Vaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea Pigs
Colin Todhunter

How do you make a potentially dangerous and ineffective drug appear like a miracle of modern science? You could, for instance, enrol only certain people in clinical trials and exclude others or bring the study to a close as soon as you see a spike in the data that implies evidence of effectiveness.
There are many ways to do it.
According to health practitioner and writer Craig Stellpflug in his article ‘Big Pharma: Getting away with murder’(2012), the strategy is to get in quick, design the study to get the result you want, get out fast and make lots of money.
Stellpflug says:
If a study comes up negative for your favorite drug, just don’t publish it! 68 per cent of all drug studies are swept under the carpet to keep those pesky side effects from being reported. Only 32 per cent of studies come up positive and a lot of those studies are ‘shortened’ to limit the long-term findings. Studies cut short were found to overestimate the study drug’s effectiveness and miss dangerous side effects and complications by an average of 30 per cent. This would explain the amazing 85 per cent drug study success rate in the hands of Big Pharma according to the Annals of Internal Medicine.”
Of course, it helps to get the regulatory agencies on board and to convince the media and health officials of the need for your wonder product and its efficacy and safety. In the process, well-paid career scientists and ‘science’ effectively become shaped and led by corporate profit margins and political processes.
And what better way to make a financial killing than by making a mountain out of a molehill and calling it a ‘pandemic’?
COVID-19 vaccine concerns
The Wall Street Journal recently published an article by two health professors who said politics — not science — is behind the failure of health officials and the media to fully inform the public about the potential risks associated with COVID vaccines.
Although the article is available in full to subscribers only, the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) website provides an informative summary.
The CHD notes that Dr Joseph A Ladapo, associate professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine, and Dr Harvey A Risch, professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, wrote that while prominent scientists have raised concerns that the safety risks of Covid-19 vaccines have been underestimated, the politics of vaccination has relegated their concerns to the outskirts of scientific thinking.
The two professors noted that clinical studies do not always tell the full story about the safety of medications and that the health effects often remain unknown until the medicine is rolled out to the general public. Examples include Vioxx, a pain reliever that increased the risk of heart attack and stroke; antidepressants that appeared to increase suicide attempts among young adults; and an influenza vaccine used in the 2009-10 swine flu epidemic that was suspected of causing febrile convulsions and narcolepsy in children.
The authors added that clinical trials often enrol patients who are not representative of the general population and more is learnt about drug safety from real-world evidence. With this in mind, they said the large clustering of side effects following COVID vaccines is concerning as is the silence around these potential signals of harm.
Serious adverse events reported by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System include low platelets, heart inflammation, deep-vein thrombosis and death. However, the two scientists argue this is likely to be a fraction of the total number of adverse events.
They criticise the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for ignoring the reported serious COVID vaccine side effects.
The authors acknowledge the risks of COVID vaccines in certain populations, not least children, may outweigh the benefits. They also state that not a single published study has demonstrated that patients with a prior infection benefit from COVID-19 vaccination. Something which is not readily acknowledged by the CDC or Anthony Fauci, an indication, according to the authors, of how deeply entangled pandemic politics is in science.
They conclude that public health authorities are making a mistake and risking public erosion of trust by not being forthcoming about the possibility of harm from the vaccines.
Merck and Vioxx
It is revealing that the two scientists refer to Vioxx, which was once popular for treating the symptoms of arthritis. It was removed from the market in 2004 after concerns that it may have injured hundreds of thousands of patients, while possibly killing tens of thousands in the US.
Dr David Graham, whistleblower and senior FDA investigator, criticised the FDA’s approval process of Vioxx (rofecoxib), an anti-inflammatory drug administered orally. In various interviews and congressional hearings, he described the outcome of Vioxx as disastrous and unparalleled in the history of the US. He added that the saga surrounding Vioxx had constituted an unprecedented failure of the nation’s system of drug approval and oversight.
In 2004, Graham argued that the painkiller had caused 88,000 to 139,000 heart attacks in the US – 30-40 per cent of which were fatal – over the previous five years. Nevertheless, manufactured by Monsanto (a company with a proven track record of corrupt practices) and co-marketed by Merck, Vioxx became a leading drug in providing pain relief from the symptoms of various forms of arthritis.
Research presented to the FDA in early 2001 showed that patients taking Vioxx had a higher risk of heart attack compared to those taking some of the older alternatives.
However, the real game-changer came in 2004 when Dr Graham released the findings that found Vioxx increased the chance of heart attack and death from cardiac arrest significantly more than its biggest rival on the market. Dosages of Vioxx in excess of the recommended daily dose of 25 milligrams were also found to more than triple a patient’s risk compared to those who had not taken painkillers.
In September 2004, Vioxx was pulled from the market. But in 2006, more damning findings were revealed by a study that showed that some patients had likely suffered from a heart attack much sooner after starting treatment with Vioxx.
Appearing in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, the study showed that 25 per cent of the patients who had heart attacks while taking Vioxx did so within two weeks of starting the drug. This indicated that Vioxx-related cardiovascular risks may occur much earlier than previously thought.
The FDA was criticised for its close relationship with Merck and witnesses at a senate finance committee hearing described how danger signals of Vioxx went ignored. Indeed, a 2007 article published by the National Institutes of Health alleged that even though scientists at Merck knew that the drug might adversely affect the cardiovascular system, none of the intervention studies submitted to the FDA in 1998 were designed to evaluate such risk.
Robber barons and guinea pigs
Merck reported over $11 billion in Vioxx sales during the five years the drug was on the market. To date, the company has paid nearly $6 billion in litigation settlements and criminal fines over Vioxx. Still, in hard-nosed commercial terms, it was a massive success, resulting in a $5 billion gain for the company.
In May 2021, it was reported that Covid-19 vaccines had created at least nine new billionaires. According to research by the People’s Vaccine Alliance, the new billionaires included Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech, which has produced a vaccine with Pfizer. Both CEOs were then worth around $4 billion. Senior executives from China’s CanSino Biologics and early investors in Moderna have also become billionaires.
Although the nine new billionaires are worth a combined $19.3 billion, the vaccines were largely funded by public money. For instance, according to a May 2021 report by CNN, BioNTech received €325 million from the German government for the development of the vaccine. The company made a net profit of €1.1 billion in the first three months of the year, largely thanks to its share of sales from the Covid-19 vaccine, compared with a loss of €53.4 million for the same period last year.
Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine sales reached $1.7 billion in the first three months of this year and it had its first profitable quarter ever. Moderna is expected to make $13.2 billion in Covid-19 vaccine revenue in 2021. The company received billions of dollars in funding from the US government for development of its vaccine.
Big Pharma has every reason to perpetuate the notion of a deadly global pandemic and to inflate the efficacy of and need for its vaccines. And it, along with its associates in government and at the WHO, has every reason to discredit alternative and arguably more effective treatments like Ivermectin (see the online article ‘The Campaign against Ivermectin: WHO’s Chief Scientist Served with Legal Notice for Disinformation and Suppression of Evidence‘).
There is no need to cover ground here that has been covered extensively elsewhere but it is now abundantly clear that many continue to question the overall official COVID-19 narrative, the fear propaganda, the specific data, the PCR testing protocols, the apparent conflicts of interest and vaccine efficacy.
Moreover, A group of 57 leading scientists, doctors and policy experts recently released a report calling in to question the safety and efficacy of the current Covid-19 vaccines. They are calling for an immediate end to all vaccine programmes.
There are hundreds of scientists who have questioned governmental and WHO strategy and who have brought attention to the extremely low risks posed by COVID to the bulk of the population as well as the destructive (ineffective) policies and decisions pertaining to lockdowns and other restrictions.
There are many other top scientists who are questioning the need for mass vaccination and who have also pointed out credible and extremely disturbing side effects (real and potential) of such a strategy, not least Dr Robert Malone, credited with developing mRNA vaccine technology, Dr Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist, and Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, a prominent virologist and vaccine expert.
Unlike Merck and Vioxx, it will be governments (the public) that foot any future indemnity costs of these experimental vaccines that have escaped proper (long-term) testing. And given the scale of the rollout, the damage caused could make the adverse effects of Vioxx seem a mere blip.
Vaccines that were brought to market via emergency authorisation use for an ‘emergency’ constructed on the basis of deaths so often wrongly attributed to COVID-19. Brought to market on the basis of flawed PCR test protocols with magnification cycles primed to create a ‘casedemic’.
To borrow from Dr David Graham: are we currently witnessing something more disastrous and unparalleled in the history of the world, let alone the US: an unprecedented failure of gobal drug approval and oversight?
In the meantime, while billions of vaccinated people serve as human guinea pigs, the newly crowned vaccine kings will make hay while the sun shines (and the fear continues).
Colin Todhunter is an independent journalist who writes on development, environmental issues, politics, food and agriculture. In August 2018 he was named as one of 400 Living Peace and Justice Leaders and Models by Transcend Media Services, in recognition of his journalism.
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Conspiracy Fact
Ever wonder about the not so long lasting items?
I don’t think scientists should be let off the hook as much as they are. Without their help, Big Pharma, Hedge funds, private equity, corrupt politicians, MSM, couldn’t get away with what they’re doing to the world’s people. Look at how many Big Pharma Scientist shills there are in the media. They don’t have to behave like that for 30 pieces of silver, and as we know, many refuse to do so. But science is in the dock on this too, in my opinion. If we let them off the hook, it will happen again.
Want to know about mRNA from the Daddy (Dr Malone, mRNA inventor)?
Maybe the title should read.
‘The Grand Daddy of mRNA (Dr Malone, mRNA inventor) talks
Del Bigtree on Covid, with Dr Richard Flemming.
HIV, China and identifying the virus….it’s all in there.
Whats Her Face loves Doctors and Science
The world’s economic and legal situation, in actuality.
The Top of the Pyramid: The Rothschild the, Vatican and the British Crown Rule the World – 2017 – YouTube
Published on Apr 18, 2017
Not sure about “The Top of The Pyramid” UNLESS, we include the US Big Tech Corporations, All of Wall Street, people like Larry Fink of Black Rock/Vanguard, the Big Banks; The Bilderberg, Davos……………….you know, the usual crowd of predators, thieves, and liars.
The top of the pyramid is quite lateral, in that most of the former royal houses of Europe continue as silent investors. Corporate syndication and monetary franchise began in the 1600’s. Various stock exchanges and arbitrage brokerages are their play ground. Civilians are simple slaves on the royal plantation, and have no clue as to how to put an end to it all.
Fair comment and I’m not a fan of the British monarchy, but the Dutch Royal House have as much influence as the British Crown.
Hello Edward: See my reply above.
“They [financiers] have made of The Throne their hired hand”. — Hilaire Belloc, circa 1900.
Feeling lonesome and want to to attract people, get the vaccine! It’s magnetic!
Like the BMA quack called for yesterday we now have the “vaccine dodging Lambda variant” concerning our caring leaders and scientists in the UK.
I mean whoever can’t see through this nonsense still…..
And someone tell me they are really doing gene testing for all these cases? And they have a clue which spike does what?
Xconomy: With BioNTech Deal, Pfizer Becomes Latest to Bet on mRNA Vaccines
Xconomy: With Massive Venture Round, Moderna Has $450M Reasons to Stay Private
That is interesting. It was clearly a good scam. Moderna did wind up going public. Stock price was 16 a share before pandemic and is 160 now. Gates and his cronies made out like bandits
For anyone interested, here is the WSJ article
Everyone should use archive anyways, to not give MSM the clicks
It’s called ‘capitalism’: and the harm is not restricted to “iatrogenic harm” (purposive ‘treatment’ process harm.) Even where it may be perceived as ‘beneficial’ – SE England for instance – the long-term effects for everyone and everything are unconscionable. So why, statistically speaking, are there so few anticapitalists?
Imagining postcapitalism: where there is no motive to profit is so easy I continue to find the whole “TINA” curse unbelievable. There is an alternative: let’s call it “Life?”
Fredric Jameson’s quote comes to mind:
It won’t get any easier: the motivation to harm and take shortcuts in every field and register of human ecology or cultural ecology for profit exponentiates moment by moment. We only ever have been guinea pigs or human capital. What chance “London’s Freedom Week” being declared “Immediate Degrowth Week” for a livable and inheritable future for everyone in every country?
“Capitalism is the extraordinary belief
that the nastiest of men
for the nastiest of motives
will somehow work for the benefit of all.”
– John Maynard Keynes –
(June 5, 1883 – April 12, 1946)
Mephistopheles: “I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust, First Part tags: devil, evil, faust, good
Communism = authoritarian capitalism
“Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.”
― John Kenneth Galbraith
A “we” is desperately needed; a shift in consciousness is desperately needed (Krishnamurti) but one can’t try and force it into existence lest 1789 and 1917 repeat themselves; but it is in the nature of things to happen when they are ripe to happen, not before, not after. When the lessons of History had become flesh in everyone of us, when “everyone of us had become the intellectual as well as the muscle” (Gramsci’s Quaderni del Carcere), then.
I see no other way, but we can help the shift in consciousness by spreading the word, by asking questions, having debates and so on. As a matter of fact, that shift has not ceased to occur but, in these dire times, it has accelerated.
“The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism by weapons, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses. Theory is capable of gripping the masses as soon as it demonstrates ad hominem, and it demonstrates ad hominem as soon as it becomes radical. To be radical is to grasp the root of the matter. But for man the root is man himself.” ~ Karl Marx, Contribution To The Critique Of Hegel’s Philosophy Of Right, 1844.
“lest 1789 [French Libertarian] and 1917 [Russian Communist, and 1922 Chinese Communist Revolutions] repeat themselves”
And why not? They did much good.
Hello NickM, a lot could be said here but I think those who’ve died in these Revolutions would wish us to draw all the lessons we could from History.
A word about 1789: it is well understood today (see for example historian Henri Guillemin’s account of the French Revolution; Guillemin was 11 years old in 1914, and lived until 1992) that 1789 was a dispute between the old aristocracy and the nascent bourgeoisie which, realising its existence and importance as a class with common interests and already playing heavy in the economy, demanded a share in political power as well. The well-being of the masses was not an explicit part of that equation (of course people were told that it was), except to be used as muscle for the realisation of their ambitions. And the masses with good faith fell for it. There is a celebrated pamphlet of one Maximilien Robespierre, candidate to the Tiers-État in 1788, which sheds light on why they may have fallen for it, and which in English would read thus:
“The greater part of our fellow citizens is reduced by poverty to that supreme degree of degradation in which man solely occupied with survival is unable to reflect on the causes of his misery and the rights that nature has given him. [emphasis added]”
The message is clear: were the masses able to reflect on the causes of their misery and acted accordingly, they would’ve never consented to be the muscle through which the bourgeoisie pushed its way to power; they would’ve understood that a change in the structure of power is still power and hence would not bring any real solution for them in the long run; they would’ve found that power, regardless of whom has it, is irreconcilable with freedom.
Thank you for this. I would like to remind to everyone that the bolshevist parties around the world, dubbing their ideology “marxism-leninism”, discarded all writings of Marx before 1848.
As the saying goes there is nothing new under the sun.
This 1930 silent cartoon covers all basis
from introduced virus
24/7 news about virus and deaths
closing shops and churches
constant parading of the deaths
running down health service
pushing vaccines for everyone
control by banks
they will own you
Stunning! Klaus Schwab must have been spoon fed on this cartoon…
It would be interesting to know how many superannuation funds and pensions funds are invested in the vaccines, how many public health bureaucrats and politicians are benefitting from funds’ investments. There needs to be an international integrity commission investigation
Yeah, but it will never happen
I read recently two statements which I am finding hard to dispute. It looks more and more like some kind of religious belief.
” Vaccination is a grotesque superstition – Dr. Charles Creighton, MD, MA.
“Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism. Whether it is or is not more efficacious I do not know.” — Samuel Butler (1835-1902)
Thanks for this Jack. I’d never heard of the good doctor so did a search of Charles Creighton and read some fascinating info here:
2 quite detailed docks by dr Kauffman out there…proving yet again this is all a fraud
‘Merck reported over $11 billion in Vioxx sales during the five years the drug was on the market. To date, the company has paid nearly $6 billion in litigation settlements and criminal fines over Vioxx. Still, in hard-nosed commercial terms, it was a massive success, resulting in a $5 billion gain for the company.’
Mr Todhunter: you need to learn the difference between sales and profits.
There will have been costs of at least $4bn directly associated with the $11bn sales of Vioxx, including costs of manufacture, distribution, marketing, legal work, up-front R+D. Exactly how much, only Merck insiders will know.
But Vioxx will end up costing Merck money, even if early on it made them a few billions.
Of course but what is often overlooked is that the management and scientists at the time the product was on the market were paid their salaries plus bonuses. These payments are never clawed back after problems develop.
The article does NOT say ‘profit’. It says ‘gain’ – deliberately. You need to learn the difference. Even then, one billion ‘profit’ is nothing to be sneered at. Overall Merck did well from it all in financial terms. Maybe you can forward me the data to show how it ended up costing Merck more, while also accounting for the likelihood that the ‘one billion’ was not sitting idle and was most probably invested by the company or by individuals to generate more wealth.
Goldman Sachs: Curing Cancer is ‘Not a Sustainable Business Model’.
Treating sick people is far more profitable than curing them, according to Goldman Sachs.
One of the largest banks in the world, Goldman Sachs, has declared that curing cancer, and other terminal illnesses, is not a “sustainable business model.”
The global investment firm also urged investors to resist financing pioneering “gene therapy” treatments as developing cures is bad for business “in the long term.”
Goldman Sachs advises investors against funding cures.
Goldman Sachs sent the “advice” to their clients and investors in an April 10 report. Entitled “The Genome revolution,” the world’s 5th largest bank asks: “Is curing patients a sustainable business model ?”
Analyst Salveen Richter wrote in the note that long-term treatments garner far more revenue than “one-shot cures,” saying: “The potential to deliver ‘one-shot cures’ is the most attractive aspect of gene therapy, genetically-engineered cell therapy, and gene editing. However such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies. While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow.”
The report states that developing cures is bad for business.
According to CNBC, Richter cited Gilead Sciences’ treatments for hepatitus C, which achieves cure rates of more than 90 percent. The company’s U.S sales for hepatitus C treatments peaked at $12.5 billion in 2015, and has been falling ever since.
Long-term treatments equate to long-term profits.
Goldman Sachs estimates the U.S sales for these treatments will be less than $4 billion this year, according to a table in the report
“GILD is a case in point, where the success of its hepatitus C franchise has gradually exhausted the available pool of treatable patience,” the analyst wrote “In the case of infectious diseases such as hepatitus C, curing existing patients also decreases the number of carriers able to transmit the virus to new patients, thus the incident pool also declines… Where an incident pool remains stable (eg cancer) the potential for a cure poses less risk to the sustainability of a franchise.” The analyst didnt immediately respond to a request for comment.
It’s far more profitable to treat patients in ‘the long-term’ rather than cure them.
The report suggested three potential solutions for biotech firms:
“Solution 1: Address large markets: Hemophilia is a $9-10bn WW market (hemophilia A, B), growing at 6-7% annually.”
“Solution 2: Address disorders with high incidence: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) affects the cells (neurons) in the spinal chord, impacting the ability to walk, eat, or breathe.”
“Solution 3: Constant innovation and portfolio expansion: There are hundreds of inherited retinal diseases (genetic forms of blindness)…
“Pace of innovation will also play a role as future programs can offset the declining revenue trajectory of prior assets.”.
Uncensored magazine #52 June – September 2018.
The MicroSoft Anti-virus model in a nutshell. Sell crappy software then charge extra for patching its faults.
Life was like this for might have been luckier than me, but my nearly girlfriend gave me this, and then went away, and so I was alone again. I did give her my Led Zeppelin record(we swapped) but then she was gone.
So I couldn’t stand being alone, and went out alone, hoping to meet someone. If you don’t try you won’t find. You will get upset again, and cry yourself to sleep, but tomorrow is a New Day. You kick yourself together, and go and find her, in any way you can.
“Neil Young – The Loner 1968 Live at Canterbury House”
I think I may have just found the new intro tune for ABC News – “Lies Lies Lies Yeah” – Thompson Twins
Note to A1, who accused me of being a fantasicst “Tony makes it up”…well I was just sat on my wooden swinging hammock, cuddling our cat – she is about the same age as you – well 18 -which is quite old for a cat. She’s very big and fluffy a very affectionate cat…
And my wife comes out with a very bright torch – slugging – she doesn’t like the slugs and snails eating our vegetables growing in our garden.
My Cat and I were just looking, as she gently picks up The Dad, and takes him back to his wife and children…in our little Frog Pond.
I have a lovely wife. We hope to grow even older together.
Neither of us have been injected, nor our Son and Grandkids
We want to Live.
I Did Not Take This Photo. The Frog hopped off..but he is still here.
Big Pharma has much to answer for, as well as its co-partners in crime, the MHRA, FDA and EMA. Small drug producers, like David Noakes, are wrongfully imprisoned in Paris, for trying to save people’s lives, because of the MHRA. Yet the real criminals don’t just walk free but are encouraged in their crimes.
Spot on mate
And don’t forget the “consensus” of bought off Pharma sucker fish and the role these crooks play in all of this.
The shills get the memo and swing into unabashedly co-ordinated, scripted action. A panel like this should be sufficient basis to investigate all of them. Will the attorneys general and DoJ swing into action?
You might have convid if you have these symptoms ….
“Forgot the urge of going to the nearest cliff one sees and hurling oneself off of it.”

“Billy Eugenics toxic viral cull juice jab anyone?”

“Honey I culled the kids.”
Sad that so many of the adverse vaccine reaction folk insist on saying ‘we are pro science!’ What is pro science about believing in a business that profits solely on illness as opposed to the human body and our immune systems?
modern life, even before the scam!
More likely you are suffering from imaginary virus Con-19. The real virus Covid-19 does not produce House Arrest, Job Loss, Business collapse, Forced Hijab wearing, Forced vaccination and Death by vaccination.
Above all, Covid-19 does not produce Hatred of the Government: the Government does that by itself.
What is this??
It’s probably this:
But, weren’t we told it was all “safe and effective”?
It’s probably quite effective, but depends for what purpose
New complaint to the ICC:
In French:énal-internationale-cpi
Crowds “have been caught thronging outdoors”. Whatever next!
The sight of the ridiculous hysterical facist CHO’s all over the country with their face nappies is driving me nuts, what the fuck is wrong with their brains.
Wearing a mask is very clearly a sign of low brain power. The mask induced hypoxia and hypercapnia will then exacerbate things still further.
Where did you get that BLANK
Expression on your face
Devoured by
Noshing chaffers
The Devil is woke too
Their brains have been purchased.
I resort to 1984: “Ignorance is Strength”
Interesting word, “thronging” – throwing their thongs at one another? Sounds like fun.
‘We thought we were Australian’: Melbourne tower lockdown lives on in legacy of trauma | Melbourne | The Guardian This is what psycho Dan Andrews did to innocent human beings last year, they claim some were diagnosed with covid but as the tests were all being done at 40 ct they probably had hay fever or a trivial cold from living in those hell homes
Psycho killer, qu’est-ce que c’est?
I posted the link to the evil quack Swaminathan’s twitter page. Twitter deleted it and locked my account within three minutes!
That tells me they are keeping an eagle eye on the social media accounts of these criminals; catching negative comments in real time.
One Bar Counsil in India is suing her.
this euro football brings out the w*nker !
And now, just as expected, the mutant ninja variant killer virus plague is here and it’s all our fault. I thought they’d at least wait until late summer. So now we’re “variant factories” — imagine what they’ll be calling us in a month or two (domestic terrorists and other variants of that term). (WARNING: Unfathomable bullshit ahead.)
Unvaccinated people are “variant factories,” infectious diseases expert says
I wonder how many kids that”expert” has fiddled with to be blackmailed to come out with that bullshit?
Saw that one coming… not surprised,
If you are important enough for them to blackmail, they lay out the sting operation like a red carpet.
Good grief not a mention of how the vaccinated can also spread whatever the same as unvaccinated.
I’ve almost had enough of this, checking out campervans now with a view to heading for the most remote place I can find..
Both vaccinated and unvaccinated are hosts for mutation events.
The unvaccinated who are not laid up with symptoms of a significant infection will be hosts for randomly mutated variants–variants that are not highly lethal, as demonstrated by the host being healthy and mobile.
The vaccinated, however, will be hosting and spreading mutants that have withstood exposure to a partial regimen of the vaccine, arguably filtering the weaker strains out and spreading the more robust ones.
Think of it in terms of antibiotic resistance. A course needs to be completed to eradicate the bacteria. If bacteria escape before then or the course is stopped before eradication, the remnant bacteria are those that somehow withstood the treatment, allowing them to reproduce and propagate their uniquely resistant genes. Passed to and fro among a populace in the midst of a vaccination program, theoretically a super strain could emerge.
There is no evidence of any relevant virus. Only the “spike protein” is in the jab, and is what injures or kills many jabees.
“The vaccines (vaccinated people) shed spike proteins”. -Luigi Warren (President & CEO of ‘Cellular Reprogramming’, who helped to develop mRNA tools) on Twitter.
So, jabees infect unjabbed people, as seen from “covid”, falling ages of victims and menstural abnormality in the latter. Yet, no researcher seems to be interested,
I think that should perhaps read A spike protein is in the needle…but what the hell vis it and what relevance does it have to anything virus recognised. If such things exist that cause disease.
I know this guy (a friend of mine) who’s been diagnosed with malignant melanoma – a life-threatening condition requiring extensive surgery. But of course the national health service has it hands full treating fully healthy people with a fake vaccine. Cancer patients will have to wait their turn – bloody nuisances. My friend may well have to bankrupt himself or take his chances in the long wait. The NHS seems to have become an arm political/pharma/media coalition.
NHS managers and many other staff will have to face charges for their part in what is clearly mass genocide. Following orders is no excuse.
After everything I’ve read in the last 18 months, I wouldn’t trust “medical science” to give me a fucking sticking plaster without researching it first.
Actually you shouldn’t. Some of them contain nano silver which can be extremely dangerous along with all nano tech
Direct link to Dr Sam White’s Video. I find him inspirational.
Current vaccination rates in the USA by state:
There seems a fairly clear pattern of vaccination rates following party affiliation.
Funny how the vaccination rates for the disputed states on election night seem to resemble more the levels in Trump-supporting states than they do those of Biden-supporting staes.
Maybe they did vote for Biden because of Trumps operation warp speed 🙂
Trump proved he could do what the Dems thought was impossible.
If necessary he could cheat like them and use the political vaccine corporation produce a vaccine in record time without an isolated, purified and characterised virus and digitally created illness based on digital constructed genome in a test called PCR that wasn’t a diagnostic test….Virtual reality in fact.
Attitudes to this plague seem to be determined by how ‘progressive’ you are/believe yourself to be.
Someone might write a thesis on that some day 😉
Yes, in US there’s a big difference between Republican and Democrat voters, but no difference at all between the people running the two parties–identical agendas starting with open borders. That’s why Trump won in 2016. Unfortunately, once elected, he became the reverse of Candidate Trump, left the status quo completely intact, put Jared in charge. Republican voters still have no political party behind them. At the moment, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, the first US governor to require Cycle Threshold numbers on PCR tests, is the only hope I see for the country or Republican voters.
Reiner Fuellmich and committee with more meetings. Sitzung 59 in English with Whitney Webb giving background and information on Big Tech’s exploits to further their gains and control of medical care and explores ties with the gov’ts, ngos, pharma and the military industrial complex and their shared investments in the covid death shots. Wolfgang Wodarg asks Whitney the question “who controls what is the vaccines?”. The revolving doors have turned into one giant psychopath playground of corruption, collusion, and large scale scientific experimentation on the populace. Always good to read Whitney’s articles at her website, an excellent article related to this discussion from her website: Just saw that Edwige linked to this below.
And also interviews in English with Pamela A. Everett-Goodman and Jeff Goodman. Sitzung 58 with UK journalist Sally Beck.
@fame and anyone else interested.
Although I’ve very much enjoyed watching Fuellmich’s interviews, does anyone else get the feeling that the whole exercide is feeling a bit like a red herring?
I mean, more than a year of threats of legal action and not a case in sight. Also, I have lawyers in my family and this is not how they prepare for cases – they find the points of law they need to hit and then find every single shred of related evidence. 90%+ of what is in the interviews in interesting and provable on the balance of probabilities but would never stand up in a criminal trial i.e. it’s pretty much useless and a waste of time to a lawyer.
Anyway, I hope I’m wrong, and just too cynical in my old age. But I’ve seen this ‘distraction with false hope’ too many times before.
I somewhat have this feeling sometimes as well. In my years of doing activism in defending old growth forest, it seemed that the way the legal system worked is by pressure from the public, especially when in the US the legal officials, like for instance, the district attorney was a publicly elected official. Without activism alerting people that over 2000 year old trees were being sawed down, the legal system failed to ever rule in favor of the forests. And vice versa, without legal action, those defending the forest would be beat up, terrorized, and locked up in jail and the legal system. The pots and pans activism seemed to work in Denmark at least for sometime. As they attack us at all angles, we need to confront their injustice from all angles as well.
It seems to me that most of these interviews are to provide information to the broader community, to inform us and others. The questions we need to ask ourselves is what do we as individuals do. I like what Whitney says at the end of the video. And that is to economically separate ourselves from the corporate economy. I have been working on this for most of my adult life, and the covid scam has pushed me forward into organizing more with the local community to create and build these networks beyond my limited personal reclusive life. And as Native American activist John Trudell always said: Hope is something they let out of Pandora’s box with all the other evil things. Action is the antidote to despair.
Localism is critcal. Globalism was about making everyone dependent on sources far away, whith the overlords in control.
As I understand it, there are two prongs to what Fuellmich is doing. On the one hand, he is playing a major role in the investigative committee, which is trying to dig up as much evidence as possible as to what is going on. On the other hand, as a lawyer, he is trying to bring major lawsuits into the issue. The law operates notoriously slowly, and I don’t know what a reasonable time frame for bringing these actions is. Hopefully, they will eventually materialize. We can’t be sure who is false opposition and who is not, but I certainly hope that Fuellmich is genuine, especially given all the effort he seems to be putting in.
Fuellmich is about to try a couple of cases in court. Keep up on his activities and stop being a deadhead who jumps to conclusions due to total brain ennui. There is lots to study and learn, a fact you refuse to accept.
‘Anyway, I hope I’m wrong, and just too cynical in my old age. But I’ve seen this ‘distraction with false hope’ too many times before.’
I hope you’re wrong too! I was told many moons ago that I was too young to be cynical…I’m old enough now alas. You’re never too old to be hopeful, I hope.
His viral video is contained within. We need more doctors like that. You can tell he is genuine and a bit nervous at doing a video of himself. He says O.K. a lot, but that’s O.K.
A very brave doctor indeed. One thing I’ve noticed its been the shy, non media type who have been most vocal. He came across well. Ivor Cummins uses the word ‘right’ alot. We all use or emphasis various words so no issue. He got a message across which was compelling.
It’s only a decade since the horrific scandal of Pandremix crippled kids, tamiflu was a joke and WHO were proved by Dr Wodarg to be corrupt I do not get why moron people are rushing out begging to have poison pumped into them over fake tests for a fake virus.
It’s simply because they watch mainstream news, which never admits that anything related to utter stupidity is fake.
They just never get to hear the truth, and they think the msm is the only news that exists.
It’s like my experience with classical music. There must be countless people out there with the sensitivity and natural ear to be enthralled by great music – but, thanks to the msm, they don’t even know it exists. They’ve never heard it. It’s a nasty shock to them when they do hear it by accident, because it is so unfamiliar, and so different from the wallpaper which is thrust at us from all directions by almost all the media.
Agreed. It’s an entire gendre that people (young and older) know nothing about, largely through a lack of natural curiousity as much as anything. I don’t like a lot of classical but I’m interested in exploring the gendre and always have, but less so these days as I focus on tracking the covid hoax. My absolute fave when it comes to classical is Claude Debussy. Isao Tomita does amazing electronic interpretations of various classical artists. I put a barista (long ago) onto Tomita. I mentioned him and a couple days later the dude told me he downloaded the guy’s entire repertois. His ‘The Planets’ (by Gustav Holst) is sublime.
Beethoven I think was a Freemason.
“..I do not get why moron people are rushing out begging to have poison pumped into them ?”
the answer, is in your question….
they (the ptb) would be nothing without them.
Or maybe they are not begging – and that is itself government propaganda?
“I do not get why moron people are rushing out begging to have poison pumped into them over fake tests for a fake virus”
But you do “get” it Marilyn, we all do; the majority of people have no critical thinking skills. They are barely functioning morons.
I think of the conned people as unaware. Many are intelligent but remain in a sort of consciousness/mental coma which keeps them in denial. This inspiring man advises us to ‘let them sleep’ as they are not yet ready for awareness to emerge. We cannot change another person, but we can change ourselves, our beliefs and our actions.
Many of my (now former) old friends come into this category I think. Intelligent and unaware. My two older sisters are fully injected members of the cult and think of me as a silly conspiracy theorist and possible ‘super spreader’. Perhaps this is a compliment?
Its sad to lose valued old friends, but am now making new friends from the aware allies I am contacting as much as possible.
Lose being the correct word.
I was sent this same video 8 days ago by a Facebook friend after I had a meltdown about a man and his 6 year old son wearing a mask and then seeing literally every person walk past me masked and all scanning the QR code. I said loudly “if you want to know why covids still going, it’s because you’re all complying with this crap”.
The reception I got was as if I’d just thrown rotten eggs at them. One person called me a fuc**n idiot.
I posted about it on Facebook, and a guy in Sydney who is very clued up about common law, the health directives and how to handle the cops if they stop you, he sent me this, and it was like an epiphany. To put it mildly, it has greatly helped my mental state the last week.
You’re right May, we cannot change another person, and they are responsible for their own awakening, if they ever do. This video is being shared around I notice…
I’m not sure they are.
Since the main stream produces only lies, don’t believe it when they broadcast the jab numbers. If they were doing well they wouldn’t have to call on every channel they have (pop stars, movies stars, etc), this is good indicator they are not doing so well. Not to mention the free lotto tickets, free doughnuts, Scooby snacks and whatever else their marketing department of rats can think up.
The jab uptake in Australia is less than 5% for the double shot. Bear in mind that they have forced it upon government emergency workers too. Paramedics have been told if they don’t get jabbed they will be stood down as you can’t attend a nursing home without having it. I know people in this sector.
Government is now handing the baton to the corporate sector to police. Employees are being pressured and those not walking on the covid arrows are seen as “not being team players” and outcast by colleagues and management.
Further, the mandatory implementation of track n trace (Translation: mass surveillance) starts this month in retail and grocery stores. This in my opinion is the true reason for the covid scam.
Store owners will now be required to police their own customers entering their store with a QR Code app. This my friends is the first baby step to get you used to being tracked where ever you go. All the big shops have already adopted it, you know, all the big brands that use the same masonic logos. However, most small business hasn’t, this is their push to force in on them too.
This is another fork in the road people. Will you do as you are told or refuse. The chain links in the leash are getting shorter each month, these are the battles we need to win rather than saying “it’s only social distancing”… “it’s only a mask”…it’s only a short lock down”…’it’s only a QR Code”…What next, “finger prints are more convenient than a QR code”?
Hospitalisation and deaths rise with lockdowns and jabs. Aus. government is every ready to lock down based on the fake test, but the low jab rate is hindering progress in its plan.
Mandatory QR codes have been in all shops including supermarkets here in Melbourne for over 6 weeks now.
I haven’t scanned it once and just ignore them. I was actually at Coles 2 hours ago, the security guard was near the entrance and I just walked in no mask and no code. I’ve gone into quite a lot of cafes, and the code is right there at the counter. I just ignore it like I do everywhere else.
I am slightly surprised that no one has tried to enforce it. Yet. I may be going to Bunnings tomorrow to pick up some gas bottles for the portable gas stove I’m getting. I hear Bunnings have been really gung ho about wearing masks and scanning the code.
You’ve probably heard of Cyber Polygon. I believe the cabal will try some sort of prolonged power outages to further break the spirit of those resisting this crap, and to get a lot more people rushing off for their second jab.
They’re doing all this step by step, and the analogy of the frog put into a pot of cold water and the temperature is slowly but steadily turned up is apt here. They’ve now introduced QR codes at 440 public transport sites in Melbourne.
You probably also know about Operation Covid Shield, and the strong possibility that the Army will be going door to door “encouraging” people to get jabbed. If I knew somewhere out in the bush, an old abandoned hut or something, I would go…
Never underestimate the power of propaganda
Hey listen the Australian media and pollies have spent 20 years cheering us bombing Iraqis, Afghans and Syrians to bit while also supporting the idea that refugees who come to an island by boat are the worst criminals in the world and when they are killed it’s quite fine.
And what is even more terrifying is this vaccine permanently alters your DNA. This is a fact not a conspiracy theory. Take a vaccine that alters my genetic makeup because I might catch a cold. WTF!!!!!!
The level of cognitive dissonance is pretty hilarious.
I was with friends yesterday (mostly believers) (below list of talking points is not exhaustive):
When speaking about the corruption in UK – Govt handing out massive contracts to their friends and cronies – it’s all “aye aye” and how the ruling govt is “untrustworthy” etc…
When speaking about travelling back from red list countries and the cost involved (I.e. PCR tests that are being handed out like sweets at schools and community centres cost £210/test through Gov approved suppliers) and the difficulty in getting the locator ref number to fly back is nigh on impossible – it’s all “aye aye” this is a scam and by design…
When speaking about VIPs being able to travel to UK for the Euros and exempted from quarantine rules – it’s all “aye aye one rule for them and one for us plebs”
When speaking about the “vaccines” and how quickly they came to market – it’s “yeah but they’ve been developing this for ages and a programme I watched told me that due to the Pandemic and Emergency scientists were able to reduce the turnaround time from 5 years to 2 months because they removed the bureaucracy and paperwork” – the novel coronavirus that was unknown hence the global panic is now forgotten – of course I raise that but get blank faces..
It’s like being in a very bad sitcom.
Maybe some kind of global citizen’s commission. Something big has got to be organized with people behind it, not just a petition, more than that. We have got to find a way to force a public, two sided debate (as opposed to letting them stage a one side farce). What has happened and is happening is a massive unprecedented criminal act resulting in unlimited damage and sets the stage for a complete alteration of life on earth as we know it. This has become a battle for humanity itself, let alone freedom.
This month will open many eyes.
Nope. Almost all eyes will remain shut.
It’s cosier that way.
Just thinking:
“We want to organize a global challenge to the perpeTRAITORS of the Covid 19 Scam and their enablers/partners in our own governments, the media, and the medical establishment. To do this we need numbers, i.e., people and organizations who are willing to sign their names to the effort and participate as needed throughout, even if it’s just your name. The purpose is to stop the madness, to stop the lockdowns, the fake vaccine, the fake vaccine passports, and the agenda the global oligarchy intends as the “Global Reset”. This purpose also seeks to prevent further massive criminal acts against global humanity in the future, including the planned cyber attacks/grid breakdown that are being prepared to further enslave humanity to a global cartel of psychopathic criminals.”
Isn’t that how all new billionaires make their billions under late capitalism? In an out of control fiat economy, the game seems to be to come up with some bullshit “product” that has no chance of working long term, find a way to hype it into some sort of super duper innovative “market disrupter” (often by getting some quisling member of the global elite to fund the hype and startup costs), create a wild hysteria via paid shills in “the media” and then launch the product to either get massive buy in by the state or the central bankers (via “the markets”), get stupidly rich on product release, then bail on the whole shit show before the rubes who bought in realize they have been sold a pup.
I doubt these vaccines will be a profit center in a year, since (1) they are wildly dangerous, particularly to young people, and (2) other late comers will enter the market and reduce their profitability. So … some new “market disrupter” event will need to be launched. And, indeed, some cabal is already out on the global capital casino floor working on just that scenario — new product launches always start after August. So enjoy the end of the covid cultists, as something new is surely just on the horizon.
PS: unlike the Global War on Terror op, where the deaths were always “over there, in some other god forsaken land” … allowing the scheme to go on for decades. This one was launched on the populations right at home, so there is some urgency to move on to something new now that about as many jabs as people will accept has been delivered. Here in the US, this is increasingly obvious. The EU and UK elites will be dragged out of their hysteria by the Biden people soon enough., just as they did in 2009 under Obama.
They’ll still be a profit center. Once they’ve been made mandatory, and every man, woman and child is expected to be injected once or twice every year, the profits will roll in for years to come. Think of them as analagous to updates to your computer system; your machine won’t work properly if you don’t update.regularly, and neither will your body, which won’t really be entirely “your” body anymore.
The parasites appear to be moving into a climate change agenda (based on fear and obedience to their rules, just like convid) and preplanned cyber attacks. The internet is now our only source of truth. (See what happens on 9th July when world economic forum announced their ‘cyber polygon exercise’.)
Digital wallets/passes are dependent upon a fairly large number of victims being injected, and it appears that many are still resisting this. I’m sure that digital wallets, cashless, UBI (universal basic income), ‘quarantine camps’, transhumanism, etc. can be threatened to anyone who does not obey.
And, of course, there are endless ‘variants’ to be discovered. As our P.M. in Australia (Scotty from Marketing) says, we will have to get used to living with covid which will soon become the flu!
Here’s Dr Malcolm Kendrick (Doctoring Data) view on reasearch.
Re pdf on John Ward’s Slog that you tried to post. I’ve not read it yet, but I think this is it
Cheers Tony
“All for a make-believe disease.”
It would be easy to confirm or refute that there is a pandemic. Hospitals and medical groups have electronic patient records which makes it easy to investigate the matter. A seasoned data consultant can easily write code to look at these enormous databases and report on information relative to a pandemic.
A report of death rates for 10 years by age group can be written and debugged in about an hour. Other reports showing diagnosis, test results, “real” covid with an accurate test, autopsies of covid, deaths by category of disease (to see if flu is being diagnosed as covid), etc. are also easily written, although it takes some effort to understand the data and find out where it is (that’s the job). That is what databases of patient data are for, and for big organizations (Kaiser Permanente Medical Group in Southern California), there are rooms full of data consultants who work with the patient data on a daily basis.
The results of these types of reports would show that there is evidence for a pandemic, or there is no evidence for a pandemic. The fact that there is no public reporting on this by hospitals and medical groups shows that there is a concerted effort not to look for the truth.
Maybe we should confront these organizations about this malfeasance.
Very good- and for a “novel” disease that purportedly impacted the world on a biblical scale the data collecting that you are referencing should have and would have been triggered automatically and immediately, no?
That it hasn’t speaks volumes and that virtually all scientific inquiry has been thwarted and/or censored also speaks volumes.
There is a concerted effort.. to conceal the facts already found, including that jabs injure or kill those getting it as well as others they associate with.
‘And what better way to make a financial killing than by making a mountain out of a molehill and calling it a ‘pandemic’?’
I suspect that the fact that covid is a ‘molehill’ (of a disease), yet is treated as a mountain (of a disease) is a reason why certain people like covid so much. Being molehills themselves all their lives (no self esteem and never been able to add anything useful to anything in their and other men’s lives) they can suddenly rise to a mountainous level when they act as if they are fighting the mountainous disease (covid).
If you can make a molehill (of a disease) look like a mountain (of a disease), then people who are molehills may also look like mountains, is the thinking. They just have to follow the story line, which doesn’t need much thinking (as other people have thought out the story line for them in advance!)
Just consider the people who make covid big in the news: they don’t look grand to me, yet they are considered as such (at least by themselves and by the media) because they are toeing the line: the line that they are fighting the mountainous disease.
But the mountain (covid) IS a molehill, which is unacceptable for these people, because if that is the case, what would make that out of them?
Well, it would make people out of them who thought they could rise to mountainous levels by adhering and propagating a story that is nothing more than a molehill, i.e. it would make something out of them that is even smaller than a molehill (because who could accept such a ludicrous story?) Accepting that as the truth is too humiliating and hurts their pride. And so they continue to act as if we are fighting the mountainous disease (covid) and they will not stop doing this until they are stopped by some exogenous force.
Not sure who that exogenous force can be…
The police?
A shrink?
The police?
A shrink?
No. Awareness of the masses is the only thing that will stop this train.
Starts with a T.
And it starts this month. Could even be tomorrow.
Interesting no replies to this – perhaps readers don’t get it!!! We can only hope of course, but there is a problem with ‘passwords’ which could complete the AZ procedure and kick-start the transition. Sorry, I shouldn’t be obtuse. Here’s an explanation.
Oh, would that be the T who brought us warp speed vaccine development?
if this is simply a money transfer all this is too complicated, the rich can just invent money/debt at will
Besides the Billions of dollars being made by Big Pharma and their Government toadies (Fauci) I suspect another parallel agenda driven by the Eugenicist movement…and that the experimental gene therapy’s designed outcome is death, whether soon after injection or 2-3 years from complications. What better way to have people “voluntarily” march over the cliff thinking they’ve done something “Nobel” for their fellow man.
And while they volunteer, they shame, coerce, bribe, attempt to force those of us who will not voluntarily comply. A woman who sits over the cube wall at work is an absolutely relentless vax pusher. She laughed when she told us she forced her own kid to take it – by telling him he was going to a doctor and then telling him, yes, you are getting a shot once they were there. She thinks she’s helping her defiant 13 year old brat to be a better student, doncha know, and he’s now on some nice pharmaceuticals as well for something called “Oppositional Defiant Disorder” which apparently now afflicts all teenagers who show any opposition at all to their parents. Sigh. I sigh here but there are days I really want to slap her, hard. She also thinks anyone who’s not willing to roll up their sleeves enthusiastically for “their shot” is merely a Trumper, too stupid to read with her own godamned eyes Trump himself pushes the vax! The bitch knows damned well I’ve not had that shot and I’m sure she gets a cheap thrill at saying crap like that where she knows damned well I can hear it. She’ll make a very good full blown fascist Nazi, to use a woefully overused term, for our masters agenda. She already is one. Dumb bitch is all I can say.
She sounds a real c*nt. And a child abuser too.
I hope that if/when the crimes are excposed parents like her are also tried for their crimes and punished.
@ Lizzyh7,
“Dumb bitch is all I can say.”
Brainwashed, not dumb. The propaganda was aimed at her. Around 2003, Fox news was pushing the propaganda to their conservative base, controlled by the Neocons. Between then and now, the Neocons ditched Fox and the Republican Party, and moved to NPR and CNN, in order to design and aim their propaganda towards Democrats and liberals.
Rather than hate and wanting to kill the Muslims “who were attacking us”, the message is about personal fear, fake compassion like “we are all in this together”, and of course, constantly giving us changing stories and instructions to add to the confusion. People (and animals) freeze and stay put when they are confused and uncertain.
Since this appears to be a military psychological operation (psyops), I have to wonder if WW III has already started. Remember we were helping China fight the Japanese in the late 1930’s, a few years before we maneuvered Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor “when WWII started on December 7th, 1941” (sic).
Fauci is 80 years old. Why should he care about billions of dollars?
Myself, I’m 74, and, while I wouldn’t mind somebody giving me one or two million dollars, I would have no idea what to do with billions, and would certainly not go out of my way to get them.
Legacy and respect from his occult peers. They have all they need that can be purchased with money.
This is about ultimate control. Not just to tell us what to do, but to have full control over everyones body. You are a thing that is “owned by them”.
“Surgeon fired by College of Medicine for voicing safety concerns about Covid shots for children”
The Audio of him getting fired is incredible
The Canadian Health Authority appears to have gone batshit crazy, even worse than the UK.
Linkedin shut down Robert Malone for saying the vaccines should not be used for kids
Watching from afar yes, Canada appears to have entered serious loony bin territory. What’s up with that?
I would say it and Australia seem to be in a horse race for “most crazed” these days, with NZ and UK trailing not far behind. It would be almost funny if it weren’t so seriously depressing.
All Commonwealth related– that’s the key. Thank your frigging Queen. Though BC (far west province) has now ended the mandatory masking. It’s a start. What each province does depends on how “dick swinging” their male (yes all male) Premiers want to be. Nova Scotia, Manitoba and Alberta ARE bat shit crazy, while here in Ontario someone has told our former drug dealer Premier– yes look it up that he could WIN an election by continuing the heavy lockdown– wow must be the same people whispering in Boris’s ears. Quebec is about the same. The remaining provinces have more land and agriculture than people- so—-
More limited hangout. Spike protein/prion injectees have no possibility for survival.
Depends on how they deal with it. Go back to the pharma cabal complex, and they will be either dead, or broke, or both. Rely on nature, and they have a chance.
Depends on how they deal with it. Go back to the pharma cabal complex, and they will be either dead, or broke, or both. Rely on nature, and they have a chance.
Data released yesterday in the US show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 25, 2021, a total of 411,931 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 6.985 deaths — an increase of 872 deaths over the previous week. There were 34,065 serious injury reports, up 2,825 compared with last week.
In the UK there are over 1,400 dead and now over 1 million adverse events according to the MHRA reporting system.
In Europe 15,472 dead and 1.5 million injured according to EudraVigilance reports.
All of these numbers are the floor not the ceiling of actual adverse events as it is well-documented that all of these systems capture on average only about 10 percent of actual events.
It is a 24/7 onslaught of propaganda that is pounding into people’s heads that the sensible thing to do is to inject an experimental gene therapy into their bodies whose REPORTED side effects over the past 6 months has numbered greater than ALL OTHER vaccines combined in the past 30 years. All for a make-believe disease.
Tell me how the application of these experimental injections by doctors, nurses and the incessant push for these injections by media, government and bureaucrats are not crimes.
This is gross/criminal negligence by governments and government agencies on an unprecedented and extraordinary scale. Everyone is now considered to be a sacrificial lamb of capital and Biotech experimentation.
We now live in a world where if you do not want an experimental product with no long term safety data created by serial criminal felons who have repeatedly lied and manipulated data for profit you are the one considered an outlier.
Giving consent and validation to this cruel toxic slaughter lie the demented and drooling New Gauleiters and their minions who are now fully injected members of a cult sponsored by The Corporate State. The “virus” has given these people purpose. Their “pre-Covid” life was meaningless but now they feel like heroes by masking, getting the shot and yelling at people. They do not want this to ever end as their lives would return to being meaningless again.
On the other side of this equation Big Pharma and its bedfellows censor, silence and slander natural health-minded people because they’re walking, living, breathing representations of how easy it is to maintain great health without pharmaceutical products. They can’t let the world know they exist.
Anyone who thinks all of this will end with just one shot is ignorant of the profit imperative of Big Pharma and ignorant of the craven history of these companies.
“The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”
~ George Orwell
Heard the presentation by Richard Fleming (2021 event livestream)? Quite interesting seminar on the virus physiology.
““The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” Maxwell, I can confirm this through personal experience this very day. We’re raising a petition in a European country (not going to name it) to overturn a very nasty new China flu law which basically introduces covid passports and digital tracing. There were a lot of decent people signing up, but so many idiots who got aggressive when you confront them with sourced data and facts about the tiny death rate, the PCR cycle rate being too high and the problems with the “vaccine”. Those who fell for the whole scam don’t want to know they fell for it.
I have had many vaxxed trying to give me grief and telling me to get jabbed. I wonder how they feel when they are alone in bed at night , and maybe just maybe they question their choice. I am glad I can sleep soundly with no such worries.
328 deaths already in Australia with over 2000 injuries per week over fake PCR’s run at 40 ct
And your source is???
Brilliant stuff Maxwell; always look forward to your comments.
First, you have to stop believing “virologists”. Virology is pseudoscience.
I wouldn’t say it’s pseudoscience I would say it is “for-profit” science.
Although now science itself needs to be redefined which is an Orwellian redefinition I think the WHO should get right on.
Something along the line of- “a line of inquiry fully funded by tax dollars, foundations and multi-national corporations designed to guarantee a for-profit product for their private financial investors.”
And the rise of the voodoo doctors called epidemiologists whose whole lives are devoted to little graphs and maps about what they think a virus might do
Yep. And we can’t be shy to state that fact to people.
“Of course, it helps to get the regulatory agencies on board and to convince the media and health officials of the need for your wonder product and its efficacy and safety.”
You don’t convince them at all you own them!
Just have a look at who owns big pharma and the media. They are one and the same. Governments just take our money and give it to Gates, Soros, Rockafellas, Rothchilds and the like. You can add the WHO/UN that all our governments signed up to so our health agencies bow down to them.
It’s always been about money.
Some people think vaccines are free like the Mekels, Macrons and Bidens pay for them out of their own pockets.
Maybe one way to demonstrate that is for a bill to be authored which disqualifies any regulatory employee from having future employment with or receiving even indirect compensation from the entities under regulation. When that bill gets voted down, you can pose the topic to the broader population. Some will see the light bulb go off. Most won’t.