‘Reality’ in the time of Covid
Actors appearing on Good Morning Britain, fake cleaners on the London Underground..is life becoming the Truman Show?
Kit Knightly

On July 7th, Matthew Roche appeared on ITV’s Good Morning Britain live from his hospital bed. He was suffering from Covid, and his message to the people was simple:
I was like ‘I am going to get the vaccine but I would like to see what happens in regards to side effects […] No one takes it as seriously until they have had it.
See? He’s just like us! He didn’t want to get the vaccine, because he was worried about side-effects, but then he got sick!
Are you getting it? Do you see the subtle subtext?
If you put off having the vaccine, or worry about side effects, you will get seriously ill.
Oh, by the way, Matthew Roche is an actor. He has an interesting CV which you can read here.
Apart from appearing on the first-ever episode of Channel 4’s Naked Attraction, Mr Roche is fully qualified in “Casualty Simulation training” and has appeared in multiple training exercises for mass casualty events.

Does this mean the interview was staged? Or that he was never sick?
Obviously not. Even crisis actors get sick. He may have developed a real respiratory infection and would then in all likelihood have had a meaningless PCR test that happened to return positive, which of course would instantly make him ‘sick with covid’.
He may then, while lying in his sick bed, have attracted the attention of a passing TV news crew who stopped to ask him about his story, which just happened to dovetail perfectly with current propaganda.
We would never suggest such things are impossible in this crazy world.
It’s unfortunate that this interview has become quite hard to find since Matthew’s ‘cover’ was blown, so hold on to any copies you have.
Just recently, we were sent this video on twitter:
It shows ‘cleaners’ working in London, notionally “decontaminating” a tube station, but they’re not actually doing any cleaning. Just posing for photographs.
Why are they doing this? Illustrations for an ad promo for ‘Churchill’ cleaners? Are they documenting ‘proof’ they are working when they clearly are not and see no need?
Some other mad reason we can’t imagine?
You have to wonder – is anyone going to at any point really clean that place or is the performance deemed sufficient?
But maybe that’s a question for the pre-covid era? I mean they’re wearing hazmat gear and holding cleaning stuff, right, so they’re ‘helping’, as the passerby in the video says. Helping create an impression of reality. Helping reinforce current belief systems. Leave them alone. Don’t question or criticise. They’re on message.
Last year, when the “pandemic” was sweeping southern Europe, this video emerged from inside an Italian hospital:
Note the healthcare workers and their patient are all done up like extras from Chernobyl…and then we have the other guy, sitting behind them, in what looks like nothing but a t-shirt. Arms crossed as if he’s both confused and irritated by the circus around him.
There’s this famous photo from the very early days in Wuhan, in which a man has allegedly ‘died of covid’.

Is that portraying any recognizable reality of death in a street, from ‘Covid’ or anything else? What happened? How did he end up falling over backwards with his arms neatly by his sides like a fainting cartoon character?
Whatever happened to him, he had no sooner hit the ground than a random AFP photographer happened to stroll past, saw the dead man lying there and – naturally – began snapping photos of him.
While he was doing this an ambulance appeared and the two dudes in painting overalls and sneakers/Uggs got out, seemingly paused to chat with the photographer, then loaded the dead guy into the ambulance and left.
At which point a helpful lady turned up to tell the photographer that scenes like this were happening all over the city.
It’s not obvious any of this gang thought to check the guy on the ground for signs of life, or try CPR, or other real-world things. No, this guy was just dead. Without need of verification. In the script, if there was one, he was probably defined as ‘the corpse’, devoid of life and a name before the drama began.
Listen again to the guy filming the fake cleaners, listen to the pain and outrage in his voice as he almost begs these guys to explain their apparent insanity to him. He’s all of us, isn’t he – a lone voice and alone, surrounded by the automated and heedless masses, trying to make sense of his own species gone mad.
But at the same time, he’s admirable and authentic – a real human being surrounded by those who have surrendered their reality. We have to believe it’s people like this who will prevail in the end.
Meanwhile, that video he made, along with the TikTok nurses dancing their rainbow way through the invisible carnage, and the cartoon dead man in Wuhan, will be how this insanity and those who surrendered to it deserve to be remembered.
Fun and games, man, fun and games…
Is all the world becoming a movie set? And right now do most people even discern the difference?
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The Website below, in German has regular picture updates about the idiocy of an accepting society to the diktat of the Viral Diktatura turning supposedly evolved sentient intelligent entities into gormless and mindless mute brain suspended oddities I cannot relate to. Luckily sites like the one below is real relief because comedians could not make this up for what, 18 months running. Noses not included.
That’s weird, sure I had a second comment published, with links, and a reply, on here, which has now gone. Wonder why.
Looks like ‘Mick The Mango’s excellent post has been removed too ! That’s Purge-tastic, in the great tradition of Darpabook, Twatter et al.
Suspend your disbelief, this should be what is always on your mind and that hollywood and the media have been helping us with this for a very long time. And yes there was an agenda all along. Personally I can’t wait till I am dead becuase I would rather not face the shitstorm that is to come.
This is how terrorism works. Terrify the people into submission. The Government is allowing corporations to terrify their people. That must be treason.
Ethnically targeting different groups
Another succinct and unanswerable post by Kit Knightly, It shows why Twitler & Co. are trying so hard to make OffGuardian invisible. This is the kind of work we’d see in the BBC or the Groaniad if they still allowed honest journalists to work there.
Watch Guns Akimbo (filmed in 2019 and released in February a year later). Not all of it like I did, it is not that good. Just up to the bit where the main character, played by Daniel Radcliffe, describes how he enjoys trolling trolls. Blink and you might miss it, but one of the trolls are identified as attacking Big Pharma. The previous image was of a Confederate flag.
This fleeting moment shows what we are up against – and no, I don’t mean Daniel Radiffe.
A concerted effort is being made to link being anti-vax and the so called far right despite a history of leftist opposition. Take a look at the UK Labour Party’s first manifesto from 1900, it is very short. What is the sixth point? ‘No compulsory vaccination’.
Now, I am not suggesting that the left is preferable to the right. Both are problematic, anachronistic terms. No, I am just aware that there is an effort to make opponents of the vaccine appear like the ultimate villains, like those white supremacists that brought Breaking Bad to an unsatisfactory close.
As a result we cannot be seen as victims. We are the bad guys.
The left is preferable, if you can say that about something that is so in the same way that water is generally a preferable drink to bleach. A bunch of far rightists (eg. Dems) claiming to be left doesn’t change that. It’s principles, not a label for the wealthy middle class to co-opt and use to crush the working class with in defence/pursuit of their own interests.
The right (all flavours) are also consistently liars. Outrageous ones. It’s not hard to get Republicans bringing up something class-related (they’ll do it if they think it’s a ‘gotcha’ to the ‘other’ team), it sounds so reasonable, then ask them what to do about it, suggest something that’s even mildly ‘wicked’ socialism, see how they react. I don’t really doubt they know they’re winning, deep down: it’s why the red states are being handed their little reward. It’s not that they’re dissident (as if, they believe every bit of the cultural narrative they’re spoon-fed, and are too ill-educated to ever break out) it’s that they’re already the most obedient of all, religiously devoted to corporate interests. This whole thing, the ridiculous Biden shilling, the bullying and terrorising of the more idealistic young Dems into thinking they were baddies if they didn’t vote for this unrepentant far right imperialist nutjob…it’s all been the same thing for ages. Vested interests, deep state, corporate, finance, whatever, working to drive the US status quo, and that of the rest of the world where the US has influence (is any other country really as convincing a candidate for being the ultimate originator of this kind of propaganda?), further and further right. Right and left only look the same because it’s all the right, two wings, one bird.
And here we are, at fascism.
It’s encouraging to see posts like yours.
Biden is far-right, eh? How very European of you.
On a more serious note, I don’t think we have very hard definitions of what the “Right” and the “Left” are anymore. Maybe it’s just relative to your country. Maybe it’s the old “order (right)” vs “chaos (left)” dichotomy. That’s probably why many, including a lot here don’t see the point in these labels anymore. You’ll have chaotic right-wingers (libertarians) and orderly leftists (A good good chunk of the convids).
I personally don’t believe Biden and his cohorts are either right or left wing. They’re clearly not for preserving traditional American values (heck, with their promotion of CRT, it looks like they’re all for ripping up old American mythology), and they’re clearly continuing the new Republican trend of vile interventionism. I’d call them Centrists, but Globalist, which has been the point of both parties, is a more useful label.
I really wish the Democrats were genuine far-rightists. A gigantic dose of isolationist Nationalism would at the very least, be a controlled burn that would prevent further disaster.
The left are bigger liars, historically, as they claim to represetnt the people, but always end up betraying them
Check out John Overkill on the various video platforms,he has a veritable skill in outing ‘actors’ epecially at the gatherings in London
Look out for greybleeder,tatman and a whole host of others,always at the front of the protests,always in close proximity to each other
“I’m an able bodied amputee…” Really?
Possibly the most public piece of Covid theater we had in the US was President Trump’s brush with the disease. Everything was set up to make the infection appear to be a lot less serious than it actually was. In reality he deteriorated very quickly and it was a race against time to get him to hospital by car before he had to be taken there on a gurney. He was treated with monoclonal antibodies, a treatment that is not available to the general public (and compared to mRNA vaccines is seriously experimental) and then given large amounts of steroids to counter the reaction to that treatment. This caused the apparent bounce back — when he returned to the White House he wasn’t so much recovered (far from it) but out of his tree on those steroids.
This is all part of the problem of politicizing what should be more nuisance than threat. Our entire response to this during 2020 was dictated by electoral politics. Its a mistake for people in other countries to follow our lead and sup on our Kool-Aid. We’re now in a state where we’ve largely opened up but people who are getting sick are almost exclusively not vaccinated. (The hospital rate for non-vaccinations is over 99% of admissions.)
Fact free propaganda. Did Trump also forge the stats across the globe? You can do better than this. A2
Wasn’t that an episode of the X Files?
“Dougal, you’re not confusing this with a dream you had or anything?”
Not according to this info coming out of Israel.
Possibly not.
In the Wuhan video of a man collapsing onto his face in the street, if you look closely you can see that he puts his hands out to protect himself just before he hits the deck…
you can see it at the start of this vid…
It says the video is offensive! If that’s offensive no wonder SJWs exist
It’s laughable.. I have led youth theatre workshops where 14-year-old novices managed more convincing tumbles than that. The fact that this incompetent pratfall was broadcast globally (and reverentially) speaks volumes about the state of contemporary journalism. They could not have got away with this even 20 years ago.
9/11 marked the point when people became too scared to risk noticing the obvious.
That last sentence should be bronzed….it rings true.
9/11 marked the point when people became too scared to risk noticing the obvious. well said!
another actor spotted according to hugo talks latest vids, fun and games this
Also note this guy who allegedly ‘suffered lung damage’ from covid had a pre-existing lung condition.. Quite an important point. So, to translate – he has asthma (most likely), got a chest infection, went to hospital with it as he probably has many times before, but this time he got a PCR test that happened to be positive. After this he somehow ends up on the BBC, where he forgets to mention he’s yet another actor raising his profile.
Any early covid appearing in media people I got date of birth from all had existing issues to be plainly seen by an astrologer..,while media claimed they were perfectly healthy etc etc,,,been the game
Prohibited: Leaving your house at specified times.
Prohibited: Drinking alcohol at certain times in certain places.
Prohibted: Meeting people.
Prohibited: Opening your shop/business/school.
Allowed: Smoking!
You could always smoke or buy tobacco. You even got incentives, like not being forced to wear a mask while walking through mandatory mask terrain holding a cigarette. You also could sell other aricles if you sold cigarettes and tobacco, so your business could stay open while fitness centers had to close.
When you ask believers – smokers and non-smokers alike – if they could explain this their expressions go blank.
To me this has been the intelligence test in this whole scam. Most have been failing miserably.
If you really want a laugh, try telling the covid believers that the Earth is flat and stationary. Why not , you will not onvice them about the covid hoax so may as well go for broke. Their reaction is priceless.
Roche, they chose that name on purpose, they did the same thing in the US with one “Lisa Merck” last year.
Really? Do you have a source?
“Where the real world changes into simple images, the simple images become real beings and effective motivations of hypnotic behavior.”
-Guy Debord, Society Of The Spectacle
Hold onto your head while everyone around you are losing there’s.Captain I think there is a glitch in the matrix,There’s a virus that isn’t a virus running amok in the system,How so laddie look nothing we just played Chinese whispers it’s the people’s fault not ours let them run around like headless chickens and we’ll reap the rewards 👍.
Off Topic: warning for anyone in France. Internal medical source: apparently strict lockdown planned from Sep 17 for the non-vaccinated. No right to go beyond 2km, no right to go to shops, etc. Will be strictly monitored.
To be evidently checked.
But be prepared, could be the same in other countries.
I’m starting to think you are a shill to get people vaccinated judging from your over alarmist posts.
She seems harmless I think it’s the hysteria going around that’s probably alarming her.Sometimes it’s hard to make sense of it myself.
Its not the hysteria. We are just being informed of what the leadership of the resistance is hearing and exchanging info so we can be prepared.
Now I take it you are all prepared for what may come since you so discard any warning. Somehow I find the French have more street sense than wherever you all are and certainly more survival intelligence.
I will cease to give you news from France, as well as any useful information that may help you all to face what may be coming. I leave you all to your own fates. Its hard enough to look after ourselves here.
Yes I work for the authorities, and my aim is to get everyone unvaccinated forcefully vaccinated. How did you guess?
I was just relaying what the French resistance is telling us: if you dont want to be prepared, and then suddenly have to lockdown, then its up to you.
Interesting the reaction here, none of us here in France told the resistance leadership, “you are a shill to get people vaccinated judging from your over alarmist posts”. We are instead discussing what to do in that case. But sure, better ignore reality…
Just to ask: why are so OffG readers always taking everything so negatively, always suspicious of others? Dont you see you are not helping yourselves?
To go through the next months or year, or more, we have to hope for the best, while being fully prepared for the worst, and be one step ahead, so we can try not to let the worst happens? Or are you just going to accept the worst if it happens because you wont have been prepared, because it will be too late and you wont have any choice?
Anyhow your fate will be yours, and mine will be mine. I wanted to help, you refuse it. We may be getting insider news from other countries soon, but evidently wont relay it. Since clearly, you dont wish to be told. Yes its always better to close one’s eyes. And then to accept. Some of us you see, we want to live, and we want to make sure we can live.
…The Dudes are *Emerging*…
Why are the potty-mouthed activists on our side (?) always hysterical?
Yes, that’s good catch all the same. It really is.
If a person has been made to feel neglected and abused by their (stand-in governmental) parents…
If they have been ruthlessly gaslit by the “watchdog” media that is meant to inform them…
If their lives have been radically transformed in a staggeringly short period of time…
If even their values and moral beliefs have been invalidated by an inverted mob of groupthinkers…
…is it any wonder that, upon discovering these crimes, they kinda lose their shit a little bit?
Add to that another thing: “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” It may be that you tend to be exposed to “hysterical” examples precisely because they represent an extreme which is more likely to be shared and spread by an attention-seeking peoples, and by a propogandistic media.
There could be any number of calm, well-spoken, patient “activists” confronting injustice with a camera in their hand, but in a society trained to equate animated passion with sincerity, they might not get the same level of publicity.
A bad show, with bad actors to scare the masses.
Coming next: your daily 2 minutes of hate against unvaxxed
It’s already starting on the news, subtly right now, but ready to go into overdrive at any moment.
The scrambling of sorties by the mentalists as “freedom day” (genius from Spi-B prepping all the prisoners for their parole interviews) approaches is a sight to behold.
All previous stars of the Moronavirus Show are making a comeback:
Our health secretary has tested positive for Morona and will have to self isolate luckily for him he’s had two jabs so his symptoms are mild. Phew!!
Retail sector is saying they will have to reduce opening hours due to the increase in their staff having to self isolate; same for all their linked industries haulage, manufacture etc… this is all down to the NHS App Pingdemic. Am sure the Toilet Roll enthusiasts are ready and primed.
The removal of restrictions on Monday will result in a (drum roll please) longer and drawn out curve according to modelling than if we’d have waited when of course the curve would be shorter but higher. Surely the Morons can see now that even if we wait until 2045 it will still be too soon.
Lack of clarity from Govt is causing chaos. No you shitheads the Govt guidance is pretty clear it’s you talking heads and the media circus with their BMGF ScienTITs causing the chaos and confusion.
(I am no fan of the Govt and recognise this whole plot is a tangled web of lies).
Then there’s the we might have to reimpose restrictions in the Autumn.
I mean it is hilarious because the Morons are now in a state of total delirium:
I’ve had my vaccines, I’m wearing 3 masks in 29C weather and cant breathe, my NHS App is telling me I’ve got COVID but I only have 427 rolls of toilet paper left!!!!! And the world is going to end on July 19th!!!
‘I mean it is hilarious because the Morons are now in a state of total delirium:
I’ve had my vaccines, I’m wearing 3 masks in 29C weather and cant breathe, my NHS App is telling me I’ve got COVID but I only have 427 rolls of toilet paper left!!!!!’
Love it! :o)
There are very few able to go a little bit further than most commenters, to point out that TPTB, at the same time as they are fooling most of the people most of the time, are also attempting to wise up a few of the rest.
This can be a paradigm shifting revelation if you allow it – few do.
Revelation as in everything I’ve ever been told turns out to be a lie. Interesting times!
That is true then Jos.
Revealing lies allows what is true to stand Obvious, because it simply is, while lies have to seem.
Since we are talking about actors. Georgey Floyd baby!
For further exposure, take a look at Miles’ breakdown of the Chauvin trial….
And here we have a moron
Please explain how?
Ok my fine trolling friend, read the whole fuggin thing and then you can get back to hurling insults…
Yep-Floyd committed suicide. Every Right-thinking person knows that.
In the US, a major news network apologized for trying to pass off an inundated Italian hospital as an American facility. Another network showed the same footage loading body bags on a freezer truck three nights running.
Only 3 nights? The shot of “covid victims” being buried in freshly dug rows of graves in NYC appeared around the world for months.
Yeah and it turned out that the open “mass” graves in NYC were the graves the have all year round for “paupers” ie people who die with no estate and are buried by the state.
And SKY News had “And in Mexico City the ovens never stop burning” when the ovens were fucking empty
Most of the things we think we know was some bullshit told by someone else.
Trouble is, the actual truth is dismissed, along with the bullshit, as ‘fake news’.
That doesn’t mean we don’t continue to learn how to tell the difference.
True or not but most of the things we think we know is often at least second hand information we have had to evaluate. That was my point.
‘life’ (or what has been synthetically invoked by the hollow men and their system for you) has always been the ‘truman show’ or the matrix, bodysnatchers, they live etc… it’s just that you have finally crashed through the old fake construct…
this is because as zappa stated succinctly, although
I will paraphrase…
they are stacking the chairs and tables, drawing back the curtains on the stage and showing you the big fucking wall behind it….
perhaps people will now look at the media with the critical eye it deserves, and the vermin and maggotry that infest it..
for most… a prison cell should not be wasted..
I call it Celluloid Reality, where the map has replaced the territory for most people.
‘Mankind cannot bear too much reality’ – I always knew Eliot was right.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” (saved that a long time ago as a prophecy)
How did Chomsky put it: “People not only don’t know what’s happening to them, they don’t even know that they don’t know.”
gnome chumpsky…good one..
is he dead yet?
I feel he should be buried with
both suitably staked..
Aaaah but there was never a false gatekeeper so fair…..
and it would also be oh so nice to see both swinging on the gallows pole
Obligatory disclaimer: I’m not a fan of the recently Hell-bound Donald Rumsfeld.
Rumsfeld (in)famously made the following remark:
Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.
I never understood why Rumsfeld was viciously excoriated for making this fairly straightforward, albeit mildly convoluted, epistemological observation.
It’s ridiculed and reviled as if it were the equivalent of Nixon’s claim that if a President violates laws in the interest of national security, it’s not illegal.
It comes to mind because I’m sure that many of the people who scoff and sneer at the Rumsfeld quote reverently regard this very similar Chomsky observation as revealed wisdom.
Someone said all this about two thousand years ago. He had a fake religion built around his story. He was mis-quoted, in fact everything he warned about was done to him and his legend. In spite of all this his message remains. I don’t understand how that can happen. I just trip over the odd quote here and there and don’t follow anything but my nose and I find the truth is nearly always inconvenient…..to me,me,me. There’s so much deception in the world and the only way to perceive it is to not deceive myself and that’s the hardest nut to crack.
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”~ Karl Rove
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
~ William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987
Well, that didn’t work out so well, did it?
Bill Hicks said it best regarding marketing.
Just as UK ‘Freedom Day’ endangers the whole world it turns out that it isn’t the whole world that’s warming but the whole universe!
They haven’t quite worked out yet how to blame this on overpopulation or travel or meat-eating – but give them time….
(P.S. People might remember that this publication was the main one pushing the official line on 9/11).
In case it hasn’t been already posted, or some people missed it, i urge you to watch the whole of this video interview between Reiner Fuellmich (lawyer) and Dr David Martin (patent underwriter)
Who knew that patents would blow this thing wide open…
I guarantee that any doubts or skepticism you might have will be blown away for good.
The days of the psychopath fools are numbered.
End the lie NOW
An increasingly perfunctory whip round of “Left” sites – I won’t bother mentioning names – but here’s the latest:
Blah blah “culture wars” blah “white complicity” blah blah “Tories are eviscerating and stealing our NHS” (just the Tories?) blah blah “Islamophobia Pandemic” blah blah “coronavirus ‘causes’ chaos” blah blah “breaking point” blah blah
Infectious disease modellers, climate change modellers….these parvenus charlatans posing as scientists might be given coloured plasticine to satisfy their desire for modelling.
nice pose prof!
There is a saying in climate science-‘All models are wrong, but some are useful’. Climate models have improved immensely, because of experience, more computing power and vastly greater numbers of observations from satellites, oceanic buoys, paleo-climate records from ice-cores etc, and so on. Even as they grow more complex, they are still radically understating the extent and rapidity of climate destabilisation in the real world, as we see in unprecedented heat-waves and excursions from previous record temperatures, massive deluges and floods worldwide, global coral reef bleachings and increasing magnitude and severity of mega-fires, also world-wide and in places where they were previously unknown.
Frankly I’ve had my fill of doomsday cults. I want to discuss actual facts, not NPCC propaganda priming us for carbon trading technocratic fascism. A2
Hugo has the GMB vax man clip on Brandbewtube https://brandnewtube.com/watch/gmb-covid-man-is-actor-hugo-talks-some-more-lockdown_quxdPpQbTdBsYPs.html
There was a story in the Mirror yesterday, about a vaccine hesitant girl whos friends had all left her and how sad her life was without a vaccine (or words to that effect). What made it obviously fake was the over-the-top-ness of it, it went on for ages, like an over-the-top narcissist lying though their teeth spinning an overly complicated fiction ‘the lady doth protest too much”.
It’s as if some Biometrics Phd is sat there with a list of neuro-lingustic catchphrases they simply must include in the piece, you could start playing NLP meme bingo with these ‘news’ pieces.
The media is full of them atm, DM is particularly bad, do a news search for “Vaccine Hesitant” you’ll get loads of similar BS, you also get the BS polls where 8 out of 10 vaccine hesitant cats prefer Pfizer when falling off the wagon, and loads of vax hesitant convertees who are now glad they’ve had it etc.
It’s got so bad in the media over the years, you are honestly better off starting from the premis that every story is manufactured, then work backwards cross referenceing from alt media and video, digging deep to find an element of truth.
for the sake of ‘fairness’ here’a a news story from the .alt media
We covered this in Off-G comments yesterday/day before. They’re building new ‘mega prisons’, in Total across all the new sites 13k new prison places will be built, that represents 16% of current prison population, so most will be likely be replacing the UK victorian prison infrastructure with modern ‘skill teaching’ prisons.
But the Alt media scream “Massive Detention Centers” spinning it into a FEAR headline.
As if 13k places would make any difference to the numbers in Million+ marches.
You won’t find that context in the infowars piece tho, that wouldn’t have the same effect.
That’s where I first saw it. Hugo’s dished up some good info.
Roche is a stunt actor. (Maybe he’s also something that rhymes with “stunt”?) I was intrigued about this death bed Good Morning stint from the hospital but couldn’t find it on the net.
The vids that don’t show what they are claimed to show are legion. I recall a thigh slapper about a hospital allegedly stretched beyond capacity which showed lots of stacked equipment and glimpses of clearly empty corridors and wards. There was one patient, naturally all tubed up, who, hilariously, was wheeled out twice!
It is to be sure a golden age for cleaners. We have a new guy in the work who admitted to me that since the apocalypse started he was stuck at home watching soaps till he put in a request for some hot covid action and now goes around our centre with lots of wipes.
All of this follows the Andrew Loog Oldham model. ALO was a manager of the Rolling Stones (a popular beat combo from mediaeval times) and he was a smart arse who realised you don’t need any props at all to whip up scandals. All you need are rumours (which could be started by anyone) and also Mars Bar wrappers! Let the media and the public whip up the rest.
But here is the real device: you can have the most blatantly obvious scam going on but as long as you stick in a reference to “crazy conspiracy theories” then you are covered. Just look at Event 201 – a pre-enactment of the whole phony pandemic months in advance i.e. nothing less than a fucking total admission that it’s bullshit. But it doesn’t matter how many point this out, they are “crazy conspiracy theorists”.
And I just stumbled on a Graud turd from April last year warning against “anti-vax nutters”! Close up photo of sign saying “Trust in God, not vaccines” – a placard knocked up to link anti-vaxxers with religious nuts. Thus acting as a “trailer” for forthcoming attractions.
I would rather trust in God.
Though his track record leaves room for improvement.
I’ll be serious for a moment…
If you’re going to trust in God, you’ll have to watch that blasphemy.
He isn’t a doddery old man who lives up there on one of those clouds, and it’s a primary requirement of those whom one trusts that we should respect them.
“In god we trust , all others pay cash”, the founding tenet of the American experiment ?
Blasphemy isn’t exactly disrespect. You can be disrespectful without being blasphemous. Obviously, where you have blasphemy, you also have disrespect.
Blasphemy can include a range of behaviors, including violence towards God and his loyal worshippers and including statements that are knowingly and willingly misrepresenting God. Here’s some blasphemies in connection with the League Of Nations / United Nations:
‘Just look at Event 201 – a pre-enactment of the whole phony pandemic months in advance i.e. nothing less than a fucking total admission that it’s bullshit. But it doesn’t matter how many point this out, they are “crazy conspiracy theorists”.’
Yes, that Event 201 vid was an immediate red flag for me. Anybody who couldn’t see that and tried to condone it or explain it in some way was just not worth going into discussion with.
BBC News headline from a couple of days ago:
‘PINGDEMIC: Are too many people getting pinged?’
Pinged? I thought they were discussing a digital sex deviance for a moment, but maybe that’s just my dirty mind.
And now cyber polygon pre-enactment of cyber disaster underway. Warning video is of Schwab.
This time I think the internet itself will be scrapped and a new sanitized version put in place.
Yes I fear our time to dialogue could be in short supply.
Yes. Digital ID will be required to access it.
I see you have the ap that’s goes ping
‘Roche is a stunt actor.’
It also happens to be the name of a huge pharmaceutical company.
Oh yeah I forgot about that! Roche has been rumbled!
Good Morning Britain is a political and cultural brainwashing show dressed as lite entertainment. Derek Draper the husband of a presenter…
Yeah! The Sun commenters were calling out that pair of shills every time an update on his health appeared in the rag.
Then comments were disabled.
Dunno why…
If the comment’s channels are manipulated so that clean unsencored genuine unbotted comments aren’t possible, gossup communication is a way around communication, I suppose.
Mate, you can gossup (sic) all you like.
I prefer to stick with facts.
SAGE are at it again, demanding the kids get jabbed with unlicenced poison or there will be unprecedented deaths when they make the poisoned older people sick, they are seriously deranged that dangerous bunch of scum Now for fakes, Australia made one last week claiming a 39 year old woman was on life support wide awake and writhing in pain, Doctor McCulloch from Texas said she was acting the way people act when they have the blood clot syndrome from the frigging jabs
Yes did you all see video of Tony Fauci talking about getting vaccine approved for pre teens then children then babies then infants and until then any child over 2 has to wear a mask because even if they aren’t at risk they endanger everyone.
Actually, Marilyn, in that fright video the poor dear was on high-flow nasal cannulae, not ‘life support’ ie a ventilator. Best they put the girl into an induced coma before she hurts herself over-acting.
VAERS data released Friday 7/16 by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.
VAERS captures only 1% – 10% of the actual Vaccine Adverse Events, according to several studies.
I personally know of 10 people who have taken the vax. Two of the 10 have died.
They are up to nearly 11,000 deaths here per vaers. 11,000!
Yes, and funny it never seems to be the other way round, isn’t it? (ie I was terrified about dying from covid but when I had it it was milder than a cold!)
You have no way of knowing you ‘had it’. That’s the heart of the scam. You had a cold caused by one of several thousand viruses. So they gave you a PCR test which was probably run at 45ct which would mean all the positives – including yours – were false. And even if they ran your test at under 30ct your ‘positive’ result would still have been meaningless because PCRs don’t diagnose the actual presence of virus or indicate you are infected.
That’s how AIDS was. It was malnutrition, pneumonia, karposi’s sarcoma, etc and so on until they came up with the fake HIV virus. And once you tested positive for that then all those separate illnesses got lumped under AIDS umbrella.
Seems all the published literature on that would make people more skeptical about this.
AIDS, another bull$hit production brought to you by the scumbag, evil dwarf extraordinare – Tony Fauci.
Didn’t copy well
Anyway the quote is from Christof (the man on the moon in the Truman show, who is asked why Truman believes that he lives in ‘reality’. Reply
Christof : We accept the reality of the world with which we’re presented. It’s as simple as that.
And the nice thing of the Truman show is that that quote isn’t true to Truman!
It takes him a long time to accept reality as it is, but I am sure we’ve all been there…
Truman was an exceptional person, and that is what made it a Hollywood ending. The average person would have remained on the controlled movie set when given the choice by Christof at the end.
You’ve also got to give a mention to ambulances, sirens blaring, lights flashing, racing up & down the roads with masked driver & passenger. I’ve seen them go down a main road, round the roundabout and back the other way, only for the same meat-wagon to re-appear 10 minutes later doing the damn same thing.
Clearly extremely adept at picking up the ill, transporting them to hospital and off out for the next pick-up.
It’s all BS perpetuated by many people who should know better.
How do they sleep at night ?
Hey in Australia they still babble about all the ambulances in Italy and New York even though it’s been known for over a year that they were empty on the way to the hospitals to take all the old and sick away to died
I believe you, but it’s been quite the opposite here in Amsterdam. Friends and I have discussed it a few times over the last 16 months or so, that if there were really so many people dying/going to hospital, we would hear more sirens which has not been the case here at all. I haven’t seen any more police/ (in)security services hanging around than usual either, and I’ve lived here long enough to know my neighbourhood very well. When the 9pm/10pm curfew was imposed here, I cycled quietly home after curfew time and there were no cops around. I even cycled past the local copshop a couple of times (not to antagonise them but just to see what was going on and see if there was a reaction) and there was no-one at the desk and the cop cars were all neatly parked up outside. They must have seen me on the security cameras. Having said that, on another occasion,I did get followed all the way home by a drone, and waved at it from my balcony when I noticed it hovering around as I was getting a beer from the fridge. I was more bemused than anything else. :o)
I reckon they’re doing UberEats/Deliveroo drop offs due to no actual hospital work…
Yesterday PM I saw ambulances parked in very prominent residential spots all over my UK town – very obvious with hazards on and blocking roads and access for other road users in a way you’d think “man that’s a proper emergency for them to park like that”.
There was one on my road also and because he was blocking where I park (and most of the pretty busy through road) I had to linger around for a bit – anyways as I walked past them and peeked inside it looked to me they were having a coffee break!! 20 mins later they drove off sirens blaring.
Its more dramatic when they cut their way through a traffic jam.
It’s all so very lame.
It’s also very effective at keeping the hysterical masses on the edge of even more hysteria.
A consumer culture of advertising and marketing manipulates reality. Everything is marketed now from presidents to wars. The step from – never let a crisis go to waste – to creating the crisis, the reality yourself – is a small one.
Its all a show. This very short video shows actor instructing other actors “could everyone practise social distancing when cameras are on?”.
“Its all a show”.
“All the wordl’s a stage” is usually attributed to ‘Shakespeare’ – but the play ‘Damon and Pythias’ written in the year of Shakespeare’s birth says that it goes back to Pythagoras. Whoever wrote ‘As You Like It’ – and it certainly wasn’t Shakspeare of Stratford – wasn’t that original.
Pythagoras just happened to discover many of the verities of sacred geometry and run a bizarre sex cult.
Actually, reality has always been faked. Difference now is that it’s being imposed onto each and every one of us personally, bodily. Before, it was “only” brown people being bombed because we need to protect our freedoms and many other such fake realities.
They are following exactly same script in aust….was an identical covid vax ad last week…man in hospital bed saying exactly same thing..,they are not even original…
Australians have taken to masks like slit wrists to warm baths. They’ve given up. The capitulation is epic.
Not in SA, we refused to comply long ago.
Really? SA isn’t buying the bullshit? Have there been many orchestrated hysterical “case” panics down there, with Gov lockdowns and mask madness?
It’s absolutely pathetic here is Australia…… no one was lining up for the vaccine so they had to induce fear & panic to get them all begging for it…… I give it 6 months & they’ll be introducing the vaccine passports & no one cares!
The Australian public have scarcely ever risen above moron though, there are still people who think Iraqi refugees chucked their babies into the sea in spite of a massive enquiry proving Jane Halton made it all up, that craven evil woman is now touted as a health expert, and she’s also on the board of Crown Casinos.
NEVER go full Incubator-Baby!
When I heard the ‘children overboard’ lies, I immediately recalled that, a few months earlier, hatchet-men of the Berlusconi regime had used the same vicious, racist, lie and psychological projection, in Italy. I agree the Halton is very bad news, indeed, and she is not even original.
Austfailia is the perfect example of a society that slowly, then rapidly, committed suicide. From an apogee in the mid 80s, when local culture was strong, as was our global reputation as a basically decent society, most of which was the result of the policies of the Whitlam Government, we have descended into the pit.
It began with the proto-Blairites, Hawke and Keating who inflicted neo-liberal economic policies on the country. The malign effects of those policies were hidden for decades by the bounty of Chinese imports of our stuff, and cheap Chinese exports of goods to us. However, after the rank racist Howard, gained power, in 1996, the descent has rapidly accelerated.
The various hard Right regimes that followed have relied on appeal to greed and race hatred for electoral victories. The economic policies have grown ever more extreme, with massive tax cuts for the rich, the surrender of economic sovereignty to the USA through a ludicrously one-sided ‘Free Trade Agreement’, and relentless class war attacks on workers. In social policies hatred and oppression of the Indigenous has been marked with world’s worst levels of incarceration, particularly of children (the age of criminal responsibility still a vicious ten years of age) and women, deaths in custody ever growing, and child theft even greater than in the days of the Stolen Generation.
Then there was Howard’s complicity in the Iraq aggression and genocide, and the aggression against Afghanistan, where our ‘Special Forces’ have been caught out committing numerous atrocities. Meanwhile we are an absolute pariah when it comes to ecological devastation, destroying the Great Barrier Reef in one lifetime and coming dead last in the OECD on climate destabilisation policies. Indeed vast swathes of the ruling regime are outright denialists on the fossil fuel industry payroll.
To top it off we have been attacking China, our greatest benefactor, for ten years or so, on orders from the USA. One insult after another, one attack on China after another, all portrayed by a jackal media as ‘Chinese aggression’, replete with naked racists declaring China the ‘New Nazis’ etc. China kept cool for several years then commenced whacking us back economically, whereupon the media vermin, racists through and through, redoubled the screeching about ‘Chinese aggression’. But, as the highly articulate Deputy Ambassador of China said, ‘China is not a milk-cow to be milked now and slaughtered later’. Meanwhile the more rabid Murdochite hyenas and regime racists began arguing for war on China, ie literal national suicide, either by military destruction, or, in the unlikely case of a Chinese defeat, or some sort of draw, total economic destruction as Chinese imports and investment cease. To be born in a fairly decent country and end up living in an evil, racist, mad-house-what luck!
I accept, we can’t all be Mary Poppins, but we can at least try and protect our kids and our grandkids from these atrocities, by Speaking Up and Challenging and asking Questions
Why do YOU want to give My 5 Year old Grandchild a PCR Test?
Oh – He’s Next on The List. It’s My Job – or I WILL GET FIRED.
Why not RESIGN instead?
I would, and I am still here.
You know you don’t want to do it – Not to a 5 Year Old Kid.
Be nice.
When you see these happenings look for the fake news crew. They won’t be far away.
The Daily Dinsaydat and the Weekly Wuzzunt have specialised in suchlike since before the War on Terror.
Just look up the CNN fake news unit. Take Becky Anderson and the Muslim mothers’ protest that wuzzunt… Watch for the director’s chair. Hilarious.
Much of The Troubles, both in Ireland and on the mainland, was faked or misattributed. The history of false flags is millennial.
I’m a child at heart. I make ambulance and siren screams whenever there’s a Normie around. If the NHS does fake emergencies to give Norm his daily fix of fear then why shouldn’t I.
He likes it, really. Na-na, na-na. Woooooo.
Which ‘mainland’ would that be, M? Something you picked up from the Permanent Bullshit Blizzard, aka the lamestream ‘news’? There’s Britain and Eire. The mainland is Europe.
Yes I was thinking what to call it. It’s not Britain since that was appropriated from France. Something a little more ripe?
As a fan of Bob Quinn’s The Atlantean Irish I take the view that everyone’s a transient living with something stolen or borrowed… we’re all transients playing a heritable tune — unless we are blessed with the talent to pipe something new but then it most likely fades with us. Very little lasts.
It pre-dates the existence of French: Latin, Britannia. Though, as most of the English language is from French/Latinate, in terms of vocabulary: and considering it was imposed by conquest, I’m not sure they are the ones who’d get to complain about appropriation.
Perfidious Albion?
In the “things we now know” file about the Troubles include that the head of the IRA’s counter-intelligence branch in charge of preventing infiltration by British agents was himself a British agent and that IRA chief Joe Cahill was compromised by photos of him abusing an underage girl. It’s always been an open secret the close connections between the intelligence branches and the UDA/UDF – but they were running both sides of the two-horse race, as usual. The Brighton Bombing just happened to be on Aleister Crowley’s birthday. Anyone who tries to ask questions about Kincora or similar places soon gets shot down in flames – it’s what did for Ken Livingstone.
The Troubles looks more and more like the UK’s Gladio – like Quebec was Canada’s.
Made my day, the guy haranguing the ‘cleaners’, made me laugh like hell and feel proud at same time.
I think the concept of being personally responsible for everything you do, in your job or not, has gone out of the window. Now it’s “if I get paid to do it it’s OK”.