Presidential Election drives home Syrian sovereignty and Western irrelevance

Vote could herald a new dawn in the Middle East

Vanessa Beeley

On the 27th May 2021, Syria changed history. President Bashar Al Assad was re-elected with an overwhelming majority that even outshone his popularity in the 2014 elections.

This was about Syrians sending a message to the West. A message that defied ten years of externally orchestrated war, US/UK/EU economic barbarism and an unprecedented colonial media war that has been fought from the upper echelons of the BBC, CNN, The Guardian, Channel 4 etc, yet has failed, dismally,  to suppress or deny the Syrian people’s support for their President.

A young girl held aloft in Arbin, Eastern Ghouta, formerly under control of western-backed extremist armed groups. Liberated in 2018. Photo: Vanessa Beeley

These elections were never just about the re-election of President Assad. These elections were about Syria and the Syrian people. A sovereign nation that has resisted one of the most punishing hybrid wars ever witnessed in our time. Literally every weapon in the globalist war manuals has been thrown at these resilient people. I have seen their exhaustion, their poverty, their misery first hand for many years now but last night everything was thrown aside in their defiant determination to show the West that they are unbowed, unbeaten by these sadistic tactics.

Damascus celebrations in Umayyed Square – Youssef Badawi. 

The Syrian people came together, from all sects, from all walks of life and they partied, they danced on the remnants of Western credibility and they declared the West irrelevant.

Let us not forget that in 2012, war-hawk Hillary Clinton told the world that “Assad’s days are numbered”, Clinton also advocated a No Fly Zone in Syria in 2015, whilst admitting that such measures would bring about greater bloodshed and “would kill a lot of Syrians”. The “Assad must go” mantra is now trampled under foot by the Syrian people. World leaders who participated in the dirty war against Syria have fallen by the wayside while Assad remains, perhaps more popular than ever before.

One former Guardian journalist with integrity, Jonathan Steele, wrote in 2012:

Most Syrians back President Assad but you’d never know from Western media” 

Charlie Skelton is another Guardian journalist who maintained the journalistic principles that have since been sacrificed at the altar of regime change narratives, wrote in 2012 [emphasis added]:

They’re [US/UK regimes] selling the idea of military intervention and regime change, and the mainstream news is hungry to buy. Many of the “activists” and spokespeople representing the Syrian opposition are closely (and in many cases financially) interlinked with the US and London – the very people who would be doing the intervening. Which means information and statistics from these sources isn’t necessarily pure news – it’s a sales pitch, a PR campaign. […] But it’s never too late to ask questions, to scrutinise sources.Asking questions doesn’t make you a cheerleader for Assad – that’s a false argument. It just makes you less susceptible to spin. The good news is, there’s a sceptic born every minute.”

In 2016, acclaimed journalist, John Rosenthal, gave a scathing portrayal of the universal censorship applied to any contradiction of the overarching “regime change” narratives. “The world has played with fire in Syria” he told Brics Post and he also said:

Once Washington and its European allies had established the terms of the politically “correct” narrative of the Syrian crisis, facts that failed to jibe with that narrative were unwanted and anyone who tried to report them was inevitably attacked as “pro-Assad”.”

Rosenthal describes the “stifling of debate and the homogenization of the media as regards hot-button foreign policy issues” that came to the fore under Obama’s administration, as unprecedented regarding Syria when compared to Iraq or Libya where journalistic integrity came under less attack. Rosenthal explains it thus:

I suppose it is because the Syrian “playbook”, so to speak, so closely resembled the Libyan one that the screws had to be turned even tighter.”

The West will argue that Assad winning a landslide victory, 13,540,860 votes or 95.1% is a “rigged election” because that is the only come-back they have left, aside from their rebranding of a former Al Qaeda operative as viable opposition to the Syrian presidency that has maintained stability in a country torn apart by Western regimes and their proxy mercenary forces. The number of eligible voters was 18 million, turn-out was an estimated 78%.

Syrians expressed their sovereignty on this day in 2021, ten years after the war against Syria began. Photo: Youssef Badawi

The corporate media spin

The Guardian “Middle East correspondent”, Bethan McKernan, predictably spins the inevitable result as “civil war, raging poverty, but Assad is guaranteed to win Syria’s fake election”.

Of course, McKernan is not in Syria. Very few of the globalist media cartel have set foot inside Syria during the ten year onslaught against the Syrian people – unless they have entered illegally into areas controlled by the armed groups and been escorted by Nusra Front or affiliates as they produce their misinformation barrage designed to manufacture consent for another endless quagmire of criminally unnecessary war.

McKernan’s bitterness reflects the mood in the globalist camp:

Seven years later, after the regime’s Russian and Iranian allies intervened and turned the tide of the war, most of Syria is now back under Assad’s grip. On Wednesday, his citizens will return to the polling booths for a sham democratic display designed to give the president a veneer of legitimacy both at home and abroad.”

Syria and her allies have beaten back the regime change movement on every front and on Wednesday the Syrian people demonstrated the self-determination that the West would steal from them by force. The “sham democracy” resides in the West where the same corrupted media led a campaign to smear and discredit Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, perhaps the last hope for an anti-war party in a country overrun by craven attack-dog Blairites and Conservative neocolonialism.

We don’t have a genuine two party system in the UK, we have an undeclared coalition of Zionist-influenced carpet baggers intent on waging an obscene hybrid war against their own people while plundering global resources from nations weakened by their military adventurism and economic savagery.

Look closer to home Ms McKernan and do your own people a service of providing real journalism,  instead of joining the throngs of misinformationists that have de facto killed the Syrian people with their misrepresentation of facts on the ground for ten bloody years.

If McKernan had spent time in Syria, she would know that people on the streets liberally criticise government measures without retribution as she claims in her Imperialist-narrative-protectionist article. I have regularly published interviews where Syrian people complain about electricity, water, bread, inflation, the rising cost of food – but invariably those interviews end with “God bless the President”.

As many Syrians will tell me, their lives are unendurably difficult but the President is a red line they don’t cross however tough their predicament. Their faith in the ability of the President to resolve their daily difficulties is still intact and every Syrian will tell you that it is the US alliance that is responsible for their hardship and poverty and that sanctions are impeding the Syrian reconstruction and return to the stability and security they enjoyed prior to 2011.

Of course, McKernan does not highlight the injustice of sanctions or the UK/US role in the “civil war” and “raging poverty” – she toes the establishment line and sells the narrative that enables the misery she ostensibly condemns. This is not journalism, this is criminal confirmation of bias.

McKernan talks about areas of Syria where the Syrian government “grip is more tenuous”, what she fails to explain to The Guardian readership is that areas of the north-west and north-east are still under the occupation of US/UK allied proxies which include Al Qaeda, ISIS and the Syrian Democratic Forces or YPG Kurdish contras.

The Kurdish forces are dominated by the PKK, formerly declared a terrorist organisation by the US before they were converted into a “useful” ally when Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry, launched the partitioning of Syria plan B. Journalists like McKernan and The Guardian have misled the British public throughout the duration of the war against Syria, a war their own regime has been extensively invested in.

Western media must be made as irrelevant as their state’s expansionist and supremacist foreign policies. No UK/US-led neocolonialist war would have ever got off the ground unless the media were on hand to swing public opinion in favour of yet another faux “humanitarian” intervention that is destined to devastate target nations and to reduce sovereign countries to failed states.

The perpetual war machine has been stopped in its tracks

The superior US alliance-supplied military equipment of the ISIS, Al Qaeda-linked armed groups, the vast resources of the Imperialist media machine, the harnessing of UN agencies to further criminalise the Syrian government, the political and diplomatic coercive measures, the economic blockade, the burning of crops, criminal theft and occupation of resources, the attempts to isolate Syria and to demonise the Syrian President – all these measures have failed and the scenes on the streets of every town and city across Syria are evidence of this failure.

People in the West must be asking themselves why their globalist regimes have endless resources, multi-billion budgets, when it comes to waging war against a country that is no threat to “national security” or sustaining a “war against terror” when the terror brand they nominate as the new bogeyman is de facto their proxy on the ground, ethnically cleansing the people of the target nation, in this case Syria.

The US alliance fought this war to allegedly “contain ISIS”, to prevent Iranian expansion of influence in the region thus protecting Israel’s “security”, to weaken the ties between Syria and Russia (a particular grudge of the British), to derail China’s Silk Road initiative which had Syria at its center, to destroy Hezbollah and the Resistance against the Zionist savage settler-occupation and terrorism throughout the Middle East and to impose a medieval Islamist regime upon the Syrian people that would serve US/UK interests while catapulting a progressive nation back into the dark ages of religious intolerance and sectarianism.

Every single element of their destructive policy has failed and ISIS is expanding under the protectionism of the US occupation forces exposing the fallacy of any need for their military footprint in Syria and Iraq.

Iran is expanding its influence because it is arming and aiding the military organisations that are fighting the US-spawned terrorism branded as ISIS. Russia’s ties with Syria are stronger than ever before and Syria is home to a developing Russian military outpost that challenges US hegemony in the region. China is building strong trade links with Syria and its neighbours that will edge the US out of any post-war reconstruction contracts, denying the US Coalition its customary exploitation of the wars it started in countries it destroyed.

Hezbollah is stronger and more militarily prepared than ever before in history. The Palestinian Resistance is united and empowered by Iranian and Syrian military hardware and support. The Zionist entity is hemorrhaging citizens and credibility after its “super power” facade was destroyed by the Resistance in Gaza and the Occupied territories. The US Coalition Middle East project is disintegrating and Syria is rising from the ashes of this implosion with its sovereignty a beacon for the future and for the people who refused to be divided to the point of no return.

This is only the beginning of the end of Imperialism in the Middle East. We are living through historic times and Syria is leading the way.

Unification of Syrian people behind their secular government is the turning point

Leading up to the elections, I visited areas previously under the control of the Western-sponsored armed groups, led, in many instances, by Al Qaeda affiliates in Syria.

In these areas I saw the same outpouring of support for the President as I saw in what are always described as “loyalist enclaves” by the colonial media outlets.

The Syrian government Amnesty and Reconciliation campaigns have been largely successful in the regions I visited to the north of Damascus City. Reintegration of Syrians who were persuaded to take up arms against their neighbours has been a controversial move on behalf of a beleaguered government but it has succeeded.

We must ask if any Western regime would follow such policies if their own population turned against them violently and with heavy duty weapons supplied by hostile states.

Qaboun, previously under control of armed groups comes out in support of President Assad. Photo: Vanessa Beeley

EU governments tried very hard to prevent diaspora Syrians from voting in the elections. Germany banned voting at the Syrian embassy in an attempt to turn back the tide of support for President Assad. Syrians gathered to protest this violation of their democratic rights – rendering the West’s demands to impose their distorted version of “democracy” in Syria, farcical.

Bashar Al Assad and his wife, Asma, voted in Douma, the town at the center of the “chemical weapons” controversy, in April 2018, that has exposed the corruption at the heavily US/UK-influenced Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that effectively lied in its final report, omitting crucial evidence from former senior inspectors who denied any chemical attack had taken place, in an attempt to retrospectively justify US/UK/FR war crimes – the bombing of Damascus and surrounding countryside before the OPCW inspectors had even started their investigation. The message was clear – the West’s opinion and falsified condemnation has no bearing on Syrian lives.

Areas of North-East Syria also came out in support of President Assad despite the restrictions imposed upon them by the US Occupation forces and their Kurdish contras. Syrian support for their country and their sovereignty was irrepressible.

The irrelevant West left behind by an emerging Resistance bloc

In an interview with Afshin Rattansi of RT Going Underground, the Political and Media Advisor to the Presidency, Dr Bouthain Shaaban emphasised the irrelevance of the self-appointed “international community” or, in other words, the Imperialist bloc dominated by the US and the UK.

Dr Shaaban explained that the Western sponsored terrorism and the Zionist aggression were not going to inhibit Syrians practicing their constitutional rights. Countries that were invited to observe the elections were from the non-aligned bloc excluding all those nations who have contributed to the devastation in Syria. This is another message for the western political elite – their power is dwindling and with it, their global influence is in decline.

Diplomacy is dead in the West.

Ambassadors have been reduced to nothing more than talking heads for power, there are no longer any checks and balances from senior diplomats who once held sway over their government policy. These days we see juvenile reactions from gravitas-deficient representatives of UK and US bi-partisan war parties.

We in the West are represented by ambitious careerist popinjays who will run PR campaigns for sadistic regime foreign policy without a second thought for the peoples affected. It is up to us to reverse the trend and to demand that those who lead us to wars we don’t want and who kill people we identify with, in our names, are stopped. Not just this time but for always. We owe it to Syria.

I asked former UK Ambassador to Syria and Bahrain, Peter Ford, for a statement, this is what he wrote:

“The most significant thing is that the elections were held at all. With three foreign armies occupying part of their soil (Turkey, the US and Israel), with the West waging savage economic war on them to turn them against their President, with years of indescribable suffering at the hands of Western-backed militants behind them, the Syrian people delivered a resounding verdict in favour of stability as represented by the holding of elections on schedule.

The high turnout, the participation of Syrians in parts of the diaspora, and the popular rallies all underlined the message of the people to the West: leave us in peace, stop persecuting us.

Let us be honest. There are no circumstances in which these elections could have been held under impartial international supervision. The example of the OPCW whistleblowers is there to teach us that Western-dominated institutions cannot possibly be impartial. No UN observers who valued their careers or the safety of their families could have conceivably testified to the fairness of an election which gave victory to President Assad. This is the real fraud, corruption of faith in the integrity of institutional institutions which have been weaponised by Western powers.

The election has delivered a rebuff to those who thought that occupation and sanctions would make the people rise up against the government. How much longer before Western governments and their media mouthpieces like the BBC realise that their regime change by stealth policy is not going to work?”

The Syrian people have sent a powerful message and we must hear it. Long live truly free Syria.


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Categories: democracy, featured, latest, Syria
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Emmet John Sweeney
Emmet John Sweeney
Jun 2, 2021 12:39 AM

The MSM’s lies about Syria are precisely in tune with their lies about COVID. Scum.

May 30, 2021 4:14 PM

Thank you Mr. Bear for protecting the people of Syria and stopping the sickening, evil and bankrupt anglozionazi empire of filth and its serial bouts of genocide in the ME.

Soon Palestine will be free and shake off the welfare warfare khazar parasite that the world can no longer afford to indulge.

Patrick Corbett
Patrick Corbett
May 29, 2021 7:54 PM

Thank you Vanessa Beeley and Off-Guardian. While we struggle with a fake pandemic the Syrian people did as well. But for them it comes at the end of a decade of brutal FUKUS led terrorism and economically devastating sanctions. Still the Syrian spirit survives and delivers another victory.

May 29, 2021 3:57 PM

a sad day indeed in deed
a sad day for the oded yinon in deed

a sad day for barbera lerner spector for war refugee are the juice of united colours of benetton beast system

Wil South
Wil South
May 29, 2021 3:17 PM

I fear that “False Flags, dirty Tricks, and Zionist Israel will NEVER stop coming…..

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
May 29, 2021 10:58 AM

They seem to value sovereignty far more in 2021 than the average British person does. We keep on electing people who sell us out, be it to the USA, the EU, multibillionaires. What we never elect is someone who tells the EU and the USA to learn to behave….

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 29, 2021 2:39 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

We keep on electing who sell us out. Of course that assumes the vote tallies are honest and the candidates in office (i.e. political toadies/hacks) were not prescreened or vetted beforehand by the corporate fascist powers that be.”

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
May 29, 2021 10:20 AM

Unlike the Anglo-Zionist empire and its leaders, Assad hasn’t invaded anybody, nor does he intend to do so in the near future. In today’s world that should be highly regarded.

May 29, 2021 12:09 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

just because he has honour is sovereign is a decent man
and seems to tell truth
just because he took a stand and would not yield
just because he is loved by his people
just because this and that

does not mean assad has not has always been animal assad barrel bomba
chief gassa of his people
the bbc said he chief gassa barrel bomba who are we ti question tavistock chatham house brookings cfr blair,boris and may man,trumped and obozo obarma man lover
why would these organs lie or deceive
it just does not make any nonce sense?

kevin king
kevin king
May 30, 2021 7:13 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

It’s a big clue isn’t it.

Anticitizen one
Anticitizen one
May 31, 2021 10:15 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Totally agree, it’s highly regarded for us, but a red flag for the corporate fascists as it shows a lack of assad being controlled. Their solution: Spread freedom and democracy using, high explosives, white phosphorus, and head chopping proxy militia.

May 29, 2021 9:49 AM

Apart from the petroleum the Empire robs from Syria, a couple of weeks ago, it actually stole wheat and took it to Iraq.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
May 29, 2021 9:47 AM

I have always believed in the concept of national sovereignty of independent nation states. This was the cornerstone of the Treaty of Westphalia which was established in 1648 and which ended the Wars of the Reformation. The outlines of which were as follows:

  • Each state existed within recognised borders
  • Each states sovereignty was recognised by others
  • Principles of non-interference was agreed
  • Religious differences between states was tolerated
  • States were monarchies or republics
  • Permanent State interests or raison d’etat was the organizing principle of international relations
  • Wars were not eliminated, yet it was mitigated by diplomacy and balance of power politics
  • The object of the balance of power was to prevent one state from becoming so powerful that it could conquer others and destroy world order

Unfortunately we have come a long way from that international system. None of those principles any longer apply and we now have a world of global chaos where might is right. It is called a ‘rules based’ system whereby the strong dominate the weak. It is a system of blatant imperialism where no nation is safe from the predations of the dominant thuggist juggernauts who have little time for any notions of sovereignty of smaller states.

Moreover it is not just nation states such as Syria whose sovereignty is threatened, it is the case that the populations of the imperial heartlands are also losing their sovereignty. For does anyone seriously believe that democracy is operational within imperial heartlands? Imperialism and Democracy do not and cannot exist and never will.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 29, 2021 9:19 AM

Just trying to make sense of the article and comments beneath it, which take eulogy for a dictator to post-Stalinist levels. Are we really saying that everyone was awaiting the outcome of this election with baited breath and Assad has counfounded all the odds and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, sparking off massive jubilation? This puzzles me, because I could have told you in advance with absolute certainty that an Assad would win the election by more than 90% as has happened in every presidential election in Syria since 1971.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
May 29, 2021 7:16 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Yes, and your point is? Other than the fact that you don’t appear to like President Assad, who for some inexplicable reason – apropos of which you seem to find somewhat annoying – seems to be very popular with the Syrian voters. You know he really ought to step aside and let the NATO-funded jihadists – good guys all and true – take over his country. Hmmm.

Good guys and bad guys is really so passe. What is important is national sovereignty. In Syria, one party defends it and the other (Guess who?) and the other party wishes to over-ride destroy it. Not too difficult a judgement to make really.

johny conspiranoid
johny conspiranoid
May 30, 2021 11:00 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

How could Assad fail to be massively popular in the cicumstances which FUKUS have created? FUKUS decisions are made according to how much money people close to the decision making stand to make, not according even to the interests of most of their own citizens.

May 29, 2021 6:49 AM

Syrians voted for their country, not the bloke at the top.
I am reminded of Stalin staying in Moscow when the Germans were at the gates-
Assad (Lion) could have run, (to Iran?- Shia), but stayed because the army, Shia/Alawite/Sunni/Christian(?!) wanted to save Syria from ISIS/USA.
And why the West stopped the diaspora from voting?, if Assad is so bad?
Surely that would have reduced his majority assuming they are the diaspora ‘cos of him/the ‘civil’ war?

Just a footnote re Corbyn/2017:- I think the deep state in UK sh*t themselves when he almost got home. So had to shaft his project using Starmer. It’s worked treat!!

I speak from junta/royalist-run Thailand. UK seems as corrupt as this lot!

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
May 29, 2021 3:48 AM

A great day and a clear statement against the fascism Syria has been exposed by our governments. Syria a nation of great resilient people. So pleased.

les online
les online
May 29, 2021 2:00 AM

As governments are providing the means – the injections, – can it be said that the thousands of deaths by the s injection were Government Assisted Suicides (GAS)…

les online
les online
May 29, 2021 2:31 AM
Reply to  les online

The australian government wants to join the euthanasia in-crowd, intends legalising euthanasia… so we have a choice: doctor assisted death (DAD), medically assisted death (MAD). and, government assisted suicide (GAS)…

May 29, 2021 1:17 AM

I very much respect Vanessa Beeley reporting and in my opinion whatever she writes about is based on her astute ability to perform excellent political analysis resulting from her, now dead in the west, professionalism of investigative journalist she is.

After becoming a whistleblower herself she showed continuing enormous guts to stand up to brutal intimidation of media and governments threats including attempts to doxx her.

However, what she, rather understandably, while living in Syria a victims of one of the worse westerns neocolonial genocidal policies (along with Libya that shared similar circumstances and fate) of XXI century so far, avoid writing about, at least what I have read during 10 year war, is where her natural bias shows up.

But I do not blame her when she would rather not thoroughly examine origins and circumstances leading to CIA organized Syrian regime change operation under moniker Arab Spring in January 2011 in Dara and afterwords what would necessarily involve tarnishing somewhat public image of Bashir Assad today rightly hailed as a national savior and unifier. In fact Assad did vindicated himself by not fleeing to the west as suggested but defending nation in worse years of 2013-2014 from brutality of Western funded Salafists’ assault on Syrian civil society, stable Syrian rule based on secular political key consensus assuring sectarian peace. All that was glued by political ideas of Hafez Assad’s anticolonial Arab Nationalism, shared by Saddam and Ghadafi.

I want to make clear that Assad responsibility as I see it, is purely political responsibility having nothing to do with carnage of the war he did nothing to provoke but concerns his obvious initial almost complete lack of political foresight as a national leader (living in years in London) who was literally thrown into position of power and responsibility against his will when his father died leaving Bashar not interested, nor groomed for it as his dead brother was, to take at least initially transitional interim position to preserve political stability national unity and social cohesion before slow and deliberate political transformation out of Assad political dynasty was take place by democratic means. Instead in Post 9/11 era he was immediately submerged into treacherous, hyper-geopolitical and hyper-neocolonial dirty and treacherous MENA politics.

Not seeing what was coming was his grave a political mistake, that weaken his position when assault came from the west , In fact from beginning of his presidency he desperately wanted to engage in globalism and neoliberalism buying western lies about neoliberal path to raising standard of living for his people and.. conveniently making elite of his supporters into rich billionaires as long as all “boats” were to be raised. He flirted with CIA terrorist secret black sites rendering schemes so others did, he allowed western investments threatening traditional Syrian manufacturers and hundreds of thousands of jobs in the name of “progress”. He was westernized. His wife supposedly was going to attend LSE MBA corses to become investment banker specializing in investments in women and all that BS.

Unfortunately such seemingly benign blindness turned deadly when 2007/2009 crash came and with it new shiny factories closed, young workers jobless unable to form families, lira local currency went bust, old industrial basis depressed as almost anywhere else.

There was no bailout for workers and farmers while rich Syrian became richer speculating. All that’s created ideal conditions for pre planned “Arab Spring to occur in Syria and elsewhere. In the same time aggressive Assad’s romancing with the west caused SAA (Army) readiness to collapse, which weakened SAA military and most of all ruined already dilapidated soviet era Air Force. All that under Bashar rule cozying to the west.

Critical 2008 Order delivery of Russian new attack helicopters, that according Syrian military experts would have ended the salafist war within six months, was delayed (although fully paid for) by Assad likely not to upset western friends. Tragically in March 2011 when Assad demanded delivery of those aircraft Putin refused as Medvedev pursued his own political blunder of (after western post Georgian fiasco) political reset withUS including supposed bilateral reduction of nukes.

One of worse mistakes Assad made or was talked into making, was initially believing westerns narratives that painted clearly socioeconomic instability driven protests that were infiltrated by CIA operatives in thousands, armed and unarmed NGO trained, as a sort of Sunni sectarian strive against “sectarian” Alawite regime like in Lebanon and wrongly turned his security apparatus heavy handedly against Sunni Muslims instead making all sectarian authorities to become conduit for all grievances a solution of national reconciliation process to address all of social and political inequalities that developed under Assad rule catering to neoliberalism.

From perspective of a decade Assad committed many grave political mistakes which he should be accountable for as soon as he lives office but I must say he learned many bitter lessons, profoundly changed, he was almost assassinated several times and in darkest times of shells falling on Presidential Palace in Damascus he found the strength and opened hand to reconciliation with any fellow Syrian including those who betrayed him which move ultimately saved his life and his power long before Russia who wanted to personally sell him out in 2012-13 replaced by other friendly to Russia politicians via ridiculous dead end Geneva Process, stepped in or Iran or Hizbollah or Palestinians, or Iraqi Shia militia with their Abrams M1A1 tanks defending Assad from .. among others Russian speaking Chechen commanding ISIS, or majority Muslim SAA defending churches in Christian villages from ISIS and other salafists.

I have just mentioned few stories of still unfinished 10 year Syrian war as a complement, the snippet of another side to the story Beely described in her excellent article.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 1:35 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Explains why the Russians were skeptical about Assad, while he was sending entreaties to the very people who would try to destroy him.
For that, Putin deserves KUDOS for brokering a defense arrangement that was “win-win”.

May 29, 2021 10:05 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Most of your criticism is invalidated by the eventual fate of the independent giant leaders of the Global South. You mentioned a few of them. When the imperial monster moves against your country, you can usually do little without making the situation worse. Thanks to growing imperial overreach and insanity, imperial Colour Revolution has now come home to roost.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 30, 2021 4:05 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Hello mgeo: Exactly. Syria’s economy (thus the entire Syrian populace) are attempting to survive under the realities of gross economic sanctions, and the infiltration of foreign mercenary groups (funded by NATO allies) who bomb and poison their lands and cities.

Civilians in the West don’t five a damn, because they still have food on the table and a roof over their heads.

All the unrecognized slaughter in the Middle-East, is provided by the same imperialist assholes that force them to wear masks and have poisons jabbed into their children’s arms.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 30, 2021 3:50 PM
Reply to  Kalen

I have two questions: 1.) As the leader of a nation under direct attack by western super powers, what would you have done if faced with the same range of “choices”?

2.) How do the


of Syria fit your critique?

May 28, 2021 11:27 PM

Let’s connect the C.J. Hopkins piece about the “New Normal Germany” with this article by Vanessa Beeley. Not only because there were some obvious nay sayers when I dared to comment about the present situation in Germany – reiterating that Germany is run by a regime. The constitution was effectively invalidated by the fascists in charge.

Then I received this comment after I wrote that Germany refuses to apologize for the crimes against humanity in Southwest Africa during its empire days. “Mark” alleged I might be sarcastic when I wrote that it would behove the German people to march through Berlin with signs that read: “Dear Namibia, We aplogize for the crimes of our forfathers”.

Mark said that the Germans have been apologizing all along, like it’s all they do. That is of course nonsense. They only pay reparations to Israel and mostly in weapons. They excluded themselves from the memorial for the celebration of the victory in the great war against Nazi Germany by Russia.

Fast forward to this gem:

Germany banned voting at the Syrian embassy in an attempt to turn back the tide of support for President Assad. 

Where are the marches by the Germans against this decrepit, fascist denial of the right to vote by Syrians living in Germany? Where?

Where are the marches against the prepping up and arming of terrorist groups with German tax payer money? While pensioners were already before going through trash cans looking for food, since the biggest crime in modern history – the corona ultra light lie – seniors are murdered in order to use their pensions to built more war ships, more fighter jets and tanks. Now – ironically even in nature everything green turns into brown at one point – the green party wants nuclear warheads under their brown control to fight back Russia.

And even considering the laudable efforts and relentless work of the German resistance against the big virus lie – about 75 million Germans are missing from actions against their fascist regime lead by the Stasi operative “Erika” – installed, maintained and handled by the big daddy across the Atlantic ocean.

These fascist pigs killed my father and are euthanizing his peers. They inject children with toxic brews and have ruined an entire society of small businesses for the sole benefit of their billionaire masters. Hundreds of thousands of small shops destroyed – their former shop owners now have to beg to get help.

Highest suicide rate since Germany became a country. Where are the millions in the streets?

My advice to those Germans that are not already marching against the fascists in Berlin:

Go and ask the Syrian people how to deal with the assaults by the West. Ask them what resolve means. Integrity, loyalty and honor. Maskless millions in the streets in Syria. A president that was actually elected and not appointed like Merdel and Adolf.

Deutschland erwache! But this time stay awake and have a constitutional general assembly to write your own constitution. Get neutral, get out of Nazinato and disarm for good. Give people interest free loans to start a perma culture evolution. Ban glyphosate and charge all those who are responsible for the needless death of thousands with crimes against humanity without parole.

And yes, ask the Syrian people for forgiveness and offer them free German construction equipment and building materials to begin with.

May 29, 2021 12:46 AM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

Yeh, I feel the same way, but I don’t know of any Syrian people in Germany..but I agree with this powerful paragraph you wrote, but it wasn’t my father. He did his best to fight against “these fascist pigs” for real. I try my best with words and deeds, but my Dad got the Spitfires back into the air..He wanted to fly them himself…to shoot the NAZI’s down in The Battle of Britain.

He thought we had won WWII but it is not that easy to keep these evil Nazi bastards down.

They are back again, now with their needles and death shots now under British and American labels

“These fascist pigs killed my father and are euthanizing his peers. They inject children with toxic brews and have ruined an entire society of small businesses for the sole benefit of their billionaire masters. Hundreds of thousands of small shops destroyed – their former shop owners now have to beg to get help.”

My English wife, and I have not complied.

Not been injected yet.

We want to live.


May 28, 2021 10:33 PM

I don’t agree with Bernhard Hoftsman, about COVID..but his latest post is Brilliant including The Pilot’s Log..There is no way, that could have been changed..

So I will briefly sumarise from the pilot’s point of view..

He was told that a bomb was on-board. He didn’t panic. He tried his best to get verification. He did not blurt over the aircaft intercom – “There is a Bomb on Board”
cos he thought this highly unlikely, but he didn’t know for sure, so he put his aircraft into a circle over Belarusia, awaiting more information.

Where he landed in Minsk was the Pilot’s Decision

Just another day at work.

Top Man (The Pilot)

May 28, 2021

Ryanair Incident – Email Warning Received Before Plane Entered Belorussian Airspace

I hope, I would do the same, though I only ever flew gliders, never with passangers


Paul Scally
Paul Scally
May 28, 2021 10:17 PM

God Bless Syria and the Syrian people, I wish them peace, love and happiness.

Wil South
Wil South
May 29, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  Paul Scally

I don’t think any of us in the west can really yet relate to living under Totalitarian regime rule, but with the “Scamdemic” sweeping the 1st World and the “Great Reset” in the process of “Building Back Better”, the next few years will give all of us a far better idea of what that’s like… Don’t leave your house without your “Health Pass” ( Papers )……

May 28, 2021 10:08 PM

“I reminded [the soldiers] and their families that the war in Iraq is really about peace.” 
       – President George W. Bush, April 2003

William Lutz – Doublespeak and Language Manipulation (1989)

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 10:20 PM
Reply to  swami

Language Manipulation. Other terms for it are Linguistic Mangulation or Plain Old Bullshit. Those Corporate Fascist Nazi creeps are scum.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 9:42 PM

“When Drug Dealers, Pushers and Narco Traffickers Rule the World 
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“Doktor Mengele with a Syringe”

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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les online
les online
May 29, 2021 1:09 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

yes, it is A Marketing Campaign – for ‘vaccines’ – and a highly successful one…
aimed at scaring the hell out of the politicians to do something to protect the frightened masses…

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 29, 2021 1:56 AM
Reply to  les online

“Sadly, it is bit more than that. It appears the Corporate Fascist Nazis are gearing up to go FULL THIRD REICH. Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!!!

May 29, 2021 10:11 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

It is so refreshing when you don’t repeat yourself.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
May 29, 2021 9:29 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Yes, Scooper’s been doing better at that lately. Quite a lot of really good new stuff.

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
May 29, 2021 12:10 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The only things being carted off round my way on a regular basis are the contents of our wheelie bins.

May 29, 2021 2:27 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Great stuff. Thanks Coop.

May 29, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Good news for residents of Ontario! The expiry date of 31 May for AstroZ vaccine has been extended for a month by ‘Health’ Canada. Time was running out to flog it (for 2nd shots only, first shots still suspended). From a ‘news’ report:

“The Ontario government said Saturday that certain lots of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine that were set to expire soon can now be used past their original expiry date following authorization by Health Canada.
“Health Canada has issued an authorization to extend the expiry date of specific lots of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine from 6 months to 7 months, following the review of submitted stability data,” said Alexandra Hilkene, press secretary to the minister of health.
Hilkene said vaccines that had an original expiry date of May 31st can now be used until July 1st, according to Health Canada.”

May 31, 2021 6:30 AM
Reply to  Roberto

Sweet Canada, Canada, Canada favours the Oxford vaccine. God Bless the Queen!

George Mc
George Mc
May 28, 2021 9:39 PM

A recent tweet from OffG showed disagreement with Reimagining Politics over the effectiveness of the new media, RP thinking that the new media makes it easier to sell govt propaganda and OG disagreeing.

I’m with OG. Indeed, the big hysterical clampdown over “fake news” shows that the MSM would prefer to turn social media back into the old juggernaut of TV news which can be easily centralised.

There is a real fear amongst the rulers that they are in constant danger of losing control.

May 28, 2021 9:19 PM
May 28, 2021 10:32 PM
Reply to  Edwige

A look at the tracking sites seems to suggest that they’re not being overly enthusiastic about “getting it done”.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
May 28, 2021 9:19 PM

I have been protesting against all wars since 1966 when I was 13.

Big al
Big al
May 28, 2021 10:59 PM

Olympia, WA at the state capital, 1969, 14.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
May 28, 2021 11:28 PM
Reply to  Big al

Nam was a worthy anti war cause, as have been all the others since.

May 29, 2021 12:14 AM

A true veteran.

I was a late developer, but one of the wise people I have read over the decades stated 100 years ago: “War is obsolete”.

Makes total sense, unless you think killing people who don’t think like you is making good use of your time…
I’d like to see some real punishment making a return to politics – the lack of any significant deterrent these days has been encouraging a monstrous breed to take up treason as a job.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
May 29, 2021 9:49 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I agree with your last line, W. But rather than execution or rotting in idiot jails, the best deterrent for the gangsters-in-charge and their tabaquis in pocket-politics and mediawhoring is something different.

I suggest that – once properly convicted in honest courts (yes, I know; sounds naive, dunnit!) – they should be stripped of ALL excess wealth, in whatever form, to be given to the public purse, leaving them only about as much personal wealth as the average citizen. And then they should be given moderately-long sentences of work in public-service work-brigades. After all that, they can be released into society again, but with permanent supervision, to prevent any return to their old crimes: live an average citizen’s useful working life, and keep yer bleedin’ nose clean hereafter, or else back to the work-brigades with you!

I reckon that knowing such outcomes are waiting for anyone who is convicted of corrupt behaviour is going to act as a real deterrent. Experience of every-day work doing the boring necessities that support modern lifestyles, in the work-brigades, would have a powerful educative effect on the shysters, many of whom will never have done a hands turn of common work in their lives previously. It’s a humane and effective response, and it’s properly ethical at the same time. Don’t meet barbarism with barbarism!

Terry Silk
Terry Silk
May 31, 2021 6:27 PM

I don’t know why but what you suggest reminds me of ‘The shape of things to come’ by HG Wells. Not a pretty sight think if you are going to punish someone their may be a better way than you are suggesting, Not that I know what that better way is, Maybe to show them what they have done and hope that they can show remorse and willingly do works of repentance, I know that I may seem unrealistic, but why should we become like the people we most abhor.

les online
les online
May 29, 2021 1:12 AM

“WAR is a fight over who’s gonna be THE Boss / WAR is a fight over who’s gonna be YOUR Boss.”

captain spam
captain spam
May 28, 2021 9:05 PM

We are lucky to have journalists of the calibre of VB to cut through the smokescreen of BBC lies.

May 28, 2021 8:42 PM

I have no idea what is going to happen next.

It looked very optimistic a few days ago, and I even emailed the contact, to ask for tickets in the queue. I am still hoping the Festivals are going to be Back on – Even The Indian Festivals – they are some of the Best

It is very hard to prepare for events, when you have got a complete bunch of psycopathic morons in control…

But I am assuming we are going. In fact I am charging my batteries up now.

I am up for it. I know where our Tent is. The Garden is sorted (it even rained today), and our Neighbour will feed our cat.

I just witnessed about 17 birds fly over our house in formation. We do not live in Brighton.

I don’t think ours were starlings, or swifts, but they were very fast.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 1:23 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Thanks for bringing in your O/T stories and missives.
Yeah, some get their knickers in a knot, but I enjoy the asides.
Do you ever listen to WIRE? (the band)

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
May 29, 2021 12:16 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

I second that. Comment is free round here as far as I can make out.

Hello World
Hello World
May 28, 2021 8:21 PM

Life is Syria has never been easy, corruption happens everywhere, as all nations, such Syria runs on debt to (…?) yet may this win of Assad be an inspiration to all of us and may the Nuremberg prison cells open again…

Lets not forget Lincoln, JFK and bro, King, Malcolm, Hussein, Gadaffi, Magufuli.

I wish all of us the ability to stand up against the Brave New World scenario brought to you be the evil 300…

See you tomorrow, lets march, and lets inspire. May all of you find the strength to exit the system.


May 28, 2021 10:55 PM
Reply to  Hello World

It’s an inspiration to me.

I don’t know how to say Thanks to the people of Syria.

This is a turning point.

The Syrian people Said NO to These British and American Psychopaths, trying to bomb them to hell.

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Thank You,


May 29, 2021 12:03 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I’m pleased too. It sounds like information and good sense have bypassed the US media blockade of Syria.

Just have in mind, they didn’t do it for us.

May 28, 2021 8:18 PM

Fauci is dead meat.

I guess he’s still hoping for the Rockefellers to round him up

He’s had a good run — HIV, the presidential AIDS fund that’s a real gravy train, any number of richly-funded institutes, Ebola, all of Africa to play with, Corona-scary, the creepy vaccines — but they won’t save him. They didn’t save Mengele, and he worked for the Rockefeller syndicate, too. That’s how the Fausti pact goes.

Maybe the Cuomo brothers will be leant on to do the deed. As they say, “what’s a death. People die all the time.”

Fauci In 2012: Gain-Of-Function Research ‘Worth Risk Of Lab Accident Sparking Pandemic’ — The Australian

les online
les online
May 29, 2021 1:35 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Two saturdays ago Murdochs national daily, The Australian, published a report – sourced by USA intelligence – about a document about high-level Chinese military members discussing the use of weaponised lab-altered viruses. The story helped kick-start the latest round of the Wuhan lab virus leak claims. Seven online news sites i visited repeated the story – none, as one could expect good journalism to do, checked the details with the original source. All based their ‘reports’ on the Weekend Australians ‘revelations’
Todays Weekend Australian carries a similar story, centering it on Fauci. Both stories seem to have, for at least one of their aims, reinforcing the idea that there really is a Big Bad Boogeyman Out There…

May 29, 2021 5:32 AM
Reply to  les online

The Morlocks would rather pivot to a Laboratory “accident” of a “deadly plague” if the bats to chooks line falters, as opposed to dealing with a 1% fatality rate from a pulmonary influenza. I’m beginning to question if the Plandemic is in fact a deliberate False Flag to hide the collapse of the World’s Banking System. This whole Great Reset may be about not being able to cover the debts in the “capitalist” game. As a matter of Fact: I’m really really unpleased by the -1% owning my fucking Planet. Is it time for a Billionaires POGROM? Own more than $100 million US & OFF WITH YOUR HEAD? I’m thinking…thinking…thinking…

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
May 29, 2021 10:04 AM
Reply to  gregotry

A hundred million USD, G? MUCH, MUCH too much! Average wealth-level of the average citizen in your country is good enough, generous in fact, towards such crooks.

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
May 29, 2021 12:20 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Mengele escaped and lived to an old age in South America. Died of heart attack whilst swimming at the beach. Think I saw it on a Mark Felton vid. Could be wrong though!

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 30, 2021 4:20 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

May Mr. Fauci go the way of Jimmy Hoffa… People disappear all the time…

George Mc
George Mc
May 28, 2021 8:10 PM

Here’s an odd thing. I don’t see any mention of Assad’s election on the WSW. Maybe they don’t really care?

May 28, 2021 8:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Many on the ‘left’ are still mourning the Revolution That Wasn’t in Syria.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 8:51 PM
Reply to  October

“The CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) has all the signs of a Langley-Land disinformation operation, meant to disparage the memory Leon Trotsky. David W. Green (aka David North), former CEO of Grand River Printing and Imaging (and a Crains Detroit Entrepreneur of the Year candidate) has more in common with Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple then he has with Trotsky, the Fourth International, Marxism or Socialism. Pay it and him no heed.”

les online
les online
May 29, 2021 1:39 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

A few years back there was a story in the local press that the long-time assistant secretary of the CPUSA was actually an FBI agent… talk about Deep State penetration !

les online
les online
May 29, 2021 1:45 AM
Reply to  les online

I recall there was a Weekly Guardian (Aust) ‘revelation that there were at least 14 members of the Londson police’s Special Branch (?) working inside the Social Workers Party… more Deep State penetration !

les online
les online
May 29, 2021 1:46 AM
Reply to  les online

make that ‘Socialist Workers Party’…ok

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 29, 2021 11:22 AM
Reply to  October

Yep, a few woke “socialists” that I knew, not only cheered on the Syrian Freedom Army and other assorted headchoppers as “leading the revolution” but also nearly wet themselves over their fawning adoration for the White Helmets.
Have a guess where these same “socialists” stand on covid? Here’s a hint: one of them wanted the cops to hand out free facemasks to keep people “safe” from the “deadly virus”.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
May 30, 2021 4:27 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yep, exactly the same as the lefties I know. They think they’re so fucking intelligent and politically aware yet they’ve been completely sucked in by the covid fraud.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 30, 2021 5:23 AM
Reply to  Cliff Edwards

I sort of have an unproven theory Cliff that all these so called socialists I knew had Uni degrees, and it seems, in general, the more educated you are, the more brainwashed you are, however that’s not everyone of course.
There are some who wake up.
I see they’ve included Chadstone Shopping Centre as a tier one hot-spot and urged people who were there to get tested, and isolate, and with even more “cases” announced today, I predict this lockdown will be longer than 7 days. The madness in Melbourne continues… Dan or no Dan, but end of the day they’re all puppets.
Hope your weekend is going okay✌️

May 28, 2021 9:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

WSWS, hates Assad! He’s not revolutionary enough. As far as the Trotskyists at WSWS are concerned, it’s total revolution of nothing and this has been their mantra for years. Essentially, WSWS (or the 4th International) would rather side with imperialists than support a country that resists Western aggression. But it reflects the total bankruptcy of the Western left, and we see it also in the blanket support its given to the ‘pandemic’s’ oppression, which ironically, has impacted the worst on the working classes it allegedly campaigns for!

May 28, 2021 10:28 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

Whatever Left existed in the US died under McCarthy. After this fascist, people were afraid to even think left.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
May 29, 2021 10:13 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

They did side with the imperialists. The American neo-cons have their roots in the US Trotskyist movement. The aforementioned included Sidney Hook, Max Shachtman and James Burnham and the rest.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 29, 2021 11:28 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

Couldn’t have said it better myself Barovsky… the same “Left” (oxymoron) supporting the headchoppers in Syria are the exact same “Left” not only in lockstep with the scamdemic narrative, but some even call for even harsher measures! Like the vile Tim Anderson along with the fecken WSWS.

May 29, 2021 5:34 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Not even a brief MENTION in Australian MSM. Zip, zero, nada. The Chemical Weapons fraud? Nothing! Amazing. Heroic cheers for Syria and Gaza!!!

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
May 28, 2021 8:09 PM

The Syrians have held regular elections over the years. We don’t regard them as legitimate because they’ve refused to elect the correct candidate (that is, the one favored by us).

That’s the difference between a ‘regime’ and a ‘government’. You elect the wrong candidate, you get a ‘regime’. If you get the right ones, be it through elections or even a coup, then its a ‘government’.

Sad Ferret
Sad Ferret
May 28, 2021 8:08 PM

Much love to Syria going forward, I wish we had a leader with such heart and integrity, others would have caved in the face of blatant international aggression and media lies, Bashar truly has the heart of a lion.

May 28, 2021 8:02 PM

Nice to see First Lady Asma looking so well after her cancer treatment. And Dr.Assad looking younger and happier after ten years in the Presidency than Obomba and Willy C did. Shows the benefits of Clean Living and a Sound Conscience.

And thank Heavens for OffG publishing yet another great article by Britain’s very own Vanessa Beeley.

“There was a stone in the middle of the road
In the middle of the road there was a stone”

The stone was Syria. When it stopped the war machine the axis of the world began to change.

May 28, 2021 7:57 PM

We don’t have a genuine two party system in the UK, we have an undeclared coalition of Zionist-influenced carpet baggers intent on waging an obscene hybrid war against their own people while plundering global resources from nations weakened by their military adventurism and economic savagery.

Did you make a mistake, you described the coalition in the USA but inserted UK?
both of these two nation states are controlled by the same people. [

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 7:07 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 7:08 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“The diseases that the Scamdemic forgot”
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S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“What Advertising and Propaganda campaigns have in common is repetition.”
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The ‘Big Lie’ repeated over and over again, meant to drown out any other message(s) and distract from critical thinking.

Big al
Big al
May 28, 2021 5:49 PM

I’m pretty sure if 95 percent of Americans voted for Donald Trump (or anyone for that matter), I’d move to another country. Probably not Syria.

As someone strongly against the authoritarian human practice of having one man rule over everyone else, I try to separate my feelings about US/western imperialism, i.e., I was telling people from the get go that was not a civil war, with my feelings about so called representative democracy and presidential rule. Maybe it’s a big fuck you to the US and friends, but then again, maybe it’s a situation where the people feel they have no other choice.

Big al
Big al
May 28, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  Big al

I guess I’m at the wrong place. That’s cool, at least I know. Bye, don’t let the door hit me.

May 29, 2021 8:09 AM
Reply to  Big al

Don’t go, Big Al, just tell us why you think it’s so good for the U$A that Trump and other contemporary POTU$As never get more than an iffy:iffy 50:50 percent. And try to guess what percentage of U$’ies would vote for a president who never told a Lie and had just saved the country by winning a war against far superior forces. Someone like President Assad. Or like this man:

“In 1789, the first presidential election, George Washington was **unanimously** elected president of the United States.”

Stick around Bundy, you might learn something.

Big al
Big al
May 29, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to  NickM

I’m thinking that if 95% of the people all voted for one person, something is wrong with that picture. I didn’t say Assad stole the election, I said that type of almost unanimous authoritarian agreement is scary to me. Obviously it isn’t to most on this board, which makes me an outlier. I’m not an authoritarian, I’m an antiwar, anti-imperialist, anti-globalist who is moving to Idaho. I don’t do lemmings.

And a little info on why Washington was almost unanimously elected Prez (other than women, blacks, asians, native americans, and all that you know).

How the Constitutional Convention Vastly Expanded the Powers of the President – LewRockwell

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
May 29, 2021 12:31 PM
Reply to  Big al

Stick around, might be good for all engaged.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 12:10 AM
Reply to  Big al

No other choice…
That implies we have a choice.
Prove all of us wrong.
Go join the Hasbara.

Big al
Big al
May 29, 2021 12:29 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Good grief dude.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 1:19 AM
Reply to  Big al

Stop gas lighting!

Big al
Big al
May 29, 2021 4:59 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Whoa, paranoia will destroy ya, man.

May 28, 2021 5:41 PM

Vanessa’s belief in Jeremy Corbyn is disturbing. Also, The old world that she depicts no longer exists and was for a long time largely illusory anyway. (Lets see whether Bashar al Assad will refuse the demands of those operating the global biosecurity police State. Lets see whether he can isolate his country from the 4th industrial revolution, a cashless world and the demands of the all powerful Rockefeller medical establishment that even has a grip on those opposing covid 1984. Lets see whether Bashar can say no to WHO when it demands that Bashar ‘vaccinates’ his people and rolls out vaccine passports. Only two nations, according to Astrid Stuckelberger, did not agree to give the WHO total authority over its health decisions and neither one was Syria.) Vanessa will never sell me on voting, which isn’t to say that I wasn’t happy to see Syrians reject the West which has showered it with terrorism for so many years. But isn’t their victory here superficial? (I don’t think hero worship is healthy. Did Bashar al Assad permit torture in his country? Remember Maher Arar?) To suggest that Western ruling classes are losing their power is to demonstrate a serious disconnect from reality. Western, and other, ruling classes have shown that they have the masses completely under their thumbs and can order them to commit suicide even and they will. But then again, Vanessa and Eva have demonstrated some sort of strange aversion to noticing the covid 19 pandemic hoax. They mention it tangentially, sometimes. What is that? Are they worried that their areas of specialty won’t matter to a world that is caught up in talking about covid 19 – which just happens to be robbing us of freedom, peace and security?

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 5:55 PM
Reply to  Arby

“Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders are weak willed political hacks. So much so, that it would be jaw dropping if they called the political charade for the farce that it was (and is) before resigning or retiring. But hope springs eternal.”

Jim mcDonagh
Jim mcDonagh
May 28, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  Arby

I agree with your assessment. However, Maher Arar was a double agent who served his purpose to both the US and Syrian intelligence networks. There is no evidence that he was tortured while in Syrian custody for 2 years? He was and was then awarded 12 million dollars by the Canadian government of Stephen Harper. He now resides in Canada with Omar Khadr in great luxury as a sleeper agents aka foreign government retiree ?

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 12:10 AM
Reply to  Jim mcDonagh

Omar Kadr was NOT an agent.

May 29, 2021 10:07 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Omar Khadr was victim all the way. As for Maher Arar, I find him to be an idiot. Show me, Jim, the evidence for your claim that Maher was any kind of agent.

George Mc
George Mc
May 28, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  Arby

I fully acknowledge that , had he been elected, Corbyn would have had zero impact on the political front in the UK. But even having said that, the smear campaign against him is the filthiest, most vicious one I’ve seen – and that in itself certainly goes to show that we are no longer living in the world of “collective bargaining” that Corbyn seemed to embody. (And again I agree that this quaint world was never as comfortable as it may now appear.)

But even more than demonstrating the appalling decline in media etiquette, the anti-Corbyn campaign also demonstrated in no uncertain terms how utterly corrupt the BBC had become.

May 28, 2021 7:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Oh yes, I remember well. The smear campaign against him, which he didn’t fight at all, was awful.

George Mc
George Mc
May 28, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  Arby

Admittedly he should have nipped it in the bud but I see that lack of action – or rather taking the wrong action – as a sign of naivety from being too decent I.e. not understanding the snakes he was facing. But once the smear was up I don’t think anyone could have fought it.

May 29, 2021 7:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Corbyn could have fought it but he didn’t have the guts. A decent, naive soul but dangerously ignorant of world politics; Britain’s best hope but definitely not Leadership material; I said so at the time. B.Liar’s Zionazi snakes waited till Corbyn had sacrificed his strongest and most clear spoken allies (especially Livingstone) for the sake of party unity, then they struck.

May 28, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  Arby

There’s a very good reason why Corbyn rolled over and played dead; he’s a (Labour) Party man, the Party comes first and his idea of socialism being won at an (rigged) election. The Labour Party has been a fifth column for well 100 years! Successive Labour govts, have backed Imperialist/Neo-colonialist policies for decades (eg Malaya, Cyprus, Nigeria, Ghana, Iran, the list is long). Corbyn is a wuss!

May 28, 2021 9:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

George, I noticed that the BBC aka the British Bullshit Corporation has now stopped displaying those silly red coloured computer generated models with “spikes” that pretend to be what the SARS-COV -2 ghost virus is supposed to resemblance if it could ever be proven to exist in reality! Have you noticed that?

George Mc
George Mc
May 28, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  -CO

Well I make a point of avoiding all TV news. And I don’t think I ever paid any attention whatsoever to those splendidly scary graphs.

Chris Morris of Brass Eye did some great news parodies. I recall one where he gave us a spike graph and said, “Well what does this tell us? Not a lot. But if we put foxes’ heads on top of those spikes, it starts to become clearer!”

Ivory Khan
Ivory Khan
May 28, 2021 6:35 PM
Reply to  Arby

Why do you hijack this thread with your unrelated garbage? Here’s the crux: “These elections were never just about the re-election of President Assad. These elections were about Syria and the Syrian people. A sovereign nation that has resisted one of the most punishing hybrid wars ever witnessed in our time. Literally every weapon in the globalist war manuals has been thrown at these resilient people. I have seen their exhaustion, their poverty, their misery first hand for many years now but last night everything was thrown aside in their defiant determination to show the West that they are unbowed, unbeaten by these sadistic tactics.”

Get over yourself.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
May 28, 2021 9:03 PM
Reply to  Arby

Syrians are already getting vaccinated – with the Russian and Chinese (real) vaccines. Unnecessary, of course, just like the Western gene-tampering injections masquerading as vaccines. But not also ineffective and dangerous, as are the Big Pharma gangsters’ poison-stabs, now killing thousands, and sickening and maiming hundreds of thousands.

If I were a Syrian, I wouldn’t be getting even the Russian or Chinese products, because a healthy immune system has no problem at all coping with the covid-flu (mine walked all over it in three days of just the very mildest mini-symptoms, powerfully ammoed-up with 30 grams of vitamin C per day). Your system gets beneficial pump-up exercise from the process, keeping it on its toes and fit for anything (see Scooper’s excellent pic above of the difference between a well-exercised system and an over-coddled one).

Even so, I wouldn’t expect to see my fellow Syrians dying by the thousands from the actually-genuine Rus and Sino vaccines. And indeed they’re not dying in droves, not from either the BPh criminals’ poison-stabs, or from the not particularly dangerous covid-flu itself, having one of the lowest national death-tolls from covid. Too busy liberating their country from war-criminals, and rebuilding it, to arse around making themselves ill gratuitously with house-arrest, separation, mask-bollocks, etc.

And maybe it’s because the Syrians are aware that there IS no global pandemic, at least not in their country, that Vanessa and Eva and the other real journalists there take their cue from the people, and don’t bother bloviating about covid, in the way that the Western mediawhores running their Permanent Bullshit Blizzard (aka lamestream ‘news’) are pretending daily hysterics about it.

May 29, 2021 10:11 AM

I don’t want anyone ‘bloviating’, but how about simple reporting on, you know, THE BIGGEST HOAX – HARMFUL, DESTRUCTIVE – PERPRETRATED ON HUMANKIND EVER? Thanks for the info about the vaccines in Syria. I don’t agree with you, however, about their value. It’s all poison as far as I’m concerned. What are vaccines when there are no viruses? They are a scam and they benefit scammers.

May 31, 2021 6:53 AM
Reply to  Arby

Not all vaccines. Only those vaccines that have not been properly tested, may actually cause more harm than the disease, and don’t work anyway; like most Con-19 vaccines, especially the Oxford.

May 31, 2021 6:47 AM

Eva posted videos last year which showed ordinary Syrians strolling the streets and shopping without wearing the Blue Hijab that Western regimes impose on male and female alike.

David Matthews
David Matthews
May 28, 2021 9:15 PM
Reply to  Arby

Vanessa and Eva have demonstrated some sort of strange aversion to noticing the covid 19 pandemic hoax

That is definitely not true of Vanessa. Although the covid scam is not her focus, she’s appeared several times on UKColumn podcast and has acknowledge the pandemic in passing. Her role there was to report on Syria, which she is uniquely in a positions to do and I detected no reluctance on her part in agreeing with Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson who are rather hot on the pandemic nonsense.

May 29, 2021 5:35 AM
Reply to  David Matthews

Yes, that’s true. Still, I do think she’s ‘strangely avoiding’ the subject. She’s said right things about it (a few times), relatively speaking. But maybe that’s just as well, if she embraces the lie that there’s a virus and a disease caused by it.

May 31, 2021 7:00 AM
Reply to  Arby

Eva was definitely **not** avoiding the subject. She took a video which showed ordinary Syrians going around their normal business without the Blue Hijab. They were not taken in by Con-19; probably because their president is a medical practitioner who knows there are more serious threats to public health than flu.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 29, 2021 6:24 AM
Reply to  Arby

Both Vanessa Beeley abd Eva Bartlett have repeatedly called out the covid scam on social media and elsewhere

May 29, 2021 7:24 AM

Okay. We love Eva and Vanessa. I call it like I see it regardless.

May 31, 2021 7:07 AM
Reply to  Arby

You call it like you wish others to see it. Not even a nice try, just a lazy, mean spirited attempt to take down some good people a peg or two, without even bothering to check what they actual posted.

“I cast this vote against Aristides because I am sick and tired of always hearing about Aristides the Just”.

May 28, 2021 5:21 PM

big kudos off g for carrying this, the lies from the corporate media are outrageous

May 28, 2021 5:17 PM

The PKK is still considered terrorist by the USA, EU etc. If they didn’t, the Turkish government might go home and take its ball with it.
They merely change their tune about the PKK’s emanations in Syria. A good example of the cynicism with which the label of terrorism is used.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 5:15 PM

“Trust Us, Believe In the Quackery”
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“Now with a each Billy Eugenics Euthanasia Death Shot Cull Juice Jab get a free doughnut and a glass of Kool-Aid.”   
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S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 5:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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May 28, 2021 11:56 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I like Texas more with every day that passes.
I just wish they would get rid of the Bushes.

Big al
Big al
May 28, 2021 6:04 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

If true, that’s extremely significant. Any source for that claim about the CDC’s data? I just looked at the CDC website and it says this:

“As of May 27, 2021, nearly 133 million people in the U.S. are fully vaccinated”

That would be about 40% or 4 out of 10. Take out children under 12 and it’s around 50%.

COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review | CDC

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 12:13 AM
Reply to  Big al

There is money being made.
Follow it and you will find the CoronaHoax is like another 9/11 hoax, or the Holohoax.

Big al
Big al
May 29, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Dude, you think I don’t know that? What is your point in giving people “advice”?

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
May 28, 2021 8:10 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Kindly in response ;- they are not in charge.

May 28, 2021 5:13 PM

Delighted President Assad was re-elected. I never believed the lies about him. I think he is a very honorable courageous man of integrity. I have seen his wife Asma being interviewed too. She is lovely.

We have no one like that in the UK. The USA is even worse.

Thanks to Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett for having the courage to be real journalists to bring us the news

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May 28, 2021 5:25 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

don’t write the US off entirely, some very good people emerging after Trump broke the stranglehold of the deep state and put ‘we the people’ back on their feet – Ron DeSantis in Florida and Kristi Noem in S Dakota leading the way – a phoenix is forming I think …

Big al
Big al
May 28, 2021 5:52 PM
Reply to  siamdave

“Trump broke the stranglehold of the deep state”? Right. What, by telling everyone he’s really the king of the fake Covid vaccine? Politicians and elections aren’t going to save our asses.

May 28, 2021 7:48 PM
Reply to  siamdave

I would never “write the US off entirely”. I have never been to the USA, but I have worked with many brilliant, inspirational, hard working Americans in the UK at a couple of British companies in the computer industry. The last US President I had any respect for is John F. Kennedy. The rest of them have been controlled puppets of the CIA.

I am not even saying that everyone who works for the CIA is dishonouroble, especially the few people, who couldn’t stand working for them any more.

The CIA Whistleblowers, if they were lucky enough or clever enough to survive, after telling the truth, are highly honorable people. Such courage is awesome.

“NEW SECOND EDITION. What if the government decided to invent a great lie to justify a disastrous war? What would happen to the people who know the truth? EXTREME PREJUDICE delivers an explosive, high tension expose of the real facts surrounding the CIA’s advance warning of 9/11 and an insider’s look at Iraqi Pre-War Intelligence, told by one of the very few U.S. Assets covering Iraq before the War. It reveals the depths of deception by leaders in Washington and London to promote a successful image of their terrorism policy, and the shocking brutality to suppress the truth of their failures from Americans and the world community”

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May 28, 2021 11:54 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I worked for three years in the USA, and I would never write off the Americans I met.
However, the Americans who run for, and gain, political office, are completely beyond the pale.
It’s the same in the UK. There’s a world of difference between people who want to get on with useful lives and those who wish to control them.

The famous saying about “power corrupts” could not be more true than it is now.
The 2021 version is: “Power has corrupted”.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 12:15 AM
Reply to  siamdave

Americans: Non personae grata.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 3:09 PM

“Good Morning you have reached the control booth of the British Bullshit Corporation (BBC). Non stop corporate fascist propaganda drivel 24 hours a day every day of the year.”    

comment image?format=mp4&s=3d78fc7c000c2f30ecea6b435a6a38400fd82a0c

“Complacent Obedient Sheeple Good”
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“Critical Thinking Conspiracy Theorists Bad”  

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 3:10 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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George Mc
George Mc
May 28, 2021 5:39 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Speaking of the British Bullshit Corporation, I saw nary a word about Syria on their homepage so I had to dig a bit. And then I found this:

“Assad wins Syrian election dismissed as farce by critics”

Well there’s nothing like putting a slanted report right into the very title!

“Syria’s opposition called the vote a farce…”

Well they would, wouldn’t they?

“.. while the US and European countries said it was not free or fair.”

What? ALL the US? ALL the European countries? Every single person living in these countries?

After which,

“Syria has been devastated by a decade-long conflict that erupted after Mr Assad’s government responded with deadly force to peaceful pro-democracy protests ….
… it showed “contempt to the Syrian people”.
“It’s a decision by the government, aided by Russia and Iran, to kill the political process … It’s a continuation of tyranny.”
… “illegitimate” …”neither free nor fair” without the supervision of the United Nations….
… condemned the electoral process as illegitimate,”
a political solution to the conflict seems a distant prospect.”

Oh I’m sure the United Nations can come up with a “free and fair” political solution!

George Mc
George Mc
May 28, 2021 5:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

From Wikispooks, which I have found to be an absolutely necessary resource (the P5 are the permanent members):

“The United Nations is a thoroughly corrupted organisation probably beyond repair. For decades it has not been able to keep it’s own peacekeeping forces in check and focused on their mission. At headquarters cronyism and greed govern actions. The Security Council debates have been called “a sham” and few governments even stay to hear. Non-permanent members have essentially been relegated to a role of rubber-stamping decisions made by the P5 or choosing between their contending positions.”

May 28, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The same could be said for the “think of the children”, when in (UK) 2020 and the mask wearing nonsense took hold every adult was and still is required to wear one while kids didn’t, with the explanation that they were unaffected by this common cold virus; which is truthful, borne out by the statistics, where apparently the numbers are so low it reads 0%, statically.

Yet here we are 2021 where it’s absolutely essential that all people regardless of age get the ‘kill juice jab’. While that statistical 0% for Covid related illness is still valid in the “think of the children” demographic. This 180° turnabout is just one example of all, all strategies, announcements and directives that have been produced since this shit started have gone the same way. All deliberate to engender the anxiety and fear TPTB need to feed off.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
May 28, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  peterpaul

I have never worn a mask, nobody has required me to wear a mask because I say I’m exempt. If you say that you are exempt then you are too. If everybody says they are exempt then everybody is exempt. In short: There is no legal requirement for anybody to wear a mask in the UK. It’s against the law for anybody to ask you why you are exempt when you say you are though. All you need is a backbone and you will never have to wear a mask and can always breathe the fresh air that it is your unalienable right to breathe.

May 29, 2021 7:40 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

FFS. If I did outline in such detail you’d have replied with TLDNR. Backbone, eh? You go for it bulldog.

May 31, 2021 8:20 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Same practice as me since the start of this b.s. Last week for the first time I got refused entry to a local builder’s merchant’s who told me they would not honour any exemption, no mask no entry no exceptions.

Fine by me, I’ll never go back and they’ll never see a penny from me, but I am considering a legal case as they are apparently in breach of the UK 2010 Abilities Act and can be sued in the small claims court. If anyone’s seen any good information on how to approach this please share – I’d prefer to use it as a threat to just get them to change their policy but do feel they need to be forcefully educated on the laws their business license states they must operate under.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 7:48 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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May 28, 2021 9:46 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 28, 2021 2:52 PM

Quoted from the above article:

We in the West are represented by ambitious careerist popinjays who will run PR campaigns for sadistic regime foreign policy without a second thought for the peoples affected. It is up to us to reverse the trend and to demand that those who lead us to wars we don’t want and who kill people we identify with, in our names, are stopped.”

I’ve followed the attempted takeover of Syria for over ten years. It’s not about Bashar Al Assad or human “rights”, and it never has been. The West wants the oil, period.

If anyone was serious about stopping war, they’d quit inspiring their children to become soldiers… No soldiers = No support of “careerist popinjays”. End of story.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 28, 2021 2:28 PM

Let me see. Hafez Al-Assad takes power in a coup in 1970 and then goes on to win every election with a massive majority, as does his son since 2000. And I am seriously expected to believe that these were all genuine elections?

Gabriel Payne
Gabriel Payne
May 28, 2021 3:00 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

You mean the same type of coup that FUKUS have been orchestrating around this planet since who knows when?

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 28, 2021 3:06 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

“Does your cynicism also extend to the illegitimate and fraudulent political process in SHAM DEMOCRACY USA / THIRD REICH USA.”

“Time for the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST war criminal thieves and murderers not only to get out of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan but every other place they have invaded or illegally occupy. In short, time for them TO GET OFF THE PLANET.”
comment image

“To Hell with War!”

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 28, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Yes, my cynicism certainly extends to the most recent presidential election in the US, at the very least, which I think was rigged. How does that stop me from questioning the legitimacy of elections elsewhere?

May 28, 2021 5:54 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Question away. (I am disturbed by the faith in electoral politics shown by otherwise smart progressives, who probably don’t realize that they’re progressives now that propaganda has done a number on the word ‘progressive’) I would only suggest that you support any assertions you make. Argue your points. There’s two ways to teach. You can be authoritative, not as in ‘special’, but as in informed and willing to explain yourself and engage in dialog that has the potential to allow you to make corrections to your own positions. Or you can be authoritarian. The authoritarian says: “This is how it is, period.” There’s no effort made by the authoritarian to explain how he (or she) arrived at his conclusions. There’s no attribution. There’s no dialog and therefore no feedback mechanism by which the teacher can be corrected as well as informative. Proper teaching includes learning. Proper learning includes the freedom to express one’s ideas so that the student can also make contributions to the discussions.

Although he’s turned out to be a covid crazy, I do think Stephen Gowans’s book on Syria is good. It’s a bit lacking in (genuine) objectivity, but a very good guide for those seeking to understand Syria and the Assads. It seems to be a failing of any journo or writer who is eager to show the West (especially its ruling classes) up for the corrupt group it is to overlook the corruption of targets of the West, or treat their corruption (where it exists) as not that bad.

Big al
Big al
May 28, 2021 6:53 PM
Reply to  Arby

That happens with Russia and China as well. Try criticizing Xi or Putin during a debate about US failings and you’ll get that kind of response. It’s like, “US bad, China/Russia good”. I think about my current mindset and how that would fit in China or Russia (or Syria) and I’m pretty sure my tie dyed shirts and pony tail would be just as contrarian as I am here.

May 29, 2021 10:16 AM
Reply to  Big al

I didn’t downvote you by the way. I really wish we could lose the up- and down-voting system. It’s no good, unless it indicates who is voting.

Big al
Big al
May 29, 2021 8:52 PM
Reply to  Arby

It’s childish and fucking ridiculous. I’ve not been commenting here very long, came because of the Covid articles. But the commenting section sucks, too many assholes who don’t want to debate and they hide behind this stupid up/down voting thing.

Big al
Big al
May 28, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

It doesn’t and you should. It’s funny how people who are so strongly for the principle of “question everything”, get all up and up when someone questions something they don’t want questioned.

It’s similar to those who would call people Assad lovers because they questioned the veracity of the imperialist attack on Syria. In this case, by questioning the election, you’re ruining the idea that the Syrian people rose up and sent a big fuck you to US. That may have, and probably was, a big part of the thought process for many in that country, but that doesn’t mean an election with 95 voting for one man shouldn’t be questioned.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 1:08 AM
Reply to  Big al

The Palestinians have also given a big “Fuck you” to Israel and its so-called allies.
Perhaps without all the murderous outside pressure from Leviathan via various persuasions, mainly Israel, probably Syria MAY have a government you MAY like.
And, since you have a narcissism problem, you DO NOT have any fires in the irons of Syria’s “democracy”,
Set your sights on where you live, and fight against the political system that is enslaving you.

Big al
Big al
May 29, 2021 8:50 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Who the fuck are you to talk to me like that you asshole.

Jun 1, 2021 10:17 AM
Reply to  Big al

It’s just the polarity of conflict. Most people can’t hold multiple perspectives. This is precisely the mechanism that induces people to vote for the lesser of two evils.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
May 28, 2021 6:37 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Any shreds of – er, you know – actual evidence that Syrian elections are any more bent than – ooo, I dunno – Paedominster’s execrable FPTP pretend-democracy (which currently disenfranchises a large chunk of the Brit electorate who have no party to support; two tory parties, and tiny minority of small parties which with FPTP will never get any share of government)?

Any actual on-the-ground evidence, Timmy; such as Vanessa Beeley has been supplying for years, along with one or too other real journalists? If people like you would show some respect to such real truth-tellers, you might even get a bit of real respect yourself. Until then… hah!

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 1:01 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Who provides the negative info on all these “rogue states?”
Are we not experiencing a massive global psychological operation?
Hoaxes of modern times:

1) Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK;
2) Sirhan Sirhan was NOT a CIA asset;
3) the creative burgeoning Holoco$t;
4) Gulf of Tonkin;
5) Kuwaiti babies being tossed from incubators;
6) 9/11;
7) get the picture!;
8) Russiagate!!;
9) CoVid1984

Pathological liars have a monolithic credibility problem.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
May 28, 2021 3:14 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

You can believe what you want. Nobody really expects 77th Brigade assholes to be impartial or remotely objective.

May 28, 2021 5:27 PM

Tomoola, perhaps this is a bit of a reflex to label anyone bringing into question the legitimacy of “ours” over “theirs” to be 77th Brigade etc. But doesn’t this just fall into to ad hominem trap, which those who vomit out “Kremlin puppet” or “Conspiracy Theorist” or other tropes for any questioning of TPTB? Tim has a valid question which needs addressing.

Some might deplore the blue-tick mainstream for its echo-chamber effect. The way to strengthen a position might be to explore it.

Rather than dismissing Tim’s question, we could be grateful for it.

Personally I’m ignorant of the Al-Assad family and its apparent dynasty. While not condoning the actions of The West, it’s an opportunity for me to further understand the immediate history of Syria and for this I’m thankful.

May 28, 2021 8:46 PM
Reply to  Anonyme

Anonyme, if you wish to further your understanding of modern Syria I suggest you begin around the start of the Christian Era. St.Paul was a Syrian. Christ spoke to him on his way to Damascus. The Syrian Orthodox Church is one of the oldest in the world. Look at the churches that NATZO’s ISIS headchoppers destroyed before they were thrown out. See how they are being rebuilt. Look at a picture of President Putin, who is a Russian Orthodox Christian, praying in the Syrian Orthodox church in Damascus. Then stop for reflection on the modern world.

This is not to imply that Syria is a Christian country. Its constitution is secular socialist. There are Jews as well as the several sects of Muslims. You might further understanding Bashar Assad and his English-born wife by digging up a short account of their Alawite faith, in English, which the Syrian Foreign minister submitted to an English newspaper (the Indie) more than 5 years ago, back in the days when Syria still believed that Britain was amenable to the concept of fair play.

May 29, 2021 12:11 PM
Reply to  NickM

Egypt under Nasser and Sadat, Iraq under Saddam H, and Libya under Gaddhafi were quite secular and socialist. Syria and Venezuela certainly are. There is a pattern here..

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
May 28, 2021 9:44 PM
Reply to  Anonyme

That did not need downvotes. Well said.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 1:16 AM
Reply to  Anonyme

There is mucho evidence that “Western Democ(k)racies” are played 24/7/365.
There is overwhelming evidence that the article we are commenting on is VERY ACCURATE.
If you desire to be ignorant, that’s not a problem.

May 28, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Let me see. Barack Obama takes power under a cover of preposterous lies about “hope and change” in 2008, as does his protege Joe Biden in 2020 under a cover of preposterous coincidences. And I am seriously expected to believe that these were genuine elections rather than orchestrated events fulfilling a pre-planned agenda?

At least President Assad did not have to lie to his people to win an election. The death and destruction visited on Syria by the West clearly spoke for itself.

May 28, 2021 3:41 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

President Assad’s enemies did everything they could to help him win this election.

May 28, 2021 5:00 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

No more genuine than ours….

Are we in the West really in a position to lecture?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 28, 2021 5:30 PM
Reply to  Carnyx

I am not lecturing. I am commenting. To be truthful, I am surprised that people capable of seeing throught the Covid sham cannot see through this one.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
May 28, 2021 9:21 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

You may actually be right, Timmy. The Syrian election process, now and formally, may have some questions to answer. But if you can’t provide evidence, just a priori reasoning, that doesn’t amount to much. Where in the world, throughout history, have elections – when you’re allowed to have them at all – actually been pristine? Certainly never in Britain, and arguably never in the US either. Pots calling kettle…

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
May 29, 2021 1:12 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton


Tim, go to Tel Aviv and sign up for a hasbara course!
I am ashamed for you to NOT question MSM sources.

Cliff Edwards
Cliff Edwards
May 29, 2021 3:30 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

If you want to be taken seriously perhaps you could provide some evidence that this latest election was a “sham”?

Wile E. Coyote
Wile E. Coyote
May 28, 2021 5:25 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

tim then goes on to say “Mmmmm, gulp gulp gulp, oh, I so love me some delicious MSM c@%&!”

Jim mcDonagh
Jim mcDonagh
May 28, 2021 6:03 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

The answer to your question is NO ! However, do you seriously believe US , English , and Canadian elections have ever been genuine ?

May 28, 2021 8:24 PM
Reply to  Jim mcDonagh

Right. Elections are political theater, controlled by those already in power. That said, the smug hypocrisy of the West is enough to literally make you vomit. Criticizing the Syrian election as a “farce”–with a straight face–is just too much irony.

May 28, 2021 8:57 PM
Reply to  Jim mcDonagh

I believe British elections are genuine. Unfortunately the people we elect are not. But it’s our fault.

T.Bliar is not in gaol. If he can get away with lying to Parliament, treason to British soldiers, and mass murder abroad in order to build up “only a modest fortune” from jobs in Rothschild companies, anyone in Westminster can. And does. BLiar is the most egregious example of fragrant corruption but not the only one; eg, John Major and Gordon Brown both awarded directorships in Rothschild’s Carlyle Company (Armaments and Finance) “for services rendered” (Bosnia and QE, respectively).

When a fish gets to stink the fragrance begins at the head.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 28, 2021 9:55 PM
Reply to  NickM

The results of “genuine” elections appear, to those who rule, as Anarchy and is not tolerable to our elite’s or their slaves .