WHO’s Chief Scientist Served with Legal Notice for Disinformation and Suppression of Evidence
Colin Todhunter

On 25 May 2021, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) served a 51-page legal notice on Dr Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO), for:
[H]er act of spreading disinformation and misguiding the people of India, in order to fulfil her agenda.”
The Mumbai-based IBA is an association of lawyers who strive to bring transparency and accountability to the Indian justice system. It is actively involved in the dissemination of legal knowledge and provides guidance and support to advocates and ordinary people in their fight for justice.
The legal notice says Dr Swaminathan has been:
Running a disinformation campaign against Ivermectin by deliberate suppression of effectiveness of drug Ivermectin as prophylaxis and for treatment of COVID-19, despite the existence of large amounts of clinical data compiled and presented by esteemed, highly qualified, experienced medical doctors and scientists,”
Issuing statements in social media and mainstream media, thereby influencing the public against the use of Ivermectin and attacking the credibility of acclaimed bodies/institutes like ICMR and AIIMS, Delhi, which have included ‘Ivermectin’ in the ‘National Guidelines for COVID-19 management’.”
The IBA states that legal action is being taken against Dr Swaminathan in order to stop her from causing further damage to the lives of citizens of India.
The notice is based on the research and clinical trials carried out by the ‘Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’ (FLCCC) and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) Panel. These organisations have presented an enormous amount of data that strengthen the case for recommending Ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
The IBA says that Dr Swaminathan has ignored these studies and reports and has deliberately suppressed the data regarding the effectiveness of Ivermectin, with an intent to dissuade the people of India from using it.
However, two key medical bodies, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Delhi, have refused to accept her stand and have retained the recommendation for Ivermectin, under a ‘May Do’ category, for patients with mild symptoms and those in home isolation, as stated in ‘The National Guidelines for COVID-19 management’.
It is interesting to note that the content of several web links to news articles and reports included in the notice served upon Dr Swaminathan, which was visible before issuing the notice, has either been removed or deleted.
It seems that the vaccine manufacturers and many governments are desperate to protect their pro-vaccine agenda and will attempt to censor information and news regarding the efficacy of Ivermectin.
The legal notice can be read in full on the website of the India Bar Association.
Colin Todhunter is an independent journalist who writes on development, environmental issues, politics, food and agriculture. In August 2018 he was named as one of 400 Living Peace and Justice Leaders and Models by Transcend Media Services, in recognition of his journalism.
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I must apologise if I am interjectin’
But have you researched, have you looked up, have you checked in?
With ivermectin, ivermectin, ivermectin
In clinical trials it’s been shown to be affectin’
But Tony Fauci and the WHO are disrespectin’
The humble, inexpensive and protectin’
Ivermectin, ivermectin, ivermectin!
Please don’t use it as a substitute for pectin…
< repeat ad nauseum >
I’m just trying to figure out when the who turned from the world health organization to the world murdering genocide organization with so few people noticing. Does everyone know what happened to all those who were found guilty during the Nuremburg Trials? Even the media were hung. I wonder if anyone from the who has thought what it would be like to have a noose around their necks, I hear it’s not very pleasant.
More noise signifying nothing. No government or court will stop this. Only massive civil disobedience will work.
Woe to those who make good evil and evil good. Who call darkness light and light darkness. These shall face judgement! Every little bit (and each newly informed Truther) counts! There will be a time to stand… but not falling prey to their “ordo ab chao!” is key! See how easily they provoked riots and split the races? The George Floyd psy-op couldn’t have been produced better had Steven Spielberg been in the director’s chair!
Thank you for reporting this . It was disturbing to say the least to hear the WHO suddenly striking out against any protocol that involved Ivermectin,which to the best of my limited knowledge and research, has been a surprisingly potent aid in containing this illness and has not caused any deaths or injuries .
As far as the Indian legal associations involved, I’m very glad to see you doing this. Keep up the good work!
Lying is a big part of Indian culture (I am not being racist, I am being observant … here is an someone who agrees … http://www.myindianstory.com/?p=4074) so I am not surprised to see this. I have had one Indian boss in my career and he was a helpless liar as were the members of the IT team in India that he used to manage as one of his responsibilities. As a westerner brought up in a Christian family, it was difficult to sit in meetings and listen to him lie to his boss about all sorts of things that he had no need to lie about – it was a habit.
Lying has now become common across all political environments in the west, a lot of the lies are so blatantly obvious yet the perpetrators are like my old Indian boss, they just don’t care that you know they are lying, it has become an acceptable means of saving face when you do something incompetent or corrupt.
Lock her up, she is a Human Rights Criminal.
At the moment, the cabal is trying to get ahead of the story and have fraudulent FAUCHIE resign or quit. He and the rest of the criminal syndacate need prosecution in the court systems of the world. If no legitamaticy can be found in the judiciary, public trust will continue to decline.
He’s immune!! I had no idea. That’s why none of the governor’s will pay for their genocide….all immune!!
Did anyone catch any site dedicated to ‘Anti-Vaxxer’ spouting virtue signalling stage 3 clinical trial loving Covidians?
I believe, that no longer will third world countries have Western companies within their shores, peddling their new wares, as we already have enough ‘anti-vaxxer’ spouting luminaries to take their place.
Oh, do I get a finders fee from the likes of Pfizer for identifying en masse, people for their next trial?
More on the magnetics
Magnetism Intentionally Added To ‘Vaccine’ To Force mRNA Through Entire Body (bitchute.com)
The ‘charges ‘ say it all : Not the ”Criminal Fraud ” that it IS , but the non-criminal ‘slap on the wrist ‘ civil misdemeanour in public office of : ” disinformation ” …
What a joke . It’s all about Publicity Marketing for one deadly poison, selling to the public ‘ as preferable to another ‘.
This is known in MI5 circles ‘ as the double-bluff or double-talk ‘ , works every time on the illiterate zombified egoists that constitute the ‘ general public ‘.
Whom , given any nonsense which sounds like ‘what we think we want to hear ‘ , will take up it’s cause and run with it ON MI5’s behalf. Pathetic .
Ivermectin is NOT poison unless you’re a parasite or Covid. So why be so toxic about it, even if the lawsuit may or may not have teeth at least it raises awareness and that can help spare elderly and unwell folks.
Here’s a bit of theatre:
Van Morrison – very vocal covid sceptic – has a gig cancelled!
“Current regulations state that live music is not permitted in licensed or unlicensed hospitality venues. The hotel group hoped to have the concerts classed as test events, but had to call them off on the advice of the Executive Office. … In a statement, Howard Hastings, managing director of Hastings Hotels said he had never had to cancel a show at such late notice before. He said that on 1 June, Culture Minister Deirdre Hargey had said on the floor of the Northern Ireland Assembly that the concerts could go ahead “as long as they keep within the regulations”.”
“Yesterday afternoon I received word from the Executive Office that these shows, despite the minister’s assurances, did not comply with the regulations,” Mr Hastings said.
“There is no part of the risk assessment that has been called into question.
A spokesperson for the Department for Communities said…. “The responsibility for acting within current Covid-19 regulations lies with the organisers of events. The Department for Communities is not an enforcement or approval agency.”
So, the gig was all set to go back on June 1st but on the 10th – sudden cancellation on … what grounds? Who knows? But note how the sudden turnaround made this story a headline item.
UK governments have taken their queues from the Taliban now…
And why should the American govt be alone in wiping its arse on all those banknotes?:
From the British Buggary Corporation
186 Breakthrough Post-Vax Cases
Clark County, Nevada
29 hospitalized and 2 dead as of May 6. 40% of cases occurred age 25-49, as a continuation of the pattern that post-vax cases strike younger people who aren’t usually at much risk for covid.
New documents obtained by TrialSite News: Pfizer didn’t thoroughly examine biodistribution and pharmacokinetics issues relating to its vaccine before submitting the vaccine to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for review.
So they didn’t examine WHERE in the body the vax would go, nor exactly WHAT its action would be. What else IS there?
Censorship of the good news on Ivermectin
That may explain why Capuzzo, a six-time Pulitzer-nominated journalist best known for his New York Times-bestselling nonfiction books Close to Shore and Murder Room, ended up publishing his article on ivermectin in Mountain Home, a monthly local magazine for the of the Pennsylvania mountains and New York Finger Lakes region, of which Capuzzo’s wife is the editor.
Scientists have since stated that (a) PEG crosses the blood-brain barrier (b) they have noted the spike protein in every part of the body (c) the protein causes clots in the lining of capillaries. The last may be the cause of every type of subsequent injury.
They are not breakthrough cases. They are people becoming ill after being injected with poison. The test is fake therefore how can there be a such thing as a case? This is the reason why they are so invested in keeping the lie of viruses alive. So the public never discovers the real cause of the illnesses, which is the various forms of toxicity we are exposed to medically, environmentally and in the food chain and water supply. Moreover, if you think when you become ill it’s a virus or a germ instead of a toxin how are you going to remediate it? With more toxins (Rx)? That’s why there’s approximately one million deaths per year in the US from the medical system itself.
The Dutch site Xandernieuws reports that the Chinese vaccines do not contain mRNA:
“However, the Chinese vaccines do not contain this mRNA/DNA technology. Society and the economy have been operating normally there for a long time. What could be the reason that the Chinese did not want to inject mRNA instructions into their population? Were they perhaps well aware of the gigantic risks that would entail?” (Google translated)
seems to confirm that, blaming it on technical issues, but eager to join what the rest of the world is doing:
““We are latecomers and will still have some time before the products are approved, but these products feature Chinese innovation and intelligence with independent intellectual property rights and patents for the core parts of the production process and core technology. We do not have to worry about technical bottlenecks and obstacles in the future,” Feng said.
The Chinese vaccines currently in use are inactivated vaccines, which take dead matter from the coronavirus to stimulate the immune system. But the radical new vaccines use messenger RNA to copy the virus’s genetic profile and train the body into mounting an immune response.”
Is this yet another conspiracy theory?
How could they take dead matter from something as yet, not found or isolated? They’d need to find the Coronavirus first. It’s more of the faux narrative. There’s an ongoing binary narrative and both sides are false. It’s the standard MO. If there’s a Chinese vaccine, it’s part of all the NIAID-NIH-DARPA patents just as the Sputnik one is since all countries are bound by international patent laws and legal agreements with the WHO.
China has no IP laws, this is BS.
Fascismo terapeutico.
Its on fight to the death or humanity will be destroyed.
When i checked the Therapeutic Goods Admin (TGA) site recently to find out how many australians had a fatal reaction to the GMO injection the site recorded 210 deaths after vaccination… Though the wording suggested a direct link between the injection and the deaths , the relation was only coincidental, because the cause of the deaths had not been investigated…
During his conversation with Reiner Fuellmich recently Brian Gerrish (UKcolumn) mentioned similar was occurring in the UK: no investigation, no autopsy, thus it is only a coincidence that someone died (soon) after having the GMO injection.
Remember that ‘Plausible Denial’ defence of politicians ? Seems that by not investigating cause of death of those who die soon after the GMO injection allows the dodge: ‘the deaths are coincidental as no connection has been made.’
This would explain why it was reported that the TGA threatened to set the cops on anyone who made the claim on-line that the TGA site records those 210 deaths as being caused by the GMO injection… That has not been established as the cause had not been investigated…
It’s strange how the death of a few hundred people over 90 who died after a false positive PCR test is a great tragedy so bad the nation had to be locked up but when young people die from the poison it’s crickets
And now this has allowed them to approve it..
They approved the PCR’s even knowing they are non diagnostic, Roche produced the first ones at 40ct so even the initial 8,000 in the first ‘wave of nothing” there was literally nothing.
This is the most concise, on the point clip of the Pandemic. I definitely couldn’t have said it better myself. Long Live the People
A gem. ‘For their health.’ Thanks for sharing.
I actually saw this clip yesterday, and this guy nails it in one minute. I note the bots have already put a warning on this saying “this tweet is misleading”. I’m surprised they didn’t just zap it.
Yeah I got zapped again for a week, and I notice the Burnett Institute is out peddling their ”thousands will die if we don’t vax” without ever even now the media pointing out they are funded by vax companies.
And it has upset Twitter it seems…they have stuck a label of false info on it…idiots
Vaccination for children as young as 5 moves a step closer:
Why on earth are they continually peddling this crap, sterilise the kids
Because as Huxley wrote in 1931, “Civilisation is Sterilisation”
Indeed, an absolute outrage and what is even more outrageous is that we are all just standing by and watching these crimes against humanity being perpetrated with complete impunity.
Hundreds of thousands (millions around the world) are not standing by but are actively involved in fighting these crimes against humanity. Download Telegram and join your local Stand In The Park group and see how you can help.
Thanks, I will.
It’s shocking enough seeing kids as young as 3 wearing facemasks – as I have, but this is just grotesque and is straight out criminal. Where’s the Nuremburg Code with regards these frankenstein concoctions?
And watching doctors who should fucking know better than to face nappy up is appalling, have their all lost their damn minds
You realise surgeons have been wearing masks for hours a day for years?
In a clinical environment, with a controlled atmosphere, used as a barrier against bodily fluids when attending open wounds or conducting surgery. When I worked in orthopaedic theatres it was widely acknowledged that masks did nothing to stop bacteria, and viruses never even came up! lol
But the evidence now shows that masks do reduce the transmission of COVID-19. This is not only backed by evidence, but it also makes logical sense: the virus attaches to water particles you breath out; Water particles are caught by your mask.
Do a risk benefits analysis on wearing a mask in indoor crowded spaces:
Risk – Slightly uncomfortable on your face.
Benefit – prevents the spread of respiratory viruses.
Bob, this is ridiculous reasoning. Like trying to argue dropping a car in a stream is helping to minimise the flow of water. The water flows around it. You are talking about a dynamic substance, air. The vapour on your breath, which comes from your lungs, travels through the gaps between your face and the mask, like the river flowing around the car. It mists up your glasses and hangs in the air as latent humidity, for hours. There is no science supporting the use of masks to prevent respiratory infection spread. Denis Rancourt did some excellent work on this. Masks are talismans, superstitious trinkets. Nothing more. A2
There is no virus, you have been brainwashed. Whatever disease is bothering people, the cause is something else. Read up on what actually is a virus and how they prove that a virus causes a disease and prepare to get fed a bunch of nonsense that looks like science…
There are always other viruses and diseases circulating, TB, the flu, common cold, bacterial and viral pneumonia, germs of all sorts, etc. Covid gave me an excuse to wear a mask. and sanitize my shopping cart. I haven’t had so much as a cold all year.
Ah! The olde Psyop Placebo Effect.
You’re assuming the wearer has the disease. I wear a mask to go into a shop, I’ve been out in the fresh air every day since this BS disease was announced, my wife being already extremely ill hasn’t left the house other than for hospital appts in 18 months, my sons GF tested positive and spent ten days quarantine in our home in the same room as my son, he tested negative both at the beginning of her bout of sniffles and at the end, I served meals to them both and the wife cried a lot with worry. This is all BS or we’d have all been infected and the wife would have died, she’s had her two doses subsequently yet still can’t leave the home because even the common cold with her lung disease puts her in hospital. For such an infectious/contagious disease its funny how isolation with her BF in a room no bigger than 15 ft square left her as the only sufferer.
Superstition, not physics. WHO and every credible source says masks cannot stop virus. Even Hazmat suits can’t. That was all debunked last spring, here and elsewhere.
Where have you been? Sheltering in Space?
You’ve never seen a doctor that wasn’t a fictional character on some TV drama, or you’d know the distinction between “doctor” generally and “surgeon” specifically. Either that or you’re a shill. The vast majority of doctors in clinical settings would have never worn masks prior to their governments mandating they do so.
Firstly, they would have worn masks on some occasions. It is common practice to put on masks when entering rooms where the patient has the flu or TB.
Secondly, they wouldn’t have worn masks because we weren’t in a respiratory pandemic! Times have changed, and the evidence shows that masks prevent people transmitting COVID-19.
We are not in a pandemic, the only pandemic is hysteria and fake tests., and if the stupid face nappies stopped so called sars2 why don’t they stop the flu or TB
A whole school of Chinese mask-wearing children were sent home in Hong Kong because they caught flu during the Covid pandemic. They are actually the only people I have heard of that caught the flu this year. Also, they are pedantic about wearing masks, they are total believers in masks, it is a cult, despite all the evidence and despite these kids being sent home.
It is a new religion.
Mask Zen.
That’s because, like comfort foods, these are comfort masks. They have a Psyop Placebo Effect.
Now that masks are optional in this synchronized and choreographed hoax, in California, I went to Costume Castle and bought a grey Lone Ranger mask.
From those thrilling days of yesteryear, it only covers my eyes.
The Mask Nazis are not amused.
Absent surgical bays, masks stop JACK.
It’s like stating barbed wire fences stop pollen.
You’re “science” is absurdity.
Learn some physics!
Seriously I was a theatre nurse for a time, I do know, but they are not just walking around the streets with damn face nappies that serve no purpose.
Yes, exactly that, M. It’s TDS: Terror Derangement Syndrome. I use this label as a black joke, but actually it’s soberly accurate too.
This past year+ I’ve watched people whom I KNOW to be radically-minded, intelligent, and always well informed nevertheless switch into being gibbering, rage-baying covidiots, under the pressure of the fear-porn which they’ve swallowed h,l&s – like utter mooncalf suckers; no necessary scepticism applied at all.
Such is the trembling terror of – alleged – imminent death. Weirdly, the radical socialists are amongst the most vulnerable to the breakdown. All their usual can’t-fool-me scepticism evaporated in a flash! Not all radical socialists, though. Didn’t get me! 🙂
Simply astonishing collapses of mature, adult good sense. I’ve never, ever witnessed anything like it in a long lifetime.
That’s quite right, I have dealt with many many “intelligent” persons whose minds have gone quite numb on this. That’s one benefit, it has exposed character flaws in abundance, and others have grown stronger.
Quite an odyssey, when not fake.
You really need not respond to EVERYTHING. Please take a break.
For the life of me I don’t get the deranged fetish with face nappies, can anyone tell me what it’s about other than controlling morons.
That’s all it is about. On another point though, it is partially because there are many influential people who are genuinely scared of “catching” something from other people like in stores, etc. They then put pressure on those in power to enforce their desire born out of ignorance based OCD.
I don’t think so David. The people too ignorant to get it are apt to be as powerless as we are. No, I think the pressure is coming only from the top, from the oligarchs, the gangsters behind this.
I guess you are right.
The ‘pressure’ is coming from all sides, I had to deliver my daughter to Heathrow following the first lockdown as she emigrated, we pulled onto the A4 to hit the macdonalds for coffee while we waited for her check in, this was 6AM, other people started surfacing and were calling in for coffees too and every last one of them were wearing a mask outdoors in W. London’s version of fresh air. It became obvious to me that the brainwashing of the last twenty years has achieved its goal. Anyone of the opinion that fresh air and sunshine will do them harm is an idiot.
+ Harms the health of the mask wearers. + A visual reminder for everyone to be constantly thinking about the dreaded entity. + Indoctrination as a ritual into the Covidian Cult. + Hampers communication of the masses. + Perpetuates a climate of fear. + Measurable data accumulation through mass surveillance for gauging citizen compliance. + Profits gained from manufacturing and selling the oxygen deprivation device. + Ties into the biosecurity state where humanity is now a contagious bio-threat. + Propels people towards submitting to the injectable, synthetic pathogens and the self euthanasia program. + Virtue signaling.
That pretty much covers it. Never worn a mask. And strangely happy in myself that I have found the character within to not fold despite pressure from twats everytime I’m out and about. But I will say this…6 weeks ago I saw more maskless in shops than I see now. Which is worrying given negative excess mortality and its bloody summer. I dread the onset of winter…
Yeah. At least, this coming winter and the next, we won’t be dying from the injectable pathogen or walking around like masked zombies. I’m trying various ways to be as subversive as possible. This podcast has some good tips for what is probably coming, maybe by June-July 2021. Jason Christoff and Amandha Vollmer (and some others) keep me sane, in this current insanity.
All sorts of layers going on with the masks. Surface meanings all the way down. I like to think of it as literally….”shut your damn mouth peon” and “stay safe” which means “do not think…ask no questions…keep your thoughts safe…keep them elementary”. Put the two together and you have dummies. Mindless, shuffling automatons. Dumb dumbs. Zombies.
Orwell’s Newspeak dictionary had a word for it: ‘crimestop’: literally the avoidance of – and indeed the elimination of – any words that might lead to forbidden thoughts. The nappies are a virtue-signal that the fools behind them have repudiated all criminally-dissident thinking; poor suckers!
Gives me a small kick each time, to walk into shops and such flaunting my bare face… “Oh look at that poor old man! And he one of the most at risk! Oh dissonance, dissonance!” LOL! 🙂
I think you’ve hit it with the word FETISH.
There are some who now say they ‘love their masks’ – constrictions, discomfort, humiliation. Been around for ages but never before disguised as ‘public health’.
Only a theory…
The whole past year can be traced back to one of the oldest fetishes we know, if not the oldest: the gold fetish. Goldman Sachs just announced it will require employees to log their vaccine status. JP Morgan and Bank of America have not required vaccines or confession of status, and dispensed with masks last month, but GS is on my short list of Usual Suspects fueling this fiasco/farce. As is BlackRock, started up by Larry Fink, who I was shocked (but not surprised) to discover recently was a neighbour and contemporary growing up nearby, together with us in the baking Valley of Los Angeles during my more miserable Wonder Years there. (Van Nuys, right next door, its border a few blocks away. My dad’s funeral was about 200 yards from Ventura Blvd., the border, and Sherman Oaks, Encino, Van Nuys, were all relative hamlets back then.)
I have a simple tagline in every market checkout and waiting line I visit these days: “Nutshell: Worldwide Banksters and mobsters in crime partnership with Big Pharma drug kingpins to fake a crisis and then force us to solve it with fake vaccines that will make them trillions of dollars off our taxes, globally. And meanwhile, enslave us in a medical dictatorship an afterthought.”
And Robin Hood only had the Sheriff of Nottingham as an adversary!Tyranny has gone global.
Covid-1984 Diary for today:
I went to Our Lady of Carmel this morning, in Balboa (Newport Beach, California) and I have posted about the vicissitudes of their restrictions there before. I hadn’t been by for several weeks to daily Mass. Fr. Sean has just returned from his brother’s hospice and funeral, Fr. Seamus, in Limerick, Ireland, and since he is quite aged, though rather hearty, I thought I’d give him some space from a malcontent like myself, always pushing the envelope!
I was stunned to find the pews filled with maskless people Sunday Night, Feast of Corpus Christi. Only one in ten were wearing masks. When I was last there, you would be given the heave ho without a mask, I assume, I pick my battles and didn’t argue beyond several ushers approaching me energetically with sanitizer and stern expressions, yecchhh.
But I pick my battles, so I will comply when other options are too difficult. I have delayed any “pricks” (those in my arm, to be clear) since I was 9 or so, and will continue to deter them, here, but real pressure has been applied in several establishments, though the overlords have held their fire.
My gist is to refuse and resist any and all of this gigantic nonsense.
But I had a personal thrill Sunday night. There’s a sign posted all over the entrances of OLMC “Those who are not fully vaccinated must wear masks. Welcome back!”
Really disgusting statement, at best.
After looking at the sea of maskless faces, first time I’ve seen that indoors since March of ’20, I got a personal rollicking thrill, as I say to myself: “I’ll wear my “cooling gaiter” over my nose and mouth in the pews. THEN, I’ll take it off when I go to the communion rail.”
And so I did, and so it goes. I have little doubt that all the functionaries saw it. I think many of them are currently using the dated, “Don’t ask, don’t tell” protocol about things like this. But that’s just for now, perhaps.
Nobody has said anything yet. But I just thought to test the waters. I performed the same ritual this morning at 8am, now quickly becoming my favorite fetish. Wear the mask outside, take it off inside. Wear it in the pews, take it off at Communion and when when you talk to people. Are there those who will argue for a case against my basic decency, or whatever, the supposed risk to health? I’ll mention their mental health as a counter-argument.
I’m so brilliant. Sigh.
Cowardly ignoramuses at your church. Mine in Thousand Oaks has been maskless since the plandemic get go – even had to add a Saturday night service due to overflow three Sunday sessions. 400 hundred congregants at each service, hugging, sitting and singing side by side. Nobody sick lol. County tried to levy fines but eventually dropped them
I attended a high school band concert – first in 14 months. Held outside. Director demanded all attendees had to wear masks. I was the only one out of 250 people not wearing one. Sure I received hateful looks but nobody threw me out. Many know deep inside that this all is sheer lunacy. They could still come around. Don’t give up we have to fight!
Strength in numbers people!
If your fellow Southern Californians may be so bold, let me ask these questions:
1. Are there any other churches in your area that are maskless?
2 is your church conservative?
The only Catholic church I know of in Orange County that didn’t mandate masks is St. John the Baptist in Costa Mesa. They are Norbertine Fathers and most would grant you they are arch-conservatives. How they scorn masks while others don’t, baffles me. Someone said it’s because they are self-governing. Sort of like Indian tribes?
It is an intriguing and important exception.
Can you edify us about this?
At the start a friend told me she had it on as she didn’t want to kill me…when I stopped laughing I told her to take the stupid thing off…she has no right to kill me by breathing unhindered near me….and she very sheepishly took it off…naturally she put it back on as soon as she was elsewhere…fear twists people’s minds..
and this was a woman who led the freedom movement of the 60s in California….I could only wonder weather the LSD got her brain..
The most hysterical people have been lawyers, not a fucking brain cell to bless their little heads with.
Well I don’t know about you but over the last 68+ years I have become rather addicted to breathing
My addiction should be lighter than yours, Marilyn – I’ve only been taking air for 65+ years.
Getting another fix of it shortly though, off out for a walk.
Hope to see noone getting off on fetish masks while I’m out. Some hope.
Honestly, you have nothing to say that you haven’t said dozens of times before.
It is a visible signal of compliance with government directives. If they stuck with the ‘wash your hands’ doctrine it would likely be at least as effective at preventing disease, although most of the frantically sanitizing all surfaces has now fallen out of favour as ‘hygiene theatre’, since your chances of contracting COVID through fomites is about 1 in 10,000. But the point is you can watch people passing by from 10 feet away and not be able to know who has washed their hands and who has not. But you don’t even need to be in the same city to know who is wearing a mask and who is not; you can watch it on CCTV and see who is a willing foot-soldier and who is a rebel. Virtue-signalers love masks – it gives them a chance to show their loyalty and their moral toughness. This is the group that mindless patriotic slogans appeal to – this is their Blitz, their Battle of Britain, their stiff upper lip under the buzz bombs.
Yes, we get it. You don’t believe the narrative. Give it a rest.
it is the logical conclusion of the psychopathy afflicting modern human beings. they feel a semblance of safety behind the mask because they reject humanity, and life. Proper breathing leads to the experience of being alive and they cannot tolerate that. With the masks they are letting each other know that oblivion is their destiny, a ghostly existence that is neither life nor death.
in other words they are becoming sub-humans and pleading for their slave status to become permanent- like people who willingly go to prison because ” life” is easier there. …
I write well because it’s a 40-year reflex but it no longer earns me anything and I won’t deny things are getting to me.
I spend more time refereeing tortoises in the Caucasus as they fight over cucumber and cabbage and bash holes in each other’s shells. Another desert tortoise was deposited with me but he brought lice. After plucking them off with pliers and brushing off lice eggs with a stiff toothbrush you must drench their nests with diluted bleach.
I keep losing the battle with fleas because the cats will wrestle the dirtiest, most infested toms. Money’s run out so the treatment is Clorox on a comb and bleaching the floors. Don’t worry I rinse off the cats. How they scream at water — they seem to lack a reflex if it gets in their nose — despite petting and reassurance.
I refuse to edit any more internet marketing shit for clients so getting to the end of the road is partly my fault. I will try to get the newsletter going and would appreciate any support just reading it
I think I will invite subscribers to nominate topics for research and commentary, what do you think?
‘nominate topics for research and commentary’
Brexit, because it usually reveals a sites agenda.
Keeep going, your website alone is a necessity in these dark times.
Many more will have a story to tell as the tyranny unfolds.
I’ll be keeping tabs on your forthcoming articles.
Oh don’t give up…the last delusion eclipse happened last night….not quite sure what they will dream up for the next sets to come….but I suspect the delusions will be a bit too hard to maintain soon….and so it will be onto the next stage…
dealing with the creatures who need help is so often a way to heal…it helps the mind settle before moving onto the next phase of whatever life brings…whatever gets thrown at us all, having good health and a stable existence seems to help greatly…
I only ever see the odd tortoise where I live….they are quite amazing with their approach to life here…set off to wander what must be a long distance for little legs to lay their eggs away from the water levels…sometimes we think we can forecast the next flood level from how far they go up a hill…they don’t care about making billions but get through a life..
Moneycircus, Tortoises will bash holes in each other’s shells? You’re kidding me. With what?
I used to have a kitty that from kittenhood displayed an instinct to fish. She would swipe sponges out of a pail of water.
I think “what have you got to lose”?
That’s my thumbs up.
German advisory body limits the rollout to children:
Only advisory, but still a first.
So here we go again. Today’s Independent ‘Newspaper’
”Downbeat PM casts doubt on 21 June’s final unlock.”
Yep the show must go on. I don’t think there was any way that a new lockdown would be extended in June. The UK political/big-pharma/media bloc have too much at stake. I wonder what sort of retainers our lovely rulers are on. Tony Blair was bad enough. One thing is for sure Big Pharma is posting big gains, take a look at their market capitalisation, and will continue to do so until people have had enough.
In the meantime a new variant must be discovered/invented to keep the whole show going into the Autumn and Winter, funnily enough just when the flu season starts. Yipee! Money for nothing!
But I think they are beginning to overplay their hand. The masked normies are pretty dumb but I can’t believe they are that dumb
I think there is no limit to people’s dumbness.
Not all are sheeple though. It’s becomg harder to find likeminded people these days. The only place you’ll find them soon is when they are heading for the hills in search of a safer place away from the BS.
Hell I’d even join the Amish tribes to get away from what others think as a ‘normal’ way of life.
For those of us who had to study Latin at school.
I give you the verb to be Amish:
Like the Meme expert here says, the Amish don’t have the virus either, because they don’t allow televisions.
Pretty smart, as far as that goes.
Well, you have ol’ Einstein as supporting reference: (caution, quote from memory, but easy to find) “I have only known two infinities, the Universe, and human stupidity. And sometimes I am unsure about the Universe.”
He’s in your corner!
John, asked which is the greater force, electromagnetism or gravity? He replied, “Interest.”
Smart guy. Must have been part Amish.
I was just about to put that comment and then I see you already posted.
It’s ‘rinse and repeat.’ However, I have one piece of good news. A friend of mine reports that a woman he works with, who up until quite recently came to work in mask, face guard, surgical gloves – and panicked whenever anyone came within a mile of her, has recently ditched all but the face guard and is now questioning the narrative. So, one more normy on the road to awakening. We can only hope that others will follow her example.
I’m starting to come to the realization that this is about so much more. That getting bogged down in “there is no such thing as viruses” is a complete waste of energy, whether or not it’s true…and in the end it doesn’t matter one whit. Covid, 5G, vaccine passports, The Great Reset, etc., are all distractions so we get bogged down in the minutiae and distracted from their BIG picture.
Yes go take a look at agenda 21….this current crap is only getting that show on the road..
It’s now Agenda 2030. Kick off was 2020, I think the current aims are to have most of the agenda in place by 2025: Global corporate takeover of all production, health systems, education, transport, communication systems, banking.
The last vaccine I had (and will ever have) was the TB vaccine when I was told that a student in a class I’d been teaching had been diagnosed with TB. I felt extremely unwell for some time afterwards.
I now discovered that according to the NHS “there’s no evidence the BCG vaccine works for people over the age of 35”. I was over 35 at the time and don’t recall anyone even asking me my age. (I’d doubt now the vaccine “works” for anyone but that’s not the point here).
It took a couple of bad experiences with the medical profession to break the spell. It seems most “anti-vaxxers” go through this. Personal experience can break the “medics are good people just here because they care and want to help” and “obey the authority of experts” social conditioning.
“Putting it into perspective, the anti-vaxxer appellation is yet another disparagement of the critical thinking, who see through the Big Pharma snake oil flim-flam quackery of those corporate fascist racketeers.”

“The Only Good Flu Nazi is a Dead Flu Nazi!”
SnakeOil-19. Back to the Future, with Doc and this Dystopia.
Can we start a petition to GCHQ to have our resident sock puppet operator replaced with someone more competent?
Whatever the screen name and even when they’re responding to their own comments, it’s the same style of prose, the same techniques used well beyond the point of usefulness, the same tired talking points regurgitated.
Always trying to sow division or more often simply fill space and waste time.
Let’s face it unless they come up with some new ideas they’re achieving nothing of value and are functionally redundant.
Unless anyone considers being fabulously irritating justification for the sizeable salary they’re likely drawing.
“What did you do during the great conquest corporal?”
“I got on some people’s nerves gruppenfuhrer.
Sometimes quite a bit.”
The even more terrifying possibility is that it’s a series of half-wits all working from the same training manual.
In which case just shut the whole programme down. It’s rubbish.
They’re embarrassing themselves in front of the Israelis and the Americans.
Comparable to loudly losing control of their bowels during a quiet moment at a war room conference.
The British army’s diarrhea echoing off into digital eternity.
The scripts they work from and the modus operandi are wearing thin now and almost every media platform and forum is seeded with them,in fact its become a new game for me spotting them it’s that blatant
These articles from the archdeaconess of misinformation show how low they have stooped and the intelligence level of those involved and when she talks about ‘volunteers’ i rather think she is referring to the territorial army being involved otherwise how would the BBC have access to ‘dozens’ of volunteers,that fact is bolstered by grey man Elwood crowing about utilising the T.A in the fight against disinformation some time ago.
Her prodigious output
LOL! Great pisstake Croach! The 77ers are so transparent, aren’t they? Unimaginatively regurgitating their day’s list of swawking points. Even the zany-volunteer trolls are less woodenly obvious. Many thanks for the laughs ‘Bob’! Good luck with your promotion! 🙂
Here’s an article on cell phones which, I believe, sheds a great deal of light on why some people consider COVID vaccine to be small potatoes in comparison.
Cell Phone Apocalypse – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Keep your eye on the ball please.
Turning out to be genocide
Jesus they are damaging a lot of kids for no damn reason, it’s disgusting
Are you taking medication? Please get help.
I stick with a few one-liners now, and stats. I tell people that all the stats are cross-referenced and easy to find, and NOBODY Is doubting the accuracy of the stats, since for whatever reasons, they are repeated in sync all over the place:
California and Venezuela are roughly the same sample size (Venezuela is about 3/4s our size, so adjust the numbers slightly):
California, approximately 63,000 reported deaths.
Venezuela, reports, records about 2,800.
We have TWENTY TIMES the number of recorded deaths here, with our 5th-largest-economy-in-the-world healthcare system, and they have one by universal consensus that is pretty challenged, across the board.
Or Japan, only 13,000 recorded deaths, last I checked. And the USA Inc is over 600,000?
Very few try to account for such a huge disparity, no doubt because they can’t.
And Japan had no lockdown for most of this Big Pharma Phiasco, and little now. But a whole lot of “covid-related” suicides!
LIke WMD 20 years ago, this generations “nothing but a pack of lies” from start to finish.
Nothing in between, either, start to finish. At least that’s clear.
Or should be, for any functioning brain!
It’s a shame Guaidó isn’t one of those deaths in Venezuela.
This member of the BIRD group mentioned in the article has published a report on yellow card data:
The problem with all these ‘reporting’ mechanisms is that they’re voluntary, thus it’s estimated that they report only between 1-10% of all ADRs, but even so, the numbers are truly alarming, especially when took ‘only’ 50 deaths to halt the H1N1 vaccine rollout.
In multiple countries, the stategy to discredit cheap medicines that treat/prevent “covid” has been to restrict trials to only severely ill patients.
Another was to administer doses that were well beyond what was recognised as safe.
Who (sorry) knows how many were killed by these “trials”?
Another was just to flat out lie.
Theses courts cases, notices served, huge indictments happening
big arrests pending.
tribunal incoming
in 20 years i have seen none come to fruition i have seen Q and them likes take this whole nonsense to another level
Simon shill dolan keep Britannia fooled who makes mask wearing mandatory on his planes was another who sold hopium to the deluded Whilst pretending to be anti!
if Q posted something like this you would of laughed but its now a doctors or bar association and it all very serious, but it still bullshit.
i bet ya 50£ nothing will happen except your energy drained and fake hope with possible donate now.
For those resisting tyranny I was very surprised the plebs at the Daily Mail were seeing through the Covid con, alas, many of them saying the scam is past the point of no return.
Even better was that they were allowed to air their opinions. Shocking, I thought the DM would be one of the outlets clamping down on even the slightest amount of free speech.
It is still possible to get comments in which are totally for the scam idea,you just have to be very careful with your wording.The supposedly unmoderated comments are moderated whether by bot or human i know not but definitely keyword triggered
As an example a few days ago i was awake at stupid o’clock and decided to go for a ramble in the comments on various convid stories at the DM,i got quite a few comments in which generated far more upticks than i would normally expect,bang on 8a.m the infiltration started by both humans and bots,whole swathes of comments drowning out any comments other than the official line.
Try it,it’s a good exercise to see exactly how its happening
Oh I know the battle the bots and humans have on a second by second basis.
But the rants about Covid appeared to overwhelm the DM.
Top ranked rants (some of which you find here) were so highly given the thumbs up I think the DM just didn’t bother to remove them. And why should they, I think they know you can fool some of the people some of the time…. But the mask has slipped, the entire show is now laid bare for all to see. Why stop people letting off steam whatever their views, it seems pointless now.
The DM’s role is to sell newspapers and address very specific readerships (just like RT), so it’s not surprising that one finds views that align with with all kinds of positions. The DM for example takes a very reactionary view on migration/refugees as one of its core constituencies are the Brexit posse. As Lenin said (I think) ‘many a strange bedfellow’.
I know. I just breeze past once in a while, past the celeb BS, just to see if people are actually getting what’s going on. It appears they do. I’m delighted for them. Not that they’d use that knowledge to do anything useful mind you.
More comment regarding the incompetence and lies created by “Dr” Anthony Fauci. >
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier
by Dr. David E. Martin
January 19, 2021
Dr. David Martin Releases ‘The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier” | 205 Pages, 22 Years of Research – Truth Comes to Light
Also: Download PDF
No criminal charges have been filed…
Fauci is 80 years old, he’s in the club. He’s paid the highest salary, even more than the President. Like the rest of the crime syndicate, he’s untouchable.
Hello Tony Maroni: You’re right. “Dr” Fauci IS part of a crime syndicate, and his actions clearly fall under several statutes within the RICO Act. Racketeering and Conspiracy to commit a felony crime are only two definitions.
Perjuring himself before Congress doesn’t make him untouchable either. It’s the American pubic’s fault he’s not in prison…
The civilian public needs to take take legal action by filing criminal charges with States Attorneys General in a number of States. Leaving it up to Congress is patently ridiculous.
It’s not one person, it’s the entire system since nobody has the authority to hurt another human being or impinge on their life in any way nor steal the fruits of their labor. These are natural laws. But as long as we focus on the criminality of individuals such as Gates, Fauci or Schwab we (humanity) lose because we are not addressing the endemic corruption, the racketeering or the fact that all the organizations people think of as assisting humanity, including governments, actually harm humanity through debt enslavement and illegitimate authority.
“By this time it has gone quite beyond merely giving the corporate fascist psycho criminals the bird.”

“If the Fabian Fascists wanted to make a case for eugenics she could serve as an example for why.”
That’s terminal cancer, terminal anorexia, or a particularly nasty Photoshop job.
She looks like she’s been dug up.
I give her 6 weeks ,and thats me being optimistic
That’s about what our loved one had when the white blood cells started to explode. After taking her for increasing daily transfusions for days, I discovered Essiac Tea, which someone had recommended some years ago. I finally made it most punctilliously, and lo, it cut her white blood cell count from 110K to 50K in THREE DAYS.
But her hematologist (from Romania: a blood doctor from Transylvania, I’ll never get over it) was determined to sacrifice her on the altar of the “non-profit” hospital and its philanthropic millions in funding, and took her in the end. All in the scheme of things, our dearest had a wonderful exit Stage Left, as she always did in many earthly smaller ways, smiling all the way. Nothing like Heaven, to get to that after all this!
I had the exact same thought, although it’s too obvious to attribute to psychic connection or synchronicity. Great minds, maybe. 😉
I’ve seen more vivacious physiognomy on the guest of honor at wakes!
“Look at it this way, she represents the graveyard vote. Leave it to Garcetti to appoint a corpse. One of his many dating conquests amongst the undead perhaps.”
Garcetti, what a guy. Mayor of my native city, he was on the tube at the start of this fiasco saying, “Whatever we do, we will do with love.”
That has to be a line from the Simpsons LOL. With a bogus Kennedy Bostonian accent, like Springfield’s mayor. If he had the chops, he would.
That’s a secret only she and her mortician are privy to.
She has, the nasty filthy traitor!!!!
vis. the Ardern thing? emaciated man?? hiding in woke sight?
And yet last time i watched a Rosa Koire vid (recently) I was thinking how inspiringly healthy she looked, defo not like she had terminal lung cancer. Are we sure she wasn’t done for?
I didn’t know Rosa had died. What a shame. There was a woan who made a difference. She educated so many.
Looks like end stage leukemia, I’ve seen it. Close up at home. White blood cells “blast” gives a look much like that. She still smiles in our faces though. Hate to have her job, fwiw to her.
Hello S Cooper: Gads!!! The “health” director looks like a strung out crack freak.
Sometimes I wish natural selection was something you could nominate people for
– Paul Vonharnish –
Thanks for the link. I’ve been wanting to check it out.
I posted a link to this article about a week ago, and am glad OffGuardian has highlighted the “situation”.
A polite Legal Notice from the Indian Bar Association (IBA) addressed to Dr Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization
Complete text: Legal-Notice-to-Dr.-Soumya-Swaminathan_Chief-Scientist-WHO-1.pdf (indianbarassociation.in)
Though the Notice details recorded medical correspondences, no charges of felony murder or criminal manslaughter have been filed…
The Age of Bullshit
At the outset I feel that I must make reference to the late David Graebner’s stimulating book – Bullshit Jobs. This was composed of a study of the proliferation of jobs of this type which 1. Fulfil no visible social/economic function, and 2. Which are expanding exponentially. It is noted that the presence of such occupations such as strategic management consultants, line management alignment supervisors, skills set appropriation administration, unit performance indicators, and so forth are basically meaningless in terms of what tasks are actually needed and are carried out. Conversely, jobs which are meaningful and necessary, like nursing, garbage collection, teaching and bus driving and brain surgeons are usually much lower paid and generally held in lower esteem and remuneration than the upper strata occupations. Brain surgeons being the exception to the rule.
But I would like to extend the Bullshit criteria to broader categories of groups.
Firstly politicians. Politics in our own age has become archetypally bullshitized. There used to be a time when there was not quite a genuine choice but there were discernible differences between the parties and the candidates. You could vote for the Red Corner or the Blue Corner and to a significant degree your vote mattered. This is self-evidently no longer the case. The political class is a totally Bullshit phenomenon. They think the same, if they think at all, look the same, talk the same, same values lifestyles, so on and so forth. And all of them have a price. In the poet words of T.S.Eliot
‘’ We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together,
Headpiece filled with straw
Alas, our dried voices
When we whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dried grass
Or rats feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar.’’
Pretty good poetry I think
Next we have the media bullshit. Regardless of what it professes itself to be it is, at bottom, simply a propaganda machine, an incessant and unremitting stream of verbiage and childlike rubbish. Of course the bullshit media is closely aligned and works with the political bullshit structures and institutions.
Next comes the Economics bullshit. Academic Economics has been in the bullshit business for some time past. This can be dated to the ‘marginalist revolution’ of 1870 and the theories of Stanley Jevons, Karl Menger, and Leon Walras. More bullshit but which still dominates the universities and business schools, as well as business publications – The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, The Economist – and so forth, as well as the global institutional structures such as the IMF, OECD, WTO, BIS, WB.
Economics bullshit is also taught in schools. Such pearls of wisdom as the ‘Phillips Curve’ which went out of fashion in the 1970s because events – stagflation – made the theory untenable, is nonetheless still taught today as part of the A-level Economics curriculum.
Economics has turned into an ossified catechism of unquestionable ‘truths’ which are taken to be axiomatic. As one fairly bright economics journalist has noted.
‘’Academic economics has become a disaster and a disgrace … Not only did most academic economists fail to see the great implosion coming (2008) but they were not even looking in the right direction. And having been surprised by its arrival, they have little to say about its implications – the greatest event to befall the capitalist system’’ prior to the present one of course (FL 2020) ‘’since the Second World War.’’
‘’Although there are shining exceptions most academic economists, whilst clinging on to the idea that their subject is relevant and of interest to a wider world, in fact practise a form of modern scholasticism – of no use or interest to man or beast. The output of this consists of articles entombed in ‘scholarly’ journals usually about subjects of startling irrelevance, badly thought out and appallingly badly written, littered with jargon, and liberally laced with mathematics, designed to be read by no-one outside of a narrow coterie of specialists and increasingly not even by them.’’ (The Trouble With Markets – Roger Bootle). And that’s the Economics bullshit.
I am reminded of the superb film by Sidney Lumet I think it was – Network. Howard Beale, played by the Australian actor Peter Finch, was a talking head on a US cable TV corporation who could no longer believe in his nightly bullshit spiel. ‘I just ran out of bullshit’. That film was nearly 50 years ago together with ‘Apocalypse Now’ and ‘Taxi Driver’.
And now to cap it all ladies and gentleman I offer you the Coronavirus Great Reset Bullshit!
How much longer can the PTB hide behind their bullshit façade I wonder, and how longer will the people take to see through it?
Agree. Somewhere in I think the eighties politicians started to get training in fending off difficult questions and obfudcating. That developed into the crass “move your hands around to seemingly look engaging” which is rife in any authority figure now. It’s now developed to padding out politicians answers during interviews so getting to the end of the slot asap and reducing any debate or contradiction.
This gross intermeshing of media and politicians has destroyed my faith in all of them. Probably the last plausible one with any shred of integrity was Tony Benn.
And on the wireless, Radio 4’s Today programme for years, you can’t see the hands move but you can still smell the bullshit
Not to mention they all look like sleazy real estate salesmen now. I no longer live in London (had a little cry about that today, doubt I”ll see it again) but every time I see a photo of Spewnak or Handcock I don’t know whether to laugh or go for the onscreen jugular.
Eliot was a precursor to the CIA lit spook. I’m convinced of it.
Not calumny or libel, it just adds up. He was a life-long pen pal of that uber-spook, James J. Angleton, head of CIA CounterIntelligence from its foundation thru his firing in the 1970s. His photo on the cover of a recent biography, which I just got in the mail this spring, “The Ghost” is of the same complexion as the one above.
Eliot and Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein, Hemingway, and so many, if not most of those cats, have all kinds of indicators pointing to spooks. Of course, Angleton started the rag, “Furioso” at Yale, and it’s hard to escape the accusation of career spook if you fall within that Yale?Harvard literary penumbra, as so many lit greats did. And very many not so great. All the perps who leave the agency then write bad spy novels.
Still, for my money, Eliot looks good for the rap. Juss sayin’
nice sin bull
not very positive
snakes kind of biblical
un flat earth
admiral bird
all alone
in little america
operation high jump
operation ice cube
is that a wreath of rome
around the terra firma
eye sea before me
yes master
the work of demons
I’m not sure how I first came upon OffGuardian. I have always been impressed by the writing acumen of the vast majority of commenters which is one reason I continue to read the articles on a daily basis. The general absence of juvenile personal attacks is refreshing. But also, the people who frequent this site and make comments are more inclined to have certain common political leanings. There is not a wide variety of political viewpoints expressed in the comments section, as is the case with most sites, no one really likes downvotes, we’re human after all.
There are many things on the interwebs to read, it is extremely difficult to know what to take to heart. The MSM is not to be believed except for Tucker Carlson perhaps. There may be a few others, Glenn Greenwald is one. It appears that even revered medical personnel and publications are committing nonsense to print. Officials globally are coming into question. Motivations are suspect. Denials, retractions, obfuscations, and all manner of psychological twisting abound.
My opinion of what has been happening will garner me some downvotes even though I side with most of you across the boards. And my thoughts are as follows. There is an illness of some kind going around, it exists. How it came into being, how it gets around, who is most likely to suffer from it, and how to properly deal with it, we may never know. I am in my late sixties so I’ve seen things. I have never known an illness that took away someone’s taste and sense of smell for weeks. I personally know people who this has happened to including my son and his wife and several neighbors all of whom are young and otherwise healthy individuals. I also personally know of older individuals who, after being around someone who had the usual symptoms and “tested positive”, died within a few weeks of the expected consequences of exposure. To believe that there is no illness is to be in denial.
Occam’s Razor. A new virus, natural or man made or a hybrid, either escaped from, or was released from, the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Why? Lax contamination protocols and/or a simple human error. Or, perhaps a test of global preparedness for such a thing by the Chinese. Or others behind the curtain.
As we know, “gain of function” is a euphemism for “enhanced lethality” and I believe Dr. Fauci said this gain of function research was being done to be prepared for when a virus might/would naturally mutate and become more deadly than what we have seen to date. That sounds pretty risky to me, but I’m not educated in these matters. However, quite sadly, it seems we now know what can happen. All of that aside, WHY would American tax dollars be used to pay Chinese researchers in China to do gain of function research??? THAT is the real question, not whether the illness exists.
Some – not me, but some – would speculate that the Wuhan business was hatched up so that, when the time came to “infect” the world with a “deadly” pathogen which had to be mitigated at all costs, there would be alternate scenarios to throw into the works. And that, therefore, the psy-op of a deliberately concocted pathogen is far more crucial than the real thing. (Personally, I’m not heavy into psy-ops.)
As to the loss of smell and taste, I personally believe humans have allowed such an overwhelming glut of toxins and poisons and various forms of radiation to infect the planet that even a simple “cold” might result in near catastrophic symptoms.
In addition, I know of one disease which can mute taste and smell (I know of it because I know someone who has it). It’s called Medullary Thyroid Cancer – an inherited form of thyroid cancer.
The common cold, the flu, stomatitis, head injury, any damage to nerves around or in the lining of the nose and catarrh all commonly cause loss of taste/smell with great diversity of severity and duration.
The way the PCR swab test is applied is likely to cause some loss of smell.
After a year and a half anecdotes won’t cut it.
Statistically significant data or it didn’t happen.
It’s been a while since we’ve had one of those “I personally know people who this has happened to …” but hey! Welcome back!
Just to balance:
I personally have never met anyone who has definitely had it although I occasionally hear someone say, “I think I may have had long covid”. (Did anyone ever say, “I think I may have had The Black Death”?)
I did know someone who claimed to know someone who had a relative who’s uncle’s great grand son sneezed twice before feeling a bit hot – although that was in front of a log fire – so who knows?
I am a medical professional (a real one , not a public civil servant with a degree) First, Obama passed laws prohibiting gain of function research, that is one of the reasons Fauci has been exposed as a fraud and people are calling for his resignation etc.– and the records of the Wuhan lab have disappeared.
Second– people die because of many reasons, flus kill many people every year. Those people tend to be those with underlying illnesses. They can die regardless of their age. We do know who will suffer from “things going around”.
Third- bad flus are know to take away peoples smell and taste– many (30% or more) of my patients have experienced this. No offence but just because you found out about it recently doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened before.
Four– people who say they are “healthy” or describe others as “healthy” need to give their heads a shake. Here is a typical conversation with my patients. ” I am healthy, I eat well dont drink very much” I ask — so what drugs are you taking — and then I get a list. I ask how much do you drink in a week- I get told a drink or two a day. I ask how is your exercise and sleep– I am told not good. THAT is someone who thinks they are healthy.
Five– The only illness “that is around” is the flu– period. An annual event. I suggest people start really getting healthy and supporting their immune systems against all this BS that is flowing– it will help. And with a dash of self-reliance, asking questions and following the money– and voila- A fully functioning fairly independent human being.
There’s almost no lab confirmed flu deaths. They’re manufactured numbers to sell flu shots. You’re conflating flu with pneumonia, respiratory illnesses and old age. No surprise why so many people die from the “medical” profession.
Ever wondered why flu “symptoms” are annual? Seasonal? Did it ever cross your mind it has something to with sunlight and Vitamin D? There’s numerous studies supporting the use of supplemental D to prevent colds and flus. If Vitamin D prevents colds and flus then logically, isn’t the cause of colds and flus, seasonal vitamin D deficiency?
Radiation illness and radiation pneumonitis symptoms match the Covid19 symptoms. Including anosmia.
I don’t know what I don’t know about whether there’s a virus or where it came from. That said, in order to get the EUA for the vaxxes, there could be no approved treatments. So whatever landed people in the hospital, it was more than criminal that they weren’t treated with HCQ or Ivermectin or the other protocols mentioned over the last year. And talk of immunity strengthening and prevention with Vitamin D or zinc etc was also completely stifled. Can’t be encouraging actual public health, right? We were supposed to have had NO immunity to this pathogen. That’s why they locked us all down. Kind of a dud if over 99% of us survived even if we ‘got it’ or got sick from it.
If you’re looking for who’s doing g-o-f research, it’s everywhere. military -universities – labs all over the world. And it’s evil. Humans have got to stop finding ever more devious ways to maim and kill each other.
Hello Martha: You closed with this: “Humans have got to stop finding ever more devious ways to maim and kill each other.”
Probably one of the most salient remarks in weeks… All the talk about death and illness hasn’t done much to enhance any sense of life…
If it was a test by the Chinese – do please enlighten us on why Kill Gates and his jolly band were gaming a trial run mere weeks before they performed their test.
Hello Owen Crump: You asked: “WHY would American tax dollars be used to pay Chinese researchers in China to do gain of function research??? ”
Exactly. All the hypesters forget to ask this simple, nuclear, question. It’s pathetic.
blah blah blah. “virus”= scam science!
FYI (NJ, lower NY, Eastern PA)
If you do not buy the Scamdemic propaganda ‘Big Lie’ and are concerned about the attacks upon the Bill of Rights and Civil Liberties and reside in New Jersey or Rockland/Orange Counties New York, we would like to hear from you.
We are interested in hearing from civil libertarians, members of parent-teacher support groups who want a return to unmasked in class instruction, small business owners and workers affected by the illegal lock downs, religious organizations affected by the illegal lock downs, those against forced vaccinations, muckraking healthcare professionals, concerned family members with a loved one in an elder care facility, George Carlin type independent critical thinkers, anti-corporate activists or even those who just do no like or trust “Bill Gates and his Cult of Covid (eugenics) followers.”
Thank You
PS. Will need to know only your town/city. At present no other information will be asked. Meetings will be in a very public place. Only collecting contacts at present. Hope to build a contact list in all 21 NJ counties.
Thanks S Cooper! I’ll wear that one on a file card on my chest tomorrow. I have a whole assortment of little signs– great ice breaker, have met some nice people.
Finally more and more experts and people are doing something about this hoax.
works well on asymptomatics
works well on asymptomatics
I was perusing that tendril of the Deep State’s Left division, The Morning Star, and read this:
“Instead of reassuring millions of people worried about their jobs and their health, fixing a future “freedom day” has raised hopes that may soon have to be dashed.”
Since the covid franchise has been angled from “the Left flank”, it is reasonable to assume that the branch of the media masquerading under the socialist hat may be giving us, as it were, “inside information” as to the future trajectory of the franchise: a preview of the next feature. “Hopes that may have to be dashed” indeed!
Then this:
“The “traffic light” system is an inconsistent shambles.”
– which had me musing on the futility of rejecting “murderous” herd immunity – such immunity being the only kind that actually works. After such rejection, we are left with artificially induced immunity (vaccines) which, for all the suspiciously fast proclamations of efficacy (and surely they could have engineered a bit more credibility with at least a little delay?), are bound to invoke constant uncertainty. Speaking of which, a “traffic light” system is clearly a joke. But can you think of any kind of “containment” system that wouldn’t be a joke?
The absurdities pile up – as they always do in psy-ops.
In Australia the big tough CFMEU and unions Australia are right in tune with the whole covid con, hysteria reigns supreme yet nothing has actually happened and they are so dumb they don’t bother to check facts.
Same here in Canada– especially the public service unions– TTC (Transport– driving empty buses around Toronto 🙄) and lord love them– Teachers Unions– got to get back at the Politicians and Parents– never a more bitter twisted group have I ever seen– and I started a union with a few others😳
People need to pick their battles and understand how deep the lies go. It does not matter if you believe all drugs are part of a conspiracy, natural healing will resolve everything and sars-cov-2 does not exist, because the position we are in is so massively away from that position that there is not a chance in hell any amount of campaigning or information dissemination will move us to that position before immense damage has been done.
So we need to win battles BEFORE the war is won. Ivermectin and other theraputics are ideal battles because of the results they achieve (less dead people, no vaccines) and the total objection that the vaccine manufactures have against them. This battle exposes so many lies and corruption it allows for more open debate once the liars and corrupt are in jail.
Likewise the PCr test. It does not matter if sars-cov-2 exists or not if you can prove the PCR test is not fit for purpose then the “casedemic” ends. This also exposes a massive level of lies and corruption and hopefully people in jail.
With that done the whole environment becomes more open. People will be willing to allow alternate views to be expressed because if they don’t they might end up in jail!
We need people to fear lying, to fear greed, to fear censorship.
I totally subscribe to this. Battling the global propaganda behemoth with simple easily proven facts like inflated death counts is already very challenging. And people shy away from scientific discussions about primary school topics in immunology such as herd immunity. “I am not an expert neither you are, I´ll trust what experts say”.
Well, guess what, many experts say that if you take that little pill twice every two weeks, big bad virus will not even come close to you. ¿Why would you take an experimental drug from the people that are hiding this from you?
To question the existence of the virus when they have been bombarded with 3D models of it, have seen the death counts or witnessed increased mortality around them (most likely from other causes, see my comment below) will bring nothing but closed mindedness and hostility.
We should cherish and quest for the truth, but we need to make a distinction between our search for truth and our war for survival. This is not ideal, I know, but the situation is dire.
Can´t find the source now, but I saw an excellent video giving a summary of a technique developed by anarchists psychologists (forgot the name, sorry) to awaken people from brainwashing. The core of the technique was to acknowledge the hostility to new ideas and that to become aware of the lies one has being exposed throughout our lifetimes is a process. No one becomes conscious in a day of being exposed to facts. The method therefore was to ask questions in a calm, non-confrontational and impersonal way to allow the brainwashed to see them by himself.
¿Why do you think there are suppressing this treatment? is a much better one than ¿Are you aware that germ theory has been seriously challenged?
An excellent, totally focused comment.
To be utterly materialistic and earthbound for a second, it would be nice to see Ivermectin shares rocket… but that’s just my inner demon talking… None of the big pharma companies are actually our friends.
I think that’s a great idea. Could be get in touch with those Gamestop people?
Yes, Malcolm, I agree with you. Our first aim is to recover our liberties. This does not mean starting to agree a virus has been isolated, simply insisting on a more consensual discourse that can unite all. You have set this out in excellent terms.
This said, because there are areas in medicine like virology that are utterly flawed, it does not mean all areas are, nor that every alternative medicine is of use (Not all are based on solid empirical evidence, though on the whole they may not be harmful, just futile).
Very good point.
I wish that would work. One problem the people pushing the agenda will not go to jail. As you say it is too deep– this is systemic rot in all areas that we were never supposed to see.
Are you a gifted general, Malcolm? You would be if you tried.
Good luck with the “people in jail” phase. They cover their jail bets before the first salvos.
Exhibit A, for jailing Supervillains: Ken Lay. Check out his story, and the very last act of that “play”. The real script!
The poison injures
Polly Tommey Talks to Experimental Gene Mod Jab Victim (bitchute.com)
I just read the report from the UK, people with Crohn’s disease like me are getting very sick, immune systems and recurring disease for those in remission and even deaths, just as the specialists like Yeadon and Wodarg predicted.
People are intentionally left to suffer and die.
If you ever speak to a Doctor try this. Start chatting about the gross amount of people on the planet and see what their reaction is. If they agree the human race needs culling as the agenda demands I suggest you head for the door and don’t look back. You may be next in line.
“Error 525”
The problem isn’t that this or that drug is encouraged or discouraged – it’s the whole medical paradigm that sees drugs as the solution.
Two quotations from Herbert Shelton:
“It is necessary, if [the public] are to be rescued from drug induced degeneracy and death, that the truth about drugs shall be made known. It must become common knowledge that there are no good drugs and that even their apparent beneficial effets are illusions.”
And: “There are no drugs that do not produce side effects”.
The 2003 study ‘Death by medicine’ by five co-authors, all Ph.Ds or MDs, began “a definitive review and close reading of medical peer-reviewed journals and government health statistics shws that American medicine frequently causes more harm than good”. They go on: “each year approximately 2.2m US hospital patients experience adverse drug reactions to prescribed medications”.
From Dr, Carolyn Dean’s ‘Death by Modern Medicine’:
“From the beginning, chemical drugs promised much more than they delivered, but far beyond not working, the drugs also caused incalculable side effects”.
From Dr. John Tilden MD:
“Twenty-five years in which I used drugs, and thirty-three years in which I have not used drugs, should make my belief that drugs are unnecessary, and in most cases injurous, worth something to those who care to know the truth”.
Drugs at most suppress symptoms to buy time for the body to heal itself. The suppressing of symptoms (especially if that symptom is one of the body’s de-toxification processes) often leads to other symptoms that are usually treated with yet more drugs. Even common OTC drugs have potentially drastic side effects when you look into it (like Paracetamol and liver damage). The amounts of profit involved for drug companies hardly need restatement.
Begging to be allowed to take their drugs is classic fake opposition. It appears to challenge one part of their narrative while in truth re-inforcing another, more fundamental, part. It blocks the path to a more radical paradigm shift, the rejection of the whole allopathic medical model.
I couldn’t have said it better. And unfortunately there will be a lot of casualties along the way until the new paradigm has a foot hold.
In Mexico the director of the equivalent of the NHS, going against the advise of the John Hopkins mafia who is running the show, started prescribing ivermectin in hospitals and handing out early treatment kits in small clinics in early January.
The results? In one month Mexico City saw a huge decline in mortality, something like 90% (which of course was affected also by seasonality). In the southern state of Chiapas, Ivermectin was used as prophylactic and early treatment even earlier; kits were distributed by the local government home by home since July, there was nothing which could remotely be called a pandemic in the region.
Was Mexico´s increased mortality -I witnessed it first hand, black ribbons hung in doors are a common sight in many places- caused by the virus? or by the devastation of health services, and by submitting an impoverished and unhealthy population to fear and murderous measures? Of course the second is the most likely answer, but it seems that, whatever is the cause, Ivermectin is having an effect.
I think that people claiming that acknowledging this fact is also conceding the existence and/or dangerousness of the virus are erring in their thinking. There are many ways into which ivermectin could be having an effect, these can be only loosely or completely unrelated to the alleged virus.
For examples, Ivermectin might very well be having a placebo effect (i have been researching psychogenetic illness, waiting for the opportunity to share this here). It might be helping reducing respiratory symptoms, regardless of the cause, and therefore keeping people away from hospitals, where patients are dying in droves because of negligence, nosocomial infections, ventilators etc. (sadly, I witnessed this first hand as well with a family member…); it could be in fact providing protection against bad treatments, hospital pathogens, and deplorable hospital conditions. Who knows, its anti-inflammatory properties could also be having an effect in cardiac and vascular disease and giving an immune boost to very stressed populations.
And the fact is that with all the evidence of Ivermectin reducing mortality and hospitalisations (“covid” or otherwise), it is key to challenge the emergency deployment of experimental gene therapy.
I would be more careful not to immediately think of it it as a ploy, especially when it is clearly being suppressed, receiving very bad press (“ivermectin sounds promising, but it is very dangerous for my family member who has a kidney/heart/etc problem, I have no choice but the experimental jab, is the new propaganda meme back in Mexico).
In some places, doctors could be imprisoned for prescribing it or giving “false information™ regarding its efficacy”.
It is certainly something that needs to be discussed with a more open mind.
I just keep in mind who produces Ivermectin.
Take your vitamins folks, go for walks if your air is still breathable, eat in moderation but don’t eat food colourings, say no to steroids, vodka and amphetamines, and don’t forget to do the toilet thing regularly.
You’ll be fine.
Ivermectin is an off-patent drug. In Mexico the treatment costs around 6£, and that´s in the capital, I reckon it is half the price in other regions. People thinking about making money rather invest in masks or hand sanitiser.
‘vodka and amphetamines’
🙂 Dear me- what a combination. I might’ve tried that many moons ago.
You mean you didn’t…? 🙂
It’s the only combination keeping me alive,and non of it prescribed and 50% proscribed
Dairy is not that good either. As much as 75% of the world’s population has lactose intolerance.
India had the disese under control, handing out kits including invermectin to “positives” for use at home. After it launched mass jabbing, the disastrous rise in cases and deaths, including for children and working people, soon followed. As for placebo effect, some jab champions dropped dead within a day or 2 of the jab. Draw your own conclusions.
Not seen a single one of these and I’ve driven around three thousand miles around Mex in the last couple months. If you want to talk about health in Chiapas – start with the deplorable water and sewer quality.
And how are we going to upload our brains to the cloud when the ATMs don’t even function most days?
The Guardian are relentless, as to be expected. They now have a tally stating how many doses of the poison that has been pumped into every arm throughout Australia.
On the same page they state another death from blood-clotting.
Don’t be alarmed though, the vaccine outweighs the risk, apparently.
The propaganda arm seems to just keep chugging along without any reference for basically everything they write.
This will be a long and laborious journey, which i doubt has barely begun.
It’s going to be a long hoe to sow.
On a smaller scale, I have been ignored by the CDC on : contact us ask questions page. Have been censored on Reddit, been ridiculed by social network bullies a year ago because I was surprised that no effort were put into mouth and nasal hygiene as a prophylactic approach to the upcoming threat. I specifically talked about the use of oral Povidone Iodine, proven to eradicate 99.9% of virus load in the mouth when used in a mouth rinse and gargle solution. At the time, no nasal spray with povidone iodine was offered to the public. This would have proven a lot better then masks.
20 mars 2020 08:42

In the summer of last year, an Australian came with a nasal spray to that effect, but it wasn’t talked in the media. Billions of tons of literature on how to wear masks and wash your hand 20 times a day…nothing about mouth Hygiene.
Some experts replied that Iodine is a disinfectant as chlorine…I had to explain that Povidone Iodine is effectively a disinfectant used in hospital setting, but it is also one of the most potent antiseptic known to science.
I did a whole series on this, much have been deleted by Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Denys_Picard/comments/fru7m2/trump_being_mislead_by_feminist_inclined/
or one of many tentative email:
Denys Picard <cubitus700@gmail.com>
À eggers, stefan.mueller@mundipharma-rd.eu
Dear Maren,
I read with interest and enthousiam you work on Antiseptic capacity of Povidone-Iodine.
I was particularly interested in the Oral hygiene potential of Gargles containing Povidone-Iodine and Influenza strains (SARS and MERS).
I was surprised that the leading authorities in the current crisis have made no special mention, or attracted attention, on the subject of Oral and nasal hygiene in the context of the current SARS-CoV2 Covid-19 potential pandemic.
Now, I am always prudent when reading these texts. I was optimistic about Povidone-Iodine because I have read much about Iodine and health in general.
This past evening, when attempting to understand the reason why authorities such as the American CDC and World Health Organization have put no emphasis on Nasal and oral hygiene containment strategies, I got to review different propositions in terms of anti-septics, following the work around Dentistry.
I found out that a competing molecule Chlorohexidine.
While Chlorohexidine appears to have much antiseptic potent characteristics, it appears less efficient against potential Coronavirus because of its difficulty in weakening outer membrane of this one. But further, I read something I had not read elsewhere, That Chlorohexidine is highly dependent on the pH (acidity) of the environment to be potent.
Is there to your knowledge, any such short coming concerning molecule Povidone-Iodine, is it pH environment dependent for potency. Have you tested this angle.
Further, do you intend to test specifically SARS-CoV2 (2019-nCov) against Povidone-Iodine.
Thank you for your work,
I am joining the article which discusses breifly the incompetence of Chlorohexidine towards eliminating Coronavirus
Denys Picard
US and Canadian Citizen residing in Canada
Lay off the chemical concoctions including fluoride toothpaste. Scrape the tongue. Gargle with (mild) salt water. Breathe in the steam from hot water or tea in between drinking it.
Max Igan
Covicide (bitchute.com)
As a remarkable example of conspiracy phobia I found this in the Irish times re: the miner’s strike of the 80s:
“Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979 having learned the lessons of the last decade, having seen the defeat inflicted on Heath, and almost immediately began plans for a fight to the death with the miners. I witnessed coal stocks at power stations piling up for a long time before any hint of a miners strike became evident.
Conspiracy theorists have long held that Thatcher not only prepared for that fight but also picked it. If any coal is produced in the UK any more it hardly registers in the data.”
The first paragraph admits that Thatcher had a plan to defeat the miners. The second derides this as “conspiracy theory”!
C’mon George
Thatcher’s agenda of economic ‘liberal’ intervention can be traced back through Friedman to the Lippmann Colloque, and its subsequent postwar gestation through the Mont Pelerin Society for millionaires ….now, the billionaires. The fight was picked in 1938. Now that’s a conspiracy theory!
And do not mention Pinochet or Chile or the Chicago Boys, or anything really ever again.
Those were tough times. I vaguely remember the photos in the Daily Mirror (I think)of the coal imported from South Africa. There were also soldiers dressed as coppers on the picket lines. Some families of the striking miners and picket line breakers still do not communicate with one another to this day.