Transgressing the Logic of the New Tyrannical Normal

An Essay on the Struggle for Reason and Freedom

Daniel Broudy

Prof. Mark Crispin Miller – Chronicle illustration

Scholars have speculated that Shirley Jackson’s timeless story The Lottery (1948) was a contemplation of and attempt to make sense of the ghastly forms of rationalization at work in Nazi death camps uncovered during the postwar Nuremberg trials.

While the major theme of Jackson’s story, man’s general inhumanity toward humankind, continues to reverberate, the development of a certain character within the tale speaks even more profoundly to the present. Old Man Warner and his unblinking obedience to strange abstractions embody a banality of evil that appears in many of his fellow townsfolk and the codes of behavior and speech they are goaded by bizarre norms to embrace.

Questioning these abstractions and the traditions that animate them comes at a substantial price, however.

“Every man has his price” (Walpole, 1734) — an utterance on the lips of both despots and saints, past and present, eager to embrace or repel tyranny. The observation has the ring both of a universal truth and a hasty generalization.

In Jackson’s story, the price for the old man, intent to guard the prevailing socioeconomic order, was his own humanity. In the present, the saying resonates with those whose minds have been effectively dazzled by the global Pavlovian project observable in state-corporate propaganda which claims that a virus with a 99.8% survival rate spells certain doom for the world. They who demand that every living creature obey, without question, the unscientific irrational contradictory plans of the unfolding state-corporate global medical hegemony.

The competitively compliant masses, armed with faculties of reason effectively effaced, are all too happy to publicly signal their subservience and submit their civil and human rights to a technocratic global lordship consolidating the kind of control and power that will remain, forevermore, impervious to any challenge. How observable facts such as these elude the notice of so many people today is covered, most notably, in a popular university course in propaganda at New York University.

Mark Crispin Miller, world-renowned professor of media, culture and communication, has given Mass Persuasion and Propaganda for decades. In these times, however, of state-sanctioned “woke totalitarianism” enforced by its global big tech guardians, the course and its most famous professor was bound to become a target for cancellation.

The operation against Professor Miller began in earnest last year when a disgruntled student falsely claimed that her teacher was nurturing a student-led mutiny against the NYU administration for its masking policies. The latest and most baffling attack on Miller has emerged, however, with the publication of a hit piece titled “The Professor of Paranoia” in the Chronicle of Higher Education — a rank illustration of the truths we might see in the aphorism that every man can be bought.

Inexplicably, its author Mark Dery marks out his territorial criticism of Miller by explicitly signaling his own ideological presuppositions — a liberal pose that can only pretend to be progressive, open-minded, balanced and enlightened by an unflagging pursuit of unvarnished truth. What profits the man who gives up his intellectual integrity for an ideology demanding all empirical knowledge pass through the politically correct filters set by the Federal Ministry of Truth? 

Dery muses over decades past, reading Miller’s classic 1988 volume, Boxed In: The Culture of TVand cites our mutually favorite chapter, “Big Brother Is You, Watching.”

He references a salient passage that (in his mind apparently) should serve to chasten Miller for his contemporary transgressions:

TV ‘reduces all of its proponents to blind spectators of their own annihilation’”
Boxed In: The Culture of TV, 1988, p. 331.

Dery proceeds to call up a host of Miller’s supposed offenses against all accepted expressions of scholarly integrity — uninvestigated 9/11 intrigue, stolen elections, CIA-backed psychological operations against domestic populations, and now the new social and economic “Normal” promulgated by a transnational network of elite Davos movers and shakers.

Scoffing, as he does, at the very idea of addressing such pressing issues comes at the cost of one’s own intellect, a mental annihilation akin to that bizarre period of public discourse in the wake of 9/11 when FOX News was the unrivalled PR arm of the GOP. The passage from Boxed In that Dery selected as a weapon against Miller serves as the most glaring example of irony.

The very examples Dery cites in his critique show that only those weaned on TV have not yet sampled the solid foods of scholarship — the disinterested science that political institutions have tried for years to marginalize, ignore, or erase. What does Mark Dery receive beyond keeping up perverse social appearances like those erected in years past by likes of Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity — major cheerleaders for the annihilation of countless souls in the post-9/11 regime-change wars?

Today, is it any wonder to academics who steadfastly refuse to betray the call of their vocation, no matter the cost, that such a criticism of Miller would be featured in a journal advocating for higher education? For anyone in the education field who has witnessed larger forces of the corporate-state complex prevail upon academe and reengineer institutions over the past number of decades, it is impossible not to see the sort of friendly fascism that Bertram Gross had warned about in 1980 when he saw an emerging new order in which:

more concentrated, unscrupulous, repressive, and militaristic control by a Big Business-Big Government partnership preserve[s] the privileges of the ultra-rich, the corporate overseers, and the brass in the military and civilian order”
Friendly Fascism (Gross, 1980) p. 167).

Gross showed plainly how public discourse controlled by the gatekeepers helps centers of power frame the reengineering of the social world as “reasonable” and inexorable because it is overtly friendly — to business — and, thus, integral to the logic of an efficient and free market.

The problem for public intellectuals like Miller who work tirelessly to preserve natural and civil rights is disarming the dissemblers and blind servants of power who come with a wink and a smile trying to reassure the masses to trust the plan.

Since 9/11, the ethos of business as usual has been focused on normalizing the tyrannical demands of security as asserted by the transnational partnerships among “the corporate overseers and the brass in the military and civilian order” (Gross, 1980, p. 167).

Old Man Warner would be proud to see so many of his heirs today maintaining the lottery and asserting the need to follow hideous traditions no matter where they lead. Dery notes that:

Extreme disbelief — a skepticism so radical it dismisses nearly every official narrative as propaganda — can make for strange bedfellows.”

In a sane world, this could not be any truer.

Daniel Broudy, Ph.D., is a professor of applied linguistics at Okinawa Christian University. His latest book, co-authored with Miyume Tanji, is Okinawa Under Occupation: McDonaldization and Resistance to Neoliberal Propaganda (Palgrave, 2017).


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Neil MacLeod
Neil MacLeod
Jun 6, 2021 8:57 PM

As education is primarily preconditioning for propaganda, those most educated are most easily propagandized. – Jacques Ellul

Jul 6, 2021 7:56 AM
Reply to  Neil MacLeod

“The individual who burns with desire for action but does not know what to do is a common type in our society. He wants to act for the sake of justice, peace, progress, but does not know how. If propaganda can show him this ‘how’ then it has won the game; action will surely follow.” –also Ellul

Jun 4, 2021 4:36 PM

Hannah Arendt: “totalitarian propaganda establishes a world fit to compete with the real one, whose main handicap is that it is not logical, consistent, and organized.” Thats the precisely what the covid cult is: it competes with the real world

“The fundamental reason for the superiority of totalitarian propaganda over the propaganda of other parties and movements is that its content … is no longer an objective issue about which people may have opinions, but has become as real and untouchable an element in their lives as the rules of arithmetic. The organization of the entire texture of life according to an ideology can be fully carried out only under a totalitarian regime.”

That is also happening: people put on their masks (at least in France) to go out, its now part of their habits, so much so they forget to take it off when they come to see you. You have to insist and then they say, oh Im so used to it.

They wash their hand: my vaccinated, masked physio, whom I cant stand anymore, and whom I told to come collect her fees, the first thing she did when I opened the door is to wash her hands with the disinfectant (didnt tell her that all of these are anti-bacterial, not anti-viral): she used to always do that, but I had thought that was because she begins by massaging me.
Today it was simply to collect a cheque.

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jun 4, 2021 3:46 AM

A question for those who do not believe in conspiraies: Do you believe in magic? I think things happen because people get together, plan them, and then put them into effect. I do not beleve in magic.

Jun 4, 2021 4:23 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

That may be a reason for isolation reasons: to try and ensure the unpredictable wont happen.
But it will nonetheless, if necessary it will come through doors and windows. It will happen: the unknown X which they cannot factor in their reductionist computer simulations. For that unknown X is woven in the fabric of life, real life, not its virtual distortion.

Jun 4, 2021 2:19 AM

People are amazing creatures. I just read an article on consortium news about workers’ rights. Not once did the author mention the destruction of small businesses that occurred across the world as a result of the abuse of human rights in the form of lockdown.

Not once did he mention that those who had previously pretended to support workers’ rights, the Labour party and associated left wing pretenders, turned out to be the exact same people who supported the destruction of small business jobs and the removal of the freedom of movement of the people.

It looks like the “miserable left” is going to return to its old talking points, pretending to be upholders of human rights, supporting the little guy, moaning about all sorts of injustices: basically they will once again be crowding out the people who really care about rights. Is Bill Gates paying them to do this?

The left will pretend that Covid lockdown never occurred and hence will never explain why they went along with this abuse of human rights. Even if they did acknowledge their role in enabling lockdown, would it change the fact that they are a contemptible bunch of fuck wits.

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jun 4, 2021 3:38 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

What do you mean by “The Left?” I am Left (communist-syndicalist) never a member of any party. I’m with Groucho on that one:I’d never join a party that would have me as a member. “Conservatives” (using the term advisdedly and with reservations. Democrats (party) cannot be of The Left. The only Democrat I know who was a “leftist” was Huey Long and maybe Eleanor Roosevelt. Liberals are not Leftists, and in fact are enemies of The Left. Leftists, in any meaningfu way today must be revolutionaries, not followers of any kind of authority, especially the liberal political discourse of Big Media and Big Politics (I.e., tools of Wall Street).

Jun 4, 2021 2:25 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

Great comment. As a fellow traveler walking amidst this vampiric era, I yearn for the left to awaken to tyranny, as we did articulate to a large segment of the population back in OWS, the 99%. TFIC definitely did not want another occupy with this operation; that they went and literally bought traditional left media shows they are aware of the strength of how a true ‘bottom up’ movement could see through this operation skillfully. That off g’s know this is testament to the fact there are many of us diligently still hard at work.

To add a few real left names to those you listed (not sure about Eleanor): subcommandante Marcos, Whitney Webb, Gary Webb, Frantz Fanon, Eugene Debs, David Graeber, many others but most importantly the many millions globally that are anonymous (“the invisible commitee”)….Still committed to liberation for all people without distinction. The battleground has shifted but we know we outnumber; we must salvage all the productive alternatives and make like Marcos says ‘worlds within worlds’ for collective autonomy.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 4, 2021 2:30 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

“The right-center-left paradigm is yet another means that the war racketeer corporate fascist oligarch mobster psychopaths use to get WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) at each others throats. So those criminals can rob, steal, enslave, murder, exploit some more.”

“Now for some Debs.”
comment image


Jun 5, 2021 4:04 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

[“Now for some Debs.”]

Or to phrase it somewhat more accurately: Now for some Delusion.

Jun 5, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

[I am Left (communist-syndicalist) never a member of any party.]

Thus far in my readings there appears to be only what is often termed anarcho-syndicalism (regarded as a “split” from communism).

“A variety of anarchism, relatively prominent in early twentieth-century France, whose proponents believed that the state should be replaced by trade unions (French ‘syndicats’).” [from The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics]

Now let me make it clear, I do not wish to be forced to belong to some enforced “trade union.” If I work on my own for something, and I want to hold it or give it to my family or a friend or some deserving person I feel sympathy for, that is my choice.

But, as I have read anarcho-syndicalism “they” want to decide for me what I can do or own.

If you are that kind of syndicalist, then I suggest you do not try to force yourself and your wish to decide for me on me, whether on your own or as a group who decided they are the ‘syndicat’ and I had better bend the knee and obey.

In my view, there is no practical difference between that and modern “democracies” that lock me up for some totally overblown “pandemic.”

You will observe that I do not buy in to the ideological fantasies that anarcho-syndicalists tried to peddle to me. I am a practical person. Their unrealisable fantasies are a danger to the world.

[Leftists, in any meaningfu way today must be revolutionaries, not followers of any kind of authority, especially the liberal political discourse of Big Media and Big Politics (I.e., tools of Wall Street).]

Really? “Not followers of any kind of authority?” When syndicalists essentially want to enforce the authority of their ‘syndicats?’ I get the distinct impression of some cognitive dissonance in your comment.

Jun 6, 2021 9:52 PM
Reply to  suddyan

You’re describing yourself as a fan of feudalism???!

Jun 4, 2021 5:16 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Oh, but “little guy” vocabulary has been abandoned for good. There’s so much more mileage in promoting one-legged black transgenders. The little guy was likely steeped in “white privilege”; and we can’t have that! Tsk, tsk, tsk.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 4, 2021 9:06 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

The Left were never about supporting small businesses or any kind of business. That was the Tories’ job – especially on the small business front. They still operated with that rosy eyed Open All Hours notion of the corner shop i.e. the kind of small business that was increasingly threatened by the new expanding monster corporations.

The Left wanted a completely new system of centralised planning – which is why they all got so excited about covid. The new plague was interpreted as a poetic morality tale: capitalism caused covid which destroys capitalism and brings about the revolution.  

That the biggest fattest capitalists were getting bigger and fatter through covid was blatantly admitted by Left channels but only as a matter of “opportunism”. And this is where the ironies pile up. The fattening of the big boys was accompanied by what was essentially “free advertising” all across the media for a product that was being shoved out under increasingly coercive pressure – the “offer you could refuse”. And the Left were indulging in a brand of even more sensational advertising!

The latter schizophrenic behaviour on the part of the Left points up a sudden negation of what was previously astute analysis of how the media work: all of Western media is shaped by business interests. The Left used to understand this. But with covid, it’s as if the media suddenly became the bringers of truth which the business interests, i.e. the very same who were propping up the media, “didn’t want you to hear”!

Thus – the central planning that the Left want is now being brought to them by the very people they most hate: the big and indeed biggest capitalists. And the entire system is now shifting into a new mutation: from the old consumer capitalism to the new pharma-capitalism (some have suggested “surveillance capitalism”) in which the attention of our “benefactors” is now being focused on the body itself as something that needs to be constantly “topped up” and perhaps eventually even re-built. 

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 4, 2021 10:16 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Sorry. “offer you could refuse” should of course be “offer you could not refuse”.

Jun 5, 2021 4:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

[Thus – the central planning that the Left want is now being brought to them by the very people they most hate: the big and indeed biggest capitalists.]

Mussolini would probably have appreciated how well you describe his fascism.

The merger of the “big corporates” under the “loving, caring” hand of the state.

Oh yes, /sarc for “loving, caring.”

Jun 6, 2021 9:50 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Get over yourself and your ‘small business jobs.’

Jun 8, 2021 3:19 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

The left, represented by labour unions, will demand and gladly play more of its part in the evermore umdermining of the corporate worker as a free infividual.

When a percentage of the corporate or state workforce is mandated by law to work from home, then home becomes the workspace. As such, it must be regulated and inspected regularly to ensure compliance with existing workspace safety and health regulations.

Inspections carried out by the whatever governmental body that was formed and managed by the labour unions for the well-being of the worker, of course.

So the question remains: “When they kick at your front door, how you gonna come…?

The irony…

karen elliot
karen elliot
Jun 4, 2021 1:23 AM

‘A German state prosecutor denied autopsies of dead vaccinees, arguing that state health authorities had already determined that covid vaccines “are safe”.
(Covid – The Big Picture. Swiss Policy Research. 3 June 2021)

Jun 5, 2021 4:09 PM
Reply to  karen elliot

[‘A German state prosecutor denied autopsies of dead vaccinees, arguing that state health authorities had already determined that covid vaccines “are safe”.]

The state has decreed.

Now add big pharma, big tech, big media etc and voila, fascism.

Jun 3, 2021 7:35 PM

The elements that seem to be missing from what passes for debate on this nightmare, is its relevance to the two largest issues which threaten, not only humanity but the entire ecosphere as we know it:

  1. Global Heating
  2. The future (or not) of capitalism itself

It has long occurred to me that the scamdemic serves (at least) two purposes:

Firstly, the medico-fascist raft of laws passed by the 7-8 so-called advance economies, the G-7 (and their lackeys), serve to prepare capitalism for the impending environmental disaster, which now looks all but inevitable barring a total change of heart on the part of our rulers, which seems highly unlikely, given as how they’ve known about this for the past 70 years and done nothing.

And secondly, these laws also prepare the corporate-security state to suppress the commensurate resistance that inevitably will come as the reality of the nightmare of capitalism’s inability to deal with these twin crises is made apparent.

I’m not the only one to point out that lockdowns et al, are RICH NATIONS tools, as only the rich can afford such luxuries, perhaps best illustrated by South Africa (and now India), whose leaders, the ANC (an organisation that sadly I used to work for) like to pretend is a developed nation, forgetting that 80% of its population live in the Global South!

It also explains why the Western ‘left’ have been so keen to support lockdowns, masks and social distancing and the wholesale demolition of the rights we fought for over the decades. How ironic eh! And as I’ve learnt to my own personal cost, to be attacked by this self-same ‘left’ (of which I have for most of my life been a part of) on the basis that in opposing these fascist laws I’m siding with the RIGHT, who also oppose these laws but for very different reasons.You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t!

Jun 3, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

I might add that entire nightmare has only been made possible by the use of FEAR as a weapon of social control. Never forget Neil Ferguson’s 500,000 dead that was the opening salvo of capitalism’s war on humanity, as it prepared us, psychologically for everything that followed.

Jun 4, 2021 11:40 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

And Ferguson is still commanding headline articles today with his preposterous claims about the so-called Indian ‘Delta’ variant…


Jun 5, 2021 4:17 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

[Never forget Neil Ferguson’s 500,000 dead that was the opening salvo of capitalism’s war on humanity…]

You and I must have vastly different definitions for “capitalism.”

Most of what I observe is GOVERNMENTS locking people up, with especially big pharmaceutical, technology, and media companies cheering them on.

That is NOT capitalism as such.

Jun 4, 2021 2:33 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

The Green movement is simply a move by the worlds’ billionaires to move the center of energy power away from Russia and the Arab oil states. Even today we see that Bill Gates has won a contract to build a new nuclear plant in the USA: notice no talk of the significant issue of “recycling” material that stays radio active for thousands of years, hence polluting the earth for a very long time. Ask Japan about that problem.

The people who control the source of power have significant control in the world. Russia and the Arab states would be nothing were it not for the natural resources that they use to maintain their status in the world. Once electricity takes over, Russia’s oil will be worth much less and subsequently their political power will diminish.

USA billionaires want that wealth and, more importantly, that power. There is no danger to anyone from global heating, that is all the usual fear mongering that these people come out with in order to justify their huge “research” grants from government and as whitewash to justify the laws they introduce through their paid politicians.

More laws based on lies, designed by corporates to steal your tax money for the personal benefit of billionaires: there is no such thing as “government” in the “civil service” sense of the word, all “democratic” governments are now businesses stealing from the people. In fact, all current governments are just “stealing” from the people, none are “civil service” style governments.

Jun 5, 2021 4:21 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

[…all “democratic” governments are now businesses stealing from the people.]

Quite accurate observation.

Note however that they seem to be stealing from some people and giving to some other people.

Now, if one takes the time to identify from whom is taken, and to whom (hint, more than one group) is “given,” then much about human nature may be revealed.

Jun 4, 2021 4:07 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

I think if you look into it you will find that global cooling is underway. The claim that humans with their 3.9% contribution to the 0.04% of CO2 in the atmosphere is not credible. It was the really unfathomable claim that humans are causing global warming that lead me to be quickly suspicious of the official Covid narrative. Both are aimed at furthering the totalitarian agenda.
I should add, that there is an environmental disaster in the offing, but it is not caused by using fossil fuels, it is caused by cutting down forests and emitting many other pollutants.

Jun 4, 2021 11:33 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

Onya Mary! Albeit, you might be confusing the issues with facts … 😉

Jun 5, 2021 4:26 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

[I should add, that there is an environmental disaster in the offing, but it is not caused by using fossil fuels, it is caused by cutting down forests…]

For what it is worth:

1) The Earth has net “greened” over that last decade and what.

2) A continent like Europe has more land under forest now than (say) fifty years ago.

3) Where forests are still being net cut down (e.g. Amazon) the rate has slowed (also over the last decade and what).

I myself was raised on farms with much open land and love the environment, but I also need to respect facts less I make mistaken conclusions.

Paul Miazga
Paul Miazga
Jul 6, 2021 9:11 PM
Reply to  suddyan

100% agree. We shouldn’t pollute the earth, poison its waters, foul its air, etc., but the climate change part from burning fossil fuels is complete hogwash. Cheers for your comment!

Jun 4, 2021 5:28 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

Ironically, for decades it’s been perfectly okay for academics to label our modernity as “late capitalism”. Now that we have clearly entered the next phase, I don’t see any of them calling a spade a spade and admitting that it’s Game Over.

Similarly the religious groups who have been shouting “End Times!” for as long as I remember. Now that the End Times are staring us in the face, what do the elders have to say? Nothing. Masks bla bla; get your jab bla bla; return to normal (??).

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jun 4, 2021 6:24 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

Sad that you can see the covid con but you buy the global heating con
Look back at the earlier predictions that have not come true .
The global heating con and the covid con are joined at the hip.
Look at how many used to die from extreme weather events in the past and how few. die now.
It is not covid or global heating that are a threat.
But the changes that are enacted to protect us from the imaginary dangers.

Jun 5, 2021 4:13 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

[… best illustrated by South Africa (and now India), whose leaders, the ANC (an organisation that sadly I used to work for)…]

My sympathies. That organisation is also known as African National Corruption by quite a number of people.

For an interesting read, consider the book “Gangster State.”

Paul Miazga
Paul Miazga
Jul 6, 2021 9:09 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

The “threat” of climate change/global warming is just that: a threat. It is also a propaganda construct used to get people to think that we need to stop driving cars, stop travelling, stop doing the things that put us in touch with others and give us freedom that, until recently, allowed us to rub shoulders with all the global elite in every corner of the planet. Can’t have that, though. Check out RealClimateScience.com to understand more about how the whole climate change thing is smoke and mirrors and a lot of sleight of hand.

Jun 3, 2021 7:09 PM

Their new means of rule is a health dictatorship based on infection regimes that can be activated at any time. Today Covid-19, tomorrow rhinoviruses, the day after tomorrow perhaps malaria or a “biological warfare” attack.

The never-ending “War on Terror” has morphed into “War on Covid” since March 2020.

Propaganda can only take hold in a shallow, uncritical, compliant mind, immersed in a puddle of shallow, uncritical, compliant minds.

The think tanks and PR firms were on the nose this time. They knew acquiescence, combined with hypochondria (this describes the majority of modern academia) were both at their climax levels to launch their destructive plan- without a single bullet.

They learned a lot from their mistakes in 2009 with the swine flu vaccine rollout fiasco. They refined their strategy by keeping a tighter control of the narrative through the media and exerting more psychological and physical manipulation with signs, “influencers”, distancing, restrictions, masks. They bought off most of the politicians and scientific advisers.

What is actually happening, once you get past the cartoon caricature of the Killer Virus from Venus, is the controlled demolition of a system that was already collapsing to be rebuilt by the same billionaire psychopaths that caused the collapse but with much less freedom and more control via technocratic governance and forced self regulation via a social credit system that penalizes non adherence to good citizenship.

It’s all supported by The Science™, NHS, CDC, WHO, GAVI, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The World Economic Forum circa 2020.

This is directed against humanity as a whole.

We are getting a real time lesson from the Ministry of Truth.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth.”

George Orwell, “1984”

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”

H.L. Mencken

Jun 3, 2021 7:30 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Look at today’s corporate world. It’s one big, non-stop round of applause for ‘diversity’, ‘men are evil’, migration, climate change, Africa, LGBT.

The corporation used to tell people what to do. Now it tells them what to say, think and believe. And of course, the 9-to-9 crowd just rolls with it.

Jun 4, 2021 5:56 AM
Reply to  Dayne

They’ve been trained since birth to accept it all.

Jun 5, 2021 4:30 PM
Reply to  Dayne

[The corporation used to tell people what to do. Now it tells them what to say, think and believe.]

The corporations got it from academia, which has been churning out “criticial theorists” for at least two decades.

In short, the corporations have been surreptitiously attacked by placing propagandised “diversity” believers in them (especially the human resources departments).

Jun 3, 2021 10:37 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

Excellent points! We try to expand on some here. > https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/22

Jun 3, 2021 10:41 PM
Reply to  Maxwell

I agree with all you’ve said, Maxwell, except this bit … “a social credit system that penalizes non adherence to good citizenship.” I’d like to change the last two words to “their rules”.

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jun 4, 2021 3:42 AM
Reply to  Kika

A social credit system is a good start. The alternative is a monetary credit system which is how the West has benn operating for many years. Just look at its leaders.

Jun 5, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

[A social credit system is a good start. The alternative is a monetary credit system which is how the West has benn operating for many years. Just look at its leaders.]

So, according to you the “monetary credit system” caused the leaders?

I suggest that it is more likely the other way around. The “leaders” love power. Yes, money can to various extents be weaponised by power-loving leaders to control and project power, but at least it usually still allows some freedom for the ordinary citizen in the street.

On the other hand, if the power-loving “leaders” get to control the “social credit system,” there will be NO place to hide for the ordinary citizen in the street.

And you think that is a better system? Seriously? Have you really, deeply, thought about this?

I propose that your kind of thinking is at the root of all totalitarianisms, be they fascist or communist or syndicalist.

When I read your comments I fear for my life and freedoms. And you sound “well-intentioned” enough to make me fear even more.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” – C. S. Lewis.

Geoffrey Skoll
Geoffrey Skoll
Jun 4, 2021 3:40 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

I’m with Mencken.

Jun 5, 2021 4:43 PM
Reply to  Geoffrey Skoll

[I’m with Mencken.]

Not if you think a “social credit system” is a good start away from a “monetary credit system.”

As I suggested elsewhere, I suspect your heart is in the right place. I have serious doubts about your “solutions” however.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 4, 2021 9:20 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

The never-ending “War on Terror” has morphed into “War on Covid” since March 2020.

Covid is the natural culmination of Western fear-destabilising propaganda. As such, I reckon the notion of a pandemic has been “on the back burner” as a last resort for a very long time now. I reckon the rulers – who were certainly never “incompetent” – may have had this “final solution” in their minds all the way back to the end of WW2 where the new Western empire was being formulated.

The most fundamental problem for the rulers was how to keep a newly affluent and protected society on their toes with constant unease which would stop them getting too uppity. Thus: the Cold War, the “natural group evil of the mass mind”, visions of societal breakdown, the War on Drugs, the War on Terror etc. – and not forgetting the constant emphasis on how certain races/ religions/ cultures are being discriminated against, ditto forms of sexuality (which can be invented and re-invented) etc.    
And the fact that consumer capitalism depends on constantly manufacturing new desires comes in handy here too by constantly creating new demographics, new outlooks etc.  

no more lies
no more lies
Jun 3, 2021 6:24 PM

“…Nazi death camps…”

I stopped reading after that. It’s huge lies such as that which enable the continued use of huge lies such as this alleged pandemic.

History is just a pack of lies agreed upon…

They who control the present control the past; they who control the past control the future…

Jun 3, 2021 6:37 PM
Reply to  no more lies

And, as long as we stop reading, they will continue to get away with it.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 3, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  no more lies

The author refers to what scholars have said. Do you think that the experience of persecuted ethno-religious minorities under Nazi rule was a cake walk then, something milder than our recent lockdown experience, and all the rest is lies? No one I am aware of, not even diehard revisionist Nazi-apologists, claim that the liquidation of Jewish ghettos didn’t happen and that Jews weren’t transported to camps. Whether to ‘work’ (as revisionists claim) or be exterminated, what bearing does that have on this article, when guards in such facilities were brainwashed into thinking their fellow men were less than human, less than animal? Please, try not to have knee-jerk responses to these things. Thank you. A2

Jun 4, 2021 7:11 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Thank you, Sam. Normally I just skip posts by Nazi apologists like No More Truth. However, you did your job by refuting it:

“not even diehard revisionist Nazi-apologists, claim that the liquidation of Jewish ghettos didn’t happen and that Jews weren’t transported to camps.”

I know some Jews who had family liquidated by Aktionen but survived by escaping from the ghetto; and I used to know some Jews who carried a camp number tattooed on the left arm. One was the pianist Natalya Karpf. She survived by playing Chopin to the Kommandant, who was a music lover. She told me he used to call his dog Mensch and his prisoners Hund.

no more lies
no more lies
Jun 4, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Bought and paid for scholars. Those who are telling the truth are often persecuted, you ought to know this.

For the remainder, see my reply to NickM.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 4, 2021 4:09 PM
Reply to  no more lies

Revisionism linked with crypto-fascist Nazi sympathising is hateful and breaks our Comment Policy.

Try to express yourself in a neutral, unemotional way, as an academic might, without letting a racist tone creep into your writing.

I’m referring to your ‘white Christians…forced to slaughter each other’ remark, etc. Are you going for walking cliche? A2

Brian Sides
Brian Sides
Jun 4, 2021 6:46 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

There are many parts of the holocaust story that are true and some parts that are false. The biggest lie about ‘The Holocaust’ is the word ‘The’ that proceeds it.
Trying to say there has only been one Holocaust when we know there have been many. Some get less publicity than others. Some would rather look at the Nazi crimes than look at there own crimes. My own late mother worked in a factory making bombs. In life she would not harm anyone. But who was maimed or killed by the bombs she helped to make. I live in a country that has a shameful history past and present.

Jun 7, 2021 1:24 PM
Reply to  Brian Sides

“The biggest lie about ‘The Holocaust’ is the word ‘The’ that proceeds it.”

Precisely. Between 20 to 50 million lives were consumed in the holocaust of WW2. To call the number of Jewish dead “The” holocaust is not so much a Lie as a pushy attempt to claim championship in the Victimhood Stakes.

Paul Miazga
Paul Miazga
Jul 6, 2021 9:16 PM
Reply to  no more lies

Forced labour camps – not deliberately death camps. And certainly no gas chambers except to de-louse clothing. Anyone who cares to contradict this should first watch the video made by David Cole back in around 1992 or so during his tour of Auschwitz and his talk with then camp Superintendent Franciszek Piper. Cole and David Irving have both produced considerable evidence to thoroughly disprove the ridiculous notion that the Germans wasted money and fuel gassing and then incinerating millions. They machine gunned them into massive pits all across Eastern Europe, but gas chambers? Pure fantasy.

Jun 3, 2021 5:09 PM

I believe one reason it works out so well that COVID killed off so many older people is memory. Absent dementia, older people have longer memories and can remember things the system would rather have forgotten.

Just one example: I remember when seat belts became mandatory in the US. It wasn’t to save lives. It was to save profits. Congress was about to mandate air bags – which would, at the time, have cost auto makes a lot. So Congress agreed that if a certain number of (US) states enacted seat belt legislation, air bags would not be required.

Truly a well-oiled system!

Jun 3, 2021 5:09 PM

The Big C Means that it’s Working™ — Moderna


Jun 3, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I see that Denmark has BANNED bitchute.

Jun 4, 2021 2:48 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

Denmark has long had a left leaning parliament (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Denmark#Past_elections) so it is not surprising that the people are now losing their rights. What amazes me is how these left wing authoritarians managed to associate themselves with “worker rights” and the like: these people don’t care at all for workers, they are authoritarians.

The authoritarians – made up of the “left wing” and “fascists” – just can’t help themselves from going along with the authoritarian ideas of Covid people control. Locking people up, forcing them to play “mask” fancy dress every day, stopping them from flying to see their family, stopping them from going to funerals, stopping them from practicing their religion: this is the true “left wing” for you, the ones that care about “Palestinian rights”.

Remember: Every new law removes one of your freedoms, unless it is one of those very, very rare laws that reverses an earlier law.

Jun 4, 2021 5:57 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

That’s because Denmark is so free.

Jun 4, 2021 7:15 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

“There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark” — and Scandiwegia generally. I’ve been saying that for the past 10-20 years. Ever since Sweden disgraced itself over LeakyWicks.

Paul Miazga
Paul Miazga
Jul 6, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  Barovsky


Jun 3, 2021 5:03 PM

Mentioning ‘The lottery’, lucky Californian Covid jabbees are eligible for massive prizes (10 x $1.5 million + tens of thousands of smaller ones) just for rolling up their sleeves.

One of the topics discussed by Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen in a programme mostly about corporate control of the narrative.

Human slug Michael Gove makes an appearance to dismiss Covid passports while the government is spending £21 million on printing them out. (although calling them certificates not passports will fool everyone mmm)


George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 4:02 PM

Covid already transmuted into an “event for the ages”:


One Sarah Ives who teaches anthropology at the City College of San Francisco demonstrates that now familiar art of prophecy when she tells us,

“Whenever the pandemic officially ends, it will leave traces that will linger well into the future. As archaeologists know, even events in the deep past—long over and largely forgotten—continue to haunt the present.”

And she goes on to compare Event Covid with the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79:

“In November 2020, as cases of COVID-19 surged across much of the world, two new bodies were recovered in one of the ancient villas destroyed by a shower of pumice stones, ash, and lapilli.

I wonder what archaeologists will find when they unearth the strange world of 2020–2021, a world upended not by a volcano but by disasters of a decidedly more human ilk. I picture them carefully sifting through the remnants in the geologic layer: discarded masks, testing swabs, and sanitizer bottles; toxic ash from wildfires and pieces of homes torn apart by a barrage of hurricanes and ice storms; caution tape from shuttered schools; records of the riot at the Capitol and unarmed Black people gunned down by the police.”

Did you see what she did there? We are projected onto a world historic stage of immense proportions – all going back 2,000 years. Then she introduces the paraphernalia of covid: “discarded masks, testing swabs, and sanitizer bottles”. Well I suppose blessed with such (media sanctioned?) prophetic powers, she can easily see a couple of millennia into the future. But then bathos strikes as we seamlessly veer into that “riot at the Capitol”. There are any number of war atrocities from the last century which deservedly linger on in the collective mind. But here we have that pantomime at the Capitol projected, by implication, two thousand years into the future? 

Still, this little quip may be considered a lapse in rhetoric as we’re soon back to the great plague:

“How will archaeologists describe the millions of bodies felled by this pandemic? Will they find the clotted blood or the detritus of ravaged lung cells? Will they measure the enzymes of struggling livers or take note of the kidneys that failed? Will they be able to observe the disproportionate death rates of Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people? Or will these details be lost as the flesh returns to the earth, leaving only bones and dust behind?”

Again note what she is doing: further emphasising all the covid horror memes by projecting them onto this vast epochal screen. And of course, that little nod to current liberal concerns and whipped up phony outrage about ethnic favouritism.
Thus, another eye-catching aggrandizement of the current propaganda requirements of the rulers.

Jun 3, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I think you’re missing the point of this archeologist’s “phony outrage about ethnic favouritism.” The three groups she specifies – “Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people” – just happen to be the most vaccine hesitant.

My take on their inclusion in her trope is that we must all work ever so much harder to get these poor unfortunates vaccinated before they are exterminated from history altogether.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 8:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

And these “vaccine hesitant” ungrates who are screaming “Fuck off!” have easily been turned into “criminally deprived” victims!

(And that noise you hear is Orwell’s grave exploding!)

dr death
dr death
Jun 3, 2021 4:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

ha ha, the modern ‘academic’, not all, but many are nothing more than snivelling narrative builders for big finance and it’s herd management schemes.. one could wax lyrical about post- modernism but whilst finding merit fall foul of its own definitions (well it would wouldn’t it ?..)

archeology and anthropology have indeed been most useful to the social engineers, both ahem, ‘disciplines’ filled with hacks and mediocrities, infinitely malleable and flexible interpretations of cooked useless data and bits of old detritus extrapolated out into all manner of fakery and so called ‘academic’ lunacy…

one could view them more as agents of subterfuge, hiding and bending the facts, dismissing uncomfortable truths…

read a copy of ‘nature’ or ‘national geographic’ prole feed dished up via ‘academic’ book cookers, have a good old chuckle and ‘see’ what ‘they’ are up to..

Jun 6, 2021 10:03 PM
Reply to  dr death

you’re the first person I know who’s aware that nat geo is a joke.

Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Jun 3, 2021 5:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

One day, archaeologists, maybe some futurist Time Team, will uncover mounds of discarded face masks. They will puzzle over the significance and come out with their ubiquitous explanation – ‘religious ritual’.

Jun 3, 2021 3:07 PM

For me the most frightening thing about the Mark Miller episode is the state of sheer infantilism that is exposes on our campuses. Mark’s Millers Propaganda course, was seeking to teach critical thinking, and was effectively disrupted by one tweet from a student, that was picked up by the Dean. Our Big Brother Dean, chose not to bring the matter to the tutor to resolve, but instead championed the cause of the student – who god forbid, would have been otherwise challenged to have her critical thinking capacities tested. The confused student who had blindly accepted the need for masks couldn’t deal with this. Instead of acting like an adult, they run to Big Brother, who lavishes them with praise and attention for reporting this devious practice to the authorities. When this level of thought control is happening in a propaganda class, you have to be very worried for the future.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  derridiandave

I presumed that the frightfully offended student was genuine. But since such an effect can result from such a pathetic whine will no doubt be very interesting indeed to our thought police who can employ this move as an update of Orwell’s “child spies”.

Jun 3, 2021 4:59 PM
Reply to  derridiandave

I suspect (and have read suggestions of elsewhere) the student was a set-up to begin with. Which hits home even harder the true horror of what happened. Namely, our rabid, insane notion that if even so much as one person is offended by something, it must be immediately curtailed.

Of course, I rather doubt if someone being offended by the COVID horror porn would result in removing the offending thing from the TV.

Jun 3, 2021 7:01 PM
Reply to  derridiandave

The apocalypse of academia is the result of the CULT of “wokeism” or “social justice activism” with “critical race theory” (CRT) its unintentional stunningly ironic racist centerpiece.

This toxic mix of pseudo-intellectual extremist dogmas – CRT, identity politics, postmodernism, cultural relativism, radical “feminism” (misandrism), intersectionality (cult of victimhood) – has given rise to one of the most virulent , anti-intellectual and most authoritarian ideologies the world has ever known.
The point of this CRT/SJW radicalized ideology ?

  • Destroy all potential defenses to the neo-feudal fascist global cabal’s ascension to absolute power.
  • Destroy/divide/divert/atomize/weaponize the population on many fronts – gender, race, age, superficial political ideology etc., reality itself (see the Covid phenomenon)
  • Destroy any conception of the value of state/nationhood or classic democratic values such as free speech and legal equality.
  • . Destroy the nuclear family. Parental rights have now been abrogated regarding consent of minors to damaging “gender affirming” surgeries and vaccination. More to come. 
  • Create a population of neutered cultural and intellectual agoraphobes afraid to express the slightest “microagression” (aka free speech, dissent, debate and critical analysis).

The future GloboCap citizen’s “mind” will be a true “blank slate” (unlike the fictitious and absurd natal one promulgated by the acolytes of the above dogmas) upon which any script may be scrawled by (guess who).

Are they successful ? So far, lookin’ good:
Gender Identity: Can a 5’9, White Guy Be a 6’5, Chinese Woman? – YouTube

Jun 3, 2021 2:43 PM

By Order of the New World; all citizens will hail Global Corporate Fascism by collectively clapping at prescribed times.

Jun 3, 2021 7:00 PM
Reply to  Manjushri

Or maybe, Bow towards Seattle and praise Jeff five times a day?

Jun 3, 2021 2:10 PM

Moderna has applied to legitimize the experimental gene therapy

Moderna Looking To Licence Covid Vaccine: “Rolling Submission of BIOLOGICS License Application (BLA) with U.S. FDA for the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine”
Interesting little tidbits within this article for investors about the vaccine concerning pregnant women, nursing women, interchangeability of vaccines and only for over 18.
Unlike what the governments are okaying…

Yes, it’s investment news (making money!)

   Available data on Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.

Data are not available to assess the effects of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine on the breastfed infant or on milk production/excretion.

   There are no data available on the interchangeability of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine with other COVID-19 vaccines to complete the vaccination series. Individuals who have received one dose of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine should receive a second dose of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine to complete the vaccination series.

Ken Garoo
Ken Garoo
Jun 3, 2021 5:21 PM
Reply to  Penny

Pfizer CEO sees the covid ‘vaccine’ as a ‘reliable revenue stream’ much like sheep dip is for veterinary suppliers.

I do wonder if the ‘vaccine’ will be ‘efficacious’ for all coronavirus infections? If so, we will finally have a common cold ‘vaccine’. The economy destroyed for the sake of the common cold!

Jun 3, 2021 6:11 PM
Reply to  Ken Garoo

Excellent point considering the CEO of Pfizer is actually a veterinarian.

Lets try it this way:

It’s illegal for the head of Pfizer to practise medicine on human beings.


Jun 3, 2021 8:41 PM
Reply to  Penny

People do not realize that as soon as Pfizer and Moderna jabs are fully approved state of emergency declared because there supposedly is a pandemic with nothing to threat with or vaccinate with will automatically end making immediately AZN and J&J jabbing stop.

that is why proven effective cheap antiviral drugs are not being fully approved so other useless COVID drugs can make money to bigPharma.

What could happen is that those two jabs may be fully approved for “original strain” but new EUA will be issued for allegedly new, in the fall most prevalent, strains as escaping supposedly jab induced immunity. In other words FDA may approve something irrelevant in order to pandemic emergency to continue.

Paul Miazga
Paul Miazga
Jul 6, 2021 9:27 PM
Reply to  Penny

Recently in the NEJM was a study by about 30 contributing authors that put forward data about the numbers of spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) involving women between 6-20 weeks pregnancy. They tried to hide some of their findings in the numbers by using questionable if not outright misleading arithmetic. Turns out 82% of such women who’d gotten at least one jab (about 107/125 or something like that) had seen their pregnancy terminated. That’s fucked up. “Insufficient data” my arse.

Jun 3, 2021 1:57 PM

Data Data Data
Must be emailed or sent by June 23 earlier
make your choice nhs for further Intel on not having your medical data shared 
type 2 opt out information held at nhs digital
email = name / nhs number to 

[email protected]
ask then to email back as proof evidence it  has been done 

my colleague waited 2 hours on hold to be told you could email then
you also have to get a type 1 opt out for your doctors surgury as well.


Jun 3, 2021 1:48 PM

The electronic noose tightens everyday while the people are distracted & divided. It will all be linked together w/constant surveillance, medical tyranny, digital currency & social credits. There will be NO PLACE TO HIDE. It will be a political prison .legalman

Amazon US customers have one week to opt out of mass wireless sharing

Jun 3, 2021 1:13 PM

Related to the article, Peter McCullough says 90% of fellow doctors have shown cowardice or the inability to think and act independently.

Groupthink is only part of it. Operation Covid has succeeded because of choreographed fear, created by politicians, bureaucrats, intel assets in the media and intel operatives on the ground.

  • Fear stoked by exaggerated accounts of a “deadly virus” and an unnecessary focus on protecting doctors and nurses.
  • Official obstruction, actively hindering early, preventive care — regardless of the illness.
  • NIH mass trial of HCQ derailed by fraudulent Lancet study.
  • HCQ sabotaged – Canada’s largest supplier murdered, arson at Taiwanese producer, burning of pharmacy stocks in Africa.
  • Doctors dissuaded from treating patients at home.
  • Doctors threatened with withdrawal of medical licence for prescribing HCQ – a drug almost as old as Aspirin.

You know the rest.

Dr Peter McCullough on the “Op”.


Jun 3, 2021 2:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

They’re heroically confronting their past of white patriarchy though:


The Rockefeller past of the AMA however is something they can’t quite admit.

Jun 3, 2021 2:12 PM
Reply to  Edwige

You are aware that “whites” have been mistreated and experimented on, right? And in fact it is occurring as we live and breath at this moment.

The focus of all this needs to remain on this being a class war- those that presupposes themselves to be superior to all they deem inferior
Anything else is a distraction to the real problem

Jun 3, 2021 2:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

We are over a year into this “live exercise” (as Mike Pompeo accidentally revealed it to be).

If this is a “deadly virus”, why is there still no advice to people about what to do if you catch it — other than nuclear warnings like “shelter in place”, until you take the jab that doesn’t help?

Dr Peter McCullough continues:

  • There is a playbook to suppress anything other than vaccines.
  • Pregnant women were excluded from the trials. We never before put a biologically active substance into a pregnant woman. Yet the moment the jabs were out, the CDC and media said vaccinate, vaccinate.
  • This medical malfeasance will go down in history: why is there no early treatment; why are there no safety updates as vaccination progresses?
  • Doctors promoting early treatment were banned from YT and social media, who only allow the advice of the CDC, NIH & FDA which is: do nothing.
  • There is a global suppression of early treatment. The powers that want to suppress treatment, and cause as much fear, hospitalisation, suffering and death as possible, are not by happenstance. These are powerful forces that have doctors terrified that they will lose their livelihoods.
  • There is something in the vaccine. If it was just to get you on a database it could be harmless but people are frightened it’s going to kill them.
  • Already in SE Asia they are pinning you down and giving a mandatory jab. That’s how bad the stakeholders want it.
  • Indiscriminate vaccination is a horrendous bioweapon that’s been thrust onto the public.
  • A narrow-spectrum vaccine is setting the world up for a super bug. Injecting the whole world is the last thing we should do. It’s like giving everyone a narrow-spectrum antibiotic. Then they’ll be exposed to a rampant bug that will kill by the million.
Jun 3, 2021 4:21 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I recall Mike Pompeo mentioning ‘the race to deploy 5G’ during the argument about equipment suppliers. What race? Why the urgency? What actually is the business case for 5G? Why should a NATO military communications system be deployed in the public domain? Shame there is no open debate about this elephant in the room.

Jun 3, 2021 7:27 PM
Reply to  Manjushri

Digital currency and latest addition to the Internet of things – the human being.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 3, 2021 1:01 PM

Really meaty article Daniel, thank you.
So many who have sold their souls, and who, in reality, serve power, as your example of Mark Dery shows; or who, through their slavish obedience and blind trust in Govts and Health Officials many tens of millions right across the World show, who help perpetuate the Kafkaesque nightmare we have been going through the last 14 months.
The deafening silence of so many.
Yesterday here in Melbourne it was announced QR codes would be mandatory in all shops including supermarkets, with immediate effect. I must admit I allowed fear and trepidation to get the better of me for a while yesterday after I first found out about the codes.
My initial thought was ‘what the hell am I going to eat’? then that I’d have to resort to online shopping.
Today, I just went: ‘feck it, screw this crap’, caught the bus to the next suburb, went to a well known German supermarket, walked round maskless, got food and left. Not once did anyone question me about being maskless, and not only that, no check in and no scanning of a code. No one even asked.
Went to two more shops and no one said a word, though in the last shop the guy said something about checking my phone, tho his Eftpos machine was playing up, so I pulled out my 12 year old Nokia and said “sorry, this is my phone”. Completed my purchase with cash and left. Noted just one other person in that entire shopping strip without a mask on.
So, perhaps my fear then could be described as False Evidence Appearing Real? This video may’ve been posted here before but the quote at the start by Albert Camus is really pertinent for all of us.

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Jun 3, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Excellent report, Gezzah

Jun 3, 2021 1:23 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I only have fond memories of Melbourne from many years ago during my studies. Friends, now retired, relay some of the details signifying fascism. They say that most people are still just reeling, in a state of shock and disbelief, that a modern, state-of-the-art civilization has descended into such a nightmare. Sustained incredulity has given birth to inaction in so many.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 3, 2021 1:46 PM
Reply to  dannyb

It’s so surreal here now Danny. I walk around the streets and it’s just masks and unquestioning compliance everywhere. I sit on my back porch and in the street there’ll be one person walking past, no one else in sight, yet they’re wearing a mask. Fear of being fined? Fear of what others think?
I moved here from Adelaide 4 years ago, and there are days I kick myself for moving, however this agenda, viz The Great Reset and the grotesque Internet of Things is a global agenda, and unless its somehow stopped, it won’t really matter what city or town you’re in.

Jun 3, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Still holding onto hope that the human beings will awaken and end the madness.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 3, 2021 3:58 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

All free here in Sa

Jun 3, 2021 4:03 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Went for a walk with my sister in a neighbourhood forest yesterday where we passed people both masked and unmasked, friendly and paranoid.

Then we passed one double masked woman who stepped off the trail about well.. 6 feet… and stood FACING AWAY from us into the woods, waiting (we assumed) for us to pass.

We rolled our eyes at each other and went on and shortly came upon a group of three, two women and a handicapped young man. All were masked but as they drew close to us one of the woman clamped an extra mask she was holding in her hand over the already masked face of the young man and then holding it in place with her right hand she pushed him along with her left hand on his upper back as they shuffled by us in kind of a creepy half-obscene huddle.

That was a new one…

Jun 3, 2021 4:11 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

It’s like those old Hammer Horror movies from the 1950s.
A stranger walks into a tavern in a Cornish village…
The lively atmosphere at once disappears and a turgid silence, full of suspicion, reigns…

“It’s one of them ‘thinkers’ “, whispers a slightly drunk customer to the bartender…

That’s what our current ‘authorities’ think of us, and if they don’t, then that’s what they want to make out of us.

We’d be stark, raving mad to let them get away with it.

Jun 3, 2021 6:21 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Indeed it was like a horror movie

Jun 4, 2021 1:56 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

I think of those movies every time I see a group of masked-up people – even in a photo.

Jun 3, 2021 8:20 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

My elderly mother opened her door today to find “the friendly nurse” from her gp practice there, he said he had one jab remaining and could give it her now!! She is not due her second until early July and was shocked and said no. She is now rethinking the second. My mum is vulnerable ,makes my blood boil

Jun 4, 2021 2:34 AM
Reply to  Sams

Jesus. IMO that’s harassment, stalking and attempted assault.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 4, 2021 12:15 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

It’s like being trapped in Zombie Apocalypse 1984 and They Live all at the same time. The mass psychosis that has taken over the Planet.
And the level of abject obedience…

Jun 4, 2021 2:36 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You said it Gezzah.

Staggering. Just staggering.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jun 4, 2021 2:08 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

And there are those who believe we need greater democracy….

Does anyone really think the average person is capable of directing us anywhere but into an iceberg?

As we are seeing – the hordes are both stupid — and easily lead along the garden path.

They are basically – incompetent.

Paul Miazga
Paul Miazga
Jul 6, 2021 9:31 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie


May Hem
May Hem
Jun 3, 2021 10:54 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Seems that you can still sign in on a piece of paper if you don’t have a mobile phone. Assume you can use false name, etc. unless they check your identity. But shops/businesses don’t want to lose customers, so the QR code signing in rule may not work for long in Victoria, or they may keep it but not regulate it much.

If they succeed in bringing in cashless, then using your crredit card will ensure your movements and purchases are tracked and recorded. Perhaps this will not happen.

I suggest stocking up on food, start bartering/swapping, keep making contacts with allies, grow food if you can, etc, etc.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 3, 2021 11:39 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Hi May, after yesterday’s experience, and also noting other shops that I went past, I get the strong impression that the small, family owned businesses won’t enforce the QR code, and the 3 shops I went into yesterday, no one asked me to leave my name on a bit of paper. Coles, Woolies and other big retailers like Kmart will enforce it.
They usually have a security guard or staff standing at the entrance.
I did see a couple of fruit and veg shops with large signs at the entrance:
‘No mask No entry’. Yeah, will try and use cashless all the time from now on.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jun 4, 2021 2:15 AM
Reply to  May Hem

You can do a fake sign in … just point your phone and pretend to comply…

Given the massive numbers of false positives… one does not want to be caught in the drag net and dropped into a prison cell for two weeks.

And for those who feel ethically challenged consider the fact that ‘they’ know the PCR tests are rubbish – and they are using them to purposely drive up infection numbers – then using those numbers to lock people down and frighten them…. a fake sign in is a reasonable response.

Shall we call this a Fal-si (False sign in)


Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jun 4, 2021 2:05 AM
Reply to  dannyb

Consider the likes of Ardern and Trudeau – extreme snowflakes – are completely on board with this (along with every other leader on the planet).

What do they fear so much that would get them on board for this…..

Jun 4, 2021 4:06 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Perhaps they were carefully screened and selected (not elected) for their leadership positions having been groomed for this purpose years before?

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jun 4, 2021 4:16 AM
Reply to  Kika

Logistically it would be a problem to screen and select every single leader on the planet no?

Because I am unaware of a single leader who is not on board with the injections…

Then there is the MSM and social media — dancing to the same tune.

Then there are all the opposition politicians in ‘democratic’ nations — not seeing much in the way of pushback from them.

The only way you can get just about everybody on board for such a ‘sinister’ plan… is if it is not sinister at all.

You show them what happens when oil peaks … let them have a peak at the Beast that is behind the curtain …. And I guarantee you — they’d quickly sign up for a plan that involves compassionate extinction … denying the Beast his feast.

How disappointed will the Beast be when civilization unravels… and all he finds are 8B dead and dying carcasses….

I bet he’ll roar and beat his chest in frustration hahaha.

Jun 4, 2021 4:39 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

In Trudeau’s case, I think he fears being exposed. I believe he is controlled by blackmail. He has an unsavoury past.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jun 4, 2021 1:06 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

And the leaders of 200+ other countries?

And the opposition politicians?

And the MSM?

Jun 4, 2021 6:37 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

Same with Boris Johnson.

Paul Miazga
Paul Miazga
Jul 6, 2021 9:33 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

Trudeau’s dad isn’t even who he says it was. There is more than credible evidence that his dad is actually Fidel. Look it up – the resemblances are uncanny.

Paul Miazga
Paul Miazga
Jul 6, 2021 9:31 PM
Reply to  dannyb

Australia is truly nightmarish and has been for the entire plandemic. A friend from Melbourne refuses to go back because he doesn’t feel they’ll ever be allowed to leave again… for any reason.

Jun 3, 2021 1:49 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks for that link Gezzah. It’s not so easy to stay fully awake when somebody is reading so dispassionately from a script, but the content is exceptionally well chosen, and there are many truly inspiring quotes to try and learn by heart.

This gets right to the core of individualism vs. collectivism, and it greatly simplifies the task of knowing which is which…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 3, 2021 2:02 PM
Reply to  wardropper

It’s a really great series, very indepth and intelligent considering how short most of the videos are… which is a good thing when one relies on prepaid phone data to watch them!
I haven’t even watched the pre covid ones yet either.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 3, 2021 3:58 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

And today we find out they were false positives yesterday

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 4:32 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hi Gezzah, crucial update from the WSW on current covid fighting in Melbourne. Despite the govt announcing “a week-long extension of a lockdown in Melbourne … it significantly eased a number of restrictions in a bid to placate mounting demands from the corporate elite for an end to safety measures that obstruct profit-making activities”. Bastards!

“Notwithstanding the relatively low numbers, Merlino and Victoria’s chief health officer reiterated earlier warnings that the so-called Kappa variant, which originated in India, was circulating more rapidly than previous iterations of COVID-19, the source of earlier outbreaks.”

Kappa variant? Shouldn’t that be “Crappa”? Anyway “notwithstanding” is important i.e. fuck the low figures! There are other considerations to boost the fear. Like

“… the current outbreak had seen a greater number of infections linked to casual and fleeting contacts in public spaces, whereas most cases last year were linked to prolonged exposure in workplaces and homes.”

Watch out for all casual and fleeting contacts!

But the horror goes on!

“Now, however, year 11 and 12 high school students are set to resume face-to-face classes. Under conditions where the virus is still circulating in Melbourne, this directive has no public health justification.

“In regional Victoria, the lockdown will be ended altogether from midnight this evening. Victorian authorities have cited the absence of active local cases in the regions as justification for this. However, a number of infected individuals left Melbourne while they were contagious, resulting in exposure sites being identified in major centres, such as Bendigo, and at outlets on heavily-used roads like the Hume Highway.”

We know they left while infected because of new covid sensitive drones!

“Health Minister Martin Folley, moreover, reported yesterday that sewage testing had resulted in the “unexpected discovery” of COVID-19 traces in Bendigo and the Mornington Peninsula, indicating likely community transmission.”

“Sewage testing”? Hang on …. consultation on net with google:

“While there is no evidence to date about survival of the COVID-19 virus in water or sewage, the virus is likely to become inactivated significantly faster than non-enveloped human enteric viruses with known waterborne transmission (such as adenoviruses, norovirus, rotavirus and hepatitis A).”

“No evidence” and “the virus is likely to become inactivated significantly faster …” etc. Well – that’s good, isn’t it? Not according to the WSW!

“… the so-called “ring of steel” approach, in which Melbourne’s border closure is enforced by police road blocks, has been rejected. Instead, compliance is being foisted on regional businesses, which will supposedly need to check IDs to ensure that patrons are not from Melbourne. Given the exemptions, however, the scheme amounts to an honour system that could easily be circumvented.”

The WSW wants enforced enclosure and road blocks imposed strictly and surely!

And the verdict?

“ …. they are recklessly lifting key restrictions to appease the corporate and financial elite.”

So be happy in the knowledge that the WSW is gerrymandering the info to force you to fuck off forever into a little cell!

Jun 4, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes, the WSW is the gift that keeps on giving.
Not the least fascinating aspect of their behaviour is that they implicitly want the (bourgeois!) police to have powers that will make martial law look like anarchy, in the name of controlling the virus. Not necessarily what you might expect from the sons and daughters of Leon.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 3, 2021 12:42 PM

Just been listening to UK/Column – excellent website. Some of those listeners wrote in describing the impact that the dreaded ‘virus’ it is having. The media is now in a high gear that would have put the Nazis to shame. Concentration camps for the refuseniks got many endorsements from the brain-dead sheepocracy. They are all apparently waiting for a Shangri La.which will traspire when everyone has been jabbed – multiple times – and all those nasty refusniks are rounded up and everything in the garden will be rosy. I hate to disabuse them but life after covid is going a pretty miserable affair. Forget about having a job, having no medical cover (all the money has gone on Covid), forget about your savings ,that’s all been inflated away. Your children will have a lovely time growing up in your brave new world.

We will have – already in development – a social and political structure without opposition – opposition will be banned of course. Societies without opposition tend to have short life expectancy. Given that I am now a septuagenarian I don’t care too much. But I do feel sorry for the younger people who are going to have to face the horror.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 12:13 PM

The most potent weapon in the covid promotion scheme is silence! By which I mean the utter silencing of all alternate views cf. the strange absence of any discussion of covid scepticism even with an expected QAnonisation procedure. Indeed, such demonisation is a highly risky matter. Consider that there must surely be a sizable population who are, at the very least, starting to become suspicious. Now if the mainstream – or the “Left” – were to really to go into a full-scale witch hunt against covid sceptics, it would run the risk of waking too many people up to the psy-op taking place.

And, to borrow an expression from an old Manfred Mann’s Earthband album, this Roaring Silence is everywhere on the media – especially the “Left” media – and I no longer see any point in differentiating between the two. And although this shows up the power of that media, it also betokens a weakness. Covid scepticism must be ignored. The media is effectively sticking its vast fingers in its miniscule ears and screaming, “La La La!”

Jun 3, 2021 11:55 AM

Dear Friends, it certainly looks like the “new normal” referred to in the article is now with us at least in the politico-legal context.

The Independent has reported that Miscarriages of justice under coronavirus laws are now ‘going unchallenged’ as court hearings are bypassed. This situation would not happen in a Common Law jurisdiction in a Common Law Court which the perpetrators of the scamdemic and corporate fascist agenda have usurped.

As it turns out hundreds have now been charged and prosecuted under the Health Protection Regulations and Coronavirus Act 2020 which is ‘legal’ but UNLAWFUL if people charged don’t give their CONSENT. In other words, people are being conned and tricked into situations where their consent is given and joinder is made with the police.

There are other reasons too that I can’t go into here but the cases are being processed under an unlawful system known as the ‘Single Justice Procedure’ where one magistrate in his place of business decides the outcome of a case based solely on the evidence supplied by the police.

Small wonder why the Crown 👑 Prosecution Service (CPS) reviewed all 1,800 cases that were heard in open court between March 2020 and March 2021 – the number has now risen to at least 2000 and maybe even higher.

The CPS found that all charges under the Coronavirus Act and one in five under the Health Protection Regulations were WRONG!

If people are being convicted without trial for Lockdowm Breaches on police ‘evidence’ only, it amounts to an aspect of corporate fascism since the magistrates, Courts and the police are all CORPORATIONS (business companies listed on Dun and Bradsteet) serving a corporate fascist agenda!

Jun 3, 2021 12:49 PM
Reply to  -CO

See this is what I’m really interested in. The unwitting consent. Any recommend reading or links?

Jun 3, 2021 4:09 PM
Reply to  Ooink

Hi Ooink, search The Common Law Court website there’s an excellent interview on Cl with John Smith. He also has other enlightening videos on YouTube. See also “It’s an Illusion” video by the late John Harris – a great man. These should get you started.

Jun 3, 2021 4:54 PM
Reply to  Ooink

The Government’s response to covid-19: human rights implications of long lockdown

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
Jun 3, 2021 1:04 PM
Reply to  -CO

Someone who is apparently a barrister has a YouTube channel where he clarifies various points of English law. Here he talks about the fines imposed for supposed breaches of the CV regs:

and here he talks about the possibility of mandatory stabbings:

Jun 3, 2021 1:24 PM
Reply to  Simon Dutton

We don’t need a barrister right now.
We need the patient’s family to say to the anaesthetist, “Enough!”.

Jun 3, 2021 4:55 PM
Reply to  Simon Dutton

I notice that in both videos no mention is made at all regarding common law -the Law of the Land.

Only statutory regulations and Acts of Parliament are mentioned which only become law by CONSENT OF WE THE PEOPLE. Have you given your consent to the schedule of massive Covid fines in the first video? I’ll bet most of you have NOT. They may be ‘legal’ under statute law but not under common law without your consent.

He also speaks of trial in an ‘open court’ which is not a common law court(CLC) it’s a corporation and a place of business.

In a CLC covered by the people there is no judge or magistrate just a jury who decides innocence or guilt on the evidence presented. Also, expert witnesses can be called and the public is also present as well as technical, scientific and other advisors etc if necessary.

Solicitors are ‘regulated’ by the Law Society and barristers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board and they are all CORPORATIONS including including the ‘regulating bodies’!

Jun 3, 2021 11:54 AM

Who doesn’t want their children to be taught “happiness” by Skull ‘n’ Bonesmen?


As road-tested in China… the school just happened to be No.19. It seems the main idea is that poor children think too much about money. Genius!

Do pupils have to bring their own coffins to lessons?

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 11:50 AM

The “strange bedfellows” accusation is so familiar to me now. It comes as part of that corralling of covid scepticism into the “Right Wing, reactionary, white supremacist” etc. camp. The first time I heard of this ideological squeezing mechanism was via Philip Roddis making an approving remark about openDemocracy’s John Smith which introduced me to the whole psy-op. Because that is indeed what it is. And it has proven to be devastatingly potent. I can feel the pull myself: “Don’t align yourself with those reactionary forces! Stay with us real dialectical materialists!” In fact, the sentiment being put across here is implicit since this “Left” simulacrum works through a kind of haughty absence.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jun 3, 2021 10:53 AM

The author obviously means the nazi work camps. I say obviously, because if one does their research before goggle wipe all truth from their servers, one will find that people in the camps only started to die en masse after the allied forces bombed all the railways and cut supplies of everything to everywhere.
The ordinary German public also suffered the consequences of that, as did those interned.

Jun 3, 2021 11:10 AM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

When an author begins by waffling on about ‘death camps’, I am on red alert for what will come next. ‘The lies of Ulysses’, penned by a survivor (Can you believe it?) of not one but two ‘death’ camps, including Buchenwald, does rather lay waste to the notion of the Holycost. Paul Rassinier the author’s name.

Jun 3, 2021 4:00 PM
Reply to  watt

Yes, they were labor camps not death camps.This is the central mistake of the standard story. Might it not be said what we are being put through now is a version of the ‘holocaust’ with all the exaggerated numbers, the faux pity and sorrow, etc. Someone speculated they might stop this psy-op when we reach the sacred 6 million dead number. We are now at about 3.5 million (official numbers) so have another year to go?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 3, 2021 4:33 PM
Reply to  Patrick

Whether you are a revisionist or not, there is no doubt that lots of disabled people, Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and other marginalised groups were killed, and lots of very real, very gruesome and harrowing atrocities took place. Whether simply rounded up into ghettos and camps, deported east, a good number dying of typhus/starvation/exhaustion and having their watches and rings reprocessed back into the German economy; or whether they were systematically wiped out in a fully coordinated Holocaust masterminded from the top down by Hitler himself, does it make all that much difference, in real terms, in this comment thread right now? In some ways, the blind accident of the former would be far more chaotic and scary, and might explain attempts to outlaw people saying ‘the Nazis weren’t so bad’ in subsequent years. If covid has taught us anything, humanity is a fickle, unpredictable, unhinged, psychotic creature that’ll turn on itself in an instant. It wouldn’t be hard to justify attempting to muzzle such a beast, whether or not one agrees or disagrees. A2

Jun 3, 2021 4:49 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Yes it matters and if you don’t like revisionism on this site, stop constantly posting articles which gain leverage from a criminally inaccurate version of history. I suppose you are one of the freedumb fighters who think Nuremberg 2.0 is what we need. Let’s see if we can bring Stalin back from the dead to appoint the judges shall we?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 3, 2021 6:11 PM
Reply to  Elrin

Scholars have speculated that Shirley Jackson’s timeless story The Lottery (1948) was a contemplation of and attempt to make sense of the ghastly forms of rationalization at work in Nazi death camps uncovered during the postwar Nuremberg trials.

This piece does not do anything of the sort, it merely states scholars have speculated as such.

No one contests that detestable, dehumanising camps and ghettos existed and that many Jews died there. I fail to see what is criminally inaccurate. There are revisionists who seek to deny their was a deliberate holocaust, but they do not deny that many, many Jews and ethnic minorities were treated like animals and died horrific deaths. I fail to see as much distinction as nazi-apologists like to claim. A2

Jun 3, 2021 9:14 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Eugenics was mainstream science back then. Its all about context and motive. If Hitler thought he was saving the German people from the coming red terror then considering he has been made out to be the epitome of pure evil by a tsunami of allied propaganda then perhaps an apology is appropriate. The point is that continually bolstering the idea that the Nazis were the oppressors hell bent on world domination and the allies saved us from tyranny, you are simply perpetuating a naive and comfortable headspace that we have all been placed in by the real oppressors. Now, in 2021 the oppressive regime which has been steadily deceiving us for eighty years into believing we are free is flexing its tyrannical muscles. You say that what the Nazis did was fucked up which it certainly was but but where is the mention for the even more fucked up things which happened under Allied command? It seems to me that Soviet atrocities were carried out as a matter of routine with orders coming down from the top. Hitler on the other hand, made attempts to rise above the horrific tactics employed by his enemies. He took some pride in remaining human in the face of inhumanity. The renovation of the Auschwitz labour camp intended to reduce the death rate within the camp is testament to that. The Polish Dues who make up the bulk of the deaths that actually happened were not intended to be murdered as you seem to suggest is probable. They were killed when the assault on the eastern front stalled and they were considered to be too dangerous tactically as they were being held in the east. The intention was to simply remove them from Europe. This was a time of war so it isn’t really surprising they rounded up their those sharing ethnicity with their enemies who resided on their territory. The USA did exactly the same with the Japanese although they never felt the need to murder them but they were not fighting a land war on their soil.

Its literally half of the articles on here that bring up the Nazis in order to draw parallels with what is happening today. The reason I take issue with it is because its those who won the war who control us today and we have been continually propagandised to venerate the Allied powers, largely ignoring the much more devastating and premeditated atrocities implemented by them. Meanwhile, we have been fed a steady stream of pure bullshit about gas coming out of shower heads and we have all been traumatised as children by images of bulldozers working on piles of emaciated corpses. “Nazis = bad” is seemingly the primary belief that our much venerated mind controllers want us all to agree on given the last hundred years of holocaust propaganda (yes that’s a hundred years since the 1920’s) so why is this site, that purports to go against the mainstream and offer alternative views so we can all learn how and what to resist in order to slow this attempt to enslave the planet completely, still insist on towing the line and ramming the Nazis down our throats every other article?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 3, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  Elrin

The point is that continually bolstering the idea that the Nazis were the oppressors hell bent on world domination

I do not believe the majority of our content does this at all. The fanaticism of the Nazi fascist movement, combined with the levels of state propaganda, together with the persecution of minorities, which has been echoed in other fascist movements around the world, makes it a fitting study when analysing the seeds of fascism. There is no doubt that Jews and minorities were treated as sub human under the Nazis, and attempting to brush over this is to appear to condone it.

Claiming that such things as euthanasia must be viewed in context merely invites comparison with adjacent countries, and whether they euthanised people on such a scale in the 1930/40s.

Whataboutism to one side, while atrocities were committed by both sides (Dresden etc.) they were not right, nor do they cancel each other out.

Off-g does not support crypto-fascist attempts to downplay Nazism. We consider this to be an incitement of hate, and it breaks our Comment Policy. The dehumanisation of innocent people perpetrated by the Nazi party cannot be condoned or overlooked. Any attempt at revisionism can only ever be conducted with unbiased discipline, as a dispassionate, objective historian. It is NOT acceptable for ham-fisted, soft-Nazi commentators to use it as a means to ‘out the joos’.

This is the end of this discussion, since you have abused our comment policy far enough in your last post. That’s enough, A2.

Jun 4, 2021 11:08 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I appreciate the reply, thank you. I realise my sentiments are not entirely refined and you make some good points. My main request to the admin of this site is stop going on about the Nazis and these tricky discussions will not arise.

Jun 4, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  Elrin

Just to support Admin here, OffG does not “go on about the Nazis”.
The Nazis simply existed, just as bubonic plague still exists.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jun 3, 2021 5:12 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

David Irving has stated that he could find no orders signed by Hitler himself for systematic extermination in the camps. I think he may have offered some money for anyone who could produce such a document.
David should know, as he has spent a lifetime sifting through military archives.
He never got taken up on his challenge but smeared by organisations with deep pockets and shallow minds.

There were plenty of nazi atrocities which happened further east, done by the more callous and brainwashed regime commanders.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 3, 2021 6:02 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Good that you mention Irving. He subscribes to the view that the Reinhard death camps did exterminate many Jews, but that this was perpetrated by Hitler’s subordinates. Hitler himself, says Irving, preferred to defer dealing with the ‘Jewish problem’ until after he’d won the war. Supposing this is so, what would his preferred method have been? Similar to how he dealt with disabled children? How many Jews would have perished in camps, waiting for his decision? We will never know. Please, don’t cherry pick to give a misleading impression. The systematic persecution and dehumanisation of innocent people by the Nazis was fucked up. Let’s all agree on that, shall we? A2

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jun 4, 2021 12:52 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

One could get an idea from what Hitler was planning next with the ‘jewish problem’ when the nazi party started financing those jews in Germany who couldn’t afford the fare to move to isreal with their families and all their possessions.
I am of the mind that the atrocities were perpetrated by Hitler’s subordinates. Hitler may not even have known it was going on. Some of his subordinates were plotting his assassination, which suggests they had their own agendas in mind.

One thing is for sure, we need the whole sorry mess to be cleared up once and for all. Basing future decisions on a false past history is a fools game. The German people were left with all the blame and guilt for starting the war and yet it was Roosevelt and Churchill who wanted it also.

If we are to be honest and true to all those who perished because of the war, we should at least get the facts right and stop perpetuating the myth.

Paul Miazga
Paul Miazga
Jul 6, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

To me, the talk about death vs. work camps is very germane in this discussion: as Orwell said, “Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past… .” If we don’t question the official narrative of the past, how can we agree on what the narrative of the present is? If we don’t question everything, no matter how unsavoury, we risk having the official narrative be dictated to us, with all the consequences that entails.

Jun 3, 2021 6:22 PM
Reply to  Patrick

‘Someone speculated they might stop this psy-op when we reach the sacred 6
million dead number. We are now at about 3.5 million (official numbers)
so have another year to go?’

This thought also crossed my mind.
I’ve always tried to stay away or not be very interested in the numerology stuff, but the organisations (whoever they are)controlling the big picture are very much interested in numbers, whether the numbers are actually true or not does not matter to them.It’s more important or enough for them/TPTB, that people really truly believe the numbers.

Jun 3, 2021 8:42 PM
Reply to  Patrick

Not, they were just extermination camps, read If This is a Man by Primo Levi. https://archive.org/details/primo_levi_if_this_is_a_man

Jun 3, 2021 3:57 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

Auschwitz was a work of camp of the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company, on whose board sat Prescott Bush. It also produced rubber for IG Farben-Standard Oil New Jersey (Rockefeller)… And much more which is only seeping out….

Clearly historians have been more concerned to hide history than to shine a light on it. We are all paying the price. An honest accounting for who did what would have saved us from a repeat.

Although prior to 9/11 the Bush family was standoffish towards Israel, you’d still expect to have seen greater pushback from The Lobby if Auschwitz had been everything they say it was.

On the other hand, maybe 9/11 atoned for everything.

Jun 3, 2021 11:54 PM
Reply to  Peter Jennings

References to the horrors of Cheka, it’s successors, the gulags and Tianenmen square are prominent by their absence on this site.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jun 4, 2021 12:54 PM
Reply to  Peter

I’m sure this site will get around to those in time.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 10:15 AM

Recently a work colleague of views generally classed a “Right wing” was ranting about the “woke Left”. At one time I would have gotten into an argument with him about how this “Left” wasn’t the “real Left”. (And how sad that I should now have to put scare quotes around “real Left”!) But in the pre-covid days, many (seemingly) reliable Left sites would also deconstruct this “woke” crap. The WSW was one such. And in those “good old days”, the lines of demarcation were relatively clear. That presented a Left I could believe in – even though I wasn’t happy about the conspiracy phobia.

But since Event Covid started, it feels as if there has been some weird implosion – or more like the sudden cessation of an entire channel. The entire structure seemingly has disappeared and now we have a “Left” which either whores up the covid scaremongering or just completely ignores the entire matter. But the single most disturbing thing about this “Left” is the apparently unanimous denunciation of all covid sceptics under various labels – the tried and trusted demons of the Left: The Right, The Extreme Right, Libertarians, white supremacists etc. The one consistency is the all-pervasive sneer of “conspiracy theorists”, once merely irritating but now utterly suffocating. You may refer to this intensification of conspiracy phobia along with the customary demonology as the “QAnonisation” of covid scepticism.

Once the pattern had set in and I came to understand the strategy, I started to expect a huge upsurge in this QAnonisation but, month after month going on for a year, there has been nothing much interfering with the simple assertion of the MSM covid narrative which is identical to the “Left” narrative.

But there are some “Left” sites who go in for this QAnonisation, rummaging around those areas of the public who are usually more “politically savvy” from a Left perspective. After all, this is the demographic that needs watching! These “Left Watchdog” sites include openDemocracy, Bylinetimes, and something called the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right (CARR). (I think the title of the last named is a total giveaway. At one time I would have taken that lot at face value but now I get suspicious when I see mention of the “Radical Right”.)

Along with this QAnonisation comes the nomenclature of “denialism” which is an indication of a new inquisitional fanaticism in which certain matters (covid, 9/11, the Bosnian genocide) are taken to be cases where the official account is an undeniable Truth and so the word “denialist” performs the function that “heretic” used to perform. In a jaw dropping case of Orwellian reversal, the accusation of fanatics is projected onto the sceptics!

Although these “Left” demonisation or QAnonisation sites may seem separate from the mainstream, they are part of the same operation. One manoeuvre in common across all these groups and extending into the MSM is the favourable quoting of the Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) who are a McCarthyite smear factory, dishing out the label “hate group” on the basis of the most arbitrary criteria. A list of sites who quote the SPLC as an authority include: CARR, Bylinetimes, the WSW … and Wikipedia.

Now it is tempting to talk of the “betrayal” of this “Left” but, with hindsight, it is clear that this “Left” were phony all along. And this fits in with a few other matters which now become clearer. Consider the career of one Nafeez Ahmed. He was probably the first to produce a book querying the official account of 9/11 (The War on Freedom). He continued with other books which seemed impressive. (And he introduced me to GG Preparata, so I’ll give him that!)

But then I started to notice some oddities. His webpage proudly boasted of his connections to various establishment organisation – including the military. He also wrote a book, The London Bombings (referring to the attack on 7/7/05) in which a large number of pages were blanked out because they had been redacted – not an unusual matter for such a book – but why leave the blank pages in unless you were trying to make it look as if you were “getting dangerously close to the truth”?

And he indulged in that compulsive self-castration so prevalent on the Left of denouncing the word “conspiracy”. This denunciation led to full flaming confrontations with commenters. And when Phil Greaves noted Ahmed’s continuing insistence on “blowback” (which takes terror attacks at face value) he came right out and called Ahmed a “ruling class lackey”.

Conclusion: Ahmed is a spook and has been so from the start. That he was the “first on the scene” with querying 9/11 is no coincidence. He was there to install the most subtle form of gatekeeping.

But the clash between Ahmed and his commenters points up another sad matter: that the commenters below websites are often (indeed usually) more radical than the websites themselves. There is a reason for this.

If you are a regular person on the street, you are free to make any observations you want. And thanks to the net, you can put them on public display. The fact that you can also do this anonymously is always taken as an invitation to bullying or whatever – but this anonymity does indeed serve a valuable purposes because, let’s face it, such is the nature of our non-democracy, that you cannot just say things out loud without fear for your career.

But the moment you become a “working commenter”, you not only reveal yourself publicly, but you start to get paid. And once that happens, you must say the right things. And the more you are paid, and consequently the more publicity you get, the more pressure there is on you to keep to the party line.

Such is the nature of the world around us as revealed by covid. Covid is certainly a new manoeuvre but what it reveals in terms of basic institutions does not signify a structural change at all but only what has been there all along.

And there are only two classes: the rulers and us. And the rulers rule through money. And the only ones who are even likely to tell the truth are the ones who do not do it for a living!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 3, 2021 11:02 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Maybe it is time to ditch the Right-Center-Left paradigm. View those grouplets as Langley-Land (co-intelpro type) operations/fronts. Their references to Trotsky, Lenin, Marx/Engels aside, it is all part of the act (cover), when one deals with them one is dealing with J. Edgar Hoover.”

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 11:17 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I should have pointed out that this Nafeez Ahmed has become one of the most vociferous covid whoremongers and denouncers of “covid denial”. His “speciality” is in tracing the “Right Wing” funding behind such “sceptical” sites as Lockdown Sceptics (LS) which is the brainchild of Conservative Toby Young.

Examination of this Ahmed/ Young “confrontation “reveals the psy-op at work: Lockdown Sceptics – as its title suggest – isn’t a covid sceptical site but a lockdown sceptical site i.e. it implies an acceptance of the official account of covid, that covid is indeed this deadly pandemic rampaging through etc., but queries government policy on it. It serves the same function as the “blowback and stand down” theory re: 9/11.

Predictably, actual covid scepticism only appears on LS in the underlying comments.

Thus, between LS and Ahmed’s “brave burrowing” we have a typical phony fight between entirely controlled wings of the mainstream.

Ahmed also contributes to Bylinetimes, a website which, with revealing verbosity (i.e. squirming with fountains of verbal diarrhea to cover a patently bullshit argument), gave us the covid-as-revolution saga: that after decades of hated neoliberalism, “we the people” through those blazing protest groups like Occupy and XR, finally forced the governments to fall to their knees in desperate penance for the evil they did and attempt to redeem themselves by sticking it to the corporations and saving the people from covid etc.

It is indeed a rich tapestry of excrement – swirling in all shades and densities and spreading as far as the eye can see.   

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jun 3, 2021 12:18 PM
Reply to  George Mc

So many phony fights, George. They’re sickening. The way these agents seduce people into jumping up and down at the secondary level of propaganda talking points drives me absolutely nuts. No doubt I fell for it myself (although quite honestly I’m not sure I ever really did even when I was completely clueless) but now that I’m awake to it I find it so annoying.

Jun 3, 2021 2:49 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Toby Young is in on it, a total shill, Ahmed is just trying to make him look credible.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 3, 2021 12:03 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes! Nafeez Ahmed is a ruling class lackey George, as is pretty much everyone from the fake pseudo left. And all of them are right on board with the covid cult hysteria.
There’s another one (similar to Ahmed) on Medium who, reading between the lines, was almost calling for “covid deniers” to be lynched. He was the main reason I deleted Medium.
A more accurate name for these creatures is Liberal… or better yet, Social Democrats rather than Left. And we know from history the betrayal of social democrats, aye.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 12:51 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I have also ditched the Left/Right paradigm. I read comments from some who get the old Marxist hackles rising with me but then I realise that to pull up such arguments now would be sophistical and irrelevant. It isn’t that I find Marx to be “obsolete” which was one of the most prevalent criticisms of him. It’s that much of the exploitation he analysed so astutely has now undergone such mutations that it’s increasing difficult to apply “classical Marxism” to the current situation. And in any case, this is perhaps counterproductive since the ever watchful and inventive ruling class has assimilated so much of what Marxism was and has indeed turned this Marxism into a tool for division and domination.

But again and again and again – it’s the Roaring Silence that gets me. Covid terrorism is fine. You’ll hear that till the end of time. But anyone who even ventures a little “Hey – wait a minute!” is soon crushed below an apparent utter indifference. So, increasing attacks on the public purse, on public services, on increasingly totalitarian police measures is just overlooked. It isn’t happening at all. And if it so happens that somebody points it out, it is dismissed with an accusation of “govt incompetence” and “capitalist callousness” etc. The logic of lockdown and restraint is never queried. Thus the reason for restriction is never questioned!

Imagine we’re back in the centre of the 20th Century, Hitler is advancing across Europe …and nobody even bothers to mention it!

But then talking about Hitler brings up so many other questions. Let’s face it: “News” is only what the rulers want you to ear. I now thoroughly accept that Hitler and the Nazis were a set up – though admittedly it didn’t take much for me to accept that. World War 2 – like so many (all?) conflicts – could have been averted but the rulers had no intention of averting it. After all, they created it. Versailles was a con and the prelude to the show. But that very statement itself goes against the Left dogma and lapses into what they would call “conspiracy theory”.

So here we are with the mighty covid. The dreary terror rap on the media is what the rulers want you to hear. It’s what the “Left” want you to hear too. So, they’re all in it together. What they don’t want you to hear i.e. what they muffle in the Roaring Silence, is critique!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 3, 2021 1:31 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I nearly posted the latest Colin Todhunter article just then, but realised it will probably be posted here anyway. He actually touches on what you just said, especially regarding the covid coup scamdemic.
Regards the Nafeez Ahmeds and WSWS’s and Counter Puff’s of the world, they’ve proven over and over who they really are, and whose side they’re really on. What more needs to be said about them? Yep, they’re all in it together.
What philosophical bent do we apply to the current situation George, except to call it out for what it is: a monstrous and truly evil crime against humanity.
I don’t really know how else to describe it? At this point, many of us are just trying to hold on tight and not get caught up in the stampede of lemmings throwing themselves off the cliff. Hah… I just said that above: “the deafening silence of so many”.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

What philosophical bent do we apply to the current situation George, except to call it out for what it is

I think the insistence on some explicitly formulated “philosophical bent” has been one of the most debilitating parts of the scam.

And it’s an insistence which obviously applies to our wonderfully self-congratulating academic loungers. And no wonder! You can go on forever with it!

Stop and formulate your “philosophy”! But what does that mean? It means you must now come up with a catch-all scheme to encompass everything! Who could ever be so arrogant to attempt that? Nobody, I suspect. Because it’s not a real project. It’s all about stalling! And writing wonderful essays!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 4, 2021 9:26 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“A catch all scheme to encompass everything”? How about: Absolute Bullshit. Short and sweet.
By the way, the guy who was the main reason for me deleting Medium is the odious Umair Haque.
He seems to have a complete obsession with Trump and basically terms anti lockdown activists as a regressive neo fascist movement full of, er, Trumptards. A total Tony Blair clone.
While in lockdown, I actually don’t mind reading wonderful essays and thought provoking videos. Went out again today, went into another 3 shops like yesterday, and again no scanning the QR code, no facemask, and no one said a word. I have heard on the grapevine (Facebook) that some shop owners have started telling unmasked customers that the next time they come in, they must wear a facemask, and did spot several shops today with signs at the entrance saying:
‘No mask. No entry’.
Will try and muddle thru and wing it as much as possible. Have a good day.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 3, 2021 4:48 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

“Kicking down doors and forcefully injecting people against their wills with toxic substances, that is something from Nazi Germany (and Joseph Mengele) not Eugene Debs.What a gang of slimy unprincipled jackbooted corporate fascist fabian eugenicist brown shirted charlatan frauds. They have no shame.”

Big B
Big B
Jun 3, 2021 6:11 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hi Gezzah

You can trace the philosophical bent to Plato. If you saw my comment the other day: Deleuze called the standard structure of philosophy the “Image of Thought”; or Idea – Copy – Simulacra (Eide – Eikones – Phantasmata.) You can also trace dialectics back to the same source. Dialectics is binary opposition – crudely: thesis and antithesis – but how do you judge the synthesis? How can you tell the Sophist from the Statesman?

You need a standard: and the Idea or the Form of the Good is the ideal standard that illuminates the discourse of reason (the analogies of the Sun, the Divided Stick, the Cave, etc.)

So the ideal set of standards – of Justice, Courage, Beauty, (collectively the Transcendentalia) etc – ensure there can be no rhetorical inveigler or sophisticate fooling us. So where are the standards? A very good question no one can answer: except by intuition, reminiscence, or “anamnesis” of the soul-mind.

This is the standard or canonical form of the Philosophical Method (Peripatetic Dialectics or syllogistic argumentation) – that becomes the Scientific Method later. All philosophy is as a series of footnotes to this Platonised Image of Thought. And that is still current.

How is it still current? The basic Platonised structure of thinking is also the standard structure of speaking and writing. That is: the Image of Thought – Idea – Copy – Copy of Copy; etc – is also the Picture Theory of language. Identified erroneously by Wittgenstein as the “Augustinian Picture Theory.” Which is, beyond doubt, the theory of language everyone uses. Literally: there is no alternative.

The Picture Theory can be imputed in the Spinozan maxim “the order (grammar) and connection (logic) of the thought (eikones) is the order (grammar) and connection (logic) of the things (phantasmata – copies).” Which points back to the origin, source, model or Ideas (rationes aeternae) which are….?

No Idea. Being both a Platonist and a Christian: Augustine closed off all access to the now eternal ideas for the “saeculum”; the age of the marriage of faith and reason and the City of God and the City on Earth (civitas terrena.) This separation/connection/tension is pretty much the human condition: the separation of sentience and sapience; body and mind; etc.

You get the whole of propaganda from the ideogenesis of the “libido dominandi” up to and including Nietzsche and Freud (“Will to Power”; “Drive Psychology”.) You get Hegel and Marxian dialectics from the Spinoza quoted. You get Hume and Kant from trying to unify sentience and sapience, empiricism and rationalism. You get rationalism from the scientific mathematisation of Plato ….or Neoplatonics. You get Descartes, radical skepticism, and the individual “subject” from Augustine and the Picture Theory. Propaganda is a series of footnotes to Plato. Or, as I prefer:

“Authoritarianism is in the series of footnotes to Plato.”

Overcoming propagandism is overcoming or overturning Platonism: which was Deleuze’s project he inherited from Nietzsche. It is obviously not a straight line genesis, but the current philosophical bent is more of the same. Since the “death of god” – or before, from the neoplatonics via Augustine – the ideal standards can be said to have been lost. All that is left are “copies of copies without an original” – or the simulacra or precession of the simulacra.

To make these so-called copies (signs) work: we need to pin them to “something immovable”; but we never have. And I’m definitely not the one to point out that all discourse consists of “floating signifiers” without a reference. Anyone who now tries to point out that the Picture Theory ‘paints’ a totally false picture of reality is in for a hard time. Or cancellation. if you have a platform that can be canceled.

Also: that the standard “moral binary” of the dialectics is a given: but the article kinda falls into its own “logic trap.” That is not transgressing but actually following the dialogic or “diabolical dialectic.” By which I mean: following a vague “them v us” logic.

Not only is propaganda “us watching”; it is also “us reading” — the “medium is the message.” Broadly: binarism or oppositional logic is its own cancellation propaganda. To transgress this logic: there needs to be a “Third” ….an understanding of the libido dominandi, will to power, crude dialectics, and an opening of a new space beyond the binary moralisation of oppressor/oppressed; affirmation/negation; good/evil; active/reactive; self/other ….only we never got there. Which by the way is the Golden Mean or the Middle Way.

I realise this is pretty sketchy: but you can see some ideas I had for pinning things down, to thermodynamics etc. It is not easy to do radical philosophy including ecology: because you have to rewrite everything. So far: I’m not sure anyone has even come to terms with the magnitude of the propaganda problem. You certainly cannot point out that the order and logic and grammar of the image of thought itself is the propaganda form.

The irony is huge: Plato introduced the Ideal Forms to negate any falsehoods or rhetorical sophistry. Which became the very form of rhetorical sophistry permanently and propaganda ideal aeternally historically!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 4, 2021 8:19 AM
Reply to  Big B

Good morning B👍 No, I didn’t see your comment the other day… I assumed you had departed these threads for good; as others have in the past 14 – 15 months. Some of whom I actually miss hearing from. One of my traits… I tend to get a bit nostalgic and sentimentalise things.
It’s nice to have you back, although I gotta be upfront with you – philosophy is a very weak point with me; emphasis on the very.
I don’t mean to be crass, but we’re up shit creek with a very small paddle, and the psychopaths are firmly in charge and running the asylum.
The avalanche of propaganda has been mind-boggling, and at the same time, the tidal wave of censorship that would make the Gestapo blush. But then this was always the direction we were heading in anyway, if we were honest with ourselves. The ultimate destination of the whole Neoliberal project.
And now, anyone with a contradictory opinion to the official narrative is squashed. Perhaps my naivety is showing here considering who we’re dealing with, and who is pulling the strings, but I’ve been quite stunned at the level of censorship going on. But then… Facebook, Google, Twitter, et al.
Recently discovered the Academy of Ideas series on YouTube. Really good and meaty (in my opinion) and their latest video was on Nietzsche.
I hear the weather has been lovely and sunny in the UK recently. Enjoy the vista’s of the Downs…

Jun 3, 2021 1:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

There is only one real paradigm and it is the silverback in the tiny house trailer:

The Top versus Bottom paradigm.
Rich versus poor.
Corporatists versus workers.
Neo-liberals versus humanity.

Jun 3, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yes, medium is an establishment outlet. When my criticism of the clinton psychopathic witch of the west was scrubbed from the feed and all my other articles were no longer visible, I deleted my account, too.

It is worth to note that medium is the breeding ground for establishment stooges and peddlers. It is a gaslighting “up yours” manipulation operation. Just like patreon turned out to be. Good riddance to both of them and all the others that serve as misinformation/distraction outlets.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 3, 2021 2:13 PM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

There’s so much we have learned in the past 14 months Not. Smoke and mirrors everywhere. Many, whom we thought were “anti establishment” and a bit “radical” have revealed their true colours. I admit I was taken in by Medium and similar sites for quite a while – my eyes half closed. They’re wide awake now. Hope it’s not too cold today where you are…

Jun 3, 2021 4:20 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I am experiencing the worst mental health crisis of my life. Yesterday I was told to move out, because I have not been able to pay the rent after the death of my father.
Even though I am in the process of applying for re-instatement of my green card (too long out of US – although based on my Aspergers), but am now stuck, as I am not able to figure out how to continue. Every time I am confronted with bureaucracy, my mind stopps working and I experience blackout.
This looks like the end of my rope and me. It is too cold at too high a humidity. My pneumonia is back. Can’t buy my heart medication and that means cardiac arrest risk is elevated now. After the bad news yesterday, I was unable to sleep, plagued by panic/anxiety attacks and severe arrythmia.
My last hope now is to work something out with my lawyer in Hawai’i. She helped me before. If I am not able to get out of here asap, my fate is sealed. Got my will/testament ready and need to print it out. The burden of helplessness is devastating. I can build the greatest things with my hands, but am totally incapacitated dealing with authority.

On top of it all is this demonic deception that is also perpetrated by all public offices. People with mental health issues are totally defenseless in the face of this synchronized assault on humanity. Death becomes more and more the only solution to escspe this fascist shitshow. I am now constantly reminded of my family’s experiences from ’33 – ’45.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jun 3, 2021 5:41 PM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

I understand your live in Uruguay; I live in the neighbouring Argentina. If I may be of any help: frbsaid1 at protonmail dot com

Jun 3, 2021 6:12 PM

Thank You so very much for Your kind offer. I will contact You via the provided info. Moments ago I have contacted my lawyer in Hawai’i and asked her for help – since I have such a hard time to get through the bureaucratic jungle of filing for something “online”. Where I stay now, there are a number of Argentinians that own houses for the summer. Piriápolis is the summer residence for a many Argentinians. But in the winter it is more like a frozen over hell. When I moved into this house, I hoped I could be out of here before the winter comes. There is no heating here…

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jun 3, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

I hope you’re finding some ways to keep warm; we’re having a cold winter; yes, a lot of Argentinians spend the summer in Uruguay. As you probably know though, the country is today facing (has always faced) a very hard economic crisis; plus, the nightmare we are all going through should be the perfect storm but as in Uruguay, people here are very obedient; everyone is masked here and there is no organized movement against it. It’s incredible because unlike other countries in the northern hemisphere who have known the “welfare state” with good standard of living, nothing like that here, only corruption; living here has always been a hardship, and nevertheless a lot of compliance and practically no rebellion (as far as Capital Federal is concerned, may be less in the provinces). The country has been long ago sold out to foreign interests.

Jun 3, 2021 9:18 PM

Due to my mental condition, I believed what I was told about Uruguay. It is the one thing I truly regret in my life – that I ever got here. Never have I experienced such obedience, discrimination, so many lies and corruption. That is not to say that I have not met people that are not like that. But they admit it without hesitation that they despise their fellow country men for these reasons. My best friend is 88 years old. She lives a simple life with her animals.

When I realized what a fake Mujica was, everything started to look different. These people don’t know anything about Karma, but they will find out that what goes around, comes around.

Jun 4, 2021 12:31 AM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

I wonder if the fairly recent history of military dictatorships is part of the reason for the obedience of Uruguayans and other Latin Americans. Then again, most of the global population seems extremely obedient, including the majority of people in pseudo-democratic countries in the West.

Not sure if you have seen this, but here is a video from late April of a lawyer from Uruguay discussing the situation in the country with Reiner Fuellmich. It starts almost exactly at the 3 hour mark. Before him was a lawyer from Argentina.


I really hope everything works out for you.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jun 4, 2021 1:26 AM
Reply to  kevin

Thanks for the link. We really need to get things moving around here; people are literally asleep. Whereas in the northern hemisphere people are getting suspicious about the vac…, here people are blaming the Government for not importing enough of them for everybody to get jabbed. They have a blind faith that there is a deadly disease in the air that only can be cured by your know what. Complete madness.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 4, 2021 12:06 AM
Reply to  Nottheonly1

I’m really sorry to hear of your situation Not. Forgive me as I can’t remember all your details, but you’re a German citizen who was living in Hawaii previously before you moved to Uruguay? If you are a German citizen, would it be better (and faster) returning there than waiting on the Green Card? When does your landlord want you to move out by?
I can relate to you when dealing with bureaucracy, my brain just freezes and I can’t think and I try and avoid cult members as much as possible except when I have to sell the mag.
I hope your lawyer can help you get out of there, and I’ve also just seen the really lovely offer made to you by The Coming Revolution in Argentina.
I hope things work out for you🙏✌️

Jun 3, 2021 3:22 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The bottom line of social organization and interaction has never changed since humans first crawled from wherever it was they came: organizations are bad. They cannot be otherwise.

Truth does and cannot reside in groupings of people. The one and only Truth humans need concern themselves with is what used to be the Hippocratic Oath: First Do No Harm. You absolutely, positively cannot go wrong with that.

It’s when people start doing harm that things get bad. And where you find the greatest harm is within groups of people. One lone person does harm at his own peril. A group does harm at its own enrichment.

Jun 3, 2021 10:07 AM

How to push ‘The Great Reset’ without mentioning the term or the WEF, courtesy of the BBC:


Among other crimes, it dismisses Trumpism in typical left-liberal analysis as a purely economic phenomenon caused by “inequality” and insecurity. UBI will be their answer. They cannot and will not admit it is as much a crisis of governance. It also goes out of its way to dismiss Protectionism, the great no-no for globalists which cannot have too many stakes driven through its heart (at least until it reaches the point that it becomes absolutely unthinkable and even mentioning it becomes a thought-crime).

The lack of any serious analysis why certain bodies – from the Bank of England to Unilever – are signing up for “profits-aren’t-everything-save-the-planet” schemes is laughable. We’re meant to think they’re just good guys/gals, I guess. Their track records, which might call into question the sincerity of their good intentions, are just ignored.

The article comes from the Common Foundation. Their insignia just happens to be a thinly-disguised all-seeing eye pyramid.

Jun 3, 2021 11:01 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The BBC doesn’t do journalism at the top level. Sure there are local journalists and nationally some bigwigs are given free rein to do analysis — but when it comes to The News, it is not just driven but actually decided behind the scenes.

I know this from personal experience, long ago, while working on the Today Programme and having had a father who was a diplomat. Our experience was rather similar. He discovered that you don’t go to a country, make contacts and report back to Whitehall what’s going on; nor do you simply represent British interests and companies. Rather Whitehall will tell its operatives how that country is going to change.

Similarly the BBC does not report what’s going on and simply put a British spin on it. Rather the BBC will reflect those same Whitehall interests that are nudging respective countries towards change.

The FCO leaks recently revealed that BBC and Reuters, where I also worked, are actively involved in regime change, identifying and training the opposition and setting up opposition media. See The Grayzone and Vanessa Beeley.

I once seriously pissed off the head of the World Service, reminding him that the Foreign Office pays the bills. That is unsayable at the BBC for it undermines the fiction of editorial independence and it shows who pulls the strings.

I have practical examples of news decisions to back up my claims. When the Ceaușescus were in trouble (for verily I am no spring chicken), and their opponents had taken the media outlets, I told the editor of Today that local reports suggested the Ceaușescus would be gone in 24 hours (as indeed they were, rather dramatically, in a hail of machine gun fire). He responded not with interest but anger. I suspect he was waiting for the Foreign Office to tell him what to report or, at least, to indicate what line to take.

That is the BBC.

Today it’s worse because there’s more at stake. Chatham House and the Rockefeller syndicate are more powerful than Whitehall… And that’s where marching orders are coming from.

Jun 3, 2021 11:45 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

If the BBC had been honest about its role as a state broadcaster it might be more independent today and better able to withstand the many forces that succeed in buying its favours, from Bill & Melinda to the EU and others.

Jun 3, 2021 11:56 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Was that John Tusa? I was working at the BBC at the time.

Jun 3, 2021 2:10 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

‘Blue Peter’ was the beginning of the end.

That is when the tradition of speaking to older children as if they were toddlers gradually leaked into the rest of the BBC’s output, leading to a tradition of speaking to fully adult human beings as if they were five years old.

Thanks to various staged ’emergencies’, we now have an even more advanced stage of this ghastly mental illness, which is currently characterized by speaking to intelligent, experienced and well-educated human beings as if they were idiots.

After that, there is nowhere left to go.

Jun 3, 2021 4:22 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

It was Bob Jobbins, who was director of news for the World Service.

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
Jun 3, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Excellent comment, if I may say so. The World Service was described to me as ‘a nest of vipers’. One small point: the FCO stopped funding it in 2014. Now it’s paid for from the licence fee.

Anyone still paying these reptiles has blood on his hands.

Jun 3, 2021 2:01 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“The BBC doesn’t do journalism at the top level”

Now that’s an understatement for the books… 🙂

Today’s BBC does journalism in the 27th basement level toilet – if that.

The serious public-consciousness-rotting shenanigans we are now living with began with ITV and the novel experience of people being able to see ADVERTISEMENTS at home on their own TVs. I still remember the excitement of many people at that time, although my father abominated ads from the outset.

The BBC of course was far too sublime an organization to sink to such levels (the licence fee supported this expensive moral standpoint) – at first
But now it is all the same. Advertising, direct or indirect, is behind everything we see on TV today, and, being entirely materially based, it is identical to propaganda.

Jun 3, 2021 12:37 PM
Reply to  Edwige

‘The article comes from the Common Foundation. Their insignia just happens to be a thinly-disguised all-seeing eye pyramid.’

‘Common Purpose’ organisation looks a bit dodgy too.I wonder if they are related.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 1:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

“profits-aren’t-everything-save-the-planet” pretty much sums up the article – and is no doubt the reason why the Left seem to be getting excited by it all.

So, we get a lot about the failures of capitalism and isn’t it sweet to know that

“Economies cannot become completely divorced from the demands of democratic majorities who seek jobs, affordable housing, education, healthcare and a clean environment.”

Which raises the question: Did anyone suggest that economies should be completely divorced from the demands of democratic majorities? Yes, I know this is what the ruling class aims for but there is an oddly blasé feeling about the wording here – as if our author was indeed considering such a thing
It’s interesting to note the one mention of covid:

“In recent years, capitalism’s shortcomings have become ever-more apparent. Prioritising short-term profits for individuals has sometimes meant that the long-term well-being of society and the environment has lost out – especially as the world has faced the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change.”

Especially as the world has faced two somewhat debatable matters! And I’m sick of giving the benefit of the doubt. Covid is a hyped up piece of crap. Thus anyone who factors it in as that predictable Leftist “proof” that capitalism is at an end is someone who loses credibility.

This looks pretty candid to me:

“In sum, it may be time to reconsider the social contract for capitalism, so that it becomes more inclusive of a broader set of interests beyond individual rights and liberties. This is not impossible. Capitalism has evolved before, and if it is to continue into the longer-term future, it can evolve again.”

This is, as it were, the small print. We are to surrender our individual rights and liberties for the sake of that nebulous “broader set of interests”.

This reminds me of a quote which I can’t seem to find on the net:

“Anyone who talks about how we must all make sacrifices has no intention of making sacrifices.”  

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 2:07 PM
Reply to  Edwige

“Common Foundation” – the very name suggests that smiley face Big Family Of All People that is now wafting down from the aether everywhere.

Look at what its blurb says:

“We serve the non-profit and philanthropic interests of external clients including individuals, families, companies, foundations, philanthropists, and social and environmental entrepreneurs. We offer fiscal sponsorship for non-profit projects, donor advised funds, conduct philanthropic advising, set up scholarship programs, conduct legacy research and development, develop non-profit strategies, and we offer a full suite of consultative services for people, planet, and peace.”

There isn’t a single of word of that which doesn’t make my flesh crawl. And note: “Philanthropy” and “non-profit” mentioned three times each! Also note “social and environmental entrepreneurs” – what the fuck is that?

All of which is part of this new global strategic change speak cf. these phrases from fellow “green saviour of mankind” Nafeez Ahmed’s blurb:

“… a range of innovative organisations seeking to generate social change … a strategy and communications consultant …attempting to adapt to rapid global transformations. …our biggest global challenges through systems approaches …the world’s most pressing global challenges. …independent think-tank for interdisciplinary analysis of global crises …”

And sample this encapsulation of the whole scam project:

“Nafeez’s passion is to undertake deep, interdisciplinary research into the systems and structures that impact our lives, along with the potential to change them for the better …”

“Change for the better”! There’s the key! Which – for anyone actually paying attention – has been the capitalist con from day one. Your life is shit! You must accept this change! And once you accept it, it will be shit too! So you must accept this other change!

Etc etc etc

Translated: The normal mode of parasitical acquisition can no longer proceed. So we must have a fundamental alteration to keep the vampirism going!

Jun 3, 2021 9:53 AM

Faux chee has an appointment with a bus so it would appear, the foi emails have certainly started to stir some of the media in the US

Get popcorn its going to get interesting


Jun 3, 2021 2:13 PM
Reply to  magumba

I hope you’re right, but more typical would be Foxy simply lying low for a few years, then emerging again with the same story, and an even higher salary…

Jun 3, 2021 9:51 AM

New article by Mike Whitney

NoVaxx Rebellion: Resist, Refuse, Reject


It’s very hard to look back on the events of the last 15 months and not suspect that there is more to this Covid story than meets the eye; that while the infection does, in fact, kill mostly older people with multiple underlying conditions, that, perhaps, the virus has been used to promote a political agenda of which we know very little. Even so, there are things of which we can be reasonably certain, such as, that all of the fear-mongering and hysteria has been suspiciously manipulated to promote universal vaccination. That seems fairly obvious. In fact, managers of this Covid operation have stated quite openly that their goal is to inoculate “all 7 billion people” on planet earth. Wow. There’s not a lot of gray-area in that comment, is there?
And, if that’s the case, we can safely assume that much of the hysteria was exaggerated to achieve the stated goal. It’s a pretty simple formula really: “Scare the hell out of everyone and then stampede them towards the vaccination depots.” At least, that appears to be the operating theory. And, I’m certainly not alone in feeling that way. There’s also, Dr. Peter McCullough, who is a Doctor of Internal Medicine and a Board-Certified Cardiologist. Here’s how he summed it up in a recent interview on Rumble:

“I think this whole pandemic, from the beginning, was about the vaccine. All roads lead to the vaccine. There are already places in southeast Asia and Europe where they are laying the groundwork for compulsory vaccination. Compulsory! The means someone pins you to the ground and puts a needle in you. That’s how bad the stakeholders want vaccination.” (16-minute Interview with Dr Peter McCullough, Mercola. )

Repeat: “It’s all about the vaccine.”

Vitor Neilsen
Vitor Neilsen
Jun 3, 2021 10:18 AM
Reply to  Corarden

And you will need to carry evidence of your vaccination status, or face restrictions.

Then, even if this round of vaccines don’t kill everyone, once everyone is getting their thrice yearly “booster” – its pretty easy to deliver the kill shot.

So based on your social credit (or elite scum perceived “value”) you could be INDIVIDUALLY targeted at the next booster session for the kill shot.

Good luck everyone.

Vitor Neilsen
Vitor Neilsen
Jun 3, 2021 10:28 AM
Reply to  Vitor Neilsen

As an aside from this, for dogs sake don’t use the same device (phone, tablet etc.) to post on forums like this and for any government issued “vaccine status”, “location check in”, or “track and trace” app.

Because its very easy to join the 2 things together in a database, just ask palantir.

Its imperative you maintain operation security and plausible deniability.

You are probably going to need at least 2 phones, something you never use to show the authorities and something like a burner phone you actually use.

Jun 3, 2021 10:53 AM
Reply to  Vitor Neilsen

Think I’m already a social debit.

Jun 3, 2021 10:46 AM
Reply to  Corarden

the whole game was also used to create a heap of fictional money and launder it through the various huge funds like blackrock etal..why waste an opportunity

May Hem
May Hem
Jun 3, 2021 10:52 AM
Reply to  Corarden

I think the jab is merely a step to the real goal – digital I.D. This may take the form of a ‘digital wallet’, ie an ‘app’ on your mobile phone, or an internal microchip implant from the jab.

Either way, you’ve become a commodity – tagged, chipped, jabbed, photographed, spied on, data-mined, masked, locked down, tested, monitored and, eventually, disposed of. Control and profit are the ultimate aims, along with a goodly dose of depopulation.

Welcome to the great reset.

Jun 3, 2021 2:16 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Please rephrase that into: “It’s all about the injections.”

Calling it injection might help to wake people up to the fact that the follow up “vaccinations” will be anything but a vaccine. The injections are sold as vaccines, but have no actual potential to either protect from disease, nor to lessen the symptoms of acute respiratory inflammation created by aerosolized toxic substances.

Some people fare better, some don’t. Especially the elderly succumb easier to the toxic loads in the air they breathe. There is no “vaccination” against toxic air pollution. They are selling the spike in deaths here in Uruguay and Argentine as “covid-deaths”, which is an utter lie. The “weather report” says the air quality is “good” – but this is the poor peoples heating season, burning humid wood. Dry wood is too expensive. It constantly smells like forest fires and blue smoke lingers.

Add to that the people that die from the injection and voilá – a new deadly strain is around, requiring tougher controls and more injections.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jun 3, 2021 9:19 AM

It’s terrible what’s happening to Mark, however, it would be better if he woke up to the real truth of this alleged pandemic, namely, that there is no “novel” virus rather than being led astray by the propagandistic talking point of mask efficacy.

So we have Mike Pompeo saying, “We’re in a live exercise here,” followed by Trump saying “You should … you should have let us know.”

Here we have Jacinda saying, “We drum in that messaging around the dangers of covid pretty diligently for a full two-week period of sustained propaganda.”

The YouTuber included the Orwell quote:
“All propaganda is lies even when one is telling the truth.”

(Perhaps I was aware of this quote but I came to the same conclusion independently.)

No way is Jacinda using that term without complete consciousness of the REAL meaning.

As I say ad nauseam, they always tell us the truth … underneath the propaganda.

Register Bob
Register Bob
Jun 3, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

””So we have Mike Pompeo saying, “We’re in a live exercise here,” followed by Trump saying “You should … you should have let us know.””

You people repeat the myth of the ‘innocent trump’. The facilitator who made it possible for the states to impose the worst fascist lock-downs in history, to help his corporate paymasters by destroying small business. Yet you people still protect the enabler. You are suffering from Trump Saviour syndrome.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Jun 4, 2021 1:13 PM
Reply to  Register Bob

Oh God Trump was scripted, he wasn’t being candid. They always tell us the truth underneath the propaganda – so they should have told us the truth or rather they shouldn’t be perpetrating this pandemic exercise upon us … so he’s kind of telling us the truth but as part of the psyop MO.

Jun 3, 2021 12:57 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I’m pretty sure it is a real time, live drill. The whole thing. It’s big time, no fucking around behaviour modification and social engineering. It’s a huge global system stress and efficiency test with agendas coming out of its agendas.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 3, 2021 8:57 AM

The other thing which has occurred to me is the rank stupidity of the PTB, particularly the journalists . I get into the BTL sections in the Guan because they are actually politically and economically illiterate. They haven’t a clue. The economics journalists are like the Bourbons ‘learnt nothing, forgotten nothing.’

Tom P.
Tom P.
Jun 3, 2021 9:14 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Probably that’s part of the plan. The more obvious the illusions and delusions are and people still believe them to be ‘real’ the more the people lose their ‘power’.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 3, 2021 8:51 AM

I think that the use of the dreaded ‘variants’ cannot but have a short shelf-life. People are starting to get fed up with the possibility of an endless succession of ‘variants’, injections, unemployment, and general disruption. A law of ‘diminishing returns’ is bound to set in and the process has started already. This being the case the PTB will crank up the hysteria to higher and higher levels until the message becomes harder to sell. There’s a long-way to go in this particular scenario.

Jun 3, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

or, for that matter, people never get tired of obeying, they get excited about it, it works better than a religion ….

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 3, 2021 11:28 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I feel that the PTB will have factored in as many variables as possible. They will have – and long in advance – have made various projection models. They will have realised that use of the word “variant” is problematic over a long time period. On the other hand, repetition and boredom do have certain advantages as psychological coercion. The sheer regurgitation of a Groundhog Day Covid can be effective in creating the kind of zombie population so well skewered in Shaun of the Dead where the arrival of actual zombies is unnoticed since it seems to be business as usual!

Jun 4, 2021 12:07 AM
Reply to  George Mc