A Breakup Letter…to Society

In the name of those who had their trust misplaced. Better than forgiveness, is vigilance.

Raminder Mulla

In the Hindu tradition, there are four stages to life.

One of learning how to be a citizen, one of householding, where one works and contributes to their community. Then comes retired life in which one starts to withdraw from the world. There then comes a state of renunciation, where one abandons all worldly possessions and spends all their time in spiritual practice.

These stages seem a reasonable way to conduct a life, and honour the flow of nature.

Time and energy are invested in our young, that they may grow into people capable of nourishing and sustaining the world around them as socialised adults. Over time, their power to give reduces, until there is only the self left to give. Even this, will wither in time. This is true of all living things.

Over time, my desire to give, as a householder, has waned. Now I desire retirement and renunciation. My ability to give is leaving me.


Dear Society,

It’s time for us to part. We’ve both changed and I don’t think we can be together anymore. When we first met, you were huge, radiant, so full of promise. I still remember the words you said to me; It didn’t matter that you said them to so many others.

’If you work hard, be kind, and look after others, then life will be good. I will look after you.’

For quite a while, you did and everything was good. I worked hard in our younger days in the hope that all that I learned could be used to for you. So much of it was for you. I even tried to bring some new knowledge into the world, since I thought you’d rather like that. It sounded like you did, but actions speak louder than words, and I could always feel your gaze drifting to that one in the corner with the sharp suit and a tongue to match, who often told you he’d like to chop you up and sell bits of you back to yourself.

I suppose that should have been a red flag.

Why stick around when that’s what you want?

I suppose, I thought I could change you.

I used to think lovers who thought they could change their partner were insane. Perhaps I’m insane myself. I tried to put everything into you once again. Played by your rules and respected your boundaries. You didn’t do the same. This, I can’t forgive. You decided that what I wanted simply didn’t matter, despite our promises.

It’s become all about you. Not about us.

You told me who I could and could not see. I went along with it, after all, your friends told me you were under a lot of stress. That it would only be a few weeks and would really help you. Fine, I suppose we all need to compromise once in a while. Then it started getting really strange. You started talking about amputating bits of yourself and casting them aside. It looked like you already tried, with the many self-inflicted cuts and grazes I saw you with one night.

You said to me: ’My limbs would grow back,’ and that ’they weren’t essential.’ Remember that? Maybe I should have left then, or at least tried to get you some help. Plenty of people make it through such dark thoughts.

Your friends told me that all of this talk of breaking yourself apart was necessary, that you weren’t safe without doing this and would build back better. Ultimately, you hadn’t fallen in on yourself yet. In sickness and in health, after all. I could ignore it for a while. I have my friends too, and while they didn’t all agree on how to deal with you, many of them told me to be patient. Others told me I was being hysterical.

Can never really know what to do, can you? One of the tragedies of our shared life is that the people we both know don’t really want to tell the truth. It’s too much responsibility.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Summer came and things calmed down. We could think about a future together, years, decades ahead. You told me you learned from your mistakes. When I asked someone wise about that, he wasn’t so sure.

Winter followed and then you obsessed over yourself again. You muttered the same phrases over and over. Kept asking me where I was going, and what I was doing. You asked me to treat our children as vermin. To stab and suffocate them for you – for your own protection, you said.


Why, did you keep picking at your scars and scabs, over and over and over again?

Your friends told me that this time, it was my fault. They pointed at me, and called me selfish. Evil. That I ought to get over myself. If I did as I was told, you’d be back to who you once were. How could I be to blame? All I ever did was love you.

Finally came the needles. How often did we lament those we lost along the way to addiction, putting things they had no idea about into themselves in the hope they might escape reality for a few moments? How tragic it was that they resorted to the syringe, the bottle, the pills, the pipe, just to be OK? Why did you think you would escape their fate? Why so many needles into yourself and into your friends too? Why our children?

After all we talked about, why try to drag me into it? Misery needing company?

You told me, if I loved you, I’d take the needle. For a moment there, you had me. I needed you that much. Now, you’ve decided you don’t want anything to do with those who don’t shoot up, I suppose we’re done. We never were a two-way street, were we?

I see you now in the cold light of day, and I don’t know you anymore. You were once strong and kept your promises. You helped me and I helped you. You listened to those who had hard truths to tell and learned from them.

Now, you are withered, starved and addicted. So many pieces of you that once shone are missing. Lost forever. The light has gone from your eyes. You look only for control over others, and use your friends in your games. You hate those who aren’t obsessed by the things you are, the needle, the fear, the self-destruction. You do not know love anymore.

You move towards those who wish you ill more than those who love you. I will not watch you decline a moment longer.

I cannot be here.


Raminder Mulla is a scientist by trade and training. He is also interested in philosophy and creative expression. More of his work can be found on his website.


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Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Jul 30, 2021 9:03 AM

I left seven years ago, quite naturally, it all faded into insignificance when I gave up dope and booze and cigarettes and had by then moved to another provincial city where I knew nobody. No TV, no radio but get indie punk women music downloads and cds when possible and books and the strangeness out there can morph into mutant digital demented flickering brain spams and discard all the stray electrons they like. Their radiation is nothing what my miscreant genes irradiate out of my skull face void persona absence.

Jul 26, 2021 2:04 PM

I blame the Internet. If it (along with all other electronic media) were to suddenly cease, you would be downright SHOCKED at how quickly life would IMPROVE.

A flawed human
A flawed human
Jul 21, 2021 2:04 AM

The people who seem to think they fully understand what’s happening right now openly admit they are no longer friendly with people who think different from them or even “have disowned their kin” or even more recently writing breakup letters to society. 

Do you not see that you are doing exactly what tptb want? You are successfully being divided against others…

Jul 24, 2021 4:07 AM
Reply to  A flawed human

Ok go on and try to convince people around you

Jul 19, 2021 11:23 PM

Beautiful words.
Yet i feel sad and sorry for the masses that dont have access to valuable info, to different news than the daily pukes of the controlled media and their sycophants GMN (‘genetic’ modified news) fast-news swallowers.
And how about our once rock stars?
Where are them? I cannot hear their voices their rebellious songs, their dissentious lyrics. I thought always rock was an expression of anti-establishment ideas.
I guess their tails are between their legs once they fear to lose income.
At least one has courage and it is not attached to the rulers; Roger W. but i havent heard from him in regards the convid.
They have no guts, they are no better than the covidiots. I bet if Bob Marley was alive he would sing aloud Freedom in a way youngsters could better understand this massive convid plandemic. Pour masked youngsters they have no idea of what Freedom should be or what it once was.
I hope you dear Raminder can deliver some truth to the beautiful people of India.
I gonna listen today some Ravi Shankar btw.. it brings me Peace and pleasure.

Jul 20, 2021 4:10 AM
Reply to  Krizz

They have access. They lack curiosity and interest. It is comforting to the masses to believe the MSM narrative.

Jul 19, 2021 8:35 PM

I never started dating, or hanging out, with this ffedup society. I realized when I was five years old I no longer wanted to be apart of the larger “death and destruction” culture that surrounded me.

Jul 19, 2021 5:38 PM

Giving set in material terms is a very limiting concept – as if giving is only to get – even if for others or a society. Holding the quality of inner joy is a natural radiance of being that gives of itself. Much of the drama and struggle of attempts to prove or become something fall away to a quality of self-acceptance. Old patterns come up to be released instead of wasting the day at hand. I have lived an unfolding of experience that is richer than anything I could have planned – and am still here. What can we truly give? The gift of freedom is that of bringing our true presence to our relationships, which both gives and receives in like kind. That we are trained to contract to relations of masking distance is both an inner and outer measure of our current acceptance. Awareness is being, and true vigilance is not set by a past made in grievance, but as a current responsibility for integrity of being. For this, release of the past is needed – else its boot-print stamps on the present as a means to a future like itself. Releasing our USE of the past, of others or the body or the world, allows true function to resume of itself as awareness of being. But while we would use Life as a means to GET for a separate self-sense, we cannot recognise ourself in others, in Life and World or in fact in our self. Alienation is the result of distancing, masking and acting out inner conflict on an outer world. Disclosure of an alien agenda is not what we think we think, but is what we think we think alone – albeit in lockstep of mutually reinforcing definitions and beliefs. The Script for Separation… Read more »

Jul 19, 2021 6:03 AM

So true. So sad. Losing touch with friends, especially those who cling to the false truths purveyed by the social media – nothing will ever be the same again.

Jul 19, 2021 8:07 AM
Reply to  Glenda

It’s been hard disowning my own kith and kin but they are adults and perfectly capable of making their own decisions

Who was right or wrong is immaterial at this point,who survives is far more important

Jubal Hershaw
Jubal Hershaw
Jul 19, 2021 5:25 AM

There had to be a deal made; every politician speaking in unison. What was it, a saline jab and a promise of a place in the New World Order ?
In a world with so many political variants (USA: Varmints !) wearing “Trust Me” badges – what a nightmare.

Jul 19, 2021 5:15 AM

Someone actually called me a Quisling this week.They really are getting primed for the camps.

Jul 19, 2021 8:08 AM
Reply to  Hele

And Kier are building them in record time

Jul 19, 2021 4:29 AM

Just done the new Political Compass test in the very early hrs of the morn for me. It’s a significant change from my usual stats, the test is really good, much more nuanced, the change might be cos of that, what’s going on, or i’m so tired: https://www.politicalcompass.org/yourpoliticalcompass?ec=-8.25&soc=-8.26

Jul 19, 2021 6:33 AM
Reply to  Cesca

Thanks Cesca. Just did the test. Quite revealing..and accrate I’d say.

Jul 19, 2021 8:11 AM
Reply to  Cesca

Have you done the new political compass test? it’s far easier than any that have existed before and comprises one question

1 Are you one of ‘Them’ or are you one of ‘Us’ ?

Answers on a postage stamp to the usual address

Jul 19, 2021 3:31 AM

It’s always been a battle between cowardice and courage, sloth and energy, intelligence and animal instincts. Both within ourselves and among us.

Covid has provided an opportunity to see these battles writ large and thus is another window on human nature. To see humans for what we really are. It ain’t pretty, but it never has been.

Jul 19, 2021 12:32 AM

Now, you are withered, starved and addicted. So many pieces of you that once shone are missing. Lost forever. The light has gone from your eyes. You look only for control over others, and use your friends in your games. You hate those who aren’t obsessed by the things you are, the needle, the fear, the self-destruction. You do not know love anymore.
You move towards those who wish you ill more than those who love you…..


indeed….empty husks, gifted some stuffing, their vacuity, discovers a function.

Jul 19, 2021 12:19 AM

Brilliant! Thank you 🙂

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jul 18, 2021 11:22 PM

I found the introductory (italicized) portion informative, profound, relatable, and moving. No small feat for such a brief passage.

I was less impressed with the rather belabored “relationship” metaphor that followed. Its lack of directness and pedestrian correspondences end up grossly minimizing the subject matter. (Also, too reminiscent of those tiresome Eminem pieces where he molds his disaffections with the Rap Industry or Pop Culture into a “failed, dysfunctional romantic relationship” metaphor.)

The first part alone, though, identifies Mr. Mulla as an illuminating voice, and deserves full commendation.

Jul 18, 2021 11:03 PM

As Rilke wrote, the protected heart that is “never exposed to loss, innocent and secure, cannot know tenderness; only the won-back heart can ever be satisfied: free, through all it has given up, to rejoice in its mastery.”

Conversely, only through knowing imprisonment, suffering, deprivation, deception and lies, people individually can find their way to freedom, truth, appreciation of what really maters, and above all to love: to love themselves, so as to have love and compassion for others, and love life itself; that brief and splendid journey to understanding and awareness.

Jul 19, 2021 6:37 AM
Reply to  Ian

It does seem to boil down to fear vs love.

Jul 18, 2021 9:17 PM

I loved this symbolic story, and the writing is beautiful. It reminds me of the book (and movie) “Into the wild”. And Eddie Vedder’s song “Society” from the sound track.


my parents said know
my parents said know
Jul 18, 2021 9:06 PM

I grow much quieter every day-
Such vicious things are being said.
But now I’ll answer back and say:
Some stay alive to bury the dead.

Jul 18, 2021 8:58 PM

It seems to me that the author only has a couple of options left, if the above represents their true feelings toward society. -Suicide -Hermetism/monkhood/taking up Extreme Sneezing/whathaveyou -? “Screw you guys, I’m going home!”, essentially, but where will that home be? By rejecting all of society with a single, blanket accusation, you’re torching all the bridges at once, no? If you feel isolated from society, how will isolating yourself from all society solve that problem? How is renouncing the very society that birthed you, taught you, and allowed you to make this very declaration supposed to help your spiritual growth? It reminds me of some pentecostal christians I know who have decided that “things of the world” = “things of Satan”, and thus reject the very world their God supposedly created just for them in the first place. ! Does no part of “society” deserve any credit at all for having provided you with the capability to come to this point in the first place? Are you also “renouncing” the Hindu faith that so obviously means something to you? Is it not also a product of society? I think I can answer these things, in that I don’t think you are genuinely rejecting society, nor genuinely wish to paint it all with the same defeatist brush. I say that because no one who truly feels so bereft of societal support bothers to reach out to like-minded members of that same society by publicly posting their angst. “Over time, my desire to give, as a householder, has waned. Now I desire retirement and renunciation.” Well, don’t desire, then. Do. I wish you’d reconsider, however. Denying the “things of this world”, rejecting all of human society, is in my opinion a literal rejection of God and/or the Self, because what is… Read more »

Jul 19, 2021 3:00 AM
Reply to  Joki

The gradual progression shows that it isn’t really Society the author rejects but only what Society has let itself become. In effect, Society has betrayed itself, its very reason for being.

It has become a thing no longer at peace with its members, a mere plaything of those who who truly do despise it. And yet, it was those very members who let it fall into the hands of its despisers.

Jul 19, 2021 10:49 AM
Reply to  Joki

She is really rejecting her role in society but seems to have confused that with rejecting society itself.

Robert Wayne Johnson
Robert Wayne Johnson
Jul 23, 2021 10:40 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

I feel she is rejecting any more acceptance of a society that has preached tolerance to a culture that demands acceptance of its new morality and sheeple following at her expense of self.(freedom to BE.) She as I Love, but will never accept. we do not hate and our speech and actions are never hate. They are, however, will always be intolerant of the herd of conformity at the expense of self.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jul 18, 2021 8:28 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-07-16. Why was 44yo Rehana on EoL midazolam? Spain’s Top Court Ruling Lockdown “Unconstitutional”

Jul 18, 2021 7:43 PM

Absolutely brilliant summation of my own views regarding society, post-covid. I have nothing to add, except a question. Can I join you, and carve out a small niche of sanity somewhere decent? Thank you.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2021 7:39 PM

Just doing my twitter round up and what’s this? One Alice Roberts “Prof of Public Engagement in Science, Uni of Birmingham; anatomist, author, broadcaster; President of Humanists UK. All views my own. Bunny-hugger” Sounds like a wacky sort!

Here’s what she says:

Something to bear in mind tomorrow: if you’re anti-mask, anti-distancing and anti-ventilation – you’re pro-lockdown.

Well she’s certainly internalised that “offer you can’t refuse” logic!

And scanning down the interminable responses:

The reality, sadly, is that such people are also anti-vaccine and hence anti-fact.


Given the current rates, I think I’m pro-lockdown as well as pro-mask, pro-distancing and pro-ventilation.


Absolutely this unfortunately I’ll still be in lockdown. My #LongCovidKids daughter 15 not yet recovered after 16 months and not allowed a vaccine by this terrible government.

Fucking terrible govt not allowing us vaccines!

An ongoing issue is #COVID19 is far smarter than the average human. The average human being is those folk who simply can’t grasp the reality of the situation. We need to learn from what works elsewhere and strong decisive and empathetic leadership.

(The cheque’s in the post!)

And that’s quite enough of that!

But who is Prof Roberts?

Alice May Roberts FRSB (born 19 May 1973) is an English biological anthropologist, biologist, television presenter and author. Since 2012 she has been Professor of the Public Engagement in Science at the University of Birmingham. Since 2019, she has been President of the charity Humanists UK, which campaigns for state secularism and for “a tolerant world where rational thinking and kindness prevail”.


And she’s been on Time Team!

Wonderful celeb land again!

But then Phil Greaves did warn me:

Something to always bear in mind: BBC celebrities are all vetted by MI5.

Jul 18, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

clocked alice Roberts quite a decade or so ago, all that time team and coast, she looked good for a romp too… then I saw some of her own shtuff – cunt.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 18, 2021 8:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Who is Alice Roberts? One of the Deceived Influencers category. The ‘well-educated’ middle class are absolute suckers for it.

Jul 19, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

One step closer to being lectured by “Professor Dick of blowing bubbles”, yet another academic exercise disguised as a proper job.

dr death
dr death
Jul 19, 2021 2:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

an interesting spook ( look also at andrew plug face marrs connection to rimmington and Mi6 who made some nasty gropery go away for little andy pandy jug ears ) was rolleston gardner but some enterprising insurgent put the twat in a wheel-chair…

quite obviously there is a God, and he hates alphabet (B.B.C/M.I.6) journos…

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2021 6:17 PM

Have you heard of the Organise Platform? Apparently it is an organisation which “allows workers to create petitions anonymously over workplace concerns” and it recently gathered over 120,000 signatures to force the continuation of mandatory wearing of facemasks on public transport. This victory was enacted against Sadiq Khan.

Seemingly Khan and Transport Secretary Grant Shapps had been favourable towards the wearing of masks but, as the WSW triumphantly announce:

In reality the hands of both have been forced, not only by massive public opposition, with a YouGov poll showing that seven in 10 people favoured maintaining face coverings on public transport, but above all the threat of industrial action by transport workers.


After which we have the stirring intrusion of the aforementioned Organise petition. I presume the signatories must remain anonymous to protect the conscientious public against the “murderous herd immunity” obsessed employers and govt.

But a devilish suspicion – totally unworthy of me – insists on voicing itself: How difficult would it be to generate fraudulent anonymous signatures in very large numbers?

Even more to the point: Isn’t “anonymous signature” a contradiction in terms?

Jul 18, 2021 9:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes on both your contributions here…no guarantee anything belongs to a real person these days….as I understand it half the Twitter comments can be just generated shit to look like a trend and I would be totally suss of that petition.,,,any petition connected to continuing govt enforcement isn’t worth the time of day these days..

Jul 18, 2021 9:45 PM
Reply to  Edith

The manipulation of social media is scary because it can be used to generate a herd mentality for something that the actual herd doesn’t even believe—they just think the rest of the herd does.

Imagine a trustless, blockchain-based app which took a multi-finger print scan but did not tie that biometric data to a name so it was legitimately anonymous (if that’s possible). The sole purpose of the app would be for polling public opinion. Imagine the conversation that would ensue if people realized that only a vocal minority was actually pushing for woke ideologies and censorship, and that the vast majority were actually against it. The loudest voices in the woke mob were actually just algorithms all along. There’s really no way of proving that without some form of truly anonymous, un-hackable polling mechanism.

Any developers around here? 😉

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 2:31 AM
Reply to  NoThanks

Sure. I’ve given it a lot of careful thought. You can, using a budget like mechanism, anonymize any data. And yes that is one very valid use for blockchain. Adoption and law fare are your real challenges. If it actually helped you don’t imagine that it would remain legal do you? It is a layered game.

Jul 19, 2021 4:49 AM

Sadly true. Maybe somebody tries anyway? But probably not.

Jul 19, 2021 11:13 AM

Blockchain won’t help you. It is yet another marketing exercise.

Blockchain has been around for at least 50 years: the idea of creating blocks of data, hashing them for a fingerprint value then making that value part of the next block. That idea has been around for ages, but that is not what keeps bitcoin secure.

Bitcoin is secure because it relies on lots of computers racing against each other and, given how similar computers are, none of them is able to run significantly faster than any other. That race consumes a lot of electricity, hence the “bitcoin is going to kill us” crowd.

Blockchain is marketing, same as Covid.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 19, 2021 10:03 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Not a contradiction if you know you can make up any damnfool troll name you like, secure in the knowledge that no-one will check to see whether you’re genuine.

Jul 19, 2021 10:59 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Health by polling! I’m all for it: let’s poll on whether Tony Blair needs a daily rectal exam administered by a chimpanzee.

Jul 19, 2021 11:01 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Signatures: it would probably take 30 minutes to produce 100,000 different signatures, but you would need to provide a file of the names/initials.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 20, 2021 4:27 AM
Reply to  George Mc

…Hereyago George!… – in Python and courtesy of Github and one JakeHarrison11 (JSON first/last name list files *Not* included as they’re 1000 lines long @ 1 name per line 😉 ):…

from selenium import webdriveras wd
from pyautogui import press
from time import sleep
from faker import Faker
import json
import random

____ _ ____ _
/ ___| (_) __ _ _ __ | __ ) ___ | |_
\___ \ | | / _` | ‘_ \| _ \ / _ \| __|
___) | | (_| | | | | |_) | (_) | |_
|____/| _| \__, |_| |_|____/ \___/\__ |

link = input(“Paste share link here: “)

fname = json.loads(open(‘fnames.json’).read())
lname = json.loads(open(‘lnames.json’).read())
defualt_driver = wd.Chrome()
fake = Faker()

def sendForm(runs):
randfname = random.randrange(1000)
randlname = random.randrange(1000)
randemail = fake.email()
fnamebox = defualt_driver.find_element_by_name(“firstName”)
lnamebox = defualt_driver.find_element_by_name(“lastName”)
emailbox = defualt_driver.find_element_by_name(“email”)
signbutton = defualt_driver.find_element_by_xpath(“””//*[@id=”page”]/div[1]/div[3]
publiccheck = defualt_driver.find_element_by_name(“public”)
print(“Using name”, fname[randfname], lname[randlname], “and email”, randemail,
“This is run number”, runs)

def main():
runsMade = 0
for _ in range(1, 1000):
runsMade += 1
print(“Error filling form. Refreshing…”)

…- Easy as 1… 2… 3!…


Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 20, 2021 4:34 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

…OK, Own Up!… – Which little piggy ate all my tabs?!… XD

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 20, 2021 5:06 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball


  1. The bulk of the code is initialization… – The *Real* magic begins towards the bottom from “def main()” onwards, wherein is contained a ‘for-try’ loop and accumulating counter…
  2. With the included JSON list files ‘fnames’, ‘lnames’, with 1000 first/last names apiece, *And* the two random-number-generator-initialized name randomizer commands immediately below “def sendForm(runs):” (about a third of the way down), this sucker’s good for a *Million* unique ‘signatories’… – Need more ‘signatories’? – Grab a phone book, voter roll, mailing/cold-calling list or library catalogue or somesuch and append to the JSON files (This can be automated, also)…
  3. Apparently, the dude can’t spell ‘default’, or else he copypasta-ed a typo… – But then, *Evidently* I can’t type-set either, so who am I to judge?… 😉
Dune Fox
Dune Fox
Jul 18, 2021 5:38 PM

I still find it odd how the truth about COVID is being so freely disseminated, and how the conclusions, even from government figures, in combination with traditional understanding of virological facts is that our government actions are criminal.

It is a statement of the bleeding obvious for any with eyes to see that what they have done and are doing is genocidal, illogical and criminal.

There are 527,000 children seeking mental health treatment in the UK, that alone is a major crime, but only a minor attract on the people compared to the many many violations they have committed over the past year.

I can only conclude that the threat of the truth about their crimes becoming publicly accepted, is making them more and more, obedient to their US Corporate masters and even more desperate to maintain the tyranny that is keeping the wolves (the people) from their doors.

We are getting angrier, informed by ‘alternative’ sources, as they are getting more fearful for their survival. Ironically, the threat that we pose may be ‘the stick’ that is provoking them to tighten the tyranny. Catch 22.

Jul 18, 2021 6:53 PM
Reply to  Dune Fox

Yes at this point they have no other way out than becoming ever increasingly more tyrannical and violent. The lie is do big and they are in so deep they have no choice if they don’t want to end up hanging from lampposts.

Also people have to realize that this will never end and get more dystopian and pathocratic except if we forcefully remove those tyrants and put them away for good.

Jul 18, 2021 11:21 PM
Reply to  dude

As in France today, The mask is off, the tyranny is no longer hidden. They are now no longer pretending to ask with lies or fearmongering. They now demand obedience.

Jul 19, 2021 11:17 AM
Reply to  Ian

I have great hopes that the French will lead the way and get us out of this tyranny.

Jul 18, 2021 8:17 PM
Reply to  Dune Fox
Jul 18, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  Dune Fox

I’ve posted this elsewhere, and I’ll probably keep posting it because it is one of the more well-rounded looks at an alternative. It’ll take an hour, but it’ll be a thought-provoking one: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dg1D18lNImyS/

What if the reason the “truth about COVID” is being “so freely disseminated” is that is not actually the truth? What if lab-leak theories is just another distraction, and yet another way of dividing people into increasingly hostile tribes? What if the real truth, to be hidden at all costs, is that we’ve never proven germ theory to be correct, and more importantly, the actual cause of human disease and suffering is all of the toxic chemical products we’ve been told are healthy and beneficial? On one hand, you have increased chaos where the populace increases mistrust of the government—though, most likely, only the political party they already loathed in the first place. But on the other hand, a populace truly examining the flaws of germ theory might come to the conclusion that:

  • Modern allopathic medicine is a sham
  • All chemical pharmaceuticals are toxic, only relieving symptoms and never addressing root causes while simultaneously decreasing overall health
  • All medical schools can effectively be closed, all non-surgeon doctors are rendered useless
  • 99% of the products in grocery stores should be thrown in the garbage
  • For nearly every commercial product that exists, the manufacturing process alone introduces some variant of toxic byproduct into the air, water, or landfills.
  • Every minute around EMF-producing devices has ramifications

Given those options, it seems pretty obvious that the one that keeps people busy fighting with each other is highly advantageous, even if a few people decide to mistrust ALL government and not just the party they already mistrusted in the first place.

Jul 18, 2021 9:27 PM
Reply to  NoThanks

It is pretty obvious that this has been a long term plan…and thus I suspect even all the registering of patents also a red herring…it always had to have an air of mystery to keep everyone distracted with something to argue about…and the eclipses plus neptune always made the whole party a delusion…so easy to create fear and delusion if the planets are in right places…same thing happened with aids creation…neptune there too…

that society was destined to break down to some degree was the other 3 saturn, jupiter and pluto in Capricorn last year…pluto is still working away in there with saturn now challenging uranus to bring out the arguing.,,,as Uranus implements a similiar trail as through the late 30’s and into early 40,s when lots died…no reason they won’t again..,so please be at least prepared for that…

the financial system is broken….the elite are gathering as much as they can…though hanging onto it may be harder as we get closer to the death points…by then they will no doubt have had their entertainment and retired to some safe island to wait it out until the next round.,.no doubt most of them had very safe havens in the late 30’s early 40’s too…

Jul 18, 2021 9:36 PM
Reply to  NoThanks

Yes, Please!

I keep saying all this… Like a broken record.

And the repeaters keep repeating the lies of bio-lab leaks and claiming mythical contagion. It’s unbelievably obvious your explanation is the only logical conclusion and the entire truth, yet trying to communicate basic truths with the uninformed about how our body works through detoxification not through fighting germs, is like having a conversation with an 8 year old who sticks their fingers in their ears, closes their eyes and sings “La La La… I can’t hear you”.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 2:45 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Why do you believe in multicellular organisms and not single celled ones?

Jul 19, 2021 6:23 AM

Why don’t you find where I ever wrote that, instead of lying about my position or belief? Single cell organisms are not viruses. Viruses have no cells according to the fraud of virology. They are a fabricated, hypothetical, inferred construct born from the fraud of germ theory. Germs are not the cause of disease or illness. That is contrary to denouncing the existence of single cell organisms.

Jul 19, 2021 8:10 AM

I highly encourage you to watch this with an open mind. It’s not a lack of “belief” in the existence of bacteria (organisms) and viruses (not living, thus not organisms). It’s the lack of valid proof that they actually cause disease. Meanwhile, things we DO know:

  • toxic substances cause cellular death
  • blaming a germ provides a route to create a highly profitable pharmaceutical intervention (drug or vaccine) to “fight” the germ
  • blaming germs provides a cover for anyone producing harmful toxins, who would otherwise be legally liable as at least potentially contributing to basically every disease

There’s a definite means and motive to perpetuate germ theory for purposes of both profit and control. And quite frankly, at this point it would be impossible to admit germ theory was wrong even if the powers that be wanted to. It would basically unravel society.

Jul 19, 2021 11:23 AM
Reply to  NoThanks

How do you explain the benefits of hand washing?

Jul 19, 2021 5:07 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Great question…one of the earliest questions I had when I started trying to wrap my head around all of this. Before anything else, it’s naive of me to think that everyone has an hour to dedicate to that video I keep linking above…that said, it does a good job of explaining a lot of things within at least one flavor of “germ theory denialism.” To be clear, denying germ theory doesn’t mean denying that bacteria and viruses exist, nor does it mean that there is 100% agreement in the roles that both bacteria and viruses play. It simply states that they are not the cause of disease. So back to hand washing. First, the less debatable benefit of washing your hands. We know that there are toxins in the world. If you sprinkle rat poison in the garage and then lick your fingers clean, bad things will happen. The world is so loaded with toxic chemicals that we find glyphosate (the active ingredient in Round-Up) in rain water samples. Removing toxins from your hands seems like a wise move. Second, and more debatable, is the role of bacteria in disease. As that video mentions, the byproduct of some bacteria is in fact toxic. E. Coli bacteria live within humans and animals on a regular basis. Yet, simultaneously, E. Coli bacteria is also blamed for making humans sick. How can it be both? The mainstream explanation, according to the CDC, is that there are different types of E. Coli—some good, some pathogenic. The counterargument is that all E. Coli is fine given the right oxygen-rich environment. In the wrong acidic environment full of dying cells poisoned by toxins, E. Coli bacteria (as the good little janitors they are) do their best to clean up their surrounding mess, and in the process… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 19, 2021 6:41 PM
Reply to  NoThanks

If germs are not the primary cause of disease, and disease is instead caused by toxicity, then how do you measure the toxic load already prevalent in your test subjects to ensure this variable is controlled in your experiment?

You’d have to test enough subjects to try to achieve statistically meaningful results. If you had a bunch of people who worked together in close proximity, you could introduce a sick person and see what happened. They could sign up for the trial as a workplace, and receive a small fee. Individuals could also sign up. The agreement could be, when they got sick they would phone the study organisers, who would send a doctor and a car around, who would examine them, take samples and confirm they are poorly. Then they would drive them to a workplace on the scheme, and that person would mingle with the staff for a day.

Each participant would have to keep a wellness diary online, running up to, during and after the experiment, so the organisers have a meaningful base line. Then they would monitor the level of sickness outbreak in the workplace, and examine and take samples of any person who did get ill.

The sick person would need to be from an entirely different professional/social circle than the host workplace.

It wouldn’t be a very inexpensive study to conduct I think. But what incentive is there to fund/conduct such a study, or similar study?

I can fully believe the results might be surprising. A2

Jul 19, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I think it’s a lot trickier than that, and that study idea still seems to be equating “sick” to being a bad thing rather than the body’s attempt at detoxifying itself. I’m fully no expert in any of this, and my weakest level of understanding comes in some of the points made in the last segments of the aforementioned video regarding people mirroring (for lack of a better term) each other’s detoxication cycles. I’m no better at explaining why we would do this than why we mirror yawning or laughing or menstrual cycles. For the sake of argument, let’s say that the “sick” person you introduced to the workplace study is detoxifying in the form of excess sinus activity, or a respiratory “disease.” This might be mirrored in one of the test subjects who also possessed excess toxins, triggering their own detoxification process. Meanwhile, the next test subject had a lower toxic load going into the study, with no need to detoxify in that manner, because their kidneys and liver were already doing an adequate job. A lot of assumptions, but IF this form of mirroring were true, and each person’s internal environment (terrain) is what determines health outcomes, the only way to test for it would be…damn near impossible. Between just the two subjects mentioned (the one who did mirror symptoms and the one who did not): Did each test subject get the exact same diet and nutrients for the last few months? When they ate the same salad, was one getting organic tomatoes while the other had Round-Up ready GMO tomatoes heavily sprayed with chemicals? Did they drink the same amount of water, and if so did their sources of waters contain the same minerals? Was fluoride, a toxin that bioaccumulates and is very difficult for the body… Read more »

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 19, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  NoThanks

I don’t have the mental capacity right now to tackle everything you say here, but the study suggestion I made was an example of how you might prove contagion. I’m sure there are other ways, and these may well have been formerly done. Of course the test would have limitations, but randomisation and a sufficiently large sample set, plus control groups, would allow you to establish if any statistically significant contagion took place. I’m not a scientist but that’s I think that’s why trials involve lots of people, and why they are randomised, to smooth out outlying factors etc. A2

Jul 19, 2021 10:44 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I don’t blame you one bit for that! I pretty much crapped out trying to think of a great blinded study design that wouldn’t be stupendously unethical 🙂

It seems like the only outcome that would tell us anything from a volunteer-based study (where all parties knew what they were getting into and thus expected to get sick from it), would be if everyone was exposed to a supposedly contagious disease but NOBODY got sick. In other words, exactly what happened with Rosenau’s Navy experiment in 1918!

Jul 19, 2021 5:22 PM
Reply to  NoThanks

Germ theory took off soon after the Industrial Revolution did, but that is a coincidence, of course.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 19, 2021 3:17 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I think the lab-leak hypothesies are intend4ed to create a casus belli for aggressive war against China. The rise of China is the central geo-political threat to continued rule from Thanatopolis DEC and Tel Aviv. It MUST be derailed, by any means available. The Empire refuses, always, to live in peaceful co-existence with anyone.

Jul 19, 2021 6:11 AM

Your first sentence is correct. But the “empire” which is actually a misnomer because cartel is more accurate, encompasses China as it does the world, through the banking, intelligence and economic system and obviously, the militaries. The TCC diverted capital from DC to China, building factories there starting in the 70’s to position China as the central hub for the next currency cycle expansion. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds have been in China since the 19thC. All wars are orchestrated deceptions and planned depopulation events.

Jul 19, 2021 11:29 AM

I very much doubt that the USA deep state is afraid of China or Russia. Both have huge internal problems, as does the USA. The problem for the USA billionaires is that they have huge investments in China which will die if the USA and Europe consumer does not keep spending.

Although China manufacturers loads, they have not yet mastered the art of creating IP which pays a lot more. Until they do, neither Europe or the USA need concern themselves.

Jul 19, 2021 3:54 AM
Reply to  NoThanks

Yet average lifespans in much of the world have doubled in the last 100 years.

Jul 19, 2021 7:00 AM
Reply to  Tamara

No they actually have not. The longest lived populations are in isolated, coastal communities such as Okinawa, Japan, Sardinia, Italy, Ikaria, Greece and Nicoya, Costa Rica.

These areas aren’t really industrialized and the longevity is attributed to lifestyle with a diet high in polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidants. The centenarians there have extremely low or no vaccinations. Diet and lifestyle influences longevity. And allopathy and famine/malnutrition, has killed more people over the last century than all the wars combined.

The average life span of a human should be around 100 years and families such as the royals, and other members of the Crown Crime Cartel achieve those numbers through homeopathy, not allopathy.

Jul 19, 2021 5:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Malnutrition: Fake food is a big player like fake medicine.

Jul 19, 2021 6:02 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Have you seen the info on Synomyx?

Jul 20, 2021 11:04 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Never of heard of that, yikes. Looks like this doc is more updated and slightly less disturbing, though who knows the accuracy: https://cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/fetalproductsall.pdf

Jul 21, 2021 2:57 AM
Reply to  NoThanks

I know someone who used to work for Senomyx. A PhD biologist. The regulations around flavorings are virtually non existent. Carcinogenic compounds and endocrine disrupters are added to food. There are about 300 chemicals that don’t have to be listed or if an ingredient is in small enough quantities it doesn’t have to be listed. Processed food is rarely and not regularly tested for metals and other compounds that shouldn’t be there. Or those that are allowed like insects, maggots or rat dung. Basically, processed food is potentially dangerous. Metal shavings is popular. Seems to be quite common. In baby food. In cereal. Protein supplements containing lead and arsenic. Azodicarbonamide in bread and wheat and at least 500 other foods.

People started to figure out that the fluoride and chlorine put in water was not to improve their health. Government and industry policies, purposefully poison. That was the entire raison d’être for GMOs. Lead in pipes, water, and paint is no accident.

Jul 19, 2021 7:01 AM
Reply to  Tamara

Setting aside which nations and demographics that average includes, yes, there is greater access to interventions that prevent death. There are also higher rates of every chronic disease you can name. In other words, we collectively live longer, but over half of all Americans require at least one prescription medication to get by. Surviving more, thriving less, and remaining a paying customer for longer.

Perhaps the greatest cognitive dissonance that we endlessly ignore is this: we all know in our heart of hearts that if we were perfectly healthy, the multi-trillion dollar medical industrial complex wouldn’t exist—yet we collectively pretend their goal is to make us healthy, even though it would bankrupt them in the process.

Jul 19, 2021 5:30 PM
Reply to  NoThanks

There is no money in healthy or dead people. It is in people who are somewhat alive, but with one or more chronic conditions. -Bill Maher, 2011

Jul 19, 2021 6:41 AM
Reply to  NoThanks

That’s why Care Homes are so profitable. Keep people “alive” past their normal lifespan, feeding them drugs to keep symptoms at bay until dementia sets in. Big profits for owners of Care Homes. Pay migrant workers and students minimum hourly rate to work in them.

Jul 19, 2021 5:18 PM
Reply to  NoThanks

Surgery is not that great either. Surgeons are leading psychos. Alternative medicine (e.g. Ayurveda) explored surgery millenia ago and subsequently abandoned it as unnecessary.

Jul 19, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  Dune Fox

Sounds like the UK is over medicated.

Jul 19, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  Dune Fox

527,000 children: Many of them may be victims of (a) jabs (b) overly early regimentation, where “deviants” are categorised as ADHD.

Jul 18, 2021 4:31 PM

All in all
It’s just another
Brick in the wall

Jul 19, 2021 2:29 AM
Reply to  Hsuan

If practicing social distancing, that would be Every Other Brick in the Wall…

Personally, I see signs of their wall starting to shake a little. This whole sabre rattling going on stinks like an act of desperation, not the late-stage of a well-executed plan.

I could be a mile off the mark but over the decades, I have learnt to trust my instincts. And they are telling me that frustration and friction now beset the band of architects behind the C-word.

I think that far more people than they expected are sitting it out.

I pray everyday that my instincts know more than I…


Jul 20, 2021 2:23 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

I think you’re right. The desperation to get everyone vaxxed is so over-the-top it reeks of plan failure (at least seriously missing their mark). Makes me wonder what bigger stick is planned for us …

Although I have zero doubt their full plan will NEVER come to fruition, I don’t know the amount of damage that will be inflicted until it’s defeated/implodes.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 18, 2021 4:29 PM

Be Seeing You..

Jul 19, 2021 2:39 AM
Reply to  Clive Williams

I Am Not A Number, I Am A Free Man.

Jul 18, 2021 4:14 PM

I have to admit I found it a little difficult to relate to the basis of this “Breakup Letter” – that Society once was or ever could be anything but a “necessary evil” at best. Society is formed by humans, and humans are damaged goods.

One’s life should be spent, not attempting to negotiate a peaceful co-existence with Society; but attempting to overcome the negative (i.e., self-defeating) qualities of oneself.

If Society is equated to a marriage (a rather bad equation), then it should be strictly separate beds in separate rooms; with only an occasional roll in the hay. And there should be no offspring – heaven only knows how hideous they would turn out. Indeed, something like Eugenics is the offspring of Society and Ruling Elites.

The only remotely “good” Society is a neutered Society.

Jul 18, 2021 5:13 PM
Reply to  Howard

State-corporatism is beyond the scope of the article but it’s relevant.

If the corporation is a psychopath, compelled to prioritize its own benefit and lacking any moral guide, then what is the state?

The state is ( theoretically) subject to greater moral oversight but it also arrogates to itself the right to murder and on certain pretexts to set aside its own laws and conventions in order to expropriate or steal.

You don’t have to be a libertarian or anarchist to see the state is founded on a monopoly of violence. The state is only as moral as those in power. It is a dangerous machine.

Allied with psychopathic corporations in state-corporatism the certainty of abuse is terrifying, the 20th Century having borne ample proof.

As you say, Howard, you cannot negotiate co-existence with that.

Jul 18, 2021 6:01 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Well said!

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 2:49 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The Anatomy of the State stands in opposition of the social contract (marriage). The former being a parasite and the later a perversion.

Jul 18, 2021 6:03 PM
Reply to  Howard

Humans are not damaged goods. They are propagandized and exploited since birth by a fraudulent and deceptive system that creates myths and false perceptions, that result in base emotions such as fear, hatred and greed that exacerbates and spreads the negative repercussions throughout society, as people have to adjust their behavior and conform within the iniquitous system and the power imbalance in order to survive or thrive.

What kind of people are going to be produced in that kind of fraudulent, deceptive and evil environment? Where the state murders, steals, lies and manipulates and exploits at will, every living and non living thing on earth?

Through that misperception, which is purposefully created by the state and its corporate media, corporate partnerships, usury and rigged laws, propagandized people who denigrate the entire human race, falsely affixing blame to everyone, while contributing to the state’s aim of divide and conquer.

Those who blame the entirety of humanity, or a country or a political, economic system, or party, willfully refuse to put the blame where it belongs: On the shoulders of the psychopathic perpetrators and their wholly owned institutions and occult beliefs.

If those who blame humanity are not willing to take personal responsibility for enabling the evil to continue then they are the ones who are dually responsible. By accepting and perpetrating the lies of the psychopathic controllers.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 18, 2021 7:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

To accept Hinduism ,Christianity , or Darwinism is to admit humans are indeed damaged goods ? There seems to be little in the way of middle ground or alternate belief systems ?

Jul 18, 2021 8:03 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I don’t accept them obviously. I think these beliefs are false and inherently evil. They completely deny reality. And instead replace it with fantasies about accepting caste systems, which are basically economic and social slavery, in hierarchies, as well as other unproven beliefs such as reincarnation.

So I utterly reject them as dishonest, that serve only the rulers and priest class. I also reject the concept of Karma.

Freemasons constantly commit heinous crimes in the service of this iniquity yet are not held to account by any laws. Since they make their crimes known through Revelation of The Method so the profane willingly submit themselves to bondage and false beliefs such as those I just outlined.

I also reject Darwinism as absolute claptrap.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 2:55 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I think Darwin would find that ironic. Have you a better theory?

Jul 19, 2021 7:03 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I am reading about the Spanish Inquisition. Evil,. pure evil. You were a heretic if you smuggled into Spain a translation of the New Testament and were burnt at the stake. Ditto the Salem witch hunts.

Jul 19, 2021 7:11 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Right. Because organized religions were about adhering to principles of fealty, subservience and censorship through instilling fear, intimidation and violence. Religions were essentially “created“ and used to manipulate, enslave and murder throughout the ages, hiding occulted knowledge from the masses, discouraging debate or discourse, while creating artificial, authoritarian hierarchies and forcing usury and tithes (taxes) on the populace. Religions eventually morphed into our modern day governments and courts. The Vatican partners with the Crown Crime Cartel.

Grace Johns
Grace Johns
Jul 19, 2021 8:53 PM
Reply to  Glenda

The same burnings took place in London, sanctioned by the ‘saint’ Thomas More

Jul 20, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Researcher, I’ve missed your comments. Glad to see you posting again!

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 2:53 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Your entire diatribe merely characterizes the emergent phenomena of damaged goods, not oppressed angels.

Jul 19, 2021 5:50 AM

If human perceptions and consequently, behavior are damaged intentionally, by the controllers, it has nothing to do with our inherent nature. Which underpins the lie of organized religions and Darwinism. Darwinism = Eugenics + Nihilism.

And if I have a theory of my own, which I do, I wouldn’t waste my time explaining it to an intellectually bereft (and dishonest) developer on this platform.

Jul 19, 2021 3:25 AM
Reply to  Researcher

All the things that conspire to wring as much good out of humanity and inflate as much bad as possible…didn’t just arise from the ground. They came from humanity itself.

The psychopaths could not get away with what they do without the “consent of the governed.”

I understand – and accept – that it’s rather tedious when those, like me, constantly blame everything on humans in general. But the reverse – blaming everything on a psychopathic few – is equally tedious.

The few can only present their insane vision; only the many can bring that vision to reality. In any scenario of madness, there had to be a point when enough people accepted it to let it happen.

Jul 19, 2021 6:01 AM
Reply to  Howard

Not if it’s based entirely on deception and fraud. For instance you believe and quote ideas and concepts that have no basis in evidence or reality such as man made global warming, ignoring solar cycles or facts that point to previous temperature ranges thousands of years ago, broader than surface temperatures now.

Your false beliefs based on obvious fraud, prove your lack of ability to form an accurate perception of reality or discern truth and therefore influence your behavior.

Moreover you are not interested in ascertaining the truth because you don’t understand what that entails. Instead you answer with a narrow minded tautology and a lack of logic.

So speak for yourself. Nobody else.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 18, 2021 7:40 PM
Reply to  Howard

You like St Augustine fails to see the flaw in the argument for a neutered society , extinction after 1 generation ! Society as equated to marriage is a rather good comparison . A constantly occurring set of compromises to keep each other somewhat unruffled ?

Jul 18, 2021 3:46 PM

I watched the 2020 version of ‘Brave New World’ recently.

The Savagelands were portrayed as a theme-park that people from London visited by rocket. Location: the American mid-west.

The whole thing tied itself in knots because it obviously sided with the Brave New World but couldn’t outrightly say so. Poor John Savage looked so sad when all his fine ideas ended up in a bloodbath. Everyone seemed to end up in some sort of cyber-quantum-fourth-dimension dream state.

One of the nudge-nudge-wink-wink tropes was how reassurance was weaponised. The constant refrain of “don’t worry” and its synonyms was used as a weapon to infantilise Savage.

And only the good-looking get to go to the orgies…

Dune Fox
Dune Fox
Jul 18, 2021 3:19 PM

I got nothing from this, it was a very pointless, directionless piece of writing. What am I missing.

Jul 18, 2021 4:17 PM
Reply to  Dune Fox

Perhaps you missed the opening of the article – the italicized Hindu reference? That set the stage for the Letter itself.

Jul 18, 2021 9:21 PM
Reply to  Dune Fox

I didn’t find it pointless. To me the point was simply to say “I am very lonely”, which to me makes it a “cry for help.”

I think it is fair to call it directionless. It’s a blanket rejection of everything except itself, so since it’s lashing out at literally everything not “self” it doesn’t ultimately have a direction other than “away”, if that makes sense. The author himself can’t seem to find any specific target for blame, so why should a reader be obligated to do it for them?

(You asked “what am I missing?” and the above is simply my opinion of the answer. Your mileage may vary, of course. Cheers o/)

Jul 19, 2021 3:33 AM
Reply to  Joki

You may be right. However, we shouldn’t forget that the article is a piece of creative writing – and, as such, may not necessarily represent the author’s own state of mind.

It might simply be the author’s expression of a philosophical concept the COVID madness has prompted in many people – namely: how do we get out of this mess?

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 3:00 AM
Reply to  Dune Fox

Who can say? It’s a personal loss of hope that the social contract will be honoured by a diseased society. To me.

Mussa Pie
Mussa Pie
Jul 18, 2021 2:51 PM


David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 3:04 AM
Reply to  Mussa Pie


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 18, 2021 1:56 PM

Thank you Raminder… I can understand where you’re coming from. And I note the same sentiments among most of my FB friends, and I myself sometimes daydream of escaping to a small Island in Fiji or Vanuatu. Anywhere but Melbourne.
Like all of us, I’ve watched with confusion and frustration as the vast majority of people around us have succumbed to the wave of fear mongering about a fake pandemic and a supposedly “deadly virus” while at the same time becoming incapable of rational thought.
The majority of my magazine customers have now had at least their first jab, and a sizable number openly support the rollout of vaccine passports. They would be fully supportive of what Macron is doing in France. And I’ve had heated arguments with a number of them, some of whom I’ve called a fascist and told them to “put on your brown shirt”.
It made not a jot of difference.
So even tho realistically I can’t escape “society”, I now emotionally detach from the brainwashed mask wearers and try and practice unconditional love. Not for them, but for my own sanity and mental wellbeing.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 18, 2021 2:47 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Seems almost like most of them want to be in a straitjacket in their very own padded cell.

Jul 18, 2021 7:03 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah, You got it in one. I had to read it again. He has written another great piece too on Conservative Woman, a place I am hardly likely to go cos I am not a Conservative (well maybe a bit – with a small c, and last time I looked it was still there) I realise almost no one appreciates my sense of humour, but I appreciate what he wrote. I accept it is challenging, but that was the point. Like WAKE UP SHEEP.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 3:08 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I like you Tony. Fuck em if they can’t take a joke. Or don’t enjoy a short story.

Jul 19, 2021 3:22 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I like u Tony n upvote many of ur comments, i too am very left leaning, think we need to get out of this division paradigm tho. The Scum want to divide us but we shldn’t be enemies, THEY are the enemy.

Happy to exchange personal views with any1, good ideas rock to me wherever i find them. I’ll consider any ideas which seem logical n my personal views r always open to challenge, if i can’t defend them, they aren’t worth having.

Jul 18, 2021 7:21 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Hi Gezzah, do you know if this is for real?


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 19, 2021 12:17 AM
Reply to  watt

Hi Watt, yes it was real, it was last Friday night after they announced the latest lockdown in Melbourne on the Friday afternoon. I had already gone home and didn’t realise it was on until about 20 minutes before it was due to start.

Jul 18, 2021 9:29 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I feel it’s getting worse. More fragmented and dangerous because people are becoming automatons .
I had to have a” skin test” at a hairdressers yesterday. The temperature was 30c. The salon was as big as an aeroplane hangar but staff and customers were masked . I was asked to put one on, so the 10 second test could be carried out. I argued the toss, but was told it “was policy”.
I was handed a mask which I bad temperedly put on; test done, mask off and in bin!
My appointment is for Wednesday – hair colour – but I can’t have the colour done if I don’t wear a mask .
I have never worn one and fail to see how I can have a wash and hair cut, with a colour, while masked . I find out tomorrow when the boss is back, whether I can go maskless. I feel it’ll be a no, so no hair do for me.
As I walked back to the car, I was actually frightened by the proliferation of no entry signs and “one in shop at any time.”
Big yellow and black signs saying No mask, no entry.”
Never been so depressed as now .

May hem
May hem
Jul 18, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  RosieT

Try doing your own hair – cutting or coloring using natural plant dyes. Or just grow it long. Useful to get ‘off the grid’ as much as possible. Why give your time, energy and money to the hyptomized mob? And its healthier for you to reduce the stress of dealing with that mob.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 19, 2021 3:20 AM
Reply to  RosieT

Rosie… Am guessing you’re in the UK? I know this is daunting, and much easier said than done, but the first thing to do is let go of your fear. Just go about your business like you normally would with confidence, head held high.
Secondly, are you involved with any groups like Save Our Rights UK? I’m sure there are quite a few covid sceptics groups in the UK. Linking up with others helps dispel the sense of isolation and feeling alone we can feel in such stressful times.
Thirdly, as May said, do not engage with the sleepers as much as you possibly can. They will only stress you out and amplify a sense of helplessness. Do what I do and just emotionally detach from them.
I would avoid that hairdresser. If they want to be little Hitlers, screw them. I go into shops and supermarkets all the time here and no one has once asked me to put a mask on.
I don’t even do contact tracing, tho I find the small family owned businesses will more likely look the other way regards masks and contact tracing because they need the custom.
I know that here in Melbourne, Aldi definitely look the other way about masks and scanning the code. Don’t know what they’re like in the UK tho.
Good luck Rosie✌️🙏

Jul 19, 2021 2:44 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thank you Gezzah and May hem. I am in the UK and have managed to get through the last 16 months without a mask . Only been asked a few times if I’m exempt, and no comments from other shoppers.
However my adult children, two still in their 20s are fully vaccinated. My son told me he “follows the science “, my youngest daughter said I was becoming “radicalised”. I know my siblings think I’m completely beyond the pale, so sometimes I feel lonely, with few people who share my views.
My children and close friends, including two doctors are fully non board and have been vaccinated. All have good university degrees.
I do try to stay strong and sites like this and UK Column, Lockdown Sceptics etc help so much.
I appreciate your combined advice. Thank you both.

Jul 19, 2021 2:45 PM
Reply to  RosieT

“On board”.

Jul 20, 2021 3:04 PM
Reply to  RosieT

Hang tough, Rosie. Trust in yourself and like Gezzah said try to find some like-minded people in your area that you can meet up with in person. It really helps a lot if you can make some connections.

Jul 19, 2021 7:00 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I got to wondering today if our govt was going to publish the ratio of their supposed infected vax v unvax…I am placing a bet it is showing up with the vax not looking good…but we won’t be admitting that when the drive is about getting the unvax to give in and get the totally useless against anything needle..

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 19, 2021 7:27 AM
Reply to  Edith

They won’t admit ANYTHING that detracts from the narrative or puts a bad light on it. Meantime, almost on cue, we have a fringe politician in South Australia calling for the introduction of a vaxport and for the unvaccinated to be banned from public life! No restaurants, pubs, trains, etc etc.
Now, before you think ‘oh, he’s only a fringe politician from some fringe party, last year a Federal Labor Senator, Raff Ciccone said almost the same thing – that “our tolerance for anti vaxxers is now over” and he called for people who refused the jab to be barred from venues and even allowed to be sacked from their jobs.
He wrote that in a letter to The Age in June last year. Here’s the latest lunatic:

Jul 19, 2021 7:07 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I have been thinking I am going to make a very large yellow star of David and wear it every where.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 19, 2021 7:31 AM
Reply to  Glenda

There’s apparently a movement in The Netherlands where covid sceptics are wearing a red heart on their sleeve or shoulder to signify their opposition to the new normal crap and the mountain of lies about covid.

Jul 18, 2021 1:29 PM

Yes, it’s better to depart from the syphilitic old prostitute before she goes Wuhan bat shit crazy in autumn. I saw trough this fraud on an intuitive level as a child but I didn’t have the mental framework to grasp what it was. What I have learned as an adult have confirmed my childhood intuition. Their school “educations” sole purpose is to break the spirit. Nice try, but it did not work…

Jul 18, 2021 7:48 PM
Reply to  Benton

^ This! ^

Jul 19, 2021 7:14 AM
Reply to  Benton

Had the opposite effect on me.

Jul 19, 2021 9:31 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Society could also be pictured as a prostitute with nothing defined but the sellout act itself. And since this society is trying to inject me and everyone else with some Frankenstein drug it is giving me a real hard time describing it with a polite and beautiful language. You should see my thoughts…

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2021 1:27 PM

Dear Society,It’s time for us to part. We’ve both changed and I don’t think we can be together anymore. So where do you plan to go then? When we first met, you were huge, radiant, so full of promise. In waking up to how shitty things are now it’s salutary not to go off on a magical trip on “how great they used to be”. If you are fortunate to be, as most of us were, born into an affluent society which, even if dishing out death and destruction to other nations, didn’t have any actual warfare going on in its own territory, and you were born to loving and responsible parents then the chances are that you had a very comfortable childhood. Although even then there is a disclaimer: kids’ lives look problem free to an adult because kids’ problems look absurd from an adult point of view. So you didn’t do the homework. You’re not going to get expelled. But to a kid it’s still a big deal. So, even comfortable affluent kids have problems conveniently forgotten by adults who are therefore free to recast childhood as “the time of your life”. And then there are the adult problems: paying the bills, keeping on the right side of the boss, quite possibly working in a shit job. And knowing that there’s so much shit going on in the world. (From a kid’s point of view, it’s easy to think the world was “more innocent” when you didn’t have a clue what was going on in it.) I grew up in the 70s and thought it was wonderful. …Actually no. such is human nature that you don’t know what you got till it’s gone. At the time I just accepted it all. To be truthful, I think there was… Read more »

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jul 18, 2021 9:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Progress has always been of the “One step forward, two steps back” variety. Now and again an event comes along which shakes up public consciousness and threatens change. Wars can do it, at least the WW2 and Vietnam sort, where necessity or accident means the public starts seeing the world very differently than the prevailing culture would like it. It usually takes about a decade to ‘get the public’s mind right’, so for example, the 1970s needed to getaway from ideas like “Why are we screwing up someone else’s country and killing a lot of people we don’t know and don’t threaten us?” with side questions about “Equal Rights?”, “Environment?”, “Resource despoilation?”, even “Global Warming?” and back to a more normal “Morning in America” mindset where we’re Number One, we’re saving the planet from the Red Menace and so on. So the apparent progress that might have been felt back then was really just a pause while forces were regrouped and strategies honed to bring us all back into line. (The War on Drugs was actually a big part of this; Nixon admitted as such, it wasn’t about drugs but the people who might use them, non-conformists who had learned not to fear authority figures, the sorts who question wars, question the status quo and so on. It could be said that the modern fracturing of society into lots of sub-groups, each asserting their rights, could be an extension of this strategy but this might be worth leaving for a later discussion.) Being aware of these cycles isn’t a cause for dispair — maybe it should be but you’ve got to learn to roll with it because there really is no way out. I’m a migrant, I changed countries literally in mid-life and all this did was substitute one set… Read more »

Jul 18, 2021 1:27 PM

Perhaps it’s not stretching a point too far to consider the worldly, as opposed to the spiritual, in terms of Christ’s comment on taxes:
“Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”

So, in that sense, what is actually Caesar’s?

Well it most certainly isn’t my body.

I can go with ‘society’s’ requirement that its citizens do their bit with their talents and their hard work to hold it together, as well as by paying their dues, but society isn’t something that was inflicted upon us by The Cosmos.
Society was created by us, for our own benefit.

Remember that phrase, “The Social Contract”?
Remember the word, “Constitution”?

Government can justifiably organize society so that it works efficiently and for the good of all.
But it cannot do as it damn well pleases with any individual’s body while he or she is yet alive.
Nurnberg and the example of people like Josef Mengele established that way back in 1946.
Even after death, the wishes of the family are taken into account when the rules governing funerals and burials are followed – to some extent at least.

If government breaks the Social Contract and uses any country’s Constitution or Bill of Rights for toilet paper, we’re through, as this fine article makes clear.

Don’t give up.
It’s simply time to find a new partner, a new lover. One who knows what a contract is.
This one is more than just a typical drunken abuser. He’s also a devil-worshipper, and he stinks too.
Don’t become a co-alcoholic.
Ditch him, or he’ll kill you along with himself.
“Goodbye”, indeed. There are others out there.

Dave c
Dave c
Jul 18, 2021 4:59 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Christ was not particualry bothered with current earthy traditions. The render into Caesar was referring to tax. And he also managed to get the exact tax amount as not to cause offence to the zombies in aurtority. When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. “What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes(Y)—from their own children or from others?”

26 “From others,” Peter answered.

“Then the children are exempt,” Jesus said to him. 27 “But so that we may not cause offense,(Z) go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.” don’t worry I’m not being combative just reinforcing what you were saying. If found people tend to take offence to most things especially in text format as the context is lost. Are you supporting my claim or an adversary… all lost in text when in real life a thousand visual cues would quickly establish that. Fewer now as most people mask those exact parts of human intuition.

Jul 19, 2021 3:09 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Gobsmackingly awesome comment, all that’s good to u and urs friend =)

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jul 18, 2021 1:23 PM

comment image
comment image

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2021 3:25 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I love the Godzilla one – though I reckon that by this time, “Fed up public variant” would be twenty times larger than shown there!

Jul 18, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Or, sadly, twenty times smaller.

Jul 18, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

That is one of your best. Thanks. made me laugh.

Jul 20, 2021 3:16 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Awesome Coop!!! 😄👍

Jul 18, 2021 1:01 PM

Project much Raminder?

What’s with all this fear and self loathing on this site?

There are fragile people out there and crap like this doesn’t help.

What about some positive stories ffs!

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2021 1:39 PM
Reply to  Hank

I take it you’re a Yank Hank, going by the way you automatically conflate grim news with “self loathing” as if the one complaining was responsible for the grim situation. Maybe it’s the other way round i.e. maybe pretending things are peachy is a true occasion for self loathing?

Jul 19, 2021 4:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Take it any way you want and going by your name I’ll take it you’re a Greek and by your response maybe English either way you whinge and win.

Jul 18, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  Hank

There are few positive stories to tell, and most of the time they are censored.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2021 3:22 PM
Reply to  JWK

I’m reminded of a wonderful quote from Kryten of Red Dwarf:

Are you of the school that, when faced with bad news, prefers to hear that news naked and unvarnished, or are you of the ilk that prefers to live in happy and blissful ignorance of the nightmare you’re facing?

Jul 18, 2021 6:31 PM
Reply to  Hank

I’ve just read it again, and another piece of his work. Sure it’s tough, but Raminder is fragile too. He is simply describing it, as it is from his point of view. It is not all to be taken literally. He is describing his own feelings, not anyone elses, about how everything / all relationships have changed. I actually feel a lot like he does, except I can’t write as well as he does.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 3:26 AM
Reply to  Hank

Either way Hank. You die. Don’t be fragile. Accept reality.

Jul 19, 2021 4:43 PM

Every body dies some day, some just have a more positive outlook and look forward to an afterlife. Others only have this life.

Jul 18, 2021 1:00 PM

Such trust is a little naive. What was the 20th Century if not the era of outsized promises?

Promises of heaven on earth if you will abandon religious notions of morality and do the State’s bidding.

Of life in deep chocolate if only the citizen would abase himself before the state — oh, and chocolate not quite yet but just around the corner.

If the great progressive experiments did not impress you (yes, Stalin was their darling before Mussolini) then maybe when Rockefeller, Kellogg, Warburg, Bush, Saxe-Coburg, Norman and Wells transferred their ideology of eugenics, their investment and technology to Germany for another go in the 1930s.

I realize you are talking about cradle to grave socialism in Britain but can’t you see the propaganda at play? It was only after their continental experiments failed that they told you “not that way, this”.

Finally, your divorce letter won’t be opened. The occupants have left. After the end of the Cold War, which itself was simply Lenin’s war communism for the military industrial complex, they rolled up the carpet and took down the scenery of market socialism. It was no longer necessary to kid the people that they were being bribed to keep them onside.

It became clear to all but the tone deaf that the same people are in charge, banging the same gong to line up the masses.

There was one final trick: that was to educate a generation who had never seen even market socialism to support the globalist puppeteers.

So the tycoons, oligarchs and trillionaires with their 3-letter in-house thugs running the state are out in the open, and the people are cheering then on.

For the first time the plutocrats don’t even need to hide.

Jul 18, 2021 2:08 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Where do people get the idea that plutocrats are going to gift them a socialist land of plenty? Aided by the CIA, FBI, Big Tech, Big Pharma and the military/state censors? A constellation of the great and the good, cheered on by Rachel Maddow (Rhodes scholar) and delivered by a Democratic Party controlled by the Clintons (Rhodes scholars) who are/were controlled by the Bush-CIA team that controlled Obama and almost certainly handled the installation of Biden. They’ve really done a number on the public’s mentals. I could see people being swept up in Bolshevism. Ayn Rand apparently was, before her disillusionment sent her to create a strange inversion. Watching people’s cult-like behaviour during Event Covid I can even imagine how people fell in with the NAZIs. Just plutocrats, though? Elon, Mark and Bill and Jack and Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen-Gise (Bezos)… is it that easy to lead the sheep? Not even the Fabian wolf in sheep’s clothing. Just the kakistocracy waving it in your face. I wonder how differently things would have needed to go for Jeffrey Epstein to be have been up there with them? Chatting on the sofa with Rachel and Oprah (sponsor of Rhodes University, South Africa) celebrating Jeffrey’s philanthropic ventures for young women. I have long warned that Woke could turn to fascist with the swap of a hairband for an armband. The focus on race, segregation, privilege and equity can just as easily be applied in a negative way. What seems to be a force for good could easily become a dangerous weapon of ideological purity. So when people fall out of love — or into love — with the state, they should check their premises, as Rand was fond of saying. Raminder’s article is timely: but only if people read it as a warning against… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2021 3:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Where do people get the idea that plutocrats are going to gift them a socialist land of plenty? I think you have to be wary of what “people” think. The socialist spin was there from the start of the Mighty Covid Epic when we had memes like “people before profit”. But I reckon that the majority of people aren’t really up on the Marxist literature. I used to see this as a drawback for them but, considering how the “Marxist contingent” seem so eager to embrace the gospel according to covid, I now think it an advantage NOT to have read the Marxist stuff. But that’s not so much because the Marxian stuff is bad but because the intelligence and propagandist arms of our beloved “Free West” have been sculpting Red Karl and his teachings into the mould they wanted and so made him suitable for the great covid communist takeover/death of neoliberalism etc.  Of course, this latter peculiar beast is the preserve of a small faction and irrelevant to the majority who, quite rightly, don’t think overmuch about Left/Right. There are decent and perceptive Marxists like Phil Greaves and John Steppling (despite the latter’s unfortunate addiction to Frankfurt School waffle) but the majority have been bamboozled by the great “Covid Commie Con”. (Comic Con?) As for Ayn Rand, I’m not an expert in her bio, but I don’t think she was ever a Bolshie supporter. I am under the impression that she had a comfortable upbringing till the revolution which she then despised – although it seems her mother was a bit of a psycho. Ayn was raised on glamorous images of The Land of the Free which, unencumbered by actual experience of living there, she totally believed. Thus by the time she arrived, she was totally under the… Read more »

Jul 18, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You’re spot on about the propagandists sculpting Red Karl. In 2008 the press was full of “Marx was right.” With hindsight we can see it was laying the ground for Great Reset stakeholder capitalism.

It was also part of the Obama hopium campaign… likewise intel-created… and soon exposed when he prioritized creditor rights, burdening borrowers to protect the banks.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 18, 2021 6:52 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Marx was indeed getting a high profile throughout the Western press a few years back and naturally all the Leftists were excited about it. But surely the brightest of them would realise that, if the unthinkable happened and all the corporate bosses and govt heads announced a communist revolution … well, it wouldn’t be a revolution at all.


“Hey this system which is making me richer and you lot poorer is threatening to collapse so I’ve decided to give it all away to you lot!”

And yet this is precisely what the Great Covid Uprising is trying to sell us! Admittedly with a “non-negotiable” viral apocalyptic component … well I suppose that’s enough for the ejaculating triumphalist Left.

Jul 19, 2021 2:21 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

And Lenin b4 Stalin being just another useful stooge, there’s history as indoctrination, the experience of most, n true history thru real knowledge.

If u think the UK is a Socialist state, sorry to say ur barking up the wrong tree. Going to post a link to my current Political Compass score, the %ages remain virtually the same, just being an economic socialist or social libertarian switch slight dominance, over a 10 yr history of the test for me:  https://www.politicalcompass.org/yourpoliticalcompass?ec=-8.75&soc=-8.87

Jul 19, 2021 2:52 AM
Reply to  Cesca

Happy to paste my score, think it’ll be seriously difficult for any1 to try n use it as theirs n open them up to ridicule, if they don’t hold similar ideals to mine. My score is always pretty out there, u can’t fake it.

Jul 18, 2021 12:12 PM

Whatever one’s conceptions of the Bible and “God” as the seven-fold ministry of the Holy Spirit are (see https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Spirits_of_God ) — or the devil being the “god of this world/this age” or Satan being the “ruler of this world” (John 12:31) — it’s pretty much safe to equate society with the world and not with planet earth.

James 4:4 You adulterers and adulteresses, know you not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Jul 18, 2021 4:56 PM
Reply to  Mensch59

To me the adulterers are the rutting sheeple and that aspect of myself. The world is their world, unaware of farmers and only a mindless panic at the moment of the wolf. I never understood religion, I was sympathetic, I admired the saints and holy people but the whole thing was a mystery. Now I have a growing awareness of the earth and it’s total difference to the world. One is real and the other is not. We inhabit both spheres, that’s why we are a prey to deception, always being deceived by mistaking one for the other and the deliberate misrepresentation practiced by predatory parasites. There’s a lot to be found in scriptures but only if you study them with your own eyes and not through the spectacles of the world. Then what you see has been adulterated- diluted with impurities. Words have more meanings than the ones we have been conditioned to accept. Thus an adulterer is one who practices adulterating things, not necessarily what you’ve been led to believe.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 18, 2021 8:02 PM
Reply to  Mensch59

What if your Mother is God, the life gift is freedom to think the way you do.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Jul 18, 2021 11:42 AM

In the course of modern history the authority of the church has been replaced by that of the State, and by that of the state by that of conscience, and in our era the latter has been replaced by the anonymous authority of common sense and public opinion as instruments of conformity. But because we have freed ourselves of the older forms of overt instruments of authority we do not see that we have become the prey of a new kind of authority. We have become automatons who live under the illusion of being self-willed individuals. This illusion helps the individual to remain unaware of his insecurity, but this is all the help an illusion can give. Basically the self of the individual is weakened, so that he feels powerless and extremely insecure. He lives in a world to which he has lost genuine relatedness and in which everybody has become instrumentalised, that he has become part of a machine which his own hands have built. He thinks, feels, and wills what he believes he is supposed to think, feel, and will. In this very process he loses himself upon which all genuine security of a free individual must be built.’’

Erich Fromm – The Fear of Freedom 

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 4:14 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Where our understanding fails is that it turned out that we feel, think and will, in that order. You can’t will that away. It doesn’t matter what you think. Even your facts are feelings. It pollutes the very nature of our reasoning and sense making. It defines our reality. You proceed from these assumptions.

Devil's Advocate
Devil's Advocate
Jul 18, 2021 11:30 AM

That’s not quite the way I see it. To society, I’d say this:

Thus far, I’ve rather patiently put up with your endless attempts to force me to live the way most sheeple do, despite the fact that I prefer my own way. I’ve got out of your way, have bent over backwards not to rock the boat too much, not to cause much discord. All in all, I’ve mostly conformed, or haven’t contested, to your stupid rules for the sake of keeping peace.

Now, you bitch, you’ve gone too far. Fuck you. Fuck keeping peace. The gloves are off. You come anywhere near me with that needle of yours, be advised that I’d stab back.

Jul 18, 2021 1:17 PM

I see this article in the same way. It refers to society not socialism.
We started to move away many moons ago, and I thank the writer for what appears, at first reading, to be a vindication of the reasons behind the actions we began to take 20 years ago, in order to place ourselves where we are now.

Once again thank you. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

Jul 18, 2021 1:19 PM

Never bought into this “citizen” crap anyway. I’m an individual, not a citizen.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jul 18, 2021 5:03 PM
Reply to  Steve

Good for you.. Get off that citizen-ship.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 18, 2021 9:21 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

He can’t. He’d be dead in a week.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 4:28 AM

That’s not true….it might take three weeks. You never know.

Jul 18, 2021 6:58 PM
Reply to  Steve

Actually, you do not choose to be a citizen. The state intitles you so as a reward for allegiance, aka obedience.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Jul 18, 2021 9:20 PM
Reply to  Steve

Do you live in a hovel in the forest, making NO use of modern products? A full hermit? Just writing the above on a passing dog-walker’s briefly-borrowed phone, are you?

If not, your ‘individualism’ is the classic wank of the Pampered Twenty Percent, lazing idly on the backs of the Abused and Deprived Eighty Percent. Some ‘individualism’!

BTW, I’m a citizen: I strive to give back something in full measure for all the mass of practical benefits that my fellow-citizens have given to me. Aka ‘society’ – to which you clearly belong in complete dependency, despite your laughable wank statement above.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 4:31 AM

I believe we all carry a debt to society we should repay in the manner we fit. As such, that includes making a statement here. It all matters.

Devil's Advocate
Devil's Advocate
Jul 19, 2021 7:07 AM

Dear society, herein speaking through Rhisiart Gwilym, whether or not a person makes use of modern, or, for that matter, outdated, products is none of your business. It is everyone’s prerogative to choose to what extent they’ll participate in you, society.

You certainly don’t have the right to compromise anyone’s bodily integrity and inject them with an experimental concoction just because your dumb collectivist self has allowed itself to be hijacked by a bunch of unscrupulous shitheads.

Live and let live and things will be fine. You declare a war on me, then war it is.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 19, 2021 3:27 AM
Reply to  Steve

What is your attitude to all those other individuals who exist in your vicinity?

Devil's Advocate
Devil's Advocate
Jul 19, 2021 7:10 AM

Live and let live. I certainly don’t go around requiring “all those individuals who exist in my vicinity (and beyond)” to get injected with some genetic shite, or do anything else for that matter, and I fully expect to be extended pretty much the same courtesy.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 4:26 AM
Reply to  Steve

I don’t find the two mutually exclusive.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 4:25 AM

Yes. I have never been their enemy, so why do they insist that I am thus leaving me no choice?

Devil's Advocate
Devil's Advocate
Jul 19, 2021 7:17 AM

Because they, i.e. society – a construct that does not exist in reality, have been hijacked by a bunch of unscrupulous cunts who understand that inverting Good and Evil by tricking sheeple into putting the alleged welfare of society ahead of the welfare of the individual is the easiest way of gaining control. This way, they make the imbeciles who fall for their crap do all the work for them.

Lenin called them useful idiots.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jul 18, 2021 10:36 AM

7/16/21, Newsweek, “Irish Ice Hockey Star Resigns in Protest Over Vaccine Passports, ‘Total Government Control'”
“Irish ice hockey star Niall McEvoy announced to his coaches and teammates that he was resigning, explaining he could no longer represent a country that requires vaccine passports.
The Irish government passed a bill in the last two days that will require proof of vaccination if customers want to dine in restaurants, pubs and cafes indoors.
A “vaccine passport,” either paper documentation or an EU digital COVID-19 certificate, will very soon be required for people to enter all indoor establishments in Ireland, according to BBC.”

Jul 18, 2021 12:34 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Good on him. Should be more of it.

Jul 18, 2021 5:48 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Excellent! Those are the stories y like to hear now! Those of resistence and courage, hopefully encouraging others. Resist and fear nothing!

Jul 18, 2021 9:08 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Good for him!

FWIW, I’m not into sports at all. And I may be biased by growing up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, which is notorious for its tradition of bitter, antagonistic sports fans, nicknamed “Boo Birds”.

But if Irish sports fans are anything like US sports fans, a noisy majority will scoff and sneer at McEvoy’s principled stand, and harshly declare that the real reason he resigned is because he’s a lousy hockey player, always was a lousy hockey player, and knows it– so he’s claiming some high-minded excuse to get out while the getting’s good.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 4:35 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

Being a Canadian, I never really envisioned Ireland as a fascist state. You would expect the opposite if anything. Perhaps it’s a matter of romanticizing the Irish fighting spirit.

Jul 20, 2021 3:30 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Right on! 👍

Jul 18, 2021 10:18 AM

These thoughts are nothing new to me.

I’ve been watching the decline for decades as laws are changed by stealth to erode what’s left of society. 20 years have passed since I moved away from what I see as less friendly and increasingly violent surroundings where hate instead of love is preached, and people just don’t seem to care any longer except for themselves. Lacking in class, poorly educated, selfish and violent. Just the way the devil wants it because the sheeple are easier to control that way.

This change has been planned by a small group of very mentally unstable people and their minions who are drunk on power and money, yet those not taking notice think all of what we are seeing happens naturally as time goes on. I never used to think after all that has happened over the years people in geneal would still be so gullible to put their faith in a system that wants them dead.

Jul 18, 2021 12:38 PM
Reply to  TonyMaroni

These people are essentially children too. They are immature and have never had to face true reality. That’s why all they excel at is perversion and cheap trickery and cheating and passive aggressive control. They exist in a fantasy land devoid of soul. They’re fuckwits basically. Just fuckwits.

Jul 18, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  Ooink

So in essence they are worthless characters that wouldn’t fit in anwhere except their own circle of psychopathie types. Makes sense and is seen across the political world as they take the money and turn the other way.

Maarten "merethan"
Maarten "merethan"
Jul 18, 2021 9:56 AM

And now you have a stalker to deal with.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 4:39 AM

Lol. A violent stalker that knows where you live. What a metaphor.

Jul 18, 2021 9:54 AM

So felt the grief in this article, i read it as a seemingly traumatic, personal experience being used as an expression of the cataclysmic events rolling out.

Seriously hope i never feel so despairing, my heart goes to the author cos they must be feeling so much pain to write this article. Hugs and all that’s good to you Raminder, so hope i can *keep the faith*, do think the near future will have many moments beyond our worst nitemares, think/hope there’ll be enough light at the end of the tunnel to keep most of us fighting tho.

Jul 18, 2021 8:50 PM
Reply to  Cesca

Yes, I thought it a beautiful but tragic assessment of our situation.

Jul 19, 2021 1:19 AM
Reply to  mjh

Cheers for that mjh, can understand why most see it as philosophical, it’s an area they have far more understanding of than me, it spoke to my heart n current perception tho.

All that’s good to u and urs =)

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 19, 2021 4:41 AM
Reply to  Cesca

I think that to the extent that philosophy has any truth, it should speak to the heart.

Jul 18, 2021 9:36 AM

‘ ’If you work hard, be kind, and look after others, then life will be good. I will look after you.’

Well, sorry, but if you worked hard, are kind, etc because then you knew you would be looked after, you got it wrong in the first place

You work hard, are kind, etc, because you like to work hard etc.

The virtue of doing those things is within the act itself, not because it is approved by society. I would still do these things even if it would not be approved by society.

That is where my way with the author parts.

Jul 18, 2021 10:22 AM
Reply to  Willem

I hear that claim quite often…but I try so hard…I do so much etc…or it isn’t fair the woman down the road has cancer she worked so hard why should she suffer now etc…

I suspect this comes from seeing society as the parent…just transferred the parent authority to society and these folk are still trying to please and not understanding that in general society rarely gives a rats…

when we grow up….which may never happen, we realise we do things because we like to do them…so you are talking about those who made it..,

Jul 18, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Willem

As with many fine-sounding mottos, this one also needs a little scrutiny.
It’s not actually wrong, but, as you rightly point out, it leaves out one’s own motivation.
Then, however, the question arises of whether doing what I want to makes it the right thing to do…

I have gradually learned that there is much wisdom in the idea that if one is not personally inclined to do the right thing (after all, in many situations doing the right thing is downright burdensome), then one should take oneself in hand and teach oneself how to want to do it anyway.
There lies the secret of distinguishing between the selfish ego and an ego which does what is right.
Obviously, not doing something which is right “because I don’t want to” isn’t a very good excuse…

Jul 18, 2021 9:32 AM

Solzhenitsyn loved his fellow men too much, hoping if he stayed with them, that eventually they’d rise up to reassert themselves, to end the abuse of their oppressor.

Sometimes, you have to leave while you have the chance.

Otherwise, at best, you will end up in regretful reminiscence.

It from the individual that courage comes, not the collective.

Jul 18, 2021 5:07 PM
Reply to  Xavier

Yes, but don’t forget that the individual, alone, is isolated, sterile and of use only to himself.

Jul 18, 2021 5:52 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

the individual you describe is the only happy human on earth

Jul 18, 2021 8:31 PM
Reply to  sam

Well, I hereby award you with the Eyore of the year cup (without permission of AAMilne). At least it didn’t rain.

Jul 19, 2021 8:28 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Sadly, individuals are indeed discovering that they can be alone – even within their close family, let alone their circle of friends.

It is time for such individuals (‘tomorrow people’) to figure out how they can locate others who similarly recognise this ‘Invasion of the body snatchers’.

Jul 19, 2021 10:23 PM
Reply to  Xavier

I said goodbye to society over fifty years ago! And then said hello again, with a bit of awareness of my separate self which has grown along with my group self. They’re both part of me and usually get on together, cats and dogs often do too.