27 Covid-Skeptic Memes to Get You Through the Day – Part 8
Kim Usbourne

Welcome to a special Bumper Edition of Monday Morning MemesTM. Living through the birth of a new human paradigm is thirsty work for the soul. The ‘New Normal’ continues to emerge, like the slow unfurling of a particularly obnoxious corpse plant.
Yes, we in England were granted our ‘freedom day’, but mask-wearing has lingered like an all-pervading silent fart. We now apparently need proof of vaccination to enter nightclubs and football stadiums and Macron has introduced fascism across the English Channel (although the French people have found a thing or two to say about that).
It can all feel relentless but never let the bastards grind you down! It’s always darkest before the dawn! People around the world really are rising up like never before. We mustn’t forget these things. Keep on at it, fellow heretics!
We need a special big dose of meme-based mirth today. Wry smiles–despite being the most energy-efficient of smiles–still need propping up from time to time!
Sometimes a photo speaks a thousand words…

Forcing square kids into round hoops…

Will they realise before it’s too late?

Perhaps we need a bit of fairy dust…

Once the scales fall from your eyes, this is how all the propaganda reads…

This logic gate could be someone’s lightbulb moment…

Q: Globalist neo-feudalism anyone?
A: I’m a frayed knot!

We shall stand on the shoulders of comedic giants…

It remains to be seen how much hyperbole this meme employs…

We need to Watch-outski, brothers.

Another classic from the 90s…

And on that note…

But you have to respect your ears…

The 90s really is coming to our rescue today.

Talking of overwhelming urges to run for the hills…

Do they know what they’re afraid of anymore?

Does it matter, as long as they can give the narrative a tasteful prune?

And would that be possible without this man?

We’ve all developed a sensitive cog-dis-dar…

And here’s a woman using a party hat as a mask…

Nice photoshop job 🙂

“Life’s a wheel of fortune and y’all can’t buy a vowel” — Lil’ Kim

But wherever the wheel lands…

RIP Robin Williams, at least we were spared the chance you might have gone full mask Nazi like Sean Penn.

Doctor, Doctor…

“Obey. Get vaccinated!” from the French Resistance…

This one’s done the rounds since early on. Breaks my heart that it’s more relevant now than ever…

Conclusion: We need to hoof it out of this recurring nightmare… before it’s too late…!
Bonus Meme

Have a lovely week!
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Dankest Rona Meme University has just stole all your best Memes and will be using them for educational purposes. We believe this constitutes fair use.
This is a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated!
It runs deep. I have mentioned the “logic gate” of meme no.6 to otherwise intelligent people who admitted to not having thought about that before…
The answer of the spineless believers in scientism is that”because the vaccines are less than 100% effective we still need to be careful “.
There is no logic or reason that applies to animals in fear of their lives, and people desperate to believe that someone is taking care of them, and desperate to belong in the herd.
Kim Usbourne, This is the best yet. I’m more of the Ozzy Usbourne generation, and MDMA passed me by. Number 14 is a Classic.
Thanks for brightening up a soggy Wednesday afternoon, and making me laugh out loud several times.
It reminded me of this one that Chris Spivey posted about 10 years ago. Everyone knows its fake, but its still funny
Jimmy Saville was fake too until he wasn’t.
Excellent thank you!
I know I’ve posted this before but it is an original of mine. I really do feel like a caveman in a Geiko advertisement.

24 is my favourite because the data out of Israel (99+% Pfizer) is so laughable.
And in a place called “REALITY” the vaccines are striking out in record time. Israel (99+% Pfizer) are showing ZERO benefit after only 2-3 months. ROTFLMAO.
Wow that was worth all the short term risk of clots, strokes, heart attacks and the potential long term effects of ADE, mad cow, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s etc.
How can you tell there was no benefit from vaccines? You are not aware how much money Pfizer received from Israel?
As usual, he commenters here distract by ignoring the real agenda. The scamdemic is lies. The vaccines are bioweapons. Why is this? It is because for thirty years chemtrails have been hiding the approaching Planet X. Planet X caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noah’s flood. This time around it will end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to destroy America and kill 90% of Americans. The day of the next false flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran will be the day that Russia, China and the whole SCO nuke and invade America. It is the story in over half the Bible. Execute the criminal, genocidal bastard government or die in WW3 very soon!
I’ve read the KJV of the Bible oh about a bajillion times. I don’t recall any mention of:
Planet X, Atlantis, WW3, America, Russia or nukes.
It would’ve been a LOT more interesting if it had.
Anyway, I didn’t really have a point behind any of that. I just wanted to distract by ignoring the real agenda. Carry on.
Verbal diarrhea strikes again…
Such is called logorhea
Hi all ,
Look at Corona-Ausschuss in Germany !
It is a Group of lawyers inviting witnesses from all over the world .
Most is in English anyway
Went to my local post office and was roundly ignored by two usually friendly staff.
My sin? I refused the QR game last week.
While being served by a different assistant I overheard the other two and a customer discussing their upcoming AZ poison stabs.
The dickhead customer said “We’re all gunna have to have it so we may as well get it over and done with and get on with life”. Out of reflex I yelled out “Or die”! He turned and left, the two sour faced bitches glared.
This is the mentality that allows the circus to stay open.
At least I now know to avoid the viral shedding bitches.
THIS IS HUGE: Reece Kershaw, AFP Commissioner calling for volunteers to dissolve government and corrupt political parties. Arrest politicians, etc. Sack corrupt cops. Current GG illegal and to be removed.
And in maybe unrelated news; the Brisbane Marriott is staffed by (ADF) military and all “guests” are military.
I know this as my daughter has a RAAF friend under “q’tine” there and she delivered a carton of beer to him.
So are they all “quarantining”, or are they there for an “event”?
There is a lot going on behind the scenes.
I want to believe……
Yeah me too. I have listened to his press conferences, senate hearings, etc and it does sound like him. However there is nothing anywhere to back this up.
The 43 min audio is from a ZOOM meeting and was sent to a friend via telegram.
If it’s a hoax it’s the second biggest this decade.
Suspect in your dreams…in nsw at least with the state of emergency the police are in charge and answerable to the governor, who is answerable to GG…when you know a tiny bit about the law and the constitution and federation of aust you realise that all this has been carefully planned,,,the states know exactly what they can do, the feds know what they can do…I.e. Morrison has no power, we don’t even have mention of a PM in the aust constitution,…the stAtes have not handed over much power to the commonwealth.,,they are all acting in some unison,,,
we have blindly wandered along only having asked a couple of questions when Whitlam was sacked…who sacked him….the GG. So I am not sure how anyone can decided the GG is illegal,….he has been appointed by Betty and she is it….sadly it doesn’t take much to understand we are basically still separate penal colonies and we are back there,,,and the true master/mistress resides in UK…. Betty still owns the place…we occupy at her pleasure and the whole thing is a mess of our making…and right now it is extremely hard to get a leg to stand on legally as I understand it…..
maybe the police can stage a rum rebellion, sort of like before, but they would be essentially fighting within a state for who controlled that state…and I would bet the army would be called in….for they would have to defend Bettys rights,,,they are her army…that is what the word Royal means…
if this shit ever stops we do need to attempt a bill of rights or some other protection for the people…
Smells like bullshit to me though. Who’s he talking to?? He’s asking them to give name and email etc. Just some rag tag bunch of nobodies recruited to pull the most sensational move in Australian history? Is the speaker truly who it’s claimed to be? The people he’s addressing aren’t even necessarily police. He’s talking about putting them through judo training, arrest procedure. He was asked oh can non Australian citizens join the operation. Who would ask that?? Who the hell’s he talking to? Wan Chan Yip in the house curious about arresting Australian politicians??? Far too fishy this whole thing. Doesn’t sound right at all. And there’s a thousand other things suss about the 43min talk. I listened to the whole thing. Suss indeed.
Some anon comments on other platforms (Brighton) claiming it’s not what it appears to be
personally I doubt it’s legit, just based on ‘how to be a dictator 101’ which would have control and loyalty of police as a prerequisite, and everything I’ve seen from the Aus police looks like they’re all gung ho for totalitarianism.
I became suss when I looked at Teresa Van Lieshout’s videos; she comes across as a nutcase.
There is hope still that some elements of police/military will try to block the coming horror, but a looking for a white knight in fascist organisations is a big hope.
Canadian police are organising a group to resist the illegal edicts; this shows there will be pockets of resistance, and pockets can grow.
Wouldn’t that be nice!
I thought that was pretty good too, except the sound quality was dire, and all but the last few minutes as boring as hell. I am not suggesting the top cop in Aussie land was making it up, but I would prefer to see his lips move in synch too. Incidentally someone did this to me a few days ago from an old still photo, and it is as funny as fuck, but she is just a friend. I forget the video manipulation software he used, but it is extremely powerful. He must be bored shitless. He is one of my few unvaxxed friends.
BTW, given the timing of the deep sleep Delta variant, should it not have been named the Prince Philip variant?
Why would you disrespect a man of such stature, old and frail and now dead? How could you even think to link a member of the royal family had anything to do with a foreign body that threatens our health?Disrespect the whole city of New Delhi and by extension the Indians, they are brown and therefore dirty, they migrate to our white countries, metaphorically they act sort of like a virus, don’t they? And our border policing and Frontex act sort of like our immune system when it’s constantly battling foreign bodies (bacteria, viruses, microbes)! Because that’s where health comes from, that’s the definition; our immune system keeping us free of foreigners. Now if you excuse me I have to go scrub my asshole with a toothbrush and stuff my face with plastic potato fries and chicken wings, just thinking of foreign bodies made me aware of my own vulnerability and brought me anxiety.
Brisbane, Australia has been given the go-ahead to stage the 2032 Olympics. It wont be a large affair – due to the mass die-off caused by the covid-bioweapon shots. Consideration is already underway about which events various cyborg-enhanced, genetically-modified athletes can participate in.
And the Disabled Olympics will have many more participants than usual.
Brisbane is a shit hole full of masked automatons.
No it isn’t. It also has people prepared to go out on the streets and protest.
you tell him, Sophie !
The only real super spreader is the media.
And the PCR test.
Some of these are really inspired.
Round Twoof the governments concern for your health . (that should read: corporate controlled, or, drug companys’ controlled, government.).
Obesity slowly moves to center stage, moves slowly into The Spotlight.
According to an article posted on trialsitenews.com: “It took until March 2021 for the CDC to report that 78% of COVID hospitalizations were among overweight and obese patients.”
“Why have we not seen the public health establishment mount an aggressive national campaign to get Americans to protect themselves from COVID by losing weight ?”
“Would not fighting obesity qualify as a valid intervention approach to curb the ill effects of the COVID pandemic ?”
“Interestingly, there is a body of medical literature that says vaccines generally are less effective for obese people; if true there is more reason to have the public health system deal more directly with obesity to curb serious impacts of COVID. New bold public policies are needed.” (Missed Public Health Opportunity: Fighting Pandemic by Fighting Obesity .Joel Hirschhorn. trialsitenews.com).
As everyone know, the corporate controlled government has only your health and wellbeing in mind. It knows what’s best for you.
Zealots, whether driven by a Messiah Complex, or a Toxic Born-to-Rule Complex, always
mask their obsessions to control you by wrapping them in claims they care for you.
Always remember the nazi came for everyone..,.if the obese seriously think they are not on this agenda I suspect they are in for a surprise…the Russian banker at the polygon conference said as much…we need to determine what people buy so as to improve their health…
I am beginning to wonder if this may be a good angle to wake some of them up as I suspect many of them have driven the fear factor as they are aware they are the ones most likely to end up in hospital for anything, let alone the latest flu…the rest of us have been penalised in order to save them…and in the latest carryon that we are not supposed to have control over our bodies it may pay them to think how long it will be before they too are in the same boat..
Just spent the best part of an hour trying to get people to view this. I have not one single success story to tell any of you about.
They are tired, they are scared, they are bored and they are confused.
It’s only natural that they think it’s better to ignore anything that tells a different story from the TV.
It’s just too much hard work to concentrate long enough to hear it.
They are sheep. And none of us likes to be proven wrong. Especially when the consequences of being wrong are so terrible. Better to go into hedgehog mode and ignore the truth.
That’s it exactly.
Probably because you constantly wish death upon the jabbed. I really think you admire Koba, although you may be forgetting that he staged a provocation to lead the apes into war, just because of a personal vendetta.
It’s not a meme, but, the French do walk the walk…
…en plein été
That’s what I love to see. Fucking empty dumps. Here in Australia everyone just bends over and piles in jamming their feed bag with as much crap as they can. Track me they say. Scan me. QR code me. Just let me eat more of your disgusting overpriced goop.
It’s great to see. Been in only 2 pubs here in Scotland since reopened. Both were not tracing,qr coding etc. And were busy,with much joy. If we all removed our business the world over as the French are,the message gets sent.
I won’t post links but it’s a possibility there is a link between the vaccines and Prion disease. The evidence I read needs further investigation and clarification by those in the profession who haven’t been bought.
Don’t fall for this fear mongering man, this is complete nonsense, ask yourself why don’t go right to the core of the problem? That is the lies and errors in germ theory.
Hard to tell – this being offG – if your reply is intended to be serious or sarcastic!
I don’t know. I just got upset and incensed.
Hi Plasos,
I’m in France…
…that is to say, Le Pays de Lumiere et Pasteur et Bechamp (father of terrain theory)
I’m not allowed to go into a bar or a café or a hospital or a doctors clinic or a train or a service station on the motor-way to have a pee.
We also have a problem, in that young, previously healthy, young people are having heart problems…oft-times fatal…after being injected.
There’s nae fear mongering here.
What I just want to say is that this prion theory about vaccines is just nonsense along with “nanobots” and other bs but of course it doesn’t mean you must take the jab! People just don’t get it when I state that and get mad lol..
I think what you meant is Brain Theory and you missed that class. Then again when they said get in line for the brains you thought they said trains and told the distributor to give you a SLOW one.
“I won’t post links but it’s a possibility there is a link between the vaccines and Prion disease. The evidence I read needs further investigation and clarification by those in the profession who haven’t been bought.”
-“I won’t post links…” Why not?
-“..it’s a possibility there’s a link…” Alright.
-“… a link between vaccines and Prion disease.” I’m listening.
-“The evidence I read needs further investigation…” By whom? If you read it, shouldn’t you invesigate it?
-“…by those in the profession…” Oh. I see.
-“… who haven’t been bought.” I am in full agreement with this implication that some professionals have been bought. No argument there.
But if I understand you correctly, you’re saying that you have personally seen evidence of a possibility of a link between vaccines and Prion disease, but you won’t link us to that evidence. That evidence that you read needs to be looked at instead by an un-bought professional. Is that the gist of it?
If I may paraphrase you: “There’s something that might be going on, somewhere. Someone should look into it.”
Were you channeling Buffalo Springfield when you wrote that?
There’s something happenin’ here….
What it is ain’t exactly clear…..
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-07-23. France W/E expect: (tens of) #millions on streets, nationwide. 5 more pilots dead. £3b 4 clot drug
This is a massive pivot and I’m very eager to get the community and OG’s analysis
Why Is The CDC Quietly Abandoning The PCR Test For COVID?
the clownishly obvious fraud of the PCR test was the fulcrum of this entire narrative – where do they go after this primary basis building block is officially recognized as illegitimate?
obviously MSM is desperately avoiding this story but what happens if/when medical facilities begin to follow the updated CDC guidelines here?
How can they synthesize new “cases” on demand going forward? This is critical/existential to their case.
I suppose I’m just nervously curious about why they would simply surrender their most powerful narrative weapon at this stage of the game – as they ramp-up for the fall time Delta surge.
all of this – not to mention the cataclysmic nullification of the PCR driven narrative up to this point – I suspect a smooth mainstream transition into a gaslighting campaign that suggest the PCR test simply wasn’t a major driving factor in the decisions to lockdown and re-lockdown etc.
how many more epsisetmically devastating beat downs can this covid narrative take?
Is all information just fully irrelevant at this point?
If Fauci came out and said “seriously folks, my data shows the vaccines are unsafe, let’s pause this campaign” would it even put a dent in the medical mainstream’s credibility or suppress the religious/metaphysical certainty of the vaxx and mask cult?
I’m not so sure at this point
regardless, beyind London’s substantial uprising their is moutning evidence of a broadly accelerating skepticism that appears to be approaching a tipping point
where does it go from there?
stay sane – be kind
The kill zone seems to be the next stage.
Why did Bill Gates and George Soros buy the testing agency of England a couple of days ago?
“I’ll take, ‘Things People Do For Money If We’re Lucky’ for 1000$, please, Alex.”
It’s also curious that the UK has nearly a week of falling case numbers…
Schools finished, so parents aren’t testing their kids
Its so they can say “look vaccines work” and when the inevitable happens and vaxxed sheeple start dying (always an upside to this) they can blame the non vaccinated. Simple really.
Article in today’s Graun about all the amissions are now of the unvaccinated (or great unwashed) who now all bitterly regret their decision and who are now dying to get jabbed.
While doing the washing up the other day I happened to hear on BBC5live that according to an expert, the falling ‘cases’ in Scotland were due to the Scottish football team being knocked out the championship early. I’m really not sure if they were joking or not. Nothing surprises me anymore.
I dk…But why did Gates and Soros buy the UK testing centre a couple of days before they released this news?
wondering if the focus will shift to mandatory frequent testing of the unvaccinated. Could also be a way to deliver the vaccine to those refusing.
You have to think that the “ new” GatesSoros test will find the vaxxed to be clean and the unvaxxed filthy.
How can they synthesise new cases? They just make ’em up. Done and done. Here’s a tub of home tests…..ok no worries throw that tub in the ‘positive’ pile. Can do boss!!!
read further down the CDC release, they’re bringing in a new PCR that can also test for Influenza A +B as well as Cov to replace the single Cov test PCR, from December 31st
They admit the regular PCR can’t differentiate from Influenza.
We can’t have jabbed up folks testing positive for Cov, it’ll expose the scam, so we test those for Flu instead.
The cynic in me (that’s actually all of me) says: Great news, but oh looky who’s suddenly developing a China flu test? Gates and Soros.
The cause may be legal challenges to the PCR test. The new direction of propaganda seems to include (a) “living with the virus” instead of defeating it (b) replacing total daily cases with just hospitalised cases (c) anti-body tests (which had been denigrated as having low reliability).
Thanks, so good to laugh – and thanks to all at OG and commenters, you have been my daily companions through this and I would love to meet you all some day, really smart, funny people who care. Doesn’t get any better in my book. This whole thing is like a weighing of our souls, did you honour the gift of life or not?
Very very early in this flu outbreak I remember punching the air with joy as I read an article by Catte that was deeply sceptical . I was so relieved that OffG had a similar opinion to my own . And as with you it has been a reliable companion throughout this heist.
I’m lucky to have six sceptic family and close friends . I have been cancelled by all other Covidian friends, colleagues extended family and even neighbours. This will be permanent I feel.
God knows how those who are totally isolated without a single compadre have survived the lunacy all around them. They have my sympathy and respect that’s for sure. I suspect they need and deserve more than that.
What has become increasingly apparent is that there a two very different cohorts of people in most countries . The difference between these groups is deeply fundamental and quite possibly irreconcilable.
Covidians who are happy to permanently trash our liberty , our ability to earn a living and even their own kids personal sovereignty at the whim of a predator class will receive nothing but contempt from me ….. in spades…. forever.
So yes .. I do have to agree with you …….. WE must all get together sometime 😉
I think the two camps can be easily divided as such: People who don’t like being told what to do and who do like thinking for themselves, and people who love being told what to do and are scared of thinking for themselves.
I am inclined to taunt my golf group with these……but I won’t……unless someone gives me good reason to.
go on…you know it makes sense
You have every reason too. Share share share! If they fall out with you it’s proof that all the people they quietly slander behind their backs was also done to you.
Admin, could you make the images inert, so they are embedded rather than open a new tab? For those of us in Asia with limited bandwidth it takes forever to “page back” to the main post every time we unavoidably click on an image.
Thanks for your consideration — and great work.
Right click and open in new tab?
Just pitched in to RT and found no variation in the covid propaganda. The protests are presented as a demand for “freedom” whilst “not caring for the health of the community”.
When the media controls the voice of the opposition, there is no opposition.
And here we have the lesson of 9/11 magnified: for as long as the official version of events is believed, nothing can be done but comply with the overlords.
Again it makes a brutal unforgiving logic: After 17 months, it is the “deadly pandemic that will kill everyone”. And that is all. No other view. And so it will continue no matter what the true situation and how much it contradicts the endless rehash of the same tawdry horror movie.
i think the problem with the media is two fold, the state that does not like any alternative voice backed up by OFCOM that has threatened to pull licenses if there is a questioning voice. all in all, its a s##tshow
RT changed the narrative after Biden and Putin met. I wasn’t the only one to notice, many in the comments sections also took note.
Now Putin is silent while the Mayor of Moscow has been put in charge of the slaughter. Perhaps some lifting of sanctions were offered. Shame on Russia, shame on RT.
Yes, but if RT did post any covid truth, their licence to broadcast would be pulled quicker than a vaccine luvvie developing a blood clot.
We need to understand something; an argument presented by someone in power is different than an argument between two equals. The latter, relies on the merit of the argument, on its ability to bind logical sentences and facts together. The former, relies on the fact that whatever the strength of fhe argument, inherently we would all rather have the power confront us with reason rather than force, of which power holds the monopoly (and for which exactly it is power). Power doesn’t have to make sense, it can even lie, because its subjects-conversation partner are concentrating on the discourse engagement rather than the validity of the argument presented. This condition holds steady, even if the argument is poor in itself. By the sheer quality of the presenter of the argument (i.e. power) we HAVE to engage it as if the argument held AT LEAST some merit. Therefore, our concentration gives it more light than it would warrant in a cinversation between equals.
We’ll have to get the official version changed to the truth then.
We all know that they are all in it together.
It’s a ‘Global‘ thing.
That word, ‘Global‘, has, now, been pushed down our throats so much that I’m beginning to think that the earth might, actually, be flat.
That aside, you have to scroll down and read the comments.
People are waking up!
I don’t know if it’s too late but, if, for example, you take a typical, ‘scary covid’, headline from, ‘The Daily Mail’ (spit)…
then skip down to the comments and click on ‘best rated’,..
I think you’ll be surprised. I know I was.
Succinct summary of the scientists censored, dismissed and mocked
Great article, thanks for posting that. It seems that the only thing that mankind has learned from the past is that mankind does not learn from the past.
We learned to repeat it, while seeking to escape, overcome, fix or understand it, as a way to keep it as a prop for a present set by a masked agenda.
Learning that it has passed as the release to true relational presence heals the trauma. Until then the past conditions the present as expectation of a future as its product, or predictive programming.
One wonders if, certainly in the UK, the recent day upon day drop in cases is nothing to do with peaking due to the Euro crowds, the end of school or “Freedom Day” (ha !) but rather, the fact that the number of people being vaccinated has dropped off significantly.
Check out the peak dates of 2nd vaccination, add the 2 weeks for it to work and you might find correlation with the initial slope towards the peak of cases.
In 2008 there was the financial crisis and no one was charged or prosecuted and no one served a day in jail. This lead to a general distrust of the financial system in the US. The same holds true today in relation to Covert-19 and the general response from doctors. The longer doctors follow the narrative the more the general public will distrust their advice. I asked my doctor what her personal opinion was of children as young as 12 getting the shot. She said “Well I follow the guidance of the national body on vaccination”. So essentially she surrendered her analytical skills and deferred to the ruling body. Another example of how doctors have completely lost their analytical skills and minds is something I read about wearing masks while running. The first hit I got when I did a google search said the following “A face mask is going to decrease your airflow, making it a little harder to breathe,” says Dr. Lewis. “It won’t decrease your oxygen or retain carbon dioxide. But it will probably impact your performance or pace.” This response is so bizarre it’s hard to even interpret. Instead of masks lets put something else in it’s place to see if we can get the sentence to make more sense: Wearing clogs, carrying groceries, pushing a stroller, walking in snow/sand/molasses, running against the wind/uphill/in water/over broken glass…….
“… won’t decrease your oxygen or retain carbon dioxide. But it will probably impact your performance or pace.” I wish I could say my doctor or this doctor response was the exception and not the rule.
I’m sure she can think for herself but dare not take the riskof relaying her thoughts because her job now and in the future depends on her sticking to the narrative. And she knows this.
General Practioners are on the way out, at least in their current form. At some time in the near future Big Tech will have a test for every sniffle and cough. There is a terrible movie called Idiocracy made about 15 years ago on the internet at no cost. It is about contemporary society not a future dystopia. It’s well worth squirming through.
You wicked wicked man you’ve gave me a good idea and bit of a social science experiment I’m going to buy one of these at wilko they’re less than a fiver I think and I’m going to shut down shops and all sorts. No ID needed no frills and spills. I’ve now got a strong urge to go to my local co op and send the shoppers home and say self isolate (while it’s roasting outside) and start doing some shopping oooooor rob the place blind. Theirs a lot of good we could be doing with our time
For even more neighborhood fun, chalk an entire neighborhood with red Xs on every house but one. Give that one a green check mark. Then sit back and enjoy the fun.
So Cyber Polygon has just ended. As with Event 201, numerous corporate members of the World Economic Forum are in the process of being hobbled by precisely what they “war gamed” against and are showing that CP like E201 was not a simulation but a preparation for being unprepared.
If a bank prepared to be unprepared before a robbery that would constitute evidence of conspiracy. See The Great Train Robbery as an example of probable collusion in crime at a high, establishment-official level.
What are we peons to do? As I have posted — and I’m sure I tickled a few sceptics — we can all be penetrated on an individual basis if it is deemed worthwhile to hobble us before we cause trouble rather than after.
None of you questions the technology of precrime is being/ has been developed. But when another person suspects he sees evidence that it is being used — she’s probably paranoid or had a glass too many.
You see how the would-be alt media fairy garden has its own rose-tinted Overton window. Or shall I say cup-hands, softly-wafting chocolate-malt Ovaltine window, behind which nothing untoward can happen.
To repeat, what are we peons to do? If we harden our data security we will be suspected of mal-intent if not white supremacist terrorism.
Despite Cyber Polygon we are supposed to remain unprotected and insecure — just like the multi-billion dollar companies that paid to take part in CP before they promptly got “hacked” .
Aw shucks, is the response expected of you. Followed, through clench teeth by: Rrrushans.
Here is an introduction to Qubes. It is not a panacea in itself (there is none) but simply using it is good preparation. In fact, even if you lack the computing skills to implement it, the principles apply and should be used.
Qubes introduction
All that pre-crime is, is the use of big data and number-crunching algorithms to attach flags or presumptions to certain proximity or coincidence in that data, to be construed as evidence.
Much cheaper than putting teams of five or eight people onto round-the- clock surveillance of a target. Cost is driving this not accuracy, except as to the person targeted.
Price is a false proxy for efficiency. Corporations do it because they can. Not because it is accurate, let alone right. If you doubt that, look at the corruption of judges to fill for-profit prisons.
Big data Hoovers up your location (opportunity), means (knowledge or searches for info on your computer) and motive ( selective analysis of your comments or posts, emails or conversations). Add some analysis by corrupt, bought psychologists and medics who rubber stamp a leading interpretation of your school or medical records.
How does that work if you are politically a pain in the arse dissident?
An expert can add more. All I mean to show is that precrime and your targeting as a suspect is arbitrary.
And the more arbitrary the more data is collected.
Arbitrary in criminal terms.
Accurate in terms of political intent — either to Hoover up Black men into the prison system for profit ( before and after arrest)…
Or to pick off dissidents, which is coming now.
I don’t particularly like Kate Shemirani — but her singling out by Keir Starmer as a former Vyshinsky state prosecutor was unacceptable.
She is within her rights to say doctors who break the Nuremberg Code should pay the price that the Allies imposed.
Who is being inconsistent?
We are now guilty of thought. This is where we are at. If you submit all of your papers you will be put in the sheep pen. Fight back and you will be restricted from services and deemed guilty of hiding something.
Since Snowden revealed what is going on in 2013 there really is no excuse to leave your door open to the predatory algorithm. People are just to lazy to think.
Check out the Qortal Project. Blockchain based chat, trades and soon web sites. Totally peer to peer similar in that respect to TOR. So much more than just a coin.
Lord Birkenhead seemed to make more than his fair share of lucky guesses about the forthcoming technocracy when he wrote this in 1929:
Correct about the timing for Agenda 2030 and correct about almost all the content (major exception being free energy – funny how that’s been kept off the table).
Quelle surprise.
The date took me aback. Not because I’m shocked about how long this project has been in the making…it’s just because it became tangible
My mother was born in 1929.
Thank you see also Coupon Election 1918.
I was raised in a town but moved to a rural area more than two decades ago. And whenever I revisit the old homestead it’s a shock since I realise the covid assault has been much more marked in the urban places.
So I noticed the depleted shelves, the slump in variety of goods, the ever present queues and the difficulty of performing even the simple acts like discarding rubbish into bins which cannot be carried out since the bins are full and there are full bin bags tripping people up in the street. All of which brings to mind the old image of the Soviet system.
And I drove past an electronic billboard that said,
And it struck me that we are in this for the long haul and that these “knock on” effects are the main objectives of the whole program, the reality being the opposite of the way it’s presented I.e. the virus did not cause these things but was a device to achieve them.
You are absolutely correct, George. They are planning ‘shortages’, next, to increase the ‘chaos’ – hoping that we will all be begging them to bring ‘order’.
There are no building materials to be had in France, right now. Next it will be food.
We have to dig-in for the long haul.
Vive la Résistance!
De your Soviet image: That was then, and that was communism. This is now, and it’s fascism.
So true. I live on the coast,we are booming here as people doing staycation has seen people camping,motorhoming etc
I have family from nw1 London staying with me this week,as my house is near the beach,cheap holiday for them. My little area has more choice,more businesses still going than his town(camden) it took them but surprise.
Maybe that’s why where the largest population centres are surprised at more rural distrust of the covid narrative. Who knows,but seeing the attitude around my area,my London branch all want to move here.
A bit off topic but you may have seen the (hyper sensationalised) stories of torrential rain and flooding in London; all linked to the climate change nonsense the parasite class are trying to push on us.
I read, somewhere, just the other day that the UAE were congratulating themselves on having manipulated the weather to avoid drought.
I can’t remember where and if anyone else read this too and can provide a link it would be very helpful – because it was an out-and-out admission that they can and do manipulate the weather.
I live in the agricultural heart of France (in terms of animal feed) and very near the wineries of Bordeaux.
At the beginning of June, they started spraying the skies. People told me, ‘Don’t be daft’, but I started taking photos. By mid-June, we were completely overcast. In July, the rain started…and that great big, ‘depression’, just sat there for about two weeks, bringing all the floods and destruction to the north-east, Burgundy and Germany.
I watched the ‘clouds’. They didn’t come in with what used to be the prevailing westerly wind. They came out of aircraft and expanded in every direction – like teasing out cotton wool.
Last week, we had two days with clear skies and no aircraft…and then it all started again.
It’s about destruction of homes and crops. In Macronistan, even French wine is to be sacrificed.
Here is the link to the Dubai story Karry
Thank you for the link, Trewpol.
Another conspiracy theory becomes fact.
Hi Karry
Are you able to link to photos you took ?
I live in the Perigord, not that far from the Bordeaux region. They spray heavily here and have done so for years. There was a massive uptick in spraying in 2013 that started in the winter and continued in the spring and summer. That August we had a massive storm with tennis-ball-sized hailstones that completely destroyed our slate roof and damaged literally all the roofs in our immediate area. In my mind there is no question that months of spraying led to the extreme conditions that destroyed our roof (which was, luckily, insured).
(I’d hoped to attach a photo of local spraying but don’t see any option here for doing so.)
FYI, you’re right; the current site software does not feature direct upload of images.
But the indirect method works well enough, assuming one doesn’t find it too tedious or onerous:
• First, upload the image file to a (free) upload site; Postimages is straightforward enough: https://postimages.org/
• Once uploaded, the page will display several URLS; copy “Direct Link” and paste it into the Off-G comments window. Make sure it’s on a separate line with spaces above and below.
• Do not use the “link” markup feature, just post the raw link. Voilà!
Disclaimer: It works for me. I have not investigated the Postfix site, so if there’s some unacceptable down side– you know, like it being controlled opposition or a front for some state-security apparatus– I’m unaware of it.
We see this too, in southern France. On spray days the aircraft seem to follow each other in a grid pattern every 30 minutes or so. And observation reveals the contrails do not disappear but rather spread and create a diffuse cloud cover. Often this happens on days when the wind will carry the haze into the Mediterranean, it then seems to return 24 to 48 hours later as heavy rain.
“Is HAARP Firing Up?” by ? (Zero Hedge)
Chemtrails mate. Been in our skies now for 15 years now. Also have a look at HAARP. We have one in Wales I think??
They also have enormous multi-billion dollar solar-powered desalination plants.As does Israel. They’ve been using this technology for decades.
There’s loads of info to find but here’s some latest news:
People are very angry here in France (the French Parliament rubber stamped the vaccine passport yesterday evening. It was law, anyway, passed by decree by Macron under emergency powers). I’m not sure how this is going to pan out. Once again I feel like an extra in A Tale Of Two Cities.
Two brief clips from the demonstrations last Saturday:
Poitiers town hall stormed by protestors
Police and firemen fighting each other
Vive Les Pompiers!
But unfortunately there is no guillotine for your king.
Kings and queens rule nothing in the 21st century.
I live in that départment, Rob, and I don’t know how this is going to pan out, either.
I, actually, couldn’t sleep last night.
The whole system has been, completely, corrupted and Macron’s mafia seem to be doing everything they can to poke a stick in the hornets’ nest.
I think that they are deliberately provoking civil unrest – to provide a smoke-screen for their next nefarious steps in the plan.
Karry, I agree that they are trying to provoke civil unrest.
I also live in France (Dordogne) and share the perceptions of the above posters, at least as concerns the evil government. It would seem, on the other hand, that among our French friends refusing the vax, many are relatively unconcerned, saying that there’s no way the govt can force that many people to take an untested vax. And the famous Dr. Didier Raoult is on the record as saying, when asked if the vaccine should be made compulsory (this was before he began to tone down his statements, probably so that he could continue to work and treat patients), that he thought it would be “a good way to trigger a revolution.”
But I just don’t know. Where we live, the Anglophone expat crowd is hopelessly petit-bourgeois and conformistic, and they were all jabbed long ago. The local French bourgeois and professionals are similarly conformist. It’s only the large mass of natives artisans, farmers, “alternative” types, and small shopowners who seem overwhelmingly against the vaccine, often without even knowing how dangerous it is.
I moved to France in late 2002 to escape the American madness. Little did I know it would infect, literally, my adopted society.
(BTW, I loved the way the Poitevins trashed the Macron portrait. Vive la France!)
Have faith, not all Anglophones (English) want the jab! I will endure severe restrictions of freedoms to avoid it an let my body’s immune system do it’s thing, here in Canada we are being fed the same drivel!
Moderna CEO: “We took 2 days to design the vaccine” https://odysee.com/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0/2days:0
Brilliant. Thank you. 💕😂
Actually, number 16 should be revised to read:
“How come the only people still afraid of Covid are the people that are vaccinated with it?”
Have a look at these: https://thebigvirushoax.com/viral-memes-%26-songs
“The Billy Eugenics Cull Juice Corporate Fascist Scamdemic Propaganda Bots are going hog wild. Kill me once shame on you, kill me again shame on me”

“A plague so deadly it kills the same people repeatedly.”
It’s appears to be the same man. Both articles I saw show he was a police officer called Lenard Wells.
“Wells then turned to teaching, most recently as a criminal justice professor at the University of Memphis.”
Question everything folks – especially your own position.
Not out of the question they’ve been in to alter the narrative after an “error” of course…I just can’t be arsed to check wayback or archive.😆
“Meanwhile in the Big Apple, under attack by the De Blasio Virus Variant soon everyone will forced into becoming labrats in a genetic experiment and taking the Billy Eugenics Euthanasia Death Shot Toxic Viral Cull Juice Challenge.”
“There goes the Nuremberg Code. If only the same could be said of the De Blasio Variant.“
UK Column News – 26th July 2021 | UKColumn
Well they’re the government aren’t they? What do you expect?
Fucking bang on – nailed it right there.
She’s on the front page being disavowed by her son. I do wonder about Shemirani, I didn’t vote for her to me my spokesperson at the protest. She uses highly charged language that is unnecessarily confrontational, does not help the argument, and is not used by the other side and helps in their efforts to smear us. One has to choose their words carefully, speak and act rationally even in the face of clear criminality. It does make me wonder if she is really on our side. If she is, then I apologise but ask her to temper her passion with restraint. This is my gut feeling having attended many of the protests, and always being presented with the same faces on stage. We just need to turn up and show our faces, we don’t need some unelected individuals constantly being the face of those that oppose this farce.
If she was the one talking about Nuremberg she was 100% correct. At the Nuremberg trials doctors and nurses who carried out experiments and torture of prisoners in concentration camps were convicted of crimes against humanity and hung. The Nuremberg Code of 1947 was then done to prevent anyone ever again committing illegal ”medical” experiments like the current gene therapy jabs. Pay attention and learn from history was the correct message
Understood. But last time I checked, capital punishment is not practiced here, thank heavens, and anything Tony Blair wants to bring back I will oppose. I’m all for long jail sentences. I was there, and she was using what could be termed threatening language, and I felt, as a peaceful protestor, it did not help, and does not help our cause. I had the uneasy feeling that it was designed to tip things towards a confrontation. I’m too old to allow others to put words in my mouth. She has no monopoly on this terrible injustice.It is all of ours to bear and I think leaderless protests are the way forward.
You are not alone in feeling that way, Corarden. The UK column (today) reported on having had mixed reactions feedback with many expressing the same opinion.
There used to be a website called ‘Pure Truth’ run by a guy called Paul, who had been in a group which was suddenly taken over (infiltrated?) and rebranded as ‘stand up X’. They, immediately, began fund-raising and it seemed to him that the original group had been derailed. He left and questioned whether Icke, Semirami and Corbyn were controlled opposition. Actually, he went further than questioning. His website was there a few weeks ago but I can’t connect to it today so I can not link you to his evidence/testimony.
Also, there’s this guy here expressing similar about the organisation of the protests, in general, in London.
Personally, I think that this is what happened at Trocadero, in Paris, on Saturday – where some opposition politicians and activists took to a massive stage with lots of equipment. All the other demonstrations in Paris and all across France were led by ordinary people and were far more effective, in terms of demonstrating the depth and breadth of anger.
Obviously, you have to go with your own judgement on this – but I suspect that you might be right..
“He left and questioned whether Icke, Semirami and Corbyn were controlled opposition.”
They might as well be, for all the good that their presence does.
They are entitled to their opinions, but they are not helping those who are opposed to the creeping imposition of a biosecurity state.
They are too easy for the MSM to smear. Most people just write them off as cranks.
Thanks for feedback Karry. As I said, it is a gut feeling, but I felt uneasy listening to her words, it was too shrill and confrontational, perhaps even a little patronising- everyone understands what the facts are in this outrage, and I felt there was a pied piper effect – I have never liked that feeling, it has been anthema to me all my life.
I concur your instincts are correct Corarden in my humble opinion she’s a fully paid up Agent Provocateur who love’s to pit us against each other & wind up good meaning people .
Check out this link. The tweet about Shemirani and her faux arrest. The use of Gematria.
Protest movements are always taken over by controlled opposition. And sometimes created by them. Like BLM. Antifa. Gilet Jaunes. Occupy. Women’s Lib. Civil Rights etc.
I agree about Paul. I read his commentary about what occurred somewhere. And I also saw his site exposing Piers Corbyn and other obvious Freemasons – Intel assets involved in the protests.
It’s only available on wayback now. Really eye opening stuff.
Treason still carries the death penalty and treason is what it is!
I wonder why the same justice did not apply to the Japanese counterparts. Instead, the victor just appropriated their research.
Good grief! This morning at the local Greggs, six punters in line ahead of me – only one masker; Had to pinch myself, would you Adam n Eve it? Have the canaille finally got the memo from last Monday 19th?
I’ve noticed less people wearing them, but there’s still a long way to go.
I have tried to watch a bit of the Olympics but the level of abuse of the kid athletes with face nappies and lining up and never hugging is making me want to put a brick through the telly
Regarding image #1 – would it have been anymore obvious that we are being trolled or ridiculous if they put the mask over the end of his trombone?
Excellent. Would put most of these on Twitter but unfortunately have been banned for labelling some jobsworth politician a retarded cretin.
You were too nice
I’m in 30 days f/b prison for posting on my page the official (EU approved) EudraVigilance poison stab deaths and injuries stats.
Yeah, same happened to me recently. I found the best formula is guerrilla style ambushes on public threads. I tend to post links and get away with that. Images unfortunately seem to get me into trouble. Mostly I see it not as changing minds but as erecting obstacles in the way of people taking the comfortable route and being dragged along by the narrative, so I don’t post a lot of links anymore. There’s less and less a need to nowadays, everyone knows what’s really going on, even if they don’t know they know. A2
When the news headline is an actual meme LOL
You know it’s bad when the news is an actual Monty Python scene…
I Fart in your general direction! LOL
No problem if you’re wearing a mask right? Like underwear.
They sure are trying to give this non existent virus god like status
Yeah the news is beginning to read like a copy of Viz again.
I can’t understand how people reading this can’t see they’re being mocked. The contempt these ppl have for the public…it was like when the cat caught it. Come on ppl.
“I sneeze in your face and I cough in your general direction”
Thank You ! The party hat mask idea is just brilliant!