Vaccine Euphoria

Todd Hayen PhD

What is all the excitement about? People everywhere celebrating a vax jab with social media pics of their vaccine card, stickers that proudly state “I Got Vaccinated!!” and thumbs up congratulations all around as if the recipients just had a baby or won the lottery.

I’m surprised people aren’t giving out cigars with “It’s a Covid Jab!” printed on the wrapping.

There hasn’t been this sort of celebration since World War II blood drives resulting in the proud display of a window plaque that read “I Did My Part for the War Effort!” Indeed you did, my friend, indeed you did! You did your part for the war effort!

What war? Oh right, the war against Covid-19, or more accurately, the war against Mother Nature.

Mother Nature? How’s that? We’ve been in a rather silent war with that esteemed lady for quite some time. Only recently it has become rather noisy, and now, with Covid-19, it has reached a deafening pitch. Why would that sort of war excite people? And what does getting the vaccine have anything to do with a war against nature?

Mankind has had a stupefying obsession with technology since before the Russians launched Sputnik in 1957. Much of our love affair with technology has been very rewarding, so no complaint there. But along with the wonderful results of all that incredible science and ingenuity we have become more and more disconnected from the dust we have been made from.

Humans have always had a weird relationship with messy, smelly, nature. When Darwin came along people were more disgusted with the possibility that we could have ascended from the dirty, stupid, apes rather than expressing a disgust that Darwin’s theory of evolution was challenging the prevailing position we just appeared here, all squeaky clean and special, from the actual hand of God. Forget nature, we want to stay away from that muck—as far away as we can! Not only dirty, it can hurt us, and quite easily kill us!

Before medical technology caught up with our wildest dreams of living forever with no suffering, we had to make do. If a virus came along we were forced to let nature run its course. Before vaccines were discovered with the advent of Dr. Edward Jenner’s incredible work with cowpox, we didn’t have a choice but to grovel at the feet of Mother Nature and let her do her thing.

Ultimately it all turned out pretty well; we are still here, aren’t we? — due to, among other things, the miracle of our immune systems.

Things are different now, transhumanism is on the rise and is arriving hand in hand with the upcoming technocracy—we may one day actually be able to live forever! Yahoo! Certainly we can fight this war with Covid, with nature, and win the battle — one step closer to conquering nature entirely! We can cheat death, cheat illness, cheat suffering! Pass out the cigars!

What is the price? Humanity? That sounds too close to being ruled by nature — we certainly can give up these “human” things — smiles, touching, hugging, gathering — all things that engage our human bodies, and human hearts. These are things too close to what animals do, with animal bodies, animal instincts. That’s fine to give up, as Fauci says, we should probably never shake hands again — it’s too dangerous being human.

Although I would surmise that people who are overly jubilant to get the vaccine do not necessarily believe they are transforming their body to superhuman status due to the gene therapy mechanism in the chemistry of the vaccination (I doubt if most even know what that is), but rather most of them are intrigued by the new technology they have heard it employs.

There is almost nothing in the modern medicine drug pantheon that is 100% effective, safe, or free of side effects, and even though it is clear the Covid vaccines also fall into this disappointment, the general public has indeed been told it is 95% effective and 100% safe (not bothering to be careful to ascertain what exactly it is effective in accomplishing). They are also nearly100% synthetic, with a synthetic, high tech, mechanism.

This view is a predominant one for vaccine lovers created primarily by the bottomless pockets of the manufacturers who spend countless millions in marketing and in successful attempts to show their customers how safe and effective their product is. “Look at how wonderful new technologies can be!” say their targets. “Those scientists are so very clever!”

Yes, technology can be wonderful, and yes, scientists can be very clever. Unfortunately, there have probably been more disasters in the experimental stages of products the big pharmaceutical companies want to market than successes—at least a fair share of them. The vaccines have been approved as experimental therapy, nothing more.

How many times was it that Edison tested his light bulb before it was successful? How many times did he think it was going to work after “this one final experiment” — and it didn’t?

There is no question that Edison was very clever, but this is the way of science and new discovery, and it always has been. And don’t tell me that mRNA technology has been studied for decades. That doesn’t cut it; Covid-19 had only been with us for about 9 months when the vaccines were rolled out.

For one example of this corner-cutting: you can’t have results of a two-year study until two years have passed. And that isn’t a conspiracy theory. This article not meant to be an indictment against Big Pharma (there are plenty of those out there already) but it is meant to be a wakeup call to those who think it is safe to just “take your chances” and forego the fine print— assuming you can even find the fine print.

So what is all the excitement about? Well, if you ask anyone who has just gotten a jab they will most likely tell you that they feel like celebrating doing their part to save the human race. They may think that is the case, but I believe the real reason is a strange, and possibly largely unconscious, belief that technology will save them from actually being human. We seem to believe that we have risen from animal status to some sort of higher, trans-human, status, or at least are on our way to that lofty position.

And if we trust our scientists and others who are leading the way, we may even one day be able to transcend death itself, because death, of course, is the messiest animal thing an animal does. And we don’t want that.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.


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David Coen
David Coen
Jun 25, 2021 9:32 AM

Now that “transhumanism” appears more often in our lexicon, people will find it more difficult to employ the word “crackpot” to describe someone like David Icke. When he mentions hardcore details, the only crackpot is the one who fails to heed his warnings.

Jun 23, 2021 12:54 PM

Its easy to simply see these these people as idiots, however they are simply non objective thinkers that have swallowed the media false paradigm hook, line and sinker. It’s like dealing with a 5 year old, you just have to pat them on the head and say well done, as an abstract intellectual discussion is out of the question.

Ryan Matters
Ryan Matters
Jun 19, 2021 8:36 AM

Before vaccines were discovered with the advent of Dr. Edward Jenner’s incredible work with cowpox” I hope this was meant sarcastically. Otherwise, I would urge the author to dig into the true history of smallpox, not the vaccinology propaganda we are fed by the establishment.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jun 16, 2021 8:11 PM

I am reposting this out the context of a discussion because I think it’s important.

News on the antibody tests. The federal government is covering the cost until July 15 at selected facilities across the country. My primary care physician’s office knows nothing about it. Go figure on that one. Antibody testing is now available. I was warned that they may produce false positives. I started laughing and said, really! You mean PCR tests, I said. Nope, the antibody tests. I can only assume that they mean antibodies from a previous Covid infection. And “they” in the media did say that the vaccines would protect against those as well. There is some irony in there somewhere……..The vaccines can cross over but antibodies can’t. As Cedric The Entertainer would say, “Shhhhiiiiiiiittttt”.

Tor Guttorm
Tor Guttorm
Jun 16, 2021 1:09 PM

Medical science is making such remarkable progress that soon none of us will be well.”
― Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)

Jun 16, 2021 11:32 AM

Look at any animal be it wild or domestic. They never cook their food, eat anything and everything, even crap, eat each other, drink the filthiest water and yet no vaccines or masks needed for the animal.

And here we are having “scientists” tell us we need 500 needles and vaccines to not become extinct?

Could you imagine a crocodile getting a vaccine and then proudly displaying the sticker on its chest.

Another thing which shows how stupid we’ve become is wild animals will never select the dumbest and weakest to lead them.

Jun 15, 2021 7:22 AM

I work in clinical trial documentation. It boggles the mind to think all the corners that have been cut with this vaccyanide. But worse yet… how many puppets and lemmings roll up their sleeves for the jab, without once even considering the implications.

Pure guinea pigs. Some of them even acknowledge this, yet have still gone ahead and been “vaccinated.”

All I wonder is whether humans have grown weak and dependent from modern society…. or they always were and COVID merely showed us how weak these mental midgets actually are.

After all, only 3% fought against the British…

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 14, 2021 7:30 PM

‘Israel Scraps Vaccine Pass Proving It Was a Pointless, Wasteful and Oppressive Idea
Not to mention idiotic’

Jun 15, 2021 7:23 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

Wow! Really?! I’ve been wanting to follow up on this. Thank you for the link.

Jun 14, 2021 5:16 PM

Uk not going to lift restrictions 21st of June surprise surprise,We weren’t expecting that.Really.

Jun 14, 2021 4:09 PM

What a battle between utter institutionalized lunacy and common sense! So now the cheap gangsters who wish to control us all can cure every disease that has ever inflicted pain and suffering upon mankind – and it’s all thanks to the ‘pandemic’!!! It was only yesterday that I mentioned how Icelanders have embraced the relaxing of lockdown ‘suggestions’ with sighs of relief and open arms. This is true. However, the country’s equivalent of the BBC news … “The pharmaceutical company Moderna is now developing a vaccine with new mRNA technology against influenza, HIV, Zika-virus, cancer and many other (diseases). The pandemic has accelerated this development, says Örn Almarsson, a chemist who has been working with Moderna on the technology.” Even if one could half-believe 1% of this ‘bombshell’, one would have to ask why they have been waiting several lifetimes to bring it out, especially given their present complete disregard for due diligence and care in all scientific matters. After all, people were wondering back in the 1950s why somebody hadn’t found a cure for cancer yet… Of course I share with the rest of mankind an earnest desire to see painful, terminal, disfiguring or genetic disease eradicated, but, unlike most of the rest of mankind, I don’t believe the first cowboy who comes along and says he can do it in a few weeks. What happened? Please, dear fellow man, T H I N K . . . There’s even a tiny little pamphlet by Rudolf Steiner from 100 years ago, entitled, “Practical Training in Thought”. It ought to be available somewhere, although I bought my copy about 55 years ago… It might also be somewhat too short to revolutionize modern thinking, but it’s a pretty good starting point for those who have never consciously undertaken the task of… Read more »

Jun 14, 2021 5:18 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Can you enlighten us with an excerpt of the writing.

Jun 14, 2021 5:47 PM
Reply to  Annie

You can read it for yourself right here – https://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/19090118p02.html

Jun 14, 2021 8:13 PM
Reply to  Setanta

Thank you

Jun 14, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  wardropper

@WarDropper: “people were wondering back in the 1950s why somebody hadn’t found a cure for cancer yet…”

“Let’s Conquer Cancer” (Advert). Fund raisers in the 1970s and 80s supposed that cancer was going to be conquered by Molecular Virology.

Forty years later, not even viruses have been conquered by molecular virology. Not to mention the common cold.

“Voila l’Anglais avec son sang froid habituel” (Here comes that Englishman with his usual bloody cold).

Jun 14, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Moderna has only been called Moderna since 2018, and has only been a company since 2010. Between 2010 and 18 it was called ‘Moderna Therapeutics’ and had nothing to do with the development of mRNA vaccines.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jun 15, 2021 8:08 PM
Reply to  Mark

I don’t think that’s true. Moderna stands for MODified RNA and the reason it began as a company was to exclusively promote synthetic mRNA technology. Its initial capital came from a big investment group and then, the Pentagon started pouring money into it.

Jun 16, 2021 8:13 AM

Well, you are partly right; while it was called Moderna Therapeutics until 2018 – and was then ‘rebranded’ as simply ‘Moderna’, the company did actually work on vaccines since 2014.


And their benefactor – who took them from only 25 employees and ‘life in the caves’ in 2013 – was, surprise! Astra-Zeneca.

“Moderna 1.0, and life in the caves, came to a close in 2013, according to company lore.

That’s when Moderna — which had just 25 employees — signed a staggering $240 million partnership with UK pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca. It was the most money pharma had ever spent on drugs that had not yet been tested in humans.

The agreement is commemorated in one of Moderna’s offices by a framed clipping from the New York Times. Page B7 of the March 21, 2013 edition: “AstraZeneca Makes a Bet On an Untested Technique.”

Don’t forget, you’ll have to get a booster shot every year to keep up with the steadily-evolving coronavirus. Oh, whoops! That’s dangerous.

“Delivery — actually getting RNA into cells — has long bedeviled the whole field. On their own, RNA molecules have a hard time reaching their targets. They work better if they’re wrapped up in a delivery mechanism, such as nanoparticles made of lipids. But those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years.”

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jun 16, 2021 11:34 AM
Reply to  Mark

Ah, but I didn’t say the word vaccines. Vaccination is used like a platform, they are trying to find other ways by which to massively administer genetic engineering.

Jun 14, 2021 1:18 PM

Four nurses arrive at heaven’s gate after having lost their lives. They stand infront of St Peter The Doorman. . “WHY ARE YOU DEAD ?” said the holyman with a booming voice that echoed way past the first nurse in the queue, who looked kind of … green at the moment. “Well I took the Paizer vaccine 12 months ago, sir, and … an escape variant took my life today”. “HMM I SEE” said Peter while scribbling something on his pad. “WHAT ABOUT YOU ?” said loudly the white bearded man looking at the second nurse in the queue, who seemed colored yellow. “Well hi sir, I took the Boderna vaccine six months ago, and today I developed a nasty case of the ADE syndrome”. “MMM” nodded the man,” … A.D.E, I SEE” he said with an intense scowl that scared an angel away. “AND … WHAT ABOUT .. YOU?” he asked the third nurse, who looked kind of blue. “Well, sir, what can I say, I took an Axtrabeneca booster to avoid the mutant variant that kills the vaxxed, but a bloodclot gave me a stroke 10 minutes ago”. “MMM OK … bloodC.L.O..T” said trying to spell it right. Then looking back in the queue He noticed a normally colored but startled nurse. “HOW ABOUT YOU ? WHICH VACCINE DID YOU TAKE ?”. “Oh None sir. COVID and its mutants were never an issue for me as I had the natural infection a year ago. I am here because of a car accident”. “AHA!” said pleasantly the holy man “A– KAR AKS.IDENT” scribbled while smiled proud of himself. “SO WE WERE DRIVING A BIT … FAST WEREN’T WE ?” asked with a beeming smile of a thousand lightbulbs. “Well, no, sir, but the nurse with the axtrabeneca-vax did”

https://gigaohmbiological.com/covid-resources  check here why the worse is about to come

John Goss
John Goss
Jun 14, 2021 1:09 PM

If the very thing we’ve been warning about occurs – ADE – at some later stage I suspect it will be attributed to something else. This is one of the better papers, written at the beginning of the ****demic. It urges caution in developing vaccines.


“The current urgency for COVID-19 therapies has brought together the scientific community to find treatments. In our rush to develop vaccines and antibody-based therapies, we should be mindful of what we have learned about ADE from SARS-CoV-1, HIV, and dengue virus research. A rapid but careful approach to vaccine, convalescent plasma, and targeted monoclonal antibody therapies for COVID-19 treatment seems warranted until we have more data on the risks of ADE.”

Nobody wants to see this happen, And if it does there will be no satisfaction from having been proved right.

Jun 14, 2021 10:44 AM


From Switzerland, for those who understand French :

“The conspiracy theorist wants to do his own research, see for himself, think for himself…” The lady pipes in to say “Think for yourself! How is that possible? It’s pathological…” So he goes on to say that the idea of thinking for oneself has been destroyed at least since Kant. And so on. The lady finally wraps up with this “We need to remember – You cannot think for yourself”

I don’t think it is satire. I don’t really know.

Jun 14, 2021 1:32 PM
Reply to  October

I hope you mean that Immanuel Kant, the great philosopher of freedom and respect for the individual, was the Last of those who urged people to think for themselves. I do not think Kant was the last philosopher who urged us to think for ourselves but your post reveals a paradox. The Rights of Man, the American Revolution and the French Revolution were followed by two and a half centuries of states either abandoning the philosophy of freedom (Fascism) or preaching freedom and practicing compulsion (Communism and Liberalism). Which is where we are today.

Jun 14, 2021 4:07 PM
Reply to  NickM

The loss of freedom was just a coincidence. Like Paine writing a book about masonry. Like the masonic involvement in the American, French, Russian, etc, etc revolutions. All absolutely coincidental, like the slaughter.

Jack Bean
Jack Bean
Jun 14, 2021 9:37 AM

The good old popularity/fashion virtue signalling contest

Jun 14, 2021 8:49 AM

People who took the jab may wind up wishing they didn’t!
The Killer in the Bloodstream: the “Spike Protein”
Mike Whitney • June 10, 2021 • 2,500 Words

Jun 14, 2021 5:34 PM
Reply to  Jojo

It’s mass genocide.

Jun 14, 2021 8:02 AM
Jack Bean
Jack Bean
Jun 14, 2021 9:39 AM
Reply to  October

At last some sanity. Just maybe people are seeing through the hoax of climate change.

Jun 14, 2021 4:23 PM
Reply to  Jack Bean

They probably just have in mind what we were all taught at the age of 9 or 10:
That CO2 is what everybody is breathing out of their own lungs every minute of every day and night, and it is what vegetation uses in photosynthesis in order to produce oxygen for us to breathe.

As with everything else today, the weapons are all pointed at Nature, even though Nature knows more than our top million scientists combined…
It’s an old American saying, that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

Nature ain’t broke, but so many misguided modern scientists are doing their damnedest to break it. It’s like little kids with fireworks and a box of matches:
“I wonder what will happen if I just … – Oops … ”

They need to be stopped – or, at the very least, supervised.
Letting the animals run the circus has never worked.

Jun 14, 2021 8:03 PM
Reply to  wardropper

 misguided modern scientists “
I don’t think they are misguided.
They are bought and paid for by the globalist hucksters.

Jun 14, 2021 10:49 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Conversely, people running the circus has never worked very well for the animals. It’s usually been “Them or Us” – with the “Us” just by chance always winning the toss.

I would disagree that Nature ain’t broke. We humans broke it in our obsession to “improve” on it, as with climate engineering. God help anything we think we can do better than Nature.

As to trees and plants using CO2, that’ll stop when we cut down all the trees to serve our Green New Deal.

Jun 14, 2021 7:28 AM

[VIDEO] Danish Soccer Star Suddenly Collapses on Field, Nearly Dies…He Was Vaccinated 12 Days Ago His heart just stopped. He’s 29-years-old. He was vaccinated 12 days ago… A stunning and terrifying incident occurred on a soccer field Saturday during the Euro 2021 playoff match…a healthy, young 29-year-old Danish player dropped like a sack of hammers, mid-game, and nearly died. His heart stopped. Inter Milan player Christian Eriksen dropped to the ground at the Parken Stadium shortly before half-time, as players and fans looked on in complete horror. English referee Anthony Taylor called medics on to the pitch and Eriksen’s heart was restarted and he underwent prolonged CPR treatment, which is what saved his life. It’s now been confirmed that Christian took the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine 12 days ago. Of course, as of now, nobody knows why his heart stopped, but the news is bone-chilling given the CDC’s recent warning about heart issues in an alarming number of young people who took the vaccine. NBC reports that a higher-than-usual number of cases of a type of heart inflammation has been reported following Covid-19 vaccination, especially among young men following their second dose of an mRNA vaccine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. Overall, 226 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis after vaccination in people younger than age 30 have been confirmed, Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, said during a presentation to a Food and Drug Administration advisory group. Further investigation is needed, however, to confirm whether the vaccination was the cause of the heart problem. Normally, fewer than 100 cases would be expected for this age group. Here is Christian being taken off the field, he has his eyes open. This is terrifying. And what’s even scarier, is that if this was due to… Read more »

Jun 14, 2021 7:42 AM
Reply to  jimbo

Do you have a link to the confirmation of his vaccine status? Even that is very hard to find.

Jun 14, 2021 7:44 AM
Reply to  October
Jun 14, 2021 7:49 AM
Reply to  jimbo

Thanks, but I couldn’t find it there 🙁

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 14, 2021 8:03 AM
Reply to  October

I couldn’t see any reference to vax either. This could be one of those bluffs designed to give anti-vaxxers a bad name.

Jun 14, 2021 11:10 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Haha! As if “anti vaxxers” wasn’t a bad name for us already! 🤟😉👍

Jun 14, 2021 1:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

‘This could be one of those bluffs designed to give anti-vaxxers a bad name.’
Or just a story to get lots of people to waste their time arguing about.
Young footballers collapsing on the field has happened before….even if it is quite a rare occurence.
It’s not clear how many of those footballers have been injected.
Or they could find some dodgy connection between ‘covid’ and heart conditions.

Jun 14, 2021 2:00 PM
Reply to  Claret

Come on Scotland! Beautiful country and great people!

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 14, 2021 8:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc
Jun 14, 2021 6:12 AM

So San Diego has an idiot badge. Figures. Dead men walking. That’s what that dumb ass badge says to me.

Jun 14, 2021 5:47 AM

Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology.
Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.
Dr. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist.

les online
les online
Jun 14, 2021 4:07 AM

Two essays-reviews worth a read, from the German site “Rubikon”:
‘The Carcinoma of Capitalism’. A review of Rudolf Bauer’s ‘Quarantine Reason: the Lockdown as a Breach of Civilisation and a Failure of Politics.’…”Bauer shows in his essay that left-wing Corona criticism is imperative”. (Newsletter 23/2021. 6 June 2021)
‘The Face of Death’ – Georgio Agamben. ” In order to suppress the fact of death, we have to disappear under a mask and lead a lifeless existence.” (Newsletter 24/2021. 13 June 2021).
You’ll need a Translator on your PC. Bauer’s book really needs translating into English…

Jun 14, 2021 3:17 AM

No. People are proud of becoming vaccinated because they think they are being socially helpful. And they know – sub-consciously – they do nothing useful in their regular lives.

Jun 14, 2021 2:08 PM
Reply to  Lee

They wanted to “go back to normal” and they are finding out the unvaccinated are not going to be policed by stores, restaurants, hotels. Its going to make them very upset and angry. I spent 4 days at a hotel in Pennsylvania last week. No masks on the hotel guests even for the buffet breakfast and happy hours. No one asked about vaccination.

I read about cruise ships insisting on vaccination. The % of people who want to go on cruises is not very big and the cruise industry will have a problem keeping their prohibition of unvaccinated or requiring testing.

Jun 14, 2021 2:30 AM

A lot of the ecstatic vaxxed may be paid PR.

A panel of so-called “independent” U.S. and British experts played a key role in reviewing and authorizing the COVID-19 vaccines. Now, an analysis of these experts had significant conflicts of interest that either were not disclosed or were kept from the public.

For example, in some instances panelists listed “significant financial payments” they’d received from pharmaceutical companies within the past 12 months (the furthest back they’re required to disclose), along with grants, patents and other industry relationships they had that possibly could influence their decision-making.

-more- https://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2021/06/08/covid19-how-independent-were-the-us-and-british-advisory-teams.aspx

Title of Judy Mikovitz’ book comes to mind: Plague of Corruption

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 15, 2021 1:11 PM
Reply to  Penelope

‘A lot of the ecstatic vaxxed may be paid PR.’
No, they don’t need to. You get a few ‘celebrities’ from different backgrounds covering most demographics and a lot of the people follow. Look at how girls have been all looking the same with their botoxy lips and fake tans or green/blue/pink hairs; and young guys wearing ankle lenght very tight jeans.
We have to come to terms that most people are followers, not leaders or thinkers. The case in point is what kind of shepherd they will follow, these days they’re following bad shepherds and listening to false prophets.

Jun 14, 2021 1:09 AM

I don’t like the vaccine too, but I do think we come from the actual hand of God.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 15, 2021 1:13 PM
Reply to  Tom

Then there’s no reason for you not to take the vaccine. As a humanist you must believe in man made solutions.
And we didn’t come from ‘the hand of God’, that would be what helped Maradona score against England, we came from the will of God.

Greg Cantin
Greg Cantin
Jun 14, 2021 12:47 AM

As soon as the author uttered this line: “Before vaccines were discovered with the advent of Dr. Edward Jenner’s incredible work with cowpox, we didn’t have a choice but to grovel at the feet of Mother Nature and let her do her thing.” I knew this PHD is just another indoctrinated tool of the system. Remind me not to read your other drivel.

Jun 14, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  Greg Cantin

few are completely free of vaccine mythology believe though it could also be part of sarcasm.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 15, 2021 1:15 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

I didn’t get it as sarcasm, but you might be right and it was very very subtle sarcasm.

les online
les online
Jun 14, 2021 12:36 AM

Big pharma is now after the kids, wants to’ hack their software of life’ with GMO injections.
Child sacrifice and deception in the time of the Covidians.*
‘Human beings are the only species that kills in pursuit of utopias, the most absurd of which is that we can exist outside of nature, controlling the position of every molecule in the universe or every virus on the planet. A utopia where we face no risk upon leaving our homes. This is no less a delusion than the magical thinking of the Aztecs .Almost the entire population of the West has been deceived into the worship of a false god which demands human sacrifice. Five hundred years after child sacrifice ended in Mexico, does Boris Johnson want to be known as the Montezuma of the 21st century ?’
(*Conservative Woman. 13 June 2021)

Jun 14, 2021 12:59 PM
Reply to  les online

not new! true re actual vaccines!

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jun 15, 2021 1:27 PM
Reply to  les online

What’s left to mention is that human sacrifice in the Aztecs and many other pagan cultures ended thanks to Chritianity, whether the progressives like it or not, and as we abandon Christianity in current times human sacrifice makes a come back.

It started more or less with abortion and it goes on with euthanasia. This vaccination campaign is the sacrifice of personal autonomy and self reliance at the feet of the gods of science. Surrender themselves to the science whatever the consequences.

This is not mass depopulation as many think, it’s mass worship of the new pagan god of science. We have entered a new era of man as god, the luciferian old idea.
So, this is not a battle for you body or material possessions but for your souls. But of course those material possessions and bodies are used as bounty for the jackals who lend their hairy hands to carry out the job.

Jun 14, 2021 12:06 AM

I’ve also just posted this on the cell phones article, but it really belongs here –


Not good when even the inventor of the “vaccine” says it’s dangerous.

Jun 14, 2021 5:56 AM
Reply to  Wraith

Read a summary this morning of an autopsy of a person that died after being jabbed. The spike protein and mRNA had migrated to all the organs of that person’s body. This is in line with leaked pharma animal research using mice. I’m guessing that this will happen to all those that take the mRNA jab.

Jun 13, 2021 11:49 PM

I see a lot of people are taking scholars word for everything why can’t you us be the scholars?Why are not your words thoughts just as important?The thing the elites have done has put history on a pedestal so and so was great so and so already did that so and already thought that?!No you can and are more than what they teach or preach.Take no notice listen to your heart,You are more than you’ve been taught you are.

Jun 13, 2021 11:53 PM
Reply to  Annie

Sorry nothing to see here it’s already been done move along?!

les online
les online
Jun 13, 2021 11:29 PM

Whenever i see prissy, prim and properly dressed Fauci i’m reminded that he fits the description of one of the emotionally deprived infants Dr Sigmund Freud described…

And i’m reminded of a passage in Ashley Montagu’s “Touching. The Human Significance of the Skin.”…
Citing sociologist Vidal Starr Clay:, ‘In summarising the results of her study Clay concludes: “The question we have been pursuing in this project whether the amount and kind of tactile stimulation and contact that American mothers give their babies and young children is adequate to their physiological and emotional needs, must therefore be answered negatively.” The mothers observed at the beach were not so much concerned with holding, cradling, cuddling, caressing, or expressing love to their babies and young children, as with controlling their behaviour and attending to their nurturance needs. “Comforting, playing and giving tactile affection were maternal behaviours of much less importance and frequency.” Repeatedly Clay observed that tactile contact between mothers and preverbal children most often expressed caretaking and nurturance, rather than love and affection.”

I think Fauci could do with a big warm hug, some big warm hugs…to remind him that he is hoomin…. :

Jun 14, 2021 6:27 AM
Reply to  les online

Love it. Deserves the italics.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 14, 2021 9:51 AM
Reply to  les online

I think the best way to think of him is as consigliere Tony Fauci. Consigliere to the real capi behind this scam is about his measure. Which, I suppose, is why he seems now to be getting prepared as a sacrificial scapegoat, to keep the groundlings’ attention on a distraction-spectacle involving a crescendo of mediawhore-shrieking about him and the Wuhan-lab kabuki show.

But he needn’t worry. Unless the capi – whoever they really are – decide that he’d now be more useful to them dead (like their pander Epstein, say), the most that will happen to him is that he’ll get an eighteen month ‘prison’ sentence, which he’ll spend in country-club-like conditions, before being released early, low-profile style, within a year. After that, he’ll retire quietly, with his own allotted share of all the billions of loot pouring through this grand racket.

In all sober truth, he may well be a soul damaged by his early upbringing, and that always deserves ultimate compassion, and any healing help that can be done. But he still has a mass of bad karma to answer for.

Jun 14, 2021 11:01 PM
Reply to  les online

The lack of tactile sensation isn’t just the handiwork of sinister behavior scientists. The ultra-religious dicta preach a similar creed. Too much handling, picking up, and so forth produces a spoiled child.

If only children were accorded the same consideration as dogs. “You can’t pet your dog too much!” dog behaviorists tell us. Yet it’s bad for children? Madness!

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jun 13, 2021 10:59 PM

Just like the growing trend among “progressives” in the San Francisco Bay Area to promote the continued wearing of masks after the mask mandate is due to expire in 2 days (June 15h), many wanna make the facial diaper permanent. All hot to demonstrate conformity and just how much they care, and to flaunt their snouts and their jabs. Makes them feel like they belong to something.

Jun 14, 2021 6:42 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

They must love their dribble.

Jun 13, 2021 10:10 PM

I want to hereby say a definite adieu. I know Ive said that several times. But I now realise that there is too much of that Eurocentrism, which for me is worse than brutal racism, at least brutal racism has an honesty to it. I realise that talks of unity on this site may matter little in the end. Your unity is limited to the West, and to those beyond who are yes men. There is little difference with the 18th century. It is with extreme sadness that I will stop. Some of you have been very helpful and sustaining through some difficult times I went through. It also has been very useful and a pleasure to exchange ideas with some of you. I have learnt much from some of you. In particular I would like to say a particular goodbye to Gezzah Potts (hope I didnt get your name or pseudo wrong), and that I wish you the very best, and all courage for your admirable fight against the current tyranny. Unfortunately the unity of peoples beyond cultures is not for tomorrow. And I hope you will understand that as an Indian, who loves and appreciate much of European culture (nearly became a classical pianist), I can be a fellow companion as long as there is mutual respect. I had sincerely thought it would be unquestioned among people who are opposing one of the worst tyrannical rules, but then your ancestors who opposed other tyrannical rules in the 18th century, like you, held on to their European condescension. Why? I want to ask, why cant you freely put out your hands to others? For me Europe will always remain the Europe of Beethoven and of Romain Rolland and across the barriers of time, I will hold on to their… Read more »

Jun 13, 2021 10:23 PM
Reply to  Annette

“Racial division”, “racism”, “lack of unity” etc are marketed and promoted like Coke.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Jun 13, 2021 11:44 PM
Reply to  Ooink

Suddenly she’s Indian – after all that time spent talking about her pals in Oxbridge.
Instead of demanding unity from others, be the change you want to see. At least Tony here doesn’t try to dress up his narcissism.

Jun 14, 2021 6:49 AM
Reply to  Grace Johns

Who cares where she is from! An eloquent, educated and very human commenter. Thank you Annette.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 14, 2021 9:39 AM
Reply to  Grace Johns

I couldn’t care if she was from Peru. So what Grace? So, by your logic, there are no Indians at Cambridge or Oxford then? You could actually learn some lessons from Annette in terms of embracing humanity and looking at the big picture, than making snide and quite often bitchy comments here.
Be the change you want to be. Exactly. Treat others how you would like them to treat you. Everyone.
We are ALL in this shit together, regardless of our differences.
Unity is not going to happen if we’re nitpicking and being nasty towards one another. I say that for Myself as well.
I wish you a good week Grace🙏

Jun 14, 2021 12:01 AM
Reply to  Annette

Don’t leave us

Jun 14, 2021 12:22 AM
Reply to  Annette

Nobody has been racist on here?I don’t know where you’ve got that from?!?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 14, 2021 5:00 AM
Reply to  Annette

Thank you Annette for your comments and insight here. I’ve appreciated them.
“Carry a candle in the dark,
Be a candle in the dark,
Know that you’re a flame in the dark”
Ivan Illich.
Thats what I hold onto, and try and live by, and also my faith in the Universe. And yes, things in the world are very dark at the moment, and I, too, find it immensely frustrating that there is so much meek, passive compliance. And so much disunity, and that many have taken their eyes off the big picture, and instead squabble over small details or whether the virus even exists or not. It’s very late in the day for that now. You already know my position on that anyway.
I still cling onto a sliver of hope, because without hope we have despair. So, I’ll say good luck to you, thank you, and I know you already will, but keep up the fight against this fascist tyranny.
Best wishes🙏✌️

Jun 14, 2021 6:41 AM
Reply to  Annette

Annette, you made positive contributions here (though rather long). What you say above, about having to combat anti-Euclidism in India, is the same battle against wilful ignorance as having to combat anti-Darwinism in the U$A. If I may be blunt, since you are being personal: it would be taking the wrong path to think of yourself as an Indian saying farewell to the West.

Q: What is your race?
A: Human. — Albert Einstein

Jun 14, 2021 8:44 AM
Reply to  NickM

PS: Annette, if you prefer to be known henceforth as a Truther with a strictly Indian viewpoint, you may find this post challenging. From Nussiminen on June 12, 2021  · at 3:34 pm EST/EDT

“Modi’s India has a very similar role (pestering China) as Zelensky’s Ukraine is playing with regard to Russia. Both are pathetic vassals of the USA and the EU, with horrendous corruption, violence, crime, incompetence, and fanaticism as the very defining characteristics of their societies.”

My point being that India is not isolated from the rest of EurAsia; never was, and never will be.

“No country is an island, all are a part of the main”.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 14, 2021 9:50 AM
Reply to  NickM

I encountered Nussiminen quite often when I used to comment at The Saker. We had, one or two disagreements, shall we say. I’ve hardly been at that site since the scamdemic began and Saker seemed to swallow the narrative whole. There was also another reason I stopped going, but I did the same with Moon of Alabama also. Only a fairly small number of sites I regularly visit now.

Jun 14, 2021 11:08 AM
Reply to  NickM

This interview with Bhadrakumar might interest you (re Indian position in geopolitics):

Some uncomfortable truths there.

Jun 14, 2021 7:34 PM
Reply to  Annette

Your contribution to this forum will greatly be missed.

I think the Eurocentrism you mention can be filtered even further to Anglocentrism. One of my first faux pas here was to suggest that the English speaking nations seemed particularly receptive to the COVID madness – an observation I tied to the extremely overt colonization of the Third World by English speaking peoples; and to our consequent sense of punishment. To say that didn’t go over too well would be an understatement.

Best of everything to you.

Jun 14, 2021 8:31 PM
Reply to  Annette

Annette you will be sorely missed,your insight and intelligence holds no bounds,I’m sorry you feel like this the whole world is suffering right now not just the west I wish you the best.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jun 13, 2021 9:34 PM

Still not vaccinated. All of my group has been vaccinated. One guy was goading me. He said something like, “Who cares. It’s his problem if gets Covid”. I just turned my head while keeping my body as still as possible and stared at him. One eye brow up with a half squint while tilting my head. He got quiet. I wanted to gush so bad. I wanted to say something like, “you stupid ignorant old fucks”……. But it’s too late. They fucked up and suspect they did. Only one of them has seriously broached the topic with me. And he now knows he fucked up. Once it’s in you, you can’t get it out. A difficult thing to talk about with people who have taken it. I can’t imagine. You spend your life trying to be healthy. Exercising. Eating well. And then you take the vaccine and realize you fucked up. All that effort trying be healthy is gone. And now all you can do is hope you don’t die tomorrow from the complications. This is where we are at.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 13, 2021 9:45 PM

Tell your friends you have asymptomatic covid with the Portugese variant and then tell them you have a different variant every time you meet. (Just go through a world atlas.) And if one of them asks if you’re making it up, just say, “Well if the media can, so can I!”

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jun 13, 2021 9:45 PM

Ah, the golfing group. Ignore them. When they start dropping like flies Oct onwards you can apply to be club executive. You also might have to play golf by yourself but that would be my dream, if I was a golfer which I ain’t.

Jun 13, 2021 9:56 PM

I think deep down everyone that’s had this injection are frightened but got some sort of god complex because their ego means more than there health.See the predicament they know it might be bad for them,They know they might die in 5 years but the ego takes over the id.

Jun 13, 2021 10:01 PM

Why can’t those who’ve had the bug get a ‘passport’ too? After all, actually getting it gives one a far superior and real, immunity!

Jun 13, 2021 10:12 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

That’s the thing. They’ve been extremely careful to exclude antibody or T-cell tests as a criterion, because who knows, most people might be entitled to a long-life passport.

And we can’t have that, can we?

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jun 16, 2021 8:08 PM
Reply to  October

News on the antibody tests. The federal government is covering the cost until July 15 at selected facilities across the country. My primary care physician’s office knows nothing about it. Go figure on that one. Antibody testing is now available. I was warned that they may produce false positives. I started laughing and said, really! You mean PCR tests, I said. Nope the antibody tests. I can only assume that they mean antibodies from a previous Covid infection. And “they” in the media did say that the vaccines would protect against those as well. There is some irony in there somewhere……..The vaccines can cross over but antibodies can’t. As Cedric The Entertainer would say, “Shhhhiiiiiiiittttt”.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jun 14, 2021 3:27 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

I have requested an antibody test from my health provider and was told the test is not available. I plan to try again. That was a few months ago.

Jun 14, 2021 8:36 PM


Jun 14, 2021 9:24 AM
Reply to  Barovsky

Not really. Having had one variant of flu gives one only a 50% immunity against the others — at best. The Chinese seem to have come up against this. If I understand correctly, the Chinese made a genuine old-fashioned vaccine using real flu virus, not just fragments of RNA. Of course they could not get hold of Fauci’s Covid-19 virus because that is kept in a closely guarded U$ bioweapons lab. Even less can anyone get hold of the Con-A virus because that is “a virus of the mind”, a purely imaginary bug (a Bug-a-Boo) to make the sheeple’s wool stand on end. So the Chinese did the next best thing: made real vaccines from related strains of the corona virus group. Since these real viral antigens were only from “related” strains they provide only “relative” immunity to the next strain of corona that comes your way. But antigen injections are also “relatively” harmless compared to the new RNA injections which need another 25-50 years of testing for safety.

Passports belong to a different world than virology. I realized this while queuing to get on a plane behind a man who was pleading with the gendarmes to let him board although he had mislaid his passport. As proof of eligibility he was offering his credit card, and the gendarmes were discussing it as an unheard-off idea. I thought the man had a point: if his credit was universally recognized, why should he not travel the world?

Credit also belongs to a strange order of reality. I knew an English tourist who had trouble changing money because a bank clerk in Tennessee had never seen a pound note nor heard of the Bank of England.

Jun 14, 2021 1:03 PM
Reply to  Barovsky

Barovsky, obviously no money in it for the satanic merchants of DEATH.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Jun 13, 2021 11:50 PM

I get how you feel. I posted a while back about a couple I know in their early 70s, he being a fanatic about his health, cleaning out heavy metals, obsessive about diet, never taken a puncture. He took one because his sons said he couldn’t see the grankids without and then this weekend he sent me a long email about his upcoming summer holiday, complaining about how they booked a resort so as not to be weighed down with grankids etc.
I’m so sick of people. I just want to send him a reply saying traitor.
Where’s Jacques? He used to be a cipher for my impotent fury.

Jun 14, 2021 9:48 AM

It is more diabolic than an external attack: they get your immune defences to over-react and attack you – anywhere in your body.

Jun 14, 2021 12:59 PM

There MAY be something those who took the ‘vaccine’ can do:

‘As noted by Mikovits, remedies to the maladies that might develop post-vaccination include:
Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin treatments. Ivermectin appears particularly promising as it actually binds to the spike protein. Please listen to the interview that Brett Weinstein did with Dr. Pierre Kory,19 one of Dr. Paul Marik’s collaborators
Low-dose antiretroviral therapy to reeducate your immune system
Low-dose interferons such as Paximune, developed by interferon researcher Dr. Joe Cummins, to stimulate your immune system
Peptide T (an HIV entry inhibitor derived from the HIV envelope protein gp120; it blocks binding and infection of viruses that use the CCR5 receptor to infect cells)
Cannabis, to strengthen Type I interferon pathways
Dimethylglycine or betaine (trimethylglycine) [TMG] to enhance methylation, thereby suppressing latent viruses
Silymarin or milk thistle to help cleanse your liver’ & more below this at:

Jun 13, 2021 9:26 PM

–Airlines considering banning recently vaxxed due to their experience w clotting & bleeding problems. (–GreatReject.org)
–Wales: 60-70% of hospitalized & deaths in the Fall expected to be among the fully vaxxed!!
–Australia: Jan-May 2021 Covid deaths 1 Vax deaths 210

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUGpvA-Hf_s Jeff Berwick video 5 minutes

And while we’re in Wales: 29-yr old football star goes into no-contact full cardiac arrest on the field. Required CPR right there. What are the odds?

Jun 14, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“What are the odds?”

For footballers and other strenuous young athletes to collapse suddenly with a heart condition is odds-on. My grand niece, a devotee of “Iron Woman” and other track events, is currently recovering.

In the old days it was known as “a fatty heart” gained in rowing for OxBridge.

José Silveira
José Silveira
Jun 14, 2021 1:33 AM
Reply to  niko

Thanks. Quite disturbing reading.

John Crowther
John Crowther
Jun 14, 2021 9:28 PM
Reply to  niko

Sounds, like a right barrel of laughs I think I’ll give it a miss so sick of all this paranoid doom & gloom fearmongering bollocks and also all that magnets sticking to you after the injection who even thought of trying that in the first place Uri Geller what a lot of absolute horseshit give me a break

Jun 13, 2021 8:56 PM

Whats particularly poignant for me, is that there are a fair number of cases where people post their “i got jabbed” virtue signalling stuff on social media (sometimes even taking the piss out of others who question the safety of these experimental shots) and then they die, weeks, or even days later….

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jun 13, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  kevaquarian

The dumbest thing I think is the imbeciles wearing face nappies to have a jab and the idiot doctors who do it too. Then we have the male lawyers who peddle and whinge about covid as if the world is so sick they all have to be jabbed, then they report people to twitter and facebook for telling the truth

Jun 13, 2021 8:26 PM

I’m more scared about standing on a big ball of earth and rock and fire.Than idiots trying to to control us ?Aren’t you?

Jun 13, 2021 8:52 PM
Reply to  Annie

The earth is not a ball, it is as flat as a pancake,

Jun 13, 2021 9:35 PM
Reply to  geoff

It can be anything you want it to be.

Jun 13, 2021 9:01 PM
Reply to  Annie

the earth is flat and stationary, ask any pilot oy civil engineer, why delete my comment ?

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jun 14, 2021 12:01 AM
Reply to  geoff

MODS: I do appreciate the increased removal of remunerated nonsense in recent days. Hopefully it can be extended to include manfestations such as these.



Jun 13, 2021 7:53 PM

People on this site a humanists,You all care about humanity,if you were naturalists you’d be on another site,or satanists you’d be with the elite.You care about your fellow man love thy neighbour as you would love yourself,Do unto them as you would yourself.I’m not well educated I went to a comprehensive I taught myself about life nature, people,I use intuition.We all have one goal here and that’s freedom.Not to be binded by elites,Monarchy’s,Fake religion.We are.Unique.We are sitting on a gigantic ball spinning thousands of miles an hour,with a ball of fire heating us.Why are we bothering about what some phychopaths are thinking it only matters what your thinking.

Jun 13, 2021 8:53 PM
Reply to  Annie

No the earth is stationery.

Jun 13, 2021 8:56 PM
Reply to  geoff

See Eric Dubay’s book and film ‘200 proofs the earth is not a spinning ball’

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 13, 2021 11:46 PM
Reply to  geoff

Bloody hell! Do you think Geoff really means this stuff? I thought at first that he was having a laugh – or trolling.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jun 14, 2021 2:00 AM

C’mon RG, you know better than that! Now that offG is disallowing a greater proportion of comments from the more obvious remunerated commenters like darling Jacques, these entities are having to tone things down a bit and make it seem like they really are posting in good faith (all while continuing to display – to easily-repelled “intelligent” newcomers to the site – the fact that they are demented/illiterate/far right/fundamentalist/Flat-Earthers/pseudoscientific/cognitively challenged/anti-science [including Believers in The Truth of No Viruses Exist Whatsoever!], etc. etc.).

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 14, 2021 10:02 AM

At a guess Reset, I’m fairly certain Jacques has taken a break from here for a while. Or maybe for good? I recall him saying things like we needed to get out and live life rather than be commenting on here (or other sites) all the time.
The last few posts I saw from him, got the impression he was going to depart the OffG nest. I miss his posts as well.
It happens. There are quite a few commenters from over a year ago, even 2 years ago here who no longer comment at OffG. It is what it is.

Jun 14, 2021 8:44 PM

I know I comment some spiritual stuff but I’ve no idea what’s occurring now?Me thinks someone or something is trying to mock this site.

Jun 15, 2021 9:44 AM
Reply to  Annie

Goes with the territory.
if you are distracted, you have found what you were looking for (?)
Who loves truth is not a purist, but an inner discernment of both inner and outer as one.

It is easy for malice to quote principles of freedom of speech to deliver its payload.

I don’t pre censor so much as trust the field of my true desire to bring what I need as I need it from what is here.
Off-Guardian may or may not hold up as a practical resource for communication outside the ‘narrative dictate’, but while I live such a willingness I am sharing it.

Jun 14, 2021 6:56 AM
Reply to  geoff

Oh it must be true, you read it in a book and saw a moving picture. Well done!

Jun 13, 2021 9:46 PM
Reply to  geoff

no a pencil is stationery

Jun 13, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  morgenstemning

No, office supplies are stationary

Jun 15, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  morgenstemning

My cursor moves across the screen. There is no cursor but only pixels. A representation of an object model within a virtual mapping. The coordinates of which are changed so as to show a series of total screen changes at a frequency refresh rate that appears to be motion. But in this consideration, the coding provides the interface for a 3D mapped experience to 2D virtual rendering of location and continuity. If we grasp the encoding of computer processing to interface human consciousness with a virtual front end or interface that becomes a normal extension of the consciousness – such as me ‘writing’ to you like this, than there is at least a basis from which to ask if the 3D or physical experience is not already also a virtual mind-mapping modelling of an object reality that arises or extends from defined conditions as conditionings or programming that gives the unfolding of experience within the parameters of our own thinking – which can of course be subconsciously running perception-response with no conscious awareness of thought at all. My posit does not have any hardware, but only the configuration of charge differentials by which hardware can be said to run in emulation; which gives a mind assigned or locked down to a body, distanced form other bodies, and masked from awareness of thought by invested meanings, such as to generate object continuity as a modelling of a reality set in prioritised judgements. I started off playing but when I ask, I receive answer. As an Einsteinian mind game the pencil or any object – IF given a focus as a point of reference – is set as the still point to a turning world. But only in concept, held by those who engage in the ‘AS IF’. if we locate in… Read more »

Jun 13, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  geoff

We create our own reality you carry what you believe.Unless I’ve been in space and looked at the world I have no right to say what it looks like it could be flat could be doughnut shaped I have no idea ,I’ve never been in space and I don’t trust those that tell us anything unless I see it for myself.And that’s why I don’t trust science.

Jun 15, 2021 11:39 AM
Reply to  Annie

We co-create our own reality distortions. Or release them to a truer and more integrative and coherent appreciation. The relationship between truth and reality is where relational honesty opens to an empirical integrity such as to recognise and release preset idea, theory or model of what should be, to an innocent perception aligned in recognition of pattern and order rather than imposition of definitions of control. Science as Natural Philosophy uncovered the nature of an already Reality to a human significance. Technologism predefines us as aliens, and operates an alien agenda. This is what happens when we deny our true Identity for ‘getting’ something or ‘getting rid of something’. There are people who think they saw contagion and it turned out to be forms of malnutrition and toxicity. Everything I ‘see’ I first conceive, and accept as a model by which to generate meanings. the idea of creating our own reality is the elitist agenda – along with a secret or covert identity in everyone who comes here. But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland  The workability of any thought system is its support and alignment within reality. For to operate against reality is the wages of death and taxes that bring our world to ruin and debt. Yet THIS is what seeks ‘sustainability’ by appeal to sacrifice love as complaint allegiance and active support. “Science is a dialogue between truth and reality,” You have the whole universe in front of you, but until you understand the crucial relationship between truth and reality, you don’t have science.”“Above and… Read more »

Jun 14, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  Annie

It’s what psychopaths/mass-murderers are DOING, that matters.

Jun 15, 2021 11:48 AM
Reply to  Ralph

What matters to us is rendered significant, binding and holding attention and shaping our world by our response.

The terrorist operates with community support. The fear seeks control as much as the control seeks to feed upon it. If we use the term psychopath, why do we not address the mind – or indeed Soul sickness at the level of Psyche?
Because we only use it as a modern ‘sciency’ mask for evil to be stamped out, denied, excommunicated or systemically managed so as to nip incorrectness in the bud before it gets a chance to realise it it infected with hate, as an expression of innate guilt to be engineered out of the stock…

It seems to me that manipulators set a frame in which we DO unto ourselves.
Why is this not an education in self-responsibility and vigilance for integrity and peace?
Because vengeance is held more dear than truth?
And thus fear of Retribution associated with exposure to truth?

Jun 13, 2021 7:48 PM

And on it goes.

The journalist who broke the story about the controversial 2016 tarmac meeting in Phoenix between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch was found on Saturday morning of an ‘apparent suicide,’ according to AL.com.


Jun 13, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You mean killery Clinton.

Jun 13, 2021 8:29 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus
Jun 13, 2021 10:08 PM
Reply to  Tony

Cathy O’Brien I think is her name exposed the clintons .She’s on YouTube might have been removed.

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 13, 2021 7:45 PM

As I said before, the real fight is not between Left and Right or indeed between any two parties presented on TV or, at least, not between two parties presented in a favourable light. The truth, suspected by the vast majority of the population, is only ever demonised on TV – if it appears at all. And this has to be the case since the MSM can’t handle the truth! Thus: They can never admit the truth about JFK. But regular folks even from the get-go knew that that was a shower of shit. And no matter how much the MSM with its innumerable snaky tentacles tried to demonise the very word “conspiracy”, the fact that a vast portion of the people knew it was shit acted as a break. And this sets the template for all the shit shows ever since. The truth can never be admitted openly – expect to be ridiculed. Nevertheless, the truth will prevail – as an unspoken public opinion limiting the spread of bullshit. And eventually – there is even a kind of embarrassed vague mumbling of guilt in some channels of the media. Dylan gives us a piece on it and the little hack artists shuffle about nervously talking about surreal metaphors or whatever. It is a similar situation with 9/11. They had to move on from that since, even though once again they cannot tell the truth, they know they’ve reached the point where the public can’t even pretend to buy it anymore. But it’s still early days for covid. They ignore the opposition. Then they demonise the oppositions … but all the time while they’re pouring their excrement everywhere, the fact that a substantial number are not and never will buy it stands as a real barrier. Over and over –… Read more »

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Jun 13, 2021 8:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well said. Watching gameshow politicians sling mud at each other is akin to watching WWF Wrestling during an air raid. Any news outlet that is covering guns, trans rights and racism is intentionally avoiding things like JFK, 9/11 and 7/7…issues that, resolved, would do far more to mediate gun rights, gender issues, racism etc..

Jun 13, 2021 9:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The truth will always out.Nobody can hide the truth.Whether it be hideous secrecies.That’s why the Eugenetists always tell you what they are planning because if they hid it they would be trialled they would be vilified,They can say oh but we told you so ,we never said the injection was hundred percent.we never said you had to abide by the rules you did it all by yourself,You the people are at fault because you jumped off the cliff by your own choice we might of prompted you but ultimately you jumped.

Jun 13, 2021 7:43 PM

The best theory for why technology is so hypnotic to humans was made by Marshall McLuhan with his two back to back books “Gutenberg Galaxy” and “Understanding Media”. Any technology, even the wheel, advances the personal power of the user to exceed the previous limitations of being without those powers. A form of narcissism, the potential user just cannot refuse the “super-powers” of any technology. With the printed book technology of Gutenberg, the first mass-produced identically manufactured object, information distribution became standardized into dogmas. Previous to this time books were handwritten by individuals and customized by each student with how they understood the topics. Howvere, mass produced books would seem an obvious super-power to gladly accept, as is the internet in the 21st C. But the side effects of much of technological deployment in modern times produces irreversibly altered societies, alienation, exacerbates class and wealth distinctions and produces overall sci-fi-grade dystopias in the 21st C. So McLuhan asks: why does society not vet technologies before deployment so as to assure whatever is moved forward is given it’s best chance of benefiting humanity rather than victimizing it? Humanity, basically the world’s 99%, now face a tyrannical 1% class that seeks to deploy their transhumanist tech and create an artificial reality world solely serving their magical thinking. Tech like nukes, AI, 5G, GMOs, GE’s, robots, surveillance, pesticides, veganism, tech-med frankensteins and their vaxxines under a Panopticon society are not something we are being allowed discussion, advice and consent. Should we not have the deciding say? Should we not have a public vetting on all of it and each new tech via vote and democracy? McLuhan’s basic message is that the decisions we make and the technologies we deploy should be based upon their ability to provide for the social needs of humanity.… Read more »

Jun 13, 2021 9:01 PM
Reply to  sandy

McLuhan was not an optimist, he was an observant Catholic and literary theorist, who created the theories of media ecology and new media theory that still hold promise today. He hoped his popular forms of contribution would make more of a difference to our culture than publishing theoretical papers in the academy, which is what happens when “science” takes over ethical practice. We start to believe that attention from like-minded others )whether other academics or liberal activists) will somehow “save the world.” WE are clueless about actual power – McLuhan was not, which is why he embraced television with an adopted persona. One of the most compelling treatises of his was War and peace in the Global Village. It was not optimistic.

If McLuhan saw how our societies have become subservient lickspittles in thrall to the lowliest cravens of Big Media and Big Tech, he’d hang it up as useless. Western culture has been in decline after perhaps a peak in the 60’s, but now we seem to be enjoying the acceleration of demise. McLuhan’s Tetrad of media analysis, based on Aristotle’s Four Causes, allows one to foresee the end and turning points of media cycles. And politics is a medium. no less than social media or internet news sites. Social media has reached an extreme where it cannot sustain its original form, and we should start adopting new formats (think localized, clubby, practical – everything Facebook and twitter are not). Telegram, is actually kind of like that, and its non-Western (consider it decolonization ;). When these new media emerge, try them out, bring us along. to speed along the demise of Silicon Valley hegemony.

Jun 13, 2021 11:16 PM
Reply to  sandy

It is not technology that is evil; it has the power to do great good. It is the gangsters who currently control it & control much more. The solution is to decentralize everything, beginning with wealth.

Jun 13, 2021 7:41 PM

Life is not too bad, if you ignore these mutant variants, telling you to wear a mask, and carry on as normal. Yes, I know they are annoying. Just tell them, I can’t understand a word you are saying. I’m a bit deaf. Can you please take off your mask, and speak clearly.

Thank you.

Mr. Todd
Mr. Todd
Jun 13, 2021 11:43 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Imagine having that conversation at the audiology department, 3 times in the last year. To the receptionist… ” can you remove your mask etc…? ” “No!” “But I’m here for a hearing aid you moron. Take off your mask and show some respect. ” . “No!” She then produces a flip chart with all the questions. Have you got a temperature? Does anyone in the family have Covid?
Then you get as far as the audiologist, who is wearing full PPE, a mask AND a visor. Did he remove his mask? Did he pump!!!

Jun 13, 2021 7:41 PM

Fascinating interview with data mining expert Clif High. Most of it covers the science of the ‘vaccine’, including an explanation of the magnetisation of the ‘vaccinated’.


George Mc
George Mc
Jun 13, 2021 7:26 PM

I think I found the shit show that so impressed my wife. It’s on Channel 4 and it’s called The Anti-Vax Conspiracy with the blurb:

“Who are the people behind the international anti-Covid-vaccine movement and why are they doing it? This journey inside the astonishing world of the anti-vaxxers finds out.”

Interesting. The Anti-Vaxxers are a “conspiracy”. Note the reversal of the term since it’s the anti-vaxxers and, more generally, the covid sceptics who complain (rightfully) about a conspiracy. But when the MSM use the C word, it doesn’t even make sense. Why is the anti-vax movement a “conspiracy”? Clearly, the MSM is simply using the C word in a purely Pavlovian sense.

Another head of the hydra dished up the usual boilerplate projection:

“The real fight, between science and ignorance, has only just begun
…. existential threat … work done by science…. turning the tide against Covid-19
… existential threat (again!) … work done by science in turning the cliché tide against Covid-19.”

The anti-vaxxers are

“the monster hiding under all our beds.”

(Shades of “Reds under the Bed”?)

A bit of light relief: The C4 crap fest was apparently “film that set out the facts calmly and without sensation”. It was opposed to “Scaremongers” (?!) and (drumroll) …… “snake-oil” (??!!)

But here are your lessons!:

“Vaccines are our only way out of this pandemic,”

“…if people are scared about vaccines, then we’re not going to be out of this pandemic.”

Back to the blessed relief of Fargo 4 which at least doesn’t pretend to be real!

Jun 13, 2021 8:59 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The programme had no credibility whatsoever from start to finish, the best bit being the time devoted to relying on the views of a deranged Uber taxi driver to endorse the pro-vaccine lobby!

George Mc
George Mc
Jun 14, 2021 7:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Just to emphasise the blatant reversal of this C4 guff: The anti-vaxxers are the opposite of a “conspiracy”. They are trying to get all the attention they can. And to accuse them of selling “snake oil”? They are not selling anything. They are protesting against those who are!

Jun 14, 2021 12:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Beating opponents to the use of a slur – in this case, conspiracy – is a basic tactic.

Top Planner
Top Planner
Jun 13, 2021 7:22 PM

Well, in nature if one is stupid one gets killed. Stupid animals fall prey to smarter animals everyday. Stupid people, proud of getting the jab, well nature will take its course and uphold its laws.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jun 13, 2021 9:15 PM
Reply to  Top Planner

Only there’s nothing natural about social conditions.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jun 13, 2021 10:50 PM

Not necessarily…

Jun 13, 2021 6:37 PM

I don’t over post this song because it is simply too special but it’s been a year and this may be new to some.

If you can imagine a pop singer who channelled William Blake in her lyrics and J.S. Bach in her piano technique, that would be a woman frankly destroyed by Hollywood and abandoned by her producer David Geffen in particular.

The incomparable Judee Sill

Jun 13, 2021 10:10 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

What a sad life she lived, but what beautiful music she left.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 13, 2021 6:24 PM

Note the name of the police division on the policeman’s uniform, at this minor G7 protest in Cornwall: ‘PROTESTOR REMOVAL TEAM’. As in, removal of the right to protest. Maybe it should be changed to POLITICAL OPPOSITION REMOVAL TEAM, after all only true democracies allow oppositions to remain and not be expunged.

G-7 summit venue in Cornwall.


Jun 13, 2021 6:43 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

I didn’t see that,I’ve seen a lot police vans ,motorcycles,Three helicopters this morning flying over all in a line.They can go from country to country?But commoners can’t,Why couldn’t they do zoom?One rule for them.

Jun 13, 2021 6:49 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

Noticed in past so many years it’s now called the police force,or interceptors?

Jun 13, 2021 7:18 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

I strongly suspect, that all participants in this little video, were on the same team, and nothing happened except a little theatrical performance of no importance or significance.

We were camping in Cornwall a few years ago, near Perranporth, which is really nice. We do like Saint Ives. There was no political meeting going on, or anything special, but after queuing up in a traffic jam for 90 mins, far worse than anything in London, we did a U-turn and ended up in a pretty little fishing village on the South Coast of Cornwall

It was extremely hot and sunny.

I personally prefer the Llŷn Peninsula, and have never had a problem with The Welsh.

Incidentally, the sea is crystal clear there too, but a wet suit is advisable, if you want to put your head underwater.

Once had dolphins jumping all around me, off Nefyn, when I was a kid.

Scared the shit out of me. I thought they were sharks. Never swum so fast, back to the rowing boat.

The sea around the UK is rich in wildlife

Saw one of these last week

comment image&f=1&nofb=1


Jun 15, 2021 12:57 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Uncle Leo?

Jun 13, 2021 6:04 PM

Fuellmich with McCullough


Not for the staunch no-virusers, as he believes that position is becoming a distraction we can do without at at time when children are being targeted.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jun 13, 2021 7:49 PM
Reply to  October

Brilliant interview. Fuellmich will go down in history for trying to save humanity. God willing, he will succeed.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jun 13, 2021 11:52 PM
Reply to  October

Let us not forget that for the No Virusers, like Petra Liverani, it’s not about freedom (from forced/coerced medical interventions, etc.) but about The Truth of No Virus. If it wasn’t already in existence, Information Operations would most certainly have had to invent/deploy the No Virus line!

comment image

Jun 14, 2021 1:28 AM
Reply to  October

Thank you October. You made my day. Peter McCullough is such a believable truth teller that I always feel more optimistic when I see that he is still addressing the public.

Where he says that Dr. Byram Bridle is backing down, may have been threatened, he’s referring to this 5 minute VIDEO. But TPTB are too late in shutting Bridle up; this info is already well & truly OUT. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZWUjDCAs1sHp/

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jun 14, 2021 2:02 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Thanks for the link, Penelope! I heard PMc say that and wondered what he was referring to.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jun 14, 2021 2:27 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I should have watched that before posting. Did you paste the correct link? That is not a 5 minute video, but a 17 minute one, and all the snippets of BB are from the original interview which I’ve already heard. Please post correct link.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jun 14, 2021 3:02 AM

I can’t find any recent BB videos on bitchute that have more recent statements from him than his interview with Alex Pierson.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jun 14, 2021 2:46 AM
Reply to  Penelope


Jun 13, 2021 5:57 PM

And isn’t it astounding how many people use the word ‘science’ as validation and justification for a shot they know absolutely nothing about. A shot said to contain elements from bats, moths, aborted fetuses from 1972 and a hundred other crazy witchcraft concoctions. Metals that are strong enough to have magnets stick to the arm, while right around every corner is a 5G tower just waiting to have the dial turned up.

The fact is, the science of our own bodies and blood are so far beyond any doctor, scientist or virologist’s comprehension that all they can do is play with various parts of these divine and sacred gifts like children pulling wings off flies and bragging that they invented a new bug.

Joe Biden… “I trust the science, man… c’mon!”.

What an absolute fucking disaster of a human being. If you want to know what selling your soul to the devil looks like after a few decades, this is it.

Jun 13, 2021 5:23 PM

What I’m trying to say is everything is about consciousness mind over matter.Everybody has a choice to go to the dark or go to the light.The rulers chose the dark I mean really dark not apple scrumping dark I mean destroying peoples souls dark.

Jun 13, 2021 5:49 PM
Reply to  Annie

Annie, hold on to the light. It’s the age old battle, I’m afraid. We will win, but it’s not going to be easy.

My elder sister had her second jab today; this in a market town on the Welsh borders. My sister said that large numbers were queuing up for the jab. I would hazard that none of these people had any idea of what is being pumped into their bodies (ie, it’s not informed consent). They just want the government to allow them to be ‘free’, despite the fact that the UK Government quite patently has absolutely no intention of a return to normal; and despite the obvious fact that governments don’t have the right to give us ‘freedom’.

Jun 13, 2021 6:01 PM
Reply to  RobG

I see that I see why people have the injection,Like you say we are never going to get our freedom back now not for along while.I will fight it kicking and screaming and stand by the righteous we have a battle on our hands I’m fighting for my children and little grandchildren.Keep strong my friend I’m sure your sister is only doing what she feels right.

Jun 13, 2021 6:19 PM
Reply to  Annie

The phrase “illuminati” is part of the deception.

BTW my Google keyboard happily recognises this word while playing dumb with many other words and constructions. The excrement called Eric Schmidt has specifically proposed making it impossible to type certain sequences of words. Supposedly to eliminate “hate speech”.

The illuminati should better be described as those who would shut off the light so that they can fondle and abuse their degenerate selves to prominence.

Jun 13, 2021 6:29 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hahaha yes perversion just like Facebook ,Twitter ,YouTube.I’ve noticed past year my searches are not coming up with what I’m looking for.Try googling COVID-19 vaccination deaths and you’ll get how the vaccine is good for you,And a stupid covid warning comes up how we all need to stay safe.Wash your hands you dirty people stay away from strangers you dirty people,Get the injection you infected dirty people.

Jun 13, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

You can see where this heading can’t you.But only if we let them.

Chimes of Freedom
Chimes of Freedom
Jun 13, 2021 7:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Don’t use Google?

Jun 13, 2021 7:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

They are satanists and have had a strategy in play for centuries at least. Professors Antony C Sutton, Carol Quigley, Preparata and writers such as Gary Allen, Eustace Mullins, Edward G Griffin and even revisionist historians such as David Irving plus Harry Barnes knew that there was agenda. However, the Satanists have made a fundamental mistake they have revealed themselves to a much wider audience as Reiner Fuellmich pointed out.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Jun 13, 2021 5:07 PM

The FDA will give full licensing to these malevolent gene “therapy” impalements in the near future. Our elected officials and bureaucrats have their marching orders. Elections don’t matter and “citizen” *read serf” input doesn’t matter when the `Overlords order a directive. The reason licensing is important is that government mandating of these MGT in their EUA mode violates the Nuremberg code which is also an international treaty. Licensing will give a legal fig leaf to mandating. The percentage of unvaxxed serfs in the USA volunteering to be impaled is rapidly reaching a dead end. While the Overlords have ended the saline control groups in their arithmetically rigged “trials” by inoculating them, the uninoculated form a natural control group and it is important that they be eliminated as well with force and legal penalties, as the full extent of the dangers of the MGT become unveiled over time It would be more difficult for our Overlords to blame all the coming legions of deaths and crippled convincingly on cv-1984 and the variants and deviants if the the refuseniks are virtually unaffected. Thus licensing and mandating has a top priority with no time to lose I wonder how the Amish are going to deal with this?

Jun 13, 2021 5:28 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I do believe unvaccinated will be vilified,where have we seen this before?

Jun 13, 2021 6:16 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

Crikey just when I thought it couldn’t get worse,It’s already started.

Jun 13, 2021 6:14 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Sadly, I think you’re right, and full licensing is the biggest risk. Unless the damage being done becomes public knowledge before that and the whole thing collapses.

Time seems to be important. The CDC is taking more than a week to organise an ’emergency’ zoom meeting about the effects on young people. That must mean something.

Jun 13, 2021 4:59 PM

I do believe in one consciousness,I believe that what we actually see as a solid object is in fact not solid at all,There is so much space in between all we are are vibrations and light.So how can these Eugenic loving hate mongers say we are a waste of space when we occupy no space at all?All they are doing is making us hate,And angry,And fearful.This is not how we are supposed to be.

Steamin, psycho
Steamin, psycho
Jun 13, 2021 5:28 PM
Reply to  Annie

Hate and anger , the negative emotions keep us enslaved .This is how they try to control us. As a species we must try and ride above this, I know it is not easy but if we just argue and fight with each other they have us by the short and curlies.

Jun 13, 2021 6:06 PM

Yes we can fight this,Sadly it pains me the elderly were culled how awful for them to murder our elders just so they can get their plans in action?