Manufacturing (New Normal) “Reality”
CJ Hopkins

Photo by Tobias Bjerknes on Unsplash
The ultimate goal of every totalitarian system is to establish complete control over society and every individual within it in order to achieve ideological uniformity and eliminate any and all deviation from it.
This goal can never be achieved, of course, but it is the raison d’être of all totalitarian systems, regardless of what forms they take and ideologies they espouse.
You can dress totalitarianism up in Hugo Boss-designed Nazi uniforms, Mao suits, or medical-looking face masks, its core desire remains the same: to remake the world in its paranoid image … to replace reality with its own “reality.”
We are right in the middle of this process currently, which is why everything feels so batshit crazy. The global capitalist ruling classes are implementing a new official ideology, in other words, a new “reality.” That’s what an official ideology is. It’s more than just a set of beliefs. Anyone can have any beliefs they want. Your personal beliefs do not constitute “reality.”
In order to make your beliefs “reality,” you need to have the power to impose them on society. You need the power of the police, the military, the media, scientific “experts,” academia, the culture industry, the entire ideology-manufacturing machine.
There is nothing subtle about this process. Decommissioning one “reality” and replacing it with another is a brutal business. Societies grow accustomed to their “realities.” We do not surrender them willingly or easily. Normally, what’s required to get us to do so is a crisis, a war, a state of emergency, or … you know, a deadly global pandemic.
During the changeover from the old “reality” to the new “reality,” the society is torn apart. The old “reality” is being disassembled and the new one has not yet taken its place. It feels like madness, and, in a way, it is. For a time, the society is split in two, as the two “realities” battle it out for dominance. “Reality” being what it is (i.e., monolithic), this is a fight to the death. In the end, only one “reality” can prevail.
This is the crucial period for the totalitarian movement. It needs to negate the old “reality” in order to implement the new one, and it cannot do that with reason and facts, so it has to do it with fear and brute force. It needs to terrorize the majority of society into a state of mindless mass hysteria that can be turned against those resisting the new “reality.”
It is not a matter of persuading or convincing people to accept the new “reality.” It’s more like how you drive a herd of cattle. You scare them enough to get them moving, then you steer them wherever you want them to go.
The cattle do not know or understand where they are going. They are simply reacting to a physical stimulus. Facts and reason have nothing to do with it.
And this is what has been so incredibly frustrating for those of us opposing the roll-out of the “New Normal,” whether debunking the official Covid-19 narrative, or “Russiagate,” or the “Storming of the US Capitol,” or any other element of the new official ideology.
And, yes, it is all one ideology, not “communism,” or “fascism,” or any other nostalgia, but the ideology of the system that actually rules us, supranational global capitalism. We’re living in the first truly global-hegemonic ideological system in human history. We have been for the last 30 years. If you are touchy about the term “global capitalism,” go ahead and call it “globalism,” or “crony capitalism,” or “corporatism,” or whatever other name you need to.
Whatever you call it, it became the unrivaled globally-hegemonic ideological system when the Soviet Union collapsed in the 1990s. Yes, there are pockets of internal resistance, but it has no external adversaries, so its progression toward a more openly totalitarian structure is logical and entirely predictable.
Anyway, what has been so incredibly frustrating is that many of us have been operating under the illusion that we are engaged in a rational argument over facts (e.g., the facts of Russiagate, Literal-Hitlergate, 9/11, Saddam’s WMDs, Douma, the January 6 “insurrection,” the official Covid narrative, etc.) This is not at all what is happening. Facts mean absolutely nothing to the adherents of totalitarian systems.
You can show the New Normals the facts all you like. You can show them the fake photos of people dead in the streets in China in March of 2020. You can show them the fake projected death rates. You can explain how the fake PCR tests work, how healthy people were deemed medical “cases.”
You can show them all the studies on the ineffectiveness of masks. You can explain the fake “hospitalization” and “death” figures, send them articles about the unused “emergency hospitals,” the unremarkable age-and-population-adjusted death rates, cite the survival rates for people under 70, the dangers and pointlessness of “vaccinating” children.
None of this will make the slightest difference.
Or, if you’ve bought the Covid-19 narrative, but haven’t completely abandoned your critical faculties, you can do what Glenn Greenwald has been doing recently. You can demonstrate how the corporate media have intentionally lied, again and again, to whip up mass hysteria over “domestic terrorism.” You can show people videos of the “violent domestic terrorists” calmly walking into the Capitol Building in single file, like a high-school tour group, having been let in by members of Capitol Security.
You can debunk the infamous “fire-extinguisher murder” of Brian Sicknik that never really happened. You can point out that the belief that a few hundred unarmed people running around in the Capitol qualifies as an “insurrection,” or an “attempted coup,” or “domestic terrorism,” is delusional to the point of being literally insane. This will also not make the slightest difference.
I could go on, and I’m sure I will as the “New Normal” ideology becomes our new “reality” over the course of the next several years. My point, at the moment, is … this isn’t an argument. The global-capitalist ruling classes, government leaders, the corporate media, and the New Normal masses they have instrumentalized are not debating with us. They know the facts. They know the facts contradict their narratives. They do not care. They do not have to. Because this isn’t about facts. It’s about power.
I’m not saying that facts don’t matter. Of course they matter. They matter to us. I’m saying, let’s recognize what this is. It isn’t a debate or a search for the truth. The New Normals are disassembling one “reality” and replacing it with a new “reality.” (Yes, I know that reality exists in some fundamental ontological sense, but that isn’t the “reality” I’m talking about here, so please do not send me angry emails railing against Foucault and postmodernism.)
The pressure to conform to the new “reality” is already intense and it’s going to get worse as vaccination passes, public mask-wearing, periodic lockdowns, etc., become normalized. Those who don’t conform will be systematically demonized, socially and/or professionally ostracized, segregated, and otherwise punished.
Our opinions will be censored. We will be “canceled,” deplatformed, demonitized, and otherwise silenced. Our views will be labeled “potentially harmful.” We will be accused of spreading “misinformation,” of being “far-right extremists,” “racists,” “anti-Semites,” “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” “anti-global-capitalist violent domestic terrorists,” or just garden variety “sexual harassers,” or whatever they believe will damage us the most.
This will happen in both the public and personal spheres. Not just governments, the media, and corporations, but your colleagues, friends, and family will do this. Strangers in shops and restaurants will do this. Most of them will not do it consciously. They will do it because your non-conformity represents an existential threat to them…a negation of their new “reality” and a reminder of the reality they surrendered in order to remain a “normal” person and avoid the punishments described above.
This is nothing new, of course. It is how “reality” is manufactured, not only in totalitarian systems, but in every organized social system. Those in power instrumentalize the masses to enforce conformity with their official ideology. Totalitarianism is just its most extreme and most dangerously paranoid and fanatical form.
So, sure, keep posting and sharing the facts, assuming you can get them past the censors, but let’s not kid ourselves about what we’re up against. We’re not going to wake the New Normals up with facts. If we could, we would have done so already.
This is not a civilized debate about facts. This is a fight. Act accordingly.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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Fat can be changed to thin
Ugly can be changed to beautiful
Stupid is forever
That is it seems the majority of human beings are fundamentally incapable of thinking for themselves–which the elite knows full well and so the few of us who do think are the ones at risk. Most people were born to be slaves–it is in their DNA, just watch how they live, what they wear, the “entertainment” they indulge in etc. It is why slavery has always been part of the human condition and still is. I have come to the conclusion over the course of this scam, that the problem is me and a few others because most people I see aren’t bothered by this charade at all.
Er CJ they don’t wear Mao suits in China today!
The Mao suits were a practical measure to address the rather pressing issue of people being too impoverished to clothe themselves adequately for the harsh climate there! Actually, they were a break from a previous capitalist totalitarianism of the colonial enslavement type, and in reality represented a modest form of liberation from the enforced tyranny of poverty which such a system engenders. Obviously Mr Hopkins is of first world stock and thus would see the lack of an Armani suit option offered as proof of totalitarianism!
A lot of bourgeois baggage to work through CJ!
“batshit crazy”. Perfect choice of words for something which may have started with crazy bats!
By pure coincidence it is the New Labour sorcerer supreme that is
a big advocate of the New Normal.
Because he is a really really nice guy that is always smiling is why.
The covid narrative is a global issue, the other two are US politics issues and as such are bunkum and drivel.
The tone of this article is pretty much fear porn from my POV. I don’t agree with the language it is set in – concerns about the future are of course very valid but despite the mumblings of a few WEF muppets there is no unanimous call for vax passes or other kinds of discrimination, segregation etc… We must oppose all lockdown and pandemic/virus stories but THIS IS NEITHER A DEBATE (never was) NOR A FIGHT.
If you think this is a fight you have already lost – because you and me are in a tiny minority with no chance in hell of surviving a full-on confrontation. In a fight scenerio we will be constantly hiding and running or getting wiped out. The situation is no longer about the elites- it’s about your next door nehibours. The elites have managed to brainwash enough people that will do the work for them.
I sincerely believe this is the most significant article written by anyone since this “pandemic” began. C J Hopkins has nailed it once and for all.
It has absolutely nothing to do with facts and figures; and this is why starry-eyed notions of bringing the perpetrators to justice will fail. Justice is whatever those in power want it to be.
The Law is their back yard. They made the Law. They can break it with impunity anytime they wish. Once enough people got afraid of nothing – which in itself indicates a pathological condition – the power brokers could do whatever they wanted.
You can’t even say they declared war on humanity because most of humanity is on their side. This is almost a situation where you would have to say “Check Mate.”
It’s like a seven billion car pile up on the freeway. Good luck finding a way around it. Reminds me a little of the movie “Final Destination 2.”
💯 That’s right it’s not a debate! People need to stop all the meaningless back & fourths they will achieve nothing.
Put out your truth & facts & opinions & keep it moving. We need to put out the right energy & win our little daily battles & the hearts & minds we need will eventually follow. The preaching doesn’t work it’ll come down to a choice between the charismatic free or the weirdo new normal normie types.
It’s all been said before Derek, I refer to it as the ” revolving door ” no matter what truth, facts and opinions are put forth here we keep coming back to the same issues and the same or similar arguments have to be repeated as described in my previous post. As for winning hearts and minds it is extremely difficult because some do not accept or even want to accept the truth of the serious nature of the situation we are now in.
So what do you suggest is ” the right energy” to win the ” little daily battles “apart from what some of us are trying, and also struggling to do now?
The choice that we have to face as I see it if nothing constructive is done by the people themselves is having to live a life under the rules of a global totalitarian dictatorship. b-day
There will not be any so-called “charismatic free” allowed to roam about, only the “weirdo new normal normie types” that you refer to. In other words ,those who never listened to reason or the truth of the matter in the first place and complied with TPTB in almost every respect and sold their souls to the devil, while the rest of non-compliant humanity is left in the shit.
“This is not a civilised debate about facts. This is a fight. Act accordingly.”
Well, since this quiet war, and a war on humanity and it is, it is still being fought with silent weapons at different levels. People still have to know what weapons are being deployed and what the globalist outcome will possibly be if nothings done to try and stop it. Knowledge alone won’t stop it without organized global lawful action.
From the perspective of the globalist tyrants one must remember that it was an unproven virus that they labelled SARS-COV -2 and used that (and still are using it now with its alleged “ghost variants”) as a silent weapon to blame as the cause of everything that followed including lock-downs, social-distancing, mask-wearing and vaccine roll out.
Now there are amazingly still people here who are in denial of the scientific arguments, evidence and proof that the emperor virus really has no clothes. I ask myself how can that be? I can’t come up with a conclusive answer can you?
At one point it was said that those who argue against viruses are not doing us any favours as it doesn’t help matters – or words to that effect!
That is complete and utter twaddle. Why? It’s because the whole scam rests on this fake virus story – all of it, including the failure of the PCR tests, and the experimental vaccines to fight a bogus disease category they have also invented and filled with bucketfuls of all sorts of different symptoms to fit the frame. Read their papers.
I suggest that it’s not those who demand proof of viruses and vaccines or anything else that supports the scamdemic that are the enemy here.
It is those who do not insist on the scientific evidence and proof for the validity of viruses as causal disease agents of the scam that are helping to perpetuate it without the required scientific proof.
The question is will the virus adherents here take the vaccine now they know both sides of the question???
Just giving you my applause. Nothing left to be be written here.
Buffett resigns as Gates Foundation trustee
Is there any broader significance behind this event?
It appears that Bill Gates is too ‘bat shit crazy’ for Mr Buffett to deal with any longer.
Indifference. Don’t -be-. Just don’t. I don’t. I am so not so not.
“This is not a civilized debate about facts. This is a fight. Act accordingly.”
OK some of us understand this by now ,but there is nothing you can do to change this.
To fight with the most of the people who are terrified and obey everything, is impossible ,it’s an utopia.
To paraphrase an eternal Sage, “Work out your own Resistance assiduously.”
Alzheimer’s disease is currently defined based on the presence of toxic protein aggregations in the brain known as amyloid plaques and tau tangles. Prusiner’s most recent study confirms that these protein formations are prions. Alzheimer’s disease is a prion disease. So is Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, it begs the question, what will a COVID vaccine that synthesizes protein in the body do in the mind and body of a person already under attack from rogue proteins? We are about to find out. My advice would be to avoid the mRNA version of the vaccine if you have Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. If you have concerns about its ability to transmit the disease to you, then avoid it and wait for another type of vaccine.
Who is the last person to read these comments?
Answer: C.J. Hopkins
Really such a web we’re all weaving and waving away.
The internet (i.e. this stuff we’re all reading and writing) is the globalist’s wet dream.
We need to disconnect, no answers here.
Huh. You go first.
I knew from day 2 the mandatory vaccine was coming. But I am an optimist.
Mass protests early was my first hope with overwhelming numbers but no courage was forthcoming.
When a parent harms their children while feeling good about themselves you know you are in the psych ward.
And as bad as it sounds – Mass death and illness of the vaccinated will be a godsend.
Fear is what drives them – so hopefully they will become afraid of what they have done to themselves.
They will first blame us and indeed we will have to be ready.
Wait it out and hopefully the deaths will mount and ‘flatten the curve’ will become ‘hang the Bastards’ .
Violence is in our future – state violence – or violence against the state.
Just have to wait it out.
The vaccine is not about depopulation but control of population, data gathering and more state dependency. Depopulation may come afterwards when control through those detailed above become established and the vast majority is complying.
I predict almost no deaths from this batch of vaccines, and this to continue until 2025 or so, then we will see what the next stage is, which I think will be about relocation and more closely controlled use of resourses.
There’s nothing we can do as the majority always conforms and follow the power structure, especially now with the technology we have enslaved ourselves under. Look around you, do you see the willpower in most people to provide for themselves and build a new system?
The only thing we can do is follow the truth of Christ. Read the bible and you’ll find all what’s happening, nothing new, it’s the work of the devil, the corruption of God’s creation is almost accomplished in most. Stay righteous and godly, this life is passing.
Depopulation is central to the agenda. There have been at least 150,000 injection deaths using Kirsch’s figures. This despite the widespread use of at least two types of placebos. Long term effects of the poison won’t be known until CJD strikes 2 to 5 years from now.
I’ve read your comment now
yeah agreed what i said in other words
“Mass death and illness of the vaccinated will be a godsend.”
This is your fellow humans you’re talking about here, I believe.
“Hopefully the deaths will mount.”
You have got 14 upticks for this comment.
Getting vaccinated with the fake vaccine that is toxic and dangerous is an intelligence test. Those that got vaccinated failed the test. Lets see how many die in the next 6 to 48 months.
You have misunderstood the post.
When it comes down to politicians and governments I am always a pessimist, and as a pessimist I saw it coming too!
Another possibility that MUST be put in thought is if those vaccines are not so harmful or even are placebo. Calm down, calm down I’m not a shill and I won’t take this vaxx neither should you, listen to me, all this fear campaign on vaccines doesn’t that sound weird? Nonsense magnetic vaccines, “nanoparticles” and MRNA jibber jabber.. why that? Well the old divide and conquer.
Without antivaxxers vaccines passports wouldn’t sounds good, also it’s just more fuel for the media and normies more “conspirancy theory” for them to “deboonk” and make fun.
So in the next fakedemic anti vaxxers will be gone to the limbo it will even worse than now probably with draconic laws against us and they will put the REAL DEAL in those vaccines without any voice any resistance.
Comes out Google, NIH, and USAID have been funding Daszag’s research into viruses since 2010 (if not earler).
I lost my job when I was due to return from furlough because I refused to wear a mask, for this very reason to RESIST the new reaity…if there is no place for the old normal I suspect I’ll end up just dying on the streets with a banner saying “You Failed Me”.
So if facts don’t work, what is the alternative way to stop the new normal
“So if facts don’t work, what is the alternative way to stop the new normal”
revolution rolls over the same garbage. it’s a dung hill that revolution advocates with its leaders nowhere near the events the revolutionaries are con-vinced is an act to what: revolution. They are self defeating. A good way to identify the enemy – like the Maiden Revolution for instance, certainly not called out by the locals. So who are you representing. Not that I’ll ever know.
More people with your courage. If the cloud is charged it needs only 1 additional electron to discharge the lightning.
The cloud is far from charged; the people of the affluent liberal freedom-loving “Western” democracies have not suffered much from all these Cons: Con-Kosovo, Con-911, Con-WMD, Con-Viagra, and Con-Sarin caused far greater death and suffering in poor, servile, undemocratic “Eastern” regimes — which is why we now see a strong “Axis of Resistance” has formed, from Lebanon through Syria to Iran to Russia and China.
As far as we in the West felt (which includes Australia and Israel) all these Cons were mere storms in a teacup; “seidene sorgen” (silken worries) not stronng enough to stimulate resistance.
“Praise be to God who wrote this Law in His Sky,
That humankind must learn by suffering” — Aeschyles, Agamemnon.
If we will learn no other way.
I had told my girlfriend that I wouldn’t support her decision to get the jab, on the basis that any health deterioration issues from it would come from her own initiative and not arising naturally. I am still with her, thinking that if I left her I wouldn’t be better than those who marginalise or want to marginalise us who see this coup for what it is (and we are many).
Good for you — without compassion, what are we?
I said that to show that although many of us understand that this is an attack on workers, however you want to put it and through whichever prism you understand it, and oppose it, not all of us have the same defences and endurance to uphold the battle. And that is not to discourage, but to give the reality of the situation, so that we don’t feel traitorous or shame ourselves. Because I do feel lesser for not being able to convince her. I do feel duped that my conviction in the facts and history were not steadfast enough to raise a ruckus.
You are doing it. You are an example, this is ultimately is the only way to change a mind. Look at yourself in the mirror and see your humanity, your beauty.
We need an economics beyond old right and old left. the key is public banks and removing taxes on labor and production while collecting the commons rent of land and natural resources to pay for needed public goods.
We are letting this happen I’m sorry to say,And I’m guilty of wearing a mask I have first off I didn’t know what was occurring was confusing.But we must take back our sovereignty our integrity.
The general public are letting this happen. They always have and always will.
Let’s not forget that the general public are also victims.
They did not hatch this appalling plan.
To grind that old axe yet again, the Holocaust would not have happened if Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels and Goering had never been born.
However mad they were, they collaborated professionally, thoroughly and methodically on their plan, and their partial success was no coincidence.
My little aphorism of the day would be this:
“The general public are sheep. They always were, and always will be.”
(That’s probably why the “authorities” want to exterminate them)
Another tricky moral choice confronting us right now seems to be, “Do we want to be good shepherds, or do we just let the sheep perish because, after all, they’re stupid?”
The latter choice, again, supports the exterminators.
To push that analogy a little further: What sheep ever stood up and complained that the slaughterhouse was unfair to their species, and that the owner was guilty of genocide?
Sheep are sheep. It can’t be helped.
“The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed” — Dante, Paradiso
The trouble is that if the sheep perish so do we.
Now, THAT, is the existential question. One of my debates with people who believe the Global Elite want mass depopulation is that total destruction of agriculture, transportation, and even communications infrastructure by wiping out 80% of people suddenly, will also wipe out their support systems and many of those who would rule us will perish, too.
I do believe that machines and AI will displace people further and further up the “food chain” over time, but I believe that competition and selection will reshape society more gradually
I would worry more about an attempt to create a sterile generation, after which there would be a drive to adapt to fewer people long term.
It will be interesting to see how China handles their people shortage as they discover that reversing their one child policy is not working and there will be no upcoming generation to support the oldsters.
I get the point, but is there any connection between those three examples in terms of actual political developments?
If you were to read the Covid response action plan issued by the UK government in March 2020, and looked at the references cited as supporting evidence for closing schools, locking down populations, imposing social distancing measures, fast tracking vaccine development and mass PCR testing, where do you think the those references take us ?
Berlin ?
No, every one is from Chinese sources.
Think about that. The one country for whom we are told ‘lockdown worked’, the one country that has benefited from these past 16 months, the country who already had a technocratic control society established pre-Covid, that is the one country that provides all the sources when a European government decides to completely re-write its pandemic response plan on a whim.
Does that not deserve some mention and exploration ?
Does that make me a rabid anti-communist to state the bare obvious facts?
Does that not demand that we contextualise statements like the one from Hopkins quoted at the top of this comment ?
(h/t Michael Senger)
I do not think your anti-communism is rabid, merely ignorant. Communist China has a competent government (unlike us). They knew that the U$A was developing Corona virus as a bioweapon for use against China. They smiled when the U$ $tupid regime “outsourced” Dr.Fauci’s Frankenstein Virus Lab to Wuhan. They were fully prepared when that Frankenstein Virus broke out of Fauci’s Lab in Wuhan. Their efficient Civil Defense Program stopped Covid-19 in its tracks within months, Wuhan celebrated with street parties and the China’s Communist economy rebounded to its normal 10% growth per annum.
Meanwhile in the “freedom loving democratic West” it is business as usual: “$tupid is as $tupid does”.
You might know someone old enough to remember U$ Civil Defense instructions when Uncle $cam began building up his nuclear arsenal: “Crouch under your desk”.
$ame U$ $tupidity rules for Uncle $cam’s Civil Defense against his Covid-19 bioweapons, OK?
What does Communism have to do with it? (Oh, i see … you wrote small “c” communism.)
Lockdown advocacy seems to correlate closely with CCP apologism, something that has been consistent since spring of last year.
Your highly partisan rambling merely confirms my point.
If you’re not a CCP troll you really are doing yourself a disservice. They would pay you for this
A third position to take would be that neither new normal nor old normal is normal or of any use in the 21st C. The epoch we now live in has been determined by a small rich percentage of society who make all the policy and budget decisions, as a parent would decide for their children. We are not children. After 4,000 years of authoritarian leaders making all the decisions that optimized benefit to themselves, it is time humanity became an adult collective without commandering parents.
The third position is to ignore the authoritarianism, that along with it’s economic system capitalism, is obsolete on a fully occupied and exploited planet. Only a new collective humanity deciding policy and budget locally in self-governing regions, of all dimensions small and large, can create sustainable self-sufficient cultures organized around maintenance and ecosystem balance rather than the obsolete and deadly, infinite growth of capitalism. Globalism is this abomination of infinite growth. Localism and self-sufficient regional economies are ecological balance and the basis for egalitarian societies of scale. That is the only future humanity has imho.
I admire your idealism, but having sovereign states is the best way to control a degeneration into feudal states, warlords, rogue militia etc. Unfortunately the psychopathic slum lords of today are the authoritarian technocrats of tomorrow
C.J. flip flops between the problem of trying to convince “normies” and putting the case to our elected leaders.
Neither of them will listen to us for the reasons so ably demonstrated in the article.
However it is important to get the information out there so that individuals like that politician in Finland can stand before their parliament and read the riot act and others are inspired to produce things like the freebie newspaper in Ireland that has just appeared. This just might get through to the general public…
It’s not over yet.
Well said. I think getting mainstream politically is the only way to have a whisper of a chance against this
I love CJH’s analyses, but I think he’s too pessimistic. Those of us who can see through the fraud are a minority, but a significant and growing minority in my estimation. Look at the ever swelling numbers on demonstrations as one piece of evidence.
Mark sexton,Ex pc going to a police station,Don’t know if it’s on YouTube,But check it outfit you can I don’t know how to download the link.
Here it is:
Thank you theres another one where he goes into a police station with documents don’t know if you’ve seen it?
This is the one….
My daughter works in a posh spar loads of rich and famous coming to it even though lockdown how’s that fair??From other countries??
Politicians I’m not making this up famous people all through lockdown it’s a joke.
CJ Hopkins
Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of frustrated people asking me to tell them exactly HOW to fight the “New Normal.” (1) any act of resistance, no matter how small, helps; (2) organized, publicized, non-violent civil disobedience.
First of all do not be a normal anything, Nor adopt and use such weaponised terms. Be truly yourself!
Not habit-reactions. Be willing to feel and know and discern the true basis of life from which to be, that knows how to be in any given situation.
Attack on love is fear of love.
I watched Marshal Rosenberg.
I recommend his example:
The resort to strategies as a short circuit of the connection of an actual human relationship is the means by which to attack love that you are unable or unwilling to recognise – not least as a result of your own fear of pain of loss. But also because others cannot begin to question from a place of denial and blame that tells them what they should be or not be.
I also frequently point to the habits of language that to my appreciation operate a frame in a conflict identity or mind-capture. Its not necessarily the words but the context and meaning expressed. Yet the words of those engaged in manipulative behaviours or abusive relationships are crafted to serve THEIR agenda while you run as if on your own thinking.
Actions are the way to replace old habit with new choices – or with a modified set of adaptive reactions that effectively run the same old choices. And frame in ways that see apparent choices between different variations of the same trick, such as to choose to ‘escape’ into the ‘choice’ that was set up and framed as if to release from threat, that works the actual threat while pointing away and crying ‘wolf!’
The urge to do something is then very often the means by which to bait the agitated to give consent under duress. Whatever you do is always an expression of who you are accepting and aligning in being now. This is within your sphere of freedom and responsibility.
You may frame yourself in fear thinking such as to think that you have to think some more – or share urgent thinking to everyone else to make it go viral! Until of course you recognise it doesn’t serve what you actually want. This recognition is in the heart and mind both.
Truth will set free of invested self-illusion – where there is willingness to re-evaluate, but if you only want truths you can use as ammo or armour, you degrade truth as a walk on part in a war, or a lead role in a cage.
We learn by teaching or demonstration so that what we teach is the way to learn.
Others may inspire but no one can learn for another nor will they gain by denying another’s freedom to learn. This is in part why nearly all of what is being done is an inducement to do unto ourselves using a consent to contract in a language or framework of deceit – running as ‘normal’ currency.
Living presence is the only receptive to what is truly Current.
Freedom to be truly as we are is felt as love.
Needy thinking or people may be seeking love in ways that are self-defeating and other-destructive. As if conflicts must be suppressed and cancelled rather than addressed as the fear and pain that cannot find a way out – as a pattern of denial that recycles to become a normal.
Hello Binra: Many years ago, a friend connected a few dots with this simple statement: > “Love is not a feeling. Love is an action.”
Oh but love is also a feeling, admit it.
Hello Morgenstemning: Heh… The character of Morgan in the old tale was interesting…
I’ve experienced the emotions of love many times. I’ve concluded that emotions are simply messengers. A call to take action. Emotions come and go. Actions are eternal…
If love could be defined we would counterfeit it, mimic or mask in its virtue, and look – so we do!
There is no way to DO love yet it is an action.
Hence A Course in Miracles says;
“Your task is not to seek for love, but for all the obstacles you have erected against it”.
That you are love is not evident while doing from the thinking and feeling of a sense of lack, fear, self-seeking, conflict, and guilt.
I like the following definition:
Love is the capacity to be with what is to the point of recognising truth.
The spontaneous result of such recognition is a love that passes all understanding. Yet is knowing without a shadow or a doubt. That the mind seeks to interject is how trying to grasp is the means to ‘lose it’ and the drive to seek ‘again’ what can only be anew.
Where I join with your friend’s observation is in noting it is common to abort love as a partial influx that is denied its extension in word and deed. Such that a sense of connection is interjected by inhibition.
Unselfconscious joy is love without any thought of love.
Giving is the only way to receive.
Framing relationship for Getting is the only way to ‘lose’.
We all have patterns that seem justified or ‘locked down reality’ that for the most part are invisible to us because we live from them.
feelings come and go but the capacity to abide as a feeling awareness learns to feel better by feeling better – that is feeling all of it better – shit and sweetness both. The mind’s attempt to limit and lockdown to emotional states is refusal to feel masking in reactivity. In that sense to feel is to know. refusal to know is the demand for unconsciousness – such as is made plain in our current disclosure.
Love is not a feeling, it’s an ability!
Excellent CJ.
“Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which it was already but too easy to arrive at; as railroads lead to Boston or New York. We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to communicate.”
Henry David Thoreau, Walden
One in 100 deaths is by suicide
WHO guidance to help the world reach the target of reducing suicide rate by 1/3 by 2030
17 June 2021 News release
“Suicide remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide, according to WHO’s latest estimates, published today in “Suicide worldwide in 2019”. Every year, more people die as a result of suicide than HIV, malaria or breast cancer ̶ or war and homicide. In 2019, more than 700 000 people died by suicide: one in every 100 deaths, prompting WHO to produce new guidance to help countries improve suicide prevention and care.”
Link: One in 100 deaths is by suicide (
Read the number again. Maybe the Gates Foundation can pay some voodoo lab to invent an anti-suicide vaccine…
Clearly the leading cause of death in humans is not suicide . Another bogus factoid unleashed by the WHO, the organization that invented the covid panic-demic
Of 100 deaths, 1 is death by suicide.
Instead of dismissing, show otherwise.
Of 100000 deaths in a population 8 billion + or – , one is claimed to be a suicide by the WHO . As a leading cause of human death that is clearly untrue as any form research will show ? However that suicides are on the rise is probably accurate. I live in a town of about 50000 and I’m aware of 3 suicides so far this year , similar to the Covid death rate reported by the local media ?
“As a leading cause of human death that is clearly untrue as any form research will show” – um, “any form of research” – presumably this excludes all the research done by WHO researchers who arrived at their conclusion re suicide being the world’s leading cause of deaths? You cite absolutely NO research or documentation to prove your argument. Your argument is based entirely on your opinion & some undefined “research” that you can’t cite.
This is blatantly false and i would call it a typo had they not repeated the error in the title. Do the math. They state 700,000 suicide deaths equals 1 in 100 deaths. 700,000 / 7,800,000,000 = .00008, or .008%. In the US about .85% of our population dies each year of all causes. In the world as a whole about .75% die by all causes each year. 700,000 suicide deaths in the US each year would equal only .2% of the US population, more equal to heart disease. Absurd. I cannot believe they published this. Simple math disproves lies.
So by your reckoning 7.8 billion people die each year?
There wasn’t 7.8 billion deaths last year
When attacking maths,get your numbers correct.
By my reckoning,globally 70 million die a year at this time. So 700k suicides represents 1%
Now whether that 700k figure is correct is a different matter
Hello Jim McDonagh: I think it’s interesting that the WHO would state a goal of reducing suicide. How? It’s obvious agenda 2030 bullshit.
The Red Cross stated a figure of 20 million civilians dying of starvation in 2016. There is no way to check the accuracy of such numbers. I think it’s all about increased funding…
1%, glad to see that figure has not increased from 60-70 years ago. Shows things aren’t so bad. Reminds me of another figure from that period, a Happiness Poll. Half the people earning a dollar a day said they were happy; two thirds of the people earning $100 a day said the same: so 10,000% rise in salary brings only 50% increase in happiness.
This is blatantly false and i would call it a typo had they not repeated the error in the title. Do the math. They state 700,000 suicide deaths equals 1 in 100 deaths. 700,000 / 7,800,000,000 = .00008, or .008%. In the US about .85% of our population dies each year of all causes. In the world as a whole about .75% die by all causes each year. 700,000 suicide deaths in the US each year would equal only .2% of the US population, more equal to heart disease. Absurd. I cannot believe they published this. Simple math disproves lies.
Hello sandy: I think it’s interesting that the WHO would state a goal of reducing suicide. How are they going to accomplish that? It’s obvious agenda 2030 bullcrap, and an added ploy to puff up their self importance. “They” need to go away. Far, far, away…
Kill you first 😉
or wipe you capacity to feel/know unhappiness and give you functions that belong to their will, not your own.
‘We will be accused of spreading “misinformation,” of being “far-right extremists,” “racists,” “anti-Semites,” “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” “anti-global-capitalist violent domestic terrorists,” or just garden variety “sexual harassers,” or whatever they believe will damage us the most.’ I mean I know it’s kind of implied in most of these labels anyway, but you might want to add “stupid, selfish and irresponsible” to this list (luckily not at all ironic though that we, who spend hours and hours reading articles and watching related videos in an effort to inform ourselves are the stupid ones, but those who sit there gawping and blindly gobbling up the drivel and lies that the MSM spoon feed them are therefore by default the intelligent ones).
‘Not just governments, the media, and corporations, but your colleagues, friends, and family will do this.’ And you can add ‘lovers’ to this list. And Mr Simon, make that ’51 Ways To Leave Your Lover’ – just accuse them of being selfish and irresponsible for not taking up the NHS’ offer to be experimented on (again, not in any way ironic given that the manufacturers assume no responsibility or liability for their own products) and Bill’s your uncle…
Oh great. A link with no description. Let’s all go watch that.
Thankyou, I enjoyed your wry observation.
Instead of a life changing video that MUST go viral!!! I had a life changing appreciation of another human being.
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
-Karl Rove
We’re experiencing the beginning of much more than a move to global totalitarianism. We’re witnessing the preparatory stages of the Great Global Culling.
“The ultimate goal of every totalitarian system is to establish complete control over society … This goal can never be achieved, of course…”
Stay tuned. The accumulation of technology (i.e. power) may have finally reached a watershed. That is what we need to address ASAP, with new ways of thinking to combat it.
Could start by joining the 1m+ march in Central London on Saturday..
Here come all the libertarians and the brainwashed extremely annoyed you called out the real culprit: capitalism
Depends on how you define the terms. If by capitalism you understand private ownership of the means of production the term is definitely too broad and doesn’t mirror the current socio-economic reality. I prefer to describe current situation as corporationism or oligarchism. Contrary to capitalism where everyone can own some capital and freely operate with it on the market, whether by opening his own business or investing in someone’s, corporationism means that it’s a privilege only of a big capital to freely operate and invest on the market. As corporations are not owned by locals but by international financial institutions, to make the flow of capital easier they need to get rid of such barriers like local law or local governing bodies that could stop their operations. It turns out that natural friends of big capital is not capitalism but totalitarianism. It’s simply easier to control a corrupt one party system that can implement any law by decree at a moment notice, than an actual democratic system where you need to corrupt many more people and institutions. That’s explains the alliance of Wall Street with Democrats or generally bankers and socialists.
‘…an actual democratic system where you need to corrupt many more people and institutions.’
Not really, look at our 2 or 3 party ‘democratic’ system, they all dance to the same tune. It’s all dialectics but no substance, a make believe charade.
No Its is supranational global corporatism. Corporations have corrupted Governments who are now willing partners in crime.
The Pandemic is the biggest Fraud perpetuated on gullible populations by Governments and crony-Corporations. It was a way/method of transferring countries wealth directly to complicit Global Corporations (the Political Pharma Vaccine Complex- the main channel) on behalf of the WEF-Davos cabal using willing participating Governments who enabled it.
The reset and Greennewdeal is hot on replacing capitalism, and that is part of why there is sympathy for destroying industrial life support, Economy and depopulation agenda etc.
Corruption is first in Spirit.
The rationalisations for a replacement of Spirit by systemic structures is part of technos or structure possessed and directed thinking.
“Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from
serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end, an
end which it was already but too easy to arrive at; as railroads lead to
Boston or New York. We are in great haste to construct a magnetic
telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have
nothing important to communicate.”
Henry David Thoreau, Walden
There are a few giants in American history which refute the otherwise sound notion that America produces nothing but schlock.
Same applies to Thoreau’s sometime neighbour, Herman Melville. Both writers pushed the conflict between Man and Nature to transcendental heights. Moby Dick is as much an anti-capitalist tract as Das Kapital; the one stresses inequality of income, the other stresses destruction of environment. Both Marx and Melville ultimately aimed at something higher than material existence, a sort of German Romantic search for Geist among the Sturm und Drang of life.
Melville, pure genius. In a lesser-known novel of his, “Pierre, or the Ambiguities,” the central eponymous character, a writer, ends up killing his publisher.
One of my work colleague is a ‘right on’ type, a complete conformist.
She was talking about the need for everyone to be vaccinated and that refusing vaccination was immoral and stupid etc
I told her that as a white male I am painfully aware of my white privilege and the totally unfair advantage this gives me.
I told her that as a matter of good conscience I could not take any vaccine until all people of colour the world over have had it first as for me to take it ahead of them would be the worst form of racism.
I said that it was fine if she, as a white woman, had already taken advantage of her privilege but that I couldn’t reconcile it with my conscience.
I looked her square in the eyes and said, ‘I’m not saying you are racist for taking the vaccine before the people of colour can have it’.
You could see the cognitive dissonance explosions going of in her head.
Nice one I bet that fucked her right up
good comeback!!!!
Good on you, play (and beat) them at their own game.
OMG, that is so funny. Brilliant stroke, straight face and all.
Nice work!
Good comeback, but sadly, too many people think the unvaxed are holding up herd immunity. Of course they are not. Media is pushing that message. It’s outrageous.
One of the memistes here, probably S. Cooper, posted an image of a frantic woman– masked, I think– with the caption “My vaccine won’t work unless everybody is vaccinated!”
I may be misquoting the exact wording, but my well-educated but scamdemic-enthralled, terrified sister seems to actually believe this. We’ve tacitly agreed to not discuss our irreconcilable views, and indeed I don’t have much contact with her these days.
But apart from being cemented to the belief that the “COVID vaccines” are reasonably safe and effective, she acts as if she believes that the vaccines only work if everybody gets them– as if they possess some kind of zero-sum holographic or quantum-entanglement property. I suppose one reason neither of us wants to discuss this fraught topic is that I can’t think of a polite or gentle way to point out that she’s as batshit crazy on this subject as the late notorious germophobe Howard Hughes.
I’m sure this is rooted in her muddy concept of “herd immunity”. I get the sense that, even if it doesn’t make her feel consciously hostile or acrimonious towards me, the fact that I refuse to be vaccinated actually, physically hurts her in a way that might as well be malicious.
The only thing that I can come up in trying to convince your sister that she is wrong is NOT for YOU to tell her that. Look up the Fact Sheets and point out to her that it is actually Them that are telling HER that there is no vaccine that will prevent ANYONE from either getting Covid19(that is if it actually exists) or transmitting it to anyone else.
The Facts Sheets regarding the Covid 19 Vaccines are found on the Moderna and
sorry about the reposting……I accidently hit the wrong button….Pfizer, Moderna, The CDC and the FDA all have the Fact Sheets on their web sites.
Ort…..would she be opened to both of you reading the Fact Sheet together??? The most important thing is to keep loving her. I am in the same situation with my 3 sisters. Great people…..they just don’t know the facts and are running scared. Peace.
Thanks for this response.
I learn alot from your postings…..please keep the fire alive. Peace.
You probably already know this, but you might also point out to her that the PTB (probably Fauci) actually changed the definition of “herd immunity” for this scamdemic, and that before our world was turned upside down, the logic behind the proper meaning of the term was actually the opposite of what she thinks: to wit, that enough people had to catch the disease, survive, and generate the necessary antibodies for the pathogen to die out naturally. Such is how it has always played out in nature.
Quite amazingly, if you look up the term now in a dictionary or encyclopedia (or inevitably, on the web), you will find that they have added the new meaning to the definition! And yet and yet–and this is where you tap her nose with your finger–the old meaning is still listed first!
That they have already altered the reference books, however, is deeply disturbing. The OED has also, tellingly, done the same for the pronoun “they.” I kid you not.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I hate to say this, but I think it might take a relative’s (or significant other’s) unfortunate adverse reaction to the vaccination– assuming she’s willing to believe that the malady was indeed caused by the vax in the first place– to jolt her out of her insulated, defensive crouch and “Don’t you dare try to confuse me with facts!” attitude. 🙁
Excellent discussion on the history behind the Great Reset:
“The Great Ripoff! Those Corporate Fascist Eugenicist Mobster Psychopaths are ripping us WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) off!”
“The neoliberals are prisoners of the Eighteenth Century. They have not advanced since the neo-feudal teachings of Adam Smith (1723-1790).
In Eighteenth Century Great Britain, half the population lived in poverty. They survived, if they did, with disease, famine, illiteracy, lack of sanitation and in slums. It was normal then. Things had always been that way. They thought the poor, starving and ignorant mass of people would always be among them. They thought their society was according to the law of nature.
The neoliberals and their alter-ego, the neocons, do not have any good ideas for the Twenty-first Century. They have caused financial disasters and endless wars, and they tell us not to expect better.”
Even in the 20th century, their main motivation was to undo the social programmes of the 1960s. The rich families decided, “no, we don’t want to pay taxes – least of all for public housing etc.”. And the ‘policy think tanks’ sprang into action.
This is not even ‘cospiracy’. Academic books on neoliberalism, printed by major publishers, have openly discussed this since the 1990s; only no one bothers to read them.
Except that taxes do not fund FEDERAL spending. This is why the private banking industry wants to do away with sovereign nation-states, because they also have the authority to issue their own currency, in direct competition with private banks.
Neoliberalism of the past 40 years divorced fiscal policy for public purpose from the economy, forcing the nation to depend solely on bank credit (predatory loans and high interest credit cards), causing the peak debt levels today that can never be repaid. Privatization of social services is the dismantling of nation-states in order to replace them with what founder Paul Romer calls “charter cities”, which have yet to be successful.
MMT, particularly Prof. Stephanie Kelton’s bestseller, The Deficit Myth, exposes all of the lies and myths hidden beneath complex math models being taught in economics classrooms today. It is the Jenga piece that has begun the dismantling of the eugenics tower. Prof. William Mitchell’s book Reclaiming the State is another important book that outlines a new vision for public policy. Prof. Michael Hudson is great economic historian and author worth researching.
sometimes I get the impression that the ‘people’ didn’t realize that the ‘old abnormal’ was to use this somewhat redundant (we now have no need for satire, having discovered that unalloyed evil is is fact indistinguishable from satire) satirists strap-line ‘batshit crazy’..
it is certainly more obvious in the ‘current year’ and perhaps a tad more dangerous too, for those not too tainted with imbecility..
but let us be honest, the human condition hit critical terminality a long long time ago, what we are now observing metastasize..
we have duly earned..
The ruling forces have so much power that they can get otherwise sane human beings to accept that some women have a penis and testicles.
If you can normalise that insanity you can normalise anything.
Power is its own ideology.
I just saw a news story about some male animals “giving birth”. I didn’t bat an eyelid; it’s all so predictable. All I can say is, let’s get ready, boys! :-
I would argue that people who accept such nonsense are already insane…. and most likely unremittingly evil.
in the past such people would have had a train set or collected stamps…. nowadays they want to re-purpose the local primary school into a temple to baphomet….
demonic transvestites, bearded women and single mothers with castrated little boys represent ..
‘our’ ‘values’… supposedly..
but one has to examine who the ‘our’ represents…
“If you can make someone believe absurdities, you can make them commit atrocities.”
François-Marie Arouet
– Voltaire –
(November 21, 1694 – May 30, 1778)
“When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.”
― G.K. Chesterton
The sort of writers I read – Ellul, Illitch, Friere, Fanon, Gorz, Spivak, McCluhan, Debord, Baudrillard, Hall, Postman, etc – all have a common thread: we lost touch, we lost control, we lost sight, and allowed technique, technology, and media take over. Culture has been absorbed by techno-scientific “technopoly” ….or the monotheistic monopoly of media. No, not just that media: all-encompassing media, in Postman and Mcluhan’s sense of the word.
Some media theorists assume we invent and imagine randomly – and creatively: but our techno-scientific techniques are all logical, and all purposeful. Teleological and artificially selected for suitability for moral evaluation and value-creation. Mankind extends itself via biodigital techniques and media for pure profitability; ever attenuating the full virtually unlimitable range of human sensual and emotional experience for a very narrow range of logical-behaviourist extensions.
That can be represented concretely by the six BioGrowth Economies and the parallel attenuation of education into STEMM cell research [Science, technology, Engineering, Medicine, Mathematics.] As I said before, an unborn infant, presuming an accident of birth in a high income country, has been ontologically ‘conceived’ before they are biologically conceived. Cultural conceptual consciousness precedes living consciousness.
The range of education, assuming a certain cognitive elitism and hierarchical intellectualism, has already been determined. The investments made. Everything, bar the procedural lesson plans, course outlines, and an actual child, is already in place. Assuming the spike proteins are benign, and not biologically active, that is.
It has always been this way. The idea a person is born and hence begins to decide their privatised ‘own future’, once a certain degree of logical and grammatical linguicultural competence is developed [Piaget’s “pre-operative phase” of learning.] This is a story consciousness: a constructed non-conscious narratisation that makes it all seem locally ‘real’ and under agentive and antigenic ‘free will’ choice and control ….ontologically.
If lucky, there may be a range of options to decide between. But all are culturally operative and agentive toward societies collective logical-behaviourist purposefulness: the enlightenment paradigmatic ‘progress’ via the exponentiate expansion of the privatisation of property rights, accumulation by dispossession, and exponentiate consumerism of the “free gifts of nature.”
Technology is that which in essence determines the rates of consumerism, commodification, and expansion. To do so, technology must be infinitary and ‘light speed’ too. To compact spacetime and geography into a compressed form of ‘reality’ with instant interactive access in ‘real time.’ As CJ says: quite what is real about it I’ll never know. But it is “rational ontology” ….the rational-causal dialogic/dialectic of Being in progression.
No need to worry about the specialist philosophical meaning of ‘being’: the applied global philosophical meaning of being is adequately described above. Being is time is money in growth. Eating space and time. Consuming consciousness. Simples. Substantial aeternally simples. “Onto-oncological” simpliciter.
The ‘out’, if there is one, is a simpler way of life with appropriate technologies and proportional production, distributed egalitarianly. Conscious degrowth: still currently as popular as a double-dose of Pfizer BioNtech with bi-monthly boosters, a spike protein for everything and upon every occasion.
Mutagenic growth: which is the only alternative consciousness. Which is the only way global capitalism is developing; including determining and conceiving ontological consciousness decades in advance of biological consciousness. Soon to become biodigital consciousness. Enhanced posthuman consciousness and technologically augmented reality. Onto-oncology in progression.
Which is the potential of ontological Being in production and action. Monotheistic techno-scientific actus and potentia. Where the potential is already rational-causally and logically determinate. Which is the positive hindrance to the elevation of mankind.
Technologically and technogrammatically is desire in production and action and extension toward an end (telos or entelecheia) which must be – logical-behaviouristically – in being present from the start of the determinate rational procedural progression. A finality and end-determination ontologically present as a first of philosophy.
We are in a fight against our own philosophy-as-a-practice: a lived ontology. The ‘out’, if there is one, is as it has always been: the dissolution of rational-causal philosophy-as-a-practice. Which demands at least some recognition of the technological medium of the enemy. >Hello!<
“Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name/ But what’s puzzlin’ you is the nature of my game.”
If we don’t know how the song and the medium of extensions play out, or what this particular meaning intends to, it won’t be long to find out. I’m afraid the alternative ending is a counter-hegemonic process in play. Which needs to be invented as we go. Imagining a future starts with a massive shift to conscious degrowth and the rebuilding of oncological philosophy-as-a-practice as ecological philosophy-as-a-practice or conscious ecosophy. Invented on the hoof, so to speak. Logos: “to speak”. Being “said many different ways”: univocal convergence on an end yet to be decided….
Just alternatives still in play, for now.
To be continued….
We lost touch…thousands of years ago…and have been perfecting and honing exploitation ever since.
What you call “losing touch” was actually entering dead-end path of this civilization we live in among many possibilities of branching of human species social development in first millennium (about 12,000 years ago) of entering agricultural civilization abandoning or terminating hunting and gathering types of human social structures.
It was a path of slowly rejecting our common spirituality and hence our humanity understood in terms of conscious recognition of our overwhelming dependence on our natural and social environment or nature treated as a sort of deity we are not and step by step fashioning elites’ created god like self-image of mortal man by perverting genuine need for growing division of labor in agriculture into malignant division of power within society of individual land property, ownership and control based on false notion of imperative of defending it from others.
That is how far we must go back to undo damage to humanity’s social consciousness that pushed humans into effectively abandoning, via violence, coercion or intimidation, default equal, equitable, egalitarian, self governed human society of caring and sharing that let us genetically unchanged homo Sapiens species to survive previously for 350,000 years.
Like many times in history of collapse of “great” human civilizations of the past we now face again new but this time global elites holding or exclusively controlIng 99% of all concentrated power and planetary wealth placing themselves on pedestals of god, in their psychotic delusions proudly defying nature, reducing human spiritualism built on material foundations of community and environment into death cult worshipping.
However, this time there is nowhere to run to revert of our old human ways of self organization of human solidarity, caring (services) and sharing (production) within small surviving communities as it was in the past , and hence devastation of coming extinction event will be at terminal, planetary scale.
What’s worse is that against hard empirical evidences, even those who seemingly acutely recognize dire situation we are facing are deluding themselves that reversing elites policy driven social collapse of few years or decades or even few centuries would in the end make any significant difference to new generations as they would simply re-enter a version of the same dead-end historical loop organizing “new” society with new rhetoric but based on the same old socially destructive values as previous generations did facing the same genocidal policies of various reincarnations of the same ruling power.
You made great points, but this passage is perplexing:
“human society …. that let us genetically unchanged homo Sapiens species to survive previously for 350,000 years”
homo Sapiens existing
It really was so? How do we know that, how can we know it?
What we as readers need, are references.
And, it is said as if it is an unquestionably good thing: what is the reason for that? What makes it is surely not a sign of “stagnancy,” but instead something positive?
I did not put the issue as moral category of positive or better or worse, but pointing out pivotal point in human development at which historical “choice” was made to follow this particular civilizational path (meaning development by concentrating people in limited areas and assigning rights to land) to society we live in today.
250,000 to 350,000 years is estimated age of first emergence of Homo Sapiens, which is genetically identical (extracted DNA from bones) to contemporary humans according C14 carbon isotope dating of discovered bones. Before that about 2-3 million years ago pre-human Hominids emerged again according to C14 carbon isotope dating. All of that is not really controversial as working hypothesis.
As far as question of hundreds of thousands of years of possible continuing stagnation of human social development is concerned we are entering realm of pure speculation.
Of course stagnation is possible but unlikely as any animal society and culture either grows or declines depending on environmental condition, structure and skills of resource management. And hence instead of permanent stagnation hypothesis many suggested that there were perhaps developed during last 300,000 years other “advanced” civilizational branches of human social development, Why not. Climate was permitting as well as Brain size and physical capability of abstract and symbolic and/or verbal language for advanced planing and group coordination was there from beginning as human evolutionary endowment.
The problem is that their material legacy as more “advanced” society would have been likely wiped out not only by water and wind erosion but by local effects of plate tectonics and volcanic activity while nomadic human tribes moved away from ruins of old civilization reverting to hunting and gatherings many times before after “great civilizations” repeatedly failed. We know it happened in last 10,000 years many times only to retire to the same path why not before that time and why not retuning to different path. Hunters and gatherers social structure (no land ownership, no defending the land) strangely always survived in any civilizational epoch.
However, before there was always somewhere to run from failing civilization . Not today. There is nowhere to run.
Of course we’ve changed as per Darwin theory, it’s just subtle
cro-magnon man was in every way superior to contemporary homo homo sapiens….
at least physically, because on the whole all we have to go on are a few skeletons..
his brain was much larger he was much taller his skull more chiselled, so it seems probable contemporary man is an inferior creature..
it seems likely that contemporary man is in fact regressing both mentally, spiritually and physically and his ‘systems’ are on the whole aberrant and destructive…
ancient myths seem to attest to this fact..
‘the fall of man’….. soon to be scraping the barrel..
Yep, pretty much.What Karl Jaspers came to call the Axial Age ….the torn away form nature and turn toward transcendence and turn toward internalisation or “distanciation” between culture and nature. Which has not moved one scintilla or quanta of imagination away from us. We stand in exactly the same relationship to nature as we always did. Only we transformed it a bit in the meantime.
Which, of course, is not all bad. It’s just we never knew when to stop. In a parallel universe: I’m sure that the entire population of the world could live in a more than adequate level of comfort, way beyond the proverbial cave, and still have an integral and flourishing biosphere ….for all the resources we have used: we could have lived spiritually far advanced in more or less perpetuity. Nothing lasts forever: but we probably used many lifetimes of resources in the last twenty years or so.
We cannot go back in time. But as the evolutionary biologists love to tell us: we carried the Pleistocene with us in our genetic phylogeny. Particularly, in our sensual acuity. Scientists love to tell us that the sensible is fallible: only, not as fallible as a transcendent intellectual realm beyond the senses ….out there somewhere we cannot see, cannot feel, cannot touch, and our emotional affectivity cuts us off from, a priori.
What none-sense. The senses and the intellect are coincident and coterminous within the phenomenal sense sphere. Who could ever think that this could be the source of the deepest controversy and causality of the Axial Age. Or as I prefer, Absurdism.
Our senses link the internal landscape and the external landscape: and no distance can come between them. Except through transcendent ontology. The supreme Socratic irony is in the fact that the sensible and the intelligible are holistic and unified in ‘reality’ ….and ontological truth-claims about so called universals and imaginary forms are a none-sense that should be confined to history. But for the logic, the grammar, and the science. Or scientism that claims specialised access to infinity. Or to the “manifold smooth space” or configurational phase space ‘inside’ the computer simulations we now inhabit. Particularly the biomedical simulacra and the central bank similacra that interact to say “grow virus grow.” The econometrics of bioinformatic vaxxine economics.
I prefer the sensible world, the one I can see and touch. I see you do too. Peace, and may the needle never find you!
Did Thoreau choose to live without without the unnecessary modern conveniences? Real question?
He was a fraud. He used to sneak back from Walden Pond to his mum’s house for a bath and a square meal.
I think it’s very close to the time to finally separate those infamous conjoined twins: fraudulence and hypocrisy. They are of course related but not quite the same.
The former is deliberate and, usually, quite venal. The latter, while it can also be deliberate and venal, is generally far less intentional; rather, it’s an unfortunate aspect of simply being alive. Hypocrisy can be nothing more than the gulf separating the ideal from the real.
hypocrisy is a far greater evil.. the false assumption of virtue and fake piety with which to cast yourself as more worthy and somehow ‘better’ than those less ‘holy’…
in some ways it defines ‘modernity’…
frauds are just con-men on the whole.. in it for the $$$$ or the ride..
I think she also did his laundry.
If he did, he soon gave up.
He sent his dirty laundry to his mother’s houseehold for washing, via train.
It actually seems he did, in my opinion. But such a seemingly simple question opens one of the most heated controversies in literary history: was Thoreau a fraud?`I guess you have to make some distinction between the literary character and the real man.
So, he went home every other day and Walden was only half a mile outside town. He only stayed for two years. But at least he made his own pencils!
It turns out there was quite a community of outsiders at Walden. He genuinely seemed to care for them. He was deeply affected by the loss of his brother. In the end, how do you actually assess such a thing? The literary figure inspired millions of others, including myself.
So he was never really alone or went fully “back to nature.” Voluntary simplicity does not mean living “without without the unnecessary modern conveniences”: it means living without excessive conveniences or frivolous luxuries: not necessarily living “off grid.” In which case neither the man or his literary alter ego was a fraud.
“Was Thoreau a fraud?” No, he was not. He was an important thinker and writer. It’s his ideas we care about, not his lifestyle.
Yes, just like Marx; all the things said about him from having let four of his children die out of neglect to being a rich bourgeois. If we dig deep enough into the lives of all those we respect and admire for their contributions to humanity, we probably will find that their private lives are not as respectable and shining as their public lives; but we don’t do that because we are only interested in the thinkers in them.
We’re all Jekylls and Hydes and those who deny that, as Annette said in another comment, cast the first stone.
My mentor, Prof.Robert Harkness of UCL was asked after he had described some research on the tectum in sheep, what is the purpose of the tectum. He gave an ontological reply: it’s the sheep’s tectum, its purpose is to enable the sheep to go on enjoying just being a sheep.
Harkness also said education was like horticulture, to bring out the variety and keep the bullies at bay.
Thank you for posting this quality long form content and analysis
OG discussions – unusually high comment quality
Yes, but how do we explain that to a nine year old? Here in the UK that’s the average reading age. Given the average wage is supposed to be £32,000 p.a. one might assume that nine is a little high…
Nearly 2,000 years ago there was a radical group living in Jerusalem that practiced an economic policy whereby members contributed the whole of their wealth to the community where each drew what they needed… sound familiar?
That’s a really good point. Nietzsche had quite a lot to say about dumbing down to the lowest common denominator. In which case you get the dumbest mediocrity of the common sense of the lowest common denominator. Something which no potential overman would succumb to.
The thing is: there is a logical and grammatical bottleneck between generations. Terence Deacon used this to debunk Chomsky’s Universal Grammar. That is supposed to precede language acquisition. All those rules could not possibly pass through the developmental bottleneck.
Which entails a form of epigenetic cultural transmission. Literally, language and education ….lifelong education. We do transmit hopeless complexity intergenerationally: and the key is external memory. In manuscripst and now electronic corpora and archives. We do not need to dumb it down. Every generation adds complexity which can be passed on externally as “mnemonotechnological” networked memory.
We could live a lot more simply, eschewing excessive complexity. In which case, we could democratise or otherwise level the intellectual elitism. We could embrace a more sensually active form of knowing as a pluritransverse form of knowing as doing. Currently, we put all our resources into educating an intellectual elite because capitalism is so technical. We could spread those resources more equally: then the reading age might come up. Capitalism never wanted an educated populace. All those dumb workers with a reading age of adults?
I wonder what they would think about: other than ending capitalism forever in favour of a global and universal education in life?
Have you spotted the Google logo at Google home page?
It’s the ultimate evil in action…
In the end people have to ‘choose’ between being guided/lived by artificial intelligence or natural intelligence. This is the grand separation.
olde school resistance work needed!
Cue the usual excuse
“But people are dying!”
I wouldn’t get hung up on the Left/Right thing at all. Not anymore. What does it amount to? People all over the world are confronting the system they grew up in. They can think what they want. They can say what they want (with serious limits depending on the company). They can consider themselves as radical or as conservative as they want. I once heard that Anne Robinson of Weakest Link fame was a “radical”. How radical can you be when you’re presenting a TV quiz show?
The fundamental truth is that we all fit in somewhere, trying our best to keep the dosh coming in – from employment, from a business, from benefits etc. Meanwhile you can wave whatever flag you want.
I have a work colleague who is really “right on” and posts on FB stuff about how stupid Boris is HA HA and how stupid his voters are HA HA. Ditto Trump etc. All fired by schoolboy jokes. Meanwhile this same guy attacks anyone who questions the Big Bug – ‘cause he knows people who have died horribly etc. (Isn’t it amazing how so many regular punters wanted to get in on the act with their viral horror stories the moment the media started to shovel out this shite?)
Which brings us to the crunch: There’s us down here embracing our identity politics and our diversity and our trumpeted political opinions – which amount to fuck all – because they ultimately come down to something akin to deciding which pop group or musical genre you like best. Are you a “Right on Leftie”? Or a “True Blue Tory”? Either way, I don’t see any revolution. Nor do I see any “defense of our culture” etc. All I see is those in power getting away with murder while everyone else squabbles. And the former are using this alleged virus. The only valid question for the latter is: Do you buy this viral shite?
well said. “diversity” of race gender and sexuality, politics, sports etc. are just ways to divide and rule the population. You don’t need to wonder why Soros has his “open society” foundation. You cannot divide and rule a homogenous population. This trick is as ancient as empires. The romans did the same FFS.
They forgot to tell this to Ms Ayn Rand, who maintained that the culprit was not “divide and conquer” but “unite and rule.”
BTW, I think Ms Rand made some excellent observations – but this was not one of them.
The Roman empire was powered by slave labor . Dividing the various ethnic elites worked for a time , perhaps 1 generation before hiring German soldiers wrecked the legions
It has always been my opinion – for what is it worth – that the mass of the population does not think and act like they are supposed to. They tend to adapt to a changed situation that they do not particularly like but do not attempt to change. Like the proles in 1984. The Principles of Ingsoc has no appeal for them, although they do not openly challenge it. The real demented conformists, the Guardian readers, I would say about 30% of the population – the ‘outer party’ are the real fanatics. But even here doubts survive and eventually overwhelm the orthodoxy. Winston Smith being the prime example of this process. This is the thing about totalitarian systems, they ultimately fail because they are insane. Just remember the picture of Mussolini and his mistress hanging by their toes after having been captured and shot by Italian partisans at the end of WW2 or the Geobells family blowing their own brains out in 1945. They didn’t look so all-powerful then did they? Yes, I know about Orwell’s conversion at the end of 1984 where he has been converted into love for big brother. But his pessimism was explained by his own admission shortly before his death. ‘If I hadn’t been so ill I wouldn’t have written such a depressing book.’
Some very good films to illustrate this: La Conformista by Bertolucci in 1970, the The Conformist who met a similar fate, and the Damned by Visconti in 1969, only the Italians could make films like this.
So there is a long way to go in this epic struggle, a lot of battles to be fought, I believe in humanity, I believe in reason and justice, and above all I believe in sanity. I believe that sanity will ultimately prevail.
You should like The Great Silence. Directed by Sergio Corbucci way back in 1968. No spaghetti western has been done better.
We are up against something far more formidable than the bankster contrived Third Reich.
True and the bourgeoisie barely fired a shot
Someone tried to request a UKGov petition
and received this response:
”Sorry we can’t publish your petition “Have all Covid 19 vaccines tested on all the politicians first before rolled out to the public.”
It’s offensive, extreme or a joke.
We can’t publish petitions for compulsory medical treatment.It’s illegal to require people to be vaccinated.”
Thanks the petition team
UK government and parliament “
An interesting admission: “…It’s illegal to require people to be vaccinated.”
Our local council has issued a mass of letters informing the general populace that they are now due for their vaccination and opened a local community hospital as a vaccination centre. Nowhere in the letter does it mention the requirement for consent or offer the opportunity to ‘say no’. Double-speak and linguistic subterfuge backed up with M$M headlines, apparently, quoting unnamed ‘experts’ seems to be the norm.
As Mr Hopkins suggests, ‘This is nothing new, of course. It is how “reality” is manufactured,…’ it has ever been thus – well before the internet. I remember the ‘Falklands narrative’ and a transformed national attitude toward a rock in the Atlantic manifesting over one week of targetted propaganda by the same M$M we have now. I found the process staggering.
More recently it was WMDs and 45 minutes that united opinion to enter an illegal invasion that has led to ‘vulnerability to terrorism at home’…etc, etc…
The ‘old’ normal was manufactured as well. Fortunately this one is obvious enough that more people may see the process in action, with the possibility that the experience will endure and grow stronger.
‘Reality’ is a shared experience rather than merely a manufactured illusion, but it is something we are all born into, it represents the ‘nurture’ aspect of the ‘nature/nurture’ dialectic,or rather, the composite we call ‘social beings’. The simplicity of the nurture script is result of its focus on children and their social development. One reason why we have to grow up if we want to develope our personalities into ‘adult’ mode. It may be that given a national reading age of nine encourages ‘infantalisation’ and augments the power of the Establishment’s nurture narrative. Nobody needs a lecture and ‘children’, much like the rest of us, derive great benefits and enthusiasm for knowledge from finding answers for themselves, albeit through engagement and gentle guidance.
Sorry this grew in the telling ;o) …
Stories like this pose a problem for certain regularly repeated narratives here:
1) This is all about the vaccine.
2) This is all about depopulation.
3) There’s no resistence.
4) The US deep state are behind it all to prop up their failing hegemony.
Well, it looks to me that dividing the USA against itself is what this is all about – at least within the US currently. If they wanted as many people as possible vaccinated as their top goal, a Trump victory was the way to achieve that. Most anti-vaxxers are in the Trump camp – except blacks who know their Tuskegee, a demographic the Fraud are completely ignoring because two of their agendas contradict each other – so Trump pushing the vaccine from the “bully pulpit” was the way to increase vaccination rates.
It’s surprising the Fraud even printed this – normally they just ignore any reality that doesn’t fit their agenda. They want it known. I don’t see the kind of vitriolic reporting against De Santis and Abbott one would expect if they were genuinely going rogue. They’d be being child-molesting anti-semites if that was the case. I can’t see states as strategic as Texas and Florida falling under the governorship of the uncontrolled.
What’s going on? Is an assault on the US Constitution’s federalism being set up for the winter? A fake tidal wave of cases in the red states and a fierce centralisation of power? It’s possible. Or is the splintering of the US what this is really all about?
Is anyone with any law training actually taking on any of this….our constitution in aust has been violated all over the place…has any aust constitutional lawyer raised its head? Has any US or UK ditto? Where are they all?
In Germany the constitutinal court is ok with everything. Maybe its because the head of the court is a former politician from Merkels party CDU 🙂
Here is a dump of my bookmarks on lawsuits – don’t seem to have any
for U.K. so if anyone can post –
Reiner Fuellmich (International covid lawsuit)
WATCH: Int’l Lawyers (Reiner Fuellmich) Bringing Class Action Over “Covid Scandal” – OffGuardian
Reiner Fuellmich on suing the WHO
Dr Reiner Fuellmich – Covid Lawyer!! – The Trueman Show #29 – June 10, ’21
Lawyers and Medical Experts worldwide say they have all the evidence they need to convict WHO, CDC, PHE, Bill Gates and World Leaders of ‘Crimes against Humanity’ – Daily Expose
Global Bioterrorism: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough
Covid Fraud Lawsuit Filed in Canada – part of Reiner Fuellmich International Legal Challenge
Attorney Michael Swinwood With Reiner Fuellmich: “The Consciousness of Humanity Is Really What’s at Play Here” – Truth Comes to Light
German Court: No masks, distancing, tests for kids – PCR tests ‘no value’
‘Catastrophically wrong’: German court declares regional lockdown
UNCONSTITUTIONAL in ‘politically explosive’ decision — RT World News
Austrian Court: PCR Test Not Suitable For Diagnosis | Covid Call To Humanity
Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests “Unreliable” & Quarantines “Unlawful” – OffGuardian
Constitutional Court of BiH decides Masks and Movement Restriction are Human Rights Violation – Sarajevo Times
Active Canadian Cases | Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
Press Release – Legal Challenge to COVID-19 Measures Filed In Ontario
Superior Court – Vaccine Choice Canada (1)
Coronavirus In Ohio: Federal Lawsuit Calls For Removal Of State Of Emergency | WOSU Radio
117 Employees Sue Texas Hospital Over COVID Vaccine Mandate — Do They Have a Case? • Children’s Health Defense
27 Experts Launch Citizen Petition Demanding FDA ‘Slow Down and Get the Science Right’ Before Approving COVID Vaccines • Children’s Health Defense
Workers push back against hospitals requiring COVID vaccines
DeSantis just signed a law that gives the police the right to force vaccinate people.
Just saw that. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
They couldn’t be refusing the lottery and the free fries because it looks, walks and quacks like a duck!
How dull can The Fraudian get?
This is the best thing I have read on this topic. Many thanks.