Jabs Under Duress: How Moscow’s Mayor is coercing compliance
But don’t worry, if you don’t like it you can just change your job.
Riley Waggaman

With Moscow’s hospitals facing unprecedented strain not seen since six months ago, Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has done away with antiquated notions of bodily autonomy and free commerce in order to save the city. Please clap.
Muscovites collectively breathed a sigh of relief when Sobyanin announced last month that due to rising Covid hospitalizations, millions of residents would no longer be trusted with making personal medical decisions for themselves. In sectors such as transport, hospitality and leisure, businesses would need to meet a 60% vaccination quota among employees or risk exorbitant fines.
A few days later, the mayor announced the creation of now-defunct ‘Covid-free’ zones for double-dosed VIPs and Covid-conscious residents: Under the short-lived scheme, those who were fully vaccinated, or had recovered from the virus over the past 6 months, or were able to produce a negative PCR test from the last 72 hours, were eligible to receive a QR code granting them exclusive access to indoor seating in bars and restaurants. Those without these health IDs — the lepers — were banished to outdoor seating areas.
When he unveiled this pioneering public health policy last month, Sobyanin had insisted that the digital health passes would be “necessary to keep people alive.” But starting from July 19 they will no longer be required. They never really caught on and, as a result, nearly 200 businesses in Moscow closed in under 3 weeks.
To the untrained eye, these policies appear potentially coercive — which might reflect poorly on Sobyanin, considering that, historically, extortionary tactics have received 1-star Yelp reviews in the marketplace of ideas.
If he who employs coercion against me could mould me to his purposes by argument, no doubt he would. He pretends to punish me because his argument is strong; but he really punishes me because his argument is weak.”
William Godwin
Maybe that was true way back in the 1700s but human nature has changed a lot since then. Besides, Godwin never had to worry about hospital capacity.
Voluntary vaccination: A simple matter of perspective
A small but noisy band of malcontents has accused Sobyanin of instituting a “compulsory” vaccination regime that somehow runs afoul of basic human rights. But what do the facts, and more importantly, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, say? Backing the mayor’s new approach to mass inoculation, Peskov insisted that “vaccination is voluntary because you can change your job.”
Peskov seems to have a precise and highly sophisticated understanding of what constitutes compulsory vaccination. Perhaps non-voluntary vaccination is when Peskov knocks on your door with a Kalashnikov and asks politely for you to roll up your sleeve? Perhaps. Whatever it is — it is not what is happening right now.
Dangerous vaccine-hesitant types might say it’s reprehensible to suggest that Muscovites are exercising free power of choice when they are forced to choose between feeding themselves and maintaining control over what goes into their bodies. What’s so reprehensible about it?
Peskov has shrewdly identified a loophole in order to shield Russian authorities from moral considerations — this is what he is paid to do, and he does it very well. With so many Russians now at risk of losing employment, it would be irresponsible at the macroeconomic level to spew groundless aspersions that might undermine the Kremlin spokesman’s own job security.
The science can’t wait
Then there are the worrywarts with their so-called safety concerns.
Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, and nearly every other vaccine on the market, has shown God-like results in its first year of clinical tests. Under ordinary circumstances, only another nine to fourteen more years of trials would be needed to secure regulatory approval for these miracle drugs.
According to protocols set out by the IFPMA, a leading global pharmaceutical lobby, phase I clinical trials alone typically require two years — longer than Covid-19 has even been around to vaccinate against. Phase III trials often last between 5-10 years.
Of course, all of the above remains 100% true today. But the tin foil hatters who object to worldwide emergency vaccine rollouts on ‘safety’ grounds still risk getting checkmated by facts and logic: If these vaccines are so bad, why is literally everyone using them?
For the record: There’s only been one — only one! — global health boondoggle in the past decade in which countries around the world, including Russia, were persuaded to spend lots of money on potentially dangerous vaccines that they probably didn’t need.
In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic following an outbreak of H1N1 ‘swine flu’, without disclosing that several officials involved in this momentous decision had financial ties to pharmaceutical companies that stood to make huge profits from state-sponsored mass vaccine rollouts.
One of the vaccines rushed out during this period, Pandemrix, was later linked to suspicious cases of narcolepsy in children. Thankfully that particular big pharma blend was not deployed in Russia.
Still, by early 2010, more than a million Muscovites had been vaccinated against swine flu, with media reports warning “refuseniks” that there could be severe consequences for not getting jabbed. Russian doctors also prescribed an anti-swine flu medication called Tamiflu, which was later found to be backed by bogus data.
In the United States, the H1N1 shot was made mandatory for New York healthcare workers. Around 90 million vaccines were administered across the country, but an almost equal number — 70 million — were tossed after demand for the drug dried up. The vaccination program set US taxpayers back by $1.6 billion.
A similarly odious spending spree occurred in Russia. One lawmaker, a retired FSB colonel and member of the Duma’s anti-corruption commission, suggested that Russia had been duped into wasting vast sums at a time when public funds were far from limitless.
“Russia has spent over 4 billion rubles on the fight against the new virus. Taking into account the state of the country’s economy, these funds could be spent on solving other problems, the relevance of which there is no doubt,” the Duma deputy, Igor Barinov, said in November 2009.
The only country that didn’t buy lots of experimental swine flu shots, Poland, insisted that the worldwide vaccination drive was “not honest and not safe.”
But all of this all happened way back in 2009. Global health authorities have changed a lot since then.
The Hermetic cult of hospital capacity
Over the past twelve months or so it suddenly became extremely fashionable for governments to subordinate large swathes of human activity, and of the human experience itself, to “hospital capacity”. In a blog post explaining his “difficult, but necessary and responsible decision” to take custodianship over what needs to go into the bodies of several million Muscovites, Sobyanin pointed to the rapidly deteriorating situation in the city’s hospitals. After all, the city was seeing close to 2,000 hospitalizations per day.
Basic tenets of medical privacy and free commerce needed to be fed through a woodchipper. Sobyanin’s deputy explained why: in 2-3 weeks there would be no beds left for Covid patients. “It’s simple math that puts us in a tight box,” she revealed on June 16. More than 12,000 beds were occupied at the time.
According to the most recent, publicly available information, Moscow currently has somewhere between 20-24 thousand hospital beds reserved for Covid patients. On June 29, occupancy “approached” 15,000 beds, and this number has remained relatively constant since then. In other words: there are at least 20,000 Covid beds with 15,000 of them currently in use — providing a reserve of over 5,000 beds. Occupancy seems to have peaked by the end of June, but the total number of beds mustered to meet the surge did not come close to the 30,000 beds that had been made available for Covid patients more than a year earlier, in March-May 2020.
We have seen these figures before. Last year, on December 24, the mayor had reported that the city was recording “about 2,000 hospitalizations per day.” Despite the increase in hospitalizations, Sobyanin said there were 5,000 hospital beds in reserve. He explained this was an adequate buffer and that the medical system would be able to “work calmly”.
“So far, the city’s health care system is doing well,” read a statement issued by the mayor’s office about the surge in hospitalizations. A week prior, on December 16, there had been about 12,000 Muscovites hospitalized with the virus.
So with a 5,000-bed reserve that was declared sufficient six months earlier, a daily hospitalization influx previously deemed manageable, and Moscow having been able to produce as many as 30,000 Covid-dedicated beds more than a year ago, can the current situation truly be considered unprecedented? The answer to this question is obviously yes.
All of the above data was mined from press releases and statements made to the media — because you cannot find an official, up-to-date hospital bed tally on Russia’s official Covid dashboard, nor on any other government-run website.
It’s true that millions of people are being asked to make personal sacrifices to protect hospital resources. But do they really deserve access to regularly updated figures showing how many beds have been reserved for Covid patients, and what percentage of them are currently occupied? Should Muscovites be entitled to all relevant information on this subject, so that they can examine this apparently life-altering data at any time of their choosing? That seems like an excessive and arbitrary request unless you are seriously suggesting health authorities and politicians are somehow not infallible.
Indeed, Muscovites can rest easy knowing that policies dictating the most serious matters of life are not in any way reliant upon mystical-like devotion to closely-guarded statistics.
Slightly off-topic, but we once met a man on a train to St. Petersburg who belonged to a heretical sect of the Rosicrucian Order that believed the universe revolves around the number of available bananas in Bangkok, Thailand. He patiently explained to us that everything he did was directed towards ensuring there was an adequate supply of elongated, yellow fruit in the city. But when we pressed our acquaintance to disclose how many Bangkok bananas were uneaten at the present moment, he admitted that he did not know the number — only the Thai Grocers Association had this information, and it was only dispensed periodically in small, hard-to-contextualize morsels. We later learned he was a lunatic who had escaped from a nearby psychiatric ward.
QR codes: They just make sense
By mid-June, Moscow was seeing for the first time levels of Covid hospitalizations that had not been seen since late December. Just as everything seemed hopeless, Sobyanin swooped in with a solution that was “complex, unpopular, but necessary to keep people alive”: the unvaccinated “accomplices of the epidemiological process,” as he referred to them, would henceforth be barred from dining-in unless they could cough up a PCR or antibodies test.
These walking biohazards could still go ride the standing-room-only suburban trains and pack into metro cattle cars by their millions. But sitting down for a meal would be a big no-no. This is the premise that guided the rollout of these city-saving health passes.
On July 16, Sobyanin abruptly announced that these “life-saving” passes were no longer necessary: Hospitalizations were on the decline and suddenly the city’s healthcare system was safe from implosion. He even revealed that 6,000 empty hospital beds could be reallocated to non-Covid patients.
All the Muscovites who were in desperate need of QR-coded life-preservation 3 weeks ago have now been saved.
Of course, it’s possible that there are other reasons why the QR codes are no longer deemed necessary. According to Moscow’s small business ombudsman, the digital health IDs massacred the city’s restaurants. She explained this unexpected side effect to Sobyanin as he was deliberating whether or not to keep using the life-giving passes:
We talked about the fact that almost 200 restaurants have closed in the last two weeks, and 220 in the entire last pandemic year. In two and a half weeks, we lost almost as many establishments as in the entire previous year, which was the hardest for the industry.”
Sounds like a thundering triumph for public health and overall societal well being.
No price is too high for public health
It’s undeniable that Moscow is marching towards a bright and very healthy future. But one lingering question remains: Are we certain that enough resources and civilization-bending measures are being deployed in order to guarantee that every Russian is vaccinated? After all, you cannot put a ruble-denominated price on public health.
Unfortunately, we continue to see anti-vaccine sedition posing as alleged concern for “other” public health issues that purportedly exist in Russia. For example, some might cynically propagate the fantasy that money going towards vaccines could be better spent on upgrading the healthcare system’s infrastructure. A Russian government audit published last year found that a surprising number of medical facilities across the country were without running water or central heating.
With compulsory vaccine regimes now instituted in regions across the country, it’s possible that some Russians who are being instructed to get vaccinated in order to safeguard the healthcare system live in areas where the local clinic has no running water.
This is a real nuisance because now anti-vax radicals might argue that probably a health clinic should have 20th-century infrastructure before people should be expected to take an experimental medication in order to protect it.
Then again, maybe they have a point.
Riley Waggaman is the Moscow Correspondent at anti-empire.com
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It is unforunate that the people must be herded, but they asked for it.
These Bastards are doing this to us,Fake pandemic,Lockdowns,Ruining small businesses.The shadow government,Our elected mps answer to them not to the people they are supposed to serve.I’m sorry for swearing .But the civil servants too are answering to them and it’s wrong.Many people have spoken out,But the vast majority have stayed silent so as not to lose their jobs.This whole thing is an absolute joke.
What the heck is this article? Is it written by a pro-vaxxer? Did she not understand that Russia is maybe the standard bearer of those NOT ABOARD THIS DISGUSTING AND SATANIC GREAT RESET ? Such a lukewarm and enigmatic article, please someone help me understand, I don’t want to stop reading you. Thank you.
It’s hard to argue “Russia is maybe the standard bearer of those NOT ABOARD THIS DISGUSTING AND SATANIC GREAT RESET” when it is quite obviously going along with the scamdemic narrative
Only to the English speaking media. I used tor browser and looked up Russian news in the native language. Feel free to do the same and come back with your findings.. i found no covid mania and barely a single mask
I’m referring to the draconian measures imposed by the government and discussed in the article, not to how the average Russian is responding. But it’s good if they are resisting hysteria.
I wasn’t referring to the average Russian i said the Russian media.
Ok. I was still referring to the draconian measures imposed by the government. But it’s good if the press are not as on board as they are here.
Native Russian spekaer here. Unfortunately, the media and the influencers are pretty much winding up the hysteria. It’s just the Russians are generally less trustful of the governments that there seem to be more people who don’t bite the bate of convid.
That’s good to know, thanks
expect that the Moscow Region is more draconian than other regions. Not sure about the Sputnik vaccine either made from monkey adenoviruses in a lab??
Was this article meant to be tongue in cheek?
Hey Israel, what ever happened to NEVER AGAIN?
Because Russia’s foreign policy is so much more enlightened, rational, and less imperialistic than that of droning wedding parties, one might conclude that they, and Putin in particular, are not part of the global Sabbatean Cabal. But as it works in lockstep with all the Western and Chinese coercion regarding the scamdemic, this is a give away that it is just the white hat in the local precinct. Make no mistake with the mislabeling of Sputnik V as a “adenovirus vector vaccine.” Sputnik uses a modified adenovirus to penetrate one’s cell walls (and probably also the nucleus cell wall). Its “payload” is a strand of synthetic DNA (c-DNA) which results in the manufacture of the purported cv-1984 spike protein presumably by using reverse transcriptase enzymes extracted from rt viruses such as HIV. So the so-called vector vaccine just uses a virus in place of the PEG coating of the mRNA coating to penetrate cell walls, and DNA in place of RNA.. In theory, this c-DNA segment could be implanted directly into an original human DNA chromosome in the nucleus making it even more nefarious than the mRNA fake vaccines.
Can you please provide some links for your information about Sputnik V? (It’s OK if they’re not in English.)I thought it might be a safer alternative to the Western vaccines. Not that I think I need a vaccine, but I’d like to be able to continue to travel,etc.
How come their reading from the same script ??
Putin has said Sputnik v is a personal choice for citizens, and largely that’s the case. Unlike the U.K. Russia chose to prioritise giving the vaccine to people most likely to transmit it – taxi drivers, restaurant workers, supermarket staff, medics. Even in this case, it’s a quota, as in 60% or if you can prove you’re covid recovered. Moscow’s brief restaurant policy lasted a few weeks. In early July St. Petersburg was full of Muscovites all coming for lunch, but everything is back to ‘normal’- no QR codes needed. Although the restaurants did enforce the rules – less than 20% of the population has been vaccinated and most rich people that eat out have left Moscow for the holiday season, so the restaurants were pretty much empty. The disaster was quickly reversed. Russia doesn’t have the same USA/U.K. pharma mafia – where the interests of big pharma dictate government policy. The main focus is the fundamental problem of ensuring cash allocated for hospitals actually is spent there.
Those with money buy plasma from recovered covid patients who have lovely freshly harvested T-cells and antibodies – and don’t get the injection. Those without money suffer or sell plasma. Capitalism is alive and working well.
There is nothing to transmit except flu, and pneumonia comes from a few causes. In the last 1.5 years, we have uncovered a number of carefully concealed cures for flu. There is no need for any gene jab.
New South Wales’ Nanny Gladys, who always knows what’s good for us kids, has a remarkable ability to predict The Future. Every day she has predicted that even higher numbers of ‘positive cases’ will be discovered the following day – and she has been RIGHT EVERY BLOODY TIME !
Our prime minister, and every other state leader, must be green with envy.
If you regularly use Sydney’s buses you’ll know up to four days in advance there’s to be another outbreak – as an excuse for lockdowns, as the green “sit here” stickers re-appear on various seats, and “maintain social distance” posters re-appear… Nanny Gladys crystal ball never fails.
Hmmm, I recall a govt. minister in the early nineties saying that the only way to get Australians to give up their guns would be for a terrorist event to occur in Tasmania.
And then there’s the PNAC manifesto that stated an attack similar to Pearl Harbour would be needed to bring the US sheeple along with their plans for domination.
They certainly have uncanny foresight and should buy lotto tickets.
Ok I’ll put this out there, I have a theory.
Eudravigilence, VAERS, and MHRA, and Public Health Scotland are showing 30,000 plus deaths which awake people know is just the tip of the iceberg.
However in Australia they report a few hundred. I know of only one death, and no one else I know knows of any. Although ambulance staff are speaking out that they are extremely busy with serious adverse affects events.
So many are poison stabbed among people that family members know with a small percentage of adverse affects (so far). Anecdotal, I know.
And we do know placebo (saline) stabs were accidentally jabbed in to people in Canada and the US earlier this year (and why would there be saline vials in the poison stab clinics at hand anyway if they weren’t intended for use?)
So, could we posit that some countries are given a lower ratio of placebos so as to set them up for higher deaths (according to Deagle population chart)?
A woman on a bus trip I took in the NT in May became comatose suddenly and delayed us by two hours. She had to be taken off the bus on a stretcher with great effort.
Jab victim.
I suspect she was a clot shot victim.
Under what jurisdiction, the US have imposed sanctions and strict rules that Germany and Russia must follow in order to complete the natural gas pipeline (Nord Stream 2) ???
The pipeline is between Russia and Germany. it doesn’t go through the United States, does it ??
The US wants to sell Europe LNG gas from our frackers, which will not only make Europe dependent on the US, but will require, from what little I have read, the building of ports that have the facilities to deal with LNG gas. It’s a win-win – keeps our oil boys happy and gets our construction companies some profit as well. The last thing the US wants is any nation to be independent of the US dollar and its corporate masters.
There are disputed pipelines in the ME as well, Afghanistan and Syria are in the designated locations where those pipelines are to be built, and there are rights of way to be gained if the US can just get those pesky Russians to stop backing the designated enemy countries that want to locate their own pipelines in those same countries. At the end, it’s all about who controls the resources, same as it’s always been. The US and her “enemy” countries haggle over the particulars, but since the bankers are pretty much behind it all, it hardly matters to them who “wins.” But the arguments spawned work as intended – distraction from the ongoing pillage of the world and all its inhabitants by the bankers that control it all. And the wars make shit tons of money for not only the US as the biggest arms dealer, but other countries’ very own MICs as well. Wars need not ever be won, that really isn’t the point anymore. I think it’s far too late for the US to stop Nordstream2, and that’s gotta make one wonder if that was ever really the intent.
Where’s hero Putin? Maybe he got stuck in one of his hazmat suits that he donned in order to do biosecurity theater.
Covid is a protection racket.
A traditional conventional predation racket is where I come up to you and tell you of a deadly threat – some evil thug will wreck your house unless you pay me thousands to protect you. You don’t believe me and that night someone breaks into your house and wrecks it. I turn up next day and said “I told you so! Next time the thug will kill your children unless you pay me!” So you pay up.
You know I am lying and that I myself am the thug. However we are playing a game in which this truth is unspeakable and if you call me out on it then the consequences for you will be way beyond any of the threats I have yet made. Thus we are playing a game in which our words do not mean what they say.
Under covid, the media tells us we are under threat from this deadly virus and we must follow their orders or else we will die. Many of us don’t believe them or are at least suspicious. And the suspicion is that this covid tale is a lie used as cover to totally re-organise everything. But this is a matter that cannot be expressed for it is unspeakable and even unthinkable. So the majority give in and follow the directions. They give away everything to the rulers for protection whilst suspecting that the protection the rulers are providing is not protection from a virus but protection from themselves! i.e. from the full might of the legal/military/ intelligence complex.
In both cases, the words are lies and the true threat, even the true situation, although perfectly understood by both sides, can never be acknowledged.
Good call. Reminds of of the Gen. Smedley Butler quote (forgive me if you’ve seen it too many times posted by “Cooper”):
“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
― Smedley D. Butler (War is a Racket)
The whole system of Gov/ tax etc is a protection racket
The American System has always been in essence a protection racket.
…Re: – The William Godwin quote:…
I have never been a hacker. It’s not my thing, and when I did it about 20 years ago. I only did it for an hour during my lunch break to try and measure the difference on an equally popular website.
Writing html was never my thing, but I did. Raw html.
I inserted a bit of code for 1 hour to try and measure the difference between the writers and the lurkers, on my favourite website at the time.
I then deleted my code as if I had never been there.
I felt incredibly guilty about it, and didn’t tell anyone, but I confess now. I haven’t done it since and won’t to it again, cos its completely unprofessional, and I no lonnger have the techical skills to do it
Admin1 Reckons 4% are lurkers vs the people who wite anything.
The results I got, and I am pretty sure they are correct – well 20 years ago. I don’t know now. I suspect the figure is very much greater, but can’t prove it.
What I got was for every person who wrote anything on that blog 20 years ago, more than 100 people were lurking, and never wrote anything…
But they were Reading what we wrote even me.
I reckon its a lot more now…
So send a Tenner to Off-Guardian.
And show Respect for the people who run and moderate this blog
“For general enquiries email us at [email protected].
To submit material to us please see our submission guidelines”
can you spare $1.00 a month to support independent mediaUnlike the Guardian we are NOT funded by Bill & Melinda Gates, or any other NGO or government. So a few coins in our jar to help us keep going are always appreciated.
Our Bitcoin JTR code is: 1JR1whUa3G24wXpDyqMKpieckMGGW2u2VX
I have absolutely no connection to Off Guardian, though I have sent them £10 via Paypal a few times.
I understand absolutely nothing about bitcoin, and don’t want to
Someone had to do it, so thank the guys and girls who do
Send them a tenner.
Why thank you for spreading such a positive message. It is true, we rely on user donations. A2
Nice of you Tony
I do intend to help as well cause here in these pages i feel positive even reading these horrible news about corrupted and ignorant politicians and ‘health experts’ most of them who never got a vote from the public.
Everything nowadays in the msm stinks like rotten guts from an open animal.
Gladly we have sites (like this one) filled with intelligent/smart people being the writers and the commenters who take some time of their day to read and search the lies behind the curtains.
Chilling New Proposal to Criminalize ‘Wrongthink’
Been visiting some people who have a (3 month old) breastfed baby. The new mother joined us with alcohol-free beer but was injected today.
Didn’t say anything, but it’s so wrong 🙁
Fook!…I dk what to say.
What happened to, ‘Nothing more than a paracetamol…and that soft cheese could kill your baby!’?
I’ve been trying to have conversations with (mixed family) our children, who have children…and they don’t want to hear.
I’d like to say that I’ve given up…but I haven’t – although, it’s only me who loses sleep.
Oh announcement on abc aust no damage to baby…may even confer immunity etc etc….disgusting….sadly one of my relatives have done this…baby was quite upset that night and heavens knows what issues will show in times to come….humanity madness on steroids…mothers being encouraged to damage their babies…
Mothers have been incouraged to kill their babies in their wombs for decades now, so this vaxxed pregnant and breastfeeding mothers is just one more stripe to the tiger really.
I can beat that; a work colleague of my wife, a young pregnant chick took the poison stab. My horrified missus asked her why, what about your baby? The ignorant twat replied ” yeah IO fell sorry for my kid but we just bought a house and I need this job”. Criminal negligence.
BOTOH she is fat, smokes ciggies,and goes out on the piss regularly. So her soon to be born baby is fucked either way.
Question: Do the Russian Vax involve the same cytotoxic spike proteins like the vax from the West do ?
At first I thought that they didn’t, but now I’m not so sure.
This matters because of this 9 minute video by Canadian doctor Charles Hoffe where he explains to four other doctors about what he has found in treating his vaccinated patients. This could be a very big deal…
This Bitchute video explains the problem, and others are awakeing to the reasent findings, about this mRNA so called vaccine, its just jaw dropping.
This effects, witch can be given thru the mRNA shoot, is what they claim is the so called “Delta” variant, I dont doubt that, I think more and more on this as some sort of attack, not the, whatever virus, aka the germ theorem, but the vaccine, witch turns out to be much more dangerous than their over the top hyped Scamdemic, because, I may be wrong, but did they knew, before hand, or not, if so, its then an capital crime, on war levels.
I belive they science about virus, whatever didnt give them what they wanted, not damaging enough, as its been proven thru soon two full years, but again, this changes completelly because of the level of damage done thru their vaccines, if its not more old fasion, just some water solution sold and people belive everything they are told, take an pick, I go my self for the level of damage is much worse than they antisipated, and now gone total retard to attack anyone whom isnt drooling along with the congregation.
Its already obvious, whats needed is something that finaly breaks the damm.
Think about the evolution of this scamdemic from two years ago, to the present, unbelivable isnt it.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
And they wounder why we dont trust anything anymore, huh.
If you really want to blow your mind, check out Dr. David E. Martian. It’s a long interview that seems like a nothing burger, but when the damn busts at about 9 minutes in you won’t believe what you are hearing. The interviewer is Dr. Reiner Füllmich, the German/American lawyer who won the 35 billion dollar lawsuit against Volkswagen.
The following key points as I see them in the Reiner Fuellmich/David Martin interview :
– Apr. 19/2002 a patent was filed by Fauci (NIAID) for the SARS corona virus which had been engineered as a pathogen infectious to human lung epithelial tissue; the stated purpose was for use as a vector to transmit HIV accine. (An effective HIV vaccine was never made after $billions spent on research by Falsi, et. al.) The SARS corona virus is a lab made pathogen engineered by Fauci/NIH/NIAID.
– MERCK (big pHarma) introduces the concept of “THE NEW NORMAL” : getting people to accept a universal global influenza/coronavirus vaccine – in 2004 !
– In 2007 CDC paid a penalty to OVERRIDE A REJECTION OF PATENT for SARS coronavirus. CDC paid an additional penalty to keep both the SARS patent and a RT-PCR test for it PRIVATE, contrary to PR by Fauci et. al. that “science should be open, for the benefit of mankind”. The patent had been rejected due to 99.9% overlap with public domain corona genomes. The private patents were filed to corner the market on SARS and any potential competitors for vaccines not part of the cabal.
– 73 patents between 2008 and 2019 by CDC, NIH/NIAID, various pHarma, together have ALL the genetic sequences that were claimed to be “novel” for SARS2. Specifically the polybasic cleavage site, the ACE2 receptor binding domain and the spike protein – all patented. The NOVEL corona virus is NOT novel !!!
– In a paper in 2016 by Ralph Baric (epidemiologist, UNC Chappell Hill) he states that SARS2 is “poised for human emergence”. Either he knows this as it was engineered (see above) and patented for commercial exploitation (vaccines) or he’s just clairvoyant. He and Daszak (below) pop up time and again on lucrative patents filed on behalf of pharma, NIH/NIAID or CDC.
– Peter Daszak Feb. 12, 2016: “We need to alert the public to the need for a pan corona virus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage…INVESTORS
WILL RESPOND IF THEY SEE PROFIT at the end of the process.”
– 2016 – 2019 FAUCI laments repeatedly at NIAID board meetings that the idea of universal influenza vaccines is not being accepted by a stubborn public
– Mar. 2019 MODERNA amends several vaccine related PATENTS to make reference to a “DELIBERATE release” of corona virus – this seems BIZARRE. Why incorporate this superfluous and non-scientific reference in a formal patent ?
– David Martin’s painstaking and detailed research make a strong case that the “vaccine” is a bioweapon designed to addict the world to perpetual CV vaccines. The lab leak reference is intended to lead the world to the “lab leak” theory, rejected by media, government and the science and pHarma industries as a conspiracy theory for the past year. Now the lab leak origin is oddly embraced by all. The perfect down the rabbit hole diversion to cover the true origin of SARS2 (lab and computer designed) and the true purpose(s) of the
“vaccine” – a technological midas touch for big pHarma being at least one of them.
– WHO in its book “A World at Risk” Sept. 2019 speaks of the need for a “co-ordinated global experience of a respiratory pathogen” which by Sept./2020 would put in place a universal (global) influenza vaccine program “along with PR and crowd control systems requisite for public acceptance” of said universal vaccine program.
– This same WHO had said in 2008 that corona virus had been “eradicated as a public health concern”.
Event 201, a SIMULATION of a corona virus pandemic was attended by politicians and world health leaders on Friday, October 18, 2019 at The Pierre, New York, a 5 star hotel – a few months before the “real” pandemic. It was a chance to PRACTICE organizational, public relations (propaganda), logistic and communication protocols to be deployed in the event of a “real” pandemic. It was organized by Johns Hopkins Health Organization, WEF (World Economic Forum) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
– Nov. 2019 – NIH (Fauci) takes ownership of the SARS coronavirus patent (above; 2007). UNC Chappell Hill (see Ralph Baric, above), Moderna and NIAID (Fauci) begin gene sequencing to develop a spike protein corona virus vaccine – a month before the SARS2 “outbreak” !
per DAVID MARTIN: There was NO LAB LEAK of anything. This was a deliberate bioweaponization of corona virus spike proteins to get the population addicted to a pan corona virus vaccine.
…then they burned his town to the ground.
Absolutely avoidable! ‘They’ will receive justice.
Brake sparks and fire from a CN freight train passing through town…
The Canadian train syndicate (CN, CP) is immensely powerful.
Both railways police themselves, with their own police force.
And, the Lac Megantic Tragedy; I have always wondered about the relationship between the “guilty” railway and the former parent railway?
sorry. I went o/t.
Don’t apologise. I don’t believe you did go off-topic.
Their whole damned spiderweb of control is the topic.
Good information and thanks for sharing. I am unfamiliar with the Canadian variant of their shitfuckery with our lives but will research the Lac Megantic Tragedy.
That was Dr Joffe’s town. The Canadian GP.
I’m not an expert, but my understanding is that all “vaccines” are the same.
Vector-based or mRNA, not one is made from a weakened virus as no virus was isolated. All is based on an assumption or best guess about the viral genetic code.
All C19 “vaccines” instruct the cells to produce the “spike protein” or the best guess for it’s genetic code.
mRNA “vaccines” deliver ready-made mRNA in the cell, and instruct the RNA to make the “spike protein”.
Other “vaccines” instruct the cells to make the mRNA, and then cell-made mRNA instructs the RNA to make the “spike protein”.
But then, the “spike protein” IS THE TOXIN….
From my understanding:
‘Vaccines’ don’t have any infectious ‘virus’, but they do have a lot of toxic heavy metals and toxic chemicals (adjuvants etc). Which is why a lot of vaccine takers get fever. The body is simply trying to throw out these toxins (exosomes are produced which then swallow these toxins and then the body excretes the exosomes).
The efffort required by the body to do this is enormous, and only the very healthy can manage to do it without much problem. In people with weakened health system, the toxins of ‘vaccines’ prove to be fatal causing death, paralysis etc.
Since exosomes are wrongly called as ‘viruses’ any lab tool like a PCR test that is designed to detect body material will give a result of ‘present’ if you take the test within a few days of taking the vaccine.
Also, other than the factor of strong health people not being affected by vaccines, in the current ‘corona’ fraud scheme of things a percentage of the jabs contain either saline or other harmless ingredients (they can’t contain an infectious virus because virus, in the way it is assumed, simply do not exist) which causes no harm.
This is done deliberately because otherwise the fatlities from vaccines will be very very high and their deception will be exposed quickly.
When people take the jabs and survive or face least problems they believe that vaccines are effective and has given them immunity. This, of course, is false.
But it helps the global oligarchy to enable the perception that it is beneficial to take the jabs.
My office boss, for instance, took a first does in May this year. And, for two days, he suffered terrible effects (fever, body ache etc etc). Thereafter, I got seriously concerned about his health and sensing that he will go for a 2nd dose in a month or so, I requested him to avoid the second does. He was grateful for my concern but a month later he took the second dose which did not give the problem that the first dose gave him.
Clearly, people like my boss are being given mild jabs in the second dose which contain harmless ingredients.
But the first dose my boss took was quite toxic. He had average health system (and not a very strong one) so he suffered severe effects as his body struggled to throw out the toxins.
I have erroneously typed ‘does’, instead of ‘dose’ at a couple of places in my post.
Have to disagree. It seems the healthier people in their 50s and below are now the bulk of the serious jab victims – usually after the 2nd. jab. This includes children.
All the jabs include the patented spike protein. Since no one has isolated the “virus”, how can there be jabs (as claimed) made from “inactivated viruses”?
There is a video from Occupied Palestine showing a settler teenager collapsing and dying in the poison stab centre. He collapsed on the spot and died immediately after the stab.
Of course, the virus isolation is absent in the claimed ‘sars-cov2’ case and in all past cases as well for which vaccines exist. The problems that the vaccines cause is only because of the toxic soup.
The jabs can affect very healthy people only if that soup is badly toxic. The difference companies producing these companies would be putting varying quantities of the adjuvants/toxins and further the intensity would vary by batch.
Also, they say if the vax liquid in the injection has come from the bottom of the tank in a particular batch it would contain lethal amount of toxic chemcials/adjuvants in it.
I believe China’s Sinovac line are made from weakened virus of the Corona family, related but not identical to the hypothetical Covid-19 virus which has never been isolated for use as a vaccine. I would predict that Sinovac, insofar as it is based on a real virus, would give partial protection against related Corona flu viruses; and insofar as it is a conventional flu vaccine, would produce fewer adverse effects than we are seeing from these experimental Viral RNA Gene injections.
Anyway, since Covid-19 seems to be an ordinary flu, the whole question “To vax or not to vax” seems to me “Much Ado About Nothing”.
As far as I know the Russian vaccine is a dna rather than mrna one. Dna vaccines are for other reasons equally harmful. Anyhow given there is no virus identified, what is the logic on which any of the vaccines have been fabricated?
In partial defense of the Russian vaccine, Sputnik does use the Spike Gene but in DNA form and incorporated into a live Adeno-virus DNA genome. This seems to me safer than the Oxford method of merely injecting naked Viral Spike RNA Gene into the body and hoping it will land up in the right place and do the right thing. I presume the Adenovirus knows what it is doing, and will incorporate the viral spike DNA in the right place to make viral spike protein. After which, the body’s natural immune reaction will kill the adenovirus and thus prevent further manufacture of Covid spike protein. Whereas it seems to me that naked Viral RNA, once injected into the body Oxford fashion, has no natural limits on its site of landing nor on its continued manufacture of spike protein.
it ‘looks’ very much like there is a tug-of-war going on in old mother russia behind the scenes..
is vladimir rasputin keeping the plates spinning with minor concessions to the davos corporatists..(being a member of the billion bucks strip club himself with all the nasty habits and acquaintances that are requisite for such imbeciles )…
or is it general father bear and the ‘red army’ training their beadies, the men who twisted vlads arms to get with it in syria, and who gleefully shoot down the jews missiles and laugh at their miserable clockwork yankee f35’s….
or indeed, do they all really bat for the same team, is it grand deception? …. have there really been 18000 deaths these last weeks in russia ?
from the microsoft coff…. I doubt that.
don’t you?..
And there it is again.
In our house we have a routine. We sit down for tea and watch something recorded or on Netflix. We’re currently working our way through Black Mirror – a series that revolves, appropriately enough, around simulated realities – and after we finish watching, my wife – a covid fan – switches over to the mainstream news and it’s “The figures are rising drastically again! Young people are just not taking the endtime seriously enough and tonight twenty thousand died! Meanwhile, normal services are being shat on! Scientists everywhere have conclusively demonstrated that the world died six years ago!” etc.
Is it even worth expending more words on this … this …what? I’m struggling to find the words!
Fuck! It’s beyond everything I’ve ever experienced before. Someone is shitting in my ears. Someone is telling me Santa is real. And then they’re telling me again. And then they’re erecting an entire theology on it!
Sometimes I’m glad I’m not married.
it is seriously difficult, the other worlds in which we dwell, side by side. Fucking mental.
…*Chin Up*, George!… – It’s *Our* time to *Shine* now…
…- ‘Dr’ Hunter S Thompson.
The lies and confusion are part of the agenda.
First, and it would be fairly safe to say, not going to be the last such salvo:
“It’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the vaccinated folks. It’s the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down.”
Not at all surprising these words were put in the mouth of a right-wing Southerner. A quick check of her background reveals some of the regular markers of a controlled stooge: father was in the military; head of a college fraternity (the training ground for secret societies; worked in banking; switched parties.
She added the bizarre remark, ““These folks are choosing a horrible lifestyle of self-inflicted pain.” Accepting her paradigm for a moment, since when has falling ill been a “lifestyle”? Even worse, the implication seems to be that people shouldn’t be allowed to choose things that inflict pain on themselves. Freedom has always included the ability to make unwise choices because otherwise who gets to decide what an unwise choice is? Denial of medical treatment because people can be “blamed” for their condition is one part of where this is heading (it’s what the drip-drip of smokers to blame for their cancer and unequipped hill-walkers caught in storms has all been about).
…- *Boy*, that *Sure Is* gonna be hard, selling *That* to the ‘Leets… – *Most All* of ’em are into BDSM as a matter of course…
Here we go.
Monsieur le Président du Conseil Scientifique, Jean-François Delfraissy, has got his crystal ball out and can predict that there will be a new, ‘menacing’ variant appearing in November – which means that there can be no return to ‘normal’ life until 2022 or, more likely, 2023.
He calls for a return to masks, distancing and hand-washing – including ‘pour les vaccinées’, citing a cluster of positive ‘cases’ at a night-club in Bordeaux.
His clairvoyance comes after Jean Castex went on TV, yesterday, and told the audience that it was quite clear that ‘les vaccinées’ were in no danger of catching covid and could go about their business – eating, drinking and being merry.
Meanwhile, Olivier Véran demanded a re-vote (is this legal?) on
#le passsanitairedelahonte (which didn’t go their way yesterday) at 5 o’clock this morning – when half the chamber was absent. It passed. Quelle surprise.
It also comes as Macron (or, more likely, one of his handlers) has been Tweeting like a lark from the opening of the Tokyo Olympics – exhorting Les Français to unite and get behind the French team. He is maskless, of course…and seems to be enjoying himself. Unlike les citoyens – who woke up, this morning, to find that they had been barred from, even, the toilets on the motor-way.
Oh, and the fact that he is en-route to Papeete (French Polynesia) is, not at all, meant to pour petrol on the fires.
I was of the opinion that the ‘pass sanitaire’ was the ultimate goal…but, now, I’m not so sure. Their trajectory is so contradictory and insane.
They seem to be doing everything they can to ignite the people.
I’m glad they’re being so open about there being no return to normal, for anyone. That might wake up a few more people.
JFD’s predictions will carry more weight, since the PM is generally accepted to be not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and is not versed in Science.
While the bumbling incompetence theory is quite unconvincing, these guys do a brilliant imitation. Like when they coerced people into getting jabbed by threatening them with all manner of things, only to discover that there were not enough doses to inject all the freshly cowed.
Ha! That’s an other thing!
There are not enough doses to go around…pre-supposing that people, actually, want them…and it’s not looking that way.
I’m even beginning to doubt the official uptake figures.
And now the ministry for the interior has ‘disclosed’ that it has picked up signals of terrorist attacks this summer:
…Charlotte Corday, where are you now France needs you?…
Charlotte Corday was groomed/hired by the Brissotins, who were in turn almost certainly being paid by the British, to assassinate Jean Paul Marat, a true French patriot.
nothing to do with above.can anybody point me in the direction of the study which says masks are waste of time, and, the asymptomatic cannot transmit the problem known as covid?thanks
Asymptomatic spread fallacy:
thanks john,a user on a facebook page is spreading nonsense and patting himself on the back for mask wearing and asymp’ rubbish about spreading.p
This is an interesting article ostensibly providing an analysis of the difficulties in measuring whether there is such a thing as asymptomatic transmission. It actually reads to me as if the authors have taken the opportunity to present a broader criticism of the adopted testing system under the guise of a commentary on asymptomatic transmission!
It alludes to the Chinese study linked to by John P above, highlights the serious deficiencies in using the PCR procedure as a diagnostic tool, and the absence of desirable focus on clinical symptoms alongside a positive test result.
To cut to the chase of what the authors’ conclusions are you just need to read the final sentence.
Masks: A number of studies before 2020 already established this.
You need to put https:// in front of these. There was/is a policy against more than 3 links in a comment. I hope this will fool the algorithm
Commiserations, it did not 🙂
I generally raise an eyebrow, when I see the phrase “vaccine hesitant”. I’m not vaccine hesitant, nor am I anti-vaxx.
I simple feel no compunction to have any of these Covid vaccines as I have never bought into the idea that Covid was some sort of modern plague.
I don’t fear it any more than I fear the flu. No, that’s not true. I fear the flu more than Covid. I had it about 25 years ago. Not nice, but I recovered without medical intervention.
There’s just no way I’m having this jab. Even if it was proven to be 100% safe – which it is not, of course.
I’m just not interested.
The phrase was coined several years ago by the vaccine lobby and its legal advisers.
If they were going for a not-creepy term, they failed.
Only the naive and brainwashed are pro-vax.
I first realised that there is no evidence whatsoever for them when I did a History of Medicine course at Edinburgh University in 1988.
The graph said it all.
All infectious diseases were in their terminal decline phase in western nations when the vaccines were brought in.
The explanation given was that this massive improvement in health was down to improvements in sanitation and nutrition.
In addition to which of course, whether the central pillar of vaccination theory, ie that we need to generate antibodies against infections we have not yet been exposed to, is correct or not, ( it isn’t, antibodies are a very short lived response to an infection, the main defence comes from T cells, not B cells ) the simple fact is that these concoctions are brimfull of heavy metals, aborted foetal tissue, heavy-duty solvents, and probably, dangerous viruses too, courtesy of the cell cultures they were grown in.
SV 40 is the great exemplar of that particular problem.
We should all clearly understand that vaccines are manufactured because they make huge profits for mega corporations, not because they do anything for your health – quite the reverse in fact.
Great comment.
Thank you.
I’ll clap for him. If you decide to live in a society then it’s not just about you and your rights, it’s equally about other people’s rights too. Hospitals not coping is a sure sign of a pandemic.
Responsible adult Muscovites should really be taking the Sputnik V vaccine who’s technology is based on over a decade of successful use in protecting people from Ebola in Africa. If they don’t want to then they might consider retiring from urban society and heading off to stay in their Dachas long term.
I’d personally take Sputnik V and wish it was widely available in Europe, but I won’t touch the non-vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna, not the chimp DNA AstraZeneca one.
Well, bad luck. The russkie one uses exactly the same technology like AZ, or JJ: adenoviral vector, just that it’s human, not chimp, to create the spike protein. And it doesn’t include the usual western garbage of “preservatves” (thimerosal, aka mercury compound), and “adjuvants” (lke aluminium).
Unfortunately, the entire thrust of your argument is fallacious.
Specifically, this supposed pandemic is being driven by a virus; and it is well established that individuals who have previously apparently fallen victim to viral pandemics, eg in 1918, and with the more recent supposed AIDS epidemic, were completely unable to transfer their infection to healthy subjects, despite every known secretion being used as a potential vector.
So now you have to make the case that an unvaccinated person can transmit an infection to somebody else – and as I have suggested, this cannot be done.
In addition, of course, no supposed covid virus has ever been isolated, and that being the case, you do not know what you are trying to generate antibodies against, and so the Sputnik vaccine may be many things, but it is certainly not what it is claimed to be.
What seems likely is that because of a worldwide government / corporate desire to reduce the population, graphene oxide is being injected as the primary constituent of the “vaccine”, whose effect is to produce systemic blood clotting and eventual death.
Scientists at the University of Almeria in Spain have detected this highly toxic nanoparticulate substance at extremely high concentrations in all the well-known “vaccines”, and so those responsible for putting it there will shortly have to answer some very difficult questions.
“Scientists at the University of Almeria in Spain have detected this highly toxic nanoparticulate substance at extremely high concentrations in all the well-known “vaccines”…
That is not exact, the published report states researchers had only access to one Comirnaty vial and could only find evidence that strongly “suggests” the presence of graphene oxide particles.
Here is the document, although in Spanish.
Graphene is a physical form of carbon. You have to wonder what graphene oxide could be.
Hilarious! You’re one funny guy/gal
(1) Why an Obsession with Safety creates Sick Minds and a Sick Society – YouTube
CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing I feel very very fucking sick right now the filthy murderous scum bags
Giving everyone a form of AIDs with this jab, is what Alex Jones is claiming the western worlds governments are up to, thereby creating life long dependences on Corporate ‘treatments’.
A whole population destined to die without an update shot or continued treatment. I can see how they could spin it so that that is the end result of their current policy and the economic model makes sense. It always did with aids. Alex Jones talks more sense then most, whilst, in my opinion being the biggest CIA shill ever.
Jones attacks one lie while re-inforcing another. It’s what they do.
This is Classic Brainwashing almost literally taken from George Orwell
“UK Covid cases drop almost 10,000 in a week”Although seven-day case rate continues to rise, numbers have been below 50,000 for several days
By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor and Lizzie Roberts 22 July 2021 • 8:45pm
“UK Covid live news: more than 800,000 people had coronavirus last week, ONS estimates””Politics live with Andrew Sparrow”
Whilst I’m with this Girl (I have no idea what her political views are, but she has got a lot of courage for telling the truth)
Dawn Butler ordered to leave the House of Commons after refusing to withdraw claims Boris Johnson ‘lied to the country’.
Yes, I suspect that Ms Butler has never imagined that Laurence Fox would ever be a fan, but here we are.
She’s better known for complaining that the police were racist for stopping a car she was travelling in last summer. She accused them of racially profiling her.
So I probably wouldn’t usually agree with her, but she was spot on in her analysis of Johnson.
Laurence sly Fox was happy shillling for the conservatives not long ago.
No, I’m not sure about “shilling”, but whatever, he’s no fan of the government in it’s current form.
Check out 4:51, I quote, “Boris Johnson you fucking cunt.”
Laurence Fox is on the same page as most people here.
Here’s another quote from the same piece:
“What’s Boris Johnson Given us? Sucking globalist dick. That’s what we’ve got, in this country.”
Lol, Laurence doesn’t mince his words!
My college tried to get her to come in and do a Q&A with students who were about to be first-time voters across west London.
Her office said no and didn’t we know how important she was? (this was before she was a shadow minister)
There is a ‘controlled opposition’ feel about this. It’s not just Boris Johnson, after all, who has lied about covid but most of the Labour Party, the Lib Dems, the SNP, the Welsh government, the Royal Family, and the entire UK and local government machine. Nearly all people in positions of authority have lied right down to supermarket managers, doctors and teachers. Of course, Johnson must take responsibility as PM but Johnson would have got nowhere without the enthusiastic backing of millions of other people. The wheels are falling off the scam so it is especially important that no one individual is made a scapegoat – the whole lot of them should be held accountable.
Well, Dawn Butler, for all her faults has generally voted against the Labour party line on Covid restrictions.
And frankly, I’d welcome any sort of opposition from MPs. There’s no bloody point in “controlled” opposition in the UK – too many people are happy to go along with it all.
I’m not seeing any “controlled” opposition, though Tory MP Steve Baker has complained of people accusing him of being that. And I think that’s understandable, he has been rather wishy-washy in his opposition to restrictions at times.
You’ve put your finger on everything that I’ve been thinking.
The whole lot of them are corrupt and deceitful to the core.
Personally, I believe that it all started to get really serious with the British East India Company (although I believe the origins were much earlier – too long to discuss here, though).
‘The Crown’ is up to its neck in where we are now. No wonder the ‘House of Windsor’, call themselves, ”The Firm’.
(BTW, have a look at QE2’s maternal line – there’s no ‘nobility’ there…just merchants and bankers.
What I don’t get though…is how they made such traitors in Scotland and Wales.
I don’t mean to exclude England…look at what they’ve given England. Tommy Robinson, Nigel Farage and ‘the Tory Party v the Labour Party’.
It’s time we fought back
It began with King John in 1213, going bankrupt to the Pope and being required to cede his collateral, which was the realm.
The “Concession of England” in that year was the reason why the barons demanded their rights be maintained via the Magna Carta two years later.
The Pope overruled this, and sent his Knights Templar to set up the disposal of the kingdom’s assets from their Temple in London, today called the Inns of Court.
This shadowy organization – the Crown – still to this day sends an unelected representative, “The Remembrancer” to sit in parliament and report back to the ((( bankers ))) who actually rule over the Empire, including the US and all of the Commonwealth.
Their power is seen in that the Queen has to ask their permission to visit them for the Lord Mayor’s banquet once per year.
You will note the striking similarity between their designation, ie “The Crown”, and the name of a particular “virus” which is doing the rounds at the moment – and draw the obvious conclusion.
““vaccination is voluntary because you can change your job.”
Which is like saying “if you don’t like being raped, you can change your sex”.
The author might like to consider that the global elite’s plan all along was simple: wipe out millions upon millions of honest small/medium-sized businesses which actually add human value to daily life.
It’s rare these days to get a platform to express your own views, unadulterated, and being able to listen to those of others. Thanks OffGuardian for allowing that platform to exist.
Remember please my warning.. the covid deal is about destroying small business..
its about the mega corporation take over of all markets in all places at all times, those who want to earn a salary can work for one of the mega corporations, everyone else can join pauper satuts.. Its the plan and its working..
Mega corporations = useful idiots. They think they’re protected by following the Party line.
They’re just last in line.
“Shocking” headline:
“One in 75 people in England has Covid “
Obviously we are meant to fall to our knees in horror at this evil something or other. But surely there must be a saturation point where people start to wise up?
How much more mileage can they get out of this?
In other words, they have the flu, just using the big scary name Covid to make them think some pandemic occurred that didn’t actually occur:
Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing
In France, meanwhile, the virus is moving with “lightning speed”.
And now, the panic-inducing numbers given out no longer relate to deaths, ICU admissions, hospitalisations, or even “cases”, but contacts.
And meanwhile, after 18 months, absolutely nothing has changed:
How many people do you know who died of Covid (i.e. the flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia relabelled)? Not simply diagnosed, but died? And how many of these didn’t fall into the category of the very old or the very obese or those who already had other severe health issues?
Almost anyone, no matter where they live, if they’re honest with themselves, would have to answer: “Zero.”
Personally, I don’t know anybody who was even hospitalised with this thing. I know a couple of people who had a bad cold recently and tested positive.
BUT an acquaintance died ‘suddenly’ of cardiac arrest at 60. I don’t know his vaccination status, but I have very strong suspicions.
The media have mentioned quite a few ‘sudden’ deaths of late in otherwise healthy people.
Not one, I have had three friends die since this shit started, one a 67 year old man from mesathelioma, he died in absolute agony during the fucking lockdown, The second was a wonderful 57 year old neighbour who had a massive heart attack and the third was my best friend of 42 years who died at 61 from brain cancer
Everybody’s experience is the same. What the hell is wrong with people? Everyone seems to think the bodies are piling up in India or something, this unstoppable plague, even though their personal experience with it is non-existent.
It seems like watching TV really is a form of hypnosis.
The level of brainwashing is becoming endemic in Covidians and their circles. They are now practicing a form of self preservation.
I personally know of 3 people who have been jabbed and one 40y/o has had a stroke, one 42y/o died following a random heart attack – both male, both last week. 1 60y/o female had a stroke and from healthy and independent is now on blood thinners and other meds for life.
The scary thing is their families, friends and other Covidians are outright denying that these poor souls even had the jab!!!
Prior to this their families were preaching/lecturing us all whenever we bumped into them of the dangers of COVID and ignorance of non Covidians while masked up and 2m distant. Now? They’re still lecturing but downplaying their own stupidity and brainwashing.
Very strange phenomenon when observed in real time.
friend of mine aged 53 just died from a heart attack as well…also suspicious
Also, where are they getting all that testing done to arrive at those “case” numbers? Remember, they claim to be following WHO guidelines, i.e., if recent positives were (say) 10,000 daily, they must be testing ~10 times that number daily.
I know of an aged woman that died from clotting after AZ poison, another raced to hospital with blood clots, and another with three anaphylactic shock episodes and near death ICU stays AZ again, all in the last fortnight.
Last year I heard of a friend’s frail and infirm 80 something year old aunt died of corona virus the family said LOL. Bullshit. She died of old age and flu, but whatever.
So in short neither myself or anyone I know knows of anyone dead or ill from alleged CV19 since the scam was perpetrated.
But it’s nearing the point where nearly everyone knows of a poison stab injury or death.
But…but…Castex said only yesterday that the the double-vaccinated card -carrying persona grata had no chance of catching covid and would no longer be considered as ‘contacts’…
Mind you he did look and sound as if he had been for a lovely, early, liquid lunch – unlike us unvaccinated lepers.
I’m so fed up of their barefaced lies. As you must be.
If they do get their comeuppance at any point, there will have to be a massive épuration in the media. I was never a supporter of capital punishment, but I’m reviewing my position 🙂
Aye. Me too…and I never thought that I would ever say that.
Italy looks like it’s going to introduce similar measures to France.
Having a banker as leader doesn’t look like the path to happiness. Who’d’ve guessed?
they run the scam just like the ‘highly addictive’ (designed that way for withered cerebellums) ranking systems on un-socialmedia and other traps for the contemporary ‘narcissist’…..
the imbeciles are so trained via interactions with twatter and such-like that they unthinkingly obey any dictat flashed onto their shiny screens…
in their fractured reality being pinged by google via the covid (hehe) app is the equivalent of being on life support in the local infirmary..
1 in 75 is about 1.3% of the population. About 800,000 people. 🤦♀️
Yes, and the figures may be true, but its extremely unusual to get influenza in the UK in the summer. You can get a common cold though, but its rarely debilitating like the flu is, which I have only had twice in my life. I sometimes get a bit of hayfever too. So 1.3% of the population may well have coronavirus – of which there are several variants acoording to the US CDC and I quote
“Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives.”
Thanks for being such a great moderator, and working so many hours. You must be knackered. I used to do double shifts, but I have never worked as hard as you.
Am I forgiven yet?, or still on The Naughty Step?
I honestly have no idea who you are, and am just trying to thank you for doing a good job.
You have a lot of courage.
We don’t have a naughty step, we have a Comments Policy and we ask that commenters abide by that, or we may take steps to intervene. Thank you for your apologies, go in peace now. Thanks, A2
But 1 in 75 sounds so much worse to the statistically-unsophisticated – the majority. That 1.3% will be conflated from the fake ‘tests’ too. So – no knowing if there’s really any significant infection with the covid-flu about at the moment. Marginal presence at best; and most of the seriously vulnerable will be gone by now. This used to be known as herd immunity, which used to mean that we ignored it and got on with life without thinking about it. Only the Permanent Bullshit Blizzard spewing non-stop, every day, from the whores and the Deceived Influencers even keeps us thinking about it at all.
I wasn’t contradicting George’s point. I was agreeing. The idea over 800,000 people in the UK actually are sick with ‘Covid’ is just silly.
I think the whole problem is that they want to boost the figures higher and higher and yet, beyond a certain point, this has a counter-effect. Imagine they said that 1 out of 5 have covid. Surely people would then ask, “Well where the fuck are these people at death’s door?” and then they would realise that covid “cases” – even if genuine – are not ill!
The idiocy of it all is so enervating, they seemingly have no shame whatsoever. Were people always this stupid? Who could possibly want to live in a world like the one they project with their craven asinine maniacal lies?
Yes, (most) people have always been this stupid. The difference now is that their stupidity is affecting the aware in many grave ways.
Meanwhile in Cyprus…
Despite stringent new Covid passporting rules, I was able to shop at a greengrocer’s today without any problem. I hear that large supermarkets are imposing the rules, though.
I was at my regular computer supplies shop and asked the bloke there whether they were supposed to be asking customers for “safe passes” and he shrugged his shoulders and said he didn’t care. He said that seemed to be the attitude in most small shops. However, I got a shock at that shop. I know the proprietor is as sceptical about the Covid narrative as I am and his wife is active in a group that is trying to challenge the Covid measures in Cyprus through the courts. I also knew he had been ill recently. On inquiring, the assistant told me he was now in hospital on oxygen diagnosed with Covid! Hard to process that.
Be careful how much store you set in that. A couple of months ago, I was emailed by a contact, telling me that a mutual acquaintance was just coming out of a three-week coma, after contracting Covid. I was told he was still in intensive care; very ill and dependent upon oxygen.
I emailed him, not expecting to hear from him for a while and he came straight back to me with an email which could not have come from a man in his dire situation. It was literate, fluid, full of detail and smacked of someone selling something.
Not a bad effort for someone still in ICU, on oxygen.
I may seem a little harsh but some people would be in if they fell in…
I think stress is causing a lot of people to fall ill, somebody I know had heart failure last summer, no doubt in my mind due to the stress of it all, even though no other friends share my opinion, including his wife…in the case of the proprietor above, of course he gets the Covid label attached to some part of his anatomy.
I share your opinion.
My comment and link was prompted by a post submitted by dave. >
Contrary to what United Nations trade cartels dictate under many an ambiguous statute, civil Law is intended to be applied within a civil framework. A civil framework is often called a Constitution. Constitutions carefully detail the laws inherent to a specific collective population, and are not intended to support the petty choices of psychotic actors, actresses, and insane dictators.
Thanks to the United Nations mafia, administrative persons all over the planet are now in breach of contract with the civilian populations who employ them. Read your Constitution. Persons who suggest it is ok for us to be poisoned and violated should be hung for treason, period.
Jerry Day- The Myth Of Benevolent Central Authority
March 11, 2015
Excellent presentation, Paul. Thanks. Cuts right into the very essence of the matter.
This is the stuff people need to debate, not some fucking virus.
Your faith in democratic processes is touching. Most government — western governments, at least — descends from “The Divine Right of Kings”. There’s been attempts to mitigate this — the Magna Carta & the US Constitution, for example — but they are neither universal nor perfect. So saying that a government is in breach of contract with those that employ them is meaningless — the government both dictates the contract and enforces it.
There’s also a question of who exactly employs the government.
Hello Martin Usher: Good point. If one considers government as being supported (and manipulated) by corporations, rather than the”people”. It still boils down to governmental forces under the rule of civilians who hold stocks, bonds, and investiture in the corporate state. Pull the investments, and watch the scramble…
As Mr Day suggests, civil populations have been manipulated to believe governmental force is the rule. Not true. Civilians are the ruling power, period. They need to take back their power and stop whinging like incompetent fools.
…We’d better all start boning-up for our LSAT’s *Right Quick* cuz I *Would Not* trust a *Single* goddamned kangaroo court on Planet Earth right now to faithfully prosecute *Any* of this shit…
…- Keep dropping them Law Bombs tho’, Paul… – The RICO and Contract Law angles certainly are *Compelling*… – Need to push for Criminal Felony indictments tho’, *NOT (Only)* Civil Litigation…
The coercion for vax jabs for employees, shop owners, contractual staff, labourers by companies, local municipal authorities and state governments has been happening in India too since April this year.
All these are illegal acts but due to pressure to earn income from a job a lot of people have, unfortunately, but unwillingly, taken the jab. Some of them have not survived the lethal after-effects of the vaccines.
The judiciiary in various states in India as well as the Supreme Court of India have been rejecting even the acceptance petitions from individuals against these measures. There was one state high court in one of the north-eastern states of the country, however, made a ruling against such a coercion.
And, the worst is the media/press in India. No cognizance of the violation of human rights embedded in the coercions. None whatsoever.
The press everywhere are the enemies of the people and need to be in the docket for crimes against humanity with the rest of the perpetrators.
Yep, they need to be held accountable everywhere. And, they will be in near future when the tide turns.
…And every funeral pyre a crime scene… – Destruction of *Evidence*…
in sept schools will be hosting the covid booster and also nasal spray flu shot
the kids will be getting the cow cattle nose spray method without your consent
you have to deny consent and tell your kids not to blindly take what these demons offer
deny consent
know doubt the nasal spray could be covid vax dor all we know
you are slave by your own consent even in saudi
you will be asked to sign a consent form.
your signature is needed
if you ask for exemption if you argue you you lose.
when a presentment is made an offer is made a new contract
you say yes and contract
you say no no thank you good bye
or you say i accept on condition of
called conditional acceptance
you then add conditions to the contract financial whatever you want
you cannot be fired you have simply put the ball back in the evil doers court
you are not in dishonour
i have an old law book dictionary it says humans are monsters
mandate is a contract
consensus facit legum
A contract is a legal agreement between the parties, and consent is an inevitable component for the legality of contract. The consent must be free and fair and should not be induced by fraud, misrepresentation, coercion or mistake.
no consent any actions are
null void beyond sea no jurisdiction
open the other party to your fee schedule
recourse and remedy
all army police nhs doc or nurse have to have liability insurance
as they are all agents in contract law
if joinder is forced part of tull disclosure requires insurance policy details
so it goes
I went to put on a Fistful of Dynamite, ya know, just to relax and zone out, but the Olympics were on. All dolled up in there masks flying flags. Changed the channel quick smart and finally my blood pressure eased.
…Sign of the times?… – The show just *Keeps On* playing, tho’ the audience has left the theater:…
–Widespread organic resistance to getting inoculated with THIS shot.
–Trusted database by the inoculation enforcers carries data undercutting said enforcers.
–Said database historically under reports, and there are anecdotes about suppression.
–Highly accomplished experts in the technical fields of virology/biology are consistent in their heartfelt predictions and warnings about the negative consequences of the shot.
–The mortality data from infection was forcibly overplayed to amplify the stats.
–The PCR test has two standards now: one for inoculated, another for non-inoculated. The difference means predictably higher infection “rate” for latter; lower for former.
–Summary: from circumstantial evidence, this is 100% coordinated and malignant.
From Actual evidence this is 100% coordinated and malignant.
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier This document is prepared for humanity by Dr. David E. Martin.
From That unmentionable Rag 15 minutes ago.
Complete and Utter Bollocks as Normal. Does anyone actually believe this?
“UK Covid live news: more than 800,000 people had coronavirus last week, ONS estimates”
“People of Earth, welcome to the Scamdemic Zone.”

“Trust the Quackery”

I know people like her. That’s why I have again learnt to keep my mouth shut. I first got it in 2003 over 9/11. It’s a lot worse now. Even the blokes have joined the cult. I just smile now and keep my distance.
Graud headline:
“100 days to Cop26: protesters urge Boris Johnson to take climate talks seriously”
I must say I’ve never known such a protest friendly media!
Three cookies to the hooded monster, two cookies to the puppet and a cookie each to all those wonderful minions.
As the representative of evil, i thank you.
Enjoy them cookies.
I still think the vaccines may be a diversion from the main purpose of the covid saga which is to start the ball rolling for the destruction of the public services. Experience of the effect on centres for the disabled has given me insight into what must be happening in all care and health facilities: that previous services have been rendered impossible by conformity to psychotically hypochondriac directives.
Thus e.g. resource allocation is strictly diminished and many activities have to be cancelled. I asked why I couldn’t rearrange a ludicrously spaced out activity and was told about evil covid globules infecting furniture.
Covid is the perfect hypocritical snowflake cover that destroys lives by pretending to save them.
Absolutely! Also the ones with morals and principles are stepped on like ants.
You’re absolutely right. Everything peddled by the media/governments is a diversion.
People got tired being scared shitless of the non-existent disease, so they’re made scared of the “kill shot” (which it ain’t, at least according to available excess mortality data).
I can’t believe that people are still running at the mouth about the virus. I mean, the pricks are openly saying it that they’re imposing a new world order. All these triple mutant variants, kill shots, etc are a smokescreen. Plus, it serves as a divide/conquer strategy and a host of other convenient purposes, such as unprecedented transfer of wealth.
As far as “social services”, don’t look to the past for answers. Social services the way they were are a thing of the past. The past is a thing of the past. Gotta look to the future and get involved in shaping it!
As Moneycircus reported on Jun 27:
Russians, we are told, are shying away from the Sputnik vaccine as the country struggles to jab its population.
The press carried stories originating with Reuters and followed by Agence France-Presse, the BBC and The Guardian saying that 18 million out of roughly 145 million Russians have had a first dose. AFP focused on a “problem of trust and a lack of information” and The Guardian on an “explosion” of new cases and an unsourced lack of trust in Russian products. The story emerged between the lines: the Kremlin denying that Russians are being forced to get shots.
“Overall, vaccination is indeed still voluntary,” said Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesperson. But he added: “If a Muscovite works in the service industry, they should get the vaccine. If they have decided not to get the vaccine, they should simply stop working in the service industry,” writes Andrew Roth from Moscow.
Russians I have spoken to tell a different story. There are rumours that borders have been closed (rumours that reflect psychology more than reality) which could be explained by the same vaccine or test requirements imposed in destination countries. People are cancelling holidays, preferring to live, shot-free, at home. They are resistant. Their resistance is more than mere vaccine hesitancy, however.
Most Russian millennials were born in the Soviet Union and even 40-somethings remember queuing for bread. The dysfunction of communism is fresh in Russian minds in a way that it is not in Germany, for example.
Germans, we should acknowledge, were subjected to decades of deNazification that has divorced cause from effect. By misdirecting blame to a degree, Germans are left pointing fingers in all directions, or no direction at all.
Anton Chaitkin points out that Germans were tutored in the authoritarian personality. “The goal was to persuade the German people that Hitler’s rise to power was not to be found in international conspiracies or City of London/Wall Street manipulation…but rather in the authoritarian psychological-genetic disposition of the German people themselves.” (British Psychiatry from Eugenics to Assassination,)
There has been no parallel to deNazification in Russia and this is not a altogether a bad thing. The attempt to bring the families of NKVD executioner and victim together has been left to non-profits like Memorial. On the other hand, schoolchildren are required to read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago (If only British or American schoolchildren were required to wrap their minds around such a tome, even if it is the abridged version.)
To a degree, Russians are left to confront the historical record in their own time and to come to their own conclusion. What the state is capable of doing remains fresh in Russian minds. You won’t see this discussed in the western press, at least not in the context of Covid and the shot.
Wishful thinking, mahn.
You’re wrong in assuming that people with experience with living under a totalitarian regime are somehow more resistant to covidianism. They’re as much, if not more, affected as anybody else. First-hand experience. The worst offenders are supermarket staff from Ukraine, or possibly some other part of the USSR.
T]he people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.” – Hermann Goering
Substitute infected for “attacked” and vaccine hesitant for “pacifists” and you get to the same place.
…And thus we arrive at our latterday logical conclusion and addendum to Goering’s dictum: “Tell them they are being attacked by the pacifists”… – *Cute*, huh?…
The same logic is preparing the proles for the great Clash of Civilizations race war with China.
Gulags predate communism. They’re the Russian version of what the British knew as transportation, the exile of troublesome people to remote areas where they would either die or survive. It was the custom is Russia to forfeit everything you possessed to the state when you were exiled, both in Tsarist and post-Tsarist times, and (in Tsarist times at least) it was mandated that you’d never return — if you survived your sentence then you were required to settle in Siberia.
The abuses of the system were well known in the West by 1930 — there are books on the subject, about how the prison system became a major earner for those controlling it. Its likely that things were the same during Tsarist times, not as well organized maybe, but its a system that generates wealth without oversight.
So — you might be able to take the communism out of Russia but you can’t take the Russianism out of Russia.
There was NO ‘deNazification’ in West Germany. A few top dogs were necked, others, Borman, Kammler, Eichmann, Skorzeny etc, were allowed to escape, the US took the leading lights in science in Operation Paperclip, and the rest were put back in charge in West Germany. Gehlen, the eastern Nazi intelligence chief, was employed by the West, and his organisation became the German BND. The Third Reich seamlessly became the Fourth, centred in Washington DC.
It was a token program at best. At the local level small traders and the like were the backbone of the Nazi party, they werer the leadership. They were responsible for scraping up the manpower for the front but they were mostly smart enough not to go themselvs so tended to survive the war. (The cities might be burnt out shells but many — most — small towns survived the war unscathed.) These as already expereinced local administators were well placed after a quick de-Nazification to form the backbone of civil government, they just assumed their conservative alter-egos.
Recently – maybe 2018 – on some anniversary related to WW2, the official statement from EU blamed USSR and Nazi Germany for the war. It was a continuation of the enormous effort to maintain the official narrative.
Can somebody give me an example of ‘human nature’ having changed since the 1700s?
As the author hasn’t, or can’t, I’d be really interested to hear examples of such a wildly, fantastic claim.
Having engineered people for decades to lack sensitivity and have miniscule attention spans, is it any wonder they’re having worries like this?
The last thing they can admit is that people might be tuning out because they’ve seen through the nonsense. What they are setting up is that people themselves are to blame when cases increase – plus some blame being levelled at those charged with “selling” the message who can be quietly shuffled off the stage.
Watch out for examples of them trying to ‘re-sensitize the public and motivate them to take active roles in COVID-19–related responses’ in the next few weeks.
There’s also a small barb in there about the J&J vaccine being less effective than Pfizer or Moderna. That would seem designed to get the mRNA tech into a lot more people. Mixing vaccine types will also blur any liability for adverse effects.
To say humanity is at a low point covid or not is pretty certain. Have people ever been sicker? More self absorbed…lazier, more ill-informed, more apathetic, dumbed down, obsessed with utter distraction like McRacism and McGenderWars and a million other total irrelevancies? etc etc. The food sucks. The media is deplorable. Corporations rule the world and have driven it into the ground and now blame the little man. Has life ever had less meaning…with soul crushing jobs paying off extortionist debt for life? etc
They’re crashing the bus off the cliff. The time is right, from the point of view at the top of the pyramid, to take this charade down and rebuild the fucker. It never needed to be like this. But that appears to be the way humanity rolls.
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…- Try NoScript with only the top-level ‘dailymail.co.uk’ page script enabled…
edit:… – And Adblocker disabled, of course… 🙂
DM comments:
taking risks…or in other words, if you live in the real world and ignore the MSM, enjoying a normal day on Planet Earth…’resensitize the public to Covid responses’…or in other words ramp up the lies, applied behavioural psychology and terrorise them again…the only problem they have of course is that it won’t work, and will be less likely to work on the increasing numbers who smell the bs, fuck these pricks to hell
“…or in other words ramp up the lies, applied behavioural psychology and terrorise them again…”
…- Cue ‘Ping-demic’ triggered food shortages/panic buying *On Deck* in 3… 2… 1…
…- As you say, fuck ’em all to hell… – They *Lost* already…
Pfizer is perhaps the most corrupt of all BigPharma Molochs, with a record of faked science and bribery to make one’s hair curl. The way that the Western presstitute jackals turned on AstraZeneca and started yapping ‘Pfizer!, Pfizer, Pfizer!!’ in unison seems pretty indicative of their way of doing business. Whether for profit, or something more sinister,. we will see.
The single-shot J&J jab can be recorded on a card given to the jabbed person. That is bad for those who want tracking as a way of life.
So tomorrow is world rally day. I’m not a huge fan of protests, simply because they are always infiltrated by renta lunatics. In any event, they do bring people together and have a sense of solidarity, especially when you can get hundreds of thousands.
Personally I connect to my local community and in the last 6 months there is an awakening, no doubt. People are tired and the hard sell is making them push back more. We at getting serious now and the establishment has few propaganda cards left to play. If force comes next their lie will fall apart.
The only lunatics at the peaceful protests have been the thugs in blue, laughingly called police. Without any protests the government would have likely pushed through mandatory vaccination by now, with Sir Keir Traitor only complaining bitterly that it should have been done sooner. You know things are bad when the leader of the Labour Party is a titled member of the establishment.
Peaceful protests need to be overwhelmingly large, though against a determined enemy, they will likely not be enough to stop the highly infectious Covid madness.
Exactly another Bliar in the waiting , the knight of the realm , why would he want to be in the so called ‘Labour’ party, I’m finished voted it’s a total charade, how Corbyn can go from leader of the largest party in Europe and then lose an election the scale he did is unbelievable , people voting against their own interest , and all is well with Blubber running the show by all accounts
“That sounds familiar”

Finding a Prime Minister that can speak a hundred languages at the same time has been a challange.
lol @ rentalunatic
…Spook Mooks…
“As brainless as they are servile.” 😉
Time to stop incredulously reiterating that your government is turning against you, in a totalitarian style. It’s happening alright.
Time to think about what you’ll do if, or when, the vaccination commando knocks on your door. Something tells me that yet another pseudo-intellectual analysis or halfwit meme will be worth shit in that situation.
Changing your jobs wouldn’t be a bad idea. Like quitting them for example. How many non-covidians are there? About a third maybe? That’s a sizeable chunk of people. Fuck jobs, let’s go on strike, stop serving covidian motherfuckers. There’s gonna have to be some kind of showdown sooner or later, why not make it sooner? While you’re still unjabbed?
“PS. High explosives will also do the trick in eliminating pesky Corporate Fascist flu Nazi Scamdemic Gestapo pests.”
Perhaps the most demoralising thing about this viral assault has been the remorselessly static nature of it. It sprang fully formed from the brow of the media in March 2020 and has essentially remained unchanged ever since despite the increasing absurdity and irrelevance of the claims made. I daresay the pseudo-scientific whores have been spinning miniscule variations in the dense forests of polysyllabic medical terminology that so hypnotise many. But the fundamental vision of apocalytoc plague demanding vaccine stays the same.
Similarly the Left reaction has not altered. The virus was seized on as “the end of neoliberalism” (or even “the end of capitalism”) and any naysayers were labelled class enemies or class traitors.
(WSW groupie Carolyn Zaremba is currently venting her fury on the “anti-vaxxers” on her FB page:
And it’s interesting that the FB page of this “Marxist revolutionary” is decked out with the customary repeated selfies that designate the woke airhead.)
And I have seen various TV shows which have nodded to the whole matter (“Your Honour” and “Prodigal Son”) but these have only underlined how ridiculous it all is. In the foreground, events unfold as normal: police drama, court cases, family upsets etc. But then one person appears with a mask on or somebody mentions “this pandemic”. And it’s like a token gesture nod to a “terrifying potential extinction event” that always seems to be happening somewhere else.
And so – total Groundhog Day. As far as the media are concerned. And this is the hopeful thing: their psychosis must surely be their death warrant. Because life does indeed go on. And if it isn’t going on in the media, then the media has consigned itself to oblivion.
“WSW groupie Carolyn Zaremba”
i’m a reader of that wsw page and “Carolyn” is exactly as depicted above. a loon. i didn’t know she had a facebook page too (i don’t do facebook).
but then the entire wsw page is a farce. try posting anything that even remotely suggests that getting vaxxed might not be in your best interests, or that half a dozen people waving placards might not really matter to trillion dollar multinational corporations. it’s like fantasy island over there.
They’re controlled opposition. Whether they were always captured, I don’t know. I came to that unfortunate but undeniable realization last year at the very start of the “pandemic” when they were, to my astonishment and horror, uncritically regurgitating the hysterical fear-mongering being pumped out by Neil Ferguson and his infamous models. It seems they bought the simple reverse psychology gambit of putting the “herd immunity” strategy, i.e. business as usual with minor precautions, in the mouths of Trump and Boris. Somehow they came to the conclusion that, despite claiming to be the vanguard party of the proletariat who were best suited to lead the worldwide socialist revolution and therefore the mortal enemy of the capitalist system, class, and state, that the scientific, academic, and medical institutions firmly situated within and profoundly influenced by the forces of capitalism – i.e. Big Pharma and the private foundations of billionaires – they and the people who run them and work within them were somehow untainted by the systemic corruption by money that defines every aspect of capitalist society, as well the particular interests/ideology of their funders, and therefore could be taken at their word, that The Science™️, so-called, was like the word of God, authoritative and unassailable pronouncements by the neutral and enlightened priests of Scientism which/who stood above capitalist society and it’s otherwise pernicious influences that warp everything else besides, apparently, science and medicine and those who practice those noble professions. Anyways they’re either too stupid to trust with the daunting and existentially imperative task of leading the revolution, or they’re active disinfo agents who were infiltrated, at one point or another. In any case I stopped reading last March when I realized they had joined the Covid Cult, after years of religious reading every morning, and haven’t looked back. This whole “pandemic” has been very helpful and clarifying by exposing all the fake revolutionaries. I say good riddance!
I remember catching a bit of an animated film and in the background was a chemtrail, teaching kids that this is just a normal sky…
And she still doesn’t realize it’s not a vaccine. You can call it a “vaccine” a million times, it still doesn’t meet the scientific definition of one. And it’s killed more people than all actual vaccines combined. It would appear the only “ignorant idiot” here is Zaremba herself.
Here we have the most naked power grab on the part of modern day fascists and capitalist power elites ever attempted, and these “socialists” and “progressives” are firmly in their corner and even rail against anyone fighting for freedom. The mind boggles.
The ‘left’ have no choice but to be hysterical about the ‘disease’ and accuse the other side of mass murder.
Finding themselves on the same side as fascists and mass murderers even as they believe they are more insightful than ordinary people and above all more noble, they now have to rationalise their questionable position, including in their own eyes.
The ‘disease’ therefore has to be the greatest danger mankind ever faced, so that they don’t look stupid and nasty.
Well, freedom is now an exclusively right wing word, doncha know. When I had to explain to a liberal friend that NO ONE has civil rights without civil liberties, she asked me what civil liberties are…. The mind boggles, as you say. Makes me want to slam my head against a wall how idiotic these people are, but they’re perfectly siloed into warring camps, and that is the goal of most of this shit.
It seems that CZ is an actor:
Perhaps she still is?
The term “tragedy queen” comes to mind.
Brilliant and on point observation (as always)
It is exactly like Groundhog Day – people have lost track of time and many can’t recall or account for the last 18 months.