Covid “vaccines” & pregnancy: Twitter blocks OffG for telling the truth
Social media is allowing the promotion of vaccines with unknown effects on pregnant women, and “restricting” any dissent…no matter how well sourced.
Kit Knightly

Yesterday, the Scottish government put out a tweet containing potentially dangerous medical misinformation.
We at OffGuardian did our civic duty and corrected them, citing non-controversial proven facts available from official sources….and within eighteen hours our account was “limited”.
We are now locked out of Twitter unless we remove the “misleading” tweet.
In short, Twitter is punishing us for telling the absolute, provable truth. Whilst allowing governments to promote experimental medical treatments which may harm pregnant women and/or their unborn children.
Here’s the original tweet, sent last night by the Scottish Government (@ScotsGov):
Over 55,000 pregnant people in England & Scotland have had the #coronavirus vaccine.
It’s the best way to protect you and your baby from the risks of the virus during pregnancy.
Know how to find the right information.
Speak to your healthcare professional or go to NHS Inform.
— Scottish Government (@scotgov) July 27, 2021
[Note the ultra-PC wording “pregnant people”, not “pregnant women”, because when you’re enforcing quasi-fascist medical practices, inclusive language is important.]
And here is our response, and Twitter’s demand it be removed:

We refute the labelling of our tweet as “misleading or potentially harmful”. Our fact-check of the Scottish government was three-fold, and each of the three claims can be supported with evidence:
Claim 1: “Women young enough to get pregnant have a greater than 99.99% chance of surviving Covid”
This is true. Many studies and experts have noted Covid’s low IFR, especially for people below 70 years of age. For example, a paper published in Nature last year found that “For every 1,000 people infected with the coronavirus who are under the age of 50, almost none will die.” And that’s not even accounting for the absurd ways so many countries count “Covid deaths.
Claims 2: “The NHS says there is no evidence Covid19 can cause miscarriage or impact the development of your baby”
Also true. You can read it on the NHS’s own “Covid19 and Pregnancy Website”, along with other choice quotes such as “If you’re pregnant your chance of getting COVID-19 is not higher than anyone else and it’s very unlikely you’ll get seriously ill with it.”.
Claim 3: “The vaccines are experimental and have unknown long-term side effects”
Completely true. The phase 3 trials for the vaccines are not set to conclude until 2023, at least. And clearly we have no long-term data on injections which have literally existed for less than a year.
As you can see, far from being “misleading and potentially harmful”, these claims are both logically sound and supported by sources.
In fact, the tweet to which we are replying could far more accurately be branded “misleading and potentially harmful”, in so far as it is literally medical misinformation that presents a serious potential danger to public health.
Firstly, it claims Covid “vaccines” are:
The best way to protect you and your baby from the risks of the virus during pregnancy.”
…but they don’t quantify those risks. As we’ve already shown, the “risks” run from minimal to non-existent. (Plus, the “vaccines” may not even protect from infection or transmission of the alleged virus anyway, so even if there were a “risk”, the vaccines may do nothing to avert it).
Their graphic then claims that “Covid vaccines are recommended during pregnancy”, but that is an essentially meaningless statement. Anything can be “recommended”, but that doesn’t mean they are proven safe.
The simple truth is, obviously, there has been no time for any long-term studies on the physical or cognitive development of children born to vaccinated mothers, either post-birth or in utero.
That is our position: it is simple, logical, backed up with facts…and we are censored for saying it.
Not only are we “limited” for doing nothing but telling the truth, but the ScotsGov tweet remains, despite being potentially dangerous to pregnant women, and their unborn babies, all across the country.
Take a moment to examine the actual psychology of the process here, and see it for what it is – a microcosm of the way millions have been bullied and subjugated over the past eighteen months. Twitter could easily simply remove the tweet. They could delete the entire account. But they don’t.
Instead, they tell us we have to remove it ourselves. We are being manipulated into compliance, in the hopes we will be disempowered and learn to self-censor in the future. It is an exercise in purposed domination. But it only works if you let it.
We are forced by circumstance, namely the need to communicate with our readers and receive submissions, to comply with Twitter’s blackmail. For now. But we do so under protest. In the future, we will be making the inevitable move to alternative platforms. We suggest our readers join us there.
We will be removing the tweet, but we do not repudiate it. We stand by it completely.
The vaccines are untested and therefore potentially harmful to everyone (including pregnant women), whilst mitigating almost zero hypothetical risk. It is the truth, and it’s our responsibility to say it no matter what.
Two plus two equals four. We will never say it’s five.
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Since OffG’s Twitter is locked please follow our two editors Catte Black and Kit Knightly
Just off the top of my head, MeWe might be a good option.
I know Twitter is the route to exposure — I don’t use it and I don’t have any 😉 but that’s what you do when you’re an awkward sod.
Still, why not expand networks outside? Heck, you’ve got the brand.
We will be
That’s right sign up to twitter with your name email and phone number. Check in at your next protest day too, just so they can track and see who attended. Your penalty notice is in the post. Anyone still using these channels needs a slap.
I’m waiting for my penalty notice … and I’ll be glad to take it to court. Don’t feel bullied – they are the ones breaking the law, not us.
How will you defend this claim against you?
We are all being blackmailed for telling the truth.
Hi Wake Up Seattle!🇺🇸⭐🇺🇸,
Your account, @breadandhiking has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules.
Specifically for:
Violating the policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19.
We understand that during times of crisis and instability, it is difficult to know what to do to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Under this policy, we require the removal of content that may pose a risk to people’s health, including content that goes directly against guidance from authoritative sources of global and local public health information.
For more information on COVID-19, as well as guidance from leading global health authorities, please refer to the following links:
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public from the WHO
FAQs about COVID-19 from the WHO
Wake Up Seattle!🇺🇸⭐🇺🇸
THIS is what Seattle nuts and KOMO news is worried about. Not crime, not felons released over and over, not homeless infestation, not unsafe parks, not damaged roads. BUT, POLICE WHO DID NOT HAVE MASKS ON DURING A FAKE PANDEMIC THAT WAS CREATED TO BRAINWASH PEOPLE TO COMPLY. 1/2
Please note that repeated violations may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. Proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue with your account.
Go to Twitter
My niece was a very healthy 25 year old, pregnant 5 months, first pregnancy, she got the vaccine and two weeks later her water broke… the baby is in a incubator…
Whining is pointless. People have to be sued. The scottish government and twitter.
Guillotined* (:
‘Two plus two equals four. We will never say it’s five’.
By removing the tweet, you’re still allowing them to say it’s five.
Telegram is huge, gab is genuine and uncensored. We keep using Big Tech, and keep crying when they do exactly what they were brought to monopoly for.
Are you also going to use CBDC/digital pounds when they come in too?
The powers that be tell us we are in the middle of a terrible pandemic yet many more people per 100 000 of the population died each year from 1990 to 2003.This alone proves their pandemic claims are false.
Deaths in the UK from 1990 to 2020
The real tragedy is not censorship on some ‘social network’ platform, but the idea that people need to read online that they perhaps they shouldn’t line up en masse to get injected with an unknown and unproven substance. Including and especially mothers to be.
Shit has gotten real. They are staring the hard truth right in the mouth and still denying it.
The number of people killed by the vaccine according to VAERS increased by over 500 in just a few days. It is happening so fast I can’t keep up with it.
I really don’t think that the White House staff has a clue. How can they not understand the ramifications while at the same time hinting that the vaccine is going to become mandatory in the United States.
My 9mm is locked and loaded. Someone will go down with me. I will die before I get vaccinated. Fuck you NSA.
I make an obligatory statement multiple times per day every day in the comments sections of news where ever it is allowed. You can’t deny the hard numbers as outlined by the Childrens Defense Fund. We need more people pointing out the obvious. We need a hundred million people to jump on the bandwagon and go to Washington to show them what a real insurrection could like.
Forcing people to take this vaccine will be heinous. Simply making it available is heinous.
“CDC Says Vaccinated May Be as Likely to Spread COVID as Unvaxxed, as Reports of Serious Injuries After Vaccines Surge VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 518,770 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 11,940 deaths and 63,102 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 23, 2021.”
The VAERS numbers are likely to be ten times higher.
Its all extremely simple. Just go to the Zionist fascist state Health department web site and fo;llow their links to Adverse reactions and further more go to Gilad Atzmon website and details the Israeli data. He noted that miscarriages had gene parabolic just after 30 days of the experimental jab roll out. The data is there Not withstanding how the figures are so doctored and skewed to fit the medical fascistic paradigm it just keeps coming back to bite them on the ars.
Look at the recent Swedish data all based on PCR test . Their case rate is similar to the rest of the world but they have not recorded any deaths as of spring this year. Israel admits to noted new symptomatic cases that the vast majority of then have had the holy expiremental serum intramuscular. So hang on for they have the Greek alphabet to get through in order to increase the fear. I am amazed at the idiocrocy we have entered to in the modern age. People just cannot see the tree from the forest and just like that hook line and sinker drink the kool-aid and take the jab so you can protect humanity. Hence the unvaxxed will be made the pariah’s of humanity.
Big Tech Big Sh**!
I will always support OG
Better learn the truth than corporatocry propaganda
Truth will set us Free
”Verum erit tueri”
“The truth will protect”
Fans of ‘predictive programming’ in dystopian sci-fi might like to check out ‘Z.P.G.’ from 1971. Z.P.G. = Zero Population Growth.
The film starts with the “world federation” (whose leader looks a lot like Henry Kissinger) declaring that the planet can no longer sustain human population growth and therefore having babies is banned. Instead, couples are given a cyborg.
The film’s director Michael Campus went on to make blaxploitation films (a genre designed to degrade black culture – another of the key directors in the genre Gordon Parks was an admitted intelligence asset) then made more esoteric films like ‘Survival’ (about death panels) and ‘The Passover Plot’ (about Christianity all being a gigantic hoax).
I do wonder about movie memes. I was watching the Soska Sisters’ version of Cronenberg’s Rabid where an outbreak of rabies was dismissed by one of the nasty characters as “just a bit of the cold”. This film was made in 2019. Hmm….
Because it’s all made up. We have to question many events in our history given to us as historical facts which very likely were manipulated like the one we are going through.
Now we can see how history is made, we can safely anticipate that in 50, 100 years tis current event will be referred back as the ‘great pandemic of 2020/21’ or something of the like.
There will be plenty of evidence that it was real as most of the dissenting information will be easily removed from the internet which is where everything is stored now. So future generations will take it as historical facts with the exception of a few ‘revisionists’ that will be labeled as ‘deniers’, ‘crackpots’, etc. Just like now and forever in history.
Depends on who wins, wouldn’t you say? I’m not betting on them.
Our regime does not censor; it simply “flags” to privately owned businesses such as Twitter. Nor do these privately owned corporations censor; they simply enjoy their civic freedom to set up membership rules and abide by them, same as a golf club.
As for other regimes, “they hate us for our freedoms.”
That’s right. Censorship has been ‘privatised’, so no one really is responsible for it, it’s just ‘the free market’ who controls the state and viceversa.
Funny how a private individual working as a baker must make a pro gay/pro abortion cake but big tech can refuse publish anything they like.
I feel like I’m in some sort of Twlight Zone episode. Gov’s are able to violate the citizens rights with impunity. Businesses are able to make unconstitutional demands of employees and are being applauded for it. I suspect neighbors will be shooting people on the street and then receive a citizen award. We truly are in the end times!
Most of the patients testing positive in the latest outbreak have already been vaccinated, raising concerns about the efficacy of vaccines against new variants.
In a World First, Bennett Announces Third COVID Jab Campaign for Israelis Over 60
‘Call your parents and grandparents now and make sure they get the third shot,’ Israel’s prime minister told a televised press briefing, announcing President Herzog will get his COVID vaccine booster shot on Friday
In what’s a likely sign of things to come elsewhere, Israel is now pushing a third jab, or follow-up booster for those who’ve already received their two vaccine rounds, for the elderly people over the age of 60.
Israel’s prominent Haaretz newspaper revealed Thursday the country will be the first in the world to start doing so after government approval, writing that Israel “will start offering a third COVID vaccine shot to people over 60 starting on Sunday, after the Health Ministry approved the move on Thursday.”
“Israel is now pushing a third jab”
As one Jewish scientist famously said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over expecting a different result.
You can’t stop a flu epidemic with a vaccine. Every GP knows that. All the Health Authorities know that. They’ve been handing out flu vaccines for a hundred years, and never stopped a single annual bout of sneezing and wheezing around the world. Seems like people are determined to learn the hard way by continually repeating old mistakes.
“Praise be to God who set this Law in his Sky
That human kind must learn by suffering”. — Aeschyles
If we are determined to learn no other way.
The entire world is now aware of the mendacity of the billionaire players in this manufactured crisis. Utilising the 80:20 rule, I predict very bad things for these ubermensch. We are going to kill them. That’s not hyperbole, it is the unvarnished truth. When a foe declares enmity to your very babies, the gloves come off. It is Time. The Kleptocracies WILL FALL. All #corporatocracy MUST DIE.
And die they will, by the stroke of a key.
We are simply NOT being provided a medical response to an asserted medical problem.
For one thing (which is my own red button, among of course dozens of other legitimate complaints of various kinds): More than a year and a half in, no one among TPTB can explain which types of people, constituting at least 80-95% of the population, are not susceptible to symptoms and thus can avoid all this control, while those who actually are susceptible, and in such case would require even more and better restrictions, such as true quarantines. No one’s even trying. It’s all vaxxing, for all people.
It’s now beyond obvious to me that the point of (the likely manufactured) COVID as well as all the absurd responses to is to prime the world population to submit to bodily-invasive methods of control. It’s genius, because they can perpetually threaten us from both sides, either through the next bioweapon, or through the next “cure”. They tried to get mass submission (here in the U.S. at least) for years with seasonal flu shots, but that didn’t cut it for full population control.
People have been subjecting themselves to all kinds of invasive medical interventions for decades now. Periodic blood and urine tests, all kinds of body scans, Xrays, cancer screening, vaccination, etc. The population’s mind was ripe for a mass intervention like this one now. The feminisation of society has brought us to this point, there’s no need for force but the use of perception management, intimidation and paternal messaging is enough to make an emasculated society comply.
This time it is deliberate. They want death from the clot shots, from miscarriages and so on. There may also be engineered famines which have worked so well in the last three centuries. The oil is probably running out. Our fragile infrastructure is vulnerable to solar flares and other natural phenomena. There isn’t enough water.
Hello Peter: No one wants to believe in the fragility of modern infrastructure. They’ve been trained to believe that technology is invincible. You know, like all the other invincible horse crap they’ve been fed…
The NHS was a product of WW2; so many young people unhealthy, unfit, that The War could have ended different. The Captains of Industry favoured a nation health service to patch up, and keep at the coal-face, the fodder for the post-war industrial boom.
But the need for such lessened due to so much of the industrial base, and jobs, being sent
to foreign countries. So the NHS has been in decline, and the ‘covid crisis’ has been used to hurry the process .In it’s place we’re likely to see the American private system for those who can afford it (User pay). For the rest, minimal service, plus state regulation of their diets to keep them (moderately) healthy – ’til they drop dead from the bioweapon injections. (Do you really believe all the Captains of Industry had the dinky-di bioweapon jab, knowing, as they must, the carnage those jabs have caused ?)
I for one would welcome the demise of the NHS, but it’s not going to happen as it’s the chosen tool of the state to subdue the populus.
Solidarity! and good for standing up against this monstrous disinformation from NHS Scotland.
But just to tell you that our own advisers in Australia were putting out the exact same message yesterday,despite the shortage of Pfizer here, that pregnant women should get vaccinated “to protect their baby and themselves”. It came from the Burnet Institute, one of many promoting the Dempanic and VaxTheNation campaign.
Today our PM is talking about getting digital passports ready so that anyone fully vaxed will be able to travel freely within Australia, with an Apple wallet. Media and Opposition welcome it, though not those living in fear in Sydney as troops and police patrol the streets and go door to door “to ensure compliance” – and beat up any resistors. And because there is practically no virus here, people are terrified of it, and liable to need hospital treatment simply as a result of being told they’ve tested positive.
Yep we are going down the creek rapidly….I was expecting the army…bettys ruling has to be enforced,,,
I am Scottish and live on the beautiful s w coast.
Tonight my wife and I discussed this article
We both wept with frustration
Even with a non experimental jab,you never vaccinate the pregnant,just as you should not drink or smoke in pregnancy
What is going to happen to kids born in 21-22?
What damage will we see?
Maybe none,but how can these fuckers claim this with any confidence?
Good point! You don’t vaccinate pregnant women anyway. It’s beyond ludicrous.
Injection of infants with the normal vaccine schedule takes it’s toll too. The current predicament is an extension of that.
I have an announcement to make.
I have lost my hesitancy. I now identify as eager to get the jabby juice.
Why? Because the government of the country I live in is going to offer me 100$ to take it.
Donuts and coffee were one thing. A simple chance to win a lottery was one thing. This is a guaranteed C-note, people. Think of what I might accomplish with 100 USD.
I could afford, among other things:
-1/720 the average cost of a year’s worth of dialysis for an uninsured person in the U.S.
-One hour of therapy in my hometown, to deal with the lingering residual effects of my former hesitancy on my psyche.
-Three new pairs of ankle-braces to help me deal with my ALS as I stumble my way into our Glorious Future alongside my fellow jab-ees.
-Slightly more than one half of the bill I’ve just received for my car’s registration for the next year.
-1/12 of my monthly rent.
-Approximately 200 lbs. of unscented clay cat litter for my cat, Isis.
-Roughly 3.5 boxes of 7.65 ammo for my AK, i.e. approx. 70 rounds, which should last oh around 7 seconds or so at full-auto. Since I don’t own a fully automatic AK I suppose I can expect them to last a little more time than that, depending on how fast I squeeze the trigger. Let’s say 20 seconds, to be generous. (Since I don’t own a semi-automatic AK either, none of this really applies, but I thought it worth mentioning simply for the sake of comparison to the other wonderful benefits I can expect to gain.)
At any rate I’m sure you’ll agree that the above incentives are/were more than enough to convince any right-thinking American to rush to their nearest McDonald’s to get jabbed. Therefore I retract my hesitancy and urge all Americans to do the same before the store runs out of clay cat litter.
I found a $100 note once, and confused, i wondered “what would Jesus do ?” So i turned it into wine.
If they plan to pay 100 bucks to the next 10 million people, that means another 1 billion dollars that just shows up. Praise to the money goose that keeps on giving.
“Keeps on giving” to Rothschild and Co. Money handed out by the regime is obtained through a loan from the big banks; which incurs interest; which we and our childrens’ children will need to repay.
It doesn’t work like that anymore. They just make ‘money’ appear on screens and that’s that. No one will ever pay it back, I personally doubt there will be many able or around to pay back anyway.
The sooner you realise we are in a different system now the sooner you’ll wrap your head around it and adapt accordingly.
Otherwise how do you make sense that apart from a very few exceptions no businesses after 18 months of at best 50% trading; the travel, catering, hospitality, entertainment, high street shopping, retail, beauty, etc. are still in existance?
In the UK right before the ‘pandemic’ pubs were closing by the hundreds every week, working at full capacity and yet they couldn’t make ends meet…
At the begining of the lockdowns I thought this was the last nail in the coffin for most pubs, and yet here they are. So no, the appearance of an economy will continue until the next phase of the plan, which will start very soon, I guess within the next two years.
Would you like fries with that?
100 dollars towards the funeral costs… Who says the government doesn’t care for you.
Internet censorship is getting very heavy handed.
One wonders what it’s going to take for the dupes to stop accepting their servitude?
To stop loving Big Brother
Never used twitter. And have been having a heck of a time with my blog. Yes, it’s google, but, it fits my budget..
“Guidance from authoritative sources” has never been benevolent. From there springs tyranny. Who gave them the “authority”?
Live now: The public finance economist Dr Mark Skidmore, who with CAF revealed the missing trillions stolen from the U.S. government system and thus the shadow government. And Patrick Wood, Mr Technocracy, collaborator of the late Prof Antony Sutton.
Special event: Doctors for Covid Ethics, Thursday, Friday 5-to-10 p.m.
Patrick Wood quoted a friend, who recently died, Rosa Koire (1956-2021):
“It is the inventory and control plan for all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information and all human beings in the world.”
I am shocked. I have been watching her regularly until recently. How did she die, BTW?
Okay – a small ray of hope in what has become a rapidly darkening realty. While it’s just an opinion piece, the fact that it has appeared in the Wall Street Journal should give it a semblance of credibility, although how many “average” people read the WSJ is probably relatively small, especially since there’s a paywall for their articles. Still, it’s something.
Why Is the FDA Attacking a Safe, Effective Drug?
“Realty” should be “reality.” The truth is, my typing sucks!
Ivermectin is just another red harring propagated to perpetrate the existance of a ‘novel virus’ whatever that means. Out of the making up history as we go toolbox.
I have to disagree. I know some people are saying the “virus” doesn’t exist. While it’s true that the virus they’re calling SARS-COV-2 does not exist, there’s something out there making people sick, although the severity is pretty mild for most. However, if you’re older, or even not so old, and you have multiple health issues then it could be a problem. That’s where drugs like Ivermectin can greatly reduce the possibility of a patient ending up on a ventilator which itself is an almost certain death sentence.
Facts do not matter; only the agenda matters. At some point we need to stop trying to understand the methodology behind tech censorship, stop complaining about it, and either learn to live with it or stop using the platforms. Censorship is pervasive, predictable, and unstoppable. Complaining about it will change nothing.
Censorship is stoppable and its rules are changeable. I remember the Lady Chatterley trial. We need more test cases in the manner of Dr.Reiner Fuellmich. Not all judges are corrupt.
Yeah, as if their bullshit/-ing isnt enough, then comes the truth about our vaccine passport riding into the arena.
And the question is, what will this pass port contain of information, since, well, we arent that naive to think they would stop with only vaccine info, but it turns out that it will contain a whole lot more than just vaccine status.
There is no rest for satan’s army. And they have unlimited money resources to bribe, coerce and allure almost everyone on this earth.
Twitter is an absolute disgrace. I will move off there soon, too. I think Gab is good.
I was barred from Twitter last year for posting factual information about PCR tests. I was angry at first, but with the benefit of hindsight I think it was a blessing in disguise. It’s a complete cesspool of anger and misinformation.
I have a 30 day ban on f/b for posting EudraVigilance official stats.
This is interesting
Offg I wouldn’t worry about petty people who hide behind corporations and wealth it’s the spirit that shines.
Richard Werner, Princes of the Yen, up now, with Catherine Austin Fitts.
The smoking gun: John Titus explained how the bankers prepared for Event Covid.
The pandemic is entirely a monetary event as the central banks gain more control.
Special event: Doctors for Covid Ethics, Thursday, Friday 5-to-10 p.m.
It’s more than taht, it’s about trying to seize all of God’s creation, starting and ending with us of course.
Those with a twatter account should cut&paste the offG response to that account. That will allow more viewers to see it – if you see five people have reposted then wait for the posts to come down and a different set posts it again. It truly is unbelievable that we are experiencing this wicked takeover of the human mind and soul and are seemingly helpless to stop it.
I thought I might add my 2 cents to the fear being imposed.
Yesterday I had an email from my bank(UK) that was lurking in the spam folder.
I thought it might be explainining some new rules like before but it wasn’t.
They wanted to tell me to stay safe, covid was lurking around the corner and staff had to self isolate. They want me to wear a muzzle if I visit a bank. It was long winded garbage and obviously drawn up to frighten you into compliance. I really wanted to respond with a two finger salute but the emaill address doesn’t accept replies 🙁
Take the Sith Lord Swabs book, I cant find it right now, but I watched an screenshoot of His book and in one of the pages He writes exactly the same as whats written in whats called the Georgia Guide Stone, If you dont know anything about that one, I give you an challange, I know its there but most dont, but their main prodject, is to reduce humanity to half an Billion.
So, now that CDC/FDA confirms whats known, among us….uh….. conspiracy tin foil hatters, apart from the flock whom belives everything they are told to belive, but one thing is this, I bet that, this new guide line regarding testing is now and soon be given to an New Comp. that Sore-Ass and Gate of Hell have just taken over, will be the new norm.
Yes but were not those publications available to anyone at the beginning?
It was the media that went complete off the deep end and everything else revolved around Covid-19.
No wonder People freaked out, in my opinion busy day to day Public all they have is a quick check on the News.
Mainstream combined with ‘working’ from home Public, caused a Covid Blitzkrieg between them.
Our Net is more News free accessible than say Asia/China, less Authoritarian
In any event, UK’s health problems could just as well be down to mass immigration over the 25-30yrs requiring those who are pregnant recieve immunisation.
And who is to say it isn’t.
Personally I care even less over a raw egg than one 4mins boiled., when during an emergency both sides cry Children.
There goes the look of horror over a preggie lass with a lit fag downing a pint of tennets while playing darts.
It’s pointless to report the covid coverage on TV. It’s basically “repeat and fade” only without the “fade”.
But the global warming stuff is, if you’ll pardon the pun, heating up! Who would have thought that after all these decades of gradual catastrophe, the temperature has suddenly escalated and “WE NOW HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!”
But I loved the unintentionally hilarious (or alternatively, the deliberate mindfucking) “Log on to the BBC home site for details of how global warming affects your area”. So … the world has a year left in Glasgow but two years left in Dumfries?
“… of how global warming affects areas with US army bases on or near them.”
Wait, what? =)
i thought john kerry said only 100 days……..cannot anyone get it right…..maybe it is din 2 weeks etc etc…..
The Queen successfully lobbying the Scottish government to exempt her 50000 acre Balmoral estate from compulsory purchase orders to use for Green and Climate purposes should have put paid to any notion that this is about saving the planet for the Planet Saving Super Citizen.
All other privately owned land can be “purchased” by Scots gov to be used for the fight against the deadly Caaaaaarbon!
Always annoys me when these anthropogenic climate change experts roll up on the news say” since records began”.
When did they begin? Care to say?
1850? When there was more glaciation on the earth than any point since the ice age ended.
Nice starting point.
When you see the evidence of climate shown from ice cores taken from Antarctica, what we are seeing now fits a 15000 year trend,bar the beginning and end of the younger dryas period.
No doubt humans are having an effect,but claiming carbon dioxide drives global warming,when solar activity is the greatest driver,is wrong headed. Looking at 170 years of climate,when modern man has walked the earth roughly 200,000 years,shows how tiny a snapshot we are looking at,when the previous 300 years before 1850 pointed towards a mini ice age,which we are coming out of of still,is incredibly disingenuous
Someone, a union leader, I had a long phone conversation with told me about some author who had predicted some years ago that a virus would be invented and vaccines forced on people. Anyhow, told him to send me the name by writing, I couldnt catch it on the phone. Thats very interesting as I did not know that someone had so much understood some years ago where we had been heading towards. Anyhow he is hopeful. He thinks in September they will try to force quarantine on the non-vaccinated. He thinks at that point there may be a violent confrontation between some in the resistance and the authorities. There may according to him, be many who will die. Thats when he said it would be safer not to go out in cities and be away in the countryside and live discreetly. But that the authorities will realise that they cant force 30% of the population to vaccinate, that by then every profession would have founded local groups disobeying the law, and hence we would continue to have a life. But it requires having a car and driving since access to public transports will be banned. Basically authorities, he says will realize that 70% is the target they could reach and they have no control on the rest (interestingly on the EU vaccine website they do mention 70% as their target). At that point they will start saying there is some other simple cure and will wind this up. So I guess he was suggesting by Dec. we may have come out of the worst of the nightmare. So just a bad autumn to go through in other words…
If he is right, however, even if you have a car, you will need a vaxx pass to be allowed to buy petrol…
I fear he is a bit too optimistic.
I don’t know about violent confrontation, although it seems likely, but it’s been a long time since violent confrontation successfully intimidated any government whatsoever, since they are the ones who have the crowd-control weapons…
I haven’t had a car for many years. I’ve had my Dawes ATB bike for thirty years. Still going strong. My personal transport and freight-carrier; and fitness aid. Recommended!
I went through a period when I wanted a grocery shop delivery bike, just because they looked cool.
Well said, Rhis,
You know, I’d actually forgotten that I knew how to ride a bike…
Some petrol stations allow you to pay by card at the pump outside.
But will your new Britcoin wallet allow you to purchase it if you haven’t completed your required mandates ? Perhaps you have purchased too much red meat that was contained in far too much packaging and along with your over consumption of carbohydrates and 1 too many bottles of wine you are now a health risk to yourself,fat and need more exercise
Time to hit the cobbles,a bicycle or your feet are the only option
Compared to Invasion of the Body Snatchers your nightmare is far less scary.
16yr olds should be encouraged to ride motorcycles not a ministry transport fear factor over the last 60 years.
Cars, one of the convenient control factors of the political incompetent and insurance cronies.
Privatised Public transportation and you’ve got people by the short & curtailed freedom of movement.
Choices above have been favourites of the social bigotted snobs over the last 40years.
Really?? You think that – having come this far – the Diaboligarchy is just going to abandon their decades-and-generations-in-planning conspiracy to impose global governance, under their control, upon the people of Earth? (see my most recent graphic below, with quotes from congressman Larry McDonald – killed in 1983 – and David Rockefeller, writing in 1983).
While depopulation is one important objective, as are pharma profits from vaccine sales and from the ever-increasing number of medications required by the hundreds of millions/billions of now-crippled (with auto-immune disorders, organ failure, etc., resulting from the The Toxic Stab), the segue into blockchain global ID (and the social impact/finance schemes enabled by that) via the VaxPass is also very central to the CV-1984 operation. You think Dr. Kill (Gates) and his buddies are just going to forget about their little plan of not letting things get back to normal until “almost everyone on the planet is vaccinated”?
Denial is not a river in Egypt. If you like, I can put you in touch with a (long white beard-growing, tie-dye t-shirt wearing) acquaintance who believes the Diaboligarchy’s plan is destined to fail, and will be followed by a new Age of Aquarius, truly a paradise on Earth! He might be willing to send you some of the Kool Aid he’s been drinking.
Most of those who ask everyone to look forward to the Age of Aquarius (Matthew 24:30 – ‘son of man’ = Aquarius) elide the wee hiccup that occurs upon entry, just after Pisces, i.e. when the water bearer pours out his water. Schwab tries to give us a clue.
Let’s put it this way: “2012” is the nightmare, “The Road” is a walk in the park. 2021 is utopia – the calm before the storm.
Don’t talk about nightmares. Enjoy your dreams today – while they still seem realistic.
Is this the one where they all die in the end after being hosed with seawater?
This is long term. It seems the oil is running out and there is no safe and economical alternative. They need a heavy cull and it is obvious it has started.
Usually in nature, things work themselves out when populations get out of whack.
There is no “Schwab or Gates or Life Insurance companies” deciding on a cull.
The decision to ” cull” is pure 100% evil, oil or no oil.
Oil peak was in the 70s and guess what…They’ve been pumping oil since then like never before. So, oil is not running out and never will be, it’s a renewable. The ‘fossil fuel’ legend is just as true as the C virus, the moonlanding and alien invations. Tricks and more tricks to fool the gullible and they succeed. Every time.
Who is that “union leader”?
It doesn’t matter, union leaders are some of the biggest shills and sellouts out there.
Second report in a few days in French MSM about death within a short time of the jab.
The last sentence reminds readers that the prosecutor had dismissed an earlier complaint for manslaughter filed in April.
Where was it that I heard/read a few weeks ago of the horrific mention of a miscarried baby’s brain practically liquefied after the mother’s covid jab? Was it that Dark Horse round-table discussion or another? (And while you’re at it, where are my glasses?!!)
Maybe sitting on your nose? (Just thought I’d mention that, since overlooking the obvious has reached truly Pandemic proportions in the last year…)
note: I’m now curious about that liquified baby brain. Kindly post a link if you manage to track it down.
It’s in this long article. You’ll need to scroll down to find it, but it’s there.
Oh wow! I didn’t see your comment ’til just now! I did find it, but you beat me to it!
Just checking in here now. Thanks to both you and rob2 for the link!
“Maybe sitting on your nose?”
AH! There they are! You’re amazing!
Yeah, finding that tidbit isn’t going to be easy, but I’ll need to find something productive to do while replaying that 3-hour talk…hope it’s in there. I’ll reply with a timestamped video if it is. If not….damn…
Okay, I think I’ve found it. It’s an article called “Should You Get Vaccinated?” by Steve Kirsch, who was the other guy on the Dark Horse Podcast. Haven’t re-listened to that podcast, but this excerpt from the article is, I believe, what I was thinking of. While my description of “liquefied” may’ve been too strong, the severe bleeding of the brain that poor baby endured is extremely alarming:
“The family doesn’t want an autopsy for fear that their daughter will find out it was the vaccine.” And when the daughter has another child…?
Right?! What about what the baby suffered? He states that “the gynecologist had never seen anything like that before in her life.” I guess that’s why my imagination assumed it was liquefied.
Happening now
COVID-19 Interdisciplinary Symposium: July 29th and 30th, 17.00pm – 22.00pm BST
Or not…
“We are experiencing technical difficulties. Back soon”…
We did all expect that, didn’t we…?
Yes, they promised Catherine Austine Fitts, so my heart missed a beat in excitement, but just half and hour of music so far. Come on, surely some of this could have been anticipated. Why not have a presenter capable of doing some off-the-cuff stuff or summarizing things that have been said available to fill in at such times? Would that have been so hard?
The last hour, now that we are in a segment with the Yanks running things, has been good. Keep it up.
Yes, I would say the last two hours were brilliant even if there were still some hitches. Let’s hope it goes flawlessly tomorrow.
Don’t be so picky. You received all that wonderful, truthful info. for free. The doctors and scientists and other speakers were in various countries so it ran well considering the technical links needed, plus how do you know they were not deliberately targeted by technology giants not wanting the truth to get out.
Day 2 ran better technically, but still had one patch where the person speaking ‘froze on screen’ and had to log out and then return.
The info provided by each individual was of great value and included their personal stories of how they had been treated by ‘authority’.
What I gained from these 2 days:
all the accurate info.,
the chance to see caring individuals who were concerned about other human beings, not just their own bank balance.
Men who showed emotions about what was happening to other souls.
Re the above point, I realised I had not seen a man, any man, show an emotional response in years (apart from anger at not getting his own way, or displaying large ego). I found this so refreshing to see but was also so shocked that I have been conditioned in ‘normal’ life to how people are now so ‘hard’ and unfeeling.
Country Girl
One answer 2007/8 crash.
How do you explain men fall in love more easily than women?
Women are more sensitive. Men are less sensitive more emotional and make a more rapid response more often correct.
That’s one reason a woman will never be a World F1 Champion ☺
Boxing, I’am not so sure 🤔
It’s all a bit suspicious so the government’s fiddling the figures…. hang on, isn’t that a bit of a conspiracy theory?
The main argument seems to be the figures must be too low because we’re in the middle of a pandemic! BTW the case figures are starting to go up again which I’m sure has nothing to do with all (about 700 I think) testing centers that were opened.
I can’t imagine why a guy who created a COVID-related app would try to sound the alarm on there being less COVID…
Tucker Carlson , the conservative pundit , made a comment yesterday crediting Anthony Fauci with creating Covid , which in a political sense is true ! Carlson is now being symbolically burned at the stake by the MSM for committing heresy ? Orwell’s and Huxley’s new reality has arrived .
Trusting Carlson is like your dog making ya bed. Ease up fido, no point ripping up the sheets.
Good boy, sit.
Not just in a political sense, he was head of the sector that invented the chimeric virus and patented it
I have no idea why Mr Carlson did not board the Covid bandwagon when it arrived in America from Wuhan , China via WHO headquarters ?
How do you know he did not? How do you know he isn’t reading from the same script? What’s to say his job isn’t to be so over-the-top as to appear ridiculous, allowing him and anything he says to be swept aside by the current paradigm of “leftist” powers?
I think of someone like Alex Jones, whom I first encountered in the movie A Scanner Darkly, where he happily played the role of a loudmouth conspiracy theorist with a bullhorn who gets shuttled off in a Black Maria. Why anyone in their right mind ever gave the man a moment’s consideration as anything but an actor after that is beyond me. (Although come to think of it I’m sort of assuming their minds were right to begin with, aren’t I?)
Anyway, I feel much the same about ol’ Tucker, who comes off about as genuine as a 3 dollar bill. IF the man speaks the truth it is only to blackwash it, in my opinion. I would suggest that as the reason he appeared to “not board the Covid bandwagon”. I think he’s riding the tailgate.
This wasn’t meant as a direct challenge to YOU, Jim. It was an attempt to answer your question and address the unstated assumptions behind it. Cheers.
My question was rhetorical on Mr Bowties journey from the hard right to the squishy center of US politics ?
Some of us remember Alex Jones as one of the only loudmouth voices who pointed out that skyscrapers don’t fall straight down into their own footprints after they’ve been hit by planes and, oh yes, why did Bldg 7 fall at all? Some time after people stopped talking about 9-11, he went off the rails with one conspiracy after another and here we are today where he’s a caricature of his former self.
I think I understand your point, and don’t intend to take anything away from the truth with a capital T, nor deny that Jones may have uttered it a time or two.
I didn’t need anyone to tell me what my own eyes observed and understood on 9/11. Regardless, my suggestion for consideration is that Jones did exactly the things you described for the reason I mentioned: he’s an actor.
His job was to hook 9/11 “truthers” in, then lead them off like a Pied Piper with his InfoWAR (Translation: propoganda) into pointless discussion over how those buildings fell, among other things. Knowing how it was done is totally unnecessary if you ask me, because I believe there’s more than enough other evidence to convict without needing to go that route and explain every last detail of “what happened.”
Just my opinion on him, and please don’t take me as attempting to argue you out of yours, Martha. I’m trying to clarfiying my own, that’s all.
Just to say, Martha, Building 7’s demolition was deliberately showcased as a form of distraction. These are the first four stanzas of a poem I wrote to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11, you can see the rest at the link followed by an annotated version with explanation and links to evidence.
9/11: A proper gander
They knew tall towers fall not by fuel
But knew they’d fool us that they will
All except who wouldn’t be fooled
But then they fooled the unfooled too
They had us in a trance with
Their gift, the “smoking gun”
An afternoon implosion
Impeccable, superbly done
They showcased their demolition
No vantage points a-missin’
But what could be the reason
For this self-incrimination?
Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6
Came down later with none transfixt so
On the day of 9/11 why
Make a show of Number 7?
No it didn’t arrive from China, it has been in the CDC patents office for 22 years
22 years!? Gee, it was well planned. My instincts tell me those patents are a distraction, Marilyn. My feeling is it’s got nothing to do with virus-related stuff and everything to do with ENPs (Engineered Nano Particles) including graphene oxide but I need to do better research. Please see Stephers on Piece of Mindful.
beam me up Scottie! Jim in space!!!
WTF!! ! Tucker Carlson, the Comet Ping Pong VIP loving, 9/11 truther bashing, corporate pundit sell out is fighting the establishment! LOL
little bit of memory land Jim beam me up and others.
Considering the whore Rudy Giulian and Carson and co was instrumental in covering up the crime of the century on 9/11.
Roll on 20 year their re branded by deep state Donald and the fake awake movement as hero’s..
Extremely embarrassing.
You are jumping to conclusions as to my views on Mr Carlson ! 9/11 US version was hardly the crime of the century although photographically awesome , 2500-3000 dead hardly moves the meter are far as the industrial scale murders of the 20th century go.
I’m not sure what 9/11 was but what I do know is that it wasn’t what the official story tells us. Maybe no one even die there, who knows. Just like a pandemic where no one dies.
Twitter & Facebook is enemy territory. Its a war of the narratives. No wonder they killed you off.
perhaps the imbeciles in the the scottish government and its allopathic medical-plex should train their beadies on iceland…
over 90% needled (98% in the over seventies) who are now supposedly inundated with microsoft coff cases …
all needled obviously, although the mendicants always qualify with a caveat such as ‘mostly’ or some other such weasel word…
and now suggesting a lock down … hehe, for the next 15 years and believe it or not these clowns are serious…
now of course this is interesting for several reasons..
the tests are useless…. ?
the vaccines are useless…?
the vaccine is poisoning the needled…?
all the above…
no doubt you will agree this is serious ammunition for those of a more ,how shall I say, dissident persuasion..
still it is a somewhat stark illustration of the nonsense being perpetrated on the gullible and imbecilic… .
and in light of such things it’s no surprise un-social medias and it’s ‘regime’ handlers ban your accounts for being honest, truthful, intelligent…
and of course of message..
I think banning or censuring those, like OffG, that post on Twitter et al serves a dual purpose: the obvious and the insidious.
The obvious being to limit or remove information which contradicts the official narrative.
The insidious being to reinforce the internet as the be all and end all of social interaction. If you get banned from the internet, you cease to exist.
“Prove you exist!”
“I can’t – I have no presence on the internet!”
“The insidious being to reinforce the internet as the be all and end all of social interaction. If you get banned from the internet, you cease to exist.”
A vicious catch-22, I think, yeah. The Twitter platform is widely quoted by the media, reinforcing the idea that it’s important. Off-G tries to use that oft-cited platform to “spread truth”, gets banned. Off-G being banned from Twitter then allows them to wear a “Censored” badge which, ironically enough, only reinforces the idea that the platform was important to begin with. Rinse/repeat.
As you say: “Next.” It seems to me that the only way to break the cycle is for one or the other party to stop giving a damn about the other. (To be fair I realize there are other considerations, and there are likely things about the situation I don’t know. This is what it looks like to me, from here. That’s all I can say.)
We have collected over two hundred new Twitter followers in total since yesterday. Many of these attempts at censorship have the Streisand effect built in.
And we don’t try to use Twitter to spread truth, we do use it to spread truth. us and the many like us.
It always beats me why a little clique of our commenters are so keen to surrender agency and concede power to the establishment. It benefits no one but the elites.
Good points, i.e. new followers.
I don’t think I’m “keen to surrender agency and concede power to the establishment”, however, mostly because I don’t know how you’d define “surrender[ing] agency” and “conced[ing] power”. I know how I would, and I suspect my definitions in context might differ from yours.
I appreciate the reply, and encourage you and everyone else to exercise your own agency and power in whatever form you feel best serves your interests. Good luck in your endeavors!
You’re saying this on the internet. Probably a few thousand people will see your words. If you said it off the internet, how many would hear you?
The internet is our most powerful communication tool ever. And the elites would like nothing better than for everyone to stop using it.
True.The internet is tool for the elites and military.They are watching you.
Well, actually, au contraire. It may surprise you, but if you think about it carefully enough, TPTB do actually want the perspicacious to utilise The Internet to investigate all the staged events, to inform and enlighten themselves as to all the deception going on, and to deduce why it is going on. They thereby curate the perspicacious at the same time as they shelter and propagandise the insufficient. They expect the former to avoid the jab like cyanide as they encourage the latter to seek it like candy.
The truth does spread through the internet, but alas the lies spread faster. Especially when the ones spreading the lie have all the resources they want.
And also I don’t think in pre internet days people were more gullible and misinformed.
Thank you for having the guts to stand up so resolutely against this transparently dishonest and loathsomely sanctimonious fearporn campaign. Twitler is not beneath contempt but entirely worthy of it.
As for “pregnant people”… How telling, and how fitting, that the Scottish government chose to use that grotesque term in the course of its “#ClotShot propaganda drive. Apparently the very existence of women now has to be denied. The War on Biology, like the War on Language, is just one front in the ongoing War on Reality.
Or a Word, I wouldn’t call it a war.
More of a misrepresentation/ misinterpretation. ‘novelty’, novel, Novel X
Inevitability to Safe.
Safe is a common denominator leading to extinction.
It’s not a war on biology or language, it’s a war on creation. A war on God by minions following his eternal enemy.
To think anyone would willingly get a sharp needle shoved into their arm without knowing the harm is an idiot.

That’s a Shin mutant variant. I wondered where he got too.
It’s the London sewer variant.
But the one that has me really scared is the 436,792nd variant.
I can’t remember what they said they were planning to call it…
Non compliance includes never responding to comments on threads especially if you cannot play the ball, only the lower front leg of a man.
Somewhere I read daily mail considering locking down again in few weeks uk.There you had your little bit of freedom now we are going to take it away again,Hold onto the rollercoaster it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
That’s what happened here in Iceland this week.
A few of us weren’t fooled, but most people were preparing to forget covid forever.
Then ‘the authorities’ allowed thousands of volcano tourists to come and boost the country’s economy (make ‘the authorities’ wealthier)…
Of course that gave them the excuse they needed to state a few days ago that there was suddenly an unprecedented number of ‘cases’/’infections/ from abroad (read PCR fake positives), and so of course they had to tighten regulations again…
Yesterday a masked naxi-taxi driver, who fumed quietly all the way as he drove us home from a wedding party, said to my wife and me as I paid him: “Just so you know, masks are obligatory again…”
However, the masked-but-still-human driver who drove us TO that same party, when asked if it was okay that we weren’t wearing masks, said in a perfectly friendly tone, “It’s up to you.” I actually THANKED him.
So those in control aren’t even in control…
That friendly driver was right. It IS up to us.
Look at it this way they think they they are in control but there not we are we control the narrative the story not them.
I’d say we COULD be in control.
But most people are just too lazy to think about any of this, and they’ll just do what they think they are expected to do by ‘the authorities’. That’s so much easier.
There is probably still a lot we can do, but if we let it get to the stage where armed police start rounding us up (I’m looking at YOU, New Zealand), it’s going to get a lot harder.
Just blogged this – has anybody else heard of ‘Holding The Line’ – an initiative of journalists and media workers to combat media censorship regarding covid-19? –
They make all the right noises, but their default login is through a Google account, and we all know who funds Google…
I don’t have a Google account, so I’m excluded.
Isn’t that a serious journalistic impediment – almost a form of censorship…?
Please contact us in confidence at
Australian government is in meltdown trying to “incentify” the “vaccine”-hesitant populace.
Well, whatddya fucking know! A $1,000,000 lotto win could be yours just for rolling up your sleeve and looking the other way.
These sleazeball scumbags in Canberra must be pissing their pants in desperation to try to pull that one.
From a government that not so long ago, was proud to be the architect of an ‘in the black’ national purse to throwing $billions behind pushing this now, completely transparent fucking scam!
You herd of duplicitous, disingenuous and abjectly corrupt bastards!
Comments today in the pommie Daily Mail demanding the heads of Scummo and state “premiers” be paraded on poles.
Everyday, more people wake up to this outrageous rape of liberty!
It seems that the Aussies are once again happy to buck the system and be non-compliant.
Good on ‘em!
Perhaps the folks in Canberra are desperate to avoid angering the USA into wreaking yet more havoc with Australia’s weather – as they did two summers ago.
Uncle Sam gets angry when people don’t help Big Pharma’s bottom line. And you won’t like Uncle Sam when he gets angry.
China gets angry too.
yeah, I reckon Oz is earmarked for Sino-lebensraum.
Yeah! Serving two masters is a bitch when she bites…
Is the Daily Mail really waking up?
Could its owners really tolerate that?
I doubt it.
Surely just a token show of open-mindedness to fool the slightly sceptical syringe fodder…
I wondered the same.
But the comments do seem be coming from Aussies on the ground, (I am one and they have an authenticity about them) so, I would dare to suggest that the DM and its handlers may not be awakening, however, based upon my following the offerings of its commenters, then they most certainly are.
I’d love you to be right.
Here’s hoping…
you might get to spend a few hundred dollars worth before you get elephantiasis of the nuts
And the rest goes back as inheritance tax…
Facts are as rare as an honest politician regarding this psyop, mainly because of them being immediately censored or buried, as in this case.