Meet Jigsaw: Google’s Intelligence Agency
It’s no secret that Google regularly collaborates with intelligence agencies. They are a known NSA subcontractor. They launched Google Earth using a CIA spy satellite network.
Their executive suite’s revolving door with DARPA is well known.
In the wake of the January 6th Capitol event, the FBI used Google location data to pwn attendants with nothing more than a valid Gmail address and smartphone login:
The police were then able to obtain an Instagram registration email, which turned out to be a Gmail address. With that in hand, investigators ordered Google to provide any location data they had on that Gmail user, which the tech giant duly provided after it identified a linked smartphone.
A stark reminder that carrying a tracking device with a Google login, even with the SIM card removed, can mean the difference between freedom and an orange jumpsuit in the Great Reset era.
But Google also operates its own internal intelligence agency – complete with foreign regime-change operations that are now being applied domestically.
And they’ve been doing so without repercussion for over a decade.
From Google Ideas to Google Regime Change
In 2010, Google CEO Eric Schmidt created Google Ideas. In typical Silicon Valley newspeak, Ideas was marketed as a “think/do tank to research issues at the intersection of technology and geopolitics.”
Astute readers know this “think/do” formula well – entities like the Council on Foreign Relations or World Economic Forum draft policy papers (think) and three-letter agencies carry them out (do).
And again, in typical Silicon Valley fashion, Google wanted to streamline this process – bring everything in-house and remake the world in their own image.
To head up Google Ideas, Schmidt tapped a man named Jared Cohen.
He couldn’t have selected a better goon for the job – as a card-carrying member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Rhodes Scholar, Cohen is a textbook Globalist spook. The State Department doubtlessly approved of his sordid credentials, as both Condoleeza Rice and Hillary Clinton enrolled Cohen to knock over foreign governments they disapproved of.
Google Ideas’ role in the 2014 Ukraine regime change operation is well-documented. And before that, their part in overthrowing Mubarak in Egypt was unveiled by way of the Stratfor leaks.
More recently, the role of Google Ideas in the attempted overthrow of Assad in Syria went public thanks to the oft-cited Hillary Clinton email leaks:
Please keep close hold, but my team is planning to launch a tool on Sunday that will publicly track and map the defections in Syria and which parts of the government they are coming from.
Our logic behind this is that while many people are tracking the atrocities, nobody is visually representing and mapping the defections, which we believe are important in encouraging more to defect and giving confidence to the opposition.
Given how hard it is to get information into Syria right now, we are partnering with Al-Jazeera who will take primary ownership over the tool we have built, track the data, verify it, and broadcast it back into Syria. I’ve attached a few visuals that show what the tool will look like. Please keep this very close hold and let me know if there is anything eke you think we need to account for or think about before we launch. We believe this can have an important impact.
– Jared Cohen to State Dept. Officials, July 25, 2012
With all this mounting evidence, surely Google Ideas was decommissioned. Surely Jared Cohen was swiftly ousted from his position at one of America’s premier Big Tech darlings for crimes against humanity, right?
Of course not!
Why scrap all that hard work when you can just rebrand and shift your regime change operations to domestic targets?
Google Jigsaw – USA Psyop Edition
Google Ideas was renamed Google Jigsaw in 2015 after years of bad press and controversy – this time with an eye on performing psychological operations in the United States.
But all that experience data mining and overthrowing Middle Eastern nations wasn’t just thrown out. Rather, Jigsaw repurposed its internal psychological operations program (code-named Operation Abdullah) to instead target “right-wing conspiracy theorists,” as revealed by privacy researcher Rob Braxman.
Using a technique known as the redirect method, Jigsaw attempts to populate outbound links to dissuade potential thought-criminals from looking at wrongthink.
Make no mistake – the redirect method is about more than manipulation of search engine results. It’s one thing to manipulate the content of searches based on query strings, but to target the psychology of the searcher themselves requires an accurate psychological profile of the person doing the searching.
And Google has psych profiles in spades thanks to centralized Google logins: To Android phones, to Gmail accounts, to adjunct services like YouTube, even to children via Google Classroom.
You don’t even need to use Google’s search engine to populate them with weaponized data. In fact, search alone provides far fewer avenues for offensive metadata usage than a cell phone.
We would implore readers to take a look at Jigsaw’s site. It’s a study in how to use front-end design to creep out your visitor, as a snippet of JavaScript code ensures your cursor is tracked in a spotlight throughout your visit:
The site also uses another bit of intelligence tradecraft known as “transferrence” – it’s a simple psychological tactic of shifting blame from yourself to your target.
The four subheaders on Jigsaw’s homepage, Disinformation, Censorship, Toxicity and Violent Extremism demonstrate this tactic at work.
- There is no greater source of media disinformation than MSM and the information served up by Google search engines.
- Big Tech are at the forefront of destroying free speech through heavy-handed censorship, Google among them.
- Psychological manipulation tactics used by the social justice crowd doubtlessly instill toxicity in those subjected to them.
- And Google’s well-documented history of participating in bloody regime change as described in this article are textbook cases of violent extremism.
Yet Jigsaw markets itself as combating these societal ails. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, just as Google’s former company tag-line of “Don’t Be Evil” was a similar reversal of reality.
And yes, regime change aficionado Jared Cohen is still the CEO of Google Jigsaw. In fact, Jigsaw, LLC was overtly brought back in-house as of October 2020.
In Closing
As we’ve described in previous articles, vast swaths of the State-controlled Panopticon are currently being outsourced to Big Tech companies.
Call this phenomenon a public-private partnership. Call it the Great Reset. Call it Agenda 2030, or Agenda 21, or “stakeholder capitalism,” or any of the other euphemisms dreamt up by these hapless would-be oligarchs to sell neofeudal Technocracy to the public.
Making intelligence services pseudo-independent from the State is simply a mandatory prerequisite for fully globalizing them.
Furthermore, as the Biden administration seeks to reclassify half of the country as domestic extremists, it’s no secret that companies like Google, with their vast data weaponization programs, will play a key role in identifying Public Enemy #1:
There is no “silver bullet” solution to this problem. Nearly all consumer electronics can be exploited at very low levels. Even the Internet itself is a longstanding military intelligence operation.
But this doesn’t mean any action short of becoming a Luddite is meaningless!
If data is the new oil, it’s time to shut off your well:
- Abstain from using Google Mail, Docs, or Search where possible.
- Seek out alternative social media and content creation platforms.
- If your smartphone requires heavy dependence on Apple or Google for logins or closed-source apps, consider privacy-respecting alternatives.
- Familiarize yourself with common data harvesting tactics and take action where you can.
While a full list of meaningful action is beyond the purview of this post (or any single blog entry for that matter), the important takeaway here is this:
We cannot opt out of mass government surveillance. But we knowingly consent to most forms of “privatized” intelligence gathering.
Take the first step and revoke your consent. is an anti-Technocracy blog dedicated to unveiling the role of surveillance technology companies amidst the ongoing fusion of State and Corporate power. They adopt a solutions-oriented approach through education on the dangers of consumer electronics and offer degoogled smartphones to thwart contact tracing and broader Big Tech surveillance efforts.
If you enjoy OffG's content, please help us make our monthly fund-raising goal and keep the site alive.
For other ways to donate, including direct-transfer bank details click HERE.
To know Google, one must read How To Destroy Surveillance Capitalism.
Provided Google and Facebook are able to operate as they do, there is no stopping Jigsaw or the much bigger problem and lynchpin, huge private data harvesting.
Never use Android smartphone! Never use Google or google affiliated apps! Never use your main Google, Facebook, Apple, (other) account for cross website account creation and login! Turn off all “allow app tracking” and “improve the <app> experience”. These are benign sounding phrases that really mean they are going to track you ad nauseam.
Other companies harvest private data. Google and Facebook aren’t the only ones but they are the worst offenders by far. And they are getting away with it because it makes many billions of dollars while glib corrupt politicians see it as a way to further power.
Get to Google and Facebook and the whole warped system will start to self implode.
Google is the favorite search engine globally by choice. 3% use Firefox apparently. Google is 95% plus. Now a little qualifier here DownUnder in Australia anyone buying a mobile is forced to run Google. No choice unlike in Europe of who your search engine you nominate. I use Qwant on my pc and my mobile is not internet connected. And that is cheaper by heaps. And now with living in ‘self police parade’ state, [Hawkwind, Space Ritual 1973!] no phone to e-signing when visiting supermarkets or cafes. Which DownUnder they are not bothering about as before. Hope yet.
If everyone would swap their phones, cars, and place of residence a few days each week.. and move to confuse and distort the data input as much as possible, the data, the data warriors count on, soon will be so mucked up they will be unable to make heads nor tails of it. reverse the chaos.. is the only defense to 24/7 spy
You should never use anything from alphabet, NOTHING!!!
This line is tapped, so I must be brief.
Another day in hell. And what goodies do I see? This from Facebook:
“George, take a COVID-19 survey, even if you feel well
Even people who feel well can help health researchers predict the spread of COVID-19 by answering a short survey from the University of Maryland. Can you spare a few minutes to help?”
This has a number of edifying lessons for me: first, that “feeling well” is no guarantee of “being … acceptable” and second, the spread of this curious transcendental “illness” is a matter of certainty.
Of course, you will ask why I am on FB anyway. Well – I never had any interest in it, just as I never had any interest in owning a smartphone. But – and here is where that curious “ultimatum through stealth” comes in – with the initial lockdown last spring, there were certain matters that would be difficult for me to attend to without these devices. Of course, no-one forced me here BUT it was a case of convenience to “get with it” and “modernise”.
I still dip my toe into FB on occasion, but only from an old pc that’s switched of most of the time. I have a business account, since like everything on the internet it usually ends up being a giant shopping mall.
Anyway, recently I’ve been hijacking the FB cv ads for testing, border lock downs and tracking apps. I have to say it cheers me up. To my surprise most of the comments are negative to the agenda and it would appear most know they are being shafted in some way, shape, or form.
As you would expect the discussion is for the most part similar to the jerry springer show, with name calling and like. But I’m finding if you just chuck in an intelligent snippet of factual information backed with a link it get’s a good response. Some minds are open to change. Especially when you have arrogant twats like Australian NSW health minister who is responsible for mistakenly jabbing 160+ year 12 students, this is what he had to say,
Thanks for your reply. Try adding the word ‘dump’ before ‘’ to transform guardian urls into way back machine links, thus depriving the graun of click ad revenue.
I took the liberty of changing yours. Hope you don’t mind. XD A2
Not at all.
Wasn’t that a dogs breakfast. how the principal mewed his apology and everyone is so sympathetic to this really criminal negligence and the students did any baulk. what happend to teenage rebellion. I used to drive buses in the eastern suburbs and then the kids were somewhat racous but not a worry. Are the sheep or goats. is there a difference. And when the virus has not even been mapped properly how can there even be a vax that is safe. I mentioned this to my doctor who refused to give me a medical certificate to not wear a mask. he said, you are the ninth today. and admitted why he refused; the state minsiter for health[oxymoron] said not to. I think it is 1933 again.
I’m a bit bummed that I haven’t had one of those “you may have been exposed to extremist content warnings” yet. Maybe my posts are just a bit too tame, tho I did get a 3 day ban for repeatedly sharing an Andrew Kaufmann video. I’ve also received one of those Covid19 surveys. Ignored it just like I ignore all the other Covid stuff from “officially approved” outlets.
My excuse for opening a FB account was being in lockdown last year in Melbourne and wanting to link up with other like minded people who knew it was a scamdemic and something very fishy was going on. And yes I do see a lot of rubbish on there. Should I mention Flat Earth?
Hya Gezzah, So good to see you made it virtually unscathed…. I also ignore all convid related surveys or requests to attend for a jab. Kicked all but two of my hands-full of medications into touch Feb 2020 and went over to vitamins and herbs.. and cut my nose off to spite my face by refusing to go for a Liver biopsy. Never felt better, It appears that half of the meds I were taking had almost given me liver failure and given me diabetes 2???? That said does my head in I do keep getting depressed when I see the comments all over the place extolling our clown Bozo and the convid pantomime, and screaming about global warming… I spend most of my time, as I said before researching.. and trying to counter the lying presstitutes with actual facts.. Though it’s quite difficult to get round the Ai bots that police msm rags. I have become very adept at screwing with them. Lol….
Flat earth.. appears to be one of the distractions thrown in, to keep us from seeing the truth about convid??
All the best my friend. Magsx
Should have been I WAS taking. Ooops.
Hi Maggie, good to hear your health has improved a lot and you are still battling away without complying with this confected charade. Big Pharma😈. Hmmm. Should I say the name, um, Rockefellers?
I avoid the lying presstitutes and ignore them, because, they have been the driving force of this massive crime, along with the fraudulent PCR tests. Yes, I will link an article in a comment to illustrate what the psychopaths are up to, or what they plan next, like vaccine passports.
I was actually having a 10-12 day break from commenting here because a lot of the time now I feel like I’m just repeating myself, and we already know what’s going on with the scamdemic and how the pyscho’s have done it. And also it’s good for our mental health to take a break from this crap anyway. It gets really tiring at times!
But saw your reply, and because you’re one of the older commenters here (before convid) thought I’d drop you a line. I often go on Bitchute and find really interesting videos there and look at The Slog John Ward and Lockdown Sceptics occasionally, tho don’t comment on those.
Will keep trucking on, and try and keep my head down, but I will not comply with any of the covid bollocks. This agenda still has a fair way to go yet. March 31st, 2025, according to the memo from the World Bank, apparently.
Hope your week goes well, cheers Maggie👍
Many right wing Trump supporters, conservatives, and libertarians are desperately calling for the privatization of police forces, amazingly playing right into the hands of the very corporations and deep state their hero claims to oppose.
yes as AI will do a better job. !!
some car parks in EU is smart phone scan payment only and your reg taken
For example when the scan machine was broken at the car park, Many people where given a ticket automatted and how guess difficult was it to appeal it.
Absolute nightmare
Once they’ve automated law enforcement and connected enforcement to access of digital payments, everywhere can be a prison! 🙁
But the 🐑🐑🐑 will love it.. Read what Aldous Huxley said:
“There will be in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have all their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted by any desire to rebel by propaganda, (gossip) or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this appears to be the final revolution. (Stockholm Syndrome)
People will come to love their oppressors, to adore the technologies that undermine their capacity to think and reason.
A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of manage, control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.”
The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. ‘Great is the truth’, but still greater…is silence about truth.
Who has been calling for that? No one I’m aware of.
The best article I’ve read in months. It also gives constructive advice – short of being a Luddite.
“Call this phenomenon a public-private partnership. Call it the Great Reset. Call it Agenda 2030, or Agenda 21, or “stakeholder capitalism,” or any of the other euphemisms dreamt up by these hapless would-be oligarchs to sell neofeudal Technocracy to the public.”
As with the historical feudal society the efforts of opposition are likely to be thwarted by those of same mindset that shopped poor people trying to eke out an existence (Tolpuddle Martyrs, Peterloo Protestors, General Strikers, gunpowder plotters, oops! &c).
Perhaps these obsequious tell-tale tits are endemic in all societies, and at all periods in history. Perhaps they really believe in what they are doing. There seem to be so many today with vengeful attitudes to those of us branded by them as conspiracy theorists. I urge caution.
Luddite is to conspiracy theorists what they are to normies. Everyone got to put some one else down. I’ve always had a soft spot for the Luddites, would we be in this mess if they had been successful?
If there were a card, then I would be a proud card carrying Luddite. ALL technology is bad. It cannot be otherwise. There exists no technology which cannot be used against humanity.
Virtually all of what we call technology either was created by or derives from creations of the military. And the military is not, has never been and will never be in the business of helping humanity.
‘ There exists no technology which cannot be used against humanity.’
That’s true, but where would we be without technology like the wheel, the engine, the brick?
Technology is amoral, it’s the one who controls the levers who has a consciousness and who should be praised or convicted, not the wheel, brick, etc.
But the biggest problem IMO, is ‘technology’, systems that don’t work or do opposite of what we are told that they do. Lunacy (either intentional or unintentional) is what is really against humanity
Luddites did have a point to make – and it’s relevant still and likely to remain so: that technology advances for one reason alone: to further maximise profits at the top whilst relegating more and more to the human scrapheap below. The corporate PR talk of “modernising”, “getting with the times”, “not being left behind” etc. is invariably swallowed by everyone without question and invariably means one thing only: to transfer more wealth from below to above.
As buzzwords go, this one peaked in the last century– but don’t forget “Progress”!
I capitalize it because it was promulgated as more of a slogan, or Western civilization mantra, than a mere word. Without cluttering up this comment with examples of the term incorporated into commercial marketing campaigns, “progress” is still a venerated term in the business lexicon.
It’s the semantic equivalent of “evolution”, or “salvation”– an apolitical, abstract superlative. What right-minded person could be against “progress”, or insist that it has a pernicious down side?
If it weren’t for technology, you would be slaving away morning ’til night, with very little to show for it. You would die young, and just as poor as you came into the world.
If you use any tools, you are using technology. It makes you more efficient, and your output more valuable – to you, and to whoever trades with you.
It’s not just about profits to the rich. Technology benefits anyone who makes use of it. If you don’t like profits going to the rich, use technology for your own enterprise, be your own boss. Make yourself more productive. You still have that choice.
I don’t think Luddites have anything to say. They were against technology because they held to the narrow, erroneous view that their jobs would be destroyed if machines did the work. Rather than destroying their menial jobs, machines and technology enable people to rise above menial labor to do something more productive with their limited time and energy.
Don’t fall for silly romantic notions of how the world is supposed to work. Machines and technology make us all more productive. If you use any of it, you are a hypocrite. I maintain that you are, because you’re using a computer and the internet to communicate your thoughts. ‘Nuff said?
“The best article I’ve read in months.”
Keep in mind, the author, PrivacyToGo, is a business promoting its services.
OK. It’s a business. Is that a bad thing?
Yes – we have a shop that sells degoogled smartphones and other privacy tools like faraday bags to fund our research rather than donations or affiliates/advertisers, all of which are fine business models!
We’re primarily interested in education on the Technocratic agenda and pragmatic, actionable uses of technology to reduce surveillance. Most of that manifests in the form of open source intelligence and promotion of DIY. Nothing we sell can’t be accomplished by anyone out there with a bit of elbow grease and research, which we definitely encourage!
But for those who aren’t the DIY type, we do have services for sale and don’t want to be opaque about that.
I’m not sure I’ll be a customer, but I’m gratified to find that such businesses exist. That said, I’m sorry to be the sort of person that drives computer DIY-advocates crazy.
I’m a non-technical person who was actually appointed an “automation coordinator” decades ago, when I worked for a US state unemployment compensation agency (Pennsylvania); the agency dragged its feet in setting up a proper IT department, and instead deputized local claims staff who were considered “good with computers”. But despite acquiring some basic proficiency in installing software, performing simple command-line or registry tweaks, etc., I am not ready, willing, or able to undertake major software projects.
A few years ago, when I needed to buy a new laptop I was sure that by then, it was possible to buy a laptop without a Microsoft OS; I naïvely expected online merchants to offer various “flavors”, available by clicking one’s (non-Microsoft) preference on a drop-down menu.
Instead, I discovered that Windows was still the only “turnkey” OS available. A few well-meaning salespersons explained that I could find shops who would replace the Microsoft OS, but this was both expensive and discouraged because de-Microsofting a machine would “invalidate its warranty”. Why the hardware would only be warranted for a Microsoft OS remains a dark and bloody mystery.
I’m familiar with the militant insistence that any competent, responsible, and conscientious computer/smartphone user ought to be able and willing to learn how to work with open-source software. Alas! I know that despite my haphazard experience and occasional cleverness in troubleshooting computer issues, for me replacing my Windows OS or de-Googling my smartphone would be like trying to remove my own appendix. I’m sure it can be done, but I ain’t a-going to do it.
So I’m gratified to discover a non-Microsoft, non-Google light at the end of the tunnel. 😉
Did that image appear??
It’s got fuck all to do with me.
Go to the Source.
John Ward is a Good Man, and in his latest Selfies looks life an Anglo/Saxon King,
In France
I am amazed, that so far I know, I have never met him…
We both come from Oldham – well him Ancoats.
But I would like to.
He is a very clever man. He is 73 now, and still Fighting For Justice.
So Don’t Give Up.
We Can Stiil Take These Evil Bastards on.
And Get Them on TRIAL in a Court of LAW
And Hang Them if Found Guilty, and Cry For Forgiveness.
Do You Know What You Have Done?
I never really liked Guillotines
Much too quick.
Interesting article in that it speaks as a report on something that has to be “toned down”. Rishi Sunak speaks about the “frustration” of businesses and reassures us that we need a “proportionate and balanced” approach for the app.
It all sounds consolatory. But the meat lies here:
This last from Transport Secretary Grant Shapps who adds:
And the “opposition”?
Still – here’s a bit of hope:
This is so moving to that concept that they can tell you that you are about to get sick from corona virus…bugger cancer, heart disease etc….only thing that matters is you don’t get corona…and sadly we know it all has bugger all to do with any actual virus…they could randomly select names each day to put one on the list of infectious etc just to keep the population tense and upset.
As long as most people think that “we can not opt out of government survellance” there will be surveillance and it will grow in scope and sophistication. The “pandemic’ has exposed the thorough rot produced by the capitalist system in literally every field of human activity, society and individual lives. The only solution is complete change. The first step is – all politicians, all governments, parliaments and heads of power-wielding agencies MUST be removed. The corporate owned media must be dismantled. We need to go back to publicly funded major media. People, citizens, in each country should build new societal structures that best suit their needs, culture and vision of a fair and equitable society that benefits everyone witohut exception; NOT based on money, “free markets” and ownership, but on cooperation, cooperative ownership, on truth, honesty and a humanist vision of life on this planet. It is possible, there are enough people in the world with the necessary knowledge, skills, and integrity to turn this hell around. The only reason this unbearable way of life, and this perpetual pandemic, is our reality is the unfounded belief that – we can not change it. We absolutely can, and we actually, must.
the same citizens who drive this by complying?
Indeed and tucked into that cyber meeting was a nice Russian gentlemen talking about govt digital currency and how they have thought about using it to drive specific purchase and in his words stop people buying rubbish food…there ya go folks they really do care about our health.
James Corbett did a show featuring a fellow who sells de-Googled smart phones, in case anyone’s interested. I have a smart phone because I can’t easily get my hands on a dumb phone (and I don’t even know whether they’ll always allow those), but there’s no data on my plan. I intend to keep it that way. Will they let me? I will be leaving my phone home more often if they don’t, I can tell you.
Article author here! Yes, the guest’s name was Rob Braxman and he’s a very talented researcher. Like Rob, also sell degoogled phones in our shop for anyone who’d prefer a turnkey product, but we definitely encourage those with a bit of command line skills to try doing so themselves.
Re: “dumb” phones, the largest OS for feature phones is called KaiOS and recently got a huge Series A funding round from Google. With the phaseout of 3G on all US carriers slated for the end of 2022, they’re unfortunately closing this avenue of escape altogether.
Technologies like VoLTE that are replacing 3G (voice over data, when you get a really high quality audio feed on a smartphone) are a two-way street to some extent. They allow significantly greater surveillance capabilities for entities other than your carrier, but they also allow for encrypted traffic which traditional GSM/CDMA voice bands do not.
Even though we sell and use degoogled phones daily, I personally keep mine in a faraday pouch most of the day and try to leave it at home as much as possible! Even if you’ve personally audited every line of code on a phone’s OS, the baseband software that powers the modem is locked down by rule of the FCC directly.
Thanks. I have zero command line skills for what it is you’re suggesting. I actually have no clue what that’s about. I know what command line is on a computer (but don’t ever use them, although with Linux on on two machines, I’d like to). People thought they had democracy and that that meant freedom. Ha!
I like your clean simple website. I think I’ll be buying one of those phones soon. Maybe next month. I live in Canada. Do any instructions come with them, such as “Don’t change these settings!”
Incidentally, I bought an Alcatel flip phone from scammy Rogers here in Toronto. I had a non data plan but the phone wasn’t actually a dumb phone. I bought it out of frustration. The phone crapped out twice. It wouldn’t update and wouldn’t allow me to add contacts or text message, not that I’m a big fan of that. It used KaiOS. I finally had to give up and go back to my LG (3G). I told Rogers where I bought the phone about it and they didn’t even respond! Not even a comment. Staff in the same Rogers store (where I bought the Alcatel and my plan) told me that they were killing support for 3G this month. They told me that months ago. And when I asked about that earlier this month, the girl on the line said that it’ll be a few years before they do that. Either she’s clueless or they changed their plans or the other staff got it wrong. But I highly recommend that anyone reading this stay away from Alcatel.
We ship our phones with a “Getting Started” guide and offer lifetime support 🙂 Getting Google and dangerous technologies like contact tracing out of your phone is a good first start, but using a privacy-respecting app suite is another big piece of the puzzle.
Our blog is something of a mix between Technocracy-focused geopolitical analysis and pragmatic uses of software and hardware to retain your privacy, so you might also find actionable information there!
I’m not Canadian, but I’ve never heard anything good about Rogers. Funny you mention Alcatel-Lucent, as they are a signatory to the United Nations Sustainable Developement Goals and have been active in smart city development for nearly a decade.
I assume that if I can get a non data plan (which I have at the moment), a privacy-respecting suite of apps won’t be an issue. I have no use for apps. If I could have a phone that made phone calls and did nothing else, I’d be perfectly fine.
I try never to go off topic, so please forgive me. But this is something regarding climate change which I would like to share. It’s a compendium of quotes from scientists which dismiss anthropogenic climate change as a big hoax.
So does that mean I’ve seen the light and come over to the smart side? No, it doesn’t. Ah, so it means I choose to remain in the dark. No, it doesn’t.
It simply means not one of these scientists mentions climate engineering. So while they’re dissing those who mistakenly consider CO2 as the cause of global warming, they are in effect covering up – as all the other climate scientists are – the horrendous effect 75 years of man playing God with the climate has had.
CO2 is not merely the IPCC’s boogey man – it is also the climate change debunkers boogey man, in that they place their entire critique of climate change in that one basket.
Global Warming and C02: “Biggest Misdirection in the History of Science” – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
One of the many big lies. A confidence trick by confidence tricksters.
Except there’s no evidence of a climate crisis, climate changes, it always did.
“climate change debunkers” is a strawman, the null hypothesis is that the climate changes, it always did.
Co2 has a theoretical negligable effect all things being equal, but they never stay equal, e.g. one example is cloud cover, changes of 2% at the tropics would account for all the warming since the 1850’s when the trend started upwards out of the little ice age.
IPCC models don’t do clouds, their error in the models is +/- 5%. Co2 can’t have even a theoretical effect until the 1950’s even by the IPCCs bent science, so what caused the trend from the 1850’s to the 1950’s? if it wasn’t Co2? Were they “climate engineering in 1850? (lol)
your claim the “debunkers” place their entire critique on Co2 is also false. The major critique is about models, the whole IPCC scare story rests on models, garbage in, garbage out. They can’t even call their output a “prediction” since they hindcast them all when they start to look stupid with time, so they call them “projections” (another one for the definition of words thread).
It’s post-modern science all the way.
WUWT articles mention “climate engineering” 8436 times
As clever astrologers can forecast weather events often better than the various bom and climate scientists I cannot accept most of the nonsense generated…slowly we understand more about the impact on sun and earth of the revolving mates we have out there….and unless this is taken into account all human speculation via models etc is meaningless…
And they do it all in the name of ‘private company’. Google, Amazon, FB, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, Spotify, Linkdin… all these and the rest are CIA entities who learned that if you put a really rich white nerd as a beard, scream private company at every confrontational turn and preach rainbows and unicorns you get away with anything. For over 10 years I used my FB page to warn musicians who’s record companies gave everything they owned to these stream sites in return for a significant monthly stipend, most of which isn’t shared with artists. I got back crickets and some hate. I rarely go on the platform anymore, but occasionally the naive part of me wants to see if anyone has awoken yet. Sadly it’s always the same. They’re talking CRT, ‘storming the capitol, white supremacy and everything else MSM wants them to talk about.
One begins to wonder if people can really be this stupid or if perhaps some of the loudest (who happen to be the most successful) are being paid themselves.
An article about Google’s origin –
I always get a kick out of all the “good advice” offered as a way around the Snoop Sisters’ machinations.
“Use alternative search engines” is one of my favorites – as if Big Tech has not already figured out a way around that teenie weenie digital barrier.
And that is the bottom line to all this obsessive spying: it’s digital stupid. There is no digital nut the billionaire techies cannot crack.
So while using your snoop-proof paths around the spies, just go ahead and “cc” Google and DARPA. Saves them a baby step or two retrieving your data.
Whilst, I largely agree with your main point in your second sentence, the Snoop Sisters’ have little real interest in you, except to drown you, with adverts in the hope that you will buy more shit you don’t want. At first sight it seems quite impressive, if you are randomly talking, about something pretty obscure, and then an advert appears on your mobile phone.
You can call it artificial intelligence if you want, but personally, I think its pretty thick. I agree the people who wrote the programs are quite clever, but if they are that clever, why don’t they write code, that police and other “intelligence authorities” investigating gross financial fraud, identify and arrest the criminals who have been emptying innocent peoples bank accounts, for at least the last 20 years.
Almost everything is traceable on the internet, even if someone is sucking vast sums of money to some obscure place the other side of the world, or the other side of London.
But is seems to me, that almost no one does anything much about it, except in rare cases, when told to do so by American Authorities.
Of course it is entirely possible, that if eg The British Fraud Squad do such a trace, they will find that the majority of such money ends up in a CIA Bank Account, which might explain why nothing much is done about it.
Yes, it has been done to me twice. I don’t know how, but I eventually managed to get my money back. In fact in one case, the money wasn’t even mine, whilst I was acting as an executor, about to distribute the funds according to the will.
Tony the “British Fraud Squad” is in it’s self a fraud, indeed there’s not such thing, any reported fraud to the police gets redirected to “Action Fraud” a private call center, where nothing happens, the police do not investigate fraud.
Action fraud is a bit like IPCC (independant Police Complaints Commission) designed to protect the police from complaints.
Action fraud is designed to protect the fraudsters. In reality the only way to bring fraudsters to justice is to make a private prosecution.
many folks have tracking within along with graphene and heavy metals as railtrack and antenna
deep within the human animal
old law books of old defined humans as monster and why not
we we have track device for are dog simon who believes he is free dog of the land sui juris
so why not gps for gordan
as the saying goes if you have nothing to hide then nothing to fear but fear itself fool me once
you cannot be fooled again you scum
loose lips sink hms defenseless ukrainia for the khazar slave empire
and all that if you get my ask a nazi drift already
you may frown at the word salad
social credits A i data
china was the test bed billions in compliance so why not here hare here
these imbeciles are trolling you.. and have been for years… the preferred methodology employed is reminiscent of that used by teenage girls to keep the pack hierarchy beneficial to the alpha girls… the ‘nature’ of un-social DARPA net is a sort of nasty bitchy superficiality with underlying aggression…
still, there is a big piece of the ‘Jigsaw’ people are loathe to mention…
but it will have to be broached….
who? be specific, preferably with something to read/watch that you base your assertion on.
you could start with ‘don’t be evil’ and other such ironic strap-lines.. I personally liked klaus magoos vaguely threatening ‘you will have nothing and be happy’, then of course there are all those ‘stunning and brave’ mastectomised and castrated sexual deviants, tolerance as a positive (torture is tolerated)….. and then you could read the fraudian for the next month…
it should be obvious at that point you are having the piss taken out of you…
I don’t generally do the toobs, mainly music if at all, I’m rather old fashioned and prefer a book and glass of laphroig..
OK cool, my bad. I wasn’t sure since I was reading a piece by privacytogo I thought you meant them (lol)
I’ve seen so many drive by comments attempting to disparage people like whitney webb, corbett etc. in the last few days my troll radar was a bit oversensitive 😉
indeed, WW has done some excellent work on epshteen and his connection to the tran-humanists and credentialled imbecilia, thorough stuff and great to see it all collated intelligently.. there is a tendency amongst many of our side to view all things with suspicion..
but that is probably a good thing…
For about a ocuple years now i only take my phone outside if i expect an emergency. There is literally no need for me to be connected to anythign once im outside. I work at home on my computer all day long so if i can get off the internet im pretty happy and i don’t want to bring it with me. They can still track me via cct cameras but thats unfortunately out of my control. Also i think as long as you use a microsoft or apple operating system i bet they are able to track ever keyboard stroke and mouse klick. If you are a terrorist you better plan your attack completely analog 🙂
Demanding photo ID with menaces is the newer trick up evil online service tek companies sleeve.
Some just cave in and accept the projected thought that they must acquit themselves of a crime they haven’t and will never commit. A person guilty of no crime at all in their lives being accused of possible criminal activity by bots is the new norm and everyone although innocent is now guilty of something. Lawmakers are complicit because it is they that write the rules that these companies try and enforce. All lobbyist created laws of course to benefit these multi-nationals.
If you fight back your account will be locked for good and your IP address blacklisted for non compliance. Other family members might also find it difficult to obtain credit or financial services because one person in that circle refused their draconian demands. Obey the bots, you will comply, or you will be an outcast.
All this is to put a face to a name and profile you for the next evil project.
Great info on Lineage and Graphene, however when I try to download any of their builds, they sit at zero transfer rate then time out and cannot download anything (on an otherwise fast connection). Anybody have the same problem or alternative secure sources for their builds?
What phone?
Trying to download to a pc, moto g7 plus latest build, fails repeatedly before getting past a few percent complete
Just update it to the latest version and turn off as much google and moto stuff as you can find in the settings.
Can’t recommend lineage as it’s just a security mess.
To run GrapheneOS you need a Google Pixel 3 or newer. Updates for pixel 3 run out in October.
Thanks for your replies but the installation instructions state to download to a PC and install to the moto phone from there, but as I said initially I’m unable to download the installer package to either the PC or phone, so cannot even start the install process to try/test (the installer packages are hosted on server https://mirror/math/princeton/edu at Princeton University which is resetting the download connection a few seconds after the download begins)
I don’t and won’t ever own a Google phone so Graphene is no use at all to me.
Surely, however much of a security mess Lineage may be it cannot be as bad or any worse than Android?
And to the down-voter; I pity you.
Android is actually AOSP (Android Open Source Project.) Moto (Lenovo) do a pretty close to stock version.
It’s fun to tinker but a lot of this degoogling gives people a false sense of security/privacy. I recommend reading this and clicking the links
The truth is the state of computer security is just terrible, because for years people just were happy that it worked.
Any vendor ROM like those installed by Lenovo will have the Google services framework in tow, unfortunately, no matter how close to AOSP their build is. Google squeezed all the OEMs a few years back into doing this by default, which is why virtually no manufacturer or carrier will sell you a “degoogled” phone at point of sale 🙁
And there’s simply no getting around the fact that modern SoC ARM systems, especially baseband chips, require binary blobs. Who knows what’s on those! If Intel Management Engine on x86/64 processors is any indication, nothing good.
Smartphones are actually incredibly secure from a hardware perspective – everything is sandboxed, encryption is handled on separate chips, etc. They’re just not very private… at all, really.
That’s why degoogled OSes are more than a novelty. Unless you are a truly targeted individual, most of the data harvesting done on the average person is from Big Tech, which due to Terms and Conditions acceptance, is actionable and increasingly used by State actors (unlike, say, PRISM, which is not admissible in court).
It was beyond the scope of this article, but a lot of these DARPA-style think-tanks within Silicon Valley companies have taken on the heavy lifting of Transhumanism/AI research, which relies on sanitized and formatted data sets to a large extent. So in this sense, refusing to comply with data harvesting remains a thorn in their side.
Whitney Webb has done some amazing work on this front.
Keep trying to download it! 😀 The LineageOS servers have a low timeout threshhold so unfortunately the download can fail quite a bit before it works.
As Dave notes below, LineageOS is based on AOSP, which is actually quite “secure” from individual attack vectors. Some ROMs like GrapheneOS do additional security hardening, but if you audit their commits, most of it is related to securing a device to which an attacker has physical access to the phone, which is cool but very rare.
It’s Google’s proprietary framework that sits atop AOSP that makes it so dangerous from a privacy perspective, and it’s this proprietary code that ROMs like LineageOS and GrapheneOS remove.
So if a G7 Plus is all you have, LineageOS will be much more private than anything Lenovo put on there.
Of course, Dave is spot-on about the big picture. Assume all this hardware is pwned at a very low level. Changing things like the OS and BIOS can limit data harvesting from Big Tech to virtually nil, but alphabet soup types play by completely different rules.
Contact tracing APIs, however, give us a lot of insight into how State governments are using Big Tech’s datasets in lieu of Federal surveillance programs. Individual States simply don’t have the budget to do mass surveillance the way No Such Agency can, so they are heavily reliant on Google and Apple to do the heavy lifting for them.
I have a feeling that given the recent claims regarding graphene oxide allegedly being contained within the jabs that a sudden name change to the OS might be in order
Use a different browser.
09.07 // 12:00 (мск). Cyber Polygon (english version)
Unfortunately only on a few (modern) phones (Sony), officially. There are also a few community supported phones.
Also used as the base for the russian Aurora OS. Basically Sailfish OS, without Android compatibility, and some add-ons. Rostelecom owns 75% of Jolla’s majority shareholder.
I was trying to explain the comming technocracy to a tech lover friend of mine who uses everything Apple, he was arguing non of it matters to the average guy “I’ve got nothing to hide” he says, he didn’t want to show me his message history, or let me read all his emails tho “that’s not the same thing” he says, “my info on some tech giant server is inconsiquential.”
Would you like all your medical and DNA info available to insurance companies? No, but that’s illegal… lol now the NHS is selling it to the highest bidder, I wonder if the ‘opt out’ is worth the paper it’s written on.
“lets try an experiment” I say, “find me the best price you can find on your Apple shite for a flight to Paris.”
“I’ll find my best price on my privacy hardened desktop”…
You should have seen his face when my price was £48 cheaper than his, for the exact same flight! And still, he does nothing about it!
“You should have seen his face when my price was £48 cheaper than his, for the exact same flight! And still, he does nothing about it!”
Well, that’s it then. Proof! Proof about your superior insights, proof about something to do with using Apple, proof that your friend is capable of being unmoved by your arguments.
I was making a point about metadata, but I guess that flew over your head, unless your usual style is so sarcastic as to be misunderstood by the average person.
Apologies for my snarkiness ImpObs. Good luck in your privacy pursuit.
If he is using all things Apple then your are correct. He is providing “metadata” “telemetry” and whatever term they come up with to make personal data seem a simple part of high tech functionality. But in fact, unless the terms of service are a lie*, using Apple does signifianctly reduce the amount of “metadata” that is being transmitted. Again it doesn’t take you private. If connecting to the internet at minimum there will be first party data collection happening to some varying degree. But as so often is the case with people championing a cause, it’s either a perfect solution or it’s nothing.
Google is almost certainly the largest data gathering operation in the history of American corporate existence. This isn’t a secret as one can look at their P/L statements and one can actually view “metadata” they have gathered. Lumping Google and Apple as the same choice only makes the average user believe the data gathering can’t be avoided, why bother to try to avoid it.
Interesting test for you and your friend who uses nothing but Apple. I’ll bet he has used Google products on the side. So have him request a copy of his gathered metadata from Apple as well as from Google. Surely as an all Apple user the Apple file will be much much bigger and much more full of his private data than Google right?
Big corporate should always equal customer skepticism. But what consumers can do is opt for the lesser of the two data gathering evils and there clearly is a lesser evil on this particular item. It then encourages smaller corp entities croups to follow the customers trail looking for lesser gathering of private data. This is the only real way to force the.big corps to have to come our way versus making consumers believe they are all the same and just to give in.
Meanwhile the most crucial part of the long-term agenda keeps ticking over:
This was clearly an important and well-tailored one because just about every UK MSM outlet covered it (I could just as easily have copied in the Fraud’s or the DM’s version).
As usual it covers more than one base. The explanation for declining physiques when veganism, the biomedical health regime and poverty start taking their tolls has been put in place. It wasn’t the diet nor the drugs nor the lack of resources that did it – it was the climate! Frankly we might as well all switch to silicon and climb inside our computers for ever more!!
Solutions-oriented and degoogled smartphones: that’ll fix ’em! That’ll lighten the backbreaking load of the African boys in the artisan coltan mines.
“Data is the new oil?” No, oil is the old oil. No oil, no data. Or no electronic data, where the internet is the 6th, soon to be 5th, largest energy user in the world. No oil, no biodigital operating system upgrade, no in silico Wellcome Leap, no biotechnical convergence on singularity, no telecommunication or information superhighway. No oil, no hypercomplex neurally networkd economic civilisation. No Google. No Alphabet. No Jigsaw. No transport. No logistics. No life that is not prepared to go old school with paper and pencils. Or more importantly: spades and hoes.
If we just keep ‘them’ – the techGiants – off our ‘privatised’ data: I’m sure it will all be fine?
Exponentiates of industrialised and globalised debt, technology, complexity, energy and resource depletion, pollution, desertification, poisoning, and intentionally created human misery, imperially imposed by the first world on the third: all singularly could cause collapse. And by technological design and waves of biotechno-scientific transformation: mankind is facing the convergence of all of them at once. And oil, not data, is what oils and greases the wheels of agriculture, commerce, industry, and anhedonic civilisation in biodigital convergence on singularity.
Mankind needs completely “degoogled” low-tech solutions-oriented thinking: technology applicable at human scales of interaction. Not a globally interactive self-conscious Skynet or hypertext identity matrix that we must remain connected to. Mankind is already biodigital. The noise from a biodigital community that does not want to become transhuman or even posthuman is a Socratic irony, a cosmic unreality. That horse bolted!
Tech is always centric, exclusionary, and ethnocentrically racist scientific imperiaism – controlled by transnational monopoplies seeking intellectual rent. The nodes on the information superhighways are the nodes on the economic capital-accumulation centres where the world’s wealth is concentrated, FFS. The imperial capitals of Empire are all interconnected for economic, not just social media reasons. If we all stop using social media, they’ll still be interconnected for ‘real time’ arbitrage, IT, and FinTech reasons. In requirement of ‘6G’ human-cyborg operating systems enhanced-neural synaptic upgrade. No oil, no data, no hypercomplex neurally networkd economic civilisation.
Mankind faces a simple binary choice: with no indeterminate middleground. Which should suit the moralistic and analytic, mechanical, and technological thinking that manifested the stark reality. The choice is between high-technological status quo imperial growth; tech-innovation applied at global, dehumanising scales; expanded neural networks; globalised self-consciousness; etc: which stands opposed to low-technological alternatives; applied tech-innovation deployed at local, human scales; localised self-consciousness and face-to-face interactive degrowth.
In light of the harsh reality: there is no choice. Google/Alphabet/Jigsaw will control the former option: but have no place in the latter. Which ‘we’ will control together. No oil, no data, no future ….unless we reclaim the low-tech future.
We have painted ourselves into a corner. It’s all over.
“Mankind faces a simple binary choice …”
Yes, whether or not to keep it in their pants.
Whilst I didn’t watch the video, the book he is referring to “Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline” argues strongly against the current narrative, that population must be rapidly reduced , by enforcement of eg jabs
“The authors combine a mastery of social-science research with enough journalistic flair to convince fair-minded readers of a simple fact: fertility is falling faster than most experts can readily explain, driven by persistent forces . . . Empty Planet succeeds as a long-overdue skewering of population-explosion fearmongers”
“Warnings of catastrophic world overpopulation have filled the media since the 1960s, so this expert, well-researched explanation that it’s not happening will surprise many readers”
This has long been my view, that populations naturally stabilise, and any attempts to force population decline , by wars , starvation and disease are counter-productive, because they result in very high child mortality rates, and in order to compensate (if you expect your child to die when young), you have far more children than you would otherwise, if you expected them to live a full life.
But its the Malthusians who are in control, and it is they who need to go. Why can’t they do us all a favour and jab themselves?
I also do not accept that there is any shortage of food or resources, except when imposed deliberately by those at are in control.
Excess population is another function of oil. Whilst there is no more emotive topic around: it must be confronted. The link between the “Green Revolution” and hydrocarbons is a well established part of ecologics. We can sustain the population if and only if we reclaim the land, the soil, and fertility NOW! In agroecological transition to an enhanced solar economy late in the century. Enhanced by what we can save from being spaffed in trying to keep the current necrotic and moribund system going.
I could only watch some of the presentation. The basic presumption of women’s empowerement via increased economic urbanisation is fatally flawed. Economic expansion entailing urbanisation is a function of oil too. And all the other declining natural resources: including soil, sand, and water. I’m all for empowerment: but it has to be truly sustainable.
No biological community can outgrow its natural and organic resource base. The more energy and complexity we invest in the current failing system: the less there will be to transition to a “people’s sustainability” ….as opposed to the billionaires fallacies of sustainability, urbanisation, and perpetual economic growth. Most of which is moneytised debt: and not productive tangible assets. We cannot urbanise and empower forever on thin air or digitised databases.
This is known as the “energy-complexity spiral.” The more energy and resources input to sustain complexity: the more energy and resources needed just to ‘stay still’ at a high level of complexity [the “Red Queen Effect.”] When complexity cannot be maintained indefinitely: collapse will be rapid ….not a slow decline. Imagine the “Y2K millenium bug” for real when the computer debt & growth simulacra crashes. [Cf. Tainter, Diamond, Patzek, Martenson, Hall, etc.]
Mankind needs a massive population deployment away from the cities: which is not going to happen any time soon. Apparently, the Corona Crisis is not yet enough of a dystopian and apocalyptic forewarning. A projected “Empty Planet” with a population stabilising at around 9-10 billion and gradually declining in fertility thereafter is a) most definitely not empty; and b) currently not sustainable on biased ‘billionaire’ estimates of economic growth and urbanisation.
To sustain that amount of people would require a “war-deployment” to land-based fertility and low-tech applicability at human scales, as per above. That there is but a faint whisper that realises this: there is your subconscious depopulation strategy. We can only sustain ourselves at much lower levels of resource and mixed land management, and therefore less material wealth. Shared equally and truly sustainably: but allowing infinite amounts of time to develop spiritual wealth beyond any comparison to our current necropolitical high-tech system. Empowering women, children – and even perhaps some men – sustainably, naturally and organically!
Keep IT in their pants, maybe? The other thing, leading to overpopulation, is not the threat the billionaires would have you believe. Not everyone consumes equally. Most – around 50% of humanity – do not consume at all, relatively speaking. Overconsumption by the First World is the problem. Radically reducing that overall consumption via degrowth, radical redistribution of wealth and resources to the poverty stricken majority – via targeted growth within overall degrowth, and an eventual steady state economy within global biocapacities is the only workable solution ….morally, intellectually, humanistically, or just plain old survivability.
Bang on the money there, Big B.
With Al CIAduh Goggle and Wikkipedovore filth controlling the memory hole scattering regurgitated poisonoUS infoniblets from the usual long nosed mobsters and their capos….the ovine herd is as misinformed as a herd of sheeple possibly could be.
Onward to the slaughterhouse before the sheeple inevitably catch the rising stench of death from the ongoing covaids caper.
Pfizer macht frei…and Onkel Schmuel luvs y’all.
Fatty Pompous comes “clean”…at least as clean as a porcine slab of bacon can be.
Solid article – informed and to the point.
I looked at the media-spy connection and the alternatives to Google in two posts this month.
To abstain from using Google Mail and apps, and grow shy of your smartphone…. I have a few suggestions here:
Jul 2 – The Tyranny of Choice. Google builds digital vaccine card into its Android phone.
Your Samsung S5 is severely out of date. It doesn’t matter that lineage patches android when your chip is no longer receiving security updates. It would be trivial for an accomplished attacker to use a known vulnerability to compromise your phone.
The same applies to newer phones, they are full of holes waiting to be patched.
If you are a target and click that spam link access is granted by you and not the hacker. See Pegases and their assault on Al Jaz journalists for more details.
Working in the area, I cannot sympathize much with Maidadan and his “security” advice. He unironically suggests to use Windows 10, Chrome OS or MacOS as desktop operating systems, thus trapping you at those corporation’s mercy so to say. Qubes OS is a good suggestion, but will only run on very few computers. Since all hardware is backdoored anyways, the only solution I can come up with for now is to use one device strictly for official business that reqires personal identification and another with no personal information whatsoever for everything else.
The device without personal information runs Arch Linux and everything big 5 corporate (Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon) is blocked in the hosts file. On this computer, browser compartmentalization is in use: Different browsers for different things. Take a look at Librewolf, GNU Icecat and ungoogled Chromium. If you are doing browser compartmentalization, be aware of cross browser tracking ( – you can test the browser there).
Some people require a Windows operating system to properly perform their jobs, I would at least suggest “Windows Privacy Dashbord” ( to keep the telemetry in check.
excellent, thanks node!
You seriously recommend Arch? Don’t get me wrong I use Arch myself but it’s really not for the casual user and getting it secure and learning to use it sensibly is not a walk in the park. Most people recommended Linux will end up with Ubuntu or Debian which are horrible for security.
Ungoogled chromium is sometimes weeks behind on updates and really achieves nothing you can’t do with Chromium.
“Since all hardware is backdoored anyways…” Think you’d have to provide some evidence for this.
Debian based systems are fine, so long as you stay up on pulling PPAs from outdated repos from Canonical. It’s a shame they’ve shortened LTS support so much, and overall, I haven’t trusted Ubuntu since they pulled that attempted Amazon integration a few years back.
IntelME, Spectre, Meltdown, and UEFI BIOS basically ensure any x86_64 architecture is pwnable at the hardware level. There are a few motherboard manufacturers that remove IntelME and run SeaBIOS now, though, which is cool!
That level of control used to be limited to ThinkPad owners who were willing to crack the machine open.
funny thing to say from someone giving out computer security advice…
What am I looking at specifically? This is an internet search with no hits. Vulnerabilities != backdoors.
I’m not saying there aren’t any but it could be very problematic if the wrong person got their hands on the key.
Don’t get me wrong I’ve done the whole librebooted open source degoogle bollocks but the truth is it’s all a bloody mess. For the internet I use GrapheneOS as it’s the only project that doesn’t spout security theatre bs.
You’re looking at a load of links to stories about hardware backdoors embeded in chips, I can’t recall the ‘safe date’ for microprocessors before which they wern’t embeded, iirc it was in the 90’s, intel designs were the first to be leaked, AMD soon followed, there was even a wikipedia page about it early on tho I only did a quick search today (and I’ve forgot the names/keywords) I dint see it come up.
I’ve been out of the IT loop for 20yrs but it was common knowledge even back then, which is why I was surprised a ‘security concious’ IT guy was sceptical about it. There was a burgeoning Open Source Hardware movement even back then, things must have moved on since but it’s not something I’ve looked at for years, mite be worth some research.
Vulnerabilities != backdoors
Intel me and vpro are to allow administrative access to multiple computers in an enterprise environment. The fact it was badly implemented and was flawed just makes it like all the rest of the dodgy silicon.
And if you don’t trust that tiny part of the board why would you trust the rest of it? It just makes no sense. The links in that search are just about vulnerabilities that when found have enabled backdoors.
you seem determined to not get the point.
Your point was “deliberate backdoors installed in all hardware”
That is not the case.
For the last time vulnerabilities != backdoors. The spiegel article is about garage doors being opened by a radio signal. How that equates to change data on offline computers I have no idea. Also wonder how pcmag infers that? Maybe they were after some clickbait.
Of interest there is actually amazing, fully open hardware right now.
I’m saving up.
“He unironically suggests to use Windows 10, Chrome OS or MacOS”?
This is serious, actually a serious suggestion? Wow. ChromeOS = worst, Windows = less worse but still bad, MacOS less bad but still bad.
Do privacy barkers understand that it is the OS code AND the applications that run on the OS (with a shout out to plug and play routers)?
A. You must run a logless VPN. Without masking your IP address you’re wide open to first party collectors connecting point A to B — which is then collected upon. Rule 1, you’ll have identifiers so mask your identifiers. Your private data now becomes more nameless and faceless.
B. You cannot use Chrome, you! cannot! use! Chrome! Those scoffing at that are living in a fool’s paradise thinking it’s all or nothing. These people aside, the vast majority of Google’s business is money made from collecting! your! data!. The more they collect –> the more they know –> the more money they make. Gee, what could go wrong with highly incentivized private data collection? This isn’t a G!D! secret formula. Shutting off the biggest information collector (shout out to Facebook on that) is key to pushing the game toward less collecting.
C. Your best PC option is VPN running on a Linux based OS. That’s not fool proof but it’s a staggering drop in the amount of information that can be connected A to B/you. (See point B about leading spying capitalism toward being less lucrative).
D. You cannot use an Android phone, you! cannot! use! an! Android! phone. See point B. If you must have a smartphone use Apple’s iOS, say no to all tracking, install the VPN. If you must visit Facebook do it from this vantage or similar to a FFC.
E. If you are using a “free” service, actually read the ToS. If you can’t there’s plenty of sites that will read and interpret them for you. 80% of “free” is paying with your private information (where you are, what you say, who you know, what you read etc). And your private information is lucrative, the more they get the more lucrative it is (see Google and Facebook P/L for advertising).
F. The surveillance state will get at some of your information but a funny thing about big entities. They are built in lazy. If it’s easier this way they’ll do it that way. Google (among others) is making the slide as greased as it can be. People are in effect walking into the government offices and filling out everything about themselves, what they do, how they think, where they go, what they buy with smiles on their faces. What could go wrong with that?
The game will not be changed overnight. It’ll be one step at a time away, slowly taking away the financial incentive. Do not make people think there’s nothing they can do other than live in a cabin. That’s crap! Help people to take a step at a time. It can change given enough steps in the right direction.
Madaidan’s article is focused more on security than privacy, but you can have a reasonably private experience using all three of those.
A: Maybe check that with a more honest vpn provider
B: You can use Chrome/Chromium just fine. Just don’t use a Google account. Or a Facebook account. Or any account.
C: See A. And don’t use Linux unless you really know what you’re doing. Even then it’s a nightmare. Maybe check here that you’re not leaking ipv6 all over the shop
D: Android is AOSP just don’t have a google account, disable/uninstall apps you don’t want. Disable Google Play and install Aurora Store. Better yet use GrapheneOS.
E: Yes don’t use social media.
F: The surveillance state is laughing at your advice.
Chips almost never receive “security updates”. That’s eventually firmware, but mostly the operating system, and applications.
LOS (Lineage, ex CyanogenMod) is not simply “patching” android, it’s based on AOSP (Android Open Source Project), but eliminates all google crap (mostly GApps, Gservices), (yes, it also) patches vulnerabilities, or bugs, and adds it’s own, or 3rd party open source alternative components, and applications to replace the google ones.
The S5 LTE is still getting LOS updates (currently 18.1/Android 11).
For the less tech oriented there is also /e/-OS.
Could I just say, and I mean this to be constructive criticism, that I find white font on a black background to be very taxing on the eyes?
Unfortunately, I think this is only a problem for some of us; I have no way to estimate a percentage, of course, but I have the impression we’re in the minority.
I also can’t “take” light text on a dark background, white on black being the most egregious version. I either bug out, or copy/paste the text onto a plain text program to read it. But other people are OK with it.
BTW, I also have a strong aversion to reading long blocks of text without paragraph breaks or comparable spacing. In the previous century, our high school newspaper moderator called this formatting a “tombstone”.
But I’ve been told to quit my bitchin’ by people who don’t have a problem processing tombstones. So I guess it’s just our bad luck. 😉
It all seems to hinge on the smartphone. I got rid of mine a few years ago. Life is better without it, and the small conveniences it offers, I can simply live without, just like I did before the things were even invented. I can’t understand why anybody who knows what silicon valley tech giants and intelligence agencies are up to in even the smallest of ways still owns one.
same, never owned a smartphone, the way some people look at you as if your some kind of weirdo, the feeling is mutual.
Just get an open source smartphone instead: GrapheneOS:
With an open source encrypted messaging app: Signal.
We need smartphones more than ever to keep in touch with the like minded and the latest news from sites like this… Eg. I’m writing this on a GrapheneOS smartphone!
I definitely don’t need a smartphone in order to stay in touch with and meet up with people on my wavelength. On a personal level I’d rather not have a mobile phone at all, but I need one to be informed of available work. Having had a smartphone and having not had one, I enjoy my life much more without one, so I’ll pass on the open source one I think. I’ll pass on ever having to download an app, scan a QR code, show some digital passport etc and I would suggest to everybody that not having a smartphone is a very sensible thing to do. The smartphone is the centrepin of the tyranny that is unfolding around us at present, no smartphone, no tyranny.
I suppose the moral here is …. if your about to storm the capitol and cause a coup d’état leave your fucking phone at home.
On another note, Mr.Trump is being lambasted again by the MSM and other woke liberal misfits for launching a lawsuit against these private corporations and their handlers.
I rather think its a honourable attempt and I wish him luck with it. Makes for some fun shit to fill in the boredom until he wins the White House in 2024.
As a UK leftie, I also applaud Trump even thought he was duped into murdering Soleimeini.
These scum are not my left.
Still sucking the trump stick….Obviously you must be a product of the USSAN edukayshun machine. Wake up already for God’s sake.
There is a difference between sucking and fucking and I rather think Bill Clinton defined that rather well enough, for God’s sake indeed.
Woke up perhaps?
Many people have asked, “Why isn’t Trump on Gab?” Here’s why – The Kushner administration would not allow Trump to use GAB unless Andrew Torba banned users who criticized Israel.
I thought it was a horror movie…..
Proof of Foreknowledge ?
NIAID, Moderna Had COVID Vaccine Candidate in December 2019 (
Of course they had it earlier. DARPA gave both Moderna and Phizer tens of millions in 2013 for mrna research.
The six month ‘warp speed’ was BS. They couldn’t release it a month after the scamdemis started as that would have looked too ‘suss’, so they waited a bit.
oh yes, they have had the so called ‘know-how’ for a while… the problem being it tended to kill it’s test subjects…
unbelievably it is still unlicensed for human use… though of course that hasn’t prevented the imbeciles forming queues for the distinction of being a guinea pig on a nod from the kleptocrats and BBc.. the rule of law no longer stands (if indeed it ever did, more a question of what they could get reinterpret)..
of course it was always about the injection (genetic modification)… and getting it it into you..
So what is the Apple version of this?
The apple version of this is “pop your little mask on and cheer the homosexuals and transgender heroes”
The Apple version is unfortunately get rid of your iPhone.
There’s a long history of “jailbreaking” iOS devices to achieve some additional privacy, but Apple basically has their SoC on complete lock-down these days and has since ~2014.
If you absolutely require a smartphone and you want to use one without Big Tech surveillance, degoogled smartphones are really the only user-friendly option at present.
Speaking on web browsing…Gov websites sure make it tricky to find the law spelled out clearly. I’m trying to find info on a current “mask mandate” in my city in Australia, Brisbane, but it’s not easy.
It states a mask mandate is in place (can’t find when it ends) and that you should carry a mask at all times and wear it into shops etc etc. Then it lists exemptions…there’s lots of them including medical reasons.
It bluffs you without providing exact law by saying that $13000 fines and 6 months in prison could be waiting for you if you fail to comply without adequate reason. But it doesn’t state that, by law, you can NOT be asked to present medical records to anybody. It does NOT make this crucial bit of info clearly known alongside the mask rules…so you’re not going to put 2 and 2 together.
So, the social engineering and coercion…the lines they want you to read between are to “wear a mask peasant or be fined”…but they never make it clear all in one place on one webpage that you are entitled to claim medical exemption and that you do not need to prove or disclose your medical record.
I suspect that what the police do is intimidate…accelerate and escalate…and threaten, until they get you into a flustered position where they handcuff you and take you in. The may do so (I think) under suspicion of crime. They then hold you in a cell or something trying to make you crack and consent to their side of the story. Something like that.
But apparently, in Commonwealth nations there’s this law on being duped into fines:
Summary fines are illegal.
1688/9 Bill of Rights Act applies for to all Commonwealth Countries, see below the provision;
1688/9 Bill of Rights Act, current constitutional statute ‘law’, in England and Great Britain, provides the following:
That all grants and promises of fines and forfeit of particular persons, BEFORE CONVICTION ARE ILLEGAL AND VOID.
Basically, you have to have been convicted of a crime/offence in a court before a fine can be issued
So, if police threaten you with fines, they have already broken the law. They bank on the fact that most people will not know that. They bank on the fact that most people will cave in and accept the fine.
Now, most people are not prepared to sit in a cell waiting for free legal aid. So they just go along. But it seems that is what a free individual in this clown world has to do…has to go through potentially, in order to hang on to his freedom.
But finding any of this clearly communicated on Gov websites…is NOT POSSIBLE. Gov websites make it look like the situation is hopeless. And when you try to find info online…all the hits direct you to the Gov sites. So, you’re trapped in a loop that constantly locates you right back in the hands and realm OF the crooks…OF the party line.
I’m not sure they issue you a fine, they may say this, however what they will issue is a penalty notice. I’ve not studied legislation, but i’m not sure this is the same thing.
In any event, it’s best to stay calm and wait for your turn to speak. Don’t get into an argument as this is what they aim to do. Officers are trained to used force and you can’t win this battle. They have a gun, tazer and spray.
Personally, I talk to them with respect and state my position in clear logical terms. If they insist on badgering, I simply inform them that “I feel threatened and am executing my right to remain silent”. From their they can either arrest me, or I’m free to go, always the latter in my cases. They don’t like paper work back at the station.
I’m exempt from wearing a mask for reasons I inform them. I’m not obliged to discuss details, or provide any documents. You will find if you do this calmly and intelligently they will move on to a weaker target to meet their daily penalty notice budget.
I know many officers personally, most say when they stop you the first thing you have to do is pass their attitude test. Big egos on these guys I know. But the have guns and you don’t, the only weapon you have is your IQ. The IQ has been lowered in recent years for entry to the police force. That said, you are at a great advantage here providing you don’t have attitude.
Yes, excellent Mr Working Class. Perhaps even the penalty notice you are speaking about should be considered a ‘promise of fine’…I mean, it’s not an invitation to the Governor’s birthday party is it. So it’s a ‘penalty’ notice…implying threat of fine of one kind or another. So, according to that law I cite (if it even IS applicable in Australia), handing me a penalty notice would be void. I’m not skilled or knowledgeable in law that’s the problem. So imagine the general person out there who doesn’t even entertain ANY of the things I’m talking about regarding legality. I look at the general public…walked right through a major shopping mall today and was the ONLY person I saw not in a mask. And just by the way…the shopping mall was absolutely PUMPING. No worries there…all masked…busy as hell. So people have no worries with masks. Not slowing them down at all.
As for everything else you said, yes exactly. My policy as well. Remaining calm comes with experience I imagine. I haven’t had much contact myself. I went to a major shopping mall today to exchange a niece’s birthday present I’d bought a week ago, plus a supermarket. No mask, no harassment. But EVERYBODY else was masked.
And I thought to myself if 1 in 10 of these people had a mind of their own things out there wouldn’t look like such a creepy twilight zone. Geez…if 1 in 20 didn’t wear a mask. If there was ANYONE. But it was only me. Good, decent people are staying quiet, complying because they are scared. Decent people saying nothing. Not even trying to think. Because the Gov has them believing in $13000 fines. The Gov is deliberately withholding important info regarding this mask bullshit. And that’s the con. That’s the bluff. The Gov is pretending. And they want you to pretend too.
And everyone’s doing it. Not sure if you’re in Australia, but from what I see here it’s nothing short of emphatic capitulation.
It is like being the invisible gorilla (to most) that wanders through a football match that no-one appears to notice.
“That all grants and promises of fines and forfeit of particular persons, BEFORE CONVICTION ARE ILLEGAL AND VOID.”
And that is one reason I never pay speeding fines, instead electing to go to court. Of course the corrupt magistrate finds me guilty, but at least that’s his role.
And I help bog the system down.
Do you have to pay any court cost?
Most of the claims, restrictions and demands are inconsistent, incomplete, incoherent, vague, shifting or reversed. This is intentional.
Claims? You mean like claims the State makes against supposed mask infringements etc? Restrictions like masks? Coz, dudes…if there’s one thing that I can’t abide…I just can’t do it…is to put a fucking mask on. Never going to happen. And it shits me to tears the 99.99% of people who do.
I am finding that some of my apps in my I-Phone will not function without location services turned on. My navigation system in my car allows me to cast navigation data from a phone. Nifty. I tried it once to see how it worked but the ramifications were obvious.
It is not surprising that big tech has been allowed to censor anything it wants given what is presented in this article. The left has a serious political stranglehold on our country because of it and they may never lose their grip.
The most surprising thing about it is that so many people are not concerned. Frightening would be more accurate.
As a UK leftie, I don’t see these scum in my worid.
Do they want Assange free?
Do you, on the right?
“The most surprising thing about it is that so many people are not concerned.”
If it was a big deal, it would be on the news….
It is not in the news because the problem IS the news, along with big tech, of course.
Brilliant article. We are watched – by our searches and all activity here online. We’ve known and accepted that. Kids do experiments then find out by the ads that follow – someone/an algorithm was listening. My suggestion – search for 3 things you care nothing about for every one you do. Make their data rubbish – and it will be. They can’t fight that kind of thing.
Also include all sorts of controversial keywords MSM is hyping.
Wasn’t Jigsaw the name of the psychopath in the saw movies?
and just like google, he knows all the information/data behind the people hes captured.
I don’t know if it’s good enough, but when I’m browsing the internet I use the private window of my Firefox browser, than do my searches using DuckDuckGo.
Cleaning those cookies and stray data regularly? I would.
And dump Windows if you’re using it. Linux has flavours for everyone.
Linux for the paranoid:
For the super-paranoid:
However … the Chinese built your computer …
That type of talk is usually reserved for use by 3 letter agency employees, tech company shills, or complete idiots who have no clue how computer systems work. Which one are you?
Western hardware full of holes is manufactured in China.
Have you ever heard of a hardware kill switch? If not I suggest you do at least a little research.
Private windows means it goes directly to the NSA. DDG is no different.
What dribble. Private browsing just doesn’t remember your history and clears cookies when you close the session.
Use Pale moon browser- works for most sites.
I wouldn’t recommend palemoon for privacy. You’ll stick out like a sore thumb.
No it doesn’t. I used Pale Moon for years and finally had to ditch it precisely because it is increasingly rejected by various sites. If you don’t believe me, visit their forums and find “Gotta Go,” the thread I started. It got technical fairly quickly and I couldn’t participate, but the Pale Moon community agreed that they are being subverted, mainly by Google.
Read the thread lower down about where DuckDuckGo originated.
Counter intuitive but Chromium is actually more secure with a much better sandbox. You cannot have privacy without security.
Linux is actually a mess so unless you know what your doing don’t bother. Windows enterprise with telemetry turned off is (probably unbelievably) your best option.
Actual information here:
Blimey Dave, you sent me off on one there (lol) according to (yeah I know it has flaws)
Firfox, privacy hardened with settings, ublockorigin, adblockUltimate, FB container, HTTPS everwhere, privacy Badger
Blocking tracking ads, blocking invisible trackers, protecting you from fingerprinting, all YES one in 2335.9 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.
Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys 11.19 bits of identifying information.
Palemoon, as is, no addons
results: Blocking tracking ads [YES] blocking invisible trackers[YES] protecting you from fingerprinting [Your browser has a unique fingerprint] Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 254,624
Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys at least 17.96 bits of identifying information.
So what do I need to do to make your recoemendation of palemoon as good as my FF set-up for privacy? I’m not bothered about state level/LEO survelance tools, just bothered about big tech privacy/metadata gathering.
Palemoon decided to tell me there was an update after I posted, so updated, installed ublockorigin, self destructing cookies, and adblock lattitude
now same result cept unique in 254,776 😮
Indeed. Aligned with war crimes, destabilisation of the world and treason against us. Quite an eye opener when set out and explained as above. We often dont realise the evil and extremism we deal with day in day out. That Duck Duck Go site mentioned a few comments down, Ive seen recommended by several independent commentators.
In April, Dr. Charles Hoffe, a Lytton, BC doctor blows the whistle on the devastating effects of the Moderna injection on his patients.
In May he is discredited by MSM (CBC) and and sees his income drop by half.
Then on June 30, a “suspected human-caused,” forest fire almost completely destroys the town of Lytton, BC.
6 hours ago, the “Lytton Wildfire” gets its own Wikipedia page.
And thus is history written…
Recommendations re non-Google search platforms?
There aren’t really any in the English language world. Duck Duck Go is an often recommended alternative…
I don’t endorse it. I do find, though, that it seems to be a better search experience than the usual suspects.
What is Duck Dyck Go? A completely independent browser or a plugin for chrome?
Information that goes against the narrative is more readily available because it is not filtered out as it would be when searching with Google. They do have filters of their own, however, by my experience. A casual conversation with a young sales lady about the censorship led to her recommendation of
On my and. phone, it’s an app.
On my Linux PC, it’s an extension in PaleMoon.
I use Startpage. Duck Duck Go is a known privacy offender with the goal of overtaking Google and replacing it, using the same tactics as Google itself. There’s always Tor as well.
Google likes DDG. Tor is US State funded, as Yasha Levine reports. StartPage, I suspect (after checking), is Israeli government-connected, which means Israeli intelligence community-connected.
Tor was developed for the US navy to send encrypted messages, make of that what you will.
If spelt as Torr it’s a measure of pressure.
Really speaking and from past observations – I suspect that one would be hard-pressed to locate … any ‘search engines’ which are NOT Israeli Intelligence connected?? This might even include … Russian and Chinese ‘versions’ …
Tut, tut … “by deception, they wage war.’ Go figure …
Conjure up the idea of the advanced stage of where PROMIS is now …
Blind Freddy should be able to ‘read’ the writing on the wall.
You decide if they are really living up to what they claim.
Nothing is secure.
Worst still, many useless eaters have demonstrated their complete mental inadequacy by purchasing smart tv’s with built in listening devices, watches too. Even modern day vehicles have all the listening devices built in and now cameras on the windscreen.
Yep Tor is good, I use from Thailand to get round censorship from the junta.
Duckduckgo. And check the EFF for more information about protecting yourself from online tech company evil.
Well, Yasha Levine doesn’t think much about the EFF commitment to privacy.
One man’s opinion and you run in another direction?
EFF inform the average user, what’s not to like?
Indeed, and he explains his concerns well in an article (forget the title) and in his book. Yasha himself is a dog.
If you are worried go to and pick an instance. In preferences you can choose which search engines you use.
startpage, swisscows, yandex…. webcrawler one of the oldies but goodies…. all superior to google which may as well be a langley handout it’s so curated…
Swiss Cows
It’s really very simple.
Just stop using these companies and their hardware tech gadgets.
It’s as though entire populations have been infantilised.
Idiots are addicted. Smart gadget – Dumb user. Some act as if their coolness points will be deducted if they don’t have the latest over priced toy.
RE: “hapless would-be oligarchs”
Odd thing to say. The last thing they are is hapless.
“public-private partnership”
Il Duce called it simply fascism.
Ah yes, started in UK by Major, 1990-97, and expanded by Bliar and Brown!