Cell Phones: The Elephant in the Room
Edward Curtin

Photo by NATHAN MULLET on Unsplash
It is difficult to talk to addicts about addictions and it is even harder to do so when their embrace of the drug of choice has dire consequences.
I once asked the ether if God had a cell phone, and although God didn’t reply, it was a rhetorical question, so I didn’t expect an answer since I knew God understood grammar and punctuation and had other ways of communicating.
The elites who consider themselves gods, such as those at the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, and their ilk throughout governments, corporations, media, etc., know that cell phones are fundamental to their plan for a fully digitized world. They have promoted them for decades.
Without cell phones their plan can’t work, a plan whose end is a trans-human world where AI, cyborgs, technology, and biology are melded for their authoritarian control.
Their non-vaccine “vaccines” are also necessary. Penetrating cells of both sorts are means to their ends and the stories we are told are meant to infect our minds with a sick way of thinking that will allow them to exert more and more control.
Most people have fallen for their PR. It’s called the-easy-life. The stay-in-touch life. The never-be-out-of-touch-life. The you’ll-be-lost-without-it-life. The smart life. The free life.
In reality it is a prisoner’s life. The miracle of the cell phone, the mystery of a virus and its “antidote,” and the authority of authoritarians are being used to try to quell the spirit of rebellion we were all born with – the promise of freedom. Mystery, miracle, and authority – “vaccines” against freedom.
Like the Grand Inquisitor in Dostoevsky’s legend, these sick elites are relying on the assumption that “man is tormented by no greater anxiety than to find some one quickly to whom he can hand over that gift of freedom with which the ill-fated creature is born.”
They may be in store for a big surprise. People are starting to wake up to an attack on their fundamental freedoms.
Like the non-vaccine vaccines that they are promoting to exert more control with their plan to digitize existence with the Great Reset, those who presently control so much of the world they own, know that cell phones are moving shackles. And they know they have created billions of addicts who can’t help themselves.
So much of the world has been hoodwinked into a trap, a prison. It’s been a slow process that is approaching a climax.
There are no cells in cell phones, but their towers are arranged to form cells with each having a central tower in its geographical zone that keep users prisoners, as with the round Panopticon prisons with their central guard tower. Cells in heads, heads in cells, cells everywhere. The USA also has more prisoners in cells than any country in the world.
There are Towers of Babel all across the land, listening, watching, recording, as the prisoners gleefully scroll their black magic machines that have corralled their freedom. Machines that are likely ruining their health as well, but that is not my main focus here.
Unlike the nearly 2 million people in American jails, cell phone prisoners can roam, for their cells are mobile. That is their key. “Smart” phones for gullible people, or androids – “a mobile robot usually with human form” – are necessary, for they allow the authorities to follow and track your every move while you think you are skipping down easy street while carrying the equivalent of a GPS ankle monitor like digital jail prisoners. In this case, it is voluntary incarceration. And there is far more to it than having your location tracked.
Perhaps it is unfair to say that people’s embrace of cell phones are acts of freely giving up their freedoms, for the propagandists’ work has long softened up many minds to the idea of salvation through technology. Like the technology of pharmaceutical drugs run by criminal Big Pharma, users of cell phones have been induced to consider convenience over conscience and the quick “fix” over slow deliberation.
Yes, you can message your friends and even call them, but your enemies have your number now. And when they ask you for your papers, your freedom vaccines, all you need to do is flash that screen in your hand. After getting shot first. To paraphrase Kris Kristofferson: Freedom’s just another word for everything left to lose. But few are counting.
“What we got here is a failure to communicate,” says the Captain to the prisoner Luke in the classic movie Cool Hand Luke. “Some men you just can’t reach…which is the way he wants it.”
I’m afraid that’s how it is with owners of cell phones. It’s very hard to admit you have been had. People want their cell phones but don’t want to hear that they are the phone’s prisoners. But to say phone is too abstract. Phones can’t imprison and manipulate you. Only people can. The truth is hard to swallow. The cell phone is the key, and most people are in the cell without a key or clue. They have it and it has them.
But then aren’t cells inside us? I’ve heard it said that spike proteins teach cells to make a protein that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. But how do the cells get inside our bodies. I thought they were hand held. You see I am getting confused, for this kind of language is beyond my ken. I’m still trying to figure out how my computer can get a virus. Everything’s gone viral. Cells, viruses – what’s next?
I’m one of those idiots who still thinks Cat Scans are used to see if you like cats. Well I don’t know if that’s all true, ‘cause it’s got me, and baby, it’s got you. Sonny and Cher sung those words more than fifty years ago. Words stick. Ideas stick. Thinking and behaving in certain ways become habits. Linguistic mind control needs repetition – words like cells and viruses.
The medium is the message and the messenger is the m in the mRNA experimental non-vaccine vaccines. It’s so simple; all you need to do is get the message and get your experimental shot and wait for the consequences, just as with cell phones. Don’t worry about the price to be paid in health or freedom. Those are incidentals. Let the operating systems do their invisible work.
The way the story is framed controls the story. As with cell phones and vaccines, most people do not see Donald Trump as a pseudo-event. A pseudo-event being, as described by Daniel Boorstin in his classic book, The Image: A Guide to Pseudo- Events in America, a planned, dramatic, costly invention of a counterfeit story that is repeated and planned for its intelligibility and ability to capture the public’s attention since it conforms to stereotypes.
In this case, Trump as a big-mouthed, uncouth bad guy who just happened to become the American President. Like I happen to be a man. Like you just happen to be reading this. Just happenings. Trump in the role of the ignorant outsider who can be played off against the smart insider even when the fundamentals of the system that supports them barely change an iota while the bad guy runs the show. Straight from the Tube to the Tube as part of the Spectacle. Obama and Biden’s anti-doppelganger.
The story is told in a manner that the obvious is missed: That Trump was never an outsider. He was one of the establishment’s performers from the start. A perfect foil from the Tube for apprentices learning about reality. You know, like the CDC says:“MRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.” Very simple, teacher. I see it now.
Are you immune to Trump? Biden? They are not the disease. They are its symptoms. They are twin heads of the Hydra. Now Trump has been “fired” with Biden’s turn to come. Cut them off and the monster will grow more heads unless by miracle a true leader arises with the courage of JFK or RFK. One who can avoid their assassins.
In January of 2021, the outsider Trump while still president, the anti-vaccine guy, the anti-Fauci guy, the anti-everything that’s good guy, the anti-science guy, the anti-China Wuhan lab Chinese virus guy, quietly got his Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, the same one Biden got. He didn’t announce it, but said:
We took care of a lot of people — including, I guess … Joe Biden, because he got his shot, he got his vaccine. It shows you how unpainful that vaccine shot is … So everybody, go get your shot.
Of course Trump was the guy who fast-tracked the experimental vaccines through a program called Operation Warp Speed that funneled billions of dollars to vaccine manufacturers through a non-governmental third party, a defense contract management firm called Advanced Technologies International, Inc. This avoided much public disclosure.
I say all this about Trump to make a rather simple point about cell phones and how the obvious is staring us in the face if we choose to see it. Trump and cell phones should have long been obvious. Yes, cell phones are convenient, but that is a minor part of the story. They are very dangerous for our freedoms and health. Yes, it is very convenient to see Trump as the bad guy but much harder to see the larger story in which Trump is a chosen player on the large chessboard created by the interconnected power elites. But Trump and the cell phone serve their functions. They didn’t just happen.
To abandon your cell phone or to abandon the false narrative that Trump is an outlier is very difficult. But these are difficult times.
Can you see the elephant in the room? Join with those like Robert Kennedy, Jr. and other lovers of truth and freedom and fight back now. Everyone must seize their freedom now before it is too late. Cast fear aside; it is another of their key tools. Hope lies in group actions.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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We have one which we keep for calling emergency services only. I am not spending money on a data connection over which I have no control because there are ‘apps running in the background’. They seriously think we pay for something that we have not ordered? But it gets a little difficult sometimes. More people need to refuse mob phone tech.
When will they offer us tech adapted to people and not expect people to adapt to tech?
Be very alert, never sign up to the secret services.
You can never get them out of your life – see Witness K.
Avoid the military as well, because you might put a foot wrong and then they’d ‘encourage’ your signature for the ‘services’.
The iphone is great for taking pics. Just put it in airplane mode or a foil wrapper when you go out
Here’s an idea on how to resist this cell phone control.
I’d call it a cell phone exchange. A place where people exchange their cell phone for a strangers cell phone.
The phones could be put into a pot and people leave a phone and take a random cell phone.
This way you’ve got a phone, but the surveillance state can’t be sure of who anyone is.
Sure a lot of details need to be worked out, but it would throw a monkey wrench into the system if enough folks did it.
This could be implemented on a small scale among small groups of like minded people.
Algorithms can identify individual based on combination of personal characteristics such as gait (detected by sensors in the phone), proximity of electronic devices, security cameras etc..etc. The only way to escape fetters is to get rid of fetters.
The phrase ‘elephant in the room’ relates to something given active social ignorance, even to become invisible, that is contextual to what is then running as a diversion or evasion of the Fact.
Cell theory is an artefact of the mind of such an active ignorance. yet the nature of Field as Communication of fluctuating resonant domains is where Spirit moves over the Face of the Waters.
Interfacial water is known and shown to be a liquid crystalline structure that holds and translates information as well as energy. In our body this is the gel water that interacts with proteins as the phase changing of states by which bio or life expresses, adapts and evolves, as the support or vehicle of Field Expression that we are socially entrained to deny or hide so as to partake of an Object model for the shared experience of an unshared life – driven to SEEK in externalised terms that CANNOT fulfil and MUST reset and reinforce the basis for such a world of socially reinforced definitions that give rise to manipulations of the body and world by which to act out the wish they be real.
We can in this way have the experience we are set in, even though it is a temporary illusion of a narrative distortion that acts out an archetypal role in a Camera Obscura, as in Plato’s Cave or a Movie Theatre. The Mind is a Projector that can be used to extend the true as universal resonance. or project a casting out that distorts, filters and replaces or substitutes perceived reality – even to the point of polarised denial of reality set as rebellion against extinction.
A Covert ID must fear Disclosure in Light as Extinction, and its mind-framing offer every kind of baiting to conflict and fear by which to reset the darkness as the believed condition for safety against the ‘contagion’ of light as awareness that does not support ‘conflicted being’ or mindset in war, but heals by revealing from outside or beyond the fixated and fascinated identity complex – by which we are transformed, re-aligned and revealed to ourselves and each other from a Re-Cognition as a mind renewed and restored.
The ego is not ‘destroyed’ so much as released from service as leader, to the function of mind as transparency to account or honest witness.
The Heart as the Field reception and reflection is not set in victimhood and broken trust. Standing in the light of truth is necessarily a recognition and release of fear that is set AGAINST disclosure in fear of death, loss of face, and loss of control or agency.
Agency of the Field is realigning to synchronicity as truly moved.
Cause is never truly disconnected from its effect. The cells are energy domains that know the joy of alignment in Life – as they know the contraction in fear of Life.
They are in communication with you, or rather, you are in communication with the Field of your true embrace and support for your life in the world, as you align in already connected.
The cellular network of an Internment of Things is a replication of what is already the case, as an object model given sacrifice. The mind is seeking to reverse engineer a lost sense of connection, protection and support from a predicate of Disconnection that is also set as a salvation in limiting, distancing and masking over, against fear of loss of face and control.
This is where a conflict of heart and mind plays out a life and world set in victimhood and grievance, given worship.
To separate or release from that which separates us from awareness and alignment in truth is to let truth reveal Itself to us through our willingness to give priority there, in place of socially or personally acquired masking defences.
Disclosure is a revealing of self to Self and so of Self to self.
A machine mind can only seek to reset its predicates, and so reveal them.
The tightening of the mask becomes an inescapable hell from which death in life or as escape from life reaches to ‘save’ as its final gift.
But only to the attempt to escape in ITS terms as if your own.
Machine thinking is not alive, does not resonate in truth or extend and share in connection. But re-presents in symbol and concept, a ruled and filtered ‘reality’ distortion, by which we are deceived.
The capacity to engage self-illusion at cost of Reality is limited only by tolerance for pain, which is directly corresponding to acceptance of joy.
The choice to become a ‘Grey’, as a collective denial of The Scream, and so predicated in it as a dictate, is one of the timelines I see running through the human condition/conditioning at this time. But that which denies Creator forsakes procreative function by resort to artificial means that must then feed on the alignment in its own emotional configuration. The nature of such consent as an energy transaction is beneath the surface reality fronted out by hollow mind-capture backed by coercive deceit. But it is not beneath our capacity to recognise in ourself and release to a more truly aligned acceptance for being, as freedom OF responsibility FOR energy as following thought given attention, acceptance and value. In this way is a profound re-education at a level that may seem to violate all that was held as real, but WITHIN a core willingness to learn anew. This of course requires at least some willingness to question our own thought and experience, and here we meet the ‘resistance’ that reveals itself to our desire for truth as healing, rather than magical solutions by which to keep Disclosure at bay.
By our choices are we chosen.
All are Called but few choose to listen, yet.
By our own acceptance is a cell enlivened within the Terrain of its true function.
By our own prevaricating procrastinations is a cell locked down and distanced under masking narrative dictate.
The world we meet will correspond to the choice we are active in, and so offers feedback by which to release the habit for a current checking in with the Field of inner and outer as one. Lest we run a head of our self and become as a headless chicken calling on a Foxy Loxy for protection. Or a Foxy mind chained to feed on its own denials as the bloat of an isolating self-inflation. And both.
“Cell Phones’ Buy the River” ~ U. R. Soul
“The sound of one mind crapping” ~ R. E Leif.
“Yes we Koan!” ~ Dee Nial & Dee Ceit
Hello Binra: The body and electric/etheric fields are designed and conditioned by environment. Every living thing on planet Earth resonates to environmental conditions. Yes, there is an interactive element of “mind”, but the essential resonance of life commands the fields of soul and intellect. Not the other way around…
This is a very old page that I’ve had on hand for about a decade. The effects of microwaved water on plant life have been duplicated many times over by various individuals and academics. Most mammalian bodies are comprised of about 70% water, and virtually every urban tree, shrub, flower, weed-grass, pets and loved ones, are similarly affected by microwave emissions. The microwave circus needs to leave town before everything is quite dead…
Microwaved Water – See What It Does To Plants
Posted 4-13-2006
Yes the living waters are moved over by a dissonance that breaks communication.
This is a perfect metaphor for the ego of a segregative domain within a greater embrace of which it is screened from full awareness of.
Anything seen as thing in itself is the projection of the self-separate idea that generates its own reinforcement.
Lockdown, distancing & masking set a physically limited (mortal) focus.
The temporal linear perspective is foundational to a developing self consciousness, but as you frame it reads as yet another version of determinism that expands the programming to include energy fields.
My sense of Soul contains all worlds rather than to idea of possessing a ‘Soul’.
Infinity has no dimension and so contains all dimensional expressions.
The word mind is used for the adaptive front end of a world-experience expressed through an organism/environment.
This survival-mind is the mapping of its world as conditioned meanings and thus as conditioning predicates and parameters. You can trace it back as the evolutionary unfolding of potentials into expression. But always within the filters of the mind with which we look.
But the present is not a product of the past.
This is why Creation cannot be understood within the mind of form and sequence.
But we can become aware of non-linear shifts to alignments that are no longer expressing a past that has been released of its stamp on the present into a future like itself.
Insofar as what you posit as mind, intellect or soul is involved, the answer is the opposite. A releasing, yielding or letting into what seems like death from the perspective of ‘mind’, definition or control as a predictive modelling that runs between the Cause and the Event as if they are ever actually separate or running through a process of delay – as in consequences catching up with us downstream.
The power of Creation is glimpsed by those who seek to steal the light to impose a ‘past’ by which to justify a present distortion for private agenda. But such imposition is itself a reiteration of an archetypal past that then ‘possesses’ or operates the ‘mind’ of the alignment in such intention.
Trust in God but tether your camel.
I quite agree that a self-destructive attack on Life on Earth is revealing itself in our attempt to replicate life in our own image or to be as gods set apart and over life. This is backwards and is a result of a reversal in consciousness by which to posit God or Power with control.
Anyone looking into Plasma physics as it pervades all of Life at all scales may see a fractal field resonance expression, and not a control hierarchy.
Our misinterpretation of reality as threat generates defences that DO the thing they are set against, and embody the thing we feared despite and because of our ‘mindset’ of a mis-identified ‘self-protection’ that is itself counter to unrecognised self-judgement in hate and attack. The psychopathic killer seeks your death, but is pushed down and cast out. We may say that it may be pushed out of a filtered and dissociated mind, just as the dissociated mind is pushed out of wholeness.
The water we are is living water – structured and structuring gel water (Gilbert Ling, Gerard Pollack. Mao Wan-Ho and others.
It may seem ironic that just as we are using EMF to destroy or degrade life, we are opening a deeper appreciation of Universe as Total Communication.
There is a choice here but the Universe does not wait on choice to be all that it Is. Our acceptance is our own recognised Inherence and Integrality – which is not IN the world we made from a false inheritance/cause.
hence I sketch intuitively as a integrative willingness that can of course be completely misunderstood as can any other communication. The key is where sender and receiver are in some field of resonance.
Hello Binra: I get what you’re saying. I spent many years experimenting within Natural or Pagan beliefs. Nature manifests what is needed. Desire and want are intellectual booby traps…
I found early Gnostic models such as the Sophia tradition spoke to the potential of a non-compromised and unpolluted Soul… I was very resonant with this tradition. The Christian system,slaughtered every Gnostic scholar and practitioner down to the last breath. They also destroyed many astute and formal texts. The Nag Hammadi codices were rediscovered in 1945. They are interesting, but only a small glimpse of what once stirred in the minds of men…
I believe Mind is a Universal force. I also believe Intellect is a product of conditioning… Infinity would suggest that the individual is always infinitely outnumbered. Some wax paranoid about this Universal condition. I simply accept that what is, is…
A few people Grok this quote. >
Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect.
– Chief Seattle, 1854-
I grok enough to join with you in the positive appreciation you are sharing here.
Chief Seattle speaks succinctly.
Everything is the Nature of the Whole in all its parts.
Everything we give determines our receiving.
As the idea of being the maker
are we made in the measure of our making.
But ideas made in contradiction to ‘what is’
cannot find support but as being contradicted by ‘what is’.
Thus an illusion of self is set, as a way to see all things as the means of disconnecting such illusion from its ‘life’.
As if Reality attacks its Own.
As if truth is terror.
And lies must mask over a locked down dissociation.
Forgiving or releasing a false belief,
of who we are not,
allows a Universe of Connectedness to know itself
through who we are,
That we make personal and social ‘realities’ of what we are not is that nothing has any power but is shared, yet sharing in a false sense of power is the joining in the idea of separateness, as a lockstep or groupthink under masking virtue.
False needs are then activated by ‘threat’ of approaching light, to operate such as to deny its presence, within a mind set in defences that pre-empt communication, as threat – excepting it complies to ‘accepted reality’.
True need is then covered over or denied recognition.
Life in denial.
But regardless, true need is being answered, even as the lesson or curriculum of the recognition and release of the false.
Learning to see and be one with what is,
aligns to true desire, rather than pushing the river.
As if we could, would want to if we could, or can gain anything we truly want if we believed we had.
Yet this is the mind of Man in the belief we can and have separated from the Web of Life, and are the mind and capacity to act upon it, set in an ignorant arrogance that runs as a denial script or death wish within the mask over destroying life as if to build back better.
For such is the theme of denying what is, to impose what is not, and give it sacrifice. A Lie can only seem to live and move and have power by sacrifice of Life to its image and likeness.
If words and symbols are used differently does not mean communication cannot occur. I look not to demonise error, but to the true beneath the masking world.
Our true Need can be seen as the balance point through which truth is recognised as true. What is, can never truly be in conflict or contradiction with itself. So I need to own my perception rather than assign it to an external and separate reality (set in threat and conflict). If i want to let an appreciation of truth, share or shine, as my giving and receiving of Life.
I appreciate your post for its further expounding of your perspectives.
Hello again. You stated: “Our true Need can be seen as the balance point through which truth is recognised as true.”
“Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know”
– Ani Pema Chödrön –
– (1936 – xxxx) –
A quote that came along years after the storms and conflicts ended…
The need to NOT know (denial) set a curriculum of teaching and learning.
‘What we resist, persists’.
So recognising and accepting the denied as the condition of release.
Hence when people say it must never happen again!
They are setting what they say they don’t want into the foundations from which they then live in the frame of.
Many think this is weakening the resolve to be free of evil or insane outcomes, but the nature of deceit is to induce reaction in the frame of the bait.
It is often so that we don’t appreciate our freedom within the residual habit of an identity no longer functioning AS identifying us or reality. But our true Teacher will never leave us until we release and are released of the attempt to tell reality what it should be.
Thanks for the exchange.
And for your witnessing.
You can have a cell phone for all the good things like ebear lists, without all the bells and whistles and geolocation etc. I have a cell phone that cost little, allows me to call 112 or 911 or whatever, just fine, but with no geolocation or Bluetooth allowed, and with a company that allows me to have a phone only connection. I commonly go in the mountains and find that a map and compass still work pretty well. And if there is a signal I can still use my basic cell phone to get help.
One thing though, I actually had to buy one of those idiotic phones, just to access my bank account. It sits on a shelf at home with no SIM in it unless I happen to need it for certain operations in the bank. Just a tool like a screwdriver, though not as useful for general day to day life.
The excuses are just proof of the addiction.
A rather one-sided view of the technology. As with everything, cell phones come with costs and benefits. As only the costs have been examined here, allow me to list some of the benefits:
Author mentioned auto accidents. OK. How many lives have been saved because someone immediately dialed 911 at an accident scene? Before cell phones you had to rely on someone with a CB radio, otherwise find a land line, and good luck with that on a freeway or out in the sticks late at night.
Are your children more or less secure now that they can immediately call for help when threatened by a stranger, or simply lost, injured or delayed? How much has your anxiety been reduced by knowing your child can call you right away if they have a problem, or in the worst case scenario, be located by GPS? Amber Alert? Have you got that on your phone? You should.
Lost hikers, snowboarders, etc. It gets real cold in the mountains at night.
How about crimes in progress? Do you think the ability to record them might assist in bringing perpetrators to justice?
How about events that are misrepresented in the press? Was there really an insurrection at the capitol, as the MSM has claimed? Not from the abundance of video I saw on YouTube before it was taken down. Apart from a few rabble rousers, it all looked pretty calm to me. Quite the contrast from BLM and Antifa gatherings of which there’s also ample visual evidence.
Then there’s the mundane everyday events like calling a tow truck or taxi when your car breaks down, calling home or the daycare when delayed in traffic, taking pictures of something interesting you happen to see, or recording family moments without having to mess with cameras and film. I could go on…
This is just off the top of my head. I’m sure you can add more examples if you give it some thought.
Apologies – I down voted you by mistake.
I can’t stand the things , but you raise some very valid points.
There is a ‘Sauron’ effect that you are overlooking – in the the investors seek to weaponise and marketise technologies for private gain and profit – while focusing PR in such things as you list and as Progress assumed to be leading us where we want to go rather than into the corporately owned and controlled playground whose parameters are arbitrary once the market is captured.
So you are seeing as if tech is neutral. It is no more designed to enable free and creative decision making than the current vaccine agenda. It is all rigged to the banker.
So yes if you apply yourself you can find the niches and use what suits you. yes the overall nature of negative outcomes shifts with the shifting times, but the appeal you make is all the securitised narrative identity of risk aversion and anxiety placation that effectively zombifies people so as to no longer have capacity to question their own thought.
You could have said you no longer need human cooperation and community because you are plugged into a tech nanny corporation that if you haven’t noticed has captured stated, institutions, businesses and minds of the many.
You are of course entitled to your views and there is always a baby in the bathwater.
tech CAN be held to serve us rather than backwards.
the mind CAN be yielded or disengaged to align in service of the heart.
These are within our sphere of responsibility – even if a bio-tech death cult operates a collective death wish. There will be the opportunity to extend and share in true witness, because truth Is, and no one is truly alone and apart.
the ability to sow disinfo with the phone video and framed or staged events is linked to unlimited funding. Discernment is not technical or machine analyses but a quality of integral resonance. Synchronicity is also the outcome of a living faith that lazy or sleepwalking people can mitigate against tripping over their own feet by plugging into a system of filters and rules, so as not to have to know more than that they are being managed by loving Parents. (Not!)
Stare Into the Lights My Pretties
From the cited article:
“But when corporations are in charge of planetary life and ever larger profits are the be and end to all of existence, that other story is never available, except perhaps in the very small print. So much of mankind continues to walk into a trap, set by itself to imprison itself, while thinking it has found the new freedom. And this has never been more true than with the advent of the ‘smart phone’, ‘smart meter’, ‘smart watch’, ‘smart city’ – ‘smart everything’.”
‘Synthetic Electric Shock’: From Electrification to 5G WiFi
By Julian Rose
Global Research, February 04, 2019
‘Synthetic Electric Shock’: From Electrification to 5G WiFi – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Yes the ideal of the dumb user is that life supports self-illusion.
Well it doesnt, and so in persistence of such illusion we seek to replace it with rules and filters of mind control, even to the point of biologically set filters and rules.
My sense id that our pattern of walking into a trap is being revealed to all, and those who are now unwilling to give consent become open to what they did not expect, because the removal of the curtain is not to a damning psychopathic self-hate, but to the Infinity that ‘attack’ operates to deny, limit and distance in space and time.
As the sign pointer says – You are here!
But such coordinates are in communication with the More of All That You Are such that the Universe is here, where you thought a ‘you’ stood apart and alone. This is like true Service coming back online after being shut down for an age or more. But it is not for the mind of possession and control, which is the ‘blocking signal’ of a world arising from terror.
As was said, we see through a glass darkly. But who has eyes to see, accepts that what they thought to see, blocks the light of an innocent appreciation.
So I agree with your observations as to what we are in effect doing unto ourselves, though as if the controllers DO unto their followers. While the followers use the controllers to evade and escape responsibility for their own lives.
Mind as a trap,acted out upon the body and world.
Is this a classroom?
What would you learn?
Its easy to see the ‘dumb’ user, but there is no learning or growth in confirming the already limited in their limitations. Its easy to see the sins of others but not so easy to recognise where our own blindspot denies us the information or recognition that would release us from ancient hatreds running background to our set of mind.
Cell phones were always meant to be a intentional distraction and deliberate dumbing down of society. Apparently, 50% of users get ALL THIER NEWS on cell phones and spend an average of 13 seconds reading an article. Supposedly, they also use the same addictive technology they use to design video games.
They are by far more lethal than all the other addictions, combined. Certainly far more deadly than cigarettes ever were. You have to wonder how many people have died from them? Driving is clearly the number one killer. But look around and watch how many people aren’t paying an ounce of attention to their kids? I wonder how many children have died from that? I think of a small child’s perspective when it looks at it’s parent glued to these things instead? How truly pathetic.
I don’t own one nor would I ever. Nor do I own a TV. I can think of no greater waste of life!
“Cell phones were always meant to be a intentional distraction and deliberate dumbing down of society.”
I believe TV completed that work long before cell phones appeared. Cell phones are just icing on the cake.
the network of cells will not seem like sweet dusting to the social system of internment. That they serve the same hidden purpose while presenting apparent powers, freedoms and protections, is as I said elsewhere on the page the nature of investment for marketisation or capture and weaponisation such as to protect such gains. Possession and control – operating from an underlying lack drive fear of loss of possession and control, for no matter how much, its is never enough. Addiction is in the foundations of its inception as a getting mentality, over a giving/receiving.
Everything it ‘gives’ it steals.
The underlying pattern is the thing as an expression of a Terrain, not the example taken in and of itself.
So you know Trump took the vaccine? Have any proof? Why would he take it when 8 months ago he had Covid?
This article is so short sighted when it come to playing the long game. Trump had to counter their game of endless lock downs. If it wasn’t for the vaccines they would lock you down forever. Even with the vaccines they are trying to. Trump has to play the game.
Can’t remember Trump being anti “science” or everything that is good? Being anti Fauci has proven to be right a thousand times.
Trump is not the maker of the vaccines and is not in control of manufacture. The health authorities are claiming they are safe. If Trump said don’t take the vaccine the media would go bat crazy like they have been and blame Trump for killing even more people and being like you say anti “science”? There are much bigger things at stake here. Now who would you say has been promoting the vaccines more, Trump or the Media? Trump was promoting Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin very early on and the media went stir crazy and tried to make Trump look bad for that and yet again Trump proved them all wrong again as the media had done a complete 180 on those two drugs.
If you only knew what getting the shot really means.
And to add Trump called on Robert Kennedy Jr to Head Trump’s ‘Vaccination Safety’ Committee.
Don’t just look at what Trump says to keep the media hyenas at bay but look at what he does.
“I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots”.
—Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
technology was developed as an extension of man, now man is an extension of technology… a technological society… reject it, or adjust to it… transhumanism… there’s no going back to the cave… no human will ever fly to Mars unless it’s as a cyborg… the Willing are many…
You may be right that “technology was developed as an extension of man” – but NOT of man’s humanity. Rather, of man’s bloodlust and craving for control over everything – and, above all, his sense of being the Crown of Creation.
Which explains how he became his technology’s slave.
Give up the idiot phone, go back to a Nokia and carry a notebook so that you can record your good ideas about how to renovate the conservatory or grow a new vegetable patch, you know, using your brain.
“Big Brother is home. He is installed in the item you just dragged home from the Apple store.”
“The world is not sliding, but galloping into a new transnational dystopia. This development has not been properly recognized outside of national security circles. It has been hidden by secrecy, complexity and scale. The internet, our greatest tool of emancipation, has been transformed into the most dangerous facilitator of totalitarianism we have ever seen. The internet is a threat to human civilization.
These transformations have come about silently, because those who know what is going on work in the global surveillance industry and have no incentives to speak out. Left to its own trajectory, within a few years, global civilization will be a postmodern surveillance dystopia, from which escape for all but the most skilled individuals will be impossible. In fact, we may already be there.
While many writers have considered what the internet means for global civilization, they are wrong. They are wrong because they do not have the sense of perspective that direct experience brings. They are wrong because they have never met the enemy.”
-Julian Assange
The above quote is why Julian Assange remains illegally imprisoned at “Her Majesty’s” Prison Belmarsh.
The only way to free Mr. Assange is for a para-military group to break him out. This of course will never happen in merry old England…
Also why the main article here may be moot. At this point, we turn our phones in and go without and they pass a law for all citizens to carry some form of digital ID. Anyone without a smartphone is issued the electronic device from the DMV or some other government agency.
I don’t have a cell phone. Wife doesn’t have one. Kids don’t have them.
Just like we don’t have cable, satellite (or whatever) TV.
None of us took the non-vaccine ‘vaccine’.
Debt is the real prison, don’t lock yourself up.
Free your mind, think for yourself.
Lets not forget what the mobile phone networks do to the environment. Until about 2012 the media was allowed to publish articles on the effect of high frequency radiation on honey bees. That is currently forbidden. In fact all kinds of insects are undoubtedly affected. Reduced insect populations mean lower bird populations. I am sure vegetation is also affected. These devices and these networks are yet another assault on nature. Ironically birders use “apps” to identify the steadily shrinking numbers of birds they spot.
Some lovely images. Thanks. Of course, Edward, we over here don’t have cell-phones and we don’t have mobiles in our bodies that get penetrated by a virus or messenger mRNA vaccines which are not vaccines, but I suppose they could call them mobiles and rewrite the books on virology, medicine and epidemiology. And God would understand.
Some of us are from a different era. Was it really fifty years since Sonny and Cher infected us with the baby that got me. In those days, well the decade before, nobody could even dream about mobiles. It’s just that parents did not sleep!
Indeed it was great fun camping in a tent in a thunder-storm with the lightning illuminating the inside of the tent. Although we were only about a mile away it was too far for loving parents who could not sleep to put their trust in God and they came for us, took down the canvas tent, and spoilt our adventures, bundling us into the car and home. It was a campsite at Tickhill Spital, well really a field that the farmer allowed boys, if they were scouts from the 1st Bircotes (The Robin Hoods), to use. And what a bollocking we got from the farmer (via the scoutmaster) for leaving the site in such a mess. But, hey, it was a another kind of life.
I am wary of bigging up the Good Old Days, because we used to get that when we were The Young Ones, darling we’re . . .. We had viruses, like polio, but nothing that stopped us behaving like normal beings. It is the way forward – the way back. Home phones are the way forward. Maps are the way forward – if people are taught again to read them. Because all the new technology is a shackle, as you rightly say, and everywhere man is in chains, as Rousseau said in the 18th century. There was little difference. Man was subjugated then, he’s subjugated now. What differs, as you observe, the subjugation today is voluntary and in Rousseau’s day the poor could not read or write, and women came with a dowry.
Joyful, joyful,
when virginity
seeks all coyful,
man’s affinity,
fate all flowery,
bright and bowery,
was her dowry.
Joyful. Joyful.
Or something. Shut him up! Babbling on like Tennyson’s brook. Shut him up. The old fool!
IDK how it is everywhere else but in Mexico all the restaurants (except for mom & pops, actually just moms) tell you to scan the QR code to get the menu. I flatly refuse and tell them I didnt bring the stupid screen. They look at me like im a freaking alien then spend half an hour looking for a ratty printed menu.
When out with ‘friends’ I make it a game now to see how long they can go without fondling that Big Bro Brick sitting on the table like a pampered pet. They’ll be talking then say “I’ll show you…” and reach for the pet to show me some stupid photo or post. When I say “just tell me” they fluster. Like addicts needing a hit.
I prefer to dine alone now and observing the addiction at other tables is entertaining too. People look at me like I’m a nutjob, sitting there “thinking”. Sometimes the waiter comes to ask if Im “OK”.
I particularly despise the couples who go out to a restaurant then each looks at their phone continuously, occasionally showing the other person their screen because they, I assume, have found yet another (the billionth) nice picture of a cat. That is your best friend you are with and you still can’t communicate other than by offering ‘electronic pitcture’ gifts. Sad.
Is it just me or has offg being played by silly comments,That’s making it out to be like YouTube?I get a lot of information from intelligent commentators to which I follow the links.I think offg somebody are trying to down play your intelligence and undermine you.
Probably phyops.I know I ramble,Honestly though I mean we’ll .I’m not a scholar I talk more about spiritual and wellbeing,But seems like your being attacked.
The cellphone is just a tool. Its how people use it that’s the problem. I’ve had one since the beginning which means I’m used to them costing too much to use so I never got into the habit of constantly scrolling push messages from social media. Contrary to popular belief the phone can’t replace a computer — the processor might be adequate but the interface is too fiddly for real work. They’re not much good for entertainment, either — the screen’s too small to stream video and audio streaming is all about locking you into one or other subscription service. If you just use it as a communication device with useful extras such as a decent camera and the ability to run useful applications then it will cease to dominate your life.
People might vilify them but when you watch an old movie and see how inconvenient it was for our hero to be always searching for a payphone or how people would wander into troublesome situations without being able to leave a message up front or call if there’s an issue — no, I don’t miss ‘the good old days’. I actually wonder how we managed (I know we must have coped because I lived during that time….but, seriously…..).
If George Carlin was alive you can easily imagine him saying
“Smart Phones..STUPID FUCKING PEOPLE!!!” [drum roll].
Many people in the 21st century have surrendered without a question or a fight their inalienable human rights to Big Tech and it’s master.
Very good article. I enjoyed that, and agree it’s time to take a cold, hard look at the elephant in the room… because the next elephant could be physical war. Not like WWII so much, but maybe like hundreds of miniature revolutionary wars. Only this one will be filled with robots, drones… Or perhaps frogs in pots don’t fight at all.
Strange, but lately I blink and wonder if this life is a dream. Growing up as a child in the ‘every Sunday’ Catholic church routine of the 60’s, one of the first stories you hear is about Adam and Eve, and an apple you should never take a bite of, and a snake that is there to tempt you to do so.
Later adult learnings, achievements and so on, you begin to believe this was just a silly parable.
Now, so much of this power structure is steeped in symbolism that reflect that snake, yet we still want to hold on to the America and Europe that existed thru the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s. It’s our turn to collect social security! It’s our turn to enjoy the fruits of our labors! (pun intended)
Very confusing. And my computer is acting weird. Time for a re-boot.
…holds button down… screen goes black… chime sounds.
Welcome back to cyber world!
(from the global icon of a black and white apple with a big bite in it.)
Drones that shoot you with an RFID locator tag, or the latest vaccine, terminator robots etc. etc.
Just the tip of the iceberg of what the evil that is has had on the drawing board or under developement for years now and they will now roll out it under the auspices of “technological advancements for the greater good”. We live in interesting times no doubt…
mobile phones would have been distributed for free if people were not so keen to pay top dollars for them (and queue overnight to be the first to get them)
mobile phones are a form of external micro-chipping.
Corbett’s latest ‘Meet the World Economic Forum’ points out another aspect of cell phones…
There’s a clip of a WEF lackey (didn’t catch her name) asking her audience “how many of you own your cell phones?” which then becomes “why do you need to own anything? Your refrigerator?… “. It’s the thin end of the long wedge into “the circular economy” and usufruct becoming the norm.
Why do I want to own my refrigerator? Because food storage is much more fundamental to life than a bloody cell phone and owning something that usually lasts a long time is cheaper than renting it for years. Plus it can’t then be taken away from me for not being the WEF’s definition of a good citizen…
i’d also like to own it because i know i’ll take care of it. as you can imagine, all these user-only products at first will be new and wonderful… but over time, they’ll have more opportunity/disasters that prevent them from providing the same service. in the end, yeah… hunger games. definitely hunger games.
Own nothing and be happy.Is their mantra now.How or why would I be happy if I did not own anything and it could be taken away from me at anytime?
and your fridge does not get software updates every two minutes whetherr you want them or not
Even as recent as Windows 7, I could program the computer not to accept any updates at all from Microsoft – which I always did. Now with this horrendous Windows 10, that feature no longer exists. I can “pause” the updates for up to 35 days; but I cannot refuse updates.
Yeah, it’s another one of those coercive impositions delivered with the pretext of choice. Microsoft would tout this arrangement as “empowering” end-users and giving them “more control” over their computer use.
It’s like the bogus messages from Internet advertisers offering the “empowering” option of “managing” one’s ad content.
Users are encouraged to interact for the purpose of “refining” and “optimizing” their ad choices as a distraction from the grim truth that users are not permitted to block and decline ads altogether, which is what most of us really want.
Despite the flimsy pretense of courtesy, these gangsters are making us offers we can’t refuse.
In 1985 I predicted phones would be the where all our computers and computation would be because they would be universally connected with the phone system, at the time hardwired. I had no idea that this system would be mobile. I saw no need for a mobile phone in 1985, but i did see need for a connected computer to access resources. I still see no need for a mobile phone and refuse to carry one. I want to be alive and not tethered to the SYSTEM of US Commerce which wants to use me to increase the increments of their transactions. An increase in income per minute. The only possible use would be if I had a road breakdown and wanted the convenience of a quicker call to AAA. Now that there are no public phones i have to ask to borrow someone’s cell phone. Cell phones are useless and drain the mystery of encountering each day and what it will offer as I move thru the day. Get rid of them!
I refuse to have a smart phone but I do have a basic Nokia. useful for texting, etc.
ahhhh… beautiful science!!
video didnt post above for some reason, lets see if it does now
since i couldnt get it to embed, here’s link What Happens If You Pour Molten Aluminum on 50 iPhones?
One thing I’ve learned is not to hit the “link” icon below when trying to post a link. For some reason it just screws the link up and it comes out as regular text.
thanks for the tip! what i was trying to do — embed video, it showed when i inserted using source code icon but when i hit post comment it was gone. took me aback, made no sense to me that it didnt show up.
Unavoidable advertising everywhere. 5G phones are free. I can’t wait to be part of the next experiment.
I said that mobile phones would be trouble for humanity back when they started to become popular in the late 90s. Turns out I was right. I briefly dallied with a smartphone, until I regained my senses, stopped thinking with my dick and recognised the same addictive patterns of behaviour it encouraged and rewarded in me that I’d worked so hard to overcome in the past. Back to the dumbphone for me, left at home often, left off often and it’s left me as some kind of outsider, a curiousity from a bygone era, which I’m fine with. I’ve had a lifetime to get used to it.
Last weekend me and my beloved were out on a little tour around a beautiful part of the country in the little van I bought for a pittance, not working, and fixed up with my own hands into a functioning camper and we stopped off at a pub for something to eat. We talked to the other guests sat in the beautiful sunshine about the riduculously convoluted, contradictory and self defeating process that you had to go through in order to “stay safe” whilst ordering food at said establishment, with some mirth from all of us. The conversation got on to the “vaccines”. One couple proudly declared that they were fully vaccinated, to which I replied “I’m not!” and another woman on another table declared herself an “anti-vaxxer”.
I think the GMO couple were taken aback that we weren’t in awe of their virtue and myself, my partner and the other woman proceeded to demolish their pro vax arguments with facts and straight up logic. The pro vaxxers did seem like decent people. as most people everywhere are in my well travelled experience, and didn’t take the knock. The fella said to me, mockingly, “I suppose Bill Gates will be able to track me now then while he won’t be able to do the same to you” I replied, “You don’t need to have a vaccine for that mate, that smart phone in your hand means that you’ve been being tracked for years. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t have one, you see.” He laughed and saw my point.
So that’s the only answer, don’t have one yourself, and for fuck’s sake, don’t get one for your children.
Quick Draw is so right. We traveled all over the US and Canada years ago in a Tent trailer. At that time we camped in National Parks for $3.00 a night, also most Private camp grounds were no more than $5.00. After a few years of camping we started seeing these huge motor homes, and the price of camping went from $5.00 to $25.00 a night. The reason being they use a lot of electricity with their generators, lights etc. These big Motor homes have to stay on highways, so they are not camping. When we traveled we never used a freeway, always the back roads. These people spoiled it all for the future generation. You better have a lot of money in order to stay in a campground.
Let’s just ignore the evidence…
‘Synthetic Electric Shock’: From Electrification to 5G WiFi
By Julian Rose
Global Research, February 04, 2019
‘Synthetic Electric Shock’: From Electrification to 5G WiFi – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
March 1976
“Combinations of frequencies and other signal characteristic to produce other neurological effects may be feasible in several years. The possibility of inducing metabolic diseases is also suggested. Animal experiments reported in the open literature have demonstrated the use of low level microwave signals to produce death by heart seizure or by neurological pathologies resulting from breaching of the blood-brain barrier.”
Complete text: https://www.academia.edu/7147073/Admission_of_harm_by_Governments_and_Former_Industry_Insiders_Top_Motorola_Executive_Lead_Scientist_in_Largest_Cellphone_Studes_project_Microwave_Weapons_Specialist_T-Mobile_study_admissions_
We sacrifice innocent animals for our research – and the stupid ass holes ignore the findings because…well, because Verizon has a nifty deal this month on cell phones and such.
the fat boorish orange imbecile ‘tronald dump’, a business man notable only for his bankruptcies and oligarchic bailouts….
this rogue, scallywag, scoundrel a creature who can only communicate in single syllables, and ‘exists’ on cheap fast food was a ‘made man’ groomed by ‘roy cohn’ a miscreant of epic proportion….
wing man to the questionable ‘epshteen’ and the rancorous clinton crime cartel, the perfect tool to ring fence the problematic ‘heritage american’ rubes who though impressionable and somewhat imbecilic.. were beginning to take issue with unfettered greed, the absurdity of ‘identity politics’ and it’s corporate sponsored social divisiveness…
of course he left them all dangling from the gallows (as he always has)…
the classic bait and switch con..
verdict: a socio-path, and malignant narcisist (they all seem to have these ridiculous mops sat atop there puffy blank faces)…
a tangerine trickster….
So you like Trump ?
well I’ve heard he’s a very stable genius with an IQ of 160..
Let’s just ignore the evidence…
‘Synthetic Electric Shock’: From Electrification to 5G WiFi
By Julian Rose
Global Research, February 04, 2019
‘Synthetic Electric Shock’: From Electrification to 5G WiFi – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
March 1976
“Combinations of frequencies and other signal characteristic to produce other neurological effects may be feasible in several years. The possibility of inducing metabolic diseases is also suggested. Animal experiments reported in the open literature have demonstrated the use of low level microwave signals to produce death by heart seizure or by neurological pathologies resulting from breaching of the blood-brain barrier.”
Complete text: https://www.academia.edu/7147073/Admission_of_harm_by_Governments_and_Former_Industry_Insiders_Top_Motorola_Executive_Lead_Scientist_in_Largest_Cellphone_Studes_project_Microwave_Weapons_Specialist_T-Mobile_study_admissions_
What the hell is “Eurasion”?
benny nutty-yahoo… or miliekowsky if you prefer the original ‘polish’…
A smartphone is a computer and with a couple of new lines of code it could get some new funktions. It has a microwave transmitter, a couple of antennas, a gyro and so on. It has the potential of being able to control some microwave induced nano-tech.
I have an old mobile turned off in my pocket in case I need to make an urgent phone call. They can monitor me while in front of my computer but I want to be free as a bird while moving around outside. And BTW, I refuse to pay a large sum for the equipment they use to surveillance me. The computer is a trade-off.
You hit the nail on the head there. With the spraying of the atmosphere outside and the injections altering us inside, authority will talk to our very cells with cell phone broadcasts. How they love their puns.
A good article until it discredits itself by claiming that RFK junior is a seeker of truth , when clearly he is little more than one of the heads of the security state Hydra that has arisen since 1950
Edward Curtin : a pseudo-event: a planned, dramatic, costly invention of a counterfeit story that is repeated and planned for its intelligibility and ability to capture the public’s attention since it conforms to stereotypes….. Trump was never an outsider. He was one of the establishment’s performers from the start. ……
Can you see the elephant in the room? Join with those like Robert Kennedy, Jr. and other lovers of truth and freedom and fight back now. Everyone must seize their freedom now before it is too late. Cast fear aside; it is another of their key tools. Hope lies in group actions.
What you just called for perfectly conforms to stereotypes that can capture the public attention.
RFK Jr : “a lover of truth.” The lover of truth who :
And if those are results of prudent caution, that prudence and caution suddenly vanish regarding his attitude to the story of a manufactured virus.
Trump – part of the establishment! RFK Jr…. also.
So, the establishment member Trump is a psychopathic billionaire exploiter working hard for decades – acting amicably to people he meets, consistently speaking against war for decades, – to fool people, as a part of a grand plan to fool the public, a public which repeatedly shows itself to be extremely gullible anyway.
Occam’s Razor suggests it’s more likely that both RFK and Trump, and most other people, are : very fallible human beings, easily influenced by circumstances, arrogant about their abilities to withstand pressure, making errors from lack of skill and knowledge, in a world that is largely opaque to everyone.
Everyone must seize their freedom now before it is too late. Cast fear aside; it is another of their key tools. Hope lies in group actions.
There has never been a time when everyone or even most people would rise as a collective for the purpose of freedom. And to say that the solution is in something that’s never been, sounds very cruel to one’s cause. And it’s all like just another cult.
Some are programmed in the “safety” cult, others – like me – in the “abandon all fear” “liberty” cult. Clashing by night.
On the physical effects on cell phone radiation:
Dr Robert Becker wrote in 1985 that researchers “ffound major chromosome abnormalities in garlic shoots irradiated with low levels of microwaves. They soon found the same changes in mammalian life”. Dr Neil Cherry PhD has pointed out that certain organs of the body have their own natural EMR communication systems so are “especially sensitive” to external EMFs. These organs are the heart and the brain – so nothing too vital! The US National Toxicology Program found “statistically significant increases in the incidence of brain and heart cancer in animals exposed to cellphone radiation at levels below international guidlines”.
Mainstream medicine has been entrained to think that EMR’s main effect is thermal heating and that doses below that level aren’t a problem. Very few doctors would consider it a cause for a patient reporting, for example, trouble sleeping. WHO went as far in 2004 as suggesting that those who claimed EMR was making them sick were mad: “there are also some indications that these symptoms may be due to pre-existing psychiatric conditions as well as stress reactions as a result of worrying about believed EMF effects, rather than EMF exposure itself”. Of the standard treatment for psychiatric ailments would then be a Big Pharma drug prescription….
Of course “if it was really harmful they’d regulate or ban it”. WHO can resist the combined pressure of the big telecommunications’ companies. the world’s militaries and intelligence agencies (who want unrestricted EMFs for their own purposes) and the world’s elite who want a real-time worldwide tracking system… who could be dumb enough to believe this?
So much evidence has been compiled (beginning with a study by the US Navy in the 1940s); so little of it taken seriously by a populace so enthralled with technology that they place warnings of probable danger under their pillows as if these warnings were teeth that came out – and place their cell phones on their nightstand so they don’t miss anything just because they have the misfortune to fall asleep at night.
Which brings another point in focus: not everyone suffers the same effects from increased EMF exposure. I highly recommend a documentary called “Resonance: Beings of Frequency.” I believe YouTube still has it (I bought the DVD).
My wife and I went camping at the beach this week in our “luxurious” tent trailer. Go to a campground anywhere in America and you will see it is not simply a cell phone problem. The issue, at least in America is we have been addicted to not plenty, but to overabundance. Every time we camps we see these people–of all ages now, driving “camping” rigs worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. My wife asks, “What is the point of getting away from it all when you bring it all with you? These “camping” rigs all have satellite dishes, televisions, etc. And easy credit has given nearly everyone access to every other kind of luxury, to the point of ridiculousness.
This cell phone thing is a single symptom of a larger disease. But when I see people strolling down the beach texting or talking on the phone, I have to wonder what is wrong with them–why come to the beach if you do not even take the time to see it? When I see young girls riding their bicycles around the campground, I start to smile–it is not every day in America that you get to see an actual kid riding a bike. But then I notice the girls have one hand on the handlebar and with the other, they are texting on their phones with God knows who. Regardless of the other effects of these devices, these kids are being deprived of their childhood, and it is child abuse. Those girls and the dozens of others I saw, should be talking face to face with each other, enjoying the sea air getting a tan, playing some game, etc. But they will go back home still on their phones and never realize they even left.
Give up your phone? How about living responsibly in all areas of your life. Taking your kid “camping in a $200,000 motor home is not camping. Make your kids leave their phones at home when you go away together–why does your kid need a smartphone anyway? Oh, that is right because Susie’s parents gave her one and you don’t have the guts to say no to your kids. I leave my cell phone at home the majority of the time and I haven’t died yet–you can too just try it.
A basic simple mobile phone is necessary for emergencies but a smartphone is distraction from natural improvement.
There is an advertising technique where they put in a deliberate mistake.
This may be obvious or subtle. It causes people to have a double take. Did I see that.
They correct it in there mind. They wonder if it is a misprint or deliberate error. If they are the only one to spot it. Bottom line they spend more time looking at and thinking about the advert.
I wonder if the author of this article has used this technique.
“What we got here is a failure to communicate,” says the Captain to the prisoner Luke in the classic movie Cool Hand Luke.
I always thought it was Cool Hand Luke who said “What we got here is a failure to communicate” to the Captain just before he got shot. But looking back I see that the captain also said it first. So Luke was trying to be smart by using the same phase.
Then there is “cause it’s got me, and baby, it’s got you. Sonny and Cher sung those words more than fifty years ago.” But those words are not in the song . Its ‘I got you babe’ not it’s got me , and baby, it’s got you”
There is the Cassandra effect conspiracy where some one remembers something from a film but later find it has changed. They are so convinced that there memory is correct that even checking archived copies does not convince them there memory is playing tricks on them.
Mobile phones are a tool. Before when we used phone boxes on the street. These presented a danger that you could be attacked while using them or going to or from them.
Also were not at hand if you needed them in an emergency.
You succinctly, if inadvertently, present one of the central dogmas of modern group think: Life Is an Emergency. With its corollary: We Must Be Prepared At All Times.
I believe people have been deliberately led to this belief – though some of us (like me) come by it naturally. It’s an extremely debilitating way of looking at life; and certainly it restricts the scope of choices one considers available.
As I said, I more or less did this to myself. Most, I think, are brought to it intentionally by a power structure bent on absolute control of all aspects of modern humans.
The great Australian truther Max Igan’s has been warning us about mobile phones being the new world order’s device for ages. Unfortunately I’m writing this comment on mobile phone.
Wonderful article. I would just add that part of the deception in foisting these devices upon the population has been continuing to use the word “phone” (as in “cell phone” “mobile phone” and especially “smart phone”) to define them. In fact, in the past telephones were used to speak to other people who were not within shouting distance. Today, people actually speak on these devices probably less than 5% of the time. They are used to check emails, send messages, watch films, purchase things, and for dozens of other purposes which have nothing to do with phone calls. “Phone” sounds harmless and indeed necessary. If we referred to them as an Interface to Big Brother or something similar, it might help people to reflect. Any ideas about renaming these devices correctly?
Tracking Device
Join with RFK Jr. “Lover of Truth & Freedom” ? And become a ‘climate change’ scam promoter? AS IF that would lead to freedom!
RFK Jr. Comes off as an intelligent guy, unless he’s got a ghost writer he must have some serious research Fu, which leaves me with a dilema. I cannot trust a proported ‘skilled researcher’ who has looked at the nefarious science to order of the IPCC cabal and come down as a frothing at the mouth “Climate deniers should be in jail” pusher of totalitarian globalist memes.
I notice he’s in a circle jerk of foreword/afterword/introduction authors who all seem to make the best seller lists, not exactly something you’d expect from someone genuinely fighting the good fight against the PTB!
Has his philadnering, or drug problems left him compromised? (note he started promoting the climate scam as a 1500hr community service sentence after a drug arrest, which lead to lucrative legal income)
Or is he just keeping his bread well buttered with medical & environmental legal cases? Either way, he’s not a man I can trust. Join him for the unlikely possibility of winning one (vax) propaganda battle, whilst losing the war he’s fighting against us with the AGW scam? Tough choice. I suggest you look for more authentic “lovers of Truth & Freedom” to put on a pedistal!
Re smart phones: either get a degoogled tracking free Open Source OS smart phone, a dumb phone, or do without, simples.
PS Don’t forget to degoogle and pricacy harden your regular PC/internet connected divices too.
The only climate scam is the way its presented by the ruling elites who have been trashing the planet for personal gain since forever and will continue doing so as long as people accept that they and their minions are the only ones pushing the climate agenda.
Here’s a big clue: the PTB carefully craft their agenda so that even a six year old can detect the gaping flaws. That way there’s no real danger the public will take it to heart.
Added to this, placing all the blame on ordinary people and their lifestyle all but guarantees the climate agenda will fail – and the plunderers can continue their handiwork forever and ever. Until it all runs out and the people are left holding the bag, which contains a single word: OOPS.
The only things that drives the climate (and affects CO2 , 0.04% of the atmosophere) are the sun and oceans.
do not think btw that punjab is some small entity; not at all! it is more than 100 million people;
or how about this: dogs trained to detect covid
It’s certainly astonishing to step back and look what was accomplished by these public-private interests – they were able to generate a condition where billions adopted these devices, and they didn’t need to mandate a government tracking device – instead, they built upon the work of the advertisers and propagandists (like Bernays) of the previous century, to not only convince people to acquire these surveillance devices willingly, but to fork over large sums of money, often on an annual basis, to do so.
I have found myself recently taking a step back to reflect on the breadth and scope of the damage that’s been incurred on global society in the post-9/11 period. The general population, but the younger generations in particular, find themselves incredibly addicted to smartphones, the internet, video games, social media, and the like. The global pornography industry has also laid waste to an entire generation of men, who have been conditioned to believe that depravity and sexual assault are part of a functioning intimate relationship. “Dating” apps like Tinder have further perpetuated this Huxleyian dynamic where young people increasingly eschew intimacy in favor of “casual flings” (akin to the “orgy porgys” of Brave New World”). Governments internationally have established global spying apparatuses; freedom of travel has been increasingly curtailed; and so on.
All of this has led to the unfurlment of the current agenda of the past year, where an alleged pathogen that has never been isolated and shown to exist, but for which even the official government numbers are minuscule, has been used to justify putting freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and association on life support – the fact that this even got off the ground is a testament, in my opinion, to the damage that’s been done, and I wonder what the global response might have been twenty years ago.
As I’ve shared, though, in spite of all this, I do not believe they will be successful in this current plot. We’ve already seen a massive derailment of the agenda in the U.S. and elsewhere – the masks have increasingly come off, most state governments in the U.S. have walked back their criminality, the vaccine passport was DOA here (and is increasingly being scrapped in Europe and elsewhere), and only about half of the domestic population has received the shot, with a good portion of those likely wishing they hadn’t given the huge numbers of adverse reactions.
Also of note is that both Fauci and Gates have finally started to receive media criticism – the former appears to be on his way out shortly, while the latter is rightly being questioned for his association with Jeffrey Epstein, whose partner, Ghislaine Maxwell, is currently in custody and awaiting trial.
What’s wrong with video games? Some of them are works of art!
And if there was no internet there’d be no OffG.
90% of the anti-covid info is being disseminated via the internet.
YOU are on the internet right now – deploring the internet 🙄
Critiquing the physical and social impact of smartphones is one thing, but this level of Luddism is just silly. In 1830 you’d have been one of those warning people that these new fangled trains were going to kill everyone because the human body couldn’t withstand traveling at more than fifteen mph!
Tolstoy and Chekhov did perceive railways as evil, morally evil. They would not say they are ”Luddists” nor would they say their stance was ”silly”. You obviously would not understand it/them.
I don’t know about Tolstoy or Chekov ,but you’re right, roula. It’s a chicken and egg puzzle that admin is propounding. Maybe off g would be printed, who knows?
Tolstoy did study the destruction railway was wrecking on the rural Russia. He considered it a moral evil as it destroys not only a physical landscape, but the whole established way of life. The suicide of Ana Karenina is an echo of his thinking – in Tolstoy’s times she was one of the first grand female heroines who ever committed suicide the way Karenina did it, throwing herself under the train, perhaps the first one, I don’t know for sure.
Chekhov’s ”Cherry Orchard”, a high comedy of manners about a destruction of Russia has building the new railway network as one of the rationales why the Cherry Orchard MUST be destroyed and turned into some to-be-capitalized entity.
With no internet there would be no alt media, no Corbett report, no OffG, no videos getting millions of hits.
With no internet we would be xeroxing copies of our fact sheet and reaching maybe 100 people per year, whereas currently, WITH the internet, we reach literally millions.
If Tolstoy and Chekhov thought trains were evil they were just being silly old fools. That’s possible, even for genius writers.
The internet is the printing press of the 21st c. Which is why there is a low key campaign to make us all deplore and despise it.
All the points you bring up are correct. Without the internet I would not have been able to read a lot of books that have informed my understanding of the world, for which I am grateful. However, I’m not too happy about the Internet of Things and the totalitarian surveillance state it is enabling. I’ve loved railways since I was a trainspotter when I was eleven. I was enabled to indulge my love of independence and adventure, travelling as far as my means allowed. It certainly never occurred to me that railways were the tool that that allowed the British Empire to rape the world and spread it’s net of financial slavery. Perhaps I’m rambling on like a foolish old man and boring a pert young lady such as yourself, so I’ll leave it there Sophie.
I think the poster is talking about the level of addiction. When I travel by bus and a party of schoolkids is on board, I am astonished to see each one of them sitting glued to the little screen on the smartphone in their hands before them, and ask myself if this is healthy.
And who can blame them? “School” is hell.
I would rather have the old time bus rides with the chaos of schoolkids!
Clearly you do not understand that the ” medium is the message ” and have missed the point of Joe’s post ? Consider the false intimacy and fake sense of community the ‘internet” encourages in the constant blizzard of marketing scams and adverts that are the basis of the internet as it builds predictive algorithms, based on personal data it mines from your computer/I-Phone .
I would have thought this kind of comment, full of strawmen and incivility, to be beneath the OffG staff.
Incivility? Wow. I was recently personally attacked by a commenter on here for my presumed ethnicity. So I would not expect anyone to have a problem with a mild impersonal word like ‘Luddism’.
please indicate where I use strawmen?
A way of thinking can produce a perilous way of living. I, for example, proudly proclaim myself as a Luddite. And yet I’m not entirely sure I would have been able to survive in the kind of world I think best.
A paradox. But then, isn’t that basically what life is anyway?
If not a paradox , certainly a dichotomy?
Some people recreate with $$$ between there legs on various vehicles, in order to detach from there responsibilities.
Sometimes that detachment becomes the raison d’etre of life.
The problem with many vid games is that they can trigger all sorts on emotional currency on those unsuspecting of hidden messages, and, of course, depending on the game, RATIONALIZES KILLING.
and you think Fauci’s replacement will make any difference;
It’s not about his replacement – it’s about one of the key actors promoting these horrendous policies, who’s been held up as a kind of god by the corporate media, finally starting to take some heat.
I don’t believe any change is possible, except a change of worn-out and discredited faces. Besides, perhaps he is at his retirement cut-off point so those who pull his string and pay him the salary will cleverly turn his natural aging into an argument to win over some of the disbelievers: “Look, we have changed the bad Fauci into a new one, a good Fauci”.
I agree he is an actor, a scripted one. So the cast may change, but the script will carry on. Judging but what they have implemented in Punjab to a population of more than 100 million, no doubt the best is yet to come…
Cell phones or smart phones? I would say the latter are the main problem.
We need to make the Nokia 105 a cool thing to wave about 🙂
Yep, with a phone you only leave footprints whereas with a “smart” phone glued to your face you’re stomping to the beat.
Excellent article, thanks!
Two more things:
1) Already for decades some of us have been monitored (by police, secret service) through our conventional landline phone. In the 1980s the parliament of Hamburg released a provision that the police of Hamburg was not allowed to monitor citizens only – and not longer than- for 3 minutes through their HUNG OFF(!) landline phone.
I asked a technician, how surveillance was possible by a phone that was hung up. He told me that if you hang up your conventional phone only one line is disconnected (to the hear-and-speak handset of the phone). If then a high frequency is laid on the other line the two microphones of the handset can be activated and used for spying in you rooms.
So especially for attorneys, tax advisors and others, who have to talk about critical things with a customer: Please plug out the handset from your (conventional) telephone during the discussion. Of course also have no mobile phone in the room!
2) Leave your IPhone at home whenever you can und additionally buy a cheap simple mobile phone, where you can take the battery out if you need no contact. If you have do call someone just put the battery in again – and take it out afterwards. Also have an answering machine at home (nowadays a lot of modern landline phones have that already integrated).
Another thought provoking essay from Ed. “Can you see the elephant in the room?”
“The way the story is framed controls the story.” Not in the atomic facts, or the arrangement of atomic facts, or even the state of affairs, not in the rhetoric, but in the logic and grammar connecting fact to facticity and facticity to reality. Or at least truth contingent claim verified against the larger social “body of proof,” the system of beliefs already verified true. The contingently ‘Formally True.’
A proposition or ontological truth claim can be analytically true to itself and yet false in its relationship with the larger sum of the facts: the logical world as the total set encompassing all the facts. That which is at least the social body or social reality – the ‘Formally True’ as the systematised “body of proof” as the sum of the facts. Fact checking the facts makes the reality more or less real and ‘true.’ Groundwork in the system of beliefs can then act epistemologically for the next contemporary contingent truth claims: verified against the facts, always the facts. And so on. Paradigmatic knowledge building.
Seen or not seen: the facticity creates an unconscious Image of the True: or at least a relationship of new facts to the experientially tried and tested system of beliefs. Which become foundational for the new novel truth claims. So whoever possesses the facticity, or “authenticity of facticity,” their reality is real and competing realities are pseudo-events, pseudo-real, or parallel pseudorealities. Or semblances or shades or spectacles comparable to the centrality of the verified Image of the verified Truth?
So the facts are logically connected to the facticity, the Image is True: but what about the logical and grammatical connecting to ‘reality’ or ‘existence’? Expanding on McCluhan’s original thought provocations, which is more or less what he described his own project as: thought provocation rather than philosophical system building. Or Image building. “The medium is the message” because it opens up new vistas, new domains, new “mass mediatised ecologies” or imagic systems of beliefs. Debord thought in parallel: the under recognised connection of the origins of the spectacles and the medium as message is the Platonistic Idea – Analoguous Copy – Society of the Spectacles or Simulacra. Where the analytical Image is the Analoguous Copy and its pseudo-events: the Spectacles.
So now: with a demonstrable Image of Thought or Image or Eikones, we can actually recontextualise both McCluhan and Debord in the same Platonistic logical framework. “The way the story is framed controls the story.” Not in the rhetoric, semantics, or even syntax (collocation and connection of words to words in a chain or logical or rational-causal “concatenation”): but in the overall logical and grammatical order and connections of thoughts and things. Not facts putatively about things (objective ‘real world’ referents); but connecting thoughts to concepts, and domains of logical conceptual constructions that frame the thinking reciprocally. Creating separate domains as the technical “extension of man.” The simulacrum of the spectacular is the logic of the grammar in its connecting concepts and referents (the etymological name <tree> and some real trees.)
Put more simply: the domain where external propagandists construct our logical and grammatical “cellular phone cells” is a concatenation and collocation of facts constituting its own domain of imaginability inside a larger reality. An “aspect seeing” or perspectival domain inside the language-game. The collective cognitive unconscious is the language: not a logically constructed domain ‘outside’ language. Which nonetheless; is determinate and causally efficacious in making us think a certain way. Where the certain way of thinking is the medium and its own message. Within a verified Image of Imaginability of competing Imagos of Imaginability; vying to become Iconic – or “Eikonic” – or analogous to the Copy. Where there is still an original beyond. Only where?
The medium is the message and the language-game is the mass mediatised medium ….or Society of the Spectacles. Or the Platonists “parallel pseudoreality.” Or “Platonistic Paralogism.” There is no exterior or outside the paralogism or beyond the Idea or Image of Though or Formally True or the language-game: just the “bewitchment” within it.
“Let the operating systems do their invisible work.” The operating system is linguistic or linguicultural: but not in the OS of cellphones: in the logic and grammar of the imaginability. Which is the Imaginability of the Thought: which all at once medium, message, spectacle, and massage (the printers misprint of the title.) That is: the logic and grammar are the fundamental extensions of mankind we call “mass media.” Perhaps it should be called “mass logic” or “mass grammar” to make it more plain. It comes through the commentary on Plato; which is by now all of us. “Can you see the elephant in the room?” It is the underlying order and connection of thought and things. Which I think a closer reading of McCluhan and Debord would explain.
If only reality would pick a form and expression it likes and stick to it awhile, we could all sleep easier at night.
The converse is also true. We (in the broadest sense) picked a fixed, immutable, intransigent, and permanent – “aeternal” – form of expression and called it ‘reality.’ Nay, ‘universal reality.’ The expressions of which, said in multifarious ways (‘being’), say nothing whatsoever of the underlying sensorial reality. But if you keep the imagery spinning fast enough, it seems to fool most of the people, all of the time.
Anyway, if you haven’t read McCluhan, please do. It’s all there, when not reduced to a castaway soundbite in a media reality (ditto Debord.) The underlying reality has been “overwritten” and the “ratio of our senses” attuned internally by the various competing media. You could say “the medium is the reality” for most. Internally exiled from our own senses. Hence, the vital flux of the real, tangible, touchable, sensual, etc.
Abandoning mobile phones will get more difficult when online purchasing starts demanding you enter a 6 digit code, sent to your phone, to prove you aren’t buying fraudulently.
It’s clearly in pilot phase at the moment, but it would be the logical next step to coerce people into mobile phone usage.
It can’t force you to carry it around with you if you shop from home though, so the tracking part can be avoided pretty easily right now.
Eh? Shopping from home can’t be tracked and isn’t being used right now to build up your embryonic social credit score?
This didn’t start with lockdown either. In my first UK home shop during lockdown a certain UK supermarket was already recommending ‘Favourites’ which must have come from in-store purchases with a card being stored. In-store purchaes with cash are the only way to go – hence why in-store restrictions aren’t being lifted.
Already happening in the EU with PSD2. Online purchases over 30 euros will now need confirming via bank app on phone. The roll out of the directive isn’t uniform yet but it’s underway.
I would say it is well under way in most sectors of ‘the System’..
I have been unable to access my bank account for a year & a half.. An sms code is required, & the account has been active for 14 years..
The bank, one of Europe’s largest, doesn’t provide live customer support, for ‘security reasons’; the irony being that I would have to PHONE them !! Ha !!
Being phone-shy, I don’t own one, so miss all of those sms codes..
This is “anecdotal”, as usual, but I’ve also noticed a trend of forcing cellphone owners to turn on their cellphones willy-nilly. Before I give my anecdotal examples, I acknowledge in advance that it’s my own fault for providing my cellphone number to business and commercial organizations in the first place– I let the camel’s nose under my tent.
Just for background: I got my first cellphone in 2004 or so, when my since-deceased mother was beginning to fail– primarily at the insistence of my siblings, to be more “reachable” in case of emergencies.
I wasn’t fascinated enough by it to use it regularly, but after my mother died I kept it because it was handy for keeping in touch to coordinate outings with those siblings. And it has been useful on these infrequent occasions.
Perhaps foolishly, once I had it I dutifully supplied my cellphone number– as aggressively “requested”– to my doctor’s office, bank, etc. But I still only rarely used it, especially when the family outings declined in frequency. The only time I even turned it on at home was to report a couple of power outages to the local utility.
Thus, I always listed my so-called “landline” as my primary contact, and always listed e-mail (as opposed to texts) as my preferred written contact. But in recent months, both my doctor’s office and bank unilaterally used my cellphone for routine contacts; I didn’t even see the “missed calls” and texts for weeks. When I called the doctor’s office to ask why they were now using my cellphone number instead of my landline, they didn’t know– it must’ve been one of those computer “glitches”.
And, as you point out, I notice that online businesses and government agencies have quietly eliminated user preferences for other than cellphones, and blithely send things like confirmation codes to cellphones. There’s obviously an iniquitous trend to compel cellphone use, and it isn’t a fluke or Merry Mixup.
I’m sure some academic or think-tank writer has explored the tragic pathology of “cellphone hesitancy”, and formulated strategies to eliminate it.
The company i worked for provided me a cell phone in 1984, in an attempt to micromanage my work day ? . At the time i thought it slightly ironic but totally ineffective until Apple installed transponders /locating software in their product some years later ?
Happening in India already, OTP. I have to use Indian friends’ credit cards sometimes to make purchases because of this.
‘Fraid I can’t see the existence of the cell phone as a threat. A more direct attack against us is against the food supply:
California grows a third of US vegetables and two thirds of its fruits and nuts. It leads all other states in farm income with77,500 farms and ranches. It also is second in production of livestock behind Texas, and its dairy industry is California’s leading commodity in cash receipts. In total, 43 million acres of the state’s 100 million acres are devoted to agriculture. In short what happens here is vital to the nation’s food supply.
California had a seven year drought, ending in major 2019 rains which filled dams to capacity– enough water for 5 years. Under Gov Newsome’s administration most of the water has been let out to sea, allegedly to save two threatened species of fish. But this story is filed with contradiction.
The true purpose appears to be “to end agriculture as we know it.” Funds are being set aside to pay farmers to “repurpose” their land for wildlife. Dams and reservoirs are planned to be destroyed.
We’ve got to stop them.
https://www.globalresearch.ca/a-sinister-agenda-behind-california-water-crisis-looming-food-supply-catastrophe/5 FW Engdahl article covers some other attacks on the food supply.
Well, there is the question as to whether California is the best place to grow vegetables that need regular rainfall, when no rain falls for six months of the year in Cali.
Olives, grapes, nuts seem more adapted to the California climate than tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, lettuce or field beans.
But if you are going to grow food in California, it’s madness to empty the reservoirs.
the depleted aquifers are the main issue, all for sugary drinks… and other corporate vermin cash accumulation rackets..
it certainly didn’t take long to fuck california… my grandfather lived there in the 1920’s and said it was a paradise, his photographs and reminisces attested to that….
I lived there for a few years in the early 90’s and again in the 00’s…
whilst superficially passable, in reality and just bubbling beneath the surface, it was rancorous shithole.. no wonder the AWFL’s and neck-beards are bailing..
personally I would make them sit it out…. until the ‘logical’ conclusion….
Food can be grown all over the US, but because of cheap shipping, California has replaced scattered small farms and market gardens all over the country. Yes, without California’s crops, it would be hard to get lettuce or strawberries in January, but you know, we lived without that for most of our country’s history. I grew up in the 60s when citrus was still considered a special treat and people received gift boxes of Florida citrus for Christmas.
What amazes me is the number of houses sitting on large lots where people don’t even attempt to grow some of their own food. Yes, it’s hard work, but maybe they could save money on gym memberships. Currently, I live in the UK and grow most of my produce on an allotment, so I walk the talk.
I think for many people the idea of growing some food never pops into their heads. And the time and money people waste on lawns – don’t get me started.
I’m reminded of that classic that does the rounds from time to time – God and Grass. http://www.juliasedibleweeds.com/edible-weeds-flowers/god-and-grass/
I dug up my lawn this winter and now I’ve got potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, french be
Smart move. Purple sprouting broccoli is a really good one to grow. Sow next month, and it will overwinter then give a crop next spring during the hungry gap period. It’s prolific.
Forgive me being a broken record again with climate engineering. Though I don’t live in California, Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org does – and he’s been documenting for over a decade the absolutely disastrous results of climate engineering on that state, especially Northern California.
There’s been a near constant geoengineered dome of high pressure over Northern California for years, which has devastated the region and added to the almost year-round drought and forest fire season.
As Wigington has noted time and again, Gavin Newsome is a horrendous governor. His PR attempts to save endangered species is grossly belied by his willingness to go along with the very conditions which kill countless species through drought and forest fires.
BTW, this high pressure dome is used to deflect incoming Pacific moisture from the West in order to keep other areas wetter and cooler.
I’d like to link to the Mr Wigington’s website here.
Geoengineering Watch | Exposing the climate engineering cover-up
US government removal of sulfates over No. America caused Arctic warming. US Clean Air Acts of 1970s and 1990 (by Bush #1) cut massive amounts of sulfates from atmosphere over North America which caused abrupt rise in Arctic temperatures.
April 8, 2009, “Half of recent arctic warming may not be due to greenhouse gases,” Houston Chronicle, by Eric Berger
“According to a new report, half of the recent Arctic warming is not due to greenhouse gases, but rather clean air policies [ie, US Clean Air Acts of 1970s and 1990]. That’s the conclusion of two scientists in a new Nature Geoscience paper (see abstract), which is more deeply outlined in this NASA news release….
The following graphic shows how clean air regulations passed in the 1970s have likely accelerated warming by diminishing the cooling effect of sulfates:
CleanAirActshindellgraphicNASAGISSApril2009viaHoustonChronicle.” https://blog.chron.com/sciguy/2009/04/half-of-recent-arctic-warming-may-not-be-due-to-greenhouse-gases/
On topic.
The National Homicide Service: the words of a man who lost both parents to the NHS euthanasia programme, under cover of Event Covid.
The NHS as spawn of the eugenics religion, was the subject of my earlier post.
I wrote that the explicit euthanasia protocol, called the Liverpool Care Pathway, aka starving the elderly to death and denying people a sip of water on their deathbed, until their mouths crack open in blisters and their throats dried up so that they could not swallow, was abolished in 2014. I was misinformed.
It was quickly replaced with another euthanasia protocol, a cocktail including morphine and midazolam, which the U.S. prison service stopped using in the 1920s on the grounds of cruelty.
Matt Hancock, Rockefeller stooge and UK Health Secretary, imported extra doses of the execution drug in preparation for Event Covid. See Hancock talk about his midazolam imports in a clip on SGT Report linked below.
In 2016 the NHS did a dry run for a pandemic,
Exercise Cygnus, in which they would clear space in hospitals by moving patients to nursing homes or giving an end of life injection.
British families have now come forth with evidence that NHS staff used “Covid” as an excuse to kill their relatives as young as in their fifties. We know that many more deaths — 60% attributed to “Covid” in Britain in 2020 — were people with learning disabilities. All were killed on the supposed assessment of consultants though in practice it was a nurse who box-ticked, “Do Not Attempt Resuscitation.”
This was murder, and eugenics at its most plain, at the order of NHS managers and Secretary Hancock.
For nearly a year now, journalist Jacqui Deevoy has been investigating claims that people are being unlawfully euthanised in hospitals and care homes in the UK. She is interviewed by Richie Allen along with relatives who provide testimony.
Sean of SGT Report does a shorter interview with Jacqui Deevoy alone. Deevoy wonders if recruiters have targeted a specific personality type in recent years, as has apparently happened with the police.
Note that in the U.S. it has been shown that doctors, lawyers and local bureaucrats conspire to euthanise elderly people and steal their assets through criminal abuse of guardianship laws.
In Britain there seems to be a more basic objective of reducing pension and healthcare costs although population thinning has recently heaved into view.
In Britain people are stripped by government rules that mandate anyone with assets must pay for their own aged care, until they run out. At which point the state will pay — or, it seems, kill you.
This still leaves scope for collusion between care home operators and bureaucrats; or whatever incentive payments may go to NHS consultants (senior doctors with protected status under the founding act of the NHS) for “saving” the NHS money by terminating the elderly. Do they get an extra bonus for the not-so-old?
The research by Jacqui Deevoy suggests the promise of NHS care, cradle to grave, is being cynically reframed by government and health staff.
Death now is decided on grounds of cost not care. Cruelty may be used if it meets bureaucrats’ targets. Everything in government service is now subject to quota — including, perhaps, Do Not Attempt Resuscitation orders.
Late-term abortion will surely be followed by euthanasia of live-born children who don’t meet the changing definitions of healthy, as already happens publicly in the Low Countries.
Cradle to grave care now means what suits the state and those who profit by it.
This may give the impression that the motivation of killing rather than treating is financial. I don’t think so: the founders of the NHS were eugenicists; the NHS has always been part of the eugenics project which in the eyes of people like Julian Huxley was the highest branch of science.
Those managing the shift to make euthanasia a part of everyday health care may truly believe they are saving the NHS. It is Britain’s biggest employer and one of its greatest burdens with an aging population.
There are tough choices to be made by those who think the unthinkable. It is likely they appoint others who think likewise: their credo being consistent with the original fiunders of the NHS, that the welfare state is not a right but a privilege.
This thinking is partly correct. In Britain National Insurance was originally a monthly payment from every worker’s income that would be set against his or her credit to pay for use of the NHS. It was not long before politicians appropriated these monthly payments, spending the proceeds, and making the NHS just another obligation to be met hand-to-mouth from ever-rising taxes.
The weakness of this approach is that the NHS rose with the welfare state. The welfare state arose as part of the Cold War. It fell apart with the end of the Cold War when they no longer needed to set the workers of the world against each other, West vs East The Cold War was a status quo. It is transitioning into a new status quo, called variously the New World Order, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Interdependence, Resilient Cities, all under the rationale of climate change, then the pandemic, and now again climate change. The rationale changes according to the purported urgency.
Sustainability is the buzzword. That means that much of what taxpayers have paid for and under the social contract have a right to expect, is now deemed unsustainable. Sorry that you paid all that social security and pension contributions. The money simply isn’t there.
This is the message of Irish, British, Canadian central banker Mark Carney who advises the Bilderberg Group, the World Economic Forum, the Bank for International Settlements and the United Nations on how to finesse our claims — and what to do with us.
It is virtuous that many businesses must die, is Carney’s message. He does not say those who live by those businesses must also die but that is the inevitable implication. Even if universal basic income of a few hundred dollars a month were on offer, many people who had given their lives to creating a business might choose to go down with the ship.
The most common outlook encounters difficulty with this logic. They see that the borders are open. The United Nations and the European Union say we must accept free movement of migrants at the same time as we are told to lock down and restrictions are placed on out travel. How can that be?
It is not meant to be logical but dissonant. The message is unspoken, perhaps subliminal. It becomes very clear if you read between the lines.
The unspoken, unwritten message is that your lifestyle — you the citizens of the U.S.A or Europe — have taken your standard of living for granted. In the future you will be no more entitled to the high life than those migrants wading ashore.
The tools that shall be used to enforce your compliance include a eugenic health service. The state can’t pay, won’t pay for your lifestyle and, under a social credit system, you will have to demonstrate your value to the state and the corporations that are its stakeholders.
With the automation or abolition of many middle class jobs you stand on the same insecure ground as those migrants pleading for entry, for a roof over their heads and the privilege of residency or citizenship.
In fact you may be less welcome. The middle class is entitled. It thinks it is more educated but there is little need for that education now. It believes it embodies high moral values but those could be troublesome, even resistant. The middle class thinks it is well bred. But in the eyes of a geneticist, the rich and varied DNA of the world’s dispossessed may be a more fertile soil.
Welcome to eugenic health care.
The dark underbelly of the welfare state. Few will be able to realise it was a play school for social darwinists who have been experimenting with us at their pleasure. ” Don’t knock OUR NHS, it’s the envy of the world, you right wing supremacist” is such a virtuous mantra to intone, it’ll win any arguement.
NixonScrypes, That is very insightful! And it is social darwinism like the Grimm tale of the house made of candy. Dependency on the government can create an infertile, socially disconnected person. A lot of young people are caught in that trap, while the hypergamous nature of women rules them out and they lose confidence in their state of dependency.
It is entirely foreseeable, and certainly knowingly encouraged by those who aren’t mere useful idiots.
Cocooned in it’s candy floss web I wasn’t aware of it. No, I was aware but couldn’t see it and tilted at windmills for years.
Not just the UK. The French showed a preference for injectable clonazepam, for the same purpose.
I wait for the day when (if?) this little practice comes into the spotlight. It is murder, and might still be going on.
My god, that’s evil most foul. According to a care worker I spoke to, some prospective heirs offer inducements, charming eh?