Canadian surgeon FIRED for voicing safety concerns over Covid jabs for children

Dr Christian making a statement to media calling for a halt to children being vaccinated against Covid19, June 17th 2021
Dr Francis Christian, practising surgeon and clinical professor of general surgery at the University of Saskatchewan, has been immediately suspended from all teaching and will be permanently removed from his role as of September.
Dr Christian has been a surgeon for more than 20 years and began working in Saskatoon in 2007. He was appointed Director of the Surgical Humanities Program and Director of Quality and Patient Safety in 2018 and co-founded the Surgical Humanities Program. Dr. Christian is also the Editor of the Journal of The Surgical Humanities.
On June 17th Dr Christian released a statement to over 200 of his colleagues, expressing concern over the lack of informed consent involved in Canada’s “Covid19 vaccination” program, especially regarding children. (You can read a PDF of that statement here).
To be clear, Dr Christian’s position is hardly an extreme one.
He believes the virus is real, he believes in vaccination as a general principle, he believes the elderly and vulnerable may benefit from the Covid “vaccine”…he simply doesn’t agree it should be used on children, and feels parents are not being given enough information for properly informed consent.
Interestingly, even the World Health Organization partially endorses this position, since April their website on vaccination has read:
Children should not be vaccinated for the moment. There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
That was not enough to save Dr Christian. That is how frighteningly intolerant of diversity of opinion the mainstream – and especially academia – has become.
On June 23rd Dr Christian was called into a Zoom meeting with other senior members of the faculty and representatives of the Saskatchewan public health authority. In this meeting he was informed of his immediate suspension and upcoming termination.
Wisely, Dr Christian recorded the entirety of the audio and uploaded it to a public dropbox, we will embed it below.
The most disturbing aspect of the situation is the way the other people present, most especially Dr Susan Shaw, are trying to position themselves as concerned for Dr Christian’s mental health. It is gaslighting in its purest form, and reminiscent of the worst kind of totalitarian societies.
Dr Christian is appealing the decision to suspend him, and is being represented in those appeals by the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms, a legal non-profit focusing on the civil rights of Canadian citizens. You can read their statement on the situation here.
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Its happening in the UK as well. Legislation passed on HOC wuthout discussion erc
I am so disappointed in Trudeau and Canadians. As Trudeau Senior once said, ‘merde’ and he didn’t mean Damn.
When this is all said and done, we remember who the traitors were. We can begin telling them that now.
Makes me wonder how much these “drs” and head people are actually getting paid to dupe the Canadian people and participate in crimes against humanity.
I know a few professionals in medicine and Dr Christian is everything I like in a doctor, surgeon and human being. You can hear how calm he is under pressure, how articulate, humane and how sensible.
How dare these people do this to him and deprive patients of his expertise. This is horrific.
OMG The fudging over the WHO recommendation, the gaslighting. I played this to my husband, who’s a highly published researcher and academic (in science, not medicine), and he was speechless. We have no doubt that Dr Christian is on the side of truth.
The vaccines are an experimental drug because they currently have EUA only. I read and write on a forum of a biotech and I was writing about how child abuse has got into medicine long before the pandemic hit the headlines.
I would like to offer the good Surgeon a job.
Secret video of senate meeting with head of TGA Brendan Murphy telling Parliament to not tell the public of their own vaccine effects coverup and that the vaccine kills people and they have no recourse from it because the government granted big pharma immunity from prosecution and compensation payouts!
But “It’s very safe” and “Adverse events are very rare” and “The benefits outweigh the risks”. Did I miss any of the scripted responses that our medical “unprofessionals” spew out?
He didnt say they were rare he said they happen regardless if you have preexisting condirions or Not ….š¤¢š¤¢š¤¢
The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms ( have also had the government admit in court papers that the PCR does NOT tell you if someone is infectious and that you have to send it to a lab to find that out.
When they did send it to a lab on 44% were viable cultures at a cycle threshold of 18. EIGHTEEN. Above a Ct of 25 none were viable. The WHO has recommended 45 and the Canadian government & medical system has mindlessly gone along with it.
Ct values are also determined by the technical competence of the person performing the test, calibration of the equipment, and the analytical skills of the interpreters.
In Canada that leaves a lot to be unthankful for.
Hence 45 means , well it means that given all the potential incompetence, we might as well get a positive result to make them all feel better.
Nothing like having your blood brain barrier penetrated by mistake either.
I think I will vaccinate my kin and collect their insurance money.
This is sick. I cannot believe this is happening in Canada. What happened to free speech? What happened to a doctor doing only what is in the best interests of the patient?
Dr. Susan Shaw is a despicable tyrant.
Shaw needs to fear losing her job, as well as to fear being unemployable in the future.
There is no room in the human race for useless scrap metal like her.
In any case I thought robots didn’t eat, and only needed oiling occasionally…
Canadians like most others are tech addicted and have lost their ability to think critically. It is they who will lead us to the Great Reset. Quel dommage!
Canada has gone full fascist under our gwailou Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.
The head of our Public Health Agency (PHAC) was ordered by Parliament to turn over all
documents relating to the firing of two Chinese scientists working at the level 4 NML
(National Microbiology Lab) in Winnipeg. These scientists had ferreted Ebola and other
pathogens from the lab to Wuhan and subsequently filed two patents in China under the
auspices of the CCP ! Rather than turn over the documents the Trudeau regime SUED
Parliament in Federal Court – along with the House Speaker, a member of Trudeau’s Liberals – asking the Court to forbid Parliament from doing its job by requiring government disclosure on a matter of national importance.
This is as idiotic and anti-democratic as it sounds. Like many Western democracies ours is structured as a tripartite system of checks and balances – 3 co-equal branches of government, legislative, executive and judicial. They don’t order, legislate or sue each other.
If there was any doubt about the nature of the Trudeau fascist regime, it passed Bill C-10 in the wee hours (1:30 a.m.) June 22, 2021. This bill passed without debate or amendment behind the backs of the Canadian people. IT WOULD GREATLY EXPAND CRTC POWERS TO CENSOR AND RESTRICT ONLINE CONTENT.
Your link for “Bill C-10 in the wee hours” goes to a useless facebook page. Here is another link that explains things :
… by “useless” I mean that I’m not on facebook and can’t access your info. I’m sure the actual info is not at all useless.
Thanks. I will avoid this in future. Here are some links for the PHAC/NML story:
Canadaās surprising history and questionable partnership with a Chinese company and its military-backed COVID-19 vaccine | National Post | 2020/06-26
Fired Winnipeg lab scientist listed as co-inventor on two Chinese government patents | National Post | 2021-06-23
Documents on firing of scientists at top lab pit Liberals against Parliament | National Post | 2021-06-24
Agency head on hot seat over lab scientists’ firing has history with China ties and controversies | National Post | 2021-06-25
Commons speaker to ask court to strike down government lawsuit challenging Parliament’s right to know | National Post | 2021-06-25
There is a good chance this fiasco will lead to an early election call.
This video by “Amazing Polly” puts this in a wider global context of corruption and pandemic manipulation by the WHO et. al.
The ability of the Left and Big Pharma to dictate policy is appalling. Is this a precursor to what our future holds?
Do you mean the despicable commies?
Left , Right. All the same. Stop promoting their propaganda. You hold your own future in your hands. Go do something about it and never mind Big Pharma.
I have no words.
Disgusting medical tyranny.
Its like listening to the script of a horror movie, I just don’t believe that these people are naive or misled in their ideology regarding the global movement that is destroying humanity, I genuinely believe they are low vibrational beings they have caused pain and suffering to many along the way and this wonderful, brave and true humanitarian Dr Christian is a brave and genuine role model and somebody we all need to mirror if we have any chance of saving the majority of humanity.
Note on the WHO recommendations:
In the way back machine one can see that the recommendations at
were changed between the versions 20:36:25 and 21:38:55 on 22.6.2021. In the oder version there is an explicit statement on 7 bold face “Children should not be vaccinated for the moment” that is missing in the newer version. In addtion (at least) there is text:
“WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) has concluded that the Pfizer/BionTech vaccine is suitable for use by people aged 12 years and above. Children aged between 12 and 15 who are at high risk may be offered this vaccine alongside other priority groups for vaccination. Vaccine trials for children are ongoing and WHO will update its recommendations when the evidence or epidemiological situation warrants a change in policy.”
The text still states that
“More evidence is needed on the use of the different COVID-19 vaccines in children to be able to make general recommendations on vaccinating children against COVID-19.”
I wonder if there is a bit of tug-of-war going on in WHO?
This certainly is common. The number of doctors being chastised for defending common medical procedure and informed consent is astonishing. This on the back of a jab that is experimental, and which did not undergo normal vaccine development safety procedures. A jab for a disease children are generally not at any substantial risk. A jab which is showing to kill or impact heart tissue in children, among other side-effects. A jab which is not being distributed with informed consent.
In parallel with legal action (That only relates to Legal Persons), dr. Christian can take man vs. man action as follows:
Here is my āsolutionā for dealing with ācompulsoryā mandates: It is to create a contract for āVaccine Liability in lieu of Informed Consentā with the individual pushing the mandate:
This document should work anywhere in the free world. Since the vaccine manufacturers are shielded from liability, we have to hold accountable those who administer the vaccines (doctors, nurses, employers, etc.) as āmen and womenā not corporations. This CVL contract does it because Party B does NOT refuse the offers from Party A, but instead āconditionally acceptsā the offer, thereby placing the ball back into the court of Party A. You cannot be discriminated against for ārefusingā because the CVL is not a ārefusalā.
Nurse Ratchet comes to mind… Dear God help us. So basically, we now know that one requirement for being a successful doctor is the ability to follow instructions without intelligent reasoning. Doctors everywhere should be embarassed.
9 years in University taught me that most around me in the medical sciences were there for the potential cash and not much else.
Sure there were the ones that had a passion for saving humanity but they were the few.
Pharma hand outs during our studies was a joke if not a farce. Not funny when you look at the money grubby little twats now and what they have turned into.
Dr Christian needs to learn just to nod and agree as they rake him over the coals. Then I would suggest he go out and scream at the top of his lungs and tell everyone and anyone that will listen just what he knows/is saying. They don’t care about him, his views, or anyone else’s. Until Americans/People realize what lies they have happily eaten up; nothing will change. The powerful will not let go of any opportunity to grab more power until enough people rise up and say, “Enough is enough.” It is starting to look like that may be a long way away.
Well, the WHO rules about children were immediately changed by the WHO, which Francis wasn’t aware of at this point.
Susan Shaw is a pathetic (as in PATHETIC) powertripper. She’s therefore a great asset for the covid 19 hoaxsters. She really, really didn’t want to let Francis speak. But how could they? They’d only end up looking bad – because they are bad.
these officials sound like characters in the novel 1984. No logic or reason is involved
This is pure evil. Let it go and focus on what Dr. Christian is doing…it’s the right way to spend your energy.
Listening to this, I was reminded of the phrase: “The banality of evil”.
It’s the bureaucrats and the petty officials who enable tyranny to take hold. Twats like Boris and his equivalents around the world simply pass on the directions they’ve been given. It is people like those on this audio who carry out those directions.
I’m listening to the audio. And while some may wish to chastise this man, I won’t.
He stood his ground. And the other two individuals were shameless, truly.
The woman is particularly abominable. Horrid. Insulting.
But they are riding the bandwagon.. and they are comfy on that bandwagon riding along with the rest of the mindless.
What a chilling effect these type of actions have.
I’m glad he recorded it!
Is there some way we as citizens of Canada can assist?
You could mount a cross border raid and burn down the White House. If you do it in the afternoon you may not even wake President Bide-a-Wee.
Is he even there in the WH??
Hmm, is this a trick question?
At best, he may be “there” in the sense of “physically located”. But even if that’s where he’s presently located, he definitely isn’t “there”. š
No assistance is possible in crypto-Soviet Kanada. All three major parties are of the same persuasion, except for one member of the ‘conservative’ ‘opposition’ party who has been expelled, demonised, and now sits as an independent, the only member to vote Nay on a motion to suspend federal elections until Covid has ‘ended’. The ‘conservative’ premiers of their provinces are even more despotic than their ‘liberal’ counterparts. There is really nobody to vote for – assuming it even matters. Mail-in ballot legislation in the works; it works so well.
There is a leader of a new party opposed to all this nonsense, but he is persistently arrested, whisked away, and charged for Covid violations when he attempts to speak to small gatherings even in villages. Next stop: jail, if he persists. The same for reporters of non-MSM ‘news’ outlets.
Apologies for all the scare quotes, but it isn’t possible to write anything these days without them.
I dislike the term “scare quotes”; they used to be called “ironic quotes”, which seems more appropriate to me.
That pedantic nitpick aside, I appreciated your closing apology because I suffer from the same predicament.
In our surrealistic Through the Looking-Glass pseudo-reality, I too constantly struggle not to overdo those quotes. But it’s a tough proposition! š
Terrifying audio – as the vaccine injury evidence mounts up and even the World Homicide Organisation has backed off harming our kids, surely firing your quality and safety director counts as a criminal act of total irresponsibility on the part of this Stasi tribute act.
Dr. Susan Shaw aka Nurse Ratchet and the panel have blood on their hands here. Some children will die and others will be harmed for life in her province from vaccine injury, while the actual Covid risk to children is known to be slim to none.
Iām not sure if itās possible to launch a US style class action legal challenge in Canada on behalf of the vaccine injured or not, but this board should now be extremely worried. Canadians have to hold their feet to the fire.
It took over 10 years for the truth to come out about swine flu, the banning of the vaccine Pandemrix (you can almost here the marketing dept. salivating at the name) and compensation to be paid for some off the victims still suffering from acute narcolepsy. In fact more people died or were severely harmed by the vaccine than died of the swine flu.
Over time the full appalling truth will come out and I fully expect more youngsters will die from the vaccine than of actual Covid as well.
Thank God for real Doctors like Dr Christian. This really is a war between good and evil.
Ā āchildren should not be vaccinated for the moment,ā writes the WHO in its June 21st advisory note. āThere is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults. However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines.ā
Dr. Susan Shaw makes the outlandish claim she not only read this advisory note but this advisory in fact makes no difference to this case. Canāt wait for the appeal.
The recording clearly articulates a chronic abuse of control and power by faceless bureaucrats hiding behind masks. Itās not an act of love to wear a mask. Itās the choice of rapists, bandits and those seeking to hide from their responsibility to the community, as they serve their real paymasters instead.
The new poster child for evil is below, a ghoulish gunslinger riding on a moose. How appropriate. audio – as the vaccine injury evidence mounts up and even the World Homicide Organisation has backed off harming our kids, surely firing your quality and safety director counts as a criminal act of total irresponsibility on the part of this Stasi tribute act.
Dr. Susan Shaw aka Nurse Ratchet and the panel have blood on their hands here. Some children will die and others will be harmed for life in her province from vaccine injury, while the actual Covid risk to children is known to be slim to none.
Iām not sure if itās possible to launch a US style class action legal challenge in Canada on behalf of the vaccine injured or not, but this board should now be extremely worried. Canadians have to hold their feet to the fire.
It took over 10 years for the truth to come out about swine flu, the banning of the vaccine Pandemrix (you can almost here the marketing dept. salivating at the name) and compensation to be paid for some off the victims still suffering from acute narcolepsy. In fact more people died or were severely harmed by the vaccine than died of the swine flu.
Over time the full appalling truth will come out and I fully expect more youngsters will die from the vaccine than of actual Covid as well.
Thank God for real Doctors like Dr Christian. This really is a war between good and evil.
Ā āchildren should not be vaccinated for the moment,ā writes the WHO in its June 21st advisory note. āThere is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults. However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines.ā
Dr. Susan Shaw makes the outlandish claim she not only read this advisory note but this advisory in fact makes no difference to this case. Canāt wait for the appeal.
The recording clearly articulates a chronic abuse of control and power by faceless bureaucrats hiding behind masks. Itās not an act of love to wear a mask. Itās the choice of rapists, bandits and those seeking to hide from their responsibility to the community, as they serve their real paymasters instead.
The new poster child for evil is below, a ghoulish gunslinger riding on a moose. How appropriate.
It’s the Death Tarot card.
What the fuck is that thing?
The Death card from the Tarot deck. Her lanyard is obscuring the word Death, but you can see the D and the H.
It’s the thirteenth trump or Major Arcana card, hence the XIII above the image of the skeletal horseman (or Mooseman in this Canadian variant).
Why a senior figure in the Canadian health service is wearing an occult image of the Grim Reaper while receiving her vaccine is beyond me.
Very sinister indeed.
FWIW, as of 3:10pm EST, the image is gone; the “comment image” link returns a “404 Not Found” page.
Since users can’t edit posted comments after the 15-minute edit window expires, I assume it was removed at the source.
I’d noticed the non-traditional antlers on the “horse” in the image, and wanted to take a closer look. Oh, well…
The page returns a 404 at the source – it’s gone or had the URL removed
Really creepy.
they have the most interesting of t shirts !
For myself, I have no sympathy for the guy, or anyone else who endorses vaccines thinking that “informed consent” was EVER present. I have no sympathy for all the “kool-aid drinkers” who all of sudden find themselves on the wrong side of the fence.
Where was he after tens of thousands of teenagers were getting GuillaināBarrĆ© syndrome from the HPV vaccine? Where was after every infant who died in their sleep after getting the DTaP shot to be blamed on SIDS, while autopsies are refused because they would find massive neurological damage from aluminum toxicity? Where was he after hundreds of thousands of children were getting gut and brain damaged from the MMR vaccine? Where was he after scientist after scientist, YEAR after YEAR were having their careers ruined by speaking out on the neurotoxological ingredients in EVERY SINGLE FUCKING VACCINE given to children?
Well buddy, karma is a bitch. Sucks to be you, but some of us have been fighting this longer that you have been practicing medicine.
I understand your point; but the simple truth is that anybody labelled an “anti vaxxer” is automatically placed in the category of “conspiracy theorist” by the media, and so these people are protecting their main message by not allowing the media to do this to them.
As they say, any kind of truth telling is a revolutionary act in a kingdom of lies.
Hello JosephB: Exactly. I have no sympathy for any doctor in the medical profession, as they’ve neglected their oaths to do no harm for at least the last 60 years.
As a social class, doctors enjoy pretty handsome incomes, and they are (allegedly) well educated. What other social class has enjoyed the position to demand products like glyphosate be removed from the market? Can’t they afford to hire a law firm? What other social class has been in a position to demand that the FDA and EPA hold companies such as Conagra and Cargill liable for damaging human and environmental health? It’s bullshit. The list goes on and on.
Vaccines are poisons, period. More young adults have been permanently injured by vaccines, than any other medical procedure, whilst doctors skate away scott free.
You have a point.
Admirably purist but completely self-defeating. We need to be supporting EVERY person who opposes the covid insanity, regardless of their history, or we simply have no chance of winning.
Especially chilling is the fact that he was assured in patronising tones, probably a dozen times in that brief ‘meeting’, that excellent professional help was available for his mental distress, firmly admonishing him on occasion, and talking over him as he attempted to state facts.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn spoke of the unflappable bureaucrats who spoke in this manner as they committed their opponents to asylums, or worse, for incorrect thinking.
While this is true, some guy finally admitting it is all bollocks is better than the fascist doctors like Nurse Ratched riding the nuclear bomb to earth as the extermination machine (the death shots) gradually revs up for action.
I am amazed that people at U. Sask. would turn on their long standing colleague. Who would be pressuring them to do this?
I doubt anyone is pressuring them. They truly believe that they are protecting their society. This is what indoctrination looks like. Sad!
If they truly believed, I could possibly forgive them. They don’t truly believe. They choose to believe. They go along to get along. For example, Did you hear either of Francis’s accusers ‘agree’ with informed consent?
Again, the lackeys are like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove, riding the nuclear bomb they have released down to earth to destroy the planet.
There is a video which shows our cousins the chimps turning on someone who fell foul of The Leader; they beat up that Enemy of The People and drove him out of the community.
That is herd behaviour; we are Social Animals.
every doctor/scientist critical of pharm/vaccines gets this. from saint to heretic.
Everything comes down to governmental pressure.
Research contracts are placed under threat if diktats from above are not complied with.
And I think we all know who controls government – and it certainly isn’t the individual who goes in front of the cameras.
FYI, it is the Inner Temple of the Inns of Court in the independent jurisdiction known as the City of London, whose members belong to a cabal of criminals with a thousand-year old legacy of criminality.
I tend to agree. Here in the USA, wondering why the local paper is toeing the line, to the extent that most comments in comment threads that question any aspect of the covid narrative—-including pointing out the huge limitations of the PCR test and of calling any positive test a “case”—are suppressed.
Meanwhile, ignorant male and female Karens are given the run of the place to lambast the ethics, morality, sanity, intelligence, intentions, etc. of the poser of any mild lquestions that do get through.
I sent some info to the editor and asked him to consider reporting on PCR tests and “cases.” He emailed back that I woiuld have to take that up with the Board of Health.
OK, so that tells me that Boards of Health rules was gets into the paper.
(What follows is a speculation on “chain of command” for covid19 [dis]information.)
Who rules local boards of health?
The state Health Department. Who rules that?
The CDC. Who rules that?
Here is where it gets interesting.
The WHO. Who rules the WHO?
Wellcome Trust, Gates Foundation, and other international orgs.
Who rules international orgs? Big Pharma? The Banks?
I speculate that there are not that many levels between Black Widow System Control and the local boards of health (and, say, university departments and intermediate levels of media).
Maybe five?
It has been speculated/estimated that it took only about 1 million people to “run” the Third Reich with its Gleichschaltung and, ultimately, genocide (NB: First Third Reich attacks based on health notions and right to live were directed against domestic population irrespective of religion). I am not convinced by the “willing executioner” theory of Daniel Goldhagen.
What I do think is that most people can’t see the bigger picture of what they are getting sucked into, and if they do, they go along anyhow, to get along.
Most people can be manipulated or “herded” by means of fear.
Bravo! Youāre nailed it. I wish I was able to make people see this. Once you see I through the veneer, itās obvious. The difficulty is in getting people to swallow their ego / pride (to admit theyāve been duped) and unravel the lies theyāve been told.
So true. The day I saw myself as a trained monkey was a real revelation.
Dr. F. C.’s PDF statement is being blocked. BY GOOGLE . . . THIS SITE CAN’T BE REACHED.
How bouts that.
Please advise!!
Strength and Honour!!
The link was badly pasted, doesn’t work. Should be:
thank you that works cheers
The document is also linked from the lawyer’s statement and that link works.
Do your self a favour and get off google and onto Duck-duck-go or some other alternative. The google bias is brutal. Let me know if you want evidence of this…
I agree with your general point, but don’t recommend DuckDuckGo any more.
DDG got a lot of positive publicity when it first came on line. But in retrospect, its “good vibes” and early praise was mostly predicated on its claim that it differed from predatory search engines like Google– specifically, that it was not set up to vacuum up and harvest user data for commercial purposes (profit), but instead respected and protected user privacy.
That’s as may be, but before long its actual search engine seemed to be, or became, a Google clone.
I noticed that search results for “taboo” topics usually returned the same scrubbed and manipulated results as Google. Then I noticed another insidious “feature” directly copying Google’s format:
I don’t know the technical term, if there is one, but Google searches have a summary or capsule box in the upper right-hand corner of the page that lists condensed information. The text in this blurb is usually imported directly from dodgy and untrustworthy Wikipedia. If one conducts a search for any scamdemic critic, e.g. Del Bigtree or RFK Jr., the imported Wikipedia blurb is invariably pure slander and character assassination, rich in pejoratives like “conspiracy theorist”.
This gimmick is particularly insidious and reprehensible because its creators rely on the prospect that casual, low-information searchers will gravitate towards the summary and uncritically accept its propagandized content.
DDG uses the same format, including importing Wikipedia content as the source. I don’t know DDG’s history, or any background information on why this supposedly user-friendly “alternative” site morphed into a Google clone, but I don’t think its search-engine process and content is any more trustworthy than Google.
Ort, The main reason for the similarity betwee Google and DDG search results is that DDG uses Google’s databases but not Google’s algorithms with their asociated content filters. I think the reason we are seeing more alignment is that sometime last year web router software started to be much tighter in relating content to a user’s geographic location. Thus national security agencies and who knows what other organisations can exert varying levels of control over what we see.
I’m tending towards TOR and blockchain type technologies if I want info on anything even slightly controversial – but anyone going that route needs to be sure their security is good.
Terrifying audio – as the vaccine injury evidence mounts up and even the World Homicide Organisation has backed off harming our kids, surely firing your quality and safety director counts as a criminal act of total irresponsibility on the part of this Stasi tribute act.
Dr. Susan Shaw aka Nurse Ratchet and the panel have blood on their hands here. Some children will die and others will be harmed for life in her province from vaccine injury, while the actual Covid risk to children is known to be slim to none.
Iām not sure if itās possible to launch a US style class action legal challenge in Canada on behalf of the vaccine injured or not, but this board should now be extremely worried. Canadians have to hold their feet to the fire.
It took over 10 years for the truth to come out about swine flu, the banning of the vaccine Pandemrix (you can almost here the marketing dept. salivating at the name) and compensation to be paid for some off the victims still suffering from acute narcolepsy. In fact more people died or were severely harmed by the vaccine than died of the swine flu.
Over time the full appalling truth will come out and I fully expect more youngsters will die from the vaccine than of actual Covid as well.
Thank God for real Doctors like Dr Christian. This really is a war between good and evil.
āchildren should not be vaccinated for the moment,ā writes the WHO in its June 21st advisory note. āThere is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults. However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines.ā
Dr. Susan Shaw makes the outlandish claim she not only read this advisory note but this advisory in fact makes no difference to this case. Canāt wait for the appeal.
The recording clearly articulates a chronic abuse of control and power by faceless bureaucrats hiding behind masks. Itās not an act of love to wear a mask. Itās the choice of rapists, bandits and those seeking to hide from their responsibility to the community, as they serve their real paymasters instead.
The new poster child for evil is below, a ghoulish gunslinger riding on a moose. How appropriate.
It is interesting that during the Soviet Era they often used “lunacy’ as the excuse to punish dissidents. I’m beginning to think we’ve lost our way since the time a fascist twat like Dr. Susan Shaw could be horsewhipped in the street, then given a fair trial and hung for abuse of authority. The whole medical system is in severe danger of losing its credibility for its efforts on behalf of the death shot. A Spanish inquisition like fealty to the official lie seems to be what is required these days, and their suppression of the remedies which could have liquidated the virus a year ago, such as Ivermectin and Hydrochloroquinine (I think that’s it but all of us here know the real spelling) is continuing despite episodes which provide far more evidence than any study, such as the massive decline in number of infections and deaths which followed emergency use of Ivermectin in many Indian provinces.
In the scope of damage, world wide, and the destruction of our well-being, liberty, and the caving in of the legal system to this medicofascism, I think this is perhaps even worse than the Nazi system, and I wonder if the corruption has gotten so great that it may discredit the medical, university and political systems so much that they can’t function. Even worse, they might still function, but only as a result of the best brainwashing methods ever devised, and the supine grovelling Stockholm syndrome nature of the populace through this unprecedented wave of bullshit.
Well said! Truth. š
Remember that many medical doctors joined the NAZI Party…
“The lesson of the Holocaust is that whenever doctors join forces with government and deviate from their personal, professional, clinical commitments to do no harm to the individual, medicine can then be perverted from a healing humanitarian profession to a murderous genocide. What sets the Holocaust apart from all other mass genocides is the pivotal role played by the medical establishment.” (Vera Sharav. Jewish descendant of Holocaust survivors)…
Complete rubbish from Sharav, as we might expect.
There is not a shred of evidence for any medical criminality by the doctors of the Third Reich; the only “evidence” they ever produce is “eye witness testimony” most ( all ) of which should be consigned to the place where it lives and moves and has its being, ie in Hollywood.
FYI, Dr Mengele ( for it is he whom we are speaking about, isn’t it? ) was the understudy at Auschwitz of one Dr Wirths, who was called “The Angel of Auschwitz” because of his strenuous efforts to preserve and promote the health and wellbeing of the inmates, despite the horrendous undermining of that staus by continuous 24 / 7 Allied bombing of Germany and its transport and administrative underpinnings.
I put it to you that the underling is invariably constrained in his behaviour by his superior officer; I also make the radical suggestion that the foundation of our law – at least until recent times – is that a man is considered innocent until he is proved guilty; and Mengele to his dying day asserted this innocence – and so absent the production of this evidence, Mengele is innocent, and Sharav is a deliberate dissembler and liar.
Is there real evidence of Mengele’s alleged experiments/ atrocities ?
Yes. That’s what stood out for me in Dr Sharav’s discussion with Reiner Fuellmich. It wasn’t just the 23 Nazi doctors who the trials prosecuted. It was the entire German (Rockefeller) medical establishment. (Sharav’s organization still manages to push covid 19 propaganda.)
Less blabla Time for uprising my friends. Period.
After you, Manuel, but I fear our friends are just too bone idle for uprising.
They think if they do nothing, the problem will just go away.
People seem to forget that these jokers are all paid very well NOT to go away.
And just as the last of the small businesses take their last breath, reanimated pied piper corpse & psychopathic slenderman of the prairies Brian Pallister announces he will give $5000 per each new vaccinated employee hired by Manitoba businesses!
What a thoughtful and innovative way to jump start the economy. All in the name of health and safety of course. And it only took 15 months! Bless his black, twitching, carbuncled heart.
Between that and team-building vaccination lotteries, I can’t help but feel the healing of my tax dollars at work along with the reassuring return to normal life right around the corner.
“Pallister says its a way for Manitobans to get their lives back and see their neighbours working again”
(I helped my neighbour unload some stuff this morning for free)
The subsidy is available for hires from June 10 to Oct 15.
(Starting Oct 16, change out your brain with a chicken and get a RaV4)
The subsidies stop of compensation is demanded for injuries and deaths resulted in these death shots obtained by low-ball bribes and propaganda. The Canadian health system seems inspired by the two Nazi Josefs, Goebbels the propagandist and Mengele, the medico performing dangers experiments on a captive population. Pallister himself could have made himself a hero rather than a tinpot tyrant worthy of derision at the least and some kind of reckoning at the most by ignoring the establishment and following the Indian provincial health leadership (not the corrupt Indian lackey who is trying to reverse these heroic moves by restoring the establishment paradigm).by ordering the use of Ivermectin to quell the covid crisis. The Indian doctors solved their problem somewhat before the crisis came up in Sunny Manitoba.
Check out the Amazing Polly on bitchute re Brian Pallister when he was asked point blank by reporter re ivormectin and gave the weirdest answer ever
and the creepy behind-the-scene look at health Canada -follow the money as per the coin
Re Brian “YouMight as Well Throw Yourself off a Bridge” Pallister and one other provincial leader, see Amazing Polly’s vid on that:
Would love to hear what Canadians think of her presentation.
It sure looks to me like both of them are terrified and consequently are talking nonsense. Surely Pallister is getting orders from on high in Toronto.
What pieces of excrement those other doctors and spineless bureacrats reveal themselves to be in that tape. In fact, itās because of such people that we are in the mess we are in. This is what awaits you if you speak the truth – a Kafka-esque āprocessā and stripping of your livelihood. What a disgrace! We should all write the hospital and let them know our utter comtempt.
It is truly amazing.
Political puritanism has taken over an entire hemisphere of these people’s brains…
My goodness. Dawtah Shaw will see you now for your lobotomy. It really cares bouts you ….. š
One flew over the cuckoos nest comes to mind.This is seriously scary
Turns out that movie was a documentary.
Excuse me while I vomit in disgust.
Also, with all due respect: UM. FUUUUCK YOU SUSAN! š
kudos to Dr. Christian for comparing this non-criminal proceeding, ‘informational meeting’ to de-judenizing germany and stalinesque purges.
The big tragedy is he will be joining a growing number of doctors, like some of America’s Frontline doctors, Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil, Dr. Pascal SacrĆ© and anyone daring to speak the truth. The weasel doctors going along with the nonsense are clearly doing it for the vaccine money. They’re in for a shock.
You mean they WON’T be rewarded…?
They weren’t groomed for thirty years just to be thrown away, surely.
Unless we do something, they will probably do very well for themselves.
As others have said, great kudos to this doctor for letting them know they have been weighed in the balance, and found wanting…
He spelled it out very clearly.
This makes my blood boil,we are in so much trouble,And itās only going to get worse.
Dr.Byram Bridle stated in his last statements during a Canadian Parliamentary Press Conference that he does not recognize the country of Canada that he was born in anymore. How so very true and so many of us feel the same way .Hard to figure out what is happening in our world .It has definitely been turned upside down and inside out .
Let the man talk these nazis absolutely disgusting.
Um um I am a robot.
WOW! Those Sask regulatory Drs definitely need to take some basic training in communication skills. What a joke to call it a meeting! How shameful to treat a colleague with such disregard. Dr. Christian is NOT the one demonstrating unprofessional conduct here. These bureaucrats deserve to be held accountable for their obvious disillusioned “group think” and despicable conduct.
Since when exactly, are medical professionals not allowed to voice their concerns about matters that directly affect the quality of care for patients?
It is shocking that intelligent professionals who claim to be scientists and doctors enforce such blatant censorship, especially when informed consent is a legal requirement and should be enforced by every doctor.
How ironic that Dr. Christian is the Director of Quality & Patient Safety but the board does not want him to advocate informed consent. It seems the University where he has been employed for 20 years ionly wants to APPEAR to be concerned about patient safety.
Hopefully, Dr. Christain is quickly reinstated and those other people on the call who claim to be concerned about him and his rights are immediately dismissed. Especially, Dr. Susan, who claims to have read all the information to prepare for the call. REALLY????
They all deserve to be given a fair trial for conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity, then, because of the unprecedented severity of the crime in the history of Canada, the abolition of the death penalty should be waived for long enough for the leaders of the hit squad to be hung. After all, they are responsible for an incalculable number of deaths and an unprecedented intentional amount of economic destruction.
Informed consent in medicne is a sham. Does anyone get a copy of the lost of drawbacks or dangers to read and understand before buying medicine or undergoing surgery? They may get you to sign the consent form moments before wheeling you into surgery.
Just before the jab, you must sign a waiver acknowledging that (a) the benefits that outweigh the risks (b) you are not allergic to any ingredient of the vaccine – though even the govt. claims to be ignorant of the ingredients. That is double-talk.
What is morale of this tale shared by mostly silent countless thousands of doctors, scientists worldwide amid unleashed global Covid psychological warfare against reason and moral autonomy by fascist elites?
They though they were free while they were simply paws of immanent system, a prison with its invisible for those with their eyes wide shut walls of ostracism, marginalization and hatred . They fought that their professional lives, their careers, their position among their professional peers, local communitIes and peer to peer individual relationships of trust, confidence and credibility resulted from their professional ethics, honesty, lifelong extensive experience ātested by fireā , proven record of hard work and dedication even passion toward enhancement in their respective fields while serving peopleās needs better.
They were wrong. They were just highly trained social machines, cogs of the system that allowed and used their analytical skill and creativity as long as it served policies of the elites. Any deviation from such policies resulted in imposition of immediate social alienation, degradation of social ranking, loss of professional recognition and respect among fearful peers, marginalization or even dehumanization of those who dared to challenge hard system policies.
A professional services class, highly trained cadres must understand they are not independent or autonomous, they serve the system that will turn on them as well sometime, one way or another as there are no uncrossable moral lines of psychological torture, deceit, dishonesty and unfairness as well as revenge for brutal usurpers of power, nothing is sacrosanct including humanity itself and most importantly precious bonds of trust and mutual dependence on others we strive for in our lives. All targeted for destruction.
Hello Kalen: The only ethical doctor I’ve ever met, was a veterinarian… The medical profession is on the same ethical wavelength as the legal profession. Pay or fuck off…
Maybe the folks who fired Dr. Christian ought to watch this…
As of 22;14 GMT it’s been deleted by YT .
what was the title? It might be on bitchute.
it’s gone
@RON GRANT What was on the video???????????
This is like the Lindsay Shepard recording. He literally skewered them!!!
FWIW, I had the same dĆ©jĆ vu reaction, but I couldn’t remember Lindsay Shepherd’s name.
In both cases, the inquisitors displayed the same reprehensibly mendacious faƧade of professional “concern” that fooled only themselves and their sycophants.
Wishful thinking. I suspect it fooled a large part of the Canadian population.
Most of them are duly respecting the regime’s edict specifying limits on their ability to breathe.
Agreed. I used “sycophants” in a broad sense.
I ought to have gone the whole length of the expression, and written “sycophants and scamdemic-narrative thralls” to be clear that I was including the bemused and bewildered authoritarian-submissive masses that uncritically buy into the scam.
If the majority of our doctors had any integrity, the whole scam could not have happened.
They are the professional class most responsible for all these crimes and will most certainly rot in hell for that.
As before, the dissenters among them are the real heroes, but also the most villified victims of their colleagues, until the tide has finally turned.
Two thirds of German doctors and dentists were NSDAP party members, they also made up the highest percentage of SS members as well.
Plus ca change….
“Two thirds of German doctors and dentists were NSDAP party members, they also made up the highest percentage of SS members as well.”
Please document these figs.
Nazi Party membership really was not “voluntary,” especially after 1933. Within the party they distinguished between those who were “true believers”—joined before March 1933— and those who joined afterward—called “March violets.” It important to understnad the workings of Gleichschaltung in Germany before one slings around numbers and fractions and arrogates to oneself the right to judge all German doctors under the Third Reich. For instance, all existing medical associatons were disbanded and replaced by Nazi version of the same. Youi coujld not practice medicine at all if you were not “gleichgeschaltet” into Nazi Party entities.
So, although comparisions to totalitarianism under H itler and Stalin have a lot of relevance to what is happening today, I feel that one should be careful and do some research before making broadband assertions about “2/3 of German doctors.”
Bear in mind that thousands of American doctors, too, have participated, presumably willingly, in totally unethical research on American citizens.
Under the current circumstances I think forces for good have to focus on investigation—many FOIA requests, etc.—to get our hands on documents that would shed light on what kinds f pressures are being put on doctors to conform to the program and stay on message, and where these orders originate.
Another great response! Jeez, itās like Iām stalking you! Thanks for putting down your thoughts. Very helpful. Again, the essence seems to be that the propaganda is working and the sheeple are too conceited to wake up and see their ignorance.
That woman! I’ve worked, decades ago with Canadian women and I’m very glad that I no longer have to.
unfortunately and quite regrettably I have come to the conclusion people don’t have any rights, as George Carlin once said “there are no such things as rights, they are not rights if you can just take them away” an illusion of rights has only ever been there if it suits the powers that be, once it no longer suits them, they get taken away.
Rights are ideas – and consequently bullet-proof.
They are based on the recognition that all human beings are essentially equal.
Rights are consequently innate – inalienable.
They cannot be taken away.
However, the likes of Thomas Paine can propound non sequiturs such as “To secure these rights, governments are instituted among men”, and the gullible infer the QED – and thus embrace the power that is consequently created to govern and subjugate them.
Fundamentally, the problem is an occult conflict between the interests of the inhabitants and the interests of the species. Those representing the latter husband the former.
You may not like it, but TPTB are The Framers, the ones who persuaded the people that they should be governed.
If you are perspicacious you will find out why it is so important to h sapiens that TPTB govern the inhabitants.
You should also understand the terrible difference between acting in the interests of the species and acting in the interests of the inhabitants.
Hello Xavier: Humans don’t have “rights”. They have responsibilities. Take away responsibilities to be humane, and all rights disappear.
You have inalienable rights that can be acknowledged just as easily as they can be ignored. Iain Davis makes a distinction in his new book between inalienable rights and human rights. Human rights are a political device. They are all written down and official – and subject to re-definition, and removal and increase, by politicians at any given moment. How is it important to know that? I’m not entirely sure. But if, say, there were only inalienable rights, and everyone knew them (which is pretty much the case), then governments at least couldn’t hide behind their own self-serving interpretations and definitions. And, as bad as (police State) governments are, they still strongly desire to have a veneer of legitimacy. It just makes their job easier.
Hello Arby: “Inalienable” rights are a simple a rhetorical construct. The idiom fails to define the responsibilities of citizenship. Civilians have neglected the fact that civil Laws define Lawful responsibilities, and typically have nothing to do with human “rights” at all.
I wouldn’t expect the category of ‘rights’ to include a list of responsibilities, which would attach to ‘obligations’. And I wouldn’t expect the category of ‘obligations’ to include a list of rights.
All I know is that we had – perfectly or imperfectly – a mix of ‘rights’ and ‘obligations’ until the covid hoax. In the emerging global biosecurity police State, the ‘rights’ are being eliminated so that we will be left with only ‘obligations’ or ‘responsibilities’ if you like, framed within biomedical terms unconnected to reality. I take Iain’s point about human rights and what you said about ‘inalienable’ rights may or may not be correct. See Iain’s thoughts on it. Those rights are there whether we trample them or not. As for human rights, I think Iain’s correct and the situation is as I have explained. Or maybe it’s better to think in terms of what politicians do with human ‘and’ inalienable rights. They only think in terms of power, Don’t they?
Frankly, no official attention at all is being directed to the casualty figures attributed to COVID vaccinations by officialdom’s own sources. Perhaps they are not credible – the CDC, for instance, is reputed to be a corrupt mouthpiece for official government policy. But if so, you would expect them to lie in the other direction, as the official world government policy is that the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ – another bumper-sticker soundbite that belongs with ‘follow the science’.
To be honest, I used to skip over the fatality rates myself, reasoning that they could not be real – COVID vaccinations could not have really killed 15,000 people just in the USA and Europe, could they?
Well, according to government sources – which are likely under-reporting them if anything – yes, they could. The European Medicines Agency (EMA), charged with the evaluation and supervision of medical products in Europe, stipulates to 10,570 deaths associated with adverse effects of vaccination. For its part, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States acknowledges 4,057 deaths in its own reporting instrument, VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. In five months. So when people normally tabbed as conspiracy-theory kooks cite 15,000 deaths attributed to COVID vaccines in five months, and compare it to all vaccine-attributable deaths in the past fifteen years, that’s where their information is coming from, and it’s probably under-reported. Consider; the governments of Europe and the USA – all western nations, really, remarkable considering they never stop blabbering about human rights and how essentially good we are – went out of their way to attribute all deaths which occurred during the phony pandemic as ‘COVID deaths’, unquestionably driving those stats higher. Now they are very likely low-balling the deaths attributed to vaccine adverse events (even as they use different PCR-cycle rates to make it appear nearly all ‘new infections’ are among the unvaccinated), so the two totals are likely much closer than even those who pay attention to such matters believe.
The goodie-goodie lobby daily moans about crazy conspiracy theories and lunatic tropes pushed by the fringe-crazy anti-vaxxers, and goes on at length about the foolish things we believe – that standing too close to a vaccinated person might cause you to be accidentally vaccinated by shed proteins, and that a magnet will stick to your injection site because of all the metals that are secreted in the vaccine. I wish I was making those up, but I’m not. Well, here’s my source.
Any competent authority is welcome to ‘debunk’ it and competently assure me that the vaccines really are ‘safe and effective’ (Pfizer and Moderna together account for 78% of the vaccine deaths in the EU from the four vaccines approved). I’m not opposed to vaccination in principle where it can be competently demonstrated that the benefits really do outweigh the risks, and that only those demographics deemed to be most at risk are advised to get it. The scale of vaccination currently being maniacally pushed – to the extent governments offer the possibility of winning a million-dollar cash prize for ‘getting your jab’ – is unprecedented and notably children are at practically zero risk of dying from it.
The agency in the USA which is responsible for formulating health statistics is the Criminal Disinformation Corps. The are affiliated with the military and are required to wear their uniforms once a month to work. Adverse vaccine events are reported to the CDC by a system called VAERS. The system is entirely voluntary on the part of the “health care providers.”. In 2010, the CDC contracted with Harvard Medical School for $1 million, to conduct a study as to how inclusive the VAERS system was. The final report indicated that less than 1% of adverse vaccine events were being entered into the VAERS system. So if we give these criminals the benefit of the doubt and multiply the reported deaths by only 10 instead of the Harvard study indicated 100, we still get about 50,000 deaths. With the 1% we get a half million.
What is the difference between a conspiracy theory and a fact?
Answer: six months
Thanks for that.
In the current mess, death may not be the worst thing the jab (not vaccine) inflicts. Consider those struck blind, deaf, crippled, mentally ill, etc. Who can or will take care of them, or are they headed for euthanasia? Every resultant major injury or disease, except perhaps death, is conflated into one figure (“adverse reactions”) together with the many minor ones.