Whistle-blowing doctor’s open letter to the head of the NHS

Dr Sam White is a Hampshire-based General Practitioner (GP) focusing on functional and holistic medicine.

In early 2021 Dr White resigned from a partnership in a medical practice, and last month heposted a video to social media explaining the reasoning behind his decision, citing “all the lies” circulating around the Covid “pandemic”. [The original was taken down, but there’s a full length re-upload here.]:

This video went viral, achieving huge numbers of shares on Twitter, before the platform put a warning beneath it and scrubbed all the likes and retweets. Following this video, and other output on social media, the NHS suspended his licence to practice medicine.

Below is an open letter – sent via Dr White’s lawyer and addressed to NHS Chief Executive Sir Simon Stevens – appealing the grounds for this suspension. Further, the letter highlights in great detail the ethical breaches of the vaccine program, including lack of informed consent.

You can read more about Dr Sam White on his website. This was first published by the Covid19 Assembly, as part of their “Speak Out” program helping potential whistleblowers to safely be heard.


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Categories: coronavirus, featured, latest, UK
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Jul 6, 2021 7:18 PM

Dr Sam White’s respect for both his profession and his patients should serve as a slap in the face to anyone feeling pressured to conform with “vaccine” uptake.

A man of true integrity and great moral fibre.

Thank you Sam.


Double Decca
Double Decca
Jul 6, 2021 6:14 PM

I printed out this letter and added it to the basic documentation set out by Mark Sexton (search for him online, on Twitter, Telegram etc) along with Tess Lawrie’s (e-bmc Ltd, Evidence Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, UK) letter (June) to Dr Raine of the MHRA which details the Yellow Card vaccine injuries and deaths in the UK and requests cessation of the ‘vaccine’ programme. I presented all this today at my local police station as Mark Sexton asked us to and it was accepted politely by the staff there and I got an incident number too. They let me talk through the documents, made notes, and let me voice record the conversation. In the UK? YOU can do this. YOU should do this. My granddad had to fight fascists with his bare hands. All I had to do was print a few documents, follow Mark’s simple instructions, and be polite but insistent in the police station in order to lodge a criminal complaint. While the criminal justice system is still functioning, it may be able to help us. This situation is unlikely to last long.

Jul 5, 2021 8:12 PM

I trust the guy who wrote this earlier today on Craig Murray’s blog…but what does it mean??

“Even the Justice secretary, privy councillor Robert Buckland is impotent. contained and disciplined by the British Secret Service and American CIA.”

As I had never heard of him – this is what wiki says “Robert James BucklandQC, MP (born 22 September 1968)[1][2] is a WelshConservative Party politician and barrister serving as Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor since 2019. He has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for South Swindon since 2010.

If all of this is true, and I have no reason to believe it is not, then not only The UK Government, but the Highest Levels of the UK Justice System are controlled by

“the British Secret Service and American CIA”

I do not think that is OK, but it explains a few things.

How do we change this?

We can’t vote out the British Secret Service and American CIA.

I guess the unvaccinated kids, could apply to join them, and change them from within, except a few weeks after they walk in the front door, they will be sent on a Behaviour Analysis Residential Course, and then a Behaviour Modification Course, and then Welcomed to The Team, and look like a Younger Version of Matt Hancock, absent brain.

so that’s not a good option either

These Psychopaths will still be in Control

This book is Brilliant. It is a wonderful soft introduction to the subject of Psychopaths

comment image

If you want something harder try “Political Ponerology : A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes” by Andrew M Lobaczewski, but that was too hard for me. I didn’t want to know that. I couldn’t read it. I didn’t want to know of such evil.
But that’s what the evil bastards in control are on.

How do we get rid of them, when they control The Justice System too?


Glenda Baker
Glenda Baker
Jul 6, 2021 1:15 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Same way the Founding Fathers handled the British Justice system in 1776.

Jack Bean
Jack Bean
Jul 6, 2021 9:33 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

“If all of this is true, and I have no reason to believe it is not, then not only The UK Government, but the Highest Levels of the UK Justice System are controlled by “the British Secret Service and American CIA”

Not only the UK Government but the US Government and Justice System too.
I believe you are on the right track.It was posited by Dr. John Coleman in his story THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300. The link to the video I found here. https://youtu.be/Sc1NxfmtOTc

william henderson
william henderson
Jul 6, 2021 11:23 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Take a look at the work of UKColumn.org and richplanet.net re: paedophiles and the state. In summary, MI5 etc. us compromised paedophile politicians, celebrities etc. to control the state through blackmail. Which is why many western countries appear to be reluctant to persue paedophiles, even going so far as to protect them and facilitate their vile habits.

Jane in France
Jane in France
Jul 5, 2021 7:02 PM

I wanted to add a link beneath the comment I just made, in answer to Admin’s comment, and lo and behold it had disappeared. So here it is again and here is a link to a lecture by Peter A McCullough, in English, at the IHU in Marseille where Didier Raoult continues to hold the line.
The perspective of a sceptic in France is completely different thanks to the Youtube channel of Professor Didier Raoult and a number of blogs by doctors such as Louis Fouché and Gérard Maudrux. They say specifically that this is a new illness with a viral phase and an inflammatory phase. The danger is that the oxygen in the blood can drop to a dangerously low level before you even notice that you are out of breath. The good news is or should be that the illness is treatable. Hydroxychloroquine to get rid of the virus in the early stages, azithromycine, an antibiotic of the macrolid class, widely used in acute respiratory infections, ivermectine, effective at all stages. Low levels of vitamin D and zinc have a lot to do with bad outcomes (and I might mention in passing that low levels of zinc are associated with loss of taste and smell). The scandal is that these treatments are not only discouraged, but that doctors who use them – doctors who try to help their patients – risk being struck off the register. Of course most “healthy” people have nothing to worry about, but these days many people are not very healthy and you shouldn’t just tell these people to stay at home, take paracetamol and wait till they can’t breathe before going to hospital. Give them an oxygen monitor, for example, to allow them to monitor their own oxygen levels and if they notice these are dropping, call the doctor. If doctors hadn’t been taken out of the loop we wouldn’t have had all those scenes of intensive care beds full of people on ventilators. If doctors had been allowed to give their patients medicine we would hardly have noticed anything was going on. Certainly, mortality is more or less normal and over 99 per cent of people recover – but covid is a nasty illness if it is allowed to develop to the inflammatory phase and it is unhelpful to say that it doesn’t exist and to call IVM/HCQ a pseudo controversy. No, the real scandal is that treatments that work have been made illegal while treatments which kill elderly patients (such as rivotril) have been prescribed in huge amounts.

Jane in France
Jane in France
Jul 5, 2021 8:01 PM
Reply to  Jane in France

I forgot to give the link. Here it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6CA3q0qZdU

Jul 5, 2021 10:38 PM
Reply to  Jane in France

See here is a problem. Flu is also nasty disease and no economy was deliberately shut down because of its nastiness.

lets look at “I can’t breathe” myth of COVID.

Low oxygen levels, (so is temporary loss of smell and taste) are defined by many countries health authorities like Norway or Sweden as common symptoms of seasonal flu and its common complications leading to pneumonia and other conditions, read a 2021 paper in Eurosurveillance about unexplained mysterious disappearance of flu in Scandinavia after March 2020. Moreover they are associated with many common chronic disease like heart diseases, Hepatitis B,C, anemia etc.,

There are no uniquely defining symptoms or characteristics of COVID clinical disease. COVID has no unique clinical phenology of the disease as all symptoms and conditions, complications and development of disease itself are 100% shared by most of mild respiratory diseases, it is more an artificial amalgamate or syndrome of combined ILI. Read about flu-like diseases to see that there are no unique symptoms of COVID complications including clots, thrombosis, hypoxia, or chronic immune system suppression (long flu) and flu triggered autoimmune diseases etc.,

Moreover, those who claim COVID is new disease must first isolate complete active virus and fulfill all Koch postulates that would establish novel coronavirus as causal agent of COVID and COVID as new distinct clinical disease. As long as it was not done they cannot be talking about new disease caused by new virus. Why French skeptic doctors won’t do it?

Instead they push lab leak mantra claiming SC2 was engineered in vitro not solely in silico, a thesis that explains all available data about origins of SC2, like nearly zero lethality among young and near normal mortality among entire population (no deadly virus no deaths) , no physical isolation of active virus anywhere even by Big Pharma that engineers their S1 Spike RNA protein jab in silico and in vitro, missing link in required inter species jump, furin cleavage, and fact that viral breakthrough occurred in Wuhan hundreds of miles away from bat caves, a tourist attraction, and nowhere in between amid huge traffic to name few.

SC2 virus was never isolated while its RNA genome was created/digitally designed by mixing and matching bits and pieces of unpurified sample RNA genetic debris and filing missing fragments (gaps) with SARS1 genome from GenBank. Based on that , useless as diagnostic tool, PCR test was globally adopted to “identify” diagnose SC2 viral infections which as FDA EUA approval letters stated PCR is not capable of diagnosing.

As you wrote IVM/HCQ definitely in many cases works and should be in Arsenal of any doctor treatments but not because they target illusion of COVID but only because they are relatively safe and broadly tested broad spectrum antiviral anti inflammatory agents helping immune system to cope with already existing, common seasonal and/or persistent infections and inflammations or common in the world chronic parasitic infestations that grow during episodes of suppression of immune system like dehydration, malnutrition or physical and psychological trauma and fear. Those drugs help anybody regardless of what caused those infections or inflammations they suffer from, massive doses of VIt C,D and Zink all boost immune system making it more capable to mount defense against any disease especially mild respiratory disease like those caused by Influenza and coronaviruses.

Any skeptic in France or anywhere at this point should reject myth of COVID as it is nothing but catch all virtual respiratory disease that does not exist, defined by flawed diagnostic tool that is non specific in RNA genetic identification and inherently unable to detect any infection whatsoever.

Jul 8, 2021 8:19 AM
Reply to  Kalen

It is unbelievable that 2 years later some people are still denying the pandemic. The virus is real. I contracted it, was wiped out for 3 weeks completely, and the recovery was slow (a month) and with intestinal complications. Almost every blood test parameter was seriously out of whack. My doctor said no other respiratory virus affects so many systems simultaneously. Fever subsided after the first week only to return a week later. It felt like the body was possessed. I started taking ivermectin on day 3 of illness – obtained it abroad. Plus vit C, D, Zinc in high doses. Perhaps this helped me avoid the hospitalisation, but my friend, a 49 year old healthy bull, was rushed in with rapidly dropping oxygen levels and it was touch and go for a while. He developed diabetes as complication after Covid. He took ivermectin later – on day 6 and was taken to hospital on day 8. Yes, he also survived, but this virus is real and NASTY.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 8, 2021 8:46 AM
Reply to  Rosa

Oh hi – another sample of the ‘my whole family got the ‘rona and nearly died and my budgie hasn’t been the same since’.

Reality check. Even if you’re not just copying and pasting out of the playbook, there is no way you can know if you had the thing called ‘Covid’.

What you had was some bacterial or viral infection of the kind people have been getting since the dawn of time. But this time you also were given a totally meaningless PCR which happened to come back positive. That’s all.

Ian Thorpe
Ian Thorpe
Jul 8, 2021 10:44 PM

Thank you Sophie

Laurence James Howell
Laurence James Howell
Jul 10, 2021 11:20 AM


Can you answer a straight question?

Why do you censor my posts about the law?

Ask a Barrister if I have posted anything untruthful

about the law.

Jul 9, 2021 10:59 PM
Reply to  Rosa

Were all other causes ruled out?

Do you know that China diagnoses ‘Covid’ differently from everywhere else now? All other possibilities are investigated on presentation of symptoms and ruled out before ‘Covid’ left as only explanation. That is why, out of 1.4 billion, they have had only 2 ‘Covid’ deaths this year. Two. And even that number is suspect (see lack of evidence something new even exists, apparent in first ‘Covid’ research papers and Dr Stefan Lanka’s current research).

You can get sick and call it ‘pollywollydoodle’ if that’s what the authorities tell you to call it. But does it mean you really HAD pollywollydoodle?

What else in this world causes depleted blood oxygen levels? If you educate yourself, rather than simply believe and obey, you’ll get some answers.

Roslyn Kennedy
Roslyn Kennedy
Jul 5, 2021 6:28 PM

I am so thankful to have the Off-G for some sort of moral support right now. It is getting tough in the trenches here in Vancouver, BC. The media and government have acted in total narrative hegemony and we now have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world.
I had symptomatic covid (as did my kids) in February of this year. I would have thought that by fighting this with my immune system that people would understand that I would not be interested in or require a vaccination. But nearly every day I am asked by acquaintances, work colleagues, and friends about whether I have taken or will be taking the shot. So I am forced to explain that the trials did not include those with prior infections, that multiple studies have shown previous infection confers lasting immunity, and that the variants are only a minute percentage in difference from the original strain. Plus the vaccines are all based on a response to the original spike protein so why would vaccinated have an advantage against variants? It doesn’t matter, no common sense or evidence based science is getting through to the mainly upper-class laptop tribe I live within.
My one remaining sane work colleague succumbed over the weekend so that she could travel more freely. My daughter was told be a an un-masked server yesterday that the staff can remove their masks if they have been vaccinated. She was also told that if she wants to work at this one particular restaurant, that she will have to provide proof of vaccination. She is not even 16.
Things are spiraling so fast into a bio-fascist dystopia that I fear we will soon lose every freedom fought for with this willingly ignorant compliance.
Go Dr. White, go Dr. Lawrie, and keep on speaking Dr. McCullough.

Jul 5, 2021 7:14 PM
Reply to  Roslyn Kennedy

Roslyn Kennedy,

Stay Strong. The propaganda is overwhelming, and the effects actually seem worse in Ireland, Canada and Australia, than in England. My wife gets it too, from all our vaccinated friends. They keep nagging her to get jabbed, even when she is swimming, so she swims even faster. There is not much point in verbally responding, once they have joined the cult, and they have already been jabbed twice.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Jul 6, 2021 9:58 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

It is indeed a cult created by an evil cabal or maybe mass hysteria?

Jul 10, 2021 7:26 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc


down in the ghettos of west/southwest sydney da VAX MAN has his mounted policee goons, the death dog nazi vax goon squads smashin the streets of the poor and not-WHITE pharma resistors.

and now PFIZZER wants full spectrum injection @ max PROFIT!!!! bossster boosster booster!!!


have a nice day pharma suckers

Rikcy Daytona
Rikcy Daytona
Jul 5, 2021 9:29 PM
Reply to  Roslyn Kennedy

They are not your friends. They have revealed their true colours and they would stab you in the back or disown you in any other battle. It is a war but you are far from alone, plenty of groups out there. Avoid msm and ms socialist media.

Jul 5, 2021 10:08 PM
Reply to  Roslyn Kennedy

Fellow Westcoast Canuck here…

No Canadian employer can lawfully/legally request personal medical information without sound justification. As you’ll no doubt know, British Columbia cancelled The (fraudulent) State of Emergency at midnight June 30th, therefore there is certainly no justification for any breach of Canadian/BC Privacy law (PIPA).

Could your daughter look for work with an ‘awake’ restaurateur?
The more pushback these ignorant, puffed-up authoritarian types experience, the better.
There are many more of us like-minded folks in the province, than you’d realize! I recommend the Druthers newspaper – published in Ontario – view it at Druthers.net

Hang tight, your decision not to be injected will be vindicated this Fall…

Roslyn Kennedy
Roslyn Kennedy
Jul 5, 2021 11:54 PM
Reply to  Lulu

Thank you Lulu. Yes I heard about the cancellation of the emergency; not that it was reported anywhere in our sycophantic media. It’s definitely harder in the city I think…the authoritarianism seems to take hold when there are more people.
My daughter has asked me to get a note from our doctor about not requiring the vaccine as she has already had covid. It’s sad that I may have to try to this option as the employers are not following the law and a 16 year old is not equipped to take on those in positions of power.
I do think there are like-minded people in BC than it seems. Though the local safeway today was about 75% masked (ugh, even one 3 year old! I can’t with these parents), the Persian market and 7-11 were majority un-masked yesterday. Small victories.

Jul 6, 2021 3:10 PM
Reply to  Roslyn Kennedy

Can anyone provide a link to the cancellation of the emergency in Canada?
If it’s truly been cancelled (as it should be) doesn’t that mean that the Emergency Use Authorization (or Canadian equivalent) for vaccines is no longer in effect and that in fact it would be illegal to administer them until they are actually approved (though they never should be)?

Roslyn Kennedy
Roslyn Kennedy
Jul 6, 2021 4:00 PM
Reply to  D.C.

all the provinces are different. BC cancelled and I think AB and SK too. Not sure about the rest.
We may be in another emergency soon due to forest fires.

Jul 6, 2021 6:16 AM
Reply to  Roslyn Kennedy

So sad to see Canada being removed from our list of potential emigration countries… We live in Germany, and the situation here is similar. It feels as if they are putting up a third German dictatorship right now. And so many people follow. Now looking for any country where people haven’t lost their minds yet. Any suggestions? Keep strong, Roslyn, you’re not alone.

Jul 6, 2021 2:18 PM
Reply to  Tom

I appreciate the info on the situation in Germany. I had hoped to perhaps emigrate TO Germany after finally achieving German citizenship (restitution).

Now it seems that all of Europe has gone mad.

Hungary seems to be fighting back on the “woke” front, but I don’t know where they stand on the vaxx madness.

Where in Germany do you live? What about internal migration to a rural area such as the Eifel or the Harz?

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jul 9, 2021 4:31 AM
Reply to  Tom

Russia looks decent to me.

Jul 5, 2021 5:57 PM

I think there is a fair chance, they will let us out mask free for a bit. Meanwhile, we have met one of the girls in the original video. She is married to a Brilliant Scottish Guitarist. He is very shy and quiet, till he gets on stage, then he blows the place away. I told him, you will go down a storm, when he casually said, we’ve got a gig in Spain, and they did. We had been the year before too.

“A Dickhead with Gloves – Parody Single”

A pity about the original singer. He shouldn’t have taken the prescribed drugs for his supposed high blood pressure. I bought a blood pressure monitor instead, and flushed the drugs down the toilet, 17 years ago. Still here, Addicted to Love.


John Goss
John Goss
Jul 5, 2021 5:18 PM

A good man demonstrating that some people put conscience before cash. Good of the legal company PJHLAW too. We should be supporting them.

Jul 5, 2021 2:12 PM


Did Rothschild (may him and his kind rot ) patent a “covid-19” test in 2015???? What is the meaning of this “Prioriteitsdatum” ?

Jul 5, 2021 1:05 PM

Two weeks today until the delayed lifting of lockdown in England – and the stench of a co-ordinated campaign to retain mask-wearing on public transport is all over the MSM.
Public transport is mostly used by groups that have been most vaccine resistent but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

My guess is the lifting will go ahead this time. They’ll want to study how deeply the entrainment has taken and it’s a short window until the autumn flu season.

Jul 5, 2021 2:20 PM
Reply to  Edwige

They’ve delayed the lifting of sanctions for a few weeks because the original date was a tad too early for their plans to work out.
It is widely expected that, on July 19, for the vast majority of UK citizens, masks will be off, pubs/bars will be busy with no need to social distance and, with the current level of testing (in health, education, hospitality, school kids) this will undoubtedly show a rise in cases. They have about 8-10 weeks before the seasonal flu season commences, for the number of cases to increase significantly (including variants brought from abroad during the School Summer holidays) such that, when hospitalizations rise (as the do EVERY year around October, restrictions will be re-applied and more than likely another lockdown.
My prophecy is of a 21 October Lockdown preceding The Dark Winter.
They’ve told you it’s going to happen so you’ve had ample warning !.

Dr. Sok
Dr. Sok
Jul 6, 2021 8:08 PM
Reply to  David

The best direction is to totally ignore any more silly rules. Wars require heavy commitment on you to succeed. Pure evil never sleeps.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jul 9, 2021 4:37 AM
Reply to  David

The third world country known as Australia has cancelled the covid ritten F1 race so yes I expect your assumptions have merit. Expect another attempted lock up.

Seems that covid only hangs around the formula one paddock these days.

Jul 5, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Agree that we are witnessing the same drip-drip of counter information to the official narrative which usually preempts a u-turn. My one reservation, positive maybe, is that the politicians have made repeatedly stated that when it’s lifted, it’s permanent.
Far, far, far be it for me to trust any of them anymore but if I had to, and I don’t, I have some grudging respect for Javid who seemed to go against the official narrative at the weekend. And copped the wrath of the SAGE monkeys accordingly.

I know it’s a slim chance but he’s not from the usual hooray-henry/henrieta set and grew up in Rochdale, son of a bus driver.
If, big if, one of them was to have some morality then it would be a difficult task against this formidable mob of covidians running the show now. Perhaps “where there’s muck, there’s brass”!

Just saying – or I’ve become so desperate I’m clutching at any straw.

Jul 5, 2021 9:00 AM

Has anyone found any good sources on the advised dosage of these medicines? I could get Ivermectin (only comes in a form of a drop for racing pigeons in Hungary) but I can never find any info about what dosage to use. Plus I understand treatment isn’t just about giving Ivermectin to patients but it’s combined with other things. Would be real nice to know more if one doesn’t have access to a doctor who actually wants to save their patients, as it is right now.

Jul 5, 2021 9:33 AM
Reply to  SimonO

What for? There is no fucking covid. Geezuz H Kreist WTFU!!! (btw plenty of herbs work.) Drugs are a con and you falling for it.

Jul 5, 2021 2:16 PM
Reply to  John

For whatever it is that people have gotten sick from – there is something that made some people very sick and it wasn’t the usual flu. By saying “there is no covid” you undermine the entire movement to expose the fake pandemic.
There are a few people who got very sick and they are not hypochondriacs, or old.
There is disease but there is NO PANDEMIC and even if there was, the govenrment should only give advice, not enforce medical interventions.

Jul 5, 2021 2:44 PM
Reply to  F.E.A.R.

This is just a matter of opinion. The same available facts can also be interpreted as John has done, indicating that it is something as close to the usual flu as makes no difference. Possibly just a different corona virus, or whatever.
A bunch of health officials has just been arrested in India for profiting from fake vaxxes consisting of saline solution.
People in Mumbai are protesting because they don’t like not having the foggiest notion of what is in the product they are being jabbed with.
Fog is, of course, the Pharma-fashion of the day.
I stay awake, and I have seen nothing for sixteen months which looked different from, or was more widespread than the usual pestilences which inflict our species. Nothing.
Only a monstrous vaxdemic of very tenuous credibility, trying in its puny, infantile way, to compete with the Black Death in box-office scare value.

David Robinson
David Robinson
Jul 5, 2021 4:34 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Well, I would’ve agreed until my son and two friends went down with ‘something’ nasty 10 days ago after drinking in the same pub while an England game was on (see my post above).

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jul 5, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

Aye, a common cold made worse by alcohol.

James C
James C
Jul 6, 2021 8:19 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

Oh no!

Did they die?

Of course they feckin’ didnt.

Anecdotes mean nothing.

David Robinson
David Robinson
Jul 6, 2021 9:02 AM
Reply to  James C

Really? When you’ve been locked down for 6 months, anecdotes are all you’re going to get for a while from most people, don’t you think?

As far as I can recall, my son and his friends are the only people I know in the past year who a) tested positive for ‘covid’ after showing symptoms b) were bedridden with it for a week afterwards c) after attending a crowded event at a pub.

No, they didn’t die. Would it have made you happy if they had?

Now, had I said “I really don’t know anyone who has been ill, hospitalised or died from ‘covid’ since this whole thing started (which was true until two weeks ago), what would you have said? You’d have said “Yes, same here, it’s all a load of rubbish”.

Anecdotes, eh!

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 6, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

They were not bed-ridden ‘with it’. The PCR test, even if not false positive, does not diagnose an illness or even distinguish one coronavirus from another. They were sick with something, but whether that something was ‘covid’ or any of the other near identical respiratory viruses is anyone’s guess.

David Robinson
David Robinson
Jul 6, 2021 9:55 AM

Really? You know my son? I had no idea. Yes, he spent most of the time in bed with a high fever, stabbing pains behind his eyes, sweating profusely, completely knackered. He was told it was ‘covid’, that was good enough for him. But thanks for your concern, anyway.

I had a similar reaction to ‘something’ when the ‘swine flu’ was about, 10 years ago. I was bedridden for 3 days straight, as was my daughter, who was 12 at the time. Before anyone says anything, no, I wasn’t pissed up the night before. Or the night before that, even. I’m impressed by the number of peole who diagnose lifestyle and common colds on here without seeing the patient, or with no actual medical knowledge whatsoever.

Honestly, sometimes, reading some of the posts in here, you’d really think that we are not acutally supposed to ever get ill, that everything is avoidable or it’s a conspiracy to murder everybody.

We’re all going to die one day. from something. Has my son’s experience made me want to have the jab? No.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 6, 2021 2:50 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

I did make the same point to you that Sophie makes now… That people DO get ill. I dunno why you’re saying that people here are claiming otherwise and, given this, it’s a bit unfortunate that you’ve failed to apply your own logic, and chosen to assume it’s The One True Illness – COVID-19. Whereas Sophie is right, the test isn’t specific to any coronavirus, the PCR assays used are not unique and match up with other dna clusters on the CDC site. Nor has any pathogenesis been demonstrated linking a virus to this otherwise generic set of symptoms.

Yes, people get ill with a wide range of common infections, because that is the nature of things.

Yes, people get ill and immediately assume it’s ‘COVID’ because that is the nature of autosuggestion.

People have been lured into a heightened and suggestible emotional state through ritual fear. A2

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 7, 2021 1:27 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

‘He was told it was ‘covid’, that was good enough for him.’

Jul 9, 2021 6:48 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

A man put on a white coat and said he was a doctor.
That meant we all had to believe everything he said.
(White Coat Syndrome)…

Glenda Baker
Glenda Baker
Jul 6, 2021 1:43 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Before Covid, ivermectin was also found to be effective against Influenza A. It might be effective against other viruses… at least something to consider.

Glenda Baker
Glenda Baker
Jul 6, 2021 1:45 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Covid is the 3rd pandemic / epidemic scam in the last 50 years. Sad what history reveals when you dig into it…

1970 – Dr. Kass proves vaccines played no role in the 90% drop in deaths from the top infectious diseases in England and Wales- that drop happened BEFORE the vaccines were developed.

1977 – The McKinlays prove vaccines played no role in the 90% drop in deaths from the top infectious diseases in the U.S.- that drop happened BEFORE the vaccines were developed.

2000 – CDC and John Hopkins admit vaccines played no more than a 1% – 3% role in the reduction of deaths from the top infectious diseases.

2012 – CDC admits clean water played a major role in the decrease of deaths from the top infectious diseases.

Big Pharma took credit for that which it did not do…

1976 – CDC, FDA, NIH convince the president and nation to take 46 million Swine Flu vaccines by spreading massive fear, though only 1 had died and 5 had caught the virus. The vaccines caused 25 deaths and left hundreds disabled.

2009 – Big Pharma makes secret deals with politicians in many European countries – if the WHO declares a level 6 pandemic, the countries agree to spend billions of euros on vaccines.

The WHO changes the definition of “pandemic” – removing the requirements of massive deaths in multiple countries and no one in the world having natural immunity.

The WHO then declared the N1H1 virus a level 6 pandemic, even though the death rate was only 0.017%. That forced all those European countries to pay massive money to Big Pharma – and leading to terrible problems of narcolepsy from too many vaccine recipients, including children.

Oct 2020 – WHO changed the definition of herd immunity – removing natural recovery from the disease as part of creating herd immunity – now pushing just vaccines.

This link contains HUNDREDS of links to scientific studies, top doctors and scientists around the world, the law surrounding the emergency use of medical EXPERIMENTAL products (and the right to refuse), and above all, the horrific, lying, corruptive 100-year history of Big Pharma.


Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 7, 2021 1:25 PM
Reply to  F.E.A.R.

I’m in my 50s and all throughout my life I’ve heard someone say they had had a particularly strong case of the flu like never before, that this one was different.
Diseases are a series of symptoms, and there’s only so many of them we can experience at one given time.
What we’ve had in more modern times is an increase in toxicity in our invironment, foods, clothes, household products,etc. so our bodies have to adapt and many times expel toxic loads, those things result in symptoms.
Just because someone says there’s a new disease doesn’t make it so.

Jul 7, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  F.E.A.R.

My understanding from I think Dr. Peter McCullouigh and others is that “covid” consists of a suite of symptoms that are not unique to any one disease that one could call covid. So when a person shows some or all of the suite of symptoms, the only way to establish that is it covid19 and not some (other) flu or pneumonia is to do a test that finds the actual virus or antibodies to it in the patient.

There are multiple types of pneumonia. There are multiple symptoms for a cold. One can even get a cold in the eye, or have cold symptoms such as conjunctivitus, in the eyes:


And just as pneumonia can be severe—a cold can progress to pneumonia—it seems that the disease called covid19 caused by the SC2 virus can be from unnoticed (virus is present but there are no symptoms; innate immunity kills it) to mild to strong. And just as it would be foolish to leave a cold untreated once it starts to develop into pneumonia—esp. in an elderly person—it is foolish to leave covid19 untreated.

This is IMHO the huge mistake or crime that was committed in 2020 and is being suppressed: the failure to treat early-stage covid19 with available treatments and to actively discourage treatment!!!! IMO this is the smoking gun of the whole situation. Of course it hit many people hard. Just like, say, aspiration pneumonia—another illness (bacterial infection of lungs) that strikes quickly and lethally, esp. in nursing homes. If not treated immediately with antibiotics, death will quickly ensue (possibly helped along by nursing home staff w ith heavy-duty morphine instead of heavy-duty antibiotics).

It seems like more advanced cases of covid19 have particularly dangerous inflammatory effects—caused by the spike proteins. The phases of a serious case of covid19 is what Dr. McCullough and others have called out and created multifaceted treatment protocols for the respiratory infection, the inflammation, and then I think to combat the virus itself (as opposed to the secondary effects).

I hope this helps.

Jul 5, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  John

I don’t agree. There is a disease, it has two unique symptoms, low blood oxygen and high blood co2. Also Doctors who are being censored and ridiculed reported treating thousands of covid patients with Ivermectin, etc.
So there is a virus, I think it’s very counterproductive to repeat that there isn’t.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 5, 2021 4:45 PM
Reply to  SimonO

I believe there were reports of this, but in isolated hotspots which were also in the midst of institutional upheaval and pressuring people onto ventilators. There were also reports that many people presented with low blood 02 but appeared fine, which raises questions. Like ‘long covid’ it has since been written into covid lore, mythologised and used to dress up the naked Emperor. In any case, the bulk of this ‘pandemic’ is PCR distortion, elderly neglect/euthanasia and nothing remarkable in the death stats whatsoever, either in terms of IFR or all-cause age/population adjusted mortality. In some ways, if it keeps the message clean and doesn’t sidetrack the debate down constructed blind alleys like the IVM/HCQ pseudo-controversies, I think the no virus message is fair enough. There is no evidence I am aware of of Sars-cov-2 pathogenesis, so the picture is unclear and distorted amidst a drive of widespread fear and propaganda, the like of which mankind has never known before. A2

Jane in France
Jane in France
Jul 5, 2021 6:55 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

The perspective of a sceptic in France is completely different thanks to the Youtube channel of Professor Didier Raoult and a number of blogs by doctors such as Louis Fouché and Gérard Maudrux. They say specifically that this is a new illness with a viral phase and an inflammatory phase. The danger is that the oxygen in the blood can drop to a dangerously low level before you even notice that you are out of breath. The good news is or should be that the illness is treatable. Hydroxychloroquine to get rid of the virus in the early stages, azithromycine, an antibiotic of the macrolid class, widely used in acute respiratory infections, ivermectine, effective at all stages. Low levels of vitamin D and zinc have a lot to do with bad outcomes (and I might mention in passing that low levels of zinc are associated with loss of taste and smell). The scandal is that these treatments are not only discouraged, but that doctors who use them – doctors who try to help their patients – risk being struck off the register. Of course most “healthy” people have nothing to worry about, but these days many people are not very healthy and you shouldn’t just tell them to stay at home, take paracetamol and wait till they can’t breathe before going to hospital. Give them an oxygen monitor, for example, to allow them to monitor their own oxygen levels and if they notice these are dropping, call the doctor. If doctors hadn’t been taken out of the loop we wouldn’t have had all those scenes of intensive care beds full of people on ventilators. If doctors had been allowed to give their patients medicine we would hardly have noticed anything was going on. Certainly, mortality is more or less normal and over 99 per cent of people recover – but covid is a nasty illness if it is allowed to develop to the inflammatory phase and it is unhelpful to say that it doesn’t exist and to call IVM/HCQ a pseudo controversy. No, the real scandal is that treatments that work have been made illegal while treatments which kill elderly patients (such as rivotril) have been prescribed in huge amounts.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 5, 2021 11:37 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Evidence for Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications Including Microwaves and Millimeter Waves
Submitted by Beverly Rubik
And Robert R. Brown
Rubik-Brown-COVID-19-and-RFR-SUBMITTED-1.pdf (thepeoplesinitiative.org)

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 6, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Flavio Josefus

Hello Flavio Josefus: The graphene oxide angle is interesting, but only one element in the picture. The fact still remains that biological cells are directly affected by electromagnetic induction, without the use of artificial augmentation. Research and research proofs date back over 60 years.

Modern man is commiting communal suicide via electromagnetic broadcast. The rest is only divergent noise…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 5, 2021 11:36 PM
Reply to  SimonO

Hello Simon0: There are several important health issues that few doctors are aware of. Low blood oxygen is often associated with rouleaux formation in biological cells. See rouleaux references within the article.

I could go on with a list of associated research, but feel you may benefit from the awareness that the medical “profession” continues to ignore. >

Evidence for Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications Including Microwaves and Millimeter Waves
Submitted by Beverly Rubik
And Robert R. Brown
Rubik-Brown-COVID-19-and-RFR-SUBMITTED-1.pdf (thepeoplesinitiative.org)
See list of references within the closing page.

Jul 9, 2021 11:12 PM
Reply to  SimonO

My questions would therefore be: was blood oxygen and CO2 being measured for all respiratory illness BEFORE Covid? If so, how do results compare? If not, the fact it’s being measured now that we’re all told it’s a ‘Covid’ symptom and indicator is meaningless without comparable data from other respiratory disease. And lastly, what else might cause low oxygen levels?

All other correlations are being ignored in favour of correlations that support the narrative. Correlation does not equal causation.

Basic logic and basic ‘scientific method’ have been absolutely murdered since 2020.

David Robinson
David Robinson
Jul 5, 2021 4:32 PM
Reply to  John

I was very sceptical. Then my son and two friends went to a pub (The King’s Arms in London somewhere or other – East London, I think) to watch the England V Czech Republic match. He said the pub was rammed, no table service, just go to the bar…all 3 of them tested positive by Friday after feeling unwell (3 days later) and my son spent the next week flat on his back, sweating, excruciating pain benhind the eyes…he’s okay now (10 days isolation are up tomorrow), but no sense of taste or smell. He has had one jab (Pfizer) and his two friends had had both jobs over a month or two ago. So, yes, I believe it does exist, now. There does appear to be a big uptock in the number of peole I know who are getting ill but none have been hospitalised. However, I’m still, at 63, unjabbed and relying on my immune system. What the episode tells me is that the jabs don’t work. My sons friends were both equally ill yet they had had two jabs. All three of them are in the 30s.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 5, 2021 4:54 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

Or perhaps it tells you that people still get ill? Like they always have. With all sorts of bugs etc., ‘Covid’ being indistinguishable from most flus/colds which have always, lest you forget, made people lose their sense of smell and taste. If people don’t congregate their immune systems become depressed and stronger bugs get bred. This was warned about by virologists from the start. No reason to start buying the covid PCR-noise propaganda too hurriedly. It is also logical to assume it might be linked to vaccine – predicted cytokine storm events when coming into contact with other coronaviruses etc. A2

David Robinson
David Robinson
Jul 5, 2021 5:15 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I’ve no idea. Either the entire govt and scientific advisers are corrupt (including all of those in every other nation), almost all of the NHS/GPs complicit, or I’m (we?) are a bunch of paranoid fools. The jury is still out, as far as I’m concerned. I’m not 100% convinced that you can ‘assume’ anything at the moment.

I, and I suspect you, but you might tell me otherwise, haven’t spent a night in a pub with hundreds of other people clammering for beer at a bar for 3 hours while watching a footie match….the good old days! I would suggest that catching flu in late June/July is rare but I stand to be corrected. I’m guessing that the reduction in so called ‘cases’ is down to seasonal effect rather than these pretend vaccines.

Yes, I have always thought myself that this mask wearing, lockdown and space rubbish would backfire, with natural immunity weakening. That was bound to happen and, you’re right, my son and his mates may have copped for a nasty bug. However, all of this doesn’t make this 63 yr old, recently diagnosed diabetic with NAFLD and who smoked for 40 years (gave up 3 years ago after 2 mini-strokes) feel very confident about dashing to a crowded pub any time soon. Although I probably will! 🙂

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 5, 2021 6:42 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

Oh you’ll be fine 🙂 the longer you put it off the worse it’ll be. Just remember, immune systems work.

It is pointless claiming that suggesting global coordination is paranoid, when global coordination is evident in the WHO’s rollout of lockdowns etc. Despite the lack of science, many countries have gone along unquestioningly with lockdowns. Is it more or less likely they all coincidentally decided their economies were less important than implementing evidence-free lockdown policies based on a virus posing no statistical risk to healthy people, or that these countries were incentivised and pressured for other reasons via this same mechanism?

What ‘other’ reasons? Well, the conglomerates who openly fund the WHO etc. have increased their net worth and power many times over and have removed/neutered what little opposition that existed.

Really, the bizarre thing is this needs to be restated so much. The general population seems to default back to thinking a virus caused all this in a disturbing, senile kind of way.

I admit, there is a bizarreness to the level of willing compliance among people, but that does not mean the official narrative, manufactured and sold directly by those profiting from this situation, has to be believed, does it?

Countries which did not lockdown faired no worse or considerably better than countries which did. Locked down countries saw rising excess deaths AFTER lockdowns were implemented, and these were isolated pockets throughout the world, which didn’t impact their annual all-cause mortalities above twenty year averages. The stats for ‘COVID’ are ridiculously inflated via PCR abuse and even so pose little threat to even the most vulnerable demographics.

Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of these things. A2

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 5, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

It needs to be restated so much because the bleeding obvious has been “magicked away” by that chant of “conspiracy theory”. It is truly astonishing how succesful this brainwashing has been. And the key to it all is peer pressure. “Oh you don’t want to join those frighfully unfashionable nuts over there, do you?” Decades of consumerist culture with its instantaneously changing trends, separation from genuine interaction, and disposal of all immediate local ties have infantilised the population beyond belief.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 5, 2021 7:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

True that!

Ian Thorpe
Ian Thorpe
Jul 8, 2021 11:54 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

This whole episode was planned, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci and others have been talking about “preparing for the next pandemic for almost ten years, the WEF have been talking about a technocratic global government for even longer. And there are patents pertaining to the CIDID vaccine (which can be viewed at the US patents office but we have to rely on someone with the appropriate technical knowledge to translate the jargon,) that were filed before the firsr cases of COVID were reported.

Jul 5, 2021 7:56 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

Get the diabetes under control, rapido. It is a co-morbidity that very often, if not nearly always, accompanies a very nasty bout with covid. If you are overweight, lose the kilos. Make sure you take zinc and that your vitamin D3 level is robust. Take D3 with vitamin K2; it assists in the metabolism of D3. Then get out there and have the fun and delight of life that is your birthright.

David Robinson
David Robinson
Jul 5, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  Beau

Cheers! Yes, I’ve been on the zinc, vit D3 and C tablet for over a year and do need to lose a lot of kilos!

Jul 7, 2021 12:18 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

Yes, they are corrupt. Does that mean that the mailman is in on it? No,
At the highest levels (by that I mean the folks who select who we get to vote for) there is collusion. Including with countries like Iran.
I suggest that Russia and China are in on it too. And why wouldn’t they be? With China Xi has not too long ago purged anyone who might question is role as leader for life. What dictator wouldn’t welcome this virus totalitarian regime? Who is to say that Xi isn’t either being blackmailed or extorted into his role?
With Russia, you have another long term status quo led (nominally) by Putin. Another evil bogyman for the west. The increased control offered by this totalitarian covid regime will help the Putin status quo stay in power for a while longer.
The most important evidence against these guys is that they are playing this covid fraud to the hilt. For someone like me who knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can’t have a world wide pandemic based on a totally fraudulent diagnostic method, then you have to come to the conclusion that they are conspiring together.
Regarding Iran. I recently came to the conclusion that it is highly likely that Iran (again at the very highest levels) is playing inside baseball with the Israel/US. 2 reasons
One the murder of Soleimani and the lukewarm response
and two the total embracing of this covid fraud by the present regime. This regime has been in power for many years now and you can bet it like any one party regime has reached a high level of corruption. It benefits the status quo in Iran to always keep the pot boiling with Israel and the US as the great Satan’s,
Regarding Soleimani’s murder and the killing of other prominent Iranians by Israeli agents. What if these killing are actually about elimination of possible threats to the Iranian status quo? Remember the number weapon used by the status quo to hold power is the marginalizing or killing of possible popular resistance leaders.

Ian Thorpe
Ian Thorpe
Jul 8, 2021 11:45 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

Yes David, the government and the whole medical science academe are corrupt, they’ve been corrupted by corporate money buying influence for I guess the past 50 years at least. My experience of working as a management consultant with Big Pharma corporations and various government departments makes this an informed opinion.
As for “us” collectively (by a majority at least) being paranoid fools, in mitigation you must consider the relentless propaganda war waged against independent though over the past eighteen months.
Fortunately I am immune to propaganda and, apparently, COVID. My Dear Old Dad was a newspaper man and taught me from an early age to believe nothing the press or broadcast media tell us unless we have checked it for ourselves.
So I checked out the project fear narrative, nothing made sense. Therefore I ignored mask wearing advice, drove from the Ribble Valley into Manchester, to the Lake District and to South Yorkshire to se friends and relative etc. etc., declined the vaccines and I am untouched by COVID. Maybe that’s because I look after my immune system, just luck, or something to do with the level of risk having been vastly exaggerated.

I hope you get to the pub soon and enjoy you pint (or two).

Jul 5, 2021 6:36 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Exactly. There is going to be one almightly shitstorm this winter in the UK and it will have fuck all to do with you Sars Cov 2 covid nonsense.

Linda Main
Linda Main
Jul 5, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  SimonO

You can get all the information you need at flccc.net Dr Pierre Kory and his colleagues have shared their protocols.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 5, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  Linda Main

Hello Linda Main: Good of you to respond to SimonO’s queery. The flcc.net page answers many questions. Here’s an alternate link: >
Home | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (covid19criticalcare.com)

Good on ya…

Jul 5, 2021 4:29 PM

Thanks for that too!

Jul 5, 2021 3:30 PM
Reply to  Linda Main

Thanks for that!

Jul 5, 2021 7:49 PM
Reply to  SimonO

Do a search for the FLCCC (Front Line Critical Care Consortium). Look for the -MASK protocol (and no, it has nothing to do with masking!) There is also a protocol for using ivermectin as a prophylaxis. Very well put together website. Dr. Pierre Kory from the University of Wisconsin is one of the doctors associated with the protocol.

Glenda Baker
Glenda Baker
Jul 6, 2021 1:37 AM
Reply to  SimonO

Dr. Zelenko was one of the first doctors in the U.S. to use hydroxychloroquine and to get info on many treatment options. Google deleted his website, but I had copied it last year and posted it on my website.


R McHewn
R McHewn
Jul 6, 2021 6:16 AM
Reply to  SimonO

Try flccc dot net There they have the whole protocol and they update it periodically as they learn more.

Jul 6, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  SimonO

See the post by Jane from France, above, with information on the characteristics of the phases of the illness (respiratory plus inflammatory).

Here is a website


  • with a video that includes “What medications can support COVID-19 treatment at specific stages

Dr. McC has created an organization of Physicians that individuals can contact to find a doctor to treat them, and they can also get info on medications. Not sure how to access that org.

See also here —American Association of Physicians and Surgeons—for more covid treatment info:

Jul 6, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  SimonO

In the US this is an excellent way to get HCQ or Ivermectin:

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 5, 2021 8:25 AM

Hold on to your jaw:


We “lockdown protestors” are “under the influence of evidence-free conspiracy theories” presumably as opposed to that staggering mountain range of evidence to support the deadly pandemic narrative?

We are also “frustrated at the slow pace to the return to normality”. Yeah, we’re all just “frustrated”!

And note in general Mark Crispin Miller’s point that when the term “conspiracy theory” is used, the user doesn’t have an argument. In this case, there’s a lot of indiscriminate mixing in of e.g. Satanic paedophile rings.

And we have committed the crime of thinking the BBC is part of the conspiracy. (By this hatchet job they prove they are – but we already knew that.)

And note that those strictly impartial BBC people “are surrounded and told to leave”! (Yeah, us protestors don’t want any exposure on the media!)

“We talk to two different protesters” and we meet Graham and Cate. I must say they are awfully well-spoken protesters! He “works with property” and she “has a psychology degree” (WARNING! WARNING!)

The speech from those two is almost utterly toothless and vacuous – although Graham at least points out that “we” are not all suffering. The global elite are not.

Oh – here’s a giveaway from Cate: “Having had covid and recovered …” What a fucking joke! Action! Action! Take 2!

“Far Right activists like Tommy Robinson” – oh here we go!

“Do you believe that people in these groups could have misled you or told you things that are untrue?” Oh, the irony!

At this point Graham seems to be stumbling over his words. They could have gotten better actors!

“Chloe Colliver from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue”? What the fuck?

And here’s Graham at the end: “They don’t want it to go back to normal. They want a new normal.”

That’s supposed to be a “looney tune”? For fuck’s sake – they told us that themselves over a year ago! 

Jul 5, 2021 8:58 AM
Reply to  George Mc

what i find a joke is the msm really has not taken any interest in the people who have lost their jobs, on a yr plus waiting list for treatment, may have lost businesses, may have in some people’s cases become homeless, school children who could not attend school, the masks and the ineffectiveness of them etc etc. Its alright for them who have been on full pay for the last yr to call us all conspiracy theorists, not so much if you have had no pay.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jul 5, 2021 12:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

However they try to spin it, the BBC cannot ignore one million people on the streets of London. Let’s make it ten million soon.

Jul 5, 2021 1:01 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Indeed, when is the next one scheduled?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 5, 2021 4:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This BBC item looks like a parody of propaganda. It’s the kind of “reporting” that would previously have turned up in a piss take of a totalitarian state. And as such, any minds actually taken in by it would stump me. And this is where it gets sad. I can think of at least two people who would completely swallow this shite. Indeed, they would love me to watch this whilst staring at me expecting me to finally confess my “stupidity”. At which point I think I would blow my brains out.

James C
James C
Jul 6, 2021 8:28 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Blow their brains out first though, eh?

Jul 5, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Actors indeed. Working ‘in property’ my arse. If “Graham” worked “in property” as a developer, architect, surveyor or planner, he would be a member of a professional body such as for example RICS (Surveying) or have a company website. So which one is it “Graham”?

Jul 5, 2021 10:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Watching these two shitheads “Graham” and “Cate,” veritably BELLY LAUGHING their duping delight gives me great hope; another influence FAIL.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Jul 5, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A problem that doesn’t get much coverage is the way these urbane enthusiasts and covid adherents eg bbc et al are organising and promoting the wider scope of the agenda , and while doing so are mentally impervious to the fraudulent origins of the scam.

Please see



and the links / funding and ideological hinterland of this sophisticated movement

Jul 5, 2021 7:22 AM

Of the 700 physicians responding to an internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), nearly 60% said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID.

This contradicts an American Medical Association claim — based on 300 respondents — that 96% of practicing physicians are fully vaccinated.

The AAPS survey also showed that more than half of physician respondents were aware of patients suffering a “significant adverse reaction.” Of the unvaccinated physicians, 80% said “I believe risk of shots exceeds risk of disease,” and 30% said, “I already had COVID.”

Nonphysicians were also invited to participate in the survey. Of some 5,300 total participants, 2,548 volunteered comments about associated adverse effects of which they were aware. These included death, amputation, paralysis, stillbirth, menstrual irregularities, blindness, seizures, and heart issues.


Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 5, 2021 9:50 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The whole fully vaccinated scam drives me nuts, if one jab is not a vaccine why the fuck would two jabs of the same thing be a vaccine.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Jul 5, 2021 4:48 PM

I think it’s kind of like “lather, rinse, repeat.”
Sell twice as much.

Andrew Byrt
Andrew Byrt
Jul 5, 2021 5:56 PM

Well for now at least the fully vaccinated can take comfort in the fact that there`s no room left for any more. Meanwhile be prepared for being partially fully vaxxed ad infinitum.

Jul 5, 2021 10:39 AM
Reply to  Penelope

If this thread on Medscape is representative, 99% of doctors are not happy with the experimental injections.

Some of these comments should be framed.


Jul 5, 2021 12:26 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

Most of these commenters are not medical professionals as claimed by the website.

Jul 5, 2021 2:07 PM
Reply to  Epicurious

Maybe because it’s hard to find a medical professional lately.

Jul 5, 2021 2:51 AM

As Sam White has written to the head of NHS England, it begs the question just how many NHS’s do we need on this tiny island? Does anybody know how to contact Nina Myskow? I saw her disgraceful treatment of Beverley Turner on the Jeremy Vine Show and then came across some of her work from the 1980s. Nina is, obviously, highly qualified to say the government’s clique of ‘scientists’ are right. I am being sarcastic. I just blogged this – and would like Nina to see it. She’s a bully:

Jul 5, 2021 4:19 AM
Reply to  Bretty

Well that crazy woman says it all….mad as a hatter and appears quite representative of these vax mad lot…she has no doubt had hers and this may well account for her mental state…aggression seems to be one of the strong points I have noted following needling…obviously inflames their brains.

Jul 6, 2021 6:28 AM
Reply to  Bretty

Woah, this lady is just crazy. Thanks for sharing this.

Jul 5, 2021 1:50 AM

Get used to it.
The western /NATO countries will be insisiting on the new medications . The hare all deep into it .
PUNTO UNO: Big Pharma along with western NATO countries have al;l come to the actual agreement and collusion with regards to the Health emergency and the the therapeutics that come with it.
The pharmacuetical industry have been experimenting with mRNA luciferinase technology for circa 10 years
PUNTO DUE: The State of affairs i with regards to the political economical and social structures in the WEST/NATO countries were all being stretched to the point of implosion.
PUNTO TRE: Group of 30 of which Mario Draghi was one of the authors of a paper states categorically that a creative destruction of the economy will be necessitated in order to bring about a re set.
PUNTO Quattro: The western health departments and political class must maintain the illusion of a health care emergency for them to succeed in their full spectrum takeover hence all health related persons will be mandated to have the vaxx after all it has all been subsidized by we the sheeple.
POST SCRIPTUM: Cing that over 30 % have drtunk the cool-aid they are virtually on a winning strategy
Docius in fondo: Last but not least the amount of push back is slow and insidious but it is happening and sooner rather than later an avalanche will smother these vile mother fuckers. Pace e Bene

Jul 5, 2021 7:22 AM
Reply to  falcemartello

“creative destruction”

The Self Chosen Ones (Elite. elus) think they are God.

“Docius in fondo: push back is happening”

Good news: 1-2 Million marched against Lockdown in London UNMUZZLED UNTESTED UNVAXXED UNAFRAID. Freedom Walkers also crowding into open spaces in Sydney.

“A moderate house of cards the greatest wit
Though he can start it cannot finish it” — Goethe, Faust 2

Jul 6, 2021 6:30 AM
Reply to  NickM

We see you, Londoners. Thanks a million for standing up. Love from Germany.

a flawed human
a flawed human
Jul 4, 2021 11:09 PM

Who do you think the tptb wants for its citizenry?

Do they want a population of people that do exactly what they say without question?

Or would they rather have a population of people who don’t trust them and/or question/challenge their actions?

Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. What would be the easier population to manage from their point of view?

Something to think about…

Jul 4, 2021 11:46 PM
Reply to  a flawed human

They also want a much smaller population.

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Jul 9, 2021 5:14 AM
Reply to  a flawed human

Well that messes up the idea that all these vaccinations will terminate in mortality a few years from now…… heck why would they want to end up with all these protestors?

Jul 4, 2021 10:55 PM

I commend this doctor and many unnamed others as he had guts to go for himself instead no longer able to swallow COVID lies and see people tortured physically and mentally while staying silent and idle.

What COVID sham brought even in already corrupted by Big Pharma money medicine and epidemiology was unprecedented breach of not only ethics by egregious conflicts of interests resulting in violating professional ethical standards, direct massive profiteering, abandoning, violating or ignoring long established “good” practices, standards and procedures, violating regulations and laws with impunity and immunity provided by corporate captured governments.

Covid so called emergency also enabled devastating breach of fundamental scientific process, dismantling established methodologies as well as corruption of data, suppression of evidences, ad hoc redefinitions and Orwellian expedient terms’ substitution deliberately confusing the broader audience obfuscating comparative analysis of data but most of all destruction of credibility of long established, critical to science peer review process by extreme intimidation, funding cuts and ad hominem career ending threats and massive near total coordinated censorship across all scientific, governmental and public platforms. And last but not least promotion of ,including pushing monetary benefits and career advancements, outrageous anti science subjective, goal seeking reasoning that permeated Nazi pseudo Science.

Just few examples.

Over 7000+ (As of March 2021) out of perhaps up to 20,000 of all scientific COVID studies and papers worldwide published in all languages proclaim that SC2 virus was proven to exist and is the cause of COVID clinical disease by referring to one single paper while the referred Chinese paper published in NEJM in January 2020 says no such thing Instead authors admitted to not fulfilling Koch postulates. They only implicated initial evidentiary connection between novel coronavirus and diagnosed pneumonia among only three patients (one died on ventilator, two survived) used in the study. They provided no solid proof only fulfilled Koch postulates can provide while there is no ongoing effort or even interests in doing so under dogma “COVID science is settled” based on three quite elderly patients.

In similar manner there is no interest in correcting deeply flawed unusable as a diagnostic tool Corman-Drosten (C-D) PCR test design paper published in January 2020 in Eurosurveillance Journal which was a base of WHO worldwide recommendations as retraction procedure of the paper is stalled by editorial board and ,Drosten is a member, lawyering up for seven months now.

All that while apologists for C-D claim that now allegedly very few labs using C-D design (which is incorrect as they must follow EUA exactly) and hence there is no needed to bother or revise thousands of scientific papers, infection data counts they published, analyses and interpretations they performed in 2020 supporting not only fear mongering pandemic narratives but their own particular COVID diagnoses, protocols, therapies or other critical decisions often misguided and in many cases deadly as a result of C-D PCR design utter diagnostic failure. None of that matters to those doctors and scientists who lost all of their professional and moral integrity and by rejecting all accountability, and scientific process became paid accomplices to mass murder.

Another devastating failure of scientific judgments and scientific process is ad hoc and with no rudimentary scrutiny accepting, rejecting or selectively ignoring “a la carte” guidelines of public health authorities supposedly informed by science.

The case in point is not only failure of all PCR tests to reliably and correctly detect genetic material that exclusively belongs to SC2 digitally synthesized genome but what worse PCR test inherently has no capability to detect any active virus or determine infectiousness of a patient, as confirmed by FDA itself in manufacturers PCR diagnostic test kits EUA approval letters that state that PCR test does not determine infection status at all. Only licensed physician can fully diagnose patient infection upon direct examination and appropriate lab work, no PCR test needed at all to diagnose COVID to according to FDA.

Additionally FDA warned in April 2020 of inherent non-specificity of C-D PCR test design, namely it cannot rule out test positives for other viruses like common worldwide Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (type B), Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc.,. making it completely useless as confirmatory tests for any respiratory disease of physician diagnosed infection.

In attempt to somewhat justify PCR test use FDA however introduced questionable concept of co-infection with other then SC2 virus that may result PCR test positives. A guideline that was in some cases ignored and in other was pushed to enable COVID diagnosis where in fact original diagnosis was flu, especially severe flu and pneumonia.

Again failed PCR tests were used as mechanism of disappearing flu, pneumonia and common cold from statistics. In many cases despite repeated, multiple PCR tests with negative results, physician/lab definite diagnoses of active flu infection with complications of pneumonia (in midst of flu season) as well as multiple positive confirmatory PCR tests designed specifically for Influenza with CT between 10-15, patients still were re diagnosed as COVID simply because staff or other patients in the room were PCR positive or samples of bronchial fluid from ventilated patients were PCR positive at CT 35 or up. The influenza specific PCR tests were conveniently not conducted for bronchial fluids or sputum wrongly suggesting SC2 as culprit in disease.

All those guidelines were not consistent and not consistently heeded at all in maddening dash to fuel COVID hysteria. Useless, misleading clinically and hence dangerous PCR tests almost solely determined patients’ diagnoses leading to malpractice. ALL in violation of FDA COVID PCR testing guidelines.

The mass vaccination campaign is rife with the same deadly and deliberate ignorance, recklessness, exploitative opportunist driven subjective reasoning, barbaric, dismissive of human lives attitudes and complete lack of responsibility, accountability as COVID campaign itself. The legal immunity, financial incentives, rampant moral hazard fuel and promote lies, deceit, censorship, moral and ethical degradation and self emasculation among medical professionals, medicine and medical sciences themselves.

The hundreds of millions will never look the same at doctors and medicine. And it is one good thing that so far come out of COVID psychological warfare operation.

Jul 5, 2021 4:26 AM
Reply to  Kalen

Yep and we are still locking up parts of aust and demanding all staff in health area be vax based on this pure unadulterated shut.

Jul 5, 2021 7:31 AM
Reply to  Edith

So angry with the ABC’s report re unvaccinated health care worker in care home in Baulkham Hills. Just demonstrates how completely ignorant the public are about the fact that no claim has been made that the vaccine halts the spread of the virus. Aided and abetted by the stupid health bureaucrats. Some vulnerable workers could be pushed into depression by such a nasty attack.

Jul 5, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Mass jabbing has lowered the age of the victims injured or killed, and even includes children. That is much more serious than depression. People in extended contact with jabbed people are also falling ill. So, jabbed employees in care homes are more likely to infect the inmates.

Jul 5, 2021 8:55 AM
Reply to  Edith

And this unadulterated shit will cost my wife wife her job/career. She is an Aged Carer, and a good one that really cares for the residents.
She now will be sacked as she is a refusnik.

Then it’s a slippery slope to falling behind in mtge payments to homelessness and poverty.
We run an airbnb but that too is reducing every month as people aren’t travelling as much and tourism is zero.
This shit needs to stop now.

Jul 5, 2021 10:48 AM
Reply to  grr

I am so sorry…I am hearing same here in my little nq haven. Appears some lawyers are taking up the cause for health workers…not before time…
I have a bro was turned up very distressed Sunday. Lost his business first round gained a big debt he cannot pay…had finally thought he had a job …that lasted about 3 months until hit by 2 round of lockdowns…

these people making all this shit up have no ideA how difficult it is to continue when you have lost everything..again and again….and what for? He has even been silly enough to go get needled…just takes people down as you are finding….and no doubt making silly decisions like getting needled

Jul 5, 2021 2:04 PM
Reply to  Edith

Interesting re lawyers Edith as I rang the union that wifey is in and spoke to a rep about legal action; she said none will touch this.
Slater & Gordon and some other socially progressive law firms are AWOL it seems.

Jul 6, 2021 6:52 AM
Reply to  grr

Here in Germany they even raid the homes of lawyers and justices who dare to speak up. But stay strong, times will be changing.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 6, 2021 8:08 AM
Reply to  grr

As are all the Human Rights lawyers as well. As is most everyone you’d expect to be screaming from the rooftops about this massive crime. I’m not at all surprised about the stance of the unions or firms like Slater & Gordon to be honest…
Found it! I saw this post earlier today, and it’s to do with Aged Care Workers who are being forced to take the jab, and they are launching a class action lawsuit with this law firm.
CONTACT Nathan Buckley at G & B Lawyers. Phone no is 0411067367
Good luck Grrr… Get onto them first thing tomorrow.

Jul 6, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thank you gezzah, I will do so first thing tomorrow.
At this stage they are calling for funds, they have 100K and need 10 million.
Good find mate.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 6, 2021 10:03 AM
Reply to  grr

You’re welcome Grrr… just good timing that I saw it this morning, then saw your post here. Hope they can be of some help👍

Jul 5, 2021 8:09 PM
Reply to  grr

Good luck to you and your wife.

Sadly, the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic has transmogrified and pathologically mutated the “aged care” profession.

Top management everywhere has always been dominated by ruthless powermongers and profit-seekers. But the bottom of the pyramid employed compassionate, altruistic caregivers like your wife.

Now, the latter qualities are luxuries the industry can do without. Instead, administrators seek authoritarian-submissive lackeys with skill sets suitable for eldercide facilitation.

Jul 6, 2021 6:49 AM
Reply to  grr

Glad to hear she’s a refusnik. There will be options for us. Here in Germany, someone has launched a job website for unvaccinated people: https://impffrei.work/ (impffrei = unvaccinated). Got banned by email providers and attacked by script kiddies claiming to be Anonymous, but it’s still up.

Jul 4, 2021 10:54 PM

<a rel=”noreferrer ugc nofollow” target=”_blank” href=”https://ibb.co/88CBnMc”><img alt=”comment image”

Jul 4, 2021 10:41 PM

Article in “The Australian” newspaper today:

“If Ash Barty gets to the Wimbledon final, she’ll play before a full house – maskless – of 23,000. This Wednesday 65,000 people, including Prince William – again not wearing masks – will be at Wembley Stadium screaming and cheering at the big football match to see if England will get to the Euro Championships finals, the first time in 55 years.
This week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to reveal plans to ditch the mandatory use of masks, do away with contact tracing and drop social distancing guidelines from July 19 – not that a lot of people are taking notice of the rules any more.”

At least 70% of the UK Population has received the first vaccine. I will leave others to join the dots.

Jul 5, 2021 9:28 AM
Reply to  John

Okay so no one joined the dots. I’ll do it then. This is a depopulation agenda not extinction. As stated many times before when they reach their target vaccination percentage suddenly everything we fizzle. UK is at 70% and guess what. It’s suddenly all okay now….

Jul 5, 2021 10:51 PM
Reply to  John

I haven’t watched one second of Wimbledon since I heard they shut out fans choosing to retain their power of informed consent. I used to be an avid recreational player and fan but as far as I’m concerned, the whole organisation and sport can rot in hell.

Jul 4, 2021 7:38 PM

For many people, it is easier, safer and more comfortable to live in a world of delusion, particularly when this delusion requires no effort to seek out and understand truths that might prove unpalatable. If the delusion is one that is reinforced by the persistent promulgation of elite propaganda, then the idea of questioning the delusion might not even arise. 

—Robert J. Burrowes

Jul 5, 2021 7:33 AM
Reply to  QuickDraw

As Orwell wrote in 1984: Ignorance is strength.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 5, 2021 8:05 AM
Reply to  Glenda

We have this one woman MP in Australia who was in government during the Pandremix and tamiflu scandals, Vioxx and others screeching like a harpy about everyone being vaccinated. I just rang her office with the government facts that only 30,000 people even ever had a fake PCR positive in Australia in 16 months but that 34,000 people have been injured in 3 months from the poison jabs.

The main reason she is ranting is because she wants old pple jabbed with poison even though across all of Australia only 2,000 people in old folks homes ever had a positive PCR, most of them in Victoria, 0 in most of the country and no staff ever.

Gen x are uneducated lunatics and all the ”leaders” in Australia are Gen x.

Jul 6, 2021 6:55 AM

…and another country off my emigration list. So sad to see the whole world turning into lunatics.

Jul 5, 2021 9:31 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Yes but he didn’t mean it and he was quoting the system not himself.

Jul 5, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  QuickDraw

There is no religion higher than truth.

Jul 4, 2021 7:09 PM

These Psychopaths, are still in Control, not The UK Government. In my view, they should all be Arrested and whilst awaiting Trial on the charge of War Crimes Against Humanity, Locked Up in The Mental Hospital of Their Choice, Restrained in Straight Jackets, Tranquilised and Treated with Electro Convulsive Therapy. The Damage they have caused is Immense, and it seems nothing else but Arrest will stop them.

Prof Stephen Reicher
Prof Susan Michie
Prof Neil Ferguson




Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 4, 2021 7:56 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I think we should build a variant factory for them

Jul 4, 2021 8:15 PM

I think we should make variant that affects the psychopaths and only them.

Jul 4, 2021 5:20 PM

“Battle Hymn of the Pub”

Big al
Big al
Jul 4, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Love it, thanks.

Jul 4, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Brilliant Tony.

Edward Butterworth
Edward Butterworth
Jul 4, 2021 11:15 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Thanks for that Tony, I shared it with all my contacts – everybody needs a good laugh

Jul 4, 2021 4:41 PM

The letter from Dr White’s solicitors (page 18 in particular) got me thinking about the mechanisms being deployed by the MHRA to analyse yellow card reports. According to the first article linked below, the UK was going to be paving the way in setting up an AI system for monitoring and interpreting the implications of the yellow card reports, thereby being able to swiftly identify any trends of concern (!).

Well, that appears to be going well, doesn’t it? The contract for such an AI programme was awarded to Genpact UK last November at a cost of £1.5m. I would be interested to see some Government update on how this is going and what the £1.5m is actually being spent on. (Sarcasm spoiler) Presumably it was they who alerted the world to the blood clots and myocarditis issues….well, maybe not.

I note that, in the articles, the MHRA state that they would anticipate 50,000-100,000 yellow card reports for every 100 million vaccine doses. I would hope that Genpact have at least pointed out to them by now that the number of reports currently stands at 300,000 after six months and 79 million vaccine doses, not that they need to spend £1.5m on an AI system to work that out….or perhaps they do. I wonder if the Genpact system has blown a fuse with all that data input.

I must add that, if reading the second article doesn’t raise several red flags when it comes to vaccine safety implications, then nothing will.



Jul 4, 2021 3:35 PM

Can anybody recommend some truth news sites in languages other than English? Especially French, German, Russian, Greek, Spanish, Italian (but anything else too).

Jul 4, 2021 5:40 PM
Reply to  walter

this one translates into differnt languages:

Jane in France
Jane in France
Jul 4, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  walter

In French you have reinfocovid, covidemence, Gérard Maudrux, the Youtube channel of Didier Raoult, FranceSoir. There are quite a few and very informative.

Jul 4, 2021 7:41 PM
Reply to  walter

In German, you have the hours and hours of Corona Ausschuss sessions (https://corona-ausschuss.de/).

The French are not open to the no-virus hypothesis (much to the dismay of Annette), but are coming to the realisation that this is about something else (see how the mainstream Maudrux has developed over the weeks to reach his recent ‘crazy conspiracy’ position).

Jul 4, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  walter

La quinta Columna in Spanish ((dot)net)

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 4, 2021 8:17 PM
Reply to  walter
Jul 4, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  walter

In German and English. Swiss Policy Research. here

Jul 5, 2021 4:13 PM
Reply to  walter

I have seen a sticker in Athens attacking compulsory vaccination, correctly stating that the vaccines do not confer immunity. The sticker was partially torn and I saw no site or other info mentioned.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 4, 2021 3:28 PM

comment image

“The war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopaths attempts to hide their crimes, cover their tracks, as it were, shows just how depraved and criminal they are.”
comment image

“They will be brought to account for this massive CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

Jul 4, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I hope so.I want them to swing from the rafters.

Jul 5, 2021 12:19 AM
Reply to  Annie

I expect capital punishment to be brought back for this evil. There is no other logical way to deal with it.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2021 2:54 PM

I just had a vision: “The Left” as those creepy kids from Village of the Damned! There they go with their blond hair and their luminous eyes. Always floating around in the background and yet … never saying anything or doing anything. What do they want? What do they think? If you lean closer, you can hear barely audible murmurings that seem to come from two years ago. Bitching about Boris, Trump and Biden, moaning about various foreign policy matters, standing up for various minorities etc. They don’t seem to be aware that anything out of the usual is happening. They are impervious to anyone screaming horror at covid. However, there is one time when they spring into life: when anyone becomes sceptical about the virus. And then those luminous eyes glow brighter, and the offending sceptic is forced to retract his words, ensure his own disappearance, or sing “Deutschland Deutschland über alles!”

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Jul 4, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

But what accounts for this leftist insanity and obtuseness? I just don’t know understand how you can be Naomi Klein and write a book called The Shock Doctrine and then fail to recognize this very same shock doctrine playing out in real time with the supposed “pandemic”? This woman writes a book detailing how the process of subversion works and then adamantly refuses to apply it here because… why exactly?

And I know you’ve said you think leftist groups have been infiltrated and subverted, but we’ve got David North himself, the head of the WSWS, banging the drums for Covid hysteria. The insanity there goes all the way from the top down. Does the FBI have dirt on North? Are they blackmailing him into this? Or is he delusional enough to sincerely believe he’s telling the truth and he really believes the propaganda?

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2021 4:05 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Well I reckon North is a spook. As for Klein, we have a curious schizophrenic system in the West whereby you can tell the truth and then it gets strangely subverted by a kind of non-sequitur move. It’s saying, “Here’s what these bastards do generally – but this present disaster is genuine!” Basically it’s a variation on the old “War to end war”.

Jul 4, 2021 4:09 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Naomi Klein has (correctly IMO) seen that this ‘pandemic’ as a precursor to the ‘climate emergency’, and is therefore fully on board.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 4, 2021 9:20 PM
Reply to  October

I agree if one considers the “Covid” crisis as similar to the fraudulent “October” crisis Pierre Trudeau invented when he was PM in 1970 , which resulted in a widening of police and surveillance state powers across Canada . Articles attempting to link Covid and Climate change are increasingly common .

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 4, 2021 4:24 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

The right-center-left paradigm is a construct of the war racket corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopaths to get the untermenschen useless eaters at each other throats. Most, if not all, of those grouplets are Langley-Land misinformation-disinformation and data collection operations. They are also used to ID and neutralize possible troublemaker proles. They are the antithesis of a Eugene Debs.
comment image


Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jul 4, 2021 8:35 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Jul 4, 2021 8:37 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Four billion worldwide population—all living—have a Computer God Containment Policy Brain Bank Brain, a real brain, in the Brain Bank Cities on the far side of the moon we never see. Primarily based on your lifelong Frankenstein Radio Controls, especially your Eyesight tv sight-and-sound recorded by your brain, your moon-brain of the Computer God activates your Frankenstein threshold Brainwash Radio—lifelong inculcating conformist propaganda.”

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 4, 2021 9:22 PM

Global population is near 8 billion a “fact” rarely disputed in main stream politics?

Jul 4, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Indeed, the WSWS refuse to question the faux PCR test and the inflated “case numbers” nor do any serious accounting of the adverse reactions to the VAX. They have become a virtual echo chamber for the official narrative and claim they are ‘following the science’..

They have also, in the past, written one-sided articles about the measles vaccine and other vaccines without any acknowledgement of adverse effects and damage to the young. So this current bias is not terribly surprising.

Nor do they report honestly about alternatives to the vax such as Ivermectin,HCQ, etc.

They are not “spooks” or subject to blackmail. It is worse than that,it is in fact a willful blindness.

I have also noticed that a several perspicacious posters who used to post comments there have migrated here.

Jul 4, 2021 9:02 PM
Reply to  sid

There is something about the left and healthcare. They fail to see that the universal healthcare systems in Europe have been totally captured by the treatment industry, and are no longer about health.

I believe the injections are free even in the US? The ‘left’ think this is ‘progressive’.

Jul 5, 2021 12:57 AM
Reply to  October

First thing is to stop calling it “healthcare”. It’s “medical services”. I wrote about this in the 80s. 30+ years of disgust at stupid humans.

Jul 5, 2021 7:06 AM
Reply to  Tamara

Yes, thank you. I shall use that term from now on, it’s much more appropriate.

Jul 5, 2021 12:22 PM
Reply to  Tamara

Medical treatment or medical industry will do. It certainly does not care about you.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 4, 2021 9:08 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Naomi Klein is now a multimillionaire , aligned with the billionaire Weston family . Her husband Avi Lewis is the grandson and son of faux socialists David and Stephen Lewis who became wealthy as politicians/bureaucrats , whilst Avi a TV presenter fancies himself as a journalist ? Ms Klein and her hubby are among those whom are considered Canada’s hereditary liberal elite.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 5, 2021 1:33 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Naomi Klein has also failed to recognize the shock doctrine applying to 9/11, the event itself, not just the consequences (i.e. has always believed the official story). WSWS believe in “science” and in state control, and think that pushing the fear narrative will get them more recruits.

Jul 5, 2021 4:44 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Whatever the left is I have gathered for some time that they are more than happy with the destruction of the economies, great reset etc…all this fits in with the climate change narrative…they are very keen on climate change….never been completely sure why …possibly the only way to feel good about something any more etc…or they genuinely think they know best about how the world would be run…

they over ran the original environmental movement who were far more into doing projects to help wild life, set up parks and clean up the sea and made it theirs….I guess the organisers of the climate change wank saw a great opportunity to just have a take over…ready made club…and most just went along for the ride…big money landed via Gore etal…

It has been very sad to watch that all happen over the last 30 yrs….so I am not at all surprised that no one from that side pf politics raises a voice….in fact in aust they have been the most dangerous states…by the time they wake up they may well find themselves part of the cannon fodder.

Jul 5, 2021 12:27 PM
Reply to  Edith

In NewSpeak, anyone agitating for less environmental destruction or less poisoning from medicine/agri/any other industry is a domestic terrorist.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 6, 2021 8:16 AM
Reply to  Edith

And these sellout traitorous rats will be thrown under the bus just like everyone else. They are busy selling their souls and implementing all this crap on behalf of the 0.01% or the Cabal or whatever you call it, but they will be expendable once they’ve served their purpose.
The Greens especially, disgust me. All mainly middle class white collar chardonnay socialists who have a real contempt for the working class and the poor.

Jul 5, 2021 6:58 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

They believe this virus hysteria is the vehicle of their long awaited workers’ revolution. Perhaps a memo has been circulated.

Jul 5, 2021 12:56 PM
Reply to  Aethelred

I have seen no indication of that in things they write, but I suspect they think it hurts capitalism and that is grist to the mill as far as they are concerned. However, it seems to be small businesses that are most affected and I don’t see laid-off restaurant workers, much less bankrupted owners, pouring into the likes of the WSW.

Jul 5, 2021 1:01 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

To follow up on the previous post, the WSW seem little affected by Covid restrictions which is probably one reason for their line. The typical WSW-er seems to live on the Internet and presumably can work from home. They are fond of accusing other lefties they do not like of coming from privileged social layers and that this affects their politics, but the same considerations may well apply to themselves.

ian coulson
ian coulson
Jul 5, 2021 6:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Who are the left ? How are Gates , Bezos , Zuckerberg Trump and all the other billionaire corporatist left wing . Is Jordan Peterson leftwing? All of these support the Covid narrative. Fanboys of Jordan Peterson should realize that Peterson is a cultural relativist who thinks that truth does not exist – listen to his debate with Sam Harris ! He more than anyone else has used the term cultural Marxism / Frankfurt school. Most people have no idea for what values the Frankfurters stood, The Frankfurt School were not cultural relativist- by far the opposite. They were deeply conservative They hated consumer culture. They believed in high culture: Adorno disliked jazz and modern music as it embodied a primitive repetitive rhythm. Others believed that homosexuality was a distortion of Human nature created by capitalism. They were strong proponents of traditional family /community values. It is enlightenment liberalism that is the problem. All parties whether of left or right have adopted liberalism as there credo.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2021 2:27 PM


The never-ending pandemic:

“This article describes “most likely” timelines for when the coronavirus pandemic will end. It is now harder to imagine the United States or United Kingdom transitioning to normalcy before second quarter 2021 or reaching herd immunity before third quarter 2021. But a number of other factors could delay the timelines beyond those described …”

So what are these other factors?

  • “unexpected safety issues emerging with early vaccines”
  • “significant manufacturing or supply-chain delays”
  • “continued slow adoption”
  • “further mutation”
  • “a shorter-than-anticipated duration of vaccine-conferred immunity”

You have just read the script for the forthcoming … months? …years?

“Herd immunity will also require vaccines to be effective in reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2, not just in protecting vaccinated individuals from getting sick.

“not just in” means “not at all” i.e. people getting sick isn’t the issue at all here. It’s all about “reducing transmission”. Which delivers the entire field of life, the universe and everything over to those little voodoo boxes.

But it seems that the term “herd immunity” is causing some trouble so “it may be helpful to introduce some nuance to what we mean by the term”.

(Have a cup of tea. This is going to take a while.)

1. Nationwide herd immunity. The full population is well protected so that the country experiences, at most, occasional small flare-ups of disease. This scenario is most likely in smaller countries where immunity to COVID-19 can become uniformly high.
2. Regional herd immunity. Some regions, states, or cities are well protected, while others experience ongoing outbreaks of COVID-19. In large, diverse countries like the United States, this situation is especially easy to imagine.
3. Temporary herd immunity. A population or region achieves herd immunity for some period, but as variants are introduced, against which prior immunity is less effective, a new wave of cases is launched. Another potential trigger for such a wave could come as immunity (particularly natural immunity) wanes. As the number of new cases of COVID-19 falls globally, the rate of emergence of important variants should also decrease, but some risk will remain.
4. Endemicity. A region fails to achieve herd immunity. Endemicity is most likely in places where vaccine access is limited, where few people choose to be vaccinated, if the duration of immunity is short, or variants that reduce vaccine efficacy are common and widespread. Endemicity might include cyclic, seasonal waves of disease, broadly similar to the flu, or a multiyear cycle of resurgence.”

Did you notice that not one of those items actually enlightens at all on what “herd immunity” itself actually is? That’s because it doesn’t matter. It merely provides an opportunity to waffle on with yet another list involving mind twisting qualifiers.

But let’s cut the crap. Here’s what it all boils down to:

“Herd immunity is not the same as eradication. SARS-CoV-2 will continue to exist. Even when a country reaches herd immunity, ongoing surveillance, booster vaccines, and potentially other measures may be needed.”

Even when yadda yadda, we will still need yadda yadda!

Jul 4, 2021 2:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) talks of the forever Virus. This is not suppoed to end ever


Jul 4, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to  dude

The CFR magazine is spinning a yarn. Like McKinsey, this is a badly-drawn novel in which the protagonist, a killer virus, is never fleshed out – scientifically, medically or in terms of visceral threat. Thus the plot strands are built on sand, and flimsy.

No-one’s buying the Covid sequel, subtitled “woulda, coulda, maybe”. Do they get paid to write this twaddle?

The only solid beat is the “unexpected safety issues emerging with early vaccines”. We know the challenge for the pharmacrats will be to hide the side effects and deaths — which is why they need the killer virus to live forever.

The idea of “supervariants” contradicts what’s known about mutation which tends to weaken a strain, just as it weakens “racial purity” /s. The CFR should know that — its magazine Foreign Affairs used to be called The Journal of Race Development.

dr death
dr death
Jul 4, 2021 8:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

of course it’s a ‘yarn’… it isn’t supposed to represent observable fact it is an operation with aims and goals independent of their ‘media’ fabrications..
there is always revelation of the method with the hollow men, in fact they release so much chatter and fake opposition..simply to divest themselves of responsibility.. plausible deniability.. it seldom is relevant or makes sense outside of their geopolitical/realpolitik insider objectives..

after all if you are willing to murder and maim hundreds of thousands more likely millions (and counting) with fake ‘jabs’ and barbiturates, neglect etc and in the long run tank the ‘global'(heh) economy..
indeed….when you have come this far.. there is no ‘going back’…

so buckle up mr ‘moneycircus’…. rocky road ahead…

NB: one has to wonder which ‘race’ they were developing.. don’t you think ?

Jul 5, 2021 12:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

They do get paid to write such twaddle. That is what con-sultants do.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 4, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  dude

“Fear not, take heart, the scamdemic will end. The war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopaths and their toadies are the virus, are the pathogens.”
comment image
comment image

Humanity will outlast and outlive them.”

Jul 4, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

What are we going to DO with them?
Our prisons are too small.

Jul 5, 2021 1:19 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Execute them.

Jul 5, 2021 3:38 AM
Reply to  grr

Yeah. I can go with that.
They make ordinary serious crime look like a child’s birthday party.

dr death
dr death
Jul 4, 2021 8:23 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

these fifth fifth column mendicants and lick-spittles.. fearful of the security of their sinecures and feeling the waft of an axe that could drop any time…

have to signal their compliance to the ‘regime’ at every opportunity….

a societal pox.. they spread their syphilitic inverted virtue thick.. to compensate for it’s gruel like consistency..

Jul 5, 2021 3:29 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Note that normality is a source of horror for them. Then again, bats do not like daylight…

Jul 4, 2021 3:31 PM
Reply to  dude

It is not necessarily the virus that is not suppose to end, but the upper layers of the governed societies which express intent to do away with the lower levels so the upper layers no longer need to both with governing.

it seems the upper layers feel robots the lower layers can make, will serve the upper layers without the necessity of having to pay or feed the lower layers.

Covid 19 is about control not about disease.

Jul 4, 2021 8:11 PM
Reply to  dude

“the forever Virus”

That’s the flu. It’s been with us forever. Ever since Adam sneezed and Eve sewed fur.

**You cant beat a flu with a vaccine**

Fortunately Covid-19 (assuming it is still around) seems to be no more dangerous than the average Corona flu. Certainly less dangerous and less destructive than imaginary virus Con-19.

Jul 4, 2021 2:39 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Aren’t these the people who marketed the use of opioids to the so-called pillbillies?

They’ve widened the scope of their influence all right. We’re all pillbillies now.

Jul 4, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

First of all, “herd immunity” is almost certainly another one of those made-up terms which has absolutely no referent in reality. Because, really, there is no such thing – how can there be? Nature will always confer innate immunity on some individuals and no immunity on others.

There will always be those who do not get sick from a particular pathogen (to the extent pathogens even exist) no matter how exposed they are. And, conversely, there will always be those who even with vaccination marks from head to toe still succumb to a particular pathogen.

Which is why those who invented the term had the good sense to limit it to “most” people becoming immune. Now that it’s been rebranded as 100% immunity – an existential impossibility – it has become a brass ring forever out of reach.

Once enough people catch on they can never become immune herded, they may just throw up their hands, say “Fuck it!” and (God forbid!) return to living their lives, ignoring everything the puppet masters tell them.

(But isn’t that the way it always happens – the ruling class overplaying their hand?)

dr death
dr death
Jul 4, 2021 9:07 PM
Reply to  Howard

it’s a throw away term derived from farmers observing the trajectory of disease in their bovine herds.. though of course mad lab-coats and other assorted credentialed imbeciles would likely deny this and maintain it is a scientific premise… ( bull-shit)..

no doubt in pursuit of fame and fortune these country yokels then ‘milked’ the lactating ruminants for puss and sold it to insane charlatan, rubber room transvestite and malthusian lacky ‘eddie jenner’ to put the ‘bite’ in his new fangled ‘vaccines’..

that is until the revolting peasants unfortunate enough to have contracted the pox from jenners ‘little jabs’ tracked him down and strung him up at tyburn..

or something like that…

Jul 5, 2021 12:56 PM
Reply to  Howard

There are gradations in immunity; it is not binary.

They kept up the herd immunity angle for as long as they could, evading (a) the countries/states that refused to lock down (b) the declining virulence expected for any pathogen. The variants story and rise in deaths with mass jabbing has messed up their propaganda. Now, more governments are switching to a new song: we may have to live with this “scourge”.

Tee ell
Tee ell
Jul 4, 2021 10:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Not sure I agree, but I might be misunderstanding you. I feel like 1 and 4 could be the same thing?

When we see the general immunity level reach the Herd Immunity Threshold (1 – 1/R0) we have reached herd immunity… and you’ll get a cyclical pattern for seasonal respiratory viruses like this because humidity, UV etc. impact Rt (the “effective rate of transmission”).

So we could achieve general herd immunity and still have endemicity – due to new people being born, or immunity waning as you say.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 5, 2021 7:55 AM
Reply to  Tee ell

You have misunderstood – or rather you have misread. The list of 4 is not my list. I was quoting the link. All 4 could be the same thing – and they could all be meaningless.

Tee ell
Tee ell
Jul 5, 2021 12:43 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Ah that makes sense, thanks!

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 4, 2021 10:50 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Pretty certainly, herd immunity has been with us for some time now; nearly a year? All the ‘increasing flood of cases’ is just the PCR swindle being run at full blast – since almost no-one’s actually dying of the covid-flu at the moment. Time of the year…

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2021 1:58 PM

The tsunami (a misapplied word that doesn’t refer to any virus at all unless it is the virus of soul annihiliting, brain disintegrating bullshit) reaches a new peak of volcanic vacancy with CNN:

Britain thinks it can out-vaccinate the Delta variant. The world isn’t so sure

Illnesses are no longer to be cured or prevented or allowed to subside through “murderous herd immunity”. They are to be “out-vaccinated”. Meanwhile it appears that “the world” can think!

Jul 5, 2021 1:00 PM
Reply to  George Mc

If the Free World (TM) can be against Totalitarian Regimes, then the World can think.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 4, 2021 12:55 PM

I have heard that The Devil is sometimes referred to as “the father of lies” and “the god of this world”. That seems to me to be demonstrated by the Covid move. All of which reminds me of David Lindsay’s astonishing fantasy (and arguably the finest book I ever read) A Voyage to Arcturus in which the Devil (recast as “Crystalman”, whose presence is indicated by a sinister grin) is a weaver of seductive false worlds whilst the story takes us through these illusory realms as if peeling back the layers of an onion. All the way we are told of some wondrous source of light and truth called “Muspel”. But this leads to the bleakest ending imaginable – and one of the most spine chilling passages:

Suddenly, without seeing or hearing anything, he had the distinct impression that the darkness around him, on all four sides, was grinning…. As soon as that happened, he understood that he was wholly surrounded by Crystalman’s world, and that Muspel consisted of himself and the stone tower on which he was sitting.

Thus, covid and the world we live in.

Jul 4, 2021 1:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Compared to this – Stephen King is a loathsome pretender

Jul 4, 2021 12:50 PM

UNICEF want to vaccinate every poor child – so obviously they use the Scarlet Woman as the centerpiece of their advertising campaign:


Jul 4, 2021 2:08 PM
Reply to  Edwige

how unutterably fucked up and malign

Jul 4, 2021 2:10 PM
Reply to  Corarden

I guess the government has blown its wad of taxpayers money as the shitty ‘scare ’em all to death’ ads aren’t playing on Spotify any more…

Jul 4, 2021 12:44 PM

Not sure what to make of this. The doctor didn’t say anything I didn’t already know, so, does that mean I am so well informed that I know as much as a doctor who has studied a very demanding subject for at least seven years at a very advanced level, or does it mean we have a doctor here who isn’t really whistle-blowing at all?
I don’t know, but he doesn’t seem to have any smoking guns for us to add to our already comprehensive collection of evidence of staggering fraud and treason.

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
Jul 4, 2021 12:54 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The idea I think is to lay these facts before the whole of the establishment in order to see whether it is indeed completely corrupt. There is a lot more he might have said, but wisely he does not go too far down the rabbit-hole when addressing these people.

Besides copying the letter to the Speaker, the solicitor would have done well to copy it to every other MP as well, since at least 99% of them are clueless about what is going on. If the lobby-fodder knew just how they have been and are being played, Johnson’s claims to legitimacy would evaporate in five seconds.

Another object of the letter is of course to get his job back. Good luck with that, Dr White.

Jul 4, 2021 9:44 PM
Reply to  Simon Dutton

Well said.

I think you’re probably right about him, and it would be nice at least to have written confirmation of what we surely already know – that the establishment is indeed completely corrupt.
It seems to me that it was intended to be corrupt since decades ago, and I certainly find it hard to believe that today’s ‘lobby fodder’ is some kind of innocent bystander in all this.

I join you in wishing Dr. White good luck.

Jul 4, 2021 10:44 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The point is you’re just a geezer on a comments thread. He’s a doctor.

Jul 5, 2021 4:28 AM

Just saying, “He’s a doctor”, tells us nothing about his competence, his intelligence, his training, or his experience.
Have you heard of “White Coat Syndrome”?
A guy puts on a white coat and says he’s a doctor, or some other kind of expert, and people think that means they automatically have to believe every word he says.
It’s the same trick that Anthony Fauci is pulling.

But there are doctors and there are doctors. They are not all the same.
For some of them, wearing a white coat is the whole point.
For others, seeing patients recover from illness is the whole point.

There are also geezers like you and I on comments threads, but not all of them know what they are talking about, and in any case that’s not the point at all.
The point is to try and assess the sincerity and professional integrity of the person concerned.
For example, I could call myself a doctor, and you wouldn’t be any the wiser, until I informed you myself that I was not a doctor, or until somebody else proved I wasn’t. You just don’t know me well enough.

I also said twice in my short original comment that I didn’t know what to make of this article, so there is no reason to try and dismiss my views with abusive reference to ‘just a geezer’, as if doing so were some sort of proof that I am ignorant, uninformed, inexperienced and unintelligent.

In this case, I’m inclined to admire Dr. White’s nerve in taking this step, and I’m also inclined to trust his sincerity. But of course my inclinations prove nothing.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I actively doubt him. What I am saying is that it will probably take more than the rather limited scope of the facts he is offering if something is seriously going to be done about the corruption behind this scam.

I happen to know enough about medicine to be able to understand a fair amount of the technical jargon in the field, which is why I found it slightly disappointing that Dr. White had nothing new to add to what most of us here at OffGuardian have already grasped about this scam.

My idea of ‘the point’ would be for an experienced, uncompromised and respected scientist to do a thorough chemical and microscopic analysis of what is really in the blood of ‘covid’ patients, and also what is actually in the various ‘vaccines’ and to publish the results tomorrow morning – with detailed photographic evidence.

Have the various vaxx manufacturers suddenly become so conscientious about public health that they have shared all their secrets with competitors, so that everybody is getting pretty much the same ‘vaxx’ – and free of charge, forgetting their shareholders entirely?
Of course not.
If that were the case, then they would do the same with cancer treatments and every other sickness known to man.

Also, if there are significant differences between Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs, what are they, how serious are they, and most important of all, how can different substances in different jabs achieve the same result?

This is what we need a doctor to tell us, and you don’t need to be a doctor to understand him, even if he might introduce you to a couple of new words.
We can handle that. It’s enough to be a fairly bright OffGuardian reader.

Jul 5, 2021 9:21 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I accept your clarification. On your main note of white coat syndrome, his target audience is not us who do not necessarily trust any medic but the public who do, so in that sense it is a useful action.

I’m also just a geezer on a comments page, no disrespect, keep doing what you’re doing.

Jul 5, 2021 3:36 PM

Thank you for your most reasonable reply.
I certainly got an attack of typing diarrhoea while I wrote my previous comment. For those of us who care, passions can easily run high.
Apologies, and no disrespect intended here either. You are quite right about Dr. White’s target audience.

Jul 5, 2021 1:45 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Richard Fleming (of the Fleming Method)…

Big B
Big B
Jul 4, 2021 11:50 AM

The whole “few bad actors” or “deviant institutional agencies” view of capitalism is wearing a bit thin. If you socially and cooperatively organise self-consciousness around an institutionalised and integrated intentional infrastructure (aka “the banks”) ….what the hell else could ever be expected?

People – for self-conscious reasoning only knowable to themselves – have continually accommodated themselves to growth and profit over, at the very least, the last 350 years or so. But probably, for a lot longer ….5 millennia perhaps? [Hudson, Graeber.]

Given that capitalism has doubled its economic status every 23 years or so for around 250 years [Hudson]: it then logically follows it can be doubled at the same rate – around 3% per annum – for another 250 years? By the end of which: all the poor of the world will be millionaires. While we will all be billionaires!

How did such monstrous mass lunacy and consensual hallucinatory ‘long’ episodic schizotaxy become believable to so many? Self-consciousness? Nothing grows forever but the self-conscious libertarian ego.

The “libertarian ego” is in fact a ‘self-conscious’ computer simulacra in the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium binary code of the central bank model. We all have to conform, in greater or lesser degrees, to the terms and conditions of “hegemoney.” We all have to organise in a, now globalised DSGE economic ‘forever’ model in order to repay debts carrying compounding interest. In such an economic perpetuum mobile: interest compounds exponentially, the ability to repay arithmetically. Do the maths, as they say.

Hudson has spent his career doing the maths, and the history. Exponential debts cause civilisational collapse. Which has been known for 5,000 years. But somehow modern self-consciousness is a positive and progressive ‘goal-orientated’ growth machine of appetetive and intentional desiring – “appetency on metaled (technological) ways” (pace Eliot.)

Greek culture, from which we supposedly derive our modernistic industrialised global culture, came with any number of caveats against excessive consumerism and “chrematistic” enrichment of ‘forever’ over-enrichment. That which is “pleonexia” or “accursed love of having” or “auri sacra fames” (cursed love for gold) (Virgil, Cicero, etc.)

And here we are: where self-consciousness is determined by the accursed habitual and schedule-determined “habitus of having.” In ‘goal-determined’ pursuit of ‘happiness;’ via privatisation of properties and attributes of self-conciousness and self-connscious, ‘freely-willed,’ self-governed, and autonomous “accumulation by dispossession.” All to satisfy the DSGE?

And no one seems to understand what is going on, bar a “few bad actors” and a few pathological agencies. Not a civilisation-bound capitalist self-consciousness doing what civilisation-bound capitalist self-consciousness is designed, conditioned, and habitualised to do? Only ‘controlled’ by a tiny minority and elitist sociopathology identified already in the Greek intellectual lexicon as “aristocracy, plutarchy, tyranny, etc.”

It is a bit late to ask “why did we not see this coming” in our adaptiveness and industrialised complaceny? But adaptive competitive complacency, pleonexic “false face society”, character masking solipsism, and chrematistic self-consciousness, ….As ultimately mapped to the centralised, computerised “Ideal Cognitive Model” in a “token-token identity” ….As a militarised, weaponised, and vaxxine politicised appetency ….In a “eudaimoneterised” democracy ….That will surely get everyone killed in the coming fourth and final phase of capital-consciousness valorisation and accumulation of someone else’s livelihood and ultimately, planetary habitability.

If there are any ‘self-conscious’ liberal democratic capitalists left: why? OK: you pretended – for self-conscious reasons best known to yourself – not to see it coming, but, fuck me, surely we can all see where it is going to end for humanity?

One brave Doctor is not enough. Let’s see a million or more souls for an indefinitely extended “London Freedom Week”; marching for Degrowth, anti-coloniality, anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism and a permanent end to all the evils of globalised capital-accumulation forever?

Anyone hedging their bets for a return of ‘their lives’ is a fool, cortically blindsighted at the very least. It was always heading toward monopoly and ego-econometric tyranny and self-conscious cultural hegemoney ….since our shared Sumerian and Greek cultural roots. Nothing grows forever but the self-conscious libertarian ego. Complacency was born of being part of the monopoly: but we are just about to be kicked out permanently: to join the 90% of humanity and 100% of nature already oppressed by “our lives.”

Other forms of consciousness and alternative post-growth alternative endings may still be available, for now.

Jul 4, 2021 1:26 PM
Reply to  Big B


Tim Jenkins
Tim Jenkins
Jul 4, 2021 4:42 PM
Reply to  Watt

ANALyse yourself first. Too short. Worthleszzz? TSW, what Watt?

Whod’Fuk are you?
Whad’Fuk you know? (First hand knowledge, from personal experience)
Whad’fuk you Desire?

Then you may transcend tribal dimensions and grow within,
Patience to read, heavily considered Thermodynamics, and one…
Magnetosphere. With a certain number of Watts, our weather can be easily engineered, especially if one has created an Artificial Ionospheric Mirror A.I.M.s for short term military ‘thinkers’… since 1997, official U.S. D.o.D policy, as “Force Multiplier”… surely you know about Enron’s first ever highly speculative Weather derivative management fund on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the SEC investigation into which was situated in WTC7… after Donny Rumseyfeld lost 2.3 trillion buckzzz, too, then WMD’s and boring boring boring,
Important: Solutions Exist.
Try reading more…

Jul 5, 2021 2:24 AM
Reply to  Tim Jenkins

What indeed.

Thank you for your reply. I will take your advice and read more. Reading your reply I realise I must also read carefully. To wit.
Your opening ‘Hybrid’ word had me reeling. Is it purely sexual, I wondered, or are there undertones of scatology present? Still, not one to judge, I read on. At first, barely coherent but when I noticed your brand new word I saw that you had conjured up a clumsy acronym. Sure enough, you used it straight away. 
Then you segue with a snappy question, to the somewhat forceful, hardcore analyst who’s gonna fix you, or in this case me, plus, via his hardcore, street smart gansta persona. However, to be fair, at the first potty-mouthed demand I wasoff the couch and and out the door.
To my utter astonishment, where only minutes before I had entered on a first floor landing, replete with worn, rust stained carpets and the old gold paint peeling on the bannister, I found myself now propelled gently, over that unprepossessing carpet toward a door, half open, gentle light from which eased my forward trajectory. Enchanted, nay seduced by sweet, gentle music I could hear from within, I pushed wide the door and was duly propelled inside. I was in an ashram. The incense smoke billowed, as did the dresses of the figures swaying in ecstasy at the back, with seated acolytes right up close to the flowers bedecking a quite modest throne upon which sat the guru…Fuck me!!..its him!! That shrink again. Christ, this shouldn’t happen . But here I am. Might as well hear his rap. I soon realised that he was demonstrating his wealth of accomplishments, and in a calm, encouraging tone. How he had transcended tribal dimensions, gained the patience to read, got thermodynamics before exploring geoengineering then moving on to a false flag or two. Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dov keeps a close eye on Donald’s share from his bunker in a fabulous democracy somewhere. 

As his spiel came to an end, I managed to slip out in the commotion of devotion which arose as a second,larger guru entered from the wings. To my great relief I could see the shoddy gold bannister which I barely touched as I scuttled joyously down to the street and off to my Tribe.
Thanks again guys.

Off to the library before closing time.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 4, 2021 9:12 PM
Reply to  Watt

1 Watt. Not very bright.