New Normal Newspeak #1: “Herd Immunity”
The first entry in our new series looks at how the World Health Organization removed natural immunity from their definition of “herd immunity”

“New Normal Newspeak” is a new series of short articles highlighting how our language has come under assault in the past eighteen months.
Ever since the beginning of the “pandemic”, and its transition into the clear “New Normal” (or “Great Reset) agenda, the English language itself has become a battleground. Words and phrases are being stretched and twisted into new, bizarre or contradictory meanings, or weighted with implications that never existed before.
“New Normal Newspeak” is our attempt to catalogue these changes, and stop the real meaning of words being memory-holed forever.
Our first example is a very, very literal one.
The phrase “Herd Immunity” has existed for decades, and most of us had probably come across it at some point prior to March 2020. It had a clear meaning, which was available from (among other places) the World Health Organization website:
Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.”
However, after the “pandemic” hit, this erstwhile totally uncontroversial theory became the subject of fierce debate, and proponents of it suddenly found themselves described as “genocidal”.
It was at this point that the WHO changed their website, updating their definition of “herd immunity” to totally remove the concept of “natural immunity”:
‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.
You can check their old site through the wayback machine, or with this screencap (in case the archive gets wiped)
Vaccination has never before been considered the only path to herd immunity and adding that you can’t create immunity through exposure is completely unscientific, flying in the face of centuries of medical knowledge.
Changing this definition during an alleged pandemic, just before experimental and untested vaccines were about to be released, is a clear sign that they were pushing an agenda.
Nothing else need be said.
Look out for more in this series in the near future, and if you have any suggestions for other words or phrases that have recently violently shifted their meaning, please post them in the comments below, or e-mail them to us.
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“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind“
— George Orwell (1903-1950)
This is a placeholder for the ‘oops [expletive deleted]’ that occurs when a response is seen to have been posted in the wrong place.
The New Normal…’s all in there.
A manufactured illusion. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich 9/7/21
Excellent article. Looking forward to the rest of this series. Julius Ruechel from Canada has also delved into it using the Canadian Government’s own data . He destroys their narrative in a 78 page document that he summarizes in 30 minutes here. A must watch in my opinion:
Herd Immunity, The New Definition
At some point in 2020, WHO changed the definition and completely removed natural immunity from previous disease, like the article says, but finally they modified the original definition to the one below:
‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. WHO supports achieving ‘herd immunity’ through vaccination, not by allowing a disease to spread through any segment of the population, as this would result in unnecessary cases and deaths.
So this Off-Guardian article is still valuable but needs revision …
New Normal Newspeak #2: “Anti-Vaxxer”
herd immunity ay!!!!!
The subject article takes the expression “herd immunity” and allegedly shows how one organization, the World Health Organization, has altered the meaning of the expression since the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. But any casual review of the expression “herd immunity” on the internet shows that generally speaking this change has not become accepted. In fact the expression as defined by WHO here still includes the phrase “immunity developed through previous infection” so there really is not much point to the article.
Now in the context of comments on the article, along comes Martin Usher and makes a sensible observation about vaccines in general and the COVID-19 vaccine in particular and he is subjected to a whole host of largely ad hominem responses. So for example we have Sam Admin2 starting his comments with “Oh do stop.” followed by a simple rejection of Martin’s comments without a detailed and rational rejection, something he claims to hold near and dear when he says “ We appeal to our readers to think a little more shrewdly than this.” ( gets 69 positives) Does the comment from Peter who says “A disgraceful and profoundly dishonest post.” (gets 8 positives) count as a case of such thinking? or the knuckle dragging comment by Berlin Beerman. You did not step in regarding these two comments as well as others of the same type. Is that because they display the required qualities of rationality?
And then there are a whole host of comments where the author either simply rejects Usher’s position by spouting a lot of drivel like Imnotlisa, or does provide links like Peter who simply says “How about this?” and throws out a link with no further comment, or George Mc who quotes one of Usher’s claims and says that it pretty well “trashes everything else you say.” without further comment. I guess Usher is supposed to figure that one out after he determines what is meant by “trash”.
OffGuardian has a byline that runs “because facts really should be sacred.” From most of the comments I’ve seen, especially regarding the COVID-19, that sentiment has long been forgotten. And that change, since the pandemic, is a lot more important than the purported change in the meaning of “herd immunity”.
Actually what your link helpfully reveals is that the WHO have changed their wording yet again into a hopeless fudge.
They have reincluded the ref to natural immunity (presumably as a response to the widespread outrage at it being omitted), but then say only vaccines work to provide immunity for covid 19!
Could the agenda possibly be more blatant?
Well, I for one think it’s quite touching that Mrs. Usher stepped in to defend the Mister!
THEM again! Fcuk me! (conditional: but send a copy your vaccine passport photo first–just for vetting, mInd–won’t be retwatted–just wouldn’t want to catch anything untoward. Or away from, come to that).
Anyway, to continue: or, equally ‘presumably’, so their updated hoi polloi release of 31 December 2020 would better represent the 12 October 2020 Media Briefing by the Director-General more closely than had the previous version of the hoi polloi release, with its backroom blurb hack’s unfortunate paraphrasing context omission by ‘cutting and pasting and cutting’ (see what s/he did there? Too many cuts, not enough pastes? Too many conceptual-contextual, bracketing terminators, not enough hoi polloi subordinate hack’s TGIF-type attention?)?
WHAT, ??. !!. ?! !. ?. Are you suggesting that some ugly old middle-management D-G suck-up is manoeuvring to have some poor little inattentive backroom hack sack sacked, just so he can get his purely platonic trophy friend into the open position?
It’s embarrassing that you flaunt your clumsy gullibility as if it was a virtue.
”Nothing else need be said.” reminded me of another great statement of historical importance and impeccable veracity:
I advise watching your step when questioning an ATL of the above sort and provenance, for when a frail mortal speaketh doubt against the 144 thousand ones who are hardwirethed into the Ultimate Truth–there where Truth outsacredeth all mere facts–then many badmouthings will occurreth and the angel with the 24 horns who riseth from the sea of blood, dragons (excluding fruits and komodo), gnarly bits and deceit will pour out her Vial of Scorn upon the gainsayer, even unto the six thousand six hundred six score and second posting unto the ensuing BTL.
Why are you such a Twat?
The historical illiteracy of the world is what is actually frightening. 18 months? What rock, pray tell have you been living under? The cell phone alone has nearly destroyed our language, not to mention the pseudo academics that pass for education for at least the last 50 years.
For the purposes of this exposé I agree with the article. (above)
But on a deeper note I hold that the concept of immunity at the body level and as a herd or collective state is a language reversal in terms of life perceived and believed as attack.
Now I know that at the body level a predator can be kept out or guarded against by defences and so I don’t argue that bodies cannot be broken or suffer injury. Immunity is not applicable to the body level but has antecedents in Law – such as diplomatic immunity from prosecution etc.
But the supposition of invisible microbes as attackers, first bacterial as revealed in microscopy and cultured study – which turn out to be our life support system and not attackers after all. But then as invisible nanoparticles that are assigned living agency as a matter of ‘normalcy’ and likewise flagged as enemy threat by which to rally in defences that at least cost us deep in the purse but as ‘normal’ undermine our life support system.
Generally doing the attack that the virus was purported to cause and thus the treatments are evidenced as the proof of the virus mutating, the disease progressing and the ‘immune system’ weakening.
But this is all backwards even if it is ‘normal’ to believe.
Misidentifying cause in the effects leads to attacking or suppressing the body function as if it is attacking a ‘you’ that is an artefact of the belief through which you perceive.
The immune system is your life support or more simply your life, even more simply You – but not as you are ‘normally’ conditioned to think of yourself in image and thought or modelling.
Toxic shocks are where a conflict or trauma is held in the body as an encapsulation, masking over or dissociation of the psychic from fears that cannot be resolved and released, to take on forms of limitation or compensation relative to a past that has in a sense stamped on the mind such as to reiterate a presentation or strategy of defence against reliving the conflict, and so set in terms external to the masking mind, in the body and in the world of relations.
This applies no less to us as a species in terms of being shaped in our development of thought and culture by the conflicts and shocks of a Past set in narratives that re-run, are re-triggered or re-enacted in variations of the themes through solutions or developments that temporarily seem to work, only to breakdown to a rest of the problem in a new set of clothes or presentation of symptoms.
Velikovsky called this ‘Mankind in Amnesia’ and researched across disciplines on the premise that we are still under ancient trauma which relates to experience prior to the mind of historical accounts, as the so called mythological age in terms of oral traditions and archetypes that formed language and culture as symbolic representation of actual experience of shock and awe that are not in our modern world that has largely existed in a relative stability under which cultural development established a scientific basis for empirical verification of otherwise idealised or subjective theory and supposition that was predicated in and reactive to unconscious conflicts.
So we see the same archetypal patterns running as human meaning-structures even when the forms change, such that the bias of Science against psychism becomes a ‘jealous god syndrome’ to reiterate the think it hates in the very structure of its thought, perceptions, strategies and identification.
Psychic distortions operate a false basis for evaluating Reality and become the insane and futile attack on reality perceived as threat to our model, our idol and our invested image or face. But our true psychic connection is an individual expression of life within a world of conditions for the support of life unfolding or evolving out of its own experience and expression, as a symbiosis of diverse elements that have their own fulfillments and functions within a greater whole that is prior to and potential for expression within the whole of which we all partake.
The chaotic past that seems to leave us fragmented and driven to play apart and in conflict is well represented by Humpty.
continues on
In aboriginal and ancient traditional medicine, agriculture, construction, culture, politics, etc., an important principle was to avoid over-reaction or over-provision. Such people understood that the motivating aggression, greed, ingrained insecurty, etc. were counter-productive.
Yes there was a wisdom tradition that we are ‘technologising’ against in the attempt to impose a replicate life in our own image.
There still is a wisdom tradition but it is no longer recognised, honoured and given more than a token voice.
The blind arrogance and hubris of our techo-pact is founded in self-deceit.
And you will weep each time and idol falls ~ ACIM
While I sketch articulations with words, the living qualities – of which wisdom gives ear to – are timeless and formless.
Yet through shared willingness, reveal support and guidance to any specific situation that is brought for healing or practical resolution.
Scarcity is the basis for taking control, and so greed will generate scarcity to take control coercively and systemically but can never find satisfaction but that its driven need hollows out as a tool of a blind appetite.
I’ve just taken the trouble to look up Google’s definition of the term herd immunity. It has not yet fallen in line with the WHO. Tut tut Google, ‘go to the bottom of the class and take your books with you’.
Even I detected that the words ‘herd immunity’ had suddenly become dirty particularly after Prof Sunetra Gupta used them early on. Suddenly there was good herd immunity and bad herd immunity. Let’s face it, if you have even an average command of the English language, you know what the meaning is.
The general meaning is that immunity is acquired and that when sickness spreads, then at some point immunity (usually associated with anti bodies but also T cells and many other biological life support strategies) reaches a point where it no longer spreads in any endemic way.
As I see toxicity and malnourishment along with psychic-emotional shock and strain as the nature of what we think is contagious, I don’t interpret the same way.
Our adaptive capacity to survive under all kinds of changes and challenges is so infinitely more than our playing god and yet by interjecting or injecting our ‘solutions’ to eradicate what we call a disease, actively suppresses or block Life support – excepting via bio-tech support systems™.
I don’t advise using the language constructs that your abusers coin without qualifying in some way.
The New Normal……
Dr. Franz Allerberger is the chief epidemiologist of Austria, the equivalent of Tony Fauci in the US
From the Daily Record:
“Coronavirus enforced closure of Dumfries and Galloway leisure facilities cost’s council £2 million”
This really is an astonishing virus. It can apparently enforce a closure all by itself!
Well it may be coincidence but on perusing Wiki over the de Niro vaccine episode I found this on Bob’s page:
“Stance on vaccination
In 2016, De Niro initially defended the inclusion of a controversial documentary, Vaxxed, at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival. He explained that his interest in the film was from his personal experience with his autistic son, Elliot. The film was withdrawn from the schedule after consultation with the festival organizers and scientific community. In February 2017, De Niro took part in a joint presentation with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., chairman of the anti-vaccine non-profit Children’s Health Defense, to discuss their concerns with vaccine safety. De Niro has stated that he is not anti-vaccination but does question their efficacy.
Assassination attempt
In October 2018, De Niro was targeted by an explosive device. The device was found at the Tribeca Grill, which also houses his production company in Manhattan. According to the FBI, similar devices were sent to high-profile politicians including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Former Attorney General Eric Holder, and Former CIA Director John Brennan.”
Interesting, eh?
Bobby’s ruffling of vax feathers followed by his convenient capitulation was echoed throughout the media in the predictable way:
“The evidence for vaccine safety is abundant” – Washington Post
“Robert De Niro defends discredited idea linking vaccines to autism” –
“Robert De Niro and RFK Jr. have joined forces to push vaccine nonsense
Their Washington press conference today is a sign the anti-vaxxers are emboldened.” – Vox (“Emboldened”! Jeez the nerve!)
“De Niro offers $100k reward to media for ‘truth’ about controversial children’s vaccine” – Sky news (Note scare quotes. Also note the implicit assertion that if someone is offering money then they can’t be interested in the truth. Because all those self-sacrificing corporate initiated scientific projects are done for free and no-one expects any return!)
A little dissent arises and must be crushed at all costs!
Today is the 16th anniversary of the 7/7 false flag black op.
I feel nostalgic about the small scale false flags of the past which affected only small portions of the global populations and did not threaten the future of the species.
They are all part of conditioning and managing the herd so as to protect the immunity of the controllers.
As if to render carbon based life flat and thoughtless.
If freedom means dropping the body, will that mean death or the restoration of the body to its true function – which is to identify the tangibility and visibility of you perfectly.
In Mortal Combat or is it My Struggle – the body is used as a distancer, or dissociating symbol for the withdrawal from and withholding of love. Perhaps because you cant play the game for real and be aware of the love being give to loveless and meaningless props and plots to a novel existence in an extraordinary realm of physicalised thought – not exactly – but you know what I mean because the psychic element is so suppressed or downplayed as to make Lost in Space a reality tv show – and you are in it.
There is this; that when you have had enough of subjection and sacrifice under conflicted identity, the script offers a means of waking first to that it is a dream, and then to recognise the Dreamer as the freedom to create or extend love rather than limitation, conflict and specialness set over others and life (judgement).
In this world that translates as healing or reintegration and renewal, which the ego has its own covering substitution for – or else you could show anyone the door and they would see it.
The future has never once happened by the way.
Nor is the past really here now.
The present or the presence we accept, we extend to others and world as to future unfolding of potentials. Presentations of presence are PR or masking virtue set in dramatic contrasts. ‘Buyer beware!’ is not just for the marketplace but to the thoughts and results.
You didn’t buy into 7/7 and so you have a choice from which to persist in being discerning as to what you invest time, energy and identification in.
You cant wake up those who are not ready and willing to see, but you can release them of YOUR judgements and thus release yourself – and extend a gift that will in its own timing be received.
The idea ‘species’ derived from the previous ‘ideals’ that posited an archetypal pattern of which any example was a representative. The Ideal fixation leads to a sense of the living world as a pale copy and empiricism as a violator of the Model. This is of course backwards. We are Creative Freedom Itself even if we give that freedom and creative function to Templates from the past and sacrifice presence to appease the tantrums of its sense of denial and deprivation of perfection in its own terms. For we all have deep investment in what we want our life to be that only shows in grievous disappointment, rage and despair.
What if we are going about meeting our deepest needs in the only way that they CANNOT be met? That is my manipulative coercion and deceit – made ‘normal’.
The Awakening Interviews Dr. Mike Yeadon (47:27)
Robert De Niro pushes back………
Robert only cares when it directly affects him. The man is a moron. Now he’s starting to figure it out, the rough way.
Which makes him the same as everyone else basically. The rough way is the only way.
On the other hand, I see that Bobby has decided against the critical stance:
“deeply personal to me and my family”
Thus does a hugely important matter that actually has implications spreading everywhere get shrunk to a “deeply personal” matter.
i.e. deeply irrelevant to everyone else. Bob can rest assured that this discussion he wants will not happen.
So Bobby was gotten to as well then. And once again the corporate money hydra gets to decide what “Science” is.
Why don’t they come for the anti-fictures?
Because the picture of the fiction has yet to be asserted ‘real’ or rather REAL!!!
Fictures are breaking down the mind as a threat to all mankind or should I say ‘all They r’Us’?
No they are not!
Hateful supporter of the breakdown of AllTheyrUs!
You get the picture.
Fictions running as fact do undermine our living and can seem to take on a life of their own. But fictions run on a subscription basis. They have no life but you give yours.
Don’t let truth get in the way of a good story – tis said.
But a good story is truly shared and thats a redeeming quality to counterpoint the narrative lockstep of a rabid fiction seeding paralysis in fear and isolation that lockstepping virtue cannot substitute for or mitigate but only erase from awareness.
The Men in Black.
The “new normal” is so abnormal you have to be “vaccine” brain damaged to consider it normal.
Please refer to this WHO article from 2007.
It refers to herd immunity via the vaccine route. So they haven’t changed their stance since at least 14 years ago!
This piece states:
Neither of these statements seek to redefine the term ‘herd immunity’ which, up until 2020, was known as a natural phenomenon which could be aided artificially using vaccines.
In our state (California) we require vaccinations for childhood diseases before children were allowed to register for school. This practice went on for years but then a significant number of parents started withholding vaccinations from their children nominally for religious reasons but in reality because of a bogus autism scare. The result was that in some areas the number of vaccinated children dropped below the herd immunity threshold and we started seeing outbreaks of childhood diseases like measles and mumps that we’d not seen for generations. People had forgotten how serious these could be — most kids recovered quite quickly but some were permanently harmed. As a result the state clamped down on these exemptions; now its effectively ‘no vaccine, no school’. (..and yes, both children and pets have active vaccine records — or what people keep referring to as ‘vaccine passports’).
Covid is no different from any other contagious disease. Its had a rapid global spread that prompted other short term measures such as lockdowns to try to control it pending the development of vaccines. We now have vaccines and we now know they’re effective because of the rapidly dwindling number of cases locally and the fact that everyone ending up in hospital with it hasn’t been vaccinated. We shouldn’t be trying to weave conspiracy theories into all this any more — although we could suggest that the people resolutely denying that vaccines work are really just demonstrating evolutionary theory in action.
Oh do stop. Your ‘herd immunity threshold’ sources are no more reliable than the sources you pooh-pooh, as far as you know. They are merely the prevailing mainstream narrative which, I gather from your posts in general, is what you’re most interested in supporting, rather than any sort of critical, objective analysis.
In the opinion of many, the childhood vaccine industry in the States is an unchecked monopoly, potentially very unsafe and corrupt, and needs serious investigation/regulation. That you decide to trust it does not by default make you rational, it could as easily make you dangerously indoctrinated into the mainstream narrative, served up to you by big tech, big pharma and corporate media giants – all ruthless corporate entities with huge conflicts of interests.
We appeal to our readers to think a little more shrewdly than this. makes a very compelling argument against your statements, and if the creepy, cult-like way it’s labelled as “known for anti-vaccine activities” on Wiki is anything to go by – as well as the way they are routinely suppressed and censored by big tech – they are probably asking some awkward questions.
And I am sure you agree, anything relating to child safety is worth asking awkward questions about.
Distrust anyone suggesting otherwise. A2
Well said!
I agree with your second paragraph , but overall don’t find vaccination programs particularity sinister just another form of government sanctioned profiteering , and the stuttering anti vax Kennedy is simply a diversion and one of those profiteers working a profitable niche .
Perhaps maybe YOU “have forgotten how seriously”, (or perhaps do not even care about) the children and adults who are injured…many times permanently, by vaccines? I might also add, injured financially as well – due to the vaccine companies who are exempt from liability for injuring said people from their concoctions.
Freedom. I thank God I still live in a Country that cherishes freedom. May God shed His grace on thee.
“Freedom. I thank God I still live in a Country that cherishes freedom.”
Which country is that?
A child in the US get 16 shots-as well as additional yearly shots and boosters starting at 6 months.If you care to go to the CDC site-it’s all there.
in the 60’s and 70’s-I had about 5 vaccines max. I have never has a flu shot.
‘if parents had issues with over 40+ shots for their children before they were 18-I think it would be justified.
The covid injection has not met rigorous testing or approval-other than EUA.
‘You might want to look up DR Malone-who was one of the inventors of the mRNA treatment.He thinks the doses are incorrect and the safety signals suppressed and thinks only the vulnerable should be ‘vaccinated’.Many real scientists and health professionals-not petty, co opted bureaucrats have many concerns-but have been silenced or fired.Do more research.Look at Israel -they are the most vaccinated and have a huge spike in cases-breakthrough cases-from the vaccinated. It’s undeniable-you cannot vaccinate against the corona virus.
ps while your at it go to CDC VAERS Wonder and read up on the cases and cases of side effects and deaths from moderna,Pfizer et al.
Here’s a picture in lieu of my usual thousand words 😉 :
& Has the highest infant mortality for any of the industrially developed nations
The mind-boggling CDC child immunization timetable:
Dr Malone has also said that the mRNA “vaccine” manufactures acknowledge that they don’t stop transmission, and as they have not done any studies on the transmissability of mRNA-vaxxed persons, they cannot possibly know what the herd immunity threshold is. As he said in his TLAV interview, “they are just pulling numbers out of the air.”
An Honest Look at the Historical Evidence that Vaccines Eliminated Diseases:
Pretty much trashes everything else you say.
Unless disease is not contagious and an imposed structure of diagnosis and treatment that effectively monopolises global medical thinking.
That disease is believed contagious shares common ground with many superstitions or ‘trending memes’.
Martin Usher would not appreciate my contribution here 😉
I don’t share his opinions or attempts to spread disease as the context for protection racketeering.
Terrain theory must address context and not zoom into a fragmented and fragmenting pathology.
But when anyone zooms out to context most everyone else thinks they have fallen off the map or not on side or an AI bot 😉
So the show goes on.
A disgraceful and profoundly dishonest post.
How about this ?
Dad: My Son’s School Made Him Get COVID Vaccine, Now He Has Heart Condition • Children’s Health Defense (
There is no scientific evidence of ‘outbreaks’ due to a ‘virus’.
There is no scientific evidence that measles/mumps are caused by a ‘virus’.
The vaccinated children’s bodies react to the harmful toxic substances in the vaccines and produce exosomes to throw out the toxins from the vaccines. The reactions would be what you call as symptoms of this disease or that disease.
The mainstream medical science (funded as it is heavily, and controlled, by the pharma industry and global oligarchy) has not done any thorough study on the harmful effects of vaccines, and has not provided any authentic evidence that so-called ‘viruses’ are the causative factor of any disease. The medical science has also wiflfully ignored investigating thoroughly and documenting the other causes of disease such as radiation from phone networks, air pollution, agri chemcials, overdose of pharma drugs.
It is impossible to accept the claims of mainstream medical science which is used by governments to impose conditions such as ‘no vaccine no school’. This is not just a violation of basic human rights but also a violation of the Nuremberg Code principles.
Dragging your knuckles across the floor as you wrote this piece terribly impresses me , not to mention the amount of grey cells used to execute the motion.
The ‘vaccines’ for Covid19 are NOT traditional vaccines (of attenuated or killed complete microorganisms). It’s a completely new (and, so far, only given EUA, Emergency Use Authorisation) immuninological technology. When a similar ‘vaccine’ was tested on animals after SARS-Cov1, due to ADE (Aintibody Dependent Enhancement) ALL the animals died.
Covid is better named the Wuhan flu , a mild mutation of the Hong Kong flu which has been around since the 1960s when global travel became available to the general public . Global travel by the masses is now being heavily restricted as part of the global reset ?
In Eastern Europe, the media has doubled down (if that’s possible) on calling us imbeciles, inhuman, animals, desolates — take your pick. Right there in the headlines.
I take it, this is a good sign. That not enough people have bought in to the Big Lie.
Here up North Eastern they are blaming the government in performing poorly and that is why not enough people are getting the death shot. The media says: “ why has your gov’t failed you.” Fortunately here it is a small country and everybody knows everybody. Stories get around despite the social media propaganda bullshit. Too many people sick or dead from the bullshit vax for it to work. Only problem here is people are highly obedient and so use to oppression that they don’t even realize they are being oppressed, and even more strangely too many trust the corrupt government and are completely unaware their gov’t just follows directions. There are however a lot of rebellious youth and the little old ladies, the ones who remember, are bright lights as well.
These new … vaxxines … even though not officially approved and do NOT employ the original virus to stimulate antibody production, have been added to the latest online Merrium-Webster Dictionary as opposed to my 1976 Webster’s Third New International Dictionary.
From my 1976 Webster’s Dictionary:
“vaccination : the introduction into man or domestic animals of microorganisms that have previously been treated to make them harmless for the purpose of inducing the development of immunity.”
From July 2021 online Webster’s Dictionary where the only word defining vaccination is “vaccine”:
Definition of vaccine
1 : a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as
a : an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated (see attenuated sense 2) pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin) a trivalent influenza vaccine oral polio vaccine Many vaccines are made from the virus itself, either weakened or killed, which will induce antibodies to bind and kill a live virus. Measles vaccines are just that, weakened (or attenuated) measles viruses.— Ann Finkbeiner et al. … a tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine might be recommended for wound management in a pregnant woman if [greater than or equal to] 5 years have elapsed … .— Mark Sawyer et al. In addition the subunit used in a vaccine must be carefully chosen, because not all components of a pathogen represent beneficial immunological targets.— Thomas J. Matthews and Dani P. Bolognesi
b : a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein) … Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine … works by injecting a small piece of mRNA from the coronavirus that codes for the virus’ spike protein. … mRNA vaccine spurs the body to produce the spike protein internally. That, in turn, triggers an immune response.— Susie Neilson et al. The revolutionary messenger RNA vaccines that are now available have been over a decade in development. … Messenger RNA enters the cell cytoplasm and produces protein from the spike of the Covid-19 virus.— Thomas F. Cozza Viral vector vaccines, another recent type of vaccine, are similar to DNA and RNA vaccines, but the virus’s genetic information is housed in an attenuated virus (unrelated to the disease-causing virus) that helps to promote host cell fusion and entry.— Priya KaurNote: Vaccines may contain adjuvants (such as aluminum hydroxide) designed to enhance the strength and duration of the body’s immune response.
2 : a preparation or immunotherapy that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against noninfectious substances, agents, or diseases The U.S. Army is also testing a ricin vaccine and has reported success in mice.— Sue Goetinck Ambrose … many of the most promising new cancer vaccines use dendritic cells to train the immune system to recognize tumor cells.— Patrick Barry
In the post WW2 world, to change reality the 1% changes the definition of words creating “reality” (actually the representation of reality) out of thin air. Just like FED bailouts, digital cash, propaganda, enemies, wars, mandates, and one-way broadcasting.
The real life Winston Smiths are hard at work in the real life branches of the Ministry of Truth, revising history as directed by the World Government.
And there is another layer of contradiction there. Since Pharma states that the “vaccine” does not provide immunity, only lessened symptoms if one contracts the illness, what does their new definition have to do with “herd immunity” at all in relation to this “vaccine”?
And, slightly OT, if one does contract the illness while “vaccinated” but shows only mild symptoms, doesn’t one become the embodiment of their daft idea of an asymptomatic carrier that they’ve been pushing since day one? So why, as here in Canada, ease quarantine restrictions only for the “vaccinated”?
What’s even “better” is that the “vaccinated” can then breed and spread vaccine-resistant variants since their jabs do not stop them from getting or transmitting the virus. Rather like pesticide-resistance being developed in insects that are exposed to pesticides.
Officially, jabbed people may get enumerated as infected if they happen to get tested. Even then, the establishment rejects the report of harm if (a) at least 2 weeks had not passed after the victim got the 2nd. jab (b) the amplification cycles for the PCR test > 28 (in USA). As seen from the vast number of the jabbed becoming ill (including “covid”), injured, crippled or dead, the cost-benefit ratio is insane. As someone said, “you can’t make up this stuff”.
New Definition: Heard Immunity:
“Heard immunity is an indirect protection from an infectious orgainization that happens when a population remained clueless through previous indoctrination, or had been collectively compromised through a previous infection.”
‘Isolation’ used to mean that a virus was purified – as in everything else not that virus was removed. Isolated but not purified was a contradiction in terms. But now we have a virus that is ‘isolated but not purified’.
Susan Michie, psychologist and SAGE behavioural manipulatist, goes on TV to push Forever Masks® but freaks out when asked about her politics.
I’m sure she’s a perfectly fair communist and it’s a perfectly fair question: do her politics inform the advice she gives. To be honest, in the role of government adviser she probably can’t go off the reservation and start talking personal politics but:
a) this is not normal administration, it is a government of occupation with parliament sidelined.
b) given that Covid has led to dirigisme and an effective change of political system, her views as a member of the communist party for four decades are relevant, as is her role in the curtailment of civil and human rights on the pretext of “saving everyone.” WTF is she on about?
c) as Event Covid is being used to usher in totalitarianism, could the grande dame of communism give us a foretaste of what it’s going to be like, apart from Forever Masks®.
d) seeing as most of us regard the Fourth Industrial Reich as state corporatism and thus more fascist than communist, what the Bolsheviks is she doing supporting it?
Seriously, I’d love to hear her opinions. Instead she scuttles about in the dark.
But what is happening right now is not happening under communism, is it? And maybe that should make you think about the bolshevist regime too. Maybe they weren’t communist either, just as China isn’t communist now even if their rag is red with yellow stars.
You are arguing backwards. We aren’t there yet (as the communists used to say). What the Chinese are, or the Bolsheviks did, is not strictly relevant because 4IR is new. It is neither 1917,1933 nor 1949 though some of the same interests are behind the Green Curtain.
Michie is helping bring about something which she supports (otherwise she wouldn’t do it, unless she is using the Eichmann defence, see below).
And she spent 40 years building the vanguard for a statist, totalitarian system — she’s a bloody expert, which is why she’s been hired. Mi5 don’t let her type pass vetting unless they want and need her.
I doubt she is a latter day Kibbutzim or looking for some idealized sisterhood in a jungle village. She is a statist manipulatist. What more do you need to know?
Kibbutznik, sorry.
her type are MI6 (I prefer the term alphabet because contrary to the bullshit they peddle all these ‘agencies ‘overlap’ and ‘intersect’ at key points) and they always were (expedient on many levels)….
these statists disguised as communists have been a mainstay since the days of philby, burgess et al at victor rothschilds MI6 many moons ago…
you are merely looking at one of the many heads of ‘hydra’…(some of the others are equally obvious)..
funny to watch the cunt squirm though, she doesn’t like to have to explain ‘herself’.. she much prefers barking orders and forcing slavish obedience..
indeed she does… dubious multi-millionaire ‘communist’ ‘michie’ and her very pricey art collection…
verdict: ‘for thee…. but not for me’…. as always..
Her father worked with Turing on the Enigma code. Top secret.
During his time at Bletchley Park he worked with Alan Turing, Max Newman and Jack Good.
This isn’t communism. The people pushing this Covid agenda, Great Reset whatever, are not communists, they are the most powerful capitalists the world has ever known! That you claim that this is communism, just shows how much right-wing propaganda you consume. (The Right has been claiming to find communists under every rock since 1917) As the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben said last year, if a country can become totalitarian on dime, (like with lockdowns in almost all Western countries, that is, like a switch flipped become the bio-security state), they were already totalitarian!
It is amazing to me that at a time when when actual communism has been historically defeated for a generation at least, where it doesn’t exist anywhere in the world, some people believe it’s now taking over!
Does it really seem plausible that all these so called ‘cases’ and rise in ‘cases’ in the UK are really in the under 40’s?
This is the very age group they are targeting with the fake vaccines.
Are we really supposed to believe that under 40’s who have declined the jab and don’t wear masks are all running out to get PCR tests?
The propaganda is getting more desperate.
I had a theory that the ‘delta variant’ was coming from the 5m Brits stabbed with the India-manufactured AZ vaccine, but that falls over if the cases are in the under-40s because they shouldn’t be getting AZ.
Or perhaps that the “cases” are actually the ill effects of the vaccines themselves?
I don’t believe the millions they say have had the vaccines , they keep publishing hoping people will take it in
I must be running in the wrong circles; pretty much everyone I know has taken it, enthusiastically.
It’s a minority who are always ahead of the majority.
Because there is an agenda and that agenda is massive global depopulation. Those people that don’t “volunteer” for the lethal injections will be with dealt with in some other manner. The same goes for countries with governments that opt out of the mass killing of their own citizens. Resistance is of course vital.
old school!
So they want to kill 100% of the global population, both ‘vaccinated’ and ‘unvaccinated’?
Herd stupidity is the new normal.
Actor, Commedian, Writer, Director, Rob Schneider has an opinion in 2017.
My dad was fine never took a tablet hardly in his life,He got to sixty old age aches and pains he was a drinker sent home with bag of medication,6 years later he was dead.I can go to my doctor and say I got this I got that I can guarantee the doctor will prescribe me stuff that I don’t need.
I’m not being funny here bare with me,But is there such a thing as catching anything from anyone?I mean I’ve been around people with colds and flus and all sorts and have never caught the lurgy from them,I’ve had the lurgy and haven’t passed it on and I lived in a big family.I recently read somewhere I can’t remember where but when people get sick it’s the bodies natural response to rid us of toxins,I might be completely wrong.
I’m not sure. I could swear i caught something from others. Meaning i got ill soon after my wife or son came down with the flu. But it could be just the time of the year when everybody’s immune system is weak.
Yes it could be the time of year when people struggle with their health and/or it could be that your wife and son were exposed to the same unfriendly environmental factors. We live in a toxic world and the ‘”pandemic” could be a way of masking the problem. Of course, they intend to clean the place up by getting rid of most if not all of us.
Seeing those we love ill creates a very stressful situation in our own bodies which could easily manifest as becoming ill ourselves.
You are completely right: some get the Lurgi, some don’t. People have different resistance to the Lurgi; some of us can resist one sort of Lurgi, others can resist some other sort of Lurgi. There is little chance that some Lurgi Pandemic can wipe out all of us.
That’s about it. Life is a Lottery. Trouble is, Mr.Big is making a killing by fixing the odds.
An awful lot of people vehemently believe that these days and I’m trying hard to get my head around it because it does totally contradict the conventional view of infection and contagion. The terrain theory vs germ theory does seem to have a lot of logic about it and of course there isnt that much money in providing good fresh healthy food and environment for people, whereas we’ve certainly seen the huge profits in filling people full of so called ‘medicines’ whether they work and people need them or not…
the terrain, aka one’s own state of health, and environmental conditions are probs most important.
No. Rosenau proved that in 1918. It’s now not allowed to prove it because it’s unethical.
Many reputable health care providers, as opposed to medical initiates, propose that it is cell toxicity that causes dis-ease.
We are all toxic most of the time due to our lifestyle, and constant state of fear and stress.
There is the processed food we eat which is full of preservatives and flavouring; fresh food has been chemically sprayed or genetically modified; supermarkets, where I live, are known (denied of course) to treat fruit, vegetables and meat with preservatives for display purposes and shelf life. Goodness knows what toxins fish swim in nowadays. The water we drink has been chemically treated. Our air is sprayed with metal particles. etc etc etc.
As such, our cells are threatened with death unless they detoxify. And with a will to live as powerful as our egos when they detoxify it is all cells on deck. The cells communicate with each other within the body to harness the support they need to get the job done as thoroughly as possible.
Unfortunately, that detox process comes with discomfort, as should be expected. And eventually an old age detox will knock us off.
That’s the easy part to understand.
The hard part is that our own cells will also communicate with their friends in other human bodies. And if those friends need a detoxification they will hear the call and get to work. If those cells have detoxified in recent times or have been living a cleaner life (being well hydrated helps) they won’t need to detoxify so will thank their friends for the call but not take up the recommendation.
I guess there was once a good reason for the term, communicable disease, that our medical overlords have since redefined into their favoured: germs, infections, viruses et al.
There was a European woman on a video host site at the start of this See Ovid business who gave a much better explanation of this cell communication than I could. But the video was deleted.
For real! I said that to a vaxxed-up neighbor and she said, all huffy, “Good Luck to YOU!”
If natural herd immunity were not a thing, some virus would have wiped us out millennia ago. But there is a problem. There’s no money in it.
It isn’t because of herd immunity – it’s because of individual immunity. All the herd activity in the universe won’t protect someone whose natural immunity is deficient.
Good point Howard, herd imminity (in the traditional sense) is merely, the individual immunity of all members of the herd acquired by various means, inheritance through ancestral DNA, a stong auto – immune system or having been infected and recovering thus giving the body an ability to make specific antibodies. I’m sure there are more I’m not aware of.
Were it not so diseases like smallpox, evidence of which hass been found in 4000 year old Egyptian mummies, would have surely wiped out our species.
That’s right, herd immunity is the sum of individuals who are resistant, such as Annie (2.36pm). In the extreme case (evolutionary bottleneck) herd immunity is high because all the progeny of resistant individuals who were left to reproduce are immune. In the normal case (annual flu) herd immunity there is a mixture of resistant and susceptible individuals, with resistant individuals breaking up a chain reaction by not picking up the infection and passing it on to susceptible individuals.
Natural herd immunity is millions upon millions of individuals who survive and thrive.
Vaccine-defined herd immunity is a statist target, a plan to be fulfilled, a pseudo-scientific approximation of reality.
The first represents observable reality; the second is a computer model, printed on a sheet, given to a bureaucrat holding a syringe: he sees only arms, and a needle in every arm.
It’s a bit like the quote attributed to Stalin: one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.
The perpertrators will use the Adolf Eichmann defence: “There is a need to draw a line between the leaders responsible and the people like me forced to serve as mere instruments in the hands of the leaders,”
It’s fascinating how the language gives the game away and betrays their personality, their intent and their role in things.
Anyone who speaks of “a needle in every arm” is a statist buraucrat. A person who sees not people but dots, as he looks own from a Ferris wheel like Harry Lime in The Third Man.
Such a person cannot see the child wonderstruck in a swing — and does not want to see.
So the world as configured by our phantasmagoric media trembles with barely suppressed hysteria at the slightest waft of a change to the COVID regulations. Can the double vaccinated be permitted within less than 6m of an “infected” person? Can the isolation time possibly be diminished or would that risk another SURGE in those supernaturally potent case figures? Shall “we” relax the rules on the sporting goods shops? But what about the newsagents? Is Boris to be ferociously condemned for not taking the distancing at petrol pumps seriously enough? Are transgender people being neglected?
The channels spin round and round. The headlines fume more and more. Meanwhile… oh but don’t look! Nothing to see elsewhere!
Del Bigtree, again pushing back against the New Normal.
Man, them Faucci emails are kinda devastating. Looks like they’re gonna have to expand the Prison capacity by quite some margin.
Yes like anything ever happens to the peopel high up in the power structure. They can get away with rape & murder and in case of lets say Bush & Blair even genocide. The system is never going to turn against its own (except it leads to stabilizing the system even more)
Words and phrases are always renovated as the power structure’s agendas shift; this is nothing new. Especially entirely made-up ones like “herd immunity.”
Granted every word was at some point “made-up”; but certainly the ones conceived since the dawn of industrial civilization were.
The US, especially, has a long and tawdry history of making things up out of whole cloth – so much so that very little exists in the US any more that doesn’t have a specific PR basis.
“Herd immunity” has always been one of those totally off the wall concepts which can never – as in: never never never – be verified. It is a phrase born of the age of vaccines – so it’s only natural that it would be eventually rebranded to exclude everything but vaccinations.
My thought on “herd immunity” is, simply, LOSE IT.
No, retain it. It’s a useful idea that has a lot supporting it. Even if you don’t believe in ‘viruses’. A pathogen – whatever it is – gets into some people and multiplies within them. It jumps from infected to non-infected. Immune systems eliminate it one by one, and acquire a memory of the pathogen which means they’re ready to respond easily and swiftly to it, so that next time, the pathogen gets no foothold, and can’t spread from this person. Eventually, so many have acquired this immunity that the pathogen can no longer find anyone to spread to, and it dies out. Voila! Herd immunity. Only a bigot is going to deny obdurately that two and two make four. They do, whatever your idee fixe may insist.
An astonishing leap:
“Sajid Javid says from 16 August, anyone who is fully vaccinated will not have to self-isolate if they are close contact of positive case”
I.e. in close contact of someone who has developed immunity- assuming of course that the test actually means something. One small step for bullshitters, one more arsefuck for everyone else.
actually, originally herd immunity refereed to infection.
vaccines were added to the definition later, then it was claimed that vaccines could do the job more safely, which is a lie as vaccines are NOT remotely safe, and rarely, if ever does vaccine ”immunity last that long, hence boosters.
vaccine induced immunity is an oxymoron.
this is just an extention to the vaccine mythology, even though it is NOT a vaccine.
When I and my siblings were children, if one of us became ill with measles, chicken pox or whatever, our lovely family doctor told my mother to put us all together “to let them all catch it and become immune”!
Made sense to me then and even more now .
same when i grew up. get it over with, and with least inconvenience, which is how people thought of these.
We had a chicken pox party in the early nineties (USA). No one died.
I went to those in the 1970’s. Never got visibly sick like the other kids. Maybe a very mild infection? Or maybe I was somehow immune?
Can count the number of times I have had a cold or flu on one hand, so less than once a decade.
I’ll trust my apparently quite good immune system, with a 50+ year record of working, over a rushed to market, never used before technology, that is using the entire world as test subjects…… for MASSIVE profit with ZERO liability if it kills.
Nab, did you feel kind of ‘fluey’ next day?
I can’t quite remember what our GP said, btw, same NHS doctor who delivered both me and sister at home.
Something about you are only infectious for a day??
They was also an appeal for young men if they would consider donating blood for research but again dont imediately recall the year, heck, life goes on anyway, by that time I missed their window.
I had chicken pox mid ’70’s UK, and I can tell actually how I caught it. I went Babysiting with my girlfriend a two yr old while the parents went out.
The little darling past it on by licking a cotton bud, on a single tiny pimple high up on my cheek I’d knocked the top off shaving.
Did I infect my girlfriend nope, or any of her large family, my parents sister anyone no.
Spit, blood time to/around 2 seconds., forgive me it’s been sometime.
I still believe to this day if it’s not in your blood you are fine.
Yup. Same applies to the common flu eg, Covid-19. But don’t try it with a really dangerous virus eg, ebola. Note: HMGov no longer claim that Covid-19 is the new ebola; the lie was too blatant even for HMGov.
Yep, classified as a non-HCID by HM Gov on 19th March 2020 which is irrefutable proof of the scamdemic and the tragedy is the evidence has been there all along for anyone to see but the brainwashed will not have it even when you put this evidence right in front of their faces:
Don’t you wonder, now, how many of those diseases can be treated with Ivermectin or HCQ and zinc? And, I think it was Dr. Cowan who pointed out that measles protect against cancer later in life.
500 thousand dead imperial ferguson said
100 million gates dollars to imperial college given
200 billion pounds costings for free nhs angel services
300 billion stolen in legal contracts
debt for 50 year or more
victor rothschild edward heaths con troller
jacob today boris puppet master
3 weeks to flatten the curve
16 months to flatten the curve
2 more weeks to flatten
then another into saturn infinity
booster shots in sept
covid booster and flu combo coming soon
you have some time now to walk or run raise money for cancer,parkinsons,and all the other millions charity
slaves do your bit
you scum
2 shots is not nearly enought
The Westphalia Treaties of 1648 created what is known today as sovereign nations, which ended the feudal system.
“Basically, we need to be smarter than the banks, because by letting them become the “Masters of the Universe” in the last 40 years, they have made fools of us.”
“…the finance sector is a good servant but a terrible master, and that’s what the Neoliberal obsession with deregulation has actually allowed to happen: finance has become the economy’s master, rather than its servant.”
MMT emphasizes FISCAL policy, sovereign nation-state economics, as opposed to banker dictatorship governance. We should call MMT Nation-State Economics, which the banks have been seeking to destroy these past 40 years and are busy trying to implement a techno-neofeudalism, using technology to enslave us in the past.
“The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.” ~ Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, 1970
The Peace of Westphalia
“The Peace of Westphalia, just like the American Revolution that it inspired, and the UN Charter that served as its continuation is like garlic to the Vampires of today’s Wall Street and City of London.”
The Peace of Westphalia: A Phase Shift in Universal History [RTF Lecture with Matthew Ehret]
Unfettered capitalism is destructive. I think that should be clear enough by now. The USA is a glaring lesson in this simple fact. The argument that the USA is not following true capitalism because market forces are being ignored is an unrealistic argument. Capitalism gives rise to wealth inequality. Wealth inequality leads to oligarchy. Oligarchy captures government and ignores market forces when those elements might work against its interests. It is a cruel yet inevitable sequence. Moreover, capitalism moves down that path very, very rapidly. It did so in the 1890s and again in the 1920s.
Now we are here once again. A near-fatal downward spiral 3 times in 150 years indicates a very unstable approach. Left to its own devices, capitalism will destroy itself every time and it will take all of society down with it. It has the reliability and empathy of a meth addict (and that’s being cruel to meth addicts).
The only forces that have ever managed to harness capitalism are socialist forces – government regulation and social programs like unemployment and medicare. These forces protect the people from the worst ravages of capitalism. Anti-trust laws, environmental regulations, oversight, unions, safety nets – these are the forces that created actual stability in the USA, leading to its vaunted “golden era” of prosperity from the late 1940s to the 1970s.
From the 1980s forward, these protections were systematically dismantled. Union busting, deregulation, the corruption of oversight agencies like the SEC, and the attack on social welfare programs have ushered in the demise of the middle class and runaway wealth redistribution. A captive government has meant little or no real action from either political party. Neo-liberalism and modern conservatism are merely reflections of capitalism’s natural transformation to oligarchy.
And that is why the USA stands on the verge of possible civil war. The culture wars are not real, but the outrage that fuels them is very real. What we are seeing is a population engaged in a collective primal scream. Two sides have clearly formed around manufactured issues and I don’t see how to avoid an ending drenched in blood. There are those in positions of leadership and influence who would be perfectly happy to see it descend into chaos, so long as they maintain power. In fact, many of them would never have achieved power in a more normal and sane political climate.
As for the oligarchs, they don’t honestly care what the little people do to each other. Their wealth will survive, since they can step outside these national borders at a moment’s notice. The resulting chaos will likely provide a lucrative opportunity for them, to be honest. When the USSR collapsed in 1989, it was an almost instant transformation to criminal oligarchy. There is lots of opportunity in chaos.
I believe the USA has reached the “5 minutes to midnight” moment – the last chance for any meaningful change to happen. That change will have to strike at the heart of the primary pain of the population – the belief that they don’t matter and that there is no way to achieve financial security for themselves and their families.
This is a moment that calls for a Teddy Roosevelt, an FDR, or an LBJ. It requires an epic leader figure who can impose the necessary changes. The simple fact is that, each time, the changes required to pull the USA back from the brink are never popular with the oligarchs. Necessary changes are universally anti-capitalist and anti-oligarch. Anti-trust laws and unionization rights. Social Safety Net programs. Civil rights and environmental oversight. But this is what it takes to stop the downward spiral into self-destruction.
Furthermore, I am honestly tired of the tendency to equate democracy with capitalism. Democracy gives voice to the people, who want wealth and opportunity. Capitalism and oligarchy try to take that voice away because it stands in the way of wealth accumulation. Democracy and capitalism are not compatible ideologies. They work against each other. I wish that was more obvious to people.
Oligarchy is why voting rights are being attacked. It is why unions have been essentially wiped out. It is why government regulations have been consistently dismantled. It is why you have been told that “government is the problem”.
The fact is that a healthy, functional government that is not in the pockets of oligarchs is your only true protection. And that is why oligarchs will always systematically enslave it – to remove your only real guardian. Once the government is crippled, all of your protections are laid bare, ready to be destroyed.
I am simply pointing out the logical destination of the current trends in the USA – trends that have been in motion since 1980. The USA’s house is on fire. At some point, the fire will clearly be unstoppable and all we will be able to do is watch it burn this house to the ground. Anyone in California or BC knows that moment all too well. I feel like we are moments away from that collective realization. I hope not, though. I hope for a last-minute rush of bold leadership. I try not to have expectations. Only hope. A small hope, at that.
In the event that the worst occurs, I hope that something healthier will rise from the ashes of the country where I was born.
~ Jonathan Ginter
The presidents are bankster puppets. Especially the three “gentlemen” you name.
“Socialists” like publisher Victor Gollancz and union leaders joined with super oligarchs like Waley Cohen and Alfred Mond to depose peacemonger Chamberlain. FDR presided over WW2, LBJ over Vietnam and the USS Liberty. LBJ plotted the JFK assassination and the coverup along with others.
The feudal system never ended, beause civilians kept inspiring their offspring to join the military. The world’s militaries continue to be employed by European royal families and the technocratic insurance mafia. All these silent actors play the commodities and futures markets. End corporatism and ban syndication and franchise.
End usury fees and all forms of taxation. Nationalise and redistribute land and property, and return it to the populace. End of current problems, and an introduction to new ones…
‘Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.” – whether that is a quote from the WHO or not it’s ridiculous. For starters, what is ‘a population is immune’ supposed to mean – everyone in the population? Never happen in real life. All the concept means is that enough members of any population are basically immune to a certain disease that if that disease gets loose in the population, it will not take a heavy toll, primarily because there won’t be enough non-immune members around to spread it quickly and kill of a lot of people in a hurry. Fuck, ‘we’ humans were making pretty good progress in most things until about 50 years ago when the wannabe-kings-forever decided we were getting too smart to be ruled like savages anymore, as had been done for most of our history, and decided to ‘roll back’ the general intelligence level through various means – with evidently very great success. Short story called Flowers for Algernon would be a great exemplar, I don’t think it was written with this dumbing down in mind, but …
Still mentions natural immunity as part of herd immunity here:
I also nominate: “immunity”
“‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it”. – WHO
Again ridiculous, as even the pharmaceutical companies themselves don’t claim the “vaccines” [sic] offer immunity from infection.
“social distancing”
It’s a contradiction in terms.
I nominate: “vaccine”
“‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it”. – WHO
That’s ridiculous enough as it is from the WHO, but the definition is dependent on a corrupted interpretation of “vaccine”.
Prof Emma McBryde – Research Portfolio – James Cook University ( this is the latest Bill Gates non doctor fake vaccine shill on the ABC of hysterical nonsense.
They love bringing out the Government funded whacko’s.
The ABC died decades ago.