WATCH: Teaching Children About Liberty

James Corbett’s latest edition of #SolutionsWatch deals with preparing the next generation

I’m often asked if there are good resources out there for introducing children to the ideas of liberty, economics, self-ownership and other important topics.

One book series that I’ve begun reading with my own children and that I can recommend is The Tuttle Twins. This series of books recounts the adventures of an intellectually precocious pair of twins learning about important philosophical and economic concepts.

Today we talk to the series’ author, Connor Boyack, about the books, how they can help you to open up important conversations with your children, and what’s in store for the Tuttle Twins in the future.


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Jul 16, 2021 9:59 PM

If I were raising children again I suppose I’d teach them first about Magic.

I’d teach them that they have been born as Magicians into a Neverending Story, and that like it or not every least thing they say or do is contributing to the overall Narrative.

I’d teach them how powerful is The Word, both the spoken and the enacted, for what good is a Magician who cannot Spell properly?

I’d stress upon them the importance of this knowledge, this awareness that everything they do, from the least thing to the greatest, is nothing if not the continous application of Spellcraft, and is sending ripples of effect into the greater fabric we call “Human”, and ultimately is defining what it means to be Human.

I would strive to make them keenly aware of both themselves (questioning their own motives) and their responsibility to the species to act, in all things and at all times, in service of the truth. I would teach them to savor candor and honesty, and to shun guile and fear. I would promote courage and discipline and ask them to always keep one thing in mind:

That which you do to your Self, you do unto all others; that which you do to others, you do unto your Self.

And while all that was going on I’d probably teach them the alphabet or something, maybe a bit of math, but those are unimportant secondary considerations. If I did the first part right, I won’t need to teach them a damn thing. By that point they’ll be teaching themselves.

les online
les online
Jul 16, 2021 4:07 AM

how about just letting the kids be kids instead of constraining them in the detention centres – called schools – for most of their young lives ? Another great thinker, now forgotten by the technophile generations, was A S Neill, of Summerhill – an inspiration for the ‘free school movement’. His book ‘Freedom Not License‘ – a primer on “teaching” kids about Freedom…

“those were the days my friends…”

Jul 16, 2021 7:25 AM
Reply to  les online

There are so many who want to rope the kids in, it is frightening. FBI wants them to watch out for radicalism, altar boys, junior military groups etc. They all want to push children in a direction.

In my days, discipline was taught and then you’d take it from there.I was also taught ‘what everybody else does is no measure for my actions’ (my father), and ‘politics is dirty, don’t go near it’ (my mother). She was quite right, but some of the dirty deeds that the politics heaped on us by Kohleone she did not live to see.

Jubal Hershaw
Jubal Hershaw
Jul 16, 2021 7:33 AM
Reply to  les online

schooling is training for unfreedom.

Jul 16, 2021 1:33 PM
Reply to  les online

Yes, dear innocent days of utopian ventures. Only yesterday I was thinking of AS Neill’s little book, I think it was called “That Awful School”, spreading sweetness and light with good news about freedom in education. As a hardened exam-passer, always in training for the high hurdles, I did not find it to my taste. But dreams and experiments are what drive the future. And I must admit to a recurrent feeling of gloom at parent-teachers meetings, as our children passed, one after another, from brightly coloured infants classroom to sober higher forms.

“Shades of the prison house / Close round the growing child”. — Wordsworth and/or TS Eliot.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 16, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  les online

0-5 little ones, at five start school, schoolchildren, 11 teenagers, I liked school and the independence of getting myself to school at 12yrs old.

Public buses, always loved the open back platform double-deckers, but eemm being a Brit, dont particularly like UK children being called “Kids”.

Never did, unless we said it “Our Kid” etc
Lads (Men)..Lassies (Women) at 16yrs old.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jul 15, 2021 6:52 PM

The first lesson that should be taught to children is the fundamental difference between:

  1. ‘You can do anything on earth except that which is specifically forbidden.
  2. ‘You cannot do anything on earth unless it is specifically permitted’.

UK Common Law was based on the first concept, whereas Germanic Law was based on the second.

True Freedom is understanding what limitations are justifiable for the greater good, which requires you to understand just what the greater good might mean.

The next thing children need to learn is that ‘total freedom for every human being is not possible in the real world’. They will learn that if they want something but someone else wants that something not to occur, then they can’t both have their way. So someone’s ‘freedom’ has to be sacrificed, or a third way involving a compromise has to be found.

There is never going to be total freedom for anyone, since if you want to be totally free, you can only do that in a place where no-one else lives. That means on an island or somewhere so remote that for practical purposes, you will never meet anyone again.

Given that humans are in the main extremely social beings, spending a life as a recluse won’t seem like freedom to the majority. There’s no freedom to have sex as a recluse, is there? There’s no freedom to play poker as a recluse (except online); there’s no freedom to socialise over a Sunday lunch.

Freedom is a very complicated concept and it is very much not a black and white thing….

Jul 16, 2021 11:55 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

There’s a theory that all wrongs are forms of theft. If true, then there is ultimately only one Commandment: Thou Shallt Not Steal, where “steal” is to be considered in all its possible meanings. -Dont steal a life. -Don’t steal the truth from someone, i.e. lie -Don’t steal a person’s right to a secure domicile, i.e. don’t trespass -Don’t steal their right to physical integrity and free movement, i.e. assault them in any way or kidnap them, etc. -Don’t steal their right to speak, i.e. attempt to silence them, ever … and so on. If all crimes or wrongs boil down to forms of Theft, then encoding them into Law becomes much simplified. That is the ideal, at any rate. A simpler framework on which to build, perhaps. Rather than ennumerate a list of rights, we ennumerate that which we consider wrong, so that anything not counted as a wrong is then a “right” by default. This would render many acts which we currently consider to be crimes no longer crimes, however. For starters: drunk driving. Since no actual demonstrable harm (theft) takes place, the person who drives while drunk would no longer be considered a criminal. Only when their actions resulted in harm would they have crossed the line from potentiality to actuality. Whether this would lead to a corresponding increase in actual drunk driving accidents that harmed others needs to be demonstrated. I can imagine arguments on both sides of the question, but have not applied myself to the subject so cannot render an opinion. At any rate, crimes like drunk driving, jaywalking, all personal drug use, etc., all of these and more would disappear, by definition if not in actual fact. It has been said that “that which governs least governs best” or something along those lines,… Read more »

Jul 17, 2021 1:09 AM
Reply to  Joki

Indeed, a starting over from scratch is sounding pretty good. I was actually thinking about this just yesterday. What happens when a large portion of the politicians meet a dastardly fate, should we collectively fire the remainder and literally burn all the laws currently on the books and go back to square one ?? It seemed like a sublime thought in that moment. lol Freedom, or at least as close to it as the last half dozen generations has been able to feel.

Jul 15, 2021 6:12 PM

I get that there are parents who’ve started home-schooling and are looking around for resources – but there are some red flags about this author:

1) He seems a Ron Paul fan. Paul has done some good things but he’s part of the system. His son is something of a scumbag and by their fruits shall you know them. (He’s not in the Hunter Biden league of course – and Whitney Webb had some interesting recent info on Cyrus Vance jr who’s up to his neck in nefarious cyber goings-on).
2) He mentions Fox News’ figures like Hannity and then Ayn Rand favourably. He also mentions having exploited the dialectic to sell books. This is concerning – we need people who reject the dialectic.
3) His first book was called ‘The Law’. This feels uncomfortably like a ‘Book of the Law’ reference.
4) His main protagonists seem to be twins. TPTB seem obsessed with twins. Most children are not twins so why do this?

I liked a lot more his reference to a work that taught about logical fallacies. Teaching children how to think rather than what to think seems a better way to go.

The elephant in the room is what good’s all thsi teaching going to do if children then spend all their downtime on devices and are constantly reading how freedom is dangerous and will inevitably lead to death by virus/worldwide destruction/insurrection/beastliness to the unfortunate/alien invasion/all of the above and then some? What can do here? Libertarians would seem in a bit of a dilemma about restricting their children’s freedom.

Jul 17, 2021 6:28 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Indeed. Rightwing Libertarianism is really more a belief system (US-cultural-beliefs taken to the point of religion. Money good, helping people bad) than anything to do with freedom. They’re far right extremists, corporate fash who complain about Amazon while continuing to advocate a system that’d probs. result in big business ruling the world. Like a lot of US far righters, they can sound smooth on the surface, if you’re not used to them especially, but I’ve not found it to take long before really hateful views come out. I’ve also have noticed them turning out to be much wealthier than they try to imply: guess why they want to push the idea taxation is theft? The difference in emphasis between them and actual, leftwing anarchists, is obvious.

Teaching children about freedom seems counter-productive (but makes sense for people for whom it’s not about that).

Sean Mahoney
Sean Mahoney
Jul 15, 2021 6:02 PM

Peter Schiff’s book “How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes” Easy enough for kids to understand. Very basic, but very powerful.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 15, 2021 3:16 PM

I read a number of Fairy tales when I was quite young. Most readers are familiar with the Brothers Grimm book of fairy tales, which was based on reinterpretations of early Germanic folklore.
Another favorite of mine was “The Adventures of Pinocchio” which is an extremely clever study of human behavior… Parents used to read fairy tales to their children as an educational adjunct. Of course, that was before State sponsored “educational” systems, which foreclosed all forms of parental discretion…

Do to “conditions” within the modern world, I’m afraid I disagree Mr Corbett’s selections. It’s no time for fairy tales. The children are going to need much more direct education…
As in education about Direct Democracy, and why it is an important first step toward a livable or viable future. >

Excerpted from: Direct democracy – Wikipedia

“The pure form of direct democracy exists only in the Swiss cantons of Appenzell Innerrhoden and Glarus. [Why this limitation?] The Swiss Confederation is a semi-direct democracy (representative democracy with strong instruments of direct democracy). The nature of direct democracy in Switzerland is fundamentally complemented by its federal governmental structures (in German also called the Subsidiaritätsprinzip).”

Please refer to complete text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_democracy

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 15, 2021 4:01 PM

The US is a Representative Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy for a good reason.

Democracy are two wolves and a lamb deciding what will be for dinner.

Democracy is a fancy word for brainwashed mob rules.

The lack of understanding what our government system is supposed to be is nothing less than successful indoctrination.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 16, 2021 2:41 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Hello Thomas Frey: What would be your alternate form of governance? My guess is you didn’t take the time to read the linked text.

I’m pretty tired of people choosing to just bitch about current conditions, and choosing to remain ignorant.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 16, 2021 3:32 PM

If you think it is better, then do something about it.
I don’t think it is better.

Our form of Government, Representative Constitutional Republic, is the best ever produced by people. History for the last 200 years plus has proven this out.

The fact that corrupt amoral unethical people are running it into the ground is not an argument for a new form of government. It is an argument for new guards as clearly indicated in the Declaration of Independence.

I share your frustration with regard to ignorance, especially where it concerns people thinking they are smarter than our Founding Fathers and 200 plus years of factual history.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 15, 2021 1:58 PM

Liberty in the English speaking sense no longer exists . It is an anachronism based in a mythical past. Since the 1980s all are free has once again become some are free . That the many must happily serve the few is what is dispensed by education systems globally these days , along with the other false belief that unlimited growth is possible . The religion that globalized materialism has become is killing us all, some faster than others

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 16, 2021 7:24 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Under capitalism, particularly neo-liberal capitalism, ‘freedom’ is a commodity like everything else, for sale to the highest bidder. No money, ie no market power, no ‘freedom’.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 16, 2021 3:33 PM

Maybe that you think Freedom is a commodity is the problem.
Freedom is a state of mind.
Power over people is the commodity you are conflating with Freedom.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 17, 2021 8:19 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Sure. Without money you are ‘Free’-free to sleep under a bridge, free to dumpster-dive for dinner, free to live in a tent city amidst shit, piss and used needles.

Big B
Big B
Jul 15, 2021 10:33 AM

Oh Dear, the indoctrination of the next generation has already begun. Faced with the choice of indoctrination into centralised ‘socialist’ “STEMM/BioGrowth free markets/biodigital convergence” as the orthodoxy and current conformational stereotypicity: and the above presented decentralised ‘heterodoxy’ of “austrian anarchics (Hayek, von Mises)/libertarian praxeology/conscious catallactics” of voluntary free exchange freely entered in to (all terminology from the show notes) ….I’d freely choose abortion. Solutions watch or eternal return? When the solution is a barely modified version of the very libertarian ego-econometric ‘free-market’ construct that is the sine qua non source of the problem; there is an ‘eternal return’ of not the same, but the similar enough. Quoting austrian neoliberal “holy scriptures” as if an imaginary constructed “homo catallexis” was the solution-orientated “libertarian praxeology” for kids, if you get them young enough with AnCap Janet and John pre-emptive ideological ‘free-market’ primers? Economic demystification begins not with “catallectic” libertarian voluntary exchange: but with understanding the market economy as it is situated within biospheric constraints. And how money actually does grow on trees: but not exclusively, of course. A whole wide range of primary biophysical source to sink throughputs are needed to support voluntary end-determination in commodified universalised ‘equivalent’ exchange mechanisms. And that all requires energy: lots of energy. Which makes hydrocarbons our primary energetic resource on which all else – production, distribution, and end-exchange – functions. And the quality, not the quantity, of this energetic resource is the determining factor of exchange and production. In extraction and conversion: a portion of that energy is lost as inefficiencies and heat: which creates something called exergy gradients, which have been declining since the 70s. And this is the bit the libertarian austrians and every other anarchic ‘free-market’ pseudo-economists leave out. The hidden hand of exchange is the last factor determining lifestyle-surplus value-creation that has… Read more »

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 15, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  Big B

It appears to me you have adopted Murray Rothbard’s , one of the architects of the successful Reagan revolution , definition of Libertarianism ? Which is similar to the argument that Atheism is a form of religion , which it is not , or that baldness is a hair style and celibacy is a sexual position . Libertarianism pre Rothbard’s making it an economic devotion for the well heeled , was where the clash between the subjective and objective , idealism and materialism was being fought . Idealism lost ! The resulting economic man is rubbish , just as Garry Cooper and John Wayne were pre Rothbard and Reagans reworking of that flawed philosophy .

Big B
Big B
Jul 15, 2021 7:49 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

No, is the short answer. I watched and read the show notes and watched some of the other embedded videos. I know James’ position anyway. The difference between homo oeconomicus and my mock homo catalexis is terminological. Both are libertarian. The fact this is presented as a ‘solution’ shows that there has been no learning going on in the last 16 months or so. A fact that should not be inculcated into the children. The very notion of teaching is authoritarian. Let them at least begin to recover from our free market addictions.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 15, 2021 2:37 PM
Reply to  Big B

Hello Big B: Your comment is interesting, but the verbiage is well above the educational backgrounds of the proletariat… Keep it simple. >

“Man joined the eternal abyss
When food became a commodity”

– Paul Vonharnish –
January 2, 2020

The rest is the unsavory history of fools…

Big B
Big B
Jul 15, 2021 7:38 PM

How about when people willingly choose to turn their children into market commodities? I hear you Paul, but the entailments Corbett fails to mention are much, much more complex than what I said. Dumbing down market economics to a false binary of “central planning” versus “free market” is about as low a bar as you can get. “I, pencil:” if a pencil is an indication of market complexity: how much more so the “Mr Russo (Friend)” and his car?

The internationalised proletariat will be in exactly the same Tripartheid world organistional position of subjection under Corbett’s anarchic free market principles. Indoctrinating libertarian free market economics into kids is an ongoing crime against humanity and nature. Calling this a solution after free market economics went insane and started using the proletariat as lab rats is something beneath an insult. “Teacher, leave them kids alone!”

Jul 16, 2021 12:03 AM
Reply to  Big B

This Pink Floyd lyrics seems familiar to philosophers in the past. Quote: ”As soon as educated people appeared honest people are nowhere to be found.” it is a quote from J.J Rousseau essay written as a response to question “whether education is for good or evil?” posited by government of city of Dijon. It is documented fact that when institutional teaching starts learning stops. As teachers are agents of the system preventing children from learning methodology how to learn on their own. The direct purpose of educational system and its content is explicitly aimed at preparing children to accept political and socioeconomic status quo of contemporary regime and prepare them to sacrifice, kill or to be killed to defend it under catching paraphernalia of nationhood, patriotism, science or paraphernalia of religion as it was in the past. The imposition of educational system among Germanic countries made possible for reunification and reconstruction of Second Germanic Reich and new European empire. Education is serving empire elite class. As soon regime changes or changes its propaganda narratives educational content and methods of indoctrination quickly change as well almost immediately. Education is priority one for any democratic or autocratic dictators. French people learned more about reality they lived in from French Revolution than from Jesuit run educational system in all of their lives. Most profound what we would call organic/natural agricultural Revolution in Europe took place over Roman Empire’s agri science and educational grave during what we wrongly call Dark Ages instead of bright ages when there was no monopoly of state education and science under secular or religious regime. Institutional education was long ago under fire for being too mentally and politically indoctrinating and not directed at learning about objective material and sociopolitical reality. Plato’s Academia, a cradle of the western intellectual tradition,… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 16, 2021 3:07 AM
Reply to  Big B

Hello Big B: I’m essentially a poet. I often reduce words and meanings down to the bone. I observed economic and social conditions for many years before penning the above quote.

When man chose to treat sustenance as a commercial opportunity, rather than a necessity, land subsequently came up for grabs. Then the people who tended the land and lived in community on that land. Thus conflicts and wars became an opportunity to commodify war for profit.

War is essentially theft. Stealing land is property theft. Enslaving civilian populations is theft of human souls. Indoctrinating children to become morbid and subversive thieves, eventually cancels all alternate methods of survival.

Everything follows the primary premise of food becoming a commodity.

Jul 15, 2021 10:13 AM

When I saw the title, I thought to myself :

Great, Off-Guardian have chosen to post the new Activate Humanity Episode: Future Dreaming Raising Children.

It is a very good discussion that deserves more viewers.

Jul 15, 2021 6:11 AM

I believe the done thing these days is to dress up in a rainbow coloured monkey suit with your arse hanging and and a dildo attached to the crotch singing songs about how “we’re going to convert your children”.

Nothing says freedom and education like a pervert in a monkey costume.

Jul 16, 2021 9:36 PM
Reply to  Ooink

It’s all about that diversity, dontchaknow. The more outrageous the behavior the better. And the really good news is that it’s an open-ended philosophy. Logically extended it dictates that all human behavior is acceptable and, indeed, desirable. Soon we may look back in fondness on the days when the worst thing to confront our children at the library was a man in a monkey suit wearing a dildo. We may find ourselves seriously debating such an absurd topic as whether it’s okay for little Heather to be exposed to a masturbating clown getting fisted by a giraffe (the clown is the one getting fisted, that is, not poor Heather thank god), and won’t that be an exciting time to be alive….

Jul 15, 2021 4:42 AM

A spectacular violation of European liberty will result in catastrophic economic collapse. Unelected bureaucrats have decreed the “Fit for 55” program which mandates that CO2 emissions will be cut by 55% below the 1990 level. By 2030. The article by Wm Engdahl explains why this will decimate the auto, steel & concrete industries– and more.

Jul 15, 2021 8:33 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Any story that pimps impending carbon disaster, however much it contradicts a previous narrative, is okay by them so a couple of days ago we have:


So in fact cutting down the Amazon is good for the planet and Bolsanaro should be hailed as a hero? It’s the logical conclusion by their own nonsense but not of course the one they’re going to draw. BTW there’s something odd going on with Bolsanaro’s health.

The Amazon has always been about carbon neutral in its overall effect. Anyone who witters on about “the rainforests are the lungs of the planet” immediately reveals themselves as not having a clue.

And finally, does it need pointing out that 55 is a Freemasonic master number?

Jul 17, 2021 3:56 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Edwige, amazing! How cd anyone find cutting down the rainforest something good. All hail to contradictions!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 16, 2021 7:30 AM
Reply to  Penelope

The alternative is forced mass suicide-that’ll violate your liberty more than somewhat.

Jul 17, 2021 3:53 AM

Richard, if you’re open to the view that the entire global warming program is a hoax paid for and maintained by exactly the same forces that control the media and are authors of covid exaggeration, I have a single link for you.


I suggest as a really quick expose of the lie that the US has had increasingly hot summers: https://realclimatescience.com/heatwave-of-may-june-1934/ It has newspaper clippings at the end of article.

Don’t you see that all the lies didn’t begin w covid, that they’ve been going on for a long time?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 17, 2021 7:12 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Richard is not open to that view, Penelope, and tends to get quite cross with people who suggest it. Expect him to use the word ‘omnicidal’ at some point if he replies. He believes anyone who questions AGW wants everyone to die.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 17, 2021 8:26 AM

Consciously or sub-consciously,yes. I suppose there are some at idiot level IQ, but Thanatos is definitely strong with the others. If you look at the devastation of nearly species but ourselves, our domesticated animals and rats and toxic algae, it is getting nearer to omnicide every day. Ecocide comes into it, as well.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 17, 2021 8:22 AM
Reply to  Penelope

As Sophie notes, I understand enough science and in touch with reality enough to be quite convinced that anthropogenic climate destabilisation is true. I may be wrong, but that would be the biggest surprise of my life. Real Climate I do know, but prefer Skeptical Science because it is simpler.

Jul 15, 2021 4:35 AM

Also find 2001 Guardian article concerning GMO corn bioengineered to reduce sperm count, also from James:

Jul 15, 2021 4:34 AM

Our friend Scooper has disappeared. I hope he is Ok.

Jul 15, 2021 9:20 AM
Reply to  Peter

Yes. Where are you ‘Coop? Ping us to let us know you’re OK mate.

Jul 15, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Perhaps he’s on safari for a new crop of images and memes. 😉

Jul 15, 2021 4:17 AM

Please find attached truth music song from Corbett’s New World Next Week ally James E. Pilatto, Vaccine Taker.
Punk rock lives! comic relief:

Jul 15, 2021 6:11 AM
Reply to  ttshasta

Pilatto’s a vaccine taker or that the name of the song??

Jul 15, 2021 9:26 AM
Reply to  Ooink

It’s the title of the song, and it’s great

Jul 15, 2021 4:05 AM

Glad to see promoted videos like this and articles by C J Hopkins etc which move beyond the narrow band of Covid, there just isn’t enough of them on the site tho. Think most ppl are now aware this covid hoax just don’t smell right, at least, surely it’s time for a greater focus on the imminent decimation/wipeout of the 99.9% and rampant tyranny which is increasing exponentially?

Seriously think ppl need to find out about the horrifying Digital Twin plan the scum want to implement, one of the main reasons they so urgently want to roll out 5/6/7g. They think ordinary ppl are anathema and should be wiped out, they seriously are that mad and there are no limits to the evil they’re capable of. Finding out about the seriousness of our situation will mean having to visit some sites where you need to hold your nose, just disregard/fast forward the useless info, there’s gold among the dross.

The idiocy of most Govts/politicians is truly gobsmacking, they are way beyond mentally challenged, incapable of realising their willing role in bringing this horrific NWO, will enable their own demise. Once the scum have what they want, their *useful tools* will be useful no longer, i’d enjoy the irony if the situation wasn’t so terrifying.

Jul 15, 2021 5:56 AM
Reply to  Cesca

Further to my comment above, cos the Scum are psychopaths with no conscience, they don’t qualify as human beings. Can’t recommend enough researching stuff by Christopher Boehm, a brilliant anthropologist who has now been literally silenced online. He says that in early human communities, the activities of psychopaths like the Scum were closely scrutinised, furthermore if they endangered the community, they were executed. That’s a habit we should never have lost.

The Scum either can’t understand, or don’t want to understand that real humans have three brains. I personally see the brain in our heads as merely being a hard drive, with the pineal gland and heart brain making up the operating system. I find it very interesting that the scan they use for taking body temperature, directly targets the pineal gland which causes it to calcify. What i’ve said in this comment might be stuff many are unaware of, recommend getting some serious research in via duckduckgo, startpage or yandex.eu

Jul 15, 2021 8:22 AM
Reply to  Cesca

“they so urgently want to roll out 5/6/7g.”

I don’t see any evidence of 5G being rolled out around here and there’s been precious little coverage of it in the alt-media in the last year or so. I seriously doubt they’re able to get it to work. These waves are too easily blocked and too destructive for plausible deniability.

It would explain why the UK’s test and trace system was quietly allowed to wither on the vine.

Jul 16, 2021 10:32 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Understand why you perceive the rollout as slow Edwige but it’s no mere modification like 2-4g were. They’re building a totally new, extremely complex and dense network, which is happening at breakneck speed given the enormity of the task.

Think you’re forgetting the serious environmental changes that need to happen b4 a town, city etc can be connected up, example being the cutting down of so many trees, which will be much more obvious if u live in a rural area. Currently all cities thruout the UK and i believe all big towns, are connected. Understanding this makes it easy to figure out why they want us plebs living in megacities.

Why it’s said that 6 n 7g will roll out soon after the 5g rollout has completed is cos the network will be there already, so only modifications need to be made for 6/7g. As you say, 5g is dangerously powerful in ways but we have some control over how much it affects us, apparently mosquito netting on our windows reduces a lot of it’s effects. Not hopeful such a simple solution will be enuff with 6/7g tho.

Jul 15, 2021 3:52 AM

So WOMAD is Off

Rock & Bike Festival is Off

Cyprus Rocks is Off

Is NEW Day On?

Is Weyfest On?

I am not financially involved but kind of know some of these people who put Music Festivals on.

Most people kind of get their tickets in advance. They pay for theit tickets in advance.

They pay the money up front.

They don’t think about it. When we get Early Bird Tickets, it is very much cheaper.

The organisers, hardest job in the world, get the bands, the lighting crew, the stage crew, the builders, to build the stage, and organise the toilets…

That takes a hell of a lot of money, before you have got the first band on.

All these people want to get paid, for the work they have done, simply for getting , everything necessary to comply with al regulations..and ready to go..

“Then some tosser like Grant Sharps or Broris Johnson says…

Sorry, its All Off.

The “Cases” are Too High

We are trying to REDUCE the population of you Plebs.

If we let you go to Festivals again, you are going to be shagging in your tents and making even more babies.

That is not our Agenda

We are Trying Our Best To get Rid of You.

Thanks, Chris Witty and Boris Johnson

Can you Please not Have Sex”

yeh, we think the same of you. not quite yet worked out how to get rid of you evil people in control yet.



Jul 15, 2021 3:15 AM

The drummer lost his arm on the Snake Pass in a car crash in Derbyshire. I used to ride my motorcycle like a loony on the same road, but I didn’t crash. He did, and he lost his arm…The rest of the band, said to him, you are Still Alive, not John Bonham, or Keith Moon – who are Dead.

Def Leppard said to him, we aren’t playing without you…He said I’ve only got one arm now.,, They said, well you have still got one arm, and two legs..and we aren’t playing without you so deal with it, get better. We need you on the road with us.

Rick Allen said O.K. I will work on it. That was in 1988. He is still playing with them now, if they let us and Def Leppard out unmasked and unjabbed again. I live in hope, but I am expecting nowt…unless we just go for it

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Jul 15, 2021 2:43 AM

I’m listening to the video while perusing the comments section. Every once in a while along comes a cringe worthy moment.

Showing kids about “logical fallacies” and entrepreneurial skills. Please, less propaganda and more learning – that’s what kids need. Identifying “logical fallacies” does not automatically lead to critical thinking – something can be perfectly “logical” yet horrendous in practice.

Bottom line for me: James Corbett might want to consider that Anarchy and Libertarianism are no more compatible than Anarchy and Statism.

Jul 15, 2021 1:01 AM

Libertarians like to inculcate their kids with political drivel, the same as everyone else.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 15, 2021 4:54 PM
Reply to  Roger

Corbet is a traditional liberal and not a modern liberal. They are totally different and the left has conflated the two to indoctrinate people away from the ideals of Individual Liberty and Freedom.

Have you ever wondered why the Red and Blue teams switched colors at one point? Why would anyone in the US want to be the Red Team when we equate Red with Communism?

Jul 17, 2021 7:02 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

They say ‘classical liberal’ to try to sneak past the (oh dear gawd…) reaction of those with experience with them to the term ‘Libertarian’. This is regardless of whether actual historical liberals would find their ideal entirely monstrous, or whether their belief in the free market still makes any sense outside original, pre-mass production (or limited mass production), contexts, and the impact that has on competition. And the bits of it we’d tried, for centuries, so know what it was like (wretched, for most people).

Rightwing libertarians are not the kind of people who are like the liberals who, historically, would have been trying to get children taught things (other than, for the rightwing Libertarians, their own children, but, sucks to be everyone else). They’re the kind who’d be whining that schooling was an imposition on the freedom of the labour force, and why can’t the little dears work ten hour days in their factory?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 17, 2021 7:29 AM
Reply to  Amphy64

The thing is though in Europe people have become conditioned to the idea they have to be obliged to take care of themselves and the State has been assumed to be a benign method of protecting people from their worst selves. Surely the covid psyop is a wake up call?

State/corporate-controlled ‘collectivism’ is exactly what is now being brought to us and the people buying it most are on the Left, those most accustomed to thinking of the state as a benign protector. People like George Galloway reveal themselves as lifelong Left fascists only waiting for a chance to tell people what’s good for them.

We need to face up to this reality and adjust our thinking, right? Maybe human freedom IS more important than making sure everyone ‘stays safe’? Maybe state-controlled ‘collectivism’ is always going to lead to tyranny of the compliant?

Jul 17, 2021 4:18 PM

I’m a left anarchist, so, I do agree: the state is at best a bandaid on a pile of structural/cultural problems that include the state itself. I’m also disabled, though, and, being just generally ill (might be related, might not) and in vicious pain at present, no matter how much I’ve struggled with the NHS (considerably, and the covid restrictions are notable there, not coincidentally as they aid the privatisation goal, but never because it is a socialist institution and therefore evil, as right Libertarians religiously believe), would still have to be very much stupider and more masochistic to prefer to trust instead to rightwing Libertarians’ ideas of ‘charity’ (these are people too mean to pay taxes: note their emphasis on income tax over the much more unfair VAT). I’d have to be downright misanthropic to want that for most other people (I have been hearing so much from other patients), who we already know would not be better off. We’ve seen, can still see, dear god, what it is for people to have nothing, no protection (from people like rapacious capitalists, not from our own worst impulses. The true left, and trad. liberals too, fought for these protections and supports, to claw back a little of the resources that were stolen), and this is still better than that. It should be in all our collective memories. It wasn’t freedom: so many people fought, and died, to win back those few we have. The unrestrained capitalism-ists would kill us, they always did, they are still, where they can. The sick, the poor, just grist to the mill and the workhouse. What kind of people are distorting the state? Backing profiteering pharma, selling propaganda contracts, stripping those few assets that actually help the people? Certainly not anti-capitalists. We live under the… Read more »

Jul 15, 2021 12:46 AM

I just got a blank screen which said Connect with, but I wasn’t allowed to write anything, until I replied to Penny with this sentence


So who is controlling who?

What I was going to write, is that I prefer the written word and the spoken word, and reading a book at bedtime…You see the written words, if any one reads it cuts write through your skull and you are like with a man the otherside of the world fishing in a fast flowing or a slow flowing stream, and I fall asleep reading, Ed Curtin as if I am a boy with him or

Thanks to Off-Guardian, or I would probably never have ever heard of him.

I have a new book coming tomorrow in hardback. It’s nearly out of print. I can’t recommend it, cos I ‘ve not read it and it hasn’t even turned up yet. I think it has been classed “like new” . No one has read it yet. I don’t normal mention recently wriitten books
until I have read them, and I have now, and might read it again. It’s brilliant, expecially the last few chapters

comment image

I would also recommend if you want it real deep and heavy

“Scum of The Earth”

comment image

The books survive if you have bought them on paper, even if you don’t.


Jul 15, 2021 5:41 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I’ve read Darkness at Noon and The Thirteenth Tribe.

Jul 15, 2021 12:01 PM
Reply to  Peter

Read The Thirteenth Tribe as well. Enlightening.Am present time working on *Culture of Narcissism: American Life In An Age Of Diminishing Expectations
but paused to read:

Corona False Alarm?

Facts and Figures

Dr Karina Reiss

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi

Very good thus far and I have a sister who wants to read it as well, so it will be shared 🙂

Jul 14, 2021 10:40 PM

sorry for dragging this off topic, but, did you all see this?
Or did I miss it’s prior mention?
Exactly how many are infected despite their full vaccine status and mitigation measures
aka masks, social distancing and contract tracing. BBC is using weasel wording.
And still the soccer drama drags on…

HMS Queen Elizabeth: Covid outbreak on FULLY VACCINATED (Two Jabs) Navy flagship

The BBC has been told there have been around 100 cases on the aircraft carrier,

Several other warships in the fleet accompanying it are also affected.

Jul 15, 2021 4:54 AM
Reply to  Penny

Penny, it appears they will shortly make the vax mandatory for US military. They can legally do so cuz commander in chief Biden has ordered it.

The was a story similar to this one about a US carrier. And more than a few stories about how 60% of new cases are fully vaxxed.

Since we expect the vax to weaken and/or kill many, one wonders if they intend to give only saline to their very own Blackrock troops.

Jul 15, 2021 11:56 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Biden. sigh.. he’s going to “get away with murder”
Stirring the pot in Haiti and Cuba- Door to door vaccination of the black population. And mass experimentation.
I’ve been thinking about Mr Biden and am understanding how it is people will accept/tolerate/encourage the abuse of other persons as long as it’s done by the “right” person. Someone they like or agree with. Really a sad state of affairs

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Jul 14, 2021 10:32 PM

Did not watch the video but researched the books a bit. Inculcating libertarian economics into children would seem to be an inadvisable proposition.

One of the books is about the golden rule. That topic is fine, of course, but a free market economy purposefully disregards the golden rule.

Normally I wouldn’t comment on a book unless I had actually read it, but this raises a lot of red flags. While it’s nice to have an alternative to the identity propaganda titles that I see in the window of the children’s section of my local bookstore, I would not risk exposing kids to a philosophy of sanctified selfishness. There are limits to freedom, and knowing what to promote and what to reject is crucial.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 15, 2021 12:18 AM

You are conflating license with Liberty and Freedom. Cannot have Liberty without virtue and morality.

It is not selfish to work hard in a free market and reap the benefits. When done with virtue, competition is not stamped out, and no one is a victim.

If not a free, honest and open capitalist economy, then what exactly?

What we have today is corrupt dishonest closed cronie capitalism.

Loverat 8
Loverat 8
Jul 15, 2021 2:26 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Well said.

Jul 15, 2021 2:29 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

One might say there is no such thing as a “free market.” This, because inevitably those most entrepreneurial competent will soon drive the competition out of business – after which they must either: 1) starve or 2) go to work for the one who drove them out of business.

And this goes on and on until, eventually, we have cronie capitalism. The point being that there is absolutely no such thing as an economic system which by its very nature cannot become corrupt.

But I would agree that capitalism “works” better than any other system because it draws on more human failings than any other system.

Jul 15, 2021 4:58 AM
Reply to  Howard

Howard, there was a time when we had real anti-monopoly laws. And wouldn’t it be wonderful if the FCC had actually done its job and prevented this horrid concentration of media.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 15, 2021 5:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

There is such a thing as a free market, we just have not experienced it because it was destroyed by the establishment of the Central Bank we can the FED in the dark in 1913.

In a Free Market there is always room for competition and product development driven by competition. If a business goes under, it is not the markets fault. That is a victim mentality.

Crony Capitalism is the result of weak people using the government and regulations to kill competition and create monopolies that are oligarch sanctioned.

When the majority of people have ethics, morals and good character, monopolies are not a problem because people of good character are not driven by the opportunity to control the market.

The majority of people today, especially those at the top of industry and government, are unethical amoral people of poor character.

History has proven that Capitalism has improved the human standard of living more than any other system. The very reason they are coopting and destroying it.

What do you think is a better system?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 16, 2021 7:36 AM
Reply to  Howard

You could have the fabled ‘Market efficiency’ if market power, ie wealth, was as near equally distributed as possible. That is the LAST thing the capitalists want, ever.

Jul 15, 2021 3:34 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Dear Thomas,

An issue raised by your comment is where the virtue and morality come from that would help enable and sustain free and open markets.

More often than not, because free and open markets have what classical economists would call “market imperfections”, opportunities for sellers to cheat buyers or to gang up on other sellers (especially new sellers) to drive them out arise (or similar opportunities may arise for buyers), and this jeopardises the continuation of “free” and “open” markets. In such cases we need a third party representing the interests of those shut out of markets – let’s say the general public or those driven out as sellers and buyers because they were cheated by other sellers and buyers through collusion, false advertising, bullying, exploitation, whatever – and that third party may have to be government at a local, regional or national level.

The representation government does would be in the form of regulations and laws accepted by the public that restrict what sellers and/or buyers can do. Such regulations have to be enforced by agents and institutions for the government (for example professional bodies, law courts, police). This is where much if not all the virtue and morality needed to sustain free and open markets – and to keep certain groups of bastards honest, even if at a superficial level – is derived from.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 15, 2021 6:44 AM
Reply to  Jen

Virtue and morality come from people knowing what is right and what is wrong. Character and ethics in life and business.

People without ethics and morals are weak and create dark times.

Never said the market has to be perfect or without imperfections. I would argue that expecting perfection is just fear in a different suit.

Business colluding to push out competition is unethical.

You will never be able to write regulations with a third party, like government, that can force people to be ethical and virtuous. That is not to suggest small government doesn’t have a role That role is definitely not to teach morals or virtue. That has to come from parents and family and upbringing and the individual heart.

There will always be bad people and criminals. However when we have strong people, those weak people are mostly kept at bay.

What economic system has done more to improve the standard of living than capitalism?

Jul 16, 2021 6:18 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

“Virtue and morality come from people knowing what is right and what is wrong. Character and ethics in life and business …”

I had expected a better answer than just people knowing what is right and what is wrong. Who teaches or demonstrates what is right and what is wrong? Even crooks or people forming cartels to push out competition know what is right and what is wrong, and behave morally when circumstances suit them. Parents and families may not always be the best people to teach children morality or virtue if parents and relatives themselves behave unethically or do not practise what they teach.

Third parties to enforce regulations or proper behaviour need not be governments but sometimes have to be governments depending on the context.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 16, 2021 3:41 PM
Reply to  Jen

That you think any government can be trusted with teaching moral and ethical behavior is ridiculous to anyone that understands and knows history.

Worshipping the state will never produce moral and ethical people.

People inherently know what is right and wrong, simply based on how they would like to be treated. Those with some intellect will take that beyond the physical world and attempt to understand more through their own spiritual journey.

Nothing you said refutes my assertions, and I never suggested that parents or families are perfect. However that will never be a reason or excuse for people to acquiesce to the state to raise and teach morality to their children. That is nothing less than totalitarianism and has nothing to do with Liberty and Freedom.

Just because you are too scared to live life without a government gun providing you a facade of safety, will never be a reason for others to give up their Liberty.

Living free is risky and takes intestinal fortitude.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Jul 15, 2021 12:41 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

One should also recognize that a “free market” isn’t really free. It’s a game, essentially, and it has its own rules. The overarching rule is “Peter won’t give anything to Paul unless Paul gives Peter something in return.”

That’s not the way the natural world works (and it’s actually not the way, by far, that most human interaction works.) It’s a world of response. There’s a need, a want, and it’s fulfilled. Trading is an encumbrance to that process, and it inevitably, as you are taught first thing in Economics 101, without oversight, leads to collapse.

So the market has to be regulated, or else it fails. And in order for it to be anywhere near acceptably successful it has to be regulated to the point that it approximates human kindness and natural response.

There really has never, in the post-tribal world, been any economic system that wasn’t capitalist. The “communist’ countries were just states that, despite having an idealistic ruling party with that word in its name, never got to square one, and their governments were dictatorial mainly to keep themselves in power in the face of outside opposition rather than to steer towards actual communism.

But, the countries of northern Europe with a strongly committed socialist government have done the best for universal prosperity and happiness.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 15, 2021 4:16 PM

There is nothing illicit about two consenting adults making what they perceive to be a fair exchange for goods and services.

That you think people cannot conduct themselves ethically with virtue is because of your own bias, and likely indoctrination.

The system we have today is corrupt controlled mutation of free market capitalism.

Government and Corporations have colluded to close the market and create sanctioned monopolies. Something people have been conditioned to accept through games like Monopoly.

You are conflating State controlled industry with capitalism. Capitalism is free Enterprise and can be applied to farming and industry equally. When conducted by honest, ethical people with a moral base, it creates milk and honey for all.

Tyrants use the economy and food to get what they want, knowing the majority are too weak to oppose them. That is not an argument for communism any more than it is an argument against free market capitalism.

We are a world of mostly weak amoral unethical people and that is the root of the problem.

Jul 15, 2021 3:44 AM

Dear Reachable Spike,

Probably the best way to teach children about propaganda is to actually expose them to it and contrast it with what they already know and have seen from other propaganda. Of course this means taking time to read Connor Boyack’s books with your children (if you have any) and discussing what might be the aims behind the books. You may be surprised what your children think of the books – just because the books look attractive and might have pride of place in your local bookstore doesn’t mean children are going to fall for the messages without questioning them.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Jul 15, 2021 12:49 PM
Reply to  Jen

Appreciate much the insight to be gained from this comment!

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jul 14, 2021 10:24 PM

I want to know how Jame’s time off went. He told us to take a break. How was his break…..

Jul 14, 2021 10:24 PM

Sadly I personally think James is now slipping behind the game….he was great before…not sure what has happened…

Jul 15, 2021 2:31 AM
Reply to  Edith

Agreed. I think the problem is his focus on Solutions Watch. It’s a format which is extremely self-limiting.

Jul 15, 2021 3:23 AM
Reply to  Edith

We are in the middle of a fight for our lives. The grimmest time of our lives.
I think James Corbett and others have abandoned the fight.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 15, 2021 12:36 PM
Reply to  Peter

They have done what they can up to now and have had enough.
How much ignorance and stupidity from other people is any one individual obligated to endure?
Time to worry about you and do what you can in your local space. The internet is being walked to the chair.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jul 14, 2021 10:20 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-07-14. Care home staff must become unwitting phase 3 test subjects of jab: UK commons vote 319-246

Jul 14, 2021 8:15 PM

For a horrible second, I wondered if this was somehow about promoting Drag Queen Reading Hours in libraries. 😉

Jul 14, 2021 11:44 PM
Reply to  Ort

Nah, it’s about dragging children into places they don’t want to go and do things they don’t want to do.