrations don’t withstand skeptical scrutiny; they might as well have been street magicians pulling quarters out of astonished volunteers’ ears.
So far, apart from Highwire’s segment and several individual videos, I’ve also seen many familiar scamdemic and vaccination critics in the medical profession (e.g., Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Cahill, etc.) more or less taking the phenomenon at face value and speculating on its cause. But even they seem to be relying on collective or cumulative ad hoc video evidence.
I wish that the Highwire had reported the phenomenon, but instead of “taking it to the streets” had commissioned a qualified professional to at least conduct a more organized and rigorous demonstration. A proper long-term study seems appropriate, but in the meantime a researcher could: assemble a representative group of subjects vaccinated with all of the extant “vaccines” at specified points in time, and systematically test them under identical and consistent conditions.
To me, this beats the hell out of a party atmosphere with onlookers hooting “You’ve been chipped!”, and with random volunteers who may or may not be wearing sunscreen, etc.
My thought on this would be: so what? We’re all up-taking so many pollutants, many of which are metallic (as with climate engineering), that it wouldn’t surprise me if every other person had magnetic properties – vaccinated or not.
Until people start sticking to their fridge doors like those cute magnetic attachments, I wouldn’t worry about it.
Except it only sticks to the vaccine site, soon after injected.
The implications are much more sinister than mere metal toxicity. Magnetic nanotechnologies can, among other things, alter your DNA, determine gene expression, take control of cellular mechanisms, and modify behaviour and brain function remotely using electromagnetic fields.
I know it’s just an anecdote, but one of my trusted friends saw it stuck to his co-worker. Also the Highwire with Del Bigtree did a man-on-the-street check with about ten people and it was close to half and half. You can watch the clip on his website.
Yes, I added the link to that man-on-the-street check on my previous comment. And I hear every day more accounts like yours. Don´t know how to share videos from telegram here, but in the Spanish speaking world many doctors are sharing videos of patients at their practice and using radio frequency scans, etc. It seems to me it would be quite an elaborate hoax.
It’s the episode where Del is having a day off, and Jeffrey Jaxen is anchoring the it.
Yes, I learnt about this through Robin Monotti’s telegram channel. Well worth a read- lots of interesting info about what could be causing it (but seems only in 50% of cases?)
Yep, I am there as well. The evidence is quite substantial. I wish people were less afraid of tackling this issue.
Texoplasma gondii
it’s ‘flu season in australia… australians have been warned to expect more “mysterious” covid-19 outbreaks… will aussies risk death or injuries from an injection to treat “flu-like symptoms” if they develop them ? if they do then they deserve to be depopped…
Looks like Dan the dictator is about to do another lockdown
and if aussies cant see through the hoax, that ‘flu season’ has been rebranded as ‘covid-19 season’, they deserve to be depopped… (that the labor government was returned to office in a landslide because “they kept us safe” – (from that ‘eastern states virus’ ?) – is grounds enough for depopping ?)…
….that’s the west aussie labor govt… ok.
Agree les, but the deliberate pre-electionn timing of the accusations against Porter, former Att.General, also helped the labor win in W.A. Manipulation by labor party? I wonder. Sorry – off topic.
Since this fake pandemic started we have conducted 18 million pointless tests and great expense, left people with actual illnesses to die, all tests done at 40, supplied by rotten Roche, and about 195,000 Aussies have died. 4 under 50 from the so called covid.
Victoria: the tactic…claim a ‘mysterious’ outbreak, claim it has spreads a day or two before a popular event – the weekends footy matches… big lockdown = much frustration, annoyance, which can be exploited, directed at the ‘refusniks’… soon the vaxxed will be howling “for christs sake just get vaxxed – so we can go to our footy matches’…
Precisely. Legally can’t enforce it so use peer pressure and guilt association to do it.
Story time. I won’t give a spoiler description….. just listen, if you have a few minutes (11:02). I thought this was a very powerful personal account.
It is getting scary people are acting irrational.I can understand nazi Germany now because it’s happening all over the world.
Holy shit….that has to be the most powerful 11 minute video testimony that just about sums up the whole current deception catastrophe we are in the middle of right now. THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS!
Wow… that is INSANE!
Covid Video of the Year. Definitely.
Wow. Two years ago, I would have said it could not happen in ‘the information age’. Now the only astonishing thing is how easy it was. I could be wrong, but I suspect we are now divided forever, and I feel no social obligation to the drones who wax ecstatic on their ‘jab’ because they feel so unselfish for having done such an heroic thing for their community. What kind of unsustainable burden on their community are these people going to be if the naysaying doctors are right, and they have an autoimmune crisis waiting for them eight months or so down the road? Could nobody see the scam approaching when the industry was already talking about annual booster shots before most people had even gotten a second dose of the miracle ‘98% effective’ vaccine?
Makes one wonder how many relationships ‘it’ has affected. Thank you for posting.
Quite a few, if mine are anything to go on….I refuse to associate anymore with people who bothered to tell me I am selfish for not getting injected, wearing a mask etc…just not worth the bother for sooner or later one will get the hysterical outburst that the woman in video encountered…their thinking brains have been turned to trash.
Yes – this is how cult members behave. They turn into zombies.
Interestingly this whole thing was predicted in 1995 by Dr Pierre Gilbert who said they would pollute the blood supply to create a race of zomies following vaccination for a false disease. He used to be a freemason and learned about it there.
Here he is talking about it:
The Pervasive Charade
Keep it up prop it up
Never let it fall
The pervasive charade
Is now spoken by all
by Mark R. Elsis
October 19, 1996
Resonate Love
144 Poems
by Mark R. Elsis
It’s all about old art of manipulating perceptions.
How to prove to ordinary jabbed sheeple that jabs work? Pretend that “pandemic” retreats, pretend that life returns to “normal” smear anyone who refused to become a guinea pig as enemy of return to normal unnecessarily delaying end to pandemic, responsible for causing stupidly out of science denial mental defect or ignorance boosting potentially deadly effects of inevitable third COVID wave. This is where “vaccine breakthrough” narrative fits as a seed for new jabbing campaign in the fall for which big Pharma is currently preparing and unjabbed Covid skeptics will be blamed for.
Covid narrative is nothing but self enforcing fabricated delusion. Once global oligarchy including big Pharma long ago effectively totally took over governments, corrupted biosurveillance (subset of mass surveillance) infrastructure (at least since 2003j including public health institutions, gained full control of 99.9% of media, they are in control of perception of reality for billions, meaning of their words and deeds related to Covid and hence they hold all the keys to instantly control global Covid narratives via so called pandemic response coordination via WHO or G7 and G20, WEF mechanism of “harmonizing” global policies creating fear of pandemics that is only small part of big global program of direct oligarchic control over people outside of phony bourgeois liberal democratic or autocratic political framework instantly marginalized by COVID, a dead end for people’s grievances and demands to uphold fundamental constitutional, civil and human rights are funneled into.
Looking hard at COVID “data” skeptics may reasonably conclude that we know nothing about this “pandemic” but only our own direct mostly unorganized experiences we share and blatantly fundamentally flawed, self contradictory official data and metadata that lack basic consistency, integrity and concurrency supported by logic defying vague self discrediting official narratives peddling nothing but absurd trumping all standards and long established protocols in goal-seeking efforts. While we do not know nothing about the “pandemic” it is not out of our ignorance but because there is nothing to know as pandemic is nothing but a figment of oligarchic imagination and manipulated computer modeling fed to media to retain and expand corporate oligarchs power and control.
Judging from my own surroundings, it is definitely a mass psychosis. Arrived at via mass hypnosis utilizing the mass media as pendulum. The one question though that remains is also the most important one:
What is it that makes people so susceptible to this kind of manipulation? Why does “good cop- bad cop” work so well?
My personal answer to this whole event lies within the context of the human species not really being in control of itself – despite a belief to the contrary, coming specifically from the so called world of science.
What the human species knows about itself – it has taught and told itself. There was never an outside source that filled it in about what it is. Tough, but logical. Herein lies the sad truth that it can tell itself stories and believe them, without having a more sophisticated entity than peers reviewing it.
Man observes nature and hand picks what it deems important/useful, leaving out what is unimportant/inconvenient. That includes dynamics affecting the collective. The individual remains convinced it acts out of free will – even when that free will is nothing but an illusion.
We observe Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis in ants and are unable to transfer the principle to the human species, as we consider ourselves to be much more complex than ants and therefore not susceptible for such an event.
The question has to be: Does it really have to be a fungus, or could it be purely psychological? Is the equivalent of the fungus that grows consuming the ant based on overpopulation maybe the world out of balance? The psychological world that is? The collective mind? Have we created a situation – in a remote controlled fashion – that will consume us as humans, our minds?
It might be my ASD that creates this impossibility of getting anything injected that can’t be reversed. Not happening. But why are there so many people that override a quite logical refusal of anything that is irreversible? A path with no way back? Reminiscent of a hike into the desert with a limited water source. There is a moment, when the distance ventured into the desert will make a return impossible. Why keep walking further into the desert? Another analogy would be free deep diving. How deep can you dive in order to reach the surface with your lung volume? What happens if you go deeper?
This is what those who are getting jabbed are doing. They will not be able to get back. Biting on the cyanide capsule is a one way ticket out. It is insufficiently explained why people would do the equivalent by getting a treatment injected with unknown outcome. Why would people do that based on someone else telling them to?
That is the metaphorical shroom growing out of people’s head after they get the injection. No way back. No cure.
No, thank you.
Metaphysically speaking, the Universe is removing the fearful, unsuspecting and gullible from the collective. Remote controlled.
It works because the planet neptune who rules illusions, delusions etal has made 2 hits to eclipse points in the communication sector and has one to go in 2 weeks…all the souls with energy points that resound to the points hit went under,….this included many of the so called leaders of countries….thus many of them are completely enthralled by all this…one could almost image they were put there to do just that…with the knowledge they would go down but that seems far fetched…
last time we had such a good neptune to eclipse faucci dreamt up aids…so of course he would be back doing his thing again…along with all the other players…
While I am convinced that the Universe is more of a growing organism than a place with stuff in it, the gravitational, wavy influence of large planetary bodies should not be discounted. Therefore, yes, it certainly looks like there are reoccurring constellations that aid the dark side of consciousness.
Alan Watts explained once that in the Upanishads, there is an explanation about the eternal “battle” between “good” and “evil” – needed to create spiritual energy like a battery needs two poles to operate. It is said that the relation is “two times good wins – one time evil wins” in a perpetual motion.
Mankind is experiencing the advent of “good” winning once more over “evil”, who has won this present “game”.
Make someone desperate and ignorant enough; you can then convince him that blowing up innocent people – and himself – is a glorious act.
The sad part about it is, that those who fall for this deadly and decrepit scheme are never, or next to never directing their hate where it belongs: upward. Instead, as You said, the violence is directed at the same level, at people who are suffering as much as those who perpetrate the violence and mayhem.
That’s the real pathetic part about it.
Driving my car tonight I inadvertently switched on the radio BBC Radio 4. I should have known better. There was some sort of Brains trust discussion between 4 persons apropos of vaccinations and covid. Fortunately I only caught the last 5 minutes or so which was not only repugnant, or was terrifying. Everyone involved agreed on the premise that everyone in the world should be vaccinated because that’s the noble and honourable thing to do, indeed it is a duty. This is the depths that the PTB and their spokespersons have sunken to. This scum is of course the ‘Outer Party’ being given their orders by the PTB. And at the end one of the panel having concluded that there is no alternative, ended with a quip that those who refuse the ‘jab’ will have nowhere to go and nothing to do, this resulted in collective guffaws from the panel. Sanctimonious, ignorant prigs.
Sorry I got a bit carried away. But it speaks volume for the BBC and the British ‘Intelligentsia’ insofar as we have one.
“To be blunt, many of these Corporate Fascist elitist yahoo pricks are hoping that if they spread pig feces on a cracker and call it Foie gras the sheeple will not notice the funky taste… or its after effects.”

“The Scamdemic and the Great Ripoff are Crimes Against Humanity.”
A couple of days ago the Sun had an article about a couple of elderly expatriates in France (originally from Sheffield) who mistook some gourmet cat food their daughter bought for them for pâté. The can had a picture of a cat on it but they overlooked this huge clue.
Maybe they thought they were eating paté de chat?
Since pâté de foie gras has been denounced, and in some places forbidden, upon the belief that its production is cruelly torturous to geese, perhaps the expatriates simply assumed that it had been replaced by non-controversial cat-based pâté.
Ya gotta consider all the possibilities, I allus say.
The BBC “brains” deciding what is to be your duty, what is noble and honourable: so the Jimmy Saville BBC is now branching into ethics. Cool.
Of course, they say it is your “duty” while at the same time neglecting all of their duties, such as ensuring that there is an informed public that can make an informed decision, ensuring that there really is a tangible benefit to society in having vaccinations.
Like all authoritarians, whether they be left or right wing, they know what is best for you and it is your duty to do what they decide is best for you. The BBC is so full of shit I stopped watching or listening to them over 20 years ago and it sounds like nothing has changed.
Same in Canada-with the CBC-lunatics calling in wanting to be restricted forever-not a shred of insight-glued to the message-.Ratings for these Pharma ad campaign stations sky high
The antidote (and the anecdote) is simple: “Sorry, but I have no earthly wish to do anything for my fellow man. Oh, except for one thing: I wish him a quick extinction. Have a nice day – and get the fuck out of my face!”
Having turned off my own attention to take MSM I is a shock when one is exposed to it. Amazing how we have been programmed really. Fuck ’em:-)
Your ‘carried away’ diatribe just earned you the most upvotes so far – I think – on this btl, D, including mine. Don’t apologise! 🙂 I used to believe the beeb’s permanent bullshit blizzard about its own wonderfulness too. Escaped from that delusion many years ago. Still like its music output, but the ‘news’ and ‘current affairs’ output is simply sewage.
“The Cabinet Office is terrifyingly s**t” – apparently a text message from Cummings to the PM. Well, he would know…
As a contagious virus has not been proven to exist (see Dr Stefan Lanka, Dr Thomas Cowan and Dr Andrew Kaufman) the whole story falls apart. No apartheid necessary.
So, the ‘vaccine’ cannot be effective and the pcr-test is bull.
It’s all about the cases, no virus!
Don’t worry Kit. If the experience of small, high vaxx countries like those in the vicinity if the Indian Ocean right now is any indication (e.g., Seychelles, Maldives, Bahrain). ADE illnesses are going to be epic among the vaxxed once the seasonality of this virus triggers again. Even with its super new, three card monte tricks, the CDC win’t be able to run from the hyper growth in new “breakthrough” illnesses among the Vaxxed.
This supports the entire meme that the leftists, including those in the CDC and WHO, want to count positive test cases only when it suits their scheme to justify the absurd claim of contagious asymptomatic people! This is as clear as the nose on your face!
I doubt one can call anyone in the CDC or WHO a leftist… The left (Im not talking of Marxism which is based on the same assumptions as financial capitalism), or rather what generally used to be taken as Left ideals once upon a time, were about brotherhood of humankind, of looking after the more vulnerable, basically they were a secular version of religious ideals.
Somehow I had not realized that the CDC and WHO members were so concerned about their fellow human beings, and felt compassion for them. I had thought it was all about making more profit and they were just the servants getting their bit of crumbs.
This incessant divisive talk about Left and Right will contribute our demise while those responsible for our torture will simply keep laughing,
when intelligent people parrot the terms ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘socialism’, ‘marxism’, ‘communism’, and so on with the same meaning as the corporate propaganda media, it shows how effective that medias influence is -and that even intelligent people cant resist succumbing…
to paraphrase old George Orwell: you have to be ever vigilant about the colonisation of your mind by ready-made words and phrases as they will influence / shape how you think…
Some people’s faces cannot be seen more than fifty times before they start to look stupid.
I respect Debs, but this sideways-toppling photo of him is starting to stink.
That said, thank you for the many new meme snaps you have been providing recently. Some of them are marvellous.
“secular version of religious ideals”. I like that, Annette.
I have an idea of what I thought the “left” was, and I would have thought I was one of them in my teens, twenties, and thirties.
I became more and more disenchanted with both parties in my forties and fifties.
And now? Fuggetaboutit.
I guess I have my memories to comfort me.
The Polish philosopher and historian Leszek Kolakowski wrote about Marxism as a secular version of Christianity – a secular religion. I came across some of his writing in the 1970s.. I was struck by the many former Catholics & CoE who were in the local branch of the main australian left-wing party. Their dogmatic way of thinking reflected that of The Church…
Anyone who votes is delusional.
The ‘incentives’ get more and more surreal:
“Well at least the face diapers serve one useful purpose, the sheeple can not open their mouths to catch a drink… or can they?”
There is absolutely zero substantial difference between what is happening today in Europe, with a ‘vaccine’, and what happened May last year without a ‘vaccine’, no difference at all. The numbers fell at exactly the same rate. Just like seasonal flu always does. Why is nobody saying this?
‘I have invented a miraculous new anti-cold weather spray, it ends almost all cold weather and rain, with a proven 90% success rate.
Instructions: ONLY use during & after the weeks of late April and May for best results. The cold weather will quickly disappear.’
Have the impression that Mengele Jr (Fauci) is trying to murder us?

Let’s be clear: there’s no such thing as “covid-19” and therefore there neither are there “breakthrough” cases of this computer-generated disease nor can the injections possibly protect anyone from anything. Because it’s not about protecting anyone’s health and never was. It’s about killing off the “useless eaters” and creating the infrastructure – via vax-ports leading to digital IDs linked to the coming digital currencies/central bank accounts – of the new global techno-feudal slave plantation for those who survive the culling.
What they’re trying to cover up is the fact that people are getting sick after these injections both from direct toxic effects of the mystery mixtures and by actively destroying people’s immune systems, making them even more susceptible to all sorts of diseases (by poisoning the terrain) that were blamed on “covid” prior to the rollout of the mRNA cocktails (and still are for everyone who hasn’t sacrificed their precious bodily fluids to the satanic elite) and killing countless thousands of them.
The corona con is only made possible by scientific, medical, political, regulatory, media, and statistical fraud from top to bottom. From isolation, to the PCR test, to the doomsday models, to the death certificates, to the “evidence” for every single one of the mitigation measures (lockdowns, muzzles, anti-social distancing, etc.) and asymptomatic spread, to the “warp speed” clinical trials, to the EUA process, and on and on.
“Following The Science™️“ and “trusting the experts” has and will only continue to mislead people, their families, and their children to their own and collective sickness, death, and enslavement. The only way to stop this is to stop blindly following and trusting authorities and for all of us to take responsibility for our, our families, and our collective health, lives, communities, societies, and futures.
The head of the Australian medical union is demanding vaccines be made mandatory for travel, these people have forgotten their oath
I wonder exactly how much it takes for these people to come to their conclusions?
The medics in Australia are pretty much all owned by big pharma and are being paid extra to give the fake jabx.
as MOST australians never leave the country then only those who want to go overseas should get the injection… but then, the injection isnt about protection from ‘a virus’, is it ! (though it’s certain the mob in west aussie think they need protection from the Eastern states…. My bet is, if a secessionist party stands in the next WA election it’ll win by a huge landslide, if it’s recent election is anything to go by – what else can you expect from Sandgropers ?!)…
It’s actually easy to splain. PHARMCOM owns the Vioxx off-label PHARMA pill pushers!!!
Before and after the jabs started, the means of killing included (a) withholding or delaying med. treaterment, even for fever, cough and pneumonia (b) causing crowding in hospitals (for “covid”), supermarkets, etc. (c) withholding livelihoods.
Lockdowns created artificial scarcity and state-enforced rationing of medical care designed to push the old, ill, and weak over the edge and to soften up the rest of us in this class war of attrition under cover of a “pandemic”.
The narrative is unravelling fast ! In the UK, Dominic Cummings, a government “advisor” has been flinging some brown stuff. Let’s hope it sticks to one or more people – especially Handycock.
With a massive worldwide collection of increasingly sceptical people this Saturday, I’m becoming assured that they’ll find it extremely difficult to pull this psyop again anytime soon.
And for many, “science” and “scientists” are a busted flush.
It is phoney dog and pony show to divert everyone away from the Johnson genocide of the old and the destruction of the economy. They need to nudge the public away from the truth.
imo that’s a bit optimistic. For those of us in the 9/11Truth movement, we thought temperatures, free fall and thermite, not to mention the UAF study would undoubtedly wake up the planet. Still waiting…
Jut like the moon landings, the vaccines are a complete hoax, yet will be cheered as a miracle of modern science for decades. We’ll need to wait 50 years, to find in an obscure Chinese history book, that the USA operations were all faked.
Trump was right the ‘vaccines’ are a ‘miracle’…. because… they don’t exist.
Oh Debbie Downer…😉.
See yo’all there!!
The narrative is not unravelling, it is just going through a shift in focus… Why should They abandon the Field of Battle when They Are Winning !
You should be trying to discover what the focus is shifting to…
they’ve still to claim there’s scientific evidence that pet cats & dogs are spreading covid-19… if little billy gates wants us lower class humans to stop eating meat to ‘save the planet’ – so him and his ilk can continue to exploit it – then our pets will have to go…( the pet food industry is a billion dollar industry – think of all the methane-farting, planet-destroying animals bred to feed our pets ! cant have them eating meat while humans are denied it (though some pensioners are said to eat canned dog food as that’s all they can afford.))…
Nobody I know is waking up. They don’t like the never-ending lockdowns but they continue to believe they are necessary.
If one points them to Sweden’s success without lockdowns… they get angry and dismissive.
Of course the narrative is unraveling – it’s a built-in feature of any good narrative that as it unravels, each new strand, like the Hydra, grows new narratives.
So, really, the faster the narrative unravels, the better it is for the narrative makers.
Anyone have info on where the UK demos are taking place outside London this Saturday?
Thanks in advance.
“Breakthrough Infections” is a great band name.