WATCH: Meet the World Economic Forum

Episode 403 of the Corbett Report podcast introduces us to the history and agenda of the WEF, the chief pushers of the “Great Reset”.

The World Economic Forum does not run the world, but in this time of The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution you’d be forgiven for thinking so.

Today on The Corbett Report podcast, join James for a wild ride through the murky origins of the WEF’s past into the nightmarish future it is seeking to bring about…and how we can use this information to better understand and derail its agenda.

For sources and shownotes – plus download options and an audio-only version – click here.


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Top Planner
Top Planner
Aug 3, 2021 5:13 AM

What a con, these fools want to own EVERYTHING and lease it to us! That is, whichever of us they decide are permitted to remain alive. So sick, truly Naziesque. They need to be taken down for good!

Top Planner
Top Planner
Aug 3, 2021 4:31 AM

Those “great-reset” (NOT great) are a bunch of sick pseudo-intellectuals, so full of themselves! Really sickening, isn’t it? If only the images of helping third world villages and developing nations is what they really were about, but unfortunately it is NOT. It’s more about control, power, vacuuming all the wealth they can, and depopulating humanity. What a slick veneer, candy-coating much darker motivations!

Jun 19, 2021 3:51 PM

Meet the boss. Yes, he owns Big Pharma as well:

““The plutocrats who own Vanguard apparently do not like being in the spotlight but of course they cannot hide from who is willing to dig. Reports from Oxfam and Bloomberg say that 1% of the world, together own more money than the other 99%. Even worse, Oxfam says that 82% of all earned money in 2017 went to this 1%.
“In other words, these two investment companies, Vanguard and BlackRock hold a monopoly in all industries in the world and they, in turn, are owned by the richest families in the world, some of whom are royalty and who have been very rich since before the Industrial Revolution.”

While it would take time to sift through all of Vanguard’s funds to identify individual shareholders, and therefore owners of Vanguard, a quick look-see suggests Rothschild Investment Corp. and the Edmond De Rothschild Holding are two such stakeholders. Keep the name Rothschild in your mind as you read on, as it will feature again later.


Jun 18, 2021 5:00 AM

You will be happy

comment image

Jun 17, 2021 9:53 PM

“You’ll own nothibg and be happy”. Oh,look what Bloomberg’s pushing:


Jun 17, 2021 7:36 PM


Indicates a seismic shift in America. The word DID get out to the public, but it just took awhile.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 17, 2021 2:40 PM

The “10 Planks” of the Communist Manifesto
By Karl Marx
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a National bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. [agriculture as war]
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all Children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.


Jun 17, 2021 3:06 PM

Solution to many of today’s problems, dated 1848. Carl Heinrich Marx (1818-1883) would have been about 30; an extraordinarily thoughtful contribution to political philosophy by so young a man.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 18, 2021 2:34 AM
Reply to  NickM

Hello NickM: Mr Marx’s solutions ultimately lead to a totalitarian State. These “solutions” are designed to rob civilians of private property and individual freedoms. All taxation is theft, period. It doesn’t matter how it’s disguised.

Nearly every social ill, including the arts of waging war, are the direct result of corporate and State monopoly. In Marx’s world, children are chattel. Not the offspring of free and independent men.

Marx was brilliant, yet plainly wrong.

Jun 18, 2021 3:19 PM

Paul, I grant you Marxism has a problem with private property. My inclination is toward “Distributionism” ie a fairer distribution of property, proposed by GK.Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc. But basically what Marx put on the Communist Manifesto — especially public ownership of the commanding heights.

That Marxism lead to a totalitarian State does not invalidate Marxism, because the same thing happened at one time or another to Christianity and probably of other religions; the same thing is now happening to Democracy and Liberalism across the EU$A. OffG has spent most of its energy in the past 2 years fighting this frightening trend towards a Totalitarian Liberal Democratic Caring State.

Jun 19, 2021 4:10 PM

even property is theft, ”La propriété, c’est le vol”, writes the anarchist Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), in his writing ” Qu’est-ce que la propriété? ” (1840). And he does nothing but resume the Rousseau of Discours sur l’origine et les fondements de inégalité parmi les hommes, published in France in 1755.  
Otherwise colonialism and exploitation are also justified by the same principle. Instead as it is considered right to fight for the hoarding and accumulation of private property, so the class struggle is justified. And anyway those of the World Economic Forum are not communists, it is only the new mask of predatory capitalism, quiet … the one that has expropriated and is expropriating entire continents through wars of robbery. Read The Condition of the Working-Class in England by Engels and you will understand who is expropriating and who is expropriated …..Because things haven’t changed; certainly not in Africa, India and Latin America and not even in the ex-democratic West … https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1887/01/26.htm

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 20, 2021 3:47 AM
Reply to  iskratov

Hello iskratov: I don’t give a damn what some pompous prick has to say about private property. If the property is mine, they’ll get a bullet for trying to take it away.

Jun 17, 2021 3:50 PM

Marx was not the first and won’t be the last to imagine the Greed Monster can ever be vanquished.

Vis-a-vis Marx in particular, given the inevitable nightmare of his, or anyone’s, system based on absolutes – humanity can only thank the gods of irony for greed. For while greed enslaves us, it does tend to stave off possibly worse evils.

Greed, then, is the ultimate “Lesser of the two evils.”

Jun 17, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  Howard

The Gospel of Greed, as preached by Evangelists Thatcher and Reagan, has led to a nightmare world of endless lies and nonstop resource wars; Con-19 being the latest lie and Con-B3 the latest resource war — a total war on all the resources of all the peoples in the world.

“In the future you will own nothing and rent everything with money you borrow from us at interest”. — Gospel of Mark Carney

Jun 18, 2021 5:04 AM

If You Can Keep It

comment image

Jun 18, 2021 9:58 PM

Groucho said that?

Jun 16, 2021 11:52 PM

I don’t want to.

Jun 16, 2021 6:43 PM

https://youtu.be/4OHmMKrVbNk Eric Clapton on covid nonsense very good

Jun 16, 2021 6:42 PM

just another triple letter agency for organized crime

Jun 16, 2021 4:06 PM

Here’s another “Good News” article from globalresearch.ca. Though not the first Court ruling against some element of the COVID scare, it’s significant in what it focuses on.

Florida Appeals Court Rules Mask Mandate Is Unconstitutional – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Jun 16, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

Masks requirement to be dropped outside in france tomorrow. better latet than never. Now shops.

Jun 16, 2021 6:39 PM
Reply to  Sally

The idiots in the UK will still be wearing them in 2027

Jun 16, 2021 11:54 PM
Reply to  Geoff

Stiff upper lip what what

Jun 17, 2021 2:00 AM
Reply to  Sally

It’s appalling that they were mandating masks for outside. It’s very difficult to catch the virus outdoors. To me it just confirms that the “authoriities” have no idea what they are doing.

Jun 17, 2021 4:24 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

Those at the top know what they are doing. They want the sheeple to be humiliated. The muzzle is a sign of slavery. It also harms health and this is in line with the depopulation agenda.

Jun 18, 2021 8:22 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

What virus?????

Jun 17, 2021 10:21 AM
Reply to  Sally

You mean by goverment rule ?

Jun 18, 2021 10:19 PM
Reply to  Sally

macron took the slap he deserved. I Would have ounched him really hard and a headbutt to finish.

Then he would have spit his teeth inside his face diaper.

What kind of fascists force people to wear muzzle outside? Why do people comply?

68 millions people in France, 200 000 cops (including gestapo thugs)…

They are overwhelmed, still the people obey…


Jun 16, 2021 4:02 PM

Perhaps the psychopaths are treating this global ‘vaccination’ campaign as a referendum on tyranny and The Great Reset. If a sufficient number of people get injected voluntarily, in their sick minds they can justify the implementation of a global totalitarian system as something the masses have consented to and therefore all fault lies with the masses. Speculation of course but it wouldn’t surprise me if that is their perverse line of thinking.

Jun 16, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  kevin

They used the same logic on the EU referendum

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jun 16, 2021 2:30 PM

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters calls Mark Zuckerberg ‘a little pr**k’ …


Well done Roger, now come to your senses re Scam-19.

Jun 16, 2021 2:28 PM

Dr Yeadon, from Robin Monotti’s Telegram feed::

“I wonder how many of us have ever read this short but seminal document?
Not many. I was aware it existed but I doubt I could have named more than half a dozen of my inalienable human rights.
Why so?
Those us who’ve lived lives of privilege & safety have had no want to read such a list. We’ve bathed in its glow without thought of the sacrifices others gave to make these rights possible.
Those who’ve lived lives under oppression also rarely read this list, for they know it’s useless in the face of the boot & the weapon.
Now people like me begin to appreciate what that feels like. I no longer have any rights. The UN Declaration never anticipated anything like what’s happening. Only that nations might be at war, individuals might commit crimes against us or an individual state might oppress its citizens or individuals.
Nothing in human imaginings matches up to our current threat, where an unseen force has taken over much of the world.
But I share these Declared Human Rights to remind us of that threat.
No one is coming to save us. In this war against the world there are no ‘Allies’, no Neutral Countries.
You know what’s happening is wrong. No ‘pandemic’ justifies the suspension of your human rights. Those of us with Agency are in my view OBLIGATED to stand up & get involved. That’s because our fellow humans who don’t have Agency utterly depend on you for their protection & salvation from this imminent tyranny.
I say to you that you must object with vigour & persistence.
You are charged with this obligation TODAY & every day until this dark threat is thrown back from whence it came.
Literally, there is nothing more important than this.
Play your part, or be a pitiful excuse for a human being.
When your children or grandchildren ask you “What did you do in the war for the world?”, what do you want to be able to say?
Please – get involved right now & stay fixed on vanquishing this evil force.
Thank you!
Dr Mike Yeadon”


Big B
Big B
Jun 16, 2021 3:49 PM
Reply to  Tony

“Your human rights” are the crux of the problem. The “inviolable rights” to the good life were only ever extended to liberals if they conformed, consumed, and upheld an equality of juridicopolitical ‘rights’ for others to pursue liberty through private property. Those rights were never extended globally, only ever to the North. Everyone else is subject to exclusion, “sovereign ban” and can be used indiscriminatly as human-capital and natural-capital to keep the North’s ‘rights’ of eudaemonia, privation, and hegemoney in place. The South is the negative ground of extractivist privation and enslavement upon which ‘right’ is based.

While the North pursues the good life by right (tou euzen, bios): the South has the right to produce for the North and clean up its waste. Its ‘good’ life is reduced to “bare life” (tou zen, zoe) via charity, philanthrocapitalist aid, and ‘development loans’ with strings (SAPs) and compound interest attached. This ensures the South can never develop, by Right. The Divergence and apartheid Divide of north from South is a permanent feature of global rights theory. We live in a “Global Rechtsstaat” where nearly everyone is excluded by Right. Perhaps 90% of humanity. These are the already sacrificed of Right: the “Homo Sacer” brought to our attention by Agamben, Mbembe, Foucault and others. This is the “nomos of the camps,” borders, and plantations on the dark “nocturnal” face of liberal democracy. The one no one wants to see.

Global Rights theory is biopolitical and now necropolitical. No one has any rights any more, and they are being withdrawn daily. The best thing anyone can do to resist this is abandon libertarian global rights theory and embrace humanity. Everyone is in fact equal, only some are more equal than others, by Right to privatised property. Such a morality is indeed insanity.

Jun 16, 2021 4:25 PM
Reply to  Big B

If you read Dr Yeadon’s statement again, you may notice that your complaint is addressed: “Those us who’ve lived lives of privilege & safety have had no want to read such a list. We’ve bathed in its glow without thought of the sacrifices others gave to make these rights possible.
Those who’ve lived lives under oppression also rarely read this list, for they know it’s useless in the face of the boot & the weapon.
Now people like me begin to appreciate what that feels like. I no longer have any rights.”

Jun 16, 2021 8:53 PM
Reply to  Big B

I never believed in human rights, only in human duties.

“The Duties of Man” by Mazzini.

Jun 16, 2021 3:57 PM
Reply to  Tony


We are born with innate rights above all governments and authorities. It’s pure evil and misdirection for anyone to ever suggest that these illegitimate orgs such as the UN run, owned and controlled by Masonic Psychopaths give us rights or declare what our rights are. It’s unbelievable that society is so brainwashed to believe that these corrupt institutions that continually murder millions have any authority whatsoever over a single man, woman or child.

Jun 16, 2021 11:59 PM
Reply to  Tony

Here here.

Jun 17, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  Tony

Whoever governs has always used real or imaginry crises to tyrannise. “Democratic” leaders and subverted legislators feel doubly entitled to do so.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 16, 2021 2:23 PM

Published June 4, 2021

Don’t worry. Be happy!

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jun 16, 2021 4:08 PM

I love Bigtree. Thanks for posting.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 16, 2021 2:10 PM

WHO: Yes, there is no evidence. >

Lipid Nanoparticles : Dr Richard Fleming (bitchute.com)

Jun 16, 2021 12:54 PM

WHO propaganda:


Couple of highlights:
1) “The mRNA in the vaccine has not been shown to incorporate itself into the genes of vaccine recipients”.
Has it been shown not to?
2) “We do not yet know how long protection from any of these vaccines lasts.”
Leaving their options open. One might almost think it’ll be as many boosters as they think they can get away with. Later on they still push the fallacy that many of their lovely vaccines confer life-long immunity just in case anyone starts losing faith with them in the face of a life spent being jabbed.

Their whole thrust is that the vaccines are safe for most people. Implication: for those they aren’t, they’re really to blame. Some of you people are just not good enough for our vaccines. Time to reach for that Brecht quote about the East German elections…

Jun 16, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Interestingly, ‘They’ are the ones telling us that their injections target DNA. But, as with other things related to this hoax, they contradict themselves. They simply aren’t, and won’t be, straight with us. I was surprised that Dawn Lester had an article on her and her partner’s website stating that there’s no proof that the injections can alter DNA. I found the tone to be off. That’s not the point. They are telling us that that’s the goal and the science is not mysterious, as Andrew Kaufman has pointed out. When he first discussed that with Spiro Skouras, they later learned that Andrew’s statements had been fact-checked (by censors) and found to be incorrect. Spiro then had Andrew back on to respond to that. Check it out.

Jun 16, 2021 1:40 PM
Reply to  Arby

We should not take for granted anything “they“ (the authorities) claim that has not yet been proven.

Until there is proven evidence that there is a spike protein vector or mRNA in ALL the injectable pathogens and it’s those ingredients that are specifically causing deaths and injuries it could easily be an obfuscation for nanotech or the hydrogel or even another chemical, compound or metal that is unlisted in some of these injectables. And who is to say how many of these injectables have consistent ingredients? It’s not as if there’s any reliable GMP at biotechs or pharmaceutical corporations.

It could be several things simultaneously contributing to illnesses after injection. And we won’t know until enough of the batches of vaccines have been analyzed. It’s always a mistake to think in terms of absolutes because there are no absolutes when dealing with psychopaths and frauds in government and PhRMA.

There are a number of weapons being deployed simultaneously. Be aware that fear and negative thinking creates illness. Hand sanitizers contain toxins that create illness. Masks contains toxins and fibers that can create illness. The PCR tests contains toxins and hydrogel that can create illness. Increased EMF-EMR can create illness. The adjuvants in the vaccines can create illnesses. All the people that have been exposed to the injectables have also been exposed to a number of other toxins.

The point is that there is more than one weapon being deployed, so creating mass confusion and mass obfuscation is the ultimate goal of the controllers, along with mass poisoning of populations.

Jun 16, 2021 2:47 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Bottom line: Poison is poison. The exact composition and source doesn’t matter. The poison, first and foremost, consists in people who sell their souls. From that poison comes all others. That’s my point about ruin.

PCR tests use hydrogel?

Jun 16, 2021 3:41 PM
Reply to  Arby


And ETO.

And there are numerous stories and reports of deaths from the swabs.

And most people don’t understand what is happening within society let alone within this psy-op. So they are not to blame for being covertly poisoned in other ways such as the masks, tests and hand sanitizers. Especially children.

Jun 16, 2021 8:50 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thanks Researcher.

I have seen the pdf before. I was suspicious of it then. I do not have the competence to grasp everything laid out, but I can decide whether it looks funny or not. (Who else, who I might know about, and who is anti-covid 1984, knows about and takes seriously that pdf, if I may ask?) Trying to get a feel for the genuineness of the article, what I would do is examine the way the author(s) use language, but when their first language isn’t English, I can’t use that method effectively. (I have to say, “pre-desire” is a nonsense phrase. I’d be interested in knowing exactly what that refers to.) ETO, ethylene oxide, is interesting. “ethylene oxide is normally produced in massive quantities and is often an intermediate for ethylene glycol.” What is the connection, I wonder, to polyethylene glycol (PEG), which RFK was warning the authorities about, in connection with their injections. When I looked at the list of medications that include that problematic chemical, I was not happy to see that my blood pressure medicine, Irbesartan, uses it. (I have stopped using it, and the doctor who prescribed it to me.) Also, Because of my kidney stone problems (probably solved by now by my use of Chanca Piedra), I was having myself ultrasounded periodically. That means the use of ultrasound gel, another source of PEG.

Jun 16, 2021 11:46 PM
Reply to  Arby

Blood pressure meds are overprescribed since the guideline numbers are continually being changed to support the use of selling more meds, unnecessarily. Effective management of BP can usually be achieved with various foods such as organic Ceylon cinnamon and Hibiscus tea. Both of which, have other nutritional benefits. Do your own research, as you obviously have done for the kidney stone.

It was obvious from the start those tests were highly suspicious. The tests are dangerous and unnecessary.

Jun 17, 2021 1:30 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I didn’t know about the cinnamon although I knew it was good for me. I just happen to eat organic cinnamon regularly, but not often. All my groceries are organic. I try to regularly eat a piece of toast with blueberry jam, honey and cinnamon. I’m pretty sure that that’s a power boost. But I’m still waiting on the power…

Jun 19, 2021 1:56 PM
Reply to  Arby

Greek yogurt with blueberries, Ceylon cinnamon with half a dozen almonds or a couple of walnut halves would be better. Ceylon cinnamon has less coumarin.

Jun 20, 2021 12:31 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Blueberries (a so-called superfood) and apples are two foods that become dangerous if they’re not organic. It’s because of the particular pesticides used on the conventional crops. I avoid almonds, even though they possess more protein than beef. The reason is that they are exposed to some really nasty stuff. Even the organic almonds are exposed, such is the power of the chemical cartel and big ag. I used to visit Cornucopia Institute (website) all the time. It may be there that I learned that. I don’t visit since they’ve gone over to the dark side in covid 1984. But it was there that I learned about the destruction of the certification organizations thanks to big ag. It’s so bad that farmers came up with a new certification logo so that people wouldn’t be fooled into buying organic that isn’t actually organic. I don’t whether that got any traction.

Jun 17, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  Arby

In case you still have problems with the kidney stones: A friend of mine used fresh parsley root to dissolve his kidney stones in a couple of days. Parsley is one of the most healthy plants you can eat, great to have in the garden. Curly parsley, in the cold regions, can overwinter to -At least -23C , you can’t harvest much but cut it down before winter, will regrow when ground thaws. The curly parsley fresh cut greens are exceptional in that they can be cut and put in the freezer taken out thawed and used, tasting and texture not much different than fresh parsley. Italian or flat leaf parsley good too not quite as cold tolerant but a few plants managed over to survive the cold and the rodents which seem to prefer the root—usually a good sign of more medicinal value, and for kidney stones I would choose the Italian parsley root.

Jun 17, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  fame

Thanks. I guess I’ll stick with the Chanca Piedra. I would have also liked to get my hands on hydrangea but it was harder to get hold of. I have no interest in seeing a doctor (ever again actually) and so I’ll have way of knowing whether my stones are dissolving, although, from how my body feels, I’m pretty sure that they are.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jun 17, 2021 3:23 AM
Reply to  Researcher

‘Searcher, my dear! Quick drop-in to say how great you are and how glad I am you’re back/still here.

Ol’ Fact Checker is kind of sour on Off-G because of certain trolls that really came to dominate the space. And then it seemed some favorites, including you, disappeared! But here you are, and better than ever. Peace & Gravity!

Jun 17, 2021 5:07 AM
Reply to  Fact Checker

‘Checker! So good to see you. I totally relate. It’s exhausting reading the litterings of the moral relativists; the brainwashed minions of the “evildoers”.  Don’t let anyone near you and yours with any sharp objects! Or dull wits. 

Jun 19, 2021 1:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

There are a number of weapons being deployed simultaneously. Be aware that fear and negative thinking creates illness. Hand sanitizers contain toxins that create illness. Masks contains toxins and fibers that can create illness. The PCR tests contains toxins and hydrogel that can create illness. Increased EMF-EMR can create illness. The adjuvants in the vaccines can create illnesses. All the people that have been exposed to the injectables have also been exposed to a number of other toxins.
Which is why I don’t mask up,don’t do hand sanitizer and surround myself with the love of my children. I never will test,or have any family member tested. And never fear,fear and the stress it causes is the greatest strain on our bodies ability to rid itself of toxins.

Jun 19, 2021 1:43 PM
Reply to  Nick

Exactly. Which is probably the number one reason why I try to find out what’s coming and what’s really happening. So I don’t have to live in fear. Two people that I’ve found helpful are Jason Christoff and Mark Passio.

Jun 20, 2021 12:41 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Mark turned off comments on his YouTube channel. I don’t approve. Does he have a good reason for that?

Jun 20, 2021 1:10 AM
Reply to  Arby

I would turn off comments too if I was him.

Jun 20, 2021 1:26 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I just don’t like to be preached at. If I can’t speak back…

I listened to him for quite a few minutes before deciding that he wasn’t my cup of tea. He seemed to take 20 minutes to say something that should have taken a couple of seconds. ‘The anarchist community is mostly traitorous.’

But, To each his own. If they can shut us down with flood of hostile comments, then they’ve won. To be honest, I don’t stay where I’m not wanted. I don’t want to. But I don’t see how the comments he draws can prevent him from giving his message. And it’s up to him whether he wants to allow those comments to influence him. But, as I said, to each his own. You’ve obviously listened to more of him than I have and so you get something from his presentations. Then I’m sure that there’s something there. I’m just not drawn. Later…

Jun 20, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  Arby

If you go back to his earlier videos and watch them as posted from first to last, (8 years ago) you’ll see that he has been trying to educate people about what they are really up against for a long time. I’ve also listened to the much earlier podcasts on his website. He does belabor the point at times. I agree with that. He could probably benefit from some editing.

Overall, I like his style. I think he is spot on. Although I think he’s wrong about the pyramids, the Sphinx, and Ghandi. But other than those and a few anomalies here and there, he’s helped me understand a lot more about Freemasonry.

As an ex Church of Satan/Freemason member he probably does not want to engage directly with his audience and doesn’t care what others think of him or about him. And I don’t blame him (or anyone) for that perspective.

Jun 20, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  Researcher


Jun 20, 2021 7:36 PM
Reply to  Arby

There’s also Amandha Vollmer. From a naturopathic perspective.

Jun 20, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I’m familiar with her. On some things, we agree. But we are not on the same wavelength.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jun 16, 2021 2:06 PM
Reply to  Arby

Regarding the above two posts, the vaccine pushers are dishonestly trying to push the onus of evidence on to the sceptics. That’s not how evidence works in any setting. They need to demonstrate their product is reasonably safe and benefits outweigh risks. That’s the default position and the fact they they don’t, shows they are stupid and reckless beyond belief or part of something even more disturbing.

Jun 17, 2021 1:35 AM
Reply to  Loverat 8

I just read through the smallpox and polio sections in “What Really Makes You Ill.” Professional scam artists in the medical system, itself a scam, are probably in the majority. There’s no other way to explain the success of a system that is demonstrably not fit for purpose. I’m going to excerpt, and upload to the cloud, those two sections of Dawn Lester and David Parker’s book. What a great book! I’ve got two more copies coming in the mail, one for my brother and one for my cousin. Powell’s, incidentally, is a great bookstore. Customer service is stellar. Call them and they answer and actually help you get what you want.

Jun 19, 2021 1:46 PM
Reply to  Arby

Just be careful with possible copyright infringement. You could contact them and ask how much you can excerpt with their permission, under fair use.

Jun 20, 2021 12:22 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I will think of it. I always practice attribution (although I’m taking liberties with my memes). This is why I like articles. I can link to articles. Although I also do excerpts of articles. I even suggested to Dawn that they do more articles. She directed me to her videos. Then I responded that it was a video of theirs that brought her site to my attention. And I added that there’s nothing wrong with articles, to which she responded with ‘maybe we could do more articles’. I can use excerpts from articles and books in my posters and, more easily than vids, in my blog.

Jun 16, 2021 1:15 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Side effects are a sign of weakness. That’s actually in the SPARS document. As more people are crippled, paralyzed or blinded behavioural psychologists should tell people their injuries are their own fault. See SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators. 

Jun 20, 2021 12:26 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

My brother is not clued in at all. He’s finished his brutal course of barbaric cancer treatments (radiation and chemo) and now has to wait until he can eat solid food again. He said that he has to be careful because his immune system is weakened. He told me that after telling me that he got his two covid ‘vaccines’. I was very disturbed to hear that. I let him know why that was not a good idea. I hate hitting him with info that he hates to hear because I don’t want to agitate him. But hell! When he said that he was fragile and had to be careful because of his weakened state, I let him know that in that case getting injected with poison was not a good idea.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jun 16, 2021 1:50 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The people were apparently ungrateful – the nerve of them! According to Brecht therefore: ”The people should be dissolved and another one elected.”

Jun 16, 2021 12:41 PM

If you can prove that the NIH and WHO got their treatment guidelines right, you could win $2M. Of course, no one can prove any such thing, so its safe to offer a big prize. Clever.

Jun 16, 2021 11:59 AM
Jun 16, 2021 10:54 AM

65,000 people most of them not masked attended the Hungary v Portugal game in Budapest yesterday (June 15th 2021). It is interesting to me that in general Eastern Europeans have been skeptical of this hoax all along. This is noticeable in Ireland if you ask the average Easterner you will almost invariably find a skeptic. This I think is because living under Communism they are familiar with bullshit Government ‘stories’
I wonder how NHPHET the Irish equivalent of SAGE would explain away how 65,000 can gather mostly without masks and not suffer some health calamity as a result. This shows what a scam the whole thing is we are being held to ransom by a total fiction.

Jun 16, 2021 1:03 PM
Reply to  Patrick

‘This shows what a scam the whole thing is we are being held to ransom by a total fiction.’

Yes absolutely Patrick – I watched the crowd in that game and there were hardly any masks to be seen. It looked like an ‘old normal’ football crowd.
I sometimes watch English lower league football via livestream.
The play-offs have had crowds of around 3000 mostly unmasked, no social distancing, many of them dancing and singing together.
Then of course there are the many large protests/marches/gatherings of thousands of people in major cities all around the world which have taken place in the last year or so.

Jun 16, 2021 4:31 PM
Reply to  Patrick

‘This shows what a scam the whole thing is we are being held to ransom by a total fiction.’

Just another thought : Do all these thousands of spectators get ‘tested’ ? I haven’t heard of any stories of people not being allowed entry due to a ‘test’ result.
If The Killer Virus was really so prevalent, surely there would be hundreds of people being turned away? And the MSM would then have a field day reporting it?

Jun 16, 2021 9:10 AM

Somewhat at a tangent but the Morning Star today has ‘Police stood by’ as anti-lockdown thugs attacked journo. BBC Newsnight journalist Nick Watt attracted some hostile attention at a demo in London on Monday. A Daily Mail online report mentions that a 57-year-old man has been charged.
I tend to be a little amused by people on the left complaining when the police do not act.

Jun 16, 2021 9:58 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

I used it as a demonstration of how the news is biased to my wife and her friend. I played the 3.5min clip showing the whole thing, then 3 shortened versions ~40 seconds each in the MSM.

Then I read out a couple of MSM articles, the mocking immitation voices I used for the dozen or more reaction “opinions” of the outraged politicos/celebs was my best performance 🙂

I’d like to think they were both rolling around laughing at my comedy skills, but the reality is they were rolling around laughing at the extreme hyperbole of the MSM framing of it.

Watt was never in any danger, there were 50+ dayglo storm troopers never more than 20ft from him. Watching him scuttle back into No.10 just confirmed the special relationship the BBC enjoys with gov to the crowd.

I’m guessing the 57yo they arrested is the beardy guy who only shouted at Watt close up on film, there was a younger guy who tried to stop Watt running away by grabbing his shoulder, technically that’s assault, and the only offence I witnessed. The whole thing was a nothing burger in reality.

Jun 16, 2021 10:20 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

I’ve frequently been on demos with as much aggro, or quite a bit more. I think people should get out more. Like death, mildly unpleasant experiences in life are inevitable.
It may be a little healthy for them to realise people are starting to get angry about this thing, even though the beardy was holding a can and possibly alcohol had released his restraints a bit.

Jun 16, 2021 10:50 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

if they could charge him with being mildly unpleasent they mite have a case (lol)

But they’ll probably hang something on him, to justify their outrage, and if so it would be another mockery of the justice system.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jun 16, 2021 11:23 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

He’ll probably be in the next cell to Julian Assange for an indeterminate period, for an undetermined crime.

Jun 17, 2021 3:40 AM

A sad reminder of how Arrange is being abused by the justice system. And they have the nerve to complain about Putin.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jun 16, 2021 11:22 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

Interesting clip wasn’t it? My first thought was why the BBC would turn up . They rarely report on other demos.

While I am against intimidation I do understand the reaction of the crowd. Vernon Coleman sums up the role of the BBC well. You have to wonder if such journalists actually believe what they report. I suspect some still do, including senior journalists. It’s quite fascinating in a way.

Jun 16, 2021 12:16 PM
Reply to  Loverat 8

Fascinating yes. Did you see Watt appraoch the ‘Resistance GB’ guy because he thought he was from GB News, as if he’d found a kindred spirit, the ‘oh shit’ moment when he realised it wasn’t GB News but was .alt media was almost palpable, that’s when the Benny Hill scene started (lol)

Not sure why he was there, he was probably on his way into Downing St/press office, I don’t think the BBC were actually filming, coulda been natural, coulda been set up <shrug>. If there’s a outrage piece on Newsnight about the rise in poor MSM journos being abused because .alt media (or ‘right wing’ media) are promoting ‘conspiracy theories’ calling for some sort of legislation/control then it was probably set up, just as likely considering the ‘antichrist’ performance of the GB Resistance guy who got it all on film, Watt did seem to head straight for him initially, maybe the ‘oh shit’ moment was all staged… hmmm that would make sense.

Do they believe what they report? I expect they don’t even stop to think about it, they have a programmed frame/context they have to make everything fit, a bit like everyone else. Until they get a peak behind the curtain the prevaling image remains intact, the peak behind the curtain mite leave a few cracks in the image, but it won’t shatter without a whole lot of personal research questioning the official narrative.

Watching people like Dellingpole, Anna Brees and some other ex MSM types kinda walk their own roads to Damascus has left me with a lot more empathy for the unenlightened sleepyheads tbh. I got my first peak behind the curtain 25 yrs ago, I went through the 5 stages of grief for my world view a long time ago, so it’s easy to forget just how hard it was at the time.

Jun 16, 2021 12:55 PM
Reply to  Loverat 8

People would like to take their anger out on senior politicians, but they can’t. The Johnsons, Bidens are well guarded and kept remote. Gone are the days you could just walk down Downing Street, which I remember doing in the 1980s.
I suspect someone with a Beeb lanyard was a substitute.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jun 16, 2021 3:03 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

Yes but I also think journalists are now much more puppets of the government in power. Just as the government are puppets of Tedros, Gates and Co. I suspect all will be in the dock when Nuremberg 2 happens. So a BBC journalist is equally if not more responsible for the mass murder and misery over the last 15 months. At least as far as protesters who know the command structures involved.

Jun 17, 2021 4:42 AM
Reply to  Loverat 8

Governments and the media are independent and separate organs of the bankster controlled world government. The media can and has brought down governments when the latter fall out of favour.

Big B
Big B
Jun 16, 2021 9:01 AM

The WEF was founded in 1971, a neoliberal necropolitical institution par excellence. But it is an effect, not a cause, of the set of convergent forces culminating right now. For the cause – the First Cause – its deterministic forces and principles – the First Principles (aitai and archai) you have to go a bit further back in historicism, to discover the individuating principles in our shared psychohistory. I will maintain to my dying day, the psychopathology is an a series of bad dogmas and even worse authoritarian transmissions that are immemorial, but for want of a turning point – the Axial Age can be said to start from the Platonic Dialogues ….when speech turned to writing.

Which might seem an uncommon view to the becoming rabid “blame them” agenda intrinsic in nearly every article published in the last 16 months or so. But the WEF has sweet FA to do with this. Or rather, it is a relatively recent effect of forces of generation and evolution – that is cultural evolution – that are two and a half millennia old. No one wants to do the hard graft and seek the true causes, and the WEF seems a suitable acronym to let off ineffectual steam at. “Toot, Toot” ….the causes of separation are still in play unseen.

The Axial Age can be simplified as mankinds separation from nature, the creation of a nature culture divide, what is called “distanciation” between the inner and outer landscapes ….to the point of separation, and the inward journey away from the senses to internal sensing and narratisation of the inner world ….self-consciousness privileged over actual sensual integration between the inner world and the outer. To the point that sapience can be said to be separated from sentience, and percepts separated from concepts forming ‘two worlds’ of the sensible realm (mundis sensibilis) and the intelligible realm. Even leaving aside the fact that the intelligible realm (mundus intelligibilis) is deemed to be invisible and supernatural with only limited ‘priestly’ and ‘scientific’ access ….this is the Absurd.

Camus defined Absurdism as such a split between man and nature: and the angst and anxiogenic meaninglessness this entails. Which he defined decades before the WEF. Ergo: the WEF is an effect of an already meaningless world on the cusp of Absurdism. A borderline we since crossed.

On a personal note: I find it stressful all the negative projection onto suitable acronyms and suitable ‘Bond Villain’ archetypes that suffices for real investigation into the causes of our separation. The WEF did not separate mankind from nature: mankind separated mankind from nature ….and the WEF is one aspect of the effects of such an imaginary distanciation and inward migration away from the senses into ….Well, if we knew about that, the return to sense and the healing of separation could begin. Because we cannot actually move away from nature at all, sense and sapience are always unified, the sensible is intelligible, concepts are percepts, etc.

The ‘down’ button is on the right: the return button on the left. Another 16 months on and the descent into nonbeing continues. The return to sense, a putative “Sapient Return” is reversing Absurdism and “overturning Platonism” and “ending samsara” and the unification of mind and body and a whole lot more. So long as people make up pseudorealities of causal efficacies of acronyms and Bond villain archetypal caricatures, so long and so deep the causal descent goes on whilst the real cause of causality and determinism goes scot free.

“The medium is the ego massage” which shaped the acronymic “spectacular” pseodoreality and the Bond villain mentality. In another 16 months it probably still will. There is no ‘them and us’ outside the grammar of the media: and I got that straight from McCluhan. Over the next 16 months, someone else could do worse than actually read Innis, McCluhan, Jaspers, Fromm, Camus, or anyone else that was seeking the “third way” between the extremes.

Put most succinctly: there is no way out of this but the Way. And quite how we resolve the extremes of eternalism and nihilism has yet to be imagined. Let alone become grammatical and logical. Everything else is language-gamification. We are stuck in a causal memory loop, an Eternal Return bouncing between the two absolute extremes of the grammatical media we use. If you want to know what that means: ask McCluhan.

Jun 16, 2021 7:44 AM

Those of “the-virus-doesn’t-exist” position will like this new Dr. Kaufman video.

I personally find it remarkably parallel to the arguments used for flat earth. Please note that Dr. Kaufman contents himself with criticizing the science of virology, but HE DOES NOT ADVANCE AN ALTERNATIVE THEORY TO EXPLAIN CONTAGIOUS ILLNESS.
Science advances by progressing from one theory to a better one– one which better explains reality.

Dr. K criticizes virology for not meeting his imagined ideal of Koch’s postulates, which is for bacteria (and not completely correct even for bacteria), not for viruses. We have no alternate theory to the clearly incomplete viral theory.

In the case of Covid we do clearly have a disease albeit exaggerated in its numbers by TPTB. I doubt his portrayal of virology is accurate, though of course we all must find fault w PCR, etc. Anyway this is the most complete statement I’ve found by Dr. K.

Jun 16, 2021 8:34 AM
Reply to  Penelope
  • Dr. K criticizes virology for not meeting his imagined ideal of Koch’s postulates,

his imagined ideal professional scientist standard

  • which is for bacteria (and not completely correct even for bacteria), not for viruses.

For viruses there’s an adaptation called River’s postulates.

  • We have no alternate theory to the clearly incomplete viral theory.

We have plenty of alternatives, they’re together called alternative medicine, and as for their justification, there’s a comprehensive recent talk by Stefan Lanka:


Respect, Penelope

Jun 16, 2021 10:37 AM
Reply to  Dors

Stefan Lanka goes as far as saying viruses are not infective and do not cause disease.

I still stand by what he is saying and hope to see further exploration of these assertions as we move on from this ridiculous farse.

The other theories start with exploring terain theory as opposed to germ theory or a combination of the two.

Evidence based medicine and New German Medicine are other terms being used to describe what will hopefully replace much of what we call alopathic medicine today.

Based on what I’ve seen being discussed over the past year or so, I can see how the “science” of virology will be rewritten or become obsolete. And due to the knock on effect throughout the whole parmaceutical industry much of what was considered accepted medical practice will be viewed as archaic.

A holistic understanding of what creates and maintains good health will arise and there’s absolutely nothing the industry can do about it.

If the survivors of the jab foolishness can swallow their pride after realising how wrong they were, they will sheepishly accept the new paradigm as if it was always true.

Jun 17, 2021 3:31 AM
Reply to  Tsubion

Tsubion, I think that holistic understanding of what creates & maintains good health has already arisen. What the Rockefeller-dominated health industry has done about it is to control the subject matter taught in the medical schools.

As you know, they also control what treatments are covered by medicare and by other insurance coverage– and research dollars. And they propagandize about the “safety” of emf. They control govt so that there is no impediment to incredible toxins in our food and environment.

Dr. Mercola has covered the vast majority of alternative medicine through his interviews and writings. And there are many newer voices coming forward on every topic from Alzheimer’s (the Bredesen Protocol) to dietary correction (avoidance of vegetable oils & too many carbs.

But I think none of the great promise of alternative medicine will be greatly disseminated until we free ourselves from the gangster PTB.

Jun 16, 2021 10:38 AM
Reply to  Dors

Dors, did you read the Lanka Vs Bardens court cases, and the 6 papers Bardens used in his evidence?

Personally I don’t think the whole bet thing did Lankas position any good at all, it was an effectively no-win scenario, even though Barden effectively proved the existance of the measels virus with 6 papers, it was not “a single paper” which left Lanka (being the ultimate arbtrator/judge of the bet) wiggle room to deny the prize.

@Penelope: The trouble with the wider debate is that both sides, those who actually engage in promoting “No such thing as a virus” or those debunking it, engage in hyperboil, to the point both sides lack any credibility, equally. (talking about credentialed speakers here rather than random internet posters)

I’ve learnt more from people like Yeadon, Bhakdi, Malone.

Taking everything I’ve studied in the last ~18 months into account, I’m of the opinion there is a realatively mild corona virus knocking about, I am inclined to think it was released on purpose (as instructed in BIS/WHO planning documents “by 2020”) to enable tracking and modeling of a pandemic virus, whilst also enabling a huge money grab/transfer of wealth and the “lock step” rollout of a global totalitarian technocacy.

Jun 16, 2021 11:23 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

“even though Barden[sic] effectively proved the existance of the measels virus with 6 papers”

Lol, no.

Here’s a longer review/debate around the Lanka vs Barden “measles trial” – from someone (Romanian) who actually attended it.


And Lankas own writeup


Jun 16, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  Magnus

Thanks for that Magnus, interesting debate.

It’s similar to the court case, the evidence for existance is presented, but because it doesn’t fit the narrow criteria defined in the challenge, the blogger remains convinced of victory same as Lanka.

The existence of viruses is also largely determined through inference.
Most viruses are too small to see even through a microscope, and they
can’t be easily grown in a dish like bacteria. Viruses are identified
through isolating antibodies to them, isolating viral proteins,
demonstrating biochemical activity, demonstrating disease activity, and
eventually taking electron micrographs of viral particles. Taken
together this evidence can be absolutely definitive

If there’s no virus you have to explain the illness that is apparently caused by the virus. Reportedly Lanka claims measles is a psychosomatic illness!

I believe from personal experiance some illnesses are transmissable, weather the transmissable agent is “isolated” or not, measles is one of them, so is chicken pox, herpes, flu, a very bad cold. a sliight cold (man flu lol)

Jun 16, 2021 4:04 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Symptoms of illness do not prove the existence of a molecule that has never been found.

In your world, aliens are real because someone claimed they saw them. And then some crop circles were observed nearby. It’s the same kind of fallacy and magical thinking.

Jun 16, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Barden didn’t prove the existence of the virus. Those papers are all based on fraud. They are written by Freemason virologists.

Jun 16, 2021 2:55 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Lankas right because illuminati confirmed, classic 😀

Jun 16, 2021 4:00 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Typical strawman bullshit from someone who believes in things that are not real and have no basis in any evidence whatsoever.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 16, 2021 9:11 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You know for sure which is which, what’s real and what isn’t, do you, R? Wish you’d explain the knack for achieving such god-like certainty. No-one else knows how to do that, and be right every time.

Of course, rabid bigots think they can. And they always have the special right never to have to look at evidence that doesn’t suit their prejudices. I meet that all the time in psi research: gobby Randi-oid authoritarians who KNOW it’s all bollocks, yet they haven’t the barest familiarity with all – or indeed any – of the very high grade experimental work that’s been accumulated in the field by now, demonstrating as well as any rigorous scientific protocol can that it’s real.

When you have rabid certainty, you can lay down the law authoritatively, without the need for mere evidence. LOL!

Jun 16, 2021 11:12 PM

Because I can FRIGGIN READ. And I took the time to comb through every piece of evidence as to what the virologists are doing and there is no question they are committing outright fraud.

Yes. I have total certainty because poisons are what make people ill. And that’s been proven time and time again, that these so-called diseases are eradicated when people are given certain vitamins such as C, D, and A specifically with regard to measles.

There is no physical evidence of viruses. None. So stop claiming they exist when you haven’t read the literature. The literature does not support their existence one iota.

Every molecule on earth can be isolated and chemically characterized yet viruses can’t? Why? Because they don’t exist.

They are a PROGRAM IN YOUR MIND AND ON TELEVISION to sell vaccines. They are a way for the government, chemical and drug companies to avoid being sued into oblivion for poisoning populations.

The physical evidence to support the virus theory does not exist. Virologists came up with a fake way of poisoning cell cultures to make it appear that they found something that they couldn’t isolate but they could claim affect cell cultures. But when controls are used NOTHING HAPPENS. Do you understand yet?

Virologists are poisoning cell cultures are pretending there is a foreign substance there but they cannot find it or isolate it so instead they just add more poisons and create a fraudulent and meaningless test to pretend they found something. Then they invent a genome on a computer.

And you and the rest of the virus propagandists are just too lazy to explore the evidence and research it for yourself. Because if you really cared about the truth instead of paying it lip service you’d realize that all virus believers are the same as any knuckle dragging, slack jawed, mouth breathing, illiterate who trusts the word of proven liars and murderers like PhRMA and DARPA.

Jun 17, 2021 4:18 AM

Rhisiart, you’re right– best to keep an open mind. As a child I saw a water dowser with a twig find the right location to dig for water. (The twig only makes more apparent the developed sense of the dowser to the presence of water.)

As an adult a species of kinesiology called NAET was practiced to identify my grapefruit allergy. I didn’t tell the practitioner (Gayla MacKenzie in San Diego) that my allergy was to grapefruit. She had me hold a number of vials aloft w/o telling me the identity of the essences within. In each case I withstood her modest pressure on my arm– until suddenly my arm was without any strength & she said, “I see you are sensitive to grapefruit.” I then held the vial and rested while she applied accupressure. I eat as much grapefruit as I like now.

Jun 16, 2021 4:48 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

If you believe these liars and frauds then why haven’t you taken the vaccine? Since you believe in consensus versus physical proof and actual evidence. You should get the flu vaccine too. Since flu viruses are real, just like measles.

Jun 17, 2021 8:33 AM
Reply to  Researcher

mate just quote what you’re talking about, I can defend my own words but not you’re interpretation of them.

I’ve read the court case docs, the bloggers posts who attended, Lankas version, and a shed load more besides, I remain unconvined by Lankas arguments. Not because it’s a consensus or not, because I came to this position on the weight of evidence, and my own personal experiances with transmissable illnesses.

The vaccine (and a lot of other vax) looks dodgy AF – doesn’t mean there’s no viruses.

You agree with Lanka measeles is psychosomatic? I don’t, his conclusion leaves me doubting his whole thesis.

I keep an open mind, try to keep emotion out of it (as that is an indication of programming) nothing is “Proven” at this point, something causes transmissable illnesses IMO, weather thats a virus they can’t isolate or something else seems rather inconsiquential atm.

what do you think causes aparent transmissable illnesses?

Jun 17, 2021 1:04 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Measles, like all viral illnesses do not exist when people are given supplemental D, A and C. All alleged viral illnesses are two things: Poisoning or nutritional deficiencies. There is no physical or scientific evidence for any virus, ever. None. The particles have never been found. So stop claiming there is evidence. When nutrition was improved these “illnesses” that the Rockefeller eugenicists claimed existed, vanished. Then years later they started vaccination campaigns and pretended that their campaigns eradicated these diseases when in fact they made people very ill and knowingly murdered and sickened millions of children and babies. Controls are an essential part of any scientific experiment. The only place they are not used is virology. Because it’s completely fraudulent on every level. From the fake antibody tests, to the fake Petri dish toxic poisonings to the fraudulent genomes. You are a victim of mind control where you have willingly become the mouthpiece of liars, murderers and frauds. Not only are you wrong about this issue, (and many others) but you are actually doing evil by continuing to reinforce obvious lies. Nobody says it better than Jason Christoff.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 17, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Ok, I have a question. We know things like measles, chicken pox etc tend to occur in clusters, right? Eg when I got chicken pox my sister did also a few days later, as did several other kids in my class. Then later, it was rubella, (which we all got despite being vaccinated)

I just don’t get how a group of kids would all get the same symptoms at the same time due to poisoning or nutritional deficiency, and later all get another different set of symptoms again all at the same time and also due to poisoning or deficiency.

It just seems the contagion/infection model fits better with real life experience than this random poisoning etc you are describing.

Certain acute illnesses do seem to be transmittable, no? I got a blistery rash and fever and a few days later my sister did. Identical symptoms implying a single causative agent. Later she got the typical rubella rash and then so did I. Again implying a single causative agent.

Even if they can’t isolate viruses isn’t some type of contagion process implied simply by observation of how ‘infectious disease’ operates?

Jun 17, 2021 1:52 PM

It’s not contagion per se. It’s mass poisoning. I never got any of those diseases, so I don’t have those personal experiences. But I wasn’t vaccinated for those particular diseases. Since the tests (all viral tests not just PCR) aren’t reliable and don’t test for any virus, the symptoms of these illnesses (poisonings) are being falsely classified into viral groups. But the symptoms of cell
mediated immune response to detoxification of our bodies are the same. Fever. Chills. Skin rashes and sometimes itchy pustules depending on the type of poison exposed to en masse. The children who are vaccinated have more of those outbreaks. The unvaccinated populations don’t. Chicken pox and measles don’t occur in unvaccinated populations despite the claims of the viral proponents.

There is a vague possibility where our cells or exosomes could send an electrical signal to others within very close proximity (our electromagnetic pulses go out six feet) and if that’s the case, it would be a signal to similarly detoxify from the particular poison that the children might be similarly exposed to, but it’s still not transmission. But since not all children get chicken pox when exposed to others with it, just like most people don’t get flu when near people with flu, it’s more likely to be the phenomenon of epidemiological coincidence of simultaneous mass poison exposure, and that people are assuming transmission due to the heavy amount of mind control we are exposed to as children, when parents and teachers are subjected to governmental fear campaigns.

We only need to hear something repeated three times to believe it. That’s all it takes. That’s how lies and disinformation become part of the collective consciousness.

Jun 17, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I have a question also.

How do you get “Poisoning or nutritional deficiencies” from sexual contact, as in Herpes?

So you disagree with Lanka on some of his theories (e.g. that measles is psychosomatic)?

Jun 17, 2021 4:16 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Herpes is not transmitted. It’s a blatant lie that sexual transmission of any disease occurs. Herpes is only obtained through vaccination. Virgins get herpes. But only VACCINATED virgins. As for Lanka’s theory on measles, it’s possible that a trauma or induced shock within a classroom could elicit symptoms similar to or mistaken for “measles”. That theory would have to be tested to be validated. The nocebo and placebo effect is real, so discounting that populations who are subjected to mass trauma, mass shocks, mass radiation or mass poisonings that result in a percentage of the population sickened that mimics an outbreak is denying the obvious.

Jun 18, 2021 8:26 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You know nothing about Herpes, type 2 is cold sores, so yes virgins can get Herpes, so can babies & young children when relatives with type 2 Herpes kiss them.

Herpes is transmitted by skin contact, multiple local cases can be traced to a patient zero.

You’re so far off into arm waving territory with this I can’t engage further, we’ll just have to agree to disagree and wait for science to catch up with their new quantum microscope.

Jun 18, 2021 10:21 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

You are so far into the mind control, you are lost. It wouldn’t matter what piece of equipment that the Freemason scientists/defense department invent because they lie and obfuscate. Constantly. There is more overt fraud in science and medical research than in any other profession. You believe every lie you read because you are stuck within the fear and control Matrix of your slavemasters. They mix up Herpes 1 and 2 all the time because the tests are fraudulent. Herpes cannot be transmitted through the skin. It’s impossible. Only by vaccination. There are no patient zeros. Ever. Our cells are impervious to foreign DNA and RNA. We break all foreign nucleotides down immediately through our mucosal barriers. Anything left would be annihilated by leukocytes once in the bloodstream. They admit that fact with their new vaccines which is why they claim they need to encapsulate the mRNA and cDNA in nanolipids. To protect it from immediate disintegration. It’s ironic that they show you the fraud in a number of obvious ways like claiming that viruses are dead yet alive, have no motile function yet can fuse to cell receptors, have no energy cycle, yet can replicate, have no off switch yet can remain “dormant” and so many other anomalies they have never answered like why they can isolate an exosome but not a “virus“, yet you are still unable to see the obvious fraud.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 18, 2021 10:23 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Are you not in danger of simply replacing one set of didactic assumptions with another

Jun 18, 2021 11:10 AM

Also Sophie, the virologists are the ones who keep contradicting themselves. Their theories don’t match their claims which are contradictory. They claim they “kill” viruses. Yet they also claim that viruses are dead. How can there be a live virus if a virus is already dead? Their differential between a dead “virus” and a live “virus“ is that with the unfound, unisolated, alleged dead “virus”, they added formaldehyde to the cell culture. They did not actually alter the alleged “virus“ which cannot be isolated so is always presumed, but instead they add formaldehyde to the poison cell culture. With the cancerous VERO cells, the bovine serum, antibiotics, VTM and fungicide.

Jun 18, 2021 12:32 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Hyperbole, again. Telling me what I think, again.

The level of arrogance displayed when you tell people what they think, when you tell people what they believe, is indicative of a complete lack of objectivity,

Good day.

Jun 18, 2021 1:41 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

The “level of arrogance“? Project much? Unfortunately. I have seen your “comments” which are always fact free.

“You know nothing about Herpes, type 2 is cold sores, so yes virgins can get Herpes, so can babies & young children when relatives with type 2 Herpes kiss them.“

This is literally one of the most laughable (and arrogant) things I have read. Thanks for the laugh. Virgins are commonly diagnosed with GENITAL HERPES. Moreover, the test for HSV I and II does not test for any virus but non specific antibodies.

The WHO claims that HSV I and II both cause genital herpes. Which contradicts your “beliefs”.

“HSV-2 is the main cause of genital herpes, which can also be caused by herpes simplex virustype 1 (HSV-1).“

Jun 17, 2021 7:19 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

All diseases have psychosomatic aspects. The body affects the mind and vice versa including measles symptoms and mumps, chicken pox, broken legs and toothache to mention but a few they all include subjective mental symptoms!

Flu symptoms for example, can include depression, anxiety, painful neuritis, anorexia, cephalgia and so on. The symptoms are therefore subjective along with other objective signs.

Jun 18, 2021 8:29 AM
Reply to  -CO

Agree some aspects of illness are effected by mental state.

but a temerature is not subjective, measurable viral load is not subjective, antibodies are not subjective, cell senescence is not subjective, death is not subjective.

Jun 18, 2021 11:01 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

Now, now, let’s not slide the argument into death which I never even mentioned. If you have a temperature it can be accompanied by subjective symptoms depending on the severity – in other words you may feel crap.
Antibodies are objective, viral load is objective but is a misnomer because there is no concrete proof that it’s a measure of virus particles and nothing else. Cell senescence occurs with aging, cancer and injury and as such is objective but can also be a cause of the different subjective symptoms that accompany them.

Jun 18, 2021 1:16 PM
Reply to  -CO

Yes, I’ve agreed mental state can effect aspects of an illness, I would go so far as to say mental state can influence the immune system.

I do not believe mental state can induce objective symptoms typical of transmissable illnesses, e.g. mental state cannot induce Herpes symptoms.

Jun 16, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

From what you are saying I take it that you haven’t read all the Lanka material regarding viruses including the alleged measles virus. Barden’s papers lacked all the crucial control experiments and also failed to isolate the virus or that it was THE cause of measles.

I have pointed out numerous times that if a scientific theory is wrong then the experiments that are also dependent on theory won’t work out in scientific practice.

Dr Lanka also proved that point and demonstrated that the virus could not be isolated and therefore did not physically exist in addition to being an incoherent, in silico, computer generated model concocted by ‘alignment’ of genetic material. In other words – ‘fiddled’.

The question is why do people cling to virus explanations when they have been proven to be invalid both at the level of theory and scientific practice????

There is nothing “hyperboil” about that just the facts. The past threads re viruses testify to it based on the evidence presented if you take the trouble to read them carefully.

Jun 16, 2021 11:48 PM
Reply to  -CO

Thank you all for your replies re no-virus or its debunking. I promise never to introduce the topic again. I only did cuz I thought I owed it to the no-virusers to point out such an excellent presentation of Dr K’s views.

However, I was richly repaid in laughter at the spleen thus detonated in the comments. Ya’ know, the veracity of your arguments isn’t a function of your ability to insult the opposition.

Jun 16, 2021 11:36 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

ImpObs, I agree w everything you say, except– I am not familiar w any expert voice which is answering the no-such-thing-as-a-virus position. Just like I didn’t hear any astrophycists debunk flat earth.

If there are qualified debunkers of “no viruses”, please post links.


Jun 17, 2021 8:58 AM
Reply to  Penelope

As I said previously I find both sides who engage in the “no such thing as a virus” debate less than credible as they all use hyperbole, ad hom, and over exagerate their positions. search for “Lanka debunked” to get a gist of what I mean. It ends up like two pidgeons playing chess, they shit all over the board, knock all the pieces over, then strut about the board like they both won (lol)

All the credible people I’ve read are biologists of varying specialisations talking about how viruses work, how the various DNA/splicing technologies work, how Cov DNA is mapped, how “variants” are mapped, how the cov vax has many potential problems etc. non of them question weather a virus exists, which doesn’t mean it does obviously, but leaves lots of questions if it doesn’t.

I’m guessing most of the people accepting Lankas thesis have never seen a microscope, I know some of the issues from working with mycology, but trying to isolate something that I couldn’t even see in my scope, that would be destroyed by the scope light let alone the manipulation trying to get it in the field of view seems an impossibility on a practical level, no wonder it’s not done very often!

Aparently they’ve just invented a new “quantum” microscope, it’s based on a special laser focusing chrystal that can be focused with ~40% more efficiency than the current best benchmark, this will allow researchers to see living cells in action for the first time, similar claims made in Raymond Rifes work (memory holed), if this is the case expect a HUGE leap forward in biology in the near future, and maybe definitive proof one way or the other to settle the virus debate. Til then I remain open minded, I believe Lanka is wrong, but I accept the possibility he is right.

Jun 17, 2021 11:39 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Sounds like you’ve read all the stuff taken it in uncritically and cannot accept the strength of an argument against it without calling it hyperbolical. How do you arrive at the idea that the likes of myself for example, believe that viruses don’t exist?

There’s a difference between denying viruses categorically altogether and saying that there’s no scientific proof of their physical existence. In a genuine science viruses have no existence independent of the theory or theories in which they are specified and that is for a particular reason and it’s also to avoid a particular problem which virologists don’t seem to comprehend. I won’t go into that here I’ll let you figure it out if you can if you desire to do so.

You are correct wrt Rife whose microscope had over 650 pieces and used quartz prisms allowing him to see living organisms smaller than alleged viruses. The new microscope sounds interesting if it delivers the goods.
There is currently so much wrong with virus theory at present virology needs a radical overhaul – that is, if anything is to be salvaged from it.

Jun 18, 2021 8:41 AM
Reply to  -CO

Sounds like you’ve read all the stuff taken it in uncritically and
cannot accept the strength of an argument against it. How do you arrive at the idea that the likes of myself for example, believe that viruses do exist?

see what I did there 🙂

You can debate the difference between denying viruses categorically altogether and saying that there’s no scientific proof of their physical existence with Researcher to see where you two diverge.

I believe transmissable illnesses exist, more from personal experiance then anything I’ve read, tho study has only served to confirm my observations.

Jun 18, 2021 11:45 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

I’m open to suggestions Imp, but you must remember in the absence of concrete physical evidence for alleged pathogenic viruses there is no scientific reason to accept their physical existence.

One could argue that

(a) viruses are really living entities and are not lifeless material particles after all and that they have evolved like everything else and have the potential to clean up diseased tissue along with bacteria which they morph into from Bechamp’s microzymas. This would be rejected by mainstream science.

Or, (b) They are living energetic entities that are stored in the etherosphere (the so-called “vacuum”) around the planet that are created by our negative thoughtforms that resonate with those that produce them and when such entities coalesce an epidemic disease is the effect. This would also be rejected.

There are other theories too, so what is your take on the conditions of existence of viruses?

Jun 18, 2021 1:03 PM
Reply to  -CO

As I said, I believe transmissable illnesses exist, more from personal experiance then anything I’ve read, tho study has only served to confirm my observations.

I’m happy (for the sake of argument) to classify the existance of a virus as theoretical, I believe given the weight of evidence, given my personal experiance, this is the best theoretical model available for some transmissable illnesses. I also appreciate we are on the cutting edge of science, this theory has many holes, and future knowledge and discoveries will either render the model useless, or improve upon it.

Something causes transmissable illnesses, I’ve yet to find a competing theory with so much circumstantial evidence that comes close, and until a better model to describe transmissable illnesses is presented, I’m content to use the virus model to explain some transmissable illnesses.

Jun 18, 2021 4:35 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Belief in transmission is not proof of transmission by viruses or anything else or have I got that wrong as well?I
What about Bechamp’s microzymian theory which is an equally valid theory if you can comprehend it? That’s why Pasteur and his powerful business friends buried it because it doesn’t help to sell their drugs and vaccines like virus theory. Read the book ” Bechamp or Pasteur” if you want the truth of the issue.

I don’t claim to have all the answers to disease but I have found enough inconsistencies and contradictions in virus theory to invalidate it as it currently stands – a theory which you wish to use as a model to explain transmission when it can’t even explain the origin of the alleged parent or progenitor viruses BEFORE their genome and proteins are replicated and reproduced ! Caramba!

Jun 18, 2021 8:41 AM
Reply to  -CO

I did reply, it’s in the spam bin again

Jun 16, 2021 11:29 PM
Reply to  Dors

Alternative medicine isn’t arguing with the existence of viruses generally or the covid virus specifically. I am a confirmed advocate of alt medicine for 55 years; it doesn’t support your position.

Jun 17, 2021 1:25 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Alternative medicine practitioners who know what they are doing, don’t believe in fictional entities. They understand that from Hippocrates to Nightingale, TCM and Ayurvedic does not acknowledge transmission of any sort. It took heavy mind control campaigns to convince people that an invisible particle that is scientifically and experimentally unproven can exist. Virus was always the word for poison and it was hijacked by the eugenicists so they could knowingly poison populations. It is not comparable to flat earth in any way whatsoever.

Jun 17, 2021 3:58 AM
Reply to  Dors

Dors, please understand that I do not KNOW if the covid virus exists; it seems likely to me because how else explain the clear presence of (reduced numbers) of the illness. However, as I’ve written before, our inability to isolate something in a straightforward way– like Dr. K’s Leopard from the jungle– cannot be a compelling challenge to that entity’s existence.

Example: It is my understanding that the method of processing cells to identify the virus within is the identical way that we process them to identify mitochondria. I think that we are unable to ISOLATE mitochondria in any other way, yet we would not therefore conclude that mitochondria don’t exist.

I hope I’ve chosen a good example. If not, I’m sure you take my point that there are many things that we could not isolate in the past but which nevertheless we now know exist. Our ability to isolate something cannot be a criterion of its existence.

Until something better than viral theory is put forward it will hold sway.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 17, 2021 4:58 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Dors, please understand that I do not KNOW if the covid virus exists; it seems likely to me because how else explain the clear presence of (reduced numbers) of the illness

There are literally hundreds of viruses that produce those symptoms. Whether or not one of them is called SARSCOV2 makes little difference. It’s like naming a grain of sand and thinking that somehow makes it different from all the others.

Jun 17, 2021 9:07 AM

The naming sand analogy is a good one, the cov DNA database was over 450k “variants” last time I looked.

In this analogy tho, lots of folks say the sand deosn’t exist because it’s not been isolated to the rules of Lankas impossible bet.

Jun 18, 2021 9:48 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

the name “variants appear in a loki tv series recently

Ok admin never happen before all of a sudden 5 spam checks in a row
could you kindly explain in comment and debate it rather than censoring people who have differential opinion than you !
because you know it is cancel culture. which is no different than the state.

i bet later on this wil appear and then other ones will be delayed then it will be one comment spam checked censored then another on hold.

its on another forum that if anyone disagrees with certain admin or author of a article they are spam checked aka censored them and you cant reply-to the certain admin or author comments as they block the reply with spam censor. is this true./???

does offg censor anyone who disagrees and then says they are trolling and spamming when in this case clearly am not.

no aggressive or racism so how come the censoring spam check appeared ion my account??

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 18, 2021 10:19 AM
Reply to  swami

The spam checker does that sometimes. Try not to overreact

Jun 18, 2021 12:32 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

You have not explained what the rules of Lanca’s bet were and provided an argument to justify your claimhttps://off-guardian.org/2021/06/15/watch-meet-the-world-economic-forum/#comment-385348 that the rules of Lanka’s bet were impossible.

The sand analogy is a non sequitur because you can’t isolate a grain of sand from a beachload of sand particles by density gradient ultracentrifugation – whereas according to virology with that standard lab technique it is quite possible to isolate viruses from cell components and other contaminants.
The problem is they never use it and use PCR instead which was never designed to do that according to its inventor the late K

Jun 18, 2021 12:36 PM
Reply to  -CO

Apologies.This was posted in error, and contains errors but I couldn’t delete it.

Jun 18, 2021 8:34 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Which scientists claim to have determined an actual physical variant, how did they do it, where did they do it and who funded the Study?

All I can find are modelled variants based on sequences alleged to derive from Indian isolates and GenBank sequences but nothing on the actual variant virus itself I.e. The laboratory method they used to physically obtain the variant virus particles as the gold standard of comparison with their in silico constructed model.

Jun 18, 2021 7:49 PM

That’s NOT what the virologists say Sophie. In theory it has been estimated that there are some 380 trillion viruses inhabiting us and on us in the human virome.

Out of that lot they say there are only about 200 that are alleged to cause disease and have the ability break into human cells. But that unfortunately just remains at the level of speculative theory with no evidence, demonstration or proof that stands up to rigorous scientific scrutiny.

That however doesn’t prevent the believers in deadly viruses from believing what they desire to believe. If they want to believe in a theory riddled with inconsistencies and contradictions then so be it.

Jun 17, 2021 6:50 PM
Reply to  Penelope

It’s a pity my PC 💻 isn’t functiong so that I can cut and paste all my arguments that prove virus theory and germ theory are incoherent and contradictory. In fact they would literally fill a book!

As for explaining ‘contagion’ (nothing to do with Pasteur’s microbes) the answer lies in microzymas, quantum physics, bioenergetics, and the species biopotential but you will have to do your own homework as there’s a lot more to it than that. Contagion cannot otherwise be explained by aerosols, droplets, face to face contact, handshakes and so forth that arise from any alleged pathogenic viruses or bacteria by sick to well transmission. Bacteria only colonise sick and dying tissue. They do not cause it.

This was conclusively proven and well documented in experiments conducted by the US Navy doctors during the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918.

The excellent long report is entitled: “Report of the Secretary of the Navy Miscellaneous Reports 1919” available in pdf format – enjoy!

Jun 18, 2021 10:39 AM
Reply to  -CO

Bacteria only colonise sick and dying tissue. They do not cause it.

you want to rely on 100 yo study for that grain of wisdom? And ignore all the documented beneficial bacteria in the human biome we would die without?

This is pointless, were done, good day.

Jun 18, 2021 2:56 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

I was referring to bacteria aleady in the microbiome that were beneficial before the conditions of the tissue became toxic or damaged . You are right it’s a waste of time you are not open to other ideas that make sense and yours support the scamdemic and the monocausal germ theory and Fraud of Louis Pasteur.

Jun 18, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  -CO

Come round I’ll undercook some chicken and serve some sushi I’ve refrozen 3 times and left out for 8 hrs for you

make sure your gut tissue isn’t damaged or toxic before hand, we can test this theory of yours.

Jun 18, 2021 6:56 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Does everyone become ill or die from the under cooked chicken then? True bacteria are correlated with undercooked foods like chicken but correlation is not causality.

The dead body of chickens has been found to contain a variety of toxic substances including putrescene, cadaverine, spermine, spermidine, biogenic amines and other exogenous and endogenous toxins.

A nice combination for saprophytic bacteria to feed off and then you eat them along with the toxic crap in the chicken and then combine that with your own metabolic wastes and xenobiotics in your tissue and bingo! The bacteria or viruses always get the blame as the sole cause of the flare-up including what comes up and out of your mouth and what shoots out of your ass. It’s called detoxification.

les online
les online
Jun 16, 2021 3:17 AM

Your health is a goldmine. The planet has become a laboratory for experimenting with
RNA technology to find ‘cures’ for everything… Investors are rushing to get their share of the cake by investing in RNA tech startups…

A few years ago the Sydney Morning Herald ‘newspaper’ reported that geneticists had isolated the gene for ‘intelligence’. On another occasion it reported geneticists had isolated the ‘gay’ gene..

.(NB: there were no follow-up reports; both reports were propaganda for gene research/technology as The Solution To Everything.)…

Yes, there’s lots of money to be made; you are a goldmine…

Jun 16, 2021 4:52 AM
Reply to  les online

It’s the 1970s Redux. “Let’s Conquer Cancer by 1980” Molecular Virology had just started with its promises. Nixon’s wealthy friends had just started up Bio-Labs.

les online
les online
Jun 16, 2021 5:57 AM
Reply to  NickM

Of chemotherapy one could say: ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” (Uncle Albert)… It maybe a licensed therapy but it’s still experimental – like many medical treatments…

Jun 16, 2021 8:30 AM
Reply to  les online

Chemotherapy is “conventional’ or “scientific” because the med. experts and their friendly regulators say so. They don’t justify anything to the desperate patients, let alone the public. Consider a simpler case: for decades until 1990 or so, hospitalised heart patients got saline via IV. Then, “scientific” medicine stopped the practice after inconvenient evidence surfaced that saline was killing them.

Jun 16, 2021 3:25 PM
Reply to  les online

If indeed “geneticists had isolated the gene for intelligence,” they deserve the Nobel Prize for Dogged Determination. Just imagine how long and far they had to search humanity to find it.

Jun 16, 2021 12:10 AM

Here’s a very interesting interview with blues-rock guitarist Eric Clapton. He took two doses of the AstraZeneca shot and relates his experience.


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jun 16, 2021 2:33 AM
Reply to  Hsuan

Heh… I liked Eric Clapton – a long time ago… This song is vaccine appropriate. >
From the album Disraeli Gears
Cream – Strange Brew

Cream – Strange Brew – YouTube

Jun 16, 2021 7:25 AM

Yes this album may very well be prescient with titles of Strnge Brew, World of Pain, We’re going wrong and take it back.

Jun 16, 2021 8:03 AM
Reply to  Hsuan

Why did he take it?

Jun 16, 2021 9:41 AM
Reply to  Ooink

He felt isolated, instinctively he knew something was odd, but didn’t know anybody else who felt as he did, said his kids are behaving as if they are brainwashed, and he caved in basically. He had both shots.

He said Van Morrison is feareless and never succumbed to fear anxiety.

He is a good man, and is a victim of applied behavioural psychology. Like so many.

He knows he made a mistake. He won’t have any booster shots. He now seems to trust his first instinct and has found the courage to speak out.

Well worth listening to,

Jun 16, 2021 11:14 AM
Reply to  Corarden

Thanks for that info. Seems a lot of people caved in. Many sold it to themselves in a way.

Jun 16, 2021 12:44 PM
Reply to  Ooink

I was particularly disappointed with the apparent capitulation of the ‘free thinker’ Noel Gallagher. He purportedly had it because his doctor told him he’d “be foolish not to have it”. Really? That was his reason? Good G*d, Noel, any credibility you might have had has dropped to rock bottom with that one. I read in one interview his claim that he called in at a drop-in centre in passing to have it done. Makes me wonder if he genuinely did have it or has either been paid to say he did, or feels it is in his professional interest to say he did. Perhaps it was his idea of a joke…we can only hope.

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Jun 15, 2021 11:58 PM

This Covid-19 fraud is merely a front for the malevolent agenda that is being ushered in behind the scenes to create a social credit, digital currency, facial recognition, artificial intelligence, eugenics-driven depopulation, dystopian enslaved future for all of humanity. By 2030, you will own nothing, and you will be happy. So says that sweet old Jewish great reset gentleman, Klaus Schwab, CEO of the World Economic Forum.
Excerpt From:
Worldwide Excess Mortality Rate In 2020
Contrary to what most people believe because of the non-stop media brainwashing,
2020 had a proportionately normal year-over-year increase in the excess mortality rate.
by Mark R. Elsis

Jun 16, 2021 5:57 AM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

And it would seem they ensured many who died did by no or poor treatment…just to get the fear going…and the needle in a weird experiment which makes one wonder just what is the real point of it….and their enthusiasm just so great to get it into bodies it is sickening,,,

so it is pretty apparent to anyone with half a brain there is another agenda…

Jun 16, 2021 7:18 AM
Reply to  Edith

Problem is, that unlike Ferguson’s models, empirical studies show that sheeple possess less than one half of a brain. Many with half a brain are missing the analytical hemisphere and are only left with the emotional hemisphere which explains political leaders.

Jun 17, 2021 4:30 AM
Reply to  Edith

Edith, yes, the insistence on the vax is most disquieting. Is there another virus coming which the vaxxed have been set up to be especially sensitive to? Any rash of deaths will of course be presented as covid variants rather than Antibody Dependent Enhancement ADE caused by the vax.

I suppose they need the rest of us to take the vax so that there’s no easy comparison between vaxxed who get sick, and unvaxxed who don’t.

Jun 15, 2021 11:48 PM

One thing for sure, this Schwab character is patently insane, almost the perfect Bond villain .

Jun 16, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  Marcello

Of course the perfect Bond villain has two brain cells to rub together.
This man is not smart.
He is certifiable – assuming certificates for such specimens are even available.
We really shouldn’t put up with him. After all, he has no intention of putting up with us.

Jun 16, 2021 2:21 AM
Reply to  wardropper

The Bond series, based on fact, presented as fiction!
Schwab is the face they present us, the evil criminals behind this, we may never know , hear or see them. But by their evil works we are certainly getting to know them.

Jun 15, 2021 10:45 PM

Cheers to James Corbett and the Corbett Report very informative.

WEF, meet the latest version of the new world odour.
Smells a lot stronger than the previous BS.

Jun 15, 2021 10:41 PM

Seems the below one worked. It’s must just be posts that challenge the producer of the above tube. mmmm.

Jun 16, 2021 12:23 AM

It’s just something typical going on. I couldn’t reply a few minutes ago, but now I can.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Jun 15, 2021 10:20 PM

Grauniad headline: “Third of UK hospital Covid patients had ‘do not resuscitate’ order in first wave”
No attempt to explain why, because the obvious explanation is to get those death figures up. Why else would you not resuscitate someone with flu?

Jun 16, 2021 12:51 AM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

And do not resucitate often means do not treat.
And do not treat often means deprive of food and water and administer a lethal dose of sedatives.
And it wasn’t just people with the flu.
Anyone showing any flu-like symptoms at all, like shortness of breath or fever (symptoms common to most of the most common morbities effecting the population) was triaged as ‘potential covid’ and could end up on an ‘end of life pathway’ if they were elderly, infirm, with serious pre-existing conditions or mentally or physically disabled.
It’s there in black and white.
The clinical model necessarily entails that people who otherwise would have had good odds of living would die as a result of adherence to its protocols.
If there were still standards of practice operating, a full account would need to be made of those ‘entailed’ deaths before we could even begin to consider the possibility of some vague novel disease with amorphous symptoms having any bearing.

Jun 16, 2021 7:56 AM
Reply to  Croach

Now they’re thinking of making the injections mandatory for care home staff. Looks like the chickens are coming home to roost for the midazolam brigades (sorry if this sounds harsh, but it would be an example of the “I was not xxx so I did not say anything” scenario).

The French minister for health openly admitted that in 2020, the diagnosis was often based on presumption, and you were put on the clonazepam ‘pathway’. If you were in a care home and had a cough, you were living dangerously. It’s monstrous, and it’s still happening.

Jun 16, 2021 10:06 AM
Reply to  Croach

Spot on. It is evident from talking to people and seeing mainstream BTL comments that most people still naively believe that DNR simply means that, if an elderly patient’s heart stops, CPR won’t be performed. Whereas it is precisely as you describe.

Do Not Sustain (DNS) would be a more accurate term to use but I think patients and relatives would have a problem with that. As I recollect, everyone over 60 (I think it was 55 in Scotland) admitted to hospital for any reason at the start of the ‘pandemic’ had a DNR Notice attached to their files by default “to avoid overwhelming the NHS and keep beds free for younger people”. I suspect that is still the institutional policy irrespective of the fact that hospitals have never been close to being overwhelmed.

Jun 16, 2021 8:31 PM
Reply to  Croach

They slapped a DNR on my grandad after having a stroke, which he had not long after getting the shot. He’s now in a care home.

Jun 15, 2021 10:16 PM

Bitchute is, at least for the moment, inaccessible. Which I find interesting. Bitchute has been stagnating for a long time, regardless Ray’s talk about all the improvements that are coming. I notice that while my channel is up, views have stopped cold. That’s been the situation for a few days. I don’t know whether Ray’s on our side or not.

Jun 15, 2021 9:58 PM

This guy deserves more traffic to his excellent articles on the psychological aspects being used against the UK public through the likes of SPI-B


Jun 15, 2021 11:41 PM
Reply to  magumba

Had a further look and the guy is ex lead psychologist for Cambridge analytica,seems he wasn’t invited to the SPI-B party and now cruises the fringe of the darkside writing articles critical of the government and spi-b’s response

Long may your work continue fella,but hurry up and make the jump to the darkside proper it’s time to choose which side you see winning

Jun 15, 2021 9:57 PM

Scientists can now turn plastic bottles into vanilla flavour.Just read it no shit.Victoria sponge cakes.

Jun 16, 2021 12:38 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Sweet Lord, I hardly dare look it up. Anything’s believable today – exactly as the CIA’s William J. Casey outlined in his famous quote.

St. John’s “Book of Revelation” is going to have to be our new instruction manual, methinks…
A fresh start, sort of thing.

Jun 16, 2021 10:29 AM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Sounds very healthy – not.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 15, 2021 9:00 PM

“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticise.”Tacitus

I am the only voice I know stating, that the biggest empire in the history of man, with the largest military, biggest surveillance machine, most active & numerous spy agencies, with a long & full track record of psyops, misinformation, coups and propaganda operations, that they, the USA, might possibly be involved in this Covid conspiracy, which at every level is assisting them in their international and domestic goals, serving their economic and military interests, and in its roll-out at every crucial juncture, crosses paths with their Corporate enterprises and state agencies.

Don’t you think that a little odd? Even here I am attacked for stating, what I’m afraid to say, is the bleeding obvious. This is a place where the fantasists are given free rein to talk absolute crap and lead you away from any semblance of the truth, claiming absurd international conspiracies, mysterious groups and strange unnatural alliances.
When common sense tells you that the truth is in plain view, it is the elephant in the room. On the one hand we celibate American success and power, whilst simultaneously claiming it is benign, inactive & passive, even knowing the CIA’s long long list of crimes and operations. That is an absurd contradiction
So all we see described around us is a fake pantomime, pointing us away from the real centres of power in our world, even when we can see them right in front of our eyes in plain sight for all to see.

Tom P.
Tom P.
Jun 15, 2021 10:12 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

Of course the American Empire is involved in the scam. The American Empire is the New Roman Empire. Did you realize this?

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 15, 2021 10:57 PM
Reply to  Tom P.

Yes I did, that is why I wrote the comment you responded to.

Jun 15, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

It’s odd that you communicate strictly in italics, and even more confusing here that you go back and forth: is the italic part quoting James or someone else, and if so, who? Typically the use of italics is to stress a word or use in place of quotes, ex Doctor Zhivago. Sorry to strain at gnats, but it’s very distracting.

Edit: I shouldn’t have said “strictly” – I see you communicate in regular font as well.

Jun 15, 2021 10:27 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

The CIA gets a ton of flak here above and below the line. The idea the CIA isn’t and can’t be criticised here is delusional.

There’s a basic contradiction in your position. Say this is a CIA op – how is voting for Leftist parties the solution? Are you aware what the CIA said about the compatible left? It’s particularly ironic you’re pushing this line the day after lifting lockdown was delayed. Use our democratic power to oppose it! How? Labour supported it – as they have every single lockdown and Covid measure (except the ones they opposed because they didn’t go far enough). I voted Labour most of my life and would love to think it was the answer now – but there’s comes a point where one has to start noticing what Labour is and not what one wishes it was.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 15, 2021 10:53 PM
Reply to  Edwige

It is never ever criticised in the MSM, it is invisible.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 16, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  Edwige

It’s ex-Labour now. Tory-lite. That’s what makes it so futile – and moribund. Woodentop Starmer is the ideal overseer for its slow drift towards absorption by the official tory party.

Jun 16, 2021 5:44 PM

The Labour Party has played its part in keeping things the way they are in Britain, and its disappearance might unbalance the system.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 16, 2021 7:00 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

It is patently obvious that the covid scam is being pushed by a global (and globalist) power elite and not merely by the US. In fact the more nationalist elements in the US tend to be opposed to it. The mere fact China led the way and Russia is on board tells you this is something new.

why do you keep posting stuff aimed at denying or obscuring this obvious fact?

Jun 16, 2021 9:04 AM

It is patently obvious that the covid scam is being pushed by a global (and globalist) power elite and not merely by the US. In fact the more nationalist elements in the US tend to be opposed to it. The mere fact China led the way and Russia is on board tells you this is something new.

These words provoke frustration. But it is not a frustration out of disagreement. Instead, it is because it is remindful of the balkanisation of the anti-establishment discourse. Concretely,

1) There are people like

  • Pepe Escobar
  • Jeff J. Brown
  • Denis Rancourt
  • Ron Unz (IIRC)

to whom, what you said is patently obvious – is NOT such.

In fact, they’re ready to argue more or less the opposite.


2) To you, dear Sophie, it’s apparently unobvious that these people, with their views as they are, even exist.

To be clear: what is worrying is the presence of disagreements combined with a loss of awareness that anyone reasonable can possibly disagree with some of our views. In short, what is worrying is the spread of factionalisation. … Frankly, there are good reasons to suspect that we in our own minds are becoming increasingly self-contradictory, even despite our best efforts to remain sane in this insanity.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jun 16, 2021 9:11 AM
Reply to  Dors

I think you need to start by providing links and data to where these people disagree with that statement. At the moment there is nothing in your comment to discuss.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 16, 2021 10:42 AM

“China led the way, and Russia is on board”. Really? That’s established, is it? I don’t think so.

The names that Dors gives you are links enough, Sophie. Perhaps you should study some of their output before opining about them. There’s plenty to choose from. When you actually do that, it’s quite clear that they think there’s a great deal still to discuss about who exactly is behind the scam, and what the attitude of the Chinese and Russian government people might be.

Those power-wielders are by no means fully, unquestioningly on board with the official covid tosh getting tsunamied out by the propaganda and censorship machine of the Anglozionist empire and its dependencies; that’s pretty clear. It’s more likely that the Chinese and Russian governments are taking sober precautions in case there really is a pandemic; or in case there’s some sort of Az-empire biowarfare racket going on here. Until you’ve done some due diligence on the output of the names Dors suggests, Sophie, may I suggest restraint in overlooking their arguments.

Sure, there’s a globalist WealthPowerStatus ‘elite’ pushing the scam. Some of them may even be in Russia and China. But it’s pretty clear that neither country’s government is at all thrilled with the globalists’ single world-government wet-dreams. Their settled policies specifically insist on multilateral state-power for all nations. Both Putin and Xi repeat this frequently.

The globalists, though likely not particularly loyal to any state or nation, are currently strong-holding in the dilapidating Az empire, it being so corrupt and so power-vaccumed at the moment that it’s a good playground in which shysters like the plotters behind the scam can work.

And – er – is it a rule at Off-G that you excellent volunteers doing moderation work also get to wade in and start throwing your own – not necessarily very well-supported – opinions about? You only have to look at what’s happened to The Lifeboat News to see how things go haywire when supposed moderators start invading and directing – and eventually unilaterally censoring – discussions. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

It would be a great shame if something as good as Off-G is currently should degenerate in that direction.

Catte Black
Catte Black
Jun 16, 2021 12:01 PM

Let’s get some things clear

1) that the covid scam is global and globalist is a FACT, not a theory or an opinion. It has been adopted as reality by virtually every government on the planet and cuts through all previous observed geopolitical differences. Theoretical excuses for the central role of China and participation of Russia have been offered, but they remain simply that – theories offered to explain away the fact of their participation.

2) Our admins do an amazing job in the face of persistent efforts to undermine this site by trolls, shills and the like. Only a week or so ago Sophie was abused here by an anon poster who demanded she ‘admit’ to being Jewish! None of those who are so quick to leap in and complain spoke up for her.

Our admins are discouraged from expressing controversial personal opinions, but they are free to offer factual corrections, ask questions and make reasonable common sense observations.

Sophie’s post complied with this imo.

It’s always difficult to adjust one’s worldview in light of new and paradigm-changing information. It’s understandable to look for reasons to hold on to old and familiar versions of reality. This site has been very active in condemning US empire and the dangerous demonization of Russia. Nevertheless we recognise the covid operation is something new and potentially even more dangerous.

If we don’t recognise it represents a massive departure from the old familiar cold war and post-cold war paradigm we can’t adequately confront it.

Addendum – I notice Sophie already suggested the OP post some links to where these named individuals express the views attributed to them. That is a good and fair suggestion. Why not do that rather than offering anymore data-free indignation?

Big B
Big B
Jun 16, 2021 4:36 PM
Reply to  Catte Black


Why is it new? In the light of the concepts of biopolitics and necropolitics as developed from Foucault, Agamben, Mbembe etc there is nothing new here. This is the way capitalism was always going to develop. A kind of “Foucauldian backlash” is underway, particularly against Agamben: who has probably lost his reputation for standing up to the ‘new.’ Which he could see coming since the 80s.

The capitalist move from discipline to control to biopolitical societies was entirely predictable: because it was predicted. Hence, “biopolitical.” The next stage is already predicted by Mbembe as “necropolitical”; which is biopolitics taken to a new stage. What comes after, if there is an after, is not known. It kinda depends on the amount of ‘necro’ unleashed in the death drive to individualism.

This is knowable, as a trend at least, through Marx, Freud, Lacan, D&G. Marx predicted the “world market” in 1848, or there abouts. As for psychohistory, rationalism was always going to end in barbarism. I give Vico as an example: who coined the phrase “barbarism of reflection” contra the ‘enlightenment’.

If you take the libertarian delusion of individualism to its zenith: in a social hierarchy organised around a ‘permanent’ exponentiation of greed, hatred, and said delusion; driven exponentially by delusions of perpetual growth; and the insatiable appetites of the lust to dominate (libido dominandi) ….where was this ever supposed to end?

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 16, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  Catte Black

The data is there, if you care to trawl through the writers named, Catte. And the fact remains that Putin, Xi, and the power-wielding bunches of politicians for whom they front are persistent in demanding a multi-polar world.

Just how on-board they are with the covid scam is simply not clear. There’s a lot of machiavellian realpolitik going on around it. If I were in Putin’s or Xi’s shoes, I’d be doing what they’re doing: going along, staying alert, waiting to see how all this works out, looking out for my own state and my own nation whilst it all unfolds.

Everything they’ve done so far, including producing orthodox vaccines, has followed that line. Personally, I don’t happen to judge that vaccines are much good at all as health promoters. Maybe a few of the older, long-tested ones, for certain uses; though there are always better, more effective ways available even there, to do with cultivation of a sound terrain. But a lot of Russian and Chinese establishment people will still believe the virus orthodoxy, I imagine. Probably a lot of them are still swayed by the positive typhoon of propaganda that’s spewed out by the scammers. So what is a president to do, but coast carefully along a middling line of action – and wait and see what trickles out over time, as it always does.

Despite China’s social credit system, I’ve yet to see any decisive evidence that the Rus and Sino imperial state machines are fully on-board participants in the scam. Just going along, waiting, and watching, I sense.

And btw, re. data: If you know any sure-fire way at all, Catte, to suss out sound data from the constant blizzard of obviously iffy stuff, I wish you’d instruct me. I know of nothing much about this scam of which I can be certain. I have to mistrust it all, across the board. The lies are up to our armpits.

Jun 16, 2021 11:10 PM

So you are just wholesale denying reality? We know the pandemic is a scam, right? And the scam began in China!

China has promoted it vigorously and continues to do so.

Russia is selling a needless vaccine that is just as untested as any other even if more conventional.

They are totally onboard because this is a move toward an authoritarian global governance that suits the economic interests of their elites.

These are the simple and observable facts. You suggest there may be stuff we don’t know which changes these facts. That is smoke blowing. I suggest you start reading the Great Reset and then look up how much China has benefitted from Euro and US lockdowns.

Big B
Big B
Jun 17, 2021 9:57 AM
Reply to  MLS

Something we can wholeheartedly agree on: Russia and China are integrated into the ‘western’ global governance agenda (the former “rules based hegemonic order”), and where in fact, at one point. leading it. That any putative east/west split was and is an “imagined geography.” That ‘progressive’ eastern capitalism was somehow different. And that Xi actually has stated “China wants globalisation” on numerous occasions, and Putin is fully on board with the China/Russia strategic globalisation alliance since 2002. And BRICS was an acronym designed by Goldman Sachs as an alternative to a stalling ‘western’ globalisation.

Oh the arguments and disapproval people put up against this, mythologising alternative.As I’ve always said: the alternative to neoliberal globalisation is neoliberal globalisation. At least we can put that to bed now. TINA (there is no alternative)

Jun 16, 2021 10:12 AM

China? US? Russia? These are countries, so not really in a position control anyone or anything.

I guess the point I’m trying to make is we often use the phases “them”. “The US”. “China”, etc. It’s humans who are calling the shots, this means someone is the boss. The corporate names, countries and states are simply something for the criminal to hide behind, limited liability so to speak.

I’ve been reading this stuff for over 15 years and not once have I heard suggestions of the names of the people who are actually calling the shots. The best you read is there are “1000 points of light”. I’m guessing these are the supposedly secret people who make the decisions, who knows?

Jun 16, 2021 8:11 AM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

Isis has a thousand faces. Think…the morphing bad guy in Terminator 2. The puppet masters are not dumb enough to inhabit, be comprised of or operate as a single identifiable group. Infiltration. Infiltration. Infiltration. So, no, it’s not “the United States”.

Jun 15, 2021 8:45 PM

How can anybody take this cartoonish, caricature of a nazi, schwab, seriously?

Tom P.
Tom P.
Jun 15, 2021 10:16 PM
Reply to  jimbojames

He has a lot of power if you take him seriously.

Jun 16, 2021 12:39 AM
Reply to  Tom P.

All talk and no trousers…

Jun 16, 2021 1:19 PM
Reply to  Tom P.

And a lot of powerful people take him seriously. They’ve validated his ridiculousness. And everyone in their club validates everyone else’s ridiculousness. Lucky us. Their ridiculousness would go no further than being a joke if they didn’t have power.

Tom P.
Tom P.
Jun 16, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  Arby

They want to use artificial intelligence to control and exploit nature and human beings. I prefer the natural intelligence.

Jun 16, 2021 9:09 PM
Reply to  Tom P.

Artificial gods and their artificial intelligence. But they are also criminals and they will pay for their crimes.

Jun 16, 2021 4:59 AM
Reply to  jimbojames

The German sheeple took an even bigger caricature of a nazi seriously. I shall never forget a photo of all those housewives gazing up at the Fuhrer with lovelight in their eyes.

Jun 15, 2021 6:58 PM

India is as much the NWO experimental lab as China:


BTW anyone impressed by Johnny Vedmore’s reporting quoted by Corbett should look up his research into Theresa May’s background and the strange things he found.

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton
Jun 15, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Is Corbett trashing Theresa May now, because she asked the PM if he was manipulating data, live in Parliament to achieve the lock downs?

The CIA don’t like politicians challenging their operations do they? so they set their dog on them.

 She has gone out on a limb challenging the lies a few times now, more power to her.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 15, 2021 10:05 PM
Reply to  Paul Rexton

Can you provide evidence that James Corbett is a CIA operative, thanks.
Also, you have heard of Wall Street and the City of London haven’t you. You may also look up General Smedley Butler and who he was really working for. The Dulles Brothers are another example. I’m getting a bit tired of people throwing around these accusations without any proof attached.

Jun 15, 2021 10:36 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

There is no such thing as proof, only the opinion of another based of evidence that in their opinion is suspect. You make many comments on here without proof attached…

Although uncle jim is the alternative super star of the moment, it was not always this way. If you spent some time looking into his past you would discover his back flips on 911 creating divide, interviews with Charles Veitch, who is a well know crisis actor, etc. What’s more, for a solo worker he puts out an amazing amount of professional content that a whole team would be proud of.

It’s clear you’re a uncle jimmy cheer leader as you have showed your disapproval on several occasions to those who challenge. However the proof you demand is not for others to serve up to you like a butler, it’s for you to research and discover, it’s not difficult to find. It’s then up to you and what you think, because that’s all that matters for you.

Finally, I’m not really sure why you are defending him with such vigor, what’s it matter to you? As a truth seeker everyone should be questioned, especially those getting lots of air time and a listed in the first few pages of google.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 16, 2021 4:33 AM

Wow… all this from politely asking Paul Rexton for evidence that James Corbett is a CIA operative or some type of spook. And then you state I’m “defending him with vigor”.
No. I’m not. Reread what I wrote.
I see specific accusations being made by a number of people and I ask for evidence to back up those accusations, so you’re Wrong on that as well.
The onus is therefore on Them to provide that evidence, not on me to go hunting for it.
My comments by the way are my opinions, and if I’m repeating what a politician said, I usually link a news article with the actual quote in it.
Have a good day.

Jun 16, 2021 6:53 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You have made comments before regarding people comments on his material. Asking for proof and stating your are tired of people knocking him.

You have also made comments in the past stating that you disagree that OffG overly promotes his material. Well, since his material is now being promoted on a weekly basis, it’s difficult not to think this.

I’m just an old fashioned guy with old fashioned principles. I don’t trust people I have not met and don’t know. It would appear that you on the other hand have no problem. That’s fine but try not to get upset when others are not as trusting as you.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 16, 2021 11:29 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Jim is a Curate’s Egg, like any other human commentator: good in parts, seriously off in others. He does a classic baby-out-with-bathwater error in this piece on the WEF – as do quite a few commentators here btl at Off-G:

He assumes that because the Club of Rome was arguably a coterie of axe-grinders with an unadmitted agenda, therefore the Meadows team had nothing useful to say and the – real – Limits To Growth are all to be discounted as moonshine (in spite of Meadows et al. having been so accurate in all their projections so far). Jim really does seem to think that there is literally zero problem with population, and it can continue to grow indefinitely, as can – he seems to think – economic activity. The Earth, under lordly Technoman human management, can absorb it all for ever! Yeah, right! Two serious blind spots of Jim’s. He’s a loving father, I believe…

But just because shysters intrumentalise real things such as population-overshoot and climate shift to serve their own dicey agendas, it doesn’t mean that those looming dangers aren’t real. Just that they’ve been hijacked by shysters. The sober truth is that we have absolutely no right to be rabidly certain about anything the climate’s going to do, except that it will change; but we can be pretty certain that we’re right now in a population overshoot, which probably isn’t going to end too well.

Jim’s completely up the creek about those matters. But still worth watching for all the things he does get right.

And I’ll believe he’s a CIA shill when I see even a smidgeon of half-way convincing evidence. Till then, face value will do.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 16, 2021 11:49 AM

You make fair points Rhisiart, and no, I don’t agree with everything he says either, like I don’t agree 100% with everyone else, as you would also.
Obviously, because if we did, we’d basically be sheep. And I don’t want to see small children now becoming part cyborgs or have their brains hooked up to the Internet of Things or the human race (or what’s left of it) being totally enslaved in a technofascist prison or people being microchipped or denied their digital money or whatever other horrors these pyscho’s have planned.
I was about to watch a Patrick Wood video on Technocracy and I’ve just replied to Waldorf, and now you.
I think I need a bit of timeout for a wee while. Have a good week Rhisiart.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jun 16, 2021 10:02 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Keep sluggin’ good brother. Take it easy a bit, chill and recharge. 🙂

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 16, 2021 10:27 PM

Ironically I just saw your comment a few minutes ago to Dr Death: “are you guys trying to earn Offguardian the reputation of being full of loonies”.
Well, that’s the main reason for a break. I have no idea where they’ve all come from (tho I suspect) and quite a number of them are just downright nasty.
Given what is going on, we need unity and mutual support, not taking pot shots at those on the same side. Or basically making things up.
I remember how the threads at OffG were before covid. A lot of mutual respect and almost civilised debate. I know others have left here because of the degeneration of the threads also. Thanks Rhisiart, keep up the good fight.
I’ll be back at some point. Take care✌️

Paul Rexton
Paul Rexton