What I know (and don’t know) about SARS-CoV-2
Edward Curtin

After fifteen months of assiduous reading, study, observation, and research, I have come to some conclusions about what is called COVID-19.
I would like to emphasize that I have done this work obsessively since it seemed so important.
I have consulted information and arguments across all media, corporate and alternative, academic, medical, books, etc. I have consulted with researchers around the world. I have read the websites of the CDC, the World Health Organization, and government and non-government health organizations.
In other words, I have left no stone unturned, despite the overt or covert political leanings of the sources. I have done this as a sociologist and writer, not as a medical doctor, although many of my sources have been medical doctors and medical studies.
My succinct conclusions follow without links to sources since I am not trying to persuade anyone of anything but just stating for the public record what I have concluded.
Life is short. I am going to say it now…
I know that vast numbers of people have been hypnotized by fear, threats, and bribes to accept the corporate mainstream media’s version of COVID-19. I have concluded that many millions are moving in a trance state and do not know this. They have been induced into this state by a well-organized, very sophisticated propaganda campaign that has drawn on the human fear of death and disease.
Those behind this have no doubt studied the high incidence of hypochondriasis in the general population and the fear of an invisible “virus” in societies where belief in God and the spiritual invisible has been replaced by faith in science. Knowing their audience well, they have concocted a campaign of fear and confusion to induce obedience.
I do not know, but suspect, that those who have been so hypnotized tend to be mainly members of the middle to the upper classes, those who have invested so much belief in the system. This includes the highly schooled.
I know that to lockdown hundreds of millions of healthy people, to insist they wear useless masks, to tell them to avoid human contacts, to destroy the economic lives of regular people have created vast suffering that was meant to teach people a lesson about who was in control and that they better revise their understanding of human relations to adjust to the new digital unreality that the producers of this masquerade are trying to put in place of flesh and blood, face to face human reality.
I know that the PCR test invented by Kary Mullis cannot test for the alleged virus or any virus and therefore all the numbers of cases and deaths are based on nothing. They are conjured out of thin air in a massive act of magic.
I know that the belief that it can so test began with the unscientific PCR Corona protocol created by Christian Drosten in Germany in January 2020 that became the standard method for testing for SARS-CoV-2 worldwide. I am sure this was preplanned and part of a high-level conspiracy. This protocol set the cycle threshold (amplification) at 45 which could only result in false positive results. These were then called cases: An act of fraud on a massive scale.
I do not know if the alleged virus has ever been isolated in the sense of being purified or detached from everything else aside from being cultured in a lab. Therefore I do not know if the virus exists.
I know that the experimental mRNA “vaccines” that are being pushed on everyone are not traditional vaccines but dangerous experiments whose long-term consequences are unknown. And I know that Moderna says its messenger RNA (mRNA) non-vaccine “vaccine” functions “like an operating system on a computer” and that Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, says that the lipid nanoparticles from the injections travel throughout the body and settle in large quantities in multiple organs where the spike protein, being biologically active, can cause massive damage and that the FDA has known this.
Additionally, I know that tens of thousands of people have suffered adverse effects from these injections and many thousands have died from them and that these figures are greatly underestimated due to the reporting systems. I know that with this number of casualties in the past these experimental shots would have been stopped long ago or never started. That they have not, therefore, convinces me that a radically evil agenda is under way whose goal is harm not health because those in charge know what I know and much more.
I do not know where this alleged virus originated, if it exists.
I know that from the start of this crisis, there was a concerted effort across the world to deny access to proven effective treatments such as hydroxychloroquine, steroids, ivermectin in a planned effort to vaccinate as many people as possible. This alone reveals an agenda centered, not on health, but on getting as many people as possible to submit to being vaccinated and controlled. Social control is the name of this deadly game.
I know that those pushing these vaccines – The World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc. – have a long history of wanting to drastically reduce the world’s population and that their promotion of eugenics under various names is very well known. I am convinced that the totally untested mRNA-type “gene therapy” is the key to their plan for population reduction.
I do not know if they will succeed.
I know they must be resisted.
I do not know why so many good people cannot see through this evil. I can only attribute it to having been seduced by a massive hypnotic propaganda campaign that has appealed to their deepest fears and will result in those fears being realized because they thought they were free. It is a great tragedy.
I know that all the statistics about cases and deaths “from” COVID-19 have been manipulated to create a fake pandemic. One of the most obvious proofs of this is the alleged disappearance of the flu and deaths from influenza. Only someone in a trance could fail to understand the absurd logic in the argument that this was the result of mask-wearing when at the same time the air-born COVID-19 spread like wildfire until that stopped precipitously in January 2021 when a tiny number of people had been vaccinated.
I know there has been barely any excess mortality throughout all this.
I do not know where it will all end but hope against hope the growing opposition to this fraud will grow and defeat it despite the organized censorship that is underway against dissenting opinions. I know that when organized censorship on this scale takes place those behind it are afraid of the revelation of the truth. A simple understanding of history confirms this.
I know that the temporary reprieve the authorities have granted to their subjects will be followed by further restrictions on fundamental freedoms, the corona virus lockdowns will likely return, “vaccine” boosters will be promoted, and the World Economic Forum’s push for a Great Reset with a Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to the marriage of artificial intelligence, cyborgs, digital technology, and biology with the USA and other countries continuing to slip into a new form of fascist control unless people across the world stand up and resist in great numbers. I am heartened by signs that this resistance is growing.
Finally, I know if the authoritarian forces win the immediate battle, someone will write a book with a title like that of Milton Mayer’s classic, They Thought They Were Free. It will be censored. Perhaps it will first be shared via samizdat. But in the end, after much suffering and death, the truth about this evil agenda will prevail and there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth.
We are in a spiritual war for the soul of the world.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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I owe my sanity to off-guardian.org. The battle against this evil continues but you all deserve to take a bow.
Thank you for your kind comment! I will forward to the team! And thank you for reading and being present in this reality with us. Whatever you’re doing, keep at it. I think we’re all a lot tougher than we suspected before all this began! We don’t realise, but we will emerge as giants! XD A2
Do you remember the article that basically stated that the PCR test was useless : Correlation Between 3790 Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction–Positives Samples and Positive Cell Cultures, Including 1941 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Isolates – by Jaafar et al.
Well guess what – it has gone !! The page no longer contains the full article just a stupid letter to the editor that essentially says nothing ! Yt another whitewash of the truth has occurred !!
It is here in case you need it Correlation Between 3790 Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction–Positives Samples and Positive Cell Cultures, Including 1941 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Isolates | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic (oup.com)
Wanna know who the enemy is? Look at Forbes Billionaires list!
Does anyone have any info/link to studies regarding the situation in South America? I have relatives who swear that millions are dying and dyed from Covid-19. What I believe is that the lockdowns in countries like Brazil have caused a spike in overall mortality that has been attributed to Covid-19
Not on Brazil specifically, but the studies continue to come out indicating lockdowns were worse than the disease.
Brazil is a more complex situation; President Bolsonaro did not support national lockdowns, but the leftist opposition does. Neither tweedle-dee or tweedle-dum encouraged realistic healthy lifestyles to foster natural immunity. Supping vitamin D is an open secret with few takers.
Brazil’s health care system especially for the poor is terrible, so people died as they would in a bad flu season abetted by lockdowns and masking.
I wonder if they are counting Dengue Fever cases and deaths as Covid ? Dengue is rife in Brazil in the Favelas and can have a high fatality rate. It also occurs between January – June.
Incessant claims that SARS Cov-2 does not exist in the face of real scientific findings that SARS Cov-2 does exist only reinforces the COVID-1984 narrative that dissidents to medical tyranny are nutters.
“Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea” Journal of Korean Medical Science, Fe. 24, 2020.
SARS Cov-2 is real. The illness of COVID-19 is at least as serious as the flu for people over age 60.
People have needlessly died of COVID-19 when all they needed was vitamin D3, and if hospitalized, activated vitamin D3, and ivermectin.
Germ theory denialism is a cult, not a healing science.
Your lies will be answered for one day.
People are paying for the lies of depopulationists.
COVID-19 denialism is the flipside of COVID-1984. They compliment each other in encouraging deadly outcomes, and this is no propaganda accident.
People are squeezed between COVID-1984 pandemicists and germ theory denialists both of whom in their own way promote deadly useless health advice.
The deadlinesss of COVID-1984 is obvious; people died of government interventions that encouraged weakened immune systems, economic and social despair and dysfuncton, and increasingly, vaccine poisoning.
Germ theory denialism encourages people to ignore taking realistic natural precautions against colds and flus, including the new COVID-19. Only the strong or well-informed survive – assuming they can still find income to pay for decent food and shelter.
Summer is here; people need fresh air and sunshine. Vitamins C, D, K, and zinc are still cheaply had supplements, while the foods that naturally supply them are still widely available. Ivermectin is presently the leading therapeutic for COVID-19 both as a preventative and treatment for those seriously ill with COVID-19.
Germ theory denialism is more useless than COVID vaccines.
Look to Jon Rappoports Blog. He unearthed the AID’s scandal in the eighties. His hallmark is:
Show me an “isolated”, covid19 molecule? Just one! There isn’t one in all of existence! Because the whole pandemic is ‘inoculation’, or ‘vaccine” driven. Isn’t that just embarrassing. The whole thing is a sham. Show me the Money?
I do not know any more than anyone else but after the same 15 months of study, I would be willing to wager that covid, or a variant of influenza by any other name, was indeed present as it was any other year and that the Davos boys saw a unique opportunity to control the masses while they set out to pay for yet another global economic meltdown.
Being that these dandies are about as smart as a snail on a warm beach they overplayed their hands and they managed to take control the money-monster, with great returns, but completely lost control of the other one.
And here we are, 15 months later, caught on the stupid merry-go-round, waiting in vain for the money-makers to fix a mess they have no real incentive to fix.
Why hasn’t ivermectin been approved for c-19 treatment? It’s cheap, trials confirm its effectiveness, virtually no side effects? Does anyone know?
because ivermectin is cheap and off patent and they want to push the injection.
And if it was approved/authorized for use to prevent/treat COVID Big Pharma would have been unable to get emergency use authorization for their injections (at least in the U.S. and Canada). The stipulation that there is no alternative treatment is a condition for obtaining emergency use authorization in these jurisdictions. It is about profit (Ivermectin’s patent has lapsed so Merck – the original patent holder – has no interest in pushing it) and corralling the masses into accepting vaccination as the only treatment option and the only way out of the lockdown prison.
The answer is obvious- “A needle in every arm!” If you have cheap, safe, effective treatments, YOU DON’T NEED A “VACCINE!” This was about the “vaccine,” all along. Listen to Catherine Austin Fitts. The goal is to upload an operating system into every single human being on Earth, and they don’t care how many they kill developing the system. (And, those deaths are really an added benefit to those wishing to reduce the human population on the planet. Think about it from the controllers perspective. On top of that, the older are targeted here. Those with the memory of freedom, and government by for and of the people….this generation will be gone soon.) Wake up. Curtin is right. We are in a battle with EVIL.
I think I need some help. I am feeling isolated as my personal opinion and personal situation is currently under pressure.
I have come a long way, trying to avoid and respect many of the measures taken by my government (Flemish Belgium, Europe).
Since covid was introduced, in a few months time, this is a small country, I have seen communities being “tested”(not PCR or covid – it’s more like sociological testing), area’s of families mostly with children getting ‘persuaded’ into accepting financial injections, so to speak because of the dramatic impact of covid; the fear idea unleashed upon generations of the same families in schools, nursing homes, hospitals, …
About one month ago, when covid vaccinations supposed to have gone up in numbers (media), everyone my generation got an invititation – 1984. Moreover, almost anyone connected to the internet has now been completely exposed to all media vaccine and related. I heard people say they met old fellow students and friends in the vaccination centre – everyone got together for the rescue.
Apart from the many excuses people tried to give during 1,5 years for ‘ignoring’ the many covid restrictions, which basically confronted about 99% of my social environment with a non-lethal disease, people now simultaneously repeat all excuses necessary for abiding the ‘law’.
I must say, standing since long on somewhat the outskirt of a political landscape that I never trusted, it has been a dramatic experience to see over a few months, how many families, professionals, children, … are being led to believe this magic drugshot will all of the sudden end this mass psychosis and in my personal opinion, tiranny to the mind and the body.
I always try and maintain balance; information in this information age has so often come in many forms, that it must be for so many people a real (lost?) challenge to actually separate information from b***sh**.
Today I got to read this article. I agree with almost everything described, however anyone reading this, with a critic’s mind and anyone trying to keep balance in the mind, must feel and understand there is so much more to this.
Only to get more sad about the ‘possibility’ of any of the conclusions made personally, through experience or filtered information.
The very origin of a scheme so well-organised and this in a timeframe of one year (or 20?), where we get bombed on a daily basis with ‘information’ of the kind that keeps us all in place, the vast totality, if I can call it that, no working class, family earning, time and money crunching individual with ‘realistic’ income, coming from the last few years of working and partying and worldwide webbing, can adapt it’s life to start studying this ‘phenomenon’ and stand firm before choosing.
I analysed my personal situation because I was forced to, mentally. There is no other way to describe it; my partner wants to travel, my friend wants to work, my nephew needs to go to school and my brother wants to party. My mentor is old and is convinced of dying anyway and really has nothing to lose, anyone with that mindset or the one of a ‘normal’ human being participating in this worldwide, open to all – society, has had plenty of time to develop their own excuse to obey to this event of the last 1,5 years, in the way they did and still do, and probably will continue to do.
What have I learned? My income is only dependent on my effort, I do not answer to any boss or offered job.
I pay what I have to, I go to shops and try a balanced lifestyle so to speak, to enjoy some of the nice things in life one cannot always enjoy alone, restaurant, travel, festivity, living, …
With 1,5 y of covid, any of those principles and many more still stand.
But all credibility in my direct social environment, the trust and the type of ‘we are together in this’ idea, has slowly vanished with the issue of covid and unforced obligation of vaccination.
I can’t join physical conversations without having a sticker of ‘unvaccinated’, a new invisible wall is there. Only in a professional environment there is ‘protocol’ of not questioning the one who is in the same ‘contract’ – the money game is always a priority since I noticed nobody I know actually died.
It is no longer a matter of truth, ‘do you have the cure/ solution in your blood’ – it has become a question of ‘who has taken a good decision’ aka who is actually ‘aware’ and who is willing to risk what for what – is that a ‘smart’ choice, who are you and what is your opinion based on? The worst of it is that my opinion now matters less to those vaccinated and that’s about everyone I know, because it must be based on any of the conspiracy theories launched anywhere in the last few years. Also, it is considered ‘very not funny’ to mock covid or yell publicly ‘I don’t trust vaccination’.
No matter the shape of my immediate environment/ living space, if whole social networks in my town, local shops, communities are convinced of this reality and keep on doing what they need to do in order to agree with this evolution and suggested vaccination, and anything related like masks, I don’t see any way out.
I don’t know exactly why, but I’m sure I had to refuse the vaccination. I am afraid of it.
Now I feel alone.
My reality strangely reforms into something new, unknown.
PCR testing if I want to go on a vacation abroad, or an online application on my smartphone for scanning… people who look at you or now talk to you differently, rather scared and angry, I guess.
I would be shocked as well, should people actually explain why they think something is maybe threathening my life more than reality now has -> covid? mindbreaking
Not many friends to talk about since any conviction of mine, could now be the one of a minority who is not yet prepared to continue this hype lifestyle or the promise of returning ‘to normal’. Whatever normal would have been before… I feel abnormal now.
I feel like a refugee, in need of relocation. The country I live in has few options, basically I’d be better of moving to the French speaking part, however nothing is sure – people, work, … and again, what’s next?
My environment has altered, doubted and reviewed. I have had the same experience, talking to people everywhere. Many never question what’s going on. Have I changed rather than people around me? Or is everyone still the same? But now there are sides, those and them. Both waiting what’s next?
Where to go? How to be valuable?
Feelings of distrust and doubt in daily situations.
And sadness.
I think by myself, often:
what if I am right? what if this gutfeeling of doubt in the last year or so has been correct? would it mean people around me could rather die, or get sick, than continue to live in this state of mind/ life? what if that creapy reality is sneaking near, where I see myself as completely useless (we are but humble servants) and I would not get the chance to realize my dreams, where I have this so often propagated ‘normal’ life? are governments and certain people involved in an incomprehensible scale of corruption and if so, does anyone actually realise what is going on?
BUT what if I am wrong? already the difference in the word equal has had it’s effects in history. what if I am paranoid and so fearful of change, so to speak for the good cause?
It’s almost insane to think about these subjects, the very idea this life is no more than an opportunity to stay alive, just the same as anywhere in our history? What is change? Who changes, when and why? How is society changing, or has it never?
It’s been a long year and a half now. Summer is announced, never have I had this type of a feeling where I felt alienated. So unnecessary, ungrounded.
So much beauty and tragedy in every moment. I am typing words that are considered ‘strange’. I never felt strange before.
Great to hear your thoughts friend and I totally relate to that.
The world bank budget sheet suggests that this horror show will continue in some way or other until 2025. History has taught us that highly engineered moments of social change such as the one we find ourselves in at the moment have a habit of backfiring on their creators. The growth of radicalism after the 1649 regicide in England which was not anticipated and was not easy for Parliament to control, is a case in point (pretty sure I’ve stolen this point from someone). There is a growing mass of people in the world who aren’t fooled by any of this anymore. Those who are perpetrating this are making mistakes, whether purposefully or not, and they know the psyop is starting to wear thin.
My hope is that this whole ghastly construction forced upon us by the global parasites will begin to crumble under the weight of it’s own deceipt, corruption, moral bankruptcy and satanic hubris.
The majority of protest movements against this tyranny in the west are controlled opposition. Certainly in the UK many are led by freemasonic grifters whose true intention is to neutralise and discredit the resistance as a whole. Demos are infiltrated by actors, agent provocateurs and filmed by shill aliernative media producers. As a result, I see no realistic prospect of these type of protests making a significant improvement in the overall situation.
You are right in your conclusions about this situation and you are right to trust your gut about ‘vaccination’ and all the rest of it. Sometimes being prepared to face the truth can have bitter consequences.
I’m not a particularly religious person, but I do believe we are in a spiritual war and this feels like the type demonic test of humanity’s strength that many religions include within their texts.
So I try to maintain faith that somehow the light will triumph over the darkness and a better world will emerge in spite of the monstrous plot to kill or enslave the entire world population which is unfolding, hidden in plain sight.
Good Luck!
The problem is that the world “elites” now have a common goal – to grab as much as they can. This is temporary. As soon as this huge stock market bubble bursts and economy nosedives they will have to fight against each other and all this Cov** bs will be forgotten. Look at the indexes, they can’t go on like this till 2025
You are not alone Novirus. My husband and I find ourselves in the same situation. Everybody I thought of as being sane and intelligent has fallen for the lies. It isn’t that they treat me differently, it is I who treat them like the imbeciles they have shown themselves to be… Fortunately we have off guardian, where we can meet other intelligent, sentient beings. As we see by the ousting of the creep Hancock, the tower of Satan is beginning to crumble, and the evil is being exposed. Just take for instance our ‘dear’ queenie and her cohorts who are allegedly non political, but showed up at G7 dismissing the ‘covid rules,’ and having a gay old time at Ascot.. Only 18 weeks ago she was sitting ‘all alone and forlorn’ at her husband’s funeral, then scuttled off back to the palace and received no one. Then in her next breath she’s laughing it up along with jug ears and the spiteful brat William and his spotlight loving wife., Hypocrites through and through. Harry exposed the whole sorry lot of them, and I believe him totally. These are the people whose rules we follow…. but not any more. Not me or mine.
Yes, alienation.
Just an excerpt from my LAST Posting re Covid 1984:
And, one final thought. I know quite a few people who have “reluctantly” gotten the jab due to peer pressure, e.g., I quote from an E-Mail I recently received from a Ph.D. scientist:
Reluctantly and depressingly, I canceled my hotel reservations in xxxx for xxxx xx – xx, even though I got 2 doses of Moderna 6 weeks ago, also reluctantly and under tremendous pressure from my family and my lab co-workers.
While most people go along with this Scamdemic because they are unable to independently look at data, think for themselves, or “Question Authority”, there are also quite a few others that knowingly “go-along” to “get-along”. Peer pressure is a very powerful force¹⁹,²⁰! (Especially if the Authority is wearing a white jacket and has a clipboard!²¹). I have the chosen to not be one of those reluctant followers, and I will admit, this stance has alienated me from some friends and even some family; and I’m quite sure that none of my more than 10 postings²² on this Blog re the 1984 Scandemic has changed, or will change, a single person’s mind. On the Other-Other-Hand, I will always be proud for publicly standing up against this Tyranny, and not “going-along” even just to “get-along”. As Edmund Burke said, “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent”.
From: https://timellison.substack.com/p/last-posting-re-covid-1984
Dear Novirus- we are all in the same boat, who see through the mind control and hypnosis that has taken in so many good people. We are losing them, one way or another. Yet, since in the final reality “we are all one” it is an illusion. Love and levity are the only shields I know. Spiritual growth through facing these difficult truths we are witnessing and yet somehow keeping those 2 qualities alive, along with the faith that those of us who see through this will come together and find a way forward despite the machinations of the controllers and the controlled, are the only answers I see.
However, finding a place to live in where many others besides yourself are “awake,” see through the lies, and take action to support one another, is very wise, and provides some priceless relief. Blessings on you path. I hope you find people with a knowing heart like your own.
Thanks for this great article. You mentioned a few “I don’t know”s on the alleged virus. Perhaps https://odysee.com/@thecrowhouse:2/bruno:e can give you some more answers. I have asked various of my hypnotized friends to show me one picture of a virus particle, for any virus. They could not find anything but cgi pictures or electron microscope pictures that show complete cells and their surroundings, not particles. No virus has ever been isolated. That’s because they do not exist.
What do the MP’s know/think? Well……
Got to say I’m a bit flumoxed on the press release and the actual report.
Why no mention of ‘Medical Coercion’ and International Law?
Dear friends, those who are still here on this forum have come some way since the scamdemic lockdowm began in 2020.
Yet despite the evidence presented on most threads since, there are still those intelligent commentators who still believe in viral ‘ghosts’ no matter what evidence is presented to prove the very opposite case.
This brings us onto the question of REPETITION and why it is necessary despite the fact that people get fed up with it.
I notice that when some arguments have been refuted somebody else comes up with the same or similar thing sometime later which calls for a repetition of the first scenario.
The problem of repetition also cannot be avoided if new people are continually joining new threads and making comments that require the same or similar arguments to either criticise or support a certain position.
The question remains is repeating the same or similar arguments a waste of time mostly for the benefit of newcomers or even the ardent ghost virus believers where and when applicable, or not?
All comments welcome, no downvotes please without explanations.
We all agree that the virus if it exists is not particularly deadly and if it doesn’t exist the fear of it is also being used as an excuse to manipulate humanity for nefarious means.
So to get back to whether the virus exists or not why do those on here rather believe a handful of people like Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Icke etc. who have books to sell (some of whom have no virus expertise) that the virus doesn’t exist than the millions of doctors, scientists, virologists, epidemiologists and various other experts including people from alternative/conspiracy media who all agree that viruses do exist and that SARS-CoV-2 is real?
I know all about viruses not being isolated, Koch’s Postulates, exosomes, faulty PCR tests etc. etc. so don’t even go there.
I personally believe it is real, made in a lab and possibly used by the US to destabilize China which is something the Chinese government has also suggested.
Geoff, I was sure, until a few days ago, that the COV-19 virus does not exist, for if such a virus had been identified, it would have been profiled and published. Then I listened to Dr Mike Yeadon here: https://lockdownsceptics.org/how-robust-is-covid-immunity/., whom I admire and trust. He says explicitly that it does exist, and it is ‘a big one’ (in size). He says no more here, other than that it is harmless, for we have become immune to it long ago. So much for that then.
What does persist as a serious concern is this: Ours is, quite obviously, a healthy nation. I have yet to see anyone coughing and spluttering, as people do when a bad flu hits. Everybody cannot but see what I see. So why are so many people rushing to get the vaccine? Can that have been set off by nothing other than MSM scaremongering? I hope not, for that would mean that we have a vast number of very credulous (i.e., thick) people among us. Or is it that people are prepared to risk their health, their lives even, to pay the jab price for the licence to travel? Or do they not know they are taking that risk?
For the first time since this nasty business struck, I am looking at people suspiciously, asking myself which of them is a COV-lie collaborator. Such people, I am quite sure, are dangerous. They are the enablers of bolshie dictatorships like ours.
Whatever Mike Yeadon says is not entirely to be trusted because he still goes along with virus theory.
If anybody with a modicum of intelligence who takes the trouble to analyse what virologists are saying about viruses and can’t find anything wrong with it then they don’t deserve to have a brain and there is no hope whatsoever for humanity.
What book selling? Lanka has a book out? What is the title, I’m interested. I’ve tried to post his article, “Misconception Called a Virus,” and I was censored here. Does Kaufman have a book he’s selling? What is the title? I’m interested. Please let me know.
Do elephants exist? Do bees exist? Do oak trees exist?
People see things, describe what they see, and further studies and classifications are made. That is what science is about.
Chemicals exist. They affect our senses. Substances change. They can be made to change in a predictable way. Cause and Effect! That is what science is about.
Macro-organisms exist. Micro-organisms exist. We can study their morphology and behaviour in a variety of circumstances. That is what science is about.
We know something about the chemistry of life: chiefly proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, their many interactions and something of their functions in living organisms. We know something of death and the changes that occur.
The invention of the microscope revealed a hitherto hidden world — and removed a lot of myths in so doing. The invention of the electron microscope has opened up a further reality: visions and interpretations.
There are hidden worlds in the depths of the oceans. There are hidden worlds revealed by microscopy. Bacteria and viruses form part of this domain. We know why milk goes sour; we can MAKE milk go sour. We know there are human diseases caused by bacteria. We can infect humans with these bacteria. We can learn how to prevent or destroy bacterial infections. This is part of medical science. Cause and Effect!
Viruses exist and can cause disease. Viral diseases can both be prevented and cured. Cause and Effect! Coronaviruses exist. In recent years it has become possible to alter the chemistry of the large molecules of living systems in a controlled and hopefully ‘predictable’ way. Cause and Effect is still under investigation. This is partly the study of ‘germ warfare’.
Viruses causing severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are known. Artificial variants (chimeras) are synthesised and studied. Mutants occur naturally.
Is humanity the victim of a gigantic hoax aimed at radically altering human society on earth? Having studied the history of death and destruction within and carried out by humankind, who can reasonably doubt the possibility of this?
Viruses are ‘known’ in theory as abstract models generated by computers (in silico) and ‘alignment’ but none of them have any concrete physical existence if the truth be known.
DNA exists and RNA and so do proteins but no confirmed complete viruses per se have been found with genome and proteins intact in scientific practice despite hundreds of scientific paper claims to the contrary because current virus theory is incoherent and contradictory. In other words, their theory doesn’t work out in scientific practice because it’s wrong. Seems like I have to repeat the Fact ad nauseum.
Remember, “chimeras” are a living mix of human and some other species’ DNA, done in a laboratory. This is something that should never happen, and is having terrible consequences in human health. As is the use of Human Fetal Tissue in vaccine culture mediums. Ditto most of the animal organ tissues also utilized in vaccine development, which sets up the transmission of retro viruses, mutated cancer causing monkey cells, and other absolutely deadly neurotoxic ingredients which we then allow “Medical Professionals ” to inject into newborn human babies! Now the rest of the world will begin to awaken to the nightmare of vaccine related deaths, disabilities, and injuries that many of us have struggled to bring out into the light, for decades and decades. To us, the plan is obvious—“A Needle In Every Arm,” regardless of the consequences to the individuals involved, or the society at large. Ditto the lockdowns, the masks, and the withholding of treatments.
What we are dealing with here cannot be remotely “human,” although many good and decent human beings have certainly swallowed the bait, hook line and sinker…
We need to shut this force down, whatever you name it, on our planet and fast, or their will be no “human” world left. Transhumanists, and their masters will have enslaved, sterilized, or “neutralized” the entire human population on Earth, as our fate is decided, one by one, by the machine. By 2035 I fear “humanity” will be a memory if we don’t wake up, in mass.
For me it is simple.
I test it.
Got flu like symptoms and because I know that it had to be a shortage of vitamines or poison I took large amounts vitC.
VitC helps the body to get rid of heavy metals and other poison.
In a few hours I got rid of the flu like symptoms.
Puppy got sick and because she was not accepted by the mother she was bottle fed and I knew she had not enough good bacteria in the intestines (what is the immunesystem that keeps us healthy). I fed her raw meat and tribe, and herbs to improve the intestine bacteria.
I ‘killed’ the bad bacteria by giving her chlorine dioxide. CD makes the milieu for these bacteria unattractive (Antoine Béchamp theory is that they change back in red bloodcells).
Since april 2020 I discovered that viruses are exosomes that appear when the body has a shortage or is poisoned.
Since I approach ‘disease’ from that perspective I see ammazing results.
Geoff, the reason why people listen to Dr’s Kaufman and Lanka etc is that their evidence and arguments are convincing along with the evidence. You ought to know that considering the fact that you said that you know all about viruses not being isolated and so on.
However, what I find peculiar is your speculative belief and assertion that the alleged virus is “real” and was somehow “released” from a lab somewhere without a shred of evidence or proof.
This sounds like a very poor argument if you can call it that. If the virus was indeed released from some lab then surely TPTB would face the same problem that’s facing them now namely, PROVIDING THE PROOF THAT THE ALLEGED PARENT OR PROGENITOR VIRUS PHYSICALLY EXISTS AND PROOF THAT IT, OR ANY OF ITS ALLEGED PROGENY IS THE SOLE CAUSE OF COVID-19. BUT THAT WOULD ONLY RESOLVE PART OF THE WHOLE SCAMDEMIC ISSUE. But that is never going to happen because TPTB know it’s all based on fraud and deception.
Indeed it was released…via email.
Because THEY have much much more money to earn from this. How would you like a cosy villa on a private beach/ secluded forest/ take your pick for your retirement, where you can quietly enjoy the rest of your days without trouble by the plebs, in a place where they can never reach you? Do you know how much doctors make?
Lanka, Caufman and Cowan turned away from all this and are now scraping by selling fringe books and talking on bitchute…
Alzheimer’s disease is currently defined based on the presence of toxic protein aggregations in the brain known as amyloid plaques and tau tangles. Prusiner’s most recent study confirms that these protein formations are prions. Alzheimer’s disease is a prion disease. So is Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, it begs the question, what will a COVID vaccine that synthesizes protein in the body do in the mind and body of a person already under attack from rogue proteins? We are about to find out. My advice would be to avoid the mRNA version of the vaccine if you have Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. If you have concerns about its ability to transmit the disease to you, then avoid it and wait for another type of vaccine.
OK maybe it’s time to stop the hysteria about these “vaccines”.
The most of the people must know by now that the vaccines are under emergency use ,that lot of people have seriouw adverse reaction and propably some died because of these injections,BUT ,really enough is enough,with all these horifie predictions of mass deaths and serious illness, the following three,five ,or whatever ,years.
Are you paid by big pharma or the covert agencies ? Isn’t it bloody obvious that this is a depopulation agenda ? What are your qualifications ? What research have you done ?
qualifications for what exactly?
Queerly, stella asked us to refrain from making predictions,
and, contrary to you, did not make any unsubstantiated conclusions.
To me that’s not only fair but well and good.
Don’t get me wrong I downvoted her because of her faith in humanity.
It’s funny if you think about it.
Funnier is that I’m on your side until I hit that word qualifications.
Why ask for qualifications and for what exactly you don’t say.
Granted I have this internal, unconscious thing wherein I reflexively,
maybe I’m even a bit reactionary like my da, and have to stop myself
from, how do they say, swallowing the blue pill, i.e. I’m not on board
with somebody falling into that establishment trope of is you an expert,
aka an officially approved source. As Chas. Chaplin said, none of us live long enough to be expert at anything.
It just strikes me as odd that a person suggesting to tone down the hysteria is met by somebody hysterically asking for qualifications why (I’m guessing here
since you didn’t say) he should tone down the hysteria.
Update: how funny that I missed it. I should’ve just said
you sound like those folks who demand to see your papers….
Stella says “some have probably died. of the poison. WTF ??
The official figures are over 23,000 dead in three regions alone. These are gross under underestimates. Kirsch has examined the excess death movements and has estimated a toll of 25,000 dead in the US alone.
Dear sir please read my reply below.You have right for the numbers of the dead which most probably is bigger.
25 thousand out of many many millions- your comment has the same problem as the “pandemic” news items.
50 fatal jumbo jet crashes in the US alone. Nothing to worry about ???
If I show you a “vir…” in one hand, and a “vac…” in the other, and tell you it’s an emergency, would you take the “vir…” your body has learned to recognise and deal with through thousands of years of exposure with almost a 100% certainty of getting well again, if your health is otherwise just average, or would you take the “vac…” you don’t know-and have not right to know-what it contains, concocted in a hurry behind closed doors by persons unknown and with no liability, and which you can’t get out of your biology once you take it.
Think about it as a business deal. Close your eyes and think of the many times you’ve had the flu and got well again in just a few days without nothing much than rest, then try to answer the question.
The above is just a thought, and not intended as a specific reply.
I’m not going to have any of these experimental injections ,I also believe that is not a real pandemic and that the reason for all this propaganda is for the gain of big pharma industry.
But with this opposite propaganda of terror from the other side I believe that we play their game and we’re divided in two parties ,where each one predict for the other that they’re going to die the folling winter.The vaccineted from the ‘vaccines’ and the unvaccinated from the new virus mutations.
No scientist has provided any concrete proof of any new virus mutations Stella, let alone the alleged parent virus itself, which unfortunately, the majority have taken for granted as a ‘”given” without question and again without proof. All I can say is God help us if the virus believers continue to maintain their unsubstantiated belief and fail to challenge the virus scam and all that’s followed from it.
Hello Stella, the Internet, from which we get most of our “news”, is like a global, open market where the honest (because aiming to find the truth), serious and careful analysis of events stands side by side with the deceptive, “charlatanesque”, exaggerated, and doom-like reporting, when it isn’t flat out lies. To find one’s path in this jungle of millions and millions of content, each one of which trying to draw our attention, is not an easy task. So, IMO, it would have been very surprising if the doom-mongers hadn’t sprung from both sides on the net like you describe.
Personally, this nightmare took me by surprise like everyone else, and therefore gave it the benefit of the doubt during a few months (my guts telling me all the time that it’s a big hoax), after which, at the time sufficient official data were available and analysed by independent renown scientists (e.g. Ioannidis, Bhakdi, Wodarg), who warned against the harsh measures as being far worse than the disease, I’ve made up my mind: it’s a hoax, period. One of the motives for it, as you said, is to make worldwide-never-dreamed-of sales of “vac…” But that, in my view, doesn’t satisfactorily answer the question “Why?” when one thinks of the unprecedented, fantastic steps governments openly took against the liberties of their citizens, making government officials sworn enemies of large numbers of people; also the way the same restrictions and decrees were (and are) passed simultaneously in lockstep. So it must something big at stake.
By that time, I came across economist professor Andrew Kliman’s “The Failure of Capitalist Production” and other authors and the concept of “capital destruction” as a proven means to induce booms in times of crises (used in the thirties), when the rate of profit becomes too low to allow for production investments and threatens to halt the system (the tendency of the global rate of profit, if taken over decades, to decline, has been, since Marx, proven to be a law within the current mode of production). As an argument for this idea, just think of all the small/medium businesses and markets worldwide whose values have been unnecessarily-for us-destroyed (never mind the livelihoods lost) waiting to be taken over for peanuts by new owners, making huge profits; also, the incommensurable profits pharmaceutical companies are making these days compensate for decades of sluggish rates. All this, could never happen naturally and thus have to be induced.
So, in my view, it all boils down to an effort (regardless of the costs) to salvage or reinvent a dying system (that showed serious symptoms during financial crisis of 2008), that has been found useful in organising, that is, making predictible, human societies. [A glimpse of what a halt of the system would mean, think of no food production, hence empty supermarkets, no energy, and hence no heating, no electricity, useless electrical devices, no internet, and so on]. The importance of salvaging or reinventing the system of human management, in view of the harsh, inhuman costs being currently paid exclusively by the common people, including deaths due the measures imposed, and the more than probable shortening of our lifespan due to the huge stress that had descended upon the world, the effects of which will be felt in the next months and decades and will go on for a respectable length of time, can only be understood from the Hobbesian perspective of the Leviathan: a deep distrust in human nature, and the necessity of tyranny to preserve “a state of Civilization” against a dreaded “state of nature” by those who are pulling the strings.
That’s my view; as for those who are lightly predicting dooms with gory details but without framing the story within a comprehensive big picture, which is far more important to understand so that action could be taken, I just don’t go there, preferring to keep my sanity intact.
I’d like to add that as a convinced rousseauiste and painean, I believe in the goodness, justice and beauty of everything human in the absence of a self-proclaimed, far-away authority.
You are absolutely right. That’s why they first need to convince you that that virus is going to kill you. Then the natural reaction is “give me the vaccine”
It’s a shame that so many students and physicians in the medical industry suffer from Impostor Syndrome when it is the industry itself that is the impostor. We need to break away from Rockefeller Medicine and inject REAL science back into medicine, recognize long suppressed remedies like ozone therapy, infuse raw greens (nature’s medicine) into all hospitals, end the whole twisted Malthusian agenda behind every Western policy and make wellness and economic prosperity the new reset.
This site is full of great links: https://paulthepaperbear.wordpress.com/2021/06/21/your-alternative-update-on-covid19-for-2021-06-21-inventor-mrna-dr-malone-spike-protein-v-dangerous-cytotoxic-w6e6f6-invest-in-surveillance/
I agree, but the majority still believe in what’s being passed off as “science” and the proof is that we are having to suffer the consequences. That also applies to the largely toxic drug and vaccine based medicine too.
As I’ve said before you can’t make vast drug and vaccine based profits from a healthy population – there’s nothing like a good pharmademic to fill the coffers of the Big Pharma Corps. I wonder how many collaborators involved in maintaining the scam will receive their Xmas bonuses this year ????
More intresting things.
One thing witch has kicked up again, is whats defined as ADE Antibody Dependent Enhancement, I know, I know, its from Wikipedia.
Just to give you an insight, probably better somewhere else, but just to give you an hint about ADE.
Then an brand honking new, intervjue with the inventore of mRNA vaccine about injection damages, this time you have more or less everything you need to know about mRNA and spike proteins.
Snapped from one over at, ZH, thanks for that one.
Some thoughts.
To what extent do this mRNA create spike proteins, is it an one time event or is it programable, created to spit out as much it can of this spike protein witch is also reprducive toxicity aka an Bioactive Cytotoxin, yeah, what could possibly go wrong.
You simply have to watch everything, take your time, but watch it.
ADE is also an problem with some of the alternatives if one can use that term to the mRNA vaccine, so, we end up with chousing between the plauge or the pest, since refusal is what will be the coming battlefield.
In an sense, everything witch could be feared regarding the vaccine/gene-therapy, and its infact much worse, because of the cencure of the truth about vaccines and the scamdemic.
And now, way of any mandate to force everybody incl children even as one linked to, the WHO sudden change in recomandations of giving children an vaccine, specially the mRNA one, witch by now have become an loose cannon.
Hello mikael: Also see: > The Next Pandemic Is Here — Antimicrobial Resistance
Published 6/21/2021
Antimicrobial resistance is one of the top 10 global public health threats to humanity, but it rarely makes front page news.
By Dr Joseph Mercola
Mikael, Virologists cannot explain why SARS-COV -2 spike protein or any of its alleged “ghost” variant spike proteins are made, simply because they cannot explain the origins and conditions that are supposed to secure the physical existence of the parent or progenitor virus – neither in theory or in practice without coming unstuck. Hope you understand the importance of what’s being argued here.
In other words, if the spike protein is supposed to be a specific attribute of the virus I.e its “corona” (capsid) and because the virus itself has never been physically proven in scientific practice then neither has its alleged specific spike protein which is a defining characteristic of the virus itself.
The question remains what is the true nature of the protein in the mRNA vaccines because it can’t be a spike protein from a coronavirus because none have been effectively proven in practice. They are simply theoretically postulated models without concrete scientific proof.
What they are actually doing is trying to pass off abstract concepts or models of viruses and their alleged spike proteins as if they were proven concrete realities (reification) which they are NOT. Nevertheless, most people have fallen for the DECEPTION.
Just to add, the physical isolation, sequencing , and characterization of SARS-Cov-2 virus is absolutely necessary to use as a genuine standard of comparison for anything found in samples from patients claiming to be derived from the said virus or it’s spike protein corona. This has never been the case to date.
Incredible audacity of them to have applied the Russian doll concept to the Trojan horse.
The entire authoritarian network appears to operate on this principle at all levels. The perfect panopticon.
They suffer too much much fear and conceit and lack the will to prevail against the natural order.
Yes PD, just as there’s a hierarchy of dolls there’s a hierarchy in Panopticon control which has now been extended to the level of the global population who have not fully realised the fact YET.
B. Bridle, PhD, and his speaking out about spike protein and what he learned from Japanese research can be found on the internet. An article cited Professor of Viral Immunology Byram Bridle, Uni. of Guelph, ON. He explained that the spike protein in covid jabs spreads throughout the body. It harms the spleen, liver, bone marrow, adrenal glands, ovaries and other organs. It adversely affects the platelets, risking blood clots, brain bleeding, heart and neurological problems. …
The mRNA in the vaccines can’t create any spike protein. Let’s be perfectly clear about this nonsense. The mRNA can create protein but it’s not spike protein – it’s protein that they are calling spike protein as if it came from the corona of an unproven parent SARS-COV-2 virus but it has never been proven to be the case. When you see in silico coloured computer generated models usually with red spikes that’s all they are models and have no bearing on anything in physical reality except sea mines that explode when something hits the spikes. A good brainwashing model!
It’s surprising where you can find links to good information. I frequent the “Conspiracy” (r/conspiracy) community on Reddit, sometimes for a good laugh, but also because sometimes its among the few reliable nests which links to interesting information. For example, this morning, a user (u/Owen_Stole_My_Bike) linked to the WHO’s website of a June 3 2021 statement explicitly warning that vaccination for children (under 18 years of age) is NOT RECOMMENDED:
“Children should not be vaccinated for the moment.
There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults. However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines.”
Try finding a link to this story within BING or GOOGLE search engine in the News tab…good luck, all that comes out is great news about the safety and urgency of “vaxxing” all children, out of the USA, China, UAE, etc…
I just went to the website and they’ve changed it, so that’s another barrier out the door for massive child vaxxing :-(.
“Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults, so unless they are part of a group at higher risk of severe COVID-19, it is less urgent to vaccinate them than older people, those with chronic health conditions and health workers.
More evidence is needed on the use of the different COVID-19 vaccines in children to be able to make general recommendations on vaccinating children against COVID-19.
WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) has concluded that the Pfizer/BionTech vaccine is suitable for use by people aged 12 years and above. Children aged between 12 and 15 who are at high risk may be offered this vaccine alongside other priority groups for vaccination. Vaccine trials for children are ongoing and WHO will update its recommendations when the evidence or epidemiological situation warrants a change in policy.”
Now I know why Bruce Springsteen and Mick Jagger are still alive and Bob Marley is dead.
Few months back, i was told by the online lot sir mick and Dave grossGrohl was helping us as they recorded a song which mentioned bill gates. I was told of being being negative when i called bullsh*t on it.
Recently as last week Dave rebel Gross is doing a vaccinated only concert! . Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters performs for the “Vax Live” fundraiser ..
Yep he is so helping us,
just another grifter
But how many have a soul so pure that they can throw the first stone? Before battling for the soul of the world, perhaps we should try to cleanse our own souls, look deep into us. Perhaps our own souls are too dirty and that is why we are not getting anywhere?
I am totally taken aback by all this talk among those against the official narrative in the West, of Good and Evil. It frightens me: I am being told of forces of evil on the one side, and forces of good on the other, with complete self-conviction of those holding such a discourse they are part of the forces of good.
All there is in Man. We are all a mixture of good and bad, there is no outside force manipulating us one way or the other. It is our own free choice at each instant. And every time we become violent, every time we reject someone else, every time we lack generosity towards others, every time we form a divisive thought in our head, each time we lose some of our humanity.
Possibly it is this incredible belief in forces of evil that is creating the forces of evil: for thought, belief, have tremendous power. What you think, the world will become that.
And those I have heard talk about forces of evil, I have witnessed how they themselves become violent. In India it is said, that thought has tremendous power: that if you think good thoughts, you will attract all the good thoughts ever thought from the dawn of times, and that will push you towards more good thoughts. If you see evil and concentrate on evil,
you will attract all the evil thoughts, and that will push you towards that side.
Only when you see the good and the beautiful are you able to act constructively.
“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” Gandhi.
We’re talking survival here, Annette, not who is pure enough to cast the first stone…
Of course you’re right about the value of looking deep into ourselves, but this is getting urgent.
We probably don’t have another 2,000 years to evolve a couple more brain cells than we did during the last 2,000… Maybe not even 20 years at this rate…
No doubt
The universe is unraveling
As it should.
That’s my schtick.
I like to say maybe it’s our luck to live
on the downside of the Universe.
Upon this loftiness I wish I could
float away.
I have to disagree with you here, Annette. At least as regards evil. Good, admittedly, is all but impossible to quantify; but evil is very very simple.
It is the deliberate state of first considering then treating other beings – perhaps non-living as well as living – as unworthy for anything but exploitation for one’s own enrichment. All evil proceeds from this one single state.
I believe this is partly why “civilized” souls register such utter contempt and hatred for Indigenous souls. Whatever else their flaws, Indigenous souls do genuinely seem to have a respect, even a love, for other beings.
I remember way back seeing a documentary on an Indigenous people in the Amazon region. If times were so terrible and food so scarce that they felt compelled to kill and eat a monkey, they would take its offspring into their community and raise that child as one of their own – and woe to anyone who ever harmed it.
Most “civilized” souls would think that laughable – and therein lies the seeds of evil.
great comment; this ‘western’ form of consuming existence seems to be accelerating to an end
Ah yes, the noble savage.
Oh, Annette, I hate to be the one to break it to you,
but Man ain’t superterrific and there really is very
little to none, no good, in Homo.
Sorry to say it but that goodness is either completely beaten
out of you before your 18th birthday, literally and metaphorically,
or infinitesimal from the start.
Now don’t get me wrong there are perhaps some good adults in the world
Maybe half a dozen or so. I think where you’re getting confused is when people
display what you call ‘goodness’ (I’m guessing kindness, compassion, mercy) in very limited doses, very specific instances or fleeting moments. It’s a lot like when parents say they love their kids, yet lie to them or beat them, saying it’s for their own good (ha-ha).
Then again, I also believe that other species of Homo is where sapien gets it.
That’s why it’s such a little part of us from the start. Homo sapien is the most destructive, violent force to have ever hit this Earth, which begs the question, where do we come from.
I just deleted my comment,” look what happened to Ghandhi,” because I didn’t want to disillusion such innocent faith in humanity….People do sometimes show compassion or even help out in a crisis but there are usually some self serving motives behind the action ,which is also inevitably shortlived,… The term virtue signalling has been particularly resonant for me…
They’re too stupid to run.
If I were Hancock, Fauci, Cummings or any of the rest, I would be on a remote island in the Indian Ocean by now.
What can you do when government officials go rogue?
You have to hunt them down of course, because they’re dangerous.
Imagine in a years time the powers that be go congratulations you have passed the test you didn’t take vaccine,congratulations you are the thinkers the intelligent ones we killed all the sheep.
That crossed my mind too, but these people think they’re so superior that they wouldn’t dream of rewarding anybody for anything.
In any case they are so unintelligent themselves they are in no position to judge anyone else’s intellectual status, except within very limited boundaries.
In fact if they had slightly more intelligence in general, they would see that they are already up to their necks in quicksand.
If you are right, and we are ‘the intelligent ones’, then the first thing we need to do when we try to pick up the pieces of this horrendous mess is to sterilize those ‘powers that be’…
Even if they are already infertile, a bit of sterilization will still do them good…
Lust for power is the most abundant element in the universe – hydrogen comes in second. You would need a stop watch set to nano-seconds to determine how long it would take the next batch of shits to “rise to the top.”
I agree completely that the current batch of shits should be locked away forever – just on General Principle. But I have absolutely no illusion that their \vacated seats of power would remain vacant.
Indeed so.
Still, I like to imagine that one day these crimes will come to light on a much wider scale, and the sentencing package meted out will include a very strong dose of deterrent – and not just detergent…
More like these people hate us so much, that after having killed all the sheep, they are looking forward to lording it over us, in a never ending variety of cruel and humiliating ways, forever.
What I’ve found really disturbing during these COVID times, besides the abandonment of reason and rational discourse, is the glorification of fear and fearful behavior. Submitting to irrational fear has now become a virtue, a supreme virtue along with obedience. Courage, which is overcoming fear in the pursuit of a noble goal, is now reviled and criminalized. I think this is the natural result of decades of moral and ethical relativism
propagated by Liberal secularism, especially at educational institutions.
Great comment. If I may add one thing to it – a kind of corollary. I’ve noticed – as have others who did not succumb to the siren song of sweet terror – that another side to this fear is emerging: anger.
You see it especially on the highways. People – who of course have generally been impatient and somewhat aggressive when they get in their cars – are driving in a fashion I would call almost maniacal. They’re not just going faster: it’s the way they’re driving.
The feeling of anger is almost palpable. It’s in the air when they’re on the road. Even nice, calm drivers are slowly becoming impatient.
But of course: fear breeds anger.
And there are some for whom fear is food.
Anger, aka “rage”.
I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, and live in a suburb about three miles outside Philly.
In recent months, city officials and local news media have reported with increasing hand-wringing fervor about the “inexplicable” rise in violent crime– especially fatal shootings, usually with multiple victims.
I don’t follow Philly politics, but a recent story about a primary election for District Attorney caught my eye. The incumbent DA, Democrat Larry Krasner, was elected as a reformer; like all big-city reform-minded DAs, the police and reactionary “law and order” segment of the public despise him for being allegedly “soft on crime” and “coddling criminals”.
His own party leadership, headed by an old-school Ward Boss type dinosaur, declined to follow the standard practice of endorsing his re-election. Instead, they washed their hands of him with the euphemistic pronouncement that “the people” ought to decide this time around.
The thing that caught my eye is the reason the corrupt Democratic machine hung him out to dry: during the campaign, Krasner cited the pandemic and the social consequences of the “public-health measures” as a significant contributing factor to the rise in violent crime. The Ward Boss and his depraved henchmen, as well as local media pundits, scornfully rejected and dismissed this as a scandalous lame excuse to cover his own shortcomings.
As far as I know, Krasner is the only politician– local, state, or federal– to cite this cause-and-effect relationship. Meanwhile, the pols are doing their usual Dismayed But Determined shtick, and proposing various tried-and-ineffectual “solutions” in the form of funding streams for enhanced Recreation Department attractions, “anti-violence” non-profit groups, etc. In short, the usual self-serving virtue-signaling wheel-spinning demagoguery.
BTW, miraculously enough Krasner easily won the primary. It would be nice to think that his unpopular, taboo view on the causal relationship between the scamdemic and escalating “senseless” violent crime resonated with the public after all. But his political faux pas probably just got lost in the chatter.
I recently watched the movie Contagion, all about some deadly pandemic, and noticed that the tag line for the film was “nothing spreads like fear.” Indeed.
all that pre-covid propaganda of “toxic masculinity” re; courage/bravery/MEN = BAD had an agenda we are now witnessing.
If the PCR test produces false positives at 40 cycles or more, why aren’t 80-90% of tests positive, instead of just 20-30%?
The problem isn’t that it produces a high percentage of false positives over all, it’s that a high percentage of the positives will be false. Important diff, often misunderstood.
I think I understand that difference, but if the test is amplyfing genetic material to such an extent, like Mullis said so you can find practically anything you want, why aren’t there more positives, false or not?
It tests for 30ish genetic sequences that are claimed parts of the virus genome. However it does not check for a full string. Also many of these sequences are not unique to the virus string, but shared by bacteria and human chromosomes. If you dont have any of these you test negative unless the test kit itself is contaminated (has happened).
So a positive test can be from bacteria in your sysrem or simply bits of your chromosomes scooped out from your tissue.
So then why aren’t there more positives or a higher proportion of positives?
100% positive from all tests have happened from time to time in various places. We have been told of one happening in a hospital where all staff tested on one day were ‘positive’. In this instance the tests were rejected and run again with a more acceptable result. We can guess this might happen a lot which is why very high positive rates are not recorded.
It is also crucially important to remember what Mullis himself said:
It is NOT a test!
It cannot tell you whether or not you are sick, or whether something in your body could make you sick.
To paraphrase Mullis’s excellent, approachable English, “It can only amplify a teeny-weeny amount of stuff, so that you have a big bunch of stuff”.
That’s pretty much all it does.
I’m going to use CapsLock here for conspicuous emphasis. Please don’t be offended. I’m doing it because I care, and because scientific accuracy matters:
I know that. But if every time a ‘test’ is conducted and a tiny wee bit of stuff gets amplified into a big bunch of stuff, how come there aren’t more big bunch of stuff results?
Because it’s not a binary issue…to use your phraseology “wee bit” v “big bunch”. A PCR can run at anything up from zero cycles to many thousands, and the whole range in between, as necessary to make a particle microscopically visible. It is generally recognised that any SARS CoV2 particle requiring enlargement over 30 cycles (max) in order to ‘see’ it is not of clinical significance. But over the past eighteen months it appears that the cycles have been run at anything up to 45 cycles. This means that many ‘positive’ results of no clinical consequence have been identified.
So, the higher the cycle run, the larger the ‘big bunch of stuff’ becomes. Hypothetically and simplistically put, if the SARS CoV2 test was undertaken with a 80x PCR cycle you could get twice the number of positives, if it was a 200x PCR cycle you could get five times the number of positives. You can see from this how easy it would be to manipulate the number of ‘positive’ results (so called ‘cases’) simply by varying the PCR cycle rates on a whim. UK laboratories and the government have been asked on various occasions to confirm what PCR cycles they have been using, but have always evaded providing an answer. As @contra el encierro said earlier, presumably the powers that be are content with the numbers of positives they have been producing so far. If the numbers need changing up or down, easy, just adjust the cycle rate accordingly.
I get that many ‘positive’ results of no clinical consequence have been identified. And I think I now get the false positive aspect. But I’m still a bit foggy on the cycles aspect. I thought at 45 cycles you would find anything in anyone, but what I think you’re saying is that it might take e.g., just 30 for one person and maybe upwards of 50 for another, and if the max ‘allowed’ is 45, you’ll only get so many ‘results’?
If I could stop you for a moment and interject something: what is the range of test results you’re talking about? I don’t mean in terms of cycles; but chronology.
At the beginning of this ordeal, most tests (at least, as later reported) were run at 40 or more cycles – which did result in lots of “false” positives (bearing in mind that not everyone got tested).
But since the vaccines, tests are generally run at 30 or less – and produce way fewer positives. The current much lower percent of positives skews the overall result downward.
But as Admin 1 pointed out, statistics are not cut and dried; rather, they’re manipulated by altering the field against which they’re posted.
The efficacy of the vaccines is a case in point – which is outside the current discussion.
The amplification (cycle) issue is not dependent on the person from whom the sample is taken. It is also immaterial how many particles are present in one sample; it is the size of particle that is indicative of risk. To illustrate the point, if a single sample has multiple particles of SARS CoV2 which only become visible (i.e. the individual distinct particles) with the aid of a PCR cycle of, say, 50x that would be disregarded as evidence of active infectious material. But, conversely, if a single sample has a smaller number of particles but they (the individual distinct particles) become visible with the aid of a PCR cycle of, say, 25x that would have to be regarded as evidence of an infectious ‘viral load’. That is, the particles in the second group are individually bigger than those in the first group and therefore more likely to cause illness.
Essentially, before a programme commences in which a particle of a particular pathogen (or whatever is under scrutiny) is looked for, all the laboratories involved along with the scientists leading the project should reach a consensus on the minimum size of particle potentially capable of causing illness in a ‘random’ person. They would have to determine through strictly controlled laboratory trials the minimum size of SARS CoV2 viral particle that could be indicative of a capacity to cause illness. And then, again through laboratory trials, determine what magnification that particle would need to be subjected to in order to become visible under the microscope being used to look for the particle. (Presumably if different labs use different microscopes they may have to adjust the required amplification accordingly, hence slightly variable ranges being used).
It is not evident how or why Christian Drosten in Germany, who submitted the recommendation of 45 cycles to the WHO (which led to this being applied globally), came up with that amplification. But other experts worldwide say this is far in excess of what they believe to be the maximum required amplification of 25-30 cycles. At 25-30 cycles, potentially harmful particles of SARS CoV2 would be visible down to the agreed minimum size. Any amplification over 30 cycles will pick up genuinely infectious particles if they are present, but it is potentially picking up dead or harmless particle material without any infectious particles being present (resulting in false positives).
I hope this helps!
This is getting unnecessarily foggy.
What Kary Mullis himself has to say about PCR is not at all foggy, except that he died before covid, so his comments concern the process in relation to HIV.
It makes no difference. He puts PCR into perspective.
I hope this works:
To be fair, one person’s ‘foggy’ may be another person’s ‘clarity’. I just felt that sometimes those of us who have had the advantage of months of hearing explanations about PCR and false positives may tend to quickly forget that we all had to start somewhere and sometimes, paradoxically, a more detailed explanation is necessary to help others to understand the basics and outline how the different stages of the process relate to each other.
If someone is having trouble grasping the point I am making I tend to look at where I failed to get the information across and put myself in their position, and ask myself what would I like to know that would make it clearer. Obviously reading such information is likely to be tiresome and seem overly specific for someone who is familiar with the subject but it seemed to me that this was a series of exchanges with Ian which probably warranted a fuller explanation to facilitate his understanding. Apologies if that sounds patronising to Ian! Not intended. 🙂
wardopper: ‘except that he died before covid’. That was the liars’ line until this footage gave it the kibosh. Here Is Kary Mullis referring to the covid:
Yes, immensely, thanks 👍
This is ridiculous. Without the SARS-COV -2 virus complete genome sequence to use as the gold standard of comparison (not the in silico computer generated model) the PCR test and all that goes with it is a complete and utter waste of time.
Therefore, without concrete scientific proof that the virus physically exists positive and negative tests are completely meaningless because you cannot determine what the bits of genetic material you use in the test derive from. How can you?????
I agree with you that there would appear to be the absence of evidence supporting the existence of the ‘novel’ SARS CoV2 virus. But my explanation is based on the assumption that something does exist that is being looked for whether we choose to call it SARS CoV2 or not. My view is that it is just a common or garden generic coronavirus.
Rather than over complicate my explanation by going into the minefield of whether SARS CoV2 exists as a singular entity or not (it’s been covered so much elsewhere on this website), I thought best to just stick to referring to the virus by the ‘popular’ name of SARS CoV2, as it was the principles of the PCR protocols I was trying to explain rather than digress into whether SARS CoV2 actually exists.
Yes Judy, as you say along with many others “There must be something”!
Well, they are looking for bits and pieces of genetic material that look similar to their concocted abstract theoretical model. They are ASSUMING it comes from a virus.
But because the model has no basis in physical reality and neither does the unconditional parent or progenitor virus they are looking for, any bits and pieces of the body’s genetic material they find are meaningless in that context.
Why? It is because in the absence of any concrete physically existing parent or progenitor virus they have no real physical standard namely, a complete virus to compare ANTHING with.
The same applies to ANY model of coronavirus not just SARS-COV -2. In other words they have no idea what that material comes from that they try to match with their worthless model.
If the computer generated model itself has no basis in physical reality, how is it possible without the virus itself to provide the model or gold standard of comparison? Do you now see the problem? Perhaps not.
Apologies for the repetition but sometimes it’s necessary to drive a point home or spell things out as they are. The unconditional postulated existence of any virus is problematic and I feel very strongly about the fact that we have been conned into accepting the lies and deception regarding their alleged pathogenicity and monocausality.
How do you know how many positives there are? What’s the reference? The NHS? The WHO? The global COVID Dashboard? What we get is a number. Who generates it? The same agencies who can make the numbers of ‘new cases’ go up or down or make them appear to be concentrated only in a certain demographic, such as the unvaccinated?
Imagine that.
Exactly… 🤢
There is no reference if you catch my meaning!
The president of Tanzania a medical doctor sent samples of a goat, papaw, water Mellon and perhaps few other fruits to a lab, they all returned positive for COVID-19. He then took the results and went on Tanzania national TV to share his findings. Couple months later he was dead, some say from a heart attack, some say from corona virus. He was replaced by a member of the world economic forum. The president of Burundi a healthy sport loving 50 something was dead few weeks after he began publicly questioning the narratives of the lockdowns and COVID-19, he went as far as banning the world health organisation to ever set foot in Burundi.
I believe there are three additional leaders who died suspicious deaths. Dr. Stephen Karanga of Kenya was one. He and Dr. Wahome Ngare are interviewed here. https://www.bitchute.com/video/muHlkj4Emoep/
The late President Magufuli. Jeremy Loffredo and Whitney Webb wrote about him here. https://bityl.co/7SRq
you cant trust the tests
It’s a good question. Listen to Stefan Lanka about making de test with pure water or vodka: Part 1and Part2.
I supose they have as many positives as they need.
Link of part 1 is this: https://ugetube.com/watch/stefan-lanka-resumen-sobre-las-pcr_tJIwjwPugFwKoE1.html
A video of some guy talking vaguely and waving his hands – to music. In the countryside. Hoorah.
But I liked his movements—very dancelike! Still trying to understand the words.
The Part1 link doesn’t go anywhere…
Once you test positive, that test has a 80-90% chance of being a false positive. It doesn’t mean that 80-90% of tests are positive
A partner in the Vaccine rollout is the Mitre.org company a defense contractor that has worked in the field of Nanotech for decades.
They qualify as a nonprofit company. There funding comes from the DOD
Richard, Whitney Webb, the cutting edge reporter on the covid story, in a pre-vaccine interview indicated that the guy who headed up Operation Warp Speed came out of retirement to do it. He had previously been a bigshot in CIA’s DARPA for decades. DARP, of course is infamous for medical experimentation upon various segments of the unsuspecting public– as disclosed since in Congressional hearings.
She noted that there was extraordinary secrecy being imposed in the “vaccine” development.
I haven’t had time to followup on her work since, but her command of the people and their histories and much other detail was phenomenal. I had to listen to her at .75 speed just to take it in.
She’s kind of a marvel. https://unlimitedhangout.com/author/whitney-webb/
I know that Tony Blair is evil and a senior figure in the elites who want to impose a new world order. He is telegraphing a message that the vaccinated have to get their freedoms back and the unvaccinated be discriminated against. He admits this without reservation.
Make no mistake. If he is offering an opinion like this it is because he knows the agenda and wants to be seen as leading the way.
Blair, like Thatcher was, is a useful weather vain. Do 180° the opposite.
I think it’s important we get this straight. We may tend to feel the general public, that have fallen for this SPELL, are putting us in danger. But really, they are the ones in danger and are likely to suffer terribly for the mistake of trusting government oligarchs over their own instinct and reason. Try to feel compassion for them, even though their obedience may hasten the agenda plans, it is not their fault this is happening.
Ultimately, our atomistic godless Cosmology, called Scientism, based upon misinterpreted evidence and an atheistic ideology, taught to us from birth, has primed many of us, to believe the narrative over the past year. To understand Scientism, may help in resolving this catastrophe. We are all here to learn, after all.
The Government report of Notifiable Diseases for England and Wales is Statutory. It is report of notifications of infectious diseases by PHE Region, county, local and unitary authority.
These are weekly reports and can be viewed for 2021 at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/notifiable-diseases-weekly-reports-for-2021
Since March 2020 until mid June 2021 there have been ~15,000 notifications.
I found this link a while ago and have been comparing it to the data from the the CDC in the other link provided. There is a delay in the updates by Indexmundi but the chart does get revised.
I chose a couple of weeks from 2020 and have been watching the CDC to track changes as well as verifying that at least this small sample agrees with what Indexmundi reports.
The very first thing that struck me about the bar graph (note this is total deaths, I have been basically ignoring anything about “covid” deaths) was that the upper limits of the 2020 bars generates a curve that I am inclined to think is unnatural. It’s just too pretty.
Note that people are still dying during the last full week of 2020 so we’re looking at a 6 month (at least) lag in the data presented by CDC to “the public” . Do elected officials, etc have access to “fresher” data than the rest of us?
I don’t hear any “screaming”about excess deaths anymore.
“the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs: 1·3% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, 1·2% for the Moderna–NIH, 1·2% for the J&J, 0·93% for the Gamaleya, and 0·84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines.”
Jon Rappaport has written dozens of articles regarding the lack of virus isolation,
Here is a great example,
I think the distinction between relative and absolute risk reduction is critical to know. Absolute gives the real risk reduction figure. These are so small, the public would be appalled if they understood.
Good article. I too have been obsessively researching for over a year. I differ on only one point with the author, who says he doesn’t know if the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated. I usually end fruitless discussion by asking friends to just provide evidence that it has been isolated. It usually takes them a few minutes to Google and smugly dig out a scientific paper claiming it has. But I am persuaded that the lab research protocols show nothing more than a probable computer model of the virus. If a real rather than a virtual virus had been identified, the vaccine companies could have used samples of it. But they admit to having had no such samples to work from, despite early promises from the CDC that cultures of it were or would be available. Case closed. SARS-CoV-2 is a bioinformatic fiction.
There have been many many claims of isolation.
But saying it’s been isolated and proving isolation are two different things.
And as you say no one can prove it.
No-one can prove any virus exists including measles and the common cold but it doesn’t mean they do not exist.
That’s not very scientific, is it?
This is though. https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/the-virus-that-causes-covid-19-exists-and-was-identified-and-isolated-multiple-times-by-independent-research-groups/
Who include on their list of ‘partners, funders and donors’ the likes of FACEBK…
The most celebrated scientific organization in the universe…
What do you mean they can’t prove any virus exists?
Haven’t they since Leeweeunhook invented the microscope?
You won’t see a virus in an optical microscope of any kind.
It wasn’t until the electron microscope was invented in 1931 that it became possible to view all sorts of interesting new things for the first time.
However, even that isn’t actually direct viewing, but an image created from the interaction of electrons with a microscopic object. At those high powers of magnification, we’re getting quite close to witchcraft, but the results look convincing to me. I’d like to study that subject more when I have time.
It’s fundamentally wrong. What they are calling a virus is simply dead cell debris. The germs feed off this (their job) which is why they are present. Leave a bowl of strawberries outside for a week, what you see on the outside is not a ‘virus’.
We need to go back to basics and define what a virus is claimed to be. Because it’s fraudulent.
Jon Rappaport has written dozens of articles regarding the lack of virus isolation,
Here is a great example,
I want to know if anybody understands why
people keep saying they’ve never identified the virus
when a dead chinese general supposedly patented it back in January,
two days before Moderna allegedly developed a vaccine.
If he could isolate the virus, then why do people say he didn’t,
or couldn’t have???
one can ‘patent’ almost anything. defending the patent is the real job.
I’ve been pondering this too. There must be a standard procedure for isolating a virus surely. And an agreed and widely accepted definition of what ‘isolated’ means.
Otherwise it’s like trying to determine if a football team scored a goal when there isn’t a clear definition of what a goal is.
There is, of course, the same way there used to be a standard procedure for measuring skulls and drawing conclusions regarding the skullowner’s inclination towards crime. In other words: within a set of beliefs regarding the Cause of illnesses a priori defined as infectious, there is indeed a standard lab mystification that begs the question and reaches the original axiomatic presumption regarding the Cause of the illness. Pathogenic viruses, in other words, are a combination of beliefs + lab artifacts.
I understand that the measles and chickenpox viruses haven’t been isolated in the sense that you mean either. However, if you acknowledge that there is contagion from one person to another, there must be some physical substance or particle that travels from one to the other. We call this a virus & within the field of virology there are methods of identification which virologists say “amount to” isolation.
Naysayers maintain that viral identification must be via the sort of isolation that is possible in separating a leopard from his environment. But as this is apparently not possible, does it not force you to deny the obvious presence of contagion? Rejection of virology becomes logical only when you have a better theory to put forward.
A refutation not only requires no substitute idea, but it can never have one, because refutation is saying “no” to something. Nothing more.
And as for “obvious presence of contagion”, the problem you raise stems only from a (false) assumption: that there really is such a thing as separate “individuals”. It is a fantasy. It is true that it is the fantasy on which Reality, i.e. Money, is built. It is the number one dogma of Faith of our Regime: The personal individual who knows what he wants, knows what he does, knows what he votes for, and so on. This entity, the individual, is something totally absurd and unintelligible, for example, to any of the peoples that Western man has “discovered” and baptised with the name “primitives”.
Your reasoning in the 1st paragraph is correct provided you know all the possible variables that can possibly contribute to make one person at some point mirror somobody elses syntoms.
In other words, you are kind of begging the question by assuming what contagion exactly means.
I have no basis for disputing the idea of contagion, so I won’t. I would simply point out that contagion is legion among children. We tend to say it’s so they can develop immunity. But that totally ignores one of the fundamental tenets of humans – especially children: not wanting to be “left out.”
One child gets sick and is coddled and pampered. Isn’t it understandable then for other children to also want to “get sick” so they too can be coddled and pampered?
And we know full well that a person’s mental attitude has at least as great an effect on their bodily processes as environmental factors.
Upon this week’s review for the blog on the deaths and hospitalizations of teens, I just wept
The cases are awful. One girl had severe neurological problems after vaccine, and had to be placed in a long term care facility
Two teen boys died within first eleven days of June
99 hospitalizations for severe side effects in ages 12 – 17 for ELEVEN days in June alone
Many of these are NOT myocarditis but blood clots and neurological problems. The serious effects effect all body systems.
Here is the full review with a lot of updates. The case reviews is towards the bottom:
CDC Postpones Emergency Covid Vaccine Meeting As Hospitalizations/Deaths in Teens/Young Adults Mount
Why are they injecting children?This has to stop!!!The lunatics have escaped the asylum and are injecting people with shite.
Not all the lunatics are coercing people into taking the injection. Many of the lunatics are the ones taking the injection. It’s a two-way street. Most of the world has gone crazy
Sad but true.
In our state many have had 3 already, they had 2 covid i.e astrazenca and also the flu one which they was informed to get before taking the covid jabs.
These reports would be unbearably sad and appalling, so thank God the political and public-health authorities, amplified by a complicit mass-media network (which includes “social media”), do such a good job in swiftly discrediting and dismissing the mounting deaths by relentlessly characterizing them as “anecdotal”– and of course “rare”.
The beauty part is that they will remain anecdotal and rare as long as the existing dodgy and buggered injury and death reporting systems hold sway. The organizations and institutions tasked with maintaining accurate health reporting systems, dispassionately administered for the public benefit without fear or favor, are presently operating in a manner that suggests this logo:
Have the injection!What your still alive?Alright second injection!Damn your still alive.Right booster shots that should see you off?!No your still alive why can’t you just die.?!!!
Now go outside and clap for the NHS whilst we get your next shot ready.
Never clapped for nhs to be honest knew it was a con from the start.All I felt was come on sane people where are you?
Not all of them need to die. There is a lot of money to be made off chronically sick people.
We are literally bullied by our government.
They use all the notorious tricks of bullies, notably:
The physical:
They ensure they are never caught alone as individuals. In that state, they are too weak to prevail. They always have a gang around them. Sheer numbers count. The nastier the intentions, the bigger the gang.
The psychological:
They use moral blackmail to make everyone but themselves feel they have done something wrong.
I reckon if our schools have a zero-tolerance policy on bullying, we’d better make sure the same policy is vigorously enforced out of school too.
My admittedly limited personal experience of bullying confirms that it usually crumbles when it finally gets the fight it is longing for.
Seriously, the intolerable burden put upon us all by the international elitist club is no more remarkable than common schoolyard bullying.
ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY. I agree with every word. I could take it further, but this does nicely.
Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology.
I wonder what some of his thoughts are, say on Pfizer?
Holy shit – doesn’t start too well – “ I’m pretty sure I included the original data”, that erm, aargh, erm graph”
They sound stoned!
I don’t mind if they had a cognac or two… They still make excellent scientific sense.
Regrettably, one of them just can’t relax and let the other two talk.
Ego and anger management issues, I think.
To hell with all that. They are talking authentic science, and that’s precisely what Fauci and his spineless accomplices are not doing.
We can all follow their arguments, and any specific technical terms we might have difficulty with can easily be googled.
Malone knows his stuff, and although he is correctly reluctant to talk in a political way, his serious concern about the media and governmental censorship of this subject is well articulated:
“That means we can’t have a rational discussion”.
alternative link?
Dear friends, a video interview has appeared today and is the first thing to hit you on Rense.com. The interview is entitled:
“Global Bioterrorism – Dr Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Dr Peter Mccullough.The Latest Projection Is That Over 50,000 Americans Have Been Murdered by Vaxx.”
Dr Fuellmich and his team is in the process of preparing a court case against some of the criminal perpetrators. However, they are strategically playing down the alleged virus and placing emphasis on the injurious effects of the vaccines.
Yet Dr McCullough says we know the disease is physically there based on “information from sequencing” and – “we know it’s there in some cases”.
Unfortunately, sequencing genetic material from patients samples (“isolates”) is NOT proof of virus because there is no actual physical viral gold standard of comparison – only a computerised model they have constructed from bits and pieces of genetic material from undetermined sources that have nothing to do with viruses.
It will be interesting to see how this turns out if they don’t challenge the virus both in theory and in practice. I do however wish them 🍀 luck.
I know that the victims of con-artists usually don’t admit they were conned.
They instead stay silent about it because they are embarrassed by being conned.
Will the world ever wake up and not only admit is was conned by that it allowed itself to be injected with an experimental gene-therapy drug? No, in my reading of history that will never happen.
The Russians don’t admit they raped Berlin nor the Japanese that they slaughtered people in Nanking and Manchuria. The Germans admit the holocaust because they were forced to by the occupying Americans.
‘The Germans admit the holocaust because they were forced to by the occupying Americans.’
Indeed they were forced, they would have confessed to whatever their torturers demanded.
I could have written this myself apart from two areas where I may disagree with Edward.
Firstly, excess deaths from all causes even when age adjusted is the highest since 2008 (150,000 excess deaths according to the ONS) so something has been killing these elderly sick people which tends to indicate that SARS-CoV-2 does actually exist.
Secondly, a dominant virus of a similar family can subsume a less virulent virus and that is why flu has disappeared and it has nothing to do with masks or lockdowns as explained in this article. https://medium.com/illumination-curated/the-unexpected-case-of-the-disappearing-flu-64fd1fa5e909
Maybe I missed something but I don’t recall the lockdowns and destruction of society in 2008 and previous years.
What’s been killing elderly sick people? Well in most cases it’s not a virus, that’s for sure. Try medical negligence, abandonment, DNRs, automatic end of life protocols (I refuse to refer to them as treatments) if they have a temperature etc…the list goes on.
Unnecessary lockdowns would have accounted for many deaths for the reasons you state but not 150,000.
Many elderly in residential homes and hospitals have been finished off with midazlom. Denying people with cancer and heart disease access to NHS treatment for 17 months would also account for the increase.
Apparently the NHS brought up, and used, so much midazolam they even demanded extra french labelled stock from Accord.
More people died in the UK in 1990, I believe. Millions weren’t able to access health care – and the biggest killers are heart disease and cancer – how many people died as a result? Probably an extra 120,000, based on the 150,000 increase.
But the point is that you yourself state that 150k excess is not unprecedented, even in recent times and over a period of many years dating back from 2008. And we know that these are by no means all deaths ‘from’ covid. Even the BBC is now reporting figures simply as ‘deaths within 28 days of a positive covid test’. That must tell people something, but do the majority notice these subtleties?
You have stated that the deaths “of elderly sick people tends to indicate that SARS CoV2 does exist”. My specific point is that it is misguided to deduce that even large numbers of elderly sick people have been dying directly as a result of covid. Suffice it to say, there is more than enough evidence to say that a significant number of deaths, especially amongst the elderly, are the result of collateral damage caused by lockdown measures and social distancing, which have had a particularly deleterious effect on that cohort.
Let’s say an elderly person falls ill from a cold virus, a urine infection, flu or, yes, SARS CoV2, or just feels off colour (maybe the result of isolation from relatives). Under the care home guidance issued last spring, every single one of those people was to be regarded as a potential covid victim without any hands on medical assessment, and would have been placed on ‘end of life’ care. We all know the implications of that. Upon death they would all be signed off as ‘covid’ deaths, with no post mortem to prove otherwise. This is undoubtedly what happened in the case of many thousands of elderly care home residents – many of them deaths from conditions that were treatable or avoidable.
98.6% of “covid” deaths in Canada were in government institutions
Think on that for a minute
Care homes,government regulated health care and prisons
The perfect places to throw seriously ill people out hospitals into if you want to create an elevated death toll
Hardly any deaths in the “community ” whatsoever
Also,I would like to see how these numbers in UK were worked out by ons,as every foi request to local authorities I have seen(60 in total) show no increased mortality,most show only 1 or 2 years in last 5 with lower deaths.
If these vaccines were not rolled out,we would see 4-5 years of lower death rates as these things average out as well.
Nick, I think about 50% of canadian covid deaths were in care homes. Deaths increased there as the result of vax campaigns– but it’s NOT accurate that 98.6% of Canadian covid deaths even including the vax deaths were in care homes.
OF COURSE they are characterizing the vax deaths as covid deaths.
Not care homes,government legislated institutions. Apologies if I didn’t make that clear…its hospitals prisons and government legislative care.I wish I could find the data stored in my previous phone. Its accurate
I picked up on that last year.How they neglected our elderly,Just because they are in care homes don’t mean to say they are safe.Care homes,Prisons,juvies.Once you go into a government system your doomed.I’ve been in government systems and let me just say they don’t give a crap about you.It’s all about numbers and computerised crap.
not having a go at you but it wasn’t ‘neglect’ – it was pure evil; Globally preplanned and orchestrated and then State sponsored MURDER – taken straight from the Nazi Germany’s Aktion T4 playbook.
“so something has been killing these elderly sick people which tends to indicate that SARS-CoV-2 does actually exist”
So you stop the NHS treating most illness except covid.
Put restrictions on accident and emergency
Make it extremely difficult to get a doctors appointment
Make people scared to get treatment
Overload care homes , while staff are reduced , with mass do not resuscitate orders.
Stop visits to care homes
get people to stay indoors away from sunshine and sharing any flu etc.
Deaths at home have been above 5 year average
Which tends to indicate that a lot of excess deaths are due to lockdown policy and not a virus.
“Which tends to indicate that a lot of excess deaths are due to lockdown policy and not a virus.”
I have already stated that a lot of deaths are due to unnecessary lockdowns. However, that can be nowhere near the 150,000 figure which again is the “excess” deaths compared to the 5 year average so something else is killing those people so why is it so difficult for people to believe that the virus SARS-CoV-2 does actually exist?
It’s already been pointed out to you that you yourself admit there were as many excess deaths in 2008. This totally destroys your own point – unless you are claiming there was a unique and deadly virus requiring worldwide lockdown, a Great Reset and untested vaccines back then as well?
It seems you have only your belief and/or your guess that a virus is the causation of some (more) deaths.
There is no proof that the virus exists. If you have solid proof please present it here.
True that’s what I’ve been saying all along as soon as covid came into the frame the lack of care was worldwide.And the most vulnerable suffered,Nazi Germany did not go around euthanising elderly and disabled they took away treatments and care.
“get people to stay indoors away from sunshine and sharing any flu etc.”
Flu is a virus but you say viruses don’t exist. Make your mind up.
Something has been killing elderly sick people. Midazolam?
cough midazolam cough
wow disturbing read.
After reading the replies to your comment, I notice no one has brought to your attention that something very unusual did happen in 2008. That was the height of the housing bubble catastrophe.
It’s always easy to see why there would be excess deaths from, say, hurricanes or ice storms. It’s also easy to see that same result if there are plagues about.
But we tend to downplay, if not overlook entirely, psychological catastrophes. Millions of people around the world lost everything when the housing bubble burst. Similarly, millions of people around the world lost everything when the world’s economies were all but shut down because of the “pandemic.” Both of these events were monumental psychological catastrophes – which could easily produce excess deaths.
Not sure where you are getting 150,000 excess deaths from, but according to the ONS 608,002 people died in the UK in 2020, which means by your calculations 24.6% of deaths were caused by Covid. Crude mortality rate for 2019 – 893.1 and 2020 – 1,016.20 which is only a 13.7% increase from one year to the next.
From the link above we get the following figures,
Year Crude mortality rate (per 100,000 population)
1993 – 1,134.70
1991 – 1,123.30
1990 – 1,117.20
1995 – 1,103.70
1992 – 1,097.40
1996 – 1,095.10
1997 – 1,082.30
1994 – 1,079.50
1998 – 1,070.10
1999 – 1,065.80
2000 – 1,031.60
2003 – 1,019.90
2002 – 1,017.70
2001 – 1,017.00
2020 – 1,016.20
2004 – 967.5
Which means 2020 ranks 15th worst year for deaths in thirty years. Not very epic really is it?
Also notice how between 2004 and 2019 deaths were actually lower than average.
2000 – 1,031.60
2001 – 1,017.00
2002 – 1,017.70
2003 – 1,019.90
2004 – 967.5
2005 – 957.5
2006 – 931.6
2007 – 926.8
2008 – 928.3
2009 – 889.6
2010 – 885.7
2011 – 862.3
2012 – 882.7
2013 – 889.9
2014 – 873.4
2015 – 915
2016 – 899.3
2017 – 907.7
2018 – 916.1
2019 – 893.1
2020 – 1,016.20
So sixteen years of below average death rates, where do you think the excess comes from?
I’m trying to show that the excess deaths are caused by SARS-CoV-2.
So many people on here are convinced that this virus and all other viruses do not exist which is a very fringe view.
The excess deaths were caused by something so why not a manufactured virus as a bioweapon and vaccines which can also be used as a bioweapon?
My own personal view is that the virus was probably created by the US and released in China to disrupt their economy but the US didn’t expect it to end up worldwide.
Therefore excess deaths in the UK is an indication of the existence of the virus which is not particularly deadly but the manufactured fear has been used to bring in draconian measures of control.
What do you think caused the excess deaths mentioned in this BBC article which quotes ONS figures?
Look Geoff – you keep repeating the same claims over and over, avoiding all the data that shows you are in error, creating strawman positions you then attack and trying to shift the debate into imponderables and away from facts.
These are classic troll tactics. So take this as your final warning.
Acknowledge the carefully presented data that clearly shows the deaths for 2020 were in no way unusual and that clearly shows the ‘pandemic’ to be exaggerated or fabricated. Respond to it and modify your points to take cognizance of these realities.
If you refuse to do this and continue to ignore all the data and simply repeat post the same fundamental falsehoods or half truths you will be admitting you are a troll and your posts will be spammed.
From the link you have provided –
“The data on deaths can be confusing.
On one hand, excess deaths are at their highest since World War Two, while on the other, death rates, once age and size of population are taken into account, are at their worst level for a little over a decade ‘only’.”
So within their own article they have admitted that by using the correct metrics, as I have used above, the whole piece is nothing more than propaganda and manipulation of statistics.
You will have a hard time proving that any excess deaths were caused by covid, due to the way the “tests” were never developed for diagnostic purposes and the death certificates being manipulated to show covid as a probable cause. As far as I’m concerned a clear indication that the truth is being suppressed and the facts outweigh their lies.
Furthermore wouldn’t it be much easier for governments and scientists to openly debate any concerns, as opposed to just labelling it as “conspiracy” then saying anything that goes against their narrative as “misinformation”. Because the “facts” they present don’t hold up to scrutiny, that’s why.
Death rates reduced to %/100000 are flawed by the apples versus oranges nature of such comparisons . Total population numbers , which increase by many millions each year , environmental degradation , and resource depletion are not factored into such stats .
They are factored into the rise and fall of population, so it isn’t an apples to oranges comparison at all. The data sets I am using from ONS are all measured by the same standard, which proves that there is nothing peculiar about the “excess” deaths from last year.
You’re right, Geoff. People are sometimes allergic to the bits of truth that don’t support their position. The truths that you mention don’t threaten the reality that covid deaths are far fewer than is maintained by TPTB AND that deaths increased worldwide with the advent of the covid “vaccines.”
Great writing, Ed, especially regarding the pliability of the “educated” masses, and the inflated danger of the virus.
The only area I don’t quite swallow is the depopulation conspiracy. I absolutely agree that there are rich and powerful people who would like to do away with the “great unwashed,” but they cannot morph the world overnight into elites served by AI and a few serf’s. They economic collapse which would follow from such a massive cull would nor leave them unscathed, but rather they would be at risk of being taken out by the feral bands of survivors who are immune to the disease and their Psyop. I go along with another commenter that the elites may wish, but the politicians in between them and us are not that smart.
Like a few others here, I would have preferred a few references to back up your assertions, even though I have read much which points in these directions.
It’s a long game – billions won’t necessarily be dropping dead over the next few years, but fertility rates could certainly dramatically decline.
Mike, they haven’t morphed the world “overnight”. They have been working at it for decades.
Yes, we all like to see assertions backed up by references, but I’ve seen references here for about fifteen months now, and believe me I follow them up.
I will, of course, continue to do so, but after all that time, a pretty clear picture has emerged.
The trouble, I guess, with great writing is that people tend to skim over it. If you re-read Mr Curtin’s article, you’ll discover that he specifically opted out of listing sources – because the sources are legion and are easily discovered (even in the midst of growing censorship). He makes it clear he is giving his (studied) assessment of the past year and a half.
As to sources regarding depopulation, you need look no further than the art of Eugenics. The Eugenicists make no bones about wanting to remove “undesirables” from the gene pool (as if the human gene pool is anything to write home about!).
Having said that, I must now set myself up for a drubbing. There is a school of thought that humans have wreaked so much destruction on the planet, that the biosphere is collapsing. If this happens, all economies will likewise collapse; as will all human “civilized” societies. There are those (to which I will give a link) who insist the power structure is fully aware that the current paradigm is over and done with. I don’t happen to agree that they know that.
Geoengineering Watch | Exposing the climate engineering cover-up
This is a multi-faceted agenda, depopulation is just one aspect; as is consolidation of ownership of natural resources and ownership of the rest of the planet (they already own a disproportionate share see: https://internationalbusinessguide.org/corporations/, https://www.webfx.com/blog/internet/the-6-companies-that-own-almost-all-media-infographic/ and https://www.forbes.com/sites/brendancoffey/2011/10/26/the-four-companies-that-control-the-147-companies-that-own-everything/?s) The US bogus stimulus package was about robbing the poor to give to the rich via Blackrock it their buddies, https://wallstreetonparade.com/2020/06/blackrock-is-bailing-out-its-etfs-with-fed-money-and-taxpayers-eating-losses-its-also-the-sole-manager-for-335-bill. It’s also about making money off of the injections and other poisons they inundate us with, it’s about ecocide terraformation, (GMOs and such) transhumanism and turning us into cyborgs, zombies linked to their computers. The COVID scam is a cover for all this and much more including their Great Reset. The deeper we dig the fouler it becomes. Yes people are this evil!
it is a genocide. proven effective over centuries.
Great synopsis. Those who have watched Bret Weinstein’s “Dark Horse” blog, or followed Steve Kirsch – and both he and Robert Malone have been on Weinstein’s (still available on GooTube) – will know that the backlash is on. The Reuters Fact Check Team or Politifact v Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology and regulator, in daily contact with the FDA. I know who I believe.
The Japanese data shows the nanolipids in whole blood – expected – which drops off – it’s “fickle” and therefore expected – but then concentrations rise in the ovaries and bone marrow. This is not supposed to happen. It is supposed to ‘stick’ to muscle cells in the deltoid until the T-cells ‘see’ it. Which primes the immune system to ‘recognise’ the organic and naturally occuring Sars-Cov-2 variant to the common cold – if such a thing exists. Which looks increasingly doubtful.
It is the fact that it is moving around the body that is now the live experimental biotechnology subjecting the entire human population to “tranhumanism”. By the end of next year, every reproducing woman on the planet will be carrying experimental technology. Will it alter the course of human genetics? It is too early to say. It is totally safe. So was Thalidomide and the “infected blood scandal.”
We are already “biodigital.” Our technologies are the “extension of man” [McCluhan.] Our technologies are an extension of memory. They are “mnemono-technological” or “mnemonotechnic” for short. Our most basic technologies are Rhetoric, Grammar, and Logic – the “Trivium” or mediaeval trivial arts. McCluhan did his Phd thesis in and on the Trivium. His whole oeuvre is an extension of this ….the “extensions of man” is the media and the medium. The message is, in and of itself trivial!
Biotechnology is an extension of the extension of the trivial arts. A logical and grammatical extension. I’m not sure why people claim they cannot see this? Whilst using the thought extension and speech extension and here, the written extension of the very thing they claim not to see. As they extend it, it extends them their very selves. It took McCluhan over 40 years to explain why: but the “medium is the message.” The logic and grammar of technological extension from memory is both medium and message. And mass mediatisation is the logical extension. And transhumanism and biotechnology are the logical extension of the globalisation of media into the “Global Village.”
This morning, the planning for the Autumn booster programme was announced. As pushed for by the care industry and its clients. My other half is already distressed and we are planning for her to resign. This will be ongoing, perpetually. Extended phoneme, by grapheme by morpheme: biomorpheme.
If there is or ever was such a virus, it will mutate every few weeks, hypothetically. A new spike protein every few months. Soon ever organ will be colonised and the human race altered by its own technologies. And who knows what will become of future generations. Will the children born in 9 months be the first fully ‘posthuman’ generation – Homo cyborgensis – or are we already technically ‘transhuman?’ Genetically altered by our own biotechnology. As an extension of our most basic technologies of rhetoric, logic (dialectic/dialogic), and grammar. The “grammar of biotechnology?”
It is clear no one else has read McCluhan. And his work is far too nuanced to compress into comments for downvotes. But is we are in a “spiritual war for the soul of the world”: someone other than me needs to confirm this statement, drawing on McCluhan’s scholarship. It is precisely because of the “spiritual war for the soul of the world” that we are here. McCluhan traced the development of the trivial arts to Plato, or Platonism, the exegesis of the Platonic dialogues into the fields of tranhumanism and biotechnology and the BioGrowth economy. But you actually have to read him to follow this line of thought. Or just consider me and Marshall mad.
The world soul is the creation of philosophy. And philosophy is the exegesis of the world soul or psychè kósmou or anima mundi or Geist, or Weltgeist or the Good or God or the One, or simply Being. History is the progression of the world soul in its self-perfecting purification rituals toward Being fully self-consciousness. Through Absolute Knowledge or biotechnology and biodigital convergence on Pure Self-consciousness.
At the “end of Philosophy” or the “end of history.” Everyone uses the same logic and grammar, majoritarianly interpreted as transhumanism and biotechnology and biodigital convergence and the domination of nature by bioculture and experimental gene technology that may or may not alter the very genetics of the forces driving us on. Our extensions of memory via the various media of technologies are the new trivial arts. The Moderna, BioNtech, and Pfizer extensions of Platonism. Now planning its Autumn booster schedule. And so the world soul moves on, spike protein by spike protein. Whilst the medium of transmission; the logic and grammar in extension; and the genetic makeup of the worldsoul or anima mundi remians forever hidden in plain sight.
I know you don’t generally respond to “replies”; but I’m a bit curious where what we call indigenous people would fit in this world view. Presumably (unless one believes, as I do, that humanity has advanced and declined any number of times) indigenous peoples have had no exposure to Philosophy and its many aspects. Of course this is a moot point now since the world refuses to leave indigenous peoples alone.
Good point. Indigenous people – imagined “indigeneity” – are deemed primitive, somehow less human, and less intelligent by the dominant ‘rational’ philosophical model. The term “ab-original” (ab origine, ‘abo’) as a pejorative pre-violence against the colonised and ‘converted’ is a good case in point. Basically, anyone that is bound to the senses, including the sense of place, or sense of origin – including women, especially women – cannot even be rational or philosophical. Ask any feminist about the overdetermined ‘patriarchy.’
However: it is one helluva question which requires a retelling of the history of philosophy. The short version: the world of the senses is in constant empirical flux. To study it: that cannot be the real. The real has to be a causal organising principle behind the sensual activity: Being. Transhumanism started with the Ionian Revolution: because the senses were deemed inadequate for knowledge. The world of the senses and the world of the rational soul/mind were separated by substance dualism: sensible/intelligible; material/immaterial; empirical/rational; material/ideal; temporal/aeternal; mortal/immortal; etc.
This originates in Plato, but it not until Neoplatonism it gets subststantiated and infinitised. And with Augustine: the schema gets trinitised. Sense (sententia) and sapience (sapientia) get split forever, which Descartes merely confirmed later.
This is the basis of the Mediaeval “Chain of Being.” Infinite substance causes intermediary (aevum) Being (Essence) which causes beings (existence.) The point being that this “rational scale” became the measure of man. Anyone below ‘me’ on the chain of being is obviously less rational, therefore less human. Being a Christian dogma: anyone who has not been baptised is not human at all and can be killed without commiting homicide.
From this doctrine, the doctrine of the Fall (the unbaptised body is now evil due to ‘original sin’) can be traced the mentality of the internal and external crusades, the inquisition, the conquistadors, the missionary ethos, and much of the genocides in history. Up to and including this very day: including the debt enslavement of most of the world, the coloniality and imperialism of a centralised imperial and hierarchical power, and the technological libido dominandi (lust for dominance) ….as a techno-scientific dominance of nature. Which is obviously well below us on the chain of being.
Science has replaced God as the causal substance, or at least its mediator. And we are all dominated by our own technology. Indigenous peoples exposure to philosophy and ‘natural theology’ has been on the receiving end of its “intrinsic genocidal nature.” No we won’t leave them alone. But now ‘we’ are on or over the cusp of being deemed primitive ourselves and in need of improvement by the worst excesses of our sciences. Which no longer serve us, we serve ‘it.’ Or IT (information technology.) [See Postman’s “Technopoly” that has absorbed culture.]
All because we imagined the mind dominant to the senses, on which it relies. Too complex for a reply: but one of McCluhan’s major themes is the alteration of the “ratio of the senses” the philosophic internalisation process has caused over time. And potential cures: in the unification of sense and sapience that cannot be parted – except by theological philosophy. And those who are sensual are primitive, irrational, and unreasonable, and no longer worthy of the care of science.
There are around 7,000 extant languages; 6,900+ are limited to sense and place (geographically situated.) A few, from the proto-indo-european group became more abstracted to time and space: with no sensible physical embodiment. This disembodied “mind-only” metaphysics came to dominate the world by basically genociding the sensual, the physical, and the actual, which it abhors and wants to change. We are all primitive now.
the doctrine of the Fall with the doctrine of Discovery might have led some of us astray for 500 years or thereabouts
It’s McLuhan, Marshall.
Well said! Viva la resistance!!
Edward, you are a brilliant writer but I need to breathe when reading and this rather lengthy sentence almost made me pass out!
Thats not so bad. On the general point I’ve read stuff you couldnt imagine. It’s sometimes difficult to keep the length of a sentence down even after many proof reads. This will always be a minor issue for writers like Edward who put so much passion into their writing. I write stuff and cut back, cut down constantly but always find an area of repetition or over lengthy. One of many development areas I’m sure all writers have.
If you think that’s a long sentence, then read the opening sentence of Charles Dickens’ ‘A Tale of Two Cities.’
‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way–in short, the period was so far like the present period that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.’
Hmm, Seems strangely relevant these days.
What an excellent, brilliant article. Many congratulations to Mr Curtin. I very rarely (if ever) post any comment on any topic. I should like to have a discussion with this gentleman if it is possible.
Just an FYI. Edward Curtin has his own website. He allows comments to his articles; and generally responds to them. Here’s the link. Note: I see where now his site is being called “Not Secure.”
Edward Curtin – Behind the Curtain
I still reckon that the real purpose of the vaccines doesn’t lie in the contents but in the opportunity for turning the UK – and the West as a whole – into a two tier prison where some will have (slightly) more rights and opportunities than others i.e. it was never the intention for everyone to take the vax. The autthorities knew there would be major sectors who would never take it. Indeed they were banking on it. Because they wanted to create division and the chance to implement a heirarchy of serfs.
And then they’ll sit back and wait for the vaccinated to turn on the unvaccinated.Like putting a shark into a pool of water with fish that have there fins cut off.
No, the vaccinated are meant to die in their droves, that’s why they want to shove their dirty needles in all of us. This an epic cull of Georgia Guidestones proportions.
no, yes, but Annie is correct, remember the plan requires about 15% cull with vaxes, the rest will be the other horsemen. the west is in for societal collapse, the covax is merely a phase ; )
Or maybe this censored book should be called: “The Protocols of the Elders of Social Media”.
Just about as clear an example as one could wish for that if the US deep state says something’s real it becomes real for the corporate media whatever they said previously:
“ultimately, it’a about enlightenment… “. Well, that was subtle.
Ultimately it’s about, in part, the creation of a new messiah. The old one said some awkward things for the elite so has to be ‘retired’. It goes back at least as far as THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. Klaatu is an obvious Christ figure, down to his occupation being “carpenter”.
Can you tell me more about this theory I’m interested in new ideals.
project ‘bluebeam’ coming into view… or at least put on the burner should the ‘menu’ require it..
it’s quite fascinating to ‘see’ all these old ‘conspiracy theories’ making headlines in the fake medias… nowadays all perfectly sensible and acceptable… (perhaps the same will be true of ‘magneto vaccines’ in our collective cyborg future)….
of course most alternative media are just seeding ops for alphabet mendacities, utilizing screw balls and misfits and double agents going back decades and with tentative ties to ‘naval’ intelligence..
this in itself should indicate to those not afflicted with imbecility that the hollow men are ‘working’ to a plan…
the ‘educated’ and ‘sensible’ are about to reap the bitter harvest of ignorance…
ask edward curtin..
I’d love to know what the formula for a brain-washed/hypnotised vs non- is.
And it’s like fierce patriotism, how they defend the decisions of their “authorities“. But that’s not it, is it. It’s more like fierce customer loyalty. I think I need to be sick.
IF X desire for vaccine = +ive
THEN X = brain-washed/hypnotised
IF X desire for vaccine = -ive
THEN X = enlightened soul
Ed is absolutely right and one can only hope that more people are going to see covid in the way that Ed describes.
One thing we can all do to increase the chances for change, is by not going along with their ‘rules’ which is written between brackets as their ‘rules’ are not lawful, but coercive. So in fact not going along is pretty easy (as in you cannot get arrested for not going along, although it can get you in situations and yes the door policies of airports, hospitals and supermarkets which mandate you to wear a mask are quite a nuisance). This is resistance that is much needed. I know this is preaching to the choir but I think it is useful to say it anyway.
When you resist the covid narrative, is my experience, you are going to see a lot of other things different too. Things that you once took for granted and in someway may have defined you. How viruses are defined, if vaccines can work, if diseases (like HIV) actually are non-existent, what the difference is between science and scientism (and that most ‘scientists’ are to arrogant to even acknowledge that they may be in the wrong), that politicians are not there to help us, that the media is lying, etc. Seeing this in the way it is, is very useful, yet scares people. They can’t handle the truth and therefore put their head in the sand. They prefer to think that they are as great as the media and academia makes them believe than what they actually are (just a person, as there are millions of us. Of course the higher ups have most to lose in this (as their 99% of their identity is based on a lie), and this is why they stick to the covid narrative. They have most to lose that is that they have to lose their (delusion) of grandeur before they can accept the deceitfulness of the covid narrative. Questioning the covid narrative takes courage especially for those who have most to lose. And, yes, it is quite a spectacle to see through which psychological means the high ups justify their own cowardice: madness is one of the things you can see there. Totally deranged. Well, my take on those people: let them go mad as there is nothing I can do to stop them from getting mad anyway. But keep your distance while they are going mad (like keeping your distance from a mad dog)
But the biggest problem with the covid narrative is that even though you do resist it, and even though you are courageous enough to question it, you still have to deal with all those people who haven’t resisted and go along (some quite well) with the narrative and do not seem to be hurt by it in any way. Well for those, there is karma. I do not like the ‘vaccine’’s karma, but of course if you inject some biochemical in your system, your body will react. Hopefully jabbing is not more than a kick in the nuts (although it can do much worse things), but wouldn’t a kick in the nuts wake some people up that what they are adhering to is actually harmful to them? A kick in the nuts is a very good wake up call.
And then there is also karma for those who seem to do quite well in the current situation and have not run mad (yet): politicians, experts, media celebrities, that is that all their predictions have been faulty, yet are written down for posterity to make judgment on those who went along and were fine with it. They are serving as good examples of how things should not be run for future generations. They will be the Eichmann’s and the Lysenko’s of future generations.
In the meantime the getting along if the Eichmann’s and the Lysenko’s with the narrative is hurting society at large, and since they are part of society, it also hurts them. Examples:
I heard from one of my bosses (who is by now a media celebrity) that he doesn’t hug his daughter as he might catch covid (covid is much more prevalent in children he thinks and asymptomatic covid exists). Another boss sent her daughter into self isolation for a week after she PCR-ed ‘positive’. Our prime minister (Rutte) didn’t see his dying mother (as she was in a nursing home where visitors were not allowed at the time). And the CEOs of hospitals and department heads are now running into the problem that their revenue diminished over covid, so they have to do something to balance the budget like closing down departments that don’t bring in any money (HR, and ‘science’ departments)
Yes, I would like to see real justice (apart from karma) as in a Nuremberg trial. But it’s unlikely to happen and also not necessary as nature has its own ways to punish evildoers (through karma). But if Nuremberg II would be a possibility, it should take into account that this whole scam was only possible through the means of the population at large that went along with the scam and considered free thinkers (like us here) as heretics as they were told to see us this way. The population at large has a lot to learn. The population at large gave power to those who went along fine with the scam/ organized the scam and who acted like soothsayers in the media and elsewhere. If we want to have real change, a Nuremberg II should not only judge the main players (like the Fauci’s, the Ferguson’s, the Hancock’s) but also the system that made it possible that the worst of humanity was able to climb to the highest positions in society (science expert, politician, media celebrity) that could coerce a society into ruining themselves.
Depressing, but true: the enlightened few are learning a lot about our fellow travellers on this planet.
I have also realised a greater appreciation for both my father and mother who educated me to not only treat my own decisions with respect, but to then stick to those decisions if I feel they are fundamentally correct, come what may.
A few words on the psychology of those who go along: it looks like the so-called ‘freeze’ response to danger. Related to it, a ‘feign’ response discussed by some. When people say: “zombies,” “they’re in a kind of a trance, / hypnotised,” – those descriptions fit very well the notion of a freeze. And:
In determining something about the mind of the other, it’s advisable to recognise that thing in – yourself. And, how _they_ behave looks to me like my own behaviour at school before ~ age 14.
I’m scratching my head as to how to utilise that insight. What would have awakened me as a child, – being very direct, emphatic and persistent – typically one can’t do those things to adults. Plus there is far more hope in enlightening a youngster than a grown up.
Except that the population at large did not give power to those people.
As throughout history, those people simply took it.
Greed and overweening ambition didn’t suddenly appear in March 2020.
At any rate I am not inclined to lumber my generally ignorant fellow man with the same guilt as a gang of murderous psychopaths
Unfortunately, you just threw the ball back into the “murderous psychopaths'” court. I am most inclined to call those who support and thereby allow psychopaths to go about their murderous rampage across Earth equally guilty – maybe even more guilty because, presumably, they are not insane.
I did no such thing.
I’m as focused as most of us here on ensuring that those murderous psychopaths get their due. But just how easy do you think that is?
To press the point, what have you, physically, done, to stop them in their tracks?
I would certainly not be inclined to condemn you along with them, because I know that actually stopping them is something we talk about endlessly here, yet they move on unhindered.
It also supports their bullying tactics when those of us who are their victims start feeling that we are the ones who have done something wrong. As I mentioned elsewhere today, what is happening is no more remarkable than that we are being bullied by our own government.
If Hancock was the only specimen I personally had to deal with, I would go and slap his face, but he has the entire machinery of Washminster behind him, and he would emerge from that sort of encounter gloating and triumphant.
Nothing short of great heroism on the part of the average individual citizen can make the slightest dent in these criminals’ well-financed armour, and we need to be quite clear who the perpetrators are, and who are their victims.
Who do you consider yourself to be, for example?
it is quite possible that the endgame of all this is to filter out the critical thinkers, thus effectively neutering via societal persecution(and no doubt eventual execution) all possible future seeds of resistance and dissent.. this MO fits the hubris and paranoia of the hollow men..
by which to time the arrogant eggheads will be in squalid stacked housing eating cockroach and sharing their underwear….
I dunno, the mass cull and it’s delivery/fruition, befits not that model…? maybe they just want the finest specimens, untainted by death-jab-cocktail, clear thinking to repopulate their earth, the functioning synapse humans, to become their cyborgs?? I need some positive imagery!!!
I admire your optimism….. but ‘they’ tend to murder their competition not give them prizes..
positive image: hancock freshly tarred and feathered, wailing pleas of mercy, slowly lowered into the woodchipper…
feet first…..
‘sage’ and the ‘cabinet’ lined and ready to follow..
Using Kirsch’s estimates and extrapolating worldwide I’d say that the lethal injections have killed 120,000 people. One Hiroshima already and counting.
Has anyone conceived after taking the shot ? We ought to know by now. If the answer is no then the end is nigh.
everyone wearing a mask gets sicker. this is an evil plot.