The Woking of Tolkien: don’t let identity politics infect Middle Earth

JR Leach

It is 20 years since the premiere of Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. I’d argue that it is one of the most masterful, respectful and meticulous literary adaptions ever made.

Fast forward to 2021, and Amazon is producing The Lord of the Rings as a big-budget series, akin to HBO’s Game of Thrones. As requested by billionaire thumb-impersonator Jeff Bezos.

In their grand reveal of their creative team, they listed two names that would gives fans of both the films and books hope. Tom Shippey, Tolkien scholar was hired as a “lore consultant” and John Howe, renowned Tolkien illustator and concept artist on the films, as a +conceptualiser and… well, that’s it. They were the only names that meant anything to me.

Oh, and what’s that? Tom Shippey has left the project? And John Howe was only invited in to draw the initial map of Númenor. As far as I can see, that is all.

Amazon has alluded to changes and tweaks, such as saying they are creating it for a ‘global audience’. I would argue that LotR has a global audience. It is the second most purchased novel series in the world. The books have been translated into 38 languages, with the films grossing $3 billion worldwide.

What is that if it’s not a global audience?

They have also hired an ‘intimacy coordinator’ – which is exactly what a pornographer would put on their CV if they were looking to branch out. And when you realise how much Tolkien references Sauron ‘seducing’ the powers that be, and combine that with the obvious lack of understanding or imagination at the helm of this project (which will become clear)…I dread to think what an ‘intimacy coordinator’ will do with it.”

Laying the groundwork is The Tolkien Society – having now abandoned reason for madness in the wake of Christopher Tolkien’s death – announcing their ‘Tolkien and Diversity Conference’, taking place this weekend. The lineup they published last month was incredibly revealing. I took a screenshot. At first I believed it to be a brilliant piece of satire. But, alas, it is not.

Now, I only have the titles to work with, but their choices leave little to the imagination, in my view. Take a second look. Because what they’re talking about is so completely removed from Tolkien and his work, that it renders the entire exercise redundant.

Gondor in Transition: A Brief Introduction to Transgender Realities in The Lord of the Rings”

Very brief, I imagine. Given its total absence from the source material.

Pardoning Saruman?: The Queer in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.”

Excuse me? Firstly, Saruman is a Maiar. An angel. An emissary of the Valar. ‘He’ is not a man. He has no gender, nor race, nor sexual orientation. And secondly, what is this based on?? Anything? Because he’s jealous of Gandalf? Because he hangs out with Wormtongue? Because he has long hair and wears fancy clothes? Because he’s an old bachelor and people like to gossip? Are these the stereotypes we’re working with here?

The Invisible Other: Tolkien’s Dwarf-Women and the ‘Feminine Lack’”

Dwarven women do exist though. In fact, they’re so similar in both voice and appearance that they’re often mistaken for dwarf men, I’ve heard. Just because they don’t feature in the story, it doesn’t mean they’re not there.

“Something Mighty Queer”: Destabilizing Cishetero Amatonormativity in the Works of Tolkien”

Cishetero Amatonormativity – Coincidentally, I just bashed my keyboard twice, and produced the exact same phrase! I’ve come across ‘cishetero’ before. But ‘amatonormativity’ is a new one. I had to look this one up, and lo behold…some professor made it up very recently.

What do any of these things mean? Nothing. Not a damn thing. The content doesn’t really matter, it doesn’t even have to make sense or obey its own internal logic. In a post-modern world every aspect of everything is ‘subjective.’ If you think those essay titles made no sense, that doesn’t matter, because ‘sense’ is a personal issue and they probably maybe make sense to somebody and their opinion is just as valid as yours.

You see, academia relishes reverse engineering their arguments, choosing first their position (the more out there the better), then finding arguments to support it.

The position is commonly based on the flawed idea that if something is ‘absent’ from a work of fiction that is synonymous with contempt for it on the part of the author. Since one can no longer refute an opinion – because sense is subjective and all opinions are equal – as soon as the position is stated, it becomes unassailable. Set in stone.

eg. If an author’s work has no women in it, he was a misogynist.

Once a controversial position is chosen, the work is then ‘read’ with this meaning superimposed, while the true meaning is lost by the wayside.

To achieve this the scholar has to ignore basically everything about the actual intention of the author, and undertake the role of retroactive psychologist to produce a few thousand words of assumption and speculation, ascribing allegory after allegory to a text which – in the case of Tolkien – is rather famously, “neither allegorical nor topical”:

I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.”
J.R.R. Tolkien

However, allegory is all that a certain type of modern scholar seem to have at their disposal. And thus, quite a few of them actually don’t understand Tolkien very much. Nor do they appear to be fans of his work, despite their insistence that they are. And as history shows us, people resent the things they don’t understand. And seek to destroy them, sometimes in the very attempt of trying to understand it.

…he who breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom”
J.R.R. Tolkien (Gandalf in The Fellowship of the Ring)

Tensions on Youtube and social media grabbed my attention last month. This from the blue tick elite Anna Maria, who has since hidden this particular thread from public view. But the internet never forgets.

How anyone can take this away from The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, the Silmarillion or any of Tolkien’s works I honestly do not know. But it gets worse.

The One Ring were once a mighty fan page for all things Tolkien. They were, amongst other things, solely responsible for publishing all the various updates throughout the production of the movie trilogy back in the early years of the internet). But this is how they responded to the above rant:

“Great thread”?

  • “He was racist as shit. He was probably homophobic.”
  • “His “easterlings” are literal racial stereotypes.”
  • “…a frankly white supremacist fandom.”
  • “The author was problematic. The work is problematic.”


Best Man: …And the bride. Doris. What can I say? I just love her. Always have, ever since Andy first met her. And doesn’t she look just beautiful today? However, she is a real nightmare. She’s gained weight. Her hair is a fucking disaster. And she has no real moral core. Grotty. Cheap. Shrill. Very few redeemable features at all, to be honest. Her friends are all homophobes, and her family are a bunch of white supremacists. What?? It’s true! Anyway, to the happy couple! Bloody love ‘em.

Groom: Great speech.

Does this honestly read as someone who loves The Lord of the Rings? – who gets goosebumps during the charge of the Rohirrim, who wells up when Aragorn tells the four young hobbits that “they bow to no one”, or as Boromir mutters his last “My brother. My captain. My King?” No, it reads like someone with no investment in Tolkien using him as an ego platform.

This might be a good place to remind ourselves – and TheOneRing.net – that Tolkien was appalled by Nazi Germany’s “pernicious and unscientific race doctrine”, and so against what he called “racialism” that he disdained the term “Nordic”, which we find rather benign nowadays.

He most certainly would be disgusted by the implication that opinions could be disregarded or elevated on the basis of race, gender or sexuality.

TheOneRing.net recently stepped in it again when they claimed this.

This is blatantly part of a bizarre agenda to demonize anyone who doesn’t label Tolkien a homophobe as being themselves homophobic. *THEY* have been dealing with homophobic comments for years. Not Sir Ian McKellen, not homosexuals within the industry, no… THEY, the fansite, have been dealing with it. Battling on the frontlines of Tolkien’s toxic, gay-bashing fanbase.

It’s nonsense, and deeply offensive, and based on nothing but a passing comment from 20+ years ago.

Yes, there are stupid, hateful people out there who judge others and hate people for all manner of arbitrary, meaningless things, but the simple truth is every Tolkien fan I know LOVES McKellen as Gandalf. But YouTuber ‘Just Some Guy’ said it best, when he replied to the tweet saying…

To which The One Ring replied…

Say what? “Respecting the lore” is apparently “coded language”… coded language in this sense meaning – well, anything they want it to mean.

It’s gaslighting. Their position being “You either agree with us, or you’re a BIGOT”.

It’s very hot rhetoric at the moment, rife within political and bureaucratic language, fuelled by the same bizarre culture war, where the ideology of wokeism and identity politics clash with basic reality.

The One Ring asked with their new trademark petulance if YouTuber ‘Nerdrotic’ would define the phrase woke.

Here’s my take:

“Woke” is an obsession without appreciation. It is righteousness without morality. It is standing on the shoulders of giants and damning them for not being taller. Woke is a pink-haired toddler having a screaming tantrum in a supermarket until the unwilling world relents and buys him his chocolate bar, just so he shuts up for a minute…but only better fuelling the next tantrum.

I see identity politics, on the other hand, as a virus (if you’ll indulge me a topical metaphor). It seems to infect EVERY facet of modern life from education, to entertainment, to government and on and on. Those in the grip of this virus seem almost incapable of creation. Instead, they inject other people’s works with their sickness, ‘cuz… writing is hard. Whether it’s Star Wars, or Marvel, the virus uses the mythology as a host to spread itself to new cells.

It cannot create. It can only corrupt.

“The Shadow cannot make, it can only mock.”

And its latest victim is the world of Tolkien.

Which is delightfully ironic, because a major theme within Tolkien’s works is the failure of evil to make new things.

As Morgoth corrupted the creations of Eru Ilúvatar to produce orcs and trolls as a mockery of elves and ents, so too does modern political ideology corrupt Tolkien’s legacy to produce a mockery of justice and virtue. A nihilistic, irreverent safe space, where narcissists and intellectual cowards all pat each other on the back for having the courage to take turns talking about themselves. People who can only feel validated as a person if a work of fiction contains someone ‘the same’ as them. Whose empathy and understanding apparently does not extend to those of differing ‘intersectional alignment.’ (Even if such things are never mentioned. Remember. Absence = contempt.)

We’ve established that Tolkien saw a great difference between applicability and allegory. The latter, he describes, “lies in the purposed domination of the author”, which is exactly the kind of political-insertion that so many are now espousing.

Authors, all authors, all creatives in fact, are innately influenced by their surroundings. Tolkien, obviously, took influences from his time to create his mythopoetic world. He lived through two world wars, after all. He witnessed first hand, the mechanised reimagining of society in the wake of the industrial revolution.

But that is not license for modern adaptations of his world to butcher his intent and replace it with their own ‘readings’

An author cannot of course remain wholly unaffected by his experience, but the ways in which a story-germ uses the soil of experience are extremely complex, and attempts to define the process are at best guesses from evidence that is inadequate and ambiguous.”
J.R.R. Tolkien

The truth of the matter is that Tolkien’s imagery is everything that the political establishment, and by extension, Hollywood and academia, hates right how. And it’s not hard to see why.

Let’s take a look at the nature of evil within Tolkien’s work. And see if that perhaps resonates with what is taking place around the world today.

Tom Shippey, a dying breed of Tolkien scholar, (one who actually likes the source material) explained the nature of evil in Middle-Earth beautifully in the appendices and special features of The Fellowship of the Ring.

The nature of evil in the 21st century has been curiously impersonal…It’s as if sometimes no one particularly wants to do it. In the end you get the major atrocities in the 20th century being carried out by bureaucrats. Well, the people that do that kind of thing are wraiths. They’ve gone through the ‘wraithing process’. They don’t know what’s good and evil anymore; it’s become a job or a routine.”
Tom Shippey

Perhaps bureaucracy was invented for the purpose of building as many barriers between evil and its individual perpetrators as possible. Evil now repackaged and sold as though it’s ‘just one of those things’. But someone signs the dotted line. Someone pushes the red button. Someone gives the final order. And people around the world die as a result, day in and day out.

The perpetrators of these evils are the poisoned, formless entities we see leading us. Cowled in expensive suits, turned grey and sallow due to the endless grind of compromise. One only needs to look at Tony Blair these days to see the “wraithing process” at work.

The infection seeps down to the core of society, where the same old resentments, apathies and petty malignancies that fuel the slaughter of innocents around the globe also fuel the shrivelled hearts of the billions who allow it.

I’m sure we have all encountered individuals in our lives and thought “You are exactly the sort of person who should never hold any power over anything”, the petty and resentful, who seem to take joy or at least some semblance of meaning in provoking small miseries and exacting petty justice. The headteacher who doesn’t authorise a little girl’s absence for her ballet exam. The store manager who puts his hand in the till and then blames it on an employee when head office comes calling. The old woman who calls the police because some kids were skateboarding in the street. The guy that stamps on insects… just because he can.

Trite, unimaginative, ‘banal’ levels of evil. With no grand scheme. No plan. Just unpleasantness for its own sake. The witless, obedient grunts of Mordor who keep its mighty cogs turning. Without the capacity nor imagination to ever stop and ask ‘why?’

A word often used to describe The Lord of the Rings is ‘timeless’. And there is a reason for that. It transcends all petty attempts to alter it, by not succumbing to the lure of allegory it tells a tale that the reader, any reader, can ascribe their own individual meaning to. I find it brings the soul closer to that feeling of divinity, for lack of a better word, akin to how it feels to walk into an old church. Not as a Christian, but merely an observer.

You feel a long, lingering memory etched into the stones. Scratched there by whispered prayers and the faiths of the many who came before us. The Lord of the Rings contains that memory too, stored in the pages by every soul who read it and felt closer to that overriding feeling of perseverance and hope.

It celebrates the past that brought us to where we are now, and dedicates that success not to any one hero, or country, or race. But to people. Good people. Who till the earth with honest effort, and do the most good they can without any guarantee of success.

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
J.R.R. Tolkien

As a lifelong fan of Tolkien and all things sci-fi, I believe fantasy fiction has a unique ability to both ‘timelessly’ transcend and intimately reflect our times. With this in mind, I have witnessed TV and Film’s increasing preoccupation with the fantasy genre, and seen with dismay its slow artistic decline over the last twenty years.

I watched Game of Thrones morph from bittersweet, beautiful medieval poetry to memes, cardboard armour and fart jokes. I watched the Star Wars sequels start off a little derivative and lazy with The Force Awakens, right the way down to unrelentingly subpar with “The Rise of Skywalker”, with all that mess of agenda-driven virtue signalling in the middle with whatever the hell “The Last Jedi” was meant to be.

I followed, starry-eyed, the MCU until it became the withered, tired old man that it is now. Desperately trying to remain relevant, as their content slowly but surely gets diluted with more and more works of absolute wank.

Comic Books are now unreadable, written by people who hate their heroes and collate Jordan B Peterson with Captain America’s main nemesis ‘The Red Skull’ with no hint of irony, nor any clear understanding of what irony even is.

Witcher was meh. Shadow and Bone was a mess. WandaVision was an extravagant lie. I didn’t even bother watching Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Loki merely initiated a stifled sigh from me.

Every new show seems to be an exercise in how to disappoint its viewers, and every time it happens I get that little bit less excited about the next one.

Especially when that next one is Amazon Prime’s The Lord of the Rings.

JR Leach is a fantasy author and graphic designer. You can see more of his work on his website


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Jul 7, 2021 4:23 PM

It’s both appropriate and consistent that Amazon should be the one to thoroughly upend everything worthwhile about Lord of the Rings.

I’ve been on Amazon recently looking to get a couple books I’m interested in – Larry McMurtry’s “The Last Picture Show” and Ursula le Guin’s “Earthsea” series. Only to find it’s getting ever more difficult to get real books any longer.

Amazon used to have a feature “Look Inside” a book. The feature is still there but it no longer works. Someone on this thread recommended a book by David Lindsey. But I will never buy any book I haven’t read at least the opening couple pages.

It’s almost all “Audio” and “Kindle.” You might say: “Then stop looking to Amazon for books, you idiot!” But Amazon is the bellwether for what’s coming. What we’re seeing is Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” in slow motion.

johny conspiranoid
johny conspiranoid
Jul 7, 2021 7:38 AM

I remember in the 60s and early 70s how people who were supporters of gay rights and such had all read and enjoyed Lord of the rings. I think the people you refer to as ‘woke’ have the same relationship to those people in the 60s and 70s as Amazon’s version of Lord of the Rings will have to Tolkien’s book.

Jul 6, 2021 10:13 PM

There is a deep rabbit hole within TLOTR.

For example, ‘The Lord’ in TLOTR is the same ‘Lord’ as in ‘The Lord’s Prayer’.

The Lord’s name is hallowed for good reason.

Just as Saruman is Sauron’s delegate, so Saturn is Satan’s.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 3:43 PM
Reply to  Xavier

‘Ring’ plainly refers, disdainfully, to the anal sphincter. And don’t get me onto ‘the’.

Jul 6, 2021 5:58 PM

I have often thought that if my house were on fire the only thing I would try to save is my copy of The Lord of The Rings.
A correction: It is certainly not Boromir that says “My brother. My captain. My King?”, but Faramir his brother in the houses of healing that says “My lord, you called me. I come. What does the King command?”

Jack Bean
Jack Bean
Jul 6, 2021 10:54 AM

Tolken was like his characters in his science fiction stories. Immersed in a make believe world and exuded self importance. Its is the very same with pseudo-science and pseudo- scientists of the cult of virology. A dogma of make believe and phantoms.

Bill Boston
Bill Boston
Jul 6, 2021 1:04 PM
Reply to  Jack Bean

You met him did you? Must have done to glean such an insight into his character.

Either that or you’re just a drab, opinionated buzz kill who conflates storytelling with dishonesty. Lighten up, mate.

Big B
Big B
Jul 6, 2021 8:53 AM

The myth of Tolkein’s racism refuses to die: “I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White.“ While LOTR quite never did it for me: Tolkein the man, the mythmaker, is a much more richly developed character than any of his creations. Fortunately, he wrote a lot about his creative process, the “discovery” and aesthetic articulation of names evoking noble and ignoble activities, and words evoking habitable or uninhabitable worlds. This is far more of current interest than any forthcoming “made for TV” rehash of the creative rehash. From the quote: Tolkein thought the segregation of Language and Literature a form of apartheid. Clearly, it is the Language that is supreme, centric, woke, and identitarianly ‘white.’ The supremacist ‘scientific’ and analytical subordination of the Literature relies heavily on the supposed differentiation of a propositional and logical determinate form of Language (ideal ‘scientific’ analytical and ‘mathematical metalanguage.’) Stood as opposed to a poetic, rhetorical, and mythological form of the Literature. No doubt with the natural and ordinary form of language floating in between the apartheid ‘white’ supremacist and ‘racialised’ subordination states. Is there really two distinct forms of language: let alone three? This is a hot topic in LitCrit: the logical logos versus the metaphorical mythos. Are they really separate, distinct, determinate entities? Tolkein thought the sound of names evoked imagery that is autonomous and articulate and has a life of its own ….a pre-existing “unconscious” life waiting to be discovered and brought to the surface. Like Hobbits popping up while marking exams. The linguistic link between word and its image is obviously imaginary: and their articulations clearly “applicable” only to imaginability ….which was somewhat open to… Read more »

Paul Downey
Paul Downey
Jul 6, 2021 1:07 PM
Reply to  Big B

“Is there really two distinct forms of language: let alone three?”

I really can only communicate in the language of maths but when younger slept with a fair number of women with degrees in Eng. Lit. and luckily some of it rubbed off. In the late 60s, the maths said I needed 10,000,000 units of work (mostly from fossil fuels) to support my lifestyle for each unit of work I did in the office. My slide rule said I was doing no work at all and looking around neither was anyone else. But if you ignore my language everyone is hard at work because most folk are taken in by appearances.

Back then it looked as though your civilisation would really be fraying at the edges by 2010, just what does it look like now?

Try and remember that there is a real world just out of sight of the one you can see, the one most people on this site agree exists, the world described by your three languages. In order for you to see what is going on at the moment you just need to find someone who can see what is happening, they used to be called seers, and all may be revelled, but if you ignore the language of the universe I don’t hold out much hope.

Just what language do you think the people in charge use??

Do you think they find the works of Tolkien threatening? You bet.

Jul 6, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  Paul Downey

People had no choice but to create words – to label time. The most esoteric, therefore rational, view of time is that it doesn’t exist. Everything happens together. People cannot function in such a situation.; so they go about pretending there is a clear chronology at work when there isn’t.

We are born, live our lives, die, spend some time in heaven or hell, then return – all in the proverbial “blinking of an eye.”

So for God sake don’t take our words from us or we’ll be banging into ourselves at every turn. Our word boxes give our existence meaning.

Big B
Big B
Jul 6, 2021 5:38 PM
Reply to  Paul Downey

Everyone uses the same language, and everyone thinks the same way. Otherwise, communication and semeiology would not exist. If we restricted communication, supposition, and significance to gesture and paralanguage: nothing much would get done. Not least a globalised civilisational form that is utterly dependent on as near to real time transmitability and networking as possible. So much so we are due for an “operating system upgrade” to AI and algorithmic networking and arbitrage at speeds beyond human reflexiology. The amount of information and “metacommunication” in transit right now is beyond comprehension. No one small sight can be said to be isolated and have a singular common opinion set apart from the rest. People think that they have a privatised and particularised claim on the parts of language – particularly the dummy pronouns – where this is never the case. The propositional sign <I> refers to all language users anonymously and universally. The same as it did in history. The same as it will in futuricity. One letter for everyone passed, present, and future: all configured the same. Or near enough for purposes of capitalised communication theories. You think you have a personal claim or personalised autonomy by moving some graphemes and phonemes around? You think there is a linguistic dichotomy betweem classes of pronoun users: a particular antimony between ‘them’ and ‘us’? And that all truth-contingent compoundings delineate and discriminate a multiplicity of meanings and meaningful relations: and do not all point univocally and unequivicolly at an incognito universalised globalised form of Being? Much to both of our disgusts: any and all of our particular communication is lost in the globalised network of interpretation. Where the dominant nature of the pleonastic redundancy of the letter <I> is lost in translation. We exist as data points in a self-conscious data network… Read more »

Jul 6, 2021 12:56 AM

I’m personally a moderate when it comes to identity politics and wokness. True, I get annoyed when people say “tolkien was racist, orks are mongols” and so on. Becuase it’s clearly not an allegory to that, even if tolkien was a racist he seperated orks from people, and the fighting between easterlings and gondorians was seen as a tragic thing (I’m sure we all know the quote). There’s plenty to analysis and discuss when it comes to social issues and the books, it doesn’t need to take precidence but there’s plenty to talk about.

Identity politics with it’s war against racism, sexism and all the like still needs some playing out. Black men in the USA are still jailed and felonized in extremely disproportionate ways and I could go on with all the problems human society still deals with in realtion to that. And media plays a part in that too ofc, so there’s going to be a discussion about how that’s involved in everything.

So yeah a discussion still needs to take place, but people go a bit too far and cover the complexity and subtleness of fiction with blanket generalizations and assumptions about the era and how people were/are.

Jul 6, 2021 3:46 AM
Reply to  Natalie

The abomination, so much in vogue nowadays, of dissecting an artist’s life in order to somehow better understand his work reduces an artwork to a mere Rorschach Test.

An artist who deliberately puts him or herself in their work is not really an artist but an autobiographer disguised as an artist.

And yes, identity politics, as hideous as it is in practice, has currency simply because there are so many glaring disparities in every society which should be dealt with.

Jul 6, 2021 4:06 AM
Reply to  Howard

Truuuee, I like seeing art in isolation, simply as it’s self. But I think people who love the art would inevitably look into the artist as well. It’s part of the study right?

Well .. I don’t totally understand the anger towards identity politics. People discuss their sexuality, their ethnicity and life experiences and so on. It seems useful and it’s an interesting thing to think and know more about. And racism, sexism and so on still exist in society, in different and subler forms but it’s still there, so fighting for a kinder society seems noble to me. But I think you have a different definition of identity politics then I have, so what do you mean by “hideous practice”. How is it hideous?

Jul 6, 2021 5:15 PM
Reply to  Natalie

Hideous IN practice – not hideous in and of itself. It’s another “good idea gone bad.” Rule of thumb: when anything becomes an orthodoxy, it ceases being useful to humanity. And that’s exactly what identity politics has become – an end in itself. Looking out for people who have been discriminated against has become simply listing all the people who have not fared as well in life as they would wish.

That’s what the “woke” culture is all about: makings lists, trying to find out who’s “naughty and nice.”

Jul 7, 2021 12:05 AM
Reply to  Howard

I’ve seen some of the nastiness of woke culture personally. Sometimes people would come together and just hate on someone for something they said.I’ve experienced that a little bit in my personal life.

But with that being said, humans are flawed and the movements we lead and commit ourselves too will always be flawed as well. There will always be excess, and bad things will come out of the practice of any ideology or orthodoxy. There’s no denial of that from me, but I still feel a need for a robust anti-discriminatory movement. Prejudice is still a rather widespread problem in our society, often in more subtle systematic ways but it’s effect is real and damanging to many. I don’t believe we should throw the good parts out with the bad, even if I agree with a few anti-IDPOL arguments.

Jul 6, 2021 9:03 AM
Reply to  Howard

I think the twitter thread does read like someone who loves LotR, in an entirely clear-eyed way. Tokien is still part of my bones, it’s his fault I took all the medieval lit modules going at uni, get excited when I learn new etymology, and it’s him who taught me to love to translate. He’s probably even the strongest link I still have to England, sickned of it by the lockdown madness. And because I respect and appreciate his work, I’m not going to claim, much though I still find to like, that, say, his portrayal of female characters is always great or that nothing on his work sounds awfully racist. If I don’t care about someone I’d leave it to be prettied up, indifferent: if I do care I want the truth told as best it can be.

Bored academics have been running conferences like that for ages, it’s a kind of word game with the text, they don’t expect it to mean anything. The right is blowing it up, it’s just a hobby for academics.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Jul 5, 2021 11:14 PM

Mr Leach is waking up to the reality that many non literary types have know for decades.

The arts, education and literature have been systematically and wilfully infiltrated and refashioned by disrupting and nihilistic forces. This has been going on with the tacit approval of all connected with and around these institutions.

The moral and intellectual decay that has been propagated is now bearing serious reward and repayment on investment by the instigators. As is demonstrated by the rapacious howling mobs of low intelligence, superficially educated but vocal and influential foot soldiers striving to up-end anything in their path with no idea of what they are doing or why.

That works like lord of the rings and similar fantastical between wars hokum has been taken as serious literature was part of the problem. (Sorry for offending enthusiasts)

Jul 6, 2021 3:38 AM

The arts have no say in who arises to presume the role of representative. Rather, this is determined by the system which oversees art as it oversees everything else (regardless the nature of that system).

He who pays the piper gets to choose the piper. And therein lies the seeds of all manner of corruption. Say what “the man” is willing to pay to hear and you will be pronounced a great artist; say what he wishes not to hear and no one else will ever hear it either.

The only true art is cave and rock paintings, which presumably anyone in the “primitive” community could express.

(BTW, do you consign all “fantastical” literature to the category of “hokum” or just certain works?)

dr death
dr death
Jul 6, 2021 9:11 PM
Reply to  Howard

‘The arts have no say in who arises to presume the role of representative’…

are you an accountant or some other form of of bean counter ‘howard’.. because art is, above all, a means of communicating higher principals and thus is immune to the meagre market forces dross like saatchi, statist bureaucracies and countless non-dangled popes on a rope have sought to control..

great artists don’t seek reward ‘howard’… don’t you know that my friend..

if beethoven had listened to the imbeciles paying his wine bills you wouldn’t have to listen to whining harridans on radio 3, pontificating on and on about things of which they haven’t the vaguest understanding…

because of course they are merely jaded hacks or re-posited runners with a degree in ‘journalism’ (or PPE if they are a bit ‘spooky’) and whose skillsets extend all the way up to the dizzying heights (tautology) of verbal diarrhea and bedwetting..

and that’s a good thing… don’t you think?

one wonder what your price is ‘howard’… or do you count the ‘pipers’ shekels ?..

Jul 7, 2021 3:51 AM
Reply to  dr death

It would seem we’ve gone to great lengths to say the same thing differently.

There are two “arts”: real art and cultural art. We may never know real art because our culture no longer seeks it or is able to recognize it. Though there does remain some artistic impetus in Latin America.

Since my interest lies in literature, I read nothing written later than mid 20th Century except for Latin American literature. Even the premier translator – Gregory Rabassa – ranks higher than any modern US or European writer.

As to price: there is no price. I wouldn’t dream of submitting anything I write to a publisher – because then it wouldn’t be mine any more. Instead, it would be an amalgam of my work and some editor’s work – kind of like letting a plastic surgeon remove one of your children’s arms and sew on a fake arm.

dr death
dr death
Jul 7, 2021 3:49 PM
Reply to  Howard

perhaps, they would do well to reject the astro turf on which they play with their little balls, the ‘un-culture’ in which they paddle and the stars they follow like captain ahab . though I agree for most automata that will be unlikely…

I just wish the credentialed imbecile would hurry up their vaccination intake.. (three and counting)..

thus it will be left to like minded souls to follow the muse….

perhaps i will find you in the sacred groves mr ‘howard’…

Orpheus himself improvising on the skeletal framework within Bach’s Goldberg Variation number 3..
(a fine magical number)…

'Sandy' Volestrangler
'Sandy' Volestrangler
Jul 6, 2021 12:25 PM

Seems to me the British suffer from this intellectual disease more than others. Maybe here in America, we’re so used to anti-intellectualism generally, that it’s acted as an antidote to a claque of imaginary disciples of Adorno &c, who have never read Adorno or Gramsci or any of these people. They just acquired a gloss from some half-bright ‘revolutionary’ adjunct. In Britain, the collective guilt the ruling caste feels for pillaging 2 continents for 300 years is being visited upon its own people.

dr death
dr death
Jul 6, 2021 9:24 PM

never confuse greed and guilt ‘sandy’….

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 3:49 PM

Talentless prats making a living gnawing the ankles of the gifted. A bitter existence, poor things.

Jul 5, 2021 8:53 PM

The most depressing thing is that its not April the first. Corona is apparently the least of our worries.

Jul 5, 2021 6:51 PM

TPTB forward, rince and repeat the old trope that discrimination is linked to biology and cultural context. Why? Could it be to mask the simple fact the Alexa crowd discriminate against the Liberty crowd and vice-versa? We are all subject to a “reality tunnel” (R.A. Wilson, Prometheus Rising) and our proclivities dervied from such shape the way we see others. Focusing on Identity Discrimination may be a way to distract attention away from a deeper reason why certain “birds of a feather flock together”.

The idea that the “feathers” we gather upon us by our own experiences, interpretations, serendipitous encounters and (by consequence) our general version of reality may transcend biology and cultural context is perhaps a step too far in the Great Idiocracy.

Thus we are told to reinforce labels and focus on them, NOT on the individual before us, their humour, intelligence, spark, charisma, individuality and their Worldviews. No. We are to deal with the pre-supposed labelling that is “inevitable” and think on those things and how wicked we are for categorizing people the way we’ve been told to categorize them.

We must all eat the Apple and then squirm.

Jul 5, 2021 8:21 PM
Reply to  Anonyme

I thought that birds of a feather.

Jul 5, 2021 8:23 PM
Reply to  Anonyme

And what you say,It’s not about gender people race or creed is about us.

Jul 5, 2021 6:48 PM

Excellent analysis. The “failure of evil to make new things” is exactly where humanity is in the 21st C. The postmodern “nothing is everything” (see the US TV ad) is the final solution of the 1% and it’s capitalist religion ruled by it’s money god. It exploits to exhaustion, then attempts more devious internalized exploitation routines we see now. Cures to diseases that it creates which is yet another disease. Repeat ad infinitum. A spiraling down failure. All of the victims along the way and their class houses are sucked into class power or class victimhood. Endless meaningless conflict amongst the plebs while the parasite parental is left in power. Postmodernism is their last trick. And when it fails to seduce, the plebs can depose and cage the tyrants and graduate to the Great Challenge of self-governing adulthood. Can’t come soon enough.

Jul 5, 2021 6:36 PM

comment image

Jul 5, 2021 6:33 PM

Sorry for the off-topic post but I need some help. I read recently that there were at least 2 previous vaccine trials in the US (going back at least 15 years) that were halted after excessive deaths. One trial recorded 52 deaths and the other 47 deaths. I can’t seem to find this info again after trying numerous search engines and search terms. Can anyone point me to this info? Thanks.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Jul 5, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  Hsuan

Swept under some large rugs, no doubt.

Jul 5, 2021 6:55 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

Quite likely. Almost all the results I get when doing the searches turn up info on how supposedly safe the current Covid jabs are.

Jul 6, 2021 3:50 AM
Reply to  Hsuan

There were trials for numerous attempts at a vaccine to deal with the Sars 1 virus. My understanding is that these trials were halted before the human trials even began – because all the test animals (ferrets, I believe) died when exposed to the actual virus.

Maybe if you specifically search for Sars 1 vaccine you might have some luck with it.

Jul 6, 2021 5:19 AM
Reply to  Howard

Thanks for the tip but I couldn’t find anything. I’m pretty sure the trials I’m looking for involved human subjects and had not yet received FDA approval or an EUA.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 3:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

Antibody dependent enhancement.

Mr collier
Mr collier
Jul 6, 2021 8:08 AM
Reply to  Hsuan

I thought it was tamiflu or something like that,. Was a rollout which was halted leaving them with millions of doses for bird flu. I think!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Mr collier

Rumsfeld made a killing out of Tamiflu, and not for the first or last time.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Jul 5, 2021 6:33 PM

Looking forward to seeing this covered on Woke Watch on GB News.

Jul 5, 2021 6:22 PM

I’ve had him for years he’s like an Elvin full of mischief,And he’s a lunatic it’s raining here but he don’t care he’s happy so should we.

Jul 5, 2021 5:54 PM

I’m taking my dog for a walk he’s called Tony he’s a pug and a clown

Jul 5, 2021 4:36 PM

I’m Romany not Irish traveller Romany,But even I don’t know where we originated from or if we are even a race,All I know is we were nomads from India,I know we have customs and beliefs just like every single human being.What I’m trying to say is hold onto everything you believe in be it little silly things it’s all part of a sovereign human being.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Jul 5, 2021 4:19 PM

Not a surprise to anyone who understands LOTR as an extended parable on the nature of good and evil. We already know that “satan wanders through the world like a lion, seeking whom he may devour”. We are all in the lions slavering maw, God save us!

Jul 5, 2021 4:10 PM

I have found instances of productions created by providers creating anything worth watching to be quite rare. Most are trash that don’t even challenge the thoughts of children, much less adults.

Tom G
Tom G
Jul 5, 2021 3:53 PM

The opening paragraph contrasts sharply with Michael Tolkien’s (Tolkien’s middle son) view. He said “They gutted the book, making an action movie for 15-25 year olds. …. Tolkien became…devoured by his popularity and absorbed by the absurdity of the time. The gap widened between the beauty, the seriousness of the work, and what it has become is beyond me. This level of marketing reduces to nothing the aesthetic and philosophical significance of this work.”

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 5, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  Tom G

What should they have left in the movies that would have saved them from being ‘gutted’? Serious question.

Tom G
Tom G
Jul 8, 2021 8:28 PM

Well it’s important to remember that Tolkien wasn’t really writing to be read, as such. If he had been, he wouldn’t have written in such an awkward, neo-medievalist style. He was writing to create a mythological heritage for the England that he loved from the time he arrived here at such a tender age. I don’t necessarily agree with Michael T; however I think the answer to your question lies somewhere in that point, but I can’t tell you exactly where.

Jul 5, 2021 3:32 PM

Forgive me for being a broken record with Mark Twain; but there exists no more poignant example of identity politics gone mad than the treatment of Twain’s masterpiece “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.”

The book has periodically been banned from school libraries, presumably because he used the “N-word.” Yet there exists no stronger anti-racist statement in all literature.

Huck concludes the he will go to hell for helping Jim, the runaway slave. But he helps him anyway. Get it? Huck Finn is willing to sacrifice his immortal soul to do what he believes is right. I defy anyone to come up with a greater example of anti-racism.

But I think there’s something else lurking in the ban. Huck Finn doesn’t just show a slave’s intrinsic value. It also takes to task the authoritarian system which results in one human being becoming another’s property – and that’s something our “culture” cannot tolerate..

Jul 5, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  Howard

There are much better examples of anti-racism than what Huck Finn did. What about all of the postmodern academics writing peer-reviewed articles on critical race theory and attending conferences at swank hotels to network and build their careers? Where is the acknowledgement of their great sacrifice? /s

Jul 5, 2021 4:06 PM
Reply to  Howard

To be not racist in this day and age you basically need to revere all ethnicity but yours and to actively loathe and decry your own, while self harming and modelling shame and a grovelling limpness of character.

Jul 5, 2021 5:09 PM
Reply to  Ooink

Do they not see the contradiction? If, indeed, a “white” person (as if there even is such a thing) is supposed to “loathe and decry” their own race – then that is a blatant call to be racist.

Nor do they see the irony. In the West, it is whites who make all the rules. So in prohibiting racism, they are still calling the shots.

Empire is just one big cauldron filled to overflowing with contradiction and irony.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 6, 2021 4:35 PM
Reply to  Ooink

According to the theory, you can’t be “not racist”. You can, at best, be “anti-racist”, but that only applies to white people, who are by nature, uniquely racist. The gist of the CTR/anti-racist shtick is, “Suffer, whitey, and die”!

Jul 5, 2021 4:23 PM
Reply to  Howard

Being racist is not about creed or colour and the name don’t matter,It’s being forced on us throughout MSM.That’s the basic who would bother who thinks I don’t like that person because the colour of their skin?Nobody,So it bothering some rich people and they try and put the hate onto us.It’s simple really if they are talking about racism or transgender or satanism you can bet there’s an agenda behind it.

Jul 5, 2021 5:12 PM
Reply to  Howard

“…and we lit out”….. freedom.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Jul 5, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  Howard

To Kill a Mockingbird suffered a similar fate. A woke conference on that could include Boo’s mental health issues and Scout’s lesbianism, as well as the anti-racism.

Jul 5, 2021 3:26 PM

Tolkeins books are shit and unreadable.So the perverts can make what they want out of it.So it goes.Cyber attack has gone live in infancy.paz x

Jul 5, 2021 4:19 PM
Reply to  Marfanoi

Even something in a foreign language, using squiggles no one has ever seen before, remains “readable” in the abstract. So perhaps, rather than “unreadable,” Tolkien’s books are simply not to your taste.

But I’m not going to object to your characterization. I read where Mr Tolkien and a couple other Oxford friends of his would gather and take turns reading aloud from the works of Amanda McKittrick Ros to see how long they could read her prose without breaking into laughter. Ms Ros was believed to be the worst writer alive. So clearly, tastes are individual.

Jul 5, 2021 2:32 PM

“Cishetero Amatonormativity” I don’t use the “O” word much but this phrase is so offensive. I live with a gay man, trust me he likes mens bodies just the way they are if not MORE masculine

Jul 5, 2021 12:19 PM

Reminds me of the Free Software Foundation firing Richard Stallman (if you use a computer and do not know that name or his moniker, RMS, then hang your head in shame) for speaking too assertively to the female employees of the FSF. Sorry ladies but yes, it’s always the ladies that cause these problems: grow a pair, whatever. So they fired him and the members re-elected him.

There are shit heads everywhere, they will join a project – their choice – then think that they themselves are more important than the project, most are in senior management and … well, it takes a taste for ass holes to get into senior management – I prefer Scotch eggs – and we end up with political moves like : let’s fire the entrepreneur.

The common thread is that they have all been promoted beyond their abilities. Many should never have been recruited, but with quotas you have to do it.

dr death
dr death
Jul 5, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

‘the anhedonic imbecile’… constituting the great mass of so called ‘humanity’ (or lack thereof)….

Explication: using wacky-pediaphile..

‘Anhedonia is a diverse array of deficits in hedonic function, including reduced motivation or ability to experience pleasure. While earlier definitions emphasized the inability to experience pleasure, anhedonia is currently used by researchers to refer to reduced motivation, reduced anticipatory pleasure, reduced consummatory pleasure, and deficits in reinforcement learning.’

‘The term Imbecile was once used to denote a category of people with moderate to severe intellectual disability, as well as a type of criminal. The word arises from the Latin word imbecillus, meaning weak, or weak-minded.[3] It included people with an IQ of 26–50, between “idiot” (IQ of 0–25) and “moron” (IQ of 51–70).[4] In the obsolete medical classification (ICD-9, 1977), these people were said to have “moderate mental retardation” or “moderate mental subnormality” with IQ of 35–49.[5]

The meaning was further refined into mental and moral imbecility.[6][7] The concepts of “moral insanity”, “moral idiocy”,” and “moral imbecility”, led to the emerging field of eugenic criminology, which held that crime can be reduced by preventing “feeble-minded” people from reproducing.’

presumably they were referring to the house of con-men secreted in their palace at westmonster..

Jul 5, 2021 11:38 AM

These battles are fascinating. Why don’t those who find Tolkers problematic in whatever way – they may have a case when it comes to race – just get off their arses and attempt to do something with more agreeable material, such as that provided by Morcock? Or maybe not, Elric is very, very white.

Jul 5, 2021 12:26 PM
Reply to  MBJ

Why stop there?

If they hate what already exists and is enjoyed by millions, why not simply go away and write something that they like?

Oh, that’s right. It’s because nobody else would like it because it would be shit, so they have to drag everything down to their lowest common denominator, ie make everything shit, so nobody even has a choice anymore – it’s their ‘re-imagined’ stuff or nothing.

How did this happen? Where did these people come from? A couple of years ago, I wouldn’t have believed anybody who claimed they even existed. More fool me. Maybe that’s how they wormed their way into positions of ‘influence’ – people like me being too complacent by thinking such outlandish individuals would never be tolerated by society. Mea Culpa.

Jul 5, 2021 11:11 AM

On the subject of novels if not Tolkien specifically, ‘predictive programming’ joins chemtrails and UFOs in the Fraudian’s growing “we once told you only crazy conspiracy theorists believed in it” file:


They seem allowed to tell truths like this if they prop up several other lies and advance other parts of the agenda at the same time (e.g. the article is pimping the benefits of A.I. and of course the true origins and purpose of what’s going on is obfuscated. It’s the genius of those authors! It’s those enemy intelligence agencies!). The earliest example I know of is ‘The Wreck of the Titan’ about an 800ft liner on its maiden Transatlantic voyage hitting an iceberg and sinking. It was published in 1898. Ships sinking through iceberg collisions was incredibly rare.

Jul 5, 2021 12:33 PM
Reply to  Edwige

They always tell you before they actually do it,Because being devious they have a belief in karma believe it or not.

Jul 5, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  Annie

Where can I learn that “they” do believe in karma? I’ve been wondering about it for quite some time.

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings
Jul 5, 2021 10:48 AM

More hijacking of culture by the insane who think they are doing humanity a favour. They want to replace literary works with childish nonsense and idiocy. They want to take the real thing and leave us all with a vandalised cheap copy.

Maybe it’s just as well that bezos is funding this crap, as it will bomb everywhere, along with other bastardisations of great works done just recently. Or maybe by going global, bezos means Amazon only?
The hubris of this man is larger than his bank balance. If you use the services of this nsa shop dummy, don’t complain down the line.

The NWO wants one ring-piece to rule them all.

Mr Collier
Mr Collier
Jul 5, 2021 10:37 AM

I’m looking forward to Freda Tea Baggins and Gandalf the Gay.

les online
les online
Jul 5, 2021 10:15 AM

cant say i know much about Critical Race Theory, Identity politics, or Post -modernism, though what i do know, i gleaned from the corporate propaganda media, and they wave it like a red cape in front of me eyes, like they think i’m a bull.. but i’m actually a Capricorn…

Jul 5, 2021 9:08 AM

Something tells me the fact that this will be made for a “global audience” won’t save it to not just not come close to the global success and renown of the original, but it will flop as all such tests of the public’s hunger for identity politics luckily do. One after another…
Think of it as nothing to do with Tolkien’s work but a future failed attempt by imbeciles to exploit it the work of better artists. I’m sure Tolkien came to this conclusion after he stopped spinning in his grave.

Jul 5, 2021 9:00 AM

It was fascinating to watch the narrative strength of Pullman’s northern lights collapse in the recent BBC woke adaptation. By making the ‘gyptians a mishmash of different races they became a intentional community with no obvious reason to exist, and completely lost their power as a separate and despised ethnic group. Lord Azrael lost his masculine power, as did Will. Silly sad propaganda.

Jul 5, 2021 8:57 AM

I am reminded of how the CIA made an animated film of Orwell’s Animal Farm, but changed the ending such that Capitalism was better than Socialism. Sure, ‘tis the way George would have wanted it…

Jul 5, 2021 12:31 PM
Reply to  Hugh

He was dead by then but his second wife, Sonia Brownell, sold the rights to them.
Orwell’s socialism was not dogmatic or even particularly worked out, and towards the end of his life he was not above tipping off a British government department about which intellectuals he thought had Stalinist or even homosexual tendencies. He might have been bothered by the turn the animated film took, but then again he might not.

Jul 6, 2021 9:34 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

Excellent observation. There is often an arc with time that socialists become conservative with age. For me, it is the opposite. But the point remains that original works of literature can be subverted to suit a completely different agenda.

Iron Ostrich
Iron Ostrich
Jul 5, 2021 7:55 AM

This is all controlled opposition created by the religious nuts via funding of insanity in the universities. In a lot of ways the universities exist today in the same way that convents did in the middle ages: as places to catch those who want to become educated and brainwash them into childless existences. And of course, now they have the internet to brainwash people even harder via tumblr and porn and whatnot.

Jul 5, 2021 6:30 AM

“One only needs to look at Tony Blair these days to see the “wraithing process” at work. ”

can’t be that bad,

“looks at photo”

aaaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahaahhahah, kill it, kill it with fire

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Jul 5, 2021 5:58 AM

One only needs to look at Tony Blair these days to see the “wraithing process” at work.

That was executed smoothly but lacking nonetheless for being an appeal to appearance.
You can tell see? It’s them beady eyes that give it away… dirty somethings….
Great metaphor done as a device here.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 5, 2021 8:17 AM

You can tell see?

You have seen Tony Blair lately, right? He looks like Dorian Gray’s portrait. And no, it’s not about superficials. Sometimes the ‘soul’ just shows on the face.

Jul 5, 2021 8:50 AM

Sophie. I know there is no such thing as an original idea, but I have been saying this about Blair for years. It is to him I owe my decision to quit Blighty for NZ. I kind of miss him, though perhaps I should practice my aim throwing shoes…

Jul 5, 2021 12:29 PM
Reply to  Hugh

Ardern is a female Blair but with heightened “stupid” mixed in.

Jul 6, 2021 4:15 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

But aspanz, Ardern CARES so much about us here in NZ! Can’t you tell by the way she puts her head on an angle when lecturing, er, talking to us, that soft, patronising tone in her voice that shows she respects us? The concerned furrow in her brow as she removes all our liberties and now even the words we can use? She CARES SO MUCH…..about her future career in the UN/NWO.

If only the actual sheep were running NZ…

Jul 6, 2021 9:39 AM
Reply to  Eleanor

Well observed. She has been groomed for the UN to join Helen Clarke. Ardern spent time with Bill and Melinda that time she made her debut speech to the UN. I liked the speech at the time, but I noticed the hall was empty…

Jul 6, 2021 9:36 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

one can buy MAGA hats here now: Make Ardern Go Away.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 6, 2021 9:40 AM
Reply to  Hugh

I like that! 😅

Jul 5, 2021 8:47 AM

Blair’s background:

Jul 5, 2021 8:49 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Come on, he is a great performer! Seriously, he’s no worse than any of them, they all do what they are told like the empty shells they are. That’s it.

les online
les online
Jul 5, 2021 5:40 AM

I read some time back that a lot of Billionaires/Millionaires were buying rural properties in New Zealand, purportedly as Bolt Holes in case Climate Change occurred… But maybe they were just fans of the Tolkien movies… And there’s that Tech Billionaire who’s taken some rural property owners in Hawaii to court because he wants their properties, which abut his… Seems living ‘close’ to him intrudes on his privacy…

Jul 5, 2021 8:52 AM
Reply to  les online

I may be the only Kiwi not to have watched any of the Lord of the Rings. There was a joke along these lines by my fellow Scot, Billy Connolly. And yes, I am not a billionaire.

Jul 5, 2021 5:33 AM

Is this Amazon LoTR series going to be some kind of educational piece where the elves are all noble hermaphroditic transgender homosexuals, the dwarves racist biggots, the hobbits woke social justice warriors and confused white self shamists and the orcs evil white domestic terrorist males?

Jul 5, 2021 8:53 AM
Reply to  Ooink

ELF is an acronym for Evil Little Fucker. There’s plenty of those here too…

Jul 5, 2021 12:36 PM
Reply to  Ooink

More like an ad for the social climbing and health benefits associated with anal sex.

Well it is Sore Arse Pride season in Canada, I am assuming this is all linked.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Jul 5, 2021 5:32 AM

I had no issues listening to anna maria.
Totally not my focus but whatever.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Jul 5, 2021 5:29 AM

The author accidentally critiques 12 step programs:
A nihilistic, irreverent safe space, where narcissists and intellectual cowards all pat each other on the back for having the courage to take turns talking about themselves.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Jul 5, 2021 4:59 AM

I am simply going to choke if a woke bloke toke stoke joke pokes its ugly head up.

Okay. Say it aloud. You can’t can you?
Arrogant pricks… not liking my jokes…

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Jul 5, 2021 4:50 AM

Let me deconstruct this for you.

I am an aspiring author
But not so very good.
What do I write for who?

Okay. Who has way too much money
and is stupid enough
to buy my garbage writing?

That wasn’t hard was it?
The answer we were looking for is
White people.

It can be just a fact and
totally racist at the same time.
In the manner that demographics and
eugenics are both a science.

Or in the manner burgers and brains are both food.
What I mean is that it is highly subjective.
Except when it isn’t. Even if it is.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 5, 2021 8:27 AM

Don’t be too hard on yourself
your writing is only mediocre
And self-conscious
not garbage.

The most important thing
is not to give in to the wraithing process inside you
and start trying to destroy because you can’t create.

Also you need to work on your basic logic
All white people are not rich
Your assumption non-white people don’t buy books
Is also deeply racist
And a bit stupid

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 5, 2021 10:10 AM

LOL Sophie! Are you studying with Catte at the discipline of concise verbal annihilation of fools? 🙂

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jul 5, 2021 12:34 PM

You know, they probably work separately out of their homes but I sit here imagining Kit, Catte, Sophie and Sam in the same room. Love to be a fly on the wall, although I suspect l’d get swatted. Its great fun imagining the dynamics behind this site. I like the Admins here – they have a v good sense of humour.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 5, 2021 2:52 PM

Asians and Africans were doing reading and writing millennia before Europeans with paler skin tones ?

Jul 5, 2021 6:21 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Check the Chinese and Indians. They both built great cities while Europeans were living in caves.

Jul 5, 2021 3:47 AM

How depressing. Is nothing sacrosanct in this insane, ridiculous “woke” world?

Jul 5, 2021 3:33 AM

Did anybody seriously imagine something like this wouldn’t be forthcoming? The great danger of being published is becoming a cottage industry for hacks and 3rd rate academics. It’s unavoidable. Create a masterpiece, watch it become a stepping stone for wolves in groupie clothing.

“We wuv Tolkien so much we want to turn his prose into talking points. See the inevitable flow: Tolkien to talking. A match made in heaven.”

(I can only hope “One Hundred Years Of Solitude” gets overlooked or, at least, eludes attempts to “modernize” it.)

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 5, 2021 10:13 AM
Reply to  Howard

Oi, Howard! What’s with the gratuitous badmouthing of wolves? Do lay off the insulting comparisons!

Jul 5, 2021 10:17 PM
Reply to  Howard

It’ll be good for a cheap ironic laugh

Jul 5, 2021 2:22 AM

The rules and regulations were so completely ridiculous that the organisers of both Rock & Bike and WOMAD on the feedback they got from their customers, decided to cancel it, realising that these psychos in control change the rules at a moment’s notice…

But still some of the Music Festivals Go on…

She said you know him, and you almost certainly know his girlfriend too …She is a really Beautiful Girl.

We had tickets to go, but I wouldn’t go. I would not wear a mask nor be tested, yet its on this weekend. We had tickets but didn’t go

Then she told me the details of the Wedding this weekend.

She had been told, she had Terminal Cancer, and had only weeks to Live…

But he still Married Her – this weekend,

She turned up in a wheelchair, and she is still alive..

Maybe meet them both at a Festival later this year or next

Love can heal in ways you don’t expect.

You think you have lost everything, and then a spark of light brings you back, and you are still alive.

I should now find a very pretty artistic photo, full of light, but I can’t be arsed.

Done fuck all, but I am nearly as old as Lemmy. He didn’t turn up at Dave Brock’s Wedding. We Did.



Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 5, 2021 10:23 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

A commenter pointed out you claim to be an old British duffer with a walking stick – but your post times are more consistent with someone on EDT/EST.

I took a look and it’s true. You almost always post between 1pm and 4am BST, with the majority of your output being between midnight and 4am BST.

That’s odd hours for a Brit to keep every day, particularly a dude with the lifestyle you claim to have. But perfectly reasonable for someone on the east coast of the US posting between 8am and 11pm EDT.

strange, no?

and you never did take a pic of that frog 😉

Jul 5, 2021 12:39 PM

He’s probably a cyber-experiment at Langley.

dr death
dr death
Jul 5, 2021 12:46 PM

probably one of the myriad A.I’s ( of course many are just drug addicts ,drunkards or just lonely sapien failures) being run out of langley and g.c.h.q, they turn up everywhere on darpa-net often under the same handle, most bloviate incoherently drawing discordant data points and dubious and lopsided references from alphabet databases, un-social media (a huge data set)and private sources sold by criminal govenments to lawless financialists… tweaked in realtime by bloated neck-beards driven by malice, virginity into late adulthood and inadequacy..

they are a testament to our technological misadventure… and failure to understand what it means to be truly ‘human’….

Jul 5, 2021 4:03 PM

Iikely more drunk Brit old duffer IMO, I recognised the name from the old defunked Spivey blog. Back when Spiveys research was still top notch before the ‘drummerboy’ fallout. Since then it’s mostly been as confused as Tonys ramblings, and just as relevant. Nobody trusted Tonys ramblings there either.

Jul 5, 2021 6:27 PM

A physically beatiful woman is quite fascinating, but a woman with a brain…. Nothing’s better.

Jul 6, 2021 9:43 AM

Classic bout of Opmockery. Do not Opmoc the conflicted?

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Jul 5, 2021 1:44 AM

Cishetero Amatonormativity

Lol. I first thought it was part of the cast.

Oh. Amatonormativity. That’s some tortured term referring to our good Cishetero.

“Cishetero is so droll always spouting off about his amatonormativity. Like he’s special or something. What a prick.”

See? It makes perfect sense.

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Jul 5, 2021 1:58 AM

17 letters huh. And incoherent to boot.

Examples: Israel , UK, Iran, USA,
The Mickey Mouse Club.

That’s 22 letters, I think. Pretty good huh?
And one of these countries instantly came to mind.

Some people just lack an imagination.
And an editor.
Fascismo…. maybe…

That’s 24… and even better.
Stop the presses!!!!

Jul 5, 2021 12:44 AM

Regarding the woke BS,it was heartening to see all the football fans in the current Euro competions booing all the kneelers, and hilarious they played canned applause and cheering to try to drown it out. I’m not interested in football (soccer for the US contingent) but was heartened I heard more about the outrage at the scandel of canned applause and cheering than I did anything about the games 🙂 Re OP: Is anyone here still actually using Amazon (or any of the FANGs for that matter)? Time to take action if not! I only have a few google bits left to complete before my total exfiltration from the FANG borg, it’s not easy, but it doable! I havn’t made the complete switch to linux yet either, but I’m on the curve, I’ve privacy hardened a lot, but completing the switch from MS has been a steep curve! useful resources: r/privacy r/de-google YT channels (via Invidious for anonaminity) The Linux Experiment switched to linux The Hated One Techlore Hackersploit “The solutions for dealing with Big Tech are deceptively simple: Boycott them. It’s as simple and difficult as that. If we each consciously choose to deny Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft our data and our money, we can limit the ways they affect our lives. So what does boycotting Big Tech look like?” If anyones not seen Derrick Brozes The Conscious Resistance Network series on “The Pyramid of Power” there’s some useful alternatives mentioned in this episode, lots of other episodes on alternatives to the ‘great reset’ (actually I’m sure some of them adopted “The Greater reset” as a tagline) in the other episodes too, I came away from it quite optimistic (tho the stuffed content on crypto went on a bit too much everything else was brilliantly done) https://thepyramidofpower.net/?pop-chapter=big-tech… Read more »

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Jul 5, 2021 4:31 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

Hi. I am seriously not a big fan of virtue signaling but two things.
If I am being forced, or else, to salute some flag or song I might prefer to spit but kneeling sounds safer.
Second, solidarity across class lines might be a plus.

Taking a knee is respectful. Flipping the bird isn’t.

Sports are all about nationalism and even militarism. An opiate for the masses.

The American was not being all “woke” when he started that. Perhaps in the Black Panthers sense of woke.

It was a fuck the police moment.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 5, 2021 12:44 AM

Much of Rome burned to the ground on July 18, in the year 64. However, Nero did not play the fiddle, as there was no such instument in the year 64 AD…

When I read articles such as the one above, I think of the myth. Then I wonder how long it will take for civilian populations to quit mentally jerking off. Your liberties are burning to the ground as you watch morbid films for sick entertainment…

Jul 5, 2021 12:08 AM
Jul 5, 2021 12:03 AM

Happy Independence Day
comment image

Jul 5, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  Peter

I reckon the Pharmaceutical companies are celebrating, and have had … and will continue having, a very Happy Independence day/month/year. Who wouldn’t, particularly if you’re getting world governments to pay for your companies research & development – on live, real-time human experimental tests? Moreover, the R&D of these private companies is absolved of any liability. What a deal …
HTF did governments fall for this trick??

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jul 4, 2021 11:48 PM

Inversion, falsification and moral relativism are key aspects of satanism.

In a post-modern world every aspect of everything is ‘subjective.’” – This is satanism in a nutshell.