Sign the Petition: Say “No” to Mandatory Vaccination in Australia
A new petition is ongoing, calling on the government of Australia to rule out making Covid19 “vaccination” mandatory.
Under new laws, the experimental shots are already mandatory for certain employment sectors and there are rumours this policy will soon spread to the population at large.
Even if the government doesn’t make them mandatory, Australia already has “no jab, no pay” policies in place for other shots. These controversial rules dictate that only parents who vaccinate their children are eligible for certain state benefits. That is coercion.
A similar approach to Covid19 vaccines – that taking the vaccine would “earn” certain freedoms back or giving away prizes, for example – could well be a breach of international law.
Under the Nuremberg Code, established in 1947, forcing OR coercing humans to partake of any experimental medical treatment is against the law, and amounts to a war crime.
Mainstream media “Fact-checkers” are quick to attempt to debunk this claim, suggesting that the “nuremburg code does not apply to Covid vaccines”, because “they are approved and not experimental”.
But this is very dishonest, Covid vaccines are not “approved”, but rather they are subject to “emergency use exemptions”, meaning they’ve been rushed to market without sufficient testing because there is an (alleged) public health emergency.
This does not mean the vaccines have been “approved”, nor proven to be safe – clearly, none of them has had the time to be subject to any long-term studies on efficacy OR safety.
Vaccine testing and approval usually takes years, and the phase 3 trials for these shots won’t even be complete until 2023.
So, sign the petition – add your name to the ~260,000 who have already made their position clear. Make sure the government of Australia know they will be resisted if they push this any further.
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I’m not pessimistic enough to say there will be no divine intervention, but realistic enough to admit it never came for the many before us who fought and died in wars based entirely on lies.
At this point most of us brave enough to say ‘go fuck yourself and your vaccine’ are also painfully aware there are almost zero persons of power on our side.
Think of all the republicans who pretend to be opposing this madness, all going along to get along. A Bentley and a Rolls Royce only look good as long as 99% drive Toyotas folks. These corrupt-to-the-core, mind controlled zombies will start eating themselves before their satanic flag over the White House has even reached half-mast.
The one bit of calm you get, albeit bittersweet calm, is that these people… 100% of them, will never, ever be happy. They’ll be up our ass with new rules, new definitions, building back better and re-imagining their own cocks and balls until we’ve fought the good fight, died and perished. Then what… Peace in the valley? For the tortured souls of this biblically proportioned fight, never.
I say re-imagine light, and shine it around everything you see. This author is right on the money about them goading us into a physical fight. It will be all they need to start the genocidal program of ethnic… sorry… idealistic cleansing.
Graphene in covid vaccines?
Jon Rappoport has been following the graphene story and his blog posts include a smattering of links. Jon’s a fantastic resource – and he doesn’t lie about the existence of Sars CoV 2 the way the hoaxsters and most of those in the anti-covid 1984 camp do.
SARS-Cov-2 is a computer-generated genetic sequence patented in 2015.
“[Dr. David Martin] was hired by the same U.S. Government as Dr. Fauci, to “monitor biological and chemical weapons treaty violations in the very early days of 2000,” which he apparently did – rather better than anyone expected him to do.”
Below are notes I took from an interview with Dr. Martin:
SARS coV-2 was patented in 2015, there are 73 patents on anything novel. The sequencing of the spike protein vaccine (for SARS Cov 2) was started in November 2019 a month before the “outbreak” happened! “The script for what was then called then “the New Normal” was written in January 2004 by Merck which was the term adopted by the WHO, CDC, Gates and all the other players in 2020. “We are not injecting a vaccine for a virus, it’s a computer generated sequence… the evidence is abundantly clear that there’s been no effort by any pharmaceutical company to combat the virus.” “This is about getting people injected with the known-to-be harmful S-1 spike protein,” “We have already injected hundreds of millions of people for what was known to be in 2002, a biological weapon.” There are no “variants”, it’s just when you start and stop reading the sequence.’ If the seasonal influenza vaccine doesn’t work to get people vaccinated, then we’ll change the pathogen.” “A stated objective…they needed to get the public to accept a pan-coronavirus vaccine counter measure and they needed the media to create the hype and investors would follow where they see profit.”
Yep. I saw the interview and linked to here in another comment.
This is about as close to a smoking gun as we are going to get. Spread this info as far and wide as you can! A lot of analysis since March of 2020 that we have seen will have be reconciled and reevaluated with Dr Martin’s evidence.
Yes, I thought it was damning too. But it seems that nothing factual that damns the hoaxsters can stop them. Those who own and rule the world keep on rolling over us. Canuck Law just reported on how the (undemocratic, unelected) Toronto Regional Board of Trade chief, Jan De Silva, is pushing the criminal Ford government to bring in vaccine passports. She and other powerful players who are down with Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset, is busy ‘destroying’ small businesses, as part of that Great Reset. You can’t reset something until its stopped. The big sharks are swallowing the smaller sharks along with the minnows. People have begged for their subjugation, which the twisted ‘benefactors’ in power have desired to give us and now we – the covid crazies and the few normal people left – are getting it. Small business owners have also jumped on the fun fascist bandwagon and gone along with all of the police State government’s policies and rules and they too are enabling the destroyers and they too will lose, even if they don’t see that. The toilet world is rapidly going down the toilet. It’s nasty while it’s on. It’ll be good when it’s finally over. Klaus and his happy groupies, like De Silva, will not like the way it all ends.
I predict that there will be no mandatory vax in the so-called 1st world. That would be unnecessary and counter-productive. THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PSY-OP IS TO GET YOU TO CONSENT TO BEING INJECTED.
They aim to achieve this via coercion. Making it mandatory will create resistance and they have wisened up to the fact that people will react negatively to orders but will fall over themselves to show they’re doing their part for the “community”. The script is to create a virtue signaling incentive to get
vaccinatedpoisoned.Have you considered that you can both be right, i.e. you and those who believe in a push to mandate vaccines?
If not, why do you feel that your idea is incompatible with theirs? Can the one not lead smoothly into the other? I mean, what else would you expect to happen if/when a majority agrees that mandates are morally the right thing to do? If 51% of the populace accepts that proposal, they will have no qualms about forcing their view onto the minority. Some of that minority may resist, but history has shown that much of it will not.
If you require evidence in that regard, you need simply visit your local landfill, which is now full to the brim with discarded masks, many of them once worn obediently, meekly you might say, by what one might otherwise term “resisters”.
“Go along to get along,” was their mantra, but they “resisted” plenty… on Reddit, or Twitter. Really anywhere except anywhere or in any way useful. I believe you have part of the script, and don’t realize that you don’t have the full script. Those who allege mandates are part of the intent have another page. Perhaps you should compare notes, and attempt to form an idea of the bigger play?
It appears most Australians are more than willing to partake in whatever bullshit their handlers demand of them…. so why bother?
That story of the Vet (in the “prizes” link above) is totally sick..
Lost his job, home, car & health to the pandemic, and is now overjoyed at winning a year-pass on the metro.
Good luck to him but he’s gonna need a lot more than that.
Somehow I suspect that the authors of the story (WaPo was the source, so it’s possible to be pure cloth) missed the irony.
Just so people know: if you’re not vaccinated, you are no longer allowed to go to the UK from France.
I’m not aware of anyone going to the UK period. I thought they were all leaving?
On a serious note what is the proof of vaccination that these morons are asking for?
I guess the certificate you get when you get vaccinated.
From ITV:
One “covid related” (?) death in four months? I wonder if that’s the same as one single death in total in four months? Or do people still die of other things (including, very likely, that one “covid related” death)?
Look at those who pledged to protect the health of every Australian. At the highest level of government, they have designed and are actively pushing a legislation to allow health providers, pharmacists and doctors, to stop providing services to people who have a different belief system to themselves. Would you trust such mob to protect your health?
Enshrining discrimination in the law of the land is the epitome of human rights abuses. And yet, they go on lecturing the world about human rights!
Another mind-boggling psychopathic behavior, top government officials are still opposing the ban on forced conversion therapy for gays.
What has led to this situation where Australians are now governed by medieval monsters?
Government win every time coz “muh safety”.
The most spineless, cowardly, passive aggressive, weak facade there is……but…but…….public safety! It’s not about belief systems it’s about scientific fact and muh public safety. We have a monopoly on the scientific fact and you trust us with muh public safety. 😉
All the fucking whingers carrying on about closing state borders so that no nasty people from one state can get someone sick in the other state
Yep one could swear that the air , weather patterns etc know about man made state lines….what does one say other than it is being used to confuse….I am a little suss though that it may be a weak point…I.e are they more worried that the various stat mandates don’t apply across the border? A question for the legal characters
Yes. “We’re all in this together”
But stay the fuck out of my state!
It’s an extension of racism; well, any form of discrimination.
Most people are as dumb as dog shit.
They always were, you just didn’t see it.
RE: Emergency powers
Relevant piece of history I learned from Giorgio Agamben: The Weimar constitution was never replaced or amended by the Nazi’s. It was suspended for the 12 years of Nazi rule, who held power by a state of emergency enacted 3 years before Hitler came to power!
All dictatorships use the same pretext of the “state of emergency”. Humanity will have to learn to discern truth from lies or be destroyed.
People set themselves up for catastrophe when they embraced electoral politics. Now, One gangster politician can make a law and consign an entire population to hell. Politicians are gangsters, period.
I keep seeing the misleading comment of “patient rights” specified under the Nuremberg Code. Pay close attention now. >
1.) The Nuremberg Code is a set of research ethics principles. Period.
2.) The Nuremberg Code is not legally binding in any Federal or State juristiction.
3.) Under the Nuremberg Code, responsibility for violations of informed consent rests upon individual doctors, government officials – and their aiders and abettors – each of whom can be prosecuted for “crimes against humanity”. >
References to “crimes against humanity” may sound authoritative and important, yet unlike genocide and war crimes (which have been widely recognized and prohibited in international criminal law since the establishment of the Nuremberg principles) there has never been a comprehensive convention on crimes against humanity, even though such crimes are continuously perpetrated worldwide in numerous conflicts and crises.
There are eleven international texts defining crimes against humanity, but they all differ slightly as to their definition of that crime and its legal elements. Crimes against humanity is a paper tiger, nothing more.
4.) The Declaration of Helsinki is also not a legally binding instrument under international law.
Well aren’t you a clever lad, if we want to make treaties and then ignore them what the fuck is the point,
ge point is to cause us citizens to believe we have real protections, because if we believe we do we will have no need to ask for any.
Hello Marilyn Shepherd: I’m not the group of persons who constructed these “legal” instruments. None of these documents contain a legally binding Enforcement clause. Interpritation of the Code is left to the judgement of individual courts.
Most State and Federal courts hear cases under Maritime law, also known as admiralty law. (Notice the gold fringed flags) Most courts chose not to enforce Common Law. Consequently; the courts are also complicite with others in the egregious activity. This is why criminal charges for crimes against humanity (see Saudi Arabian and Israeli governmental actions) never see the light of day.
The Nuremberg agreements are not legally binding contracts. A contract is a legally binding document between at least two parties that defines and governs the rights and duties of the parties to an agreement. A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law.
Most civilians, and nearly all operatives within the legal system, have no clue regarding the binding of contracts. Criminal Laws are Contracts. The crime is bonded (or bound) to the definition of the offense.
NC violation is not exactly toothless as you seem to portray it, as a court argument against individual legal entity doctor, clinic, hospital and in US it can be corporation or government. NC line of legal argument was already used in lawsuit against COVID jabbing.
the quote was published on CHD website and states that NC violating crimes can be litigated in state courts.
NC, an opinion written by American Judge (resulting not only based on Nazi experimentation but also American doctors malaria drug experimentation on POWs in Asia, has its relevance among US doctors and health professionals as NC was a blueprint for 1946 AMA ethical guidelines about medical experimentation containing most of provisions of Nuremberg Code about coercion free and intimidation free informed consent with assured no negative consequences of refusal, requirement of animal testing prior human testing and provision of no human experimentation if there is reasonable scientifically based expectation of harm anticipated or actually occurred (I.e. stopping experimentation at first serious injury or death), It opens up immediately to charges of practicing trade with violating of license, a crime already on the books.
The ethical argument is relevant in court as to establishing premeditated crime vs negligence or accident, If harm to subjects of experimentation came from conscious violation of ethics by doctors or others sworn to uphold ethical code and if they are involved in systematic unethical behavior resulting in mass harm (non personally .directed but systemic) their crimes may classify as crimes against humanity. And that makes whole lot of difference perhaps extending statute of limitations but at minimum changes perception if crime and attitudes of jury.
This is not endorsement of corrupted of US legal system that 100% supports official COVID policies regardless of meaning and letter of law.
Hello Kalen: I appreciate your comment. Particularly the last line regarding corruption within the US legal system…
See document: stated in their complaint (Plantiffs)
From page 6:
“32. Although themselves non-binding, the principles underlying the Declaration of Helsinki and the Nuremberg Code have been incorporated into international conventions, as well as the laws and regulations of countries around the world, including the United States of America.” [End quote]
Like many other such “suits”, the lawsuit cites the historical record of an empty (non-binding) Declaration and Code. Where are the Enforcement clauses in either document? What are the penalties for violation? The court is left to determine an interpretive resolution.
Sorry. It’s another paper tiger dressed up in a suit.
The US is allowed to be lawless, doesn’t recognize the World Court or International Court of Justice, withdrew in 1986. Even if US signs a treaty, it will include loopholes that render it pointless. US couldn’t care less about Nuremberg code, can commit any atrocity it wants because no court will ever be convened against it.
Hello susan mullen: Yes, that is one interpretation of events. But that interpretation leaves the reader with no recourse. There are other ways to discern remedy. >
Excerpted from: Supremacy Clause – Wikipedia
“The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land. It provides that state courts are bound by the supreme law; in case of conflict between federal and state law, the federal law must be applied. Even state constitutions are subordinate to federal law. In essence, it is a conflict-of-laws rule specifying that certain federal acts take priority over any state acts that conflict with federal law. In this respect, the Supremacy Clause follows the lead of Article XIII of the Articles of Confederation, which provided that “Every State shall abide by the determination of the United States in Congress Assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them.”
A constitutional provision announcing the supremacy of federal law, the Supremacy Clause assumes the underlying priority of federal authority, at least when that authority is expressed in the Constitution itself. No matter what the federal government or the states might wish to do, they have to stay within the boundaries of the Constitution. This makes the Supremacy Clause the cornerstone of the whole American political structure.” [End quote]
The Law of the Land is not represented by Maritime law or admiralty rule… The people must demand adherence to their own Constitution, and the rights granted by same.
Complete text:
The Nuremberg Code approach is easily rejected- and has been. They simply claim that the current mass vaccination program is not an experiment.
Unfortunately judges do not tend to have much background in Biology and probably don’t even know what a virus really is supposed to be, and how it differs form bacteria….
but the HIPPA laws are, and they are just being ignored by the lawless bunch. In a nutshell your medical history is nobody’s business other than your doctor and those YOU, choose to reveal it to. When the green shirts knock, just tell them to go ask your doctor, you also can post no trespassing signs at your abode, and call the police and have them arrested for trespassing.
Hello danny cahalin: You’re right. HIPPA laws are being ignored by lawless legislators, police departments, nearly all media, fascist military thugs, and hundreds of thousands of persons in the medical fields.
If every citizen carried an antipersonnel weapon, the political bullshit would stop right there…
As some libertarian once pointed out “you get the government you deserve” , very true in Australia .
When is the last time Australia voted that the Queen should remain head of state and have local governor-generals representing her on the ground?
Thank you so much for the article; otherwise I wouldn’t know – signed straight away.
Yes. Me too.
Just saw this from Jacinda: we will be your sole source of truth! You couldn’t make this up.
What a skull faced psycho, they’re literally warping into fiends in front of our very eyes, and just look at the brainless nodding dog behind her…wtf
And he’s a Maori! Uncle Tom lives in NZ too.
She is a fucking witch, mate!
Burn her!
But worse! Much, much worse is…
She is a fucking freemason…
Burn her twice, just to be sure…
emaciated man. pure evil, laughing at us.
Ugly, ugly bitch. With a hateful heart and soulless black eyes. And the words out of its mouth…incredible.
And the trademark of a psychopath, the pathological grin, which seems to have been adopted by all these criminals.
She was out there with Bill Gates in April last year spruiking the fucking 60% of the population sick according the gospels of Neil Ferguson and demanding vaccines right now,
Most the Govs of the world look like they’ve been gotten to…millions of dollars in grants from WHO or this org or that to maintain lockdown and terror…not to mention bribery on a personal level, blackmail etc. These politicians have always been compromised soulless scum…but now it’s that on steroids.
It’s not a US term, so I have to ask: Does “spruik” rhyme with “puke”?
Puke, rebuke, fluke etc. are about as close to rhyming as one can get. The ‘ui’ pairing gives it a ‘oo’ sound, as in the northern English ‘boo(k)’
To spruik is to speak publicly in an attempt to promote something.
When pollies do it, it rhymes with trying…
it is a dude with a dicklet
a friend of tory blair
it is a follower of baphomet
a front person for zion
a collector of souls
a dead entity buck tooth khazarian mafia vampyre
Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanismnone of them haven’t figured it out
That might be one of the most profound things I’ve ever read. It deserves to be inscribed in stone for future generations to ponder, and to build religions around, and I’m only 4/5 joking when I say that. You have left me with many deep concepts and implications to ponder this evening, gordan, and I thank you for it.
As a Kiwi living in Australia, I don’t know who I despise more, Scomo or this full-blown psychopath in a dress. And from what I hear from Kiwi’s in the resistance back in NZ, this ‘person’ has most Kiwi’s wrapped round her little finger.
‘Mother of New Zealand’ for fucks sakes.
duck duck go an image of baphomet
you will see the beast is gender fluid
just like the mother with the dicklet running the kiwi shoah
Wow… Everything coming out of her mouth is NewSpeak.
The Prime Minister of Truth.
Monday: i braved the restrictions, caught a bus to an inner urban shopping centre to buy vittles for The Duration. All 8 on board wore masked, but not covering the nose. ( Small signs of Defiance, or showing they dont really buy the bullshit ?)…
I’d been apprehensive, expecting to be told “No Entry” as i’d not one of those gadgets that are used to flash in front of a QR thingy to be allowed entry… But was surprised by the laxity – no employee stood near the entry to ensure ones compliance…
But i shouldnt have been apprehensive, nor surprised… because the NSW governments strategy has been to slowly, slowly, tighten the noose… for example…
Facemasks: initially it was Voluntary (under veiled Threat). Next occasion wearing them was compulsory… Checking into shops: initially voluntary, but this time mandatory… The next time there’ll be Strict Compliance … Slowly, slowly, tighten noosie…
The only thing stopping the Australian government from making the bioweapon shots mandatory is the political cost if the majority protest… it’s not no Nuremberg code, or any law that’s stopping it… Those will be brushed aside, trampled on- when the politicians believe They’ll Get Away With It…
The mask down under the nose is no sign of protest or awareness…it’s just stone cold fact that wearing a fucking mask sucks absolute shit and needs to be constantly touched, adjusted and handled…and you fucking well need proper air to breath. That people let it slip under the nose is a physical necessity…but most of them still haven’t given a fucking thought as to weather or not its dehumanising, degrading or that they are being treated like animals. That would require way too much thought and it would eat into far too much inane TV watching time.
No, these nose slippers are still dumb fucks. Dumb fucks too dumb to even realise that them letting the mask slip should fucking well make them take fucking pause and think…wait a minute…these masks are CRAZY. are attempting a class action. Please donate.
So the down voting trolls are here now.
Dead end- these lawyers are just milking it. You cannot fight this in the courts because the courts work for the system.
Maybe that’s why the downvote- we’ve already been led down this dead end by several lawyer folks.
It seems we have to get used to being told:
“Not mandatory but it is the only choice!”
You’re free to live and breath how you like…but um…you have to do it like this.
For the ruling elites in the Liberal party in Australia, it would be an assault on their dignity to read things like ‘petitions’.
For them, looking at petitions means less time to manage ‘their money’ and less time going to Church.
The opposition, the Labor party, will read and sympathise with petitions. However, in the national interest and national unity, and ‘to make the US embassy happy’, they need to rubber-stamp and approve whatever moronic policies the Liberal party decides to do.
that about sums it up……though in Qld it is the ruling lab party that is far too busy with organising their personal futures…… Daddy is front man for a big genomic mob out of china etc etc……and the opposition here does exactly the same behaviour as you give the fed lab…… only person saying much at all is Chris Kelly in fed parliment and they treat him with contempt…..
Has the mask bullshit stopped in QLD yet?
Think it varies across the state….have not seen any this week in my backwater that was invaded for a few weeks recently……school holidays are over in qld….a lot of the carry on seems driven by any form of holiday…you cannot have the masses moving around too much…
interesting the obsession about travel and transport.
‘ “Fact-checkers” are quick to attempt to debunk this claim, suggesting that the “nuremburg code does not apply to Covid vaccines”, because “they are approved and not experimental”.’
Those fact checkers should be coerced into redacting telling them ‘No redaction, no life’.
Fact checkers who lie should be bumped off without compassion.
Fact checkers are nothing but serial failures — failed as a journalist, tried PR. Failed as a PR, became a fact checker.
seem to be jobs galore for bottom feeding scum during this ‘crisis’
No, they are not “failures.” Objectively, they are successes, they are getting well paid. What they are in fact are propagandists. We should not kid ourselves that they are anything else.
The official documents from the criminal drug companies states that they are running “clinical trials”, with a product that has not had toxicity tests or been used on humans until now.
I think the claim of experimental would be upheld in a court.
I tracked who they are through the scum site all the Australian media, universities and pollies are tapped into, they go back to a USA drug pushing company claiming to be an independent ”fact checker” called Medean – RMIT use them and claim they are independent.
And the poison stabs are not approved; they are merely authourised under “emergency” legislation.
And Pfizer state on the front of their website The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ans still moron Aussies tell me I am a delusional conspiracy theorist
“moron Aussies tell me I am a delusional conspiracy theorist”
I have reached zero tolerance now; I don’t attempt to sway them. I tell them that they are dead people walking and I don’t give a fuck if they die. So what if they think I’m a prick; they will be dead within two years.
They are the enemy; remember there is no circus without performing monkeys.
That is exactly what I was saying on here a few days ago. Anyone sufficiently stupid to still believe in this absolute shite and even more stupid to offfer up a deltoid for the concoction, deserves whatever they get.
I, for one, have had more than enough of trying to enlighten morons. I mean, there are so many dots out there, anyone with any kind of functioning critical thinking can join them.
Sometimes, people must put a hand in the fire to realise it will come out burnt.
Fuck ‘em.
If they weren’t enslaving the rest of us and destroying our lives by their actions, I would probably feel sorry for them. But they are so I don’t.
I know, I am still dealing with the morons who think Iraqi refugees threw their kids into the sea, that refugees are criminals and muslims are all terrorists. Australia is a shit hole, I have said that since I was 12 years old and they tried to send my young uncle to Nam
Time for self defense classes. I recommend krav maga. If you really are behaving like that you will be assaulted sooner or later.
Which is one reason they have constant outbreaks and rush around testing and making lockdowns etc…got to keep the state of emergency going until the agenda is achieved…and still we have little idea of what that is. Well other than what is in agenda 21/30
This will not go away through prayer petition protest. All these have been accounted for by the powers that be. And they do not have a single thread of moral fibre in their souls.
It actually thrills them to see and relish their own success at turning humans into sheep.
To be practical- If we are to break free, we will need to be prepared to sacrifice it all. These people won’t stop unless things get ugly….for them.
The government offers you its protection.
No thanks. I owe you nothing. You owe me nothing.
Ptb are not listening, voting is fixed/pointless, there is only one way out of this, violent revolution, unless we can persuade enough people that the emperor has no clothes, then it may become a popular peaceful revolt, but tv (truth) has softened/addled the brains of most people, i am quite pessimistic for the future as i believe the ptb will win the hearts and minds of the people and turn them against us, and if they do…game over, there will be nowhere to hide.
Like i said i am quite pessimistic about the future 😪
imagine everybody had informed themselves from the beginning/nobody had complied, at all!
Somewhat rephrased: What if they gave a “pandemic” and nobody came? 😉
Standing on a bloody cold street in suburban Melbourne, and just had a customer breathlessly telling me that: “covid is back and they’ve named the MCG as an exposure site”! 50000 Footy fans or whatever number was there. All potential disease carriers.
You should have seen the look on her face when I rather dramatically said “Oh My God, oh my god, I was there at the MCG! What should I do”? She looked at me very nervously while trying to make sure there were no gaps in her mask, then goes ‘have you been tested yet’?
I looked her straight in the eye and said “actually, I went past the MCG on the train”. She didn’t even register what I said.
Looks like Melbourne may be heading for another lockdown. Supposedly 7 new cases. On and on this Kabuki Theatre goes.
You have a mental health pandemic in Melbourne, not a viral one.
Tell me about it Rhys. Mass psychosis on steroids here. Left work early so as to go home and watch the Dr David Martin interview with Reiner Fuellmich, just to hear some bloody sane voices!
That i’view needs to be watched by all. The scam is laid out perfectly.
Also this document from the American Society for Microbiology Journal of Clinical Microbiology Volume 46, Issue 5, May 2008 names SARS-CoV1, SARS-CoV2, and SARS-CoV3. In 2008!!!
Just about to watch it now… Thanks for the other info also.
More of a mass-hypnosis pandemic, which will turn into a mental health problem for those who are unable to wake from the trance soon.
Guess there’s a load of money to be made there when more are put on the anti depressants created for the situation that the anti depressant makers created.
These utter bastards have stolen nearly two years of my life.
A computer virus which has mutated into the human population and is now known as the Wuhan flu?
Yep and just as tragic a a Kabuki!
A million unmuzzled Britishers mingled maskless. A fortnight later, not a single extra snuffle reported. What does that tell you to expect from a 50 thousand crowd of unmuzzled Ozzies? Nothing but a good time had by all.
Apparently the jab uptake here in Aussie is way lower than what the psychos had expected. This is just more fear porn to get more people jabbed. Even noticed on the train platforms last couple of days the get tested if you have any symptoms, wear a facemask propaganda seems to be being played louder than they normally do.
Oh, and it’s AFL football Nick. Not the actual real football…
i have realised that if they cannot get enough jabbed they won’t be able to have a Jab passport……. i am starting to think that the jab passport is part of this limit to travel which the Davos, agenda 21/30 have in mind….. they want everyone only going as far as 20 min… which will be interesting in Syd and Mel….but this will be part of herding people into the little boxes within 20 min of work etc…. moving them out of the country etc.
some will be allowed 200 klm which will be to do with work……they are already moving the trucking coys into this…. we got talking to a driver a couple of weeks ago and he said he only goes so far with his load of bananas and then another driver takes it on further…etc …… everything is in detachable trailers……they like it because they are closer to home…… and no doubt many will like what the vax passport does if they don’t have hours sitting on trains or in cars in traffic jams…..
it is a wonder they are not selling the jabs with this message…….
And the hysteria in Australia over nothing is driving me insane, .1% had a false positive PCR test run at 40 ct, ergo no one got anything but a fucking cold and they are in hyperdrive force 50 hurricane henny penny mode. Sa get ”restrictions” if someone fucking sneezes in Sydney.
Yes, I do agree with you on that point that they have to get a large majority jabbed so as to make the vaccine passports viable. I strongly believe they want to bring in the passports but can’t just yet because of the low jab uptake here.
I read your contributions on a regular basis and find them both very informative and entertaining. In the past have worked with Australian and New Zealand construction types in the middle east and found them, without exception, to be some of the most laid back and self-effacing individuals I have ever come across. It surprises me when I read your postings that the nation should be so gripped in panic that they seem to be more influenced by what they are being fed than the populace of the UK. The propagandists really do seem to have created a perfect global environment for their own ends; it just seems to me that of all the nations on the planet the Australian people, by and large, have accepted what they’ve been fed. I truly believe the world really is changing, and not for the better.
Appreciate your words my friend. In my opinion, neoliberalism did an absolute number on people in both Australia and New Zealand, (and elsewhere) and to quote Shin again in regards to the state of Australian society: “Australians sold their souls for the good life a long time ago”. I really believe that is relevant to what is happening in both countries and with the lack of a sizable resistance.
You have incessant propaganda here, and also there’s been the long process of defanging men thru PC culture and identity politics. Therefore, where are all the Alpha males?
As I’ve mentioned many times, most men seem to be like passive lambs in complying with the covid measures. That includes construction workers, buff gym guys, tradesmen, working class men, homeless men, on and on.
When I lived in Australia from 1985 to 94, people were definitely different then. I believe there would have been much more resistance to the scamdemic, and I know people would have been much more sceptical. And that’s even without the Internet existing then!
I’m just taking things one day at a time now and handing things up to my Higher Power.
Yes. For decades, Australia has been a social experiment.
Q. “How far can we push people?”
A. “Let’s try it in Australia and find out.”
Making a shitload of dirty money in the middle east … yeah I can see why they would be “laid back”. I don’t think you understand English hypocrisy.
What an unpleasant thing to write. I don’t think you understand that these men gave up their living of normal lives leaving their families for months on end to earn a living in the most arduous and hostile of environments. They didn’t necessarily go there out of choice, for many of them it was a means to ride out an economic recession during the 1980’s and they were merely enduring the best of a situation that was not of their making. There was nothing dirty about the money they earned, it was extremely hard-earned in one of the most unenviable hardship areas on the planet. Perhaps you might try it yourself sometime and see if you then possess the same viewpoint.
ah, football. how lone ere the uefa final will cause complete lockdown 😉
Right now football is the last thing on my mind. Just watched the Dr David Martin interview with Reiner Fuellmich on Bitchute and am fuming.
Absolute, undeniable proof via the United States Patent Office that the entire scamdemic was preplanned.
Hope things in Ireland are somewhat more sane than things are down here in Australia.
David’s explanation for computer generated viruses was not wrong, but not simple and clear, although he made it clear that we are being confronted by a hoax. Having followed Andrew Kaufman’s many explanations and videos, with graphics, I got (mostly) what David was saying. Check out “Covid 19 Myths” (which is part 1) for not just a great explanation of contigs (related to David’s ‘interleaving’) but an overall great explanation of how the whole pandemic is a huge, harmful, criminal hoax.
If you want just the section where the intervleaving of contigs is discussed click here.
When news came thru yesterday that Melbourne was going back into a supposed 5 day lockdown (it’ll be longer than that) I was telling people “did you know the state of emergency was due to expire on July 29th, and every time its almost expired, all of a sudden, there’s been cases, so they have extended it again… Did you know that without the state of emergency in place, they cannot administer the jab, isn’t that such a coincidence”.
It didn’t even register with most what I was saying, but with at least a couple of people, you could almost see a light go off in their head.
Thanks for these links Arby, and admit that small sections of the David Martin interview I was going… what? Aye? I’ll look at all of this as, well, I have lots of spare time now. How are things going in Ontario?
Oh things in Ontario are perfectly hellishly hot, as our ‘benefactors’ in power, and insane citizens, including business people, desire. Canuck Law just reported on how the unelected Jan De Silva, chief of the Toronto Regional Board of Trade, is pushing hard to bring in vaccine passports for Toronto, as I commented to Tom Larson in this discussion. Had another bloody flat tire on the way to work today. But not to worry; I had just signed on with CAA! I called CAA to pick me up with my bike and deliver me to the bike shop where the bike could be repaired but they would not take me with the bike due to (non existent) covid 19. I expressed my displeasure, asked to cancel the purchase (I had 30 days to do so) and when I finally got home, I cut up my nice new CAA card. I get lots of flats. The repairs are cheap. The cab rides with my bike are not cheap. It’s costs me around $70 when I get a flat.
Have you thought of getting a Vespa (or similar?) Things are heating up everywhere Arby…
The electrical pedal assist bike I have is perfect. The flat tire thing is the cost of the freedom, unfortunately. The scooters are a step up but are not so free and easy to use and they could, at any time, make ownership of scooters even more difficult, as they did suddenly in BC. I don’t have to do anything with my ebike, which I can take absolutely anywhere, except charge the battery, inflate the tires and oil the chain. I rode it all through the winter here in Toronto, as well, if you can believe it. That was interesting. And invigorating.
I’m starting to give up, and beginning to capitulate to the entire concept and reality of this New Normal. Please someone, remind me why and how I shouldn’t.
You shouldn’t cave in, because the psychopaths pushing all of this have not considered one crucial aspect. The natural law of balance cannot be transgressed. The harder they push their agenda, the more fiercely others will push back. It will *seem* more hopeless and despairing the closer we get to a tipping point in the collective consciousnesses learning the truth. Winter will be very very tough.
Keep going friend, we are all on the right side of history here. See you on that hill.
Thank you my friend. I know you are right. Sometimes I just need to hear it from others.
I’m just getting so tired. It’s exhausting, all of it.
If you roll over, they won’t stop and it will get worse, so fight on no matter how tired and exhausted you feel.
Dunno if you like Papa Roach…if you don’t…sorry but it’s the message that counts…
“The natural law of balance cannot be transgressed”
Ying and Yang, + & -, the balance will be restored….I hope.
Because you’re not the only one.
Fucking A
Because we’re hurtling towards a really nasty future that’s going to let a bunch of billionaire psychos run this sh!t show and they don’t give two flying #$%#s about you.
So it’s important then that you don’t willfully and blindly walk through the prison gates into a future or totalitarian enslavement that will include your kids, grand kids, their kids … and so on?
Make yourself aware of the simple facts of what covid is and does, it’s just not that scary. Refuse the jab if you don’t want it. Make yourself aware of the future that’s being planned for you, it’s not looking good.
De-Microsoft (if you can)
It’s never been so much fun to de-Microsoft: I switched to Linux Fedora this year (from Mac) and can’t understand why I didn’t do it earlier.
If you’ve got a spare 2GB USB lying around you can try it without affecting or changing your underlying system in any way. Best of all, it’s free.
As for de-Googling, I have liberated one phone… using the process I wrote about in this article:
Or Debian
Linus Torvald should get the Nobel Peace Prize…
And the guys who invented Unix!
95% of what I do on PC is in Linux.
Unfortunately, some app writers won’t make a Linux version
of their software, even for us to buy!
(Told on pain-of-death by MSoft not to?!)
But… You can screw up everything if the dual boot setup goes wrong. I have Linux Ubuntu on a new computer all by itself. I don’t use it however, mainly because I’m not good at learning this stuff on my own. But its set up so that if MS goes sideways and there’s still an internet, I can do the basics with it, including my blogging.
Don’t forget: De-mobile, De-TV.
The most important reason not to capitulate:
Let this sink in. One day, it will also occur to those who thought they were capitulating by taking the shot. Psychopaths are never satisfied, and no amount of giving in will make this stop. They will ask more and more until you have given all, and then they will take your life as well.
Imagine a kidnapped person. The kidnappers want to know where the captive hides his family fortune. If he tells, they promise to let him go. He gives in, but then they want to know where his family is hiding before they left him go. He gives in again, and then they kill his family. Finally, they put the gun to his head and he has a few seconds to reflect before they kill him with no regard for his “capitulations”.
Modern society has produced people without character. Now we are facing reality and many are not prepared to make difficult choices that may even include death of the body rather than death of the soul.
“Modern society has produced people without character”
Fantastic Quote. Bravo!
A tragedy for humanity.
A big win for the psychopaths.
“and then they will take your life as well.”
More likely they will program you to kneel before them and beg for permission to go away and take your own life — “The Story of O”.
what’s that Blaumkampf (halo and chappie guy) film “Adam”: horrible.
Go for a walk and kick rocks and stones, that is what I do when it all pisses me off too much
Because you are right and they are wrong, mate. That’s why.
So, just keep being you and those evil fuckers will keep being them.
This will end in tears for them.
Darkest before the dawn…
you just cannot, i had that thought to myself a week or so ago, just enough of this madness, enough, …. fuck that thought, fuck it richt over the horizon behind you. Those who can see need to persist, really. Just prep up and be busy.
Refreshing video. Dr. Peter McCullough interview by Dr. Mercola. Becomes more outspoken w new material after the first 30 minutes, so perhaps skip ahead.
Yeah but he is still claiming treatment for something utterly proven not to exist. Here in
Aus. 1.% of the population had a positive PCR test in 16.5 months using 22.3 million tests at a cost of about $4 billion, about 1,000 might have got sick, all of them over 70.
The poison jabs are running at .44% for adverse reactions like clots, Guillane Barre, Shingles, colds, flu
Done. I signed the petition.
It’s only at 28,000 signatures. Eight days left; 9 thousand a day needed.
There are two, Petition EN2794 & Petition EN2753Why so?
way back in the early 80s I lived in Prince Edward Island, Canada, small province with population of about 120,000. When they started the mandatory seat belt law propaganda, there was wide-spread resistance, and we managed a petition with about 20,000 signatures, and I am sure anyone would understand a petition with sigs from about 1/6th of the population is pretty significant. We got in to see the Premier with it, and he just laughed and said ‘Well, all that proves is that 100,000 people support the law!!’
Like the massive demos against Iraq war, this will be ignored by TPTB.
Reposting this for Australians
This is wonderful:Australia MP questions vaccine and talks about Ivermectin trials and use success:
All Australian media focus has been on the AstraZeneca bioweapon jab and the blood clots etc. it causes. That singular focus is intentional – for it suggests to the masses that all the other bioweapon jabs must be ‘safer’, or even ‘safe’.
The pollie in the your clip has cleverly used The Opposition as the medium to have-a-go at the government, which alone has the ability to OK Ivermectin. (Sort of ‘Trojan Horse’ ?)
Cheap salesman technique hey.
I’ll put my money where my mouth is. They will never make it mandatory. That would be extinction and this is depopulation. Look at what’s happening. Rattling the cage in densely populated areas to get people to vaccinate. Once they hit their target percentage (50 to 70%) all of a sudden everything will be okay and we will have “herd immunity” Such a steaming heap of horseshit but there it is.
You’re not half wrong either 👍🏻
dream on !
as Dr David Martin explained to Reiner Fuellmich, the ‘no novel, no variant, no pandemic’ interview, nearly everyone has been conned by a very successful Marketing Strategy by the pharmaceutical industry..
and it dont end ’til the fat lady has been jabbed…
Could be correct. They have to save some to clean their toilets and open their car doors and fly their jets.
Macron today ““It is a question of individual responsibility” to be vaccinated against COVID-19, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Monday. His new policy will require a special “health pass” for anyone wishing to visit restaurants.” OMG !
We can only hope the entire creepy concept falls on its arse like apparently it did in Israel.
Am I the only one who thinks this petition is a handy list for re-education in the gulag? I appreciate the sentiment but seems like we’ve past the point where petitions have any meaningful power for change. Whether we sign or not, or enough people just say no we will win
Silence can also be classed as consent. If anything this is a clear message from the public that we do to consent. Once this closes it will go to the House of Reps and referred to the relevant Minister. Their response will be made publicly and be available to the public.
Petitions are a complete waste of time. People simply ignore them no matter how many people sign them. True action is not ignored. Go out and act.
When you’re drowning you’ll clutch at straws maybe. I dunno. The planet has gone multiple steps above full retard. That’s all I know for sure.
It is depopulation. There can be no doubt anymore.
Thing is politicians blow in the wind~so if masses don’t want inoculation-then the tone of government might change
Great article thanks for it . Where i live , Canada , No jabby no worky is the law thanks to Ms Tam a big pharma rep., and the Canadian governments face of the Wuhan flu scam. The labor unions have accepted this nonsense without a mummer . It is truly written that politics makes strange bedfellows. Canada is quickly becoming the western version of North Korea with Chinese overtones with the border closed and Mr Trudeau’s/Ms Tam’s faces everywhere issuing yet another set of draconian missives. Only a bad drought and massive forest fires save us out west from a worse clamp down as an election nears .
The only good that has come out of this covid 1984 nightmare is the phony left (I’m looking at you NDP and Green Party) that have been exposed as the totalitarians they are.
All those who seek power over the masses tend toward totalitarianism ?
No injection no work in Canada? Across the board? No joke?
No, it’s not that crazy just yet. Right now it’s not mandatory even for long-term care home or health care workers, but who knows what the (near) future will bring. Quebec government announced plans to use a vaccine passport system for gyms, theaters, etc. instead of a general lockdown in the autumn/winter. Today Trudeau said it’s up to the provinces to decide.
I know several healthcare workers who were told they must take the jab or not come to work , their unions seem to have no problem going along with that demand ?
Not yet! Different provinces, different requirements, for now…. LOL (sarcastic)
In my opinion, we (Canada) are few months, maybe 6-12 months behind NZ and AU, possibly because of the positive influence from our southern neighbor.
We’ll see for how long…
Some good info here:
and here:
Agreed , however , its an election year in Canada which is having a slight moderating effect on Canadas elites as well . However the Canadian masses are docile , diverse , disarmed , and lack leadership , sheeple to be sure.
agreed, Scotland will go into Ireland status before Engerlund; hopefully the English will berserk their plans and swing a wrecking ball.
Do not see this happening up here, I honestly do not meet enough people who are not vexed or full state covidians. But that is the “principle of subsidiarity” r.e each district to it’s own delivery plan, as I recall? But the goal will be achieved.
Gonna listen to some Ice-T to calm me ; )
Federally and provincially mandated but not fully enforced ? Government employees , public health workers , and those who work for multinational corporations have all been forced to take the jab.
Can you provide details. According to immunizebc there are no mandatory vaccines in Canada and that includes the Defence force.
Immunize BC must be yet another propaganda dispenser ? I know for a fact that what i said in my post is true . As you could soon find out were you willing to your own research. All public workers in BC , Costco workers , and non elected government officialdom have been told “no jabby no worky” . The Canadian military have all gotten their jab to refuse is to disobey a direct order .
Sorry Jim, but this is not correct for Costco BC. For now, the requirement is for non-vaccinated employees to wear a mask.
This is a great article outlining the history of Fauci and others horrendous “game”
I have more confidence now that Reiner Fuellmich and his worldwide group of lawyers will eventually succeed but I hope they have good security.
they’re more likely to be declared ‘enemies of the state’ and looked after appropriately
“Successful” dissenters will inevitably join Mr Assange in Belmarsh prison
That it is even on the table for discussion should give everybody the chills.
It’s not because of Zuma – we are hunger and have no jobs because of lockdowns
Yes this Zuma nonsense is bullshit. Lots of mates in SA. Nothing to do with Zuma. They have no money no jobs and no food. I’m surprised it took so long.
Steep slump in GDP as COVID-19 takes its toll on the economy
South Africa’s economy suffered a significant contraction during April, May and June, when the country operated under widespread lockdown restrictions in response to COVID-19.
Gross domestic product (GDP) fell by just over 16% between the first and second quarters of 2020, giving an annualised growth rate of ‑51%.
Put 10 men in a room for 3 days without food… then on the 5th day shove a pizza into the room letting them know there will be nothing more for another 3 days….
On ABC yesterday the fucking journo was reporting on starvation, torture and abuse in Myanmar but just had to throw in ”rising cases of covid”, as if 3 million pple starving to death give a flying fuck about a fake virus, in Yemen the UN are giving them jabs and not food
…sums it up doesn’t it, their true priorities, that was always the clue, since when did they give a shit about people’s health, and suddenly, it was the one and only concern, saving lives, staying safe…as they laid out directives which would and could only harm us…what a total crock…I just can’t believe people are so easily fooled when the message is piped through ‘Official’ channels.
It’s very encouraging to see so many have signed this petition, given this is the first I’ve heard of it. But I don’t do Facebook and listen to the stories from the MSM, where the only opinion people have is impatience to be vaccinated against the “deadly” virus. The propaganda blizzard has gone off the scale in the last week, with fear stories every day about more young people going to hospital and being on ventilators, and a special condolence motion on the first person to die – a 90 year old.
So the problem is now that the idea of vaccine passports is already embedded in the national psyche and ring-fenced with layer on layer of lies. The only way out of the current crisis, IMO, is Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine – but the TGA has banned it and the media and leaders have demonised anyone who supports it. Last week we were even talking about the necessity to vaccinate children.
If there are any civil rights lawyers or public figures who think this implicit mandating of medical treatment, against the individual’s rights, is not tolerable – I’ve yet to hear them speak.
Truly we are going down fast.
(I live on the Victorian side of the border with New South Wales, subject to helicopter surveillance and automated number plate readers, and mandatory QR code registration for shopping. Pen and paper still available, following protest/argument.
This is all so very sad now.
For more on the collapse of South Africa
Hmmm… I guess the lockdowns aren’t working out for them.
don’t hit this link, there’s a load of weird streaming porn – admin I suggest you remove this link
If you are in Australia, and you haven’t yet signed this – do it now. It closes tonight. Make sure you get the confirmation email and reply.
The government already knows they are being resisted. Less than a quarter of Australians are getting the Covid injection.
That’s why they put whole states into lockdown for one or two so-called Covid deaths and several test “cases”. And that’s why they are ramping up the propaganda campaign and threatening us with the deployment of military door knockers.
I don’t think signing a petition will get us anywhere – except that government then knows where to come knocking first when they force us into getting shot up with the graphene oxide-laced gene “therapy”. Several countries are already forcing their citizens into getting this shot. They’re trying it on brown people first. We’re next.
We are way past waving posters during demos and signing petitions.
A lot of signatures on a petition at least gives them an idea of community acceptance of the idea. If they want to find the non-jabbed they can, medical records are not hard for them to access. Anyway, I’ve signed and sent it to like-minded friends.
Qui tacet consentire videtur
(Hat tip to UK Column for this very pertinent Latin)
If you are Australian – sign the bloody petition now !
They already know who has been jabbed and who hasn’t been jabbed. All jabs are recorded in the Australian Immunisation Register. They know who you are.
Time to stick your head above the turrets.
Peaceful resistance.
I agree. (I should’ve read all comments before I posted)
I want to point out that EUA is given only in case when there is no other FDA approved remedy to fight serous disease.
First, fully approved jab will automatically expire all EUAs issued to any other jab manufacturers that is why I see full approval rumors as propaganda ploy to herd people in supposedly inevitable and likely mandatory jabbing and hence is highly problematic. Moreover full approval requires admission and disclosure of all serious sides effect as caused by the jab.
Second Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is not approval of jab itself as no sufficient studies were completed but temporarily allowing use of unapproved drug in cases when life of person is directly and immediately threatened (used a lot in cancer treatments) when no FDA licensed alternatives exist. Moreover the EUA cannot grant the full license meaning for therapeutic or prophylactic use but only provisional license for investigational (study of jab and/or disease ) or experimental use (individual clinical experiments).
And that is what EUA jabs are licenses for; investigational use only.
it is clear that even according to officially fudged COVID numbers EUA is not applicable to those below 65 as there is no threat of death among them. it is licensed for massive studies of never deployed before among humans bio technology and by that fact alone these are experimental technologies and hence using them can only be experimental and hence applies under Nuremberg code, AMA ethical Guidelines, Helsinki protocol, UN charter of medical research and experimentation and slew of state, national laws relevant to experimental medicine.
Quoting Big Pharma owned medical Fuckt Checkers peddling nonsense for money makes me sick.
I DON’T NEED to know their motivation. I just need to know when I’m being lied to. Once I can prove that why would I go along with anything they say?
So here are 3 LIES that have been repeated by them all. Maybe you should ask THEM why they are lying and reading from the same script instead.
First LIE: The PCR test run to cycle threshold 45 is valid. IT IS NOT and that was settled after the 2009 debacle where they mis-used it. The Ct of 45 was the WHO recommendation.
Second LIE: There are no treatments. HCQ & Ivermectin work great. Any government or medical authority who prevents or does not do early treatment is guilty of medical murder.
Third LIE: People who’ve already had COVID and recovered should still get the experimental gene therapy injection. Why? They are already immune.
Now lets look at some other factors.
1) First and foremost I refuse to give up my right to informed consent. How can I give informed consent when information is being withheld? I can’t and as such I refuse to do so. The raw data from the “Phase 2 Human Experimental Trials” which completed in October 2020, has not been made publicly available. Pfizer & Moderna have said that they will release it “sometime in 2022”. Talk to me AFTER that.
Without the raw data we cannot verify their claims for safety & efficacy. You are letting very untrustworthy corporations with blatant financial conflicts of interest, decide what experimental gene therapy treatments you get AND you let the same companies decide what information is made public? NO. They want the public to take the experimental gene therapy injection then the raw data MUST BE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE.
2) This would NOT be a pandemic prior to 2008 when they changed the definition of pandemic to get rid of the requirement for an IFR > 1.0
With an IFR of 0.3 (the worst hit areas are still below 0.5) this is NOT a pandemic.
3) We have a treatment, Ivermectin, that is vastly safer, vastly more effective, vastly cheaper and it works against all the variants that it has been tried on. Why should I HAVE to take a grossly inferior product?
In summary It’s NOT about the disease or curing it.
If it was they would NOT prevent early treatment with IVM & HCQ for 8-10 months.
If it was they would NOT be telling people with natural immunity to get the shot.
If it was they would NOT be misusing PCR tests by running them to obscene cycle thresholds.
It IS about getting everyone injected with an experimental gene therapy treatment.
Smells like Jonestown to me.
I identify as Immune.
2nd lie is nonsense, as all the tests in the world were run on 40-45 ct and still are in most places there is nothing to treat so the babble about treatments is a lie
Great stuff, print this, carry it in one’s pocket, ignore the black pilling and endless contradictory information being spewed out 27/7 for 18 months to depress us and wear us down.
Freeface on your merry way, and identify as sane and organic.
The govt. officials are far more guilty than the manufacturers. The latter are only following the accepted religion of capitalism.
White House to Ask SMS Carriers to Monitor Vaccine ‘Misinformation’ in Private Text Messages
I can assure you that talking tough on the Internet is pointless at best and self defeating at worst .
Australian man jailed for two months for breaching Covid self-quarantine orders | Western Australia | The Guardian Judges in Australia have been doing this facist shit for the last 15 months, a healthy man has no ability to spread anything so they jailed him in a closed environment – the Labor governments in Australia have been monsters
It’s one thing if a tiny minority of “politicians” and their lackey “scientists” want to play viruses and pretend because giant corporations told them to…but to ask millions of other human beings to pretend along with them…to any extent, let alone locking themselves up, wearing fucking masks and having their body injected with unknown goop is beyond insane.
Do not trust a single word of what that rag spouts.
I’m not gonna read it, but they probably claim that the guy was unvaccinated, unmasked, crossed borders, or whatever stupidity they want to reinforce in the sheeple.
if they didn’t have a story to push the fear-porn, they would just have to invent one ..
You’ve probably seen this video already. It’s New Zealand, but it credibly demonstrates that even persons who cooperate fully (if reluctantly) with COVID quarantine restrictions can be imprisoned for almost one month.
“Only” 22 days, to be precise. But the malignant Kafkaesque conditions in the “quarantine facility” make it feel like 22 weeks.
To me, the victim actually seems a little too serene about her ghastly experience, although she’s well aware that she was subjected to ruthless, vicious treatment although she committed absolutely no crime or wrongdoing.
It was a sad report. I was also saddened by the anti-communist ranting. There’s no self-awareness with these people (excluding the fascists who do know better but just want to stir things up and cause confusion).
So what comes after the 3 lock downs. 2 97% effective poison dart and then a booster and flu shot not forgetting the digital passports to go everywhere.
what else is left..?
Those that go along with it are reduced to the status of “LIVESTOCK”.
More of agenda 21 now agenda 30
I fear the next step is control of our finances – income and spending.
The head of Russian central bank openly discussed this at the recent polygon conference…so it is being floated.
What we need is a Carrington Event. That’s the only thing that will kill the machine (and most of us) but there is no other way.
Not necessarily in that order.
Things are getting crazy here in the U.S. now that Biden wants to monitor and censor text messages to prevent negative (but true) information about the vaccines from being passed along. They thought that MSM censorship was enough (with the exception of FOX which has been verbally attacked in congress) but it is not working. At least half of us in the U.S. have refused the jab and it is unlikely we will change our minds. I will die first. Can’t wait for them to come to my door. It will go something like this,”Get the fuck out of here”. We are in a sad state. It is like the Constitution does not exist.
You can get VPN for your phone, too! e.g. Proton VPN for smartphones
I haven’t seen any definite information yet about the execution of the promise, i.e. threat, of sending Vax Nudgers door-to-door– i.e. timetables, prioritizing target locations, etc.
Judging from the compliant mask-wearing, etc. in the nearby shopping center over the months, I doubt that my neighborhood is deemed a hotbed of scamdemic-resisting, injection-rejecting subversives requiring early intervention. Thank God for small favors!
As a practical matter, I think the potential for violence centers on whether these unwanted gummint vax-pushers will readily take “no” for an answer. Experience suggests that the managers or supervisors in charge of the foot soldiers will urge them to be polite, but as firm and resolute as possible.
But when they knock or ring that doorbell, full of hope and with vax-pimping literature under their sweaty arms, prudence dictates that they expeditiously fade away with an “OK, sorry to bother you” parthian apology the instant the person answering says “No thanks”, “Buzz off”, “Get lost”, or something stronger.
If they attempt the classic salespersons’ foot in the door strategy of not taking “no” for an answer– even using the tactic of politely acknowledging and validating the “hesitant” person’s initial pushback, but hanging in there to express some scripted “As you wish, but before I leave…” talking point– that’s when the trouble will begin.
That, or if they counter negative responses by officiously advising the refusenik of ominous consequences, e.g. that their negative response will be officially “noted” or referred to a higher authority. Even the charlatans organizing and administering this fools’ errand must dimly realize that any attempt at a hard sell will trigger righteous blowback– or so I hope.
Unless that’s the plan, of course.
Polite and immediate ‘no thanks, bye now’. That’s my policy. If reports come out of physical force, you know the jig is up and it’s now dystopia, Mad Max, no rules, anything goes time.
Doors will be kicked in and tear gas deployed and as we go forward video of the rebellious citizen being “handled” by government official will be presented ? Ghosting or lying are better alternative ?
Impolite, and abusive “Get the fuck off my property you C… or I’ll set the dog on to you” will be my policy.
Possibly , but several cautionary stories on the MSM ,with video , of some angry old homeowner being dragged out of his residence for assaulting the vaxer squad will dampen blowback will be our overlords’ prepared response ?
The Constitution that you appeal to has never existed and talking tough on the Internet is pointless at best and sets you up as a target at worst. I knew several angry young men in the 1960s-70s who got themselves killed by police for “resisting” arrest , while demanding their rights be respected. Think tactically and never announce your intentions on the Internet?
If you’ve been using the internet the last 20 years they have psychological profiles of you already I imagine. They knew how you’d react before convid was a thing. Maybe. I mean I wouldn’t be surprised.
I began playing Internet in the mid 1980s and had lost interest by the 1990s . My reaction to government edicts has been predictable since I was a child and at my age and social status compiling in depth files on me , like most of us , would be costly and pointless . Google however is structured to optimistically hope that I could be made a “better” customer simply retains and analyses my preferences , sending me adverts at every opportunity.
yea, good idea. Give them a data base in which to start their national door knock appeal.
A 5% uptake is all the evidence they require that people are not interested and have little trust.
Now is the time to turn off the tv and stand up for your kids/grandkids futures. If you don’t, they will never experience the privileges you once had. The ones you grandfather was sent to war for.
Can’t hide behind a keyboard all your life. If you’re Australian – sign the bloody petition!
Signing petitions these days simply makes one visible . The names of the signees are now routinely passed on to security forces , who may very well have initiated such petitions? I remember a b