Facebook goes full Big Brother with new “extremism” warnings
Pop-ups mark an all-time high for creepiness from the internet giant.

Have you been reading things you shouldn’t online? Have you found yourself feeling frustrated and angry at the corruption of the ruling class, wealth inequality or the general state of the world?
Well then, the chances are good you’ve accidentally been exposed to “misinformation” or “extremist content” spread by “violent groups” in order to manipulate you.
But don’t worry, Facebook is on the case. Simply report the offensive and upsetting materials to your local content controller, and then contact their pre-approved counsellors for immediate de-programming.

If it’s not you that’s been exposed to harmful content, but a loved one, and they’re proving resistant to the proper un-extreming methods, then Facebook is here to help there, too.
Simply confidentially report your friend or family member to the proper authorities, and they’ll take it from there.

Remember that divergence of opinion is dangerous. Under no circumstances consume content that differs from your state-mandated opinions.
Report all infractions, refuse to see harmful facts, be sure to distance yourself from those who refuse to be corrected, for their own good and yours.
And have a nice day.
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As usual, the commenters here distract by ignoring the real agenda. The scamdemic is lies. The vaccines are bioweapons. Why is this? It is because for thirty years chemtrails have been hiding the approaching Planet X. Planet X caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noah’s flood. This time around it will end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to destroy America and kill 90% of Americans. The day of the next false flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran will be the day that Russia, China and the whole SCO nuke and invade America. It is the story in over half the Bible. Execute the criminal, genocidal bastard government or die in WW3 very soon!
A formal complaint could go something like:
“There is a violent, heavily armed, secretive group planning a global hegemony. They have killed millions and assassinated many who have dared to challenge their totalitarian plots up to and including heads of state. They espouse radicalized racist and sexist ideologies in an attempt to divide and weaken those they intend to ultimately absorb into their planned Borg like society where “freedom is slavery”, “war is peace” and “ignorance is strength”.
Can we report the government?
Sorry – the above is a reply to Jay.
My latest phone never had Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp or Twitter installed. Without input, the FB and Twitter AIs will no longer align with the Google and YouTube AIs. I only use Google searches for non-controversial topics. I use other search engines where there is any controversy, since Google manipulates results. My goal is to have the AI profile my as something that I am not.
With Facebook going full on STASI, this will not end well.
this is really great from Facebook, helping to protect us from fake news. If I were on Facebook, I would report as many articles as possible from BBC, New York Times, The Guardian, etc.
I think that hackers, Russian or otherwise, need to target these parasites and shut them down permanently.
Why do they bother. Before there were chat rooms where people with real interests gathered. FB is bilge. Probably why it is so popular. Mask wearing Morons and a lack of oxygen puts everybody on a low but very common denominator. And so they think they are all one. At least we know where they are so we can go somewhere else and laugh. I do. Though I am still digitally entrapped in their servers. Wonder what I am into this digital murk.
Why not just join a free speech platform like Gab?
Are you sure about that? For how long?
Of note is that nobody here seems to have delved into where the link ‘get help’ takes users.
Does that in any way challenge the conception of Kit’s article of woke as a foil?
Isn’t Fakebook getting as extremist as those they accuse?
It’s as if they don’t realize that the harder they hammer on the vaccines and everyone-get-vaccinated-right-now, the more suspicious they make people like most of the readership here. This is just not the way you run a public-health campaign, and consumerizing it by offering cash prizes and freebies instantly smacked of carny hucksterism. Therefore it is not completely surprising to see the emergence of inform-on-the-degenerates-for-they-are-the-enemy, because it’s the logical next step, innit?
Some, including me, were having a hard time acknowledging that this is really happening and is not just a bad movie, because it’s just so cheesy and casual in its ignorance-baiting. How could anyone who is not absorbed by the moonbat cult ever have any confidence in ‘government’ ever again?
‘Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak’- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I don’t appear at all.
I’m rather miffed that I’ve not been called an extremist……yet
Suckers are everywhere. 3 bil so far worldwide.
Per Georgia Guide Stones, about 4.3 bil to go.
In that case OG should remove the FB logo from its site. It’s like being outspoken about paedophiles but inviting one to your child’s birthday party.
Gosh, he is accusing US of what he is doing? This is so immature and childlike.
It’s somewhat of a paradox, perhaps, but those of us of a critical mindset were never likely to be attracted by Facebook and like, or even overly influenced by the internet as a whole. In fact, I would have been more persuaded by covid without the hard-sell and the censorship. And for all the power of the tech billionaires, the most powerful mind control tools were pre-internet – the tabloid newspapers and television. We should never forget that it wasn’t the internet that persuaded millions of young men to go to war and face misery and death a hundred years ago in the trenches. Could that happen in the internet era? Almost certainly not. The fact that the imperialists have to hide behind a virus and pseudo-left rhetoric reveals their fundamental weakness and failure.
I used to enjoy reading Caitlin Johnstone before she bought into the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic, at least to the extent that she declines to acknowledge, must less investigate, the multifarious frauds and deceits underpinning it. I generally resonated with her geopolitical analysis and opinion, if not her New Agey philosophizing.
But long before the scamdemic began, she published a commentary that rubbed me the wrong way: IIRC, it was a criticism of social media platforms– probably a reaction to some previous Facebook atrocity, but I don’t remember the details.
Caitlin espoused the argument presented in this thread: in her opinion, it was entirely wrongheaded to abandon and desert the treacherous and malignant Facebook because, for all its flaws, shortcomings, and pernicious agendas, it is still a useful, even vital tool for international communication and movement-building.
She didn’t use these exact terms, but she argued that the anti-authoritarian resistance or Rebel Alliance users on FB, et al, should instead keep their noses to the social-media grindstone in order to both challenge social-media managment’s abuses, and to continue to use the enemy’s tools to promote solidarity and ultimately undermine them.
In a nutshell, she argued that disgruntled users should remain a presence in order to effectively incrementally hijack and rehabilitate the platform; this policy would also have the salutary effect of reaching out to moderates and “searchers” along the way, and radicalize them.
I was exasperated by this classic reformist perspective, because it read exactly like “work within the system” moderate reformers in the US who have the same perspective about the Democratic Party: sure, it’s malignant and corrupt– but it’s the only game in town, so it’s far more prudent to remain esconced in its tentacles and slowly but surely take it over from within.
It also reminds me of gambling addicts who sincerely believe that they can develop, or discover, a “system” that will refute the “defeatist” attitude that The House Always Wins.
It’s worth pointing out that in the case of the Democratic Party, the misguided would-be militant reformers are not dismayed or deterred by the sad but undeniable truth that the corrupt and decadent partisan powers and principalities have consistently, and successfully, marginalized, warped and co-opted would-be internal reform movements.
Since their reforms are predicated on an absolute conviction that “victory” is possible, the Long Defeat can be rationalized by blaming the backstabbling, chickenshit cynics and deserters for treacherously undermining the reform.
In their eyes, these windmill-tilting reformist true believers are the “realists” or “pragmatists”, and the skeptics are madly and/or badly trapped in self-confirming defeatism.
Knock yourselves out!
There are decent Facebooks accounts e.g. Corey Morningstar and … um that’s about it. I have always seen FB as the fag end of the net. It’s a cutesy personal family kinda thing and that’s all. Those who attempt to use it as a political tool only promote the toothless mainstream sanctioned “rebellion” e.g. “Hey isn’t Boris stupid!” The furthest they go is to suggest that Israel may be playing unfairly and Corbyn may have been maligned. In short they deliver supposed “revelations” whose ineffectual naivite even kids would be embarrassed about.
We retain a presence on FB. Are you suggesting that somehow prevents us communicating by other methods – eg through this high traffic website?
It would only be equivalent to ‘work within the system’ if you put all your energies into communicating through FB and ignored all other avenues. In reality it takes only a small additional effort to post material on there and it’s worth it because the alternative is doing Facebook’s work for them and censoring ourselves.
As to the guy who says Cory Morningstar is the only worthwhile person on FB we suggest he stops permitting the algorithm to control his reading and hunts out people such as:
CJ Hopkins
Kevin Ryan
Mark Crispin Miller
Vanessa Beeley
Hiroyuki Hamada
Denis Rancourt
Catte Black
Max Parry
Steven Jones
Dmitry Orlov
UK Column
21C Wire
Eva Bartlett
Kit Knightly
Dylan Avery
…and many more. All worth a follow and all helping to fight back against social media censorship just by being there.
I see fair points on each ‘side’ of that argument. There is another aspect which is not mentioned : that Facebook is a huge money making venture which makes its obscene profit largely by monetizing user data. So the boycott argument possibly has that in its favour, that by using Facebook one is, somehow, somewhere, making money for Facebook.
From “the guy who says Cory Morningstar is the only worthwhile person on FB”:
I haven’t checked all that list but the ones I have checked have facebook pages which direct to other sites which I reckon only points up that the blogsphere is far more valuable than facebook. Actually I think Twitter gives the same service but more efficiently.
If CM’s FB seems more substantial than most it’s only because she copy/pastes large swathes of the aforementioned other links. But you’re still better off accessing those other links directly.
Caitlin was very obviously controlled opposition. Designed to drag as many like minded people to one corner then force as many as possible to follow her spiel when the time was right
I realize I might have been exposed to some Off-G content recently…
Should I feel bad?
Should I dare look the mother of my child in the eye?
Should I see an applied behaviorist psychologist so I can get some help to get back to normality?
I also must admit I had some bad thoughts about the ‘vaccine’…
(I realize the quotation marks only incriminate me…)
My life is a nightmare now.
Someone help me!!
I just want to be a little screw in the big machinery of the State…
Facebook just removed GreenMedInfo which has posted there for 12 years and has over a half million followers because of ‘dangerous’ content that could cause harm, ie GreenMedInfo is about real health advice as opposed to Big Pharma propaganda.
From a recent altercation in my locality, it seems that a certain segment of the population have practically become absorbed by social media. It isn’t simply a question of merely putting out anodyne drivel but of a new “business speak” involving navel obsessed waffle about “mindfulness”, “beautiful imperfection”, “feeling the feelings”, “perinatal wellbeing” and any number of other utterly brain dead PR talk terms, along with such automatic programmed sentiments as, “There is no disability, only ability”.
At least in the old days, people had the decency to separate their business from their lives. Now their lives are their business. And with the substitution of a totally artificial cyber-world for the actual world, the human race is on the verge of becoming a kind of virtual vampire fodder for the increasingly remote overlords.
Spent an hour talking with a life-threateningly ill sister about the scam. It was difficult. She baited me but at the same time she wanted to know. Her entire family (except her oldest son) has been vaccinated. Her 12 year old grandson is about to be. The obligatory gush took over. I said in the vein of, “I realize it is too late” but….. She was very upset. I have been “coaching” my 6 brothers and sisters with some of their kids and my own children for over a year now.
Quite a mixed bag. Basically, my sisters trust the government and my brothers and I don’t. We were beaten badly often as children. I should say, us boys were. The sisters were not. Dad’s need to draw a line somewhere. Could be why we have no trust in authority. No different than training a dog. Hit a dog and it will bite you, eventually. Or pee on the floor. Anyone wanting to have kids should read a guide on how to train a border collie first.
She called me.
If she does not get new lungs she will die soon. You would think that the most people are aware of the VAERS reporting system data. But they are not. When I explained that 6,000 have been confirmed dead from the vaccine according to the VAERS data she thought I was making it up. And when I expounded on what the data really meant it was like, holy shit. She lost it and was no longer cognizant of what I was saying. I went on anyway. You know the stats. Six thousand likely means 60,000 while hundreds of thousands more have suffered severe life threatening events and experts predict that hundreds of thousands more are likely to die. When I gush. I gush.
(Vaccine Passports. FUCK)
After righting herself and ignoring what I had just explained, she went off on a tangent about people her children knew who had died from Covid like symptoms in order to lead into the argument that more people have died from the virus than from the vaccine. The typical argument. Obviously that leads one to think that she actually did know about the VAERS reporting system but felt the deaths are justified because more people have died from Covid itself. She was playing me. Or so she thought.
I baited with, “how do you know”. “They tested them”, she said. “How do you know they had Covid when the tests are wrong 97% of the time?”
I had to do it. I fear for her grandson. I fear for all children. If I don’t make an effort I feel as though I am complicit.
She was upset. She knew what I was saying. I had just finished telling her that her entire family was at risk. She could not handle it and went for me. Unglued. I would do it again. It was clear that she finally understood what I was saying by her reaction. After all this time, I had finally gotten to her.
I went on anyway. She righted herself again and stayed with me when I explained that, typically, when 50 or more vaccine deaths are documented by VAERS the vaccine is pulled from the market. Why was this one not pulled?
I did it for her 12 year old grandson. Her daughters are both minimally educated nurses. I can only hope she takes it to them and they start asking questions. They know who I am and what I did. They respect my opinion. There is that possibility they will think I am crazy.
Capitol punishment may have a purpose after all.
Beat me up. I don’t care. Just calling them like I see them.
Fantastic post, Wayne. We need to push back for the next generations.
Unfortunately, too many of my generation have drunk today’s kool-aid after refusing to in their youth (what happened to “Question Authority” bumper stickers?). And our kids have been brainwashed so effectively that it’s almost impossible to talk with them about it — they get hysterical (cognitive dissonance).
Let’s just keep fighting and to hell with the blowback.
After being beaten on a regular basis, I swore I would not do that to my kids. Live and learn…….. Tongue in cheek but not completely.
The thing is ….
It does not matter if the kid takes the vaccine or not – they are just injecting as many as possible because this is the end game … the more you inject the faster the end game arrives
When you understand that we are being exterminated because we are past peak oil and collapse is imminent, you then realize that all governments are doing the right thing.
We really do not want 8B people hanging around when the power goes off – permanently.
Oh you say that’s ludicrous! Really? Take a look around you — the economy is in ruins kept on life support with trillions of dollars and there is a mad dash to inject as many people as possible with an experiment
What is it They fear that would make them do such things?
Blimey. I wouldn’t have the balls to do that. I just pleaded to my sister Do Not get injected. She asked me why. I didn’t go into details. I don’t even go into details with my immediate family, but they know what I think, and they haven’t been jabbed. The social pressure on my wife to be jabbed is quite overwhelming, but still she says no.
My Dad never hit me. My Mum did a bit, but nothing like as bad as the school teachers.
Facebook can go to HELL for all I am concerned. Sadly though, it has become a double-edged sword that we have all come to rely upon. But it is out of control and is becoming VERY dangerous on many levels.
“all come to rely upon” I’ve never used it. Never will. Why would you rely on it?
You do NOT need social media with a rap like this!
Leave the “Convenience Class”! The Convenience Class has chosen “Economy over Ecology”. The end is a dead Earth but somebody gets rich!
It’s too late. I already am one.
These counter-extremism notifications private/public partnerships which have been discussed in public for a few years now. The messaging is ridiculous, but on’t forget: how dangerous these people are. In those same meetings they also discuss requiring “extremists” to act like parolees under threat of imprisonment. Diversion, re-education, thought police, mass migration. All of the ingredients for world peace are there.
We just need more of it.
Nasty ecological problems are easily foreseeable. Mass introduction of numerous novel species with overlapping ecological niches is not a game where self-preservation is a symmetrical good.
The incoherence of the intersectional theories are not the result of stupidity. They were never meant to be fully reconciled with reality any more than a snake in the grass don’t needs to sow seeds.
The vaccine is gene “therapy”. This is not a secret. If you can read they actually tell you this. In a nutshell viral DNA is used to alter human cells and how they behave. In this case the goal is an immune system over reaction to an infection known as a cytokine storm. And it’s fatal. So a year from now Roger Ramjet beaming with pride that he has been vaccinated will contract say seasonal flu or even a cold. Instead of a normal bodily reaction his body will overreact and cause a cytokine storm. At which point Mr Ramjet will stop beaming and die. In effect your own immune system kills you. All from natural causes of course…. This “vaccine” was born in DNA delivery labs. It’s not hard to connect the dots. If this was a real pandemic like H5N1 going postal (60% death rate) I still wouldn’t take this vaccine even if it meant a 60% chance of dying!!! My DNA is mine, given to me by my creator and no one is going to mess with it.
Not viral DNA, it’s mRNA. To me “gene therapy” would mean it changes your DNA. It’s not inconceivable that this could happen, but it’s not an intended effect as far as I know and I’ve seen no evidence that’s happening. Do you have any links to support this, or do you just define “gene therapy” differently than me?
I must say, if I can say anything at all that I’m at a loss for words! Except that Facebook is just another version of “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”!
Facebook typical “extremist “conversation e.g. Doris: “What did you have for your tea Samantha”? Smantha replies: ” We had a nice rib eye steak with French fries and veg and a bottle of Beaujolais wine. Doris- “You f****n bitch we had to make do with sausage an chips from the chippy”! I take it that our exposure to this ” upsetting material ” would need “reporting” so that our ” counselling ” session could be arranged without delay! !
Okay. I understand now. My ex has been trying to manipulate my anger and disappointment for quite some time. I thought it was the same-old-same-old but clearly I was duped. I blocked her on Facebook. We can still talk elsewhere. For now.
I now know why the UK Government tried to ban V is for Vendetta. I just watched it again for the for the first time in years. It’s not exactly what is going on now but it is eerily close to the bone. “People should not fear their Governments, Governments should fear their people”
Proof of this claim appears to be missing from the internet.
And that mean what?
When did this happen?
To think a couple of years ago I would brush of the atrocities of previous left wing governments like they couldn’t happen today.
Although I have an account I go there (FB) less and less. I go more and more on Telegram. I realise in the long-term they may be compromised.
There is a war going on and I am proud to be part of the resistance.
An article in the German magazine Der Spiegel discussed Telegram a couple of weeks ago. It said it was run by a reclusive Russian genius who supported democracy campaigns but the article complained that neo-Nazis used the site and the owner was slow in taking action. Interesting article but as is often the case with even better MSM stuff, all over the place…
FB is eating itself.
As are it’s biggest users
According to a poll, ‘Almost 90% of English parents “Definitely” or “probably” would allow their children to get covid vaccine.”(Lockdown Skeptics 2 July)…
With the kids in the bag, next on Big Pharma’s list (for eradication) are those (possible) covid super-spreaders, the family pets – cats especially. (UKColumn 2 July)
So – parents will hand over the kids, but will granny hand over the cat ?
“Who is taking that poll? Take it as more war racketeer corporate fascist psycho ‘Big Lie’ propaganda.”

Forgive me if I don’t believe anything written in history books about the Nazis. I suspect the lies and horseshit have been going on for a long time. We have just reached the tip of the iceberg. ( btw I think the quote was attributed to Goebbels.)
Well, there are far-right publishers in places like Canada who issue books claiming that for example the SS Totenkopf Division were wonderful fellows just trying to save Europe from the Bolsheviks. You are welcome to believe every word they say, although I can’t help feeling that hero worship tends to leave stuff out…
Conformity is the aim of all propaganda (Jacques Ellul: ‘Propaganda’)…. Opinion polls are a propaganda tool, people opinions are unknowingly influenced by them…
The saying is without context.
I have also begun to discount the vitriolic propaganda about Germany before and during WW2.
The first was going 180 on the Holohoax.
Bernays and Lippmann said similar.
While presumably believing every word of the Third Reich’s own pretty vitriolic propaganda?
The pseudo-libertarianism is a distraction.
Wail about your masks and a few poxy jabs if you like, more importatnt things are happening.
Take, for example, the takeover by Koch Industries (effectively) of UK supermarket Morrisons.
Hardly reported in The Guardian. The Daily Mail (!) however, points out that Koch is behind the takeover. Koch is the biggest producer of nitrogen fertilisers in the world, among many, many other things.
Check it out for yourself.
Brexit; “Take Back Control”………………
Koch has taken over Morrisons, is that the Hotel? I know Jim’s dead and the Doors are a spent force but this is too much, I might just take that poxy jab and get a mask, the sixties are definitely OVER.
I was jailed by Facebook for last year post after some vigilants filed complaint against me. In order to avoid further victimization I started to delete my past posting. I even face difficulty to use other platforms. My write up vanished by itself. I was blocked from accessing certain websites.
They are starting to target individual extremist like me.
Sounds very like China’s approach. “We are from the Government/Facebook/Twitter (or whomsoever) and we are here to help.”
It is important for the elites to dissolve any dissent otherwise the Great Reset will fail and that we be a disaster for the planet. The masses must be controlled and corralled so as to avoid all the pollution and environmental degradation arising from these useless eaters having too much food, water, and freedom to live and move in a world where we elites are feeling that our objective of getting ‘more’ is threatened.
Maybe I am not an elite, but I have got into their psyche, and understand that it is all quite reasonable from their perspective.
I don’t get the reasoning behind the down votes. ???
I once knew a gentleman from Iran who was studing buisiness law in the United States. I asked him why he was studing laws unenforceable within his own country. His reply:
“If you wish to understand a jackal, you must become the jackal.”
Nice wisdom from Iran and my experience from East Germany supports his view.
I guess some missed the sarc?
I agree, the so-called “elites” think and act as if they are above the Law of the Land but they are NOT. They just happen to have the resources to enable them to get away with it throughout history. The belief in their Invincibility is their weakness and should be exploited using the full force of the Law backed by the people when and wherever possible. Court cases are now already underway.
Yes ondeed! Three cheers for Reiner Fuellmich & Co
So many lies it’s hard to keep track of these days.
Flatten the curve and don’t overwhelm the health service they insisted.
Well both never happened and here we are eighteen months later on the brink of Western fascism.
When the mainstream wants to brain-map toddlers, what does extremism even mean?
The Wellcome Trust’s name has to become as much mud as that of the Gates’ Foundation.
not new
New Brain Computer interface technology | Steve Hoffman | TEDxCEIBS
thank you……Technology is traveling at such a high speed that I am wondering if anyone is checking the brakes……what is strange is that I smell something burning……could it be the brakes….or…..could it be us???
The cull goes into the next phase:
I cannot imagine why anyone would still use Fakebook in 2021. For myself, I go a step further and block every internet content from this company right in the computer’s hosts file, so stuff from them also doesn’t work on the multitude of sites they have crept into.
Would you provide instructions on how to do that? What’s the process called and where might I find info? Thanks.
I am using this blocklist, just copied to my hosts file
On Linux systems, the hosts file usually is in /etc/hosts
On Windows or Mac systems, if you need instructions, an internet research for “manage hosts file” or similar should help
Have a good day!
Automation on the covid news front (source: everywhere!):
“Covid: Doctors want to keep some measures after 19 July
Some Covid measures should be kept in place in England beyond 19 July – when all legal restrictions are due to be lifted, a doctors’ union says.”
Great to see our wondrous revolutionary Left front protecting us! (And I can no longer be bothered inserting scare quotes. Feel free to insert your own!)
“The British Medical Association is calling for the continued use of face masks and new ventilation standards.It says it is crucial to protect the NHS, health and education amid what it says is an alarming rise in cases.”
By this time everyone should realise that the word “protect” has had a radical make over.
“It comes as ministers consider allowing fully jabbed people to avoid isolation and testing if exposed to Covid.”
Merely “considering” the “fully jabbed” to avoid ludicrous measures that should never have existed in the first place!
“….”extra precautions” may still be needed.”
A richly non-committal statement!
“Weekly coronavirus cases in the UK are up 74% on the previous seven days, according to government figures.”
It is indeed alarming how the weekly figures of the immune are climbing!
The only way we can protect the NHS is to rid the country of the fascists bastards, although replacing them with ‘Labour’ is no guarantee either , it was the now ‘beloved’ Burnham who sold the first NHS hospital to the private sector when he was health secretary.
There are three mainstream parties and a greeny in there, collectively they’re called a govt, they all pass the same ‘laws’, the more ridiculous the better for them. I’ve given up thinking the political classes have any solutions for anything, their reason for being is to empty the pockets of the masses.
I just read the “article” and the level of mind bending contradictions being spouted by the two esteemed “Doctors” is hilarious.
“Not enough have been jabbed”
63.1% is not enough anymore (80+% with one dose of the toxic mixture).
Upcoming “Vaccine resistant variants” which their crystal ball foresees – these “Doctors” are now clairvoyants.
Whilst pleased with the delaying of 21st June lifting these “Doctors” don’t understand the rush for 19th July.
The circus must go on!
Ventilators back in use I see – the death count does need to catch up with the “cases”.
The medical establishment is truly sickening.
You did better than me. I find that the opening lines are enough to induce nausea. As for the presumed neat little “face off” between doctors who do a token gesture at disagreement while spouting off the same basic bullshit – nah, I’ll pass!
And the headline is a slip any psychologist would be proud of.
If you were a power mad, incompetent, arrogant nobody now being lionised, phone constantly ringing, money rolling whilst sitting on your backside doing sweet FA why would you want this circus to end!!?!
It’s war. The penny just needs to drop.
The Worst is Yet to Come

I always figured the MSM news was all about polystyrene i.e. padding out nothing into something. But it’s never been more obvious than with covid. If I see another article that starts off with “Has Covid Changed The Way We …” then I’ll scream.
And then there’s this:
Tolkien gets the woke treatment.
Interesting implication there. Having a hard-on apparently means being gay! (Next instalment: “Boromir Buggers the Balrog”? “Gollum Gobbles Gamgee”?)
I had no idea there was such a debate at all, far less that it would “no doubt still be raging in another hundred years …”
By fuck – do these media bores love to give themselves airs!
I’ll just keep praying this is a depop agenda.
I’m a fan of both Tolkien and satire. I have a relative who attended Harvard University, matriculating in 1968, and I loved reading the Harvard Lampoon satire he sent along.
But in 1969, when the Lampoon issued a satirical LOTR parody, Bored of the Rings, I just couldn’t suspend my love of the original enough to enjoy it. I wasn’t offended or angry that the Lampoon satirized it– I was intrigued and bought the paperback as soon as it was published– but I just couldn’t get into it. Your comment reminded me of this, because in “Bored” the Bilbo Baggins analogue was named “Dildo Bugger”.
They also sexed up Galadriel.
I’m similarly inhibited from reading the linked review, but it’s an interesting twist. Tolkien was flamed by the original identity-politics inquisitors during the final decades of the previous century for his alleged intolerably rank racism and sexism; after the Wokesters recently crucified Dr. Seuss, I wondered if JRRT would be exhumed, flogged, and once again dispatched to the cultural auto-da-fé.
This is as bad, or worse. 🙁
I read LOTR at the age of 14 and loved it. I then discovered the “Bored” parody in a bookshop, read bits of it and found myself laughing out loud in the shop. But the price was extortionate, so I left it. About 30 years later, my wife bought me the “Bored” book along with (I think) “The Silly Marillion” and I found both to be unreadable – I mean OK if you’re 14 but total shit otherwise – on the level of a Spitting Image script.
Seriously we have gone through yet another bullshit lockdown wear your stupid masks pantomime show again. I shit thee not the mask crap rules ended yesterday and there are people walking up and down the street wearing masks. Entire families including young children. And I live deep in the country. Maybe they have been vaccinated and their IQs have dropped even lower?? Is that possible? Is that negative number territory
“Flattening the curve” was always about the bell curve
Oxygen deprivation from wearing that stupid diaper on their faces. I see them here too, walking around in last week’s 110 degree days, fully diapered up. Idiocy on steroids.
A plague shall fall upon the world. After, a feeble man shall rule the Western World with a Jezebel. The people will be damaged and subjugated by a fool ruler. The great eagle shall suffer and fall. Nostradamus
If that is a genuine quote, it is applicable to perhaps fifty different events in human history. Nostradamus liked to keep all bases covered. And vagueness helped.
So we learn what the Australian lockdowns were about: to provide the government with an excuse with which it can declare that while little Covey “infections” wont be re-branded as “the flu”, government will ‘treat it like (seasonal) flu’…provided “enough” get the toxic shot… all will return to Normal…
And if “enough” dont get the toxic injection – an “enough” that keeps being changed like the UKs ‘Freedom Day’ date… if “enough” dont get the toxic shot, it’ll be The Believers against the Refusniks… And the politicians are off the hook…
Those government advisers, the Behavioural manipulation scientists, really earn their pay…
I remember when Australians really knew how to spot bullshit. They were down to earth, no frills people who handled themselves and looked after their families. It’s shameful and sad to see them today – a country so full of mindless, shallow, scared dependents.
I hear you mate. This whole scamdemic is so damn obvious it’s scary and yet they don’t see it. Oh well. We know what happens to sheep…
Me, too. As a South Aussie, I have been utterly dismayed by the meek and submissive manner in which the ‘larrikin’, ‘anti-authority’ Aussies of yore have fallen for the virus fear and policy panic this time around and are now queuing up for the ‘vaccine’ (and for drive-through testing, and for the QR scanning ritual, and for the hand sanitiser and for the wretched mask, and ………). Once, extremely cynical about politicians (‘How do you know a politician is lying? When their lips move!’), even of their own tribe, they now hang on every word from the pollies’ dissembling lips and unquestioningly obey every bone-headed edict from their ‘public health’ Tsars.
Thankfully Marshall and Spurious only tried the face nappy crap for a few days, most refused to wear them. But now in the Barossa it’s all free wheeling, no one asks and no one gives a shit, the country towns are the free spirits not the city morons.
I used to think that until today. My mistake.
Depends where you are, Marilyn. The WA country towns are mainly populated by narks who will tip you in for even the slightest deviation from the Convid rulebook.
They really are small-minded pricks, without a whole brain between them and you would not want to associate with them; so we don’t. My wife and I are totally outnumbered by the cretins but we do sense a change in sentiment over this whole lie.
Scummo and his pet ABC are now making it known that all it takes to “end this” is for a sufficient percentage of the dumb-ass population to accept the clot shot.
Nationally, clot shot uptake here is pathetically low, so I don’t agree that the Ned Kelly spirit is dead at all. I think the MSM are selling that notion to find more deltoids to jab. But I am beginning to think that the Aussie I know from decades ago is still there and the man-bun-sporting dickhead excuse for blokes have just been getting more press coverage.
I honestly believe that Convid, the World Tour is running out of venues to play.
Clot shot is funny. I prefer Prion Prick.
I found myself thinking thusly: mRNA mishap=prions=mad-human disease=zombies.
Sure, a bit crazy but then stranger things have happened….?
Larrikins and Battlers became Bogans and Bludgers, that’s why. You might well think going by the media that all Australians conform to the new woke idea of Oz, but many still are unreformed and think for themselves and are rejecting the injections. I have this from an old work mate in country Vic. My own daughter won’t speak to me. We came here 24 yrs ago from UK, I worked here on and off 30 years on oil rigs. The guys I worked with are not softies, nor stupid. You don’t do a dangerous job and survive it and then roll up your sleeve for a death shot.
We just came back from a walk with the dog, past a ‘vaccine’ centre today (outer east Melbourne) on a reasonably fine Sunday afternoon. Loitered in the park next to it for at least 10-20 minutes. Tumbleweeds….Not a person in sight, certainly no queue, not a single car in the parking lot, except 6 cars presumably belonging to staff behind the building…
Glad to see a few more Aussie commenters on here… I used to work in an abbatoir back home in New Zealand, so I know exactly what happens to sheep.
I’ve been dumbfounded by the stupidity, and how so many have swallowed this crap hook line and sinker… And the meek, passive, bending over compliance is just sad as.
And god help you if you call them out on it: you’re either a nutcase or a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist.
I’m now practicing emotionally detaching and unconditional love, and letting them sleep, coz otherwise it just does my head in. And this approach has helped my mental state this week.
Greetings from Melbourne by the way..
It is good to see Gezzah!
It is good Shin. I’ve namedropped Offguardian a fair bit, even to other covid sceptics I’ve met when out selling the mag. A number of them didn’t even know about the various resistance groups either.
Just been told The White Rose anti lockdown resistance is on Telegram and Instagram, but when I checked on Instagram all that came up was a bridal shop!
Australian sheep have always been smarter than the sheeple
probably cause it’s easier to pull the wool over their eyes
Indeed. Hardly worth hammering away at my wife, friends, both sets of parents….I did my best, now we wait.
Yes… if after all this time they haven’t woken up by now when it’s so obvious (to us) what’s going on, I doubt they will now. We tried Chevrus… This video helped me to process things regards the fully compliant:
Sheep spend their entire lives frightened of the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd.
I think it was someone on here who came up with that one and it’s stuck with me.
“Sheep spend their entire lives frightened of the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd.”
That is a very good summation of the state of the world. Well said.
Well, while some are descended from convicts a lot are descended from people who guarded convicts, and the latter seem to be in the ascendant…
Two things today, the PCR are still being done at 40-45 and two of the biggest liars in Australia – the god awful Mary Louise McClaws and Norman Swan are both WHO reps and GAVI reps, Bill Bowtell who is a fucking diplomat and brought us the hideous AIDS ads is head of a Gates Pacific institute, the others all work for the frauds at Doherty Institute and all the Universities who have signed up to the Gates and Big Pharma fraud site. And the government were advised to stop Astra Zeneca altogether due to the massive number of injuries. I have noticed that the biggest whingers about lock downs and face nappies are of the left which is extremely distressing.
And now they are whinging because a staffer from the Australian newspaper was medivacced from Indonesia to Adelaide, seems they would have preferred he died.
I’m dying from the stupidity not this dumb ass virus.
Time to build some gallows.
Hi Marylin, where do you obtain the PCR cycle numbers from? I’ve asked a clueless “tester” who didn’t know.
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever. ”
George Orwell there, arming people to resist – not.
I found V for Vendetta far more inspiring.
Add to that Brazil, by Terry Gilliam…
In Brazil the sudden police raids with warnings to people not to endanger their credit ratings (social credit rating?) seem oddly prophetic.
>>Have you found yourself feeling frustrated and angry at the corruption of the ruling class, wealth inequality or the general state of the world?<<
Have you considered replacing the old “ruling class” with Colluding Class?
Hint: Make sure you don’t use that in a comment on The Guardian.
I am certain there is something to learn from the ancient, tried, and tested Chinese culture – but not this type of surveillance. They tell people about freedoms ……
Well at the risk of sounding inhumane. It seems to me that by definition the covid vaccine rollout is not only designed to depopulate the planet but will also dramatically increase the average IQ of the remaining humans. I mean seriously. If you dumb enough to get vaccinated and dumb enough to believe anything in the mainstream/social media it’s a logical, possibly deliberate outcome.
I’m reminded of the NZ P.M. Piggy Muldoon, on Kiwis leaving New Zealand to live in Australia, he quipped that the IQ of both countries would increase…
Ha ha love it!
I left New Zealand for Adelaide the first time, just over a year after Muldoon lost the snap election to David Lange in 1984. And then came the blitzkrieg of Rogernomics… Yep, I remember that remark.
If you haven’t seen Alister Barry’s devastating critique of the neoliberal coup in NZ in Someone Else’s country it is well worth a watch.
Thanks for the link Molinos… Yes, I vaguely recall seeing this, but must be over 20 years ago now since I have…
The jab can introduce 2 things in ANY part of the body: excessive clotting and mucking up DNA. Even if the jabee survives clotting-related damage (ADE, organ damage) in the first year or so, he becomes a walking time-bomb who will make the med. industry richer at any time. Just go through the long list of “adverse effects”.
Excellent article, but I’m amazed that people still use Facebook.
I’m happy to say I’ve never been on it in my life.
Me neither. Just never saw the point in the beginning, who in hell would care where I had dinner or what my cats are doing? Later, I realized I did not want to go near that as I would more than likely piss off a few people so why bother. Now I look at that and cannot imagine why anyone would still believe it was ever a good thing at all and not simply a means to herd people into inane “arguments” over absolute bullshit that never mattered in the grand scheme of things but keeps the idiots divided and enthralled. So glad I listened to my instincts and never took up that mess.
Creepy Joe has forged ahead with the corporate-Government-technocratic surveillance grid. The two are now symbiotic and working in perfect harmony to create ‘unity’ by forcing tribalism amongst FB ‘friends’, family and colleagues. Subscribe to wrongthink? “Vaccine hesitant”? Spreading factual information based on empirical data showing legitimate alarmism over the increasingly difficult to ignore adverse reactions to the experimental gene therapies?
That makes you a de-facto domestic terrorist and part of an extremist organisation.
Don’t let them divide us. Psychopaths are at the helm and you’d better believe this is the fight of our lives.
That’s right. And nothing exemplifies the concept of every man woman and child on the planet being a potential criminal…a murderer…a terrorist than the simple statement that was made at the start of the “pandemic”…you may have the virus and not have symptoms.
Check mate!
When I heard that it was like a punch to the guts. Because I knew they’d turned a world of innocent people into criminals. All on the back of “expert opinion” hired to support a con job.
And that’s where we’re at. Everything else…the right wing terrorist boogeyman, the anti transgender ‘bigot’, the ‘conspiracy theorist’, the racist…etc etc etc…all the divisions…came avalanching, tumbling and piling up in wave after wave on the back of the fucking virus.
It’s open season on everything but the party line.
People were encouraged to think of other people and even household pets as bearers of deadly pathogens. The mental health issues arising have dwarfed the “deadly contagion”.
There was an excellent article here re: The Invisible Enemy.
Granted it’s in the playbook, but “refreshing” to see it trotted out in such diversity.
In contrast to the Social Credit system in China, the Western system of social, political and financial control is largely covert, subjective, unaccountable and run by multiple private enterprises. -Gregory Hood 2020
just watch this one https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6980876/ (in case you haven’t)
Offtopic: The ubiquitous blue facemasks are not Approved medical equipment, are not made in strict hygienic conditions, etc.,. As such would their mandated use fall foul of the Nuremberg Code ?
Most of the “pandemic” restrictions are definitely harmful. A few exceptions are potentially harmful.