WATCH: Ice Age Farming

Two great channels converge in this installment of #SolutionsWatch

In his newest episode of Solutions Watch, James Corbett talks to Christian Westbrook (aka the Ice Age Farmer) about the problems facing the global food supply — from the coming global solar minimum to the globalist plan to “reset the table” and transform global food systems.

More importantly, they discuss what can be done about these problems.

Links, sources and shownotes can be found here. For more of Ice Age Farmer’s material visit his website.


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Jun 9, 2021 11:53 PM
Jun 10, 2021 1:03 PM
Reply to  Elrin
Jun 10, 2021 1:07 PM
Reply to  Elrin
Jun 10, 2021 7:29 PM


Urgent Report From Doctor Tess Lawrie re Yellow Card-Vaccine Adverse Effect

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 10, 2021 6:55 PM

There are so many things in the New Atlantic charter, to be agreed at the G7 that should make any British person weep with despair. It is a roadmap to the rapid annexation of the UK by the USA. Mirroring, in my opinion, the annexation of Austria by Nazi German in 1938. Most of the Charter is a continuation of the lies about freedom, openness and democracy, all of which the UK and US have long abandoned as inconvenient, but this section below, which outlines what the charters intentions are, should send a chill down everyone’s spine.

It looks like viruses are intended to be a vital part of US & UK plans for the future and maintaining their power over us and the rest of the world. It looks to me like they just promoted Bioweapons to become an official arm of the US & UK military.

To strengthen UK and US efforts to beat the coronavirus pandemic and prevent any future outbreaks, the two leaders are expected to agree to scale up joint work on genomic sequencing and variant assessments. This includes the UK Health Security Agency’s new Centre for Pandemic Preparedness linking up with its US counterpart, the proposed National Center for Epidemic Forecasting and Outbreak Analytics, as part of an integrated global surveillance system.”

Prime Minister and President Biden to agree new Atlantic Charter: 10 June 2021 ‘


Jun 10, 2021 10:46 AM

Regarding the cyber polygon hacker meme… The Colonial Pipeline/JBS meatpacker narrative is dismantled in the comments section of ZH.

They probably were never connected to the Internet in the first place, apart from the accounts department. Infrastructure operations have no need to be. So it’s looking even more of a staged event like so many recent disruptions to the supply chain.

Jun 10, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

a coverup for the biggest gasoline spill in the country- more than a million gallons

Tesla Ozone is Best
Tesla Ozone is Best
Jun 10, 2021 10:42 AM

“If you believe in a directionality and creative leaps, it means that you recognize that the space-time of the universe is organized in a creative way, analogous to what the human mind does when it is itself being fruitful and creative. It’s making leaps that are not logically consistent with a set of assumptions that you formally had when you were ignorant… So the human mind has certain qualities that are analogous to the flow of leaps in the universe that we find evidence of all over the place if we look for them. 

They want to smother that out. But also if you have a directionality towards perfectibility, not towards decay or chaos and greater disorder… if the evidence shows us the opposite is happening… then human beings would have a different standard of wisdom because they’d situate their identities in their minds within a different quality of the universe which is not compatible with the type of universe that empires need us to believe in if we’re going to willfully live in their cage.” ~ Matt Ehret

The universe is not a closed system. Period.

Jun 10, 2021 11:20 AM

Ehret reminds us that F. Galton said eugenics was settled science, a consensus that should be at the heart of a scientific religion; that J. Huxley said eugenics was the pinnacle of science.

My question is why eugenics was given a central place at Nuremberg.

The Macys, Kelloggs and Rockefellers had exported British, Canadian and American eugenics to Germany. Not only were they closely involved in the Third Reich project — Mengele had been Rockefeller-funded, along with the Kaiser Wilhelm institute — they had the same eugenics programs in their own territories.

Why did they allow eugenics to be pilloried, even exaggerating what the Nazis had done for propaganda purposes?

Remember, from their perspective it was the consensus, settled science, almost a religion. Why not cover it up since they clearly planned to continue?

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 10, 2021 7:00 PM

Transhumanislm and eugenics is such bollocks, they are just decoys, for gods sack grow up, there is serious economic and political stuff going down around the world.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 10, 2021 7:02 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

for god’s sake*

Jun 10, 2021 8:01 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

I liked the original version; with a bit of punctuation, it rings out like a classic medieval oath: “By God’s Sack, I shall skewer that villainous Saracen!” 😉

les online
les online
Jun 10, 2021 2:20 AM

According to the Health Impact News site (9June 21) the FDA has approved a drug for Alzheimer’s Disease treatment ‘though ten of its 11 person expert advisory committee found ‘there was not enough evidence to show it could slow cognitive decline’, and the11th voted “uncertain”.
“Follow The Science !” they tell us… What they mean is “Money Talks. Corruption Rools !”

les online
les online
Jun 10, 2021 1:04 AM

Though i know of the weather modification experiments James DeMeo, Trevor Constable (NZ), and Dr Wilhelm Reich undertook with the latter’s Cloudbuster device, i’ve never bought into the Geo-engineering-by-malicious-actors ideas…. And yet !…
Today in Sydney it is freezing. The sky is GREY from horizon to horizon, a development that seems to happen a lot lately. And though we’re in the middle of Our Winter, well, since around October 2020 we’ve had a reduced number of really clear, sunny days, ever during the Summer months… Often i wonder if the current Grand Solar Minimum has already had an impact on our local weather patterns…
Dr Joseph Mercola uses his regular newsletter to bring attention to the increasing frequency of colder weather and its impact on our food growing systems…
The Fauci Scandal couldnt have come at a better time for little billy gates. It has caused his ‘friendship’ with that unsavoury pedo, to slip out of the mass media spotlight. But i wondered, back when he was trying to block-out the Sun over Sweden “Is it to punish Sweden for disobedience of not locking down (ie lack of sunlight = lower Vit D > big increase in ‘covid-19 cases’.), or was he so megalomaniacal that he believed he could help the Sun wreck the weather because it would help his de-pop ambitions

Jun 10, 2021 3:56 AM
Reply to  les online

Dissing geoengineering is much more effective if it’s presented correctly. It is only ostensibly to block the sun (with aluminum and other nano-particles); the primary function is to ionize the atmosphere to enhance satellite and other electromagnetic technology. It’s the result of all this which is causing havoc with so many environmental systems – to include agricultural.

Chemical ice nucleation for weather modification is what cools the air at ground level and creates snow (like the artificial snow created for ski slopes – or the disastrous “snow” China created over Beijing in 2005).

Thanks to the ongoing solar radiation management program (spraying aluminum, etc), the ozone layer is being rapidly depleted, rendering the Sun anything but a welcome relief from the milky grayish skies we mostly see nowadays.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 10, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks Howard. The Ice Age Farmer refuses to address the atmospheric effects of Geoengineering. Too bad… Heterogeneous ice nucleation activity of bacteria: new laboratory experiments at simulated cloud conditions   O. M¨ohler, D. G. Georgakopoulos, C. E. Morris, S. Benz, V. Ebert, S. Hunsmann, H. Saathoff, M. Schnaiter, and R. Wagner Received: 11 February 2008 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 7 April 2008 Revised: 27 August 2008 – Accepted: 29 August 2008 – Published: 21 October 2008   Abstract. The ice nucleation activities of five different Pseudomonas syringae, Pseudomonas viridiflava and Erwinia herbicola bacterial species and of Snomax™ were investigated in the temperature range between −5 and −15_C. “Water suspensions of these bacteria were directly sprayed into the cloud chamber of the AIDA facility of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe at a temperature of −5.7_C. At this temperature, about 1% of the Snomax™ cells induced immersion freezing of the spray droplets before the droplets evaporated in the cloud chamber. The living cells didn’t induce any detectable immersion freezing in the spray droplets at −5.7_C. After evaporation of the spray droplets the bacterial cells remained as aerosol particles in the cloud chamber and were exposed to typical cloud formation conditions in experiments with expansion cooling to about −11_C. During these experiments, the bacterial cells first acted as cloud condensation nuclei to form cloud droplets. Then, only a minor fraction of the cells acted as heterogeneous ice nuclei either in the condensation or the immersion mode. The results indicate that the bacteria investigated in the present study are mainly ice active in the temperature range between −7 and −11_C with an ice nucleation (IN) active fraction of the order of 10−4. In agreement to previous literature results, the ice nucleation efficiency of Snomax™cells was much larger with an IN active fraction of 0.2 at temperatures… Read more »

Jun 10, 2021 6:43 PM

The Ice Age Farmer refuses to address the atmospheric effects of Geoengineering. Too bad…

well spotted Paul i call the guy fear porn farmer the Alex Jones of internet fear about food.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 11, 2021 1:26 AM
Reply to  swami

Hello swami: Even Alex Jones knows about weather warfare. I can’t give any journalist much credit, if they totally ignore how the weather is being manipulated to enhance commodities markets and military based intimidation. Every regime change conflict in the Middle East started with “softening” up the enemy with enforced drought and aberrant weather.

This site is all about “investment” and weather control. Use tabs to navigate various topics.
Climate Global Control Trading LLC, Weather and climate change – Climate Global Control Trading

There are many, many such investment and weather control companies.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 10, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  les online

Hello les online: Australia has been a target of geoengineering (weather warfare operations) for several decades. Weather warfare is all about control of commodity prices and food supplies. >

Granted; this is an older post (2010) but the image and time data speaks for itself: >
Nearly five weeks after this investigation began the Australian Government BOM has issued this caption to the national weather radar system. Acknowledging an unknown source is interfering with their system:
Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology: If you notice any circular patterns or straight lines originating from the center of the radar location, this is due to occasional interference to the radar data. The Bureau is currently investigating ways to reduce these interferences.
Please refer to complete page for radar locations and atmospheric images: http://www.colinandrews.net/HAARP-AustraliaAfterOlga.html

Jun 9, 2021 11:02 PM

Sooner the better as far as I can see.

Seems the majority are fine with the establishment injecting them with gmo’s and who knows what, so long as they can be left alone to stuff their faces with animals, alcohol.

Make no mistake the gmo thing is far from new, 90% of the stuff in the supermarket isles are gmo. Most country’s don’t have to declare it on packaging. You have your friendly goverment regulator to thank for that.

Iv said since the beginning of this scam that the masses will only stand up when they have nothing left to loose. Perhaps this will be the tonic. But then again we have raised a few generations of weak men that are more interested in painting their nails and taking selfies, rather than standing up for ones principles. It’s a tight rope…

Jun 9, 2021 8:32 PM

People should get out more. I know Gates and Rockefeller and the Klaus Schwab run WEF are just plain evil villains of the type any proper comic book reader would recognize. But when it comes to food, BiGAg and Big Government are the real players. Just two companies come to mind, Archers Daniels Midland (annual revenue US$60 billion) and Cargill (annual revenue US$114 billion). Just two companies whose wealth, global reach and power make Billy Gates and those nefarious Rockefellers look like pikers. And yet, here we are again with Corbett going all tin foily over the foundations and not one word about the huge multinational corporate actors and their state lackeys who are the real players in the food game. I said this yesterday and will say it again here: This is misdirection.

If you want a real “solutions watch”, then offer examples of ways that people are using the democratic process and truly innovative solutions to reign in corporate and state power, develop community-based alternatives, and to develop effective ways to inform people about why it is important to support local food systems to fight BigAg (it helps if you actually understand that there is something called the multinational corporation, and I see no evidence of this here). There are no solutions with these poor fellows who are busy prepping for the end times and who seem to read too many comics.

Big B
Big B
Jun 10, 2021 9:54 AM
Reply to  Ted

Misdirection: “leading people back to the ‘democratic process’ in a “managed democracy””; otherwise known as the (completely captured) ‘Civil Society’ or even (wholly owned) ‘Open Society.’ Ring any bells? Otherwise known as “recuperation.” I recommend a course of Sheldon Wolin: or how BigAg, BigPharma, et al bought democracy and rented it back to us for pacification and nephariously named ‘participation.’ If you read any of the UN/WEF literature it is full of inclusivity and human-centred development, and righting the wrongs of ‘shareholder’ globalisation. In the fourth and final wave of globalisation we are all participatory, democratic, civil society ‘stakeholders’ now ….in our very own privatised “inverted totalitarianism” of corporate capture, token social contract, etc, etc, etc. Which JC has been banging on about for decades. Presuming no one has heard of a multinational corporation is perhaps a little far fetched. One of his major themes has been “technocracy rising.” Well, here it is. I totally feel where you are coming from. But have you ever tried to describe the corporatocracy to someone, how it began to form in the 50s and then went ‘offshore’ ….as their eyes glaze over and before they awkwardly make an excuse to leave? The real problem is not those who know, its the more or less total disengagement from any real politics. Real politics is never merely voting the corporatocracy back in via one of two captured ‘choices’ the “left wing and right wing of the war party” as Vidal put it. Maybe we’re ‘prepping’ because we read all the ‘comics’ and none of them contained any viable solutions to the very acute and convergent set of problems we face now. Maybe or maybe not we can a invent a specific set of solutions for our ‘no analogue’ novel set of potentially terminal problems. Presuming… Read more »

Big B
Big B
Jun 10, 2021 10:11 AM
Reply to  Big B

BTW. I live in SE England. There is a very strong local ‘grow your own’ and even commercial biodynamic agriculture. We have one of the few local dairies selling raw, unpasteurised milk and products. Everyone that can afford this voted tory!
The people that we need in political solidarity all shop at Tescos, Lidl, and Aldi. So you are absolutely right. I suspect many who commented have been saving all card, paper, and even old carpet to ‘armour’ our little plots of defiance since the 80s. It’s old hat. Meanwhile. corporatocracy and plutocracy went global. So, no solutions above. Now what?

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 10, 2021 7:32 PM
Reply to  Big B

And I’ve never voted tory.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 10, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  Big B

Hi B! Does this look like ‘growing a few carrots’? Or insulating your family, and your wider community, against the upcoming food-supply disruptions? Effectively?

Jun 10, 2021 11:53 AM
Reply to  Ted

Apart from China which is preparing as a nation, the farmer elsewhere who survived the intrigue, neglect, interference and brutality are organising at the local level. They save and share local seeds/crop varieties, revive local techniques, reduce the priority of cash crops, and eschew proprietary, alien and pseudo-scientific inputs. Above all, they return to traditions and respect nature: the old reverance psychopaths tried to stamp out with money or violence over millenia.

As the benefits of “agro-ecology” are beyond dispute, it is officially an important plank of the Paris Climate Agreement . In reality, the governments serving GloboCap are dead set on dismantling even existing facilities for small farmers including distribution systems. The govt. of India is a leading example.

Jun 9, 2021 8:28 PM

I read a piece by Anthony Migchels called New Gold Standard who said very similar things about money as ice age says about food in the near future. They both suggest to me that blame for the situation will falsely apportioned,as usual. I think they’re both worth taking notice of, if only as food(sorry) for thought. I learned a lot about money from Migchels a while back but haven’t read him for a long time.

Jun 9, 2021 8:26 PM

A cheap way to container plant I started 5 years ago and kept it because it works great.

3 or 5 gallon reusable shopping bags ($.75 each) (the tough poly fabric ones) inside small dollar store laundry baskets ($1.00 each)

Works like a charm. Baskets have a 1 inch reservoir on the bottom. The bags allow great aeration. The filled bags are easy to maneuver. Every spring I remove the soil and enrich it with compost, manure and an organic slow release fertilizer.

I’ve grown Roma tomatoes that produce over 50 fruits per plant in our limited growing season in Canada.

It looks like sharecropper hell but I got over that pretty quick. 20 pots for 40 dollars. Prep on a budget.

Jun 9, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Thanks for this. Would you need to put extra holes in the poly fabric bags for drainage? Some of those bags are almost waterproof.

Jun 10, 2021 7:51 AM
Reply to  Claret

I leave the bottom inch or two of bag unperforated, as water reservoir.

Jun 10, 2021 12:07 PM
Reply to  NickM


Jun 10, 2021 2:10 PM
Reply to  Claret

Not at all. The bags are grow friendly because they aren’t waterproof. I used the standard ones from Walmart. I thought they would be a decent temporary measure but 5 years later I just finished the latest planting and they are holding up fine.

They quickly become kind of mouldy looking and gross but don’t worry, it’s not mould at all, just a fabulous microb rich plant living environment. When I water plants in these the water seeps out the sides and the bottom a bit, with the 1 inch reservoir in the bottom of the laundry basket being the perfect receptacle. Any excess water (like a major storm or downpour) spills over the edge where the perforations are and the rest gradually absorbs back through the bag into the soil as needed.

Add a mulch layer on top of the soil around the roots of the plant and you’ll need to water less as it will keep the soil moist – important if you need to water from your city water supply.

You make a good point though that some shopping bags might be waterproof. Just test them to be sure. Water must filter out or they are no better than a plastic container. They have to be like a fine mesh sieve not a solid pot that needs drainage holes. So no holes required.

Best of luck!

Jun 10, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

We don’t have Walmart here. The reusable bags here are of quite thick plastic covering and sealing the fabric. I might grow some veggies on my small but sunny balcony.Thanks again for the info!

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Jun 10, 2021 12:43 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

That is fantastic – thank you. What these two running “Solutions” Watch seem to forget is that most of us dont live on acres of land.
And be interesting to see what Corbett is gonna do now that Japan says it will introduce puncture passports this summer.

Derek Williams
Derek Williams
Jun 10, 2021 6:22 AM
Reply to  Grace Johns

“ puncture passports” – good one!!

Jun 10, 2021 2:25 PM
Reply to  Grace Johns

You’re very welcome.

The biggest cost is the outlay for soil. Once your baskets are established one has essentially a portable garden. And if you compost your kitchen scraps you can pretty much keep your soil healthy at a minimum cost.

les online
les online
Jun 10, 2021 1:24 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

some entrepreneurs grow marijuana plants hydroponically, indoors under lights > you dont need sunlight… But in his book ‘The One Straw revolution’ Masanobu Fukuoka is dismissive of foods grown in glass sunhouses as the glass blocks something in sunrays that affects the nutritive quality of the ‘produce’… it’s the only mention i’ve come across such an idea… any ideas on this ?

Jun 10, 2021 8:08 AM
Reply to  les online

Great book that.

Jun 10, 2021 2:13 PM
Reply to  les online

I have not heard of this but I look forward to reading this book!
Thanks for the recommendation.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 10, 2021 7:56 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

It’s a classic, T. Emilia Hazelip, a disciple of Fukuoka, reckons that his concrete, many-years-repeated demonstrations on his ancestral farm of his four main principles of natural food growing are the first big step forward in agronomic science since the Agrarian Revolution, several thousand years ago. These are the working rules which he teased out in a long lifetime of trial, error, close observation and deep thought:

1) No tillage.

2) NO fertiliser EITHER CHEMICAL OR ORGANIC! [Yes, really; not needed!]

3) No chemical sprays, herbicides or pesticides.

4) No soil compaction.

Emilia has demonstrated the efficacy of these principles, producing abundant food year after year on her garden – much smaller even than Masanobu-san’s farm. As she said, she had to adapt his teachings slightly, to make them work as well in French climate and soil. But look at the results. (PS: I’ve been following Masanobu’s and Emilia’s teachings for years, and they are real and practical):

Jun 10, 2021 8:13 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

run behind an ice cream store for free containers on trash day

Jun 9, 2021 7:41 PM

All your suggestions regarding food security are absolutely spot on. The only difficulty is water shortage. I depend on rainwater to grow plants in my garden. There hasn’t been any rain for 3 weeks, the water tank is empty, no seeds have sprouted. We have a local ditribution network for farmers where I live but without the supermarket I would starve.

Jun 9, 2021 7:10 PM

OT but frightening… WHO whistleblower makes revelations: ‘Then I had the feeling that something was not right’ Health expert Astrid Stuckelberger from Switzerland teaches people how to prepare for pandemics. Between 2009 and 2012, she worked as a WHO expert on pandemics. Last year she was suddenly called into question at the WHO: it was decided from above that she was no longer allowed to give these training courses. “Then I had the feeling that something wasn’t right,” she says in the documentary Planet Lockdown. According to the whistleblower, the WHO is violating every regulation you can think of. The international health regulations concern, among other things, the protection of human rights: protecting mobility, the economy, protecting your privacy. All these regulations are not being applied now, says Stuckelberger. We have the documents She says regulations changed in 2016 and WHO chief Tedros has been gaining more and more power since then. Why do Member States not speak out against this? That’s because countries and their leaders have signed a contract that basically states that they are a corporation, the whistleblower says. For example, the government of the Swiss Conference, or Switzerland, has been registered as a corporation in Brussels since 2014. “We have the documents,” Stuckelberger emphasises. “I spoke to South Africa and they are in the same boat there. The country of South Africa is registered in New York as a corporation.” Our governments are puppets France is registered as a corporation in France, the United States is registered as a corporation in the City of London, and so on. “Our governments are not democracies,” the whistleblower says. “Our governments are puppets of a corrupt multinational that uses people as consumer goods.” People in key positions – politicians, judges – are blackmailed or threatened. If that doesn’t work,… Read more »

Jun 10, 2021 12:45 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

The crime of the entire project is even more blatant in these anti-scientific restrictions: (a) distancing, lockdowns, quarantine, sanitising (b) masks and diagnostic tests, promoted and imposed contrary to product limitations (c) fake tests (d) untested jabs (e) outlawed cheap medicines to prevent and cure.

Jun 9, 2021 7:10 PM

Fishermen are being turned away because of submarines and warships?They are protecting the puppets of the elite.

Jun 9, 2021 6:58 PM

I have never seen so many police in Cornwall?Honestly I bet our poor Cornish police think who the hell are these up country people and cia and mi16.No masks for them no restrictions for them.

Jun 9, 2021 6:45 PM

I live in Cornwall I have never seen so many police going through the town.Unmarked police cars,motorcycle police?Honestly I think I’m in a film absolutely over the top,Armed police because of the G7.I’m not making this up,Helicopters,And St Ives where it’s held people are being asked for ID local people?War ship at carbis bay.I’m not making this up.

Jun 9, 2021 9:45 PM
Reply to  Annie

I can’t quite imagine those horrible scenes in such a beautiful part of the world.

Jun 10, 2021 1:58 PM
Reply to  Claret

It is and we don’t approve of it.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 10, 2021 8:08 PM
Reply to  Annie

Rattled aren’t they? They see the covid scam isn’t going too well, and they’re afraid the opposition might have some nasty droney surprises for them, as Yemen has been surprising the al Saud gang and their ridiculous capo-di-tutti-capi: MobinS-the-Fool. See recent UKColumn News editions for details of the ludicrous OTT preparations – including insisting that all protest must stay in a ‘free-speech’ pen in Plymouth, over a hundred miles away from Carbis Bay! Sic!

“America is back!” indeed! Oh yes, exactly: Right back up Shit Creek, and still without a paddle. Collapse-of-USSR moment, here they come!

Big al
Big al
Jun 9, 2021 6:15 PM

Groovy, let’s start a commune man. It can be the sixties all over again. Until it’s the seventies. Ya, I’ve got a garden, a big one. Grow lots of stuff including my own weed. All I need are some chickens and I could probably make it. But the planet would probably be better off taking down the psychopaths. That should be the primary focus. Just my opinion. Grow your own, eat the rich.

Jun 10, 2021 2:06 PM
Reply to  Big al

It’s not us the populace that are destroying society it’s the evil warmongers.We just want to live a peaceful life like you say it’s the psychopaths that can’t live without upsetting the apple cart.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 10, 2021 8:21 PM
Reply to  Big al

Grow your own, because it’s the way the great tides are going, as the temporary aberration of economic-growthforever finally fades away permanently from life on Earth. Grow your own if you want you and your children to eat and stay alive. (Hint: if you’re new to it, and barring outrageous beginners’ luck, it takes about five years to get your hand in properly. No effing time to waste!)

Jun 10, 2021 9:27 PM
Reply to  Big al

Love it Big al! The problem is the rich are mostly vile maggots, filthy and egomaniac’s. They will make us beautiful humble folk SICK if eaten. I say “Hang em’ High”. BTW, I am WHITE! Really WHITE……..and proud of it!!!!!!! PEACE OUTxoxoxo

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jun 9, 2021 6:11 PM

Well, I’ve taken on board what Christian is saying. Grow if you can.

I’m lucky enough to live with my mum who has a big garden with modest room for a vegetable patch for stuff like spinach, leeks etc Each year we grow tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, runner beans. This year doing no less than 15 salad and vegetables. All going well.

I’m no expert but most are grown in pots, mustard and cress in window, carrots outside the front door, spring onions so no huge effort or space needed. If nothing else, it’s great fun watching the fruits of your labour.

Jun 9, 2021 7:34 PM
Reply to  Loverat 8

I have a small garden.I grow tomatoes,mint,Strawberries,Next potatoes in pots

Jun 9, 2021 5:02 PM

The captured line up in front of a trench. An employee of Mi5/FBI/NKVD internal secret police is walking down the line, putting one bullet into the back of each bared head. Sometimes shaved, sometimes curly, whatever the hair the blood spurts back at the state killer. Blood is sticky. That’s often how you first recognise it. That’s why it’s called gore. It sticks to the hands and face and impregnates even a polished leather jacket. He will get extra rations of tobacco and alcohol to try to clear the taste and stench. And to steady his hand for tomorrow. Bullets were cheap. In today’s money, less than 4 cents. Still, that sometimes exceeded the budget and people had to be buried alive. What to do as the bang and crumpled thud approaches? These people remembered their families or prayed to God or asked others to say a word for their soul or struggled to think of nothing. I once got the car stuck in the mud at Butovo. Some will know what that means. Actually I never found the graves. They were only identified in the past decade. A few trees have been cleared and a small chapel built. I wanted to pay my respects. I did so by trying. Later a descendant of one of Butovo’s flower or mushroom patches — for the soil is most fertile — contacted the family of his executioner. Totalitarian regimes love data. They track it from source to outcome, and every intervention on the way. So the man who was shot is directly linked by data trail to the one that pressed the trigger. And that was almost 100 years ago. Many were outraged at the impudence, by the raking of old coals. The searcher said he didn’t want vengeance but closure: simply… Read more »

Jun 9, 2021 6:46 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It is because we refuse to acknowledge the context of the first killings that the second are made possible.

Jun 9, 2021 7:17 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

What people don’t realise is that the rationale for killing in 2021 is identical to the 1940s.

We are not living in some new banality. It is the same Banal.

The Munchkins say it can’t be so because there are no lederhosen. They can’t understand that lederhosen was packaging. The Third Reich Project had little directly to do with Germans, nothing to do with traditional German dress, and that Hugo Boss and Swastikas were import/dressage.

That’s why a non-German leader was dressed in local pants. Just like in Russia 15 years before. The symbolism was there for you to recognize and forget. Propaganda as per Ellul.

The paymasters are the same this time around. That’s all you need to know.

Jun 9, 2021 5:00 PM

Westbrook’s point about synthetic vanilla that can be listed in ingredients in both the US and EU as natural is well-made.

The idea that the EU is some sort of well-regulated workers’ paradise unlike those nasty chicken-chlorinating Yanks had already been exposed by glyphosate for those willing to see it. This isn’t to argue that US food isn’t full of toxic crap of course, it’s to argue the EU isn’t much better.

P.S. The local supermarket branch of a well-known chain had an outdoors’ summer festival going on with ‘Beyond Meat’ prominently displayed. I also drove past the local vaccination center at what one would have thought would be a busy time – but despite The Fraud claiming the rush for vaccines is “Glastonbury-like” it appeared virtually deserted. The vaccine is in a way Glastonbury-like in that both are toxic psy-ops and elite rituals.

Jun 10, 2021 2:59 AM
Reply to  Edwige

“The vaccine is in a way Glastonbury-like in that both are toxic psy-ops and elite rituals.”

Intriguing – how is Glastonbury a toxic psy-op / elite ritual?

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jun 10, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  ginghiniagenie

I don’t know about it being an elite ritual but it is part of the psyop, as all pop culture is and more importantly, it is full of nauseatingly self-important normie bellends.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 9, 2021 4:48 PM

In the light of the “Left Wing” Morning Star demanding a postponement of ending lockdown, this tweet sums it up:

The humour of a communist paper advocating a right wing gov to be more authoritarian is lost on me, but as they say, politics is not left to right but a spiral

Jun 9, 2021 7:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I haven’t bought the Morning Star since March 2020, when it took the general ‘left’ stance on lockdown/’Covid’. It was heartening to read the almost universally hostile tweets below that front page. Sounds like some of the comrades are waking up.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 9, 2021 10:26 PM
Reply to  WilliamC

Yup – Morning Star, SWP, WSW, Socialist this and Communist that. All of them a massive pile of spook factories!

The only Left that’s left is the informal Left i.e. the folks below the line who are not part of any excreta swilling official party!

Jun 9, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The anti-lockdown uprising has more revolutionary energy and potential than all of the alphabet protest groups and the broader labour movement put together. It’s Left-er than anything the Left can dream of being and it doesn’t think of itself as Left.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 9, 2021 4:43 PM

From The Telegraph:

“Uttar Pradesh: Village refuses Covid vaccine, power supply goes offDistrict magistrate cites unpaid electricity bills to discontinue electricity supply 

Over 100 families of Chhibramau village in Kannauj district are living in darkness for the last three days because they didn’t want to get vaccinated against Covid-19. 

“A team from the health department had visited our village on Wednesday morning. They wanted the entire village to be vaccinated. However, around 40 per cent of the villagers refused to take the vaccine because they believed that their immunity level would go down for a few days and they might fall sick,” a villager, who didn’t want to be named, told reporters on Friday. 

The medical team called the sub-divisional magistrate and informed him about the resistance. 

“The SDM arrived in the village and tried to convince us to get vaccinated. When we kept refusing, he suddenly got furious and called the electricity department officials. They disconnected the power supply in our houses on the order of the officer,” the villager added. 

“Even on Friday, some officers came and asked us to get inoculated, failing which they would take legal action against us. We know that they cannot take any legal action, but the way they are threatening us is alarming,” Mahendra Singh, another villager, said. 

Gajendra Kumar, additional district magistrate of Kannauj, said: “Many villagers haven’t paid their power bills. The electricity department repeatedly served them notices, but they ignored them. This was the reason the electricity supply was discontinued in those houses. The connection would be restored as soon as they clear their dues.” 

He denied this had anything to do with vaccine hesitancy. “However we will also try to persuade the villagers to take the vaccine,” he added.” 

Jun 9, 2021 5:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Meanwhile, the Government of India has announced that it will pay for injections for all above the age of 18. That everyone in India can now afford to take part in the experiment must be a great source of satisfaction for the ‘left’.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jun 9, 2021 5:33 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The villagers seem to know a lot more about the vaccines than does the average western clod. Even so the villagers need to know more. Once vaccinated their immune systems will of course be fucked up for life, what’s left of it, and not just for a few days.

Jun 9, 2021 6:09 PM

The villagers know from experience, better than “the average western clod”, that they cannot take the government’s statements at face value. It looks like those who have always been at the sharp end of public policy now find themselves at an advantage.

Jun 9, 2021 6:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

How evil.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 9, 2021 7:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Your comment vis-a-vis the Ice Age Farmer/Corbett Report video:
So did the Indian villagers fail to get their solar panels up and running fast enough?

I can’t help but wonder reading your comment that James Corbett and Christian Westbrook seem unfamiliar with the Owenites and St. Simonians and other Utopian Socialists who attempted to create alternative societies well into the early 20th century, or the commune movement of the late ’60’s and early 1970’s in the US. They all failed for various reasons that might be worth understanding today. While none of them ever challenged capitalism, going it on-your-own seems even less viable.

Jun 10, 2021 3:08 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Good point. Let’s abandon that patently ridiculous avenue.

I mean, attempting to create an alternative to the technocratic panopticon?


Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 10, 2021 3:36 AM
Reply to  ginghiniagenie

RE: attempting to create an alternative to the technocratic panopticon?

Well, I think we need to destroy the technocratic panopticon. But we need to get organized around some coherent ideas first if we are ever going to make a serious attempt. This isn’t the first time humans have had to struggle against tyranny. We might learn the lessons of history.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 10, 2021 8:38 PM
Reply to  ginghiniagenie

No, what we’re speaking of here is the patently prudent and wise business of surviving the upcoming Interesting Times, whilst conserving – and demonstrating – Amish-like strategies that enable the survivors to survive, pick up the pieces, and get society going again.

I mean; the technocratic panopticon is going to survive the already-begun Long Descent away from industrial ‘civilisation’ in all its chaos, is it?


Start facing the unpopular reality that human life on Earth is never going to go full Vulcan – even temporarily. We’ve already blown away too many of the Earth’s endowment of resources that might have made it possible. Possibly…

Jun 10, 2021 12:56 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

All these are existential threats to capitalism, just like aborigines/natives.

Big B
Big B
Jun 9, 2021 3:56 PM

What can we do to actually put a dent in this agenda and derail it or create our own food supply systems? What should be actually engaged in?

Ah, the age old ethical questioning. For a decentralised solutions based ethical thinking or applied philosophy ….Degrowth, Degrowth, Degrowth, Degrowth, Degrowth ….or else moral insanity. Where capital accumulation kills off Food 1.0 and eliminated Platonistic Humanity in order to install Food 2.0 and Platonistic Transhumanism ….as it always will and would.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 9, 2021 3:44 PM

comment image
comment image

“What the War Racketeer Corporate Fascist Oligarch Mobster Psychos call peace and freedom is actually slavery and war.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 9, 2021 3:46 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image

Euthanize the World. Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 9, 2021 3:57 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Does it take something like this for the sheeple to become aware that they have been played? Or will they never wake up?”
comment image

Sheeple of the world, awake! You have nothing to lose but your face diapers!”

les online
les online
Jun 10, 2021 1:39 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Jerry Manders ‘ Four Arguments For The Elimination Of Television’ might still be in print…

Big B
Big B
Jun 9, 2021 3:36 PM

The alternative to the above: also called degrowth, post-growth, agrowth or decroissance: as in – “decroissance ou barbarism.” Closely tied to altermondialism or alter-globalisation. Or else: Future Possibilities Report.Systemic change requires transformational policiesSix Global TransformationsThe Exabyte Economy: Hyperconnected devices, data and people (aka biodigital convergence; human cyborgism, posthumanism, etc.)The Wellbeing Economy: Redefining health (health “the wellbeing of the commonwealth = biodigital commonhealth?” “Vaxxinocracy?”)The Net Zero Economy: Scalable low carbon solutions (aka green imperialism; sustainable coloniality of power)The Circular Economy: Waste not, want not (aka “you waste not, we want not.”)The BioGrowth Economy: New agriculture and biomaterials (Biopiracy; Frankinfoods)The Experience Economy: From ownership to usership (aka “you will own nothing and you will be happy”; or “you will own nothing and we will be happy.”) Closely allied to green bonds, sustainable investment,and STEMM education. STEMM: Science, technology, (social) engineering, Medicine, Mechanics. Or the convergence of education, and hence future potential, on a few core behaviouralisms. For that is what they will be, highly leveraged, highly reinforced behavioural cometencies instilled from bith by co-operant and token reinforcement schedules. Don’t think about it too hard, but a child who has not yet been biologically conceived has been ‘conceived’ of as an operant of “global technological governmentality” or “stakeholder national-state socialism” before their parents even meet. That is: assuming a birth in an increasingly narrowing enclavisation of privatisation in the HIIC. Making 90% + of humanity, and all of nature, already future redundancies ….before the sperm meets the egg. [And do not think about that in retrocognition as to where we came from. Remember, we chose all this freely for ourselves.] Did I mention racist AI? 80% of corporations plan to relocate or shed most of their staff in the next decade. Better make that 100% of redundant human-capital waiting to have their lives… Read more »

Jun 9, 2021 2:54 PM

I live in teh city. I can never be self suatainable. I’m fucked.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jun 9, 2021 2:58 PM
Reply to  dude

There might be a community gardening project, or something like that? A2

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jun 9, 2021 3:02 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Yes but just check first that Gates isnt head of that community project.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 9, 2021 7:22 PM
Reply to  Loverat 8

Only for the vaxxed.

Jun 9, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

There was where we live, but its been almost completely closed down for over 12 months, and even the nearby private allotments, have had their water supply turned off by the local council. A lot of local people got a lot of fresh food for free, before this COVID nonsense. They are probably reliant on food banks now. They used to help out. Now they can’t even turn up.

Jun 9, 2021 9:11 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Yes, there is reality and then there is fantasy….that stuff called protein has to be acquired and isn’t easy….at times I really think I am growing anything for the bugs to eat….and I may well be better off thinking that way and eating the bugs…smile

Jun 10, 2021 3:15 AM
Reply to  Edith

Plenty more fish in the sea.

Marine crustacea are far meatier and sweeter.

F the satanic bugs agenda.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jun 9, 2021 5:54 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

The Dude is right about the lack of space and being fucked. He is not really fucked. He is unable to participate in the resistance like he would want to. Nor will anyone else in urban centers. Growing seasons can vary widely from city to city. Rooftop green houses would be needed. However those are slated for solar panels. Another video done by Iceagefarmer talked about the Biden agenda to move rural population centers back to the urban centers to conserve energy while installing the all electric utility and transportation systems including high speed coast to coast rail systems. Every urban center is screwed up already. Total infrastructure overhauls are needed. And I don’t mean teaching critical race theory. Simple things like replacing lead pipes and separating combined sewer systems. There is already a shortage of space for urban community gardens. Just wait till rural populations are forced back into the metro centers. Nothing but pie in the sky. We will die trying. There is a massive water crisis. Massive. Gobs and gobs of water is needed to maintain healthy farms. You need a good supply of water to build soils while producing sizable crop yields and feeding livestock. As long we keep the best farm lands tile drained it will be tough. Ditches that are ten or more feet deep are currently draining most of the best farmland in the Midwest. All to get crops in early while speeding up the fall harvest. Chemical fertilizers galore are making up for the poor fertility resulting from the sped up drainage and erosion. Mini farmsteads are a great thing……but…… Building soils. Minimizing till. Interlacing crops to help control pests, etc. Another pie in the sky. There is no way we can provide the efficiency that will be needed to feed metropolitan… Read more »

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jun 9, 2021 7:05 PM

The focus needs too be on three things:

  1. Improving soil quality – this is about soil ecology, soil structure and it comes from letting the worms make soil healthy, plus feeding the soil once a year with compost.
  2. Preserving high quality locally-adapted seeds. Seeds from China aren’t designed to grow in the UK, you need seeds from within 50 miles to be truly efficient. Several UK initiatives already exist and they are linked to analagous organisations in Europe.
  3. Sowing/planting food at the right time of year – this is the one most sensitive to annual variations – this spring things are 3 weeks behind a few springs recently, but I am still seeing great yields of crops coming through down the line. Some things do better when it is cooler and damper, others when it is warmer and drier. It’s an art based on experience which will allow you to make wise decisions each year.

The last point suggests that access to seriously good medium-term weather forecasts, available before the growing season starts, are an essential tool in the superior grower’s armoury. You don’t need to know the exact temperature every day, what you do need to know about are predictable extreme events like late frosts/snow, extended periods of drought, extended periods of continual rainfall, winds which can destroy young plants and the unpleasant combination of unusual warmth followed by unseasonal cold, leading to plants coming out of dormancy only to have their buds destroyed….

Jun 9, 2021 9:24 PM

Re: Water. There are some absolutely enormous solar-powered desalination plants in the ME.

Jun 10, 2021 1:05 PM

Herding people into towns: they are imitating China.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 10, 2021 9:11 PM

Commiserations, Wayne! Take a look at Mark Shepard’s water-conservation strategies to deal with low rainfall without drawing on piped supplies. First developed for Australia, which has much droughty land. Works a treat there, as it does in American oak-savannah lands.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 10, 2021 9:00 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

See Cuba. City food gardens everywhere there, making substantial contributions to the overall-adequate food supply (despite the empire’s constant bullying efforts to crush them into obedience again).

What we’re seeing in this rather nightmare-wanking btl is a flock of Chicken Littles squawking around, yelling ‘The sky is falling’, for no greater reason than a few of the Pampered Twenty Percent of the Anglozionist empire being forcibly demoted from their recent-middle-class status.

Do wake up and broaden you tunnel-vision, chooks! The ending of our pampering is NOT the end of the universe. It isn’t even TEOTWAWKI. 🙂

Jun 9, 2021 3:17 PM
Reply to  dude

There are some quite amazing small balcony gardens.

Jun 9, 2021 3:59 PM
Reply to  dude

No one can be self-sustainable for long in a police state. If it comes to that, then yes those hiding out in the wilderness can sustain themselves a bit longer.

Just until the state brings out the big guns. Look how easily they torched the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX. Or how easily they can buzz saw an entire forest.

It is at least semi-delusional to imagine a police state will ignore outliers.

I watched “Fahrenheit 451” last evening. Substitute food for books and you get the picture.

Jun 9, 2021 4:03 PM
Reply to  dude

It’s amazing what you can do with window boxes: kale does well. Even if you lack directly sun you can grow bean sprouts. You can get into preserves, dried fruits and pickles. The smallest terrace is heaven.

Big B
Big B
Jun 9, 2021 2:31 PM

Love it! Decentralise, grow your own, invest in community, educate, inform, lead better lives with less materialism, more love, more humanity, invest in biodiversity and advocate a life that can sustain and fulfill the whole planet ….not just a diminishing elect and elite in the HIIC (High Income Imperial Core — the already overdeveloped neo-European “settler colonial” nation states.)

Great: it is called degrowth, agrowth, post-growth. Embrace humanity and lead truly sustainable lives with up to 80% less biomaterials. Target human development with available resources and live better, not more materialistic lives for the few, the 10% or more of the overconsuming HIIC.

Expand that thought process and advocate degrowth to sustainable levels across the planet: it is called “ecosophy” — practical applied global philosophy of equality and “pluritranversality” — that means an equal future for everyone, regardless of accidents of birth and geography. A child in Yemen is spiritually the same as a child born in the Hamptons or leafy shires of Little England. They should both have equal access to life and opportunity. Period. Everything else is neoliberal necropolitics.

I know from the comment section that many people have been leading such a life for 40 years or more. About the lifetime of neoliberalism, or “exoneoliberalism” as I like to call it. Because its goals are otherwordly or “extraplanetary.” We are already at “double planetary” biocapacity. In the next 20 years we have to double that, to find all of histories resources again. Just to fulfill “SDG 8” of a perpetual 3% pa growth. And if we reach that target, double again: two histories worth of resources. It is not going to happen. Full stop. The End.

Degrow, disseminate, decentre, et cetera ….or die trying to grow. Does anyone need to think about this any more?

Jun 9, 2021 4:59 PM
Reply to  Big B

I couldn’t agree more, we all need to be dependant on a land base, and cultivate interdependence; to protect and be supported by. Essential reading for me on the way has been Derrick Jensen, John Zerzan, Gary Snyder, William Cobbett and Ursula Le Guin. And then there’s this pamphlet by Lasse Nordlund that sums up the challenge really well:

Big B
Big B
Jun 9, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  Troedyrhiw

Wendell Berry, Arne Naess, Nate Hagens, even Felix Guattari.

Beautiful pamphlet. 10 fuel calories to 1 food calorie, just to grow. To process, synthesise TV dinners, distribute again, bury the waste: double it. 20 fuel calories for 1 food calorie of toxicity and microbiome neutralising immunosuppressant pathogens that lower and impair cognition. Soon to be genetically enhanced immunosuppressance and carcinogens in the BioGrowth Economy. Then there is the Vaxxine in the Wellbeing Economy, already under development, to fix all the diseases of civilisation caused by the BioGrowth Economy. And then ….The going round in the interoperable Circular Economy.

11 years human labour in a barrel of oil trading at $30; 11 years for $30! And still people want the ‘independence’ of the global technological governmentality.

Good luck, wherever you are.

Jun 9, 2021 8:03 PM
Reply to  Big B

thanks BB for your reading list, food for thought!. France.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 9, 2021 2:14 PM

A reworking of the old Fabian saw 3 acres and a cow comes to mind watching this idealistic if not naïve video ? At least the Fabians were aware that Malthus’ science was correct . Human populations will always increase to exceed the food/resource supply . No mention of Ehrlich’s Population Bomb , which has in fact now detonated “Tax the rich , feed the poor , til there are no rich no more “, as guitar god Alvin Lee crooned ironically decades ago ! The modern “farmers markets” have always been corporate structures in search of profits using sanctimony and hubris as marketing tools.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 9, 2021 7:37 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

RE: Malthus’ science was correct
Where do you get these ideas? Parson Malthus was no scientist for one thing and as an economist his ideas were dis-proven in his own time by none other than David Ricardo (a far more formidable economist). Malthus assumes that agricultural land has a fixed capacity (which any organic farmer knows is not true). According to Malthus’ theories the world was/is always overpopulated! Malthus was a propagandist for the ruling elite, his job was to shift the blame for the poverty that the ruling class created on to the poor themselves. That is why his ideas keep coming back in new clothes like the writings of Paul Ehrlich in his book The Population Bomb. Both were/are eugenicists. Are you?

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 9, 2021 11:10 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

The thing with the scientific field known as Eugenics is that it does not make our opinions factual , or support our personal beliefs in general , and yet that science still flourishes under various different names. There are currently almost 8 billion humans according to various statistical analysis. Most of the planets other mammals are nearing extinction other than our feed stock of herbivores chickens pigs and cattle? The genetic make-up of the these creatures has bee altered by humans to the point that most of them can’t survive outside of factory farms. Our fruit and vegetables are in a similar state .When the food is all eaten we starve We have reached the limits of growth, where the human population invariably crashes , something 21st century materialists will not publicly address it seems ? Vaccination research is a form of Eugenics the masses whole heartedly support ? Without the added political slant applied to Eugenics its just more science applied widely in plant and animal domestication for human purposes over many millennia . All forms of tyranny politicize Eugenics . I’ve read somewhere that 4% of Europeans carry Genghis Khans genes an early form of Eugenics combined with the ever popular trope “ethnic cleansing” perhaps ?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 10, 2021 12:00 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

RE: …the scientific field known as Eugenics…
Pseudo-science. You really are brainwashed.

Jun 9, 2021 2:10 PM

Just had my socks blown off by Julia Hartley-Brewer – somebody I’m not very keen on! Blogged it here – https://covidtruefacts.blogspot.com/2021/06/julia-hartley-brewer-usually-misguided.html

Jun 9, 2021 2:02 PM

James needs to learn more before he discusses this. Golden Rice is not evil, for example. There is an attempt to impose a technocratic totalitarian system, but you don’t want to dilute that warning by attacking things that are not part of it.

Jun 9, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  SteveK9

Is golden rice not another technocratic ‘solution’?

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 9, 2021 4:00 PM
Reply to  SteveK9

When you are a corporate stooge working for US Corporate interests, and when the rice is offered royalty free to poor farmers, and by a now German Company, (Monsanto), then it is attacked as ‘bad’.

Jun 9, 2021 5:13 PM
Reply to  SteveK9
Jun 9, 2021 1:59 PM

This is disturbing. I don’t whether to laugh or cry….

Why do you wear a facemask….

Jun 9, 2021 2:59 PM
Reply to  Claret

Its mostly peer pressure. Most people are just afraid to say it.

Jun 9, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  dude

I also think a lot of people just wanted to avoid any confrontations and possible 100 euro fines. On a postive note,I see more people daring to expose their (face) cheeks here, and there seems to be a much more relaxed atmosphere.The city here is slowly getting back to it’s noisy, busy self. It feels good and I just hope it lasts.

Al X
Al X
Jun 9, 2021 8:58 PM
Reply to  Claret

It won’t last. There’s a bogus variant right around the corner.

Jun 9, 2021 9:31 PM
Reply to  Al X

That wouldn’t surprise me either. Sadly.
I wonder if the Manchester area is being targetted because of a slow uptake/high vax-refusal rate.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 9, 2021 1:28 PM

For Corbett and many of you, countries, Empires, national rivalries, and US hegemony does not exist. I wonder why?

For him 10,000 years of political history, is abruptly ended for no rhyme nor reason, it just stopped. All is changed. According to him countries no longer fight for their own interests, they are suddenly bowing down to some invisible force, that has no army, no head, no structure, no clear voice, no rational direction.

Like so many other fakes hiding American Empire, like a card shark, he has substituted an invisible demon for the US Empire, occupying the driving seat of our civilisation. Normally power celebrates visibility and demonstrations of might, military bluff is all part of the show, and has always been for thousands of years of human existence.

Yet Corbett’s invisible force, the ‘globalist conspiracy’, is all powerful, able to make massive demands, coordinate massive change, with no agents, no commanders, no regime, no hierarchy, no guns, and it is the first time in history that such an illusive power has ever existed…………….. Odd No?

You do realise how ‘radical’ & stupid what he is suggesting is….. right? It is like a religious faith, alien to all history, logic and geopolitics, it is essentially a fairy tale and completely alien to human history, it is a nonsense. A nonsense designed to hide American empire and its agents, which sit proudly in plain view for all to see, and are present in almost every capital around the globe.

Well done you did not fall for the COVID scam, but you are falling for this equally illogical crap. 

Jun 9, 2021 2:01 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

For the first English expose’ of Anglo Zio Capitalism read GK Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc. They started by opposing the AZC’s smash-and-grab act against the Free Afrikaaner Republics — the first of the 20th century resource wars. Then they dug into English history, the rise of the big landowners (Cromwell’s mercantile class) and their imported Dutch Jews eventually “made of the throne their hired hand”. The British East India Co replaced the Dutch East India Co through the military coup which installed Dutch Billy on the throne of Britain, and the Royal Navy’s victory over the Dutch navy. The British Army long ago ceased to to have the protection of Britain as its main function; its main function is to launch resource wars as the military muscle of the City of London. Ditto the U$ Army. Read Smedley Butler, War is a Racket.

“The government of your country? I am the government of your country; I and my Jewish partner. You will make wars when we tell you.” — Millionaire arms manufacturer in Major Barbara, by Bernard Shaw. Nowadays the Anglo Zio Capitalist Military Industrial Complex is much, much bigger than any individual country. The burning question of the 21st century: Is the AZC with its military arm NATZO now big enough and strong enough to take over China financially and launch a resource war against Russia?

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 9, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  NickM

Sorry but this rambling gibberish that characterises the defence of the ‘globalist conspiracy’, is just nonsense.

You offer up a random list of organisations, kings and statements that form no coherent body or force. You need to come to the table with real proof and evidence, not this mystical gibberish, when the you make such huge claims for the ‘Globalist’.

Corporate power exists, but it mostly acts as agents of empire, it has no ideology and no belief system, it just makes money and that is not enough.

dr death
dr death
Jun 9, 2021 5:58 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

ahhh !… the globalist ‘conspiracy’….

I think you are confusing the ‘horse’ and the ‘cart’… both essential to the driver of course..

and noting that you are serious person not given to ‘levity’, perhaps you would give some references for the ‘conspiracies’ you endorse… so that we may judge the robustness and cogency of the ‘theories’ you have concocted…

because time has borne out the observations of nickm’s references and they all have big shoes, that of course…

will need a lot filling…

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 9, 2021 6:43 PM
Reply to  dr death

I have proposed no conspiracy theory. My claim is that history is in tact.

dr death
dr death
Jun 9, 2021 8:20 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

in tatters….

Jun 9, 2021 8:53 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

Paul, you fight a good fight against the enemy you see immediately in front of you. Your comment, that Plandemic Con-19 suits Western interests more than it suits the interests of China, is perceptive and original. But you will need to learn some history if you wish to make more than “rambling, mystical gibberish” of the bigger picture which I outlined for your benefit. I suggest you start in the middle, with the Fourth Dutch War:

“Most of the war consisted of a series of British operations against Dutch colonial economic interests. The war ended disastrously for the Dutch and exposed the weakness of the political and economic foundations of the republic. The war settled the decline of the Dutch Empire and further cemented Great Britain as the leading commercial power.”

Then work your way from there back to Cromwell and the rise of the Anglo-Zio moneyed classes up till 1900 via “ChesterBelloc”, and forward to the Anglo American Zio Capitalist “Century of War” by William Engdahl, which bankrupted Britain; culminating in endless wars against Israel’s ever-expanding list of “existential enemies” (Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and now especially Iran) which helped to bankrupt the U$A. Then reflect, why are the rich in Western countries getting richer from Wars and Plandemics while their countries are getting poorer and deeper into debt? Debt to whom?

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 9, 2021 10:20 PM
Reply to  NickM

How can I prove to you that there are no additional levels of power above those we can deduce from a regular interpretation of history, and what can be deuced from circumstantial evidence.

We are all reverse engineering the world from a series of facts. In my opinion your mistake is to go one layer too far, you have imagined a historical ‘Higgs boson’, based on a rather imaginative interpretation of history, where there may not be anything to be found at all.

Restraint is required when there is little evidence to go on, we don’t want to imagine things that are not there, especially when they serve current malign political interests. I hope that is clear, even if it is only half an answer.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 9, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  NickM

Or as I explained previously to a previous comment. The only game in town today is American hegemony, which is backed up by a vast military industrial complex, an omni-present surveillance machine and multiple layers of administration. It is absurd that I need to define it, but I will, because you people are in denial and talk endlessly about phantom threats to our society.  US Empire has a vast propaganda capacity, via its ‘think-tanks’ & universities pumping out political, economic, social & ‘scientific research’ and studies which it uses to influence the worlds direction of travel, in their own economic and strategic interests. That is in addition to spreading their interests via diplomacy, US/UK financial media, the press, NGO’s, 5 eyes, phoney campaigns & pressure groups, lobbying groups and individual CIA agents on the ground monitoring all business, military, social and political activity in its vassal states and rising competitor ‘enemy’ nations, as well as funding and having disproportionate control over the UN, IMF, World Bank and OPEC via its vassal states voting as instructed.  ‘’When has the UK ever deviated for US foreign policy in the past 60 years?’’ asked a RT Journalist of Daniel Hannan, a British neo-con, MEP a few years back, his embarrassment was very real, there is no deviation.  Add to all that the new American social media technology which has become the most valuable tool of control, far surpassing the influence of the CIA on the ground, even able to leapfrog national government control of the population, however supine they were to US interests, and capable of turning the political mood, in any country on the planet, in a weekend or even a matter of hours. Social media, search algorithms and an endless onslaught of videos can all be used to politically brainwash a hapless naïve… Read more »

Big B
Big B
Jun 10, 2021 11:19 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

‘American’ hegemoney [sic]? The dollars are ‘printed’ in London (and other destinations including Japan; confusingly called “Eurodollars”) loaned into existence as a virtual chain on the back of ‘real’ – in fact virtual – dollars. In other words, not all dollars come from the Fed (though the Fed has to ‘backstop’ their existence.) Or non-existence, or virtuality. The Eurodollar: it is a very vague and abstract system with little to even research; point being – it is not purely ‘American.’ Its transnational and ‘offshored.’ The transnational global corporatocracy consists of a “superentity” of the 147 most interconnected transnational corporations. The most interconnected of them all are based – at least on paper – or have a presence in the City of London corporation. Or have a ring of dummy ‘nameplate’ registrations in other ‘offshore’ tax havens. The most interconnected entity is Barclays Bank: so, not all ‘American.’ Most all of what you say is true, of course. But the ‘conspiracy’ is deeper than just America, its transnational. For the sake of common discourse, it does not exist. Conspiracy “a plotting of evil, unlawful design; a combination of persons for an evil purpose,” lit. “to breathe together.” The problem about the conspiracy and the conspiracy theory, is, well, mostly the conspiracy is borne out by the facts. Or what little we can know of them, or “reverse engineer.” The superentity controls world finance. The ‘owners’ come from all races and we do not even know who they are. Some are more prominent, some silent, and there is no paper trail. I agree with you about the ‘AZC’; and I like your comment about the Higgs Boson of conspiracy. But there really is a superentity [Glatfelder] and his “econophysicist” study was even replicated with similar results (by whom I cannot recall.) There… Read more »

Jun 9, 2021 11:47 PM
Reply to  NickM

It was after the 1655 readmission that the British eclipsed the Dutch.

dr death
dr death
Jun 9, 2021 3:42 PM
Reply to  NickM

douglas reed helps to flesh ‘it’ out, chesterton and bellocq underlining the fact that the current ‘problems’, are not really ‘current’ or in any way ‘novel’ but have been ‘hanging around’ (great song) as observed phenomena and downward trajectory for at least 150 years..

the ‘modern’ problems include financialisms, teknologisms, scientisms ( con jobs and ponzis, new forms of ‘religious fervour’) ‘invoked’ imbecility through mis-education, societal feminisation,( and thus sterilization) and unwarranted credentialism (there are many more) which in aggregate destroy societal functionality and will drift to totalitarianism..

and thus a dearth of real inquiring ‘intellects’, reflexively necessary to limit the excesses of socio-pathic (heheh) societal forces..

because of course with a society of imbeciles one can only have totalitarian teknocracy..

indeed ‘they’ have planned for it.. because those that believe in nothing can of course be made to believe in anything…

dr death
dr death
Jun 9, 2021 4:09 PM
Reply to  dr death

NB: one could argue that all societies have been teknokratic totalitarianisms, though granted they may of had greater or lesser ‘freedumbs’…most probably proportional to the number of active imbeciles and non-imbeciles in any given social ‘construct’…

thus the majority of social systems throughout (recorded) history have been by nature..


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 9, 2021 2:18 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

I tend to agree with much of your post , however the US hegemony has been in decline since Nixon surrendered when summoned by Mao to Peking circa the 1970s

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 9, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

In ‘Decline’ does not mean it is powerless, far from it, we are experiencing a hegemon supernova event, just before its collapse into a black hole.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 9, 2021 10:35 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

The US became morally bankrupt when it invaded Korea and was defeated in 1952 . We became bankrupt economically as well after losing the Vietnam war and Nixon was forced to go to Peking for the surrender of the US ‘s industrial base to China. International elites and various spy agencies are the current “hegemon supernova event” humanity is suffering through

Jun 9, 2021 10:08 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

Go realise your country has signed up for agenda 21 in 1992….and everything else they could it seems…no doubt held by ability to borrow the endless sums of money they now rely on to keep the country propped up and themselves in their nice paying jobs….then come and tell me that there isn’t something else organising our lives right now other than our respective govts.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 12, 2021 9:39 AM
Reply to  Edith

there isn’t something else organising our lives right now

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Jun 9, 2021 1:26 PM

Sadly we are far past the point of no return. The agricultural revolution was the beginning of the end. If we had remained hunter gatherers we would have survived for tens of thousands of years into the future and the miracle of biodiversity would have survived as well. It was forests and sea food that sustained our pre agricultural ancestors. 80% of the former have disappeared and a large proportion of the latter. Thus there is no going back. A coronal mass ejection could end life on Earth thanks to our dependence on an increasingly fragile infrastructure. Which is why Lord R decided to unleash a fictitious but nonetheless fatal corona virus.

Jun 9, 2021 1:25 PM

When one should listen to farmers and critical thinkers, one should prefer those who have experience under their belt longer than a decade, experienced people like Wendel Barry and Joel Salatin. Joel Salatin recently told his readers an anecdote : his customer complained that his egg yolks are … ORANGE!!
“Fake,” this customer thought… And was not to be swayed by the farmer’s peaceful and reasoned words. What is more, this is not an exceptional case: hardly a day goes by without this and many other farmers receiving reactions of exactly this kind. Commenting on this, someone – Tildin Khatts – said :

People are craving for what’s real but in many cases they don’t know what that is

That same truth appears to apply to Off-Guardian in some of their editorial choices.

And if that sounds like putting one’s nose in other people’s business, so do Off-Guardian tweets about how this and that public personality has gotten some thing wrong. It’s nothing personal.

Big B
Big B
Jun 9, 2021 7:55 PM
Reply to  Dors

You got Wendell Berry wrong. Wendell Barry was his Welsh cousin. Only joking. I’ve had people refuse to eat freshly cut lettuce because of the “funny white sap” leaking out. They thought it was off. It was still growing and cut no more than ten minutes before. “And what are those red spots in the yoke of this egg?”

Jun 9, 2021 12:56 PM

We could all learn to cook from scratch. That would be a good start.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 9, 2021 7:51 PM
Reply to  October

Eating closer to the scource is a good healthy idea for anyone but it doesn’t challenge in any meaningful way the NWO crushing down upon us.

Jun 9, 2021 12:17 PM

Vaccination in Britain was made compulsory by the 1853 Vaccination Act. It’s main terms: That every child, whose health permits, shall be vaccinated within three, or in case of orphanage within four months of birth, by the public vaccinator of the district, or by some other medical practitioner. That notice of this requirement, and information as to the local arrangements for public vaccination, shall, whenever a birth is registered, be given by the registrar of births to the parents or guardians of the child. That every medical practitioner who, whether in public or private practice, successfully vaccinates a child shall send to the local registrar of births a certificate that he has done so ; and the registrar shall keep a minute of all the notices given, and an account of all the certificates thus received. That parents or guardians who, without sufficient reason, after having duly received the registrar’s notice of the requirement of Vaccination, either omit to have a child duly vaccinated, or, this being done, omit to have it inspected as to the results of Vaccination, shall be liable to a penalty of £1; and all penalties shall be recoverable under Jervis’s Act, and shall be paid toward the local poor-rate. This was under the liberal (although they hadn’t formerly yet adopted the name) regime of Aberdeen. However the crucial minister in securing the passage of the Act was Palmerston. Palmerston is probably the most important figure in British political history who hardly anyone’s heard of (I can’t think of a single film or TV programme that portrays him). Palmerston was a foreign affairs’ specialist and even Wikipedia notes that his appointment as Home Secretary 1852-54 was odd. A few fun facts about Palmerston: he held huge estates in Ireland on which thousands starved to death in the… Read more »

Jun 9, 2021 4:00 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It would be interesting to know from what family line the Palmerston came from.
One thing is consistent is that they all have a similar ” brand” of misanthropic psychosis .
You forgot all the flamboyant titles
Viscount Palmerston or more correctly the 3rd Viscount tut tut.
One of the ” Gods” of the upper crust

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Jun 9, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  Edwige

But it only costs £1 to opt out. In 1853 that might have hurt a bit more.

Jun 9, 2021 11:53 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Darwin was once called Palmerston. It’s satellite city is now called Palmerston. There is also a city in Aotearoa named after the bastard.

Jun 9, 2021 11:52 AM

Hooray, there’s now an approved drug for Alzheiner’s:


The article’s of interest because: a) it gives an unusually detailed account of the ‘ker-ching!’ involved in a drug like this b) it admits that while this drug slows down a certain process in the brain there’s zero prrof that this process is causative of Alzheimer’s. This is actually true of the vast majority of non-infectious diseases but seldom stated. c) it’s a startling example of their disingenuousness and use of fear porn. Alzheimer’s is the sixth biggest killer in the USA; no mention that medical interventions are the admitted third or that over 50% of new drugs are withdrawn after their true toll (aka ‘side-effects’) is publicly unveiled.

Jun 9, 2021 11:06 AM
Jun 9, 2021 1:56 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Unfortunately Jon Rappoport seems to have stopped doing videos (for Infowars?) since months ago. I used to enjoy hearing his regular verbal articulations of his blog posts.

ignasi orobitg gene
ignasi orobitg gene
Jun 9, 2021 8:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

A huge pinnacle of real journalism is John Rappoport .

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 9, 2021 10:58 AM

Really good video guys, and yes, we need to have radical authenticity by standing up and speaking the truth of where this entire agenda is going, including food and the supply chains.
Today it was announced that the current Melbourne lockdown will be lifted on Friday, with mask wearing no longer mandatory outside. However, from next week, QR codes will be compulsory in all workplaces.
The Acting Premier of Victoria, James Merlino stated that:
“but we know this isn’t over yet, and until we have widespread vaccinations across Victoria and our country, the virus will still be with us”. They’re not very subtle about wanting us jabbed, are they?
I contacted The Big Issue office and told them straight out that I would not scan a QR code for any reason, and stated I will not enable the technofascist tyranny that is coming by complying with this. I also told them I would not wear a mask indoors and was claiming a medical exemption.
They said they took on board my views on this and I did suggest if they wanted to write my name down on a piece of paper, I couldn’t really stop them. It’s probably the only way around this, but I also know that QR codes are the stepping stone to vaccine passports.

Jun 9, 2021 9:35 AM

Someone wrote on a recent thread about seeing a large number of stories about “the NHS overwhelmed”. Quicker than you can say “Hegelian dialectic” along comes part of what that’s about:


Sophia turns out to be one of the Aeons of Gnosticism. Still, it’s probably all just a coincidence – if Gnosticism was important, wouldn’t you hear about it on the corporate media?

Does anyone remember voting for the ‘Live in a PKD novel’ party? Next step: human nurses have to accept certain “augmentations” to compete with robot nurses. It’s a free choice, free to leave the profession and get a job in coding or live on UBI instead…

Jun 9, 2021 10:19 AM
Reply to  Edwige

NHS has a crisis every year, for at least the last 10 yrs…


Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 9, 2021 1:44 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

True enough ,however , the NHS was sentenced to “death by a thousand cuts” when Ms Thatcher gained power in the 1980s

Jun 9, 2021 2:12 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

And when Tony Blair allowed non-representative MPs to force foundation hospitals on England in 2003. Ah, the perils of asymmetric national devolution!

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jun 9, 2021 9:27 AM

You really don’t want to believe it, but what else can you do when your reason and experience, when history itself tell you otherwise? Holy shit man, what can city folk do?

Jun 9, 2021 8:38 AM

“Only about 15% of medical interventions are supported by solid scientific evidence”.

Some nutty “truther” pushing their “fake news” again? No, it’s the editor of the BMJ in 1991 quoting Professor David Eddy of Duke University.

The editorial then went on to say:

“This is partly because only 1% of the articles in medical journals are scientifically sound, and partly because many of the treatments have never been assessed at all”.

That’s what “science says… ” back in the day when it was buried in specialist journals and they were confident it couldn’t be spread to a wider audience.

As so often, the language itself is revealing. “Medicine” means both the act of treating and a drug, the two are synonomous in English. The use of the word “treatment” rather than “cure” is also no accident.

Jun 9, 2021 7:33 AM

“Technology will surely drown us.The individual is disappearing rapidly.We’ll eventually be nothing but numbered ants.The group thing grows.”
Marcel Duchamp, 1966

Jun 9, 2021 9:23 AM
Reply to  Hele

Ants do not carry numbers, neither tattooed on their left forearm nor as electronic implants. According to my mentor, the late Prof.Robert Harkness, they make their own contribution to the common store, then relax by just “swanning around”. He was fond of quoting Proverbs:

“Go to the ant, Thou Sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise: she needs no overseer for her work”.

Jun 9, 2021 6:34 AM

Shill of the week Jordan Peterson: @2:19 “My response to this (the pandemic) is to suspend judgement for six months… for six months from now. Fearing as I do the loss of civil liberties (if you’re liberties die within 28 days of a test its a you know what), being wary as I am about what it means for how we’re going to handle infectious disease in the future. Umm….. you know, I’m wearing the masks when I’m required to… so…. that’s the best I can do with that (really Jordan? Don’t you eat Harvard feminists for lunch?)” “I have no particular insight with regards to this pandemic (left it behind in Russia perhaps?), it affected me and my family in the same way it affects everyone else (so you’re still travelling while we’re getting home checked by police). It throws us into psychological disarray (when you hear the word “damn” you will cluck like a chicken) in all the same ways and brings up all the same moral questions and I wish I had a better answer but I don’t (you’re LITERALLY paid gobs of cash for your opinions)” “…so… I mean….I’ve got the vaccine ..so that’s a partial answer on my part but I understand the position of those who don’t want to take it (I bet you do) (nice framing: “take it” ..you don’t want the free gift?) and I would be unwilling to compel them by force that’s for sure because that’s not the right approach (this is how my neighbour sold me a pyramid scheme in the 90s)” “..although I would encourage people to get the damn vaccine… let’s get the hell over this (there is only one Lord of the Ring..). But I did that. I put my body on the line to do… Read more »

Jun 9, 2021 6:52 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

The comments below the video are telling: not the man he used to be/ always suggestible, and a psychologist to boot.

Jun 9, 2021 8:24 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Peterson occupies exactly the same university chair as Timothy Leery and fulfils exactly the same function. He’s been an op from day one.

Jun 9, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Very interesting. Peterson emerged just as Woke was rolled out beyond the universities.

He staked the boundaries of Wokeness and tested its limits, acting perhaps as a windsock to see what pushback it would face.

Peterson also helped rally the Woke troops by serving as a target and a provocateur.

Right on cue as the Woke coup was about to take place with the Plandemic enabling the Woke seizure of the White House … … … Peterson gets sick and disappears.

The most influential standard bearer for youngish men, who appealed to something higher than party politics, preaching morality and doing the right thing — even if couched in homely terms like “clean your room” — suddenly vanished.

The state corporatist media played a key role, serving up journalists from prominent titles to bait Peterson.

I have never seen a mainstream interviewer lift the rock under which Peterson lives, to understand the man — or question Wokeness for that matter. Everything is a given. All is accepted at face value. The contest of ideas is a superficial Punch and Judy show.

I like a lot of Peterson’s talks. He is a master of
marshalling thought on a number of essential topics. But he plays a role.

Jun 9, 2021 1:28 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Any communist regime has lots of people like JP. He gets the disaffected onside without their knowing it. You can’t trust a thing he says, I knew this immediately. His instant and meteoric rise should have tingled your spidey senses.

Big B
Big B
Jun 9, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The man is an undoubted genius. I’ve read “Maps of Meaning” over an over. And then ….?

He became an irrelevance and a shill after “12 Rules” (“whose your lobster Daddy”) and that Zizek co-embarrassment. Apart from the Stephen Fry interview, haven’t watched him for years.

Strongly and vehemently disagree with him over his “some objective moral order is better than no moral order” attitude. The moral order we are following leads to the camps and the chambers Jordan, so stop defending it with Hicks, Pinker and whoever.

dr death
dr death
Jun 9, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

he definitely has his ‘way’ with whiny screechy channel 4 harridans , knows his way round a bottle of anti-depressants and the correct ‘dosage’ with johnny walker ‘red’ and of course there’s the legendary ‘self help’ tome..

‘how to clean your pecker 40 ways from sunday and clean your room too’…

but for some reason strangely reticent when it comes to publicly (or even when home in his ‘dirty kitchen’ hehe) debating his great ‘hero’ alexander solzhenhitsyn’s non fictional literature…

verdict: fake as ‘covid’…..

wakey wokey jordan…. its ‘medication time !’…..

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jun 9, 2021 1:48 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Tim Leary’s political role as far as those who rule are concerned , began as useful idiot , and ended as an FBI informant

Jun 9, 2021 6:33 AM

There’s a mega drought already hitting California and Nevada, according to this article:

California And Nevada Are Now 100% In Drought

This is a dry spell not seen since the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl days. Because of the drought, Americans very likely will experience a shocking food shortage very soon.

Jun 9, 2021 8:37 AM
Reply to  Tike

Mea culpa — I hadn’t watched the video before posting. Christian talked about this mega drought and how farmers are having to truck in water.. And, what I love about him, is that he doesn’t shy away from talking about geoengineering, which obviously points the finger at weather manipulation. It’s an intentional attack on our food supply through a variety of means. Many people just can’t grasp the enormity of what’s going on in almost every sphere of our lives…. for many, many years.

Jun 10, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  Tike

Does that mean they won’t be able to undermine agriculture abroad by imposing subsidised exports?

Jun 9, 2021 5:03 AM

Can we have a Side Effects Special? Those reactions which the CDC says “show it’s working.”

Assuming people don’t die off, there are going to be lots of… “challenged” persons. We won’t be able to call it handicapped because they may even be a majority. Maybe they’ll be “vaccine advantaged” or “RNA augmented.”

So we should take seriously some of the new things you can do after the shot, like:

  • Mash the same computer key really fast.
  • Look in two directions at once.
  • Attach fridge magnets instead of tattoos.
  • Wear magnetic sand instead of a bikini.
  • Post-coital contraception using a magnet [enough of the magnets — Ed].
  • Rollerblade with loss of spacial awareness.
  • Act without fear, emotion or empathy.
  • Visit friends in your Zorb hamster ball, the all-in-one answer to intermittent paralysis and social distancing.
  • Play human-sized marbles
  • Jelly Rolls — the new flash mobs.
  • Talk even faster than a Millennial.
  • Invent new consonants — or drop them altogether.
  • Match your symptoms in The Dating Game.
  • Find your perfect opposite on Tinder.
  • Call DNA bingo as your body changes.
  • Share your changes with others — “shed the love”.
  • Experience many more physical stages of life.
  • Star gaze with your eyes shut.
  • Indulge your vertigo from a favourite armchair.
  • Time travel instead of vacation.
  • Chase your memoirs away.
  • Become someone else for real, with a VR headset.

Isn’t that more fun than using you body to mine Bitcoin for Bill Gates or growing experimental cells so a billionaire can live longer?

Jun 9, 2021 5:47 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Some may think humour tasteless but our attempts to engage people’s critical faculties often collide with those tablets of stone, The Science 🗿

People who refuse to acknowledge any problems with the Covid narrative or the “life-saving vaccine”, whose side effects must be illusory, can hardly be offended…?

I suppose I have mocked the sacrament of modified RNA.

They sure invented self-driving cars just in time.

Jun 9, 2021 8:33 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I’m so glad that someone else has noticed the moniker being applied to the new religion “The Science” whose high priests are those gifted with PhDs in virology, epidemiology and germ theory. Where is Gutenberg when we need him?

Jun 9, 2021 8:21 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Corbett covers some of these issues in his recent podcast on ‘The Great Convergence’ which was rather better than this one (which is a bit rushed and doesn’t really say anything new – the main point seems to be to make Corbett’s audience aware of Ice Age Farmer but as he’s already been on here that seems redundant).

Jun 9, 2021 8:47 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Agreed. Meanwhile another Vaccine Mishaps Miscellany.


Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jun 9, 2021 3:39 AM

This guy is worth watching. Sees the vital trends ahead of everyone else.

Jun 9, 2021 2:52 AM

RIP Rosa Koire

Dave Cullen’s Tribute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZmoLuLBlIT8t/

Past interviews of note:



Rosa Koire. UN Agenda 2030 exposed

Jun 9, 2021 6:19 AM
Reply to  Tike

Very sad news. Rosa gave a great interview on Bonnie Faulkner’s Guns and Butter just in April.


Jun 9, 2021 6:26 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yes, that’s a good one. Thanks for posting it. She gave so many fine interviews, and was always so easy on the ears and eyes, despite the dire subject matter. She was a true warrior and it breaks my heart that she’s gone. I can only hope more will follow in her footsteps while there’s still time.

Jun 9, 2021 10:12 AM
Reply to  Tike

everything she says makes perfect sense – given the evidence of the last fifteen 17 months – can their be any doubt that this is what is being implemented – not in my mind

Jun 9, 2021 10:13 AM
Reply to  Corarden

thanks for the video link Tike, I’ve never heard her speaking before, and yes RIP, good lady.

Jun 9, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  Tike

I had no idea she was even ill. I cried when I heard of her death. It felt like a personal loss. Her warmth, intelligence and humour have been such great companions on this ghastly voyage.

Jun 9, 2021 7:20 PM
Reply to  Bretty

Yes, it truly feels like a personal loss. I’m will be grieving for a long time. It wasn’t just Rosa as a person, but her cause and her success in waking people up (who would listen). Hopefully others will be inspired to speak out against evil.

Jun 9, 2021 2:16 AM

“They rolled out the corona pass in Norway today”


S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 9, 2021 2:56 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

“So does anyone in Norway intend to do something about that? Besides sitting on their thumbs.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jun 9, 2021 3:12 AM
Reply to  S Cooper
Jun 9, 2021 8:42 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Because it sells anti-germ products.

And, in the same vein (not a pun) as the lethal injection anecdote – in military training we were taught that firing a dirty (lethal) bullet is against the Geneva Convention.

Jan J
Jan J
Jun 9, 2021 6:04 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Not really. Norwegians are amazingly gullible People and most have literally blind faith in the state. Most people I talk to are looking forward to having the vaccine (because then we can live as normal you know – yeah right!). Most people think surveillance and tracking is perfectly ok – because I don’t do anything wrong and follow the rules, so what’s the problem? That’s how stupid the average Norwegian is.

Jun 9, 2021 9:40 AM
Reply to  Jan J

It was a Norwegian who wrote The Enemy of The People. A medical Truther meets “the People who Follow the Rules”. It ends with his family gathered in the living room, and the first stone breaking their window.

Come to thing of it, that’s what the “Rules Based International Order” does to little nations who question their rules: sends them a “message” which smashes something.

Jan J
Jan J
Jun 9, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  NickM

Ibsen was a very atypical Norwegian, and I think the stories say he never really felt at home in his own country. Hence why he wrote “An enemy of the people”. That play is a great illustration of where we are today unfortunately with the “vaccines”.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jun 9, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  Jan J

It’s not about ethnicity or nationality. It’s about propaganda.

Jun 9, 2021 11:02 AM
Reply to  Jan J

10 minutes in anyones search history and i’ll put the ‘done nothing wrong’ mindset to test

Jun 9, 2021 6:21 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen is in Norway. His channel on youtube has 437,000 subscribers. No idea how many are in Norway, but just thought I’d point it out since he’s talking against covid passports openly.

The Covid Passports Will Put You In A Digital Prison | NHS Health App Now Includes Vaccine Status

Jan J
Jan J
Jun 9, 2021 6:40 AM
Reply to  Tike

I don’t think a majority of those subscribers are in Norway (would be great if they were as that’s close to 10% of the population of the country). Unfortunately most people here have accepted the COVID-19 narrative 100%

Jun 9, 2021 10:05 AM
Reply to  Tike

Found his channel about a month ago.

Love the guy. Not just his message, but him as a person.

If anybody hasn’t seen any of his videos yet, watch one and you’ll see what I mean.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 9, 2021 10:29 AM
Reply to  Tike

Well actually I don’t have a smart-phone. I wouldn’t know what to do with one. Actually the smart phone is our own little prison guard. We should do a collection of smart phones put them in a sack and throw them down the deepest dry well we can find.

We need to drop out of the whole f****** system. Newspapers, TV, films, books, magazines, posh restaurants and so on and so forth, all of it so much brain rot.

We are faced with a psychotic global death-cult. No compromise is possible or desirable. It’s a war for the soul of humanity. It insinuates itself relentlessly into us in some subtle and not so unsubtle ways.

Time to choose which side you’re on.

Jun 9, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Such great points. No smart phone here either — yes, our own little prison guard, if we’re willfully ignorant. As for the media, I’ve dropped out almost completely now, except for some alt media like Off-G — but there’s a lot of deception going on, a lot of controlled opposition. Why would that be a surprise, given how much money tptb have to throw around and buy off people, institutions, and governments?

And I haven’t been to a restaurant in years. Over-priced poison, wrapped in a tasty facade.

And to your larger point that this is a war for the soul of humanity — yes, and absolutely yes. This is where way too many people are blind.

Jun 10, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I agree with you, D Duck, this is a war for the very soul of humanity, nothing less. And we’re surrounded by and immersed in the insanity of the “death cult” and all its systems, signs, symbols – everywhere. It really is that simple and that large and all-encompassing.

Now is the time to live in nothing but our truth (love), every moment. No more lies of any kind. Truth is love and love is truth.

Much love and truth to you all. ❤️

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 9, 2021 8:02 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Me and and a few others will keep on avoiding face diapers and the vaccine but it won’t matter because the gullible idiots comes in droves …

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 9, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

”but it won’t matter” Tut tut: But it should matter to you, even if you were the last man on earth. As Winston Smith – the hero in Orwell’s 1984 novel opined – ”Sanity is not statistical.”

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 9, 2021 7:51 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie
Jun 9, 2021 1:47 AM

i think we are approaching a return to the age of the sovereign individual. No one wants the oligarch controlled and owned nation state politicians or police around any more. Everyone realizes the nation state, is a system invented by the oligarch to control and direct to the benefit of the oligarch the effort of the 8 billion that populate the globe.

The nation states are tools which enable the oligarch to collect taxes from the governed and use the money collected from the pockets of the governed to conduct for free to the oligarch. the exploits of the oligarch, for personal profit to the Oligarch.

dr death
dr death
Jun 9, 2021 8:13 PM
Reply to  eman

I agree, people tend to associate the end of the kleptocratic state and it’s digitized maggot minions with unfettered anarchic violence and warlords… and indeed it might..

but I think that might actually be fun…