UPDATED: Vaccine Passport Protests Around the World

On July 13th French President Emmanuel Macron announced that, beginning later this month, French citizens will need proof of Covid19 “vaccination”, or a negative test, to access public transport, clubs, cafes, shops and supermarkets. He also stated that healthcare workers would face mandatory vaccination:

Quite why Macron’s handlers had him make this announcement the day before Bastille Day we will never know, especially considering the Macron regime’s year-long siege at the hands of the Gilets Jaunes movement only came to an end when the “pandemic” hit.

Nevertheless, that’s what he did…and the outcry was as vociferous as it was predictable.

Thousands of people took to the streets of cities all across the country. Fittingly, Bastille Day became a day of protests…which turned violent when the police fired tear gas into the crowds.

France is not the only country with active, visible and growing “vaccine” protests.

On Monday the Greek government announced they would be making Covid19 “vaccination” mandatory for some sectors, and since then large crowds have gathered opposing the move and calling for the Prime Minister to resign.

In the UK, Boris Johnson’s government has suggested that “Covid passes” might be necessary for service industries and events in the future, but major nightclub chains have already stated they would not enforce them.

Earlier this week the UK Parliament voted through a bill to force mandatory vaccination on care-home workers, but we should take note the vote was fairly close (319-246, with ~80 abstentions). If you compare this with the overwhelming support for previous coronavirus legislation, you can see (hopefully) some growing resistance.

There was even a hint of desperation surrounding the vote itself. MPs from both main parties criticised the lack of time devoted to the measure (they had only 90 minutes to read and discuss it before voting), the lack of research supporting it (no impact study was included) and the fact the vast majority of MPs were voting by proxy.

Whether the bill makes it through the House of Lords or not, the move is unlikely to do much to quell the huge (and growing) protest movement in the UK. Where crowds estimated upwards of a million people have swept through the capital city on a monthly basis. The protest planned for later this month will likely be the largest yet, and this new legislation will be mostly to blame.

The impact of some of this legislation can already be seen in various authoritarian pilot schemes around the world.

In Texas, a Houston hospital chain was the first major healthcare provider to force its staff to get the vaccine. More than 150 of them either retired in protest or were fired for non-compliance. Projected across a national health service, that could cause thousands upon thousands of people to lose their jobs and prove a major disaster.

In Israel, the controversial “Green Pass” program was abandoned after less than three months due to the vast majority of people simply ignoring it.

Does this demonstrate the way forward? What do you think?

  • Will Macron be forced to backtrack due to popular unrest?
  • Was the announcement coinciding with Bastille Day deliberate? Why?
  • Will the Greek Primie Minister be forced to resign?
  • Will the UK introduce domestic vaccine passports?
  • If they do, what’s the best way to avoid them?
  • What would the impact on the NHS be if mass firings/resignations took place?
  • Is mass non-compliance the answer?

Discuss in the comments below.


UPDATE: There are also large, ongoing anti-vaccine passport protests in Dublin the last few days, with more planned for this weekend.

If you’re aware of any other current or planned protests, please let us know and we’ll add them to our list.

The largest protests in France are planned for this Saturday. And for our UK readers, Unite for Freedom are planning more anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine passport protests over the summer, specifically Saturday the 24th of July and Saturday the 28th of August. Join the 100,000s of others to make your voices heard.


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Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jul 19, 2021 9:17 AM

News about a demonstration in Nicosia, Cyprus, on Sunday against the draconian new “safe pass” measures set to come in force tomorrow, Tuesday:



Meanwhile, there is a new programme to incentivize young people to take the injection:


Jul 18, 2021 2:59 PM

There´s a large protest taking place in Berlin on August 1. And a mass protest in the German town of Kassel within the framework of the Worldwide Rally for Freedom on July 24.

Jul 18, 2021 9:10 AM

Here’s a notable fact about yesterday’s anti vaccine passport demos in France.

There was one (that I know of) préfecture in France which officially FORBID any demonstration, in the city of Toulouse, the 4th biggest city in France. This indicates to me that the central government decided to use Toulouse as a type of ‘control’ in their experiment, to see the effect of a policy of direct oppression, via government decree, on the movement.

Remember that the central state in France rules the country via it’s direct representatives in every ‘département’, where the ‘préfecture’ can make decisions that can over-rule any local politician, including mayors and local representatives of the départemental government. Every ‘département’ has a préfecture, usually in the major city of the déparement, and with ‘sous-prefectures’ in the smaller cities, with a ‘préfet’ answerable directly to the President in Paris. You can see how this works to prevent local democracy, in spite of the fact that people DO elect mayors, they DO elect representatives to the government of the département. Yet the ‘final say’, the real power, is with the préfet.

So, my point. Despite being officially forbidden, in Toulouse more than 4000 people were on the streets in opposition to the ‘pass sanitaire’ (vaccine passport).


Jul 17, 2021 9:50 PM

Report From Montpellier, July 17 2021 In February 2003 I participated in (and helped organize) one of the biggest political demonstrations in Montpellier history, when, officially, around 10,000 people marched in the streets against the buildup for the USA/UK invasion and occupation of Iraq. Today, I participated in a march which was, in my opinion, equally large, but which, according to the local newspaper, was half the number: 5,500. Whatever the actual count it was a huge demonstration. Keep in mind that the February 2003 demo was in line with the centralized state policy of French President Chirac, who officially was opposing the USA/UK maneuvering in the United Nations. This time the people were vocally opposed to their president, chanting again and again ‘Macron Démission’ (resign). Or ‘Macron en Prison!’. Keep in mind that in 2003 there was a huge coalition of political and civic groups actively organizing, with a weekly coalition meeting, including political parties. This time, there were no organizing groups, no political and civic groups, no unions, no political parties organizing members to participate. Keep in mind that two years of weekly Gilets Jaunes demonstrations, starting in November 2018, had never reached anything close to this massive number of participants. Today’s demonstration is evidence of a true grass roots movement, which is growing because of word of mouth and social media communication. Before going to the main square in Montpellier, where the demonstration began, I checked out how the police were arranging themselves today and in what number. A few days ago, at the July 14 march, there were no riot police, and only one car of city police. During the height of the Gilets Jaunes demonstrations you could find twenty or more police vans full of national police or gendarmes parked at the Préfecture. Metal barriers… Read more »

Jul 17, 2021 5:27 PM

Today the people of France have accomplished a historic event. They have come together in peace (yes it was peaceful in Paris, no police violence). There were 1000s upon 1000s just in the Provinces, large protests even in small towns! So you can well imagine in Paris. Its like a new wind rising, a wind of peace, of hope, of humanity coming together… Never before in my life have I seen such a large mobilization, grandparents with their grandchildren, absolutely every age group present… So dont listen to the mainstream media, which is trying to belittle this as though only about a few 100s were present in Paris. And I spent time with the vaccinated (about everyone where I live), we’ve had fruitful discussion. Though silent, some of them now regret having been vaccinated (I tried not to scare them, and withheld telling them the statistics I myself computed), and will not be getting 2nd doses, will not be getting pcr tests, will be boycotting restaurants and shops asking for one or the other, and will now tell everyone they know not to get vaccinated… A large part of this silent majority is in their heart supporting the resistance. They told they hope, they hope the resistance will succeed… So dont close your doors to the mainstream. Many are now afraid of having been vaccinated. Many would love the rest of us to hold out our hands to them. Dont push them away. They need our support, but we also need theirs. Go to your neighbours, talk to them over a cup of tea. Don’t scare them, God, they’re already scared. Each time they keep again and again mentioning variants, just quietly say, we just agreed there werent any. I explained didnt I? And in your heart you know its… Read more »

Jul 17, 2021 7:30 PM
Reply to  Annette

Since I refuse to be “vaccinated” I am now the only one where I work who must wear my face diaper every time I talk to anyone or get up from my desk. Sure, I could lie and say I’ve been shot up and ditch the diaper, but I refuse to do that as of now. Funny thing, although not funny at all to anyone on this site, NOT ONE person has ever had the temerity to ask my WHY. Not one. I work on my theoretical answers to that question in my head, trying for a non confrontational answer to those who have succumbed to the vax, an answer that won’t simply cause them to stop listening and one that won’t terrify them either. The best I can come up with for a quick one, is how something that does not confer immunity for the vaxxed is going to produce herd immunity. Have only had the opportunity to say that once so far, to someone who was vaxxed basically because her husband has heart problems and his doctor told her if she refused he would call adult protective services and report her. I doubt any of the vax nuts know that about her, and if they did they’d probably congratulate the doctor for forcing her. So now, for me, that damned diaper is my small protest against this shit. Lame as it is, I’ll keep doing it as long as I can. And when the day comes, and it undoubtedly will, that my choice is succumb to the jab or resign, I will resign. Even then, I doubt any of the lemmings will see that for what it is, but somehow I no longer really care what they think of me. You can’t force someone to see what they… Read more »

Jul 17, 2021 8:16 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

I too refuse to say I am vaccinated when asked. For me, it would be like starting to submit. And I too would resign rather than submitting to the jab. But I am hopefull, with what I’m seeing in France and elsewhere (US), that it might not come to that.

My thoughts are with all of us, vaccinated or not.

Jul 17, 2021 8:32 PM
Reply to  Annette

You know, I checked the mainstream media today and it was said that France was requiring a valid PCR test done in the last 24 hours to be able to cross their borders (and come support you). I wonder why… My thought were and are with you guys. Think about us as well because it’s coming fast for us too.

Jul 17, 2021 2:50 PM

I agree about mass non-compliance being the answer. That alone could have ended this immediately if everyone tore off the masks and businesses just opened. But unfortunately the 24/7 fear campaign worked.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 18, 2021 11:04 PM
Reply to  NikkiBop

Agree, I sit here boggled that hundreds of millions meekly stayed home, wore face nappies, snivelled and cowered in the face of lunatic quarantines and demanded it be made harsher.

Jul 17, 2021 2:03 PM

Yes, mass non-compliance is the answer. The question remains how much mass can we get?

Jul 19, 2021 4:25 PM
Reply to  SEF

My fear is wathever they are planning for us.. something nasty

Jul 17, 2021 10:13 AM

Last July they did the whole Mask thing.
Their was exempts.

Jul 17, 2021 8:05 AM

When they start having to force people to have this jab you know the covid scam has failed. This French government collaborating with the US deep state will go the same way as the one that collaborated with the Germans.

Jul 17, 2021 7:57 AM

Just to let you know, to those of you who wrote your kind messages, they have been passed on, and were much appreciated.

Jul 16, 2021 11:40 PM

People must not forget some basic facts. The MSM/Officials-regardeless, lies about everything, all the time, and have lied for centurys, and why do people think they arent now, of course they are, they are payed to lie, and thats what they do, all of them, incl Norway witch is keept hysterical despite lifting the ban on masks, but the Maskistas (hehe, nice one) never gives up, the cencure is air tight and the fear porn pimping, massive, apart from some Putin here and there, and of course in SA this is because of white people, the fact that its gone an antire generation, SA is becomed an shithole, somebody should dragg Zuma and this litte shit Chaka Zula, and beat them shithless, and thrown them into jail to the day they die, because of what they did in SA. They even admit that vaccinated can infect or be infected, yeah makes one wounder but I dont waist time on that anymore, and remeber, the vaccine is suposedly about mild cases, and CONvid havent killed more than what have been the norm for decades that is official and somehow, never even debated, the so called infected compare that to how many do actualy do get sick witch the so called virus exlusivly, and without other issues whom also makes the body fight, infections, hostpitale infections witch is very comon so any new shit would make an hughe impact and flu do that along with other isses incl pneunomic ones. Just to give you an nice recap about what this is, read the link, from Global RS and its about the killer in the blood streem, the spike protein and other things. https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-killer-in-the-bloodstream-the-spike-protein/5747572 And I consider not only the vaccine to be dangerous and question if this shit works at all, but… Read more »

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jul 16, 2021 11:29 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-07-16. Why was 44yo Rehana on EoL midazolam? Spain’s Top Court Ruling Lockdown “Unconstitutional”

Jul 16, 2021 10:59 PM

I know a lot of people are against this agenda,But I’m sorry to say they ain’t going to stop now they’ve invested too much into this,Yes we can protest but the police,army,others work for the masters,This is the beginning of the end times but take hope in your hearts because they ain’t going to win in the end.

Jul 17, 2021 6:55 AM
Reply to  Annie

Your wrong Annie. The armed forces can stop this. They have access to the weapons – who could stop them, once they are awake? The pen pushers? The wannabee army (police)? The globalists actuallyhave nothing to protect them – its all a house of cards !!

We just need to show everyone the way…..

Jul 17, 2021 8:40 AM

in your opinion, who or what will make armed forces to wake up?

Jul 30, 2021 12:55 AM
Reply to  Donnie

Making them meet the surviving gulf war veterans, to hear how the so called anti anthrax vaccines ended many lives young?
It’s all I can think of that might work.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 17, 2021 1:16 PM

Wake up to what? To the fact that there’s no more conventional war against any other standing army but the war is against civilian people? They are not technically an army then, but a gang of mercenaries.

austrian peter
austrian peter
Jul 16, 2021 9:53 PM

I guess many people will know this already – but it’s worth repeating. These passes will never work when they are voluntary:

Jul 16, 2021 9:07 PM
Jul 16, 2021 9:03 PM

incomprehensible that controlled mass media are silent, not a word about anything in the above article. however, they tell there are protests in Cuba and South Africa.

They were eager to report on every step, every street, every building where Hong Kong protesters had been. they in fact acted as a mouthpiece for HK protesters.

by the way, the australian prime minister now has 6 press secretaries. by the look of it, they have more work to stop news from being broadcasted than what they want released to the public!

Jul 17, 2021 4:52 AM
Reply to  strange

It’s perfectly comprehensible that they are silent.
The power of bribery linked with propaganda is as ancient as mankind itself.
It would be very strange if an utterly corrupt system did NOT work like this.

Jul 16, 2021 9:03 PM

July 15, the fake news channel CNN claimed that it’s competition is literally killing people by broadcasting dangerous ‘anti-vax bullshit’ and that Fox News and Republicans are purposely trying to increase Covid death statistics in order to make the Biden administration look bad.

Well, the latter can’t look much worse than what it already looks like can it, with the rigged election and all that!

Insofar, as “anti-vax bullshit” is concerned, when will they ever come clean and tell us that they have no concrete scientific proof that SARS-COV -2 ever existed except in the vivid imagination of virologists. Which simply means for the nth time, No Virus – No Vaccine, only a massive SCAM!

Jul 16, 2021 8:43 PM

If you want to feel the grandeur of the people, of the younger generations here in France today, of the dignity and courage they are displaying, for those of you who understand, you may like to listen to this:

Jul 17, 2021 12:57 AM
Reply to  Annette

Sadly, we don’t use Telegram, but we saw large protests in Paris/Elsewhere, and we were very proud of the French people who came out to protest Macron’s draconian measures.

Jul 16, 2021 7:35 PM

A bit of comic relief: a French commentator who is regularly heard on state radio has opined that the opposition to mandatory injections is being orchestrated by…. Russia!

Jul 16, 2021 7:13 PM

The comments here are very encouraging. People are now aware, The next step is not to wait to confirm that “enough others” are acting to act yourself. The most powerful non-violent action is a Consumer General Strike. Cascading ever-increasing lengths of General Strike. One-day, one-week, one-month, one-year against all the ruling class’s economic forms of profit and control, with two demands… 1) All policy authority moves from politician to direct democracy vote by the current residents of each nation. All policy from this day forward must be openly and adequately debated, no matter how long it takes, in public forum by the People and then approved or denied by a majority vote of the People. 2) A new Universal Constitution of Individual Human Rights for worldwide use will redefine each human being’s individual sovereign rights to self determination; limits all government action to advisory authority only; and eliminates all corporate personhood rights. This would be just a start to decentralized, localized, regional direct democracies and self-rule without politician “representatives” that usurp power to serve the 1%. This is doable in 2021. The Consumer General Strike: Stop all personal commerce activity except purchasing food. Stop paying rent and bills. Call in sick. Stop paying taxes. Ride a bike, walk. Disobey all authority as is non-harmful. Let the State know your above two demands. Self-organize in your neighborhoods and the streets to experience the benefits of group mutual aid and to get acquainted to working together, for each other, instead of working for an authoritarian capitalist or for their authoritarian state that now has exceeded it’s authority in every sector of society. As a long time dissident protester and activist, this is the only future i see for humanity. We must make our own policy and budget decisions with true majority/consensus rule… Read more »

Jul 16, 2021 8:18 PM
Reply to  sandy

I would love to stop paying taxes but its not possible if i dont’ wan’t to lose everything i have.

Arthur loaf
Arthur loaf
Jul 17, 2021 8:59 AM
Reply to  dude

And this attitude is why they will win.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 16, 2021 8:20 PM
Reply to  sandy

Thanks for the practical, valid suggestions.

Jul 16, 2021 11:15 PM
Reply to  sandy

We need more such proposals just to open up people’s minds to fact that different world is possible however implausible it sounds today . In XXI century era of global monopoly of concentrated capital there is no notion of competition among capitalists as massive cross ownership of assets is rampant and Central Banks serves global corporate needs by printing profits they failed to extract which made XIX century local or general strikes such a power tool of labor impacting national policies oligarchs controlled. Oligarchs were compelled to make a deals to retain their competitive edge as no one was coming to the financial rescue. Today much more effective than factory or office strikes are severe disruptions of global capital system at weakest links meaning transportation and communication, money flows, all blood lines of the system. As we know that one single puncture to the neck kills in seconds, one single temporary blockage of vital systemic flows will unravel inherent weakness of the system we the people built and are operating daily to our own demise. That is the XXI century idea of effective labor action today. I am all for direct democracy but only by consensus (no majority rule as it breeds phony divisions exploited by anti democratic forces ) and self governance as I advocated for it for decades proposing in 2015 block chain based mass internet voting for issues (150 millions of Americans refuse to voted for stooges of oligarchs) directly in Constituent Assembly of Citizen so true public opinion could be discerned countering government propaganda (today it is not nearly enough) but what you are proposing is a form of more or less toothless Swiss direct democracy Swiss have in their autocratic country ruled by global bankers, oligarchs and corporations exactly like almost everywhere in the world… Read more »

Lew Dies
Lew Dies
Jul 19, 2021 3:05 AM
Reply to  sandy

Who is “us” and”our” and are they always going to agree with everyone else

Jul 16, 2021 6:29 PM

Mass non-compliance is the only answer.

Jul 16, 2021 5:07 PM

We need mass non-compliance NOW!

Demos can boost morale – but it’s short-lived if people just go back home and comply with the psychopathic SCAMDEMIC agenda.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jul 16, 2021 4:48 PM

Yes, mass non-compliance is the answer. This means that the masses have to refuse to comply. Is this going to happen?

Jul 16, 2021 7:04 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Haha no. They don’t even know what’s going on. The TV still has awesome shows.

Jul 16, 2021 4:20 PM

Yesterday i found out that my daughter (24y.o) has had her first jab against my advice ,today i find out that my sister who spent 11 days in hospital after her first jab then proceeded to get her second shot and now has been diagnosed with cancer,never smoked,never drank and went everywhere by bicycle,from the picture of health to cancer in just over 11 weeks

I relate this story not to elicit sympathy or empathy (please don’t,it would be a waste of bandwidth) but to highlight that i won’t be the first to go through this situation and i won’t be the last,this is something that is going to affect more and more families in the coming weeks/months/years and i blame everyone who has a vested interest in prolonging this ‘pandemic’ for the situation i find myslf in

If you can make it to London on Monday or Saturday th 24th please please please do everything in your power to be there

The chances to stop this are becoming scarcer by the day,please don’t waste an opportunity to swell the numbers with your prescence if at all possible

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Jul 16, 2021 6:47 PM
Reply to  magumba

So sad your sister’s cancer diagnosis. Heart breaking. And your daughter getting jab despite your warnings.

My daughter’s fiancé just got the vaccine after much bullying from his family. My daughter, who thought she had convinced him not to get it , now says she doesn’t want to hear any negative news re covid or the vaccine from me because she has to live with her fiancé and can’t be anxious.

We already can’t talk politics because he is an extreme liberal and we, including my daughter, are conservative.

I feel I am running out of people I can share info with or even talk to. I know many others must feel the same way.

Suspiciously my daughter was very sick days just after his first dose. Congestion, flu-like symptoms, etc when she is never sick. Coincidence?

Jul 16, 2021 8:57 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

An old friend of mine, M., was “on the fence” about whether the “pandemic” was legitimate or a fraud. When she first called me out of the blue last year to see how I was doing, she pretty much bought into the official Big Lie narrative. No surprise– her family is fairly conventional-minded. (FWIW, we’re both 66 years old.) She knows I’m a contrarian type, and she respects my intellect, so over the course of several intermittent phone chats I educated her on what I call the “Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic”. It was a bit of a struggle, because she would accept certain criticisms, then suddenly blurt out things like, “Well, if there’s no deadly virus what are so many people dying from?” Earlier this year, M. developed chest pains and had an emergency angioplasty with stent placement. She also has a husband with advanced MS in a nursing facility, whom she did not see for over a year when it went into quarantine mode and prohibited in-person visits. M. insisted that she did not want to get a COVID “vaccine”, but eventually succumbed to pressure from her family; I’m not sure I entirely believe her, but she also claimed that when the nursing facility re-opened for visitors, it “required” vaccination as a condition of admittance. The next time we chatted, I mentioned the possibility of long-term adverse effects of the bogus COVID vax. It was insensitive of me, I suppose– I’d actually forgotten about her heart surgery, and brought up the prevalence of post-vax blood clots. M. didn’t exactly freak out, but said in a small voice, “Are you trying to scare me?” Later in the chat, I mentioned a new video by a scamdemic critic; she’d liked a previous one I recommended. M. then quickly said, “No,… Read more »

Jul 16, 2021 11:06 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

NO Cyndee, he was shedding and she was the recipient! Peace…….

Jul 16, 2021 8:29 PM
Reply to  magumba

Worry not. Anyone who gets the second shot even after the first has sent them to hospital ain’t getting any of my sympathy.

Jul 17, 2021 6:26 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Scenario: if the govt. and their propaganda merchants urged us to lay on the nearest railway tracks; and at the same time many railway insiders spoke out about the danger of placing one’s body across those tracks.

Would we sympathise with those that ignored the advice and the mangled bodies and proceeded to lay on the tracks?

Jul 17, 2021 6:31 AM
Reply to  magumba

That is sad news re your sister. I have a sister-in-law and a niece’s husband who accepted the poison stab. Both young and healthy.
The poison stabs have been said to inhibit cancer fighting enzymes (?) and massive increase in cancers are predicted.

Jul 17, 2021 7:59 PM
Reply to  grr

And there we go, cancer is an expensive thing to “treat” isn’t it? I cannot count how many times I have said to one friend whose already had her magic stab, but considers herself somewhat awake, that these are the same pharmaceutical companies who raise prices on a whim, all for profit. The same companies who urge multiple drugs that do more damage than any possible good. The same companies whose “investors” have OPENLY stated that curing disease isn’t in their business model. Fat lot of good it does, even with those who supposedly know better. Makes perfect sense to me that cancers are part of this little plan. Not to mention some horrible auto-immune disease from this shit, expensive to “treat” as well. Lifelong pharmaceutical “customers” making profits for the scum, but too damned willfully ignorant to see what they saw before the scamdemic. Some days it is extremely difficult to feel any sympathy for them…

Fred B
Fred B
Jul 16, 2021 3:26 PM

Mass Protests Erupt Across Greece As Government Bans Unvaccinated From Public Spaces


Jul 16, 2021 3:20 PM

Sorry got the wrong article to post it under: just to say if any of you have support messages for the French resistance, Ill past them on. Im sure they’ll appreciate feeling they are supported by others, elsewhere. Its going to be a long haul. What will befall any of us personally I have no idea. Im totally overwhelmed by the spiritual level, the humanity, the openness of the people, not just 1 or 2, but 1000s. Its hard to convey into words, but its awe-inspiring, its truly “Le Dieu vivant” manifesting through all.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jul 16, 2021 3:51 PM
Reply to  Annette

Vive la liberté. Nous sommes avec vous en esprit et avec amour.

Jul 16, 2021 7:03 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

Merci beaucoup Geoff.

May Hem
May Hem
Jul 17, 2021 4:36 AM
Reply to  Geoff P

Bien sur – moi aussi. Bravo tous!

Jul 16, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  Annette

Please send my best regards and words of support from the U.S. to the people of France who are protesting this fascist/totalitarian takeover of the world. Although the lunatics who are imposing this new world order have painted it with a face of compassion and concern for our well-being it is, of course, ludicrous to think that is reality. As Albert Camus once said, “The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants.”

Jul 16, 2021 7:03 PM
Reply to  hsuan

Thanks so much hsuan.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jul 16, 2021 4:58 PM
Reply to  Annette

Respect from South-America. Large family in France, standing firm and not taking any poison.

Jul 16, 2021 5:41 PM
Reply to  Annette

Globalists have given global, transnational connections a bad name. At the level of a fellow human who opposes this imposition straight out of a dystopian novel, I applaud this call for support for protests in any nation. I am sickened by the draconian actions of our fiberal lieders.

Jul 16, 2021 5:48 PM
Reply to  Annette

France leads the way again , well done ! you should all be proud of yourselves ,pity we’re not as active here in shithole UK

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Jul 16, 2021 6:49 PM
Reply to  Annette

God bless their courage and give them strength. They are fighting for all of us.

Jul 16, 2021 7:06 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

Sorry I cant reply to all of you… Do you know what? We’ve decided to try and eat less as we havent got a clue what will happen, so Im putting in application the advice within the resistance to eat 1 meal a day… In fact, Ive done that since yesterday and already I dont feel the urge to eat.

Jul 16, 2021 6:50 PM
Reply to  Annette

I would be protesting in Limoges tomorrow, but its my boy’s 8th birthday. We have plans and he still deserves his day. I will be protesting on the 24th though – but not sure where yet. Last time it was Nantes, which is 3.5 hours drive away. There and back in a day

Vivre la revolution!! Degage toi Macron, coup militaire bientôt !!

Where will you be protesting Annette?

Jul 16, 2021 8:27 PM

How do you see it Cumberland-Spaceman? Do you think as some are saying, it will be a long haul. Do you know people are getting ready to go away into the wilderness… Ready to have access to internet, electricity cut off, to bank accounts. Yes apparently there are people within the army and the police who are very unhappy with whats happening. But to be realistic, the leadership in private (in public evidently they keep hopeful) expects all the laws to be passed by parliament because we’re already in a dictatorship. They’re not pessimistic, in the long run, it will be fine, at the moment its more both at the top and at the base, like a spiritual reawakening of a people: perhaps we are seeing the early signs of a regenerated humanity. Whats it like where you are? To tell you the truth, personally all I and my friends (unfortunately in a country where France now no longer allows the unvaccinated to go) had wanted is to live together in the countryside, with our own vegetable garden, and just finish our lives in peace. Most of it is behind anyhow, and its been good. Even that, they are trying to prevent happening. Frankly who would it harm? But one shouldnt complain. So many are in dire strait. Now with their jobs being taken away because they’re not vaccinated. People are being one by one called by their bosses, asked if they are willing to be vaccinated, those who say no are told they’ll receive their “lettre de licenciement”. So some of us think we have to be ready to give shelter. A friend who has a large property is thinking of building sufficiently weatherproof huts so at least some can spend the autumn and winter months there. Anyhow we’re… Read more »

Jul 17, 2021 3:22 PM
Reply to  Annette

I wonder if the ban in Toulouse has anything to do with Airbus HQ being there? You know, can’t have any pesky protests when international business partners come to town for a meeting.

Jul 17, 2021 1:07 AM
Reply to  Annette

There are hundreds of thousands who SUPPORT THE FRENCH people in their protests.
We’re three of them. If that counts.
Meantime, some of us are seeing Macron’s latest dictates being made due to the French Election coming up next year. To think any French person would vote for that hated puppet figure is beyond our imagination. But, the French people have to decide this.

WHY Macron made that statement is puzzling. Are there enough VAXXED French people that he may be bolstered in the political polls coming up? We don’t know. All we can hope & pray for is that the French people will wake up to this carnage of VAXXED dead and severely disabled citizens, and hope somehow a new, independent politician will be elected.

Jul 17, 2021 7:51 AM
Reply to  Rubicon

The statement was a bluff to scare people to get vaxxed. According to Alexandra Herion-Caude whom Im in touch with, it appears to have worked: millions out of fear have put their names down to get vaccinated since his speech. On week 24 there were about 60% vaxxed adults, now its reaching 70%. What we have to make people realise is the fear are the vaccinations: how will they work in a year if they are debilitated, and what will they live on when they are given everyone has been given legal amnesty from consequences?

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 17, 2021 7:56 AM
Reply to  Annette

Oh come on. If 60% of people were already vaxxed, why the need for the massive persuasion/coercion campaign? You really should not uncritically accept and disseminate figures like that. It’s doing ‘their’ work for them, and we should not trust any supposed ‘opposition’ figure who is doing so.

Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf
Jul 16, 2021 3:19 PM

Passports represent the PEOPLES rubicon.

If the PEOPLE submit – game over.
If the PEOPLE refuse to comply, the TYRANT’s strategic objectives will suffer a setback.

The PEOPLE hold the advantage of ‘numbers’, unfortunately, the TYRANT, as well demonstrated, e.g. mask-wearing take-up, has tuned the public’s psyche, over many years applying psychological warfare techniques, to obey authoritative dictates.

Unless the PEOPLE can recognize, en masse, how they are being psychologically manipulated, the TYRANT will win when they apply their ultimate compliance weapon, an ECONOMIC COLLAPSE.

The world is currently running on digital thin air.

Winning will ultimately require a CATALYST capable of uniting the PEOPLE in a constructive and effective way to facilitate GLOBAL DECENTRALISATION. The only long-term solution to our present predicament.

NOTE: Centralization has caused more death, mutilation, misery and destruction over the past 120 years* than in the previous 6000 years of so-called civilized existence. This is because centralization places power at the top; every Tyrant, Dictator, Psychopath, Demented Megalomaniac and Satanist, through every means conceivable, ends up sitting on or behind the seat of POWER.

*Due to the industrialization of warfare (PROFITS) and communication revolution (CONTROL OVER PEOPLES PERCEPTION OF REALITY) – both of which have enabled the TYRANT to build a MISANTHROPIC GLOBAL ORGANISATION capable of taking over the world via NWO.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Jul 16, 2021 2:26 PM

Really – when was the last time the gov of any nation actually reversed a policy? Or if they reversed it, didn’t reinstate it moments later under a different name (For those about to shout ‘poll tax’ at me)? Genuine question – when?

It took women decades to even be permitted to vote for the fuckers, with a terrorist campaign of burning down MPs homes in full swing. That was only permitted in the end because women were handling the homefront for four years so they had no more reason (women are too stupid and hysterical to make a selection) to refuse, but it still took another decade for it to be fully implemented, dribbed out in increments like treats to a dog.

Your gov is malignant narcissist, which at heart is spiteful. They delight in refusing to give what you want as it feeds their evil.

The solution is to stop this voting shit and cancel gov. Same as buy local, self determine local too. If sheep need a shepherd, hire one who can be fired for non-performance or LYING. Who sees a problem with this? Genuine question.

Jul 16, 2021 2:08 PM

About France: just had a long conversation with Alexandra Henrion-Caude who is one of main voices of opposition in France. She thinks that all the laws will be approved by parliament because we are in a dictatorship. So that from that point of view the protests wont change anything, but that they are nonetheless essential. But that people have to learn to say no, to not apply a single measure in their lives, to understand that all the places that will from July 21 prevent us from having access will be in totally illegality. Because the measures are illegal. That we have to continue our lives with those within the true legality.
But yes, there is not much expectation here for the short to mid-term. People like her, as well as the base of the resistance, are expecting a long haul. The unvaccinated are the new Jews. Its interesting, a group found the “décret” in the 40s that banned Jews from most public places, a near copy of what the unvaccinated are going to be banned from.
We should also not fall into the division authorities are trying to create between the vaxxed and unvaxxed. We are all suffering, we are all in it together.

And yes she said out of fear, millions have decided to get vaccinated after M.’s speech. So we have to explain to everyone to have no fear, to say simply no, that to live thats the only way. Seemingly, M. has bluffed successfully.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jul 16, 2021 1:57 PM

A lot of resigned defeatism here. But I’d just like to posit a number of outcomes.

1.Like how will the system function if it is closed down?
2.what are they going to do with millions of unemployed with no recourse to any work sustenance? food shortages and acutual hunger?
3.What are they going to do with the millions of people denied medical attention now that the health systems are going to be broken up and sold on the cheap to big pharma and big medicine.
4.What are they going to do about the increase in the volume of crime that will be a function of mass unemployment.
5.How are they going to increasingly pay for their children’s education? Whilst on the subject of children and education. How are the sheeple going to be cool with their children receiving woke imperatives like the cultivated self-hatred if they are white kids.

The whole virus/vaccine has worked in the short-run because its initial effects have not yet resulted in public disorder, as they assuredly will. But as things start to break down social disorder is bound to make an appearance. Hypothetically The PTB can vaccinate the entire population. But that is not going to solve any problems, it will just result in even bigger problems of war-time proportions.

Don’t worry Daddy Schwab will assure you that you” have nothing and be happy.” how do you think the dispossessed masses will react to that.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jul 16, 2021 4:16 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

A problem looming for will be the large scale die of the vaccinated over the coming few years.

As the poisoned die off, the unvaccinated will become a majority and many will be angry and will be seeking the harshest punishment, for those behind the massive genocidal Covid scam.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 18, 2021 1:31 PM

That is to say that the ones at the top of the pyramid are a bunch of morons that will eliminate those loyal and servile to them, while keeping alive the rebel and hostile to them.
That makes no sense. Those at the top may be perverse but are not stupid.
This is a data gathering and tracking system to control where everyone’s location, consumption, health condition, productivity, behaviour and more at all times. It’s intention is to eventually lead to total population control, who is born, how long they live, etc. It’s not a genocide in a traditional meaning of it, like this ‘pandemic’ is not such in the meaning we knew.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Jul 16, 2021 12:50 PM

Finally! I was wondering when the French were going to get around to protesting the Covid-tyranny. I wonder what took them so long.

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 16, 2021 1:39 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Why are most Americans still asleep?

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jul 16, 2021 4:28 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Why are most people everywhere still asleep?

Jul 16, 2021 1:42 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

I wondered about that too, given that they are probably the most rebellious nation in Europe when it comes to authorities. A French friend of mine in Paris suggested that’s probably because the restrictions in France were not as severe as in the UK up until now. It could also be because the Yellow Vests run out of steam after one of the longest and most violent protest post WW2 in Europe. Enfin, they are finally on board.

Jul 16, 2021 11:46 AM

comment image?ssl=1

Jul 16, 2021 11:40 AM

“The State should be subject to the law, for the law creates the State. Without law no state could exist. No nation. No county government. No international force. No state of any kind can exist without laws, for it is by laws that states are created. This maxim teaches us that, just as the state is created by laws, so the state must be subject to law. And, of course, every state should be subject to these principles of law … for only by the principles of law can we judge the state as just or unjust, wise or foolish, strong or weak. The old saying, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,” comes to mind. Only the government willing to submit to law is justified to require others to submit to its power … for its power derives solely from law. A government that proclaims itself entitled to do completely as it pleases, while requiring its people to rigidly obey every precept of its legislation, violates this maxim of law. Such governments are unjust, and their leadership should be changed immediately for the sake of the people whom they are charged by these maxims of law to protect. How can the exercise of power be justified in the hands of a government that is, itself, lawless? It cannot. The exercise of state power is only legitimate to the extent that the state itself submits to legal principles, of which the maxims of law are supreme. No state has a lawful right to act outside its own laws – nor does any state have the right to create laws that violate the maxims of law. This should be obvious. The legal maxims are self-evident to everyone but those who for selfish reasons refuse to submit their private… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 16, 2021 2:20 PM
Reply to  asymmetric

Hello asymmetric: I see you received a down vote for posting comment on issues that should be considered obvious by all citizens. Mr Graves was quite right. A lawless Nation regresses to rule by force.

The down vote reflects the entrancement enjoyed by mass idiocy.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jul 16, 2021 4:43 PM

The down vote likely registers the participation of the British Army’s Bullshit Command, also known as 77th Brigade.

Darren Thomas
Darren Thomas
Jul 17, 2021 8:02 PM

Here’s a little song song to salute the 77th…
Kate Bush – Army Dreamers – Official Music Video – YouTube

Jul 16, 2021 10:24 PM

All government rules by force, up to and including killing you if you don’t comply. Why would anyone put up with their male bovine organic fertilizer without that threat? Why would anyone ever pay a tax? But, if you refuse to pay a tax, they come to take your property. If you resist that confiscation, they shoot you. Law is nothing more than an excuse for them doing so.

Jul 16, 2021 3:43 PM
Reply to  asymmetric

Every single government from city, county, parish, to national, on the face of the earth is founded on the premise it has authority to kill you if you don’t go along. That is the thing without which there can be no government. Without that threat of death, how much tax to you think one could collect? How many of its laws do you think might be obeyed?

Jul 16, 2021 5:05 PM
Reply to  asymmetric

So many have said that this or that – COVID or climate change or whatever – is the greatest scam in human history. But they are all wrong.

The single biggest scam ever is, quite simply, The Law. A peaceful people, who respect one another and have no wish to take what others have, have no need of Law.

It’s never a coincidence that one of the first Laws a society initiates is The Draft. And even though it is not consistently enforced, it is always there, lurking in the background if needed.

All Laws are covenants ensuring the society will always be able to plunder others whenever necessary – and the more insane the Lawgivers get, the greater the necessity of plunder.

Every army on its way to war carries with it a Law Book.

Jul 16, 2021 10:17 PM
Reply to  Howard

Indeed, the only so called people who need to be controlled by “laws” are the ones writing and enforcing them.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 17, 2021 7:45 AM
Reply to  asymmetric

The State, or better still, the Leader, are the ‘Exception’ to the law.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 18, 2021 1:58 PM
Reply to  asymmetric

The problem is those are man-made laws, ‘quill pen’ laws, so men can change them at will.
We as a civilisation have abandoned God’s law to the point of perverting them, so I don’t know why the surprise at groups of people bending the meaning of laws and language itself.
If a man feels like he is a woman and the rest of us have to refer to him as ‘she’ or else we are breaking the law, then why can’t someone say there is a pandemic even when we can see there is not?

Jul 16, 2021 11:26 AM

The article omits that the decree, in France, also applies to all children over the age of 12 years and that all police are exempt.

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jul 16, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Karry

Let’s see how that works out. Things are going to get very heated and not just in France.

Jul 17, 2021 1:29 AM

What’s really strange is…..Macron comes out with this dictatorial mandate and the next day, Merkel comes out with “no vaccinations for health workers.” Since Merkel’s tenure is up soon, did she say that to help promote her political party’s chances in the election? Did Macron come out with the dictates, because his puppet masters perceive there’s enough Pro-Vaxxers in France….that would cause a political conflict with the French Elections coming up next year? We live in the US, but have friends in Italy: both groups are trying to figure this out.

Jul 16, 2021 10:51 AM

See how the media works hard to avoid connecting social protests around the world? It’s all about Zuma, Macron and Le Pen, and countless local squabbles. In Britain it’s almost always about hanky-panky or someone’s knickers not being fit for purpose. The spirit of Benny Hill lives forever. Funnily enough, in October 2019, the BBC was all in favour of seeking out commonalities: Do today’s global protests have anything in common? Not today. It is clear why the state-corporatist media has an interest in portraying protests as single-issue campaigns on disparate domestic issues unique to alienated and isolated populations. The last thing they want is for diverse peoples to build cross-border coalitions that unite them in fighting for livelihoods, health and children. Globalism is, it seems, is narrowly defined by the media as a network of corporations and financial institutions; a confluence of interests of concern to the supra-national rich, aka stakeholders. Globalization is not welcome if it represents the coming together of ordinary people who see a common interest in standing up for their rights. South Africa’s unrest is due mainly to food shortages, made worse by the economic dislocation caused by Lockdown. If Zuma plays a role, it’s a cameo part as a distraction from Covid. Africa in particular has seen a lot of shenanigans under cover of Covid — and a death toll among presidents, politicians and senior officials unmatched in the West despite a higher supposed prevalence in many Western countries of Covid lurgy. Governments everywhere remain vulnerable to the building of coalitions between those fighting the restrictions to fundamental liberties that have only increased with the Covid lockdown. Protest platforms that pre-date Covid are now linked with those that resist the agenda to degrade living standards, along with barely-concealed plans for austerity and privatization in… Read more »

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jul 16, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hello Moneycircus: Globalization is not welcome if it represents the coming together of ordinary people who see a common interest in standing up for their rights.”


“We’re all in this together.” Ya, right. Six feet apart and masked…

Jul 16, 2021 10:20 AM

For some reason I’m reminded of the scene in ;’Wag the Dog’ where they plant something in the historical archive to support a current narrative:


Lovely first name she had, just a coincidence of course. I also like th way they attribute the “limits of growth” notion to MIT and don’t mention the Club of Rome.

Jul 16, 2021 12:16 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I did an honours thesis looking at club of Rome model and book in 1974…Definately club of Rome term…from memory I thought they had us in severe trouble long before 2050…

Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
Jul 16, 2021 4:49 PM
Reply to  Edith

…from memory I thought they had us in severe trouble long before 2050…

Yes, your memory seems to be working well, Club of Rome right this time.

Jul 16, 2021 10:15 AM
Big B
Big B
Jul 16, 2021 10:09 AM

I just wrote an overlong comment on the “Coming Storm” thread, knowing it will be almost universally rejected. No one wants to think of themselves as part of the system of control and exploitation – let alone as a functional organiser and operator, or active agency, of the systematic totalitarian pathology CJ calls GloboCap ….but even the nominal ‘globocap’ precludes their being an actual outside. We live in a systematically organised social reality, reflexively and intentionally orientated toward maximising exponential profitability: but we think of it logically and grammatically in terms of mechanical and linear sequential determination and rational-causality: in terms of non-contradiction and ultimately, absolutely fixed determination of identity. Which is exactly why we are here. No one likes a singular theory, or determination that is totally reliant on a sequential series of causal determinations that by themselves become a determinable reality. The only determinable and determining reality. But here we are: systematised, organised, and operationalised by the intentional agency of rational-causality. The coming paradigm shift will be to living systems thinking: in which the lack of determinability, identity, linearity, and locality make rational-causal determinability completely redundant. The delay in transition is not because no one knows this – or cannot observe the self-organised creational processual flux – but we cling to the old purely for identitarian ideologies and certain linear causal individualism and a totalising hierarchic of individuated Identity – called “ontology.” ‘Being’ that this is a known-known causal and determinable causality of totalitarian causal pathologies ….we do it reflexively and unconsciously (uncaused); independently and indeterminately – as an automatic and automative repetition – all to BE dedicated followers of operational and organisational microfascism. Which we obscure and assuage by the grammatical arrangement of some strongly emotive marks, inscriptions, or performative ejaculations of how oppressed we really are.… Read more »

Big R
Big R
Jul 16, 2021 11:52 AM
Reply to  Big B

The most pertinent comment in a very long time, but the linguistic complexity used limits content transmission. This might be the reason why is going largely unnoticed. Just a thought, not a critique!

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 16, 2021 12:12 PM
Reply to  Big B

I think you need to wake up. The days are over when guys like you can bloviate in a corner of the pub about how the system is shit, while remaining cosily aware you’ll never have to live in the world you claim to want.

This isn’t a drill. The anti human rhetoric you’ve been smugly recycling all your life is about to bear fruit. The world you have been claiming to want is about to be the New Normal.You and the other doom merchants have been unknowingly laying the ground for it for years.

It’s not about profits any more. It’s about ideologues trying to impose your absurd fantasy on us all. And you are going to get what you pretended to want.

Time to stop bloviating maybe, face what’s coming and fight it.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jul 16, 2021 2:17 PM

You mean…you can understand a word “B” says? Impressive!

dr death
dr death
Jul 16, 2021 1:05 PM
Reply to  Big B

I just wrote an overlong comment on the “Coming Storm” thread, knowing it will be almost universally rejected.

surely there must be some mistake ?

Jul 16, 2021 5:30 PM
Reply to  Big B

Someone once said that if you cannot explain your subject in terms a child would understand that you yourself do not truly understand it, either.

Put down the dictionary and thesaurus. Take a moment to compose your thoughts.

Now, tell us in one sentence what everything you just wrote means.

Jul 16, 2021 8:18 PM
Reply to  Joki

In the following excerpt, “Miss Pefko” is a clerk/typist in a laboratory run by Dr. Asa Breed. Dr. Breed is giving the narrator a tour of the lab.

They encounter Miss Pefko during their tour, and when informed that she works for a “surface chemist”, Dr. Horvath, the narrator facetiously asks Miss Pefko what’s new in surface chemistry:

“Ech,” gurgled Miss Pefko emptily. “I take dictation from Dr. Horvath and it’s just like a foreign language. I don’t think I’d understand — even if I was to go to college. And here he’s maybe talking about something that’s going to turn everything upside-down and inside-out like the atom bomb.

“When I used to come home from school Mother used to ask me what happened that day, and I’d tell her,” said Miss Pefko. “Now I come home from work and she asks me the same question, and all I can say is — “Miss Pefko shook her head and let her crimson lips flap slackly— “I dunno, I dunno, I dunno.”

“If there’s something you don’t understand,” urged Dr. Breed, “ask Dr. Horvath to explain it. He’s very good at explaining.” He turned to me. “Dr. Hoenikker used to say that any scientist who couldn’t explain to an eight-year-old what he was doing was a charlatan.”

“Then I’m dumber than an eight-year-old,” Miss Pefko mourned. “I don’t even know what a charlatan is.”

— Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle (1963)

Jul 16, 2021 10:32 PM
Reply to  Joki

There are very few non-technical concepts that can’t be expressed in a paragraph or two.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 18, 2021 2:05 PM
Reply to  Big B


Jul 16, 2021 9:47 AM
Reply to  Annette

Treat with extreme caution – this has the feeling of expectation management i.e. “one booster a year isn’t o bad, those crazy conspiracy theorists said it would be one a month”.

Jul 16, 2021 9:25 AM

Just heard it on a late new program. A Phd student had been to the yellow vest’s conference and her conclusion is that they are very anti-globalization and wants EU to step back and get local democracy back AND they are part of a growing network of similar groups in other countries in Europe.
The people has had enough of the elite and technocrats and their power hunger.

Jul 17, 2021 1:35 AM
Reply to  Michael

Well, Michael, since these multi-billionaire globalists are really running the show here, it makes sense that the French people have become very cognizant of this TRUTH. It’s the globalists who are frontrunning this entire Covid show. Just look at some of Billy Gates behaviors down in Africa, elsewhere when he bought off the political leaders and ended up vaccinated hundreds of African women and girls who, in turn became infertile.
This is but a small example of what great power & wealth can do to Life itself on this planet.

Jul 16, 2021 9:08 AM

Here’s a bit of refreshing honesty! Why are vaccine passports needed if the vaccines don’t actually work that well? Let’s all get this news out.
Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection?
Nearly 40% of new COVID patients were vaccinated – compared to just 1% who had been infected previously.
David Rosenberg , Jul 13, 2021 9:24 AM

Coronavirus patients who recovered from the virus were far less likely to become infected during the latest wave of the pandemic than people who were vaccinated against COVID, according to numbers presented to the Israeli Health Ministry.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 16, 2021 9:17 AM
Reply to  Jojo

No one is infected, there is no virus or disease to be infected with, they are getting sick and dying from the jabs

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Jul 16, 2021 2:18 PM

You are right Marilyn and thank you.

May Hem
May Hem
Jul 17, 2021 4:59 AM
Reply to  Jojo

Covid is irrelevant. The aim is to blockchain everyone via their “cell” phones (an apt description), on which your ‘digital passport’ resides. If no cell phone you will be forced to wear an electronic bracelet if you haven’t been injected with a nanochip. This will enable you to be 24 hour tracked, traced, monitored, ordered, transhumanised, chipped, ….. and all the rest that the digital dictatorship demands. If you disobey, you won’t get your UBI (universal basic income) or other services ……. and so on.

Having everyone (except the planners and their mates) imprisoned by a digital passport is the aim of this game. But there’s many a slip twixt the cup and the lip! There’s always a way.

Jul 16, 2021 9:07 AM
  • Will Macron be forced to backtrack due to popular unrest? Probably not until the whole mandatory vaccine thing collapses in the EU.


  • Was the announcement coinciding with Bastille Day deliberate? Why? To ensure that their citizens understand the power of the modern government and that no other event like this will repeat itself in history. It’s a bold and deliberate move. As thought through their minds anyway.


  • Will the Greek Primie Minister be forced to resign? Probably not. The ignorance and arrogance of politicians is at an all-time high. They’re in it to win it! Collectively!


  • Will the UK introduce domestic vaccine passports? It seems that the whole of Europe is following a pattern of social vaccine pressure. The UK will follow until it becomes untenable across Europe.


  • If they do, what’s the best way to avoid them? Ignore it, do not use it, do not download any apps, turn off mobile tracking & act like it was 2019. Keep the protest pressure on.


  • What would the impact on the NHS be if mass firings/resignations took place? Probably private buyout. Let’s face it. This is what they have been after for as long as I can remember. I wouldn’t surprise me it Bazos wants it.. You can get vaccine arriving tomorrow to inject under your eyelid for £6.99 prime delivery supplied by Wang Pong Inc, fulfilled by Amazon via NHS.


  • Is mass non-compliance the answer? Yes! Compliance is a mutual arrangement that only works if there is an appetite for it. Refuse, refuse, refuse at all costs. It will be impossible to police.
Jul 17, 2021 1:42 AM
Reply to  UrTrX

Here’s a different take. Europeans must feel far more “heat” in being vaxxed than in the US. Ther large geography of the US AND is one fact. But it’s “States Rights”that allows the rebellious States, like Florida, some of the Plains States, Southern states, in removing, bit by bit, these Covid mandates. It largely depends on the Governors in each state, and whether he/she has majority rule with his party in their establishment.
Maybe the French, Italians, Spanish people need to take their fight province-by-province. Fight like hell against these dictates on a more regional basis. What do you think?

Jul 16, 2021 9:05 AM

Greek PM Mitsotakis isn’t going to resign ,that’s for sure.But is no use to change the goverment,because the opposition is in the same track,and even more.The left and liberal parties shout for more restrictions and more vaccinations.Resistance is the only way .

Jul 16, 2021 8:34 AM

Apes together strong…

Jul 16, 2021 8:19 AM

There is a real problem of global disease spreading via air travel. Pity they have finally begun to attack this real problem by issuing a passport for an imaginary disease.

Jul 16, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  NickM

The UK will have 3 airports by 2030,Heathrow,Glasgow and Belfast,all transfers wll take place by rail.
Problem solved
And i don’t think for one minute you are anywhere near important enough to merit air travel after 2030
I’v heard Skegness is nice in the winter

Jubal Hershaw
Jubal Hershaw
Jul 16, 2021 8:15 AM

What Incredible Timing !
“Fresh modeling predicts NSW will not control its worsening virus outbreak.” Which means ? The lockdown doesnt stop The Spread…
So what next ? House Arrest imposed on everyone (‘cept The Enforcers) – Allowed to leave home only to go get the bioweapon shot ?

The Weatherman must be envious of such predictive skills !

(You dont need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.)

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 16, 2021 9:18 AM
Reply to  Jubal Hershaw

All these voodoo people need to be shipped to Gitmo

Jul 16, 2021 11:44 AM
Reply to  Jubal Hershaw

Using fucking modelling to look into a crystal ball and make statements about the future should have all of these nuts sent to an insane asylum. Seriously. Computer modelling??


Jul 16, 2021 7:48 AM

Our next demo is scheduled for tomorrow at 10 in the city center, in front of the Polygone mall. Report of July 14, 2021 demonstration in Montpellier, please share  July 14, 2001 demonstration in Montpellier, anti ‘vaccine passport’ (passe sanitaire) and covid-19 policies. I arrived at Comédie, the huge pedestrian square in the city center of Montpellier, just before 2 pm, the time of the ‘rassemblement’, and was a bit disappointed because there were at the most 300 people, probably less. However by the time we began marching at 3 pm the crowd had swelled to over 1000 and it continued growing. I saw very few people wearing the ‘gilets jaunes’ the ‘yellow vests’. Neither were there many young people in their late teens or early 20s. Also notably absent were antifa/black bloc, who had, in the end, ruined the latter demos of the gilets jaunes prior to the 2020 lockdown. There were a lot of middle-aged women. Probably there were more women than men, maybe 55 % women, 45 % men. There were also a lot of people older than 60. There was almost nobody wearing a mask; maybe 2 % were wearing a mask. All the signs and banners were homemade. There were no organized group banners or signs. The most popular banner was a white sheet stretched between wooden poles, on which was written “Notre Corps, Notre Choix” and under this, “Nuremberg 1946′ a reference to the Nurenberg Code which, supposedly, protects citizens from being used as guinea pigs in medical experiments. And, surprise!, and worthy of analysis, there we no National Police, no Gendarmerie (both groups typically and heavily present at gilets jaunes marches in the past). Equally surprising, when we arrived at the Préfecture, the symbol and local HQ representing the central government, this lack of police presence allowed demonstrators, for… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 16, 2021 7:46 AM

Left Right Left Right Left …

The phoney march goes on.

Article in Time about Joshua James – an American patriot proud to defend his country (Left Wing hackles already bristling!) now turned extremist Trump supporting nutcase who stormed the Capitol.

He “seemed to drift toward right-wing spaces online” and ended up joining “a fringe group of violent extremists, conspiracy theorists and madmen”.

Meanwhile over on the ever reliably shitty WSW, we have the tale of the witch hunting of Susan Michie (gleefully seized on with favour as a communist) who is pitted against a “Right wing press” who are clearly willing to act out the clichés of their dastardly position.

Witness the rote remarks of the Daly Mail’s Richard Littlejohn: “employers are waking up to the fact that they’re not getting the full bang for their buck” and “Idleness has become institutionalised” in the working class, who “can’t go on cowering from coronavirus”. His conclusion:

“Half the country has been on holiday for the past 16 months. The party’s over. Britain must get back to work.”

Thus the charge against the Covid narrative is phrased as a matter of Right Wing capitalist exploitation.

Left Right Left Right Left …

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 16, 2021 12:55 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The upshot is that the Right are every bit as controlled as the Left. Littlejohn’s words are so crassly provocative that he is clearly assuming the long established “Right” role in the political pantomime, the artificiality of the theatrical presentation now rendered insultingly obvious by the media’s magical move to an “anti-capitalist” pose.

Jul 16, 2021 3:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Fear and division have ever been the favorite tools of tyrants. Every single motive for such division is a creation of those tyrants. Be it race, political party, religion, whatever.

Jul 16, 2021 6:52 AM

RIP. It’s de rigueur nowadays to stress — in the header — that death was due to “causes relating to long-term illness, according to friends.”

AZ, double shot, two months ago. Age 34.

Spike Milligan lived through the era when many blamed their ailments on a war wound. So naturally he saw the grim humour that’s becoming all too commonplace. “Duirt mé leat go raibh mé breoite” — I told you I was ill.”

Jul 16, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Born in 1918 and called up for WW2, he lived in an era when such a claim was plausible. (I had one relative who was wounded in WW2 and there may have been others I don’t know about.)

Jul 16, 2021 6:43 AM

As for the UK NHS, mass resignations is what they want.
In move the private sector!

Jul 16, 2021 10:56 PM
Reply to  DaveMass

You are almost certainly correct. I speak as one of those who will be resigning (or sacked)