WATCH: A Brief History of Hopium
With all these decades and—in the case of the oldest democracies—centuries of broken political promises, you’d think that the public would have caught on to the game by now. But, if anything, recent events have revealed that people are becoming more addicted to this politician-peddled hopium even as the lies and broken promises become ever more ridiculous…
James Corbett’s latest documentary investigates the history of “hopium”, the phenomenon by which the relentlessly cynical and dishonest political class can string along an increasingly desperate public with the promise of change that never comes.
From the dawn of democracy through the modern-day hope merchants of Obama, Clinton and Joe Biden…this is the Brief History of Hopium.
A full transcript, audio-only version and download options are available here.
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On youtube trump clip audio is redacted at 16:07
Well. We can continue to use small talk, or even smaller caliber ammunition, or recognize that none of this will change without a fight. >
A brief introduction to how far gone the medical system actually is. How well does genetic engineering – in any form, serve the public interest? This article was first published in 2006. >
Original Articles
The Harvard case of Xu Xiping: Exploitation of the people, scientific advance, or genetic theft?
Margaret Sleeboom
Published online: 19 Aug 2006
“A unique genetic history and make-up of a population may make it an attractive research target for population geneticists and pharmaco-genomic investors. The promise of pharmaceutical profits and advances in medical knowledge attracted Harvard researchers and the company Millennium Pharmaceuticals to remote areas in Anhui Province, Central China, leading to international diplomatic disagreements about issues such as the ownership of genetic material and informed consent (IC). This article discusses the role of genomics and genetic sampling in China, the way it is related to population policies (the new eugenics), the national importance of genetic materials and the conflicts it led to between the Chinese government and Harvard University. Here many consider the Xu Xiping case as a textbook example of ruthless Western exploitation of development countries, illustrating the cold rationality of science in the process of globalisation. Ten perspectives on this case show that this view is simplistic and contributes little to an understanding of bioethical issues important to the population actually donating the samples. Viewing the Xu Xiping case as the nexus of the intertwinement of international, transnational, national, and local interest groups shows how different interest groups make use of different units of analysis. It also clarifies why the same practice of genetic sampling continues under a different regime, and why the discussion about genetic sampling has shifted from a concern with health care of the poor to an issue of international exploitation, terrorism and development.”
The Harvard case of Xu Xiping: Exploitation of the people, scientific advance, or genetic theft?: New Genetics and Society: Vol 24, No 1 (
Availability of the complete article requires membership.
The real hope is to out live them.
Don’t count on it Wayne!
We keep on inheriting the same crap generation after generation because people keep giving their power and freedoms away to people who betray them when elected to office or are ‘apponted’ to office.
It will therefore, always be the same if the corrupt system and the social, economic, judicial, and political “viruses” infecting it fail to be remedied by the sovereign people.
Hope this works, if not, I need help:–
Ah! but soon we’ll all get UBI. What could possibly go wrong?
For which the qualifying conditions will no doubt be proof of required up-to-date ‘vaccines’ and other involuntary medical and body-monitoring interventions. There’ll be a load of other hoops to jump through, verified by some kind of ‘passport’, app or eventually implant, replacing meaningful work with point-scoring drudgery. This will also work as a Social Credit Score system to keep us subdued. We’ll own nothing, have no privacy and be happy — or else!
Alison McDowell has done phenomenal research in this area, showing how this will be financed and dressed up as Social Impact Investing and gamified for the benefit of the predator class. Her website:–
Was trying to get the link to show in the above but it didn’t work, sorry.
What mindset is it that distinguishes between those wanting to believe the ‘beautiful lie’ (though Covid lies are indeed grotesque) and those preferring to confront the ‘ugly truth’? Intelligence seems only marginally at play, while critical and analytical thinking, open-mindedness and what used to be known as common sense seem to be important attributes of mind. Doubt, scepticism and cynicism, as commonly understood, are also likely to be significant in this regard.
What distinguishes true scientists from those preachers of ‘Scientism’ now in the ascendant? The former, now in the world of Covid/Climate/Gender Fake-believe being mostly silenced and suppressed, maintain an uncompromised, rigorous scientific method, open to scrutiny, debate and paradigm challenge. While the latter are often bought or fellow-travelling charlatans, prepared to do the bidding of those directing them; prepared to lie, cheat, falsify and cover up, unwilling to defend their methodology or share data or debate with those holding opposing positions. For them, ‘the Science is settled’, although they can fully reverse their own positions on a whim and still hold clout and seeming credibility and authority. They are more worshipped or feared than respected. Those of their peers who DO know better but choose to remain silent are complicit or themselves compromised, and they too should be held accountable if ever the Day of Reckoning comes about.
I recognise my own ‘hopium’ in supporting the efforts of Reiner Fuellmich et al in pursuing the Crimes against Humanity cases, but on present schedule any fruition is likely to be far too late, and by then the damage will have been largely done, including to our precious kids and and even to future generations. Us refusniks might by then have been forcibly jabbed or dragged off to the concentration camps. Were those reports of the Canadian Government’s call for procurement of large numbers of guillotines just a rumour or just for paper-cutters? The judiciary and courts, likely captured in most jurisdictions, are unlikely to deliver the desired results, or in any timely way. And look what happened to that family court judge in Weimar who made the sensible ruling on lifting mask mandates and other measures in schools:–
I hope Reiner has good protection, or the luck of Fidel Castro, and doesn’t suffer the usual fate of those who stand in the way of the almighty, unopposable Powers That Be!
Our best hope is still for a critical mass to wake up VERY soon to what’s really happening in the real world, and to take appropriate action in whatever way and on whatever level is doable and necessary, individually and collectively.
For myself, non-compliance, civil disobedience, protest and a bit of ‘antiganda’ are my preferred means at this point. Numerous email letters to my MP, Harriet Harman, receive no more than an automated acknowledgment. Petitions and Government Consultation responses may be of little use, but every little may help (hopium again?) and I still do these. Hope for the best; prepare for/expect the worst is my position.
Did you really believe that writing to your MP, a careerist politician, who can do little else than go along with the rest of the collaborators would make one jot of difference to the massive fraud we are all being ubjected to?
As they say:
“He who lives in hope will die of starvation”
Organized peaceful action by the people is required using common law principles, common law courts and enforcement constables appointed by the people at different localities and at different levels of society wherever qthe opportunities arise. Statute law and courts are corporations and corrupt places of business.
There are those who believe this won’t work but there is no other viable peaceful solution. If enough people become involved to remove the perpetrators from office using the Law of the Land the scamdemic would come to an end in the UK and would send a message to those who wish to enslave us further within a totalitarian dictatorship.
Common law courts are convened by the people for people to obtain true justice. There is no corrupt paid judge, only a jury decides the guilt or innocence of a defendant based on the evidence presented to the court. Technical and other witnesses can be called by both parties and advisers.
I was acknowledging my own ‘hopium’ here, not necessarily expecting a result, though a reply from my MP was expected as at least a courtesy, and our representatives need to be reminded who they are meant to be working for. She also now knows in no uncertain terms what I think about the scamdemic and our worse than useless parlIamentarians, which is at least satisfying to get off my chest. I still turn out to vote at every election, usually to vote tactically against a leading candidate or to deliberately spoil my vote. Is that a wasted effort too?
It’s been a steep learning curve these past eighteen months and now it seems I have to get up to speed with something I know very little about: Common Law. Perhaps you can give some pointers in the right direction, or recent examples of where this has been applied and shown to work in practice.
If this is a serious possible ‘solution’, perhaps you or someone knowledgeable about this could submit an article to Off-Guardian as a tutorial for all of us here.
In answer to your question “is voting a waste of time?” Under the present corrupt system run by careerists, traitors, and collaborators who are doing next to nothing to end this fraudulent scamdemic and the onward march to totalitarianism the answer is YES it is a waste of time!
Otherwise NO in a system that truly represents the people and puts the peoples interests first before those of the souless national and multinational corporations and the fiat currency banksters. The ones who should be wearing masks like Dick Turpin!
Reinstating a system based on the Law of the Land is imperative if the majority of people support it – otherwise it’s “goodnight Vienna” for all but the globalist tyrants who engineered the scam a long time ago simply as a means to an end.
You can find info on the common law online at the Common Law Court, there is also a video interview with John Smith who has several videos on YouTube if they are still there.
Other websites including the British Constitution Group, the New Chartist Movement, and TPUC.Org, It’s an Illusion video by the late John Harris all contain important information. This should suffice for an introduction to CL.
Thanks CO, I’ll look into it.
Hello -CO: My compliments for your repeated attempts to point out Common Law courts. Common Law actions are the only civil solution to the current regimen. Most civilians are completely ignorant of their Constitutional obligations. They “think” they have rights, but don’t bother to look up Amendments in support of same. Pathetic…
Absolutely Paul! I’m glad you agree. There are a still few who try to ridicule the common law (CL) and the re-establishment of a CL jurisdiction and courts covened by organised people.
Sadly, the opposition tend to cite cases where people who have had an insufficient grasp of CL principles have come unstuck in confrontations with police, judges etc in the present corrupt ‘legal’ system.
That’s also why a thorough knowledge of the basics of CL is necessary on the part of the people who can then form effectively organized alliances and eventually bring the fraudsters and perpetrators of the scamdemic to justice in a CLC Court so they get what they deserve.
Otherwise, the criminals will get away scot free with their crimes against humanity and will be laughing all the way to their bank for diligently following orders from the global elites.
One of the Q tropes was “where we go one, we go all”. Like “nobody left behind” it’s a threat disguised as a promise. Curiously, that lines occurs in an obscure Ridley Scott film from many moons ago, WHITE SQUALL.
It’s probably some secret society sating. Scott has obviously been an asset from the very start (Duellists = Dualists, a man giving birth in ALIEN, robots more sympathetic than humans in BLADE RUNNER). His brother “died” in very strange circumstances.
It’s not surprise that his latest RAISED BY WOLVES was full-on predictive programming. The plot involves humanity destroying itself in a war between religious fanatics (who worship MIthras) and atheistic technocrats. The technocrats send two robots to raise six children. As some of the children die, they suspect the technocrats are poisoning them – and that the dangerous creatures told to be surrounding them aren’t real. But hang on! Of course there’s no poisoning going on and the creatures are real. The surviving child (very androgynous of course) learns the robots only have his best interests at heart.
The two robots are a woman (very androgynous of course) and a black man. The woman can morph into a flying angel of death that kills by a sonic weapon; the man tells jokes and is ultra-dependable. The human parents are drastically inferior. One of the fanatics uses his child as a soldier. It becomes clear the story is partly an allegory of the American Civil War. The fanatics are white men with straggly beards with a few women dupes dragged along. Their accents become more Southern. It’s also a current Democrat/Republican allegory. Finally, it’s a US vs. Islamist allegory which becomes particularly obvious when the female robot takes her weaponised form and obliterates them like a drone. It’s any rationalist-scientist vs. religion conflict you like.
The female robot eventuall meets and couples with her creator and before you can say Annunaki is impregnated. Her creator has disguised himself as one of the fanatics so this is a sort of synthesis of the opposing dualities. She seems to be having an ordinary pregnancy – until she gives birth to a serpent from her mouth. Everyone seems fearful of the serpent although it never attacks anyone. It’s manifestly Rosicrucian in meaning. The serpent is the serpent of the Garden of Eden but re-cast as the good guy who wants to bring humanity gnosis which the nasty Christian God would deny. In Rosicrucianism enlightenment rises from the base of the spine to the head like a snake going up. The robot, as we are told more than once, has given birth to a new humanity.
Is there a Mithraic cult among the elite? Maybe – some have suggested the Statue of Liberty is Mithras. I’m not sure about that – but it ain’t no woman, that’s for sure.
Here’s Hopium! From the traitors and collaborators that the UK electorate placed in office. According to the Mail Online today: Facemasks forever, working from home, self isolation and travel quarantine to stay, and even more restrictions in winter? This info is reported to have come from a leaked Whitehall document that reveals how the ‘ new normal’ could look after July 19 Terminus Day. Enjoy.
Good news: the relevant parliamentary select committee rejects Covid passports:
Bad news:
1) Their reasons for doing so – anti-discrimination, cost and not needed because the vaccine is so wonderful. In other words, alll the fake reasons and none of the true reasons.
2) Select committees have no real power and governments can and do ignore anything they say that they don’t like.
So really Edwige, if you’re last sentence is true then there never was any “good news” after all. So we are back again through a revolving door to:
“Your papers please!”
The Chairman – Chairman Mao
Board of Directors – Central Committee
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) – The General
Line officers – line managers
….and so on down to the Grunts who do the Work…
Compliance guarantees Security
Non-compliance > insecurity / no job.
In an Authoritarian, Hierarchical organisation
Democracy would cause Anarchy…..
When the choice offered is Security or Freedom
the masses always, always choose Security…
Read The Scottish Fine Print. Nicola Sturgeon said you can’t take your mask off till 9th August 2021, and then only for a Few Weeks. when we will impose The Scottish Marxist Variant LOCKDOWN…and you can’t come out again. Don’t you see a trend here?
“Scotland aiming to lift all Covid restrictions by 9 August”
See the New Dates of Craig Murray’s Festival
Now 12-15th August.
Was 15-18th July
I seriously doubt we will get to any festivals this year, except very small ones we organise ourselves.
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
–Karl Rove, per Ron Suskind (2004) & per Mark Danner (2007)
“We are not spectators watching history unfold from the sidelines — we are history’s actors.”
– James Corbett, A Brief History of Hopium, 2021
So, which is it? Which do you think it is? Which will it be? Is this time…different?
I think James Corbett is one of history’s actors. What he — and everyone else — is doing … I don’t know.
More than anything else, we are currently in an epistemological crisis — the biggest since the advent of the printing press.
‘I think James Corbett is one of history’s actors.’
I think so too. I’ve never trusted him completely.Bit like Alex Jones and the 9/11 half truth crowd.
Oh, I don’t pointedly distrust him… I just don’t know what to think. So I do mean — quite literally — I don’t know … what he is thinking, what he is doing … just as I don’t know with everyone else. It’s all judgment calls.
Which is why I think I (consciously), and we (IMHO, mostly unconsciously), are experiencing essentially an epistemological type of problem in our current politics. We (all political sides) think we can know (whatever), but in fact we can’t, ever.
It’s the terrifying reality of what it means to be human. But we have to get beyond denial, and pass through it.
‘It’s the terrifying reality of what it means to be human. But we have to get beyond denial, and pass through it.’
I agree, but ‘the terrifying reality’ of being human sounds a bit dramatic for me. We have to get beyond the fearmongery bullshit I think. Like many of us here, I’ve been a bit angry, irritated and frustrated…but I haven’t felt terrified.(yet)
PS: I feel as if I’ve been terrorised over the last 15 months or so 🙂
Letter to a Musician Friend in Spain.
We personally know some of the people who organise these Festivals and our hearts cry for them, because the government keeps changing the rules..To put on a Festival takes a lot of money even for the sound and lighting crew. If they cancel or put it off till 9th August, then no one is going to get paid, and no one will get their ticket money back cos the organisers will have gone bust.
I personally suggest that everyone carries on as normal, but I am not a Festival Organiser.
I will quite happily pay again – cash on the gate, but no mask and no morons trying to stick anything up my nose.
He thinks we have lost the plot in England…
I says O.K. – lets do it in Spain then – got anything organised ???
“You are not allowed to Travel Here.”
Yeh we are…Nah we don’t want these English here.
They drink too much beer.
He is English but can fake a Spanish accent.
He can also Play Spanish Guitar and Sing at the Same Time, probably now in Spanish too.
No Masks No Tests No Jabs in Spain
Banda de rock española en la playa española tocando Led Zeppelin Live gratis. Los ingleses solo pagan por las bebidas. Todos bienvenidos.
“Hope is the last spark of life that you cling to.”
Creepy Joe: I am a Zionist
Sen. Joe Biden on Shalom TV – YouTube
Hopium is excellent!
Eric Clapton: Speaking Out About ‘Pain and Agony’ From COVID Vaccine Led to Alienation, Broken Friendships • Children’s Health Defense (
I would just like to point out to Tim Berners Lee, who gave it all away for Free, but who now is apparently auctioning a token of his work, that:
A. I don’t think your Dad would approve. I used to work at the same place as him, at the same time. Don’t devalue yourself.
B. As you openly admit, you were Employed at the time. Whilst neither you nor your Employer patented it, you were working Paid on Their Time. You were not working independently, so any Royalties, are not due to you. You were working on Your Employer’s time.
A bit late now to change the rules. What do you want a Statue, next to Bill Gates and Tony Blair?
You are worth far more than that.
Not impressed.
Maybe I’m from another generation?Maybe I’m old fashioned,I’m not 50 yet,But I know this is wrong,And I know young people the parents say 30s got teenagers they need to educate their children honestly I’ve seen kids in masks.I’m in my 40s I have 3 children 3 grandchildren,They are not having the injection their choice,My daughter has written to the school no chance her child is wearing a mask and she doesn’t.It’s little steps but big leaps you can overcome.
The British Grand Prix, 140,000 capacity.
The Open at Royal St Georges, 32,000 capacity.
My local: table service only, socially distanced, and wear your mask when you walk to the toilet.

BREAKING: The Government has caved in to Uefa and will allow thousands of football VIPs to attend the Euro 2020 finals without quarantining.
Except the unclean.
Remember all the posheys go to ascot.They are allowed not us paupers.
My Fair Lady: the Ascot Gavotte
This is a little off-topic, but I was pegging my freshly laundered bank notes to the washing line this morning (I don’t want to catch a nasty ‘cough’), when a stray thought entered my head. How long have bank notes existed and have they ever been ‘responsible’ for spreading disease? Well, a quick poke around the interweb revealed that promissory notes (a forerunner to the banknote), are purported to have appeared sometime around 146 BC, in Carthage. These were parchment or leather. Paper promissory notes appeared later, around 118 BC, in the Chinese Han dynasty, although it seems that the first European paper money didn’t appear until the 1600s. The rest, as they say, is bloodthirsty money-grubbing banking history.
Anyway, the point is that paper money does have a tendency to become dirty, as it passes from unwashed hand to unwashed hand, and no doubt harbours all kinds of bacteria – and yet, as far I know, it’s never been blamed for passing on a disease. Way back when I was a student and doing all kinds of cash-in-hand jobs, I remember one particular boss who would pay me from a roll of tenners, which he pulled from his pocket, then licked the tip of his thumb and counted off my wages. I never once worried that he might infect me with something nasty; and yet proffer a bank note in a shop these days and see how the normies run for cover. Ugh! Disgusting, infected paper money. Yet they all seem happy enough to use the same keypad to tap in their personal id numbers.
Stupid is as stupid does, but if the TV says paper money is dirty then it must be the truth, because TV never lies.
Now, please excuse me as I have a stack of fivers and tenners to iron.
Paper money means nothing your better off getting a metal detector and finding the real money gold and silver.Paper money means what it is nothing and that’s what’s in the bank!Nothing.
And that’s why they are giving you paper.Not worth the money it’s written on.
I worked as an unemployment compensation appeals referee; during the work week, from dawn until dusk I held hearings involving disputed claims.
I’d worked for years in a local office servicing the public, awash in paper forms and documents. Thus, I wasn’t entirely unfamiliar with this habit– but as a referee I was appalled to see how many people had the habit of licking their fingers when shuffling through paperwork. It wasn’t just the ‘umble ordinary unemployed workers, either; the professional employers and lawyers representing the parties were the worst.
Once I became aware of the persistence of this habit, I noticed that even TV personalities like Johnny Carson habitually licked his fingers when using documents during a comedy piece.
My impression is that this is an unconscious habit, one which I’m pleased I never acquired. Oddly, it seems to be tolerated; I assume Johnny’s producers and directors didn’t notice it, or weren’t bothered by it. I don’t know why it isn’t discouraged, and generally regarded as taboo, just as picking one’s nose in public (at least in the US) is justly abhorred.
I do it.
Well, I hope you didn’t touch my post with your licked fingers before replying.
I won’t ask about the public nose-picking; I’d rather not know. 😉
Wasn’t Carson the arsehole that harassed Jim Garrison ?
Carson was a fixture on US late-night TV, and when I was a kid, my siblings and I would watch “The Tonight Show” with our mom during summer vacation when we could stay up late.
Even though I was never a die-hard fan, I related to Johnny’s usual amiable, goofy on-air persona. He was like a funny uncle.
I don’t remember watching the Garrison episode, and in any case I was too young to understand any of it. When I learned about the circumstances while reading about JFK, and eventually watched the video (or some of it), Carson’s uncharacteristic bumptious antagonism was appalling.
But Carson usually avoided politics except as fodder for his lightweight monologue shtick, and was anything but confrontational with guests; the hit job on Garrison was definitely orchestrated from above.
Yes. I wonder why Carson went along with it.
I can’t remember the sources that discussed this unfortunate episode, but off the top of my head: Carson wasn’t strongly political in his personal life, AFAIK, but was a typical patriotic Midwestern moderate. He deliberately refused to disclose his private political views, at least insofar as publicly identifying with a party or movement.
He reportedly cut back on telling jokes about Nixon during his final months in office when he was informed that Nixon was deteriorating psychologically from the cumulative negative feedback from the public; Carson reputedly said that he didn’t want to contribute to a Nixon breakdown. Carson also praised Jane Fonda’s activism when introducing her as a guest, which at the time was seen as uncharacteristic and surprising.
Anyway, I do recall that Carson was lobbied hard by both network brass and connected political heavyweights who considered Garrison’s work dangerous and threatening to the official JFK assassination cover-up narrative. He was evidently persuaded that Garrison was a “loose cannon” who needed a public comeuppance, and that his popular show was an ideal venue to pin back Garrison’s ears.
I don’t know if Johnny went along with this grudgingly or enthusiastically, but apparently he thought he was doing the right thing.
Yes, filthy lucre for sure. This is just another wonderful preprogramming meme. The central banks and the Fed in particular are “printing” money like there is not tomorrow (or at least a very unpleasant one) in order to create a currency crisis to eliminate these soon to be totally worthless as well as unhygienic banknotes. But rest assured, this problem they are creating has a solution, actually as usual designed well before they started to create the problem. The digital FedCoin or the equivalent in the UK. They are calling it a sovereign crypto, but the only thing about it crypto is their motivation for rolling it out. It will be on a blockchain so every pack of chewing gum you purchase will be recorded with all the relevant details for posterity.
It makes me wonder if one can catch a nasty, computer generated disease with a computer generated token, neither having a physical reality. What it will amount to will be essentially credit at the company store, where the company is the Fed or the `Crown, and as in China, it can be revoked at the click of a mouse for misbehavior, which will usually be determined without appeal by Agent Smith, Enjoy our new normal.
Oh no,think of the amount of bacteria i have shovelled up my snout when using banknotes not for their intended pupose but merely as a means of getting filthy cut drugs up there,I must cleanse my soul immediately by snorting washing powder instead
I thought that’s what banknotes were for:^)
Unless the paper was alive and had died, why would it have bacteria on it? There’s no documented case (for what that’s worth) of physical cash being a source of a plague, according to Mike Orcutt (MIT Technology Review).
What’s the problem? The air around us is always brimming with air-plankton. Likewise the water and the soil: always teeming with their own planktons. We have always lived within this sea of life, and long, long, ago our distant ancestor-species had evolved effective ways to create a harmonious balance with all our fellow life-forms (and sub-living detritus) in the plankton soups.
A part of this balance-making process is our immune systems, which – as long as they’re maintained in vigorous good health by taking proper care of them – deal pretty effortlessly with keeping our bodies steady in that benign balance.
I grew up in a culture which was neurotically afraid of ‘germs’ and the all-encompassing health threats with which they were supposed to be besieging us permanently. It really was a neurosis, and it hasn’t got much better now within that segment of humankind who qualify as the Pampered Twenty Percent. Still, it helps to sell a deluge of profitable poisonous chemicals to the neurotics. So that’s alright, then.
Prudent hygiene habits were, and remain, a good idea for helping everything to stay healthy. But there’s no need to get panicky about marginal matters like licking fingers to handle paper more effectively. Cool it, folks!
And long may physical cash-money persist! Don’t worry, it will. The Long Descent will do away before too long with any idea of a fully-digitised, electronic-only money system. What, when the electricity grids are off more often than they’re on, and all the exotic fancy-battery-minerals have grown as rare as gold…? 🙂
I recall way back in the 80’s, they analysed a load of old five pound notes and a high percentage of them had traces of cocaine on them. Those were the days.
A thought in-passing: ignorance and slavery go hand in hand; it is because one doesn’t know who one is, and hence what place one is destined by right to occupy on this planet earth, that one allows others to define it for one.
A better title for this article could have been “the problem with optimism as the default state of human beliefs? Marx ,also an optimist, is claimed to have said “religion is the opiate of the people/masses” . He was being disingenuous as was his habit . Modern politics has increasingly become an “opioid” filling that role to said masses as the industrial revolution and the so called information age unfolded . God now resides in cyber space accessed by temples built of silicon /coltan /copper/gold . A god whose priests are now technocrats , economists , and banksters , who interpret the machine gods will.
I think our doctors and nurses have a lot to answer for?!!And their day will come,whether they are too afraid to speak out it does not matter they have a duty of care.First do no harm.
I agree with you. I told my friend that. I couldn’t do what you do. She knows. She is afraid to lose her job…and this is a girl, who when she was a student nurse, spent her two weeks off providing nursing facilities to the women of Greenham Common..completing the chain around the nuclear base and telling The Americans to Take Their Nuclear Missiles of Our England..and Basically FUCK OFF
I don’t know if she actually injects people with this lethal virus, but to be fair when the Shit Hit The Fan, both she and her Daughter carried on Working Providing Basic Nursing Facilities, when everyone else ran away in panic.
She still comes round and gives us a Cuddle, even in the depths of it.
Maybe she injects Saline. I can’t imagine her deliberately killing anyone.
She is not like that.
I believe that like I said not everyone is like that but they are bound by red tape and I feel sorry for them.Like the police they are bound by Queen and people not by politicians,They should understand this.
Please don’t expect too much from our beloved “Drs”. I for one have been shouting from day one. I though many of them will stand up and speak out, instead, one by one like sheep went along with the Rockefellerian narratives , took their shots and recommended it to others. We don’t even speak any longer as I can feel they are all being hypnotised. Unfortunately most in the younger generation “Drs” group have not been taught any real medicine.
I understand they are in an institution I believe not every doctor nurse agrees with this and I won’t tar them with the same brush,But you have to admit their is a hell of a lot of doctors and nurses that turn the other cheek.
Diagnosis is much more accurate with AI
Whilst even the injected slowly realise, and it gradually dawns on them, an unmasked friend of ours (though he believes it – doubt he has been injected, cos he is not thick) has invited us to our mates 70’th Birthday Party on Friday Afternoon (I doubt he has been injected either – because he isn’t thick either)
This man is cleaning up his house now. I know he is cos I just phoned him up.
He insists, he doesn’t know, whilst he is round there, cleaning his place up.
Surprise Birthday Parties when you think you don’t have any friends can be quite shocking, but he will be delighted to see the Girls who are trained in such things.
It’s important to cheer old now single men up.
Just turn up and say hello, and it grows.
We will have our mini festival in our back garden yet.
URGENT: Hopium promoter Rick Desantis stabbed medical freedom advocates and Florida citizens in the back by signing legislation that allows FORCIBLE VACCINATION by ANY MEANS NECESSARY (that is a direct quote from the legislation), it also allows many other SEVERE abuses including right to access your property without warrant, right to quarantine, right to KILL your pets or livestock if deemed a public health risk, right to arrest you if you don’t comply on the order of a SINGLE health officer. It would make the Nazi’s envious:
PLEASE read and pass on URGENT:
“What is with a scamdemic that brings all the Mengeles and Mengele wannabees out from their corporate fascist woodwork holes, crannies and crevices?”

“The Flu Nazis are coming fast and furious now.”
In the first photogragh the guy between the two soldiers looks a bit like the troubled Matt Hancock who has lost some hair. A sign of things to come perhaps?
Now Hancock has resigned perhaps the next step is for him is to be arrested and taken to be tried at Nuremberg and prosecuted for criminal fraud and crimes against humanity by lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich and his team of more than 1000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts.
thought he was a stand up politician LOL
The Q trump lot boasted how just amazing he was.
“What a shock!”

“Sham Democracy U$A / Third Reich U$A is one BIG LIE.”
Ron DeSantis. I’ll check the link. I’m not surprised if true. As Brian Shilhavy (Vaccine Impact) noted, no Governor in the US has fought against vaccinations of any sort.
From the link:
Desantis only changed the ability for the state to not forcibly vaccinate under these provisions, he did not change any other provision allowing extreme state abuse and forced medical treatments in a public health emergency.
Prescient advice on dealing with Big-Pharma-vaccine-pushers from the Grange Hill gang
‘Just Say No’
and from Tears for Fears as per the effects of self-isolation, circular reasoning and indeed Schwabian circular economies in general
‘Tears for Fears – Mad World’
Schwabian ? you mean of this fella ? Love the knobsock can’t stop laughing at the sartorial elegance this man has
The motto for the National Citizen Service (NCS) in the UK (a summer programme for school leavers, funded by the government) a couple of years ago was “Just Say Yes”.
I know teenagers who got a huge amount out of the programme so it seems churlish to criticise, but even then the motto seemed a bit suspect.
This current rapper – Just Say No – seems more apropos to the topic. Personally I’m not a fan of the chorus, sounds a bit cheesy to me but the verses have energy.
Whilst I have long suspected that the vast majority of stuff in The Daily Telegraph is a complete load of bollocks. Compare their latest with the current AIS evidence…or have The British Navy now got ships, that can take off and fly thousands of miles across The Desert? According to the Telegraph both the UK and Russian military agree on the basic facts, just quibble a bit about how far the ship was away
I think it far more likely that the Telegraph made the entire thing up.
Whilst it is possible to turn AIS off, and probably spoof it, most ships keep AIS on, because it is very important for Navigation, especially in the fog.
Thank God, I have never worked for The Military or The Media.
They are Crazy.
Position Received: 2021-06-23 14:56 UTC
1 hour, 44 minutes ago
Vessel’s Local Time:
2021-06-23 17:56 LT (UTC +3)
Area: AG – Persian Gulf
Current Port: MINA SULMAN
Latitude / Longitude: 26.20349° / 50.617°
Status: Stopped
Speed/Course: 0 kn / 200 °
AIS Source: Terrestrial AIS
They know many people have seen through the old style hopium, hence…
The messiah is coming! “Across the timeless worlds of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours…. ”
Seriously, I know it must get boring with all this – but it does need showing how incessant and ubiquitous this stuff is to make clear it is not random and there is orchestration going on.
Normies who told us we’re the ones with tin foil hats now wear the masks – and that we read crazy nonsense are going to be the ones defending little green men.
You are the leader of your life your world,And when the time comes it will come from within you.
To be honest in the uk I don’t think anyone gives a shite about politicians,It’s all farce a kangaroo court.I don’t vote.
James Corbett is so unassuming – and yet such a great researcher. He never flinches from the grim reality, which I sometimes find hard. I find absorbing the horrible truth really difficult after about four hours of viewing and blogging each day. Which brings me to this: has anybody visited the Great Reset website lately? I just have – and was gobsmacked. I’m sure it wasn’t this blatant when I last looked in. ‘OnePulse Surveys’ (amidst the fear agenda) tell us exactly how people are feeling about the future direction of the world? Blogged this:
Thank you.It’s true police serve queen and country as in the people NOT the politicians .
RobG, posted this recently. Not only is it deeply shocking, with regards to what happened in NAZI Germany, but I completely agree that it is happening now, but this time across The Entire World. This Lady is as Bright as a Button.
“Israeli Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Talk ‘Global Genocide'”
Am getting really tired of the over-use of the word ‘nazi’, even more so when in capital letters. Wasn’t it the media of the time that first used ‘nazi’ ? It’s gotten as irritating as other terms such as ‘conspiracy theorist’ or ‘covid denier’ etc.
Sorry ‘Tony’ but you sound like you’re on really heavy pain medication half of the time.
maybe you should watch the video, and I might agree with you. the religion of all our family – including my wife’s was roman catholic. its just that i will not wear a mask. we can quibble about the details, about the history of evil, but to deny it is to be a fool. us catholics were amongst the worst, which gave rise to the protestants
how about you?
I find anything with the words ‘holocaust survivor’ in the title a little bit off-putting.
Allow me to second that. I have some knowledge of the history of the NSDAP and similar parties both in Germany and abroad so I wince at the way ‘Nazi’ is used as shorthand for ‘anything I dislike that stops me from doing what I think I ought to be able to do’. Real, honest to goodness, fascists are all around us, they present a clear and present danger to freedom and democracy that needs constant pushback and the constant claims of ‘Nazi’, especially from those who are implicitly promoting fascism, just muddy the water.
Words – arbitrary sound/graph symbols – mean whatever the present consensus decides they mean. These meanings change constantly, with every new generation. At the age I am now, I’ve actually witnessed this happening. The vocabulary I learned as a child is becoming obsolete as I watch. The word ‘nazi’ isn’t exempt from this process, permanently inevitable in any living language.
Thank you for that video,We can all see it happening here,DNRs,Swabs,Ventilators,Lack of Gp care and hospital for serious illnesses,Put back appointments,Placing sick elderly with flu into care homes to infect the residents,And vaccinations thats murdering thousands.
This is one of the best videos James Corbett has put out in a long time – like, ever since he began his “Solutions Watch” series. That series proves conclusively that the “solutions” everyone is clamoring for are not what they’re cracked up to be.
And that good old fashioned documentation of the idiocy that passes for culture these days NEVER gets old.
Yes, perhaps James Corbett’s ‘Solutions Watch’ series is in itself a bit ‘hopium’. For me, few of these ‘solutions’ seem practicable, or on a scale that matches the magnitude of the problem. The ‘Freedom Airlines’ one rang alarm bells of a possible scam, which could backfire badly on JC if it turns out to be so. Of course he does always add the caveat of ‘don’t believe what I say; do your research’. Dolores Cahill appears to travel and appears all over the place, she claims freely, asserting her ‘inalienable rights’. Her website didn’t look very professional when I checked. Hmm…. don’t know what to make of her.
I know I’m a hopeless cynic and pessimist, so it’s no surprise that I tend to flinch and shrink at “solution”-oriented perspectives. They seem to arise from the pressure of desperate, baffled followers begging an independent journalist or pundit to come up with something “positive” for a change.
I don’t know exactly what to make of Dolores Cahill either, and I’m simply unable or unwilling to “drill down” on every prominent public figure who’s emerged, or I discovered, during the Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) scamdemic to come to some unimpeachable conclusion about their worth. I’m keeping an open mind about Delores.
Ironically, when I first saw her being interviewed over a year ago, I shared the video link with an old friend (we’re both in our mid-60s), M., whose surname (I guess we don’t say “maiden name” any more) is Cahill. I jokingly invited my friend to watch her informative “cousin” from the Auld Sod, and teased her about their remarkable similarity in passionate loquaciousness– it’s obviously a clan trait, I joked.
My friend, no intellectual, eventually replied that she’d in turn shared the video with her Smart Older Sisters, one of whom is a retired Registered Nurse. They both informed her that Dolores is a reprehensible “fraud”. I was exasperated at this facile dismissal, but since M.’s Smart Sisters evidently are wholly enthralled by the MVD Big Lie narrative, I should’ve seen it coming.
I realize this doesn’t advance the question of whether Dolores is reliable and trustworthy. But you may yet get some authoritative feedback decisively sorting out the question. One irritating trend seen in comments threads, especially here, is that when anyone’s name is mentioned, someone is bound to swoop down and bumptiously thump down supposedly definitive and final information and judgment– typically pointing out some bit of personal history, past dodgy association, or deviant view that proves that the person in question is no damn good.
Instant Karma! Case closed! 😉
Thanks Ort, your reply amused me. Still waiting here for the final verdict on Dolores Cahill, although interim might also be interesting, especially any insights from the Smart Sisters!
Well after Bush, the only sane response to western politics was to shrug the whole thing off and ignore it.
Obama’s chirpy conversational manner certainly seemed to indicate an intellectual grasp which was light-years ahead of Dubya’s – at first – but we soon found out where that was going: Right down the same toilet.
We haven’t looked back – or forward – since.
Could not agree more!
And didn’t they cheer!
A million or so deaths later he’s on a talk show.
He won a peace prize for slaughtering women and children.
“Q” is a character from Star Trek The Next Generation for whom time is not linear. Moving that god like character him into the American political circus while entertaining was a spectacular propaganda failure . Exposing Trump as a Mussolini type failure rather than Hitleresque .
” The Scamdemic and the Great Ripoff are not about health. They are about coerced test gene experimentation, population management control (culling the herd), political economic grand theft and human enslavement. They are Crimes Against Humanity.”

“Time for Governor Death in NY to come clean. He euthanIzed seniors to eliminate state financial obligations to them and get rid of unprofitable inventory (stock). He is a mass murderer many times over. One of the members of his so called brain trust is Billy Eugenics himself.”

Of course the Governor can’t ‘come clean’.
How many murderers do we know who are prepared to stand in front of a microphone – Alcoholics Anonymous style – and say,
“I am Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, and I am a murderer”…?
Our expectations must be more realistic.
“Sticking it to the man.”
“A worthy time honored activity for all ages.”
Same in England with Matt Hancock. Then he accuses those of not wanting the experimental gene therapy of ‘having blood on their hands’!
I hope Djokovic sticks to his beliefs. He is highly intelligent, funny, charming and a gentlemen. He’s now in his mid- thirties and achieved so much. He should tell them to shove their gene therapies.
And a brilliant player.
Understanding public policy as a mechanism for the upward distribution of wealth, it promotes empire and inequality by underwriting the smothering K Street culture and the revolving door that feeds it—not just lobbyists themselves but the entire interconnected world of campaign consultants, public relations agencies, pollsters, and media strategists—without whose favor and assistance serious presidential bids are next to unthinkable.
“I believe all of you are as open and willing to listen as anyone else in America. I believe you care about this country and the future we are leaving to the next generation. I believe your work to be a part of building a stronger, more vibrant, and more just America. I think the problem is that no one has asked you to play a part in the project of American renewal.”
– Barack Obama, speaking to the masters of “American” finance capitalism at the headquarters of NASDAQ, Wall Street, New York City, September 17, 2007
[Before getting to the meat of this, let me pause for a moment, to offer a word in defense of righteous anger. There is a certain legitimacy to raw anger. Anger is a correct & reasonable first response to injustice. By itself, it is an inadequate response to injustice. But it is an excellent foundation on which more constructive responses can be built.
And, on the other hand, the most paralyzing & crippling response towards great injustice, is docile acceptance. THAT is what the American political system & their apologists are all about — getting you to somehow resign yourself to corporatists & warmongering imperialists, who however (like Obama) are skilled in the use of ‘uplifting’ language.]
OK, now the meat. We are at a time in our nation’s history where the political system is breaking down. It is no ordinary time. Mechanisms that have sufficed since the 1930’s are now failing.
There is zero chance that our system can be fixed through the officially-approved mechanisms. Whether overtly recognized or not, there’s a war going on — the US ruling class against all the rest of us. It’s essentially a class war. The rulers want you to remain a Democrat, because the D’s are a ruling-class institution, whose job is guiding the Dem half of the populace in paths that are safe for the rulers. To remain a Dem voter, and to swallow whatever slop the party dishes up, is to passively assent to this arrangement.
Therefore, your primary focus should be on resisting & criticizing the system, not on adapting yourself to it. You should be talking with your friends & family about the very real things that are wrong. You should be trying to make whatever contribution you can to elevating political consciousness. Accepting the slop of the Dem Party is the opposite of all that: it deadens political consciousness, & only makes your enemies stronger.
Voting for candidates only works when there are decent candidates — but that’s not our situation. We betray ourselves if we fail to recognize that.
Well, looking at it historically, the “solution” has to be a break from the officially-approved mechanisms. It must have the form of a broad movement based on the interests of the bottom 80-90% of the population, rather than on the interests of the top 1%. It has to be what they call “radical” politics.
The 2 parties are really just a mechanism of social control. They’re not a way for “the people” to express their will; they’re a way for rulers to control the people — partly by making them believe that they (the peeps) have some say (which they don’t). Building a movement to oppose this takes time.
BTW, the Audacity of Hope™ is an oxymoron on the face of it. Ain’t no “audacity” in it. It is the stuff of denial and cowardice.
Hello Maxwell: Thoughtful points, and well written. Whilst anger is often righteous, anger isn’t very effective in a business meeting. Anger doesn’t work very well in a court room, or even at a traffic stop. I was born angry… Didn’t do me any good at the time, but I learned to focus my attention as time went on…
The public is being fed a bunch of “power elite” constructed bullshit. The victim mindset has become a mantra. A repetitious – self-defeating and hopeless prayer of the allegedly subjugated
It is a non-sense. A construct designed by organisations such as The RAND Corporation. Many OffGuardian readers are aware of the ploy, but few have the education to see beyond the imposed anger fed to them by the media.
Simply put, the answer to all “elite” control mechanisms is to fire them from their jobs. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it’s actually that simple. These persons are hardly indestructible, but the public narrative is…
I’ve posted remarks regarding the efficacy of Direct Democracy and Sortician many times, as these types of civilian choice are far more effective than revolution. Most readers don’t even bother to look up the proper terms and definitions. They remain as cry babies, whinging in a sterile operating room. It’s pathetic… The answers are simple.
I’m almost on board with what you say – except for the implicit notion that masses of people are capable of actually standing up for their own interests. They are not. The fault lies in the public’s notion of “their own interests” – and, especially, where they get that notion.
It’s overwhelmingly “in their own interest” to be safe from an elusive, shape shifting pathogen which nobody can quite pinpoint. But, somehow, not in their interest to prevent their government from handing over all the money in the treasury to the ruling elites.
Until the public gets its head on straight, its minions are the last beings in the universe capable of undertaking Direct Democracy.
There is no escape only direct democracy and self governance can provide real change as it would be we who would be rule ourselves, anything else can only amount to Sisyphus works, useless, exhausting and ultimately futile.
Oligarchs are spending at least a billion dollars a day worldwide to cultivate confusion about class interests of workers and nurture their false social consciousness making them support and submit to their own oppressors via massive propaganda of words as well as of deeds that supposedly make lying fantastic narratives real.
For example many workers tend to believe in COVID sham since they thought governments would shut down all schools, hospitals and our patients clinics, would not temporarily stay evictions, would not pay them for staying home with family or would not enable other valuable but previously inaccessible to them social services like rent support or food stamps etc., , would not pay them double unemployment benefits for double triple, time period if COVID was just a hoax. So lies of words were backed up by lies of deeds and lies on paychecks with COVID pandemic relief written allover them It was pure propaganda of word and deed.
But that kind of propaganda is not limited to working class it is ubiquitous, as words are backed by concocted deeds to make lies look and sound real and true.
If there was no in excess of half a trillion dollars in direct and indirect programs of preservation or even increasing ordinary peoples income and unprecedented fear driven psychological warfare unleashed from political left to political right and corporates as well as most of independent media while people’s jobs were being deliberately murdered official COVID narratives would have collapsed within few months.
sadly most of consumers of such form of propaganda are not blue collar who live much closer to material reality of the social system but while collar managers and professional and scientific elites who equate money with reality of growing bank accounts and hence engage in worse possible evil fraud as its spokespersons . Those who would not do that, would not abandon fundamental ethical and moral principles and speak the truth as they see it are being professionally destroyed, medially canceled erased to their own shock and disbelief.
It has also been well-known for a long time that the apparent two-party system is just the same beast with two heads.
John Adams worried that “a division of the republic into two great parties … is to be dreaded as the great political evil.”
My worry stems from the fact that the appearance of two alternatives masks the reality of that single beast, and therefore furthers its evolution and power under the surface.
Sorry Maxwell but you have grossly overestimated the intelligence of the average America whose education was and is a product of the Reagan administration . less than 50% of Americans eligible voted for either Biden or Trump the other 50% were not aware or did not care that an election was in progress . Apathy leads to Anarchy? A useful fact used by propagandists world wide.
Ah, if only it did lead to anarchy! (Using the word in its Educated-European-English, Kropotkinesque meaning rather than its Illiterate-US-English meaning, of chaos…) 🙂
Max, the US is now engaged in its own ‘collapse-of-USSR’ moment. It’s that irreversible, non-negotiable fact which is going to dominate your politics in NAmerica for the next few years, It took a decade in Russia, before Putin and the Putinistas emerged to get things going effectively again for the Russian people.
As Dmitry Orlov points out in his writings about the collapse of the USSR, and the currently-progressing collapse of the USA, the USSR happened – more by sheer good luck than by any forethoughtful planning – to be in a better state to survive and deal with a societal collapse than is the US. To do with having been a properly socialist country in its socio-economic arrangements, which huge benefit the US absolutely lacks.
And of course, the heritage of proper social responsibility still continues broadly in Russia today. That was all destroyed in the US in the early twentieth century, with the annihilation of the grass-roots radical politics movements of that time, and the raising up of greed-driven criminality as an esteemed way of life. A lunacy which always contained the seeds of its own self-destruction in it.
There seems to be no predicting what will emerge from the chaos as the Anglozionist empire goes down. But there’s no absolute guarantee that it will be democratic or properly socialistic. Russia has just been lucky that way.
Hope for change by watching ourselves engaging in staged political spectacle production is not just naive but simply insane and in fact is an expression of deep hopelessness stemming from mass paranoid schizophrenia induced by western totalitarian culture in seemingly open society. It does not represent engagement in governance but instead produces complete political and civic disenfranchisement from governance, antithetical to democracy, tacit even subconscious recognition of hopeless permanent enslavement of our minds and bodies into herd mentality or governmentality as Foucault put it.
As long as people believe that they can genuinely hand over all sovereign power and responsibility for their own lives allowing some low life lying politicos and oligarchic stooges to make life and death decisions for them, there is no hope.
People must understand that they have to self govern individually and collectively by consensus within community they live in. Self government is not an option dominant part of live it is imperative. A form of collective democratic rule that gives anyone unalienable right acquired at birth and life long duty to engage into governance and veto any infringement of political and socioeconomic equality, equity and egalitarianism that defends democracy and guards against emergence of any elites capable and strong enough to usurp power that always resides within the people and cannot be legitimately delegated to anyone else (but ourselves) by any means of manipulation, intimidation, coercion or force.
in fact all massively imposing 24/7 entertainment political or not is being unleashed not only to propagandize people into submission but also as genuine filler of people’s otherwise empty, hollow lives of disrupted social life cycle who would have been preoccupied with issues decisions related to daily self governance that requires continuing listening to local people learning, thinking, analyzing, debating, doing and experiencing everything that impact our lives by ourselves. Self governance is hard work with inevitable successes and failures nobody else can be blamed for, nothing that could beat pleasures of hypnotic indulgence in brainwashing entertainment.
Anything short of direct democracy at every level, electoral politics, elections and partisanship is nothing but swindling democracy into democratic veneer covered stench of tyranny.
some of that is addressed here:
As long as society continues to shut the doors on logic, then hope fades by the second.
But society is US. And we are not going to shut those doors, are we, Shin?
Also, as long as logic remains divorced from reality, accessed only through cleverly designed syllogisms which can prove or disprove anything, genuine hope has no chance whatever.
Logic is just a mind game. I know I exist, as Samuel Johnson reportedly observed, because I stubbed my toe on a rock – not because I think.
The human race would not exist without logic.
I see logic as something rather external to ourselves.
It’s something we can plug into when we need it.
On its own, it can do nothing.
Sometimes we need it, but it always needs us.
No! Think about it. What Johnson got was an information-feed going to his personal awareness which he interpreted as a physically-existing foot striking a physically-existing stone.
But what if, as recent cutting-edge physics theory is wondering more and more, what if none of the supposed physical reality is anything more than virtual? Then mind, consciousness, and the many currents and patterns within it are the real basis of our reality. The pendulum between philosophical-materialism and philosophical-idealism is swinging again, towards the latter this time, after the several centuries of rule by the former. High time! The cluster of anomalies which materialist doctrine simply can’t explain or accommodate have become just too pressing to go on ignoring.
And as we move back again towards a more idealistic interpretation of reality, things will change drastically again, over all the issues of existence, as they did when we moved into the now-departing era of materialism.
Hello Kalen: Excellent post. This is outstanding: “It does not represent engagement in governance but instead produces complete political and civic disenfranchisement from governance, antithetical to democracy, tacit even subconscious recognition of hopeless permanent enslavement of our minds and bodies into herd mentality or governmentality as Foucault put it.”
Direct Democracy would put an end to the stench of tyranny. That’s why the Twitter/Facebook whingers avoid any serious discussion. Most won’t even look up the definition. Taking action would ruin their snivel-fest…
Thanks for posting.
Direct democracy is an idealistic myth similar to liberation theology, moral capitalism , or libertarianism pre Reagan ? All require personal commitments and sacrifices few if any I-phone idiots are willing to make , “singing songs and carrying signs , mostly say hooray for our side !” Buffalo Springfield 1965.
No, to the contrary DD is not idealistic but very practical as it does not assume goodness of people’s heart or believe in better angel of human nature but imposes imperative that people rule their own lives directly and their own community collectively by consensus by themselves not waiting for super god to save them or tell them what to do.
what is idealistic, utopian and in the same time delusional however, is to think that other person has your not his/her interest in their hearts which assumption or rather futile hope is foundation of so called representative democracy and electoral politics which simply is political cliques generating fraud because of the above dogmatic belief.
ENOUGH !!! Get away from your keyboards !! See you in London this Saturday !!!
Saturday? London? And I live in Baltimore, USA? Will I have time to get my nails done?
They said gun owning America would save us. Sadly that prediction didn’t happen.
I enjoyed that,
So funny for the old memory of the white knights LOL my friend used to get their secret email every Sunday promising what Q promised foretold a decade later
same psyop.
save the children SOS was first used 15 years ago by white dragons then white knights, then the good Illuminati brotherhood helping us.
I disagree with the video’s premise that hope n change is an eternal phenomenon. If it was, we would not have
had so much emphasis over the past 30 years to accept change.
The drive has been to change everything, all the time: name of government services, departments and institutions, often just for the sake of it. They employ change managers just so you know the change ain’t going away.
Forget a job for life, what pension? Learn to code… Cathedral burned down? Well it’s was old anyway, get with the programme wake up and smell the coffee… You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.
Get “fully vaccinated” — that’s new. In the past you got a jab if you needed one. Change now means you need to upgrade… to comply with the latest requirements.
There is nothing long term about this pitch. It’s very new.
Now we hear incessantly the flip side: only sustainable business have a future, says Rothschild’s major-domo Mark Carney. If you can’t adapt there really is no place for you in the modern economy.
And the economy, the technocrat-regulated digital marketplace, is all there is. You will be evaluated and found wanting — by the here-on-earths — and judgement is immediate. For what good is change without “justice, swift, severe and inflexible”?
When hope needs to go, change has to go as well. Everything is exactly as it should be.
I get the impression that there are two elements at work here:
The eternal phenomenon of change, which is entirely natural and irresistible – if highly unpredictable –
– and those individuals who wish to force change upon us to suit their own temporary ambitions.
As Buddha said, “Nothing endures”, and he was referring to the former element.
The latter element involved in ‘change’ is when I go to the store and insist that the blue shirt I bought last week be replaced by a red one, at no extra cost to myself.
I just watched ‘The Constant Gardener’ for the first time again since its initial release. It’s of interest being supposedly based on Pfizer’s killing of Nigerian children in pursuit of a generic antibiotic. Some observations (I haven’t read the novel yet)…
Firstly, some praise. At least the film is about the evils corporations do and Big Pharma in particular. It explicitly maintains that they don’t care about killing people in their trials and that they will murder potential whistleblowers. Very few works of popular entertainment will venture into such territory. However it is a classic limited hangout, to wit:
1) The UN crops up twice in the film and are portrayed as heroic saints both times. National goverments (specifically the UK) are corrupt but the UN isn’t.
2) Big Pharma is shown as callous and greedy – but that’s all, there’s no other motivation. There is one sly nod to “alchemists” but that’s as far as it goes.
3) The Pfizer basis is very heavily disguised and only someone who already knew about it would spot it. The company name, the drug name, the location, what it is a treatment for – all have been changed. The company is now called ‘The Three Bees’ which is probably some esoteric joke although I haven’t worked it out yet. The location is switched to Kenya. The film makes no reference to Britain’s history in Kenya. Can one imagine a film about Yanks in Vietnam that “doesn’t mention the war”?
4) The heroine (men are mostly immoral scumbags) works for an NGO. They are portrayed as plucky outsiders. She clearly is extremely wealthy but where her wealth comes from is never stated. She experiences a still-birth and immediately starts suckling an African child without ever seeming too bothered about her loss. She says she would be nothing without her work. These are all ‘Great Reset’ messages (women just need to be in charge, abolition of racial differences, women as corporate slaves). Her name just happens to be ‘Tessa’ (asset written backwards) and she’s 24 (one of the more inventively disguised 33s – 6+6+6+6, 6+6 = 12, 1+2 =3).
5) The film contains incessant propaganda about AIDS and TB. Both are portrayed as mass epidemics to which Big Pharma is the solution. The only problem is their patents and blocking of cheap generic drugs.
6) The film portrays whistleblowers as the heroes – but (spoiler alert) they both suffer gruesome deaths. It’s a form of black-pilling.
7) The media rush to report the story once it’s got to them. See the finale of ‘Three Days of the Condor’ for a more real picture of what would happen.
All in all, it’classic mainstream hopium for the Compatible Left. The UN, NGOs, plucky women and cheap generic drugs will solve it! Roll the credits….
Three Days of the Condor was based on James Grady’s novel, Six Days of the Condor. That’s Hollywood for you, short-changing you for over a century!
Thanks for that summary – I found it to be unbearably PC and unrealistic – how many times was the protagonist given one final warning? As you state, the idea that the MSM would report it is risible. The more I thought about the movie after I watched it, the more I disliked it!
There’s more in the novel (John le Carré). Perhaps a nod to a famous crash in a French tunnel a few years prior, which probably isn’t apparent in the film. The’ThreeBees’ is also interesting since it pops up in recent slogans (eg ‘build back better’).
I wouldn’t put in the ‘hopium’ category. More of a tragedy/shocker to stir a conscience. Worth watching and reading imho
The very last scene in 3 Days of the Condor explains everything.
Controlled media.
The ‘holy’, the sacrosanct idea, almost a Religion, at the centre of all of this Civilisation, in its current form, is Scientism. They have a Church (the Royal Society, Smithsonian, etc.) they have priests (Brian Cox, David Attenborough Etc.) and they have saints (Darwin, Einstein Etc.). This is our Cosmology and it affects everything from how we live, eat, think, feel, medicate and relate to each other.
And the Churches of Scientism in the C19th’s main aim was to eliminate God from society and a connection to the divine and supernal from within the general public. It gives these power-mongers their ultimate power over the publics will. The method is now taught to every young child in the west, and much of the world.
Most parents allow it, they themselves know nothing else, call it indoctrination or brainwashing but really its a Spell and its preachers are nothing but sorcerers, sorcer (anglo-norman) – deceiver. Because establishment scientists protect it and fight for it, even though much of them know that what we are taught today, about the world we live in, is known Scientific falsity.
Just want to add: they have their heretics (Nikola Tesla, Rupert Sheldrake etc.). Notice these Scientific names never enter the curriculum of our children. Covid and Climate Change have based their foundation on Scientism, the false Science.
Scientism is an atomistic quantified view of reality with no space for wholesomeness. Just look at the world and your own life, and see how everything is explained away as a sum of its parts. Breaking everything apart into bits. Medicine, for instance, treats the particular cell or organ and ignores the malfunction of the entire body. Allopathic medicine still hasn’t found cause or cure for one chronic disease in over 100 years. Look at how the youth break down their future partner into, good sense of humour, dresses well etc. Look at the myriad of genres in fiction. This false science permeates our psyche and it is a Cult of Disintegration.
The scientism you mention is that from the late 19th century: ref. the recent article here on eugenics. Its disciples have managed to preserve it across the 20th century and being it into the present one.
It appears Scientism gained momentum by the Imperialists in the 19th century, and it almost faltered at the end of the 19 and early 20th century, with many esteemed physicists and biologists finding the darwinian, quantum physics and astrophysics theories didn’t add up. But the promotion by media and funding by corporate backers, silenced the alternate understandings and led to national curriculums based on scientism theory, taught as scientific fact.
An good argument can be made that Corporations corrupted the sciences for their own self interests using funding, propaganda and conspiracy.
Hope everyone is enjoying the new music in the form of constant police and ambulance sirens driving up and down roads. Just to put fear into the weak minded of course.
yes that’s been happening for over a year now. As already been said, such peurile tactics contribute to the ‘open secret’ regarding convid and illustrates the simplicity of the Establishment mentality as well as their contempt for the general populace.
They do that here in my part of Australia. It’s pathetic. It’s daily. Lame sirens for nothing.
One of the worst hopium campaigns the last couple years though was the “trust the plan” Q psyop by teh Trump admin.
Corbett: From the dawn of democracy through the modern-day hope merchants
Sounds like some broad overview. Broad overview must include :
the fact that alt media work for the most part under the conditions determined by the systems they criticise. As a result,
They must churn out new material in order to make for a living
Quantity comes at the expense of quality
The quality deterioration is concealed by the package of novelty and specialty : new insights, new ideas, new words, – to attract audience
That, in turn, leads to fragmentation of everything.
As an illustration, this newly fangled term “hopium” is with a purpose – what?
To provide the audience with … hope. Hope that this new way of looking at things can be implemented and eventually turn things toward the better. Of course, that light of hope is extinguished like a candle, under the sunlight of lived everyday life. It vanishes like a vampire.
And there is something vampiric in this. All this energetic and frantic activity of mdoern civilisation, that even a hundred years ago looked to Rene Guenon like the movements of a beheaded chicken, is just part and parcel of a spiraling towards death.
One has to ask, ‘just what has gov’t done done to truly benefit the working man or the small business owner’? The present set of rogue gov’ts and the ones before that, ad infinitum, have steadily increased the taxes, the power of the state, the corruption of law & order, and the courts. The public currently enjoy less rights and legal process than their grandfathers. That isn’t progress.
The older generation will know from experience that gov’t isn’t their friend but their extortioner. The older generation have seen the decline and heard it all before, although for some the memory of past gov’t abuse of power fades quickly. Rogues gov’t rely on this amnesia to push the next money earner and have the public finance it.
Just like propaganda and hopium from salesmen, extortion and profiteering never seems to go out of fashion. The present political mess is a #metoo movement for greedy shysters. The western political gene has been bastardised due to the injection of funny money.
Things are going to get a lot worse. Kangaroo courts for the Covid resistance crowd with judges appointed by corporations. What can go possibly wrong.
We have to be (as an individual) in a situation of no hope and no hopelessness.
I think that’s very true, at a very advanced spiritual level.
For the average human being, however, hope just doesn’t go away.
That’s the tragedy of mankind.